Re: PowerMail crashes in WebCore while rebuilding search index

2019-01-01 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Sean McBride wrote:

>Does the backtrace give a hint as to how I might work around this?  It
>occurs when rebuilding the search index.  Perhaps there is an email I
>could delete to stop the crash?  But how to find it…

You may disable HTML indexing from the indexing preference pane, rebuild your 
index, then re-enable HTML indexing for new messages. You can also export some 
folders to the PowerMail Exchange format, then re-import them, to re-index 
their HTML parts, with the hope that the offending message is not part of these 

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "With FoxTrot, I was finding files that I didn't remember having.
It was waay better than Google Desktop search."
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Re: PowerMail not emptying trash at quit

2018-02-19 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Winston Weinmann wrote:

>My PowerMail is set to delete messages in the trash which are "there for
>60 days" when the program quits. It has stopped doing this.

No idea why this could have suddenly stopped working. Since how many time are 
your oldest messages there? Does this coincide with something like a macOS 
upgrade or other change in your environment?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "Whoa!!! Seriously cool
Indeed!! FoxTrot takes Spotlight to another level entirely!!"
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Re: High Sierra compatibility - shortcut cmd-del missing

2018-01-04 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Karsten Liere wrote:

>I'm running the latest public beta of High Sierra
>the command cmd-delete for moving messages into the trash is noc longer

We have reported this bug to Apple. However, Apple has announced that macOS 
10.13 is the "last macOS release to support 32-bit apps without compromises", 
so I am not sure they will invest many resources to fix bugs that only affect 
Carbon 32-bit apps like PowerMail.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "[FoxTrot] gives you a feeling a good search engine should provide:
‘Aha, good I found this one! I’ve completely forgotten about it!’
(instead of ‘Oh. What does this one have to do with what I am
looking for?’)"
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment

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Re: High Sierra compatibility - shortcut cmd-del missing

2017-09-11 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Karsten Liere wrote:

>I'm running the latest public beta of High Sierra
>the command cmd-delete for moving messages into the trash is noc longer 

Thanks for the report, we didn't notice this. We'll take a look at it.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "With FoxTrot, I was finding files that I didn't remember having.
It was waay better than Google Desktop search."
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment on

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Re: powermail-discuss Digest #3156 - 01/01/17

2017-01-12 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Judith Beiss wrote:

>This message is totally unreadable. What do you suggest?

Sorry, this is an issue with our list server, when dealing with unicode-encoded 
messages for users subscribed in digest mode. And my message was sent in 
unicode because of an ellipsis character...

Here was my message:

>Filtering [Other Field...] [X-Mailer] [contains] [iPhone] should work.

BTW, you can decode such base64-encoded messages online with tools like:

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "I used to spend hours and hours looking for a file that I swear that
I had on one of my drives, but just could not locate. FoxTrot Personal
Search has saved me countless hours of frustration. I strongly recommend
this to anyone who is tired of misplacing files and then having that bad
feeling when you can't find it."
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Re: Filtering an incoming message based on Header info (X-Mailer info)

2017-01-01 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Winston Weinmann wrote:

>Specifically, I'd like to filter based on whether the X-Mailer line in
>the Header is iPhone or PowerMail:
>X-Mailer: iPhone
> or
>X-Mailer: CTM PowerMail
>I've tried using "Any Field" with "contains" and "Other Field..." with
>"Header", and neither works to filter incoming messages.

Filtering [Other Field…] [X-Mailer] [contains] [iPhone] should work.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "FoxTrot Personal Search is what Spotlight should have been."
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Re: Powermail slow after security update

2016-01-27 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Jeremy Hughes wrote:

>A single short message takes minutes to retrieve, and PowerMail
>beachballs and is unusable during that time.

You can take a sample of the PowerMail process using Activity Monitor (while it 
is unresponsive), and send it to me. If you are using SpamSieve, you can also 
sample it if it may be involved.
Does the problem persists after relaunching PowerMail (and SpamSieve), and 
after a reboot?
In case the problem is related to SpamSieve, you can quit both applications, 
then delete the folder "{home}/Library/Application Support/PowerMail", then 
relaunch SpamSieve, then PowerMail.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "Totally reliable; extremely robust full text search; fast display
of results; capable of indexing huge document collections"
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Re: PowerMail wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this.

2015-08-06 Thread PowerMail Engineering
John Maylone wrote:

The password has been typed in any number of times, Disk Utility and
Disk Warrior were just run, as well as a Drive Genius defrag.  All with
no change in the situation.

Quit PowerMail, then right-click on the icon in the Finder, and 
choose Show Package Contents; navigate to Contents/PowerMail Additions, and 
remove any PMKey file(s) you find there. Move the PMKey file (which should 
probably be named PMKey 6 mrkoala) from the {home}/Library/Preferences folder 
to another location, then drag and drop it to the icon. This 
should launch PowerMail, and reinstall the PMKey in both locations, asking for 
the administrator password if you don't have permissions to modify the 
application. Does this work?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I feel I have to express my gratitude to you for an excellent
product. The amount of information I (re-)discover mostly by
serendipity using FoxTrot Professional is worth just as much as
the ability to pull any document I have a vague and incomplete
memory about it.
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment

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Re: PowerMail wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this.

2015-08-05 Thread PowerMail Engineering
John Maylone wrote:

This is clearly not the issue.  It asks for her admin password every
time she opens PowerMail.  The computer is hers alone, no user account
switching is involved.

Does she accept to type the password, or not? If not, she will be prompted 
every time. If yes, then she should not be prompted again.

She might also try to repair disk permissions using Disk Utility.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I've used PowerMail for over 10 years; it is a simple, elegant program
that has made every necessary upgrade over the years in a nearly
transparent, flawless form.  It runs cleanly, never hogs resources, and
does exactly what I tell it to.
  Beth Livingston, PowerMail user

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Re: PowerMail wants to make changes. Type your password to allow this.

2015-08-04 Thread PowerMail Engineering
John Maylone wrote:

My wife is a PowerMail user.  Every time she opens her PowerMail, she
gets this message:  PowerMail wants to make changes.  Type your
password to allow this.”

Does anyone know what it is and how to make it stop?

I think this happens when backuping the registration file (PMKey). It is stored 
both in the preferences folder, and inside the package, and if 
you are using multiple OS X user accounts, you may have to provide an 
administrator password for this. However, this should only happen once (if you 
enter the admin password).

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I recently have purchased a license of FoxTrot Professional and
it's really one of the best software investments I've made.
[...] With FoxTrot I can find the context in the document I'm
looking for, and not just the file to search in it. And the time
scroll also lets me narrow the results, in real time.
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Re: Underlining does not work

2015-08-04 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Winston Weinmann wrote:

Why doesn't underlining work with Rich Text (HTML) formatting? Any
underlining goes away when a message is sent or saved. Not so for bold
or italics.

I can't reproduce the problem; which font are you using (either in the display 
preference for rich text, or in the format menu)?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FoxTrot is way better and faster than Spotlight and seriously more
usable. With around 20 docs on my 60Gig drive, using Spotlight
is just hopeless.
Searches with FoxTrot are just instantaneous and you can view them in
all sorts of ways. The preview is just wonderful.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: Magic - wasThe end???? was: I did it again -- what a dummy!

2015-07-24 Thread PowerMail Engineering
T.L. Miller wrote:

Anyway, a copy my PowerMail folder from back then was in the partition.
I don't think I have lost a single sent or received message.

THIS MAKES NO SENSE TO ME!  Sure am grateful, however!

You have certainly switched to this database, on the alternate partition, 
when using Spotlight, a long time ago. If Spotlight finds a message from 
another database, and you open that message, then PowerMail switches to this 
database. Then you kept using this database since then.

I don't know exactly how, maybe using Spotlight again, but you switched back to 
the database from your boot drive recently, and it was missing all messages 
since you stopped using it (2013).

Again, you can see where is stored the currently used database: select the file 
/ database / switch user environment, and check which folder is show in the 
open dialog. Do you understand what I mean?

And again, to avoid inadvertently switching database again, make sure you have 
one and only one database on your usually mounted drives and partitions. As 
previously explained, search for files named Message Database in the Finder, 
and if you find some other than the current one, compress then delete the 
folder containing them, and empty the trash.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Whoa!!! Seriously cool
Indeed!! FoxTrot takes Spotlight to another level entirely!!
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Re: The end???? was: I did it again -- what a dummy!

2015-07-23 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Thomas L. Miller wrote:

I saved an unsent message, quit PowerMail and cloned my iMac’s hard
drive to two external hard drives — nothing unusual, I do every week.

I restarted from the internal drive, and after PM started, I saw that
except for some very recent messages, I was missing all the messages
sent after mid-September 2013.

Obviously, PowerMail is now using an older version of your database, and has 
only retrieved very recent messages still present on the server.

First possibility: instead of copying your database to the backup drive, you 
copied in the wrong way, replacing your main database with the backup. However 
if your backup was 1 week old, then you should not have lost all messages since 
September 2013.

Second possibility: PowerMail has switched to another database, which was a 
backup you made in September 2013. If your two external drives were still 
mounted when you started PM, then maybe the 2013 backup was on one of these 
drives; if not, then the 2013 backup was on your internal drive. How PowerMail 
can switch to another database? Multiple possibilities:
- you switched manually from the file / database / switch user environment 
menu, then selected your 2013 backup
- you switched manually by double-clicking in the Finder the Message Database 
file from your 2013 backup
- you used Spotlight, which found a message in this backup, and opened the 
- if your main drive is entirely cloned (which software are you using for 
this?), and you boot from your backup drive, then maybe at some point there 
will be a confusion between two drives, and the database has been opened from 
the cloned drive instead of the main drive. But again, if the clone is more 
recent than 2013, then you should not have lost recent messages.

As previously suggested, launch PM then use the file / database / switch user 
environment menu. The open dialog will point to the location of the currently 
used database. You will see on which drive it is, and in which folder, and you 
can select your main database if you are currently using an old backup.

You can search in the Finder for files named Message Database to see if you 
have multiple copies on your drive. I suggest that you first zip each PowerMail 
folder containing those database, to be sure you don't destroy anything, then 
double-click on a Message Database file to open it (PM will then switch to 
this database) and see if it contains your recent messages. If you find 
obsolete backups, you can keep a zipped version, but delete the uncompressed 
one to be sure to never again switch to it inadvertently.

PS: Looking at the Message databases in my PM folder, there is only one
labeled Message Database,” but one is labeled “Message Database.old”
and both show today as when last modified.

The .old files are created when you compact your database. You can try to 
delete the files without the .old extension, then remove .old from the name, to 
restore the database to its state before the last compact (there are 4 of them: 
Message Database, Address Database, Server-side Database, and Setup Database; 
do this for the 4!). Of course, when you do this, PM should not be running, and 
make sure to zip the containing folder first to have a backup.

I hope you will find your messages back!

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   The searching is fairly flexible on iOS and the speed is blinding.
I mean instant, like you've got a Mac Pro doing it. If you use
Foxtrot Search, get FoxTrot Attaché. If you don't use Foxtrot Search
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Re: Forwarding a mail with full header and attachments

2015-07-04 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Frank Mitchell wrote:

OK, the Redirect option in Power Mail's menu bar sounds to me most
likely to do what Apple wants.

I'll try that. But is there a way to check whether the full header and
attachments were mailed with it or not?

Yes, redirect will send the message to the new recipient as it it was the 
original one (with the exception of the from field, indicating [original 
sender] by way of [yourself]). This is different than forward as attachment, 
but this will be OK in this case.
The alternative is to export the selected messages to unix mailbox format, 
then to send this mailbox file as an attachment.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot is amazingly fast, and the built-in highlighting is a
fantastic idea.
  Constantin von Wentzel, Arlington MA

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Re: Fwd: HTML printing

2015-06-25 Thread PowerMail Engineering
DDV wrote:

This is how French text looks in the html mail message and in plain
text: je suis désolé, ça n'a pas marché avec la chambre à laquelle je

This is how the mail looks when printed and when viewed in web browser:
je suis désolé, ça n'a pas marché avec la chambre à laquelle je

Are you printing directly from PowerMail, or from the web browser after using 
view message in web browser? In the later case, you may try to force the 
browser to interpret the file as UTF-8.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot Professional Search is a fantastic application. I simply
couldn't live without it.
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment

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Re: SpamSieve or spam download problem

2015-05-11 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Anna Silliman wrote:

guessing that it doesn't matter to me not to have HTML indexing?
Anything with no text is probably Spam anyway. So this sounds like a
perfectly fine solution.

Some messages have an HTML version, and a plain text version for email clients 
that can't display HTML; some other messages only have an HTML version. If you 
disable HTML indexing, messages with no plain text version won't be searchable. 
Newsletters and commercial messages tend to be HTML only, while personal 
messages usually have a plain text part.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   With FoxTrot I find files I do not find with Spotlight.
With FoxTrot I do not get swamped with 2000 found files in one bunch,
under Documents and now I have to scroll through a long list - with
FoxTrot I can quickly and easy narrow my search.
With FoxTrot with one click I can see a preview with the search term
One of the  very important reasons I like FoxTrot is that it's results
seem so much more appropriate.
And searches in FoxTrot returns are almost instantly - way way faster
than in Spotlight
  Marlyse Comte, FoxTrot Personal Search user

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Re: SpamSieve or spam download problem

2015-05-10 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Anna Silliman wrote:

You are right, it's not SpamSieve. I disabled spam filtering and the
problem still occurs.

I took a look at the sample you sent me, and the hang occurs when indexing the 
HTML part of the blank message. The hang itself is inside WebKit, that is used 
by the API PowerMail uses to extract text from the HTML part. The only 
workaround I can see at this time is to disable HTML indexing in PowerMail's 

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   After a month of Tiger, I'd gone back to CTM's excellent FoxTrot
Personal Search for finding documents by content
  Andrew Orlowski -

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Re: View message in web browser

2015-05-04 Thread PowerMail Engineering
T.L. Miller wrote:

I have repaired permissions twice with
Disk Utility and also run Disk Warrior, and Top Sites still comes up in
Safari. I don't know if the problem is in PM or Safari.  It's only an
irritation, not a show-stopper.

What happens when you double-click an .html file from the Finder?
You may try to rebuild your LaunchServices database. OnyX can do this.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I would like to comment that FoxTrot is so far superior to Spotlight
in every way that without it, I would probably have to go back to
Windows (shudder) since the ability to search my own files is mission
  Steven Merley, FoxTrot Personal Search user

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Re: View message in web browser

2015-04-27 Thread PowerMail Engineering
T.L. Miller wrote:

Lately, when I choose to view a message in my web browser, Safari gives
me Top Sites instead of the message.  I can't figure out how to get it
to perform as it used to.

Strange; have you tried to repair your disk permissions?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FoxTrot is a must have for me. It is simply awesome! Type a few words
and it finds and shows you the location in the files. Wow! Got love it.
Thank you thank you thank you!
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Re: Spotlight can it be a problem?

2015-04-20 Thread PowerMail Engineering
I wrote:

I don't know what you mean by running Spotlight (Spotlight always
indexes your files in the background), but it should not interfere with

Oh, if you opened a message found by Spotlight then yes, this could make 
FoxTrot switch to the user environment to which this message belongs. So, if 
Spotlight found a message on your backup drive, and you opened this message, 
then PowerMail would close its current database and switch to your backup 

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   When Google Desktop was released I immediately downloaded it. I was
hoping to find something better than FoxTrot.
What I found was that it didn't find many files that FoxTrot does
find, and that the indexing process was uncontrollable, and it brought
my Dual-Core MacBook Pro to its knees. The computer was almost unusable
while it was being indexed.
I understand that they have brought out a new version, but I have
deleted it from my disk (and have turned off Spotlight indexing in the
FoxTrot preference panel).
I don't often need an indexed search of my disk, but when I do, FoxTrot
is hands down the best.
  Alan Harper, FoxTrot Personal Search user

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Re: Spotlight can it be a problem?

2015-04-20 Thread PowerMail Engineering
T.L. Miller wrote:

I suspect running Spotlight has really messed up my PowerMail database.
All was normal, but after I ran Spotlight tonight, it looks like a
couple years of messages and folders have disappeared. Other messages
from past years appear as unread.  I do have a back-up from Sunday, but
I'm wondering if I should avoid running Spotlight.  Any fixes?

I don't know what you mean by running Spotlight (Spotlight always indexes 
your files in the background), but it should not interfere with PowerMail.
When some messages magically appear, disappear, get read/unread or moved to 
another folder, the first thing to verify is that you are not using an 
(outdated) backup of your PowerMail files. Select the menu file / database / 
switch user environment, and verify the folder currently selected in the Open 
dialog is the one you intend to use, typically on your home's Library/Mail 

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I sleep much better since I don't feel quite as disorganized.
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Re: PM consistently hangs with POP/Yosemite

2015-04-08 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Bob Parks wrote:

Several times a
day, PM hangs up while downloading a message.  PM becomes totally non
responsive and has to be force quit.   It seems like the same message is
hanging it up every time, but its hard to tell.

The sample logs you sent me show that the hang occurs when trying to call 
SpamSieve to evaluate if the message is spam.
Quit PowerMail, delete the {home}/Library/Application Support/PowerMail 
folder, launch SpamSieve, then launch PowerMail again. This should fix the 

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   As someone who's in the business of receiving and (ideally) responding
to 50 - 100 emails a day, through three different accounts, using
three different ports. As, someone who's in a constant state of
disorganzation, always losing, confusing, and misusing. As someone who
had to jump between OS9 and OSX machines for much longer than it was
in vogue, and needed his email to jump with him. As a Mac user who's
email is his bread and butter, and sometimes needs it to work better
than he does. I find Powermail to be simply invaluable.
  J. Vernet, PowerMail user

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Re: PM consistently hangs with POP/Yosemite

2015-04-07 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Bob Parks wrote:

I did
grab several samples if anyone wants to see them.  CPU use is a small
fraction of a percent.

Yes please, you can send me the samples in a private email.

Kind regards

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I use PM from years and I can say it is the best mail client. It has
its roots in EMailer and is fantastic.
  PowerMail user comment on

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Re: Attachments not kept in order

2015-03-23 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Winston Weinmann wrote:

When I select a group of files as attachments to an email, PowerMail
reorders them, seemingly in a random order.

Are you adding the attachments using the the add attachments toolbar button 
or menu, or by drag and drop from the Finder? Are you adding them one at a 
time, or with a multiple selection?

If you add them one at a time, the order should be preserved. If you add a 
selection from the Finder, the order should be preserved as well, but this may 
depend how you selected the files in the finder (drag-select, command click, 
shift click, icon view or list view etc). If you add the selection from the 
add attachments dialog, I think PowerMail receives the file in alphabetical 
order, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Powermail soon became the most indispensable program in my life, and
now that I've upgraded to the newest version, I'm pleased to report
that it's gotten even better.
  PowerMail user comment on

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Re: Export Address Book

2015-02-15 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Chris wrote:

I assumed that PM would create a file which I then had to import into
Apple Address book which is normal behaviour for this sort of thing.  It
never occurred to me that it would automatically do it and AFAICT it doesn't.

Apple Address Book (now named Contacts) manages both your iCloud contacts, 
and the local address book (which is where PM exports); make sure to display 
groups (show groups in the View menu), and check if your PowerMail contacts 
have been imported to On My Mac. If so, you can then copy them to iCloud.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Try Foxtrot Personal Search... 1000 times better than spotlight
or GoogleDesktop. 
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Re: Copying HTML text

2015-01-18 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Winston Weinmann wrote:

Increasingly I get HTML formatted emails that do not have a text
version. It is very difficult to copy text from an HTML email in PowerMail.

Yes, this is a hard to fix bug related to the use of WebKit in a Carbon 
PowerPlant application. It is usually possible to double-click on the first 
word to select, then shift-click on the last one. When this does not work, view 
the message in your web browser.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   The searching is fairly flexible on iOS and the speed is blinding.
I mean instant, like you've got a Mac Pro doing it. If you use
Foxtrot Search, get FoxTrot Attaché. If you don't use Foxtrot Search
and you have a lot of files to search, check it out.
  FoxTrot Attaché Search user comment on iTunes Store UK

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Re: Error -10004

2014-10-25 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Karsten Liere wrote:

just a quick question. I just installed 10.10 on my Mac and starting
PowerMail I get the Error -10004. However, PM is behaving just fine
after clicking OK.

This is an AppleEvent error, so it may be related to SpamSieve, or maybe a mail 
filter that triggers an AppleScript. You can try to quit both PM and SS, then 
delete the folder {home}/Library/Application Support/PowerMail; relaunch SS, 
then PM.

Kind regards

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Whoa!!! Seriously cool
Indeed!! FoxTrot takes Spotlight to another level entirely!!
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: PowerMail on Yosemite?

2014-10-20 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Geoff Roynon wrote:

Here’s the beginning of the latest crash log:

This crash seems related to your address book database. Try to replace the 
Address Database file in your PowerMail folder from a backup.

Kind regards

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I'm using FoxTrot for a while now and I'm very pleased with its results.
It indexes files (by name, metadata and content) that are not indexed by
other app like Spotlight, HoudahSpot, Moru, etc. That includes the
contents of packages, like the files stored in DEVONthink or Scrivener.
For someone that needs to acess these kind of files and preview some of
them (mail, pdfs, rtf, docs, or even xls in a very strange way) this is
a very useful application that saves you a lot of time.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: Disappearing email problem

2014-09-25 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Frank Mitchell wrote:

As an example, my son sent me an email, I opened the email, wrote a
reply and sent it to him. But, when I then looked for my son's original
mail in my In-Tray to move it with my reply to a different folder, it
had disappeared.

You probably have view unread checked in the View menu. This is a per-folder 

When I used command-F to search in selected folder (In Tray) only for
all emails with my son's name included in the From field, nothing happened.

When you search in a specific folder, and this folder is set to view unread, 
then the search results will only show unread messages. Yes, this could be 
considered as a bug because it is not intuitive, and you can't toggle view 
all/view unread for the search results window.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FoxTrot is the one app with which I would have to go back to the PC
because Spotlight is so profoundly useless for serious research (don't
get me started). FoxTrot steps in and does about everything I need to
and does it quickly and with grace. Everytime I have emailed the devs,
I get a timely and responsive answer. I have a few quibbles of course
such as the use of non-standard Boolean operators (| instead of OR for
example) but overall I am very, very pleased.
Believe me, I am a serous researcher and this is what you want!
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: Spotlight Messed Up PowerMail

2014-06-22 Thread PowerMail Engineering
T.L. Miller wrote:

Since I had this problem (below) I have tried the full first aid
treatment -- low level DB rebuild, etc., etc. several times. During the
low level review I always get this error message: Class=DB  ; what =
100; when = 100; err = 493 but after that it performs all the other
functions.  Does this error message indicate that PM will likely have
catastrophic problems in the near future?

As explained in the confirmation dialog, low level data database rebuild should 
only be used if you have trouble compacting your database. This error code may 
be related to a file permission problem on a temporary file, but I am not sure 
and I can't tell more.
If you are note 100% confident on your database, you can run archive and 
cleanup to export all your messages and settings to a new PM user environment, 
then use the newly created database with imported messages.

Yesterday I was looking for a file on my iMac using Spotlight, and it
showed a  PowerMail message that I thought would help me find that file.
I clicked on it and PowerMail did not like it!
Some of PM's folders disappeared, messages in other folders disappeared,
fonts changed, etc.

The found file was probably found in a backup of your current PM user 
environment, and when you opened it, PM switched to this database, that's why 
the recent messages are missing (I don't know why the font changed). When this 
occurs, go to file / database / switch user environment, and the file open 
dialog should reveal the location of the currently open database; select the 
default one instead.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Powermail soon became the most indispensable program in my life, and
now that I've upgraded to the newest version, I'm pleased to report
that it's gotten even better.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Powermail Import not working

2014-04-01 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Geoff Roynon wrote:

I'm having problems trying to import a mailbox from Thunderbird. I have
exported the mailbox in eml format and tried using the File/Database/
Import function in Powermail. I go through all the steps but nothing
happens - no error message but no import either.

Thunderbird stores messages in the standard mailbox format, so PowerMail should 
be able to import that directly. Choose Thunderbird as the import format, 
then PowerMail should direct you to Thunderbird's mail folder (something like 
{home}/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles/{something.default}/Mail/Local Folders). 
Select this folder and import. A new folder called Local Folder should be 
created, and should contain all your Thunderbird mailboxes as subfolders.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I'm using FoxTrot for a while now and I'm very pleased with its results.
It indexes files (by name, metadata and content) that are not indexed by
other app like Spotlight, HoudahSpot, Moru, etc. That includes the
contents of packages, like the files stored in DEVONthink or Scrivener.
For someone that needs to acess these kind of files and preview some of
them (mail, pdfs, rtf, docs, or even xls in a very strange way) this is
a very useful application that saves you a lot of time.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: PowerMail 6.2.1 build 4668 on X.9.0 Issue

2013-12-16 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Joseph Farias wrote:

It's strange. For awhile I was getting nowhere. I tried a previous
backed up mailbase, every suggested fix, reinstalled the program,  etc.
The reinstall seemed to make it work for a short while. It was
happening with all my email sources so it couldn't be an incoming
corrupt email file. I thought the culprit was DragThing, then even
SpamSeive. This morning it was hanging like crazy and had to constantly
force quit. Before, it might come unglued after five minutes or so. But
now I would give up after 20 minutes of 'spining.' Then without changing
anything, it began to work again. Seems to be sporadic but very frustrating.

When such a hang occurs, open Activity Monitor from the 
Applications/Utilities folder.
- Select the PowerMail process in the processes list
- From the View menu, select Sample Process
- Save the result in a text file, and send it to me.

Kind regards

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Try Foxtrot Personal Search... 1000 times better than spotlight
or GoogleDesktop. 
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: [ANN] PowerMail 6.2.1b1 available for testing

2013-11-27 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Geoff Roynon wrote:

Every time I start this version of PowerMail it crashes and I have to
click on the Reopen button to get it going.

Karsten Liere wrote:

Same here - I've sent the crash log, however, have yet not received an

Are there other people also having this problem?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot is amazingly fast, and the built-in highlighting is a
fantastic idea.
  Constantin von Wentzel, Arlington MA

 Download a demo version from

Re: Index file problem

2013-09-03 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Peter Lovell wrote:

for a few days now I have experienced a problem where PowerMail can't
open the index file. The sequence of dialogs is ...

I have performed the various database rebuilds but the problem remains.
It occurs when I try to connect to iCloud SMTP server and also if I try
a search.

There is a separate search index for each IMAP account, and it seems it is 
corrupted. PowerMail First Aid only rebuilds the main index (for POP retrieved 
messages). To rebuild the search index of an IMAP account, clear the cache 
(clear now button) in the Mail Accounts window for this account.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Powermail's search capabilities, already mind-boggling fast, seem to
be even faster. You'll never say I think I have that in an email
somewhere, ever again. Because, you'll know in a half second.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Incoming email crashes PowerMail

2013-06-26 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Winston Weinmann wrote:

There are emails from one source (airline sale announcement) that
regularly crash PowerMail when I try to download it.

Can you send me the raw message source of one of these messages? If the message 
is still present on the server, you can get it by retrieving the message with 
Apple Mail, then choose the file / save as menu, and select the raw message 
source format.

Thanks for the report

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot Professional Search is a fantastic application. I simply
couldn't live without it.
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment

 Download a demo version from

Re: Cannot get part of emailing script to work: to recipient and cc recipient

2013-04-17 Thread PowerMail Engineering
PM FT wrote:

I am having problems with setting the to recipient and cc recipient.

Try this:

make new message with properties {subject:Hello!, recipient:{{recipient 
type:cc recipient, address:{display name:Mr Foo, email}}, {recipient type:to recipient, address:{display 
name:Mr Bar, email

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FoxTrot is way better and faster than Spotlight and seriously more
usable. With around 20 docs on my 60Gig drive, using Spotlight
is just hopeless.
Searches with FoxTrot are just instantaneous and you can view them in
all sorts of ways. The preview is just wonderful.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Reliability under Mountain Lion

2013-04-02 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Daniele Procida wrote:

I am finding that I am getting regular crashes from PowerMail, a program
that rarely gave me any trouble.

Version 6.1.5b1 should have brought more stability when displaying HTML 
messages, especially when dragging an unread HTML message to the trash or to 
another folder.

If some of you still have recurrent crashes, please let us know!

Kind regards

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I recently have purchased a license of FoxTrot Professional and
it's really one of the best software investments I've made.
[...] With FoxTrot I can find the context in the document I'm
looking for, and not just the file to search in it. And the time
scroll also lets me narrow the results, in real time.
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Should have been smarter!!! Lost stuff.

2013-02-12 Thread PowerMail Engineering
T.L. Miller wrote:

Looks like all my messages since July 30, 2012 have disappeared.

That is strange; did you have some error messages or something? As described, I 
would think that PowerMail has switched to a backup of your database at this 
date; make sure the good database is selected in File/Database/Switch User 

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   As someone who's in the business of receiving and (ideally) responding
to 50 - 100 emails a day, through three different accounts, using
three different ports. As, someone who's in a constant state of
disorganzation, always losing, confusing, and misusing. As someone who
had to jump between OS9 and OSX machines for much longer than it was
in vogue, and needed his email to jump with him. As a Mac user who's
email is his bread and butter, and sometimes needs it to work better
than he does. I find Powermail to be simply invaluable.
  J. Vernet, PowerMail user

 Download a demo version from

Re: Croatian

2012-12-08 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Matthias Schmidt wrote:

what do I need to do to write Croatian in PM?
When I do it now, I get huge letters, like 72pts.
I tried several settings, but nothing worked.

In the Display preferences, select For script: Central Europe Roman, then 
choose an appropriate font. The problem is that PowerMail does not use a 
unicode text engine, so you need to use a traditional font for eastern Europe, 
and I am not sure such fonts are still present by default on OS X. The default 
font that PowerMail used to use for eastern Europe is no longer present.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   With FoxTrot I find files I do not find with Spotlight.
With FoxTrot I do not get swamped with 2000 found files in one bunch,
under Documents and now I have to scroll through a long list - with
FoxTrot I can quickly and easy narrow my search.
With FoxTrot with one click I can see a preview with the search term
One of the  very important reasons I like FoxTrot is that it's results
seem so much more appropriate.
And searches in FoxTrot returns are almost instantly - way way faster
than in Spotlight
  Marlyse Comte, FoxTrot Personal Search user

 Download a demo version from

Re: Powermail keeps quitting

2012-09-16 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Robert Bauer wrote:

My version of Powermail 6.1.3 fails and quits on me at least 4 times a
day now that I am on OS 10.8.1 on my iMac. It is unpredictable and I am
constantly relaunching it. Any suggestions?

Can you send me a crash log? Crash logs are stored in your 
{home}/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports folder. On OS X 10.7 or 10.8, press the 
option key in the Go menu in order to see this Library folder.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Totally reliable; extremely robust full text search; fast display
of results; capable of indexing huge document collections
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: unknown error

2012-09-16 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Matthias Schmidt wrote:

that's the problem, I suspect the index file.

it happened out of the blue before and after the rebuilt.
During the first rebuilt PM crashed then I changed the .old file names
back and rebuilt again including index files, then I get the error again.

Try to launch PowerMail with the command and option keys pressed, and check 
temporarily disable scheduled connections. You can also try the last two 
checkboxes to reset preferences. If PowerMail starts successfully, perform 
archive and cleanup (menu file / database) to copy your message and settings 
in a new clean environment.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   The enterprise intranet search space has been a tough one for us to
figure out, so we are grateful to have a Mac developer provide such
a compelling alternative to the overpriced Google Search Appliance.
  FoxTrot Search Server user comment

 Download a demo version from

Re: unknown error

2012-09-15 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Matthias Schmidt wrote:

what's that for an error:
class=file, what=1, when=100, err=-37

after I made a basic rebuilt of the database, PM is crashing:

System error -37 is bad file name passed to routine; there may be no bad names 
in the final system!.
Obviously, there may be bad names in the final system... but I have no idea on 
what file this could happen.

Did this error occur after rebuilding, or did you try to rebuild to fix the 
error? In the later case, do you remember the circonstances where it occurred?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I used to spend hours and hours looking for a file that I swear that
I had on one of my drives, but just could not locate. FoxTrot Personal
Search has saved me countless hours of frustration. I strongly recommend
this to anyone who is tired of misplacing files and then having that bad
feeling when you can't find it.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Problem w/ Find Function

2012-09-03 Thread PowerMail Engineering
T.L. Miller wrote:

I keep the numbers of my 10 lotto tickets in a 6.1.3 PM folder and do a
Find in the Body (includes at least one of) after every lotto
drawing. This has worked fine for years, but not today. I have rebuilt
the DB twice, asked it to Update the Search Index.  I'm not aware of
any changes since it worked fine.

Rebuild your search index by launching PowerMail while pressing the command and 
option keys, and checking the Rebuild the search index checkbox.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I'm using FoxTrot for a while now and I'm very pleased with its results.
It indexes files (by name, metadata and content) that are not indexed by
other app like Spotlight, HoudahSpot, Moru, etc. That includes the
contents of packages, like the files stored in DEVONthink or Scrivener.
For someone that needs to acess these kind of files and preview some of
them (mail, pdfs, rtf, docs, or even xls in a very strange way) this is
a very useful application that saves you a lot of time.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: PM Update Broken

2012-08-03 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Anthony R Sanna wrote:

What has happened to PowerMail?  I'm writing this from Apple's Mail
because as soon as I downloaded the latest CTM update, PowerMail 6.1.2
build 4650, it broke.  It won't send.  It won't receive.  It can't
remember passwords.  What's up?  It doesn't like Mountain Lion.

Sorry for this; updating PowerMail to be compatible with Gatekeeper (on 10.8) 
broke the compatibility with the Keychain on 10.6. Fixing this then broke 
compatibility with the Keychain on 10.7 and 10.8.
Version 6.1.3 is now available from the update menu, and should bring back 
compatibility with the Keychain on all OS versions.

Thanks for the reports

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   With FoxTrot, I was finding files that I didn't remember having.
It was waay better than Google Desktop search.
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: IMAP stuff

2012-07-11 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Peter Lovell wrote:

- I tried to make a filter to copy new mail from the IMAP InBox to the
regular In Tray.

Mail filters can't be applied on an IMAP mailbox; they only work on messages 
stored in local folders.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FoxTrot is enormously superior to Spotlight. (...) Much more efficient
than Spotlight in narrowing down search results to highlight just the
ones you want. (...) Absolutely first class product.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Do Text Signatures work?

2012-03-29 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Winston Weinmann wrote:

The buttons you show in that screen shot are not on my Text Signatures
window. I only have the normal round close (red), hide (yellow) and size
(green) buttons at the top of the window.

The toolbar has probably been hidden; unfortunately, Apple has decided to 
remove oval button at the right of the window title bar in 10.7, so you have to 
use the View / Show Toolbar menu to reveal it.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   As someone who's in the business of receiving and (ideally) responding
to 50 - 100 emails a day, through three different accounts, using
three different ports. As, someone who's in a constant state of
disorganzation, always losing, confusing, and misusing. As someone who
had to jump between OS9 and OSX machines for much longer than it was
in vogue, and needed his email to jump with him. As a Mac user who's
email is his bread and butter, and sometimes needs it to work better
than he does. I find Powermail to be simply invaluable.
  J. Vernet, PowerMail user

 Download a demo version from

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2979 - 03/23/12

2012-03-25 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Ben Kennedy wrote:

Simply do a select all in the message list, and you might see the logo
icon drawing beneath the x messages placard.

This is a bug introduced in 10.7.3: icons are no longer clipped when drawn at 
the limit (or off the limit) of a scrolling view. This bug has been fixed in 
10.8 DP 2, although another bug has been introduced, the icons are clipped but 
semi transparent pixels are drawn as opaque, so this is not very nice either. 
But we can hope Apple will fix this in 10.7.4...

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I've used PowerMail for over 10 years; it is a simple, elegant program
that has made every necessary upgrade over the years in a nearly
transparent, flawless form.  It runs cleanly, never hogs resources, and
does exactly what I tell it to.
  Beth Livingston, PowerMail user

 Download a demo version from

Re: [ANN] PowerMail 6.1.1b2 available for testing

2012-03-21 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Sean McBride wrote:

I've noticed one regression: when doing 'show thread' (cmd-opt-t) the
window that pops up doesn't show the right messages.  I forget if I was
in 10.7 or 10.8, but it reproduced every time.

Show Thread performs a search by subject (or by In-reply-to, References or 
Message-Id header, when pressing the shift key). So, it seems that your search 
index needs to be rebuilt.

If someone else has the same problem with 6.1.1b2, please let us know!

Thanks for the report

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   It's so fast and the results so complete (on my early 2008 MacBook
Pro) that no other desktop search product is worth paying for.
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: redraw issues on 10.7.3

2012-02-08 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Sean McBride,

Anyone else seeing redrawing issues, especially scrolling tables, when
running on 10.7.3?

Yes, 10.7.3 had a number of bugs related to drawing icons. Some were fixed in 
build 11D50b, but not this one. We have sent a bug report to Apple.

Another bug introduced in 10.7.3 displays empty buttons for the zoom in / zoom 
out buttons on the bottom of the browser. We have found a workaround for this 
one. PowerMail 6.1.1 will be released soon.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I'd been using Entourage X ever since switching to Macs 2 years ago
and was growing frustrated with its slow searches and increasing
instability as my database grew. Decided to look for an alternative
and tried Mail, MailSmith, Thunderbird and PowerMail. Settled on
PowerMail and am extremely happy with this application.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Comments on upgrade to PowerMail 6

2011-08-18 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Winston Weinmann wrote:

3. Dragging a message from the In Tray to a folder doesn't show the
message dragging.

We changed how messages are dragged for Lion compatibility, however we did not 
found any problem with the new method on 10.4.11, 10.5 or 10.6, on PowerPC or 
on Intel. Maybe you have some third party extension causing this?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Incredibly powerful and useful. If you're thinking Yeah, I have
Spotlight, and it was free then think again. FoxTrot is instantaneous.
It lets you do those good boolean searches that Spotlight makes
impossible to do (or to remember how to do). I can't believe how fast
it finds Mail messages, and then shows me the subject line, mailbox
location, and the full text of the message in preview.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: AppleScript Sender Question

2011-08-10 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Tom Dillon wrote:

When using the scrip below, the variable 'theSender' is always populated
with what looks like Chinese characters rather than the sender's name
and email address as I would have expected.

If you examine carefully PowerMail's dictionary in AppleScript Editor, you will 
see that the type of sender is not text, but address; address itself has 
two text properties: display name and email address. So the correct syntax 
is something like this:

set theFD to return  --  return

tell application PowerMail
set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
set theSender to sender of msg
set theTitle to subject of msg as text
set theTime to time received of msg as text
set theBody to content of msg as text

set theText to (display name of theSender) (email 
address of theSender)  theFD  theTitle  theFD  theTime  theFD  theBody  
set the clipboard to theText
end repeat
end tell

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   After a month of Tiger, I'd gone back to CTM's excellent FoxTrot
Personal Search for finding documents by content
  Andrew Orlowski -

 Download a demo version from

Re: PowerMail 6 on G4 Mac running OS 10.4

2011-08-01 Thread PowerMail Engineering

Can I run PowerMail 6 on a 1.5 GHz G4 PowerBook with Mac OS 10.4.11?


I paid for PM 6, but can't get it to install. When I try to copy PM 6 to
my Applications folder I get the message:

The alias Resources cannot be copied to the destination, perhaps
because the destination does not support this type of alias.

Strange; are you copying it directly from the disk image to the application 
folder? I would guess from this message that the application was copied to/from 
a FAT (windows) volume, such as an USB stick, or something like this.

I'm also having a problem trying to install FoxTrot Personal Search. The
web site is not clear which version I should use. The later version
(3.4?) won't work, and the previous version (2.6) won't accept the
registration code I received via Kagi.

FoxTrot 3.2.1 requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later.
FoxTrot 2.6 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later.
You have a FoxTrot 3 license code, so we will send you a FoxTrot 2 license code 
as well.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Incredibly powerful and useful. If you're thinking Yeah, I have
Spotlight, and it was free then think again. FoxTrot is instantaneous.
It lets you do those good boolean searches that Spotlight makes
impossible to do (or to remember how to do). I can't believe how fast
it finds Mail messages, and then shows me the subject line, mailbox
location, and the full text of the message in preview.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: PowerMail in OS X Lion?

2011-07-19 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Mirko Kranenburg wrote:

Previously, when Apple messed with WebKit, PowerMail often misbehaved.
Any insights in the outlook for PowerMail under Lion?

We have not found any difference in PowerMail on Lion concerning WebKit or HTML 

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I'd been using Entourage X ever since switching to Macs 2 years ago
and was growing frustrated with its slow searches and increasing
instability as my database grew. Decided to look for an alternative
and tried Mail, MailSmith, Thunderbird and PowerMail. Settled on
PowerMail and am extremely happy with this application.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Change Body Text?

2011-05-21 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Tom Dillon wrote:

How can I change the body of a received message?

set content of msg to pasteboard

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot Professional Search has rapidly become an almost indispensable
tool in day to day work...
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment

 Download a demo version from

Re: Database problems

2010-12-14 Thread PowerMail Engineering
John Keegan wrote:

Does Powermail Salvage even work on Intel Macs?
On Powermail 6 message databases?

No, unfortunately, PowerMail Salvage does not work for PowerMail 6 databases.
You can try to create a new PowerMail User Environment (from the file /
database menu), quit PowerMail, then copy your old Message Database
file to this new folder, in the hope that the corrupted file was one of
the other ones (address database etc).
If that does not work, I don't see anything else you can try.
Note that if your POP settings are to leave messages on the server for
at least a few days or weeks, you should be able to re-download messages
received after your last backup.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FoxTrot is a must have for me. It is simply awesome! Type a few words
and it finds and shows you the location in the files. Wow! Got love it.
Thank you thank you thank you!
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: [ANN] PowerMail 6.0.6b1 for testing

2010-12-09 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Don Zahniser wrote:

When viewing a message in its own window (the clone of the Claris
Emailer message window), if I choose a folder from the pick list to file
the message, the immediate rectangle around the selected folder in the
pick list remains visible superimposed on the message window after the
folder is chosen and the pick list otherwise disappears.

This will also be fixed in version 6.0.6b2.

Thanks for the report

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I now save countless hours of searching and have the confidence to
know that if FoxTrot doesn't turn it up, I don't have the file.
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: [ANN] PowerMail 6.0.6b1 for testing

2010-12-09 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Ben Kennedy wrote:

Apparently it also includes Sparkle support (that didn't used to exist
previously, did it?)

PowerMail was previously using an older version of Sparkle; the newer
version can optionally send us anonymous system information statistics,
and can install updates automatically.

if I do a Paste of some text into a message, then do a Select All, the
Cut and Copy commands are subsequently unavailable

This will be fixed.

Thanks for the report

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I would like to comment that FoxTrot is so far superior to Spotlight
in every way that without it, I would probably have to go back to
Windows (shudder) since the ability to search my own files is mission
  Steven Merley, FoxTrot Personal Search user

 Download a demo version from

Re: Database problems

2010-11-25 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Don Zahniser wrote:

Everything seemed to work except the
low-level rebuild.  I got a series of errors, one for each database
component that needed rebuilding.  In each case, the error codes were
the same:

Class-DB what=100 err=130

Low-level rebuild is currently broken. However, its only purpose it to
fix some cases where compact database could fail.
If you can successfully compact, verify the consistency, rebuild sort
and search indices, then your database is safe.
If you have troubles exporting the entire mail database in PowerMail
Exchange format, you can try exporting one or a few folders at a time
using the selected mail folders option. You can also search for
messages in a given date range, mail account etc, then select them in
the search result window, and export the selected messages.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot Professional Search is a fantastic application. I simply
couldn't live without it.
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment

 Download a demo version from

Re: Two New Problems Discovered since 6.0.5

2010-07-14 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Tim Lapin wrote:

I went to the website and while I could not find a specific answer to my
question, I did find an entry for a new option involving filter logs.
Joy!  I was all set to use the filter log but then I noticed that I
don't seem to have the menu entry for that either.

To debug this problem, save an outgoing message as draft, then go in the
Out Tray, and control-option-click the draft message to perform all
filters with logging enabled.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot is the product that Spotlight could have and should have been
but isn't. (...) If you are tired of dancin' with Spotlight, it is time
to do the Foxtrot
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: nested folder path syntax for apple script

2010-06-25 Thread PowerMail Engineering
m. osti wrote:

i'm not so confident with apple script i _just_ need to put a nested
folder path in a field but havent had a good time.

property fldrN : message container subfolder of message container
parent folder

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   With FoxTrot I find files I do not find with Spotlight.
With FoxTrot I do not get swamped with 2000 found files in one bunch,
under Documents and now I have to scroll through a long list - with
FoxTrot I can quickly and easy narrow my search.
With FoxTrot with one click I can see a preview with the search term
One of the  very important reasons I like FoxTrot is that it's results
seem so much more appropriate.
And searches in FoxTrot returns are almost instantly - way way faster
than in Spotlight
  Marlyse Comte, FoxTrot Personal Search user

 Download a demo version from

Re: nested folder path syntax for apple script

2010-06-25 Thread PowerMail Engineering
m. osti wrote:

got me an error (container underlined) in english should be waiting for
an end of line etc got an ID (identificativo in italian)

just to have more chances next time the right path should be: message
container italy of message container europe of message container

Well, you can't specify a folder path as a single string, you should
refer to the folder from its parent folder. For example:

property subj : just try
property msgTxt : ta da da
property rTo : name
property acct : kk
property parentFolder : parent folder name
property childFolder : child folder name

tell application PowerMail
set the newM to make new message with properties
{subject:subj, content:msgTxt, recipient:rTo, account:acct}
at message container childFolder of message container parentFolder
open the newM
end tell

If you need to describe the folder path as a string, and the depth of
the hierarchy is variable, you have to parse the string yourself:

property subj : just try
property msgTxt : ta da da
property rTo : name
property acct : kk
property folderPath : parent folder name\\child folder name

tell application PowerMail
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {\\}
set folderNames to text items of folderPath
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {}
set target to application PowerMail
repeat with folderName in folderNames
set target to message container folderName of target
end repeat
set the newM to make new message with properties
{subject:subj, content:msgTxt, recipient:rTo, account:acct}
at target
open the newM
end tell

PS: the final version of 6.0.5 is available

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   As someone who's in the business of receiving and (ideally) responding
to 50 - 100 emails a day, through three different accounts, using
three different ports. As, someone who's in a constant state of
disorganzation, always losing, confusing, and misusing. As someone who
had to jump between OS9 and OSX machines for much longer than it was
in vogue, and needed his email to jump with him. As a Mac user who's
email is his bread and butter, and sometimes needs it to work better
than he does. I find Powermail to be simply invaluable.
  J. Vernet, PowerMail user

 Download a demo version from

Re: Error -981

2010-06-04 Thread PowerMail Engineering
H.R. Riggs wrote:

When I do a search, and click on a message in the search window, I often get

Error -981

When I go to the Mail Browser window, and select the same message there,
it does not happen.

This error is about an invalid font. That is strange that it occurs only
after a search. Is the message in HTML? Does it contain non ascii or
roman characters? Have you tried validating all your fonts with Font Book?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I searched for words inside text documents and was pleasantly surprised
when those words were highlighted in the respective text, if viewed in
the preview drawer.
  FoxTrot Personal Search review on

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Re: Error -981

2010-06-04 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Tobias Jung wrote:

- When I double-click the message to open it in a new window, I get the
error message.
- But in the preview pane below the messages list, the message is
displayed fine.

Can you send me the raw message source of such a message? If the message
is still present on the server, you can get it by retrieving the message
with Apple Mail, then choose the file / save as menu, and select the
raw message source format; or you can usually get the raw source if
you have a webmail access to this account.

I think (but I'm not sure) this happens when the message contains
characters that aren't covered in the font that I've set to display
messages: I use an old-style bitmap font for display which has a
limited character set... that's why I didn't report this before, I just
thought: Hey, you chose to use such an old-fashioned font, so don't
complain if you're running into problems from time to time...

Do you also get this error if you set your preferences to a different font?

By the way, when such an message is displayed, it uses a font that I set
up nowhere in PowerMail's preferences (Osaka Regular-Mono), so I guess
PM automatically switches to font which has a rich character set...

Osaka is defined in the preferences as the font to use for the japanese
script (you can define a different font for each script).

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Super fast indexing that will find anything anywhere in the database,
attractive output even with plain text (much better than or
Thunderbird), fast synching to IMAP server, easy spellcheck integration,
many AppleScript options, numerous mail handling features, very
intuitive and configurable process control.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Cannot print my Emails...

2010-05-25 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Robert Bauer wrote:

All I get is the word, SUBJECT at the top and the rest is blank. I
narrowed down the problem to the setup database.

You can try the Reset miscellaneous preferences in the First Aid
dialog (by pressing the command and option keys during PowerMail startup).

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   An altogether different indexer, and I find a more useful one, is
FoxTrot by CTM. FoxTrot indexes files overnight instead of on the
fly but if I have just created a file, I can usually find it, so I
do not find that a limitation.
  Charles Maurer - FoxTrot user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Bug with international letters eg. ISO-8859-1

2010-05-10 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Ulrik Larsen - Utopian. wrote:

Here in Denmark, we now have the possibility to make international
domaines now, with special scandinavian letters like 'æøå' (ae oe aa) ..

But it seems that PowerMail 6.0.4 is not capable of handling this?

PowerMail does not currently support international domain names or email

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I searched for words inside text documents and was pleasantly surprised
when those words were highlighted in the respective text, if viewed in
the preview drawer.
  FoxTrot Personal Search review on

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Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2835 - 03/30/10

2010-04-08 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Ulrik Larsen wrote:

Running PM 6.0.4 on PowerMac G5 2x 1.8 Ghz...  and this update sucks out
the processor bigtime! Slowing the whole system down, even freezing
whole Mac OSX 10.4.11 totally, so reboot was needed..  (application
hang)..  whats up?

Does rebooting fixed the problem?

If this occurs again, please open Applications/Utilities/Activity
Monitor, select PowerMail in the process list, then click the sample
process button. Save the sample in a file and send it to us.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot Professional Search is a fantastic application. I simply
couldn't live without it.
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment

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Re: search index: account not searchable

2010-03-23 Thread PowerMail Engineering
MB wrote:

After I rebuilt the search index during startup, when I search for my
main gmail account and status is incoming in all local mail folders
then PM finds nothing. I can search for words in the subject line or to/
from or similar, so the index isn't empty.

I can search for account is not [any account name].  In the search
results, the account column is empty. In the regular interface
accounts are visible. So account doesn't seem to be a part of the
search index.

How can I verify that the search index is healthy?

Try to verify the consistency of the database by pressing the command
and option key during PM startup. Also, if you have deleted then re-
created a mail account, messages retrieved with the old account are no
longer associated with a mail account.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Incredibly powerful and useful. If you're thinking Yeah, I have
Spotlight, and it was free then think again. FoxTrot is instantaneous.
It lets you do those good boolean searches that Spotlight makes
impossible to do (or to remember how to do). I can't believe how fast
it finds Mail messages, and then shows me the subject line, mailbox
location, and the full text of the message in preview.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: trying to fix pop gmail problems - report, solution in sight

2010-03-22 Thread PowerMail Engineering
MB wrote:

However, I renewed the settings for enabling POP also for messages that
have been already downloaded. This is a possible culprit. PM and gmail
obviously don't agree on what messages that have been downloaded because
of PM prematurely disconnecting and the gmail servers may have recorded
that all messages have been offered already and missed that the
connection was dropped.

It seems you have a misunderstanding of the retrieve messages left on
the server again option of PowerMail. It will re-retrieve messages that
Powermail has already retrieved on this account, but not deleted from
the server. It has nothing to do with the read flag that gmail has on
the server side, as this notion is not part of the POP3 protocol. Gmail
does not know which messages have been downloaded by PowerMail. This
option should only be used in some special circumstances:

- messages are identified on the server side by a unique ID, but there
may be some rare circumstances were some POP server re-use a (not-so)
unique ID for a different message; in this case, PowerMail could miss
some messages, thinking they have already been downloaded. In this
situation, if you have configured PowerMail to *not* leave messages on
the server, you can enable the retrieve messages left on the server
again to be sure that no message will ever be missed.

- if you have accidentally deleted some messages, and want to re-
download them. In this case, however, you will get duplicates for
messages still present on the server and locally.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I have a variety of indexing and searching tools: Spotlight, PathFinder,
EagleFiler. Foxtrot is just head and shoulders ahead of everything else
in capability. It finds every instance of a search term within a document
and highlights them and allows you to jump from instance to instance and
even gives a popup menu that shows all the instances in a short context.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: trying to fix pop gmail problems - report, solution in sight

2010-03-22 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Tom Bulat wrote:

Use secure connection on a dedicated secure port: 995 (Use port checked)

Outgoing: authenticate (same as ingoing)
Use secure connection on a dedicated secure port: 465 (Use port checked)

In my case, the my ISP did not allow a STARTTLS Comand

The STARTTLS command is normally used on the standard ports (port 110
for POP, 143 for IMAP, 25 for SMTP). When using special ports (995 for
POP, 993 for IMAP, 465 for SMTP), the STARTTLS command should not be
used; check use a dedicated secure port instead.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot is the product that Spotlight could have and should have been
but isn't. (...) If you are tired of dancin' with Spotlight, it is time
to do the Foxtrot
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: Problem with regex match

2010-03-22 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Ben Kennedy wrote:

I am trying to auto-junk attachments whose names are like image
123.jpg.  I have a filter with criterion [attachment name] [matches
the search pattern] and this pattern:

image [0-9]+\.(png|gif|jpg)

search pattern here is not a grep regexp, but a FoxTrot search pattern:

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Wow, this is an amazing application. I have been looking for a fast
local search tool that provides live previews and FoxTrot does the
trick. I often have to search thousands of pages of developer references
to find answers and this is the only search program I have found that is
worth keeping open on my desktop.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: PM Truncates Text String

2010-03-20 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Giovanni Andreani wrote:

I've just added a new mail account that has a quite long domain name. In
the Mail Accounts window  Receiving tab  Incoming mail server field
I've inserted the pop3. prefix followed by a 34 character string.

There is a limit of 77 characters for the user account ID concatenated
with incoming mail server. So, if your user account ID is 45
characters long and the incoming mail server 39 characters longs, you
can't use them in PowerMail. One solution would be to put the IP address
instead of the hostname, or to create a DNS alias for this hostname.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I've used PowerMail for over 10 years; it is a simple, elegant program
that has made every necessary upgrade over the years in a nearly
transparent, flawless form.  It runs cleanly, never hogs resources, and
does exactly what I tell it to.
  Beth Livingston, PowerMail user

 Download a demo version from

Re: No SpamSieve

2010-03-16 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Tom Dillon wrote:

It's gotten to where I have to replace the corrupted
SpamSieve - Evaluate.scpt file once or more times a week. It's not that
big of a problem, but I'm wondering how or why it's getting corrupted?
Is PM writing to the AppleScript file?

Yes, PM is writing to the script files, because some scripts have global
properties whose value needs to be saved when quitting and restored when
relaunching. But I don't know why sometimes a script file can get
corrupted. If this happens regularly, you can set the script file
permission to read only from the Finder's get info window.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I searched for words inside text documents and was pleasantly surprised
when those words were highlighted in the respective text, if viewed in
the preview drawer.
  FoxTrot Personal Search review on

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Re: Upgrade info needed

2009-11-18 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Tom Bulat wrote:

Actually, I don't think I use Growl either, but the error log mentions
it as follows:

Growl.framework is mentioned in the Binary Images section of the crash
log because Growl integration is built in PowerMail, even if Growl is
not installed itself, and not activated in PowerMail's settings. What is
more relevant are the first lines of the thread that is indicated as
crashed. Could you send me the complete log file privately?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Wow, this is an amazing application. I have been looking for a fast
local search tool that provides live previews and FoxTrot does the
trick. I often have to search thousands of pages of developer references
to find answers and this is the only search program I have found that is
worth keeping open on my desktop.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: Error Logging

2009-10-21 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Tom Dillon wrote:

I hate to sound like a broken record (anyone remember those?), but I
sure would like a third option for error reporting. Rather than
displaying and alert or nothing, log the error in an Error folder in the
form of an email. The alert is a bit annoying and no record of an error
occurring even more so.

You can use Growl to display a non modal alert (you can change Growl's
preferences if you want the alert to stick on screen or not).
Growl can also be configured to log notifications:

- stop Growl from it's System Preferences pane
- type this command in
defaults write com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp GrowlLoggingEnabled -int 1
- start Growl from it's System Preferences pane

With Mac OS X 10.5 or later, to view Growl logs relative to PowerMail:

- in, create a new log database query (command-option-N)
- Query name: Growl PowerMail
- [Sender] [contains] GrowlHelperApp
- click +
- [Message] [contains] PowerMail:  (
(two spaces between : and ( )

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   When Google Desktop was released I immediately downloaded it. I was
hoping to find something better than FoxTrot.
What I found was that it didn't find many files that FoxTrot does
find, and that the indexing process was uncontrollable, and it brought
my Dual-Core MacBook Pro to its knees. The computer was almost unusable
while it was being indexed.
I understand that they have brought out a new version, but I have
deleted it from my disk (and have turned off Spotlight indexing in the
FoxTrot preference panel).
I don't often need an indexed search of my disk, but when I do, FoxTrot
is hands down the best.
  Alan Harper, FoxTrot Personal Search user

 Download a demo version from

Re: Current Version?

2009-09-04 Thread PowerMail Engineering
A Sanna wrote:

What's the current version of PM?  I had 6.0.3b1 on my computer, and the
PM updater replaced it with 6.0.2.

Strange, it should have installed 6.0.3. What happen if you check for
updates again (from the PowerMail menu)? Does anyone else have the same
Our web site is not yet up to date with 6.0.3.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Being an old school Mac user, to me searching for a file is the good
old Command-F. I never liked Sherlock and never really saw the need for
fancy search software, but FoxTrot has made me think again.
  FoxTrot Personal Search review on

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Re: Powermail on OS X 10.6?

2009-08-29 Thread PowerMail Engineering
PowerMail 6.0.3b1 is now available (from the menu PowerMail / Check for
Updates), and fixes the Quick Look bug on Snow Leopard.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I'm using FoxTrot for a while now and I'm very pleased with its results.
It indexes files (by name, metadata and content) that are not indexed by
other app like Spotlight, HoudahSpot, Moru, etc. That includes the
contents of packages, like the files stored in DEVONthink or Scrivener.
For someone that needs to acess these kind of files and preview some of
them (mail, pdfs, rtf, docs, or even xls in a very strange way) this is
a very useful application that saves you a lot of time.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: Powermail on OS X 10.6? - G3 Alert

2009-08-29 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Don Zahniser wrote:

When I downloaded and installed 6.03b1, it immediately crashed on my
PowerBook G3 (Pismo).

We have recompiled PowerMail using the latest XCode on Snow Leopard.
This might have introduced some incompatibility with old hardware, but
we have only tested on G4 and intel. Any other G3 user out there?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FoxTrot is the one app with which I would have to go back to the PC
because Spotlight is so profoundly useless for serious research (don't
get me started). FoxTrot steps in and does about everything I need to
and does it quickly and with grace. Everytime I have emailed the devs,
I get a timely and responsive answer. I have a few quibbles of course
such as the use of non-standard Boolean operators (| instead of OR for
example) but overall I am very, very pleased.
Believe me, I am a serous researcher and this is what you want!
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: Eavesdropping on email

2009-08-23 Thread PowerMail Engineering
cheshirekat wrote:

claims to be able to know when the email was received, when it was
opened, whether attachments were opened, and how long the email was
opened for. Are they able to gather this information from PowerMail?

There is no way for the sender to know if a plain text message has been
read in PowerMail.
If the message is an HTML message that contains an external picture
(referenced by an URL to the image on a web server), then the server
containing the image can notify the sender when the image is displayed
by any email client (and if the URL contains a unique identifier, the
sender can know wich recipient have displayed the image). You can
disable external pictures in PowerMail's HTML preferences to avoid that.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I finally downloaded and tried FoxTrot Personal Search. Way faster
[than Spotlight], better results, easy to filter. In order to use
FoxTrot properly, one clicks a preference to disable Spotlight.
Everything on my computer has sped up immensely since I did so.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: database problems

2009-06-13 Thread PowerMail Engineering
H Ronald Riggs wrote:

My computer crashed and now it says Your database file has not the
expected format and it asks if I want to convert it. But conversion
fails. Any help would be very helpful.   Thanks.

First, make a backup of your PowerMail database folder.
Then press the command and option keys while launching PowerMail, and
try some of checkboxes of the first group.
If that does not help, try to remove the Address Database file from
your PowerMail folder (in case your message database file is safe but
another database file is corrupted), and relaunch PowerMail. If you
still can't start PowerMail, and an Address Database.old file is also
present, remove it also.
Then you can try the same thing for the Server-side Database or Setup
Then, if a Message Database.old file is present in the backup you just
made, remove the Message Database and Message Database.old file from
your current folder, and replace them with a copy of the Message
Database.old file from the backup, and remove the .old extension.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FABULOUS PRODUCT ! Wonderful ! A real Spotlight Killer !
I'm now able to locate content in documents that I KNEW was there but
Spotlight couldn't find. FoxTrot Personal Search is far more efficient
and displays a preview of the file when you hiighlight it.
  Janie Angus, Nevada

 Download a demo version from

Re: Printing with too big font size

2009-05-15 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Urs Gruetzner wrote:

The scaling in the page set up is only a first aid. I do not want for
every print out first go to the page set up dialog, I want a wysiwyg
printout with one inital mouse click as Thunderbird does

The page layout settings are persistant in PowerMail, you don't need to
change them each time you want to print a message.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Whoa!!! Seriously cool
Indeed!! FoxTrot takes Spotlight to another level entirely!!
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: Printing with too big font size

2009-05-14 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Urs Gruetzner wrote:

Printing mails the font size is too big for my gusto.
I have not found where I make the settings for printing in smaller font size.

You can change the scaling factor in the page setup dialog, if you want
the print font size to be different than the screen font size.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   As someone who's in the business of receiving and (ideally) responding
to 50 - 100 emails a day, through three different accounts, using
three different ports. As, someone who's in a constant state of
disorganzation, always losing, confusing, and misusing. As someone who
had to jump between OS9 and OSX machines for much longer than it was
in vogue, and needed his email to jump with him. As a Mac user who's
email is his bread and butter, and sometimes needs it to work better
than he does. I find Powermail to be simply invaluable.
  J. Vernet, PowerMail user

 Download a demo version from

Re: Can't compact database

2009-04-28 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Joe Hallett wrote:

I am unable to run the archive and cleanup or compact database
commands. The process appears to start normally, but after a short time
it stops with the error message A database error occurred
Class=DB ;what=100;when=9;err=158

If this error occurs during the export phase, a part of your database is
probably corrupted. You can run archive and cleanup in multiple steps,
to copy as much messages as possible to a new, clean database:
- Select one folder (or a few folders), then search in the selected
folders only for messages whose date received is older than 0 day.
- then run archive and cleanup for all messages from the search
result window, and import the archived message to a new  PowerMail
User Environment. Do not try to delete the archived messages or compact
the corrupted database at this stage.
- repeat these steps with a different set of folder until you are done,
importing them to the same user environment.
- if a specific folder can't be exported successfully, only export its
oldest (or most recent) messages, by adjusting the date in the search dialog
- instead of archiving folder by folder, you may prefere to search
messages only by date, or by account etc… If some messages are archived
multiple times, they will only be imported once to the archive.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FoxTrot is enormously superior to Spotlight. (...) Much more efficient
than Spotlight in narrowing down search results to highlight just the
ones you want. (...) Absolutely first class product.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Scripts do not run in 6.0.2

2009-04-28 Thread PowerMail Engineering
George Henne wrote:

Today, after I started up my system, some of my script do not run. In
particular, the Delete Message Immediately script has stopped working. I
select the messages to delete, select Delete Message Immediately, and
nothing happens.

I don't know what is wrong, by you can try to delete the {home}/Library/
Application Support/PowerMail folder, then relaunch PowerMail, to
restore PowerMail's built in scripts.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I searched for words inside text documents and was pleasantly surprised
when those words were highlighted in the respective text, if viewed in
the preview drawer.
  FoxTrot Personal Search review on

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Re: How to retrieve messages from old Message Database?

2009-01-26 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Raphaël PAREJO wrote:

I've saved in 2000 my messages (Powermail 3), but only the Message
Database file... Can i retrieve these messages with only this unique
Message Database file?

- create a new folder in the Finder
- put a copy of your PM3 message database file in this folder
- switch user environment (menu file / database) and select this folder
- After PowerMail 6 has converted it, you can export the messages to the
PowerMail Exchange format, and import them to your current database

If PM 6 has troubles to convert directly a message database from PM3, it
may be necessary to open it with PM4 or PM5, which can be downloaded from:

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot Professional Search has rapidly become an almost indispensable
tool in day to day work...
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment

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Re: SpamSieve don't work more since 6.0.1 update

2009-01-24 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Raphaël PAREJO wrote:

Since I've updated PowerMail to version 6.0.1, SpamSieve stopped working
with PowerMail. I don't understand why.

- emptying the Finder trash may solve the problem

- if not, quit PowerMail, then delete {home}/Library/Application

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I would like to comment that FoxTrot is so far superior to Spotlight
in every way that without it, I would probably have to go back to
Windows (shudder) since the ability to search my own files is mission
  Steven Merley, FoxTrot Personal Search user

 Download a demo version from

Re: HTML display in 6.0b3

2009-01-20 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Ben Kennedy wrote:

The issues with HTML messages described below still persist in 6.0.1b1.

Functionally, the most severe bug is with the duplicated header text
being inserted into the reply.

This will be fixed in the final 6.0.1.

I still don't understand why it is insurmountable to render this in the
same way as for plaintext messages.  Surely it is a separate view being
drawn in that case anyway?  What is it about the HTML view that
precludes drawing the same header at its top?

Unfortunately, mixing a WebKit view with PowerPlant views is problematic
(that's why clicking URLs or selecting text does not work reliably in
the HTML view). So we chose to insert the header as HTML data, instead
of using the same header view that we embed in the plain text view.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I have a variety of indexing and searching tools: Spotlight, PathFinder,
EagleFiler. Foxtrot is just head and shoulders ahead of everything else
in capability. It finds every instance of a search term within a document
and highlights them and allows you to jump from instance to instance and
even gives a popup menu that shows all the instances in a short context.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Avoiding the 2GB limit

2009-01-19 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Jeremy Hughes wrote:

Has anyone managed to export messages from PowerMail to Apple Mail?

PowerMail 6 can export directly to Mail 3.x.
With PowerMail 5, export to the unix mailbox format, then import in from mbox files

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot is the product that Spotlight could have and should have been
but isn't. (...) If you are tired of dancin' with Spotlight, it is time
to do the Foxtrot
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: 6.0 Crashing

2009-01-19 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Alan Harper wrote:

PM 6 is crashing on me a few times a week. I can't discover any pattern
to the crashes, but they are usually ( 50%) followed by a 6-minute
reindexing when I relaunch PM. It makes it difficult to respond quickly
to emails!

Has anyone else found this? Any thoughts on how to minimize crashing?

Version 6.0.1b1 should be more stable. It can't be downloaded from our
web site, but you can check for updates using PM 6.0. Any feedback
regarding crashes is welcome.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I've been using Powermail for around 3 years now and find that it's
extremely stable. The interface is clear and intuitive and not cluttered
like other programs (Apple Mail and Eudora, e.g.). Filters work well,
and it does all that one would expect from an email client. The program
is robust and straightforward. It's a great application.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Long delay after clicking send message

2009-01-09 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Stéphane Terreaux wrote:

I notice a small problem with PM6, which I have never seen before.
When a new mail is ready and I click on the Send stamp button, I have
to wait a long time before the new msg window closes and I can work with
PM. A long time means, more or less, 2 minutes.

Maybe you have an outgoing mail filter that executes an AppleScript that
tells another process to send an AppleEvent to PowerMail. Such situation
hangs PowerMail for exactly 2 minutes. Can you describe what your
AppleScript is doing?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I've been using Powermail for around 3 years now and find that it's
extremely stable. The interface is clear and intuitive and not cluttered
like other programs (Apple Mail and Eudora, e.g.). Filters work well,
and it does all that one would expect from an email client. The program
is robust and straightforward. It's a great application.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: Long delay after clicking send message

2009-01-09 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Stéphane Terreaux wrote:

Rebuild the search index (through the menu), no
change (it looks like the command did nothing).

The File / Database / Update Search Index menu does not rebuilds the
search index, it updates it, in case background indexing is disabled in
the preferences. To rebuild it, use the appropriate checkbox in the
First Aid dialog (by pressing the command and option keys while
PowerMail is launching).

When I try to compact
the search index (through the menu), PM crashes.

If compacting the search index crashes, you need to rebuild it (see above).

I have compacted again and rebuilt the indexes through the maintenance
dialog, no change. I have not tried the low level database rebuild.

No change for the hang when sending a message, which is not related to
the search index; but can you now compact the search index successfully
(from the File / Database / Compact Search Index menu)?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I would like to comment that FoxTrot is so far superior to Spotlight
in every way that without it, I would probably have to go back to
Windows (shudder) since the ability to search my own files is mission
  Steven Merley, FoxTrot Personal Search user

 Download a demo version from

Re: PM 6 Auto-Reply is broken

2009-01-04 Thread PowerMail Engineering
George Henne wrote:

When I set a Mail Filter to do an Auto-Reply, it simply sends the
orignal message as a reply, ignoring the text in Set Reply...

However, the original message (in the In Box) is modified, as follows:
Note that the Reply text is inserted before the original text of the email.

Hum, you are right, autoreply is broken in 6.0. It will be fixed in 6.0.1.

Thanks for the report

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   When Google Desktop was released I immediately downloaded it. I was
hoping to find something better than FoxTrot.
What I found was that it didn't find many files that FoxTrot does
find, and that the indexing process was uncontrollable, and it brought
my Dual-Core MacBook Pro to its knees. The computer was almost unusable
while it was being indexed.
I understand that they have brought out a new version, but I have
deleted it from my disk (and have turned off Spotlight indexing in the
FoxTrot preference panel).
I don't often need an indexed search of my disk, but when I do, FoxTrot
is hands down the best.
  Alan Harper, FoxTrot Personal Search user

 Download a demo version from

Re: Mail Filters

2009-01-03 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Chris wrote:

Can someone tell me where PM stores the mail filter details?

Is it in the user prefs or in the setup database?

Setup database

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Incredibly powerful and useful. If you're thinking Yeah, I have
Spotlight, and it was free then think again. FoxTrot is instantaneous.
It lets you do those good boolean searches that Spotlight makes
impossible to do (or to remember how to do). I can't believe how fast
it finds Mail messages, and then shows me the subject line, mailbox
location, and the full text of the message in preview.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: PM6 View Thread problem (minor)

2009-01-03 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Sean McBride wrote:

I'm also confused about how this feature is supposed to work.

For me, it's acting as follows:
 - I select a message with title foo bar
 - I choose 'View Thread'
 - a new window appears showing messages with foo and bar in their
subject.  Even if not part of the same thread at all.  It also misses
some that are part of the thread.

Yes, that is how this feature is implemented (but it searches for
messages whose subject include the exact phrase foo bar). That is not
perfect, as it will find messages belonging to different threads but
with the same subject, especially for short subjects like hello. But
it should not miss messages of the thread (unless if the subject has
been changed).

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   I'd been using Entourage X ever since switching to Macs 2 years ago
and was growing frustrated with its slow searches and increasing
instability as my database grew. Decided to look for an alternative
and tried Mail, MailSmith, Thunderbird and PowerMail. Settled on
PowerMail and am extremely happy with this application.
  PowerMail user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: The 2GB limit

2009-01-03 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Paul Schneider wrote:

As the 2GB limit has not been removed with PM6 but simply bypassed, I have
to find another solution to get ride of this limit.  The easiest way would
be to start two versions of the same program simultaneously or if PM5 and PM6
could run at the same time with different accounts and different
environments of course. Does anybody have a clue how to handle this?

There is an unsupported hack to let two copies of PowerMail run
simultaneously, on two different PowerMail user environments:
- copy the PowerMail application to a different folder
- using TextEdit, create a plain text file containing a string like
PowerMail Prefs (alternate) (without the quotes, and with no return
character at the end).
- save it as a plain text file named can open twice, in the folder
containing the other copy of the application
- you may need to press the command-option-shift keys, the first time
you launches the other copy, to create or designate the other user

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   After a month of Tiger, I'd gone back to CTM's excellent FoxTrot
Personal Search for finding documents by content
  Andrew Orlowski -

 Download a demo version from

Re: Exported mail databases cannot be imported

2009-01-02 Thread PowerMail Engineering wrote:

Under PowerMail 6, I exported some mail folders using File - Database -
 Export... for archiving purposes.  I would rather have used the new
Archive and Cleanup feature, but apparently no one thought about adding
the ability to select specific folders for Archiving...

To do this using Archive and Cleanup, select all the folders you want
to archive, then search in the selected folders and subfolders for
messages whose date received is older than 0 day. Then use archive and
cleanup on all messages from the search results window.

So, I exported quite a few folders into the PowerMail Exchange format,
preserving folder hierarchy and including attachments.  I then threw all
those exported folders into the Trash, deleted the Trash, and compacted
the Message Database.

Well, the problem is preserve folder hierarchy. It does NOT mean
include subfolders; it means that if you selected multiple folders and
subfolders, a single export file will contain the messages from the
selected folders (but not unselected subfolders), and when you import
this file, it will restore the folder hierarchy. When this option is not
checked, each folder is exported to a separate file, and when you import
that, each file will be imported to a new folder on the root folder level.

So, unless I have misunderstood the problem, I am afraid that you have
deleted some subfolders that were not exported.

We will change this dialog in 6.0.1 to avoid this confusion.

Really sorry for this

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Having used FoxTrot search capabilities within PowerMail for two years,
I'm delighted to see these now available for the rest of my data.
In fact, I was so thrilled at the announcement that I paid for my copy
before the software was available - and haven't regretted since.
  Marco Osti, Italy (FoxTrot customer #01)

 Download a demo version from

Re: PM6 and Search Index

2008-12-06 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Chris wrote:

Since installing PM6 each time it starts it tells me my message index is
out of date and do I want to rebuild.

It could be that PM checks the index every so often and then puts the
msg up again.  I don't have indexing running in the background since
this often caused problems going back to PM4 (I think).

It seems to be a bug when background indexing is disabled.
Either ignore this message by clicking no, or enable background
indexing. It is much more stable than it used to be when we were using
Apple's vtwin engine a few years ago. However indexing HTML message can
still cause some random crashes, in this case you can disable indexing
of HTML messages from the preferences.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot Professional Search is a fantastic application. I simply
couldn't live without it.
  FoxTrot Professional Search user comment

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Re: Retrieving a password

2008-12-05 Thread PowerMail Engineering
John Brave wrote:

#1 - I have a gmail account and I forgot the password. The only place
that has the correct password is my powermail settings. How can I
retrieve my password from powermail in order to log in to gmail and
change some of the settings there?

If your account is set to store the password in the KeyChain, you can
use KeyChain Access to retrieve it. In the other case, you can change
this setting (in the identity tab of the accounts dialog) to transfer
the password to the keychain, then use KeyChain Access.

#2 - I received the mailing for Powermail 6 beta and I tried to get
it, but there was no obvious way to get the upgrade pricing; the forms
insist on full pricing. How do I get the upgrade pricing for the beta?

Did you receive an upgrade coupon code? If so, as indicated in the
message, enter your coupon code on the second page of the webstore (or
use the personalized link from the message); the total price will be
calculated on the third page.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   When Google Desktop was released I immediately downloaded it. I was
hoping to find something better than FoxTrot.
What I found was that it didn't find many files that FoxTrot does
find, and that the indexing process was uncontrollable, and it brought
my Dual-Core MacBook Pro to its knees. The computer was almost unusable
while it was being indexed.
I understand that they have brought out a new version, but I have
deleted it from my disk (and have turned off Spotlight indexing in the
FoxTrot preference panel).
I don't often need an indexed search of my disk, but when I do, FoxTrot
is hands down the best.
  Alan Harper, FoxTrot Personal Search user

 Download a demo version from

Re: Grr! (Limits on prerelese software)

2008-11-29 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Alan Harper wrote:

I recently upgraded my Powermail to the beta v 6 to see if I liked it.
When I reinstalled PowerMail 6 and registered it with a PM 5
registration code, I found that it would neither send nor receive mail
because it was over the 1,000 email limit. So I guess ctm wants me to
spend $62 in order to beta-test their program? I don't think so.

If you are not a PowerMail user and download 6.0 beta, you have the
1,000 messages limit. But if you first install PowerMail 5 and register
it, then upgrade to 6.0 beta, 6.0 beta will still be in demo mode for 30
days, but without the 1,000 messages limit.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Being an old school Mac user, to me searching for a file is the good
old Command-F. I never liked Sherlock and never really saw the need for
fancy search software, but FoxTrot has made me think again.
  FoxTrot Personal Search review on

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Re: Growl [ was: PM 6 impressions]

2008-11-29 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Matthias Schmidt wrote:

I just realized, that I get 2 notifications for each mail  and
notifications for SpamSieve are switched off.
So how can I get rid of the second notification?

PowerMail does not send a notification for each message, but a single
notification when all messages have been received. Maybe you have a
filter to display an alert for every message?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FoxTrot is way better and faster than Spotlight and seriously more
usable. With around 20 docs on my 60Gig drive, using Spotlight
is just hopeless.
Searches with FoxTrot are just instantaneous and you can view them in
all sorts of ways. The preview is just wonderful.
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

 Download a demo version from

Re: PM 6 impressions

2008-11-28 Thread PowerMail Engineering
Matthias Schmidt wrote:

go to the system preferences - growl - applications - click on
powermail/powermail notifications - settings - notification
then set stay on screen to never

my settings are all set to let application decide and the
notifications do disappear.

PowerMail's default settings for Growl is to stick both notification
types (new mail and error). However, some Growl styles always fade
out, whatever the user settings or the application request.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   FoxTrot is a must have for me. It is simply awesome! Type a few words
and it finds and shows you the location in the files. Wow! Got love it.
Thank you thank you thank you!
  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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