Future Struts evolution: look at elements of BEA Page Flows

2004-03-24 Thread Karr, David
Before I go any further, I'd like to say that I haven't had time to go
over any of the proposed future architectural ideas for Struts going
forward.  Nevertheless, as I put on my flame-retardant gloves, I'd like
to know if anyone thinking about this has examined the elements of the
BEA Page Flow architecture.  I can't call myself an expert with this,
but I've seen enough to be intrigued.

The Page Flow architecture is an extension of Struts 1.1 (it uses it
internally, and also allows build time and run time integration of pure
Struts applications).

The high-level elements that I think are intriguing, and might have some
application to the Struts architecture, would be the following:

Each Page Flow is represented by a Page Flow Controller class.  A Page
Flow corresponds to a Struts Module.  Every action in a Page Flow
(module) is handled in the single controller.  The routing of Forwards
to action methods is basically done through reflection, as opposed to a
configuration file mapping.  One instance of the Page Flow Controller is
created for every user session.  The properties of the controller are
read and modified to keep track of a user's progress.

ActionForms are also used as an additional way to transmit and collect
user data, although since Page Flows are easily nested, you tend to
write smaller page flows where most of the transient user data is stored
in the Page Flow Controller instead of ActionForms.

I don't really have any idea how the evolution of Struts should work
with the evolution of JavaServer Faces. I can only look a short distance

Although BEA Page Flows are part of a commercial product, BEA has been
attempting to release several elements of their newer products as
open-source projects.  I wouldn't be at all surprised to see them
release much of the Page Flow architecture as a SourceForge project in
the very near future.

If you wanted to examine Page Flows and try it out, all the tools and
documentation are freely downloadable.  The WebLogic Platform EvalGuide
has tutorials on Page Flows (and other aspects).  It obviously requires
WebLogic for this, but the intent is that Page Flow applications that
don't use EJB elements can be deployed to Tomcat or any Servlet 2.3
container (I don't know how/if they would handle licensing for this).
The tutorials mostly focus on using the Workshop GUI to do this work,
but from our point of view, it's useful to understand the architectural
elements the GUI is operating on.

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RE: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan

2004-02-20 Thread Karr, David
Does this involve changing the file header comment to replace the
existing license with the new license?  That's something that I can
relatively easily script in elisp macros.  If someone can confirm that's
all this is, and show me exactly what needs to change, I can get that
done this weekend.

-Original Message-
From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 12:12 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: [VOTE] 1.2.0 Release Plan

At 1:49 PM -0600 2/20/04, Joe Germuska wrote:
   Just a few things:

  * What about the new Apache license? Technically, it doesn't need 
 to  change if we release before March 1st, but we're mighty close to

 that,  so
   perhaps we should switch now?

+1 from me too; wasn't someone offering to do it a few weeks ago?

I should amend this: + 0 from me; I don't have time to do it now, and 
probably won't soon enough that I'd want to delay 1.2.0 until it gets 

Joe Germuska
   Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
nobody thinks of complaining.
 -- Jef Raskin

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RE: Mavenising struts-el

2004-02-10 Thread Karr, David
The cactus test cases I had written for struts-el are probably out of
date, and were written before the attempt to clean up and enhance the
existing cactus tests with new strategies.  I haven't dedicated time to
rework them yet, partially because I didn't see a huge need for it.  I
believe I had no pure Junit tests.

-Original Message-
From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 8:50 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Mavenising struts-el

OK, so in order to fix bug # 26788, I had to go ahead and commit the 
changes I brought up earlier for struts-el regarding removing invalid 
imports.  There are still several test classes that have all their 
test methods commented out -- if anyone has some spare time, it might 
be worth looking at those and trying to fix them up.

Since I had done that, I went ahead and also committed the Maven POM 
file.  I accidentally had a '-m' on my cvs commit so I wasn't able to 
specify this in the commit message: I set the version number at 
1.2.0-dev with the intent that it be correlated with Struts version 
numbers.  If anyone has stronger feelings or better experience than I 
do with assigning version numbers, feel free to advise, but part of 
me likes the idea of keeping the contrib version numbers tracking 
Struts version numbers.

Not all of the tests pass when maven test is run, but I suspect that 
may be related to the apparently incomplete state of the tests -- 
when I run 'ant test.junit', there are apparently no tests.  Are 
there only cactus tests in there?  I haven't looked at maven/cactus 
for struts-el and don't know when I'll be able to.

Just wanted to update folks, mostly because I biffed the commit


Joe Germuska
   Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
nobody thinks of complaining.
 -- Jef Raskin

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RE: Browser-specific attrs for html tags (was: [Bug 26795])

2004-02-09 Thread Karr, David
Simpler for who?  If we assume hypothetically for a moment that it's
reasonable to allow developers to specify custom attributes, then it's
obviously easier for them to just specify the syntax which adds the
custom attributes, as opposed to having them do the work of defining a
subclass and changing the TLD.

I've always been sympathetic to the goal of enforcing the HTML standard,
particularly for internet applications, as opposed to intranet
applications.  However, when it comes to supporting intranet
applications, a more effective approach might be the pragmatic one.

-Original Message-
From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 9:52 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: Browser-specific attrs for html tags (was: [Bug 26795])

At 9:28 AM -0800 2/9/04, Hubert Rabago wrote:
This probably won't be the last request for an attribute which turns 
out to be browser specific.  Perhaps the html taglib can include some 
mechanism to allow developers to add other attributes.

You can always subclass the tag and change the TLD file.  This seems 
like a much simpler solution to me.


Joe Germuska
   Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them 
the usual way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and 
nobody thinks of complaining.
 -- Jef Raskin

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RE: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-el/doc/userGuide struts-html-el.xml

2004-01-18 Thread Karr, David
It looks like this is the same change I committed last night.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2004 5:15 AM
Subject: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-el/doc/userGuide

husted  2004/01/18 05:15:08

  Modified:contrib/struts-el/doc/userGuide struts-html-el.xml
  Apply #26127 html:img tag lacks action attribute suggested by
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.25  +17 -0
  Index: struts-html-el.xml
  RCS file:
  retrieving revision 1.24
  retrieving revision 1.25
  diff -u -r1.24 -r1.25
  --- struts-html-el.xml18 Jan 2004 07:11:26 -  1.24
  +++ struts-html-el.xml18 Jan 2004 13:15:08 -  1.25
  @@ -2721,6 +2721,23 @@
  +  nameaction/name
  +  requiredfalse/required
  +  rtexprvaluetrue/rtexprvalue
  +  info
  +  pThe action, starting with a slash, that will render
  +  the image to be displayed by this tag.  The rendered
  +  URL for this image will automatically prepend the
  +  path of this web application (in the same manner as the
  +  codeaction/code attribute on the link tag works),
  +  in addition to any necessary URL rewriting.  You
  +  strongmust/strong specify the codeaction/code,
  +  codepage/code
  +  attribute or the codesrc/code attribute./p
  +  /info

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RE: Struts EL Distro

2003-12-18 Thread Karr, David
I don't see a problem with removing the duplicate jars from the lib
directory, but I disagree with distributing half-baked wars.  I like
the fact that users can deploy sample applications with little effort.

I have some spare time next week, so I could look at paring out
unnecessary jars from the lib dir, unless someone else wanted to work on

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 2:04 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: Struts EL Distro

I agree, also each of the *.war files have a copy
of the .jar files. Would it be acceptable to have a script or ant to gut
the WEB-INF/lib directory of war files before distribution then reinsert
them by running another script after they are unpacked by the user? The
Distro would be less than 4MB if we did that. We could create another
ant target that never assembles the war files in the first place, and
another 'ant demo-war' command could package the already compiled
*.class files of the app into a war.


 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 09:54 PM
 Subject: Struts EL Distro
 The binary Struts build includes struts-el in the contrib directory.  
 Why does struts-el/lib include the commons-*.jars and JSTL jars?  The 
 common jars are already distributed with the standard Struts build and

 the JSTL jars should be downloaded separately.
 Considering the frequency of Struts downloads and our large 21MB 
 distro size, removing these duplicate jars will save Apache a 
 considerable amount of bandwidth.
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RE: 1.2.0 Resurrected

2003-11-25 Thread Karr, David
I'm going to need to check for any updates to the tag interfaces and
move them to Struts-EL.  I'll make sure that's done before this weekend.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 With the long weekend coming up, I was thinking of rolling up 
 my sleeves 
 and doing whatever needs to be done to cut 1.2.0.
 Anyone one aware of any serious showstoppers?
 While under the current scheme, any release has the potential to make 
 the General Availability grade, I would anticipate that 1.2.0 
 will end 
 up being a simple milestone release, and we'll have to cut 
 a few more 
 before we get to GA. But, I'd like to start the ball rolling.

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RE: EL evaluation performance...

2003-10-17 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Arron Bates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Peoples (Dave?),
 Just curious as to how quickly the EL tag logic identifies 
 that there is in
 fact stuff to evaluate?
 Any micro-benchmarks?

Sorry, I don't know of any benchmarks for this.

 If there's no real overhead, especially for properties 
 provided without
 expression, to just use them in the tags as-is. Or at least 
 the nested tags
 where the internals aren't as deep as the rest.

I'm sure there would be some overhead, but I would imagine that a simple
string search for ${ would determine whether any evaluation needs to
be done.  That couldn't be that expensive.

The principal reason why I've implemented the EL libraries as wrappers
over the regular libraries, as opposed to making the EL evaluation calls
in the regular library (like you seem to be suggesting we do for
nested-el), is that when JSP 2.0 is available, users can just change
their taglib directive to point back to the regular library (I now
recommend that people use the original prefix, not the -el prefix),
and the EL library can just be ignored.  If we integrated the EL calls
into the regular library, you'd have to go in and remove those calls and
generate new release of the regular library, because you'd want the JSP
container to handle that work.

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RE: Looking for thoughts on html:errors with indexed properties

2003-10-01 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: James Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Hi gang,
Currently, the html:errors tag doesn't work well with
 indexed properties, because it looks for an exact match on
 the property name.  So if you have an error in
 petFish[3].species, you need to have:
 html:errors property=petFish[3].species
 I'd like to propose (and will implement if people think it's
 a good idea) two new things.
 First off, doing html:errors name=petFish
 property=species indexed=true should match errors for
 the current iteration values.
 Secondly, doing html:errors name=petFish
 property=species should match all errors for any

The first item looks like a good idea, but the second looks a little
questionable.  It might help if you showed explicitly what that would

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RE: Struts-el: Page Tag: Why?

2003-09-26 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Derek Richardson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 The bean:page tag is not one of the tags listed as not being 
 ported into struts-el 
 (http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/faqs/struts-el.html). This 
 means that bean:page can do something struts-el cannot. Will 
 someone point out to me what this is? I wrote a test JSP and 
 cannot find any functionality of the page tag that cannot be 
 reproduced with the JSTL set tag and the EL.

You're right, that was a mistake on my part.  I'm not aware of any
reason to use bean:page instead of the JSTL.  It's been pointed out to
me at least once before.

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RE: [VOTE] Struts 1.1 Final Release

2003-06-26 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 4:43 AM
 Subject: [VOTE] Struts 1.1 Final Release
 Since no significant issues have arisen in response to Struts 1.1 RC2,
 propose that we release the tip of the main trunk in CVS as the Struts
 1.1 Final release. I have checked in a proposed release plan, which is
 available for review on the Struts web site:
 Release plans must pass by a majority vote of committers on the
 but all other interested parties are welcome to cast their votes
 make comments or suggestions on the plan) as well.

   Vote:  Struts 1.1 Final Release Plan
   [X] +1 I am in favor of the release, and will help support it
   [ ] +0 I am in favor of the release, but am unable to help support
   [ ] -0 I am not in favor of the release
   [ ] -1 I am against this proposal (must include a reason).


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RE: Status check?

2003-06-06 Thread Karr, David
Perhaps a -target 1.2 option should be specified on our javac
targets?  I would guess the number of issues with down-compilation from
1.4 to 1.2 is very small, but if we have one in our code base, the
compiler won't tell us about it.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hajratwala, Nayan (N.) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Original Message-
  From: Martin Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   Our installation page says our dependency is J2SE 1.2 or later.
   Does that mean I should compile the binary distribution
  under the latest
   J2SE 1.2, or should I use the latest J2SE 1.4?
  I have been building the releases using J2SE 1.4 for some
  time now, and I
  would recommend sticking with that. Going with 1.4 ensures we get
  benefits of the latest compiler improvements. The
  compatibility issue is
  with the JVM rather than the compiler - we want to be able to
  run on J2SE
  1.2, but we don't need to build the releases with that.
 I don't believe this is correct.  I think it actually is the COMPILER
 can cause a compatibility issue.  There is an article over at Java
 that details this problem.  The first example makes it clear.

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RE: Would a fix be useful

2003-04-01 Thread Karr, David
I would point out a couple things about this issue, however.  If you
inspect the code in Double.parseDouble() and Long.parseLong(), it
becomes clear that a complete implementation of this is not trivial.
Also note that the commons-lang project apparently addresses some of
this, but I don't how well it avoids exceptions for normal processing.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Put your function in the compare tag code.  Submit a patch in cvs diff
 format to the bug report you opened.
 I created bug http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=18583
 If I coded a fix would that be useful?
 What should my expectations around getting a fix validated and
 Given that a fix would involve some utility type functionality
 is there a place where that should go (org.apache.struts.util)?
 Or should I just shove it in the Compare class file?
 Or is there a related project this should go in?

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RE: select is missing a readonly attribute

2003-03-20 Thread Karr, David
The Struts tags support, either directly or indirectly, the attributes
supported in the underlying HTML 4.01 specification.  The HTML select
tag doesn't specify a readonly attribute, so neither does Struts.

 -Original Message-
 From: Raible, Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The html:select tag is missing a readonly attribute - is this as

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RE: Using tiles def in global forwards broken?

2003-03-05 Thread Karr, David
You said does not work.  It would be a challenge for anyone to figure
out what might be wrong if we don't know what happened.

 -Original Message-
 From: White, Joshua A (CASD, IT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Would you mind helping me out?  Could you compare my information with
 Struts Version: jakarta-struts-1.1-rc1
 In Welcome page (default page):
 %@ taglib uri=struts-logic prefix=logic%
 logic:forward name=test/
 In Struts config:
 forward name=test path=test.defaultLayout/
 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin
 set-property property=definitions-config
 set-property property=definitions-debug value=2/
 set-property property=definitions-parser-details
 set-property property=definitions-parser-validate
 In tiles-defs.xml:
 definition name=test.defaultLayout
   put name=header value=/WEB-INF/jsp/common/header.jsp/
   put name=menubar
   put name=body-content
   put name=footer value=/WEB-INF/jsp/common/footer.jsp/

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RE: Should html:file tag have a value attribute?

2003-02-28 Thread Karr, David
Say what?  What makes you think it's ignored?  It doesn't appear to be
ignored in Struts (handled in BaseFieldTag.doStartTag()).  The HTML
specification describes it, although another source (HTMLHelp) says that
most browsers ignore it for security reasons.

 -Original Message-
 From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 9:36 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Should html:file tag have a value attribute?
 Setting a value for html:file is ignored.  (or is it an error in the
 I wanted to bounce this off someone before I remove it from the xml

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RE: Should html:file tag have a value attribute?

2003-02-28 Thread Karr, David
I would change ... by most browsers to ... by most browsers (for
security reasons), just for a little more background.

 -Original Message-
 From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 12:05 PM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: RE: Should html:file tag have a value attribute?
 Here's what I've come up with so far.anyone want to add anything
 before I commit this?
   strongNOTE/strong: When setting this to some value, whether
   intentional or as the result (for example) of validation errors
   forcing the user back to the original jsp, this value is ignored
   by most browsers.
   This means that your users will have to re-select any previously
   selected file(s) when submitting the form.  The Opera web
   will prompt the user so they have a chance to abort the submit.
   Value to which this field should be initialized. [Use the
   corresponding bean property value or body content (if any) if
   property is not specified]
 James Mitchell
 Web Developer/Struts Evangelist
  -Original Message-
  From: Karr, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 1:58 PM
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: RE: Should html:file tag have a value attribute?
  There's definitely a CP error in the doc.  The HTML
  specification says
  that the value of the value attribute MAY be used as the
  default file
  name presented in the FileChooser.  My favorite web site for
  interpreting the spec, HTMLHelp, says that most browsers ignore this
  value for security reasons.  I wonder what Opera does with this?
  Based on this, I would say we should correct the doc for the
  but not remove it.
   -Original Message-
   From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:53 AM
   To: 'Struts Developers List'
   Subject: RE: Should html:file tag have a value attribute?
   I'm setting up Cactus tests for that tag and while Struts will put
   value=Some Value if you specify it, it is completely ignored by
   Mozilla and IE.
   I am assuming that it was just a copy and paste error since our
   state...Value of the label to be placed on this button. This
   also be submitted as the value of the specified request parameter.
   of this tag (if any), or Cancel]  (RT EXPR).  Notice that it
   'button' and since it matches
   I realize that Cancel was probably a copy and paste error
   (html:password has it as well).  I think we need to remove it or
   document it better.
   Your thoughts?
   James Mitchell
   Web Developer/Struts Evangelist
-Original Message-
From: Karr, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 12:51 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: Should html:file tag have a value attribute?
Say what?  What makes you think it's ignored?  It doesn't
  appear to
ignored in Struts (handled in BaseFieldTag.doStartTag()).
   The HTML
specification describes it, although another source
(HTMLHelp) says that
most browsers ignore it for security reasons.
 -Original Message-
 From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 9:36 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Should html:file tag have a value attribute?

 Setting a value for html:file is ignored.  (or is it an error

 I wanted to bounce this off someone before I remove it from
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RE: Short term plans

2003-02-28 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 My plans are to finish up html this weekend, and tiles, upload, and
 validator by the end of next week.  After that I hope to get all the
 nested tags done between 3/15 and 3/22, then move on to the struts-el
 The only thing that might delay things is the fact that my contract is
 almost up and I'm desperately looking for another job.
 Does anyone object or is there a special focus that anyone wants to
 covered quickly?
 Also, are there any volunteers out there wanting to help me get this
 stuff nailed?


If your new testing setup is reasonably straightforward, I wouldn't
imagine it could be very difficult for me or someone else to clone them
(and remove some) for the Struts-EL tests.  There already is a set of
Cactus tests for Struts-EL which covered more than the original base
Struts tests did, but your new work has very likely jumped well past

In short, if you've finished everything you need to do for bean, logic,
and html, and you have some doors to knock on, then give me what I need
to know and I'll implement the Struts-EL tests (or someone else, if they
wanted to do this).  If Aaron has time, he could probably do the same
for the nested tags.

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Investigating adding custom ant task to valid TLD attributes bean mappings

2003-02-27 Thread Karr, David
I don't like the fact that it's so easy to mess up my BeanInfo mapping
in Struts-EL, as it's all validated at runtime through introspection.
After 1.1 is released, I plan to do some minor rearrangement inside the
BeanInfo classes and add a custom task to the build which uses a class I
just wrote which parses a TLD (using Digester) and tries to verify that
all the tag attributes have valid setter methods in the tag class.

The introspection mechanics of this class are relatively
straightforward, but really putting this into the build presents some
questions in my mind, mostly Ant-related:

Where should I put the Ant task class?  Obviously, it would go in the
struts-el tree, but I'm not sure of the logistics of this.  The task
can only be performed after the library is built, but I guess the task
class has to be available when ant starts.

I'd be glad to avoid writing an Ant task and just execute java in the
build, but I can't figure out how I can make what happens in the
execution of my class to cause the build to fail.

Note that I'm only referring to the Struts-EL build, although it's
conceivable we could also do this in the main build.  It's still
possible to mess up the property name-setter mapping, even if you
just use the standard mapping.  Catching the error at build time might
save someone a few minutes.

Testing for this could be done in unit testing, but the entire unit test
suite is not normally done as part of the build, because it takes too
long.  This task would go pretty quickly, so it wouldn't be painful to
have it as part of the default build.

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RE: Investigating adding custom ant task to valid TLD attributes bean mappings

2003-02-27 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, Karr, David wrote:
  From: Karr, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I don't like the fact that it's so easy to mess up my BeanInfo
  in Struts-EL, as it's all validated at runtime through
  After 1.1 is released, I plan to do some minor rearrangement inside
  BeanInfo classes and add a custom task to the build which uses a
class I
  just wrote which parses a TLD (using Digester) and tries to verify
  all the tag attributes have valid setter methods in the tag class.
 Is this tool specific in any way to struts-el?  It sounds like a
 useful tool that would work on any TLD.  One possible distribution
 would be to propose it as an add-on utility to Tomcat (or even
 that could be enabled at context startup time -- from bug reports it
 that WebLogic does this sort of checking).  Another avenue would be to
 package it as a commons library that could be used by apps relying on
 custom tag libraries (like we do), so that anyone could integrate it
 their build process.

No, it's not specific to Struts-EL.  It's just easier to mess up the
mapping in a library that uses BeanInfo.

  The introspection mechanics of this class are relatively
  straightforward, but really putting this into the build presents
  questions in my mind, mostly Ant-related:
  Where should I put the Ant task class?  Obviously, it would go in
  struts-el tree, but I'm not sure of the logistics of this.  The
  can only be performed after the library is built, but I guess the
  class has to be available when ant starts.
 There's a similar chicken-and-egg issue with the custom Ant tasks for
 Tomcat integration.  What I do is just copy catalina-ant.jar from my
 recent Tomcat build and stick it in $ANT_HOME/lib.  I don't try to
 the Ant tasks and immediately use them.  (This would be another
 for releasing this kind of library separately, even if it was struts
 struts-el specific.)

I'm convinced that this has wider applicability than Struts-EL, but I
don't think the Struts build should be directly dependent on Tomcat
(even though I hardly use anything else).  This points to a separate
commons-jspantsupport library, but the scope of that is awfully small.
I would guess there are no other tools at this scope.  It would look
pretty silly to just have the one task in the library.

One implementation detail I'm wondering about: When I use the Digester,
I apparently need to register a local copy of the taglib DTD (my
firewall here is brutal).  I guess one of the optional task parameters
would be the path to the TLD DTD.  Then, there's the question of whether
I use the 1.1 or 1.2 DTDs.  For the elements this tool is looking at, it
doesn't matter, but my register call has to match the DTD with the
public identifier.

Now that I'm thinking about this, perhaps the best place for a tool like
this (and others like it) would be in the JSTL implementation?  That
would muddle the issue for the people still hanging on to Servlet 2.2,
but it might be the most appropriate place for it.

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RE: committers attention - just a few moments...

2003-02-25 Thread Karr, David
Failing responses from people who are actually familiar with the nested
tags and your changes, then I think you'll just have to use your own
judgment.  I had to make a similar decision recently wrt the Struts-EL
tags.  Test your changes as much as possible, and try to get some
feedback from people who are using your tags.  If you think it's safe to
commit, then do it (but don't quote me on that :) ).

 -Original Message-
 From: Arron Bates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:03 PM
 Subject: committers attention - just a few moments...
 I'm waiting on a call in the post below about the nested tags. I know
 not everyone's favorite component, but I do need committer attention
 the game plan as it's not the typical bug fix.
 It's hard to form a consensus opinion on the one response I have.
 Copied below for convenience.

 Defenders of the faith,
 Just a small one to say the problem of of not being able to run the
 apps in Tomcat 4.1.18's funky Jasper engine has been tackled.
 I'd commit it, but the codebase being under release conditions, and
 fact that it's no simple few line bug fix. The internals have
changed to
 leverage the request object more completely (was originally just used
 enable the recursive JSP markup). The NestedPropertyHelper has been
 mostly re-implemented, and all the nested tags have been touched to
 accomodate the change. Instead of walking the tag hierarchy, all the
 tags now pick up on the nested reference within the request object
 The property handling is now more pessimistic, and resets everything
 touches. All effort was made to respect all the minor changes the tags
 undergone in fixing past bugs.
 The fact that most of it has changed means that I don't want it in
 release, but the fact that it allows people to deploy in the latest
 release is important, something blocking an upgrade path for a lot of
 What about, once the release is out, then the update to the tags
 and release a bug-fix release for the new nested tags (1.1.1)?... kind
 1.0.2 was to 1.0.1?...
 Too unstable for 1.1 so close to release, but too important to let it
 over a year for it to come out.
 Needless to say it works on my apps :), but I'm asking the nested tags
 base to jump onto it and give it a test run to see if it works for
 those nesters looking on, there's a jar at...
  ...just throw it into the WEB-INF/lib directory, your classloader
 pick them up before struts.jar. If not, delete the tags from
 give it another bash.
 Anyways, just thought I'd put it forward.
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RE: New Tests

2003-02-12 Thread Karr, David
Interesting.  I like this approach, but I think it's also useful to directly test the 
code by using mock objects.  In my Struts-EL tests, I did a little more than what was 
in the existing base tests.  I ended up setting header parameters for required 
attribute values, and I read the headers on the other end, and used JTidy to help 
verify that I got required attribute values, and attribute values had the values I 
expected.  The drawback to having the mock object tests for Struts-EL (as opposed to 
using your complete jsp test) is that I have to remember to call the setFooExpr() 
setters, as opposed to the setFoo() setters (from the base class). I definitely like 
the JSP approach, as that tests the TLD also, which the mock objects cannot test.

-Original Message- 
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wed 02/12/2003 9:22 AM 
To: Struts Developers 
Subject: New Tests

Lately, I've been focusing on building tests that cover the entire core
struts taglibs.  I've completed logic and I'm now hacking away on the bean

I don't claim to be expert with Cactus, but there seem to be 2 different
approaches with respect to testing taglibs.  (There are probably more, but
these 2 really seem to stick out in my mind)

The existing logic tags use the first approach which is programmatically
mimicing what the container will do wrt life cycle calls, the testing the
output or (in the case of boolean results) tag.condition(0, 0).

The second approach is to actually use a jsp to test the tag (this seems
more natural to me, and tests more peices of the puzzle IMHO).  But this
comes at the cost of time for page compilation.  Personnally, I can live
with that cost, for the benefits of using the real thing.  Doing it this way
also covers a long time bullet item that I've been wanting to complete for a
quite some time. (Complete examples of every tag, with every conceivable

For example:
When building the tests for the o.a.s.t.b.TestCookieTag, a typical test
looks like this:

public void beginCookieName(WebRequest testRequest) {
   testRequest.addCookie(COOKIE_KEY, COOKIE_VAL);

public void testCookieName()
 throws ServletException,  JspException, IOException {

CookieTag tag = new CookieTag();

Cookie cookie = (Cookie)pageContext.getAttribute(theId);
assertEquals(Verify that the cookie was defined properly as a
scripting variable,

I rewrote this test to call a jsp instead:
public void beginCookieName(WebRequest webRequest) {
webRequest.addCookie(COOKIE_KEY, COOKIE_VAL);
webRequest.addParameter(cacheId, 1);

public void testCookieName()
throws ServletException,  JspException, IOException {

request.setAttribute(runTest, testCookieName);



then in the jsp, I do this:
%@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8 language=java %
%@ page import=junit.framework.Assert%
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %

bean:define id=COOKIE_KEY
bean:define id=COOKIE_VAL value=Testing/

logic:equal name=runTest value=testCookieName
 bean:cookie id=cookie name=org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.COOKIE_KEY/
 bean:define id=cookieId name=cookie property=value/
 % Assert.assertEquals(COOKIE_VAL, cookieId); %

I wanted to know if any of you have a preference to how we do this.


James Mitchell

RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 16749] New: - Struts EL tag handlers cannot be reused by containers

2003-02-11 Thread Karr, David
That's ok.  I can read my mail, from this account, at least.  Unfortunately, that's 
all I can do.  You'll still have to wait until Saturday for me to get anything to you. 
 It would probably be best if I provided an entire Struts dsitribution built locally.  
I can probably make that available to you by Saturday afternoon.

-Original Message- 
From: Mark Abbott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tue 02/11/2003 8:21 AM 
To: Struts Developers List 
Subject: Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 16749] New: - Struts EL tag handlers cannot be 
reused by containers

Hi David - you are, of course, already out of town.
Sorry I could not respond earlier.  I can test with
a nightly build or even just a built struts-el.jar
and the tld files if they've changed, if this would
help you, once you return.

 Cheers - Mark

At 05:51 PM 2/8/2003, you wrote:
Also, if I do commit these changes, I'd like to know if someone, especially
including the person who reported the problem with Resin (perhaps unlikely on
Saturday), would be able to get the latest changes and run their test case, 
soon as possible, before the end of this day (say, 10pm PST).  As much as I'd
like to release this in 1.1 so containers using this optimization can use
Struts-EL effectively, I will not commit this today unless I get a good
response before this evening.

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RE: Bug 16685

2003-02-07 Thread Karr, David
That would be 16885, I assume?

 -Original Message-
 From: James Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 4:00 PM
 Subject: Bug 16685
 In reference to Ted's note on the latest release plan, Dr. Validator
 looked at 16685 and it appears to be invalid based on my test.

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RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 16749] - Struts EL tag handlers cannot be reused by containers

2003-02-04 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Struts EL tag handlers cannot be reused by containers
 It sounds like these tags definitely have a problem.  There's been
 recent discussion on TOMCAT-USER about designing tags that work
 as well.
 The bottom line:
 * When a tag handler instance is reused, the JSP page
   compiler can decide if it has already set a particular
   property on that instance, and omit the second set call.
   For example, in:
 foo:bar a=1 b=2/
 foo:bar a=1 b=3/
   The second setA() call can be omitted, since the container
   knows that it already called setA(1) the first time.

Does the value of the rtexprvalue attribute have any control over this
process, at least in common practice?

 * If a tag instance is going to be reused, the doEndTag()
   call on the first use is going to be followed by the
   doStartTag() call of the second use.  Any per-use cleanup
   activity needs to happen at the end of doEndTag().

Or in doFinally, for for tags implementing TryCatchFinally.

 * The net effect of all this is an important restriction -- it's
   not legal for a tag handler to modify the values stored by
   the setter calls from the page, *anywhere* in the path from
   doStartTag() through doEndTag().

Sigh.  I can see this now.  For reference, section 10.1 (Simple Tag
Handlers) of the JSP specification, in the section Properties, has
this statement:

Once properly set, all properties are expected to be persistent, so
that if the JSP container ascertains that a property has already been
set on a given tag handler instance, it needs not set it again. User
code can access property information and access and modify tag handler
internal state starting with the first action method (doStartTag) up
until the last action method (doEndTag or doFinally for tag handlers
implementing TryCatchFinally).

If we want to release Struts-EL with 1.1, I guess we'll have to advise
users to turn off tag pooling in their containers.  Will that work?

If I now clearly understand how this works (we'll see), I think I know
how to fix this, but it will take considerable manual labor.  In short,
I'll have to change the source code for every EL tag class, and every EL
tag BeanInfo class, adding shadow attributes and getters/setters for
every tag attribute.  Although this will be a lot of typing, it's very

I'll also have to build a little test case that clearly demonstrates the
symptom.  Is this easily demonstratable in Tomcat?

I'll start to put this together, but I won't plan on committing it in
the 1.1 timeframe unless we are motivated to want it sooner.

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RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 16749] - Struts EL tag handlers cannot be reused by containers

2003-02-04 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 David wrote:
  I'll also have to build a little test case that clearly demonstrates
  symptom.  Is this easily demonstratable in Tomcat?
 (Just a user lurking on the dev list here...) I have not seen this
 in Tomcat 4.1.18.  Has anyone written a tiny webapp that demonstrates
 problem?  I'm trying not to panic, but I've got a project that depends
 Struts-EL and JSTL.  I was hoping to see Struts-EL in the final

Based on what I understand, if you had a logic-el:iterate loop (or even
c:forEach, now) containing a single html-el:text component whose
value attribute used an EL expression based on the index variable, the
first iteration would use the value of the first index, and the second
iteration would unexpectedly use the value from the first iteration
(because it wouldn't call the setter).  Is it really this simple?

  I'll start to put this together, but I won't plan on committing it
  the 1.1 timeframe unless we are motivated to want it sooner.
 As soon as possible, please!  Is there a consensus on how to fix it

As you can see, we're still thinking about it.

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Plans for the upcoming 2/14 soft deadline?

2003-02-03 Thread Karr, David
What are anyone's intentions for the deadline I heard about for 2/14,
for some step in the release cycle?  I only ask this because I will be
out of town from 2/9-2/14.  I probably won't even be able to get to
email, much less do any last minute changes for the release.  I hope no
tag attribute changes are made just before the release like they were
for 1.1b3.  Any changes in that area should also be made in Struts-EL at
the same time.

Also, what is the status of the idea of separating the contrib libraries
out of the release?  I'm not certain what the result was of any vote on
this, but I had the impression there wasn't enough response to make a

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RE: [PATCH] for 13279

2003-02-03 Thread Karr, David
His comment about the web page statement is valid, however.  Is it an
apache-wide policy to only use patches attached in bugzilla (despite
what the page says), or is it inconsistent?  If we (Struts) are varying
from the convention, then perhaps we should have a little statement on
the Struts page that mentions our variance from the convention.

-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [PATCH] for 13279

I know that's what it says but we don't follow that convention.  I 
personally never save any patches that come through the mail.  I *only* 
consider patches attached to a bugzilla ticket.


Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PATCH] for 13279
Date: 03 Feb 2003 16:17:07 -0500


Thanks, I will do so. But you should know that I simply followed the
instructions posted on the bug database home page

If you have a patch to submit, please mail it to the appropriate
developer mailing list. Use the prefix [PATCH] on your message
subject. Please include any relevant bug numbers . .

Does this page need updating given your practice and perhaps the
practice of other Apache projects?


On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 15:50, David Graham wrote:
  Please post this to the bugzilla ticket.  We don't accept patches 
  the mailing list because they tend to get lost.
  Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Development [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [PATCH]  for 13279
  Date: 03 Feb 2003 15:49:10 -0500
  Cedric et.al;
  Enclosed are two proposed patches for the swallowing exception
  behavior of taglib/tiles/InsertTag.java (Bugzilla #13279).  The
  InsertTagNoFuncChange.txt, does what I originally suggested:
  move the real handling of processException to a method outside of
  inner class to a protected method in InsertTag where sub-classing
  overriding the default behavior can easily be done.
  The second patch (InsertTagFuncChange.txt) does change the
  only swallowing the exception when the log4j debug level is
  for the class.  If debug is not enabled, the exception will be
  and re-thrown as the root cause of a JspException.
  I think the second alternative is the better one because a default
  behavior of broadcasting exceptions on the web page is not
  desirable.  However, I will be happy if either alternative is
  I have provided complete javadoc comments for both alternatives
  may change as required.
  Thank you,
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RE: LogFactory.release(classloader)

2003-01-30 Thread Karr, David
This method was added to the commons-logging source in December, and
it's not in a release yet, just in the nightly build.

-Original Message-
From: Mohan Kishore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 3:16 PM
Subject: LogFactory.release(classloader)


Just joined in... Was trying to build from the sources in CVS. The call
to LogFactory.release(classloader) in the destroy method of the class
org/apache/struts/action/ActionServlet.java was not compiling. 

The call was introduced in revision 1.136, trying to fix a memory leak
problem. But, none of the commons-logging versions (1.0, 1.0.1,1.0.2)
seem to support this signature (they have a release() method...). 

Have a perfect build after I commented the line out...


Mohan Kishore
732 Marlin Ave, Apt 4
Foster City, CA 94404

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RE: Action question

2003-01-24 Thread Karr, David
Wouldn't those properties be set on the ActionMapping object, not the
Action?  That should be created before the Action object.

-Original Message-
From: Travis Chase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 1:56 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: Action question

I would have to disagree because it looks like the RequestProcessor
loads a new Action if it does not exist in the actions HashMap.  Yet,
when I follow the loading of the class down to the RequestUtils class I
see it creating a new instance but do not see it populating that
instance with the dynamic properties that could be in setup using the
set-property element.  I see the use of BeanUtils.populate() for loading
the datasources, but fail to see where the dynamic properties of the
action is getting loaded.  Is this feature not implemented yet?

-Original Message-
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 3:07 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: Action question

This is a question best asked on the USER list.


Though, the answer is that the ActionServlet loads everything.


Travis Chase wrote:
 I am a newbie to the source base and was wondering what class loads
the Action class with is properties defined in the action element as
well as the dynamic properties defined in the set-property element that
would be a child of the action element.
 Travis L. Chase
 Senior Programmer Analyst
 Leggett  Platt, Inc.
 417-358-8131 ext.3865
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  thing can go against it. - G. K. Chesterton
 Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference, which 
  is an elegant name for ignorance. - G. K. Chesterton
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Ted Husted,
Struts in Action http://husted.com/struts/book.html

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Link to current bugs we're focusing on for 1.1rc1?

2003-01-22 Thread Karr, David
Could someone repost the link for the current list of bugs we're
focusing on for 1.1rc1?  I just subscribed on this address, and I can't
find it in the archives.

Has there been any activity posted this morning about when we're going
to tag rc1?

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RE: options collection problem

2002-12-30 Thread Karr, David
The setter and getter for the noticeStatus property on your form bean
are the key to this.  The setter is used when you submit the form, and
the getter is used to populate the selected item.  It would be useful to
set a breakpoint in your getter method, to first verify it is getting
there, and then to verify what value it is retrieving.  It's possible
the form bean is just in request scope, which would mean the form bean
used to set the value at submit time would be a different object from
the bean used to populate the form.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jain, Vikas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I am having trouble in displaying default or previous stored value 
 while using the following:
 html:select property=noticeStatus
  html:options collection=someList 
 labelProperty=noticeStatusStrKey property=noticeStatusStrValue/
 Value is selected and set properly but next time it does not show 
 the previous stored value. ??

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RE: options collection problem

2002-12-30 Thread Karr, David
If you don't put the form bean into the session, the values won't be
there on the next request.  Do you have the scope of the action set to
session or request?

 -Original Message-
 From: Jain, Vikas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 10:36 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: RE: options collection problem
 You are right. But here is the confusing part,
 When getters are called (getNoticeStatus()) on the form associated 
 with the page which has 'noticeStatus', they have null values. So, 
 on the page i use session object to get my values and display them. 
 While submitting the form the setters are called appropriately and 
 sets the value.
 And now i am wondering, i am NOT benefitting from the getters at 
 all. How do i put them to use. So that i dont have to use session 
 values on the page.
 --On Monday, December 30, 2002 9:36 AM -0800 Karr, David 
  The setter and getter for the noticeStatus property on your
  form bean are the key to this.  The setter is used when you
  submit the form, and the getter is used to populate the selected
  item.  It would be useful to set a breakpoint in your getter
  method, to first verify it is getting there, and then to verify
  what value it is retrieving.  It's possible the form bean is just
  in request scope, which would mean the form bean used to set the
  value at submit time would be a different object from the bean
  used to populate the form.
  -Original Message-
  From: Jain, Vikas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  I am having trouble in displaying default or previous stored
  value  while using the following:
  html:select property=noticeStatus
   html:options collection=someList
  property=noticeStatusStrValue/ /html:select
  Value is selected and set properly but next time it does not
  show  the previous stored value. ??
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 Vanderbilt University
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RE: [OT] Re: Why are people are up on Struts

2002-12-13 Thread Karr, David
Many years ago, it took me about five minutes after starting to use
Emacs with a PC keyboard that I had to get the Ctrl and CapsLock keys
switched.  It's much easier once you get that done.

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Eddie Bush wrote:
  I can live with vi if it's forced upon me, but I much prefer Emacs.
   'Course nowadays, assuming you're using an x terminal (or are on
  windows) both of them are fairly easily used through their 
 toolbars ...
  at least, I think vim has one now (or can perhaps - nearly 
 certain).  I
  suppose that's for the mortals among us ;-O  I just go 
 for the arcane
  key sequences personally - so much more efficient.
 Not so good on the wrists, though. A guy I work with just 
 switched from
 emacs to vi, after many years as a happy emacs user, because of acute
 tendonitis from all those C-/M-/... key sequences.

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nightly build still missing struts-el?

2002-12-12 Thread Karr, David
So does anyone know why the nightly build is still missing the struts-el distribution? 
 It's been missing since about 12/8.  Is there any place that I can look at the build 
output or configuration?

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RE: nightly build still missing struts-el?

2002-12-12 Thread Karr, David
The only reference I can find to ${struts.home}/lib is in the
prepare.library target, which is used to copy in the struts.jar and
related files into the struts-el build:

  copy todir=${build.home}/library
   fileset dir=${jstl.home}/tld includes=*.tld/
   fileset dir=${struts.home}/lib includes=*.tld/

I can build the distribution fine locally, without any changes, so I
don't know what the problem would be.  Perhaps the jstl.jar is not
available?  There is a check in the top-level build.xml that would
prevent struts-el from building if jstl.jar wasn't present.

 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 4:47 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: nightly build still missing struts-el?
 One thing I noticed was that the build file for struts-el refers to 
 ${struts.home}/lib -- which I believe should point to 
 Karr, David wrote:
 So does anyone know why the nightly build is still missing 
 the struts-el distribution?  It's been missing since about 
 12/8.  Is there any place that I can look at the build output 
 or configuration?
 Eddie Bush
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RE: Struts without taglib ?

2002-11-26 Thread Karr, David
Yes, you can use Struts without the tag library, and you can use CSS in
JSP pages.  The two things have no dependence on each other.

Questions like these are better asked on the struts-user list.

 -Original Message-
 From: Rajendra Yadav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Thanks Andrew, So, if we can use them without the taglib, 
 then I assume we can use CSS in the jsp page. Is that correct ?
 - Raj
  Andrew Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Yes
 -Original Message-
 From: Rajendra Yadav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Hi All,
 Is it possible to use Struts without the taglib ?
 - Raj
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RE: Adding doc to user guide on indexed/mapped properties/tags

2002-11-25 Thread Karr, David
Acknowledged.  I've finished writing what I was going to put into the
user guide, but I'll move that to a howto section and replace it with
a short paragraph in both the Model and View sections in the user
guide which will just refer to the howto section.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Personally, I'm finding that the user guide format is becoming a 
 pain to maintain. I'd like to start moving some material out into 
 their own HOWTO sections, especially anything that includes a 
 significant amount of code. Some of the sections I was looking at 
 4.2.1 = how to write an DynaAtionForm 
 4.2.2 = how to write a map-backed ActionForm
 - How to configure your web.xml 
 - How to setup the Struts taglibs
 The goals being 
 * to turn the user guide back into high-level overview of the 
 archtechture that helps people get the big picture, 
 * to make it easier to add and maintain sections that include 
 implementation details, and 
 * to avoid pigeonholing articles under model, view, or 
 controller, since many implementation strategies include 
 building components on either side of a fence.
 So, personally, I would suggest starting with a paragraph or two 
 that introduced index and mapped properties from an arcitechtural 
 pespective, and then link to a separate article with more details 
 that we could also put into the faq/howto area. (Something like 
 the preface, but with the links point to our own material.)
 11/24/2002 6:28:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Karr) wrote:
 I believe that the current user guide doesn't cover indexed 
 properties, mapped
 properties, or indexed tags, very well.  The API docs at least 
 mention indexed
 Over the last few days I've been writing something about these 
 areas that I
 hope can go into the user guide.  I consider what I have to be a 
 first draft.  Despite it being a draft, I think I'd like to 
 commit it in close
 to its present form, as I doubt I'm going to get a great deal of 
 feedback until it gets into the user guide.  It's sort of 
 longish, almost 350
 lines of 80-column text.  Much of this length is from several 
 versions of a
 simple JSP page showing usage of this.
 I'd like to add this as section 3.3.6, in the Forms and FormBean 
 section, titled Indexed  Mapped Properties.

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RE: Enhancement Request - add label and labelKey to form elements

2002-11-25 Thread Karr, David
It would be good to provide some sort of automated support for this
component, but I don't see how we can possibly assume where the label
component will be placed.  Yes, it could be used for prototypes, but I'd
rather not build a framework that people use to build throwaway code.

The annoying part of this would be forcing them to build the same
resulting name attribute as the associated component.  This gets
annoying with indexed tags, and even worse, manually indexed or mapped
properties.  I wonder whether it's feasible to have the Struts tags
point in the OTHER direction, from the pointed-to component to the label
component, so the resulting name attribute can be reliably rendered in
the associated label component.  I don't think we've done anything
like this before, however.  The text of the label could be specified
raw or as a key attribute, either in the pointed-to component, or in
the label component.

 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Raible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 10:11 AM
 Subject: Enhancement Request - add label and labelKey to form elements
 I thought I'd run this idea by the development team before entering it
 into Bugzilla.
 One of the items that is required with 508 compliance is a 
 label value
 for each form element:
 For example:
 label for=nameName:/label 
 input type=text id=name size=50 name=name /
 More information at: http://www.csuohio.edu/uctl/508/forms.html
 This would typically be rendered with Struts tags using:
 label for=nameName:/label 
 html:text name=name styleId=name size=50/
 To make it easier, we could do:
 html:text name=name styleId=name size=50 label=Name:/ OR
 html:text name=name styleId=name size=50 
 The problems I see with this are that you lose some control over the
 presentation (i.e. a br / after the label or labels in a separate
 td).  However, it might be useful for rapid prototyping and
 code-generating tools.  My hope someday is that the JSP simply renders
 XML, and then an XSL stylesheet is applied, and in this case, the
 presentation issues would disappear?
 What does everyone think?  Would anyone use it?
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RE: Enhancement Request - add label and labelKey to form elements

2002-11-25 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I think a way to create label elements would be very useful.  I just
 don't think we should embed it in the existing UI element 
 tags (for the
 reasons that others have articulated.
 (I thought you tied labels to elements with the id ???)

Uh, yes, that's what the specification says.  That sort of makes my
comment about tricky ways to engineer the name property sort of dumb.

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RE: Enhancement Request - add label and labelKey to form elements

2002-11-25 Thread Karr, David
This may not have any effect on the implementation, but also note that
another legal form of the label component is to NOT specify a for
attribute, but assume that the nested content is the component the label
is for.

It looks like the only way adding this tag could be of any benefit is if
we added something like the key attribute for the label, which would
at least save them the trouble of adding the nested bean:message tag.
I think that's probably not worth the trouble.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Yes, it would create more confusion.  It's better to present 
 a consistent 
 view of the taglibs to users instead of using various 
 non-standard names.
 From: Matt Raible [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Enhancement Request - add label and labelKey to 
 form elements
 Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:40:27 -0700
 I agree, and does require more work, considering:
 html:label for=name
  bean:message key=prompt.username/
 Is more typing than:
 label for=name
 Maybe something like this would make it more useful:
 html:label key=prompt.username /
 I was thinking of reducing the prefixes in my struts-xdoclet 
 app from:
   html - h
   logic - l
   bean - b
   tiles - t
   nested - n
 Would this create too much confusion (even though it would 
 require less
 It much rather type h:label key=prompt.username /
   -Original Message-
   From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 12:25 PM
   Subject: Re: Enhancement Request - add label and labelKey to
   form elements
   I don't see what advantage the html:label tag has over hand
   coding the
   html.  Looks like the same amount of work to me.
   From: Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Reply-To: Struts Developers List 
   To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: Enhancement Request - add label and labelKey to form
   Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:14:10 -0800 (PST)
   On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Matt Raible wrote:
 Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:10:33 -0700
 From: Matt Raible [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List 
 Subject: Enhancement Request - add label and labelKey to form

 I thought I'd run this idea by the development team
   before entering
 it into Bugzilla.

 One of the items that is required with 508 compliance is
   a label
 value for each form element:

 For example:

 label for=nameName:/label
 input type=text id=name size=50 name=name /

 More information at: 

 This would typically be rendered with Struts tags using:

 label for=nameName:/label
 html:text name=name styleId=name size=50/

 To make it easier, we could do:

 html:text name=name styleId=name size=50
   label=Name:/ OR
 html:text name=name styleId=name size=50

 The problems I see with this are that you lose some
   control over the
 presentation (i.e. a br / after the label or labels in
   a separate
 td).  However, it might be useful for rapid prototyping and
 code-generating tools.  My hope someday is that the JSP simply
 renders XML, and then an XSL stylesheet is applied, 
 and in this
 case, the presentation issues would disappear?

 What does everyone think?  Would anyone use it?

   I think a way to create label elements would be very
   useful.  I just
   don't think we should embed it in the existing UI element
   tags (for the
   reasons that others have articulated.
   How about a new html:label tag instead.  Then, you 
 could do things
   like this on the logon page in struts-example:
th align=right
  html:label for=name
bean:message key=prompt.username/
td align=left
  html:text styleId=name property=username size=16
   (I thought you tied labels to elements with the id ???)
   The above approach assumes that it's not necessary to 
 localize the
   element id itself (which would really complicate attempts to
   JavaScript event handlers), but you do (of course) need to
   localize the
   text of the label.
   This also imposes no restrictions on the mechanisms by which
   you manage
   layout, and can be easily retrofitted onto existing pages.


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RE: Velocity vs. JSP: objective tests?

2002-11-22 Thread Karr, David
One thing that should be considered is not a technical issue.  It's
clear that the number of JSP developers is much larger than Velocity
developers.  That doesn't mean JSP is better than Velocity, but it
means that people and training will be more portable when using JSP.
Assuming that same population disparity, however, you can also assume
that many Velocity developers will be at least somewhat familiar with
JSP, but not as much the other way around.

 -Original Message-
 From: micael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 I have settled on Struts as my application framework, 
 assuming that there 
 will continue to major shifts in the future (like the shift 
 to 1.1 has 
 been, which I like).  However, I have not decided on the scripting 
 language, if that is what you want to call it, viz. JSP vs. 
 Velocity or 
 some other choice.  At the risk of engendering the passions of the 
 committed, does anyone know an especially reliable guide to 
 the pros and 
 cons of the various choices?

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RE: html:html locale=true xhtml=true

2002-11-18 Thread Karr, David
I actually did notice that when I did the Struts-EL port.
Unfortunately, I don't remember what I concluded about it.  It's
entirely possible I concluded something about meddling in the affairs
of wizards and ignored it.

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, David Graham wrote:
  The html:html tag only renders in xhtml if the locale 
 attribute is also
  set to true.  Users are confused by this and I'm not sure 
 why it was coded
  that way.  Can anyone enlighten me?
 It looks to me like it's simply a bug that's been there since 
 the class
 was first created. Probably a cut/paste mistake when adding 
 in the XHTML

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RE: [VOTE] How to implement XHMTL support

2002-11-13 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:craigmcc;apache.org]
 The presumption of storing the outer xhtml setting 
 (independent of *how*
 you do so) is to let the included page automatically adapt to 
 the outer
 page's choice - presumably, that lets you use the same 
 included page in an
 XHTML and non-XHTML environment with no changes.
 But, in reality, that's only true if 100% of the content of 
 the included
 page is struts-html tags -- if the developer has any static 
 HTML elements,
 for example, they *must* have selected one style or the 
 other, and that
 style won't get affected.  You're going to end up with a mishmash.

This is my primary objection to passing the xhtml flag through the
jsp:include unconditionally.  The included page needs to have control
over this.

 Maybe what we really need is a way for the included page to 
 tell its own
 Struts tags whether or not to be XHTML formatted or not.  Perhaps a
 specialized version of html:html xhtml=... that was 
 searched for the
 same way that the standard version is, but does *not* actually emit an
 html element?

I don't think it would be a variation of the html:html element, it
would have to be a separate tag, whose only purpose (AFAICS) is to set
this flag.

Would anyone have a reason to specify that the page should NOT use
xhtml?  I could envision a html:useXhtml tag (bleah), but should it
have an attribute that specifies a true or false value, or can it be

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RE: [VOTE] How to implement XHMTL support

2002-11-13 Thread Karr, David
Neither am I.  Absolutely correct naming is almost impossible, it's just
a good goal.  If you can't make it perfect, the documentation should
take you the rest of the way.  Make sure that the documentation for the
html and xhtml tags refer to each other.  A boilerplate comment
about this in each HTML tag might be useful also.

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Cooper [mailto:martinc;apache.org]
 On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, David Graham wrote:
  Ok, I think I agree with the non-body tag setting a page 
 scoped attribute.
  I really like the style of html:xhtml/ over 
 html:isXhtml/.  The is
  part indicates that it's a question rather than stating 
 that we're using
 I'm not that fussed about the name - isXhtml, useXhtml, or 
 just xhtml. I
 do agree with David Karr that just xhtml is rather subtle, but I'm not
 going to veto it. ;-)

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RE: Struts 1.0.2 + Xerces 2.2.0

2002-11-13 Thread Karr, David
This is not a bug.  It's part of the XML specification.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeanfrancois Arcand [mailto:jfarcand;apache.org]
 we (the Tomcat dev team) are experiencing some problem with 
 Struts 1.0.2 
 and Xerces 2.2.0 in Tomcat. When starting Tomcat, a wrong 
 exception is 
 thrown (see below). Is somedoby aware of a similar problem? 
 I'm trying 
 to produce a smaller test case for the Xerces-J team (they 
 will not fix 
 the bug until I produce a smaller test case :-( ). I have make some 
 tests and the problem doesn't seems to come from the Digester, but 
 directly from Xerces.
 Any help will be appreciated.
 -- Jeanfrancois
 Parse Fatal Error at line 551 column 44: The string -- is not 
 permitted within comments
 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The string -- is not 
 permitted within 

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RE: [VOTE] How to implement XHMTL support

2002-11-12 Thread Karr, David
Just so I understand, you're experimenting with making tags generated
from a jsp:include be xhtml-compliant even if the original page wasn't
specified as being xhtml-compliant?  It seems to me that XHTML
compliance is an attribute of an html element and its nested elements
(including the associated DOCTYPE), and not an attribute of an HTTP
request.  This would mean that a page that was jsp:included would
generate different output depending on what page included it.

I'd say that choice 1 (only affecting the elements nested in the html
element), which I assume is what you've already done, is preferable to
choice 2 (runtime determination).

 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:dgraham1980;hotmail.com]
 I've updated that html taglib tags to output xhtml when they 
 are nested in a 
 html:html xhtml=true tag.  This was very simple to do and 
 resulted in 
 minor code changes.  Users have suggested this approach:
 1.  Add Globals.XHTML_KEY which is a boolean request scoped attribute
 2.  html tags check for that request attribute being true and output 
 3.  The html:html tag sets this request attribute when it's 
 xhtml attribute 
 is true.
 The second approach allows the tags to output xhtml without 
 relying on the 
 html:html tag.  This allows people to construct pages with 
 jsp includes.  
 The first approach is logically clearer (to me) and you can 
 use tiles to 
 modularly construct the pages like includes.  Approach 2 may 
 be confusing 
 because you would have to remember all the places you may 
 have set that 
 request attribute.
 So, do we go with 1, 2 or both?

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RE: Unclear semantics on form use for wizards

2002-11-11 Thread Karr, David
This may seem far out, but what if the reset functionality could be entirely 
specified in the form-bean element?

For instance, the reset element could contain a set of elements named test, each 
of which would have attributes field and value.  The test element would have 
field subelements, which take a name attribute, and an optional value attribute.

The reset and test elements would work like a switch statement (or if-elseif).  
It would evaluate each of the test elements, comparing the value of the field 
(which has to be a form-property of the form) with the value.  If they are equal, 
then the encapsulated field elements would all be reset, either to a standard 
zero value for each type, or to the optional value attribute of the field 

The names of these elements and attributes aren't important, but the structure is.  
This solution would require no application-specific subclasses.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jason Rosen [mailto:JRosen;yvimail.com]
 Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 12:05 PM
 The reset() method lives in the ActionForm class.  In order 
 to have reset() evaluate what to do means overriding reset() 
 by subclassing ActionForm (or some child of ActionForm).  So 
 to have all these different reset() evaluations means having 
 different ActionForm subclasses.  
 Then if you wanted to use a different ActionForm 
 implementation like DynaActionForm or DynaValidatorForm, you 
 start duplicating your reset() code around because Java 
 doesn't allow for multiple inheritance.  This is the mess I 
 started finding myself in - some of my Actions were using 
 DynaActionForms, some were using DyanValidatorForms, and some 
 were ActionForms but I needed similar reset() functionality 
 in all of them.  So the reset() code was getting hard to maintain. 

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RE: Unclear semantics on form use for wizards

2002-11-11 Thread Karr, David
Well, there's the tradeoff.  If you have the logic in code, then you'll
likely need a subclass for each instance.  I would think it would be
annoying to build almost all of a DynaActionForm in XML, then have to
associate it with a subclass for the reset functionality.  I believe,
in general, the logic involved here is relatively simple.  In most
cases, you would have a test element for each page of your wizard,
each of which would reset different fields.  As your form bean starts to
get larger, with more fields to reset, the value of even using
DynaActionForm by itself starts to decrease, and would point you to a
static form bean class.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:dgraham1980;hotmail.com]
 Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 12:57 PM
 Interesting, but then you're creating a programming language 
 in XML.  I 
 think this logic should be in code.
 From: Karr, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This may seem far out, but what if the reset functionality 
 could be 
 entirely specified in the form-bean element?
 For instance, the reset element could contain a set of 
 elements named 
 test, each of which would have attributes field and 
 value.  The 
 test element would have field subelements, which take a name 
 attribute, and an optional value attribute.
 The reset and test elements would work like a switch 
 statement (or 
 if-elseif).  It would evaluate each of the test 
 elements, comparing the 
 value of the field (which has to be a form-property of 
 the form) with 
 the value.  If they are equal, then the encapsulated 
 field elements 
 would all be reset, either to a standard zero value for 
 each type, or 
 to the optional value attribute of the field element.
 The names of these elements and attributes aren't important, but the 
 structure is.  This solution would require no application-specific 

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RE: FW: Struts 1.0.2, Nested 1.0 and Standard Tags 1.0.2

2002-11-06 Thread Karr, David
I'll provide some information at the end.  If you have any more
questions about this, please ask on the struts-user list.

 -Original Message-
 From: edgar [mailto:edgar;blue-moose.net]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 8:20 AM
 My apologies for not posting more information.  This was such a basic
 issue I assumed that someone would know about it.  The real 
 question is
 are people actively doing such things with the JSTL / Struts
 As you can see I have also modified some of the tags so I assumed
 someone would assume I botched them.  In this trace I have modified
 NestedWriteTag (the only change was to make it a subclass of my
 WriteTag, which I have heavily modified) but that has not 
 been executed.
 A sample piece of code which fails.
 html:form action='myaction' method='post'
   nested:iterate property='myarraylist'
   c:set var=myChoiceValue scope='request'
   nested:write property='myNestedChoiceValue'
   c:set var=myChoiceLabel scope='request'
   nested:write property='myNestedChoiceLabel'
   nested:select property='myChoice'

This is why showing the exact code sample is important.  Part of your
problem is obvious from this code sample.

The result of the c:set tag is not a JSP scripting variable, just a
scoped attribute.  That is, you can't reference myChoiceValue as a
scripting variable as you're doing.

This sort of thing would be easier if you used the Struts-EL library, as
you can do something like this:

  html-el:options name=${myChoiceValue} labelName=${myChoiceLabel}

Note that I changed the scoped attribute you're referencing for the
labelName attribute to what you probably meant, being myChoiceLabel
instead of myChoiceValue as you had.

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Attribute lowsrc of html:img is non-compliant?

2002-11-01 Thread Karr, David
What is the lowsrc attribute of the html:img tag?  Is that supposed to render a 
lower-precision version of the image?  This attribute is not defined in the HTML 4.01 
spec.  I don't even find this in the description at http://www.htmlhelp.com which 
often lists some attributes that it states are browser-dependent.

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RE: Building Struts

2002-10-31 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:dgraham1980;hotmail.com]
 Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 9:42 AM
 This is my first time using Ant so I'm ignorant of all the 
 details.  I was 
 thinking we could zip up a build environment with all the 
 required jars in 
 it and a build.properties that was configured for that.  You 
 could modify 
 the build.properties if you wanted.  I didn't think any 
 changes would have 
 to happen to build.xml.

I think it might be feasible to build a zip file containing all the
distributions that are needed, but not the Struts build.properties
file.  That would at least make part of the process easier.

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RE: Building Struts

2002-10-31 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:craigmcc;apache.org]
 Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2002 11:08 AM
 On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Karr, David wrote:
  Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 10:11:38 -0800
  From: Karr, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: Building Struts
  I think it might be feasible to build a zip file containing all the
  distributions that are needed, but not the Struts build.properties
  file.  That would at least make part of the process easier.
 But which versions would you include?  For example, I build Struts
 nightlies against the nightly builds of the commons packages (so it
 changes every day) -- but you'd want to use released versions 
 if you were
 building a formal Struts distribution.

The only purpose of this is a quick start.  It would be good enough to
just contain the jar files from the released distributions.  I have a
feeling this shouldn't even be stored in the Struts distribution.

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RE: Accessing DynaActionForm objects in JSTL tags?

2002-10-30 Thread Karr, David
At end.

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:craigmcc;apache.org]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 11:44 PM
   David == David Karr Karr writes:
  David Presently JSTL tags can't easily access 
 DynaActionForm objects.  I haven't
  David used these much, but I would assume they're 
 reasonably widely used.  How
  David important do you think it is for JSTL tags to be 
 able to access properties
  David of these objects?
  As a proof of concept, I've verified that just by adding 
 the following to the
  DynaActionForm class:
  public  Map   getMap() {
  return (dynaValues);
  along with the following pre-Action code:
  dynaActionForm.set(foo, alpha);
  dynaActionForm.set(bar, beta);
  The following JSP code:
c:out value=${dynabean.map.foo}//c:out 
  prints out alpha/beta.
 Therefore, I'm +1 to adding a getMap() method to 
 ActionDynaForm in Struts,
 to make it possible for DynaBeans to interoperate with *standard* JSTL
 tags (and, by the same token, with the standard capabilities 
 of JSP 2.0
 containers).  This won't be invisible, because the expression 
 will have to
 be different, but at least it will be possible.
 However, I don't believe this change should be done in the underlying
 commons-beanutils APIs, because if you are using commons-beanutils
 already, you have transparent access (via BeanUtils and 
 PropertyUtils) out
 of the box, and need nothing more.  And there might well be 
 where DynaBean is implemented using techniques other than an 
 internal Map
 -- it is not fair to constrain those possible implementations 
 by requiring
 them to implement a potentially costly getMap() method.

This is one of the few times I've wondered whether multiple class
inheritance would be useful.  Oh, well.

Does anyone else want to chime in on this?

If I commit this, I plan on also adding something to the paragraphs in the
user guide, along with something in the Struts-EL top-level package.html

With respect to the user guide information on DynaActionForm, I noticed that
section 4.2.1 is titled DynaActionForm Classes, and 4.2.2 is titled
Map-backed ActionForms.  Adding this new map information will require a
little clarification of those different map dimensions.

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RE: [struts-el] HTML taglib

2002-10-24 Thread Karr, David
At end.

 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 8:21 AM
 David M. Karr wrote:
 Eddie == Eddie Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Eddie Ok - you asked for it.  Note that this error 
 *only* arises if I try to use the
 Eddie html tag (ELHtmlTag class).  It occurs during 
 page compilation -
 Eddie not during execution.
 Eddie index.jsp [-1:-1] java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
 Eddie at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
 Eddie at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:130)
 Eddie Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
 Eddie at
 Eddie at 
 Ok, I've thought about this a bit, but I only have a minute 
 now.  I have a
 couple of wild guesses to make.
 Are you using Tomcat, and just using the Manager to reload 
 your application,
 after you added the references to html-el:html?  If so, do 
 a remove on the
 application and reinstall it.  If that works, I think this might be a
 bug/feature in Tomcat, wrt reflection, classloading, and 
 BeanInfo classes.
 Impossible.  Recall (did I not mention this?  maybe I didn't ...) I 
 build an absolutely new app - very small - which includes 
 that one tag. 
  If I use the struts-html set all is good.  If I use 
 struts-html-el it 
 ... pukes :-(
 It's not a matter of running.  It's *compiling* (hasn't run at this 
 point) when the error occurrs.  I do run Tomcat though, but 
 this doesn't 
 happen as part of a reload.  This happens in Netbeans.  It 
 happens only 
 if I use ELHtmlTag.  It happens only during compilation.  
 I'll move the 
 app over to a webapp folder and see if it pukes under TC.

I'm not certain how compiling in Netbeans works.  I just use it as a
debugger and do a remote attach.

I believe your problem may be related to the fact that the BeanInfo class is
only loaded by reflection, and not by a direct reference.

In Netbeans, will it only compile and load the source files you explicitly
add to the project, or will it compile all the source files in a directory?
If it is somehow not compiling and loading the BeanInfo classes, you might
see this problem.

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2002-10-23 Thread Karr, David
Dunno.  I've never tried to use relative paths myself.

 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 11:46 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Struts-EL - BUILD FAILED
 Ok - exploring that path.  I need to know how the directory 
 structure is 
 on the machine nightlies run on (Craig's machine?).  Does he have the 
 different servlet APIs out there on the same level as the 
 Struts directory?
 Either all paths have to be specified as relative or they must be 
 absolute (duh!).  Currently they're relative - but incorrect 
 (at least 
 in my updated checkout they are).  Should we stay relative and expect 
 there will be checkouts of the dependencies on the same level as the 
 jakarta-struts directory (ie jakarta-taglibs, etc), or move to 
 specifying those base directory names independently?
 Any preference?  Which is best?  I'm thinking that the 
 least painful 
 approach would be to stick with relative paths and expect 
 people would 
 have the dependencies checked out on the same level as 
 struts.  Sound 
 When I say same level, I mean:
 they all share the same parent directory.
 Karr, David wrote:
 You don't really need to build the JSTL, just use the binary package.
 Eddie Bush
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RE: [struts-el] HTML taglib

2002-10-23 Thread Karr, David
Tell us what happened, Eddie.

 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 1:41 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: [struts-el] HTML taglib
 Is anyone else unable to compile JSPs which make use of the 
 struts-html-el:html tag?  I was changing some struts-html 
 stuff over to 
 use struts-html-el so I could just remove all references to 
 (one less thing to refer to and I don't have to think about whether I 
 can use EL or not - just use it if I need to [later]), and started 
 noticing pages weren't compiling.  I tracked it down to (so far just) 
 the ELHtmlTag class.
 I can provide the listing for the error if need be.
 Eddie Bush
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RE: [BUGS] CheckboxTag with value property

2002-10-22 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Franco Caponi [mailto:franco.caponi;tin.it]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 12:12 PM
 There is a suspicious bug on the CheckboxTag. Infact i can 
 specify a value
 that is rendered as  attribute on the INPUT html tag, to overwrite the
 default on value.
 But if i specify a value, check box is not rendered correctly.
 In the doStartTag method, to render the checkbox as checked, 
 are tested
 condition for yes, true and on values, but not for the value
 instance variable.
 original code is:
 if (checked.equalsIgnoreCase(true)
 || checked.equalsIgnoreCase(yes)
 || checked.equalsIgnoreCase(on))
 results.append( checked=\checked\);
 I think that correct code is :
 if (checked.equalsIgnoreCase(true)
 || checked.equalsIgnoreCase(yes)
 || checked.equalsIgnoreCase(on)
 || checked.equalsIgnoreCase(this.value))
 results.append( checked=\checked\);

Look at the corresponding block of code in MultiboxTag.java.  I have a
feeling there isn't a concise statement about this in the documentation, but
you use checkbox if you want to check for boolean values, and you use
multibox if you want to check for symbols (can't think of a better way
to say that).  The other difference is that checkbox compares against a
single value, and multibox checks against an array of values.

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2002-10-21 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:55 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Struts-EL - BUILD FAILED
 The build script for struts-el seems to not be working for me.  I'm 
 fixing it right now.  Anyone else experiencing difficulties?

I haven't updated in a few days, but I haven't seen any problems with my
local build.  What is happening?

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2002-10-21 Thread Karr, David
 1. Comment out those 2 lines so as not to cause confusion.

I guess that would make it so that the default build doesn't build
struts-el.  Craig was trying to ensure that it was built in the default
build.  I don't know whether this matters.

 2. Leave them 'as is' and add comments 'in order to build 
 struts-el, you
 must create your own build.properties file there' as well as 
 here.  For,
 without it, ${user.home} is not picked up and consequently
   property file=${user.home}/build.properties/
 points to nothing, so your base properties file is useless.

Perhaps it might be useful to add checks in the build script for whether it
finds a build.properties file, and emits a warning if it does not?  It's
something, at least.

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2002-10-21 Thread Karr, David
Again, you don't need to build the JSTL for this.  The top-level properties
file should have jstl.jar and jstl-standard.jar entries, pointing into
the JSTL binary distribution.

Unfortunately, I don't have the latest source here at work.  If you haven't
gotten through this by the time I get home, I'll check my source.

 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 11:27 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Struts-EL - BUILD FAILED
 David - where does it dump out the JARs for the standard taglib?  Do 
 they really go in Destination JAR for tag library, or are my 
 properties maybe not configured well?  The build went fine (for the 
 standard taglib), but I sure have some odd directory names ...
 Karr, David wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:55 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Struts-EL - BUILD FAILED
 The build script for struts-el seems to not be working for me.  I'm 
 fixing it right now.  Anyone else experiencing difficulties?
 I haven't updated in a few days, but I haven't seen any 
 problems with my
 local build.  What is happening?
 Eddie Bush
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2002-10-21 Thread Karr, David
You don't really need to build the JSTL, just use the binary package.

 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 11:21 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Struts-EL - BUILD FAILED
 It appears to be using incorrect relative paths to reference 
 dependencies.  I'm trying to build the jstl right now - 
 checked it out 
 etc - and I'm trying to update the paths to be more 
 correct.  I don't 
 care much for the way the jstl build is setup.  It basically 
 requires a 
 full taglibs checkout.  Maybe that's intentional, but I'd 
 think each of 
 the taglibs would have more independent build scripts...
 Karr, David wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:55 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Struts-EL - BUILD FAILED
 The build script for struts-el seems to not be working for me.  I'm 
 fixing it right now.  Anyone else experiencing difficulties?
 I haven't updated in a few days, but I haven't seen any 
 problems with my
 local build.  What is happening?
 Eddie Bush
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2002-10-21 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 1:56 PM
 Karr, David wrote:
 Perhaps it might be useful to add checks in the build script 
 for whether it
 finds a build.properties file, and emits a warning if it 
 does not?  It's
 something, at least.
 Actually ... is there some reason the struts-el build script 
 chose not 
 to inherit property definitions?  Things like beanutils and 
 commons-logging should be inherited.  If we change servlet.jar to be 
 servlet23.jar then we don't have to worry about that one case 
 where we 
 don't want to inherit - and it should probably be 
 servlet23.jar anyway 
 for consistency with other things.

Because when I first wrote it, it was outside of the Struts distribution.  I
have no qualms with making any changes that will make it more convenient to

 Or am I incorrect in believing that inheritAll=false (in the main 
 script) is the thing causing the need for redefinition?


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2002-10-21 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 12:17 PM

 So far as testing:  Wouldn't it be good of us to have a struts-test 
 app which we could exercise things in?  ... or struts-regressions? 
  ... something we target our tests on specifically?  It wouldn't 
 necessarily be aimed at showing the users a functional 
 application as it 
 would be at testing struts - though there would undoubtedly 
 be some good 
 examples in it too.

Well, the exercise-taglib is supposed to do some of this.  Over time, I've
been adding several things to the strutsel-exercise-taglib that aren't in
the base app.  Every time I write an example that I realize isn't covered, I
add it to the app.  Some of these could be added to the base app, with

There's also the unit tests, which are convenient in that they can be run
automatically (as opposed to the exercise app), but they test the tag code
directly, and bypass the TLD and the JSP compilation process.

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RE: Tiles Refactorings for 1.1 compatability

2002-10-18 Thread Karr, David
I guess I don't know what that means.  The David obviously refers to David
Geary, not me, but I don't know what the JSTL reference is for.  I would
have assumed they would first build something that combines the best of
regions and tiles, without incorporating the JSTL EL engine, and that
something like regionstiles-el would be implemented separately.

 -Original Message-
 From: Byrne, Steven [mailto:sbyrne;dorado.com]
 Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 12:26 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: RE: Tiles Refactorings for 1.1 compatability
 What I meant was essentially tiles-el, which is what I thought this
 message from Cedric was referring to:
   Martin Cooper wrote:
   Meanwhile, David Geary, who was the original author of the template
   went on to develop the Regions library, which he describes in his
   Advanced JavaServer Pages. At one point, there was some 
   David and Cedric working together to combine the best of 
 Regions and
   but as far as I'm aware, nothing came of that.
   We, David and me, are in contact.  We should soon start 
 working on a 
   common proposal for a next major version of JSTL.
  -Original Message-
  From: Karr, David [mailto:david.karr;attws.com]
  Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:50 AM
  To: 'Struts Developers List'
  Subject: RE: Tiles Refactorings for 1.1 compatability
   -Original Message-
   From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
   Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:29 AM
   To: Struts Developers List
   Subject: Re: Tiles Refactorings for 1.1 compatability
   Byrne, Steven wrote:
   Here's the draft roadmap  that I wrote up.
   Struts 1.2   January 2003 [duration: 2 months? ]  
 * tiles JSTL aware
   ? What is the problem with Tiles' JSTL awareness?
  At the least, I would assume this refers to the fact that 
 there is no
  tiles-el library yet.  If that's all that means, I don't 
 expect any
  problem with building a tiles-el sublibrary by the January 
  timeframe (not
  to mention nested-el, or any other existing sub-libraries).
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RE: Tiles Refactorings for 1.1 compatability

2002-10-18 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Byrne, Steven [mailto:sbyrne;dorado.com]
 Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:56 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: RE: Tiles Refactorings for 1.1 compatability
 I was given to understand that Struts-el needed Servlet 2.3, and so
 that's why I suggested having it in 1.2.   But my main purpose was to
 create a common definition of what was going to be in each 
 release (and
 have it track as things change), so it should reflect the 
 shared belief
 of the developers. 
 David Karr -- care to chime in on whether Struts-el needs Servlet
 2.3/JSP 1.2?

Yes, Struts-EL needs the JSTL, which needs Servlet 2.3.  Thus, Struts-EL
can't be integrated into Struts until the release where we require Servlet
2.3.  However, there's nothing wrong with it being in the contrib section
of the pre-required-Servlet 2.3 release, even if the jar file is
distributed next to the struts.jar file in the binary release.

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RE: Tiles Refactorings for 1.1 compatability

2002-10-18 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 11:29 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Tiles Refactorings for 1.1 compatability
 Byrne, Steven wrote:
 Here's the draft roadmap  that I wrote up.

 Struts 1.2   January 2003 [duration: 2 months? ]  
   * tiles JSTL aware
 ? What is the problem with Tiles' JSTL awareness?

At the least, I would assume this refers to the fact that there is no
tiles-el library yet.  If that's all that means, I don't expect any
problem with building a tiles-el sublibrary by the January timeframe (not
to mention nested-el, or any other existing sub-libraries).

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RE: Tiles Refactorings for 1.1 compatability

2002-10-18 Thread Karr, David
 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:ekbush;swbell.net]
 Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 9:10 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Tiles Refactorings for 1.1 compatability
 Ted Husted wrote:
 I posted a starter version of the roadmap so we'd have 
 something to patch :0)

Just so I understand, is there a desire to not have Struts-EL in the 1.1
release?  I know this document is extremely preliminary, but the omission of
it from the phrase about contrib libraries makes me think that's the intent.
If that's the case, I take no offense, I just want to be clear on our

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RE: Suggestions for placement of Struts-EL information in the user gu ide?

2002-10-18 Thread Karr, David
Ok, I'll proceed with writing those.

Will there be a straightforward (even if somewhat messy) way for me to
generate a link from these pages to the package descriptions for the base
library?  That is, in my html-el package description, I would like to see
a link that would go directly to the package description for the html
package.  If in the final documentation, the html directory is in the same
directory as the html-el directory, then that will probably work.

I believe that the nature of this library as a simple integration of two
complex pieces implies that the unique information in the package
descriptions should be relatively short, with several usage examples, but
with a link to the package description for the base library.  It would have
been nice to also have a link to an HTML page that directly shows
documentation for the JSTL, but I guess the best we can do is point them to
the PDF specification download.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Husted [mailto:husted;apache.org]
 Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 7:15 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Suggestions for placement of Struts-EL information in the
 user gu ide?
 If you can put the high-level usuage documentation 
 (narrative) in a package.html for each of the taglibs, 
 following the example of the other taglibs, I'll can sort out 
 the mechanics of getting the package description, 
 Javadoc, and API guide into the documentation/website (somehow).
 I'm very glad you were able to put this library together, 
 David. I'm sure it will of great use to a great many 
 people =:o) 
 10/18/2002 10:02:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David M. Karr) wrote:
 Yes, the API part is automatic, for the struts-*.xml files 
 in the main Struts
 distribution, which also generates the TLD files.  The 
 struts-*-el.xml files
 for Struts-EL are in contrib/struts-el.  How do we 
 automatically generate the
 API documentation for Struts-EL so it is inserted into the 
 user guide in the
 main distribution?
 Similarly, we'll have to figure out what to do about the 
 javadoc for Struts-EL.
 Ted So, for the narrative you mentioned, follow the 
 example of the other package.html files 
 Ted (taglib/bean/package.html), and it will be compiled 
 into the JavaDocs. 
 Ted Once that is done, I can setup the rest of the 
 Struts-EL Developer guide, if you like. 
 That would be fine.
 Ted Pzst 1.1, I'd like to try and do more of the 
 Developer Guide kid of thing, and link more into the 
 Ted Right now, we're getting into a lot of dual 
 maintenance. But first things first.
 I'm not sure what you mean here.
 David M. Karr  ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++
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RE: Constructing Binary Distribution

2002-10-16 Thread Karr, David

Sorry if I missed one of your issues.  I remember someone asking about
whether the jstl.jar value had to be empty or nonexistent.  I thought it
was you.  If you ensure that jstl.jar is not defined, it will not build
the struts-el distribution.

 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Leland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 8:32 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: RE:Constructing Binary Distribution
   Anyone else having trouble running the dist target?
   Mine is failing on the struts-el stuff (not compile error, 
 but ant task
   errors due to path settings and such), and I am working 
 through it, but
   wondering if I missed an email somewhere ?!?!?!?
 It's a bug. I emailed the list but David didn't respond.
 If the jstl.jar variable is not defined the struts-el stuff
 is supposed to be skilled. At home I use Tomcat 3.X,
 so that is where I hit the problem.
 At work I use tomcat 4.X and so I have no problem
 compiling the latest distribution as of 11:30 Eastern time
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RE: [VOTE] How should Tiles be refactored?

2002-10-16 Thread Karr, David

Could we have a ruling on this, please?  As far as I can tell, it's still
Thursday, in all parts of the world.


 -Original Message-
 From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 3:14 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: RE: [VOTE] How should Tiles be refactored?
 Well, I know I'm not a committer and all hanging-head, but 
 for what its
  [   ] I want Tiles to have an independent (non-shared) configuration
 for each module.  No future change is required IMHO.
  [   ] I want Tiles to have an independent (non-shared) configuration
for each module.  I think we should revisit this 
 decision after 1.1F.
  [ x ] I DON'T think we should allow naked pictures of the 
 committers on the
main pageDOH  HAHAHAHA
  [   ] I want tiles to have a (possibly) dependent (shared) 
for each module in the 1.1F release.
  - modules would chain lookup from the current 
 module to the
default module (or something else)
  - could be turned on/off by a switch which 
 defaults to off
  [   ] I want tiles to have a different configuration (Elaborate).
 James ...and you thought I was serious for a sec huh? Mitchell
 Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist
  -Original Message-
  From: Eddie Bush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 3:49 PM
  To: Struts Developers List
  Subject: [VOTE] How should Tiles be refactored?
  There's been a lot of discussion on how 1.1 final should look, and I
  think it's good to have such discussions.  We (commiters 
 and non), being
  tasked with implementing everything that is Struts 1.1, 
 need to have a
  clear picture of exactly what that means.  Now, when it 
 gets right now
  to brass tacks, it's irrelevant to me which way we go on 
 this (right now
  - I think my position is well-known).  Something has to be 
 done though.
   Progress needs to be made, and to make progress we must 
 have a clear
  understanding of how we should proceed.
  Tiles will not work as expected with modules and that needs 
 to be fixed.
   What form should it take?  I'm tired of speculation.  I'm happy to
  study Tiles and determine what needs to change, but I will 
 not take the
  decision of how to implement it upon myself.
  Please bear in mind that we have folks waiting on 1.1F very 
  and that any behavior can be rectified in a later release.  
 Also note
  that refactoring to support a dependent configuration would not undo
  (that I can see) any change which would be required to make the
  configurations entirely independent.  That is a necessary step.  The
  only question is if/when the next step of allowing sharing across
  modules should occur.
  Cast your vote.
  [   ] I want Tiles to have an independent (non-shared) 
  for each module.  No future change is required IMHO.
  [   ] I want Tiles to have an independent (non-shared) 
  for each module.  I think we should revisit this decision 
 after 1.1F.
  [   ] I want tiles to have a (possibly) dependent (shared)
  configuration for each module in the 1.1F release.
  - modules would chain lookup from the current 
 module to the
  default module (or something else)
  - could be turned on/off by a switch which 
 defaults to off
  [   ] I want tiles to have a different configuration 
  Eddie Bush
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RE: [VOTE] How should Tiles be refactored?

2002-10-16 Thread Karr, David

Oh.  Sheesh, it's not even Thursday.

 -Original Message-
 From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 3:22 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: RE: [VOTE] How should Tiles be refactored?
 You sure about that?  ;)
 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist
  -Original Message-
  From: Karr, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 6:18 PM
  To: 'Struts Developers List'
  Subject: RE: [VOTE] How should Tiles be refactored?
  Could we have a ruling on this, please?  As far as I can 
 tell, it's still
  Thursday, in all parts of the world.
   -Original Message-
   From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 3:14 PM
   To: Struts Developers List
   Subject: RE: [VOTE] How should Tiles be refactored?
   Well, I know I'm not a committer and all hanging-head, but
   for what its
[   ] I want Tiles to have an independent (non-shared) 
   for each module.  No future change is required IMHO.
[   ] I want Tiles to have an independent (non-shared) 
  for each module.  I think we should revisit this
   decision after 1.1F.
[ x ] I DON'T think we should allow naked pictures of the
   committers on the
  main pageDOH  HAHAHAHA
[   ] I want tiles to have a (possibly) dependent (shared)
  for each module in the 1.1F release.
- modules would chain lookup from the current
   module to the
  default module (or something else)
- could be turned on/off by a switch which
   defaults to off
[   ] I want tiles to have a different configuration (Elaborate).
   James ...and you thought I was serious for a sec huh? Mitchell
   Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist
-Original Message-
From: Eddie Bush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 3:49 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: [VOTE] How should Tiles be refactored?
There's been a lot of discussion on how 1.1 final 
 should look, and I
think it's good to have such discussions.  We (commiters
   and non), being
tasked with implementing everything that is Struts 1.1,
   need to have a
clear picture of exactly what that means.  Now, when it
   gets right now
to brass tacks, it's irrelevant to me which way we go on
   this (right now
- I think my position is well-known).  Something has to be
   done though.
 Progress needs to be made, and to make progress we must
   have a clear
understanding of how we should proceed.
Tiles will not work as expected with modules and that needs
   to be fixed.
 What form should it take?  I'm tired of speculation.  
 I'm happy to
study Tiles and determine what needs to change, but I will
   not take the
decision of how to implement it upon myself.
Please bear in mind that we have folks waiting on 1.1F very
and that any behavior can be rectified in a later release.
   Also note
that refactoring to support a dependent configuration 
 would not undo
(that I can see) any change which would be required to make the
configurations entirely independent.  That is a 
 necessary step.  The
only question is if/when the next step of allowing 
 sharing across
modules should occur.
Cast your vote.
[   ] I want Tiles to have an independent (non-shared)
for each module.  No future change is required IMHO.
[   ] I want Tiles to have an independent (non-shared)
for each module.  I think we should revisit this decision
   after 1.1F.
[   ] I want tiles to have a (possibly) dependent (shared)
configuration for each module in the 1.1F release.
- modules would chain lookup from the current
   module to the
default module (or something else)
- could be turned on/off by a switch which
   defaults to off
[   ] I want tiles to have a different configuration
Eddie Bush
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RE: [VOTE] How should Tiles be refactored?

2002-10-16 Thread Karr, David

Nope, I was just in a time warp.  EOT.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Derry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 4:49 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: [VOTE] How should Tiles be refactored?
 Having a tough week David?
 - Original Message - 
 From: Karr, David [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Oh.  Sheesh, it's not even Thursday.
   -Original Message-
   From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   You sure about that?  ;)
-Original Message-
From: Karr, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Could we have a ruling on this, please?  As far as I can 
   tell, it's still
Thursday, in all parts of the world.
 -Original Message-
 From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Well, I know I'm not a committer and all hanging-head, but
 for what its

  [ x ] I DON'T think we should allow naked pictures of the
 committers on the
main pageDOH  HAHAHAHA

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RE: LabelTag

2002-10-15 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 10:32 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: RE: LabelTag

 backwards compatibility in this way).  The W3C spec for input is the
 about the worst example of a spec definition that I've never 
 seen, because
 many of the specified elements are relevant for only some of the input
 subtypes, and the relationships are not always clearly 
 defined. We'd just
 end up with a single tag that had 100 or so optional 
 attirbutes, with no
 clue to the poor user about which ones are relevant for which uses.

For an example of this, consider type hidden.  The HTML 4.01 spec defines
several attributes of the input element which really are only relevant to
elements which take visible space on the screen.  The specification doesn't
specify (somewhat understandably) that concrete subclasses of input
shouldn't use certain attributes, so as a result the Struts implementation
of the html:hidden tag implements several attributes that are only there
to provide compliance to the specification, but no useful value.  If the
specification allocated responsibilities to these elements more rationally,
the input element would have been divided into more than one real element.

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RE: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/src/share/org/apache/struts/taglib/tiles UseAttributeTag.java

2002-10-07 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 8:44 AM
 Subject: cvs commit:
   Correct a bug where the property id is not set properly 
 when the tag is reused.

  public int doStartTag() throws JspException
   +  // Do a local copy of id
   +String id=this.id;
if( id==null )

Would you mind elaborating on this a bit, Cedric?  Why do you need to to do

I also noticed that the release() method is resetting the id field,
apparently due to a bug in TagSupport?  Is this really a bug in the base JSP

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RE: Applying patches

2002-10-04 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 9:24 AM
 To: Struts Developers List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Applying patches

 In addition, I want committers to start adding unit tests 
 that will help
 avoid regressions from later changes in the same code area.  This is
 something that we've got down pretty well in the Commons 
 packages (nearly
 every patch to fix something comes with a new or updated unit test to
 validate the updated behavior.  This gets pretty tricky in 
 some parts of
 Struts, but is something we've been quite woefully lacking in, and it
 increases the risk of applying patches because we don't know 
 what will get
 broken until someone tries the updated version out in their apps.

Just for information (Craig knows about most of this), the unit tests that I
built for the Struts-EL tags go a little further than the existing tag unit
tests in Struts, but I still have more to do, in my mind.  These go so far
as actually comparing the HTML output from the tag with what we expect,
using Cactus, HttpUnit, JTidy, and Xalan (although figuring out what we
expect is somewhat annoying in some cases).  I believe we should
eventually move the Struts tag unit tests in this direction, and this is
something I have on my internal task list, although I don't know when I'll
get to it.

In addition, it might be useful to modify the exercise-taglib so that the
demonstrated tags use more of the attributes supported by those tags, even
the ones which won't produce any obvious functionality in the application.

These two things just cover testing the tags themselves, and don't address
the MVC features of the framework.  It would be a worthwhile project for
someone to design an infrastructure for building regression tests for more
parts of the framework, especially outside of the tag library.

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RE: Nested taglib with EL?

2002-10-04 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 9:30 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Nested taglib with EL?

 Personally, I'd suggest not trying to support partial 
 references in the
 struts-el library similar to what the nested taglib can do.  
 We would have
 to define the semantics of this ourselves, which is unlikely to be
 compatible with whatever does finally happen on the 
 standardization front.

If you're referring to what I think you are, I would unfortunately agree.  I
started down this path when I started thinking about Struts-EL, when I
thought about how I could replace the name/property system with pure EL
references.  I discovered that the JSTL support library allowed me to
evaluate expressions in a context which I could somewhat define.  However,
I ultimately concluded that this was impractical, and the best thing that
Struts-EL could do was simply to evaluate individual attribute values
through the EL engine, and not modify the semantics of the underlying tag.

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RE: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-el build.xml

2002-10-02 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 8:12 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: cvs commit: jakarta-struts/contrib/struts-el build.xml
 On 1 Oct 2002, David M. Karr wrote:
   Also, if Struts-EL is being built by default, what 
 will happen if someone tries
   to build it with a 2.2 servlet.jar?
  Craig Good point ... it should probably be made 
 conditional based on the
  Craig presence of Servlet 2.3 (and the JSTL jars, for 
 that matter).
  Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this mean that it 
 can't be provided in the
  nightly build, unless we do both a Servlet 2.2 and Servlet 
 2.3 build?
 The nightly builds are created against Servlet 2.3 already.  If you
 download and use the nightly build in a Servlet 2.2 
 environment, you can't
 use the struts-el stuff, but it doesn't change anything else that is
 created -- so I don't see a need to create two different versions.
  I've tested a change to the top-level build.xml to only 
 build it if jstl.jar
  is set (and I put my jstl.jar setting in my top-level 
 build.properties file),
  but I didn't try to do anything with a Servlet 2.2 build.
  I've got my announcement note written, and ready to send, 
 but I have a feeling
  I may have to delay/change it, based on this.
 If you want to go ahead and check in the conditional change to the
 dist.contrib target, that would be great.

I'll do that, but I won't be able to commit it until tonight.  I don't have
my Jakarta CVS environment set up here at work (and I hesitate trying to
manage more than one CVSROOT on one box).

On the nightly build, I noticed that the build did eventually complete,
including the struts-el.jar, so I assume the issue with the Catalina ant
tasks was worked around?  I committed the change to my build.xml to remove
those soon after I saw the build failure this morning.

If this morning's nightly build (I'll just have to get used to that not
sounding right :) ) is a go, I'll send in my announcement note in a few

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RE: Nested taglib with EL?

2002-10-02 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 From: Brandon Goodin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 10:39 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Nested taglib with EL?
 Does anyone know if the Nested taglib will implement el?

If you mean whether it's covered in the Struts-EL library, my initial
implementation didn't cover the nested taglib.  I don't expect it to be very
difficult.  It's on the task list in my mind.

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RE: Nested taglib with EL?

2002-10-02 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Bush [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 11:04 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Nested taglib with EL?
 I don't believe it will - that functionality (as I recall 
 David having 
 said) is entirely replaced by the JSTL - use that instead ;-)
 Brandon Goodin wrote:
 Does anyone know if the Nested taglib will implement el?

Uh, I don't believe I said that.  You could easily build deeply nested
references in the EL, but the nested tag library provides the ability to
avoid those deeply nested references.  I could implement a nested-el
library (and I probably will, just for completeness), but the implementation
would simply allow using the EL to evaluate the attribute values, it
wouldn't really be changing the functionality of the library.

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RE: Struts-EL: Finished with copyright header and javadoc

2002-10-01 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 10:36 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: Struts-EL: Finished with copyright header and javadoc
 Use the following command to pick up everything new that's 
 checked in (as
 well as pruning empty directories):
   cvs update -dP

Or even better, create a file $HOME/.cvsrc that sets your always
options, that might look like this (make sure you understand all of these
options before you store this):

cvs -r
update -dP
checkout -P
diff -c

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RE: Unit testing taglibs?

2002-09-25 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 From: Davor Cengija [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 12:34 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Unit testing taglibs?
 How to unit-test taglibs, possibly without servlet container?
 I'm writing wml-related taglib for struts and my code is craving for
 some unit-tests. I found tagunit but it requires servlet 
 container, it's
 executed in a jsp page etc. I'd like to have automated unit testing on
 each build.
 How does Cactus fit in? I recently discovered it but haven't 
 it yet.

If you look in the current unit tests for Struts, you'll find very minimal
usage of Cactus.  You might get a feeling for how this can work for you.
Note that this doesn't really test your TLD file, or how the page might
interact with the JSP compiler, but it does test the actual tag code and
what it does.

When I actually finish committing the Struts-EL code (hopefully in the next
couple of days), you can inspect the unit tests in there, which are based on
what is in Struts, but which are much more extensive (although I still have
more to write).  These use Cactus, but they also use HttpUnit, Xalan, and
JTidy (and AspectJ, under the covers, by JTidy).  Some of these tag tests
were a little nasty to write, especially for the tags that need the Struts
configuration set up, and which use somewhat complex algorithms to generate
their output.

You'll have to inspect the Struts build process to see how Cactus is really
set up.  Since I just copied that stuff, I didn't have to figure it out :) .

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RE: Struts-EL: Status and moving forward

2002-09-18 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 From: V. Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 8:07 PM
 Subject: Re: Struts-EL: Status and moving forward
 I think this is great that you did this and a great contribution.!!!
 I would like to test it in basicPortal.sf.net when you have something 
 that can deploy.
 How best to get your work?
 I am sure you could host CVS/files anywhere but basicPortal.sf.net is 
 one place, or if you are a commiter here (which he should be).

Until it's put into the contrib tree, you can just download the attachment
that I added to the enhancement request (#12365), which is the entire
distribution of the project.  When you build it, you will likely see one
error due to the fact that I didn't create a conf/share directory (first
noticed by Eddie Bush).  If you manually create that directory and rebuild,
it should build ok.  It doesn't have much documentation yet, but the
top-level README provides useful information.  The
doc/userGuide/struts-*-el.xml files contain the documentation for each tag
and attribute, although not quite in a friendly form yet.  The
strutsel-exercise-taglib application provides a useful demonstration of
many of the tags.

If you do download directly from the attachment, you should also know that
it will probably be tweaked somewhat when it's stored into contrib, but
it's hard to tell exactly what will change.

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RE: Figuring out which commons library versions to get source for

2002-08-15 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 12:47 PM
 Subject: RE: Figuring out which commons library versions to get source
 In the CVS Repository viewable at cvs.apache.org you can 
 notice which version
 was used for struts by looking at the CVS Tag STRUTS_1_1_B2
 for example in beanutils DynaProperty the log is available 
 via this link

Ok, that's useful.  I also happened to notice that the MANIFEST.MF of each
of the commons jar files have a Implementation-Version: field.  The value
of this field seems to correspond to versions of each of the commons
libraries.  The value for collections was 2.0.  However, the value for
beanutils was 1.4-dev.  Does that mean 1.4, or something before 1.4?
Your link to the CVS log seems to indicate that beanutils 1.4 was used for
Struts 1.1b2, but this label in the manifest makes me wonder a bit.

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RE: Figuring out which commons library versions to get source for

2002-08-15 Thread Karr, David

 -Original Message-
 From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 12:41 PM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: RE: Figuring out which commons library versions to get source
 Hey David,
 I don't remember what IDE you are using, but I use NetBeans 
 and I can step
 attach to tomcat remotely and step all the way down to 
 It's interesting getting the correct directories mounted for 
 the project,
 but once I'm there I can just set break points, attach, and 
 then dive into
 the bowels of my application.
 Anyway, if you find it necessary, I can help you get there.

I'm using JDeveloper at work, but I use NetBeans at home, and I'm set up to
debug Tomcat there.  At this point, for my current problem, I don't know
that tracing into the Tomcat code will do me much good.  I'm only tracing
through the Struts/Commons code, and I'm already horribly confused :) .

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