Re: FreeBSD MySQL Performance Tunning suggestions???

2008-06-04 Thread Antony T Curtis


FreeBSD 7 should offer much better performance for MySQL. The FreeBSD  
kernel developers have found ways to relieve some of the kernel  
bottlenecks which permit multithreaded applications to operate much  


On 3 Jun 2008, at 03:43, VeeJay wrote:

Hi Guys

I need some performance tuning suggestions/help from you.

At my job, I am going to build a Web Server with

1. FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE amd64
2. Apache 2.2.8
3. PHP 4.4.8 (or may be PHP5, what do you suggest?)

Server's hardware configuration is as follow:

2  x  Quad Core Xeon E5450 3.0GHz,2x6MB,1333FSB
16GB (8x2GB Dual Rank DIMMs) 667MHz FBD
6  x  450GB SAS 15k 3.5" HD Hot Plug
PERC 6/i, Integrated Controller Card x6 backplane
PE2950 III C5 MSS R10 Add-in PERC 5/i / 6/i 1 S
TCP/IP Offload Engine 2P
Broadcom TCP/IP Offload Engine functionality (TOE) Not Enabled

For FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE amd64 Which MySQL 5.0 would be used ?
1. FreeBSD 7.x (x86_64)
2. FreeBSD 6.x (x86)

I have done some googling and made these configuration files for  
Apache and



# =
# Basic settings
# =
ServerType standalone
ServerRoot "/usr/local/apache"
PidFile /usr/local/apache/logs/
ScoreBoardFile /usr/local/apache/logs/httpd.scoreboard
ResourceConfig /dev/null
AccessConfig /dev/null
# =
# Performance settings
# =
Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
StartServers 5
MaxClients 256
MaxRequestsPerChild 0
# =
# Apache modules
# =
AddModule mod_log_config.c
AddModule mod_mime.c
AddModule mod_dir.c
AddModule mod_access.c
AddModule mod_auth.c
AddModule mod_php4.c
AddModule mod_rewrite.c
AddModule mod_security.c
AddModule mod_setenvif.c
# =
# General settings
# =
Port 80
User apache
Group apache
UseCanonicalName Off
ServerSignature Off
HostnameLookups Off
ServerTokens Prod

   DirectoryIndex index.html

DocumentRoot "/home/apache/www"
# =
# Access control
# =

   Options None
   AllowOverride None
   Order deny,allow
   Deny from all

   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

# =
# MIME encoding
# =

   TypesConfig /usr/local/apache/conf/mime.types

DefaultType text/plain

   AddEncoding x-compress Z
   AddEncoding x-gzip gz tgz
   AddType application/x-tar .tgz
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .html

# =
# Logs
# =
LogLevel warn
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i 

LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
ErrorLog /var/apache/logs/error_log
CustomLog /var/apache/logs/access_log combined
# =
# Virtual hosts
# =
NameVirtualHost *

   DocumentRoot "/home/apache/www/vhosts/"
   ServerName ""
   ServerAlias ""
   ErrorLog /var/apache/logs/vhosts/
   CustomLog /var/apache/logs/vhosts/  

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/([a-z]{2})/index.html$ /index.html?topicid=$1
   ErrorDocument 400 /page_error.html
   ErrorDocument 401 /page_error.html
   ErrorDocument 403 /page_error.html
   ErrorDocument 404 /page_error.html
   ErrorDocument 500 /page_error.html

# Logging GET/POST requests, defending against
# Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection attacks

   AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .html

   #Turn the filtering engine On or Off
SecAuditEngine On
   # Only log suspicious requests
SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
SecAuditLog /var/apache/logs/audit_log
SecFilterScanPOST On
SecFilterEngine On

SecFilterDefaultAction "deny,log,status:500"
SecFilter "\""

   #generic bogus path sigs
SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "\.\.\./"
"id:36,rev:1,severity:2,msg:'Bogus Path denied'"
SecFilterSelective POST_PAYLOAD "[[:space:]]+\.\.\.+\;"
"id:37,rev:1,severity:2,msg:'Bogus Pa

kill suspects

2008-06-04 Thread james dandey
The F-BEE_EYE are stealing from suspects and using gang members and corrupt 
police to
kill those that complain. A recent story ran on 60 minutes about Chicago police 
the real story was not told.

This also happens in the San Fran Bay area where the cost of living is very 
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RE: Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials

2008-06-04 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jeffrey
> Goldberg
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 1:34 PM
> To: Jerry McAllister
> Cc: FreeBSD List
> Subject: Re: Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials
> that I made the right decision.  In the same way that when I volunteer  
> at the school, I don't where


> controversial T-Shirts.  (Though who  
> would have thought that my "Friends don't let friends use Windows"  
> shirt would cause complaints!)

They'd probably shit bricks if you wore this T-shirt ;-)

(Yes, I know)

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Re: Vmware/Xorg blues

2008-06-04 Thread Manolis Kiagias

kevin kempter wrote:

On Jun 4, 2008, at 11:04 AM, Manolis Kiagias wrote:

kevin kempter wrote:

Hi All;

This seems to be more of a lib not found than a vm issue:

I've done this:

1) installed freeBSD 7 in vmware fusion (v 1.1.3)

2) selected to install vmware tools from the menu

3) logged into the console as root

4) mounted the vmware virtual cd

5) copied the vmware tools tar.gz file to /tmp

6) expanded the vmware tools tar.gz file in /tmp

7) cd to the new vmware-toold-distrib dir and ran ./

Then I get this:

Before running VMware Tools for the first time you need to configure 
it by invoking the following command: 
"/usr/local/bin/". Do you want this program to 
invoke the command for you now? [yes]

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, 
required by "vmware-checkvm"

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, 
required by "vmware-checkvm"

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, 
required by "vmware-checkvm"

This configuration program is to be executed in a virtual machine.

Execution aborted.

I also tried starting KDE and in a Konsole terminal window (as root) 
running /usr/local/bin/  and I get the same 

Anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks in advance...

Funny thing, I was doing the same steps today in vmware workstation 
;) Had the same problems, and the following is the solution:

Install the compat6x port. Seems the vmware tools are for the 6.X 
version of FreeBSD, not native 7.

As root:

cd /usr/ports/misc/compat6x
make install clean

Also, create the following symbolic link (This is where vmware 
searches for the library):

ln -s /usr/local/lib/compat/

Thanks for the advice, this allowed me to install the vmware tools.

I had the vm in such a state that I thought it best to start from 
scratch, so I did the following:

1) installed freeBSD7 into a new VM
2) Followed the steps above to install the compat6x lib and created 
the link to /lib

3) installed the vmware-tools
4) ran the vmware-config (/usr/local/bin/
5) installed kde via pkg_add -r kde
6) created a .xinitrc for root like this:
echo "exec startkde" > ~/.xinitrc
7) tried to start kde by running startx and I get an error that the 
driver "vmware" in the xorg config file does not exist.

I've attached the log from my attempt to start kde (Xorg.0.log) - from 

and my xorg.conf file (from /etc/X11)

Thanks in advance for any help...


Ok, the xorg-vmware driver is not by default selected to be built in the 
xorg port, and as the pre-built packages use the default options,  you 
are simply trying to use a driver you have not installed. As the vmware 
driver does not seem to exist as a  package, compile it from ports:

cd /usr/ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware
make install clean

And you should be on your way.
However I would suggest you create (and possibly edit) your own 
xorg.conf file:

X -configure

(This make get you a blank screen on vmware, it does it to me everytime, 
in this case just ssh in from somewhere else and reboot the machine, or 
press CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE and blindly type 'reboot')

Test your settings with

X -configure /root/

Edit the file and make any necessary changes, and move it to the final 

mv /root/   /etc/X11/xorg.conf

You can get more info on all the above in the X11 chapter of the FreeBSD 
Handbook, in the configuration section:

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RE: Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials

2008-06-04 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Fraser Tweedale
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 4:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials
> On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 01:45:57AM -0700, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> > [snip] 
> > The issue started several years ago when one of the core
> > developers started agitating for a different graphic.  Apparently
> > he had been asked too many times for his taste if the FreeBSD
> > project had something to do with devil worship.  A long drawn
> > out argument ensued but core being core got their way.  Core
> > then started claiming Beastie wasn't a logo, he was a mascot
> > and that it why we needed a logo (despite the fact that Beastie
> > has been used as a logo for years) As a
> > peace offering they tried the contest idea.  The submissions
> > were so crappy they extended the contest deadline.  Finally
> > they got a submission that they decided was OK and that "won"
> > the contest.  The FreeBSD community was not allowed to see
> > the other entrants.  It was your basic star chamber decision.
> > 
> > Ted
> I always have wondered about the other entries.  Surely someone
> has got a copy of them lying around; I (and I'm sure many others)
> would be quite interested to see them, if such a thing is possible.

Start (and end) here:

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Re: memcached on freebsd?

2008-06-04 Thread Mark D. Foster

Joachim Rosenfeld wrote:

We're considering using memcached for on of our products and we are
thinking of running it on FreeBSD.

How well does memcached run on FreeBSD? Most of the people I've talked
to and the sites online seem to run it on Linux/IntelI talked to
one person who runs it on Solaris and they are not terribly happy with
the memcached+Solaris combo, so I wanted to check and make sure
memcached+FreeBSD is worth it.

It works fine. Go for it.

Said one park ranger, 'There is considerable overlap between the 
intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.'


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ntpd hangs after a while, anyone has the same problem

2008-06-04 Thread Yuri


I run current 70-STABLE and after few days ntpd stops responding queries 
like 'ntpq -c rv localhost' and time begins to drift.

Anyone observes the same problem?


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RE: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-04 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

> -Original Message-
> From: David Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 5:16 AM
> To: Ted Mittelstaedt
> Cc: Chuck Robey; Wojciech Puchar; FreeBSD Questions
> Subject: Re: Duplex printer advice
> On Jun 4, 2008, at 4:46 AM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> > What part of:
> >
> > "...there was no case i found postscript to print faster...You won't  
> > on an
> > HP printer, at least not an older one..."
> >
> > is not understandable?
> >
> > Let me repeat - on most HP printers PostScript IS SLOWER BECAUSE
> > HP DESIGNED IT THAT WAY.  It is NOT slower because of some inherent
> > issue with PostScript itself.
> >
> > Did you know that Ghostscript is used as the Postscript engine
> > in a number of printers?
> Only in "postscript compatible" printers such as the Brother HL-5250DN.
> When Genuine Postscript is included it is ported to the printer by  
> Adobe. Adobe does not allow it to be crippled as conspiracy-theory Ted  
> claims.

Nonsense.  Adobe doesen't have any control over the matter.

Others have already detailed the difference in speed between
the HP PCL and PostScript implementations on HP Printers.  I
listed all of the ways that HP tries to discourage customers
from buying PostScript, and encourage them to go with PCL.
Most of these, such as marketing and pricing, and the amount of
ram included with the base model PostScript add-on, Adobe has
absolutely no control over.

Adobe doesen't support their PostScript implementation in an
HP Printer, HP does.  And the PPDs supplied by HP are different
than the ones Adobe supplies from their own website.  You also
forget that Microsoft went with true type rather than Adobe Type
Manager, and many people have complained about the poorly
implemented PostScript drivers that come standard with Windows.
So not just HP but Microsoft also "cooperates/competes" with Adobe.
There's more ways to tank an implementation that just failing
to properly implement ie.  There's many ways that tech companies
have tried over the years (and succeeded at times) to sabotage
their competitors.  You have a very naieve view of the tech

> All genuine Postscript printers ship with similar CPUs,  
> originally Motorola 68000 family, for this very reason.

And the fact this makes it a lot easier to port has nothing
to do with it..NOT!

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memcached on freebsd?

2008-06-04 Thread Joachim Rosenfeld
We're considering using memcached for on of our products and we are
thinking of running it on FreeBSD.

How well does memcached run on FreeBSD? Most of the people I've talked
to and the sites online seem to run it on Linux/IntelI talked to
one person who runs it on Solaris and they are not terribly happy with
the memcached+Solaris combo, so I wanted to check and make sure
memcached+FreeBSD is worth it.
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Re: Effects of CPUTYPE

2008-06-04 Thread RW
On Wed, 04 Jun 2008 23:14:14 +0100
Mark Ovens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For months now I've been having ever increasing problems with
> software (ports) stopping working - or not working properly; xorg,
> digikam, jalbum, etc.
> ...
> I understand that this optimizes compilation for that CPU but can
> this potentially cause problems? Is this a possible cause of strange 
> problems? All my ports are built from source rather than from
> packages so are built with this option.

I think it's unlikely, but it's easy enough to eliminate.  

From the ports you mention, xorg does seem to be holding a smoking gun.
If you have any unnecessary features enabled in xorg.conf, I'd turn
them off.
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RE: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-04 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Gerard
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 3:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Duplex printer advice
> On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 11:01:09 +0200 (CEST)
> Wojciech Puchar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > isn't all that hard but for some reason the printer manufacturers
> > > ship these machines with very low RAM.  
> > 
> > the reason is to force you then buy high-priced RAMs for them.
> The market for printers is a very competitive one. Any manufacturer has
> to factor in the cost of the base machine, plus addition components, so
> as to compute a selling price that will be competitive with his
> competition. A manufacturer could easily load up his product will all
> the RAM he wanted; however, if he could not sell the product, or at
> least a sufficient number of them to turn a profit, then that effort
> would be for naught.
> Personally, I have not found the secondary RAM market to be all that
> expensive anyway. If there is no need to spit out 24 sheets per minute,
> then why waste the resources on it?

Obviously you never participated in a pissing contest when you were a
boy... ;-)

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Re: Effects of CPUTYPE

2008-06-04 Thread Jonathan Chen
On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 11:14:14PM +0100, Mark Ovens wrote:

> Trying to identify why I should be having all these problems I've been 
> looking for anything that may be specific to my machine. One thing I've 
> come up with is the fact that I have CPUTYPE?=athlon-mp in 
> /etc/make.conf on both 6.3 and 7.0.

In my personal opinion, the small gain you get is more than
overwhelmed by the big pain you get from setting CPUTYPE.
Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  "Opportunity does not knock,
   it presents itself when you beat down the door" - W.E. Channing
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Re: Errors with pkg_add

2008-06-04 Thread prad
On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 17:27:09 -0500
Phusion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - pkg_add -r packages, works when running as root
> - pkg_add -r packages, errors out when using sudo
i found something similar.
i think this may be because the sudo only works to execute the
pkg_add, but not handle subsequent matters that requires root access.
i don't know if there is a way around it. 

In friendship,

  ... with you on your journey
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Re: vm.pmap.shpgperproc syslog messages

2008-06-04 Thread D Hill

On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 at 23:15 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] confabulated:

I just noticed today I'm starting to get messages in ../messages stating:

Sorry. It was actually in the dmesg report I saw the messages.

 Approaching the limit on PV entries, consider increasing either the
 vm.pmap.shpgperproc or the vm.pmap.pv_entry_max sysctl.

I did some searching and don't really know what is going on. I did a search 
using sysctl for all pmap knobs and this is what they are currently:

 vm.pmap.pmap_collect_active: 0
 vm.pmap.pmap_collect_inactive: 0
 vm.pmap.pv_entry_spare: 51310
 vm.pmap.pv_entry_allocs: 67575721858
 vm.pmap.pv_entry_frees: 67574088800
 vm.pmap.pc_chunk_tryfail: 0
 vm.pmap.pc_chunk_frees: 416252902
 vm.pmap.pc_chunk_allocs: 416262928
 vm.pmap.pc_chunk_count: 10026
 vm.pmap.pv_entry_count: 1633059
 vm.pmap.shpgperproc: 500
 vm.pmap.pv_entry_max: 6125408

I did increased vm.pmap.shpgperproc to 500 from 200 and immediately saw 
vm.pmap.pv_entry_max increase as well.

This server is a Dell PowerEdge 6850 with four 3.0Gz dual core Zeon 
processors and 12Gb ram. The server's only purpose is a spam filter. It is 
running SpamAssassin, ClamAV, Postfix and MySQL. The server is pretty memory 
intensive. Active memory usually doesn't drop below 8Gb. SpamAssassin usually 
has roughly 24 children running all the time consuming ~120Mb per child. 
MySQL is currently taking ~5.5Gb.

Can someone shed light on what is going on or what needs to be tweaked?

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Vmware/Xorg blues (was: Re: freeBSD7 in a vm (vmware fusion) - Shared object "" not found)

2008-06-04 Thread kevin kempter

On Jun 4, 2008, at 11:04 AM, Manolis Kiagias wrote:

kevin kempter wrote:

Hi All;

This seems to be more of a lib not found than a vm issue:

I've done this:

1) installed freeBSD 7 in vmware fusion (v 1.1.3)

2) selected to install vmware tools from the menu

3) logged into the console as root

4) mounted the vmware virtual cd

5) copied the vmware tools tar.gz file to /tmp

6) expanded the vmware tools tar.gz file in /tmp

7) cd to the new vmware-toold-distrib dir and ran ./

Then I get this:

Before running VMware Tools for the first time you need to  
configure it by invoking the following command: "/usr/local/bin/". Do you want this program to invoke the  
command for you now? [yes]

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,  
required by "vmware-checkvm"

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,  
required by "vmware-checkvm"

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,  
required by "vmware-checkvm"

This configuration program is to be executed in a virtual machine.

Execution aborted.

I also tried starting KDE and in a Konsole terminal window (as  
root) running /usr/local/bin/  and I get the  
same results

Anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks in advance...

Funny thing, I was doing the same steps today in vmware  
workstation ;) Had the same problems, and the following is the  

Install the compat6x port. Seems the vmware tools are for the 6.X  
version of FreeBSD, not native 7.

As root:

cd /usr/ports/misc/compat6x
make install clean

Also, create the following symbolic link (This is where vmware  
searches for the library):

ln -s /usr/local/lib/compat/

Thanks for the advice, this allowed me to install the vmware tools.

I had the vm in such a state that I thought it best to start from  
scratch, so I did the following:

1) installed freeBSD7 into a new VM
2) Followed the steps above to install the compat6x lib and created  
the link to /lib

3) installed the vmware-tools
4) ran the vmware-config (/usr/local/bin/
5) installed kde via pkg_add -r kde
6) created a .xinitrc for root like this:
echo "exec startkde" > ~/.xinitrc
7) tried to start kde by running startx and I get an error that the  
driver "vmware" in the xorg config file does not exist.

I've attached the log from my attempt to start kde (Xorg.0.log) -  
from /var/log

and my xorg.conf file (from /etc/X11)

Thanks in advance for any help...


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vm.pmap.shpgperproc syslog messages

2008-06-04 Thread D Hill

I just noticed today I'm starting to get messages in ../messages stating:

  Approaching the limit on PV entries, consider increasing either the
  vm.pmap.shpgperproc or the vm.pmap.pv_entry_max sysctl.

I did some searching and don't really know what is going on. I did a 
search using sysctl for all pmap knobs and this is what they are 

  vm.pmap.pmap_collect_active: 0
  vm.pmap.pmap_collect_inactive: 0
  vm.pmap.pv_entry_spare: 51310
  vm.pmap.pv_entry_allocs: 67575721858
  vm.pmap.pv_entry_frees: 67574088800
  vm.pmap.pc_chunk_tryfail: 0
  vm.pmap.pc_chunk_frees: 416252902
  vm.pmap.pc_chunk_allocs: 416262928
  vm.pmap.pc_chunk_count: 10026
  vm.pmap.pv_entry_count: 1633059
  vm.pmap.shpgperproc: 500
  vm.pmap.pv_entry_max: 6125408

I did increased vm.pmap.shpgperproc to 500 from 200 and immediately saw 
vm.pmap.pv_entry_max increase as well.

This server is a Dell PowerEdge 6850 with four 3.0Gz dual core Zeon 
processors and 12Gb ram. The server's only purpose is a spam filter. It is 
running SpamAssassin, ClamAV, Postfix and MySQL. The server is pretty 
memory intensive. Active memory usually doesn't drop below 8Gb. 
SpamAssassin usually has roughly 24 children running all the time 
consuming ~120Mb per child. MySQL is currently taking ~5.5Gb.

Can someone shed light on what is going on or what needs to be tweaked?

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Errors with pkg_add

2008-06-04 Thread Phusion
I am running FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE i386 and am having problems with
pkg_add. I can install packages as the root user without problems.

- pkg_add -r packages, works when running as root
- pkg_add -r packages, errors out when using sudo

% sudo pkg_add -r openssl
Error: FTP Unable to get
Syntax error, command unrecognized
pkg_add: unable to fetch
by URL

% cat /usr/local/etc/sudoers

This user is a member of the wheel group so no password is required.
Both this user and root user are using the csh with the following in


Let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks.

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Re: Samba in Windows XP Error

2008-06-04 Thread Derek Ragona

At 12:14 AM 6/4/2008, Ruel Luchavez wrote:


I have installed the samba package 3.0.28 in my freebsd 7.0, the
installation all goes well my problem only is when i add the
samba in an existing workgroup i can access it in my windows xp client
however if it has its own workgroup i always have this
error in windows xp pro "The network path was not found".. what would i

Freebsd Rocks.


Your note doesn't say how you have windows configured?  Active 
Directory?  Domain Controller?  Or?

Do you have samba as a slave to the window's controller?  Usually I have 
found this method works best.  Windows user's accounts are created 
automatically that way on the samba box.


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Effects of CPUTYPE

2008-06-04 Thread Mark Ovens
For months now I've been having ever increasing problems with software 
(ports) stopping working - or not working properly; xorg, digikam, 
jalbum, etc.

The problems are the same on 6.3-STABLE and a brand new, clean install 
of 7.0. Searching mailing lists and Google makes me think that a lot of 
these problems are specific to my system.

Trying to identify why I should be having all these problems I've been 
looking for anything that may be specific to my machine. One thing I've 
come up with is the fact that I have CPUTYPE?=athlon-mp in 
/etc/make.conf on both 6.3 and 7.0.

I understand that this optimizes compilation for that CPU but can this 
potentially cause problems? Is this a possible cause of strange 
problems? All my ports are built from source rather than from packages 
so are built with this option.


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Re: git

2008-06-04 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On Wed, 04 Jun 2008 11:38:02 -0400, Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>> On Wed, 04 Jun 2008 04:22:09 +0300, Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 03 Jun 2008 14:31:24 -0400, Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Wonder if anyone could tell me why anything I do to run git-pull gives me a
 coredump?  The image that gets dumped is git-fetch, if that helps, and I 
 just trying to update the xorg source tree.
>>> Hi Chuck,
>>> Something is obviously broken in Git 1.5.5.  My installation from Ports
>>> core dumps pretty fast too:
>>>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$ git fetch
>>>   Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
>>>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$
>> [...]
>>> Are you also running with option 'J' enabled in `malloc.conf'?
>> Verified.  Setting malloc.conf options to 'aj', lets git-fetch run
>> without crashing:
> I moved the discussion to hackers, take a look over there for more
> info, I don't think it's malloc, and I think I've proved at least part
> of my case.

Neat.  I've just read that thread, and see that it has been tracked down
and fixed now :)

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Re: Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials

2008-06-04 Thread Jeffrey Goldberg

On Jun 4, 2008, at 2:34 PM, Jerry McAllister wrote:

Maybe everyone should make their own and use it.
FreeBSD is a user created Open Software project after all.

I used to have a "Powered by FreeBSD" button with the BSDie on a  
mailing list server that I'd set up for the PTA for my daughter's  
school in Texas.  I figured that I could handle any complaints or  
questions that I got about it.

But then I heard one of the teachers explain to other staff that if  
she ever was shopping and the final price of items totaled up to $6.66  
she would make sure to add another item so that she wouldn't have to  
be part of a transaction involving 666.  (I guess she never would have  
been a customer of Demon Internet in the UK which started out with the  
telephone prefix for their dial-up pool being 666).

At that point, I decided that my problem wouldn't be with responding  
to complaints and queries, but the problem would be with the people  
who never complained directly to me, but who shunned the service or  
complained about me.  So now there is just a text link without the  
button.  Whether you want to call this self-censorship or not, I think  
that I made the right decision.  In the same way that when I volunteer  
at the school, I don't where controversial T-Shirts.  (Though who  
would have thought that my "Friends don't let friends use Windows"  
shirt would cause complaints!)

So I agree with your point.  If you like the old BSDie, use it.  If  
you like the new logo, use that.  If you want something else, you are  
free to roll your own.



Jeffrey Goldberg

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RE: New Kernel with Dell PE2950

2008-06-04 Thread Catalin Miclaus
-Original Message-
From: D Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 7:06 PM
To: Catalin Miclaus
Cc: FreeBSD-Questions
Subject: RE: New Kernel with Dell PE2950

On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 at 18:44 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] confabulated:

> BTWbce/bge drivers has known issues that leads to 'watchdog
> NIC reset.
> I have same some 6-8 servers with your hardware configuration and we
> have ordered them with Intel Gigabit cards especially to avoid above
> issue.
> Use bce/bge NICs for low traffic interfaces if possible.

How can I see what you are referring to with the bge interfaces? We have
PE6850 that has two bge interfaces. The server's roll is a spam filter 
server and processes close to 6.5 million messages per day.

However, I don't have the watchdog daemon running.

I don't remember exactly at which bandwidth consumption level the
watchdog timeout error starts appearing. Somewhere below 100Mbps.

You can see it if you enable the server to e-mail you the default daily
security report or from /var/log/messages file.

Jan  4 08:46:00 lb1 kernel: bge1: watchdog timeout -- resetting
Jan  4 08:46:00 lb1 kernel: bge1: link state changed to DOWN
Jan  4 08:46:02 lb1 kernel: bge1: link state changed to UP

BTWwatchdog is a kernel facility and it is enabled by default.
You can run a separate process if you want to control it (man watchdog).

Best Regards
Catalin Miclaus
Network/Security ISP-Data
Starcomms Ltd.
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Re: Help Installing Sun JDK on FreeBSD

2008-06-04 Thread eculp

Quoting triggerme2ice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I am currently in the process of updating the ports tree... something i
didn't know about earlier :clap:

We will see how the java installation will go... i will keep you posted :)

Thanks a lot, I guess that I have to have it to build openoffice.


Vince Hoffman wrote:

triggerme2ice wrote:

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone would know of a brute force way of installing
(newest possible) sun JDK on FreeBSD 5.0 (or any other versions for

Help a freeBSD user in need :teeth:

The latest version in ports is if you need more receent than
that then no idea. If thats ok then
cd /usr/port/java/jdk16
Follow the instructions

Also see
5.x has just been announce as no longer supported by ports though,
although support wont be removed, just not updated and checked as
changes are made.

You will need a current jdk to compile it though and need to get the
source files manually. To get a jdk to compile it I'd recommend
installing the package from
Although you could install one of the linux-sun-jdk* ports if you
prefer. you can pkg_delete the old jdk once you have the new one

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Realtek ALC268 HDA sound and mixer only have output/playback and no way to input to a Mic, etc.

2008-06-04 Thread eculp
Realtek ALC268 HDA sound  and mixer only have output/playback and no  
way to input to a Mic, etc.

It is on an acer aspire 5520-5679 AMD 64x2 that I'm running up to date  
current8 AMD64 on.

pciconf -lv shows:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0:7:0:class=0x040300 card=0x01261025 chip=0x055c10de
rev=0xa1 hdr=0x00
  vendor = 'Nvidia Corp'
  class  = multimedia

# cat /dev/sndstat
FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm: 64bit 2007061600/amd64)
Installed devices:
pcm0:  at memory  
0xf268 irq 21 kld snd_hda [20080420_0052] [MPSAFE] (1p:2v/1r:1v  
channels duplex default)

and the verbose dmesg can be seen at

I need to use it for skype and it isn't possible.  Any suggestions  

I have also tried OSS without any success at all.

With OSS and skype-devel I get "problem with audio playback" in  
addition to the microphone not working. With oss just  
locks up firefox on playback.

ossinfo doesn't show the microphone, either.

Thanks to all,

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Re: Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials

2008-06-04 Thread Jerry McAllister
On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 09:54:50PM +1000, Fraser Tweedale wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 01:45:57AM -0700, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> > [snip] 
> > The issue started several years ago when one of the core
> > developers started agitating for a different graphic.  Apparently
> > he had been asked too many times for his taste if the FreeBSD
> > project had something to do with devil worship.  A long drawn
> > out argument ensued but core being core got their way.  Core
> > then started claiming Beastie wasn't a logo, he was a mascot
> > and that it why we needed a logo (despite the fact that Beastie
> > has been used as a logo for years) As a
> > peace offering they tried the contest idea.  The submissions
> > were so crappy they extended the contest deadline.  Finally
> > they got a submission that they decided was OK and that "won"
> > the contest.  The FreeBSD community was not allowed to see
> > the other entrants.  It was your basic star chamber decision.
> > 
> > Ted
> I always have wondered about the other entries.  Surely someone
> has got a copy of them lying around; I (and I'm sure many others)
> would be quite interested to see them, if such a thing is possible.

Probably you really don't want to see them.

Ted's narrative is pretty much how I remember it.

Maybe everyone should make their own and use it.
FreeBSD is a user created Open Software project after all.


> frase

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Re: Help Installing Sun JDK on FreeBSD

2008-06-04 Thread triggerme2ice

I am currently in the process of updating the ports tree... something i
didn't know about earlier :clap:

We will see how the java installation will go... i will keep you posted :)

Vince Hoffman wrote:
> triggerme2ice wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was wondering if anyone would know of a brute force way of installing
>> the
>> (newest possible) sun JDK on FreeBSD 5.0 (or any other versions for
>> further
>> info)
>> Help a freeBSD user in need :teeth:
> The latest version in ports is if you need more receent than
> that then no idea. If thats ok then
> cd /usr/port/java/jdk16
> make
> Follow the instructions
> Also see
> 5.x has just been announce as no longer supported by ports though,
> although support wont be removed, just not updated and checked as
> changes are made.
>   You will need a current jdk to compile it though and need to get the
> source files manually. To get a jdk to compile it I'd recommend
> installing the package from
> Although you could install one of the linux-sun-jdk* ports if you
> prefer. you can pkg_delete the old jdk once you have the new one
> installed.
> Vince
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Re: Stumped:: web HTML. Caution, may be OT.

2008-06-04 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Jun 03, 2008 at 10:34:26PM -0600, Modulok wrote:
> > looks like what i need NOW is a debugger, :-)   i have virtually
> > zero design skills  except "keep it simple"
> To quote Albert Einstein, "Everything should be made as simple as possible, 
> but
> not simpler".
> As far as editors and such, I personally write all of my code in a text 
> editor,
> regardless of the language. I have used hand-written code in a text editor to
> implement websites for multi-million dollar companies. Ironically enough, I'm 
> a
> visual effects artist.
> Anyway, I think I have likely gotten off topic myself and haven't contributed
> much to solving your original problem. Enough rambling out of me for now. Best
> of luck, Gary.
> -Modulok-

A day or two ago I  found a site that offers free templates. most
use javascript--which I can hack, or *discard*!--; all of these
will give me some ideas to change my "www" and other pages.  
And hold to my Keep-It-Simple philosophy.

I have virtually zero design talent, so tht forces to to rip off
other's creativity and mold it into something that works for me.


PS:  I'll fess up; my present homepage was based on something I
 saw circa 1998 or '99.  

  Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Public Service Unix

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intrusion? find is thrashing my disk every time I boot.

2008-06-04 Thread Steve Franks
I'm really no security expert.  I don't leave the system up 24/7, and
I'm on a US DSL connection with a bunch of windows boxes.

Seems to be a recent phenomena, I've started experiencing disk
thrashing I can hear across the room.  ps and top report cvslockd has
been responsible for the thrashing (which usually occurs at a specific
time of day (~1 am MST)), but now, find is doing the thrashing at boot
every time (within the last week at least).  Needless to say, I
haven't changed the system in any way during that week.  On windows,
I'd just assume this to be normal behavior, but on FreeBSD, it's got
me worried...

I presume the security section of the manual has a good into to
detecting intruders, but first I'm interested if there is a legitimate
reason for find to be torturing my disk.  I don't run much on my
system - apache, cvs, portsnap, ssh, that's about it.

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RE: New Kernel with Dell PE2950

2008-06-04 Thread D Hill

On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 at 18:44 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] confabulated:

BTWbce/bge drivers has known issues that leads to 'watchdog timeout'
NIC reset.
I have same some 6-8 servers with your hardware configuration and we
have ordered them with Intel Gigabit cards especially to avoid above
Use bce/bge NICs for low traffic interfaces if possible.

How can I see what you are referring to with the bge interfaces? We have a 
PE6850 that has two bge interfaces. The server's roll is a spam filter 
server and processes close to 6.5 million messages per day.

However, I don't have the watchdog daemon running.
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Re: 7.0-R freezes with: swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj

2008-06-04 Thread Chris St Denis
I've been getting this in the logs recently on a 6.2 system. No 
stability issues, but it is concerning.

swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 93, size: 4096
swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 183, size: 4096

The server has always been under heavy load, but the load isn't any 
higher lately. And I'm only using like 1324K of swap so it's not like 
I'm heavily swapping.

It's running off an adaptec based raid and arcconf says it's fine.

Wojciech Puchar wrote:


the SMART-status looks ok!

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

Maybe other applications causes high I/O load?

no reason to fail.

Howto determine this? Other suggestions?


Kris Kennaway schrieb am 02.06.2008 20:58:

Oskar Eyb wrote:


on a  7.0-RELEASE maschine I have now again a big problem with 

swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 388449, size: 
swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 388452, size: 
swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 387805, size: 

# swapctl -l
Device:   1024-blocks Used:
/dev/mirror/gm0s1b   1048576485332

What to do against this, is there a patch available?

Your disk is taking an enormously long time to reply to swap I/O, 
which is what is eventually timing out with those errors.  Check 
that it is not failing.

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Chris St Denis
SmarttNet (
Ph: 604-473-9700 Ext. 200
"Smart Internet Solutions For Businesses" 

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RE: New Kernel with Dell PE2950

2008-06-04 Thread Catalin Miclaus
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of VeeJay
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 4:04 PM
To: FreeBSD-Questions; VeeJay
Subject: New Kernel with Dell PE2950

Hi guys

I am going to install a Web Server (apache+mysql+php) at my work place.
boost performance, I am just thinking that should I configure and
FreeBSD KERNEL for this hardware? And if so, what paramters I should
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Server's hardware configuration is as follow:
 2  x  Quad Core Xeon E5450 3.0GHz,2x6MB,1333FSB
16GB (8x2GB Dual Rank DIMMs) 667MHz FBD
 6  x  450GB SAS 15k 3.5" HD Hot Plug
 PERC 6/i, Integrated Controller Card x6 backplane
 PE2950 III C5 MSS R10 Add-in PERC 5/i / 6/i 1 S
 TCP/IP Offload Engine 2P
 Broadcom TCP/IP Offload Engine functionality (TOE) Not Enabled

Thank you guys.

BR / vj

You should start by using some sort of benchmark or traffic generator
and trying to overload the server by reproducing your environment.
This way you will see exactly what parameters needs tuning.

Bottleneck can come from many thingsIO, NIC, database and so on.
It is not like you will apply some universal tuning that it will solve
all future issues.

BTWbce/bge drivers has known issues that leads to 'watchdog timeout'
NIC reset.
I have same some 6-8 servers with your hardware configuration and we
have ordered them with Intel Gigabit cards especially to avoid above
Use bce/bge NICs for low traffic interfaces if possible.

Is there any reason why GENERIC/SMP kernel does not suits you well?
What is your traffic expectation for the server?

Best Regards
Catalin Miclaus
Network/Security ISP-Data
Starcomms Ltd.

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Re: freeBSD7 in a vm (vmware fusion) - Shared object "" not found

2008-06-04 Thread Manolis Kiagias

kevin kempter wrote:

Hi All;

 This seems to be more of a lib not found than a vm issue:

I've done this:

1) installed freeBSD 7 in vmware fusion (v 1.1.3)

2) selected to install vmware tools from the menu

3) logged into the console as root

4) mounted the vmware virtual cd

5) copied the vmware tools tar.gz file to /tmp

6) expanded the vmware tools tar.gz file in /tmp

7) cd to the new vmware-toold-distrib dir and ran ./

 Then I get this:

Before running VMware Tools for the first time you need to configure 
it by invoking the following command: 
"/usr/local/bin/". Do you want this program to 
invoke the command for you now? [yes]

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required 
by "vmware-checkvm"

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required 
by "vmware-checkvm"

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required 
by "vmware-checkvm"

This configuration program is to be executed in a virtual machine.

Execution aborted.

I also tried starting KDE and in a Konsole terminal window (as root) 
running /usr/local/bin/  and I get the same results

Anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks in advance...

Funny thing, I was doing the same steps today in vmware workstation ;) 
Had the same problems, and the following is the solution:

Install the compat6x port. Seems the vmware tools are for the 6.X 
version of FreeBSD, not native 7.

As root:

cd /usr/ports/misc/compat6x
make install clean

Also, create the following symbolic link (This is where vmware searches 
for the library):

ln -s /usr/local/lib/compat/

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Re: freeBSD7 in a vm (vmware fusion) - Shared object "" not found

2008-06-04 Thread dex

On Jun 4, 2008, at 12:48 PM, kevin kempter wrote:

On Jun 4, 2008, at 10:22 AM, dex wrote:

Try using the port vmware-guestd.  It worked good for me.

I'm pretty new to freeBSD.

Is port a system command? If I run port at the root prompt I get  
"port: Command not found"

or is is a  port that needs to be compiled somewhere in /usr/ports ?

RTFM dude!;)

And Google is (as usual) also your friend,

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Re: freeBSD7 in a vm (vmware fusion) - Shared object "" not found

2008-06-04 Thread kevin kempter

On Jun 4, 2008, at 10:22 AM, dex wrote:

On Jun 4, 2008, at 12:18 PM, kevin kempter wrote:

Hi All;
This seems to be more of a lib not found than a vm issue:
I've done this:
1) installed freeBSD 7 in vmware fusion (v 1.1.3)
2) selected to install vmware tools from the menu
3) logged into the console as root
4) mounted the vmware virtual cd
5) copied the vmware tools tar.gz file to /tmp
6) expanded the vmware tools tar.gz file in /tmp
7) cd to the new vmware-toold-distrib dir and ran ./
Then I get this:
Before running VMware Tools for the first time you need to  
configure it by invoking the following command: "/usr/local/bin/". Do you want this program to invoke the  
command for you now? [yes]

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,  
required by "vmware-checkvm"
/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,  
required by "vmware-checkvm"
/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,  
required by "vmware-checkvm"

This configuration program is to be executed in a virtual machine.
Execution aborted.

I also tried starting KDE and in a Konsole terminal window (as  
root) running /usr/local/bin/  and I get the  
same results

Try using the port vmware-guestd.  It worked good for me.

I'm pretty new to freeBSD.

Is port a system command? If I run port at the root prompt I get  
"port: Command not found"

or is is a  port that needs to be compiled somewhere in /usr/ports ?

Thx in advance

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Re: freeBSD7 in a vm (vmware fusion) - Shared object "" not found

2008-06-04 Thread dex

On Jun 4, 2008, at 12:18 PM, kevin kempter wrote:

Hi All;
 This seems to be more of a lib not found than a vm issue:
I've done this:
1) installed freeBSD 7 in vmware fusion (v 1.1.3)
2) selected to install vmware tools from the menu
3) logged into the console as root
4) mounted the vmware virtual cd
5) copied the vmware tools tar.gz file to /tmp
6) expanded the vmware tools tar.gz file in /tmp
7) cd to the new vmware-toold-distrib dir and ran ./
 Then I get this:
Before running VMware Tools for the first time you need to  
configure it by invoking the following command: "/usr/local/bin/". Do you want this program to invoke the  
command for you now? [yes]

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,  
required by "vmware-checkvm"
/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,  
required by "vmware-checkvm"
/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found,  
required by "vmware-checkvm"

This configuration program is to be executed in a virtual machine.
Execution aborted.

I also tried starting KDE and in a Konsole terminal window (as  
root) running /usr/local/bin/  and I get the  
same results

Try using the port vmware-guestd.  It worked good for me.
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freeBSD7 in a vm (vmware fusion) - Shared object "" not found

2008-06-04 Thread kevin kempter

Hi All;

 This seems to be more of a lib not found than a vm issue:

I've done this:

1) installed freeBSD 7 in vmware fusion (v 1.1.3)

2) selected to install vmware tools from the menu

3) logged into the console as root

4) mounted the vmware virtual cd

5) copied the vmware tools tar.gz file to /tmp

6) expanded the vmware tools tar.gz file in /tmp

7) cd to the new vmware-toold-distrib dir and ran ./

 Then I get this:

Before running VMware Tools for the first time you need to configure  
it by invoking the following command: "/usr/local/bin/vmware-config-". Do you want this program to invoke the command for you now?  

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required  
by "vmware-checkvm"

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required  
by "vmware-checkvm"

/usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required  
by "vmware-checkvm"

This configuration program is to be executed in a virtual machine.

Execution aborted.

I also tried starting KDE and in a Konsole terminal window (as root)  
running /usr/local/bin/  and I get the same  

Anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks in advance...

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Re: Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials

2008-06-04 Thread prad
On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 01:45:57 -0700
"Ted Mittelstaedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> if the FreeBSD
> project had something to do with devil worship
devil worship and os! amazing!! 
i had read something along these lines some years ago when we were
using linux or may be openbsd, but i sort of thought it was a joke.

evidently, some people don't know the difference between a daemon and
the demon. no doubt they are already possessed.

thanks for the background, ted.

In friendship,

  ... with you on your journey
Towards Freedom (website)
Information, Inspiration, Imagination - truly a site for soaring I's
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Re: git

2008-06-04 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On Wed, 04 Jun 2008 04:22:09 +0300, Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>> On Tue, 03 Jun 2008 14:31:24 -0400, Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Wonder if anyone could tell me why anything I do to run git-pull gives me a
>>> coredump?  The image that gets dumped is git-fetch, if that helps, and I was
>>> just trying to update the xorg source tree.
>> Hi Chuck,
>> Something is obviously broken in Git 1.5.5.  My installation from Ports
>> core dumps pretty fast too:
>>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$ git fetch
>>   Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
>>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$
> [...]
>> Are you also running with option 'J' enabled in `malloc.conf'?
> Verified.  Setting malloc.conf options to 'aj', lets git-fetch run
> without crashing:

I moved the discussion to hackers, take a look over there for more info, I don't
think it's malloc, and I think I've proved at least part of my case.

> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc# ln -fs aj malloc.conf
> :
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$ git-fetch
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc# ln -fs AJ malloc.conf
> :
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$ git-fetch
> : Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
> : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/keramida/git/erc$
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Version: GnuPG v2.0.4 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: DVD Writer problems

2008-06-04 Thread Julien Cigar
I have also this problem on almost all my machines .. the only solution
I found is to disable DMA (atapi_dma), but then performances are very
poor ..
If you find a solution please let us know :)

On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 19:13 +1000, Jerahmy Pocott wrote:
> Hello,
> I'v been having problems getting this DVD drive working at all, I'm  
> running on 6.3 p1..
> On boot it is detected as:
> acd0: DMA limited to UDMA33, controller found non-ATA66 cable
> acd0: DVDR  at ata0-master UDMA33
> Which is the first sign of trouble, it is connected by an ATA66  
> capable cable and I'v tried swapping over the cable to rule out a  
> faulty cable and the message is the same.
> It is connected to:
> atapci0:  port  
> 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0xffa0-0xffaf irq 16 at device  
> 31.1 on pci0
> ata0:  on atapci0
> ata1:  on atapci0
> When trying to use burncd on it, the drives light flashes for a while  
> then after a delay I get:
> acd0: FAILURE - READ_TRACK_INFO ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x24 ascq=0x00
> On the console and any further attempt to use the drive results in  
> that message being repeated without any delay, also trying to use the  
> atapiscsi device results in a similar message:
> acd0: FAILURE - INQUIRY ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x24 ascq=0x00
> Any thoughts on what problem here is? It seems that the controller  
> isn't working properly with it?
> Cheers,
> J.
> ___
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Julien Cigar
Belgian Biodiversity Platform
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Campus de la Plaine CP 257
Bâtiment NO, Bureau 4 N4 115C (Niveau 4)
Boulevard du Triomphe, entrée ULB 2
B-1050 Bruxelles
Tel : 02 650 57 52

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New Kernel with Dell PE2950

2008-06-04 Thread VeeJay
Hi guys

I am going to install a Web Server (apache+mysql+php) at my work place. To
boost performance, I am just thinking that should I configure and rebuild
FreeBSD KERNEL for this hardware? And if so, what paramters I should follow?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Server's hardware configuration is as follow:
 2  x  Quad Core Xeon E5450 3.0GHz,2x6MB,1333FSB
16GB (8x2GB Dual Rank DIMMs) 667MHz FBD
 6  x  450GB SAS 15k 3.5" HD Hot Plug
 PERC 6/i, Integrated Controller Card x6 backplane
 PE2950 III C5 MSS R10 Add-in PERC 5/i / 6/i 1 S
 TCP/IP Offload Engine 2P
 Broadcom TCP/IP Offload Engine functionality (TOE) Not Enabled

Thank you guys.

BR / vj
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DVD Writer problems

2008-06-04 Thread Jerahmy Pocott


I'v been having problems getting this DVD drive working at all, I'm  
running on 6.3 p1..

On boot it is detected as:
acd0: DMA limited to UDMA33, controller found non-ATA66 cable
acd0: DVDR  at ata0-master UDMA33

Which is the first sign of trouble, it is connected by an ATA66  
capable cable and I'v tried swapping over the cable to rule out a  
faulty cable and the message is the same.

It is connected to:
atapci0:  port  
0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0xffa0-0xffaf irq 16 at device  
31.1 on pci0

ata0:  on atapci0
ata1:  on atapci0

When trying to use burncd on it, the drives light flashes for a while  
then after a delay I get:


On the console and any further attempt to use the drive results in  
that message being repeated without any delay, also trying to use the  
atapiscsi device results in a similar message:

acd0: FAILURE - INQUIRY ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x24 ascq=0x00

Any thoughts on what problem here is? It seems that the controller  
isn't working properly with it?

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Re: no GNU fortran in FBSD 7.0 base system?

2008-06-04 Thread Kris Kennaway

Anton Shterenlikht wrote:

I just upgraded to FBSD 7.0 and tried to compile a test fortran
program with the GCC fortran compiler:

% gcc tmp.f90
gcc: tmp.f90: Fortran compiler not installed on this system

% gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: i386-undermydesk-freebsd
Configured with: FreeBSD/i386 system compiler
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.2.1 20070719  [FreeBSD]

Do I understand correctly that with this FBSD release GCC 4.2.1 does
not include the fortran compiler?

Or has I missed some flag/setting during buildworld stage?

Sure, I can install ports/lang/gcc42, but I thought the fortran compiler
would be available in the base system.

It was removed since fortran support is unused within FreeBSD and has 
become uncommon in the user community.  Switching to the port should 
present no difficulties.

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no GNU fortran in FBSD 7.0 base system?

2008-06-04 Thread Anton Shterenlikht
I just upgraded to FBSD 7.0 and tried to compile a test fortran
program with the GCC fortran compiler:

% gcc tmp.f90
gcc: tmp.f90: Fortran compiler not installed on this system

% gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: i386-undermydesk-freebsd
Configured with: FreeBSD/i386 system compiler
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.2.1 20070719  [FreeBSD]

Do I understand correctly that with this FBSD release GCC 4.2.1 does
not include the fortran compiler?

Or has I missed some flag/setting during buildworld stage?

Sure, I can install ports/lang/gcc42, but I thought the fortran compiler
would be available in the base system.

many thanks

Anton Shterenlikht
Room 2.6, Queen's Building
Mech Eng Dept
Bristol University
University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK
Tel: +44 (0)117 928 8233 
Fax: +44 (0)117 929 4423
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Re: use a specific php.ini for php cli

2008-06-04 Thread Bill Moran
In response to Nicolas Letellier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello.
> I would like to know if it is possible to have another php.ini for php
> command line? I have a php.ini with many restrictions (open_basedir,
> disabled functions, etc...) used by apache (and mod_php).
> I would like to user another php.ini file for php command line (I don't
> want to have disabled functions or safe_mode for command line php).
> I use php5 in the port tree.

>From 'man php':

   --php-ini path|file
   -c path|file   Look for php.ini file in the directory path or  use  the
  specified file

Bill Moran
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Re: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-04 Thread David Kelly

On Jun 4, 2008, at 4:54 AM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

Did you know that Ghostscript is used as the Postscript engine
in a number of printers?

very possible as it's one of the best renderer available - for free.

There was a PBS computer show interviewing historically important  
people. Believe it was the first episode interviewing Andy Hertzfeld.  
When the discussion rolled around to open source software Andy said  
someone he knew was making a very good living porting and supporting  
Ghostscript to embedded printers. Possibly one of the principals  
behind ghostscript.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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use a specific php.ini for php cli

2008-06-04 Thread Nicolas Letellier

I would like to know if it is possible to have another php.ini for php
command line? I have a php.ini with many restrictions (open_basedir,
disabled functions, etc...) used by apache (and mod_php).

I would like to user another php.ini file for php command line (I don't
want to have disabled functions or safe_mode for command line php).

I use php5 in the port tree.

Thanks for your informations.

 - Nicolas.
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Re: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-04 Thread David Kelly

On Jun 4, 2008, at 4:46 AM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

What part of:

"...there was no case i found postscript to print faster...You won't  
on an

HP printer, at least not an older one..."

is not understandable?

Let me repeat - on most HP printers PostScript IS SLOWER BECAUSE
HP DESIGNED IT THAT WAY.  It is NOT slower because of some inherent
issue with PostScript itself.

Did you know that Ghostscript is used as the Postscript engine
in a number of printers?

Only in "postscript compatible" printers such as the Brother HL-5250DN.

When Genuine Postscript is included it is ported to the printer by  
Adobe. Adobe does not allow it to be crippled as conspiracy-theory Ted  
claims. All genuine Postscript printers ship with similar CPUs,  
originally Motorola 68000 family, for this very reason.


Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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Re: Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials

2008-06-04 Thread Fraser Tweedale
On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 01:45:57AM -0700, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> [snip] 
> The issue started several years ago when one of the core
> developers started agitating for a different graphic.  Apparently
> he had been asked too many times for his taste if the FreeBSD
> project had something to do with devil worship.  A long drawn
> out argument ensued but core being core got their way.  Core
> then started claiming Beastie wasn't a logo, he was a mascot
> and that it why we needed a logo (despite the fact that Beastie
> has been used as a logo for years) As a
> peace offering they tried the contest idea.  The submissions
> were so crappy they extended the contest deadline.  Finally
> they got a submission that they decided was OK and that "won"
> the contest.  The FreeBSD community was not allowed to see
> the other entrants.  It was your basic star chamber decision.
> Ted

I always have wondered about the other entries.  Surely someone
has got a copy of them lying around; I (and I'm sure many others)
would be quite interested to see them, if such a thing is possible.


Description: PGP signature

Problem with makeinfo when I'm building devel/autoconf-262

2008-06-04 Thread andrew
Hello.  I'm running FreeBSD 5.5 and trying to build 
autoconfig 2.62 from ports (due iirc to an update to the 
autotools port in mid-May).  Everything goes fine until we 
reach the doc directory.  Unfortunately then the texinfo 
source upsets makeinfo.  I don't understand texinfo source 
and I can't figure out how to fix it.  Can anyone give me 
some advice?  TIA.  Here is the (trimmed but still 
somewhat lengthy) output of the build:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports/devel/autoconf262]# make
===>  Extracting for autoconf-2.62
=> MD5 Checksum OK for autoconf-2.62.tar.bz2.
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for autoconf-2.62.tar.bz2.
===>   autoconf-2.62 depends on file: 
/usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 - found

===>  Patching for autoconf-2.62
===>   autoconf-2.62 depends on file: 
/usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 - found

===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for autoconf-2.62
===>   autoconf-2.62 depends on executable: gm4 - found
===>   autoconf-2.62 depends on executable: help2man - 

===>   autoconf-2.62 depends on executable: gmake - found
===>   autoconf-2.62 depends on file: 
/usr/local/bin/perl5.8.8 - found

===>  Configuring for autoconf-2.62
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install 
-c -o root -g wheel

checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... 
build-aux/install-sh -c -d

checking for gawk... no
config.status: creating lib/autotest/Makefile
config.status: creating bin/Makefile
config.status: WARNING: not linking GNUmakefile to itself
config.status: executing tests/atconfig commands
===>  Building for autoconf-2.62
gmake  all-recursive
gmake[1]: Entering directory 

Making all in bin
gmake[2]: Entering directory 

rm -f autom4te autom4te.tmp
srcdir=''; \
  test -f ./ || srcdir=./; \
  sed -e 's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|/bin/sh|g' -e 
's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|/usr/bin/perl|g' -e 
's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|/usr/local/bin|g' -e 
's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|/usr/local/share/autoconf-2.62|g' -e 
's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|/usr/local|g' -e 's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|'`echo 
autoconf | sed 's&$&-2.62&'`'|g' -e 
's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|'`echo autoheader | sed 
's&$&-2.62&'`'|g' -e 's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|'`echo autom4te 
| sed 's&$&-2.62&'`'|g' -e 's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|/usr/local/bin/gm4|g' 
-e 's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|--debugfile|g' -e 
's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|nawk|g' -e 's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|'`sed 
's/^\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/;q' ../ChangeLog`'|g' -e 
Autoconf|g' -e 's|@[EMAIL PROTECTED]|Generated from; do not edit by hand.|g' ${srcdir} 


chmod +x autom4te.tmp
chmod a-w autom4te.tmp
mv autom4te.tmp autom4te
cd ../lib && gmake  autom4te.cfg
gmake[3]: Entering directory 

gmake[3]: Leaving directory 
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 

Making all in doc
gmake[2]: Entering directory 

Updating ./version.texi
restore=: && backupdir=".am$$" && \
am__cwd=`pwd` && cd . && \
rm -rf $backupdir && mkdir $backupdir && \
if (/bin/sh 
--run makeinfo --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
  for f in[0-9][0-9][0-9] 
autoconf-2.62.i[0-9] autoconf-2.62.i[0-9][0-9]; do \
if test -f $f; then mv $f $backupdir; 
restore=mv; else :; fi; \

  done; \
else :; fi && \
cd "$am__cwd"; \
if /bin/sh 
--run makeinfo --no-split  -I . \

 -o autoconf-2.62.texi; \
then \
  rc=0; \
  cd .; \
else \
  rc=$?; \
  cd . && \
  $restore $backupdir/* `echo 
"./" | sed 's|[^/]*$||'`; \

fi; \
rm -rf $backupdir; exit $rc
autoconf-2.62.texi:1723: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:3353: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:3920: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:3935: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:3947: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:3965: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:3986: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:4001: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:4019: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:4027: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:4035: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:4078: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:4085: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:4105: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:4113: Unknown command `'.
autoconf-2.62.texi:4130: Unknown command `'.

Re: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-04 Thread Gerard
On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 11:01:09 +0200 (CEST)
Wojciech Puchar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > isn't all that hard but for some reason the printer manufacturers
> > ship these machines with very low RAM.  
> the reason is to force you then buy high-priced RAMs for them.

The market for printers is a very competitive one. Any manufacturer has
to factor in the cost of the base machine, plus addition components, so
as to compute a selling price that will be competitive with his
competition. A manufacturer could easily load up his product will all
the RAM he wanted; however, if he could not sell the product, or at
least a sufficient number of them to turn a profit, then that effort
would be for naught.

Personally, I have not found the secondary RAM market to be all that
expensive anyway. If there is no need to spit out 24 sheets per minute,
then why waste the resources on it?


You know it's going to be a long day when you get up, shave and shower,
start to get dressed and your shoes are still warm.

Dean Webber

Description: PGP signature

RE: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-04 Thread Wojciech Puchar

Did you know that Ghostscript is used as the Postscript engine
in a number of printers?

very possible as it's one of the best renderer available - for free.

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RE: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-04 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

> -Original Message-
> From: Chuck Robey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 9:08 AM
> To: Ted Mittelstaedt
> Cc: Wojciech Puchar; Warren Block; FreeBSD Questions
> Subject: Re: Duplex printer advice
> Hash: SHA1
> Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> >
> >> -Original Message-
> >> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Wojciech Puchar
> >> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 1:06 AM
> >> To: Warren Block
> >> Cc: FreeBSD Questions
> >> Subject: RE: Duplex printer advice
> >>
> >>
> >>> This depends a lot on your print jobs.  Low quality machine-generated
> >>> PostScript output can be slow.  PCL can also be slow.  The only
> >> way to really
> >>> know is to benchmark with your print jobs.
> >> there was no case i found postscript to print faster.
> >>
> >
> > You won't on an HP printer, at least not an older one.
> ??  I had one of the original LaserJet-1's, which derived it's postscript
> emulation via a plugin cartridge.

What part of:

"...there was no case i found postscript to print faster...You won't on an
HP printer, at least not an older one..."

is not understandable?

Let me repeat - on most HP printers PostScript IS SLOWER BECAUSE
HP DESIGNED IT THAT WAY.  It is NOT slower because of some inherent
issue with PostScript itself.

Did you know that Ghostscript is used as the Postscript engine
in a number of printers?


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Re: FreeBSD MySQL Performance Tunning suggestions???

2008-06-04 Thread Joerg Bruehe

Hi all !

VeeJay wrote:


At my job, I am going to build a Web Server with

 1. FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE amd64
 2. Apache 2.2.8
 3. PHP 4.4.8 (or may be PHP5, what do you suggest?)

Server's hardware configuration is as follow:

 2  x  Quad Core Xeon E5450 3.0GHz,2x6MB,1333FSB
 16GB (8x2GB Dual Rank DIMMs) 667MHz FBD
 6  x  450GB SAS 15k 3.5" HD Hot Plug
 PERC 6/i, Integrated Controller Card x6 backplane
 PE2950 III C5 MSS R10 Add-in PERC 5/i / 6/i 1 S
 TCP/IP Offload Engine 2P
 Broadcom TCP/IP Offload Engine functionality (TOE) Not Enabled

For FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE amd64 Which MySQL 5.0 would be used ?
 1. FreeBSD 7.x (x86_64)
 2. FreeBSD 6.x (x86)

Your machine has 16 GB of RAM.

If you ever want to use really large caches in the MySQL server process, 
you need to use a 64 bit binary, called "x86_64" in the MySQL package 
file names.

I have done some googling and made these configuration files for Apache and

[[... file snipped ...]]

[[... file snipped ...]]

Is there something you can tune?

You cannot tune without knowing which bottleneck you should widen, and 
how much resources still are available.
IMNSHO, you need to start with some configuration, put load onto it (as 
representative as possible), then watch the system's behavior (take 
measurements !), and only then determine which part you want to improve.

Example: Database caches are good to reduce disk I/O and so to increase 
performance, but you will not increase caches if your system is already 
paging heavily (= your RAM is too small).

There is no need to change any parameter unless
a) its current setting restricts your performance, and you have
   sufficient resources to raise the limit,   or
b) its current setting allocates more resources than needed here,
   which could be used better at some other place.

You need some initial run and measurement to check that.


Joerg Bruehe,  MySQL Build Team,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sun Microsystems GmbH,   Sonnenallee 1,   D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering Muenchen: HRB161028

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Storing a copy of queued mail?

2008-06-04 Thread Jerahmy Pocott


I have a 6.3 system running as a mail server, offering imap, pop3 and  
smtp. The smtp server can be used from anywhere because all users are  
required to authenticate with SMTP AUTH and it supports TLS. This is  
using sendmail 8.14.2.

What I would like to do is have any mail submitted to the SMTP server  
to get automatically stored into an imap mailbox (I'm using mbox  
format currently) for that user, preferably based on the username they  
supplied to authenticate, but it could also be by the 'mail from:'  
field. Previously I have been configuring the users mail clients to do  
this, but they have proven completely unreliable and of course they  
may use different clients at different locations etc. Obviously having  
the server do this is still not 100% reliable, since they could still  
possibly use a different SMTP server, but I'm not going to worry about  
that currently as it's unlikely to happen often.

It's sort of an unusual thing to have the MTA do, so I'v not been able  
to find anything about how I can get this to happen.. I thought maybe  
there might be a way to get the sent mail to be processed through  
procmail or something first.. Any thoughts on the best way to make  
this happen?

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Re: IPv6 jails for FreeBSD (6.* preferably)

2008-06-04 Thread Wojciech Puchar

well it applied almost clean to FreeBSD 6.3!

almost means i have to skip 2 patches to sctp_* files, as sctp doesn't 
exist in FreeBSD 6.*, everything else patched

we will see after compiling.

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, Daniel Gerzo wrote:

Hello Wojciech,

Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 8:27:56 PM, you wrote:

does patch exist for it?

Best regards,
Danielmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Duplex printer advice

2008-06-04 Thread Wojciech Puchar
isn't all that hard but for some reason the printer manufacturers ship these 
machines with very low RAM.

the reason is to force you then buy high-priced RAMs for them.
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Re: Help Installing Sun JDK on FreeBSD

2008-06-04 Thread Vince Hoffman
triggerme2ice wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone would know of a brute force way of installing the
> (newest possible) sun JDK on FreeBSD 5.0 (or any other versions for further
> info)
> Help a freeBSD user in need :teeth:

The latest version in ports is if you need more receent than
that then no idea. If thats ok then
cd /usr/port/java/jdk16
Follow the instructions

Also see
5.x has just been announce as no longer supported by ports though,
although support wont be removed, just not updated and checked as
changes are made.

You will need a current jdk to compile it though and need to get the
source files manually. To get a jdk to compile it I'd recommend
installing the package from
Although you could install one of the linux-sun-jdk* ports if you
prefer. you can pkg_delete the old jdk once you have the new one installed.

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RE: Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials

2008-06-04 Thread Ted Mittelstaedt

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of prad
> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 9:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Looking for gurus willing to help write Freebsd tutorials
> On Tue, 3 Jun 2008 01:03:40 -0700
> "Ted Mittelstaedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (aside from the arrogant setting aside
> > of 20 some years of BSD Unix history)
> >
> i don't really understand the reason for the changing beastie - who is
> easily the cutest of any os (even better than the excellent puffy of
> openbsd)! 
> we link to freebsd with beastie and there are certainly
> several beasties on, but none on
> suggesting that the logo is the logo,
> but beastie is not?
> i always thought the daemon was inextricably linked with the bsds - i
> think it appeared even on the older versions of netbsd and openbsd.

The issue started several years ago when one of the core
developers started agitating for a different graphic.  Apparently
he had been asked too many times for his taste if the FreeBSD
project had something to do with devil worship.  A long drawn
out argument ensued but core being core got their way.  Core
then started claiming Beastie wasn't a logo, he was a mascot
and that it why we needed a logo (despite the fact that Beastie
has been used as a logo for years) As a
peace offering they tried the contest idea.  The submissions
were so crappy they extended the contest deadline.  Finally
they got a submission that they decided was OK and that "won"
the contest.  The FreeBSD community was not allowed to see
the other entrants.  It was your basic star chamber decision.

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Re: any news? 3945 ABG driver!

2008-06-04 Thread Vince Hoffman
Long Story wrote:
> Hi Vince!
>   The (rtfm) advice it might exist in 7.0R which I didnot install or upgrade 
> to Yet,
>Im using PC-BSD which is 6.3-R
>   and I think i need to do the driver manualy, any info ?
>   or i _have_ to go for 7.0-R for this driver to work ?

As its not in 6.3 (sorry didnt think to check if it was before
answering,) you could give it a go manually. is the maintainers website for it but
as its down at the moment, I'm not sure what the status of it on 6.x

In 7.x its in the distro though.


>   Thanks.
>   Marwan.> Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 16:42:40 +0100> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC:> Subject: Re: any news? 
> 3945 ABG driver!> > Long Story wrote:> > Hello Gurus,> > > > Well, any good 
> news or working drivers for wireless 3945ABG ?> > for 7.0-R or 6.3-R ?> > Can 
> anyone kindly provide any useful information ?> > > > man wpi ;)> > (sorry to 
> rtfm you but the man page explains it better than I could)> > Vince> > > 
> THANK YOU> > Marwan.> > 
> _> > It’s 
> easy to add contacts from Facebook and other social sites through Windows 
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