[FairfieldLife] Re: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
Thank you, merudanda. Made my day.

Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to create anything
in their lives look at the old writer and see nothing but a poseur.
Robert sees holiness.

I hope that those who have never been able to overcome their fear of
rejection long enough to feel the rush of creativity and give expression
to it manage to do so someday. Maybe then they wouldn't be so insanely
jealous of those who do it on a regular basis, and feel the need to lash
out at them.

The mural you found on Rue de l'Esperance is not opposite the cafe and I
haven't seen it, but now you've given me something cool to search for on
my walks around the quartier. I guess someone else was as taken by the
name of the street as I was.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:


  Wonderful  Robert Crumb drawing.The caption reads, “Old writer
puts on sweater,  sits down, leers into the computer screen and writes
about life. How  holy can we get?”
hey, you hear,
Chinaski got a


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:

That's what it says on the steet sign across the road from where I'm
sitting. The Street Of Hope. Cool. And the password for the free Wifi at
this cafe is 'cafe'. That's cool, too. And they have Westmalle Tripel.
That's just WAY cool. What can I say? I am easily amused by little

But still, doesn't sitting down in a new cafe to write in and
discovering that you're literally sitting on the Street Of Hope sound
like a *sign*? Maybe what I should write about, in this new writing
cafe, is HOPE.

OK, here goes.

Hope. I still have it, in spades.

Despite what has been said about me on this forum and others in the
past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people *more* hopeful than
I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me to *be*

It's really not such a bad place.

Get over it, if you believe it is.

This world is full of great beauty and great art and great love. And
these things are there even in the darkest corners of supposed
hopelessness. And what you focus on, you become.

When I find someone who's invented a new artform, as has Elena Divina
with her Cyr wheel in the videos I posted earlier, I focus on that, and
I feel more hopeful. A world that can produce that is FAR from hopeless.

It's like the ending to Woody Allen's The Purple Rose Of Cairo.
Cecilia (Mia Farrow) has had a bad day. She's on the street, homeless
after telling her abusive husband to fuck off, and finding out that the
other man she'd fallen in love with is fictional. She has nowhere to
stay, and nowhere to go, and has very little money in her pockets. But
she finds herself standing in front of a movie theater, and spends one
of her last coins to go in and watch the movie.

And up on the screen is Fred Astaire. And suddenly there is hope.
Because no world that has Fred Astaire in it could possibly be hopeless.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Stealth Destroyer for the Navy

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Thanks again for the link. I've had a soft spot for subs ever
 since I saw Disney's 20,000 Leagues under the Sea (the
 godfather of the Steampunk genre!) and heard the Beatles'
 Yellow Submarine!

Just a little fun tidbit for you if you liked 20,000 Leagues
Under The Sea. Back at the Squaw Valley course with
Maharishi back in (I think) 1968, my girlfriend and I became
friends with another course participant named Mark Fleischer.

After the course was over we drove back to L.A. together,
and mark invited us to dinner at his father's house, where he
was staying. So we drive up to this big house in Beverly Hills,
and his father turns out to be Richard Fleischer, who directed
this film. At some point during the evening, I used the guest
bathroom off the living room and there beside the toilet,
serving as a stand for the roll of toilet paper, was Richard's
Oscar (for an earlier documentary). I always thought that
was hilarious.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Sitting in cafes in Paris was cool when everyone was allowed to
 smoke Gauloises and Gitanes and talk about Existentialism.
 Now the  health fascists have banned the practice the
 conformists have won the  day.

LIES! The health fascists have NOT banned talk about

Those given to such things still are allowed to do so, and
can even smoke their Gauloises and Gitanes on the
terrace while doing it.

But to be honest, many of them these days are smoking
those electronic cigarettes and vaping these days. It's
all the rage.

 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote:

  That's what it says on the steet sign across the road from where I'm
  sitting. The Street Of Hope. Cool. And the password for the free Wifi
  this cafe is 'cafe'. That's cool, too. And they have Westmalle
  That's just WAY cool. What can I say? I am easily amused by little

  But still, doesn't sitting down in a new cafe to write in and
  discovering that you're literally sitting on the Street Of Hope sound
  like a *sign*? Maybe what I should write about, in this new writing
  cafe, is HOPE.

  OK, here goes.

  Hope. I still have it, in spades.

  Despite what has been said about me on this forum and others in the
  past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people *more* hopeful
  I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me to *be*

  It's really not such a bad place.

  Get over it, if you believe it is.

  This world is full of great beauty and great art and great love. And
  these things are there even in the darkest corners of supposed
  hopelessness. And what you focus on, you become.

  When I find someone who's invented a new artform, as has Elena Divina
  with her Cyr wheel in the videos I posted earlier, I focus on that,
  I feel more hopeful. A world that can produce that is FAR from

  It's like the ending to Woody Allen's The Purple Rose Of Cairo.
  Cecilia (Mia Farrow) has had a bad day. She's on the street, homeless
  after telling her abusive husband to fuck off, and finding out that
  other man she'd fallen in love with is fictional. She has nowhere to
  stay, and nowhere to go, and has very little money in her pockets.
  she finds herself standing in front of a movie theater, and spends
  of her last coins to go in and watch the movie.

  And up on the screen is Fred Astaire. And suddenly there is hope.
  Because no world that has Fred Astaire in it could possibly be

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
Another sign along the Rue de l'Esperance, found stenciled today on
the wall of a building:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
  Sitting in cafes in Paris was cool when everyone was allowed to
  smoke Gauloises and Gitanes and talk about Existentialism.
  Now the  health fascists have banned the practice the
  conformists have won the  day.

 LIES! The health fascists have NOT banned talk about

 Those given to such things still are allowed to do so, and
 can even smoke their Gauloises and Gitanes on the
 terrace while doing it.

 But to be honest, many of them these days are smoking
 those electronic cigarettes and vaping these days. It's
 all the rage.

  ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote:
   That's what it says on the steet sign across the road from where
   sitting. The Street Of Hope. Cool. And the password for the free
  at this cafe is 'cafe'. That's cool, too. And they have Westmalle
  Tripel. That's just WAY cool. What can I say? I am easily amused
  by little things.
   But still, doesn't sitting down in a new cafe to write in and
   discovering that you're literally sitting on the Street Of Hope
   like a *sign*? Maybe what I should write about, in this new writing
   cafe, is HOPE.
   OK, here goes.
   Hope. I still have it, in spades.
   Despite what has been said about me on this forum and others in the
   past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people *more* hopeful
  than I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me to
  *be* hopeful.
   It's really not such a bad place.
   Get over it, if you believe it is.
   This world is full of great beauty and great art and great love.
   these things are there even in the darkest corners of supposed
   hopelessness. And what you focus on, you become.
   When I find someone who's invented a new artform, as has Elena
   with her Cyr wheel in the videos I posted earlier, I focus on that,
  and I feel more hopeful. A world that can produce that is FAR from
   It's like the ending to Woody Allen's The Purple Rose Of Cairo.
   Cecilia (Mia Farrow) has had a bad day. She's on the street,
   after telling her abusive husband to fuck off, and finding out that
  the other man she'd fallen in love with is fictional. She has
  to stay, and nowhere to go, and has very little money in her
  But she finds herself standing in front of a movie theater, and
  one of her last coins to go in and watch the movie.
   And up on the screen is Fred Astaire. And suddenly there is hope.
   Because no world that has Fred Astaire in it could possibly be

[FairfieldLife] Zig Rolling the Wheel Of Life

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
Another example of playing with the Wheel Of Life instead of trying to
get off of it:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  s3raphita wrote:
  Sitting in cafes in Paris was cool when everyone was allowed to
  smoke Gauloises and Gitanes and talk about Existentialism.
  Now the  health fascists have banned the practice the
  conformists have won the  day.

 LIES! The health fascists have NOT banned talk about

 Those given to such things still are allowed to do so, and
 can even smoke their Gauloises and Gitanes on the
 terrace while doing it.

See? This is the empty pack of Gauloises left at the next table.  :-)


[FairfieldLife] Abolutely must-read article. Your life is an open NetBook.

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB

[FairfieldLife] The Church In The Sky

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
OK, occasionally them Christians do something really cool:


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread Michael Jackson
It was a joke David, the idea that as a channel I could just sit and not talk 
and take the gullible TM'ers to the cleaners by telling them I was channeling 
Vedic Silence.

On Sun, 10/27/13, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013, 1:42 AM
   Dear MJ; Son
 really you
 got to have some serious stuff if you want to play the
 meditating community as a healer.  This is a pretty
 spiritual crowd by long experience.  If someone don't
 got some real shakti
 and its all talk then folks just go on to the next meeting. 
 This last week we were
 visited by Janet Sussman and then there are the meetings
 with Connie
 Huebner most every week in Fairfield.  And lots of satsangs,
 meditations, shaktipat and spiritual meetings always. 
 You've seen
 the Fairfield, Iowa Directory of Active Spiritual Practice
 Others come through all the time.  And then there are the
 Maha-saints, the sat-guru/ Jagatguru category like Ammachi
 or Mother
 Meera, Karunamayi and now John Douglas that come around and
 meditating community will go to Be with them.  However, a
 bagging baptist reforming TM'er from some  Carolina or
 where ever it
 be you are from at best could only hold a candle for some of
 really goes on here.  But you could certainly advertize here
 in the
 Weekly Reader like everyone else and try.  Everyone gets a
 Some have certainly flared out.  It's a tough crowd of
 old meditators
 that is not so naive as it might have once been.  But
 Fairfield, Iowa
 is certainly a very spiritual place by experience.  You
 could try to
 milk it but I bet it would not give much for long unless you
 got the goods and can be of real help.
 Though if you do come to
 Fairfield let us do coffee at Paradiso or Revelations once. 
 coffee, none of that latte shit.  I won't even ask to
 see your Dome
 badge,  -Buck
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 That's right.
 I have finally figured out how grand TM is. 
 I am in fact going to blend my channeling and TM of the past
 and create a glorious new future. 
 I am moving to Fairfield and become a Vedic Channel. And
 since as a Vedic Channel I will be channeling from the Home
 of All the Laws of Nature, I will channel Pure Silence. 
 So the client will sit with me and I will channel Pure
 Silence for half an hour and they will pay me big money.
 Thus TM finally becomes useful.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Holy Hell - a book by Gail Tredwell on Amma, Mata Amritanandamayi

2013-10-27 Thread Michael Jackson
Thanks for posting this - I am looking forward to reading it, and looking 
forward to Ravi's review if he reads it too.

On Sun, 10/27/13, indifferent_netizen no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Holy Hell - a book by Gail Tredwell on Amma, Mata 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013, 4:59 AM
  HELL: A Memoir of Faith, Devotion, and Pure Madness
 Here is a
 brief book description: Amma, universally known
 as The Hugging Saint, went
 through a two-decade transformation from a simple
 fisherman's daughter to an
 international wonder worshiped by millions. Gail
 Gayatri Tredwell
 was there every step of the way—from early devotee to head
 female disciple,
 ever-present personal attendant, handmaiden, whipping post,
 and unwilling
 keeper of some devastating secrets. 
 Because she became fluent in the
 Malayalam language and had continual
 intimate proximity to Amma for twenty years, Tredwell is
 uniquely capable of
 portraying this famous woman. She tells her tale with
 straightforward honesty,
 fairness, and a dash of Aussie snap and wit. Although the
 guru’s flaws are a
 necessary part of her story and awakening, she strives to be
 throughout, digging deep to eschew victim frameworks and
 take responsibility
 for her own role in accepting the abuse and perpetuating the
 Tredwell takes us vividly through her
 varying stages, starting with
 naïveté and innocent devotion, then on to dawning
 awareness and confusion,
 finally to emotional breakdown and her shocking
 realization that the liberation she urgently required was is
 in fact liberation
 from her own guru. 
 On Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Holy-
 Hell-Memoir-Devotion-Madness/ dp/0989679403
 E-book: https://www.ebookpie.com/
 search/ebooks?utf8=✓keywords= holy+hell
 Gail's Website: http://gailtredwell.com/
 Holy Hell Facebook page: 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Om quot;embeddedquot; in the tanakh?

2013-10-27 Thread cardemaister
View Source
 Card, maybe they made a typo and yom should really be yum. As in yummy soma. 
Also not to be taken seriously (-:

 Well, to change 'yom' to 'yum' one only needs to move the dot
 of the nikkud 'cholem vav' (o) inside the 'vav' , and it becomes
 a shureq (u)... ???






---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote:

 Card, maybe they made a typo and yom should really be yum. As in yummy soma. 
Also not to be taken seriously (-:

 On Thursday, October 24, 2013 2:08 AM, cardemaister@... cardemaister@... 
   (Not to be taken all too seriously...)

 Just as 'om' may be embedded in the word 'soma',
 so in the tanakh (Hebrew Bible =~ Old Testament)
 it may be embedded in the word 'yom' (day) that appears
 several times in the first verses of bereshit (Genesis)...






[FairfieldLife] Republican Halloween

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB




[FairfieldLife] Excellent article about an under-appreciated film director

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
I agree with these film critics' analysis, but with a caveat. Never
bother to watch the cinematic release of a Ridley Scott movie. The man
refuses to be constrained by the industry's Keep it under two hours
rule, and as a result almost every film he makes has been cut to pieces
by studio editors before it hits the cinemas. Wait for the Director's
Cut. That's where you get to see the movies Scott wanted to make, and in
that form they're often brilliant. I suspect the same fate will await
The Counselor, released this week.


[FairfieldLife] One for Alex and Curtis...

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
...and others who have evangelized The Bliss Of Bacon on this forum. The
scientific data is in, and they were right:


[FairfieldLife] Fleatlemania

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
Happy autumn to you all!  

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sun...@yahoo.com 
Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but I 
got intrigued by all the buzz about Breaking Bad, and so I've been absorbed 
in watching all five seasons.  In fact, I've watched all but the final episode 
which I intend to watch shortly.
Other than that, it's pretty much been business as usual.  
Divvying up World Series tickets among customers and employees is always quite 
a task.  The kids are going tonight, and I go tomorrow with a customer who is 
like the ultimate Red Sox fan, so that should be fun.  Luckily for him, he is 
ex MP, so that may come in handy for him.  Employee is taking another customer 
on Monday.  
Younger son took his ACT test a second time today.  Trying to bring it up close 
to 30 from 25 on the first round.  He felt pretty embarrassed by that low 
score, and so has been pretty self motivated the last couple weeks.

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:35 AM, sharelon...@yahoo.com 
sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
Steve, not so fast! Tell us what's happening down St. Louis way. How's the 
family, the business, etc? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 I've never really understood those seekers who want to get off the
 wheel, meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
 I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
 never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for

OMG, another one:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Halloween History

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
John, there's even a bit more. Samhain is one of four Celtic holy days that 
fall midway between equinox and solstice: Imbolc, around Feb 1, Beltane on May 
1 and Lughnasadh around Aug 1. 

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:51 PM, jr_...@yahoo.com jr_...@yahoo.com 
It means All Hallow's Evening.  But wait there's more...


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Om embedded in the tanakh?

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
yep, that's what I thought (-:

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 4:23 AM, cardemais...@yahoo.com 
cardemais...@yahoo.com wrote:
View Source
Card, maybe they made a typo and yom should really be yum. As in yummy soma. 
Also not to be taken seriously (-:

Well, to change 'yom' to 'yum' one only needs to move the dot
of the nikkud 'cholem vav' (o) inside the 'vav' , and it becomes
a shureq (u)... ???




---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, sharelong60@... wrote:

Card, maybe they made a typo and yom should really be yum. As in yummy soma. 
Also not to be taken seriously (-:

On Thursday, October 24, 2013 2:08 AM, cardemaister@... cardemaister@... 
(Not to be taken all too seriously...)

Just as 'om' may be embedded in the word 'soma',
so in the tanakh (Hebrew Bible =~ Old Testament)
it may be embedded in the word 'yom' (day) that appears
several times in the first verses of bereshit (Genesis)...

Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: The curse of 'Dracula......

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
wgm, doshas as faults of the ego reminds me of that tape wherein Maharishi 
explains that the fundamental problems of life listed in chapter 2 of the Gita 
can be generated by combining the three gunas with the 5 mahabhutas: sattvic 
problem in pritivi, sattvic problem in jala, sattvic problem in tejas, etc. And 
in 4, 35 of the Gita: delusion in tamas is overcome by increasing rajas; 
delusion in rajas is overcome by increasing sattwa; by delusion in sattwa, 
Arjuna's situation, can only be overcome by transcending the gunas. I mention 
these to say: isn't the body consciousness already?

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 6:01 PM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
One can read too much into an analogy :-) Desire and attachment go hand in 
hand, these powerful desires are the Sleeping Elephants MMY was talking 
about, they have to be dealt with, they reside deep in the subconscious mind 
and tie the consciousness to the body. They are spoken of in Christian ethics 
as the 7 cardinal sins; wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. In 
Yoga they are spoken of as the 'doshas' or faults of the ego.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

wgm, but in a way, wouldn't gold chains be harder to let go of? Even in the 
Gita Maharishi talks about having to let go of attachment to sattwa. Anyway, I 
remember hearing something about the desire for enlightenment being used to 
sublimate all other desires. Eeeek!

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 11:43 AM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
I think there are good desires and bad desires, one leads to heaven the other 
hell but both keep one bound to the wheel of Samsara. Charlie used to say you 
can have iron chains or gold chains depending on your Karma, obviously we'd 
prefer gold chains. I was mainly talking about sinful desire like lust, greed 
and the like. B 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

The curse of Dracula! Is, the very *damnation* Christ warned
about! The *blood* of *desire*!!! Drinking the blood of sensuality dooms those,
who go so forth, to the wheel of eternal *in-satiability* and the wheel of
birth and death (Samsara or eternal damnation to reincarnation because of
desire) until the *demon* of desire is quelled and the peace of soul realization
is gained through meditation and God realization.  ( Hey,  a little Halloween 
here, enjoy!)

[FairfieldLife] Back when religions weren't afraid to call themselves what they are

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB


They sound like an interesting group, actually. I like the way they
handle money.


RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
You will have some serious spiritual competition.  Have you been interviewed on 
Batgap.com yet?
 http://batgap.com/janet-sussman/ http://batgap.com/janet-sussman/

 http://batgap.com/connie-huebner/ http://batgap.com/connie-huebner/

 For instance.  There are others resident here too.
 And the train of illumined folks visiting coming through.

 -Buck on the ground in Fairfield, Iowa


Dear MJ; Son
really you
got to have some serious stuff if you want to play the
meditating community as a healer. This is a pretty
spiritual crowd by long experience. If someone don't
got some real shakti
and its all talk then folks just go on to the next meeting. 

This last week we were
visited by Janet Sussman and then there are the meetings
with Connie
Huebner most every week in Fairfield. And lots of satsangs,
meditations, shaktipat and spiritual meetings always. 
You've seen
the Fairfield, Iowa Directory of Active Spiritual Practice
Others come through all the time. And then there are the
Maha-saints, the sat-guru/ Jagatguru category like Ammachi
or Mother
Meera, Karunamayi and now John Douglas that come around and
meditating community will go to Be with them. However, a
bagging baptist reforming TM'er from some Carolina or
where ever it
be you are from at best could only hold a candle for some of
really goes on here. But you could certainly advertize here
in the
Weekly Reader like everyone else and try. Everyone gets a
Some have certainly flared out. It's a tough crowd of
old meditators
that is not so naive as it might have once been. But
Fairfield, Iowa
is certainly a very spiritual place by experience. You
could try to
milk it but I bet it would not give much for long unless you
got the goods and can be of real help.
Though if you do come to
Fairfield let us do coffee at Paradiso or Revelations once. 
coffee, none of that latte shit. I won't even ask to
see your Dome
badge, -Buck

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

That's right.
I have finally figured out how grand TM is. 

I am in fact going to blend my channeling and TM of the past
and create a glorious new future. 

I am moving to Fairfield and become a Vedic Channel. And
since as a Vedic Channel I will be channeling from the Home
of All the Laws of Nature, I will channel Pure Silence. 

So the client will sit with me and I will channel Pure
Silence for half an hour and they will pay me big money.
 Thus TM finally becomes useful. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 It was a joke David, the idea that as a channel I could just sit and not 
talk and take the gullible TM'ers to the cleaners by telling them I was 
channeling Vedic Silence.
 On Sun, 10/27/13, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013, 1:42 AM
 Dear MJ; Son
 really you
 got to have some serious stuff if you want to play the
 meditating community as a healer. This is a pretty
 spiritual crowd by long experience. If someone don't
 got some real shakti
 and its all talk then folks just go on to the next meeting. 
 This last week we were
 visited by Janet Sussman and then there are the meetings
 with Connie
 Huebner most every week in Fairfield. And lots of satsangs,
 meditations, shaktipat and spiritual meetings always. 
 You've seen
 the Fairfield, Iowa Directory of Active Spiritual Practice
 Others come through all the time. And then there are the
 Maha-saints, the sat-guru/ Jagatguru category like Ammachi
 or Mother
 Meera, Karunamayi and now John Douglas that come around and
 meditating community will go to Be with them. However, a
 bagging baptist reforming TM'er from some Carolina or
 where ever it
 be you are from at best could only hold a candle for some of
 really goes on here. But you could certainly advertize here
 in the
 Weekly Reader like everyone else and try. Everyone gets a
 Some have certainly flared out. It's a tough crowd of
 old meditators
 that is not so naive as it might have once been. But
 Fairfield, Iowa
 is certainly a very spiritual place by experience. You
 could try to
 milk it but I bet it would not give much for long unless you
 got the goods and can be of real help.
 Though if you do come to
 Fairfield let us do coffee at Paradiso or Revelations once. 
 coffee, none of that latte shit. I won't even ask to
 see your Dome
 badge, -Buck
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5


 However your kind of spiritism generally does not play too well in Fairfield, 
 Lot of these spiritual healers are also dealing with the damage control
 from people dabbling and being open to channeling, hearing voices.
 That is different than reading energy and repairing that great saints do 

 Fairfield, Iowa might not be a very lucrative market for you.  It could be a 
cold winter for you and your carpet bag here.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 You will have some serious spiritual competition.  Have you been interviewed 
on Batgap.com yet?
 http://batgap.com/janet-sussman/ http://batgap.com/janet-sussman/

 http://batgap.com/connie-huebner/ http://batgap.com/connie-huebner/

 For instance.  There are others resident here too.
 And the train of illumined folks visiting coming through.

 -Buck on the ground in Fairfield, Iowa


Dear MJ; Son
really you
got to have some serious stuff if you want to play the
meditating community as a healer. This is a pretty
spiritual crowd by long experience. If someone don't
got some real shakti
and its all talk then folks just go on to the next meeting. 

This last week we were
visited by Janet Sussman and then there are the meetings
with Connie
Huebner most every week in Fairfield. And lots of satsangs,
meditations, shaktipat and spiritual meetings always. 
You've seen
the Fairfield, Iowa Directory of Active Spiritual Practice
Others come through all the time. And then there are the
Maha-saints, the sat-guru/ Jagatguru category like Ammachi
or Mother
Meera, Karunamayi and now John Douglas that come around and
meditating community will go to Be with them. However, a
bagging baptist reforming TM'er from some Carolina or
where ever it
be you are from at best could only hold a candle for some of
really goes on here. But you could certainly advertize here
in the
Weekly Reader like everyone else and try. Everyone gets a
Some have certainly flared out. It's a tough crowd of
old meditators
that is not so naive as it might have once been. But
Fairfield, Iowa
is certainly a very spiritual place by experience. You
could try to
milk it but I bet it would not give much for long unless you
got the goods and can be of real help.
Though if you do come to
Fairfield let us do coffee at Paradiso or Revelations once. 
coffee, none of that latte shit. I won't even ask to
see your Dome
badge, -Buck

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

That's right.
I have finally figured out how grand TM is. 

I am in fact going to blend my channeling and TM of the past
and create a glorious new future. 

I am moving to Fairfield and become a Vedic Channel. And
since as a Vedic Channel I will be channeling from the Home
of All the Laws of Nature, I will channel Pure Silence. 

So the client will sit with me and I will channel Pure
Silence for half an hour and they will pay me big money.
 Thus TM finally becomes useful. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 It was a joke David, the idea that as a channel I could just sit and not 
talk and take the gullible TM'ers to the cleaners by telling them I was 
channeling Vedic Silence.
 On Sun, 10/27/13, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... 
dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013, 1:42 AM
 Dear MJ; Son
 really you
 got to have some serious stuff if you want to play the
 meditating community as a healer. This is a pretty
 spiritual crowd by long experience. If someone don't
 got some real shakti
 and its all talk then folks just go on to the next meeting. 
 This last week we were
 visited by Janet Sussman and then there are the meetings
 with Connie
 Huebner most every week in Fairfield. And lots of satsangs,
 meditations, shaktipat and spiritual meetings always. 
 You've seen
 the Fairfield, Iowa Directory of Active Spiritual Practice
 Others come through all the time. And then there are the
 Maha-saints, the sat-guru/ Jagatguru category like Ammachi
 or Mother
 Meera, Karunamayi and now John Douglas that come around and
 meditating community will go to Be with them. However, a
 bagging baptist reforming TM'er from some Carolina or
 where ever it
 be you are from at best could only hold a candle for some of
 really goes on here. But you could certainly advertize here
 in the
 Weekly Reader like everyone else and try. Everyone gets a
 Some have certainly flared out. It's a tough crowd of
 old meditators
 that is 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread Michael Jackson
I doubt Rick would want to interview me as I do not claim to be awakened or 
enlightened and I currently revile most metaphysics, gurus, faith healers and 
meditation movements.

On Sun, 10/27/13, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013, 12:46 PM
   You will have some serious spiritual
 competition.  Have you been interviewed on Batgap.com
 instance.  There are others resident here too.And
 the train of illumined folks visiting coming through.
 on the ground in Fairfield, Iowa
 Dear MJ; Son
 really you
 got to have some
 serious stuff if you want to play the
 meditating community
 as a healer. This is a pretty
 spiritual crowd by
 long experience. If someone don't
 got some real
 and its all talk then folks just go on
 to the next meeting. 
 This last week we were
 visited by Janet
 Sussman and then there are the meetings
 with Connie
 Huebner most every
 week in Fairfield. And lots of satsangs,
 meditations, shaktipat
 and spiritual meetings always. 
 the Fairfield, Iowa Directory of Active
 Spiritual Practice
 Others come through
 all the time. And then there are the
 Maha-saints, the
 sat-guru/ Jagatguru category like Ammachi
 or Mother
 Meera, Karunamayi and
 now John Douglas that come around and
 meditating community
 will go to Be with them. However, a
 bagging baptist
 reforming TM'er from some Carolina or
 where ever
 be you are from at best could only hold
 a candle for some of
 really goes on here. But you could
 certainly advertize here
 in the
 Weekly Reader like everyone else and
 try. Everyone gets a
 Some have certainly
 flared out. It's a tough crowd of
 that is not so naive as it might have
 once been. But
 Fairfield, Iowa
 is certainly a very
 spiritual place by experience. You
 could try to
 milk it but I bet it
 would not give much for long unless you
 got the goods and can
 be of real help.
 Though if you do come to
 Fairfield let us do
 coffee at Paradiso or Revelations once. 
 coffee, none of that
 latte shit. I won't even ask to
 see your
 badge, -Buck
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 I have finally figured out how grand TM
 I am in fact going to blend my
 channeling and TM of the past
 and create a glorious new
 I am moving to Fairfield and become a
 Vedic Channel. And
 since as a Vedic Channel I will be
 channeling from the Home
 of All the Laws of Nature, I will
 channel Pure Silence. 
 So the client will sit with me and I
 will channel Pure
 Silence for half an hour and they will
 pay me big money.
 Thus TM finally
 becomes useful.  
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 It was a joke
 David, the idea that as a channel I could just
 sit and not talk and take the gullible TM'ers to the
 cleaners by telling them I was channeling Vedic
  On Sun, 10/27/13, dhamiltony2k5@...
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013, 1:42 AM



Dear MJ; Son
  really you
  got to have some serious stuff if you want to play the
  meditating community as a healer.  This is a pretty
  spiritual crowd by long experience.  If someone don't
  got some real shakti
  and its all talk then folks just go on to the next meeting.
  This last week we were
  visited by Janet Sussman and then there are the meetings
  with Connie
  Huebner most every week in Fairfield.  And lots of
  meditations, shaktipat and spiritual meetings always. 
  You've seen
  the Fairfield, Iowa Directory of Active Spiritual Practice
  Others come through all the time.  And then there are the
  Maha-saints, the sat-guru/ Jagatguru category like Ammachi
  or Mother
  Meera, Karunamayi and now John Douglas that come around
  meditating community will go to Be with them.  However, a
  bagging baptist reforming TM'er from some  Carolina or
  where ever it
  be you are from at best could only hold a candle for some
  really goes on here.  But you could certainly advertize
  in the
  Weekly Reader like everyone else and try.  Everyone gets a

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread Michael Jackson
disagree with you on all counts - were I to go to Fairfield and channel I 
would have droves of the spiritually hungry eating out of my hands, or to be 
more accurate, were I to approach the deal the way many of the hucksters who 
flit through Fairfield do their gigs, I would be eating from their hands 

Channeling has always been a big deal in Fairfield, tho hidden for obviously 
Dome reasons. Susan Shumsky got her start there - the Dome cops tried to 
censure her but she claimed it wasn't channeling, it was her way of praying and 
communing with God - I think they backed off over fear of being accused of 
stifling people's religious beliefs - she still channels to this day I believe.

So stick with lambing and Dome attendance - you know not whereof you speak, and 
I don't mean it as an insult, but I am not willing to agree with you that your 
friends in FF are particularly spiritually astute since they do run from one 
guru type to the next - if they were as satisfied with their TMSP or whatever 
as Doc is with his, they wouldn't need to swivel their heads around in a circle 
like an owl looking for the next spiritual/guru fix.  

On Sun, 10/27/13, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Subject: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013, 12:50 PM
 However your
 kind of spiritism generally does not play too well in
 Fairfield, Iowa.Lot of these spiritual
 healers are also dealing with the damage controlfrom people dabbling
 and being open to channeling, hearing voices.That is different than
 reading energy and repairing that great saints do
 Fairfield, Iowa
 might not be a very lucrative market for you.  It could
 be a cold winter for you and your carpet bag here.-Buck
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 You will have
 some serious spiritual competition.  Have you been
 interviewed on Batgap.com yet?http://batgap.com/janet-sussman/
 instance.  There are others resident here too.And
 the train of illumined folks visiting coming through.
 on the ground in Fairfield, Iowa
 Dear MJ; Son
 really you
 got to have some
 serious stuff if you want to play the
 meditating community
 as a healer. This is a pretty
 spiritual crowd by
 long experience. If someone don't
 got some real
 and its all talk then folks just go on
 to the next meeting. 
 This last week we were
 visited by Janet
 Sussman and then there are the meetings
 with Connie
 Huebner most every
 week in Fairfield. And lots of satsangs,
 meditations, shaktipat
 and spiritual meetings always. 
 the Fairfield, Iowa Directory of Active
 Spiritual Practice
 Others come through
 all the time. And then there are the
 Maha-saints, the
 sat-guru/ Jagatguru category like Ammachi
 or Mother
 Meera, Karunamayi and
 now John Douglas that come around and
 meditating community
 will go to Be with them. However, a
 bagging baptist
 reforming TM'er from some Carolina or
 where ever
 be you are from at best could only hold
 a candle for some of
 really goes on here. But you could
 certainly advertize here
 in the
 Weekly Reader like everyone else and
 try. Everyone gets a
 Some have certainly
 flared out. It's a tough crowd of
 that is not so naive as it might have
 once been. But
 Fairfield, Iowa
 is certainly a very
 spiritual place by experience. You
 could try to
 milk it but I bet it
 would not give much for long unless you
 got the goods and can
 be of real help.
 Though if you do come to
 Fairfield let us do
 coffee at Paradiso or Revelations once. 
 coffee, none of that
 latte shit. I won't even ask to
 see your
 badge, -Buck
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 I have finally figured out how grand TM
 I am in fact going to blend my
 channeling and TM of the past
 and create a glorious new
 I am moving to Fairfield and become a
 Vedic Channel. And
 since as a Vedic Channel I will be
 channeling from the Home
 of All the Laws of Nature, I will
 channel Pure Silence. 
 So the client will sit with me and I
 will channel Pure
 Silence for half an hour and they will
 pay me big money.
 Thus TM finally
 becomes useful.  
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 was a joke David, the idea that as a channel I
 could just sit and not talk and take the gullible TM'ers
 to the cleaners by telling them I was channeling
 Vedic Silence.
   On Sun, 10/27/13,

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 I doubt Rick would want to interview me as I do not claim
 to be awakened or enlightened and I currently revile
 most metaphysics, gurus, faith healers and meditation

Hey, those might all be excellent qualifications. Worked
for the crazy wisdom poets. Centuries later, and people
are still reading them.


Not to mention my namesake, the Turquoise Bee.


RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2013-10-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
 You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Before you criticize others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, 
you'll be 5,280 feet away from them and they'll be barefooted.
 On 10/25/2013 5:58 PM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 While it is true that the early bird gets the worm, it's the second mouse that 
gets the cheese.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
The only useful purpose for a child's middle name is so they  know when 
Mom is really angry  with them.

On 10/27/2013 8:09 AM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

  * You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute
to skydive twice.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com 

Before you criticize others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. 
That way, you'll be 5,280 feet away from them and they'll be barefooted.

On 10/25/2013 5:58 PM, dhamiltony2k5@...
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

  * To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever
you hit the target.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

While it is true that the early bird gets the worm, it's the second 
mouse that gets the cheese.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread authfriend
Barry wrote:
  Thank you, merudanda. Made my day. 
 Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to create anything in 
 their lives look at the old writer 
  and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness.

 There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them are holy; the rest 
are poseurs.

 It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put on a very 
convincing demonstration of your membership in the latter category. (Not that 
anyone on FFL was in doubt.)
 I hope that those who have never been able to overcome their fear of 
 rejection long enough to feel the 
  rush of creativity and give expression to it manage to do so someday. Maybe 
  then they wouldn't be so 
  insanely jealous of those who do it on a regular basis, and feel the need to 
  lash out at them.


 Sweetie, nobody's jealous of an old poseur, especially one whose creativity 
involves pretending they're holy while insanely lashing out at the folks who 
see through their poses, thus confirming that they're poseurs with virtually 
zero insight into other people and even less insight into themselves.

 They're a pathetic sight. If they weren't so obnoxious, one might be inclined 
to feel sorry for them; but as it is, the impulse is just to laugh at them for 
not realizing how obvious their pretense is.



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
What you fail to understand is that in your self abnegation you're 
sounding more and more like a religious fundamentalist or cultist every 
day. Maybe that's why you two feel compelled to confess all the time. Go 

On 10/27/2013 8:04 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:

 I doubt Rick would want to interview me as I do not claim
 to be awakened or enlightened and I currently revile
 most metaphysics, gurus, faith healers and meditation

Hey, those might all be excellent qualifications. Worked
for the crazy wisdom poets. Centuries later, and people
are still reading them.


Not to mention my namesake, the Turquoise Bee.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  the Judester opines:

 Barry wrote:

   Thank you, merudanda. Made my day.
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to
  create anything in their lives look at the old writer
   and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness.

  There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them
 are holy; the rest are poseurs.

  It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put
 on a very convincing demonstration of your membership
 in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.)

Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the
fun of it.

Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently?


It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about
memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves,
and by others.

Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and
felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and
one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your
spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them,
as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives
them, scorn and derision.

By now some of you must have figured out the formula.
- First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
whatever this may be this time.
- Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging
on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's
ragging on.
- Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you.

Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the
weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Om quot;embeddedquot; in the tanakh?

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
It is a fact that here are no bija mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda. 
So, how would the SSRS know any bijas from being a Vedic Pandit?

There are no bija mantras mentioned by Patanjali. The historical Buddha 
doesn't mention any bija mantras. So, the bija mantras usage must have 
come AFTER the rise of Buddhism (463 BC) in India and Patanjali's Yoga 
Sutras (200 BC).

The Siddha tradition of using bija mantras can be traced back to the 
Vajrayana Buddhism which probably began at Odisha, or in the modern day 
Swat Valley in what is now Pakistan during the Gupta Age. Vajrayana 
Buddhism is esoteric, in the sense that the transmission of certain 
teachings only occurs directly from teacher to student during an 
initiation or empowerment and cannot be simply learned from a book.

So, SSRS get the bija mantras from MMY without even becoming a TM 
teacher -  it has not been established where and from whom MMY got the 
list of bijas, but you only get one bija in TM - so how did MMY and SSRS 
get to know all the bija mantras? They probably read about the bija 
mantras in a  yoga book. Because no TM teacher would give out seventeen 
different bijas to one student. Go figure.

On 10/26/2013 11:20 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

SSRS, although a mahapundit of the four vedas, should have asked you 
first. Although he had a number of teachers other than MMY, he  
obviously never asked permission from you - the punditster. I'm sure 
he regrets the omission to this day.

I'm also sure you could clarify his pronunciation of the riks, reveal 
the hidden connections between between the vaious chhanda-s. Maybe you 
could obtain the blessing of the deva-s and get him authorized for 
using these cheating bijas stolen from the Buddhists.

You should call him and offer to help him out. However, I wouldn't use 
your Prairie Dog credentials. Rather you should just introduce 
yourself as a pandit dedicated to cleaning up the fallen lineage of 
pseudo-pandits using fake bijas. You could give him a copy of the The 
Tantric Tradition by Leopold Fischer (agehananda bharati) and just 
point out You need to read this and stop ripping everyone off!

So great of you to consider this.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote:

Under whose authority would the SSRS be giving out any bija mantras? 
If you can't reveal where MMY got the bijas, so how could you say SSRS 
got any bijas? There aren't any bijas mentioned in the Vedas. From 
what I've read, SSRS, like Deepak Chopra and Charlie Lutes, never 
became TM teachers by completing a TTC. So, how would they be knowing 
any bijas? Go figure.

On 10/24/2013 7:41 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:

Authfriend: Today at 8:16 AM

So what would the problem be if OM wasn't included in a maha-mantra 
but rather along with, say, a bija mantra like what TM uses? Did Sri 
Sri give out bija mantras, or just the maha-mantras?

*SSRS does indeed give out bija-mantras for meditation. However, I 
was never taught his sahaj-meditation technique so I did not receive 
one of his chosen meditation bija-mantras.



*What I asked him for (asked four times over a 7 year period) was 
guru-mantra. When he finally gave it to me it was a maha-mantra 
that named the source of our teaching lineage. If you consider the 
guru-puja which is performed **at initiation **then you can guess 
which  mantra. I received it along with another one of SSRS's 
teachers who often stayed at my house. According to that teacher, he 
also received the same maha-mantra (it includes om).*

*I couldn't have asked for a better mantra. I use it after my 
tm-mantra and before I perform sanyama on a few select sutras that 
work especially well for me. *

*SSRS did tell me and that all the different bija-mantras naturally 
merge into the om sound at the finest level.


*BTW - the sankhya-yoga scholar said the same ... no problem with 
using om if sheltered in a longer mantra. *

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2013-10-27 Thread steve.sundur
 Funny, funny, funny!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 The only useful purpose for a child's middle name is so they  know when Mom is 
really angry  with them.
 On 10/27/2013 8:09 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 Before you criticize others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, 
you'll be 5,280 feet away from them and they'll be barefooted.
 On 10/25/2013 5:58 PM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 While it is true that the early bird gets the worm, it's the second mouse that 
gets the cheese.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Can#39;t share this enough

2013-10-27 Thread Richard Williams
You will still have to pay, even if you're not using it.

 [image: Inline image 1]

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:


 You and  I already paid. We want the goods!

 On 10/25/2013 10:35 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

 You know you have to pay - nothing is free.

  [image: Inline image 1]

  On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.netwrote:

  What's a DMV?  Oh you mean that place I have to go once in a blue moon
 to have my eyes checked?  You don't have to go there for tabs and license
 renewals most of the time.  It's all done online.  And BTW, have you
 checked out how California is doing with Obamacare?  Smoothly, the call
 center is in nearby Concord. They hired a couple hundred folks out
 thousands who applied.   Maybe California should be a seperate country.  We
 almost are already.

 On 10/24/2013 06:52 PM, wgm4u wrote:

 Just because a few CEO's make outlandish money, doesn't mean we should
 upend our entire economic system to solve it, (like Obama has done with
 Health Care); some of the greatest philanthropists are from the 1 %.

  Instead of taking care of the un-insured in particular, Obama and the
 Dems have decided to re-arrange everything, and as a result we've got
 health care provide by the DMV, LOL.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

  Watch it again.  He talks about the need for incentives.  But the fact
 that a CEO can earn up to 380 times what the average worker in his company
 gets is of course just crazy.  No one is worth that much.  What is wrong
 with the board of directors on these companies when it comes to executive
 compensation?   Well I think if you take a close look at the BOD they will
 turn out to be cronies of the CEO.  Such is the scam in gangster run
 corporations which is the style of business these days.

  On 10/24/2013 01:21 PM, wgm4u wrote:

 I don't think the author knows how capitalism works, you can't just throw
 incentive under the bus and expect to have a growing economy. He's just
 another jealous liberal IMO, another *utopian* perhaps. Hey, let's grow the
 pie! Capitalism has been show to do that best, bar none!

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 

   The point of the video is shocking.  But who is the source of the
 facts being presented?  Assuming that the facts are right, the top one
 percent earners in the USA should be taxed more than the middle class.

  But we've already seen that the Republicans are not going to raise the
 taxes for the rich.  They would rather shutdown the government and not pay
 the government debts, even if it destroys the country's economy.

 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... turquoiseb@...wrote:

 Reposted with the same Subject line with which I found it:



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread Steve Sundur
Hi Share,
Yes, quite exciting IMO.  Here's a funny twist.  My wife likes the radio play 
by play guy and so often listens in the kitchen.  There's about a 90 second 
delay between what is broadcast on the radio and what is shown on the TV.
So, I'm watching the game on TV, and in those few moments, feeling pretty bad 
about those two guys getting thrown out, and then she comes in and tells me 
no, he is safe as obstruction was ruled on the play, and the winning run 
counts.  Yay!
Son seems to feel he did better on all counts except perhaps math.  
Yea my friend is Red Sox fan all the way.  Dog's name was Bosox, Red Truck with 
Red Sox stuff all over it.  And yes, Military Police.  Two tours in Iraq.  
It'll all be good fun.
On Sunday, October 27, 2013 6:25 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
Happy autumn to you all!  

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sun...@yahoo.com 
Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but I 
got intrigued by all the buzz about Breaking Bad, and so I've been absorbed 
in watching all five seasons.  In fact, I've watched all but the final episode 
which I intend to watch shortly.
Other than that, it's pretty much been business as usual.  
Divvying up World Series tickets among customers and employees is always quite 
a task.  The kids are going tonight, and I go tomorrow with a customer who is 
like the ultimate Red Sox fan, so that should be fun.  Luckily for him, he is 
ex MP, so that may come in handy for him.  Employee is taking another customer 
on Monday.  
Younger son took his ACT test a second time today.  Trying to bring it up close 
to 30 from 25 on the first round.  He felt pretty embarrassed by that low 
score, and so has been pretty self motivated the last couple weeks.

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:35 AM, sharelon...@yahoo.com 
sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
Steve, not so fast! Tell us what's happening down St. Louis way. How's the 
family, the business, etc? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 I've never really understood those seekers who want to get off the
 wheel, meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
 I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
 never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for

OMG, another one:





Re: [FairfieldLife] TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread Richard Williams
Good idea, you could actually provide your spiritual message on Twitter.

Meher Baba:

[image: Inline image 1]

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.comwrote:


 That's right. I have finally figured out how grand TM is.

 I am in fact going to blend my channeling and TM of the past and create a
 glorious new future.

 I am moving to Fairfield and become a Vedic Channel. And since as a Vedic
 Channel I will be channeling from the Home of All the Laws of Nature, I
 will channel Pure Silence.

 So the client will sit with me and I will channel Pure Silence for half an
 hour and they will pay me big money. Thus TM finally becomes useful.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
So, you quit the TMO and Rama to go over to join Yahoo and Facebook and 
Google. I guess we know now what you do on Saturday night. LoL!

On 10/27/2013 9:01 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, the Judester opines:

 Barry wrote:

  Thank you, merudanda. Made my day.
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to
  create anything in their lives look at the old writer
  and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness.

 There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them
 are holy; the rest are poseurs.

 It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put
 on a very convincing demonstration of your membership
 in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.)

Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the
fun of it.

Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently?


It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about
memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves,
and by others.

Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and
felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and
one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your
spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them,
as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives
them, scorn and derision.

By now some of you must have figured out the formula.
- First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
whatever this may be this time.
- Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging
on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's
ragging on.
- Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you.

Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the
weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread authfriend
Barry wrote:
  Barry wrote: 
  Thank you, merudanda. Made my day. 
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to 
   create anything in their lives look at the old writer 
  and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness. 
 There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them 
  are holy; the rest are poseurs. 
 It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put 
  on a very convincing demonstration of your membership 
  in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.) 

  Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the 
  fun of it.

 Says Barry, continuing his poseur demonstration.

 Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently? 

 It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about 
  memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves, 
  and by others. 
 Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

 Actually, no, no more than anyone else expressing their opinion.
 Barry's doing the same thing in this post. He really thinks readers
 here are saps, doesn't he?
 I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and 
  felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and 
  one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

 But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your 
  spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them, 
  as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives 
  them, scorn and derision.

 Barry's getting very, VERY confused as to which posts of his I
 commented on, and why. HINT: It wasn't any of the posts he
 refers to above.

 Remember now which ones they were, Barry?

 Barry edits his own memories such that he doesn't
 remember that virtually everything he criticizes others
 for doing is stuff that he himself does routinely.

  By now some of you must have figured out the formula. 
  - First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
  whatever this may be this time. 
  - Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging 
  on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's 
  ragging on.  
  - Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you. 

 Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the 
  weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

 Yup, that's what Barry's hoping when he does what he
 attributes to me above. He doesn't just accuse his critics
 of doing things he has done, he accuses them of doing
 what he's doing as he makes his accusations. It's really
 quite remarkable. When he goes on one of these rants,
 he is actually describing himself and just changing the
 names and pronouns. And he doesn't realize it.

 That's how little self-knowledge he has.

 The three items he lists above are not only the formula
 he uses, they're the formula he's using to tell you what
 my purported formula is.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
Hi Steve, you got me thinking about the challenges of being a referee in sports 
what with instant reply, etc. Wonder if Robotic Referees are in our future! Go, 
Cards and hope you guys have fun today (-:

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sun...@yahoo.com 
Hi Share,
Yes, quite exciting IMO.  Here's a funny twist.  My wife likes the radio play 
by play guy and so often listens in the kitchen.  There's about a 90 second 
delay between what is broadcast on the radio and what is shown on the TV.
So, I'm watching the game on TV, and in those few moments, feeling pretty bad 
about those two guys getting thrown out, and then she comes in and tells me 
no, he is safe as obstruction was ruled on the play, and the winning run 
counts.  Yay!
Son seems to feel he did better on all counts except perhaps math.  
Yea my friend is Red Sox fan all the way.  Dog's name was Bosox, Red Truck with 
Red Sox stuff all over it.  And yes, Military Police.  Two tours in Iraq.  
It'll all be good fun.
On Sunday, October 27, 2013 6:25 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
Happy autumn to you all!  

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sun...@yahoo.com 
Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but I 
got intrigued by all the buzz about Breaking Bad, and so I've been absorbed 
in watching all five seasons.  In fact, I've watched all but the final episode 
which I intend to watch shortly.
Other than that, it's pretty much been business as usual.  
Divvying up World Series tickets among customers and employees is always quite 
a task.  The kids are going tonight, and I go tomorrow with a customer who is 
like the ultimate Red Sox fan, so that should be fun.  Luckily for him, he is 
ex MP, so that may come in handy for him.  Employee is taking another customer 
on Monday.  
Younger son took his ACT test a second time today.  Trying to bring it up close 
to 30 from 25 on the first round.  He felt pretty embarrassed by that low 
score, and so has been pretty self motivated the last couple weeks.

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:35 AM, sharelon...@yahoo.com 
sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
Steve, not so fast! Tell us what's happening down St. Louis way. How's the 
family, the business, etc? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 I've never really understood those seekers who want to get off the
 wheel, meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
 I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
 never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for

OMG, another one:


[FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread obbajeeba
How much you going to charge?  

 I am in!


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 That's right. I have finally figured out how grand TM is. 
 I am in fact going to blend my channeling and TM of the past and create a 
glorious new future. 
 I am moving to Fairfield and become a Vedic Channel. And since as a Vedic 
Channel I will be channeling from the Home of All the Laws of Nature, I will 
channel Pure Silence. 
 So the client will sit with me and I will channel Pure Silence for half an 
hour and they will pay me big money. Thus TM finally becomes useful.

RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: The curse of #39;Draculaquot;......

2013-10-27 Thread wgm4u
OM-TAT-SAT explains the material and spiritual constitution of the Universe 
(and beyond). OM or Mother Divine creates the material world including our 
body/bodies which are essentially pranic energy (I'm getting a little over my 
pay grade here Share, but anyway, here goes), TAT is the pure reflection in the 
relative material World of the one Spirit Brahman, that reflection is our Jiva 
(and the Atman, Emerson's over soul) the TAT!

 SAT is the Brahman beyond creation, in the beginning Mother Divine spins out 
creation using the (soundless sound or OM), within this matrix a pure 
reflection is born (baby Jesus, Krishna) this is the reflection of Brahman (one 
and the same as Brahman but limited by time and the Manvantara (time). At the 
end or the pralaya all creation dissolves back into Brahman until another Day 
of Brahma.

 MMY used to call the unity of Silence and Dynamism as the Brahm, he is 
referring to the realized soul who has unified the TAT and the SAT or Unity 
Consciousness, so in closing the Body per se is not consciousness but is a 
threefold construct of material atoms, astral light and the causal thought 
vibrations, beyond this 3 fold body is the jiva or pure soul and beyond that is 
the Atman and beyond that is the para-Atman or Brahman.

 Imagine a crystal ball floating in space (Creation or Mother Divine), now 
imagine light from the Sun (Brahman) penetrating that crystal ball, the 
refection IN the crystal ball is our soul (jiva, the spark)  and the greater 
Soul (Atman, the flame) of the created World, hence you have OM TAT SAT;  in 
the end all things revert to the one and only Absolute Brahman.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 wgm, doshas as faults of the ego reminds me of that tape wherein Maharishi 
explains that the fundamental problems of life listed in chapter 2 of the Gita 
can be generated by combining the three gunas with the 5 mahabhutas: sattvic 
problem in pritivi, sattvic problem in jala, sattvic problem in tejas, etc. And 
in 4, 35 of the Gita: delusion in tamas is overcome by increasing rajas; 
delusion in rajas is overcome by increasing sattwa; by delusion in sattwa, 
Arjuna's situation, can only be overcome by transcending the gunas. I mention 
these to say: isn't the body consciousness already?

 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 6:01 PM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   One can read too much into an analogy :-) Desire and attachment go hand in 
hand, these powerful desires are the Sleeping Elephants MMY was talking 
about, they have to be dealt with, they reside deep in the subconscious mind 
and tie the consciousness to the body. They are spoken of in Christian ethics 
as the 7 cardinal sins; wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. In 
Yoga they are spoken of as the 'doshas' or faults of the ego.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 wgm, but in a way, wouldn't gold chains be harder to let go of? Even in the 
Gita Maharishi talks about having to let go of attachment to sattwa. Anyway, I 
remember hearing something about the desire for enlightenment being used to 
sublimate all other desires. Eeeek!

 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 11:43 AM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   I think there are good desires and bad desires, one leads to heaven the 
other hell but both keep one bound to the wheel of Samsara. Charlie used to say 
you can have iron chains or gold chains depending on your Karma, obviously we'd 
prefer gold chains. I was mainly talking about sinful desire like lust, greed 
and the like. B 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 The curse of Dracula! Is, the very *damnation* Christ warned about! The 
*blood* of *desire*!!! Drinking the blood of sensuality dooms those, who go so 
forth, to the wheel of eternal *in-satiability* and the wheel of birth and 
death (Samsara or eternal damnation to reincarnation because of desire) until 
the *demon* of desire is quelled and the peace of soul realization is gained 
through meditation and God realization.  ( Hey,  a little Halloween here, 







[FairfieldLife] RE: Republican Halloween

2013-10-27 Thread wgm4u
Democrat Halloween-Sorry we already gave away all of our candy and there's 
none left! 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:





Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
I am on FFL and I do have doubts that turq is a poseur. Just to answer Judy's 
assertion that not anyone on FFL doubts that he has membership in that category.

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:44 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com 
authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
Barry wrote:
 Barry wrote: 
   Thank you, merudanda. Made my day. 
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to 
  create anything in their lives look at the old writer 
   and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness. 
  There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them 
 are holy; the rest are poseurs. 
  It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put 
 on a very convincing demonstration of your membership 
 in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.) 

 Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the 
 fun of it.

Says Barry, continuing his poseur demonstration.

 Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently? 


 It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about 
 memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves, 
 and by others. 
 Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

Actually, no, no more than anyone else expressing their opinion.
Barry's doing the same thing in this post. He really thinks readers
here are saps, doesn't he?

 I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and 
 felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and 
 one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

 But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your 
 spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them, 
 as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives 
 them, scorn and derision.

Barry's getting very, VERY confused as to which posts of his I
commented on, and why. HINT: It wasn't any of the posts he
refers to above.

Remember now which ones they were, Barry?

Barry edits his own memories such that he doesn't
remember that virtually everything he criticizes others
for doing is stuff that he himself does routinely.

 By now some of you must have figured out the formula. 
 - First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
 whatever this may be this time. 
 - Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging 
 on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's 
 ragging on.  
 - Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you. 

 Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the 
 weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

Yup, that's what Barry's hoping when he does what he
attributes to me above. He doesn't just accuse his critics
of doing things he has done, he accuses them of doing
what he's doing as he makes his accusations. It's really
quite remarkable. When he goes on one of these rants,
he is actually describing himself and just changing the
names and pronouns. And he doesn't realize it.

That's how little self-knowledge he has.

The three items he lists above are not only the formula
he uses, they're the formula he's using to tell you what
my purported formula is.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
First Steve returns and now Obbajee! It's a glorious day, yay!

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:58 AM, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
How much you going to charge?  

I am in!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

That's right. I have finally figured out how grand TM is. 

I am in fact going to blend my channeling and TM of the past and create a 
glorious new future. 

I am moving to Fairfield and become a Vedic Channel. And since as a Vedic 
Channel I will be channeling from the Home of All the Laws of Nature, I will 
channel Pure Silence. 

So the client will sit with me and I will channel Pure Silence for half an hour 
and they will pay me big money. Thus TM finally becomes useful.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin#39; off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread steve.sundur
Well, the umpires in baseball are consulting much more now, which they really 
hadn't done in the past, and it has been positive, I think.  And next year they 
are going to some video reviews, which I also think is good.  But what I don't 
see changing for a long time, are the balls and strikes.
 I was just reading  a passage from a book by Ken Carey from many years ago, 
who said that professional sports are really quite positive in that they 
channel much of aggression we have as humans into a positive direction.  That 
is, into an organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.
 That makes sense to me.  What do you think? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Hi Steve, you got me thinking about the challenges of being a referee in 
sports what with instant reply, etc. Wonder if Robotic Referees are in our 
future! Go, Cards and hope you guys have fun today (-:

 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
   Hi Share,
 Yes, quite exciting IMO.  Here's a funny twist.  My wife likes the radio play 
by play guy and so often listens in the kitchen.  There's about a 90 second 
delay between what is broadcast on the radio and what is shown on the TV.
 So, I'm watching the game on TV, and in those few moments, feeling pretty bad 
about those two guys getting thrown out, and then she comes in and tells me 
no, he is safe as obstruction was ruled on the play, and the winning run 
counts.  Yay!
 Son seems to feel he did better on all counts except perhaps math.  
 Yea my friend is Red Sox fan all the way.  Dog's name was Bosox, Red Truck 
with Red Sox stuff all over it.  And yes, Military Police.  Two tours in Iraq.  
It'll all be good fun.
 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 6:25 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
   Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
 Happy autumn to you all!  

 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
   Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but 
I got intrigued by all the buzz about Breaking Bad, and so I've been absorbed 
in watching all five seasons.  In fact, I've watched all but the final episode 
which I intend to watch shortly.
 Other than that, it's pretty much been business as usual.  
 Divvying up World Series tickets among customers and employees is always quite 
a task.  The kids are going tonight, and I go tomorrow with a customer who is 
like the ultimate Red Sox fan, so that should be fun.  Luckily for him, he is 
ex MP, so that may come in handy for him.  Employee is taking another customer 
on Monday.  
 Younger son took his ACT test a second time today.  Trying to bring it up 
close to 30 from 25 on the first round.  He felt pretty embarrassed by that low 
score, and so has been pretty self motivated the last couple weeks.
 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:35 AM, sharelong60@... sharelong60@... 
   Steve, not so fast! Tell us what's happening down St. Louis way. How's the 
family, the business, etc? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB wrote:
 I've never really understood those seekers who want to get off the
 wheel, meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
 I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
 never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for

 OMG, another one:















Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread Steve Sundur
Well, the umpires in baseball are consulting much more now, which they really 
hadn't done in the past, and it has been positive, I think.  And next year they 
are going to some video reviews, which I also think is good.  But what I don't 
see changing for a long time, are the balls and strikes.
I was just reading  a passage from a book by Ken Carey from many years ago, who 
said that professional sports are really quite positive in that they channel 
much of aggression we have as humans into a positive direction.  That is, into 
an organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.
That makes sense to me.  What do you think? 

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sun...@yahoo.com 
Hi Share,
Yes, quite exciting IMO.  Here's a funny twist.  My wife likes the radio play 
by play guy and so often listens in the kitchen.  There's about a 90 second 
delay between what is broadcast on the radio and what is shown on the TV.
So, I'm watching the game on TV, and in those few moments, feeling pretty bad 
about those two guys getting thrown out, and then she comes in and tells me 
no, he is safe as obstruction was ruled on the play, and the winning run 
counts.  Yay!
Son seems to feel he did better on all counts except perhaps math.  
Yea my friend is Red Sox fan all the way.  Dog's name was Bosox, Red Truck with 
Red Sox stuff all over it.  And yes, Military Police.  Two tours in Iraq.  
It'll all be good fun.
On Sunday, October 27, 2013 6:25 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
Happy autumn to you all!  

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sun...@yahoo.com 
Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but I 
got intrigued by all the buzz about Breaking Bad, and so I've been absorbed 
in watching all five seasons.  In fact, I've watched all but the final episode 
which I intend to watch shortly.
Other than that, it's pretty much been business as usual.  
Divvying up World Series tickets among customers and employees is always quite 
a task.  The kids are going tonight, and I go tomorrow with a customer who is 
like the ultimate Red Sox fan, so that should be fun.  Luckily for him, he is 
ex MP, so that may come in handy for him.  Employee is taking another customer 
on Monday.  
Younger son took his ACT test a second time today.  Trying to bring it up close 
to 30 from 25 on the first round.  He felt pretty embarrassed by that low 
score, and so has been pretty self motivated the last couple weeks.

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:35 AM, sharelon...@yahoo.com 
sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
Steve, not so fast! Tell us what's happening down St. Louis way. How's the 
family, the business, etc? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 I've never really understood those seekers who want to get off the
 wheel, meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
 I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
 never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for

OMG, another one:






Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
Steve, I think that's a good point about athletics allowing for aggressive 
tendencies to be expressed in a relatively safe way. Yet our society continues 
to have mass shootings, etc. And I think soccer matches are known for the crowd 
riots afterwards. It seems to be a bit of a mixed bag. One thing for sure, LOTS 
of money involved!

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:08 AM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com 
steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:
Well, the umpires in baseball are consulting much more now, which they really 
hadn't done in the past, and it has been positive, I think.  And next year they 
are going to some video reviews, which I also think is good.  But what I don't 
see changing for a long time, are the balls and strikes.
I was just reading  a passage from a book by Ken Carey from many years ago, who 
said that professional sports are really quite positive in that they channel 
much of aggression we have as humans into a positive direction.  That is, into 
an organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.
That makes sense to me.  What do you think? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Hi Steve, you got me thinking about the challenges of being a referee in sports 
what with instant reply, etc. Wonder if Robotic Referees are in our future! Go, 
Cards and hope you guys have fun today (-:

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
Hi Share,
Yes, quite exciting IMO.  Here's a funny twist.  My wife likes the radio play 
by play guy and so often listens in the kitchen.  There's about a 90 second 
delay between what is broadcast on the radio and what is shown on the TV.
So, I'm watching the game on TV, and in those few moments, feeling pretty bad 
about those two guys getting thrown out, and then she comes in and tells me 
no, he is safe as obstruction was ruled on the play, and the winning run 
counts.  Yay!
Son seems to feel he did better on all counts except perhaps math.  
Yea my friend is Red Sox fan all the way.  Dog's name was Bosox, Red Truck with 
Red Sox stuff all over it.  And yes, Military Police.  Two tours in Iraq.  
It'll all be good fun.
On Sunday, October 27, 2013 6:25 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
Happy autumn to you all!  

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:

Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but I 
got intrigued by all the buzz about Breaking Bad, and so I've been absorbed 
in watching all five seasons.  In fact, I've watched all but the final episode 
which I intend to watch shortly.
Other than that, it's pretty much been business as usual.  
Divvying up World Series tickets among customers and employees is always quite 
a task.  The kids are going tonight, and I go tomorrow with a customer who is 
like the ultimate Red Sox fan, so that should be fun.  Luckily for him, he is 
ex MP, so that may come in handy for him.  Employee is taking another customer 
on Monday.  
Younger son took his ACT test a second time today.  Trying to bring it up close 
to 30 from 25 on the first round.  He felt pretty embarrassed by that low 
score, and so has been pretty self motivated the last couple weeks.

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:35 AM, sharelong60@... sharelong60@... 
Steve, not so fast! Tell us what's happening down St. Louis way. How's the 
family, the business, etc? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 I've never really understood those seekers who want to get off the
 wheel, meaning the endless cycle of life, death, rebirth, and karma.
 I've always thought that people who have this as their goal in life just
 never learned how much fun you can have with a wheel. This video is for

OMG, another one:


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

Shotgun wedding: a matter of wife and death.

On 10/27/2013 9:03 AM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Funny, funny, funny!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com 

The only useful purpose for a child's middle name is so they know when 
Mom is really angry  with them.

On 10/27/2013 8:09 AM, dhamiltony2k5@...
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

  * You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute
to skydive twice.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Before you criticize others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. 
That way, you'll be 5,280 feet away from them and they'll be barefooted.

On 10/25/2013 5:58 PM, dhamiltony2k5@...
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

  * To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever
you hit the target.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

While it is true that the early bird gets the worm, it's the second 
mouse that gets the cheese.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Steve Sundur  wrote:

 I was just reading a passage from a book by Ken Carey from
many years ago, who said that professional sports are really
 quite positive in that they channel much of aggression we
 have as humans into a positive direction.  That is, into an
 organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.

 That makes sense to me. What do you think?

I think that some sports can even rechannel macho energies
and counter the effects of misogyny. Take curling, in which
guys get to use a broom for the first time in their lives. :-)

Then again, the misogyny quotient is probably balanced out
in the sport of Wife Carrying, number 8 in this set:

I'm really not sure how to rank Chess Boxing on this scale. :-)

Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread Steve Sundur
I understand what you are saying, but taking the big picture, it makes sense to 
me.  Of course there will always be incidents, but overall, reading that (Ken 
Carey's deal), sort of changed my perspective some.
I don't know if I see the connection with mass shootings.  I will concede that 
abuse of women does sometimes spike in places where that home team loses a big 
game. But I'm a little more kindly disposed to pro sports now, than I was 
The one sport where you still have out and out fights is hockey.  But they are 
moderating that some.  My son says that many of those fights are not a result 
of anger per se, but rather, one team trying to break the momentum of the 
other team.  I challenged him on that, and he provided some pretty good 
evidence to back up his position.

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:11 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
Steve, I think that's a good point about athletics allowing for aggressive 
tendencies to be expressed in a relatively safe way. Yet our society continues 
to have mass shootings, etc. And I think soccer matches are known for the crowd 
riots afterwards. It seems to be a bit of a mixed bag. One thing for sure, LOTS 
of money involved!

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:08 AM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com 
steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:
Well, the umpires in baseball are consulting much more now, which they really 
hadn't done in the past, and it has been positive, I think.  And next year they 
are going to some video reviews, which I also think is good.  But what I don't 
see changing for a long time, are the balls and strikes.

I was just reading  a passage from a book by Ken Carey from many years ago, who 
said that professional sports are really quite positive in that they channel 
much of aggression we have as humans into a positive direction.  That is, into 
an organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.

That makes sense to me.  What do you think?  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com

Hi Steve, you got me thinking about the challenges of being a referee in sports 
what with instant reply, etc. Wonder if Robotic Referees are in our future! Go, 
Cards and hope you guys have fun today (-:

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
Hi Share,
Yes, quite exciting IMO.  Here's a funny twist.  My wife likes the radio play 
by play guy and so often listens in the kitchen.  There's about a 90 second 
delay between what is broadcast on the radio and what is shown on the TV.
So, I'm watching the game on TV, and in those few moments, feeling pretty bad 
about those two guys getting thrown out, and then she comes in and tells me 
no, he is safe as obstruction was ruled on the play, and the winning run 
counts.  Yay!
Son seems to feel he did better on all counts except perhaps math.  
Yea my friend is Red Sox fan all the way.  Dog's name was Bosox, Red Truck with 
Red Sox stuff all over it.  And yes, Military Police.  Two tours in Iraq.  
It'll all be good fun.
On Sunday, October 27, 2013 6:25 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
Happy autumn to you all!  

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but I 
got intrigued by all the buzz about Breaking Bad, and so I've been absorbed 
in watching all five seasons.  In fact, I've watched all but the final episode 
which I intend to watch shortly.
Other than that, it's pretty much been business as usual.  
Divvying up World Series tickets among customers and employees is always quite 
a task.  The kids are going tonight, and I go tomorrow with a customer who is 
like the ultimate Red Sox fan, so that should be fun.  Luckily for him, he is 
ex MP, so that may come in handy for him.  Employee is taking another customer 
on Monday.  
Younger son took his ACT test a second time today.  Trying to bring it up close 
to 30 from 25 on the first round.  He felt pretty embarrassed by that low 
score, and so has been pretty self motivated the last couple weeks.

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 9:35 AM, sharelong60@... sharelong60@... 
Steve, not so fast! Tell us what's happening down St. Louis way. How's the 
family, the business, etc? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Great way to start the morning! Thanks for that.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

 I've never really understood those seekers who want to get off the

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread authfriend
Sorry, I should have said except for Share, since she is herself a poseur. 
Share wrote:

  I am on FFL and I do have doubts that turq is a poseur. Just to answer 
  Judy's assertion that 
  not anyone on FFL doubts that he has membership in that category.


 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:44 AM, authfriend@... authfriend@... wrote:
   Barry wrote:
  Barry wrote: 
  Thank you, merudanda. Made my day. 
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to 
   create anything in their lives look at the old writer 
  and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness. 
 There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them 
  are holy; the rest are poseurs. 
 It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put 
  on a very convincing demonstration of your membership 
  in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.) 

  Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the 
  fun of it.

 Says Barry, continuing his poseur demonstration.

 Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently? 

 It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about 
  memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves, 
  and by others. 
 Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

 Actually, no, no more than anyone else expressing their opinion.
 Barry's doing the same thing in this post. He really thinks readers
 here are saps, doesn't he?
 I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and 
  felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and 
  one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

 But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your 
  spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them, 
  as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives 
  them, scorn and derision.

 Barry's getting very, VERY confused as to which posts of his I
 commented on, and why. HINT: It wasn't any of the posts he
 refers to above.

 Remember now which ones they were, Barry?

 Barry edits his own memories such that he doesn't
 remember that virtually everything he criticizes others
 for doing is stuff that he himself does routinely.

  By now some of you must have figured out the formula. 
  - First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
  whatever this may be this time. 
  - Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging 
  on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's 
  ragging on.  
  - Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you. 

 Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the 
  weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

 Yup, that's what Barry's hoping when he does what he
 attributes to me above. He doesn't just accuse his critics
 of doing things he has done, he accuses them of doing
 what he's doing as he makes his accusations. It's really
 quite remarkable. When he goes on one of these rants,
 he is actually describing himself and just changing the
 names and pronouns. And he doesn't realize it.

 That's how little self-knowledge he has.

 The three items he lists above are not only the formula
 he uses, they're the formula he's using to tell you what
 my purported formula is.





[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin#39; off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread steve.sundur
 Good stuff Barry!
 And curling.  Ya gotta love curling!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Steve Sundur wrote:
 I was just reading a passage from a book by Ken Carey from 
 many years ago, who said that professional sports are really 
  quite positive in that they channel much of aggression we 
 have as humans into a positive direction.  That is, into an 
 organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.
 That makes sense to me. What do you think?

 I think that some sports can even rechannel macho energies
and counter the effects of misogyny. Take curling, in which
guys get to use a broom for the first time in their lives. :-)

Then again, the misogyny quotient is probably balanced out
in the sport of Wife Carrying, number 8 in this set:

I'm really not sure how to rank Chess Boxing on this scale. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
When engaged in one of these self-examination processes, remember that a 
clear conscience is frequently symptomatic of a flawed memory.

On 10/27/2013 9:44 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Barry wrote:

 Barry wrote:

  Thank you, merudanda. Made my day.
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to
  create anything in their lives look at the old writer
  and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness.

 There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them
 are holy; the rest are poseurs.

 It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put
 on a very convincing demonstration of your membership
 in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.)

 Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the
 fun of it.

Says Barry, continuing his poseur demonstration.

 Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently?


 It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about
 memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves,
 and by others.

 Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

Actually, no, no more than anyone else expressing their opinion.
Barry's doing the same thing in this post. He really thinks readers
here are saps, doesn't he?

 I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and
 felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and
 one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

 But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your
 spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them,
 as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives
 them, scorn and derision.

Barry's getting very, VERY confused as to which posts of his I
commented on, and why. HINT: It wasn't any of the posts he
refers to above.

Remember now which ones they were, Barry?

Barry edits his own memories such that he doesn't
remember that virtually everything he criticizes others
for doing is stuff that he himself does routinely.

 By now some of you must have figured out the formula.
 - First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
 whatever this may be this time.
 - Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging
 on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's
 ragging on.
 - Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you.

 Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the
 weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

Yup, that's what Barry's hoping when he does what he
attributes to me above. He doesn't just accuse his critics
of doing things he /has done/, he accuses them of doing
/what he's doing as he makes his accusations./ It's really
quite remarkable. When he goes on one of these rants,
he is actually describing himself and just changing the
names and pronouns. /And he doesn't realize it/.

That's how little self-knowledge he has.

The three items he lists above are not only the formula
he uses, they're the formula /he's using to tell you what/
/my purported formula is./

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread wgm4u
 Poseur (or poser) is a pejorative term, often used in the punk 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punk_subculture, heavy metal 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_metal_subculture, hip hop 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hip_hop, and goth 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goth_subculture subcultures 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subculture, or the skateboarding 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skateboarding and surfing 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfing communities, to describe a person who 
copies the dress, speech, and/or mannerisms of a group or subculture, generally 
for attaining acceptability within the group or for popularity among various 
other groups, yet who is deemed not to share or understand the values or 
philosophy of the subculture. Wiki (already posted?)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Sorry, I should have said except for Share, since she is herself a poseur. 
Share wrote:

  I am on FFL and I do have doubts that turq is a poseur. Just to answer 
  Judy's assertion that 
  not anyone on FFL doubts that he has membership in that category.


 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:44 AM, authfriend@... authfriend@... wrote:
   Barry wrote:
  Barry wrote: 
  Thank you, merudanda. Made my day. 
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to 
   create anything in their lives look at the old writer 
  and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness. 
 There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them 
  are holy; the rest are poseurs. 
 It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put 
  on a very convincing demonstration of your membership 
  in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.) 

  Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the 
  fun of it.

 Says Barry, continuing his poseur demonstration.

 Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently? 

 It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about 
  memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves, 
  and by others. 
 Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

 Actually, no, no more than anyone else expressing their opinion.
 Barry's doing the same thing in this post. He really thinks readers
 here are saps, doesn't he?
 I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and 
  felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and 
  one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

 But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your 
  spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them, 
  as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives 
  them, scorn and derision.

 Barry's getting very, VERY confused as to which posts of his I
 commented on, and why. HINT: It wasn't any of the posts he
 refers to above.

 Remember now which ones they were, Barry?

 Barry edits his own memories such that he doesn't
 remember that virtually everything he criticizes others
 for doing is stuff that he himself does routinely.

  By now some of you must have figured out the formula. 
  - First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
  whatever this may be this time. 
  - Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging 
  on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's 
  ragging on.  
  - Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you. 

 Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the 
  weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

 Yup, that's what Barry's hoping when he does what he
 attributes to me above. He doesn't just accuse his critics
 of doing things he has done, he accuses them of doing
 what he's doing as he makes his accusations. It's really
 quite remarkable. When he goes on one of these rants,
 he is actually describing himself and just changing the
 names and pronouns. And he doesn't realize it.

 That's how little self-knowledge he has.

 The three items he lists above are not only the formula
 he uses, they're the formula he's using to tell you what
 my purported formula is.





Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
Pondering about Judy and turq, I admit I prefer the straight forward fighting 
style of the latter rather than the sly fighting style of the former. 

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:28 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com 
authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
Sorry, I should have said except for Share, since she is herself a poseur. 

Share wrote:

 I am on FFL and I do have doubts that turq is a poseur. Just to answer Judy's 
 assertion that 
 not anyone on FFL doubts that he has membership in that category.

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:44 AM, authfriend@... authfriend@... wrote:
Barry wrote:
 Barry wrote: 
   Thank you, merudanda. Made my day. 
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to 
  create anything in their lives look at the old writer 
   and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness. 
  There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them 
 are holy; the rest are poseurs. 
  It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put 
 on a very convincing demonstration of your membership 
 in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.) 

 Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the 
 fun of it.

Says Barry, continuing his poseur demonstration.

 Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently? 


 It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about 
 memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves, 
 and by others. 
 Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

Actually, no, no more than anyone else expressing their opinion.
Barry's doing the same thing in this post. He really thinks readers
here are saps, doesn't he?

 I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and 
 felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and 
 one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

 But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your 
 spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them, 
 as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives 
 them, scorn and derision.

Barry's getting very, VERY confused as to which posts of his I
commented on, and why. HINT: It wasn't any of the posts he
refers to above.

Remember now which ones they were, Barry?

Barry edits his own memories such that he doesn't
remember that virtually everything he criticizes others
for doing is stuff that he himself does routinely.

 By now some of you must have figured out the formula. 
 - First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
 whatever this may be this time. 
 - Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging 
 on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's 
 ragging on.  
 - Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you. 

 Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the 
 weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

Yup, that's what Barry's hoping when he does what he
attributes to me above. He doesn't just accuse his critics
of doing things he has done, he accuses them of doing
what he's doing as he makes his accusations. It's really
quite remarkable. When he goes on one of these rants,
he is actually describing himself and just changing the
names and pronouns. And he doesn't realize it.

That's how little self-knowledge he has.

The three items he lists above are not only the formula
he uses, they're the formula he's using to tell you what
my purported formula is.

Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: The curse of 'Dracula......

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
geez, wgm, beyond pay grade or not, thanks for this analysis which if I have 
heard, I've definitely forgotten. That phrase *Sat is the Brahman beyond 
creation* is acting as a koan for me. I can't fathom it. Nor am I even trying 
to fathom it. I'm just letting it sit there and do its magic, if that makes any 

One question: would you say Om or Tat is what Maharishi calls the gap?

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:00 AM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
OM-TAT-SAT explains the material and spiritual constitution of the Universe 
(and beyond). OM or Mother Divine creates the material world including our 
body/bodies which are essentially pranic energy (I'm getting a little over my 
pay grade here Share, but anyway, here goes), TAT is the pure reflection in the 
relative material World of the one Spirit Brahman, that reflection is our Jiva 
(and the Atman, Emerson's over soul) the TAT!

SAT is the Brahman beyond creation, in the beginning Mother Divine spins out 
creation using the (soundless sound or OM), within this matrix a pure 
reflection is born (baby Jesus, Krishna) this is the reflection of Brahman (one 
and the same as Brahman but limited by time and the Manvantara (time). At the 
end or the pralaya all creation dissolves back into Brahman until another Day 
of Brahma.

MMY used to call the unity of Silence and Dynamism as the Brahm, he is 
referring to the realized soul who has unified the TAT and the SAT or Unity 
Consciousness, so in closing the Body per se is not consciousness but is a 
threefold construct of material atoms, astral light and the causal thought 
vibrations, beyond this 3 fold body is the jiva or pure soul and beyond that is 
the Atman and beyond that is the para-Atman or Brahman.

Imagine a crystal ball floating in space (Creation or Mother Divine), now 
imagine light from the Sun (Brahman) penetrating that crystal ball, the 
refection IN the crystal ball is our soul (jiva, the spark)  and the greater 
Soul (Atman, the flame) of the created World, hence you have OM TAT SAT;  in 
the end all things revert to the one and only Absolute Brahman.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

wgm, doshas as faults of the ego reminds me of that tape wherein Maharishi 
explains that the fundamental problems of life listed in chapter 2 of the Gita 
can be generated by combining the three gunas with the 5 mahabhutas: sattvic 
problem in pritivi, sattvic problem in jala, sattvic problem in tejas, etc. And 
in 4, 35 of the Gita: delusion in tamas is overcome by increasing rajas; 
delusion in rajas is overcome by increasing sattwa; by delusion in sattwa, 
Arjuna's situation, can only be overcome by transcending the gunas. I mention 
these to say: isn't the body consciousness already?

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 6:01 PM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
One can read too much into an analogy :-) Desire and attachment go hand in 
hand, these powerful desires are the Sleeping Elephants MMY was talking 
about, they have to be dealt with, they reside deep in the subconscious mind 
and tie the consciousness to the body. They are spoken of in Christian ethics 
as the 7 cardinal sins; wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. In 
Yoga they are spoken of as the 'doshas' or faults of the ego.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

wgm, but in a way, wouldn't gold chains be harder to let go of? Even in the 
Gita Maharishi talks about having to let go of attachment to sattwa. Anyway, I 
remember hearing something about the desire for enlightenment being used to 
sublimate all other desires. Eeeek!

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 11:43 AM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
I think there are good desires and bad desires, one leads to heaven the other 
hell but both keep one bound to the wheel of Samsara. Charlie used to say you 
can have iron chains or gold chains depending on your Karma, obviously we'd 
prefer gold chains. I was mainly talking about sinful desire like lust, greed 
and the like. B 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

The curse of Dracula! Is, the very *damnation* Christ warned
about! The *blood* of *desire*!!! Drinking the blood of sensuality dooms those,
who go so forth, to the wheel of eternal *in-satiability* and the wheel of
birth and death (Samsara or eternal 

RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread authfriend
Definition of poseur from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

 a person who pretends to be what he or she is not: an affected or insincere 

 BillyG wrote:
Poseur (or poser) is a pejorative term, often used in the punk 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punk_subculture, heavy metal 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_metal_subculture, hip hop 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hip_hop, and goth 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goth_subculture subcultures 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subculture, or the skateboarding 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skateboarding and surfing 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfing communities, to describe a person who 
copies the dress, speech, and/or mannerisms of a group or subculture, generally 
for attaining acceptability within the group or for popularity among various 
other groups, yet who is deemed not to share or understand the values or 
philosophy of the subculture. Wiki (already posted?)

RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread authfriend
Standard sly attack from a poseur. As I said earlier, Share is just as honest 
as Barry.

 Share wrote:
 Pondering about Judy and turq, I admit I prefer the straight forward fighting 
style of the latter rather than the sly fighting style of the former. 


 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:28 AM, authfriend@... authfriend@... wrote:
   Sorry, I should have said except for Share, since she is herself a poseur. 
Share wrote:

  I am on FFL and I do have doubts that turq is a poseur. Just to answer 
  Judy's assertion that 
  not anyone on FFL doubts that he has membership in that category.


 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:44 AM, authfriend@... authfriend@... wrote:
   Barry wrote:
  Barry wrote: 
  Thank you, merudanda. Made my day. 
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to 
   create anything in their lives look at the old writer 
  and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness. 
 There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them 
  are holy; the rest are poseurs. 
 It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put 
  on a very convincing demonstration of your membership 
  in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.) 

  Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the 
  fun of it.

 Says Barry, continuing his poseur demonstration.

 Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently? 

 It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about 
  memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves, 
  and by others. 
 Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

 Actually, no, no more than anyone else expressing their opinion.
 Barry's doing the same thing in this post. He really thinks readers
 here are saps, doesn't he?
 I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and 
  felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and 
  one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

 But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your 
  spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them, 
  as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives 
  them, scorn and derision.

 Barry's getting very, VERY confused as to which posts of his I
 commented on, and why. HINT: It wasn't any of the posts he
 refers to above.

 Remember now which ones they were, Barry?

 Barry edits his own memories such that he doesn't
 remember that virtually everything he criticizes others
 for doing is stuff that he himself does routinely.

  By now some of you must have figured out the formula. 
  - First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
  whatever this may be this time. 
  - Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging 
  on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's 
  ragging on.  
  - Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you. 

 Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the 
  weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

 Yup, that's what Barry's hoping when he does what he
 attributes to me above. He doesn't just accuse his critics
 of doing things he has done, he accuses them of doing
 what he's doing as he makes his accusations. It's really
 quite remarkable. When he goes on one of these rants,
 he is actually describing himself and just changing the
 names and pronouns. And he doesn't realize it.

 That's how little self-knowledge he has.

 The three items he lists above are not only the formula
 he uses, they're the formula he's using to tell you what
 my purported formula is.








[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Republican Halloween

2013-10-27 Thread authfriend
Republican Halloween: Sorry, we're keeping all our candy, and we want you to 
give us some of yours. 
BillyG wrote:
  Democrat Halloween-Sorry we already gave away all of our candy and there's 
  none left! 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:





[FairfieldLife] RE: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread s3raphita
Re still are allowed to smoke their Gauloises and Gitanes on the terrace:

 I don't smoke any more but when I did I much preferred smoking indoors. The 
fresh air ruins the taste. And when the weather turns cold and wet that simply 
adds to the misery.

 Re Many of them these days are smoking those electronic cigarettes and 

 That's like wearing a nicotine patch. It helps kill the craving but is no 
substitute for real tobacco. The mystique of blowing smoke is a big part of the 
subtle pleasure.

 I suspect there's a link between the energetic iconoclasm of the fifties, 
sixties and seventies when like-minded people gathered together in smoke-filled 
clubs, cafes, and bars versus the apathy of today when the rebels have to stay 
solitary and at home if they want to smoke.


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:

 Another sign along the Rue de l'Esperance, found stenciled today on the wall 
of a building:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
  Sitting in cafes in Paris was cool when everyone was allowed to
  smoke Gauloises and Gitanes and talk about Existentialism.
  Now the health fascists have banned the practice the
  conformists have won the day.
 LIES! The health fascists have NOT banned talk about
 Those given to such things still are allowed to do so, and
 can even smoke their Gauloises and Gitanes on the
 terrace while doing it.
 But to be honest, many of them these days are smoking
 those electronic cigarettes and vaping these days. It's
 all the rage.
  ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@ wrote:
  That's what it says on the steet sign across the road from where I'm
  sitting. The Street Of Hope. Cool. And the password for the free Wifi
  at this cafe is 'cafe'. That's cool, too. And they have Westmalle
  Tripel. That's just WAY cool. What can I say? I am easily amused 
  by little things.
  But still, doesn't sitting down in a new cafe to write in and
  discovering that you're literally sitting on the Street Of Hope sound
  like a *sign*? Maybe what I should write about, in this new writing
  cafe, is HOPE.
  OK, here goes.
  Hope. I still have it, in spades.
  Despite what has been said about me on this forum and others in the
  past, I am *not* at heart a cynic. I know few people *more* hopeful
  than I am. And I see ample reason in the world I see around me to 
  *be* hopeful.
  It's really not such a bad place.
  Get over it, if you believe it is.
  This world is full of great beauty and great art and great love. And
  these things are there even in the darkest corners of supposed
  hopelessness. And what you focus on, you become.
  When I find someone who's invented a new artform, as has Elena Divina
  with her Cyr wheel in the videos I posted earlier, I focus on that,
  and I feel more hopeful. A world that can produce that is FAR from
  It's like the ending to Woody Allen's The Purple Rose Of Cairo.
  Cecilia (Mia Farrow) has had a bad day. She's on the street, homeless
  after telling her abusive husband to fuck off, and finding out that
  the other man she'd fallen in love with is fictional. She has nowhere 
  to stay, and nowhere to go, and has very little money in her pockets.
  But she finds herself standing in front of a movie theater, and spends
  one of her last coins to go in and watch the movie.
  And up on the screen is Fred Astaire. And suddenly there is hope.
  Because no world that has Fred Astaire in it could possibly be


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Can#39;t share this enough

2013-10-27 Thread Bhairitu
You paid into Medicare and so did I.  I only do Medicare A.  There are 
no payments.

On 10/27/2013 07:18 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

You will still have to pay, even if you're not using it.

Inline image 1

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net 
mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

You and  I already paid. We want the goods!

On 10/25/2013 10:35 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

You know you have to pay - nothing is free.

Inline image 1

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Bhairitu
noozg...@sbcglobal.net mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

What's a DMV?  Oh you mean that place I have to go once in a
blue moon to have my eyes checked?  You don't have to go
there for tabs and license renewals most of the time.  It's
all done online.  And BTW, have you checked out how
California is doing with Obamacare?  Smoothly, the call
center is in nearby Concord. They hired a couple hundred
folks out thousands who applied.   Maybe California should be
a seperate country.  We almost are already.

On 10/24/2013 06:52 PM, wgm4u wrote:

Just because a few CEO's make outlandish money, doesn't mean
we should upend our entire economic system to solve it,
(like Obama has done with Health Care); some of the greatest
philanthropists are from the 1 %.

Instead of taking care of the un-insured in
particular, Obama and the Dems have decided to re-arrange
everything, and as a result we've got health care provide by
the DMV, LOL.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Watch it again.  He talks about the need for incentives. But
the fact that a CEO can earn up to 380 times what the
average worker in his company gets is of course just crazy. 
No one is worth that much.  What is wrong with the board of

directors on these companies when it comes to executive
compensation? Well I think if you take a close look at the
BOD they will turn out to be cronies of the CEO. Such is the
scam in gangster run corporations which is the style of
business these days.

On 10/24/2013 01:21 PM, wgm4u wrote:

I don't think the author knows how capitalism works, you
can't just throw incentive under the bus and expect to have
a growing economy. He's just another jealous liberal IMO,
another *utopian* perhaps. Hey, let's grow the pie!
Capitalism has been show to do that best, bar none!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 The point of the video is shocking.  But who is the source
of the facts being presented?  Assuming that the facts are
right, the top one percent earners in the USA should be
taxed more than the middle class.

But we've already seen that the Republicans are not going
to raise the taxes for the rich.  They would rather
shutdown the government and not pay the government debts,
even if it destroys the country's economy.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@...
mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote:

Reposted with the same Subject line with which I found it:


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread authfriend
Have you ever seen anyone vaping? The exhaled vapor looks exactly like smoke, 
except that it disperses a little faster (and it doesn't stink). 
Seraphita wrote:
  Re Many of them these days are smoking those electronic cigarettes and 
  That's like wearing a nicotine patch. It helps kill the craving but is no 
  substitute for 
  real tobacco. The mystique of blowing smoke is a big part of the subtle 

 From what I've been reading, e-cigs are much more satisfying than the nicotine 
patch or gum (although not as satisfying as real tobacco). 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Excellent article about an under-appreciated film director

2013-10-27 Thread Bhairitu
The Counselor will probably be my Halloween escape movie.  It's 
playing at the nearby plex.  It's also based on an original screenplay 
by Cormac McCarthy (No Country for Old Men and The Road).  It's 9 
minutes short of 2 hours.

On 10/27/2013 03:02 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I agree with these film critics' analysis, but with a caveat. Never 
bother to watch the cinematic release of a Ridley Scott movie. The man 
refuses to be constrained by the industry's Keep it under two hours 
rule, and as a result almost every film he makes has been cut to 
pieces by studio editors before it hits the cinemas. Wait for the 
Director's Cut. That's where you get to see the movies Scott wanted to 
make, and in that form they're often brilliant. I suspect the same 
fate will await The Counselor, released this week.


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l'Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
You've got to realize, Share, is that these two pundits are 
professionals who write for a living every day - they are not posing as 
uninformed seekers or aspirants just passing the time of day reading 
their email. This posting to FFL is serious business! This is what the 
FFL pundits do, they post to internet discussion groups in order to 
prove their online subculture status. They've been doing this for at 
least twenty years - one probably out of a home office near the Jersey 
shore and the other posting from a cafe in downtown Montmartre. LoL!

You, on the other hand, are simply an amateur posing as a serious poster 
- a poseur and a newbie from a small mid-western town. Hey, how long 
does someone have to post here in order to avoid being calling a troll? 
Is there a community college course where I can take a course in 
netiquette and posting to news groups?

As a poseur or poser you can only copy and paste from other sources. You 
probably don't even have a typewriter. A poser is someone who cannot 
attain acceptability in the group because they don't share or understand 
the values of uptown writing and the cafe writing subculture.


Go figure.

On 10/27/2013 10:37 AM, Share Long wrote:
Pondering about Judy and turq, I admit I prefer the straight forward 
fighting style of the latter rather than the sly fighting style of the 

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:28 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com 
authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:
*Sorry, I should have said except for Share, since she is herself a 
poseur. *

Share wrote:*

 I am on FFL and I do have doubts that turq is a poseur. Just to 
answer Judy's assertion that

 not anyone on FFL doubts that he has membership in that category.

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:44 AM, authfriend@... authfriend@... 

Barry wrote:

 Barry wrote:

  Thank you, merudanda. Made my day.
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to
  create anything in their lives look at the old writer
  and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness.

 There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them
 are holy; the rest are poseurs.

 It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put
 on a very convincing demonstration of your membership
 in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in doubt.)

 Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the 

 fun of it.

Says Barry, continuing his poseur demonstration.

 Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently?


 It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about
 memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves,
 and by others.

 Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

Actually, no, no more than anyone else expressing their opinion.
Barry's doing the same thing in this post. He really thinks readers
here are saps, doesn't he?

 I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and
 felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and
 one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

 But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your
 spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them,
 as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives
 them, scorn and derision.

Barry's getting very, VERY confused as to which posts of his I
commented on, and why. HINT: It wasn't any of the posts he
refers to above.

Remember now which ones they were, Barry?

Barry edits his own memories such that he doesn't
remember that virtually everything he criticizes others
for doing is stuff that he himself does routinely.

 By now some of you must have figured out the formula.
 - First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
 whatever this may be this time.
 - Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging
 on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's
 ragging on.
 - Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you.

 Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the
 weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

Yup, that's what Barry's hoping when he does what he
attributes to me above. He doesn't just accuse his critics
of doing things he /has done/, he accuses them of doing
/what he's doing as he makes his accusations./ It's really
quite remarkable. When he goes on one of these rants,
he is actually describing himself and just changing the
names and pronouns. /And he doesn't realize it/.

That's how little self-knowledge he has.

The three items he lists above are not only the formula
he uses, they're the formula /he's using to tell you what/
/my purported formula is./

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
So, let's review - exactly how many times have Judy and Barry been to 
Fairfield to meditate inside one of the domes?

On 10/27/2013 10:36 AM, wgm4u wrote:

*Poseur* (or *poser*) is a pejorative term, often used in the punk 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punk_subculture, heavy metal 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy_metal_subculture, hip hop 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hip_hop, and goth 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goth_subculture subcultures 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subculture, or the skateboarding 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skateboarding and surfing 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surfing communities, to describe a 
person who copies the dress, speech, and/or mannerisms of a group or 
subculture, generally for attaining acceptability within the group or 
for popularity among various other groups, yet who is deemed not to 
share or understand the values or philosophy of the subculture. Wiki 
(already posted?)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com 

*Sorry, I should have said except for Share, since she is herself a 
poseur. *

Share wrote:*

 I am on FFL and I do have doubts that turq is a poseur. Just to answer
Judy's assertion that
 not anyone on FFL doubts that he has membership in that category.

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:44 AM, authfriend@... authfriend@... 

Barry wrote:

 Barry wrote:

  Thank you, merudanda. Made my day.
  Robert just nails it. Those who have never been able to
  create anything in their lives look at the old writer
  and see nothing but a poseur. Robert sees holiness.

 There are old writers and old writers. Only some of them
 are holy; the rest are poseurs.

 It was easier than I thought it would be to get you to put
 on a very convincing demonstration of your membership
 in the latter category. (Not that anyone on FFL was in

 Because I'm in a jolly mood today, I'll reply to this for the 

 fun of it.

Says Barry, continuing his poseur demonstration.

 Did anyone watch the TED talk I posted a link to recently?


 It's really worth your 18 minutes, if you didn't. It is about
 memories, and how they can be edited, both by ourselves,
 and by others.

 Isn't that Judy's Whole Act -- trying to edit memories?

Actually, no, no more than anyone else expressing their opinion.
Barry's doing the same thing in this post. He really thinks readers
here are saps, doesn't he?

 I just wrote a bunch of shit today because I felt happy and
 felt like writing. If any of you enjoyed the posts I made, and
 one or more of them lifted your spirits, that's just gravy.

 But Judy doesn't want you to remember them as lifting your
 spirits. She wants you to remember the way SHE sees them,
 as a response to HER, and as worthy only of what SHE gives
 them, scorn and derision.

Barry's getting very, VERY confused as to which posts of his I
commented on, and why. HINT: It wasn't any of the posts he
refers to above.

Remember now which ones they were, Barry?

Barry edits his own memories such that he doesn't
remember that virtually everything he criticizes others
for doing is stuff that he himself does routinely.

 By now some of you must have figured out the formula.
 - First, pretend to be the authority in matters such as this,
 whatever this may be this time.
 - Second, pretend to know what the person you're ragging
 on was thinking and feeling as they wrote whatever she's
 ragging on.
 - Third, pretend that everyone already agrees with you.

 Do this enough times, and science tells us that some of the
 weak-willed ones *will* agree with you.

Yup, that's what Barry's hoping when he does what he
attributes to me above. He doesn't just accuse his critics
of doing things he /has done/, he accuses them of doing
/what he's doing as he makes his accusations./ It's really
quite remarkable. When he goes on one of these rants,
he is actually describing himself and just changing the
names and pronouns. /And he doesn't realize it/.

That's how little self-knowledge he has.

The three items he lists above are not only the formula
he uses, they're the formula /he's using to tell you what/
/my purported formula is./

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Republican Halloween

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
Democrat Halloween: We've already eaten our candy, so we're going to 
redistribute yours.

On 10/27/2013 11:07 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Republican Halloween: Sorry, we're keeping all our candy, and we 
want you to give us some of yours. *

BillyG wrote:

 Democrat Halloween-Sorry we already gave away all of our candy and 
there's none left!

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:




RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread authfriend
Richard wrote:
  You've got to realize, Share, is that these two pundits are professionals 
  who write for a living every day - 
  they are not posing as uninformed seekers or aspirants just passing the time 
  of day reading their email.

 My posting to FFL has nothing whatsoever to do with my profession, nor do I 
pretend to be a pundit; nor am I interested in proving my online subculture 
status, whatever that means.

 (What you have to realize, Share, is that Richard is a troll.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Can#39;t share this enough

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams
You have to pay federal income tax and everyone has to pay for the new 
subsidies in Obamacare - everyone has to pay - there is no free lunch. 
The only way to lower the cost of insurance is if everyone pays into the 
system - the older ones pay for the younger ones. It's not complicated.

The potential impact of what happens is huge. 27 states chose not to 
operate their own exchanges. If citizens of these states can't get 
federal subsidies, many won't buy insurance. A system malfunction of 
massive scale could develop -- in this case, the U.S. health care system 

'Is This Obamacare's Biggest Kink Yet?'

On 10/27/2013 11:28 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

You paid into Medicare and so did I.  I only do Medicare A.  There are 
no payments.

On 10/27/2013 07:18 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

You will still have to pay, even if you're not using it.

Inline image 1

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net 
mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

You and  I already paid. We want the goods!

On 10/25/2013 10:35 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

You know you have to pay - nothing is free.

Inline image 1

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Bhairitu
noozg...@sbcglobal.net mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

What's a DMV?  Oh you mean that place I have to go once in a
blue moon to have my eyes checked? You don't have to go
there for tabs and license renewals most of the time. It's
all done online.  And BTW, have you checked out how
California is doing with Obamacare? Smoothly, the call
center is in nearby Concord. They hired a couple hundred
folks out thousands who applied.   Maybe California should
be a seperate country. We almost are already.

On 10/24/2013 06:52 PM, wgm4u wrote:

Just because a few CEO's make outlandish money, doesn't
mean we should upend our entire economic system to solve
it, (like Obama has done with Health Care); some of the
greatest philanthropists are from the 1 %.

Instead of taking care of the un-insured in
particular, Obama and the Dems have decided to re-arrange
everything, and as a result we've got health care provide
by the DMV, LOL.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Watch it again.  He talks about the need for incentives.
But the fact that a CEO can earn up to 380 times what the
average worker in his company gets is of course just
crazy.  No one is worth that much.  What is wrong with the
board of directors on these companies when it comes to
executive compensation? Well I think if you take a close
look at the BOD they will turn out to be cronies of the
CEO. Such is the scam in gangster run corporations which is
the style of business these days.

On 10/24/2013 01:21 PM, wgm4u wrote:

I don't think the author knows how capitalism works, you
can't just throw incentive under the bus and expect to
have a growing economy. He's just another jealous liberal
IMO, another *utopian* perhaps. Hey, let's grow the pie!
Capitalism has been show to do that best, bar none!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 The point of the video is shocking.  But who is the
source of the facts being presented?  Assuming that the
facts are right, the top one percent earners in the USA
should be taxed more than the middle class.

But we've already seen that the Republicans are not going
to raise the taxes for the rich.  They would rather
shutdown the government and not pay the government debts,
even if it destroys the country's economy.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@...
mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote:

Reposted with the same Subject line with which I found it:


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Can#39;t share this enough

2013-10-27 Thread Bhairitu
But if you have no taxable income for the year they won't cut you off 
Medicare.  Comprende?

On 10/27/2013 09:53 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

You have to pay federal income tax and everyone has to pay for the new 
subsidies in Obamacare - everyone has to pay - there is no free lunch. 
The only way to lower the cost of insurance is if everyone pays into 
the system - the older ones pay for the younger ones. It's not 

The potential impact of what happens is huge. 27 states chose not to 
operate their own exchanges. If citizens of these states can't get 
federal subsidies, many won't buy insurance. A system malfunction of 
massive scale could develop -- in this case, the U.S. health care 
system itself.

'Is This Obamacare's Biggest Kink Yet?'

On 10/27/2013 11:28 AM, Bhairitu wrote:

You paid into Medicare and so did I.  I only do Medicare A.  There 
are no payments.

On 10/27/2013 07:18 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

You will still have to pay, even if you're not using it.

Inline image 1

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net 
mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

You and  I already paid. We want the goods!

On 10/25/2013 10:35 AM, Richard Williams wrote:

You know you have to pay - nothing is free.

Inline image 1

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Bhairitu
noozg...@sbcglobal.net mailto:noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

What's a DMV?  Oh you mean that place I have to go once in
a blue moon to have my eyes checked? You don't have to go
there for tabs and license renewals most of the time.  It's
all done online.  And BTW, have you checked out how
California is doing with Obamacare? Smoothly, the call
center is in nearby Concord. They hired a couple hundred
folks out thousands who applied. Maybe California should be
a seperate country.  We almost are already.

On 10/24/2013 06:52 PM, wgm4u wrote:

Just because a few CEO's make outlandish money, doesn't
mean we should upend our entire economic system to solve
it, (like Obama has done with Health Care); some of the
greatest philanthropists are from the 1 %.

Instead of taking care of the un-insured in
particular, Obama and the Dems have decided to re-arrange
everything, and as a result we've got health care provide
by the DMV, LOL.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Watch it again.  He talks about the need for incentives.
But the fact that a CEO can earn up to 380 times what the
average worker in his company gets is of course just
crazy.  No one is worth that much.  What is wrong with the
board of directors on these companies when it comes to
executive compensation? Well I think if you take a close
look at the BOD they will turn out to be cronies of the
CEO. Such is the scam in gangster run corporations which
is the style of business these days.

On 10/24/2013 01:21 PM, wgm4u wrote:

I don't think the author knows how capitalism works, you
can't just throw incentive under the bus and expect to
have a growing economy. He's just another jealous liberal
IMO, another *utopian* perhaps. Hey, let's grow the pie!
Capitalism has been show to do that best, bar none!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 The point of the video is shocking.  But who is the
source of the facts being presented?  Assuming that the
facts are right, the top one percent earners in the USA
should be taxed more than the middle class.

But we've already seen that the Republicans are not going
to raise the taxes for the rich.  They would rather
shutdown the government and not pay the government debts,
even if it destroys the country's economy.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@...
mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote:

Reposted with the same Subject line with which I found it:


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: Rue de l#39;Esperance

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

So, who made you the judge of the pundits?

So, you admit you're posting from your Jersey shore home office - what 
kind of a tax break do you get from the IRS? Don't tell me you have a 
computer just for posting on Sunday!  And, why exactly are you 
advertising that you're the Author's Friend? Is that some kind of 
business or what? Go figure.

How long does someone have to post here without being called a troll or 
a poser? LoL!

On 10/27/2013 11:45 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Richard wrote:*

 You've got to realize, Share, is that these two pundits are professionals who write for a 
living every day -

 they are not posing as uninformed seekers or aspirants just passing the time of day reading 
their email.

*My posting to FFL has nothing whatsoever to do with my profession, 
nor do I pretend to be a pundit; nor am I interested in proving my 
online subculture status, whatever that means.*


*(What you have to realize, Share, is that Richard is a troll.)*

RE: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: The curse of #39;Draculaquot;......

2013-10-27 Thread wgm4u
The only gap I know about is the one I use for my spark plugs...sorry Share.  
;-) ( And of course the one where you get your jeans).

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 geez, wgm, beyond pay grade or not, thanks for this analysis which if I have 
heard, I've definitely forgotten. That phrase *Sat is the Brahman beyond 
creation* is acting as a koan for me. I can't fathom it. Nor am I even trying 
to fathom it. I'm just letting it sit there and do its magic, if that makes any 
 One question: would you say Om or Tat is what Maharishi calls the gap?


 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:00 AM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   OM-TAT-SAT explains the material and spiritual constitution of the Universe 
(and beyond). OM or Mother Divine creates the material world including our 
body/bodies which are essentially pranic energy (I'm getting a little over my 
pay grade here Share, but anyway, here goes), TAT is the pure reflection in the 
relative material World of the one Spirit Brahman, that reflection is our Jiva 
(and the Atman, Emerson's over soul) the TAT!

 SAT is the Brahman beyond creation, in the beginning Mother Divine spins out 
creation using the (soundless sound or OM), within this matrix a pure 
reflection is born (baby Jesus, Krishna) this is the reflection of Brahman (one 
and the same as Brahman but limited by time and the Manvantara (time). At the 
end or the pralaya all creation dissolves back into Brahman until another Day 
of Brahma.

 MMY used to call the unity of Silence and Dynamism as the Brahm, he is 
referring to the realized soul who has unified the TAT and the SAT or Unity 
Consciousness, so in closing the Body per se is not consciousness but is a 
threefold construct of material atoms, astral light and the causal thought 
vibrations, beyond this 3 fold body is the jiva or pure soul and beyond that is 
the Atman and beyond that is the para-Atman or Brahman.

 Imagine a crystal ball floating in space (Creation or Mother Divine), now 
imagine light from the Sun (Brahman) penetrating that crystal ball, the 
refection IN the crystal ball is our soul (jiva, the spark)  and the greater 
Soul (Atman, the flame) of the created World, hence you have OM TAT SAT;  in 
the end all things revert to the one and only Absolute Brahman.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 wgm, doshas as faults of the ego reminds me of that tape wherein Maharishi 
explains that the fundamental problems of life listed in chapter 2 of the Gita 
can be generated by combining the three gunas with the 5 mahabhutas: sattvic 
problem in pritivi, sattvic problem in jala, sattvic problem in tejas, etc. And 
in 4, 35 of the Gita: delusion in tamas is overcome by increasing rajas; 
delusion in rajas is overcome by increasing sattwa; by delusion in sattwa, 
Arjuna's situation, can only be overcome by transcending the gunas. I mention 
these to say: isn't the body consciousness already?

 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 6:01 PM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   One can read too much into an analogy :-) Desire and attachment go hand in 
hand, these powerful desires are the Sleeping Elephants MMY was talking 
about, they have to be dealt with, they reside deep in the subconscious mind 
and tie the consciousness to the body. They are spoken of in Christian ethics 
as the 7 cardinal sins; wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. In 
Yoga they are spoken of as the 'doshas' or faults of the ego.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 wgm, but in a way, wouldn't gold chains be harder to let go of? Even in the 
Gita Maharishi talks about having to let go of attachment to sattwa. Anyway, I 
remember hearing something about the desire for enlightenment being used to 
sublimate all other desires. Eeeek!

 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 11:43 AM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   I think there are good desires and bad desires, one leads to heaven the 
other hell but both keep one bound to the wheel of Samsara. Charlie used to say 
you can have iron chains or gold chains depending on your Karma, obviously we'd 
prefer gold chains. I was mainly talking about sinful desire like lust, greed 
and the like. B 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's because we already are that which we desire. What 
do you think? 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 The curse of Dracula! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well

2013-10-27 Thread Michael Jackson
I'll tell the client the Vedic Silence tells me to ask how much they have in 
checking and savings, as well as any gold coin stashes under their mattress - 
then I figure how much I think I can get without running them off - if they are 
real sho nuff good looking women, we might work something out, gotta stick with 
that which is our tradition, you know!

On Sun, 10/27/13, obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: TM Serves me well
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013, 2:58 PM
   How much you going to charge?  
 am in!
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 That's right.
 I have finally figured out how grand TM is. 
 I am in fact going to blend my channeling and TM of the past
 and create a glorious new future. 
 I am moving to Fairfield and become a Vedic Channel. And
 since as a Vedic Channel I will be channeling from the Home
 of All the Laws of Nature, I will channel Pure Silence. 
 So the client will sit with me and I will channel Pure
 Silence for half an hour and they will pay me big money.
 Thus TM finally becomes useful.

Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: The curse of 'Dracula......

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
Ha! I'm too old to shop in The Gap, got my jeans maybe at Wal Mart, don't 
remember. Cuz I'm too old!

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 12:21 PM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
The only gap I know about is the one I use for my spark plugs...sorry Share.  
;-) ( And of course the one where you get your jeans).

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

geez, wgm, beyond pay grade or not, thanks for this analysis which if I have 
heard, I've definitely forgotten. That phrase *Sat is the Brahman beyond 
creation* is acting as a koan for me. I can't fathom it. Nor am I even trying 
to fathom it. I'm just letting it sit there and do its magic, if that makes any 

One question: would you say Om or Tat is what Maharishi calls the gap?

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:00 AM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
OM-TAT-SAT explains the material and spiritual constitution of the Universe 
(and beyond). OM or Mother Divine creates the material world including our 
body/bodies which are essentially pranic energy (I'm getting a little over my 
pay grade here Share, but anyway, here goes), TAT is the pure reflection in the 
relative material World of the one Spirit Brahman, that reflection is our Jiva 
(and the Atman, Emerson's over soul) the TAT!

SAT is the Brahman beyond creation, in the beginning Mother Divine spins out 
creation using the (soundless sound or OM), within this matrix a pure 
reflection is born (baby Jesus, Krishna) this is the reflection of Brahman (one 
and the same as Brahman but limited by time and the Manvantara (time). At the 
end or the pralaya all creation dissolves back into Brahman until another Day 
of Brahma.

MMY used to call the unity of Silence and Dynamism as the Brahm, he is 
referring to the realized soul who has unified the TAT and the SAT or Unity 
Consciousness, so in closing the Body per se is not consciousness but is a 
threefold construct of material atoms, astral light and the causal thought 
vibrations, beyond this 3 fold body is the jiva or pure soul and beyond that is 
the Atman and beyond that is the para-Atman or Brahman.

Imagine a crystal ball floating in space (Creation or Mother Divine), now 
imagine light from the Sun (Brahman) penetrating that crystal ball, the 
refection IN the crystal ball is our soul (jiva, the spark)  and the greater 
Soul (Atman, the flame) of the created World, hence you have OM TAT SAT;  in 
the end all things revert to the one and only Absolute Brahman.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

wgm, doshas as faults of the ego reminds me of that tape wherein Maharishi 
explains that the fundamental problems of life listed in chapter 2 of the Gita 
can be generated by combining the three gunas with the 5 mahabhutas: sattvic 
problem in pritivi, sattvic problem in jala, sattvic problem in tejas, etc. And 
in 4, 35 of the Gita: delusion in tamas is overcome by increasing rajas; 
delusion in rajas is overcome by increasing sattwa; by delusion in sattwa, 
Arjuna's situation, can only be overcome by transcending the gunas. I mention 
these to say: isn't the body consciousness already?

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 6:01 PM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
One can read too much into an analogy :-) Desire and attachment go hand in 
hand, these powerful desires are the Sleeping Elephants MMY was talking 
about, they have to be dealt with, they reside deep in the subconscious mind 
and tie the consciousness to the body. They are spoken of in Christian ethics 
as the 7 cardinal sins; wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. In 
Yoga they are spoken of as the 'doshas' or faults of the ego.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

wgm, but in a way, wouldn't gold chains be harder to let go of? Even in the 
Gita Maharishi talks about having to let go of attachment to sattwa. Anyway, I 
remember hearing something about the desire for enlightenment being used to 
sublimate all other desires. Eeeek!

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 11:43 AM, wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
I think there are good desires and bad desires, one leads to heaven the other 
hell but both keep one bound to the wheel of Samsara. Charlie used to say you 
can have iron chains or gold chains depending on your Karma, obviously we'd 
prefer gold chains. I was mainly talking about sinful desire like lust, greed 
and the like. B 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

So I guess wgm, we got a case of it takes a thorn to remove a thorn in that 
during the Roman Catholic Mass, the wine is changed into the blood of Christ 
and all are invited to partake! Of course Maharishi had a very different take 
on desire, seeing it as what leads us to more and more bliss, to ultimate 
bliss. These days I'd say that if desire is a demon or a mistake of the 
intellect or a delusion it's 

Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin' off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread Share Long
Whoops, Steve, I just meant that if people are channeling aggression by 
watching and playing sports, wouldn't that help society be less violent in 
general? It's a controversy in Film and TV studies: does watching violence in 
media cause more or less violence?

It's weird to realize that professional sports are also part of the world of 
entertainment and so they must be well, entertaining, whatever it takes.

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:25 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sun...@yahoo.com 
I understand what you are saying, but taking the big picture, it makes sense to 
me.  Of course there will always be incidents, but overall, reading that (Ken 
Carey's deal), sort of changed my perspective some.
I don't know if I see the connection with mass shootings.  I will concede that 
abuse of women does sometimes spike in places where that home team loses a big 
game. But I'm a little more kindly disposed to pro sports now, than I was 
The one sport where you still have out and out fights is hockey.  But they are 
moderating that some.  My son says that many of those fights are not a result 
of anger per se, but rather, one team trying to break the momentum of the 
other team.  I challenged him on that, and he provided some pretty good 
evidence to back up his position.

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:11 AM, Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com wrote:
Steve, I think that's a good point about athletics allowing for aggressive 
tendencies to be expressed in a relatively safe way. Yet our society continues 
to have mass shootings, etc. And I think soccer matches are known for the crowd 
riots afterwards. It seems to be a bit of a mixed bag. One thing for sure, LOTS 
of money involved!

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:08 AM, steve.sun...@yahoo.com 
steve.sun...@yahoo.com wrote:
Well, the umpires in baseball are consulting much more now, which they really 
hadn't done in the past, and it has been positive, I think.  And next year they 
are going to some video reviews, which I also think is good.  But what I don't 
see changing for a long time, are the balls and strikes.
I was just reading  a passage from a book by Ken Carey from many years ago, who 
said that professional sports are really quite positive in that they channel 
much of aggression we have as humans into a positive direction.  That is, into 
an organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.
That makes sense to me.  What do you think? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com

Hi Steve, you got me thinking about the challenges of being a referee in sports 
what with instant reply, etc. Wonder if Robotic Referees are in our future! Go, 
Cards and hope you guys have fun today (-:

On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
Hi Share,
Yes, quite exciting IMO.  Here's a funny twist.  My wife likes the radio play 
by play guy and so often listens in the kitchen.  There's about a 90 second 
delay between what is broadcast on the radio and what is shown on the TV.
So, I'm watching the game on TV, and in those few moments, feeling pretty bad 
about those two guys getting thrown out, and then she comes in and tells me 
no, he is safe as obstruction was ruled on the play, and the winning run 
counts.  Yay!
Son seems to feel he did better on all counts except perhaps math.  
Yea my friend is Red Sox fan all the way.  Dog's name was Bosox, Red Truck with 
Red Sox stuff all over it.  And yes, Military Police.  Two tours in Iraq.  
It'll all be good fun.
On Sunday, October 27, 2013 6:25 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
Happy autumn to you all!  

On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:

Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but I 
got intrigued by all the buzz about Breaking Bad, and so I've been absorbed 
in watching all five seasons.  In fact, I've watched all but the final episode 
which I intend to watch shortly.
Other than that, it's pretty much been business as usual.  
Divvying up World Series tickets among customers and employees is always quite 
a task.  The kids are going tonight, and I go tomorrow with a customer who is 
like the ultimate Red Sox fan, so that should be fun.  Luckily for him, he is 
ex MP, so that may come in handy for him.  Employee is taking another customer 
on Monday.  
Younger son took his ACT test a second time today.  Trying to bring it up close 
to 30 from 25 on the first round.  He felt pretty embarrassed by that low 
score, and so has been pretty self motivated the last couple weeks.

On Saturday, October 26, 

[FairfieldLife] Lou Reed R.I.P.

2013-10-27 Thread s3raphita
One of my all-time favourite rockers - at least during his Velvet Underground 
days - has dropped the body. 

 And I only learnt recently he'd tried TM himself back in the day.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Republican Halloween

2013-10-27 Thread Bhairitu
The yearly HFCS fest was alive and well downtown today.  Last year they 
had food booths at the farmer's market hand out candy but this year they 
expanded it with more booths all the way down Main Street.  This is a 
town where the demographic is 30 somethings with kids so it was crazy.  
I just grabbed what I needed at the market and headed home.  I didn't 
even want to begin to deal with the line at Starbucks.

On 10/27/2013 09:44 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Democrat Halloween: We've already eaten our candy, so we're going to 
redistribute yours.

On 10/27/2013 11:07 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Republican Halloween: Sorry, we're keeping all our candy, and we 
want you to give us some of yours. *

BillyG wrote:

 Democrat Halloween-Sorry we already gave away all of our candy and 
there's none left!

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb@... wrote:




[FairfieldLife] NHL quick picks!

2013-10-27 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] RE: Om quot;embeddedquot; in the tanakh?

2013-10-27 Thread emptybill
Prairie Dog Troll

 You are such an ignorant, pseudo-intellectual bullshitter that you'll make any 
kind of claim just to appear like you know something. I would call you a liar 
but in actuality you are just arrogantly stupid.
 Patanjali talks extensively about OM you fool. He uses the standard vedic term 
pranava. See YS 1.27 -  tasya vâcaka.h pra.nava.h “(His) designation is the 
pranava (pronouncement)”.
 Prairie Dog sez:
 Vajrayana Buddhism is esoteric, in the sense that the transmission of certain 
teachings only occurs directly from teacher to student during an initiation or 
empowerment and cannot be simply learned from a book.
 Idiot! I’ve had a Vajrayana and Dzogchen teacher for a decade. You are only a 
stinking troll parroting something you read in a book. You don’t know shit 
about Vajrayana.
 Prairie Dog sez:
 So, SSRS get the bija mantras from MMY without even becoming a TM teacher -  
it has not been established where and from whom MMY got the list of bijas, but 
you only get one bija in TM - so how did MMY and SSRS get to know all the bija 
mantras? They probably read about the bija mantras in a  yoga book. Because no 
TM teacher would give out seventeen different bijas to one student. Go figure.
 Brahmarishi Devarata said that the supreme bija of the Rg Veda is Im, of Yajur 
Veda is Shri and of the Upanishads is the pranava Om. 
 The supreme bija of Prairie Dog yoga is Duh!
---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote:

 It is a fact that here are no bija mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda. So, how 
would the SSRS know any bijas from being a Vedic Pandit?
 There are no bija mantras mentioned by Patanjali. The historical Buddha 
doesn't mention any bija mantras. So, the bija mantras usage must have come 
AFTER the rise of Buddhism (463 BC) in India and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (200 
 The Siddha tradition of using bija mantras can be traced back to the Vajrayana 
Buddhism which probably began at Odisha, or in the modern day Swat Valley in 
what is now Pakistan during the Gupta Age. Vajrayana Buddhism is esoteric, in 
the sense that the transmission of certain teachings only occurs directly from 
teacher to student during an initiation or empowerment and cannot be simply 
learned from a book. 
 So, SSRS get the bija mantras from MMY without even becoming a TM teacher -  
it has not been established where and from whom MMY got the list of bijas, but 
you only get one bija in TM - so how did MMY and SSRS get to know all the bija 
mantras? They probably read about the bija mantras in a  yoga book. Because no 
TM teacher would give out seventeen different bijas to one student. Go figure.
 On 10/26/2013 11:20 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   SSRS, although a mahapundit of the four vedas, should have asked you first. 
Although he had a number of teachers other than MMY, he  obviously never asked 
permission from you - the punditster. I'm sure he regrets the omission to 
this day.
 I'm also sure you could clarify his pronunciation of the riks, reveal the 
hidden connections between between the vaious chhanda-s. Maybe you could obtain 
the blessing of the deva-s and get him authorized for using these cheating 
bijas stolen from the Buddhists. 
 You should call him and offer to help him out. However, I wouldn't use your 
Prairie Dog credentials. Rather you should just introduce yourself as a pandit 
dedicated to cleaning up the fallen lineage of pseudo-pandits using fake bijas. 
You could give him a copy of the The Tantric Tradition by Leopold Fischer 
(agehananda bharati) and just point out You need to read this and stop ripping 
everyone off!
 So great of you to consider this. 
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
punditster@... mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Under whose authority would the SSRS be giving out any bija mantras? If you 
can't reveal where MMY got the bijas, so how could you say SSRS got any bijas? 
There aren't any bijas mentioned in the Vedas. From what I've read, SSRS, like 
Deepak Chopra and Charlie Lutes, never became TM teachers by completing a TTC. 
So, how would they be knowing any bijas? Go figure.
 On 10/24/2013 7:41 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:

 Authfriend: Today at 8:16 AM 
 So what would the problem be if OM wasn't included in a maha-mantra but 
rather along with, say, a bija mantra like what TM uses? Did Sri Sri give out 
bija mantras, or just the maha-mantras?
 SSRS does indeed give out bija-mantras for meditation. However, I was never 
taught his sahaj-meditation technique so I did not receive one of his chosen 
meditation bija-mantras. 
 What I asked him for (asked four times over a 7 year period) was 
guru-mantra. When he finally gave it to me it was a maha-mantra that named 
the source of our teaching lineage. If you consider the guru-puja which is 
performed at initiation then you can guess which  

[FairfieldLife] RE: Lou Reed R.I.P.

2013-10-27 Thread emptybill
He didn't like it as much as speedballs ... i.v. coke and smack.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote:

 One of my all-time favourite rockers - at least during his Velvet Underground 
days - has dropped the body. 

 And I only learnt recently he'd tried TM himself back in the day.


RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: Gettin#39; off on the wheel

2013-10-27 Thread steve.sundur
Well, that was my take.   Maybe it's just obvious, but in spite of all the big 
money and other flaws, so many people dialed into sports does help mitigate 
overall societal aggression.  At least I think that is the point he is making.  
Specifically, because it is organized, and more importantly, because of the 
agreed upon rules, it helps to process that energy in a generally positive way.
 And then, (and I think this has been discussed here many times), does 
pornography lesson the acting out of sexual crimes, or does it abet it.
 Oh,  I just finished watching the last episode of BB.  I feel satisfied.
 My friend just texted me.  He's already at the stadium and the game doesn't 
start for another 4 hours!!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Whoops, Steve, I just meant that if people are channeling aggression by 
watching and playing sports, wouldn't that help society be less violent in 
general? It's a controversy in Film and TV studies: does watching violence in 
media cause more or less violence?

 It's weird to realize that professional sports are also part of the world of 
entertainment and so they must be well, entertaining, whatever it takes.

 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:25 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
   I understand what you are saying, but taking the big picture, it makes sense 
to me.  Of course there will always be incidents, but overall, reading that 
(Ken Carey's deal), sort of changed my perspective some.
 I don't know if I see the connection with mass shootings.  I will concede that 
abuse of women does sometimes spike in places where that home team loses a big 
game. But I'm a little more kindly disposed to pro sports now, than I was 
 The one sport where you still have out and out fights is hockey.  But they are 
moderating that some.  My son says that many of those fights are not a result 
of anger per se, but rather, one team trying to break the momentum of the 
other team.  I challenged him on that, and he provided some pretty good 
evidence to back up his position.
 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:11 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
   Steve, I think that's a good point about athletics allowing for aggressive 
tendencies to be expressed in a relatively safe way. Yet our society continues 
to have mass shootings, etc. And I think soccer matches are known for the crowd 
riots afterwards. It seems to be a bit of a mixed bag. One thing for sure, LOTS 
of money involved!

 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:08 AM, steve.sundur@... steve.sundur@... 
   Well, the umpires in baseball are consulting much more now, which they 
really hadn't done in the past, and it has been positive, I think.  And next 
year they are going to some video reviews, which I also think is good.  But 
what I don't see changing for a long time, are the balls and strikes.
 I was just reading  a passage from a book by Ken Carey from many years ago, 
who said that professional sports are really quite positive in that they 
channel much of aggression we have as humans into a positive direction.  That 
is, into an organized competition with rules that have been agreed upon.
 That makes sense to me.  What do you think? 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Hi Steve, you got me thinking about the challenges of being a referee in 
sports what with instant reply, etc. Wonder if Robotic Referees are in our 
future! Go, Cards and hope you guys have fun today (-:

 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
   Hi Share,
 Yes, quite exciting IMO.  Here's a funny twist.  My wife likes the radio play 
by play guy and so often listens in the kitchen.  There's about a 90 second 
delay between what is broadcast on the radio and what is shown on the TV.
 So, I'm watching the game on TV, and in those few moments, feeling pretty bad 
about those two guys getting thrown out, and then she comes in and tells me 
no, he is safe as obstruction was ruled on the play, and the winning run 
counts.  Yay!
 Son seems to feel he did better on all counts except perhaps math.  
 Yea my friend is Red Sox fan all the way.  Dog's name was Bosox, Red Truck 
with Red Sox stuff all over it.  And yes, Military Police.  Two tours in Iraq.  
It'll all be good fun.
 On Sunday, October 27, 2013 6:25 AM, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:
   Steve, it looks like the game last night had an exciting if controversial 
finish. Today's game should be a bit more intense in that context. Sounds like 
you enjoyed Breaking Bad. Hope second son had good success with ACT. MP I'm 
guessing means military police rather than member of Parliament.
 Happy autumn to you all!  

 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:36 PM, Steve Sundur steve.sundur@... wrote:
   Hi.  Well, to tell the truth, as I've often said, I don't watch much TV, but 
I got intrigued by 

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Om quot;embeddedquot; in the tanakh?

2013-10-27 Thread wgm4u
Empty Bill seems to have 'issues' with 'Prairie Dog'.go figure! 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 Prairie Dog Troll

 You are such an ignorant, pseudo-intellectual bullshitter that you'll make any 
kind of claim just to appear like you know something. I would call you a liar 
but in actuality you are just arrogantly stupid.
 Patanjali talks extensively about OM you fool. He uses the standard vedic term 
pranava. See YS 1.27 -  tasya vâcaka.h pra.nava.h “(His) designation is the 
pranava (pronouncement)”.
 Prairie Dog sez:
 Vajrayana Buddhism is esoteric, in the sense that the transmission of certain 
teachings only occurs directly from teacher to student during an initiation or 
empowerment and cannot be simply learned from a book.
 Idiot! I’ve had a Vajrayana and Dzogchen teacher for a decade. You are only a 
stinking troll parroting something you read in a book. You don’t know shit 
about Vajrayana.
 Prairie Dog sez:
 So, SSRS get the bija mantras from MMY without even becoming a TM teacher -  
it has not been established where and from whom MMY got the list of bijas, but 
you only get one bija in TM - so how did MMY and SSRS get to know all the bija 
mantras? They probably read about the bija mantras in a  yoga book. Because no 
TM teacher would give out seventeen different bijas to one student. Go figure.
 Brahmarishi Devarata said that the supreme bija of the Rg Veda is Im, of Yajur 
Veda is Shri and of the Upanishads is the pranava Om. 
 The supreme bija of Prairie Dog yoga is Duh!
---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote:

 It is a fact that here are no bija mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda. So, how 
would the SSRS know any bijas from being a Vedic Pandit?
 There are no bija mantras mentioned by Patanjali. The historical Buddha 
doesn't mention any bija mantras. So, the bija mantras usage must have come 
AFTER the rise of Buddhism (463 BC) in India and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (200 
 The Siddha tradition of using bija mantras can be traced back to the Vajrayana 
Buddhism which probably began at Odisha, or in the modern day Swat Valley in 
what is now Pakistan during the Gupta Age. Vajrayana Buddhism is esoteric, in 
the sense that the transmission of certain teachings only occurs directly from 
teacher to student during an initiation or empowerment and cannot be simply 
learned from a book. 
 So, SSRS get the bija mantras from MMY without even becoming a TM teacher -  
it has not been established where and from whom MMY got the list of bijas, but 
you only get one bija in TM - so how did MMY and SSRS get to know all the bija 
mantras? They probably read about the bija mantras in a  yoga book. Because no 
TM teacher would give out seventeen different bijas to one student. Go figure.
 On 10/26/2013 11:20 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   SSRS, although a mahapundit of the four vedas, should have asked you first. 
Although he had a number of teachers other than MMY, he  obviously never asked 
permission from you - the punditster. I'm sure he regrets the omission to 
this day.
 I'm also sure you could clarify his pronunciation of the riks, reveal the 
hidden connections between between the vaious chhanda-s. Maybe you could obtain 
the blessing of the deva-s and get him authorized for using these cheating 
bijas stolen from the Buddhists. 
 You should call him and offer to help him out. However, I wouldn't use your 
Prairie Dog credentials. Rather you should just introduce yourself as a pandit 
dedicated to cleaning up the fallen lineage of pseudo-pandits using fake bijas. 
You could give him a copy of the The Tantric Tradition by Leopold Fischer 
(agehananda bharati) and just point out You need to read this and stop ripping 
everyone off!
 So great of you to consider this. 
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
punditster@... mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Under whose authority would the SSRS be giving out any bija mantras? If you 
can't reveal where MMY got the bijas, so how could you say SSRS got any bijas? 
There aren't any bijas mentioned in the Vedas. From what I've read, SSRS, like 
Deepak Chopra and Charlie Lutes, never became TM teachers by completing a TTC. 
So, how would they be knowing any bijas? Go figure.
 On 10/24/2013 7:41 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:

 Authfriend: Today at 8:16 AM 
 So what would the problem be if OM wasn't included in a maha-mantra but 
rather along with, say, a bija mantra like what TM uses? Did Sri Sri give out 
bija mantras, or just the maha-mantras?
 SSRS does indeed give out bija-mantras for meditation. However, I was never 
taught his sahaj-meditation technique so I did not receive one of his chosen 
meditation bija-mantras. 
 What I asked him for (asked four times over a 7 year period) was 
guru-mantra. When he finally gave it to me it was a 

[FairfieldLife] Don#39;t make fun of Comrade Barack Hussein ... or else the IRS for you.

2013-10-27 Thread emptybill

[FairfieldLife] Leaked Video: FEMA Preparing Military Police For Gun Confiscations and Martial Law

2013-10-27 Thread emptybill
U.S. Army MP told Constitution may be suspended by Homeland Security


[FairfieldLife] Prism for you alone (heh heh)

2013-10-27 Thread emptybill

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Lou Reed R.I.P.

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

Lou Reed death hoax spreads on Facebook?


On 10/27/2013 2:47 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

He didn't like it as much as speedballs ... i.v. coke and smack.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, s3raphita@... wrote:

One of my all-time favourite rockers - at least during his Velvet 
Underground days - has dropped the body.

And I only learnt recently he'd tried TM himself back in the day.

[FairfieldLife] Your Taxable Assets

2013-10-27 Thread emptybill

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Halloween History

2013-10-27 Thread jr_esq

 That's nice to know.  Right off hand, I can't think of any American holidays 
that coincide with the other Celtic holidays you mentioned.  But for 
astrological reasons, they can be used to keep time of the season.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 John, there's even a bit more. Samhain is one of four Celtic holy days that 
fall midway between equinox and solstice: Imbolc, around Feb 1, Beltane on May 
1 and Lughnasadh around Aug 1. 

 On Saturday, October 26, 2013 2:51 PM, jr_esq@... jr_esq@... wrote:
   It means All Hallow's Evening.  But wait there's more...

 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween





[FairfieldLife] RE: Leaked Video: FEMA Preparing Military Police For Gun Confiscations and Martial Law

2013-10-27 Thread jr_esq
I believe this part of contingency planning which the Army will play in the 
event that martial law is enforced.  But it doesn't appear that Obama is going 
to declare martial law any time soon.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill@... wrote:

 U.S. Army MP told Constitution may be suspended by Homeland Security



[FairfieldLife] RE: Lou Reed R.I.P.

2013-10-27 Thread s3raphita
 Life is like Sanskrit read to a pony.


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote:

 Lou Reed death hoax spreads on Facebook?
 On 10/27/2013 2:47 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   He didn't like it as much as speedballs ... i.v. coke and smack.
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
 One of my all-time favourite rockers - at least during his Velvet Underground 
days - has dropped the body. 
 And I only learnt recently he'd tried TM himself back in the day.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Om embedded in the tanakh?

2013-10-27 Thread Richard Williams
So, let's sum up what we know about the bija mantras used in TM.

It has already been established that MMY got one single bija mantra from
his teacher SBS. It has also been established that SSRS cribbed the list of
bijas from MMY. It has NOT been established that SSRS has had a tantric
yoga teacher other than MMY. Let's face it - the bija mantras used in TM
were cribbed from a tantra yoga book. Why would SBS give a whole list of
bijas to MMY if SBS didn't even endorse MMY to teach tantra?

According to SBS, the monosyllable 'OM' isn't a bija (seed) sound at all -
it's just a place-holder for the bija given in initiation. The Pranava is
OM, but OM is not a bija, it;s just a symbol for the Vedic Sun God. If
there were any bijas to meditate on when Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras
he would have mentioned them, would he not? Or, the historical Buddha would
have mentioned them.

Or, MMY would have said that the TM bija mantras came from the Vedas. Or,
Larry Domash would have told us the bijas came from the Vedas. They did not.

So, it would seem that the Marshy got confused - instead of extolling the
Vedas, he should have been promoting the Tantras. Apparently there are no
'bija' mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda. In order to establish the TM
practice, the Marshy should have been explaining how TM came to use the
tantric bija mantras.

From what I've read, TM practice and the use of bijas comes from the Sri
Vidya, and not from the Rig Veda. Sri Vidya is a tantric sect, purportedly
founded by Shankaracharya. Swami Brahmanand Saraswati was a member of the
Sri Vidya - all the Saraswati dasnamis are headquarted at Sringeri. SBS's
guru, Swami Krishanand Saraswati, was from Sringeri. The primary symbol of
the Sri Vidya is the Shri Yantra, not the OM symbol.

So, it's obvious that TM adherents should be looking to the Tantras, such
as the 'Saundaryalahari' for the origins of TM, not the to the Vedas. The
Rig Veda has little to say about yoga practices such as 'TM'. The Rig Veda
is based on sacrificial rituals, dedicated to appeasing the celestial
beings that control the forces of nature, such as earth, wind and fire,

The Devatas, such as Krishna, Balarama, Vasudeva, and Ramchandra are
deified heroes of Indian mythology. There are no 'istadevatas' mentioned in
the Rig Veda, so how could there be any istadevata bija mantras? Go figure.

The use of bijas came a long time after the composition of the Rig Veda,
during the Gupta age in India. Bija mantras are products of the Indian
alchemists, not the Vedic Rishis. The Rig Veda was probably compiled before
the Aryan speakers even arrived in India.

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 2:38 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:


 Prairie Dog Troll

 You are such an ignorant, pseudo-intellectual bullshitter that you'll make
 any kind of claim just to appear like you know something. I would call you
 a liar but in actuality you are just arrogantly stupid.

 Patanjali talks extensively about OM you fool. He uses the standard vedic
 term *pranava*. *See** YS 1.27 -  tasya vâcaka.h pra.nava.h “(His)
 designation is the pranava (pronouncement)”.*

 *Prairie Dog sez:*

 *Vajrayana Buddhism is esoteric, in the sense that the transmission of
 certain teachings only occurs directly from teacher to student during an
 initiation or empowerment and cannot be simply learned from a book.*

 Idiot! I’ve had a Vajrayana and Dzogchen teacher for a decade. You are
 only a stinking troll parroting something you read in a book. You don’t
 know shit about Vajrayana.

 *Prairie Dog sez:*

 *So, SSRS get the bija mantras from MMY without even becoming a TM
 teacher -  it has not been established where and from whom MMY got the list
 of bijas, but you only get one bija in TM - so how did MMY and SSRS get to
 know all the bija mantras? They probably read about the bija mantras in a
 yoga book. Because no TM teacher would give out seventeen different bijas
 to one student. Go figure.*

 Brahmarishi Devarata said that the supreme bija of the Rg Veda is *Im,*of 
 Yajur Veda is
 *Shri* and of the Upanishads is the pranava *Om*.

 The supreme bija of Prairie Dog yoga is *Duh*!

 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote:

 It is a fact that here are no bija mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda. So,
 how would the SSRS know any bijas from being a Vedic Pandit?

 There are no bija mantras mentioned by Patanjali. The historical Buddha
 doesn't mention any bija mantras. So, the bija mantras usage must have come
 AFTER the rise of Buddhism (463 BC) in India and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
 (200 BC).

 The Siddha tradition of using bija mantras can be traced back to the
 Vajrayana Buddhism which probably began at Odisha, or in the modern day
 Swat Valley in what is now Pakistan during the Gupta Age. Vajrayana
 Buddhism is esoteric, in the sense that the transmission of certain
 teachings only occurs directly from teacher to student during an initiation
 or empowerment and cannot be simply 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Our Spiritual Tradition

2013-10-27 Thread Richard Williams
The symbol for 'OM' does not occur in the Rig Veda (circa 1500 BCE). OM
isn't mentioned in the Rig because there was no written text back then
(archaic Sanskrit) - the symbol for OM was added much later.

It is found mentioned in the Chandogya Upanishad, (udgitha), which was
obviously composed after the historical Buddha's passing. OM is alluded to
in Patanjali's Yoga Sutra (pranava) (circa 200 BCE), and in the Bhagavad
Gita (circa 100 CE). The Gita appeared later than the great movement
represented by the early Upanishads.

So, if OM had been known before 400 BCE, it would have been mentioned by
the Buddha, Shakya the Muni.

The symbol OM isn't really a bija mantra at all; bijas didn't come into use
until the age of the tantrics (circa 100 CE). If you inspect the archaic
Sankrit of the Rig Veda, you will not find the OM symbol. OM was addded to
the text during the time of their arrangement by Pannini. For example, you
won't find the bija mantra 'phat' in the Rig Veda either.

So, how did we get the Pranava 'OM'? It's just the symbol of the
Transcendent, an expression that was added after the age of Tantrism, after
the invention of writing. OM is the mantra of assent. It means yes and
affirms and energizes whatever we say after it. OM is NOT a tantric bija

Obviously, there were no esoteric symbols in Sanskrit before writing! The
first instance of writing in India occurs on the Sarnath Pillar erected by
Asoka (circa 200 BCE). There is no OM symbol in the Saraswati Civilzation
(circa 2400 BCE).

OM is a verbal expression, not part of the original Gayatri Mantra. OM is
not a primordial symbol - it is an invention of tantrics that was added
later. OM is merely a salutation, just like 'Amen is used in Hebrew. For
example, there's no Amen expression in the Old Testament - it is added when
the passage is recited, as an affirmation.

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Richard Williams pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 Everyone knows that the Adi Shankaracharya was an exponent of the Kevala
 Advaita philosophy; Ramanuja of the Visishtadvaita; Madhvacharya of the
 Dvaita; Vallabhacharya of the Suddhadvaita; and Nimbarkacharya of the
 Dvaitadvaita. Be that as it may, it might be useful if we review the terms
 sampradaya and parampara. Sometimes people get confused between the terms
 'parampara' and 'sampradaya'.

 The first term would be applied to SBS who was in an unbroken line of
 succession from the Adi Shankaracharaya through Swami Krishnanda Saraswati.
 However, this term, 'parampara', wouldn't be applied to MMY, since he was
 not in the direct line of succession in the Shankaracharya tradition - MMY
  was of the illustrious line of Yogis..

 The term 'sampradaya' would be more accurate - that terms refers to the
 'tradition' to which MMY adheres or identifies with.

 So, I'd say that MMY would more correctly be identified with the Mantra
 Yoga tradition. Anyone can become a teacher in any tradition they choose.
 Although MMY may not have been a 'guru' in the 'parampara' of
 Shankaracharaya, he was a teacher in the Mantra Yoga tradition.

 The Sanskrit word literally means an uninterrupted series or


 ...by receiving an initiation (diksha) into a parampara of a living guru,
 one belongs to its proper sampradaya.


 On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 11:23 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:


 Have you heard of the suggestion of some mantra meditation teachers that
 for a newbie the most beneficial idea is to do the the following: find a
 quiet space where you won't be disturbed; sit down and close your eyes;
 gently allow your thoughts to arise and fall without trying to control the
 flow. Eventually a sound will emerge. A sound that becomes dominant because
 it charms you and naturally draws your attention. If that gentle pulse
 establishes itself - let's say the sound om - then that should be your
 personal mantra. That's what you should use whenever you meditate.

 If you ponder this line of thinking, isn't it suggesting that this is
 what the original rishis did, way back when. Of course, when those rishis
 found and then followed their own favourite, personal sound - mantra - they
 suggested that very same mantra to any curious students as a suitable
 syllable. That's how the list of mantras was eventually established as
 venerable tradition.

 So, what I'm wondering: could it be good advice to give to would-be
 meditators today? Do just what those dim and distant pioneers did and find
 out for yourself your own personal syllable as thrown up by your

 Yes, it's not for me. As an incurable romantic, I quite enjoy using a
 mantra that has pedigree - if it does the job and, as a bonus,  conjures up
 images of naked sadhus on faraway mountain sides. But maybe the claim that
 one would be better off finding a unique syllable that is your very own key
 to higher states of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: All About Sadhus and Yogis

2013-10-27 Thread Richard Williams
According to the Sage Patanjali, Raja Yoga has nothing to do with 'union
with the gods', but has everything to do with 'isolation from prakriti',
that is, the 'cessation of the fluctuations of the mindstuff'.

To Patanjali, the Royal Yoga is the attainment of freedom, based on the
sheer willpower of the individual. The Sage Kapila said that success in
attaining freedom from suffering is found in individual willpower to
knowledge; individual freedom is not the result of any source of power
outside one's own body-mind.

It is obvious, to even a casual seeker, that the term 'god' and 'yoga' are
contradictory. You can't have freewill and be under the power of another;
that would be a contradiction in terms, would it not? We are either free or
we are not; if free, then there is no need for yoga practice. If we are not
free, then by what means are we to free ourselves? It's that simple - there
is either other-power or self-power.

Now, if Sage Patanjali had intended for yoga aspirants to attain liberation
by calling the out nickname of demi gods, he would have said so, would he

Confusion arises from erroneously identifying words, objects, and ideas
with one another; knowledge of the cries of all creatures comes through
perfect discipline of the distinctions between them (YS 3.17).

So, ask yourself 'who am I' and then look inside yourself for the answer,
inside your own mind, and apply common sense and intelligence based on your
own experience and reasoning. Now, having tested and known your Self by
yourself, know such to be wise and true, not by mere speculation, hearsay
or because you read it, overheard it or were told it, but because you,
yourself, having known it, experienced it, and confirmed it, found it to be
wise and true.

So, let's review what we know:

The origin of Buddhist and Hindu yogic and tantric practices is Shamanism,
a tradition which came to India about 10,000 years ago. This tradition,
called Sramana in Sanskrit, was revived by the historical Buddha who was
called Shakya the Muni, the first historical yogin in India. He advocated
yoga and meditation which he equated with an eight-fold path, i.e. a
systematic, verifiable, technique for self-culture. It should be obvious to
even the casual seeker that Maharishi is a Buddhist, as we all are.

Not for nothing is the Buddha depicted in Indian iconography as sitting
underneath a rose apple tree with his eyes closed! The first writing in
India appears on an Ashokan pillar at Sarnath, the Kalinga Edict. So
popular was the Buddha in ancient India that he was drafted into the Hindu
pantheon to become the ninth incarnation of Mahavishnu, one of four humans,
not counting a dwarf!

Why do you think the cow is now sacred in India?

According to Swami Ageananda Bharati, it is clear that the Buddhist tantras
preceded the Hindu tantras, and hence, yogic practices are tantric in
nature, e.g. the non-Vedic practices such as yoga, mudra, dhyana, mantra,
yantra, dharani, puja, pradakshina; and monasticisn, ahimsa, instruction by
sutra, relic worship, edifice architecture, etc., etc.  However, in
original, pre-sectarian Buddhism there are no 'dieties'; Buddhism has no
ontology, that is, a theory of the origin of the universe.

Yogic practices and thus yogins, and yogic practice, is firmly rooted in
the teachings of Shakya and the Sramanas such as Natatputra. According to
the teachings of the Shakya, the 33 Gods, such as Lord Brahma, Prajapati,
Mahavishnu, etc. may exist as mental mind-constructs, but they are not
'things-in-themselves', that is, the gods conceived by humans do not have
their 'own nature', apart from and separate from prakriti and the five
evolutes and the conditions set by the activity of the three gunas.

The gods, if they exist, are subject to the same laws of karma as humans,
and when their store of karma runs out they will experience rebirth just
like you and I. According to the law of cause and effect, whatever goes up
must come down - that is, human excrement always flows down stream - the
second law of thermodynamics.

The Shakya, Patanjali, Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhva, Nimbarka, Chaitanya, and
Vallabah and Maharishi all agree on this.

In contrast to the gods, a Yogin, that is, one who has attained Freedom and
Immortality, has broken the chain that binds him or her to the law of
karma: a Yogin is free, liberated, that is, he has attained 'Moksha' and he
is a fully realized master of his own Self.

A Yogin is not bound by time, neither is he bound by the restrictions of
caste or religious conventions.

A Yogin, having mastered himself, by himself, does not see ritual acts as
the saving grace, yet he acts, due to the propensities still functioning
within his mortal coil. A Yogin is liberated while yet living, a 'jivan
mukti'. Being liberated, a Yogin is not bound by the notion of duality,
thinking, I do this, this is my body, this is my soul, this is my self...

Vajrayana and Yogacara Buddhist practices, and hence Hindu 

[FairfieldLife] Re: According to the Sage Kapila

2013-10-27 Thread Richard Williams
First, some definitions: 'Tantrism' is a construction of Western

'Tantra' is an esoteric, metaphysical belief system with associated
practices, which entails working with spiritual energy, which seeks to
unify cosmic energy with creative human energy, in order to liberate man
from ignorance and rebirth, through the attainment of pure bliss

The Indian 'Tantras' are manuals of instruction pertaining to the use of
mnemonic devices such as mantra, yantra, mandala, mudra, dhyana, and puja,
used by ecstatics for the purpose of liberation from ignorance and rebirth,
in order to attain enlightenment, that is, spiritual perfection (siddhi).

The Tantras were probably composed during the Gupta Age in India, probably
in the Bihar and Orissa region, or in the Swat Valley, and then transported
to Kashmere, Tibet, and then to Karnataka in South India, in the 6th  or
7th century CE.

According to David Gordon White, Yoga techniques, which are indigenous to
South Asia, have been used in India since the Buddha Shakya the Muni, the
first historical yogin in India. Tantric Yoga practices, such as Hatha
Yoga, Laya Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, and Mantra Yoga, emerged during the time
of the Indian alchemists, during the 'medieval' period of Indian history.

There are no bija mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda. Tantrism is a
relatively late philosophical system in India. Most of the Buddhist Tantras
were composed before the Hindu Tantras, after the Sutra period.

Work cited:

'Tantra in Practice'
David Gordon White
Princeton University Press, 2000

On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Richard J. Williams pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 Apparently the practice of TM is based on the ancient Sankhya philosophy
 established by the Sage Kapila, which translated means the red one.

 So, what do we know about the Sage Kapila?

 According to the Sage Kapila, creation is impossible, for something cannot
 come out of nothing; change implies something to change; whatever is,
 always is, and whatever is not, never is.

 Samkhya pertains to number. What number? The one Purusha and the many
 prakriti - there are three gunas born of nature, five gross elements and
 there are the thirty-two evolutes.

 And from the contrast with that which is composed of the three
 constituents, there follows, for the Purusha, the character of Being, a
 witness; freedom from misery, neutrality, percipience, and non-agency.

 Let's review what we know about the Samkhya tradition:

 In this tradition the phenomenal universe is considered a dynamic order,
 an eternal process unfolding, without beginning or end. In order to avoid
 the fallacy of regressus ad infinitum, which is not consistent with
 rational solutions, Samkhya postulates an Uncaused Cause, termed in
 Sanskrit Purusha, a category which remains undefined, as it is beyond, or
 transcendental to, the intellect. This absolute is beyond time and space,
 without attribute and form, and is forever removed from empirical scrutiny.

 True evolution, according to Samkhya, exists ONLY in the transformation of
 cosmic consciousness, Purusha, to the physical substance, prakriti, and
 that the manifestations of the physical and biological world, are only
 modifications of only five gross elements. Samkhya views the evolutes of
 matter from its cosmic cause as a process of unfolding, a projection of
 potentialities according to fixed laws that can be understood by man.

 Works cited:

 'Foundations of Hindu Philosophy'
 by Theos Bernard, Ph.D.
 Author of 'Hatha Yoga', 'Penthouse of the Gods', 'Heaven Lies Within Us'
 Philosophical Library, 1947 p. 68

 'The Samkhyakarika of Isvarakrishna'
 Samkhyakarika, XVII
 trans. and ed. by Suryanarayana Sastri
 U. of Madras, 1935

[FairfieldLife] Re: Edifice Architecture and Badrinath

2013-10-27 Thread Richard Williams
Jyotirmath, also called Jyotir Math and Joshimath, is a place and a matha
in Uttaranchal, India in the Himalayas. It is the original uttaramnaya
matha or northern monastry, one of the four cardinal pithas established by
Adi Sankara, the others being those at Sringeri, Puri and Dwaraka. Their
heads are titled Shankaracharya. According to the tradition initiated by
Adi Shankara, this matha is in charge of the Atharva Veda.


[image: Inline image 1]

As it is close to the pilgrimage town of Badrinath, and the matha has not
always been active, it is sometimes said incorrectly that the original
northern matha was established at Badrinath.

In its most recent history, the Jyotirmath became inactive in the early
19th century. The formal occupation of the matha was restarted with the aid
of the heads of some of the other mathas from about 1940 onward. However,
there is an unresolved controversy over the succession to the headship of
Jyotirmath. The best known of the claimants to be the current head or
Shankaracharya is Svarupananda Sarasvati who is also head of the Dwaraka
matha. The other two claimants are Vasudevananda Sarasvati and Madhavasrama.



On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 2:10 PM, Richard Williams pundits...@gmail.comwrote:

 Maybe it's time to review where our tradition comes from.


 [image: Inline image 1]

 The image of Shri Badri Narayana here is fashioned out of a Saligramam
 stone. Shri Badri Narayana is seated under the badari tree, flanked by
 Kubera and Garuda, Narada, Narayana and Nara. Lord Badri Narayan is armed
 with Conch and Chakra in two arms in a lifted posture and two more arms
 rested on the lap in Yoga Mudra. There is also a shrine to Adi Sankara, and
 the procedures of daily pujas and rituals are supposed to have been
 prescribed by the Adi.

 Are we agreed so far?

 Description - The principal image is of black stone and it represents
 Vishnu seated in meditative pose.

 According to Kathleen Cox, a recent visitor to the shrine, The Badrinath
 shrine is a famous vastu-designed temple that has been renovated through
 the centuries. Certain beliefs consider this image to be that of the
 Buddha, given the seated posture and the placement of the arms. The
 meditative pose of the black stone representation of Vishnu certainly
 recalls the Buddha, which is not a coincidence - the Buddha was the ninth
 avatar of Vishnu.

 Mythology - According to Lama Govinda, There can be no doubt about the
 symbolical relationship between the Mahayana-Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha of
 infinite light, and Vishnu, the sun-god.

 Both of them are supposed to incarnate their love and compassion in the
 form of helpers and teachers of humanity as bodhisattvas and avatars. Both
 of them have the wheel of the law as their attribute.

 Other common attributes are the tree of enlightenment and the stupa. Thus
 the solar symbolism of the world tree came again into iconography, while
 the hemisphere of the stupa became the element of vertical spiritual

 Work cited:

 'The Psycho-cosmic Symbolism of the Buddhist Stupa'
 by Lama Anagarika Govinda
 Dharma Publishing 1976
 Paper. 102 p. Illustrated. Index.
 p. 41-42

 'Vastu Living'
 Creating a Home for the Soul
 by Kathleen Cox
 Marlowe and Company 2000
 247 p. Paper. Illustrated. Glossary. Index.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Om quot;embeddedquot; in the tanakh?

2013-10-27 Thread emptybill
So, let's sum up what we know ...  

 This is the sure sign of a scammer.

 You are so ignorant you don't even know the basic stuff. Any self-respecting 
Indian (who isn't a communist) always has 20-30 mantras on-hand just in case 
there is need to get the gods favor for something. 
 Maybe so but ... is the confession of a deceiver who believes that just by 
endlessly repeating a claim others will believe it. 
 Patanjali said the pranava was the name/designation of Ishvara. Repetition of 
the pranava and contemplation of it leads to realization of its meaning. 


 Judy was quite right. You are a FFL troll. You don’t know anything but shit 
you read. You are an arrogant fool. 


 Oh … did I mention that you are also a cheat and a thief? 

 Maybe so but …

 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote:

 So, let's sum up what we know about the bija mantras used in TM. 

 It has already been established that MMY got one single bija mantra from his 
teacher SBS. It has also been established that SSRS cribbed the list of bijas 
from MMY. It has NOT been established that SSRS has had a tantric yoga teacher 
other than MMY. Let's face it - the bija mantras used in TM were cribbed from a 
tantra yoga book. Why would SBS give a whole list of bijas to MMY if SBS didn't 
even endorse MMY to teach tantra?

 According to SBS, the monosyllable 'OM' isn't a bija (seed) sound at all - 
it's just a place-holder for the bija given in initiation. The Pranava is OM, 
but OM is not a bija, it;s just a symbol for the Vedic Sun God. If there were 
any bijas to meditate on when Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras he would have 
mentioned them, would he not? Or, the historical Buddha would have mentioned 

 Or, MMY would have said that the TM bija mantras came from the Vedas. Or, 
Larry Domash would have told us the bijas came from the Vedas. They did not.

 So, it would seem that the Marshy got confused - instead of extolling the 
Vedas, he should have been promoting the Tantras. Apparently there are no 
'bija' mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda. In order to establish the TM 
practice, the Marshy should have been explaining how TM came to use the tantric 
bija mantras.

 From what I've read, TM practice and the use of bijas comes from the Sri 
Vidya, and not from the Rig Veda. Sri Vidya is a tantric sect, purportedly 
founded by Shankaracharya. Swami Brahmanand Saraswati was a member of the Sri 
Vidya - all the Saraswati dasnamis are headquarted at Sringeri. SBS's guru, 
Swami Krishanand Saraswati, was from Sringeri. The primary symbol of the Sri 
Vidya is the Shri Yantra, not the OM symbol.

 So, it's obvious that TM adherents should be looking to the Tantras, such as 
the 'Saundaryalahari' for the origins of TM, not the to the Vedas. The Rig Veda 
has little to say about yoga practices such as 'TM'. The Rig Veda is based on 
sacrificial rituals, dedicated to appeasing the celestial beings that control 
the forces of nature, such as earth, wind and fire, etc. 

 The Devatas, such as Krishna, Balarama, Vasudeva, and Ramchandra are deified 
heroes of Indian mythology. There are no 'istadevatas' mentioned in the Rig 
Veda, so how could there be any istadevata bija mantras? Go figure.

 The use of bijas came a long time after the composition of the Rig Veda, 
during the Gupta age in India. Bija mantras are products of the Indian 
alchemists, not the Vedic Rishis. The Rig Veda was probably compiled before the 
Aryan speakers even arrived in India. 


 On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 2:38 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
 Prairie Dog Troll

 You are such an ignorant, pseudo-intellectual bullshitter that you'll make any 
kind of claim just to appear like you know something. I would call you a liar 
but in actuality you are just arrogantly stupid.
 Patanjali talks extensively about OM you fool. He uses the standard vedic term 
pranava. See YS 1.27 -  tasya vâcaka.h pra.nava.h “(His) designation is the 
pranava (pronouncement)”.
 Prairie Dog sez:
 Vajrayana Buddhism is esoteric, in the sense that the transmission of certain 
teachings only occurs directly from teacher to student during an initiation or 
empowerment and cannot be simply learned from a book.
 Idiot! I’ve had a Vajrayana and Dzogchen teacher for a decade. You are only a 
stinking troll parroting something you read in a book. You don’t know shit 
about Vajrayana.
 Prairie Dog sez:
 So, SSRS get the bija mantras from MMY without even becoming a TM teacher -  
it has not been established where and from whom MMY got the list of bijas, but 
you only get one bija in TM - so how did MMY and SSRS get to know all the bija 
mantras? They probably read about the bija mantras in a  yoga book. Because no 
TM teacher would give out seventeen different bijas to one student. Go figure.
 Brahmarishi Devarata said that the supreme bija of the Rg Veda is Im, of Yajur 
Veda is Shri and of the Upanishads is the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Our Spiritual Tradition

2013-10-27 Thread Richard Williams
My contention is that Hindu 'Tantrism' probably originated during the Gupta
period (280 to 550 CE), or later, in India. The Tantras are associated with
'medieval India,' having been written between 500 and 1800. Tantrism is not
Vedic (1200 to 1500 BCE) or pre-Vedic, and did not originate during the
Iron Age. None of the Tantras seem to be pre-Vedic, and in fact, are
antagonistic to the Hindu Vedas.

Kashmir Shaivism, which predates Hindu Tantrism, arose during the eighth or
ninth century CE. In contrast, the Buddhist Tantric  versions of the
'Prajnaparamita' date from around 500 CE, AFTER the Sutra Period in India.
So, the Buddhist Tantras came first, then Kashmere Tantras, and then Hindu
Tantras, as far as I can tell.

According to Bhattacharyya:

It is to be noticed that although later Tantric writers wanted to base
their doctrines on the Vedas, the orthodox followers of the Vedic tradition
invariably referred to Tantra in a spirit of denunciation, stressing its
anti-Vedic character. - N.N. Bhattacharyya

On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 11:23 PM, s3raph...@yahoo.com wrote:


 Have you heard of the suggestion of some mantra meditation teachers that
 for a newbie the most beneficial idea is to do the the following: find a
 quiet space where you won't be disturbed; sit down and close your eyes;
 gently allow your thoughts to arise and fall without trying to control the
 flow. Eventually a sound will emerge. A sound that becomes dominant because
 it charms you and naturally draws your attention. If that gentle pulse
 establishes itself - let's say the sound om - then that should be your
 personal mantra. That's what you should use whenever you meditate.

 If you ponder this line of thinking, isn't it suggesting that this is what
 the original rishis did, way back when. Of course, when those rishis found
 and then followed their own favourite, personal sound - mantra - they
 suggested that very same mantra to any curious students as a suitable
 syllable. That's how the list of mantras was eventually established as
 venerable tradition.

 So, what I'm wondering: could it be good advice to give to would-be
 meditators today? Do just what those dim and distant pioneers did and find
 out for yourself your own personal syllable as thrown up by your

 Yes, it's not for me. As an incurable romantic, I quite enjoy using a
 mantra that has pedigree - if it does the job and, as a bonus,  conjures up
 images of naked sadhus on faraway mountain sides. But maybe the claim that
 one would be better off finding a unique syllable that is your very own key
 to higher states of consciousness has some merit. There are many people
 who learned TM and then (without telling anyone) replaced their
 TMO-approved mantra with something they felt was more congenial.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com

 Our Mantra Yoga tradition begins with the Lord Narayana, the first
 meditator, who thought the first thought and set in motion this science of
 sound vibration. The thought sounds or mantras were cognized in ancient
 India by the rishis, that is, the seers of the science of sound, the first
 psychic pioneers of consciousness.
 In the Mantra Yoga tradition the first yogi was Yajnavalkhya, who cognized
 the first bija mantra, and passed this teaching to his daughter Shakti.

 According to the Tantras, bija mantras are shorthand for a complete
 description of the universe in the mind of Sri Saraswati, the Goddess of
 Wisdom, Learning and Knowledge. So, sounds, ergo language, was the primal
 vibration of Vac, that is, the Lord of human speech, who formed the first
 bija mantras.

 In a long line of illustrious masters comes this Mantra Yoga tradition
 from Vasistha and Parashara.

 So, lets review the TMer sampradaya:

 The TM teachers puja to SBS clearly states the desciplic succession from
 Shakti via the Jyotirlinga hence to Badarayana, to Gauda, to Govinda, hence
 to Shankara, founder of the Jyotirmatha, hence to Trotaka and on down to
 Brahmanand Saraswati and hence to Shantanand, hence down to Vasudevananda
 Saraswati, the current Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath.

 Padma Bhava


[FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2013-10-27 Thread dhamiltony2k5
War does not determine who is right, only who is left.  

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote:

 Shotgun wedding: a matter of wife and death.
 On 10/27/2013 9:03 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:
Funny, funny, funny!
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 The only useful purpose for a child's middle name is so they  know when Mom is 
really angry  with them.
 On 10/27/2013 8:09 AM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 Before you criticize others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, 
you'll be 5,280 feet away from them and they'll be barefooted.
 On 10/25/2013 5:58 PM, dhamiltony2k5@... mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 While it is true that the early bird gets the worm, it's the second mouse that 
gets the cheese.

[FairfieldLife] Yup, he#39;s gonna destroy it all.

2013-10-27 Thread emptybill

[FairfieldLife] RE: Yup, he#39;s gonna destroy it all.

2013-10-27 Thread wgm4u
Ha, halaugh of the week, and you may be right BTW!! That really is scary!!! 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, emptybill@... wrote:


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Country Chuckles

2013-10-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

Barack! This is NOT a conference call.

On 10/27/2013 6:28 PM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

  * War does not determine who is right, only who is left.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, punditster@... wrote:

Shotgun wedding: a matter of wife and death.

On 10/27/2013 9:03 AM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@...

 Funny, funny, funny!

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

The only useful purpose for a child's middle name is so they  know 
when Mom is really angry with them.

On 10/27/2013 8:09 AM, dhamiltony2k5@...
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

  * You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a
parachute to skydive twice.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

Before you criticize others, you should walk a mile in their shoes. 
That way, you'll be 5,280 feet away from them and they'll be barefooted.

On 10/25/2013 5:58 PM, dhamiltony2k5@...
mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

  * To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever
you hit the target.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:

While it is true that the early bird gets the worm, it's the second 
mouse that gets the cheese.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 28-Oct-13 00:15:11 UTC

2013-10-27 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 10/26/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 11/02/13 00:00:00
175 messages as of (UTC) 10/28/13 00:07:20

 22 TurquoiseB 
 22 Richard J. Williams 
 16 Share Long 
 14 authfriend
 12 dhamiltony2k5
 11 s3raphita
 10 wgm4u 
  9 jr_esq
  9 emptybill
  9 Richard Williams 
  8 Michael Jackson 
  8 Bhairitu 
  5 steve.sundur
  4 sharelong60
  4 cardemaister
  4 Steve Sundur 
  3 srijau
  2 indifferent_netizen 
  1 obbajeeba 
  1 merudanda 
  1 Dick Mays 
Posters: 21
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US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
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Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
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