Need to confirm the number of songs in iTunes library post MusicMatch

2012-03-13 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I'm sure  this has been  covered.  But  I have activated Music
Match.  I just went to test how many tunes were in my iTunes library.
My iPhone 4 says there are 2400 or so.  There should be over 3K.  I
know certain tunes couldn't be matched.  I went to my iTunes library
on my computer.  while I can see the number of genres, artists and
albums, I can't get a number of songs.  How does one get that
information in iTunes on the Mac?  I want to be able to confirm the
number of tunes my computer says I have with the number my phone says
I have.  I also know that my available space on my iPhone increased
dramatically post Music Match.  thanks for any help.


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Re: Need to confirm the number of songs in iTunes library post MusicMatch

2012-03-13 Thread Kevin Gibbs
All was as you describe.  thanks.  Now, how do I reconcile the
difference between the number of tunes my iPhone reports and the
number my iTunes library reports?  It turns out i have over 4K in the
library and 2K on the phone.  There's no way I can hit and miss until
I find a tune that isn't on my phone.  what can I do?

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Re: Can't open an audio based DAISY book in in daisy worm

2012-03-06 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I finally got it working.  While Daisy Worm was a no go for this,
InDaisy seems to work like a champ.  It took a minute to get the file
to open.  This appears to be because I didn't hold my finger down on
the file long enough initially.  Whatever the case, I now have a
perfectly working copy of a music notation reference book on my iPhone
for future use.

thanks for everyone's patience and help.

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Can't open an audio based DAISY book in in daisy worm

2012-03-05 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Some of you may have been following my troubles on the viPhone list.
I'll summarize here by saying that I finally got the book I have,
which is in DAISY 2.2, into the file sharing section of the apps tab
of iTunes on my Mac.  However, for the life of me, I can't get the
book to open.  I can't get my iPhone to get past extracting book
archive followed by the title of the book.  How do i open the book on
the computer which should transfer it to the iPhone.

Curiously, I've messed up my ability to get into the indaisy server.
trying to get into yields a message that the connection was
refused.  Also curiously, I did manage to get in once because of a
previous connection that I found in a list of previous attempts.
Unfortunately, I closed Fetch without logging out of that session but
having cleared the menu of previous sessions.  So, I guess I'm in that
session but, because I can't remember the name of the server, I can't
get back there, or something.  does anyone know the name of the in
daisy worm server?

In any event, if anyone could help me open this book, I'd really
appreciate it.  I feel like I'm so close I can taste it.  thanks for
everyone's understanding.


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Re: Finale or music editor for mac?

2012-03-04 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Okay, here are the facts:
1.  No version of Sibelius or finale is accessible for the blind on a
2.  The only music notation solutions that generates print notation
using mainstream, commercial off-the-shelf software, involves using
Sibelius 5.25, which may not even be available from Sibelius any
longer, and a special set of JAWS compatible scripts called Sibelius
access. Sibelius access is available from a site in the UK called,uk.  The site is owned by Dan Rugman.  Rugman  has
said  that he is working on a solution for Sibelius 6. This solution
will involve using jaws and Sibelius However, Sibelius 6 is also
probably  no longer available from Sibelius anymore because Avid, the
parent company that owns Sibelius, along with Pro Tools and M-Audio,
has moved to Sibelius 7.  Don't even think about imagining a blind
friendly pro level solution for Sibelius 7 on the Mac.

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Hdeterming DAISY version of a book

2012-03-03 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I have a problem. I have a daisy book that was done by the Minnesota
State services for the blind. However, I don't really know how to find
out what version of Daisy the book is done in. Can anyone tell me if
there's a method for finding this out? I want to buy an app for my
iPhone but need to make sure that the app supports the DAISY of this
specific book.

I did download JAWS 12 and discovered that this particular book would
work with that FS reader. However, I need to make sure that it will
work with either in daisy or read to go.  The only thing I know for
certain is that the book is audio only.  The book was delivered on a
cd ROM with a bunch of MP3 files all of which have long numbers
instead of descriptive filenames. There are also .sml files and one
HTML file.    Again, is there any way to look at these files on the
 disk to determine the flavor of Daisy employed?

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Re: BrailleTouch iPhone App

2012-02-25 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Do either TypeNBraille or Braille touch process Grade 2!?  If anyone
knows how to be a beta tester for Braille Touch, let me know.

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Re: Type In Braille

2012-02-25 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Does typenBraille understand Grade 2 Braille?

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Fire Fox

2012-01-17 Thread Kevin Gibbs
There are some websites that work better for sighted Mac users with
Firefox than they do with Safari.  I have very limited experience
using FF BUT FEEL IT DOESN't respond to VO very well. Are there
different VO commands for FF I need to learn?  Does Firefox work well
with VO?

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Re: Firefox on Mac may become accessible

2012-01-17 Thread Kevin Gibbs
So it wasn't my imagination about not being able to use FF after all

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Re: itunes match updating

2012-01-16 Thread Kevin Gibbs
How does one delete local files and replace them with higher
resolution files from the cloud?

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Re: iTunes Match Question

2012-01-16 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I've noticed the iCloud error button at least once.  Could you explain
the various buttons and their meanings?

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Trying to capture a broadcast on the web

2012-01-05 Thread Kevin Gibbs

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 4, 2012, at 6:42 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

there's a broadcast on the web this Friday at 8 PM central standard
time in Minnesota that I'd like to capture. Unfortunately, I am going
to be at the concert and won't be at my console. Could any of you do
this for me? To do so, go to Minnesota public, click on
classical and then click on listen to the live stream. You'll be
recording a concert of the Minnesota Orchestra doing brand-new
compositions. None of them are mine but I want to hear them again.
 Any takers?

Sent from my iPhone

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Need to burn custom CD with different spaces between certain tracks

2011-12-28 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I need to burn five custom CDs with some music for a grant
application.  I need to put a five second silence between track 1 and
2.  the rest of the spaces need to be the standard two seconds.  I
have iTunes 10.5x. Can iTunes do this?  It may be the case that the
music in my iTunes library is mp3 quality.  I would prefer to insert
the source CD and rip the tunes I want to a folder on my HD and then
put in a CD-R and burn the selected tunes from the folder I just
created with the variable spaces I mentioned above.  If iTunes can't
do this, can you recommend a program that can?  I don't want to pay a
studio for such a routine task.


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Re: Need to burn custom CD with different spaces between certain tracks

2011-12-28 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Where do I find Burns, or Simply Burns?  Also, if I didnt' mention
it, could I use this to rip some tracks off a source CD, store those
in a file on my desktop and then burn a new CD containing some of the
ripped files from that new folder I just made?Kevin

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Re: Need to burn custom CD with different spaces between certain tracks

2011-12-28 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Okay, the good news is I found Simply burns.  the bad news is that I
don't really understand how to apply the pre-gap feature to get the
five second interval I need.

to begin, I thought that in order to affect the spacing between songs
1 and 2 you would alter the pre-gap on song 1.  when I set that to
five seconds and left the remaining ones at 2 seconds, I got really
long gaps for all the songs.  When I set all the pre-gaps to none, I
got what sounds to me like a gap of four seconds between all the
songs.  Now, for all these, I didn't change the default pre-gap from
its original setting of 2 seconds.  Should I have set that default to
none and then added a pre-gap of five seconds two song 1 to set the
gap between it and the second song.  After that, should i have placed
a pre-gap of 2 seconds for songs 2, 3 and 4 in the CD?  Remember that
the idea is to have a gap of 5 seconds between songs 1 and 2 and a 2
second gap between songs 23, 34, and so on.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Need to burn custom CD with different spaces between certain tracks

2011-12-28 Thread Kevin Gibbs
the gap in the preferences is for the default for all files in a
project.  The individual ones appear to be in the project window.
that's what I've been messing with.  My last experiment was to cut the
default in the prefs and all the defaults in tracks to 0.  I'm still
not quite happy with my results.

If anyone else uses this or any other program, please chime in.

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Re: Need to burn custom CD with different spaces between certain tracks

2011-12-28 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I guess I'm really confused. If I'm supposed to adjust the default gap
in the preferences for every track, then what are those gaps in the
project window for?  What should they be set for? It was really
difficult to set the value for the gaps in the project window
immediately to the right of the word, interpret.. I had both the
values in the project window and the preference window set and none
that should have given me a thing where all the tunes faded one to the
next to the next. But it didn't.

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Daisy Reader under Lion

2011-12-14 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I promise I have looked in the archives but can't find the answer.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a DAISY reader under Lion?
There's nothing in the App Store and I haven't found anything in the
archives here or on the web.  I'd appreciate any help as i have a
large text book on music notation that I wish to search for specific
information.  These folks were kind enough to read the book in DAISY
format and it would be great to take advantage of that.

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Re: Daisy Reader under Lion

2011-12-14 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I neglected to mention that the book was done by Minnesota State
Services for the Blind.  It is not a Bookshare book.  but it has four
levels of Daisyness, so I'm hoping there's a Lion friendly Daisy
reader i can use on my Mac Mini.  I guess I could use one of the apps
that I see for my iPhone but I'd really prefer to use my Mac.  Hope
I'm making sense.

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Re: adding instruments in GarageBand

2011-12-14 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Native Instruments are completely inaccessible.  What version of Logic
Pro do you have.  Since it doesn't work with VO, how do you use it?

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Re: Show all Bookmarks shows me the table of folders but not the bookmarks within the folders

2011-11-25 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Another small problem. When I go to the bookmarks bar and go to the
bookmarks table, choosing the bookmark doesn't allow me to load that
page. I don't know why.  I can edit my bookmarks but I can't seem to
go to a website using the bookmarks from the table.

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Re: Disabling reopening last visited file on app specific basis in Lion?

2011-11-24 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Well, that's the reverse of what I was asking for, but it will work
perfectly.  I was wanting Pages to disregard the state of open files
while Safari would retain what was open.  I guess the thing to do is
to retain the global setting to on and use the command option q for
Pages to hose open files.  I'll try it.

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Re: Help! Lost iTunes Match

2011-11-24 Thread Kevin Gibbs
i don't know if this is the same thing.  I think I have two iTunes
accounts, each with its own ID.  I have some items which were
purchased with one account and one with another.  the interesting
thing is that I tried to use account 2  as my iTunes match account but
couldn't get the PW to work on my mac.  so, i used the ID for account
1.  Unfortunately, iTunes match on my iPhone expects account 2.  I've
transferred 3,000 plus tunes to the cloud using account 1 It's
possible that if I buy a song on my Mac with account 1, it may
transfer without a physical sync to my iPhone.  However, if I buy a
tune from the iTunes store using account 2, it probably won't transfer
to my Mac without a physical sync.  I really don't want to pay for
iTunes match twice.  I guess I'll call Apple Care tomorrow.  but if
anyone knows how I might fix this, I'd appreciate an answer.

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Disabling reopening last visited file on app specific basis in Lion?

2011-11-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
is it possible to disable the feature that opens the last file you
were working on in a specific application in Lion?  Let's say you were
working on a Pages document and you didn't want that document to be
opened the next time someone else used your computer.  while that
facility is desirable in Safari at times, I wonder if it's something
you can selectively disable from one app to the next.

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Re: Show all Bookmarks shows me the table of folders but not the bookmarks within the folders

2011-11-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I had the same problem but was able to fix it with a little
persistence.  thanks for your answer.  I'll do my best to remember it
until the next Lion update comes out, hopefully with a fix.

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Re: Disabling reopening last visited file on app specific basis in Lion?

2011-11-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Well, I appear to be half cool.  I was able to kill the open last page
in apps in the general pane of system Preferences.  but I wasn't able
to find the open to last page in Safari specifically.  where would
that have been?

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Does anyone understand how Ping works?

2011-11-05 Thread Kevin Gibbs
do any of you understand how Ping works?  I have two basic questions.  First, 
how does one invite people to follow them or choose people to follow?  Second, 
during the setup process, I'm pretty sure I saw some means by which you could 
post your Ping comments directly, or maybe even simultaneously to Facebook.  I 
haven't seen how to do this since and would like to.  any help appreciated.

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Re: Does Photo Stream actually work?

2011-11-05 Thread Kevin Gibbs
One last question, I hope.  Currently, in the settings for my iPhone
in the device pane of iTunes, on the photos tab, I have pictures set
to none.  whenever I connect my iPhone to my Mac Mini with the cable,
iPhoto automatically opens and I have the option of importing new
photos to iPhoto.  Should I change this setting in the photos tab of
iTunes at all?

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Does Photo Stream actually work?

2011-11-04 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Sory for the cross-post.  I just activated Photo Stream on both my iPhone 4 
running IOS5 and my Mac Mini.  My iPhone 4 is currently connected to AC power 
and wifi.  I have activated an iCloud backup on the iPhone with the intent of 
moving one photo from the iPhone to the iPhoto library on my Mac Mini.  
However, I don't see it on the Mac Mini.  What have I done wrong and what do i 
have to do to move this photo to my computer without connecting the cable and 
opening iPhoeo/iTunes?

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Re: Create playlist in iTunes 10.5 in Lion

2011-10-28 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Since my last MSG, I've managed to copy items to a playlist but can't
engage the copy command consistently.

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Create playlist in iTunes 10.5 in Lion

2011-10-27 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I know this is covered but I can't find it after searching.  I'm
trying  to create new playlists in iTunes 10.5 under Lion 10.72.  I
can't seem to use the copy or paste commands to move items into my
proposed playlists.  I know I could do this before in SL and iTunes
10.4.  What am I doing wrong?

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Can't navigate this group on the web with Lion

2011-10-27 Thread Kevin Gibbs
For some reason, I can no longer navigate this group with  Quick Nav
on.  I have Quick Nav set to Links.  this should allow me to move
through the topics.  but every time I press an arrow key, Alex says
Discussions.  the only way I can navigate is to hold VO and right and
left arrow through all the columns.  What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Can't navigate this group on the web with Lion

2011-10-27 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Okay.  I'm an idiot.  My caps lock was on.  Everything works right

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Re: Downloading Lion and....

2011-10-19 Thread Kevin Gibbs
As it turns out, I simply bit the bullet and downloaded and installed
in one go. Everything seems to me working just fine. Thanks everyone
for all your help.

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Re: using Classic view in Mail in Lion but....

2011-10-18 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Dear Anne,
I'm sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I've been using the new
version of lion nail and expanding individual conversations as needed.
That took a minute to learn but I seem to be comfortable now. I'll go
back to trying your idea just to see if I can make it work. Thanks
again for all your help. 

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using Classic view in Mail in Lion but....

2011-10-16 Thread Kevin Gibbs
sorry to bother you with something that I'm sure I've seen  before.  I
downloaded and installed Lion successfully.  However, i have a slight
problem with Mail.  I've chosen Classic View because i couldn't quite
get my head around the new format.  I thought I would prefer having my
conversations threaded.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to read them
easily enough that way.  so, I unchecked the group by conversation
option and discovered one other small problem.  In Snow Leopard, I
used to hit ENTER on a message and I would land immediately on the
message content.  In Lion, even in Classic View, it seems that I land
on the message headers and have to VO right arrow to get to the
message content.  what is causing this and what can I do to prevent
it?  I promise I'll read the mail chapter ASAP to learn about the
favorites bar, and the new mail method so I can make a more informed
decision later.

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Re: using Classic view in Mail in Lion but....

2011-10-16 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Dear Anne,
I wrote you privately to mention that I would try looking at the
keyboard focus item setting in navigation as soon as i could.  it
turns out that this setting was chosen as you had suggested.  However,
it didn't solve my problem.  I tried both settings and the result was
identical.  when I opened the message and interacted, I would hear the
headers.  However, if i pressed VO right arrow immediately upon
opening the message, the body of the message would read.  so, I guess
I can simply substitute VO right arrow for VO A to read an entire
message.  I still think this is not working correctly.  but the work
around is working for me now.  If you have any other thoughts as to
why this should be happening in mail classic view under Lion 10.72,
please let me know.

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Downloading Lion and....

2011-10-15 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I'm downloading Lion for the first time.  The process took some doing
because this was my first purchase on this Mac from the app store.  I
think I eventually did get Lion to start downloading.  However, I
can't find a progress bar and I don't see the Downloads folder's i'm
used to when downloading other things.  So, I don't even know where to
look for the Lion package.  Any help?  I realize this is a very long
download.  But I'd like to keep track of progress and find the
installer in the end.


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Re: Downloading Lion and....

2011-10-15 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Okay.  I went to Purchased Apps and have found the progress bar but I
still don't have any idea where the installer will land.

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Re: Downloading Lion and....

2011-10-15 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Now I have the option to begin the installation.  But what if I don't
want to install until tomorrow?

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Re: new growl 1.3 usage

2011-10-08 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Is it possible for DB to tell a user when someone has added/removed/
edited a file in a shared foldwmer the emway it did on my old XP C?

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Re: List of mail recipients in Snow Leopard?

2011-09-21 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Thanks.  Killing Quick Nav did the trick.

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Re: Voices

2011-09-18 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Those voices are Lion only.  Right?

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List of mail recipients in Snow Leopard?

2011-09-18 Thread Kevin Gibbs
when I choose a recipient in Mail in SL, I see a series of possible
recipients that narrows as I fill in the name.  I have enough vision
to see the list of names to choose from once I begin to type.  What I
want to do is scroll down the list to find the person I want instead
of having to type the full name and possibly get it wrong.  However, I
can't seem to get VO to scroll through the list I'm seeing with my
eyes.  Interacting doesn't seem to work.

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New files in Dropbox?

2011-09-09 Thread Kevin Gibbs
when I used to use a PC to access my Dropbox account, I always got a
notification whenever someone inserted or removed a file from a shared
DB folder.  I don't think I still get those on my Mac.  Does anyone
know what seting I need to engage to reenable this feature, if
possible?  I looked under settings with no joy.

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New files in Dropbox?

2011-09-09 Thread Kevin Gibbs
when I used to use a PC to access my Dropbox account, I always got a
notification whenever someone inserted or removed a file from a shared
DB folder.  I don't think I still get those on my Mac.  Does anyone
know what seting I need to engage to reenable this feature, if
possible?  I looked under settings with no joy.

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Voiceover stops for no reason

2011-08-20 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I'm having a real problem.  I'm using Snow Leopard and VO.  for some
reason, Voiceover will simply stop speaking for no reason at no
reliable time.  turning Voiceover off and back on doesn't do the
trick.  I have enough vision to see the caption panel, which I have
concealed until now.  I'm going to leave it on the screen so I can see
whether Voiceover is on or off the next time one of these failures
occurs.  The only solution seems to be to restart the computer.
that's not acceptable. All my software is up to date on Snow
Leopard.  I have not installed Lion.

Unfortunately, I did apparently install the latest versions of Safari
and iTunes which I didn't intend to do when I installed the latest
version of Snow Leopard.  I have no reason to think that did
anything.  I just don't have a clue.  I even called Apple Care and, of
course, the problem wouldn't happen while I was on the phone.

Any ideas?

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Re: Accessible version of audacity?

2011-08-19 Thread Kevin Gibbs
What is Audacity?

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How to export audio from Audio Hijack Pro

2011-08-17 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I just downloaded the free version of Audio Hijack Pro to record Skype
conversations.  I will eventually buy a license to avoid the ten
minute limit.  However, could someone tell me how one exports a
recording of a Skype conversation from Audio Hijack Pro into a .wav or
mp3 file that can be imported elsewhere for editing or other use?

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Re: How to export audio from Audio Hijack Pro

2011-08-17 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I should also ask, does anyone have an opinion on whether Hijack Pro
or Amadeus Pro is better?  Suddenly VO is not talking to me as I'm
typing this.  So I hope I'm making sense.

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Re: How to export audio from Audio Hijack Pro

2011-08-17 Thread Kevin Gibbs
My apologies.  I did figure out the difference between the two
programs after I'd placed that second post.  However, i do have to
export my recordings because I want to put them in Sonar as
complementary audio tracks that keep notes on the directions that the
movie director has given me for the score I'm working on.  Imagine
having a one hour meeting with a film director and then having to
remember all that was said about this or that scene, shot or musical
cue.  Not a fun prospect.  I promise you.  So, how does one decide on
an audio format and how does one export the resultant file?

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Re: How to export audio from Audio Hijack Pro

2011-08-17 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I figured it out.
You can tell Hijack Pro where you want to save stuff.  I assume you
can copy a file, too.

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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-10 Thread Kevin Gibbs
The goal is to move, not just copy the files.  cMDV does paste the
file.  But I'm trying to move, not just copy.

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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-09 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Using Snow Leopard.  Guess I'm out of luck.

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Re: [M-A] Apple Releases Utility to create USB Key

2011-08-09 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I suspect the original post containing the recipe for making a
bootable USB drive was never included.

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Re: [M-A] Apple Releases Utility to create USB Key

2011-08-09 Thread Kevin Gibbs

Never mind.  Found it.

Kevin Gibbs wrote:
 I suspect the original post containing the recipe for making a
 bootable USB drive was never included.

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How to copy mp3s from iTunes to thumb drive?

2011-08-08 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I tried to search the group but no joy.  I have some mp3s in my iTunes
library which I need to copy to a thumb drive so I can bring them to
my wife's computer for her to attach them to e-mails she is sending.
I was able to copy one file by physically dragging and dropping it
with the limited vision I have.  Clearly, that's no way to live.  It
seems that while I can copy a file in iTunes, I can't paste it when
i've command tabbed to the appropriate finder window for the thumb
drive.  Paste is grayed out in that finder window.  I doubt drag and
drop in Snow Leopard will work.  What can I do?

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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-08 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Guys, I'm really, really sorry.  But, no matter how I try, I can't get
the command, option v to move files anywhere.  I tried typing command
C and VO said Copy.  but Command, Option V in the destination location
only gave me a plink sound that we all know as a failure.  What could
I possibly be doing wrong?  I'm ripping my hair out and I don't have
any to spare.

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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-06 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Any way to move files from one place to another?  Not copy, but move.

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Need headers on some pages but not others in same Pages document

2011-08-05 Thread Kevin Gibbs
the subject says it all.  My wife, who is sighted, is trying to create
a document in Pages that has headers on some of the pages but not
all.  The idea is that she will eventually want to put this entire
document into PDF.  Since we don't have Acrobat, creating multiple
documents in Pages, some with headers and some without for eventual
integration into a single PDF document is not an option.  Is it
possible to turn headers on and off for individual pages instead of
treating headers as an all or nothing global thing?  We have iWork


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File associations

2011-08-02 Thread Kevin Gibbs
What is the equivalent of file associations in the Mac world.
Currently, all PDFs open in an inaccessible version of Acrobat
Reader.  I can read things in Preview, but don't know how to make all
PDFs open in Preview instead of Acrobat.  How do I do this?

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Re: Spotify not accessible on Snow Leopard

2011-07-31 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I don't have a play option that I can see.  All I can do is use my
vision to double tap one song.  That one song will play.  But the next
one won't.

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Re: Spotify not accessible on Snow Leopard

2011-07-28 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I had the chance to check that out by choosing an artist that I know I
don't have any of in my personal collection. And yes, you're right.
 Next question is, how do I set it up so that all the tunes that I
find under an artist get played in a row instead of one at a time?  I
heard one song followed by an ad.  I don't care about the commercials,
but I would like to hear several songs in a row commercials are not. I
don't want to have to press the play button for each song.

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Re: Looking for a music creator program

2011-07-28 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Unfortunately,  there's nothing that works with VoiceOver.  You write
notation, you can look at Sibelius.

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Spotify not accessible on Snow Leopard

2011-07-26 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I just downloaded Spotify and installed it.  the application is
completely inaccessible with VO on Mac under Snow Leopard.  I can use
it with the limited vision I have by moving the mouse literally by
hand.  but that's not the worst of it.  I was really freaked when i
looked myself up on the service and encountered tunes that I hadn't
released yet.  I guess Spotify doesn't' distinguish between tunes they
have on the cloud and tunes you have on your disk.  I was trying to
find out what tunes of mine were already on Spotify for streaming by
the public.  How does one distinguish the publicly available stuff
from the stuff you own, yourself?  If any of you are using Spotify,
particularly those of you in Britain who may have some experience with
it, I'd love to know the answers to these questions.

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Re: Dual boot between Snow Leopard and Lion?

2011-07-24 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Assuming I can get the dual boot thing together, would I then use
migration assistant to port my apps and data into Lion including
network PW etc?

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Re: Acapela voices

2011-07-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Are you using Acapela under Snowleopard?

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Dual boot between Snow Leopard and Lion?

2011-07-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I'm considering a dual boot environment between Snow Leopard and Lion.
How do I do it.

I'm not ready to buy lion yet. But when I do, I suspect that I will
want to switch back and forth between Snow Leopard and Lion. Will
creating two partitions, one with lion and one with Snow Leopard be
the way to go?  I have a Mini with 2GB.

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Re: [Bulk] Re: Will It Be Easy To Install Lion?

2011-07-09 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I've also discovered that my 2010 Mac Mini, which I bought to learn VO
last December, only has 2GB of RAM.  Do I have to upgrade to 4GB of
RAM to run Lion?  And, do I have to find my iWork disc to reinstall
after Lion?  What about migrating mail, docs, etc?

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Re: lion

2011-07-09 Thread Kevin Gibbs
The only external drive I have is my time machine drive. Can I use the
time machine drive is my external drive to back up all my stuff that
might need to be reinstalled post lion?

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Re: [Bulk] Re: Will It Be Easy To Install Lion?

2011-07-08 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I do have a few questions:
1.  I've lost my Snowleopard disks.  Is that a problem regarding Lion?
2.  Where do I get Super Duper or Carbon Copy Cloaner?
3.  I also can't find my iWork discs.  Is that a possible problem.
I'd rather not make a dual boot situation.

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Re: Accessible MIDI sequencing

2011-06-30 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Right now, only pro tools is accessible using voice over. However, the
midi event ListView in pro tools is not yet accessible I am told.
There are many applications for the iPad which may demonstrate some
promise for users as a bridge until things like logic become
accessible using voice over.

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Re: Accessible MIDI Sequencing

2011-06-28 Thread Kevin Gibbs
As far as i know, Pro Tools is your best shot.  Unfortunately, while I
haven't tested it yet, I understand that the equivelant of the event
list in Sonar is not accessible in Pro Tools.  Try it with VO at your
local music store like guitar Center and let us know how you get on.
There are some podcasts on using Pro Tools as a blind person.  I can't
tell you where those are but they have been referenced here.

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Deleting Google search history?

2011-06-17 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Is it possible to delete your Google search history, not to be
confused with clearing your search history in Safari?  Can you turn
search history off so it isn't preserved at all?

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Re: Growl Skype Status Messages.

2011-06-14 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Just my opinion. However, I think you'll do best with notifications by
not using growl and just using the options that come within Skype
preferences. I worked like crazy to get growl to work and it was only
after I disable that that I got the results I wanted.

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Static text and Magic Trackpad

2011-06-08 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I know I asked this once before without a response. I'm fond of
reading Huffington Post and other sites on my mac.  Unfortunately,
whereas in JAWS I could easily cut to the first block of text in a
webpage by simply pressing N, I can't seem to cut quickly to the
body of an article using Safari under VO.  Is there something I'm
missing?  I've used the VO command N command to try and find the first
bunch of plain text.  But this doesn't seem to work real well.  A
friend of mine said I could add Static Text to the web roter.  but I
don't see that as an option in VO Utility.  Can anyone advise me as to
how to cut to the meet of a newspaper article on just about any site
on the web?

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How do i learn a new word in spellcheck?

2011-06-08 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I'm having problems adding new words such as proper names to
spellcheck in either Text Edit or Pages.  What might I be doing wrong?
How can i unlearn a mistake I've added to the dictionary?

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Re: How do i learn a new word in spellcheck?

2011-06-08 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I've figured out how to learn new words  but still don't know how to
unlearn mistakes.

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Re: A growl tip

2011-05-31 Thread Kevin Gibbs
First, I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to help me
figure out the problem I was having with having people's names spoken
as they came and went from Skype.  while an announcement can be
interupted  by Alex if he's reading anything else, I did hear enough
of two different people coming and going to be satisfied that
everything is working properly.  While I'm not precisely sure what I
did to fix the problem, I think it had to do with disabling visual
notifications.  I have also turned Growl off.  In any event, thanks
again and it's all working well.

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Re: A growl tip

2011-05-31 Thread Kevin Gibbs
First, I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to help me
figure out the problem I was having with having people's names spoken
as they came and went from Skype.  while an announcement can be
interupted  by Alex if he's reading anything else, I did hear enough
of two different people coming and going to be satisfied that
everything is working properly.  While I'm not precisely sure what I
did to fix the problem, I think it had to do with disabling visual
notifications.  I have also turned Growl off.  In any event, thanks
again and it's all working well.

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Re: A growl tip

2011-05-29 Thread Kevin Gibbs
For everyone's information, Colin and I just had a long Skype chat
during which we tried absolutely everything we can think of.  However,
All I ever get when a Skype contact comes on or off line is that
someone came on or offline.  In no case is the name ever spoken.  I
have to go through the online contact list to determine what's
different.  I'm not really interested in uninstalling and reinstalling
Skype.  so, if I'm S O L, I'll just have to accept that.  However, if
any of you brave souls out there  have any further thoughts, I'd be
grateful for any suggestions.

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Re: A growl tip

2011-05-29 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I'm using a combination of Skype's notifications and the Growl
preference pane in Skype General Preferences.  I'm kevjazz on Skype if
you'd be willing to lend a hand.  I can't Find any place where there's
a text box that says came online..

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Re: A growl tip

2011-05-29 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I might have just gotten it to work.  If it doesn't work, how would I
delete and rebuild the pref file?


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Re: A growl tip

2011-05-22 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Just upgraded to the latest version.  Set up in Skype preferences
itself.  Still no joy.  Like I said, I'm kevjazz on Skype if you're
willing to help.  You can contact me privately if willing, at
Thanks for any help.

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Re: A growl tip

2011-05-21 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Unfortunately, I'm still coming up empty.  Even when I've marked the
boxes and chosen your ccontact @ is available, the person's name is
not spoken.  All it says is came online.. Would really like to hear
the person's as they come and go.
I'm kevjazz on Skype if you're willing to help.

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Re: mac equivalence to Finale?

2011-05-09 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Only Sibelius 5 is accessible and only w JAWS.

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Re: mac equivalence to Finale?

2011-05-05 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Do you mean the music notation program?  I'm not seeing the beginning
of this thread.  However, Finale isn't accessible.  So, I'm really

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Re: A growl tip

2011-04-24 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Well, I think I've done   what you suggested.  .  I didn't see an
event for contact came on line.  So, i've chosen the sign in option.
Let's see what happens.

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Re: A growl tip

2011-04-24 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I've checked the boxes for speak text on contact becomes available and
unavailable.  let's see what I get.  Thanks for being so helpful.  I
just think it's such a cool amenity, and I'd love to see it work.

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Re: A growl tip

2011-04-23 Thread Kevin Gibbs
How do i set them up in Notifications in Skype?

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Re: slow speech with sending to itunes as a spoken track

2011-04-22 Thread Kevin Gibbs
What is the value of this service if you have Alex to read text.  Is
this the way we got the Leopard podcast on VO read in the voice of

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making a pronunciation change for Alex

2011-04-22 Thread Kevin Gibbs

I'm a keyboard player and I often write the word synthesizer as simply 
synth.  Unfortunately, I can't come up with a combination of letters that 
Alex will pronounce as s, short i, n, th.  I've tried s, i, n th, to no avail.  
Does anyone have a clue?

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Re: making a pronunciation change for Alex

2011-04-22 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Jeff and Colin,

You're geniuses.  S y n t h e worked perfectly.


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Re: slow speech with sending to itunes as a spoken track

2011-04-17 Thread Kevin Gibbs
What do you mean when you're talking about sending a file to iTunes is
a spoken track?

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Re: A growl tip

2011-04-13 Thread Kevin Gibbs
No, because I can't even find them.

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Re: A growl tip

2011-04-12 Thread Kevin Gibbs
The weird thing is, I've heard Voiceover say, growler app, but I don't
see anything on the screen with my vision and I've never known what it
related to. I'll see if I can find bad thing in the preference panes
and see if you makes a difference for me.

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Re: How To Read iBooks on Mac

2011-04-06 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Personally, I think it would be excellent to have iBooks on the Mac.
It would be great to hear Alex reading a book instead of just
Samantha. I hope they do in Lyon.

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Re: Selecting all messages from sender or on subject in Mac Mail

2011-04-04 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Excellent! Thank you

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Re: logic band the new logic pro

2011-04-03 Thread Kevin Gibbs
I hope Logic will become accessible.  Let's stay on this.

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