Re: Please explain Maya pivot points to a Softimage thinker

2015-11-05 Thread Christian Keller
That explains a lot ;)

Christian Keller 
Visual effects|direction
m  +49 179 69 36 248

> Am 04.11.2015 um 17:43 schrieb Gerbrand Nel <>:
> Agreed...
> Rather watch this.
> It makes more sense.
> G
>> On 04/11/2015 18:13, Sebastien Sterling wrote:
>> This is actually quite sickening to watch, but cheers Francois, at least we 
>> know what we are dealing with.
>>> On 4 November 2015 at 15:46, Francois Lord <> wrote:
>>> Does this help?
>>>> On 2015-11-04 09:34, Byron Nash wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to get some objects zero-ed out in Maya but keep running into 
>>>> what I assume is a paradigm difference between how Maya and Soft handle 
>>>> center points and transforms. In Soft, I can move the center/pivot and it 
>>>> will change the transform values. So, I can reset the center to be in the 
>>>> middle of the geometry and then zero the position to get the object to 
>>>> snap back to the world center or parent center. In Maya, moving the pivot 
>>>> does not seem to change the transform of the object when you move the 
>>>> pivot. So I can't then zero the values and get the objects to return to 
>>>> zero. Sometimes, the object and it's center are clearly NOT at zero but 
>>>> that's what the values say. There are some Local Space/World space values 
>>>> in the attribute editor, but I can't figure out how to get things reset 
>>>> properly.
>>>> Any help from a Softimage perspective is appreciated.

Re: Cluster of points driving another cluster of points

2015-10-09 Thread Christian Keller
Good you managed a way to do it. 
We used a similar approach for example on that one:

Not feasible for everything, but much nicer and more predictable than to use 
bullet in SI.

Christian Keller 
Visual effects|direction
m  +49 179 69 36 248

> Am 08.10.2015 um 19:15 schrieb Olivier Jeannel <>:
> Thank you !
> it's based on 2 pointclouds PC Masters and PC Slaves. 
> PC Slaves picks up one Master based on closest position.
> The proud part is that it works with any rotations, masters and slaves don't 
> have to match.
> I wanted to use it in a momentum simulation to enhance the look, but finally 
> it didn't look that good. Oh well
>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 6:17 PM, pedro santos <> wrote:
>> Looks nice :)
>>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Olivier Jeannel <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> With some help from PeterB, here's what I had in mind.
>>> Pedro, my apologies, I was dragged away and didn't take time to answer. 
>>> Thank's for sharing the compound :) 
>>>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Olivier Jeannel <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> It works !
>>>> W !
>>>> I only have 2015, do you want the scene anyway ? Maybe just the compounds 
>>>> could export and work in 2012?
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:48 PM, <> wrote:
>>>>> yes the third example was toto3.scn – gotta love my naming convention.
>>>>> I gave slaves and masters an initial random orientation to make sure it 
>>>>> was respected – so having a cylindrical basis *should* work.
>>>>> of course, as always, the abstract test is nice, and then you try to do 
>>>>> something more specific, and all hell breaks loose.
>>>>> if at some point you want to / can send a scene where you would like to 
>>>>> solve the issue, I can have a look
>>>>> (no promises – and I’m on 2012 here – perhaps 2013 somewhere – and 
>>>>> depending on available time of course..)
>>>>> regards, Peter
>>>>> From: Olivier Jeannel
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 6:57 PM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: Re: Cluster of points driving another cluster of points
>>>>> Nope, was on my scene, I tried to build the brick wall. It's a 
>>>>> cylindrical, like a tower, brick wall.
>>>>> But having both Master rotations and Slave rotations with different 
>>>>> values (not beeing zero) gives some troubles.
>>>>> No time to investigate today, a bit overwhelmed by other stuff :/
>>>>> The second test is Toto3.scn ?
>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 6:11 PM, <> wrote:
>>>>>> woops – not much time behind the computer today -
>>>>>> > Still some rotation problem I might ask you ;)
>>>>>> you mean in the test scene I sent you?
>>>>>> at first sight the rotations looked correct but I’m not sure
>>>>>> From: Olivier Jeannel
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 9:34 PM
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Cluster of points driving another cluster of points
>>>>>> Ok I'll check that tomorrow ;)
>>>>>> Well, the ribbon plan is ended, i defenetly prefer the tests I made 
>>>>>> rather than the end result, but at least the director is happy.
>>>>>> Too bad the  strand orientation is such a nightmare, could have be so 
>>>>>> cool with sole little maintenance...
>>>>>> The destruction (it's another shot) part is because I decided to run 
>>>>>> some tests on ice. In fact the sequence has been made in c4d and the 
>>>>>> fractures were so bad that I felt the need to

Re: Downloading Entertainment Creation Suite

2015-10-01 Thread Christian Keller
I also had to fight for 2 days to get the right one downloaded an installed.
It seems that using the 3d software is much easier than downloading  the right 
pack and getting it licensed. 
There must be a horde of guys working on the other side to make certain things 
as complicated as they could be ;)
Btw can I get my two days back ?

Christian Keller 
Visual effects|direction
m  +49 179 69 36 248

> Am 30.09.2015 um 19:04 schrieb Bradley Gabe <>:
> Simple solution. I gave up attempting to install on that computer and tried 
> on another one and it worked as intended. Same OS on both systems, just must 
> be something wonky about one of them. 
> So if anyone else experiences issues with downloading from Autodesk, my 
> advice is, make sure you aren't using my desktop system.
> I'll be back with advanced user questions such as: How do I make a geodesic 
> sphere with NURBs, and where is the Softimage SIGGRAPH dinner this year? 
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Maurice Patel <> 
>> wrote:
>> Ah, c’est la vie – glad it all got resolved ☺
>> Thanks Bradley
>> Maurice Patel
>> Tél:  514 954-7134
>> Cell: 514 242-6549
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Bradley Gabe
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 12:56 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Downloading Entertainment Creation Suite
>> Ha! Up and Running. Hello old friend!
>> The list continues to work its magic for me in the same fashion as always. 
>> As soon as help is offered and escalated, the problem gets resolved.
>> Thanks Joey, Maurice, Adam, and others.

Re: SP2???

2015-09-27 Thread Christian Keller
I think The Version i'm on, it already is fixed !

Christian Keller 
Visual effects|direction
m  +49 179 69 36 248

> Am 25.09.2015 um 16:32 schrieb Martin Chatterjee 
> <>:
> Hi Hsiao Ming,
> that's great news.
> Could you please confirm that the "Reinterpret Location" compound bug has 
> been fixed for the upcoming SP2?
> As far as I'm concerned this is probably the most critical 2015 bug out there 
> and we are keen on getting that one solved.
> Thanks in advance,
> Martin
> --
>Martin Chatterjee
> [ Freelance Technical Director ]
> [   ]
> [ ] 
>> On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 8:19 AM, Hsiao Ming Chia 
>> <> wrote:
>> Yes, there is another one coming soon.
>> Thanks,
>> Hsiao Ming
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Tenshi .
>> Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2015 2:19 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: SP2???
>> I'm waiting for that too. Please AD, do it. 2015 SP1 has a few things to 
>> fix. :)
>> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 5:46 AM, Leendert A. Hartog 
>> <<>> wrote:
>> I might have missed the announcement, if so, sorry, but can we still expect 
>> a Softimage 2015 Service Pack 2 and if so, when will it be released?
>> Greetz
>> Leendert
>> AKA Hirazi Blue
>> Softimage hobbyist, admin at<> & 

Re: command port to XSI

2015-09-04 Thread Christian Keller
In the workgroup examples you've on xsi server example which might come handy 
for you.
Can recall the exact name. I think I had to install c# to compile it for 64 bit

Christian Keller 
Visual effects|direction
m  +49 179 69 36 248

> Am 03.09.2015 um 16:24 schrieb Tim Crowson <>:
> I recall someone on the AD side mention that the "Send To"  mechanism between 
> Maya and Soft is not exposed and is essentially black-boxed.
> -Tim
>> On 9/3/2015 8:34 AM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] wrote:
>> So no command Port like Maya?
>> So when Maya “sends” scene data to Softimage and creates a connection to 
>> Softimage, how is it doing that?
>> --
>> Joey Ponthieux
>> LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)
>> MYMIC Technical Services
>> NASA Langley Research Center
>> __
>> Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
>> represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Luc-Eric 
>> Rousseau
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 7:35 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: command port to XSI
>> The c# sample in the sdk is what creates the server that listens to a 
>> socket.  There is no command port feature xsi otherwise
>> Le 2015-09-02 18:31, "Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES]" 
>> <> a écrit :
>> Eric,
>> Thanks. I found the files but can’t really tell if I am supposed to run the 
>> server in order to make the client work.  And I don’t have Python installed 
>> anyway.
>> Had no luck converting the Perl script to something that XSI can understand. 
>> My guess is that XSI is not receiving input. In Maya you have to turn the 
>> TCP port on via a preference or env variable before you can use it. But I 
>> can’t find anything of that equivalent in XSI.
>> Barring these attempts, I need to save a scene that has locked up at render. 
>> Any advice how I can get it to quit and save on exit?
>> --
>> Joey Ponthieux
>> LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)
>> MYMIC Technical Services
>> NASA Langley Research Center
>> __
>> Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
>> represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Eric Thivierge
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 5:34 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: command port to XSI
>> There is a sample Python one in the SDK example workgroup. It's not a 
>> straight forward process and the one time I was working on a team to do this 
>> it was quite convoluted to get it working as desired.
>> Eric T.
>> Eric Thivierge
>> On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 5:20 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] 
>> <> wrote:
>> Maybe this will help. I am looking to do something like this. This was a 
>> Perl script run in DOS.
>> use Socket;
>> $hostName = "localhost";
>> $portNumber = 8000;
>> $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
>> socket(Socket_Handle, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto);
>> $port = getservbyname('smtp', 'tcp');
>> $sin = sockaddr_in($portNumber,inet_aton($hostName));
>> connect(Socket_Handle,$sin);
>> $savedir = "E:/MAYA_Emergency_Save/";
>> print "Attempting to save MAYA file to directory ${savedir}\n";
>> $command = "string \$mySceneName = basename(\`file -q -sn\`, \"\"); string 
>> \$mySavNam = \"$savedir\" + \$mySceneName; file -rename \$mySavNam; file 
>> -save -type \"mayaAscii\";\n";
>> send(Socket_Handle, $command, $sin);   #send the 
>> command to Maya
>> sleep 1; 
>>  #wait a second 
>> for things to ca

Re: Momentum setup ?

2015-08-06 Thread Christian Keller
Try another software package like Houdini for that, or be prepared for maybe 
more pain than you'd expect.
Momentum is a bit p.i.t.a dir complex Thinges 
Sorry couldn't resist ;)
Every second time you playback it works.
Sim is never the same you press the button, always cache it, otherwise you'll 
never get the same result. The sim engine itself is pretty cool if you use it 
in another package, but the soft implementation is half baked and feels dirty. 
No offense to the developers, if it's a softimage problem or what else ...

Christian Keller 
Visual effects|direction
m  +49 179 69 36 248

 Am 06.08.2015 um 22:02 schrieb olivier jeannel
 Hi gang,
 I'm doing simple tests for an upcoming job that should involve destruction 
 stuff, like walls and houses.
 So, I gave a try to Momentum and Implosia.
 I remember there was an old Momentum + ice setup or a tutorial, I think by 
 Yujaheo on vimeo. It was a cracking ground that was gradualy cracking.
 Atm, I'm having trouble having something better than an ON/OFF start for the 
 whole simulation.
 Does anyone remember this ?
 Thank you !

Re: Friday Flashback #228

2015-06-17 Thread Christian Keller
That's a nice one, still remember that. 
I lived in that small town in Bavaria where 
the first reseller was.

Christian Keller 
Visual effects|direction
m  +49 179 69 36 248

 Am 12.06.2015 um 18:17 schrieb Stephen Blair
 ACTOR amazes customers

Re: [Softimage] accessing single points of an object in ICE

2015-06-17 Thread Christian Keller
Use a build array from set node with the positions. Then a select in array with 
the id +/- whatever to put it on the position.
You've to filter that, because you don't wanna set something on the even 
points. That means piping it through a filter node. Odd/even is easy with 
You've to set the position array into a separate variable first, otherwise it 
would not work with the filter node.
Sure you figure that out !

Christian Keller 
Visual effects|direction
m  +49 179 69 36 248

 Am 17.06.2015 um 17:52 schrieb Byron Nash
 Digging up this old thread. I'm trying to get some data from one set of 
 points and apply them to another set within one polygon object. I see how 
 some of the examples shown in this thread can access one point, but what 
 about every even or odd numbered point? I'd like the odd points to share Y 
 position with the next even point. How can I find and apply the position data 
 of (Vertex Index -1)?
 On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 8:49 AM, Alan Fregtman 
 Cool! I wouldn't have thought of using that. :)
 Good job exploring stuff, Chris,
-- Alan
 On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 6:20 AM, Chris Marshall wrote:
  Ah Hah! Got it working.
  Took some grappling, but was simple solution in the end. From the original
  working setup where you filter the element index, if you run the output of
  the filter node through a Get Maximum in Set node, this gives you *just*
  the single vector. This is confirmed by showing the values, before this 
  you get zeros on the cube etc, after this node you just get the one vector
  values displayed at the origin. So it's only spitting out the stuff wanted.
  Thanks again.
  Chris Marshall wrote:
  Thanks for the explanation. It does appear to be confusing. It looks like
  the tools for accessing sets are limited, though it might be possible to 
  the data required with some fiddling. I'll have a dabble.
  javier wrote:
  I quickly scanned thrugh this email, I think the answer is that points
  in a polymesh are not part of an array but part of a set. so you are
  extracting the selected element in the array per point, that means all
  It seems to me that ICE is built using 2 differetn paradigmns for
  point access. Arrays and Sets.
  A particle cloud or a Polygon's points are points in the set, so
  youhave to either use the statistics nodes or in your case, I think
  getting the point by ID should do it. Im not in front of xsi, but i
  think you could grab the point array, enter the id index into an id
  node and then maybe plug into a filter node? I agree is a bit
  Converting arrays to sets seems quite easy if the array is of vectors.
  you get your array and create a point cloud and stick the array into
  the AddPoints, then you can grab the point positions as set.
  I havent tried the opposite.
  Softimage mailing list
 Softimage mailing list

Re: motion blur and ambient occlusion

2015-02-25 Thread Christian Keller
I'm not in front if the computer now, but have you tried if unified sampling 
makes a big difference, in theory it should.
There's also an caching option for AO in the render settings, you've to fiddle 
with the values.
Not using mr very often these days.

Christian Keller 
Visual effects|direction
m  +49 179 69 36 248

 Am 25.02.2015 um 11:19 schrieb Chris Marshall
 Hi All,
 When combing these two, render times go through the roof. Any tricks for 
 speeding this up?

Re: Lets Hope Autodesk Buys the Foundry!

2014-12-16 Thread Christian Keller
So there is one final question to ask: what is the air-speed velocity of an 
unladen swallow ?

Christian Keller 
Visual effects|direction
m  +49 179 69 36 248

 Am 16.12.2014 um 05:58 schrieb John Richard Sanchez
 Lets Hope Autodesk Buys the Foundry! They can EOL Nuke/ Mari in a few years. 
 The future would be bright! ( sarcasm)

Re: realistic hair shading SI-MR

2014-12-10 Thread Christian Keller
It's a long time ago that I did hair with mr, Arnold makes that a breeze now. 
But I did that always with the rasterizer. If the hair is not to long you could 
bake the final gathering into a texture and use that to mix it into the 
shading, which gives you a nice look without too much rendering time.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

 Am 07.12.2014 um 09:17 schrieb
 Thanks Matt -
 interesting - I've come across a custom hair normals shader that was giving a 
 better, more tube or cone feel - that gave some more presence to the 
 hairs. (More so at close up) - and in my understanding the flat vs 
 cylindrical normals was the explanation. But I stand corrected.
 Still I've found the crosswise gradient as a bump useful on hair (and grass) 
 to give them a less flat feel.
 You're very right of course that flat ribbon is much more geometry efficient 
 than cylinder - with all the memory advantages - but when 3Delight renders 
 those beautiful hair 'tubes' without any geometric artifacts, much more 
 convincing looking and much faster and at a fraction of the memory overhead - 
 it's hard to complement MR on its very efficient choice of the flat ribbon. 
 (apples and oranges, I know)
 Yes, I did my own digging in rendersettings for hair on Barnyard. Having a 
 screenful of unique characters, each with several patches of hair, with 
 wildly different styles and requirements, 8 years ago, on MR, with 
 requirement for a plethora of lights in the scene, all of them with 
 (soft)shadows. The default settings fall down quick, as in: results not good 
 enough plus too slow, but there is a lot to be got out MR in that respect 
 yet. (which was the main reason for my reply to OP) I recall rasterizer and 
 shadowmaps as two main ones for making it look better (also filtering and 
 sampling ofcourse) - and then all those little parameters to get the 
 rendertimes down. BSP, raydepth, and careful use of partitions and visibility 
 And from that production (and others after) I've never had the feeling of 
 hair being a real bottleneck for lighting. Particles and effects much more so 
 in those pre-pre-ICE days.
 -Original Message- From: Matt Lind
 Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2014 2:03 AM
 Subject: realistic hair shading SI-MR
 MR hair geometry is flat ribbon, but the normal is computed from a virtual
 cylinder like a normal map with full control over shaft radius and taper
 along the length.  For most practical purposes it should create the desired
 look.  Using the utility shaders (math/lookup nodes) available in the
 rendertree, you can read hair UV coords and surface normal yourself if you
 want to shade them differently than the provided hair shaders.  Mental ray
 stores hair information in the state which can be accessed by any shader
 which cares to dig into that information.
 The reason for flat ribbon is to allow hair to be represented as physical
 geometry which can be styled and groomed, respond to dynamics, and use
 material/texture shaders for shading while keeping memory consumption
 low/reasonable (representing hair as geometry is hugely expensive).  Mental
 ray does offer true cylinder hair, but to get cylinder hair would require
 the hair shader to be implemented as a volume shader (which would have it's
 own set of issues).  I believe that was how the original softimage hair
 shader from 10 years ago was implemented.  It rendered hair convincingly for
 the basics such as highlights, but most people didn't like it because as a
 volume shader it did not permit styling and grooming (or at least not much
 control over it), and rendered quite slow with frequent crashing as mental
 ray volumes can be a bit finicky.
 I experimented with hair rendering in mental ray for Barnyard all those
 years ago.  From a purely technical point of view, writing shaders for hair
 isn't too hard - it's just standard material/texture shader with additional
 metadata for the hair.  The key to getting results is being smart with your
 render settings.  You must be stringent on ray depth, recursion, shadow
 type, memory limits, and so on.  Setting them too generously will make your
 render times go through the roof as you're telling mental ray to wander and
 find things to do which probably aren't necessary.  the default render
 settings in Softimage are probably too generous for hair.

Re: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves

2014-05-07 Thread Christian Keller
Do it in ice ?
Or use the plot functionality to produce a spline. Smooth the spline partially, 
get it back as a fcurve.
There are so many ways to skin that cat ...

christian keller
visual effects|direction

m +49 179 69 36 248
f +49 40 386 835 33

gesendet von meinem iDing

 Am 07.05.2014 um 19:00 schrieb adrian wyer
 doesn't help on a sloping fcurve though.
 the smooth does what i want, just need falloff 
 does maya have this functionality, i could plot a null and export fbx, do it
 in maya, then bring it back, copy the animation, fiddle a bit more, then
 realise i should have done it in houdini ;o)
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Manny
 Sent: 07 May 2014 17:51
 Subject: RE: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves
 In such situations, I call on the 'stretch keys'
 b and mmb,
 Unlike q, it works with a pivot according to where your cursor is placed.
 Manny Papamanos
 Product Support Specialist
 Americas Frontline Technical Support
 [] On Behalf Of adrian wyer
 Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 12:42 PM
 Subject: RE: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves
 or be a brush based tool, like editing a weightmap
 we can dream eh?
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 David Barosin
 Sent: 07 May 2014 17:36
 To: xsi
 Subject: Re: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves
 You can hit 'q' to bring up the bounding region in the fcurve editor after
 you tag keys which does limit the effect.   The smoothing introduce new
 kinks at the boundaries though :P  It could use a falloff.
 On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:19 PM, adrian wyer
 like the title says...
 curve processing affects the whole curve, ignoring selection
 i have a track with a kink, the more i try and smooth it manually, the worse
 it gets
 smoothing works fine, but i only want to smooth a small section
 i COULD create a null, copy the camera animation, smooth just that bit, and
 copy it back but really? this is 2014!
 Adrian Wyer
 Fluid Pictures
 75-77 Margaret St.
 W1W 8SY
 ++44(0) 207 580 0829tel:%2B%2B44%280%29%20207%20580%200829
 Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
 Company number:5657815
 VAT number: 872 6893 71

Re: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves

2014-05-07 Thread Christian Keller
Blend between a fully smoothed and the original. 
Might be faster than writing your last mail ;-P

christian keller
visual effects|direction

m +49 179 69 36 248
f +49 40 386 835 33

gesendet von meinem iDing

 Am 07.05.2014 um 19:00 schrieb adrian wyer
 doesn't help on a sloping fcurve though.
 the smooth does what i want, just need falloff 
 does maya have this functionality, i could plot a null and export fbx, do it
 in maya, then bring it back, copy the animation, fiddle a bit more, then
 realise i should have done it in houdini ;o)
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Manny
 Sent: 07 May 2014 17:51
 Subject: RE: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves
 In such situations, I call on the 'stretch keys'
 b and mmb,
 Unlike q, it works with a pivot according to where your cursor is placed.
 Manny Papamanos
 Product Support Specialist
 Americas Frontline Technical Support
 [] On Behalf Of adrian wyer
 Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 12:42 PM
 Subject: RE: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves
 or be a brush based tool, like editing a weightmap
 we can dream eh?
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 David Barosin
 Sent: 07 May 2014 17:36
 To: xsi
 Subject: Re: smoothing tagged keys on fcurves
 You can hit 'q' to bring up the bounding region in the fcurve editor after
 you tag keys which does limit the effect.   The smoothing introduce new
 kinks at the boundaries though :P  It could use a falloff.
 On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:19 PM, adrian wyer
 like the title says...
 curve processing affects the whole curve, ignoring selection
 i have a track with a kink, the more i try and smooth it manually, the worse
 it gets
 smoothing works fine, but i only want to smooth a small section
 i COULD create a null, copy the camera animation, smooth just that bit, and
 copy it back but really? this is 2014!
 Adrian Wyer
 Fluid Pictures
 75-77 Margaret St.
 W1W 8SY
 ++44(0) 207 580 0829tel:%2B%2B44%280%29%20207%20580%200829
 Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
 Company number:5657815
 VAT number: 872 6893 71

Re: Re[2]: lag when editing components

2014-04-22 Thread Christian Keller
It might be the case that you've a lot of dirty models in your scene. Most of 
the time it helps that you do something like extract all polys from that mesh 
into a new one and delete the original . But with that amount of objects it's a 
bit of an overkill, even when you script it

christian keller
visual effects|direction

m +49 179 69 36 248
f +49 40 386 835 33

gesendet von meinem iDing

 Am 22.04.2014 um 18:14 schrieb Martin Yara
 I haven't used Quadros for quite a while, but they used to be faster than 
 GeForces when dealing with very dense meshes.
 It's been said that newer GeForces are deliberately crippled to increment 
 this difference.
 GeForces are faster only for GPU rendering and games.
 BTW, FCurve glitches happen when you disable Aero.
 Don't disable Aero! But that's another problem.
 I tried to reproduce your problem, I just created a scene with 10,000+ 
 spheres (480poly), 4.8 Million triangles total and XSI.exe is using about 2GB 
 of RAM
 None of them have materials or deformers.
 The scene is very slow but I have no lag when creating new primitives or 
 dealing with a few isolated objects and their components.
 i5 16GB RAM /  GeForce GTX 650 1GB / HQV disabled
 I've had some delay with the move tool and a high dense mesh with a few poly 
 clusters. Hiding a few components solved the problem but I had to hide/unhide 
 a lot while tweaking the object.
 On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 10:43 PM, Eugen Sares wrote:
 Yes, thanks, HQV was already off.
 The overall viewport performance is good, actually. No artifacts, also.. 
 It's just when moving components that I encounter this strange lag.
 When I edit multiple meshes at once (which I often have to), the lag seems 
 to multiply with every selected object.
 I downgraded from an nVidia beta driver to 335.23, the latest stable, but I 
 can't say that made much difference.

Re: ICE// Instance Geometry to unique geometry?

2013-12-09 Thread Christian Keller search the list-- 
christian keller
visual effects|direction

+49 179 69 36 248 09. Dezember 2013 um 11:23 schrieb Tim Leydecker,   I have simple crates I´m filling with ICE Instancing using a Simulate Rigid Bodies approach.  The collisionobject´s shape is put together out of even simpler boxes to avoid any problems with convex/concav geometry interpretation.  All this works reasonably nice and is fast enough to iterate and play with the result.  I don´t know how to convert the ParticleSet Instance Geometry used with the Emitter to unique Polygon geometry?  Is that possible? How? I´d need "real" geo I can export, no instances.  I have a workaround using arrayed Rigid Bodies in Maya and freezing the sim when happy, but the interaction and scene performance is nowhere near Softimage´s ICE speed, I´d prefer to use ICE simply for the more fun factor while working on filling crates all day.  Cheers,  tim  

Re: Merge meshes is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

2013-11-06 Thread Christian Keller
- merge two small meshes- go into the explorer an switch it to application (A)- go to scene defaults/operators there is now a default preset of the merge op for this scene, double click that and set tolerance to time you use the merge op in this scene it uses these default values.-- 
christian keller
visual effects|direction

+49 179 69 36 248 06. November 2013 um 10:33 schrieb Vladimir Jankijevic just merge two simple objects, set the tolerance parameter to 0, and save out a preset of that operator. then you can apply that operator through:Application.ApplyGenOp("path/to/your/saved/preset", "", "sphere1,sphere", 3, "siPersistentOperation", "siKeepGenOpInputs", "")cheersvladimirOn Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Szabolcs Matefy wrote:I have several geometries, each of the about 30-50k polygons. I have to merge them, and when I try, it takes lot of time minutes to hours(!!) to have the Merge Mesh PPG come up. I think it’s because it wants the merge open edges with 0.5 units, and I have plenty. Is it possible to edit the preset to omit this welding by setting the 0.5 value to 0?CheersSzabolcs___ This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version. Crytek GmbH - - Grüneburgweg 16-18, 60322 Frankfurt - HRB77322 Amtsgericht Frankfurt a. Main- UST IdentNr.: DE20432461 - Geschaeftsfuehrer: Avni Yerli, Cevat Yerli, Faruk Yerli

Re: emission by point velocity of emitter

2013-09-02 Thread Christian Keller
you can use a cached (ice) result of your character, and load it via the 
ice cache node in the sim stack.

then you´re able to get the position from the last frame.

Am 02.09.2013 04:08, schrieb Leonard Koch:

Hey Eric.

unfortunately you can't drive a weightmap on an object based on its 
pointvelocity, since you only have access to previous frame values, if 
your ice-tree is in the simulation part of the stack, which in turn, 
makes all envelopes useless.
You can only effectively use this data in the simulated ice-tree on 
another object, like in the pointcloud where you are emitting the 
particles for example.

Here is a screenshot which shows how to emit particles based on the 
movement of a mesh:

And here is the scene:

I hope this helps!

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 1:37 AM, Eric Lampi wrote:

I'm trying to get this to work, but I am having little success. It
seems like it should be fairly straightforward.

I would like to drive a weightmap by the velocity of the geo's
points that are being deformed by a skeleton. I can't seem to
quite figure out how to access it and I am guessing some of it
will depends where the envelope is set and where the ice tree is
located. The result of which I can use to emit particles or set
properties where there is the most movement, probably clipping it
below a certain threshold. I understand in principal, but right
now I'm just stuck.

I've taken a look around in for some reference. I'm actually
pretty surprised there aren't at least a couple nodes floating
around that already do this kind of thing..



Freelance 3D and VFX animator

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Re: Setting data on a particle based off data from another particle in the same cloud

2013-07-17 Thread Christian Keller
If you clone the points clone the id into a new attribute, then you know which 
particle is the parent. And add a attribute that it's a clone. You can use that 
later to decide not to put orientation values on.
Build a set from you tangent, whatever values and then you can select the 
corresponding value from that set.

I'm not in front of a computer right now, but I'll have a quick look at it if 
you don't get it working.


christian keller
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 17.07.2013 um 12:02 schrieb Ciaran Moloney

 Maybe you're not getting the right ID to look up the strandpoints on?
 On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 2:34 AM, Alan Fregtman 
 I thought that too, but it's not cutting it. :(
 The do stuff part doesn't get any StrandPosition data for the points 
 without strands. (Tried both ID to Location  Point Index to Location.)
 On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 9:27 PM, Ciaran Moloney 
 Point ID to location  get strand positions  do stuff  Set 
 On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 1:54 AM, Alan Fregtman 
 Hey guys,
 Scratching my head over this...
 So, I have two sets of particles. One is emitted then a second particle is 
 born (via Clone Point) and this one gets some strand stuff. This one 
 follows the original's motion.
 I wanna align the first particle to the strands' tangent from the second 
 particle. I got this working when it was all with one set of particle, but 
 now that I separated them, I'm a little lost with the context.
 Getting self.StrandPosition to work out the tangents sets the context to 
 per-point and so if I set any data it does it to that original point I 
 read the StrandPosition from, therefore I end up affecting my strandy 
 particles, not the original.
 Any idea how I can get the StrandPosition from the strandy particles and 
 have it so when I set the Orientation I do so on the original first set of 
 Any help appreciated.
-- Alan

Re: disconnected edges?

2013-05-06 Thread Christian Keller
If you want the edges instead of the vertices, you could use a separate 
pointcloud , get all border edges and resample the space between each of the 
two points of every edge. Use the positions for an add point node.
Then use this pointcloud for the distance lookup.

christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
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Am 06.05.2013 um 17:12 schrieb Vincent Ullmann

 You also could use a SelectInArray with Index 0.
 Might be the cleaner way.
 Indeed the Pop is quite wrong. I though i would give me the First Element, 
 not the last. Therefore i was a bit surprised, why i had to uncheck the 
 Another approach could be the solution i suggested first. Using a 
 GetArrayMinimum and FindInArray.
 Not sure whats slower. GetArrayMin + FindInArray or SortArrayWithKey
 By the Way
 Here is a little improved Version... getting closest Positions on the 
 Am 06.05.2013 16:55, schrieb olivier jeannel:
 Super great !
 Why I don't get the SortArrayWithKey and the PopFromArray ?
 Is it goaling first to the closest border edge and then to the furthest ? 
 If so, why do you need the Pop ?
 (Not tested, just reading the tree)
 Le 06/05/2013 16:25, Vincent Ullmann a écrit :
 Here is a little Test, of that what i just wrote.
 Might be a bit clearer ;-)
 Am 06.05.2013 16:04, schrieb Paul Griswold:
 Hey guys - 
 Is there a way to get the location of the nearest disconnected edge and 
 set that as the goal for my particles?
 I'm using Eric Mootz's emTV compounds to grow a mesh  I want to attract 
 particles to the newly created disconnected edges.

Re: Octane render

2013-02-14 Thread Christian Keller
looks like a filtering issue. lanzcos ?you might get away with less bounces, without noticabel quality loss.with some tricks you could get a better and faster resultcheers,chris-- 
christian keller
visual effects|direction

+49 179 69 36 248 14. Februar 2013 um 18:34 schrieb Toonafish took 2 Hours and 10 minutes with 5 Diffuse bounces and AA set to  10. Setting the diffuse bounces to 16 as in Octane was just slowing  Arnold down too much.  Still some fine noise in the DOF, and weird aliasing artifacts in the  high contrast areas around the windows and the lights.  - Ronald  

Re: SDK: ShaderDefs and related

2013-02-11 Thread Christian Keller
Speaking of ShaderDefs:Does someone know how to change the default value of a color parameter in a ShaderDef in python?Cheers,Chris-- 
christian keller
visual effects|direction

+49 179 69 36 248 11. Februar 2013 um 04:47 schrieb Stephan Woermann this helps...oInputParameterDefs.AddParamDef( "layer_0", siHWShaderPortType, oOptions );2013/2/7 Matt Lind ml...@carbinestudios.comI have several shaders with parameters defined using .spdl files. I am trying to update them to use Shader Definitions, but a few of the parameter types are not documented in the manuals which leaves me scratching my head a bit.From the .spdl: Parameter "layer 0" input { GUID = "{3C30FA8E-06A5-4ED1-93D3-DA165801B60C}"; type = rtrendercontext; texturable = on; animatable = off; }It’s an input parameter for a realtime shader which only accepts other realtime shaders. The problem is the SDK manuals do not specify the equivalent of ‘rtrendercontext’ parameter types using shader definitions. Here is my best guess how to define such a parameter: // layer 0 oOptions = oXSIFactory.CreateShaderParamDefOptions(); oOptions.SetLongName( "layer_0" ); oOptions.SetAnimatable( false ); oOptions.SetTexturable( true ); oOptions.SetInspectable( true ); oInputParameterDefs.AddParamDef( "layer_0", XSI::siShaderDataTypeStructure, oOptions );Anybody have ideas?Matt


2013-01-14 Thread Christian Keller
Hey, what's the problem, it seems to work. They remember you, maybe not like 
you expected it :)

christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 14.01.2013 um 17:55 schrieb Alan Fregtman

 The Area suffers the same issue though. The remember me checkbox is a troll.
 On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Luc-Eric Rousseau 
 that's not the same as The Area
 Le 2013-01-14 10:45, adrian wyer a écrit :
 Adrian Wyer
 Fluid Pictures
 75-77 Margaret St.
 W1W 8SY 
 ++44(0) 207 580 0829
 Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
 Company number:5657815
 VAT number: 872 6893 71

Re: Particle clumping technique

2013-01-08 Thread Christian Keller
What you could do to get some nice clumps ist emitting in a volume and eat the 
outer shell away with a fractal so you have a nice irregular shape.
Do this with several point clouds, that you have enough different pieces for 
the whole thing. (You could also do it in one point cloud but that's a bit more 
Then you could clone these pieces to your master point cloud. And parent them.
A nice way to get them falling apart is to precompute a gradient from the 
outside to the center on the base pieces. You could use this for the gradual 
dissolve from the shell to the center. 

christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
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Am 08.01.2013 um 15:47 schrieb Tim

 Just a quick update, incase anyone else is trying to do something similar. 
 The culprit for the simulation forces was to do with the ClumpSize attribute 
 being used in the init force and velocity branch. I'm not entirely sure why 
 but if you re-define the attribute earlier in the add points execution stack, 
 it works (or at least the sim doesn't break). Maybe it's something to do with 
 context and what's defined, I'm not sure. Now at least I am able to emit 
 clumps over time.
 On 08/01/2013 12:42, Tim wrote:
 I'm just playing around with it now, and I'm wondering if there is a way to 
 generate clumps in simulation mode, and still get the forces to work 
 correctly? I have set it up so clumps are created every frame (which works 
 as expected) but It seems when I try to apply forces to this It breaks the 
 simulation completely and all the points disapear.
 I'm not sure if I'm setting this up wrong, or it's a limitation with this 
 kind of set up. Basically I'm trying to get smokey dirt to fall from a 
 character over time.
 I have attached an image to show how I structured the tree.
 On 07/01/2013 19:17, Sebastian Kowalski wrote:
 here you go, thats one of the first prototypes I've made.
 the whole system evolved a bit after the catrice project (had to reuse it 
 on an other job), but the essential idea seems not to differ from vladimirs 
 solution. (hope thats true, didn't had a look yet ;) )
 you need to set a custom id value to each member of a cluster of points 
 (clump id).
 in that case all clumps have the same amount of points.
 in that scene file its just a drag force, dissolving the clumps. when you 
 need some more forces you have to use the position average of every clump, 
 and apply the needed force from that.
 i am gonna share the more sophisticated scenes too, just need to comment 
 them a bit.
 i should say that the initial idea came from tim borgmann, I've just 
 implemented it in an icy way ;)
 take care

Re: Forcing ice trees to evaluate via script

2012-11-27 Thread Christian Keller
Have you tried to put a log node inbetween (ice)?
In the script use maybe a 
Refresh and or a Redraw if it doesn't work.

christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 27.11.2012 um 14:39 schrieb Jules Stevenson

 Hey guys, I need to write out some kinematics data to a file, and the 
 kinematics in question is driven by ice. All is groovy right until I try to 
 step through frames via script, since this seems to not evaluate the ice 
 tree. Very simple example below:
 app = Application
 log = app.LogMessage
 camera = app.Selection(0)
 cam = camera.Kinematics.Global
 frame = 1
 while frame  100:
   log(%s,%s,%s % (cam.posx.Value, cam.posy.Value, cam.posz.Value))
   frame += 1
 However this returns the value of the camera's kine on the starting frame of 
 the script, and does not update, therefore suggesting the ice tree is not 
 being evaluated. Any ideas for how to force an evaluation via script? 
 Many thanks,

Re: Another Nissan ?

2012-11-11 Thread Christian Keller

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Am 11.11.2012 um 18:09 schrieb olivier jeannel
 I suppose it's from the same creators as the one before ?

Re: update on Creation integration to Softimage

2012-11-10 Thread Christian Keller
 Hey Helge,
a Hamburg Workshop Sounds really cool!

christian keller
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Am 10.11.2012 um 13:17 schrieb Helge Mathee

 Andy, Dan, Sebastian,
 Creation Platform is targeted at the TD level user, however you don't have to 
 be a full time TD do be able to use it. I'll be showing the new Softimage 
 integration next week in London, and will hopefully also put these videos 
 online. With this new integration you can build an application purely in 
 python, while we provide all of the major building blocks of course (such as 
 camera, viewport, geomety etc) and on top of it you can inject your custom 
 behaviour. May it be a custom painting tool, a custom deformer, a custom rig 
 etc. Now using the integration you can then load this pyhton application into 
 Softimage and start using it within Soft. you can use ICE to push data in and 
 out, and you'll be able to use your custom interactive tools directly in the 
 Softimage viewport.
 I am pushing forward to provide more workshops and training. Phil just did a 
 workshop on Montreal this week, I'll be hosting one in London next week, but 
 I am also planning to do online workshops as well as more workshops in Europe.
 Creation Platform is ready to be used in production, but more importantly I 
 am absolutely willing to help turn around current projects to push Creation 
 Platform out there. So if you are considering to use it for a certain 
 project, ring me up. I'll be able to help you jump through the first hoops. 
 You be jumping higher yourself before you know it.
 I hope this helps. And oh Sebastian it is about time we start a local 
 workshop in Hamburg. :)
 On 11/10/2012 11:02 AM, Sebastian Kowalski wrote:
 I am seeing myself in that same league, more as a technical driven 3d artist.
 so far i couldn't dive into the creation platform that much, but i talk a 
 lot to helge, and he is giving me confidence that this is an useful thing 
 for people like me (us). 
 for now I just have my custom operator thinking, keeping all in soft image 
 and process all math via creation platform.
 like having a custom ice node, besides i won't need to code that in c++ (and 
 there is the catch, cause I can't code in C#). but i guess that won't stop 
 there. (exciting!)
 all these modules the guys from fabric come up with, build up a pretty 
 toolbox so far.
 for now i do not have an urgent need for a tool (maybe i have, the moment I 
 really understand what all this is about), but i hope i can finally find 
 some time to check that stuff out. 
 helge will explain that better than I could. 
 Am 10.11.2012 um 04:06 schrieb Dan Yargici
 This pretty much sums me up also, and I've found myself asking the very 
 same questions!
 I've also been keenly following the development of FE but I'm not sure I 
 have the chops to put it to proper use...
 Really looking forward to your response!
 On 10 Nov 2012 01:12, Andy Moorer wrote:
 Helge, I find the creation platform both really exciting, and from what 
 I've seen as it grows its learning curve intimidating. 
 I'm an artist-turned-TD and a script monkey largely educated by watching 
 your jscript videos and lectures at Barnyard, and later taking Raffaele's 
 workshop... plus self training, bothering folks like you, Graham and Brad, 
 and a (nasty) year spent in Mel. 
 In other words, I'm (I think) a pretty typical non-developer technical 
 Is the Creation Platform something for folks like me, who spends about 40% 
 of my time scripting and the rest in creating assets and reasonably 
 complex stuff in ICE? Or is it targeted squarely at TDs who spend the bulk 
 of their time scripting, ie more for those at the developer end of the 
 Not that I'm not willing to always be stretching my capabilities to grow 
 as a TD and artist. I'm just trying to figure out who you see as the 
 typical Fabric Creation Platform user.
 Kudos to the regular outreach and amazingly fast and production-targeted 
 development of Fabric, it's been really awesome to watch it come to life.
 On Nov 9, 2012, at 2:53 AM, Helge Mathee wrote:
 yes - the CreationPlatformCAPI will be shipped working on all three 
 operating systems.
 On 08.11.2012 23:01, Xavier Lapointe wrote:
 Had the same question on my mind actually.
 On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 8:58 AM, Eric Thivierge 
 So the integration with Softimage is working on Linux?
 Eric Thivierge
 On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:40 AM, Helge Mathee 
 Linux is fully supported for everything. As is OSX.
 On 08.11.2012 15:01, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:
 Hey Helge,
 This might be of enough general interest

Re: update on Creation integration to Softimage

2012-11-08 Thread Christian Keller

christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 09.11.2012 um 00:18 schrieb Tim Crowson

 Thanks Helge.
 To anyone who knows... is there a build of Pyside available for 64-bit Python 
 on Windows? I can only find builds for 32-bit...
 -Tim C.
 On 11/8/2012 10:40 AM, Helge Mathee wrote:
 Of course that's possible. It is even easier. Applications are just python 
 modules, so you can use
 them inside of python based apps easily. Simply import the app and off you 
 go. You might have to
 switch PySide for PyQt but that's about it.
 On 08.11.2012 16:40, Tim Crowson wrote:
 I've just started dabbling in CP and I do have a question I can't seem to 
 find an answer to. Forgive me if this is a silly question: CP leverages Qt, 
 but is it possible to host a CP app inside one of our custom PyQt or Pyside 
 applications? I'm specifically thinking of a scenario where I'd like to 
 host a CP viewer for Alembic files inside a production tool we've already 
 built in PyQt. I know I could always have our app fire up yours, but I'm 
 wondering if I can host a CP viewport as a widget inside our custom non-CP 
 Tim Crowson
 Lead CG Artist
 Magnetic Dreams Animation Studio, Inc.
 2525 Lebanon Pike, Building C. Nashville, TN 37214
 Ph  615.885.6801 | Fax  615.889.4768 |
 On 11/8/2012 3:07 AM, Helge Mathee wrote:
 Thanks guys!
 Now, I've stated that on the Creation Platform mailing list already:
 I am aware that people are impressed by the videos we publish and 
 interested in Creation
 Platform generally. We are doing workshops and user group both in Montreal 
 and London
 this month, but aside from that I would like to encourage people to start 
 Creation Platform for production scenarios. I realize that there's a 
 learning curve attached to
 that, so I am willing to provide as much help as necessary and lead the 
 way for anybody
 interested in seriously evaluating CP. At this stage I am looking for 
 production references
 for certain features, so please mail me privately if you are interested in 
 On 08.11.2012 09:17, Andreas Böinghoff wrote:
 wow! this is getting more and more exciting!
 On 11/7/2012 9:06 PM, Paul Doyle wrote:
 Hi guys – this is a preview of the work that Helge is doing on the 
 Creation Platform API:
 The new API provides full access to all CP features in C++. This 
 includes high performance data access (void * access to internal data) 
 as well as SceneGraph level features such as Undo, Manipulation, Import 
 / Export etc.
 We’ll be presenting this in more detail at the Softimage London 
 usergroup on Tuesday 13th November 
 We’ll be showing this running in Maya (as well as demoing on Softimage 
 again) at our London usergroup on Wednesday 14th November 
 Let us know what you think. Looking forward to seeing some of you next 
 week :)
 3D Artist
 schönheitsfarm production
 GmbH  Co. KG
   lippmannstrasse 79
   22769 hamburg
   t   +4940 432 91 200
   f   +4940 432 91 222
   steinstraße 11
   40212 düsseldorf
   t   +49211 913 701 0
   f   +49211 913 701 99
   hanauer landstrasse 151-153
   60314 frankfurt
   t   +4969 484 484 90

 Geschäftsführung Manfred Brunwey
 DE 214892548 | Amtsgericht Hamburg HRA 95793

Re: render curves

2012-11-05 Thread Christian Keller
Strands is the way to go.
If you have lots of then and you want fast rendersolition try that and 
emRenderpointcloud from Eric Mootz 
christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 05.11.2012 um 17:09 schrieb Mathieu Leclaire

 Why don't you simply create ICE Strands from your curves? You can render 
 strands using the particle size attribute to drive the rendered pixel width 
 as long as you set the ICE attribute ShapeSizeAbsolute to false.
 Vladimir Jankijevic wrote:
 it's not possible for arnold with the sitoa exporter because sitoa won't 
 export any softimage curves. what you could do though, is extend it to do 
 that. But then again, it's maybe easier to make an ICE compound to generate 
 strands along the curves and export with the current sitoa and render with 
 On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 4:29 PM, Alok Gandhi 
 Seems like you need to make your own shader. It is possible for Arnold I 
 think. In case you are using Arnold, I will ask our awesome shader 
 developer to know more and keep you posted.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On 2012-11-05, at 10:08 AM, Stefan Kubicek wrote:
  I believe 3Delight will render curves too.
  Hi yall,
  So I'm curious to know if in the last several years there has been a
  curve rendering solution. What I need is the ability to render a curve
  as a set pixel width line. Sort of like Illustrator but within 3D
  space. It doesn't need to be OpenGL supported, in fact I'd rather it not
  be as I am not looking for a hardware or display render solution.
  Instead I'm looking for a software solution that has a similar
  appearance but renders in 3D space and preferably with anti-aliasing.
  Has any shader been developed in Soft that can support this?
  Stefan Kubicek   Co-founder
   keyvis digital imagery
  Wehrgasse 9 - Grüner Hof
1050 Vienna  Austria
  --- ---
  --  This email and its attachments are
  --confidential and for the recipient only--
 Vladimir Jankijevic
 Technical Direction
 Elefant Studios AG
 Lessingstrasse 15
 CH-8002 Zürich
 +41 44 500 48 20

Re: Urgent : Point reordering problem on PC2 caches

2012-11-01 Thread Christian Keller
You can also try emtopolizer which can read an write multiple fileformats

christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 01.11.2012 um 19:17 schrieb Marc-Andre Carbonneau

 Hi Ben and thanks for your generous offer. ;)
 The problem seems to be that the point #0 in Softimage is point #1 in MAX.
 Apparently in MAX, they don’t require a point #0, they just start at #1!
 So all the points get offsetted by one. It doesn’t seem to be a problem on a 
 regular sphere…the cache applies fine?!!
 I’ll put the solution up once we find out.
 [] On Behalf Of Ben Houston
 Sent: 1 novembre 2012 09:34
 Subject: Re: Urgent : Point reordering problem on PC2 caches
 My obvious contribution: Can you transfer it via Alembic?  I can give you 
 guys a full featured trial license to see if it can help.  Crate / Alembic 
 does support transfer of normals, clusters/material groups and multiple UV 
 sets these days.
 BTW these 3D programs can sometimes reorder vertices if have bad topology in 
 an attempt to fix the geometry.  BUt that isn't just reordering that usually 
 involves adding vertices.  I've never actually see vertex reordering outside 
 of bad topology in our Crate solution, thus it confuses me on why you are 
 running into this.
 On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Marc-Andre Carbonneau wrote:
 Nope. It keeps the same index.
 [] On Behalf Of Sandy Sutherland
 Sent: 1 novembre 2012 09:04
 Subject: RE: Urgent : Point reordering problem on PC2 caches
 Try selecting all polys and doing a poly extract - leave the history live - 
 then cache the extracted one! Used to do this to get ncloth stuff to work 
 with soft.

 Sandy Sutherland | Technical Supervisor
 [] on behalf of Marc-Andre Carbonneau 
 Sent: 01 November 2012 14:57
 Subject: Urgent : Point reordering problem on PC2 caches
 I’m caching a character in Softimage with PC2 and bringing it to MAX.
 The problem is that the point ordering is different! I’m sure I am not the 
 only one that encountered this problem. What do you guys do?
 Is there a ICE Compound already that re-orders the points prior to caching or 
 what’s the secret technique?
 Best regards,
 Ben Houston
 Voice: 613-762-4113 Skype: ben.exocortex Twitter: @exocortexcom - Passionate CG Software Professionals.

Re: ICE cacheing

2012-10-25 Thread Christian Keller
I'd always use a separate new cloud for reading , this way everything stays 
I often have even one scene for simulating/caching, and another one for 
reading/rendering both open at the same time ..

christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 24.10.2012 um 03:42 schrieb Nick Angus

 Good advice Steve!, works like a charm… Thanks
 [] On Behalf Of Steven Caron
 Sent: Wednesday, 24 October 2012 11:34 AM
 Subject: Re: ICE cacheing
 delete the simulation marker... just ran into some more headaches myself in 
 regards to caching.
 On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 6:22 PM, Nick Angus wrote:
 It would seem that my ICE tree is still evaluating after I have cached it and 
 disconnected all nodes apart from the cache on file node.  A workaround I am 
 using is to make a new empty pointcloud and use that to play back my cache.  
 I am wondering if anyone has any other workflows for this, and am I correct 
 in assuming things generally get evaluated in the tree even if they are not 
 directly executed.
 Cheers, Nick

Re: Lamborghini - Supernova

2012-10-08 Thread Christian Keller
Ah, that's the one. Quite nice !

christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 08.10.2012 um 16:21 schrieb Marco Levantaci

 That wa fairly ok.
 The fx part was harder!
 On 08 Oct 2012, at 16:11, Eric Lampi wrote:
 Oooh nice. Nailing those macro shots is tough.
 On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 8:41 AM, Cristobal Infante wrote:
 Really nice job! congrats ;)
 On 8 October 2012 13:15, Marco Levantaci wrote:
 On 08 Oct 2012, at 14:13, Javier Vega wrote:
 Spectacular friend! Congratulations!
 Javier Vega
 Visita mi blog:
 móvil: 616 64 73 57
 08922-Santa Coloma de Gramenet
 2012/10/8 Marco Levantaci
 Hi all,
 I hereby send you the TVC for Lamborghini - Supernova.
 Thanks for trying to help me out finding a TD FX ICE.
 Have a look, all feedback is welcome!
 Marco Levantaci
 VFX Producer / Business Development
 Digital Golem
 Tel +32 (0)2 256 97 34
 Mobile +32 (0)483 022 798
 53 Rue Gustave Huberti
 1030 Brussels
 Marco Levantaci
 VFX Producer / Business Development
 Digital Golem
 Tel +32 (0)2 256 97 34
 Mobile +32 (0)483 022 798
 53 Rue Gustave Huberti
 1030 Brussels
 Freelance 3D and VFX animator
 Marco Levantaci
 VFX Producer / Business Development
 Digital Golem
 Tel +32 (0)2 256 97 34
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 1030 Brussels

Re: rendermap on a farm with xsibatch

2012-10-05 Thread Christian Keller
There's also the possibility to use lightmaps within your rendertree.
In the rendering options should be an option to render lightmaps only ...

christian keller
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 05.10.2012 um 18:45 schrieb Kris Rivel

 Thanks, I'll check that out!
 On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Sajjad Amjad wrote:
 Hi Kris,
 I wrote this a while ago, it may help:
 It includes a command which enables render mapping through xsibatch. After 
 installing the add-on read the help file for more info, I can't remember 
 much :-)
 On 5 October 2012 17:07, Kris Rivel wrote:
 I figured...any simple script examples for a non-coder like me?  Just want 
 to list a bunch of objects and regenerate their rendermap...preferably all 
 at once since I assume thats faster than doing each one separately.
 On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 12:01 PM, Sebastian Kowalski wrote:
 you can execute a script via xsibatch
 Am 05.10.2012 um 17:58 schrieb Kris Rivel
  Anyway to rendermap objects on a farm with xsibatch?

Re: ICE questions again

2012-10-02 Thread Christian Keller
Hey Chris,
 the Upper Node is clearly the on/off switch to which Szabolcs is referring. 
But the tree might be evaluated even if it is bypassed, I've seen that often. 
You've to unplug the whole thing.
I've seen were cases in ice where even unplugging the whole tree did not stop 
the evaluation ...


christian keller
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Am 02.10.2012 um 17:53 schrieb Chris Chia

 Hi Szabolcs,
 I am seeing two IF nodes in your screenshot.
 I am assuming that you were referring to the centre IF node.
 This IF node will logically evaluate because it is trying to match a 1 or 0 
 from your raycast output and set it as a data. It does not prevent it from 
 However the other IF node I see at the upper right could be used to bypass 
 the raycast evaluation...
 On 2 Oct, 2012, at 4:15 PM, Szabolcs Matefy wrote:
 Thanks guys! The question for today is, how can I control if I want to 
 evaluate the ice tree or not? I tried to use an IF node with an exposed 
 Active checkbox, but the tree seems to be always evaluated (and therefore 
 it’s slow).
  [] On Behalf Of Grahame Fuller
 Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 5:43 PM
 Subject: RE: ICE questions again
 In one branch, fire rays from PolygonPosition along PolygonNormal, and store 
 the Hit value in an array using Build Array from Set.
 In another branch, get NodeToPolygon, use that to look up the Hit value from 
 the array, and finally use that to set a colour value.
  [] On Behalf Of Szabolcs Matefy
 Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 04:36 AM
 Subject: ICE questions again
 Hey folks,
 I’m creating an ICE tree. We have three geometries, a high polymodel, a low 
 poly model, and a cage. The cage should conform the high poly model, so no 
 penetration is allowed. I want to make an ICE tree, that fires a raycast from 
 the cage POLYGONS outward. If it hits, the vertices around the polygon should 
 be colored, if not, the vertices remain uncolored.
 I built up and easy solution that color the vertices of the highpoly, but the 
 real solution if the polygons are colored on the cage object. What I do not 
 know, how to color the vertices if I’m working with polygons…
 This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the 
 individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not 
 disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender 
 immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete 
 this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be 
 secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, 
 destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender 
 therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the 
 contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If 
 verification is required please request a hard-copy version. Crytek GmbH - - Grüneburgweg 16-18, 60322 Frankfurt - HRB77322 
 Amtsgericht Frankfurt a. Main- UST IdentNr.: DE20432461 - Geschaeftsfuehrer: 
 Avni Yerli, Cevat Yerli, Faruk Yerli

Re: ICE questions again

2012-10-01 Thread Christian Keller
you should be able to set the color in the self.color attribute and render that directly-- 
christian keller
visual effects|direction

+49 179 69 36 248
chris3...@me.comAm 01. Oktober 2012 um 10:36 schrieb Szabolcs Matefy folks,I’m creating an ICE tree. We have three geometries, a high polymodel, a low poly model, and a cage. The cage should conform the high poly model, so no penetration is allowed. I want to make an ICE tree, that fires a raycast from the cage POLYGONS outward. If it hits, the vertices around the polygon should be colored, if not, the vertices remain uncolored.I built up and easy solution that color the vertices of the highpoly, but the real solution if the polygons are colored on the cage object. What I do not know, how to color the vertices if I’m working with polygons…HuhCheersSzabolcs___ This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version. Crytek GmbH - - Grüneburgweg 16-18, 60322 Frankfurt - HRB77322 Amtsgericht Frankfurt a. Main- UST IdentNr.: DE20432461 - Geschaeftsfuehrer: Avni Yerli, Cevat Yerli, Faruk Yerli

Re: Light Spread Softness

2012-09-28 Thread Christian Keller
You can use either a projector spot or use some render tree state node Tricks.

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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 28.09.2012 um 05:26 schrieb Byron Nash

 I understand how to change the spread, but it doesn't seem to give 
 predictable or nice falloffs. I've been playing with settings since I wrote 
 that and I wonder if it's related to Color Management. I'm interpreting my 
 source textures as sRGB since they are just jpeg's. I have Color Management 
 turned on for Regions. When I turn it off, the light falloff is much more 
 smooth and closer to what I want, however, the gamma is way off since it's 
 showing the linear image I'm assuming. I have been rendering without Color 
 Management on my passes and interpreting them as linear in After Effects. I'm 
 not sure how to get the falloff looking better though since I can't very well 
 ignore the gamma issues. 
 On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 11:14 PM, Eric Gunther wrote:
 Unless I am mistaken, in soft, you select the light and press the b key
 to go to the controls on the light (not a ppg but in the viewport).
 Then you just click and drag the edges to change the spot softness.  I
 can't check right now but I think its the b key.  Actually pretty nice
 On Thu, 2012-09-27 at 23:05 -0400, Byron Nash wrote:
  This seems basic but it has always confounded me. I would like a
  softer fade from the center of my spot light to the outside of the
  cone angle. Adjusting the spread seems to make little difference. See
  the linked photo for an illustration. I don't understand why the
  falloff does not start at the inner ring of the cone and fade to the
  outer edge? There seems to be a limit to the amount of softness I can
  get out of a light. What am I doing wrong?

Re: rendermap nurbs objects not working

2012-09-27 Thread Christian Keller
Nurbs, what's that ?-)

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Am 27.09.2012 um 05:27 schrieb Kris Rivel

 Any reason why I can't rendermap a nurbs sphere with a UV applied?  I'm just 
 getting a black render.

Re: Soft - Maya : 23.98 to 24 FPS Problem

2012-09-27 Thread Christian Keller
I'd stay with 24 fps. 23.98 could give you all sort of headaches with im and 
export . Also motionblur in 3d and rendered motion vectors could behave 
We had this in a recent project with nuke and si/Arnold .
But there was no time to investigate where the origin of the problems had been 

christian keller
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 27.09.2012 um 14:39 schrieb Marc-Andre Carbonneau

 Ahaha same for 3DSMAX.
 Oh and sot rue about the multi-ppg…grr! The comfort Softimage gives makes 
 it so hard to switch to other DCC.
 Now is it possible to do all this in Modo? ;)
 [] On Behalf Of Greg Punchatz
 Sent: 26 septembre 2012 17:12
 Subject: Re: Soft - Maya : 23.98 to 24 FPS Problem
 We bring the animation in Maya, but in Maya there is no custom FPS setting 
 Wow is that true??? and this is the next generation app AD thinks is the 
 strongest of the lotLOL next thing you  will tell me is that in maya you 
 cant edit PPGs in multi mode ;)
 Greg Punchatz
 Sr. Creative Director
 On 9/26/2012 4:03 PM, Alok wrote:
 We have tracked and animated objects in Softimage at 23.98 fps. We bring the 
 animation in Maya, but in Maya there is no custom FPS setting available. The 
 closest is 24 FPS, so obviously the animation does not match. The only 
 solution I can think is to quickly script to scale the FCurves.
 Does that seems to be the approach or is there anything else I can do 
 Any help much appreciated.

Re: An old one - Sample sets from subdiv's

2012-09-20 Thread Christian Keller
You can clone your mesh and subdivide it via ICE and emit from the result 

christian keller
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Am 20.09.2012 um 15:48 schrieb Andi Farhall

 I've read a few oldish posts that have all said the only way is a full res 
 emitter (duplicate using geometry appx). Anybody know if this has changed in 
 the light of ice modeling? before i tweak my worflow to incorporate 
 bigger meshes.
 Andi Farhall | Senior 3D Animator
 T: +44 (0)20 7565 1000 | M: +44 (0)7976 263 989
 A: 37 Dean Street, London, W1D 4PT, UK

Re: In case you missed it..

2012-09-13 Thread Christian Keller
Show your Passion !

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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 13.09.2012 um 03:33 schrieb Sylvain Lebeau

 Dont get me started gang.. you know i can go far!!
 I am at about 1.5 kilometers away from Autodesk's offices in Montreal! 
 I could go there and do a nude dancing performance in the nice open space 
 Then they will hear us... for sure... 
 postbox-contact.jpgKris Rivel  Wednesday, September 12, 2012 
 9:24 PM
 Holy crap this thing is on fire.  Been awhile since I've ranted on anything 
 so here it goes.  I've been forced lately to dive into other apps a bit 
 more, mostly for converting files, comparing assets, etc.  It is uglyMax 
 and Maya are light years behind Softimage terms of organization 
 and usability.  Max and Maya are old, clunky and built on paradigm that goes 
 back over 10 years.  I look at other things out there, Houdini, Blender, 
 Modo, etc. and you know whatthe only Autodesk app that honestly compares 
 to them IMO, is Soft.  It just feels good and natural...very intuitive.  
 There are lots of little widgets and tools from the other two that I wish 
 Soft had but as a base system for  creating something...its fast and LOGICAL!
 So here's my advice to Autodesktake the entire workflow, organization 
 and approach that Softimage was built on, and make a new app that's for 
 everyone based on that...integrate all three into one new system thats for 
 the next generation.  Something that any Max, Maya or Softimage artist could 
 get used to.  Can it really be that difficult?  We're at a major turning 
 point now.  The industry is changing rapidly, its all about creating media 
 for mobile devices, its all about the cloud, its all about collaboration.  
 Autodesk may miss the boat and end up shooting itself in the foot in the ME 
 category.  By pushing the one shining jewel piece of software into the dark 
 corner, while just kicking the can down the road with the antiquated, 
 clunky and slow Maya and Max options, they face a real risk of seeing the 
 whole user base for all three blow up in their face.  Time for a REDO!!!
 Users are experimenting in droves with other non-Autodesk options..including 
 myself and as fast as things move this could be out tomorrow if 
 you miss something.  Can we honestly all envision ourselves still using Max 
 and Maya with their layer upon layer of windows, plugins, check boxes and 
 patches?  No way.  For the first time, I'm actually enjoying see some new 
 innovation coming out of other apps and it seems to be gaining 
 momentum...hop on board Autodesk...or its back to the old days of CAD only 
 for you.
 compose-unknown-contact.jpgKiril Aronofski Wednesday, September 
 12, 2012 7:41 PM
 Yes but as the copy states:
 Autodesk® Softimage® software is a high-performance 3D character animation 
 and visual effects 
 Given that a lot of effort is going into marketing Suites and this also 
 drives 3ds Max and Maya traffic to the site we were not not going to mention 
 the fact that Maya and 3ds Max users get benefit from adding it to their 
 You stated you market Softimage as a full-fledged application and referenced 
 the product page as a proof. Well, unless we have completely different views 
 of what is the meaning of full-fledged in terms of general DCC packages, 
 that page is not much of a proof really. It clearly does not put SI in the 
 same category as Max and Maya.
 Maya  3ds Max mentions compositing because it includes the software 
 applications Composite and MatchMover in the box.
 And what kind of explanation is that? It's a bundled product (that comes 
 with Softimage just as well, mind you) versus integrated solution. I hope 
 you see how little sense it makes to boast about one and than ignore the 
 I know it's just corporate propaganda, buzzwords and mostly meaningless 
 phrases, but it effects the broader public perception and it undervalues the 
 product and the artist behind it.
 I think, if you have followed the conversation carefully, you will 
 understand that no one objects the effort to sell the suites. It's the 
 failure to market Softimage that is the problem. And if it arouse from the 
 similarities and overlap, that is no excuse either. You are doing mighty 
 fine job marketing Max and Maya as equal. It's ether one or all three. Two 
 just says you bitten off more than you can chew.
 On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 8:18 PM, Maurice Patel 
 Yes but as the copy states:
 Autodesk® Softimage® software is a high-performance 3D character animation 
 and visual effects 
 Given that a lot of effort is going

Re: Who uses Fast Playback?

2012-08-08 Thread Christian Keller
It's from the good old Softimage|3D

christian keller
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 08.08.2012 um 23:32 schrieb Alan Fregtman

 Just curious... Do you guys use or even know about Fast Playback? And why 
 is the default frame size a puny 250KB?! Legacy?
 At the Wireframe/Shaded/etc. menu of a viewport, you can turn it on in one of 
 the first options, however it's really weird until you crank the size allowed 
 per frame to a few megs, in the viewport's Display Options under the 
 Performance tab under Fast Playback, Cache Size (KB/frame). Crank it up, 
 for example type in 1024*6 for 6 megs. Now play your sequence.
 It will be slow as it caches, but then when you play it back it's absolutely 
 instant, until something changes in your scene or you turn it off... but the 
 coolest part is it's not a 2D capture, it's in fact a kind of in-memory 
 pointcache, so you can still orbit around your scene! at crazy speeds! (That 
 is, if the frame size was enough to store all of it, else you'll get random 
-- Alan

Re: Anyone tried threesixty's Metaballs?

2012-06-09 Thread Christian Keller
What kind of artifacts ?

christian keller
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Am 08.06.2012 um 20:54 schrieb Steven Caron

 yes, just wondering how Michele's is better? i recently did work and the 
 polygonizer had some artifacts close up that i couldn't get rid of.
 On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Mário Domingos 
 Are you talking about Polygonizer?
 On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 7:33 PM, Steven Caron wrote:
 more real than the built in one?
 On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Mário Domingos 
 Great plug, a real metaballs system.

Re: memory not flushed after caching

2012-06-08 Thread Christian Keller

try to regularly kill you clouds, and put the trees on a virgin one !

Am 08.06.2012 14:27, schrieb Sebastian Kowalski:

thats bad, but good, meaning it has to be something in my tree.
just checked it again with a fresh tree and it stays flat.. got the 
gut feeling its one of these haunted projects.

its simple volume emitting via generating locations sets.

thanks ciaran

Am 08.06.2012 um 13:33 schrieb Ciaran Moloney:

I can't repro that. Memory stays pretty much flat when tweaking the 
seed on emit from geometry. How are you generating the particles?

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Sebastian Kowalski wrote:

ok now it is getting really messy.
its not the caching, its the different seeds.

repro this:
add 10 million particles to your scene. open the taskmanager
switch to performance and have a look.
softimage is sitting on 2gb ram. now change the seed of the
pointcloud. xsi is rising to 4 gb (approx.) now. and so on...

this is some serious flaw!
would be glad if someone can confirm this.

softimage, win7 64bit


Am 07.06.2012 um 19:16 schrieb Sebastian Kowalski:

first ive got to cache half a billion points out ... yikes!

Am 07.06.2012 um 19:06 schrieb Steven Caron:

you better deliver!

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 9:10 AM, Sebastian Kowalski wrote:

btw. excpect some wicked imagery in the near future.. ;)

christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
f +49 40 386 835 33

Re: mail...

2012-05-28 Thread Christian Keller

Am 27.05.2012 12:47, schrieb Christian Keller:


christian keller
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gesendet von meinem iDing

Am 27.05.2012 um 08:22 schrieb Matt Morris

Yeah!! All good. Receiving loud and clear again!

On Sunday, 27 May 2012, Alan Fregtman wrote:

 Finally some mail. Tumbleweeds be gone! :D

 On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 9:39 PM, J. Jones wrote:

 Ditto. Whatever was haywire appears to be fixed.

 On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Eric Thivierge wrote:

 Whoo hooo!! I got it!
 Eric Thivierge

 On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 11:32 AM, jim bough wrote:

 I second that. First two emails in last 10 days.

 Date: Sat, 26 May 2012 21:29:01 -0400
 Subject: Re: mail...

 Hey Matt,
 You are the first email a received from this list (from my 
gmail) since 10 days !

 Is the problem fixed for others too?

 On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 8:44 PM, Matt Morris wrote:

 Hi Gray,
 I unsubscribed and resubscribed to the list by sending mails to

 Got the verification mails etc so it feels like it should have 
worked but still not receiving mail from the xsi list - am getting 
everything from other lists I'm on such as sitoa.



christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
f +49 40 386 835 33

Re: Switching geometry emitter

2012-05-22 Thread Christian Keller
 pointcloud. Is there a way to
use emit from geometry, and switch between the three pieces
of geometry? I guess I could use three emit from geometry
compounds and just change the emission individually, but I
thought maybe there'd be a way of using a Group Geometry
plugged into 1 emit compound or similar and toggle which is
the emitter geometry at any one time?
I thought generate sample set might work but I'm getting
context errors.

Any ideas?


Vladimir Jankijevic
Technical Direction

Elefant Studios AG
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CH-8002 Zürich

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Chris Marshall
Mint Motion Limited
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christian keller
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Re: ICE strand orientation trouble - again :/ now with images

2012-05-16 Thread Christian Keller

try the loft ... checkbox in your create strands compound.
and if you use the sitoa strand compound, there´s also one for the
not sitting in front of xsi now, but sure you´ll figure it out within
one minute ;)

Am 16.05.2012 11:36, schrieb Stefano Jannuzzo:
You posted an Arnold render. You mean that you can't achieve the same 
result with mr, or that the Arnold result itself is wrong?


On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Morten Bartholdy wrote:

Here are a couple of images showing what I am doing:

I just need to randomize of the geometrys y-rotation, and
according to the docs and pointers given here earlier this should
do the trick, but no go. Is there a magic step I might have missed
to get it working?


Den 15. maj 2012 kl. 11:14 skrev Morten Bartholdy

I have a nice setup which creates lovely grass deforming
geometry instances on strands so I can have turbulent wind
moving the strands around. I am using Emit Strands for this,
but I seem to be unable to randomize the instance
y-orientation using a Randomize Rotation by Cone - they are
unaffected by this. If I create a different setup using Emit
from Geometry and Create Strands on that, I can control the
y-rotation, but then the instances are upside down, and my non
simulated turbulence does not work.

How can I get to control instance y-rotation when using Emit


christian keller
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m +49 179 69 36 248
f +49 40 386 835 33

Re: chess

2012-05-01 Thread Christian Keller

Am 01.05.2012 12:58, schrieb adrian wyer:

good call, thanks


Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
75-77 Margaret St.
++44(0) 207 580 0829

Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
Company number:5657815
VAT number: 872 6893 71

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ben Houston
Sent: 01 May 2012 11:51
Subject: Re: chess

I would suggest having a ton of moves in a text file, one per line --
position to position moves.  I'd also have another text file that
defines the positions on the board.  Then I would write some python to
read the position to position file and applly it to pieces.  I know
you can find position--to-position files on the internet of real

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 6:46 AM, adrian wyer  wrote:

kind of, doesn't have to be able to play someone...

just figure out if a piece can move to a position, then move it (these


be animation clips) but not move to an occupied position

like i said, probably fake it, it's supposed to be millions of moves in a
few seconds


Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
75-77 Margaret St.
++44(0) 207 580 0829

Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
Company number:5657815
VAT number: 872 6893 71

[] On Behalf Of Simon Reeves
Sent: 01 May 2012 11:36
Subject: Re: chess

Setting up what exactly? Having them take turns and moving correctly ?

On 1 May 2012, at 11:28, adrian


random shot in the dark, will probably fake it (as it will be motion


to all hell) but.

has anyone tried setting up a chess game in ICE


Adrian Wyer
Fluid Pictures
75-77 Margaret St.
++44(0) 207 580 0829

Fluid Pictures Limited is registered in England and Wales.
Company number:5657815
VAT number: 872 6893 71

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christian keller
visual effects|direction

m +49 179 69 36 248
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