[jQuery] Re: Opera 9 bug

2007-08-08 Thread Gordon

Nobody got any ideas why this is happening?  It seems pretty obvious
an Opera bug of some kind rather than any particular problem with
jQuery itself, but it is nonetheless very annoying.  Has anyone else
encountered a problem like this or know how to work around it?

On Aug 7, 6:10 pm, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to have a horizontal scrolling list of products so that a user
 can compare them side by side.  I produced something that works, but
 discovered an extremely disconcerting problem that occured in Opera
 9.x.  Here is a simplified test case:

 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN http://www.w3.org/
 html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
 meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8 /
 titleGrid Demo/title
 !--[if ie]script type=text/javascript src=/js/firebug/
 script type=text/javascript src=/js/jquery/jquery.js/script
 script type=text/javascript src=/js/jquery/interface/
 script type=text/javascript

 $(document).ready (function ()
 var scrollStrip = $('#compScrollStrip');
 $('#scrollLeft').click (function ()
 scrollStrip.animate ({left: parseInt (scrollStrip.css 
 ('left'), 10)
 - 401}, 'slow');
 $('#scrollRight').click (function ()
 scrollStrip.animate ({left: parseInt (scrollStrip.css 
 ('left'), 10)
 + 401}, 'slow');


 style type=text/css
 /* General */
 body {
 font: 12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
 margin: 0px;
 padding: 10px;
 background: #F9F9F9;}

 h3 {
 font-size: 1em;}

 /* Dialog boxes */
 .dialog {
 position: absolute;
 z-index: 1005;
 top: 50%;
 left: 50%;
 background-color: #FF;
 border-bottom: solid 1px #9CB5CE;
 border-left: solid 1px #9CB5CE;
 border-right: solid 1px #9CB5CE;
 opacity: 0.95;
 filter: alpha (opacity=95);}

 .dialog h3 {
 color: #FF;
 text-align: left;
 background-color: #9CB5CE;
 margin: 0 0 1px 0;
 padding: 1px 1px 1px 5px;}

 /* Comparitor dialog */
 #comparitor {
 width: 90%;
 height: 400px;
 top: 50%;
 left: 50%;
 margin-top: -200px;
 margin-left: -45%;}

 .scrollBut, #compContent {
 height: 94%;
 margin: 2px;}

 .scrollBut {
 width: 4%;
 border: solid 1px black;}

 #compContent {
 width: 90%;
 position: absolute;
 left: 50%;
 margin-left: -45%;
 border: solid 1px black;}

 #scrollLeft {
 float: left;}

 #scrollRight {
 float: right;}

 #compContent .product, #compContent .productKey {
 background: #CC;
 margin: 0;}

 #compContent .productKey {
 width: 25%;
 height: 100%;
 z-index: 20;
 background: #0099CC;}

 #compScroller {
 width: 75%;
 height: 100%;
 position: absolute;
 top: 0;
 left: 25%;
 overflow: hidden;
 white-space: nowrap;
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0;
 z-index: 10;}

 #compScrollStrip {
 position: absolute;
 list-style: none;
 height: 100%;
 width: 4010px;
 top: 0;
 border: none 0px;
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0;

 #compScroller .product, #compScrollStrip .product {
 float: left;
 height: 90%;
 width: 400px;
 border-left: solid 1px black;
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0;}

 div class=dialog id=comparitor
 h3Compare Prducts/h3
 button class=scrollBut id=scrollLeft/button
 div id=compContent
 div class=productKeyChart key/div
 div id=compScroller
 ol id=compScrollStrip style=left: 0px;
 li class=productItem 1/li
 li class=productItem 2/li
 li class=productItem 3/li
 li class=productItem 4/li
 li class=productItem 5/li
 li class=productItem 6/li
 li class=productItem 7/li
 li class=productItem 8/li
 li class=productItem 9/li
 li class=productItem 10/li
 button class=scrollBut id=scrollRight/button

 When performing the scroll in Opera 9, the top part of each li remains
 where it is!  The rest of the element scrolls though, as you can tell
 by their borders moving across the display.

 The bug doesn't seem to appear in opera 8.x

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface

2007-08-08 Thread Erik Beeson
There is a weird glitch in FF2/Mac. The left scrolling pane works properly
with the mouse wheel, but the scroll bar looks like it's making content in
the background scroll. The content that is supposed to scroll doesn't move
when using the scroll bar. It works correctly in Safari/Mac.

Otherwise, it looks good.


On 8/7/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I called this Zen Garden because I was thinking it would be cool if there
 was a number of jQuery examples that demonstrated how to use the various
 incredible plugins that are available.

   This interface is an example of what a novice non programmer can do
 using jQuery and a number of its best plugins. The project was an
 inspiration to me because of how much I could accomplish with so little
 code. I had to become familiar with a large number of topics that are very
 technical, but I had a lot of hand hold and help from the community. I plan
 to say a lot more about what is in this page, as I believe it captures many
 of the best things about jQuery. Its going to grow a lot too.

 PS I am sure my coding and structure could be vastly improved upon. So
 please don't laugh too hard when you look close.


 *Description and comments*

 Accordion (Resig/Dan)




 This was the hardest of all the plugins to get working.

 Match List

 Click on Acadian Flycatcher in the left panel of bids. It will open the
 overview or mini species page

 Mini species page

 Contains a summary of the bird. Green button takes you to the main species

 Sort Mode

 Click on Icon checkbox. Note how two buttons are disabled below it. Notice
 the nice visual fade effects and the way the cursor spins when the client
 has to wait for the server to load a page.

 Attribute Panel

 Click on the Basic attributes menu then click on Shape, Location and Size

[jQuery] Re: [Announce] charToTable plugin

2007-08-08 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
thats was funny, and interesting...
But seriously, we should find a better way to filter spammers... atleast
something interesting and not so boring as typing some obscure letters.


On 8/7/07, Robert O'Rourke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ganeshji Marwaha wrote:
  By using this instead of standard images for captcha, we aren't
  achieving any extra usability, or are we?
  and it is pretty easy to decode than images anyways... so i wouldn't
  use'em for captcha. but it is fun nevertheless.

 True, just a thought anyway. Reminds me of that video on youtube:

[jQuery] Re: [New Plugins] Ajax Queue and Ajax Sync

2007-08-08 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
I didnt find much use for these right now, but i am sure, the day won't be
far when this will save my day...

I am more interested in a plugin (or in the core itself) that will allow me
to tell jquery what an error as it applies to ajax.
At present, i guess that it is hard-coded within, which is not much useful
for handling application specific errors. And i think the error handler is
the cleanest place to handle app specific errors.

Just so you know mootools has this feature.


On 8/7/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the source of the URL that I linked to. I also just added it to the
 main contents, to make it easier to access.


 On 8/7/07, Christopher Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Those sound really useful! Where can we get the code?
  On 8/7/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   Hey everyone -
   So Mike Hostetler was telling me about some Ajax queueing plugins that
   he wanted to write - so I got some ideas, and less than an hour later
   - here are two new Ajax queueing plugins for you to enjoy!
   Lame demo:
   About the plugins:
   * Queued Ajax requests. A new Ajax request won't be started until the
   previous queued request has finished.
   url:  test.php,
   success: function(html){ jQuery(ul).append(html); }
   * Synced Ajax requests. The Ajax request will happen as soon as you
   call this method, but the callbacks (success/error/complete) won't
   fire until all previous synced requests have been completed.
   url: test.php,
   success: function(html){
   jQuery(ul).append(b+html+/b); }
   Both have their uses, but ajaxSync, in particular, seems quite useful.
   Let me know what you think. If this code helps you out, let me know,
   and I'll throw it up somewhere.

[jQuery] Re: [New Plugins] Ajax Queue and Ajax Sync

2007-08-08 Thread Klaus Hartl

John Resig wrote:

Hey everyone -

So Mike Hostetler was telling me about some Ajax queueing plugins that
he wanted to write - so I got some ideas, and less than an hour later
- here are two new Ajax queueing plugins for you to enjoy!

Lame demo:

About the plugins:

* Queued Ajax requests. A new Ajax request won't be started until the
previous queued request has finished.

url: test.php,
success: function(html){ jQuery(ul).append(html); }

* Synced Ajax requests. The Ajax request will happen as soon as you
call this method, but the callbacks (success/error/complete) won't
fire until all previous synced requests have been completed.

url: test.php,
success: function(html){
jQuery(ul).append(b+html+/b); }

Both have their uses, but ajaxSync, in particular, seems quite useful.
Let me know what you think. If this code helps you out, let me know,
and I'll throw it up somewhere.



I find both plugins very useful and will most probably use them.

Synced requests are very useful for updating several parts of a page 
simultanously but with still simple HTML loading, I will for sure need 
this soon.

Thank you John!

Can you throw them into the repository?


[jQuery] Re: Nested Tables Question

2007-08-08 Thread Rob Desbois
Hi Mike,

If you use $(table table) that will select all tables which are inside
another table in the document.


On 8/7/07, Mike Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I need to find a quick way to determine whether or not table elements
 on the page have any children table elements...as I want to change the
 style class of the innermost table.

 Any ideas on how best to do this?


Rob Desbois
Tel: 01452 760631
Mob: 07946 705987
There's a whale there's a whale there's a whale fish he cried, and the
whale was in full view.
...Then ooh welcome. Ahhh. Ooh mug welcome.

[jQuery] Re: tabs + jqmodal = bad things in IE6

2007-08-08 Thread Robert O'Rourke

m3avrck wrote:

Hey folks,

So I'm trying to combine the excellent jQuery tabs (www.stilbuero.de/
jquery/tabs/) with jqModal (http://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqModal/)
and am having a bit of trouble in IE6.

Basically, you click a button, jqModal pops up with some tabs. Easy,
you'd think, but then you get this IE6 bug:

Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled,
or of a type that does not accept focus.

Since the jqModal window is hidden through CSS by default (before you
click) this is obviously calling the error. I tried adding in an
onLoad and onClick links but nothing seems to *render* the tabs
*after* jqModal pops up.

Not only that, but if you drag this window around using the jqDrag,
the contents of the window *mostly* disappear, except for like input
boxes, wtf???

Here is the code I am using:

// setup modal
  trigger: #object-launch,

Any ideas???

Btw -- this is part of an awesome new plugin I'm hoping to announce
soon :-D Thanks!


there's a similar thing when putting google maps in popups. Try 
extending the jqModal onShow function to call .tabs() on the modal 
content. Once it has appeared and tabs has run you should be able to 
hide and show the modal as often as you like but you might be want to 
put in a check to see if tabs has already run. Let us know if you need a 
hand with that.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface

2007-08-08 Thread Richard D. Worth
Very nice! What a great demonstration of the power of jQuery. A couple
things as I was playing around:

- Your Sort Modes checkboxes are acting like 2 sets of radio buttons (Text
-or- Icon, FirstLast -or- LastFirst -or- Taxonomic)
- With the Sound on checkbox unchecked, the sound still plays for the last
three Sort Modes checkboxes (FirstLast, LastFirst, Taxonomic) and the green
3-state button

- Richard

On 8/8/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I called this Zen Garden because I was thinking it would be cool if there
 was a number of jQuery examples that demonstrated how to use the various
 incredible plugins that are available.

   This interface is an example of what a novice non programmer can do
 using jQuery and a number of its best plugins. The project was an
 inspiration to me because of how much I could accomplish with so little
 code. I had to become familiar with a large number of topics that are very
 technical, but I had a lot of hand hold and help from the community. I plan
 to say a lot more about what is in this page, as I believe it captures many
 of the best things about jQuery. Its going to grow a lot too.

 PS I am sure my coding and structure could be vastly improved upon. So
 please don't laugh too hard when you look close.


 *Description and comments*

 Accordion (Resig/Dan)




 This was the hardest of all the plugins to get working.

 Match List

 Click on Acadian Flycatcher in the left panel of bids. It will open the
 overview or mini species page

 Mini species page

 Contains a summary of the bird. Green button takes you to the main species

 Sort Mode

 Click on Icon checkbox. Note how two buttons are disabled below it. Notice
 the nice visual fade effects and the way the cursor spins when the client
 has to wait for the server to load a page.

 Attribute Panel

 Click on the Basic attributes menu then click on Shape, Location and Size

[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Josh Bush

Oh, it's fine.  I wasn't expecting someone to write the code for me.
I'm just working on a plugin and hitting a roadblock with IE here.
I'm going to try and whip up an example of what I'm seeing that
illustrates this outside of my project.  It seems like the string
operations aren't the bottleneck.  The bottleneck happens when I pass
a really large piece of HTML to $() to create that object in the DOM
(however jQuery handles that).  Once again, I'll throw together a demo
that has this narrowed down to see if I get any takers.  It's worth
noting that this works fine in FF2,Opera, and Safari 3 Beta.  It's
just IE that is giving me fits.


On Aug 7, 10:09 pm, RobG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 8, 11:56 am, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
  the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
  takes so dang long on IE7.

 IE is notoriously slow if you are concatenating using the compound +=

  After all of this rambling, does anyone
  have any options for me to try?

 You might consider returning HTML from the server rather than trying
 stuff on the client.

  Sorry, for the self-dialog here.

 If you care to show your code that does the iteration and the data
 structure you are working with, you might get some takers.

 It seems no one is keen to write the code for you.

 Some questions that come to mind:

  - Are you trying to use innerHTML or DOM methods?

  - Is your data returned as a delimited string or JSON?

  - Are you trying to build the entire table or just add some rows?

  - Are there hanlders, classes, attributes or whatever that need to be


[jQuery] Re: [New Plugins] Ajax Queue and Ajax Sync

2007-08-08 Thread Mike Fern

On 8/8/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey everyone -

 So Mike Hostetler was telling me about some Ajax queueing plugins that
 he wanted to write - so I got some ideas, and less than an hour later
 - here are two new Ajax queueing plugins for you to enjoy!

 Lame demo:

 About the plugins:

 * Queued Ajax requests. A new Ajax request won't be started until the
 previous queued request has finished.

 url: test.php,
 success: function(html){ jQuery(ul).append(html); }

 * Synced Ajax requests. The Ajax request will happen as soon as you
 call this method, but the callbacks (success/error/complete) won't
 fire until all previous synced requests have been completed.

 url: test.php,
 success: function(html){
 jQuery(ul).append(b+html+/b); }

 Both have their uses, but ajaxSync, in particular, seems quite useful.
 Let me know what you think. If this code helps you out, let me know,
 and I'll throw it up somewhere.


Hi John,
This surely will be useful. I've been looking for ajax queue
functionality for a while but you make it simple :D

A study case where the ajax queue will be very useful is if someone is
connected to the internet behind proxy which needs authentication. If
the proxy requires user to re-authenticate after a certain period of
idle time, without ajax request queue, a lot of authentication
windows will appear because each request needs its own proxy
authentication. With queue approach, only one window will appear and
it will wait until user properly authenticates himself.

Thanks for the great idea and the great plugin.


[jQuery] Re: Jquery can show Images from file:///C:?

2007-08-08 Thread Justin Sepulveda


On Aug 7, 4:28 pm, Mario Moura [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi folks

 What I am trying is show an image into my browser with this tag

 img width=50 height=50 src=file:///C:/Users/example.JPG/ into my

 Is it possible? or is a security lock from browsers?

 I am using $.post()

 So I could send the path that user choice C:/Users/example.JPG to my php and
 return img width=50 height=50 src=file:///C:/Users/example.JPG/

 But isnt working because browsers cant show this tag img width=50
 height=50 src=file:///C:/Users/example.JPG/

 I can upload the file to webserver I know but will be more fast and I can
 save some bandwidth traffic if I could do this. And avoid malicious users
 consume my bandwidth traffic.

 So I am trying use AJAX to simulate Upload Ajax? and when forms is already
 send images normaly (without ajax).

 So Jquery can show Images from file:///C:? or something like this?



[jQuery] Re: Making periodical calls per Ajax?

2007-08-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try this:


On Aug 7, 9:56 pm, voltron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Howdy! how does one making periodical Ajax calls using Jquery?


[jQuery] Re: Swapping img src in IE shows blank

2007-08-08 Thread Frank

One suggestion, if it is not already done, is to preload the images.

On Aug 7, 11:35 am, gecko68 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to swap an image src using jquery, and in FF it works
 great, in IE6, its sometimes shows the image, and other times shows


 Any ideas?

[jQuery] Re: BlockUI: Odd behaviour in Internet Explorer

2007-08-08 Thread bhusan

Hi Mike,
   i updated my jquery.blockUI.js with the latest one what u
present in the link. Now i used
$.ajax ({
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'xml',
url : 'foo' ,
complete: function ()
$.unblockUI ();


also but the progress bar is still showing incomplete.I am not able to
find out any solution for this.If the progress bar is showing in
loading state only. Please guide me on this.


On Jul 25, 5:43 am, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I really like this idea so I added it as the default behavior to
 blockUI.  Unblocking is now done as a fade operation in the lastest
  This can be overridden for anyone that doesn't like it.

 I'm not seeing the IE6 problem so let me know if that still occurs.

 Thanks for the idea!


 On 7/24/07, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have been attempting to build functionality into my AJAX app that
  blocks the UI while the XML is loading.  At first I thought I could do
  this quite simply with a DIV over the top of the content, but as it
  became increasingly aparent that IE 6 wouldn't work with this approach
  I went with the blockUI plugin instead.

  I got it working without too much difficulty but I noticed some odd
  behaviour in IE.  Once the interface has been restored the IE download
  progress bar is still showing and the throbber (the spinning circle in
  IE 7 and the Windows logo flag in IE 6) are still animating.  They do
  eventually time out and there doesn't seem to be any impact of the
  actual workings of my app, but the progress bar and throbber might
  mislead some users into thinking the page isn't ready to use when in
  fact it is.

  The problem seems to have something to do on completion of the AJAX
  request.  When I call unblockUI () on complete the progress bar
  disappears and the throbber stops.  The code for doing it was along
  these lines:

  $.ajax ({
  type: 'GET',
  dataType: 'xml',
  url : 'foo' ,
  complete: function ()
  $.unblockUI ();

  However I found the effect a little abrupt so I thought that instead I
  could do a fade out and call unblockUI in the callback, something like
  the following:

  $.ajax ({
  type: 'GET',
  dataType: 'xml',
  url : 'foo' ,
  complete: function ()
  $('.blockUI').fadeOut ('slow', function (){$.unblockUI ()});

  The fadeout effect happens as desired but the progress bar and
  throbber still show activity.

  Does anyone know if this is normal or not?  Is there a way of
  achieving a fade out without causing the throbber problem in IE?  For
  the record the other test browsers did not seem to have this problem.
  I know that on the whole it's a pretty minor problem but I do still
  think it might cause confusion for people.

[jQuery] Re: Jquery native HTML editor

2007-08-08 Thread voltron


On Aug 7, 11:08 pm, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Some discussions on the 


 On 8/7/07, voltron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  I would like to know if progress has been made on the Jquery native
  HTML editor, can one use it production code? Where can one download
  and evaluate the latest version?


[jQuery] Selecting attributes of an element

2007-08-08 Thread voltron

Excuse my newbiness, how do I select a particular attribute of an


li test1 =foo test2=bar foobar/li

how do I select and return the  test1 attribute?


[jQuery] appfuse: jQuery + scriptaculous + datePicker

2007-08-08 Thread syg6

Hello all.

I posted this over at Appfuse's Nabble list as first, but then thought
this would be the better place.

I have a default.jsp page that uses SiteMesh to 'decorate' all of my
jsps. It contains the following js libraries:


In order to use datePicker you need the following js libraries:


I put those 4 js files in my test.jsp file. But when the test.jsp page
is rendered, including all the stuff in default.jsp, Firefox goes
berserk. I get thousands of js errors, all in effects.js:

this._base has no properties, http://localhost:8080/scripts/effects.js, Line 

This also happens if I put my jquery.js in default.jsp after
scriptaculous.js. However, if I put it before scriptaculous.js I get
no errors. But my calendar doesn't work! No errors, just doesn't

And if I comment out scriptaculous.js in default.jsp, and leave
jquery.js in test.jsp, my calendar works. Oddly enough, the calendar
appears in the bottom left corner of the screen and without any
styles. It seems it's not grabbing either the datepicker.css or
demo.css it needs, I don't know.

Anyone ever used datePicker, or more generally, scriptaculous +
jquery? It seems that the order you put them in your page is
important. It seems like if you put jquery after scriptaculous it goes
into a loop, when jquery's constructor is called, and never exits.


[jQuery] Re: Making periodical calls per Ajax?

2007-08-08 Thread voltron

Thanks Erik, I know about setInterval and setTimeout, I thought there
was a Jquery-ish way to doe this, as in a value to set ind one of
the Jquery Ajax methods in the API :-) It seems as if the jHeartBeat
plugin is not maintained anymore.

On Aug 7, 11:07 pm, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a jHeartbeat plugin, but it hasn't been updated in a while,
 so who knows how well it works now. You might use it to get you
 started though. Also, you might want to look into the JavaScript
 functions setInterval and setTimeout.


 On 8/7/07, voltron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Howdy! how does one making periodical Ajax calls using Jquery?


[jQuery] [New plugin] jQuery.YAV an easy web form validation using YAV library

2007-08-08 Thread SeViR

Hi all,

I just upload of my spare times in holidays ;-) . jQuery.YAV is a new 
plugin with
the good things of YAV library and jQuery.Validation of Jörn Zaefferer.

Some features:
* Rules as class names. Set a rule class name in the field and the title 
and it will be validated.
* Functions onError and onOk for more control post-validation.
* Relationships between field or group of fields (A and B) or (C and D)
* Repair little bug in YAV for multivalue class attribute

Documentation, examples and download:

in jQuery plugins page:

Best Regards,
 José Francisco Rives Lirola sevir1ATgmail.com

 SeViR CW · Computer Design
 Murcia - Spain

[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Kai Kuehne

Hi Josh,

On 8/8/07, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
 the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
 takes so dang long on IE7. After all of this rambling, does anyone
 have any options for me to try?

I'm new to both javascript and jquery (and a bit tired too ;) but
have you tried to append only a few lines every time and
repeat that in a loop?

I'm not sure, but I think this could probably be a bit faster. :-)

 Sorry, for the self-dialog here.


[jQuery] Re: Iframe events for local pages

2007-08-08 Thread julio

Ok thanks:) it works

but I'm interested to touch less possible sample.html.

And so I have tried this in main.html:

function doBind() {
  var frame=document.getElementsByTagName(iframe)
  $(frame).bind('click', function(event) { alert('an element in frame
is clicked ' + event.target.innerHTML) })

it would be a kind of addEventListener (using jquery-bind).
On firefox 2.0.x it works but I suppose it's not good for explorer
because is present 'contentDocument.documentElement'

Have you any idea to make it cross-browser???


[jQuery] Problem with updating lists using jQuery

2007-08-08 Thread Adam

What I am trying to do is this. I have an unordered list. Each item
has a link to remove the item, and above is a simple form to add a new

ul id=propertyList
  li id=1a href=javascript: void(0) title=Delete
class=deletePropertyItem 1/li
  li id=2a href=javascript: void(0) title=Delete
class=deletePropertyItem 2/li

jQuery Code:
  // Get property values
 name = $('#property_name').val();
 value = $('#property_value').val();

 // If both are not empty, add a property to the list
 if((name != '')  (value != ''))
   $(#propertyList).prepend('li id='+i+'a href=javascript:
void(0) title=Delete class=deleteProperty'+name+value+'/

return false;
} );

// When a delete link clicked, remove that list item from list
$(a.deleteProperty,$(#propertyList li)).click(function()
} );

So basicly, I have some items in the list already, now when the delete
links are clicked these are removed. But if I add a new item, none of
the jQuery code runs at all on the new item. I did a test and it seems
it don't even know any of these functions are there. Now am I being
silly or is there a real problem?


[jQuery] Re: An open letter to non-Believers...

2007-08-08 Thread Pops

On Jul 11, 5:54 am, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A public jQuery forum is probably not the place to address non-
 Believers - that is, people who do not use jQuery - but my hope is
 that some of the Believers here will take this and pass it on to any
 non-Believers who they know, to help convert the Poor Sods who are
 wasting their time writing code to traverse and manipulate their

Based on my 30+ years of software and product development, with nearly
20+ or so language coverage in my time, I come to understand that
people will use the tools they are comfortable with - its that
simple.  I mean, there was time during my old arrogrant and snobbish
days where I thought APL was the greatest language in the world and
you had to be a moron if you were not able to use it.  As the old
saying went, if an APL programmer can't program the world in one
line, he won't program at all.   APL required a different mindset.

For me, personally, it was very important to have complete control of
my resources and a 100% grasp of the nuts and bolts.  Wrappers and
layers, and yet even more layers and wrappers for the previous layers
and wrappers usually proved to be a waste of time, especially when
things broke or it wasn't exactly how you expected, or you needed
more functionality.  But overall, if you don't have control of your
resources,  you can surely waste alot of time just as well.

Consider that the language BASIC is still around for a reason.  I
recall the days when the next best lanuguage or popular for the time,
was suppose to kill BASIC.  However, what usually happen over and over
again is that as the machines got faster and fast, the interpretative
languages such as BASIC became more useable, even more popular.

I would venture that JAVASCRIPT falls in this category - the speed of
the today hardware have many languages like JavasScript, and the
affordablity to add layer after layers on that of JS, practical and

Just as yourself does it  pay to compile it?   We have one of the
original Online Hosting systems in the market - BBS systems,  some
might call them today Online communitys and social networks.   Ours
system was one of the first integrated application servers with a
pcode-server side language called wcBASIC.   BASIC was selected back
in the 80s for marketing reasons - EVERYONE knew it.

But today, there isn't a day that doesn't go by where don't consider
using a interpretatve, not compiled server-side language.   Using
Javsascript on the server-side may be practical.  Not sure.  We would
like to explore that.

We had one of the PHP authors working for us, and sometimes I think it
was mistake not giving him the freedom to use his PHP work for our
system instead of WCBASIC.  I can say that in hindsight,  but back
then Open Source was still something that bothered us - everything we
did was interrnal, no dependencies, plus, how can you compare pcode
compile server side applets to a slower PHP interpreative environment
which in reality did yield slower page rendering.  Plus, and you might
related to this with your SpiderApe work,  wcBASIC was a multidevice
system and included template technology that allowed console
development as well - an important part of a BBS system.

 To help put this in context a bit, i want to lay my credentials out on
 the table, so that nobody will think that this letter is coming from a
 noob script-kiddie. My first line of code (in BASIC, no less) was
 pounded out on Christmas day of 1983. Since that day my life has more
 or less been centered around computing. Since 1994 i have worked
 professionally with computers, and since over 10 years i've earned my
 daily bread by programming in a variety of languages, such as Java, C+
 + and PHP. i run a couple of Open Source projects, such 
 ashttp://toc.sf.net,http://SpiderApe.sf.net, and, my personal 
 i also write technical papers from time to time (http://

Very impressive work you are doing with SpiderApe. :-)

 When i first caught wind of jQuery, the name made it sound like an SQL
 library for Java.

Now that you mention it, I too do seem to recall thinking SQL when I
saw a reference to JQuery somewhere.

 On the home page of jquery.com we are immediately faced with the
 second arch-enemy of programmers everywhere: a Statement of Hype. It
 speaks thusly:

 You start with 10 lines of jQuery that would have been 20 lines of
 tedious DOM JavaScript. By the time you are done it's down to two or
 three lines and it couldn't get any shorter unless it read your mind.
 - Dave Methvin

The Layer over layer syndrom. :-)   Honestly, it all depends, layers
are suppose to simplify things,  making it easier for programmers to
cover ideas with less coding. You still need a basic understanding of
what it your are wrapping, and also understand when things do not
react as you expecting.  However, once it becomes its own complex
monster,  it 

[jQuery] Known Opera javascript bugs list

2007-08-08 Thread Gordon

Does anyone know if there is a list of known JavaScript bugs for Opera
8?  I did a significant rewrite of a section of code recently for a
speedup.  The speedup I got was pretty massive, especially so in IE,
and it works in all my test browsers (IE6 and 7, Firefox 1.5, Safari 3
beta and Opera 9), but it causes a massive crash in Opera 8.

I was originally doing a $.each on an object but when I discovered
that doing return (false) doesn't seem to break you out of a loop like
the documentation claims it will I changed to using for (bar in foo)
iterators instead and breaking to a label outside the loop to
terminate the loop early.  I suspect this might be what's causing he
opera 8 crash but I have no way to be sure, or how to work around it
if it is the case, or how to determine what the real issue is and what
do do about it if it is not the case.

[jQuery] Re: appfuse: jQuery + scriptaculous + datePicker

2007-08-08 Thread Kelvin Luck


Have you seen this page?


Hope it helps,

Kelvin :)

syg6 wrote:

Hello all.

I posted this over at Appfuse's Nabble list as first, but then thought
this would be the better place.

I have a default.jsp page that uses SiteMesh to 'decorate' all of my
jsps. It contains the following js libraries:


In order to use datePicker you need the following js libraries:


I put those 4 js files in my test.jsp file. But when the test.jsp page
is rendered, including all the stuff in default.jsp, Firefox goes
berserk. I get thousands of js errors, all in effects.js:

this._base has no properties, http://localhost:8080/scripts/effects.js, Line 516

This also happens if I put my jquery.js in default.jsp after
scriptaculous.js. However, if I put it before scriptaculous.js I get
no errors. But my calendar doesn't work! No errors, just doesn't

And if I comment out scriptaculous.js in default.jsp, and leave
jquery.js in test.jsp, my calendar works. Oddly enough, the calendar
appears in the bottom left corner of the screen and without any
styles. It seems it's not grabbing either the datepicker.css or
demo.css it needs, I don't know.

Anyone ever used datePicker, or more generally, scriptaculous +
jquery? It seems that the order you put them in your page is
important. It seems like if you put jquery after scriptaculous it goes
into a loop, when jquery's constructor is called, and never exits.


[jQuery] Re: appfuse: jQuery + scriptaculous + datePicker

2007-08-08 Thread Klaus Hartl

syg6 wrote:

Hello all.

I posted this over at Appfuse's Nabble list as first, but then thought
this would be the better place.

I have a default.jsp page that uses SiteMesh to 'decorate' all of my
jsps. It contains the following js libraries:


In order to use datePicker you need the following js libraries:


I put those 4 js files in my test.jsp file. But when the test.jsp page
is rendered, including all the stuff in default.jsp, Firefox goes
berserk. I get thousands of js errors, all in effects.js:

this._base has no properties, http://localhost:8080/scripts/effects.js, Line 516

This also happens if I put my jquery.js in default.jsp after
scriptaculous.js. However, if I put it before scriptaculous.js I get
no errors. But my calendar doesn't work! No errors, just doesn't

And if I comment out scriptaculous.js in default.jsp, and leave
jquery.js in test.jsp, my calendar works. Oddly enough, the calendar
appears in the bottom left corner of the screen and without any
styles. It seems it's not grabbing either the datepicker.css or
demo.css it needs, I don't know.

Anyone ever used datePicker, or more generally, scriptaculous +
jquery? It seems that the order you put them in your page is
important. It seems like if you put jquery after scriptaculous it goes
into a loop, when jquery's constructor is called, and never exits.


This should help you:


[jQuery] Re: Iframe events for local pages

2007-08-08 Thread julio

I solved with this:

function doBind() {
  var frame;
  if ($.browser.msie) {
frame = document.frames[0].document;
  } else {
frame = document.getElementsByTagName(iframe)
  $(frame).bind('click', function(event) { alert('an element in frame
is clicked ' + event.target.innerHTML) })

Is there a wrap of jquery for above if/else? Or more generic
question, is there a wrap to get a iframe/frame in jquery?

I'm searching in jquery docs but I have not found anything again

On Aug 8, 10:32 am, julio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok thanks:) it works

 but I'm interested to touch less possible sample.html.

 And so I have tried this in main.html:

 function doBind() {
   var frame=document.getElementsByTagName(iframe)
   $(frame).bind('click', function(event) { alert('an element in frame
 is clicked ' + event.target.innerHTML) })


 it would be a kind of addEventListener (using jquery-bind).
 On firefox 2.0.x it works but I suppose it's not good for explorer
 because is present 'contentDocument.documentElement'

 Have you any idea to make it cross-browser???


[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Luke Lutman

 From the sound of it, you're receiving data back from the server, 
generating html, then passing that html to .append() right? I'd try 
using standard dom methods (i.e. document.createElement('td')), and 
avoid converting the strings at all.

When jQuery converts an html string, it does a bunch of munging (have a 
look at the jquery.clean function) to make sure that the elements you 
get back match the elements you put in. Most of the munging is to get 
rid of extra elements IE adds to tables, so it's much, much faster 
(especially for tables) to just start with a DOM node in the first place 
if at all possible.


Josh Bush wrote:
 Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
 the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
 takes so dang long on IE7. After all of this rambling, does anyone
 have any options for me to try?
 Sorry, for the self-dialog here.
 On Aug 7, 8:42 pm, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, FF2 performance is great at 500-600ms.  IE7 is struggling with a
 join of 1,000 elements to the tune of 70,000 ms!
 Each array element contains a string, something like 'trtd1/

 Any advice is greatly appreciated.  I still feel like a noob in
 javascript sometimes. :(


 On Aug 7, 3:40 pm, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm working on a project that makes a web service call and pulls back
 data.  Sometimes that data can be 1,000ish rows.  What is the fastest
 way that I can create those rows?  Right now I'm just doing string
 concatenation to make HTML and passing that to the .append method.  I
 read the other day where someone(Klaus?) said that array.join was a
 faster way to do string concatenation.
 I'd like to avoid the string concats all together if there is a faster
 method.  I'm just poking around for ideas.

[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Rich Wild

Hi Josh,

Not answering the question, but does your app really require 1000+
table rows to be displayed at once? Would some pagination not be more
appropriate? This wouldn't just help the speed of the build, but it'd
also really help the poor person that otherwise has to scroll through
1000 rows.

yours unhelpfully,

Rich Wild.

On Aug 8, 11:52 am, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Oh, it's fine.  I wasn't expecting someone to write the code for me.
 I'm just working on a plugin and hitting a roadblock with IE here.
 I'm going to try and whip up an example of what I'm seeing that
 illustrates this outside of my project.  It seems like the string
 operations aren't the bottleneck.  The bottleneck happens when I pass
 a really large piece of HTML to $() to create that object in the DOM
 (however jQuery handles that).  Once again, I'll throw together a demo
 that has this narrowed down to see if I get any takers.  It's worth
 noting that this works fine in FF2,Opera, and Safari 3 Beta.  It's
 just IE that is giving me fits.


 On Aug 7, 10:09 pm, RobG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Aug 8, 11:56 am, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
   the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
   takes so dang long on IE7.

  IE is notoriously slow if you are concatenating using the compound +=

   After all of this rambling, does anyone
   have any options for me to try?

  You might consider returning HTML from the server rather than trying
  stuff on the client.

   Sorry, for the self-dialog here.

  If you care to show your code that does the iteration and the data
  structure you are working with, you might get some takers.

  It seems no one is keen to write the code for you.

  Some questions that come to mind:

   - Are you trying to use innerHTML or DOM methods?

   - Is your data returned as a delimited string or JSON?

   - Are you trying to build the entire table or just add some rows?

   - Are there hanlders, classes, attributes or whatever that need to be


[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Josh Bush

Okay, I slapped together a test.  It's up at 

The big deal is how long it takes for the jQuery object to get created
on IE7 vs any other browser.  I haven't tried IE6 and lower, but I
have tried FF2, Safari 3 Beta, and Opera.

Thank You

On Aug 7, 10:09 pm, RobG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 8, 11:56 am, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
  the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
  takes so dang long on IE7.

 IE is notoriously slow if you are concatenating using the compound +=

  After all of this rambling, does anyone
  have any options for me to try?

 You might consider returning HTML from the server rather than trying
 stuff on the client.

  Sorry, for the self-dialog here.

 If you care to show your code that does the iteration and the data
 structure you are working with, you might get some takers.

 It seems no one is keen to write the code for you.

 Some questions that come to mind:

  - Are you trying to use innerHTML or DOM methods?

  - Is your data returned as a delimited string or JSON?

  - Are you trying to build the entire table or just add some rows?

  - Are there hanlders, classes, attributes or whatever that need to be


[jQuery] Re: Problem with updating lists using jQuery

2007-08-08 Thread Richard D. Worth
On 8/8/07, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 // When a delete link clicked, remove that list item from list
 $(a.deleteProperty,$(#propertyList li)).click(function()
 } );

This code runs once and attaches the click handler above to the existing
a.deleteProperty elements. The new DOM elements you're adding never get this
event binding. Check this FAQ entry for more info and two possible


- Richard

[jQuery] Opera-friendly way of deleting the members of an object

2007-08-08 Thread Gordon

I think I found the problem.

I had an object I was using to store a list of elements that was being
shared between a number of other objects. Before doing a loop to
determine what I needed to include in the object I'd clear out the old
values.  At first I was doing it like this:

foo = {};

but I discovered this led to a problem.  Because there was two
references to the original object, the second reference would still
point to the old object and the old values.

I thought I could work around this problem by simply maintaining the
object and deleting all its members, like this:

for (var bar in foo)
delete (foo [bar]);

This appears to be what's causing Opera 8 to crash.  Opera 9 and the
other browsers handle it without problem.

Is there a way to delete all the members of an object without actually
destroying the object itself and that will work in Opera 8?

On Aug 8, 12:06 pm, Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know if there is a list of known JavaScript bugs for Opera
 8?  I did a significant rewrite of a section of code recently for a
 speedup.  The speedup I got was pretty massive, especially so in IE,
 and it works in all my test browsers (IE6 and 7, Firefox 1.5, Safari 3
 beta and Opera 9), but it causes a massive crash in Opera 8.

 I was originally doing a $.each on an object but when I discovered
 that doing return (false) doesn't seem to break you out of a loop like
 the documentation claims it will I changed to using for (bar in foo)
 iterators instead and breaking to a label outside the loop to
 terminate the loop early.  I suspect this might be what's causing he
 opera 8 crash but I have no way to be sure, or how to work around it
 if it is the case, or how to determine what the real issue is and what
 do do about it if it is not the case.

[jQuery] Re: Selecting attributes of an element

2007-08-08 Thread Richard D. Worth
On 8/8/07, voltron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Excuse my newbiness, how do I select a particular attribute of an


 li test1 =foo test2=bar foobar/li

 how do I select and return the  test1 attribute?

var test1val = $(li).attr('test1');
alert(test1val == foo);

See http://docs.jquery.com/DOM/Attributes#attr.28_name_.29

- Richard

[jQuery] Re: Draggable - change revert after start and before stop

2007-08-08 Thread Richard D. Worth
My guess would be that the code you've tried doesn't work because it is more
akin to creating a new Draggable, not modifying the existing one. I don't
know that Interface Draggables has any support for what you're trying to do.
As it is in maintenance mode (bug fixes only) and new development is
happening in UI.Draggables, I would suggest sending this as a feature
request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] It's currently under development with
a release scheduled for Sep. 3rd. More info:


- Richard

On 8/8/07, GTPilot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If my draggable item does not reach a target, i want it to revert, so
 I set revert by default.

 When it hovers over a target, I want to set revert to false.

 I can't make this work.  I thought it would be as easy as putting the
 following code in the onHover of the droppable:


 But it doesn't work.  Can you change the value of revert in the middle
 of a drag?

[jQuery] Re: [New Plugins] Ajax Queue and Ajax Sync

2007-08-08 Thread Mike Alsup


I you want control over ajax error handling you can just redefine the
jQuery.httpSuccess function.  That fn simply returns a boolean.  It is
currently implemented as follows:

httpSuccess: function( r ) {
try {
return !r.status  location.protocol == file: ||
( r.status = 200  r.status  300 ) || r.status == 304 ||
jQuery.browser.safari  r.status == undefined;
} catch(e){}
return false;


On 8/8/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I didnt find much use for these right now, but i am sure, the day won't be
 far when this will save my day...

 I am more interested in a plugin (or in the core itself) that will allow me
 to tell jquery what an error as it applies to ajax.
 At present, i guess that it is hard-coded within, which is not much useful
 for handling application specific errors. And i think the error handler is
 the cleanest place to handle app specific errors.

 Just so you know mootools has this feature.


 On 8/7/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In the source of the URL that I linked to. I also just added it to the
  main contents, to make it easier to access.
  On 8/7/07, Christopher Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Those sound really useful! Where can we get the code?
   On 8/7/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
Hey everyone -
So Mike Hostetler was telling me about some Ajax queueing plugins that
he wanted to write - so I got some ideas, and less than an hour later
- here are two new Ajax queueing plugins for you to enjoy!
Lame demo:
About the plugins:
* Queued Ajax requests. A new Ajax request won't be started until the
previous queued request has finished.
url:  test.php,
success: function(html){ jQuery(ul).append(html); }
* Synced Ajax requests. The Ajax request will happen as soon as you
call this method, but the callbacks (success/error/complete) won't
fire until all previous synced requests have been completed.
url: test.php,
success: function(html){
jQuery(ul).append(b+html+/b); }
Both have their uses, but ajaxSync, in particular, seems quite useful.
Let me know what you think. If this code helps you out, let me know,
and I'll throw it up somewhere.

[jQuery] Re: Form Plugin: Submitting async?

2007-08-08 Thread Mike Alsup


I agree with Dan that this sounds like a config issue.  I have never
seen the file uploads open a new tab like you describe and if you
figure out why it's happening please send me a note about your

Just to clarify the IFrame upload logic; it is synchronous.  The logic
simply changes the target attribute of the form and then invokes the
form's submit method which is a blocking call.  The target is set to a
hidden IFrame which is where the server response is written.  I do use
a short setTimeout before the submit so that any UI changes (like a
Please Wait message) can be rendered.  Also, all the expected AJAX
callbacks are invoked, but these are synthetic and use a mock XHR
object.  Ultimately, when form.submit() is called you'll be waiting
for that operation to complete.


On 8/7/07, Arne-Kolja Bachstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Dan,

 yes, exactly this is what I meant. Well, tested it in IE7 now and it works
 correctly, so there must really be a problem with my firefox. Well, I don't
 have that much plugins installed, mainly some webdev plugins like firebug,
 but it has to do something with my config.

 So thanks again for your help, I got it generally working now :-) A nice
 little upload progress meter with jQuery and APC (Alternative PHP Cache)!



  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Dan G. Switzer, II
  Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:27 PM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Re: Form Plugin: Submitting async?
  thanks for that fingertipp, it makes me understand its behaviour. But
  nonetheless there's now the question: why is this iframe not opened as
  iframe but as a new tab? What can force a modern browser (Firefox
  2.0.x) to
  open an iframe in a new tab?
  I'm a bit confused about that...
  Are you saying that when you use the Form Plug-in, the IFRAME is opened
  in a
  new tab?
  If so, that's got to be a Firefox Plug-in you have installed.

[jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

2007-08-08 Thread Cees

Done some digging :

On Aug 7, 9:08 pm, polyrhythmic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I first noticed this problem with 1.1.2 + Thickbox 3, and from my
 testing I believe it is a problem with the thickbox CSS, not with
 jQuery itself.

Hmm - but if i switch back to Jquery 1.1.2 the problem is gone on my
side ! But - i will be going with because i want to implement
that version.

 I think the secret to fixing this bug is finding why
 the #TB_load div centers itself properly...

I agree - maybe it has something to do with the place the #TB_load is
inserted into the DOM in regard to #TB_window ?!??!

and finding the difference
 between the Demo CSS and the Release CSS (don't know why it should be
 different, unless the bug is somehow related to DOM tree structure.)

Demo CSS and Release CSS are equal !!

 Odd that the demo works in IE6, I see that as well.

But - demo uses jQuery 1.1.2 !!

So - recap : CSS problem most likely + place where inserted into DOM .

Strange thing to note at the end : on my problem page, if i view the
Thickbox with page at top all is ok , but if i scroll to bottom it
seems like Thickbox window is placed using the top position of the
page and not of the active window ! Something to find here ?!?

[jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

2007-08-08 Thread Cees

Hmm - browsing through the topic i read this at the top :

On Aug 6, 9:15 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a page which contains a long listing of records. When I scroll down
 to the bottom, and click the thickbox trigger link, thickbox opens the modal
 window, but it's at the very top of the page, out of sight.

So - Andy also noticed my problem of Thickbox flipping to Top of page
instead of Top of Window - so there must be something in it - problem
is i have to dig into the CSS expression - not quite my cup of tea.

[jQuery] Re: Draggable - change revert after start and before stop

2007-08-08 Thread Erik Beeson

I had done this, but now I'm using a modified version of Interface, so
I can't quite remember which parts require the modifications. Like
Richard said, creating a new Draggable is definitely not what you want
to do. I suggest you try:

  onHover: function(drag) {
drag.dragCfg.revert = false;
  onOut: function(drag) {
drag.dragCfg.revert = true;

Or possibly:

  fx: 250,
  onHover: function(drag) {
drag.dragCfg.fx = 0;
  onOut: function(drag) {
drag.dragCfg.fx = 250;

Where 250 is the duration in milliseconds for the revert to happen.


On 8/7/07, GTPilot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If my draggable item does not reach a target, i want it to revert, so
 I set revert by default.

 When it hovers over a target, I want to set revert to false.

 I can't make this work.  I thought it would be as easy as putting the
 following code in the onHover of the droppable:


 But it doesn't work.  Can you change the value of revert in the middle
 of a drag?

[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Josh Bush

I totally expected this question.  We've added client side filtering
to aid the user in trimming that list down which is working very well
for us speed wise.  The case where a 1,000 row query comes back is not
the norm, so for us it doesn't make sense to add the complexity (UI
wise) of paging for a maybe 10% scenario.

If it becomes a problem I may need to drum up some sort of dynamic
load piece that adds more stuff as the user scrolls.  The filtering
would then need to be server side.  It wouldn't be a bad way to go,
but that would add more complexity (development wise) to this project
with the need for caching results to keep server load down and the UI
additions.  The frustrating thing about it is that usability is fine
in the other browsers.

Thanks for keeping me on my toes Rich.

On Aug 8, 6:30 am, Rich Wild [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Josh,

 Not answering the question, but does your app really require 1000+
 table rows to be displayed at once? Would some pagination not be more
 appropriate? This wouldn't just help the speed of the build, but it'd
 also really help the poor person that otherwise has to scroll through
 1000 rows.

 yours unhelpfully,

 Rich Wild.

 On Aug 8, 11:52 am, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Oh, it's fine.  I wasn't expecting someone to write the code for me.
  I'm just working on a plugin and hitting a roadblock with IE here.
  I'm going to try and whip up an example of what I'm seeing that
  illustrates this outside of my project.  It seems like the string
  operations aren't the bottleneck.  The bottleneck happens when I pass
  a really large piece of HTML to $() to create that object in the DOM
  (however jQuery handles that).  Once again, I'll throw together a demo
  that has this narrowed down to see if I get any takers.  It's worth
  noting that this works fine in FF2,Opera, and Safari 3 Beta.  It's
  just IE that is giving me fits.


  On Aug 7, 10:09 pm, RobG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Aug 8, 11:56 am, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
takes so dang long on IE7.

   IE is notoriously slow if you are concatenating using the compound +=

After all of this rambling, does anyone
have any options for me to try?

   You might consider returning HTML from the server rather than trying
   stuff on the client.

Sorry, for the self-dialog here.

   If you care to show your code that does the iteration and the data
   structure you are working with, you might get some takers.

   It seems no one is keen to write the code for you.

   Some questions that come to mind:

- Are you trying to use innerHTML or DOM methods?

- Is your data returned as a delimited string or JSON?

- Are you trying to build the entire table or just add some rows?

- Are there hanlders, classes, attributes or whatever that need to be


[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Josh Bush

Do you think this would be faster all the way around across
platforms?  I've never actually done  any direct dom creation stuff,
so this will be new to me.


On Aug 8, 6:05 am, Luke Lutman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From the sound of it, you're receiving data back from the server,
 generating html, then passing that html to .append() right? I'd try
 using standard dom methods (i.e. document.createElement('td')), and
 avoid converting the strings at all.

 When jQuery converts an html string, it does a bunch of munging (have a
 look at the jquery.clean function) to make sure that the elements you
 get back match the elements you put in. Most of the munging is to get
 rid of extra elements IE adds to tables, so it's much, much faster
 (especially for tables) to just start with a DOM node in the first place
 if at all possible.


 Josh Bush wrote:
  Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
  the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
  takes so dang long on IE7. After all of this rambling, does anyone
  have any options for me to try?

  Sorry, for the self-dialog here.

  On Aug 7, 8:42 pm, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Well, FF2 performance is great at 500-600ms.  IE7 is struggling with a
  join of 1,000 elements to the tune of 70,000 ms!
  Each array element contains a string, something like 'trtd1/

  Any advice is greatly appreciated.  I still feel like a noob in
  javascript sometimes. :(


  On Aug 7, 3:40 pm, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm working on a project that makes a web service call and pulls back
  data.  Sometimes that data can be 1,000ish rows.  What is the fastest
  way that I can create those rows?  Right now I'm just doing string
  concatenation to make HTML and passing that to the .append method.  I
  read the other day where someone(Klaus?) said that array.join was a
  faster way to do string concatenation.
  I'd like to avoid the string concats all together if there is a faster
  method.  I'm just poking around for ideas.

[jQuery] Re: Iframe events for local pages

2007-08-08 Thread Erik Beeson

To get elements by tag name in jQuery, do $('tagName')

Also, I suggest you do feature detection instead of browser
detection, as described here:

What I mean is, try something like this:

var frame = $('iframe')[0];
var frameDocument;
if(frame.contentDocument  frame.contentDocument.documentElement) {
  frameDocument = frame.contentDocument.documentElement;
} else if(document.frames[0]  document.frames[0].document) {
  frameDocument = document.frames[0].document;
} ...

Also, you can use frameDocument as a context to select stuff from the
iframe page:

$('#someElementInIFrame', frameDocument).bind('click', ...);

Hope it helps.


On 8/8/07, julio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I solved with this:

 function doBind() {
   var frame;
   if ($.browser.msie) {
 frame = document.frames[0].document;
   } else {
 frame = document.getElementsByTagName(iframe)
   $(frame).bind('click', function(event) { alert('an element in frame
 is clicked ' + event.target.innerHTML) })

 Is there a wrap of jquery for above if/else? Or more generic
 question, is there a wrap to get a iframe/frame in jquery?

 I'm searching in jquery docs but I have not found anything again

 On Aug 8, 10:32 am, julio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok thanks:) it works
  but I'm interested to touch less possible sample.html.
  And so I have tried this in main.html:
  function doBind() {
var frame=document.getElementsByTagName(iframe)
$(frame).bind('click', function(event) { alert('an element in frame
  is clicked ' + event.target.innerHTML) })
  it would be a kind of addEventListener (using jquery-bind).
  On firefox 2.0.x it works but I suppose it's not good for explorer
  because is present 'contentDocument.documentElement'
  Have you any idea to make it cross-browser???

[jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

2007-08-08 Thread Klaus Hartl

Cees wrote:

Hmm - browsing through the topic i read this at the top :

On Aug 6, 9:15 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a page which contains a long listing of records. When I scroll down
to the bottom, and click the thickbox trigger link, thickbox opens the modal
window, but it's at the very top of the page, out of sight.

So - Andy also noticed my problem of Thickbox flipping to Top of page
instead of Top of Window - so there must be something in it - problem
is i have to dig into the CSS expression - not quite my cup of tea.

Thickbox 3 is based on some modifications I did, so maybe I can help.

I'd like to know if the bug occurs in IE 7 or IE 6? The expression is 
used to emulate fixed positioning in IE 6, IE 7 supports fixed positioning.

The problem is that if IE 7 runs in Quirks mode the star selector hack 
will be applied as well, so maybe IE 7 incorrectly applies the 
expression in addition to its already correct fixed positioning.

You can check if IE 7 runs in Quirks mode by typing the following into 
the address bar and hit enter:


If it alerts CSS1Compat it is Standards mode, if BackCompat, it's 
Quirks mode.


[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
takes so dang long on IE7. After all of this rambling, does anyone
have any options for me to try?

Sorry, for the self-dialog here.

Just for testing purposes, you might want to test in IE by just using the
DOM property innerHTML to set the table.

This will at least tell you where the majority of overhead is coming from.
Is it from jQuery's processing routines or for the actual DOM creation.

In my experience IE6 is sluggish when trying to generate large tables on the
fly. (This is pre-jQuery coding as well.)


[jQuery] Re: Iframe events for local pages

2007-08-08 Thread Klaus Hartl

Erik Beeson wrote:

To get elements by tag name in jQuery, do $('tagName')

Also, I suggest you do feature detection instead of browser
detection, as described here:

What I mean is, try something like this:

var frame = $('iframe')[0];
var frameDocument;
if(frame.contentDocument  frame.contentDocument.documentElement) {
  frameDocument = frame.contentDocument.documentElement;
} else if(document.frames[0]  document.frames[0].document) {
  frameDocument = document.frames[0].document;
} ...

A little shorter and also instead of relying on a hardcoded frames[0] 
reference, using the already existing reference through the frame variable:

var frameDocument = frame.contentWindow  frame.contentWindow.document 
|| frame.contentDocument.documentElement;

frame.contentWindow is IE specific, all other major browsers support 
frame.contentDocument, thus I use this as fallback...


[jQuery] Re: An open letter to non-Believers...

2007-08-08 Thread Stephan Beal
On 8/8/07, Yehuda Katz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] :-D

Hi, Yehuda!

i did, a day or two after i originally posted it, but got no response. :(

- stephan beal

[jQuery] some elements showing through thickbox

2007-08-08 Thread Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web)

Hello everyone,

Having a problem with thickbox, if you click send to a friend on the 
top right of this page http://wcmp.org/   You can see that some elements 
show through, I tried fixing this with z-index. I believe its because 
the menu css is set to absolute. Is there any way to fix this?



[jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

2007-08-08 Thread Cees

On Aug 8, 3:10 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd like to know if the bug occurs in IE 7 or IE 6? The expression is
 used to emulate fixed positioning in IE 6, IE 7 supports fixed positioning.

Bug only occurs in IE6  (btw IE7 runs in Standards mode for my page).

[jQuery] Re: some elements showing through thickbox

2007-08-08 Thread Olaf Bosch

Anthony Leboeuf(Worcester Wide Web) schrieb:

Hello everyone,

Having a problem with thickbox, if you click send to a friend on the 
top right of this page http://wcmp.org/   You can see that some elements 
show through, I tried fixing this with z-index. I believe its because 
the menu css is set to absolute. Is there any way to fix this?



You have here set to 999 in thickbox is set to 100 for the overlay, you 
can fix this so:

.topnav li {

in your styles.css

Viele Grüße, Olaf


[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Josh Bush

I had read somewhere that IE didn't support .innerHTML for the tbody
element.  Will I have to recreate the entire table HTML?  Sorry for
the noob question; I'm still a fish out of water in javascript at


On Aug 8, 8:18 am, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
 the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
 takes so dang long on IE7. After all of this rambling, does anyone
 have any options for me to try?

 Sorry, for the self-dialog here.

 Just for testing purposes, you might want to test in IE by just using the
 DOM property innerHTML to set the table.

 This will at least tell you where the majority of overhead is coming from.
 Is it from jQuery's processing routines or for the actual DOM creation.

 In my experience IE6 is sluggish when trying to generate large tables on the
 fly. (This is pre-jQuery coding as well.)


[jQuery] [NEWS] jQuery in 15 Minutes Slideshow on Ajaxian

2007-08-08 Thread Rey Bango

Ajaxian has a post describing Simon Willison's slideshare presentation 
jQuery in 15 minutes. The preso gives a nice view of some of jQuery's 
features and is a good intro for anyone wanting to know more about jQuery.


[jQuery] Re: An open letter to non-Believers...

2007-08-08 Thread Stephan Beal
On 8/8/07, Pops [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 did was interrnal, no dependencies, plus, how can you compare pcode
 compile server side applets to a slower PHP interpreative environment
 which in reality did yield slower page rendering.

But PHP has always been relatively fast compared to, e.g. Java or even
client-side JavaScript. i started using PHP back in 1998 or 1999, and it was
blazing fast even back then.

Plus, and you might
 related to this with your SpiderApe work,  wcBASIC was a multidevice
 system and included template technology that allowed console
 development as well - an important part of a BBS system.

Amen. My first online experiences were the many BBS's of Houston, Texas.
While i never operated one, i was personal friends with a couple of sysops.

 Very impressive work you are doing with SpiderApe. :-)


 You start with 10 lines of jQuery that would have been 20 lines of
  tedious DOM JavaScript. By the time you are done it's down to two or
  three lines and it couldn't get any shorter unless it read your mind.
  - Dave Methvin

 The Layer over layer syndrom. :-)   Honestly, it all depends, layers
 are suppose to simplify things,  making it easier for programmers to
 cover ideas with less coding.

In general i'm a big fan of layers, as long as...

You still need a basic understanding of
 what it your are wrapping, and also understand when things do not
 react as you expecting.

Amen. My stomach still wrenches at some of the questions which appear on the
jQuery form which demonstrate a complete lack of knowledge, not only of
JavaScript, but also of the fact that JS is a single layer in a very complex
environment. The recurring question that gets me the most is, how can I
rewrite this to guaranty that it is *completely* flicker-free. Aaarrrggg.
Every time i resist the urge to write back, you can start by understanding
the environment you're writing code for.

  However, once it becomes its own complex
 monster,  it defeats the purpose. JQuery needs to pay attention to
 natural tendency to add more stuff.

Amen, again. Qt is a great example of that. From what i've seen on the list,
the authors are pretty careful about that, though. IMO they could even
remove the Ajax features from the core and move it to a plugin, but my guess
is that 80%+ of the jQuery users do use the Ajax functions, so the core is
probably the best place for it. It would be an interesting exercise to strip
out the Ajax stuff and see how small jQ is without it.

 There is an old great poster with the rethorical question:

 What comes first?  Marketing or Technology?

That is, unfortunately, unanswerable. Without us (technology) they would
have no products and without them we would never actually release anything.
It would stay in development forever.

 What I think needs to be pointed out, is not what JQUERY offers, but
 the language and syntax it offers.  That is whats difference here, in
 my opinion.

That's a fair point, but the time-savings of jQ are not only based in the
(considerable) powers of the language. e.g.:

$('#MyElement').css('background-color','red') is much more elegant than the
equivalent code using the standard DOM API.

The syntax is awkward, of course, until one recognizes that '$' is a legal
variable/function name in JavaScript. (Even then, it takes getting used to.)

I'm speaking for myself, but its powerful syntax is both a blessing
 and a curse.

Amen. Writing structured code with it requires a lot of discipline. Same can
be said for PHP (or many/most other languages, for that matter).

It gives you the technology to work more productively
 with DOM/CSS, but it doesn't help with marketing because you still
 need a pretty good undersstanding of DOM and programming. So its not
 for everyone.

True enough. Most web programmers out there appear to work only with WYSIWYG
HTML editors, and have no clue what those tools really do. Take away their
Dreamweaver and they're reduced to quivering jelly.

In addition, I believe strongly in pareto's principle in my
 development.  You are not going to get everyone usiing 100% of its
 feature set.  In geneal, most people will begin using only 20% of it
 80% of the time.  Just look at JTIP - it is distributed with a RISC
 (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) version of JQUERY.JS.

i'll have to take a look at jtip. It sounds like it would be a good starting
point for the remove the ajax experiment.

  Then we decide we need More. Now that jQuery has freed us from the
  Tedium of the DOM, we want our web pages to do More. We want to add
  animation effects, tabbed controls, and whatnot. Those are a lot of
  work to implement, and we have not, so far, done so because it is so
  tedious to do so.

 And for others, like myself, we have the vision that the more you
 think like this, someone is going to say Why not just download a
 specialized frontend and qui?  Its the old Fat vs thin paradign.  You
 want to do more with the Browser that 

[jQuery] Re: Draggable - change revert after start and before stop

2007-08-08 Thread seedy

I have done this simply by hiding the dragger when it gets dropped

  ondrop: function(drag){ $('.dragger').css('visibility','hidden')}

This may work out for you depending on if you need to Keep the dragger
visible or not.  In my case, I clone the dragger properties (background,
border, ect) onto the dropper to give the appearance that the dragger stays

SDE wrote:
 If my draggable item does not reach a target, i want it to revert, so
 I set revert by default.
 When it hovers over a target, I want to set revert to false.
 I can't make this work.  I thought it would be as easy as putting the
 following code in the onHover of the droppable:
 But it doesn't work.  Can you change the value of revert in the middle
 of a drag?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Selecting attributes of an element

2007-08-08 Thread voltron


On Aug 8, 2:04 pm, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/8/07, voltron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Excuse my newbiness, how do I select a particular attribute of an


  li test1 =foo test2=bar foobar/li

  how do I select and return the  test1 attribute?

 var test1val = $(li).attr('test1');
 alert(test1val == foo);


 - Richard

[jQuery] ClueTIP name=Title showing in IE.

2007-08-08 Thread Pops


Found a IE vs FF behavior difference.  The A links are using
name=title attributes.   In FF, they are not shown or atleast the
delay is shown that the AJAX results appears and the title tip does
not.   In IE, it is always shown, so now you have two tips showing.


On Aug 7, 9:03 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Welcome to jQuery! Glad you found us. :-)

 I'm also glad that the clueTip plugin is working for you. I'm still
 trying to squash one annoying bug that is arising on one web site in
 particular, although I haven't seen it anywhere else. As soon as that
 is out of the way, I'll be releasing another update -- and I think
 it'll finally be worthy of adding to the jquery.com/plugins repository.

 In the meantime, if you discover any bugs or annoyances with the
 plugin, feel free to send me an email and I'll see what I can do to
 make things right. Also, if you want a sneak peek at version 0.8 (I
 have no idea how to version things; just making it up as I go along),
 then you can see a new demo here:


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Aug 7, 2007, at 5:26 PM, Pops wrote:

  First, KUDOS to the developers of JQUERY.  I just discovered it a few
  days ago and with it, I continue to be amazed of the on-going web
  2.0 tool developments!   Being an old school guy, I still have my
  concerns about where all this web 2.0 stuff is going, but once you
  begin to use it more and you begin to put all those pragmatic
  negatives  asidem you realize how powerful it all really is!

  I think what got me is seeing the power of javascript, I mean, JQUERY
  is basically a another language layer - a powerful one at that too,
  that I simply never knew was possible.

  I do hope that I may continue to use it (learning yet another language
  syntax) within my products and hopefully contribute to its

  I discovered jquery via jtip when a request was made by customers to
  add an ajax-based preview to our mail system.  I made some mods to
  jtip and was looking to modify it even more to address concerns
  related dimensions and hoverIntent ideas that I eventually found
  to be implemented via ClueTip.  Well, I just finished migrating to
  ClueTip and thats why I am writing now.  -  It works great!  Less ajax
  calls, and popups are not clipped!

  Well, I am sure the developers are very proud of their work - and they
  should be. I may be a day late in saying this, but thanks for a GREAT



[jQuery] Metdata

2007-08-08 Thread astik

Hi all,

I've got some problems with the metadata plugin.

First, i tried to use it on element that are cloned. Metadata are not
cloned and are shared with all the cloned elements and the original

The second thing i'm trying to do is to put class type metadata
(named myId) on each tr of a table. I used tablesorter v2, and with a
widget i need to manipulate the metadata. Problem is, after i sort the
table by clicking on headers, the metadata seems to be lost.

I don't get how to use metdata in script markup, but that's not
important 'cause I'm not a big fan of embed script =/

If you have any idea, i would be pleased to hear of it =P


[jQuery] How to check input field

2007-08-08 Thread Johny

In a form there is an input field where users insert their email
How can I check if it is the valid email or that it consists `@'  .
Thank you for help

[jQuery] Re: appfuse: jQuery + scriptaculous + datePicker

2007-08-08 Thread syg6

Thank you both, Kelvin and Klaus, for your replies.

Yes, I saw that page and after a quick read decided (incorrectly) it
was above my jQuery pay-grade and that it didn't apply to me. But as
it turns out, if I put the jQuery.noConflict(); line in my page before
calling the datePicker() function, the errors go away. Excellent!

... but my calendar doesn't appear! :( No errors, but no calendar. I
think I have everything configured correctly:

I include the jquery-1.1.2.js, date.js, date_es.js,
jquery.dimensions.js, and datePicker.js libraries
I include the datePicker.css and demo.css style files
I include the snippet of js code that defines the datePicker - $
I create an input that has the 'date-picker' style class

And the calendar doesn't appear. There's no link next to the input nor
is the input click-able. What could I be doing wrong?

Many thanks!

On Aug 8, 1:13 pm, Klaus Hartl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 syg6 wrote:
  Hello all.

  I posted this over at Appfuse's Nabble list as first, but then thought
  this would be the better place.

  I have a default.jsp page that uses SiteMesh to 'decorate' all of my
  jsps. It contains the following js libraries:


  In order to use datePicker you need the following js libraries:


  I put those 4 js files in my test.jsp file. But when the test.jsp page
  is rendered, including all the stuff in default.jsp, Firefox goes
  berserk. I get thousands of js errors, all in effects.js:

  this._base has no properties,http://localhost:8080/scripts/effects.js, 
  Line 516

  This also happens if I put my jquery.js in default.jsp after
  scriptaculous.js. However, if I put it before scriptaculous.js I get
  no errors. But my calendar doesn't work! No errors, just doesn't

  And if I comment out scriptaculous.js in default.jsp, and leave
  jquery.js in test.jsp, my calendar works. Oddly enough, the calendar
  appears in the bottom left corner of the screen and without any
  styles. It seems it's not grabbing either the datepicker.css or
  demo.css it needs, I don't know.

  Anyone ever used datePicker, or more generally, scriptaculous +
  jquery? It seems that the order you put them in your page is
  important. It seems like if you put jquery after scriptaculous it goes
  into a loop, when jquery's constructor is called, and never exits.


 This should help you:http://docs.jquery.com/Using_jQuery_with_Other_Libraries


[jQuery] Thickbox with Forms Plugin

2007-08-08 Thread Dough Boy

Hey all.  I am trying to use thickbox with the forms ajax plugin to
upload files.  I have copied the example exactly.  However when I go
to submit the form, the entire page is reloaded with the success
message.  I don't know if the forms plugin is having problems
connecting to the form because the form is a hidden form?

Am I missing something?

Thanks for the help.

[jQuery] tabs, cookies and keeping state

2007-08-08 Thread K Bouton

I am using Klaus' tabs plugin with ajaxform and tabs remote:true.
What I am trying to do is have a user login, then set up tabs based on
their database profile. Each tab is a remote tab to a separate php
page which requires a parameter to be passed in
eg the file the tab call is users.php?user_ID=xxx which is derived
from the login and set as a cookie.
Everything works fine. The correct tabs are enabled/disabled by
matching the database returns. But down in the page, where the link to
the remote php page is - the cookie isn't set unless I reload the

How do I do this?

[jQuery] Re: BlockUI: Odd behaviour in Internet Explorer

2007-08-08 Thread Mike Alsup

Hi Bhusan,

I'll see if I can figure out what the issue is with this.


 also but the progress bar is still showing incomplete.I am not able to
 find out any solution for this.If the progress bar is showing in
 loading state only. Please guide me on this.


[jQuery] Re: appfuse: jQuery + scriptaculous + datePicker

2007-08-08 Thread Kelvin Luck

Because you are using jQuery in noConflict mode you can no longer use $ 
to create jquery objects. So you need to replace:




Hope that helps,

Kelvin :)

syg6 wrote:

Thank you both, Kelvin and Klaus, for your replies.

Yes, I saw that page and after a quick read decided (incorrectly) it
was above my jQuery pay-grade and that it didn't apply to me. But as
it turns out, if I put the jQuery.noConflict(); line in my page before
calling the datePicker() function, the errors go away. Excellent!

... but my calendar doesn't appear! :( No errors, but no calendar. I
think I have everything configured correctly:

I include the jquery-1.1.2.js, date.js, date_es.js,
jquery.dimensions.js, and datePicker.js libraries
I include the datePicker.css and demo.css style files
I include the snippet of js code that defines the datePicker - $
I create an input that has the 'date-picker' style class

And the calendar doesn't appear. There's no link next to the input nor
is the input click-able. What could I be doing wrong?

Many thanks!

[jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

2007-08-08 Thread Andy Matthews


That helps...but I won't know in advance if someone is using 6 or 7. Is
there a way to force this hack to only apply to the correct browser version?


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Klaus Hartl
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 8:11 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

Cees wrote:
 Hmm - browsing through the topic i read this at the top :
 On Aug 6, 9:15 pm, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a page which contains a long listing of records. When I scroll 
 down to the bottom, and click the thickbox trigger link, thickbox 
 opens the modal window, but it's at the very top of the page, out of

 So - Andy also noticed my problem of Thickbox flipping to Top of page 
 instead of Top of Window - so there must be something in it - problem 
 is i have to dig into the CSS expression - not quite my cup of tea.

Thickbox 3 is based on some modifications I did, so maybe I can help.

I'd like to know if the bug occurs in IE 7 or IE 6? The expression is used
to emulate fixed positioning in IE 6, IE 7 supports fixed positioning.

The problem is that if IE 7 runs in Quirks mode the star selector hack will
be applied as well, so maybe IE 7 incorrectly applies the expression in
addition to its already correct fixed positioning.

You can check if IE 7 runs in Quirks mode by typing the following into the
address bar and hit enter:


If it alerts CSS1Compat it is Standards mode, if BackCompat, it's Quirks


[jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

2007-08-08 Thread Klaus Hartl

Andy Matthews wrote:


That helps...but I won't know in advance if someone is using 6 or 7. Is
there a way to force this hack to only apply to the correct browser version?

Yes, make sure that IE 7 runs in standards mode.


[jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

2007-08-08 Thread Andy Matthews

I'm working on legacy code, I don't think we're even specifying a doctype.
Short of forcing a doctype on IE7, is there any other way around it? 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Klaus Hartl
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 9:12 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

Andy Matthews wrote:
 That helps...but I won't know in advance if someone is using 6 or 7. 
 Is there a way to force this hack to only apply to the correct browser

Yes, make sure that IE 7 runs in standards mode.


[jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

2007-08-08 Thread Klaus Hartl

Andy Matthews wrote:

I'm working on legacy code, I don't think we're even specifying a doctype.
Short of forcing a doctype on IE7, is there any other way around it? 

Overwrite the particular properties with selectors with higher 
specificity and hide them from IE 6:

htmlbody #TB_window { /* IE 6 won't notice, IE 7 will apply */
position: fixed;

* html #TB_window {
position: absolute;

(Before somebody asks, no, the universal selector does not add to 


[jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

2007-08-08 Thread Andy Matthews

Great. I'll give that a shot Klaus. Thank you. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Klaus Hartl
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 9:32 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Thickbox - why isn't the window centered?

Andy Matthews wrote:
 I'm working on legacy code, I don't think we're even specifying a doctype.
 Short of forcing a doctype on IE7, is there any other way around it? 

Overwrite the particular properties with selectors with higher specificity
and hide them from IE 6:

htmlbody #TB_window { /* IE 6 won't notice, IE 7 will apply */
 position: fixed;

* html #TB_window {
 position: absolute;

(Before somebody asks, no, the universal selector does not add to


[jQuery] Re: Iframe events for local pages

2007-08-08 Thread julio

Ok, thanks for useful replies.

Last question:

I know that is not possible load dinamically filename.css for a
iframe content.
And so I need to put:

link rel=stylesheet href=filename.css

in sample.html (page loaded in iframe).

Do you know if exist a way to toggle/add/removeClass in jquery
dinamically (css-class below for example) for iframe-elements?

.hover {
  cursor: pointer;
  border-width: 3px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: #FF;

I tried to put this in main.html:

$(frame).bind('mouseover', function(event) {
var element = $(event.target);

it works only if i put link rel=stylesheet href=filename.css above
in sample.html (or class above in style /)

is it possible create and load a class dinamically with jquery
avoiding to modify sample.html???


[jQuery] Announcement: Spoilers plugin

2007-08-08 Thread Stephan Beal

Hi, all!

Yet another plugin:




It is used to hide spoiler text from casual readers, who can reveal
the text by mousing over it. See the web site for an example of how
this can be useful.

The code is based upon this jQuery forum thread:


Many thanks to Michael Geary and Jay Salvat for doing the
detective work in figuring out how this feature works on the imdb.com

The code is trivial (a couple of lines) and it should work in any jQ-
supported browser, though it is untested aside from Firefox 2.x,
Konqueror 3.5.x, and Galeon 2.0.x.


[jQuery] Re: Announcement: Spoilers plugin

2007-08-08 Thread Benjamin Sterling
Stephan, That kinda cool, thanks for sharing.

On 8/8/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, all!

 Yet another plugin:




 It is used to hide spoiler text from casual readers, who can reveal
 the text by mousing over it. See the web site for an example of how
 this can be useful.

 The code is based upon this jQuery forum thread:


 Many thanks to Michael Geary and Jay Salvat for doing the
 detective work in figuring out how this feature works on the imdb.com

 The code is trivial (a couple of lines) and it should work in any jQ-
 supported browser, though it is untested aside from Firefox 2.x,
 Konqueror 3.5.x, and Galeon 2.0.x.


Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: tooltip effect problem

2007-08-08 Thread seedy

It looks like the interface tooltip is automatically adding that text for
you, I am not sure what the best way to trim the text for this plugin would

You might want to look at some other tooltip plugins such as 
http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-tooltip/ Tooltip  or 
http://codylindley.com/Javascript/264/jtip-a-jquery-tool-tip jtip  as they
seem to allow for some more customization.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] i need to build a tree dynamic...

2007-08-08 Thread cesar c


I've a doubtI dont know how to implement a tree dinamic with jquery...
I see de treeview api but the tree's structure is in the body

how can i build dynamically this tree with jquery?

[jQuery] Postcode Regex Form Validation

2007-08-08 Thread Matthew

Just spent a while working out how to do this with the form Validation
plugin from http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/
, but it's actually really logical when you get it. Still, might save
someone else the effort!

UK Postcodes have a fixed format and a standard regex to check against
[1], so you can check them simply, if you define a postcode method to
the validator plugin.

To do this:
jQuery.validator.addMethod(postcode, function(value) {
  return /\b([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y0-9][A-HJKSTUW0-9]?[ABEHMNPRVWXY0-9]?)
  }, Please specify a valid postcode (all letters should be

Then, whenever you want to check against it:
input name=postcode class={postcode:true} /

Not quite worked out how to check multiple inputs with the same name
though (as you get when you have a form that accepts an arbitrary
number of addresses, and normally handled in PHP by using names like
postcode[], putting the results in an array for use).
Any suggestions?

[1] /\b([A-PR-UWYZ][A-HK-Y0-9][A-HJKSTUW0-9]?[ABEHMNPRVWXY0-9]?) *[0-9]
[ABD-HJLN-UW-Z]{2}\b/ - technically, the space is required, but you
can always correctly determine the position if it's left out, so I
relaxed the server side processing on that point, and it would make
sense to relax it on the client side too.

[jQuery] Re: Announcement: Spoilers plugin

2007-08-08 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

You like developing plugins don't you? ;)

How about an option to show the spoilers when you click on a link
'show spoilers'. I've seen a few forums (can't think of the exact
URL's off the top of my head though) that have this. e.g. $
('.jqSpoiler').initSpoilers(click) or $

I would think being able to specify the show behavior would be nice. It's
easy to accidentally hover over text or to have the cursor resting in a spot
that would reveal the spoiler text by default.


[jQuery] Re: tooltip effect problem

2007-08-08 Thread seedy

senzacionale wrote:
 i have one problem with tooltip effect
 I want to cut url adress, becouse if it is too long then it show over the
 edge, over the witdh: 150px.
 how can i cut it?

I think this a more of a problem with the browser (Im guessing you are using
firefox) , than with the tooltip.  Firefox refuses to word wrap text if it
does not have any spaces in it (like a url) regardless of the width
specified on the element.  To the best of my knowledge there is no way to
solve this with css.

You should be able to use a javascript substr(x) where x is the number of
characters you want to be allowed to display and then possibly follow that
with a '...' to show it has been cut off.

var url =
foo url.substr(12)...  
View this message in context: 
Sent from the JQuery mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Announcement: Spoilers plugin

2007-08-08 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 8, 6:17 pm, Sam Collett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You like developing plugins don't you? ;)


jQuery makes it too easy to do. This particular plugin has a trivial

jQuery.fn.initSpoilers = function( props ) {
props = jQuery.extend({
props ? props : {});
function() { $
(this).addClass( props.revealedClass ); },
function() { $
(this).removeClass( props.revealedClass ); }
return this;

Most of the real work happens via CSS.

 How about an option to show the spoilers when you click on a link
 'show spoilers'. I've seen a few forums (can't think of the exact
 URL's off the top of my head though) that have this. e.g. $
 ('.jqSpoiler').initSpoilers(click) or $

i was thinking not only of that, but also of how best to integrate
optional hoverIntent support (since hoverIntent is quite popular). i'm
trying to consolidate the discrepancies between click and hover, so
that the option can be integrated in a unified way (i hate special-
case code).

For the click, i was thinking: clicking on the overlay will unhide the
text, and mouse-out will hide it again, but that might be tedious/
annoying in practice (haven't tried it yet). Your thoughts? Should a
second click be required to re-hide the text? i think re-hiding may
not be necessary: if a click is used to un-hide then the user
obviously wants to reveal the text, and re-hiding it is probably not

[jQuery] Re: Fastest method to create table rows

2007-08-08 Thread Aaron Heimlich
You might find this useful:


It's a speed comparison of various (non-jQuery) ways to create a 50x50

On 8/8/07, Josh Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I had read somewhere that IE didn't support .innerHTML for the tbody
 element.  Will I have to recreate the entire table HTML?  Sorry for
 the noob question; I'm still a fish out of water in javascript at


 On Aug 8, 8:18 am, Dan G. Switzer, II [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Well, I feel stupid.  it's not the join that's taking so long, it's
  the $( really big DOM string with 1,000 rows and 3 columns) that
  takes so dang long on IE7. After all of this rambling, does anyone
  have any options for me to try?
  Sorry, for the self-dialog here.
  Just for testing purposes, you might want to test in IE by just using
  DOM property innerHTML to set the table.
  This will at least tell you where the majority of overhead is coming
  Is it from jQuery's processing routines or for the actual DOM creation.
  In my experience IE6 is sluggish when trying to generate large tables on
  fly. (This is pre-jQuery coding as well.)

Aaron Heimlich
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface

2007-08-08 Thread Mitchell Waite


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Richard D. Worth
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 3:18 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface


Very nice! What a great demonstration of the power of jQuery. A couple
things as I was playing around:

Thanks that feels good after working alone on this for so long?

- Your Sort Modes checkboxes are acting like 2 sets of radio buttons (Text
-or- Icon, FirstLast -or- LastFirst -or- Taxonomic) 

What are you saying here? That they should be radio buttons? I don't see
anything particularly bad about using checkboxes as radio buttons.

- With the Sound on checkbox unchecked, the sound still plays for the last
three Sort Modes checkboxes (FirstLast, LastFirst, Taxonomic) and the green
3-state button

Thanks I somehow missed that. Very much appreciate  your comments.

- Richard

On 8/8/07, Mitchell Waite [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



I called this Zen Garden because I was thinking it would be cool if there
was a number of jQuery examples that demonstrated how to use the various
incredible plugins that are available.

This interface is an example of what a novice non programmer can do using
jQuery and a number of its best plugins. The project was an inspiration to
me because of how much I could accomplish with so little code. I had to
become familiar with a large number of topics that are very technical, but I
had a lot of hand hold and help from the community. I plan to say a lot more
about what is in this page, as I believe it captures many of the best things
about jQuery. Its going to grow a lot too.

PS I am sure my coding and structure could be vastly improved upon. So
please don't laugh too hard when you look close.


Description and comments

Accordion (Resig/Dan)







This was the hardest of all the plugins to get working.



Match List

Click on Acadian Flycatcher in the left panel of bids. It will open the
overview or mini species page

Mini species page

Contains a summary of the bird. Green button takes you to the main species

Sort Mode

Click on Icon checkbox. Note how two buttons are disabled below it. Notice
the nice visual fade effects and the way the cursor spins when the client
has to wait for the server to load a page. 

Attribute Panel

Click on the Basic attributes menu then click on Shape, Location and Size



[jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface

2007-08-08 Thread Mitchell Waite

The search input is not working yet :) Sorry.

What do you mean exactly by this:

 maybe make the whole UI in a draggable, resizable window and you're one
step further !

Do you mean put the tab interface inside a window that can be moved? Why?

Thanks for the nice feedback.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Alexandre Plennevaux
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 4:05 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface

nice! it works quite well on WINXPSP2 FF2006 !  i just couldn't make the
search input field work
maybe make the whole UI in a draggable, resizable window and you're one step
further !
good job Mitchell!


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mitchell Waite
Sent: mercredi 8 aoűt 2007 6:16
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] jQuery Zen Garden Interface



I called this Zen Garden because I was thinking it would be cool if there
was a number of jQuery examples that demonstrated how to use the various
incredible plugins that are available.

This interface is an example of what a novice non programmer can do using
jQuery and a number of its best plugins. The project was an inspiration to
me because of how much I could accomplish with so little code. I had to
become familiar with a large number of topics that are very technical, but I
had a lot of hand hold and help from the community. I plan to say a lot more
about what is in this page, as I believe it captures many of the best things
about jQuery. Its going to grow a lot too.

PS I am sure my coding and structure could be vastly improved upon. So
please don't laugh too hard when you look close.


Description and comments

Accordion (Resig/Dan)







This was the hardest of all the plugins to get working.



Match List

Click on Acadian Flycatcher in the left panel of bids. It will open the
overview or mini species page

Mini species page

Contains a summary of the bird. Green button takes you to the main species

Sort Mode

Click on Icon checkbox. Note how two buttons are disabled below it. Notice
the nice visual fade effects and the way the cursor spins when the client
has to wait for the server to load a page. 

Attribute Panel

Click on the Basic attributes menu then click on Shape, Location and Size


Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.476 / Base de données virus: 269.11.8/941 - Date: 7/08/2007

[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] jQuery in 15 Minutes Slideshow on Ajaxian

2007-08-08 Thread Nicolas Hoizey

 Ajaxian has a post describing Simon Willison's slideshare  
 presentation jQuery in 15 minutes. The preso gives a nice view of  
 some of jQuery's features and is a good intro for anyone wanting to  
 know more about jQuery.

I’ve learned from slide 11 the really not obvious meaning of the end 
() method. I thought it was intended to move to the end of a  
selection, without having any idea what use I could have for it... ;-)

I didn't find any reason for this name in the list archive. What  
about revert() or something else more obvious?

I know it's late to change this, even more with it being used in  
tutorials, but maybe a better name could be given to an alias...


Nicolas Brush HOIZEY
Clever Age   : http://www.clever-age.com/
Gastero Prod : http://www.gasteroprod.com/
Photos : http://www.flickr.com/gp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/M1c002

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface

2007-08-08 Thread Mitchell Waite
I will look into that issue with FF on the Mac. Its so hard to keep up with
all these different browsers. Appreciate your feedback.


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Erik Beeson
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 12:21 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface


There is a weird glitch in FF2/Mac. The left scrolling pane works properly
with the mouse wheel, but the scroll bar looks like it's making content in
the background scroll. The content that is supposed to scroll doesn't move
when using the scroll bar. It works correctly in Safari/Mac. 

Otherwise, it looks good.



[jQuery] Re: tooltip effect problem

2007-08-08 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Aug 8, 2007, at 11:30 AM, seedy wrote:

senzacionale wrote:

i have one problem with tooltip effect

I want to cut url adress, becouse if it is too long then it show  
over the

edge, over the witdh: 150px.
how can i cut it?

I think this a more of a problem with the browser (Im guessing you  
are using
firefox) , than with the tooltip.  Firefox refuses to word wrap  
text if it

does not have any spaces in it (like a url) regardless of the width
specified on the element.  To the best of my knowledge there is no  
way to

solve this with css.

Couldn't you just apply overflow: hidden to the element in your  

Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: i need to build a tree dynamic...

2007-08-08 Thread Benjamin Sterling
cesar, are you referring to the tree view plugin? (

On 8/8/07, cesar c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've a doubtI dont know how to implement a tree dinamic with jquery...
 I see de treeview api but the tree's structure is in the body

 how can i build dynamically this tree with jquery?

Benjamin Sterling

[jQuery] Re: Announcement: Spoilers plugin

2007-08-08 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 8, 6:28 pm, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For the click, i was thinking: clicking on the overlay will unhide the
 text, and mouse-out will hide it again, but that might be tedious/

@Sam  Dan:

i've added click-toggle and hoverIntent support via an optional init


$('.jqSpoiler').initSpoilers({method:'hoverIntent'}); // requires
hoverIntent plugin

The default is method:'hover'.

This doubled the MIN'd size of the code, though. It's now a whopping
424 bytes ;).

These features will be included in tomorrow's release. (i use the date
as the version number, and i've already made a release today, so i've
gotta wait another 5 hours [CET/GMT+1] before i can make a new
release ;).

You can have multiple types of spoiler revealing on one page by simply
using a marker class, like this:

// On-hover spoiler:

// On-hover spoiler using hoverIntent plugin:

// Clickable spoiler:

The addClass() is used to ensure that the items marked with the marker
classes get the same CSS treatment.

[jQuery] Re: i need to build a tree dynamic...

2007-08-08 Thread Stephan Beal

On Aug 8, 5:10 pm, cesar c [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've a doubtI dont know how to implement a tree dinamic with jquery...
 I see de treeview api but the tree's structure is in the body

 how can i build dynamically this tree with jquery?

You can build any DOM elements dynamically in jQuery using a number of
techniques. One of the simplest is:

$(body).append(divdynamically-created content/div);



[jQuery] SITE SUBMISSION: http://www.thor.be/creations.php

2007-08-08 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux
i'm very pleased to inform you about the fresh release of Belgian contemporary 
dance Compagnie Thor new website: HYPERLINK 
use of jquery for:
- layouting via dimensions.js
- thickbox
- jscrollpane  (HYPERLINK 
- ajax with hoverIntent (HYPERLINK 
- cluetip HYPERLINK http://www.thor.be/agenda.phphttp://www.thor.be/agenda.php
and some tweaks here and there...
A special thanks to John Resig and also to each plugin author, i  hope you like 
how i used your work !

Alexandre Plennevaux - LAb[au] asbl.vzw / MediaRuimte
Lakensestraat/Rue de Laeken 104
B-1000 Brussel-Bruxelles-Brussels

HYPERLINK blocked::http://www.lab-au.com/http://www.lab-au.com
HYPERLINK blocked::http://www.mediaruimte.be/http://www.mediaruimte.be


The information in this e-mail is intended only for the addressee named above.  
If you are not that addressee, please note that any disclosure, distribution or 
copying of this e-mail is prohibited.
Because e-mail can be electronically altered, the integrity of this 
communication cannot be guaranteed.



Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.476 / Base de données virus: 269.11.8/941 - Date: 7/08/2007 16:06

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface

2007-08-08 Thread Alexandre Plennevaux

 Do you mean put the tab interface inside a window that can be moved? Why?


Why? Just to show even bigger muscles :)

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mitchell Waite
Sent: mercredi 8 aoűt 2007 17:54
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface

The search input is not working yet :) Sorry.

What do you mean exactly by this:

 maybe make the whole UI in a draggable, resizable window and you're one
step further !

Do you mean put the tab interface inside a window that can be moved? Why?

Thanks for the nice feedback.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Alexandre Plennevaux
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2007 4:05 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface

nice! it works quite well on WINXPSP2 FF2006 !  i just couldn't make the
search input field work
maybe make the whole UI in a draggable, resizable window and you're one step
further !
good job Mitchell!


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mitchell Waite
Sent: mercredi 8 aout 2007 6:16
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] jQuery Zen Garden Interface



I called this Zen Garden because I was thinking it would be cool if there
was a number of jQuery examples that demonstrated how to use the various
incredible plugins that are available.

This interface is an example of what a novice non programmer can do using
jQuery and a number of its best plugins. The project was an inspiration to
me because of how much I could accomplish with so little code. I had to
become familiar with a large number of topics that are very technical, but I
had a lot of hand hold and help from the community. I plan to say a lot more
about what is in this page, as I believe it captures many of the best things
about jQuery. Its going to grow a lot too.

PS I am sure my coding and structure could be vastly improved upon. So
please don't laugh too hard when you look close.


Description and comments

Accordion (Resig/Dan)







This was the hardest of all the plugins to get working.



Match List

Click on Acadian Flycatcher in the left panel of bids. It will open the
overview or mini species page

Mini species page

Contains a summary of the bird. Green button takes you to the main species

Sort Mode

Click on Icon checkbox. Note how two buttons are disabled below it. Notice
the nice visual fade effects and the way the cursor spins when the client
has to wait for the server to load a page. 

Attribute Panel

Click on the Basic attributes menu then click on Shape, Location and Size


Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.476 / Base de données virus: 269.11.8/941 - Date: 7/08/2007

Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.476 / Base de données virus: 269.11.8/941 - Date: 7/08/2007

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Zen Garden Interface

2007-08-08 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II


- Your Sort Modes checkboxes are acting like 2 sets of radio buttons (Text
-or- Icon, FirstLast -or- LastFirst -or- Taxonomic)

What are you saying here? That they should be radio buttons? I don't see
anything particularly bad about using checkboxes as radio buttons.

Users have an expectation that a checkbox is used to toggle the state
(i.e. you can both check and uncheck) of the item. So, when your checkbox is
actually working like a radio element users can be confused because you
can't uncheck an option--which is what is expected.


[jQuery] Re: SITE SUBMISSION: http://www.thor.be/creations.php

2007-08-08 Thread Karl Swedberg
Wow, there is some really cool UI stuff going on in that site.  
Fabulous. Well done, Alexandre!

Karl Swedberg

On Aug 8, 2007, at 2:24 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux wrote:


i'm very pleased to inform you about the fresh release of Belgian  
contemporary dance Compagnie Thor new website: http://www.thor.be/

use of jquery for:

- layouting via dimensions.js
- thickbox
- jscrollpane  (http://www.thor.be/creations.php)
- ajax with hoverIntent (http://www.thor.be/creations.php)
- cluetip http://www.thor.be/agenda.php
and some tweaks here and there...

A special thanks to John Resig and also to each plugin author, i   
hope you like how i used your work !


Alexandre Plennevaux - LAb[au] asbl.vzw / MediaRuimte
Lakensestraat/Rue de Laeken 104
B-1000 Brussel-Bruxelles-Brussels



The information in this e-mail is intended only for the addressee  
named above.  If you are not that addressee, please note that any  
disclosure, distribution or copying of this e-mail is prohibited.
Because e-mail can be electronically altered, the integrity of this  
communication cannot be guaranteed.


Ce message Envoi est certifié sans virus connu.
Analyse effectuée par AVG.
Version: 7.5.476 / Base de données virus: 269.11.8/941 - Date:  
7/08/2007 16:06

[jQuery] Re: [New Plugins] Ajax Queue and Ajax Sync

2007-08-08 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
wow, thanks mike... that was really helpful... i will try that.

John, ignore my feature request ;-)


On 8/8/07, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I you want control over ajax error handling you can just redefine the
 jQuery.httpSuccess function.  That fn simply returns a boolean.  It is
 currently implemented as follows:

 httpSuccess: function( r ) {
 try {
 return !r.status  location.protocol == file: ||
 ( r.status = 200  r.status  300 ) || r.status == 304 ||
 jQuery.browser.safari  r.status == undefined;
 } catch(e){}
 return false;


 On 8/8/07, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I didnt find much use for these right now, but i am sure, the day won't
  far when this will save my day...
  I am more interested in a plugin (or in the core itself) that will allow
  to tell jquery what an error as it applies to ajax.
  At present, i guess that it is hard-coded within, which is not much
  for handling application specific errors. And i think the error handler
  the cleanest place to handle app specific errors.
  Just so you know mootools has this feature.
  On 8/7/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   In the source of the URL that I linked to. I also just added it to the
   main contents, to make it easier to access.
   On 8/7/07, Christopher Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Those sound really useful! Where can we get the code?
On 8/7/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 Hey everyone -

 So Mike Hostetler was telling me about some Ajax queueing plugins
 he wanted to write - so I got some ideas, and less than an hour
 - here are two new Ajax queueing plugins for you to enjoy!

 Lame demo:

 About the plugins:

 * Queued Ajax requests. A new Ajax request won't be started until
 previous queued request has finished.

 url:  test.php,
 success: function(html){
 jQuery(ul).append(html); }

 * Synced Ajax requests. The Ajax request will happen as soon as
 call this method, but the callbacks (success/error/complete) won't
 fire until all previous synced requests have been completed.

 url: test.php,
 success: function(html){
 jQuery(ul).append(b+html+/b); }

 Both have their uses, but ajaxSync, in particular, seems quite
 Let me know what you think. If this code helps you out, let me
 and I'll throw it up somewhere.



[jQuery] Re: Announcement: Spoilers plugin

2007-08-08 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
hi stephan,

this is a neat plugin, i see myself using this in some cases.

u mentioned that this functionality was there in imdb.com correct? where
exactly in that site can i get to see this feature?


On 8/8/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 8, 6:28 pm, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For the click, i was thinking: clicking on the overlay will unhide the
  text, and mouse-out will hide it again, but that might be tedious/

 @Sam  Dan:

 i've added click-toggle and hoverIntent support via an optional init


 $('.jqSpoiler').initSpoilers({method:'hoverIntent'}); // requires
 hoverIntent plugin

 The default is method:'hover'.

 This doubled the MIN'd size of the code, though. It's now a whopping
 424 bytes ;).

 These features will be included in tomorrow's release. (i use the date
 as the version number, and i've already made a release today, so i've
 gotta wait another 5 hours [CET/GMT+1] before i can make a new
 release ;).

 You can have multiple types of spoiler revealing on one page by simply
 using a marker class, like this:

 // On-hover spoiler:

 // On-hover spoiler using hoverIntent plugin:

 // Clickable spoiler:

 The addClass() is used to ensure that the items marked with the marker
 classes get the same CSS treatment.

[jQuery] Re: [Slight OT] Quick straw pole about maps

2007-08-08 Thread Glen Lipka
I never use Yahoo.  I use Google for general quick maps and directions.  I
use http://local.live.com for the birds-eye-view.  That view is ridiculously
It sounds like a good idea to go for just one map source and make it more
feature rich.


On 8/8/07, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey folks,

 I wanted to ask the list a quick straw poll. A bit OT but the subject
 is one of my plugins.

 I've just released version 1.4 of my plugin without much fanfair
 (http://code.google.com/p/jmaps) and I'm starting to think about the
 next version.  I wanted to get an idea of what other people want, not
 just me.

 So a quick question is, especially to anyone using it is:  What
 mapping service do you prefer?  Google? or Yahoo?

 The reason I ask, is I can either keep the plugin on its current
 course of supporting both map services as equally as possible, or I
 can scale down or abandon the Yahoo support in going down the route of
 much more customisation for Google maps.  For example, using jQuery
 syntax to make things such as custom icons, buttons and layouts more
 simple, as well as their services (geocoding, traffic info, map ads,

 If you prefer Yahoo, let me know why.

 Thanks folks!

 Tane Piper

 This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: [Slight OT] Quick straw pole about maps

2007-08-08 Thread Alex Ezell

As someone who has spent months, only moderately successfully,
integrating Google Maps into a web app, I have two things to say:

1) Why is this the first I have heard of this plugin? I use jQuery
throughout the site and would love to use it to handle some of my map

2) I agree with Glen that focusing on one service is probably smarter
in the long run. I much prefer Google, in part because of the way they
handle driving directions, but also because of the interface
customization possible. I feel like Google is more committed to their
API than Yahoo.

Thanks for your work on this. I might use it if I ever get around to
version 2 of this app I built.


On 8/8/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I never use Yahoo.  I use Google for general quick maps and directions.  I
 use http://local.live.com for the birds-eye-view.  That view is ridiculously
 It sounds like a good idea to go for just one map source and make it more
 feature rich.


 On 8/8/07, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey folks,
  I wanted to ask the list a quick straw poll. A bit OT but the subject
  is one of my plugins.
  I've just released version 1.4 of my plugin without much fanfair
  ( http://code.google.com/p/jmaps) and I'm starting to think about the
  next version.  I wanted to get an idea of what other people want, not
  just me.
  So a quick question is, especially to anyone using it is:  What
  mapping service do you prefer?  Google? or Yahoo?
  The reason I ask, is I can either keep the plugin on its current
  course of supporting both map services as equally as possible, or I
  can scale down or abandon the Yahoo support in going down the route of
  much more customisation for Google maps.  For example, using jQuery
  syntax to make things such as custom icons, buttons and layouts more
  simple, as well as their services (geocoding, traffic info, map ads,
  If you prefer Yahoo, let me know why.
  Thanks folks!
  Tane Piper
  This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Re: [Slight OT] Quick straw pole about maps

2007-08-08 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
i have used google maps feature in quite a few applications now, and never
once used yahoo...

Regardless, i would say having one plugin per map provider sounds like a
good choice. Later, you(or potentially another plugin author) can write
another plugin for yahoo as well following a similar syntax as this plugin.
This was the user can pick and choose the minimal code necessary for the
task at hand.

I guess, what i am trying to say is, we typically use one mapping or the
other in an app, not both. So, having 2 separate plugins for 2 mapping
providers sounds like a decent choice to me and google is a good place to


On 8/8/07, Alex Ezell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As someone who has spent months, only moderately successfully,
 integrating Google Maps into a web app, I have two things to say:

 1) Why is this the first I have heard of this plugin? I use jQuery
 throughout the site and would love to use it to handle some of my map

 2) I agree with Glen that focusing on one service is probably smarter
 in the long run. I much prefer Google, in part because of the way they
 handle driving directions, but also because of the interface
 customization possible. I feel like Google is more committed to their
 API than Yahoo.

 Thanks for your work on this. I might use it if I ever get around to
 version 2 of this app I built.


 On 8/8/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I never use Yahoo.  I use Google for general quick maps and
 directions.  I
  use http://local.live.com for the birds-eye-view.  That view is
  It sounds like a good idea to go for just one map source and make it
  feature rich.
  On 8/8/07, Tane Piper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hey folks,
   I wanted to ask the list a quick straw poll. A bit OT but the subject
   is one of my plugins.
   I've just released version 1.4 of my plugin without much fanfair
   ( http://code.google.com/p/jmaps) and I'm starting to think about the
   next version.  I wanted to get an idea of what other people want, not
   just me.
   So a quick question is, especially to anyone using it is:  What
   mapping service do you prefer?  Google? or Yahoo?
   The reason I ask, is I can either keep the plugin on its current
   course of supporting both map services as equally as possible, or I
   can scale down or abandon the Yahoo support in going down the route of
   much more customisation for Google maps.  For example, using jQuery
   syntax to make things such as custom icons, buttons and layouts more
   simple, as well as their services (geocoding, traffic info, map ads,
   If you prefer Yahoo, let me know why.
   Thanks folks!
   Tane Piper
   This email is: [ ] blogable [ x ] ask first [ ] private

[jQuery] Autocomplete

2007-08-08 Thread Erik Colson


I found several autocomplete plugins on the jQuery site which do allow remote 
Since there is too much choice maybe someone can tell me which one I should use 



[jQuery] Re: How to check input field

2007-08-08 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha
take a look at this link


On 8/8/07, Johny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a form there is an input field where users insert their email
 How can I check if it is the valid email or that it consists `@'  .
 Thank you for help

[jQuery] Re: tabs + jqmodal = bad things in IE6

2007-08-08 Thread m3avrck

Thanks Rob!

I reread the docs and got it work using the following:

// initialize CSSmizer
// setup modal
  trigger: #cssmizer-launch,
  // because tabs are being shown in a jqModal window which is
hidden by default
  // we can only show the tabs *after* the window is shown
  // otherwise we get oddities across browsers
  onShow: function(hash) {
// we show the window using a speed of 1 to be as
instaneous as possible
// and for the tabs to render as fast as possible to avoid
hash.w.show(1, function() { $
(#container).tabs(); });

Now if I could just figure out why the body of the window disappears
if you drag it around in IE... gotta be a CSS issue, hmm

[jQuery] Re: ClueTIP name=Title showing in IE.

2007-08-08 Thread Karl Swedberg

On Aug 8, 2007, at 9:12 AM, Pops wrote:

Found a IE vs FF behavior difference.  The A links are using
name=title attributes.   In FF, they are not shown or atleast the
delay is shown that the AJAX results appears and the title tip does
not.   In IE, it is always shown, so now you have two tips showing.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

It seems this line wasn't working in IE 6:

So, I'll change it to this:

Not sure why IE6 wasn't liking .remoeAttr(), but oh well.

You can take a look at the updated version at htttp:// 
I wouldn't recommend using it in production, though, because it's  
just my little test environment. I'm back to trying to fix some weird  
problems with the drop shadows -- again in IE only -- and then I'll  
look into the things you mentioned in the off-list email to me.

Thanks again for testing this stuff.

Karl Swedberg

[jQuery] Re: Announcement: Spoilers plugin

2007-08-08 Thread Ganeshji Marwaha


On 8/8/07, Stephan Beal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 8, 8:30 pm, Ganeshji Marwaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  this is a neat plugin, i see myself using this in some cases.

 :) Michael Geary and Jay Salvat deserve the real credit. When i
 pointed out this effect a week or two ago they did the detective work
 to find out how it functions and posted the results in this forum. i
 simply took that and bundled it into a plugin.

  u mentioned that this functionality was there in imdb.com correct? where
  exactly in that site can i get to see this feature?



 and scroll way, way down, almost to the very bottom. You'll see red
 Spoilers! text (an image). Simply mouse-over. The effect is the
 exact same as this plugin.

[jQuery] Re: Autocomplete

2007-08-08 Thread Rey Bango

Hi Erik,

This is the one I've been using of late:



Erik Colson wrote:


I found several autocomplete plugins on the jQuery site which do allow remote 
Since there is too much choice maybe someone can tell me which one I should use 


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