threads by default

1999-03-13 Thread Eric Smith


I want threads to be my default mailbox sorting method.
Now, I need to go `s' then `t' to initialise it or
`: source .muttrc' but my .muttrc should be initialised already as I have
all the other settings as soon as I start up mutt.

here is a :r !grep sort .muttrc
set sort=threads# primary sorting method
set sort_aux=last-date  # date of the last message in thread
set sort_browser=alpha  # how to sort files in the dir browser

thanx for any help
Eric Smith
Vodacom 082 780 7888

command line mailing of attachments

1999-03-20 Thread Eric Smith


Has anyone ever managed to get mutt to do encoded attachments of multiple
files from the command line like:

mutt you -s "lots of pics enclosed" -a pic1.jpg -a pic2.jpg -a pic3.tif \
-a redundantformat.doc /dev/null

Eric Smith
Vodacom 082 780 7888

Re: configuring from field

1999-04-08 Thread Eric Smith

And it was said by  Juergen Descher on Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 03:28:36PM +0200:
: Quoting Peter van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
:  On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 11:44:13PM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
:   Hi
:   Can some1 please advise how I configure mutt to report in the From field, 
:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] and _not_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] as you see in the
:   current header.
:  Actually the header does say [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: Maybe Eric means the From_-line (without ':'), which is changed by
: this list. If 'eric' is the user, '' the domain of his
: machine, then sendmail made the From_-entry. I solved the problem with
: genericstable.

Thanx - this looks interesting - where do I configure genericstable?
It seems that my one "From is sorted now" I would like to get the top one
(the sendmail one) sorted if possible.

What I really want to be able to do is masquerade (as far as _all_ the
headers are concerned) as a generic user actually "info" @fruitcom.
I am sysadmin so can configure anything.

Any ideas?

Eric Smith

mailing output stream as a file [borderline off topic]

1999-04-16 Thread Eric Smith


Forgive me if I should address this elsewhere, but the quality of this list
is so high, its just too difficult to resist - ok, I'll stop.

I want to send the output of a unix process (i.e. a text stream) by mail as
an attached text file _non_ interactively. I loathe making tmp files and
then deleting them and would like to keep this all in memory using

Is there perhaps a way to spoof a text file and get mutt to attach with
`-a' the stream and call the stream filename.txt - or should I just stop

Also I often have difficulty going:
echo this and that other|mutt -s "A Subject" -a attachment.tar.gz joe

Mutt comes upo interactively - if I try from another Account it works fine
- what should I toggle in my muttrc?

Thanx for your help

Eric Smith
Tel. 021 236 111

more than one alias per address

1999-05-12 Thread Eric Smith


This is real basic but I cannot seem to get it to work.

Both extracts from the muttrc are for local users (no @..)

I want to refer to this recipient as adrian or just "a"

alias a,adriaan adriaan

Or I want this mail to go to both recipients

alias ja Eric and Adrian john,adriaan

Eric Smith
Tel. 021 236 111

send hook for signature

1999-07-02 Thread Eric Smith


How would I enter a send hook command into my muttrc so that it inserts a
different signature conditional upon the recipient?

Better still is it possible to always send my standard signature but then
to have a say privacy warning printed below it conditional upon the

Eric Smith
Tel. 021 423 6111

rxvt xterm and thread characters and colors

1999-08-14 Thread Eric Smith


With xterm I get:
no color, the real line drawn arrows for threading

With rxvt I get:
color and those horrible characters for threading.

How do I get the best of both worlds?


Eric Smith
021 4236111

If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.

Re: take e-mail addresses from a mail

1999-09-05 Thread Eric Smith

This does not generate your mutt alias entries for you - dunno how the other
solutions decide on an alias name - think that decision would involve some
human interaction - also do you really want _all_ the addresses to become

Anyway this perl snippet can be set onto any text as standard input - including any
mailfolders - and will return a list of sorted and unique email addresses


##grepemail gets the eMail address from arb text file

while  () {
s/[^$chars]([$chars]+\@[$chars]+[a-zA-Z]{1})[^$chars]/$list{$1}=''/eg; }
foreach $entry (sort keys %list) { print "$entry\n"; }


And on Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 07:01:37PM +0530 it was said by Raju K V:
  Raju K V] hi,
  Raju K V] 
  Raju K V] From a mail how do I take and display all the email addresses in
  Raju K V] it(from, to , cc and body of text) so that I can add them to my alias
  Raju K V] file? What I want is similar to pine's take(T) option?
  Raju K V] 
  Raju K V] Also, can you suggest a simple keybinding to make mail
  Raju K V] spool /var/mail/rajukv as the current folder?
  Raju K V] 
  Raju K V] Thanks in advance,
  Raju K V] Raju

Eric Smith

The dark ages were caused by the Y1K problem.


1999-09-08 Thread Eric Smith


I have the follwoing lines in my mailcap file:

application/x-gunzip; /usr/bin/gzip -dc ; copiousoutput
application/x-zip-compressed;   /usr/bin/gzip -dc ; copiousoutput
application/zip;/usr/bin/gzip -dc ; copiousoutput

Now they automatically unzip and view a zipped file.  What  I really want is
to be able to save and autounzip a zipped attached file to a specific
location - is this possible?

Eric Smith

Secret hacker rule #11: hackers read manuals.

interactive options on mailcap

1999-09-24 Thread Eric Smith

Maybe this is not really a mutt question.

I have the following line(s) in my .mailcap which is most useful:

application/zip;/usr/bin/unzip -d/var/tmp/unzipped/ %s
application/x-zip-compressed; /usr/bin/unzip -d/var/tmp/unzipped/ %s

As you see, it unzips a zip attachment automatically when I press on it, now 
is it possible to have the routine prompt me for what destination dir I wish to unzip 

(As a matter of interest Netscape reads this .mailcap as well and when you download it
also unzips on the fly).
Eric Smith

We've had reports that on Linux (Redhat 5.1) on Intel,
undef $scalar will return memory to the system, while on
Solaris 2.6 it won't.  In general, try it yourself and see.
Makes you think.

Re: interactive options on mailcap

1999-09-29 Thread Eric Smith

Brian -
And on Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 11:54:40AM +0930 it was said by Brian Salter-Duke:

| This does exactly what you asked for and is much shorter than the one I
| posted a while back.
| #!/usr/local/bin/perl
| $file = $ARGV[0];
| $base = $file;
| $base =~ s?\.gz??;
| print "Type the directory name where you wish to save the file: ";
| $dir = STDIN;
| chop($dir);
| system "/usr/local/bin/gunzip $file";
| system "cp $base $dir";
| unlink $base;
| Cheers, Brian. 

Have finally looked at this (when a whole lot of zipped files came in by
mail) and adjusted the script a bit as you may see below - I left the
comments in just for show.  The script does what I want, but will have to
add stuff to handle tar.gz files as well.  Also wanted to add some user
feedback of the system command - but failed - did not try too hard  (last two lines).  

A real bonus is that your system "command" allows interpretation of my env
variables like $re = /usr/data/development/reports etc.  But an unpatched
mutt don't - major :( -
(Would be great to have tab completion and other readline type
functionality, I guess.)

Thanks for your help:

#$file = $ARGV[0];
#$base = $file;
#$base =~ s?\.gz??;
#$base =~ s?\.zip??;
#My gunzip did not seem to have an option for destination dir.
print "Type the directory name where you wish to save the file: ";
$dir = STDIN;
system "/usr/bin/unzip -d$dir $ARGV[0]";

#print "$!";
#print "Click anything to carry on";
#system "cp $base $dir";

Eric Smith

Pass calmly through the clamour of the bungled.

Postpone _and_ send

1999-10-02 Thread Eric Smith

Is it possible to send your mail and also postpone it.
Like if you wanted to send off a draft and then continue later
with improving the message.


Re: managing folders

1999-10-18 Thread Eric Smith

And on Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 02:09:20PM -0500 it was said by David DeSimone:
| Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  Byrial -  
|  | mutt -f folder-to-expire -e 'set delete;push D~r20denterq'
|  Been looking for something like this for ages - great to put into a
|  cron job script that iterates through a list of folders.
| I don't think this will work from a cron job, because there will be no
| connecting tty, and Mutt will not be able to initialize cursses.  Do
| things like this really work from cron?

Bah, you are correct David (see enclosed). My dreams of a self
maintaining mail folder temporarilly shattered. :(

Eric Smith

Where do you think you're going today?

No recipients specified.

automatically running the '$` command

1999-11-01 Thread Eric Smith

Is it possible to set up so that the `$' command or refresh runs 
every n minutes?

This way your deleted messages are automatically expunged.

Eric Smith

Where do you think you're going today?

ageing folders non-interactively

1999-12-13 Thread Eric Smith

I have the following mutt procedure (defined as a function):
age () {
mutt -f /home/eric/Mail/$1 -e 'push uT~r1w!~F\n\;s=$1_aged\n\xq'
 Two problems preventing the non-interactive use of the script:

 1. When the mail folder $1_aged is not already in existance, then mutt
 prompts whether it should create one.  Now I have the onfirm_create set
 so that I am prompted during normal interactive use which is how I wish
 to keep it (to prevent folder breeding ;)).  Is it possible to have a
 force create?  Yeah I know a around is to wrap this in a script and
 test for the non-existance of the $1_aged and creste if necc.

 2. Occasionally the procedure exits mutt after doing its thing and
 sometimes it dont.  If the latter then non-interactive use would be a

 Thanx for any help.
Eric Smith

Byte perfect with perl. 

expiring messages

2000-01-21 Thread Eric Smith


What is the muttrc entry to expire incoming mail after say one hour (if
that is indeed possible)?

Eric Smith
00 27 21 4265311

Where do you think you're going today?

prompt for Fcc

2000-01-20 Thread Eric Smith

How may I set mutt to prompt for an Fcc in the case that there is no Fcc
hook or rule already?

Eric Smith
00 27 21 4265311

True wealth is measured not by what you accumulate, but by what you pass on
 to others
- Larry Wall.


2000-02-04 Thread Eric Smith

How may I best send an attachment to certain recipients and not others
all receiving the the same email?

Eric Smith
00 27 21 4265311

The fact that something is "tried and tested", says nothing about whether
it has been found to actually work or not.

selective signatures

2000-02-09 Thread Eric Smith

I often send mail to a number of recipients some (often lists) have their
own send hook with a special signature, but what happens is that all the
recipients then get this signature appended.

Is it possible to have the sig apply only to the one recipient who
triggered the hook?

Eric Smith
00 27 21 4265311

color index for list mail

2000-02-17 Thread Eric Smith

Is is possible to have mail from mailing lists coloured according to a
color index recipe:
a la

color index  brightmagentablack  ~l # List mail

Eric Smith
00 27 21 4265311

It is easier to fix Unix than to live with NT.

Re: color index for list mail - changed to color of select bar

2000-02-20 Thread Eric Smith

According to Byrial Jensen on Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 11:37:14AM +0100:
|  color index  brightmagentablack  ~l # List mail
| Yes. 
| (It works. Why didn't you just tried it?)

lack of confidence I guess - gr8.


I have a red bar that shows the currently selected mail in reverse video.
But this shows the same sceme (yellow on red) regardless of the status of
the mail message.  Only when I move off that message can I see what its
status is by the index color properties. Is it possible to have the
underlying text show up in its correct color even when the red bar is in
top of it?

Eric Smith
00 27 21 4265311

Re: color index for list mail - changed to color of select bar

2000-02-21 Thread Eric Smith

According to Thomas Roessler on Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 12:04:58PM +0100:
| (As an alternative, you may set the arrow_cursor variable.  This
| will paint a little arrow on the left side of the line you have
| selected, and won't change the color scheme at all.)
yeah - tht is what I was going to do if the above is the case - not quite
as stark but best for the cicumstances.

sorry to keep weaving this thread but ...
Is it poss. to have like a mixture of conditions giving a certain color
~N and ~l is bold yellow
~l only is yellow

Cause now all my list mail read and new are all the same bight color - which
is weird.


Eric Smith
00 27 21 4265311

Most things never happen.

Re: color index for list mail - changed to color of select bar

2000-02-22 Thread Eric Smith

According to Thomas Roessler on Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 10:32:50AM +0100:
| On 2000-02-21 20:32:02 +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
|  Is it poss. to have like a mixture of conditions giving a certain color
|  like 
|  ~N and ~l is bold yellow
|  ~l only is yellow
| Yes.
| Generally, folks, when you have an idea about something, please just
| try it, and don't ask the list whether it works or not. ,)

I was wrong the first time not to just test, but whatever I tried and still
now try to put those two conditions into a single color index command, I get:

Error in /home/eric/.muttrc, line 343: too many arguments

- sorry 

Eric Smith
00 27 21 4265311

unix perl - terrorising the tautologists.

Re: color index for list mail - changed to color of select bar

2000-02-23 Thread Eric Smith

According to David DeSimone on Tue, Feb 22, 2000 at 07:14:16PM -0600:
| This is the syntax you're probably looking for:
| color  indexyellow  default  '~l'
| color  index  brightyellow  default  '~N ~l'

| Also, the pattern needs to be quoted if it has more than one element. 
| Actually, quoting patterns seems to be always a good idea in .muttrc.

Eric Smith
00 27 21 4265311

... that hapless path of needless complexity.

mapping the `y' to enter in compose menu

2000-04-20 Thread Eric Smith

I would like to be able to press just enter when I am in the compose
menu and have a mail that is edited and ready to send.  I tried
macro compose \r y
macro compose enter y

But they both do not rebind the enter key so that it sends the mail.

How would I achieve this?
Eric Smith

color coding index according to string matching

2000-04-26 Thread Eric Smith

Has the following feature been dreamed up / implemented yet?

I currently color code the messages in my index by the normal attributes
of read tagged deleted list etc.  What i would reallly like to do is say
color code by regex matching in the Subject:

like say: 
/urgent/ red
/log/  yellow

.. the kind of power that procamil has

Eric Smith

Re: color coding Reg expression question [and mixing with

2000-04-26 Thread Eric Smith

Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 04:51:25PM -0300 
According to Francisco D. Borges on Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 04:51:25PM -0300:
| » Eric Smith wrote:
|  Has the following feature been dreamed up / implemented yet?
|  I currently color code the messages in my index by the normal attributes
|  of read tagged deleted list etc.  What i would reallly like to do is say
|  color code by regex matching in the Subject:
|  like say: 
|  /urgent/ red
|  /log/  yellow
| Try this  :^) it does the trick for me:
| color indexredblack   "~s urgent"  # Msg is urgent
thats nice 

- silly example we are using, as we all know that any message
with /urgent/i in the Subject should be plonked ;)

Now anyone know if one may mix the above example with flags
so that:
color index   brightredblack   "~s urgent" 
color index  redblack  ~D 
but the latter must only refer to meeages matching"~s urgent"

So you may get the meaning from the color and then the status flag from
the toming of that color.
Eric Smith

setting to indicate in index whether message has an attachment

2000-05-06 Thread Eric Smith

I have tried briefly to learn from the manual how I may
indicate in the index whether message has an attachment.

What should I set for this?

Eric Smith

more colors

2000-05-20 Thread Eric Smith

Is it possible to have mutt recognise more than the "standard" colors.
Like I can get vim to display all the colors like lightblue or darkcyan

Eric Smith
also on 082 373 1224

Eric, I am sorry no matches in rep for reoncilia*sql

2000-07-21 Thread Eric Smith

Eric, I am sorry no matches in rep for sfdgrwgrw

2000-07-21 Thread Eric Smith

Eric, I am sorry no matches in rep for fdsgghtd

2000-07-21 Thread Eric Smith

my apologies

2000-07-21 Thread Eric Smith

Please excuse my unintended postings from a script that I was
debugging - my sincere aplogies.

Eric Smith

Re: my apologies

2000-07-21 Thread Eric Smith

According to Nils Vogels on Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 01:32:23PM +0200:
| On Fri, Jul 21, 2000 at 01:28:08PM +0200, Eric Smith wrote:
|  Please excuse my unintended postings from a script that I was
|  debugging - my sincere aplogies.
| You might want to make it mail to test-addresses, not live addresses ;-)
$mutt=qq|mutt $user blah blah ...|; 
system "mutt $mutt";

grep mutt  mutt/aliases = alias mutt mutt-users [EMAIL PROTECTED]
changed to:
grep mutt  mutt/aliases = alias muttusers mutt-users [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- thats how you may easily (in my case) embarrass yourself.

a lesson learnt ... enuf of that 

And now for my question ;)

how do I have two aliases allocated to the /same/ email address in a
mutt alias entry?

Eric Smith
Landline: 00 27 21 426 5311
Mobile: 00 27 82 373 1224

TERM problem

2000-09-01 Thread Eric Smith

This is not a mutt problem per se but more a terminal problem whose
only (current) symptom is mutt not sizing/coloring correctly - all
other apps fine.  So I am using this as the excuse to ask it here
(where I know the answers will be).

two machines - problem only with machine2:

machine1   irrelevantmutt full size color *desired*
machine2   mutt full size monchrome  mutt 24 LINES and color

What should I do to machine2 to get mutt full size and in colour - 
possibly migrate the linux terminfo?

(I am accessing both machines with an ssh client putty.)


Eric Smith

compile error

2000-10-23 Thread Eric Smith


On one of my machines, mutt is annoyingly fixed in height to 24 LINES.
I have now installed the latest slang library (thinking this may have
something to do with it) and configured
thus: --enable-nfs-fix --with-slang

but it fell over with this:

colour.o: In function `mutt_alloc_color':
/usr/s/mutt-1.2/colour.c:215: undefined reference to
colour.o: In function `parse_color_name':
/usr/s/mutt-1.2/colour.c:319: undefined reference to
make[2]: *** [mutt] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/s/mutt-1.2'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/s/mutt-1.2'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

there appeared to be no errors in the slang install.

Any suggestions?


Eric Smith Amsterdam
Wire phone : +31 20 528 7340
Mobile: +31 6 241 259 16

keeping mail in postponed

2000-10-25 Thread Eric Smith

I like to use the postponed folder to send mail with a number of
attachments to different recipients.  Each time I bring the mail from
the postponed folder I would change the Salutation and possibly the

Problem is, the mail once sent does not stay in the postponed foldr -
I could Fcc it in put I want the message to be copied lesewhere as
well for archive purposes.  A possible soution is to Fcc into two
folders - but how?  Else there may be another solution?

Eric Smith 

Re: Viewing application/msword thingies.

2000-10-25 Thread Eric Smith

According to Morten Liebach on Wed, Oct 25, 2000 at 12:01:04AM +0200:
| Hi!
|  I'm getting a lot af mail with *.doc files attached, and I'd like to
| use catdoc to show them in mutt, how do I do that?
| I have the line:
|   application/msword; catdoc -s iso8859-1 %s|less; cupiousoutput

I use:
application/msword;   /usr/local/bin/mswordview %s -o - --nocredits| \ 
/usr/local/bin/html2ascii|sed 's/\\[.*.gif\\]//';copiousoutput

You will need to install mswordview (which is worth doing).
The `\' indicates an unwanted line break.

Eric Smith Amsterdam
Wire phone : +31 20 528 7340
Mobile: +31 6 241 259 16

mailing a stream as a file

2000-11-04 Thread Eric Smith


This "works"
zip - *txt|mutt -s'send a zip file of all txt docs' eric -a -

on 'V' in mutt received mail gives:
-   I 1 no description [text/plain, quoted,
iso-8859-1, 96K]
 A 2 - [text/plain, 7bit,
us-ascii, 0K]

With the top one being a legal zip file - only problem is that you
have to name the file when saving it, cause it is nameless.  Also the
encoding says test/plain but when you save the attachemnt, you get a
legal zip file.

Is there a way to force a file name? this will also help mutt to state
the encoding correctly.

Eric Smith

sending a stream as a file

2000-11-05 Thread Eric Smith


This "works" 
zip - *txt|mutt -s'send a zip file of all txt docs' eric -a -

on 'V' in mutt received mail gives:
-   I 1 no description [text/plain, quoted, iso-8859-1, 96K]
 A 2 - [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0K]

With the top one being a legal zip file - only problem is that you
have to name the file when saving it, cause it is nameless.  Also the
encoding says test/plain but when you save the attachemnt, you get a
legal zip file.

Is there a way to force a file name, this should help mutt get its
encosing statement right as well?

Eric Smith Amsterdam

attaching multiple files with edit-headers

2001-01-17 Thread Eric Smith

I just discovered the Attach: header that you can add while editing
an outgoing mail.  The number of times I have blushed after sending
mail with xyz attached .. and no attachments :)  Now there is no
excuse of waiting till you get to the Composer to attach files - you
can do it in vi using the ^Xf which completes file names.

And now the question:
Is it possible to attach more than a single file in this way?

Eric Smith Amsterdam
Wire phone : +31 20 528 7340
Mobile: +31 617 232 304

resizing error - compiling

2001-01-19 Thread Eric Smith

I am trying to fix an annoying problem in mutt in that it refuses to
resize - stick at 24 lines for example.

Installed ncurses 5.0 and tried 
[root@apple mutt-1.2.5]# ./configure --with-curses=/usr/include/ncurses

... during make, got this:

cc -DSHAREDIR=\"/usr/local/share/mutt\"
-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -I. -I.  -Iintl -I/usr/local/include
-I/usr/include/ncurses/include -I./intl  -Wall -pedantic -g -O2 -c
gcc  -Wall -pedantic -g -O2 -L/usr/include/ncurses/lib  -o mutt
addrbook.o alias.o attach.o base64.o browser.o buffy.o colour.o
commands.o complete.o compose.o copy.o curs_lib.o curs_main.o date.o
edit.o enter.o flags.o init.o filter.o from.o getdomain.o handler.o
hash.o hdrline.o headers.o help.o hook.o keymap.o main.o mbox.o menu.o
mh.o mx.o pager.o parse.o pattern.o postpone.o query.o recvattach.o
recvcmd.o rfc822.o rfc1524.o rfc2047.o rfc2231.o score.o send.o
sendlib.o signal.o sort.o status.o system.o thread.o charset.o
history.o lib.o muttlib.o editmsg.o pgp.o pgpinvoke.o pgpkey.o
pgplib.o gnupgparse.o resize.o dotlock.o   -lncurses
colour.o: In function `_mutt_parse_color':
/usr/s/mutt-1.2.5/colour.c:710: undefined reference to
resize.o: In function `mutt_resize_screen':
/usr/s/mutt-1.2.5/resize.c:75: undefined reference to `resizeterm'
make[2]: *** [mutt] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/s/mutt-1.2.5'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/s/mutt-1.2.5'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

Its failing at one of the functions that I have a problem with viz.

TO fix ... ?

Eric Smith

Re: resizing error - compiling

2001-01-20 Thread Eric Smith

According to Eric Smith on Sat, Jan 20, 2001 at 03:45:02AM +0200:
| Reply-To: 
| I am trying to fix an annoying problem in mutt in that it refuses to
| resize - stick at 24 lines for example.
| Installed ncurses 5.0 and tried 
| [root@apple mutt-1.2.5]# ./configure --with-curses=/usr/include/ncurses
| ... during make, got this:
| cc -DSHAREDIR=\"/usr/local/share/mutt\"
| -DSYSCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\"-DBINDIR=\"/usr/local/bin\"
| -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -I. -I.  -Iintl -I/usr/local/include
| -I/usr/include/ncurses/include -I./intl  -Wall -pedantic -g -O2 -c
| dotlock.c
| gcc  -Wall -pedantic -g -O2 -L/usr/include/ncurses/lib  -o mutt

Problem solved - needed an older version of ncurses compatible with
the old C libs on the machine in question.

Back to full screen :)

Eric Smith

binding synchronise mailbox function

2001-01-23 Thread Eric Smith

I want to bind the `$' command to the space key. Is it possible to
bind the mailbox synchronise function?

Could not find anything useful in the docs so went:

[eric@apple ~] 5 $ nm `which mutt`|grep  sync
0806ed40 t maildir_sync_message
0806b108 T mbox_sync_mailbox
0806ee94 T mh_sync_mailbox
0806eb8c t mh_sync_message
080709d8 T mx_sync_mailbox
08070220 t sync_mailbox

But all of these gave an error viz:
:bind index space sync_mailbox
sync_mailbox: no such function in map

Eric Smith

Re: binding synchronise mailbox function - SOLVED

2001-01-23 Thread Eric Smith

According to Dave Pearson on Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 01:40:57PM +:
 |  But all of these gave an error viz:
 |  :bind index space sync_mailbox
 |  sync_mailbox: no such function in map
 | This:
 | ,
 | | bind index space sync-mailbox
 | `
perfect - thank you

Now I am less confused .. let me see ...
in mutt:

variables use and underscore
funtions use a minus
- but in the source, functions use an underscore

Eric Smith Benelux
Wire phone +31 212 72 82
Wireless +31 617 232 304

concatenating in a macro

2001-01-31 Thread Eric Smith

Is it possible to map return to the following such that after completing
the ispell, mutt will automatically execute the send-message ?

macro compose return ":set ispell=newsbody-ispell\nispell" "ispell-english"
Eric Smith

URL becomes header automatically

2001-04-02 Thread Eric Smith

Often I send an url like

The line of the URL is the only line in the body - mutt takes the line
and makes a header out of it.  /not/ what I want.
How do I get round this?
Eric Smith Benelux
Wireless   +31 617 232 304

how do I color all mails with attachments?

2001-04-23 Thread Eric Smith

like this:
colour index brightred  black ~?

Eric Smith

Re: how do I color all mails with attachments?

2001-04-24 Thread Eric Smith

According to David Champion on Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 03:25:17PM -0500:
| On 2001.04.23, in [EMAIL PROTECTED],
|   Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  like this:
|  colour index brightred  black ~?
| Check this thread:
wish attachment handling was more enhanced in native mutt.

Eric Smith Benelux
Wireless   +31 617 232 304

patch to auto-execute command in compose view

2001-05-08 Thread Eric Smith

Could someone perhaps write a patch for me that will automatically
execute a command (or function) like send-message say 1000
milliseconds after entering compose mode.
So when I quit the editor that mutt spawns, I can do nothing for one
second and the mail will be sent or press cntrl-C possibly (within the
second) so that I may do some work in the compose screen.

Currently I am binding return in compose as follows:
macro compose return :set ispell=newsbody-ispell\nispellsend-message 

Eric Smith

Re: color examples?

2001-05-24 Thread Eric Smith

According to Damjan Lango on Tue, May 22, 2001 at 07:06:56PM +0200:
| Hi,
| Where can I find some nice examples for color configuration?
| It would be nice if mutt already included some examples...
| I do not have a good feeling what color configuration would be nice to use...
| ciao
| Damjan

Partly on loan from someone - this is what i use -

I change the status and other bars colors depending on what mailbox I
am viewing
Different senders have different colors (those that don't got to
/dev/null of course :) )
I have a reminder script, see the rules at the bottom for hour
warnings in different colors
I am too lazy to use perl or awk to line up the columns in this file.
But I guess in the time I erite these two sentences I could do it ...
ho hummm ...

# object foreground backg.   RegExp
color body   blue   default  
\t\n\r\()]*[^][{} \t\n\r\().,:!])?/?
color body   blue   default  [-a-z_0-9.+]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+
color body   reddefault  (^| )\\*[-a-z0-9äöüß*]+\\*[,.?]?[ \n]
color body   green  default  (^| )_[-a-z0-9äöüß_]+_[,.?]?[ \n]

color index  blue   default  ~U # unread
color index  red   default  ~F # Flagged
color index  greendefault  ~N # New
#color index  yellow default  ~Q ~D # Replied and deleted
color index  magentadefault  ~T # Tagged
color index  yellow default  ~Q # Replied
color  index yellow default  '~l'
color  index  brightyellow  default  '~N ~l'

color index cyan  default ~h ^From:.*eric
color index cyan  default ~h ^From:.*Fruitcom
color index blue  default ~h ^From:.*clug
color index blue  default ~h ^Subject:.*'has been active'
color index brightyellow  default ~h ^Subject:.*'#'
color index brightyellow  default ~h ^To:.*'reminder'
color index yellow  default ~h ^From:.*dom
color index blue  default ~h ^From:.*'root'
color index brightyellow  default ~h ^From:.*rob
#color index yellowdefault ~R ^From:.*leon  # Read from Leon
color index brightyellow  default ~h ^From:.*leon
color index brightred  default ~s ^todo
color index brightgreen   default ~h ^From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
color index brightblue   default ~h ^From:.*Maersk
color index brightgreen   default ~h ^From:.*houthoff
color index brightgreen   default ~h ^From:.*kinman
#color index brightred   default   ~s urgent  # Msg is urgent
#color index brightyellow   default   ~s \[rel\]  # Msg is urgent
color index brightbluedefault ~s fruitcom
color index brightblue   default ~D ~s fruitcom
color index yellow  default ~s #
color index reddefault ~F
color index yellow  default  ~R # Read
color index blue   default ~h ^Subject:.*'72 Hours'
color index yellow default ~h ^Subject:.*'48 Hours'
color index brightblue default ~h ^Subject:.*'24 Hour's
color index brightyellow   default ~h ^Subject:.*'6 Hours'
color index reddefault  ~D # Deleted

#color index brightred  default ~a
#color normal whitedefault # normal text
#color indicator  green   red # actual message
color tree   magenta  default # thread arrows
color status brightcyan blue
color signature cyan default
color error  yellow  default # errors
color messageyellowdefault # info messages
#color signature  reddefault # signature
color attachment yellow   red # MIME attachments
color search yellow   red # search matches
color tilde  magenta  default # ~ at bottom of msg
color markersreddefault # + at beginning of wrapped lines
#color hdrdefault green   default # default header lines
color bold   reddefault # hiliting bold patterns in body
color underline  green  default # hiliting underlined patterns in body
color quoted green   default # quoted text
color quoted1magentadefault
color quoted2reddefault
color quoted3green  default
color quoted4cyan   default
color quoted5blue   default
color quoted6magentadefault
color quoted7reddefault
color quoted8green  default
color quoted9cyan   default

Eric Smith

functions for editing Subject: and To: in vim

2001-06-19 Thread Eric Smith

Somtimes I think it would be nice if people posted tips as well as
questions.  Here are two vim functions that I find convenient - I dislike
having to postion the cursor on the relevant header and then navigate
back to where I was.  These vim functions prompt you for the new
header and after changing the header, leave your cursor where you

You do have edit_hdrs in mutt set don't you ;)

fun!  Edit_to()
  normal ms
  let argument = input(Enter To: )
  let string =  argument
  execute %s/^To:.*/To:  . argument
  normal `s
map \t :call Edit_to()cr

fun!  Edit_subject()
  normal ms
  let argument = input(Enter Subject: )
  let string = argument
  execute %s/^Subject:.*/Subject:  . argument
  normal `s
map \e :call Edit_subject()cr

Eric Smith

highlighting quotes in pager

2001-07-31 Thread Eric Smith

What is the muttrc entry I need to make quotes

each come up in its own color?

Eric Smith

highlighting quotes in pager

2001-07-31 Thread Eric Smith

What is the muttrc entry I need to make quotes

each come up in its own color?

Eric Smith Benelux
Wire phone: +31 20 681 6889
Wireless:   +31 617 232 304

nntp patch is

2001-08-01 Thread Eric Smith

Eric Smith

avoid prompt of postponed message

2001-08-05 Thread Eric Smith

Is there a way to avoid the prompt that asks if I wish to send a
postponed mail when pressing `m' in the index or pager?
Eric Smith Benelux
Wire phone: +31 20 681 6889
Wireless:   +31 617 232 304

Re: spontaneous sync-mailbox

2001-08-13 Thread Eric Smith

According to Cedric Duval on Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 01:03:48PM +0200:
| Hi Eric,
| * Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [08/13/01 12:03]:
|  Is this possible to implement without pathcing the source?
|  I mean, Instead of having to explicitly calling it with '$'
| You just have to define some macros. For instance :
| macro index d delete-messagesync-mailbox delete and sync
| macro pager d delete-messagesync-mailbox delete and sync

Of course !

But slight problem, the sync-mailbox command does not work on my Mutt
1.2.5i in the pager - only in the index.  Can check this by going
exec sync-mailbox
sync-mailbox: no such command

And of course this don't win any prizes cause you dont get to read the mail!
macro index return display-messageexitsync-mailbox read the mail and sync

reason for wanting this is that I have a kind of an xbiff running
every minute viz.

if [ $response != 'You have no new mail.' ];then
  screen -X -S 4880.ENVELOPE echo $response

very kewl if you are a screen user (IMHO).
So I need to do a manual resync to stop the flashing of the new mail.
I do not want to have to do that.

|  Whatever I do in mutt I would like my mailbox flags to be updated in
|  real time.
| But doing this you'll lose the ability to change your mind and undo
| changes. Furthermore, for huge mailboxes (especially if you manipulate
| old mails in mbox format), syncing can take a lot of time.

ten we use folder-hook, I only need theis macro for my incoming

Eric Smith Benelux
Wire phone: +31 20 681 6889
Wireless:   +31 617 232 304

automatically prepend the '=' (default location) to mailbox input

2001-08-29 Thread Eric Smith

How can I configure mutt to implicitly prepend the '=' or '+' to a
user specified mailbox like in change-folder.
I can remap the 'c' command for example to print the '=' for me so
then I only need enter the folder name but this clobbers
the suggested folder name - which is frequently useful.
Eric Smith

using lists array in regex

2001-09-02 Thread Eric Smith

Is it possible to apply all that comprise lists in the `lists' or
`subscribe' command to regex such as this

send-hook ~C mutt-users 'set signature=echo Eric Smith|'

So instead of explicitly specifying mutt-users, one may specify all
the lists in one statement.

Eric Smith

Re: vim / ispell

2001-09-09 Thread Eric Smith

According to Will Yardley on Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 02:09:55AM -0700:
| so this is a bit off topic, but does anyone have a simple set of vim
| macros to interface with ispell (or an easy way to spellcheck a file
| after editing without leaving mutt)?  i'm usually a decent speller but
| it is annoying not to be able to check a particular word or paragraph.

My way.

 macro compose return :set ispell=newsbody-ispell\nispellsend-message 

## /usr/home/eric/bin/newsbody-ispell
newsbody -k from -k subject -hs -q -n $2 -p ispell -- -x %f

The above omits headers (except subject - at least I hope it checks
spelling on my subjects).

So when I wish to send the mail form the compose window without
checking spelling, I press the default `y', otherwise I hit enter
and usually save embarrassment.

Only ugliness is, once you are in spell check you have to kill the
mutt process if you wish to abort the sending of the mail.

Sometimes in vim you want to do a spell check interactively, I go

nmap =s :!ispell -S %cr:e %cr

next challenge, is to have the spell check and the auto-sending of
mail automatically executed when I quit vim - tricky.

Hope this helps

Eric Smith

Re: vim / ispell

2001-09-10 Thread Eric Smith

According to Will Yardley on Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 02:09:55AM -0700:
| so this is a bit off topic, but does anyone have a simple set of vim
| macros to interface with ispell (or an easy way to spellcheck a file
| after editing without leaving mutt)?  i'm usually a decent speller but
| it is annoying not to be able to check a particular word or paragraph.

My way.

 macro compose return :set ispell=newsbody-ispell\nispellsend-message 

## /usr/home/eric/bin/newsbody-ispell
newsbody -k from -k subject -hs -q -n $2 -p ispell -- -x %f

The above omits headers (except subject - at least I hope it checks
spelling on my subjects).

So when I wish to send the mail form the compose window without
checking spelling, I press the default `y', otherwise I hit enter
and usually save embarrassment.

Only ugliness is, once you are in spell check you have to kill the
mutt process if you wish to abort the sending of the mail.

Sometimes in vim you want to do a spell check interactively, I go

nmap =s :!ispell -S %cr:e %cr

next challenge, is to have the spell check and the auto-sending of
mail automatically executed when I quit vim - tricky.

Hope this helps

Eric Smith

sourcing a file in a macro

2001-09-14 Thread Eric Smith

I am trying to do something like this:
macro index y !vim /home/eric/.muttrc\nexec source /home/eric/.muttrc

The first part I have been using for years - very useful by the way
especially when you have the following autocommand 
autocmd BufRead * normal `
(returns you to where you were in the file when last edited)

Problem is I want to source the muttrc directly.


Eric Smith

two commands one a single send-hook

2001-09-24 Thread Eric Smith

How do I put these two commands into a single statement?

send-hook ~C x[sm]l  'my_hdr X-currently-using: xalan saxon fop xep on linux'
send-hook ~C x[sm]l  'set signature=echo -e Eric Smith\nSee mail headers for 
processors used|'
Eric Smith

Re: two commands one a single send-hook

2001-09-24 Thread Eric Smith

According to darren chamberlain on Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 08:50:15AM -0400:
| Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something to this effect on 09/24/2001:
|  How do I put these two commands into a single statement?
|  send-hook ~C x[sm]l  'my_hdr X-currently-using: xalan saxon fop xep on linux'
|  send-hook ~C x[sm]l  'set signature=echo -e Eric Smith\nSee mail headers for 
|processors used|'
| Can you separate them with semi-colons? i.e.,
| send-hook ~C x[sm]l  'set signature=echo -e Eric Smith\nSee mail headers for 
|processors used|; my_hdr X-currently-using: xalan saxon fop xep on linux'
nope that dont work for me.

Eric Smith

Re: two commands one a single send-hook

2001-09-24 Thread Eric Smith

According to René Clerc on Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 03:41:57PM +0200:
| * Eric Smith [24-09-2001 15:09]:
| | |  How do I put these two commands into a single statement?
| | |  
| | |  send-hook ~C x[sm]l  'my_hdr X-currently-using: xalan saxon fop xep on linux'
| | |  send-hook ~C x[sm]l  'set signature=echo -e Eric Smith\nSee mail headers 
|for processors used|'
| | | 
| | | Can you separate them with semi-colons? i.e.,
| | | 
| | | send-hook ~C x[sm]l  'set signature=echo -e Eric Smith\nSee mail headers for 
|processors used|; my_hdr X-currently-using: xalan saxon fop xep on linux'
| | nope that dont work for me.
| Why make your config files unreadable?
| I think the old situation is much more clearer, and more maintainable.
Only cause the old method as you say did not work - if it should
work, I will fiddle some more.

Eric Smith

displaying recipient in index

2001-09-24 Thread Eric Smith

How do I display the recipient name in the index in the form of:
To Email Recipient

instead of it displaying my name in respect of emails sent by myself?

Eric Smith

Fcc saving to multiple folders

2001-10-30 Thread Eric Smith

Is it possible to save an outgoing to more than a single folder?

Also should not (or can not) the Bcc: details be saved in the loval
folder - this is useful information.

Eric Smith

concatenating mail and send-message in a macto

2001-11-23 Thread Eric Smith

Sometimes I like to have the mail sent when I exit my editor -
often in fact - meaning I skip the compose screen.

So I used to fiddle a lit with the set editor command but that is not 
the answer, I just tried this:

macro w index mailentersend-message

and this works when you have a pending message as I did
cause the enter answers the prompt to resume the postponed
message, then you edit that message and voila it sends
automatically on closing the editor.

But when you have no pending message (as is normal for me)
then the send-message ends up as a suggested subject.

Am I being dense?  What is the way to do this?

Eric Smith

concatenating mail and send-message in a macto

2001-11-24 Thread Eric Smith

Sometimes I like to have the mail sent when I exit my editor -
often in fact - meaning I skip the compose screen.

So I used to fiddle a lit with the set editor command but that is not 
the answer, I just tried this:

macro w index mailentersend-message

and this works when you have a pending message as I did
cause the enter answers the prompt to resume the postponed
message, then you edit that message and voila it sends
automatically on closing the editor.

But when you have no pending message (as is normal for me)
then the send-message ends up as a suggested subject.

Am I being dense?  What is the way to do this?

Eric Smith

concatenating mail and send-message in a macto

2001-11-26 Thread Eric Smith

Sometimes I like to have the mail sent when I exit my editor -
often in fact - meaning I skip the compose screen.

So I used to fiddle a lit with the set editor command but that is not 
the answer, I just tried this:

macro w index mailentersend-message

and this works when you have a pending message as I did
cause the enter answers the prompt to resume the postponed
message, then you edit that message and voila it sends
automatically on closing the editor.

But when you have no pending message (as is normal for me)
then the send-message ends up as a suggested subject.

Am I being dense?  What is the way to do this?

Eric Smith

default directory for change-folder

2001-11-30 Thread Eric Smith

I believe that mutt should automatically prepend the value of
the set-folder variable to whatever the user enters as the 
destination folder when issuing the change-folder command
(bound by default to 'c').

To get round this I have lived with mutt being executed from
my mail folder dir - but this workaround is no longer convenient for me.
Also you could map
macro index c change-folder=
But then you lose the (partially useful) functionality of the 
last active folder being offered by mutt as the default.

Is there something wrong with this proposal?
Eric Smith

Re: default directory for change-folder

2001-11-30 Thread Eric Smith

According to Sven Guckes on Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 06:56:11PM +0100:
 * Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [011130 14:14]:
   At first it sounds good, but what happens if I want to change
   to an IMAP folder? Prepending = obviously doesn't work.
  Then just have a .muttrc option like
  Set enable_default_folder=yes
  for those that do not care about imap
 and how about another* option
 for those who prefer the '+'?
I never figured the difference between the '+' and the '='
in this context.
 really - what next?
 :set kitchen-sink=on?
Funny, when I saw who was in the ^From: line, I knew there would
be a comment like this - I was right ;)

 folks, get real - use a macro!
 :macro index c change-folder+
see my original email to see why this is unsuitable (for me).

Nothing I have seen convinces me that this is not a sufficiently
useful configurable option  to make it standard.

 - well I tried ...

Eric Smith

Re: default directory for change-folder

2001-12-01 Thread Eric Smith

According to Sven Guckes on Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 09:16:29AM +0100:
execute 2yyGp
  Nothing I have seen convinces me that this is not a sufficiently
  useful configurable option to make it standard.
 well, how about this then:
   $ cd ~/Mail; mutt
 now you can save your mails *without*
 any '+' or '+' - just type in the name!
 why ad any code to mutt for
 this simply startup method?

As I mentioned in my original mail, this has become a pain
for me - a real pain - I want to be always in my ~ dir.
Default save from mutt must be in ~ and when I want to
read something into a mail edit session or add an attachment, 
9+ times out of 10 the file is in my ~ dir.
So I  had enough and changed this function:

u() {
  if [ $1 ]
mutt $@
cd #/data/Mail
cd -

Changing and navigating folders is one of the most fundamental
functions of a MUA so something that makes this more convenient
by obviating a silly keypress each time can IMO, hardly be
regarded as adding a kitchen sink.

(The reading and attaching problem, may be fixed if with the set
editor command you could cd to another dir before launching your

Eric Smith

Re: default directory for change-folder

2001-12-01 Thread Eric Smith

According to Sven Guckes on Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 11:46:29AM +0100:
 * Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] [011201 09:09]:
  Changing and navigating folders is one of
  the most fundamental functions of a MUA...
 or so it should be, one would think.
 then again, managing messages could
 be regarded as a database problem -
 and thus it's not an mua prob at all.
anything could be regarded as anything
but I believe my comment corresponds
to current reality.

  so something that makes this more convenient
  by obviating a silly keypress each time can IMO,
  hardly be regarded as adding a kitchen sink.
 patch your own version?  insert a
 '+' into the prompt by default?
or write my own mua (or os, or )
I want to work way above that level.
apt-get install mutt - with unstable keeps me on the latest
version and I get on with my life (maybe that sounds selfish).
(dont check the version of this mutt - its not on my deb

  The reading and attaching problem, may be fixed
  if with the set editor command you could cd to
  another dir before launching your editor.
  set editor=cd /dir; edit %s
 ok, so you can oput this into a script
 and then use set editor=script..
yeah that works but dont change convenience of being
in my ~ dir for:
attaching in the compose screen
writing out a file from an attachment or body
 and what about this:
   save-hook . +
that dont help change-folder
and when I just tried it now it did not work :(

I still think that an option to have all folder
related operations work by default on your mail $folder
is practical and generally useful

But thanks anyway for some extra hackery ammunition to
reduce the inconvenience.  Mutt istill does suck less as
the author says.

Eric Smith Benelux
Phone: +31 70 313 0240
Mobile:+31 6 551 76300

Re: displaying name of attachment in title bar

2001-12-07 Thread Eric Smith

According to David T-G on Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 07:31:30AM -0500:
 Eric --
 ...and then Eric Smith said...
 % Well I am not sure what you call that information bar above the
 % pager.  But would it not be useful if the names of the
 % attachments of the current email were listed there - 
 % or is there another view in mutt that may achieve this.
 You could hit 'v' to view attachments and see the entire list of them.  I
 don't know of a way to access the name(s) of any attachment(s), though.
Too fiddly and slow - with many attachment I want to scan them on the index
 % You feel silly when there are things that mass mua's do, that
 % must cannot?
 No; I figure MUAs weren't supposed to do those things ;-)
Well email was not originally meant to be used for commerce,
nor was the entire internet for that matter.
Thre are no rules (in my book) just convenience and getting
things done quicker, easier, better.
(Geek executives arise :) )
 % Or must I put the attachment names into the Subject: myself with
 % procmail/formail?
 That's one way to do it, as long as you don't mind trashing your subject
 line.  If I were to try this I'd probably create an X-Attachment-List:
 header that I could view in the pager instead.

Nah, thought of that but as I said I want it in the index line
- I wont trash the Subject line just concat to it - I can also
  put the original Subject line into an X-Subject-orig FWIW

PS. interesting quote character ;)

Eric Smith

save all outgoing messages to Fcc _and_ =sent

2001-12-17 Thread Eric Smith

so that I may look in one place to check all the outgoing mail
regardless of where is is fcc'ed?

a simple (mutt) solution?

Eric Smith

Re: save all outgoing messages to a common folder - implemented

2001-12-18 Thread Eric Smith

According to Rob 'Feztaa' Park on Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 05:29:52PM -0700:
 On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 12:28:42AM +0100, Eric Smith (dis)graced my inbox with:
  so that I may look in one place to check all the outgoing mail
  regardless of where is is fcc'ed?
  a simple (mutt) solution?
 my_hdr Bcc: Your Name Here [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For those wishing to implement this -
I did it this way

my_hdr Bcc: .outgoing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
my_hdr X-outgoing: save # see header to this email ;)

:0 c
* ^X-outgoing: save

saves copy of all mail sent _with mutt_ to the.outgoing
folder.  Better (for me), than procmail matching on any From

Eric Smith

Re: save all outgoing messages to a common folder - implemented

2001-12-18 Thread Eric Smith

 I must apologize for spacing out there; I apparently didn't pay any
 attention to the Subject: line and failed to note that you wanted to save
 two copies of the outgoing email.
Don't worry I figured ...
 % For those wishing to implement this -
 % I did it this way
 % .muttrc:
 % my_hdr Bcc: .outgoing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 % my_hdr X-outgoing: save # see header to this email ;)
 % .procmailrc:
 % :0 c
 % * ^X-outgoing: save
 % .outgoing
 % saves copy of all mail sent _with mutt_ to the.outgoing
 % folder.  Better (for me), than procmail matching on any From
 % header.
 That seems pretty elegant, actually; not a bad idea.  FWIW, this has come
 up on the list a few times before and the closest we got (with existing
 functionality) was to wrap sendmail and save the copy there in order to
 trap the bcc: headers in both (or as many as you want!) copies.

Yeah I brought up a previous thread re Fcc-ing to all recipients
of a mail -another thing on my wishlist and very important in

I do not touch and am in no mood to start really.

Yeah the solution that is put together above works but
its wasteful:
You have to send the mail (with Bcc) and fire sendmail and
procmail or whatever.
When you (I anyway) edit the outgoing, you have two extra -
annoying - headers to stare at.

- much better to do all this type of functionality without
firing anything but your current mutt instance which just has
to write to your local folders.
I really believe that this type of functionality could
easily - I aint a C programmer :( - be implemented
in mutt itself

BTW, people can drop the 'c' in the ':0 c' above
(I had it in there cause I was testing from myself to myself.

 Maybe I should just be quiet now :-)

Not at all.


Re: save all outgoing messages to a common folder - implemented

2001-12-18 Thread Eric Smith

According to David T-G on Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 07:52:37AM -0500:
 % When you (I anyway) edit the outgoing, you have two extra -
 % annoying - headers to stare at.
 Well, you can always
 those away :-)
yeah I use ignore and unignore but this is only for the pager -
I was referring to when editing (for me in vim with edit_hdrs set).
.. let me peep a few lines up in vim ... ah here ...

From: Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Mutt Users' List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: save all outgoing messages to a common folder - implemented
In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on Tue, Dec 18
, 2001 at 07:52:37AM -0500
X-outgoing: save


 I agree, but the interesting part would be how to define it.  Currently
 fcc-hooks are matched from top to bottom, with the last taking precedence.

typical case of coders making it easy for themselves and hard on
users - but when you are given so much for free and contribute so little
it is hard to criticise :)

anyway, when I send mail 
To: jack,john

or even

To: jack
Cc: john

I usually am sending the mail primarily to jack but it goes into
john's folder - hey!

Regarding your othe sentiments, I agree we have a _long_ way to
go to make email really useful and practical - I agree re
database functionality, filesystems are and will go that way,
text already is with XML and mail will follow.

Eric Smith

adding an attribution-like line for Cc's

2002-01-15 Thread Eric Smith

Occasionally, I Cc an email and the recipient of the Cc assumes
that the email is directed to them (and not just copied to them).
Is it possible to add an attribution-like line similar to:

This is a copy of an email sent to main_recipient

Would be nice to have this for Bcc (and bounce)  as well.

A related issue I am having in connection with my hack to have a
copy of _all_ mails that I send interactively with mutt in a
single folder.  I have this folder-hook:
folder-hook . my_hdr X-outgoing: save
But when I reply to an email (or forward, or bounce), then I do
not get this header inserted as I want.

Eric Smith

Re: adding an attribution-like line for Cc's

2002-01-15 Thread Eric Smith

According to Charles Cazabon on Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 09:35:44AM -0600:
 Gary Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 15, 2002 at 03:39:14PM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
   Occasionally, I Cc an email and the recipient of the Cc assumes
   that the email is directed to them (and not just copied to them).
   Is it possible to add an attribution-like line similar to:
   This is a copy of an email sent to main_recipient
   Would be nice to have this for Bcc (and bounce)  as well.
  It seems to me that a much better long-term solution would be to
  politely explain to these recipients when they make this error, the
  meaning of the To and Cc fields.  This would also save them from making
  the same mistake with mail from others besides yourself.
It dont seem that way to me.
Email is a commercial tool, not just a techie medium.  People do not
(want to) squint at headers, even things obvious to you and
I, like To: or Cc:
If a bit of programming can make things _more_ obvious, the my
view is that it is a good thing.

 It's also impossible to do what the original poster wants; as soon as the
 message differs between recipients, it's no longer a cc/bcc; it's a different
 message, and has to be injected separately.

So inject it a second time - why all this ideology?  Sendmail
is light enough to be run a few times if needs be.

Eric Smith

execute command on all attachments

2007-11-08 Thread Eric smith
How do I from within mutt apply a command (like scp) to all the attachment in
the current message?

- Eric Smith

global case insensitivity on hooks

2007-11-14 Thread Eric Smith
For example, I have the following hook,
send-hook ~t `cat ~/recipients_list`   'set signature=...

And I want the matching of everything in the recipients_list file
to be case insensitive without having to specify each address in
the file with a regex.


- Eric Smith

Re: global case insensitivity on hooks

2007-11-14 Thread Eric Smith

To my understanding, 
this makes every address listed in the recipients_list lowercase
but does not solve the problem that in the email header, the
address might have unpredictable case.

So I want the recipe to match any case in the header.

Also, I should have added that my hook is compound viz:
send-hook ~t `cat ~/recipients_trustfood` ~C ([EMAIL PROTECTED]|.*\cl)  'set 
signature=cat signature_chile ...


- Eric Smith
Michael Elkins said:
 On Wed, Nov 14, 2007 at 11:21:52AM +0100, Eric Smith wrote:
  For example, I have the following hook,
  send-hook ~t `cat ~/recipients_list`   'set signature=...
  And I want the matching of everything in the recipients_list file
  to be case insensitive without having to specify each address in
  the file with a regex.
 Save this script as ~/bin/
  #!/usr/bin/env python
  for s in open('recipient_list'):
  print 'send-hook ~t ' + s.lower() + ' set signature...'
 In your ~/.muttrc:
  source '~/bin/|'
 (copied to

change folder and immediately apply filter conditions to new folder

2007-11-29 Thread Eric Smith
Is this possible?

- Eric Smith

Re: change folder and immediately apply filter conditions to new

2007-11-29 Thread Eric Smith
Yes but that is not the same as setting an arbitrary filter.
I want to go change-folder and then when defining the new folder
at the same time impose a filter condition for the task at

PS. After years of using mutt, I stupidly only discovered
yesterday the usefulness of compound filter conditions.

- Eric Smith
Rocco Rutte said:
 * Eric Smith wrote:
 Is this possible?
 Yes, see folder-hook in the manual, combined with limit.

Re: change folder and immediately apply filter conditions to new

2007-11-29 Thread Eric Smith
 What do you mean by filter condition? If not limit... do you mean 
 you want to filter what folders you're allowed to type in?

yes, limit  as in which messages to display.
So i want to change to folder =foo and see only 2w From: bar

apply filter conditions to new folder from command line

2007-12-01 Thread Eric Smith
I am getting an error, too many arguments to push when I try:

$ mutt -f l/mutt-users -e 'push limit ~d 4w'

- Eric Smith

Re: apply filter conditions to new folder from command line - SOLVED

2007-12-02 Thread Eric Smith
Eric Smith said:
 I am getting an error, too many arguments to push when I try:
 $ mutt -f l/mutt-users -e 'push limit ~d 4w'

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] $ mutt -f l/mutt-users  -e 'push limit ~r2w

Removing Reply-To: from header list

2008-01-17 Thread Eric Smith
Headers above this line are:

From: Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: mutt-users
Subject: Removing Reply-To: from header list 

How do I prevent the Reply-To: from appearing?

I have the following set
set editor=vim -c '/^$/+1'

- Eric Smith

Re: Removing Reply-To: from header list

2008-01-17 Thread Eric Smith
How do I get that to work silently.

My efforts with variations of:
 set editor=vim -c ':silent! /^Reply-To:$/d' -c '/^$/+1'

all failed.

Eric Smith
Tel Amsterdam: +31 20 8080088

Original Message Christian Ebert on Thu-17-Jan 08  5:09PM
 * Eric Smith on Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 11:07:13 +0100
  Headers above this line are:
  From: Eric Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: mutt-users
  Subject: Removing Reply-To: from header list 
  How do I prevent the Reply-To: from appearing?
  I have the following set
  set editor=vim -c '/^$/+1'
 Not from within Mutt, otherwise it's a Vim question ;)
 set editor=vim -c '/^Reply-To:$/d' -c '/^$/+1'
 Python Mutt utilities

sidebar patch - performance

2008-04-05 Thread Eric Smith
My pleasure in having the sidebar patch transform the mutt user
experience has just been destroyed by observing the poor
performance of for example scrolling up and down the index.

There seems to be some buffer overload with delayed response
compared to an unpatched mutt which is much more responsive.

Am I alone in experiencing this?

It also seems strange to me that the sidebar feature is not
seen as a high priority by the general mutt community.

- Eric Smith

Re: sidebar patch - performance

2008-04-06 Thread Eric Smith
 I use the sidebar patch myself and the only performance problem I see
 with my mutt is that loading mailboxes with quite a few messages takes
 some time. I don't know, however, if this is related to the side bar

Same here.

alarm when attaching xml files

2008-08-18 Thread Eric Smith
I sent hundreds of pdf files for every xml file.
Hoever, because of the way I generate the pdf files, I often
mistakenly attach the xml source.

Is there a way to configure (without source changes) mutt 
so that it will issue a warning or to even refuse to attach xml files?

- Eric Smith

fork process on reply

2008-11-21 Thread Eric Smith
When I press reply, I want to fork a new instance of mutt with
that new instance then executions the editor with the replied to
message and headers in place.

I would do this into another screen window ideally but others
might want to launch an xterm for this purpose.

The advantage is to have the initial instance of mutt intact
together with mailbox, filters and sorting method.


- Eric Smith

run mail command with recipient of selected email

2009-05-28 Thread Eric Smith
Is there (or should there be) a mutt command where user could run
the mail command - for a *new* mail message - with the recipient
taken automatically from the message selected in the index?

(mutt Would select the recipient as the sender or recipient based on
the alternates variable).

Am I the only one that is constantly looking up mail addresses
from previous emails to or from a certain contact?

Of course I use my aliases file a lot as well.

- Eric Smith

select most recent mail after limit command

2009-06-17 Thread Eric Smith
When I open a new mailbox, the most recent mail is automatically
selected.  However, when I perform a limit command, the filtered
list is displayed but the selected mail is the oldest.

How do I have the most recent mail selected after a limit command?

Thank you.

- Eric Smith

save in folder of all recipients including CC

2009-07-30 Thread Eric Smith
Is there a patch for mutt to save mails in the folders
of all To: recipients and all Cc: recipients as
specified in the save-hook command?

- Eric Smith

auto pipe to script on viewing message with output to pager

2009-10-10 Thread Eric Smith
I want to run a translation script automatically when viewing a
mail in the pager.  The output of the script should be displayed
in the pager.

What I do now is go into the attachment menu and then pipe to the 
script.  Works perfectly but is too manual.
But the automatic method should also send only the text part
to the script (and pager) and only the body and not the headers
although Subject: would be nice I guess.

Thank you

Eric Smith
  GOOGLE TRANSLATION com numeração à linguagem [pt] *:
1] Eu quero executar um script de tradução automática ao ver um e-
mail no pager.

2] A saída do script deve ser exibido no pager.

3] O que quero fazer agora é ir para o menu de penhora e, em seguida,
tubulação para o script.

4] Funciona perfeitamente, mas é muito manual.

5] Mas o método automático também deve enviar apenas uma parte do texto
para o script (e pager) e apenas o corpo e não os cabeçalhos embora
Assunto: seria bom eu acho.

6] Obrigado Eric Smith

 Original de novo na língua [en]: *
1] I want to run a translation script automatically when viewing a mail in
the pager.
2] The output of the script should be displayed in the pager.
3] What I do now is go into the attachment menu and then pipe to the
4] Works perfectly but is too manual.
5] But the automatic method should also send only the text part to the
script (and pager) and only the body and not the headers although
Subject: would be nice I guess.
6] Thank you Eric Smith

Re: auto pipe to script on viewing message with output to pager

2009-10-10 Thread Eric Smith
This macro which could be an autocommand of course,
works okay but does not send the output to pager which I want.

macro index z 

- Eric Smith
Eric Smith said:
 I want to run a translation script automatically when viewing a
 mail in the pager.  The output of the script should be displayed
 in the pager.
 What I do now is go into the attachment menu and then pipe to the 
 script.  Works perfectly but is too manual.
 But the automatic method should also send only the text part
 to the script (and pager) and only the body and not the headers
 although Subject: would be nice I guess.
 Thank you
 Eric Smith
   GOOGLE TRANSLATION com numeração à linguagem [pt] *:
 1] Eu quero executar um script de tradução automática ao ver um e-
 mail no pager.
 2] A saída do script deve ser exibido no pager.
 3] O que quero fazer agora é ir para o menu de penhora e, em seguida,
 tubulação para o script.
 4] Funciona perfeitamente, mas é muito manual.
 5] Mas o método automático também deve enviar apenas uma parte do texto
 para o script (e pager) e apenas o corpo e não os cabeçalhos embora
 Assunto: seria bom eu acho.
 6] Obrigado Eric Smith
  Original de novo na língua [en]: *
 1] I want to run a translation script automatically when viewing a mail in
 the pager.
 2] The output of the script should be displayed in the pager.
 3] What I do now is go into the attachment menu and then pipe to the
 4] Works perfectly but is too manual.
 5] But the automatic method should also send only the text part to the
 script (and pager) and only the body and not the headers although
 Subject: would be nice I guess.
 6] Thank you Eric Smith

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