[fossil-users] Synchronizing endless loop

2016-10-29 Thread Florian Balmer

I have just discovered a situation where Fossil seems to enter an
endless loop when synchronizing a lot of commit data and some
unversioned files. I'm not sure about the exact size limit, but
probably large enough to trigger multiple round-trips.

Steps to reproduce:


FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE amd64
Fossil version 1.36 [c24373934d] 2016-10-24 14:59:33 UTC
Compiled on Oct 25 2016 14:06:50 using clang-3.4.1
(tags/RELEASE_34/dot1-final 208032) (64-bit)

* Create a new empty fossil repository on the server (I named it `test-repo')


Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) and Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit)
Fossil version 1.36 [c24373934d] 2016-10-24 14:59:33 UTC
Compiled on Oct 24 2016 13:12:30 using mingw32-3.18-gcc-4.5.0 (32-bit)

* Clone the repository from the server to the client
* Add and commit a lot of files (try the Fossil /src directory)
* Add an unversioned file (I named it `home.wiki')
* Run `fossil sync -u'

Client Output

[Password prompt ...]

Sync with http://some.fossil.server/fossil.cgi/test-repo
Round-trips: 2   Artifacts sent: 3  received: 0
Error: bad command: uvigot home.wiki 1477722315
ecb1c59ef204582770184dfc6ddc3f7451224c94 416

Round-trips: 3   Artifacts sent: 3  received: 0
server says: bad command: uvigot home.wiki 1477722315
ecb1c59ef204582770184dfc6ddc3f7451224c94 416

Round-trips: 4   Artifacts sent: 4  received: 0
server says: bad command: uvigot home.wiki 1477722315
ecb1c59ef204582770184dfc6ddc3f7451224c94 416

Round-trips: 5   Artifacts sent: 5  received: 0
server says: bad command: uvigot home.wiki 1477722315
ecb1c59ef204582770184dfc6ddc3f7451224c94 416

Round-trips: 6   Artifacts sent: 6  received: 0
server says: bad command: uvigot home.wiki 1477722315
ecb1c59ef204582770184dfc6ddc3f7451224c94 416


The displayed hash is the checksum of the unversioned file (verified
with a separate sha1 utility).

Shutting down Fossil at this point does not seem to cause any harm to
the local or remote repository, and the problem can be worked around
by running `fossil sync' first, and then `fossil sync -u' in a second
step, so I would consider this to be only a minor issue.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Synchronizing endless loop

2016-10-31 Thread Florian Balmer
Thank you very much for looking into my issue!

I have built the server from source code with `./configure; make'. I
haven't run `make clean' as I was working inside a new directory
containing just the extracted Fossil source code.

I have now replaced the server binary with the one matching my OS from

Fossil version 1.36 [c24373934d] 2016-10-24 14:59:33 UTC
Compiled on Oct 28 2016 19:32:28 using gcc-4.2.1 20070831 patched
[FreeBSD] (64-bit)

The version hash is the same as for my previous server binary, and
also matches that of my Windows client executable (the official
download from fossil-scm.org).

But duh, I need a faster Internet connection ...

On my slower home line, I have always cancelled my tests after around
100 or so iterations of the synchronization operation. Today, on my
ultra-fast line at work, I noticed that the `sync -u' operation
completes after 130 iterations, but unversioned files are NOT
synchronized. The artifact receipts log shows 130 corresponding
entries, most of them consisting of only a single artifact.

If the synchronization is started without `-u', there are only 18
iterations, and 18 corresponding artifact receipts log entries for the
same commit. Each artifact receipts log entry has multiple (usually
5-10) artifacts.

So this is a somewhat inflationary use of the term "endless loop" for
my part, I'm sorry for my impatience and not waiting for my tests to

Updated problem summary

When adding and committing a lot of data, the synchronization
operation invoked with `fossil sync -u' emits a "server says: bad
command: uvigot ..." for each round-trip, and unversioned files are
NOT synchronized.

Moreover, the synchronization operation takes many more round-trips to
complete, and most of the corresponding artifact receipts log entries
consist of only one single artifact.

Updated steps to reproduce

* Use Fossil version 1.36 [c24373934d] on the server and the client
* Create a new empty repository on the server
* Clone the empty repository from the server to the client
* Add and commit a lot of files (try the Fossil /src directory)
* Add an unversioned file
* Run `fossil sync -u'

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Synchronizing endless loop

2016-11-03 Thread Florian Balmer
I have another observation regarding the failed synchronization of
unversioned files:

If the `max-upload' setting is tweaked to be large enough (I set it to
the default 25*1000 on both the server and the client) so that the
synchronization operation does not require multiple round-trips,
unversioned files are synchronized properly. There are only two
artifact receipts log entries, one containing all the committed files
and check-in metadata, and another one for the unversioned file.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Synchronizing endless loop

2016-11-04 Thread Florian Balmer
Andy Bradford:

> This error would seem to indicate that your client sync code
> doesn't actually know what the uvigot card is

Indeed, if I get it right from following the code paths, there are
separate functions to handle synchronization for the client:


and for the server:


The client code is processing the "uvigot" card:


The counterpart for the server handler is missing (that's where the
"server says: bad command" message comes from), but that's probably
intentional, as inferred from this comment:


The `send_unversioned_file()' function should only generate "uvigot"
cards on the server (that is, for the client), but the function is
also called from the client sync code (generating "uvigot" cards for
the server), without discrimination of client or server mode.

I have rebuilt the Fossil client binary with an extra flag passed to
this function to indicate whether "uvigot" cards are desired or not.
The error message is gone, but unversioned files are not synchronized
at all, that way.

So I feel that the server should handle "uvigot" cards as well, and
indicate the unversioned files that the client should transfer.

Let's see if I dare diving any deeper ... ;-)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Synchronizing endless loop

2016-11-05 Thread Florian Balmer
With the help of the excellent documentation on the Fossil Sync
Protocol I have found a very simple solution to fix synchronization of
unversioned files. Due to how work is distributed between the server
and the client, it's correct that the server ignores "uvigot" cards,
but the client should stop sending them.


I would like to suggest a solution in prosaic form, so you can add it
to Fossil without any copyright concerns, if you think it's useful:

In the client synchronization code, merge the test for the break
condition whether the send limit has been reached with the entry test
for the `while' loop, so that the loop is only entered if the size of
the output blob is LESS THAN the send limit AND `db_step()' returns


Like this, send_unversioned_file() is only called by the client if
there's room for one more file, and no "uvigot" cards will be
generated. By not entering the loop, the skipped unversioned file
remains in the `uv_tosend' table to be sent later, and `uvDoPush'
remains 1 as `db_step()' is not called before assuring there's enough

Testing if the output blob size is LESS THAN the send limit does not
allow the output blob to grow as large as the send limit, whereas
before it was allowed to grow up to the send limit. But
`send_unversioned_file()' takes the "uvigot" path if the output blob
is GREATER THAN OR EQUAL the send limit, so the changed `while'
condition uses the same limits as `send_unversioned_file()'.

I'm not sure however if "max-upload" can be assumed to always be
greater than zero. Through the web interface, "max-upload" can be set
to a negative number, so it may be safe to make sure "max-upload" is
greater than zero when reading the value from the configuration.


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Command-line output format

2017-03-28 Thread Florian Balmer
Citation from:


> ... What can we do to help you move away from scripts that depend
> on the details of command-line output and toward something that is
> more likely to survive an update? ... Would it be better to run
> SQL queries directly against the repository database? ... Are new
> fixed-output-format commands needed in Fossil to extract
> information that is important to scripts?

I'm working with a lot of scripts to process Fossil command-line output.

The JSON interface is not available with some of the precompiled
binaries I'm using, and parsing JSON from shell scripts or Windows
batch files seems not so trivial.

Running SQL queries directly would mean to reinvent the wheel and
perform complex operations in many cases, as i.e. the output of
`fossil whatis [check-in]` involves parsing and integrating all
amendments to a check-in (or thorough knowledge of the internal Fossil
storage format if this information is cached in some table).

Therefore, I would like to vote for the command-line output to remain
as stable as possible, make the suggested "fixed-output-format" the
default, and carefully document modifications to the command-line
output format in the Fossil change logs.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] "CGI" command and argc

2017-03-28 Thread Florian Balmer
I'm currently stuck on a shared web host running FreeBSD 9.1 without
any C compilers available. I'm still able to run the latest version of
Fossil from [0] with some quirks (see bottom if you're interested in

[0] http://pkg.freebsd.org/

I have created an extra CGI script to start playing with Fossil 2.1,
and decided to offload the CGI options from the former CGI script to a
separate control file (named `fossil.config`), i.e. from:

directory: ../.data/fossil


#!./fossil cgi fossil.config

Like this, the two CGI scripts for Fossil 1.x and Fossil 2.1 can share
the same CGI server setup.

However, I noticed that my custom `fossil.config` file was not loaded
with the above CGI script, but only this version worked:

#!./fossil fossil.config

The CGI script name is appended as an extra argument to the shebang
command line, and Fossil refuses to read the control file if the "CGI"
command is followed by more than one argument [1]. The fallback is to
use `g.argv[1]` in this case.

[1] http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/artifact/5105d4bc1b?ln=1834

If I may I would like to suggest that the control file passed to the
"CGI" command be read even if there's additional command line
arguments following, so it works the same as if the "CGI" command was
omitted (and CGI mode was triggered by the GATEWAY_INTERFACE
environment variable). I feel that explicitly passing the "CGI"
command followed by the control file (as documented in the Fossil
help) is better for later reference and script maintenance than
relying on the "Fossil thinks it's reading its own CGI script but I
tricked it" fallback.

To get Fossil 2.1 running on my FreeBSD 9.1 shared host, I downloaded
Fossil 2.1 and the OpenSSL libraries for FreeBSD 11 from [0], and
grabbed a copy of libc.so.7 from a FreeBSD 11 ISO image (for
`strchrnul`). These files were saved in a separate ./fossil2
directory, and the symlinks libcrypto.so.9 -> libcrypto.so.7 and
libssl.so.9 -> libssl.so.7 created. Now Fossil 2.1 works fine with the
following one-line CGI script:

#!/usr/bin/env -S LD_LIBRARY_PATH=fossil2 fossil2/fossil fossil.config

I'm always amazed about the simplicity and modest system requirements
of Fossil, thanks for this masterpiece!

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] `fossil ui` startup delay

2017-03-28 Thread Florian Balmer
On my Windows XP machines (one is a standard installation, the other a
highly tweaked system), I noticed a considerable timeout for the web
browser to appear when `fossil ui` is invoked.

The delay seems to origin from StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW(), called
from win32_http_service() [0] inside cmd_webserver() [1], the latter
of which handling both the `fossil ui` and `fossil server` commands.
The timeout occurs regardless of whether the Fossil service (`fossil
winsrv`) is started, stopped, or not registered at all. Modifying the
`ServicesPipeTimeout` registry setting [2] as an attempt to have
StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW() abort earlier has no effect.

[0] http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/artifact/a3970bdc0b?ln=642-669
[1] http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/artifact/5105d4bc1b?ln=2532
[2] https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/922918

Each new `fossil ui` server that is not able to bind to the default
port 8080 takes the next available port. This is also true if the
Fossil service (`fossil winsrv`) is up and running, in this case
`fossil ui` (or `fossil server`) brings up a new server listening to a
new port. So these facilities do not seem to be linked, i.e. the
`winsrv` service does not seem to be "recycled" for the `ui` and
`server` commands. Also, the comment to win32_http_service() [3]
states that if Fossil was running in a interactive console session,
the routine would fail, and if I get it right, this is most likely
true if Fossil is run with either the `ui` or `server` command. So I
would like to suggest to only issue the win32_http_service() call from
cmd_webserver() if `isUiCmd` evaluates to false. Maybe the checks can
be omitted entirely, so that `fossil server` will be unlinked from
waiting for `fossil winsrv` as well.

[3] http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/artifact/a3970bdc0b?ln=637-640

Do you think this makes sense, and could be changed in Fossil? Or am I
missing something important?

A patched version works fine on Windows XP, the web browser shows up
instantly. I've seen no problems on Windows 7 and Windows 10 with the
modified version, so far.

A workaround for me is to start `fossil ui` only once in a separate
console (preferably with a repository name indicated, so closing the
repository won't interfere with the server) and leave it running in
the background, then switch to the web browser and hit F5 as necessary
each time I want to see new check-ins. But running `fossil ui` from
the command line is a lot more straightforward, as it navigates
directly to the current check-in, without the need to switch windows
and refresh pages.

I must admit, submitting change requests for Windows XP may seem a
little odd, I agree, but it's the wide availability of Fossil that
helps me archiving my projects from my old PCs, to be able to move on,
one day, maybe.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] "CGI" command and argc

2017-03-30 Thread Florian Balmer
Thanks for the link and the additional information. I have stumbled
upon a website with meticulous research about the unspecified shebang
behavior across a wide range of systems:


There's indeed so many variants that it may not be a good idea to do
any modifications, here.

Of course the portable solution you mentioned is also fine
(performance is no issue on my stone-age shared host with just a
handful of personal repositories).

> So, I would expect both of the following to work:
> #!/usr/bin/env -S fossil2/fossil cgi fossil.config
> #!/user/bin/env -S fossil1/fossil cgi fossil.config

No, they don't, as the CGI script name is appended as an extra
argument to the shebang command line, causing Fossil to leave the path
with the explicit "CGI" command. I was suggesting that Fossil keep
going the explicit "CGI" command path even if there's more than three
command line arguments.


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] "CGI" command and argc

2017-03-31 Thread Florian Balmer
> Therefore, I would expect:
> env "-S perl -e 'print qq([$_] ) for (@ARGV)' a b c"
> to output:
> [a] [b] [c]

Your example works on my FreeBSD server if the double quotes are
omitted, and the command is run from a shell:

env -S perl -e 'print qq([$_] ) for (@ARGV)' a b c
==> [a] [b] [c]

But for a CGI script (named ./sample.cgi), it looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env -S perl -e 'print qq([$_] ) for (@ARGV)' a b c
==> [a] [b] [c] [./sample.cgi]

The CGI script name is appended as an extra command line argument. So
for the Fossil CGI command, it looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env -S ./fossil cgi fossil.config
==> no such file: cgi

> If you have access to a compiler (gcc, clang) on your shared host,
> I would recommend that solution.

Unfortunately I don't, but for a short moment I was considering to use
the custom libraries trick with clang or gcc ... ;-)

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Submit web forms by hitting enter

2017-03-31 Thread Florian Balmer
I noticed it's no longer possible to submit the form on top of the
timeline web view by hitting enter if one of the text input elements
("Max" or "Tag Filter") is focused in IE.

It seems that (all?) web browsers disable this logic for forms with
multiple text input elements lacking a "submit" element. The fix was
to add an "onchange" handler [0], but unfortunately this handler is
only triggered if the text input element lost focus, and not by
hitting enter in IE.

[0] http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/info/2929d5fced0909b5

Adding a hidden "submit" element would work, but might raise security
warnings in some web browsers. Conditional comments to make a hidden
"submit" element only visible for IE are no longer supported [1].

[1] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh801214.aspx

I would like to suggest adding a new "onkeyup" handler to the text
input elements on the timeline web view to submit the form if enter is

I'm sending a patch (as a Fossil bundle) directly to Mr. Hipp.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Suggested patch for src/user.c (password prompt)

2017-05-03 Thread Florian Balmer
Just because I have done some research about this topic recently, and
find it interesting, please allow me to ask why you can make any
assumptions regarding STDIN, after only testing STDERR? Couldn't each
of the standard handles be redirected individually, as in "COMMAND
nul 2>errors.log"?

To distinguish console handles from files, pipes and other redirected
devices on Windows, MSDN recommends using GetConsoleMode(), as for
example mentioned in the documentation for WriteConsole():


"... determine whether the output handle is a console handle (one
method is to call the GetConsoleMode function and check whether it
succeeds) ..."

A more detailed test from Michael Kaplan, similar to earlier versions
of MSVCRT (current UCRT seems to rely on a combined test of isatty(),
GetFileType() and GetConsoleMode(), now):


A comment by Raymond Chen why GetFileType() alone (as used by some
isatty() CRT implementations) is not sufficient to detect a console


My investigations were about output handles, but GetConsoleMode() can
also be used with input handles.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Suggested patch for src/user.c (password prompt)

2017-05-04 Thread Florian Balmer
I get the following results for the new `fossil test-prompt-password'
command, run in the standard CMD.EXE console on Windows, typing
"INPUT[ENTER]" on the keyboard if possible:

> echo PASSWORD | fossil test-prompt-password PROMPT: 0

1. The default case.

> echo PASSWORD | fossil test-prompt-password PROMPT: 0 2>nul

2. No prompt, but ability to type, no * placeholders while typing. Not
sure if this is expected, but "nul" is considered to be a console(!),
so input is read from the keyboard, and not from the piped `echo'

> echo PASSWORD | fossil test-prompt-password PROMPT: 0 2>error.log
> type error.log

3. Prompt goes to redirected file instead of console (expected), no
possibility to type, but password from redirected standard input (the
piped `echo') is accepted (that is, "error.log" is not considered to
be a console, so `getc(stdin)' is used instead of `_getch()').

I agree that my examples are all quite stupid, and I can't think of
any serious harm to be caused like this.

But my point was that testing whether STDERR is a console handle does
not automatically imply that STDIN is also a console handle.

Moreover, _isatty() (UCRT 10.0.14393.0 in this case) yields different
results for the "2>nul" and "2>error.log" redirects, but neither is a
console. That's why I think _isatty() is not reliable, and
GetConsoleMode() should be preferred.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Suggested patch for src/user.c (password prompt)

2017-05-04 Thread Florian Balmer
Two other interesting cases, run from the standard console:

> fossil test-prompt-password PROMPT: 0 2>&1 | more

4. Password is visible while typing.

> echo PASSWORD | fossil test-prompt-password PROMPT: 0 2>&1 | more

5. As expected, _isatty() detects that STDERR is not a console, but a
pipe, so the input is also read from the pipe using `getc(stdin)'.

No harm here either, just for completeness.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Load customized skin from subdirectory on Windows

2017-05-26 Thread Florian Balmer
On Windows, the Fossil `--skin LABEL' command line option can't be
used to load a custom skin from a subdirectory, probably because only
skin labels containing forward slashes but not backslashes are treated
as paths to subdirectories containing the skin files:


I'm very happy with the built-in Fossil skins, and I avoid
customizations as far as possible, so as not having to update the
customized skins each time the original template is adapted. One
reason for me to use custom skins is to be able to change the default
query parameters of the "Timeline" link from the navigation bar. I
would highly appreciate a configuration option (similar to
`index-page') to set custom default timeline query parameters.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Accelerate multi-repository queries

2017-05-26 Thread Florian Balmer
I'm using a customized repository index page to display a link to each
repository, along with the project name and description queried
directly from the repository database files.

For 10-20 repositories, the following (skeleton) shell script takes
more than 1 second to finish:

listfossil() {
  echo "$(basename "$1")"
  cat <<'SQL' | ./fossil sql --repository "$1"
SELECT value FROM config
WHERE name IN ('project-name', 'project-description')
find . -name "*.fossil" -type f -print | sort | \
  while IFS= read -r file; do listfossil "$file"; done

Is there any way to speed up this script, i.e. by loading a :memory:
or :temp: database instead of a real repository, attaching to each of
the repositories and reading all the desired values in one single SQL

Another idea in this context might be that the built-in "repolist"
allowed some customization, i.e. to display the project name and
description, possibly even with a customized header/footer
HTML/wiki/markdown file loaded from the repository directory (similar
to the display of the README* files in the "File List" web view).

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Load customized skin from subdirectory on Windows

2017-05-26 Thread Florian Balmer
Thank you very much for the quick fix, it also works fine on my system.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Accelerate multi-repository queries

2017-05-26 Thread Florian Balmer
On another server, where I have access to PHP, it also takes less than
100 ms to query the repository files using the built-in PDO/sqlite

So it seems that running ./sqlite3 instead of ./fossil could speed up
the queries.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Accelerate multi-repository queries

2017-05-26 Thread Florian Balmer

> Did you check the execution time of the "find | sort" versus the
> "listfossil()"? Looking at your script, I think you can simplify it
> a bit.

The script takes between 1.2 and 1.8 seconds in the original form, and
between 130 and 160 ms if the `listfossil()' function is simplified to
just output the repository name (and not run the `./fossil --sql ...'

> If using bash, every function call can spawn a sub-shell as well as
> "| while read". My knowledge on this may be outdated. The above will
> only spawn 1 sub-shell. By using "ls", the files will be sorted by
> name so the "find | sort" is not needed. All the repositories are
> passed at once, removing the need for the "| while read". Note that
> this will break if the length of all the filenames goes beyond the
> bash arg limit. This limit is between 1K and 8K characters, don't
> remember exactly.

Thanks for the interesting information. I have switched from `find
-exec' to `| while read' to avoid sub-shells (with custom functions),
but your approach with `for' seems to be another 10-20 ms faster (I
could even omit the custom function, as the program structure is much

When replacing the calls to `./fossil' with `./sqlite3' (without any
further optimizations to the script), execution time drops from the
initial 1.2-1.8 seconds to 300-370 ms. So it seems that Fossil has to
perform more initialization work than the plain SQLite CLI program.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] User-defined config values

2017-06-25 Thread Florian Balmer
I have a few scripts to maintain my repositories, and among other
things, they add (and update) multiple flavors of (unversioned) wiki
homepages (the remote homepages have more links, such as
login/logout/index, and the local ones show a reminder about syncing).

Some repositories have customized wiki homepages, and for these I
would like to skip the updates of the default homepages. It seems like
a simple solution to add a custom value to Fossil's `config' table to
indicate whether or not the homepages are customized.

Is this a safe and encouraged approach? Is it harmless but
discouraged, or even harmful? Would such custom values be excluded
from syncing?

This task seems more complicated to do with the `fossil uv' interface,
as it doesn't allow to query the hashes or time stamps of unversioned
files. Also, not sure if wiki pages allow embedded comments (standard
HTML comments do not seem to work?) that could be searched for custom
settings? Another approach I see is keeping custom configuration data
in unversioned files of their own. Or does anybody know of a better

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] User-defined config values

2017-06-25 Thread Florian Balmer
Thank you very much for your reply.

I have found two simple ways to plant a `default-homepage' tag on
unversioned wiki pages, so that the script to update the wiki pages
can just search for the tag in the output of `fossil uv cat':

1. ...

2. default-homepage

But according to the Fossil Wiki Formatting Rules [0], the second
variant would not be allowed: "... any attributes that specify
javascript or CSS are elided."

[0] https://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/wiki_rules

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Lost "reparented" check-ins after rebuild

2017-06-28 Thread Florian Balmer
I have a repository with 4 "reparented" check-ins (to skip over
unwanted check-ins), which were later merged into other branches.

When rebuilding the repository, I noticed that the number of check-ins
on the /stats webpage had dropped by 4, and the /bloblist page showed
"unknown" instead of "check-in on ..." as the description for the 4
affected check-ins. This resulted in a broken /timeline view, with the
4 "reparented" check-ins no longer visible on screen, but with lines
leaving the screen at the top and bottom, to supposedly join the lost

I also noticed that the RIDs (as shown in the first column of the
/bloblist page) were changed by the rebuild, not randomly, but only
with positive offsets of small numbers.

When cloning the repository from the server, and performing a rebuild
on the local copy, the problem does not occur. But it happens when
rebuilding the repository on the server, or when downloading and
rebuilding it locally.

Is the "reparent" action somehow linked to the RID, and is it broken
by the RID changes? Or are RIDs expected to change, because other
artifacts such as "clusters" are sometimes interspersed?

The problem is reproducible with both Fossil 1.36 and Fossil 2.2, and
is independent of the "hash-policy" setting (my initial suspicion).

The following test case (Windows batch file) is close to the situation
in my repository with many edits of check-in comments, and merges of
"reparented" check-ins, but it does not exhibit the problem after
rebuilding (neither with Fossil 1.36 nor 2.2):

fossil init test.fossil
fossil open test.fossil
echo m1.1>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil add sample.txt
fossil ci -m m1.1 --tag m1.1 --branch br1 --no-warnings
fossil amend m1.1 -m m1.1-edited
echo m1.2>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m m1.2 --tag m1.2 --no-warnings
fossil amend m1.2 -m m1.2-edited
echo m1.3>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m m1.3 --tag m1.3 --no-warnings
fossil amend m1.3 -m m1.3-edited
echo m1.4>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m m1.4 --tag m1.4 --no-warnings
fossil amend m1.4 -m m1.4-edited
echo m1.5>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m m1.5 --tag m1.5 --no-warnings
fossil amend m1.5 -m m1.5-edited
fossil co m1.1
echo m2.1>>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m m2.1 --tag m2.1 --branch br2 --no-warnings
fossil amend m2.1 -m m2.1-edited
@echo *** & pause
fossil merge br1 --integrate
fossil ci -m m2.2 --tag m2.2 --no-warnings
fossil amend m2.2 -m m2.2-edited
echo m2.3>>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m 2.3 --tag m2.3 --no-warnings
fossil amend m2.3 -m m2.3-edited
fossil reparent m1.5 m1.3
@echo *** & pause
fossil merge m1.4
fossil ci -m m2.4 --tag m2.4 --no-warnings --allow-conflict
fossil amend m2.4 -m m2.4-edited

I'm sorry I have no simple reproducible example. If this is not an
already obvious and straight forward problem for the Fossil
development team, and is really worth investigation (after all, use of
the "reparent" command is discouraged in the online help), I'm willing
to share my problematic repository with a small group of developers,
if I can be assured it will be deleted and not be kept in a long-term
test case/bug database, after research.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Lost "reparented" check-ins after rebuild

2017-07-02 Thread Florian Balmer
> Reparenting is for doing one-time major surgery operations on a Fossil
> repo, not for everyday use.

Thank you very much for your comments, and for your suggestions about
dealing with unwanted check-ins.

I take great care to keep my Fossil repositories intact, and no such
thing as a "reparent" tag will ever make it there. I have multiple
levels of backups, and new commits often go to some temporary
repository, with a scripting solution (basically `fossil zip' from old
/ unzip / check-in on new) to import ranges of check-ins from the
temporary to the permanent repository (so that all later amendments
are already there right from the beginning).

With these short-lived temporary repositories, I sometimes try new
things about Fossil, and I found it would be okay to report that I
have a case of the rescue "one-time major surgery operation" behaving
somewhat unexpected. But I agree it's not "everyday use".

After a few more tests, I still haven't been able to find a simple
reproducible test case. But following is a modification to my previous
(Windows batch) script that produces disjoint timeline rails in the
web view, by means of branch hiding. Though, not sure if it is related
to my original problem.

fossil init test.fossil
fossil open test.fossil
echo m1.1>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil add sample.txt
fossil ci -m m1.1 --tag m1.1 --branch br1 --no-warnings
fossil amend m1.1 -m m1.1-edited
echo m1.2>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m m1.2 --tag m1.2 --no-warnings
fossil amend m1.2 -m m1.2-edited
echo m1.3>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m m1.3 --tag m1.3 --no-warnings
fossil amend m1.3 -m m1.3-edited
echo m1.4>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m m1.4 --tag m1.4 --no-warnings
fossil amend m1.4 -m m1.4-edited
echo m1.5>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m m1.5 --tag m1.5 --no-warnings
fossil amend m1.5 -m m1.5-edited
fossil co m1.1
echo m2.1>>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m m2.1 --tag m2.1 --branch br2 --no-warnings
fossil amend m2.1 -m m2.1-edited
@echo *** & pause
fossil merge br1 --integrate
fossil ci -m m2.2 --tag m2.2 --no-warnings
fossil amend m2.2 -m m2.2-edited
echo m2.3>>sample.txt
@echo *** & pause
fossil ci -m 2.3 --tag m2.3 --no-warnings
fossil amend m2.3 -m m2.3-edited
rem fossil reparent m1.5 m1.3
@echo *** & pause
fossil merge m1.4
fossil ci -m m2.4 --tag m2.4 --no-warnings --allow-conflict
fossil amend m2.4 -m m2.4-edited
fossil tag add --raw --propagate hidden m1.2

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Minor markdown glitches

2017-07-28 Thread Florian Balmer
Maybe not the best idea ☹ but I was taking notes about special
characters in batch files on a Fossil markdown/wiki page.

It's even worse than what you can imagine, it seems like batch file
syntax was designed to stress-test markdown parsers:

! " % & ( ) , ; ^ | < > 

I enclosed each character inside `code` markup, but I have not been
able to escape the pipe symbol:

`|` → ...``... (paragraph divided by table)
`\|` → \| (escaping backslash not removed)

Also, the following markdown construct

* The first list: ...

* The second list: `|` `<` ...

causes a crash when fed to `fossil test-markdown-render' or pasted
into a wiki page. Tested with Fossil version 2.3 [f7914bfdfa]
2017-07-21 03:19:30 UTC on Windows 7 64-bit (downloaded from the
Fossil website).

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Default timeline query parameters

2017-08-23 Thread Florian Balmer
Following is a patch (against 9e48dad49b) to add a new option to the
/setup_timeline web page to specify the default query parameters for
the /timeline web page, that works without modifications to the web UI

To keep it simple and avoid code duplication, the QUERY_STRING
variable is processed in cgi_init(), but this may not be the right
hook point. Also, I'm not sure if this covers all the possible web
server entry points.

Please ignore it if it does not meet Fossil's requirements regarding
feature set and/or code quality, but it may still be a starting point
for somebody to model a more compliant version, if it's of general



Index: src/cgi.c
--- src/cgi.c
+++ src/cgi.c
@@ -987,10 +987,19 @@
   z = (char*)P("QUERY_STRING");
   if( z ){
 z = mprintf("%s",z);
 add_param_list(z, '&');
+  /* Apply default query parameters for the /timeline web page */
+  if( strlen(z)==0 ){
+z = (char*)P("PATH_INFO");
+if( fossil_strcmp(z,"/timeline")==0 ){
+  z = mprintf("%s",db_get("timeline-default-query",""));
+  add_param_list(z,'&');
+  }

   z = (char*)P("REMOTE_ADDR");
   if( z ){
 g.zIpAddr = mprintf("%s", z);

Index: src/configure.c
--- src/configure.c
+++ src/configure.c
@@ -94,10 +94,11 @@
   { "background-mimetype",CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "background-image",   CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "timeline-block-markup",  CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "timeline-max-comment",   CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "timeline-plaintext", CONFIGSET_SKIN },
+  { "timeline-default-query", CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "adunit", CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "adunit-omit-if-admin",   CONFIGSET_SKIN },
   { "adunit-omit-if-user",CONFIGSET_SKIN },


Index: src/setup.c
--- src/setup.c
+++ src/setup.c
@@ -1520,10 +1520,19 @@
   "timeline-max-comment", "tmc", "0", 0);
   @ The maximum length of a comment to be displayed in a timeline.
   @ "0" there is no length limit.
   @ (Property: "timeline-max-comment")

+  @ 
+  entry_attribute("Default timeline query parameters", 12,
+  "timeline-default-query", "tdq", "", 0);
+  @ The default query parameters handed to the "/timeline" web
+  @ page for requests not otherwise including any query parameters.
+  @ Query parameters can be copied from the URL generated by the
+  @ timeline filter menu. The default is "y=all&n=50".
+  @ (Property: "timeline-default-query")
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Default timeline query parameters

2017-08-23 Thread Florian Balmer
Patch to patch: the mprintf() is redundant.


Index: src/cgi.c
--- src/cgi.c
+++ src/cgi.c
@@ -992,11 +992,11 @@

   /* Apply default query parameters for the /timeline web page */
   if( strlen(z)==0 ){
 z = (char*)P("PATH_INFO");
 if( fossil_strcmp(z,"/timeline")==0 ){
-  z = mprintf("%s",db_get("timeline-default-query",""));
+  z = db_get("timeline-default-query","");

   z = (char*)P("REMOTE_ADDR");
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Ignoring files/directories in automated zip files?

2017-09-20 Thread Florian Balmer
> To set-up aliases, visit the Setup/URL_Aliases page.

Thanks, that's a very handy feature!

Would you consider enabling "rewriting" of the default webpage URLs,
i.e. by searching the alias list prior to the dispatch table? This
could be controlled by a global setting (potential subtle user trap),
or on a per-alias basis with a special syntax like !ALIAS or ALIAS!
(in analogy to X! to drop CGI variables), but probably only for exact
matches to avoid redirection loops.

This would be useful for example to set default query parameters for
the /timeline webpage without modifications to the skin:

!/timeline → /timeline?y=all&n=50


/timeline! → /timeline?y=all&n=50

Original suggestion:


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] enhanced-symlink branch

2017-10-18 Thread Florian Balmer
Warren Young:

> By that reckoning, I’d rank *.lnk above Cygwin symlinks in many
> regards. Why wouldn’t that work?

Handling Windows Shell Links (*.lnk) can be tricky:

There's built-in logic to resolve links to missing targets (called
"link tracking", can be disabled). That's why portability of *.lnk
files may be limited across machines, and Fossil would have to keep
the link information separately, and create *.lnk files as needed.


Also, there's other *.lnk file options that may affect portability:


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] enhanced-symlink branch

2017-10-18 Thread Florian Balmer
Andy Goth:

> Does anyone know a good way to create *.lnk files from Tcl?

There's an ancient SHORTCUT.EXE command line utility:


It even has an -s command line option to disable link tracking.

I don't have the original. A few clones can be found in the web, but I
haven't come across an up-to-date version that allows access to modern
Shell Link properties, such as PKEY_AppUserModel_ID to control taskbar
icon grouping, and the like.

Also, the venerable Windows Scripting Host can manipulate Shell Links
by simple JS or VBS scripts, but only the basic properties:


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Metadata in Timeline Verbose View

2017-12-11 Thread Florian Balmer
Thanks for the recent timeline changes.

Most of my check-in comments do not end with a dot. In the timeline
web view, it used to look like this:

[xx] This is the check-in comment (user: username, tags: trunk)

For the current development version in Verbose View, it looks like this:

[xx] This is the check-in comment user: username, tags: trunk

I found it easier to distinguish metadata from comments in the first
version. Even if check-in comments are terminated with a dot, there's
not the same clear visual demarcation with lowercase letters.

So please allow me to vote for metadata being put in parenthesis,
again, for the Timeline Verbose View.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Metadata in Timeline Verbose View

2017-12-11 Thread Florian Balmer
Yes, Modern View and Columnar View already have a good demarcation due
to spatial distance, borders, and different styles.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Metadata in Timeline Verbose View

2017-12-11 Thread Florian Balmer
Thanks for the instructions and demonstration.

Simple to do, I agree. A minor issue for me is that I have some tasks
where I copy-paste parts of the timeline view to another program, and
some web browsers do not copy the CSS parenthesis, making things
harder to read, again. Picking individual entries from the command
line timeline interface is not so straight forward.

But you got me on the wrong leg:

I'm a computer hobbyist, and I "refused" to use version control
systems for a long time, due to its complexity, and the amount of
hobby time I would have to invest. This has changed only when I
learned about Fossil, and I'm always fascinated by its simplicity.

At first I maintained my own Fossil skins. But after two or three
updates, even with only simple changes to the default CSS, I gave up
my own skins, as I didn't want to spend my hobby time with CSS

So my strategy here was to argue for a generally accepted default that
would be built into Fossil ;-)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Metadata in Timeline Verbose View

2017-12-12 Thread Florian Balmer
Warren Young:

> Switch to Modern view? :)

Verbose View seems more comfortable to use for me, as the hashes are
more prominent, so easier to read, easier to click, entries as a whole
are easier to copy-paste (only one triple-click to select all, no
mouse move required), and also easier to read when copy-pasted (now
that the parenthesis are back).

While talking about the views, please allow me some Compact View bashing:

Compact View looks plain and elegant, I agree. But whenever I view the
timeline, I'd either like to SEE THE HASHES (to check-out or merge a
specific version), or CLICK THE HASHES (to view the check-in details
and diffs). I never just browse my comments ;-)

With Compact View, I need to do a not-so-intuitive click on the
comment (that has always been plain text to me) to make the hash
appear, move the mouse pointer over the unpredictable position of the
now visible hash, and finally click the hash.

But if I get it right (without building and trying the latest version)
there's a config option to set the default view to Verbose View
(without having to explicitly select it and store the option as a

Verbose View definitely works best, for me.

Rolf Ade:

> It's mixing completely different things and levels ...

I don't think so. Adding the CSS to display the parenthesis means
maintaining your own custom skin?

Warren Young:

> $ fossil conf export skin foo
> …upgrade Fossil, switch repo to skin you wish to merge…
> $ fossil conf merge foo

Sounds easy. But on shared web hosting, with limited shell access, and
a total of 10-15 repositories, this already makes me edgy. I have also
tried using a shared skin loaded from a directory using the "skin:"
CGI control line, but then the skin is missing on local machines.

Richard Hipp:

> (2) The details of each entry are shown inside parentheses in the
> Verbose and Compact views.

Thank you very much for this change. With "physical" (as opposed to
"spiritual-CSS") parenthesis, readability is also fine when
copy-pasting timeline entries.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Tag problems

2017-12-17 Thread Florian Balmer
The following command fails:

$ fossil tag add -n --user-override username tagname checkin

But this one works as expected:

$ fossil tag add --dryrun --user-override username tagname checkin

That's because -n is the short form for both --limit and --dryrun:


I think the short form for --limit should be changed, because
-n|--dryrun is also used by a few other commands.

While at it, I noticed that --dryrun is sometimes spelled --dry-run,
maybe this could be unified?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Tag problems

2017-12-18 Thread Florian Balmer
Following patch fixes the clash of the short forms of the --limit and
--dryrun options for the `fossil tag' command.

Another form than -N|--limit might be preferred to ensure a better
distinction from -n|--dryrun, such as -c|--limit or -l|limit.


Index: src/tag.c
--- src/tag.c
+++ src/tag.c
@@ -403,11 +403,11 @@
 ** of results to the given value.
 ** Options:
 **   --raw   Raw tag name.
 **   -t|--type TYPE  One of "ci", or "e".
-**   -n|--limit NLimit to N results.
+**   -N|--limit NLimit to N results.
 ** %fossil tag list|ls ?--raw? ?CHECK-IN?
 ** List all tags, or if CHECK-IN is supplied, list
 ** all tags and their values for CHECK-IN.
@@ -435,11 +435,11 @@
 void tag_cmd(void){
   int n;
   int fRaw = find_option("raw","",0)!=0;
   int fPropagate = find_option("propagate","",0)!=0;
   const char *zPrefix = fRaw ? "" : "sym-";
-  const char *zFindLimit = find_option("limit","n",1);
+  const char *zFindLimit = find_option("limit","N",1);
   const int nFindLimit = zFindLimit ? atoi(zFindLimit) : -2000;

   db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
   if( g.argc<3 ){
 goto tag_cmd_usage;
@@ -485,11 +485,11 @@
 Stmt q;
 const char *zType = find_option("type","t",1);
 Blob sql = empty_blob;
 if( zType==0 || zType[0]==0 ) zType = "*";
 if( g.argc!=4 ){
-  usage("find ?--raw? ?-t|--type TYPE? ?-n|--limit #? TAGNAME");
+  usage("find ?--raw? ?-t|--type TYPE? ?-N|--limit #? TAGNAME");
 if( fRaw ){
 "SELECT blob.uuid FROM tagxref, blob"
 " WHERE tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname=%Q)"
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Tag problems

2017-12-18 Thread Florian Balmer
Following patch changes all --dryrun options to the more common form
--dry-run for all commands, but this would break working scripts!


Index: src/tag.c
--- src/tag.c
+++ src/tag.c
@@ -282,11 +282,11 @@

 ** OR this value into the tagtype argument to tag_add_artifact to
 ** cause the tag to be displayed on standard output rather than be
-** inserted.  Used for --dryrun options and debugging.
+** inserted.  Used for --dry-run options and debugging.
 #define TAG_ADD_DRYRUN  0x04

@@ -381,11 +381,11 @@
 ** Options:
 **   --raw   Raw tag name.
 **   --propagate Propagating tag.
 **   --date-override DATETIMESet date and time added.
 **   --user-override USERName USER when adding the tag.
-**   --dryrun|-n Display the tag text, but do not
+**   --dry-run|-nDisplay the tag text, but do not
 **   actually insert it into the database.
 ** The --date-override and --user-override options support
 ** importing history from other SCM systems. DATETIME has
 ** the form '-MMM-DD HH:MM:SS'.
@@ -392,11 +392,11 @@
 ** %fossil tag cancel ?--raw? TAGNAME CHECK-IN
 ** Remove the tag TAGNAME from CHECK-IN, and also remove
 ** the propagation of the tag to any descendants.  Use the
-** the --dryrun or -n options to see what would have happened.
+** the --dry-run or -n options to see what would have happened.
 ** %fossil tag find ?OPTIONS? TAGNAME
 ** List all objects that use TAGNAME.  TYPE can be "ci" for
 ** check-ins or "e" for events. The limit option limits the number
@@ -452,11 +452,11 @@
   if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"add",n)==0 ){
 char *zValue;
 int dryRun = 0;
 const char *zDateOvrd = find_option("date-override",0,1);
 const char *zUserOvrd = find_option("user-override",0,1);
-if( find_option("dryrun","n",0)!=0 ) dryRun = TAG_ADD_DRYRUN;
+if( find_option("dry-run","n",0)!=0 ) dryRun = TAG_ADD_DRYRUN;
 if( g.argc!=5 && g.argc!=6 ){
   usage("add ?options? TAGNAME CHECK-IN ?VALUE?");
 zValue = g.argc==6 ? g.argv[5] : 0;
@@ -470,11 +470,11 @@
  "Use the \"fossil branch new\" command instead.");

   if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"cancel",n)==0 ){
 int dryRun = 0;
-if( find_option("dryrun","n",0)!=0 ) dryRun = TAG_ADD_DRYRUN;
+if( find_option("dry-run","n",0)!=0 ) dryRun = TAG_ADD_DRYRUN;
 if( g.argc!=5 ){
   usage("cancel ?options? TAGNAME CHECK-IN");
 tag_add_artifact(zPrefix, g.argv[3], g.argv[4], 0, dryRun, 0, 0);
@@ -604,11 +604,11 @@
 ** reparenting operation, simply delete the tag.
 **--test   Make database entries but do not add the tag artifact.
 ** So the reparent operation will be undone by the next
 ** "fossil rebuild" command.
-**--dryrun | -nPrint the tag that would have been created but do not
+**--dry-run | -n   Print the tag that would have been created but do not
 ** actually change the database in any way.
 void reparent_cmd(void){
   int bTest = find_option("test","",0)!=0;
   int rid;
@@ -615,11 +615,11 @@
   int i;
   Blob value;
   char *zUuid;
   int dryRun = 0;

-  if( find_option("dryrun","n",0)!=0 ) dryRun = TAG_ADD_DRYRUN;
+  if( find_option("dry-run","n",0)!=0 ) dryRun = TAG_ADD_DRYRUN;
   db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
   if( g.argc<4 ){
 usage("[OPTIONS] CHECK-IN PARENT ...");

Index: src/unversioned.c
--- src/unversioned.c
+++ src/unversioned.c
@@ -183,11 +183,11 @@
 static int unversioned_sync_flags(unsigned syncFlags){
   if( find_option("verbose","v",0)!=0 ){
-  if( find_option("dryrun","n",0)!=0 ){
+  if( find_option("dry-run","n",0)!=0 ){
   return syncFlags;

@@ -236,11 +236,11 @@
 ** local repository to match the remote repository
 ** URL.
 ** Options:
 **-v|--verbose Extra diagnostic output
-**-n|--dryrun  Show what would have happened
+**-n|--dry-run Show what would have happened
 **remove|rm|delete FILE ...
 ** Remove unversioned files from the local repository.
 ** Changes are not pushed to other repositories until
 ** the next sync.
@@ -250,11 +250,11 @@
 ** of each 

[fossil-users] Orphaned option: "timeline-commit-format"

2017-12-18 Thread Florian Balmer
At the time of this writing, the "timeline-commit-format" option seems
"orphaned", i.e. it is only referenced by the /setup_timeline web page
to display the setting, but not queried or honored any more.

As the timeline web view mode defines the display format, I'd like to
suggest to change this option to define the default timeline web view
(Modern View, Compact View, Verbose View or Columnar View).

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Automatic update when changing type on timeline?

2017-12-19 Thread Florian Balmer
As the form has no "submit" element, it works differently in different
web browsers. I've sent a set of patches directly to Richard Hipp to
make use of the "onkeydown" ("onkeyup" in the initial version) instead
of the "onchange" handler for text input elements [0], as in some web
browsers, the "onchange" handler is only fired after the control lost
focus. The "onchange" handler usually works better for drop-down
lists, but obviously not in all cases, and I'm not sure what's the
solution here.

[0] https://www.mail-archive.com/fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org/msg25061.html

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Automatic update when changing type on timeline?

2017-12-19 Thread Florian Balmer
No, my patches were about intercepting the enter key from text input
elements to submit the form and update the view.

In my tests, I found that the "onchange" handler worked fine for
drop-down lists, so you may have detected a new problem.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Automatic update when changing type on timeline?

2017-12-20 Thread Florian Balmer
A submit button would make it more evident that the page can be
updated by hitting enter or pressing the submit button.

Relying on the JavaScript "onxxx" handlers to update the page works
inconsistently across web browsers.

Moreover, the page is updated each time an individual setting is
changed, i.e. entering a limit, choosing a type, and entering a tag
filter will generate three page reloads.

Of course nowadays we have enough bandwith for this, but usually
Fossil strives for more network-efficiency in other areas.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil with IPv6 support on Windows XP

2018-01-03 Thread Florian Balmer
Re: Fossil with IPv6 support on Windows XP

I have several physical and virtual XP machines around, and `fossil
ui' doesn't work any more with the new patch.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil with IPv6 support on Windows XP

2018-01-03 Thread Florian Balmer
Thanks for the interesting details about IPv6 and Windows.

Richard Hipp:

> I'd appreciate it if some readers could try the two versions out,
> side by side, and give their opinions.

Focusing on Windows XP here, the version with [c038de8d] works fine
and navigates to the correct page for `fossil ui'.

Hard to say anything reasonable about speed on Windows XP, as Google
Chrome version 49.0.2623.110 is the latest XP-available browser to
handle all the JavaScript and timeline drawings correctly.

The startup delay for `fossil ui' and `fossil server' on Windows XP is
more obvious than possibly sluggish browser navigation, which I
*think* is due to waiting for StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW. This could
be cut down by skipping the call to StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW for
the `ui' and `server' commands, as Fossil always runs in a console
session, and not as a service, in these cases.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil with IPv6 support on Windows XP

2018-01-05 Thread Florian Balmer
Thomas Schnurrenberger:

> I measured the time it takes to call StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW
> on my 8 year old Windows 7 64bit box: roughly 600 microseconds, I
> don't think this is noticeable!

> It would be interesting to known time on your XP boxes.

Thanks for your interest and for the test program!

My results are:

Elapsed microseconds: 15000606
Elapsed seconds : 15.000607
rc  : 1

This is for both my standard and tweaked physical machines mentioned
earlier [0], as well as a newly setup virtual box. Note that all my
systems are 32-bit.

[0] https://www.mail-archive.com/fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org/msg25001.html

A virtual box (32-bit) to reproduce the behavior can be setup quickly:

* Download "Windows XP Mode" [1]
* The downloaded file is an SFX archive containing a VHD
* Start the OS from the VHD with any virtualization tool

[1] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8002

I'm (still) aware that this is not an important problem, but I find it
interesting. I have some old development tools only available on my XP
machines (older versions of Visual Studio still providing Resource
Editors, to name it). Given the portability of Fossil, I was happy it
worked on Windows XP, but waiting 15 seconds for `fossil ui' cools
down my joy a little bit ;-)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil with IPv6 support on Windows XP

2018-01-05 Thread Florian Balmer
Olivier Mascia:

> But on XP the delay is 'intolerable' rather than unnoticeable. :)
> A small patch for that is included along a larger IPv4/IPv6 patch
> I submitted today.
> I see Richard put it on trunk (see [e506ebb764]) minutes ago.
> Especially those of you using Windows XP would help by building
> from that code and see how it goes for them.
> It looks good, and does not require anymore to install IPv6
> support (command 'ipv6 install') on Windows XP. The solution is
> IPv4/IPv6 agnostic. If at least one of both protocols are useable,
> the software should work nicely.
> As I'm responsible for asking for this support and did a fair part
> of that coding, I'll stay alert on issues that would come out, in
> order to quickly help, should it happen.
> You might then enjoy a fresh build out of trunk.

Goes off like a rocket, thanks for the nice work!

Also, using `GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)!=NULL' to test whether or
not running in a console session is clever, my proposed solution was
to check for the `ui' and `server' commands.

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Check-ins not colored on /leaves web page

2018-01-31 Thread Florian Balmer
Compared to version 2.3 [f7914bfdfa], current tip version 2.5
[8007cfc0db] no longer displays check-in background colors on the
/leaves web page.

As the /brlist web page has recently been enhanced with an option to
show branch colors, I think this minor regression for /leaves was not
intentional, but a side effect of the latest timeline and skin

At least, I liked it, and wanted to report it.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] GOlang supports fossil

2018-02-17 Thread Florian Balmer

> This makes fossil a first class scm citizen together with git and others ..

Depends on your point of view, you could also say that this makes Go a
first class citizen among programming languages ... ;-)

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Minor Issues with Fossil 2.5

2018-02-23 Thread Florian Balmer
I've discovered a few minor issues after updating to Fossil 2.5. As I
have skipped version 2.4, I'm not sure when they were really
introduced. I'd appreciate if they could be considered to be fixed in
case there's some nearby work, say like an occasional appendectomy ;)

1. On the Login/Logout web page, the User ID input field used to have
the keyboard "autofocus". With Fossil 2.5, the input field is no
longer focused, but has to be activated by hitting Tab repeatedly
(cycling through all the links in the top navigation bar, first), or
by using the mouse. I would like to suggest restoring the old
"autofocus" behaviour.

2. There's no "Last-modified" HTTP header when downloading unversioned
files through the /uv web page, causing undesired network traffic for
`wget -N' scripting scenarios, for example, and maybe also with web
spiders (if they are enabled). I would like to suggest sending the
"Last-modified" HTTP header corresponding to the timestamp of the
requested unversioned file.


wget -N http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/uv/fossil-src-2.5.tar.gz

Running this command twice should only download the file once, if the
timestamp had not changed in between the commands.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Minor Issues with Fossil 2.5

2018-02-23 Thread Florian Balmer
> That's because autofocus causes CSS flashes on some web-browsers.
> If you can suggest a reasonable workaround, that would be great.

Oh, I'm sorry I've missed that.

The only other way I know is by JavaScript, something like:

window.onload = function() {

Nowadays, the faster "DOM ready" event may be preferred over
`window.onload', but finding a cross-browser solution here always
seems somewhat cumbersome to me, and the latter seems quick enough for
simple web pages.

However, I'm not sure what are "CSS flashes", and whether they may
appear with the JavaScript method, as well.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Minor Issues with Fossil 2.5

2018-02-24 Thread Florian Balmer
> Is the new ETag mechanism sufficient for your purposes?

That's a great addition, thanks!

However, my simple scripting tools don't support ETags, i.e. the `wget
-N' example (latest version 1.19.4) mentioned earlier still carries
out two full downloads of the Fossil source code archive.

With the "Last-Modified" header, the timestamp of the downloaded
unversioned file can be set correctly, and locally updated unversioned
files waiting to be synchronized with the server would not be
clobbered by accidental runs of the download script, for example, but
this would fail with ETags (if I get it right, ETags can only say
"different", whereas "Last-Modified" can say "newer").

Even the most basic scripting solutions, like
"WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1" used with WSH, are able to return the
"Last-Modified" header, whereas implementing ETag support in these
cases requires "less-recreational" scripting ;)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Minor Issues with Fossil 2.5

2018-02-24 Thread Florian Balmer
Thinking about HTTP caching twice, the following comes to my mind:

A command line download tool, that unlike a web browser does not keep
a cache of content and associated ETags, won't be able to calculate
the ETag for a file it is going to request from a Fossil web server.

ETags are not simple file checksums, and Fossil seems to use the
following information to generate them:


So command line download tools can only rely on the "Last-Modified" header.

And, as already mentioned, I do see additional benefit from receiving
file timestamps over the web. This is in contrast to check-out
timestamps, which Fossil does not preserve, likely so that build tools
like `make' know what to do.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Minor Issues with Fossil 2.5

2018-02-25 Thread Florian Balmer

> Someone already made an ETag wrapper for wget:
> https://www.w3.org/2001/12/rubyrdf/pack/tests/scutter/wget.pl

Thanks for the interesting link.

> There is no requirement or specification for the value of an ETag,
> could use the Fossil artifact hash as the ETag value. Then a script
> trying to fetch the file can generate the value from the current copy
> of the file.

I agree, but with the current implementation, at least the
 ingredient is hard to guess for a client script trying to
generate a Fossil ETag.

I think that the "Last-Modified" header is much easier to handle, as
it boils down to parsing a GMT date/time string. And, as already
mentioned, clobbering of locally-modified files can be avoided with
the timestamp mechanism, this is not possible with an ETag alone.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Minor Issues with Fossil 2.5

2018-02-25 Thread Florian Balmer
D. Richard Hipp:

> Consider this sequence of operations:
> (1) User A does a "uv push"
> (2) User B does a "wget -N" against the uv.
> (3) User C does a "uv push" of different content.
> If all of (1), (2), and (3) happen during the same second and if
> unversioned content honors the If-Modified-Since header, then
> subsequent attempts by user B to do "wget -N" will continue to
> retrieve the obsolete version of the unversioned content that was
> uploaded by user A. User B will never see the more recent content
> uploaded by user C.

Yes, I agree.

It's the same situation as if multiple users were sharing files on a
web server space not under version control, with uploads by FTP ("uv
push") and downloads by HTTP ("wget -N").

This may work well for "inert" files, requiring small temporary local
adaptations not worth archiving, but bothersome if overwritten by an
accidental "wget". However, "mission-critical" and "fast-changing"
files, for which the risk of loosing content is unacceptable, had
better be put under version control.

As far as I remember, I've come across the recommendation to combine
ETags and Last-Modified headers, so the client could pick
If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since to validate its cached content.

And, it's already there, and works like a charm!

Thank you very much for all your efforts you're putting into this
project, this is really appreciated!

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Minor Issues with Fossil 2.5

2018-03-02 Thread Florian Balmer
It's not at all that I think I'm the expert you've summoned in your
last post on this thread. As you've been running your own high-traffic
"althttpd" server for many years, maybe you should explain the
Internet to us.

I was doing some (limited) research about RFCs, recommendations from
the Apache web server documentation, and blog posts by web browser
developers. It's often stated that "If-None-Match" should be given
precedence over "If-Modified-Since", but I haven't come across any
"hard facts".

I've created a small PHP script to test HTTP caching with ETags.

= etags.php =
4) $m=0;
$lmt=1519776000; // Wed, 28 Feb 2018 00:00:00 GMT
$etag='caffee'; // fixed
// handle If-Modified-Since
if (($m==1 || $m>=2 && !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) &&
strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])==$lmt) {
  header('Not Modified',true,304);
// handle If-None-Match
if ($m>=3 && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) &&
$_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']=='"'.$etag.'"') {
  header('Not Modified',true,304);
// generate new data
if ($m==2)
  $etag='--'; // none
else if ($m!=4)
  $etag=uniqid(); // random
if ($m!=2)
  header('ETag: "'.$etag.'"');
header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',$lmt).' GMT'); // fixed
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, private');
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
  "• Always reply with fixed \"Last-Modified\" date header\n".
  "• Reply with random, fixed, or no ETag (see query parameters)\n\n".
  "• IF_MODIFIED_SINCE: always cache hit (send \"304/Not Modified\")\n".
  "• IF_NONE_MATCH: cache hit on ETag match, cache miss otherwise\n";
  "\nQuery Parameters (Mode):\n\n".
  "• ?m=0: random ETag, no caching (default)\n".
  "• ?m=1: random ETag, favor IF_MODIFIED_SINCE (cache hit)\n".
  "• ?m=2: omit ETag, favor IF_MODIFIED_SINCE (cache hit)\n".
  "• ?m=3: random ETag, favor IF_NONE_MATCH (cache miss)\n".
  "• ?m=4: fixed ETag, favor IF_NONE_MATCH (cache hit)\n";
echo "\nScript State:\n\n";
echo "• Mode: $m\n";
echo "• Date: ".gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s')." GMT\n";
echo "• ETag: $etag\n";
echo "\nRequest Headers:\n\n";
foreach ($_SERVER as $k=>$v)
  if (substr($k,0,5)=='HTTP_') echo "• $k: $v\n";
echo "\nResponse Headers:\n\n";
foreach (headers_list() as $k=>$v)
  echo "• $v\n";
= etags.php =

The script always responds with a constant "Last-Modified" header, but
generates a random ETag on each run (there's also other options,
explained in the script output).

The idea is that whenever the ETag → "If-None-Match" route is taken,
the script output in the web browser is also updated, so it's obvious
that the client preferred "If-None-Match" over "If-Modified-Since".
The script should be reloaded with F5 and Ctrl+F5 (to disable caching)
to see the effects.

The clients I've tested all favor ETags over "If-Modified-Since", even
Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP, so no harm here. But of course
"wget -N" without the extra Perl wrapper to add ETag support favors

I see that client-server clock skews, and the low resolution (1
second) of the "Last-Modified" timestamp, even more so in conjunction
with the --mtime option to set arbitrary timestamps for unversioned
files, may cause havoc.

But maybe the above script is helpful to test more "exotic" clients on
the way to the decision to support ETags AND "Last-Modified" vs. ETags

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Direct SQL dumps have modified line endings

2018-05-06 Thread Florian Balmer
I'm using direct SQL queries on Fossil repository databases to find file
blobs, similar to what Fossil itself uses to generate the /bloblist web


With a list of file blobs, it's possible to find files from one repository
missing in another repository. Or, by printing file blobs to stdout
redirected to a pipe, it's possible to create scripts to perform full-text
searches over the entire repository contents from the command line.

For me, these are more great example of the powers of Fossil!

While using SQL anyway, I dumped the file blobs with the following SQL

[a] SELECT content(blob.uuid) FROM blob WHERE blob.rid = "RID";

I'm aware that this is not the documented way to dump a file blob, there's:

[b] fossil artifact "rid:RID"
[c] fossil cat filename -r VERSION

(Finding VERSION from a RID or UUID requires further SQL queries.)

While [b] and [c] generate output with the same line endings as the
original files, method [a] generates output with completely different line

Following is a Windows batch script to demonstrate this. The Windows
built-in `certutil' command is used to generate test files with CR+LF, LF,
or CR line endings, which are then committed to a new repository. Next, the
file blobs are dumped to separate files with each of the methods [a], [b],
and [c].

-- file: test-eol.cmd --
@echo off

echo  43 52 0d 43 52 0d 43 52  0d 43 52 0d 43 52 0d
certutil -decodehex -f hex-cr.txt file-cr.txt
del hex-cr.txt

echo  43 52 4c 46 0d 0a 43 52  4c 46 0d 0a 43 52 4c 46
CRLF..CRLF..CRLF> hex-crlf.txt
echo 0010 0d 0a 43 52 4c 46 0d 0a  43 52 4c 46 0d 0a
..CRLF..CRLF..>> hex-crlf.txt
certutil -decodehex -f hex-crlf.txt file-crlf.txt
del hex-crlf.txt

echo  4c 46 0a 4c 46 0a 4c 46  0a 4c 46 0a 4c 46 0a
  LF.LF.LF.LF.LF.> hex-lf.txt
certutil -decodehex -f hex-lf.txt file-lf.txt
del hex-lf.txt

fossil init --admin-user florian test.fossil
fossil open test.fossil

fossil add file-cr.txt file-crlf.txt file-lf.txt

fossil ci --user florian -m "EOL Test" --no-warnings

fossil artifact "rid:2"> dump-artifact-rid2.txt
fossil artifact "rid:3"> dump-artifact-rid3.txt
fossil artifact "rid:4"> dump-artifact-rid4.txt

fossil cat file-cr.txt -r tip> dump-cat-file-cr.txt
fossil cat file-crlf.txt -r tip> dump-cat-file-crlf.txt
fossil cat file-lf.txt -r tip> dump-cat-file-lf.txt

echo SELECT content^^^(blob.uuid^^^) FROM blob WHERE blob.rid = "2"; |
fossil sql> dump-sql-rid2.txt
echo SELECT content^^^(blob.uuid^^^) FROM blob WHERE blob.rid = "3"; |
fossil sql> dump-sql-rid3.txt
echo SELECT content^^^(blob.uuid^^^) FROM blob WHERE blob.rid = "4"; |
fossil sql> dump-sql-rid4.txt

fossil close
-- file: test-eol.cmd --

The resulting "dump-artifact-*.txt" and "dump-cat-file-*.txt" are all
identical to the original "file-*.txt", but the "dump-sql-*.txt" have
different line endings:

CR → CR, with an extra CR+LF at the end
CR+LF → CR+CR+LF, with an extra CR+LF at the end
LF → CR+LF, with an extra CR+LF at the end

I don't consider this a problem or even a bug, and the work-around is to
use method [b] to dump a file blob. However, I wanted to report the
behavior, as I don't see the logic (but this may be just me), and I'm
somewhat surprised that SQL queries return "modified data", in case
somebody relies on similar SQL queries for backups. Or is it just the
Fossil-specific `contents(uuid)' SQL function doing some line ending magic
for internal use, which is fixed before using the blob in Fossil?

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Feature request: warnings about *mixed* line endings only

2018-05-06 Thread Florian Balmer
The "crlf-glob" setting allows files to have CR, CR+LF or mixed line
endings. The "--no-warnings" option for "fossil commit" works analogously
(and also affects warnings about binary files).

As a (mostly) Windows user, I would appreciate a way to silence warnings
for all files with *consistent* line endings (CR, CR+LF, and LF), but still
display a warning for files with *mixed* line endings, or *binary* contents.

Decent text editors ensure consistent line endings, but files
auto-generated from various sources, or modified using command-line tools,
can still have mixed line endings.

This sounds like a simple change, but from looking at the Fossil source
code, it seems less trivial, as the decisions about line ending warnings
are all coalesced to single "crlfOk" variables.

Maybe a new "crlf-consistency" setting (to alphabetically sort near
"crlf-glob", but work independently) is the best way to implement this? A
new command line option for "fossil commit" may also be required, so as not
to change workflow?

I hope that this feature request is of enough general interest, so that you
may consider adding it.

Thank you very much!
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Direct SQL dumps have modified line endings

2018-05-06 Thread Florian Balmer
I'm sorry the batch script from my previous message did not make it through
the mailing list in a ready-to-copy-and-paste form, so it's posted here:


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Fossil 2.6: shm- and wal-files left behind

2018-05-09 Thread Florian Balmer
With Fossil 2.6, sometimes there's *.fossil-shm and *.fossil-wal files left
behind in the directory where the repository databases are stored.

This happens if an unversioned file is accessed through the /uv web
interface for the second time (or more). If the web interface to view an
unversioned file is accessed for the first time, or if any other page of
the web UI is accessed, no such files are present.

All web requests seem to complete without signs of error in the web browser
(in particular, no red error message on top, also not for non-cached pages
other than /uv). There's no suspicious entries in the web server error
logs, and no core dump files, or similar.

My shared web host is running FreeBSD (64-bit) and Apache, with Fossil 2.6
[9718f3b078] through a CGI script. I haven't been able to reproduce this on
Windows, but I have only tested the `fossil ui' mechanism, and not the full
web server/CGI setup.

I wonder if this could be related to the recently added support for the
ETags, Last-Modified, and If-Modified-Since cache control mechanisms, i.e.
that there's some "premature shutdown" of the SQLite engine when handling
/uv cache hits?

I'm aware this is not dangerous, as SQLite will recover any information
from the leftover files, but nonetheless I'm reporting it.


(My index-pages are set to unversioned wiki files, and they have hyperlinks
to the repository list, so it's a common scenario for me to "leave" a
repository through an unversioned index-page, revealing the shm- and
fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] More Login/Logout web page focus issues

2018-05-09 Thread Florian Balmer
With Fossil 2.6, there's a new "unencrypted connection" security warning in
the Login/Logout form, which also has a hyperlink to a secure login page.

In some web browsers, pressing TAB to move the input focus from "User ID"
to "Password" sets the focus to this hyperlink, instead of the next form

I would like to suggest to add "tabindex" attributes to the login form
controls, so that it's possible to cycle through the controls in a logical
order, i.e. "tabindex=1" for "User ID", "tabindex=2" for "Password",
"tabindex=3" for the "Login" button, and maybe "tabindex=4" for the secure
login link.

As auto-focusing the "User ID" field is unfortunately no longer possible
[0], setting a "tabindex" may also have the effect that the "User ID" field
can be focused with one single TAB keypress (on some web browsers, this may
only work if all other controls have a higher "tabindex", or "tabindex=-1",
the latter reducing accessibility).


Also, adding "accesskey" attributes can be handy to jump to
non-auto-focused form controls, for example "accesskey=u" for "User ID",
and "accesskey=p" for "Password". The hotkeys could be displayed with
underlined style in the form labels, to make them visible to the user.

Moreover, wrapping the labels for the input fields inside "..." enables another quick way (by clicking the label) to
focus an input field with all contents selected.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil 2.6: shm- and wal-files left behind

2018-05-10 Thread Florian Balmer
Warren Young:

> If “fossil server” or “fossil ui” is still running in the
> background, then I would fully expect the WAL and SHM files to
> still be around. The worrying case is when they’re left behind
> after the SQLite-based process that created them has died.

My observations were from CGI requests ("fossil cgi"). I think the Fossil
process is terminated after each request, as I usually don't see any
temporary files, and `ls /proc' shows no leftovers (if this is the proper
way to check this on *nix).

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil 2.6: shm- and wal-files left behind

2018-05-10 Thread Florian Balmer
With further testing, I noticed that the If-Modified-Since cache control
mechanism does not seem to work for /uv web pages, anymore. This can be
seen by repeatedly downloading the Fossil Source Tarball using wget:

wget -N http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/uv/fossil-src-2.6.tar.gz

For unmodified downloads, wget is expected to say:

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 304 Not Modified
File 'fossil-src-2.6.tar.gz' not modified on server. Omitting download.

But for the Fossil Source Tarball, it repeatedly says:

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Server ignored If-Modified-Since header for file 'fossil-src-2.6.tar.gz'.

I know that this feature used to work well, when it was added, I can still
remember my joy :) about it:

[...] If-Modified-Since [...] works like a charm! [0]


I noticed a few things:

Both etag_check() and etag_last_modified() in src/etag.c properly call
fossil_exit() to shutdown SQLite when they handle a cache hit (they are
called from doc_page() in src/doc.c).

But they are called inside a db_step() { ... } db_finalize() block [1], and
when they call fossil_exit(), db_finalize() does not seem to be called.
(When fossil_exit() calls db_close(), there's some db_finalize() action
going on, but if I understand that right, it's just for the local checkout
database, and not for the main repository database.) I'm not sure if this
might be the reason for the leftover SHM and WAL files?

[1] http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/artifact?name=dbf23864f8&ln=648-652

I'm also not 100% sure why wget can't handle the If-Modified-Since case any
more, as the initial requests to /uv web pages correctly return both ETag
and Last-Modified headers. But, after updating the Fossil binary to version
2.6, I suspect that wget may hit the following condition: [2]

[2] http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/artifact?name=535a623ccd&ln=154-157

This looks like unversioned files older than the Fossil binary always
generate If-Modified-Since cache misses (since the Last-Modified header
always seems to report the "real" mtime, and not a "Fossil binary"-adjusted
"pseudo mtime", as is done for ETags computation).

Therefore, I would like to make the following suggestions:

* Check if db_finalize() should be called explicitly before etag_check()
and etag_last_modified() are allowed to terminate Fossil.

* Check if the "resources older than the Fossil binary always get
If-Modified-Since cache misses" condition should be relaxed for /uv web
pages (this condition may make sense for CSS style sheets compiled into the
Fossil binary, for example).

* cgi_modified_since() in src/cgi.c seems to be unused [3].

[3] http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/artifact?name=da970218b4&ln=1957-1970

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil 2.6: shm- and wal-files left behind

2018-05-10 Thread Florian Balmer
Sorry for spamming the list, I try short.

Just another comment about Fossil's If-Modified-Since rules:


I learned a lot about If-Modified-Since when adding HTTP caching to my
home-brewed wiki. All kind of information was important to compute the
Last-Modified header, like the last modified time of the most recent page
in the wiki (to decide whether or not to expire a page, and reparse its
hyperlinks, as they were styled differently when targeting existing or
missing pages), the user login time (to decide whether or not to expire a
page, if another user with different permissions was logged in), or the CGI
script last modified time (to expire pages rendered with an earlier version
of the script, mostly useful for developing and testing) -- but the "real"
modified time of the wiki page itself was not used.

That's the principle Fossil uses when serving "processed" unversioned
content (such as wiki pages, where the output may change with new versions
of Fossil with enhanced wiki rendering capabilities, or with the menu bar
entries reflecting permissions of the currently logged-in user). The
Last-Modified header of an unversioned file is not important, in this case,
and can never be older than the Fossil binary file mtime.

But for binary files, such as zip-archives, I see the /uv web page more as
a "static" store, and would like to get the "real" Last-Modified header, so
that (simple) scripts can decide whether or not a re-download is necessary,
and apply correct time stamps to the downloaded files.

Maybe Fossil could treat "processed" content (wiki pages and the like)
differently from purely "static" content? Or, an additional /uvraw (or
/static) web interface could be used to download unprocessed content, as
is, with the original Last-Modified time stamps?

Is this the famous 2 hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation,
naming things, and off-by-1 errors? :)

(I'm just trying to be funny, I hope my amateurish messages are not
offending to all you highly decorated computer specialists. Also, I can't
reproduce the leftover SHM and WAL files on Windows, and I'm not able to
build Fossil for FreeBSD and do more tests there, my shared host is lacking
tools, and I don't have my virtual machine "at hand", right now, I'm sorry.)

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Patch to fix leftover SHM and WAL files

2018-05-12 Thread Florian Balmer
I have now had access to a fully equipped FreeBSD machine, and was able to
do more investigation.

I found that the patch appended to this message fixes the problem with the
leftover SHM and WAL files. They are seen each time an unversioned file is
accessed over the /uv web interface, with an IF-NONE-MATCH or

I was using the Fossil binary from here when I discovered the problem:


I have verified that a mere rebuild (without applying the patch) does not
fix the problem.

I'm using a simple CGI setup to run Fossil on my web server, where each CGI
request is answered by a newly spawned (and immediately terminated)
process. People with more sophisticated server configurations, where Fossil
keeps running in the background, may not see this problem, probably as the
database is "implicitly finalized" by subsequent SQL queries, or because
other running instances of Fossil immediately clean up the SHM and WAL
files, I don't know. Also, I could not reproduce the problem on Windows.

Anyway, this simple patch fixes my problem, and I'd be very happy if you
could incorporate it into the main Fossil code base. (I have already sent
you my signed Contributor Agreement last year, in case this matters.)

If there's cases where Fossil keeps running after serving a /doc or /uv
page, it may be worthwhile to free the allocated temporary string.


= Patch for Fossil [04190488] ==

--- Fossil-04190488\src\doc.c Fri May 11 17:02:34 2018
+++ Fossil-patched\src\doc.c Sat May 12 10:41:00 2018
@@ -636,27 +636,31 @@
  if( !file_is_simple_pathname(zName, 1) ){
goto doc_not_found;
  goto doc_not_found;
  if( isUV ){
if( db_table_exists("repository","unversioned") ){
  Stmt q;
+char *zHash=0;
+sqlite3_int64 mtime=0;
  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT hash, mtime FROM unversioned"
 " WHERE name=%Q", zName);
  if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
-  etag_check(ETAG_HASH, db_column_text(&q,0));
-  etag_last_modified(db_column_int64(&q,1));
+  zHash = fossil_strdup(db_column_text(&q,0));
+  mtime = db_column_int64(&q,1);
+if( zHash ) etag_check(ETAG_HASH, zHash);
+if( mtime ) etag_last_modified(mtime);
  if( unversioned_content(zName, &filebody)==0 ){
rid = 1;
zDfltTitle = zName;
  }else if( fossil_strcmp(zCheckin,"ckout")==0 ){
/* Read from the local checkout */
char *zFullpath;
zFullpath = mprintf("%s/%s", g.zLocalRoot, zName);

= Patch for Fossil [04190488] ==
fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Patch to fix leftover SHM and WAL files

2018-05-13 Thread Florian Balmer
I have now been able to reproduce the behavior on Windows, with a fake CGI
request for an /uv cache hit.

The following commands create a new test repository with an unversioned
file, a CGI control file, and set a few environment variables.

The commands can be run from a batch file, or by copy-pasting all of them
at once into the command prompt.

fossil init --admin-user dummy test.fossil
fossil rebuild --wal -R test.fossil
echo Just a text file> test.txt
fossil uv add test.txt --mtime "2018-05-14T00:00" -R test.fossil --user
echo repository: test.fossil> test.cfg
set SCRIPT_NAME=dummy
set PATH_INFO=/uv/test.txt
fossil cgi test.cfg
echo  List SHM and WAL files with HTTP 200 OK ==
dir *-shm *-wal
set HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE=Mon, 14 May 2018 00:00:00 GMT
fossil cgi test.cfg
echo  List SHM and WAL files with HTTP 304 Not Modified 
dir *-shm *-wal

And before each new test run:

del test.fossil test.fossil-shm test.fossil-wal

With the latest Fossil binary downloaded from fossil-scm.org, the SQLlite
temporary files are removed for "200 OK", but they are left behind for "304
Not Modified".

With the patch from the first post applied, the temporary files are also
removed for "304 Not Modified".

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] The /timewarps web UI does not seem to work

2018-05-14 Thread Florian Balmer
Sorry for messing up the line-width for sample commands and scripts posted
to this mailing list.

I have noticed that the /timewarps web UI does not seem to work, any more.

Test case:

fossil init --admin-user florian test.fossil
fossil open test.fossil
fossil ci -m "Older check-in date" --date-override "2018-04-14T16:30" \
   --allow-empty --allow-older --user florian
fossil ui --page timewarps



The "Instances of timewarp" page says "No timewarps in this repository" for
either case.

I think the Fossil repository had some check-ins with timewarps for testing.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] The /timewarps web UI does not seem to work

2018-05-14 Thread Florian Balmer
I'm sorry then I didn't understand what are "timewarps", and there's none
in the Fossil repository (as I had mistakenly assumed).

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] The /timewarps web UI does not seem to work

2018-05-14 Thread Florian Balmer
Ah, now I see. I was using a script to check-in a commit to a new (empty)
repository, with the commit time older than the initial check-in time. I
aborted the script on the clock skew warning, but found an empty /timewarps

It's only timewarps originating from the initial check-in that are not
shown. Timewarps not originating from the "repository root" are displayed:

fossil init --admin-user florian test.fossil
fossil open test.fossil
fossil ci -m "Older check-in date" --date-override "2018-04-14T16:30" \
--allow-empty --allow-older --user florian
fossil ci -m "Oldest check-in date" --date-override "2018-04-14T16:29" \
--allow-empty --allow-older --user florian
fossil ui --page timewarps

This displays one entry ("Older" to "Oldest", but not "Older" to "initial
empty check-in").

Sorry for the false alarm. I fear to be dropped soon from the list :(

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] HTTP caching, again

2018-05-17 Thread Florian Balmer
Sorry for my perseveration on the topic.

I'm using a /uv index page for my repositories. After login, the index page
is not expired, and I can only see the Admin entry from the top navigation
bar until after a "hard" reload with Ctrl+F5.

So I tried to to generate a "login-time-sensitive" ETag. This worked well
with the "cexpire" field from the "user" table (which is actually the login
time, shifted to the future by one unit of the "cookie-expire" setting).

But as there's serial cache expiration checks, an ETag cache miss is
immediately caught by a Last-Modified cache hit (no matter whether or not
the Fossil executable mtime is used to limit the age of the Last-Modified

I'm not sure if this can be solved to work well for both web UI pages (ETag
preferred) and "static" files downloaded via scripts (Last-Modified

One possible solution may be to include the "cexpire" field in ETag
calculation, drop the If-Modified-Since handler, but still return a
Last-Modified date.

Like this, wget and simple scripts can still do their own If-Modified-Since
cache checks based on HTTP HEAD requests, and use the returned
Last-Modified date to adjust file time stamps. Given that the time stamps
of unversioned files can be changed arbitrarily, and may not be 100%
accurate anyway, this could make a good compromise.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] HTTP caching, again

2018-05-17 Thread Florian Balmer
> One possible solution may be to include the "cexpire" field in
> ETag calculation, drop the If-Modified-Since handler, but still
> return a Last-Modified date.

Well, it may be possible to support both caching mechanisms. But then an
ETag mismatch should result in a cache miss, and the If-Modified-Since
route should no longer be taken thereafter.

As Fossil supplies both and ETag and a Last-Modified header for the initial
(non-cached) page view, web browsers will also send back both headers, and
then If-Modified-Since can undermine If-None-Match cache misses.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] HTTP caching, again

2018-05-17 Thread Florian Balmer
D. Richard Hipp:

> The ETag values already reset based on changes to the display
> cookie. I suppose they could change again based on the login
> cookie. The question is, would this solve Florent's problem?

Yes, adding "user.cexpire" to the ETag ingredients [0] would solve part of
the problem: /uv pages (and hence the navigation menu entries) are not
expired after a new user is logged-in.

[0] http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/artifact?&name=9ef915be04&ln=24-28

The other part is that whenever the client has included an ETag header with
the request, the Last-Modified header should no longer be evaluated, but an
ETag mismatch should already result in a cache miss, without giving the
Last-Modified pathway a chance to "validate" a page previously classified
as expired by the ETag handler.

To test this, you can view the (unversioned) Download page on the Fossil
website, then click login and logout from there, and check if you can
always see the correct (i.e. the current, or no) username near the
login/logout link, and the Admin menu entry (if enabled by the skin), or if
you need to press Ctrl+F5.


> Would a vary-on-cookie solve this already?

Aha, thanks for the input, today's bedtime reading ... I live almost in the
UTC time zone, handy when using Fossil :)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] HTTP caching, again

2018-05-17 Thread Florian Balmer

> I don't think you need to reset it, just sending the vary header
> should be enough?

I was able to try this, and it works fine!

Adding the following line:

   fprintf(g.httpOut, "Vary: Cookie\r\n");

right after printing the ETag header in src/cgi.c (and also after printing
the Last-Modified header, if not already printed after the ETag header)
results in correct web page expiration after login and logout.

Using "user.cexpire" to calculate the ETag may give more fine-grained
control, as for example a /uv page would not need a refresh if an unrelated
cookie (for example, to set /timeline display options) were changed, but
overall, the "Vary: Cookie" method may work well enough.

Also, with "Vary: Cookie", there may be issues with caching proxies,
depending on whether they receive and evaluate all the cookies, but this
may not be a problem for Fossil.

For clients that do not understand or support "Vary: Cookie", I would still
suggest to perform the Last-Modified checks only if no ETag was included
with the request (so that ETag misses can not be outdone by Last-Modified

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] HTTP caching, again

2018-05-18 Thread Florian Balmer

> Such a proxy would be pretty broken. ... Again, such a client is
> pretty much broken already under the caching model. ...

I agree. Writing an HTTP server in a perfect world may be easy. But I feel
like a lot of programming work are efforts to make broken clients (or
"components") work?

My tests for the "Vary: Cookie" header were on Windows, with the Fossil
built-in (`fossil ui') local web server, and the "localauth" setting
enabled, so that login and logout was possible. This worked fine.

But then I noticed something strange: most major web browsers (not tested
with Firefox) do not seem to send If-None-Match request headers for
localhost connections, but only use If-Modified-Since.

So I rebuilt Fossil with the same modification to send a "Vary: Cookie"
header along with ETag and Last-Modified headers, and tested it on my
FreeBSD / Apache remote web server -- and unfortunately it doesn't work
(again tested with most major web browsers, not tested with Firefox).

Apache seems to do minimal HTTP header rearrangements compared to the
Fossil local web server, such as:

Vary: Accept-Encoding
Vary: Cookie


Vary: Cookie,Accept-Encoding


Connection: close


Connection: Keep-Alive
Keep-Alive: timeout=2, max=99

but I think this should not affect HTTP caching.

So it looks like "Vary: Cookie" only works for clients relying on the
If-Modified-Since cache control mechanism?

The only way I found to get both the Fossil built-in local web server, and
the FreeBSD / Apache remote web server to work as expected, i.e. that /uv
web pages are are correctly expired after a new user is logged-in, was the
following combination:

* Add "user.cexpire" to the ETag ingredients.
* Skip If-Modified-Since handling after If-None-Match has already detected
an ETag cache miss.
* Send a "Vary: Cookie" header with ETag and Last-Modified headers.


= Patch for Fossil [04190488] ==

Index: src/cgi.c
--- src/cgi.c
+++ src/cgi.c
@@ -242,10 +242,11 @@

  ** Do a normal HTTP reply
  void cgi_reply(void){
+  int vary_cookie = 0;
int total_size;
if( iReplyStatus<=0 ){
  iReplyStatus = 200;
  zReplyStatus = "OK";
@@ -262,19 +263,24 @@
  /* isConst means that the reply is guaranteed to be invariant, even
  ** after configuration changes and/or Fossil binary recompiles. */
  fprintf(g.httpOut, "Cache-Control: max-age=31536000\r\n");
}else if( etag_tag()!=0 ){
  fprintf(g.httpOut, "ETag: %s\r\n", etag_tag());
+vary_cookie = 1;
  fprintf(g.httpOut, "Cache-Control: max-age=%d\r\n", etag_maxage());
  fprintf(g.httpOut, "Cache-control: no-cache\r\n");
if( etag_mtime()>0 ){
  fprintf(g.httpOut, "Last-Modified: %s\r\n",
+vary_cookie = 1;

+  if( vary_cookie )
+fprintf(g.httpOut, "Vary: Cookie\r\n");
if( blob_size(&extraHeader)>0 ){
  fprintf(g.httpOut, "%s", blob_buffer(&extraHeader));

/* Add headers to turn on useful security options in browsers. */

Index: src/doc.c
--- src/doc.c
+++ src/doc.c
@@ -641,17 +641,26 @@
  if( isUV ){
if( db_table_exists("repository","unversioned") ){
  Stmt q;
+char *zHash=0;
+sqlite3_int64 mtime=0;
  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT hash, mtime FROM unversioned"
 " WHERE name=%Q", zName);
  if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
-  etag_check(ETAG_HASH, db_column_text(&q,0));
-  etag_last_modified(db_column_int64(&q,1));
+  zHash = fossil_strdup(db_column_text(&q,0));
+  mtime = db_column_int64(&q,1);
+if( zHash==0 || etag_check(ETAG_HASH, zHash)==0 ){
+  /* Prevent the If-Modified-Since cache handler to
+  ** undermine cache misses already cleared by the
+  ** If-None-Match cache handler. */
+  if ( mtime ) etag_last_modified(mtime);
+if( zHash ) free(zHash);
  if( unversioned_content(zName, &filebody)==0 ){
rid = 1;
zDfltTitle = zName;

Index: src/etag.c
--- src/etag.c
+++ src/etag.c
@@ -20,14 +20,15 @@
  ** An ETag is a hash that encodes attributes which must be the same for
  ** the page to continue to be valid.  Attributes that might be contained
  ** in the ETag include:
  **   (1)  The mtime on the Fossil executable
-**   (2)  The last change to the CONFIG table
-**   (3)  The last change to the EVENT table
-**   (4)  The value of the display cookie
-**   (5)  A hash value supplied by the page generator
+**   (2)  The "user.cexpire" field for logged-in users
+**   (3)  The last change to the CONFIG table
+**   (4)

Re: [fossil-users] HTTP caching, again

2018-05-21 Thread Florian Balmer
Now I see why the clever and elegant solution to use "Vary: Cookie", as
suggested by Joerg, does not fix /uv page expiration after login and
logout, and I can also explain the strange differences between the local
Fossil built-in web server, and my remote web server.

The local Fossil built-in web server uses the HTTP/1.0 protocol. On my
remote web server, Apache automatically upgrades the CGI responses
generated by Fossil to HTTP/1.1.

HTTP/1.0 does not yet support ETags, but only Last-Modified stamps, and
thus web browsers do not include If-None-Match with their requests, but
just stick to If-Modified-Since [0]. Interestingly, "Vary: Cookie" works
(i.e. /uv pages are expired after login and logout) with Chrome, and looks
like it's working with IE and Edge (but in fact they are not caching pages
with "Vary: Cookie" at all, mimicking a correct refresh triggered by a
cookie update; it may be my browser settings).

[0] https://stackoverflow.com/a/28033770

With HTTP/1.1, browsers include If-None-Match with their requests, but
"Vary: Cookie" no longer has any effects (i.e. /uv pages are not expired
after login and logout).

I think that "Vary: Cookie" is intended to work with unconditional HTTP
requests: the browser is directed to stick to the expiry date and use the
cached page, unless the cookies have changed.

But caching works differently with conditional HTTP requests
(If-None-Match, If-Modified-Since): pages are always revalidated with the
server, whether or not the cookies have changed, and "Vary: Cookie" has no
additional effects, here.

I've attached a simple PHP script to test this:

The script generates two web pages, one to expire after 10 seconds (through
a "Cache-Control: max-age=10" HTTP response header), the other to handle a
conditional request (through a "Cache-Control: must-revalidate, private"
header) that always returns "304 Not Modified" (to simulate the current
Fossil "Last-Modified always wins" caching behavior).

Repeatedly clicking the "Reload" links causes the first page to refresh
every 10 seconds (watch the "Date" and "Cookie" entries). The second page
remains unchanged (unless reloaded with Ctrl+F5).

Clicking "Update cookie" modifies the test cookie (by JavaScript). Now the
first page is refreshed immediately - the effect of "Vary: Cookie". The
second page still remains unchanged.

That's why /uv pages are not expired after login and logout, even if the
login cookie has changed. The browser always revalidates the page, and
whether or not Fossil detects an ETag mismatch after login and logout
(currently, it doesn't, as the ETag is not "login-time-sensitive"), it is
immediately undermined by a Last-Modified match. "Vary: Cookie" can't fix

I have been using Fossil with the patch to expire /uv web pages whenever a
new user is logged-in for a few days, now.

With the repository index page set to a /uv page [1], I have a very smooth
user experience for login and logout actions:

After login, I can immediately see the Admin menu entry and the user name
display in the top right corner, without the need to do a "hard" reload
(Ctrl+F5) -- exactly the way it was before Fossil supported HTTP caching.

My index page has a direct logout link, and when clicked, the Admin menu
entry and user name display are again updated immediately:

   [/login?out | Logout]

If the user login state does not change, Fossil sends a "304 Not Modified"
response, and the web browser shows the cached page, with the Admin menu
entry and the user name display in sync.

If there's future plans to use HTTP caching not only for /uv, but also for
/doc and /wiki pages, more people may run into the issue that they need to
do "hard" reloads after login and logout.

I have refactored the patch (attached) to have one single function handle
either conditional request, and hide the logic to ensure that ETag
mismatches won't be undermined by Last-Modified matches, so it's easier to
reuse it for other page generators than /uv, at a later stage. I'm not sure
if it's safe to change HTTP/1.0 to HTTP/1.1 for the local Fossil built-in
web server (I think it is, as it's likely that it is silently upgraded by
most web servers).

"Vary: Cookie" was left in place, just in case, as a possible fallback for
local HTTP/1.0 servers. Like this, it's easy to test the impact of "Vary:
Cookie", as removing the ETAG_CEXP flag from the call to etag_check()
changes ETag generation to be "login-time-agnostic", again.

I would really like to encourage you to try the patch, and see how this
changes the user experience for login and logout actions related to /uv web
pages, on local and remote Fossil web servers.

Thank you very much

[1] A /uv repository index page can be updated by scripting and replaced
for local clones, and unlike with /doc or /wiki, changes never show up in
the Fossil timeline and/or file hierarchy. I'm keeping the (identical)
index pages for my repositories in a separate meta-repository, so no need
to archive their

[fossil-users] File History: "Classic View" == "Modern View"?

2018-05-23 Thread Florian Balmer
For the File History web page, it looks like "Classic View" is the same as
"Modern View":


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Reversed If-Modified-Since checks

2018-06-10 Thread Florian Balmer
As `wget -N' adds 1 second to the If-Modified-Since stamp derived from
existing local files (maybe due to different time stamp resolutions on
various file systems), I noticed that the If-Modified-Since stamp
checks seem to give "reversed" results.

The following test commands display the HTTP response headers for the
current Fossil Source Tarball. Requests are sent with
If-Modified-Since stamps matching the time stamp of the unversioned
file ("Fri, 4 May 2018 13:06:49 GMT", at the time of this writing), as
well as 1 second earlier, and 1 second later.

(0) Matching If-Modified-Since stamp (equal to the file mtime),
returns "304 Not Modified", as expected:

wget --spider -d --header "If-Modified-Since: Fri, 4 May 2018 13:06:49
GMT" "http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/uv/fossil-src-2.6.tar.gz";

(1) Expired If-Modified-Since stamp (older than the file mtime),
erroneously returns "304 Not Modified", but should return "200 OK":

wget --spider -d --header "If-Modified-Since: Fri, 4 May 2018 13:06:48
GMT" "http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/uv/fossil-src-2.6.tar.gz";

(2) Valid If-Modified-Since stamp (more recent than the file mtime),
returns "200 OK", but should return "304 Not Modified":

wget --spider -d --header "If-Modified-Since: Fri, 4 May 2018 13:06:50
GMT" "http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/uv/fossil-src-2.6.tar.gz";

This "reversed" caching behavior seems to origin from the following test:


The second comparison should probably be changed from:

if( x<=0 || x>mtime ) return;


if( x<=0 || xhttp://lists.fossil-scm.org:8080/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fossil-users

[fossil-users] Fossil binary file size on FreeBSD (amd64)

2018-06-10 Thread Florian Balmer
When building Fossil on a recent out-of-the-box FreeBSD (amd64)
virtual machine, the resulting binary file is about 10.1 MB. The
binary files downloaded form [0] are at most 3.8 MB.

[0] http://pkg.freebsd.org/

I have tried various ./configure options, FOSSIL_DYNAMIC_BUILD is
enabled (=1), and TCL seems to be disabled by default (or, is it?).

Not that it matters (these times are over), but out of curiosity, why
is there such a difference?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] HTTP caching, again

2018-06-10 Thread Florian Balmer
Though I'm aware that this is not something you may consider useful
for Fossil, I'm posting a minor update, for the sake of correctness:

(0) Wrong Statement


> I think that "Vary: Cookie" is intended to work with unconditional
> HTTP requests: the browser is directed to stick to the expiry date
> and use the cached page, unless the cookies have changed.

I'm sorry I was wrong here.

"Vary: Cookie" directs clients to include cookies as part of their
"cache key", and it also works with conditional HTTP requests.

But if clients mark resources as stale due to cookie updates, they
will still "revalidate" them with conditional If-None-Match requests,
using their last-received ETag. And if the server does not consult all
the information from the cookies to generate its ETag (here, the user
login time), it won't produce a new ETag and expire the page, but
instead reply with "304 Not Modified".

(1) Introduced two Bugs

With the previous version of the patch, accessing the /uv page with no
file name specified caused an assertion failure, as doc_page()
repeatedly tries various index documents (index.html, index.wiki,
index.md, and 404.md). So the cache checks are only performed if
there's a valid hash (i.e. if "SELECT hash FROM unversioned" returns
non-empty data). Moreover, the Last-Modified response header was not
sent, if an ETag cache hit was already handled (though, at least my
Apache web server seems to purge the Last-Modified header from "304
Not Modified" responses).

(2) Updated If-Modified-Since checks

The updated patch also includes the modifications to the
If-Modified-Since checks, as suggested in a separate post.


= Patch for Fossil [a7056e64] ==

Index: src/cgi.c
--- src/cgi.c
+++ src/cgi.c
@@ -249,11 +249,11 @@
 iReplyStatus = 200;
 zReplyStatus = "OK";

   if( g.fullHttpReply ){
-fprintf(g.httpOut, "HTTP/1.0 %d %s\r\n", iReplyStatus, zReplyStatus);
+fprintf(g.httpOut, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n", iReplyStatus, zReplyStatus);
 fprintf(g.httpOut, "Date: %s\r\n", cgi_rfc822_datestamp(time(0)));
 fprintf(g.httpOut, "Connection: close\r\n");
 fprintf(g.httpOut, "X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge\r\n");
 fprintf(g.httpOut, "Status: %d %s\r\n", iReplyStatus, zReplyStatus);
@@ -269,10 +269,11 @@
 fprintf(g.httpOut, "Cache-control: no-cache\r\n");
   if( etag_mtime()>0 ){
 fprintf(g.httpOut, "Last-Modified: %s\r\n",
+fprintf(g.httpOut, "Vary: Cookie\r\n"); /* HTTP/1.0 (no ETags) */

   if( blob_size(&extraHeader)>0 ){
 fprintf(g.httpOut, "%s", blob_buffer(&extraHeader));

Index: src/doc.c
--- src/doc.c
+++ src/doc.c
@@ -641,17 +641,29 @@
 if( isUV ){
   if( db_table_exists("repository","unversioned") ){
 Stmt q;
+char *zHash=0;
+sqlite3_int64 mtime=0;
 db_prepare(&q, "SELECT hash, mtime FROM unversioned"
" WHERE name=%Q", zName);
 if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
-  etag_check(ETAG_HASH, db_column_text(&q,0));
-  etag_last_modified(db_column_int64(&q,1));
+  zHash = fossil_strdup(db_column_text(&q,0));
+  mtime = db_column_int64(&q,1);
+if( zHash ){
+  /* Only call etag_check() if the unversioned file was found
+  ** and has a valid hash, as doc_page() is called repeatedly
+  ** to search for index documents (index.html, index.wiki,
+  ** index.md, and 404.md), causing an assertion failure in
+  ** etag_check(), due to zETag already initialized. */
+  if( zHash[0] )
+etag_check(ETAG_HASH|ETAG_CEXP, zHash, mtime);
+  free(zHash);
 if( unversioned_content(zName, &filebody)==0 ){
   rid = 1;
   zDfltTitle = zName;
@@ -847,11 +859,11 @@
 void logo_page(void){
   Blob logo;
   char *zMime;

-  etag_check(ETAG_CONFIG, 0);
+  etag_check(ETAG_CONFIG, 0, 0);
   zMime = db_get("logo-mimetype", "image/gif");
   db_blob(&logo, "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='logo-image'");
   if( blob_size(&logo)==0 ){
 blob_init(&logo, (char*)aLogo, sizeof(aLogo));
@@ -881,11 +893,11 @@
 void background_page(void){
   Blob bgimg;
   char *zMime;

-  etag_check(ETAG_CONFIG, 0);
+  etag_check(ETAG_CONFIG, 0, 0);
   zMime = db_get("background-mimetype", "image/gif");
   db_blob(&bgimg, "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='background-image'");
   if( blob_size(&bgimg)==0 ){
 blob_init(&bgimg, (char*)aBackground, sizeof(aBackground));

Index: src/etag.c
--- src/etag.c
+++ src/etag.c
@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@
 **   (1)  The mtime on the F

Re: [fossil-users] Fossil binary file size on FreeBSD (amd64)

2018-06-11 Thread Florian Balmer
Stephan Beal:

> Try stripping the debug symbols:
> strip fossil

Thank you for the useful tip, now down to 3.6 MB!

My MSVC/WinSDK toolset doesn't provide the equivalent utilities any
more, as everything is controlled by compiler and linker flags -- and
obviously for a longer time than my long-term memory span :)

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Incorrect arrow colors when using -bgcolor

2018-06-14 Thread Florian Balmer
Andy Goth:

> In my test case, the outbound arrows are white, which doesn't look
> so great against the default white background.

The timeline arrow color generated from background color #00aa00 was
not white, but #ffd6, which is an invalid HTML/CSS color value,
and happened to be displayed as white by your web browser.

Richard Hipp:

> Fixed on trunk

With the fix committed as [7ac88481a6] [0], timeline arrow colors have
been turned off completely, and all timeline arrows are now displayed
with black color, also for skins with dark background colors, see for
example "xekri" [1].

[0] http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/info/7ac88481a6
[1] http://fossil-scm.org/skins/xekri/timeline

The problem is that the function to generate the timeline arrow colors
from background colors can have an "unsigned integer underflow",
resulting in invalid HTML/CSS color values.

I have suggested a modification for this, a while ago. With the
modification, the generated timeline arrow color for background color
#00aa00 would be #008000, and not #ffd6.

I really liked the timeline arrow colors, they were very helpful to
more easily distinguish the course of different timeline rails.

Please allow me to encourage you to have a look at my modifications,
and implement something similar, to bring back the beloved timeline
arrow colors.

Thank you very much

= Patch for Fossil [4bbd5c3e] ==

Prevent unsigned integer underflow in the code to calculate slightly
darker timeline rail colors derived from branch background colors,
resulting in invalid output for the HTML/Javascript timeline drawing
code. Example: branch color #ff00ff results in invalid timeline rail
color #80ff without the fix, and in #800080 with the patch applied.

Index: src/timeline.c
--- src/timeline.c
+++ src/timeline.c
@@ -651,11 +651,14 @@
 static const unsigned int t = 215;
 if( mxt ) for(i=0; i<3; i++) x[i] -= mx - t;
+if( mx>t ) for(i=0; i<3; i++){
+  if( x[i]>=mx - t ) x[i] -= mx - t;
+  else x[i] = 0;
   return zRes;

= Patch for Fossil [4bbd5c3e] ==

= Patch for Fossil [4bbd5c3e] ==

Check if branch background colors are in correct HTML/CSS hexadecimal
RGB representation before calculating the derived timeline rail colors,
and also allow color values in shorthand hex triplet notation #HHH.

Index: src/timeline.c
--- src/timeline.c
+++ src/timeline.c
@@ -631,21 +631,33 @@
 ** Change the RGB background color given in the argument in a foreground
 ** color with the same hue.
 static const char *bg_to_fg(const char *zIn){
+  int nIn; /* length of zIn */
   int i;
   unsigned int x[3];
   unsigned int mx = 0;
   static int whiteFg = -1;
   static char zRes[10];
-  if( strlen(zIn)!=7 || zIn[0]!='#' ) return zIn;
+  nIn = strlen( zIn );
+  if(( nIn!=7 && nIn!=4 ) || zIn[0]!='#' ) return zIn;
+  for(i=1; imx ) mx = x[i];
+  if( nIn==4 ){
+for(i=0; i<3; i++){
+  x[i] = hex_digit_value(zIn[0])*17;
+  zIn++;
+  if( x[i]>mx ) mx = x[i];
+  }else{
+for(i=0; i<3; i++){
+  x[i] = hex_digit_value(zIn[0])*16 + hex_digit_value(zIn[1]);
+  zIn += 2;
+  if( x[i]>mx ) mx = x[i];
   if( whiteFg<0 ) whiteFg = skin_detail_boolean("white-foreground");
   if( whiteFg ){
 /* Make the color lighter */
 static const unsigned int t = 215;

= Patch for Fossil [4bbd5c3e] ==

= Patch for Fossil [4bbd5c3e] ==

Return default timeline rail color values #00 (for white background)
or #ff (for black background) for all non-hex triplet branch color
values. Note that named color values (such as 'red') and color values in
functional notation (such as 'rgba(255,128,64,0.8)') are not affected,
as only branch colors starting with '#' are passed to bg_to_fg() to
calculate derived rail colors, in the first place. So this patch only
filters color values with bad hexadecimal RGB representation, such as
'#12345' (invalid length) or '#z12345' (invalid hexadecimal character).

Index: src/timeline.c
--- src/timeline.c
+++ src/timeline.c
@@ -637,14 +637,15 @@
   int i;
   unsigned int x[3];
   unsigned int mx = 0;
   static int whiteFg = -1;
   static char zRes[10];
+  if( whiteFg<0 ) whiteFg = skin_detail_boolean("white-foreground");
   nIn = strlen( zIn );
-  if(( nIn!=7 && nIn!=4 ) || zIn[0]!='#' ) return zIn;
+  if(( nIn!=7 && nIn!=4 ) || zIn[0]!='#' ) goto default_fg;
   for(i=1; imx ) mx = x[i];
-  if( whiteFg<0 ) whiteFg = skin_detail_boolean("white-foreground");
   if( whiteFg ){
 /* Make the c

[fossil-users] Using bundles for pull requests

2018-06-16 Thread Florian Balmer
Fossil bundles are a great feature, and may be useful to implement
pull (or "push") requests.

But I would like to have some more flexibility and control when
"applying" (or importing) bundles by third parties:

* Let me decide where the bundle is committed, be it directly on trunk
instead of on a separate branch, or on a different base than initially
used to create the bundle (with notifications about merge conflicts,
if any).

* Let me decide whether the bundle is committed "step-by-step", as in
the branch contained in the bundle, or "all-at-once", like an
"accumulated patch", which may already be enough history to record for
the upstream project (the submitted original bundle could still be
archived separately, if required).

* Allow me to make additional changes to the "accumulated patch" prior
to committing, for minor "on-the-fly" fixes to comments and coding

* Let me edit the check-in comments, branches and tags myself, so they
can have some "standard format" for contributed contents, such as:

"Patch to achieve ... contributed by ..." (tags: contribution)

I'm aware that check-in comments an tags can be edited later, but even
then, the original comments contained in the bundle will still be
recorded, and they may contain e-mail addresses, trade secrets,
passwords, or other confidential information, if third parties are
allowed to introduce comments into my repositories.

And rejecting a submitted bundle solely due to a check-in comment
causes at least some extra effort for either side, as merely editing
the comment and re-exporting the bundle won't remove the relevant
comment from the history.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Using bundles for pull requests

2018-06-16 Thread Florian Balmer
> Let me decide whether the bundle is committed "step-by-step"
> ... or "all-at-once" ...

I think this is what I'm looking for:

fossil merge --bundle BUNDLE ?--cherrypick|--backout CHECK-IN?

> But I would like to have some more flexibility and control when
> "applying" (or importing) bundles by third parties:

Some may call me a "dinosaur", but plain old patches offer all of this
flexibility. And the patch utility is able handle differences in white
space and line endings, and can even do inexact/fuzzy matching (yet,
I'm sure the Fossil internal patch routines also have all this

The point is, by allowing (potentially untrusted) third parties to
submit complete bundles to be committed directly, it's possible to
introduce unwanted contents (and random control artifacts), which may
not be so easy to be shunned (as, for example, the check-in comments
already mentioned, persisting in the "Original Comment:" field).

This will require very detailed examination of third party
"meta-patch" information.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Hydra registrations open (open beta)

2018-06-16 Thread Florian Balmer

> I have opened registration on Hydra. Feel free to try it out at
> [ https://hydra.ecd.space/ ], and give me your feedback.

Roy Keene:

> Is ChiselApp not serious enough for you ?

(Quotes unconnected.)

I think both ChiselApp and Hydra are very nice, and technically solid
projects (and I have learned how to use PHP's PDO::SQLite from the
ChiselApp source code, so thanks for this, too). I'm sure I would use
one of them (or even both), were it not that easy to run your own
Fossil web server, even on cheap shared hosting systems.

An important point to motivate people to use these services: is it
possible to move existing projects there, or is it just possible to
create new (empty) repositories?

Also, when it comes to attracting people on the lookout for GitHub
alternatives, I believe it's important to have a "landing page" (note
the non-dinosaur slang) to show the occasional visitor a list of
repositories with "real-world" projects under active maintenance, and
with concise descriptions.

At least on chiselapp.com, the "Public Repositories" page shows (on
first impression) a list of "cryptic" repository and user names, and
randomly clicking some links mostly leads to empty, abandoned or
one-time-testing repositories.

Such a "landing page" may need to be hand-crafted, but I think it's
worth the effort to have occasional visitors stay on site, browse
around, and get familiar with the capabilities of Fossil.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Using bundles for pull requests

2018-06-16 Thread Florian Balmer
More thoughts:

> fossil merge --bundle BUNDLE ?--cherrypick|--backout CHECK-IN?

* BUNDLE could be a disk file, or something like "bundle:ID" to refer
to a bundle submitted via "push request", and queued in a separate
repository db table.

* If the current check-out is different from the root of the branch
contained in the bundle, `fossil merge --bundle' could issue a warning
(even if there's no merge conflicts).

* The established work-flows for code review and testing could be
applied, before committing the merged-in bundle, and `fossil revert'
could avoid potential havoc before anything goes to the repository

> ... it's possible to introduce unwanted contents (and random
> control artifacts) ...

For example, it's possible to foist control artifacts to modify the
comments of random commits already in the repository, or to rename or
hide the "trunk". This may not be too easy to detect, if the modified
check-ins are out of sight with usual timeline view limits, and
control artifacts can also have their time stamps forged by
"--date-override", or they can even be hand-crafted and picked up by
`fossil reconstruct', and show up far away from their referenced

Or, if bundles would only allow control artifacts referencing
check-ins from that same bundle, multiple serial changes to comments
could mask unwanted contents to be sneaked into the repository. This
case would be easier to shun, but detailed review of the (possibly
complex) meta-data of any bundles is essential.

(With the current implementation of bundles, it's also possible to
import check-in manifests referencing user names not present in the
target repository.)

It seems to me that accepting complete bundles from untrusted sources
goes near granting them commit access.

In order to be merging of "push requests" a task of code review and
testing, instead of tedious meta-data checks, I think there should be
a way to get "just the code".

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Using bundles for pull requests

2018-06-16 Thread Florian Balmer
Another issue with bundles: "push requests" derived from local private branches.

It may be not only the receiver of a "push request" to decide to
import only the final "accumulated patch", without all the detailed
"commit-by-commit" history.

It may also be the submitter to decide to keep the development history
for a "push request" in a local private branch, and only submit the
final "accumulated patch", without the full history of all the trials,
reverts, and minor coding style and typo fixes.

So, the intuitive way for this would be to merge their local private
branch into a new branch derived from the same root, and export the
new branch to a bundle with the "--standalone" option (the "push
request" feature will probably do this, by default).

But importing this bundle into the upstream repository, lacking all
the knowledge of the local private branch, may have undesired effects.

In one of my tests, the /bloblist showed an "unknown" artifact of 0
bytes, with the UUID being one of those listed in the P-card of the
imported check-in.

Also, not sure if this might lead to problems with future merges, if
the parents and merge ancestors referenced by the imported check-in
cannot be found in the upstream repository.

Bundles are not patches that can be applied freely and flexibly, but
tend to rely on the full repository history.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Using bundles for pull requests

2018-06-17 Thread Florian Balmer
Richard Hipp:

> (5) The server accepts the bundle and parks it in a separate holding
> table, but does not merge it or otherwise make it available to average
> passers by. The server then sends email notifications to developers
> with appropriate privileges to let them know that a pull request has
> arrived.

> (6) Developers who receive notification of the pull request can run a
> command that pulls down the bundle and applies it as a private branch
> on their own personal clones of the repo. Developers can then either
> approve of the pull request by publishing it (marking it non-private)
> and pushing it back to the server. Or they can reject the pull request
> which erases it from their clone. They might also cause the pull
> request to be erased from the holding table on the server.

From my experience with GitHub pull requests, it seems that they are
visible to the public and open for review and comments even before
they are reviewed and accepted by the upstream project, and anybody
interested can take the submitted code to their own clone.

It has a less "open" character if core developers need to become
active to make pull requests visible to the public, more so if they
can delete submissions without anybody from outside of their team ever

If bundles were reworked to be "sets of patches", they could me made
visible to the public more easily, before reaching the main repository
store. And there would be the already mentioned greater flexibility
with meta-data (allowing the receiver to decide about the merge base,
the check-in comments, as well as the branch name and other tags).

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] No rule to make target 'src/email.c', ...

2018-06-20 Thread Florian Balmer
Richard Hipp:

> It is reassuring to know that so many people routinely build Fossil
> from the trunk sources :-)

À propos build:

I have accidentally set FOSSIL_ENABLE_MINIZ=1 (in win/Makefile.msc),
and this doesn't seem to work, probably because src/shell.c includes
zlib.h without examining FOSSIL_ENABLE_MINIZ.

Not sure if this is important, or if it's even possible for
src/shell.c to support FOSSIL_ENABLE_MINIZ, but I'd rather let you

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] A fossil library

2018-06-25 Thread Florian Balmer
David Mason:

> Fossil appears to be careful with memory allocation too, with very few
> raw calls to malloc, so memory allocations can be unwound.

SQLite has the "Zero-malloc" and "Application-supplied memory
allocators" options [0], which may be helpful for cases without proper
db engine shutdown? On the other hand, at least the first option may
not be a good choice for Fossil's heavy-lifting work?

[0] https://www.sqlite.org/malloc.html

Also, I've recently come across an article to solve a problem with
memory fragmentation by using private heaps [1]. This way, the library
could simply dispose the entire heap when done, and also "have the
system do the cleanup". Or is this too heavy-weight for a library, or
not supported on all systems?


fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Backup traffic

2018-07-20 Thread Florian Balmer
As much as I like the simplicity of keeping the full repository
history in one single SQLite database, I see a minor downside.

There's a lot of backup traffic, if "non-contents changes" (such as
the admin and user logs, the login cookies, but also the "PRAGMA
optimize" information) are causing updates to the repository database,
marking it dirty for the next backup cycle.

(This was also the main reason for my complaining about the leftover
WAL and SHM files, recently, which accumulated in my backup logs.
Because in the end, WAL and SHM have to be kept together with the
SQLite database, as they might contain valuable information?)

From peeking at the Fossil timeline, my question is, will the new
"backoffice processing" cause even more frequent updates to the main
repository database, i.e. with the pids stored in the configuration
table, and updated after each web page display?

I have created a (surprisingly simple) patch to attach a separate
login cookie database (shared among all repositories in the same
directory), so that plain login and logout actions will no longer
cause repository database writes. With admin and user logs turned off,
and "PRAGMA optimize" removed, the repository database is only touched
if there's new contents, or new configuration settings.

What's your comments to this? Does anybody care about the repository
database, holding all your valuable contents, being modified
frequently with simple non-contents state information? Given the
reliability of SQLite, we probably shouldn't care. But what is a good
strategy to minimize backup traffic, if repository databases change
that often?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Backup traffic

2018-07-20 Thread Florian Balmer
Stephan Beal:

> .. i'm not sure that i like it enough to justify the idea of
> maintaining two files where one file is sufficient.

The current implementation uses one single cookie database shared for
all repositories in the same directory, which can be excluded from
backups, and deleted (or, better, emptied by SQL script) to have
everybody logged off. But it's possible to modify the code to use one
single cookie database per system, or per repository.

> .. the login cookie db could become a point of locking contention ...

Would WAL mode prevent this, mostly?

Below are my current "works for me on Windows and FreeBSD" patches. I
hope we still have the same definitions of "surprisingly simple" :)

The 2nd patch is only required with my previous patch to change ETag
generation to produce a "login-time-sensitive" hash.

I'm sorry e-mail processing may insert one or two unwanted line breaks
after column 72, as Fossil seems to use a source code line length
limit of 80 chars.

Some notes are included directly with the patch file headers, but I'd
like to emphasize that I haven't bothered making things work with
login groups, so far.

I'd be happy to do more work towards a more generalized "separate
(shared) database for non-repository contents, such as 'volatile' or
'system-specific' state information" approach, should this be
considered interesting for Fossil.


= Patch for Fossil [e08f9c04] ==

Baseline: Fossil [e08f9c0423]

Proof-of-concept to outsource login cookie information to a separate
database named "cookiestore", saved as "fossil-cookiestore.sqlite" in
the directory of the main repository database, and attached on demand.

The "cookiestore" database is left attached until shutdown; it may be
safer to have it detached explicitly as soon as possible.

HTTP cache handlers, and any other code relying on "user.cexpire", must
query "cookiestore.user.cexpire", instead.

Support to share login credentials across login groups is not
implemented by this patch; in fact, this may even break login group

Admins changing their own password through the /setup_uedit page (not
through the /login page) are no longer logged out automatically.

To prevent writes to the main repository database caused by read-only
web server access, the "PRAGMA optimize" call needs to be removed, and
the "access_log" feature needs to be disabled (the logs could be
recorded to a plain text file, or outsourced to a separate database, if

There may be more elegant SQL queries to work with the connected tables,
either by using JOINs, or FOREIGN KEYs (yet the latter have been
disabled by Fossil).

Windows batch file to dump or tweak the "cookiestore" database:

:: @echo off
:: setlocal
:: set c=fossil-cookiestore.sqlite
:: if not exist "%c%" goto:eof
:: (
:: echo ATTACH '%c%' AS 'c';
:: echo -- PRAGMA c.journal_mode;
:: echo -- PRAGMA c.page_size;
:: echo -- PRAGMA c.auto_vacuum;
:: echo SELECT * FROM c.user;
:: echo -- UPDATE c.user SET cexpire=0;
:: ) | fossil sql --no-repository

Index: src/login.c
--- src/login.c
+++ src/login.c
@@ -143,10 +143,53 @@
 static char *abbreviated_project_code(const char *zFullCode){
   return mprintf("%.16s", zFullCode);

+** Attach the fossil-cookiestore.sqlite db to store login cookies.
+void attach_cookiestore()
+  static int attached_cookiestore = 0;
+  char *zDBName;
+  Blob bDBFullName;
+  char *zProjCode;
+  if (attached_cookiestore) return;
+  zDBName = mprintf("%s/../fossil-cookiestore.sqlite",g.zRepositoryName);
+  file_canonical_name(zDBName,&bDBFullName,0);
+  sqlite3_free(zDBName);
+  db_attach(blob_str(&bDBFullName),"cookiestore");
+  blob_reset(&bDBFullName);
+  /* Initialize */
+  db_multi_exec(
+"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cookiestore.user( "
+"repo TEXT, uid INTEGER, login TEXT, "
+"cookie TEXT, ipaddr TEXT, cexpire DATETIME,"
+"PRIMARY KEY (repo, uid), "
+"UNIQUE (repo, uid, login) ON CONFLICT REPLACE );");
+  /* Clear expired cookies */
+  zProjCode = db_get("project-code",NULL);
+  db_multi_exec(
+"DELETE FROM cookiestore.user WHERE "
+"repo=%Q AND cexpire 0) && "Invalid user data.");
+  attach_cookiestore();
   zHash = db_text(0,
-  "SELECT cookie FROM user"
-  " WHERE uid=%d"
+  "SELECT cookie FROM cookiestore.user"
+  " WHERE repo=%Q AND uid=%d"
   "   AND ipaddr=%Q"
   "   AND cexpire>julianday('now')"
   "   AND length(cookie)>30",
-  uid, zRemoteAddr);
+  zProjCode, uid, zRemoteAddr);
   if( zHash==0 ) zHash = db_text(0, "SELECT hex(randomblob(25))");
   zCookie = login_gen_user_cookie_value(zUsername, zHash);
   cgi_set_cookie(zCookieName, zCookie, login_cookie_path(), expires);
   record_login_attempt(zUsername, zIpAddr, 1);
-"UPDATE user SET cookie=%Q, ipaddr=%Q, "
-"  cexpire=julianday('now')+%d/86400.0 WH

Re: [fossil-users] Backup traffic

2018-07-20 Thread Florian Balmer
Richard Hipp:

> ... create your backups by cloning and syncing ...

Thank you for your comments.

I see, this completely makes sense.

The process of "restoring" a repository from backup would include
copying database files, as syncing from backup → original might not
work if something's gone awry with the original. My main concern here
is that the cloned backup really includes everything from the original
(configuration, etc.). But hearing again (haven't you already outlined
the "cloning as backup strategy" recently, on this list?) that it
works for the experts should give me the faith to trust it.

Backing up "hot" databases is currently not a concern with my private,
traditional-style CGI-served repositories.

I would like to have some "rotating" backup, with a way to go back
certain steps with the complete repository, i.e. day-by-day, for up to
one week, so I could catch the "last good" if I notice something
wrong. Copying and replacing duplicate files with hard-links is an
extremely straight forward and space efficient process to achieve

I will try the same with cloning new (some extra logic required) and
syncing existing repositories. But it may not be possible to detect
unchanged / duplicate repository database files, like this, as some
internally stored last sync or URL last access time stamps might
always result in a different database file, I assume.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Backup traffic

2018-07-20 Thread Florian Balmer
Just one more thought:

Copying database files (vs. cloning) also includes any hand-made meta
changes, for example I remember adjusting the page size and journal
mode for older repositories, when the defaults for new Fossil
repositories were changed.

Of course `fossil rebuild --wal' after the sync can help with things
like these, but the database file checksum will definitely change and
trigger a complete backup, for the rebuilt repository.

I think I need to come away from my traditional "copy a file and get
exactly what you had" way of thinking ...

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Backup traffic

2018-07-20 Thread Florian Balmer
Warren Young:

> Quantify “a lot.”

I have some rarely committed-to but frequently web-accessed
repositories (with login), and I see daily backups of the modified
repository database, even though I'm sure I haven't committed
anything. It's like "hey, what's going on there with my babies?"
everytime, but I need to get used to it.

> I’d find out why the DB client is dying early and fix that, so that
> the WAL ends up being deleted entirely upon a clean DB shutdown.

I think I found it:


There's a call to fossil_exit() from within a
db_step()...db_finalize() block, and calling fossil_exit() only after
db_finalize() fixed it.

There's been some changes to fossil_exit() in the meantime, I'll check
these, and report back here.

> I find it odd that some people get so itchy over DB concurrency and
> such with Fossil when highly active projects might have 40 or so
> commits per day.

I'm not worried by this. Stephan just wondered if a shared cookie
database may be prone to locks contention, if I got him right.

I'd assume the main bottleneck to be high-frequency, read-only,
no-login web access (for a renowned project), in which case the cookie
database doesn't even need to be attached, and not the frequency of

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Backup traffic

2018-07-21 Thread Florian Balmer
> There's been some changes to fossil_exit() in the meantime, I'll check
> these, and report back here.

I was wrong, the changes were to fossil_fatal() and fossil_panic(),
and not to fossil_exit(). The current tip version of Fossil still
exhibits the behavior summarized here:


fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Backup traffic

2018-07-21 Thread Florian Balmer
Richard Hipp:

> I think this problem has been addressed in a more general way
> on the latest trunk. Please let me know if you find otherwise.

This works fine (tested only on Windows, so far), thank you very much!

fossil-users mailing list

[fossil-users] Delay with `fossil ui' (related to backoffice processing?)

2018-07-21 Thread Florian Balmer
I've noticed something with the current tip version of Fossil (on Windows):

I see random delays for the `fossil ui' command, i.e. the web browser
is opened at once, but is displaying the loading/busy indicator and a
blank page for some time, before the default web page finally appears:


When repeatedly entering `fossil ui' from the command prompt, followed
by immediately closing the web browser as soon as the /timeline web
page is displayed, then hitting Ctrl+C to stop the Fossil web server,
and restarting the cycle by running `fossil ui' again, the delay seems
to appear with every 5th to 10th cycle.

During the delay, I can see two fossil.exe processes with `tasklist |
findstr fossil', whereas with `fossil ui' without the delay, there's
only one fossil.exe process.

The %TEMP% directory has 3 or more files appearing instantaneously at
the beginning of the delay, named fossil_server_P8080_0N_xxx.txt,
with N being low numbers, and xxx being 'in', 'out', and 'cmd',
containing the HTTP request and response, and a file/IP address list.

When terminating the delayed `fossil ui' server (responds to Ctrl+C)
and immediately relaunching it, it is as fast as usual, without any
delay. The delay takes approximately 60 seconds, and after that the
HTTP request completes normally with the display of the /timeline web
page, and the temporary files are cleared.

I tried to find a "last good" version by means of "bisecting", but
unfortunately no success, so far. All I can say is that the delay
never appears with Fossil version 2.6 [9718f3b078] 2018-05-04 12:56:42
UTC, the binary for Windows downloaded from the Fossil web site.

My tests were on Windows 10.0.17134.167 (64-bit), with MSVC
19.14.26430 (32-bit).

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Delay with `fossil ui' (related to backoffice processing?)

2018-07-22 Thread Florian Balmer
Thank very much for your feedback!

Warren Young:

> Which is it?

With the random appearance of the delay, and the long duration of 60
seconds, I eventually gave up on "bisecting".

But with a more systematic approach, I've now got:

Last good: [06507038]
First bad: [947081aa]

> If the problem first appeared with [76800769] ...

Backing out [76800769] (and the dependent [d216ea9a]) does not fix the delay.

> Also, does this behavior happen on only one machine?

I can also see it on a Windows 7 (32-bit) VM.

Here's what I've found out in the meantime:

Waiting for 60 seconds for the delay to time out, until the default
/timeline web page is loaded in the browser, instead of terminating
the server with Ctrl+C, will cause another 60 seconds delay for any
links clicked in the web ui.

Reloading the delayed /timeline web page with F5, before the 60
seconds have elapsed, gives a speedy refresh, with no delay, so
multiple requests within the 60 seconds period are not delayed.

Waiting for 60 seconds before running `fossil ui' after the last
server was terminated, causes the delay to always happen.

The observed delay of 60 seconds seems somehow related to:

[5544931c] src/backoffice.c:59
#define BKOFCE_LEASE_TIME 60 /* Length of lease validity */

On Windows, the DbgView utility is useful to trace messages from
OutputDebugStringA(), handy if there's no attached console, and easier
than attaching WinDbg to spawned sub-processes:


By adding calls to OutputDebugStringA() before and after the following
line of source code, I found that one of the fossil.exe processes
seems to be stuck here during the delay:

[5544931c] src/backoffice.c:240
sqlite3_sleep(1000*(x.tmCurrent - tmNow + 1));

This code path is only entered if the delay becomes manifest.

I don't understand all the details of the backoffice processing code,
yet, in particular not the condition to trigger the sleep. But the
sleep seems to block the web ui, somehow?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Delay with `fossil ui' (related to backoffice processing?)

2018-07-22 Thread Florian Balmer
Warren Young:

> That’s brand new code, less than a week old. It’s not surprising it’s
> not rock-solid yet.

Yes, I agree, I no not expect complex new features to be flawless from
the beginning.

But I've stumbled into the issue while testing a fix from the current
tip, and decided to report it early.

> I expect drh is now on the case. :)

The Windows HTTP server (and thus `fossil ui') works by spawning
sub-processes for each individual HTTP request, right? This results in
multiple sub-processes per web page (one for the HTML page, one for
CSS, another one for JavaScript, etc.)?

Maybe that these sub-processes concurrently try to "get the backoffice
lease" after successfully serving their HTTP request, resulting in a
race, and some of the sub-processes sleeping and waiting for 60
seconds for the lease to expire?

I noticed the following commit:

[a32a92d2] At the end of CGI processing, close the output pipe before
starting backoffice processing, in order to let higher levels know
that the CGI is finished.


Maybe this fixed the same (or a similar) problem with the HTTP server
on *nix, so the web browser quickly receives all the HTTP output,
before the HTTP serving process is turning to backoffice work?

But on Windows, g.httpOut seems to be a temporary file, and not a
pipe, and the `fossil ui' main process may not be waiting for the file
to become signaled when (any) I/O completes (which is a discouraged
technique anyway), but for the sub-process that generated the file to
exit? And this one sub-process sleeping is causing the delay in the
`fossil ui' main process?

Sorry for my prosaic speculation and no hard facts, but I find it all
very interesting!

Another minor point:

The following line of source code from the aforementioned commit:

g.httpOut = fossil_fopen("/dev/null", "wb");

always seems to result in g.httpOut==NULL on Windows, as "/dev/null"
is not a valid Windows device. This probably doesn't matter from the
logic of the code, as writing to a FILE* pointing to NULL may have
exactly the same effect as writing to a FILE* pointing to "/dev/null"?

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Delay with `fossil ui' (related to backoffice processing?)

2018-07-22 Thread Florian Balmer
> ... writing to a FILE* pointing to NULL may have exactly the same
> effect as writing to a FILE* pointing to "/dev/null"?

Well, unless there's a directory named "dev" in the root of the
current drive, which would result in creation (due to the passed "wb"
mode) of a file named "null", on Windows.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Delay with `fossil ui' (related to backoffice processing?)

2018-07-22 Thread Florian Balmer
Richard Hipp:

> Hence, if the subprocess gets involves in backoffice work, that can
> delay the return of content to the user.

> The only comes up on Windows. I do not yet have a good work-around.

I see, thank you very much for the detailed explanations.

I only have the obvious (inefficient?) ideas, like using a
command-line switch to direct the "HTTP renderer" to offload
backoffice processing to another separate process, and exit
immediately once the HTTP response is ready.

Looking forward to see what will be your solution. I can always learn
a lot of interesting things from the Fossil source code.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Delay with `fossil ui' (related to backoffice processing?)

2018-07-22 Thread Florian Balmer
Richard Hipp:

> Please test the latest trunk version and let me know if you are still
> seeing issues.

Thank you very much for the fix!

I see no more delays with "fossil ui" on Windows.

Just a thought: would it make sense to have --nodelay as a global
option recognized by all commands, and maybe also through an
environment variable, and a CGI control option? So that any backoffice
processing could be temporarily disabled?

This would probably require an explicit "backoffice" command, which
could then also be set up to run as a task or cron job every few

This may be handy for fatal incidents that require "repository
surgery", or restoring from backups, where you don't want any
notifications to be sent before things are fixed.

But maybe this is overengineering.

fossil-users mailing list

Re: [fossil-users] Delay with `fossil ui' (related to backoffice processing?)

2018-07-24 Thread Florian Balmer
Warren Young:

> You can open a file called NUL on Windows to get the same effect as
> /dev/null on POSIX type platforms.

A very interesting topic!

  (void*)0, or nullptr (was used in a confusing manner, in my post)

  Windows NT (object manager) equivalent to /dev/null

  Windows NT global symlink to \Device\Null
  Not accepted by Win32 APIs

  Local Device and Root Local Device forms of \??\NUL
  Works with Win32 APIs

  (\\.\ and \\?\ both escape to \DosDevices, the latter without any path
  name preprocessing, and on current versions of Windows NT, \DosDevices
  is a is a symlink to \??, which is a virtual directory containing both
  objects from the \GLOBAL?? and from the user session directories)

  Win32 API magic file name mapped to \\.\NUL

  Path to file C:\dev\NUL (must be specified as an absolute path)
  Works with Win32 APIs

  (\\?\ escapes to \DosDevices, which links to \??, where the symlink
  named C: is found, pointing to \Device\HarddiskVolumeN, and finally
  resolving to \Device\HarddiskVolumeN\dev\NUL)

> That’s no concern here, since the Fossil code will likely just say
> "NUL".

Yes, I think the Win32 variant should be:

(a) g.httpOut = fossil_fopen("NUL", "wb");

instead of:

(b) g.httpOut = fossil_fopen("/dev/null", "wb");

Code snippet (a) returns a valid (i.e. non-zero) FILE*, on Windows.

If the root drive of the fossil.exe current (working) directory has a
directory named "dev", say "C:\dev", code snippet (b) creates the file
"C:\dev\null", on Windows.

Just tested with fossil_open().

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