Madcap software wants your opinions

2007-09-25 Thread Sharon Burton
As you may have heard, I'm the new product manager for Blaze.

I'm running a survey to find out a little more about our audience and how
you all work. We're also giving out 5 Madcap tee shirts to people who
provide their contact info. Providing contact info is optional, but you
won't be entered to win if you don't provide it.

To participate, go to The
survey closes October 6th!


Sharon Burton
Product Manager, Blaze
Madcap Software
sburton at
Voice: 858-320-0387 x217

Closing big book files

2008-04-09 Thread Sharon Burton
 From the book file, press the Shift key. While you are holding the whift key,
click the File menu. Notice that you have 3 new options: Save All, Close All
and one other I can't remember.


Quoting Harold Winberg :

> Hello Framers
> I am working in a Book file with over 400 chapters.
> I am using IXgen and opening all files to perform updates.
> Is there a quick way to save and close the files?
> I am saving the book and using shift/close all files but it makes me
> confirm OK save the file.
> It takes over a half hour.
> Any other way??
> Thanks
> Les Winberg
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as sharon at
> Send list messages to framers at
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> framers-unsubscribe at
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> Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit
> for more resources and info.

TOC within a chapter

2008-07-07 Thread Sharon Burton
A fast story:

I had a client with a big manual to which we were adding stuff. Each chapter
had its own TOC and the entire book had an index, TOC, LOF and LOT.
Inserting cross references wasn't working because we were moving things and
losing things. To get the page numbers for the entire manual correct, I had

1. Generate and update the entire book.
2. Manually generate each chapter TOC to get the page numbers and headings
correct in the chapter TOC. This means open each chapter, generate the TOC,
save and close.
3. Generate and update the entire book again to make sure the imported TOC
files were all updated properly in each file.
4. Spot check to make sure step 3 didn't add pages I didn't expect and thus
made the chapter level TOC out of date.
5. Possibly do steps 1 - 4 a second time.

This process could take over an hour if I was trapped in steps 4 and 5.

I asked Rick if he could write me a script to automate this process because
it was tedious, at best. He quoted me a very fair rate that was about half
what I was making on the total project.

He wrote the script and gave it to me, under the theory that he could sell
it to others.

The moral of the story? Besides the fact that Rick is a great guy, the
script saved me about 20 hours on the project. 20 hours x hourly rate... For
your client, it would probably pay for Framescript and the script the first
manual it's used for.


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
To: Butler,Darren J CTR USAF AFMC 584 CBSS/GBHAC; framers at
Subject: Re: TOC within a chapter

Hi Darren,

Those that won't buy FrameScript will have to settle for either manual
method: inserting cross-references to make a chapter TOC, or using Special >
Table of Contents to generate a TOC and then import it by reference into the
chapter. Considering the significant time savings that a script would bring
every time it is used, the "won't buy" argument doesn't make any sense to
me. Any serious FrameMaker shop should consider FrameScript as an essential
plugin, especially at the bargain price of $149/seat.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc

Unfortunately, some of my
clients do not have the FrameScript program and a few of them have no
plans to purchase it. Therefore, I need a plan "B."
I'm considering generating the TOC to a separate file, then importing
the TOC as a text inset.

Any thoughts on this?


MadCap Blaze

2008-03-20 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor Post

I've been at WritersUA and away from my personal email since Sunday. I got
back late last night. I'm the product manager for Blaze. (BTW - great

Some clarifications: Blaze is the younger sister of Flare 4. If you need
complex print and online docs, then you want Flare 4. If you only need
printed output, then you want Blaze. Everything that's in Blaze will be in
Flare 4.

Blaze is a fully featured print authoring and publishing system. It imports
and exports Frame and Word because you may have a workflow that requires you
to import from or export to these formats for some reason. We want to
account for that.

However, you don't *need* to export to Frame to get your output if your
workflow doesn't require that. You can import existing Word or Frame
documents and you're good to go. Then you can directly create PDFs or XPSs
as your deliverables, with the content for those deliverables based on your

Our page design and layout in Blaze is robust so there's no need to export
to Frame if your workflow doesn't require Frame as an output.

One of the biggest differences in Blaze - and really, Flare - is that you
are not authoring long documents, but rather you're authoring topics. Then,
using Outlines, you put together the topics into the deliverables; for
example, a User's Guide and an Admin Guide.

There's nothing to prevent you from authoring just like you do in Word of
Frame in that you can open a new topic in Blaze and then write a 200 page
document in one topic. But by doing that, you lose the power of topic-based
content development that easily allows content reuse across multiple
deliverables for one or more projects.

I strongly urge you to attend one of my online demos to learn more about the
paradigm shift for Blaze. If you are not aware of the shift and just click
Next in the import wizard, you are going to wind up with a mess. I go over
that in the demos. (Don't try to signup for a few hours, as all the
scheduled demos for the next 6 weeks are full and I have to schedule more.
Give me until about 9am Pacific today, please.)

As to our newly announced product Press, it's for glossy print materials,
like Annual reports or other glossy printed material. It's related to our
other products, but it's not the only press solution. As to DITA or CMS,
check out our just announced product Team Server. It's a workflow management
tool that's amazing. We have ideas about what it should do but we want your
input about what you need that tool to do.

I'm delighted to answer questions about Blaze or any of our products. If you
could send those questions to my MadCap email, that would help me a lot.
sburton at, please.


Sharon Burton
MadCap Software
Product Manager
sburton at

MadCap Blaze

2008-03-20 Thread Sharon Burton
Because some people don't want or need online docs. For example, one of my
former clients was a cash register manufacturer. You can buy their products
for about $100. There is no concept of online help for these products, as
they don't come with a computer. I delivered a PDF of the manual and they
sent that to the printer. They delivered a printed book with the product.

Why should these people purchase a tool that does way more than they need?
Flare 4 is too much for them.

I don't wish to get into the DITA discussion because that's very far afield
from the discussion of the Blaze beta at this moment. If you are currently
doing DITA and you're happy with your tools, then good on you. MadCap will
support DITA in the future. That's all I wish to publicly disclose about our
plans for DITA at this time.

Team Server is being developed right now. I would expect it by the end of
the year. Because we want to know what you want in a product like this, and
because we are developing it right now, now would be the time to talk to us
about what you want in a workflow management tool. We want to build what you
are looking for in this sort of tool. We have ideas but you all know your
workflow needs.

I never said that topic-based authoring is a new concept. But it is a shift
from how most people think about docs. Thus, a discussion of this
development method is relevant. For lots of good info, see JoAnn Hackos's
newest book. She really explains it in detail.

And, yes, our UI is very different. Some people love it, some don't.


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
From: Bill Swallow []
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 8:26 AM
To: sharon at
Cc: Frame Users; Sharon Work
Subject: Re: MadCap Blaze

>  Some clarifications: Blaze is the younger sister of Flare 4. If you need
>  complex print and online docs, then you want Flare 4. If you only need
>  printed output, then you want Blaze. Everything that's in Blaze will be
>  Flare 4.

I really don't understand this, I'm not trying to be difficult... But
if Flare does everything that Blaze does and more, and Flare's been
out for years, why develop Blaze at all? I guess I don't see the point
of spending the time, energy, and money to develop a brand new product
that does a subset of what another of your products already does.

>  One of the biggest differences in Blaze - and really, Flare - is that you
>  are not authoring long documents, but rather you're authoring topics.
>  using Outlines, you put together the topics into the deliverables; for
>  example, a User's Guide and an Admin Guide.

The classic authoring model for FrameMaker is indeed long document
authoring, but it's not so with DITA.

>  There's nothing to prevent you from authoring just like you do in Word of
>  Frame in that you can open a new topic in Blaze and then write a 200 page
>  document in one topic. But by doing that, you lose the power of
>  content development that easily allows content reuse across multiple
>  deliverables for one or more projects.

Well, agreed. That would be just silly. For the record, I've done
topic-based authoring in FrameMaker years ago. It's all about how you
approach your content structure. I needed to leverage topics in
different documents in different ways, so I just created a new
document for every portable topic. I don't think topic based content
authoring is a revolutionary concept.

>  I strongly urge you to attend one of my online demos to learn more about
>  paradigm shift for Blaze.

I don't see a paradigm shift at all, but the UI is way different than
what non-Flare users would be accustomed to. But paradigm shift, no.
Topic based authoring is not a new concept.

>  As to DITA or CMS,
>  check out our just announced product Team Server. It's a workflow
>  tool that's amazing. We have ideas about what it should do but we want
>  input about what you need that tool to do.

I'm confused. Is it a product or is it an idea for a product?

>  I'm delighted to answer questions about Blaze or any of our products. If
>  could send those questions to my MadCap email, that would help me a lot.
>  sburton at, please.

I'll keep my questions on the list since that's where they originated.

Bill Swallow
HATT List Owner
WWP-Users List Owner
Senior Member STC, TechValley Chapter
STC Single-Sourcing SIG Manager

MadCap Blaze

2008-03-20 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor post

Forgive me - these are straight questions. I really don't quite understand.

What's convoluted about getting printed output out of XML, HTML, or 
XHTML topics
in Blaze?

You create topics, you define and assign style sheets to topics (you can also
have multiple style sheets in one project and assign them at build time when
you create the output), you create outlines that define the content for the
output, you specify PDF, XPS, or HTML as the output, you output, and you're

What other printed outputs would you want? PDF and XPS seem to be the 
only ones
you can send to a printer for printed books... If your workflow needs you to
also output to Word or Frame, we have that too, but it's not really a print
output, per se.

As to XML, HTML, or XHTML not being the right data format for content, 
it's the
direction the industry is moving. Data in these formats are more 
extendable and
reusable than in a Word format, for example... Pretty much all CMSs, for
example, store data as one of these formats.

We've not found much that you can do in unstructured Frame that you 
can't do in
Blaze. But Blaze does things that Frame can't do, like Smart Cross-references.
[see the docs or our website for what those are but they are very powerful]

As to the docs, we have a 36 page Quick Start Guide and very extensive help
system in the first beta build. This *is* a beta, so we're finishing the docs
during the beta, hopefully using info you guys give us about what else needs
tight docs. We would need to know what are you struggling with that needs more

Can you help me understand?

Quoting quills at

> For a product that is supposedly Print oriented, HTML is a lousy
> media to produce it in. There is no reason to use HTML. Even XHTML is
> not the best route, nor is XML. While HTML and XHTML are presentation
> based, they don't allow the same type of easy manipulation that
> FrameMaker or even Word allows.
> This just isn't a paradigm that makes sense to me. There isn't an
> output other than html or PDF or XPS. The means to get to your output
> result is laborious and convoluted. This just doesn't seem to be a
> well thought out print solution.
> And the beta did not provide me with any real documentation that I
> could view with confidence. Was that a problem with the build?
> Scott

MadCap Blaze

2008-03-20 Thread Sharon Burton
In fact, we have these features and in fact you have the sort of control - and
in some cases, more control - you expect from an app designed for "print". For
example, you also have short line control, missing from FrameMaker.


Quoting William Gaffga :

> leading ... kerning ... tracking ... ligatures ... this kinda stuff (and
> more) is something you expect from "print". HTML, even with the aid of
> CSS, is not going to be able to give you the control of these that you
> would get from an app designed for "print".
> Sharon Burton wrote:
>> Can you help me understand?

MadCap Blaze

2008-03-21 Thread Sharon Burton
It's the second, as in your example. If the words leave a line that's too
short to look good, you can set how that's managed. It can either
recalculate the lines above it and pull the short line up into the paragraph
OR it can expand the text and send more into the last line.

But it's automatic. You don't have to put a non-breaking space. And if you
need to reuse that content in another layout, that non-breaking space could
look icky in the second layout. Better to set rules for this and then move


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at]On Behalf Of Hedley Finger
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 7:35 PM
To: Frame Users
Subject: Re: MadCap Blaze


At Friday, 21/03/2008, 11:07 AM;, you wrote:
>you also have short line control, missing from FrameMaker.

Is that the same as widows and orphans?  Or is it when a small word,
say "all", turns over onto a new line at the end of a paragraph?  If
the latter, in FM most people just put a non-breaking space before
the word, e.g. "\ all", in order to bring the preceding word over
onto the last line.


More like a flicker than a Blaze

2008-03-26 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor post

Actually, to clarify for those who may not know, with Flare you get 
both online
and print in one package. With Frame, you get print or PDF. With the addition
of ePub (another $1200, last I looked), you get online. You also get very
responsive tech support, should you want it.

If you have concerns about or would like to provide input into our pricing
strategy or our product strategy, I encourage you to contact me at my madcap
email: sburton at

Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software

Quoting "Flato, Gillian" :

> I just looked at pricing. Flare is $899. FrameMaker is $899. With Frame
> I get DITA and a program that works with my ePub Help software, with
> Flare I get less.
> Not only does MadCap's product strategy make no sense, their pricing
> strategy also makes no sense.
> Since we are the potential audience for Flare, MadCap should talk to us
> before they develop their next product and decide on pricing structure.
> -Gillian
> -Original Message-
> From: framers-bounces at
> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of
> quills at
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 7:02 PM
> To: Hedley Finger; Frame Users
> Subject: Re: More like a flicker than a Blaze
> Truthfully, I'd use Oxygen rather than Blaze for an XHTML editor. Or
> I'd use a couple of other apps, which even when taken as a group are
> less expensive than would be Blaze. And have a learning curve that
> isn't as steep. The requirement to design isn't one that I would give
> to all authors, though the input of data I would, and that can be
> done with text editors, much as is done with Arbortext apps.
> Scott

Announcing MadCap Blaze!

2008-09-09 Thread Sharon Burton
***Vendor post alert! Avert your eyes if these emails upset you!! ;-)

It's been a long time in the works, but it's finally here: MadCap  
Software announces Blaze!

Blaze is the perfect product for authoring and publishing complex  
printed materials. With Blaze, you finally have a complete product for  
developing long printed documents while maximizing content re-use  
through topic-based authoring:

* Topic-based content development
* Content reuse with conditional text, variables, snippets, outlines, and more
* Flexibility with XML and CSS
* And much more

Blaze also integrates with our other products, including Flare, MadCap  
Lingo, Analyzer, X-edit and Capture so you can extend the power of  
Blaze as your needs grow.

Madcap Blaze includes all the features you expect in a high-end  
XML-based publishing system. I'm not going to list them here but go to  
the website and read all the features. This product is amazing.

To see what Blaze can do for you, to sign up for a free web-based  
demo, or to download the trial, go to

You just won't believe how easy your life can be.


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
sburton at
IM: sharonvburton at

ePublisher Pro vs. other generated online help

2008-09-12 Thread Sharon Burton
***Vendor post***

We just released Flare 4, which will do everything I suspect you need and
more. You can download a trial version at and sign up
for a demo, if you want. The demo is good, in that it will shows you some of
what the product does.

We can certainly dynamically link to Frame files, not problems. We easily do
multiple sets of variables, including importing the variables in your Frame
files. And the conditions come thru easy pleasey.


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at]On Behalf Of Callie
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 2:59 PM
To: framers at
Subject: ePublisher Pro vs. other generated online help

Hi Framaniacs ;)

I generate 10+ manuals from FrameMaker 7.2 into PDFs, with extensive
single sourcing material. Currently, I've been using WebWorks ePublisher
Pro 9.1 (I just did an old maintenance upgrade to 9.2, actually) to
generate several thousand help pages (between different

I just received an offer from ePublisher Pro to upgrade to their 2008.2
(9.5) edition for the cost of software maintenance, since I'm on an
unsupported (old) version. Primarily I'm wondering:

- Do other writers with similar publishing needs consider ePubPro a
competitive product?
- Have other products sharpened their competitive edge since our last
tool decision (a few years ago)? For instance, comparisons with MadCap
or Flare?

In considering a new product, I know immediately I value the following:

- Dynamic connection with FrameMaker documents (ability to rescan/update
files in help project file)
- Ability to set variables and conditions or pass them through from the
document, in a user-friendly manner, when building the help

Thanks for any "help" on the help anyone has time to give!

MadCap Software offering Free Webinars

2008-09-17 Thread Sharon Burton
***Vendor post!***

MadCap Software is offering several free webinars in the month of  
October. These sales pitch-free webinars are filling up fast. If you  
want to learn more about any of these topics, click the links below to  
sign up.

Importing FrameMaker files to Flare or Blaze
October 3 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at:

What?s new in Flare 4?
October 9 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at:

Planning the move to Flare or Blaze
October 15 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at:

Doing more with less (Tools independant: this is the crazy sold out  
STC webinar we did in late spring)
October 21 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at:


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
sburton at
IM: sharonvburton at

Still time to sign up for the next free tools-neutral webinar

2009-04-06 Thread Sharon Burton
Not much of a vendor post

As you know, MadCap Software is hosting a series of free tool-neutral webinars. 
The next one is April 9th at 9am Pacific. There's still time to sign up. 

Planning Topic-based Authoring: Working in a Use Case or Scenario-based 
Presenter: John Hedtke
Time and date: April 9 2009 9am Pacific
Sign up:

You know topic-based authoring will save you time and effort in your authoring 
and publishing projects. If you're working in a use case or scenario 
development environment, you also know topic-based authoring will make your 
life easier. 

This free webinar will walk you thru planning your projects. When we're done, 
you'll have a firm idea of what you need to do with your projects to make sure 
you deliver on time and in budget and how to integrate your project into the 
rest of the project planning. 

This free webinar is being recorded, so even if the date and time don't work 
for you, sign up and you'll automatically get a link to the recording the next 


Sharon Burton
IM: sharonvburton at

Cross-ref formats

2009-08-04 Thread Sharon Burton
Given that more and more information is being repurposed, I've become
against making things fit the old printed model. 

The xref formats you describe are from print. But I'm thinking more and more
of formatting and content as separate. 

I would set the xrefs as simple as possible in Frame to handle other

But that's just me. I'd rather not have writers trying to figure out what to
use when and I'd really like to not have checking these formats in the
preproduction list. 


Sharon Burton
IM: sharonvburton at

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Nancy Allison
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 12:52 PM
To: framers at
Subject: Re: Cross-ref formats

Some follow-up questions:

1. I've been looking at the Chicago Manual, 15th edition. I'd expect a great
honking treatment of this subject, but I'm not seeing it. All the
cross-reference i9nformation is presented with reference to indexes and
bibliographies. The sections referring to cross-references "in text" are
discussions of the editor's obligation to check cross-references!

Is there an exhaustive section on x-ref format, in text, that I'm missing?

2. I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you , to discover just what a
stick-in-the-mud I really am. I thought italics were sacrosanct for
referring to the titles of separately bound publications. (Although how
purely electronic publications can be "bound" is a topic for another day.)
But .. . you've all gotten over this hurdle and use italics to identify
cross-references? Like:  "See  Pots and Pans 
on page 85," where "Pots and Pans" is a couple of paragraphs with header in
a much longer chapter of a much larger *separately bound* publication,
whether physical or digital?


I must sit down.

In that case, do you also put your italicized x-refs in a different color,
so as to distinguish them from the titles of separately bound publications,
which you might also mention in your text? 



Cross-ref formats

2009-08-04 Thread Sharon Burton
Right now she's doing print. But in 6 months? I like to build for this

And I'm lazy and don't want to have to worry about what template is applied
and checking the xref formats to make sure it's all as it should be and... 

I'm not saying Nancy is wrong, I'm just giving my philosophy on what I
prefer to do.


Sharon Burton
IM: sharonvburton at

-Original Message-
From: Mike Feimster [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 1:33 PM
To: sharon at; framers at
Subject: RE: Cross-ref formats

Considering she's setting up a template for a print document, it makes
sense to include the page numbers in the x-ref formats.

If she's outputting to a different format, she can create a separate set
of x-ref definitions in the tool she is using to create her other


-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Sharon Burton
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 4:18 PM
To: 'Nancy Allison'; framers at
Subject: RE: Cross-ref formats

Given that more and more information is being repurposed, I've become
against making things fit the old printed model. 

The xref formats you describe are from print. But I'm thinking more and
of formatting and content as separate. 

I would set the xrefs as simple as possible in Frame to handle other

But that's just me. I'd rather not have writers trying to figure out
what to
use when and I'd really like to not have checking these formats in the
preproduction list. 


Sharon Burton
IM: sharonvburton at

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Nancy Allison
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 12:52 PM
To: framers at
Subject: Re: Cross-ref formats

Some follow-up questions:

1. I've been looking at the Chicago Manual, 15th edition. I'd expect a
honking treatment of this subject, but I'm not seeing it. All the
cross-reference i9nformation is presented with reference to indexes and
bibliographies. The sections referring to cross-references "in text" are
discussions of the editor's obligation to check cross-references!

Is there an exhaustive section on x-ref format, in text, that I'm

2. I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you , to discover just what a
stick-in-the-mud I really am. I thought italics were sacrosanct for
referring to the titles of separately bound publications. (Although how
purely electronic publications can be "bound" is a topic for another
But .. . you've all gotten over this hurdle and use italics to identify
cross-references? Like:  "See  Pots and Pans 
on page 85," where "Pots and Pans" is a couple of paragraphs with header
a much longer chapter of a much larger *separately bound* publication,
whether physical or digital?


I must sit down.

In that case, do you also put your italicized x-refs in a different
so as to distinguish them from the titles of separately bound
which you might also mention in your text? 




You are currently subscribed to Framers as
mike.feimster at

Send list messages to framers at

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Send administrative questions to listadmin at Visit for more resources and info.

Free non-tools webinars from MadCap Software

2009-02-04 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor alert but not product news

As you know, MadCap Software is running a series of popular free  
webinars for the Tech Comm community. We?ve added 2 more webinars to  
the schedule. They are:

Controlling costs by controlling language
This tool-independent webinar shows how simplified language options  
can reduce page count, decrease translation expense, and improve  
comprehension among on-English audiences. But is it appropriate for  
you? Find out.
Presenter: Brenda Huettner, P-N Designs, Inc
Apr 23, 2009 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Pacific Time)

Users: Who are these people and what do they want?
This tool-independent webinar discusses creating the wrong content for  
the wrong user is as bad as creating nothing at all. Learn to identify  
your users and decide how to support them. Reduce costs and schedules  
by providing the right information.
Presenter: Sharon Burton, MadCap Software
May 14, 2009 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Pacific Time)

We?ve not added them to the MadCap website yet but they should appear  
in the next few days. If you?re interested, sign up. We?re getting  
about 200 people signed up for each one.  We?re also recording the  
webinars so they are available afterwards if the time and date don?t  
work for you.

And don?t forget, you can still sign up for Sarah O?Keefe doing DITA ?  
Why the buzz? at 9am 5 Feb Pacific by going to


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
sburton at
IM: sharonvburton at
Free webinars:

The next free MadCap tool-s neutral webinar is Feb 12

2009-02-06 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor alert but not real vendor-y

As you know, MadCap is hosting a free series of Tech Comm-related,  
generally, tools-neutral, webinars.

Building the business case for topic-based authoring. Feb 12, 9-10am Pacific
This webinar will walk you through defining the problem, gathering  
appropriate data, compiling the data, and presenting it to your  
management. Learn the best ways to make your management see you can?t  
afford *not* to make the move.

There?s still time to sign up at

These webinars are well attended and the response is very positive.  
They are not cleverly disguised sales pitches ? in fact, MadCap  
products are not usually mentioned.

We?re also recording the webinars and if you sign up and can?t attend,  
you will get the link automatically the next day.


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
sburton at
IM: sharonvburton at
Free webinars:

Still time to sign up for the next tools-neutral free webinar

2009-02-19 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor post alert!

There?s still time to sign up for the next tools-neutral free webinar  
hosted by MadCap Software.

Planning for Content Reuse: Best Practices for Legacy and/or New Content
Tue, Feb 24, 2009 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PST
Eddie VanArsdall is covering best Practices for planning for content  
reuse, both in legacy docs and for new content, regardless of the tool  
you use. This one is popular, with over 200 people signed up so far.

As always, our free webinar series is not a cleverly disguised sales  
pitch. It?s free training to help you stay on top of the issues in  
Tech Comm. In this economy, you need to make sure you?re as marketable  
as you can be.

If the time and date don?t work for you, we record these webinars. If  
you sign up and can?t attend, you?ll automatically get a link the next  
day to the recording that you can watch when it?s a good time for you.


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
sburton at
IM: sharonvburton at
Free webinars:

 From web

Still time to sign up for the free tool-independent webinar next week

2009-01-09 Thread Sharon Burton
***Vendor post, but, seriously, not very vendor-y

You still have time to sign up for the tool-independent webinar MadCap
Software is hosting next week. We have VoIP, so no phone calls - just your
computer and your speakers.

Topic-based Authoring: Doing more with less Jan 15 2009 9am (Pacific
Regardless of the tool you use to develop content, this webinar introduces
you to topic-based content development, shows you how to plan, and explains
how to leverage the content you develop. You'll leave this event with
vocabulary, planning ideas, and knowledge to help you move to the next

This is a *very* popular webinar topic - when we did it with STC, 250 people
signed up in less than 2 hours.

Go to to sign up and see
more information about the typically tool-neutral webinars we're doing over
the next few months.

We're adding several more in the March to June time frame in the next month
or so, so it's worth checking the website often.

If you have a topic you think would be interesting to the Tech Comm field,
contact me at sburton at and let's talk about it.


Sharon Burton

Frame Versions Question

2007-08-05 Thread Sharon Burton
My employer wants to know if this is legal:

We are adding 3 writers. We currently all run Frame 7.2. We will be ordering
Frame 8 for the new writers, with the intention of later this year,
upgrading all 10 of the other writers to Frame 8. In the interim, we don't
want some writers in 7.2 and some on 8. We are also about to release a major
set of products and don't want to upgrade the docs people midstream. We all
know the bad things that can happen of we do that this close to product

Can we buy the 3 copies of 8 and then let the 3 writers use 7.2? We will be
violating our license agreement?


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting

Frame Versions Question

2007-08-05 Thread Sharon Burton
Because of how my employer purchases software, we can't buy from someone who
isn't Adobe when we buy Adobe software. It's a very frustrating purchasing

We were hoping if we purchase 8, then it would sort of cover us on the extra
use of the 7.2 seats in a retroactive way. We would have, in fact, enough
seats of Frame, we just wouldn't use the 8 copies until we can bring the
entire group forward at the same time.

I can't figure out from the EULA if this is legal or not.


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting

-Original Message-
From: Art Campbell []
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 2:43 PM
To: sharon at
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Frame Versions Question

Without reading the 8 EULA, which I don't have access to, yes,
probably it's not legal.
Why not just follow the KISS principle and get three 7.2 packages off
the shelf of a retailer who has left-overs and then see if Adobe will
follow it's usual procedure of giving an upgrade to the current
release if the product was purchased in the release time frame?
Adds up to the same amount of money, but you get everyone on 7.2 and
then upgrade together.


On 8/5/07, Sharon Burton  wrote:
> My employer wants to know if this is legal:
> We are adding 3 writers. We currently all run Frame 7.2. We will be
> Frame 8 for the new writers, with the intention of later this year,
> upgrading all 10 of the other writers to Frame 8. In the interim, we don't
> want some writers in 7.2 and some on 8. We are also about to release a
> set of products and don't want to upgrade the docs people midstream. We
> know the bad things that can happen of we do that this close to product
> releases.
> Can we buy the 3 copies of 8 and then let the 3 writers use 7.2? We will
> violating our license agreement?

Frame Versions Question

2007-08-05 Thread Sharon Burton
Thank you, Dov. I'll do that. I was hoping someone might have just contacted
Adobe with this same issue and knew.


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting

-Original Message-
From: Dov Isaacs []
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 4:41 PM
To: sharon at; Art Campbell
Cc: framers at
Subject: RE: Frame Versions Question

My advice, for what it is worth, is to contact Adobe Customer
Support ASAP instead of relying on the guesses of those on the
list as to what might be legal, what Adobe might allow, etc.
Explain your situation and see whether they might be able to
make some reasonable accommodation for you, especially if you
are on some volume purchase plan. If necessary, ask for a

- Dov

> -Original Message-
> From: Sharon Burton
> Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 4:38 PM
> Because of how my employer purchases software, we can't buy from
someone who
> isn't Adobe when we buy Adobe software. It's a very frustrating
> process.
> We were hoping if we purchase 8, then it would sort of cover us on the
> use of the 7.2 seats in a retroactive way. We would have, in fact,
> seats of Frame, we just wouldn't use the 8 copies until we can bring
> entire group forward at the same time.
> I can't figure out from the EULA if this is legal or not.
> sharon
> Sharon Burton
> CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting
> 951-369-8590

Some questions about reference pages, index specifications and font size

2007-06-23 Thread Sharon Burton
I've considered this a bug in Frame for years. Here's what happening:

The paragraph format that formats the page number doesn't exist yet. The
name appears in the list, but you see an asterisk. Frame automatically
creates the format but for some reason doesn't actually save it to the

The solution?

1 Go to the reference page.
2 Find the format that formats the page number.
3 Notice that it has an asterisk next to it's name int he Paragraph catalog.
4 Open the Paragraph Designer.
5 From that funny little list right under the paragraph name, select Create
New. You are prompted for the name and the name is already in the text box.
6 Click Create or what ever takes you forward (I'm doing this from memory)
7 Format the page number to what ever you want, clicking Update All.
8 Regenerate.

Should be fixed.


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting

-Original Message-
[ at]On
Behalf Of Art Campbell
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 9:52 AM
To: Rob Shell
Cc: framers at
Subject: Re: Some questions about reference pages,index specifications
and font size

Have you checked the para tag that controls the entry to make sure
that no character tags are invoked? And/or, highlight the entire entry
Ctrl-8 and specify Default Format


On 6/23/07, Rob Shell  wrote:
> Hi Framers:
> I have generated several independent indexes. However the page number font
> size is not constant for the same level. Thus I will have for example:
> Cape
> 1657-1750 54
> 1680-1730 36
> The page number "36" is oversize (actually it is the paragraph number).
> I seem to think that the answer must lie in the reference pages, but the
> page headed "Index Specifications is only one of three which appears to
> control the size of the font in the index.
> I have been importing formats. Have I inadvertently overloaded the index
> specifications?
> I am becoming dizzy trying to find out where I m going wrong..
> Thanks
> Rob

Flare v Webworks

2007-11-14 Thread Sharon Burton
 Vendor post

I'm product manager for Madcap. I can tell you that Flare nicely single 
Frame 7 and 8 files and it's all pretty easy - much easier than setting 
up WWP,
and I'm a WWP expert.

We are also offering a competitive upgrade for about $400 off the full Flare
price. I strongly recommend that you consider the maintanence package, which
still brings you in for much less than WWP.

You can always call Sales for more info. They're nice people and can give you
actual prices.

Sharon Burton
Product Manager
Madcap Software
sburton at
Voice: 858-320-0387 x217
Fax: 858-320-0338

Quoting Charles Beck :

> Hi Pat,
> The tool you are looking for is called Mif2Go, and you can find it at
> The company is very much still in business, and its owner (?) Jeremy
> Griffiths is very active on this list. It is much more reasonably priced
> than WebWorks but a bit more challenging to learn. However, Jeremy is
> extremely helpful and supportive if you run into problems. It should do
> whatever you need (assuming all you need is what you described...).
> HTH,
> Chuck Beck
> Sr. Technical Writer | Infor | Office: 614.523.7302 |
> Charles.Beck at
> -Original Message-
> From: framers-bounces at
> [mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Pat Fortino
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 20:42
> To: framers at
> Subject: Flare v Webworks
> Hi,
> Sorry if this question has been answered already; I tried to find a
> place to search the framer's archive for my questions, but can't find
> it. Is there a way to search the archive?
> Anyway, I just talked to Webworks about upgrading my Webworks Pro 2003.
> First of all, they told me there is no upgrade path; I have to pay full
> price again, $1900. And that's only for a specific named user; each
> extra user is ONLY $900. Totally rediculous.
> Anyway, I am a small company and cannot afford to pay $2000 for an
> add-on frame utility that I use only once in a while. Can anyone suggest
> an alternative. I once looked into Flare, and they claim Flare can use
> the frame files as a source, so I assume I could still single source for
> print and online help.
> Also, I remember a tool called miftogo, but I cannot find anything in
> google about where to buy it. Is this company still in business. If so,
> will it does what webworks does; eg, convert a frame book to an online
> help format?
> Thanks for any help.
> Pat Fortino
>>>>>>>>>>> |<<<<<<<<<<<<
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> - Technical Writing
> - Editing
> - Desktop Publishing
> Get Firefox, a Safer, Faster, and Better Browser
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as Charles.Beck at
> Send list messages to framers at
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> framers-unsubscribe at
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> ___
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> for more resources and info.

Still time to sign up for the free tool-independent webinar next week

2009-01-09 Thread Sharon Burton
***Vendor post, but, seriously, not very vendor-y

You still have time to sign up for the tool-independent webinar MadCap
Software is hosting next week. We have VoIP, so no phone calls - just your
computer and your speakers.

Topic-based Authoring: Doing more with less Jan 15 2009 9am (Pacific
Regardless of the tool you use to develop content, this webinar introduces
you to topic-based content development, shows you how to plan, and explains
how to leverage the content you develop. You'll leave this event with
vocabulary, planning ideas, and knowledge to help you move to the next

This is a *very* popular webinar topic - when we did it with STC, 250 people
signed up in less than 2 hours.

Go to to sign up and see
more information about the typically tool-neutral webinars we're doing over
the next few months.

We're adding several more in the March to June time frame in the next month
or so, so it's worth checking the website often.

If you have a topic you think would be interesting to the Tech Comm field,
contact me at and let's talk about it.


Sharon Burton


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or visit

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RE: How do you create a new paragraph after a table?

2009-01-19 Thread Sharon Burton
Typically, you do one of the following:

1. Decide in your book design all Heading1s, for example, will always start
at the top of the page. In that case, build it into the paragraph style
using instructions others have posted to the list.

2. When the content is complete, do copy-fitting to make content fall on the
page where you want it. In that case, you may wish to manually insert page
breaks, knowing that you will remove these when it's time to update the
content in the future.

Inserting page breaks for copy-fitting while you are crating content results
in a large amount of rework in the future, as added content will move page
breaks around and must manually be managed.

As an note to people new to Frame: I always strongly recommend you work with
all Markers turned on. Quickly, you will stop seeing them until you need to
see them. This lets you see index markers, xref markers, table markers and
so on. If you turn them off, Frame will happily let you still delete them
but you will have no idea why they are gone.


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of Bodvar
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2009 5:45 AM
To: Avraham Makeler
Subject: Re: How do you create a new paragraph after a table?

If anyone needed to add a couple of lines somewhere in the document
before this table, resulting in moving the table (a small one I
suppose) to the next page, or had to delete some contents resulting in
the opposite direction of move, would you still want this page brake
where you put it originally? If so I would seriously think of
splitting the file instead.

Bodvar Bjorgvinsson

2009/1/19 Avraham Makeler :
> Thanks for the responses.
>>> You could choose Special> Page Break. The problem with that method is
> that FrameMaker removes the page break anytime you remove overrides.
> What?!  Really?! In Word this is style independent and is a hard break ,
> real as typing "avi" or any ASCII character(s). No way of making a
> page break?
> And if I make a Heading style that starts at the start of a page, I will
> have to make a variant like that for H2, H3, H4  and H5.
> Thanks,
> - avi
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 3:13 AM, Mike Wickham 
>> I have a table *immediately* followed by a heading, the latter being
>>> at the end of the page. So I would like to insert a page break before
>>> heading. How do I do that?


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Re: RESOLVED: Inserting a landscape page within a portrait layout document

2009-01-22 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor post but not very vendor-y

As you know, MadCap Software is offering a series of free, typically  
tool-neutral, webinars. There’s still time to sign up for the next  
one, offered Jan 29 at 9am Pacific time. Mike Hamilton is talking  
about Advanced Publishing in Flare or Blaze.

If that time and date don’t work for you, sign up anyway and you will  
be sent a link to the recorded webinar the next day. We’re recording  
the free webinars and making them available from our website.

Keep an eye on for  
all our upcoming free webinars. These free webinars are very  
successful, so we plan on offering them for a while. If you want to  
update your knowledge of the Tech Comm field, these webinars may help.

If you’re interested in presenting a topic to the field, contact me  
and let’s discuss your idea. If you have a topic you’d like to see,  
also contact me and let’s talk about it.

Currently, I’m looking for someone to cover creating API docs and  
someone to cover creating visuals from technical content for webinars  
in the May/June time period. You don’t need be in the US but you do  
need a computer with a microphone for the VoIP to present. Microphone  
headsets can be purchased for less than $40US.



Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590


You are currently subscribed to Framers as

Send list messages to

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit

Send administrative questions to Visit for more resources and info.

There's still time to sign up for the free webinar next week

2009-01-22 Thread Sharon Burton
Sorry, guys. I swear I changed the subject line, but... I clearly  
needed more coffee.
 From web

Quoting Sharon Burton :

> Vendor post but not very vendor-y
> As you know, MadCap Software is offering a series of free, typically
> tool-neutral, webinars. There’s still time to sign up for the next
> one, offered Jan 29 at 9am Pacific time. Mike Hamilton is talking
> about Advanced Publishing in Flare or Blaze.
> If that time and date don’t work for you, sign up anyway and you will
> be sent a link to the recorded webinar the next day. We’re recording
> the free webinars and making them available from our website.
> Keep an eye on for
> all our upcoming free webinars. These free webinars are very
> successful, so we plan on offering them for a while. If you want to
> update your knowledge of the Tech Comm field, these webinars may help.
> If you’re interested in presenting a topic to the field, contact me
> and let’s discuss your idea. If you have a topic you’d like to see,
> also contact me and let’s talk about it.
> Currently, I’m looking for someone to cover creating API docs and
> someone to cover creating visuals from technical content for webinars
> in the May/June time period. You don’t need be in the US but you do
> need a computer with a microphone for the VoIP to present. Microphone
> headsets can be purchased for less than $40US.
> Thanks!
> sharon
> Sharon Burton
> Product Manager
> MadCap Software
> Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
> Cell: 951-202-0813
> Home office: 951-369-8590
> IM:
> Blog:
> ___
> You are currently subscribed to Framers as
> Send list messages to
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> or visit   
> Send administrative questions to Visit
> for more resources and info.


You are currently subscribed to Framers as

Send list messages to

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit

Send administrative questions to Visit for more resources and info.

Re: There's still time to sign up for the free webinar next week

2009-01-22 Thread Sharon Burton
I know. I'm functioning on 3.5 hours of sleep and working off my  
server email client. With all that against me, I still managed to sort  
of post.

 From web

Quoting Stuart Rogers :

> Sharon Burton wrote:
>> Sorry, guys. I swear I changed the subject line, but... I clearly
>> needed more coffee.
> Hi Sharon,
> It's a better idea to start a new thread with a new message, not a
> Reply.  If I'm not mistaken, even if you edit the subject line, the
> header info retained in a Reply message can still cause the message to
> be sorted into its original thread topic in e-mail clients or archives.
> Starting a fresh topic with a New message command guarantees a new thread.
> Best regards,
> -- 
> Stuart Rogers
> Technical Communicator
> Phoenix Geophysics Limited
> Toronto, ON, Canada
> +1 (416) 491-7340 x 325
> srogers phoenix-geophysics com
> Suggested headline for
> "In Final Trip to Beijing, Bush Calls on Premier to 'Tear Down This Wall'"
> -- Malcolm Fleschner, Palo Alto, Calif., in The Washington Post


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Free non-tools webinars from MadCap Software

2009-02-04 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor alert but not product news

As you know, MadCap Software is running a series of popular free  
webinars for the Tech Comm community. We?ve added 2 more webinars to  
the schedule. They are:

Controlling costs by controlling language
This tool-independent webinar shows how simplified language options  
can reduce page count, decrease translation expense, and improve  
comprehension among on-English audiences. But is it appropriate for  
you? Find out.
Presenter: Brenda Huettner, P-N Designs, Inc
Apr 23, 2009 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Pacific Time)

Users: Who are these people and what do they want?
This tool-independent webinar discusses creating the wrong content for  
the wrong user is as bad as creating nothing at all. Learn to identify  
your users and decide how to support them. Reduce costs and schedules  
by providing the right information.
Presenter: Sharon Burton, MadCap Software
May 14, 2009 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Pacific Time)

We?ve not added them to the MadCap website yet but they should appear  
in the next few days. If you?re interested, sign up. We?re getting  
about 200 people signed up for each one.  We?re also recording the  
webinars so they are available afterwards if the time and date don?t  
work for you.

And don?t forget, you can still sign up for Sarah O?Keefe doing DITA ?  
Why the buzz? at 9am 5 Feb Pacific by going to


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
Free webinars:


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or visit

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The next free MadCap tool-s neutral webinar is Feb 12

2009-02-06 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor alert but not real vendor-y

As you know, MadCap is hosting a free series of Tech Comm-related,  
generally, tools-neutral, webinars.

Building the business case for topic-based authoring. Feb 12, 9-10am Pacific
This webinar will walk you through defining the problem, gathering  
appropriate data, compiling the data, and presenting it to your  
management. Learn the best ways to make your management see you can?t  
afford *not* to make the move.

There?s still time to sign up at

These webinars are well attended and the response is very positive.  
They are not cleverly disguised sales pitches ? in fact, MadCap  
products are not usually mentioned.

We?re also recording the webinars and if you sign up and can?t attend,  
you will get the link automatically the next day.


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
Free webinars:


You are currently subscribed to Framers as

Send list messages to

To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit

Send administrative questions to Visit for more resources and info.

Still time to sign up for the next tools-neutral free webinar

2009-02-19 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor post alert!

There’s still time to sign up for the next tools-neutral free webinar  
hosted by MadCap Software.

Planning for Content Reuse: Best Practices for Legacy and/or New Content
Tue, Feb 24, 2009 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PST
Eddie VanArsdall is covering best Practices for planning for content  
reuse, both in legacy docs and for new content, regardless of the tool  
you use. This one is popular, with over 200 people signed up so far.

As always, our free webinar series is not a cleverly disguised sales  
pitch. It’s free training to help you stay on top of the issues in  
Tech Comm. In this economy, you need to make sure you’re as marketable  
as you can be.

If the time and date don’t work for you, we record these webinars. If  
you sign up and can’t attend, you’ll automatically get a link the next  
day to the recording that you can watch when it’s a good time for you.


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
Free webinars:

 From web


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To unsubscribe send a blank email to
or visit

Send administrative questions to Visit for more resources and info.

MadCap Software is hosting another free tools-neutral webinar March 12

2009-03-03 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor post

MadCap is hosting another free tools-neutral webinar next week.  
There?s still time to sign up. If the time or date don?t work for you,  
sign up anyway and the link to the recording will be automatically  
sent to you the next day.

Can your HAT be a Content Management System?
Help authoring tools (HATs) seem unrelated to CMSs, but HATs have gone  
far beyond their help roots. They offer features like repositories,  
version control, review management, content customization using  
conditionality and variables, and more. This tool-independent webinar  
discusses how you might use the hidden features in your existing HAT  
tools as a Content Management System.
Thu, Mar 12, 2009 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PDT
Neil Perlin is the presenter
To sign up:

To see the other free tools-neutral webinars that MadCap Software is  
hosting, go to  
We?ve got some great webinars planned in the next 3  months.


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
Free tools-neutral webinars:


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or visit

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RE: Importing FM content to Flare - Changing image import location

2009-03-04 Thread Sharon Burton
I work for MadCap

It's a good feature request. I'll send it on. Make sure you submit it too,
using the Feature request on the Start page in Flare.

You can move the graphics after the import. If you need help, send me an
email and I'll walk you thru it.


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[]on Behalf Of David Schor
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 4:16 AM
To: Jon Harvey
Subject: Re: Importing FM content to Flare - Changing image import

Hi Jon,

I see that I can filter the view, so it makes it easier to select the
graphics in order to move them to the Images folder. However, the problem
remains that apparently, Flare by design, is importing the graphics together
with the HTM output files into the same directory (even its Help admits that
"it's messy" (LOL) so perhaps this is something that Madcap will fix in a
future release (I'm working in v4.2). I would like to be able to choose the
location for importing the graphics.

Thanks very much! All the best,
David Schor
Technical Writer
Afcon Software and Electronics
Mobile:  054 478 8253

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Jon Harvey

> Hi David,
> There is a filter at the top of the file list in Flare that enables you
> to list only the files in which you are interested. Enter *.htm into the
> text box and you should be fine.
> Jon Harvey
> Manager, Desktop Documentation
> CambridgeSoft Corporation
> 100 CambridgePark Drive
> Cambridge, MA 02140
> (617) 588-9354
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of David Schor
> Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 8:22 AM
> To:; framers
>  Subject: Importing FM content to Flare - Changing image import location
> Hey everyone, it was good to see some of you at the TCC last Thursday.
> I've just started working with Flare v4.2 and for my first project, I'm
> importing a FrameMaker v7.2 Book. The problem is that in addition to the
> FM
> files, it imports all graphics into the same folder in the Content
> Organizer. That's a bit messy for me, because I don't want to sift
> through a
> bunch of GIFs when looking to open a specific HTM file. I prefer to
> import
> the graphics into the Resources/Images folder.
> I can't find any option or switch or instruction in the Flare Help to
> enable
> me to do this.
> Does anyone know how to do this? For me, this is a black eye against
> Madcap
> if I have to clean this folder every time I update the content.
> TIA,
> David
> --
> David Schor
> Technical Writer
> Afcon Software and Electronics
> Mobile:  054 478 8253
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Another free webinar hosted by MadCap Software

2009-03-24 Thread Sharon Burton
Sort of a vendor post

As you know, MadCap Software is hosting a series of free tool-neutral webinars. 
The next one is April 9th at 9am Pacific. 

Planning Topic-based Authoring: Working in a Use Case or Scenario-based 
Presenter: John Hedtke
Time and data: April 9 2009 9am Pacific
Sign up:  
You know topic-based authoring will save you time and effort in your authoring 
and publishing projects. If you’re working in a use case or scenario 
development environment, you also know topic-based authoring will make your 
life easier. 

This free webinar will walk you thru planning your projects. When we’re done, 
you’ll have a firm idea of what you need to do with your projects to make sure 
you deliver on time and in budget. 

This free webinar is being recorded, so even if the date and time don’t work 
for you, sign up and you’ll automatically get a link to the recording the next 


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590
Free tools-neutral webinars:


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Still time to sign up for the next free tools-neutral webinar

2009-04-06 Thread Sharon Burton
Not much of a vendor post

As you know, MadCap Software is hosting a series of free tool-neutral webinars. 
The next one is April 9th at 9am Pacific. There's still time to sign up. 

Planning Topic-based Authoring: Working in a Use Case or Scenario-based 
Presenter: John Hedtke
Time and date: April 9 2009 9am Pacific
Sign up:

You know topic-based authoring will save you time and effort in your authoring 
and publishing projects. If you're working in a use case or scenario 
development environment, you also know topic-based authoring will make your 
life easier. 

This free webinar will walk you thru planning your projects. When we're done, 
you'll have a firm idea of what you need to do with your projects to make sure 
you deliver on time and in budget and how to integrate your project into the 
rest of the project planning. 

This free webinar is being recorded, so even if the date and time don't work 
for you, sign up and you'll automatically get a link to the recording the next 


Sharon Burton


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Still time to sign up for the next free tools-neutral webinar

2009-05-13 Thread Sharon Burton
As you know, MadCap Software is hosting a series of free, tools-neutral
webinars. Even if the time or date don't work for you, we record these and
you can view them later. If you sign up, the link to the recording is
automatically sent to you the next day. 


May 14, 2009 9-10am (Pacific Time) 


 <> Users: Who are These
People and What do They Want?

This tool-independent webinar cover how creating the wrong content for the
wrong user is as bad as creating nothing at all. Learn to identify your
users and decide how to support them. Reduce costs and schedules by
providing the right information to the right people.

Presenter: Sharon Burton, MadCap Software 





Sharon Burton

Product Manager

MadCap Software

Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222

Cell: 951-202-0813

Home office: 951-369-8590



Free tools-neutral webinars:



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RE: Procedure How to Write a Manual!

2009-05-17 Thread Sharon Burton
This is easy. 14 steps: 

1. Identify the audience
2. Identify the information needs of that audience (job aids, user guides,
and so on)
3. Identify the tasks the audience needs to do
4. Identify the supporting info the audience needs to do those tasks
5. Identify the best way to deliver the information (PDF, help, others)
6. Create a plan that layout all this information
7. Assign time estimates to the plan
8. Decide what can be cut due to time limitations
9. Start creating the information, adapting to the changing product
10. Review by others
11. Make the review changes
12. Build "gold" candidates
13. Deliver the finals
14. Archive the finals, including all planning information

Of course, these steps include a lot of embedded steps and domain knowledge
in our field. But these are the steps. 


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Richard Melanson
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:58 AM
To: Avraham Makeler;
Subject: Procedure How to Write a Manual!

First, thank you Everyone, you guys always have the answers to
questions, even when I don't post questions :-) 

I just want to share this with the list and absorb the response. My boss
today told me to "write a procedure on how to write a manual" and he
also stated to me that anyone could be a writer, he did not understand
what all the fuss was about tech writing, anyone could do it. Needless
to say, I am still sitting at my desk trying to sort through the myriad
of reactions I am having! I cant wait to hear everyone's thoughts. 


PS: Does anyone have a procedure how to write a manual ;-)


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RE: Procedure How to Write a Manual!

2009-05-18 Thread Sharon Burton
Sorry, guys. I don't know why the line breaks vanished!


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sharon Burton
Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 5:43 PM
To: 'Richard Melanson'; 'Avraham Makeler';
Subject: RE: Procedure How to Write a Manual!

This is easy. 14 steps: 

1. Identify the audience
2. Identify the information needs of that audience (job aids, user guides,
and so on)
3. Identify the tasks the audience needs to do
4. Identify the supporting info the audience needs to do those tasks
5. Identify the best way to deliver the information (PDF, help, others)
6. Create a plan that layout all this information
7. Assign time estimates to the plan
8. Decide what can be cut due to time limitations
9. Start creating the information, adapting to the changing product
10. Review by others
11. Make the review changes
12. Build "gold" candidates
13. Deliver the finals
14. Archive the finals, including all planning information

Of course, these steps include a lot of embedded steps and domain knowledge
in our field. But these are the steps. 


Sharon Burton


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RE: Motivating end users to read the user manual

2009-05-18 Thread Sharon Burton
Have you considered sitting with the users and asking them what the issues
are and why they don't like the materials? Don't defend what you've done,
listen to why these materials are not doing what you think they should be
doing. Ask questions, lots of questions.

It could be as easy as they are visual learners and they need flow charts
and other graphics. It could be as complicated as they never see the
training materials because those get locked away somewhere. Perhaps Job Aids
and Quick Starts would help. 

But until you talk to the users and find out what they need that they aren't
getting, you're only guessing. You don't get to decide the docs are
sufficient, tho - your users get to decide that. 


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shmuel Wolfson
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 6:47 AM
To: Garnier Garnier; Framers
Subject: Re: Motivating end users to read the user manual

The fact is that people don't like to read. Exhaustive training material 
is "exhaustive" to read.

If there are specific "do"s and "don't"s that are *not* intuitive, make 
a short 1-3 page list, print it on color paper, and put it in the box 
with the product. That they might read.

Shmuel Wolfson
Technical Writer

Garnier Garnier wrote:
> Hi listers,
> I would like some feedback on this issue which I am sure most of us face.
Please write to me directly as most of the time the mails form forums
bounces and I do not receive them. Not sure about the reason. 
> I put in a lot of effort to create an exhaustive training material. It
includes all information in detail and all the steps too are documentented
in simple English. The training material is very technical and includes all
the required details and instructions. Still none of the engineers bother to
read the contents and when they are at the customer site for training they
start complaining that nothing is working. The engineers are familiar with
the product no doubt about it but there are certain "do's" that they ought
to know and which is documented in the training material which none bother
to read. 
> I welcome suggestions for improvement in the document or otherwise that
will prompt the end user to read the training material contents instead
simply complaining "nothing is working". 
> B/R 
> Garnier


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RE: Motivating end users to read the user manual

2009-05-21 Thread Sharon Burton
Hey, Cal! 

Or embedded help might be an option. But we're guessing what they want. Ask
*them* - they contact the writer asking for help. At that point, call them
or email them asking for time to talk about what they need. 

Altho it's really hard, explaining what you're doing doesn't help. You don't
get to decide if what you've done is the right stuff. The users get to
decide that. Your users are telling you that what you provide is the wrong
stuff. Only they can tell you what the right stuff is. 

This is the ethnographic part of what we do - talking to people, looking at
how they do what they do, asking questions about how they do it. Then you
figure out how to provide user assistance that fits what they need. 


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cal Callahan
Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: Motivating end users to read the user manual

I like Sharon's advice (ask the user directly). But I haven't seen anyone
mention context-sensitive help or conditional text.

I hope the lengthy paragraphs in your query are not representative of your
manuals--that would certainly turn off users.

A couple of guidelines:

KISS--keep it simple, sir.

Tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them what you want to tell
them, then tell them what you told them

Engineers like flow charts and logic diagrams, so fire up your Visio and try
to put the points across that way.

And everyone likes pictures, so see where you can use those. (Many people
are visually oriented and don't like to read.)

I hope I haven't insulted your intelligence. I'm just picking trees out of
the forest.



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RE: Motivating end users to read the user manual

2009-05-21 Thread Sharon Burton
Visual appeal with well used colors will be effective if the user base
includes lots of visual learners. I suspect that audience does, but all our
ideas about what those users need are non-relevant. 

Ask the users what they need. If they are visual learners, then well crafted
visuals will help. 


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Neeraj Jain
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:08 AM
Cc: Cal Callahan
Subject: Re: Motivating end users to read the user manual

Hi Cal,

When making diagrams and inserting pictures, I would suggest using some
colors. Colors definitely add to the visual appeal. A colorful manual
is definitely going to catch the user attention. What say?


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RE: Cross-ref formats

2009-08-04 Thread Sharon Burton
Given that more and more information is being repurposed, I've become
against making things fit the old printed model. 

The xref formats you describe are from print. But I'm thinking more and more
of formatting and content as separate. 

I would set the xrefs as simple as possible in Frame to handle other

But that's just me. I'd rather not have writers trying to figure out what to
use when and I'd really like to not have checking these formats in the
preproduction list. 


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Nancy Allison
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: Cross-ref formats

Some follow-up questions:

1. I've been looking at the Chicago Manual, 15th edition. I'd expect a great
honking treatment of this subject, but I'm not seeing it. All the
cross-reference i9nformation is presented with reference to indexes and
bibliographies. The sections referring to cross-references "in text" are
discussions of the editor's obligation to check cross-references!

Is there an exhaustive section on x-ref format, in text, that I'm missing?

2. I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you , to discover just what a
stick-in-the-mud I really am. I thought italics were sacrosanct for
referring to the titles of separately bound publications. (Although how
purely electronic publications can be "bound" is a topic for another day.)
But .. . you've all gotten over this hurdle and use italics to identify
cross-references? Like:  "See  Pots and Pans 
on page 85," where "Pots and Pans" is a couple of paragraphs with header in
a much longer chapter of a much larger *separately bound* publication,
whether physical or digital?


I must sit down.

In that case, do you also put your italicized x-refs in a different color,
so as to distinguish them from the titles of separately bound publications,
which you might also mention in your text? 




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RE: Cross-ref formats

2009-08-04 Thread Sharon Burton
Right now she's doing print. But in 6 months? I like to build for this

And I'm lazy and don't want to have to worry about what template is applied
and checking the xref formats to make sure it's all as it should be and... 

I'm not saying Nancy is wrong, I'm just giving my philosophy on what I
prefer to do.


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
From: Mike Feimster [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 1:33 PM
Subject: RE: Cross-ref formats

Considering she's setting up a template for a print document, it makes
sense to include the page numbers in the x-ref formats.

If she's outputting to a different format, she can create a separate set
of x-ref definitions in the tool she is using to create her other


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sharon Burton
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 4:18 PM
To: 'Nancy Allison';
Subject: RE: Cross-ref formats

Given that more and more information is being repurposed, I've become
against making things fit the old printed model. 

The xref formats you describe are from print. But I'm thinking more and
of formatting and content as separate. 

I would set the xrefs as simple as possible in Frame to handle other

But that's just me. I'd rather not have writers trying to figure out
what to
use when and I'd really like to not have checking these formats in the
preproduction list. 


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Nancy Allison
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: Cross-ref formats

Some follow-up questions:

1. I've been looking at the Chicago Manual, 15th edition. I'd expect a
honking treatment of this subject, but I'm not seeing it. All the
cross-reference i9nformation is presented with reference to indexes and
bibliographies. The sections referring to cross-references "in text" are
discussions of the editor's obligation to check cross-references!

Is there an exhaustive section on x-ref format, in text, that I'm

2. I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you , to discover just what a
stick-in-the-mud I really am. I thought italics were sacrosanct for
referring to the titles of separately bound publications. (Although how
purely electronic publications can be "bound" is a topic for another
But .. . you've all gotten over this hurdle and use italics to identify
cross-references? Like:  "See  Pots and Pans 
on page 85," where "Pots and Pans" is a couple of paragraphs with header
a much longer chapter of a much larger *separately bound* publication,
whether physical or digital?


I must sit down.

In that case, do you also put your italicized x-refs in a different
so as to distinguish them from the titles of separately bound
which you might also mention in your text? 




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Another tools-neutral webinar

2009-10-06 Thread Sharon Burton
As you know, MadCap Software is hosting a series of tools-neutral webinars
on topics the Tech Comm industry may find useful. If the time or date are
not good for you, we record these and make them available at a later time.

The next one is Wednesday, 7 October 2009.

APIs and SDKs - Breaking into and Succeeding in a Specialty Market
In this tools-neutral webinar, you'll learn what APIs and SDKs are and the
similarities and differences between them, who uses APIs and SDKs and why,
the benefits and drawbacks of API/SDK writing, and more.

Presenter: Ed Marshall, Principle, Marshall Documentation Consulting

October 7, 2009 9-10am (Pacific Time)


Sharon Burton
MadCap Software Product Consultant
Managing your content, one topic at a time
Twitter: sharonburton


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RE: To make a hyperlink to a different area of text in the same book

2009-10-13 Thread Sharon Burton
Look up Cross references in the Frame help. That will get you going.


Sharon Burton
MadCap Software Product Consultant
Managing your content, one topic at a time
Twitter: sharonburton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Avraham Makeler
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:09 AM
Subject: To make a hyperlink to a different area of text in the same book

Hi all,
I need to make a hyperlink (hypertext) to a different area of text in the
same book-- actually in the same document/file.

How would I do this.

In Word this would be a two step operation:

1. Create a bookmark extending at or over the range of the text.
2. Create a hyperlink by opening the Insert Hyperlink dlg box , locating the
bookmark and then creating the hypertext.

How do I do this in FM.

I can see that in FM there are things called markers (like bookmarks?).

And I can make cross-references to markers by setting the 'Source Type' to
'Cross-reference Markers', but then I am not sure which building block to
put in the Reference Format that I must make. I have found something
predefined called 'MarkerTextOnly' but when I use that it just deletes the
text to which I wanted to add a hyperlink.

Help would be appreciated ...


- avi

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RE: Find Apply

2009-10-22 Thread Sharon Burton
Why not create a variable for the name, format it the way you want and then
do a S/R for the text and replace it with the variable. 

That way, when they change the name of the product or the formatting of the
name, you change the definition of the variable and you're done.


Sharon Burton
MadCap Software Product Consultant
Managing your content, one topic at a time
Twitter: sharonburton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Avraham Makeler
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 8:17 AM
Subject: Find  Apply 

Hi all,
I need a simple Find-Replace operation, which I thought I asked about once
before ... but not quite.

I now need to look for all instances of the company's name, e.g., Acme, and
apply a character style to it.

And if I am already asking, how would I apply italics to the text, instead
of applying a character style?

I have looked at a number of articles about doing Find-Replace with tags but
they all seem to discuss how to change one tag to another, or how to change
local formatting to a tag, and not how to look for text and apply to it a
tag or formatting.

I saw somebody recommended Rick Quattro's Find-Replace plug-in. I couldn't
find it. Does anybody have a link to this?


- avi

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RE: Find Apply

2009-10-22 Thread Sharon Burton
1. Create a new character style with the attributes you want. Call it
TextItalics, for example. 
2. Create a variable. Call it CompanyName.
3. Define the variable with the name of the product, using the new character
format, as needed. 
4. Replace an instance of the current product name text with the CompanyName
variable you create. 
5. Select the variable. Press Ctrl+c. The variable is copied into the
6. Open the Find/Replace.
7. Type the text you want to find - in this case, it's the name of the
8. In the Replace area, select Copy from Clipboard. 
9. Click Find Next. 
10. Click Replace. Click Find Next. 
11. Rinse and repeat until all text company names have been replaced with
your variable. 
(This is all from memory, so parts may be slightly wrong)

The advantage to this is that when they change the company name again - and
they will - you change the value of the CompanyName variable and it's
changed through out the file. Import that variable into all other documents
and you're done. 

Do this for the product name as well, because if they are changing the
company name, they'll change the product name. Usually at the last second.


Sharon Burton
MadCap Software Product Consultant
Managing your content, one topic at a time
Twitter: sharonburton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Avraham Makeler
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: Find  Apply 

It works. I thought I already tried this but it didn't work before.
The guys on this forum obviously have "green fingers"...

Just one small problem though... I used the Emphasis character style. I
tried to apply "As is" to all the formatting of Emphasis, and then to set it
to italics, but it didn't "stick". So when I then applied the Emphasis style
to a title, for example, it changed the font of the word Acme to whatever
size and color Emphasis is, which in my case, is italicized body text.

>> As for applying italics without a character format, I think most would
agree that this is a Bad Thing.

I agree that this is not professional, but if I do it this way then at least
I don't get the problem I get when I use a character style (Emphasis) above.




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RE: Find Apply

2009-10-22 Thread Sharon Burton
I'm not very bright - the Product name in the steps below should be Company


Sharon Burton
MadCap Software Product Consultant
Managing your content, one topic at a time
Twitter: sharonburton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sharon Burton
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:19 AM
To: 'Avraham Makeler';
Subject: RE: Find  Apply 

1. Create a new character style with the attributes you want. Call it
TextItalics, for example. 
2. Create a variable. Call it CompanyName.
3. Define the variable with the name of the product, using the new character
format, as needed. 
4. Replace an instance of the current product name text with the CompanyName
variable you create. 
5. Select the variable. Press Ctrl+c. The variable is copied into the
6. Open the Find/Replace.
7. Type the text you want to find - in this case, it's the name of the
8. In the Replace area, select Copy from Clipboard. 
9. Click Find Next. 
10. Click Replace. Click Find Next. 
11. Rinse and repeat until all text company names have been replaced with
your variable. 
(This is all from memory, so parts may be slightly wrong)

The advantage to this is that when they change the company name again - and
they will - you change the value of the CompanyName variable and it's
changed through out the file. Import that variable into all other documents
and you're done. 

Do this for the product name as well, because if they are changing the
company name, they'll change the product name. Usually at the last second.


Sharon Burton
MadCap Software Product Consultant
Managing your content, one topic at a time
Twitter: sharonburton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Avraham Makeler
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: Find  Apply 

It works. I thought I already tried this but it didn't work before.
The guys on this forum obviously have "green fingers"...

Just one small problem though... I used the Emphasis character style. I
tried to apply "As is" to all the formatting of Emphasis, and then to set it
to italics, but it didn't "stick". So when I then applied the Emphasis style
to a title, for example, it changed the font of the word Acme to whatever
size and color Emphasis is, which in my case, is italicized body text.

>> As for applying italics without a character format, I think most would
agree that this is a Bad Thing.

I agree that this is not professional, but if I do it this way then at least
I don't get the problem I get when I use a character style (Emphasis) above.




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RE: Find Apply

2009-10-22 Thread Sharon Burton
You didn't create a new character format and apply it to the text in the
variable in the Variable dialog box. That's where you do it. 


Look in the Frame docs for more help.





Sharon Burton

MadCap Software Product Consultant

Managing your content, one topic at a time



Twitter: sharonburton


From: Avraham Makeler [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Find  Apply 


Thanks Sharon,

Ok, I have done it and it works ...


... almost completely.


I am having the same problem with the character style that I had with
Roger_Shuttleworth's suggestion that I Find+Apply  the text string with my
desired character style. Namely, I can;t get the attributes of my style to
stay as "As Is" and so when I apply the style it does not just apply the
italic, which is what I want, but it applies all the specific style
attributes of the style.






On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Sharon Burton 

1. Create a new character style with the attributes you want. Call it
TextItalics, for example.
2. Create a variable. Call it CompanyName.
3. Define the variable with the name of the product, using the new character
format, as needed.
4. Replace an instance of the current product name text with the CompanyName
variable you create.
5. Select the variable. Press Ctrl+c. The variable is copied into the
6. Open the Find/Replace.
7. Type the text you want to find - in this case, it's the name of the
8. In the Replace area, select Copy from Clipboard.
9. Click Find Next.
10. Click Replace. Click Find Next.
11. Rinse and repeat until all text company names have been replaced with
your variable.
(This is all from memory, so parts may be slightly wrong)

The advantage to this is that when they change the company name again - and
they will - you change the value of the CompanyName variable and it's
changed through out the file. Import that variable into all other documents
and you're done.

Do this for the product name as well, because if they are changing the
company name, they'll change the product name. Usually at the last second.


Sharon Burton
MadCap Software Product Consultant
Managing your content, one topic at a time
Twitter: sharonburton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Avraham Makeler

Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 10:00 AM

Subject: Re: Find  Apply 

It works. I thought I already tried this but it didn't work before.
The guys on this forum obviously have "green fingers"...

Just one small problem though... I used the Emphasis character style. I
tried to apply "As is" to all the formatting of Emphasis, and then to set it
to italics, but it didn't "stick". So when I then applied the Emphasis style
to a title, for example, it changed the font of the word Acme to whatever
size and color Emphasis is, which in my case, is italicized body text.

>> As for applying italics without a character format, I think most would
agree that this is a Bad Thing.

I agree that this is not professional, but if I do it this way then at least
I don't get the problem I get when I use a character style (Emphasis) above.





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MadCap Software is hosting another tool-neutral webinar this week

2009-11-16 Thread Sharon Burton
As I'm sure you know, MadCap Software is hosting a series of tools-neutral
webinars about Tech Comm related topics. We have a 2 part-er coming this


DITA: 10 things to know

During this 2 part webinar Bernard Aschwanden guides people who are new to
DITA through the top 10 things they should know to get a grounding in DITA
ideas, technology, and tools.
Presenter: Bernard Aschwanden, President, Publishing Smarter

November 18, 2009 7-8am(Pacific Time)

To sign up, go to





Sharon Burton

MadCap Software Product Consultant

Managing your content, one topic at a time



Twitter: sharonburton



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RE: MadCap Software is hosting another tool-neutral webinar this week

2009-11-16 Thread Sharon Burton
Dec 2 for part 2.





Sharon Burton

MadCap Software Product Consultant

Managing your content, one topic at a time



Twitter: sharonburton


From: Les Smalley [] 
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: MadCap Software is hosting another tool-neutral webinar this week


Are both parts of this held in the single hour, or is there a follow-on date 
for part 2?

– Les

--- On Mon, 11/16/09, Sharon Burton  wrote:

As I'm sure you know, MadCap Software is hosting a series of tools-neutral

webinars about Tech Comm related topics. We have a 2 part-er coming this

DITA: 10 things to know

During this 2 part webinar Bernard Aschwanden guides people who are new to
DITA through the top 10 things they should know to get a grounding in DITA
ideas, technology, and tools.
Presenter: Bernard Aschwanden, President, Publishing Smarter

November 18, 2009 7-8am (Pacific Time)

To sign up, go to


Sharon Burton
MadCap Software Product Consultant
Managing your content, one topic at a time
Twitter: sharonburton



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RE: Tempaltes

2010-02-02 Thread Sharon Burton
Create a PDF? Then send it to your printer. They do the proper printing on
their end. 

If you're doing the printing in house, then ClickBooks was always my


Sharon Burton
Content Consultant
Twitter: sharonburton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Alison Craig
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 10:41 AM
Cc: Leo Paoletti
Subject: RE: Tempaltes

If anyone comes across a "booklet" template, could they pass along the link
to me? I've looked to no avail.

We publish an "Installation Booklet" that ships with every one of our
systems. It's based on legal-sized paper, in landscape format, folded in
half and stapled along the fold. Depending on the system, it might be 16 to
32 pages.

At the moment I have to do create these docs in a very convoluted manner in
MS Word and I would really like a Frame solution - if I can find a
straightforward one.

Alison Craig, Technical Writer
Ultrasonix Medical Corporation
Tel: (604) 279-8550, ext 127
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shlomo Perets
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 10:19 AM
To: Leo Paoletti
Subject: Re: Tempaltes


You wrote:

>Does anyone know of any book/guide templates that can be downloaded?
>I'm working on our template and would like to get some ideas of what I
>can do.

There are too many options, but I suggest starting by looking at

(if you do come across other items of interest, let me know and I will add 
these to the list)

Shlomo Perets

FrameMaker/TCS training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants
"Improve Your FrameMaker Skills" 1-hour web training sessions


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RE: Converting Rows to Headers

2010-02-12 Thread Sharon Burton
I just want to chime in and say that with TableCleaner, I paid for my
investment in the first hour. I bought it years ago when converting a large
doc from Word to Frame. Lots of tables - did I mention lots of tables? As a
flat rate project, I needed a way to work more efficiently. 

TableCleaner was/is the bomb. 


Sharon Burton
Content Consultant
Twitter: sharonburton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rick Quatro
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 8:27 AM
Subject: RE: Converting Rows to Headers

Hi Nadine,

I have been watching this thread with interest, since I am the author of the
TableCleaner plugin that others recommended. I will be honest and say that I
developed TableCleaner, not in the spirit of open source, but because I
wanted to solve the problems associated with working with tables imported
from Word. And, I wanted to make some money doing it. That is the beauty of
free enterprise: I can earn a living developing software that solves
problems for people and makes their jobs easier.

I too would be embarrassed by saying, "Please sir, I want some more." But
that is only because you don't see value in what you are asking for. If you
did, you might say, "Please sir, for a small investment, I can make dramatic
gains in my productivity." I don't know of any manager that isn't interested
in getting more productivity out of his people.

Since I starting working with FrameMaker automation 12 years ago, I have
been amazed at the huge return on investment that even a small amount of
automation can bring. As workforces shrink and the amount of work we have to
do expands, automation is more important now than ever. Even with ever more
powerful computers, it is mind-boggling how much tedious and error prone "by
hand" work we still do when working on documentation. This is the kind of
work that takes us away from our primary responsibilities. I am sure it
sounds self-serving, but many of my clients will tell you that automation
has helped them tremendously.


Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.


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Madcap Software is hosting a tools-neutral webinar Feb 23 2010 at 9am Pacific

2010-02-17 Thread Sharon Burton
 <> Cascading Style Sheets
(Part 3): Images
In this free tools-neutral webinar, you'll learn about specifying and using
images and image controls in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

The CSS specification allows for the sort of fine image control you expect
from the highest end desktop publishing systems. But the mysteries of what
to set and how are usually beyond most mortals. If you want to learn the
darkest secrets of working with images in CSS, this webinar is for you.


Feb 23 2010 at 9am Pacific. If the time or date don't work for you, the
webinars are recorded and made available for later review. If you sign up,
you'll get the link to the recording after the webinar is over. 


To see more and sign up, go to 




Sharon Burton

Cell: 951-202-0813

Home office: 951-369-8590



Free tools-neutral webinars:



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RE: Frame's File Comparison Feature

2010-05-04 Thread Sharon Burton

But it is easy and reliable - they do a compare with the new files to  
the saved TM files. A report spits out, showing the differences, but  
totally different and slightly different. They send you that report so  
you can see how different the files are.

I'm guessing they use Trados - as most places do - and this is simple.  
But all translation tools ave the diff reports ability.

I managed a group a few years ago that translated into 4 other  
languages. We lived and died by the previous TM and the associated  

From web

Quoting Alison Craig :


Someone else who replied off-list made the same observation - and we  
 do have a TM for each language. I can also get a copy simply by   

I was hoping for an additional (easy and reliable) method to speed   
up the process and cut down on costs.

Looks like I'm out of luck on this one.


Alison Craig, Technical Writer
Ultrasonix Medical Corporation
Tel: (604) 279-8550, ext 127

-Original Message-
From: Combs, Richard []
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 12:17 PM
To: Alison Craig; 'FrameMaker Forum'
Subject: RE: Frame's File Comparison Feature

Alison Craig wrote:

Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 11:49 AM

In various List threads, I've read about using Frame's file comparison
ability to determine changes from one release to the next. As a Frame
newbie, I wondered if anyone could give me more information about this
feature? Can it be used to mitigate the amount of translation sent to the
Language Service Provider (LSP) and if it can, how do I do this?

FYI: My current procedure is to send the LSP all the relevant native Frame
(and Visio) files. I let them handle the MIF conversion (as I don't pay a
project management fee, I let them work for their money. Besides, I have
never worked with MIF files - but there is a first time for everything).

Budget is always an issue, so if I need to buy any other tools to make this
feasible, I would have to present an ROI case (even for something that only
cost $100). But if there is a way to send a smaller amount of text and then
put the files back together without a hassle once they were completed, I
know I could swing the purchase of new tools.

What you're considering is (or should be) neither necessary nor   
desirable. Your translation vendor should be using a translation   
memory (and you should request a copy of it, since you've paid for   
it, so that you're not locked into this vendor because it's holding   
your translation memory hostage).

When you send an updated set of files for a book that's already been  
 translated once, the unchanged paragraphs will match the  
translation  memory. Only the portions that are new or changed need  
to be  translated.

If your vendor isn't using translation memory, find a new one. If it  
 is using translation memory, there's no point in you trying to   
dissect files and reassemble them -- you'd gain nothing and risk all  
 kinds of problems.

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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Frame Versions Question

2007-08-05 Thread Sharon Burton
My employer wants to know if this is legal:

We are adding 3 writers. We currently all run Frame 7.2. We will be ordering
Frame 8 for the new writers, with the intention of later this year,
upgrading all 10 of the other writers to Frame 8. In the interim, we don't
want some writers in 7.2 and some on 8. We are also about to release a major
set of products and don't want to upgrade the docs people midstream. We all
know the bad things that can happen of we do that this close to product

Can we buy the 3 copies of 8 and then let the 3 writers use 7.2? We will be
violating our license agreement?


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting


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RE: Frame Versions Question

2007-08-05 Thread Sharon Burton
Because of how my employer purchases software, we can't buy from someone who
isn't Adobe when we buy Adobe software. It's a very frustrating purchasing

We were hoping if we purchase 8, then it would sort of cover us on the extra
use of the 7.2 seats in a retroactive way. We would have, in fact, enough
seats of Frame, we just wouldn't use the 8 copies until we can bring the
entire group forward at the same time.

I can't figure out from the EULA if this is legal or not.


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting

-Original Message-
From: Art Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: Frame Versions Question

Without reading the 8 EULA, which I don't have access to, yes,
probably it's not legal.
Why not just follow the KISS principle and get three 7.2 packages off
the shelf of a retailer who has left-overs and then see if Adobe will
follow it's usual procedure of giving an upgrade to the current
release if the product was purchased in the release time frame?
Adds up to the same amount of money, but you get everyone on 7.2 and
then upgrade together.


On 8/5/07, Sharon Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My employer wants to know if this is legal:
> We are adding 3 writers. We currently all run Frame 7.2. We will be
> Frame 8 for the new writers, with the intention of later this year,
> upgrading all 10 of the other writers to Frame 8. In the interim, we don't
> want some writers in 7.2 and some on 8. We are also about to release a
> set of products and don't want to upgrade the docs people midstream. We
> know the bad things that can happen of we do that this close to product
> releases.
> Can we buy the 3 copies of 8 and then let the 3 writers use 7.2? We will
> violating our license agreement?


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RE: Frame Versions Question

2007-08-05 Thread Sharon Burton
Thank you, Dov. I'll do that. I was hoping someone might have just contacted
Adobe with this same issue and knew.


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting

-Original Message-
From: Dov Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 4:41 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Art Campbell
Subject: RE: Frame Versions Question

My advice, for what it is worth, is to contact Adobe Customer
Support ASAP instead of relying on the guesses of those on the
list as to what might be legal, what Adobe might allow, etc.
Explain your situation and see whether they might be able to
make some reasonable accommodation for you, especially if you
are on some volume purchase plan. If necessary, ask for a

- Dov

> -Original Message-
> From: Sharon Burton
> Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 4:38 PM
> Because of how my employer purchases software, we can't buy from
someone who
> isn't Adobe when we buy Adobe software. It's a very frustrating
> process.
> We were hoping if we purchase 8, then it would sort of cover us on the
> use of the 7.2 seats in a retroactive way. We would have, in fact,
> seats of Frame, we just wouldn't use the 8 copies until we can bring
> entire group forward at the same time.
> I can't figure out from the EULA if this is legal or not.
> sharon
> Sharon Burton
> CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting
> 951-369-8590


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Madcap software wants your opinions

2007-09-25 Thread Sharon Burton
As you may have heard, I'm the new product manager for Blaze.

I'm running a survey to find out a little more about our audience and how
you all work. We're also giving out 5 Madcap tee shirts to people who
provide their contact info. Providing contact info is optional, but you
won't be entered to win if you don't provide it.

To participate, go to The
survey closes October 6th!


Sharon Burton
Product Manager, Blaze
Madcap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x217


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RE: Flare v Webworks

2007-11-14 Thread Sharon Burton
 Vendor post

I'm product manager for Madcap. I can tell you that Flare nicely single 
Frame 7 and 8 files and it's all pretty easy - much easier than setting 
up WWP,
and I'm a WWP expert.

We are also offering a competitive upgrade for about $400 off the full Flare
price. I strongly recommend that you consider the maintanence package, which
still brings you in for much less than WWP.

You can always call Sales for more info. They're nice people and can give you
actual prices.

Sharon Burton
Product Manager
Madcap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x217
Fax: 858-320-0338

Quoting Charles Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Pat,
> The tool you are looking for is called Mif2Go, and you can find it at
> The company is very much still in business, and its owner (?) Jeremy
> Griffiths is very active on this list. It is much more reasonably priced
> than WebWorks but a bit more challenging to learn. However, Jeremy is
> extremely helpful and supportive if you run into problems. It should do
> whatever you need (assuming all you need is what you described...).
> HTH,
> Chuck Beck
> Sr. Technical Writer | Infor | Office: 614.523.7302 |
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pat Fortino
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 20:42
> To:
> Subject: Flare v Webworks
> Hi,
> Sorry if this question has been answered already; I tried to find a
> place to search the framer's archive for my questions, but can't find
> it. Is there a way to search the archive?
> Anyway, I just talked to Webworks about upgrading my Webworks Pro 2003.
> First of all, they told me there is no upgrade path; I have to pay full
> price again, $1900. And that's only for a specific named user; each
> extra user is ONLY $900. Totally rediculous.
> Anyway, I am a small company and cannot afford to pay $2000 for an
> add-on frame utility that I use only once in a while. Can anyone suggest
> an alternative. I once looked into Flare, and they claim Flare can use
> the frame files as a source, so I assume I could still single source for
> print and online help.
> Also, I remember a tool called miftogo, but I cannot find anything in
> google about where to buy it. Is this company still in business. If so,
> will it does what webworks does; eg, convert a frame book to an online
> help format?
> Thanks for any help.
> Pat Fortino
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RE: MadCap Blaze

2008-03-20 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor Post

I've been at WritersUA and away from my personal email since Sunday. I got
back late last night. I'm the product manager for Blaze. (BTW - great

Some clarifications: Blaze is the younger sister of Flare 4. If you need
complex print and online docs, then you want Flare 4. If you only need
printed output, then you want Blaze. Everything that's in Blaze will be in
Flare 4.

Blaze is a fully featured print authoring and publishing system. It imports
and exports Frame and Word because you may have a workflow that requires you
to import from or export to these formats for some reason. We want to
account for that.

However, you don't *need* to export to Frame to get your output if your
workflow doesn't require that. You can import existing Word or Frame
documents and you're good to go. Then you can directly create PDFs or XPSs
as your deliverables, with the content for those deliverables based on your

Our page design and layout in Blaze is robust so there's no need to export
to Frame if your workflow doesn't require Frame as an output.

One of the biggest differences in Blaze - and really, Flare - is that you
are not authoring long documents, but rather you're authoring topics. Then,
using Outlines, you put together the topics into the deliverables; for
example, a User's Guide and an Admin Guide.

There's nothing to prevent you from authoring just like you do in Word of
Frame in that you can open a new topic in Blaze and then write a 200 page
document in one topic. But by doing that, you lose the power of topic-based
content development that easily allows content reuse across multiple
deliverables for one or more projects.

I strongly urge you to attend one of my online demos to learn more about the
paradigm shift for Blaze. If you are not aware of the shift and just click
Next in the import wizard, you are going to wind up with a mess. I go over
that in the demos. (Don't try to signup for a few hours, as all the
scheduled demos for the next 6 weeks are full and I have to schedule more.
Give me until about 9am Pacific today, please.)

As to our newly announced product Press, it's for glossy print materials,
like Annual reports or other glossy printed material. It's related to our
other products, but it's not the only press solution. As to DITA or CMS,
check out our just announced product Team Server. It's a workflow management
tool that's amazing. We have ideas about what it should do but we want your
input about what you need that tool to do.

I'm delighted to answer questions about Blaze or any of our products. If you
could send those questions to my MadCap email, that would help me a lot.


Sharon Burton
MadCap Software
Product Manager


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RE: MadCap Blaze

2008-03-20 Thread Sharon Burton
Because some people don't want or need online docs. For example, one of my
former clients was a cash register manufacturer. You can buy their products
for about $100. There is no concept of online help for these products, as
they don't come with a computer. I delivered a PDF of the manual and they
sent that to the printer. They delivered a printed book with the product.

Why should these people purchase a tool that does way more than they need?
Flare 4 is too much for them.

I don't wish to get into the DITA discussion because that's very far afield
from the discussion of the Blaze beta at this moment. If you are currently
doing DITA and you're happy with your tools, then good on you. MadCap will
support DITA in the future. That's all I wish to publicly disclose about our
plans for DITA at this time.

Team Server is being developed right now. I would expect it by the end of
the year. Because we want to know what you want in a product like this, and
because we are developing it right now, now would be the time to talk to us
about what you want in a workflow management tool. We want to build what you
are looking for in this sort of tool. We have ideas but you all know your
workflow needs.

I never said that topic-based authoring is a new concept. But it is a shift
from how most people think about docs. Thus, a discussion of this
development method is relevant. For lots of good info, see JoAnn Hackos's
newest book. She really explains it in detail.

And, yes, our UI is very different. Some people love it, some don't.


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
From: Bill Swallow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 8:26 AM
Cc: Frame Users; Sharon Work
Subject: Re: MadCap Blaze

>  Some clarifications: Blaze is the younger sister of Flare 4. If you need
>  complex print and online docs, then you want Flare 4. If you only need
>  printed output, then you want Blaze. Everything that's in Blaze will be
>  Flare 4.

I really don't understand this, I'm not trying to be difficult... But
if Flare does everything that Blaze does and more, and Flare's been
out for years, why develop Blaze at all? I guess I don't see the point
of spending the time, energy, and money to develop a brand new product
that does a subset of what another of your products already does.

>  One of the biggest differences in Blaze - and really, Flare - is that you
>  are not authoring long documents, but rather you're authoring topics.
>  using Outlines, you put together the topics into the deliverables; for
>  example, a User's Guide and an Admin Guide.

The classic authoring model for FrameMaker is indeed long document
authoring, but it's not so with DITA.

>  There's nothing to prevent you from authoring just like you do in Word of
>  Frame in that you can open a new topic in Blaze and then write a 200 page
>  document in one topic. But by doing that, you lose the power of
>  content development that easily allows content reuse across multiple
>  deliverables for one or more projects.

Well, agreed. That would be just silly. For the record, I've done
topic-based authoring in FrameMaker years ago. It's all about how you
approach your content structure. I needed to leverage topics in
different documents in different ways, so I just created a new
document for every portable topic. I don't think topic based content
authoring is a revolutionary concept.

>  I strongly urge you to attend one of my online demos to learn more about
>  paradigm shift for Blaze.

I don't see a paradigm shift at all, but the UI is way different than
what non-Flare users would be accustomed to. But paradigm shift, no.
Topic based authoring is not a new concept.

>  As to DITA or CMS,
>  check out our just announced product Team Server. It's a workflow
>  tool that's amazing. We have ideas about what it should do but we want
>  input about what you need that tool to do.

I'm confused. Is it a product or is it an idea for a product?

>  I'm delighted to answer questions about Blaze or any of our products. If
>  could send those questions to my MadCap email, that would help me a lot.
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED], please.

I'll keep my questions on the list since that's where they originated.

Bill Swallow
HATT List Owner
WWP-Users List Owner
Senior Member STC, TechValley Chapter
STC Single-Sourcing SIG Manager


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Re: MadCap Blaze

2008-03-20 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor post

Forgive me - these are straight questions. I really don't quite understand.

What's convoluted about getting printed output out of XML, HTML, or 
XHTML topics
in Blaze?

You create topics, you define and assign style sheets to topics (you can also
have multiple style sheets in one project and assign them at build time when
you create the output), you create outlines that define the content for the
output, you specify PDF, XPS, or HTML as the output, you output, and you're

What other printed outputs would you want? PDF and XPS seem to be the 
only ones
you can send to a printer for printed books... If your workflow needs you to
also output to Word or Frame, we have that too, but it's not really a print
output, per se.

As to XML, HTML, or XHTML not being the right data format for content, 
it's the
direction the industry is moving. Data in these formats are more 
extendable and
reusable than in a Word format, for example... Pretty much all CMSs, for
example, store data as one of these formats.

We've not found much that you can do in unstructured Frame that you 
can't do in
Blaze. But Blaze does things that Frame can't do, like Smart Cross-references.
[see the docs or our website for what those are but they are very powerful]

As to the docs, we have a 36 page Quick Start Guide and very extensive help
system in the first beta build. This *is* a beta, so we're finishing the docs
during the beta, hopefully using info you guys give us about what else needs
tight docs. We would need to know what are you struggling with that needs more

Can you help me understand?


> For a product that is supposedly Print oriented, HTML is a lousy
> media to produce it in. There is no reason to use HTML. Even XHTML is
> not the best route, nor is XML. While HTML and XHTML are presentation
> based, they don't allow the same type of easy manipulation that
> FrameMaker or even Word allows.
> This just isn't a paradigm that makes sense to me. There isn't an
> output other than html or PDF or XPS. The means to get to your output
> result is laborious and convoluted. This just doesn't seem to be a
> well thought out print solution.
> And the beta did not provide me with any real documentation that I
> could view with confidence. Was that a problem with the build?
> Scott


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Re: MadCap Blaze

2008-03-20 Thread Sharon Burton
In fact, we have these features and in fact you have the sort of control - and
in some cases, more control - you expect from an app designed for "print". For
example, you also have short line control, missing from FrameMaker.


Quoting William Gaffga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> leading ... kerning ... tracking ... ligatures ... this kinda stuff (and
> more) is something you expect from "print". HTML, even with the aid of
> CSS, is not going to be able to give you the control of these that you
> would get from an app designed for "print".
> Sharon Burton wrote:
>> Can you help me understand?


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RE: MadCap Blaze

2008-03-21 Thread Sharon Burton
It's the second, as in your example. If the words leave a line that's too
short to look good, you can set how that's managed. It can either
recalculate the lines above it and pull the short line up into the paragraph
OR it can expand the text and send more into the last line.

But it's automatic. You don't have to put a non-breaking space. And if you
need to reuse that content in another layout, that non-breaking space could
look icky in the second layout. Better to set rules for this and then move


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Hedley Finger
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2008 7:35 PM
To: Frame Users
Subject: Re: MadCap Blaze


At Friday, 21/03/2008, 11:07 AM;, you wrote:
>you also have short line control, missing from FrameMaker.

Is that the same as widows and orphans?  Or is it when a small word,
say "all", turns over onto a new line at the end of a paragraph?  If
the latter, in FM most people just put a non-breaking space before
the word, e.g. "\ all", in order to bring the preceding word over
onto the last line.



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RE: More like a flicker than a Blaze

2008-03-26 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor post

Actually, to clarify for those who may not know, with Flare you get 
both online
and print in one package. With Frame, you get print or PDF. With the addition
of ePub (another $1200, last I looked), you get online. You also get very
responsive tech support, should you want it.

If you have concerns about or would like to provide input into our pricing
strategy or our product strategy, I encourage you to contact me at my madcap

Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software

Quoting "Flato, Gillian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I just looked at pricing. Flare is $899. FrameMaker is $899. With Frame
> I get DITA and a program that works with my ePub Help software, with
> Flare I get less.
> Not only does MadCap's product strategy make no sense, their pricing
> strategy also makes no sense.
> Since we are the potential audience for Flare, MadCap should talk to us
> before they develop their next product and decide on pricing structure.
> -Gillian
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 7:02 PM
> To: Hedley Finger; Frame Users
> Subject: Re: More like a flicker than a Blaze
> Truthfully, I'd use Oxygen rather than Blaze for an XHTML editor. Or
> I'd use a couple of other apps, which even when taken as a group are
> less expensive than would be Blaze. And have a learning curve that
> isn't as steep. The requirement to design isn't one that I would give
> to all authors, though the input of data I would, and that can be
> done with text editors, much as is done with Arbortext apps.
> Scott


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Re: Closing big book files

2008-04-09 Thread Sharon Burton
 From the book file, press the Shift key. While you are holding the whift key,
click the File menu. Notice that you have 3 new options: Save All, Close All
and one other I can't remember.


Quoting Harold Winberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello Framers
> I am working in a Book file with over 400 chapters.
> I am using IXgen and opening all files to perform updates.
> Is there a quick way to save and close the files?
> I am saving the book and using shift/close all files but it makes me
> confirm OK save the file.
> It takes over a half hour.
> Any other way??
> Thanks
> Les Winberg
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RE: TOC within a chapter

2008-07-07 Thread Sharon Burton
A fast story:

I had a client with a big manual to which we were adding stuff. Each chapter
had its own TOC and the entire book had an index, TOC, LOF and LOT.
Inserting cross references wasn't working because we were moving things and
losing things. To get the page numbers for the entire manual correct, I had

1. Generate and update the entire book.
2. Manually generate each chapter TOC to get the page numbers and headings
correct in the chapter TOC. This means open each chapter, generate the TOC,
save and close.
3. Generate and update the entire book again to make sure the imported TOC
files were all updated properly in each file.
4. Spot check to make sure step 3 didn't add pages I didn't expect and thus
made the chapter level TOC out of date.
5. Possibly do steps 1 - 4 a second time.

This process could take over an hour if I was trapped in steps 4 and 5.

I asked Rick if he could write me a script to automate this process because
it was tedious, at best. He quoted me a very fair rate that was about half
what I was making on the total project.

He wrote the script and gave it to me, under the theory that he could sell
it to others.

The moral of the story? Besides the fact that Rick is a great guy, the
script saved me about 20 hours on the project. 20 hours x hourly rate... For
your client, it would probably pay for Framescript and the script the first
manual it's used for.


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
Subject: Re: TOC within a chapter

Hi Darren,

Those that won't buy FrameScript will have to settle for either manual
method: inserting cross-references to make a chapter TOC, or using Special >
Table of Contents to generate a TOC and then import it by reference into the
chapter. Considering the significant time savings that a script would bring
every time it is used, the "won't buy" argument doesn't make any sense to
me. Any serious FrameMaker shop should consider FrameScript as an essential
plugin, especially at the bargain price of $149/seat.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc

Unfortunately, some of my
clients do not have the FrameScript program and a few of them have no
plans to purchase it. Therefore, I need a plan "B."
I'm considering generating the TOC to a separate file, then importing
the TOC as a text inset.

Any thoughts on this?



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Announcing MadCap Blaze!

2008-09-09 Thread Sharon Burton
***Vendor post alert! Avert your eyes if these emails upset you!! ;-)

It's been a long time in the works, but it's finally here: MadCap  
Software announces Blaze!

Blaze is the perfect product for authoring and publishing complex  
printed materials. With Blaze, you finally have a complete product for  
developing long printed documents while maximizing content re-use  
through topic-based authoring:

* Topic-based content development
* Content reuse with conditional text, variables, snippets, outlines, and more
* Flexibility with XML and CSS
* And much more

Blaze also integrates with our other products, including Flare, MadCap  
Lingo, Analyzer, X-edit and Capture so you can extend the power of  
Blaze as your needs grow.

Madcap Blaze includes all the features you expect in a high-end  
XML-based publishing system. I'm not going to list them here but go to  
the website and read all the features. This product is amazing.

To see what Blaze can do for you, to sign up for a free web-based  
demo, or to download the trial, go to

You just won't believe how easy your life can be.


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590


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RE: ePublisher Pro vs. other generated online help

2008-09-12 Thread Sharon Burton
***Vendor post***

We just released Flare 4, which will do everything I suspect you need and
more. You can download a trial version at and sign up
for a demo, if you want. The demo is good, in that it will shows you some of
what the product does.

We can certainly dynamically link to Frame files, not problems. We easily do
multiple sets of variables, including importing the variables in your Frame
files. And the conditions come thru easy pleasey.


Sharon Burton

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Callie
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 2:59 PM
Subject: ePublisher Pro vs. other generated online help

Hi Framaniacs ;)

I generate 10+ manuals from FrameMaker 7.2 into PDFs, with extensive
single sourcing material. Currently, I've been using WebWorks ePublisher
Pro 9.1 (I just did an old maintenance upgrade to 9.2, actually) to
generate several thousand help pages (between different

I just received an offer from ePublisher Pro to upgrade to their 2008.2
(9.5) edition for the cost of software maintenance, since I'm on an
unsupported (old) version. Primarily I'm wondering:

- Do other writers with similar publishing needs consider ePubPro a
competitive product?
- Have other products sharpened their competitive edge since our last
tool decision (a few years ago)? For instance, comparisons with MadCap
or Flare?

In considering a new product, I know immediately I value the following:

- Dynamic connection with FrameMaker documents (ability to rescan/update
files in help project file)
- Ability to set variables and conditions or pass them through from the
document, in a user-friendly manner, when building the help

Thanks for any "help" on the help anyone has time to give!


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MadCap Software offering Free Webinars

2008-09-17 Thread Sharon Burton
***Vendor post!***

MadCap Software is offering several free webinars in the month of  
October. These sales pitch-free webinars are filling up fast. If you  
want to learn more about any of these topics, click the links below to  
sign up.

Importing FrameMaker files to Flare or Blaze
October 3 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at:

What?s new in Flare 4?
October 9 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at:

Planning the move to Flare or Blaze
October 15 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at:

Doing more with less (Tools independant: this is the crazy sold out  
STC webinar we did in late spring)
October 21 at 9am Pacific
Reserve your Webinar seat at:


Sharon Burton
Product Manager
MadCap Software
Voice: 858-320-0387 x 222
Cell: 951-202-0813
Home office: 951-369-8590


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Re: An opinion poll

2012-06-21 Thread Sharon Burton
I will be linking from my website to the white paper. The results so far are 
really interesting. 

Sent from my iPad

Cell: 951-202-0813

On Jun 21, 2012, at 2:29 PM, "Lea Rush"  wrote:

> Will you be posting a link to your white paper once you’ve submitted it, 
> Sharon? I’d love to see it.
> Thanks,
> Lea
> _
> Lea Rush 
> Software and Documentation Specialist 
> Astoria-Pacific International 
> ph: 800-536-3111 
> fax:  503-655-7367 
> Please consider the environment before printing this email. 
> `·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸ ><º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><º>
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> be confidential and solely for the use of the persons or entities addressed 
> above.  If you are not an intended recipient, be aware that the information 
> contained herein may be protected from unauthorized use by privilege or law, 
> and any copying, distribution, disclosure, or other use of this information 
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> contact the sender by return email or telephone (503) 657-3010 immediately, 
> and delete or destroy all copies.  Thank you for your cooperation.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Sharon Burton
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 7:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: An opinion poll
> I’m running an opinion poll on how people feel about product documentation 
> that comes with products they buy. I’m less interested in people who answer 
> with their tech pubs hat on, but if you feel you can take that hat off and 
> answer as a consumer, I’d love you to participate.
> I’ll be putting together a white paper over the summer from the results. If 
> you could go to 
> and ask 
> your friends and family to also take the poll, that would be really helpful.
> No personal information is requested or gathered. I’m just looking for how 
> important clear and complete docs are wto people when they purchase products.
> Thank you!
> sharon
> Sharon Burton
> Content Strategy Consultant
> 951-369-8590
> New book "8 Steps to Amazing Webinars" available on Amazon and
> IM:
> Twitter: sharonburton
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New Opinion poll available

2012-08-06 Thread Sharon Burton
The results for the Consumer feelings about product instructions were so
aRfylQy_wdirp7ATpE2kta6suRMek9dPVD_sJcuHe402zhYcvAo=> , I want to know more
about how people use social media and product instructions. 

I've put together an opinion poll about how people use social media to get
help with products. These results will be interesting to Technical Support,
Marketing, Technical Communication, Product Managers, and so many more. 

If you can take 5 minutes to take the poll and then socialize it on your
social media, blogs, and more, that will result in a meaningful and robust
data set. Of course, the results will be presented in a free webinar when
the poll closes. 






Sharon Burton

Content Strategy Consultant


New book "8 Steps to Amazing Webinars" available on Amazon and



Twitter:  <!/sharonburton> sharonburton




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Free vendor agnostic webinar Sept 26 9am Pac

2012-08-20 Thread Sharon Burton
Selecting New Tools Webinar
26 September 2012 9am Pac

In September, I'm giving a free webinar that goes over the information how
to select a new tool(s). While I can't tell you what's right for you, I can
tell you how to conduct the Needs Analysis on your own. It's not a
mysterious process and you can do it for your workplace if you are thinking
that new tools are the right solution for you.

Seats are limited and they are going to go fast. If you're involved in
technical communication, content development, or marketing content, this
webinar should be of value to you.

Click here to sign up <>  and
I'll see you in September! You can also copy and paste this link:

If the time or date doesn't work for you, I'll record the webinar. If you
want to get the link to the recording the next day, also sign up. 




Sharon Burton

Content Strategy Consultant


New book "8 Steps to Amazing Webinars" available on Amazon and



Twitter:  <!/sharonburton> sharonburton




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RE: copying Save as HTML settings from one FM10 file to another

2012-09-25 Thread Sharon Burton
Import the reference pages you changed into the other files. 





Sharon Burton


Twitter: sharonburton

Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and


[] On Behalf Of John Sgammato
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 9:37 AM
Subject: copying Save as HTML settings from one FM10 file to another


Does anyone know if there is a way to copy the Save as HTML settings from
one unstructured FM10 file to another? I don't want to go through the whole
procedure again for every document!



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Re: Table that won't sort correctly

2012-12-07 Thread Sharon Burton
Sounds like you have hidden tabs at the start of the lines that won't sort 
properly. Hidden tabs are common when importing from word. 

Sent from my iPad

Cell: 951-202-0813

On Dec 7, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Steve Rickaby  

> Title says it all. Material sourced from Word (groan): I suspect gremlin 
> characters are messing up sort. 
> I need to alpha-sort some 60 pp. Each entry starts with '[ref]' in left 
> column, where 'ref' is the reference marker. When sorted on col 1, the 
> results aren't alpha. Some sorting has taken place, but not a lot. There may 
> be gremlins: in many lines, positioning the insert cursor at the start of the 
> line and pressing the right arrow key does not advance the cursor past the 
> '[' until the right arrow key is pressed again.
> Copying one of the offending '[' pairs to the Find 
> dialog fails to find the character pair. However, searching for '^[' with 
> wildcards on shows that the not-sorted lines do not start with just '[', even 
> though that's all that is visible. Equally, lines that *have* sorted ok *do* 
> start with just '['.
> So: I know why it's not working, but no how to fix it.
> Helpful ideas, anyone?
> FrameMaker 7.0p757 for Mac.
> -- 
> Steve
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Free webinar, Feb 5 9am Pac

2013-01-07 Thread Sharon Burton
Upcoming webinar: Clear Writing, Feb 5, 9am Pacific


Good communication starts with clear writing. Regardless of what you're
writing, people need to understand what you're trying to say. Attend this
free webinar if you are involved in: 

* proposals

* blogs

* social media

* user instructions

* policies and procedures

* video scripts

* and more


Don't forget to invite people you work with who might benefit from several
steps they can take to communicate more clearly. Sign up by going here:


The webinar will be recorded and made available the next day. If you can't
make the live time or date, sign up to automatically get the recording link
when it becomes available.





Sharon Burton


Twitter: sharonburton

Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and




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Free webinar Feb 5 at 9am Pac

2013-01-22 Thread Sharon Burton
Clear Writing: Simple steps to make your communication clear

Feb 5 at 9am Pac 


Good communication starts with clear writing. Regardless of what you're
writing, people need to understand what you're trying to say. In this one
hour webinar, learn specific steps and actions to make your writing clearer
and convey your powerful message. You'll leave with 10 simple actions you
can apply to your writing today. Your message will be clearer and easier to


Do yourself a favor - if you work with someone who could use some written
communication tips, send this on to them and ask them to sign up. This will
help them - I promise.


The webinar will be recorded, making the webinar available to you, even if
the time does not work for you. To automatically get the link to the
recording the next day, sign up as tho you were going to attend live. 




Sharon Burton


Twitter: sharonburton

Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and




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Free webinar 20 March 9am Pac

2013-02-19 Thread Sharon Burton
10 common mistakes when moving to topic-based authoring

20 March 9am Pac


Topic-based authoring is the most cost-effective way to develop content in
the "Do more with less" world we live in. It can help reduce localization
costs, reduce project schedules, and help you better meet the needs of your
users. It's a potential win/win for your company and your users. Makes you
want to jump right in, doesn't it? 


But moving to topic-based authoring can be one of the most expensive things
you've ever done. In this talk, Sharon Burton will show you the top 10
mistakes made by companies and how you can avoid them. 


If you're thinking about making this move, you'll learn what not to do; if
you made the move and you're struggling, find out how to solve your
problems. Either way, you really can't afford to miss this discussion! 


Seats are limited to the first 100 people who attend the webinar live. The
webinar will be recorded. To automatically get a link to the recording, sign
up for the webinar and then don't attend live.





Sharon Burton


Twitter: sharonburton

Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, available on Amazon and



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RE: Frame 11 Appearance

2013-02-20 Thread Sharon Burton
I have spent time with anyone on the TCS team I could find, complaining
about the UI for older eyes. It's a perfectly suitable UI for 25 year old
eyes and a perfectly wretched UI for older eyes. The low contrast tiny icons
are horrible and make my head hurt after an hour or so. Stronger contrast
with color would be the best. Maybe slightly larger icons, since we are


And remember that Tech Comm is typically a second career, meaning by
definition we are going to have more older eyes than we might. So, this is
the wrong UI for the user base. They really need to listen to the users on


Stop asking the 25 year old developers if they like the UI. Ask the USERS,
most of whom are not 25 years old.


And then don't get me started on the UI for Acrobat. 


The UI for Photoshop probably works for that user base. But it's a mistake
to assume all Adobe products have that user base. Because we aren't. But
they are taking that UI and making it the default UI for all products. It's
the wrong UI for people not doing intense color work with 25 year old eyes.





Sharon Burton


Twitter: sharonburton

Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and


[] On Behalf Of Tori Muir
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: Frame 11 Appearance


Preach it, sister! #1 thing our team HATE about Acrobat X: the Next/Previous
comment buttons for PDF edits were taken away. Why, Adobe, why?!  It took
considerable effort to convince our clients to shift from an all-Word
workflow to a Frame + PDF markup workflow, then Adobe go and make that
workflow substantially less efficient.  In a document with hundreds of
comments, scrolling through them via the side scrollbar is a giant PITA:
hard to control and prone to missing individual comments. No exaggeration,
between this missing feature and the jumping around mentioned below, Acrobat
X adds 20% to the time needed to work through a round of edits.  But the #2
thing that is disliked is the PlaySkool-size gray-on-gray-on-gray UI
elements now afflicting all Adobe apps. Color is a great way to easily
distinguish between tiny icons, especially for those of us with eyeballs
that have passed the half-century mark. And the chunky, clunky font is
neither attractive nor easy to read.  Loath though I am to praise anything
emanating from Redmond, Word's interface is at present a lot better to work

Tori Muir | 650.430.8674

On 2/20/13 10:41 AM, Karen Robbins wrote: 

Me too! I truly dislike the dark, drab, low-contrasty appearance of Frame
and all the Adobe apps. Whatever happened to clarity, readability, contrast,
and the ability to size UI text for improved accessibility? Even the best
settings aren't good enough--it goes from really low contrast and poor
readability to barely-tolerable contrast and still poor readability. 

Another bad interface is recent Acrobat (Pro). UI elements are oversized,
clunky, and take up far too much screen real estate! I hate having to click,
click, click all over the place to reveal and hide stuff, and have the
document jump around, resize, etc. while doing so. As bad on Mac as on PC,

(And don't get me started about Dreamweaver) 


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RE: Wrong font in index page numbers

2013-03-04 Thread Sharon Burton
For about a billion years, Frame automatically creates the paragraph formats
for the index stuff EXCEPT for the page numbers. So, go to the Reference
page, find the format for the page number. Click it. You'll see it has an
asterisk. Open the paragraph designer and create that format with those

Then update/change to your heart's content. 

Been that way since... Frame 3? 


Sharon Burton
Twitter: sharonburton
Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Steve Rickaby
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 10:51 AM
Subject: Wrong font in index page numbers

Can someone remind me (off-list if you like) how one controls the format of
page numbers in an index? I'm combining 'Index' markers and a custom marker:
the format of the page numbers of the index entries formed from 'Index'
markers are correct, but the page numbers (but not the body) of the index
entries from the custom markers have defaulted to Times New Roman.

I have tried following the procedure of putting a named character tag in the
reference page entry to the left of '<$pagenum>', but without success.

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New poll available

2013-03-14 Thread Sharon Burton
You may recall that I
esults-are-in/> ran an opinion poll about this time last year to find out
how people feel about product instructions. The results from that poll are
> available here.

It's time to do it again. This year, I've added 3 questions all around the
cost of a product and expectations about product instructions. My gut tells
me that the more you pay for a product, the more you expect the product
instructions to be clear and helpful. That's my hypothesis and I'm
interested in how the results hold out.

So,  <> to
take the poll, go here (
<> Please
try to take off your tech comm hats and answer like a regular person who
purchases products. 

Spread the word, tell your friends.

The poll will close around the beginning of June and I'll be reporting the
results in June.

Thank you and stay tuned for ongoing results reports!

(Please be assured that none of your personal information is tracked or
requested. There is no financial advantage I receive for running this poll -
in fact I lose money every time I run one. Contact me if you further
concerns, please.)





Sharon Burton


Twitter: sharonburton

Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and





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RE: how do people copy-protect their PDFs?

2013-05-06 Thread Sharon Burton
ebooks? All these issues are solved if you publish to Amazon and
They manage all the DRM and selling and all that stuff. 


Sharon Burton
Twitter: sharonburton
Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Carol J. Elkins
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 3:26 PM
Subject: RE: how do people copy-protect their PDFs?

Hi Alison,

So far, the only response has been from someone who uses LiveCycle Designer
for forms but has no experience with it for ecommerce. Like you, I use
Acrobat security for PDFs to prevent changing the docs or copying the
content to clipboard, but it cannot prevent copying the entire file. For
instance, Company Z has in the past purchased 200 PDF versions of a book of
regulatory standards. My client wants to prevent Company Z from simply
making copies of the PDF instead of buying all 200 copies. Multiply that by
thousands of ecommerce customers to understand the potential revenue that
can be lost.

My client also wants to begin selling individual standards in addition to
books of standards, much like IEEE does with its Xplore Digital Library
Subscription Service
I have no clue where to begin to research how to accomplish the DRM for
this, but I know it is not something in a Technical Writer's general tool
kit. Several years ago I read about dongles, encryption, and password
management systems, but from a user's perspective they are a burden. I want
to find a resource/service that makes it easy to purchase and download a PDF
and hard/impossible to copy the PDF. 
Minimally, I'd like to be able to tell my client how other companies do
this; if it is impossible to protect the PDF, then at least he'll know he's
in good company.

If anyone knows of other solutions to accomplish this, I'd appreciate your
insight. I'm treading way outside my skillset here but would like to be able
to give my client some basic direction. I wanted to ask fellow Framers
first; then I'll move on to the LiveCycle forum or whatever direction you
folks point me in.


At 03:21 PM 5/6/2013, Alison Craig wrote:
>I think that's an excellent question. Could you post answers on-list or 
>forward copies to me?
>Right now I just use standard Adobe Acrobat security for my Frame 
>generated PDFs (I need printable and digital manuals for the Medical 
>Device industry). But we all know how easy that is to crack.


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RE: Adobe Tech Comm Content Strategy and Tools Survey

2013-07-22 Thread Sharon Burton
I like the part where you have to create an account, including password and
give up info about your company. #Fail


Sharon Burton
Twitter: sharonburton
Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christenson, Pat
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 10:46 AM
Subject: RE: Adobe Tech Comm Content Strategy and Tools Survey

Glad to see question about FrameMaker on Macintosh. But -- spelling errors
in the survey? Misleading layout?

Not impressed, Adobe.


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The 2013 Consumer Opinion poll results are available

2013-07-24 Thread Sharon Burton
As you may know, I've run the Consumer Opinion poll about product
instructions for the last 2 years. The updated results are available now in
two versions on my website(

The free version
012-2013.pdf>   shows you the data, compiled into tables and graphs. The
free version doesn't include any discussion or analysis of the content. The
free version also doesn't include the comments people made for nearly all

ron+burton> paid version* is a reasonable $6.99 and includes discussion and
analysis. It also contains all the comments from both this year and from
last year. This lets you see a large group of comments about what people
think about product instructions and products that they purchase.

The comments alone should give you a place to start analyzing where and how
you may be making your customers angry and upset. 

I'll probably do a webinar in the next 6 weeks talking about these results
and what I think they mean for us tech comm professionals.

* This ebook is available on all localized Amazon sites.

In case you think I'm tracking your email when you go to my website or in
some way am going to monitor you and then in some way make money, I'm not.
For a complete discussion about how much money I actually lose running these
polls, go to A Note About These Polls in this post: 

Hope this is helpful to you guys!






Sharon Burton


Twitter: sharonburton

Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and



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Re: anchored text frames in sideheads

2014-08-12 Thread Sharon Burton
Try using a table and putting the text in the table. It's the only way I've 
ever found to make that all work. 

That may screw up publishing to the KB, tho. 

Sent from my iPhone
I am available when online thru Skype at Sharon.v.burton. 

> On Aug 12, 2014, at 6:43 AM, John Sgammato  wrote:
> I just posted a question about importing formats from a sidehead-enabled 
> template.
> Here's a related question:
> Assuming we can make the sidehead template work, we'd like to be able to put 
> some content over there, while keeping it in Text Flow A. That works fine for 
> a single paragraph - the following non-sidehead paragraph appears in the main 
> column just where we left off:
>1 text text text
> sidehead text2 text text text
>3 text text text
> But if the sidehead text includes multiple paragraphs, then the subsequent 
> main column paragraphs are pushed below the level of the last sidehead para:
>   1 text text text
> sidehead text
> sidehead text
> sidehead text
> sidehead text   2 text text text
>   3 text text text
> The sort of content we would put in the sidebar is Before You Begin, This 
> Section Includes, etc. 
> We need to keep it in Text Flow A because ultimately it all goes into a 
> knowledgebase with all the same content, but no sideheads.
> I tried anchoring a text frame to the main column text and positioned over 
> there, but I cannot put any content into it. I define it as a text frame, but 
> it always reverts to a graphic frame.
> Has anyone done this successfully?
> -- 
>   John Sgammato, Documentation Architect
> e c 508.927.2083  
> t @actifiodocs 
> 333 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451
> Radically simple copy data management 
> .
> ___
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Re: importing master pages, but not getting Room for Sideheads (FM12 unst)

2014-08-12 Thread Sharon Burton
Long standing bug. I recall this in frame 4. 

Sent from my iPhone
I am available when online thru Skype at Sharon.v.burton. 

> On Aug 12, 2014, at 7:23 AM, Kurt Kroeber  wrote:
> To elaborate John's point on the importing of formats from one file to 
> another, the problem seems to stems from the fact that when the template is 
> applied to another document almost all of the formats are applied except for 
> one -- the Room for Side Heads object property is disabled for the text frame 
> on the body page.  However, all of the template format settings look fine on 
> the master pages.  Even when I reapplied the master page this still did not 
> change the Room for Side Heads text object property on the body page.  To 
> resolve this problem,  I selected the Object Properties for the text frame on 
> the body page and enabled Room for Side Heads.  This manual updating of the 
> text object property seemed to do the trick. 
> I am not sure if this Room for Side Heads object property issue is with 
> FrameMaker; it should accept 100% of the object property settings from a 
> template file.
> Thanks,
> Kurt
>> On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 9:37 AM, John Sgammato  
>> wrote:
>> Our Marketing group wants us to use new templates that have room for a 
>> sidebar. We won't actually use the sidebar for anything, and it's OK for 
>> titles, images, and tables to extend into the sidebar. We may put notes over 
>> there.
>> We have been able to do this with the Room for Sideheads feature, and we're 
>> pretty happy with the look. But when we import formats from one file to 
>> another, all the formats come over as expected except for the sideheads 
>> setting. 
>> Is this a bug? A feature we don't understand? Has anyone dealt with this? 
>> How can we import that sidehead setting along with the rest of the settings?
>> -- 
>>  John Sgammato, Documentation Architect
>> e  c 508.927.2083  
>> t @actifiodocs 
>> 333 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451
>> Radically simple copy data management 
>> .
>> ___
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> -- 
>   Kurt Kroeber   Principal Technical Writer 
> e  c 617-803-9952 
> t @actifiodocs 
> 333 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451
> Copy data virtualization. Free data from infrastructure, get more resiliency, 
> agility, and cloud.
> ___
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RE: TOC Element that will not behave

2014-10-08 Thread Sharon Burton
Try seeing if the misbehaving style has an asterisk next to the name. If so,
it may not actually exist in the paragraph catalog. Try adding it to the

I've seen this in Index stuff before. 


Sharon Burton
Twitter: sharonburton
Author of 8 Steps to Amazing Webinars, 
available on Amazon and

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert Lauriston
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 2:07 PM
To: Thomas Scalise;
Subject: Re: TOC Element that will not behave

Duplicate entries on the reference pages, or the entry is not tagged

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 1:50 PM, Thomas Scalise
> The format (IndexTitleTOC) is applied to the Index.Title when it appears
in the TOC. However, the Index.Title reverts to some earlier definition of
the IndexTitleTOC format. No matter what I do, it always returns to a format
different from the rest of the same-level items in the TOC.

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TOC & IX files don't exist?

2005-12-21 Thread Sharon Burton
If you are using Frame 7, you can open the book and then rename the TOC and
IX files to be the same name as the book right in Frame.

So BobTOX would be DougTOC. I do this all the time and it works fine.

General steps when I rename a book: Open book in Frame. File/Save as new
name. Still in Frame, right+click TOC file. Rename to newbooknameTOC. DO the
same for the IX. Gen/update. Life is good.


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting
Immediate Past President of IESTC

FrameMaker 7.2 keeps crashing on undo

2006-04-04 Thread Sharon Burton
I'm seeing this exact error in Frame 7.1 and, believe it or not, Acrobat
7.x - both with the latest  downloads. Same or almost identical error
message in both products.

I am losing my mind on this. It's seemingly random in that the same
activities make it happen but those activities don't always make it happen.

Any idea anyone has would be super. I lose work every day with this one. All
the members in my group are seeing this.


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting
Immediate Past President of IESTC

-Original Message-
[ at]On
Behalf Of Karen West
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 8:03 AM
To: framers at
Subject: FrameMaker 7.2 keeps crashing on undo

I've just upgraded from 7.0 to 7.2 and every time I do an undo Frame
(unstructured) crashes. So much for fixing the find/replace crash in 7.0,
this one is worse and is driving me mad. I'm using 7.2b144 and I've now
stopped using undo (so single undo in 7.0 was better) but I still forget
occasionally and then FrameMaker fails with an Internal error 7204 and an
Application error: "The instruction at ... referenced memory at
x. The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the

Is this happening to anyone else, does Adobe know about it?


Karen West
Technical Writer
Cyberscience Corp (UK)

More...Error message: can't rename file. The newer version has anodd suffix

2006-08-30 Thread Sharon Burton
Do you have write access on the network drive? Sounds like you don't... 


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting 
Immediate Past President of IESTC

-Original Message-
[ at]On
Behalf Of The red fox
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 3:12 PM
To: Framers at
Subject: More...Error message: can't rename file. The newer version has
anodd suffix

More info on this issue.

After much frustration, I tried a few things and have
learned that this issue only happens when I am
accessing the files from our network server.  I tested
this by creating a new test book on the server and
adding a few chapters to it.  Same problem.  I then
copied the test book directory to my local hard drive
and had no problem.  I was immediately able to save
each chapter.  

At this point, bottom line is I cannot save any files
when i am accessing them from the network server.  I
continuously get the below error message.

Also I tried using both FM 6.0 and 7.2.  I have the
same problem with both, so it's not an FM version

I have not worked on these files in about 6 months,
but the path to them has not changed as they have many
text insets.  

I cannot imagine what would have changed on our
network to cause this.  Anyone have any idea?

My concern is moving the files because of the high
number of text insets with x-ref's!


2006-02-23 Thread Sharon Burton
Not to make you crazy, but there are bots who just try combinations of
letters and numbers and send out thousands of spams. Then they track the
ones that don't get a bounce to verify valid addresses. Your address is an
easy one to generate this way.

My fiance had an earthlink account just for backup - he never used it. 30
days after opening the account, he was getting about 100 spams a day. We
closed it.


Sharon Burton
CEO, Anthrobytes Consulting
Immediate Past President of IESTC

-Original Message-

I don't mean to beat this to death, but I submitted my unsubscribe
command and am just now getting time to accept the confirmation (which I
will do after sending this message).

But just a couple quick things.  On January 1st, I changed email
addresses, and I have been very careful about where I've posted that
address.  I have now gotten exactly >>two<< spam messages so far this
year, and both are from this Indian Framemaker spammer.   I responded
each time and told him to unsubscribe me, but he continues to spam me,
and many others on this list (who responded to me).   If he is this
unethical, he'll probably sell the addresses.

I just started using Framemaker this year, and I have subscribed to
exactly two online resources: this list, and Adobe's online forum.
Adobe's forum hides email addresses, this list does not (nor should
it).   The most likely way this guy got my email, then, is from this
list.   I'm disappointed that the leadership of this list won't take
action against this guy, so I'm sorry to go.

Thanks to all for the excellent advice everyone gave me here, and sorry
to have caused problems for anyone.

John Huntington

I'm looking for a senior writer in So Cal

2006-06-27 Thread Sharon Burton
I'm looking for a strong senior writer in So Cal. Strong Frame, strong WWP
and strong writing are what I need to add to my developing tech pubs group.
No relocation is available. You can contact me at
sharon.burton at

Send your resume to employment at

Want to be part of a technical writing group that produces world class
documentation? Want to work in a company that values product documents? Want
to work in an environment where your ideas about how it should be done can
be done? If you are really good at what you do, then WonderwareR is looking
for you.

. Plan, design, develop, and maintain high-quality product documentation
deliverables for multiple software projects.
. Develop product documentation that conforms to company and industry
standards, and proactively contribute to improving processes and standards.
. Communicate with various functional groups to identify, schedule, and
deliver technical documentation and other project-related deliverables.
. Support other technical writers.

. Deliver product documentation (75%)
. Support localization of the documentation (10%)
. Participate in the improvement of departmental processes, standards, and
tools (5%)
. Improve product knowledge through formal training and self-directed
learning (10%)

. Adobe FrameMaker
. Adobe Acrobat
. WebWorks Publisher Professional - any recent version but ePublisher and/or
Automap especially good
. Logical thinking with good organizational skills
. Working knowledge of technical writing best practices for producing
task-oriented documentation.
. Successful experience working in a structured documentation team.

. 3 or more years of technical writing experience in shrink-wrap software
. Experience in establishing departmental processes and standards.
. Experience in single sourcing to Microsoft HTML Help and web-based Help.
. Experience creating documentation from initial concept to finished
. Experience creating software product document sets

Relocation not available

RE: Thought for the day

2010-05-27 Thread Sharon Burton
Sign on door at local medical clinic: 

This is not a patient door.


Sharon Burton
Content Consultant
Twitter: sharonburton


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RE: Imported Word docs - table heading row of long tables is not repeated for further pages of the table

2010-07-02 Thread Sharon Burton
I've used Rick's Table Cleaner and it's worth much more than $60. With a few
clicks, you can clean every table in a Frame file that you've imported from
Word. The tool paid for itself in the first hour I used it. 

I was importing 100+ long Word files into Frame for a conversion project for
a client. I imported, ran Table Cleaner on each file and all the tables were
fixed. It took about 3 minutes. 

To fix them manually (at that time in that version of Frame) involved
destroying each table and rebuilding it manually. Since there were tables
about every 3 pages... Yes, the tool is wonderful and worth every penny.

If you are selling your utilities for less, perhaps they are not as powerful
or as immediately timesaving. Or perhaps you could charge more and didn't
think of it. But Table Cleaner is worth every cent.


Sharon Burton
Content Consultant
Twitter: sharonburton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Avraham Makeler
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 10:29 PM
To: Baruch Brodersen
Subject: Re: Imported Word docs - table heading row of long tables is not
repeated for further pages of the table

>> Rick Quattro's Table Cleaner plugin

Thought I would sleep on this before responding... well here goes...

$60 for just o-n-e utility...? $60 is the price of many complete
applications -- ok not an MS app or an Adobe app, but an app. I have written
a number of complete Word VBA programs and until now it never occured to me
to ask more than about $20. Oh well ... Supply & Demand... if it sells... it


On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Baruch Brodersen

> Hi Avi,
> Rick Quattro's Table Cleaner plugin makes short work of this. Simply
> the row or rows you want to repeat, and choose Table > Convert Select Rows
> Body to heading Rows.
> Short of that, you might try a) applying a table format to the imported
> table, and b) add a header row (Table > Add Rows or Columns > Add a Header
> Header Row), c) copy and paste the original cells into that, then delete
> original row.
> --
> B a r u c h   B r o d e r s e n
> T e c h n i t e x t   D o c u m e n t a t i o n
> 8 7 7  7 2 1  6 9 8 8
>>  On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 2:02 PM, Avraham Makeler 
>> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> >   RE:  Imported Word docs - table heading row of long tables is not
>> > repeated for further pages of the table
>> >
>> > Using: FM 7.2.
>> > Importing from: Word 2003



"Mercy on all, coz everyone's fighting some sort of battle"

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RE: type vs enter

2010-07-20 Thread Sharon Burton
Will your audience be able to make that leap? This one is all about
audience. If they are fairly sophisticated, then enter. If not, then type.


Sharon Burton
Content Consultant
Twitter: sharonburton

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Clara Hall
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 12:21 PM
Subject: type vs enter

Hello all,

I need/would like to give the argument that it is better to say "Enter the
information in the text field"
vs. "type the information in the text field".  this is for an online
training course.

As far as I am concerned, type is archaic and no longer used when talking
about online interactive lessons.  Having said that, what do you think?  and
is there a valid stance I can take to make my point, or is this all personal


Clara Hall

Technical Documentation Manager

Aerospace Technologies Group, Inc.

(561) 244-7372


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RE: RANT: FM 9.0 -

2010-08-03 Thread Sharon Burton
And speaking as a 40-mumbley-aged person, the contrast of the black text on
the grey interface sucks, even with my reading glasses. I hate playing with
all the pods that fly about. I don't like the focus changing unexpectedly, I
just dislike having to pay so much attention to my interface, as it takes
away from authoring effort and breaks my concentration. 

In general, I really dislike the new interface. It doesn't look like a
Windows app and it's hard to use. 


Sharon Burton
Content Consultant
Twitter: sharonburton

Darren Butler wrote:

> Why Adobe would want to emulate Microsoft is beyond me. What's next, a
> dancing paper clip?
> We actually purchased 9.0 then down-graded (yes, you can do that) to
> FM8. High volume shop, NO time for an (un)learning curve.
> Are there any menu-to-ribbon road maps that one might recommend?
> Eventually, a CMS upgrade will force us to go the FM9. 


Their intent was to emulate other *Adobe* apps with floating toolbars and
dockable dialogs. Over the years, Adobe had made only small changes to the
original circa 1990 user interface that they bought from Frame Technologies
in 1995, and many people had complained that the UI didn't look sufficiently
Adobe-like. The fact that FrameMaker 9.0 has a UI that looks and acts
similarly to Adobe's flagship apps should be a great benefit to the
minuscule handful of new users who come to FrameMaker from tools like
Photoshop or Illustrator or InDesign, but its value to experienced
FrameMaker users is (at best) debatable.
-Fred Ridder  

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Want to learn more about Author-it?

2010-10-08 Thread Sharon Burton
Vendor post

We're doing live webinars at Author-it. If you can't attend live, these
should be recorded for future viewing. To see what we have planned, go to 

Coming up: 

12-Oct-10 7am Pacific

Author-it for Single-sourcing to PDF and Online Help

In this hour long event, learn more about the power of Author-it for
single-sourcing to PDF and online help. 
We cover Author-it terms and concepts, importing legacy content, creating
new content, creating multiple deliverables from one set of source files,
and publishing. Additionally, we'll talk about content reuse and managing
content across different products and versions. 

Ask questions from the presenter to understand how these tasks might be used
in your company. At the end of the hour, you'll see how Author-it can help
you be more productive in your single-source workflow.




Sharon Burton

Product Evangelist, Author-it



Twitter: sharonburton




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Content trends survey

2010-12-02 Thread Sharon Burton
***Vendor post***

Author-it wolld like know what your content trends and needs are for the
next 2 years or so. Towards that end, we've created a survey. You can take
the 10 question survey at

We're not reporting IP addresses, although you can only take the survey 1
time from each IP address. Personal information about you is not required to
participate in the survey.

We're also giving a prize if you'd like to identify yourself. After the
survey closes, one winner will be selected to win EITHER a free license for
Author-it OR one free training session in the next six months. It's the
winner's choice.

To participate in the prize drawing, you must provide your contact
information at the end of the survey.

Please feel free to share the link and tell your friends. The survey closes
at the end of December, just before midnight US time, I believe.






Sharon Burton

Product Evangelist, Author-it



Twitter: sharonburton




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