Re: Drawing a border around a simple word

2002-04-04 Thread David Wood
I went through this too. I also tried borders on list cells (not pretty but 
it might have been enough of a workaround for me) - didn't work either. You 
can fake all this with tables and cell block borders if your text is static 
and you have time on your hands (you need to calculate column widths 
manually). Otherwise I think you're looking at one of the other renderers.

I found a slightly haphazard but pretty conclusive list of all of these. Of 
course, the site is down now, but google's got it cached:
The cheapest commercial renderer I saw was ~$3k I believe. And XEP was $10k 
for a dual processor server ($5k per CPU)... IBM has the only plausible 
free alternative to FOP that I know of. I haven't played with it very much. 
It's here...
At 01:56 PM 4/4/2002 +0200, MARTIN Franck wrote:
As a matter of fact the XSL:FO specification allows border attributes for the
inline element which apparently is not supported by FOP.
I thought they're might be a work around to draw a border around a word 
placed in
a sentence. Maybe someone successfully overcame that obstacle... If so, i 
appreciate some help very much...

alex a écrit :
> At 11:09 04/04/2002, MARTIN Franck wrote:
> >Thank you for your suggestion but :
> >...
> >I really can't figure how to draw a border around a word that is 
placed in a
> >sentence? I think there must be a way to do so cause it must be pretty
> >common to draw borders and the fop developpers must have taken that into
> >account.
> Please remember that FOP is work in progress and does not have every
> feature that the XSL:FO spec requires.
> It is perfectly possible that this is missing.
> If you can check that it works with other XSL:FO processors and doesn;t
> with FOP then I am sure that the developers would be quite happy to receive
> a bug report and test case fo file
> Alex

Re: When a page is not a page

2002-03-30 Thread David Wood
Just speculating, but have you tried putting the page-number element inside 
a variable?


Then , etc...
I haven't tried this, but it's just what pops into my head...
At 08:44 AM 3/30/2002 +0800, Wayne Elliott wrote:
A picture paints a thousand words...
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
 | ... : ..  |
The picture above represents a single sheet of A4 (Letter)
paper. However it also represents two pages in a book, and
if the page is folded down the dotted line it even starts to
look like a book. My problem is this; I need the page number
sequence as displayed in the  picture - ie. 2 pages per page (sheet)
I have no trouble laying out the text flow correctly using
stuff like


and I defined a static region for the page number values
using the following






but I do not know how to get the  to play
the game and give me more than one page number per page.
Perhaps I am wrong in my approach and there is a way of
specifying two page regions per page/sheet, but I have
not found it yet.
Any ideas?

Type 1 Font Embedding Problem / Postscript errors printing FOP PDFs

2002-03-21 Thread David Wood
Does anyone have experience with postscript errors while printing FOP PDFs? 
I thought I had seen a similar thread on the list a while back, but can't 
find it in the archives.

The PDF looks perfect, prints on a variety of printers (both inkjet/PCL, 
and some SOHO postscript laser printers), but when I sent it to a service 
bureau to get it run off, all of their equipment (both a big xerox monster 
and several smaller more ordinary laser printers) generated postscript 
errors when trying to print it.

These guys can print non-FOP PDF's fine, and have experienced this failure 
with our FOP-output PDF from Acrobat Reader 5 and Acrobat 4.2 on both 
Windows and Mac.

My template is pretty ordinary but does use embedded fonts, both TrueType 
and Type 1. I'm wondering if that's the source of the problem. If I view 
the PDF in ghostscript/ghostview, I get the following warning messages in 
the output:

    Warning: Embedded Type1 font in PFB format is not valid PDF.
    Warning: Type 1 PFB segment length and Length 2 value do not match.
    Warning: Type 1 PFB segment length and Length 3 value do not match.
I am in the process of sending test PDFs to the printer without embedded 
fonts to see if that makes the difference. I have a hunch it will.

If anyone else has had a similar problem, or if anyone can offer guidance 
about possible issues with the Type 1 font handling in FOP, I'd love to 
hear it.


Question - what does "Page subsequences exhausted" mean?

2002-03-15 Thread David Wood
I've been occassionally getting this error:

[ERROR]: Page subsequences exhausted. Using previous subsequence.

I haven't really nailed down what causes it - it's happened with both very
large and very small input XML. It doesn't seem to affect the output.

I was just wondering what this means?


RE: FOP Performance Limitations?

2002-03-14 Thread David Wood
I have a sinking feeling another xalan/xerces combination is somewhere in
my classpath.

The problem? I don't have a classpath env. variable set.

I wonder where that list of places the 1.4JVM looks for classes on
win32 is?

On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Peter Jacobs wrote:

> Strange, the difference was very noticeable, in the XSL-transforms (to
> HTML,Excel,FO) as well as in de FOP-PDF generation step.
> Like XML->FO->PDF in 10 seconds instead of 50!!
> Other people reported the same thing
> e.g. see the thread "Re: FOP performance on Win98/JRE 1.3.1" on FOP-DEV.
> > That's interesting that it made a difference for you. On our XML/XSL, it
> > didn't make much difference - maybe it shaved 1-2 seconds of a 60 second
> > rendering.
> >
> > -David
> >
> > On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Peter Jacobs wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Are you using the included Xalan and Xerces.jar? I replaced
> > them with Xalan
> > > 2.2 and Xerces 1.4.2 and got big improvement in speed (on
> > Win2000 and Sun
> > > Solaris).
> > >
> >

RE: FOP Performance Limitations?

2002-03-13 Thread David Wood
That's interesting that it made a difference for you. On our XML/XSL, it
didn't make much difference - maybe it shaved 1-2 seconds of a 60 second


On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Peter Jacobs wrote:

> Are you using the included Xalan and Xerces.jar? I replaced them with Xalan
> 2.2 and Xerces 1.4.2 and got big improvement in speed (on Win2000 and Sun
> Solaris).
> Peter
> Peter Jacobs
> Freelance multimedia programmeur
> De Budetstraat 8
> B-3201 Aarschot
> 016/573257

Re: FOP Performance Limitations?

2002-03-12 Thread David Wood
I've been making pretty big PDFs with a similar system and can share a few
off-the-cuff comments.

It's obvious to me that the structure of your fo document - sequences,
page layout, flows, etc - can make a significant difference in memory
usage and speed. However, I don't have enough concrete conclusions about
what exactly does what and how to offer any useful advice on that level...
perhaps others can help you there...

The big thing I noticed was page numbers. If you use them and especially
if you make references to them (i.e. building a table of contents) you'll
see a significant speed and memory impact. GC consequences to references,

Basically you need to tune your fop script to give FOP the maximum
possible heap size (i.e. fop.bat starts with "java -Xmx256M ..."). If you
make it too large, you'll discover that between Java and FOP the memory
access patterns will spank the shit out of your VM once the heap exceeds
the available RAM and you start to swap. Some observations of your
machine's memory availability during normal use and some experimentation
should get you to the right number.

Your experience of having 40+ minute rendering times is strongly
suggestive of swap binding. Practically speaking, you need to make your
heap small enough that java never swaps, and limit your recordset size on
the front end to make sure that you never hit that memory ceiling.

Between this and throwing hardware at the problem (multiple Xeons and 1GB+
RAM) we've made a go of it for 1000+ page documents. But of course every
recordset+template is different so that pagecount isn't necessarily
meaningful at all.

One thing that I haven't tried yet but am very curious to experiment with
is FOP + IBM JVM. CW has it that the IBM VM is significantly superior to
Sun's VM on both CPU and RAM efficiency.

If I manage to get to this, I'll post my results. If anyone else has or
happens to get to it first, I'd love to hear what happens. I mean, after
your "write-once-porting-is-slightly-less-painful" experience.

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, David Le Strat wrote:

> All,
> I am currently working on a project where we are dynamically creating PDF
> documents based on a user input.  When a user selects a specific period of
> time, we pull out the matching records from the database, convert the
> dataset to XML and render a PDF report based on that dataset.  Now,
> everything works fine when we are manipulating up to 200 records (we get the
> result in 1 or 2 minutes).  However some reports manipulate 7000 or 8000
> records and in these particular instances, the performance degrades fairly
> significantly (no report was rendered after 40 minutes).
> Does any of you have any idea/input on how to improve performance using FOP
> in such cases and what type of performance we should expect for the above
> examples?
> Thank you for your help.
> David Le Strat.

Re: OT:: XML -> MS Word??

2002-03-01 Thread David Wood
I'm afraid I have extensive experience scripting MS Word. It's not
something I like to talk about much, but sometimes the painful memories do

I think the RTF idea is a good one, because it will help you avoid having
anything to do with programming Word. But let's just say you wanted to for
the sake of argument...

These days they're building an entire Visual Basic mini-IDE into word, and
you can use VB to access almost every aspect of Word's byzantine feature
set through the MSWord DOM, at the COM level. I think the best way to
describe it is that this DOM is to object oriented programming what
penetrating your forehead with a power drill is to psychotherapy.

However, if you manage to claw your way through to getting what you need
operating, the next thing you will discover is that VB is mind-bogglingly
slow.  How slow, you ask? Well, I was processing two-page word documents
into a database, XML-izing different parts to preserve formating and
storing them into different fields. Trivial. This program wouldn't take
more than 200ms to run on any decent system. On MS Word, on my PIII/500,
it took 30 *seconds* per document. While it was running, it rendered the
computer basically useless, and it couldn't be stopped without killing the

In theory, it's a great system, and it's trivial to access the database or
the filesystem or XML classes alike from inside the word processor. It's
very powerful.  Microsoft has even written and published a tutorial of
sorts where they explain how to go _from_ MSWord to XML using these
techniques (it's on MSDN, sorry no URL handy). Although the compiled VB
executable in that example crashes on startup...

In practice, the implementation is a raving nightmare, and you should
avoid it at all costs. Not to mention the security implications of it all,
which by now have been well explored to the tune of many billions of
dollars in damages worldwide...

On Fri, 1 Mar 2002, Stephen Clarke wrote:

> Hi all,
> OK. So much for pdf. Does anyone know if there is any way of turning an XML
> into MS Word format? I don't think word is scriptable, is it? VBScript,
> perhaps?
> Just wondering.
> Sorry. The very thought is rather distastefull , isn't it. But who knows.
> See. Just for fun I did my resume in pdf using fop. But now everybody keeps
> asking me for the same thing in MS Word format. Argh. Very annoying. So I
> want to be able to change my XML and have it reflected automatically in both
> word and pdf.
> This could be a contender for the most twisted idea of all time.
> --
> Best
> SC.

RE: Using FOP from ASP

2002-03-01 Thread David Wood
Of course - this is purely a quick fix.

Good luck with your COM wrangling. I'm sure a lot of people would be
interested in that.


On Fri, 1 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> David wrote:
> ...
> >ResultCode = Shell.Run(commandline,,True) ' True = Wait for FOP to finish
> If you use this method for a whole batch of transformations it's going to be
> inefficient because none of the objects get re-used.
> My latest plan is to write a small java class that will tranform a list of
> fo files using the same driver & renderer objects. It might even be possible
> to register this class as a COM object, which would be great. If it works &
> if you're interested...
> Regards,
> Tom

Re: Using FOP from ASP

2002-02-28 Thread David Wood
I just set up FOP to run from ASP/VBScript, using WScript.Shell...
Unfortunately, it's non-trivial if you want to monitor FOP's output to
know if it succeeds or fails. I can talk about that if anyone's
interested but it'll get long...

However, to simply use the Run method to blindly run FOP, it shouldn't be
so bad... (disclaimer: untested code)


' Execute FOP to render a PDF. We execute it via a command-line
' interface provided via the Windows Scripting Host.
Dim Shell
Set Shell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Shell.CurrentDirectory = FOPDirectory ' Full path to where you put it...
' Now we have to generate a command line which will take our raw XML,
' process it with our template, and produce a PDF in the proper location.
Dim commandline
commandline = "fop.bat"
commandline = commandline & " -xml " & XMLFilename ' Set vars accordingly...
commandline = commandline & " -xsl " & XSLFilename
commandline = commandline & " -pdf " & PDFFilename

' Now we have our command line. Let's execute it.
Dim ResultCode
ResultCode = Shell.Run(commandline,,True) ' True = Wait for FOP to finish


BTW, I'd suggest upgrading to the newest version of MS Scripting if you
haven't already.

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >  I'm using FOP in a Windows environment and I want if possible to be able
> > to process a large batch of .fo files using a script. The easiest way for
> > me to do this is to use FOP as a COM object.
> > Can I do this?
> > So far I've tried:
> > - including the path to fop.jar in my classpath variable
> > - using javareg.exe to register org.apache.fop.apps.Driver as
> > fop.apps.Driver
> > - creating a new ActiveXObject "fop.apps.Driver"
> > but object isn't created.
> >
> > Your help is much appreciated.
> > Tom
> >
> >
> >

Re: Serious Problem - Inline Italics

2002-02-26 Thread David Wood
I just figured it out. I found cases where the problem didn't occur, and
then worked backwards. It was because I was using a fractional point size
for my fonts.

When I first tried a fractional size (10.5pt) I had observed that the text
was coming out smaller and deduced the point size was being rounded down
to the nearest integer. I figured that was the end of it and left the font
sizes specified that way. Eventually, the fix would catch up with the
template, right?

However, the other *side effect* of having a real number point size for a
font is the massive problems with inline blocks and font styles that I
observed. That, and a margin jump.

Once I put the font size back to an integer, everything became "normal" -
though I still notice a very slight, almost imperceptible variation along
the right margin of justified text, the output is fine.

I have the beginnings of a picture in my head about what was going on
inside the renderer, but I won't bore the crowd with speculation. At any
rate, problem "solved."  :)

Thanks for your responses Jeremias.


On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, David Wood wrote:

> I'm actually using the PDF renderer. I've got the source and am hunting
> around now. If I have anything to say about it, this bug isn't going to
> last until Friday.
> Of course, anyone with knowledge of PDFRenderer who would like to comment
> on this bug is more than welcome... No answer to my post on the dev list,
> though.
> Also, if anyone is using the PDFRenderer with inline italic/bold text and
> is _not_ having this problem, I'd really like to hear from them too.
> -David
> On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Are you using the PostScript Renderer? If yes, then I can only tell you,
> > it's on the tasklist. If you want to look into it yourself, look at
> >
> >
> > > I have a bunch of justified text. If I use
> > >
> > > ...
> > >
> > > I get inconsistent and random-seeming gaps on either end of the inline
> > > block. These are often large and ugly and are impossible to miss.
> > >
> > > On every line where italics occur, the right margin is exceeded, as
> > > though the spurious space being added around the italics are not being
> > > taken into account during line breaking and justification calculations.
> > >
> > > Not being able to use italics is a big huge one. Is there a workaround for
> > > this? And if not, where should I look in the code to start fixing it?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Jeremias Märki
> >
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Postfach 3954 - Rhynauerstr. 15 - CH-6002 Luzern
> > Fon +41 41 317 20 20 - Fax +41 41 317 20 29
> > Internet
> >

Re: Serious Problem - Inline Italics

2002-02-26 Thread David Wood
I'm actually using the PDF renderer. I've got the source and am hunting
around now. If I have anything to say about it, this bug isn't going to
last until Friday.

Of course, anyone with knowledge of PDFRenderer who would like to comment
on this bug is more than welcome... No answer to my post on the dev list,

Also, if anyone is using the PDFRenderer with inline italic/bold text and
is _not_ having this problem, I'd really like to hear from them too.


On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> Are you using the PostScript Renderer? If yes, then I can only tell you,
> it's on the tasklist. If you want to look into it yourself, look at
> > I have a bunch of justified text. If I use
> >
> > ...
> >
> > I get inconsistent and random-seeming gaps on either end of the inline
> > block. These are often large and ugly and are impossible to miss.
> >
> > On every line where italics occur, the right margin is exceeded, as
> > though the spurious space being added around the italics are not being
> > taken into account during line breaking and justification calculations.
> >
> > Not being able to use italics is a big huge one. Is there a workaround for
> > this? And if not, where should I look in the code to start fixing it?
> Cheers,
> Jeremias Märki
> Postfach 3954 - Rhynauerstr. 15 - CH-6002 Luzern
> Fon +41 41 317 20 20 - Fax +41 41 317 20 29
> Internet

Serious Problem - Inline Italics

2002-02-25 Thread David Wood
I have a bunch of justified text. If I use


I get inconsistent and random-seeming gaps on either end of the inline
block. These are often large and ugly and are impossible to miss.

On every line where italics occur, the right margin is exceeded, as
though the spurious space being added around the italics are not being
taken into account during line breaking and justification calculations.

Not being able to use italics is a big huge one. Is there a workaround for
this? And if not, where should I look in the code to start fixing it?


Re: Adobe Type 1 "Multiple Master" fonts

2002-02-25 Thread David Wood
> No, I don't think so. The Multiple Master Font Extensions have not been
> implemented, yet.

Hmm. I have to assume PDF is capable of carrying both the PFB and the MMM;
So let me guess: assuming the weight-axis data is in the MMM file, FOP
needs to revise it's PFMReader to extrapolate metrics for boldness based
on other PFMs and the MMM file, and it needs to revise its method for
embedding fonts to be able to include both PFB and MMM data?

I dunno, it's very late my time, so forgive me if I'm way off the mark.

I wonder how hard that would be to do...



2002-02-25 Thread David Wood
Is there any way to do font tracking (i.e. adjust spacing between letters)
in FOP?


Adobe Type 1 "Multiple Master" fonts

2002-02-25 Thread David Wood
Anyone know about these? It appears that in some fonts ATM uses an ".MMM"
file to manage weight (i.e. boldness) with a mathematically encoded
"weight axis," rather than simply including a bold, semibold, etc.
permutation of each outline.

I've never seen one of these before. Is there any chance we can use such a
font with FOP to produce bold output?


Fractional sizes

2002-02-25 Thread David Wood
Another "not a big deal, but it would be nice" thing:

FOP seems to truncate floating-point font sizes, so that font-size="6.5pt"
becomes "6pt". Is that an inherent limitation of FOP? Of XSL/FO? Of my
stylesheet?  ;)

Does this apply to all size fields (padding, space, etc)?

If it is FOP, is it possible there's a trivial fix?


Re: Linefeed problems / Baseline-to-baseline

2002-02-24 Thread David Wood
On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Carlos wrote:

> > While it is cumbersome and I would prefer not to, I can make an extra step
> > and unescape the the tags before FOP sees the XML; then I can use the
> > template to convert them into blocks and recover my paragraph breaks.
> One solution would be to use another XSLT stylesheet to do this: Have an
> XSLT stlyle sheet that detects paragraphs and copies everything else to the
> target document.

Hmm... Do you mean do two separate processing steps - i.e. one with a
secondary XSLT processor, and then the next with FOP? Not such a bad
thought.  :)

> > Obviously it would be nice if the linefeed-treatment attribute worked and
> > I could skip this altogether, but c'est la vie...
> It's part of the standard so it'll be supported before 1.0 is released. Any
> help is welcome

I would be eager to contribute to this (excellent) project - but I
understand that the team is engaged in a rewrite, so any work on the
current Java code would be lost. Meanwhile, I have the vague impression
the rewrite is not far along enough yet for a stranger like me to jump in
and do more good than harm.

Perhaps I am mistaken?

> > My other issue right at the moment has to do with recreating
> > "baseline-to-basline" spacing, which I'm starting to think _might_ be
> > possible in FO, but can't be done in FOP (because line-height and/or
> > text-altitude don't seem work on inline or character elements).
> If you can dedicate budget to it, look at RenderX, they are pricey but
> support more of the XSL standard than FOP does at this time

Thank you very much for this advice. I have looked at RenderX/XEP; they do
have a very impressive degree of completeness, and you are right, they are
extremely expensive. As I am targeting a dual-CPU Wintel server, a XEP
licence would run me 10 large, well beyond what I can afford.  :(

It's OK. Both of these (no newlines and no baseline-to-baseline) are an
inconvenience, but they are problems I can work around.


Re: Linefeed problems / Baseline-to-baseline

2002-02-24 Thread David Wood
I have an MS SQL Server database which is producing XML output via FOR
XML. My aim is to produce PDF documents "on demand" using this XML

The data includes newlines, which are now being ignored.  :) It also
contains some XML (including ... tags to delimit paragraphs); this
XML is escaped by the database as I receive it.

While it is cumbersome and I would prefer not to, I can make an extra step
and unescape the the tags before FOP sees the XML; then I can use the
template to convert them into blocks and recover my paragraph breaks.

It would be especially clever if there was some method of unescaping text
and then processing newly uncovered elements in XSLT, but after some
study, I'm at a loss for how that would be possible. So I have to do it
"on the outside." Hardly a big programming challenge.  :)

Obviously it would be nice if the linefeed-treatment attribute worked and
I could skip this altogether, but c'est la vie...

My other issue right at the moment has to do with recreating
"baseline-to-basline" spacing, which I'm starting to think _might_ be
possible in FO, but can't be done in FOP (because line-height and/or
text-altitude don't seem work on inline or character elements).


On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Carlos wrote:

> What is it that you're trying to do? Perhaps we can provide suggestions
> On 02/23/02 16:40, "David Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for your reply! I will find a way to unescape my paragraph tags;
> > that should solve my problem.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > -David
> >
> > On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Carlos wrote:
> >
> >> Nope, not with the current FOP implementations.
> >>
> >> Carlos
> >>
> >> On 02/22/02 22:07, "David Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Using FOP 0.20.2 I found that linefeeds were preserved by default in
> >>> blocks.
> >>>
> >>> Using FOP 0.20.3rc2 I found that they are no longer preserved.
> >>> Furthermore, I discovered that "linefeed-treatement" has no effect:
> >>>
> >>> [WARN]: property - "linefeed-treatment" is not implemented yet.
> >>>
> >>> Is there any way to preserve linefeeds in the current version? I pull text
> >>> from the database in such a way that all integral XML is escaped, and
> >>> there is no way to disable this feature (MS at work)... So I actually have
> >>> ... tags, but they're escaped, and I can't seem to find a method in
> >>> XSLT to unescape and use them...
> >>>
> >>> This leaves me stumped. So what's the newline situation?
> >>>
> >>> -David
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Carlos E. Araya
> >> ---+ WebCT Administrator/Trainer
> >>  P | California Virtual Campus
> >>  - | C/O De Anza College
> >>  G | 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd
> >> ---+ Cupertino, CA 95014
> >>
> >> email   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> web (work)
> >> (personal)
> >> phone   408 257 0420 (work)
> >> PGP Fingerprint:E629 5DFD 7EAE 4995 E9D7  3D2F 5A9F 0CE7 DFE7 1756
> >>
> >> 80/20 Rule: Simplicity vs. complexity. 80 percent of the
> >> functionality/feature set of an "ideal" solution set, with only 20 percent
> >> of the complexity of the ideal solution or 20 percent of the effort 
> >> required
> >> to build the ideal solution; or put another way, the last 20 percent of the
> >> "ideal" feature set is what creates the most complexity
> >>
> >
> >
> --
> Carlos E. Araya
> ---+ WebCT Administrator/Trainer
>  P | California Virtual Campus
>  - | C/O De Anza College
>  G | 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd
> ---+ Cupertino, CA 95014
> web (work)
> (personal)
> phone   408 257 0420 (work)
> PGP Fingerprint:E629 5DFD 7EAE 4995 E9D7  3D2F 5A9F 0CE7 DFE7 1756
> Hey! It compiles! Ship it!

Re: Linefeed problems

2002-02-24 Thread David Wood
Thanks for your reply! I will find a way to unescape my paragraph tags;
that should solve my problem.

Best regards,

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Carlos wrote:

> Nope, not with the current FOP implementations.
> Carlos
> On 02/22/02 22:07, "David Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Using FOP 0.20.2 I found that linefeeds were preserved by default in
> > blocks.
> >
> > Using FOP 0.20.3rc2 I found that they are no longer preserved.
> > Furthermore, I discovered that "linefeed-treatement" has no effect:
> >
> > [WARN]: property - "linefeed-treatment" is not implemented yet.
> >
> > Is there any way to preserve linefeeds in the current version? I pull text
> > from the database in such a way that all integral XML is escaped, and
> > there is no way to disable this feature (MS at work)... So I actually have
> > ... tags, but they're escaped, and I can't seem to find a method in
> > XSLT to unescape and use them...
> >
> > This leaves me stumped. So what's the newline situation?
> >
> > -David
> >
> --
> Carlos E. Araya
> ---+ WebCT Administrator/Trainer
>  P | California Virtual Campus
>  - | C/O De Anza College
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> to build the ideal solution; or put another way, the last 20 percent of the
> "ideal" feature set is what creates the most complexity

Re: Inline line-height

2002-02-24 Thread David Wood
It's in the spec, but not in FOP... Goes to show what a spec is often
worth.   :)

On Sun, 24 Feb 2002, Josh Campbell wrote:

> I was under the impression that line-height was a block attribute. I may
> be wrong as I've never really tried to use it inline. In CSS it's
> usually applied to div tags (as opposed to inline span tags).
> David Wood wrote:
> >Now that I'm thinking about it, is it just me, or is the line-height
> >attribute ignored for ?
> >
> Josh Campbell
> ZYPE - Graphical Interface Design
> Phone: 03 3862094
> Mobile: 021 400 472
> Web:

Inline line-height

2002-02-23 Thread David Wood
Now that I'm thinking about it, is it just me, or is the line-height
attribute ignored for ?


Baseline-to-baseline measurements

2002-02-23 Thread David Wood

I'm trying to follow the instructions of a desginer. I have one problem.
They've specified layout often using BB (baseline-to-baseline)

For instance, I have a heading and a paragraph. The distance between the
heading and the paragraph is given as "18'bb below to text" which means (I
believe) an 18 point distance between the heading's baseline and the first
line of the following paragraph's baseline.

I've been hunting around the FO docs for some time looking for a good way
to do this, and I haven't found anything yet. Does anyone who knows the FO
spec have any ideas?

The only two things I've been able to think of are somehow giving the
first word in the following paragraph a large (i.e. 18pt) inline height
(but I can't wrap an arbitrary word in XSLT), and then there's this
intriguing business in the spec (section 7.15.4):

"The line-height.conditionality setting can be used to control the
half-leading above the first line or after the last line that is placed in
a reference-area."

"The line-height.precedence setting can be used to control the merging
of the half-leading with other spaces."

However, in section 4.3:

"Conditionality is an enumerated value which controls whether a
space-specifier has effect at the beginning or end of a reference-area or
a line-area. Possible values are retain and discard; a conditional
space-specifier is one for which this value is discard."

So in other words, I can have extra baseline-driven spacing everywhere
_but_ the beginning and end, but I can't have it just at the beginning (or
just at the end).

I'm open to suggestions. Is this even possible in FO? And if it is, is it
possible in FOP?


Linefeed problems

2002-02-23 Thread David Wood
Using FOP 0.20.2 I found that linefeeds were preserved by default in

Using FOP 0.20.3rc2 I found that they are no longer preserved.
Furthermore, I discovered that "linefeed-treatement" has no effect:

[WARN]: property - "linefeed-treatment" is not implemented yet.

Is there any way to preserve linefeeds in the current version? I pull text
from the database in such a way that all integral XML is escaped, and
there is no way to disable this feature (MS at work)... So I actually have
... tags, but they're escaped, and I can't seem to find a method in
XSLT to unescape and use them...

This leaves me stumped. So what's the newline situation?


Strange errors with 0.20.3rc2

2002-02-23 Thread David Wood
I get a large number of these errors with each run.

[ERROR]: Error in generic-space.precedence property value 'auto': org.apache. No conversion defined

The word "auto" appears nowhere in either the source XML or the XSLT.

PDF output is generated anyway and "appears normal." Didn't see this with
0.20.2... Any ideas what this could be?


Re: AW: keep-with-next?

2002-01-30 Thread David Wood
I should be more specific - what I mean is; I would like to try to get
keep-with-next/previous working with fo:block elements.

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, David Wood wrote:

> I am a Java coder and know my way around the standard. I volunteer to try
> to fix this, if someone who is more familiar with FOP's internals can
> tell me where to look...
> -David
> On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Sam Prokop wrote:
> > I found out it just works with table-rows, if you use keep-with-next and
> > keep-with-previous.
> > and you have to take care, that the table doesn´t exceeds the page,
> > otherwise you´ll get a infinite-loop.
> >
> > that´s all i found out :-(
> >
> > Sam
> >
> > > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > > Von: Costantino Sertorio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Gesendet: Montag, 28. Januar 2002 16:51
> > > Betreff: keep-with-next?
> > >
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > > Is the keep-with-next attribute supported by FOP?
> > > If yes, can anybody explain to me what I am doing wrong?
> > > I have a "heading" template which I would like to keep
> > > together with the
> > > following text, therefore I defined the following, but it
> > > doesn't work (the
> > > following paragraph ends up in the next page):
> > >
> > >   
> > > 
> > >   
> > >  > > space-before="0.6cm" space-after
> > > ="0.6cm" font-size="13pt" font-weight="bold">
> > >
> > > 
> > >   
> > >   
> > >  > > font-size="
> > > 10pt" font-weight="bold">
> > >
> > > 
> > >   
> > >
> > > Thank you,
> > >
> > > Costantino
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AW: keep-with-next?

2002-01-30 Thread David Wood
I am a Java coder and know my way around the standard. I volunteer to try
to fix this, if someone who is more familiar with FOP's internals can
tell me where to look...


On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Sam Prokop wrote:

> I found out it just works with table-rows, if you use keep-with-next and
> keep-with-previous.
> and you have to take care, that the table doesn´t exceeds the page,
> otherwise you´ll get a infinite-loop.
> that´s all i found out :-(
> Sam
> > -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> > Von: Costantino Sertorio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Gesendet: Montag, 28. Januar 2002 16:51
> > Betreff: keep-with-next?
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> > Is the keep-with-next attribute supported by FOP?
> > If yes, can anybody explain to me what I am doing wrong?
> > I have a "heading" template which I would like to keep
> > together with the
> > following text, therefore I defined the following, but it
> > doesn't work (the
> > following paragraph ends up in the next page):
> >
> >   
> > 
> >   
> >  > space-before="0.6cm" space-after
> > ="0.6cm" font-size="13pt" font-weight="bold">
> >
> > 
> >   
> >   
> >  > font-size="
> > 10pt" font-weight="bold">
> >
> > 
> >   
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Costantino
> >
> >
> >

Entity references in FOP

2002-01-29 Thread David Wood
In the interests of being typographically correct, I'm attempting to use
oriented double and single quotes, ellipses, etc... These are typically
referenced in HTML as “ ” (“ ”) and so
on... however, FOP is informing me these entities are not declared.

I would be curious to find a list of what entities are in and what aren't.
Also, I presume I can use a numeric code (&#number; - or &#number;) to
reference the character directly. However, it seems like a list of those
numbers and their corresponding characters is a little too basic for the
FOP documentation or the usual reference materials. I assume there's a
relevant ISO document - anybody know what it is?

Or if you just have any common numbers handy I'd love to see them.  :)



2002-01-17 Thread David Wood
On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Robert C. Leif, Ph.D. wrote:

> " I don't think a lengthy Java v. Ada conversation going on in this list
> would do much for the state of FOP as we know it, either"

Too late, here we go...  :)


Re: Someone has used FOA??

2002-01-10 Thread David Wood
The tutorial that is available on FOA's website should clear most things
up. The upper-right window is where you'll be accessing your XML; you use
the open button on that window to open your file.

If you have not read through the FOA tutorial, I recommend that you do;
the program was incomprehensible to me until I did.

On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Pedro Barco Bernal wrote:

> Hello!
> I have started to use FOA, a editor of XSL-FO. I have problems to open the
> XML file with this application.
> Someone use FOA and can help me?

Re: There is a FOP's editor??

2002-01-09 Thread David Wood
There are two that I know of. Both appear extremely rudimentary; I was
unable to do anything productive with either of them, but your mileage may



On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Pedro Barco Bernal wrote:

> I am searching a editor of XSL-FO. Do you know something?