Re: test

2000-06-29 Thread Dave Sill

"Hand, Brian C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>How can one safely clear the entire qmail mail queue so that any messages in
>the queue do not get sent out.

The LWQ method (as root):

qmail stop
mv /var/qmail/queue /var/qmail/old.queue
cd /usr/local/src/qmail/qmail-1.03
make setup
qmail start


Re: Deleted messages from queue

2000-06-29 Thread Dave Sill

Mark Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'll save the song and dance, but my boss deleted a bunch of files from
>the queue. What ill effects will this have, if any?

That depends upon which files were deleted. I'd stop qmail, run
qmail-qsanity and/or one of the other queue checkers, fix any
problems, then restart qmail.


Re: Qmail - Switch from ISP to in-house server DNS Stuff

2000-06-29 Thread Dave Sill

"Steven M. Klass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   We own and earthlink is currently hosting both
>our email and our web.  I want to save us some money and shift the
>email (eventually the web too) back to our local Linux box.  I have
>recently built up the Linux Box and I have chrooted DNS running on
>it.  I have not shifted my name servers from earthlink to my ISP at
>Network solutions yet.  My box is  I am not
>currently broadcasting this to world (DNS).  I want to set up qmail
>and test it for, without bothering earthlink.  When I
>set up qmail do I ./config or ./config-fast

Use ./config if your system has access to a nameserver, and
./config-fast if it doesn't.



2000-06-29 Thread Dave Sill


>I'm setting my first qmail server. For some reasons i must set the
>delivery dir to /var/spool/mail/$USER.  I have read the documentation
>about using procmail, and try to do the modification in the file
>exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH" \
>qmail-start '|preline procmail' splogger qmail
>but for a strange reason, it won't work.

>From http://Web.InfoAve.Net/~dsill/lwq.html#qmail-list:

  What did you do? What's your configuration? Include qmail-showctl
output if you're not sure what's important. What action did you
  What did you expect to happen? What was the outcome you were trying
to achieve? Don't assume the reader can guess. 
  What did happen? Describe the actual result. Include log file
clippings and copies of messages, with headers.

You've told us the first two parts, but without knowing what happened, 
we can't really help you.


Re: How to log all incoming and outgoing emails for a specific domain.

2000-06-29 Thread Dave Sill

Johan Almqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Check out the msglog feature of qmail. Put some maildir to store all
>mails into /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-msglog and wrap a script to check for
>domain around that.

That won't work unless qmail is compiled with QUEUE_EXTRA set to




Re: Maildir problem

2000-06-29 Thread Dave Sill

Ricardo Cerqueira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I did maildirmake $HOME/Maildir and echo ./Maildir > ~.qmail
>Your mistake is right here... "./Maildir", as far as qmail is
>concerned, is a _file_ named "Maildir". You need to add a slash to
>the end... like:
>echo ./Maildir/ > ~.qmail

Except, if qmail-local thought "Maildir" was an mbox, it wouldn't try
to cd into it:

>> Jun 29 20:20:16 morgoth qmail: 962281216.247970 delivery 180: deferral:
>> Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir._(#4.2.1)/

Post the output of:

  cat .qmail
  ls -lR `cat .qmail`


Re: Multilog: fatal: the final answer (hopefully)

2000-06-29 Thread Dave Sill

Steffan Hoeke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 01:55:14AM +0200, clemensF wrote:
>> > Steffan Hoeke:
>> > "Ok, the /var/log/qmail permissions weren't the problem
>> > /var/qmail/supervise and all in it needed to be owned by qmaill as well ;)"
>> why that?
>No other reason than : Before the permission change qmail start would
>freak out with unable to change to current directory.  When i changed
>the permissions on /var/qmail/supervise and it's subs to qmaill.qmail
>it worked like a charm.

The real reason is that multilog runs as user qmaill.

>I know it's not a scientific approach, but i couldn't find anything
>in lwq about the proper permissions (Dave, if you're reading this

It's in there:

  Then set up the log directories:

mkdir -p /var/log/qmail/smtpd
chown qmaill /var/log/qmail /var/log/qmail/smtpd


Re: Qmail performance issue...

2000-06-28 Thread Dave Sill

Brian Masney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   We are currently using qmail 1.03 on a Sun E450 running Solaris 8. We
>are having a problem with mail taking a very long time to be delivered
>locally (sometimes in excess of 6 or 8 hours). The load on the box isn't
>that bad at all, it just seems that qmail isn't sending out the mail in a
>timely fashion. We installed the big todo patch for qmail, but that didn't
>seem to help much. Does anyone know of any other parameters that need to
>be tuned in qmail?

The severity of your problem indicates that it requires more than

What does "qmail-qstat" report? Do you constantly have a large
backlog? How many qmail-local processes are running, typically? Is
qmail-send logging anything unusual? At what rate are messages being
delivered to local users? What does vmstat and iostat output look
like? I.e., do you see signs of memory starvation or I/O bottlenecks?


RE: Diff between Supervise & Tcpserver?

2000-06-28 Thread Dave Sill

Greg Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Given the reliability of qmail and related tools, I've always
>wondered why supervise came about ;>.  You can use it or not, as you prefer.

Because "reliability means never having to say you're sorry"
(DJB). The key word there is "never". If you don't want or need
reliability, by all means, skip supervise.

Of course, you'll also be giving up the handy process control features 
provided by the "svc" interface. See the "qmail" script from "Life
with qmail", for example.


Re: Planning an Install and need Help.

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

"Tony Campisi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>You mentioned in your reply,
>"With qmail, users can redirect their mail using their .qmail
>file. E.g., could contain:
>You'll need to convert your
>/etc/alias redirections into .qmail files."
>Q - Would doing this be the same as using the fastforward package?

No. Fastforward is run from ~alias/.qmail-default, so it won't preempt 
users. E.g., if is a user, a entry in
/etc/aliases won't be used.

>I misspoke when I asked this question.
>"Are syslog and multilog the same thing/different and which one should I use?"
>I meant to ask about splogger/multilog.

Yeah, splogger uses syslog.

>When I follow the LWQ, which logging tool will be used?



Re: End-user controllable fastforward style aliasing?

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

"Hubbard, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>For example, I can set virtualdomains so all email for the domain
>"Joe" purchased goes to his account for him to manage:
>And then he can make as many .qmail-username files as he
>wants to, to define people getting email forwarding service
>from his domain.  But for real mail service, aka pop and imap,
>I don't think there's a way to define that the mail go to a local
>user's maildir by that point, is there?  It would need to be
>taken care of at a higher level, like my catching it from the
>assign file and prefixing it differently?

No, just put "&username" in the appropriate .qmail file to forward to
a local user.


Re: ? ? ? confused trying to use pop3d

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

"Fat Toolz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have 
>but not \.\...\...qmail-pop3d.

(Watch the / vs. \...)

OK, so you haven't installed/configured qmail-pop3d.

>instead I have \usr\sbin\qmail-pop3d but there I'm not able to read

That's an odd place for it, but that's the binary, not a supervise

>What did I miss during the installation?

Nothing. Installing qmail doesn't install/configure qmail-pop3d.




Re: Email logging

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

"Jonathan Fortin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>How Do I log users email, say i got jdoe
>all the emails sent or reiceved from joe to store into a directory.
>or How Do i get qmail to store a copy of emails users or somewhat.

Use QUEUE_EXTRA to cause a copy to go to a special alias called "log", 
then populate ~alias/.qmail-log with a script that checks for "jdoe"
in the From/To/CC and log accordingly.


Re: Mail Server for ISP

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

"Andi Permadi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm a newbie in Linux, I want to install Mail Server in our ISP (our
>subscriber is 25.000 subscribers), can you gives me suggestions what
>Mail Software can I use, Sendmail, Qmail, Postfix or CommunigatePro ?
>Please gives me technical comparasions for that.

Any of those will do the job given the proper hardware, network, and

For more information, see:



Re: cyclog and multilog

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

Clifford Thurber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Could anyone give me some feedback on what the pros and cons of using
>cyclog or multilog vs. splogger. I have just installed multilog and at
>first glance it appears a little odd but maybe I am just not that familiar
>with it yet. Thanks in advance.

splogger uses syslog, and syslog/syslogd have several security,
performance, and reliability concerns. Syslogd can consume vast
amounts of CPU, is an unsecured network service, will log until the
log partition is full, and can simply drop log messages if it's too


Re: qmail-lspawn to qmail-local strangeness

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

Ben Giddings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've  been  trying  to  get qmail to work for a few days, and have had
>almost no luck.  Local delivery just doesn't work.
>When  I  do the local to local test the message bounces and eventually
>goes to the ~alias/Mailbox (postmaster) location.

>From http://Web.InfoAve.Net/~dsill/lwq.html#qmail-list:

  When you ask questions, please try to include sufficient details to
  make it possible for people to respond:

What did you do? What's your configuration? Include qmail-showctl
  output if you're not sure what's important. What action did you
What did you expect to happen? What was the outcome you were
  trying to achieve? Don't assume the reader can guess. 
What did happen? Describe the actual result. Include log file
  clippings and copies of messages, with headers.


Re: imap

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

Kimberly Vher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>i already have pop-3 in qmail
>how can i setup imap in qmail?

Install an IMAP daemon. If you're using Maildir mailboxes, try
courier-imap. (See


Re: Planning an Install and need Help.

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

"Tony Campisi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My email needs are small time in comparison to some of the installs
>out there. I have approx. 300 users on my network (LAN no
>dialups). All of my users are checking their mail with Outlook 
>Express from MS. We are currently using Sendmail on a Linux 5.2
>install. The users email settings have them checking both POP3 and
>SMTP on the IP address of the mail server, which is 192.168.*.*.

OK, so currently you're serving SMTP with sendmail and POP3 with some
POP daemon such as qpopper. The SMTP daemon accepts remote mail for
delivery to your users and delivers mail sent by your local users. The 
POP3 daemon allows your local users to retrieve their mail from the
server using Outlook Express.

>Each of the users have an account on the Linux machine 
>under /home/firstname.lastname. An example of an email address is 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] A few of my users have aliases set up
>in /etc/aliases so that their companyname email is sent to a
>mindspring address so they can check it on their laptops on the road.

With qmail, users can redirect their mail using their .qmail
file. E.g., could contain:


>I don't want to make this any harder than it has to be! Can
>someone/anyone please give me some insight as to what I will need to
>make this configuration work for me?

You'll need qmail (to replace sendmail) and qmail-pop3d+checkpassword
(to replace your current POP3 daemon). You'll need to convert your
/etc/alias redirections into .qmail files.

>From what I have read on the mailing list, Maildir delivery seems to
>be the way to go.

It has certain advantages, including the fact that it's required with

>Is pop3d something I will need?

You need *some* POP3 daemon. You can configure qmail to work with
your existing daemon, or you can migrate to another one like

>Is syslog and multilog the same thing/different and which one should
>I use?

They're different solutions to the same problem. Multilog also fixes
several of syslog's security and reliability problems.

>I'm pretty sure I will need the fastforward, uscpi-tcp(tcpserver),
>daemontools(supervise), qmailanalog and rblsmtpd packages.

I (obviously) recommend installing using the "Life with qmail"
directions, which will get you qmail+ucspi-tcp+daemontools. From
there, you can add fastforward, rblsmtpd, and qmailanalog.


Re: mail relaying client

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

John Steniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My situation is this: I have a web server, and I want to set up a box which
>will basically relay mail for it.  It currently sends out and recieves its
>own external mail.  I have set up qmail on an OpenBSD 2.6 box and am able to
>send messages and receive them locally.  However, I'm unfamiliar with mail
>relaying in general and am trying to establish proof of concept by simply
>relaying a message to an external ISP through this qmail box from another
>linux box.  I've read through numerous FAQ's and searched this discussion
>list, and I'm still a bit in the dark.  Can anyone point me in the right
>direction regarding how to get this done?  Please forgive me if I'm being
>vague, its not done on purpose.  

OK, so you want your qmail system to relay for the web server (and
maybe other systems in your domain) but not for everyone on the
net. By default, qmail doesn't relay: it delivers mail from or to
local addresses, but rejects attempts by remote hosts to submit mail
for other remote hosts.

Using tcpserver to set the RELAYCLIENT environment variable for
qmail-smtpd *only* for connections from hosts designated as relay
clients (like your web server) will cause qmail-smtpd to ignore the
control/rcphosts file and, therefore, act as a relay.

For more details, see:



Re: Messages in Queue, but not sent

2000-06-27 Thread Dave Sill

"Fat Toolz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I just sent several emails as described in TEST.deliver to check out
>my qmail-version, but none of them arrived. Now I found all of them
>hanging around in the queue. Does anybody know why qmail just does
>not send them? 

The logs know...



Re: All incoming mail default to one pop box

2000-06-23 Thread Dave Sill

"David Bouw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Lets say I only have 1 domain on my machine.
>Is it possible to tranfer all incoming mail to a user account and then setup
>.qmail files
>there to distribute certain aliases to different boxes..?
>In other words just like you can configure virtual domains to send
>* to
>a user john and then use aliases to do further distribution, so also do this
>with the 'primary/first'
>domain on the machine ...

Sure, just make your local domain a virtual domain. Remove it from
control/locals (locals can be empty), add an entry to
control/virtualdomains, set up the appropiate .qmail files, and
restart qmail.


Re: multilog problems

2000-06-22 Thread Dave Sill

Clifford Thurber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>multilog: fatal: unable to switch to current directory: access denied
>I know that this probably involves a permissions problem but here is where
>I am stumped.
>Here is are the permissions of /var/log/qmail/smtpd :
>root@cygnus:/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send/log > ls -l /var/log/qmail/smtpd
>total 4
>drwxr-xr-x  2 qmaill   qmail512 Jun 21 15:49 ./
>drwxr-xr-x   3 qmaill   qmail512 Jun 21 15:49 ../

Access to a directory requires access to all of its parent
directories. Try:

  ls -ld /var/log/qmail /var/log /var /


Re: primary server config ++

2000-06-22 Thread Dave Sill


>I'd like to setup a priamry to do mail forwarding to a NT exchange
>server, only if there is no local account on the primary mail server

Use ~alias/.qmail-default to forward the "no local account" messages
to the NT box, e.g.:

  |forward "$LOCAL"@ntbox

>it would be useful if a copy of each forwarded e-mail could be saved
>on the qmail server for 30 days or so

Add a Maildir delivery line to ~alias/.qmail-default:


And run a cron job nightly to purge 31-day-old mail from


Re: primary server config

2000-06-22 Thread Dave Sill


>I'd like to setup a priamry to do mail forwarding to a NT exchange server
>it would be useful if a copy of each forwarded e-mail could be saved
>on the qmail server for 30 days or so 
>what's the best way of doing this...

Use QUEUE_EXTRA to copy the messages to an alias that saves them in a
Maildir, and run "find" nightly to remove the 31-day-old messages.




Re: virtualdomain

2000-06-22 Thread Dave Sill

"Vladimir Horak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I have problem with virtual domain. It seems to me that virtual domain must
>not be subdomain of any domain from locals. Is it true?


>  I had this configuration:
>It works fine. But I want to make virtualdomain I add this
>domain to virtualdomains:
>When I send mail from localhost to [EMAIL PROTECTED], qmail send it to
>When I send mail from any other host, qmail send it to any@my-server-name.
>And when I try to send mail from the same host using "telnet my-server-name
>25" and simple SMTP commands, qmail send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (it is
>Can you help me, please? Qmail is 1.03, no patches.

Compare the log entries for the two cases.


Re: urgent help needed

2000-06-22 Thread Dave Sill

"suresh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have installed qmail on solaris 8
>and using tcpserver to run it .Is there any way i can start logging it
>can anybody help me

How did you install it? It should already be logging.


Re: unable to execute qq

2000-06-22 Thread Dave Sill

"Herman Van Keer [M-PRO]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My problem right now is: i cannot send mail as a 'non-root' user: it
>complaints about 'unable to execute qq (#4.3.0)
>As root I can send messages local as well as to remote sites?
>I suppose it is a permissions problem but where?


>I do have another problem too:
>In the log file I see these lines:
>trouble injecting bounce message
>Same problem? Permissions?


>Unfortunately the search engine on the qmail mailing list does not seem
>to work?

If you mean, it works fine for
me. What problem are you having?


Re: How to increase the MAX hop count

2000-06-21 Thread Dave Sill

net admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am seeing a bunch of message delivery failed bounces that says:
>Too many hops 27 (MAX 25) ...
>since almost all the bounces were just a couple of hops more than the

That's almost always the case, especially when there's a loop

>I would like to increase my max hop count to, say .. 30, how do I
>do this

Modify the source.

>and what are the gotchas if any? 

Waste of effort and resources, little gain, if any.


Re: error

2000-06-21 Thread Dave Sill

"Fernando B. Hallberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


The remote system ( requires that the domain specified in 
the SMTP MAIL command resolve via DNS.


Re: Problems in qmail's Installation

2000-06-21 Thread Dave Sill


>... When i execute  " #
>/usr/local/sbin/qmail start ", appears a message saying the inexistence of
>this file. What i don't find out is which of the previous steps are related
>with the creation of this executable.
>Another matter i don't understand is the message that appears when the
>system tries to start the service qmail: "execvp: No such file or directory
>...   [FAILED]". 



Re: Redirecting double bounces

2000-06-21 Thread Dave Sill

Ben Beuchler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>We are getting a ton of double bounces, mostly spam bouncing back to
>non-existent addresses.  In an attempt to thin out my inbox, I set the
>double bounces to got to a seperate address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
>Here's the relevant snippet from qmail-showctl:
>doublebouncehost: 2B recipient host:
>doublebounceto: 2B recipient user: doublebounce.
>Despite this fact, I'm still getting double bounces delivered to
>postmaster!  And I did send a HUP to qmail-send.

In "man qmail-send":

   WARNING:  qmail-send  reads its control files only when it
   starts.  If you change the control files,  you  must  stop
   and restart qmail-send.  Exception: If qmail-send receives
   a HUP signal, it will reread locals and virtualdomains.



2000-06-21 Thread Dave Sill

"Ricardo D. Albano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does qmail support ATRN or TURN ?

With patches, yes. Alternatively, seriamail support "AutoTURN", which
is like ETRN but doesn't require that the client specifically send an
ETRN command.




Re: Allow only certain user

2000-06-21 Thread Dave Sill

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9s?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I use tcpserver, the idea is to create a file containing the users
>([EMAIL PROTECTED] for example) that are allowed to send e-mails with me, to
>define this on the tcp.smtp.cdb file and to check that list with a perl
>program or whatever every time an e-mail is going to be sent.

What you propose won't work because there's no username associated
with incoming TCP connections. You could achieve the same result
securely using the SMTP AUTH or TLS patches and compatible MUA's.



2000-06-21 Thread Dave Sill

"Sinisa Malesevic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I use qmail with serialmail and fetchmail. I conect to my ISP with dial up.
>All messages for out are stored in "/var/qmail/alias/pppdir/" and that is OK.
>All mesages witch I receive (with fetchmail) are in
>"/var/qmail/qlias/pppdir/" too. 
> And that is problem. Why this mesages not in maildir of my users???

Because qmail doesn't know that those messages should be delivered
locally. Doublecheck /var/qmail/control/locals.


Re: msglog feature

2000-06-21 Thread Dave Sill

Ralf Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've heard that there is a feature or was a patch to log every message to a
>specific mailbox with a .qmail-msglog alias. I however couldn't find
>anything about this on the qmail homepage, the only thing I found on a web
>was a description of patch for qmail 1.01 (unfortunatley not the patch
>itself). Can some kind soul give me an pointer to this feature for qmail




Re: Never mind... Re: mail received and lost; was SMTP port 25

2000-06-21 Thread Dave Sill

Vince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>my rc file is this 
># Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
># Using procmail to deliver messages to /var/spool/mail/$USER by default.
>exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
>qmail-start "`cat /home/./Maildir/`"

That says that at the time qmail is started, the default delivery
instruction is set to the *contents* of /home/Maildir. This is
almost certainly not what you want. If you want delivery to a maildir
called Maildir in the user's home directory, try:

  exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
  qmail-start ./Maildir/


Re: Need Help restarting qmail

2000-06-20 Thread Dave Sill

"Hand, Brian C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I am getting the following error.  It is preventing qmail from starting.
>> This is a clip from syslog.
>> Jun 19 13:07:13 listserv qmail: [ID 748625 mail.alert] 961438033.590877
>> alert: cannot start: unable to open mutex
>> What is the mutex and what do I do to get qmail started?

Run "make check" from the source directory. Try qmail-qsanity from

"mutex" is /var/qmail/queue/lock/sendmutex, and it's used to ensure
that only one copy of qmail-send is running at any time. ("mutex" is
CS jargon for "mutually exclusive".)


Re: Bouncing Mail ?

2000-06-20 Thread Dave Sill

Jonathan Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>How do I take bounced mail and redeliver it every 60 minutes for 4 hours?
>What file(s) are these variables created in?

Huh? Bounced mail is returned to the sender as undeliverable. You want 
to retry it after the MTA has already tried and failed? Why?


Re: Maildir..Reheated

2000-06-20 Thread Dave Sill

"Tony Campisi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>: The name of the maildir should not be {username}; it should be Maildir.
>Please forgive my ignorance but I've only been using Linux for 3
>months and qmail for just a few days..
>After I  "su - username" 
>do I "/var/qmail/bin/maildirmake {username}"
>or "/var/qmail/bin/maildirmake maildir" ?

You can do either or something else like:

  /var/qmail/bin/maildirmake Maildir

Which is right depends upon your preference and how your users access
their mail. The name "Maildir" is conventional, but won't
automatically work with all mail clients.


Re: time error on qmail

2000-05-19 Thread Dave Sill

Zhiliang Hu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Thanks for the replies from Martin Gignac and Timothy Mayo --

Did you not get my reply? I already answered your next question:

>I see how now.  But for mails sent for local it does not make
>sense to use GMT time stamp.  Any way to let it use local time?

Use "datemail" instead of "sendmail".

>BTW, I noted mailx and qmail's sendmail use GMT time while mails
>sent by pine uses local time.  Is that all outgoing mails triger
>qmail-inject? (I checked pine man page but didn't get a clue)

Pine adds a Date field with a local timestamp.


Re: time error on qmail

2000-05-18 Thread Dave Sill

"Martin Gignac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I believe qmail headers use GMT, unlike sendmail which seems to use the
>local TZ.
>I don't how and if it's possible to change this, though.

You're right: it uses GMT. One fix is to use "datemail" instead of


RE: 'qmail-pop3d' where does the authentication come from?

2000-05-18 Thread Dave Sill


>Then is it likely that the script under /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run
>(as mentioned in the Life with qmail) is also incorrect? Or is it just inetd
>that doesn't process multiple lines?

The script is OK. The shells handle line continuation, but inetd


RE: Purpose of this list

2000-05-18 Thread Dave Sill

Brad Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>However, qmail does suffer from the same issue as BSD traditionally
>has, which is that everyone involved is too damned smart, so they
>write in terse, dense and frighteningly useful language and get
>annoyed when people have difficulty parsing the information.

I worked hard to make "Life with qmail" newbie-friendly, and I try
hard to be newbie-friendly on this list. If you have specific
constructive suggestions on how I can improve either, please let me

>The other section that doesn't exist (or does it? It's not easy to
>find) is "Qmail for users" which would talk about qmail just from the
>perspective of the *nix user, with the userland commands, without
>mixing it all in with the admin info.




Re: How to apply a patch and conserve Bruce G's structure?

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

Ben Beuchler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 11:57:51AM -0400, Dave Sill wrote:
>> Johan Almqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >(The reason for this is that all machines that accept mail with more than
>> >one @ or % get their port 25 locked from the outside world by campus
>> >network administration...)
>> Just in case you weren't aware of this: your campus network
>> administration is stupid.
>Pardon my ignorance, but why would one want more than one '@' in an

Sendmail used it to implement routing. E.g., user@host1@host2 meant
send the message to host2, who will deliver it to user@host1.

>and why would the ignorant masses fear such a server?

It's a way to do relaying.


Re: How to apply a patch and conserve Bruce G's structure?

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

Johan Almqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>(The reason for this is that all machines that accept mail with more than
>one @ or % get their port 25 locked from the outside world by campus
>network administration...)

Just in case you weren't aware of this: your campus network
administration is stupid.


Re: How do you do it?

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

Rogerio Brito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Dave is impressive, indeed.

Thanks. :-)

Note that I'm going to to be taking about a month off starting next
Monday to take the family out to the Grand Canyon. I won't be helping
out here till I get back.

> But Dan's got to get the prize.

Absolutely. No contest. Dan's the man.


Re: REAL method for bringing up qmail...

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

"Marcelo J. Iturbe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I Installed tcpserver and "service" and they seem to be crashing.

What do you mean by "service"? Daemontools? What do you mean by

>I placed the following in my rc.local file and it is creating havoc.

Try "rm havoc".

>/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c 100 -v -u 502 -g 501 0 
>smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &
>/bin/csh -cf '/usr/local/bin/svscan /service &'
>/usr/local/bin/supervise /service/qmail

The first command runs tcpserver serving qmail-smtpd on port 25.

The second command runs svscan to start all services in /service via

The third command run the qmail service via supervise.

Depending upon the contents of /service, the first command may or may
not interfere with the second command. The third command *does*
interfere with second command.

>In my last boot up I just executed the first line ignoring the service 
>lines and it seems to be working fine.. but is it?

You tell us: is qmail running? Is mail going through? I doubt it.

Why don't you just follow the directions in "Life with qmail"?




Re: Still Having 822field Troubles

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

Kai MacTane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Specific contents of my .qmail-testing file now:
>|/usr/local/bin/822field Subject | grep -i "Delete" >/dev/null && echo 
>"Delete" && exit 99
>(The first line is all one line in the actual file. The second line is &kai 
>rather than ./Maildir/ because this is in /var/qmail/alias.)
>Any other ideas?

I have a list that validates the sender using the following:

|if echo "`/usr/local/bin/822field From`" |grep -q "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ; then exit 0; else 
|echo "you're not authorized to send to this address"; exit 100; fi


Re: Purpose of this list

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I've received a couple of messages both on this list, and personal email
>that consistently suggest that I read the manual before posting here.

People usually do that when one asks a question that is clearly
answered by the documentation.

>Of course I realize that reading the manual, going through the steps of
>Life With Qmail or viewing the FAQs is the best first step.. but once one
>takes every step mentioned, and things STILL don't work, it's very hard to
>maintain calm as people *keep* suggesting that it's a good idea to read
>the manual.

Are you reading these documents carefully and understanding them, or
are you just skimming or not "getting it"?

>... For
>one example.. I have no idea as to why, when I sent a test message to
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] during one hour it was rejected multiple times, then
>trying again 4 hours later it goes through just fine.. when I changed
>*nothing* at all on my server.

If you truly did change nothing--and I don't doubt you--then either
someone or something else did, or something not on your server changed 
(such as DNS). qmail is not the slightest bit buggy, and unpredictable 
behavior is not characteristic.

>And one other soapbox spew.. When I receive a question such as "Are you
>sure you are talking to [your ip address here]?" and I answer "How would I
>know?".. this doesn't mean I haven't tested ping, or whois, or
>whereis etc.. because I have, it means that if there is some *other* way
>of knowing, please tell me now.

If you mean "If there is some *other* way of knowing, please tell me
now", you'll be doing everyone a favor if you write it that way, and
not as "How would I know?". We deal with people whose experiences and
abilities are all over the spectrum, from complete newbie to kernel
hacker, and we don't know where you fall.


Re: Is there a way to relay mail based on username/password ?

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

Dinesh Punjabi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is there a way to authenticate users, based on 
>some password (possibly the same one as their
>email account!) which will determine their ability
>to relay email (smtp).

Yes, there are patches available (see that implement
the SMTP AUTH and STARTTLS extensions, which both allow authenticated


Re: One SMTP connection Multiple recipient?

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

Jianping Song <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Am i missing something here?

Just the fact that qmail doesn't send message with multiple RCPT's.

>How can i do the same thing with qmail?

You can't.




Re: Accessing Qmail using Netscapes mail client

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

"dean klimt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am having a problem using Netscape's mail client.  I am
> getting an error msg stating that an there is a problem with the
> pop3 mail server.  I believe that my set up is correct.

What happens when you telnet to port 110 and manually log in? E.g.:

  $ telnet 0 110
  Connected to 0.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  user dave
  pass password


Re: Anonymizing Email

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

Alec Grynspan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] sends mail via a local dial-up in Georgia. 
>I need to recognize, grab the message and change the header
>to look as if it came from my machine. 
>The From: contains [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>The Received: from has to be changed to Received from:
>, etcetera.

The easiest thing to do would be to set up a alias for joe to send to
that does the relaying. E.g., joe sends to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
~alias/.qmail-anonymize contains something like:


Where "anonymizer" is a script that reads the message on standard
input, verifies that it's from joe, munges it, and sends it out using

If you really need to scan all relayed messages for messages from joe, 
you'll need something like my dual-qmail processing set-up:


re: Address marker

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

"Chester Chee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does anyone know how to change the address mark in qmail? Sendmail
>uses "+" for the address marker, I have a filtering software depends
>on that, I wonder if there is a way I can change the address marker
>for Qmail to "+". Actually, I don't even know if Qmail support
>address marker...

I don't know what an "address marker" is, but the only thing I can
think of is the "+" sendmail uses to separate usernames from extension 
addresses. E.g., [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to "user" with a "foo"
parameter passed to the delivery agent.

If that's what you're talking about, qmail uses "-" by default, but
it's compile-time configurable by editing the "conf-break" file. And,
as the note in conf-break says, you can override this choice at run
time with the qmail-users mechanism.


Re: Where is the script that starts smtp server?

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am using Mandrake 7.02 and I am trying to get vpopmail
>( to work using roaming users.  One of the
>suggestions in the FAQ ( suggests this:
>Your startup script for the qmail smtp server must use the 
>   tcpserver -x file command similar to this startup line. 
>env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
>tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c20 -u503 -g503 0 smtp \
>/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 > /dev/null &
>Ok, fine and dandy.. but I don't know where my startup line that contains
>the script that starts the smtp server is.  Does anyone know where this
>would go on Mandrake 7.02?

If you installed qmail on the system, you should know where
qmail-smtpd is started. If you used "Life with qmail", it's in


Re: Delays receiving mail

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill


>Mail is being delivered (eventually) but there are 3.5 - 4 hour delays 
>any suggestions??

What Do The Logs Say?®


Re: Supervise Qmail

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

Carlo Manuali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>How can i do qmail supervise?



Re: Working with SerialMail and Queue

2000-05-17 Thread Dave Sill

Carlo Manuali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My problem was to manage the queue manually, to send E-Mail only at some
>hours (ex. 8 am and 5pm).
>Can someone help me to explain how can i have to use serialmail (or other
>way) to do this with the products that i have already installed?

Install serialmail. In particular, you need maildirsmtp, which takes a 
mailbox in maildir format and sends the contents via smtp. Configure
qmail to deliver all outgoing mail to a maildir mailbox by adding the
following entry to control/virtualdomains:


and creating the associated .qmail file:

  echo ./outgoing/ >~alias/.qmail-catchall

In whatever script you use to bring up your network connection, add a
maildirsmtp invocation to send the mail queued in ~alias/outgoing. Or
set up cron jobs at 8 AM and 5 PM to run maildirsmtp, if you know the
connection will be up at those times. See the maildirsmtp man page for 
details on running it.


Re: Backup

2000-05-16 Thread Dave Sill

Mark Lo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I am a Newbie, this is my first time to use qmail server, So that
>I don't know what do I have to backup for qmail.  Please point me out
>what do I have to backup for qmail in a daily backup operations.  (also
>running pop and smtp at the same box)

Back up everything (/var/qmail and user's mailboxes) as often as you
want, using whatever tools you prefer. If you have to restore the
queue (/var/qmail/queue)--which is usually not a great idea since your
backup copy is soon outdated--you'll need to run one of the utilities
available from to rename the files by inode.


Re: qmail-queue, URGENT!

2000-05-16 Thread Dave Sill

Jorge Rocha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>May 16 16:21:05 lx1 qmail: 958504865.479739 delivery 38: deferral: 
>   After 3 days the message is bounced, but i already checked the remote 
>server and there are no error!
>   Anybody knows what going on? is closing the SMTP connection to your qmail before
acknowledging the receipt of the message. Under these conditions,
qmail has to assume that the message didn't go through. This is a
violation of SMTP. Which MTA is running?


Re: running qmail smtpd at a different port

2000-05-12 Thread Dave Sill

"Chester Chee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am trying to run qmail smtpd at a different port. I have used the
>setup method specified in Dave Sill (Live with Qmail). And I am not
>sure how to tell qmail-smtpd to listen to a different port... Any
>help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

In /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run, change the "smtp" to the
desired port number, or it's name as specified in /etc/services.


Re: Auto Resolve sender's domain

2000-05-12 Thread Dave Sill

Mark Lo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Will qmail automatically resolve sender's domain for valid DNS??

You mean reject mail if the sender's domain doesn't resolve? No, but I
think there's a patch to do that.


Re: tcpserver error message in /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current

2000-05-12 Thread Dave Sill

Eric Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I get the following error message repeated every minute.
>I've checked and rechecked my D. Sill bible and all "seems" to be correct.
>I can send and receive email fine. Allow relay for remote hosts works
>properly also.
>tcpserver: fatal: unable to figure out port number for /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtp
>Ideas ???

Your /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run file should look like:

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb \
-u $QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1

It sounds like QMAILDUID and/or NOFILESGID aren't getting set. You
don't say what platform you're on, but it's possible that "id" isn't
in the path when the script is run, or doesn't support the -u and -g
options. Try running:

  id -u qmaild

If that fails, do "man id". See if your system has an "id" that will
work. Solaris, for example, has one in /usr/xpg4/bin/id. Change the
run script to specify the location of the correct "id" command, e.g.:

  QMAILDUID=`/usr/xpg4/bin/id -u qmaild`
  NOFILESGID=`/usr/xpg4/bin/id -g qmaild`

Talk about gratutious incompatibility...


Re: spool vs individual files

2000-05-12 Thread Dave Sill

"Michael Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>We're currently looking at mail solutions for our online email
>system, and we've hit against an interesting conundrum.  We were
>wondering what the advantages are to listing mail messages as
>individual files over a spool file?

The choice is file-per-mailbox (a la mbox) or file-per-message (a la

They each have their pros and cons, of course.

Adding a new message to either is pretty cheap, but in the case of
mbox, locking is required to ensure that multiple simultaneous updates
don't conflict.

Deleting a message from an mbox requires reading the entire file and
writing it all back out, except for the deleted message. Deleting a
message from a maildir only requires unlinking the file containing the 
message. Again, updating the mbox requires locking.

Indexing an mbox mailbox requires reading the entire mailbox and
parsing the messages--parsing is undesirable. Indexing a maildir
mailbox requires opening each file and reading the header--that means
lots of directory accesses and open() system calls.

Large mbox mailboxes are huge, unwieldy files. Large maildir mailboxes
are huge, unwieldy directories--most filesystems don't handle them
efficiently after they grow to a few thousand files.

>We're looking for a system which will scale to several tens of thousands of
>users on each machine.

How will mailboxes be served? POP? IMAP? Which daemon? Which mailbox
format(s) does it support well? Where will they be stored? If the
storage is network attached (which is good for redundancy), does the
storage system provide a satisfactory locking mechanism?


Re: MailDrop or Procamail

2000-05-12 Thread Dave Sill


>I would like to know whether i should use procmail or maildrop for
>qmail, actuallly, which one comes with more support and documentation.
>and most importantly, easier to use.

Ease of use and quantity of documentation are comparable, but procmail 
is far more popular. I use procmail because I've been using it for
years and I didn't see anything in maildrop to justify learning a new
tool. If I was starting from scratch, I'd give maildrop a try since
procmail is kind of baroque.


Re: What is wrong, then?

2000-05-12 Thread Dave Sill

James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Ok, so I've opened the inetd.conf and found this at the bottom:
>smtp stream tcp nowait qmaild /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
>All of that line is on one line.  Is this how it should be for Qmail?

No, you need a space after the last tcp-env.


Re: Usage for Maildrop or Promcmail

2000-05-12 Thread Dave Sill


> I would like to know the usage of Maildrop??

It's a Message Delivery Agent (MDA) that takes a message from the
Message Transfer Agent (MTA), qmail in our case, and delivers it
according to the user's instructions. Maildrop, like procmail,
has powerful tools for looking for certain patterns in various
parts of the message and delivering the message to various mailboxes
or programs depending on the existence or absence of those
patterns. This is known as "filtering".

>Why do i need it ??

You don't. You might *want* it, but you can get by without it.

>Can I run my qmail without Maildrop ??

Yes. qmail contains its own MDA: qmail-local.


Re: Virtual Domain Error

2000-05-11 Thread Dave Sill


>I am tring to develop an email virtual domain.  So, I follow the
>example from lwq.  I have put a new domain which is called
>"" in /control/rphosts and /control/vitualdomains.  and in
>the virtualdomains file I put a line like that ""
>-->without the quotes.  Then I create a user called local, and run the
>command maildirmake..then change the ownership with local.
>  Then I try to mail something to
>[EMAIL PROTECTED], every mail should go to local if
>the domain name is according to the virtualdomain file, am
>i right??

Close. Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will go to local-makklkjhk, so
you either need a ~local/.qmail-makklkjhk or a ~local/.qmail-default
to catch it.

>  But, I got the following error messages from my log file, stating that
>"sorry Although I am listed as a best preference MX or A for that host,
>It is not in my control/local file, so I don't treat it a local.
>(#5.4.6)."  I have setup up my DNS record...

Did you restart qmail after creating/modifying virtualdomains?


Re: What does this mean? "unable to parse"

2000-05-11 Thread Dave Sill

James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>lopera wrote:
>:Follow the intructions contents in the qmail-howto.html to compile the
>:rules file: /etc/tcp.stmp.
>:tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp
>When I go to the directory "/usr/local/bin" and type your suggestion:
>./tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp
>I still get the same error:
>tcprules: fatal: unable to parse this line: 127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
>/usr/local/sbin/qmail cdb
>I'm confused.

Why? He just told you to do exactly what "qmail cdb" does, and it did
exactly the same thing. Why should tcprules suddenly like
/etc/tcp.smtp if it hasn't been changed?

What does:

  od -c /etc/tcp.smtp



RE: qmail cdb problem

2000-05-10 Thread Dave Sill

"Petr Novotny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Accidentally, that entry is wrong. You don't want to delete LF (octal 
>'\012'); you want to delete CR (octal '\015'). Doh.

D'oh, indeed. Thanks. It's fixed.


RE: qmail cdb problem

2000-05-10 Thread Dave Sill

James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Then, when I try to enter the second line(/usr/local/sbin/qmail) I get
>this message:
>"bash: /usr/local/sbin/qmail: No such file or directory."


Which almost certainly contains the fix for this problem.


Re: FW: Help with overwhelmed system

2000-05-10 Thread Dave Sill

Peter van Dijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 04:02:39PM -0400, Brad Johnson wrote:
>> Filesystem  1K-blocks UsedAvail Capacity iused   ifree  %iused
>> Mounted on
>> /dev/wd0s1e396895   121201   24394333%   99832   6   100%   /var
>> 4) Fix the filesystem somehow.
>> Something like increasing the # of available inodes, partitioning? 

Yes. Back up /var, re-newfs/mkfs it with more space allocated to
inodes, restore the files, then fix the queue file names with one of
the handy scripts on

>This is the problem, yes. You seem to have one inode per 4kbyte of
>diskspace. This should always be sufficient.

It's obviously not in this case. His 100,000 messages are apparently
pretty small. But regardless of their size, you need 100,000 inodes
to store 100,000 files. Each message in the queue requires at least
two inodes.

>Hmm this is problematic. I just realized that for a disk to run out of
>space before it runs out of inodes with qmail you need 1 inode per 1k.

How do you figure that? The ratio of inode space to data space (for
most filesystems) is determined at the time the filesystem is
created. I don't see anything magic about 1k/inode.


Re: I get the following message when I telnet in

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill

Eric Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>I get the following message when I telnet in
>>>grep: /var/qmail/defaultdelivery/rc: No such file or directory
>>Wait a get that when you telnet to port 25? That's not
>No, just telnet in on port 23. The message is displayed as if it were
>the logon greeting.

Oh. Hmm. Does this happen for other users?

Run the following as root:

  find / -type f -exec grep defaultdelivery {} /dev/null \;

That should identify the source of the message. Obviously,
/var/qmail/rc should contain a match. Anything else is suspect.


Re: I get this message when I telnet in

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill

Eric Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I get the following message when I telnet in
>grep: /var/qmail/defaultdelivery/rc: No such file or directory
>I thought I followed Dave Sill's instructions carefully in
>Life with Qmail and the Install instructions in the source
>package. Obviously, I missed something.

You've apparently confused/combined /var/qmail/rc and
/var/qmail/control/defauldelivery and added a little innovation of
your own (grep).

So, what do you have in these two files?

Wait a get that when you telnet to port 25? That's not


Re: qmail-smtp problem

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill

kapil sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>bash$ telnet 25
>Connected to
>Escape character is '^]'.
>220 ESMTP
>mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>250 ok
>553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)
>I have also make entry for in rcpthosts! Please advise?

This is a FAQ. See:


Re: How do you do it?

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill


>On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 01:22:46PM -0400, Dave Sill wrote:
>> I have a full "real life", which is why I don't always respond quickly 
>> to list questions.
>Does it perchance involve empty beer bottles :>



Or, for the bigger picture of my life:


>In fact Dave, couldn't be a nicer guy.

Sure I could. :-) But I'm as nice as I want to be.

>He once swapped something of value
>with me for a couple of beer bottles. The nice thing? Dave wanted them
>emptied before I sent them. How could I resist :>

Well, now, they didn't *have* to be empty...


Re: How do you do it?

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill

Ben Beuchler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>How do you do it? You write and maintain a massive quantity of qmail
>documentation.  You seem to post more responses to more questions on the
>list than is humanly possible!  Many of the questions are rather inane,
>and yet the closest thing I've seen to an explosion is your recent
>humorous 'unsubscribe' post...  Despite the relatively frequent abrasive
>I'm assuming you have a real life...  

Well, LWQ was a *lot* of work when I was actively writing it, but it
takes a lot less to keep it maintained--although it deserves more
attention than it gets, and there's lots of stuff I'd add to it if I
had the time.

I have a procmail script that answers most of the easy list
questions. :-)

I'm a pretty laid-back person, and I've been in customer service long
enough to deal effectively with inanity. I might think "AARRGGHH!!
RTF{M|FAQ|LWQ} you dolt!", but that rarely ends up in the response.

I have a full "real life", which is why I don't always respond quickly 
to list questions.


Re: Denying mail for a specific user

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill

Jerry Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am receiving alot of spam to an account which has since been disabled on
>my machine, how do i reject mail sent to this address without causing it to
>bounce to postmaster?

You can't reject it during the SMTP dialogue, so your best bet is to
throw it in the bitbucket. E.g.,

  echo "#"  >~user/.qmail


Re: need qmail setup help

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill

John Stile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>delivery 82: deferral: Temporary_error_on_maildir_delivery._(#4.3.0)/
>status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
>I created ~username/Maildir/
>I created a link from /var/spool/mail/jstile to ~jstile/Maildir/
>(I assumed Maildir is a directory based on it's name, but it wasn't
>clear in the directions)

A Maildir is a Maildir, not just an empty directory. It should be
created using maildirmake.

>But when I type mail, i see the message " /var/spool/mail/jstile: Is a

Your MUA apparently only handles mbox mailboxes. Try "qail" instead.

>echo $MAIL= /var/spool/mail/jstile
>I followed the direction to switch to ~jstile/Maildir.
>Did I make the switch by making a link from /var/spool/mail/jstile to

I can't figure out what you're asking or what you did.


Re: How do i unsubscribe

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill

First, ask your Internet Provider to mail you an Unsubscribing Kit.  Then
follow these directions.

The kit will most likely be the standard no-fault type. Depending on
requirements, System A and/or System B can be used. When operating System A,
depress lever and a plastic dalkron unsubscriber will be dispensed through
the slot immediately underneath. When you have fastened the adhesive lip,
attach connection marked by the large "X" outlet hose. Twist the silver-
coloured ring one inch below the connection point until you feel it lock.

The kit is now ready for use. The Cin-Eliminator is activated by the small
switch on the lip. When securing, twist the ring back to its initial
condition, so that the two orange lines meet. Disconnect. Place the dalkron
unsubscriber in the vacuum receptacle to the rear. Activate by pressing the
blue button.

The controls for System B are located on the opposite side. The red release
switch places the Cin-Eliminator into position; it can be adjusted manually
up or down by pressing the blue manual release button. The opening is self-
adjusting. To secure after use, press the green button, which simultaneously
activates the evaporator and returns the Cin-Eliminator to its storage

You may log off if the green exit light is on over the evaporator . If the
red light is illuminated, one of the Cin-Eliminator requirements has not been
properly implemented. Press the "List Guy" call button on the right of the
evaporator . He will secure all facilities from his control panel.

To use the Auto-Unsub, first undress and place all your clothes in the
clothes rack. Put on the velcro slippers located in the cabinet immediately
below. Enter the shower, taking the entire kit with you. On the control panel
to your upper right upon entering you will see a "Shower seal" button. Press
to activate. A green light will then be illuminated immediately below. On the
intensity knob, select the desired setting. Now depress the Auto-Unsub
activation lever. Bathe normally.

The Auto-Unsub will automatically go off after three minutes unless you
activate the "Manual off" override switch by flipping it up. When you are
ready to leave, press the blue "Shower seal" release button. The door will
open and you may leave. Please remove the velcro slippers and place them in
their container.

If you prefer the ultrasonic log-off mode, press the indicated blue button.
When the twin panels open, pull forward by rings A & B. The knob to the left,
just below the blue light, has three settings, low, medium or high. For
normal use, the medium setting is suggested.

After these settings have been made, you can activate the device by switching
to the "ON" position the clearly marked red switch. If during the
unsubscribing operation, you wish to change the settings, place the "manual
off" override switch in the "OFF" position. You may now make the change and
repeat the cycle. When the green exit light goes on, you may log off and have
lunch. Please close the door behind you.

-Dave, not the author

Re: Manage QMail Queue manually

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill

Carlo Manuali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Ok, but my problem is on the serialmail...

Can you be more specific? The method I proposed *does* work if
properly configured.


Re: Manage QMail Queue manually

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill

Carlo Manuali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My purpose is send mail not immediately, but I would that the messages stay
>in the queue for a few time.
>I would that when a ISDN router comes up, the "E-Mail start".
>In actual scenario, every time that I send a message the router comes up!!!

Déjà vu...

Install serialmail
( Deliver outgoing
mail to a Maildir (details provided upon request). Run maildir2smtp
(from serialmail) on the spool Maildir when the ISDN link goes up.


Re: qmail cdb problem

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill

James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In one of the steps on "Life With Qmail" it suggests this:
>"Allow the local host to inject mail via SMTP:
>echo '127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""' >>/etc/tcp.smtp
>/usr/local/sbin/qmail cdb"
>The first line (starting with echo) worked.. but the second line (starting
>with /usr) gave me an error when I entered it.  Does this need to be one
>long line instead of two?

No. What error did you get?


Re: Manual for Qmail.

2000-05-09 Thread Dave Sill


> I have installed qmail successfully.  But when i use the command
>"man qmail", it just show up a little details about qmail.  Where can i
>download the official and fully explained function about  man page.
>Oh...I have read a mail regarding the man page of qmail, that messages
>stated that "the official man page has to be download individually.  If
>yes, please indicate the location of the man page.

Read the "man qmail" page. All those names with a number in
parentheses are man pages, e.g:

  man dot-qmail
  man qmail-start


Re: More than 120 concurrencyremote

2000-05-08 Thread Dave Sill

"Ricardo D. Albano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hello, I'm tunning a high volume smtp server, I'm trying to get more than
>120 remote delivery simultaneos, I touched the control file
>"concurrencyremote " with the value 300, but remote procs. don't go more
>than 120. there is a "hardcoded" limit with this parameter ?



Re: QMail Performance Question & Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Dave Sill

"Bryan White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Do you have any feel for how to evaluate what is an optimum number of

Measure the delivery rate at various settings of concurrencyremote.
Choose the setting that yields the highest delivery rate.

>At 400 remotes I still have 80% CPU idle time.

400 qmail-remote processes running, or concurrencyremote=400? Some
systems never hit their concurrencyremote due to I/O restriction.

>The load average
>is around 4.  This suggests to me that the system is limited by disk I/O,
>network I/O or the responsiveness of remote servers.

You should be able to monitor disk I/O rates and see if they go up as
concurrencyremote is raised. Same with network I/O.

>...  If it is the responsiveness of remote servers then more remotes
>will help.

So add more remotes. If it helps, you aren't I/O (network or disk)
limited yet.


Re: .qmail questions

2000-05-08 Thread Dave Sill

Jonathan McDowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Fri, May 05, 2000 at 05:20:25PM -0700, Chris Hanlon wrote:
>> Is there anyway to restrict which users/groups can execute commands
>> via the | option in there .qmail file?  I realise that the problem
>> could be solved by not giving users access to the .qmail file but this
>> is not always an option.
>I changed qmail to use a modified smrsh from sendmail instead of /bin/sh
>- this allows you to say that users can only execute programs that
>you've enabled. It works on a system wide level rather than a user/group
>level though.

All you need to do, then, is make smrsh executable only by a certain
group, and put the users you want to have that ability in the group.


Re: Qmail-send

2000-05-05 Thread Dave Sill

"Eric Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>We can only send out 22 messages from remote queue at once and when
>the server has finished delivering those 22 it does not queue up to
>deliver any more.  We have over 8,000 message in our remote queue and
>sending qmail-send an -ALRM does not get it to restart sending.  We
>have to stop and start it by hand each time.  Any help would be
>greatly apprecaited or request for more info.
>Concurrency is set to 100 remote queues and it is not even using them
>Qmail 1.03 running on a SGI Challenge S - Irix 6.5

What Do The Logs Say(tm)?

What does qmail-qstat say?

Have you checked your trigger? See:



Re: Future of qmail: will it care about viri/worms/etc?

2000-05-05 Thread Dave Sill

"Keith Warno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The continued discussions about the "love bug" and qmail "hacks" for dealing
>with it have me disturbed.  I won't knock djb; the man needs to write an OS
>one of these days.  :)  However there should be no need to "hack" qmail to
>get it to filter unwanted mail and I'm wondering if future versions of qmail
>will care.

I'll be suprised if the next version of qmail doesn't have better
support for filtering/processing messages. DJB is good at addressing
users needs in subsequent releases. Look at the development of
DNScache or the early qmail days for two examples.

>Dave Sill's "general approach" for filtering is, well... I couldn't help but
>crack up when I read it [01].  This is by no means intended to be offensive;
>it's just funny to read that a *possible* solution for getting qmail to do
>what I want is to install it twice.

Well, I always try to entertain, as well as inform. :-)

The [01] method is crude, but quite flexible and powerful--and
requires no modification to the source code.

>Maybe windoze will do what I want if I install it twice eh?  ermm.. no, been
>there, done that.

More of a good thing is sometimes better, but more of a bad thing...?

>CERT also talked about filters for sendmail, postfix, and procmail [02].  No
>mention of qmail.

Probably because the "vendors" submitted that information, but DJB


Re: How do I invoke the qmail-users Mechanism ??

2000-05-05 Thread Dave Sill

"Tony D'Andrade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi. I dont understand how to invoke the qmail-users system.  I have a
>server and /var/qmail/users/ is empty.  I would like to be able to use
>the "assign" mechanism.  How do i do this ?   I tried to run qmail-pw2u
>but it just seems to hang forever.

Did you read the qmail-pw2u man page?

>This is how it says to do it in Life with Qmail.

No, LWQ doesn't tell you how to run qmail-pw2u. The purpose of the
qmail-users coverage in LWQ is to supplement the man pages, not to
replace them.

>Also if i start using 'assign' will it somehow mess up my 
>exisiting config ?

That depends upon what you put in /var/qmail/users.

>Does qmail have to be restarted as well ??



Re: qmail won't start!?

2000-05-05 Thread Dave Sill

"Isaiah Chua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Sorry I didn't give enough info. The init scripts are in my /etc/rc.d/init.d
>dir and softlinked to the various /etc/rcx.d directories. I'm using RH6.2,
>and used the RPM package to first compile the src then installed it using
>> By "nothing happens" do you mean that the script runs but doesn't
>> output anything, runs but exits immediately, or what?
>It runs, but immediately exits.

That's normal. Init scripts generally run stuff in the background so
the system can move on to the next script.

Do the qmail processes show up when you run ps? See:



Re: Global filtering

2000-05-05 Thread Dave Sill

Bennett Samowich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does qmail have the ability to implement global filters.  I know that
>I can put procmail lines in each users .qmail file, but that seems
>like alot of work.

qmail doesn't have a filtering mechanism built in, but one can be
constructed pretty easily using the technique described in the
following article:


Re: qmail abuse...

2000-05-05 Thread Dave Sill

"Luke Chiam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I suspect someone is sending bulk mail using our qmail server, as we are
>getting a lot of rebounced mail and delivery failure notice.

A spammer might be sending stuff out with your domain in the envelope
return path. That would cause bounces to come to you even if the
messages didn't come from you. (They could be doing that to avoid
anti-spam mechanisms that require a valid domain in the return path.)

One of your users could be sending spam. Presumably this would be
apparent from examing the double bounces.

You could be an open relay. See:



Re: Alias file

2000-05-05 Thread Dave Sill

Mario Rafael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Hi :), I have several questions I have an /var/spool/mail/alias file
>that is getting bigger and bigger each moment, what it's is purpose?,

It's the user "alias"'s mailbox. It's sometimes where root/postmaster
mail ends up.

>I have taken a lookt at it and it seems that the messages double
>bouncing are stored there... how can I directly throw those messages
>to /dev/null?, thanks in advance.

echo devnull > /var/qmail/control/doublebounceto
echo # > ~alias/.qmail-devnull

Then restart qmail.


Re: Two Delivered-To headers - Why ?

2000-05-04 Thread Dave Sill


>But only one delivered-to is generated if i use vpopmail !

So what? That means vpopmail deliveries only take a single
delivery. Some deliveries require two, three, ...

>If i create an alias .qmail-alias by myself from the command line
>i have this two header problem ?
>In my case, there is only one message to a single recipient.

That's irrelevant to the number of delivery hops.

>But the Delivered header shows - one to recipient and other 
>delivered-to to list address !!

List address? You mean the message was "delvered" to a list alias,
then "delivered" to the recipient? And you're suprised there are two
Delivered-To fields?

>Otherwise, is it possible to config. qmail so that only one 
>delivered-to (that of final recipient) is generated ?

No, that would defeat the loop detection function of the Delivered-To

I think you just need to relax. Multiple Delivered-To headers are


Re: accustamp|tailocal|matchup

2000-05-04 Thread Dave Sill

Mikko Hänninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I wonder if there is some automagical solution that
>could be used with, or something else?  It's of course
>possible to create an alias or whatever, but that also has an annoyance
>factor greater than the simplest form, since you'd need to use a
>separate command for the mail logs.

How about a "less" wrapper that looks for filenames of the form
@[0-9]+ and passes them through tailocal?


Re: Two Delivered-To headers - Why ?

2000-05-04 Thread Dave Sill


>If there are two headers, how does a mail server 
>(say running in a remote place in an intranet) identify to whom
>it is sent to ? 
>Or is it "legal" to have more than one delivered-to header ?

There can be as many Delivered-To fields as necessary. What's
"illegal" is two identical Delivered-To fields, which means a message
is looping.


Re: accustamp|tailocal|matchup

2000-05-04 Thread Dave Sill


>> Why not just store the logs in there accustamp or multilog form and
>> convert them to localtime ONLY when you need to look at them.
>Because we look at them too often :)

So what? Do you have a quota on the number of times tailocal can be


Re: Setup of local delivery &fastforward (newbie question)

2000-05-04 Thread Dave Sill

Mikhail Kuzminsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1) Is it possible (and how) to setup Qmail and fastforward
>for work with /bin/mail as a local delivery agent
>*and* to deliver all the mail messages (sent to particular user 
>- to blah, for example) - to the pipe like 
>|usr/people/blah/program > /usr/people/blah/blahfile ?

Install qmail and fastforward. Put:

  |usr/people/blah/program > /usr/people/blah/blahfile

in ~blah/.qmail.

> 2) Is it possible (and how) to setup qmail-local 
>(as local delivery agent) to deliver:
>a) mail for any user to /var/mail/user

No, qmail-local only delivers to $HOME. You can do that with other
delivery agents, though.

>b) but excluding user blah - for this user mail should be 
>   transferred to pipe
> |/usr/people/blah/program > /usr/people/blah/blahfile ?

qmail-users can be used to override the default delivery instructions
as well as the .qmail files in a user's directory.

Why don't you jsut tell us what you're trying to do, and we'll tell
you how to do it, if we can.


Re: Delivers and retrieves...

2000-05-04 Thread Dave Sill

"Bolivar Diaz Galarza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My /var/qmail/rc file looks like this:
>#! /bin/sh
>exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
>qmail-start '|dot-forward .forward

So default delivery is to ./Maildir/ --barring existence of a .forward
for .qmail file.

>My /etc/skel looks like this
>- cur
>- new
>- tmp

You don't need/want Mailbox or mbox.

>PROBLEM: Qmail delivers to the file Mailbox,

Yes, that's a problem. Did you restart qmail after changing
/var/qmail/rc? Does ps show qmail-start with the right delivery

>and when a user checks his
>e-mail using a POP3 cliente like Netscape, delivers whatever is in

Another problem. Which POP daemon are you running? You should probably 
run qmail-pop3d, if you want to use Maildirs.


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