[ACFUG Discuss] I find myself where I have tried to avoid going. A short rant and then a question. Would love some feedback.

2010-07-09 Thread Derrick Peavy

I know this is kind of long and winding, but I'd love some feedback.

Starting a project.

And, as I've discussed my coding abilities with people I meet they are  
continuously giving me looks of bewildering and beguiling amusement.  
Not talking about any Dick and Jane. I'm talking about folks from the  
ATDC, other entrepreneurs, coders.

Whenever I say that I use CF, they act like someone just stepped out  
from the stone age.  And, I don't care - that's their problem. I make  
money from my skills and can handle 500k page views a day without  
breaking a sweat in my applications and sleep well knowing I have no  
errors.  But, their lack of understanding that CF even still exists  
baffles me. It seems that people believe that the only web language  
that exists now is PHP and possibly, Ruby (ergo, PHP).  (Hey, Bank of  
America is running CF. Maybe that's not a selling point?)

But on this new project, the folks say we need to do it in PHP so that  
it can be sold off if the project works. Ok. Fine, I get that - I  
really, really do and I'm actually in favor of it because I don't want  
a pissing contest at that future point.  But I'm not coding it in PHP.  
No such fracking way. I'll help, offer guidance on DB design, help you  
translate CF code to PHP if you want. Whatever.

And yet, these people keep saying, Hey, it's easier for you to learn  
PHP if you know CF, than for me to learn CF as a PHP developer. That  
makes no sense to me.

On one code example (in PHP), the database connection was established  
on line 13 in the file$con = mysql_connect(db/id/pw) 
and then the connection was not closed until line 92 

Within those 80 lines of code, they did 2 http calls to external web  
services, created two arrays, threw in 40 lines of comments and then  
somewhere in the bottom, finally made a SQL statement.


Is this what people accept? Granted, this was by someone who  
admittedly said, they were a horrible developer - but then in the same  
breath asked me why this would be a problem and I kind of stood there  
looking like I'd been hit by a bat.

I've never been shy about not being a university trained developer.  
But I've worked with database design since 1993, and with CF for over  
12 years. So, hey, cut me some slack.  I know I can't give you the  
lingo about why an 80 line database connection is bad in pure  
technical terms, but I damn well know that the faster, cleaner,  
shorter you make your database calls, the better off you are for so  
many reasons.

So, here's the question(s).

How do you explain to someone the basic core ideas behind CF and PHP.  
PHP is an Apache module. CF runs on a java servlet or on Jrun, Tomcat,  
etc. I'm honestly not the best to explain it.  But I've seen the  
performance side, and it's good. And I've seen the code bloat in PHP  
files and it's bad. Yeah, I know anyone in any language can write bad  
code. But damn if PHP doesn't seem to be full of it.

An ATDC person asked me if CF was an interpreted language. I said yes.  
And then he acted as if the argument was done because so is PHP.  And  
so, that means what?... Therefore the two are the same and equal?  
Ergo, you go open source because everything thinks thats best? Bad  

How do you explain to someone the technical idea behind something like  

How do you explain that even in writing a PHP page that no one but you  
will ever use, that you don't do an 80 line open database connection  
call unless it's 80 lines of SQL and then, that's a whole other issue?

Derrick Peavy

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] I find myself where I have tried to avoid going. A short rant and then a question. Would love some feedback.

2010-07-09 Thread Ajas Mohammed
My opinion  answers :

How do you explain to someone the basic core ideas behind CF and PHP. PHP is
an Apache module. CF runs on a java servlet or on Jrun, Tomcat, etc. I'm
honestly not the best to explain it.  But I've seen the performance side,
and it's good. And I've seen the code bloat in PHP files and it's bad. Yeah,
I know anyone in any language can write bad code. But damn if PHP doesn't
seem to be full of it.
CF gives the ability to develop all kinds of applications faster and much
easier way. Both were meant for Web Development and both do its job. Its
matter of preference. Someone cannot put CF down just because He likes PHP.
Like you said, CF has solid background since its Java based and because of
that sky is the limit for CF. You can develop all kinds of applications.
Biggest plus is you can develop applications way faster in CF compared to
other languages out there. I can say without any doubt that programmers will
continue to write bad code and it has nothing to do with CF, PHP, .NET, Java
or any language.

An ATDC person asked me if CF was an interpreted language. I said yes. And
then he acted as if the argument was done because so is PHP.  And so, that
means what?... Therefore the two are the same and equal? Ergo, you go open
source because everything thinks thats best? Bad argument.
I would say that since CF pages are basically compiled as Java Classes in
background, its more of a compiled language. Experts feel free to correct me
here. I am sure PHP is not compiled. Even if experts dont agree on the term
*compiled* here, I would still sell CF with strong argument that its
basically Java Classes and what it means is you can use your own java
classes when needed. You can use any java api if you like. Thats huge. I
repeat again, if you havent explored this area of CF, you are missing a
trick. Of course, you dont have to use java but if there is a need, go for
it. Needless to say, this would involve testing as well because you need to
look at version etc. :-)

How do you explain to someone the technical idea behind something like CF?
I love this questions. I have my reasons
a. CF is a rapid application development. Like you said, instead of writing
80 lines for something, we CFers do it in mayb 5 lines or so. :-)
b. CF is based of well known, stable, and universally accepted language
c. There are so many functions available to do common tasks.
d. When the task demands more, you can always go to Java to *extend* your
application. Personally, to me, thats a huge plus. I can do anything with CF
by using Java's power when needed. Similary, I am sure you can interact with
.NET when needed. I am sure, its not easier in other languages to interact
with another language or program. Big plus for CF on this one.
e. Easy to learn since the language resembles html tag style
f. Action Script available for people coming from JavaScripting background.
g. Huge plus for people coming from Java background. They can take CF
applications to another level with their Java Experience.
h. Several tools available for performance, monitoring etc for CF
i. Can deploy application as easy as web pages or j2ee application i.e. war
j. Can deploy application on most of the web servers out there IIS,
WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat etc.
k. With CF9 even more support for things like ORM. Java guys simply love
Hibernate which is the model on which CF's ORM is based.
l. Last but not the least, several experts available to help out with issues
or problems or open source projects.

How do you explain that even in writing a PHP page that no one but you will
ever use, that you don't do an 80 line open database connection call unless
it's 80 lines of SQL and then, that's a whole other issue?
With CF you reduce development time considerably by not worrying about small
things like data connection etc. Just one administrator setting and you have
a dsn. :-)

Like I said, just my opinion.

I can sleep well tonight having mentioned the technical idea behind CF. ;-)

Ajas Mohammed /
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Derrick Peavy derr...@derrickpeavy.comwrote:

 *I know this is kind of long and winding, but I'd love some feedback.*


 Starting a project.

 And, as I've discussed my coding abilities with people I meet they are
 continuously giving me looks of bewildering and beguiling amusement. Not
 talking about any Dick and Jane. I'm talking about folks from the ATDC,
 other entrepreneurs, coders.

 Whenever I say that I use CF, they act like someone just stepped out from
 the stone age.  And, I don't care - that's their problem. I make money from

[ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development license

2010-07-09 Thread Ajas Mohammed

Our trial of CF 9 enterprise is about to expire. So, I wanted to get opinion
of people who are familiar with this scenario or who have already made
purchase of CF 9 enterprise license which allows to use a development
enterprise license free of cost for your development/test server.

Does Adobe provide a separate key for development enterprise license or do I
need to ask them for one?

Is the purchase of CF 9 Enterprise license necessary to get the free
development enterprise edition of CF 9?

We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this would be
an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires soon.

Please clarify.

Ajas Mohammed /
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] I find myself where I have tried to avoid going. A short rant and then a question. Would love some feedback.

2010-07-09 Thread Les

Why not code it in PHP?  I've done some PHP, it's
pretty slick, free and popular.  It will give you the chance to learn
something new and make yourself more marketable.  I work with CF
mostly, but won't hesitate to take a job doing something else.  There
are a limited number of CF jobs available, broaden your horizons.  It's
a language, not a cult.


On 7/9/2010 11:48 AM, Derrick Peavy wrote:

  I know this is kind of long and winding, but I'd love some
  Starting a project.  
  And, as I've discussed my coding abilities with people I meet
they are continuously giving me looks of bewildering and beguiling
amusement. Not talking about any Dick and Jane. I'm talking about folks
from the ATDC, other entrepreneurs, coders. 
  Whenever I say that I use CF, they act like someone just stepped
out from the stone age.  And, I don't care - that's their problem. I
make money from my skills and can handle 500k page views a day without
breaking a sweat in my applications and sleep well knowing I have no
errors.  But, their lack of understanding that CF even still exists
baffles me. It seems that people believe that the only web language
that exists now is PHP and possibly, Ruby (ergo, PHP).  (Hey, Bank of
America is running CF. Maybe that's not a selling point?)
  But on this new project, the folks say we need to do it in PHP
so that it can be sold off if the project works. Ok. Fine, I get that -
I really, really do and I'm actually in favor of it because I don't
want a pissing contest at that future point.  But I'm not coding it in
PHP. No such fracking way. I'll help, offer guidance on DB design, help
you translate CF code to PHP if you want. Whatever.
  And yet, these people keep saying, "Hey, it's easier for you to
learn PHP if you know CF, than for me to learn CF as a PHP developer."
That makes no sense to me.
  On one code example (in PHP), the database connection was
established on line 13 in the file    $con =
mysql_connect(db/id/pw)    and then the connection
was not closed until line 92    mysql_close($con);   
  Within those 80 lines of code, they did 2 http calls to external
web services, created two arrays, threw in 40 lines of comments and
then somewhere in the bottom, finally made a SQL statement. 
  Is this what people accept? Granted, this was by someone who
admittedly said, they were a horrible developer - but then in the same
breath asked me why this would be a problem and I kind of stood there
looking like I'd been hit by a bat.
  I've never been shy about not being a university trained
developer. But I've worked with database design since 1993, and with CF
for over 12 years. So, hey, cut me some slack.  I know I can't give you
the lingo about why an 80 line database connection is bad in pure
technical terms, but I damn well know that the faster, cleaner, shorter
you make your database calls, the better off you are for so many
  So, here's the question(s). 
  How do you explain to someone the basic core ideas behind CF and
PHP. PHP is an Apache module. CF runs on a java servlet or on Jrun,
Tomcat, etc. I'm honestly not the best to explain it.  But I've seen
the performance side, and it's good. And I've seen the code bloat in
PHP files and it's bad. Yeah, I know anyone in any language can write
bad code. But damn if PHP doesn't seem to be full of it. 
  An ATDC person asked me if CF was an interpreted language. I
said yes. And then he acted as if the argument was done because so is
PHP.  And so, that means what?... Therefore the two are the same and
equal? Ergo, you go open source because everything thinks thats best?
Bad argument. 
  How do you explain to someone the technical idea behind
something like CF? 
  How do you explain that even in writing a PHP page that no one
but you will ever use, that you don't do an 80 line open database
connection call unless it's 80 lines of SQL and then, that's a whole
other issue?
  Derrick Peavy
  “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”
-Steve Jobs

-To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @ http://www.acfug.org?fa=login.edituserformFor more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglistsArchive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com-

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development license

2010-07-09 Thread John Mason
The new EULA that comes with CF9 allows you to use the same license key 
for development and QA servers that you would on the production server. 
Sounds like you might only need 1 ent license because of the new EULA 
changes. That's not to be confused with the developer license which is 
and has been free. Simply let the trial expire with a license and it 
becomes a developer edition which allows only 2 ips and the local 
address to access the instance.


On 7/9/10 4:09 PM, Ajas Mohammed wrote:


Our trial of CF 9 enterprise is about to expire. So, I wanted to get opinion
of people who are familiar with this scenario or who have already made
purchase of CF 9 enterprise license which allows to use a development
enterprise license free of cost for your development/test server.

Does Adobe provide a separate key for development enterprise license or do I
need to ask them for one?

Is the purchase of CF 9 Enterprise license necessary to get the free
development enterprise edition of CF 9?

We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this would be
an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires soon.

Please clarify.

Ajas Mohammed /
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.


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For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] I find myself where I have tried to avoid going. A short rant and then a question. Would love some feedback.

2010-07-09 Thread John Mason
You should learn and understand other languages like PHP. Polygot 
programming will make you a better programmer overall. That being said, 
there are plenty of CF jobs from what I'm seeing and in fact the typical 
CF positions are higher paying from the PHP side, because there are 
fewer of us. PHP seems a bit over populated right now.


On 7/9/10 4:13 PM, Les wrote:

Why not code it in PHP?  I've done some PHP, it's pretty slick, free and
popular.  It will give you the chance to learn something new and make yourself
more marketable.  I work with CF mostly, but won't hesitate to take a job doing
something else.  There are a limited number of CF jobs available, broaden your
horizons.  It's a language, not a cult.


On 7/9/2010 11:48 AM, Derrick Peavy wrote:
  *I know this is kind of long and winding, but I'd love some feedback.*


  Starting a project.

  And, as I've discussed my coding abilities with people I meet they are
  continuously giving me looks of bewildering and beguiling amusement. Not
  talking about any Dick and Jane. I'm talking about folks from the ATDC, other
  entrepreneurs, coders.

  Whenever I say that I use CF, they act like someone just stepped out from the
  stone age.  And, I don't care - that's their problem. I make money from my
  skills and can handle 500k page views a day without breaking a sweat in my
  applications and sleep well knowing I have no errors.  But, their lack of
  understanding that CF even still exists baffles me. It seems that people
  believe that the only web language that exists now is PHP and possibly, Ruby
  (ergo, PHP).  (Hey, Bank of America is running CF. Maybe that's not a selling

  But on this new project, the folks say we need to do it in PHP so that it can
  be sold off if the project works. Ok. Fine, I get that - I really, really do
  and I'm actually in favor of it because I don't want a pissing contest at 
  future point.  But I'm not coding it in PHP. No such fracking way. I'll help,
  offer guidance on DB design, help you translate CF code to PHP if you want.

  And yet, these people keep saying, Hey, it's easier for you to learn PHP if
  you know CF, than for me to learn CF as a PHP developer. That makes no sense
  to me.

  On one code example (in PHP), the database connection was established on line
  13 in the file  /$con = mysql_connect(db/id/pw)  /and then the
  connection was not closed until line 92  /mysql_close($con); /

  Within those 80 lines of code, they did 2 http calls to external web 
  created two arrays, threw in 40 lines of comments and then somewhere in the
  bottom, finally made a SQL statement.

  Is this what people accept? Granted, this was by someone who admittedly said,
  they were a horrible developer - but then in the same breath asked me why 
  would be a problem and I kind of stood there looking like I'd been hit by a 

  I've never been shy about not being a university trained developer. But I've
  worked with database design since 1993, and with CF for over 12 years. So,
  hey, cut me some slack.  I know I can't give you the lingo about why an 80
  line database connection is bad in pure technical terms, but I damn well know
  that the faster, cleaner, shorter you make your database calls, the better 
  you are for so many reasons.

  So, here's the question(s).

  How do you explain to someone the basic core ideas behind CF and PHP. PHP is
  an Apache module. CF runs on a java servlet or on Jrun, Tomcat, etc. I'm
  honestly not the best to explain it.  But I've seen the performance side, and
  it's good. And I've seen the code bloat in PHP files and it's bad. Yeah, I
  know anyone in any language can write bad code. But damn if PHP doesn't seem
  to be full of it.

  An ATDC person asked me if CF was an interpreted language. I said yes. And
  then he acted as if the argument was done because so is PHP.  And so, that
  means what?... Therefore the two are the same and equal? Ergo, you go open
  source because everything thinks thats best? Bad argument.

  How do you explain to someone the technical idea behind something like CF?

  How do you explain that even in writing a PHP page that no one but you will
  ever use, that you don't do an 80 line open database connection call unless
  it's 80 lines of SQL and then, that's a whole other issue?

  Derrick Peavy

  “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” -Steve Jobs

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List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com

RE: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development license

2010-07-09 Thread Charlie Arehart
Well, to be clear, you say he may need only one CF 9 Enterprise license, but 
that be because you're assuming the other 2 he owns are for test only? He 
quite say that, as far as I see. He said:

 We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this would be
 an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
 development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires soon.

It's not clear from that if all 3 cf7 ent licenses are used in production. But 
yes, if
perhaps only 1 was, the other two were for test only, then yes he can get by 
with 1.
But I'd be surprised to hear of someone paying for 3 enterprise license and 
using 2 in
test and 1 in prod. :-) Sure, it could happen (test, staging, production), but 
seems rare. So I just wanted to get clarification before Ajas makes a mistaken

But yes, as for pure development (single server, only a couple of users), you 
even need to buy a CF9 license. That's indeed where the free Dev edition can 

One last point of clarification for Ajas (or others): only with purchase of CF9 
do you
get the privilege to run its license in a test/staging server. There's no
grandfathering of 8, 7, etc.

For more on all this, see this blog entry from Terry Ryan:

See also especially all the comment that followed. 


 -Original Message-
 From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of John Mason
 Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:14 PM
 To: discussion@acfug.org
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development
 The new EULA that comes with CF9 allows you to use the same license key
 for development and QA servers that you would on the production server.
 Sounds like you might only need 1 ent license because of the new EULA
 changes. That's not to be confused with the developer license which is
 and has been free. Simply let the trial expire with a license and it
 becomes a developer edition which allows only 2 ips and the local
 address to access the instance.
 On 7/9/10 4:09 PM, Ajas Mohammed wrote:
  Our trial of CF 9 enterprise is about to expire. So, I wanted to get opinion
  of people who are familiar with this scenario or who have already made
  purchase of CF 9 enterprise license which allows to use a development
  enterprise license free of cost for your development/test server.
  Does Adobe provide a separate key for development enterprise license or do I
  need to ask them for one?
  Is the purchase of CF 9 Enterprise license necessary to get the free
  development enterprise edition of CF 9?
  We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this would be
  an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
  development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires soon.
  Please clarify.
  Ajas Mohammed /
  We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
  No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
  You can't improve what you don't measure.
  Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
  sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
  the wise choice of many alternatives.
 To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @
 For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
 Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
 List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com

To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @ 

For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development license

2010-07-09 Thread John Mason

Well that and it depends on if they're using virtualization.


On 7/9/10 4:53 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:

Well, to be clear, you say he may need only one CF 9 Enterprise license, but 
that be because you're assuming the other 2 he owns are for test only? He 
quite say that, as far as I see. He said:


We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this would be
an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires soon.

It's not clear from that if all 3 cf7 ent licenses are used in production. But 
yes, if
perhaps only 1 was, the other two were for test only, then yes he can get by 
with 1.
But I'd be surprised to hear of someone paying for 3 enterprise license and 
using 2 in
test and 1 in prod. :-) Sure, it could happen (test, staging, production), but 
seems rare. So I just wanted to get clarification before Ajas makes a mistaken

But yes, as for pure development (single server, only a couple of users), you 
even need to buy a CF9 license. That's indeed where the free Dev edition can 

One last point of clarification for Ajas (or others): only with purchase of CF9 
do you
get the privilege to run its license in a test/staging server. There's no
grandfathering of 8, 7, etc.

For more on all this, see this blog entry from Terry Ryan:

See also especially all the comment that followed.



-Original Message-
From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of John Mason
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 4:14 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development

The new EULA that comes with CF9 allows you to use the same license key
for development and QA servers that you would on the production server.
Sounds like you might only need 1 ent license because of the new EULA
changes. That's not to be confused with the developer license which is
and has been free. Simply let the trial expire with a license and it
becomes a developer edition which allows only 2 ips and the local
address to access the instance.


On 7/9/10 4:09 PM, Ajas Mohammed wrote:


Our trial of CF 9 enterprise is about to expire. So, I wanted to get opinion
of people who are familiar with this scenario or who have already made
purchase of CF 9 enterprise license which allows to use a development
enterprise license free of cost for your development/test server.

Does Adobe provide a separate key for development enterprise license or do I
need to ask them for one?

Is the purchase of CF 9 Enterprise license necessary to get the free
development enterprise edition of CF 9?

We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this would be
an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires soon.

Please clarify.

Ajas Mohammed /
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.


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For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com


To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @

For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com


To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @ 

For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
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List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com

RE: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development license

2010-07-09 Thread Charlie Arehart
Good point. I thought twice about adding the link to Terry's other blog entry 
addressed that (a bit). Should have thought a third time. :-) Here it is:



 -Original Message-
 From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of John Mason
 Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 5:03 PM
 To: discussion@acfug.org
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development
 Well that and it depends on if they're using virtualization.
 On 7/9/10 4:53 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:
  Well, to be clear, you say he may need only one CF 9 Enterprise license, but
  that be because you're assuming the other 2 he owns are for test only? He
  quite say that, as far as I see. He said:
  We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this would be
  an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
  development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires soon.
  It's not clear from that if all 3 cf7 ent licenses are used in production. 
 yes, if
  perhaps only 1 was, the other two were for test only, then yes he can get by
 with 1.
  But I'd be surprised to hear of someone paying for 3 enterprise license and
 using 2 in
  test and 1 in prod. :-) Sure, it could happen (test, staging, production), 
  seems rare. So I just wanted to get clarification before Ajas makes a 
  But yes, as for pure development (single server, only a couple of users), 
  even need to buy a CF9 license. That's indeed where the free Dev edition can
  One last point of clarification for Ajas (or others): only with purchase of
 CF9 do you
  get the privilege to run its license in a test/staging server. There's no
  grandfathering of 8, 7, etc.
  For more on all this, see this blog entry from Terry Ryan:
  See also especially all the comment that followed.

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development license

2010-07-09 Thread John Mason
As a customer, I really love these new EULA changes for obvious reasons, 
but I do wonder what they were thinking when they did this. It's going 
to a very real impact on their bottom line in the number of licenses 
they'll sell.


On 7/9/10 5:30 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:

Good point. I thought twice about adding the link to Terry's other blog entry 
addressed that (a bit). Should have thought a third time. :-) Here it is:




-Original Message-
From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of John Mason
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 5:03 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development

Well that and it depends on if they're using virtualization.


On 7/9/10 4:53 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:

Well, to be clear, you say he may need only one CF 9 Enterprise license, but


that be because you're assuming the other 2 he owns are for test only? He


quite say that, as far as I see. He said:


We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this would be
an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires soon.


It's not clear from that if all 3 cf7 ent licenses are used in production. But

yes, if

perhaps only 1 was, the other two were for test only, then yes he can get by

with 1.

But I'd be surprised to hear of someone paying for 3 enterprise license and

using 2 in

test and 1 in prod. :-) Sure, it could happen (test, staging, production), but


seems rare. So I just wanted to get clarification before Ajas makes a mistaken

But yes, as for pure development (single server, only a couple of users), you


even need to buy a CF9 license. That's indeed where the free Dev edition can


One last point of clarification for Ajas (or others): only with purchase of

CF9 do you

get the privilege to run its license in a test/staging server. There's no
grandfathering of 8, 7, etc.

For more on all this, see this blog entry from Terry Ryan:



See also especially all the comment that followed.


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List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development license

2010-07-09 Thread Ajas Mohammed
Thanks Charlie and John.

To clarify, we have 3 production enterprise CF 7 licenses and 1 enterprise
CF 7 license on dev/QA server. So total of 4 licenses.

Yes, I am familiar with local Developer edition setup and thats how I
develop i.e. locally on my workstation. I am very happy with that. :-)

We have trial of Enterprise CF9 setup on our main dev/QA server and  I
thought I will ask first before buying the upgrade Enterprise CF9 license.
From the discussion, looks like we have to buy 1 license at least as there
is no other way to extend the trial.

Ajas Mohammed /
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Charlie Arehart char...@carehart.orgwrote:

 Good point. I thought twice about adding the link to Terry's other blog
 entry that
 addressed that (a bit). Should have thought a third time. :-) Here it is:



  -Original Message-
  From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of John Mason
  Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 5:03 PM
  To: discussion@acfug.org
  Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free
  Well that and it depends on if they're using virtualization.
  On 7/9/10 4:53 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:
   Well, to be clear, you say he may need only one CF 9 Enterprise
 license, but
   that be because you're assuming the other 2 he owns are for test only?
   quite say that, as far as I see. He said:
   We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this
 would be
   an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
   development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires
   It's not clear from that if all 3 cf7 ent licenses are used in
 production. But
  yes, if
   perhaps only 1 was, the other two were for test only, then yes he can
 get by
  with 1.
   But I'd be surprised to hear of someone paying for 3 enterprise license
  using 2 in
   test and 1 in prod. :-) Sure, it could happen (test, staging,
 production), but
   seems rare. So I just wanted to get clarification before Ajas makes a
   But yes, as for pure development (single server, only a couple of
 users), you
   even need to buy a CF9 license. That's indeed where the free Dev
 edition can
   One last point of clarification for Ajas (or others): only with
 purchase of
  CF9 do you
   get the privilege to run its license in a test/staging server. There's
   grandfathering of 8, 7, etc.
   For more on all this, see this blog entry from Terry Ryan:
   See also especially all the comment that followed.

 To unsubscribe from this list, manage your profile @

 For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
 Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
 List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com

RE: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development license

2010-07-09 Thread Charlie Arehart
Well that's true, yes, though technically you could install CF9 on another of 
boxes (as I assume you have one for each of the 3 prod licenses), to that will 
get you
another 60 days. :-)




From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Ajas Mohammed
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 5:56 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development 


Thanks Charlie and John.


To clarify, we have 3 production enterprise CF 7 licenses and 1 enterprise CF 7
license on dev/QA server. So total of 4 licenses.


Yes, I am familiar with local Developer edition setup and thats how I develop 
locally on my workstation. I am very happy with that. :-)


We have trial of Enterprise CF9 setup on our main dev/QA server and  I thought 
I will
ask first before buying the upgrade Enterprise CF9 license. From the 
discussion, looks
like we have to buy 1 license at least as there is no other way to extend the 



Ajas Mohammed /
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere
effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise 
choice of
many alternatives.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Charlie Arehart char...@carehart.org wrote:

Good point. I thought twice about adding the link to Terry's other blog entry 
addressed that (a bit). Should have thought a third time. :-) Here it is:



 -Original Message-
 From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of John Mason

 Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 5:03 PM
 To: discussion@acfug.org
 Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development

 Well that and it depends on if they're using virtualization.


 On 7/9/10 4:53 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:
  Well, to be clear, you say he may need only one CF 9 Enterprise license, but
  that be because you're assuming the other 2 he owns are for test only? He
  quite say that, as far as I see. He said:
  We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this would be
  an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
  development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires soon.
  It's not clear from that if all 3 cf7 ent licenses are used in production. 
 yes, if
  perhaps only 1 was, the other two were for test only, then yes he can get by
 with 1.
  But I'd be surprised to hear of someone paying for 3 enterprise license and
 using 2 in
  test and 1 in prod. :-) Sure, it could happen (test, staging, production), 
  seems rare. So I just wanted to get clarification before Ajas makes a 
  But yes, as for pure development (single server, only a couple of users), 
  even need to buy a CF9 license. That's indeed where the free Dev edition can
  One last point of clarification for Ajas (or others): only with purchase of
 CF9 do you
  get the privilege to run its license in a test/staging server. There's no
  grandfathering of 8, 7, etc.
  For more on all this, see this blog entry from Terry Ryan:
  See also especially all the comment that followed.

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For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com

Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development license

2010-07-09 Thread Ajas Mohammed
Well, this one test server is the main QA/Test server which is accessed by
clients as well, so we want this QA/Test server to have CF 9 for now so we
can continue our testing.

We dont plan to go CF 9 in production until we are done with complete
testing on this particular  QA/Test  Server.So in other words, we cannot
afford to have fresh trial on other servers to get extra 60 days.

Ajas Mohammed /
We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
You can't improve what you don't measure.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
the wise choice of many alternatives.

On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Charlie Arehart char...@carehart.orgwrote:

  Well that’s true, yes, though technically you could install CF9 on
 another of the boxes (as I assume you have one for each of the 3 prod
 licenses), to that will get you another 60 days. :-)


 *From:* ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] *On Behalf Of *Ajas
 *Sent:* Friday, July 09, 2010 5:56 PM

 *To:* discussion@acfug.org
 *Subject:* Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free
 development license

 Thanks Charlie and John.

 To clarify, we have 3 production enterprise CF 7 licenses and 1 enterprise
 CF 7 license on dev/QA server. So total of 4 licenses.

 Yes, I am familiar with local Developer edition setup and thats how I
 develop i.e. locally on my workstation. I am very happy with that. :-)

 We have trial of Enterprise CF9 setup on our main dev/QA server and  I
 thought I will ask first before buying the upgrade Enterprise CF9 license.
 From the discussion, looks like we have to buy 1 license at least as there
 is no other way to extend the trial.


 Ajas Mohammed /
 We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.
 No matter what, find a way. Because thats what winners do.
 You can't improve what you don't measure.
 Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention,
 sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents
 the wise choice of many alternatives.

  On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Charlie Arehart char...@carehart.org

 Good point. I thought twice about adding the link to Terry's other blog
 entry that
 addressed that (a bit). Should have thought a third time. :-) Here it is:



  -Original Message-
  From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of John Mason

  Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 5:03 PM
  To: discussion@acfug.org
  Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free

  Well that and it depends on if they're using virtualization.
  On 7/9/10 4:53 PM, Charlie Arehart wrote:
   Well, to be clear, you say he may need only one CF 9 Enterprise
 license, but
   that be because you're assuming the other 2 he owns are for test only?
   quite say that, as far as I see. He said:
   We already have about 3 ColdFusion 7 enterprise licenses and this
 would be
   an upgrade. I am not sure how to proceed since we want CF 9 only in
   development for now as we are testing. Like I said, our trial expires
   It's not clear from that if all 3 cf7 ent licenses are used in
 production. But
  yes, if
   perhaps only 1 was, the other two were for test only, then yes he can
 get by
  with 1.
   But I'd be surprised to hear of someone paying for 3 enterprise license
  using 2 in
   test and 1 in prod. :-) Sure, it could happen (test, staging,
 production), but
   seems rare. So I just wanted to get clarification before Ajas makes a
   But yes, as for pure development (single server, only a couple of
 users), you
   even need to buy a CF9 license. That's indeed where the free Dev
 edition can
   One last point of clarification for Ajas (or others): only with
 purchase of
  CF9 do you
   get the privilege to run its license in a test/staging server. There's
   grandfathering of 8, 7, etc.
   For more on all this, see this blog entry from Terry Ryan:
   See also especially all the comment that followed.

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 For more info, see http://www.acfug.org/mailinglists
 Archive @ http://www.mail-archive.com/discussion%40acfug.org/
 List hosted by http://www.fusionlink.com


RE: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development license

2010-07-09 Thread Charlie Arehart
So you mean that someone is averse to doing the testing on a box that is used 
production, right? As a preference?

I'm just clarifying that technically, one could do such testing on a new
implementation of CF9 on a box already running CF 8. They are unconnected to 
other (you don't need to uninstall CF8 to install CF9. They can run at the same 
Assuming that there are reasonable resources on the box, running two instances 
of CF
at once shouldn't be a huge deal (heck, some people intentionally run more than 
copy of CF at a time when using multiple instances, so it's really no 
different.) And
you could create a test web site on the IIS of the prod server that would 
point to
this trial CF implementation (whether server or multiserver).

But sure, I understand that someone may have a purist perspective who'd say, 
we're not doing any testing on a prod box. I could understand that if there 
was some
known experience of your testing somehow bringing a box to its knees, but often
testing is pretty lightweight. It's their call, of course.  

I was just pointing out another solution to your dilemma of a trial having run 
out on
one of the boxes.




From: ad...@acfug.org [mailto:ad...@acfug.org] On Behalf Of Ajas Mohammed
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 6:23 PM
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: Re: [ACFUG Discuss] CF 9 enterprise license plus free development 


Well, this one test server is the main QA/Test server which is accessed by 
clients as
well, so we want this QA/Test server to have CF 9 for now so we can continue our


We dont plan to go CF 9 in production until we are done with complete testing 
on this
particular  QA/Test  Server.So in other words, we cannot afford to have fresh 
trial on
other servers to get extra 60 days. 


Ajas Mohammed /


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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] I find myself where I have tried to avoid going. A short rant and then a question. Would love some feedback.

2010-07-09 Thread Cameron Childress
On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Derrick Peavy derr...@derrickpeavy.com wrote:
 I know this is kind of long and winding, but I'd love some feedback.

I've seen a ton of folks go through this on various mailing lists.
Here's my take...

PHP is not a bad language, CF is not a bad language.  Performance,
scale, lines of code, beautiful code - a PHP ninja can beat the crap
out of a CF newbie and a CF ninja can beat the crap out of a PHP
newbie.  If you have a team of 5 ColdFusion developers, build in CF.
If you have a team of 5 PHP developers, build in PHP.  If you have a
team of 5 PERL programmers,   If you chose the technology before you
hire the developers, hire developers who know the technology.

Here's the tough love - I think you have three choices:

1) Change their mind
2) Learn PHP
3) Find another project

I really don't think any of the 3 choices are bad but it sounds like
#1 might already be off the table.  If it's not, perhaps someone on
the list can help you convince them that CF is an okay solution, but
I'm not sure that's the best solution.  Think about option 2 and 3,
they might be an okay career move too.

If you want to bounce more idea of some CF and PHP developers, I know
that at least one PHP developer and at least one CF developer will be
at the Tech Nosh lunch next Thursday.  Come out and chat with
everyone, bring the ATDC folks if you want...


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: camer...@gmail.com

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Re: [ACFUG Discuss] I find myself where I have tried to avoid going. A short rant and then a question. Would love some feedback.

2010-07-09 Thread Derrick Peavy
Thank you all for the responses. And to John Mason and Ajas Mohammed  
for clarifying some technical issues in a way that I can translate to  

Want to add a couple of things.

First, I may eventually pick up some php. But not so much for this  

Second, the project is a start up that I am actually heading (1 of 2  
leaders). I actually feel it DOES need to be in PHP simply because it  
solves an issue later on in any investment round. That might sound  
like a crazy thing, but it's about checking as many boxes as possible  
in the event if future investment.

Finally, if I narrow this down, I would refine my question as follows:

How do you explain to someone who writes PHP ( in this example) why  
their code (which I can read), is krap. They don't want to take my  
word since I don't do PHP. But krap is krap and you can see it if  
you have experience in either code base.

Derrick Peavy
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 9, 2010, at 15:56, Todd Hartle tallt...@hotmail.com wrote:

I've found when it comes to programming languages it's like  
discussing politics or religion; you're just not going to convince  
anyone that doesn't already get it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 9, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Derrick Peavy derr...@derrickpeavy.com  

Yea, I agree with that. If it's not my business or my project, then  
yeah, I agree doing it in whatever is maintainable by the greatest  
number of developers.

No interest in trying to talk anyone in the project into CF. No way.

Just wondering how you explain to someone the technical merits and  
how the two interpreted languages actually vary at the execution  

And then secondly, how to explain to someone who has done or does  
PHP, why their code (which I can read), is krap. They don't want to  
take my word since I don't do PHP. But krap is krap and you can  
smell it if you have experience in either code base.

Derrick Peavy

“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” - 
Steve Jobs

On Jul 9, 2010, at 12:30 PM, Todd Hartle wrote:

Language is usually immaterial so use what you know. I'm an old CF  
die hard myself even though I don't code much these days.

In terms of PHP etc, part of the problem is that finding good CF  
people is getting harder and harder as other language become more  

So based on technical merits either CF or PHP would do the job but  
if something is being sold off finding people to maintain the  
system may then indeed be a factor.

From: derr...@derrickpeavy.com
To: discussion@acfug.org
Subject: [ACFUG Discuss] I find myself where I have tried to avoid  
going. A short rant and then a question. Would love some feedback.

Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 11:48:45 -0400

I know this is kind of long and winding, but I'd love some feedback.

Starting a project.

And, as I've discussed my coding abilities with people I meet they  
are continuously giving me looks of bewildering and beguiling  
amusement. Not talking about any Dick and Jane. I'm talking about  
folks from the ATDC, other entrepreneurs, coders.

Whenever I say that I use CF, they act like someone just stepped  
out from the stone age.  And, I don't care - that's their problem.  
I make money from my skills and can handle 500k page views a day  
without breaking a sweat in my applications and sleep well knowing  
I have no errors.  But, their lack of understanding that CF even  
still exists baffles me. It seems that people believe that the  
only web language that exists now is PHP and possibly, Ruby (ergo,  
PHP).  (Hey, Bank of America is running CF. Maybe that's not a  
selling point?)

But on this new project, the folks say we need to do it in PHP so  
that it can be sold off if the project works. Ok. Fine, I get that  
- I really, really do and I'm actually in favor of it because I  
don't want a pissing contest at that future point.  But I'm not  
coding it in PHP. No such fracking way. I'll help, offer guidance  
on DB design, help you translate CF code to PHP if you want.  

And yet, these people keep saying, Hey, it's easier for you to  
learn PHP if you know CF, than for me to learn CF as a PHP  
developer. That makes no sense to me.

On one code example (in PHP), the database connection was  
established on line 13 in the file$con = mysql_connect(db/ 
id/pw)and then the connection was not closed until line 92  

Within those 80 lines of code, they did 2 http calls to external  
web services, created two arrays, threw in 40 lines of comments  
and then somewhere in the bottom, finally made a SQL statement.


Is this what people accept? Granted, this was by someone who  
admittedly said, they were a horrible developer - but then in the  
same breath asked me why this would be a problem and I kind of  
stood there looking