Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-12 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi Dark,

As I said, no disrespect intended and I did not say that you were not trying. I 
simply asked why you seemed to be giving up.

Now, that came from the tone of this thread, so my apologies if I misunderstood 
or if my remarks were at all inappropriate. I can assure you that is never my 

I do know about your PHD and have quite a bit of respect for that, so just 
wanting to be clear and let you know. :)

However, when threads seem to devolve into people passing around pity, without 
any ideas to try to help them get out of it, then I tend to bristle a bit. ;) 
I'm sure you understand.

Thank you very much for sharing your efforts! It's very heartening to read. So 
please know that it's appreciated here! :)

As for banging your head against walls which don't seem to be yielding, I 
agree, focus your effort where you can. If something is resisting then it is 
usually either not the right time or another differently creative approach may 
be necessary to help you move toward your intention.

Thank you again for sharing what you are doing to promote accessibility. I tend 
to think that more of what you shared in your below note, would be terrific on 
this list.

Have a great night!

Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

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On Dec 11, 2013, at 4:13 PM, dark wrote:

With respect Kara while I aprpeciate your sentiment, at the same time I 
slightly resent your implication that I do not try with access and advocacy.

I spend a considderable amount of time talking to everyone from game developers 
to shop keepers to even professors, religious leaders, stage directors and even 
government ministers about access issues,  heck I've just spent the last 
five years writing a phd on the subject!

Just today I was discussing game access with a certain developer and indeed I 
opened my E-mail to share some good news with the list.

I'm not saying this to sound arrogant or pretend credit I don't have. There are 
plenty of good access advocates on the world and indeed many I've met on this 
list, however please bare in mind when I talk of difficulties with major 
coorporations, I do so based on a number of experiences.

You are absolutely correct that not all major companies are like this (I got a 
recent surprise from a rail company over guide dogs and setaing for example), 
however in my general experience someone like mcdonalds, burger king etc is not 
likely to listen. it's worth a try, indeed whenever I go to a new restaurant I 
always ask for a braille menu out of reflex just to publicise the need for 
access, (maybe I should start asking for html ones to read on my iphone 
instead), however once tried it's likely better to move on to something 
achieveable than just bang your head against the same brick wall over and over 

For example, I've three times spoken to nintendo, and twice to capcom, and got 
no where on any occasion. With Indi developers however the reccord has been 
much more positive,  therefore I know which games companies I will spend my 
time trying to talk to.

Hope this makes sense.

Beware the grue!


- Original Message - From: Cara Quinn
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

 HOw much do you want it and why are you giving up so easily?
 I'm not trying to disrespect you or in any way invalidate your efforts but if 
 these things are important to you then you owe it to yourself to continue in 
 pursuing them.
 Just because people say no does not mean that that is the final word. Things 
 change. People change. corporations change and corporate culture changes. 
 -But if you do not continue in the direction you need to then you can be sure 
 that change (if it comes) will come much more slowly without your efforts.
 How do you think movements get started? Someone doesn't just go out one day 
 and suddenly have a boatload of willing followers and people giving them what 
 they need. ;) No, they need to build credibility and trust over time, until 
 people begin to start seeing things differently.
 I know this is a gaming list / thread but seriously, if we want accessibility 
 then we are the ones who need to continue promoting this and working with 
 people and companies to get it.
 Please do not give up, K?
 Cara :)
 iOS design and development -
 View my Online Portfolio at:
 Follow me on Twitter!
 On Dec 11, 2013, at 9:09 AM, dark wrote:
 Sadly charlse that's not how most coroproations work,  what, do something 
 against the main corproate policy? they could get into trouble!
 I'm actually

Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-12 Thread dark

Hi Kara.
Fair enough and I appreciate the appology. I should have some access news 
about another game on friday which came from a discussion with an Indi 
developer however he himself has asked me to not jump the gun since he wants 
to give me some more information.

I do take your point about negativity and access, so in light of that I'll 
share a recent experience I had which was extremely! positive.

One thing I have noticed is that certain Muslims have a real issue with 
Guide dogs on religious grounds. While this is by no means universal, indeed 
most Muslims I encounter have no problem at all, (heck the shop where I 
regularly buy milk and other necessities a couple of times a week is owned 
by a Muslim chap), whe it comes up it can cause quite a lot of trouble with 
plane access. My mum for example during a visit to London was told in a shop 
in London to leave. When she tried to point out that access for guide dogs 
was part of British Law and showed her certificate, the shop keeperr was 
adamant that this did not matter, that it was part of his religion to not 
allow dogs, that dogs were dirty. He was not offensive or threatening, but 
he was nevertheless absolutely adamant that my mum was not permitted in his 
shop,  a general supermarkit. Then she had a similar experience with a 
taxi driver.

since this is by no means universal and since I know for certain there are 
Muslim guide dog owners, (indeed there might well be some on this list), I 
decided to investigate the situation and phoned the British counsel on 
Sharia islamic Law.

The counsel were absolutely fantastic to deal with. It turns out (and any 
Muslims on list feel free to correct me), that while there is indeed a rule 
in the Koran about dogs being unclean, there is at the same time an 
allowance made for dogs as working animals. Thus sheep dogs, guard dogs or 
indeed guide dogs are quite okay under Muslim religious law,  indeed the 
man I spoke to at the counsel accused those Muslims who'd been hostile to 
access with a guide dog of ignorance of Islamic doctrin, as well as being in 
the wrong from a muslim perspective for going against British law.

They then put me in touch with one of their top experts in Islamic law, who 
wrote me a note sighting the correct bits of the Koran with his own 
cridentials as an Islamic scholer that I can show if the situation comes up 
again, and stated if I told other guide dog users he and the counsel would 
be willing to write similar information,  indeed I suggested to the 
Guide Dogs association that something of the sort be included in the usual 
small card about the legal permission of guide dogs which I, and other guide 
dog owners in Britain usually carry around.

This I was really pleased about, indeed as I said I was most impressed with 
the Sharia counsel's attitude, particularly since I did wonder, with this 
being a matter of religious doctrin just how far I'd get with this.

So, there is one example of a recent positive occasion of access 
advocacy,  just to prove that not everything is so grim :D.

Of course, it all comes down to people and how reasonable people are 
prepared to be.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-11 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark:

All too true. We have been over this ground before, and unfortunately
there is not much we can do as individuals. Especially, when
organizations and so forth is not on our side in the case of providing
access to products and services.

For example, I know there are a number of game studios over their in
the U.K. They would probably listen more to someone like the RNIB
rather than you. However, the RNIB has no interest in getting in
contact with those game studios about accessibility when they have
their own agenda which pretty much includes everyone over 60 and to
hell with anyone else. Its obvious when the only games they support is
the Azabat games when there are accessible games from GMA, Draconis,
and so on to give them a bigger catalog but don't.

Unfortunately, in cases like that the situation isn't always better
over here. We have the NFB which claims to be looking out for the
interests of the blind they represent, but all too often it seems like
they try and play both ends at the middle. What I mean by that is they
are on both sides of every issue and it is hard to get a straight
answer from them what they actually stand for regarding certain
issues. In any case I don't think they consider accessible games a
high priority so even though they have considerable influence they
will only champion the issues that they think are important, and
needless to say the NFB and I don't agree on what is and is not

However, getting back to the point, as an individual companies be they
a multimillion dollar restaurant chain or a game studio they will swat
us off as easily as swatting a gnat. We neither have the money or
influence to get them to listen. However, we can effect local
businesses and indie developers and if more and more of them adopt
accessibility it will slowly trickle up to the corporations who will
see that accessibility isn't as expensive or difficult as they


On 12/10/13, dark wrote:
 Unfortunately as usual, getting in touch with anyone who actually matters in

 a corporation is near impossibel. However pleasant the staff, even the
 management are, they can't affect any change in their huge faceless
 corporate empire that is run from some massive office somewhere else.

 As with game access this is another case of the larger the ant hill, the
 bigger the stink!

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-11 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

Your statement about small developers is certainly true as I've said before, 
indi devs tend to be on average very nice to deal with,  though whether 
the fat cat coorporations such as Sony, Nintendo, Capcom, square, namco etc 
will take any notice whatsoever is quite another question.

The problem with small restaurants however is that access costs money they 
don't have and if they are told well you can get a braille menu printed for 
500 pounds they're just not going to do it since they don't have that sort 
of investment.

This is actually where information technology and some of the principles 
employed in game access would have a very good application in other areas, 
since for all the time and resources one fact is that it's far easier to 
provide an accessible alternative of something online than it is off it.

For example, you know I am a major fan of the sight Chronicles of Arborell 
with their gamebooks, novellas, mythology etc. Back in 2007 when i first 
discovered arborell the only inaccessible part of the site was the timeline, 
since the gm had created this entirely as a graphical flow diagram which was 
utterly unreadable, (even the text of dates etc was part of the over all 

It however wasn't so difficult for him to create a list version instead, 
after all he already had the information on his computer, it was just a 
matter of copying it into another format and writing it as a list rather 
than the fancy image thingy he'd done which no doubt looks much nicer for 
sighted visitors but is of no use to the lusiently disadvantaged.

This cost him nothing but a little time, where as had the Arborell 
collection been physical books and had there been a need to provide a 
similar timeline in braille, goodness knows what the cost might be,   
heck, I remember the trouble of having such things produced back when I was 
doing maths and history at school.

I actually do wonder if there would be mileage in setting up a charity or 
small business for precisely this purpose, say charging something like 5 usd 
per A4 page to produce an accessible html version of something like a menue, 
an events schedule, a time table etc.

Heck, even for 100 pages this would still work out a fraction of the cost of 
something in braille, and would also have the advantage of being far more 
easily alterable over time just as a print menu would be, after all even 
when I've been in places like the restaurant chain Tgi Fridays which does! 
have a braille menue, it doesn't show any of their offers or specials or 
even their most recently added dishes.

Myself, I actually see this inequity in production cost being another major 
factor in Braille falling out of use in the future, since while it is true 
that currently the Rnib and similar organizations don't know computer exist, 
that is likely to change in 10, 20, 30 years when generations who have grown 
up with computer use get to be 50 plus and start losing their vision,   
heck the lady I did my guide dog training with was a programmer in her early 
40's who'd lost most of her vision recently (of course I told her about and accessible computer games, and that Jaws wasn't the only 
choice when it came to screen readers).

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-11 Thread Charles Rivard
Possibly, just because a corporation does not offer a braille menu, a 
manager might do so.  Just because The Game Stop does not sell accessible 
chess equipment, one store might be able to accommodate a blind chess 
enthusiast.  In order to get to the top, you've got to start at the bottom. 
Maybe, with enough requests, the word will get to the top, eventually.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark:

All too true. We have been over this ground before, and unfortunately
there is not much we can do as individuals. Especially, when
organizations and so forth is not on our side in the case of providing
access to products and services.

For example, I know there are a number of game studios over their in
the U.K. They would probably listen more to someone like the RNIB
rather than you. However, the RNIB has no interest in getting in
contact with those game studios about accessibility when they have
their own agenda which pretty much includes everyone over 60 and to
hell with anyone else. Its obvious when the only games they support is
the Azabat games when there are accessible games from GMA, Draconis,
and so on to give them a bigger catalog but don't.

Unfortunately, in cases like that the situation isn't always better
over here. We have the NFB which claims to be looking out for the
interests of the blind they represent, but all too often it seems like
they try and play both ends at the middle. What I mean by that is they
are on both sides of every issue and it is hard to get a straight
answer from them what they actually stand for regarding certain
issues. In any case I don't think they consider accessible games a
high priority so even though they have considerable influence they
will only champion the issues that they think are important, and
needless to say the NFB and I don't agree on what is and is not

However, getting back to the point, as an individual companies be they
a multimillion dollar restaurant chain or a game studio they will swat
us off as easily as swatting a gnat. We neither have the money or
influence to get them to listen. However, we can effect local
businesses and indie developers and if more and more of them adopt
accessibility it will slowly trickle up to the corporations who will
see that accessibility isn't as expensive or difficult as they


On 12/10/13, dark wrote:
Unfortunately as usual, getting in touch with anyone who actually matters 

a corporation is near impossibel. However pleasant the staff, even the
management are, they can't affect any change in their huge faceless
corporate empire that is run from some massive office somewhere else.

As with game access this is another case of the larger the ant hill, the
bigger the stink!

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-11 Thread dark
Sadly charlse that's not how most coroproations work,  what, do 
something against the main corproate policy? they could get into trouble!

I'm actually serious on this, the amount of times I've asked for some sort 
of access considderation and been told some varient of sorry head office 
won't let me is quite ridiculous, in coorporations, governmental 
organizations, even charrities!

As I said, the bigger the ant hill, the bigger the stink.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Possibly, just because a corporation does not offer a braille menu, a 
manager might do so.  Just because The Game Stop does not sell accessible 
chess equipment, one store might be able to accommodate a blind chess 
enthusiast.  In order to get to the top, you've got to start at the 
bottom. Maybe, with enough requests, the word will get to the top, 

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're 
finished, you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark:

All too true. We have been over this ground before, and unfortunately
there is not much we can do as individuals. Especially, when
organizations and so forth is not on our side in the case of providing
access to products and services.

For example, I know there are a number of game studios over their in
the U.K. They would probably listen more to someone like the RNIB
rather than you. However, the RNIB has no interest in getting in
contact with those game studios about accessibility when they have
their own agenda which pretty much includes everyone over 60 and to
hell with anyone else. Its obvious when the only games they support is
the Azabat games when there are accessible games from GMA, Draconis,
and so on to give them a bigger catalog but don't.

Unfortunately, in cases like that the situation isn't always better
over here. We have the NFB which claims to be looking out for the
interests of the blind they represent, but all too often it seems like
they try and play both ends at the middle. What I mean by that is they
are on both sides of every issue and it is hard to get a straight
answer from them what they actually stand for regarding certain
issues. In any case I don't think they consider accessible games a
high priority so even though they have considerable influence they
will only champion the issues that they think are important, and
needless to say the NFB and I don't agree on what is and is not

However, getting back to the point, as an individual companies be they
a multimillion dollar restaurant chain or a game studio they will swat
us off as easily as swatting a gnat. We neither have the money or
influence to get them to listen. However, we can effect local
businesses and indie developers and if more and more of them adopt
accessibility it will slowly trickle up to the corporations who will
see that accessibility isn't as expensive or difficult as they


On 12/10/13, dark wrote:
Unfortunately as usual, getting in touch with anyone who actually 
matters in

a corporation is near impossibel. However pleasant the staff, even the
management are, they can't affect any change in their huge faceless
corporate empire that is run from some massive office somewhere else.

As with game access this is another case of the larger the ant hill, the
bigger the stink!

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-11 Thread Cara Quinn
OMG! Charles, thank you thank you thank you for saying this!

My thoughts exactly! :)

Rather than dwell on the negative and promote those ideas, it is so important 
to focus on what is doable and go in that direction.

NOw some may argue that certain things are not doable. I say you decide what is 
doable. You create what is doable and you act to achieve that which is doable. 
:) Know what I mean.

So rather than complain about things or say why they are not possible, simply 
start making them possible.

this is what your brain and imagination and inspiration are for! This is 

I have a friend (sighted) who routinely contacts businesses to review their 
services. (good or bad) Not only does he ALWAYS get a response, but he ALWAYS 
succeeds in locating the person he would like to speak with.

So honestly people, this 'poor me' stuff about big scary companies not having 
any way at all for poor little people to get in touch with them is just not 

First off, this isn't always instant and you don't always get the answers you 
can use right away. However, this does not mean that you cannot get the answers 
you want. You simply need to work with people to have them direct you to the 
people who can make decisions. This is a process and how much you want or need 
this process to work in your favor is up to you. How important is this to you? 
How much time are you willing to put into it?

In order for this to be worth it you need to believe that this will be worth 
it. So giving up hope or being negative is not helping you or anyone else. In 
fact, I'd personally go so far as to say it is dangerous in the end.

Would we have the advancements we have now if people responsible for them just 
gave up and said to heck with it? No, we would not.

You're here in the world to make a positive difference and to help others do 
the same. So why not start by taking steps that you can. Stay hopeful. Stay 
positive. This is so very important.

On the subject of Braille menus, if a restaurant cannot make you one, then why 
not offer to make one for them? You get what you want, and they get something 
that not only shows their awareness, but also may help others in your position 
whom you have not even met yet. You may also even get some financial recompense 
out of it! :)

it's a win / win / win… -Seriously!… :)

Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks again Charles, for your note!


Cara :)

iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 11, 2013, at 8:58 AM, Charles Rivard wrote:

Possibly, just because a corporation does not offer a braille menu, a manager 
might do so.  Just because The Game Stop does not sell accessible chess 
equipment, one store might be able to accommodate a blind chess enthusiast.  In 
order to get to the top, you've got to start at the bottom. Maybe, with enough 
requests, the word will get to the top, eventually.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

 Hi Dark:
 All too true. We have been over this ground before, and unfortunately
 there is not much we can do as individuals. Especially, when
 organizations and so forth is not on our side in the case of providing
 access to products and services.
 For example, I know there are a number of game studios over their in
 the U.K. They would probably listen more to someone like the RNIB
 rather than you. However, the RNIB has no interest in getting in
 contact with those game studios about accessibility when they have
 their own agenda which pretty much includes everyone over 60 and to
 hell with anyone else. Its obvious when the only games they support is
 the Azabat games when there are accessible games from GMA, Draconis,
 and so on to give them a bigger catalog but don't.
 Unfortunately, in cases like that the situation isn't always better
 over here. We have the NFB which claims to be looking out for the
 interests of the blind they represent, but all too often it seems like
 they try and play both ends at the middle. What I mean by that is they
 are on both sides of every issue and it is hard to get a straight
 answer from them what they actually stand for regarding certain
 issues. In any case I don't think they consider accessible games a
 high priority so even though they have considerable influence they
 will only champion the issues that they think are important, and
 needless to say the NFB and I don't agree on what is and is not
 However, getting back to the point, as an individual companies be they
 a multimillion dollar restaurant chain

Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-11 Thread Cara Quinn

HOw much do you want it and why are you giving up so easily?

I'm not trying to disrespect you or in any way invalidate your efforts but if 
these things are important to you then you owe it to yourself to continue in 
pursuing them.

Just because people say no does not mean that that is the final word. Things 
change. People change. corporations change and corporate culture changes. -But 
if you do not continue in the direction you need to then you can be sure that 
change (if it comes) will come much more slowly without your efforts.

How do you think movements get started? Someone doesn't just go out one day and 
suddenly have a boatload of willing followers and people giving them what they 
need. ;) No, they need to build credibility and trust over time, until people 
begin to start seeing things differently.

I know this is a gaming list / thread but seriously, if we want accessibility 
then we are the ones who need to continue promoting this and working with 
people and companies to get it.

Please do not give up, K?


Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 11, 2013, at 9:09 AM, dark wrote:

Sadly charlse that's not how most coroproations work,  what, do something 
against the main corproate policy? they could get into trouble!

I'm actually serious on this, the amount of times I've asked for some sort of 
access considderation and been told some varient of sorry head office won't 
let me is quite ridiculous, in coorporations, governmental organizations, even 

As I said, the bigger the ant hill, the bigger the stink.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - From: Charles Rivard
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

 Possibly, just because a corporation does not offer a braille menu, a manager 
 might do so.  Just because The Game Stop does not sell accessible chess 
 equipment, one store might be able to accommodate a blind chess enthusiast.  
 In order to get to the top, you've got to start at the bottom. Maybe, with 
 enough requests, the word will get to the top, eventually.
 Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
 you! really! are! finished!
 - Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:36 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game
 Hi Dark:
 All too true. We have been over this ground before, and unfortunately
 there is not much we can do as individuals. Especially, when
 organizations and so forth is not on our side in the case of providing
 access to products and services.
 For example, I know there are a number of game studios over their in
 the U.K. They would probably listen more to someone like the RNIB
 rather than you. However, the RNIB has no interest in getting in
 contact with those game studios about accessibility when they have
 their own agenda which pretty much includes everyone over 60 and to
 hell with anyone else. Its obvious when the only games they support is
 the Azabat games when there are accessible games from GMA, Draconis,
 and so on to give them a bigger catalog but don't.
 Unfortunately, in cases like that the situation isn't always better
 over here. We have the NFB which claims to be looking out for the
 interests of the blind they represent, but all too often it seems like
 they try and play both ends at the middle. What I mean by that is they
 are on both sides of every issue and it is hard to get a straight
 answer from them what they actually stand for regarding certain
 issues. In any case I don't think they consider accessible games a
 high priority so even though they have considerable influence they
 will only champion the issues that they think are important, and
 needless to say the NFB and I don't agree on what is and is not
 However, getting back to the point, as an individual companies be they
 a multimillion dollar restaurant chain or a game studio they will swat
 us off as easily as swatting a gnat. We neither have the money or
 influence to get them to listen. However, we can effect local
 businesses and indie developers and if more and more of them adopt
 accessibility it will slowly trickle up to the corporations who will
 see that accessibility isn't as expensive or difficult as they
 On 12/10/13, dark wrote:
 Unfortunately as usual, getting in touch with anyone who actually matters in
 a corporation is near impossibel. However pleasant the staff, even the
 management are, they can't affect any change in their huge faceless

Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-11 Thread Charles Rivard
Discovercard purchased a braille embosser with plans to produce brailled 
reference and training materials for blind employees.  They did not do their 
research, and bought a translation program that ran under DOS instead of 
Windows.  The policy was that only the tech team were allowed to work with 
the software and hardware.  As a result, the embosser sat unused for a year. 
The local newspaper did a story when the embosser was purchased.  A reporter 
was doing a story a year later on another unrelated topic, and saw how I was 
doing my work.  He asked me why I wasn't using a braille reference guide. 
After all, the sighted reps had a print one, and didn't Discover have a 
braille printer?  I honestly told him the situation.  Unfortunately, it was 
after I left the corporation, but braille documents were finally produced, 
and it was partly due to my not giving up.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Cara Quinn

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

OMG! Charles, thank you thank you thank you for saying this!

My thoughts exactly! :)

Rather than dwell on the negative and promote those ideas, it is so 
important to focus on what is doable and go in that direction.

NOw some may argue that certain things are not doable. I say you decide what 
is doable. You create what is doable and you act to achieve that which is 
doable. :) Know what I mean.

So rather than complain about things or say why they are not possible, 
simply start making them possible.

this is what your brain and imagination and inspiration are for! This is 

I have a friend (sighted) who routinely contacts businesses to review their 
services. (good or bad) Not only does he ALWAYS get a response, but he 
ALWAYS succeeds in locating the person he would like to speak with.

So honestly people, this 'poor me' stuff about big scary companies not 
having any way at all for poor little people to get in touch with them is 
just not true.

First off, this isn't always instant and you don't always get the answers 
you can use right away. However, this does not mean that you cannot get the 
answers you want. You simply need to work with people to have them direct 
you to the people who can make decisions. This is a process and how much you 
want or need this process to work in your favor is up to you. How important 
is this to you? How much time are you willing to put into it?

In order for this to be worth it you need to believe that this will be worth 
it. So giving up hope or being negative is not helping you or anyone else. 
In fact, I'd personally go so far as to say it is dangerous in the end.

Would we have the advancements we have now if people responsible for them 
just gave up and said to heck with it? No, we would not.

You're here in the world to make a positive difference and to help others do 
the same. So why not start by taking steps that you can. Stay hopeful. Stay 
positive. This is so very important.

On the subject of Braille menus, if a restaurant cannot make you one, then 
why not offer to make one for them? You get what you want, and they get 
something that not only shows their awareness, but also may help others in 
your position whom you have not even met yet. You may also even get some 
financial recompense out of it! :)

it's a win / win / win… -Seriously!… :)

Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks again Charles, for your note!


Cara :)

iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 11, 2013, at 8:58 AM, Charles Rivard wrote:

Possibly, just because a corporation does not offer a braille menu, a 
manager might do so.  Just because The Game Stop does not sell accessible 
chess equipment, one store might be able to accommodate a blind chess 
enthusiast.  In order to get to the top, you've got to start at the bottom. 
Maybe, with enough requests, the word will get to the top, eventually.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!

- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark:

All too true. We have been over this ground before, and unfortunately
there is not much we can do as individuals. Especially, when
organizations and so forth is not on our side in the case of providing
access to products and services.

For example, I know there are a number of game studios over their in
the U.K. They would probably

Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-11 Thread dark
With respect Kara while I aprpeciate your sentiment, at the same time I 
slightly resent your implication that I do not try with access and advocacy.

I spend a considderable amount of time talking to everyone from game 
developers to shop keepers to even professors, religious leaders, stage 
directors and even government ministers about access issues,  heck I've 
just spent the last five years writing a phd on the subject!

Just today I was discussing game access with a certain developer and indeed 
I opened my E-mail to share some good news with the list.

I'm not saying this to sound arrogant or pretend credit I don't have. There 
are plenty of good access advocates on the world and indeed many I've met on 
this list, however please bare in mind when I talk of difficulties with 
major coorporations, I do so based on a number of experiences.

You are absolutely correct that not all major companies are like this (I got 
a recent surprise from a rail company over guide dogs and setaing for 
example), however in my general experience someone like mcdonalds, burger 
king etc is not likely to listen. it's worth a try, indeed whenever I go to 
a new restaurant I always ask for a braille menu out of reflex just to 
publicise the need for access, (maybe I should start asking for html ones to 
read on my iphone instead), however once tried it's likely better to move on 
to something achieveable than just bang your head against the same brick 
wall over and over again.

For example, I've three times spoken to nintendo, and twice to capcom, and 
got no where on any occasion. With Indi developers however the reccord has 
been much more positive,  therefore I know which games companies I will 
spend my time trying to talk to.

Hope this makes sense.

Beware the grue!


- Original Message - 
From: Cara Quinn

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 


HOw much do you want it and why are you giving up so easily?

I'm not trying to disrespect you or in any way invalidate your efforts but 
if these things are important to you then you owe it to yourself to 
continue in pursuing them.

Just because people say no does not mean that that is the final word. 
Things change. People change. corporations change and corporate culture 
changes. -But if you do not continue in the direction you need to then you 
can be sure that change (if it comes) will come much more slowly without 
your efforts.

How do you think movements get started? Someone doesn't just go out one 
day and suddenly have a boatload of willing followers and people giving 
them what they need. ;) No, they need to build credibility and trust over 
time, until people begin to start seeing things differently.

I know this is a gaming list / thread but seriously, if we want 
accessibility then we are the ones who need to continue promoting this and 
working with people and companies to get it.

Please do not give up, K?


Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 11, 2013, at 9:09 AM, dark wrote:

Sadly charlse that's not how most coroproations work,  what, do 
something against the main corproate policy? they could get into trouble!

I'm actually serious on this, the amount of times I've asked for some sort 
of access considderation and been told some varient of sorry head office 
won't let me is quite ridiculous, in coorporations, governmental 
organizations, even charrities!

As I said, the bigger the ant hill, the bigger the stink.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - From: Charles Rivard
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Possibly, just because a corporation does not offer a braille menu, a 
manager might do so.  Just because The Game Stop does not sell accessible 
chess equipment, one store might be able to accommodate a blind chess 
enthusiast.  In order to get to the top, you've got to start at the 
bottom. Maybe, with enough requests, the word will get to the top, 

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're 
finished, you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 2:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark:

All too true. We have been over this ground before, and unfortunately
there is not much we can do as individuals. Especially, when
organizations and so forth is not on our side in the case

Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-10 Thread dark
I agree there tom about html and menues etc, and certainly it's something 
I've used in the past for access to things like theatre time tables, 
programs of events etc, even though from the perspective of the theatres etc 
the html on their sites are not intended for access at all.

The problem however these days is that large restaurant chains and the like 
are now using their own aps rather than websites. This is okay, however once 
again access isn't considdered and since unlike with standard html access to 
none modified aps is shaky at best this can be no better than a print menu.

I tried this with a  pub chain called flaming grille, who don't have a 
website but do have an ap, and was very disappointed in the result.

Again it's a shame that when a restauant chain investigates access they're 
only ever told well you can get it brailled for x hundred quid and not 
told about a simple, low cost, easy to produce alternative like html.

beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-10 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark:

You are exactly right. Any time a company does an inquiry about
accessibility they only get half the story. Usually some overly priced
access solution that does not serve their needs, because the
organizations for the blind are out to make a  buck off of making
something accessible. So they will resort to the highest costing
solution possible rather than suggesting or recommending a potentially
low cost solution. I don't know what the answer is, but I think it is
far passed time that we educate more people a bout general
accessibility and how they can make something accessible without a
great deal of money.


On 12/10/13, dark wrote:
 I agree there tom about html and menues etc, and certainly it's something
 I've used in the past for access to things like theatre time tables,
 programs of events etc, even though from the perspective of the theatres etc

 the html on their sites are not intended for access at all.

 The problem however these days is that large restaurant chains and the like

 are now using their own aps rather than websites. This is okay, however once

 again access isn't considdered and since unlike with standard html access to

 none modified aps is shaky at best this can be no better than a print menu.

 I tried this with a  pub chain called flaming grille, who don't have a
 website but do have an ap, and was very disappointed in the result.

 Again it's a shame that when a restauant chain investigates access they're
 only ever told well you can get it brailled for x hundred quid and not
 told about a simple, low cost, easy to produce alternative like html.

 beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-10 Thread shaun everiss

well tom I do think a lot of the stuff I get here is imported.

At 02:44 AM 12/10/2013, you wrote:

Hi Shaun,

That is insane. I think it only costs me on average about $50 for a
ream of braille paper. Of course, I haven't purchased any in a long
time so costs could have gone up, but it never cost me nearly what you
are saying it costs for you guys down in New Zealand for braille

As for producing brf files I agree it is rather inexpensive. the
problem is, as you already know, not everyone has access to a braille
display, notetaker, etc and can read brf documents. So The next best
alternative would be for a company to put their manuals in html or
some standard format that can be read on any platform with any screen
reader with voice or braille and forget it.


On 12/4/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well tom I have had to buy braille paper from my local blind org and
 for members it can be quite cheap.
 but for normal schools and such or anyone that is not a member the
 paper can cost upwards of 200-400 dollars a rheme.
 something like 50 up a sheet and thats just standard grades.
 Though to be honest in this day and age previding you have access to
 such and are funded the price of getting a braille display or note
 taker and maybe the right conversion tools and such electronic brf
 files are quite inexpensive to produce once you spent the up front
 costs on a unit and the translater programs ofcause.
 As for an embosser, If you have access to one there aparently is a
 language to turn your documents into scripted programs to be printed.
 I was offered to learn once a long time ago the language to code my
 own docs and to have access to the unit remotely in question but it
 never got off the ground doesn't mean that some time down the road I
 may try, I'd actually like to try and see if I could program my own

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-10 Thread dark
I don't know how much is organizations trying to maintain their monopoly, 
and how much is just people assuming that all blind people are over 70 and 
thus don't use computers with compitance *cough Azabat! *cough!

At an rnib event I was at earlier this year for instance (I only went to see 
the audio description service), the person discussing talking book services 
told everyone that a braille catalogue was available, however recommended 
that people make orders by phone due to the braille catalogue being of a 
truly insane size.

Only as an after thought did he mention that (and I quote),

And if you know anyone in your family who is good with computers, they can 
go on the internet to order books for you, since we have our catalogue on 
the internet, so your family can look it up on their own computer

And yes, he really did clearly assume that nobody he was talking to would be 
able to use the internet themselves to search the rnib online catalogue.

It would  actually be an interesting business  proposition, providing 
accessible html versions of brailled material at half the cost, though of 
course making money at it might be an interesting proposition.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-10 Thread Charles Rivard
Have you contacted the restaurants to see if they are willing to make their 
menus accessible?

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

I agree there tom about html and menues etc, and certainly it's something 
I've used in the past for access to things like theatre time tables, 
programs of events etc, even though from the perspective of the theatres 
etc the html on their sites are not intended for access at all.

The problem however these days is that large restaurant chains and the 
like are now using their own aps rather than websites. This is okay, 
however once again access isn't considdered and since unlike with standard 
html access to none modified aps is shaky at best this can be no better 
than a print menu.

I tried this with a  pub chain called flaming grille, who don't have a 
website but do have an ap, and was very disappointed in the result.

Again it's a shame that when a restauant chain investigates access they're 
only ever told well you can get it brailled for x hundred quid and not 
told about a simple, low cost, easy to produce alternative like html.

beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-10 Thread dark
Unfortunately as usual, getting in touch with anyone who actually matters in 
a corporation is near impossibel. However pleasant the staff, even the 
management are, they can't affect any change in their huge faceless 
corporate empire that is run from some massive office somewhere else.

As with game access this is another case of the larger the ant hill, the 
bigger the stink!

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread shaun everiss
well I wander if you can get instructions for hotels and rules etc 
you could convert it to a pc game or get jim kitchen to do it, I am 
interested in playing this at least on the laptop.

At 10:18 PM 12/4/2013, you wrote:

Hi Shaun:

Hmm...I don't know of that game specifically, but there have been many
clones of Monopoly out there. One of my favorites was a game called
Hotels where you went around the world building famous hotels. It was
a lot cooler than Monopoly, but unfortunately I no longer have a copy
of that game since my wife absconded with it.

In any case I disagree with you that computer games are inherently
superior to the board games themselves. Yeah, we can play them
ourselves, but there is much to recommend an actual board game over a
computer game. For one thing if you have family to play them with it
gives you and the family a chance to sit down and interact with one
another. Something that is really missing in today's society. Another
thing is board games gives us something tactile to feel. Most games
comes with plastic or metal figures we can feel to get an idea of what
they look like. We can feel the little plastic ships, buildings, and
other things which gives us something more than just our imagination
to go on.

You are probably right to a point that many younger people are less
and less interested in card and board games and are addicted to
console and PC games. I blame their parents for that as it is up to
the parents to teach their children balance. While I have purchased a
Wii for my son and he plays a lot of video games I also have made sure
to give him standard games like Monopoly, Trouble, Sorry, etc as I
think it is important that he learns to enjoy both the way I did
growing up.


On 12/3/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 One of the games I still miss was based on the monopoly concept.
 You were trying to become the presidant of a company.
 if you failed you would become the cleaner.
 It was visual but I got materials and designed a board with cardboard
 and foil and with some braille dice and cards and some monopoly
 tokens was able to play.
 The game was called ulsas but I never played it more than twice
 before things got hectic.
 To be honest, I played all my games before 2000, before 1995 for 5
 years I had almost no pc and then only a 386.
 in 1996 I got a pc but still was able to play.
 after 2002 or there abouts that got less till now.
 I have an xp system and a win7 system.
 everyone has tablets and phones.
 I think if there was a way to turn off all devices and the net I'd do it
 But there is email, social network, online games and sometimes I find
 myself just happily mucking round on youtube or slothing round on the
 pc when I know I shouldn't.
 I have tried to keep my reading alive but the scary thing is I could
 happily stop reading braille in fact stop doing everything I used to
 do when taught how to be blind to use the net.
 It may actually happen with others.
 Family that used to have time to play afterwork are so tired after
 looking at a screen all day they want to blob.Ofcause computer games
 are ofcause more superior than the crappy board ones, yet I still miss it.
 When the only thing you could hear would be the weather outside, when
 all you did in the next hour or less was get another coffee.
 That doesn't happen so much.
 And sadly a lot born into this age of consoles and other things may
 never play a game in their lives.
 I know, my cousins were born into the borg universe.
 They adapted a lot.
 They have played a few ugio games and some monopoly but most of it is
 simply the computer.
 They would probably play all night and day if they were not told to
 get off their consoles.
 Its why I made an effort to stay off social networks but much as I
 have tried, most of what I do is to be online all day and all night.
 Something new always comes up and when there isn't I end up mucking
 round chewing bandwidth listening to stupid vids, but not being able
 to get off again really.
 Some days like today the net calms down enough for me to think of
 times gone by.

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread shaun everiss
Well on the pluss side, a lot of the mainstream 
devices have some or at least enough access to go for some general use.
My high quality philips recorder for example has 
enough access via its layout for me to use it without any real issues.

my soni recorders always had enouch access to core functions.
I think the only way way to really get our prices 
to drop is not going after the blind product 
manufacturers like freedom scientiffic but try to 
get mainstream stuff that will do just as well if 
not better and try to get stuff that will benifit 
all not just a sertain disability.

We need to despecialise as much as we can.
My laptop for example has a free reader and a 
comercial one with bundled extras.
while its still expensive up front it used to 
cost a lot more for specialised equipment.
Now we will still be in that groove if we need 
anything advanced but the same goes for the rest of the normal people.

its just it may cost us the extra hundred more than average.
If  we can get the minor to mid range stuff to be 
cheaper, and have advanced capabilities  that are 
pricy as they are anyway, we may have a better time of it.

Thats actually started to happen especially with todays smartphone tech.
And the fact we can run on any os and almost any 
computer that has linux, windows or mac or 
something like it which is most of the oses to date at least.
We need to also point out what so called 
blindness devices are good for with sighted to.

Examples, clocks and alarms, timers, etc.
Keyboard shortcuts locater dots magnification 
programs, ocr stuff even screenreaders have applications for the sighted.
I think we should work towards as much as we can 
previding access for all, instead of access to us 
since everyone else uses inaccessable software.
Saying that you asked me that question a few 
years back and I'd be all for taking the loosers down, all of em.

But that was another time I guess.

At 11:37 PM 12/4/2013, you wrote:

Hi tom.

Well while I agree on material costs, at the 
same time as you said yourself the markup is 
frankly insane on access products, because it's 
a captive and small markit manufacturers of 
accessible goods and providers of accessible 
services basically charge through the roof. I 
think the worst I ever saw was a device composed 
of an infra red sensor and buzzer. The idea was 
you could put the sensor on an object or your 
seet etc, and press the buzzer to have it bleep 
so you could locate it at a distance by hearing.

yes, a very handy device,  but not at £350, 
 that is around 600 usd! Heck, I know very 
little about electronics but even I! could make 
a guess about how the circuites in those worked, 
and don't they sell novelty key ring finders 
that do the same thing for about 1£10?

In fairness this isn't just with blindness, 
wheel chairs, hoists and other equipment for 
physically disabled people is just as 
ridiculous, also there are some accessible 
devices which aren't gougingly priced. I was 
quite impressed for example to find that the pen 
friend labelling system I use cost exactly £50 
for the initial unit, and packs of 500 labels would cost another £7.

Of course annoyingly the rnib   won't actually 
let you buy packs of just the size you want  and 
only sells two basic selections, but there you go.

Still this shows not everything accessible has 
to be insanely expensive, even if the raw 
materials will put the price up somewhat.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread shaun everiss

Well then you are lucky.
It seems these days especially when on holiday in the times we can 
get out which does not seem that often since just about everyone bar 
me ofcause has a job and a life, board games are talked about and 
sometimes brought but usually by the time we get to them it just 
doesn't happen.
Isn't meaning that there will not be a time, in a couple years and 
sertainly in the next 10 or so years most of the older family will 
probably retire and then maybe, there will be time though its been so 
long I fear I may have forgotten how to play board games.

At 10:47 PM 12/4/2013, you wrote:

Hi Tom.

You do certainly have a point there, certainly in my family with 
three visually impared people, two of whome, (my mum and I), braille 
users, brailling board games is something we've done for years. 
Indeed over christmas we'll probably play some card games or maybe 
Yachzee, and if we play Yachtzee my mum and I will both braille score sheets.

Although when I investigated getting fighting fantasy books done, I 
was told that the cost would be prhibitive, which is of course the 
concern since while braille embossing isn't itself an intrinsically 
expensive process as usual with anything to do with accessibility, 
you can put on several extra zeroes.

I actually got a great example of this recently when going to Tgi 
fridays with my brother.  This is one of the few restaurant chains 
in the Uk that has braille menus, (I assume they do in the states as 
well). However, their braille menu is about two years out of date, 
and still shows things they no longer serve, not to mention missing 
off their specialist offer.

when I asked why this was I was told that getting a new braille menu 
embossed would be too expensive.

This isn't to say it's a bad idea, just that with any coorporation I 
am scheptical of motives,  still if you don't ask, you don't find out.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread shaun everiss
Well tom I have had to buy braille paper from my local blind org and 
for members it can be quite cheap.
but for normal schools and such or anyone that is not a member the 
paper can cost upwards of 200-400 dollars a rheme.

something like 50 up a sheet and thats just standard grades.
Though to be honest in this day and age previding you have access to 
such and are funded the price of getting a braille display or note 
taker and maybe the right conversion tools and such electronic brf 
files are quite inexpensive to produce once you spent the up front 
costs on a unit and the translater programs ofcause.
As for an embosser, If you have access to one there aparently is a 
language to turn your documents into scripted programs to be printed.
I was offered to learn once a long time ago the language to code my 
own docs and to have access to the unit remotely in question but it 
never got off the ground doesn't mean that some time down the road I 
may try, I'd actually like to try and see if I could program my own document.

At 11:14 PM 12/4/2013, you wrote:

Hi Dark:

Well, there is some truth to braille embossing being prohibitively
expensive compared to a print book or menu. I remember when I was in
high school and one of the complaints my local high school had about
taking me on as a mainstream student was the cost of getting my
textbooks from APH. I was absolutely floored to discover while the
average print textbook was about $25 APH was asking for about $2,000
per textbook in braille. That was absolutely insane, but now that I
have gotten a bit older and wiser I understand why.

For one thing it probably cost them $50 for a standard box of braille
paper, and twice that if they used the plastic sheeting used in most
textbooks. So figure about $100 tops for the blank pages. The plastic
binders they put the books in probably added another $20 or so to bind
the books. So just in raw materials we have already increased the cost
by a factor of 5. I suspect the rest of the cost was markup on APH's
part to pay employees and the use of their equipment.

The thing is if I ask company x to braille this or that book, a
gamebook for example, they are naturally going to go to APH to have it
done not knowing that the raw materials while expensive are a fraction
of what APH etc will actually charge them for the final product. That
cost of course will get put off onto us, the customer, and that is why
you will get the typical its prohibitively expensive type response
from companies, because they aren't going to invest in the equipment
etc to do it themselves, and even if they did the cost of the
materials would cost a bit more than standard printed materials
doubling or tripling the cost of the final product.


On 12/4/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 You do certainly have a point there, certainly in my family with three
 visually impared people, two of whome, (my mum and I), braille users,
 brailling board games is something we've done for years. Indeed over
 christmas we'll probably play some card games or maybe Yachzee, and if we
 play Yachtzee my mum and I will both braille score sheets.

 Although when I investigated getting fighting fantasy books done, 
I was told

 that the cost would be prhibitive, which is of course the concern since
 while braille embossing isn't itself an intrinsically expensive process as
 usual with anything to do with accessibility, you can put on several extra

 I actually got a great example of this recently when going to Tgi fridays
 with my brother.  This is one of the few restaurant chains in the Uk that
 has braille menus, (I assume they do in the states as well). However, their

 braille menu is about two years out of date, and still shows things they no

 longer serve, not to mention missing off their specialist offer.

 when I asked why this was I was told that getting a new braille menu
 embossed would be too expensive.

 This isn't to say it's a bad idea, just that with any coorporation I am
 scheptical of motives,  still if you don't ask, you don't find out.

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread shaun everiss
I never got into a board game club, the family is always pestering me 
to get involved in something, sports, and other things.
Though I did do something about one of the things I was told to do I 
never followed through with things on a serious level.
I know a lot of my religious friends play dnd games and I have some 
interest in that but to be honest havn't really touched that either.

At 11:45 PM 12/4/2013, you wrote:

Hi Tom.

Looking at my university society's page, there are societies for 
chess, Backgammon, Poker and indeed Bridge, so  people are 
definitely playing these sorts of games.

I might have the name of monster city battle wrong, before you go 
looking let me ask my brother for the exact details, I'm also not 
sure about how well it works as a two player game, though I'd be 
interested to know if you did get to braille it.

From my brothers' description it featured a boardd marked with 
squares including the city at the center which you needed to 
destroy, and a pack of cards with things like special weapons and abilities.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles,

Oh, I don't disagree with that. The cost for a standard deck of
braille playing cards is outrageous even though they do last longer
and have large print on them. It is easier, if one has a  braille
writer, just to buy a standard deck of cards and braille them


On 12/6/13, Charles Rivard wrote:
 They do last longer, but I found the high cost, well, too high.  I bought
 some pinochle cards, and had to buy two decks if we were going to play
 double deck.  $40 for pinochle cards was too much when comparing it to $4.

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

That is insane. I think it only costs me on average about $50 for a
ream of braille paper. Of course, I haven't purchased any in a long
time so costs could have gone up, but it never cost me nearly what you
are saying it costs for you guys down in New Zealand for braille

As for producing brf files I agree it is rather inexpensive. the
problem is, as you already know, not everyone has access to a braille
display, notetaker, etc and can read brf documents. So The next best
alternative would be for a company to put their manuals in html or
some standard format that can be read on any platform with any screen
reader with voice or braille and forget it.


On 12/4/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 Well tom I have had to buy braille paper from my local blind org and
 for members it can be quite cheap.
 but for normal schools and such or anyone that is not a member the
 paper can cost upwards of 200-400 dollars a rheme.
 something like 50 up a sheet and thats just standard grades.
 Though to be honest in this day and age previding you have access to
 such and are funded the price of getting a braille display or note
 taker and maybe the right conversion tools and such electronic brf
 files are quite inexpensive to produce once you spent the up front
 costs on a unit and the translater programs ofcause.
 As for an embosser, If you have access to one there aparently is a
 language to turn your documents into scripted programs to be printed.
 I was offered to learn once a long time ago the language to code my
 own docs and to have access to the unit remotely in question but it
 never got off the ground doesn't mean that some time down the road I
 may try, I'd actually like to try and see if I could program my own

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

I am sure I could. After all, I use to own the game and remember most
of the rules from memory. About the only thing I don't remember right
off the top of my head is the prices for each hotel, the costs of the
swimming pools, and the various properties to build the hotels on. I
am sure I can either find that info out on the Internet or I can call
my mom and have her look up that info in her copy of the game. Either
way if and when I have time to think about writing such a game I am
sure it can be done.


On 12/4/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 well I wander if you can get instructions for hotels and rules etc
 you could convert it to a pc game or get jim kitchen to do it, I am
 interested in playing this at least on the laptop.

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

That is one thing I do appreciate about the commercial braille cards.
They have braille in the top left-hand corner and in the bottom
right-hand corner so it does not matter if it is upside down as you
can still read the card. As you said it is not complicated to
replicate that feature, but I have always been too lazy to do it


On 12/6/13, dark wrote:
 Well it's true about the larger symbols, that actually helps me since I
 appreciate being able to use my vision as well as the braille when playing.

 I also like the fact that with braille cards the braille symbols are always

 in the corners at the top and bottom so that it doesn't matter if your card

 is upside down, though of course with careful enough brailling that would be

 possible to replicate.

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread shaun everiss

Well I think access should be all and not just for sertain dissabilities.
Blind products should be called blind products.
Yeah I know thats really bad mouthing the blind 
but accessable implies total access to everyone.
One issue with some of this is to make stuff 
accessable for say the blind because say graphics 
are not something we use we get rid of them and 
then its inaccessable to the sighted.
I once decided to get some equipment that was 
large print or at least invest in some and was 
told by a friend that because it was for the blind, it was not nice.

I was quite mad at the guy but then I started wandering.
Is it because we don't see we disreguard what 
others think of how our stuff looks?
If we  are going to be fully accessable to all 
that means being concidderate of all.
By making stuff accessable to us are we in 
fact  doing what the sighted do to us by making 
their stuff unusable because of graphics and other things.
I know tech is getting closer but I do wander how 
long it will be before we will seriously need to 
think of dumping all blindness technology in favor of universal access.
I am not saying its all bad ofcause, heck I'd 
like to use blind tech all the time but by doing 
it I do wander if I am excluding myself from 
normal life, and after all we are supposed to be trying to have that.

So I wander if we are being counterproductive.

At 08:39 PM 12/5/2013, you wrote:

Hi Dark:

Oh, yes. Any time something is developed for the blind, is marketed as
an access product, the cost is insane. Not because it costs that much
to actually make it, but because we are a captive minority market.

As you mentioned the novelty key ring finders only cost perhaps $5 USD
if that. In fact I use to have one where I could whistle and it would
start beeping to help me locate my keys. Since it was marketed as a
novelty item it was real cheap. I am sure if it was made for the
blind, marketed as a specialty item, I'd be looking at a key ring that
costs at least $50instead of $5 just because you can multiply the cost
by a factor of 10 being a specialty item.

I know when it comes to card and board games they definitely cost a
lot more than their mainstream counterparts. I think a deck of braille
playing cards is like $19 when a sighted person can go to Dollar
General or Family Dollar and get a standard deck for a dollar.
Something like Monopoly is about $50 for a braille set when a standard
Monopoly game is between $19 and $29 depending on if it is standard
Monopoly or a collectors edition.

However, I agree that even excluding material costs I don't think it
actually costs that much to produce accessible products. At least not
the cost we have to pay to get them from In dependant Living Aids,
RNIB, whatever. I know for a fact that the actual cost of making some
of those products is a fraction of what they actually charge for it.


On 12/4/13, dark wrote:
 Hi tom.

 Well while I agree on material costs, at the same time as you said yourself

 the markup is frankly insane on access products, because it's a captive and

 small markit manufacturers of accessible goods and providers of accessible
 services basically charge through the roof. I 
think the worst I ever saw was

 a device composed of an infra red sensor and buzzer. The idea was you could

 put the sensor on an object or your seet etc, and press the buzzer to have
 it bleep so you could locate it at a distance by hearing.

 yes, a very handy device,  but not at 
£350,  that is around 600 usd!

 Heck, I know very little about electronics but even I! could make a guess
 about how the circuites in those worked, and don't they sell novelty key
 ring finders that do the same thing for about 1£10?

 In fairness this isn't just with blindness, wheel chairs, hoists and other
 equipment for physically disabled people is just as ridiculous, also there
 are some accessible devices which aren't gougingly priced. I was quite
 impressed for example to find that the pen friend labelling system I use
 cost exactly £50 for the initial unit, and packs of 500 labels would cost
 another £7.

 Of course annoyingly the rnib   won't 
actually let you buy packs of just the

 size you want  and only sells two basic selections, but there you go.

 Still this shows not everything accessible has to be insanely expensive,
 even if the raw materials will put the price up somewhat.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-09 Thread Charles Rivard

Using a Perkins brailler, that's how I always brailled cards.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark,

That is one thing I do appreciate about the commercial braille cards.
They have braille in the top left-hand corner and in the bottom
right-hand corner so it does not matter if it is upside down as you
can still read the card. As you said it is not complicated to
replicate that feature, but I have always been too lazy to do it


On 12/6/13, dark wrote:

Well it's true about the larger symbols, that actually helps me since I
appreciate being able to use my vision as well as the braille when 

I also like the fact that with braille cards the braille symbols are 

in the corners at the top and bottom so that it doesn't matter if your 

is upside down, though of course with careful enough brailling that would 

possible to replicate.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-06 Thread dark

Hi Kara.

That is true, especially with the Iphone sensor providing feedback and other 
information, albeit with many of those games everyone needs to own an Iphone 
in order for them to work properly, as opposed to board games or even games 
on consoles like the Wii where it's possible for several people to play at 
the same time with one machine.

Still, i do admit I've quite enjoyed the odd online game of lost cities, so 
it's true the Iphone is good for that.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Cara Quinn

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 12:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Speaking of games and community…

there are actually some iOS games which can promote activities with others.

On a trip to FL in recent years, I was hanging out with friends and we had a 
right fun game of truth or dare played on the iPhone! lol!

There are actually quite a few party games for iDevices.

There are also games like battleship etc where you can still play with other 
real human players. (whether they be in the room with you or not)


Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 5, 2013, at 3:04 AM, Jim Kitchen wrote:

Hi Thomas,

We still play games here.  In our community room we have WII bowling night, 
bingo night, pea knuckle night and general game night.  Yahtzee is popular. 
I try, but no one wants to play me games of Up Words, Spades or chess. 
Still though it is great to get together with neighbors and play games.



Keep grandmothers off the streets -- legalize bingo.
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-06 Thread dark
Well it's true about the larger symbols, that actually helps me since I 
appreciate being able to use my vision as well as the braille when playing. 
I also like the fact that with braille cards the braille symbols are always 
in the corners at the top and bottom so that it doesn't matter if your card 
is upside down, though of course with careful enough brailling that would be 
possible to replicate.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-05 Thread Charles Rivard
You can buy a standard deck of cards and braille them yourself if you have 
someone who will sort them in order for you, and it only takes a minute for 
them to do it.  I used to do it all the time.  The heck with those $20 

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark:

Oh, yes. Any time something is developed for the blind, is marketed as
an access product, the cost is insane. Not because it costs that much
to actually make it, but because we are a captive minority market.

As you mentioned the novelty key ring finders only cost perhaps $5 USD
if that. In fact I use to have one where I could whistle and it would
start beeping to help me locate my keys. Since it was marketed as a
novelty item it was real cheap. I am sure if it was made for the
blind, marketed as a specialty item, I'd be looking at a key ring that
costs at least $50instead of $5 just because you can multiply the cost
by a factor of 10 being a specialty item.

I know when it comes to card and board games they definitely cost a
lot more than their mainstream counterparts. I think a deck of braille
playing cards is like $19 when a sighted person can go to Dollar
General or Family Dollar and get a standard deck for a dollar.
Something like Monopoly is about $50 for a braille set when a standard
Monopoly game is between $19 and $29 depending on if it is standard
Monopoly or a collectors edition.

However, I agree that even excluding material costs I don't think it
actually costs that much to produce accessible products. At least not
the cost we have to pay to get them from In dependant Living Aids,
RNIB, whatever. I know for a fact that the actual cost of making some
of those products is a fraction of what they actually charge for it.


On 12/4/13, dark wrote:

Hi tom.

Well while I agree on material costs, at the same time as you said 

the markup is frankly insane on access products, because it's a captive 

small markit manufacturers of accessible goods and providers of accessible
services basically charge through the roof. I think the worst I ever saw 

a device composed of an infra red sensor and buzzer. The idea was you 

put the sensor on an object or your seet etc, and press the buzzer to have
it bleep so you could locate it at a distance by hearing.

yes, a very handy device,  but not at £350,  that is around 600 

Heck, I know very little about electronics but even I! could make a guess
about how the circuites in those worked, and don't they sell novelty key
ring finders that do the same thing for about 1£10?

In fairness this isn't just with blindness, wheel chairs, hoists and other
equipment for physically disabled people is just as ridiculous, also there
are some accessible devices which aren't gougingly priced. I was quite
impressed for example to find that the pen friend labelling system I use
cost exactly £50 for the initial unit, and packs of 500 labels would cost
another £7.

Of course annoyingly the rnib   won't actually let you buy packs of just 

size you want  and only sells two basic selections, but there you go.

Still this shows not everything accessible has to be insanely expensive,
even if the raw materials will put the price up somewhat.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-05 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Thomas,

We still play games here.  In our community room we have WII bowling night, 
bingo night, pea knuckle night and general game night.  Yahtzee is popular.  I 
try, but no one wants to play me games of Up Words, Spades or chess.  Still 
though it is great to get together with neighbors and play games.



Keep grandmothers off the streets -- legalize bingo.
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Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-05 Thread Cara Quinn
Speaking of games and community…

there are actually some iOS games which can promote activities with others.

On a trip to FL in recent years, I was hanging out with friends and we had a 
right fun game of truth or dare played on the iPhone! lol!

There are actually quite a few party games for iDevices.

There are also games like battleship etc where you can still play with other 
real human players. (whether they be in the room with you or not)


Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 5, 2013, at 3:04 AM, Jim Kitchen wrote:

Hi Thomas,

We still play games here.  In our community room we have WII bowling night, 
bingo night, pea knuckle night and general game night.  Yahtzee is popular.  I 
try, but no one wants to play me games of Up Words, Spades or chess.  Still 
though it is great to get together with neighbors and play games.



Keep grandmothers off the streets -- legalize bingo.
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-05 Thread Charles Rivard

Is truth or dare Voice-Over friendly?

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Cara Quinn

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Speaking of games and community…

there are actually some iOS games which can promote activities with others.

On a trip to FL in recent years, I was hanging out with friends and we had a 
right fun game of truth or dare played on the iPhone! lol!

There are actually quite a few party games for iDevices.

There are also games like battleship etc where you can still play with other 
real human players. (whether they be in the room with you or not)


Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 5, 2013, at 3:04 AM, Jim Kitchen wrote:

Hi Thomas,

We still play games here.  In our community room we have WII bowling night, 
bingo night, pea knuckle night and general game night.  Yahtzee is popular. 
I try, but no one wants to play me games of Up Words, Spades or chess. 
Still though it is great to get together with neighbors and play games.



Keep grandmothers off the streets -- legalize bingo.
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-05 Thread Cara Quinn
HI Charles, sure is! :)

I'm not sure which one I downloaded (there are a bazillion of them) but I just 
grabbed one right at the time we wanted to play.

I think there were a bunch of free ones and I got one of those.

I'll check and let the list know which one it is, when I find it. K?

For future reference, I'll pretty much always mention accessible apps otherwise 
I'll be very clear if they take work to use. So generally everything I mention 
here will be VO-friendly…


Cara :)
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On Dec 5, 2013, at 5:21 PM, Charles Rivard wrote:

Is truth or dare Voice-Over friendly?

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - From: Cara Quinn
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

Speaking of games and community…

there are actually some iOS games which can promote activities with others.

On a trip to FL in recent years, I was hanging out with friends and we had a 
right fun game of truth or dare played on the iPhone! lol!

There are actually quite a few party games for iDevices.

There are also games like battleship etc where you can still play with other 
real human players. (whether they be in the room with you or not)


Cara :)
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On Dec 5, 2013, at 3:04 AM, Jim Kitchen wrote:

Hi Thomas,

We still play games here.  In our community room we have WII bowling night, 
bingo night, pea knuckle night and general game night.  Yahtzee is popular. I 
try, but no one wants to play me games of Up Words, Spades or chess. Still 
though it is great to get together with neighbors and play games.



Keep grandmothers off the streets -- legalize bingo.
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-05 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles:

That is true. Although, there are a couple of good reasons to buy the
accessible decks from Independent Living Aids etc. One is that the
cards are bigger and have large print on them so they are easier to
read if playing with a low vision player. The other is they make the
cards out of a more durable material so the braille tends to stand out
and last longer than on a standard deck. I agree neither is really a
good  reason to pay the higher cost for the cards, but there are some
advantages in doing so which I thought I would point out.


On 12/5/13, Charles Rivard wrote:
 You can buy a standard deck of cards and braille them yourself if you have
 someone who will sort them in order for you, and it only takes a minute for

 them to do it.  I used to do it all the time.  The heck with those $20

 Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-05 Thread Charles Rivard
They do last longer, but I found the high cost, well, too high.  I bought 
some pinochle cards, and had to buy two decks if we were going to play 
double deck.  $40 for pinochle cards was too much when comparing it to $4.

Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished, 
you! really! are! finished!
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Charles:

That is true. Although, there are a couple of good reasons to buy the
accessible decks from Independent Living Aids etc. One is that the
cards are bigger and have large print on them so they are easier to
read if playing with a low vision player. The other is they make the
cards out of a more durable material so the braille tends to stand out
and last longer than on a standard deck. I agree neither is really a
good  reason to pay the higher cost for the cards, but there are some
advantages in doing so which I thought I would point out.


On 12/5/13, Charles Rivard wrote:
You can buy a standard deck of cards and braille them yourself if you 
someone who will sort them in order for you, and it only takes a minute 

them to do it.  I used to do it all the time.  The heck with those $20

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun:

Hmm...I don't know of that game specifically, but there have been many
clones of Monopoly out there. One of my favorites was a game called
Hotels where you went around the world building famous hotels. It was
a lot cooler than Monopoly, but unfortunately I no longer have a copy
of that game since my wife absconded with it.

In any case I disagree with you that computer games are inherently
superior to the board games themselves. Yeah, we can play them
ourselves, but there is much to recommend an actual board game over a
computer game. For one thing if you have family to play them with it
gives you and the family a chance to sit down and interact with one
another. Something that is really missing in today's society. Another
thing is board games gives us something tactile to feel. Most games
comes with plastic or metal figures we can feel to get an idea of what
they look like. We can feel the little plastic ships, buildings, and
other things which gives us something more than just our imagination
to go on.

You are probably right to a point that many younger people are less
and less interested in card and board games and are addicted to
console and PC games. I blame their parents for that as it is up to
the parents to teach their children balance. While I have purchased a
Wii for my son and he plays a lot of video games I also have made sure
to give him standard games like Monopoly, Trouble, Sorry, etc as I
think it is important that he learns to enjoy both the way I did
growing up.


On 12/3/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 One of the games I still miss was based on the monopoly concept.
 You were trying to become the presidant of a company.
 if you failed you would become the cleaner.
 It was visual but I got materials and designed a board with cardboard
 and foil and with some braille dice and cards and some monopoly
 tokens was able to play.
 The game was called ulsas but I never played it more than twice
 before things got hectic.
 To be honest, I played all my games before 2000, before 1995 for 5
 years I had almost no pc and then only a 386.
 in 1996 I got a pc but still was able to play.
 after 2002 or there abouts that got less till now.
 I have an xp system and a win7 system.
 everyone has tablets and phones.
 I think if there was a way to turn off all devices and the net I'd do it
 But there is email, social network, online games and sometimes I find
 myself just happily mucking round on youtube or slothing round on the
 pc when I know I shouldn't.
 I have tried to keep my reading alive but the scary thing is I could
 happily stop reading braille in fact stop doing everything I used to
 do when taught how to be blind to use the net.
 It may actually happen with others.
 Family that used to have time to play afterwork are so tired after
 looking at a screen all day they want to blob.Ofcause computer games
 are ofcause more superior than the crappy board ones, yet I still miss it.
 When the only thing you could hear would be the weather outside, when
 all you did in the next hour or less was get another coffee.
 That doesn't happen so much.
 And sadly a lot born into this age of consoles and other things may
 never play a game in their lives.
 I know, my cousins were born into the borg universe.
 They adapted a lot.
 They have played a few ugio games and some monopoly but most of it is
 simply the computer.
 They would probably play all night and day if they were not told to
 get off their consoles.
 Its why I made an effort to stay off social networks but much as I
 have tried, most of what I do is to be online all day and all night.
 Something new always comes up and when there isn't I end up mucking
 round chewing bandwidth listening to stupid vids, but not being able
 to get off again really.
 Some days like today the net calms down enough for me to think of
 times gone by.

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread dark
Well Kara we of course don't exactly have lobbies like the Us does over here 
in Britain,  or at least not officially although the government has 
various advisary bodies.

The problem however at least in britain is that most of the portrates of the 
blind in media come from organizaitons like the Rnib who have one and only 
one view, it is a problem.

This is acctually also why I would be interested to see some developers get 
involved with other gaming communities. Retroremakes would be good accept 
that the games on retroremakes need to be freeware, since then people would 
know that blind people do play games and games with sound can actually be 

As I've stated previously a key problem is that anything which is billed as 
for the blind is automatically seen as different, specialist, and not for 
normal people, since the blind are obviously some sort of weerd group on 
their own who don't have much to do with the rest of the world.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Cara:

Very true. We, the Audyssey community, do need to get more pro active
about encouraging ACB, NFB, AFB, etc in getting more games made
available to the blind community. A lot of times people on this list
and over on the forum complain about accessibility of
mainstream games for XBox, Play Station, Wii, etc and I frankly
believe that is beating a dead horse. We can, however, get more
standard card and board games made accessible because it is easier to
make braille versions of Monopoly, Life, Trouble, etc than it is to
get company x to rewrite a video game to be blind friendly.

In fact, I've been doing that for years. I would go to a store buy a
game like Monopoly and then braille the property cards, money, stick
braille labels on the board, etc. If I can do that with a standard
Monopoly set you know the manufacturer could do the same and sell it
that way without much cost to the manufacturer. As it happens standard
Monopoly is already available from In dependant Living Aids here in
the States, but there are games like Mad Gab, Trivial Per suit, Sorry,
and so on that would be just as easy to produce in braille versions
too. They haven't and I imagine that is because none of the
organizations like AFB, NFB, and ACB have made an issue of it. If they
did I am sure we could get companies like Hasbro, which owns Parker
Brothers and Milton Bradly, to produce accessible versions of their
board games much easier than getting Sony, Activision, Capcom, etc to
make accessible video games.


On 12/4/13, Cara Quinn wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 excellent point about affecting the decisions of manufacturers.

 Let me suggest that this is where our lobbies come in or rather, are
 supposed to come in. ;)

 Groups such as the ACB and NFB are really supposed to be fulfilling these
 roles as they do place themselves in the position of being the voice of the

 Until we can simply get wide-ranging notions in place in society that we are
 just as varied a group of individuals as our sighted counterparts (though
 our numbers are much smaller) the lack of awareness will continue.

 Right now, the average individual really has only the occasional concept of
 the 'Hollywood' version of the blind person, in essence. Once that portrayal
 is gone from the consciousness then the subject never comes up again, until
 the next stereotypical 'Hollywood' portrayal arises.

 We need to not only have a more constant portrayal of blind individuals but
 also a more realistic and wide ranging portrayal of said individuals. In
 other words, many more of us need to be seen and heard from on a national
 and world stage, more often.

 This will help to enhance peoples' general consciousness on a daily basis
 and help to bring this community more out of the shadows.

 Short of this, I'm not sure how quickly progress will be made. Does this
 make sense?

 this sort of thing can start as simply as a person giving a talk at a school
 or library. Despite the fact that it may seem like we should be much further
 along than this, as a society in the 21st century, many, many people are
 still very interested / curious about how blind people go about their daily
 lives in the world. Many people really do want to understand and do care.
 this includes CEOs as much as it includes the quote average person. The info
 just needs to be out there more. :)

 This truly is a question of basic awareness.

 Thanks for a great topic!


 Cara :)
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread dark
Actually if you meet with people who are interested in rp and the like, 
board and card games are as much known about and played as computer games.

My brother regularly plays both wii party games and fantasy board games like 
Talisman with his friends, and if you go to sites like dwarfstar games, you 
will see many are still being produced, indeed with access to printers often 
by hobby developers.

And this is aside from the the rather more specialist interest in 
collectable card games, ccgs, such as roar deal, Ufs, Yugio, and magic the 
gathering, or miniture based war games like Warhammer 40 K or battletech.

Indeed the recent 4th eddition of dD has a combat system based on table and 
minitures and is at least partly a war game in it's own right, albeit one 
with full rp mechanics.

Of course, you wouldn't sit down to do something as complex as battletech 
with your family, but there are plenty of more low key games around of the 
sort my brother plays, which often have a very fun theme.

For example, I recently heard of a game called monster city battle, where 
basically each player has a giant monster such as godzilla, King Kong or a 
huge robot, and the object of the game is to see who can destroy most of the 
city, while not being beaten up by the other monsters. it played as a 
slightly tactical but very crazy game with some rules like Draughts, 
(checkers), but also some use of dice for calculating  damage and the like, 
and sounded pretty awsome!

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

You do certainly have a point there, certainly in my family with three 
visually impared people, two of whome, (my mum and I), braille users, 
brailling board games is something we've done for years. Indeed over 
christmas we'll probably play some card games or maybe Yachzee, and if we 
play Yachtzee my mum and I will both braille score sheets.

Although when I investigated getting fighting fantasy books done, I was told 
that the cost would be prhibitive, which is of course the concern since 
while braille embossing isn't itself an intrinsically expensive process as 
usual with anything to do with accessibility, you can put on several extra 

I actually got a great example of this recently when going to Tgi fridays 
with my brother.  This is one of the few restaurant chains in the Uk that 
has braille menus, (I assume they do in the states as well). However, their 
braille menu is about two years out of date, and still shows things they no 
longer serve, not to mention missing off their specialist offer.

when I asked why this was I was told that getting a new braille menu 
embossed would be too expensive.

This isn't to say it's a bad idea, just that with any coorporation I am 
scheptical of motives,  still if you don't ask, you don't find out.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark:

Well, there is some truth to braille embossing being prohibitively
expensive compared to a print book or menu. I remember when I was in
high school and one of the complaints my local high school had about
taking me on as a mainstream student was the cost of getting my
textbooks from APH. I was absolutely floored to discover while the
average print textbook was about $25 APH was asking for about $2,000
per textbook in braille. That was absolutely insane, but now that I
have gotten a bit older and wiser I understand why.

For one thing it probably cost them $50 for a standard box of braille
paper, and twice that if they used the plastic sheeting used in most
textbooks. So figure about $100 tops for the blank pages. The plastic
binders they put the books in probably added another $20 or so to bind
the books. So just in raw materials we have already increased the cost
by a factor of 5. I suspect the rest of the cost was markup on APH's
part to pay employees and the use of their equipment.

The thing is if I ask company x to braille this or that book, a
gamebook for example, they are naturally going to go to APH to have it
done not knowing that the raw materials while expensive are a fraction
of what APH etc will actually charge them for the final product. That
cost of course will get put off onto us, the customer, and that is why
you will get the typical its prohibitively expensive type response
from companies, because they aren't going to invest in the equipment
etc to do it themselves, and even if they did the cost of the
materials would cost a bit more than standard printed materials
doubling or tripling the cost of the final product.


On 12/4/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 You do certainly have a point there, certainly in my family with three
 visually impared people, two of whome, (my mum and I), braille users,
 brailling board games is something we've done for years. Indeed over
 christmas we'll probably play some card games or maybe Yachzee, and if we
 play Yachtzee my mum and I will both braille score sheets.

 Although when I investigated getting fighting fantasy books done, I was told

 that the cost would be prhibitive, which is of course the concern since
 while braille embossing isn't itself an intrinsically expensive process as
 usual with anything to do with accessibility, you can put on several extra

 I actually got a great example of this recently when going to Tgi fridays
 with my brother.  This is one of the few restaurant chains in the Uk that
 has braille menus, (I assume they do in the states as well). However, their

 braille menu is about two years out of date, and still shows things they no

 longer serve, not to mention missing off their specialist offer.

 when I asked why this was I was told that getting a new braille menu
 embossed would be too expensive.

 This isn't to say it's a bad idea, just that with any coorporation I am
 scheptical of motives,  still if you don't ask, you don't find out.

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark:

I figured as much. After all, here in the States toy stores like
Toys-R-Us have an entire isle devoted to card and board games and it
typically includes everything from the classics like Monopoly, Life,
Sorry, Trouble, and Chess to more advanced games like Talisman and
Battle Tech. If card and board games were truly going away big toy
stores like Toys-R-Us wouldn't carry them, and as a matter of fact
right now there is a great big isle from floor to ceiling at my local
Toys-R-Us filled with such games.

Back when I was in college there were Chess clubs as well as various
other clubs where young men and women sat around playing card and
board games on a weekly basis. Although, that was more than a dozen
years ago I don't think people have really changed that much in over a
decade that card and board games would simply die out in favor of
computerized games. Yes, it seems that younger people play video games
more than board games, but the fact that Walmart, K-mart, and
Toys-R-Us are selling them is evidence that someone is still buying

The Monster City Battle game sounds flipping awesome. I'll have to
check that out as I am in the mood for something different, and it
sounds right up my alley. I am sure my son would enjoy it too.


On 12/4/13, dark wrote:
 Actually if you meet with people who are interested in rp and the like,
 board and card games are as much known about and played as computer games.

 My brother regularly plays both wii party games and fantasy board games like

 Talisman with his friends, and if you go to sites like dwarfstar games, you

 will see many are still being produced, indeed with access to printers often

 by hobby developers.

 And this is aside from the the rather more specialist interest in
 collectable card games, ccgs, such as roar deal, Ufs, Yugio, and magic the
 gathering, or miniture based war games like Warhammer 40 K or battletech.

 Indeed the recent 4th eddition of dD has a combat system based on table and

 minitures and is at least partly a war game in it's own right, albeit one
 with full rp mechanics.

 Of course, you wouldn't sit down to do something as complex as battletech
 with your family, but there are plenty of more low key games around of the
 sort my brother plays, which often have a very fun theme.

 For example, I recently heard of a game called monster city battle, where
 basically each player has a giant monster such as godzilla, King Kong or a
 huge robot, and the object of the game is to see who can destroy most of the

 city, while not being beaten up by the other monsters. it played as a
 slightly tactical but very crazy game with some rules like Draughts,
 (checkers), but also some use of dice for calculating  damage and the like,

 and sounded pretty awsome!

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread dark

Hi tom.

Well while I agree on material costs, at the same time as you said yourself 
the markup is frankly insane on access products, because it's a captive and 
small markit manufacturers of accessible goods and providers of accessible 
services basically charge through the roof. I think the worst I ever saw was 
a device composed of an infra red sensor and buzzer. The idea was you could 
put the sensor on an object or your seet etc, and press the buzzer to have 
it bleep so you could locate it at a distance by hearing.

yes, a very handy device,  but not at £350,  that is around 600 usd! 
Heck, I know very little about electronics but even I! could make a guess 
about how the circuites in those worked, and don't they sell novelty key 
ring finders that do the same thing for about 1£10?

In fairness this isn't just with blindness, wheel chairs, hoists and other 
equipment for physically disabled people is just as ridiculous, also there 
are some accessible devices which aren't gougingly priced. I was quite 
impressed for example to find that the pen friend labelling system I use 
cost exactly £50 for the initial unit, and packs of 500 labels would cost 
another £7.

Of course annoyingly the rnib   won't actually let you buy packs of just the 
size you want  and only sells two basic selections, but there you go.

Still this shows not everything accessible has to be insanely expensive, 
even if the raw materials will put the price up somewhat.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread dark

Hi Tom.

Looking at my university society's page, there are societies for chess, 
Backgammon, Poker and indeed Bridge, so  people are definitely playing these 
sorts of games.

I might have the name of monster city battle wrong, before you go looking 
let me ask my brother for the exact details, I'm also not sure about how 
well it works as a two player game, though I'd be interested to know if you 
did get to braille it.

From my brothers' description it featured a boardd marked with squares 
including the city at the center which you needed to destroy, and a pack of 
cards with things like special weapons and abilities.

Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Dark,

Someone told me that this is a rule, but I'm not sure if it is in the rules, or 
if it is just that is what the game comes with.  And that is the number of 
houses and hotels.  My version of the game does not have that limit.  And so 
especially if you are playing with money on free parking, you may end up with a 
hotel on every property that you can put houses and hotels on.



Hotel: A place you give good dollars for bad quarters.
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread dark

Hi Jim.

I'd always sort of assumed that at least the idea! was to have hotels for 
every property on the board, even if there weren't quite enough to do that 
(especially with older sets where some of the hotels and houses got lost), 
though in practice I don't think I've ever actually played a game of 
monopoly where more than about 7 or 8 streets had them.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Kitchen

To: dark
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark,

Someone told me that this is a rule, but I'm not sure if it is in the 
rules, or if it is just that is what the game comes with.  And that is the 
number of houses and hotels.  My version of the game does not have that 
limit.  And so especially if you are playing with money on free parking, 
you may end up with a hotel on every property that you can put houses and 
hotels on.



Hotel: A place you give good dollars for bad quarters.
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread Charles Rivard
The official rules concerning houses and hotels is that, after they are all 
bought, you cannot buy one.  A Monopoly set comes with 32 houses and 12 
hotels.  After all of the houses have been bought, the only way to improve 
your properties is to buy hotels, but you have to have 4 houses on each 
property of a monopoly to be able to do so.  Strategy comes into play.  To 
prevent you from buying hotels, a player might be able to afford hotels for 
a monopoly, but they would sell their 4 houses back to the bank in order to 
do so.  Then, you would be able to buy those houses.  So, all they have to 
do is to keep 4 houses on their properties, not buying hotels.  You are 
stuck, not able to improve.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Jim.

I'd always sort of assumed that at least the idea! was to have hotels for 
every property on the board, even if there weren't quite enough to do that 
(especially with older sets where some of the hotels and houses got lost), 
though in practice I don't think I've ever actually played a game of 
monopoly where more than about 7 or 8 streets had them.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Kitchen

To: dark
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark,

Someone told me that this is a rule, but I'm not sure if it is in the 
rules, or if it is just that is what the game comes with.  And that is 
the number of houses and hotels.  My version of the game does not have 
that limit.  And so especially if you are playing with money on free 
parking, you may end up with a hotel on every property that you can put 
houses and hotels on.



Hotel: A place you give good dollars for bad quarters.
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Jim,

Its not an official rule. It is just that a standard Monopoly set only
comes with  a limited number of houses and hotels, and it is possible
to run out of them during game play. This of course adds an element of
strategy because you need to think more about where you place houses
and hotels as there is only so many to buy. However, given a choice I
much prefer being able to get as many as I need as in your Monopoly


On 12/4/13, Jim Kitchen wrote:
 Hi Dark,

 Someone told me that this is a rule, but I'm not sure if it is in the rules,
 or if it is just that is what the game comes with.  And that is the number
 of houses and hotels.  My version of the game does not have that limit.  And
 so especially if you are playing with money on free parking, you may end up
 with a hotel on every property that you can put houses and hotels on.



 Hotel: A place you give good dollars for bad quarters.
 (440) 286-6920
 Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

I figured as much. As I said when I was in college there were clubs
for all kinds of games not just RPG games. There were groups for
Bridge, Poker, Chess, Checkers, etc and I didn't figure that they
would just vanish as Shaun indicated is the case where he lives.

Personally I think his opinion is based on the people he keeps company
with, because I know there are plenty of people in my area still very
much into card, board, and puzzle games. Just because video games is
all the rave with some younger people does not mean everyone is doing
it, or exclusively enjoys video games over more traditional card and
board games. I am sure there are some narrow minded people who prefers
one over the other, but it is not universal.


On 12/4/13, dark wrote:
 Hi Tom.

 Looking at my university society's page, there are societies for chess,
 Backgammon, Poker and indeed Bridge, so  people are definitely playing these

 sorts of games.

 I might have the name of monster city battle wrong, before you go looking
 let me ask my brother for the exact details, I'm also not sure about how
 well it works as a two player game, though I'd be interested to know if you

 did get to braille it.

 From my brothers' description it featured a boardd marked with squares
 including the city at the center which you needed to destroy, and a pack of

 cards with things like special weapons and abilities.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-04 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark:

Oh, yes. Any time something is developed for the blind, is marketed as
an access product, the cost is insane. Not because it costs that much
to actually make it, but because we are a captive minority market.

As you mentioned the novelty key ring finders only cost perhaps $5 USD
if that. In fact I use to have one where I could whistle and it would
start beeping to help me locate my keys. Since it was marketed as a
novelty item it was real cheap. I am sure if it was made for the
blind, marketed as a specialty item, I'd be looking at a key ring that
costs at least $50instead of $5 just because you can multiply the cost
by a factor of 10 being a specialty item.

I know when it comes to card and board games they definitely cost a
lot more than their mainstream counterparts. I think a deck of braille
playing cards is like $19 when a sighted person can go to Dollar
General or Family Dollar and get a standard deck for a dollar.
Something like Monopoly is about $50 for a braille set when a standard
Monopoly game is between $19 and $29 depending on if it is standard
Monopoly or a collectors edition.

However, I agree that even excluding material costs I don't think it
actually costs that much to produce accessible products. At least not
the cost we have to pay to get them from In dependant Living Aids,
RNIB, whatever. I know for a fact that the actual cost of making some
of those products is a fraction of what they actually charge for it.


On 12/4/13, dark wrote:
 Hi tom.

 Well while I agree on material costs, at the same time as you said yourself

 the markup is frankly insane on access products, because it's a captive and

 small markit manufacturers of accessible goods and providers of accessible
 services basically charge through the roof. I think the worst I ever saw was

 a device composed of an infra red sensor and buzzer. The idea was you could

 put the sensor on an object or your seet etc, and press the buzzer to have
 it bleep so you could locate it at a distance by hearing.

 yes, a very handy device,  but not at £350,  that is around 600 usd!

 Heck, I know very little about electronics but even I! could make a guess
 about how the circuites in those worked, and don't they sell novelty key
 ring finders that do the same thing for about 1£10?

 In fairness this isn't just with blindness, wheel chairs, hoists and other
 equipment for physically disabled people is just as ridiculous, also there
 are some accessible devices which aren't gougingly priced. I was quite
 impressed for example to find that the pen friend labelling system I use
 cost exactly £50 for the initial unit, and packs of 500 labels would cost
 another £7.

 Of course annoyingly the rnib   won't actually let you buy packs of just the

 size you want  and only sells two basic selections, but there you go.

 Still this shows not everything accessible has to be insanely expensive,
 even if the raw materials will put the price up somewhat.

 Beware the grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread dark
Yep Haiden, as I said those hearts rule changes were game breakers imho as 
far as stratogy went, which is why if I were in that situation I'd want to 
use the standard rules, not because they're standard, but because they 
provide best for the game.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: hayden presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 4:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Heh. Now there's an interesting hearts variant. Takes a lot of the 
out of it, since there are times when it's worth sacrificing a few points 

as to stop from getting them all. But I digress, and I'll stop now.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of dark
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 5:21 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly

Well I wouldn't be a nazi about it, but while I can certainly see 
for many rule changes that one sort of confuses me since I don't see what 

adds to the game other than the chance to grab extra money at random. But
then again if people like the rule fair enough, it's certainly not a game
breaker the way I've seen some house rule changes.

For example I remember one version of hearts where all the hearts counted
their spot value, (ace as eleven), which made the game very whacky as
compared to the standard rules since the ace of hearts was nearly as bad 

the queen of space, and even if you lose one penalty point if it's the ace
your in trouble. I also remember one version which utterly missed off
shooting the moon.

BEware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread dark
That's fair enough Tom, and indeed I wasn't suggesting you create something 
like that,  since for a start Talisman has already been pretty bad about 
stamping out computerized versions of their board games, (the scum).

It just sometimes irritates me that while games like Talisman are 
intrinsically no less accessible than monopoly, there is no accessible 
version made of them.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark,

Well, while I would like to play some of those fantasy board games you
speak of myself unfortunately I would have to own it or at least the
rule book in order to make a software version of the game. Since I
don't have that and money is tight right now I have to stick to games
I know.


On 12/2/13, dark wrote:

Hi tom.

Some of those alternate monopoly varients did sound like a lot of fun, 

I'd most like to play some of the fantasy board games that are floating
around like talisman, which work like simplified rpgs or gamebooks with
basic combat,  cards with special events and the like.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message -
From: Thomas Ward
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly

Hi Dark,

Well, you are right there are many different versions of Monopoly with
custom rules and changes in money. In the Star Trek and Star Wars
boards I had instead of money they were called credits which makes
sense. In the Lord of the Rings version there was a ring that traveled
around the board which had its own special rules quite apart from the
bog standard Monopoly you are familiar with. I have considered writing
a few accessible versions of these Monopoly games as they are in my
opinion a lot more fun than the bog standard Monopoly game.


On 12/2/13, dark wrote:

Well for a start the London version of monopoly that I know which is
commonly used in the Uk doesn't use Dollars :D.

Then again monopoly seems to have a lot of rule variation. When i
played for example I always thought no buying on the first go around 

board was an official rule and was quite surprised to find many players
didn't. It makes for a longer game and also makes luck with the dice
important to get off to an early start, but it does tend to result in
players picking up properties in a more spread out way since obviously
will arive on the first few squares at different times.

There was also a really weerd rule which I've seen some people play 

that whenever a player loses cash to a chance or community chest card,
cash goes into the center of the board and the next person who lands on
parking can take it,  though to me that one seemed just plane 

I couldn't really see the point since you don't get paid for free 

real life :d.
And all this is of course apart from some of the whackier custom
games with different rules and cards,  albeit I've unfortunately
really got to play those myself as (as usual), the only accessible
in braille is the bog standard original one.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread Jim Kitchen

Hi Dark,

Money on free parking is not an official rule, but it is a popular variation 
that allot of people like to play with.  I have that option in my game of 
monopoly.  I also have where you do or do not collect rent if you are in jail 
as well as an option for an auction for a property that is landed on, but not 



Monopoly? No, we just don't want competition --Intel
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark:

I know. The problem is, as you well know, there is a certain mindset
about the blind that we are all over 60, that we wouldn't be
interested in anything like that, and so the companies that
manufacturer and sell accessible card and board games tend to stick to
the bog standard games like Monopoly without any variations. The
problem is I can go to Walmart, Toys-R-Us, or any other mainstream
store and find all kinds of interesting variations on basic card and
board games.

In Monopoly there was the Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Star Wars, and
several other variations. One of the coolest was the Millennium
edition of Monopoly which had lighted houses and hotels, street
lights, and made noises when your piece landed on one of the railroads
etc. It was awesome, but of course they wouldn't make anything that
cool for us.

There also have been many variations on the game of Life. One of the
variations I have is a Pirates of the Caribbean set where you get to
play as one of the main characters from the movies, buy a pirate ship,
and gather plunder. I have also scene, but never played, a couple of
children's variations of Life such as one based on Sponge Bob Square
Pants and another one based on the Simpson's. Both would be cute to
own and play.

Trouble, a game I don't believe has ever been made accessible, has had
all kinds of variations too such as Star Wars, Disney, Transformers,
etc. The variations don't really change the game much, but one thing I
liked about the Star Wars edition of Trouble is there was an R2-D2 for
the popper and it would light up, beep, and  added something extra to
the game besides the standard clear plastic bubble.

Getting back to the point until we are able to effect the decisions of
the people who make these games that we are just as interested in
playing those games as the sighted person we are going to continue to
get stuck with the same old boring versions of Monopoly, Life,
Checkers, Chess, and whatever else are available through the blind
organizations. Playing a game like Talisman isn't going to happen
unless we make up our own accessible set of cards and boards etc.


On 12/3/13, dark wrote:
 That's fair enough Tom, and indeed I wasn't suggesting you create something

 like that,  since for a start Talisman has already been pretty bad about

 stamping out computerized versions of their board games, (the scum).

 It just sometimes irritates me that while games like Talisman are
 intrinsically no less accessible than monopoly, there is no accessible
 version made of them.

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread dark

Hi Jim.

I know you had that rule change in your game, it's just one which has always 
confused me a little as to it's logic.

I can see the point of auctions for properties landed on and not bought, 
though to be honest I don't particularly like that rule myself, since I 
prefer the strategic game of people choosing sets and completing them rather 
than just forcing sales as quick as possible. I can see the point if you 
want to speed the game up, but I prefer the slower game myself.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Kitchen

To: dark
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark,

Money on free parking is not an official rule, but it is a popular 
variation that allot of people like to play with.  I have that option in 
my game of monopoly.  I also have where you do or do not collect rent if 
you are in jail as well as an option for an auction for a property that is 
landed on, but not bought.



Monopoly? No, we just don't want competition --Intel
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread dark
All that is unfrotunately true, heck, you can't even get tactile rpg dice, 
(hence my question about an Iphone dice program), despite the fact that 
tabletop rp is one of the most intrinsically accessible forms of game to 
play,  heck, with so many manuals and rule books now available from 
sites like drivethru rpg you don't even need to make a specifically 
accessible rulebook anymore, but will anyone produce anything like that? 
will they hell!

All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread Charles Rivard

To my knowledge, there is not an accessible dice roller for the iPhone, yet.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

All that is unfrotunately true, heck, you can't even get tactile rpg dice, 
(hence my question about an Iphone dice program), despite the fact that 
tabletop rp is one of the most intrinsically accessible forms of game to 
play,  heck, with so many manuals and rule books now available from 
sites like drivethru rpg you don't even need to make a specifically 
accessible rulebook anymore, but will anyone produce anything like that? 
will they hell!

All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread Charles Rivard
The official rules are that, if a property is landed on that has not been 
bought, it is immediately auctioned off, and everyone can bid on it. 
Strategy can come into play.  If you know that nobody else can pay a given 
amount for the property, and that amount is less than the printed price of 
the property, and you are wealthy, put it up for auction and bid the price 
they cannot afford and get it for less.  If you know that someone needs that 
property to have a monopoly, and you are wealthy, either raise the bid to 
more than they can afford or make them pay through the nose for it, which 
will give you a better winning possibility later on by breaking them.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Jim.

I know you had that rule change in your game, it's just one which has 
always confused me a little as to it's logic.

I can see the point of auctions for properties landed on and not bought, 
though to be honest I don't particularly like that rule myself, since I 
prefer the strategic game of people choosing sets and completing them 
rather than just forcing sales as quick as possible. I can see the point 
if you want to speed the game up, but I prefer the slower game myself.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Kitchen

To: dark
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark,

Money on free parking is not an official rule, but it is a popular 
variation that allot of people like to play with.  I have that option in 
my game of monopoly.  I also have where you do or do not collect rent if 
you are in jail as well as an option for an auction for a property that 
is landed on, but not bought.



Monopoly? No, we just don't want competition --Intel
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread dark

Hi charlse.

That is true, but I did always enjoy the strategic elements of landing on 
certian properties and waiting to see what happened. It almost became a game 
of poker, because if you land on a property someone else wants you can 
either A, see if you can force them to pay through the nose as you said, or 
B, buy it yourself and hold on to it to stop them getting the full set or 
wait to get it off them later.

As I said, it makes for a longer game but I think I do prefer it without the 
auction myself.

All the best,

- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

The official rules are that, if a property is landed on that has not been 
bought, it is immediately auctioned off, and everyone can bid on it. 
Strategy can come into play.  If you know that nobody else can pay a given 
amount for the property, and that amount is less than the printed price of 
the property, and you are wealthy, put it up for auction and bid the price 
they cannot afford and get it for less.  If you know that someone needs 
that property to have a monopoly, and you are wealthy, either raise the 
bid to more than they can afford or make them pay through the nose for it, 
which will give you a better winning possibility later on by breaking 

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Jim.

I know you had that rule change in your game, it's just one which has 
always confused me a little as to it's logic.

I can see the point of auctions for properties landed on and not bought, 
though to be honest I don't particularly like that rule myself, since I 
prefer the strategic game of people choosing sets and completing them 
rather than just forcing sales as quick as possible. I can see the point 
if you want to speed the game up, but I prefer the slower game myself.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Kitchen

To: dark
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark,

Money on free parking is not an official rule, but it is a popular 
variation that allot of people like to play with.  I have that option in 
my game of monopoly.  I also have where you do or do not collect rent if 
you are in jail as well as an option for an auction for a property that 
is landed on, but not bought.



Monopoly? No, we just don't want competition --Intel
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread Phil Vlasak

Hi Charles,
It is interesting that when I was a boy and we played Monopoly, we removed 
the auction rule completely.

The only way to buy a property was to land on it.
This lead to lots of buying on the first two or there go around and then a 
lull as no one had money to buy properties. Eventually you could only trade 
if you had a property someone else wanted and you had one that they wanted.


- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

The official rules are that, if a property is landed on that has not been 
bought, it is immediately auctioned off, and everyone can bid on it. 
Strategy can come into play.  If you know that nobody else can pay a given 
amount for the property, and that amount is less than the printed price of 
the property, and you are wealthy, put it up for auction and bid the price 
they cannot afford and get it for less.  If you know that someone needs 
that property to have a monopoly, and you are wealthy, either raise the 
bid to more than they can afford or make them pay through the nose for it, 
which will give you a better winning possibility later on by breaking 

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Jim.

I know you had that rule change in your game, it's just one which has 
always confused me a little as to it's logic.

I can see the point of auctions for properties landed on and not bought, 
though to be honest I don't particularly like that rule myself, since I 
prefer the strategic game of people choosing sets and completing them 
rather than just forcing sales as quick as possible. I can see the point 
if you want to speed the game up, but I prefer the slower game myself.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Kitchen

To: dark
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark,

Money on free parking is not an official rule, but it is a popular 
variation that allot of people like to play with.  I have that option in 
my game of monopoly.  I also have where you do or do not collect rent if 
you are in jail as well as an option for an auction for a property that 
is landed on, but not bought.



Monopoly? No, we just don't want competition --Intel
(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread shaun everiss

One of the games I still miss was based on the monopoly concept.
You were trying to become the presidant of a company.
if you failed you would become the cleaner.
It was visual but I got materials and designed a board with cardboard 
and foil and with some braille dice and cards and some monopoly 
tokens was able to play.
The game was called ulsas but I never played it more than twice 
before things got hectic.
To be honest, I played all my games before 2000, before 1995 for 5 
years I had almost no pc and then only a 386.

in 1996 I got a pc but still was able to play.
after 2002 or there abouts that got less till now.
I have an xp system and a win7 system.
everyone has tablets and phones.
I think if there was a way to turn off all devices and the net I'd do it again.
But there is email, social network, online games and sometimes I find 
myself just happily mucking round on youtube or slothing round on the 
pc when I know I shouldn't.
I have tried to keep my reading alive but the scary thing is I could 
happily stop reading braille in fact stop doing everything I used to 
do when taught how to be blind to use the net.

It may actually happen with others.
Family that used to have time to play afterwork are so tired after 
looking at a screen all day they want to blob.Ofcause computer games 
are ofcause more superior than the crappy board ones, yet I still miss it.
When the only thing you could hear would be the weather outside, when 
all you did in the next hour or less was get another coffee.

That doesn't happen so much.
And sadly a lot born into this age of consoles and other things may 
never play a game in their lives.

I know, my cousins were born into the borg universe.
They adapted a lot.
They have played a few ugio games and some monopoly but most of it is 
simply the computer.
They would probably play all night and day if they were not told to 
get off their consoles.
Its why I made an effort to stay off social networks but much as I 
have tried, most of what I do is to be online all day and all night.
Something new always comes up and when there isn't I end up mucking 
round chewing bandwidth listening to stupid vids, but not being able 
to get off again really.
Some days like today the net calms down enough for me to think of 
times gone by.

At 06:01 AM 12/4/2013, you wrote:

Hi Charles,
It is interesting that when I was a boy and we played Monopoly, we 
removed the auction rule completely.

The only way to buy a property was to land on it.
This lead to lots of buying on the first two or there go around and 
then a lull as no one had money to buy properties. Eventually you 
could only trade if you had a property someone else wanted and you 
had one that they wanted.


- Original Message - From: Charles Rivard
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

The official rules are that, if a property is landed on that has 
not been bought, it is immediately auctioned off, and everyone can 
bid on it. Strategy can come into play.  If you know that nobody 
else can pay a given amount for the property, and that amount is 
less than the printed price of the property, and you are wealthy, 
put it up for auction and bid the price they cannot afford and get 
it for less.  If you know that someone needs that property to have 
a monopoly, and you are wealthy, either raise the bid to more than 
they can afford or make them pay through the nose for it, which 
will give you a better winning possibility later on by breaking them.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - From: dark
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

Hi Jim.

I know you had that rule change in your game, it's just one which 
has always confused me a little as to it's logic.

I can see the point of auctions for properties landed on and not 
bought, though to be honest I don't particularly like that rule 
myself, since I prefer the strategic game of people choosing sets 
and completing them rather than just forcing sales as quick as 
possible. I can see the point if you want to speed the game up, 
but I prefer the slower game myself.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - From: Jim Kitchen
To: dark
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the 
Monopoly game

Hi Dark,

Money on free parking is not an official rule, but it is a 
popular variation that allot of people like to play with.  I have 
that option in my game of monopoly.  I also have where you do or 
do not collect rent if you are in jail as well as an option for 
an auction for a property that is landed

Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-03 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi Thomas,

excellent point about affecting the decisions of manufacturers.

Let me suggest that this is where our lobbies come in or rather, are supposed 
to come in. ;)

Groups such as the ACB and NFB are really supposed to be fulfilling these roles 
as they do place themselves in the position of being the voice of the blind.

Until we can simply get wide-ranging notions in place in society that we are 
just as varied a group of individuals as our sighted counterparts (though our 
numbers are much smaller) the lack of awareness will continue.

Right now, the average individual really has only the occasional concept of the 
'Hollywood' version of the blind person, in essence. Once that portrayal is 
gone from the consciousness then the subject never comes up again, until the 
next stereotypical 'Hollywood' portrayal arises.

We need to not only have a more constant portrayal of blind individuals but 
also a more realistic and wide ranging portrayal of said individuals. In other 
words, many more of us need to be seen and heard from on a national and world 
stage, more often.

This will help to enhance peoples' general consciousness on a daily basis and 
help to bring this community more out of the shadows.

Short of this, I'm not sure how quickly progress will be made. Does this make 

this sort of thing can start as simply as a person giving a talk at a school or 
library. Despite the fact that it may seem like we should be much further along 
than this, as a society in the 21st century, many, many people are still very 
interested / curious about how blind people go about their daily lives in the 
world. Many people really do want to understand and do care. this includes CEOs 
as much as it includes the quote average person. The info just needs to be out 
there more. :)

This truly is a question of basic awareness.

Thanks for a great topic!


Cara :)
iOS design and development -
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Dec 3, 2013, at 4:34 AM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Dark:

I know. The problem is, as you well know, there is a certain mindset
about the blind that we are all over 60, that we wouldn't be
interested in anything like that, and so the companies that
manufacturer and sell accessible card and board games tend to stick to
the bog standard games like Monopoly without any variations. The
problem is I can go to Walmart, Toys-R-Us, or any other mainstream
store and find all kinds of interesting variations on basic card and
board games.

In Monopoly there was the Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Star Wars, and
several other variations. One of the coolest was the Millennium
edition of Monopoly which had lighted houses and hotels, street
lights, and made noises when your piece landed on one of the railroads
etc. It was awesome, but of course they wouldn't make anything that
cool for us.

There also have been many variations on the game of Life. One of the
variations I have is a Pirates of the Caribbean set where you get to
play as one of the main characters from the movies, buy a pirate ship,
and gather plunder. I have also scene, but never played, a couple of
children's variations of Life such as one based on Sponge Bob Square
Pants and another one based on the Simpson's. Both would be cute to
own and play.

Trouble, a game I don't believe has ever been made accessible, has had
all kinds of variations too such as Star Wars, Disney, Transformers,
etc. The variations don't really change the game much, but one thing I
liked about the Star Wars edition of Trouble is there was an R2-D2 for
the popper and it would light up, beep, and  added something extra to
the game besides the standard clear plastic bubble.

Getting back to the point until we are able to effect the decisions of
the people who make these games that we are just as interested in
playing those games as the sighted person we are going to continue to
get stuck with the same old boring versions of Monopoly, Life,
Checkers, Chess, and whatever else are available through the blind
organizations. Playing a game like Talisman isn't going to happen
unless we make up our own accessible set of cards and boards etc.


On 12/3/13, dark wrote:
 That's fair enough Tom, and indeed I wasn't suggesting you create something
 like that,  since for a start Talisman has already been pretty bad about
 stamping out computerized versions of their board games, (the scum).
 It just sometimes irritates me that while games like Talisman are
 intrinsically no less accessible than monopoly, there is no accessible
 version made of them.
 Beware the Grue!

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread dark
Well for a start the London version of monopoly that I know which is 
commonly used in the Uk doesn't use Dollars :D.

Then again monopoly seems to have a lot of rule variation. When i originally 
played for example I always thought no buying on the first go around the 
board was an official rule and was quite surprised to find many players 
didn't. It makes for a longer game and also makes luck with the dice 
important to get off to an early start, but it does tend to result in 
players picking up properties in a more spread out way since obviously they 
will arive on the first few squares at different times.

There was also a really weerd rule which I've seen some people play with 
that whenever a player loses cash to a chance or community chest card, that 
cash goes into the center of the board and the next person who lands on free 
parking can take it,  though to me that one seemed just plane crazy, and 
I couldn't really see the point since you don't get paid for free parking in 
real life :d.
And all this is of course apart from some of the whackier custom monopoly 
games with different rules and cards,  albeit I've unfortunately never 
really got to play those myself as (as usual), the only accessible version 
in braille is the bog standard original one.

Beware the Grue!


- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

The official rules are 2 $500 bills, 2 $100 bills, 2 $50 bills, 6 $20 
bills, 5 $10 bills, 5 $5 bills, and 5 $1 bills.  I wonder if they are 
different in the UK, although I wouldn't think so.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Wow Haiden, those aren't the distributions I know. In all the  rules I 
know it's 4 hundreds, one fifty, two tens, a twenty a 5 and 5 1's, 
nothing about six 20's. but I suspect this is something where different 
rules are used in different places and after all it doesn't really matter 
so long as each player has a good selection of change to pay small bills 

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: hayden presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

If I might chime in: the money distributions were:
500-2, 100-2, 50-2, 20-6, 10-5, 5-5, 1-5, with the first number being 
the denomination and the second being the number of said denomination 
given to each player.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas 

Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 9:16 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Milos,

This is in deed on topic so no worries. When this list was originally 
established back in the mid 90's the list included all accessible games 
including standard board, puzzle, and card games in braille as well as 
electronic versions. So I am glad you asked your questions here. As to 
your questions here are your answers.

As far as distributing the money the instructions give the exact amounts 
how the money is to be divided up among the players. I don't remember 
the exact amounts off the top of my head, but if you have a braille or 
audio instruction manual it will tell you how to divide the money 
between players.
To buy a property in Monopoly you must give the banker the amount of 
money for the property listed on the deed, and in return he or she will 
give you the deed to the property.

To mortgage a property you will have to give the banker the deed to that 
property and in return he or she will give you the mortgage value listed 
on the deed. He or she will write it down on a piece of paper that this 
or that property is mortgaged and probably keep it in a separate pile 
from the unsold deeds.


On 12/1/13, Milos Przic wrote:

Hi all,
I think that this is not Off-Topic. It is about a game that is
accessible, although it is not neither video nor audio game but a
braille monopoly that I ordered on Ebay and it arrived some time ago.
Now I am trying to play and have some questions, and if this is
off-topic I will make no objections if the moderators close it.
First, let me say that I know the rules and that I am very experienced
player in all audio versions of Monopoly. So the rules are not the
problem, but the questions are about applying them in the physical
game, that is, how to do some things that the computer does

Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread dark
Well the rules I mention are from the version I own which is the brailled 
version by the Rnib, and knowing what they're like, while it is a good set 
with clear markings and decent colours it might be possible that it had some 
earlier varients of the rules.

As I said however it's the alternative monopoly games I'm a little sad to 
miss, indeed fantasy board games seem to have really taken off at the 

My nbrother regularly plays a lotr board game which plays like a gamebook 
with some simple mechanics with the players playing the four hobbits going 
to Mordor.

My brother also regularly plays Talisman and has collected several varients, 
which is another very famous fantasy board game with basic rpg mechanics but 
the board as the playing space and lots of random event cards.

I'd actually love to see an accessible version of a fantasy board game like 
that, as I've always wanted to play one but none have ever been accessible.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread Charles Rivard
The two rules you mentioned are house rules.  And how's this for an idea? 
The Grue as a token?

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 2:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Well for a start the London version of monopoly that I know which is 
commonly used in the Uk doesn't use Dollars :D.

Then again monopoly seems to have a lot of rule variation. When i 
originally played for example I always thought no buying on the first go 
around the board was an official rule and was quite surprised to find many 
players didn't. It makes for a longer game and also makes luck with the 
dice important to get off to an early start, but it does tend to result in 
players picking up properties in a more spread out way since obviously 
they will arive on the first few squares at different times.

There was also a really weerd rule which I've seen some people play with 
that whenever a player loses cash to a chance or community chest card, 
that cash goes into the center of the board and the next person who lands 
on free parking can take it,  though to me that one seemed just plane 
crazy, and I couldn't really see the point since you don't get paid for 
free parking in real life :d.
And all this is of course apart from some of the whackier custom monopoly 
games with different rules and cards,  albeit I've unfortunately never 
really got to play those myself as (as usual), the only accessible version 
in braille is the bog standard original one.

Beware the Grue!


- Original Message - 
From: Charles Rivard

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

The official rules are 2 $500 bills, 2 $100 bills, 2 $50 bills, 6 $20 
bills, 5 $10 bills, 5 $5 bills, and 5 $1 bills.  I wonder if they are 
different in the UK, although I wouldn't think so.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Wow Haiden, those aren't the distributions I know. In all the  rules I 
know it's 4 hundreds, one fifty, two tens, a twenty a 5 and 5 1's, 
nothing about six 20's. but I suspect this is something where different 
rules are used in different places and after all it doesn't really 
matter so long as each player has a good selection of change to pay 
small bills with.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: hayden presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

If I might chime in: the money distributions were:
500-2, 100-2, 50-2, 20-6, 10-5, 5-5, 1-5, with the first number being 
the denomination and the second being the number of said denomination 
given to each player.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas 

Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 9:16 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the 
Monopoly game

Hi Milos,

This is in deed on topic so no worries. When this list was originally 
established back in the mid 90's the list included all accessible games 
including standard board, puzzle, and card games in braille as well as 
electronic versions. So I am glad you asked your questions here. As to 
your questions here are your answers.

As far as distributing the money the instructions give the exact 
amounts how the money is to be divided up among the players. I don't 
remember the exact amounts off the top of my head, but if you have a 
braille or audio instruction manual it will tell you how to divide the 
money between players.
To buy a property in Monopoly you must give the banker the amount of 
money for the property listed on the deed, and in return he or she will 
give you the deed to the property.

To mortgage a property you will have to give the banker the deed to 
that property and in return he or she will give you the mortgage value 
listed on the deed. He or she will write it down on a piece of paper 
that this or that property is mortgaged and probably keep it in a 
separate pile from the unsold deeds.


On 12/1/13, Milos Przic wrote:

Hi all,
I think that this is not Off-Topic. It is about a game that is
accessible, although it is not neither video nor audio game but a
braille monopoly that I ordered on Ebay and it arrived some time ago.
Now I am trying

Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Well, you are right there are many different versions of Monopoly with
custom rules and changes in money. In the Star Trek and Star Wars
boards I had instead of money they were called credits which makes
sense. In the Lord of the Rings version there was a ring that traveled
around the board which had its own special rules quite apart from the
bog standard Monopoly you are familiar with. I have considered writing
a few accessible versions of these Monopoly games as they are in my
opinion a lot more fun than the bog standard Monopoly game.


On 12/2/13, dark wrote:
 Well for a start the London version of monopoly that I know which is
 commonly used in the Uk doesn't use Dollars :D.

 Then again monopoly seems to have a lot of rule variation. When i originally
 played for example I always thought no buying on the first go around the
 board was an official rule and was quite surprised to find many players
 didn't. It makes for a longer game and also makes luck with the dice
 important to get off to an early start, but it does tend to result in
 players picking up properties in a more spread out way since obviously they
 will arive on the first few squares at different times.

 There was also a really weerd rule which I've seen some people play with
 that whenever a player loses cash to a chance or community chest card, that
 cash goes into the center of the board and the next person who lands on free
 parking can take it,  though to me that one seemed just plane crazy, and
 I couldn't really see the point since you don't get paid for free parking in
 real life :d.
 And all this is of course apart from some of the whackier custom monopoly
 games with different rules and cards,  albeit I've unfortunately never
 really got to play those myself as (as usual), the only accessible version
 in braille is the bog standard original one.

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread dark

Hi tom.

Some of those alternate monopoly varients did sound like a lot of fun, what 
I'd most like to play some of the fantasy board games that are floating 
around like talisman, which work like simplified rpgs or gamebooks with 
basic combat,  cards with special events and the like.

Beware the grue!

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Dark,

Well, you are right there are many different versions of Monopoly with
custom rules and changes in money. In the Star Trek and Star Wars
boards I had instead of money they were called credits which makes
sense. In the Lord of the Rings version there was a ring that traveled
around the board which had its own special rules quite apart from the
bog standard Monopoly you are familiar with. I have considered writing
a few accessible versions of these Monopoly games as they are in my
opinion a lot more fun than the bog standard Monopoly game.


On 12/2/13, dark wrote:

Well for a start the London version of monopoly that I know which is
commonly used in the Uk doesn't use Dollars :D.

Then again monopoly seems to have a lot of rule variation. When i 

played for example I always thought no buying on the first go around the
board was an official rule and was quite surprised to find many players
didn't. It makes for a longer game and also makes luck with the dice
important to get off to an early start, but it does tend to result in
players picking up properties in a more spread out way since obviously 

will arive on the first few squares at different times.

There was also a really weerd rule which I've seen some people play with
that whenever a player loses cash to a chance or community chest card, 
cash goes into the center of the board and the next person who lands on 
parking can take it,  though to me that one seemed just plane crazy, 
I couldn't really see the point since you don't get paid for free parking 

real life :d.
And all this is of course apart from some of the whackier custom monopoly
games with different rules and cards,  albeit I've unfortunately 
really got to play those myself as (as usual), the only accessible 

in braille is the bog standard original one.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread hayden presley
Hi Dark,
Heh. As weird as the house rule appears to you, I think you'd be surprised how 
many people use it. Most people I know use it on an actual physical board, and 
if I' on the playroom it almost always comes into play there as well. I try to 
avoid such things; I'm sort of a Nazi when it comes to following the rules in 
such games, especially when actually getting said money is strictly a 
luck-based outcome.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of dark
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 2:29 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

Well for a start the London version of monopoly that I know which is commonly 
used in the Uk doesn't use Dollars :D.

Then again monopoly seems to have a lot of rule variation. When i originally 
played for example I always thought no buying on the first go around the board 
was an official rule and was quite surprised to find many players didn't. It 
makes for a longer game and also makes luck with the dice important to get off 
to an early start, but it does tend to result in players picking up properties 
in a more spread out way since obviously they will arive on the first few 
squares at different times.

There was also a really weerd rule which I've seen some people play with that 
whenever a player loses cash to a chance or community chest card, that cash 
goes into the center of the board and the next person who lands on free parking 
can take it,  though to me that one seemed just plane crazy, and I couldn't 
really see the point since you don't get paid for free parking in real life :d.
And all this is of course apart from some of the whackier custom monopoly games 
with different rules and cards,  albeit I've unfortunately never really got 
to play those myself as (as usual), the only accessible version in braille is 
the bog standard original one.

Beware the Grue!


- Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

 The official rules are 2 $500 bills, 2 $100 bills, 2 $50 bills, 6 $20 
 bills, 5 $10 bills, 5 $5 bills, and 5 $1 bills.  I wonder if they are 
 different in the UK, although I wouldn't think so.

 Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
 - Original Message -
 From: dark
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 12:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the 
 Monopoly game

 Wow Haiden, those aren't the distributions I know. In all the  rules 
 I know it's 4 hundreds, one fifty, two tens, a twenty a 5 and 5 1's, 
 nothing about six 20's. but I suspect this is something where 
 different rules are used in different places and after all it doesn't 
 really matter so long as each player has a good selection of change 
 to pay small bills with.

 Beware the Grue!

 - Original Message -
 From: hayden presley
 To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
 Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 5:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the 
 Monopoly game

 If I might chime in: the money distributions were:
 500-2, 100-2, 50-2, 20-6, 10-5, 5-5, 1-5, with the first number 
 being the denomination and the second being the number of said 
 denomination given to each player.

 Best Regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of 
 Thomas Ward
 Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 9:16 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the 
 Monopoly game

 Hi Milos,

 This is in deed on topic so no worries. When this list was 
 originally established back in the mid 90's the list included all 
 accessible games including standard board, puzzle, and card games in 
 braille as well as electronic versions. So I am glad you asked your 
 questions here. As to your questions here are your answers.

 As far as distributing the money the instructions give the exact 
 amounts how the money is to be divided up among the players. I don't 
 remember the exact amounts off the top of my head, but if you have a 
 braille or audio instruction manual it will tell you how to divide 
 the money between players.
 To buy a property in Monopoly you must give the banker the amount of 
 money for the property listed on the deed, and in return he or she 
 will give you the deed to the property.

 To mortgage a property you will have to give the banker the deed to 
 that property and in return he or she will give you the mortgage 
 value listed on the deed. He or she will write it down on a piece of 
 paper that this or that property is mortgaged and probably keep

Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread hayden presley
Hi Dark,
Interesting. Just as you've ever seen the one I mentioned, I haven't seen yours 
either IN actuality, I almost woujld prefer that, since in the end you get 
$1500, and you aren't doing so much exchanging early on to buy properties.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of dark
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 12:13 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

Wow Haiden, those aren't the distributions I know. In all the  rules I know 
it's 4 hundreds, one fifty, two tens, a twenty a 5 and 5 1's, nothing about six 
20's. but I suspect this is something where different rules are used in 
different places and after all it doesn't really matter so long as each player 
has a good selection of change to pay small bills with.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message -
From: hayden presley
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

 If I might chime in: the money distributions were:
 500-2, 100-2, 50-2, 20-6, 10-5, 5-5, 1-5, with the first number being 
 the denomination and the second being the number of said denomination 
 given to each player.

 Best Regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas 
 Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 9:16 PM
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the 
 Monopoly game

 Hi Milos,

 This is in deed on topic so no worries. When this list was originally 
 established back in the mid 90's the list included all accessible 
 games including standard board, puzzle, and card games in braille as 
 well as electronic versions. So I am glad you asked your questions 
 here. As to your questions here are your answers.

 As far as distributing the money the instructions give the exact 
 amounts how the money is to be divided up among the players. I don't 
 remember the exact amounts off the top of my head, but if you have a 
 braille or audio instruction manual it will tell you how to divide the 
 money between players.
 To buy a property in Monopoly you must give the banker the amount of 
 money for the property listed on the deed, and in return he or she 
 will give you the deed to the property.

 To mortgage a property you will have to give the banker the deed to 
 that property and in return he or she will give you the mortgage value 
 listed on the deed. He or she will write it down on a piece of paper 
 that this or that property is mortgaged and probably keep it in a 
 separate pile from the unsold deeds.


 On 12/1/13, Milos Przic wrote:
 Hi all,
 I think that this is not Off-Topic. It is about a game that is 
 accessible, although it is not neither video nor audio game but a 
 braille monopoly that I ordered on Ebay and it arrived some time ago.
 Now I am trying to play and have some questions, and if this is 
 off-topic I will make no objections if the moderators close it.
 First, let me say that I know the rules and that I am very 
 experienced player in all audio versions of Monopoly. So the rules 
 are not the problem, but the questions are about applying them in the 
 physical game, that is, how to do some things that the computer does 
 in a digital version instead.
 1. When your token lands on a field and you want to buy it, how do 
 you do it? Do you just take the card where that property info is written?
 2. How does one distribute the money? The board comes with a number 
 of banknotes of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 dollars. How to distribute 
 the money at the beginning so that everyone has 1500 dollars as the 
 rules state, and still to be able to pay, say, 2, 3, 14 or 223 dollars?
 3. How to mark a property that is mortgaged?
 Another set of questions may come up soon, so thanks in advance!
 Best regards,
   Miloš Pržic
 twitter: MilosPrzic
 skype: Milosh-hs

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread dark
Well I wouldn't be a nazi about it, but while I can certainly see bennifits 
for many rule changes that one sort of confuses me since I don't see what it 
adds to the game other than the chance to grab extra money at random. But 
then again if people like the rule fair enough, it's certainly not a game 
breaker the way I've seen some house rule changes.

For example I remember one version of hearts where all the hearts counted 
their spot value, (ace as eleven), which made the game very whacky as 
compared to the standard rules since the ace of hearts was nearly as bad as 
the queen of space, and even if you lose one penalty point if it's the ace 
your in trouble. I also remember one version which utterly missed off 
shooting the moon.

BEware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread hayden presley
Heh. Now there's an interesting hearts variant. Takes a lot of the strategy
out of it, since there are times when it's worth sacrificing a few points so
as to stop from getting them all. But I digress, and I'll stop now.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of dark
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 5:21 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly

Well I wouldn't be a nazi about it, but while I can certainly see bennifits
for many rule changes that one sort of confuses me since I don't see what it
adds to the game other than the chance to grab extra money at random. But
then again if people like the rule fair enough, it's certainly not a game
breaker the way I've seen some house rule changes.

For example I remember one version of hearts where all the hearts counted
their spot value, (ace as eleven), which made the game very whacky as
compared to the standard rules since the ace of hearts was nearly as bad as
the queen of space, and even if you lose one penalty point if it's the ace
your in trouble. I also remember one version which utterly missed off
shooting the moon.

BEware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Dark,

Well, while I would like to play some of those fantasy board games you
speak of myself unfortunately I would have to own it or at least the
rule book in order to make a software version of the game. Since I
don't have that and money is tight right now I have to stick to games
I know.


On 12/2/13, dark wrote:
 Hi tom.

 Some of those alternate monopoly varients did sound like a lot of fun, what

 I'd most like to play some of the fantasy board games that are floating
 around like talisman, which work like simplified rpgs or gamebooks with
 basic combat,  cards with special events and the like.

 Beware the grue!

 - Original Message -
 From: Thomas Ward
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 11:46 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly

 Hi Dark,

 Well, you are right there are many different versions of Monopoly with
 custom rules and changes in money. In the Star Trek and Star Wars
 boards I had instead of money they were called credits which makes
 sense. In the Lord of the Rings version there was a ring that traveled
 around the board which had its own special rules quite apart from the
 bog standard Monopoly you are familiar with. I have considered writing
 a few accessible versions of these Monopoly games as they are in my
 opinion a lot more fun than the bog standard Monopoly game.


 On 12/2/13, dark wrote:
 Well for a start the London version of monopoly that I know which is
 commonly used in the Uk doesn't use Dollars :D.

 Then again monopoly seems to have a lot of rule variation. When i
 played for example I always thought no buying on the first go around the
 board was an official rule and was quite surprised to find many players
 didn't. It makes for a longer game and also makes luck with the dice
 important to get off to an early start, but it does tend to result in
 players picking up properties in a more spread out way since obviously
 will arive on the first few squares at different times.

 There was also a really weerd rule which I've seen some people play with
 that whenever a player loses cash to a chance or community chest card,
 cash goes into the center of the board and the next person who lands on
 parking can take it,  though to me that one seemed just plane crazy,

 I couldn't really see the point since you don't get paid for free parking

 real life :d.
 And all this is of course apart from some of the whackier custom
 games with different rules and cards,  albeit I've unfortunately
 really got to play those myself as (as usual), the only accessible
 in braille is the bog standard original one.

 Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread shaun everiss
I must say its been years since I have been 
playing with family board or card games in the physical case anymore.
There was a time back in the past before people 
really got busy with life we would use to do that.

Sadly thats mostly gone now.
Even when we are away unless we part with almost 
every bit of tech we have including our phones, 
tablets and computers which we can't really do 
fully, we end up playing with those instead of the games.

At 04:15 PM 12/2/2013, you wrote:
Hi Milos, This is in deed on topic so no 
worries. When this list was originally 
established back in the mid 90's the list 
included all accessible games including standard 
board, puzzle, and card games in braille as well 
as electronic versions. So I am glad you asked 
your questions here. As to your questions here 
are your answers. As far as distributing the 
money the instructions give the exact amounts 
how the money is to be divided up among the 
players. I don't remember the exact amounts off 
the top of my head, but if you have a braille or 
audio instruction manual it will tell you how to 
divide the money between players. To buy a 
property in Monopoly you must give the banker 
the amount of money for the property listed on 
the deed, and in return he or she will give you 
the deed to the property. To mortgage a property 
you will have to give the banker the deed to 
that property and in return he or she will give 
you the mortgage value listed on the deed. He or 
she will write it down on a piece of paper that 
this or that property is mortgaged and probably 
keep it in a separate pile from the unsold 
deeds. Cheers! On 12/1/13, Milos Przic wrote:  Hi all,  I 
think that this is not Off-Topic. It is about a 
game that is accessible,  although it is not 
neither video nor audio game but a braille 
monopoly that  I ordered on Ebay and it arrived 
some time ago. Now I am trying to play and  
have some questions, and if this is off-topic I 
will make no objections if  the moderators 
close it.  First, let me say that I know the 
rules and that I am very experienced  player in 
all audio versions of Monopoly. So the rules are 
not the problem,  but the questions are about 
applying them in the physical game, that is, 
how  to do some things that the computer does 
in a digital version instead.  1. When your 
token lands on a field and you want to buy it, 
how do you do  it? Do you just take the card 
where that property info is written?  2. How 
does one distribute the money? The board comes 
with a number of  banknotes of 1, 5, 10, 50, 
100 and 500 dollars. How to distribute the 
money  at the beginning so that everyone has 
1500 dollars as the rules state, and  still to 
be able to pay, say, 2, 3, 14 or 223 dollars?  
3. How to mark a property that is mortgaged?  
Another set of questions may come up soon, so 
thanks in advance!  Best 
regards,Miloš Pržic  twitter: 
MilosPrzic  skype:  Milosh-hs__ 
Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version 
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-02 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Shaun,

I can sort of relate to that although my situation is a bit different.
When I was growing up I use to play board and card games with my mom
and her friends, but when I got into my teens etc those friendly
gatherings were few and far between. There was a long stretch where I
didn't play any card or board games with anyone until I got married.
After Esther and I got married we use to play games like Monopoly
frequently, but now that we are in the mitts of a divorce I'd say I
will probably have little opportunity to play a standard card or board
game with someone else unless I do so with my son or something like
that. For me these days an electronic/software version is more likely
what I will have to be content with.


On 12/2/13, shaun everiss wrote:
 I must say its been years since I have been
 playing with family board or card games in the physical case anymore.
 There was a time back in the past before people
 really got busy with life we would use to do that.
 Sadly thats mostly gone now.
 Even when we are away unless we part with almost
 every bit of tech we have including our phones,
 tablets and computers which we can't really do
 fully, we end up playing with those instead of the games.

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread Sarah Haake

Hi Milos,

I myself played the digital and physical versions of monopoly, so I'll try 
and answer your questions.
When you buy a property, you just put the money for it in the bank and take 
the card with the info for the property you bought.
Regarding the money distribution, I can't remember how it's done. But in the 
games manual should be a section telling you how many of each type everyone 
should get at the beginning of the game. If your game doesn't have an 
accessible manual, maybe someone sighted can take a look for you into the 
printed one.
When you mortgage a property, the rule I know is to turn the card of the 
mortgaged property around, so that the backside faces upwards. This way 
everyone can see that this property is mortgaged.

Hope this helps and best regards

- Original Message - 
From: Milos Przic

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 2:12 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

Hi all,
I think that this is not Off-Topic. It is about a game that is accessible, 
although it is not neither video nor audio game but a braille monopoly that 
I ordered on Ebay and it arrived some time ago. Now I am trying to play and 
have some questions, and if this is off-topic I will make no objections if 
the moderators close it.
First, let me say that I know the rules and that I am very experienced 
player in all audio versions of Monopoly. So the rules are not the problem, 
but the questions are about applying them in the physical game, that is, how 
to do some things that the computer does in a digital version instead.
1. When your token lands on a field and you want to buy it, how do you do 
it? Do you just take the card where that property info is written?
2. How does one distribute the money? The board comes with a number of 
banknotes of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 dollars. How to distribute the money 
at the beginning so that everyone has 1500 dollars as the rules state, and 
still to be able to pay, say, 2, 3, 14 or 223 dollars?

3. How to mark a property that is mortgaged?
Another set of questions may come up soon, so thanks in advance!
Best regards,
 Miloš Pržic
twitter: MilosPrzic
skype: Milosh-hs

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature 
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread dark

Hi Milo.

Firstly, if your braille monopoly is like the one I've owned it should have 
instructions in braille, but just in case not I'll answer your questions.

Firstly regarding how to tell bought or mograged properties, well usually 
for sighted players laying the property cards along the side of the board 
will do, either face up with the wrent prices for when players own them, or 
face down with the  morgage info if the back owns the properties.

What your best off doing in a braille version though is just for everyone to 
keep tabs on what they own. i myself sort my properties into sets so if 
someone lands on one I own I can tell, indeed i have heard a rule that it's 
the players' responsability to take note when someone lands on her/his 
property and take money, though usually in practice whenever I've played 
most people are quick to remember anyway, especially if someone owns houses 
on a given road.

Regarding the  cash distribution, if I remember rightly it's two five 
hundreds, four one hundreds, one fifty, one twenty, two tens, one five, and 
five ones. aGain, sorting your money in cash order can help keep track of it 


Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread Milos Przic

Hello Sarah and Dark,
My Monopoly game didn't come with a manual, so thanks! :)
Best regards,
 Milos Przic
twitter: MilosPrzic
skype: Milosh-hs
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 3:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Milo.

Firstly, if your braille monopoly is like the one I've owned it should 
have instructions in braille, but just in case not I'll answer your 

Firstly regarding how to tell bought or mograged properties, well usually 
for sighted players laying the property cards along the side of the board 
will do, either face up with the wrent prices for when players own them, 
or face down with the  morgage info if the back owns the properties.

What your best off doing in a braille version though is just for everyone 
to keep tabs on what they own. i myself sort my properties into sets so if 
someone lands on one I own I can tell, indeed i have heard a rule that 
it's the players' responsability to take note when someone lands on 
her/his property and take money, though usually in practice whenever I've 
played most people are quick to remember anyway, especially if someone 
owns houses on a given road.

Regarding the  cash distribution, if I remember rightly it's two five 
hundreds, four one hundreds, one fifty, one twenty, two tens, one five, 
and five ones. aGain, sorting your money in cash order can help keep track 
of it too.


Beware the Grue!


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signature database 8454 (20130616) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread Milos Przic
Hello all, it's me again with one more question. Now that I know how to 
distribute the money, it can happen that a player doesn't have a banknote of 
2 dollars and has to pay. Can he give to a player to whom he has to pay 
another banknote and then the other player gives him the rest? Is it stated 
in the rules?

Best regards, and thanks!
 Milos Przic
twitter: MilosPrzic
skype: Milosh-hs
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 3:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Milo.

Firstly, if your braille monopoly is like the one I've owned it should 
have instructions in braille, but just in case not I'll answer your 

Firstly regarding how to tell bought or mograged properties, well usually 
for sighted players laying the property cards along the side of the board 
will do, either face up with the wrent prices for when players own them, 
or face down with the  morgage info if the back owns the properties.

What your best off doing in a braille version though is just for everyone 
to keep tabs on what they own. i myself sort my properties into sets so if 
someone lands on one I own I can tell, indeed i have heard a rule that 
it's the players' responsability to take note when someone lands on 
her/his property and take money, though usually in practice whenever I've 
played most people are quick to remember anyway, especially if someone 
owns houses on a given road.

Regarding the  cash distribution, if I remember rightly it's two five 
hundreds, four one hundreds, one fifty, one twenty, two tens, one five, 
and five ones. aGain, sorting your money in cash order can help keep track 
of it too.


Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread Sarah Haake

Hi Milos,

sure you can do that. The player who gets paid can give back the rest, or 
you can change money in the bank if a player maybe has too many or not 
enough notes of one kind. That's vital to the game, if you couldn't do these 
things you would get stuck all the time because of lack of the right money.

Best regards

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Milos,

This is in deed on topic so no worries. When this list was originally
established back in the mid 90's the list included all accessible
games including standard board, puzzle, and card games in braille as
well as electronic versions. So I am glad you asked your questions
here. As to your questions here are your answers.

As far as distributing the money the instructions give the exact
amounts how the money is to be divided up among the players. I don't
remember the exact amounts off the top of my head, but if you have a
braille or audio instruction manual it will tell you how to divide the
money between players.
To buy a property in Monopoly you must give the banker the amount of
money for the property listed on the deed, and in return he or she
will give you the deed to the property.

To mortgage a property you will have to give the banker the deed to
that property and in return he or she will give you the mortgage value
listed on the deed. He or she will write it down on a piece of paper
that this or that property is mortgaged and probably keep it in a
separate pile from the unsold deeds.


On 12/1/13, Milos Przic wrote:
 Hi all,
 I think that this is not Off-Topic. It is about a game that is accessible,
 although it is not neither video nor audio game but a braille monopoly that
 I ordered on Ebay and it arrived some time ago. Now I am trying to play and
 have some questions, and if this is off-topic I will make no objections if
 the moderators close it.
 First, let me say that I know the rules and that I am very experienced
 player in all audio versions of Monopoly. So the rules are not the problem,
 but the questions are about applying them in the physical game, that is, how
 to do some things that the computer does in a digital version instead.
 1. When your token lands on a field and you want to buy it, how do you do
 it? Do you just take the card where that property info is written?
 2. How does one distribute the money? The board comes with a number of
 banknotes of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 dollars. How to distribute the money
 at the beginning so that everyone has 1500 dollars as the rules state, and
 still to be able to pay, say, 2, 3, 14 or 223 dollars?
 3. How to mark a property that is mortgaged?
 Another set of questions may come up soon, so thanks in advance!
 Best regards,
   Miloš Pržic
 twitter: MilosPrzic
 skype: Milosh-hs

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Milos,

Absolutely. I don't know if it is in the rules but it is common sense
if you owe another player $2 and all you have is a $5 to give him/her
a $5 and get three $1's back in exchange. That is the only way the
game would work because after a while it is necessary for one player
or the other to give some money back in exchange.


On 12/1/13, Milos Przic wrote:
 Hello all, it's me again with one more question. Now that I know how to
 distribute the money, it can happen that a player doesn't have a banknote of

 2 dollars and has to pay. Can he give to a player to whom he has to pay
 another banknote and then the other player gives him the rest? Is it stated

 in the rules?
 Best regards, and thanks!
   Milos Przic
 twitter: MilosPrzic
 skype: Milosh-hs

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread dark

Hi Milo.

Funny you didn't get a manual. It's stated in the Monopoly rules that at the 
start of the game, one player is designated the banker. This doesn't 
actually mean anything in play terms, or give any advantages to that player, 
but basically the banker is the one who handles all the practical matters. 
It's the banker who distributes money at the start of a game, gives change 
when it is needed, takes money for buying  houses or hotels or morgaged 
properties and puts it in the bank etc.

Think of the banker like the gm of  the game, or as performing all the 
functions that the basic computer program does in something like Jim 
Kitchin's or rs games monopoly.


All the best,


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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread hayden presley
If I might chime in: the money distributions were:
500-2, 100-2, 50-2, 20-6, 10-5, 5-5, 1-5, with the first number being the 
denomination and the second being the number of said denomination given to each 

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 9:16 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

Hi Milos,

This is in deed on topic so no worries. When this list was originally 
established back in the mid 90's the list included all accessible games 
including standard board, puzzle, and card games in braille as well as 
electronic versions. So I am glad you asked your questions here. As to your 
questions here are your answers.

As far as distributing the money the instructions give the exact amounts how 
the money is to be divided up among the players. I don't remember the exact 
amounts off the top of my head, but if you have a braille or audio instruction 
manual it will tell you how to divide the money between players.
To buy a property in Monopoly you must give the banker the amount of money for 
the property listed on the deed, and in return he or she will give you the deed 
to the property.

To mortgage a property you will have to give the banker the deed to that 
property and in return he or she will give you the mortgage value listed on the 
deed. He or she will write it down on a piece of paper that this or that 
property is mortgaged and probably keep it in a separate pile from the unsold 


On 12/1/13, Milos Przic wrote:
 Hi all,
 I think that this is not Off-Topic. It is about a game that is 
 accessible, although it is not neither video nor audio game but a 
 braille monopoly that I ordered on Ebay and it arrived some time ago. 
 Now I am trying to play and have some questions, and if this is 
 off-topic I will make no objections if the moderators close it.
 First, let me say that I know the rules and that I am very experienced 
 player in all audio versions of Monopoly. So the rules are not the 
 problem, but the questions are about applying them in the physical 
 game, that is, how to do some things that the computer does in a digital 
 version instead.
 1. When your token lands on a field and you want to buy it, how do you 
 do it? Do you just take the card where that property info is written?
 2. How does one distribute the money? The board comes with a number of 
 banknotes of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 dollars. How to distribute the 
 money at the beginning so that everyone has 1500 dollars as the rules 
 state, and still to be able to pay, say, 2, 3, 14 or 223 dollars?
 3. How to mark a property that is mortgaged?
 Another set of questions may come up soon, so thanks in advance!
 Best regards,
   Miloš Pržic
 twitter: MilosPrzic
 skype: Milosh-hs

 __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
 signature database 8454 (20130616) __

 The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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 list, send E-mail to
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 If you have any questions or concerns regarding the management of the 
 list, please send E-mail to

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread Charles Rivard

Your questions and my answers:

1. When your token lands on a field and you want to buy it, how do you do 
it? Do you just take the card where that property info is written?
Answer:  At the beginning of the game, someone is chosen to be the banker. 
He or she controls the money in the bank and all of the property deeds. 
When someone wants to buy a property they land on, they are given the card 
to that property after they give the amount of cash to the banker.

2. How does one distribute the money? The board comes with a number of 
banknotes of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 dollars. How to distribute the money 
at the beginning so that everyone has 1500 dollars as the rules state, and 
still to be able to pay, say, 2, 3, 14 or 223 dollars?
Answer:  At the beginning of the game, each player gets the following:  2 
$500 bills, 2 $100 bills, 2 $50 bills,6 $20 bills, and 5 of each of the 
other bills.  If you want to buy Illinois Avenue, you could pay more than 
the price so that you will get smaller bills to work with in the future.

3. How to mark a property that is mortgaged?
Answer:  I keep all of my property deeds in a stack with the rental info 
facing up.  When I mortgage one, I flip it over so that the mortgage info is 
facing up.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: Milos Przic

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 7:12 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

Hi all,
I think that this is not Off-Topic. It is about a game that is accessible, 
although it is not neither video nor audio game but a braille monopoly that 
I ordered on Ebay and it arrived some time ago. Now I am trying to play and 
have some questions, and if this is off-topic I will make no objections if 
the moderators close it.
First, let me say that I know the rules and that I am very experienced 
player in all audio versions of Monopoly. So the rules are not the problem, 
but the questions are about applying them in the physical game, that is, how 
to do some things that the computer does in a digital version instead.
1. When your token lands on a field and you want to buy it, how do you do 
it? Do you just take the card where that property info is written?
2. How does one distribute the money? The board comes with a number of 
banknotes of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 dollars. How to distribute the money 
at the beginning so that everyone has 1500 dollars as the rules state, and 
still to be able to pay, say, 2, 3, 14 or 223 dollars?

3. How to mark a property that is mortgaged?
Another set of questions may come up soon, so thanks in advance!
Best regards,
 Miloš Pržic
twitter: MilosPrzic
skype: Milosh-hs

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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread dark
Wow Haiden, those aren't the distributions I know. In all the  rules I know 
it's 4 hundreds, one fifty, two tens, a twenty a 5 and 5 1's, nothing about 
six 20's. but I suspect this is something where different rules are used in 
different places and after all it doesn't really matter so long as each 
player has a good selection of change to pay small bills with.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: hayden presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

If I might chime in: the money distributions were:
500-2, 100-2, 50-2, 20-6, 10-5, 5-5, 1-5, with the first number being the 
denomination and the second being the number of said denomination given to 
each player.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 9:16 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Milos,

This is in deed on topic so no worries. When this list was originally 
established back in the mid 90's the list included all accessible games 
including standard board, puzzle, and card games in braille as well as 
electronic versions. So I am glad you asked your questions here. As to 
your questions here are your answers.

As far as distributing the money the instructions give the exact amounts 
how the money is to be divided up among the players. I don't remember the 
exact amounts off the top of my head, but if you have a braille or audio 
instruction manual it will tell you how to divide the money between 
To buy a property in Monopoly you must give the banker the amount of money 
for the property listed on the deed, and in return he or she will give you 
the deed to the property.

To mortgage a property you will have to give the banker the deed to that 
property and in return he or she will give you the mortgage value listed 
on the deed. He or she will write it down on a piece of paper that this or 
that property is mortgaged and probably keep it in a separate pile from 
the unsold deeds.


On 12/1/13, Milos Przic wrote:

Hi all,
I think that this is not Off-Topic. It is about a game that is
accessible, although it is not neither video nor audio game but a
braille monopoly that I ordered on Ebay and it arrived some time ago.
Now I am trying to play and have some questions, and if this is
off-topic I will make no objections if the moderators close it.
First, let me say that I know the rules and that I am very experienced
player in all audio versions of Monopoly. So the rules are not the
problem, but the questions are about applying them in the physical
game, that is, how to do some things that the computer does in a digital 
version instead.

1. When your token lands on a field and you want to buy it, how do you
do it? Do you just take the card where that property info is written?
2. How does one distribute the money? The board comes with a number of
banknotes of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 dollars. How to distribute the
money at the beginning so that everyone has 1500 dollars as the rules
state, and still to be able to pay, say, 2, 3, 14 or 223 dollars?
3. How to mark a property that is mortgaged?
Another set of questions may come up soon, so thanks in advance!
Best regards,
  Miloš Pržic
twitter: MilosPrzic
skype: Milosh-hs

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signature database 8454 (20130616) __

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list, send E-mail to
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread Charles Rivard
The official rules are 2 $500 bills, 2 $100 bills, 2 $50 bills, 6 $20 bills, 
5 $10 bills, 5 $5 bills, and 5 $1 bills.  I wonder if they are different in 
the UK, although I wouldn't think so.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Wow Haiden, those aren't the distributions I know. In all the  rules I 
know it's 4 hundreds, one fifty, two tens, a twenty a 5 and 5 1's, nothing 
about six 20's. but I suspect this is something where different rules are 
used in different places and after all it doesn't really matter so long as 
each player has a good selection of change to pay small bills with.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message - 
From: hayden presley

To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

If I might chime in: the money distributions were:
500-2, 100-2, 50-2, 20-6, 10-5, 5-5, 1-5, with the first number being the 
denomination and the second being the number of said denomination given 
to each player.

Best Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Gamers [] On Behalf Of Thomas 

Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 9:16 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Milos,

This is in deed on topic so no worries. When this list was originally 
established back in the mid 90's the list included all accessible games 
including standard board, puzzle, and card games in braille as well as 
electronic versions. So I am glad you asked your questions here. As to 
your questions here are your answers.

As far as distributing the money the instructions give the exact amounts 
how the money is to be divided up among the players. I don't remember the 
exact amounts off the top of my head, but if you have a braille or audio 
instruction manual it will tell you how to divide the money between 
To buy a property in Monopoly you must give the banker the amount of 
money for the property listed on the deed, and in return he or she will 
give you the deed to the property.

To mortgage a property you will have to give the banker the deed to that 
property and in return he or she will give you the mortgage value listed 
on the deed. He or she will write it down on a piece of paper that this 
or that property is mortgaged and probably keep it in a separate pile 
from the unsold deeds.


On 12/1/13, Milos Przic wrote:

Hi all,
I think that this is not Off-Topic. It is about a game that is
accessible, although it is not neither video nor audio game but a
braille monopoly that I ordered on Ebay and it arrived some time ago.
Now I am trying to play and have some questions, and if this is
off-topic I will make no objections if the moderators close it.
First, let me say that I know the rules and that I am very experienced
player in all audio versions of Monopoly. So the rules are not the
problem, but the questions are about applying them in the physical
game, that is, how to do some things that the computer does in a digital 
version instead.

1. When your token lands on a field and you want to buy it, how do you
do it? Do you just take the card where that property info is written?
2. How does one distribute the money? The board comes with a number of
banknotes of 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 dollars. How to distribute the
money at the beginning so that everyone has 1500 dollars as the rules
state, and still to be able to pay, say, 2, 3, 14 or 223 dollars?
3. How to mark a property that is mortgaged?
Another set of questions may come up soon, so thanks in advance!
Best regards,
  Miloš Pržic
twitter: MilosPrzic
skype: Milosh-hs

__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
signature database 8454 (20130616) __

The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

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list, send E-mail to
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread Charles Rivard
Just like in life.  If you owe someone $2, and you have a $5 bill, you 
either get change from the bank or give the player you owe the $5 and get 3 
$1 bills as change.  It's common sense.

Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.
- Original Message - 
From: Milos Przic

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 8:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hello all, it's me again with one more question. Now that I know how to 
distribute the money, it can happen that a player doesn't have a banknote 
of 2 dollars and has to pay. Can he give to a player to whom he has to pay 
another banknote and then the other player gives him the rest? Is it 
stated in the rules?

Best regards, and thanks!
 Milos Przic
twitter: MilosPrzic
skype: Milosh-hs
- Original Message - 
From: dark

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 3:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly 

Hi Milo.

Firstly, if your braille monopoly is like the one I've owned it should 
have instructions in braille, but just in case not I'll answer your 

Firstly regarding how to tell bought or mograged properties, well usually 
for sighted players laying the property cards along the side of the board 
will do, either face up with the wrent prices for when players own them, 
or face down with the  morgage info if the back owns the properties.

What your best off doing in a braille version though is just for everyone 
to keep tabs on what they own. i myself sort my properties into sets so 
if someone lands on one I own I can tell, indeed i have heard a rule that 
it's the players' responsability to take note when someone lands on 
her/his property and take money, though usually in practice whenever I've 
played most people are quick to remember anyway, especially if someone 
owns houses on a given road.

Regarding the  cash distribution, if I remember rightly it's two five 
hundreds, four one hundreds, one fifty, one twenty, two tens, one five, 
and five ones. aGain, sorting your money in cash order can help keep 
track of it too.


Beware the Grue!


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__ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
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Re: [Audyssey] Some practical questions reguarding the Monopoly game

2013-12-01 Thread Thomas Ward
Hi Charles:

I am not sure about the U.K. rule book, but what you stated below
matches with my son's Monopoly board game rule book. I scanned the
appropriate section and the American rules are two $500's, two $100's,
two $50's, six $20's, and five of everything else. Pretty easy to
remember, and the total comes up to exactly $1,500. So it looks right
to me.


On 12/2/13, Charles Rivard wrote:
 The official rules are 2 $500 bills, 2 $100 bills, 2 $50 bills, 6 $20 bills,
 5 $10 bills, 5 $5 bills, and 5 $1 bills.  I wonder if they are different in
 the UK, although I wouldn't think so.

 Shepherds are the best beasts, but Labs are a close second.

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