[PHP-DB] Re: Ranges query gone wild

2003-10-19 Thread Hugh Bothwell
Boaz Amit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I have a MySQL table where a product price ranges are
 set according to quantities.
 For instance for a certain product you'd have (besides id columns):

 range_begin |   range_end  |  range_price
 0 |  35   |   1.5
 36   |  70   |   2
 71   |  -  |   3

 Where '-' is always the character that means '..and above' and closes the
 entire range field. So in the above example a quantity of 71 and above has
 price tag - $3.

First danger signal:  duplication of data (or, storage of
data that should be a result of calculation).
For a given product, range_end = (range+1)_begin - 1

Second danger signal:  needing a 'bad data' type.
In some cases, may be necessary to have a separate
valid-data field, but better to simply not allow bad
data if at all possible.

Instead, remove the redundant field:

range_begin   |   range_price
   0 |1.5
   36   |2
   71   |3

and the query becomes

SELECT range_price
  FROM price_ranges
 product_id = '$product_id'
 size_id = '$size_id'
 range_begin = '$quantity'
  ORDER BY range_begin DESC

Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kingston ON Canada
v3.1 GCS/E/AT d- s+: a- C+++ L+$ P+ E- W+++$ N++ K? w++ M PS+
PE++ Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ !X R+ tv b DI+++ D-(++) G+ e(++) h-- r- y+

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[PHP-DB] Re: Ranges query gone wild

2003-10-19 Thread Hugh Bothwell
(repost: first try bounced)

Boaz Amit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I have a MySQL table where a product price ranges are
 set according to quantities.
 For instance for a certain product you'd have (besides id columns):

 range_begin |   range_end  |  range_price
 0 |  35   |   1.5
 36   |  70   |   2
 71   |  -  |   3

 Where '-' is always the character that means '..and above' and closes the
 entire range field. So in the above example a quantity of 71 and above has
 price tag - $3.

First danger signal:  duplication of data (or, storage of
data that should be a result of calculation).
For a given product, range_end = (range+1)_begin - 1

Second danger signal:  needing a 'bad data' type.
In some cases, may be necessary to have a separate
valid-data field, but better to simply not allow bad
data if at all possible.

Instead, remove the redundant field:

range_begin   |   range_price
   0 |1.5
   36   |2
   71   |3

and the query becomes

SELECT range_price
  FROM price_ranges
 product_id = '$product_id'
 size_id = '$size_id'
 range_begin = '$quantity'
  ORDER BY range_begin DESC

Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kingston ON Canada
v3.1 GCS/E/AT d- s+: a- C+++ L+$ P+ E- W+++$ N++ K? w++ M PS+
PE++ Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ !X R+ tv b DI+++ D-(++) G+ e(++) h-- r- y+

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[PHP-DB] Re: Efficiency question

2003-06-26 Thread Hugh Bothwell
Micah Stevens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 $data = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query(select * from some_table limit

 would be faster than:

 $pointer = mysql_query(select * from some_table limit 1);
 $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($pointer);

 but I'm not sure, php may optimize this. Anyone know the answer?

It will be faster by one store and one fetch... the
database query probably takes 1000 times as long.
I don't think the difference is worth the time you'd
take to change it.

Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kingston ON Canada
v3.1 GCS/E/AT d- s+: a- C+++ L+$ P+ E- W+++$ N++ K? w++ M PS+
PE++ Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ !X R+ tv b DI+++ D-(++) G+ e(++) h-- r- y+

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Now, how about Roman Numerals?

2003-06-11 Thread Hugh Bothwell
George Pitcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 That's great, but what about the reverse: Roman to Arabic?

 George in Oxford

// NOTE: the order of the table is
// important! I will use greedy parsing,
// so (for example) IX and IV must precede
// I to parse correctly.
$RomanTable = array(
M = 1000,
CM = 900,
D = 500,
CD = 400,
C = 100,
XC = 90,
L = 50,
XL = 40,
X = 10,
IX = 9,
V = 5,
IV = 4,
I = 1

function MatchClause($needle, $haystack) {
// These two tests are probably just paranoia,
// but - hey, I'm paranoid. ;-)
if (strlen($haystack)  1)
return false;
if (strlen($haystack)  strlen($needle))
return false;

return( strncasecmp($needle, $haystack, strlen($needle)) == 0 );

function RemoveClause($needle, $haystack) {
return( substr($haystack, strlen($needle)) );

function RomanToInt($str) {
global $RomanTable;
$sum = 0;

$done = true;

foreach($RomanTable as $clause = $value)
if ( MatchClause($clause, $str) ) {
$sum += $value;
$str = RemoveClause($clause, $str);

$done = false;
while ($done == false);


NOTE!  This algorithm is sufficient but not complete -
it will correctly translate all legal Roman-numeral strings,
but cannot detect illegal strings.

Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kingston ON Canada
v3.1 GCS/E/AT d- s+: a- C+++ L+$ P+ E- W+++$ N++ K? w++ M PS+
PE++ Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ !X R+ tv b DI+++ D-(++) G+ e(++) h-- r- y+

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Now, how about Roman Numerals?

2003-06-11 Thread Hugh Bothwell
Richard Hutchins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Here's a rundown of what the script is doing based on your input:

 If you pass in the number 155, here are the calculations:
$m = $num / 1000; //$m will be equal to .155
$c = ($num % 1000) / 100; //$c will be equal to 1.55
$x = ($num % 100) / 10; //$x will be equal to 5.5
$i = $num % 10; //$i will be equal to 5

Yes, that's exactly the problem... I assumed
integer-only input and casting.  Here is a fixed
(tested) version:


function RomanDigit($dig, $one, $five, $ten) {
  switch($dig) {
  case 0:return ;
  case 1:return $one;
  case 2:return $one$one;
  case 3:return $one$one$one;
  case 4:return $one$five;
  case 5:return $five;
  case 6:return $five$one;
  case 7:return $five$one$one;
  case 8:return $five$one$one$one;
  case 9:return $one$ten;

function IntToRoman($num) {
  $num = (int) $num;
  if (($num  1) || ($num  3999))
  return(No corresponding Roman number!);

  $m = (int) ($num * 0.001);  $num -= $m*1000;
  $c = (int) ($num * 0.01);   $num -= $c*100;
  $x = (int) ($num * 0.1);$num -= $x*10;
  $i = (int) ($num);

// echo m = $m, c = $c, x = $x, i = $i   ;

   RomanDigit($m, 'M', '', '')
  . RomanDigit($c, 'C', 'D', 'M')
  . RomanDigit($x, 'X', 'L', 'C')
  . RomanDigit($i, 'I', 'V', 'X')


and my test script:



$test = array( 8, 19, 155, 980, 9.8, -3, 3999, 4000, abc, , array() );

foreach($test as $num)
echo $num =gt; .IntToRoman($num).br/;


Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kingston ON Canada
v3.1 GCS/E/AT d- s+: a- C+++ L+$ P+ E- W+++$ N++ K? w++ M PS+
PE++ Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ !X R+ tv b DI+++ D-(++) G+ e(++) h-- r- y+

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[PHP-DB] Re: Now, how about Roman Numerals?

2003-06-10 Thread Hugh Bothwell
David Shugarts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Second poser today:

 How to use either a MySQL select statement or PHP to produce a roman
 numeral, starting from an arabic (INT) number in a database?


function RomanDigit($dig, $one, $five, $ten) {
switch($dig) {
case 0:return ;
case 1:return $one;
case 2:return $one$one;
case 3:return $one$one$one;
case 4:return $one$five;
case 5:return $five;
case 6:return $five$one;
case 7:return $five$one$one;
case 8:return $five$one$one$one;
case 9:return $one$ten;

function IntToRoman($num) {
if (($num  1) || ($num  3999))
return(No corresponding Roman number!);

$m = $num / 1000;
$c = ($num % 1000) / 100;
$x = ($num % 100) / 10;
$i = $num % 10;

 RomanDigit($m, 'M', '', '')
.RomanDigit($c, 'C', 'D', 'M')
.RomanDigit($x, 'X', 'L', 'C')
.RomanDigit($i, 'I', 'V', 'X')

Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kingston ON Canada
v3.1 GCS/E/AT d- s+: a- C+++ L+$ P+ E- W+++$ N++ K? w++ M PS+
PE++ Y+ PGP+ t-- 5++ !X R+ tv b DI+++ D-(++) G+ e(++) h-- r- y+

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[PHP-DB] Re: Help needed

2002-12-10 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Spiderwebb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I dont know if this is possible in PHP (Newbie) im working on a project
 where each product has 3 diffierent prices depending on the amount sold so
 say for example 1- 100 price A 101-299 price B and above 300 Price C.
 I need to be able to do is increment an mysql database field each time an
 item is sold then look at that field to decide which price variable to
 to the price field of the database. Could someone point me in the right
 direction where I could solve this or to someone who could

First, how are you storing the price points?
I would consider a separate pricing table linked
to the item table like so:

table ItemForSale
  id integer auto_increment
  name varchar(30)
  descr varchar(200)

table PricePoint
  id integer auto_increment
  item integer
  ordersize integer
  priceper float

then for a given item and number of items ordered, you
can retrieve the applicable price-per by

SELECT priceper FROM PricePoint
 WHERE item=$itemID AND ordersize=$number
 ORDER BY ordersize DESC

Each item can have an arbitrary number of
price points at any number-of-items.  Note
that this assumes the priceper always decreases
with increasing ordersize for a given item.

Second, I don't understand why you reset
the cumulative price-point every time you
process an order; for selling, surely the price-
point only applies to a single order rather
than cumulatively, and for purchasing or
reporting, I would expect to calculate it
dynamically at the time the report is generated.
Have I missed something?

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[PHP-DB] Re: please help.. serial number generator

2002-08-01 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Rainydays Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I need to create some kind of 10 digits serial number where I can generate
 and check that it is valid. Sort of like a checksum..

How many unique values do you need, and how hard-to-fake?

I would consider something like 7+3 digits - the first seven digits
are generated more or less randomly, and the last three are
checksums...  this gives you 10 million valid combinations, and
a one-in-a-thousand chance of any random number being valid.
Obviously, the quickest way to increase security is to increase
the number of digits.

Each checksum can be any formula you can imagine, for example

// Expects:
//   d (digits) - array [0..6] of integer in [0..9]
function checksum1($d) {
// scrambler array
$s = array( 24, 78, 63, 501, 88, 89, 53, 14, 34, 266 );

   ( $s[$d[0]] * $s[$d[6]] *  5) % 29
+ ( $s[$d[1]] * $s[$d[5]] *  7) % 31
+ ( $s[$d[2]] * $s[$d[1]] * 11) % 37
+ ( $s[$d[3]] * $s[$d[2]] * 13) % 41
+ ( $s[$d[4]] * $s[$d[0]] * 17) % 43
+ ( $s[$d[5]] * $s[$d[4]] * 19) % 47
+ ( $s[$d[6]] * $s[$d[3]] * 23) % 53
% 10

Hope this helps...

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[PHP-DB] Re: Query from Hell (for me anyway)

2002-06-02 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Chris Mackenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I've been trying to solve this for hours now with no end in sight, I'm
 hoping that someone here might be able to help me.

 I've got four tables set out as shown below:

 id student_idname study_mode
 1  12   Joe  Smith   1
 2  123  Jane Smith   1

 id   txt_study_mode
 1   Full Time
 2   Part Time
 3   Online

 idquestion_id   p_answer
 119 Network Management
 219 Web Site Production
 319 Web Site Management
 420 Network Management
 520 Web Site Production
 620 Web Site Management

 id   student_idquestion_idanswer_id
 11219 1
 21220 6
 3123   19 5
 4123   20 6

 Basically I need to pull out student_id, name and course selected for
 all students who elected full time study - and their response to
 question 19 and 20

First, this has a normalization problem - question-id is
redundant in either tbl_student_history_info or
tbl_student_history_answers.  I will assume it removed
from tbl_student_history_answers.

There are two ways of factoring this, depending
on exactly how you plan to use it.

If you will always only want questions 19 and 20,
you can hard-code those into a per-student query,
like so:

tbl_q19.p_answer AS a19,
tbl_q20.p_answer AS a20
JOIN tbl_study_mode
ON tbl_student_details.study_mode=tbl_study_mode.id)
JOIN tbl_student_history_info AS q19_info
JOIN tbl_student_history_answers AS tbl_q19
ON q19_info.answer_id=tbl_q19.id)
JOIN tbl_student_history_info AS q20_info
JOIN tbl_student_history_answers AS tbl_q20
ON q20_info.answer_id=tbl_q20.id)
tbl_study_mode.txt_study_mode='Full Time'
AND q19_info.question_id=19
AND q20_info.question_id=20

This is actually a poor way of doing things, but it
makes your final PHP code much simpler.

If you will ever want to use this query to look at
answers to a different number of questions - say,
questions 19, 20 and 21 - you would be better
to do a per-student/per-question query, like so:

JOIN tbl_study_mode
ON tbl_student_details.study_mode=tbl_study_mode.id)
JOIN tbl_student_history_info
JOIN tbl_student_history_answers
tbl_study_mode.txt_study_mode='Full Time'
AND tbl_student_history_info.question_id IN ( 19, 20 )
tbl_student_details.student_id ASC,
tbl_student_history_info.question_id ASC

This will return several records per student, one
for each question you want to know about; the ORDER
BY is useful to make all records for a single student
consecutive so your PHP code can process it easily.

Hope this helps.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Nested SQL query problem...

2002-05-30 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Srinivasan Ramakrishnan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
004701c206df$5a00f100$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:004701c206df$5a00f100$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 The slabs do not continue for an infinite number, hence I may only have
 pricing for 1-10, 11-100, and 101-200 with the assumption that if there
 no higher slabs and I wanted say the rate for 500 licenses, I would use
 highest slab unit available, in this case the 101-200 slab.

... looking at this, the 'high-limit' value seems redundant
(it's always next_highest_minimum - 1); I would suggest
getting rid of it, ie

Table slabPricing:
productID INT
slabStart INT
slabRate FLOAT(10,2)

 For example, what is the cost of 500 licenses of Product_ID 143 ?

SELECT slabRate FROM slabPricing
WHERE productID=143 AND slabStart=500

... this will retrieve the per-piece rate for the
largest applicable slab.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Can you SUM(IF) from two different tables at the same time?

2002-05-28 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 In the 5th line I changed thread.id to thread.threadid so the name was
 correct but the same error occurs.

Ok, I was guessing at your field names...

 to give a perfectly satisfactory result but have no idea if this is
 perversing SQL again or not!


When retrieving information from a database, you
should expect to get a variable number of records
where each record has the same structure.

Instead, you were hard-coding a query to get
a single record with information about a number
of different groups.  If you wanted to change
the number of groups returned, you would have to
change the structure of the query.

By getting a record for each group, the
structure of the query does not change if
you decide to look at a different number
of groups - just the data you give to
the WHERE clause.

 (it at least makes more sense now I guess).
 As soon as I add the where IN clause it errors.

umm... try putting the WHERE clause before the GROUP BY?

 Can anyone recommend ANY good books on SQL
 query design? I don't want (or care) about database
 administration, I just want to know what constitutes a
 good database design and lots and lots of query

try a Google search for 'database normalization tutorial';
that should get you started.

also check out the documentation at www.mysql.com

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[PHP-DB] Re: Complicated query on very simple database - pointers sought

2002-05-22 Thread Hugh Bothwell

George Pitcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 My database (2 fields: Customer, Order date) contains over 15000 records
 dating back to 1999.

 I want to be able to show, in a web page, the following information

 Month   Customers placing orders Orders placed
 Average Orders/Cust  Average over prev 12 months.

... if you know 'orders placed' and 'number of customers',
'average orders per customer' is easily calculated; and
'average over prev 12 months' doesn't fit well into this query,
would be better done in PHP.

How about

  MONTH(orderdate) AS month,
  YEAR(orderdate) AS year,
  COUNT(DISTINCT customer) AS customers
  COUNT(customer) AS orders
FROM mytable
GROUP BY year,month
ORDER BY year,month ASC

then in PHP,

// month-to-name
$months = array(, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr,
May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct,
Nov, Dec);

// for running 12-month average
$sum = 0;
$sum_num = 0;
$item = array();
$index = 0;

// for printing start-of-year-only years
$prevyear = 0;

.thCustomers placing orders/th
.thOrders placed/th
.thAverage orders per customer/th
.th12-month average/th

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
// check whether to print year value
if ($row['year'] == $prevyear)
$yr = ;
$yr = $prevyear = $row['year'];

// get month-name
$mon = $months[$row['month']];

// calculate this-month average orders per customer
$avg = $row['orders'] / $row['customers'];

// update 12-month average
$items[$index] = $avg;
$sum += $avg;
if ($sum_num  12) {
$sum -= $items[$index-12];
$twelvemonth_avg = $sum / $sum_num;

// print table row

echo \n/tbody/table;

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[PHP-DB] Re: last 10

2002-05-19 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Crosswalkcentral [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 How can i obtain the last 10 entries that are in mydatabase that have a
 certain colum set to 1?

SQL does not guarantee to return your records
in any specific order unless you use an ORDER
BY clause.

I would suggest reversing the ORDER BY and
using LIMIT to take the *first* ten records, ie

FROM mytable
WHERE mycolumn=1

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[PHP-DB] Re: DROP tables with prefix match

2002-05-16 Thread Hugh Bothwell

John Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I need to rebuild a PHP-mySQL site that has an extensive table
 structure. Is there a way to DROP all tables that start with a
 certain prefix?

First, use


to get the table names, then iterate through with

DROP TABLE tablename

The result will look something like


$con = mysql_pconnect(localhost, user, pwd)
or die(Error connecting: .mysql_error());
$res = mysql_select_db(dbname, $con)
or die(Error selecting database: .mysql_error());

$query = SHOW TABLES FROM $dbname LIKE '$prefix%';
$res = mysql_query($query, $con);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
$query = DROP TABLE {$res[0]}
$ex = mysql_query($query) or echo(Error dropping table


If you are going to use this repeatedly, I would
make this a two-stage endeavor: the first step
queries the database and returns a check-box
form with all the returned table-names; when
submitted, the checked tables are dropped.

Hope this helps

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[PHP-DB] Re: Spaces Problem php mysql

2002-05-02 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a form on one server which takes a name in one field, intentionally
 including spaces as a full name. That value shows up as a form variable as
 intended when I display it on the same server. It is sent to another
 and written to a mysql database there. At that time, only the first word
 the field is written. When the value is returned by the same php script
 received and wrote the database, the only thing left in the field is the
 first word. Length of the word seems to have nothing to do with this.

 I've been pounding my head (and the keyboard with searches) over this. Do
 have to take the first entry apart with string functions to get my desired
 end, which is the entire name in one field in the database?

... make sure the value is enclosed in quotes when you try
to insert it into the database, ie

INSERT INTO table ( name ) VALUES ( '$name' )

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[PHP-DB] Re: Help : search for a word and its number

2002-05-01 Thread Hugh Bothwell

 If I have records like this
 ID  Content
 1   John have a red book, and a yellow book. He give a yellow book to
 2   Luke doesn't have any book at all, he always borrow it from John.
 3   John like swimming.

 Can I search this records (table) for a word book and also number of
 occurences at every record?

  From table above, the result would be
 ID   Number
 I use Oracle 8.1.7.

I'm not an Oracle expert - you may be able to do the whole thing in SQL -
but as a first approximation:

SELECT ID, Content FROM MyTable WHERE Content LIKE '%book%'

then for each returned record,
echo $id. .substr_count($content, book);

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[PHP-DB] Re: selected problem

2002-04-26 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Its Me [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 i have the file:

Just curious: why do you have May 15th
and October 6th listed as locations?


if (!isset($location))
$location = ;

$locations[] = array(
 = Choose City,
Abou Redes = Abou Redes,
Abou-Zabal = Abou-Zabal,
Al Arish = Al Arish,
Al Mahala = Al Mahala,
// ... etc, etc...
Zafrana = Zafrana,
Zagazik = Zagazik

echo \nselect name='location';

foreach($locations as $value = $text)
.($location == $value ?  selected : )
. value='$value'

echo \n/select;



1.  That is a pretty God-awful long list; is there
any way to subdivide it logically?  Maybe use a pair
of Javascript-coupled selection-boxes - use
the first box to specify the first letter of the desired
name, then the second box provides (a much shorter
list of) all destinations beginning with that letter.

2.  If your option-value and option-text are
always identical, there is no need to specify
the value separately (it defaults to the text).

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[PHP-DB] Re: Capture content

2002-04-20 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Ciprian Trofin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 price of the stock on a daily basis. My friend checks the Bucharest Stock
 Exchange page, or other relevant page, and updates the price of the stock,
 future reference.
 I think there is a easier way, that is making a script to load the
 remote web page containing the updated stock price.

You need to look at the curl extension.

// get the page...
$ch = curl_init(http://url/path.html;);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$pg = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);

// $pg now contains the source for the page

Then you need to examine the contents of $pg and
look for ways to grab the values you need out of the
string with the ereg* or preg* functions.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Capture content

2002-04-20 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Ciprian Trofin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I think there is a easier way, that is making a script to load the
 remote web page containing the updated stock price.

A second possibility:  they may also make
the data available as XML (or be willing to
do so).  Contact the site webmaster and ask!

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Re: [PHP-DB] Exclude indentical values

2002-04-20 Thread Hugh Bothwell

SELECT BlaID, MAX(BlaInfo) AS Info
FROM mytable GROUP BY BlaId

Prodoc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 ok, sorry about that :-)

 20 23

 17 0

 I don't realy care about the value's I get in BlaInfo as long as I get
 one of those value's...
 I asume this is a very simple instruction but I just started using
 php+mysql so I don't know the propper words I could use to do a search :-)

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[PHP-DB] Re: complicated transtable problem

2002-04-18 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi there,

 I am still struggling with following problem:

 There are two tables in mysql
 1. city fields: ID, countryid, provinceid, city
 containing 2.5 million entries.
 2. province fields: ID, countryid, provinceid, provincename

(scratching head) Now, surely that's not normalized...
shouldn't it be

table Country : id, name
table Province : id, country_id, name
table City : id, province_id, name

 Now there are some cities without a
 valid province id in the other table.

... meaning that they link to a non-existent entry?
Or to an incorrect entry?  Or what?

Where did the data come from?  Would it be
possible to get cleaner data to work with?

 I would like to:
 1. delete those province rows (all belonging to
 this country) in the province table

Not sure I follow here... could you give
some sample data?

Are you wanting to delete all provinces of
a given country which contain no cities?

 2. set the province_id to  in the city table.

This would be simple with a database
which supported multi-level SELECTs.
However, we will work with what we have.

FROM city LEFT JOIN province
ON city.province_id = province.id
WHERE province.provincename IS NULL

... and use the results to build the query...

UPDATE city SET province_id=NULL
WHERE id IN [your comma-delimited list here]

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[PHP-DB] Re: Newbie attack...

2002-04-09 Thread Hugh Bothwell

  Everything is working great except the fact that when
 I put some php code into the 'text' field, in order to run
 en extra sql command in the page, it hangs and just
 prints the code as if it was just text.

(shrug) so far as the database is concerned, it *is* just
text.  If you want returned code evaluated, you will
have to explicitly evaluate it.

Possible approaches:

1.  Search for php code in your content: split the
string appropriately and evaluate as needed.
I would avoid this because it's a lot of extra work,
and because it's quite possible to write 'interleaved'
PHP code that requires several blocks working
together; evaluating a single block at a time will
just get you errors.

2.  Evaluate all your content.
You would have to be very careful about
letting people contribute content, and it might
be a bit slower; but it's very very simple.

3.  Have markers in your content, referring to
PHP code from another table.
Would be a bit slower (have to do multiple
queries to retrieve code as needed), but more
secure - people can safely contribute to the
HTML content table, you can let them
reference standardized PHP fragments.

4.  Half-way between #2 and #3: add a
flag field to your database table, if the flag
is set the content must be evaluated, otherwise
it is plain HTML and can just be echoed.
People can contribute content, but the flag
stays off until you double-check any PHP
code for safety.

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[PHP-DB] Re: viewing records

2002-04-05 Thread Hugh Bothwell

 he will have access to the first record, which I'm
 displaying in a form. My question is: can another user
 view the same record at the  same time?

It depends entirely on where and how you get the
data.  Of itself, there is nothing to prevent the same
record being displayed to any number of users.

 if the answer is yes, is there any
 way to prevent this?

It is possible, but I am not at all certain it is the
right thing to do... I would be more concerned
about data corruption, and a better way to prevent
that is to keep a copy of the original data and
compare it to the 'official' version before updating.

This way, any number of people can view the
record, but only one can update it; anyone who
tries updating it after that can be warned and
prompted to modify their own data appropriately.

This also avoids problems with people locking records
and then leaving, or leaving their browser at the page for
6 or 8 hours during which time no-one else can access
that record.

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[PHP-DB] Re: mysql joining 101

2002-03-31 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Matthew Crouch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Here's an easy one that I can't find laid out for me anywhere:
 I want a self join that pairs up the id numbers of a table in every

 e.g. i have id #s 1, 2, and 3
 i need this result:
 1 2
 1 3
 2 1
 2 3
 3 2
 3 1

 clear enough?

Uh... haven't tested it, but seems likely:

SELECT a.id, b.id FROM mytable AS a JOIN mytable AS b ON a.id != b.id

1.  this could easily return a very VERY
large result.

2.  are {1,3} and {3,1} really different,
or should you use ...ON a.id  b.id  ?
This would cut the size of your returned
query by half.

3.  there are probably much better
means of accomplishing whatever you're
trying to do.  Just getting the list of ids
and intersecting them in PHP sounds
like a better approach to me.

More information about what you're trying to
accomplish would help.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Database search question

2002-03-31 Thread Hugh Bothwell

 How can I accomplish the following?

 I have a table called search,

 I have 3 fields, city, country, type

 I also have an imput box where you can type in
 a search word.  What I need is, say you type in
 hotels germany, I need the search to break up
 the sentence and then search each 3 fields in the
 DB looking for a match.

 So, for example: it would find hotels in type and
 germany in country, see that they belong together
 and then display those results - how can I do this?

 I know I need to splitup my search phrase into
 individual words to search, but i'm stuck.

Two possible approaches spring to mind:

1.  Search all three categories for each keyword,
ie 'hotel germany' would turn into

(country='hotel' OR type='hotel' OR city='hotel')
AND (country='germany' OR type='germany' OR city='germany')

2.  A translator table: two text fields, 'phrase' and
'search', filled with something like:
phrase | search

'germany' | 'country=\'de\''
'states' | 'country=\'us\''
'brazil' | 'country=\'br\''
'hotel' | 'type=2'
'bed' | 'type=1'
'b\b' | 'type=3'
'london' | 'city=31854'
'paris' | 'city=22059'

... you can then use a search through the translator
table to build the select statement that actually does
the query.

Both of these have drawbacks, mainly that the tables
they nominally reference are severely non-normalized;
I suspect the proper approach should be a series of
queries for each term among a set of normalized tables,
followed by a final constructed query... but you get
the idea.

Another point: single-word searches could be a problem,
stumbling over 'New York' or 'bed  breakfast'; it might
be worth amending the search to also try consecutive-word

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[PHP-DB] Re: int or tinyint

2002-03-31 Thread Hugh Bothwell

 Just a simple question (I think).

 When should I use tinyint over int. and what is the difference between the

MySQL manual section 7.3 (data types):
tinyint (8bit), range is
0 to 255 (unsigned)
-128 to 127 (signed)
int (32bit), range is
0 to 4294967295 (unsigned)
-2147483648 to 2147483647 (signed)

Basically, only use tinyint if you are desperate to
save some space and you know a value will never,
ever be outside its range; otherwise use int.

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Re: [PHP-DB] using multiple checkboxes to delete from db

2002-03-30 Thread Hugh Bothwell

You can go one better than this, even...
use PHP to construct a single SQL query
using the IN( ) comparator, ie:


// NOTE: this assumes that 0 is never a valid id; I just
// stuck it in to make the comma-delimiting come out right
$query = DELETE FROM tablename WHERE id IN ( 0;

foreach($_POST[del] as $val)
$query .= ', '.$val;

$query .= ' )';

[close connection]


Olinux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 to make it a little better, make one connection to the
 db before you loop and then close the connection

 foreach loop
 [close connect]

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[PHP-DB] Re: calculations based on checkbox value

2002-03-23 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Here is some code, which I modestly suggest is superior for the following
1.  Includes simply scaffolding (ie a sample form).
2.  Code is separated into functions, rather than one monolithic block.
3.  Somewhat improved word-counting.

  body {
   font-family: Verdana,Arial,sans-serif;
  New ad text:br /
  textarea name='ad' style='width:400px; height:300px;'/textareabr /

  input type='checkbox' name='deduct' value='true'Make deductionbr /

  Run length select name='weeks'
   option value='1' selectedOne week
   option value='2'Two weeks
   option value='4'One month
  /selectbr /

  input type='submit' value='Calculate'

 if (isset($ad)) {
  $ad = stripslashes($ad);

  $words = count_words($ad);
  $price = calc_price($words, $deduct, $weeks);

   Priced text:
   .div style='width:400px;'pre$ad/pre/div
   .$words words, .(isset($deduct) ? with : no). deduction, for
$weeks weeks comes to .sprintf(\$%01.2f,$price);


function count_words($text) {
 $count = 0;
 $tok = strtok($text,  );

 while (is_string($tok)) {
  if (strlen($tok)  0)

  $tok = strtok( );

 return $count;

function calc_price($words, $deduct, $weeks) {
 // base price
 $price = 5.00;

 // additional cost for more than ten words
 if ($words  10)
  $price += ($word - 10) * 0.20;

 // favored-customer deduction
 if ($deduct)
  $price -= 1.50;

 // by number of weeks to appear
 $price *= $weeks;

 return $price;


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[PHP-DB] Re: Relational database

2002-03-21 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Is there a way under mysql to identify the last record in a table so that
 can pull information that I need from that entry.

Um... sort backwards then use the first record (ie LIMIT 1)?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Is this possible?

2002-02-06 Thread Hugh Bothwell

It looks to me like you should be dividing the data differently; something

(quantity, item, option, price)
(1, '6inch', '', '29),
(1, '6inch', 'meny', 51),
(1, 'footlong', '', 45),
(1, 'footlong', 'meny', 66),

and so forth...

Raymond lilleødegård [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 My table look like this:

 Pricetable: (varetabell)
 (varenr, type, pris)
 (1, '6inch', 29),
 (1, '6inch meny', 51),
 (1, 'footlong', 45),
 (1, 'footlong meny', 66),
 (1, 'salat', 39),
 (1, 'salat meny', 51),
 (2, '6inch', 49),
 (2, '6inch meny', 69),
 (2, 'footlong', 75),
 (2, 'footlong meny', 96),
 (2, 'salat', 49),
 (2, 'salat meny', 69),

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Re: [PHP-DB] Ensuring users don't overwrite each other (NOT a newbie question)

2002-02-01 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Oliver Cronk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thanks for that answer, you filled in some of the blanks for the table /
 logging solution, but I am now looking at row locking instead of a
 table (and then doing things similar to what you outlined).

Just a thought - if you have the user form echo a copy of the original data
back (ie in addition to the modified data), you can compare it to the
existing data and warn the user if the data has been changed in the interim.
You must make the [compare-and-modify-if-unchanged] atomic, but that's okay,
because it's all in the same script anyway - it becomes reasonable to do it
as a transaction.

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[PHP-DB] Re: MySQL/PHP and the case of Good Lord, that's a lot of statements

2002-01-15 Thread Hugh Bothwell

 The problem is, somewhere in the middle of this script (more like
 closer to the beginning) the script just *dies*. I say that because
 there's no error message, no warnings, no footer content that's
 included after the processing is done, nothing. It just dies in the

How long does this take to run?  Could it be timing out?

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[PHP-DB] Re: how to make a dropdown list with sql content

2001-12-10 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Venomous [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I need to make a dropdown menu from my mysql database but i don't no how
 come about

 It's the meaning that i don't get weird things in my database for instants

 PI 300 or pi 300

think about what your generated output should like like:
something like
OPTIONFirst Item
OPTIONSecond Item
OPTIONThird Item

So your PHP should do something like

echo \n  SELECT;

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($conn))
echo \nOPTION.$row[item];

echo \n  /SELECT;

Exactly what appears in the list will depend on what you
echo in the loop.

Hope that's what you were looking for...

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[PHP-DB] Re: calculate size of remote url

2001-12-10 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Chidambaram [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 i have to calculate the size of a remote url
 i have written a php script but it returns only
 the size of html page it doesnot include the images
 size in that file could anyone help me in this regard

Is this for interest, for once-in-a-while data collection,
or for run-on-every-request production code?

You would have to parse the HTML file,
extract the names of all the images (and CSS files,
applets/ActiveX components, and javascript/vbscript
inclusions) called, fully qualify the names, remove
duplications (which would be served from the client's
cache), request the files and check their sizes, then
add it all up with some additional time for each request.

Alternatively, you could wave your hands and come
up with some sort of fudge factor; if you want to
be a bit more accurate, set your super-complete-script
to try a couple thousand random URLS and scatter-plot
the results, HTML-only page size vs. total page size -
less reliable but far simpler and faster.  If the result is
within 20% for 80% of the time, I would be happy.

Note that any kind of generated or active page may
vary wildly in size anyway - your approach would
only work on totally static pages.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Retrieving data woes

2001-12-10 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Andres Sulleiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
002001c18193$eacb4450$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:002001c18193$eacb4450$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 I have a db table that has these columns:
 id, date, time, title, body

 some of the rows can have the same date and want to output the data
 according to date. Like so:

 timeA1, titleA1

 timeA2, titleA2

 timeB1, titleB1

In your SQL request, sort by date.  When printing the output,
keep track of the previous date - only print the date if it
changes.  Something like

$conn = mysql_pconnect($host, $usr, $pwd);
$sql = SELECT id,date,time,title,body FROM mytable ORDER BY date DESC;
$res = mysql_query($sql);

$date = previous date;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
if ($date != $row[date]) {
$date = $row[date];
echo br$date;

echo p.$row[time]. .$row[title];
echo br.$row[body];

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[PHP-DB] Re: Multiple lines in database.

2001-09-24 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Chris Soyars [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Ok I need to beable to print to HTML each line on its own

 right now I would have in the database:

 and it will print A B C D

 Help!  Need this for school.

Um, br maybe?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Searching MySQL using LIKE

2001-09-21 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:000301c1428d$f11b3a80$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 The obvious first thing to do is to screen your keywords. Do not search on
 common words such as:

 and, if, the, in etc.

An easy way to do this is to set up an array of words
to exclude.  Then you can parse your input string and
use array_diff() to return only the non-excluded words, ie

// Assume we get $searchphrase from a form

// Strip all non-alpha text from string;
// anyone know a more convenient f'n for this?
// NOTE: this list is quite incomplete.
// NOTE: can also use this step to convert
//   accented characters to their plain counterparts.
$conv = array(
0 = ,
1 = ,
2 = ,
3 = ,
4 = ,
5 = ,
6 = ,
7 = ,
8 = ,
9 = ,
! = ,
 = ,
\n = ,
\t = ,
. = ,
 = ,
 = ,
\\ = ,
$searchphrase = strtr(strtolower($searchphrase), $conv)

// Parse input string into an array of words
$use = explode( , $searchphrase);

// Add any other too-common words that occur to you.
$excl = array(
'i', 'you', 'he', 'she', 'it', 'am', 'is', 'be', 'are',
'to', 'from', 'if', 'the', 'this', 'that', 'in', 'of', 'at',
'a', 'an', 'and', 'or', 'not'

// Filter out too-common words
$use = array_diff($use, $excl);

if (count($use) == 0) {
echo No valid search terms;

// The FALSE is a dummy term so I don't
// have to muck about deciding whether an
// OR is needed for each search term.
$query = 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE FALSE';
foreach($use as $term)
$query .=  OR keywords LIKE '%$term%';


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[PHP-DB] Re: Parsing of db results by PHP

2001-09-09 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Robert Gormley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi all,

 I have a MySQL db which contains table test, field test... one of the
 entries is

 ? external($url, $text); ?

 Where external() is a function i've written which outputs simple text.

 I want to be able to put calls to this function into the database, and
 them parsed on rendering... With the above example, the raw code is just
 spat to the browser, and doesn't hit the interpreter.

Either trim the string and eval(), or change the database to store just the
contents of $url and $text and do the call to external() in your PHP code.
Personally, I think the second is preferable (by the principle of
orthogonality ;-).

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[PHP-DB] Re: php question - newbie

2001-09-09 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Chris Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Our website was running PHP Version 4.0RC1, then our host decided to
 to version 4.0.6. Once they did this our site no longer worked every
 time we went to a php page it would give an internal error. Now our host
 tells us its because we have old php code is this possible.

 Now they went back to version 4.0RC1, but I'm confused.

 I'm new to php, but that would be strange if the updated it and it didn't
 support old code. If this is the case can someone point me in the right
 direction so I can find how to change my code to be compatible?

... the text of the error and a snippet of the relevant code would be very

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[PHP-DB] Re: Checkboxes with mySQL

2001-09-07 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Cilfa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 $query = mysql_query(UPDATE articles SET pr='1' WHERE id='$p[id]');

 But it does nothing! How can I insert multiple values (from the checkbox
 array) at one time in a database?

UPDATE articles SET pr='1' WHERE id IN ( ...list... )

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Re: [PHP-DB] Use the User Input Critia as part of Query! (Mysql)

2001-09-03 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
021701c13489$245b1f40$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:021701c13489$245b1f40$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, September 03, 2001 10:35 PM
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Use the User Input Critia as part of Query! (Mysql)

  $query=select name,department,Leave_From,Leave_To,
  Leave_Total,Reason from leaverequest where
  Staff_Number=?print($StaffNum);? and authorized
  is null;
 Try something like:
 $query=select name,department,Leave_From,Leave_To,
 Leave_Total,Reason from leaverequest where Staff_Number
 ='$StaffNum' and authorized is null;

Also, for security, you would be wise to cast $StaffNum
to int before using it:

$StaffNum = (int) $StaffNum;
$query =
.FROM leaverequest 
.WHERE Staff_Number=$StaffNum 
.AND authorized IS NULL;


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[PHP-DB] Re: A timed refresh ?

2001-09-02 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Dave Carrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have an array of which shows an image in a place on my page which shows
 the next on the list when the page refreshes, this works fine.

 What I want to do is have the image refresh on a 5 second timed interval.


 I have a list of images i.e..:


 Which I want to refresh every 5 seconds

I would suggest using JavaScript for this;
something like

script language=javascript
img = 0;
max_img = 0;
delay = 5000;// 5 seconds

imgnames = new array(
images = new array();

function preload() {
var i = 0;
for (name in imgnames) {
images[i] = new Image();
images[i].src = name;
max_img = i;

function start() {
setInterval(replaceImage(document.images[abc]), delay);

function replaceImage(hImg) {
if (++img = max_img)
img = 0;

hImg.src = images[img].src;
body onload='preload(); start();')
img name='abc' src = 'image_1.gif'

(This is just off the top of my head; it is untested
and probably not cross-browser compatible, but
it should point you in the right direction).

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[PHP-DB] Re: Really weird problem: cross-server databasing *g*

2001-09-02 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Markus Mayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Forgot to mention ... the only way to access the database on B is to
 to localhost there.

I would write a script on B that accepts parameters and returns the
results in easy-to-parse form (ideally, the final result you want, with
unique delimiters like ajlmdyour results/ajlmd).

Then the script on A calls the script on
B, parses the page, and gets the results.
No pop-ups.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Database Function

2001-09-02 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Georgie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a simple php script that searchs a MySQL database and returns
 that I made myself and I'm trying to implement code that splits the
 into x amount of pages, buts it really tricky.

... if you want X results per page, look at the LIMIT clause for your
SQL statements.

If you actually meant X _pages_ (... I don't see where this would be
useful, but hey...) I would check the number of returned results
with mysql_num_rows(), calculate the start-row offset, and then
mysql_data_seek() to the place you want.

Either way, it's actually pretty simple.

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[PHP-DB] Re: go to another URL

2001-08-26 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Andrius Jakutis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 What is the command in PHP coding, to order go to another URL?

header(Location: newurl);

Note that this must be sent before any
of the message body.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Can DBA(Database Abstract) function can work under Win2k?

2001-08-25 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Donald Fei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 My PHP runs under:
  Windows 2000 Professional + Apache/1.3.20 + PHP4.0.6 + MySql3.23.32
 when i compile the following code:
 There is the error:
 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dba_open() in
 D:\Inetpub\WebSite/dba_test.php on line 2
 Thank you!

make sure the line 'extension=php_dba.dll' is uncommented
in php.ini

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[PHP-DB] Re: Can DBA(Database Abstract) function can work under Win2k?

2001-08-25 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Donald Fei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  My PHP runs under:
   Windows 2000 Professional + Apache/1.3.20 + PHP4.0.6 + MySql3.23.32
  when i compile the following code:
  There is the error:
  Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dba_open() in
  D:\Inetpub\WebSite/dba_test.php on line 2
  Thank you!

 make sure the line 'extension=php_dba.dll' is uncommented
 in php.ini

... and if you uncomment it, you have
to restart the web server become it
becomes effective.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Photo Album Schema

2001-08-24 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Sheridan Saint-Michel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
00f601c12ca3$8bb26420$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:00f601c12ca3$8bb26420$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

 From: Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sheridan Saint-Michel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  03a901c12c02$c60d4640$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:03a901c12c02$c60d4640$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
   I don't know if having multiple users associated with a single image
   at all beneficial, and I can see where it might cause all sorts of
   For example, you and I both have the same image in our album (we are
both assciated with it in the DB).  What happens when I change the
   description?  Do you change the description field, thus changing the
   description on both our pages?  Do you now have to create another
   in your Image table?
  Just to be nitpicky: I don't see where this would be
  useful - allowing users to share/transfer pictures? - but
  it's not overly difficult either.  Just split the information
  between an Image table and an ImageOwner

 He suggested a DB redesign to allow a Many to
 Many relationship between users and images.
 I was trying to show that there was no reason to
 do so and at least one good reason not to do so  =)

Yes, I followed that - I'm just playing Devil's Advocate
here.  I would rephrase your conclusion as
'no reason to do so, but no reason not to if you
really feel the need'.

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[PHP-DB] Re: TopSpeed

2001-08-24 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Guilherme Bresser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have one problem.. TopSpeed don't support ODBC..

This is the only method I've seen for languages other than Clarion.

If there ARE any other methods, I'd love to hear about them!

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[PHP-DB] Re: It's just a logo..

2001-08-23 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Wisam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Do you know What's a logo worth: PRICELESS.
 Do you have a logo ?
 Do you have what it takes to design one ?  To do it in Flash ?
 Do you heve what it takes to put it on your website ? on your stationery 
Business card ? On literally hundreds of products ?

Do you know What's a literate ad worth: PRICELESS.
Do you have what it takes to design one?  Obviously not.

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[PHP-DB] Re: I am really stuck

2001-08-23 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Matt C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 1) I would like to pull all entries out of a table that have dates that
 haven't occured yet. Basically forget anything before the current day. How
 do I do that?

DELETE FROM table WHERE timestamp  $now

 2) I enter news into a table and would like to display a summary page.
 Basically it has a list of headlines under the date they were added.

 Monday 10th August
 *Item 1
 *Item 2

 Tuesday 11th August
 *Item 1


 How do I do that?

This is a wildly recurrent question, which really should be in
the FAQ if it's not already (hint, hint...)

Note: this is very PHP-like pseudocode; it
WILL NOT run as written.

// The query MUST BE sorted by the listby field,
// so that equal values will end up together.
$query =
SELECT listbyfield, fieldB [, fieldC etc...] 
.FROM table ORDER BY listbyfield;
$res = mysql_query($query);

$lastseen = ;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
// only echo the listby field if the value changes
if ($row[listbyfield] != $lastseen) {
$lastseen = $row[listbyfield];


... you will of course have to define
suitable stuff for printNewHeader()
and printEntry().

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Photo Album Schema

2001-08-23 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Sheridan Saint-Michel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
03a901c12c02$c60d4640$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:03a901c12c02$c60d4640$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 I don't know if having multiple users associated with a single image is
 at all beneficial, and I can see where it might cause all sorts of

 For example, you and I both have the same image in our album (we are
  both assciated with it in the DB).  What happens when I change the
 description?  Do you change the description field, thus changing the
 description on both our pages?  Do you now have to create another entry
 in your Image table?

Just to be nitpicky: I don't see where this would be
useful - allowing users to share/transfer pictures? - but
it's not overly difficult either.  Just split the information
between an Image table and an ImageOwner

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[PHP-DB] Re: Masking a reacuring result

2001-08-19 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Ron Gallant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am querying a list with a date field.  I want to order the list by the
 date field and only show each days date once with the other fields

 (row 1) 2001-08-19 - some text here.
 (row 2)more text under same date.  My date does
 (row 3) 2001-08-20 - Lots of text today.
 (row 4)Even more text here today.   My date does
 (row 5)Yes more text, date not showing.

This seems to be a recurrent question in various guises;

The idea is simple: sort by date (so all equal dates are together),
then keep a temporary variable set to the last-seen date.  When the
date changes, output a new date value.

== example.php 
mysql_connect(host, user, pwd)
or die(Error connecting: .mysql_error());

// return the 20 most recent items
$query =
 SELECT mydate,mytext 
.FROM table 
.ORDER BY mydate DESC 
.LIMIT 20;
$result = mysql_db_query(dbase, $query)
or die(Error querying: .mysql_error());

// show results in a table
$lastdate = ;
echo \ntable;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

if ($lastdate == $mydate)
$t = ;
$t = $lastdate = $mydate;

echo \n\ttrtd$t/tdtd$mytext/td/tr;

echo \n\table;

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[PHP-DB] Re: Table results returning 2 sets of the same row

2001-08-18 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Ron Gallant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 And my table results are shown 2 times per row.

... at a guess, you requested the same field twice
in your SELECT statement.

I don't like the sample code given because it just
iterates through the rows rather than using their
names - if you alter your SQL, it could change the
column order, which is kinda non-intuitive.

 I also don't know how to specify the column I want the result from.  Like

Try this instead:

$query =
 SELECT field1,field2,field3 
.FROM tablename ;
$result = mysql_query($query);

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo \ntrtd$field1/tdtd$field2/tdtd$field3/td/tr;

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[PHP-DB] Re: Filtering

2001-08-18 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Felipe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Will PHP have any kind of active filter such as ASP's rs.Filer Criteria
 And what about searching as ASP's rs.Find Criteria

... that's what SQL is for; in fact, I wouldn't be at all surprised
if these 'filters' get turned into SQL on the back end.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Table results returning 2 sets of the same row

2001-08-18 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Doh!  I meant extract($row);

Ron Gallant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I get
 Warning: Wrong parameter count for explode() in
 /www/chizeledlight/test.php on line 39
 when I use this code.

 The line in error is

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[PHP-DB] Re: saving to two tables at the same time

2001-08-17 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Crosswalkcentral [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a form of 1/2 customer data and the other 1/2 service info. that
 custoemr fills out and when they submit it my php scrips adds the customer
 infor to the customer table but it will not add the service info to the
 service table?

Try doing it as two separate queries.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Averaging Numbers

2001-08-15 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Jeff Oien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm having a hard time learning how to get an average. I have a database
 that gets a number and inserts in into a MySQL database every 1/2 hour
 during the day. For the current half hour, I want to get the last 15 days
 numbers for the same time as the time it is now. I can retrieve and
 the numbers fine, I just don't know how to go about putting these all into
 variables or an array or if I can do this within a query and then take an
 average for them.

First, a modified 'do-it-in-PHP' solution to return
the average of an arbitrary number of results:


$result = mysql_query($query);

$num = mysql_num_rows($result);

$sum = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$sum += $row[val];

$avg = $sum/$num;


And two variants on 'do-it-in-SQL-

FROM table
WHERE halfhour = $nowAsHalfHour

or, alternatively,

FROM table
WHERE halfhour = $nowAsHalfHour
AND date  $nowMinus15Days


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[PHP-DB] Re: show only some entries

2001-08-15 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Andrius Jakutis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
message 003d01c125c2$fa6487a0$40722fd4@mano">news:003d01c125c2$fa6487a0$40722fd4@mano...
 1. How to make, that I could get output of only
 those entries, which name(field) is John.

SELECT * FROM table WHERE name='John'

 2. How to make, that only 10 entries with John would
 be shown in the same page, and others would be on
 next page and so on.

SELECT * FROM table WHERE name='John' LIMIT 10*($thispage-1),10

a href='myscript.php?{$thispage+1}'Next page/a

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: replace string - case insensitive

2001-08-15 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Lars B. Jensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 depending on what you're replacing with what, a solution is eregi_replace.
 do not advice to upper nor lowercase the source as it will change parts of
 data unwantedly.

Yes, I agree; another solution is as follows:

function alt_str_replace($search, $replace, $subject) {

// Temporary copies of search string and subject string;
//  both shifted to lowercase to make the search case insensitive.
$t_search = strtolower($search);
$t_subject = strtolower($subject);

// Initialize result string
$res = ;

// Initialize search vars
$search_offs = 0;
$shift = strlen($search);

// As long as another match is found...
while (($t = strpos($t_subject, $t_search, $search_offs)) !== false) {
// Copy non-matching portion of string
$res .= substr($subject, $search_offs, $t-$search_offs);
// Add replacement value
$res .= $replace;

// Update search offset
$search_offs = $t + $shift;

// Add trailing end of string
$res .= substr($subject, $search_offs);

return $res;

Hope that helps...

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[PHP-DB] Re: reload page

2001-08-14 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Schleipp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi everybody,
 I have created a webpage with two frames. One of this frames is a form
 in which the user can change some data, which you can see in the other
 frame. I want the latter frame being updated as soon as I send the form,
 which is changing the data, i.e. a reload of the frame containing the
 changed data. However, I do not know how to realize that with PHP. Does
 anybody have a suggestion?

form action='evaluator.php' target='name_of_second_frame'

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: reload page

2001-08-14 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Russ Michell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:SIMEON.10108141609.F@k1c. anglia.ac.uk...
 I just needed a similar thing to occur in my app!
 Just reload the page using the header function:

 Once submit has been hit in one frame, pass a hidden value from Frame1
 to frame2:

 input type=\hidden\ name=\refresh\

 Then detect for it in the 2nd frame and refresh the page using the
 header() function:

 if (isset($refresh)) {
 header(Location: $PHP_SELF);

That seems like an (umm...) *unusual* method...

When the form is submitted, it calls the target
page - which then calls itself again?

I don't see what this gains you.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: reload page

2001-08-14 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Russ Michell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:SIMEON.10108141754.G@k1c. anglia.ac.uk...
  I don't see what this gains you.
 Well you asked if there was a way to refresh your target frame once a
 submission was made from an origin frame. This method would do that.

The question was originally posed by Christian
Schliepp, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (not by me).

 Then again, why does the second frame not already display the results
 of the submission?? As it get's called from the first (origin) frame.

That was kinda my point.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Show abbreviated article

2001-08-13 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Jon Farmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 From: Johannes Janson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 August 2001 12:15
 Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: Show abbreviated article

  My question is this: how can I select only those first 20 words in the
  PHP code?

 SELECT LEFT(YourBlobFiekd, 20) FROM YourTable;

 NO! This will return the first 20 characters from the field not the first
 words. To do that you need to use a regexp in the SQL or explode the
 in php and use the first 20 elements of the array!

... you could significantly lower bandwidth requirements by returning,
say, the first 150 characters and then explode'ing to make it 20 words.

Another thought: if you want a string of close-to-standard length,
maybe just return 100 chars and truncate to the last word boundary
using strrchr(), instead of requiring a fixed number of words?

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[PHP-DB] Re: Interbase lob field on the web

2001-08-13 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Alex.Tesi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
003901c123fa$1ff2da50$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:003901c123fa$1ff2da50$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
Hi i have a problem printing a lob field containing an image.
The database i use is Interbase 6.0
I have a blob/lob field with a gif image inside an i like to print this
image on the web.
Can you help me?

You need a script to return the image, and you need to
pass the proper parameter from the calling page...

=== image.php ==

// check that param exists
if (!isset($img)) {
// alternatively, you could set img to
// point to an 'error, not found' image
// from your database...
die(Error: 'img' parameter not set);

// hacker prevention...
$img = (int) $img;

// connect to the database
$conn = ibase_pconnect(host:dbase, usr, pwd)
or die(Error: .ibase_errmsg());

// query for image
$query = SELECT img_contents 
.FROM imgtable WHERE id=$img;
$res = ibase_query($conn, $query);

// make sure that exactly one result was returned
$num_returned = ibase_num_fields($res);
if ($num_returned == 0)
die(Error: specified image $img not found);
if ($num_returned  1)
die(Error: $num_returned images found for $img);

// return image
// if you kept an image-type field in your
// database, you could store and retrieve
// various image types - gif, jpeg, bmp, png,
// swf, svg, etc...
header(Content-Type: image/gif);
$row = ibase_fetch_object($res);
echo $row-img_contents;


=== mypage.html ===
pHere is image # 394302.../p
img src='image.php?img=394302' align='center'

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[PHP-DB] Re: Group By problem

2001-08-13 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Sharif Islam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am trying to caregorize to group at the same time, but its not working.
 Any hints?
 Here's my code:
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  if($temp !=$row[group_name]){
  $temp=$row[group_name] ;
  echo bGroup:$tempbr/b;


 if($temp1 !=$row[service_cat]){
 echo Services:$temp1br;
 echo a

 This is displaying :
 Services: Backup
 I dont want to print services multiple times. Just like the group name
 catagorize it.

You don't show your SQL, but I assume it's something like
SELECT grp,svc,mach FROM table ORDER BY grp,svc,mach

$firstmach = true;
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($grp != $row[grp]) {
$grp = $row[grp];
$svc = ;// force new-svc when switching groups

if($svc != $row[svc]) {
$svc = $row[svc];
$firstmach = true;

PrintMach($row[mach], $firstmach);
$firstmach = false;

Hope this helps...

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Re: [PHP-DB] Member authentication with PHP and MySQL

2001-08-13 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Cato Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Sheridan Saint-Michel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 00df01c12400$ad2a1220$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:00df01c12400$ad2a1220$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

  From: Cato Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 6:47 PM
  Subject: [PHP-DB] Member authentication with PHP and MySQL
   I'm trying to authenticate members by using php and MySQL.
   How do I make the authentication to go to site:
   Where $charnick is brung from the DB line who was authenticated?
  I would use either cookies or sessions for this.
  First Check for the cookie, and verify its contents.
  If there isn't a cookie then do the login prompt like you
  are doing now.

 One more thing...

 When I've set up the script and run it on my local server I get this

1. what error?

2. replying at the top of a message is poor form.
I know Outlook Express wants to do this; it's just
one more reason to hate the Evil Empire.

3. please trim the replied-to stuff to keep only attributions
 and relevant content.  I don't like having to read
5k of old text just to make sure you haven't added
anything to it...

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Re: [PHP-DB] Group By problem

2001-08-13 Thread Hugh Bothwell

- Original Message - 
From: Sharif Islam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Group By problem

 But its displaying the same as my code:

The SQL was just for reference, to make sure
we were both working on the same basis...

I don't think you looked at the PHP code I gave,
as it should produce exactly what you are asking for.


try defining

body {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
.group {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 120%;
color: #44;
.service {
font-weight: bold;
color: #77;
.machine {
font-size: 80%;
color: #77;


function PrintNewGroup($grp) {
echo br\nspan class='group'$grp/span;

function PrintNewService($svc) {
echo br\n\tspan class='service'$nbsp;$svc/spanbr;

function PrintMach($mach, $first) {
if ($first)
echo nbsp;nbsp;
echo nbsp;|nbsp;;

echo span class='machine'$mach/span;

  $firstmach = true;
  while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  if ($grp != $row[grp]) {
  $grp = $row[grp];
  $svc = ;// force new-svc when switching groups
  if($svc != $row[svc]) {
  $svc = $row[svc];
  $firstmach = true;
  PrintMach($row[mach], $firstmach);
  $firstmach = false;

How's that?

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[PHP-DB] Re: PHP4, MySQL, errors....

2001-08-10 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Cato Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thanks for the help Mr. Bothwell.
 But now it seems I get a new error:

;-) The error of my ways is apparent - I typed
that off the top of my head, and I got bit by
my own bug - using unescaped double-quotes
inside a double-quoted string.

Try this:

$prof = Nano-Technician; // setup SQL statement
$SQL = SELECT * FROM memberinfo WHERE prof='$prof' ;

if (!($retid = mysql_db_query($db, $SQL, $cid))) {
 echo( Error: .mysql_error());

// header row, just to set column widths
$contents = row(cell(, 150) . cell(, 200) . cell(, 200));

// for each character...
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid)) {
$contents .= row(
cell(img src='.$row[picurl].')
$row[tit]. .$row[charname]
. quot;.$row[charnick].quot; 
.bold(Contact: ).$row[email].br
.bold(Level: ).$row[lvl].br
.bold(Breed: ).$row[breed].br
.bold(Profession: ).$prof.br
.bold(Location: ).$row[loc].br
.bold(AIM: ).$row[aim].br
.bold(ICQ: ).$row[icq].br
.bold(MSN: ).$row[msn].br
.bold(Yahoo!: ).$row[yahoo].br
 bold(Born: ).$row[born].br
.bold(Appearance: ).$row[appearance].br
.bold(Position: ).$row[posn].br
.bold(Characteristics: ).$row[charac].br
.bold(Strengths/weaknesses: ).$row[streng].br
.bold(Bio: ).$row[bio].br

// print it.
echo table($contents);


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[PHP-DB] Re: PHP4, MySQL, errors....

2001-08-09 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Cato Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Just to have said it... Im green in both PHP4 and MySQL.
 Can anyone say what I've been doing wrong here, and how to fix it, or even
 better. Debug the whole shit! =)

First, make sure PHP is actually running.
Try this:
$str = PHP is not running!;
echo substr($str, 0, 7) . substr($str, 11);

For one thing, trying to echo unescaped double-quotes
won't work, ie
echo table leftmargin = 0;// no good!
Use ' or \ instead.

Second, all this variable-renaming seems like a waste
of effort; just use the array directly.

  $cid = mysql_connect($host,$usr,$pwd);
  if (!$cid) { echo(ERROR:  . mysql_error() . \n); }

If the connection fails, your script prints an
error message, then continues trying to query...
if (!$cid) {
echo Error: .mysql_error();
... or redirect them back to a different page.

  # setup SQL statement
  $SQL =  SELECT * FROM memberinfo ;
  $SQL = $SQL .  WHERE prof = '$prof' ;

$sql = SELECT * FROM memberingo 
.WHERE prof='$prof' ;

   echo (PDTBMembers who are $prof s/BBR\n);

dt should only occur in dl.../dl

$apperiance = $row[apperiance];


$prof = $row[prof];

? you already know prof; why query for it?

First thing to do is write a couple of
functions to take care of the formatting
for you:

// Generic tag-formatting routine
//   Ensures all tags are closed properly;
//   Also forces you to think about tag-clause formatting
//so the final result is readable.
function clause($preopen, $tag, $opts, $pretext, $text, $preclose) {
return $preopen$tag $opts$pretext$text$preclose/$tag;

function table($contents) {
return clause(\n, table, style='margin-left: 80px;', ,
$contents, \n);

function row($contents) {
return clause(\n\t, tr, style='margin-top: 30px;', ,
$contents, \n\t);

function cell($text, $width=0) {
if ($text == )// check for empty str
$text = nbsp;;

$opts = ($width  0 ? style='width: $widthpx;' : );

return clause(\n\t\t, td, $opts, , $text, );

function bold($text) {
return clause(, b, , , $text, );

I would simplify your table, too, at least until
you get it working; play with it after that.

$contents = row(cell(, 150) . cell(, 200) . cell(, 200));

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($retid))
$contents .= row(
cell(img src='{$row[picurl]}')
{$row[tit]} {$row[charname]} 
.bold(Contact: ).$row[email].br
.bold(Level: ).$row[lvl].br
.bold(Breed: ).$row[breed].br
.bold(Profession: ).$prof.br
.bold(Location: ).$row[loc].br
.bold(AIM: ).$row[aim].br
.bold(ICQ: ).$row[icq].br
.bold(MSN: ).$row[msn].br
.bold(Yahoo!: ).$row[yahoo].br
.bold(Born: ).$row[born].br
.bold(Appearance: ).$row[appearance].br
.bold(Position: ).$row[posn].br
.bold(Characteristics: ).$row[charac].br
.bold(Strengths/weaknesses: ).$row[streng].br
.bold(Bio: ).$row[bio].br

echo table($contents);

(Note: this approach builds the whole table in memory, in order
to print it out using the clause() function; it might be worth breaking
that out and printing the table a row at a time if there are
many rows in the table.)

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[PHP-DB] Re: Select Inner Join Question

2001-08-06 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Steve Fitzgerald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm trying to display a summary list of calls with one attribute being
 CallType. I have CallType and CallTypeID defined in a table name
 The problem I am having is taking the output of CallID defined in calls
 having the script match the CallTypeID to the CallType.

 $display_calls_sql = SELECT CallID,CallDateTime,CallSubject,CallStatus
 calls WHERE ContactID = $ContactID;

 $display_calltype_sql = SELECT CallType FROM calltypes INNER JOIN calls
 calltypes.CallTypeID = calls.CallTypeID WHERE CallID = '$CallID'

$display_calls_sql =
.CallID, CallDateTime, CallSubject, CallStatus, CallType 
.calls INNER JOIN calltypes ON call.CallTypeID =
.ContactID = $ContactID;

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[PHP-DB] Re: counting and displaying a how many figure

2001-08-05 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Dave Carrera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi All

 I would like to know how to count how many downloads of a file I have on
 site is downloaded and display something like  file.name downloaded 
 times on my page.

 I have this idea using mysql db.
 table files
 ID int autoincrment,

 I believe this would utilise something like the count() function but I
 haven't used this yet

Depends whether you want to track any additional information, like the IP of
the downloader or a timestamp; if so, you need a separate table with
per-download entries.

If all you want is a count, I would just add a field to the file table...
UPDATE TABLE files SET download_count=download_count+1 WHERE ID=$fileId.

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[PHP-DB] Re: List Results Not Working

2001-08-04 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Steve Fitzgerald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 echo .$list[CallID]. .$list[CallDateTime]

Try removing the leading ' . '

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[PHP-DB] Re: dba_open

2001-08-01 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Patrick Callihan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I don't seem to have the *.so modules available.  When I added the line
 'extension=php_dba.so' to php.ini, nothing changed.  When I tried to use
 dl() function, I just got an error message:
 Warning: Unable to load dynamic library './php_dba.so' - ./php_dba.so:
 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in

 I did a 'find / -name php_dba.so' and came up with nothing.

 Thanks in advance for any help.

 Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Patrick Callihan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   I have compiled php4 with the following command:
   /configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.20'
   '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-tans-sid' '--enable-dba

I haven't found any information on where to find/get/make
php_dba.so; hopefully someone else can help with that.
I would check the directory it's in; should be under php/extensions,
I would think.

I did find more info on building PHP on *nix; in order to
compile dba support in, it looks like you need another switch:

try adding '--with-gdbm' (for example - it changes
depending on exactly which database you are using).

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[PHP-DB] Re: Multiple Entry

2001-08-01 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Sharif Islam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Is there any way, I can get only one output.But somehow I have to
 incorpate it with the other data in that column, which doesn't have
 multiple entry. Any hint? thanks in advance.

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
 titleSample code: Removal of duplicate categories by associative
 style type=text/css
  body {
   font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
  .service {
   font-size: small;
   color: #00;
   margin-top: 20px;
  .machine {
   font-size: smaller;
   color: #743A44;
   margin-left: 20px;
   margin-top: 5px;

$conn = mysql_connect(host, user, pwd);
$result = mysql_db_query(db,
  .services AS svc, // set aliases for brevity
  .machine_name AS mach 
 .FROM table
);// ORDER BY is

// parse
$list = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  $list[$row[svc]][] = $row[mach];

// print
echo \nul;
foreach($list as $key = $machines) {
 echo \n\tli class='service'$keybr\n\t\tspan class='machine';

 $first = true;
 foreach($machines as $name) {
  echo ($first ?  :  | ).$name;// could easily make this a
  $first = false;

 echo /span\n\t/li;
echo \n/ul;


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[PHP-DB] Re: Limit Select Field Characters?

2001-08-01 Thread Hugh Bothwell

select * from table where date_format(timestamp, '%y%m%d') = '010801'

Jeff Oien [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a timestamp field that looks like this
 but I only want to compare
 when doing a SELECT. Is there a way I can do this? Thanks.
 Jeff Oien

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[PHP-DB] Re: Avoiding Multiple IDs

2001-08-01 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Steve Fitzgerald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 What is the best method for avoiding multiple ids for the same

 For example: I have a table name company that has unique ids. The
 are tied to a table name contacts which have unique ids (ContactID). The
 problem seems to be that if I add a contact with an existing CompanyName
 then I will get multiple ids for the same CompanyName.

When inserting a new contact, do a search for the company name. If it
use the existing id; otherwise, create a new company and get the new id.

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[PHP-DB] Re: [Q] PHP on Linux, Oracle on Win32

2001-08-01 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Donovan J. Edye [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 G'Day All,

 I need to establish connectivity between a Debain Linux box running PHP
 4.06 and Oracle 8i running on a Win32 box. Can someone point me at some
 FAQ's or other help. At present I have managed to get MS-SQL 2K going
 TDS (Tabular Data Stream). Could TDS also be used for Oracle?

... I'm not an expert on Oracle by any means, but what is wrong with

ora_logon(user@tns, pwd);

using the standard PHP Oracle drivers?

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[PHP-DB] Re: Random question selection in PHP w/ MySQL backend.

2001-07-31 Thread Hugh Bothwell

 Adam Lundrigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 What i need to do is select 10 questions from a database
 (db: vpt, table: questions), and make sure that the same
 question doesn't appear twice. The questions need to
 appear in a random order each time the script is loaded.

$mysql_connect(host, user, pwd);

$result = $mysql_db_query(vpt,
SELECT id, txt FROM questions 

function makeQuestion($qid) {
return (
 input type='radio' name='q[$qid]' value=11
.input type='radio' name='q[$qid]' value=22
.input type='radio' name='q[$qid]' value=33
.input type='radio' name='q[$qid]' value=44
.input type='radio' name='q[$qid]' value=55

function makeRow() {
$str = \n\ttr;

$num = func_num_args();
for ($i = 0; $i  $num; $i++)
$str .= \n\t\ttd.func_get_arg($i)./td;

$str .= \n\t/tr;
return $str;

echo \nform\ntable;

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo makeRow(makeQuestion($row[id]), $row[txt]);

echo makeRow(input type='reset', input type='submit');
echo \n/table\n/form;

Voila - they get ten questions at random, in random order;
 when they submit the form, you get the question id back as
the array key and the answer as the value.

Hope that helps ;-)

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[PHP-DB] Re: dba_open

2001-07-31 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Patrick Callihan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I have compiled php4 with the following command:
 /configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.20'
 '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-tans-sid' '--enable-dba

 The function dba_open() does not work for me.  I get the following error
 Fatal error: Call to undefined function: dba_open()

If you will use this in many of your scripts, edit php.ini -
remove the ';' before 'extension=php_dba.so'.

If you'll only use it in a few, look up the dl() function in
the manual,

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[PHP-DB] Re: Image Bank with php mysql!! ??!!

2001-07-30 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Koutsogiannopoulos Karolos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
 I wan't your opinion regarding a program i am constructing. It is about an
 image bank for graphic studios or anyone else who needs a program that can
 insert his pictures or descriptions of it and be able to make a fast and
 reliable search.


 What would be best.? Inserting the pictures in the DB or in the file

I would keep the image name in the database; save the original image
in a dedicated directory with a numeric name like 4920185.jpg and
then the thumbnail either with a suffix (like 4920185b.jpg) or with the
same name in a thumbnails directory; store the number as the picture ID.

The numbers should be large and pseudorandom, ie you don't want
to make it easy for someone to write a script to leech all your
pictures (it'll still be possible, but harder).  Maybe use the database
ID to seed a random number generator, and use the Nth generated

Have a text field for keywords, a text field for description,
a price field?, the author's name, email, and homepage.  If you put
the image directory below the web root directory, then the images
can only be accessed via a script, and you can restore the original
name at download (this solves the problem of name collisions).

If you're going to sell the pictures, you should allow a buyer more
than one download, in case they screw up or accidentally delete
it on their system; I would have a table for 'current purchases' with
a buyer ID and picture ID, and allow them something like access
for a week, up to 20 downloads of that image.

 ? Also notice that it is a reference db and not an actual bank. I mean
 there will be only photos of low quality and not the full picture which
 could be very large.

(shrug) as above, keep the images in the filesystem; then it
doesn't matter how large it is.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Storing last access

2001-07-30 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Olinux O [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi all,
 I would like to display messages that are entered into
 a database since the last time i checked it. [Much
 like web based email marks NEW messages.]

 What is the best way to do this? By adding an
 additional column to the Messages Table OR creating a
 new table with the field Table_Name and

Adding a field to the table is a single-user solution; if you
want this useable by more than one person, a second
table is needed.

There are two ways of going about this; if you want
to know whether individual messages are read or
not, you will have to keep individual user/message
records; if all you want is messages since a given
date, you can just add a 'last-read' timestamp to your
users table.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Query displays one

2001-07-30 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Mike Gifford [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 The problem is that I am only getting one response from this query rather
 5.  I can't figure this out.  What did I do to only get one response?

Try removing the ORDER BY and LIMIT and run the query by
hand - how many responses do you get?  The search may only
return one article.

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[PHP-DB] Re: A Join Question

2001-07-30 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Steve Fitzgerald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm trying to create a join statement that pulls out a CompanyName based
 on a given CompanyID that is tied to a specified ContactID.

 For example, if ContactID=1 then the corresponding CompanyName might be
 Smith, Inc. depending on what was entered.

Company.CompanyID = Contacts.CompanyID

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[PHP-DB] Re: new lines in text field

2001-07-30 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Kenn Murrah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm trying to concatenate several values entered in my form, then write
 to a TEXT field in my mySQL database.  All is well, except that I want to
 each value to appear on a different line.  I've tried \n and that didn't
 work.  What am I doing wrong?

You skipped a step here, between write it to my database and
appear on a different line.

I assume that you insert to the database, then pull it out and
display it as HTML.  '\n' doesn't cause a line-break in HTML.

You can either use br instead of \n before putting it in
the database (less portable), or look at the nl2br() function
(I would prefer this option, personally).

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[PHP-DB] Re: Tree Display

2001-07-27 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Sharif Islam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 I am still trying to figure out how to do it. I want to display my result
 from the data base in tree/menu like system.

Could you give us your SELECT statement and one row of returned data?

 So the result page will look like this:

   +Result1 (you click this , it will expand)
   -Item1 (you click this and get more info)

The expanding tree bit is done in JavaScript, see
for a simple tutorial.

What you need to do is use PHP to write the JavaScript to
create the tree according to your query results.

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[PHP-DB] Re: draw graph

2001-07-25 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Sommai Fongnamthip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 How could I draw graph with gd by using PHP code with custom log scale?

How 'bout:

function drawLogGraph($arr) {
$xoffs = 20;
$yoffs = 180;
$drawwidth = 160;
$drawheight = -160;

$logscale = -10;// height of a 10x division
$logscalebase = 1;// '0' on your graph

$numbars = count($arr);
$perbar = $drawwidth / $numbars;

$barwidth = 0.8;  // ... fractional draw width
$halfsp = (1 - $barwidth) * 0.5;

$img = ImageCreateFromPNG(graphbackground.png) or die(Could not load

for ($i = 0; $i  $numbars; $i++) {
$barleft = $perbar * ($i + $halfsp);
$barright = $perbar * ($i + 1 - $halfsp);
$bartop = (log10($arr[$i]) - $logscalebase) * $logscale;

ImageFilledRectangle($img, $xoffs + $barleft, $yoffs + $bartop,
$xoffs + $barright, $yoffs, 1);

return $img;

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[PHP-DB] Re: Making a new row in HTML tables

2001-07-25 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Umm... 31 entries, 1 x 31...

You might be better to choose a standard width and pad the last row with
empty cells.

Ian Grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Can anyone help me with this - I have a database of people, that I want to
 print into an HTML table - how can I make the table wrap into an equal
 number of rows.
 i.e. if there are 4 entries, a 2x2 table, 6 a 2x3, 8 a 2x4, 9 a 3x3, etc.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: another php/mysql problem

2001-07-25 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Couple of comments:

1.  What's with the $artist = artist; echo $mytable[$artist]; bit?
This really doesn't seem to gain you much.
2.  Descriptive variable names are a Good Thing(tm).
3.  Prettyprinting 
4.  Why are the tables in different databases to begin with?
5.  Don't pull any more than you need from the database.


// expects $band as parameter

or die (Could not connect to MySQL!);

$band_result = mysql_query(
SELECT nospaces_bands, band_bands, id, email 
.FROM almavale_board.bands
.WHERE nospaces_bands = '$band' 
or die(Error in band query);

while ($band_row = mysql_fetch_array($band_result)) {

$shows_result = mysql_query(
SELECT artistname, venue, time 
.FROM almavale_board.shows 
.WHERE artistname = '.$band_row[band_bands].'
or die(Error in show query);

while($show_row = mysql_fetch_array($show_result))

$release_result = mysql_query(
SELECT bandname, albumtitle, email 
.FROM almavale_releases.releases 
.WHERE bandname = '.$band_row[band_bands].'
or die(Error in release query);

while($release_row = mysql_fetch_array($release_result))


... and you can implement printBand, printShow, and printRelease as you

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[PHP-DB] Re: new data detect

2001-07-25 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Sommai Fongnamthip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I decide to make real time application (like stock market or online
 news).  How could I know when new data arrive to table and retrieve them
 display or update in web page?

You can't, actually, short of using server-side push;

what you can do is periodically requery the server; either reload the page
every so often, or (better) use a flag file - set it when data is changed -
and check it in the background with JavaScript, then reload the page only
when it is set.

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[PHP-DB] Re: enum !!

2001-07-16 Thread Hugh Bothwell

McShen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 how do i store multiple data in one field?
 i have a table like this

 | Field | Type  | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | test  | enum('a','b','c') | YES  | | NULL|   |

 insert into test values('a','b','c');  doens't work. please help

Your query is mixed up; 'test' is the field name, not the table name, and I
think you want to put the values into three separate records, not one...

INSERT INTO tablename ( test ) VALUES ( 'a' ), ( 'b'), ('c'), ('');

This should get you four records, with 'test' values of a, b, c, and null.

If you want to store more than one value in the same record, you should be
looking at sets, not enums.

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[PHP-DB] Re: problem with form

2001-07-10 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Try setting form.action and using form.submit() to send it ('edit.php' is
not valid javascript).


function submitTo(form, url) {
form.action = url;
form name=f action=submit.php
input type=submit
value=Submit Request
onclick=submitTo(document.f, 'submit.php')

input type=submit
value=Edit Request
onclick=submitTo(document.f, 'edit.php')


Note that this includes a fall-back: if JavaScript is not supported, the
form will be submitted by either button.

Jennifer Arcino Demeterio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
000a01c1092d$0c3baba0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:000a01c1092d$0c3baba0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

 hope anyone has an idea on how to fix this...

 input type=submit name=Submit value=Submit Request
 OnClick=submit.php class=button
 input type=submit name=Edit value=Edit Request OnClick=edit.php

 even i click on the edit button, it will still go to submit.php page, why


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[PHP-DB] Re: Homesite Server Mapping

2001-07-08 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Ken Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Has anyone successfully mapped their browser to a Remote Server?

 Please show your:
 map from:

C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\

 Map to:

(http://localhost/  would do exactly the same thing more prettily, but would
bug me about connecting before doing it.)

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Homesite Server Mapping

2001-07-08 Thread Hugh Bothwell

- Original Message -
From: Ken Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PHP DB Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Hugh Bothwell
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Homesite Server Mapping

 Thanks alot,
  that mapping works for me too: I use

 From: C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\

 To: http://localhost

 for local mapping

 Have you ever tried mapping to your REMOTE host?

 I have tried and failed too many times, what works for Remote mapping?
 any one ever done it?


I've never actually tried that; I always work on my files locally and test
them thoroughly before they get published.

I suppose that 'from:' would be the FTP URL and 'to:' would be the HTTP
equivalent; anyone care to try this?

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[PHP-DB] Re: how to find biggest value of a field across 2 tables?

2001-07-05 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Noah Spitzer-Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 i have two tables each with a same field and i would like to find which
 table has the bigger value in this field..

 is there a way to do this with one select statement?

 i've tried things like:
 select max(t1.bannerid) as b, max(t2.bannerid) as a,
 IF(t1.banneridt2.bannerid,t1.bannerid,t2.bannerid) FROM user_banners as
 user_banners_approve as t2 ORDER BY t1.bannerid DESC GROUP BY t1.bannerid

 but im not having much luck.

Uh... either do a separate select for each table, or find a way to JOIN the

Better than that, if you're doing what it looks like you're doing - keeping
two separate tables, one for approved banners and one for non-approved
one? - make a single banners table with an 'approved' field... then it's

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Re: [PHP-DB] most efficient weighting system? URGENT

2001-06-30 Thread Hugh Bothwell

How many rows are you likely to have, and how dynamic are the weights?

I think I'd add a cumulative sum column to your table, ie

25   15

$query = SELECT id FROM table WHERE cum_weight = .rand(1,40). ORDER BY
cum_weight LIMIT 1;

Note that if you delete or update any row, the cumulative values become
incorrect.  It would be better to calculate cum_weight dynamically, but I'm
not sure how; also, this could be computationally expensive.

Another way to do this would be to repeat each row the appropriate number of
times, ie

id   value

Then you could use
$query = SELECT value FROM table ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1;

Noah Spitzer-Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
9hilnk$9pp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9hilnk$9pp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 if i have several rows in a table and i want some to have certain weights
 what is the best way to pick a random row based on its weight?

 ex of table:
 1 10

 therefore, since there is a total weight of 40, id 1 should be picked 25%
 (10/40) of the time, id 4 50% (20/40), etc...

 what is the best way to do this?

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Re: [PHP-DB] TO_DAYS() equivalent?

2001-06-30 Thread Hugh Bothwell

How about this?

define(SECONDS_PER_DAY, 86400);
$now = (int) (time() / SECONDS_PER_DAY);

Note that this may not match the time you get from your database server,
depending on what time zones you're in.

David W. Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Is there some way to get the equivalent of select TO_DAYS(NOW())
 out of PHP without querying MySQL (or whatever.) Some formatting character
 for the date() function that I'm just missing?


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Re: [PHP-DB] Passing XML

2001-06-30 Thread Hugh Bothwell

From: olinux o [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Passing XML

 Is this what you have in mind?

 $url = 'http://website.com/document.xml';
 $str = implode('', file($url));
 $str = contains the xml doc and retains formatting
 $url could be a doc on the local server as well.

Sure, that would be one way to implement option #1; or, as in the XML entry
in the PHP manual, paging through the file in 4k chunks (better if you're
parsing large files); but passing the url as a parameter instead of defining
it explicitly, ie


Or you could post the whole XML source to the script (this could be useful
for interactive testing of an XML-generating script); or you could upload an
XML file and have the script parse it (I'm really not sure how this would be
useful, but you could :-)

Also note, if you want to get XML back again, maybe you should look at the
XSLT functions.

 --- Hugh Bothwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm not sure how you mean; it depends on where the
  data is coming from.
  I count three ways you can do this:
  1. pass the XML filename (or URL) to the script via
  2. pass the XML source to the script via POST
  3. upload the file via POST and call the script
  More details on what you're trying to accomplish
  would help.
  Niel Zeeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
 9heo93$q9j$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9heo93$q9j$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
   Hi there
   Is there anyway of passing a xml document to a php
  page as raw data.
   What I want to do is eg.
   send a page a xml document and recieve a response
  ( in xml ) from that page.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Executing several PHP scripts simultaneously??

2001-06-29 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Consider using set_time_limit() before each sub-script executes; this will
time out on any individual script, but let you extend the limit on the
master script.

Lisa Elita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 How can we execute several PHP scripts simultaneously inside a single PHP
 For example, let's say master.php has 10 tasks in different PHP scripts:
 1.php, 2.php, ..., 10.php. Each task is independent (the input of each
 is not determined by other tasks) so we can do the tasks in any order. But
 if 2.php is initiated after 1.php is done, and 3.php is initiated after
 2.php is done, and so on, the master.php can be expired, causing the
 remaining tasks not executed. So how can we execute these PHP scripts

 Lisa Elita

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Re: [PHP-DB] Which state and country?

2001-06-29 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Um... you could look at REMOTE_HOST to get their IP address and use that to
look up the address of their server.  If you assume they won't log in
long-distance, that should give you their country and state, and maybe a
useful approximation of their city.

Lisa Elita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi all,

 How can we know from which state and country a hit came?

 Lisa Elita

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