[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 Always liked ZZ Top, funny guys.

Me, too! Mr. Gibbons is a prime example of the fact that
playing an instrument doesn't have to be complicated to
be effective, so to speak. It seems to me Billy most of the
time plays ever so slightly, how say, behind the beat. His
rhythmic patterns often are rather hypnotic, as in that 
Pincushion. Those too things make his playing rather addictive.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread Irmeli

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 Personal insights, in one's own words, were always
 welcomed by the TM teachers I had. MMY's words
 were often cited, but never in the context of 
 putting down a personal insight.
 Occasionally a personal insight would not be in
 accord with MMY's teaching, but in those cases
 the differences were explained tactfully (and
 conceptually, rather than with regard to the use
 of specific terms). There was no insistence on
 parroting by the students, and the teachers
 would freely use their own expressions to
 elucidate concepts.

In Finland we had also some TM-teachers of this type, but they  stopped 
teaching rather earlier on. All of them apparently experienced some conflict 
with the TM-movement.

And I did not get many times corrected before I learned to not express my 
doubts or differing view. And I was not the only one, who behaved this way. 
Typically when the teacher asked for peoples' comments after a tape, no one had 
anything to say. At least in my case this was because of I felt I could not 
express my true perception.

The most severe problems for me appeared after the siddhi techniques came on 
the agenda. I was not against those techniques in principle. In my case it was 
more about that I did not want to start practicing them myself. This was 
because the basic technique worked so well for me. It got spontaneously 
transformed  to something very powerful, and that transformative process has 
continued. I sensed very clearly an inner guidance and it was very important 
for me to stay truthful to it, and follow it.
There was no understanding for this among the active TM-teachers. I felt myself 
to be a target of continuing harassment by the teachers in this regard. They 
kept on insisting to me like parrots that I have to learn the siddhis, because 
Maharishi has said that full enlightenment is not possible without them. I 
however tolerated this even if it felt as an uncomfortable nuisance.
Another problem was the intellectual  dishonesty and fanaticism that started to 
appear after the siddhi-techniques. My meeting with the first new siddhas in 
the end of the 70's was almost traumatic for me.

I was in a gathering were all the others had recently done the first 
siddhi-course in Finland. They were very excited about it. They told me how 
they will soon be levitating, walking through the walls etc. I commented that I 
doubt it. I'm rather certain that they will not be capable of doing it. However 
I commented that , if they felt their meditation had become more effective and 
activated better and deeper stress releases it was a good enough reason to 
continue with the technique, even if I think they will not levitate. This 
comment made these people furious. They threatened to throw me out of the room, 
if I don't stop my negative attitude. I did shut my mouth, but my attitude did 
not change.
Silently in my mind I also thought that Maharishi must himself  believe in 
this. He must be in some ways be very naïve and stupid. That was my first 
observation of this type. Much more was to come during the following 15 years I 
still kept on participating in some TM-activities , although in a rather 
detached way.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

Fucksy Lady:


[FairfieldLife] World's glaciers continue to melt at historic rates

2010-01-30 Thread do.rflex

*  Environment
*  Glaciers
World's glaciers continue to melt at historic rates
Latest figures show the world's glaciers are continuing to melt so fast
that many will disappear by the middle of this century

ing-service-figures#start-of-comments 25 January 2010
  [Aerial view of the Siachen Glacier]
An aerial view of the Siachen glacier, which traverses the Himalayan

dividing India and Pakistan. Glaciers are seen as a leading indicator of

much the planet is heating up. Photograph: Channi Anand/AP

Glaciers http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/glaciers  across the
globe are continuing to melt so fast that many will disappear by the
middle of this century, the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) said
today. http://www.geo.unizh.ch/wgms/mbb/sum08.html

The announcement of the latest annual results from monitoring in nine
mountain ranges on four continents comes as doubts have been cast on how
much climate scientists have exaggerated the problem of glacier melt
lt-claims-false-ipcc , which is seen as a leading indicator of how much
the planet is heating up.

Last week the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) apologised
rs-mistake  for a paragraph in its four-volume 2007 report which
warned there was a very high risk that the Himalayan glaciers, on
which at least half a billion of the world's poorest people depend for
water, would disappear by 2035.

However the director of the WGMS, Professor Wilfried Haeberli
http://www.icsu-fags.org/ps09wgms.htm , said  the latest global
results indicated most glaciers were continuing to melt at historically
high rates.

The melting goes on, said Haeberli. It's less extreme than in years
[immediately before] but what's really important is the trend of 10
years or so, and that shows an unbroken acceleration in melting.

Haeberli also repeated his warning that many glaciers are set to
disappear in the next few decades, due to an expected continuation in
the rise of global average temperatures. The most vulnerable glaciers
were those in lower mountain ranges like the Alps and the Pyrenees in
Europe, in Africa, parts of the Andes in South and Central America, and
the Rockies in North America, said Haeberli.

We are on the path of the highest scenario [of global warming] in
reality, but if you take a medium scenario in the Alps about 70% will be
gone by the middle of the century, and mountain ranges like the Pyrenees
may be completely ice-free.

Glaciers at much higher altitudes - particularly in the Himalayas and
Alaska, where it was colder and global warming could increase snowfall -
could grow in the short term and were likely to last centuries, said
Haeberli. But even for the large glaciers, for a realistic [mid-range
warming] scenario, it's centuries, not millennia, and not many
centuries, he added.

The WGMS records data for nearly 100 of the world's approximately
160,000 glaciers, including 30 reference glaciers, with data going
back to at least 1980. Scientists also use methods from geology to
photos and travel journals and other data to estimate glacier sizes
further back in history.

The latest preliminary figures for 2007-08 show the average reduction in
thickness across all the 96 glaciers was nearly half a metre, and since
1980 they have collectively lost an average of 13m thickness. During
that year 30 of the 96 glaciers gained in mass.

Two years ago the WGMS preliminary figures revealed the biggest
melt-rate in one year on record
e1 . The figure was later revised so it was slightly less
catastrophic than the other extreme year in 2002-03, said Haeberli.

The IPCC uses WGMS data throughout its report, but the offending
statement regarding 2035 was blamed on a quote from a scientist given to
a journalist, and never presented in a peer-reviewed journal.


[FairfieldLife] After Meeting With Obama, Republicans Adjust to Newly-torn Assholes

2010-01-30 Thread TurquoiseB
After Meeting With Obama, Republicans Adjust to Newly-torn Assholes

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) - Congressional Republicans emerged
from their unprecedented session with President Barack Obama today
feeling positive about the experience, but still adjusting to their
newly-torn assholes.

On the whole, we felt that it was a worthwhile exercise, said House
Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH). But clearly, each of us left with
twice as many assholes as we went in with.

Congressional observers had doubted that it was possible for there to be
more assholes in the Republican caucus than there already were, but the
President proved them wrong, Rep. Boehner said.
The House Minority Leader said that his colleagues were amenable to
another session with the President in the future, but next time it
won't be televised and we won't be there.

[FairfieldLife] Surprise! Income Inequality Bad for Your Health. And the Nation's

2010-01-30 Thread do.rflex

The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Us StrongerBy every measure
that matters, relatively equal nations far outperform nations where
income and wealth concentrate at the top. This powerful new book
explores these contrasts — and explains them.

If you want to know why one country does
better or worse than another,
the first thing to look at is the extent of inequality.

  [The Spirit Level] 
http://bbpbooks.teachingforchange.org/book/9781608190362 A review of
Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, The Spirit Level: Why Greater
Equality Makes Us Stronger. Bloomsbury Press, 2009

Huge numbers of people in the United States hold prescriptions
for anti-depressants. Huge numbers of other Americans
self-medicate — through illegal drugs and alcohol. Huge
numbers of Americans, in other words, are feeling plenty of pain. Why?
What's causing all this anguish?

Our conventional wisdom blames the grind of our always-on-the-go modern
existence, the stresses and strains of life in the fast lane. The
conventional wisdom, suggests this splendid new book, has that
half-right. Stress is indeed doing us in. But that stress doesn't
come from modern life.

That stress comes from inequality, the vast  gaps in income and wealth
that so divide us.

How can the authors of The Spirit  Level, Richard Wilkinson and Kate
Pickett, be so sure? They've crunched the  numbers. All of them, you
might say.

These two distinguished epidemiologists have identified nearly every
social problem where reliable data let us compare how well — or
poorly — the major nations of the developed world are delivering a
decent quality of life.

Epidemiologists study the health of populations, and Wilkinson and
Pickett have, naturally enough, included in their comparisons all the
basic health yardsticks. In which developed nations, they ask, do people
live the longest? What nations show the highest levels of obesity? Where
in the developed world do people suffer the most mental illness?

But the comparisons don't stop there. In which nations, Wilkinson
and Pickett wonder, do children do the best in school? Where do people
born at the bottom of the economic ladder have the best shot at climbing
up? Which nations send the most people to prison? Have the most teenage
moms? Exhibit the highest levels of trust? Tally the most homicides?

Wilkinson and Pickett answer all these questions — and many more.
And their answers fascinate. The nations of the developed world, so
alike on the trappings of daily life, turn out to differ enormously on
the markers that measure how well we lead our lives.

People in some developed nations, the data show, can be anywhere from
three to ten times more likely than people in other developed nations to
be obese or get murdered, to mistrust others or have a pregnant teen
daughter, to become a drug addict or escape from poverty.

And the nations that do the best,  on yardstick after yardstick, all
turn out to share one basic trait. They all share  their wealth.

If you want to know why one country does better or worse than
another, as Wilkinson and Pickett note simply, the first thing
to look at is the extent of inequality.

The United States, the developed world's most unequal major nation,
ranks at or near the bottom on every quality-of-life indicator that
Wilkinson and Pickett examine. Portugal and the UK, nations with levels
of inequality that rival the United States, rank near that same bottom.

Japan and the Scandinavian nations, the world's most equal major
developed nations, show the exact opposite trend line. They all rank, on
yardstick after yardstick, at or near the top.

And we see the same pattern within the United States. America's most
equal states — New Hampshire, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Vermont
— all consistently outperform the least equal, states like
Mississippi and Alabama.

People in more equal societies simply live longer, healthier, and
happier lives than people in more unequal societies. And not just poor
people in these societies, Wilkinson and Pickett emphasize continually,
but all people.

If you have a middle class income in an unequal society, you're
going to be more stressed and less healthy — mentally and physically
— than someone with the same income in a more equal society.

So what makes inequality so potent a curse? Wilkinson and Pickett
explore the impact of inequality from all sorts of angles.
Sociologically, for instance, they explain how the stresses of a
more unequal society — of low social status — have penetrated
family life and relationships, how inequality undercuts the sense
and reality of community and fosters, in their place, suspicion and

We tend to choose our friends from among our near equals and have
little to do with those much richer or much poorer, the two authors
note. And when we have less to do with other kinds of people,
it's harder for us to trust them.

The wider the economic gaps  between us, The Spirit Level helps us
understand, the more social 

[FairfieldLife] Re: First Sex Robot

2010-01-30 Thread off_world_beings

The Repblicans will be all for it because, if it is good enough, it
could cut down on unwanted babies, therefore abortions, and the
Democrats will be all for it because it could cut down on the spread of

I wonder if there will be a fight to get robot marriage rights, just
like the fight over gay marriage rights? Can you marry a robot?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , It's just a ride
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 http://tinyurl.com/ycfx7q9 http://tinyurl.com/ycfx7q9
 Life isn't like a bowl of cherries or peaches..
 it's more like a jar of jalapenos.
 What you do today,
 might burn your ass tomorrow.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Economy soars 5.7 percent, fastest in 6 years

2010-01-30 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  I think John is falling for propagandist financial news.  Bill Gates
  said the other day that in no way are we in a recovery and it will
  years to get out.  I think the US will never get out of it.  It will
  fall instead or be taken over by its creditors.  Have you begun
  on your Mandarin?

 I'd rather listen to a successful businessman whose company regularly
makes a profit than to a community organiser whose loss (ie, deficit)
is the largest in history...be that of a corporation's or a country's
budget: $1.8 trillion.

The Republicans made this debt. Obama will pay it off - just like
Clinton paid off your last debt. Histroy will show this. Also, Obama has
accounted for the costs of your 2 wars, which Bush hid from the public
and it was not accounted for in the budget. under Bush.


[FairfieldLife] Re: After Meeting With Obama, Republicans Adjust to Newly-torn Assholes

2010-01-30 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 After Meeting With Obama, Republicans Adjust to Newly-torn Assholes

 WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) - Congressional Republicans emerged
 from their unprecedented session with President Barack Obama today
 feeling positive about the experience, but still adjusting to their
 newly-torn assholes.

 On the whole, we felt that it was a worthwhile exercise, said House
 Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH). But clearly, each of us left
 twice as many assholes as we went in with.

 Congressional observers had doubted that it was possible for there to
 more assholes in the Republican caucus than there already were, but
 President proved them wrong, Rep. Boehner said.
 The House Minority Leader said that his colleagues were amenable to
 another session with the President in the future, but next time it
 won't be televised and we won't be there.

That's not far off the mark:

Republicans dismayed by Obama's strong performance, say it was a 
`mistake' to let cameras roll

House Republicans were fired up and ready to go for their conversation
with President Obama at their annual retreat today. According to the New
York Times, members of the conservative Republican House Conference said
they were itching to quiz the president
-with-obama/?partner=rssemc=rss  and present their policy ideas rather
than listen to another lofty presidential address.

Although such sessions generally occur behind closed doors, Republicans
agreed to open it up after the White House said it was willing to do so.
However, after Obama's strong performance, some Republicans
http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0110/32225.html  are now
regretting that decision
http://twitter.com/RussertXM_NBC/status/8380253627 . As Luke Russert
reported on MSNBC:

RUSSERT: Tom Cole — former head of the NRCC, congressman from
Oklahoma — said, He scored many points. He did really

Barack Obama, for an hour and a half, was able to refute every single
Republican talking point used against him on the major issues of the
day. In essence, it was almost like a debate where he was front and
center for the majority of it. …

One Republican said to me, off the record, behind closed doors: It
was a mistake that we allowed the cameras to roll like that. We should
not have done that.

Watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW9V2chiRCk

Accepting the invitation to speak at the House GOP retreat may turn
out to be the smartest decision the White House has made in months
n.php , writes the Atlantic's Marc Ambinder. Debating a
law professor is kind of foolish — the Republican House Caucus has
managed to turn Obama's weakness — his penchant for nuance —
into a strength. Plenty of Republicans asked good and probing questions,
but Mike Pence, among others, found their arguments simply demolished by
the president.
Update Ezra Klein sarcastically writes, Apparently, transparency
_time.html  sounds better in press releases than it does in

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Vote for Consciousness-Based Education at Change.org

2010-01-30 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , TurquoiseB no_re...@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Hugo richardhughes103@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , It's just a ride
bill.hicks.all.a.ride@ wrote:
   I have many friends who ran for the Natural Law Party, who follow
   every bit of Maharishi Joytish, Maharishi Ayurveda, MVVT, whatever
   they can afford, who are expecting me to come in the Spring to IA
   and are used to my supporting them on IA.  I dare not speak my
   heresy to them. It is lonely when you disengage yourself from the
   Matrix. Suddenly it's just you and billions of other souls. You
   no longer feel a kinship with a few thousand hypnotized people.
  And the further away you get the stranger it seems, until one
  day you run into an old friend and they'll say something like
  I got some nature support today and a shiver runs down the
  back of your neck. Was I ever really like this, you'll wonder.

 Get 32 years away from it, and there are no more

Why do you post on FFL Turq? You are not interested in the stated topics
of this chat group.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Vote for Consciousness-Based Education at Change.org

2010-01-30 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@...

 On Jan 28, 2010, at 6:07 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
  TM does not require a lifestyle change. It never did. I know many
people who got into CC or more just with TM (not even vegetarian, or
learning asanas, etc.)
  I personally, did not learn TM for TM, I wanted the sidhis from the
get-go. And it is fantastic !

 Hey off, if you want another set of em,

 you can have mine. :)

Haven't done them in years.

That's obvious.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  Always liked ZZ Top, funny guys.
 Me, too! Mr. Gibbons is a prime example of the fact that
 playing an instrument doesn't have to be complicated to
 be effective, so to speak. It seems to me Billy most of the
 time plays ever so slightly, how say, behind the beat. His
 rhythmic patterns often are rather hypnotic, as in that 
 Pincushion. Those too things make his playing rather addictive.

Gibbons, is that the fellow who smokes a cigar ? :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Vote for Consciousness-Based Education at Change.org

2010-01-30 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com , Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
  On Jan 28, 2010, at 6:07 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
   TM does not require a lifestyle change. It never did. I know many
 people who got into CC or more just with TM (not even vegetarian, or
 learning asanas, etc.)
   I personally, did not learn TM for TM, I wanted the sidhis from the
 get-go. And it is fantastic !
  Hey off, if you want another set of em,
  you can have mine. :)
 Haven't done them in years.
 That's obvious.

HaHa ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

   Always liked ZZ Top, funny guys.
  Me, too! Mr. Gibbons is a prime example of the fact that
  playing an instrument doesn't have to be complicated to
  be effective, so to speak. It seems to me Billy most of the
  time plays ever so slightly, how say, behind the beat. His
  rhythmic patterns often are rather hypnotic, as in that 
  Pincushion. Those too things make his playing rather addictive.
 Gibbons, is that the fellow who smokes a cigar ? :-)


[FairfieldLife] Attn Curtis: 8-Year-Old Blues Guitar Prodigy Stuns Audiences

2010-01-30 Thread do.rflex

Not your ordinary second-grader - Eight-year-old Tallan Latz, of Elkhorn, is 
billed as the youngest performing blues guitarist in the world. and is 
playing gigs and racking up endorsement deals.  

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGTfDf4b5oE

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread WillyTex

  Again the same movement which removed bad news 
  so they could read only Age Of Enlightenment news 
  is using this guy while ignoring his actual 
  artistic achievements... 
 Oh, my. Did you fall for Barry's recent lies, 
Apparently Curtis fell for Barry's lies, again. Does 
that make Curtis a liar? What is up with these guys 
that insist on lying about the Maharishi and his 

It just doesn't make any sense.

So, at the risk of 'demonizing' Hugo and Curtis, it's 
obvious niether of them know what the term 'yagya' 
means. Why do these clowns insist on using Sanskrit
terms, when it's obvious they can't read or write a 
sinle phrase in Sanskrit?

Yagya means 'sacrificial act' in Sanskrit. Everyone 
performs yagyas, all day, and we're all sacrificing 
all the time. TMer's however, know that the real 
yagya is to sacrifice your thoughts and to transcend.

Every act has an effect and every act produces a 
reaction. That's the law of physics. Every act in 
creation is a yagya! What Hugo and Curtis don't know 
is exactly what effect thoughts have on the cosmos. 

Gawd, this is so elementary! 

But it's one thing not to understand the laws of 
physics, but how can anyone not know about Billy 

I'm guessing that Curtis will not be invited to 
appear on Austin City Limits anytime soon. 

[FairfieldLife] TM pinup girl Heather Graham in Sitges

2010-01-30 Thread TurquoiseB
Last August, probably during the time I was away
in France. At least the gal's got great taste in
beach resorts.


She turned 40 yesterday. Photo on the left below is what 40 looks
like if you visit Sitges often. Photo on the right is what she looked
like 10 years ago. Fountain Of Youth 'R Us.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread It's just a ride
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 3:55 AM, Irmeli irmeli.matts...@netti.fi wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 The most severe problems for me appeared after the siddhi techniques came
 on the agenda. I was not against those techniques in principle. In my case
 it was more about that I did not want to start practicing them myself. This
 was because the basic technique worked so well for me. It got spontaneously
 transformed  to something very powerful, and that transformative process has
 continued. I sensed very clearly an inner guidance and it was very important
 for me to stay truthful to it, and follow it.

 There was no understanding for this among the active TM-teachers. I felt
 myself to be a target of continuing harassment by the teachers in this
 regard. They kept on insisting to me like parrots that I have to learn the
 siddhis, because Maharishi has said that full enlightenment is not possible
 without them. I however tolerated this even if it felt as an uncomfortable

 Another problem was the intellectual  dishonesty and fanaticism that
 started to appear after the siddhi-techniques. My meeting with the first new
 siddhas in the end of the 70's was almost traumatic for me.

 I was in a gathering were all the others had recently done the first
 siddhi-course in Finland. They were very excited about it. They told me how
 they will soon be levitating, walking through the walls etc. I commented
 that I doubt it. I'm rather certain that they will not be capable of doing
 it. However I commented that , if they felt their meditation had become more
 effective and activated better and deeper stress releases it was a good
 enough reason to continue with the technique, even if I think they will not
 levitate. This comment made these people furious. They threatened to throw
 me out of the room, if I don't stop my negative attitude. I did shut my
 mouth, but my attitude did not change.

Thank you so very much for elucidating what happened when the sidhi courses
started.  I saw all of this fanaticism and belief that people would walk
through walls, but I never put it all together.  You have given me some
closure in this matter, because I unconsciously rehash the past, trying to
digest it, and I was not able to digest this period.  I am a person who will
spontaneously turn to a friend and tell him/her that I want to rebutt
something they said 6 years ago or clarify something I said 4 years ago.  My
friend will shake his/her head and ask where did this come from but that's
the way my unconscious works.  Reshift, reshift, reshift, getting my
understanding of things better digested.

I remember the hysteria people had about going to Governor training.  People
would beg and borrow money, figuring that they'd be able to materialize it
when they returned from the course.  I got hit up for so much money, I was
in constant pain having to turn this one or that one down in their request.

I remember the first governor who returned to my area.  She came to sort of
teach at a residence course.  She was totally spaced out.  She acted like
she was the Queen of Sheeba. She exuded the attitude that if she shit like
the rest of us, it came out smelling like the finest perfume.  I don't know
if that's the attitude that people learned on governor training or if that's
an attitude she developed when she returned home and there was all of this
mystique.  All sorts of powers were attributed to the Queen, that she could
read our thoughts, see our pasts and futures.  She said nothing to dispel
this mystique.

I resisted learning the sidhis for many years.  I was happy to do my 20
minutes plus the Age of Enlightenment breathing and 10 minute lying down.
 Plus I heard about one's chances of becoming mentally unstable upon
learning the sidhis.  Many TM teachers or TM teacher couples approached me
and said that since I wasn't showing any interest in learning the sidhis, I
should give the money to them to learn the sidhis because a governor is God,
a sidha is shit, a TM teacher is nearly God, a mere meditator was the scum
of the earth.

I finally agreed to learn the sidhis because all the lectures at the TM
centers, all the activities at MIU except a semi-yearly residence course
were no only for sidhas.  Being a TM meditator, once a proud and glorious
thing, no longer mattered.  Indeed we were shunned.

Learning the sidhis was nice.  Learning the bouncing on your butt technique
was nice.  But except for some flash and something I can't explain
physically in the flying room during the flying block, there wasn't really
anything magical or regal about any of it.  The governors had once again
made it all up.  Probably because Maharishi had once again fed them a line
of bullshit.

Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics.  Even if
you win you're still retarded.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread WillyTex

  The sacrifice of thoughts, al la TM, is the 
  *ideal* yajna...
 I think your posts are the *most* guaranteed to 
 crack me up Willy.

But unlike Curtis, you don't seem to have a lick of 
talent, even for a chat room. That's what really 
cracks me up!

 You're a scream, where do you get it from?

Let's see if we can bring the conversation down to 
your level: 

Every time you evacuate your bowels, you've done a
'yagya', a sacrifice. You must sacrifice the turds 
to the Turd God. You must give up the turds, you 
can't keep them inside you forever.

You act, but you do not control the fruits of your 
actions. All human excrement always flows downstream. 
Once released, you have no control over the effluent.
So, it would be more ethical if you knew the real
destination of your deposits and your used corn cobs 
BEFORE you do the releasing. It's that simple.  

It works the same way with your thoughts, Hugo.

[FairfieldLife] Dollhouse: The Retrospective

2010-01-30 Thread TurquoiseB
You often don't realize how much you've come to
love a group of friends until the moment you have
to leave them, and realize that you'll have no
more adventures together. At times like that, a
person is sometimes reduced to tears.

I just watched the last episode of Dollhouse.
It made me cry several times. I simply had not 
realized how much I had come to love these

Interestingly, in retrospect FOX was right, and
everything Joss has been saying in interviews 
since the show was canceled was right on. Two
seasons were enough. More would have been too 
much, and unnecessary. Dollhouse stands on its 
own, a complete story, and one told with mastery.

And fortunately, just like when you part from old 
friends but can revisit the moments you shared 
with them by pulling out old videos, I can do 
the same with Dollhouse. I expect to, many  

[FairfieldLife] Rare book

2010-01-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: Paul Mason [mailto:premanandp...@yahoo.co.uk] 
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 5:56 AM
To: Rick Archer
Subject: Rare book

Hi Rick
I have been asked for a copy of an old rare QA book entitled Meditation, from 
Shankaracharya Nagar, Rishikesh, India in 1967 - whilst I was sorting it out I 
decided to make a pdf of it so it could be shared to those who still find time 
to read!!!
I noticed there is a section on 'Master'  I thought you mind find it 
interesting bearing in mind your remarks about Guru Dev's comments on gurus.
It can be found and downloaded at:
All the best

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread WillyTex

 Gibbons, is that the fellow who smokes a cigar?

Apparently almost everyone here, except Curtis and 
Hugo, know about the 'Top' and Billy Gibbons. It 
just goes to prove my point, Nab, that these two 
guys know next to nothing about TM and Maharishi's 

There must be hundreds of muscians that write and 
sing songs about 'becoming' and reaching the 'the 
other side', many of them TM Teachers. 

You know the day destroys the night
Night divides the day
Tried to run
Tried to hide..

'Break on Through (to the Other Side)' 

Sometimes it just boggles the mind to understand 
why Curtis and Hugo would want to start up a TMer
bashing - it's just so juvenile. Both of them sound 
like idiots and pip-squeaks. Why they'd want to 
continue taking a licking from Judy is beyond me - 
ego I guess.

We may have at last found common ground on which
to agree.  I *love* ZZ Top.  Two of them were on my
TM Teacher Training course, although I never really
got to know them and don't know if they ever taught

Read more:

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Re: A Visual and Auditory Treat
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: February 8, 2005

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Vote for Consciousness-Based Education at Change.org

2010-01-30 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 30, 2010, at 6:51 AM, off_world_beings wrote:
  On Jan 28, 2010, at 6:07 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
   TM does not require a lifestyle change. It never did. I know many people 
   who got into CC or more just with TM (not even vegetarian, or learning 
   asanas, etc.) 
   I personally, did not learn TM for TM, I wanted the sidhis from the 
   get-go. And it is fantastic !
  Hey off, if you want another set of em, 
  you can have mine. :) 
 Haven't done them in years.
 That's obvious.
Good! :)  I'll take that as a compliment.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

  Gibbons, is that the fellow who smokes a cigar?
 Apparently almost everyone here, except Curtis and 
 Hugo, know about the 'Top' and Billy Gibbons. It 
 just goes to prove my point, Nab, that these two 
 guys know next to nothing about TM and Maharishi's 

I hang my head in shame not knowing that Gibbons
did TM. What an insignificant fool I am!

 There must be hundreds of muscians that write and 
 sing songs about 'becoming' and reaching the 'the 
 other side', many of them TM Teachers. 
 You know the day destroys the night
 Night divides the day
 Tried to run
 Tried to hide..
 'Break on Through (to the Other Side)' 

I've always thought it strange that TMers need
celebrity validation that their programme must be
the right choice. I've been on courses where every
time a famous name was mentioned, from Sylvester 
Stallone to Michael Jackson, sommeone would nod 
knowingly and say they're a sidha as though it
means anything at all!

What gives? Are you more likely to get enlightened
because Arnold Schwarzenegger shares your mantra?

Jim Morrison would have made a great TM teacher
though. Talk about Off The Programme!

 Sometimes it just boggles the mind to understand 
 why Curtis and Hugo would want to start up a TMer
 bashing - it's just so juvenile. Both of them sound 
 like idiots and pip-squeaks. Why they'd want to 
 continue taking a licking from Judy is beyond me - 
 ego I guess.

You sound like you're smarting Willy.

But you still avoid the question though: Is it 
ethical for the TMO to claim yagyas are a scient-
ifically validated way of changing the behaviour of
sub-atomic particles to influence the outcomes of
undertakings, and avert bad karma that they claim 
you can see coming back to you in your horoscope?

I say no, it's a monumental rip-off. Think about 
how much money they make for such little return.
Actually, I'll wager it's no return at all. You
could say it's the blind leading the blind but 
I suspect Hagelin at least has thought about the
validity of claiming that the fabric of reality
can be influenced by prayer. Or is he too far gone?

I await your next evasion with interest. 

[FairfieldLife] Disengaging (was Re: Fwd: Vote for Consciousness-Based Education at Change.org)

2010-01-30 Thread WillyTex

  I don't fully get what you mean by Dharma 
  in this context...
 Dharma is almost universally considered to 
 be one's righteous duty, or virtuous path 
 based on a moral code of behavior that leads 
 to liberation...

This is going to be way above the intellect of
Curtis and Hugo, John. You're going way too
esoteric. You really think they know anything
about 'becoming' or the 'eternal return'?

'Dharma' is the Transcendental Absolute, the 
ultimate truth which lies totally beyond the 
'wheel of becoming', beyond the physical realm 
of space-time. Irmeli apparently understands
this, but Herr Hugo does not.

According to the Hindu scriptures, those who 
live according to Natural Law, that is, in 
accordance with Dharma, simply proceed on the 
spiritual path more quickly and effeciently.

However, following the Hindu scriptures as
they pertain to class, caste, and the stages 
of life (varvashranadharma) are NOT an
absolute requirement for liberation from the
eternal round of becoming.

For example, the Buddha was a warrior; the
Buddha's barber was a barber; Guru Dev skipped 
the householder stage of life; and the 
Maharishi came from a family of scribes.

In worldly action behave in such a way that 
the road to the other world is made bright, 
This will be when one preserves one's own 
dharma and shall remember Bhagavan. Thus for 
this reason you shall become freed from the 
restriction of life and death, be released 
from this body of excrement and urine. If not 
then time and time again you will return in 
this. [...] - Swami Brahmanand Saraswati

RE: [FairfieldLife] Conny Larsson's new book

2010-01-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Vaj
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:26 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Conny Larsson's new book
Conny Larsson's new book on MMY and the Beatles is released:
Any chance of getting an English translation or a brief description Rick?
Conny said an English translation will be coming. I'll ask him when.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Conny Larsson's new book

2010-01-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Vaj
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 6:26 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Conny Larsson's new book
Conny Larsson's new book on MMY and the Beatles is released:
Any chance of getting an English translation or a brief description Rick?
Here's Google's translation of that page: 
During more than thirty years, Conny Larsson completely engrossed by two
Eastern sects. Finally he managed to break out of existence and has now
taken a pen to write off the euphoric hell he all these years built in. An
attempt to understand the mechanisms and patterns he followed to get into
what became his life. 

The new music, the Beatles, drugs, sexual liberation, theater, meditation,
the Eastern sects. All that engulfed me and my friends in the environment I
was in as a teenager. I was at stage school in Malmö in 1965 as a theater
for children to others big surprise. 
Soon I was, like many others, devoured by the abuse and the Oriental
movement led by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, later noticed that Beatles yogin.
Lost in Maharishis charisma and meditation, I became his private secretary,
traveled around the world with him and was drawn increasingly into the world
where the denial was at the heart of what I actually experienced. 
After far too long, I left the TM movement (transcendental meditation) only
to end up in another sect. When I was not yet ripe to live without religious
role models in the absence of a father image, I assumed the task of setting
up a treatment center for drug addicts and difficult criminal and mentally
disturbed. All this in the conviction that, as my guru said, 'be the right
man to lead his leadership this home'. 
In these sects, I lived for a total of 31 years. I managed to leave my last
guru only after I have seen through his approach and realized that I was a
player. In my naivety I thought that the local or national cult leaders
would find an understanding of what I and others lived through. I turned
first to them without getting any response. Instead, I was the victim of
personal persecution and death threats. 
Now that I look back over the whole period I also see how the insulation of
us who dared to leave the movement gained momentum in increasingly
unpleasant forms. This has strengthened my belief that a book written by me
and by this to be a help for all those people who are still in motion, or
peer pressure, be it Knutby, Jehovah's Witnesses or other of the same
Conny Larsson
Conny Larsson is a trained actor and clown. He learned to meditate in 1967
and was in the period 1972-76 at various times Maharishi Mahesh Yogi private
secretary when he was on leave from his job as an actor at the Malmö City
He then left the TM movement, and will instead join the Sai Baba Movement.
There he remained until 1999. 
Today, living Conny Larsson in Cyprus. He recovers after awakening,
lecturing and writing.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting story of Maharishi messing with other TMO romances

2010-01-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Doug
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:52 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting story of Maharishi messing with
other TMO romances
 There are small rumors out about another announcement pending coming from
someone really really *large* in the movement. Something about a long-term
male companion.
Are you joking? Care to elaborate?

[FairfieldLife] The worst film ever made?

2010-01-30 Thread Hugo

Treat yourself:


I remember this from a season of so bad they are good
movies on the BBC ages ago. This one is a superb example
of the genre. Whoever uploaded it to youtube gave a 
comedy tag. I believe they were serious when they made

Richard Kiel's first movie I think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dollhouse: The Retrospective

2010-01-30 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 You often don't realize how much you've come to
 love a group of friends until the moment you have
 to leave them, and realize that you'll have no
 more adventures together. At times like that, a
 person is sometimes reduced to tears.

 I just watched the last episode of Dollhouse.
 It made me cry several times. I simply had not 
 realized how much I had come to love these

 Interestingly, in retrospect FOX was right, and
 everything Joss has been saying in interviews 
 since the show was canceled was right on. Two
 seasons were enough. More would have been too 
 much, and unnecessary. Dollhouse stands on its 
 own, a complete story, and one told with mastery.

 And fortunately, just like when you part from old 
 friends but can revisit the moments you shared 
 with them by pulling out old videos, I can do 
 the same with Dollhouse. I expect to, many  

It was an interesting ending but I was struck by something watching it 
immediately right after watching the first really new episode of 
Caprica since the release of the uncensored pilot to DVD almost a 
year back.  Dollhouse came off still very Hollywood while Caprica 
shot in Vancouver, BC did not.  If you haven't seen the pilot then stop 
here but the new episode deals with Zoe, daughter of the scientist, 
discovering that her consciousness has been placed in the body of a 
robot (the first Cylon).   This was done very creatively switching 
between Zoe as the robot and people reacting to her and showing Zoe 
herself in the same situation. This is going to be an interesting 
series.  Maybe Joss ought to try filming a show in Canada for a change.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting story of Maharishi messing with other TMO romances

2010-01-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Doug
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 8:43 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting story of Maharishi messing with
other TMO romances
Now on a side mail here I am told, that Larry Domash left the middle for the
similar reason.
I think he left because Hagelin came on the scene and Domash didn't want to
be the #2 physicist.

[FairfieldLife] # of FFL lurkers, was: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 9:45 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani
 But do you really think as many as 3 
 dozen are lurking here?

I have no idea, ask Rick. From past experiences we know that he will be able
to cook up any concoction true or false. Perhaps he will claim 300. That's
still minute.
I know of several people who are not signed up as members but who read FFL
regularly. But unless Alex has some technical way of determining it, we have
no way of knowing how many lurkers there are.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread WillyTex

 Is it ethical for the TMO to claim yagyas 
 are a scientifically validated way of changing 
 the behaviour of sub-atomic particles to 
 influence the outcomes of undertakings... 
You know, it's really discouraging debating with
a fellow who won't even bother to read his own
post. I don't see a single thing you cited above 
to be contained anywhere in your own thread.

You've simply made up a straw-man and you're trying
to knock him down. The system you described is
based on your own prejudice against the Hindus.

National Maharishi Yagya Performances:

 and avert bad karma that they claim you can 
 see coming back to you in your horoscope?

All actions, Hugo, have an effect. In some cases, 
after observation, it seems obvious what the 
reaction will be. That's how we discovered the 
laws of physics. 

But, it seems to me that thoughts are actions 
too, at a much subtler level, but in most cases, 
we don't know what the reaction to thoughts is 
going to be. We think, but where do the thoughts
go and where did they come from?

I'm surprised you don't understand the power of 
positive thinking. Apparently you don't think
that thoughts are the constituents of the
mechanics of consciousness.

But, if thoughts are not part of the physical
world, then what are they a part of? That's the
question, and it's has nothing to do with ethics,
religious or otherwise.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting story of Maharishi messing with other TMO romances

2010-01-30 Thread It's just a ride
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com wrote:

   *From:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
 fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Doug
 *Sent:* Wednesday, January 27, 2010 8:43 AM

 *To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting story of Maharishi messing with
 other TMO romances

 Now on a side mail here I am told, that Larry Domash left the middle for
 the similar reason.

 I think he left because Hagelin came on the scene and Domash didn't want to
 be the #2 physicist.

I've lost touch with Larry but I knew him well.  I knew him before he became
a bigwig in the TMO.  He led a very interesting hippy type of life before
joining the TMO.

Larry said that he wasn't told to leave, he just wasn't invited to speak or
appear anymore.  He said that eventually you get the gist that you really
aren't wanted anymore.  Larry is a doer.  He loved to teach before joining
the TMO and he loved his consulting in the newly hatched technology of fiber
optics in the Boston Beltway (remember when Silicon Valley was actually the
Boston Corridor?).  He said his stint in the TMO was just a phase, just
something he was passing through, something that was passing through him.
He never held any rancor for Maharishi or the TMO.  Indeed he implied that
he never, ever played his role in the TMO straight.  I didn't sense that it
was a put on on his part but a play along.  Eventually Maharishi tired of
him, set him aside, Larry baled.

Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics.  Even if
you win you're still retarded.

[FairfieldLife] High Times in California

2010-01-30 Thread Bhairitu
Pot legalization will most likely appear on the next ballot for the next 
California election.  I predict it will pass.  Oakland is already being 
called the Amsterdam of California.  A new medical marijuana facility 
just opened by the Oakland airport.


The state is strapped for cash and April 1st it will be broke again.  It 
is eying taxes on marijuana as a possible revenue.  In order to do that 
either federal pot laws also have to be overturned or California might 
have to secede.  Hmm, the latter might not be a bad idea as it is said 
if Californians paid what they now pay to the fed in taxes to the state 
it would be out of debt in no time.

Put that in your chillum and smoke it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

   Again the same movement which removed bad news 
   so they could read only Age Of Enlightenment news 
   is using this guy while ignoring his actual 
   artistic achievements... 
  Oh, my. Did you fall for Barry's recent lies, 
 Apparently Curtis fell for Barry's lies, again. Does 
 that make Curtis a liar? What is up with these guys 
 that insist on lying about the Maharishi and his 
 It just doesn't make any sense.
 So, at the risk of 'demonizing' Hugo and Curtis, it's 
 obvious neither of them know what the term 'yagya' 
 means. Why do these clowns insist on using Sanskrit
 terms, when it's obvious they can't read or write a 
 single phrase in Sanskrit?

Demonize away! I only use the term yagya because the 
TMO insist on ripping off it's flock with absurdly 
expensive prayers that don't appear to do anything,
and worse attempt to justify it with a load of waffle
about quantum physics.

 Yagya means 'sacrificial act' in Sanskrit. Everyone 
 performs yagyas, all day, and we're all sacrificing 
 all the time. TMer's however, know that the real 
 yagya is to sacrifice your thoughts and to transcend.
 Every act has an effect and every act produces a 
 reaction. That's the law of physics. Every act in 
 creation is a yagya! What Hugo and Curtis don't know 
 is exactly what effect thoughts have on the cosmos. 

Can you please explain what effect thoughts have on the 
cosmos. Are they the same as the positive effects
promised in the yagya brochure? If so, why are we all 

I don't think they have any effect at all. I also doubt
that Hagelin really believes that prayer can alter the
nature of reality at the most fundamental level. He should
hand back his PHD if he can't prove it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

 All actions, Hugo, have an effect. In some cases, 
 after observation, it seems obvious what the 
 reaction will be. That's how we discovered the 
 laws of physics. 

You think yagyas are part of the laws of physics?
Praying to vishnu will alter the outcome of my life?

We must let CERN know immediately!
 But, it seems to me that thoughts are actions 
 too, at a much subtler level, but in most cases, 
 we don't know what the reaction to thoughts is 
 going to be. We think, but where do the thoughts
 go and where did they come from?

This is the problem. The TMO claim to know what
the effect of the yagyas are going to be and
charge a fortune for them accordingly. They claim
to have a level of knowledge of cause and effect
that goes some way beyond everyone elses. 
 I'm surprised you don't understand the power of 
 positive thinking. Apparently you don't think
 that thoughts are the constituents of the
 mechanics of consciousness.
 But, if thoughts are not part of the physical
 world, then what are they a part of? That's the
 question, and it's has nothing to do with ethics,
 religious or otherwise.

Selling prayers that don't work for large sums
and using quantum physics as justification  
sounds like an pretty ethical problem to me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread curtisdeltablues

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

 What Hugo and Curtis don't know 
 is exactly what effect thoughts have on the cosmos.

Let me guess, a magical one.
 Gawd, this is so elementary! 
 But it's one thing not to understand the laws of 
 physics, but how can anyone not know about Billy 


 I'm guessing that Curtis will not be invited to 
 appear on Austin City Limits anytime soon.

Oh, snap!  

[FairfieldLife] Re: # of FFL lurkers, was: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 9:45 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani
  But do you really think as many as 3 
  dozen are lurking here?
 I have no idea, ask Rick. From past experiences we know that he will be able
 to cook up any concoction true or false. Perhaps he will claim 300. That's
 still minute.
 I know of several people who are not signed up as members but who read FFL
 regularly. But unless Alex has some technical way of determining it, we have
 no way of knowing how many lurkers there are.

I already showed you guys how to do that several years ago.

I put a statcounter.com code in a Rich-Text Editor posting and could tell how 
many people clicked on that particular messate: It told me:

1) how many people saw the post;

2) where they were located;

3) their I.P. address; and

4) how long they stayed on that post.

And then I made a post showing all the above results, with graphics.

Anyone can do it.

Want me to do it again?  Rick can email me privately and ask.  I can then 
publish the results after the experiment is complete.

Note: it will NOT tell you either who the person is or their email address.

[FairfieldLife] Re: High Times in California

2010-01-30 Thread John
Even if pot is legalized in California, the Feds are still going to enforce its 
laws.  So, Californians who use pot could still be subject to federal law 
violation.  I don't believe secession is the answer either.

I'm surprised that the facility in Oakland has been able to operate without 
federal interference so far.  I believe they're going to get busted any time 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Pot legalization will most likely appear on the next ballot for the next 
 California election.  I predict it will pass.  Oakland is already being 
 called the Amsterdam of California.  A new medical marijuana facility 
 just opened by the Oakland airport.
 The state is strapped for cash and April 1st it will be broke again.  It 
 is eying taxes on marijuana as a possible revenue.  In order to do that 
 either federal pot laws also have to be overturned or California might 
 have to secede.  Hmm, the latter might not be a bad idea as it is said 
 if Californians paid what they now pay to the fed in taxes to the state 
 it would be out of debt in no time.
 Put that in your chillum and smoke it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:
  I evaluate Barry based on how we relate to each other,
  not with you.  I find the last sentence a bit revealing 
  Judy, our online friendliness framed as one side resorting 
  to flattery and the other (me) being susceptible to such a 
 I find it difficult to explain otherwise.

The context of how I interact with Barry is mostly outside FFL so that shapes 
my view of him more that whatever goes on here.  How he interacts with you has 
nothing to do with my view of him.

   The issue is the *malice*, Curtis. And I'm hardly
   Barry's only target.
  And and how is your project of changing him
  working out for you?
 Not my project. My project is to expose him as a

Sounds a little malicious. 

  For me two of the most generative writers here
  also have the sharpest tongues.  I can live with
  that since I value the writing effort.
 One of the reasons I don't get all excited when you
 compliment me, Curtis, is that the value you put on
 Barry's writing doesn't speak very highly of your
 standards (with regard to content, not use of



 And that's basically what I'm telling you, Curtis.
 You don't read the posts (except when they happen
 to mention your name), so you have zero basis for
 commenting on them.

I think I'm gunna go with commenting on whatever I care to, at whatever level 
attention I choose here. 

 And BTW, not all my posts to Barry are in response
 to posts of his demonizing me. Some are analyses
 of posts he makes on other topics that have nothing
 to do with me personally.
 There was one just before you showed up, for example,
 in which he blatantly lied about what was on the
 Global Good News site. If you didn't read my response
 or check the site for yourself, you'd have no way of
 knowing he lied. And then having been caught in the
 lie, he proceeded to lie some more in an attempt to
 cover it up.

I guess I don't share your limitless fascination with this angle.  To each his 
or her own.
Of course I could be wrong because I don't have all
the context from all the posts that you guys
   Right. Which is why you should stay the hell out of it.
  So I should jump in when Barry is being bad in
  your view and also stay the hell out of it?
 No, one or the other. If you want to comment, read
 the posts. If you don't want to read the posts,
 don't comment. Simple.

Reading all your and Barry's posts and the supporting evidence posts is a 
project beyond my level of interest.  I'll stick with my casual approach.

  This whole thing started with me saying I wanted to
  stay our of your feud and your responding that you
  would jump in if someone said something untrue about
 That's not quite how it went, Curtis.
 My response to your complaint was, essentially, to 
 tell you to take a flying leap. If you say something
 in public, you have no basis to whine about its 
 being quoted or described in whatever context a
 poster chooses, as long as they don't misrepresent
 you (as I already said).

The term whine is a misrepresentation of my send up piece in response to your 
using my name Judy.

 What I went on to say about my jumping in if somebody
 said something untrue about you was peripheral; it
 was a comment about our respective ethics, not a
 response to your complaint.

Double ouch.  You have better ethics huh?  Isn't that special.  The only 
problem is that, just like me, you choose when to jump in based on how 
seriously you take it. And I don't take your deal with Barry seriously in any 

  My point seems valid still and I'm sorry you
  didn't address it.
 I did indeed address it and did again above.
  Now Barry has included the It was Tony's idea
  option in a recent post so perhaps it was the
  intent rather than the content that bothered him.
 Or perhaps he was performing a strategic backpedal
 on being reminded that you were entertaining the
 possibility that it was Tony's idea.

The reason for the idea is much more relevant.  I was not using it to protect 
Manarishi's image so my point has nothing to do with his criticism.
  I am seeking rapport here.  You guys are not seeking
  rapport with each other.  So little differences mean
  less in my exchanges with you and between you two
  they go nuclear. I don't think either of you are in
  a space that would allow such a concession and to be
  fair I don't see that on either side.
 Again, you are not in a position to comment if you
 haven't been reading our exchanges attentively.
 Your thoughts on the nature of those exchanges do not
 carry any weight with me.

I was so hoping you were hanging on my every word.  But there is zero chance 
that I will begin reading your exchanges attentively.  Seriously Judy why 
would I want to do that?  Your angle is only fascinating to you.  You shouldn't 
judge the rest of us harshly for 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread curtisdeltablues

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   Aha, so artistically you don't think David Lynch
   measure up ?
  I loved his earlier stuff, not his TV show or his
  later movies.  But he is a visual genius and
  original artist, and has contributed a lot to
  modern movie making IMO.  Again the same movement
  which removed bad news so they could read only
  Age Of Enlightenment news is using this guy while 
  ignoring his actual artistic achievements. 
 Oh, my. Did you fall for Barry's recent lies, Curtis?

This has nothing to do with Barry Judy. Nothing.

 (Yes, lies, statements knowingly contrary to fact, 
 not opinions.)
 Or have you never looked at the Global Good News site,
 the current equivalent of Age of Enlightenment News?

I don't believe I have.  Are they now cool with deviant sexual behavior these 
days?  Otherwise I think they still might me not into David Lynch's artistic 
work.  I don't even blame the movement for using guys like him, I just find 
them to be strange bedfellows. Same for Howard although I am a little pissed 
that he never turns his deflating wit on Maharishi like he does the Pope or 
other self proclaimed special people.  I think it is a flaw in his game. His 
interview with Maharishis was pathetic to me and a waste of his talents.  

 (Also surprised you didn't like Twin Peaks. How much of
 it did you watch?)

I lost the plot and stopped caring about the characters pretty quickly.  
Perhaps I should give it another chance on DVD.  His ability to create subtle 
weirdness in a scene like using a flickering florescent light is really 
brilliant.  I think he sometimes gets carried away with the cleverness of these 
techniques at the expense of the coherence of the storyline.  But Blue Velvet 
was one of the best films I have ever seen.  I just saw it again recently and 
was amazed at his skill.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: High Times in California

2010-01-30 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 Even if pot is legalized in California, the Feds are still going to enforce 
 its laws.

No they won't...at least not under Barack Obama's administration as long as it 
is for medical marijuana use (which is 100% of all people who currently buy pot 
at legal pot brothels in Californnia). See:


 So, Californians who use pot could still be subject to federal law violation. 
  I don't believe secession is the answer either.
 I'm surprised that the facility in Oakland has been able to operate without 
 federal interference so far.  I believe they're going to get busted any time 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  Pot legalization will most likely appear on the next ballot for the next 
  California election.  I predict it will pass.  Oakland is already being 
  called the Amsterdam of California.  A new medical marijuana facility 
  just opened by the Oakland airport.
  The state is strapped for cash and April 1st it will be broke again.  It 
  is eying taxes on marijuana as a possible revenue.  In order to do that 
  either federal pot laws also have to be overturned or California might 
  have to secede.  Hmm, the latter might not be a bad idea as it is said 
  if Californians paid what they now pay to the fed in taxes to the state 
  it would be out of debt in no time.
  Put that in your chillum and smoke it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: High Times in California

2010-01-30 Thread It's just a ride
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 1:52 PM, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@netscape.netwrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:
  Even if pot is legalized in California, the Feds are still going to
 enforce its laws.

 No they won't...at least not under Barack Obama's administration as long as
 it is for medical marijuana use (which is 100% of all people who currently
 buy pot at legal pot brothels in Californnia). See:

Could you explain why you're using the word brothels besides being
flippant.  No sex is taking place.  BTW, the Wikipedia says that sporting
houses has been a euphemism for brothel.  I'll have to remember that.  I
might have heard the term sporting house in a movie and its meaning went
over my head.

Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics.  Even if
you win you're still retarded.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Again, you are not in a position to comment if you
  haven't been reading our exchanges attentively.
  Your thoughts on the nature of those exchanges do not
  carry any weight with me.
 I was so hoping you were hanging on my every word.  But
 there is zero chance that I will begin reading your 
 exchanges attentively.  Seriously Judy why would I
 want to do that?  Your angle is only fascinating to you.
 You shouldn't judge the rest of us harshly for not
 giving a shit.

Obviously, that isn't what I'm saying. It's fine if you
don't read them, but if you don't, you shouldn't be
judging them. Like I said, simple.

 Acknowledging more fault sound like a real party.
 I'm gunna take a pass on this little game.

Yeah, well, that's part of what I was saying about our
respective ethical principles. That and thinking it's
cute when your buddy tells malicious lies, and not
being willing to stand up for people who have been
wrongly accused, among other things.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread John
Your ideas in this discussion are well intentioned.  But there must be a reason 
why MMY insisted on practicing these siddhi techniques.  No one in this forum 
has even entertained the possibility that MMY himself has experienced all of 
the Patanjali siddhis, including levitation.  Perhaps, he has shared this 
secret to only a few of his closest disciples.  They could come out in the 
future to attest this fact about MMY.

From jyotish, I could share with you the rationale behind the siddhis.  For 
example, the field of meditation is found in the 12th house, the significator 
for loss, both physical and mental.  While meditating, the field of karma or 
action is found in the 9th house, the field of dharma or higher knowledge.  
Thus, the activation of the siddhis enhances higher knowledge which leads to 
Unity Consciousness.

Even if the siddhis do not physically manifest, all of the fields of dharma are 
activated which benefit the physical body (the first house) and intelligence 
(the fifth house).  Using the same rationale, we can undestand how the 
Maharishi Effect could manifest in the world at large.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 3:55 AM, Irmeli irmeli.matts...@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  The most severe problems for me appeared after the siddhi techniques came
  on the agenda. I was not against those techniques in principle. In my case
  it was more about that I did not want to start practicing them myself. This
  was because the basic technique worked so well for me. It got spontaneously
  transformed  to something very powerful, and that transformative process has
  continued. I sensed very clearly an inner guidance and it was very important
  for me to stay truthful to it, and follow it.
  There was no understanding for this among the active TM-teachers. I felt
  myself to be a target of continuing harassment by the teachers in this
  regard. They kept on insisting to me like parrots that I have to learn the
  siddhis, because Maharishi has said that full enlightenment is not possible
  without them. I however tolerated this even if it felt as an uncomfortable
  Another problem was the intellectual  dishonesty and fanaticism that
  started to appear after the siddhi-techniques. My meeting with the first new
  siddhas in the end of the 70's was almost traumatic for me.
  I was in a gathering were all the others had recently done the first
  siddhi-course in Finland. They were very excited about it. They told me how
  they will soon be levitating, walking through the walls etc. I commented
  that I doubt it. I'm rather certain that they will not be capable of doing
  it. However I commented that , if they felt their meditation had become more
  effective and activated better and deeper stress releases it was a good
  enough reason to continue with the technique, even if I think they will not
  levitate. This comment made these people furious. They threatened to throw
  me out of the room, if I don't stop my negative attitude. I did shut my
  mouth, but my attitude did not change.
 Thank you so very much for elucidating what happened when the sidhi courses
 started.  I saw all of this fanaticism and belief that people would walk
 through walls, but I never put it all together.  You have given me some
 closure in this matter, because I unconsciously rehash the past, trying to
 digest it, and I was not able to digest this period.  I am a person who will
 spontaneously turn to a friend and tell him/her that I want to rebutt
 something they said 6 years ago or clarify something I said 4 years ago.  My
 friend will shake his/her head and ask where did this come from but that's
 the way my unconscious works.  Reshift, reshift, reshift, getting my
 understanding of things better digested.
 I remember the hysteria people had about going to Governor training.  People
 would beg and borrow money, figuring that they'd be able to materialize it
 when they returned from the course.  I got hit up for so much money, I was
 in constant pain having to turn this one or that one down in their request.
 I remember the first governor who returned to my area.  She came to sort of
 teach at a residence course.  She was totally spaced out.  She acted like
 she was the Queen of Sheeba. She exuded the attitude that if she shit like
 the rest of us, it came out smelling like the finest perfume.  I don't know
 if that's the attitude that people learned on governor training or if that's
 an attitude she developed when she returned home and there was all of this
 mystique.  All sorts of powers were attributed to the Queen, that she could
 read our thoughts, see our pasts and futures.  She said nothing to dispel
 this mystique.
 I resisted learning the sidhis for many years.  I was happy to do my 20
 minutes plus the Age of Enlightenment breathing and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread curtisdeltablues

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Again, you are not in a position to comment if you
   haven't been reading our exchanges attentively.
   Your thoughts on the nature of those exchanges do not
   carry any weight with me.
  I was so hoping you were hanging on my every word.  But
  there is zero chance that I will begin reading your 
  exchanges attentively.  Seriously Judy why would I
  want to do that?  Your angle is only fascinating to you.
  You shouldn't judge the rest of us harshly for not
  giving a shit.
 Obviously, that isn't what I'm saying. It's fine if you
 don't read them, but if you don't, you shouldn't be
 judging them. Like I said, simple.

I judge them boring. I don't need to read them all to know that.  It is neither 
yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.

  Acknowledging more fault sound like a real party.
  I'm gunna take a pass on this little game.
 Yeah, well, that's part of what I was saying about our
 respective ethical principles. That and thinking it's
 cute when your buddy tells malicious lies,

WTF?  I never said anything like this.  I said I put them in the folder titled 
fucking with Judy and don't take them seriously the way you do.  

 and not
 being willing to stand up for people who have been
 wrongly accused, among other things.

Judy I have stood up for you plenty of times here, arguing for the value I find 
in our exchanges.  Often to people who I consider friends here like Geezer.  I 
just don't care about your Barry deal.  I believe you over value these 
exchanges as important.  But they are for you so go for it.  But judging me for 
not caring is a bit self centered at the least.  I choose my own online 
relationship with each person here on my own terms and with my own valuation.  
I do my best to ignore how people here interact when considering the value of 
my own communication here.  I try to avoid taking on any filters people offer 
me about people here.  Sometimes I am successful.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas for all!

2010-01-30 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

   The sacrifice of thoughts, al la TM, is the 
   *ideal* yajna...
  I think your posts are the *most* guaranteed to 
  crack me up Willy.
 But unlike Curtis, you don't seem to have a lick of 
 talent, even for a chat room. That's what really 
 cracks me up!
  You're a scream, where do you get it from?
 Let's see if we can bring the conversation down to 
 your level: 
 Every time you evacuate your bowels, you've done a
 'yagya', a sacrifice. You must sacrifice the turds 
 to the Turd God. You must give up the turds, you 
 can't keep them inside you forever.
 You act, but you do not control the fruits of your 
 actions. All human excrement always flows downstream. 
 Once released, you have no control over the effluent.
 So, it would be more ethical if you knew the real
 destination of your deposits and your used corn cobs 
 BEFORE you do the releasing. It's that simple.  
 It works the same way with your thoughts, Hugo.

Oh lawd! ROFLMAO! :D 

[FairfieldLife] UN wants drivers license for Internet users

2010-01-30 Thread Bhairitu
Won't float.  It's not the cyberattacks they fear but the freedom of 
speech we have:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 No one in this forum has even entertained the possibility 
 that MMY himself has experienced all of the Patanjali 
 siddhis, including levitation.  

No one on this forum is that insane.


Never mind.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 Your ideas in this discussion are well intentioned.  But there must be a 
 reason why MMY insisted on practicing these siddhi techniques.  No one in 
 this forum has even entertained the possibility that MMY himself has 
 experienced all of the Patanjali siddhis, including levitation.  Perhaps, he 
 has shared this secret to only a few of his closest disciples.  They could 
 come out in the future to attest this fact about MMY.

It will happen, perhaps. For example the tape from Seelisberg where the 
videoguy in the bus outside Kulm who had the tape running and was waiting for 
Maharishi to come. He did, slowly from the celing above and settled on the 
Sooner or later it will be shown, I suppose. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 It will happen, perhaps. For example the tape from Seelisberg where the 
 videoguy in the bus outside Kulm who had the tape running and was waiting for 
 Maharishi to come. He did, slowly from the celing above and settled on the 
 Sooner or later it will be shown, I suppose. :-)

Was that the time when Maharishis made all the faucets in the hotel run with 
carob flavored milk and every child found gumdrops appearing in their little 
pockets? (Their favorite colors only and not any of those nasty licorice ones.)

He was just the most magical little man.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  Your ideas in this discussion are well intentioned.  But there must be a 
  reason why MMY insisted on practicing these siddhi techniques.  No one in 
  this forum has even entertained the possibility that MMY himself has 
  experienced all of the Patanjali siddhis, including levitation.  Perhaps, 
  he has shared this secret to only a few of his closest disciples.  They 
  could come out in the future to attest this fact about MMY.
 It will happen, perhaps. For example the tape from Seelisberg where the 
 videoguy in the bus outside Kulm who had the tape running and was waiting for 
 Maharishi to come. He did, slowly from the celing above and settled on the 
 Sooner or later it will be shown, I suppose. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: High Times in California

2010-01-30 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 1:52 PM, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@...wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   Even if pot is legalized in California, the Feds are still going to
  enforce its laws.
  No they won't...at least not under Barack Obama's administration as long as
  it is for medical marijuana use (which is 100% of all people who currently
  buy pot at legal pot brothels in Californnia). See:
 Could you explain why you're using the word brothels besides being

I was just being flippant.

 No sex is taking place.  


Perhaps they should include sex: one stop shopping.

BTW, the Wikipedia says that sporting
 houses has been a euphemism for brothel.  I'll have to remember that.  I
 might have heard the term sporting house in a movie and its meaning went
 over my head.

The etymology of sporting house derives from the character Sport, played by 
Harvey Keitel, in the movie Taxi Driver.  Sport was a pimp who ran a New York 
City brother in which Iris, played by a young Jodi Foster, was one of the 

 Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics.  Even if
 you win you're still retarded.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread mainstream20016
 John jr_esq@ wrote:
  Your ideas in this discussion are well intentioned.  But there must be a 
  reason why MMY insisted on practicing these siddhi techniques.  No one in 
  this forum has even entertained the possibility that MMY himself has 
  experienced all of the Patanjali siddhis, including levitation.  Perhaps, 
  he has shared this secret to only a few of his closest disciples.  They 
  could come out in the future to attest this fact about MMY.

Nablusoss wrote:
 It will happen, perhaps. For example the tape from Seelisberg where the 
 videoguy in the bus outside Kulm who had the tape running and was waiting for 
 Maharishi to come. He did, slowly from the celing above and settled on the 
 Sooner or later it will be shown, I suppose. :-)

The story was most likely a spicy ingredient of the hype program that 
surrounded the introduction of the Sidhis, and nothing more. I'm surprised the 
story has not yet faded from your memory.  Have you, Nabby, seen this tape, or 
have you only heard of it?   Would you mind sharing more of your understanding 
about this occasion ?  


[FairfieldLife] Re: # of FFL lurkers, was: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 I know of several people who are not signed up as members but who
 read FFL regularly. But unless Alex has some technical way of
 determining it, we have no way of knowing how many lurkers there are.

There are two separate archives of FFL, and both are publicly accessible. As 
far as I know, there is no way for us to track who is reading them. When I 
posted that Polyamory is Wrong! link the other day, I kept an eye on that 
website's live visitor tracker for about 15 minutes, and I saw people accessing 
the link via both archives.

[FairfieldLife] Re: # of FFL lurkers, was: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
  On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
  Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 9:45 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani
   But do you really think as many as 3 
   dozen are lurking here?
  I have no idea, ask Rick. From past experiences we know that he will be able
  to cook up any concoction true or false. Perhaps he will claim 300. That's
  still minute.
  I know of several people who are not signed up as members but who read FFL
  regularly. But unless Alex has some technical way of determining it, we have
  no way of knowing how many lurkers there are.
 I already showed you guys how to do that several years ago.
 I put a statcounter.com code in a Rich-Text Editor posting and could tell 
 how many people clicked on that particular messate: It told me:
 1) how many people saw the post;
 2) where they were located;
 3) their I.P. address; and
 4) how long they stayed on that post.
 And then I made a post showing all the above results, with graphics.
 Anyone can do it.
 Want me to do it again?  Rick can email me privately and ask.  I can then 
 publish the results after the experiment is complete.
 Note: it will NOT tell you either who the person is or their email address.

That reveals the total readership of that message. I doubt that's enough info 
to distinguish between participants and lurkers, though.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  No one in this forum has even entertained the possibility 
  that MMY himself has experienced all of the Patanjali 
  siddhis, including levitation.  
 No one on this forum is that insane.
 Never mind.

You have mentioned that you have observed levitation many times from your other 
teachers.  And, you believed it.  But if someone suggested MMY could do the 
same, you would denounce it.  Why?

Tell us the truth.  Were you hallucinating when you saw the levitation?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: High Times in California

2010-01-30 Thread It's just a ride
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 3:27 PM, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@netscape.netwrote:

 Perhaps they should include sex: one stop shopping.

This is Oakland, Dude.  I remember when a $2million mansion in Oakland was a
$200K house and a $1.8M alarm system.

 BTW, the Wikipedia says that sporting
  houses has been a euphemism for brothel.  I'll have to remember that.  I
  might have heard the term sporting house in a movie and its meaning
  over my head.

 The etymology of sporting house derives from the character Sport,
 played by Harvey Keitel, in the movie Taxi Driver.  Sport was a pimp who
 ran a New York City brother in which Iris, played by a young Jodi Foster,
 was one of the prostitutes.

Ahh.  Jodi Foster.  I would kill to win her love.

Are you sure sporting club goes back only a few decades?  I was thinking
it went back at least 1-2 centuries.  Sporting, eh, Chap?

Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics.  Even if
you win you're still retarded.

[FairfieldLife] It keeps getting worse; latest climate change scandal.

2010-01-30 Thread BillyG
UN climate change panel based claims on student dissertation and
magazine article  The United Nations' expert panel on climate change
based claims about ice disappearing from the world's mountain tops on a
student's dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine.
By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent and Rebecca Lefort
Published: 9:00PM GMT 30 Jan 2010

icle.html [Himalayan glaciers: UN climate change panel based
claims on student dissertation and magazine article ]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
Again, you are not in a position to comment if you
haven't been reading our exchanges attentively.
Your thoughts on the nature of those exchanges do not
carry any weight with me.
   I was so hoping you were hanging on my every word.  But
   there is zero chance that I will begin reading your 
   exchanges attentively.  Seriously Judy why would I
   want to do that?  Your angle is only fascinating to you.
   You shouldn't judge the rest of us harshly for not
   giving a shit.
  Obviously, that isn't what I'm saying. It's fine if you
  don't read them, but if you don't, you shouldn't be
  judging them. Like I said, simple.
 I judge them boring.

You do a lot more than that.

 I don't need to read them all to know that.

An episode of a long-running TV series can be boring
when you just tune into an episode now and then,
because there's no continuity or context, and you
can't connect with what's going on.

 It is neither yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.

Says Curtis, judging the quality of our work.

And as noted, you judge the exchanges on a lot of
other things you couldn't possibly evaluate if you
hadn't been following them.

   Acknowledging more fault sound like a real party.
   I'm gunna take a pass on this little game.
  Yeah, well, that's part of what I was saying about our
  respective ethical principles. That and thinking it's
  cute when your buddy tells malicious lies,
 WTF?  I never said anything like this.  I said I put them
 in the folder titled fucking with Judy and don't take
 them seriously the way you do.

Close enough. And it isn't just me Barry tells malicious
lies about. It's his M.O. *He* means them to be taken
seriously, no matter what he claims here or what he may
tell you on the side.

Again, the exchange about the Haiti Global Good News
site is paradigmatic: Barry gets caught in a malicious
lie (not about me), and in trying to wiggle out of it
tells more lies (including about me). The whole thing
is dead serious.

I would not have a malicious liar for a friend, and I
don't have much respect for anyone who would.

  and not
  being willing to stand up for people who have been
  wrongly accused, among other things.
 Judy I have stood up for you plenty of times here

Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
and me, to shortly after you joined us here.

 arguing for the value I find in our exchanges.

Not the same thing.

 Often to people who I consider friends here like Geezer.  I just don't care 
 about your Barry deal.  I believe you over value these exchanges as 
 important.  But they are for you so go for it.  But judging me for not caring 
 is a bit self centered at the least.  I choose my own online relationship 
 with each person here on my own terms and with my own valuation.  I do my 
 best to ignore how people here interact when considering the value of my own 
 communication here.  I try to avoid taking on any filters people offer me 
 about people here.  Sometimes I am successful.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: High Times in California

2010-01-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:
 Are you sure sporting club goes back only a few decades?
 I was thinking it went back at least 1-2 centuries.

Sporting house goes back to 1615, according to my

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-01-30 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jan 30 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat Feb 06 00:00:00 2010
74 messages as of (UTC) Sat Jan 30 23:40:47 2010

 9 authfriend jst...@panix.com
 6 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 6 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 5 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 5 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
 5 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
 4 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
 4 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
 4 Hugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
 4 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 3 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 2 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 2 BillyG wg...@yahoo.com
 2 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 1 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 1 Irmeli irmeli.matts...@netti.fi

Posters: 19
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:


  It is neither yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.
 Says Curtis, judging the quality of our work.

Yup, imagine that.

 And as noted, you judge the exchanges on a lot of
 other things you couldn't possibly evaluate if you
 hadn't been following them.

Obviously I followed it enough to form the opinion. I haven't slavishly 
followed every detail, I don't need to.  Your deal with each other is nothing 
if not predictable.


 I would not have a malicious liar for a friend, and I
 don't have much respect for anyone who would.

Right, I got that, but you sure hide it well.  The friend of my enemy is my 
enemy, works great in the Mid East too.


 Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
 and me, to shortly after you joined us here.

That's quite a long term grudge you are nursing there Judy.  Not a big respect 
builder for me, so I guess we have reached some symmetry here.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
 Again, you are not in a position to comment if you
 haven't been reading our exchanges attentively.
 Your thoughts on the nature of those exchanges do not
 carry any weight with me.

I was so hoping you were hanging on my every word.  But
there is zero chance that I will begin reading your 
exchanges attentively.  Seriously Judy why would I
want to do that?  Your angle is only fascinating to you.
You shouldn't judge the rest of us harshly for not
giving a shit.
   Obviously, that isn't what I'm saying. It's fine if you
   don't read them, but if you don't, you shouldn't be
   judging them. Like I said, simple.
  I judge them boring.
 You do a lot more than that.
  I don't need to read them all to know that.
 An episode of a long-running TV series can be boring
 when you just tune into an episode now and then,
 because there's no continuity or context, and you
 can't connect with what's going on.
  It is neither yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.
 Says Curtis, judging the quality of our work.
 And as noted, you judge the exchanges on a lot of
 other things you couldn't possibly evaluate if you
 hadn't been following them.
Acknowledging more fault sound like a real party.
I'm gunna take a pass on this little game.
   Yeah, well, that's part of what I was saying about our
   respective ethical principles. That and thinking it's
   cute when your buddy tells malicious lies,
  WTF?  I never said anything like this.  I said I put them
  in the folder titled fucking with Judy and don't take
  them seriously the way you do.
 Close enough. And it isn't just me Barry tells malicious
 lies about. It's his M.O. *He* means them to be taken
 seriously, no matter what he claims here or what he may
 tell you on the side.
 Again, the exchange about the Haiti Global Good News
 site is paradigmatic: Barry gets caught in a malicious
 lie (not about me), and in trying to wiggle out of it
 tells more lies (including about me). The whole thing
 is dead serious.
 I would not have a malicious liar for a friend, and I
 don't have much respect for anyone who would.
   and not
   being willing to stand up for people who have been
   wrongly accused, among other things.
  Judy I have stood up for you plenty of times here
 Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
 and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
  arguing for the value I find in our exchanges.
 Not the same thing.
  Often to people who I consider friends here like Geezer.  I just don't care 
  about your Barry deal.  I believe you over value these exchanges as 
  important.  But they are for you so go for it.  But judging me for not 
  caring is a bit self centered at the least.  I choose my own online 
  relationship with each person here on my own terms and with my own 
  valuation.  I do my best to ignore how people here interact when 
  considering the value of my own communication here.  I try to avoid taking 
  on any filters people offer me about people here.  Sometimes I am 

[FairfieldLife] Re: High Times in California

2010-01-30 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 3:27 PM, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@...wrote:
  Perhaps they should include sex: one stop shopping.
 This is Oakland, Dude.  I remember when a $2million mansion in Oakland was a
 $200K house and a $1.8M alarm system.
  BTW, the Wikipedia says that sporting
   houses has been a euphemism for brothel.  I'll have to remember that.  I
   might have heard the term sporting house in a movie and its meaning
   over my head.
  The etymology of sporting house derives from the character Sport,
  played by Harvey Keitel, in the movie Taxi Driver.  Sport was a pimp who
  ran a New York City brother in which Iris, played by a young Jodi Foster,
  was one of the prostitutes.
 Ahh.  Jodi Foster.  I would kill to win her love.
 Are you sure sporting club goes back only a few decades?  I was thinking
 it went back at least 1-2 centuries.  Sporting, eh, Chap?

You really shouldn't believe EVERYTHING I write, Bill.

 Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics.  Even if
 you win you're still retarded.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   It is neither yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.
  Says Curtis, judging the quality of our work.
 Yup, imagine that.
  And as noted, you judge the exchanges on a lot of
  other things you couldn't possibly evaluate if you
  hadn't been following them.
 Obviously I followed it enough to form the opinion.

We disagree.

 I haven't slavishly followed every detail, I don't need to.
 Your deal with each other is nothing if not predictable.
  I would not have a malicious liar for a friend, and I
  don't have much respect for anyone who would.
 Right, I got that, but you sure hide it well.  The friend
 of my enemy is my enemy, works great in the Mid East too.

Beg your pardon? Which malicious liars do you see me
being friendly with here?

  Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
  and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
 That's quite a long term grudge you are nursing there Judy.

Grudge is a weasel word in this context. Barry
likes to use it too. But of course it doesn't apply
when the offense is a continuing one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20...@... 

  John jr_esq@ wrote:
   Your ideas in this discussion are well intentioned.  But there must be a 
   reason why MMY insisted on practicing these siddhi techniques.  No one in 
   this forum has even entertained the possibility that MMY himself has 
   experienced all of the Patanjali siddhis, including levitation.  Perhaps, 
   he has shared this secret to only a few of his closest disciples.  They 
   could come out in the future to attest this fact about MMY.
 Nablusoss wrote:
  It will happen, perhaps. For example the tape from Seelisberg where the 
  videoguy in the bus outside Kulm who had the tape running and was waiting 
  for Maharishi to come. He did, slowly from the celing above and settled on 
  the couch. 
  Sooner or later it will be shown, I suppose. :-)
 The story was most likely a spicy ingredient of the hype program that 
 surrounded the introduction of the Sidhis, and nothing more. I'm surprised 
 the story has not yet faded from your memory.  Have you, Nabby, seen this 
 tape, or have you only heard of it?   Would you mind sharing more of your 
 understanding about this occasion ?

No I won't because you have already made up your mind. Why then should I bother 
to give you any details ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting story of Maharishi messing with other TMO romances

2010-01-30 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 30, 2010, at 12:03 PM, It's just a ride wrote:

 Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics.  Even if 
 you win you're still retarded.

Has anyone ever told you you're a major asshole?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting story of Maharishi messing with other TMO romances

2010-01-30 Thread It's just a ride
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com wrote:

 On Jan 30, 2010, at 12:03 PM, It's just a ride wrote:

 Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics.  Even if
 you win you're still retarded.

 Has anyone ever told you you're a major asshole?


 If it's good enough for the President of the United States to say, it's
good enough for me.  But I took the spam filter off of your posts just a few
days ago thinking you'd be nice, polite and let the menfolk (and the two
wannabe menfolk FemiNazis) do the talking while you and yours nodded and
said yes, Dear.  I'm putting the spam filter back on you.   Bye, bye SS.

Arguing on the Internet with the likes of Sal is like competing in the
Special Olympics.  Even if you win you're still retarded.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 30, 2010, at 3:24 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

 Was that the time when Maharishis made all the faucets in the hotel run with 
 carob flavored milk and every child found gumdrops appearing in their little 
 pockets? (Their favorite colors only and not any of those nasty licorice 

I loved the licorice one, Curtis.
 He was just the most magical little man.

Oh, we're off to see the wizard...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

   Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
   and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
  That's quite a long term grudge you are nursing there Judy.
 Grudge is a weasel word in this context. Barry
 likes to use it too. But of course it doesn't apply
 when the offense is a continuing one.

I read a fascinating book about how grudges are maintained in the Mideast from 
generation to generation.  The perception of ongoing offense is critical for 
maintaining the emotional intensity and for maintaining victim status to 
maintain a grudge.  It becomes entwined with cultural and personal identity so 
that great lengths are taken to find evidence.  Even to the point of trying 
to connect things that to an outside observer seem like a ridiculous stretch. 
For example trying to connect what happened when I first started posting with 
my current non interest in your feud. The common thread...your victim hood. 
Must serve something important for you.

Just leave your co-pay with the office on your way out.  

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
It is neither yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.
   Says Curtis, judging the quality of our work.
  Yup, imagine that.
   And as noted, you judge the exchanges on a lot of
   other things you couldn't possibly evaluate if you
   hadn't been following them.
  Obviously I followed it enough to form the opinion.
 We disagree.
  I haven't slavishly followed every detail, I don't need to.
  Your deal with each other is nothing if not predictable.
   I would not have a malicious liar for a friend, and I
   don't have much respect for anyone who would.
  Right, I got that, but you sure hide it well.  The friend
  of my enemy is my enemy, works great in the Mid East too.
 Beg your pardon? Which malicious liars do you see me
 being friendly with here?
   Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
   and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
  That's quite a long term grudge you are nursing there Judy.
 Grudge is a weasel word in this context. Barry
 likes to use it too. But of course it doesn't apply
 when the offense is a continuing one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread Joe

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   It is neither yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.
  Says Curtis, judging the quality of our work.
 Yup, imagine that.
  And as noted, you judge the exchanges on a lot of
  other things you couldn't possibly evaluate if you
  hadn't been following them.
 Obviously I followed it enough to form the opinion. I haven't slavishly 
 followed every detail, I don't need to.  Your deal with each other is nothing 
 if not predictable.
  I would not have a malicious liar for a friend, and I
  don't have much respect for anyone who would.
 Right, I got that, but you sure hide it well.  The friend of my enemy is my 
 enemy, works great in the Mid East too.
  Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
  and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
 That's quite a long term grudge you are nursing there Judy.  Not a big 
 respect builder for me, so I guess we have reached some symmetry here.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  Again, you are not in a position to comment if you
  haven't been reading our exchanges attentively.
  Your thoughts on the nature of those exchanges do not
  carry any weight with me.
 I was so hoping you were hanging on my every word.  But
 there is zero chance that I will begin reading your 
 exchanges attentively.  Seriously Judy why would I
 want to do that?  Your angle is only fascinating to you.
 You shouldn't judge the rest of us harshly for not
 giving a shit.

Obviously, that isn't what I'm saying. It's fine if you
don't read them, but if you don't, you shouldn't be
judging them. Like I said, simple.
   I judge them boring.
  You do a lot more than that.
   I don't need to read them all to know that.
  An episode of a long-running TV series can be boring
  when you just tune into an episode now and then,
  because there's no continuity or context, and you
  can't connect with what's going on.
   It is neither yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.
  Says Curtis, judging the quality of our work.
  And as noted, you judge the exchanges on a lot of
  other things you couldn't possibly evaluate if you
  hadn't been following them.
 Acknowledging more fault sound like a real party.
 I'm gunna take a pass on this little game.

Yeah, well, that's part of what I was saying about our
respective ethical principles. That and thinking it's
cute when your buddy tells malicious lies,
   WTF?  I never said anything like this.  I said I put them
   in the folder titled fucking with Judy and don't take
   them seriously the way you do.
  Close enough. And it isn't just me Barry tells malicious
  lies about. It's his M.O. *He* means them to be taken
  seriously, no matter what he claims here or what he may
  tell you on the side.
  Again, the exchange about the Haiti Global Good News
  site is paradigmatic: Barry gets caught in a malicious
  lie (not about me), and in trying to wiggle out of it
  tells more lies (including about me). The whole thing
  is dead serious.
  I would not have a malicious liar for a friend, and I
  don't have much respect for anyone who would.
and not
being willing to stand up for people who have been
wrongly accused, among other things.
   Judy I have stood up for you plenty of times here
  Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
  and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
   arguing for the value I find in our exchanges.
  Not the same thing.
   Often to people who I consider friends here like Geezer.  I just don't 
   care about your Barry deal.  I believe you over value these exchanges as 
   important.  But they are for you so go for it.  But judging me for not 
   caring is a bit self centered at the least.  I choose my own online 
   relationship with each person here on my own terms and with my own 
   valuation.  I do my best to ignore how people here interact when 
   considering the value of my own communication here.  I try to avoid 
   taking on any filters people offer me about people here.  Sometimes I am 

Curtis my man, you have the patience of a saint in your attempt to explain to 
Judy why the Judy/Barry thing is of interest to basically no one except Judy 
and (sometimes) Barry.
The Judy/Barry thing is the main reason I bailed on reading FFL for months on 
end. Your return (along with the admittedly juicy King Tony and kids sit-com 
story) has kept me 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
   That's quite a long term grudge you are nursing there Judy.
  Grudge is a weasel word in this context. Barry
  likes to use it too. But of course it doesn't apply
  when the offense is a continuing one.
 I read a fascinating book about how grudges are maintained
 in the Mideast from generation to generation.  The
 perception of ongoing offense is critical for maintaining
 the emotional intensity and for maintaining victim status
 to maintain a grudge.  It becomes entwined with cultural
 and personal identity so that great lengths are taken to 
 find evidence.  Even to the point of trying to connect
 things that to an outside observer seem like a ridiculous
 stretch. For example trying to connect what happened when
 I first started posting with my current non interest in
 your feud. The common thread...your victim hood. Must
 serve something important for you.

Isn't it convenient how this psychobabble excuses
your behavior?

And victimhood is yet another weasel term (also
one Barry uses, quelle surprise).

Of course, we don't ever see Barry (or you) 
complaining about being victimized.


You're quite right, Curtis, you aren't at your best
when you're under fire.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfr...@... wrote:
 Curtis my man, you have the patience of a saint in your
 attempt to explain to Judy why the Judy/Barry thing is
 of interest to basically no one except Judy and
 (sometimes) Barry.

Um...it isn't anything he needs to explain to me,
actually. Nor do I blame him or anyone else for its
not being of interest (as you'd know if you had been
paying attention).

 The Judy/Barry thing is the main reason I bailed on
 reading FFL for months on end.

Ooopsie, you're having some memory problems there. Just
a few days ago, you said it was because you felt dirty
about being forced to try to communicate with me by
delivering one-liner insults.

Or do you mean the same person was holding a gun to your
head and forcing you to read my exchanges with Barry too?

What a *lamer*.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread Joe

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfreak@ wrote:
  Curtis my man, you have the patience of a saint in your
  attempt to explain to Judy why the Judy/Barry thing is
  of interest to basically no one except Judy and
  (sometimes) Barry.
 Um...it isn't anything he needs to explain to me,
 actually. Nor do I blame him or anyone else for its
 not being of interest (as you'd know if you had been
 paying attention).
  The Judy/Barry thing is the main reason I bailed on
  reading FFL for months on end.
 Ooopsie, you're having some memory problems there. Just
 a few days ago, you said it was because you felt dirty
 about being forced to try to communicate with me by
 delivering one-liner insults.
 Or do you mean the same person was holding a gun to your
 head and forcing you to read my exchanges with Barry too?
 What a *lamer*.

Uh-huh. So it's all about you, right?
How pathetic.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 Isn't it convenient how this psychobabble excuses
 your behavior?

You made up the shame spin on me not  arguing with people who thought you were 
out of line for giving me shit when I came here.  The tribe spoke and you got 
voted off.  Deal with it.

 And victimhood is yet another weasel term (also
 one Barry uses, quelle surprise).

Naming things with labels doesn't make them less useful as descriptive terms 
for describing behavior.  You are playing up your victim hood, it is a constant 
 Of course, we don't ever see Barry (or you) 
 complaining about being victimized.

Because that is not my filter.  I don't allow myself to be victimized.
 You're quite right, Curtis, you aren't at your best
 when you're under fire.

I don't enjoy your shame vibe.  But as far as a putdown, that was lame.  With 
or without horselaughs you are portraying yourself as a victim and I'm not 
buying it. It has become part of your identity now and challenging it meets 
with survival level push-back. 

Hey you deal with me as you wish.  I like that you answer in detail Judy.   You 
are an odd duck, but at least you write a lot. And when it is off the personal 
topics you write well. I'm a fan of this place and you are a big part of it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread curtisdeltablues

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Joe geezerfr...@... wrote:

 Doing any recording?

I just submitted a grant to re-record Dr. Ross's one man band material.  

I've been playing his stuff for the last year and I'm ready to bring it all 
back in a Return of the Doctor CD.  

The day when we can hang out is going to be a life changing day for me and my 
music brother.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
It is neither yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.
   Says Curtis, judging the quality of our work.
  Yup, imagine that.
   And as noted, you judge the exchanges on a lot of
   other things you couldn't possibly evaluate if you
   hadn't been following them.
  Obviously I followed it enough to form the opinion. I haven't slavishly 
  followed every detail, I don't need to.  Your deal with each other is 
  nothing if not predictable.
   I would not have a malicious liar for a friend, and I
   don't have much respect for anyone who would.
  Right, I got that, but you sure hide it well.  The friend of my enemy is my 
  enemy, works great in the Mid East too.
   Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
   and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
  That's quite a long term grudge you are nursing there Judy.  Not a big 
  respect builder for me, so I guess we have reached some symmetry here.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   Again, you are not in a position to comment if you
   haven't been reading our exchanges attentively.
   Your thoughts on the nature of those exchanges do not
   carry any weight with me.
  I was so hoping you were hanging on my every word.  But
  there is zero chance that I will begin reading your 
  exchanges attentively.  Seriously Judy why would I
  want to do that?  Your angle is only fascinating to you.
  You shouldn't judge the rest of us harshly for not
  giving a shit.
 Obviously, that isn't what I'm saying. It's fine if you
 don't read them, but if you don't, you shouldn't be
 judging them. Like I said, simple.

I judge them boring.
   You do a lot more than that.
I don't need to read them all to know that.
   An episode of a long-running TV series can be boring
   when you just tune into an episode now and then,
   because there's no continuity or context, and you
   can't connect with what's going on.
It is neither yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.
   Says Curtis, judging the quality of our work.
   And as noted, you judge the exchanges on a lot of
   other things you couldn't possibly evaluate if you
   hadn't been following them.
  Acknowledging more fault sound like a real party.
  I'm gunna take a pass on this little game.
 Yeah, well, that's part of what I was saying about our
 respective ethical principles. That and thinking it's
 cute when your buddy tells malicious lies,

WTF?  I never said anything like this.  I said I put them
in the folder titled fucking with Judy and don't take
them seriously the way you do.
   Close enough. And it isn't just me Barry tells malicious
   lies about. It's his M.O. *He* means them to be taken
   seriously, no matter what he claims here or what he may
   tell you on the side.
   Again, the exchange about the Haiti Global Good News
   site is paradigmatic: Barry gets caught in a malicious
   lie (not about me), and in trying to wiggle out of it
   tells more lies (including about me). The whole thing
   is dead serious.
   I would not have a malicious liar for a friend, and I
   don't have much respect for anyone who would.
 and not
 being willing to stand up for people who have been
 wrongly accused, among other things.

Judy I have stood up for you plenty of times here
   Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
   and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
arguing for the value I find in our exchanges.
   Not the same thing.
Often to people who I consider friends here like Geezer.  I just don't 
care about your Barry deal.  I believe you over value these exchanges 
as important.  But they are for you so go for it.  But judging me for 
not caring is a bit self centered at the least.  I choose my own online 
relationship with each person here on my own terms and with my own 
valuation.  I do my best to ignore how 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread curtisdeltablues
No really Sal, he levitated to the ceiling.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 30, 2010, at 3:24 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  Was that the time when Maharishis made all the faucets in the hotel run 
  with carob flavored milk and every child found gumdrops appearing in their 
  little pockets? (Their favorite colors only and not any of those nasty 
  licorice ones.)
 I loved the licorice one, Curtis.
  He was just the most magical little man.
 Oh, we're off to see the wizard...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bevan's Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is married with 2 daughters

2010-01-30 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
   That's quite a long term grudge you are nursing there Judy.
  Grudge is a weasel word in this context. Barry
  likes to use it too. But of course it doesn't apply
  when the offense is a continuing one.
 I read a fascinating book about how grudges are maintained in the Mideast 
 from generation to generation.  The perception of ongoing offense is critical 
 for maintaining the emotional intensity and for maintaining victim status to 
 maintain a grudge.  It becomes entwined with cultural and personal identity 
 so that great lengths are taken to find evidence.  Even to the point of 
 trying to connect things that to an outside observer seem like a ridiculous 
 stretch. For example trying to connect what happened when I first started 
 posting with my current non interest in your feud. The common thread...your 
 victim hood. Must serve something important for you.

How sad when one realizes that Barry and Judy are both childless which means 
that their feud will die with them.

But take heart! If they both live to their actuarial life expectancies (about 
74 and 78 respectively) we have another approximately 20 years of juvenile 
bickering to look forward to!

 Just leave your co-pay with the office on your way out.  
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
 It is neither yours nor Barry's best work here IMO.

Says Curtis, judging the quality of our work.
   Yup, imagine that.
And as noted, you judge the exchanges on a lot of
other things you couldn't possibly evaluate if you
hadn't been following them.
   Obviously I followed it enough to form the opinion.
  We disagree.
   I haven't slavishly followed every detail, I don't need to.
   Your deal with each other is nothing if not predictable.
I would not have a malicious liar for a friend, and I
don't have much respect for anyone who would.
   Right, I got that, but you sure hide it well.  The friend
   of my enemy is my enemy, works great in the Mid East too.
  Beg your pardon? Which malicious liars do you see me
  being friendly with here?
Curtis, as you well know, this goes way back with you
and me, to shortly after you joined us here.
   That's quite a long term grudge you are nursing there Judy.
  Grudge is a weasel word in this context. Barry
  likes to use it too. But of course it doesn't apply
  when the offense is a continuing one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogastah Kuru Karmani

2010-01-30 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   No one in this forum has even entertained the possibility 
   that MMY himself has experienced all of the Patanjali 
   siddhis, including levitation.  
  No one on this forum is that insane.
  Never mind.
 You have mentioned that you have observed levitation 
 many times from your other teachers.  

Teacher. One. Frederick Lenz - Rama.

 And, you believed it.  

No, I experienced it. As did literally thousands
of others. Rama used to do this shit in *public
talks* at the L.A. Convention Center or Carnegie
Hall. As to what it was that we all experienced,
I cannot say; all I can say is that we experienced
it. Personally. No rumors. No innuendo like yours.
Experience. Vs. Theory or blind faith. I know it's
difficult for a TM True Believer to distinguish
the two, but one has to point out the difference
from time to time.

 But if someone suggested MMY could do the same, you 
 would denounce it.  Why?

I didn't denounce. I laughed at it. Did you never
*meet* Maharishi? Were you *asleep* for forty years
of his marketing campaigns? If Maharishi found a
cure for *hangnails* he would have been demonstrating
it on national TV, labeling it Maharishi(TM) Hangnail
Yagya, and selling it for thousands of dollars.  :-)

 Tell us the truth.  Were you hallucinating when you saw 
 the levitation?

I wasn't on drugs, if that's what you're implying.
Neither were the thousands of others who exper-
ienced the same things I did. Were we hallucinating
in the sense that we saw and experienced things that
a video camera wouldn't have captured? Possibly. But
that does not mean we didn't experience what we did.
WHAT it was I experienced I cannot speak to. What it
meant I cannot speak to. All I can speak to is that
I, personally, experienced it.

Can you say the same about your theory of Maharishi
being the master of all the Patanjali siddhis?

Thought not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting story of Maharishi messing with other TMO romances

2010-01-30 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Jan 30, 2010, at 12:03 PM, It's just a ride wrote:
  Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special 
  Olympics.  Even if you win you're still retarded.
 Has anyone ever told you you're a major asshole?

Gotta disagree, Sal. I think that this
is the most apt quote posted on Fairfield
Life in some time. Especially this week,
as some continue to argue with nothing 
but the voices in their heads.