Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Suggestion for future documentation workflow

2018-10-24 Thread Dave Barton
Thanks Drew, I looked at that option, but it didn't seem to do anything.
Maybe I just need to polish my specs. 8)

 Original Message 
From: Drew Jensen 
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 11:57:01 -0400

> There is an icon to right of the file name, looks like 3 nodes
> connected, click on that and you can set a public share. Did just that
> to the file there and it is available for public viewing at
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 11:44 AM Dave Barton  <>> wrote:
> As per the subject line I have just uploaded a file:
> Since I don't know how to make how to make an OwnCloud document
> publicly
> visible I have also uploaded it here:
> Other thoughts or alternatives welcomed.
> Dave
> -- 
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[libreoffice-documentation] Suggestion for future documentation workflow

2018-10-24 Thread Dave Barton
As per the subject line I have just uploaded a file:

Since I don't know how to make how to make an OwnCloud document publicly
visible I have also uploaded it here:

Other thoughts or alternatives welcomed.


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[libreoffice-documentation] Re: Proposed XHP extensions

2018-10-22 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Olivier,

Yes, this would be a step forward in making things easier for people to
contribute to the help files, which is not an easy task even for those
of us who have some knowledge of XML.

If my reading of your answer to Noel is correct, you propose to set the
DTD to localize="true". It's unclear to me why xml-lang CDATA #REQUIRED
is set, otherwise your example could be reduced to , or
am I missing something?

Anyway thanks for your continuing efforts to to improve this function.

Best Regards

 Original Message  
From: Olivier Hallot 
To: Noel Grandin ,, LibreOffice Documentation
, LibreOffice-l10n

Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2018 10:01:36 -0300

> HI Noel
> Thanks for the comments.
> Em 22/10/2018 08:29, Noel Grandin escreveu:
>> Hi
>> Seems like a nice idea in general.
>> Just a couple of notes:
>> Should localize=true not just be the default? so it only needs to be
>> specified for the occasional chunk of text that is lanuage-neutral?
> Correct. localize="true" is currently the default and was mentioned for
> completeness.
>> Similarly, should xml-lang="en-US" not just be specified in some tag
>> near the root of the document, and everything else inherits that setting?
> This attribute is not used in the current Help. It defines the source
> language for translation, string-wise. But since we stick to English
> here it is not effective and is left for legacy.
> We can define it in the root of the document, but I'll refrain to do a
> massive change unless we can do it silently to prevent triggering
> re-translations.
>> Perhaps these are already in place, and I just didn't see it - either
>> way, keep up the good work!
> Thanks for the comments and kind words.
> Regards

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Calc 6.2 Guide and LibreOffice Online

2018-10-21 Thread Dave Barton
My vote would go for not making references to LibreOffice Online within
the existing chapters. It might create confusion for the reader and
apart from that I'm lazy ;) Maybe we could add a specific chapter or annex.


On 21.10.2018 20:03, Drew Jensen wrote:
> Howdy,
> Just want to put this out as a question as the files begin to be updated.
> I was just now looking over the wiki page
> and noticed at least two places where LibreOffice Online was mentioned.
> This raises the question regarding what if anything the Calc 6.2 Guide
> should include regarding the online presentation of the application?
> If we do make note of LibreOffice Online should the details be spread out
> among the current chapter structure or perhaps add a chapter specifically
> for LibreOffice Online with what is supported and what is not supported
> and/or changes to how it supported between the desktop instance and the web
> interface?
> Drew

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] CG6.2 Preface

2018-10-21 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Drew,

Yes, that wiki page is going to be very helpful. I was going over
previous release notes trying to figure out how I could create a page
outlining these same things when I stumbled upon this one.


 Original Message 
From: Drew Jensen 
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2018 14:40:16 -0400

> Howdy again Dave,
> Well, of course you did just had to logon to the ODFAuthors server.
> Grabbed that file and moved a copy of it onto the nextcloud server, btw.
> I was glad to see the URL added at the end of the chapter:
> I don't know how I missed that page before this, that's a great resource.
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 2:27 PM Drew Jensen
>>> wrote:
> Chances I deleted that lost post through gmail before it was
> posted to the list? (slight, but I tried)
> If it didn't work sorry for the duplicate.
> Howdy Dave,
> Great. Do you have a copy of the template file available for
> download and if so could you post the URL?
> Thanks
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 1:37 PM Dave Barton  <>> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I thought I would "/get the ball rolling/" with the Calc Guide
> for 6.2
> by creating an initial draft of the Preface, which I have now
> uploaded
> to ODF Authors in a newly created CG 6.2 folder.
> I have used the previous 6.0 template, except for anchoring
> the figures
> where I have used:
> Paragraph Style = Figure
> Frame Anchor = As character
> Image Anchor = To paragraph
> The contents of the draft are similar the published CG 4.1
> Preface,
> except I have not completed the last section "What’s new in
> LibreOffice
> Calc 6.2?" Considering the number of changes since the release
> of 4.1
> this section would almost require it's own book.
> Dave
> -- 
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[libreoffice-documentation] CG6.2 Preface

2018-10-21 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Folks,

I thought I would "/get the ball rolling/" with the Calc Guide for 6.2
by creating an initial draft of the Preface, which I have now uploaded
to ODF Authors in a newly created CG 6.2 folder.

I have used the previous 6.0 template, except for anchoring the figures
where I have used:

Paragraph Style = Figure
Frame Anchor = As character
Image Anchor = To paragraph

The contents of the draft are similar the published CG 4.1 Preface,
except I have not completed the last section "What’s new in LibreOffice
Calc 6.2?" Considering the number of changes since the release of 4.1
this section would almost require it's own book.


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[libreoffice-documentation] Styles template for doc team products.

2018-10-14 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Drew,

Thanks for getting things underway with the preparation of the Calc
Guide for 6.2

I was the one who raised the issue at the last meeting regarding the
template. Unfortunately, I was not able to spend more time on IRC that
day and did not get to explain my issues with the current 6.0 template.

Obviously we can work on the guides without resolving the questions in
the template, but it would be good to finalize the template questions
and save extra unnecessary work later.

As you say most of the open questions are about fleshing out some of the
styles in the template and it would be good if the docs team members
could consider their ideas for this and discuss those ideas at the next

However, the open questions are not my real issue with the template. I
make it my practice to carefully check that my reviews/edits comply with
the styles, anchoring and other aspects of the template. In terms of
"Figure" anchoring there appears to be some conflict between the
template and the actual requirements for "publication". The template

Paragraph Style = Figure
Frame Anchor = As character
Image Anchor = As character

There appears to be consensus on the first 2 aspects, but disagreement,
or at least differing requirements, about image anchoring for the
different publication formats.

I have discussed this 2 or 3 times with Olivier and it seems that the
requirement for master document creation of the published ODT/PDF files
is that the images should be anchored "To Paragraph", but when Jean
prepares the files for print, having the images anchored "As Character"
seems to be the most appropriate.

This might seem like a trivial issue to raise, but here we have two of
our main contributors spending their valuable time correcting things
that should not have been wrong in the first instance. It may be that,
due to production requirements, there is no "one size fits all"
compromise possible, but I would at least like to understand the issue.

One thing new and/or inexperienced contributors want/need is clear
guidance and the template is an important aspect of that guidance.

Best Regards

On 05.10.2018 15:20, Drew Jensen wrote:
> Howdy,
> On Wednesday with sometime available I looked to help start the task of
> updating the Calc Guide to LibreOffice 6.2.
> As a very fist step I took the files from the ODFAuthors website under the
> version 4.1 directory and renamed each of the chapter odt files for 6.2.
> Those files where then placed on The Document Foundation nextcloud server
> for shared editing availability in the shared folder under ODFAuthors ->
> English -> Calc Guide -> 6.2 -> Draft
> At this point I was going to take each of those odt chapter files and apply
> the template styles found in the file and update
> those files on the server.
> In the template however there are a few open questions by way of comments.
> if you don't already have that template file used to produce the 6.0
> Getting Started and Writer (I think) Guide you can down load a copy at
> Most of  the comments are about fleshing out the text in the template used
> as how to or help for future Guide authors, there is a question or two on
> actual style needs for lists however.
> I don't see those open questions as hindering using it today, but some may
> and so I wanted to put this email to the list and ask about ideas to
> resolve the questions in the template before I apply it.
> Maybe even raise a additional questions myself.
> Thanks
> Drew

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] GS6011 - folder

2018-07-08 Thread Dave Barton

On 08.07.2018 15:03, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> Hi,
> it seems that Dave uploaded his review of chapter 11 of GS into the
> Published folder on the odfauthors site - but the chapter does not seem
> finished and published, it still contains comments.
> Also, the name of the file is not clear of initials and dates.
> Lp, m.

Martin, I am now extremely tired of you publicly "/sideline sniping/" at
my contributions. In fact I am pretty much tired of trying to do
anything to contribute to and as I have done for many years promote this
project. Over the past year many difficult things have been happening in
my personal life, but I have still been a major, not the best,
contributor to the work in getting the GS6.0 Guide finished.

I have just downloaded a copy of chapter 11 from the "Published" folder
and I can find no "leftover" comments. Are you sure you were looking at
the copy from the "Published" folder, or was it the old copy in the
"Feedback" folder?

As for your nit-pick about file not being clear of initials and dates,
if you consider this to be a devastatingly major issue, why did you not
update and correct my garbage contribution yourself. Oh! I forgot, when
I previously suggested something like this you "inanely" responded with
the FBS proposal that, in exchange, I do your translations.

Sorry Olivier, it has been a pleasure working with you, but I am out,
done, finito, fini, fertig. There is another open source project in
which I have an interest in contributing to their source code, so I will
removing myself from all things related to LO/TDF.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] REMIND: Documentation team call is today at 19:00 Berlin Time.

2018-05-02 Thread Dave Barton
Sorry, cannot make today's team call.


On 02.05.2018 15:32, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> HI Team
> Our documentation team meeting will take place today at 19:00 CET
> (Berlin time).
> We will use the following jitsi meeting room
> The meeting room is supposed to work will all browsers without the need
> of a specific plugin.
> The documentation pad for the minute is
> Main topics
> * resuming activities on Guides.
> * Genral issues on documentation.
> See you later!

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] LibreOffice Quickstarter Option

2018-02-22 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Jorge,

Martin is correct about the proposal to remove QS from the Linux
edition, but I have tested LO (deb & rpm) downloaded from TDF
servers and QS is still there and fully functional. The same might not
always be true for all distro provided editions, but I suggest you
include QS as an option under Linux.


On 23.02.2018 02:23, jorge Rodríguez wrote:
> Hi Martin and all:
>         Thanks for your comments to try to clear it, but I still keep
> my dude about this issue.
> Regards,
> Jorge Rodríguez
> El 22/02/2018 a las 16:20, Martin Srebotnjak escribió:
>> AFAIK, this was doomed to be removed from Linux versions in 6.0, but
>> somehow remained there (I have this knowledge from translating
>> release notes - first there was the note that it was removed in 6.0
>> from Linux versions, then this note was removed from release notes).
>> However I do not know if this is accurate and true for 6.0 on Linux ...
>> Lp, m.
>> 2018-02-22 23:15 GMT+01:00 jorge Rodríguez > >:
>>     Hi all:
>>             I'm reviewing the document draft Getting Start LibreOffice
>>     6.0 Chapter 2 -Setting up.
>>             I find in LO 6.0, in Menu-Tools -Options-General, the
>>     option LibreOffice Quickstarter. As I understand this option is
>>     able only in the version of LibreOffice for Windows. Is it correct
>>     ? Would you please confirm ?
>>             I'm using LO 6.0 in Ubuntu 17.10.
>>     Regards,
>>     Jorge Rodríguez
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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Returning to work on GS6.0 Guide

2018-02-10 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Martin,

Again, thank you for your feedback. I have now revised the Preface
(Chapter 0) based on the points you raised. See:
My notes are in-line with the quote of your original message.

 Original Message  
From: Martin Srebotnjak 
To: Dave Barton 
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 19:34:01 +0100

> *Chapter 0*
>  1. Can previous authors (and actually authors of like 80 % of current
> text) really be removed from the »Authors« table and referenced as
> authors of previous versions in the »Acknowledgments« section? From
> the copyright law and moral rights standpoint that seems not
> adequate to me.

All contributors to this and previous editions of the guide are now
given attribution immediately below the copyright notice.

>  2. <> is referenced twice
> in a row, first in the Help System subchapter, then again 4
> paragraphs later; is that necessary?

I have reorganised the Help section of the Preface.

>  3. Basic system requirements: Vista is not supported anymore, for macOS
> the lowest supported version is now 10.9 (Mavericks), not 10.8 …

There is not and to the best of my recollection never has been, any
reference to system requirements in the guide Preface.

All previous references to OSX and Mac have been updated to read macOS.

>  4. Open and Save As windows by the system: according to release notes
> (feature removal section) the system windows are still but option,
> but not via Settings anymore (only as an expert configuration);

This is not relevant to the GS Guide Preface. Although there is unlikely
to be any reference to the expert configuration in the GS Guide, I will
keep this point in mind when reviewing/revising other chapters.

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[libreoffice-documentation] GS6.0 Preface

2018-02-02 Thread Dave Barton
I have now returned a fully reorganised and updated Preface to ODF

The main changes are:

  * I have applied an updated edition of Jean's previous 5.0 chapter
template. Essentially it is the same except I have replaced the
icons for Note, Tip and Caution with some that I feel are more
appropriate. If there are no objections I will add this template to
ODF Authors Resources for Contributors as the template to be used
for all the LO6.0 guides.
  * We were contacted by one of our translators regarding the way
contributors were given attribution for their work. Those the
previous the Acknowledgements section of the Preface has been
removed from page 7 and all contributors are now shown after the
copyright notice.
  * The help menu information has been expanded.

If possible, please take a look at this revision and post any thoughts
or observations to this thread by Wednesday 14th. February, so that this
can be discussed at the next docs meeting.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] The essence of styles

2018-02-01 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Cathy,

Valerii just beat me to it in recommending Bruce Byfield's publication.
IMNSHO it is by far and away one of the best and well constructed
sources of information about using styles in LibreOffice. Plus, Bruce is
a very approachable and helpful guy, who I am sure would be willing to
offer advice if you wanted to tackle this project. I am fully committed
to finishing reviews of the GS6.0 guide, otherwise I would be happy to
work on this with you.

Best Regards

 Original Message  
From: Valerii Goncharuk 
To: Cathy Crumbley 
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 00:33:02 +0300

> Hi Cathy,
> Do you remember that there a book about styles and templates?
> Best regards,
> Lera
> 2018-02-02 0:12 GMT+03:00 Cathy Crumbley :
>> Hi John, Glad to hear that you are willing to work on this.
>> It would be helpful to hear from other members of the team about whether
>> this is something that could be added to the book. I am thinking that this
>> section would be in the range of 2-3 pages, depending on graphics.
>> Also, might there be a graphic designer who could help us?
>> On 1/31/2018 11:24 AM, John L Hart Jr wrote:
>>> I agree with Cathy Crumbley with her suggestion.  I have always had some
>>> trouble using  Syles and understanding just how to use them to the fullest.
>>> Since I am not proficient in the use of Styles I do not think I can write a
>>> section.  I can review it and try out the procedures as specified in the
>>> section.
>>> John
>>> On 01/31/2018 11:15 AM, Cathy Crumbley wrote:
 I have been reviewing the Writer chapter, Chapter 4 of the Getting
 Started Guide, and have a suggestion.

 For me, two of the more confusing issues with LibreOffice (and judging
 from the forums, others as well) has been understanding how styles work
 together—especially paragraph and character styles—and how to clear

 Common problems are understanding what causes text to be formatted as it
 is and how to change it to what is wanted.

 Information related to these issues is in various places but can be
 missed. I would like to suggest that there be a section toward the
 beginning of the style section that explains the overall logic of styles as
 well as strategies for removing style-based formatting and direct

 I would like to look at Chapter 3, the chapter that presumably
 introduces styles, to see if such a section has been added, but I don’t see
 that chapter.

 If the kind of section I am suggesting is not already available, I could
 try to write a draft. However, I am not sure if I completely understand it
 yet, so could use some help. Also, I think some good graphics would help.

 Are others interested in this?

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Returning to work on GS6.0 Guide

2018-01-23 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Cathy,

On 24.01.2018 04:24, Cathy Crumbley wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> I could help with whatever is the highest priority for GS5--either
> Base or Writer.

Thanks, that would be a big help. The Base or Writer chapters don't
really have different priorities, because we need both for a complete
guide. I did the last merge of the Writer chapter sections and I would
prefer not to review my own work, so it would be good if you will take
and review the merged chapter from the feedback folder on ODF Authors:

We don't yet have an initial draft for the Base chapter, but the core
Base functions and features don't often change so it is likely that
there will be very few changes needed to update the Base chapter from
the previous guide. However, I will investigate if there have been any
changes in Base we need to consider and post my findings back here.

> If Writer, I would prefer not to work on the sections that I
> previously edited for the Writer 5 guide (and I think they are now in
> the LO 6 drafts).

We are now working on whole chapters as opposed to sections and your
previous edits have been reviewed and merged with the work of other
contributors. It's almost unavoidable that at some stage we will all
find ourselves reviewing our own edits.

> If Base is the higher priority, I should note that I am not familiar
> with it, but for editing user documentation, my belief is that
> ignorance can be strength.

Good point. Let me check for any important changes in Base and if there
aren't any it should be a relatively simple job to update the Base chapter.

> Cathy

Good to see you back on board.

Kind Regards

> On 1/23/2018 4:20 AM, Dave Barton wrote:
>> Hi Jean,
>> Good to hear from you.
>> For GS6.0 it might be best if we just refer to the Writer Guide as a
>> whole and maybe refine details of the specific chapter numbers when we
>> get under way with WG6.0.
>> Many thanks for your work on WG5.4, it is going to be a big help.
>> I propose to get the "easy" bits (Preface and Appendices) cleaned up
>> first, then I will try to finalise the Writer chapter. Your writing
>> skills are much better than mine, so it would be much appreciated if you
>> could find time to review this chapter when I am done with it.
>> We are still missing the Getting Started with Base chapter for GS6.0 and
>> I was wondering if any contributors to the previous editions of the Base
>> Guide or Base Handbook might be available and willing to update the
>> GS5.2 chapter. Other than Firebird (still experimental) I am not aware
>> of any major changes in Base, so this should not be an onerous task.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
>> On 20.01.2018 20:55, Jean Weber wrote:
>>> Dave,
>>> In Chapter 4 (Writer), many references to chapters in the Writer Guide
>>> are probably out of date. I have almost finished revising the WG up to
>>> LOv5.4, and as soon as I've finished doing that, I'll start updating
>>> it to v6.0. So I recommend that the chapter references either be
>>> updated for the new guide, or removed (just say "in the Writer Guide"
>>> instead of "in Chapter N of the Writer Guide".)
>>> The list and sequence of chapters have been significantly changed, as
>>> you can see on the Tasks page in the wiki, and for the chapters that
>>> I've split into 2 or 3, it's often not obvious which new chapter a
>>> topic is in. I'm happy to go through the GS chapter and edit those,
>>> but I don't want to work on an incorrect or obsolete copy of the GS
>>> chapter.
>>> Regards, Jean
>>> On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 7:00 AM, Dave Barton
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Hi Folks,
>>>> Getting back on track following a problematic international move and a
>>>> rotten bout of flu, although I am still battling to get a decent
>>>> internet connection.
>>>> I have now pulled copies of all existing chapter contributions in both
>>>> the drafts and feedback folders from ODF Authors with the intention of
>>>> reviewing, revising and collating them into potentially publishable
>>>> book. This is going to be a sizable undertaking, so if any other
>>>> members
>>>> of the team can find the time assist please contact me on or off list.
>>>> I will report to this thread as I complete chapters I consider
>>>> ready for
>>>> final

Re: Fwd: [libreoffice-documentation] Helping with Documentation

2018-01-23 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Jorge,

I have now contacted DJ and some other contacts Oliver passed on to me.
Hopefully one or more of them will be willing to join in the
documentation effort.


On 19.01.2018 15:19, jorge Rodríguez wrote:
> Hi Olivier:
>     I found this e-mail about a person who wants to help with
> Documtation of LibreOffice. Why not to invite to join us to the team ?
> Regards,
> Jorge Rodríguez
>  Mensaje reenviado 
> Asunto: [libreoffice-documentation] Helping with Documentation
> Fecha: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 20:30:32 -0800
> De: DJ Helmick 
> A:
> Hello,
> This is DJ Helmick. I'm an IT worker from the United States that would
> like
> to start contributing to LibreOffice's Documentation Team. I went to
> school
> for a degree heavy in writing (English) but with more of a focus on
> academics. I believe writing for LibreOffice will let me work on my
> technical writing while doing something meaningful.
> Per this page
>  on the
> wiki, I've already subscribed to the mailing list. As far as experience
> goes, I have a working understanding of MediaWiki from my current job,
> where I have an instance of it running to organize our department's
> documentation. I've also created basic how-to guides for our employees
> along with documenting certain IT processes like on-boarding new users or
> setting up applications specific to our company's field. Please let me
> know
> whatever areas or tasks you believe I could be of assistance with.
> Thank you, and I look forward to working with the LibreOffice
> Documentation
> Team!
> Best Regards,
> DJ

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Returning to work on GS6.0 Guide

2018-01-23 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Jean,

Good to hear from you.

For GS6.0 it might be best if we just refer to the Writer Guide as a
whole and maybe refine details of the specific chapter numbers when we
get under way with WG6.0.

Many thanks for your work on WG5.4, it is going to be a big help.

I propose to get the "easy" bits (Preface and Appendices) cleaned up
first, then I will try to finalise the Writer chapter. Your writing
skills are much better than mine, so it would be much appreciated if you
could find time to review this chapter when I am done with it.

We are still missing the Getting Started with Base chapter for GS6.0 and
I was wondering if any contributors to the previous editions of the Base
Guide or Base Handbook might be available and willing to update the
GS5.2 chapter. Other than Firebird (still experimental) I am not aware
of any major changes in Base, so this should not be an onerous task.

Best Regards

On 20.01.2018 20:55, Jean Weber wrote:
> Dave,
> In Chapter 4 (Writer), many references to chapters in the Writer Guide
> are probably out of date. I have almost finished revising the WG up to
> LOv5.4, and as soon as I've finished doing that, I'll start updating
> it to v6.0. So I recommend that the chapter references either be
> updated for the new guide, or removed (just say "in the Writer Guide"
> instead of "in Chapter N of the Writer Guide".)
> The list and sequence of chapters have been significantly changed, as
> you can see on the Tasks page in the wiki, and for the chapters that
> I've split into 2 or 3, it's often not obvious which new chapter a
> topic is in. I'm happy to go through the GS chapter and edit those,
> but I don't want to work on an incorrect or obsolete copy of the GS
> chapter.
> Regards, Jean
> On Sat, Jan 20, 2018 at 7:00 AM, Dave Barton  wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Getting back on track following a problematic international move and a
>> rotten bout of flu, although I am still battling to get a decent
>> internet connection.
>> I have now pulled copies of all existing chapter contributions in both
>> the drafts and feedback folders from ODF Authors with the intention of
>> reviewing, revising and collating them into potentially publishable
>> book. This is going to be a sizable undertaking, so if any other members
>> of the team can find the time assist please contact me on or off list.
>> I will report to this thread as I complete chapters I consider ready for
>> final review and or grammatical checking.
>> An issue with the Template Changer Extension was reported:
>> The extension developer has now updated the extension from version 1.27c
>> to 1.27d. My own tests with the latest version indicate it works as
>> expected under LO 6.0RC2. I have updated Template Changer Extension on
>> ODF Authors to this latest version:
>> Regards
>> Dave

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[libreoffice-documentation] Returning to work on GS6.0 Guide

2018-01-19 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Folks,

Getting back on track following a problematic international move and a
rotten bout of flu, although I am still battling to get a decent
internet connection.

I have now pulled copies of all existing chapter contributions in both
the drafts and feedback folders from ODF Authors with the intention of
reviewing, revising and collating them into potentially publishable
book. This is going to be a sizable undertaking, so if any other members
of the team can find the time assist please contact me on or off list.

I will report to this thread as I complete chapters I consider ready for
final review and or grammatical checking.

An issue with the Template Changer Extension was reported:
The extension developer has now updated the extension from version 1.27c
to 1.27d. My own tests with the latest version indicate it works as
expected under LO 6.0RC2. I have updated Template Changer Extension on
ODF Authors to this latest version:


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] REMIND: Documentation team call is today at 19:00 Berlin Time.

2017-11-01 Thread Dave Barton
Sorry, at the moment I am in transit with a really bad connection that
doesn't allow me to do much more than (very slowly) send & receive
emails, no chance of making a voice connection. I will try and join you
next week.


On 01.11.2017 19:14, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> Hi Guys
> Since Jitsi seems to be in trouble for many of us, what about doing in a
> hangout?
> Regards
> Olivier
> Em 01/11/2017 15:20, Olivier Hallot escreveu:
>> Hi Paul
>> The call is in 40 minutes
>> See you!
>> Olivier
>> Em 01/11/2017 15:13, Paul Figueiredo escreveu:
>>> I do not have access to my laptop at the moment and am trying to connect
>>> via the Jitsi Meet app for Android.  It's connecting fine by clicking the
>>> link in the email but is showing me as alone in the room.
>>> Paul
>>> On Wed, Nov 1, 2017, 6:12 AM Olivier Hallot 
>>> wrote:
 HI Team

 (Please check the correct time for your time zone)

 Our documentation team meeting will take place today at 19:00 CET
 (Berlin time).

 We will use the following jitsi meeting room

 The meeting room is supposed to work will all browsers without the need
 of a specific plugin.

 The documentation pad for the minute is

 Main topics
 * Check & balance of the task assigned
 * Issues found, Q&A
 * continuation of the topics evaluation for GS 6.0

 See you later!
 Olivier Hallot
 LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
 Comunidade LibreOffice
 Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Cover for GS 6

2017-09-16 Thread Dave Barton

Here is a pdf created from Ilmari's fix odg:


On 16.09.2017 17:27, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> Dave,
> could you please upload also a pdf, to check the output, because on macOS
> the new odg still has a non-uniformly stretched "LibreOffice" logo text.
> Thanks, m.
> 2017-09-16 16:34 GMT+02:00 Dave :
>> On 13.09.2017 22:15, Dave wrote:
>>> On 13.09.2017 16:05, Olivier Hallot wrote:
 Hello K-J, all

 I'd like to resume this topic. We now have the 6.0 branding done.
>> LibreOffice_6.0_series
 What do you think?

 Kind regards

 Em 25/07/2017 03:35, K-J LibreOffice escreveu:
> Hi Olivier, all,
> starting from page [1] I tried to find Dave Barton's proposal for cover
> design [2] but the page isn't available. Can someone show me the way.
> [1]
>> Covers
> [2]
>>> I have uploaded an initial draft set of GS6.0 covers based on the new
>>> branding in odf format to:
>> started/draft-lo-6.0/covers-for-gs6.0/view
>>> and in fodg format to:
>> started/draft-lo-6.0/covers-for-gs6.0-1/view
>>> I will be removing the old drafts at in the next 24 hours.
>>> Dave
>> Since nobody was happy with the first proposal, or came forward with a
>> better alternative/revision, here is a second draft:
>> started/draft-lo-6.0/cover-proposal-for-gs6.0/view
>> Dave
>> --
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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Meeting Minutes September 6th 2017

2017-09-13 Thread Dave Barton
OK! No problem, just drop a note back here when you are done.


On 13.09.2017 20:46, Paul Figueiredo wrote:
> I didn't have any changes to Chapter 2 contributed.  But before Dave
> downloads my changes to Chapter 4, give me a day or so to re-upload my
> edits to it in a properly tracked file.
> I messed up by not tracking my changes from the very beginning.  I started
> my tracking AFTER changing the information on the first page.  So Merging
> documents throws back an error message.  I'm going to re-upload a fixed
> version tonight or tomorrow and merging documents will work again.
> Thanks.  Sorry for the error.
> Paul
> On Wed, 13 Sep 2017 at 11:30 Olivier Hallot 
> wrote:
>> Wednesday September 13th 2017, 19:00 CET
>> * Presents: Olivier, Dave Barton, Paul Figueiredo, deneb
>> Always use "Track changes" with proper "user data" filled in Tools >
>> Options > LibreOffice > User data
>> Use Styles 
>> Bold characters for Menu Path should be changed to character style
>> "LOMenuPath". e.g. Tools > Options > LibreOffice
>> References fo other chapters should use character style
>> "LOEmphasis". e.g. See Chapter 14 Customizing LibreOffice
>> A figure with caption is embedded in a Frame, which must be anchored
>> "As character". The paragraph holding the character must be "Figure" (I
>> hope this does not confuses you guys)
>> To remove a misuse of bold characters, select the bold text and hit
>> Ctrl+M. This resets the direct formatting (Bold) to the underlying
>> character style of the paragraph style.
>> PENDING ITEMS (will be reviewed next meeting):
>> Chapter 8 – Getting Started with Base
>> * Changes to Firebird – Embedded Firebird changes are way outside the
>> scope of the GS guide.
>> Dave.
>> Pending
>> * Access2Base updated
>> Dave
>> Pending
>> Chapter 9 – Getting Started with Math
>> New context menu edit commands
>> Paul (couple of lines and a screenshot)
>> Screenshot from wiki + description
>> How to edit a formula
>> * Image Maps to be removed.
>> Dave
>> Chapter 14 – Customizing LibreOffice
>> Customization dialog updated
>> Amanda (screenshots and a couple of lines)
>> Pending (?)
>> Appendix A – Keyboard Shortcuts
>> Nothing found
>> Transfer here shortcuts from chapters
>> * Book cover
>> + Dave put a new proposal for the covers
>> * Proofreadng of jobs already done
>>+ Paul reviewing chapter 5 and screenshots
>>+ Olivier takes chapter 2
>>+ Dave takes chapter 4.
>> Meeting Adjourned
>> NEXT MEETING: Wednesday September 20th 2017, at 19:00 Berlin Time
>> --
>> Olivier Hallot
>> LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
>> Comunidade LibreOffice
>> Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Already update my chapters

2017-08-08 Thread Dave Barton
On 08.08.2017 16:09, jorge Rodríguez wrote:
> Hi all:
> I already update GS5200-Preface and GS5214-CustomizingLibreOffice.
> The first with the issue about Icons (Page 6 Notes) and the second
> with the issue about Extension Manager (Pags. 13 to 15)
> Can you say me please where I can upload this documents updated,
> or if necessary something else to do with them before upload.
> Thanks, and regards,
> Jorge Rodr�guez

Hi Jorge,

Many thanks for working on this.

Have you already been given log-in credentials (eg. user name and
temporary password) for the ODF Authors website? If not, I am asking
here that someone with the necessary administration rights to arrange
this for you.

When or if you have access to the ODF Authors website, rename your
updated files to something similar to GS6001-
Introducing_LibreOffice_JR_20170809.odt (the JR I am guessing are the
initials you wish to use) then log-in to the ODF Authors website and
upload them to the LibreOffice → English → Getting Started → Draft LO
6.0" folder.

It is best if you upload your own work, but if you have any difficulties
please write back and I will try to help, or you can email your files to
me and I will upload them for you.

Best Regards

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Minutes of the Documentation Team Meeting of August 2nd 2017

2017-08-02 Thread Dave Barton
OK No problem. I will start on the draft tomorrow morning (my time). To
avoid any possible confusion I will also amend the wiki page
from GS - LO v5.3 to GS - LO v6.0


On 02.08.2017 20:41, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> Dave
> Indeed. I'm correcting the wiki page.
> Thanks for pinpointing it
> regards
> Olivier
> Em 02/08/2017 15:36, Dave escreveu:
>> On 02.08.2017 20:06, Olivier Hallot wrote:
>>> Preface
>>> Additions to Help Menu
>>> Skip - No use to A GS guide
>> Sorry I missed the first few minutes of the meeting, due to computer
>> problems. I would argue that the new additions to the help menu (eg.
>> Links to the "User Guides", "Get help online.." aka Ask Libre) are
>> important and should be added to the GS Guide Preface, under the "Where
>> to get more help" section. If there are no objections, I will create the
>> initial draft for the GS Guide Preface.
>> Thoughts?
>> Dave

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Documentation Team Call For Help

2017-07-25 Thread Dave Barton

Hi Andrea,

The humorous answer to your question is; Yes, too many ;)

Like most other aspects of open source projects, the documentation team
does not allocate tasks to contributors, we endeavor make known the
tasks that need to be done and we each choose which of those tasks we
might wish to take on.

As mentioned previously, our current target is to produce the GS guide
for 6.0 and publish it around the same time as that version of the
software is released.

Since you have kindly offered to assist, you might consider taking a
chapter of the 5.2 Getting Started Guide, for the module (eg. Writer,
Calc, etc.) which you are familiar/comfortable with and update that
chapter for the new or changed features for that module in 6.0

All the team asks is that if you do choose to work on one of the GS
guide chapters, please send a little note to this list and let us know
which one. Not that we want to keep track of, or push for your
contribution, but it does help to avoid duplicated effort.

I don't know if you are familiar with our documentation methods and
workflow, but if not see here:
To effectively work in the documentation development process, you will
need access to the ODF Authors website. If you don't already have a
log-in for ODF Authors, just ask here and someone with the necessary
karma will provide you with one.

If you could find the time, please join us at the next (August 2nd.)
on-line documentation meeting. Look out for Oliver's notice a day or two
before the meeting date. Previously the number of folks attending the
meetings have been pretty low (2 or 3). It would be great to have more
people join in, so that we get a wider, more diverse input from our
fellow contributors.

Many thanks for your interest and we would very much welcome your

Best Regards

On 23.07.2017 20:48, Andrea Mussap wrote:
> Hi all and Dave.
> Is there a clear task that I can help you with?BRAndrea.
>   De: Dave Barton 
>  Para: LibreOffice Users ; LibreOffice 
> Documentation  
>  Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 20 de Julho de 2017 10:15
>  Assunto: [libreoffice-documentation] Documentation Team Call For Help
> In the world of open source software LibreOffice has one of the shortest
> time based release cycles. One downside of this schedule is that the
> Documentation Team has been unable keep pace with the release frequency
> for publication of the User Guides. With the release of LO Version 6.0
> targeted for Q1 of 2018
> <>,
> the Documentation Team is attempting to proactively begin work on the
> “/Getting Started/” guide now, in order to have at least the basic guide
> ready for publication by the time version 6.0 is released.
> To achieve this target the Documentation Team is seeking the help of new
> and past authors/reviewers. While skilled technical authors will always
> be welcome, anyone, regardless of their writing skills and knowledge of
> the software, can contribute to this effort. The only requirements are,
> a reasonable ability to read and write in English. Users with little or
> no previous experience can make a valuable contribution, by carefully
> following the revised guide chapters and reporting anything that does
> not agree with the actual software, or is not sufficiently clear for
> inexperienced users to understand.
> If you would like to help in any way, please email a request for more
> information to the Documentation Team:
> <>
> Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> Dave

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[libreoffice-documentation] Documentation Team Call For Help

2017-07-20 Thread Dave Barton
In the world of open source software LibreOffice has one of the shortest
time based release cycles. One downside of this schedule is that the
Documentation Team has been unable keep pace with the release frequency
for publication of the User Guides. With the release of LO Version 6.0
targeted for Q1 of 2018
the Documentation Team is attempting to proactively begin work on the
“/Getting Started/” guide now, in order to have at least the basic guide
ready for publication by the time version 6.0 is released.

To achieve this target the Documentation Team is seeking the help of new
and past authors/reviewers. While skilled technical authors will always
be welcome, anyone, regardless of their writing skills and knowledge of
the software, can contribute to this effort. The only requirements are,
a reasonable ability to read and write in English. Users with little or
no previous experience can make a valuable contribution, by carefully
following the revised guide chapters and reporting anything that does
not agree with the actual software, or is not sufficiently clear for
inexperienced users to understand.

If you would like to help in any way, please email a request for more
information to the Documentation Team:

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.



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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] [ANNOUNCE] Documentation team meeting on May 10th at 17:00 CET

2017-05-02 Thread Dave Barton
On 02.05.2017 16:00, Olivier Hallot wrote:
> Hello Authors
> We will resume our meetings for documentation on the next May 10th to
> discuss our issues and concerns on all forms of documentation we carry.
> Please have a look at our blog post:
> Kind regards

Hi Oliver,

I have probably seen the information before, but I can't recall it. What
service is used for the meetings?


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Base-Handbook 5.0 -chapter 2

2015-08-16 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Hazel Russman
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015 13:51:58 +0100

> On Sun, 16 Aug 2015 12:07:49 +0200
> Robert Großkopf  wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi *,
>> and here the next:
>> chapter 3
>> Only new screenshots inserted, also German text - so must be
>> translated.
>> Regards
>> Robert
> I've downloaded this and am working on it.
> Hazel Russman

Thanks Hazel. When you have finished please return your work to the ODF
Authors "Reviewed" folder:

The status of the handbook preparation can be seen here:


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Base Handbook 5.0

2015-08-08 Thread Dave Barton
Hazel Russman wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Aug 2015 13:37:00 +0200
> Dave Barton  wrote:
>>  Original Message  
>> From: Hazel Russman
>> Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2015 11:50:56 +0100
>>> On Fri, 07 Aug 2015 16:13:23 -0400
>>> elderdanlewis  wrote:
>>>> If you want others to review your work, should we upload this
>>>> material to a new "Base Handbook 5" folder on the ODF Authors
>>>> website and process this through the the normal review/edit
>>>> procedure there?
>>>> As a matter of general interest, is there any kind of review/edit
>>>> process used in the production of the German edition of this
>>>> handbook, or is this something you work on alone? My reason for
>>>> asking is to see if there is a way to refine the ODF Authors
>>>> review process to make it easier for new contributors to follow.
>>>> Milos Sramek did not get any feedback when he raised this issue
>>>> some time ago, but I believe it is something we need to give some
>>>> consideration.
>>>> BTW I will not start laughing a your translations until my
>>>> knowledge of German is better than your knowledge of English.
>>>> Which means you will not hear a single giggle from me for a very
>>>> very long time. ;)
>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>> Dave
>>>> I have downloaded chapter 1 to review it. There is a method for
>>>> doing this. Right now I don't remember where this information is.
>>>> I will send it to you by tomorrow morning. As soon as I can get
>>>> the review done, I will upload it to the Base Handbook folder.
>>>> That is when you can give it an review. I will tell you when I
>>>> finish. Meanwhile, I noticed one thing that needs to be done
>>>> before anything else: converted to the 5.0 template. I will be
>>>> doing this later today. 
>>>> Dan
>>> I'd like to do my bit but I don't want to accidentally duplicate
>>> someone else's work. If someone could assign me specific chapters to
>>> work on, that would be best for me. Correcting "English as she is
>>> spoken" is one of the things I enjoy doing.
>> Hello Hazel,
>> Great to see you posting here again.
>> Maybe I got it wrong in an earlier post, where I suggested that you
>> understood German. I may have got the idea from seeing your name
>> against reviews of previous revisions of the handbook, where you
>> applied your grammatical skills to the English translations.
>> If it is acceptable to others here, I am willing to coordinate the
>> compilation of the Base Handbook - English Edition and try to avoid
>> duplicated work.
>> Dan is currently reviewing Robert's translation of Chapter 1 and based
>> on the tone of his previous post, is keen to upload this for further
>> review. Since nobody else has come forward yet, please work on Dan's
>> review when it becomes available.
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Dave
> Oh I know quite a lot of German! My parents were both native German
> speakers. In fact I was the one who translated most of Robert's earler
> Base Handbook.

So I got it right the first time and memory failed me on the second
guess. Apologies for the misleading suggestion.

BTW. I am subscribed to this list, so a cc is not necessary.

Best Regards

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Base Handbook 5.0

2015-08-08 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Dan Lewis
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2015 20:58:47 -0400

8<-- snip -->8

> This link should help you some. It will keep you a little busy too.
> Dan

Thanks Dan,

I wrote, or at least edited, some of that page. ;)


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Base Handbook 5.0

2015-08-08 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Hazel Russman
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2015 11:50:56 +0100

> On Fri, 07 Aug 2015 16:13:23 -0400
> elderdanlewis  wrote:
>> If you want others to review your work, should we upload this material
>> to a new "Base Handbook 5" folder on the ODF Authors website and
>> process this through the the normal review/edit procedure there?
>> As a matter of general interest, is there any kind of review/edit
>> process used in the production of the German edition of this handbook,
>> or is this something you work on alone? My reason for asking is to see
>> if there is a way to refine the ODF Authors review process to make it
>> easier for new contributors to follow. Milos Sramek did not get any
>> feedback when he raised this issue some time ago, but I believe it is
>> something we need to give some consideration.
>> BTW I will not start laughing a your translations until my knowledge
>> of German is better than your knowledge of English. Which means you
>> will not hear a single giggle from me for a very very long time. ;)
>> Thanks & Regards
>> Dave
>> I have downloaded chapter 1 to review it. There is a method for doing
>> this. Right now I don't remember where this information is. I will
>> send it to you by tomorrow morning. As soon as I can get the review
>> done, I will upload it to the Base Handbook folder. That is when you
>> can give it an review. I will tell you when I finish. Meanwhile, I
>> noticed one thing that needs to be done before anything else:
>> converted to the 5.0 template. I will be doing this later today. 
>> Dan
> I'd like to do my bit but I don't want to accidentally duplicate
> someone else's work. If someone could assign me specific chapters to
> work on, that would be best for me. Correcting "English as she is
> spoken" is one of the things I enjoy doing.

Hello Hazel,

Great to see you posting here again.

Maybe I got it wrong in an earlier post, where I suggested that you
understood German. I may have got the idea from seeing your name against
reviews of previous revisions of the handbook, where you applied your
grammatical skills to the English translations.

If it is acceptable to others here, I am willing to coordinate the
compilation of the Base Handbook - English Edition and try to avoid
duplicated work.

Dan is currently reviewing Robert's translation of Chapter 1 and based
on the tone of his previous post, is keen to upload this for further
review. Since nobody else has come forward yet, please work on Dan's
review when it becomes available.

Thanks & Regards

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Folder for version 5.0 of the Base Handbook

2015-08-08 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Dan Lewis
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2015 21:02:55 -0400

>Could someone who has the proper authority please create this folder
> and its subfolders for us. Robert has written the new version. Dave and
> I need this as we work with Robert to get the German version translated
> into English.
> Dan

Hi Dan,

I have now created the core folders on the ODF Authors website for the
Base Handbook 5.0 and added Robert's translations of the Introduction &
Chapter 1 to the Drafts folder there. I have also noted the location of
the original German publication in case anyone wants to cross-check the

I will add Robert's example files later, when I have had chance to study
them in more detail and decide if they would befit from any minor
adaptations (eg. change German terms to English) to accommodate an
English speaking audience.

Robert provided zip files of the screen captures used in the handbook.
Do you think it would be of any benefit to make these available on the
ODF Authors website?


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Base Handbook 5.0

2015-08-08 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Robert,

 Original Message 
From: Robert Großkopf
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 20:52:34 +0200

> Hi Dave,
> > If you want others to review your work, should we upload this
> > material to a new "Base Handbook 5" folder on the ODF Authors
> > website and process this through the the normal review/edit
> > procedure there?
> In the beginning of documentation I have used ODF-Authors also. Must
> have a look how it works.
> > As a matter of general interest, is there any kind of review/edit
> > process used in the production of the German edition of this
> > handbook, or is this something you work on alone?
> The first Handbuch has been reviewed from other persons. Only a part
> the content of chapter "Macros" for this first Handbuch has been
> edited by someone else. Also the index has been created by someone
> else. All other content I have written and other people have had a
> look for orthography. So there was no reason to use ODF-Authors. I
> have first uploaded the content to my website and with the new release
> of every LO-Version I uploaded also a new version of Base-Handbuch to
> the wiki and linked it to the german LO-homepage.

No, I was not suggesting you should use the ODF Authors website.

> > My reason for asking is to see if there is a way to refine the ODF
> > Authors review process to make it easier for new contributors to
> > follow. Milos Sramek did not get any feedback when he raised this
> > issue some time ago, but I believe it is something we need to give
> > some consideration.
> We could work with ODF-Autors. But for many people I am a little bit
> impatient ... I want to get a new Base-Handbook in the same
> release-cycle as LO. This is how the Geramn Handbuch is released.

You should use whatever method works for you and the German team.
I was just interested if there was something you were doing that could
be adapted for the English section of the ODF Authors process. With a
few exceptions, it seems that we lack a sufficient number of
contributors with your determination (impatience) to get the job done.

> > BTW I will not start laughing a your translations until my
> > knowledge of German is better than your knowledge of English. Which
> > means you will not hear a single giggle from me for a very very
> > long time. ;)
> A little bit fun while reading a book isn't wrong.
> Regards
> Robert

It would be great if you could find the time to do some more
translations of the other chapters. Any chance you could encourage some
of the German team's bi/multi-lingual members to help out with this? I
seem to recall that Hazel helped out with previous translations of the
Base Handbook, but I don't know if she is still available and/or willing
to work on this revised edition. There are possibly others who I have
overlooked, but it would be really good if we could get enough
translators to a complete and publish an English edition within a
reasonable period of time.

Again many thanks for your excellent work on the Base Handbook.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Base Handbook 5.0

2015-08-07 Thread Dave Barton
elderdanlewis wrote:
>  Original message 
> From: Dave Barton  
> Date:08/07/2015  1:33 PM  (GMT-05:00) 
> To: 
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Base Handbook 5.0 
>  Original Message  
> From: Robert Großkopf
> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 10:59:56 +0200
>> Hi *,
>> I have tried to translate the first chapter of the German
>> Base-handbuch 5.0.
>> The german version is already published here:
>> I have uploaded the English version here:
>> All chapters would begin with "BH5 ..."
>> For chapter "Preface" I haven't changed anything I found in the
>> English BH35. To chapter "Introducion ..." I added a lot.
>> I have set Writer to Edit > Track Changes > Record Changes / Show Changes.
>> If there is anybody, who want to have a look and want to laugh a
>> little bit about the combination of Google Translater and a person,
>> who couldn't write English very well ...
>> I will try to translate the other chapters the same way. So I could
>> add new content, when editing the German version, directly to the
>> English version.
>> Hope this would help to publish a newer Verion of the English Handbook
>> nearly at the same time than the German Handbuch.
>> Regards
>> Robert
> Hi Robert,
> First a very big thank you for your work on the original German Base
> Handbook and for starting the contribution of English translations.
> If you want others to review your work, should we upload this material
> to a new "Base Handbook 5" folder on the ODF Authors website and process
> this through the the normal review/edit procedure there?
> As a matter of general interest, is there any kind of review/edit
> process used in the production of the German edition of this handbook,
> or is this something you work on alone? My reason for asking is to see
> if there is a way to refine the ODF Authors review process to make it
> easier for new contributors to follow. Milos Sramek did not get any
> feedback when he raised this issue some time ago, but I believe it is
> something we need to give some consideration.
> BTW I will not start laughing a your translations until my knowledge of
> German is better than your knowledge of English. Which means you will
> not hear a single giggle from me for a very very long time. ;)
> Thanks & Regards
> Dave
> I have downloaded chapter 1 to review it. There is a method for doing this. 
> Right now I don't remember where this information is. I will send it to you 
> by tomorrow morning. As soon as I can get the review done, I will upload it 
> to the Base Handbook folder. That is when you can give it an review. I will 
> tell you when I finish. 
>Meanwhile, I noticed one thing that needs to be done before anything else: 
> converted to the 5.0 template. I will be doing this later today. 
> Dan

Hi Dan,

Since you have a greater understanding of Base than many of us here,
it's great to see that you have picked this up. Thanks very much.

It getting late for me now, but I will do the necessary prep work on the
ODF Authors website in a few hours time and get back to you.

I will also answer Robert when I have had some much needed sleep.

Thanks to you both.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Base Handbook 5.0

2015-08-07 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Robert Großkopf
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 10:59:56 +0200

> Hi *,
> I have tried to translate the first chapter of the German
> Base-handbuch 5.0.
> The german version is already published here:
> I have uploaded the English version here:
> All chapters would begin with "BH5 ..."
> For chapter "Preface" I haven't changed anything I found in the
> English BH35. To chapter "Introducion ..." I added a lot.
> I have set Writer to Edit > Track Changes > Record Changes / Show Changes.
> If there is anybody, who want to have a look and want to laugh a
> little bit about the combination of Google Translater and a person,
> who couldn't write English very well ...
> I will try to translate the other chapters the same way. So I could
> add new content, when editing the German version, directly to the
> English version.
> Hope this would help to publish a newer Verion of the English Handbook
> nearly at the same time than the German Handbuch.
> Regards
> Robert

Hi Robert,

First a very big thank you for your work on the original German Base
Handbook and for starting the contribution of English translations.

If you want others to review your work, should we upload this material
to a new "Base Handbook 5" folder on the ODF Authors website and process
this through the the normal review/edit procedure there?

As a matter of general interest, is there any kind of review/edit
process used in the production of the German edition of this handbook,
or is this something you work on alone? My reason for asking is to see
if there is a way to refine the ODF Authors review process to make it
easier for new contributors to follow. Milos Sramek did not get any
feedback when he raised this issue some time ago, but I believe it is
something we need to give some consideration.

BTW I will not start laughing a your translations until my knowledge of
German is better than your knowledge of English. Which means you will
not hear a single giggle from me for a very very long time. ;)

Thanks & Regards


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[libreoffice-documentation] LO in the Mac Appstore

2015-07-03 Thread Dave Barton
Ping Jean!

In your review of chapter 1 of the GS guide you added a comment: "Verify
later: LO 5.0 may be on MacApp store." I am not a Mac user, but there
was a post today on the "User" list from someone claiming that "I
downloaded the US version easily from the Mac App store." Can you, or
another Mac user, confirm this is now possible?

I am about to return my final edit for this chapter and it would be nice
to get at least this one signed off for publication.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Getting Started Chapter 2 (Setting up LO)

2015-06-27 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Jean Weber
To: Dave Barton <>Libreoffice Documentation
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2015 15:23:17 +1000

> I've been through this chapter and marked items that need to be
> checked, verified, written or revised. Most pictures need to be
> replaced. I hope someone will take this over and make some or all of
> the necessary changes, because I'm unlikely to have time to do it
> myself.
> --Jean

Taken for review and update.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Intro and some questions

2015-06-24 Thread Dave Barton

My responses are given in-line with your original message.

 Original Message  
From: David Allen
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 18:44:57 -0400

> Hi Jonathon and Jean (and everyone else),
> I've been using LibreOffice for years as a PortableApp (from
>, and I never knew there was local online help. It
> apparently doesn't install with the Portable version.

For obvious reasons they try to keep their program sizes down to a
minimum. As you are aware, even the standard install doesn't include the
in-built help file. There are separate help installation files in many
languages, including English variants. The original OOo incorporated the
help files as part of the installation package, which is still the case
for AOO installations today.

> Do either of you (or anyone else) know where this online help comes
> from?

Jean, or someone who has been involved since the days of OOo might know
more, but since the in-built help files are closely linked to the source
code it can be assumed that they originate from the developers.

> Who is responsible for it? 

With open source projects like LO, no ONE person has overall
responsibility for any aspect of the software or project. It works
(surprisingly) on a collaborative basis, where anyone can put forward a
proposal for review by their peers. In much the same way as our "User"
documentation is created/edited and submitted for review(s) before

> How it is created?

Painfully :) The dev guide to creating help files can be found here:
and a somewhat dated edition here:

> It's totally different from the pdfs.

Yes, two different groups of people create the in-built help and the
"User" documentation. The in-built help is compiled from a specifically
structured tagged XML format (see links above), whereas the "User"
documentation is authored in ODF. The in-built help is mainly intended
as short summaries of the software's functions, but the "User"
documentation tries to offer a more detailed overview about using the

> Thanks,
> Davidaa

BTW. We are all subscribed to this list, so cc isn't necessary.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Checked Out CH.1 "Introducing LO" GS Guide

2015-06-22 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Jean Weber
To: Dave Barton <>Libreoffice Documentation
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 18:29:12 +1000

> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Jean Weber  wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 5:01 AM, Dave Barton  wrote:
>>> Returned Ch. 1 "Introducing LO" to:
>>> Changes:
>>> * A few minor text alterations + 1 note for clarity.
>>> * Updated some images.
>>> Notes:
>>> * Suggestion to include a mention of the incorporated PostgreSQL engine.
>>> Observations:
>>> * Obviously the new Windows 64bit edition is going to be one of the main
>>> features of the 5.0 release. However, I suggest that anyone here avoid
>>> the 64bit beta 3, because it is very unstable and frequently crashes
>>> when opening any documents. The 32bit beta 3 seems to be in reasonable
>>> shape. I am testing both on XP, 7, 8.1 & 10 preview.
>>> * The design/UX folks have ongoing discussions about toolbar & menu menu
>>> changes for 5.0. I don't want to waste time on screen captures that may
>>> soon change, so I will look for another chapter to edit that doesn't
>>> include too many of these references.
>>> Dave
>> Thanks, Dave. I've checked out Ch1 and am going through it finding
>> some other items to change or verify. I hope to return it to Feedback
>> later today.
>> Have you picked another chapter to work on?
>> --Jean
> I have accepted most of Dave's changes, made numerous changes of my
> own, and applied the most recent version of the template. Have left a
> few notes on things to check or rewrite and flags for figures to be
> replaced when the UI is stable (RC1).
> Uploaded to Feedback folder for GS 5.0:

Revised draft uploaded to Drafts folder for GS 5.0

Replaced a number of images and added replies to some of Jean's notes.

My notes raise a couple of issues about this chapter that would probably
be better discussed on this list. One in particular is that I feel that
we kind of "fudge" the information about installation by referring to
the help wiki. A number of the comments Jean and I have made about other
changes that could/should be made are a "knock-on" result of things that
users might have done at the time of installation. What do others here
think about expanding the "Installation" section of this chapter?


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Checked Out CH.1 "Introducing LO" GS Guide

2015-06-21 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Jean Weber
To: Dave Barton <>Libreoffice Documentation
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 18:29:12 +1000

> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Jean Weber  wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 5:01 AM, Dave Barton  wrote:
>>> Returned Ch. 1 "Introducing LO" to:
>>> Changes:
>>> * A few minor text alterations + 1 note for clarity.
>>> * Updated some images.
>>> Notes:
>>> * Suggestion to include a mention of the incorporated PostgreSQL engine.
>>> Observations:
>>> * Obviously the new Windows 64bit edition is going to be one of the main
>>> features of the 5.0 release. However, I suggest that anyone here avoid
>>> the 64bit beta 3, because it is very unstable and frequently crashes
>>> when opening any documents. The 32bit beta 3 seems to be in reasonable
>>> shape. I am testing both on XP, 7, 8.1 & 10 preview.
>>> * The design/UX folks have ongoing discussions about toolbar & menu menu
>>> changes for 5.0. I don't want to waste time on screen captures that may
>>> soon change, so I will look for another chapter to edit that doesn't
>>> include too many of these references.
>>> Dave
>> Thanks, Dave. I've checked out Ch1 and am going through it finding
>> some other items to change or verify. I hope to return it to Feedback
>> later today.
>> Have you picked another chapter to work on?
>> --Jean
> I have accepted most of Dave's changes, made numerous changes of my
> own, and applied the most recent version of the template. Have left a
> few notes on things to check or rewrite and flags for figures to be
> replaced when the UI is stable (RC1).
> Uploaded to Feedback folder for GS 5.0:
> --Jean

Retracted Jean's review for further editing. A little short on time
right now, will post more in a few hours.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Meaningless Field Shadings In Documentation

2015-06-12 Thread Dave Barton
Jean Weber wrote:
> On Friday, June 12, 2015, Dave Barton  wrote:
>> Jean Weber wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 3:22 AM, Dave Barton > > wrote:
>>>> Thanks very much for the speedy replies guys, but...
>>>>> Robert Großkopf wrote:
>>>>>> Aren't this shades none-breaking spaces? If I set Insert →
>>>>>> Formatting Mark → Non-breaking space I get the same shades.
>>>> That, or something similar, is what I thought they were, but it was not
>>>> making sense to have a "real" space character immediately followed by a
>>>> non-breaking space. See my reply to K-J below.
>>>>> K-J LibreOffice wrote:
>>>>>> No, as there is a space in front of it. I think It is the mark for
>>>>>> the alphatbetic index at the end of every document. So don't delete
>>>>>> it.
>>>> OK! Now that I have turned on "Help Tips" (I normally have these
>>>> irritating things turned off.) and cross checked against the
>>>> alphabetical index of the last published copy of the full GS Guide, I
>>>> see that you are correct.
>>>> However, if an author/editor changes the "Entry" name, as it appears to
>>>> be the case with our guides, and the "Help Tips" are turned off, there
>>>> is no way to visually differentiate between an "Index Entry" and a
>>>> "Non-Breaking Space", or some other similar field. (ie. They are just
>>>> meaningless little normally grey/gray blobs.)
>>>> I cannot think of any good reason why ALL Index Entry words are not
>>>> fully shaded identically, no matter what changes an author/editor makes
>>>> in the "Insert Index Entry" dialog, I will be looking for this, or
>>>> posting a request, in Bugzilla.
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> Dave
>>> Here is the explanation, as it applies to our books.
>>> [libreoffice-documentation] translation of index entries
>>> Milos Sramek  via
>>> 3/10/14
>>> Hi,
>>> we have a small problem with index entries in translation of the GS
>>> guide to Slovak.
>>> To explain: technically, there are two types of index entries,
>>> independent and shared (may own names :)). In the first type, the
>>> entry is independent of the guide text, while  in the second the entry
>>> shares the guide text. The first is presented as a small gray blob
>>> between words, in the second case the shared text is displayed in
>>> gray.
>>> The second type causes problems in translation to languages with
>>> inflection, since inflected words get into the index.
>>> We thus need to get rid of the shared entries and to replace them by
>>> independent ones.
>> Thanks Jean, that is a good reason I wasn't aware of. So I will shut up,
>> live with help tips and get on with the job.
>> Dave
> This is one of several bits of insider info that needs to go into the
> Contributors Guide and probably the docs-development part of the wiki as
> well.
> --Jean

OK, I have added this to my draft and I will take a look at the wiki
over the weekend. It's possible I might stumble across these as I go
along, but if anyone knows more of these "insider tips" let me know and
I will add them in.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Checked Out CH.1 "Introducing LO" GS Guide

2015-06-12 Thread Dave Barton
Returned Ch. 1 "Introducing LO" to:

* A few minor text alterations + 1 note for clarity.

* Updated some images.

* Suggestion to include a mention of the incorporated PostgreSQL engine.

* Obviously the new Windows 64bit edition is going to be one of the main
features of the 5.0 release. However, I suggest that anyone here avoid
the 64bit beta 3, because it is very unstable and frequently crashes
when opening any documents. The 32bit beta 3 seems to be in reasonable
shape. I am testing both on XP, 7, 8.1 & 10 preview.

* The design/UX folks have ongoing discussions about toolbar & menu menu
changes for 5.0. I don't want to waste time on screen captures that may
soon change, so I will look for another chapter to edit that doesn't
include too many of these references.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Meaningless Field Shadings In Documentation

2015-06-11 Thread Dave Barton
Jean Weber wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 3:22 AM, Dave Barton  wrote:
>> Thanks very much for the speedy replies guys, but...
>>> Robert Großkopf wrote:
>>>> Aren't this shades none-breaking spaces? If I set Insert →
>>>> Formatting Mark → Non-breaking space I get the same shades.
>> That, or something similar, is what I thought they were, but it was not
>> making sense to have a "real" space character immediately followed by a
>> non-breaking space. See my reply to K-J below.
>>> K-J LibreOffice wrote:
>>>> No, as there is a space in front of it. I think It is the mark for
>>>> the alphatbetic index at the end of every document. So don't delete
>>>> it.
>> OK! Now that I have turned on "Help Tips" (I normally have these
>> irritating things turned off.) and cross checked against the
>> alphabetical index of the last published copy of the full GS Guide, I
>> see that you are correct.
>> However, if an author/editor changes the "Entry" name, as it appears to
>> be the case with our guides, and the "Help Tips" are turned off, there
>> is no way to visually differentiate between an "Index Entry" and a
>> "Non-Breaking Space", or some other similar field. (ie. They are just
>> meaningless little normally grey/gray blobs.)
>> I cannot think of any good reason why ALL Index Entry words are not
>> fully shaded identically, no matter what changes an author/editor makes
>> in the "Insert Index Entry" dialog, I will be looking for this, or
>> posting a request, in Bugzilla.
>> Best Regards
>> Dave
> Here is the explanation, as it applies to our books.
> [libreoffice-documentation] translation of index entries
> Milos Sramek via
> 3/10/14
> Hi,
> we have a small problem with index entries in translation of the GS
> guide to Slovak.
> To explain: technically, there are two types of index entries,
> independent and shared (may own names :)). In the first type, the
> entry is independent of the guide text, while  in the second the entry
> shares the guide text. The first is presented as a small gray blob
> between words, in the second case the shared text is displayed in
> gray.
> The second type causes problems in translation to languages with
> inflection, since inflected words get into the index.
> We thus need to get rid of the shared entries and to replace them by
> independent ones.

Thanks Jean, that is a good reason I wasn't aware of. So I will shut up,
live with help tips and get on with the job.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Meaningless Field Shadings In Documentation

2015-06-10 Thread Dave Barton

Thanks very much for the speedy replies guys, but...

> Robert Großkopf wrote:
>> Aren't this shades none-breaking spaces? If I set Insert →
>> Formatting Mark → Non-breaking space I get the same shades.

That, or something similar, is what I thought they were, but it was not
making sense to have a "real" space character immediately followed by a
non-breaking space. See my reply to K-J below.

> K-J LibreOffice wrote:
>> No, as there is a space in front of it. I think It is the mark for
>> the alphatbetic index at the end of every document. So don't delete
>> it.

OK! Now that I have turned on "Help Tips" (I normally have these
irritating things turned off.) and cross checked against the
alphabetical index of the last published copy of the full GS Guide, I
see that you are correct.

However, if an author/editor changes the "Entry" name, as it appears to
be the case with our guides, and the "Help Tips" are turned off, there
is no way to visually differentiate between an "Index Entry" and a
"Non-Breaking Space", or some other similar field. (ie. They are just
meaningless little normally grey/gray blobs.)

I cannot think of any good reason why ALL Index Entry words are not
fully shaded identically, no matter what changes an author/editor makes
in the "Insert Index Entry" dialog, I will be looking for this, or
posting a request, in Bugzilla.

Best Regards

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[libreoffice-documentation] Meaningless Field Shadings In Documentation

2015-06-10 Thread Dave Barton
Strange how some images get through to this list and not others...

Almost all of the guides have numerous, what I describe as, "Meaningless
Field Shadings" randomly dotted around them:
These shadings have no document fields associated with them. Other than
when I paste from a web page, I never see these shadings in my own
documents. So I assume these are some kind of indicator to the existence
of codes not used by the document.


 1. Does anyone know where these originate from?
More importantly:
 2. In the process of revising chapters, can we safely remove them?


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[libreoffice-documentation] Meaningless Field Shadings In Documentation

2015-06-10 Thread Dave Barton
Almost all of the guides have numerous, what I describe as, "Meaningless
Field Shadings" randomly dotted around them.


These shadings have no document fields associated with them. Other than
when I paste from a web page, I never see these shadings in my own
documents. So I assume these are some kind of indicator to the existence
of codes not used by the document.


 1. Does anyone know where these originate from?
More importantly:
 2. In the process of revising chapters, can we safely remove them?


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Checked Out CH.1 "Introducing LO" GS Guide

2015-06-07 Thread Dave Barton
Jean Weber wrote:
> On Monday, 8 June 2015, Dave Barton  wrote:
>> I've checked out Ch. 1 "Introducing LO" from the v4.4 drafts and will
>> update it for v5.0.
>> Expect lots of questions, because I also propose to take on the
>> challenge of updating some of the outdated or misleading information in
>> the "Contributor Guides" and on the wiki.
>> First question: On the ODF Authors site there is no drafts folder under
>> the "Resources for Contributors", should I upload my "Contributor Guide"
>> edits to the existing "Feedback" folder?
> Yes, or If you prefer, you could create a Drafts folder there.
>> Dave

Thanks Jean. Since these are not part of our normal published guides I
propose to use the existing "Feedback" folder.


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[libreoffice-documentation] Checked Out CH.1 "Introducing LO" GS Guide

2015-06-07 Thread Dave Barton
I've checked out Ch. 1 "Introducing LO" from the v4.4 drafts and will
update it for v5.0.

Expect lots of questions, because I also propose to take on the
challenge of updating some of the outdated or misleading information in
the "Contributor Guides" and on the wiki.

First question: On the ODF Authors site there is no drafts folder under
the "Resources for Contributors", should I upload my "Contributor Guide"
edits to the existing "Feedback" folder?


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Revised LO v5.0 template draft

2015-06-07 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message 
From: Jean Weber 
Date: Sun, 31 May 2015 11:09:03 +1000

> I have made a further change to the draft template: I created
> Tip/Note/Caution list styles (associated with the Tip/Note/Caution
> paragraph styles) to format Tip/Note/Caution headings with an icon but
> no background color. Thanks to Bruce Byfield for showing me how to do
> this; it's something I should have learned long ago. (Icons can be
> changed later if we want different ones.)
> I also renamed the template. It is here:
> --Jean

A big thank you to Jean for the work she has put into this.

A "/heads up/" for anyone using the Template Changer extension:

Version 1.2.6 offered on LO Extensions
ODF Authors
does not work correctly on some recent versions of LO.

I have successfully tested the latest version 1.2.7c on versions 4.2.x,
4.3.x & 4.4.1RC (does not yet work on 5.0beta).
This latest version is available from Bugzilla (attachment to
and I have uploaded a copy to ODF Authors:

Hope this helps.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Getting Started Guide for LO v5.0?

2015-05-28 Thread Dave Barton
Alan Cook wrote:
> So how do we find out what's new in v5.0? Just start working through a
> chapter from the old guide using 5.0 to see if anything doesn't work the
> same way?

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Getting Started Guide for LO v5.0?

2015-05-28 Thread Dave Barton
Marcus Mackaku wrote:

> On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 9:38 AM, toki  wrote:
>> On 28/05/2015 07:20, Jean Weber wrote:
>>> Content updating should proceed using the new template so that the style
>> names of the new files are correct.
>> Thanks.
>> ###
>> This is when find and replace for character styles would be nice to
>> have. OTOH, for the documentation I've been looking at, the writer has
>> used direct formatting, and not character styles.
>> jonathon
> Why do we not rather create one standard template for all versions or that
> can be used across all versions?

For many years we have used one standard template for all versions and
will continue to do so. The template referred to in this thread is a
much needed update of that original template. It is proposed that from
version 5 of the guides Jean's draft template should be applied to
updated and new chapters.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writing a chapter

2015-05-26 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message 
From: Marcus Mackaku 
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 15:44:09 +0200

> How does one write a chapter? Do I have to rewrite it (with corrections or
> additional information) and submit it?

Hi Markus,

As mentioned in my previous reply to you, read through the "Resources
for Contributors"
(Note: For whatever reason, there never has been a chapter 4 of
the Contributor Guides.)
They are a bit dated, but should answer most your questions.

Do you want to revise an existing chapter, or start creating new
chapters for a more recent version of the software?

If revising an existing chapter, edit a copy of the previously
"published" chapter and upload it to the appropriate "Review" folder on
the ODF Authors website. Then post back here to say that your revised
chapter is ready for review.

If you want to start a new book for a more recent version of the
software the ODF Authors website and other things will need to be
updated, so please talk to us here first.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Editing and authoring user manuals

2015-05-20 Thread Dave Barton
Just to add my 2¢. Yes, Sigrid is a busy person, but is normally around
and quick to help, allowing for international time zone differences.

On the ODFAuthors site take a look at:
The info is a bit dated and I am trying to find the time to work on it,
but it should give you a reasonable guide to how LO authoring works.

Welcome to the team!


 Original Message 
From: Sigrid Carrera 
Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 14:25:29 +0200

> Hello Marcus,
> I am one of those 2 busy people, that Tom mentioned...
> I have set up an account for you on ODFAuthors - you should have received
> an email with a link to set your password.
> With this account you can even see documents, that aren't published yet.
> You can download any file and modify it and re-upload it to the website.
> If you inform us here about your new uploads, then we can check /
> proofread, what you've done and give you feedback.
> Welcome to the team!
> /Sigrid
> On 20 May 2015 at 12:48, Marcus Mackaku  wrote:
>> How does one edit or author a user manual? Do I have to rewrite/write a
>> chapter and upload/submit it?
>> --
>> Marcus Kgosi
>> --
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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Re: [libreoffice-l10n] guide for scholars

2015-03-28 Thread Dave Barton
John Hart wrote:
> On 03/28/2015 12:48 AM, jonathon wrote:
>> On 26/03/15 10:16, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:
>>> Is there an hybrid pdf version available?
>> What is the virtue of a hybrid PDF?
>> jonathon
> Just wondering, what is a hybrid PDF?  What other file format is is
> hybridized with?
> John

More information in the links at the bottom of that page.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] labels

2015-03-03 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message 
From: Paul Watkins 
Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2015 09:36:40 -0800

> Dear Sir/Madam,
> I have recently had installed Libre Office 4.2 to replace Miccrosoft
> Office.
> While I am generally impressed, I am puzzled and concerned there
> appears to be no standard function under "Labels" to create a variety
> of Avery Labels which for many years has been a standard?
> To have to create each label individually poses a real annoyance as I
> see it under the current Labels tag is annoyance.
> Am I wrong?
> regards
> Paul Watkins

Yes Paul, you are wrong on two counts.

1) This list is for discussions between contributors to the
documentation area of the LibreOffice project. Support questions like
this should be addressed to the "users" mailing list:

2) Detailed information about creating/using labels can be found in
chapter 11 of the Writer Guide:

If you are still experiencing difficulties after studying the above
guide, please ask for help on the "users" list.

Hope this helps.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Math Guide LO Version 4.4

2015-02-17 Thread Dave Barton
PeeWee wrote:
> Hello
> Version 4.4 of the LO Math Guide is now available in the Draft LO4.4 folder
> on the ODF Authors website ready for review and comment.
> Please note the following.
> 1. This guide has been completely rewritten to turn it into a user guide.
> 2. Chapters and appendix added to create some flexibility in the guide.
> 3. I have used the new LO 4.4 chapter template that Jean issued a few weeks
> ago so that you can see what it looks like. This template does need
> refining.
> Regards
> PeterS

Preface typo: Match Guide


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Re: cover art for v4.4 user guides

2015-01-18 Thread Dave Barton
PeeWee wrote:
> Hello
> The link below is an SVG file of the Math Guide front cover opened in Draw. 
> As you can see, it is a bit of a disaster and the conclusion is to me that
> Draw cannot open an SVG file correctly. If there is a method of getting an
> SVG file into Draw and display correctly, then please tell me. Also, when
> you try to insert an SVG into a Draw document you get the message that the
> file cannot be loaded.
> If somebody could send me the individual graphics and which font type and
> sizes to use, I would like to create front and rear covers using Draw.
> Remember that the front and rear covers are full page and scaling should not
> be a problem.
> Exporting a graphic from Draw into SVG creates a graphic with layers and no
> groups.
> Regards
> PeterS

It has always puzzled me why we use SVG to create our cover artwork. Not
that there is anything wrong with SVG per se, but one of our main
principles is to promote the use of ODF, so we should be prepared to
"eat our own dog food" and use Draw.

With this in mind, I have created and uploaded "User Guide Covers (Short
Form).odg" to ODFAuthors:

This (Short Form ~800Kb) is an adaptation of my original file (~2.5Mb)
which included front & back covers + some other possibly useful bits &
pieces. The uploaded file contains 6 slides:
1. A basic front cover.
2. A possible Getting Started front cover.
3. A possible Writer Guide cover.
4. Large module icons in PNG format. (These are probably unnecessary,
since we already have PNG artwork for them, but mine are sized to
provide good resolution on an A4/Letter page.)
5. Header & footer backgrounds with the RGB colors used in previous guides.
6. A basic back cover, using the Getting Started guide as a template.

Even though our design guidelines suggest using the "Vegur" font, I have
used "Liberation Sans" to be in keeping with the standard font used in
the guides.

With the exception of the Header & footer backgrounds, in slide 5, the
slides are not fully converted to Draw objects. There are still some
parts in SVG and PNG. If there is sufficient interest in using Draw for
our user guides cover artwork, I am prepared to spend the time and
effort to convert/recreate all the slide components to Draw objects.

The file made available under the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. It is not a finished or
necessarily an accurate work, but is offered as a starting point for
anyone who chooses to adapt or make use of it.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] New version of Publishing_extensions.odt

2014-11-23 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Jean Weber 
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 09:01:17 +1000

> On Monday, November 3, 2014, Gerhard Weydt 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The document Pulishing_extensions.odt, which is linked to from the LO
>> Extension site home page, is not up-to-date concerning the chapter "Create
>> a Software Project", because the layout of the page has been changed, as
>> Andreas Mantke from the extension site team told me. I have changed the
>> text and replaced the screenshot; changes occur on pages 5 - 7.
>> I also changed the address of the documentation team on page 2 to
>> >>
>> because the given address doesn't exist any
>> longer.
>> I enclose the new version of the document.
>> Kind regards
>> Gerhard Weydt
> The actual mailto part of the address is still wrong, at least in the
> message above. I haven't checked the document itself. --Jean

I have made the simple fix, now I need to upload them to the wiki.
The links from the website are:

I logged into the wiki, but could not find the location of these files
to upload the replacements. Pointers anyone?

I am now back to working on the Resources for Documentation Contributors
Guides, so this info will be useful in this respect.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Typo in the Working with Templates PDF

2014-11-23 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Kristine 
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 04:50:13 -0700

> FYI:
> In the Working with Template PDF  (WG4010), there's a typo: Page 11,
> under the heading, "Creating a template folder."
> Kristine Green

Thanks for the feedback. Sorry for the late response, been hospitalised
for a little while.
If this is the individual chapter from the wiki, could you please check
the currently available copy:
If you still see the typo, please let us know exactly what the typo is.

Regards Dave

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Proposed Change To Writer Guide 4.2 Chapter 12

2014-10-30 Thread Dave Barton
Dave Barton wrote:
> I am in the process of reviewing Hazel's corrections to the published
> chapters. On page 32 of chapter 12 Hazel found a dead link to an
> external website.
> The existing paragraph reads:
> "Each type of source that you use when creating your document will have
> its own unique works cited format. The Modern Language Association (MLA)
> documentation format sets out the recommended order for these citations.
> For example, see";
> I propose that we either:
> 1. Replace the link with
> or some similar source.
> 2. Delete the sentence:
> "For example, see";
> Does anyone have any preference, or alternative suggestions for this? If
> there an no objections, I will update the chapter with the first option.
> Regards
> Dave

I have now updated the published chapter 12 as indicated above. The
paragraph in question now reads:

"Each type of source that you use when creating your document will have
its own unique works cited format. The Modern Language Association (MLA)
documentation format sets out the recommended order for these citations.
For information about MLA and other citation styles see:";

While not required under Purdue University's "Fair Use Policy", I have
sought and obtained permission to include this link in our documentation.


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[libreoffice-documentation] Writer 4.2 Guide individual chapters now updated and republished

2014-10-30 Thread Dave Barton
First a big thank you to Hazel for her hard work and "eagle eye" in
reviewing the previously published chapters and to Milos for providing
the "cleaned XML" copies for me to work with.

I have now incorporated Hazel's corrections into the files provided by
Milos and uploaded ODT copies to ODFAuthors and ODT + PDF copies to the
Documentation wiki.

Hopefully my little edits have not introduced any new XML anomalies.
I have asked Milos if he would be kind enough to run his script over
these revised chapters and if necessary I will replace the ones I have
done with the "cleaned" copies.

This just leaves the full book to be updated, which I will do over the
next couple of days.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Proposed Change To Writer Guide 4.2 Chapter 12

2014-10-27 Thread Dave Barton
You have answered your own question.

Obviously I am subscribed to this list, so please do NOT send copies
directly to me.

Tom Davies wrote:
> Hi :)
> Would it be better to link directly to
> rather than to one school's or university's attempt to reinterpret the
> standard?  On the other hand they seem to only be available for purchase so
> maybe a free reinterpretation is better.
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> On 27 October 2014 18:29, Dave Barton  wrote:
>> Of course the link (as it appears in my email) works. I only repeated
>> the paragraph text (as it appears in the document) to indicate exactly
>> which paragraph I was referring to and how it could be changed.
>> If you had bothered to actually look at the document you would see the
>> full url behind the the visible text is:
>> and that document is no longer available from that site.
>>  Original Message  
>> From: Tom Davies 
>> To: Dave Barton 
>> Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 11:29:27 +
>>> Hi :)Â
>>> The link worked for me.  I think the reason it breaks on some systems
>>> is the full-stop after the link-address.  If you make it
>>> or
>>> (without a full-stop at the end) then it works.Â
>>> However it seems a bit weird to link to a school's website.  I prefer
>>> the "owl" one and it seems to be more relevant to the paragraph.  Maybe
>>> the school's home-page used to show something different.  The whole
>>> "Owl" site looks like it might stay more relevant for longer.Â
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)Â
>>> On 27 October 2014 08:41, Dave Barton >> <>> wrote:
>>> I am in the process of reviewing Hazel's corrections to the published
>>> chapters. On page 32 of chapter 12 Hazel found a dead link to an
>>> external website.
>>> The existing paragraph reads:
>>> "Each type of source that you use when creating your document will
>> have
>>> its own unique works cited format. The Modern Language Association
>> (MLA)
>>> documentation format sets out the recommended order for these
>> citations.
>>> For example, see";
>>> I propose that we either:
>>> 1. Replace the link with
>>> or some similar source.
>>> 2. Delete the sentence:
>>> "For example, see";
>>> Does anyone have any preference, or alternative suggestions for
>> this? If
>>> there an no objections, I will update the chapter with the first
>> option.
>>> Regards
>>> Dave

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Proposed Change To Writer Guide 4.2 Chapter 12

2014-10-27 Thread Dave Barton
Of course the link (as it appears in my email) works. I only repeated
the paragraph text (as it appears in the document) to indicate exactly
which paragraph I was referring to and how it could be changed.

If you had bothered to actually look at the document you would see the
full url behind the the visible text is:
and that document is no longer available from that site.

 Original Message  
From: Tom Davies 
To: Dave Barton 
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 11:29:27 +

> Hi :)Â 
> The link worked for me.  I think the reason it breaks on some systems
> is the full-stop after the link-address.  If you make it
> or
> (without a full-stop at the end) then it works. 
> However it seems a bit weird to link to a school's website.  I prefer
> the "owl" one and it seems to be more relevant to the paragraph.  Maybe
> the school's home-page used to show something different.  The whole
> "Owl" site looks like it might stay more relevant for longer. 
> Regards from
> Tom :)Â 
> On 27 October 2014 08:41, Dave Barton  <>> wrote:
> I am in the process of reviewing Hazel's corrections to the published
> chapters. On page 32 of chapter 12 Hazel found a dead link to an
> external website.
> The existing paragraph reads:
> "Each type of source that you use when creating your document will have
> its own unique works cited format. The Modern Language Association (MLA)
> documentation format sets out the recommended order for these citations.
> For example, see";
> I propose that we either:
> 1. Replace the link with
> or some similar source.
> 2. Delete the sentence:
> "For example, see";
> Does anyone have any preference, or alternative suggestions for this? If
> there an no objections, I will update the chapter with the first option.
> Regards
> Dave

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[libreoffice-documentation] Proposed Change To Writer Guide 4.2 Chapter 12

2014-10-27 Thread Dave Barton
I am in the process of reviewing Hazel's corrections to the published
chapters. On page 32 of chapter 12 Hazel found a dead link to an
external website.

The existing paragraph reads:
"Each type of source that you use when creating your document will have
its own unique works cited format. The Modern Language Association (MLA)
documentation format sets out the recommended order for these citations.
For example, see";

I propose that we either:

1. Replace the link with
or some similar source.

2. Delete the sentence:
"For example, see";

Does anyone have any preference, or alternative suggestions for this? If
there an no objections, I will update the chapter with the first option.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer Guide 4.2 Chapter 12. TOCS and indexes

2014-10-24 Thread Dave Barton
Dave Barton wrote:
> Hi Milos,
> I am still investigating, but I am reasonably sure it is not your script
> that is the problem. I may have unintentionally mislead you by referring
> to "cross-references", the links in your files appear to be correct, but
> I am finding errors in the written text for those links which are not
> the fault of your script. Hazel's files show the correct typed text and
> other changes appear in the "Accept or Reject" dialog, but there is
> nothing showing up there to indicate that she actually made changes to
> correct the page numbers.
> Thanks for the OS and version info. I have set up a VM replication of
> your configuration for testing.
> I have sent you a separate message with a link to a complete set files I
> downloaded from ODFAuthors on October 3rd. when Jean announced their
> publication.
> Best Regards
> Dave

OK some progress.

The issue with the page numbers is resolved by a simple TOC "Update
However, in some instances this causes loss of the document graphics.
I am working around this by updating the TOC before making any other edits.

Hazel's corrected documents indicate the removal of some (not all)
spurious spaces and characters that do not exist in the originally
published files. So I will make Hazel's changes to the cleaned XML files
manually, even though it is more work I am not about to chance a
document merge.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer Guide 4.2 Chapter 12. TOCS and indexes

2014-10-24 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Milos,

I am still investigating, but I am reasonably sure it is not your script
that is the problem. I may have unintentionally mislead you by referring
to "cross-references", the links in your files appear to be correct, but
I am finding errors in the written text for those links which are not
the fault of your script. Hazel's files show the correct typed text and
other changes appear in the "Accept or Reject" dialog, but there is
nothing showing up there to indicate that she actually made changes to
correct the page numbers.

Thanks for the OS and version info. I have set up a VM replication of
your configuration for testing.

I have sent you a separate message with a link to a complete set files I
downloaded from ODFAuthors on October 3rd. when Jean announced their

Best Regards

 Original Message 
From: Milos Sramek 
To: Dave Barton 
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 13:19:22 +0200

> Hi Dave,
> meanwhile I have studied the problem a bit deeper and found out that
> update of the table of contents updates the references too.
> I've also tested the script - it does not change page numbering (in fact
> it cannot do that, it does not enter such tags). Normally, when removing
> a large piece of text, the references are updated, so I cannot imagine a
> situation when the numbering can be corrupted. Maybe a bug somewhere.
> I use Ubuntu and the LO version was probably 4.2.6. I've updated to
> 4.2.7 a week ago.
> Unfortunately, some days ago I deleted the directories with the old and
> manually processed WG42 files, so I do not know when this happened.
> Don't you happen to have the version from October 3-rd? I would like to
> understand the problem and eventually to file a bug.
> best
> Milos
> On 2014-10-23 12:17, Dave Barton wrote:
>> Hi Milos,
>> Don't be too quick to blame your script, it might not be the cause of
>> the issue I have encountered. I copied all the files (the originals,
>> yours and Hazel's corrections) over to another computer with a different
>> version of Writer and now I am seeing something different. I am starting
>> to think that it may have something to do with the OS and versions each
>> of us are using. Let me work on this over the next couple of days and I
>> will report back.
> In the meantime it would be helpful if you and Hazel
>> would be kind enough to let me know details of the OS and LO version you
>> are both using.
>> Thanks for the tip about correcting page references.
>> Regards
>> Dave
>>  Original Message 
>> From: Milos Sramek 
>> To: Dave Barton 
>> Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:57:52 +0200
>>> Dear Dave,
>>> I am sorry to have caused problems. I've even compared the original and
>>> corrected document, did not see any differences. Since LO does not
>>> compare everything, this may be the reason why I did not notice.
>>> I do not know how did this happen. There is, however, a very simple way
>>> how to correct the page references: open a file and insert arbitrary
>>> page reference to heading anywhere - in that moment all incorrect
>>> references change to correct values (looks to be a kind o magic). Then
>>> delete the just inserted reference. So, it is not necessary to manually
>>> incorporate Hazel's correction into the old files again. This would be a
>>> lot of work, and my work will be lost, too.
>>> I can, for course, do that by myself, if you agree.
>>> I have to find the reason. I've been using the script for about a year,
>>> but the problem started to appear only recently.
>>> Sorry for causing problems again
>>> best regards
>>> Milos
>>> On 2014-10-22 22:05, Dave Barton wrote:
>>>> Hazel Russman wrote:
>>>> 8<-- snip -->8
>>>>> Nothing needs to be redone. All that is needed is to use LO's
>>>>> built-in merge facility to merge the published version with the two
>>>>> corrected versions. It will flag up all changes and you can decide
>>>>> which ones to incorporate.
>>>> It appears that we have a bigger problem. I have just started working to
>>>> review/merge your corrections into the "cleaned XML" files provided by
>>>> Milos and I am finding that the "cleaning" process has created many
>>>> errors, especially in cross-references.
>>>> Just one of numerous exampl

Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer Guide 4.2 Chapter 12. TOCS and indexes

2014-10-24 Thread Dave Barton
Googlemail wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Oct 2014 12:17:36 +0200
> Dave Barton  wrote:
>> Hi Milos,
>> Don't be too quick to blame your script, it might not be the cause of
>> the issue I have encountered. I copied all the files (the originals,
>> yours and Hazel's corrections) over to another computer with a different
>> version of Writer and now I am seeing something different. I am starting
>> to think that it may have something to do with the OS and versions each
>> of us are using. Let me work on this over the next couple of days and I
>> will report back. In the meantime it would be helpful if you and Hazel
>> would be kind enough to let me know details of the OS and LO version you
>> are both using.
>> Thanks for the tip about correcting page references.
>> Regards
>> Dave
> I am using LibreOffice on Crux Linux. This is the official Crux 
> version of the package.
> H Russman

Thanks Hazel. I have set up a VM replication of your configuration for


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer Guide 4.2 Chapter 12. TOCS and indexes

2014-10-23 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Milos,

Don't be too quick to blame your script, it might not be the cause of
the issue I have encountered. I copied all the files (the originals,
yours and Hazel's corrections) over to another computer with a different
version of Writer and now I am seeing something different. I am starting
to think that it may have something to do with the OS and versions each
of us are using. Let me work on this over the next couple of days and I
will report back. In the meantime it would be helpful if you and Hazel
would be kind enough to let me know details of the OS and LO version you
are both using.

Thanks for the tip about correcting page references.


 Original Message 
From: Milos Sramek 
To: Dave Barton 
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:57:52 +0200

> Dear Dave,
> I am sorry to have caused problems. I've even compared the original and
> corrected document, did not see any differences. Since LO does not
> compare everything, this may be the reason why I did not notice.
> I do not know how did this happen. There is, however, a very simple way
> how to correct the page references: open a file and insert arbitrary
> page reference to heading anywhere - in that moment all incorrect
> references change to correct values (looks to be a kind o magic). Then
> delete the just inserted reference. So, it is not necessary to manually
> incorporate Hazel's correction into the old files again. This would be a
> lot of work, and my work will be lost, too.
> I can, for course, do that by myself, if you agree.
> I have to find the reason. I've been using the script for about a year,
> but the problem started to appear only recently.
> Sorry for causing problems again
> best regards
> Milos
> On 2014-10-22 22:05, Dave Barton wrote:
>> Hazel Russman wrote:
>> 8<-- snip -->8
>>> Nothing needs to be redone. All that is needed is to use LO's
>>> built-in merge facility to merge the published version with the two
>>> corrected versions. It will flag up all changes and you can decide
>>> which ones to incorporate.
>> It appears that we have a bigger problem. I have just started working to
>> review/merge your corrections into the "cleaned XML" files provided by
>> Milos and I am finding that the "cleaning" process has created many
>> errors, especially in cross-references.
>> Just one of numerous examples: WG4201 - In the originally published file
>> and Hazel's revision the cross-references on Page 23 to page 24 are
>> correct. In the "cleaned" file these cross-references erroneously point
>> to page 26.
>> Since I was responsible for replacing the originally published files
>> with the "cleaned" files on the wiki and ODFAuthors, without checking
>> for these kinds of issues first, I will:
>> a) Revert the files I replaced to the originally published files.
>> b) Review/merge your corrections with the originally published files.
>> c) Publish the corrected files.
>> I think it is more important to have accurate documentation than it is
>> to worry about minor XML inaccuracies.
>> Sorry to have been part of the problem while trying to be part of the
>> solution.
>> Dave

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer Guide 4.2 Chapter 12. TOCS and indexes

2014-10-22 Thread Dave Barton
Hazel Russman wrote:

8<-- snip -->8

> Nothing needs to be redone. All that is needed is to use LO's
> built-in merge facility to merge the published version with the two
> corrected versions. It will flag up all changes and you can decide
> which ones to incorporate.

It appears that we have a bigger problem. I have just started working to
review/merge your corrections into the "cleaned XML" files provided by
Milos and I am finding that the "cleaning" process has created many
errors, especially in cross-references.
Just one of numerous examples: WG4201 - In the originally published file
and Hazel's revision the cross-references on Page 23 to page 24 are
correct. In the "cleaned" file these cross-references erroneously point
to page 26.

Since I was responsible for replacing the originally published files
with the "cleaned" files on the wiki and ODFAuthors, without checking
for these kinds of issues first, I will:
a) Revert the files I replaced to the originally published files.
b) Review/merge your corrections with the originally published files.
c) Publish the corrected files.

I think it is more important to have accurate documentation than it is
to worry about minor XML inaccuracies.

Sorry to have been part of the problem while trying to be part of the


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Accounts at ODFAuthors

2014-10-18 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message 
From: Sigrid Carrera 
To: Dave Barton 
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:06:39 +0200

> Hi Dave,
> Thanks for the screenshots. They do help a  lot.
> In the published folder, please try to change the state from "Externally
> visible" to "Retract". I believe, that should do the trick. Once the file
> is retracted, you should be able to edit/change/replace it with a new file.
> /Sigrid

Thanks Sigrid, I was reluctant to try remove or retract, but "Retract"
works. I tested by retracting and replacing "WG4.2 Preface" and I will
finish the remaining chapters later today. Then I will update the
instructions for this procedure.

Best Regards

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Accounts at ODFAuthors

2014-10-17 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message 
From: Sigrid Carrera 
To: Dave Barton 
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:54:56 +0200

> Hi Dave, 
> can you make some screenshots and send those to me directly? 
> What I suspect, is that you first have to "unpublish" the file, before
> you can replace it and that you're not doing that. 
> You will have to click on the file you want to exchange, then on the
> top right, you have to switch from "externally visible" to "Retract"
> and only after this is done, you can then change the file.
> Sigrid

Hi Sigrid,

Thanks for your quick reply. Here are a couple of screen captures,
together with some written explanation for anyone following the list copy.

The first capture (Feedback.png) is of what I see in the "Feedback" &
"Drafts" folders.

This shows that there is an "Edit" option in the horizontal menu bar
above the chapter name, which does not exist for the "Published" folders.
In the "View" mode there is a "Retract" option under the "Actions" menu
for the "Feedback" & "Drafts" folders, which does not exist for the
"Published" folders.

The second capture (Published.png) is of what I see in the "Published"

This shows that there is no "Edit" option in the horizontal menu bar
above the chapter name for the "Published" folder and no "Retract"
(Unpublish?) option in the "Actions" drop-down menu.
There is an option to "Delete" in the "Actions" menu, but I am unwilling
to test that if there is no obvious way to Add a new, or Replace the
existing file.

I hope this clarifies my situation for you.

Best Regards

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Accounts at ODFAuthors

2014-10-17 Thread Dave Barton
Dave Barton wrote:
>  Original Message 
> From: Sigrid Carrera 
> To: Dave Barton 
> Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:49:16 +0200
>> Hi Dave, 
>> I just checked - you had all the necessary rights. To be on the safe
>> side - I removed the rights, saved the settings, and then re-add the
>> same rights again. 
>> Maybe there is something not clear in the description how to replace
>> an existing document? 
>> So if you could describe step by step what you are doing, maybe we can
>> spot the error and correct then our instructions? 
>> Sigrid
> Thanks Sigrid, that did the trick.
> Dave

Correction: The change enabled me to "Edit" files in the "Feedback" and
"Drafts" folders, but not in the "Published" folder.

What I am trying to do is replace the existing published 4.2 Writer
Guide chapters with the ones with the "cleaned" XML provided by Milos
Sramek as requested by Jean.

While my permissions appear (not tested) to allow me to delete published
files I cannot see how to replace or add new files.

Please ignore previous incomplete copy of the message.

Thanks & Regards

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Accounts at ODFAuthors

2014-10-17 Thread Dave Barton
Dave Barton wrote:
>  Original Message 
> From: Sigrid Carrera 
> To: Dave Barton 
> Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:49:16 +0200
>> Hi Dave, 
>> I just checked - you had all the necessary rights. To be on the safe
>> side - I removed the rights, saved the settings, and then re-add the
>> same rights again. 
>> Maybe there is something not clear in the description how to replace
>> an existing document? 
>> So if you could describe step by step what you are doing, maybe we can
>> spot the error and correct then our instructions? 
>> Sigrid
> Thanks Sigrid, that did the trick.
> Dave

Correction: The change enabled me to "Edit" files in the "Feedback" and
"Drafts" folders, but not in the "Published" folder.

What I am trying to do is replace the existing published 4.2 Writer
Guide chapters with the ones with the "cleaned" XML provided by

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Accounts at ODFAuthors

2014-10-17 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message 
From: Sigrid Carrera 
To: Dave Barton 
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:49:16 +0200

> Hi Dave, 
> I just checked - you had all the necessary rights. To be on the safe
> side - I removed the rights, saved the settings, and then re-add the
> same rights again. 
> Maybe there is something not clear in the description how to replace
> an existing document? 
> So if you could describe step by step what you are doing, maybe we can
> spot the error and correct then our instructions? 
> Sigrid

Thanks Sigrid, that did the trick.



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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Accounts at ODFAuthors

2014-10-14 Thread Dave Barton
At the same time would Jean, Sigrid, or someone with the necessary karma
please upgrade the permissions for my ODFAuthors account (user name =
bmcs) so that I can replace the published chapters of the 4.2 Writer Guide.

Just in case there is any misunderstanding about what I am asking for,
please see this thread:


Joel Madero wrote:
> Someone just requested to get involved today - Gordon Burgess-Parker.
> Best,
> Joel
> On 10/08/2014 07:46 PM, Jean Weber wrote:
>> If anyone is still waiting for an account at ODFAuthors, please speak
>> up. Requests sometimes go astray and don't get dealt with, especially
>> if the admins are busy elsewhere.
>> --Jean

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer 4.2 Guide now compiled and published [Follow Up]

2014-10-13 Thread Dave Barton
Dave Barton wrote:
> Jean Weber wrote:
>> On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Dave Barton  wrote:
>>> Jean Weber wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Milos Sramek  wrote:
>>>>> On 2014-10-03 05:58, Jean Weber wrote:
>>>>>> Lastly, if whoever was "cleaning" the files of internal xml problems
>>>>>> has the time to clean the WG files, that would be great.
>>>>> I have done my homework :). You can find the cleaned version at
>>>> Now if someone else will replace the published ODT files on ODFAuthors
>>>> and the wiki with these...
>>>> (Whoever intends to do it, let us know so we don't have several people
>>>> replacing the same files.)
>>>> --Jean
>>> I would take this on, but I don't see any mechanism for uploading or
>>> replacing files. Do I need additional permissions?
>>> Dave
>> You should be able to do this on both ODFAuthors and the wiki, but if
>> my description below for ODFAuthors doesn't fit what you see, let me
>> know and I'll tell you the alternative way.
>> For ODFAuthors:
>> 1. Log in and go to the page for a chapter, for example
>> 2. On the green bar above the title ("WG4.2 Preface" in this example),
>> you should see "View", "Edit", "Sharing" on the left. Click "Edit".
>> (If you don't see "Edit", then you don't have the necessary
>> permissions.)
>> 3. On the Edit File page, look below the File name for two choices.
>> The second is "Replace with new file". The rest should be
>> straightforward.
>> 4. Repeat for each chapter.
>> The wiki is a bit trickier.
>> 1. Log in, then, in the address bar on your browser, type this and press 
>> Enter:
>> 2. That will take you to a page with the heading File:WG4200-Preface.odt
>> Look about halfway down for a link "Upload a new version of this
>> file". Click that.
>> 3. The Upload file page should be straightforward. Under File changes,
>> you could put something like "Cleaned file."
>> 4. Repeat for each chapter. My usual error is to typo the filename in
>> the browser address bar, so if you get a back that says the file does
>> not exist, that's likely what happened.
>> --Jean
>> P.S. We should put these instructions somewhere, either on the wiki or
>> in the Contributors Guide or both.
> OK I (user name: Bmcs) have "finally" got around to updating the
> Documentation Wiki with Milos's "cleaned" ODT files.
> I am holding off on updating the ODFAuthors "Published" files because:
> a) I don't appear to have the necessary permissions. So I either need
> additional permissions, or the information Jean mentioned about an
> "alternative way".
> b) I see that Hazel has been working her magic on the existing files for
> chapters 1, 2 & 3. Is Hazel prepared to redo these chapters using the
> "cleaned" files?
> c) On Oct 2nd. Klaus-Jürgen Appears to have modified the "Published"
> version of Chapter 13 Working with Master Documents and I don't want to
> overwrite his work.
> Two more questions:
> 1. Does the "cleaning" of the ODF files have any impact the Wiki PDF
> files? Should I create a new set of PDF files from Milos's "cleaned" ODT
> files and upload them.
> 2. Should I update the page count and dates on this Wiki page?:
> When I have worked through the entire process I will add/update the wiki
> and the Contributors Guide.
> Dave

Hazel is still continuing with her corrections to the originally
"Published" files on the ODFAuthors site. Should we now wait until Hazel
has finished and ask Milos to run his "clean up" routine on those files?


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer 4.2 Guide now compiled and published

2014-10-11 Thread Dave Barton
Jean Weber wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Dave Barton  wrote:
>> Jean Weber wrote:
>>> On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Milos Sramek  wrote:
>>>> On 2014-10-03 05:58, Jean Weber wrote:
>>>>> Lastly, if whoever was "cleaning" the files of internal xml problems
>>>>> has the time to clean the WG files, that would be great.
>>>> I have done my homework :). You can find the cleaned version at
>>> Now if someone else will replace the published ODT files on ODFAuthors
>>> and the wiki with these...
>>> (Whoever intends to do it, let us know so we don't have several people
>>> replacing the same files.)
>>> --Jean
>> I would take this on, but I don't see any mechanism for uploading or
>> replacing files. Do I need additional permissions?
>> Dave
> You should be able to do this on both ODFAuthors and the wiki, but if
> my description below for ODFAuthors doesn't fit what you see, let me
> know and I'll tell you the alternative way.
> For ODFAuthors:
> 1. Log in and go to the page for a chapter, for example
> 2. On the green bar above the title ("WG4.2 Preface" in this example),
> you should see "View", "Edit", "Sharing" on the left. Click "Edit".
> (If you don't see "Edit", then you don't have the necessary
> permissions.)
> 3. On the Edit File page, look below the File name for two choices.
> The second is "Replace with new file". The rest should be
> straightforward.
> 4. Repeat for each chapter.
> The wiki is a bit trickier.
> 1. Log in, then, in the address bar on your browser, type this and press 
> Enter:
> 2. That will take you to a page with the heading File:WG4200-Preface.odt
> Look about halfway down for a link "Upload a new version of this
> file". Click that.
> 3. The Upload file page should be straightforward. Under File changes,
> you could put something like "Cleaned file."
> 4. Repeat for each chapter. My usual error is to typo the filename in
> the browser address bar, so if you get a back that says the file does
> not exist, that's likely what happened.
> --Jean
> P.S. We should put these instructions somewhere, either on the wiki or
> in the Contributors Guide or both.

OK I (user name: Bmcs) have "finally" got around to updating the
Documentation Wiki with Milos's "cleaned" ODT files.

I am holding off on updating the ODFAuthors "Published" files because:

a) I don't appear to have the necessary permissions. So I either need
additional permissions, or the information Jean mentioned about an
"alternative way".

b) I see that Hazel has been working her magic on the existing files for
chapters 1, 2 & 3. Is Hazel prepared to redo these chapters using the
"cleaned" files?

c) On Oct 2nd. Klaus-Jürgen Appears to have modified the "Published"
version of Chapter 13 Working with Master Documents and I don't want to
overwrite his work.

Two more questions:

1. Does the "cleaning" of the ODF files have any impact the Wiki PDF
files? Should I create a new set of PDF files from Milos's "cleaned" ODT
files and upload them.

2. Should I update the page count and dates on this Wiki page?:

When I have worked through the entire process I will add/update the wiki
and the Contributors Guide.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer 4.2 Guide now compiled and published

2014-10-05 Thread Dave Barton
Jean Weber wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Milos Sramek  wrote:
>> On 2014-10-03 05:58, Jean Weber wrote:
>>> Lastly, if whoever was "cleaning" the files of internal xml problems
>>> has the time to clean the WG files, that would be great.
>> I have done my homework :). You can find the cleaned version at
> Now if someone else will replace the published ODT files on ODFAuthors
> and the wiki with these...
> (Whoever intends to do it, let us know so we don't have several people
> replacing the same files.)
> --Jean

I would take this on, but I don't see any mechanism for uploading or
replacing files. Do I need additional permissions?


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Base documentation - Forms

2014-10-01 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message   From: Peter Goggin
 To: Documentation@Global.LibreOffice.Org Date:
Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:40:00 +1000

> I have worked through chapter 4 - forms on the Base documentation. Apart
> from a minor concern relating to the descriptions of the various options
> in the drop down menus I found that it was a good document, and would
> certainly be of help to people developing forms.   Owing to a disk crash
>  I have lost a number of e-mails relating to this project.
> Would it be possible for someone  to advise me on
> 1. How to check the chapter back in
> 2. What chapter should I work on next?
> 3. How do I check out any new chapters I work on?
> 4. What are the links for downloading chapters?
> Sorry to be a pain but it has been many years since I have been involve
> in a large team and I do not want to screw anything up.
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> Peter Goggin

Hi Peter,

Anyone who is prepared to "step up to the plate" and help with the
documentation is _NOT_ a pain. Don't concern yourself too much about
"screwing anything up", because everything is fixable and nobody will
get upset about a genuine mistake. Probably the only semi-important
thing to remember is renaming any edited files you check back in. (See
point 1 below.)

You should find answers to most of your questions at:
If you need any further clarification please write back to this list.

In answer to your specific questions:

1. See:
Change the name of the file you are checking back in to include your
initials and editing date. Something like:
(The AC indicates that you reviewed Alan Cook's revision.)
Then change the status here:

2. The choice is yours. If you are interested in working on the Base
Handbook there appears to be plenty to choose from at:

3. See:
Then change the status here:

4. For chapters you want to work on I would recommend the ODF Authors
It appears that Jean has made the Base Handbook chapters "Externally
Visible" (ie. no log-in required), but if you want to retract (ie. work
on) them you will need to log-in first.

I believe the above information to be accurate, but others will
undoubtedly correct any errors I may have made.

I hope this helps.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Re: Manuals in ePub format?

2014-04-09 Thread Dave Barton
It's true that Sigil is very useful for refining the structure of epub
files converted from other file formats. I use Sigil to "clean up" the
many epub files I originally create with Writer. Like others here, I
have experimented with various ways of converting the User Guides to
epub, with much the same results. The issue is that the template used to
create the guides includes many styles and formatting arrangements which
do not readily translate into the limited number of xhtml tags used in
epub documents. While it is definitely possible to work on converted
guides using Sigil, the amount of editing work involved would be more
than that required to recreate the guides in Writer using an epub
"friendly" template of styles. Even then I doubt that the resulting epub
edition would have the same aesthetics and quality of the originals.

If I can find some time (a commodity in short supply) over the next
week, I will try experimenting with some alternative conversion methods
and report back if I find anything that might be worth considering.

Dave wrote:
> Sigil is also a good choice as it allows you to see into the guts of the
> epub file and manually change things. You can easily see the effects of the
> change so if it is not good, you can change it back.
> Shelagh
> On 10 April 2014 04:41, Robinson Tryon  wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 8:04 AM, PeeWee  wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> If you follow the link there is an Test LO iBook in my Dropbox account.
>>> Unfortunately you will need iBooks Author to open the file. This is a
>> free
>>> app you can download and if you are operating Mac OS. Sorry, but it is
>> the
>>> only app I have at the moment that can do this kind of publishing.
>> Thanks for running a test!
>>> This is only a sample and is my idea of how an epub book should look.
>>> Definitely not finished. If you can view it, then you will notice that I
>>> followed the LO template fairly closely, but the template has to change.
>>> Note, Tips and Cautions are presently done as tables in the LO chapter
>>> template, which does create problems when going to epub format.
>>> Let me know what you think. I am now going to investigate a Linux app I
>> can
>>> download to my Ubuntu virtual machine so that I can create a sample using
>>> ePub format.
>> Calibre ( is a FOSS, cross-platform
>> application that runs on Mac, Windows, and GNU/Linux. It might be a
>> good tool for us to prototype epub-compatible templates.
>> Best,
>> --R
>> --
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[libreoffice-documentation] Re: Fwd: Technical writing about LibO 4.2 lists/headings bullet/numbering

2014-01-25 Thread Dave Barton
Hi Dominique,

Thank you, I received the two documents you sent to me.

I have made the English edition of your document publicly available
under the tutorials and how-to section of the ODF Authors website:
I will try and find time to review it over the next few days.

Sophie: There doesn't appear to be a French section on the ODF Authors
website. Can you suggest a suitable location to place the French edition
of Dominique's document?

Dominique: Unless you need to send attachments, please address
communications to this list. Then others, with much better documentation
skills than myself, can help with this.


 Original Message   From:
 To: Dave Barton  Date:
Sat, 25 Jan 2014 16:20:53 +0100

> Thanks to make the doc available to right team. The English version
> surely needs a language check...
> Regards
> Dominique Boutry
>  Message original 
> Sujet:Technical writing about LibO 4.2 lists/headings bullet/numbering
> Date :Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:16:31 +0100
> De : 
> Pour, Sophie
> Hi,
> I wrote the attached monograph about the tricky "LibO 4.2 lists/headings 
> bullet/numbering" subject (FR and EN).
> Please feel free to read and react, to push it at the right place of the 
> documentation, to use it and to make concerned people aware of it.
> Thanks
> Dominique Boutry

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Technical writing about LibO 4.2 lists/headings bullet/numbering

2014-01-25 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:16:31 +0100

> Hi,
> I wrote the attached monograph about the tricky "LibO 4.2 lists/headings
> bullet/numbering" subject (FR and EN).
> Please feel free to read and react, to push it at the right place of the
> documentation, to use it and to make concerned people aware of it.
> Thanks
> Dominique Boutry

Hi Dominique,

Thank you very much for your work on this.

Unfortunately, this mailing list server strips attachments. Can you
upload the documents to a file sharing server and post back with a link
to them. Alternatively, send them directly to me and I will make them
available to the documentation team.

Kindest Regards

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Conditional Styles - FAQ

2013-10-20 Thread Dave Barton
C wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Dave Barton wrote:
>> Please disregard my previous post. I downloaded the French sample
>> document and tracked down the way that Conditional Styles actually work.
>> I will try rewriting the article to make the explanation a little clearer.
>> Apologies for the list noise.
> I wouldn't say it's list noise.  It's good to know that members of the
> team are working on stuff. A little chatter about what we are doing is
> a good thing... reminds the rest of us that there are things that need
> doing :-) and that we're not working on things in isolation.
> Hopefully I'll be back at it myself in the coming week (now that I
> finally seem to have stable internet access again).  I'll pick up
> where I left of with translating the Impress FAQ over from French.
> Clayton

Hi Clayton,

Echoing Jean's earlier comment "Great to see you back here" :)

I "think" I have now got my head around conditional styles and updated
FAQ156 with English screen captures & a sample document. I have tried to
enhance, rather than rewrite, the original author's article. I would
appreciate it if anyone can spare a moment to review my changes.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Conditional Styles - FAQ

2013-10-20 Thread Dave Barton

Please disregard my previous post. I downloaded the French sample
document and tracked down the way that Conditional Styles actually work.

I will try rewriting the article to make the explanation a little clearer.

Apologies for the list noise.


Dave Barton wrote:
> I am trying to update the EN.FAQ Wiki article on Conditional Styles
> ( with English screen
> captures. To make the captured dialog reasonably match the text I
> followed the "how to" instructions. I name the new style "TextLevel2"
> (sans quotes) and switch to the "Condition" tab and select the "2nd
> Outline Level" context. At this point the "how to" text says:
> "in the Paragraph Styles chose TextLevel2"
> Even with the "All Styles" option selected the new "TextLevel2" style
> does not appear in the list of Paragraph Styles. I have tried examples
> from several other resources, including the LO Writer Guide chapter 7,
> and any newly created style never appears in the list of Paragraph
> Styles under the Condition tab.
> Am I missing something, or have I stumbled onto a regression in 4.1.2?
> Regards
> Dave

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[libreoffice-documentation] Conditional Styles - FAQ

2013-10-20 Thread Dave Barton

I am trying to update the EN.FAQ Wiki article on Conditional Styles
( with English screen
captures. To make the captured dialog reasonably match the text I
followed the "how to" instructions. I name the new style "TextLevel2"
(sans quotes) and switch to the "Condition" tab and select the "2nd
Outline Level" context. At this point the "how to" text says:

"in the Paragraph Styles chose TextLevel2"

Even with the "All Styles" option selected the new "TextLevel2" style
does not appear in the list of Paragraph Styles. I have tried examples
from several other resources, including the LO Writer Guide chapter 7,
and any newly created style never appears in the list of Paragraph
Styles under the Condition tab.

Am I missing something, or have I stumbled onto a regression in 4.1.2?


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer FAQ: section on printing

2013-10-18 Thread Dave Barton
Hazel Russman wrote:
> This is now complete. The last item has several French screenshots.

I have replaced screen captures for the last item (144) with English
equivalents and replaced the sample document with a (slightly modified)
English version.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer FAQ: table section

2013-10-16 Thread Dave Barton
Hazel Russman wrote:
> This is now edited. Items 158 on creating tables without a following
> paragraph marker, 161 on adding and deleting columns, and 170 on
> transferring formulae all have French screenshots that need to be
> replaced.

I have replaced screen captures for 158 & 161 with English equivalents.
The existing image in 170 is language neutral.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer FAQ

2013-10-14 Thread Dave Barton
Hazel Russman wrote:
> I have now edited the section on TOCs and indexes. Two sub-sections
> need new screenshots: 145 on new occurrences of index terms, and 108 on
> clickable links. Alternatively it might be an idea to remove the
> latter, as current and recent versions of LO make all TOC entries
> clickable by default.

New screen captures added.

For 108 I think it is sufficient to have the highlighted comment "Since
3.5 this functionality is available by default." or maybe reword: "Since
3.5 TOC links are clickable by default."


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer FAQ: section on autocorrection

2013-10-13 Thread Dave Barton
Hazel Russman wrote:
> I have edited all of these. The first item is a general one on
> autocorrection and includes a French screenshot that will need to be
> replaced.

I have replaced this with an English screen capture, but I am not sure
about the translation of the image caption: "Options désactivées en
cours de saisie mais disponible par le menu Format". It has been many
decades since my schooldays and French was never a subject in which I
excelled. So I have given the new image a much simpler English caption:
"AutoCorrect dialog available through the Format menu options".


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer FAQ: section on Opening, etc. of files completed.

2013-10-13 Thread Dave Barton
Hazel Russman wrote:
> Thanks for your help, Smaug! This section is now complete except that
> the last two items need new English screenshots.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Writer FAQ: page numbering section

2013-10-13 Thread Dave Barton
Hazel Russman wrote:
> Subsection 104 on how to begin page numbering at a higher value than 1
> has two French screenshots that need to be replaced.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Calc Guide chapter 5 - Using graphics in Calc

2013-06-19 Thread Dave Barton
Sorry John - Forgot normal reply does not go to list.

John Smith wrote:
> Hi This chapter has been uploaded to ODF and placed in the Calc
> Drafts 4.0 folder here; 
>  Wiki pages updated.
> Regards Johns

Hi John,

All looks good to me, with one small exception under Anchoring graphics:

Anchor to page
Anchoring a graphic to the page allows it to be positioned in a specific
place on the page. The graphic does not move when cells are added or
deleted. This is equivalent to an absolute reference. The graphic will
always stay by cell B10 if that is where it is placed.

I have tried to read this from an inexperienced user viewpoint. The
reference to a specific cell (ie. B10) might be a little confusing and I
suggest changing the last sentence:

The graphic will always stay in the position on the page where it is placed.

Thanks for all your good work.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Unable to log in to ODFAuthors?

2013-03-05 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Gary Schnabl 
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2013 07:27:43 -0500

> My "Detroit" username did not pass muster.
> Gary
> On 3/4/2013 11:48 PM, Jean Weber wrote:
>> I've received reports that people can't log in to the updated
>> ODFAuthors website; they're getting a message that their username
>> cannot be found. it's an issue with the migration of the user accounts
>> to the new site and will be fixed asap.
>> Meanwhile, my login works, so I should be able to create accounts for
>> active individuals who ask, while we're waiting for Andreas (our site
>> administrator) to be able to add the full list of accounts.
>> So... if you're actively involved, but you can't log in, let me know.
>> Please tell me what username you want; you'll be able to set your
>> preferred password later.
>> --Jean

Likewise for my "bmcs" user name.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Calc guide 3.3

2013-02-24 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Leo Moons 
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 14:48:46 +0100

> Hello,
> As we are upgrading the translated Calc guide from 3.3, I would like to
> have a copy of the Calc guide 3.3 for We have a
> translated version, but would like to have the English version so we can
> compare the English version with the later version so we can more easily
> spot the differences.
> Can anyone send me a pointer to where the find it, preferably the
> different chapters in odt format.
> Many thanks
> Best regards

Hi Leo,

The English Calc 3.3 Guide is available from the ODF Authors site:


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Please help with final checking of Writer Guide v3.6

2013-01-22 Thread Dave Barton

I have completed my read-through.

Page 365:
2) On the Name and Path of Master Document dialog (Figure 370):

It looks like sub points g) h) i) j) should be a) b) c) d)

No other obvious errors found.

Suggestions for future updates:

Page 113:
4) On the Page page of the Page Style dialog box
Change "Page page" to read "Page tab".

Page 114:
2) On the Text Flow page of the Paragraph dialog box
Change "Text Flow page" to read "Text Flow tab".

There are several other instances where " page" has been
used in place of " tab". Maybe I have missed some prior
consensus on the use of the term dialog "page" in place dialog "tab",
but it is not being consistently applied to this and other documentation.

Page 123:
2) Click the Link Frames icon on the object bar.
Change "object bar" to read "Frames toolbar"


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Please help with final checking of Writer Guide v3.6

2013-01-22 Thread Dave Barton

Page 273:
2) Press and hold the Alt key while using the arrow keys.

It looks like sub points i) j) should be a) b)


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] LibreOffice 3.6 Writer Guide. Preface and Chapter 1

2013-01-21 Thread Dave Barton
Title page needs to be changed from 3.5 to 3.6


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Need information for Windows and OS X OS's

2012-10-29 Thread Dave Barton
Dan Lewis wrote:
> I need to know the full path for the hsqldb.jar file for Windows and
> OS X. I already have it for Linux:
> /opt/libreoffice3.6/program/classes/hsqldb.jar. Since there are more
> than on location for this file, search for:
> program/classes/hsqldb.jar. Only one path will appear if you have one
> LO (of AOO) version on your computer. I would like to have this
> fairly quickly since I need it for the last part of chapter 3 of the
> Base Guide. I should be uploading the latest rewrite of this chapter
> by Wednesday (possibly sooner).
> --Dan

Windows 7 (64 bit)
 C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 3.6\program\classes

Windows XP, Vista & 7 (32 bit)
C:\Program Files\LibreOffice 3.6\program\classes


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Checking Draw 3.5 Guide?

2012-10-28 Thread Dave Barton


I received the following private email.
The page numbers Martin references are the PDF count, not the document
page numbers.
I am not sure these are exactly the type of errors you wanted checked
for publication, but this might be useful for future edits.


 Original Message  
From: Martin Thuresson 
To: Dave Barton 
Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2012 09:11:50 +0100

> Hi
> All figures in document seams ok, none missing.
> Figure 3 seams to be missing 4 pixels on the left side of the image.
> I have not found any ref errors, how ever i have only checked the refs
> where the figure is not on the same page.
> Missing icons:
> On Page 117 under "Graphic filter toolbar" the text  "Filter icon" is
> not followed by any icon.
> On Page 154 "Glue Point Relative" is followed by a white space i would
> expect an icon.
> Icon position:
> In these cases the ICON(image) is before the text "icon" in all other
> cases the text icon is before the image of the icon.
> It makes more sense to me to allways have the text icon befor the image.
> Example: "Lines and Arrows icon (ICON) "
> Page 32 Lines and Arrows (ICON) icon
> Page 86 Styles and Formatting (ICON) icon
> Page 130 To 3D (ICON) icon
> Page 134 To 3D (ICON) icon
> Brgs
> //Martin

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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Checking Draw 3.5 Guide?

2012-10-27 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Jean Weber 
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 18:47:06 +1000

> Would be good if someone has time to check the PDF (NOT the ODT) for
> the Draw 3.5 Guide for glaring errors before I do the printed version.
> By "glaring errors" I mean things like this:
> * Missing figures (blank spaces where figures should be)
> * Missing x-refs (message similar to "Error: reference not found")
> * Wrong figure x-refs (pointing to the wrong figure)
> * Bad page breaks (for example, big gaps at bottom of a page)
> Send a note to this list, or directly to me, if you spot anything. The
> file is here:
> Thanks! (More than one person can do this; we each see different errors.)
> --Jean

Final detailed read-through completed. No additional errors found.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] LibreOffice 3.4 Writer Guide

2012-06-29 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Dan 
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 18:53:54 -0400

> Dave Barton wrote:
>>  Original Message  
>> From: Bob Marquez 
>> To:
>> Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 13:42:51 -0700
>>> To Whom It May Concern,
>>> I just purchased LibreOffice 3.4 Writer Guide but I do not have an idea
>>> how to get or download it.  Please help. Thanks.
>> Hi Bob,
>> You haven't said what kind of media (print or electronic) delivery you
>> ordered or who you ordered from.
>> Printed copies of the LibreOffice guides are available from
>> (eg.
>> If you purchased from Lulu log into your Lulu account and follow up your
>> order. Otherwise, contact whoever you placed your order with.
>> Free electronic (ODT & PDF) copies of the guides are available from:
>> Dave
>  For those using Ubuntu as their OS, several of the user guides for
> LibreOffice are also available on the Ubuntu Software Center for $2.95.
> --Dan

Hi Dan,

Yes, I noticed Bob was as Linux user after I posted. Ubuntu is not my
distro of choice, so I wasn't aware that LibreOffice guides were
available from the Ubuntu Software Center. Thanks for the heads up.


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Re: [libreoffice-documentation] LibreOffice 3.4 Writer Guide

2012-06-29 Thread Dave Barton
 Original Message  
From: Bob Marquez 
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 13:42:51 -0700

> To Whom It May Concern,
> I just purchased LibreOffice 3.4 Writer Guide but I do not have an idea
> how to get or download it.  Please help. Thanks.

Hi Bob,

You haven't said what kind of media (print or electronic) delivery you
ordered or who you ordered from.

Printed copies of the LibreOffice guides are available from
If you purchased from Lulu log into your Lulu account and follow up your
order. Otherwise, contact whoever you placed your order with.

Free electronic (ODT & PDF) copies of the guides are available from:


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