Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch digital out is bit perfect or other players have "better" bits ????

2013-05-18 Thread SBGK

Mnyb wrote: 
> Or what he *thought* sounded better to him , if "sounded" (soundwaves
> traversing the room) should be an actual physical event apart from the
> experience you have in your brain .
> There is two parts of this the actual "event" electricity travels down
> some wires and make your equipment do soundwaves .
> You experiencing said event . Many of the suggested things in this tread
> are of the kind that does not effect the actual soundwaves , but only
> happens in you subjective experience .
> This "emperors new clothes" kind of improvement vane off after a while
> ,then it's time for the next upgrade :)

There are a thousand ways to affect the sound of the touch, the issue is
that measuring for bit perfectness does not differentiate the audible
differences which leaves the door open for people to say bits are bits
and the sound quality is subjective. The issue with the Touch is all the
junk it is trying to do at the same time as play music which introduces
noise into the signal.

Now, if the touch is the best digital player you have heard then good
for you, but don't judge others just because they have heard better.

In a few year time you will be able to offload the rendering to
hardware, then I think we will get a near perfect signal, but as long as
a cpu is having to share time slices with other processes to render a
stream there will be potential for impact to the SQ.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Fried Touch

2013-03-23 Thread SBGK wrote: 
> My Touch got fried when I stupidly plugged it into a 12v power supply.
> The power stage is now shot and there are no parts or replacements
> available from Logitech. I tried a repair shop in NYC but they said
> there was nothing they could do.  Anyone have any experience with
> repairing these beasts?  Anyone interested in what was otherwise a mint
> unit?

sounds like it is a touch fried

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-11-06 Thread SBGK

garym wrote: 
> And tap the heels of your magic shoes together 3 times while repeating,
> "there's no music like hires, there's no music like hires, "

no point to hires !!!

keeps you two comedians off the streets

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-11-01 Thread SBGK

garym wrote: 
> EDO works with 7.7.2. It only needed 7.8 if your were converting your
> FLAC to WAV on the server side rather than the TOUCH side. For the life
> of me, I really don't understand why one would want to convert from
> TOUCH USB to S/PDIF instead of using the TOUCH's S/PDIF.  (by the way,
> the answer is not jitter).  But we're all adults, so I hope you get it
> set up the way you want.  And I'm not being sarcastic. I really do. But
> I really don't understand either.

are you aware that the spdif out can be improved by changing
clocks/capacitors and removing chips eg Fidelity Audio mods ? so that
indicates that the Touch spdif out is not perfect as seems to be the

So given that the spdif out is not perfect and can be improved upon then
another way to get improved sound is to bypass it by using asynch usb.
It's not rocket science to understand how that might benefit the sound.

I don't understand why you would post about things you have no
experience of.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-10-27 Thread SBGK

lake_eleven wrote: 
> Is there a way to turn off wireless altogether without using TT3.0. Will
> it be of any benefit to the sound by doing so.

doesn't really belong in this thread, but here is an answer.

you could look at the file that Soundcheck doesn't want known as TT and
see how it is done there. There used to be a TT3.0 thread, maybe there
should be a "Not using TT3.0" thread.

it will makes a small difference to the sound depending on your system
and what other tweaks have been made also from a H&S perspective it is
one less thing producing radio waves.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-10-26 Thread SBGK

SBGK wrote: 
> user error ? check the changes again.
> what do the lights on the vlink indicate ?
> are you using wireless or lan ?
> what edo output did you select ?
> what files are you playing ? type and resolution ? are you decoding on
> the touch ? try decoding on the server.
> try using smaller buffers

the only thing I can think of is have you set the output in TT 3.0 to
digital ie TT -o 0

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-10-25 Thread SBGK

Turnandcough wrote: 
> Hi, 
> I've been using EDO+TT3.0+SBGK successfully for some time with S/PDIF
> output. I just picked up a MF V-Link 192 and am experiencing problems -
> basically no sound after a few seconds of playing. 
> After doing a factory reset/clean install of EDO everything was working
> fine. Then I installed TT3.0 and the problems began. I thought following
> SBGK's recommended settings for USB output might fix the problem but no
> dice.
> Does anyone have a clue what might be causing the problem. I'm getting a
> constant signal on my DAC and Touch is showing V-Link with working
> sample rates up to 192 but still no sound.
> Thanks

user error ? check the changes again.
what do the lights on the vlink indicate ?
are you using wireless or lan ?
what edo output did you select ?
what files are you playing ? type and resolution ? are you decoding on
the touch ? try decoding on the server.
try using smaller buffers

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] New Squeezebox Touch owner. Disappointed with sound quality.

2012-10-15 Thread SBGK

pippin wrote: 
> Generally, the difference will be smaller and smaller the better the
> equipment gets.
> If you see "huge" improvements in audio quality, it's usually due to
> distortion of some kind being added.
> I can't rephrase this often enough: in double-blind tests in tendency
> people prefer the sound of mp3 over the original files when they are
> able to distinguish between them... And that's not "people with wooden
> ears", it's the same for audiophiles, except for the fact that "true
> audiophiles" would of course refuse to do double-blind tests

as you can see nothing can be done to improve your situation, return the
touch pronto.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch digital out is bit perfect or other players have "better" bits ????

2012-10-05 Thread SBGK

garym wrote: 
> OK. Aubuti and I just don't understand because we're either too lazy,
> too stupid, or too poor. But SBGK understands your points.  'nuff said. 
> ;-)

ad homimem attacks, Gary, I think you have lost the argument.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch digital out is bit perfect or other players have "better" bits ????

2012-10-05 Thread SBGK

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> Windows 7 users might want to read this: 
> -There is a gross problem with the Windows 7 RECORD Sample Rate
> Converter. This problem actually dates back to Windows Vista, and is
> also a problem with Windows Server 2008. This problem causes spectral
> contamination of the audio reducing performance to that approximating
> 8-bit audio...-
> Complete story here:

but this article is about recording, so surely not applicable to
playback, nice distraction technique.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch digital out is bit perfect or other players have "better" bits ????

2012-10-05 Thread SBGK

garym wrote: 
> This thread is starting to remind me of a posting I really like from
> another forum regarding the typical "audiophile" response to being
> questioned about his beliefs:
> Repeated below:
> Paragraph 1, righteous indignation. Check.
> Paragraph 2, Argument from having spent a lot of money. Check.
> Paragraph 3, "I used to be like you", with a side of concern trolling.
> Check.
> Paragraphs 4 and 5, personal anecdote with a TOS8 cherry on top. Check.
> Paragraph 6, "don't criticize unless you have tried it yourself".
> Check.
> Paragraph 7, argumentum ad verecundiam. Check.
> Paragraph 8, straw man. Check.
> Paragraph 9, "I look down on you." Check.
> Paragraph 10, irrelevancy. Check.
> Going for the record in fallacy density?

funny how other forums look at hydrogenaudio as a bunch of kooks and
here they are revered, nuff said !!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch digital out is bit perfect or other players have "better" bits ????

2012-10-03 Thread SBGK

ralphpnj wrote: 
> I was going to write a long winded response along the lines of since
> when does believing in scientifically proven facts (digital data, i.e.
> "bits" are either 0 or 1, there are no other choices) make one part of a
> cult, etc. However your response is just so much nicer and to the point.
> Thanks!

"bits" are either 0 or 1

can't argue with that, not in this forum anyway, if that is the level of
your thinking then it is quite legitimate to compare that dogma to that
of a primitive cult.

so the take away is that the Touch is the perfect digital audio device,
at least in the very narrow confines of this forum.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch digital out is bit perfect or other players have "better" bits ????

2012-09-27 Thread SBGK

gerardhn wrote: 
> Sorry to disturb this incestuous forum of equal writers and
> thinkers. 
> +???

now you know what it is like to question the tenets of a cult.

Only the faithful will be saved.
Only members of our church will be raised when the Rapture comes.
Only our sect will survive Armaggedon.
Only our church has the correct interpretation of the Scriptures.
Only we have the knowledge.
Only our version of God will save you.
Only our church has The Answer.
Only our Holy Book is true.
Only our group understands.
Only our leader has the New Wine for the New Bottles.
Only our leader has the New Technology of the Mind. 

I guess they are getting ready for armaggedon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch digital out is bit perfect or other players have "better" bits ????

2012-09-25 Thread SBGK

gerardhn wrote: 
> Sorry.
> I have to disappoint you all. Destroy your belief of "knowing it". Being
> a clever expert.  Hardest to admit for a man. But sorry. Ok Here I go.
> Logitech touch is not bitperfect. Today I took day off to compare the
> following:
> Nas->ethernet->logitech->usb out->classe cp 800-> classe 2300->b&w
> 802di
> (Win 7 + jplay) on notebook -> usb out-> classe cp 800-> classe
> 2300->b&w 802di.
> Jplay outperforms the touch on all aspects like 
> -bass
> -depth
> -shocking effects
> -3d effects
> -harsh sound vs analogue
> Yes I know i have 25.000 � on hardware from the logitech signal to
> reveal this. I�m not prejudiced.  Yes I like the logitech interface,
> Yes I would like to accept "the bit perfect principle of the logitech",
> but it it is not true.
> Please read jplay forum, and understand 1 is not 1, 0 is not 0, as we
> would like to believe.
> Knowing this .. I cannot accept touch as high end  server anymore...

different strokes for different folks - who said the touch was high end
? it is a mediocre sounding player with superb functionality and

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] What SB apps can I use to improve sound quality?

2012-09-09 Thread SBGK

try installing the EDO app, that will get you most of the benefits of
TT3.0 and improve the SQ for spdif and usb out.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How to improve Touch sound?

2012-08-17 Thread SBGK

Dazed and Confused wrote: 
> Just set up Touch for the first time. FLAC files are being fed via a
> wired connection from a Synology DS212+ NAS, then into amp (analogue)
> using the supplied leads and thenspeakers. The sound is very digital, ie
> bright and and I want to know ways of making it less digital. I have
> read that power supplies can help and also feeding into a stand alone
> DAC then into the AMP.

the dac won't help, unless you are after better sound quality. TT3.0 has
been reported as making the sound very digital.

I posted some ideas in my blog, see signature below

A cost effective way to improve the ps is

otherwise, try putting a cloth over the tweeter

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-08-08 Thread SBGK

soundcheck wrote: 
> Absolutely. 
> There are - out of my memory - 
> 1. Output routing to hw interface
> 2. Passing by asound.conf routing table
> 3. 2nd Jive_alsa killing
> 4. Buffer size modifications
> 5. Screen totally Off
> 6. Increase key process priorities 
> (All this is no rocket science btw. - I do claim I'm the first who put
> all those tweaks together as package into the context of improving
> efficiency of the SBT)
> The measures I've applied, I obviously put  into a slightly different
> context, which belongs to a different area of this forum. 
> Triode would of course never admit that he also appreciates associated
> "side-effects". He intends to survive a bit longer 
> over here, so better don't touch that hot potato. 
> I'm pretty sure EDO users are appreciating those side-effects. 
> Just to mention it.  EDO might even work without above listed measures,
> since the main issues seem to be driver and jive related. I'll stop
> here...
> However. 
> What's common about the measures is that they intented to increase the
> efficiency of a computer system. They'd work on any Linux/Android
> system.
> Triode had serious problems to get rid of XRUNS in the early days. Even
> all my system optimizations wouldn't 
> stop certain DACs to run into XRUNS. This led him into tweaking the
> Linux audio drivers. 
> Just to mention it: USB audio has always been working on the Touch. 
> Triode put an amazing effort into the subject and has shown a great
> level of skills to make it all available by putting it into the
> LMS/Squeezeplay environment. Great job. 
> I do limit my appreciation to the Squeezeplay/LMS/driver part of the
> story...

What a week, can it get any better ? 

First NASA lands Curiosity on Mars and now Soundcheck gives us the
benefit of his knowledge. 

If Soundcheck brought out a version of EDO would it be called EGO ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-08-06 Thread SBGK

soundcheck wrote: 
> I think this is the wrong place to post your stuff. You seem to hijack
> the next thread with it.
> And would you please stop refering to TT.  Your setup has nothing to do
> with my toolbox anymore. 
> EDO freely implemented 50% of my toolbox by now. The remainder you've
> changed that way that there's nothing left from the original. 
> Your settings apply to your way of setting things up and to your audio
> interface.
> There is no TT default. My Toolbox comes as a package - as is. Stripping
> this or that out, changing priorities and other parameters, asf, asf,
> will work with your and perhaps similar setups best.
> "Quite a difference" might be a confusing term to some and for sure
> belongs into the audiophile section.
> You'll never learn. I'm really surprised that you're still around.

Sorry you feel that way, old bean.

If TT3.0 was based on original work then you might have a case against
EDO, otherwise it is just sad that you keep trying to say he borrowed
things from TT3.0.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-08-04 Thread SBGK

another tweak to get EDO sounding good

echo "1000 1024000 512 2048" > /proc/sys/kernel/sem

in the kernel section of the TT file

makes quite a difference over the default or TT setting

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-30 Thread SBGK

Jeff Flowerday wrote: 
> 1) SBGK fiddles around blindly to create his settings, so you might as
> well yourself.
> Triode would probably give you the exact advice I did,  and he's the
> "experienced" one. But chooses silence for a reason 1) I assume.
> Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

the blind have very acute hearing, you are free not to try any tweaks.

from my experience Triode does not give good advice about things that
affect the sound quality. YMMV.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-30 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> Priority for the jive_alsa is set within its C code from memory - this
> is unchanged from the logitech original.  Priority of the usb kernel
> tasklet is done in the lua EDO meta file as it needs to be real time.
> See:
> decode_realtime_process()
> Note - I am thinking of removing the randomisation patch to this as
> there have been no positive reports on it...  Also the kernel option to
> disable low power mode doesn't see to do anything really useful so am
> thinking of removing this (described in more detail on the audiophile
> forum thread, but this got a bit distracted on other things.)

I tried both these, thought you were having a joke as they both sounded

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-30 Thread SBGK

Turnandcough wrote: 
> As I previously mentioned I'm still getting lockups when scrolling with
> EDO + TT3.0 + SBGK settings. I rolled back to 7.7.2 but no dice. 
> Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this - please.

try commenting out the following lines in the kernel section

echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_app_win #new

echo 1000 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_period_us
echo 999 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us

the SBGK settings are really designed to put all resource to playback so
user interaction is given very little resource.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-30 Thread SBGK

I was still dissatisfied with the sound from EDO, very high resolution,
but very computer sounding

I tried the following changes to the tcp section of the TT file which
made some small change

echo 20 > /sys/module/snd_usb_audio/parameters/nrpacks 
chmod 666 /sys/module/snd_usb_audio/parameters/index
echo  -2,0,0,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2 >
chmod 666 /sys/module/ehci_hcd/parameters/log2_irq_thresh
echo 6 > /sys/module/ehci_hcd/parameters/log2_irq_thresh 
chmod 666 /sys/module/ehci_hcd/parameters/park
echo 3 > /sys/module/ehci_hcd/parameters/park
echo 9 >
chmod 666 /sys/module/snd_spdif/parameters/enable
echo N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N > /sys/module/snd_spdif/parameters/enable

but it wasn't until I adjusted the kernel section that I started to get
an acceptable sound ie smoother, less digital

echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_min_granularity_ns
echo 6 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_latency_ns
echo 3 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_wakeup_granularity_ns

I'll let Triode tell you why it doesn't make a difference, but for me it
works and I have posted it out there so anyone interested can give it a

Of course, if EDO default is your ideal sound then good for you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-07-21 Thread SBGK

Turnandcough wrote: 
> I'm really tempted to order a Ref 5.2 so I can hook up my Touch directly
> via EDO/USB instead of getting a converter for my current EE Minimax
> DAC.
> I'm just wondering if there is a lot to be gained soundwise over Touch's
> S/PDIF with TT3.0. Can it rival with a good USB converter connected
> directly to a PC? 
> What I'm aiming for is a "meatier" sound than I'm currently experiencing
> but the thought of buying yet another DAC only to end up with a marginal
> improvement is what's holding me back.

you could do worse than follow the instructions in the link in my

here is some feedback of the effect

Just to confirm my initial impression. EDO 0.6 (option 999) + TT3.0 +
SBGK's blog settings delivers much improved sound. Not only wonderfully
balanced, but also with greater nuance in both vocals and instruments.
More layered soundstage as well. Am listening to Janos Starker playing
Bach cello suites, and have to say his cello never sounded as real as
this before in my system. 

for me the best sound is via spdif using the above settings, the sound
using EDO/USB is more hifi sounding ie detailed, but less musical

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-12 Thread SBGK

snoozer wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I would like to happily report that my Touch is playing 24/192 music via
> SPDIF and USB. Thank you Triode for opening your mod to the community,
> your work is highly appreciated.
> Here is my setup: 
> .) TT3.0 and EDO installed, in that particular order
> .) Server -> Wifi Network -> Touch -> WaveIO USB to I2S card from
> Lucian@DIYAudio (XMOS based) -> BuffaloIII DAC
> The first time I tried to stream music it sounded a bit congested and
> with micro-cuts (like small jumps in the sound). Any combination of
> buffer, kernel, etc.. did not make any difference, so I tried the
> modifications in the following link:
> I have no idea which of those changes made the deal. My particular
> impression is that the changes to the IRQs solved the problem.
> On the other hand, my server has a custom-convert.conf file that allows
> me to stream FLAC as either FLAC or PCM upsampling redbook CD at 24/192
> with an apodizing filter. It works quite well using a big buffer with
> SOX to avoid cuts. Music flows without any problem and very pleasant
> results. I reserve my objetive opinion for the other thread opened to
> this effect.
> If anybody is interested in this setup I would be glad to help.
> Question to Triode: is there available somewhere the Kernel that you
> have modified and that the Touch downloads from Google code ? (source
> code I mean, it would be great to learn from your changes to the Touch´s
> kernel)
> Thank you and best regards
> Pepe

so your set up is TT3.0 + EDO + SBGK

nice that some people are getting  some benefit out of my settings and
are brave enough to report it. 

I was hoping someone would be able to experiment further to see if there
were other benefits to be gained. I can't believe that it is just
Soundcheck and myself who have recognised what can be done by tweaking
the Touch settings. Though he is after a Naim sound (over analytical)
and I am after a Linn sound (detailed and musical). 

2000+ reads of my blog, so someone must be reading it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch, NADM51, USB, EDO, Interface questions

2012-07-10 Thread SBGK

NoFlyZone wrote: 
> Been awhile since I've visited the Squeezebox forum. Hi.
> Please be patient with me as I'm not getting the picture regarding how
> the Touch interfaces with an outboard DAC and a computer.
> To start with, I used to own (still do in fact) a Squeezebox 3 and a
> Transporter. I was familiar with Squeezecenter and like it very much. It
> worked which is way better than I can say with "other" software
> solutions in computer audio including iTunes which I dislike with a
> passion.
> So, owning a Macbook pro and maybe later, a stripped down mini, but
> somewhat dependent upon iTunes miser, I'm looking for alternatives
> software. What was great when I get it running on the Mac solution is
> the IPAD remote interface because not only can the family use it, my 94
> year old dad can actually find music through my library and select.
> Given his "Alzheimers" state of mind, that's been way cool when it
> works. The main goal is sound quality, to deliver as jitter free a
> stream as I can to my soon to arrive NAD M51 DAC. 
> I have a library in both lossless Apple, and FLAC. I have an Oppo BDP95
> and have been using an external hard drive with my libraries. Hard drive
> is connected to Oppo via USB.
> I'm told having an external hard drive via USB to Oppo will not add
> jitter because it does not deal with clocks. So, if that's true, one
> interface is to use the Oppo HDMI input feeding it with NAD HDMI output
> which is essentially an I2S implementation and use the very basic Oppo's
> interface to access music from the hard drive. From NAD I go balanced to
> my preamp and all is supposedly well.
> Here's where I get really confused. EDO, the new SB app, utilizes the
> Touch to interface an outboard DAC with Squeezecenter? If I have a
> library stored on the MAC, this can be accessed through Squeezecenter,
> outputted from MAC through either USB or SPDIF without the need for an
> expensive interface such as Offramp or Audiophilia clocks to deal with
> jitter? This would be very cool as I would have a really nice remote
> interface to control my library with a really nice software suite from
> Logitech, and not the crappy iTunes interface. 
> Too good to be true huh?
> Hope I spelled this out logically :\

i have touch > usb > mf vlink 192 > aes/ebu > m51 - with careful choice
of usb cable can sound v good.

think triode is working on fix for edo usb out to m51, but I am happy
with mf vlink 192 over quality of m51 usb because it gives me balanced
out into m51 aes/ebu.

various other forums rave about touch to m51 via offramp, others like
the berkeley solution, others say buy a better dac.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-10 Thread SBGK

Lar wrote: 
> I am having problems playing 192/24 bit files. I have EDO as well as TT
> 3.0, and was able to play the files before, but now when i try 192/24
> files i get this gurgled sound, barley audible, 96/24 plays with no
> problem, I am using coaxial out to a Emotiva XDA 1  Dac. I posted in the
> "beginner" thread and was told i am not. Any advice please?

coax out up to 96 only, 192 flac via usb. can play 192 by downsampling
to 96 on server or touch.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-10 Thread SBGK

Kellen wrote: 
> Sorry but I still am not understating (maybe its my English). Does the
> Touch have a 192 worthy DAC in it that qualifys and can I download and
> install this app with my USB stick if I don't have my Touch on the
> internet.
> Thanks

Touch dac up to 96. 

Need internet to load kernel, can use USB stick for other files.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-09 Thread SBGK

Kellen wrote: 
> I read through a dozen or so pages but don't have time to read onward
> so, just to clarify, does this app allow the Touch to playback 192 files
> via its analog outputs or does it simply allow the Touch's digital out
> to send out 192?
> Another (silly) ?, where do I download this app from?
> Thanks

yes, it allows both, although the analog will downsample to 96

you can download it from your house, no problem

maybe you should have read page 1, post 1 a dozen times.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Upgrading the clocks in the SBT - is it necessary

2012-06-26 Thread SBGK

NoRoDa wrote: 
> Is SBGK getting results? How do you know that? Just 'cause he says so? 
> He doesn't need a resolving system, why do we then? 
> To find out if your system is more or less resolving, first try to find
> out if the differences are in your head or in the sound coming from your
> speakers ;)
> Regards

well some people found that the changes TT3.0 implemented were
detrimental to the sound, I think we can agree on that as you were
latterly one of it's fiercest opponents. So if you agree that TT3.0
adversely affects the sound then surely you can agree that there are
settings which could improve the sound.

So I did some trial and error and investigation about how a linux
computer should be set up and found that TT3.0 was trying to achieve the
lowest latency possible. I took the view that the lowest latency is not
relevant to the Touch (for me) and the TT3.0 settings were introducing
noise to the process. My settings therefore concentrate on lower noise
and produce a smoother sound, they also work with the EDO mods which
people initially identified as harsh sounding. As far as I know RGRO,
Magiccarpetride and Guidof use the settings to some good effect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Upgrading the clocks in the SBT - is it necessary

2012-06-22 Thread SBGK

stop-spinning wrote: 
> I ask this because some are saying that putting a re-clocker (such as
> the so called excellent ones from Empirical Audio) make a huge
> improvement to the SQ of the Touch. This, to me, means that the clocks
> in the SBT are not of hi-end quality so an intermediary device such a
> high quality re-clocker needs to be installed to elevate the music
> performance for an "audiophile" when connected to an outboard DAC.
> If this is the case, is it not cheaper to just get the clocks upgraded
> inside the SBT (if necessary), because that Empirical Audio stuff is
> expensive (but might be worth it I guess).
> Other than that does Async USB mean you conveniently totally bypass the
> internal clocks altogether so don't need a helping hand in-between from
> Empirical and the likes (if you have a good async USB DAC like the
> MDAC?).
> Thanks everyone.

to provide a bit of balance to those who are happy with the sound of the
unmodded touch

quality wise it seems to be

EA overdrive
EA offramp
EDO mods + reclocker - I use mf vlink 192, some have reported great
things using the berkely usb/spdif
EDO mods + async usb dac

I have clock upgrade in my touch, not sure if the EDO mods have killed
off the benefit of that upgrade though.

JohnSwenson has measured the touch clocks and thought that the clock
upgrade was worthwhile

very few dacs have the async usb designed for SQ rather than a
convenient way of getting a signal into the dac which is why reclockers
work, even the new nad M51 dac benefits from an external usb/spdif over
the usb input.

depends on your setup and requirements, for playback into a high
resolving system you may notice a difference

it is a fast moving area, but not too expensive to try out different

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-13 Thread SBGK

diego wrote: 
> Hi there. I got it working now, following the reverse order. Tried to
> apply 's settings, which did not work though.
> After appyling them, the server did not even reconginze the player
> anymore. Luckily I had backed up the "original" settings files (I mean
> with the original EDO and the TT3.0 - settings), and I was able to copy
> them again at their place via WinSCP. After that, everything worked ok
> again.
> What settings did you modify, and with what purpose?

wordpress messed up the quotes, use the settings in the link in my
signature, they work.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-06-03 Thread SBGK

SBGK wrote: 
> Must apologise Triode, have found the solution to the high frequency
> problem. 
> I cut the screen on the usb cable connecting the Touch and the VLink
> 192, instant removal of issue I had been having with 0.7 + better bass.
> (note it was the screen and not any of the 4 wires) So there must be
> ground loop issues which were solved by doing this.
> Hope others can make use of this hint.
> Sound now better than ever.
> Thanks again.

further update.

I was still getting quite a lot of hf noise which I assumed was related
to EDO. Turns out it was due to the usb cable, even though I had cut it
down to 20cm and disconnected the ground and had tried another usb cable
which sounded the same.

I had used wires from an ethernet cable to make up a cable to connect
the vlink 192 to the dac1 via xlr with pin 1 dropped to stop ground loop
issues and drain wire connected to the transmit end.

So decided to make up a usb cable using this wire. It is 24 gauge cat5e
foil screen 4 twisted pair with drain wire. �1.49/m from Maplins.

I connected the v+ and ground directly to the Touch board using 2
untwisted wires, these were kept separate to the d+ and d- wires.

I connected the d+ and d- wires to the usb a plug and the drain to the a
plug screen.

then joined the v+, ground and d+,d- back up in the usb b plug. the
drain wire wasn't connected to the b plug.

result - better dynamics, better detail, better separation, no
sibilance. In fact the best sound I have had out of the Touch.

So the usb cable was rather a critical component in my setup. Don't know
if it was the quality of the cable or separating the v+ and ground from
the d+ and d-, but the effect is pretty big. mind you, if you look at
standard usb cable wires they are really thin, so that might have had
something to do with it.

ps I tried various configurations using a twisted pair from a cat6 cable
and tin foil

twisted pair, unscreened - good detail, open sound, bit hard sounding
twisted pair, foil screen - bit enclosed sounding, good bass, less open
than unscreened
twisted pair, foil screen connected to usb a plug - good sound 

final setup - cat5e cable, foil screen with drain wire (integral to
cable) connected to transmit end, used 1 pair and left rest

also tried ferrites on the standard cable, that had quite a good effect
of reducing the hf noise as well, though I don't need them with the
above setup.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-24 Thread SBGK

SBGK wrote: 
> calibrating the sound against foobar2000 with jplay kernel output vs the
> edo mods + tt3.0 +sbgk (both using mf vlink 192) I think you need to
> have the bass of 0.5 and the detail of 0.6. 
> You could have something really special here, but as you cannot here any
> difference between 0.6 and 0.7 or the effect that large buffers have I
> don't think you are going to be able to progress.
> Anyway, thanks for switching me to the mf vlink 192, I can power it with
> the 5v linear supply I bought for the touch and get audiophile
> performance with foobar2000 and jplay.

Must apologise Triode, have found the solution to the high frequency

I cut the screen on the usb cable connecting the Touch and the VLink
192, instant removal of issue I had been having with 0.7 + better bass.
(note it was the screen and not any of the 4 wires) So there must be
ground loop issues which were solved by doing this.

Hope others can make use of this hint.

Sound now better than ever.

Thanks again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-22 Thread SBGK

calibrating the sound against foobar2000 with jplay kernel output vs the
edo mods + tt3.0 +sbgk (both using mf vlink 192) I think you need to
have the bass of 0.5 and the detail of 0.6. 

You could have something really special here, but as you cannot here any
difference between 0.6 and 0.7 or the effect that large buffers have I
don't think you are going to be able to progress.

Anyway, thanks for switching me to the mf vlink 192, I can power it with
the 5v linear supply I bought for the touch and get audiophile
performance with foobar2000 and jplay.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-20 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> You should be able to access /sys/module/snd_usb_audio/parameters/ as
> with other linux kernels.  Was the previous experience with async usb
> dacs or adaptive ones and did you have a usb isolator in the link?
> Its the same as the standard Logitech kernel in this respect - which has
> the RT patch set applied and high res timers enabled - not sure its
> possible to make it more real time than this?

Now I've got the Touch sounding pretty much as I like it (using version
0.6), I remembered Soundchecks post on page 7 asking about the nrpacks

So tried a few options, EDO default is 8, I guess the recommendation is
1 for better latency. As is my want, I tried larger values and sure
enough a less digital sound was produced, I have tried the value below
and it works for all sample rates on my VLink 192 and the result is a
gorgeous liquid sound. It's a keeper for me.

echo 150 > /sys/module/snd_usb_audio/parameters/nrpacks

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-20 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> Please read the audiophile forum thread especially this post:
> These very large settings don't do anything for the spdif driver.
> Please also move this discussion to the audiophile forum - I want to
> keep this thread for discussion and debate of install/compatibility
> problems.

Was just replying to your question in this thread, so thought that was
the best place for the reply.

They made a difference to the sound I and others get when using SPDIF,
so don't know how you can categorically say they don't make a

Do you have a view on why changing the settings in file
/etc/squeezeplay/userpath/settings/SqueezeboxFab4.lua to point to the
same device as in EnhancedDigitalOutput.lua seems to moderate the harsh
sound that some have reported with the EDO mods ? 

settings =

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-20 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> The only changes are the additional buffer options and the bypass of the
> defined buffer size if you use a sample rate which needs resampling - so
> can't see how it will sound different.  You can manually download the
> file from my google code page and unzip the old version, but I don't
> want to spread any suggestion here that people should do this.

went back to 0.6 then changed to 0.7 then back to 0.6.

Can confirm that 0.7 version makes my ears bleed with it's strident
treble, unlistenable in my setup, so something must have changed to
alter the sound.

For me 0.6 is near perfect, whether it is a technically worse version
than 0.7 and 0.6 is compensating for some defiency in my setup - I don't
know, but 0.6 sounds amazing for me. I'll stick with that for now.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-20 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> Please read the audiophile forum thread and restart squeezeplay so you
> see what the actual buffer settings are - there is no change with spdif
> to the actual buffer settings which get used.

what about these period and buffer sizes below, they change.

/usr/bin$ cat /proc/asound/card3/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params
format: S32_LE
subformat: STD
channels: 2
rate: 44100 (44100/1)
period_size: 2048
buffer_size: 131072

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-20 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> The only changes are the additional buffer options and the bypass of the
> defined buffer size if you use a sample rate which needs resampling - so
> can't see how it will sound different.  You can manually download the
> file from my google code page and unzip the old version, but I don't
> want to spread any suggestion here that people should do this.

Ok, thanks for the reply, will try to get back to 0.6. Will be
interesting to see if the sound stays the same, in which case the sound
has changed for another reason.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-20 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> See the thread in the audiophile forum - there is no point of using the
> very large setting for spdif as the large one is already larger than the
> spdif interface driver supports.

apart from the fact that myself and others find it improves the SQ, so
it is at least worth a try.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-19 Thread SBGK

I prefer the sound of 0.6, 0.7 seems to be a backward step in my system
as it seems more forward and digital in sound. Is it possible for me to
switch back to 0.6 ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-18 Thread SBGK

Have had the MF V-Link 192 for a couple of days, it is an order of
magnitude better in terms of resolution than the Sp/dif out from the
Touch (even after Fidelity Audio clock mod)

so congratulations to Triode for all the hard work.

However, I find the base EDO setup to be quite thin sounding and lacking
in bass.

To combat this I have added another 3  configuration file changes in my

Why they work, I don't know, but they add better balance and bass to the
music. Perhaps Triode could explain why they work.

I know Triode doesn't enjoy sound quality comments in this thread, but
it is , afterall, why we are interested in tweaking the Touch.

Have found a change you can make to allow different configuration of
alsa_buffer and periodcount through the Touch menu.

I am using 9 and periodcount=64, which sounds great. Think the
max buffer that has any effect is probably 50, but I use 9
just in case.

open file 

search for the word buffer and add the following line or use time and
count values of yoyr own.

{ desc = "BUFFER_999 ",time = 9,
count = 4 },

so it looks like the following

text = self:string("BUFFER_TUNING"),
sound = "WINDOWSHOW",
callback = function(event, menuItem)
local options = {
{ desc = "BUFFER_DEFAULT", time =  2,
count =   2 },
{ desc = "BUFFER_LARGE",   time = 10,
count =   4 },
{ desc = "BUFFER_SMALL",   time =   4000,
count =   2 },
{ desc = "BUFFER_RAND",time = 10,
count = 104 },
{ desc = "BUFFER_999 ",time = 9,
count = 4 },

save the changes and restart the Touch and you will be able to choose
BUFFER_999 from the Touch menu as well as all the other options. 


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-16 Thread SBGK

Don't like the random cpu setting - too digital sounding, so have it
back at large buffers, except have it set to 9.

The sound does seem to have extra fidelity though, so well done again.

Haven't played long enough to check for Touch seizure issues such as
rgro had.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-16 Thread SBGK

SBGK wrote: 
> Am trying large buffers and randomise CPU. Do you have any more detail
> about what randomise CPU means ?


Looks like we both came up with the idea of alsa buffer of 10 and
period count of 4 at the same time. Well, I came up with it a month or
so ago.

Still sounds best with EDO, TT3.0 and my settings.

If you want any more inspiration there are more details here

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-16 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> It will overwrite it, but the new one should be more similar to the
> original unless you play with the experiemental settings...

Am trying large buffers and randomise CPU. Do you have any more detail
about what randomise CPU means ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-16 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> New version of app released with the following changes:
> - potentially reduced stutter for 176/192k playback by delaying start of
> playback for these sample rates until the output buffer has reached
> greater fill
> - support low sample rates of internet radio streams by falling back to
> software resampling if the sample rate is not supported
> - experimental option for setting alsa buffer settings (under settings >
> advanced > digital output)
> (Please note users of some usb 2 dacs will still need to manually
> install the alternative kernel described in the experiment thread.)
> Please post feedback here.

Does this update overwrite the jive_alsa file ie should I keep a backup
up of the old one in case I want to revert back to it ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-15 Thread SBGK

Veovis wrote: 
> Ok, tested 88,2 and 196. Both work fine with the V-Link 196 fed from the
> USB port of the Touch (the right indicators light up and no problems
> with sound). 24/196 did not work before letting the Touch decode the
> flac file though. It played much too slow when the server decoded the
> file.
> dBPoweramp would not let me convert to 176,4 but I'd guess that works
> too.
> No hub needed. It actually doesn't work well with a hub. Pops and
> clicks. I tested because I wanted to see if a powered hub would make it
> easier for the Touch to drive the V-link and thus perhaps sound better.

great, thanks for the answer. I have ordered one.

decoding flac on the server means the touch was receiving pcm which it
cannot handle above 96.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-13 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> Yep - I have a test version of jive_alsa which does something similar
> (it is actually the place where the outputThreshold is used, so it can
> be set to ignore the value sent from the server for high sample rates) 
> Will publish soon for test [only held off as it has a few other
> experiments in it]
> Squeezeplay has 3 buffers of relevance:
> Streambuf (3M bytes) -> (decoder) -> Outputbuf (10 seconds at 44.1) ->
> (jive_alsa) -> alsa buffer
> outputThreshold changes when jive_alsa starts to play a new track from
> output buffer.  I have tested with the threshold at 1 second which is
> the same as you are using.  It seems to work in these cases for 192k
> playback.  Note that 192k is always going to be more susceptible to
> other processes on Touch than lower rates as the 10s output buff is
> sized for 44.1 and is only 2 and a bit seconds worth for 192k.  However
> the rest of the squeezeplay application should not block for this long. 
> Jive_alsa runs at real time priority and it is the frequency this runs
> which is impacted by alsa buffer tuning.
> Edit: try the attached (unzip and use to replace in /usr/bin/jive_alsa
> within Touch - make sure it is executable).  It is intended to be used
> with periodCount of 3 or more.


have reverted back to the old jive_alsa, there was something very
digital about the new one which made it quite unsettling to listen to
for long periods (digital out).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-13 Thread SBGK

Veovis wrote: 
> Just tested 0,5 with Musical Fidelity V-link 192. Works like a charm.
> Have yet do decide whether SQ is better than through W7, J River ansd
> Wasapi though. 
> Thx for the effort!


did you test for all sample rates ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-12 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> Can you collect the output of /proc/asound//stream0 and
> /var/log/messages with audio.codec audio.output and audio.decode
> debugging enabled? at the start of playback of each bitrate.  Does touch
> think it is the right rate or not?


here is the output from above

I can get the 24/192 to play by unplugging the usb cable and then
plugging it back in while it is playing

any help much appreciated, otherwise shall have to look at MF VLink 192


|Filename: New Text Document (3).txt|

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-10 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> All should work and others have reported success, but I don't know this
> device - what does the sample rate reported on the settings > audio
> output > dac screen show?


Reinstalled the firmware back to 7.6 and then upgraded to 7.7.2 to
ensure everything was off the Touch, then installed EDO 0.5 and tried it
with the Mhdt USbridge

still couldn't get it to work, the 44.1 tracks were playing at 48 and
the 48 tracks were playing at 44.1, didn't try the 24/192.

Any ideas ?

thanks again

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-09 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> That's interesting - what I am working on was intended to experiment
> with something which I reason may impact sound quality - I will bring to
> the audiophile board soon.  I don't have time to discuss much more now,
> but wanted to warn you that I have seen cases of this jive_alsa crashing
> - if you see this which will then cause the Touch to reboot after the
> watchdog fires then its due to this.

sounds lovely, no crashes so far.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-09 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> Yep - I have a test version of jive_alsa which does something similar
> (it is actually the place where the outputThreshold is used, so it can
> be set to ignore the value sent from the server for high sample rates) 
> Will publish soon for test [only held off as it has a few other
> experiments in it]
> Squeezeplay has 3 buffers of relevance:
> Streambuf (3M bytes) -> (decoder) -> Outputbuf (10 seconds at 44.1) ->
> (jive_alsa) -> alsa buffer
> outputThreshold changes when jive_alsa starts to play a new track from
> output buffer.  I have tested with the threshold at 1 second which is
> the same as you are using.  It seems to work in these cases for 192k
> playback.  Note that 192k is always going to be more susceptible to
> other processes on Touch than lower rates as the 10s output buff is
> sized for 44.1 and is only 2 and a bit seconds worth for 192k.  However
> the rest of the squeezeplay application should not block for this long. 
> Jive_alsa runs at real time priority and it is the frequency this runs
> which is impacted by alsa buffer tuning.
> Edit: try the attached (unzip and use to replace in /usr/bin/jive_alsa
> within Touch - make sure it is executable).  It is intended to be used
> with periodCount of 3 or more.

Hi, tried the new jive_alsa on sp/dif out. No problems with tracks
skipping at the start for 24/192. 

Also, there is quite an improvement in sound quality, I didn't believe
it at first so swapped the old jive_alsa back and forth about 3 times
and there is definitely a better sense of timing and better/tidier
soundstage than before. Don't know if you were working on improving the
sound or whether it is a side effect, but the effect on the sound is
very nice, reminds me of the quality I was getting with XXHighend and
the Mhdt Usbridge where you can almost reach into the music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-08 Thread SBGK


am using the Mhdt USBridge which has C-Media's CM6631 usb chip.

wav files of 24/48 play ok

wav files of 16/44.1 play fast

flac files of 24/192 play slow

Is there anything I can try to get the different sample rates to play
correctly, apart from resampling or is it an issue with the EDO usb
driver or something else ?

It says it is asynch high speed with feedback etc, so a bit nonplussed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-08 Thread SBGK

Thanks for the info.

Can confirm the Mhdt Labs USBridge performs flawlessly with the EDO
mods, sound quality superior to anything I have heard out of the Touch

I was getting a bit despondent as I was using the MHDT USBridge with
XXHighend as a reference source and I couldn't get the Touch anywhere
close to that sound quality until someone suggested that asynch usb was
the way to go with the Touch.

Congratulations again.

at around £150 delivered it has to be one of the best 2 clock usb/spdif
options to use with the EDO mods. Only drawback is lack of 177.6

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-08 Thread SBGK

think I have solved the stutter at track changes for 24/192 uncompressed
flacs by changing the $outputThreshold setting from 20 to 100 eg

# Threshold the output buffer for high sample-rate flac.
if ( $track ) {
if ( $track->samplerate() && $track->samplerate() >= 88200 ) {
$outputThreshold = 20;
Path: /usr/squeezecenter/Slim/Player/

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-02 Thread SBGK

Baronvonkarp wrote: 
> Thanks for the information, but I cannot find the files you mentioned. I
> de-installed EDO en re-installed it again, but I still cannot find those
> files. Triode do you have any idea why I cannot find these files?

To save Triodes thread getting any more off topic can you PM me the
details of what files and folders you can see and I'll have a look.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-05-01 Thread SBGK

Baronvonkarp wrote: 
> Thanks SBGK for all the settings, but for some reason I cannot find any
> of the files you are mentioning. I have tried all the locations
> Are these maybe hidden folders?

have you rebooted the touch aftr installing EDO, that should free up the
access to the folders. In WinSCP you can search for the files as well.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-29 Thread SBGK

Baronvonkarp wrote: 
> What is PM? I am not so technical ;-) I have looked for several things,
> but I did not find the way to adjust the buffers etc...

I have seen it used in online forums as a way of notifying posters that
a personal message (PM) has been sent and that they can pick it up in
their inbox. First time I have used this method of notification and
obviously there is a knack to using it.

change the values where you see PeriodCount=2 to PeriodCount=4 and
alsaPlaybackPeriodCount=2 to alsaPlaybackPeriodCount=4, also change the
buffer to 10 as below.


2. change entry in file
/usr/share/jive/applets/EnhancedDigitalOutputMeta.lua to

function defaultSettings(self)
return {
playbackDevice = "default",
bufferTime = 10,
periodCount = 4,
autoKernelUpdate = true,
embeddedTTHack = false,
cpuIdleFullspeed = false,
firstUse = true

3. change entry in file
/etc/squeezeplay/userpath/settings/EnhancedDigitalOutput.lua to

settings = {autoKernelUpdate=false,bufferTime=10,playback
puIdleFullspeed=false,periodCount=4,firstUse=false ,}

4. copy and paste don't try typing the values in case of mistakes

change entry in file /usr/share/jive/applets/SqueezeboxFab4Meta.lua to

function defaultSettings(meta)
return {
alsaPlaybackDevice = "TXRX",
alsaPlaybackBufferTime = 10,
alsaPlaybackPeriodCount = 4,
--JIVE2alsaEffectsDevice = "plughw:2,0",
--JIVE2alsaEffectsBufferTime = 10,
--JIVE2alsaEffectsPeriodCount = 2,
alsaSampleSize = 24,

and also change the following entry

-- fix buffer time
settings.alsaPlaybackBufferTime = 10
--JIVE2settings.--JIVE2alsaEffectsBufferTime = 10

5.change entry in file
/etc/squeezeplay/userpath/settings/SqueezeboxFab4.lua to

settings = {brightnessControl="manual",alsaPlaybackPeriodCoun

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-28 Thread SBGK

Baronvonkarp wrote: 
> Maybe a strange question, but where do I change these settings?

Baron you have PM

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-27 Thread SBGK

JohnSwenson wrote: 
> That should be impossible, the factory reset completely gets rid of
> anything changed from the raw firmware image. How did you initiate the
> factory reset? Did you get the message on the screen that settings were
> being reset? If yes then there is something wrong with the hardware, a
> factory reset should leave no hint whatsoever of EDO or anything else
> added or changed. 
> You might want to try both methods of doing a factory reset:
> hold the red button on the back for 15 seconds,
> select factory reset from the advanced setup menu.
> John S.

thought there were recommendations in the EDO trial thread to downgrade
the version of LMS on the server which would then trigger a downgrade of
the Touch firmware and then upgrade the LMS which would then upgrade the
Touch firmware version. Not sure about the Touch firmware downgrade, but
remember reading it there in regard to removing EDO.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-24 Thread SBGK

Baronvonkarp wrote: 
> When I start a 24/192 song it starts correctly, after 5 to 10 seconds it
> stops one second (no sound) and after that it continuous. When I listen
> to the whole album everything goes fine (except for the first song). But
> when I skip to the next song (>>) then it happends again. This only
> happends with 24/192 songs.

you could try a periodcount=4 and alsa buffer time of 10 us, this
means the frame size is 1/4 of the buffer size (1024/4096) instead of
1/2 (1024/2048) and also means the buffer refresh rate is .1s instead of
.02s or what ever buffer size you have, so you have a better chance of
filling the alsa buffer and you have longer time to do it. don't know
why this isn't the standard setting for the Touch as it gives a more
stable sound and may solve these hiccups.

I play 24/192 uncompressed flacs, wired and had problems if I tried
smaller alsa buffers.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-21 Thread SBGK

Dave1972 wrote: 
> Thanks for the reply Triode, and sorry for harping on with this question
> but I'm seeking absolute clarity so I'll rephrase the question. Could
> you (or anyone) clarify for me please: are there possibly any
> -unintended- benefits when playing 24/96 and 24/88.2 files? Again, I'm
> talking in terms of either a reduced processor load or sonic benefits. 
> The only reason I ask is because someone else (elsewhere) is claiming
> there are benefits to using this app with lower samplerates and is
> offering all kinds of technical reasons that I am sceptical of, but I
> need to be sure. Thanks again.

Dave, note that Triode does not deny there are sonic benefits. I believe
there were when I installed it. Can you PM me with more info or link to
the technical explanation you have come across as I am interested in
finding out more.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-12 Thread SBGK

SBGK wrote: 
> I have uncompressed a 192 flac to uncompressed flac using dbpoweramp
> (148 mb to 274 mb) ie it is PCM with a flac wrapper and it plays via
> your fantastic mod. 
> checked the network and it is streaming at 10Mbs vs 4 Mbs for the 192
> flac so it is definatley playing the uncompressed flac as PCM 
> So there you go it can play 192 PCM and we don't need another kernel
> upgrade.
> Congratulations again. Best upgrade ever


did you see my earlier post about 192 PCM playback ? fantastic news,
don't you think ? 

Means you can have maximum quality as Touch is no longer decompressing
the flac natively. Sounds better too.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-12 Thread SBGK

HumanMedia wrote: 
> Updating the previously reported issue of intermittent dropouts of
> 192khz material to Rega DAC over coax spdif.
> Still occurring intermittently, can't find a pattern. Seems to occur
> when playing lower sampling rate material for a while then playing
> 192khz. Doesn't occur immediately only after a couple of minutes. Then a
> quick drop of lock to DAC with a corresponding drop of audio. Then audio
> is back and plays for 5-40 secs then drops again.  Sometimes it clears
> up, sometimes I have to stop playback and start again to fix it.
> No errors echoed to dmesg.
> Just like to say a huge thanks again for this as its opened up my
> listening experience. Now I can listen to my 192k DVD-A files through
> the SBT and im preparing to get some of those HDtracks titles ive
> noticed but havent been able to play. So happy.

have you been adjusting priorities ? maybe one of them is not optimal. 

if you have dbpoweramp you can convert the 192 flac to uncompressed flac
ie PCM with a flac wrapper, this would take the native flac
decompression factor out of the equation for you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-12 Thread SBGK

it is a switch that you describe in your install instructions and can
only be set through your gui, so it is hardly a tweak.

you said you didn't know if it had any effect on the sound, well now you

this is an attempt to provide you with feedback, others may be
interested in these findings as well. Let's try and keep things
friendly, shall we.

Anyway, the big news.

I have uncompressed a 192 flac to uncompressed flac using dbpoweramp
(148 mb to 274 mb) ie it is PCM with a flac wrapper and it plays via
your fantastic mod. 

checked the network and it is streaming at 10Mbs vs 4 Mbs for the 192
flac so it is definatley playing the uncompressed flac as PCM 

So there you go it can play 192 PCM and we don't need another kernel

Congratulations again. Best upgrade ever

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-12 Thread SBGK


have changed the cpuIdleFullspeed=true to false as it was giving an
enhanced and unnatural high frequency sound, think this was caused by
jitter produced by the cpu running
flat out. Sound is now a lot better balanced and bass has returned as

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-11 Thread SBGK


your digital out mod has made a fantastic difference to the sound
quality I am getting via sp/dif to a benchmark dac1 so it must be doing
something beneficial for sp/dif.

You say these mods are aimed at usb dacs, does this mean there are
further gains to be had if you did a sp/dif specific mod ?

Also, has anyone compared the quality of your mods via usb dac and via
sp/dif to dac ie if I get an asynchronous usb dac will it sound even
better ?

Anyway, congratulations again. I hope you get to appreciate how good the
digital out to sp/dif is now with your mods, it truly is breathtaking.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-09 Thread SBGK

Triode wrote: 
> Can we keep claims of improvements via parameter tweaks to the  to the
> audiophile board please.  I would also suggest reading up on what the
> parameter does before posting such as this.  [In this case it is
> implemented in AppletManger.lua - which if you read you will find it
> changes the order in which applets are loaded, this does not impact the
> audio path or scheduler at all]

does in my case sweety

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-09 Thread SBGK

Hi Triode

I get better sound quality with the following change to loadPriority in
file loadPriority.lua



sounds less harsh and thin.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-09 Thread SBGK

Stunning sound quality out of the box, didn't realise it affected all
resolutions until I saw HumanMedia's post

Have added in TT3.0 and my own tweaks and sound is unbelievable. Haven't
tried 192 yet, but just 44.1 and 96 sounds superb. Surprised Logitech
allowed you to release it, it must blow the competition out of the

priorities below

/$ ps -eo pid,tid,class,pri,rtprio,cmd | sort -nrk 4
Unknown HZ value! (86) Assume 100.
3 3 FF  139 99 [posixcputmr/0]
4949 FF  138 98 [IRQ-34]
9 9 FF  137 97 [sirq-tasklet/0]
1111 FF  136 96 [sirq-hrtimer/0]
410   410 FF  135 95 [loadavg]
764   764 FF  134 94 jive_alsa -d hw:CARD=TXRX -c default -b 92790
-p 4 -s 24 -f 1
407   407 FF  133 93 [IRQ-25]
5 5 FF  132 92 [sirq-timer/0]
7 7 FF  131 91 [sirq-net-rx/0]
6 6 FF  131 91 [sirq-net-tx/0]
416   416 FF  130 90 [IRQ-45]
356   356 FF  130 90 [IRQ-7]
264   264 FF  130 90 [IRQ-33]
258   258 FF  130 90 [IRQ-57]
125   125 FF  130 90 [IRQ-42]
1212 FF  129 89 [sirq-rcu/0]
1010 FF  129 89 [sirq-sched/0]
8 8 FF  129 89 [sirq-block/0]
4 4 FF  129 89 [sirq-high/0]
367   367 FF   76 36 [IRQ-47]
158   158 FF   41  1 [unionfs_siod/0]
156   156 FF   41  1 [kswapd0]
155   155 FF   41  1 [pdflush]
154   154 FF   41  1 [pdflush]
153   153 FF   41  1 [krcupreemptd]
130   130 FF   41  1 [kmmcd]
109   109 FF   41  1 [khubd]
9090 FF   41  1 [kblockd/0]
1717 FF   41  1 [khelper]
1616 FF   41  1 [events/0]
1414 FF   41  1 [desched/0]
2 2 FF   41  1 [kthreadd]
425   425 TS   24  - [ubifs_bgt0_2]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-08 Thread SBGK

I have some 192 files and have downsampled them to 96 to play them with
as wav files. Will I be able to tell the difference in sound quality if
playing them natively at 192 ?

after reading the link below I am confused about whether I would hear
any difference and also whether I am hearing any difference between
16/44 and 24/96 apart from different production quality.

I guess what I am asking is what are the sonic benefits of applying the
enhanced digital output mod ?

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[SlimDevices: Touch] Raw PCM Passthru - Qui est-ce?

2012-03-16 Thread SBGK


I am trying to understand the Raw PCM Passthru feature of the
Squeezebox Touch, but cannot find any info about it, beyond
descriptions saying it is supported. Wondered if anyone would be able
to explain what it means, does it mean that LMS can pass PCM say from a
WAV file to the Touch and it will be passed through to the spdif output
without being transcoded ?


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