Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-08-01 Thread Michael Goguen
It has only occurred to me in retrospect, that linux-ottawa / oclug
publishes the email list publicly on the internet, and that I am using
unobfuscated keywords that often get topics I've talked about 'flagged' and
blocked or other similar things like shadow banning, etc on social media,
and that this could have consequences for linux-ottawa / oclug as well, and
I am sorry I am bringing this up in retrospect, rather than having thought
it through more carefully before sending information to the list.

Sorry if this causes problems, open to suggestions on better ways to do
things... (but even alternate words and keywords can probably be sussed out
by advanced systems/ algorithms, even if it sometimes still works to elude
basic word/ bot filters sometimes still (but over time, more processing is
sometimes alotted, and sites often keep archives of the data, so if it
doesn't too 'serious processing' right away, eventually various things
might come up in a 'queue' to be processed more, and 'deciphered' and
various consequences occuring, although possibly delayed, and people may
not realize the connection between the consequences and the original
actions, by that point..., concealing the causes of effects is a technique
that can help hide the source of consequences, ie conceal their activities,
agendas, influence, so people don't make the connection and things /
interests can continue to operate 'invisibly', except in the case with
groups like wigi-peeks and fl1tt3r ph1l3s where internal documents or
testimonies under oath in congress reveal what was going on behind the
scenes, who were pulling strings, etc., sometimes in a way which is
proveable, could have consequences for the interests who are showng to have
taken the actions, and potentially then, that actions can be taken to
potentially limit those kinds of behaviour, or at least to try to have some
kind of oversite that it is happening, and by whom, and for what reason,

see project 573114r W1nd that 3dw4rd b1nn3y 3xp0s3d for more on 'long term
storage of private data', it got a little bit 'missed' with the 5n0wd3n
d1scl0sur3s sorry I know weird writing like this also fl4g5 stuff but
hopefully it helps in the short term... 'grammarly' / auto correct /
translation services as decryption and as part of 'intention and behaviour
prediction' type algorithms, like 'psychic mode' for chat /fb etc, where
the partially complete or unsent data is sent right away, including
corrections and changes, to servers, and the fact that someone is 'typing a
message' is sent to the person you are intending to send to, so they know
you are typing, before the message is actually sent (wiki type function of
saving all versions to be able to go back and see all things that were
typed, so you can't say, in a google doc, have a private conversation like
chat, where you type to someone, they read it, then you delete it in real
time, and no record is left, DOESN'T happen, because all versions of things
are saved by server, which helps prevent hacking and some kinds of abuse
like that, to restore, but also compromises privacy and anonymity... )

Michael Goguen

On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 3:21 PM Dianne Skoll  wrote:

> On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 13:56:18 -0400 (EDT)
> wrote:
> > See also
> > Geist argues instead for "a fund model with mandated contributions
> > that would support actual journalism without getting into issues such
> > link payments or copyright law."
> That would probably be better, and it wouldn't let Google / Meta /
> etc.  wriggle out of paying by simply not linking to news stories.
> It's one thing to stop linking to news sites, but quite another to
> choose between paying into a fund and ceasing to operate at all in
> Canada.
> > It's very clear that Google, Meta, etc. have taken over most of what
> > used to be newspaper/TV advertising, especially since 2010. The drop
> > in ad revenue looks like it's going over a cliff.
> It's very clear to me that Google, Meta, etc. are a far higher threat to
> our freedom than the Canadian government is.  They need to be broken up.
> This proposal from Google is particularly evil:
> > But in terms of alternatives to newspaper display ads or TV ads, I
> > suspect that the "social media" companies are not providing what they
> > promise. How many of us block all online ads?
> See Google's proposal above.  They want a world like that Black Mirror
> episode, where your TV watches you and ensures you consume ads.
> [...]
> > But what would be even more effective is for more governments to stop
> > advertising on "social", as the federal government recently has, and
> > divert that money to Canadian media. Unfortunately, Ottawa City
> > Council recently voted down a motion to do that -- the city spends 20
> > percent of its ad budget on "s

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-08-01 Thread Michael Goguen
Sorry, might writing and editing isn't great sometimes, I see I left some
incomplete statements in my post, and it was a particularly relevant one,
so I will complete it now.

> important information, the argument is that if the tech (*companies) and
social media 'did it on their own', they are not 'required' to give 'free
> speech' on their platforms, and so supposedly the only reason there is
even a free speech/ censorship debate for this kind of abusive stuff
> happening, is supposedly *because in some cases, the usa gov or other
governments 'told or encouraged' it to happen, and the first amendment in
the USA does apply to that,* so because of that, it does make it a free
speech issue, but for instance, facebook has for a long while been blocking
any mention of 'cambridge analytica' posts I would try to make, or even
private messages to other people that included those words directly, would
not be allowed to be sent... that has recently changed, but I imagine,
depending on the outcome of the censorship case missouri vs Biden, things
could change again, but the implications of the cambridge analytica type
revelations, and putting restrictions/limitations on that kind of power,
and profiling all its users, and selling that data in order that other
interests can better 'mind control' and manipulate' people into things,
including acts against goverment, extremism, or misinforming people about
the true sources of abuses and corruption and the reasons behind these,
including 'dark money', one might imagine it is often project mockingbird
related usa gov type sources that are blaming 'everything' on foreign
sources, when the matt taibbi twitter files are -proving- a lot of
'propaganda' knowingly propaganda by the government behind the scenes
sources pulling the strings for organizations doing it, and while there is
real foreign influence in a lot of things, that is the scape goat
justification being used in a lot of cases as well, to conceal the
government and tech and other corporate interests own influences and

A good documentary I found on some issues of... some of the problems of
social media and other interests manipulating users through their media,
was one called 'the social dillema' which was on Canadian Netflix for
awhile. There used to be a lot of good articles and discussion on things
like youtube, I haven't looked recently, I don't know how much shows up in
searches now, or how much is available. Another thing that has been
happening recently, for instance with youtube, is blocking things by
'region', so like maybe not available to watch in Canada, or other
countries, etc, so for instance a free usa pbs public broadcasting station
documentary that was put by pbs on their own youtube channel, called 'Dark
Money' (corporations basically paying for and running of elections of
people who will basically do their bidding on important issues once in
office, so they basically run the campaigns very well and fund them and get
the people put into office, the documentary is a case study of this
happening somewhere in the usa) was being blocked ... wait, no, I
downloaded it onto a usb (from youtube using a youtube downloading site or
something) to show other people at some point while at a library, and it
mysteriously disappeared off the usb, sorry I'm not sure I can remember
other good examples of region blocked content right now.

Michael Goguen

On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 3:21 PM Dianne Skoll  wrote:

> On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 13:56:18 -0400 (EDT)
> wrote:
> > See also
> > Geist argues instead for "a fund model with mandated contributions
> > that would support actual journalism without getting into issues such
> > link payments or copyright law."
> That would probably be better, and it wouldn't let Google / Meta /
> etc.  wriggle out of paying by simply not linking to news stories.
> It's one thing to stop linking to news sites, but quite another to
> choose between paying into a fund and ceasing to operate at all in
> Canada.
> > It's very clear that Google, Meta, etc. have taken over most of what
> > used to be newspaper/TV advertising, especially since 2010. The drop
> > in ad revenue looks like it's going over a cliff.
> It's very clear to me that Google, Meta, etc. are a far higher threat to
> our freedom than the Canadian government is.  They need to be broken up.
> This proposal from Google is particularly evil:
> > But in terms of alternatives to newspaper display ads or TV ads, I
> > suspect that the "social media" companies are not providing what they
> > promise. How many of us block all online ads?
> See Google's proposal above.  They want a world like that Black Mirror
> episode, where your TV watches you and ensures you consume ads.
> [...]
> > But what would be even more effective is for 

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-08-01 Thread Dianne Skoll
On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 13:56:18 -0400 (EDT) wrote:

> See also
> Geist argues instead for "a fund model with mandated contributions
> that would support actual journalism without getting into issues such
> link payments or copyright law."

That would probably be better, and it wouldn't let Google / Meta /
etc.  wriggle out of paying by simply not linking to news stories.
It's one thing to stop linking to news sites, but quite another to
choose between paying into a fund and ceasing to operate at all in

> It's very clear that Google, Meta, etc. have taken over most of what
> used to be newspaper/TV advertising, especially since 2010. The drop
> in ad revenue looks like it's going over a cliff.

It's very clear to me that Google, Meta, etc. are a far higher threat to
our freedom than the Canadian government is.  They need to be broken up.

This proposal from Google is particularly evil:

> But in terms of alternatives to newspaper display ads or TV ads, I
> suspect that the "social media" companies are not providing what they
> promise. How many of us block all online ads?

See Google's proposal above.  They want a world like that Black Mirror
episode, where your TV watches you and ensures you consume ads.


> But what would be even more effective is for more governments to stop 
> advertising on "social", as the federal government recently has, and 
> divert that money to Canadian media. Unfortunately, Ottawa City
> Council recently voted down a motion to do that -- the city spends 20
> percent of its ad budget on "social".

I am shocked that our municpal goverment would do this.  Shocked,
I say! 🙄

I am very cynical about the whole situation.  The Internet was an
ambitious project that was pretty nice for a while, but it has now
turned into a tool for greed, control and suppression of democracy.
It's a net loss for humanity.



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Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-08-01 Thread alayne
As for Bill C-18 (the first part of Michael's email), this is a good basic 
guide to the implications of the newly-passed but not yet implemented 
legislation. It includes criticism from Michael Geist:

See also
Geist argues instead for "a fund model with mandated contributions that 
would support actual journalism without getting into issues such link 
payments or copyright law."

It's very clear that Google, Meta, etc. have taken over most of what used 
to be newspaper/TV advertising, especially since 2010. The drop in ad 
revenue looks like it's going over a cliff.

It's also clear that the online model is simply better for classified ads 
than in print: cheaper, easier to search, more up-to-date. Also more 
possible to scam, of course. There's also more competition online in this 
area. I would guess that newspapers are never going to get this revenue 
(and it was substantial) back except for niche services like obituaries.

But in terms of alternatives to newspaper display ads or TV ads, I suspect 
that the "social media" companies are not providing what they promise. How 
many of us block all online ads? How many of us have got sick & tired of 
all the blether and mostly dropped out of Meta or X or Instagram? The 
social companies provide counts of hits and click-throughs, but how 
accurate are they?

Newspapers and TV stations are at a disadvantage because they can't 
provide per-ad counts - regardless of the ad effectiveness.

In any case, this bill is not likely to help community newspapers -- only 
the big chains + those media regulated by the CRTC.

Given that we're losing substantial news coverage, especially at the local 
level, which actually affects democracy and your ability to know what's 
going on as a citizen, I think it's important that more money does flow to 
media outlets specifically for news/arts coverage from Google/Meta etc. I 
would tend to agree with Geist that C-18 might not be the most effective 

But what would be even more effective is for more governments to stop 
advertising on "social", as the federal government recently has, and 
divert that money to Canadian media. Unfortunately, Ottawa City Council 
recently voted down a motion to do that -- the city spends 20 percent of 
its ad budget on "social".


On Tue, 1 Aug 2023, Michael Goguen wrote:

I'm not really up on some of this, and my memory isn't great, but a legal 
expert on computer privacy and freedom from the University of Ottawa
named Michael Geist has been blogging about current government bills being 
proposed or put into place by the Canadian Government, one of the laws
or bills was about making big companies like google and facebook start paying 
money to Canadian News organizations for sharing Canadian News
links, I think maybe this is a little bit like the group 'openmedia dot ca' 
might have described about a European law getting to place that they
phrased as a 'link tax'.  Although the idea is supposedly to support Canadian 
News media, which is starting to lose a lot of money to social media
(and those who control it), I think there is a comment I saw of Michael Geist's 
where he mentions that the changes could affects 'all users', and
not just (if I am remembering the post correctly) news media, ie big tech might 
start supposedly having to pay regular users for sharing links or
alternately blocking all of their link sharing so as not to have to pay, and or 
regular users who share news links, would they have to pay the
news media because they shared their links?  I'm probably getting a lot of this 
wrong, I think there is better info about some of this available
online from people who have looked at it...

Alayne McGregor
alayne at

The shyness is not unusual. If you weren't quiet, you wouldn't have so 
desperately searched for a way to speak. The reason you have so desperately 
pursued your work and your language and your voice is because you haven't had 
one. - Bruce Springsteen, in _Renegades_

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-08-01 Thread alayne
Re the US case that Michael cites, one effect would have been that Meta or 
X or Google or Reddit etc could not consult with the CDC re COVID-19 
health measures and vaccine misinformation. I suspect the Hunter Biden 
allegations are BS. As for RFK jr, he's a dangerous zealot.

In addition to numerous social media companies, the injunction blocks the 
government from communicating with three academic programs at Stanford 
University and the University of Washington that study the spread of 
misinformation online: the Election Integrity Partnership, the Virality 
Project, and the Stanford Internet Observatory.

Here is a release from the Electronic Frontier Foundation which gives a 
better background to this injunction:

"[...]Even the biggest, best-resourced social media companies struggle 
with content moderation, often frustrating users. In search of fairness 
and consistency in their decisions, social media companies need to draw on 
outside resources and expertise. This “networked governance” can include 
trusted flagger programs, trust and safety councils, or external 
stakeholder engagement teams, as well as as-needed consultations with 
individual and organizational experts including government agencies.

Such government input does raise unique and worrisome First Amendment 
issues, but it can’t be forbidden entirely, the brief argues.

“The distinction between proper and improper speech is often obscure, 
leaving ample gray area for courts reviewing such cases to grapple in. But 
grapple in it they must,” the brief says. “The district court did not 
adequately distinguish between improper and proper communications in 
either its analysis or preliminary injunction. The preliminary injunction 
is internally inconsistent with exceptions that seem to swallow many of 
its prohibitions. It does not provide adequate guidance to either the 
government or to anyone else seeking to hold the government to its 
proscriptions. This Court must independently review the record and make 
the searching distinctions that the district court did not.” [...]"

See also: 
"[...] But multiple First Amendment scholars and free speech advocates say 
the sweeping nature of the ruling, the result of a lawsuit brought by the 
Republican attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri, is too broad and 
hobbled by a partisan agenda. It’s predicated on rickety reasoning. It 
conflates virtually any kind of discussion with censorship. And ultimately 
it could end up protecting social media companies from legitimate 
criticism. [...]

In the case of the Biden administration, many of those instances involved 
administration officials sending emails and texts to Twitter staffers to 
flag instances of misinformation and disinformation about Covid and the 
elections that violated Twitter’s own policies.  [...]"


On Tue, 1 Aug 2023, Michael Goguen wrote:

Also, there was a court injunction (that now has a stay from another court) 
against the USA Biden Administration for censoring American's (and
possibly other peoples', as well) social media posts on many issues, election 
issues, fakzine issues, climate change, Hunter Biden's laptop
emails, so like ongoing legal and court issues, etc that were factually true, 
so the injunction had been that the administration couldn't contact
the big tech companies that were doing the censoring, I noticed some censoring 
started to decrease for awhile, or become more hidden, so Matt
Taibbi has talked about some of this in congressional or something hearings in 
the USA, called 'the twitter files', documents exposed about usa
gov ordering twitter to censor certain things. RFK jr, who is running for 
president of the usa for 2024, has also started a lawsuit againt the usa
gov for censoring him, and there were 12 people known as the 'disinformation 
dozen' who were cited by the biden information and some of the groups
who were 'managing information' as sources for a lot of the 'supposed' 
disinformation about fakzines, one of them was someone named J0seph
M3rc0la, who at one point had his bank accounts frozen by a bank he's been with 
for something like 20 years, as well as other execs in his
business and family members (morgan chase bank), and he has recently had those 
bank accounts 'closed' (so I might be confusing some information)
at any rate yeah so banks accounts were closed with no reason given on the 
sudden, other alternative media groups, some of who were called
'foreign disinformation agents', were having their funding cut off by usa 
interests, sometimes based on supposed embargoes of various countries
that were paying journalists for their media, so 

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-07-31 Thread Michael Goguen
son there is even a free speech/ censorship
> debate for this kind of abusive stuff happening, is supposedly because in
> some cases, the usa gov or other governments (eu has a law in place and was
> warning / checking with elon musk, would twitter respect their laws of
> blocking certain things, and Elon Musk said twitter would obey the law,
> etc, although some countries have talked about blocking some social media
> companies completely if they do not 'respect' their 'laws' about 'unallowed
> posts/information').
> Has anyone else been following any of this? The impacts of the Julian
> Assange case, for doing journalism, could impact journalists worldwide,
> criminalizing them (and allowing them to be like sent to the usa or other
> countries for posting 'defense secrets' that expose crimes of those
> countries, and basically put them in jail and try them for it, and it is
> possible this could be done to include anyone who shares any information,
> blogging etc, as 'criminal journalists', to be taken to said countries for
> exposing crimes of the powerful, and then put in jail for it, etc.
> So yeah, is this something anyone else has been looking into or would want
> to discuss or anything? Is this online meeting stuff, or people would
> prefer to do in person, or in person and everyone puts their cellphones in
> a faraday cage... LOL eheheh anyways.
> I guess I will see if this email goes through to the list.
> Michael Goguen
> On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 11:07 PM Richard Guy Briggs 
> wrote:
>> On 2023-08-01 02:50, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
>> > "That used to be GOSLINGS (Getting Open Source Logic Into GovernmentS).
>> > They're still going strong, but now meeting in the basement of the
>> > building TUPOC tried to squat..."
>> >
>> > Richard, you are certainly a fountain of knowledge, and I have stopped
>> questioning how you know all these things.  Well, I have some questions.. I
>> might attend the meetup on Friday and bother these others with those, over
>> nachos. :)
>> I have a couple of decades head start...  And I guess my memory hasn't
>> left me yet...  I'll likely go for nachos...
>> > I can plan for this Thursday.  If others don't necessarily want to
>> present, I stumbled across a legal article that we could discuss!
>> > I know, I know, but it is actually quite interesting:
>> >
>> > -Katie
>> > 
>> > From: Richard Guy Briggs 
>> > Sent: 31 July 2023 22:36
>> > To: Katherine Mcmillan 
>> > Cc: Ian E. Gorman ; tug ;
>> ; Linux-Ottawa 
>> > Subject: Re: [linux] Meeting for August.
>> >
>> > Attention : courriel externe | external email
>> >
>> > On 2023-08-01 02:12, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
>> > > Hi Tug and all,
>> > >
>> > > Sure, I???m happy to try to plan a meeting :)
>> > >
>> > > What I???m going to do is the following: plan a regular online
>> meeting and recommend that anyone that would like to attend something in
>> person, which is also awesome, attend this:
>> >
>> > That used to be GOSLINGS (Getting Open Source Logic Into GovernmentS).
>> > They're still going strong, but now meeting in the basement of the
>> > building TUPOC tried to squat...
>> >
>> > > This also means that I would recommend we have our meeting next
>> Thursday (August 10). Would that work, or should I try to plan for this
>> Thursday?
>> >
>> > I'd somewhat strongly recommend sticking with the first Thursday.  (But
>> > after the regular date is somewhat better than before so those regulars
>> > expecting it won't miss it.)
>> >
>> > > Sincerely,
>> > > Katie
>> > > 
>> > > From: Ian E. Gorman 
>> > > Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 9:02:34 PM
>> > > To: tug 
>> > > Cc: Katherine Mcmillan ; <
>>>; Linux-Ottawa 
>> > > Subject: Re: [linux] Meeting for August.
>> > >
>> > > Attention : courriel externe | external email
>> > > I would like to have a meeting, even though I have nothing to bring.
>> > >
>> > > Iam
>> > >
>> > > On Mon

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-07-31 Thread Michael Goguen
 allowing them to be like sent to the usa or other
countries for posting 'defense secrets' that expose crimes of those
countries, and basically put them in jail and try them for it, and it is
possible this could be done to include anyone who shares any information,
blogging etc, as 'criminal journalists', to be taken to said countries for
exposing crimes of the powerful, and then put in jail for it, etc.

So yeah, is this something anyone else has been looking into or would want
to discuss or anything? Is this online meeting stuff, or people would
prefer to do in person, or in person and everyone puts their cellphones in
a faraday cage... LOL eheheh anyways.

I guess I will see if this email goes through to the list.

Michael Goguen

On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 11:07 PM Richard Guy Briggs 

> On 2023-08-01 02:50, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> > "That used to be GOSLINGS (Getting Open Source Logic Into GovernmentS).
> > They're still going strong, but now meeting in the basement of the
> > building TUPOC tried to squat..."
> >
> > Richard, you are certainly a fountain of knowledge, and I have stopped
> questioning how you know all these things.  Well, I have some questions.. I
> might attend the meetup on Friday and bother these others with those, over
> nachos. :)
> I have a couple of decades head start...  And I guess my memory hasn't
> left me yet...  I'll likely go for nachos...
> > I can plan for this Thursday.  If others don't necessarily want to
> present, I stumbled across a legal article that we could discuss!
> > I know, I know, but it is actually quite interesting:
> >
> > -Katie
> > 
> > From: Richard Guy Briggs 
> > Sent: 31 July 2023 22:36
> > To: Katherine Mcmillan 
> > Cc: Ian E. Gorman ; tug ;
> ; Linux-Ottawa 
> > Subject: Re: [linux] Meeting for August.
> >
> > Attention : courriel externe | external email
> >
> > On 2023-08-01 02:12, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> > > Hi Tug and all,
> > >
> > > Sure, I???m happy to try to plan a meeting :)
> > >
> > > What I???m going to do is the following: plan a regular online meeting
> and recommend that anyone that would like to attend something in person,
> which is also awesome, attend this:
> >
> > That used to be GOSLINGS (Getting Open Source Logic Into GovernmentS).
> > They're still going strong, but now meeting in the basement of the
> > building TUPOC tried to squat...
> >
> > > This also means that I would recommend we have our meeting next
> Thursday (August 10). Would that work, or should I try to plan for this
> Thursday?
> >
> > I'd somewhat strongly recommend sticking with the first Thursday.  (But
> > after the regular date is somewhat better than before so those regulars
> > expecting it won't miss it.)
> >
> > > Sincerely,
> > > Katie
> > > 
> > > From: Ian E. Gorman 
> > > Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 9:02:34 PM
> > > To: tug 
> > > Cc: Katherine Mcmillan ; <
>>; Linux-Ottawa 
> > > Subject: Re: [linux] Meeting for August.
> > >
> > > Attention : courriel externe | external email
> > > I would like to have a meeting, even though I have nothing to bring.
> > >
> > > Iam
> > >
> > > On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 9:11???PM tug>> wrote:
> > >
> > > I don't recall Timothy offering to give a presentation. Did emails go
> missing?
> > >
> > >
> > > I've not prepared anything, and haven't heard of anyone (until Katie's
> offer in this email).
> > >
> > >
> > > Last month I was going to propose a link to meet, despite there being
> no planned talks, but as there were problems with spam filters, I just put
> a notice cancelling the meeting on the website.
> > >
> > >
> > > I might or might not be able to attend a meeting this week, so it
> seemed a bit bad to propose a meeting. I know John was trying to arrange
> something, but I've not heard much, and I haven't had time these past
> couple of weeks to check in.
> > >
> > >
> > > So Katie - do you want to kick off a meeting, and see where it pans
> out from there?
> > >
> > >
> > > Tug
> > >
> > >

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-07-31 Thread Richard Guy Briggs
On 2023-08-01 02:50, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> "That used to be GOSLINGS (Getting Open Source Logic Into GovernmentS).
> They're still going strong, but now meeting in the basement of the
> building TUPOC tried to squat..."
> Richard, you are certainly a fountain of knowledge, and I have stopped 
> questioning how you know all these things.  Well, I have some questions.. I 
> might attend the meetup on Friday and bother these others with those, over 
> nachos. :)

I have a couple of decades head start...  And I guess my memory hasn't
left me yet...  I'll likely go for nachos...

> I can plan for this Thursday.  If others don't necessarily want to present, I 
> stumbled across a legal article that we could discuss!
> I know, I know, but it is actually quite interesting: 
> -Katie
> From: Richard Guy Briggs 
> Sent: 31 July 2023 22:36
> To: Katherine Mcmillan 
> Cc: Ian E. Gorman ; tug ; 
> ; Linux-Ottawa 
> Subject: Re: [linux] Meeting for August.
> Attention : courriel externe | external email
> On 2023-08-01 02:12, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> > Hi Tug and all,
> >
> > Sure, I???m happy to try to plan a meeting :)
> >
> > What I???m going to do is the following: plan a regular online meeting and 
> > recommend that anyone that would like to attend something in person, which 
> > is also awesome, attend this: 
> >
> That used to be GOSLINGS (Getting Open Source Logic Into GovernmentS).
> They're still going strong, but now meeting in the basement of the
> building TUPOC tried to squat...
> > This also means that I would recommend we have our meeting next Thursday 
> > (August 10). Would that work, or should I try to plan for this Thursday?
> I'd somewhat strongly recommend sticking with the first Thursday.  (But
> after the regular date is somewhat better than before so those regulars
> expecting it won't miss it.)
> > Sincerely,
> > Katie
> > 
> > From: Ian E. Gorman 
> > Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 9:02:34 PM
> > To: tug 
> > Cc: Katherine Mcmillan ; 
> > ; Linux-Ottawa 
> > Subject: Re: [linux] Meeting for August.
> >
> > Attention : courriel externe | external email
> > I would like to have a meeting, even though I have nothing to bring.
> >
> > Iam
> >
> > On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 9:11???PM tug 
> >>> wrote:
> >
> > I don't recall Timothy offering to give a presentation. Did emails go 
> > missing?
> >
> >
> > I've not prepared anything, and haven't heard of anyone (until Katie's 
> > offer in this email).
> >
> >
> > Last month I was going to propose a link to meet, despite there being no 
> > planned talks, but as there were problems with spam filters, I just put a 
> > notice cancelling the meeting on the website.
> >
> >
> > I might or might not be able to attend a meeting this week, so it seemed a 
> > bit bad to propose a meeting. I know John was trying to arrange something, 
> > but I've not heard much, and I haven't had time these past couple of weeks 
> > to check in.
> >
> >
> > So Katie - do you want to kick off a meeting, and see where it pans out 
> > from there?
> >
> >
> > Tug
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2023-07-31 18:09, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> > Hello Jean-Francois,
> >
> > I would really like to see a presentation by Timothy Forbes.  However, it 
> > may not be a good time for that.
> >
> > I have created a sequel to my first "Linux for the Wacom" presentation that 
> > I could present if anyone is interested - I go into a specific security 
> > concern and how Linux (openSUSE in this case) overcomes that.  It wouldn't 
> > take long to present, and I would appreciate thoughts/feedback.
> >
> > I would also be interested in inviting an attendee from my new workplace 
> > who has expressed interest. :)
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Katie
> > 
> > From:<> 
> > <>
> > Sent: 31 July 2023 15:03
> > To:<> 
> > <>
> > Subject: [linux] Meeting for August.
> >

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-07-31 Thread Katherine Mcmillan
"That used to be GOSLINGS (Getting Open Source Logic Into GovernmentS).
They're still going strong, but now meeting in the basement of the
building TUPOC tried to squat..."

Richard, you are certainly a fountain of knowledge, and I have stopped 
questioning how you know all these things.  Well, I have some questions.. I 
might attend the meetup on Friday and bother these others with those, over 
nachos. :)

I can plan for this Thursday.  If others don't necessarily want to present, I 
stumbled across a legal article that we could discuss!
I know, I know, but it is actually quite interesting:


From: Richard Guy Briggs 
Sent: 31 July 2023 22:36
To: Katherine Mcmillan 
Cc: Ian E. Gorman ; tug ; ; Linux-Ottawa 
Subject: Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

Attention : courriel externe | external email

On 2023-08-01 02:12, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> Hi Tug and all,
> Sure, I???m happy to try to plan a meeting :)
> What I???m going to do is the following: plan a regular online meeting and 
> recommend that anyone that would like to attend something in person, which is 
> also awesome, attend this:

That used to be GOSLINGS (Getting Open Source Logic Into GovernmentS).
They're still going strong, but now meeting in the basement of the
building TUPOC tried to squat...

> This also means that I would recommend we have our meeting next Thursday 
> (August 10). Would that work, or should I try to plan for this Thursday?

I'd somewhat strongly recommend sticking with the first Thursday.  (But
after the regular date is somewhat better than before so those regulars
expecting it won't miss it.)

> Sincerely,
> Katie
> From: Ian E. Gorman 
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 9:02:34 PM
> To: tug 
> Cc: Katherine Mcmillan ; 
> ; Linux-Ottawa 
> Subject: Re: [linux] Meeting for August.
> Attention : courriel externe | external email
> I would like to have a meeting, even though I have nothing to bring.
> Iam
> On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 9:11???PM tug 
>>> wrote:
> I don't recall Timothy offering to give a presentation. Did emails go missing?
> I've not prepared anything, and haven't heard of anyone (until Katie's offer 
> in this email).
> Last month I was going to propose a link to meet, despite there being no 
> planned talks, but as there were problems with spam filters, I just put a 
> notice cancelling the meeting on the website.
> I might or might not be able to attend a meeting this week, so it seemed a 
> bit bad to propose a meeting. I know John was trying to arrange something, 
> but I've not heard much, and I haven't had time these past couple of weeks to 
> check in.
> So Katie - do you want to kick off a meeting, and see where it pans out from 
> there?
> Tug
> On 2023-07-31 18:09, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> Hello Jean-Francois,
> I would really like to see a presentation by Timothy Forbes.  However, it may 
> not be a good time for that.
> I have created a sequel to my first "Linux for the Wacom" presentation that I 
> could present if anyone is interested - I go into a specific security concern 
> and how Linux (openSUSE in this case) overcomes that.  It wouldn't take long 
> to present, and I would appreciate thoughts/feedback.
> I would also be interested in inviting an attendee from my new workplace who 
> has expressed interest. :)
> Sincerely,
> Katie
> From:<> 
> <>
> Sent: 31 July 2023 15:03
> To:<> 
> <>
> Subject: [linux] Meeting for August.
> Attention : courriel externe | external email
> Is there a meeting this Thursday ? I know the July meeting ws cancelled,
> but do we have topics for this month ?
> Thanks :-)
> JF
> To unsubscribe send a blank message to 
> To get help send a blank message to 
> To visit the archives:
> --
> __
> Ian Earl Gorman | //<> | 
> //<>
> //<> | 
> //<>

  slainte mhath, RGB
Richard Guy Briggs   --  ~\-- ~\>> --  \___   o \@ 
 @Ride yer bike!
Ottawa, ON, CANADA  --  Lo_>__M__\\/\%__\\/\%
Vote! -- _GTVS6#790__(*)__(*)(*)(*)_

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-07-31 Thread Richard Guy Briggs
On 2023-08-01 02:12, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> Hi Tug and all,
> Sure, I???m happy to try to plan a meeting :)
> What I???m going to do is the following: plan a regular online meeting and 
> recommend that anyone that would like to attend something in person, which is 
> also awesome, attend this:

That used to be GOSLINGS (Getting Open Source Logic Into GovernmentS).
They're still going strong, but now meeting in the basement of the
building TUPOC tried to squat...

> This also means that I would recommend we have our meeting next Thursday 
> (August 10). Would that work, or should I try to plan for this Thursday?

I'd somewhat strongly recommend sticking with the first Thursday.  (But
after the regular date is somewhat better than before so those regulars
expecting it won't miss it.)

> Sincerely,
> Katie
> From: Ian E. Gorman 
> Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 9:02:34 PM
> To: tug 
> Cc: Katherine Mcmillan ; 
> ; Linux-Ottawa 
> Subject: Re: [linux] Meeting for August.
> Attention : courriel externe | external email
> I would like to have a meeting, even though I have nothing to bring.
> Iam
> On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 9:11???PM tug 
>>> wrote:
> I don't recall Timothy offering to give a presentation. Did emails go missing?
> I've not prepared anything, and haven't heard of anyone (until Katie's offer 
> in this email).
> Last month I was going to propose a link to meet, despite there being no 
> planned talks, but as there were problems with spam filters, I just put a 
> notice cancelling the meeting on the website.
> I might or might not be able to attend a meeting this week, so it seemed a 
> bit bad to propose a meeting. I know John was trying to arrange something, 
> but I've not heard much, and I haven't had time these past couple of weeks to 
> check in.
> So Katie - do you want to kick off a meeting, and see where it pans out from 
> there?
> Tug
> On 2023-07-31 18:09, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> Hello Jean-Francois,
> I would really like to see a presentation by Timothy Forbes.  However, it may 
> not be a good time for that.
> I have created a sequel to my first "Linux for the Wacom" presentation that I 
> could present if anyone is interested - I go into a specific security concern 
> and how Linux (openSUSE in this case) overcomes that.  It wouldn't take long 
> to present, and I would appreciate thoughts/feedback.
> I would also be interested in inviting an attendee from my new workplace who 
> has expressed interest. :)
> Sincerely,
> Katie
> From:<> 
> <>
> Sent: 31 July 2023 15:03
> To:<> 
> <>
> Subject: [linux] Meeting for August.
> Attention : courriel externe | external email
> Is there a meeting this Thursday ? I know the July meeting ws cancelled,
> but do we have topics for this month ?
> Thanks :-)
> JF
> To unsubscribe send a blank message to 
> To get help send a blank message to 
> To visit the archives:
> --
> __
> Ian Earl Gorman | //<> | 
> //<>
> //<> | 
> //<>

  slainte mhath, RGB
Richard Guy Briggs   --  ~\-- ~\ 
 --  \___   o \@  @Ride yer bike!
Ottawa, ON, CANADA  --  Lo_>__M__\\/\%__\\/\%
Vote! -- _GTVS6#790__(*)__(*)(*)(*)_

To unsubscribe send a blank message to
To get help send a blank message to
To visit the archives:

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-07-31 Thread Katherine Mcmillan
Hi Tug and all,

Sure, I’m happy to try to plan a meeting :)

What I’m going to do is the following: plan a regular online meeting and 
recommend that anyone that would like to attend something in person, which is 
also awesome, attend this:

This also means that I would recommend we have our meeting next Thursday 
(August 10). Would that work, or should I try to plan for this Thursday?


From: Ian E. Gorman 
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2023 9:02:34 PM
To: tug 
Cc: Katherine Mcmillan ; 
; Linux-Ottawa 
Subject: Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

Attention : courriel externe | external email
I would like to have a meeting, even though I have nothing to bring.


On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 9:11 PM tug>> wrote:

I don't recall Timothy offering to give a presentation. Did emails go missing?

I've not prepared anything, and haven't heard of anyone (until Katie's offer in 
this email).

Last month I was going to propose a link to meet, despite there being no 
planned talks, but as there were problems with spam filters, I just put a 
notice cancelling the meeting on the website.

I might or might not be able to attend a meeting this week, so it seemed a bit 
bad to propose a meeting. I know John was trying to arrange something, but I've 
not heard much, and I haven't had time these past couple of weeks to check in.

So Katie - do you want to kick off a meeting, and see where it pans out from 


On 2023-07-31 18:09, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
Hello Jean-Francois,

I would really like to see a presentation by Timothy Forbes.  However, it may 
not be a good time for that.

I have created a sequel to my first "Linux for the Wacom" presentation that I 
could present if anyone is interested - I go into a specific security concern 
and how Linux (openSUSE in this case) overcomes that.  It wouldn't take long to 
present, and I would appreciate thoughts/feedback.

I would also be interested in inviting an attendee from my new workplace who 
has expressed interest. :)


Sent: 31 July 2023 15:03
Subject: [linux] Meeting for August.

Attention : courriel externe | external email

Is there a meeting this Thursday ? I know the July meeting ws cancelled,
but do we have topics for this month ?

Thanks :-)


To unsubscribe send a blank message to<>
To get help send a blank message to<>
To visit the archives:

Ian Earl Gorman | //<> | 
//<> | 

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-07-31 Thread Ian E. Gorman
I would like to have a meeting, even though I have nothing to bring.


On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 9:11 PM tug  wrote:

> I don't recall Timothy offering to give a presentation. Did emails go
> missing?
> I've not prepared anything, and haven't heard of anyone (until Katie's
> offer in this email).
> Last month I was going to propose a link to meet, despite there being no
> planned talks, but as there were problems with spam filters, I just put a
> notice cancelling the meeting on the website.
> I might or might not be able to attend a meeting this week, so it seemed a
> bit bad to propose a meeting. I know John was trying to arrange something,
> but I've not heard much, and I haven't had time these past couple of weeks
> to check in.
> So Katie - do you want to kick off a meeting, and see where it pans out
> from there?
> Tug
> On 2023-07-31 18:09, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> Hello Jean-Francois,
> I would really like to see a presentation by Timothy Forbes.  However, it
> may not be a good time for that.
> I have created a sequel to my first "Linux for the Wacom" presentation
> that I could present if anyone is interested - I go into a specific
> security concern and how Linux (openSUSE in this case) overcomes that.  It
> wouldn't take long to present, and I would appreciate thoughts/feedback.
> I would also be interested in inviting an attendee from my new workplace
> who has expressed interest. :)
> Sincerely,
> Katie
> --
> *From:*  
> *Sent:* 31 July 2023 15:03
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* [linux] Meeting for August.
> Attention : courriel externe | external email
> Is there a meeting this Thursday ? I know the July meeting ws cancelled,
> but do we have topics for this month ?
> Thanks :-)
> JF
> To unsubscribe send a blank message to
> To get help send a blank message to
> To visit the archives:

Ian Earl Gorman | // | //
// | //

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-07-31 Thread tug
I don't recall Timothy offering to give a presentation. Did emails go 

I've not prepared anything, and haven't heard of anyone (until Katie's 
offer in this email).

Last month I was going to propose a link to meet, despite there being no 
planned talks, but as there were problems with spam filters, I just put 
a notice cancelling the meeting on the website.

I might or might not be able to attend a meeting this week, so it seemed 
a bit bad to propose a meeting. I know John was trying to arrange 
something, but I've not heard much, and I haven't had time these past 
couple of weeks to check in.

So Katie - do you want to kick off a meeting, and see where it pans out 
from there?


On 2023-07-31 18:09, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:

Hello Jean-Francois,

I would really like to see a presentation by Timothy Forbes. However, 
it may not be a good time for that.

I have created a sequel to my first "Linux for the Wacom" presentation 
that I could present if anyone is interested - I go into a specific 
security concern and how Linux (openSUSE in this case) overcomes 
that.  It wouldn't take long to present, and I would appreciate 

I would also be interested in inviting an attendee from my new 
workplace who has expressed interest. :)


*Sent:* 31 July 2023 15:03
*Subject:* [linux] Meeting for August.
Attention : courriel externe | external email

Is there a meeting this Thursday ? I know the July meeting ws cancelled,
but do we have topics for this month ?

Thanks :-)


To unsubscribe send a blank message to
To get help send a blank message to
To visit the archives:

Re: [linux] Meeting for August.

2023-07-31 Thread Katherine Mcmillan
Hello Jean-Francois,

I would really like to see a presentation by Timothy Forbes.  However, it may 
not be a good time for that.

I have created a sequel to my first "Linux for the Wacom" presentation that I 
could present if anyone is interested - I go into a specific security concern 
and how Linux (openSUSE in this case) overcomes that.  It wouldn't take long to 
present, and I would appreciate thoughts/feedback.

I would also be interested in inviting an attendee from my new workplace who 
has expressed interest. :)


Sent: 31 July 2023 15:03
Subject: [linux] Meeting for August.

Attention : courriel externe | external email

Is there a meeting this Thursday ? I know the July meeting ws cancelled,
but do we have topics for this month ?

Thanks :-)


To unsubscribe send a blank message to
To get help send a blank message to
To visit the archives:

[linux] Meeting for August.

2023-07-31 Thread jf
Is there a meeting this Thursday ? I know the July meeting ws cancelled, 
but do we have topics for this month ?

Thanks :-)


To unsubscribe send a blank message to
To get help send a blank message to
To visit the archives: