Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Troubles with OSG 3.1.5 and ffmpeg 1.0.1

2013-05-13 Thread Luca Vezzadini
I think I've got it!

Thanks to a note I've found in the ffmepg doc (the platform.html file), which 

 Note that using import libraries created by dlltool requires the linker 
 optimization option to be set to References: Keep Unreferenced Data 
 (/OPT:NOREF), otherwise the resulting binaries will fail during runtime. 
 This isn’t required when using import libraries generated by lib.exe. This 
 issue is reported upstream at 

I did that on the OSG ffmpeg plugin project and now everything works fine.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Troubles with OSG 3.1.5 and ffmpeg 1.0.1

2013-05-13 Thread Luca Vezzadini
As a side note, I've also tested it with FFMpeg v1.1.3 and it works fine.


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[osg-users] [osgPlugins] Troubles with OSG 3.1.5 and ffmpeg 1.0.1

2013-05-06 Thread Luca Vezzadini

I've just compiled OSG 3.1.5, on Windows7; I'm using ffmpeg v1.0.1, downloaded 

When I run osgmovie on any movie file, I get an error dialog saying cannot 
find computeDataVariance@Object@osg in avformat-54.dll and then the plugin 
fails loading. If I run the same exact command in debug (osgmovied) everything 
works fine! Note that I don't have debug libs for ffmpeg, so in both cases I am 
using the same DLLs...

Any idea of what could possibly be the cause?

Thanks a lot,


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Troubles with OSG 3.1.5 and ffmpeg 1.0.1

2013-05-06 Thread Luca Vezzadini
I'm on VS2008. 
I'll try looking into the compiler settings. Weird, anyway, as before I was on 
OSG 3.1.0 with ffmpeg 0.8 and it worked fine.


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[osg-users] [osgPPU] delay in glow FX

2011-10-06 Thread Luca Vezzadini
I was trying to implement a glow effect and I was experiencing a bad delay 
between the glow image and the main one. Then I looked back at the osgppu_glow 
example and it looks like the same issue is also present there. To make it more 
visible I have modified the example code a bit (you have my version attached 
here). If you try moving the camera quite quickly you'll see the two images 
showing some delay (the main render should never pop up from the green glow, 
but it does). Weirdly enough, it seems that the glowed image updates FASTER 
than the main one...

Any idea about what could cause this issue?

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/* OpenSceneGraph example, osgprerendercubemap.
*  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
*  of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal
*  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
*  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
*  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
*  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

#include osgViewer/Viewer

#include osg/Projection
#include osg/Geometry
#include osg/Texture
#include osg/TexGen
#include osg/Geode
#include osg/ShapeDrawable
#include osg/PolygonOffset
#include osg/CullFace
#include osg/TextureCubeMap
#include osg/TexMat
#include osg/MatrixTransform
#include osg/Light
#include osg/LightSource
#include osg/CullFace
#include osg/Material
#include osg/PositionAttitudeTransform
#include osg/ArgumentParser

#include osg/Camera
#include osg/TexGenNode
#include osg/Texture2D

#include osgPPU/Processor.h
#include osgPPU/UnitInOut.h
#include osgPPU/UnitOut.h
#include osgPPU/UnitCameraAttachmentBypass.h
#include osgPPU/UnitCamera.h
#include osgPPU/ShaderAttribute.h
#include osgPPU/UnitDepthbufferBypass.h

#include osgDB/ReadFile
#include osg/Program
#include osg/Shader

#include iostream

float gBlurSigma = 3.0;
float gBlurRadius = 7.0;
float g_NearPlane = 0.01;
float g_FarPlane = 50.0;

// Create scene with some geometry and apply proper shader for needed objects
// return group node containing the scene, also return by reference geode, which should glow
osg::ref_ptrosg::Group createScene(osg::Node* glowedScene)
  using namespace osg;

ref_ptrGroup scene = new Group;
ref_ptrGeode geode_1 = new Geode;

ref_ptrGeode geode_2 = new Geode;
ref_ptrMatrixTransform transform_2 = new MatrixTransform;
transform_2-setUpdateCallback(new osg::AnimationPathCallback(Vec3(0, 0, 0), Y_AXIS, inDegrees(45.0f)));

ref_ptrGeode geode_3 = new Geode;
ref_ptrMatrixTransform transform_3 = new MatrixTransform;
//transform_3-setUpdateCallback(new osg::AnimationPathCallback(Vec3(0, 0, 0), Y_AXIS, inDegrees(-22.5f)));

const float radius = 0.8f;
const float height = 1.0f;
ref_ptrTessellationHints hints = new TessellationHints;
ref_ptrShapeDrawable shape;

shape = new ShapeDrawable(new Box(Vec3(0.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f), 10, 0.1f, 10), hints.get());
shape-setColor(Vec4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.7f, 1.0f));

shape = new ShapeDrawable(new Sphere(Vec3(-3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), radius), hints.get());
shape-setColor(Vec4(0.6f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f));

shape = new ShapeDrawable(new Box(Vec3(3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), 2 * radius), hints.get());
shape-setColor(Vec4(0.4f, 0.9f, 0.3f, 1.0f));

shape = new ShapeDrawable(new Cone(Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f), radius, height), hints.get());
shape-setColor(Vec4(0.2f, 0.5f, 0.7f, 1.0f));

shape = new ShapeDrawable(new Cylinder(Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 3.0f), radius, height), hints.get());
shape-setColor(Vec4(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f));

shape = new ShapeDrawable(new Box(Vec3(0.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f), 2, 1.1f, 2), hints.get());

Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Fix picture freeze for certain camera perspectives.

2011-10-03 Thread Luca Vezzadini
You're right, I've just tried a clean checkout from the trunk with OSG 3.0.1 
and everything compiles files, including Alexander's fix.

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] Fix picture freeze for certain camera perspectives.

2011-09-30 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Cool to see this fixed. Did you post this on the osgPPU trunk? I don't seem to 
see any recent change there...

By the way, what version of OSG are you using to compile it? I just tried 
osgPPU 0.4.2 with OSG 3.0 and there seem to be a few changes to make to make it 


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[osg-users] bug in Viewer::setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow?

2011-09-06 Thread Luca Vezzadini
While using the Viewer::setUpViewerAsEmbeddedInWindow() I saw a possible 
problem with it. If you setup your viewer that way, all GUI events seem to 
bring incorrect information about the window size. This is because that method 
does not call GUIEventAdapter::setWindowRectangle()  while the other setup 
methods do call it. So for example a call to ea.getWindowHeight() will always 
return the default 1024 value, no matter what your window size actually is.
Is that a bug or is that the way it is supposed to work?


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Re: [osg-users] Android Development Plans

2011-08-27 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Looking at the code I seem to understand that statistics use only the fixed 
pipeline. At least this is what I see in osgViewer\StatsHandler.cpp in 
setUpScene(). If that is true, then the first step is to change that behavior 
so to use shaders instead.
About the precision declaration, that is just one single line to add at the 
beginning of the fragment shader (something like precision mediump float;). 
It could be ifdef'ed to add it only when GLES2 is available.


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Re: [osg-users] Android Development Plans

2011-08-26 Thread Luca Vezzadini

Jorge Izquierdo Ciges wrote:
 Another issue is missing statistics, probably HUD shader is needed.
 No shaders - no hud.

I see that the stats HUD does not work in GLES2 and I see this post a few 
months old. Did anything change in that area since then?
If not, I will try to find a fix/workaround and let you know in case I succeed.


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Re: [osg-users] osgAndroidExampleGLES1 and 2 error on Android 3.x device

2011-08-23 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Big news!!!
I've been able to make the OSG example run on my Honeycomb device!
Now, something is definitely screwed somewhere... here is what I did in order 
to make it run.
- build for API platform 9 both OSG and the examples
- build the example ONLY for armeabi, not armeabi-v7
- target Android 2.3.3 in the Eclipse build.

By doing that the code runs fine.
To me, this means that previously my Honeycomb device (Acer IconiaTab) was 
trying to load the armeabi-v7 version, as it should support it, but for some 
reason that build is not working. Forcing it to use the armeabi (by removing 
completely the build for v7) works fine.

This is where I have to stop though... if you guys are in touch with the 
Android Dev community and know well enough the depths of OSG build for Android, 
you might want to see if and how this can be fixed... I am available to run 
more tests of course, so let me know if there is anything else I can do ok?
In the meantime I'll finally go on with some real coding :)


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Re: [osg-users] osgAndroidExampleGLES1 and 2 error on Android 3.x device

2011-08-22 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Hi Jorge,
Actually I did already change that, so to compile for platform-10 even. But no 
success either.
If you think that it might help to try explicitly with platform 9 I will. But I 
seriously doubt that it can help...


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Re: [osg-users] osgAndroidExampleGLES1 and 2 error on Android 3.x device

2011-08-22 Thread Luca Vezzadini
I actually used 10 for both (OSG and the example). 


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Re: [osg-users] osgAndroidExampleGLES1 and 2 error on Android 3.x device

2011-08-22 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Searching on many forums it comes out that other people do have similar issues 
with that linker warning. Not sure if that is related to the execution errors 
that we have (see original post from Ricky) but there might be a relation. 
Somewhere it was mentioned that the _dso_handle thing is defined in libc.a; and 
if you look at the stack traces posted by Ricky the libc is always mentioned on 
the very top of the list... 
Could it be an issue with the new NDK release? Maybe something is messed up in 
the way it handles these things? I'm not such an expert in gcc compilation so I 
cannot help that much here, sorry about that...


I'd like to try using the NDK r5b which apparently did not show these warnings. 
Any idea where I could get it from? The official NDK page only offers the link 
to the latest version

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Re: [osg-users] osgAndroidExampleGLES1 and 2 error on Android 3.x device

2011-08-19 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Yes, I will run more tests on this next week, trying to figure it out.
In the meantime, I noticed one warning when linking the JNI part of the GLES1 
example ( for armeabi-v7a: 

ld.exe: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `__dso_handle' are not defined

Searching a bit on this it looks like a potential problem. I have no idea if 
this gives any clue to people, I just wanted to report it for now. Will dig 
more into it... 


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Re: [osg-users] osgAndroidExampleGLES1 and 2 error on Android 3.x device

2011-08-19 Thread Luca Vezzadini
I'm on NDK r6, the latest one.


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Re: [osg-users] Write the Android example exclusively in C++

2011-08-19 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Did anybody do any further test in using purely native code with OSG?
I've just made a simple thing: I've taken the native-activity example from 
the NDK (r6) and made sure it compiles and run fine. Then, changed a bit the 
Application/Android mk files to make sure they have the proper paths, then just 
added a single line of code to the main.c, to include an OSG header (anyone is 
fine...). The compiler starts screaming with errors like this:

ref_ptr:19: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'osg'

Weirdly, it seems to happen anywhere there is a namespace keyword...
Any idea what could cause that?


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Re: [osg-users] Write the Android example exclusively in C++

2011-08-19 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Stopid me... the file had a .c extension so the compiler was not trying 
to treat it as C++ code... Renamed it to main.cpp and now works fine :)


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Re: [osg-users] OSG for Android

2011-08-18 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Hi Jorge,
So, that means that I am doing thing in the correct order. 
After some more test I found out the problem: it's something in Cygwin. If I 
use relative paths instead of absolute ones everything works fine. No idea why 
and I don't want to investigate further, but at least now I know it's a 
cygwin-specific thing...


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Re: [osg-users] OSG for Android

2011-08-17 Thread Luca Vezzadini

Jorge Izquierdo Ciges wrote:
 ... About the other things probably is just that you didn't do a make install 
 to create a directory with all the includes etc

I also have some issues with the example, basically the same as Riccardo. I did 
run the make install on my OSG build and it went OK (everything was installed 
under  /usr/local/). But running the build command on that still 
does not find the header files, unless I explicitly add an entry to the 
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES to add the standard osg/include tree. No idea why it works for 
you and not for us... A question: did you create your Android build in a 
separate folder (in my case under the OSG root) or did you do in source. mixing 
the new stuff with what comes out of SVN?
Now on to the next issue: linker... I get this error: 

ld.exe: cannot find -losgdb_dds

Of course that lib as well as all the others are present in my build tree (and 
I indicated it correctly in the file). Any idea what could cause 
these issue?

Last but not least, is everybody using the ndk-build command to compile the 
example? Or is there another solution maybe going through CMake? I'd like to 
make sure that I do the things I'm supposed to...


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-20 Thread Luca Vezzadini

Farshid Lashkari wrote:
 Normal unit amount method
 Normal 2 1.0 Tangent
 Does this sound reasonable to you?

That would be perfect, so go ahead with that. 


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-19 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Hi Farshid,
I gave it a try, the description lines are there. I just see a minor issue: you 
did not add the MaterialData.{h,cpp} to Cmake.
About the results, looks like what is there is fine! I'll do more testing in 
the next days, trying to use the definitions in my shaders as well, and let you 

One more thing. it looks like you now have code to handle the normal maps also. 
But I think there is still no way to know if you were using a bump or a normal 
map for the Bump channel. While in Max there is a clear distinction (different 
texture types there), the exporter does not distinguish them. Look at this 
# osgmaxexp material data
Map Diffuse 0   1   images\\casaterr_02.tga
Map Specular Level  1   1   images\\testRefMap.tga
Map Bump2   0.5 images\\casaterr_01norm.tga

# osgmaxexp material data
Map Bump0   0.3 images\\casaterr_01norm.tga

The testMat2 is using the tx directly as a bitmap, while TestMap first has a 
NormalMap texture, then the bitmap. In the output they look totally equivalent 
though. Looking at the code, it seems that you treat them as separate cases: 
so, what about adding an extra field at the end of TestMap to indicate it's a 
normal map? The field could actually be even smarter and indicate the active 
texture space (tangent, screen, ...).

Great work anyway, really thanks for this. 

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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-18 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Hi Farshid, hi Jean-Sébastien,
I'll let you choose the separator, even if I'd vote for tabs or vertical bars, 
not spaces.

About where to place the descriptions and the syntax for them, let's keep in 
mind that each description is treated as a separate string, so I'd say each one 
must bring all the info it needs. Which now seems to include also the material 
ID. So each line should probably be something like (still using bars for now):

It's true we could have quite a bunch of these depending on how many materials 
are in your exported file. But if we can't have them on the single stateset, 
then to me it would much better to see them all in a single place rather them 
spread on various geodes. This could mean we will see a long section in the 
beginning of the file that contains ALL the material definitions for the whole 
file. The code on our side would just have to get the root node of the imported 
file, get all these description and process them in a single shot. And even for 
debugging purposes, being able to open the file and check all the materials at 
one is easier.

Bottom line for me is: everything at the root node is better...


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-18 Thread Luca Vezzadini

Farshid Lashkari wrote:
 Regarding the format, are you suggesting that there should be a single 
 description string that contains information for all the materials? Or each 
 material should still be a separate description, but include the material 
 name on each map entry line?

I'm suggesting that we have one line per each map; so if you have 5 materials 
each with 3 maps you'll see 15 description lines in total. And each line should 
include the material ID it refers to so it's straightforward to parse (each 
line carries all the info you need, regardless of other strings).

Then, as each node (so, in our case, the root node) can have multiple 
description strings (it's a vector), we can choose if we pack all the lines as 
a single string, if we group them by materials or if we have one string per 
line. Maybe we can make a few tests and see what is easier to read; but they 
are functionally equivalent anyway.


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-18 Thread Luca Vezzadini

Farshid Lashkari wrote:
 # osgmaxexp material data
 Name  Basketball
 Map   Diffuse 0   1   imagesbball_diffuse.jpg
 Map   Bump1   0.3 imagesbball_normal.jpg

Cool! I'll give it a try tomorrow (I'm in Europe, different time...). Just to 
be sure I've got it right, the fields after the keyword Map are, in order: 
map name, tx unit, blend amount (in [0,1] range), file name. Is that right?


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Luca Vezzadini

So, looks like we have a decision, cool!
To summarize, if I've got it right, for every texture map in the material we 
will find a description string like the following (assuming we use the | as a 
Diffuse|Unit_0|c:\program files\whatever\file.png|80

- the first field is the texture map name followed by a | sign;
- the second field is the map file name, followed by a | sign
- the third field is the blend amount (in the [0-100] range)

Any additional parameter that might be needed by the specific channel would 
just be an additional field (and it would be up to the parser to know its 
meaning of course).

Is that right? 

Note that I would avoid the = and just use the | to separate all fields; 
this makes it easier to tokenize the string (I'm lazy...).

About bump, as far as I know Max allows you to create for that channel a map of 
type normal and therefore you should be able to distinguish between regular 
bump mapping and normal mapping. Actually Max allows even to specify what space 
to use for the normal map (tangent, local, screen...) so maybe we could even 
add that extra param in the description string.

Anything we can do here to help on this, apart from testing? Can't wait to give 
it a try...


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Luca Vezzadini

vezza wrote:
 About bump, as far as I know Max allows you to create for that channel a map 
 of type normal and therefore you should be able to distinguish between 
 regular bump mapping and normal mapping. Actually Max allows even to specify 
 what space to use for the normal map (tangent, local, screen...) so maybe we 
 could even add that extra param in the description string.

I've made a few tests with the current (trunk) version of the exporter and I'd 
say it doesn't handle the normal maps for now. In Max, to use a normal map you 
don't assign directly a bitmap to the bump channel, you first create the map of 
type normal, then assign the bit map to it. So there is an extra texture node 
to go through. I guess the exporter could be extended to check if the bump 
texture is not a bitmap in which case it could try to interpret is as a normal 
map. No idea how to do it though as I don't know the max SDK ... :(


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Luca Vezzadini

Farshid Lashkari wrote:
 The description would be added to the osg::StateSet object. Our use of the 
 word material is referring to the Max material object.

Mmm... StateSet does not derive from osg::Node so it does not have the 
DescriptionList member... So are you planning to extend the StateSet class, its 
serializer and so on? Or did I miss something?...


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-17 Thread Luca Vezzadini
I have no idea about the new metadata stuff. But if that doesn't work, wouldn't 
it be easier to just move the description stuff from Node to Object? The name 
is already in the Object class, having the description there too would make a 
lot of sense anyway. And I don't this this would be a major refactor, right? Of 
course we need Robert's buy-in for this.

For sure I would avoid using the name to encode all that info, that would 
really be ugly. I'd rather go back to the idea of predefined mapping among map 
channels and texture units...


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-16 Thread Luca Vezzadini
I'd like to share a few comments about the OSGExp for Max (I've recently sent 
them directly to Farshid, and also on the Delta3D forum, but it's probably 
better to share them here).

I see a few limitations right now and the main ones are the following:
- you can only export diffuse and light maps, no other texture that you might 
have in your material (e.g. bump/normal and specular); 
- the exporter does not have a predefined texture layer for every texture; 
i.e., if you just have a constant diffuse color and a light map, that texture 
will go to TextureUnit 0; if you have both a diffuse and a light map, the first 
will be on Unit 0 and the lightmap on Unit 1. For creating shaders this is 
quite annoying as you cannot make a safe assumption of where your textures are. 
And it gets of course more problematic if we add more maps like bump/normal, 
reflection, ... (As a side note, the Blender exporter is fine for this, every 
map is always assigned to the same unit, no matter what texture combination is 
used for the specific material.)

Also, as OSG is changing quite a lot and as even the underlying geometry 
structures are evolving (VBOs for example), this may mean that the exporter 
could need an update even at that level. Is there any plan in that direction?


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-16 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Hi Farshid,

Thanks for the reply; about the new version that can export all maps, that is 
surely great news, I'll have a look as soon as possible and get back with 

Farshid Lashkari wrote:
 I have two ideas to help with this issue:
 1) Add an option that will use fixed texture units for all the standard map 
 types. (ie. unit 0 contains diffuse, unit 5 is self-illumination, etc..). Not 
 sure how this would work with composite materials though.
 2) Add a specially formatted description string to the stateset that tells 
 what map type each unit contains. The benefit of this approach is that other 
 map related settings can also be saved (e.g. blend amount). 

I'd say that both options are interesting; the first one is probably more 
straightforward, but it's true that the second one opens more possibilities. 
What about a radio button in the exporter options to choose which strategy to 
use? I know this means coding both version but it would leave more margin on 
the end-user side... 



About the reply that bounced, no idea why, I'll look into that. Thanks for 
letting me know.

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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-16 Thread Luca Vezzadini

Farshid Lashkari wrote:
 I'd like to avoid the first method, since it introduces a couple issues. As I 
 mentioned in my last email, how would composite materials be handled? Should 
 the assigned texture unit for each map type be customizable, and if so, how 
 would the interface for assigning the texture units work? If you are not 
 concerned with composite materials and are fine with hard-coded texture 
 units, then this seems like something I can add soon.

I'm not too clear about the composite material issue you mention: what is 
exactly the problem you see? And how is that case handled today?
Anyway, what I would like from the standpoint of who uses the exported geometry 
is a well-defined way to interpret the material definitions. As I mentioned, if 
you export an object from Blender you have a clear mapping between texture 
units and map types. This is probably the easiest way for me to start coding my 
shaders. It requires writing additional maps compared to the diffuse+selfIllum 
ones you can write today; and with a well-defined way to know which maps you 
have in your material.
Something else we should probably keep in mind is backward compatibility, in 
the sense that what was exported by the previous version should look similar to 
what we can write today, as many people have probably built code to parse 
materials and create shaders. Maybe we could start by assigning units 0 and 1 
for diffuse and self-illum, as this is what you were getting before in most 
cases. And then use higher layers for the newly exported channels.

Maybe for the new description strings we still need more brainstorming but 
let's start it :)


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-16 Thread Luca Vezzadini

Farshid Lashkari wrote:
 Should the assigned texture unit for each map type be customizable, and if 
 so, how would the interface for assigning the texture units work?

About the texture unit - map type mapping, is that something that you 
really need on a per-material basis or is it more of a global definition for 
you whole file? I would say it's more a global thing. If so, we could have in 
the export dialog a choice between the predefined (hardcoded) mapping - like 
the one I was suggesting in the previous post - or a custom one (to be defined 
in some way still to be decided...). Then you may write it as a description 
string for every material (but if you do all materials will have the same 
string I guess).
Of course the description string is still a great idea for everything that is 
specific to a given material instance (like the blend values you were 
mentioning). As this is fully Max-specific, the syntax to use could rely on Max 
definitions; for example, use the texture type IDs from the Max SDK to indicate 
the blend amount (ID_DI=0.7) and leave it up to the end-user code to do 
whatever it needs with that.

Does this make sense?


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Re: [osg-users] Looking at OSGExp and maya2osg (3dsmax and Maya export plugins)

2011-05-16 Thread Luca Vezzadini
We could probably start off with the hardcoded version first, then later on add 
the customizable version. Baby steps... :)
About the description syntax, I think the main decision is: is this a 
Max-specific feature or do we want it to be generic? Generic would be better of 
course but then we have things like the blend amount which is max-only... And 
to be generic we need the buy-in from the whole OSG community (ideally other 
exporters should use it too); and this may take some time.
My vote then is for a Max-specific thing, using the SDK definitions and putting 
everything on a single line. A syntax using something like texture_ID=texture 
unit, blend value; for example:
- ID_DI=Unit_0, 80

Simple and clear, a single line for each map... And if later we need to add 
other info about each map, just append them there.

My 2 cents.


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[osg-users] animationPath from Blender?

2010-12-09 Thread Luca Vezzadini
We would need to create anim paths in Blender and export them, so to attach 
them to some objects (a camera, a moving truck, ...). While the Max exporter 
handles anim curves properly and exports animationPaths, it seems that this is 
not feasible in Blender. I've also checked out the latest version of the script 
and apparently this feature is not supported.
Can anybody suggest a way to get around it? We would like our paths to be 
generic enough, so to be used with more than one object (imagine a library of 
predefined anim paths that you can link to any object you like...).



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[osg-users] osgExp: problems with user properties?

2010-12-02 Thread Luca Vezzadini
I'm using the latest osgExp version and I see a problem in user properties. Try 
the following:
- create a sphere
- add some user properties to it
- export it with default settings: everything should be fine
- export it tagging the Flatten Static Transform on: the properties don't 
show up.

I guess this is due to the fact that the flatter optimization removes some of 
the transforms. I think this is a problem because that option is heavily used 
to optimize exports and I would say the exporter should be able to maintain the 
user properties in some way, at least when - like in this case - there is not a 
complex hierarchy.
Do you see any chance in solving that?

Also, I have no idea if Max supports that, but is there a way to have user 
properties on materials rather than on geom and transform nodes? That would 
allow to set useful info about the shaders to build for each stateset.



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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] HDR example: wrong average luminance?

2010-04-29 Thread Luca Vezzadini

art wrote:
 the syntax is exactly the same as on usual texture2D call. So 
 texture2DLod(sampler, coordinate [,lod]). So in both shaders 
 luminance_adapted and luminance_mipmap, just change the texture2D calls to 
 texture2DLod where mipmap level is accessed. 

Hi Art,
Just retried the 0.4.2rc1 tag and still no luck... I still don't get what I 
expect as the average luminance. I'm on Windows7 right now so I'd like to give 
it a try on WinXP as well. if I get a different behavior I'll let you know.

By the way, I don't think that clamping to zero the log values is correct. Even 
if you keep the negative values, at the last level you'll exp them and this 
will certainly bring them back to the positive realm. So actually the clamp is 
introducing an error I think.


Note that the specs for OGL 3.x say that Texture2D is a deprecated syntax, you 
should just drop the 2D (also for the Lod version). However that is not solving 
the issue either...

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] HDR example: wrong average luminance?

2010-04-28 Thread Luca Vezzadini
cool, I'll give it a try as soon as I can.
Out of curiosity, can you post here the syntax of the call to texture2DLod you 
used? I'm on 0.4 for now and I'd like to test on it, later I'll switch to the 


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] HDR example: wrong average luminance?

2010-04-25 Thread Luca Vezzadini

art wrote:
 Lucca, could you please try to change the texture2D () operations in the 
 shaders which access last mipmap level (i.e. level 100) to an texture2DLod 
 function. This might help. 

Hi Art,
No luck... just tried it and it does not help. Actually the lod function does 
not produce any error message even if used in the fragment code, but it seems 
to retrieve wrong values (I always get a white pixel now).
I think the problem is really in the mipmaps then; I remember I had something 
similar in another situation (accessing any texture mipmap always returning the 
base level), can't remember how I fixed it or what caused it... I'll dig in 
some older code to see if I can retrieve it.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] HDR example: wrong average luminance?

2010-04-23 Thread Luca Vezzadini
Hi all,
I have been playing a bit with osgPPU, and I have a couple of questions/issues. 
Note that I am on the last stable reelase, that is 0.4, so I don't know if 
there are more recent changes in the trunk that might fix these things.
The main problem I have is with the HDR example, which I believe does not 
behave correctly. I'm referring to the osgppu_hdr example for my tests. The 
tone-mapping part has some problems and after some analysis I think it comes 
from the average luminance computation. 
To check that a problem is there, try disabling the temporal adaptation from 
the luminance_adapted_fp.glsl shader (just change it at the end so to set lum 
= current). This way the instant average luminance will be used for the tone 
mapping operations. Then run the program, display the average luminance result 
with F5; then zoom out so to reduce a bit the teapot. Try then panning around 
so to move the teapot in different parts of the image and you will see sudden 
changes in the luminance values, which are not correct.
The shader tries to read the last value of the mipmapped texture for the 
sceneLuminance unit. But from what I see, it looks like this does not work and 
it actually reads the zero level, i.e. the full texture. In fact, when you move 
the teapot around keep an eye on what's in the center of the image: the shader 
samples at (0.5, 0.5)... When nothing is there you'll get a black luminance 
(well, a dark gray, there is a lower clamping at 0.2 in the shader).
An additional test you can do to verify the problem is to change the sampling 
point of the texture from (0.5, 0.5) to anything else. If you are reading the 
last mipmap level (1x1 texture) this should always retrieve the same value, 
while it doesn't.

Does anybody know if this is really the problem I see? If it is, any solution 
or any idea about how to address it?


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Re: [osg-users] [osgPPU] HDR example: wrong average luminance?

2010-04-23 Thread Luca Vezzadini

josselin wrote:
 Hi Luca,
 The way I found is :
 1. compute the log10 values of the entire texture in a first shader
 2. then perform the mipmap with:
 osgPPU::UnitInMipmapOut* sceneLuminance = new osgPPU::UnitInMipmapOut();
 3. get the 5th or 6th level of the mipmapped texture, and perform the  
 mean of this texture in a shader. You'll got your average luminance.

Hi Josselin,
I don't think your solution is correct, the log should be computed only on the 
first level. And in general I think that the whole example is fine from an 
algorithm standpoint (it basically matches 1:1 the HDRLighting sample you get 
with DirectX SDK, with some minor changes).
The problem is really in accessing the last mipmap level of that luminance 
texture. I have no idea if this goes wrong because the mipmaps are actually not 
there of for some other reason.

Also, for Allen, the error is not so evident thanks to the temporal adaptation 
which tends to mask it. But if you disable it the problem will be well visible 
I think.


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