Re: [lazarus] Wider use case for gamepack ?

2008-02-02 Thread Lord Satan
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 20:05:14 +0200
"A.J. Venter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Background, background, background. I spent the previous 5 years of my
> life developing software to run on thin-client machines. My current
> major project is frequently used on them. In other words -less than 1%
> of MY userbase HAS openGL capable hardware.
That's exactly what GamePack is good for.

> The same goes for many others, including those who are writting for
> embedded platforms.
OpenES. ;)

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Re: [lazarus] Wider use case for gamepack ?

2008-02-01 Thread Lord Satan
On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 08:49:32 -0600
"John Stoneham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A.J.,
> Don't worry about Beelzebub's negative comments,
What do you expect?
I wasn't thrown out of heaven for nothing. :)
And please forgive me for not living in the past. OpenGL accelerated desktops 
far beyond what compiz/aero/etc can do are the future.
And I am not getting tired of promoting OpenGL. FPC works with OpenGL very 
nicely and can deliver high quality and high performance graphics as good as 
any C/C++ application. We just need to show this to the masses. You win people 
with eye-candy as Ubuntu has shown.
Once again it is not against AJs GamePack (it has its purpose and target 
audience), but it is to show that nowadays graphics are done different than 
more than 10 years ago.

Lord of Hell yadda-yadda-yadda

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Re: [lazarus] Wider use case for gamepack ?

2008-02-01 Thread Lord Satan
On Fri, 01 Feb 2008 08:52:12 +0200
"A.J. Venter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm not sure what you mean by this. This is a toolkit for 2D games, like
> pacman or animated scenes in your app. Tilebased games etc. work fine,
> why do you need blending in this environment?
Special FX like particle systems, shots, etc. If you want to see what 
difference hw acceleration makes, take a look at chromium B.S.U. It is a nice, 
old 2D shooter and runs on any OpenGL card with more than 4MB RAM. Now imagine 
what you can do with nowadays cards.

> Okay I get it - you like using the graphics card :)
Exactly. They are developed for doing nicer and faster graphics than CPU based 
rendering can achieve. If it is 2D or 3D doesn't matter, your gfx card can do 
it faster than the CPU and you have your CPU left for gamelogic and other 
stuff. And GPUs are standard in nowadays computers, so why not use them? It's 
easy enough and you can do it with FPC and Lazarus.
> I am well aware that SDL <> OpenGL - that is why I compared my suite to 
> SDL and NOT to openGL. It isn't OpenGL nor is it meant to be. We already 
> HAVE an OpenGL that works wonderfully. This is a toolkit that's meant to 
> do the same work the SDL does when you do NOT use the OpenGL wrapper. I 
> also don't intend to add an OpenGL wrapper to gamepack since the 
> environment it's created for (Lazarus) already contains one. 
Lazarus does not contain an OpenGL wrapper. It offers a rendering context 
component and bindings to the API, that's a difference.

> The reason 
> people use SDL with OpenGL is to tap into it's event handlers and such - 
> since they are no longer using it's graphics features. This wouldn't 
> make any sense in GamePack as gamepack is JUST the graphics 
> features(specifically it's THOSE graphics features that are NOT already 
> in lazarus - like a twin-buffer screen) and some powerful utility 
> components to automate blitting and motion controlls.
When it comes to graphics we have a very different definition of powerful.


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Re: [lazarus] Wider use case for gamepack ?

2008-01-31 Thread Lord Satan
On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:00:38 +0200
"A.J. Venter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

First of all, I never wanted to bash your components and I think the CCR is a 
good place for them. I just don't think that it should be shipped with lazarus. 
And you have every right to be proud of your work.

> 1) Firstly, EVERYTHING is done with lazarus native calls and components 
> - this means you don't need any issues getting buttons to show or menu's 
> design with SDL or anything - whatever you need you just add next to the 
> game window. TSprite is a TCustomControl descended, TDoubleBuffer is 
> descended from TBitMap.
Very amazing, considering that it is written with Lazarus in FPC.

> 2) As a result of 1, things like image scaling is already there - just 
> use the same calls you would have used before to manipulate the sprite 
> in ram before blitting.
And as a result of 1 blending misses.

> 3) Framerates are hard to work out actually as the system is 
> update-on-change so the nature of the game has a massive impact. BUT 
> because of the way it works- the number of sprites have no impact 
> whatsoever on framerates. Each sprite blits when it's changed, and when 
> you've made all the changes you want to show, you flip. This means the 
> 'framerate' is whatever you need. If you flip too much you will 
> seriously abuse the CPU - but you will be hard pressed to get flicker - 
> that's a case of a good design.
Sounds good, only that the CPU instead of the GPU is doing the graphics work is 
so old school. Btw how do you asure that a games runs at the same speed on 
different machines if you don't measure/have a framerate?

> 4) Lazarus native event handling - e.g. there is NO need for me to 
> handle key/mouse events- lazarus does, and any device that works with 
> lazarus toolkit you're using on the OS you are using will ALSO work.
That's what I am using, too, at the moment and I am not really impressed. You 
can get mouse and more or less key input but that's it.

> 5) Design your game screens using the form designer.
> 6) Sprites and backgrounds can be stored in resources or loaded at 
> designtime.
> 8) TSpriteMover a component that connects to a sprite and a doublebuffer 
> and handlles 'correct' game movement FOR you. You can use multiple 
> instances as well. It can (if you want) do gamescreen constraint 
> allready. It supports full 8-directional movement using 
> toggle-to-go-toggle-to-stop and prevents impossible concepts like left 
> AND right at once. AND it handles animating the sprites, including 
> playing different sets of frames for each direction (again, you can 
> configure this).
> 9) But it does NOT actually repeat itself, you call TSpriteMover.Move to 
> move the sprite a configurable distance of pixels in the direction(s) 
> you have active.
Sounds ok, but I don't consider this a killer feature. More complex games 
demand a level editor nonetheless.

> 10) Answering another question: the timer I use in my games is ttimer, 
> but you can use a tthread or anything else that works in lazarus. If you 
> want serious acuracy epiktimer will work just as well.
In my tests I came to the conclusion, that epiktimer is the only usable timer 
(very nice component), as the other timing methods seriously lack accuracy.


> 11) Very nearly complete is my latest component TConstraintList which 
> lets you store a list of TRects. SpriteMover will (if you have 
> constrained motion on) refuse to enter any of the areas on the 
> double-buffer represented by the coordinates of these trects - any or 
> all of them. And when it 'bump's into one will trigger an event. Whats 
> more it will be able to determine whether the collision was:
> -edge of screen
> -An arbitrary area in the list
> -An area containing another sprite
> And throw different events. That's right LAZARUS events, so you can 
> immediately do anything you want, including updating other components 
> outside the gamearea - from the coder's point of view, handling 
> collision detection in his game is no more difficult than handling the 
> onClick event of a tbutton.
> Just think a little about the power this gives a game designer. My 
> little demo app is nearly a little pacman game - in SDL that would need 
> about 15000 lines of new code. In GamePack - I have written less than 
> 200 lines (in the demo itself, not in the units).
Ease of use is always a good thing. But the power you give the game designer 
comes with the drawback that he can put his graphics card in sleep mode.

> 12) Because it uses lazarus components, you can put other components on 
> top of the gamearea, and you can allow sprites to move across one 
> another in a pseudo 3D way (remember the old siera games?) - but there 
> is no need to create a complex mapfile overlay to do it - just adjust 
> the ZOrder of the components (be they sprites or buttons) to put what 
> you want on top.
ZBuffers are standard in hw accelerated rendering. Meaning you get this out of 
the box with Op

Re: [lazarus] Wider use case for gamepack ?

2008-01-29 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 16:55:59 +0200
"A.J. Venter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The components are fully documented and an example is included, also my 
> tappytux game was written using it and I will soon start working on a 
> loderunner clone using it as well.
> My question then is whether other people are interested in these lgpl'd 
> components. If so, would you like it to be included with lazarus ? I 
> will happily contribute it if people want it.

Sounds like you put some serious work into your gamepack, but I don't
think that something as specialised as this should be a standard component. 
Remember that it is only usefull for 2D games on old hardware as you can get 
all of this (and some nice features more) by using OpenGL for your rendering. 
All your gamepack can do can be done hardware accelerated on any card that 
supports OpenGL 1.1 (this means really, really old gfx cards and most newer 
integrated gfx chips, too).

But I have some questions regarding it nonetheless.
How do you handle sound, input (keys/mouse/gamepad/etc) and what timing method 
do you use?
How many sprites can be used simultaneously with interactive framerates (30 fps 
or more)?
Do your sprites support rotation and/or scaling?
Do your sprites support transparency and blending? If yes, what blending 

The Lord of Hell, Master of Darkness and so on ...

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[lazarus] Fast math library

2008-01-22 Thread Lord Satan
Hi everyone,

I just cannot believe that I am the only Lazarus user that writes computational 
intensive programs. There must be others. If you are one of them I would be 
really interested to know what math libraries you use to achieve the best 
performance you can get. AFAIK there are no SSE enhanced libs for FPC and my 
own experiments failed miserably with SSE enhanced code being slower than 
standard pascal code. Sorry for being OT and thanks for any help.

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Re: [lazarus] Introduction

2008-01-22 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 14:50:16 +0100
Mattias Gärtner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And if a programmer needs uncommon things, he can write a specific control. 
> See
> for example the printers4lazarus or the lazopenglcontext package. They started
> on one platform and nowadays they run on all majors.

More or less. I just can't hunt down the lazopenglcontext GTK2 resize bug. But 
I keep trying.

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Re: [lazarus] Introduction

2008-01-22 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 17:02:08 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No, the ones I looked at was for creating standard applications (not
> games). They just used shadow events under menus, dropdown animation,
> etc...
On my system the composition manager does this work not the widgetset. 
Sometimes people have strange ideas.

> I'll see if I can find them again.
This would be nice.

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Re: [lazarus] Introduction

2008-01-22 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 16:30:48 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What does everyone else use Lazarus for? Console apps maybe?

For me it is just a hobby (at work there is only C++ and no chance to ever 
change this). As I do graphics programming I don't need a lot of GUI elements. 
Some Buttons, Labels, Edits, Memos, etc. The IDE is the main reason to use 
lazarus for me and the IDE should use native widgets to be visually pleasing to 
my eyes.
Since I have the freedom of ignoring Windows, I am satisfied if I can get the 
native Linux (GTK for Gnome and QT for KDE would be nice) and OSX look. It is 
just my choice and another good reason to use Lazarus. And it is really ugly to 
have shiny 3D graphics and Motif Buttons.
I really can't care less what commercial developers need and I doubt that 
whining on the mailing list really impresses the Lazarus developers.

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Re: [lazarus] Introduction

2008-01-22 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:28:15 +0100
Mattias Gärtner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Zitat von Lord Satan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > @Mattias:
> > What hw acceleration are you talking about? I don't know of any hw
> > accelerated widgetset.
> For example:
> -gtk on embedded devices can render directly to the framebuffer.
> -trolltech advertises hardware accelerations on their website, but I don't 
> know
> if this available for free.
> -afaik carbon uses some opengl hw acceleration
> -And all widgetsets use some hand tuned graphic libs using vector libs or sse
> instructions.

Looks like we have different definitions of hw acceleration. If it is not 
D3D/OpenGL/OpenES it is not accelerated in my book (hw acceleration = gfx card 
does the job, and no the standard 2D acceleration from 20 years ago does not 
count). Perhaps carbon qualifies but I don't know enough about its interiors or 
better I don't how the textures are created that they pass to OpenGL.
And would you please stop talking about SSE.


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Re: [lazarus] Introduction

2008-01-22 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 16:20:57 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 22/01/2008, Lord Satan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What hw acceleration are you talking about? I don't know of any hw
> > accelerated widgetset.
> Have a look on SourceForge. I have seen quite a few toolkits
> implemented in C/C++ and uses OpenGL or SDL or whatever hw
> acceleration they picked.

SDL is no acceleration, only if you use its OpenGL wrapper functionality you 
get hw acceleration.
I know a lot of those 'widgetsets', too, but they are meant for OpenGL apps and 
they are not general purpose widgetsets like WIN API, GTK, QT, etc. Most of 
them are very basic tools to provide GUIs for 3D apps.
So I would really like to know of at least one specific one.

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Re: [lazarus] What is wrong with the Toolbar?

2008-01-22 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 14:15:03 +0100
Giuliano Colla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The only problem is that you have another goal which is to be Delphi 
> compatible. When two goals are in conflict, as they are, you should make 
> a choice. Either drop Delphi compatibility and use native widgetsets, or 
> drop native widgesets.

Great Idea. Drop Delphi compatibility now. Drop it I say. Do you here me, 
Delphi, go away.

Just my 1.57$

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Re: [lazarus] Introduction

2008-01-22 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:03:37 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 22/01/2008, Mattias Gärtner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > About: move from LCL to widgetset
> > That was the goal of lazarus from the beginning.
> OK, I get that and respect the choice.  I'm simply wondering (from a
> personal point of view) if it's still the right way of doing things?
> Considering you have years of experience with Lazarus development...
> If you could do it (Lazarus LCL) over again, what would you change?
> Hindsight is a awesome thing.  :-)
> > Keep in mind that using the native widgets has several advantages:
> > - native look. Even when user switches theme or OS.
> As I mentioned before. This is very easy to achieve - Trolltech has
> proved this. Simply ask the native widget to draw itself on a memory
> bitmap.  All native toolkits send out a message when the theme
> changes, so it's very easy to detect that as well.

Now: LCL->gtk/qt/carbon/etc. [no hw acceleration]->composition manager [hw 
acceleration]->gfx card

Your Idea: LCL->new_great_widgetset->gtk/qt/carbon/etc. to bitmap [no hw 
acceleration]->new_great_widgetset(draw_bitmap) [no hw 
acceleration]->compsition manager [hw accelleration]->gfx card

Instead of the composition manager you could use the X-server or whatever but 
it makes things only slower and composition managers look like being the future.

Hope I understood your proposal correctly.

And if you had ever done real work with C++ and Qt you would stop telling us 
how great it is, because it just is NOT that great. At least under C++ using Qt 
is a major PITA compared to using lazarus and FPC. Btw I have never heard or 
seen that Qt emulates GTK in any form or way. There is a GTK theme engine AFAIK 
but that's about it. Could you tell us where you got your information about Qt?

> > - widgetset specific goodies: e.g. tab menu of gtk notebook, unicode input
> > method, assistive technology, hardware acceleration, network support (X
> > client/server modell).

What hw acceleration are you talking about? I don't know of any hw accelerated 

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Re: [lazarus] [OT] QT licensing costs?

2008-01-22 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 08:41:02 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't use C/C++ but I think they have a kick ass toolkit. Leaps and
> bounds ahead of anybody else.

I am forced to use C++ and Qt at work and I beg to differ.

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Re: [lazarus] Making the IDE work with C/C++

2008-01-21 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 17:08:30 +0100
Damien Gerard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 21, 2008, at 5:00 PM, Al Boldi wrote:
> > Joost van der Sluis wrote:
> >> Op maandag 21-01-2008 om 16:57 uur [tijdzone +0300], schreef Al  
> >> Boldi:
> >>> Exactly right!  The best feature is find declaration/implementation,
> >>> but this only works for pascal code.  What is needed to make this  
> >>> work
> >>> for c/c++?
> >>
> >> Just re-write the codetools.
> >
> > That's rather sad for an OOP design.
> >
> > But still, I think it is important, so how hard would a rewrite be,  
> > and would
> > people be interested in joining the effort?
> What for ?

For creating 'Visual Lazarus Studio C++ Builder'. ;)

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Re: [lazarus] Introduction

2008-01-21 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:45:16 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No offence taken.  fpGUI is a young project and making it look native
> is on the todo list. It simply hasn't been a priority yet (I have lots
> of other things to do first).  As for looking native... everybody
> keeps raving about how great Pixel (image editor) looks like! Did you
> know that's not native components either!  :)

Of course. It tries really hard to emulate my theme settings but fails 
miserably. Starting Pixel is like getting poked in the eye.

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Re: [lazarus] Introduction

2008-01-21 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 08:39:54 +0100
Florian Klaempfl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lord Satan schrieb:
> > On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 22:33:53 +0200 "Graeme Geldenhuys"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> I still think having a custom Object Pascal written toolkit for
> >> Lazarus is the way to go. The LCL would have progressed and
> >> stabilized much faster if the Lazarus developers did that from the
> >> start.
> > 
> > That's correct. And if they had used OpenGL for it, it would be
> > hardware accelerated, cross plattform and good looking, too. And we
> > would need no stupid Aero or Compiz or other composition managers.
> > And we could do things other widgetsets could only dream of. And
> > porting to OpenES would be easy, too. Stupid Lazarus developers. 
> That's simply not the aim of the lazarus developers. They are interested
> in native gui support and high vcl compatibility, no more, no less.

That's the point. fpGUI may be a nice idea but I got a little tired about 
reading how great it is over and over again (because it is really, really ugly, 
not the native gui for the different supported plattforms and native gui 
support has always been the aim of lazarus development - no offence Graeme).
So if any lazarus developer is offended, I apologize and instead of calling 
them stupid thank them for their great work.

P.S.: Perhaps I should have used the ASM keyword to suppress any mails (bonus 
points for everyone who understands this statement)

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Re: [lazarus] Introduction

2008-01-20 Thread Lord Satan
On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 22:33:53 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I still think having a
> custom Object Pascal written toolkit for Lazarus is the way to go. The
> LCL would have progressed and stabilized much faster if the Lazarus
> developers did that from the start.

That's correct. And if they had used OpenGL for it, it would be hardware 
accelerated, cross plattform and good looking, too. And we would need no stupid 
Aero or Compiz or other composition managers. And we could do things other 
widgetsets could only dream of. And porting to OpenES would be easy, too.
Stupid Lazarus developers. Now we only get this sucking Win API, GTK1, GTK2, 
Carbon and QT. Nothing really works and all is full of bugs.

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Re: [lazarus] google android contest

2008-01-10 Thread Lord Satan
On Thu, 10 Jan 2008 15:50:55 +0100
willem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wel I am interested in CPU extentsive applications ! Can can  SSE2 ,SSE3 
> or even SSE4 help you ?

Do you have any SSE examples that show a speed gain? My own experiments were 
not very encouraging.


operator +(const v1,v2: TVector4): TVector4; assembler; inline;
  movups xmm0, [v1]  
  addps xmm0, [v2]   
  movups [Result], xmm0

is slower than this:

operator+(const a, b: TVector4): TVector4;
  with Result do begin

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Re: [lazarus] New splash screen issues

2007-12-11 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 11 Dec 2007 17:17:06 +0100
wile64 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A idea for docs !

Please, don't use the geometric shapes. They look so wrong. Three objects near 
together, but clearly lit by different light sources.
The rest is looking good.

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Re: [lazarus] Contribution?

2007-11-27 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 27 Nov 2007 08:33:46 -0600
"Marco Alvarado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The Lazarus project is really cool, and I'd like to contribute. Is
> there any area that needs help?

The TOpenGLContext for gtk2 needs to be fixed. :)
But I think the lazarus developers will have better ideas.

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Re: [lazarus] TOpenGLContext (Author: Mattias Gaertner)

2007-11-25 Thread Lord Satan
On Sun, 25 Nov 2007 08:17:46 -0600
"Marco Alvarado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello guys!
> I found this component, TOpenGLContext, and it seems to be what I'm
> looking for. The problem is I got it from the personal files of
> somebody:
> I wanted to know is there is an official site for this component,
> where I can get the latest version.

It is part of Lazarus. Look in $LazarusDir/components/opengl and install the 

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Re: [lazarus] VCL for C++ based on FreePascal RTL

2007-11-22 Thread Lord Satan
On Thu, 22 Nov 2007 04:58:56 -0800
"Guru Kathiresan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I know people here are mainly interested in Pascal 

Correct and have a nice day.

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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus in Li nux not compileable for some time

2007-11-20 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 20:06:37 +0100
"Christian U." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For some time, iam not able to compile Lazarus in Linux has somebody an 
> idea for this ?
> Compiler is fpc 2.2.0

Don't know, works here, same compiler.

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Re: [lazarus] GPU info

2007-11-19 Thread Lord Satan
Hope this helps:

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Re: [lazarus] gprof does not work

2007-10-03 Thread Lord Satan
On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 12:26:00 +0200
Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alternative:
> Callgrind/Cachegrind is probably your best bet (and more detailed  
> than gprof).

Thought so, will give it a try.

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[lazarus] gprof does not work

2007-09-25 Thread Lord Satan
Hi everybody,

I tried to use gprof on a project of mine, but I don't get any usefull 
My project is compiled without any optimizations and code generation for gprof 
is enabled.
All I get is this:

Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
 no time accumulated

  %   cumulative   self  self total   
 time   seconds   secondscalls  Ts/call  Ts/call  name
  0.00  0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00  main

index % timeself  childrencalled name
0.000.00   1/1   
[1]   1 main [1]

Index by function name

   [1] main

Anyone any ideas?

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Re: [lazarus] My image loading is broken

2007-09-18 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:23:46 +0200
Marc Weustink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think you would have been less pleased if it worked, but had a 
> noticable perfomance impact.

My class is just for loading images and 'uploading them to OpenGL' and as the 
initial setup of my progs always takes long I likely would not have noticed. 
The performance of my programs does not depend on the performance of the 
lazarus/fpc images. Doing non hardware accelerated graphics is so 90s. :)

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Re: [lazarus] Another icons for Lazarus

2007-09-18 Thread Lord Satan
On Sun, 16 Sep 2007 23:41:09 +0200
wile64 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2007/9/14, Graeme Geldenhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > On 14/09/2007, Paul Ishenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Dont know. Cant understand what project icon means - paper box? But if
> > > other are happy I will add them.
> >
> > My feeling is the same. Not sure if a 'inbox' or 'paper tray' is a
> > ideal icon for project. It doesn't convey "project" to me.
> >
> > Graeme.
> >
> >
> Does nobody others have opinion on this subject?

I am with Graeme on this one. It looks like an email inbox and just does not 
fit IMO.

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Re: [lazarus] My image loading is broken

2007-09-17 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 00:16:24 +0200
Marc Weustink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Nope, but I don't use a debugger in lazarus.
> With this result, you might consider doing so, you could have found the 
> cause.

I would if I could. But I launch my progs through 'run_and_wait' (or some such) 
and that does not work with gdb AFAIK. At least it did not work for a very long 
time, does it work now?
>FImage := TheImage as TLazIntfImage;

Ah, so who wrote this line of code? He is responsible for breaking my image 
loading and I reserve a special place for him in my kingdom (eternity is a 
really long time to swim naked in some nice lava flows  >:). (a)
> The class of TheImage is not a TLazIntfImage ! From your source, its a 
> TFPCustomImage.
> TLazReaderBMP only supports TLazIntfImage, so derive your image from 
> TLazIntfImage or don't use TLazReaderBMP.

Deriving from TLazIntfImage works, thanks. You may now officially join
the ranks of evil, unless your are responsible for line 4591 of 
intfgraphics.pas, which would bring you directly back to (a).

A much more amused Lord of Lies.

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Re: [lazarus] My image loading is broken

2007-09-17 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 20:32:50 +0200
Marc Weustink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The error is an 'invalid type cast'.
> That comes somewhere. If you run your app in lazarus, dou you get a call 
> stack when you get this exception ?

Nope, but I don't use a debugger in lazarus.
I just tried again and loading a png works, but loading a bmp fails. At least I 
managed to produce a hopefully more meaningful backtrace:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x08061e46 in fpc_raiseexception ()
#3  0xbf910500 in ?? ()
#4  0x70425470 in ?? ()
#5  0x00db in ?? ()
#6  0xbf9104a0 in ?? ()
#7  0xbf910500 in ?? ()
#8  0xb7c901c0 in ?? ()
#10 0xb7e1f430 in ?? ()
#11 0xb7e1f430 in ?? ()
#12 0xb7c901c0 in ?? ()
#13 0xb7e1f430 in ?? ()
#14 0x08060bd8 in fpc_do_as ()
#15 0x08154662 in TLAZREADERBMP__INTERNALREADBODY (this=0xb7f74090) at 
#16 0x081545ef in TLAZREADERBMP__INTERNALREAD (STREAM=0xb7054140, 
IMG=0xb7e1f430, this=0xb7f74090) at intfgraphics.pas:4537
#17 0x0815ce9d in 
#18 0x0815abd1 in 
#19 0xb7054140 in ?? ()
#20 0x0821eb54 in TASMTEXTURE2D__LOADFROMFILE (FILENAME=0x8241ba4, 
this=0xb7e1f430) at asmtypes.pas:4011
#21 0x0807bc61 in TFORM1__INITWORLD (this=0xb7e34b20) at wtform.pas:190
#22 0x0807b744 in TFORM1__OPENGLCONTROL1PAINT (SENDER=0xb7e35f90, 
this=0xb7e34b20) at wtform.pas:80
#23 0x0820d07c in TCUSTOMOPENGLCONTROL__DOONPAINT (this=0xb7e35f90) at 
#24 0x0820cfbf in TCUSTOMOPENGLCONTROL__PAINT (this=0xb7e35f90) at 
-1211531232, PAINTSTRUCT = 0xb7e1f3e0, RESULT = 0}, this=0xb7e35f90)
at openglcontext.pas:265
#26 0x080613f9 in SYSTEM_TOBJECT_$__DISPATCH$formal ()
this=0xb7e35f90) at openglcontext.pas:247
  {MSG = 1056, WPARAM = -1211531232, LPARAM = -1209928736, RESULT = 0, 
WPARAMLO = 32800, WPARAMHI = 47049, LPARAMLO = 62432, LPARAMHI = 47073, 
RESULTLO = 0, RESULTHI = 0}, this=0xb7e35f90) at
#29 0x081c3085 in DELIVERMESSAGE (TARGET=0xb7e35f90, AMESSAGE=void) at
#30 0x081ace75 in TGTKWIDGETSET__SENDMESSAGE (HANDLEWND=137844344, MSG=1123, 
WPARAM=-1209991920, LPARAM=0, this=0xb7ca8020) at
#31 0x08194b0f in TGTKWIDGETSET__APPPROCESSMESSAGES (this=0xb7ca8020) at
#32 0x080786d9 in TAPPLICATION__HANDLEMESSAGE (this=0xb7ddf020) at
#33 0x08078ac4 in RUNMESSAGE (parentfp=0xbf910870) at
#34 0x08078a1b in TAPPLICATION__RUNLOOP (this=0xb7ddf020) at
#35 0x0807c923 in TWIDGETSET__APPRUN (ALOOP=0x80789e0 , 
this=0xb7ca8020) at
#36 0x080789da in TAPPLICATION__RUN (this=0xb7ddf020) at
#37 0x08055ac9 in main () at wt.lpr:16


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Re: [lazarus] My image loading is broken

2007-09-17 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 18:17:43 +0200
Marc Weustink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lord Satan wrote:

> > To me this looks like Marcs new image code is responsible for my troubles.
> As far as I can tell from the code you gave not. But the given code and 
> probelmdescription is a bit limited.

This assumption was only based on revision number. What other information do 
you need?
> > Btw I am using a TFPCustomImage descendant and the ImagesForLazarus package.
> > Here is the output of one of my programs trying to load an iamge:
> > 
> > 
> > and here is my code:
> > 
> > class defintion:
> Nothing wrong here unless you forget to call some inherited method.

Hopefully not, but as stated it worked before. And 'hand created' images work 
AFAICT without problems. Only the file loading code is broken.
> > loading code:
> > 
> > function TAsmTexture2D.LoadFromFile(Filename: string): boolean;
> > var
> >   FileStream: TFileStream;
> >   MemStream: TMemoryStream;
> >   ReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass;
> >   Reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
> > begin
> >   // open file
> >   try
> > ReaderClass:=GetFPImageReaderForFileExtension(ExtractFileExt(Filename));
> > FileStream:=TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
> >   except
> > ShowMessage('Error opening file');
> > Result:=false;
> >   end;
> >   MemStream:=nil;
> >   try
> > // read file into mem
> > MemStream:=TMemoryStream.Create;
> > MemStream.CopyFrom(FileStream,FileStream.Size);
> > // convert stream to texture
> > MemStream.Position:=0;
> > if ReaderClass<>nil then begin
> >   Reader:=ReaderClass.Create;
> >   try
> > LoadFromStream(MemStream, Reader); << This fails
> What error ? (*)
> > Result:=true;
> >   except
> > Result:=false;
> > Free;
> > ShowMessage('Error reading file'); << because this I get in an 
> > endless loop
> This wonders me, why do you get here an endless loop ? Where is the loop ?

If I only knew. I am just loading 6 or 7 pics (some bmp, and a png). Perhaps it 
is not an endless loop but it at least spams the terminal with the above shown 
output and throws exception message dialogs until I kill it.
> (*) thy using:
> except
>on E: exception do
>  Result:=false;
>  Free;
>  ShowMessage('Error reading file: ' + E.Message);

The error is an 'invalid type cast'.


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[lazarus] My image loading is broken

2007-09-17 Thread Lord Satan

as the subject says. I just realized that it does not work anymore (after 
working flawlessly for years). The latest svn revision that works for me is 
11800. Perhaps there are later revisions that work but some I could not compile 
and others did not start and I got tired of just randomly trying revision 
numbers and compile lazarus over and over. To me this looks like Marcs new 
image code is responsible for my troubles.
Btw I am using a TFPCustomImage descendant and the ImagesForLazarus package.
Here is the output of one of my programs trying to load an iamge:

TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B7CDD100 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD7220 08CEEB68=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B3926030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B69ABD80 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD7D60 08E30748=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B2BD6030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42F6C20 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD8120 08E4F188=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B2586030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42F7BE0 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD84E0 08E9BD30=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B2206030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42F8BA0 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD88A0 08EB4A98=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B1BB6030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42F9B60 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD8C60 08F0D8F8=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B1566030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42FAB20 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD9020 08F6AE88=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B0F16030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42FBAE0 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD93E0 08F7BA18=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B0B96030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42FCAA0 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD97A0 08FB5FF8=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B0816030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42FDA60 gdiFont is still used.

gdb bt (not helpfull, I know):

(gdb) bt
#0  0x08061e46 in fpc_raiseexception ()
#3  0xbfa27d78 in ?? ()
#4  0x in ?? ()

and here is my code:

class defintion:

// Texture

  TTextureFilter = (nearest, bilinear, trilinear);

  { TAsmTexture2D }

  TAsmTexture2D = class(TFPCustomImage)
fAnisotropic: boolean;
fBound: boolean;
fFilterMode: TTextureFilter;
fMipMapped: boolean;
MagFilter: GLenum;
MinFilter: GLenum;
fSRepeat: boolean;
fTRepeat: boolean;
function GetPixel(x, y: integer): glubRGBColor;
procedure SetAnisotropic(const AValue: boolean);
procedure SetFilterMode(const AValue: TTextureFilter);
procedure SetInternalColor(x, y: integer;
  const Value: TFPColor); override;
function GetInternalColor(
  x, y: integer): TFPColor; override;
SWrapMode: GLenum;
TWrapMode: GLenum;
procedure SetMipMapped(const AValue: boolean);
procedure SetSRepeat(const AValue: boolean);
procedure SetTRepeat(const AValue: boolean);
procedure SetPixel(x, y: integer; const AValue: glubRGBColor);
procedure SetPixel(x, y: integer; red, green, blue: GLubyte);
// dummy procedures to avoid hints
procedure SetInternalPixel(x, y: integer; value: integer); override;
function GetInternalPixel(x, y: integer): integer; override;
Data: PGLubyte;
id: GLuint;
constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
function LoadFromFile(Filename: string): boolean;
procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
property Pixel[x, y: integer]: glubRGBColor read GetPixel write SetPixel;
property Anisotropic: boolean read fAnisotropic write SetAnisotropic;
property Bound: boolean read fBound;
property SRepeat: boolean read fSRepeat write SetSRepeat;
property TRepeat: boolean read fTRepeat write SetTRepeat;
property FilterMode: TTextureFilter read fFilterMode write SetFilterMode;
property MipMapped: boolean read fMipMapped write SetMipMapped;
procedure Bind;
procedure UpdateRegion(x, y, AWidth, AHeight: integer);

loading code:

function TAsmTexture2D.LoadFromFile(Filename: string): boolean;
  FileStream: TFileStream;
  MemStream: TMemoryStream;
  ReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass;
  Reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
  // open file
FileStream:=TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
ShowMessage('Error opening file');
// read file into mem
// convert stream to texture

[lazarus] My image loading is broken

2007-09-17 Thread Lord Satan

as the subject says. I just realized that it does not work anymore (after 
working flawlessly for years). The latest svn revision that works for me is 
11800. Perhaps there are later revisions that work but some I could not compile 
and others did not start and I got tired of just randomly trying revision 
numbers and compile lazarus over and over. To me this looks like Marcs new 
image code is responsible for my troubles.
Btw I am using a TFPCustomImage descendant and the ImagesForLazarus package.
Here is the output of one of my programs trying to load an iamge:

TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B7CDD100 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD7220 08CEEB68=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B3926030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B69ABD80 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD7D60 08E30748=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B2BD6030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42F6C20 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD8120 08E4F188=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B2586030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42F7BE0 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD84E0 08E9BD30=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B2206030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42F8BA0 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD88A0 08EB4A98=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B1BB6030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42F9B60 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD8C60 08F0D8F8=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B1566030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42FAB20 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD9020 08F6AE88=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B0F16030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42FBAE0 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD93E0 08F7BA18=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B0B96030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42FCAA0 gdiFont is still used. DCCount=1
DC: B7CD97A0 08FB5FF8=GtkWindow [RMVDStPr] LCLObject=B0816030=:TPromptDialog
TGtkWidgetSet.DeleteObject GdiObject=B42FDA60 gdiFont is still used.

gdb bt (not helpfull, I know):

(gdb) bt
#0  0x08061e46 in fpc_raiseexception ()
#3  0xbfa27d78 in ?? ()
#4  0x in ?? ()

and here is my code:

class defintion:

// Texture

  TTextureFilter = (nearest, bilinear, trilinear);

  { TAsmTexture2D }

  TAsmTexture2D = class(TFPCustomImage)
fAnisotropic: boolean;
fBound: boolean;
fFilterMode: TTextureFilter;
fMipMapped: boolean;
MagFilter: GLenum;
MinFilter: GLenum;
fSRepeat: boolean;
fTRepeat: boolean;
function GetPixel(x, y: integer): glubRGBColor;
procedure SetAnisotropic(const AValue: boolean);
procedure SetFilterMode(const AValue: TTextureFilter);
procedure SetInternalColor(x, y: integer;
  const Value: TFPColor); override;
function GetInternalColor(
  x, y: integer): TFPColor; override;
SWrapMode: GLenum;
TWrapMode: GLenum;
procedure SetMipMapped(const AValue: boolean);
procedure SetSRepeat(const AValue: boolean);
procedure SetTRepeat(const AValue: boolean);
procedure SetPixel(x, y: integer; const AValue: glubRGBColor);
procedure SetPixel(x, y: integer; red, green, blue: GLubyte);
// dummy procedures to avoid hints
procedure SetInternalPixel(x, y: integer; value: integer); override;
function GetInternalPixel(x, y: integer): integer; override;
Data: PGLubyte;
id: GLuint;
constructor Create(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
function LoadFromFile(Filename: string): boolean;
procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
property Pixel[x, y: integer]: glubRGBColor read GetPixel write SetPixel;
property Anisotropic: boolean read fAnisotropic write SetAnisotropic;
property Bound: boolean read fBound;
property SRepeat: boolean read fSRepeat write SetSRepeat;
property TRepeat: boolean read fTRepeat write SetTRepeat;
property FilterMode: TTextureFilter read fFilterMode write SetFilterMode;
property MipMapped: boolean read fMipMapped write SetMipMapped;
procedure Bind;
procedure UpdateRegion(x, y, AWidth, AHeight: integer);

loading code:

function TAsmTexture2D.LoadFromFile(Filename: string): boolean;
  FileStream: TFileStream;
  MemStream: TMemoryStream;
  ReaderClass: TFPCustomImageReaderClass;
  Reader: TFPCustomImageReader;
  // open file
FileStream:=TFileStream.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead);
ShowMessage('Error opening file');
// read file into mem
// convert stream to texture

Re: [lazarus] gtk2 intf now supports dead keys

2007-07-31 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 16:08:45 +0200
Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please test.

Ah, dead keys. Seems to work here.


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Re: [lazarus] Making Configure Build Lazarus more user friendly

2007-07-24 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 14:43:30 +0200
Giuliano Colla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Just click the "Advanced" button, and you're set. This solution came out 
> as a result of the different suggestions (See Mattias Gärtner's + 
> Michael Van Canneyt's + Al Boldi's comments). Of course, another possibility 
> is to have always the look of the "advanced" page, i.e. not to hide the 
> advanced options and keep the quick options in the lower right corner. But 
> it's up to you guys to decide.
> IMHO this solution is less frightening for a non-expert, which is not even 
> shown options he doesn't understand (what in the hell is JIT? Should I build 
> it or not? To insert a package do I need to rebuild IDE interface or not?) 
> but that's just my opinion.
> Debate is open.

You misuderstood what I want. The hidden advanced options should be default. 
But if I close the dialog while showing the advanced options lazarus should 
remember this and the next time I open the dialog I want to see the advanced 
options again. My questions was if such behaviour is possible to implement. 

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Re: [lazarus] Making Configure Build Lazarus more user friendly

2007-07-24 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 10:06:07 +0200
Giuliano Colla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This one is how it looks when you open the dialog.

Sorry to say, but that is ugly. I would like the dialog to remember that I 
always want to see the advanced options. Is that possible?

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Re: [lazarus] How to hide the mouse cursor?

2007-06-30 Thread Lord Satan
On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 16:27:24 +0800
Paul Ishenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, lazarus mail list.
> Implemented in revision 11400. Please test.

Works as expected. Thanks.

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Re: [lazarus] How to hide the mouse cursor?

2007-06-29 Thread Lord Satan
On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 00:10:57 +0800
Павел Ишенин <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ups, sorry. ofcouce not .ico but .cur file. My fault. They have the same 
> internal format - thats why I wrote ico.

I had to download a windows cursor-editor and run it under wine, but now it 
works. Thanks.

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Re: [lazarus] How to hide the mouse cursor?

2007-06-28 Thread Lord Satan
On Thu, 28 Jun 2007 07:10:29 +0800
Павел Ишенин <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Not to do this you can create ico file with empty shape, load it and set 
> cursor to it:
> Screen.Cursors[1] := LoadCursorFromLazarusResource('my_empty_cursor');
> Screen.Cursor := 1;

I cannot get it to work. I always get an AV on LoadCursorFromLazarusResource. 
Is there anything special about the .ico file I have to create? I tried it with 
a 1x1 pixel file created with the Gimp and saved as .ico. Then using lazres to 
create a .lrs.
I tried it again with mouse.ico from the lazarus/images directory, again an AV.
I am sure that I am doing something wrong, but I don't know what.

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[lazarus] How to hide the mouse cursor?

2007-06-27 Thread Lord Satan

I need to hide the mouse cursor in my app. Changing it with 
Screen.Cursor:=crSomething works, setting it to crNone does not have any 
effect. Any ideas?
Btw this is on Linux, gtk1.



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Re: [lazarus] Delphi incompatibilities in TForm

2007-04-17 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 17 Apr 2007 03:09:11 +0200
Giuliano Colla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lord Satan ha scritto:On Mon, 16 Apr 2007 23:58:30 +0200
> "Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Forcing all GTK applications to always use the theming colors is *not*
> always the developers desire.
> In this case the developer has the option to use an application specific 
> appname.gtkrc file to override the standard theme and use his own.
> This is hardly a solution.
> What real people in real world needs is to give the right appearence to 
> widgets, in order to create user friendly applications. This means 
> dynamically changing colors, image backgrounds, and whatever is needed to 
> convey the right information in the most intuitive way. For the same reasons, 
> buttons and other widgets are often of different size and shape, and widget 
> style and theme goe to hell.
Real people are indows users? And the real world is the commercial one or do 
you mean crappy shareware apps as they do the same?
I don't think it is very user friendly to override the users personal theme 
settings. The most intuitive way to convey information forces you to ignore the 
users theme? I think you have some problems with GUI design and how it should 
But I won't argue with you anymore just go ahead, fix the problem and sent a 

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Re: [lazarus] Delphi incompatibilities in TForm

2007-04-16 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 17 Apr 2007 01:50:14 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 4/17/07, Lord Satan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Forcing all GTK applications to always use the theming colors is *not*
> > > always the developers desire.
> >
> > In this case the developer has the option to use an application specific 
> > appname.gtkrc file to override the standard theme and use his own.
> >
> I didn't know about that.

> But then, why must someone that writes
> cross platform applications in Lazarus, have to know about the fine
> details about the workings of different GUI toolkits.  The whole point
> of the Lazarus LCL is to hide that from the developer.  All the
> developers should need to know is that they can switch the backend GUI
> toolkit by only changing a single combobox in the compiler settings.
> That should be the beauty of the LCL. For application developers point
> of view, there shouldn't be little workarounds depending on the
> widgetset used.

If all widgetsets would work the same that would be true. But things are as 
always more complicated. Linux, Mac OS and Windows all use different design 
philosophies for their GUIs. The users of the corresponding OS want their apps 
to look and feel 'native'. But to achieve a native look&feel you have to adhere 
to the design standards of the given platform. You just cannot easily abstract 
everything without loosing those differences.
As lazarus is developed by a rather small team it is mostly not worth the 
effort to make such little details work as that can be complex tasks with 
little benefit. 
People coming from Delphi sometimes seem to forget that for Delphi most things 
are much more easy as it is only single platform and 
Borland/Inprise/whatever-they-are-called-nowadays had enough trouble getting 
Kylix to work (and failed) and that is just one other platform.
If you need more 'exotic' features of the GUI it is the task of the developer 
to make sure that they work (more or less) consistent on every platform. And 
then the developer has to know a little bit more about the widgetsets than a 
developer that only needs 'standard' functionality.
If there were open standards for gui toolkits there would be no problem but 
there aren't any and so sometimes a multi-platform developer has to know a bit 
or two about the platforms he develops for and has to include platform specific 
Don't get me wrong. I really would like to just write code once and it works on 
every platform the same and for many things lazarus achieves this but 
unfortunately not for all.
And this is not just a problem with widgetsets. I code mostly OpenGL which was 
developed as a cross platform library and even I don't get around using 
platform specific code for some tasks.
So in conclusion some things that are high on your priority list are low on the 
priority list of the lazarus developers and I hope I could explain why although 
I am not a lazarus developer.
Btw I don't give a  for VCL/Delphi compatability but unfortunately the 
developers have a different opinion. So we both have to live with what we get. 
You can at least hope and help that your feature requests get included in 
lazarus. But I don't thinks that lazarus will drop Delphi compatability anytime 
soon, well, perhaps when hell freezes over.

Greetings Lucifer

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Re: [lazarus] Delphi incompatibilities in TForm

2007-04-16 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 16 Apr 2007 23:58:30 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Forcing all GTK applications to always use the theming colors is *not*
> always the developers desire.

In this case the developer has the option to use an application specific 
appname.gtkrc file to override the standard theme and use his own.

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Re: [lazarus] History of the widget set design?

2007-04-03 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 3 Apr 2007 23:49:51 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Tell that to all the KDE or Qt users out there!  I really don't get
> > > this argument? Why wouldn't you?
> >
> > If I am a KDE user, then any Qt app will appear native to me; so I don't
> > get your point ?
> Qt draws all it's own widgets. It isn't a wrapper for native widget
> sets. Your statement was the if it was custom drawn, you wouldn't use
> it. Well Qt is custom draw, KDE is based on Qt, so that is custom
> drawn. Now how many KDE and Qt users are out there. A lot!! They all
> seem happy to use a custom drawn widget set, so why wouldn't you?

QT is as native as it gets for KDE users.
Same with GTK and Gnome.
Or Enlightenment and its widgetset. 
Following your reasoning every widgetset on *nix is custom drawn.
Sorry, but you have no point at all.
On *nix the desktop enviroment determines what's native. *nix system are 
different in that respect as the widgetsets are not tied to the OS like on Mac 
or Win.

I get the slight feeling that this 'discussion' drifts away from being related 
to Lazarus at all. Or is there any point?

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Re: [lazarus] History of the widget set design?

2007-04-03 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 3 Apr 2007 08:43:50 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 4/3/07, Lord Satan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > If the user has the choice between native and non native most will choose 
> > the native one. The same reason why KDE-guys use mostly QT apps and Gnome 
> > ones use mostly GTK apps.
> Maybe I'm just different.  I use Ubuntu, which comes default with
> Gnome, yet I use quite a few KDE or Qt apps like Kate, esvn and Kile
> to name a few.  I use a mixed bag, whatever does the job best!
Many people use a mixed bag, but never close to hals QT half GTK.
> As those screenshots show, getting the Windows look is really easy.

Of course it is easy as it looks as ugly as my GTK Lazarus (for some unknown 
reason I cannot use GTK pixmap themes).
Is there theme support planed?
It will be really hard to get Mac OS X users to use apps that look like this. 
They want that all their apps look the same and that is true for me, too, but I 
am a gfx guy so I like nice looks more than other people. 

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Re: [lazarus] History of the widget set design?

2007-04-02 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 19:45:48 -0300
Luiz Americo Pereira Camara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:
> > An example of a widgetset that looks good is eLiquid from Pixel editor.
> In this interview ( 
> ) the Pixel developer considered Open Source eLiquid. The main concern 
> was documentation. If this occurs would be of great value to fpc/Lazarus 
> community.
> Luiz
But the developer plans native widget support for the next major version of 
Pixel and looking at the screenshots I know why users demand it.
Nonetheless you are right that it could be a gain for Lazarus.

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Re: [lazarus] History of the widget set design?

2007-04-02 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 23:51:10 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Seeing that you are a windows person Open Windows Media Player.
> Any version from v8 onwards.  How native does that look or feel
> compared to the rest of the OS. So why may Microsoft get away with it
> and others not?  fpGUI in its invinite state looks a lot more native
> that Windows Media Player (I've got  WMP 8 infront of me).

Take a look at any other Music/Video-Player. They all started out trying to 
mimic some kind of HiFi/Video equipment and users want them to look fancy. Why 
do you think are there millions of mplayer or xine skins? Same for xmms. That's 
all because they are Media-Apps and used by Joe Sixpack all day long (the same 
reason why every crappy shareware app comes with it's own skin). So the 
Mediaplayer is by far the worst example for an application that does not use 
the native widget set. Are there any serious apps using the WMP widgetset?
No? Thought so.
I can see that for your purpose a non native widget set may be The Best 
Thing(tm). But for Lazarus as a whole the current practice of using native 
widgetsets is IMHO much better. Being able to achieve a native look and feel on 
the supported plattforms is just great.
If the user has the choice between native and non native most will choose the 
native one. The same reason why KDE-guys use mostly QT apps and Gnome ones use 
mostly GTK apps.
Btw are there any screenshots or even better a working example of fpGUI in 
action? All I know about it is what I read on this list but I have no clue what 
it looks like and how it feels.

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Re: [lazarus] Can't type [] {} in code editor under linux

2007-01-01 Thread Lord Satan
On Sun, 31 Dec 2006 13:27:35 -0600 (CST)
Jesus Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Works here, thanks.
Works for me, too. Thanks.

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Re: [lazarus] Can't type [] {} in code editor under linux

2006-12-30 Thread Lord Satan
On Fri, 29 Dec 2006 22:51:48 +0100 (CET)
Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I get the same in revision 10359. I have an azerty keyboard, where the
> [ ] ' ` ~ @ | # { } ^ €
> are produced by Alt-gr + some other key.

I have the same problems with a qwertz (german) keyboard layout.

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Re: [lazarus] Fullscreen?

2006-12-26 Thread Lord Satan
> They use SDL to do that, and I basicly am trying to figure out how SDL
> does it so I can do it without it.
Basically SDL does what I said in my last mail. If you want to take a
closer look you should find the stuff in the file SDL_x11window.c.


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Re: [lazarus] Fullscreen?

2006-12-23 Thread Lord Satan
On Sat, 23 Dec 2006 13:23:56 +0100
Burkhard Carstens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Most of the linux games also have a fullscreen option (quake3, 
> lbreakout ..) and in most cases, they are even able to change the 
> screen resolution like the ones in win.
> so it is possible .. :-)

Resolution switching is independent from fullscreen mode and achieved
using the XF86VidMode extension.
AFAIK if you want to have a fullscreen mode on X11 you create a screen
sized window and don't give control over this window to the window
manager (setting CWOverrideRedirect in the attribute list of XCreateWindow) and 
grab keyboard and mouse (XGrabKeyboard/XGrabPointer).

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Re: [lazarus] rookie problem: exception class 'External: SIGSEGV

2006-10-27 Thread Lord Satan
On Fri, 27 Oct 2006 20:00:38 -0300
Hugo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I`m new in Lazarus, and I have a rookie problem. I`ve installed Lazarus 
> v0.9.18 beta on WinXP sp2, and its impossible for me to run anything... 
> I`ve been following the tutorial but that is on the wiki, but it shows 
> an error like this.. ".Project project1 raised exception class 
> 'External: SIGSEGV'. " ... I´ve been looking for information about this 
> but none of those sites give a conclusive answer... I beg for help ;-) 
> ... I´m sure there is something really silly that is restraining me to 
> use Lazarus...
> i´ve installed the program  on  c:\lazarus. My Pc is an AMD Atlhon 64 
> 3500+, 512mb ram, 100gb hd. I have installed gtk+ 2.8.18-1.

I don't know about windows but on Linux you need gtk+ 1.2.x as the gtk2 version 
is not functional yet. 

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Re: [lazarus] new lazarus component palette images

2006-10-17 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 21:56:09 +0200
Micha Nelissen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> > On 10/12/06, Jernej L. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> > 
> > Can you post that as zip?
> > 
> > rar and 7zip are problematic to open on non-windows systems.
> Look for p7zip. It's even in Debian! ;-)
Unrar, too.

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Re: [lazarus] Search Dialog

2006-10-17 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:51:42 +0200
"Sam Washkansky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Problem solved and now I'm a happy camper.

Campers get fragged first.

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Re: [lazarus] 0.9.18 released

2006-09-29 Thread Lord Satan
On Fri, 29 Sep 2006 12:24:55 +0200
Ger Remmers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 29 September 2006 11:49, Vincent Snijders wrote:
> > Ger Remmers schreef:
> > > On Friday 29 September 2006 10:51, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> > >> The Lazarus team is glad to announce the 0.9.18 release. This release is
> > >> based on fpc 2.0.4.
> > >>
> > >> This release can be downloaded from the sourceforge download page:
> > >>
> > >
> > > Daft question
> > >
> > > Is downloading this version release advisable or is updating via svn
> > > (which I do on a nearly daily basis) sufficient?
> >
> > If you are happy with using svn, I would not download the release.
> >
> I'm perfectly happy with the svn, but I was just wondering if there are 
> (significant for me as a linux user) differences between this release and 
> svn.
> -- 
> Ger

>From Mattias mail:

After uploadind one noteworthy bug was spotted:
When creating an event for a new/unsaved unit, you get the error:
Error: unit not found : VirtualUnitFotJITClasses
As workaround save the unit, close it and open it again.
It is already fixed in svn.

Does this answer your question?

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Re: [lazarus] deploy an application

2006-09-21 Thread Lord Satan
> Why this pixbuf is needed ?
To load and handle images.

> It's not a common package as I see.
But it is common as I see it, as it has AFAICR been on my system since RedHat 
6.0. But AFAIK it is gtk-1.2 specific and not needed in gtk-2.x.

> Any way 
> to build Lazarus application for Linux which do not depend on pixbuf ?
Perhaps, if you don't need any images and yes, icons and most gtk themes do 
count as images. So I don't think there is a way. At least if you use gtk.
I don't know about qt or other widget sets, but i cannnot imagine that they 
need a gdk lib, so there would be other libs to do the job, but that is just 

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Re: [lazarus] deploy an application

2006-09-21 Thread Lord Satan
On Thu, 21 Sep 2006 17:22:06 +0200
Andrea Mauri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > You can use 'ldd ', it will show you a list of all linked 
> > libraries.
> > It depends on the LCL-Interface, you use. If you choosed GTK1, then 
> > the GTK1 libs are needed.
> > Most of the libs listed there are on mostly all Linux distributations 
> > out there.
> I compiled my app on Fedora and tested on Ubuntu.
> After
> ldd myapp
> I obtained on Ubuntu that only one library was missing:
> but I wasn't able to install with
> sudo apt-get install
> it said that doesn't exist.
> Finally I found libgdk-pixbuf2 and installed it.
> Now myapp works fine but if I check the dependencies with ldd it finds 
> Why?
> Which is the difference, why it said that is missing 
> but the only lib I can find is libgdk-pixbuf2? is the file that your app is linked against, similar to a 
.dll on windows. libgdk_pixbuf2 is the name of the package that provides this 
file. The package names differ from distro to distro but the filenames should 
be the same.

> But if I make a tarball I have to put in the tarball also the 
> appropriate libs or I can say in some way which libs are needed in order 
> to run myapp?
Most Linux projects just state pn their website which libs are needed. You can 
also include a readme with your app telling the user which libs are needed to 
run your app.

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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus for SPARC

2006-08-17 Thread Lord Satan
> I can see that Debian has installed the libglib1.2 and libglib2.0-0 packages,
> but not the corresponding development packages (presumably libglib1.2-dev and
> libglib2.0-dev respectively. I can see files
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/ ->
> /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/ ->
> In /etc/fpc.cfg I've got
> -Fl/usr/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-linux/3.3.5
> Looking at a Debian machine that has had libglib2.0-dev installed on it I 
> can't
> see a symlink, so I presume that Debian wouldn't set one up for 
> v1.2
> either.
Not on Debian but Ubuntu:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -L libglib1.2-dev


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Re: [lazarus] Problem: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lglib

2006-06-27 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 27 Jun 2006 18:58:02 +0200
Vincent Snijders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ramon Nogueira wrote:
> > Hi, I'm running lazarus 0.9.16 on Ubuntu 6.06 with FPC 2.0.2 installed
> > from RPMs with alien. Everything runs ok but when I try to build an
> > application (the default one that starts when Lazarus does), I get a
> > linker error:
> > 
> > Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.2 [2005/11/26] for i386
> > Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Florian Klaempfl
> > Target OS: Linux for i386
> > Compiling /tmp/project1.lpr
> > Compiling unit1.pas
> > Linking /tmp/project1
> > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lglib
> > project1.lpr(17,1) Error: Error while linking
> > 
> > Am I missing a library or something? Do I need a specific version of
> > glib? Here is the output of
> > ls /usr/lib | grep glib:
> > glib-2.0
> > libavahi-glib.a
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > libglib-2.0.a
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
>  is missing. See also FAQ.
I don't think that this is the problem as I don't have but 
lazarus is working.
AFAIR if you use alien on the fpc RPM the newly created DEB does not install 
/etc/fpc.cfg, which causes the trouble.

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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus crashes on errors in form

2006-06-25 Thread Lord Satan
On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 23:40:20 +0200
Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I added a check. 
> Fixed?
Yes, thanks. 

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[lazarus] Lazarus crashes on errors in form

2006-06-25 Thread Lord Satan
When I compile a unit with a form in it which contains errors Lazarus crashes. 
It correctly stops and shows the errors if the unit in question does not 
contain a form.
In my test cases this was always the main form and I did not try it with other 
Here is the output of lazarus:

glslform.pp(319,3) Error: Identifier not found "writelni"
glslform.pp(319,43) Error: Illegal expression
glslform.pp(464) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, stopping
TApplication.HandleException Access violation
  Stack trace:
asyncprocess.pp $0834D594  TOUTPUTFILTER__ONASYNCREADDATA,  line 1025
of outputfilter.pas $0843EF1B  TASYNCPROCESS__HANDLEPIPEINPUT,  line
133 of asyncprocess.pp $0811C37B  TGTKWIDGETSET__HANDLEPIPEEVENT,  line
129 of $0811C098  WAITHANDLE_IOCALLBACK,  line 38 of $4841D037  ADD,  line 154 of debugoptionsfrm.pas
  $4841E681  ADD,  line 154 of debugoptionsfrm.pas
  $4841F0F6  ADD,  line 154 of debugoptionsfrm.pas
  $4874EEA0  ADD,  line 154 of debugoptionsfrm.pas
of ./include/ $0807548C  RUNMESSAGE,  line 1034
of ./include/ $080753D7  TAPPLICATION__RUNLOOP,  line
1044 of ./include/ $080B6BBB  TWIDGETSET__APPRUN,  line
42 of ./include/ $08075384  TAPPLICATION__RUN,  line
1023 of ./include/ Note: GetTextBuf is overridden
for: ��Y��x������_ lazarus.pp - unhandled exception
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred

And here is the backtrace:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x0805e17e in fpc_raiseexception ()
#1  0x0834b53e in TOUTPUTFILTER__READFPCOMPILERLINE (S=0xb78b007c,
this=0xb7e04214) at outputfilter.pas:771 #2  0x0834a80f in
this=0xb7e04214) at outputfilter.pas:334 #3  0x0834a5aa in
TOUTPUTFILTER__EXECUTE (THEPROCESS=0xb7b85174, this=0xb7e04214) at
outputfilter.pas:291 #4  0x082710c3 in TCOMPILER__COMPILE
(APROJECT=0xb7b6d3d4, BUILDALL=false, WORKINGDIR=0xb79642dc,
this=0xb79918b4) at compiler.pp:160 #5  0x0809cc5f in
this=0xb7cca084) at main.pp:7535 #6  0x0809d023 in
TMAINIDE__DOINITPROJECTRUN (this=0xb7cca084) at main.pp:7603 #7
0x0809d17b in TMAINIDE__DORUNPROJECT (this=0xb7cca084) at main.pp:7664
#8  0x0808b001 in TMAINIDE__ONPROCESSIDECOMMAND (SENDER=0xb7b5a2e8,
COMMAND=1404, HANDLED=true, this=0xb7cca084) at main.pp:2439 #9
COMMAND=1404, ACHAR='', DATA=0x0, HANDLED=true, this=0xb7b5a2e8) at
uniteditor.pp:5259 #10 0x082e0035 in TSOURCEEDITOR__PROCESSUSERCOMMAND
(SENDER=0xb785b5d8, COMMAND=1404, ACHAR='', DATA=0x0, this=0xb79316b4)
at uniteditor.pp:1457 #11 0x084669b9 in
this=0xb785b5d8) at synedit.pp:8409 #12 0x08463988 in
this=0xb785b5d8) at synedit.pp:7425 #13 0x0845714b in
TCUSTOMSYNEDIT__KEYDOWN (KEY=0, SHIFT=[], this=0xb785b5d8) at
synedit.pp:2144 #14 0x081386d0 in TWINCONTROL__KEYDOWNBEFOREINTERFACE
(KEY=0, SHIFT=[], this=0xb785b5d8) at #15
48384, CHARCODE = 0, UNUSED = 0, KEYDATA = 4915201, RESULT = 0},
this=0xb785b5d8) at #16 0x0813a62f in
KEYDATA = 4915201, RESULT = 0}, this=0xb785b5d8) at
#17 0x0805d6c3 in SYSTEM_TOBJECT_$__DISPATCH$formal () #18 0x081406da
= 75, RESULTLO = 0, RESULTHI = 0}, this=0xb785b5d8) at
#19 0x08138095 in TWINCONTROL__WNDPROC (MESSAGE= {MSG = 48384, WPARAM =
1, LPARAMHI = 75, RESULTLO = 0, RESULTHI = 0}, this=0xb785b5d8) at #20 0x08462716 in TCUSTOMSYNEDIT__WNDPROC (MSG=
{MSG = 48384, WPARAM = 0, LPARAM = 4915201, RESULT = 0, WPARAMLO = 0,
this=0xb785b5d8) at synedit.pp:6966 #21 0x08155001 in DELIVERMESSAGE
(TARGET=0xb785b5d8, AMESSAGE=void) at #22 0x08152ada
DATA=0xb7b5a2e8, BEFOREEVENT=true) at #23 0x0815d1ce
in GTKKEYUPDOWN (WIDGET=0x8a4af20, EVENT=0x8971c18, DATA=0xb7b5a2e8) at #24 0x48750489 in gtk_marshal_BOOL__POINTER ()
from /usr/lib/ #25 0x487842f5 in
gtk_signal_connect_while_alive () from /usr/lib/ #26
0x487853e3 in gtk_signal_emit_

[lazarus] Debugger problems without debugger

2006-06-24 Thread Lord Satan
Hi everyone,

I run my projects inside the IDE through the run and wait script. After closing 
my running program the IDE 'stays in the debugging session' as shown by 
'(debugging)' in the caption of the lazarus editor. I cannot stop the debugger 
and have to reset it to get back to the normal state. This is all without 
having specified any debugger at all.
This is really annoying and any help is highly welcome.

Lazarus: rev 9497
FPC: 2.0.2
OS: Ubuntu Linux 6.06

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Re: [lazarus] Compiling GlScene and doubts about game development

2006-06-12 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 23:13:32 +0200
"Lord ZealoN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But how big is the difference between use of GLScene and OpenGL Engine?.
> For example. If you develop the same game but with 2 with an
> Opengl Engine and other with GLScene, is very big difference in perfonmance?
You said you want to write a game for fun. But game is a very broad term. You 
should describe what kind of game you have in mind, so that we can help you 
And I don't think that performance is what you have to worry about. The task is 
to choose the right tool for the job. And which tool is the right one in your 
situation depends only on what you want to achieve.
So give us some details about your game.

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[lazarus] Bug in Enviroment->Editor Options->Color

2006-06-08 Thread Lord Satan

changing the file extensions changes the extensions for ObjectPascal 
irrespective of the chosen language.
If anybody can confirm this bug I write a bug report.

This is on Linux, Lazarus revision 9411.

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Re: [lazarus] Laarus 0.9.16 e Suse

2006-06-04 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 5 Jun 2006 12:26:34 +1000
John E Briggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 08:59:39PM +0200, Lord Satan wrote:
> > On Sun, 4 Jun 2006 21:10:02 +0200 (CEST)
> > Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Sun, 4 Jun 2006, Lord Satan wrote:
> > > 
> > > > > Also gtk1 appears to have gone away in this version.  I also read 
> > > > > that Fedora is dropping gtk1.
> > > > > 
> > > > According to this page 
> > > > 
> > > > gtk1 is still part of OpenSUSE 10.1. 
> > > > So you should be able to setup everything you need to run lazarus. 
> > > > At least on Fedora and Ubuntu it is really easy to install lazarus. To 
> > > > me it looks like SUSE messed some things up.
> > > 
> > > Installing lazarus is not the issue. Getting it to compile and link 
> > > programs is
> > > the problem; for that you need the -devel packages (unless you choose to 
> > > create 
> > > some symlinks yourself)
> > > 
> > > Michael.
> > 
> > But the -devel packages are there also.
> No this is incorrect. The packages are for SuSE commercial version not
> OpenSuSE 10.1 two entirely separate distributions.
> John 
Now I see. My fault.
Although I must admit that I don't understand the reasoning behind keeping them 
in the commercial and removing them from the free version.

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Re: [lazarus] Laarus 0.9.16 e Suse

2006-06-04 Thread Lord Satan
On Sun, 4 Jun 2006 21:10:02 +0200 (CEST)
Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 4 Jun 2006, Lord Satan wrote:
> > > Also gtk1 appears to have gone away in this version.  I also read 
> > > that Fedora is dropping gtk1.
> > > 
> > According to this page 
> > gtk1 
> > is still part of OpenSUSE 10.1. 
> > So you should be able to setup everything you need to run lazarus. 
> > At least on Fedora and Ubuntu it is really easy to install lazarus. To me 
> > it looks like SUSE messed some things up.
> Installing lazarus is not the issue. Getting it to compile and link programs 
> is
> the problem; for that you need the -devel packages (unless you choose to 
> create 
> some symlinks yourself)
> Michael.

But the -devel packages are there also.

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Re: [lazarus] More generic RPM for SuSE and FedoraCore

2006-06-04 Thread Lord Satan
On Sun, 4 Jun 2006 20:32:21 +0200
Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I created a new lazarus RPM, which does not depend on the gtk1 devel
> packages and therefore also works on SuSE, Fedora Core and probably even
> more.
> Please test the new RPM on the various distributions.
> Mattias
Nice job, now where are the DEBS? ;)

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Re: [lazarus] Laarus 0.9.16 e Suse

2006-06-04 Thread Lord Satan
> Also gtk1 appears to have gone away in this version.  I also read 
> that Fedora is dropping gtk1.
According to this page gtk1 is 
still part of OpenSUSE 10.1. So you should be able to setup everything you need 
to run lazarus. At least on Fedora and Ubuntu it is really easy to install 
lazarus. To me it looks like SUSE messed some things up.

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Re: [lazarus] Request for PR noise !

2006-05-20 Thread Lord Satan
On Sat, 20 May 2006 12:31:02 -0600
L505 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Being atheist means you "beleive" that he does not exist.
> > Certainly not. Not seeing something where there is nothing and where
> > it is not necessary that there is something is not a belief, it is
> > a knowledge. I don't "not to believe" that there is a Rammstein CD in
> > orbit around Pluto, I do know there is none (but don't ask me to prove
> > it, I cannot).
> Does a dog have knowledge about colors?  Can a dog imagine red, orange, blue, 
> green,
> purple, violet, etc? A dog can only see certain shades - gray, some blue.
> So if you asked a dog whether he believed red/orange/yellow/purple existed, 
> the dog would
> tell you that you are full of shit. Well, an agnostic dog, on the other hand 
> would say "I
> don't know - I'm not sure - maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong".
> Therefore you are agnostic, not atheist. Agnostic is "not knowing", and let 
> me tell you
> 100 percent of the world does not know anything about how or where the world 
> was created,
> and how or where the thing that created that world was created, or whether it 
> was a thing
> or not - or some figment of some thing's imagination. 100 percent of the 
> world does not
> know anything - we are all agnostic. None of us are atheists, and none of us 
> are
> religious. We all do not know. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many different 
> religions
> out
> there - if we KNEW what existed we would only have one religion. If KNEW that 
> nothing
> existed, we would all be atheists. This is no the case. We know NOTHING, we 
> are all
> agnostic.
> YOU don't know there are more colors out there than the ones we can see. If 
> dogs cannot
> see certain colors, we ourselves may not be able to see certain colors. You 
> do not know.
> We may or may not be the only being out there that can see as many colors as 
> we can. But
> you do not know. Believing that we are the only being out there that can see 
> all colors is
> like being atheist - you think you know something, but you are just as bad as 
> those who
> believe in aliens or those who believe in god. You are just as naive. The 
> reality is, you
> do not know, and they do not know - you are ALL agnostic.
Thanks for enlightening us. But this whole discussion has really nothing to do 
with lazarus/fpc/programming in any sense.
So everybody wanting to talk about religion please stop spamming this mailing 
list and talk somewhere else.
Thank you for your understanding.

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Re: [lazarus] A small OpenGL library for Lazarus (Win32 and Linux/GTK)

2006-05-07 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 08 May 2006 02:02:58 +0400
Alex Smirnov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> *Hi, Friends!*
> I have created a small Lazarus OpenGL library that works both in Win32  
> and in Linux/GTK. It was made from U3D Library by Ricardo Sarmiento and 
> with the help of GLScene.
It looks like it is based on the M$ OpenGL header file, which is IMHO not a 
good idea as it is very old (I think OpenGL 1.1).
But having an OpenGL unit based on more recent headers (meaning OpenGL 2.0) 
that works on Win and Linux would be nice.
Any plans for this?

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Re: [lazarus] Which distribution to use in order to install lazarus without problems?

2006-03-28 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 11:00:06 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No problems under Ubuntu 5.10.  It was a while back, since I did the
> FPC and Lazarus install, but I don't think I required any extra
> packages after the default Ubuntu installation to get them te work.

I think (no, in fact I am sure) that you have to install the dev packages as 
ubuntu does not install any development packages by default.

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Re: [lazarus] OT: fast vector and matrix math

2006-03-08 Thread Lord Satan
> Sorry, but the internal assembler of fpc already supports SSE/SSE2/3Dnow
> since years.
Perhaps I don't understand the SSE instructions correctly but AFAIK this should 

movups xmm0, [v1]  // load v1 into reg0
addps xmm0, [v2]   // add reg0 and v2
movups [vr], xmm0  // write reg0 to xmm0

The above code creates an Acess violation.
If I load v2 into a second register and add the two registers everything works 
as expected.

movups xmm0, [v1] // load v1 into reg0
movups xmm1, [v2] // load v2 into reg1
addps xmm0, xmm1  // add reg0 and reg1
movups [vr], xmm0 // write reg0 to vr

v1, v2, vr are packed records of 4 singles

fpc version is 2.0.2

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Re: [lazarus] OT: fast vector and matrix math

2006-03-08 Thread Lord Satan
On Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:10:23 +0100 (CET)
"Peter Vreman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> Sorry, but the internal assembler of fpc already supports SSE/SSE2/3Dnow
> >> since years.
> >>
> > Does it mean it does not get any faster or do I have to do something to
> > make use of this?
> You need to program in assembler to use it.
No Problem (except that it is a long time ago that I did assembler coding).
Are there any infos on how to get started or can I just search the net for 
3dNow/SSE programming?

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Re: [lazarus] OT: fast vector and matrix math

2006-03-08 Thread Lord Satan
> Sorry, but the internal assembler of fpc already supports SSE/SSE2/3Dnow
> since years.
Does it mean it does not get any faster or do I have to do something to make 
use of this?

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[lazarus] OT: fast vector and matrix math

2006-03-07 Thread Lord Satan
Hello everyone,

I know this is probably the wrong list to ask such thing but as I am not on the 
fpc list and many people on this list know alot more about coding than I do I 
just ask here.
I exclusively do (real time) graphics programming (on a hobby level) and for 
most stuff freepascal is fast enough. But now I have come to a point where I'd 
really like to have some faster vector/matrix math.
So I ask you guys if anybody knows of a way to achieve this. I have read that 
SSE/3DNow are the way to go but AFAIK there is no support for that in fpc.
I don't know much about interaction with other languages but would it be 
possible to use/write a SSE/3DNow math lib in C and then use this for my 
calculations. (I hate C but more speed is more speed and if it is only the real 
low level stuff, I think I can deal with it).
I am open for any suggestion esp. the ones not involving any C coding.

thanks for any help


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[lazarus] Where are my maximize buttons?

2006-03-07 Thread Lord Satan
Hi all,

I just updated lazarus to rev 8887 and all my forms lost their maximize button.
BorderIcons biMaximise is true, Borderstyle is bsSizable, Constrains are all 
zero, FormStyle is fsNormal and WindowState is wsNormal.
Is it intentional and do I have to set anything special to get them back?

thx Satan

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Re: [lazarus] keyboard events

2006-02-22 Thread Lord Satan
On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 22:14:24 -0700
L505 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tony also check out this:
> I find I can never memorize the hex/dec values of Keyboard keys so I made that
> unit.
Is there any reason you cannot use the constants defined in LCLType?


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Re: [lazarus] TTimer

2006-02-21 Thread Lord Satan
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:35:53 +
"Tony Pelton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi satan,
> On 2/22/06, Lord Satan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 18:44:48 +
> > "Tony Pelton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >
> > > this is on Win32.
> >
> > Hi Tony,
> >
> > it is a little ot but I really like to know which OpenGL headers you are 
> > using on windows.
> i'm using the GL,GLU and GLUT units that come with the standalone
> compiler from
I thought so, btw you don't need GLUT if you use a TOpenGLContext.
I was just asking because I am on a long journey to find good cross plattform 
(I am on Linux) OpenGL headers for fpc as the ones that come with fpc are not 
'good enough' for me and at the moment I am using some selfmade ones that are 
not great but do the job under Linux and OSX. But OpenGL on windows is IMHO a 
major PITA and I can't be bothered to make my headers work under windows, so I 
was hoping to find some usable ones.

Thanks for answering 


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Re: [lazarus] TTimer

2006-02-21 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 18:44:48 +
"Tony Pelton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> this is on Win32.

Hi Tony,

it is a little ot but I really like to know which OpenGL headers you are using 
on windows.

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Re: [lazarus] "New Project" Design Study

2006-02-21 Thread Lord Satan
> >> I propose using a dialog similar to the Net Beans one. The
> >> user needs to choose a category and then a project type.
> I don't think this is a nice dialog. I would hate such
> dialog, it's too slow. For simple forms/datamodules,
> it's too heavy, and that is what you create most of all.

I am with Michael on this one.
I don't see much benefits in the examples you showed, as none of the dialogs 
offers more functionality but just some colorfull icons (read bloat).
If anything I'd like to see the Lazarus dialog look a little like the eclipse 
'new project'-dialog, as it offers the same functionality as now and looks a 
little nicer (i don't need the icons btw) I just don't like the separate 
description widget to the right. 

Description: PNG image

Re: [lazarus] Who Discussed Linker Slowness?

2006-02-13 Thread Lord Satan
> Is anybody using a way around or are you all day waiting?
The way around is running under Linux where linking is much faster.
As often said the speed problems are caused by the GNU linker and AFAIK there 
is no way to solve this other than writing a new linker.

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Re: [lazarus] .lpi file in a shared development environment

2006-01-28 Thread Lord Satan
> I then created a test app, to see if I can inherit from a tiObject. 
> The problem is, I got no idea how to add the package as a dependency
> to the project.

You can add dependencies in the project inspector.

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Re: [lazarus] Running a project always performs compile and link sequence

2005-12-07 Thread Lord Satan

After reading this thread I ask myself what is wrong with always compiling and 
linking the project?
I can speak only for myself but most of the time I invoke 'run' I want my 
project to be rebuild since I know something changed (I am inside an IDE and 
doing some coding, after all).
If I know that nothing changed and I just want to run the last compiled binary 
my terminal is just a short-cut away so no problems there.
If it is such a great problem to start your program from somewhere else then 
there could be an option like 'run last compiled binary' and Lazarus just runs 
that with the developer deciding if something changed (he should know).
All in all I just do not see the benefits in Lazarus knowing if it has to 
compile and link the project or not, especially if it is that hard to get the 
needed information.
Perhaps someone can enlighten me and tell me the benefits.


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Re: [lazarus] error when compile Lazarus on Debian

2005-11-11 Thread Lord Satan
On Fri, 11 Nov 2005 17:39:56 +0100
Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > ps : fpc-2.0.0
> > 
> > too old, I suspect
> I disabled the inline it for VER2_0_0.
> Mattias

A little OT but does anybody know of Debian (or even better Ubuntu packages) 
for fpc-2.0.1?


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Re: [lazarus] Petition - OpenGL in Windows Vista

2005-11-09 Thread Lord Satan
This is OT and this mailing list is IMHO not the right place to discuss this.
For futher information and discussion go to

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Re: [lazarus] Some steps forward...

2005-11-02 Thread Lord Satan
On Wed,  2 Nov 2005 18:39:57 -0200

> I install the “fpc i386” packages as suggested by mr. Mattias and 
> Lord Satan. Then I installed “desktop-file-utils” package.
> I make a test with de package of Lazarus 0.9.10 and it points to the 
> gtk+-devel. 
> When I test the dependencies of the gtk+-devel i receive:
> ==
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] src]# rpm -i --test 
> /home/ricardo/download/libgtk+1.2-devel-1.2.10-40mdk.i586.rpm
> aviso: /home/ricardo/download/libgtk+1.2-devel-1.2.10-40mdk.i586.rpm: V3 DSA 
> signature: NOKEY, key ID 70771ff3
> erro: Failed dependencies:
> glib-devel is needed by libgtk+1.2-devel-1.2.10-40mdk
> XFree86-devel is needed by libgtk+1.2-devel-1.2.10-40mdk
> devel(libglib-1.2) is needed by libgtk+1.2-devel-1.2.10-40mdk
> devel(libgmodule-1.2) is needed by libgtk+1.2-devel-1.2.10-40mdk
> devel(libX11) is needed by libgtk+1.2-devel-1.2.10-40mdk
> devel(libXext) is needed by libgtk+1.2-devel-1.2.10-40mdk
> devel(libXi) is needed by libgtk+1.2-devel-1.2.10-40mdk
> ==
> If someone of you want to help me I ask:
> Do I must obtain and install all of these packages?

> Will it appear other dependencies of these packages?
Maybe, I don't know.

> Do all of you that use 0.9.10 have the same troubles?
It is not much trouble if you use a package manager which knows and installs 
all dependencies for a given package. As it looks like you are either using 
Mandrake or Mandriva Linux. I think there is a tool called urpmi which handles 
this tasks in Mandriva, but as I am no Mandriva user other people on this list 
may help you better than I can.  

> Can I use “nodeps” in one of these or I still can install 0.9.10 
> with “nodeps” now?
I am not really sure what this sentence means, but if you want to ask if you 
can use the nodeps option of rpm than the answer is no.

> How do you can solve this kind of troubles?(I suppose that ther must be linux 
> heavy users between you. Just in time: what is the meaning of the message 
> “V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 70771ff3”?)
As I said above it is not much trouble if you have the right tools at hand and 
I am sure Mandriva provides a way to install packages and automatically solve 
the dependencies.
If I remember correctly the meaning of the message is that the package is not 
signed with a pgp key, you may savely ignore it.


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Re: [lazarus] Re: Errors during installation of FPC packages

2005-11-02 Thread Lord Satan
On Wed,  2 Nov 2005 17:17:08 -0200

> Thank you for your lesson. But I obtain the packages names in the list of 
> dependencies that appears when I try to install de Lazarus 0.9.10 package.(If 
> I can't trust in the linux messages in what kind of thinks I must get correct 
> package names?)
> As you can see in the msg sent by mr. Mathias there was a bug...
> (And I don't agree with your comment since I'm trying to use the Lazarus tool 
> not become a linux expert. No offense)
> Best regards
> Ricardo

No offense taken, but the bug is only a minor one and not related to your 
And as you can see below I gave you the same solution to your problem Mattias 
gave you.
I never wanted you to become a linux expert but knowing which packages are 
installable on your system is hardly expert knowledge.
I just did not like the way you responded to Felipes message as he was clearly 
right that the warning had nothing to do with your problem, he just did not see 
that you tried to install the wrong ones and therefor I think your answer to 
his post was not very nice.
So what you should have learned today is .i386.rpm is the ending of the 
packages you want to install and .src.rpm is the ending of packages you don't 
> > You installed the source packages (.src.rpm) but it sounds like you wanted 
> > to install the binary ones (.i386.rpm). So download the correct packages 
> > and install them.

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Re: [lazarus] Re: Errors during installation of FPC packages

2005-11-02 Thread Lord Satan
On Wed,  2 Nov 2005 16:34:26 -0200

> Wise boy! Do you think that I didn't see if the packages are installed before 
> post the message here?
> I never would spend the time of this mailing list if the installation was 
> successful.
> The trouble, then, remains...

> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] src]# rpm -ivh 
> > > /home/ricardo/download/fpc-2.0.1-050923.src.rpm
> > >1:fpcaviso: o utilizador mattias não existe - a 
> > > usar o root
> > > aviso: o grupo mattias não existe - a usar o root
> > > ### [100%]
> > > aviso: o utilizador mattias não existe - a usar o root
> > > aviso: o grupo mattias não existe - a usar o root
> > 

You installed the source packages (.src.rpm) but it sounds like you wanted to 
install the binary ones (.i386.rpm). So download the correct packages and 
install them.
As Felipe pointed out there are no rpm errors, so your install did work, I bet 
there are some new files in (usr/scr/REDHAT/Source/, as far as I can remember 
this is the directory where installed source packages on RedHat systems go to).
Perhaps you should learn a bit about your packaging system before calling 
people 'Wise Boys'.

hope I helped a little

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Re: [lazarus] OpenGL 2D documentation/demo

2005-10-13 Thread Lord Satan
On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 10:52:20 -0300
Andreas Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am not a graphic programmer, but in an application I am writing I will 
> need a synotic that need to be refreshed at a decent rate - around 40 
> times per second. I thought to use OpenGL for this, but have not found 
> any documentation on how to do 2D graphics. It seems all the 
> documentation and demos deal with 3D only.
> Does anyone know where I can find documentation and a demo or two on 2D 
> programming with OpenGL?
The only difference between 2D and 3D programming in OpenGL is the projection 
matrix to use.
The GLU library comes with a little function to set up a 2D orthographic 
projection matrix, google for gluOrtho2D.
And here are some links that might help to get you started on OpenGL:

OpenGL Programming Guide:
OpenGL Reference Guide:
Tutorials (in C):


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Re: [lazarus] Graphics basics on gtk

2005-09-30 Thread Lord Satan
> I would not use any graphic control to do fast drawing but instead a
> window based control such as TPanel or create my own with an internal
> canvas, however for making an Osciloscope i would certainly use
> dedicated libraries such as SDL or OpenGL, you may try the GLScene
> components, with this kind of libs you can easily get hundreds of
> frames and they are not so bad to setup, not to mention that you have
> specific drawing funcs for various shapes and all kinds of goodies and
> they are CrossPlatform you can even use a Panel to render using
> OpenGL.
I am not sure if this is not a little overkill for just drawing some lines.
Remember OpenGL is slow in line and point drawing on consumer level hardware, 
OpenGL is slow if running in software (at least at our university we don't have 
computers with 3D cards attached to our measuring equipment, many are running 
dos :) ). And you need a little understanding of how OpenGL works (perhaps 
GLScene takes away this requirement, I never tried it) meaning that with canvas 
drawing you work on pixels (which is quite intuitive for most programmers) 
while OpenGL as a vector graphics API takes an other approach and for someone 
not familiar with the inner workings of OpenGL it might not be as intuitive as 
canvas drawing.
I think standard canvas drawing should be fast enough and since lazarus is 
cross plattform it is cross plattform, too, and really easy to use.
If for any reason canvas drawing is really too slow OpenGL is of course the 

just my 2 cent

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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus crashes while starting

2005-09-23 Thread Lord Satan
> Maybe someone has an idea?
The problem seems to be the use of gtk1 pixmap themes as lazarus always crashes 
while using one of these. Using themes that do not rely on the gtk pixmap 
engine solves the problem. The downside is that all good looking themes I know 
are pixmap based but at least lazarus works again. 

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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus crashes while starting

2005-09-18 Thread Lord Satan
On Sun, 18 Sep 2005 11:24:51 +0200
Florian Köberle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I can't reproduce the bug. What must I do, when I want to reproduce this 
> bug?
> System: Pentium 4 1600 MHz; 256MB; Geforce 2 MX 400
> OS: Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary
> fpc version: 2.0.0
> lazarus revision: 7701 (I downgrade to this version in oder to test it too)
> Flo
> By the way, after the xorg update my x-server didn't start. Setting the 
> driver to "nv" instead of "nvidea" or a driver update solve that 
> problem. I don't know if there is any connection.
First of all I am using a NVIDIA Geforce 4 Ti 4200 graphics card.
Second I had no problems with X after the update but I tried using the 
'nv'-driver and updating the 'nvidia'-driver. No effect lazarus keeps crashing.

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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus crashes while starting

2005-09-14 Thread Lord Satan
> Btw the only changes to my system I can think of were some security updates, 
> mostly xorg but I cannot see any connection.

After a lot of trouble I have verified that the xorg security update is the 
reason for lazarus stopping to work. I downgraded the xserver and all its 
dependencies manually and now lazarus starts again.
For the time being I can keep the old version of xorg but I think this is a 
real problem as I like to keep my system updated in regard to security issues.

These are the details about the vulnerability from the Ubuntu security notes:

A local privilege escalation vulnerability has been discovered in the
pixmap allocation handling of the X server. By allocating a huge
pixmap, a local user could trigger an integer overflow that resulted
in a memory allocation that was too small for the requested pixmap.
This resulted in a buffer overflow which could eventually be exploited
to execute arbitrary code with full root privileges.

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[lazarus] Lazarus crashes while starting

2005-09-14 Thread Lord Satan
Hi everyone,

I am in need of a little help. Yesterday I did a svn update and all worked 
perfectly. Today I wanted to work a little on my project but lazarus crashed.
I did an svn update tried it again and lazarus told me that there was a problem 
opening my project the last time I tried to start lazarus and asked me if I 
wanted to load my project anyway. Neither anwsering yes nor no changed anything 
about the crash. 
Here is the output of lazarus (being told not to load my project) and my try to 
get a backtrace which failed (I don't know why):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/pascal/lazarus$ gdb lazarus
GNU gdb 6.3-debian
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-linux"...Using host libthread_db library 

(gdb) run --g-fatal-warnings
Starting program: /home/satan/pascal/lazarus/lazarus --g-fatal-warnings
[WARNING] **   **
[WARNING] ** Multibyte character encodings (like UTF8) are not **
[WARNING] ** supported at the moment.  **
[WARNING] ** For full keyboard event support, make sure that   **
[WARNING] ** the LANG environment var has no UTF8  **
[WARNING] **   **
TApplication.IconChanged - TODO: convert this implementation in 
gtk or win32
NOTE: help options config file not found - using defaults
TMainIDE.DoNewProject A
TMainIDE.DoNewEditorFile A NewFilename=
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=False  project1.lpr
[TCustomFormEditor.CreateComponent] Class='TForm'
TPascalParserTool.BuildTree B OnlyIntf=False  project1.lpr
TMainIDE.DoNewEditorFile end unit1.pas
TMainIDE.DoNewProject end
Gdk-ERROR **: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
  serial 8139 error_code 11 request_code 53 minor_code 0
Gdk-ERROR **: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
  serial 8140 error_code 9 request_code 62 minor_code 0

Program exited with code 01.
(gdb) bt
No stack.

System: Athlon 2000+, 512MB
OS: Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary
fpc version: 2.0.0
lazarus revision: 7701

Any help is highly welcome and if you need any additional information do not 
hesitate to ask.
Btw the only changes to my system I can think of were some security updates, 
mostly xorg but I cannot see any connection.

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Re: [lazarus] Application.OnIdle

2005-09-12 Thread Lord Satan
On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 10:45:29 +0200
Bogus__aw Brandys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Also,I managed to check Lazarus sources from daily snapshot under Ubuntu
> 5.04 but when ciompile there is no libglib. I think that libglib2.0-dev
> is missing or I must install GTK1.2 ? How can I compile Lazarus from
> scratch using GTK2.0 ? Where can I find libglib2.0-dev for Ubuntu ?
> Or maybe I should rather install Redhat bacause Ubuntu is missing many
> "dev" packages ?

I am using Ubuntu myself but I installed GTK1 and never tried to build Lazarus 
with GTK2 support so I cannot help you there.
As far as I can see libglib2.0-dev is in the standard Ubuntu repository, you 
should be able to just 'apt-get install' it or you can use synaptic.
To your last question I don't know if you should use Redhat or not but Ubuntu 
is not missing the development packages it just does not install them as many 
people don't need them. You may install all the dev-packages you need via 

hope this helps a little  

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