FLUXLIST: Re: new issue of Monk Mink Pink Punk

2006-06-09 Thread josh ronsen
John M. Bennett wrote:

 Good issue - I'm also a fan of gagaku and its Korean version, great
 stuff, have been listening to it since I was a kid in Japan -

I have an interest in Noh Theatre and its music. It is difficult to find. I 
only have 1 CD, and I have a copy of another record I downloaded. I've been 
thinking for years on how to compose something inspired by this. I made 
something on a 4-track recorder years ago that crudely imitates Noh music; it 
is goofy. The vocalizations in Noh music are supposedly cues to tempo/rhythm 



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FLUXLIST: Re: new issue of Monk Mink Pink Punk

2006-06-09 Thread josh ronsen
mIEKAL aND wrote:

 The issue is dated July 05...  am I missing something or has time
 stopped  no one told me?

I am only half Jewish. The other half is sloth. Most of the issue was finished 
in July, but it has taken me this long to finially finish it. But at least it 
is finished. Should I change the July 05 dates to June 06 so it doesn't seem so 
back-dated? Maybe I could just change a word on each page so that they will be 
June 06 material...

Rod Stasick wrote:

 Did the issue on Dick Higgins take a back seat?

I was planning on interviewing Dick, and had begun to exchange words with him, 
but because of my mixed heritage, cf above, the interview never happened.

Moral of the story, unless you live in a tree, don't be a sloth.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas


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FLUXLIST: Tiny Windows for trade...

2006-01-01 Thread josh ronsen
Happy New Year!

I'm starting the year off right: with Mail Art. I'll probably only get two 
projects done today. For one of the projects, I have cut out all the windows 
from an old 
black  white photo of storefront buildings (19th Century New York?). I am 
using the buildings without windows for the mail art project. I have 2 dozen 
tiny cut out windows (3mm x 9mm) to offer for trade. I will mail them to the 
first person who pledges to mail me something of equal value in return. I will 
break up this exceptional set!

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas


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Re: FLUXLIST: An Historical Atlas of Fluxlist - Proposal

2005-11-10 Thread josh ronsen
I am available to write protraits of FluxList people, especially people I do 
not know...

By the way, what ever happened to the FluxList Cookbook?

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas


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FLUXLIST: mixed-up headlines...

2005-11-09 Thread josh ronsen
For Wednesday, Nov 11, 2005:

Liberians Appear to Lose Strength, Win Elections.
Post-war chaos leaves Wounded Principal in N.J. and Va.
Democrats battling leprosy.
French Rioting Reject Schwarzenegger Initiatives. 
Voters Praised As Hero in Tenn. 

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas


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2005-10-16 Thread josh ronsen
Last night I found three cards with instructions that I passed out at a 
performance in 1999 or so. Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to 
take one of these cards and follow the instruction and report back with the 

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas


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FLUXLIST: Re: Fluxus Anthology 2005

2005-09-30 Thread josh ronsen
Who has submitted so far?

Is there room in the booklet for notes?



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FLUXLIST: definition of Fluxus

2005-07-23 Thread josh ronsen
Fluxus is a multimedia art made from the curdled activities of various 
people-most commonly poets but sometimes 
painters, musicians, dancers, housewives and water skiers. There are hundreds 
of types of Fluxus. Dada is often used to 
induce coagulation in the art, although some Fluxus is curdled with ideas from 
Situationalism or Neoism or with extracts 
of various species of Pop-Art (sometimes called vegetable art). Dada is an urge 
traditionally obtained from the stomach 
lining of rocking horses or from a studio-produced substitute. Pranks and 
sight-gags are added to Fluxus to reduce the 
pH, alter texture, and develop flavor, and some Fluxus also has politics, 
either on the outer skin or throughout. The 
natural color of Fluxus ranges from off-white to yellow. In some parts of the 
world, such as Wisconsin in the United 
States, the art is low in sarcasm, making Fluxus a paler yellow than normal. In 
this case, it is common to add elephant 
dung as a coloring agent. Some Fluxus is made with the addition of audience 
participation. As a response to the loss of 
diversity in mass-produced Fluxus, a cottage industry has grown up around home 
Fluxus-making in some locations. In 
many European countries this has historically been the normal means of Fluxus. 
Different styles and flavors of Fluxus are 
the results of using different species of fonts and typefaces, different levels 
of banality, variations in length of Flux Events 
(very short vs. very long), differing processing treatments (dissembling the 
seriousness of high art, filming buttocks and 
other body parts, political protesting, cross dressing) and different breeds of 
performance art, film, music and other 
theaters. Other factors include simplicity, the unity of art and life and the 
addition of chance and playfulness to some 
Fluxus. Some controversy exists regarding the safety of Fluxus made by the 
traditional methods of using pure Dada and 
regarding how Neo-Dada affects flavor. In most Eastern countries, Fluxus is 
considered a vile substance. Thus, it is rarely 
found in any Asian museums.   

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Re: FLUXLIST: Josh/Screenprinting

2005-07-14 Thread josh ronsen
Oops, my last message to the list was supposed to be private. Did I write 
anything exceedingly embarassing?

While we are discussing the topic, other hints/links re: screenprinting would 
be helpful.


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RE: FLUXLIST: Mail Art publication/A belated HellO!

2005-07-13 Thread josh ronsen
This email account has been actinf wierd so I've been avoiding it and just this very minute read your email.
The mail art issue is still available, and I made some more of the foil issue with leftovers, but the reprinted pages are on normal paper, not the special papers in the original run.
What is your address these days?I do mail art. Irregularly. Primarily I am a musician so most of my art time is spent on that. I have been trying to think on what I want to do with Mail Art, which projects I want to do and how I want to approach them. I think I want to start doing screenprinting. I've always wanted to do them. Maybe this summer is the time. Have you ever?
http://www.narrowhouserecording.comis not working. Did it change?
I hope you are well,

- Original Message -From: "David-Baptiste Chirot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: FLUXLIST@scribble.comSubject: RE: FLUXLIST: Mail Art publication/A belated HellO!Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 10:24:33 -0500

Dear Josh
i have only been meaning to write to you for seemingly centureis now--to say Hello! and how are you and yourworks going/
i had found this re the mail art --and wanted to ask if still available? and also the foil issue?
i have always loved yur projects and wonder what new ones up to?
things have been pretty busy for me--all different ways--a lotof my things are up and more aaccepted to go up and more in journals etc--but is alwayys the present that counts--not waht is done--so-
i am working a lot on my rubBEings of late as have said iwould do a few smal books for publisher in finland--and have to get back to doing my paintings--i make them by imprintng letterings and forms in clay and then painting them--mainly spray paint--and pressing paperon to it-
a primite printing press! just as the rubBEings are a primitive method oof copy art
can fwd to you some sites etc whrere you can find them-
an interview is at
and in the last four issues of Blackbox are poetry, collages, paintings--
click Blackbox
a book done with John M Benneett cameout in last weeks--CITY OF CRUST and miekal and's press did xerolage 32--book of the rubBEings--
they keep appearing all over!amazing to me such interest!
i am stil doing mail art--i wasn't for awhile but back into it now--mail art zines too--around the world--
do you do mail art?--
and what al are you up to?
it wil be great to hear fromyou!
always al my warmest best  onwo/ards! i wil fwd to yu some other sites etc--david-bc
From: "josh ronsen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Reply-To: FLUXLIST@scribble.comTo: FLUXLIST@scribble.comSubject: FLUXLIST: Mail Art publicationDate: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 14:39:39 -0600I am selling copies of Monk Mink Pink Punk #10, a very special issue on the topic "MAIL ART: KNOW THE DANGERS."I am asking for $1 to cover postage and very expensive printer ink, $2 if you want a CDr of recent instrumental/electro-acoustic music.Back issue info at http://home.flash.net/~jronsen/mmpp.html (and I have a few copies of the "wrapped in foil issue" #6, email me to reserve one of the few lasteditions).-Josh Ronsen2001 BrentwoodAustin TX 78757 USA--___NEW! Lycos Dating Search. The only place to search multiple dating sites at once.http://datingsearch.lycos.com

How does 6 Songs for 99 cents sound? Go to music.msn.com and meet FREE music 

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Re: FLUXLIST: Writing Action Event

2005-06-30 Thread josh ronsen
Mr. And,

You should join this list:


-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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Re: FLUXLIST: Writing Action Event

2005-06-30 Thread josh ronsen

You should join this list:


-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

NEW! Lycos Dating Search. The only place to search multiple dating sites at 

Re: FLUXLIST: Writing Action Event

2005-06-30 Thread josh ronsen

You should join this list:


-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Mail Art publication

2005-03-27 Thread josh ronsen
I am selling copies of Monk Mink Pink Punk #10, a very special issue on the 

I am asking for $1 to cover postage and very expensive printer ink, $2 if you 
want a CDr of recent instrumental/electro-acoustic music.

Back issue info at http://home.flash.net/~jronsen/mmpp.html (and I have a few 
copies of the wrapped in foil issue #6, email me to reserve one of the few 

-Josh Ronsen
2001 Brentwood
Austin TX 78757 USA

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FLUXLIST: Re: Poetry

2004-05-25 Thread Josh Ronsen
Hard lessons from poetry class: Speech is free unless it's critical
  Daytona Beach - News-journalonline.com
  Last update: 15 May 2004
  Bill Nevins, a New Mexico high school teacher and personal friend, was
  last year and classes in poetry and the poetry club at Rio Rancho High
  School were permanently terminated. 

Digging around the Internet, the principal's name is Gary Tripp and his email address 

The lawsuit brief can be found here: 

Anyone disturbed by this should email Mr. Tripp.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Collabrative Story Update

2004-05-24 Thread Josh Ronsen
We're now up to 14 sentences, 3 paragraphs, and continue to grow. If you emailed me or 
the List expressing interest in the story, your part of the story is on its way to 
you. The suspense is building! Please be paitent! Do not panic! Take a deep breath and 
relax your shoulders. Ask yourself the question, why is Shoulders spelt Shoulders in 
America and not Sholders? How would one spell the word meaning one who shoulds? I.e. 
shoulder, should-er, He was always saying 'I should have done this,' 'I should have 
done that,' he would always be a shoulder.

Anyway, the point is the story is on its way to you.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas


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FLUXLIST: Re: More excuses

2004-05-10 Thread Josh Ronsen
May 7: too drunk to work

May 8: too much work to get drunk

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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2004-05-07 Thread Josh Ronsen
So far I have 17 volunteers for the story, and I already have 3 sentences (not 
including my initial seed sentence).

I am doing this by email, as I lack the paitence to do it by snail mail. 

Back to work,

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: collabrative story

2004-05-06 Thread Josh Ronsen
My Fellow Fluxlisters,

I am starting a new story project, an exquisite corpse. Let me know if you want to 
participate, and 
the more who do the better. I will send a sentence to the first person on the list, 
who then must write a second sentence and send it back to me. I will then send the 
second sentence to the next person on the list and so on. I will only write the first 
I plan on going through the list a few tmes.

Who's in?

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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2004-03-04 Thread Josh Ronsen
Carol Starr wrote:

hi josh

you are brave to do 'danger music #2'.
very inteesting event, thanks for the photos.

Oh, it was hardly bravery. Foolhardy, maybe, but there was no danger in it (except to 
my dignity).

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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2004-03-03 Thread Josh Ronsen
Owen Smith asks:

Very nice Josh - so how did it feel to perform Danger Music No. 2?

It hurt! The electric clippers I borrowed were very old and it felt like my hair was 
being ripped out. I first tried to do it myself, without a mirror, thinking it would 
be buzz buzz buzz and done. It took a long time. Now I have no hair. I can't wait for 
it to grow back in.

The evening was a success. I think everyone, audience and performers, enjoyed it. I 
had asked members of the Austin New Music Co-Op (I play clarinet with them) to do some 
of the Fluxus orchestra pieces, and then decided to have them do other pieces in 
masse (like Ono's Lighting Piece). Some of them did not know anything about Fluxus 
except for my brief description in discussing the project. For the Cafe idea, I had 
two waitresses go through the audience and take orders (and money for each piece), so 
we had no idea what was going to be performed or when. We had to have a quick huddle 
backstage before each piece. What are we doing Just go out there and at Bill's 
command [the conductor], hit your head against the wall. 

It turned out well. I will send the program list/menu in a later email.

Highlights included:
-Tying up the audience...
-The huge mess on stage...
-Walter's guitar solo he wrote me: but I, not knowing anything about firecrackers, 
picked a smoker, not a popper, so only a lot of smoke came out of my guitar, no 
-I wrote Money Piece II for the orchestra, in which the orchestra picks up change 
from the stage. Bill, the conductor, had decided that we would take the stage, the 
money would be sprinkled about, and at his downbeat we would start collecting. But one 
of the players, trombonist Nick Smith, went crazy at the site of two dollars in change 
and just lunged for the money without waiting for the command to start. I laughed. [in 
Money Piece I I ask for a dollar bill from the audience and then rip it up. This I 
did as well.]
-I have been studying Gyorgy Ligeti lately, and transcribing 2 interviews with him 
from French, and Elana Logsdon and I read the alphabetical insults from his 1977 opera 
Le Grande Macabre (ravishing runt! swashbuckling swine!)
-Elana and Brandon Young read my play that I sent to the FluxList Box II with much 
pathos and overacting (perfect!)
-playing fruit baseball: Nick Smith hit a single [grapefruit], but then was tagged out 
while going to 2nd base.

In all, it was a lot of fun.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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2004-03-02 Thread Josh Ronsen

I am the one in the white shirt and black tie.

More details later,

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: it's not art it's html

2004-03-01 Thread Josh Ronsen
I, too, think email sent to FluxList should be text only. I get a lot of HTML junk in 
my daily digests, and also a lot of repeated text sent in replies. Both of these make 
reading FluxList more of a chore than the useful fun it should be.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: The Mask Event

2004-02-18 Thread Josh Ronsen
Amy Baylaurel Casey wrote:

i've always wanted to figure out how to wear

You could:

1. put 1000 packs of jello into bathtub full of water, climb in and let it set 
(perhaps would only work in winter with no heat). When jello sets around you, get out 
of tub.

2. Put gelled jello next to body and wrap yourself up with plastic wrap. I know 
someone who did this with meat. Jello would probably smell less.

In either case, please take pictures!

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: FLUX CAFE in Austin, Texas

2004-02-18 Thread Josh Ronsen

KILL DATE: March 1, 2004


Josh Ronsen


A unique evening of performances in the vibrant style of Fluxus, the late 20th-century 
art collective.

February 28, 2004 at 8:00 PM
Church of the Friendly Ghost
209 Pedernales
Austin, Texas

Admission: Free (performances will cost between $.10 and $50.00)

Flux Cafe is a unique performance event celebrating the challenging work of the Fluxus 
artists of the 1960s and 1970s. Flux Cafe will feature performances of pieces by 
artists associated with Fluxus, including Dick Higgins,Yoko Ono and Nam June Paik, as 
well as a few new pieces in the vein of Fluxus. 

The show is being presented by Alex Keller and Josh Ronsen, two contemporary artists 
based in Austin. Keller and Ronsen will be joined by Elana Logsdon and the Austin New 
Music Co-Op for the performances.

In the Fluxus tradition of challenging the audience, admission will be Free and the 
audience will order pieces a la carte. Alex Keller says “The Flux Cafe asks the 
audience to be a consumer, and decide what pieces will happen when. Admission will be 
free, but in order to see a piece performed you will have to select it on a menu and 
order it from the waitstaff. The costs of pieces will vary from ten cents to fifty 
dollars. It might be possible to show up and see an evening of performances without 
spending a dime. No piece will be performed more than once, some may not be performed 
at all, and  some will be performed simultaneously. It¹s possible that nothing will 
happen at all.”

What is Fluxus? Josh Ronsen says “FLUXUS is a name used to describe the activities and 
objects of a group of artists mainly living in New York City in the 1960s, but Fluxus 
happened around the world. It is not an artistic movement, but more of a brand name of 
absurdity, humor, dedication, simplicity, art, anti-art, and anti-anti-art. Its 
detractors, including Pierre Boulez, called it Neo-Dada. Its supporters called it Zen 
Vaudeville. Fluxus tried to cross every line, break every barrier, destroy every 
unquestioned convention about art, music and life. There is a beautiful conciseness, 
like a Zen koan, to a perfect Fluxus performance score, and a austere business-like 
approach to its realization.”

For additional information, including press-ready photographs, please
contact Josh Ronsen at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 512-533-9741.


Alex Keller
Alex Keller is a artist based in Austin, Texas. In his work, which usually uses sound, 
he explores ideas of narrative, generation/degeneration, and process. Alex¹s pieces 
can take the form of field recordings, sound design, performance, instrument 
invention, installation and digital media.

Elana Logsdon
Elana Logsdon lives in Austin, Texas and creates performance works and good food.  She 
is interested in most human communication situations and loves the act of observation.

Josh Ronsen
Josh Ronsen has also performed and recorded with Frequency Curtain, the Gates 
Ensemble, the Austin New Music Co-Op, Jacob Green, David Gross, Joseph Zitt, Steev 
Hise, Rick Reed, Jeff Filla, Jason Pierce, Carmen Resendez, Erg, ECFA, Prrr, 
Batrachomyomachia and Pedestrian.

Austin New Music Co-Op
The Austin New Music Co-op is a community of composers and performers from the Austin 
area dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of new music. We create 
opportunities for performance, education, and composition of adventurous sound. We 
advocate and present a wide range of innovative and compelling new works and provide a 
unique environment for collaboration and the free exchange of musical ideas.


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FLUXLIST: photos of rapid flux...

2004-02-13 Thread Josh Ronsen

...photos of me doing 27 More or Less Authentic Fluxus Performances in 9 Minutes or 
Less in 1998.


-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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Re: FLUXLIST: Fluxlist Cookbook

2003-12-19 Thread Josh Ronsen
What is the status of the Fluxlist Cookbook? How many recipies have been collected?

Here is my latest creation:

MSG Soup

1 quart water
3 Tbsp MSG (flavor enhancer)

Boil water and stir in MSG. Serve warm.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: performance with stones

2003-10-09 Thread Josh Ronsen
In December, the Austin New Music Co-Op will present an evening of performances using 
stones and rocks. Pieces by John Gibson, Christian Wolff, Pauline Oliveros and NMC 
members will be performed. Outside the performance space, there will be a number of 
installations using rocks. I am thinking about doing an installation/performance (I 
will also be performing in the ensemble). My idea is to kneel down by a pile of stones 
and a sign that reads let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

This is a simple idea (although rich in implications), and I am sure it has been done 
before. But who? When? Where?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: Scores for Anne

2003-09-04 Thread Josh Ronsen
Here is another one, Anne, if you need it:

Piano Performance

Psychoanalyze a paino

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST-digest V4 #201

2003-08-26 Thread Josh Ronsen
Tous les gouts sont dans la nature
(Presence Panchounette)


Camille translates this one as All the tastes are in nature...
quite a bit different from All the geese are eating nature

It seems like Camille is trying to protect those geese. How did she start working for 
the liberal goose agenda?

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: translated quotes

2003-08-21 Thread Josh Ronsen
Ben Vautier just sent me a bunch of quotes related to Fluxus (I’m on Ben Vautier’s 
email list!). Some of the quotes are in French, so I will translate them for you here. 
Some are quite odd and don’t make much sense. Maybe Ben typed them in wrong.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

Tous les goûts sont dans la nature 
(Présence Panchounette)


Les abrutis ne voient le beau que dans les belles choses
(Arthur Cravan)


Si quelqu'un trouvait quelque chose de vraiment neuf, je recommencerais tout
(Erik Satie)


Où apparaît l'art la vie disparaît
(Francis Picabia)


Tous les grands artistes sont des amateurs
(Erik Satie)


Il faudrait arriver à utiliser notre expérience quelle qu'elle soit
(John Cage)


Si vous voyez chez moi une enseigne avec le mot SILENCE, est-ce que vous allez vous 
arrêter de parler ?
(Georges Brecht)


J’essaie d’être dépaysé par ce que je suis en train de faire
(Eric Satie)


Fluxus, c'est celui qui le dit qui l'est
(Alain Gibertie) 


Le nouveau toujours le nouveau mais c’est vieux comme le monde
(Francis Picabia)


Si je rate tant pis c’est que j’avais rien dans le ventre
(Eric Satie)


Errare humanum, fluare divinum est   
(Henry Martin)


Mai fluxare domani quello che puoi fluxare oggi.
(Henry Martin)


Où apparaît l'art la vie disparaît
(Francis Picabia)


L'art est un produit pharmaceutique pour imbéciles
(Francis Picabia)


Tout art d'avant-garde est plutôt une investigation philosophique, une recherche de 
vérités qu'une activité purement esthétique
(Allan Kaprow)


Qu'est ce qu'un happening ? Assumer un acte qui s'accomplit dans la vie quotidienne, 
habituelle, distraitement presque sans s'en apercevoir comme un acte signifiant
(Giuseppe Chiari)


Tout Fluxus est une bande d'enfants gâtés
(Nam June Paik)


Il n’y a pas de problème qu’une ne puisse résoudre
(Mon père)


La fonction première de mon art me semble être l’expression d’une signification 
maximum pour une image minimum. 
(George Brecht)


C’est beau  non pas parce que cela change en beauté mais parce que ça change
(John Cage) 


Chaque mot que je dis contribue au mensonge de l’art
(La Monte Young)


Que faites-vous ? A quoi pensez vous ? Faites autre chose Pensez à autre chose
(Robert Filliou)


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FLUXLIST: voice project

2003-08-14 Thread Josh Ronsen
For a project, please record a mono .aiff file (44.1kHz, 16-bit) of you saying


Email the file to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks in advance,


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FLUXLIST: Fluxus mail art

2003-07-10 Thread Josh Ronsen
mail art project posted on http://www.mail-art.de

THEME:   Political / Resistant Mail Art

Comment: This is a call for political/resistant mail art, in the tradition of old 
fluxus stuff.  

Info: For my project please send me any medium that deal with any technique. 

Deadline: none 

Artist: r. Maria Cristina Aguiar / 172-05379-040 - Rio Pequeno / São Paulo - SP / 
Brazil /  

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: sled beef

2003-06-25 Thread Josh Ronsen
sled beef

shank sled tea
days laid masher
bar-room nuts
bust stern master

porn bath giblet
fill it half stern
but bone is
crash blackened fern

were her paid days
beef bled bunk?

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Alan Bowman mystery

2003-06-03 Thread Josh Ronsen
Maybe this isn't a mystery for anybody else, but why does Alan Bowman live in Italy? 
Neither Alan nor Bowman sound particularly Italian. How/why did he go there? Any 
theories? Information coming directly from Alan will have to be dismissed as 

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Boulez Project Business cards

2003-02-28 Thread Josh Ronsen
I had 250 business cards printed up for my Pierre Boulez Project 
(http://home.flash.net/~jronsen/boulez.html). If you want a few to send out, send me 
your address and they are are yours. Or if you would be so kind to post a few up at 
your local record store. Or pass out at parties. Or...

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: FluxListBox lateness

2003-02-12 Thread Josh Ronsen
It is taking me longer to get my contribution together, but I will be sending 
something small in.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: more on Ligeti and Fluxus

2003-01-27 Thread Josh Ronsen
At the end of the '50s and the beginning of the '60s came the happening movement from 
America. I was interested in an ambiguous way. I made some happenings--you know my 
piece for 100 metromonomes?--but I had the feeling I am not a happening person. You 
know the Fluxus group? I am not belonging there. After a time I had the feeling they 
take their job too seriously. And I am not serious like people like LaMonte Young and 
Geroge Brecht or even Cage. I will tell you exactly what is between me and these 
happening people. They believe that life is art and art is life. I appreciate very 
much Cage and many people, but my artistic credo is that art--every art--is not life. 
It is something artificial. And for me all the happenings are too dilletante. You see, 
I want, if I am the audience, to see a perfect music, or a perfect painting. I don't 
want to take part in it. I don't want that this fence between the piece and the 
audience be abolished. I don't want to get involved. It's the fe!
ling of distance. I am not saying that my opinion is for everybody.

-Ligeti, interview in Music and Musicians, issue #263, v.22, #11, July 1974

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FLUXLIST: more FluxList Box#2 thoughts...

2003-01-10 Thread Josh Ronsen
I like the paint can idea, not so much a 1 gal container, I think that is too big, 
unless we are prepared to fill it. As I wrote previously, a small can, just big enough 
to fit the CDR into would be great. I like the cigar box idea too, but I think that 
may be a bit too small, if it is like the cigar boxes I have seen. I am sure there are 
boxes for Coney Island Footlong Cigars somewhere.

Another thing we should discuss: is the theme of Box #2 to be free, i.e. no theme i.e. 
anything that strikes our fancy?

I say yes, but I would be happy to work on a themed project as well.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: not fluxy enough

2003-01-08 Thread Josh Ronsen
brad} wrote:

hey Josh, saw your Boulez project mentioned in The
Wire (!) have you had many responses so far?

For info on my Pierre Boulez Project, see http://home.flash.net/~jronsen/boulez.html

I am collecting 100 Boulez records, books and scores to destroy them. This is an 
attempt to align Boulez's work with his repeated calls of all art of the past must be 
destroyed. So far I have 25 records and books, and I think half of those come from my 
collection (the site needs to be updated). The web page is also the most comprehensive 
index of online information in English about composer, conductor and enigma Boulez.

I have been collecting public reaction to the project at 
http://home.flash.net/~jronsen/boulezreactions.html People have called me a Nazi and 
another has suggested that I get a life. Others question the project as art, but a 
majority of the reaction has been positive, but by people who do not own any Boulez 
records. I have emailed about 1000 people, radio stations, and magazines about the 

The Wire mention was great, but I do not think I have gotten any goods from it (yet).

On the website, I need to add another Feldman quote about Cornelius Cardew learning 
guitar to play a Boulez piece (in the early 1960s). Feldman quips: that's like 
learning Dutch to read Kierkegaard.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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2003-01-08 Thread Josh Ronsen
I think Feb 8 is way too soon. I need time to think and plan and dream and scheme and 
plan and throw everything away and start over from stratch.

I like the paint can idea with a CDR in it.

Altoids box is too small, although perfect for another project, perhaps a project of 
tiny works of art? There are some wonderful teeny tiny paintings by Max Ernst at the 
Menil in Houston: paintings the size of postage stamps...

As for the left over Fluxlist Box #1, maybe we can sell it to cover the expenses of 
Box #2. Who is the ebay addict on Fluxlist?

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: fluxy enough?

2003-01-07 Thread Josh Ronsen
zoe marsh wrote:

How do I know if my work is suitably fluxy?

If you show it to a High School art teacher or a specialist in pre-20th Century art 
and they say that's rubish!... you may be suitably fluxy, or fluxish.

If janitors try to sweep your art off the floor, it may be suitably fluxy.

If members of the audience ask, in the middle of your performance, when does it 
begin?, you may be suitably fluxy.

If Eric Andersen emails FluxList and states that the real Fluxus artists don't think 
of you as an artist, then you may be suitably fluxy.

But seriously, I don't think anything was rejected from the first Box for not being 
fluxy enough, and every piece in my box is a fluxish delight.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Study reveals complex Republican culture

2003-01-06 Thread Josh Ronsen
Something forwarded to me...

Study reveals complex Republican culture

by Roberto R. Bentley

Remember how the television show The Waltons used to end each evening: Good night, 
John Boy. Good night, Mary Ellen. Good night, Grandpa. In Republican culture, there's 
a little less formal way to say good night: Ppppt. 

It's the spluttering raspberry sound that normal humans use in jest or sarcasm.
Researchers say this vocalization, plus more than two dozen other signals and skills 
observed in wild Republicans, provide evidence that these great politicians show 
cultural variations. Their culture, described as geographically distinct behaviors, 
comes from observing and mimicking their peers. It goes above and beyond what's 
instinctive, and what they learn from their fathers.

So who do young Republicans look to for role models in gaining this playful and 
productive know-how? 

Those who have the money-raising skills are the coolest, said Carol van Schaik, 
professor of political anthropology at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Her 
research is published in this week's Political Science magazine. Many of the skills 
involved access to power, prestige and monetary wealth. 

Van Schaik and colleagues studied six different wild Republican populations on the 
East Coast. While the socially transmitted behaviors were often similar, there were 
geographic variations. That, say researchers, shows that distinct great conservative 
cultures exist, and may have been around for at least 140 years. 

We used to think culture was something specific just to intellectuals and baby 
boomers, going back just sixty or seventy years, she said. Baby Boomer culture was 
first documented in the 1980s. 

For example, a kiss squeak is a common Republican signal. It is just like it sounds, 
the same exaggerated kiss sound a person might make to a child or in jest to a loved 
one. Van Schaik said the kiss squeak is used by Republicans when there is something 
near them that they like, such as a portfolio of stock options from a corporation 
receiving billions in government aid or perhaps a political opponent who is willing to 
cave in to empty patriotic rhetoric.

What we didn't know was how this signal varied, said Cheryl Knomf of Harvard 
University, co-author of the study.

For example, at the site of Raleigh, North Carolina, Republicans almost always grab a 
handful of money and produce the sound by kissing into the bills. At other sites they 
may use their fist, a flat ass, or nothing at all to amplify the sound. We had no idea 
of this fascinating variety, she said. 

Sometimes it's even more elaborate, van Schaik said. Some Republicans would pull off a 
bunch of bills from a money clip, fling their arms in a theatrical gesture, toss the 
money and let it rain down to draw as much attention to themselves as possible.

That way they made their campaign donors even more aware how much they appreciated 
contributions, said van Schaik. 

Yet these practices were never observed in Vermont. The practices common in one group 
and absent in another are of great interest to researchers. 

Scientists also discovered that the same gestures sometimes had different meanings in 
different conservative populations. Tearing a dollar bill along the mid-rib makes a 
nice shearing sound, van Schaik said. In one group, that action means I'm ready to 
mate, while in another it means I'm ready to sell out my political beliefs. An 
important distinction in any species culture! 

While some of the behaviors are playful, others are critical to survival. 

Natural selection has favored the ability to have culture, because many of these 
actions have to do with skills, said van Schaik. For example, animals that don't use 
tools may not have access to the best food. Therefore, the culture of copying 
animals with an inventive spark isn't just for copying sake. The animal learns there's 
often a payoff as well: a long stick can relieve a hard- to- reach itch; a curled leaf 
can reach water in an out of the way place. 

From the day they are born, Republicans will suck up lucrative political favors from 
anyone who comes close, said van Schaik. Youngsters spend seven or eight years in 
close relationships with their fathers, then another four or five associating more 
with juvenile peers and other conservatives before they are sexually mature adults. 

So how do Republican cultures differ from humans? Human culture is cumulative; great 
conservative culture is not. Knowledge and behavior are not passed on from one 
generation to the next. 

Knowing how large deficit spending almost destroyed this country in the 1980s, you 
wouldn’t think Republicans would destroy efforts to maintain a budget surplus to pay 
off the debt now, said van Schaik. I would not be so quick to make those same 
mistakes now, she said, “especially not by spending billions on a stupid idea like a 
Star Wars missile defense shield.”

Need a new 

FLUXLIST: Re: 0'00

2003-01-03 Thread Josh Ronsen
Roger Stevens writes:

so you could perform both of the Cage pieces at the same time.
That would be interesting.
And the 0'00 piece could actually last for 4'33

The two pieces could be performed at the same time, but Cage did not want the 
performance of 0'00 to be the performance of another score. It had to be a 
discliplined action fulfilling an obgligation to another. The first performance, by 
Cage, was writing the score as a gift for Yoko Ono and Toshi Ichiyanagi. Cage has also 
performed this piece by typing letters that needed to be answered. 

When I have performed this, I wrote a thank you note to a member of the audience (for 
showing up) and wrote a letter to a friend in Chicago.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: More ideas about the box

2003-01-03 Thread Josh Ronsen
I went to the Container Store last night. I don't like the idea of the store, a place 
to buy stuff to put your stuff in: I am totally a stuff qua stuff kind of guy myself. 
Some items I saw there that could be useful to us:

a) Plastic bags: 9 x 12 plastic, ziploc: about $0.23 each
b) Clear plastic jars: about 8 high, square base, with 6 diameter round top with 
plastic lid: $1 each (plastic is somewhat thin, you could squeeze the jar with your 
c) tape cassette case made of translucent mylar-like plastic, with metal holder for a 
label in front: $7
d) display case for a softball made from clear plastic, case only opens by pulling 
apart the correct two sides (each side is U-shaped that fits together seamlessly): $5 
(I do not know if a CDR will fit in here)
e) an 8 clear plastic globe that comes apart in two halves: $2.50 marked down to 
$1.25 (I do not know if I could get 50 or 100 of these).

I think the globe would be interesting. Each half has a part to tie a string to to 
hang the globe.

I am sure we could get any of these items cheaper from an online source.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: More ideas about the box

2003-01-03 Thread Josh Ronsen
A paint can?


We would have to get a round case for the CDR, at least for the 16oz can.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: new subscription rules

2003-01-03 Thread Josh Ronsen
brad brace wrote:

I think that karei should assume the role of

I think we each should spend a day as list administrator. We can then each kick off, 
or invite (or neither) whomever we wanted. Things would even out at the end, unless 
the last administrator is a nihilist and kicks everyone off and disbands the list.

Who here is a nihilist?

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: more Ligeti stories

2003-01-02 Thread Josh Ronsen
A concurrent preoccupation was a strong influence of Duchampian dadaism. His 0’00”, a 
satire of John Cage, has been described as the briefest composition ever written, and 
Cage is said to have been deeply offended; The Future of Music (1961) is scored for a 
mute speaker in front of an audience. But the most celebrated piece in this vein, the 
Poème symphonique of 1962, for 100 metronomes, is both a provocation and a peculiarly 
plastic expression of machinery gone awry, an idea incorporated ‘compositionally’ in 
several works to memorable effect, the most famous example being the Meccanico 
movement of the Chamber Concerto, written some nine years later. 
-from http://www.sospeso.com/contents/composers_artists/ligeti.html

The premiere [of Poeme symphonique] in Holland in l963 caused a great scandal. -from 

According to the Sony web page, Ligeti worked at the West German Radio electronic 
studio from 1957 to 1959, which makes sense as his two electronic works date from this 
time. Paik was there from 1958 to 1963.

There doesn't seem to be much info online about the interestion of these two artists.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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2003-01-02 Thread Josh Ronsen
Owen writes:

I am willing to organize again, although I am also more 
than willing to pass the mantel on if someone else wants 
to take on the role of organizer for the project, Josh?

From my point of view, the first Box went so well that I think you SHOULD do it. 
However, I am willing to do it. So far after a day or so, 16 people have expressed 
interest in the project. 

If we go ahead with this, the box must be chosen. Any ideas? My wife suggests I go to 
The Container Store (yes, the U.S. has a chain of stores that specializes in stuff 
to put other stuff in...) and see if anything looks promising. I will also see what we 
have laying around the junk closets at school. There are some interesting boxes here, 
but not enough for this project.

I think a CDR would be a great inclusion.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: 0'00

2003-01-02 Thread Josh Ronsen
What is Ligeti's 0'00 ?

I assume it is a joke of Ligeti on Cage's 4'33 and not related to Cage's 0'00 from 
1962 (subtitled 4'33 No. 2). 

For all his pride in the piece, Cage maintained that his sole intervention was to 
alert listeners to ambient noise. His was a clear and humble statement of creative 
disownership. He raised no objection when younger composers built upon his 
breakthrough in 4'33 - notably when the German-based Hungarian Gyorgy Ligeti issued a 
concise version titled 0'00. -from 

Although I do not take the above quote to be proof of anything w/o a precise citation.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: 0'00

2003-01-02 Thread Josh Ronsen
Roger STEVENS writes:

- - or if you followed 4'33 with Ligeti's 0'00 rather than Cage's.
How would you be able to tell the difference?

I have not found out what the score/instructions for Ligeti's piece are. The stage 
setup could be quite elaborate, although brief. 

On Cage's 0'00: The title isn't the length of the piece, but rather the (Zen) instant 
of now that occurs when the performer undertakes his disciplined action. One could 
say the performer of 4'33 has a disciplined action, but this action, if you think 
about it, is paying attention to the passage of time, counting off the 3 movements of 
the piece. In 0'00 does not constrain the performer in such a way. The performer's 
(complete) attention is on the task, which unfolds however it unfolds and not due to 
the score. 0'00 is also interesting as it does not even specify the action, just the 
dynamic environment (maximun amplification). It was composed (and first performed) on 
October 24, 1962. I generally hate the who did something first game, but what 
Fluxus/pre-Fluxus event scores before this did not specify a particular action? It 
would become a common practice later (i.e. performance with Mr. T. from 1964 (I 

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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2003-01-01 Thread Josh Ronsen

Is it not time to start thinking of a second FluxList Box? I treasure the first one 
and I love showing it to visitors.

While recently thinking of the Fluxus for Dummies book that will never get finished, I 
thought that a FluxList box is a project I could tend to completion. Who is in it with 

Should we have the same parameters as last time? I have not began to look for boxes.

I would prefer that the theme of the box be kept free (i.e. open to any 
interpretation), but I would like to suggest two titles:

a) Box #2: FluxList for Dummies
b) FluxList Box for Peace

However, everything is open for debate.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: ken friedman on the list...

2002-12-20 Thread Josh Ronsen
Ken Friedman is an informative, helpful writer and a wonderful correspondant and I 
feel honored to have been in contact with him. And even when I disagree with his 
views, I do so with respect. The amount of informative substance on Fluxlist has 
dramatically dropped since he left. I have collected many of his essays that he has 
posted on this list (and elsewhere on the net) into a little booklet Ken Friedman on 
Fluxus which exists in a very limited edition of 1 (if you're ever in Texas, stop by 
and borrow it!). Maybe before the end of the year I will make a list of links to his 
essays for those who did not see them when first posted.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: listen

2002-12-20 Thread Josh Ronsen
So what does everyone on this list listen to?

I am still very much interested in the modernist/avant-garde composers Ligeti, 
Xenakis, Nono, Scelsi, Stockhausen, and Cage and Feldman whose works exist on another 
level. Ligeti continually surprises me. I just listened to the recent Sony CD of his 
keyboard works: a new recording of his organ work Harmonies in which Ligeti himself 
lays his body on the organ bellows, and moving his body, produces a weird, unearthly 
sound morphology, as if the organ tones are fading in and out of reality. In previous 
versions of this work, power to the bellows was turned off and on to produce strange 
effects, but Ligeti's body manipulation takes these effects to the extreme.

I have not yet heard Ligeti's symphonic poem for 100 metronomes, which was listed in 
an early Fluxus publication. I do not know the story of its creation or how it was 
included in the Fluxus publication. Anybody know the story? (here is a photo of a 1989 
performance: http://www.schott-cms.com/nocache/gyl/cds/)

Here is a photo of Boulez touching his chin while he looks at Ligeti:

Here is an mp3 file of the carhorn prelude from his anti-anti-opera Le Grande Macbre: 
The 2 versions I have heard previously have used electric horns: this version is 
seemingly done with old-fashioned horns. Other sampes can be found here: 

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: spirit of Fluxus

2002-12-20 Thread Josh Ronsen
Don Boyd writes:

The Spirit of Fluxus, as I understood it, what attracted me to it, was the 
expansiveness, the willingness to support others and their ideas, in fact 
forgiveness and inclusiveness. I don't see that in these recent exchanges. 

I've always been attracted to the darker side of Fluxus history, the expulsions, 
arguments, excommunications, the protest of Stockhausen by Henry Flynt and Tony Conrad 
(and Conrad's more recent protest of a LaMonte Young concert). If art is beautiful, 
must anti-art be ugly?

But your point is taken, Don, and I hereby forgive those people on Fluxlist who 
recently were not talking to me...

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: ken friedman on the list...

2002-12-20 Thread Josh Ronsen
Carol Starr wrote:

josh i agree with you about ken friedman and still feel it is a 
great loss that he left the list. i too have a collection of the 
essays he posted on the list. so perhaps there are two limited editions, i wonder if 
they are the same?

Mine has a little photo of him about to toss a watermellon. Yours?

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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2002-12-20 Thread Josh Ronsen
Don Boyd writes:

Josh, How about an old snail mail address?

I was just kidding about working on Fluxus for Dummies book, but it would make a 
welcome addition to the more absurd titles in that series, like Judism for Dummies 
and Doctorial Studies in High Energy Physics for Dummies. OK, the latter isn't real, 
but the other one is. A Fluxus for Dummies book would be good. For years I thought of 
taking a book on children's games written in the 1950s and modifying the text. The 
result could be very close to Fluxus for Dummies. There are a number of these books at 
my local library, but when I flip through them, I don't get any interesting ideas on 
how to procede.

Don, if you send me anything, I still have some Yoko Ono event scores printed on small 
pieces of paper I could send in return. 

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST-digest V3 #348

2002-12-19 Thread Josh Ronsen
Rod Stasick writes:

Crispin Webb leaves the 10,000th Fluxlist post!

Maybe someone should repost the very first Fluxlist post in celebration.

Rod, are you currently in Texas?

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: not talking to you either

2002-12-17 Thread Josh Ronsen
OK, specifically who is not talking to me? I have lost track.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: easy reading materials

2002-12-17 Thread Josh Ronsen

dont you all think that most of the fluxus books 
are boring reading? Too much listing etc. are there 
any fluxus books a slow reader would enjoy?

I am working on a FLUXUS FOR DUMMIES book. Lots of pictures and diagrams, no big 
words, few names (and none of the difficult to pronounce ones), easy-to-follow 
instructions (think of dance steps with the black and white footprints)...

Feel free to submit a chapter or sidebar. I've still got about 200 pages to go. It 
would be great to get some material written by people who know very little about 
Fluxus (the ol' blind leading the blind effect).

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: ACME Observatory presented a concert of early FLUXUS works

2002-12-16 Thread Josh Ronsen
See http://www.4-33.com/ for details.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: event score trade

2002-10-16 Thread Josh Ronsen

When I saw the Yes Yoko Ono exhibit in Houston last (?) year, I walked away with many 
of her event scores printed on 2 inch square pieces of paper (I didn't steal them, 
they were there to be taken by the audience). I will mail you one of these scores, 
many written in 1961, if you mail me an event score of your own for me to perform at 
some future date. 

Here are some considerations: I don't eat pork, I don't take off my clothes in public 
and I generally avoid rolling around in bodily fluids.

-Josh Ronsen
2001 Brentwood
Austin Texas 78757

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FLUXLIST: Mieko Shiomi

2002-07-17 Thread Josh Ronsen

http://www.anomalousrecords.com has the following two items for sale in their latest 
catalog update:

*   Mieko ShiomiFluxus Suite (Musical Dictionary of 80 
People around Fluxus)  CD  $18.99  the first CD by Japanese 
Fluxus member and founder of Group Ongaku.  to celebrate the 40th 
anniversary of Fluxus, she has composed eighty short musical pieces 
for eighty Fluxus friends (from Dietrich Albrecht to Marian Zazeela). 
the pieces are performed solo on the synthesizer, and in some cases 
have amusing nods the person's style of work.  for example, the piece 
dedicated to George Brecht uses sounds that resemble dripping water; 
the one dedicated to Philip Corner sounds like one of his piano 
pieces. ? Records   Germany ?10

Mieko ShiomiShadow Event No. Ybooklet $9.99   30th 
booklet, 1993.  48 pages with text and a silk-screen on transparent 
folio and a cardboard cover, offset-print.  Edition of 500 copies, 15 
x 11 cm.  a very Fluxus piece as it is a set of instructions of 
things to do to a shadow you would make by projecting light through 
the clear plastic insert with only the word SHADOW stenciled on it. 
Edition Hundertmark Germany 30. Heft

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FLUXLIST: interviews with Knowles

2002-06-05 Thread Josh Ronsen

Besides Fluxus: a Conceptual Country and M/E/A/N/I/N/G, where may I find interviews 
with Alison Knowles?

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: Re: badgergal

2002-06-05 Thread Josh Ronsen

Carol Starr writes:

very interesting alice because i refer to myself as a woman.
with so many texans around 'girl' sounds derogatory.

What?! Texans use the word gal. Or ma'am. Or filly if she is particularly cute.

At least some Texans do. But then Texas ain't the place it used to be. They let me in 

After the expulsions, what will be the first order of business for the anti-Fluxus 
group? Do we need an anti-FLUXLIST? I think we do with a complicated scheme to 
determine who can post to Fluxlist and the anti-Fluxlist at any given time, depending 
on phases of moon, sunspot count and/or mold count in Peoria.

-Josh Ronsen
reporting from Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: nonsense, in German

2002-06-05 Thread Josh Ronsen

Wir Klumpen es aller zusammen und hoffen es ausfallen,
mit Federn und Flaum und Losen anderen Materials, 
der Kissen und der Weiden und des kleinen geschmackvollen schrei, 
hdlt es nicht zusammen, aber eine was f|r Tduschung! 

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: Re: 50/50

2002-04-22 Thread Josh Ronsen

50/50: great idea! Sign me up!

Maybe I'll send in 50 pages of 

-Josh Ronsen
in Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: everyone a winner?

2002-04-12 Thread Josh Ronsen

(or punch, coffee, pop, whatever)

1 Select unknowing person to time.
2 Punch stopwatch when they start drinking, sipping, etc.
3 Punch watch when they finish
4 Time at least three people
5. Award prize to slowest and fastest!
- -Don Boyd, April 11, 2002

Why 3 people? Why not make it for two people so that everyone is a winner? Also give 
an award to clock puncher.

-Josh Ronsen
in Texas

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FLUXLIST: Re: chronic reflux

2002-03-26 Thread Josh Ronsen

I'd like to have one of these...

-Josh Ronsen

Willem De Ridder
Paper Fluxwork
New York, NY: ReFlux Editions. 1990 
Synopsis: A series of 14 cards printed with complicated instructions to help you 
construct impossible paper works. After you've cut here, folded there, and glued here, 
you eventually come across a card which reads: don't perform this event. Oops. 
Transparent plastic box from original Fluxus source, containing 14 vintage printed 
cards. Vintage Maciunas-designed label. 

Category: Multiple
Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth): 9.3 x 12 x 16 cm.
Process: offset-printed
Color: black-and-white
Edition unlimited
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FLUXLIST: Re: 52 events

2002-01-29 Thread Josh Ronsen

What, pray tell, is Anarcho-dandyist Art? Is a special hat needed?
 Or is this a term that makes sense in England, but not in America?

No this term doesn't make sense in England but then again the review is from
a Scottish newspaper. So it may be a term in use in Scotland but I doubt
it...I think its invented for the article...it's a good word though and
bereft of any meaning at all I'd imagine since anarchism and the 
socio-political ideas of the dandy are mutually exclusive. 

See, I think I am missing something. In America, a dandy is a nicely-dressed 
effeminate man, although I think use of that term went out decades ago. Do these 
people have socio-political ideas in England?

Some special hats for your consideration:


-Josh Ronsen,
not nicely-dressed, not effeminate, not wearing a hat

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FLUXLIST: Re: 52 events

2002-01-28 Thread Josh Ronsen

Fluxus, whose membership famously included Yoko Ono, can be seen in
retrospect as one of the key postwar art movements; a continuation of
Surrealism and Dadaism, and the launching pad for Conceptual, Installation
and Anarcho-dandyist Art. 

What, pray tell, is Anarcho-dandyist Art? Is a special hat needed? Or is this a term 
that makes sense in England, but not in America?

-Josh Ronsen
in America

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FLUXLIST: Welcome piece

2002-01-02 Thread Josh Ronsen

Welcome for Joseph Zitt:

Give everyone a word.

[to be performed during Joseph Zitt's performance in Austin later this month]

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: Super-Uber-Fluxus

2001-11-30 Thread Josh Ronsen


-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: Uber-Fluxus

2001-11-30 Thread Josh Ronsen


-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: Re: lost souls

2001-10-31 Thread Josh Ronsen

Patricia writes:

The Lost Soul Companion Project Mail Art Show

The Lost Soul Companion Project offers comfort and
constructive advice for black sheep, square pegs, struggling
artists, and other free spirits. 

A while back someone posted to Fluxlist (I won't mention who: no need for further 
embarassment) that he had lost his soul. Although the soul was presumably lost in 
Europe, I happened to spot it here in Texas and I sent him a photo of it. Actually, I 
don't remember what I sent, but I sent something because I just found a nice reply 
from him thanking me for having spotted the missing soul.

Was this soul ever found? Perhaps the person missing it could give us an update.

-Josh Ronsen

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2001-10-30 Thread Josh Ronsen

Not including Yoko Ono's highly visable actions, what were Fluxus responses to the 
Vietnam War?

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: Re: mail art/anthrax scare

2001-10-22 Thread Josh Ronsen

Patricia wrote:

I doubt that mail art will ever be quite the same after
this.  For me, most especially, the recycling (i.e., taping,
etc.) of envelopes.  For others, the mailing of the odd
object and the documentation thereof.

I have been concerned about this and have been not sending out some projects, which 
might be silly. I am sure most mail artists are used to getting weird post from 

I am starting a project for mail artists in Texas called Texas Association for 
Concerned Mail Artists (TACMA). I am not sure what we are concerned about, but I 
started thinking about this project and group name about a year ago, so it is not 
meant to be about Recent Concerns, or any particular concerns. I really just needed an 
extra letter for the acronym because there is already a TAMA out there.

So if you are a mail artist in Texas (and I probably already know who you are), send 
me your address to recieve instructions to join.

-Josh Ronsen
in Austin, Texas

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FLUXLIST: RE: subtitled

2001-09-11 Thread Josh Ronsen

jason pierce writes:

the Twelve Fate Game is now subtitled in mandarin


I have made a movie version of the Twelve Fates, which was to have been premiered at 
the Intersect 4 festival in Austin last month, but technical difficulties kept the 
digital film on my hard drive and not on VHS tape. Maybe someday it will be available 
by CDROM or online somewhere. It is a fun game to play, especially if you need a game 
to take your mind off the events of today...

-Josh Ronsen

ps: I saw the Yoko Ono retrospecive in Houston this weekend. I'll send a write-up soon.

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2001-08-31 Thread Josh Ronsen

FLUXLIST-digest   Thursday, August 30 2001   Volume 01 : Number 810

Dear Fluxlist Administrators and Administrative Staff,

Last night I recieved Fluxlist Digest #810 of volume 1.

What a large number!

Could we start volume 2 before the number gets any higher?

In fact, could we just skip volume 2 and go directly to volume 3?

Thank you for your time,

A concerned Fluxlist member,

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: the robbery

2001-08-02 Thread Josh Ronsen

Brad Brace wrote:

Please describe the stolen shoes.   /:b

Now that's Fluxus!

Bibiana, I think you should do a bit of research into voodoo (?)curses and stick 
needles into left-behind sandals. Maybe if the curse works he will return your stuff 
and apologize.

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: slight wear at spine

2001-07-25 Thread Josh Ronsen

That reminds me: I have a handful of found items collected by Seth Tisue 
(http://tisue.net) from Chicago. Since Seth is not an artist (as far as I know), the 
value of these objects can only go up Up UP!

Seth Tisue
1 handful

Payment by U.S. cash only. I will provide a certificate of authenticity and an 
attractive storage envelope free of charge.

Please reserve by email before sending payment.

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: listowners/email

2001-07-16 Thread Josh Ronsen

Eric Andersen wrote:

Listowners not respected should step down.

Last time I checked, I respected the Fluxlist listowners, including Sol and Judith.

Now note Fluxlisters: when I replied to Eric's message, I just quoted the small part 
that was relevant to the discussion. I deleted the page of previous emails that have 
been clogging up the last few digests.

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: The artification of Ono's anti-art

2001-07-16 Thread Josh Ronsen

Eryk Salvaggio wrote:

At one point, there was the Yoko Ono Nail piece, with the 
hammers and a bucket of nails, which confused a seven year 
old girl to no end. She couldn't understand why the nails 
and hammers were out in the open if people weren't allowed
to put nails into the canvas, on account of all of the 
enormous Do Not Touch The Art signs. It was pretty great, 
and probably the best critique of Yoko Ono's work I'd heard. 

The big Yoko Ono exhibit YES YOKO ONO is now showing at the Houston Contemporary 
Museum of Art, which I am somewhat excited to see. What I am not excited to see is how 
the pieces from the 60's have turned from interesting pieces of art into do-not-touch 
museum commodity objects. For example, I called the museum yesterday and asked if one 
could climb the ladder in Celing Piece. No, of course not, was the answer. 

It is a sad day when anti-art turns into art...

Maybe when I go I can make my own mini version of the piece. One would climb a 
step-stool that had a pole attached to it. Hanging from the pole would be a string 
holding a magnifying glass and a little piece of paper that says NO.

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: Boulez, Andersen and democracy

2001-07-12 Thread Josh Ronsen

Eric Andersen writes:

And rotate list owners. For the next 6 months let's appoint brad brace.
Bukoff and the rest to step down.

I just finished reading Rationalizing Culture, a sociological look at the French 
IRCAM music research center. During 1984, one of the departments decided that they 
were not going to have a department head, but rather decide all important decisions 
through democratic means. After an hour of discussion, Pierre Boulez, then director of 
IRCAM, stated that he was appointing a department head and the rest of the department 
could now vote to accept his decision. I got the impression that it was a 1 choice 

Thankfully, Eric Andersen is not director of Fluxlist.

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: call for papers on Fluxus

2001-06-28 Thread Josh Ronsen

Owen Smith asks for a call for papers on Fluxus

Here it is:


-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: exerpt from Poisoned Jerusalum

2001-06-25 Thread Josh Ronsen

jason pierce wrote:

He who has suffer'd you to impose on him, knows you. [diary of a peach]


This would make a great piece for performance, with one voice (I imagine a deep manly 
voice) reading the first part, and another voice (I imagine a chirpy female voice) 
interuppting with the other.

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: Stopwords

2001-06-25 Thread Josh Ronsen

Heiko Recktenwald wrote:

a above according across actually adj after 

10 long years ago, I decided I was going to write poetry by cutting up words from two 
other poems (a long Sylvia Plath poem and Cage's Where Are We Going? What Are We 
Doing?) and combining them. I spent a week, cutting all the words onto little bits of 
paper. First I sorted all the words by length in a LISP computer program I had 
written, which sorted them alphabetically by word length (to conserve paper). My 
initial experiments in making poetry were awful. I'd grab a handful of words and put 
them on the table and try to arrange them into something meaningful. Producing not 
much worth reading. The poetry made by my LISP program TUNC (a reference to the poetic 
supercomputer of the Lawrence Durrell novel of the same name), was much better.

Anyway, so now I have a few small boxes full of words. Sometimes when I have people 
over to my house in my workroom, I will grab a box and announce Everybody grab a 
word! and I make them take the word with them. Maybe in 20 years I will have gotten 
rid of all the words.


someone on Fluxlist wants a envelope with a few words...

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: anti-art

2001-06-11 Thread Josh Ronsen

Ann Klefstad writes

...most of the world is anti-art. The world mostly dislikes and distrusts
most artmaking and would like it  to go away. 

It depends how you define art. Do you think Madonna's music is art? Or the latest 
Hollywood blockbuster? If these things, clearly supported by millions (in Western 
culture) aren't art, why aren't they?

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread, many interesting points have 
been made. In the next few days I will try to compile the main points of what everyone 
has contributed. I don't know if I understand things any better, but I have a lot more 
thoughts to digest from people whose thoughts I would want to digest...

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: Eat yr Art Out documentation

2001-06-08 Thread Josh Ronsen

I just got a nice flyer for the Eat Your Art Out mail art exhibit at the Cafe Prov in 
London. This was organized by Martha Aitchison, Julia Tant, Alan Turner and Patricia 

A few of the many participants are Fluxlisters:
David Chirot, John M. Bennett, Josh Ransen (who's that?), and Melissa McCarthy (from 
her Box Upon Wan address).

Now, the only problem is that I have no recollection of what I submitted to this 
project. The exhibition will be up, according to the documentation, until October. 
Would someone in England be willing to go to 16a Coldharbour Lane in London and see 
what I sent them?

Here are 2 new projects from the same people:

on a postcard (with no envelope) for the next show at the Cafe Prov.
Deadline End October 2001

Design a book plate media a size free for yourself or a celebrity, for your book 
collection or an imaginary library, for a book of your own choice or a book of your 
own invention. The book plates will be displayed in a library in London and 
documentation sent to all. 
Deadline End December 2001

Send to
The Shopping Trolley Gallery
PO Box 108
Beckenham BR3 1GY

-Josh Ronsen

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2001-06-05 Thread Josh Ronsen

The problem with me thinking about this subject is that I do not have a good 
definition of art. As someone trained as a scientist, I need a good definition or 
axiom to begin.


Art is the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the 
production of aesthetic objects


Anti-art is the unconscious use of chance and unorigional matter-of-factness found 
sometimes in the gathering of banal raw material.


-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: ant-art

2001-06-05 Thread Josh Ronsen

kulturkampf! Situationist, Post-Situ,  Anti-Art Articles can be found at 
http://www.subsitu.com/kr/situ.htm  This collection included articles by Guy Debord, 
Hakim Bay and Bob Black. Who has time to read these for me?

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: anti-art

2001-06-05 Thread Josh Ronsen

ANTI-ART: In the visual arts, work that is exhibited in a conventional context but 
makes fun of serious art or challenges the nature of art; it is characteristic of 
Dada. Marcel Duchamp is credited with introducing the term around 1914, and its spirit 
is summed up in his attempt to exhibit a urinal (Fountain 1917). The term is also used 
to describe other intentionally provocative art forms, for example, nonsense poetry.
-From The Hutchinson Family Encyclopedia, 

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: The last word in anti-art

2001-06-05 Thread Josh Ronsen


ha ha.

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: anti-art, meaning, quote, dolls, erosion-worn rock, etc.

2001-05-29 Thread Josh Ronsen

Ann Klefstad steps up to the mic and says:

You know, the writer you quote wasn't saying that art is the only thing that has 
meaning; she was essentially saying that the meaning of art-intended gestures is 
inflected by their relationship to the art-meaning realm. 

My question was worded poorly. 

She wrote: “it is a truism that in order to be meaningful it must, by definition, 
ultimately be classifiable as art by an audience”

But surely art can have meaning for someone if it is not seen as art. It just won’t be 
written about in Artforum or Time magazines.

It seems to me that she was placing certain kinds of art at a privileged position to 
other kinds of art, maybe kinds of art that she wouldn’t even consider to be art. 
Maybe this was just a slip of the tongue on her part, as the book as a whole deals 
with publicly subsidized avant-garde art (particularly the French IRCAM music center).

There is something fishy about the idea that an artist puts meaning into a work which 
is then extracted by a viewer. I would say that in most cases meaning is put in, and 
then in most cases meaning is taken out, but then there doesn’t have to be any 
correlation between the two.

Maybe the “anti-art” I am interested in is whatever cannot be viewed as art.

Meaning is always 
dependent on the mutually agreed upon context in which a communication is made. 
If one person intends the communication to be made and understood in one 
context, and the other person doesn't know this or disagrees, then confusion 

But there are many cases where there is no mutually dependent context, and many more 
where that context is generated by someone other than the artist. Consider 
prehistorical rock art or cave paintings. We can speculate what they were trying to 
do, but we don’t know. We can surely appreciate what they did without knowing what 
meaning they had put into it.

I like thinking about situations where the intended will or meaning of the artist is 
completely unknown. Like getting a strange package in the mail full of painted leaves 
with no return address or note. Or, someone just told me about this (but I forget the 
exact details), walking in the forest off trail and finding a huge pile of children’s 
dolls and used ammo clips, or something equally strange. Or maybe finding some 
strangely smooth rock in the wilderness: is it just a rock, or was it at sometime a 
created piece of art with profound mystical meaning for its maker?

Perhaps all of this is “confusion” as you say. I think that word has certain 
unwholesome connotations that maybe you don’t intend. Do I sound like a 
post-structuralist yet? 

Release some act into the realm of communication, and it ceases to be only 
yours, it becomes public property, and many others will have their way with it.

Maybe we are saying the same thing. But I am interested in the idea of things intended 
to be “art” and not seen as such, and things that aren’t intended to be art but are 
seen as such. 

Please respond Ann! You write interesting things and I only disagree with you to make 
you write more!

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: Jason Pierce = Bully

2001-05-28 Thread Josh Ronsen

Mick Boyle  asks:

 I don't think anyone likes a bully.

I like Jason Pierce, except for when he is right and I am wrong, and when he refuses 
to look for a tape that we recorded in Chicago 6 years ago. A really really bad noise 
tape? It wasn't that bad, I assure you.

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: while i'm at it

2001-05-27 Thread Josh Ronsen

jason pierce writes:

i agree with everything josh says or will say on the issue
of anti art.

I disagree with everything Jason says or will say on the issue of anti-art, including 
the above statement.

I think Jason is making fun of me b/c I haven't (yet/recently) made any statements on 
the issue, just asking questions about what people think.

About Born's comment about something has to be art to be meaningful...  I really 
like thinking about the limits of art, or the perceptions of art. Perhaps before 
talking about anti-art, I should have asked what is art? Suppose I had an event score 
Give $10 to a homeless person. I do this. Does the homeless person think it is art? 
Probably not. Is it meaningful? Probably so. Suppose I have an event score Send a 
nasty letter to someone you don't know. I do this. the person reads the letter. Does 
he think it is art? Probably not. Does he find it meaningful? Probably so.

This afternoon I spent hours going through boxes of tapes from hundreds or people 
around the world, really really bad noise music tapes, much of them existing seemingly 
for the sole purpose of using the word shit in the title. I am sure all of this was 
intended to be art. I view it as such. Did I find it meaningful? No I did not.

Someone comes up to you and gives you a flower.

Is it art?

Is it meaningful?

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: Questions (anti-art)

2001-05-26 Thread Josh Ronsen

A day after I posted my question, I came across the following passage  in 
Rationalizing Culture: IRCAM, Boulez and the Institutionalization of the Musical 
Avant-Garde by Georgina Born:

However much an avant-garde attempts to produce work that is unclassifiable, 
shockingly different, it is a truism that in order to be meaningful [sic!] it must, by 
definition, ultimately be classifiable as art by an audience; or it may be 
understood as the negation of art -- the reaction that the avant-garde typically sets 
out to provoke in the Philistine audience. The latter against art classification 
appears, historically, to be particularly permeable, so that by the intervention of 
critics, against art comes eventually to be undersood as part of art. There 
remains some avant-garde art that is unacceptable to all but small and knowing 
audience. But as long as anti- or avant-garde art is recognized as legitimately 
part of art by the dominant institutional apparatuses, it is granted the status of 
art and becomes a negational statement within the field of art: a powerful agrument 
for the ontological priority of the institutional over the aesthetic.

So there.

But what can she mean by meaning can only be found in art?

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: poetry overload

2001-05-24 Thread Josh Ronsen

Carol Starr writes:

who are these sneaky people complaining off list. i enjoy john's peotry very
much and i have been under the inpression that that fluxlist is about freedom
of expression in the arts. 

And certainly this freedom includes complaining about poetry overload. But I'm not a 
complainer, I'm an aeroplaner.


clop stand oh the piner
blate Custer butter
macking is our blipless
month gloomed bike
shone 'm gabbled hen
slow bake, small fat
wigging. u-blank-turn,
root precession, stable
paddywack w/o fought gease
(shuttle all da diner mages)

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: Re: fluxlistbox

2001-05-15 Thread Josh Ronsen

hey. hey, hey
it did arrived my flulistbox!
i cant' belive

thanks sol

pez - 
After all this time 

There is an article in the most recent (?) issue of Umbrella about a postcard that 
took 112 years to go from Scotland to Australia. I guess we can consider ourselves 

-Josh Ronsen

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FLUXLIST: RE: Invitation to join the Axolotl-Sounds group

2001-05-15 Thread Josh Ronsen

You've been invited to join the Axolotl-Sounds group,

Just how many sounds can an Axolotl make?

On a related note: there was a brief article on the Scientific American website about 
a recent discovery on how lobsters make noise, which will be welcome news to anyone 
that knew that lobsters could make noise. The link is: 
http://www.sciam.com/news/051001/3.html which contains a link to a video interview 
with the lobster scientist and her bruitish friends.

-Josh Ronsen


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