CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2014 #93

2014-05-22 Thread David AuBuchon
Hi AJ,

I take 2 fl oz of CS, then take just a dap of powder.  I stick my index finger 
in a jar of cayenne, and just the specks that stick to my finger are enough.  I 
put those in the CS, then shake it up for a minute, then strain out the specks 
through a funnel covered with a paper towel soaked in CS.  Finished.  No actual 
brewing needed.  This came out just about right for me.  Adjust accordingly 
depending on how much burning is comfortable to you in the nostrils.  
Measurements of cayenne are as small as being on the scale of finger dabs.


CSCayenne and silver nasal spray argyria risk?

2014-05-20 Thread David AuBuchon
I made myself a cayenne nasal spray that seems to finally be something that 
works to open up my nostrils before bed.  I made it in CS to help keep it 
sterile.  But now I am wondering if the silver may react with the cayenne in 
such a way that snorting the silver may be a long turn argyria risk?  Any ideas?


CSDissolving pure silver in citric acid?

2013-07-11 Thread David AuBuchon
What would happen if I drop a pure silver coin into a saturated solution of 
citric acid?  Would it by any chance dissolve over time?  It occurred to me 
that the cost of silver needed to maintain a pool with silver citrate 
(should by experiments succeed) would be much cheaper if the source of 
silver could be coins rather than silver oxide powder.  Any ideas?

Otherwise, I figured electrolysis in saturated citric acid would cause silver 
citrate to go until saturation and then precipitate powder, an the powder can 
be dried, weighed, and saved.  And the silver in solution can be calculated as: 
[(initial weight of electrodes - final weight of electrodes) - (silver in the 
precipitate)].  The electrodes could just be run until they are almost totally 

Today I've increased my bucket experiments from 10ppb, 30ppb, and 70ppb to 
become 100ppb, 200ppb, and 500ppb respectively.  


CSSwimming Pool Silver Wxperiment Update:

2013-07-08 Thread David AuBuchon
I've been conducting an experiment to see if silver can maintain a swilling 
pool standalone.  I have 8 buckets, each 4 gallons in size.  Four of the 
buckets have water taken from the pool (chlorinated).  The other 4 are tap 
water.  I have added no silver, 10ppb silver, 30ppb silver, and 70ppb silver to 
each of the four buckets, for both tap water and pool water cases respectively. 
 There is also a 9th bucket with tap water plus 10ppb silver plus 2.4ppm 

The source of silver used is silveroxide powder dissolved in concentrated 
solutions of citric acid, forming presumably silver citrate.  Measuring silver 
down to the ppb takes some work and some serial dilution.  It was quite a pain. 

It has been about 3 weeks into the experiment now.  Thus far, none of the 4 
pool water buckets has obviously visible scum growing.  However, all 5 of the 
tap water buckets show sign of some green junk (I guess algae) growing in the 
bucket.  The tap water with no added silver does clearly have much more scum 
growing in it than the other buckets, so there is clearly a substantial benefit 
to the silver.  One strange thing is that the bucket with tap water and 10ppb 
silver has the least growth as compared to tap water with higher concentrations 
of silver (30ppb and 70ppb).  The tap water plus 10ppb silver plus 2.4ppm 
peroxide also has more growth in comparison.  I am taking both of these last 
two observations to be a fluke.  

We allowed junk to just fall into the bucket.  So there are some dead flies, 
plant debris etc.  Every few days we had to add tap water to make up for 

The question is what to do now?  The obvious thought is to add silver at much 
higher concentrations and wait for an obvious reversal of the growth to be seen 
upon doing so.  How high a silver concentration would one be willing to swim 
in?  It would probably be therapeutic to swim in 10PPM silver!  I presume most 
of the silver is forming clumps of silver compounds like silver chloride and 
staying in colloidal suspension.  Swimming in high concentrations of such 
silver should not pose argyria risk, wouldn't you think?  

My plan has been to find a functional level, then just add some silver each 
month - enough so you are sure it makes up for any lost silver that last month. 
 Then do a worst case calculation for seeing how high the lifelong silver 
content in the pool could go, and conclude that even that upper bound is safe.  

Comments appreciated.  I would really like this work in swimming pools.  I have 
a dream of turning a swimming pool into a functional water storage that could 
be further processed to make it drinkable.  


CSsilver test strips from 2ppm to 50ppm:

2013-04-21 Thread David AuBuchon

Apparently such strips are available. If they are cheap and accurate,
this may be another option besides conductivity meters.

I was looking into this for possible application with silver in a
swimming pool, but no one seems to sell strips below 50ppb, which is
the range most relevant to swimming pools.

After reading all I can, I am setting up some buckets with a variety
of experiments to see if silver citrate by itself, or in combination
with peroxide can effectively maintain our swimming pool.  At the
moment, I am optimistic that it can, and it would only cost a few
bucks per month.  Will know more in month.


CSNebulized colloidal iron study

2013-01-14 Thread David AuBuchon

This animal study suggests that nebulized iron colloids can reach (or possibly 
even accumulate to some extent) in certain lymph nodes in the lungs 
(mediastinal and hilar).  This suggests (at least to me) that cancer in these 
specific lung lymph nodes is a possible indication for nebulized ionic silver 
and/or nebulized ultrafine colloidal silver and/or any anticancer agent that 
can be safely nebulized.  We know that silver ions are quickly cleared from the 
lungs in animals, but only silver colloids less than a modal diameter of 15nm 
are cleared from the lungs.  


CSACS200 and Steriplex MSDS

2013-01-11 Thread David AuBuchon
I found hints to the ingredients in ACS 200, which Frank tested to be 60PPM and 
81% ionic:

ACS 200 appears to be also sold as a sterilent:

And here is an MSDS for the sterilent called Steriplex:
It contains an ingredient list.  

Whether or not the formulas are exactly identical I don't know.  If anyone 
cares to discourse then on what ACS 200 actually might be, I would appreciate 
the thoughts. 


CSDr. Bjorn Nordstrom and Cancer

2013-01-11 Thread David AuBuchon
I just ran across this claim that I had never heard:

Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom, of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, has used 
silver in his cancer cure method for many years. He says the whole thing is 
very simple. This brought rapid remission in patients given up by 
other doctors.

Anyone know anything about this?  I am extremely interested in references that 
support the use of silver with cancer.  


CSRe: SilverCillin (Attn David AuBuchon)

2012-12-01 Thread David AuBuchon
Hi Alex,

In that thread, go down and find a link to this patent:

Then on the left side of the screen, click on the thumbnail image of the actual 
paper.  That opens up the entire patent and you can read it.  In it, they 
mention peroxide, alternating high voltage, and 97% particles.

In their own words:

We disclose a colorless composition comprising silver particles and water, 
wherein said particles comprise an interior of elemental silver and an exterior 
of ionic silver oxide, wherein the silver particles are present in the water at 
a level of about 5–40 ppm...


 From: Alex Flex aflex...@gmail.com
To: David AuBuchon davidra...@yahoo.com; silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: SilverCillin (Attn David AuBuchon)

Hello David,
This is a followup of your post you did earlier this year on SilverCillin 
http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/msg144470.html You say that 
ABL is making CS via the HVAC process , probably using  Petroxide and giving 
97% particles.. Can you please state exactly where you saw this? As far as I 
understand ABL is making silver tetroxide Ag4O4 (Source: 
http://amsilver.com/ablDifference1.html) , which is not mainly particles, the 
ONLY product I know that is aimed to be 97-99% only particles is Meso Silver 
which they clearly state in their site. (Source: 
http://www.purestcolloids.com/ionic.htm )
Can you please confirm if my statements are correct, or if I missed something ?

Re: CSRain-tree.com goodbye letter

2012-11-28 Thread David AuBuchon
I don't understand why the FDA says they can't import herbs from the Amazon?


 From: zzekel...@aol.com zzekel...@aol.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: CSRain-tree.com goodbye letter

No need to apologies Lola, I think all of us in the U.S. 
{except big pharma  the politicians } feel the same way 
In a message dated 11/28/2012 12:39:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
phoenix23...@tds.net writes:
Sad doesn't begin to describe this situation.  It is an  outrage.  Raintree 
Nutrition  is a highly reputable company  delivering  pure, sustainable 
products.  This country has the boot  of the federal bureaucrats on it's neck 
and I am not sure we will survive  them. 'Their' goal is to keep us sick.  
If our government was a mental patient, the diagnosis would be 'split  
personality disorder'.
Our first lady touts fresh, wholesome foods, 
  approves of regulations determining school lunches while the FDA allows 
  GMO foods, aspertame, flouride and  pulls stunts like this, 
  also locking up farmers out in Calif who are trying to make available organic 
  products for the public.  Oh.. let's not forget NYC legislating the size 
  of soft drinks.  Whew.. don't know what came over me.. but excuse the 
  rant. lol...    Lola H.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Melly Bag tita_...@yahoo.com wrote:

CSClinical research, DSHEA, and marketing of CS

2012-11-27 Thread David AuBuchon
I took a look at the FTCs discussion of DSHEA:


As I understand it, as long as colloidal silver discussion is very detailed, 
accurate, and discussed in adequate context, we can say everything we need to 
while still following the letter of the law.  The document says:

The FDA has primary responsibility for claims on product labeling, including 
packaging, inserts, and other promotional materials distributed at the point of 

and it says:

The FTC has primary responsibility for claims in advertising, including print 
and broadcast ads, infomercials, catalogs, and similar direct marketing 
materials. Marketing on the Internet is subject to regulation 
in the same fashion as promotions through any other media.

What I get from this document as a whole is that the following approach might 
satisfy everyone:

1.  Don't include any package inserts or make claims on labels or packaging.  
This in theory satisfies the FDA part of the picture.
2.  Have all the marketing material you want on the website where product it 
sold - such as quotations from physicians, informal clinical studies, 
testimonials, etc, as long as you discuss it in a thorough enough context.  
Help consumers understand the problems with interpreting information, and how 
this or that is not undeniable proof of anything, but just information to be 
subjectively assessed while keeping XYZ in mind.  

I for one cannot really say that I have seen any vendor truly make a thorough 
enough attempt to adequately contextualize what can be be construed as medical 
claims by the FTC or the FDA.  The way those FTC guidelines on DSHEA are 
written, it seems to me that as long as you put the necessary context, 
disclosures, disclaimers, or 
other balancing information, one could follow the letter of the law while still 
getting all the information across that you want to.  I wonder if there really 
may exist a happy medium that frankly everyone has so far been missing?  Though 
I guess that in the end, if the FDA wants to send you a letter, they will do so 
even if you follow the letter of the law...

Part of the reason I am thinking more and more about these issues is that I am 
seriously starting to consider getting a certificate as a clinical research 
associate and just rolling up my sleeves and doing whatever it then takes to 
do clinical research on a number of things, starting with CS.  To do clinical 
research that satisfies main stream journals can be mind boggling.  But to do 
research that is meaningful to the average joe is not so hard.  Such research 
could be cited by CS vendors as long as they put it in proper context (i.e. 
this is not really proof...FDA does not recognize CS...there was no control 
group...this and that make it more difficult to draw conclustions,... etc).  An 
example: imagine say 20 patients with say HIV just took a bunch of CS and their 
local docs supplied before and after blood tests showing improvements.  
Mainstream journals may laugh such a study off as being very inadequate for 
many reasons, but I think many of
 the more natural medicine type of journals would readily publish such 
research, and I think vendors and consumers would find it valuable.  It could 
be cited on websites, as long as it is done tactfully.  

There are some other potential problems I see with researching CS that I am not 
sure what to make of:

You need to file for IND (investigational new drug) approval if the 
supplement being studied is used in a diseased population.  You don't need to 
file for an IND if a supplement is studied in a healthy population.  But this 
makes it hard to show health benefits.  That is a catch 22 if you ask me. So 
the trick is how to design a study that shows real health benefit, but looks 
like it does not need approval as an investigational drug, but remains a 

Some suggest you get a population that is not diseased, but at-risk, and show 
benefits with them.  Even then, if the FDA wants to say you've invented a drug 
and not a supplement, I guess they can anyway.  So the next option is to just 
screw it and do a study anyway in a diseased population and not file for an 
IND.  I don't know what the possible 
repercussions of that are though.  But one site warns that this may help to get 
a supplement classified as a drug across an entire industry, thereby making 
things more difficult for others.  But seeing as how there already is an FDA 
ruling on colloidal silver and that they say you can market it as a supplement 
as long as it is without medical claims, I doubt that is a problem.  

I get the feeling about clinical research is that probably a ton of published 
research don't follow all the rules and
regulations down to a T, and no one checks, and even if someone checks, at most 
people become more incredulous about the results.  Regardless, why does it have 
to be so complicated!?  In the end, 

CSFYI, changing email

2012-11-25 Thread David AuBuchon
Just FYI, all my posts from now on will be made under the name 
davidra...@yahoo.com.  I am joining the more intelligent than myself and
consolidating all my forums into one email address.


Re: CStick bite problem

2012-11-21 Thread David AuBuchon
Go to a doc and get a month of antibiotics.  You can do all this other
stuff as well.  Take lots of probiotics if you take the antibiotics.  They
are not as dangerous as not getting them when you are bitten by a tick.

I second the CS with DMSO topically.  Since it if in your forearm, I would
make a bath with 90% CS and 10% DMSO and just submerge the whole rash for
as long as you can each day.


On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 4:56 PM, mgperrault mgperra...@aol.com wrote:

  I would consider godzilla type Zapping, nothing but 6 volt battery with
 leads stuck into sponges or whatever.  Beyond that, frequency zapping ala
 Hulda Clark and Rife.  Brooks CS with DMSO topically.  Prid drawing salve
 from the pharmacy has drawing powers if you leave it on for a few days in a
 paste.  Make a salve from bees wax olive or coconut oil and oregano oil.
 Add lavender oil and clove to it.

 On 11/21/2012 5:31 PM, vicki hood wrote:

 Hi all,  Yesterday scraped tick out of my forearm.  It was half embedded.
 Very smalll deer tick.  I have problems.  I drank CS numerous times, washed
 it with alcohol, scratched a lot.  Last night it swelled.  It turned red.
 It hurts and itches in a path 3inches by 6 inches with a hard circle about
 the size of a 50 cent piece at the bite then swelling and heat and red
  that headed upward and sideways from the top of my forearm.  It is hot and
 swollen  ---Still drinking CS. short soak in rubbing alcohol.  Several
 swabs of oil of oregano. Avoiding doctor.  everal years ago i had tick bite
 that had hard, red angry reaction.  Doctor said i am allergic.  Whoa,
 Benedryl?  What do i do?  HELP.  MuttmomVicki

Re: CSre: infection? late stage colon cancer

2012-11-13 Thread David AuBuchon
Leg swelling and abdominal swelling (ascites) are caused by the liver
cancer.  If you kill the liver cancer, it will go away.  Otherwise not.  I
would have her swallow a bunch of anticancer supplements and hope for the
best before throwing in the towel.  A quart of CS a day, artemsinin,
curcumin phytosome, resveratrol, milk thistle phytosome.  That would be a
decent start in my opinion.


On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 1:32 PM, dingyun...@att.net wrote:

My sister-in-law weeks ago admitted herself to hospital with severe
 stomach pain and was told she has late stage colon cancer spreading to the
 liver.  Doctor did surgery and  punched a hole on her stomach to let out
 the wast.  One week later her legs swellon and stomach in great pain.  I
 suspected it was an infection she got from hospital.  She is in Canada.
 Not sure what doctor treaments for this situation.  may be anti-biotics.  I
 am wondering CS will quiet down her infection if anti-biotics failed.   and
 what brand of CS you can recommend?   Helen

Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda

2012-11-01 Thread David AuBuchon
Ya, medicine seems to discover lots of things and never mention that
people in alternative medicine knew it for years or decades...silver as an
antibiotic...various supplements with chemotherapy...vitamin D
deficiency...gluten allergies...you name it.  The quacks rarely get the
credit.  They just become repeated quacks for the next thing they claim
that also will turn out to be accepted by everyone in 20 years, while the
average doctor may get praised for eventually using an answer that was
handed to him without any effort, yet not get any flack for not having
realized it a long time ago when he should have.

Though you have to have sympathy for the average doctor.  The average
doctor is, afterall, only average.  Though if you ask me, average people
ought to stay away from medicine.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 7:44 AM, Marshall mdud...@king-cart.com wrote:

 What a bunch of horse hockey!

 Brown researchers have discovered how that happens. The process is
 similar to developing black-and-white photographs, and it's not just the

 This has been discussed here for the last 13 years, and I published papers
 that say the same thing over a decade ago.  Maybe rediscovered, if they did
 not research it first, but discovered, hardly.

 They are implying that nanosilver reacts with acids, where normal silver
 does not.  This should be pretty easy to test.


 On 10/31/2012 10:05 PM, Jim Holmes wrote:

 They don't mention that it is only silver compounds that cause Argyria.


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Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda

2012-10-31 Thread David AuBuchon
This may dispel a myth that silver colloids do not interact with stomach
acid.  This makes the whole topic of ions versus particles even more
convoluted and therefore all the more moot.


On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Jim Holmes gooogleis...@gmail.com wrote:

 They don't mention that it is only silver compounds that cause Argyria.


Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda

2012-10-31 Thread David AuBuchon
And get this:

Those ions can easily be taken into the bloodstream through channels that
absorb other types of salt. That's a crucial step, Hurt said. Silver metal
particles themselves aren't terribly likely to make it from the GI tract to
the blood, but when they're transformed into a salt, they're ushered right

God it just goes to show how useless it is for people to argue for years
about theories.  Observation trumps theories by 1,000 miles.  Competing
hypotheses are endless.

And also of interest: This study implies that silver nanoparticles will be
less toxic than an equivalent amount of silver salt, at least in this
exposure scenario.


Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda

2012-10-31 Thread David AuBuchon
That is a good point.  But if the capping is not digested in the stomach
acid, then does it get digested at all?


On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:19 PM, James McDonald kscma...@yahoo.com wrote:

 It just means that you want to use capped CS to avoid the acid in the
 stomach. And it tells don't over do the silver--The old motto a little bit
 is medicine more is poison.
 *From:* David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:06 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda

 This may dispel a myth that silver colloids do not interact with stomach
 acid.  This makes the whole topic of ions versus particles even more
 convoluted and therefore all the more moot.


 On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Jim Holmes gooogleis...@gmail.comwrote:

 They don't mention that it is only silver compounds that cause Argyria.


Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda

2012-10-31 Thread David AuBuchon
My point is that if they are digested in the stomach acid, then the
particles may be turned into salts in the stomach acid according to the
linked paper's opinion.  The capping agents would not protect it in this
case.  If the capping agents are not digested, then they continue to cover
the particles and result in low exposed surface area to interact with bugs.
 The same issue that occurs with silver proteins.

But of course these are all one of a billion hypotheses.  One could just as
easily say some particles get through the mucous membranes, etc.


On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:30 PM, James McDonald kscma...@yahoo.com wrote:

 thats why there are several capping agents, clear corn syrup  cinnamon
 are just two that are digested easily.
 *From:* David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:23 PM

 *Subject:* Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda

 That is a good point.  But if the capping is not digested in the stomach
 acid, then does it get digested at all?


 On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:19 PM, James McDonald kscma...@yahoo.comwrote:

 It just means that you want to use capped CS to avoid the acid in the
 stomach. And it tells don't over do the silver--The old motto a little bit
 is medicine more is poison.
 *From:* David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:06 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda

 This may dispel a myth that silver colloids do not interact with stomach
 acid.  This makes the whole topic of ions versus particles even more
 convoluted and therefore all the more moot.


 On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Jim Holmes gooogleis...@gmail.comwrote:

 They don't mention that it is only silver compounds that cause Argyria.


Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda

2012-10-31 Thread David AuBuchon
I'm saying what this means is there are tons of hypothesis that all have
some merit, and in the end, nothing can prove one is better than the other
except clinical trials.  Any strong claims that one is definitely better
than the other is simply premature.

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:56 PM, André Juthe andre.ju...@gmail.com wrote:

 But does this mean that colloidial silver that is taken orally are not
 so effective? If it fails to enter the bloodstream from the stomac
 then it cannot reach the microbes.

 2012/10/31 David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com:
  My point is that if they are digested in the stomach acid, then the
  particles may be turned into salts in the stomach acid according to the
  linked paper's opinion.  The capping agents would not protect it in this
  case.  If the capping agents are not digested, then they continue to
  the particles and result in low exposed surface area to interact with
  The same issue that occurs with silver proteins.
  But of course these are all one of a billion hypotheses.  One could just
  easily say some particles get through the mucous membranes, etc.
  On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:30 PM, James McDonald kscma...@yahoo.com
  thats why there are several capping agents, clear corn syrup  cinnamon
  are just two that are digested easily.
  From: David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:23 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda
  That is a good point.  But if the capping is not digested in the stomach
  acid, then does it get digested at all?
  On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 8:19 PM, James McDonald kscma...@yahoo.com
  It just means that you want to use capped CS to avoid the acid in the
  stomach. And it tells don't over do the silver--The old motto a little
  is medicine more is poison.
  From: David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:06 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMore anti-Ag propaganda
  This may dispel a myth that silver colloids do not interact with stomach
  acid.  This makes the whole topic of ions versus particles even more
  convoluted and therefore all the more moot.
  On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Jim Holmes gooogleis...@gmail.com
  They don't mention that it is only silver compounds that cause Argyria.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSDoes CS cause Argeria --turning gray?

2012-10-29 Thread David AuBuchon
There are home uric acid test devices are available.  After researching
gout in the past, I concluded cinnamon extract (Gaia brand - I don't
remember why I chose it now though) may be an effective therapy to lower
uric acid.  Cinnemaldehyde (which is present in cinnamon extract) showed
massive plummet in uric acid from one megadose in an animal study.  You
could take as much total cinnemaldehyde in like a 6 month period with a
normal dose of cinnamon extract.


On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Lena Guyot drumr...@stny.rr.com wrote:

 Tart cherry juice (or capsules) is excellent for gout. Also avoid foods
 high in purines. L

 On Oct 29, 2012, at 9:17 PM, Jim Holmes wrote:

 Mail Error.  Sorry, Jim

 On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Jim Holmes gooogleis...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Mark,

 Anecdotal report of CS helping Gout.  I have never seen any hard science
 on it.  FWIW; here it is.


 On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 4:55 AM, Ode Coyote odecoy...@windstream.netwrote:

   What we make can..if..

 1]  You have something wrong with your metals elimination system [over
 loaded with copper + low Selenium?  ]
 2] Abnormal body chemistry
 3] you take a LOT of EIS, made very strong, for a long time.

 One person in S Africa reported turning grey after making his CS as
 strong as he could and drank 2 large coffee mugs a day  for two years.
 He said it helped with the pain of a bad case of gout and has not
 stopped his regimen.
 The silver was probably combining with the uric acid crystals,
 neutralizing them somehow and was not being eliminated.

 It is very rare that silver in any form at any amount turns people grey.
 Normal elimination rate:  98% in 48 hours
 Reported rate back in the days of no respirators etc, silver industry
 workers exposed to silver dust and smelting fumes daily...1 in 2000
  Somewhere around 5 have managed it with Home Made silver..out of how
 many hundreds of thousands in the past 30 or so years?
 Odds, slim to almost none, but possible

 Use some common sense.


 At 08:59 PM 10/28/2012 +1100, you wrote:

 Does CS cause Argyria - turning gray?

 Well CS might, but what we produce won't.

 Everyone may have differing opinions on this one, so I'll get in with
 mine g.  What we make is (1) NOT colloidal silver {CS}, and (2) It won't
 cause Argyria because it's predominantly Ag+ ions and not neutral charged
 particles which are in higher numbers by ratio and as such won't collect in
 tissue, besides it doesn't stay in the system long enough.  What we make in
 the kitchen is a predominantly Ionic Silver Solution, and what particles
 there are, are far too small and in less quantity to cause any cosmetic

 Of course I can't speak for Dave, or anyone else who may have consumed
 or used large quantities for an extended amount of time, but if not
 consumed in large volumes or for an extended period of time as far as I'm
 concerned it won't cause Argyria.  There has not been one case of the
 consumption or use of our product reported by the FDA or our TGA as having
 resulted in Argyria.  Every report they waffle on about refer to that
 product called 'CS' or 'Colloidal Silver', and most refer to silver
 nitrates, silver acetates, solutions produced by people who are ignorant or
 wilfully go against the correct production procedure, or a product
 containing a form of stabiliser {usually higher ppm level products} and a
 host of other 'stuff?' of which is not what we produce.

 To recap: My opinion...NO, EIS {Electrolytically Isolated Silver} or a
 'predominantly Ionic Silver Solution' will not cause Argyria.


 Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 23:16:13 -0700
 From: jsmpren...@sbcglobal.net
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 CC: jssmpren...@sbcglobal.net
 Subject: CSDoes CS cause Argeria --turning gray?

 I am new to this list and considering buying a kit to make CS at home
 for Lyme treatment.
 I thought I had read CS does not cause Argeria--turning skin gray. But
 then I read in a  post today that  Dave  said
After killing Active Lyme for 10 years with a vigorous CS protocol
 ( 4
  every 20 minutes for three days) and a maintenance dose of  a glass a
  or more like drinking water,  I started turning quite gray from

 I would appreciate those with experience opinion on this.

 ALso when I went to silver puppy.com web site I got very confused. THe
 site does not mention silver puppy. It is about Coyote Zenterprizes. Is
 that the correct site to order from. IS it the standard automatic CS
 generator was recommended. Should I purchase a stirrer also?

 Thank you for your help.

Re: CShigh PPM EIS concept:

2012-10-26 Thread David AuBuchon
Very interesting...Thanks a ton for those responses.


On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 9:37 AM, Asif Nathekar asifnathe...@hotmail.comwrote:

 I use a current controlled CS generator, by increasing the 'distance'
 between the electrodes by means of a maze type container would
 THEORETICALLY help me by increasing the resistance of the DW so that i can
 keep the voltages higher where it tends to brew more efficiently, without
 reaching a low voltage so soon and limiting the process.

 for example in my setup when i reach below 6v it seems reluctant to brew
 any more.

 and that's with a setup where I can increase the distance between the
 electrodes, when I reach a limit, I increase the distance between the
 electrodes so that I can brew again by increasing the voltages.

 I can get 38us roughly using this method, although I am an advocate of
 very low current brewing (0.1/0.2ma per SQ inch) and my setup is geared for
 this in mind, so my current controlled setup will go low voltage quicker
 than most to maintain the low currents I am looking for my brew.

 the reason I mention this is that I understand the wisdom behind the
 question and agree with this line of reasoning based on my experiences .

 Peace to all,


  *From:* Marshall mdud...@king-cart.com
 *Sent:* Friday, October 26, 2012 3:16 PM
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Subject:* Re: CShigh PPM EIS concept:

 On 10/25/2012 11:01 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:

 I hope I am not violating some basic law(s) of electrochemistry
 here...I'll give myself a 50% chance of someone correcting me:

 What if you divided the cell with a material that is nonconducting, does
 not react with silver ions, and manages to obstruct the flow of current
 between the electrodes completely.  Then you punched a small hole in the
 material.  Current could pass through that hole.  If that hole could be
 moved around in the plane of that sheet of material, it could confound the
 silver ions trying to migrate towards that hole, as they rarely succeed in
 passing through it before it has moved to somewhere else.  Could this allow
 an indefinite amount of silver ions to get into solution?

 I guess it is like creating an artificial sense of infinite distance
 between electrodes without there ever being such a thing.

 Another concept is to literally create a large distance between
 electrodes.  Could this not also be helpful in reaching higher
 concentrations of silver ions?  A way to do this is to create some kind of
 a maze for the ion to have to travel through.

 The problem is that the ions will over a short time diffuse so that they
 are even throughout the solution due to diffusion.  This this would
 accomplish nothing.  However I have heard of people socking the electrode,
 apparently the ions can have a hard time getting through the cloth to the
 other electrode.  If you put a osmosis barrier in there, that just might do
 what you are wanting.




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CShigh PPM EIS concept:

2012-10-25 Thread David AuBuchon
I hope I am not violating some basic law(s) of electrochemistry here...I'll
give myself a 50% chance of someone correcting me:

What if you divided the cell with a material that is nonconducting, does
not react with silver ions, and manages to obstruct the flow of current
between the electrodes completely.  Then you punched a small hole in the
material.  Current could pass through that hole.  If that hole could be
moved around in the plane of that sheet of material, it could confound the
silver ions trying to migrate towards that hole, as they rarely succeed in
passing through it before it has moved to somewhere else.  Could this allow
an indefinite amount of silver ions to get into solution?

I guess it is like creating an artificial sense of infinite distance
between electrodes without there ever being such a thing.

Another concept is to literally create a large distance between
electrodes.  Could this not also be helpful in reaching higher
concentrations of silver ions?  A way to do this is to create some kind of
a maze for the ion to have to travel through.


CSa useful electrolyte?

2012-10-24 Thread David AuBuchon
What if an electrolyte was used during a brew where the anion of that
chemical was OH- ?  Could it be that this could allow higher silver ion
concentrations without creating any silver compounds besides AgOH and
Ag2O?  Could this then possibly not pose greatly increased argyria risk
over regular EIS?

Well, even if EIS could be made at much higher concentrations without any
additives, that in itself is still unknown territory, so all bets may be
off in any case?


Re: CSMaking silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium citrate

2012-10-24 Thread David AuBuchon
Thanks James.  I am jumping into that forum.


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 7:14 PM, James McDonald kscma...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Check out making Colloidal Silver high ppm at cscgforum
 *From:* David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Wednesday, October 17, 2012 6:07 PM

 *Subject:* CSMaking silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium

 The reason I am trying to try things like this is because my bugs are not
 dying.  If I take a swig of 1000PPM silver citrate, I get a herx, but I am
 not ready to do that regularly as I am afraid of argyria.  I have also
 taken a few drops of 15,000PPM silver citrate with barely noticeable
 response.   Other things I have thought of doing are drops of super
 concentrated silver nitrate, but there are warnings that it may not be safe
 to contact tissues at higher PPMs, so I am shy about that.  And then also
 that may turn me blue eventually.  Silver nitrate can supposedly reach like
 2 million PPM at saturation.

 Well, then I suppose another approach is trying super concentrated silver
 colloids.  I feel a little better about that since I have not heard of
 anyone getting argyria from silver colloids, but tell me if I am wrong.
 Also no one has complained about toxicity of lower PPM silver colloid
 suspensions.  One claimed method is using the reducing agent from
 They only recently started selling it separately.  Though I would need a
 high PPM ionic solution in order to convert to colloids in the first place.
  I suppose I could just see what happens if I mixed it with silver citrate
 or silver nitrate solutions in that case.

 And then there is this method:

 Apparently, you can mix silver nitrate and trisodium citrate to make
 colloidal silver.  The method described in the paper would yield
 approximately 100PPM colloidal silver assuming it all gets converted.  This
 begs the question if the same process would work for much higher
 concentrations, perhaps making say 1000PPM silver colloids?

 And also, I was reading some other forum where people were mentioning
 using cinnamon extract to make silver colloids.  Anyone know anything about


 Trisodium citrate supplier:
 Silver nitrate facts and supplier:


Mobile service pays you http://healingresearch.net/free4g/
My health website http://healingresearch.net

Re: CSMaking silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium citrate

2012-10-24 Thread David AuBuchon
Anyone know what would happen if I added peroxide to silver citrate?

Anyone know what would happen if I stirred and heated silver oxide powder
and slowly added peroxide?


Re: CSMaking silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium citrate

2012-10-17 Thread David AuBuchon
I've tried tons of stuff for biofilm which I believe is a likely part of
the holdup for me.   Liposomal EDTA, Wobenzym, Interfase enzymes,
lumbrokinase, serrapeptase, nattokinase, cistus tea, cistus tincture, maybe
some other things.  About to try something called Rechts Regulat.

My bad bugs are probably bartonella and mycoplasma.  I think I have
basically eliminated lyme and that it was never my real problem.

My EIS adventures began 3 years ago roughly.  If I stop taking all
antimicrobials for a few weeks, I feel bugs coming back.  For the most
part, EIS is what I have used these years to maintain the progress that I
have made.

Recently, I have been able to successfully open the front in the
intestines.  Taking minocycline seems to have punched holes in the gut
biofilm and now many antimicrobials that stopped working now work again in
the intestines.  But the front I can;t get anywhere with is systemic bugs
in the blood vessels.  On 3 occasions taking various Rx antibiotics caused
herx systemically and big improvement all within the first 24 hours.  Then
24 hours later, that antiobiotic is forever a placebo...very crafty bugs.

I got some more Rx antibotics lined up, but I have to do some other things
first for various reasons.

If I take 20grams of lipo C I do actually get a small systemic herx.  Lipo
C also basically cured me of side effects from minocycline which are
supposed to occur even in healthy people (dizziness, head pressure).

I have tried ASAP Health Max 30 PPM, which is the same as Silver Biotics.

Salt Lake Metals lists 2570grams per liter as the solubility of Silver
Nitrate (and it goes up to like 7,000 g/l at higher temperatures!).  That
is 2.5 million milligrams per liter.  I was calling that 2.5 million PPM,
which as you said, does not make any sense at all =).  But by my
calculations, pure liquid silver comes out to be about 9 million milligrams
per liter.

The two things I have that have produced any systemic effect thus far are
lipo-C and 1000PPM silver citrate.  My bowels get loose with much more than
about 20 grams lipo-C.  So that really leaves silver as the sensible place
for me to look for some innovative new way to kill bugs...Hence my interest
in that method of making colloidal silver at high concentrations.


On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Steve G chube...@yahoo.com wrote:

 2 million PPM is, by definition, impossible.  A bar of 100.00% pure silver
 would be 1 million PPM, and you can't get more than 100%.

 --- On *Wed, 10/17/12, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com* wrote:

 From: David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com

 Subject: CSMaking silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium citrate
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 6:07 PM

 The reason I am trying to try things like this is because my bugs are not
 dying.  If I take a swig of 1000PPM silver citrate, I get a herx, but I am
 not ready to do that regularly as I am afraid of argyria.  I have also
 taken a few drops of 15,000PPM silver citrate with barely noticeable
 response.   Other things I have thought of doing are drops of super
 concentrated silver nitrate, but there are warnings that it may not be safe
 to contact tissues at higher PPMs, so I am shy about that.  And then also
 that may turn me blue eventually.  Silver nitrate can supposedly reach like
 2 million PPM at saturation.

 Well, then I suppose another approach is trying super concentrated silver
 colloids.  I feel a little better about that since I have not heard of
 anyone getting argyria from silver colloids, but tell me if I am wrong.
 Also no one has complained about toxicity of lower PPM silver colloid
 suspensions.  One claimed method is using the reducing agent from
 They only recently started selling it separately.  Though I would need a
 high PPM ionic solution in order to convert to colloids in the first place.
  I suppose I could just see what happens if I mixed it with silver citrate
 or silver nitrate solutions in that case.

 And then there is this method:

 Apparently, you can mix silver nitrate and trisodium citrate to make
 colloidal silver.  The method described in the paper would yield
 approximately 100PPM colloidal silver assuming it all gets converted.  This
 begs the question if the same process would work for much higher
 concentrations, perhaps making say 1000PPM silver colloids?

 And also, I was reading some other forum where people were mentioning
 using cinnamon extract to make silver colloids.  Anyone know anything about


 Trisodium citrate supplier:
 Silver nitrate facts and supplier:


Mobile service

Re: CSnebulized silver and black tongue

2012-09-05 Thread David AuBuchon
Interesting.  Perhaps the alternation of the two is another variable also.
 Discoloration is after all associated with silver.  He had been nebulizing
peroxide for like a year before alternating with silver and I did not hear
complaints in that time.  Perhaps it could have taken this long to develop,
and it was just coincidence the silver was started then, and it would be
easy to assume it caused it then.

Del, were you using CS around the times you used peroxide also?


Re: CSnebulized silver and black tongue

2012-09-05 Thread David AuBuchon
Am I reading correctly that they say the black is caused by fungus because
good bacteria that competes with it has been killed off?  Though if that
were so, one might think this would happen with every mouth wash.


Re: CSnebulized silver and black tongue

2012-09-05 Thread David AuBuchon
I read antibiotics can also cause black tongue.  Though this paper suggests
it has nothing to do with bacteria or fungi at all:

Re: CSnebulized silver and black tongue

2012-09-05 Thread David AuBuchon
CS can stain teeth.  And peroxide takes it off fairly well for me.


On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 9:33 PM, sol sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com wrote:
 This is very interesting. I clean with CS a lot, and find it can stain
 countertops if I let a puddle of it dry. But if I added a little peroxide to
 the CS spray bottle, no staining. I've also used peroxide with baking soda
 to remove brown and black/grey silver stains.

 Just shows countertops and sinks are very different from the human body,
 LOL. I wonder exactly what the peroxide can be doing to cause a black tongue

 David AuBuchon wrote:

 Interesting.  Perhaps the alternation of the two is another variable also.
 Discoloration is after all associated with silver.  He had been nebulizing
 peroxide for like a year before alternating with silver and I did not hear
 complaints in that time.  Perhaps it could have taken this long to develop,
 and it was just coincidence the silver was started then, and it would be
 easy to assume it caused it then.
 Del, were you using CS around the times you used peroxide also?

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org

 Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html

 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSnebulized silver and black tongue

2012-09-04 Thread David AuBuchon
Unfortunately, the person in question hard to get information from.  In the
future I hope to get the bottle of whatever he was using and confirm that
it was ionic. I won't be able to know if anything was mixed with it though,
but if they followed the instructions they were given, they would not have.

In any case, you look at your tongue, you see hey it looks a little
different, and there is no risk of getting any serious cosmetic problem.
 You just stop.

I also don't know how black the word black actually means or if it is
even permanent.

Sorry I don't have more details.  I am someone distanced from this case.


On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 9:05 PM, James McDonald kscma...@yahoo.com wrote:

 what ppm? ionic or colloidal silver?  What was in the CS?
 *From:* David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, September 2, 2012 4:16 PM

 *Subject:* CSnebulized silver and black tongue

 Hi All,

 FYI, I need to report on a negative result from nebulized EIS.  A person
 nebulized it for lung cancer.  He was alternating days with H2O2.  He
 stopped it after his tongue reportedly turned  black.  His lung tumor also
 remained unchanged in size.  This unfortunately also weights against the
 few anecdotes we have of lung cancer benefitting from nebulized silver.


CSnebulized silver and black tongue

2012-09-02 Thread David AuBuchon
Hi All,

FYI, I need to report on a negative result from nebulized EIS.  A person
nebulized it for lung cancer.  He was alternating days with H2O2.  He
stopped it after his tongue reportedly turned  black.  His lung tumor also
remained unchanged in size.  This unfortunately also weights against the
few anecdotes we have of lung cancer benefitting from nebulized silver.


CSalkaline water, cancer, silver, and platinum

2012-08-31 Thread David AuBuchon
I may have asked some of these questions before but can't seem to
remember.  CS becomes alkaline with increasing PPM, right?  What does that,
and this is not the same as alkaline water, right?

Alkaline water has anticancer effects apparently:

In the second link, they say it is only the combination of alkaline water
and platinum nanoparticles - and neither alkaline water or platinum alone -
that had those anticancer effects.  We previously discussed on this forum
an alkaline water machine that was like $200 something dollars that had
platinum coated electrodes I think.  So perhaps some platinum nanoparticles
are created with the use of something like that?

What happens if you first run distilled water through such an alkalizer,
then use that water to brew CS?  Does that mess up the alkaline water?
Could it be possible to create a product that has alkaline water, silver,
and platinum all at once?


Re: CSCS and Cancer?

2012-08-29 Thread David AuBuchon
I think replacing a pets drinking water with CS is an excellent idea if
they have cancer.  It has shown anticancer effects in addition to killing
infection.  I've read like 10 anecdotes in dogs and 20 in humans.  If he
survives the cancer, you will have plenty of time to find some way to clean
up sinus infection.


On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Alan Jones alanmjo...@gmail.com wrote:

 Check out cancertutor.org, it has all kinds of alternative cancer
 therapies, including some which use CS.


 On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 1:31 PM, goofeygalpal goofeygal...@comcast.netwrote:

 My cat Reilly has been diagnosed with cancer and he's under the care of a
 holistic, specifically TCM veterinarian and is on a couple traditional
 chinese herbal rx's specific for cancer, i also give him fat soluable
 curcumin (CuraMed) and a host of other things, namely Livon Labs lypo C a
 packet a day (i make my own DIY encapsulated C for my husband and me) and
 he is also getting C injected into the tumor site by his vet (his tumor is
 in his frontal forehead/sinuses) and the injectible C has had a
 demonstrable effect on the tumor!! He gets it twice weekly but now that
 it's been a month he goes in just once weekly...i'm hoping with the once
 weekly he doesn't regress.

 I'm also starting him today on IP-6 and Essiac specifically formulated
 for pets (i don't want to go overboard w/supps as he is a CAT after all)
 and he is already taking AHCC and medicinal mushrooms with DMG and milk
 thistle,  he's never been vaccinated and he's been raised on a raw food
 diet (and still got cancer because he was born with a wonky immune system).
 BTW he doesn't act like he has cancer at all, the only clue i had was the
 lump growing above his nose and forehead and the nasal sounds he had been
 making for the past year although no one would have guessed it was cancer
 until the lump appeared :( Too bad because i could have started treatment a
 long time ago, the cat has energy, eats well, and doesn't exhibit any other

 Well to get to the point after all this research, on curezone people were
 bringing up CS, i have a generator and take CS and have given it to him in
 the past but i NEVER have seen it indicated as a cancer fighter! He has
 been on 6 wks antibiotics because of possible infection as infection in
 that area/sinuses is particularly tenaceous although he may not have one at
 all now, he takes his last antibiotic tomorrow, i have him on probiotics
 also but am wondering if i should give him daily CS IF IT INDEED IS an
 important arsenal in cancer fighting? I will have him on daily probiotics
 as that is one thing i worry about with CS is it kills good gut bacteria.
 His vet did say if he survives this cancer he may always have problems with
 infections in that area.

 Thanks for any help!


 Alan Jones

 The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
 prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
 to the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

Re: CSparasites and mold

2012-08-22 Thread David AuBuchon
Thanks a lot for sharing this.  Very encouraging to hear researchers are
picking up on this.


On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 12:29 AM, Taniform Asongwe tason...@yahoo.co.ukwrote:

 We have been using cs in our research lab  with incredible success. Latest
 result is an HIV/AIDS patients for whom ARV medications were no longer
 helpful. He developed candiasis all over his body. Within a month on CS his
 health had improved dramatical. The approach is not to take too much CS at
 the beginning because this might provoke a Herxheimer reaction(rapid
 die-off of pathogens) in the body resulting in the patient being extremely
 ill. But then again it is essential not to take too little of it, otherwise
 the desired benefits will not be achieved. I've gone to the point of
 actually making the CS myself, at 10-15 ppm with triple distilled  water,
 passing it through a .2 micron syringe filter and administering this
 intravenously. A typical starting dose is 2cc and working up to 10cc every
 48hrs. We have used larger quantities for other ailments with much success
 as well and no lasting side effects.

 As to parasites, the only area has been with malaria where the above
 solution administered at 2cc once resulted in a complete remission of
 malaria as a rapid test indicated 72 hours after administration. Test was
 made before administration.

 How it works is quite simple actually, it destroys the oxygen metabolism
 enzyme of single cell organisms, which include molds and parasites. Molds
 are still single cell organisms in functionality although they tend to link
 together to form long chain. This notwithstanding the individual cell is
 still  functionally independent.
 *From:* jbidmt jbi...@yahoo.com
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Monday, 20 August 2012, 12:24
 *Subject:* CSparasites and mold

 anyone have any testimonials how cs works on mold and/or parasites?  thanks


Re: CSAg+ can be lipo encapsulated:

2012-08-01 Thread David AuBuchon
Or to spin the same thing in a positive light, it did not lose any
efficacy.  Which may have real implications in vivo, because a liposome may
be able to dump ions deeper into the body before they react with anything.

(FYI, by ion, I think they mean silver nitrate in this study.)


On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 12:27 AM, André Juthe andre.ju...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes indeed it can but it did not seem to make a difference if I got it
 right: The required effective concentration of Ag+ from liposome
 encapsulated Ag+ (lipo-Ag+) was shown to remain the same as free Ag+.


 2012/7/31 David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com:
  This paper apparently says so:

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CSAg+ can be lipo encapsulated:

2012-07-31 Thread David AuBuchon
This paper apparently says so:


Re: CSACS 200

2012-07-31 Thread David AuBuchon
This may not have anything to do with colloids.  It may just be a solution
of some type of silver.  Nano is juts jargon.

Basically, try homemade CS first.  If that does not solve your problem,
then only would someone want to consider this.


On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 8:43 PM, Janet Perry janetrpe...@gmail.com wrote:

 Wow, that is a huge difference.

 When does it go beyond colloidal concentration wise?

 What does nano mean in this context?


 On Jul 27, 2012 6:10 PM, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com

 Last I checked, Frank measured it at about 60PPM.  And ACS200 is also
 sold under some other label name that I forget that specifies more like
 60PPM silver.


 On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Tel Tofflemire telt...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Its sounds like an add, all cs has silver, some more than others, but
 they all are good and more is not always better.

 Tel Tofflemire

 *From:* Janet R. Perry janetrpe...@gmail.com
 *To:* Silver List silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:58 AM
 *Subject:* CSACS 200

 Anyone familiar with this product?

 The label says:

 ACS 200
 Extra Strength
 Advanced Cellular Silver
 2 Fl Oz 200 ppm

 Maintenance: 5 sprays by mouth  2-3 times a day
 Higher Dose: 10 Sprays 4 times a day

 Other Ingredients: nano distilled water


 I would love to hear any feedback on what exactly this is. It does not
 say colloidal or silver-protein anywhere on the bottle. When I called the
 company the rep said he did not know if it was silver protein and would
 have a technical person contact me. That was over a week ago and I have not
 heard back.

 This was recommended to a friend of mine by a nurse practitioner for
 treating chronic Lyme Disease. He was told to take 10 sprays 3-4 times a

 My understanding, and please someone correct me if I am wrong, is that
 any silver solution this high in concentration (over 20 or 30 ppm?) must be
 silver protein or some other silver compound, in other words a preparation
 that is not colloidal or ionic or monoatomic silver.

 The ingredients list does say Other Ingredients: nano distilled water
 which leaves me wondering what nano distilled water is?

 Thanks for any feedback,


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSACS 200

2012-07-27 Thread David AuBuchon
Last I checked, Frank measured it at about 60PPM.  And ACS200 is also sold
under some other label name that I forget that specifies more like 60PPM


On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Tel Tofflemire telt...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Its sounds like an add, all cs has silver, some more than others, but they
 all are good and more is not always better.

 Tel Tofflemire

 *From:* Janet R. Perry janetrpe...@gmail.com
 *To:* Silver List silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:58 AM
 *Subject:* CSACS 200

 Anyone familiar with this product?

 The label says:

 ACS 200
 Extra Strength
 Advanced Cellular Silver
 2 Fl Oz 200 ppm

 Maintenance: 5 sprays by mouth  2-3 times a day
 Higher Dose: 10 Sprays 4 times a day

 Other Ingredients: nano distilled water


 I would love to hear any feedback on what exactly this is. It does not say
 colloidal or silver-protein anywhere on the bottle. When I called the
 company the rep said he did not know if it was silver protein and would
 have a technical person contact me. That was over a week ago and I have not
 heard back.

 This was recommended to a friend of mine by a nurse practitioner for
 treating chronic Lyme Disease. He was told to take 10 sprays 3-4 times a

 My understanding, and please someone correct me if I am wrong, is that any
 silver solution this high in concentration (over 20 or 30 ppm?) must be
 silver protein or some other silver compound, in other words a preparation
 that is not colloidal or ionic or monoatomic silver.

 The ingredients list does say Other Ingredients: nano distilled water
 which leaves me wondering what nano distilled water is?

 Thanks for any feedback,


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMRI Question

2012-07-23 Thread David AuBuchon
An MRI might cause a lyme herx.

Do you get a reaction from cranking up the volume and listening to 432
hertz for a few minutes?:
If yes, I say it is lyme.  If not, it does not rule it out however.

Taking a megadose of CS and getting a reaction indicates infection also.


On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 2:22 PM, Teri t...@welshspringers.com wrote:

 Has anyone had an unusual experience having an MRI?  I seldom take CS as I
 am very healthy and it has been over 6 months since I had any CS at all.
  Today I  had an MRI and my face was numb and I had a terrible headache
 when I got out of the machine. The MRI was off my neck.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org

  mailto:silver-list-request@**eskimo.com silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com
 Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/**silver-list@eskimo.com/**

 Off-Topic discussions: 
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CSliposomal CMO source

2012-07-23 Thread David AuBuchon
Is there a best/ cheapest source for liposomal CMO cream?  It will be used
for someones neck pain.

I was gonna get it from here:
4 jars for $43 dollars roughly.  Each jar is 2 oz.  Not sure if that is by
weight or by volume, but either way, it is not a bad deal I suppose.

Is there a timeframe it should be used and then given up?


Re: CSMRI Question

2012-07-23 Thread David AuBuchon
Yes, CS is not magnetic.  People with amalgam fillings (has silver) are
allowed in MRIs.  If the MRIs don't shred up blood cells by flinging around
iron in your body, the amount of silver from ingested CS - even if it were
magnetic - is negligible.


On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 5:18 PM, Steve G chube...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I don't know if I could blame this on CS.   I've had some MRI's recently.
 The most recent one was of my neck.   I don't take CS regularly just as
 needed.  It was a long session because they also did my thoracic area.  The
 entire MRI process took 1 1/2 hours.It gets pretty hot in there.

 I had no pain, no headache, nothing like that at all.


 --- On *Mon, 7/23/12, Teri t...@welshspringers.com* wrote:

 From: Teri t...@welshspringers.com
 Subject: CSMRI Question
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Date: Monday, July 23, 2012, 5:22 PM

 Has anyone had an unusual experience having an MRI?  I seldom take CS as I
 am very healthy and it has been over 6 months since I had any CS at all.
 Today I  had an MRI and my face was numb and I had a terrible headache when
 I got out of the machine. The MRI was off my neck.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: 
 List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CSliposomal CMO source

2012-07-23 Thread David AuBuchon
I can only use the cream in this case.  The person is old and already maxed
out on supplements down his throat.  Plus kidney failure, so supplements
have safety concerns because of that also.


On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Jane MacRoss

 I just bought some @ $17  ..  the protocol for taking them is quite
 specific plus initially I took all the supporting supplements they


 - Original Message -
 *From:* Deborah Gerard devorah...@yahoo.com
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Tuesday, July 24, 2012 8:31 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSliposomal CMO source

  I paid over $80.00 for CMO pills with no result's at all,

   *From:* David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Monday, July 23, 2012 5:52 PM
 *Subject:* CSliposomal CMO source

 Is there a best/ cheapest source for liposomal CMO cream?  It will be used
 for someones neck pain.

 I was gonna get it from here:
 4 jars for $43 dollars roughly.  Each jar is 2 oz.  Not sure if that is by
 weight or by volume, but either way, it is not a bad deal I suppose.

 Is there a timeframe it should be used and then given up?


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Re: CSR/O water reads 0.0 uS !

2012-06-28 Thread David AuBuchon
It says Assured Water Inc.

Re: CSR/O water reads 0.0 uS !

2012-06-28 Thread David AuBuchon
The maintenance guy came today to change the filters on the unit, and the
only test he performed to check that it is working is conductivity, and he
measured 0.0 with his equipment also, and said that means it is working.  I
was also skeptical, which is why I confirmed the measurement.


On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 7:47 PM, Alchemysa da...@alchemysa.com.au wrote:

 Err... yes it is malfunctioning, or it needs recalibrating. No way it
 could be that low.

 David (Australia)

  From: David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 Date: 29 June 2012 9:12:26 AM
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: CSR/O water reads 0.0 uS !

 The reverse osmosis water out of this tap reads 0.0 on my Hanna PWT, and
 it is not malfunctioning!  That is better than distilled.  The pH measure
 5.0.  That is a little concerning to me...


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Re: CSDocuments

2012-06-22 Thread David AuBuchon
I'm reading that page now.  Is it true that there is a government
contract for colloidal silver? :

 Gone is the era of viewing colloidal silver as snake oil by the
government. These colloidal silver based products are approved or in
the process of being approved by the FDA. For example, a recent U.S.
Government contract for colloidal silver, as but one example is: (GSA
# GS-07F-0826N). 


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Re: CSDocuments

2012-06-22 Thread David AuBuchon
What is this?:



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Re: CSDocuments

2012-06-22 Thread David AuBuchon
Plus this says: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends
that the concentration of silver in public drinking water supplies not
exceed one milligram per liter of water, i.e. one part per million (1

If true, then lifelong, if I am not mistaken, that would FAR exceed
the EPAs listed reference dose to avoid argyria.  This is
contradicting themselves.

Can anyone find an actual source for that statement other than that webpage?


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Re: CSDocuments

2012-06-22 Thread David AuBuchon
Okay, srry, later in the page, they say 0.1PPM, which is 10 times
less, and I calculate to be roughly equivalent the the reference dose.
 So it must just have been a typo.


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CSprostate infection

2012-06-20 Thread David AuBuchon
Elderly ailing man with recurrent infection believed to be in
prostate, maybe in UTI.  He is nebulized CS for lung cancer, but that
is not gonna help the prostate.

Any suggestions?  I am thinkinh about:

vitamin C, flower pollen, oral CS, brooks' CS/DMSO method of
administering through the urethra, D-mannose, etc.

Is oral CS good with UTI or prostate?


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Re: CSParalyzed vocal cords

2012-06-19 Thread David AuBuchon
Is it related to nerve damage or something else?  If it is related to nerve
damage, this article might get you brain going:

I would try magnets.  Biomagscience.net.  4 power wafers and 2 super
magnets would be sufficient to do the magnetic therapies I had in mind.
 Magnets appear to have abiilty to help all sorts of things regenerate.
 Peter (the magnet guy) has helped regenerate some nerves.  If you actually
located a damaged nerve, the magnets might be able to be used more
specifically than I had in mind.  If you want me to describe the actual
physical placement of the magnets, I'll do that.

There are also some centers called MME (magnetic molecular energizer).
 They use super high power EMF machines to treat people.  :


Dr. Wright also related one case of  paralyzed man who started walking
again after MME.

Good luck,

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Lena Guyot drumr...@stny.rr.com wrote:

 Hi Marshall,
 I'm a Reiki master and with nothing to lose, gave first degree Reiki to a
 Moluccan Cockatoo whose feet were both paralyzed from an illness at
 hatching. A week later, one foot began to move and grasp, and soon its
 function was restored to almost normal. The second foot never came back all
 the way, but the bird was able to get around with beak and foot, where
 once, she'd only sat on the bottom of the cage.

 Reiki doesn't heal anything, but it provides a healing energy that the
 body can use to heal itself, and sometimes, quite dramatically. It would
 certainly help the body do whatever it can to normalize circulation and
 rebuild what is worn or torn. It's a very handy tool to access in
 conjuntion with other modalities and has contributed greatly in my Lyme
 recovery. Ask around at local health-food stores, etc. and maybe you'll
 find a Reiki practitioner or master who could help.

 Be well,

 On Jun 19, 2012, at 2:24 PM, Steve G wrote:

 I'm thinking that acupuncture may be helpful as well.  I wouldn't bother
 with homeopathic remedies for any condition, unless it is one that could
 respond to placebos.  .Electrical stimulation sounds the most promising to

 Best of luck.

 --- On *Tue, 6/19/12, Marshall mdud...@king-cart.com* wrote:

 From: Marshall mdud...@king-cart.com
 Subject: CSParalyzed vocal cords
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 12:33 PM

 Does anyone have any suggestion on getting paralyzed vocal cords working
 again?  My daughter had thyroid cancer, and when they removed her thyroid
 her vocal cords got paralyzed.  I have been searching for any alternative
 therapies, and have found some Chinese herbs, homeopathic remedies, and
 maybe electro stimulation.

 Brooks, any research in this area you are aware of.



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 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSAnyone experienced with treating Hep-C? -- 30 ppm?

2012-06-12 Thread David AuBuchon
ASAP Health Max 30PPM can be ordered by emailing the lady at naturesgateway


On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Diana Clock dianacl...@ymail.com wrote:

 Well, I used my own that I made first on Chad, so not sure what ppm that
 was. Jim's method soaked for 3 days. I am thankful to JIm for his work and
 Carol's continuing on for all of us.

 I then read that a LLMD had good luck with only the brand of silver ASAP.
 I can get only through my dr office though. I have tried to order on line,
 but you can only get it through a physician.

 I use what I make for our cuts, other bug bites, sinus infections,
 granddaughters eczema, cats water, my weird skin, etc. and use the ASAP 30
 ppm for Chad.

 We do this because after a year and a half of antib  we chose this and the
 DP 100. And our LLMD was encouraging about all of it!

 Have a good day!


 Sent from my iPad

 On Jun 12, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Judy Knowlton judydownma...@roadrunner.com

  Thank you, Diana. That has given me a whole new insight on severe
  Have you tried 10 ppm before? What is the advantage to using 30 ppm?
  Judy K (Judydownmaine)
  -Original Message-
  From: Diana Clock [mailto:dianacl...@ymail.com]
  Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 9:50 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSAnyone experienced with treating Hep-C?
  Hi Judy
  We are using asap 30 ppm for our 16 yr old for Lyme we just cannot seem
  to get past 1/2 teas a day and we use the DP 100 machine. We have
  trouble detoxing as we know he has the lyme and mold genes which makes
  it more difficult. He seems to herx too much if we up it. A 2 day bash
  would so consist of a lot more I guess?
  Sent from my iPad
  On Jun 11, 2012, at 5:40 PM, Cyndi cyndi...@gmail.com wrote:
  On 6/11/2012 5:46 PM, Judy Knowlton wrote:
  It's my continued strong opinion that people often UNDER-dose with 10
  ppm CS.
  Instead, working a bit slowly up to a real 2-day bash might answer
  problem on tricky
  illnesses like HIV, shingles, Lyme, Hep-C, etc. It would definitely
  my method.
  When I was taking a cup a day, it was for about a 6 month time period,
  much longer than your 2 day bash.
  I had a neighbor with MRSA from a thumb operation. The hospital had
  her one antibiotics so severe that she had to take benadryl because she
  broke out in hives. There was talk of her possibly losing her thumb and
  this went on for many weeks and months.
  I gave her a quart of my home made cs and had her drink it all that
  day. Then I gave her a second quart to drink over the course of a week.
  Within a few days she was healing and got to keep her thumb.
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CSsoak limbs in CS with this:

2012-06-12 Thread David AuBuchon

If these things are water proof, entire limbs could be soaked in CS if


Re: CSCS for lyme and metals

2012-06-12 Thread David AuBuchon
CS helped your neuropathy?  Is it diabetic neuropathy in your feet?

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Edy Rayfield edyrayfi...@sbcglobal.netwrote:


 I'm with you.  I do almost exactly what you are doing as well.  I wouldn't
 count on CS to be the end all be all.  It is a VERY good adjunct to
 whatever protocol you are using.  I nebulize it to get the full benefit
 from it.  Once it hits the acid in your tummy it's a gone deal.  Drinking
 tons of it doesn't make sense to me as absorbing it through the mucus
 membranes of the mouth it is absorbed.  Hold it there as long as you can
 especially under the tongue.  My neuropathy has improved about 60%, but it
 took months.  As someone I know says, pace not race.  And, yes I am a lymie.


Re: CS

2012-06-11 Thread David AuBuchon
Probiotics, colloidal silver, and food allergy testing and
elimination.  We've all known it, but I just recently saw that there
is a study that proves this approach too:

Meridian valley labs...combine to two panels of 90 foods each for the
allergy testing.


On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Jane MacRoss
highfie...@internode.on.net wrote:
 Yes - I'd recommend that too


 - Original Message -
 From: Lena Guyot
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 2:41 AM
 Subject: Re: CS

 I've heard that Low-dose naltrexone is good. L
 On Jun 11, 2012, at 12:07 PM, Bob Smith wrote:

 Does anyone know of an alternative protocol for Crohns?  Bob Smith

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Re: CSAnyone experienced with treating Hep-C?

2012-06-11 Thread David AuBuchon
Here is a copy and paste of suggestions I gave to my friend with Hep
C.  It is out of context, but at least the suggested supplements will
be obvious:

2.  Liposomal vitamin C:

Work up to 10 grams a day.  This would cost about $5 a day.  I would
start with 1 gram (1 tsp), 10 times a day, just to get a feel for if
it is going to cause you any herx reactions.  Can be taken with or
without food.  Does not matter much.  Once you know there are no herx
reactions, I would take 5 grams twice a day.  Refrigerate after
opening.  This is to kill the virus and for overall health as well.
If things do not turn around fast, I would be telling you to
experiment with 50 grams doses of this.

Buy from here.  96 grams in a bottle.  So one bottle would last like
10 days, so buy quite a few of these.  $46 a bottle.

Google on vitamin C and virus or hepatitis.

3.  Liposomal glutathione:

This is for overall health and improving liver function.  Also may
increase the effectiveness of interferon if you need to take it again.
 Actually, most of this stuff may increase effectiveness of any
allopathic treatment you get and reduce side effects.  Also this has
some synergy with the liposomal vitamin C.  Take 500mg (1 tsp) twice a
day.  This is just about the best detox therapy on the planet.  Some
people experience detox reactions from stirring up toxins.  Similar to
herx reactions, but from toxins and not from bacteria.  If you do have
any reaction, decrease the dose until you can tolerate it.
Refrigerate after opening.


$55 a bottle.  A bottle would last 15 days.  So get several at a time.

Google on glutathione and hepatitis.

4.  Liposomal silibinin

Silibinin is the chemical in milk thistle people has the most health
effects.  It is poorly absorbed because it is fat soluble.
Liposomally encapsulating supplements give them many advantages, such
as excellent absorption, longer circulating life, excellent
intracellular delivery.  And in this case we are doubly lucky that
liposomes selectively release their contents in the liver.  That is
what all these supplements are liposomal.  They work way better.

Google on silibinin and hepatitis.  Here is a study:

Take 1 capsule, three times a day.  :
One bottle lasts 20 days and costs $15.  This gives you roughly 300mg
of actualy silibinin per day in a liposomal form.  The study cited
above showed that based on your weight, about 900mg per day by IV
caused remissions.  I believe oral liposomal dosing may be more
effective than IV, so less is needed.  And all these antivirals are
going to have synergy.  It really is the more the merrier.

5.  Supercritical neem

Has a bunch of antiviral chemicals:
(warning it is a PDF)

Supercritical extraction concentrates many of the chemicals .  This
concentrate is then placed in a capsule with regular raw neem leaf
powder.  So you get the broad spectrum leaf, plus many of the
chemicals in much higher amounts due to the addition of the
supercritical extract.

If you buy 3 bottles of 120 capsules, that costs $72.  If you take 1
capsule 3 times a day, that would last 4 months.


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Re: CSThe chemistry of Maple syrup and sodium bicarbonate

2012-06-09 Thread David AuBuchon
Hi Marshall,

I think you may have a typo.  You say the pH in cancer cells is lowered,
but alkalinity (i.e. increased pH) kills the cell.  Can you clarify?

Three things come to my mind as possibly related cancer therapies:

1 IPT:  insulin targets cancer cells moreso.  Glucose may have similar
effect.  This could partly explain a smaller amount of healthy cells being
injured in any therapy relating to insulin or glucose.  This also includes
the following two items...

2.  Amygdalin (Liebig and Wöhler were already able to find three
decomposition products of the newly discovered amygdalin:
and prussic acid (hydrogen
 This is related to laetrile.  Supposedlely it is cyanide that kills the
cancer cells.  Glucose may have something to do with targeting cancer.
 However, benzaldeyde all by itself has been studied to treat cancer.  So
perhaps that is doing the job?

3.  Orasal a.k.a. salicinium.  (http://forperfectbalance.com/Orasal.htm).
 Dr. Forsythe recently pioneered this in cancer treatment.  It contains
gluco cyanid.  Perhaps this is a simpler for of amygdaline and the
glucose helps get cyanide into cancer cells?


On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Sandee George oha...@juno.com wrote:

 Hi There Marshall, without your knowledge, training, etc., I totally agree
 with what you have stated here, it is something in the genuine maple syrup
 which is a carrier, which is able to take the properties of baking soda
 directly to the cancer to kill it - I have achieved this with my own skin
 cancer where there is
 no doubt in my mind  You, they or we, will eventually find out
 which one of the many properties is the true carrier for this particular
 protocol - IT WORKS !
 Take good care and look after yourself
 Attitude is everything!!!
 www.aliveagain.co.cc http://www.aliveagain.co.cc/index.html

 *53 Year Old Mom Looks 33*
 The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

Re: CSconverting ionic solution to colloids method

2012-06-01 Thread David AuBuchon
FYI, I just found out the reducing agent they use says on the bottle
dextrin carbohydrate.  Don't know if that helps.  They say to mix
the powder in for 5 minutes, then heat on a burner.


On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 5:03 PM, Jim Holmes gooogleis...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello Marshall, et al

 How much Vitamin C do you add for aprox 10PPM sol made with Bruce Marx's

 Has the issue of Ionic v. particulate been resolved?  Can you comment?

 Thank you,


 On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Marshall mdud...@king-cart.com wrote:

 Hydrogen peroxide is what is called a redox agent, it both reduces and
 oxidizes.  For silver here are the equations:

 Ag + H2O2 - H2O + AgO
 AgO + H2O2 - Ag + H2O + O2

 To make pure colloid from ionic one can add vitamin C, ascorbic acid,
 which is only a reducing/antioxidant.


 On 4/25/2012 7:49 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

   H2O2 and silver goes both ways.

 The Bell rocket belt is powered by H2O2 sprayed on a silver grid,
 producing steam.
 H2O2 will make silver oxides  AND unmake them.


 At 03:55 PM 4/24/2012 -0500, you wrote:

 I don't think that H2O2 or Oxyclean qualify as reducing agents since
 they are oxidizers.


 On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Ode Coyote odecoy...@windstream.net
  I see quite a number of mis-truths in the manual.
  Electrolysis using only pure water and pure silver makes no
  compounds, thus no need for colored glass to store it.
  The photo showing particles was done using a TEM which requires drying
  sample which CREATES those particles of silver oxide...they weren't in
  water at all.
  Adding H2O2 to a fresh batch will make it flash brownish...likely
  Tetrasilver Tetroxide, a patented germ killer that is touted to work by
  vivo ion exchange.
  Their reducing agent might be similar to Oxyclean an H2O2 based
  [Turn your Golden hair into Platinum and have even more fun, girls. ]
  The non measurable particles would be a form of silver oxide. [There
  are 4
  or 5 different forms of silver oxide ]
  It's Silver Oxide that makes CS look yellow or amber...the same black
  that collects on one electrode when using the DC method and makes the
  mist when the current density is too high so that it forms in the water
  instead of staying on the electrode.
  If you dip a black electrode in H2O2, it destroys that black stuff just
  it clears out the yellow /amber color out of the CS.
  Scrubbing the electrodes is a shear waste of silver.
  The dull appearance is due to pitting of the surface, not
  contamination...so, bulldoze a mountain to remove a creek bed?
  Their method for using the TDS meter is backwards, but may give a nearly
  accurate number by accident if done under the right conditions.
  ..makes the CS look stronger than it really is.
  I think that both the ions [Ag+] AND anions [OH-] add conductivity and
  will reach a balance of mutual encounter probabilities according to
  concentration. [the max being 30 uS ]
   Also some  silver oxide will dissolve in the water and stay that
  adding to conductivity and not making particles big enough to be
  not much.
  The number you get from a meter doesn't match the number derived from an
  spectrophotometer [which ACTUALLY measures PPM, but doesn't
  forms of silver ]  until the conductivity stops dropping.
  That's counting apples to see how many oranges you have, but both fruits
  about the same size. [once the lemons and limes that CAN turn into the
  oranges you are trying to count, turn into those oranges ]
  What stir rate does to the numbers and size of silver hydroxide chunks.
  Why Fred Sprauge [now deceased] who once made the illustrious
  controlled Custom Electronics LLC Smart Silver generator changed his
  stirrer to a direct copy after trying to figure it out for 7 years.
  What electrode tip discharge does to current density and electrode
  [Bend those tips slightly away from each other and the electrodes will
  a lot longer...better yet, get the tips out of the water...something
  that the Smart Silver copied and Fred admitted to.]
  Â Sorry 'bout that Ode..It's OK Fred.
  We both learned something when we traded units and mixed the parts.
  He was a good guy with a good product that didn't need distortions and
  emotional manipulation to sell itself.
  Who better to share a market with ?
  At 10:52 AM 4/22/2012 -0700, you wrote:
  The manual for SilverLungs describes adding a reducing agent to
  convert an
  ionic solution to a colloidal silver.  They have a photo of it turning
  color.  Any idea what it is, and if it is legit?

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Re: CSmigraines

2012-05-27 Thread David AuBuchon
Magnesium oil on back of neck, cayenne under tongue, negative pole magnets
on back on neck.

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 6:07 PM, Deborah Gerard devorah...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Thanks Edy...Her hubby is in the Navy so I am not sure what kind of
 Insurance they have, but if it cover's it or not it sure will be worth the
 expense to find out if that is the problem,

*From:* Edy Rayfield edyrayfi...@sbcglobal.net
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:01 PM
 *Subject:* CSmigraines
 I recently read an article about Mg deficiency and migraines.  Have you
 had your nieces Magnesium levels checked?  The best way for this is
 intracellular, but you could start with serum.  Tho the body everything it
 can to keep the blood balanced, to the disadvantage of the cells.  It's
 done just like a DNA swab under the tongue.  If you like I will look up the
 lab I did this with.



Re: CSmigraines

2012-05-27 Thread David AuBuchon
Tiny I suppose.  Or as large as can be easily taped there or stuck to a
metal hair clip.  I don't have my magnet book with me otherwise I would
read the recopmmedation for migraines.  I think some other people on this
forum have Peter Kulishs book, they may chime in.

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 6:50 PM, Deborah Gerard devorah...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I have the magne't what size?
 thanks tons Deb

*From:* David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:13 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSmigraines
 Magnesium oil on back of neck, cayenne under tongue, negative pole magnets
 on back on neck.
 On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 6:07 PM, Deborah Gerard devorah...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Thanks Edy...Her hubby is in the Navy so I am not sure what kind of
 Insurance they have, but if it cover's it or not it sure will be worth the
 expense to find out if that is the problem,

*From:* Edy Rayfield edyrayfi...@sbcglobal.net
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:01 PM
 *Subject:* CSmigraines
 I recently read an article about Mg deficiency and migraines.  Have you
 had your nieces Magnesium levels checked?  The best way for this is
 intracellular, but you could start with serum.  Tho the body everything it
 can to keep the blood balanced, to the disadvantage of the cells.  It's
 done just like a DNA swab under the tongue.  If you like I will look up the
 lab I did this with.




Re: CSmigraines

2012-05-27 Thread David AuBuchon
Ask her where she feels the migraine starting.  It can be the base of the
skull , but some people perhaps experience elswhere.  That is where I would
put them.

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 7:15 PM, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.comwrote:

 Tiny I suppose.  Or as large as can be easily taped there or stuck to a
 metal hair clip.  I don't have my magnet book with me otherwise I would
 read the recopmmedation for migraines.  I think some other people on this
 forum have Peter Kulishs book, they may chime in.

 On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 6:50 PM, Deborah Gerard devorah...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I have the magne't what size?
 thanks tons Deb

*From:* David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:13 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CSmigraines
 Magnesium oil on back of neck, cayenne under tongue, negative pole
 magnets on back on neck.
 On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 6:07 PM, Deborah Gerard devorah...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Thanks Edy...Her hubby is in the Navy so I am not sure what kind of
 Insurance they have, but if it cover's it or not it sure will be worth the
 expense to find out if that is the problem,

*From:* Edy Rayfield edyrayfi...@sbcglobal.net
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Sent:* Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:01 PM
 *Subject:* CSmigraines
 I recently read an article about Mg deficiency and migraines.  Have you
 had your nieces Magnesium levels checked?  The best way for this is
 intracellular, but you could start with serum.  Tho the body everything it
 can to keep the blood balanced, to the disadvantage of the cells.  It's
 done just like a DNA swab under the tongue.  If you like I will look up the
 lab I did this with.




Re: CSHeadache

2012-05-27 Thread David AuBuchon
Yes, I was thinking that too.  That is what aggravates my back of the neck
pain a lot, then it starts radiating.

On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 8:54 PM, Melly Bag tita_...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I get headaches when my posture is not correct specially at spine area.
 Since she is pregnant, the  weight of  her belly might be affecting her
 spine too.  Please tell her to make sure her shoulder, neck/nape,  and back
  area are in  proper position and don't try to slouch.


Re: CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-17 Thread David AuBuchon
Actually, the study showed reduced urine pH, indicating more efficient
elimination of acidic waste products, thereby alkalizing the body.

One approach to alkalizing is to accelerate the rate of ingestion of
alkaline material such a bicarbonate.  A second approach is to
accelerate the rate of elimination of acids.  That is what magnetized
water does.

The company you linked to that sells the magnetizer products I am sure
is affiliated with Peter Kulish who happens to have also been involved
in the study I am referring to:

There is a Dr. Lam who claims that magnetized water eventually almost
normalizes high uric acid in people with kidney failure.  I recently
advised someone with kidney failure to start it, and their next blood
test did show urea reduced by like 40 points.  It could have been
responsible, though he was doing other things too.

An interesting thing about accelerating the elimination of acids is
that there is no way you can possibly overdo it.  Your body knows what
needs to get eliminated.  But with ingesting alkaline material, there
is theoretically a way to overdo it.


On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:48 PM, Evan Jones evanj.ba...@gmail.com wrote:
 5/17/12, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com

 David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com queried:

 Does regular electrolysis break up water clusters, thus possibly making a 
 confounding variable with Colloidal Silver (CS)?  Meaning the declustered 
 water could improve detox, making it responsible for part of the health 
 improvements in some people?

 Good question.

 There is a study showing greatly reduced pH of people drinking magnetized
  water as compared to regular water, indicating more acidic wastes being

 .. sounds like an interesting study .. I think you meant to say an
 *increased* pH (e.g. from 7 to 8)?

Magnetized water presumably works also by breaking up clusters.

 Yes, this appears to be the case; there are companies that sell water
 magnetizers for HVAC cooling towers, that allows the tower cooling
 water to operate at higher than normal levels of dissolved solids,
 without the risk of scale depositing on the heat transfer surfaces.

 Typically after magnetizer units are installed, the scale within the
 system will start to rehydrate, as this occurs, conductivity /tds and
 ph will start to rise ( in boilers, efficiency should also go up
 slightly). If the system is not blown down or flushed out, the water
 will soon become very mineral rich soup or mud. This can not only burn
 out pumps, but also start to re-scale. However, if the system is
 monitored properly and the conductivity is held in the proper ranges,
 the system will reach maximum efficiency . When the system is finally
 cleaned out, the blow down procedures can actually be reduced, thereby
 saving water and energy.

 Jon Barron once ran some experiments on magnetizing water. See Magnets
 and the Bioavailability of Water.

 Mike Monet's last post pointed out that the concentrations of CS in
 the body are so dilute that some other factor must be at play.

 Dr Majid Ali is fond of administering tiny quantities of dilute
 hydrogen peroxide to patients, using IV drips. He claims to have
 treated 3,000 patients. He offers a complex explanation of how H2O2
 may work in the Oct, 2004 issue of Townsend Letter for Doctors and
 Patients: Hydrogen peroxide therapies: recent insights into oxystatic
 and antimicrobial actions

 I came to H2O2 via a highly successful experience treating a bout of
 acute bronchitis using mega doses of IV Vitamin C. But sadly, here in
 SE Asia, the lobbying powers of Big Farma have made it almost
 impossible to get the liquid infusable sodium ascorbate or to find a
 practitioner to willing administer the drip.

 So, to keep bronchitis at bay, I now nebulize H2O2 (in tiny amounts),
 (in lieu of IV vitamin C). Nebulizing is easy to do at home. It
 appears to work, as I haven't had a lung infection since taking up
 regular sessions of nebulized  H2O2 nearly a year ago.

 Vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide seem to have similar mechanisms of
 oxidative therapeutic action. Is it possible that CS works by similar

 David AuBuchon postulated that:
 So improvements with CS therapy could possibly be in part due to detox and
  not infection killing?

 Infection killing is the easier mental model for me to understand.
 i.e. We all carry an unwanted microbial load of hidden chronic
 infections, By reducing the infectious load, we free up our immune
 system to prioritize other health issues.

 Have a look at the ideas of Russel Farris, who owns a list called
 infection-corti...@yahoogroups.com and a brief and highly readable
 website www.polymicrobial.com (have a look, you can get through
 Russell's innovative

Re: CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-17 Thread David AuBuchon
I means uric acid reduced by 40 points

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:59 PM, David AuBuchon
aubuchon.da...@gmail.com wrote:
 Actually, the study showed reduced urine pH, indicating more efficient
 elimination of acidic waste products, thereby alkalizing the body.

 One approach to alkalizing is to accelerate the rate of ingestion of
 alkaline material such a bicarbonate.  A second approach is to
 accelerate the rate of elimination of acids.  That is what magnetized
 water does.

 The company you linked to that sells the magnetizer products I am sure
 is affiliated with Peter Kulish who happens to have also been involved
 in the study I am referring to:

 There is a Dr. Lam who claims that magnetized water eventually almost
 normalizes high uric acid in people with kidney failure.  I recently
 advised someone with kidney failure to start it, and their next blood
 test did show urea reduced by like 40 points.  It could have been
 responsible, though he was doing other things too.

 An interesting thing about accelerating the elimination of acids is
 that there is no way you can possibly overdo it.  Your body knows what
 needs to get eliminated.  But with ingesting alkaline material, there
 is theoretically a way to overdo it.


 On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:48 PM, Evan Jones evanj.ba...@gmail.com wrote:
 5/17/12, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com

 David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com queried:

 Does regular electrolysis break up water clusters, thus possibly making a 
 confounding variable with Colloidal Silver (CS)?  Meaning the declustered 
 water could improve detox, making it responsible for part of the health 
 improvements in some people?

 Good question.

 There is a study showing greatly reduced pH of people drinking magnetized
  water as compared to regular water, indicating more acidic wastes being

 .. sounds like an interesting study .. I think you meant to say an
 *increased* pH (e.g. from 7 to 8)?

Magnetized water presumably works also by breaking up clusters.

 Yes, this appears to be the case; there are companies that sell water
 magnetizers for HVAC cooling towers, that allows the tower cooling
 water to operate at higher than normal levels of dissolved solids,
 without the risk of scale depositing on the heat transfer surfaces.

 Typically after magnetizer units are installed, the scale within the
 system will start to rehydrate, as this occurs, conductivity /tds and
 ph will start to rise ( in boilers, efficiency should also go up
 slightly). If the system is not blown down or flushed out, the water
 will soon become very mineral rich soup or mud. This can not only burn
 out pumps, but also start to re-scale. However, if the system is
 monitored properly and the conductivity is held in the proper ranges,
 the system will reach maximum efficiency . When the system is finally
 cleaned out, the blow down procedures can actually be reduced, thereby
 saving water and energy.

 Jon Barron once ran some experiments on magnetizing water. See Magnets
 and the Bioavailability of Water.

 Mike Monet's last post pointed out that the concentrations of CS in
 the body are so dilute that some other factor must be at play.

 Dr Majid Ali is fond of administering tiny quantities of dilute
 hydrogen peroxide to patients, using IV drips. He claims to have
 treated 3,000 patients. He offers a complex explanation of how H2O2
 may work in the Oct, 2004 issue of Townsend Letter for Doctors and
 Patients: Hydrogen peroxide therapies: recent insights into oxystatic
 and antimicrobial actions

 I came to H2O2 via a highly successful experience treating a bout of
 acute bronchitis using mega doses of IV Vitamin C. But sadly, here in
 SE Asia, the lobbying powers of Big Farma have made it almost
 impossible to get the liquid infusable sodium ascorbate or to find a
 practitioner to willing administer the drip.

 So, to keep bronchitis at bay, I now nebulize H2O2 (in tiny amounts),
 (in lieu of IV vitamin C). Nebulizing is easy to do at home. It
 appears to work, as I haven't had a lung infection since taking up
 regular sessions of nebulized  H2O2 nearly a year ago.

 Vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide seem to have similar mechanisms of
 oxidative therapeutic action. Is it possible that CS works by similar

 David AuBuchon postulated that:
 So improvements with CS therapy could possibly be in part due to detox and
  not infection killing?

 Infection killing is the easier mental model for me to understand.
 i.e. We all carry an unwanted microbial load of hidden chronic
 infections, By reducing the infectious load, we free up our immune
 system to prioritize other health issues.

 Have a look at the ideas of Russel Farris, who owns a list called

Re: CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-17 Thread David AuBuchon
I think I got my tests mixed up...anyway one of those tests looked a
lot better - to the tune of 40 points.

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:00 AM, David AuBuchon
aubuchon.da...@gmail.com wrote:
 I means uric acid reduced by 40 points

 On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:59 PM, David AuBuchon
 aubuchon.da...@gmail.com wrote:
 Actually, the study showed reduced urine pH, indicating more efficient
 elimination of acidic waste products, thereby alkalizing the body.

 One approach to alkalizing is to accelerate the rate of ingestion of
 alkaline material such a bicarbonate.  A second approach is to
 accelerate the rate of elimination of acids.  That is what magnetized
 water does.

 The company you linked to that sells the magnetizer products I am sure
 is affiliated with Peter Kulish who happens to have also been involved
 in the study I am referring to:

 There is a Dr. Lam who claims that magnetized water eventually almost
 normalizes high uric acid in people with kidney failure.  I recently
 advised someone with kidney failure to start it, and their next blood
 test did show urea reduced by like 40 points.  It could have been
 responsible, though he was doing other things too.

 An interesting thing about accelerating the elimination of acids is
 that there is no way you can possibly overdo it.  Your body knows what
 needs to get eliminated.  But with ingesting alkaline material, there
 is theoretically a way to overdo it.


 On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:48 PM, Evan Jones evanj.ba...@gmail.com wrote:
 5/17/12, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com

 David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com queried:

 Does regular electrolysis break up water clusters, thus possibly making a 
 confounding variable with Colloidal Silver (CS)?  Meaning the declustered 
 water could improve detox, making it responsible for part of the health 
 improvements in some people?

 Good question.

 There is a study showing greatly reduced pH of people drinking magnetized
  water as compared to regular water, indicating more acidic wastes being

 .. sounds like an interesting study .. I think you meant to say an
 *increased* pH (e.g. from 7 to 8)?

Magnetized water presumably works also by breaking up clusters.

 Yes, this appears to be the case; there are companies that sell water
 magnetizers for HVAC cooling towers, that allows the tower cooling
 water to operate at higher than normal levels of dissolved solids,
 without the risk of scale depositing on the heat transfer surfaces.

 Typically after magnetizer units are installed, the scale within the
 system will start to rehydrate, as this occurs, conductivity /tds and
 ph will start to rise ( in boilers, efficiency should also go up
 slightly). If the system is not blown down or flushed out, the water
 will soon become very mineral rich soup or mud. This can not only burn
 out pumps, but also start to re-scale. However, if the system is
 monitored properly and the conductivity is held in the proper ranges,
 the system will reach maximum efficiency . When the system is finally
 cleaned out, the blow down procedures can actually be reduced, thereby
 saving water and energy.

 Jon Barron once ran some experiments on magnetizing water. See Magnets
 and the Bioavailability of Water.

 Mike Monet's last post pointed out that the concentrations of CS in
 the body are so dilute that some other factor must be at play.

 Dr Majid Ali is fond of administering tiny quantities of dilute
 hydrogen peroxide to patients, using IV drips. He claims to have
 treated 3,000 patients. He offers a complex explanation of how H2O2
 may work in the Oct, 2004 issue of Townsend Letter for Doctors and
 Patients: Hydrogen peroxide therapies: recent insights into oxystatic
 and antimicrobial actions

 I came to H2O2 via a highly successful experience treating a bout of
 acute bronchitis using mega doses of IV Vitamin C. But sadly, here in
 SE Asia, the lobbying powers of Big Farma have made it almost
 impossible to get the liquid infusable sodium ascorbate or to find a
 practitioner to willing administer the drip.

 So, to keep bronchitis at bay, I now nebulize H2O2 (in tiny amounts),
 (in lieu of IV vitamin C). Nebulizing is easy to do at home. It
 appears to work, as I haven't had a lung infection since taking up
 regular sessions of nebulized  H2O2 nearly a year ago.

 Vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide seem to have similar mechanisms of
 oxidative therapeutic action. Is it possible that CS works by similar

 David AuBuchon postulated that:
 So improvements with CS therapy could possibly be in part due to detox and
  not infection killing?

 Infection killing is the easier mental model for me to understand.
 i.e. We all carry an unwanted microbial load of hidden chronic

Re: CSMagnets increase solubility - an application with CS

2012-05-17 Thread David AuBuchon
That is interesting.  Well, that leads to another idea.  If magnets
can cause ions to migrate, that could possibly be used to make a super
high ion concentration product.   Picture a mason jar with CS with a
strong magnets on the bottom.  Imagine if the magnets caused the ions
to migrate to the bottom of the jar.  One could then take a syringe
and suck off the top 90% of the water very slowly.  That 90% of the CS
can be reprocessed to make more CS.  But that last 10% could be up to
10 times more concentrated assuming all the ions where there.

Then say you let it settle some more and hopefully the ions huddle in
closer to the magnet again.  Then yo such off another 90% of the
water.  This leaves 1/100th the original volume (just 10ml).  But who
knows.  Could one get 1000PPM EIS that way?

Or perhaps silver would plate out by the magnet?

Or perhaps a better approach would be put the magnet on the top of the
jar, and then use a syringe to remove the separate the 10% with the
ions at the top?

Just dreaming.


And might as well hear what Mike M. had to say magnets:

When you move charges in a magnetic field, a force is generated that wants
to move the charges at right angles to the field. Positive ions would go one
way, negative ions would go the opposite direction. If the field is uniform,
they end up wanting to go in circles.

This is called the Lorentz force and is an extremely important topic for
anything to do with electromagnetism. You can see the direction the charge
wants to move by scolling down to the second figure where it start with
Trajectory of a particle.. in this article:


The problem is the force that is generated is proportional to the velocity
of the charges. Since the drift velocity is so slow in a cs brew, the force
is negligible, and the magnet would have little effect.


On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 7:23 AM, Marshall mdud...@king-cart.com wrote:
 I have some information that might help but am not sure how it fits.  When I
 first started making CS, I was making 5 ppm by the HVAC method.  The CS was
 run through a tube and a water energizer, which is nothing more than a
 strong magnet with a hole through its center.  What it did I really don't
 know, just seemed like a good idea at the time.

 When I disassembled the machine a few years later I noticed that the clear
 tubing was clear everywhere except where it had gone through the magnet.
  There the inside surface had a mirror like coating of silver.  So strong
 magnetic fields do have some effect on CS, but beyond that I don't know.


 On 5/16/2012 7:04 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:

 I think perhaps strapping on magnets during CS brewing could improve
 some things.  FYI, I just did an experiment where I dissolved 4.5
 times the practical limit of solubility of sodium ascorbate by
 strapping positive pole magnets to the water!  Magnets definitely
 change the properties of the water.  I believe this could possibly be
 used to increase the ratio of silver ions to particles, as well as
 increase the absolute ion content in our brews.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org

 Archives:  http://www.mail-archive.com/silver-list@eskimo.com/maillist.html

 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CSMagnets increase solubility - an application with CS

2012-05-16 Thread David AuBuchon
I think perhaps strapping on magnets during CS brewing could improve
some things.  FYI, I just did an experiment where I dissolved 4.5
times the practical limit of solubility of sodium ascorbate by
strapping positive pole magnets to the water!  Magnets definitely
change the properties of the water.  I believe this could possibly be
used to increase the ratio of silver ions to particles, as well as
increase the absolute ion content in our brews.

Copying this discussion from another forum:

Here is how I see it. You strap positive poles and 4 sides of the mason jar.
You add your distilled water and start brewing. The distilled water could have
already been positive charged before hand as well. Silver ions start coming
into the water. Two cases:

case 1: If the magnets have no effect on the silver ions movement, then all we
have is lower surface tension water which makes things dissolve more easily.
AgOH molecules are formed at the electrodes by whatever explanations we care to
make. These molecules clump together and form particles, which represent about
10% of the total mass of silver. AgOH is soluble in water at 13PPM. The more
we are able to increase this solubility, the more chance these AgOH will have
chance to dissolve again before clumping and forming particles.

So that means the first benefit magnets may provide is that a higher percentage
of the silver be end up in ions and a lower percentage may end up in particles.

The second benefit is that we may be able to reach a higher absolute value of
silver ions as we are trying to do with the SilverCell process. We are forced
to call it quits when the rate at which silver ions are entering solution
becomes equal to the rate at which AgOH is irreversibly forming. If the magnets
can encourage some AgOH to dissolve again by increasing its solubility, then
this effectively decreasese the rate at which AgOH is irreversibly forming.
This raises the roof on who much silver ions we can force into solution.

case 2: In this case, let us assume magnets can alter the movement of silver
ions. I have no idea whether or not it can. But if Mike's comments are true,
perhaps silver ions may just move here and there. So what if they? Let silver
ions move wherever they want. I am not sure what that would be a problem. So
in this case, I still think the two benefits I cited in case 1 would still hold.

Then we consider what happens after finishing the brew. You now have a solution
of super high concentration silver ions in water that is positively charged. I
do not know anything about whether we want negative or positive, but let us
assume we want negative (I am just infering form Peter's comments). We used
positive during brewing to allow for greatest solubilities. Now we switch the
poles to negatively charge the water prior to ingestion. The question is
whether or not any of the ions will precipitate out? I am quite sure the answer
is no. There does not exist any known theoretical limit of solubility of silver
ions! The solubility limit of silver ions are not what limit our ability to put
silver ions in solution. A bunch on totally unrelated technical issues is what
limits our ability to do so. So I think that yes, you could then negatively
charge the colloidal silver.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CSbrewing using magnets

2012-05-15 Thread David AuBuchon
So I just did an experiment where I apparently could dissolve triple the
the amount of sodium bicarbonate and ascorbic acid in distilled water due
to the addition of taping strong negative pole magnets to the side of the
cup for 2 days prior to adding chemicals, and during the addition as well.
I am quite surprised.

One wonders if there would be any advantagous effects to magnetized water
before, as well as during, brewing CS?


Re: CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-15 Thread David AuBuchon
Does regular electrolysis break up water clusters, thus possibly making a
confounding variable with CS?  Meaning the declustered water could improve
detox, making it responsible for part of the health improvements in some

There is a study showing greatly reduced pH of people drinking magnetized
water as compared to regular water, indicating more acidic wastes being
removed.  Magnetized water presumably works also by breaking up clusters.
So improvements with CS therapy could possibly be in part due to detox and
not infection killing?

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 5:03 PM, Ode Coyote odecoy...@windstream.netwrote:

   You CS is already half alkaline water...except for whatever part of it
 that has made silver hydroxide.


 At 09:59 PM 5/14/2012 -0700, you wrote:

 Anyhow, I suppose one could run DW through an alkalizer and then use that
 to brew CS.

 On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:36 PM, Renee gaiac...@gmail.com wrote:

 I think if that were the case then someone would already be doing it.
 Once the material is saturated the water shouldn’t flow across at all, so
 it’s actually a block, I would think.  Whereas any size opening, without a
 block, would admit water through as a flow, even if it was very narrow.



 From: David AuBuchon 

 Perhaps if you omitted the sponge, but made the connecting tube rally
 narrow, that the electrolysis would outpace the mixing of the water, and
 some distinct product could be produced with silver electrodes?

Re: Subject: CSmicrowave food: hard-boiled vibrations

2012-05-14 Thread David AuBuchon
Mike,  You are obviously very intelligent and well-read.  And presumably a
well meaning person.  But you cherry pick data and have very selective
vision.  You were just talking about other planes and spiritual experiences
as being real phenomena.  But intention affecting water is clearly
blasphemous in your mind.  This these are both ludicrous at the surface, to
accept one and reject the other is inconsistent.  There are many people who
know too much about theory.  They become too narrow minded to even consider
that an observation in contradiction with theory could possibly be true.
They won't even look at it!   As Marshall rightly said, some are not even
willing to look through the telescope.  When observations consistently do
not tally with theory, one should be unbiased and entertain the possibility
that theory is wrong.

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Mike Monett mrmon...@pstca.com wrote:

 Marshall mdud...@king-cart.com wrote:

 You are welcome to your opinion.  But it is uncalled for to say I have
 faked any data.  Nothing could be further from the truth. I may have
 misinterpreted data, misunderstood data, but I have NEVER faked data,
 and never would.  I am outraged by your unfounded accusations which have
 no basis in fact at all. Ad hokem attacks are against the ground rules
 here, and totally uncalled for.

 Which unit do you have? They make a number of units.  Mine is a Hack DR
 4000. which cost around $5,000 when I bought it.
 Have you even run such experiments with your unit, or are you assuming
 that it would not give similar results and not even running the tests
 similar to what the Catholic Church did when they refused to look
 through Galileo's telescope because they knew it could not be true?


   There is no mistake Marshall. What you are doing is deliberate.

  You know  how a spectrophotometer works. You have had access  to one
  long enough.

  The only  way you can change the spectrum of distilled  water  is to
  put something in it. Ions, atoms, molecules, or any kind of physical

  It does not work on thoughts, emotions, prayer, or  any non-physical
  thing. It does not work on coils of copper wire.

  If you  are presenting data and claiming it is the  result  of these
  things, then you are faking the data.

  There is no place in this forum for that behavior.

  Mike Monett

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-14 Thread David AuBuchon
Do DIY alkalizers like this really work?

Sounds like a big money saver over commerical products.  Assuming they have
value to begin with.

Also, if one used silver electrodes instead, and distilled water, and
removed the sponge in the middle, what would be the result?  (assuming
suitable parts to avoid significant contamination were available).  The
sponge is presumably to prevent the remixing of the water on either side.
But that would destroy any possibility of getting abundant silver ions.


Re: CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-14 Thread David AuBuchon
Excellent find Renee. Thanks for that info. Yes, that is certainly a
reasonable markup.  I think he probably deserves it.

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:06 PM, Renee gaiac...@gmail.com wrote:

  You always have to have something in the middle to keep the flow of
 water ‘out’ of the other container.  Some use sponges, some use pure cotton
 wadded up, some use chamois cloth.  Since one container is acid and one
 alkaline water, if they were to flow across and mix freely you wouldn’t
 have acid or alkaline—it may easily be neutral.  But you do need something
 that allows the current to flow across—hence the filter in between.

 ** **

 There’s some good videos on making your own alkalizer, one place where you
 can buy a nice looking set up for around $150 but all of these suggest
 stainless steel or titanium.  Titanium is actually better, but according to
 this site

 you should really get platinum coated titanium, which can be hard to
 source.  He shows a vid of ‘plain’ titanium being etched away by this
 electric process.

 ** **

 The image he shows of the titanium in the vid is a long half-pipe looking
 piece, yet the close up on his actually for-sale machine looks like a
 little one inch piece.  I wrote him asking about this discrepancy and he
 said the long pipe was to show how much the titanium got eaten away along
 the edges, and that the coated small piece will NEVER wear out—because I
 had asked him about replacement times.  

 ** **

 So it would seem to me that for the money from his site you’d actually be
 getting the best device, plus I’m thinking you could use these coated
 titanium pieces and the electric plug for making a foot bath device.  Yeah,
 you’d have to clean the electrodes VERY good, but—since the coated
 electrodes never wear out you’d be getting 2 devices for pretty much one
 price.  For the foot baths all you’d need to buy would be 2 plastic shoe
 boxes.  Seems like a good deal. 

 ** **

  Supposedly the cost for his unit is because of the coated titanium.  I
 think this may be true because as I searched around for a supply for the
 coated titanium all I could find was 1 inch pieces (which is what his looks
 like) at $65 each—so that’s 130 just in the titanium.  So less than a
 hundred for the containers, the plug in and the cotton wad filter.  You
 could probably find these things for cheaper, but if someone didn’t want to
 mess gathering parts from all over his is the best deal out there.  The
 $150 one uses titanium, if I remember right, but it’s not coated and
 eventually you’ll have to replace the electrodes.  

 ** **



 ** **

 *From:* David AuBuchon [mailto:aubuchon.da...@gmail.com]


 Do DIY alkalizers like this really work?

 Sounds like a big money saver over commerical products.  Assuming they
 have value to begin with.


Re: CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-14 Thread David AuBuchon
Perhaps if you omitted the sponge, but made the connecting tube rally
narrow, that the electrolysis would outpace the mixing of the water, and
some distinct product could be produced with silver electrodes?

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:15 PM, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.comwrote:

 Excellent find Renee. Thanks for that info. Yes, that is certainly a
 reasonable markup.  I think he probably deserves it.

 On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:06 PM, Renee gaiac...@gmail.com wrote:

  You always have to have something in the middle to keep the flow of
 water ‘out’ of the other container.  Some use sponges, some use pure cotton
 wadded up, some use chamois cloth.  Since one container is acid and one
 alkaline water, if they were to flow across and mix freely you wouldn’t
 have acid or alkaline—it may easily be neutral.  But you do need something
 that allows the current to flow across—hence the filter in between.

 ** **

 There’s some good videos on making your own alkalizer, one place where
 you can buy a nice looking set up for around $150 but all of these suggest
 stainless steel or titanium.  Titanium is actually better, but according to
 this site

 you should really get platinum coated titanium, which can be hard to
 source.  He shows a vid of ‘plain’ titanium being etched away by this
 electric process.

 ** **

 The image he shows of the titanium in the vid is a long half-pipe looking
 piece, yet the close up on his actually for-sale machine looks like a
 little one inch piece.  I wrote him asking about this discrepancy and he
 said the long pipe was to show how much the titanium got eaten away along
 the edges, and that the coated small piece will NEVER wear out—because I
 had asked him about replacement times.  

 ** **

 So it would seem to me that for the money from his site you’d actually be
 getting the best device, plus I’m thinking you could use these coated
 titanium pieces and the electric plug for making a foot bath device.  Yeah,
 you’d have to clean the electrodes VERY good, but—since the coated
 electrodes never wear out you’d be getting 2 devices for pretty much one
 price.  For the foot baths all you’d need to buy would be 2 plastic shoe
 boxes.  Seems like a good deal. 

 ** **

  Supposedly the cost for his unit is because of the coated titanium.  I
 think this may be true because as I searched around for a supply for the
 coated titanium all I could find was 1 inch pieces (which is what his looks
 like) at $65 each—so that’s 130 just in the titanium.  So less than a
 hundred for the containers, the plug in and the cotton wad filter.  You
 could probably find these things for cheaper, but if someone didn’t want to
 mess gathering parts from all over his is the best deal out there.  The
 $150 one uses titanium, if I remember right, but it’s not coated and
 eventually you’ll have to replace the electrodes.  

 ** **



 ** **

 *From:* David AuBuchon [mailto:aubuchon.da...@gmail.com]


 Do DIY alkalizers like this really work?

 Sounds like a big money saver over commerical products.  Assuming they
 have value to begin with.


Re: CSwater alkalizers and silver

2012-05-14 Thread David AuBuchon
Anyhow, I suppose one could run DW through an alkalizer and then use that
to brew CS.

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 9:36 PM, Renee gaiac...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think if that were the case then someone would already be doing it.
 Once the material is saturated the water shouldn’t flow across at all, so
 it’s actually a block, I would think.  Whereas any size opening, without a
 block, would admit water through as a flow, even if it was very narrow.  *

 ** **



 ** **

 *From:* David AuBuchon [mailto:aubuchon.da...@gmail.com]


 ** **

 Perhaps if you omitted the sponge, but made the connecting tube rally
 narrow, that the electrolysis would outpace the mixing of the water, and
 some distinct product could be produced with silver electrodes?

Re: CSLyme disease

2012-05-11 Thread David AuBuchon
Never.  Your case is very complex.  You are still not accepting what you
are up against.

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 9:22 AM, Rodney Samuelson rsamuels...@cox.netwrote:

  ** **

 ** **

 I make and consume 1 qt per day at 14 ppm.  How many years will it take?
 Rod at cell 860-881-3734

 ** **

Re: Cooking was // Re: CSRemoving Silver Tarnish

2012-05-10 Thread David AuBuchon
Did Mike even do some basic google searching to confirm there is no
evidence microwaves have negative health effects?  No, it appears not.

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Mike Monett mrmon...@pstca.com wrote:

 devorah...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Give me a break..I will never believe that microwaveing food is not
 bad...fear has nothing to do with it.

 I'm sorry I even wasted my time trying. It won't happen again.

 Your keyboard is using too many periods per sentence. Pretty soon you won't
 have any left.


 Mike Monett

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMacular Degeneration

2012-05-07 Thread David AuBuchon
Dear Mike,

Electromagnetic fields can definitely affect microbes.  There are you tube
videos of paramecium just disintegrating into 1,000s of pieces within
seconds upon being exposed to specific harmonic frequencies simultaneously.
 The rife machine they used was the GB4000.  I can't find the links at
the moment, but they are there.

Aside from that, anyone who has lyme disease will sure as hell tell you
that 432hz makes you herx.  It is so reliable I use it as a diagnostic tool
to diagnose my misdiagnosed friends who don't believe they have lyme.
 People with lyme herx.  Everyone else feels nothing.  Many people have
recovered from lyme with rife machines.


On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 6:57 PM, Mike Monett mrmon...@pstca.com wrote:

  Nenah Sylver
  Mon, 07 May 2012 18:16:27 -0700

   Sol and everyone,

   My new  website  has  an  article I  wrote  that  appeared  in the
   Townsend Letter;  was  reprinted  in Nexus  in  English,  Nexus in
   German, and  in Korean; and eventually made its way in  a slightly
   different form  into my Rife Handbook as Appendix  C.  It's called
   Healing with  Electromedicine  and Sound  Therapies  and  can be
   downloaded free as a pdf file here:


   I mention  this  because it discusses laser and  LED  therapy, and
   once you  read this you'll understand the  principles  about using
   LEDs on closed eyelids (and lasers not at all on the eyes).


   Nenah Sylver, PhD


  I am an engineer with over 50 years of experience in electromagnetic

  I did not finish reading your paper. I stopped at your discussion of
  Rife technology. Here are some problems you do not address:

  1. A bacteria is immersed in a plasma that has a  certain dielectric

  The bacteria  encloses  a  plasma   that  has  a  similar dielectric

  An incoming  electric field cannot distinguish the  boundary between
  the two.  There  will be negligible force against  the  wall  of the

  This means  you cannot shake the bacteria with  an  applied electric

  2. There is no resonant frequency that will affect bacteria.

  Bacteria are  not  solid brittle things like glass.  They  cannot be
  shaken at  some resonant frequency and fall apart or break.  This is
  called damping, and it is a very important engineering principle. It
  is what makes your shock absorbers function. If you have  ever tried
  to drive a car that has no shock absorbers, you will quickly  end up
  in the ditch. Bacteria are very well damped.

  3. High frequencies travel on the outside of a body. This  is called
  skin effect.  The energy falls off quickly as you  try  to penetrate
  the flesh.

  This is why it is so difficult to contact nuclear submarines.

  We have a similar salt content to the ocean. Not exact, but close.

  4. The  harmonics  of a signal fall off very  quickly  with harmonic

  There is  negligible  energy at the  frequencies  that  might affect

  The combination  of  skin effect and harmonic loss  assures  that no
  bacteria will  ever  be harmed by applying a  signal  external  to a

  5. If  there  were any effect from an applied field,  it  would also
  affect mammal cells.

  This is an important issue if you are trying to kill cancer cells.

  If you  could  get  the penetration needed  to  affect  pathogens or
  cancer cells,  you  would  also kill the  cells  you  are  trying to
  protect. There is no way to avoid this.

  Rife technology  does not require the AMA or  other  institutions to
  kill it.  It only works for gullible individuals who  may  have more
  money than common sense.

  I am cetain your LED dissertation contains similar oversights.


  Mike Monett

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-04 Thread David AuBuchon
By the same arguments, one could ask where are all the studies on colloidal
silver done by credible researchers?  Oops.

The funny thing about what constitutes objective proof, is that it is a
subjective decision.


On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 10:40 PM, Neville Munn one.red...@hotmail.comwrote:

  Many seem to quote wikipedia, I doubt this source is all that reliable.
  I certainly wouldn't quote from it as any form of authority on subject
 matters such as these anyway, and I'm only a mug punter.

 Correct me if I'm wrong, but from all my readings about Rife his
 *personal* researched material was destroyed, and his sidekicks attempted
 to duplicate from memory did they not?  And I'm not exactly sure if
 *everything* he did was documented?  Again from my readings, he failed to
 repeat his purported successes after the ruination of him and the
 destruction of his material.


  From: mrmon...@pstca.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com

  Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS
  Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 22:59:46 -0400

  Hi Jason,
  No reputable researcher has been able to duplicate Royal Rife's results.
  From Wikipedia:
  Rife's claims could not be independently replicated, [5] and were
  ultimately discredited by the medical profession in the 1950s.
  Many of the claims attributed to Tesla never happened.
  None of Beck's claims that he made in the YouTube video have
  There is nothing you can do to change the fact electrons cannot flow in
  A blood analysis doesn't mean much. It is a complex procedure that is
  easily derailed by poor technique or measurements.
  The fundamental proof is does it work? The answer is no. Most of the
  effects attributed to zappers can easily be explained by other factors.
  I am an expert in instrumentation design and analysis. My credentials are
  as follows:
  1. I am a retired electronics engineer with over 50 years of experience
  instrumentation and control systems. These are among the most difficult
  fields in electronics.
  2. I had my own company from 1976 until I retired recently.
  3. I have been awarded 6 US patents involving hard disk drives. My patent
  list is here:
  The statements I made are obviously true and can be observed by anyone.
  These devices are not used in clinics or any place where their
  can be monitored and verified.
  There is no need to belittle contamination on the electrodes. It is a
  real and significant problem. Ignoring it could cause you serious harm. I
  once got some kind of contamination on my silver electrodes when I laid
  them on my workbench and they must have touched a spot of oil or grease.
  was so sick after taking cs made with these electrodes that it took three
  days in bed to recover. I now keep a second glass to hold the assembly
  while I am filling the cs generator with dw or emptying the cs, and I do
  not allow the electrodes to touch anything. Do not underestimate the
  of contamination. It can really harm you.
  There is no need to resort to dubious and overhyped gadgets when they
  no effect on the most basic pathogen, viruses.
  There is no need to mess with a non-functional technology when a high
  quality ionic cs will vastly outperform any of the claims made by biased
  and undereducated individuals.
  Mike Monett
  Jason R Eaton ja...@eytonsearth.org wrote:
  Hi Ken:
  Beware of individuals claiming false expertise.
  First off, zappers were firsted tested by individuals such as Royal
  and Nikola Tesla. These ideas were then eventually borrowed, with an
  attempt at a refinement, by individuals such as Bob Beck and Hulda
  Second, my experience is that the hulda clark type zapper is only
  effective. However, for many individuals, marginally is enough to
  the immune system enough support to recover.
  One of the problems with Hulda Clark type zappers is the actual
  Just like Royal Rife was working with very ineffective technology, most
  the Hulda Clark zappers don't produce a true square wave form, which
  inhibits any potential effectiveness. A device such as the Godzilla
  far more effective to treat localized conditions.
  When using one of the more technically correct and properly engineered
  zappers, the effectiveness is increased. However, as the saying goes,
  pathogen is nothing and the bioterrain is everything. For severe
  systemic infections, the best one can hope for using anti-pathogenic
  and substances is to help keep the bloodstream clean and support the
  system, and thus improve the body's own ability to address infections.
  As far as electrodes, use an extremely clean cloth moistened with a
  grade sea salt solution. Being concerned about the adsorption of metals
  through such 

Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-02 Thread David AuBuchon
Does exposing EIS to sun reduce ions to particles?

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 9:19 PM, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.comwrote:


 1.  In addition to adding H202 after the ascorbic acid, what difference
 (if any) might there be if one first added H2O2 and added the ascorbic acid

 2.  If I am not mistake, ascorbic acid could sneakily fit the definition
 of a carbohydrate ?  This may give more insight to what the SilverLungs
 person uses.  But he called it a custom blended carbohydrate which would
 imply more than one ingredient.  Though he could have added 1 carbon atom

 3.  I may try both vit C and peroxide with the 100uS brew I have.  If this
 works, then we have (at least in theory) a means of making silver ions at
 concentrations with no theoretical limit (via ultra low current), and then
 making high PPM colloidal suspensions by reducing those brews.  The home
 brewer could then do it all if someone developed the method enough.


 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Neville Munn one.red...@hotmail.comwrote:

  How thick am I?  Sorry, wasn't following the dates, as you were.


 Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 10:11:30 -0400

 From: mdud...@king-cart.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

 I would have to make some more, that was done back in 2010, and I no
 longer have it.


 On 5/1/2012 7:27 AM, Neville Munn wrote:

  Additional question Marshall...

  Could you report back on this in 4 weeks time {middle or end of next
 month, June} and let me know if there is any settlement observable please.


  Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 00:23:01 -0400
  From: mdud...@king-cart.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS
  On 3/12/2010 10:53 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
   Very light yellow. It is more turpid than with color, leading me to
   believe that the particles are very small so they are absorbing
   primarily in the uv region and only lightly in the blue, but still
   sufficient in quantity to cause a good bit of reflection of light and
   thus the tremendous Tyndall. After two days it is still stable.

Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-02 Thread David AuBuchon
And if ascorbic acid makes metallic silver, then what is silver ascorbate?

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 11:21 PM, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.comwrote:

 Does exposing EIS to sun reduce ions to particles?

 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 9:19 PM, David AuBuchon 


 1.  In addition to adding H202 after the ascorbic acid, what difference
 (if any) might there be if one first added H2O2 and added the ascorbic acid

 2.  If I am not mistake, ascorbic acid could sneakily fit the definition
 of a carbohydrate ?  This may give more insight to what the SilverLungs
 person uses.  But he called it a custom blended carbohydrate which would
 imply more than one ingredient.  Though he could have added 1 carbon atom

 3.  I may try both vit C and peroxide with the 100uS brew I have.  If
 this works, then we have (at least in theory) a means of making silver ions
 at concentrations with no theoretical limit (via ultra low current), and
 then making high PPM colloidal suspensions by reducing those brews.  The
 home brewer could then do it all if someone developed the method enough.


 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Neville Munn one.red...@hotmail.comwrote:

  How thick am I?  Sorry, wasn't following the dates, as you were.


 Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 10:11:30 -0400

 From: mdud...@king-cart.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

 I would have to make some more, that was done back in 2010, and I no
 longer have it.


 On 5/1/2012 7:27 AM, Neville Munn wrote:

  Additional question Marshall...

  Could you report back on this in 4 weeks time {middle or end of next
 month, June} and let me know if there is any settlement observable please.


  Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 00:23:01 -0400
  From: mdud...@king-cart.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS
  On 3/12/2010 10:53 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
   Very light yellow. It is more turpid than with color, leading me to
   believe that the particles are very small so they are absorbing
   primarily in the uv region and only lightly in the blue, but still
   sufficient in quantity to cause a good bit of reflection of light
   thus the tremendous Tyndall. After two days it is still stable.

Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-02 Thread David AuBuchon
Mixed vitamin C with about 14 PPM EIS.  Clear.  Laser pointer broken, so
can't observe Tyndall.

Mixed vitamin C with about 100PPM EIS.  White milky color.  Did not clear

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 11:29 PM, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.comwrote:

 And if ascorbic acid makes metallic silver, then what is silver ascorbate?

 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 11:21 PM, David AuBuchon 

 Does exposing EIS to sun reduce ions to particles?

 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 9:19 PM, David AuBuchon 


 1.  In addition to adding H202 after the ascorbic acid, what difference
 (if any) might there be if one first added H2O2 and added the ascorbic acid

 2.  If I am not mistake, ascorbic acid could sneakily fit the definition
 of a carbohydrate ?  This may give more insight to what the SilverLungs
 person uses.  But he called it a custom blended carbohydrate which would
 imply more than one ingredient.  Though he could have added 1 carbon atom

 3.  I may try both vit C and peroxide with the 100uS brew I have.  If
 this works, then we have (at least in theory) a means of making silver ions
 at concentrations with no theoretical limit (via ultra low current), and
 then making high PPM colloidal suspensions by reducing those brews.  The
 home brewer could then do it all if someone developed the method enough.


 On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Neville Munn one.red...@hotmail.comwrote:

  How thick am I?  Sorry, wasn't following the dates, as you were.


 Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 10:11:30 -0400

 From: mdud...@king-cart.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

 I would have to make some more, that was done back in 2010, and I no
 longer have it.


 On 5/1/2012 7:27 AM, Neville Munn wrote:

  Additional question Marshall...

  Could you report back on this in 4 weeks time {middle or end of next
 month, June} and let me know if there is any settlement observable please.


  Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 00:23:01 -0400
  From: mdud...@king-cart.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS
  On 3/12/2010 10:53 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
   Very light yellow. It is more turpid than with color, leading me to
   believe that the particles are very small so they are absorbing
   primarily in the uv region and only lightly in the blue, but still
   sufficient in quantity to cause a good bit of reflection of light
   thus the tremendous Tyndall. After two days it is still stable.

Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

2012-05-01 Thread David AuBuchon

1.  In addition to adding H202 after the ascorbic acid, what difference (if
any) might there be if one first added H2O2 and added the ascorbic acid

2.  If I am not mistake, ascorbic acid could sneakily fit the definition of
a carbohydrate ?  This may give more insight to what the SilverLungs
person uses.  But he called it a custom blended carbohydrate which would
imply more than one ingredient.  Though he could have added 1 carbon atom

3.  I may try both vit C and peroxide with the 100uS brew I have.  If this
works, then we have (at least in theory) a means of making silver ions at
concentrations with no theoretical limit (via ultra low current), and then
making high PPM colloidal suspensions by reducing those brews.  The home
brewer could then do it all if someone developed the method enough.


On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Neville Munn one.red...@hotmail.com wrote:

  How thick am I?  Sorry, wasn't following the dates, as you were.


 Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 10:11:30 -0400

 From: mdud...@king-cart.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS

 I would have to make some more, that was done back in 2010, and I no
 longer have it.


 On 5/1/2012 7:27 AM, Neville Munn wrote:

  Additional question Marshall...

  Could you report back on this in 4 weeks time {middle or end of next
 month, June} and let me know if there is any settlement observable please.


  Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 00:23:01 -0400
  From: mdud...@king-cart.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSMaking 100% colloidal EIS
  On 3/12/2010 10:53 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
   Very light yellow. It is more turpid than with color, leading me to
   believe that the particles are very small so they are absorbing
   primarily in the uv region and only lightly in the blue, but still
   sufficient in quantity to cause a good bit of reflection of light and
   thus the tremendous Tyndall. After two days it is still stable.

Re: CSTreating Lyme Disease with Collodial Silver

2012-04-29 Thread David AuBuchon
Make it yourself with any generator for much cheaper.  Can take much
more that way too.  You won't find many people here who think
mesosilver is particularly any better than what you can make at home

Approximately 15PPM, working up from just like a tsp dose, all the way
up to 8 fl. oz. twice a day (16 fl oz total a day) is the dosage I
would suggest.  You only increase the dose as herxes allow.  Always
have as minor a herx as possible.  Stronger herxes do not help you get
better faster.


On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Danny Matthews
dannymatthew...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have Lyme disease and am looking into using Colloidal Silver as a

 I've been looking into the different products available and as far as I
 understand it MesoSilver
 (http://www.purestcolloids.com/mesosilver_price_list.php) is one of the best
 products of it's type on the market.

 I was wondering if anybody with experience of using CS with Lyme would be
 able to give me some idea of daily dosage and how long I should be taking it

 Many thanks for any help you can give :).

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSTreating Lyme Disease with Collodial Silver

2012-04-29 Thread David AuBuchon
Some people are super infected, and just need to go at their own pace.
 Everyone is different.  That is the great thing about CS with lyme
and co - everyone can tolerate, it is just a matter of finding the
right dose.  Even that may mean diluting 1 drop of CS even further.
Antibiotics do not have this leisure with regards to dosing, so if
people can't tolerate the minimum dose of the abx, they are just asked
to tough it out!  CS I think is the perfect first pass for these


On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 5:02 PM, Diana Clock dianacl...@ymail.com wrote:
 Just wondering if anyone else has noticed the silver being too much even at 
 1/2 teas a day for a 16 yr old. We use 30ppm by ASAP from our llmd office and 
 I also make my own. We have been using it for 3 mths at this dose and using a 
 rife machine.
 Within 20 min of a bit under a 1/2 teas he was feeling worse

 Sent from my iPad

 On Apr 29, 2012, at 5:21 PM, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com wrote:

 Make it yourself with any generator for much cheaper.  Can take much
 more that way too.  You won't find many people here who think
 mesosilver is particularly any better than what you can make at home

 Approximately 15PPM, working up from just like a tsp dose, all the way
 up to 8 fl. oz. twice a day (16 fl oz total a day) is the dosage I
 would suggest.  You only increase the dose as herxes allow.  Always
 have as minor a herx as possible.  Stronger herxes do not help you get
 better faster.


 On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Danny Matthews
 dannymatthew...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have Lyme disease and am looking into using Colloidal Silver as a

 I've been looking into the different products available and as far as I
 understand it MesoSilver
 (http://www.purestcolloids.com/mesosilver_price_list.php) is one of the best
 products of it's type on the market.

 I was wondering if anybody with experience of using CS with Lyme would be
 able to give me some idea of daily dosage and how long I should be taking it

 Many thanks for any help you can give :).

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSchelation therapy costs

2012-04-25 Thread David AuBuchon
Heavy Metal Detox.  It is chlorella growth factor plus cilantro, plus
some homeopathic stuff.  Has a study on their website.  If you google
shop for it, it is a pretty cost effective option from the cheapest


On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 6:56 AM, Lisa blacksa...@comcast.net wrote:
 What's HMD?

 -Original Message-
 From: David AuBuchon [mailto:aubuchon.da...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 1:18 AM
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CSchelation therapy costs

 total zeolite, liposomal glutathione, a hard to find cheap liposomal
 EDTA (one does exist though), HMD, trace minerals.  All oral.  Cheaper
 and easier than IV.

 On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 10:13 PM,  brick...@aol.com wrote:
 I did 20 IV Chelations in Los Algodones, Mexico in 1995. Cost was $50 per
 IV. Then I did 10 IV Chelations per year until the last 3 years as
 maintenance. The result was shown by before and after blood tests each
 My first Chelation removed 17 kidney stones and lots of plaque, which I
 verified by using a kidney stone strainer. So for me I know what it does.
 Lately I use a do it yourself system
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D63THl-eNJQ. I have not verified this
 with blood tests or used my strainer to check. To get good results I had
 increase my urine flow to at least 32 ounces per day. I had to drink
 tea to increase urine flow. As the kidneys must get rid of anything broken
 loose by Chelation. One guy had junk broken loose that lodged in his
 eye, loosing his sight in that eye. He said that showed him to take more
 Chelations. Lately my blood pressure is increasing, Chelations used to
 my blood pressure, so I better try more do it yourself Chelations. I also
 bought oral Chelation pills.If you do it yourself Chelation you need to
 vitamin C plus any other vitamin you take as Chelation removes both the
 with the bad.


 In a message dated 4/24/2012 5:02:57 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
 kenancy2...@yahoo.com writes:

 Does anyone have experience with chelation therapy?  How much does it

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSchelation therapy costs

2012-04-24 Thread David AuBuchon
total zeolite, liposomal glutathione, a hard to find cheap liposomal
EDTA (one does exist though), HMD, trace minerals.  All oral.  Cheaper
and easier than IV.

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 10:13 PM,  brick...@aol.com wrote:
 I did 20 IV Chelations in Los Algodones, Mexico in 1995. Cost was $50 per
 IV. Then I did 10 IV Chelations per year until the last 3 years as
 maintenance. The result was shown by before and after blood tests each year.
 My first Chelation removed 17 kidney stones and lots of plaque, which I
 verified by using a kidney stone strainer. So for me I know what it does.
 Lately I use a do it yourself system
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D63THl-eNJQ. I have not verified this method
 with blood tests or used my strainer to check. To get good results I had to
 increase my urine flow to at least 32 ounces per day. I had to drink parsley
 tea to increase urine flow. As the kidneys must get rid of anything broken
 loose by Chelation. One guy had junk broken loose that lodged in his
 eye, loosing his sight in that eye. He said that showed him to take more
 Chelations. Lately my blood pressure is increasing, Chelations used to lower
 my blood pressure, so I better try more do it yourself Chelations. I also
 bought oral Chelation pills.If you do it yourself Chelation you need to add
 vitamin C plus any other vitamin you take as Chelation removes both the good
 with the bad.


 In a message dated 4/24/2012 5:02:57 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
 kenancy2...@yahoo.com writes:

 Does anyone have experience with chelation therapy?  How much does it cost?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSconverting ionic solution to colloids method

2012-04-23 Thread David AuBuchon
Here is the only clue I have - the reducing agent is a custom blended
carbohydrate we formulated.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

CSconverting ionic solution to colloids method

2012-04-22 Thread David AuBuchon

The manual for SilverLungs describes adding a reducing agent to convert
an ionic solution to a colloidal silver.  They have a photo of it turning
amber color.  Any idea what it is, and if it is legit?


Re: CSPost URLs

2012-04-17 Thread David AuBuchon
It dawned on me:


If you use gmail, every email message has a unique URL!.  I am gonna start
just copying and pasting that URL into my word documents.


On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:30 AM, phoenix23002 tds.net phoenix23...@tds.net

 You may not have the same layout as i do, David, but.. right at the
 top of my inbox, there are buttons.. They read, from left to right,
 Archive, Spam, Delete, Move to, Labels, More.  When I want to save an
 email, I just click on the Move to button and it lets me create new (I
 give it a label) and it gets saved that way.  If it is a similar email
 or something that is on the same subject as another email that I have
 already saved this way, I still click on the Move to .. and just
 highlight the subject that I have already saved and it automatically
 joins that post.  So.. they are all together.  If your layout isn't
 identical, you probably have something similar?  Poke around and see,
 ok?  Let us know how it goes.   Lola

 On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 8:24 PM, David AuBuchon
 aubuchon.da...@gmail.com wrote:
  Is there any known way to bookmark the links to posts on this forum right
  from my email?  I am always reading messages and then having to go and
  them in the archives to bookmark the link to the post.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


 Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
 List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCardiac/arterial benefits?

2012-04-16 Thread David AuBuchon
CS does have an antiplatelet effect, so it may actually be a bit of a clot

I think you want oral EDTA, also making sure to use a daily multimineral


On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 6:46 AM, craehow...@juno.com craehow...@juno.comwrote:

 I've been taking serrepeptase for years...  but one should start small and
 work up.  I buy Dr. Best Serrepeptase at $12+  a bottle.


 *53 Year Old Mom Looks 33*
 The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

Re: CSCardiac/arterial benefits?

2012-04-16 Thread David AuBuchon
Go to Gordon Research Institute and do a search on EDTA and read lots of
article.  Dr. Gordon has a supplement called Beyond Chelation Improved or
something like that.  It has some EDTA and some other detox things in it.
 With this and some basic health measure, he says he has never had a
patient have a heart attack in like the last 20 years or something like


On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 12:14 PM, HARSHA GODAVARI h.godav...@shaw.cawrote:

 Hi David:
Where can one find more info on this? Would appreciate a
 couple of URLs Thanks.

 - Original Message -
 From: David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com
 Date: Monday, April 16, 2012 1:46 pm
 Subject: Re: CSCardiac/arterial benefits?
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com

  CS does have an antiplatelet effect, so it may actually be a bit
  of a clot
  I think you want oral EDTA, also making sure to use a daily
  On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 6:46 AM, craehow...@juno.com
   I've been taking serrepeptase for years...  but one
  should start small and
   work up.  I buy Dr. Best Serrepeptase at $12+  a bottle.
   *53 Year Old Mom Looks 33*

   The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

Re: CSDoes EIS stress kidneys?

2012-04-12 Thread David AuBuchon
If I am not mistaken, the following constitutes more evidence that plain
old drinking water is dangerous to the kidneys as compared to CS on account
of the fluoride content. :


I read on Wikipedia that in India fluoride legal limit is like 1.2 PPM.


CSDoes EIS stress kidneys?

2012-04-11 Thread David AuBuchon
I know the answer is no, but I just need to hear it from some yes-men.
The lousy doctors are withholding CS from our cancer patient in the
hospital because his creatinine levels have increased and they think it
must be caused by the metal in the colloidal silver!  And in the meanwhile,
his previously improving health is no longer improving.  I am about to give
them a piece of my mind, but want to double check before I do.


Re: CSDoes EIS stress kidneys?

2012-04-11 Thread David AuBuchon
I also just read cancer die-off can increase creatinine.  So damn, you WANT
CS to increase creatinine.  Brilliant doctors...

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Silvia Messmer sdmess...@cox.net wrote:

 I would think the increased levels is due to microbe die off, not the CS
 itself.  I hope the patient has advocates to stand up to what the patient
 wants, it's his right to take CS if he wants.


 -Original Message-
 *From:* David AuBuchon [mailto:aubuchon.da...@gmail.com]
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 11, 2012 12:38 PM
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Subject:* CSDoes EIS stress kidneys?

 I know the answer is no, but I just need to hear it from some yes-men.
 The lousy doctors are withholding CS from our cancer patient in the
 hospital because his creatinine levels have increased and they think it
 must be caused by the metal in the colloidal silver!  And in the meanwhile,
 his previously improving health is no longer improving.  I am about to give
 them a piece of my mind, but want to double check before I do.


Re: CSDoes EIS stress kidneys?

2012-04-11 Thread David AuBuchon
Plus now I learn that liver cancer all by itself causes elevated
creatinine.  And so does whey protein, which he was taking.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 3:00 PM, David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.comwrote:

 I also just read cancer die-off can increase creatinine.  So damn, you
 WANT CS to increase creatinine.  Brilliant doctors...

 On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Silvia Messmer sdmess...@cox.net wrote:

 I would think the increased levels is due to microbe die off, not the CS
 itself.  I hope the patient has advocates to stand up to what the patient
 wants, it's his right to take CS if he wants.


 -Original Message-
 *From:* David AuBuchon [mailto:aubuchon.da...@gmail.com]
 *Sent:* Wednesday, April 11, 2012 12:38 PM
 *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
 *Subject:* CSDoes EIS stress kidneys?

 I know the answer is no, but I just need to hear it from some yes-men.
 The lousy doctors are withholding CS from our cancer patient in the
 hospital because his creatinine levels have increased and they think it
 must be caused by the metal in the colloidal silver!  And in the meanwhile,
 his previously improving health is no longer improving.  I am about to give
 them a piece of my mind, but want to double check before I do.


Re: CSRectal CS

2012-03-29 Thread David AuBuchon
Though most of the liver is on the right side, one should lie on the
left side to get the most into the liver?


On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 7:13 AM,  devorah...@yahoo.com wrote:
 One more thing it would be absorbed by the blood vessels in the area that 
 would go to the liver...there are drugs that are administered thru the rectum 
 as well...do a google search for nor info too

 Sent via my Samsung Replenish from Boost Mobile

 David AuBuchon aubuchon.da...@gmail.com wrote:

Reviving this rectal CS thread...would rectal CS be a good idea for
liver cancer?  Would it reach the liver directly?  Would there be a
minimum volume needed to reach the liver?

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  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRemoving silver plating ?

2012-03-28 Thread David AuBuchon
Is it like a pretty snowflake pattern?  I get things like that.  I wet
a paper towel with distilled water, drop it in the empty jar, then use
a big spoon or spatula to reach inside and move the paper towel around
and rub those deposits off.  Then I rinse the jar with DW once.


On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Kurt Voitel k...@voitel.name wrote:
 I have several one quart glass canning jars that I use to make CS.

 For years I have used a magnetic stirred Silver Puppy to generate the CS.

 The jars have what looks like a thin silver deposit on the inside walls and

 Does it matter that there is a deposit on the walls of the glass jar?

 Is there a way to clean this deposit?

 Thanks for any help.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRectal CS

2012-03-28 Thread David AuBuchon
Reviving this rectal CS thread...would rectal CS be a good idea for
liver cancer?  Would it reach the liver directly?  Would there be a
minimum volume needed to reach the liver?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSHow long does a plain single 9V setup take to brew?

2012-03-19 Thread David AuBuchon
Very true.  Anyway, the update is the person is no longer bed ridden, and
is walking around, and all swelling has disappeared.  That is with supps
and an unknown strength of colloidal silver.

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Dan Nave bhangcha...@gmail.com wrote:

 This question is meaningless without knowing the size of the brew
 vessel, the length and spacing of the electrodes.  These all affect
 how long it would take to brew.

 The faraday calculator shows that it would take about 55 minutes at
 1ma to achieve 15ppm in one cup of water.  But you would not be
 starting out at 1ma in the beginning, and don't know if the unit has
 current regulation or not.  It certainly is expensive enough to have


 On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 5:55 PM, David AuBuchon
 aubuchon.da...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am helping someone in India who I got to buy this unit:
  (scroll down to the super silver option)
  This is the only reasonable unit for sale that I have located in all
  of India, btw.  It appears to be a single 9 volt with no resistor.
  Supplements plus this CS appears to be reversing the person's
  otherwise terminal cancer.  But I need to have a better sense of how
  long it would take to brew say 15PPM with this unit.  My guess is 45
  minutes, total, wiping the electrodes every now and then?  The guy who
  sells it seems to be unreachable at the moment.
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org
  Off-Topic discussions: mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
  List Owner: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com

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