Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread pinmaritim

Hello Good Morning Trisquelians ;-)

I watched this thread with my coffe & croissants yesterday morning and well  
back to it this morning..;-)

so i'll just do a " Revue de presse"

EFF on the subjet 18hrs ago

European Press Release Data

European Court of Justice of Human Rights

This law is yet another step further into shaping public opinion &  
controlling dissent

This law encourages IT companies to  to educate and raise awareness with  
their users about the types of content not permitted under their rules and  
community guidelines. The use of the notification system could be used as a  
tool to do this

I defend Freedom and value the right to free speech for anyone whatever his  
or her opinion
I fear that this law will mostly target activist that fight for justice or  
try and raise public awareness
(many a times public resistance is towards these very same corporate  

cofees cold


Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread calmstorm
technically crap isn't a swear.  now if i said damn, that would be a swear  
and the list goes on and on...

but really, this thread was bound to cause problems given the video's author,  
lets just drop it kay?

[Trisquel-users] Re : EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread lcerf
The users mainly moderate the forum: we click the minus button when the post  
does not respect the community guidelines (not when you disagree with it). At  
-3, the post gets hidden.

That said, write to for more  
drastic measures (such as moving a thread to the troll hole) if you believe  
they are necessary.

[Trisquel-users] Re : How to translate sentences

2016-06-03 Thread lcerf

Trisquel 8 will have version 3.4:

I successfully installed it (.deb after .deb) on Trisquel 7 but it does not  

$ apertium es-en
/usr/bin/apertium-destxtlt-proc: relocation error:  
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol  
_ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE, version  
GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol  
_ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE, version  
GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
apertium-tagger: relocation error:  
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol  
_ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE, version  
GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
apertium-transferlt-proclt-proc: relocation error:  
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol  
_ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE, version  
GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol  
_ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE, version  
GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
apertium-postchunk: relocation error:  
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol  
_ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE, version  
GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
: relocation error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol  
_ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE, version  
GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
apertium-interchunk: relocation error:  
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol  
_ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE, version  
GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
/usr/bin/apertium-retxt: relocation error:  
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol  
_ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE, version  
GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference
apertium-pretransfer: relocation error:  
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ symbol  
_ZTVNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEEE, version  
GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not defined in file with link time reference

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie

It's made by volunteers so there is no guarantee of anything.
Something like Debian is surely more likely to keep going for years, possibly  
decades from now because it has strong support from various companies, a very  
large community and pool of users (relative to Trisquel) among academia and  
software developers. It forms the basis of many distributions so probably is  
most likely of all the distributions, along with Fedora and RHEL, to be  
around for the next few decades. Ubuntu could die easily if Canonical went  
bankrupt as it is basically snapshots of Debian unstable and a testbed for  
Canonical's projects.
Point is, none of us have to use Trisquel. We choose to because we like the  
community and want a distribution based on just free software, but we are, to  
a certain extent, flailing in the dark, trying to find our way with  
Yet we have the freedom to choose our path, and that's powerful. It's what  
makes free software great.
Yet I totally see where you are coming from. We need more direct  
participation in Trisquel's development. If not I might well pack up if  
things get really slow due to what is essentially bureaucracy.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel installation - Checking

2016-06-03 Thread lcerf
That is bad. Do regular backups (what should be actually done even if the  
disk is healthy) and expect the disk to fail for good anytime soon.

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-03 Thread tegskywalker
This project claims to be open, but there is no communication what the  
default desktop environment will be and a tentative release date. Ruben needs  
to be more upfront.

Re: [Trisquel-users] netinstall; first timer's question

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
No, you don't have to edit the file. Let's imagine the following scenario. I  
run FVWM, and when FVWM is the only window manager installed, running startx  
on its own should begin FVWM. Now I want to switch to Ratpoison. I delete  
FVWM and install Ratpoison, then running startx starts Ratpoison. I believe  
it points to another file with the default Xsession or something (it's quite  
confusing in all honesty). There are several ways to start multiple  
environments. I can run startx ratpoison or startx openbox begin Ratpoison  
and OpenBox respectively (as far as I know those are correct). However it  
opens an Xterm and prints all the errors which can be annoying, especially on  
Ratpoison. So you edit the ~/.Xinitrc file to specify what startx does, for  
example this works: exec /usr bin/Ratpoison I'm not sure how ~/.Xsession  
works. Here is a forum posting about it:
You should try and look more deeply into the subject of X sessions. I am not  
very experienced with it, it's quite confusing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
So, just to clarify, are you a moderator? I can't tell who the moderators are  
(if there even are any), and how people become one.
Since quite a few people here are advocating the removal of this thread to  
the troll hole (or maybe even complete deletion), would it not be reasonable  
to say there is a consensus? The thread is very long (it's the 16th longest  
thread in a mere 24 hours) so they may miss your post about getting +7  

Je ne sais pas :-(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows 7 and 8 users are starting to disable Windows Update entirely. Yikes.

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
What do you find unrealistic about the plan I suggested about selling to  
college students at student fairs?

Re: [Trisquel-users] netinstall; first timer's question

2016-06-03 Thread mcz
Thankfully, for now I want to stick to one environment. But that means every  
time you want to switch to another environment, you have to edit that file??  
Even if it's only commenting out a line, it's not the most practical.
Maybe there's some kind of CLI (or tty, not sure about that) GDM version?  
That wouldn't surprise me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
I was saying it in jest but even if they did not bother to read them it is  
pretty standard practice among internet communities not to tolerate  
discriminatory language, not to make off-topic discussions etc., so obviously  
they should have assumed that those rules apply.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
There are people who vote -1 too, and if there is a +1 and a -1 that then  
becomes 0 and there is no record that somebody voted. My earlier call for a  
vote had this in mind. If I received a +7 despite the fact that there are  
those voting -1, then that was an adequate basis for my working to shut this  

In this case, I want to make it crystal clear that I am voting for this  
thread to end. It is a little silly, since I've called for this from the  
beginning so everybody knows that this is my advice.  Still I thought  
CalmStorm put things well, and I wanted to show specifically that I am in  
agreement. Are you??

This is my last post in this thread.  Attack if you want, I won't defend. I  
won't even read it!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows 7 and 8 users are starting to disable Windows Update entirely. Yikes.

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
Well, Google Chromebooks come close as they have Coreboot. They are also not  
locked down that much; they can be unlocked and re-flashed with upstream  
Coreboot and most support GNU/Linux reasonably well. You're also not paying  
the Windows tax which is something I suppose. Yet it hasn't led to a  
revolution of computing in freedom.
Canonical have not made in-roads selling Ubuntu-powered laptops. Perhaps they  
should partner with stores like Best Buy in the USA to promote and sell  
GNU/Linux-powered laptop and desktop computers. Who knows what might happen?  
I think they may have already tried though, and maybe the cruelties of the  
market prevented it happening.

Re: [Trisquel-users] netinstall; first timer's question

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
What I mean regarding startx being problematic is that you have to specify in  
the .Xinitrc what environment X should load, which is pretty intimidating for  
someone not familiar with the command line interface.
If you know how I am sure it's pretty straightforward. It has been going  
since the 1980s after all! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] netinstall; first timer's question

2016-06-03 Thread mcz
Definitely. In my experience, LightDM needs some tweaking but is functional  
out of the box. You indeed shouldn't need to manually start X in that case.

I didn't know that startx could be problematic with more than one  
environment, thanks for the info.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas

the reply button is for comments.
The +1 and -1 is for voting.
Weren't you so careful to follow the guidelines, rules, etc?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas

Would you mind on point out what's so wrong with the original post?

The only reason this thread got derailed was because root_vegetable point out  
who was the author of the video I posted in a low attempt to disrupt the  
thread by dragin it into off-topic chitchat. But that's not what the thread  
is about and I would expect root_vegetable to at least appologise for that.

And I agree, I agree that you should stop using such bad words like "knock  
this crap off" because it's bad for the community. Please stop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mcz
I see what you mean. But I don't see how hate speech has even a remote chance  
to be correct, anywhere, at any time.

Let me rephrase that: I don't see how "attacks on a person or group on the  
basis of attributes such as gender, ethnic origin, religion, race,  
disability, or sexual orientation" can potentially be the correct way to go,  
in any context.

I'm still thinking about this by the way. But right now I don't see how hate  
speech deserves a free pass. Specially when seeing the amount of it on the  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop too hot - CPU (almost) always at 100%

2016-06-03 Thread andyprough
I would go back to your previous link:

There was a good set of instructions there, that should be relatively simple  
to carry out:
"If you find the system unusable due to excessive kworker activity, I would  
recommend trying to do fewer things. If you think you're not doing anything,  
try shutting down long-running services or timers (RSS readers, mail readers,  
file indexers, activity trackers, etc.). If this doesn't work, try  
restarting. If your system allows you to enable or disable hardware in a  
pre-boot environment, try turning off hardware you aren't using. If it  
happens on every restart before you do anything, you could try uninstalling  
things, but at this point you'll want to be running syscall profiling tools  
to track down specific applications that seem to be causing this overload."

Check your system. Are you running any email programs, RSS news readers, any  
programs like "recoll" that index files and keywords? (Run the "ps -A"  
command and look for "recoll" or "recollindex"). Any "activity tracking"  

Is there any hardware you can disable without harming the functioning of the  
way you use your system? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus


Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
Well, I suppose to understand Marxism you should read the Communist  
Manifesto. When you read it, don't forget that it was written in the 19th  
century (indeed, Marx and Engels thought it needed updating, especially notes  
on literature at the time). It is quite interesting to read, and is pretty  
short. It is relatively easy to find Marx's work in stores, and many charity  
shops/second-hand book stores, but it is also public domain, for example here  
is the Communist Manifesto on Project Gutenberg: (note that when Marx  
refers to the party he means a group of likeminded people, not an organised  
political organisation, like say the Green Party or the Social Democratic  
To understand libertarian socialism you could read some books by Noam  
Chomksy. A rather long introduction to this is found in How the world works  
which is a collection of Chomksy's speeches and interviews put into a more  
readable format, you can probably find it in a book store. A list of his  
works to which links are provided if there is the full text or a sample  
provided: If you go to the homepage and select  
'articles' it has them ordered by date, and most if not all of them on the  
website. Also of good note is this article, it has a link to a PDF of Powers  
and Prospects:  
(that website is great in general and has links to many freely available  
works of many authors, such as short stories, interviews, and video content).

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mcz
What EU law? I still don't see any source, therefore I can hardly judge  
whether it's right or wrong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows 7 and 8 users are starting to disable Windows Update entirely. Yikes.

2016-06-03 Thread calmstorm
If only someone who doesn't support drm, would sell computers with bioses  
that would support any operating system.
and have a chain of stores all over the world that were not locked down and  
could be reverse engineered with libreboot if needed. This however is not  
going to happen or at least not for many thousands or more years.

Though i find this extremely unlikely, I dream of a better world anyways.

meh better to hope than to give up completely, I always say. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mcz
Since I'm blinded by your brilliance (at avoiding to present sources), please  
help me find actual proof of what you're saying about that EU bill. Because I  
still don't see a damn source.

Since you want to bring RMS in:
When people talk about punishing "hate speech", they advocate censorship of  
opinions. Censorship is dangerous to society and democracy.
And I can't disagree with that, yet I'd tell him that unrestricted free  
speech is just as dangerous to society and democracy.

And here's a source about that EU thing you're talking about:

You remind me of that Demolition Man movie which is Manichean (and extreme)  
as possible, in freedom and its opposite.

It's all about balance, it's not all or nothing. It's contextual, not the  
same concept you apply "as is" any time, anywhere.

The   IT   Companies   also   share   the   European   Commission
and   EU   Member   States'
mitment  to  tackle  illegal  hate  speech  online.  Illegal  hate  speech,   
as  defined  by  the
Framework  Decision  2008/913/JHA  of  28  November  2008  on  combating   
certain  forms  and
expressions   of   racism   and   xenophobia   by   means   of   criminal
law   and   national   laws

ing  it,  means  all  conduct  publicly  inciting  to  violence  or  hatred   
directed  against  a
group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race,  
colour, religion,
descent  or  national  or  ethnic  origin.  The  IT  Companies  and  the   
European  Commis

sion  also
stress the need to defend the right to freedom of expression, which, as the  
European Court of
Human  Rights  has  stated,  “is  applicable  not  only  to  "information"   
or  "ideas"  that  are

favourably received or regarded as inoffensive or as a matter of i
ndifference, but also to those
that offend, shock or disturb the State or any sector of the population”
This sounds perfectly reasonable to me. What matters is HOW they intend to do  

That's the difference between theory (or good intentions) and practice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread calmstorm

just do it anyways, for the sake of ruben and the community.
don't let this flame war continue, please?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
Yet they are there nonetheless.  Don't try to compare this to the book-length  
draconian EULAs that companies like amazon have.  Nobody reads those.  This  
is a handful of sentences in large, bold, font, that are written in clear and  
simple language.  You read them but you don't remember--or choose not to  
remember.  They are in your face when you sign up. Then, of course, there is  
the sentence in huge font at the top of the forum main page:

"Please read and follow the Community Guidelines."

That is so large and in your face that even I can see it from under this  
rock! So the trite comparison to the enormous EULAs of the mega corporations,  
simply doesn't apply.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation - Checking

2016-06-03 Thread alejandrohp

What is the meaning of the red listed devices? (lshw -html)

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
I can see where you are coming from but I think it is reasonable for websites  
to have community rules that ban inciting violence against minorities for  
instance and advocation of discrimination. I have looked at this EU ruling  
and most of it seems quite reasonable.

C'est la vie...

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread calmstorm

that would be because most people expect lawyer speak guidelines...

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to translate sentences

2016-06-03 Thread alejandrohp

es-en doesn't work.
And other translations are not as good as they should be. :(

Please, someone recommend a good free translator. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread calmstorm
If I was a mod, I would have closed this thread a while ago, then again  
though, I am not and thank goodness.

I have made similar errors in the past.

still though, this isn't good for our community so, I think we should stop  
talking about this. okay?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
Nobody reads the terms and conditions no matter how short they are... You  
live under a rock or something?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread calmstorm
well from what I remember he was represented by animal farm as being snowball  
the guy who wanted a good leadership.

and stalin was of course represented by Napoleon.

my bad though I haven't read up on history for a while, I may have gotten  
things very much confused.

I was under the impression he wanted freedom and that was why I pointed him  
towards sanders.

But, thanks for correcting me.

so tell me what is socialism then? I thought I knew and now I don't

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus

lol You didn't agree to the guideline?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread jadedml
Of course there are and should be limitations on free speech-- hate speech  
isn't one of them, however.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
We have free speech in principal, but this isn't what this thread ended up  
being about. It became about many other unrelated things. Personally I think  
the EU ruling could prove impractical but... que sera, sera.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas
That's doesn't change the fact that this EU law (as many others) is just  
plain wrong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to translate sentences

2016-06-03 Thread gnuser

1. Probably when Ubuntu does (maybe Trisquel 8, not sure).
2. It's SaaSS but it's better than using google... Perfect would be to use  
apertium in your own computer (hopefully you will have it running better than  
I do).

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas
Well that's just a matter of opinion, and we'll just have to agree or  

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas
The free software movement (free in bold because you seem to be legally  
blind) cares about freedom of computing, and freedom in general too. Freedom  
of speech is something rms (for instance) has a long history of advocacy.  
Also, when SOPA and PIPA came people had fear that it could become an  
instrument of censorship and even more massive surveillance. Just the same as  
I'm fearing too this could become in a future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mcz
See the limitations part.

Also I find interesting that the right to privacy (which I value a whole lot)  
is a restriction of free speech. Depending on the context (as nearly always),  
I'm perfectly fine with that.

Allowing unrestricted free speech is at least as dangerous as heavily  
restricted free speech. Like many things in real life, it's too complex to  
just be either all black or all white, but more like shades of grey.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop too hot - CPU (almost) always at 100%

2016-06-03 Thread gnuser
Yes. I think that is because my cpu only has one core... Old laptop remember?  

No, I use the standard Gnome that comes with Trisquel.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
"The forum / mailing lists exist to foster the development and use of  

How do you reconcile the existence of this thread given that you promised to  
abide by the above guideline?

Don't tell me, "well, son, you haven't been around enough to know that those  
guidelines don't mean a thing!" I'm not interested in how old you think I am,  
or how long I have been part of the Trisquel community.  I don't care whether  
or not the decision about this thread is consistent with every other thread  
in the history of these forums.  We have guidelines and I object that this  
thread is not in accordance with those guidelines.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mcz
You mean those things about copyright infringement and intellectual property?  
By definition, they fit free software way more than that "imaginary" EU bill.  
But let's say it does belong in the main forum for a second, because I'd like  
you to answer the other part of my statement.

I say "Imaginary" because this is the 3rd time I'm pointing out that the  
discussion revolves around nothing concrete.

Would you care to provide some actual sources?
Because I don't see the point of going on if it's a philosophical debate  
about the concept of free speech.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas
That's not how it works, you don't move things around by votes. Mods move  
things when they decided that some topic is off-topic. I myself criticized  
some cat thread some crazy troll made once, and it got moved to the troll  
hole. People here (way older than you) will remember. And I remember and  
participated in the multiple thread that condemned PIPA, SOPA, etc. So I have  
the experience to know that this EU law is of Trisquel community's concern.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
lol, I almost hate to see this thread go, since your posts are so  
entertaining root_vegetable

I can work on getting this thread moved to the Troll Hole, but I would like  
some consensus:

A choice of +1 means you agree that this thread should be moved to the Troll  

It looks like there are about a dozen people in this thread, if I get >= +7 I  
will try and get this thing moved.

Re: [Trisquel-users] netinstall; first timer's question

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
Can't they just install lightdm, with either unity-greeter or the  
lightdm-gtk-greeter, or even GDM?
Add the MATE development PPA as directed here: then do the following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment lightdm unity-greeter Et voila!  
A working MATE desktop that you can start graphically, no fiddling around  
with startx (which can be problematic when you have more than one environment  
installed, as you might well end up doing).
I believe that you can set it to start automatically without having to put in  
your login credentials (that's how the LiveCD works, it skips the login step  
because there is no username/password). Text login then startx is generally  
only used for really minimal systems that might only run a window manager,  
e.g. Ratpoison, which I'm running right now to type this. You can make your  
own files that would make Ratpoison list itself in Lightdm or GDM.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus

"I agree [with you, let's stop this thread]"
"...Now let's back to the main topic [and not stop this thread!]."

Oh, I see. You agree with me about stopping the thread, and then immediately  
try to restart it!!!

I'd actually be offended at your calling me a liar if you weren't so  

Notice I didn't mention you at all until you responded to my call to end the  
thread with 'ok, let us start all of this over again from the beginning'

So I was not lying at all. Pay attention now as I explain it slowly:
1.) You singled yourself out as a troll and
2.) I told you to go away.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread jadedml

Yea, I'm against laws that prohibit hate-speech or try to regulate it.
The EU's bill sounds terrible to me...

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
The sad thing is that these threads never get moved to the troll hole. I  
think there are no moderators on these forums beyond people putting too many  
'-1' votes on a comment, which is open to abuse and personal feuds arguably  
more than a defined moderation system. I don't know who the moderators are,  
maybe we should vote for some people to do this. At any rate most people are  
abiding by the rules, until we all get carried away (I got carried away  
admittedly) and start these extremely polarised discussions. Maybe it is a  
social experiment by Richard Stallman, fancying himself as a sort of  
benevolent Mark Zuckerberg, to see how internet minarchy plays out.
Maybe after the impending nuclear apocalypse the internet will become  
entirely that, hosted by our benevolent robot masters who will arrive from  
outer space, guarding the last remenants of humanity to post unironic memes  
with Comic Sans fonts, and sharing those excessive Mukbang videos.
I feel so bad now for writing all this polarised stuff if it is driving  
people away from the community. Come back folks! We should behave better.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas

>"GO AWAY!!!"
>"I wasn't singling you out

Don't you love people who just lie straight out?

I don't know why you have it against me and only me. But I'm not about to  

This EU rule is not much different than SOPA, PIPA and the other harmful  
proposals that we condemn right here in the Trisquel forum (of course you  
don't remember because you weren't here then).

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus

"So instead of calling me names you should show some respect."

You are receiving respect in proportion to your actions.  Act like a troll,  
get treated like a troll. You are continuing to provoke people with this  
topic, in the wrong forum. So my comments were appropriate.

If you have been here longer, then you should know better! You should lead by  
example. So this makes your actions worse, and therefore more deserving of my  

But I wasn't singling you out--you singled yourself out!

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas

Does SOPA and PIPA has neither to has anything with trisquel?
Because I remember very well that people here could talks abut that  

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mcz
Is this all you got about this law? Any source, something? Anyway, I second  
this thread to at least be moved to the Troll hole. It has nothing to do with  
Trisquel or free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
If you are having trouble create a new forum topic and elaborate further. At  
least it would be related to free software, unlike this topic.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas
I've been here for way more time than you, I've probably helped more the  
cause of free software in all these years more than you.

So instead of calling me names you should show some respect.

[Trisquel-users] A RAID1 question

2016-06-03 Thread Tommy Tolson
Does Tresquel 7 support RAID 1?  I have a hardware RAID 1 set in an Icy 
Dock 3.5" backplane with 2 SanDisk Extreme Pro SSDs and have tried Intel 
chips and AMD chips with the same result: Tresquel won't install.  It 
gets to the "Preparing to Install Trisquel" place and stops.  The little 
white thing will spin for as long as I let it. Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS 
installed fine, first try, and works good. What's up with Tresquel?  
Thanks.  I learn a lot here and I appreciate it.  I like Tresquel more 
than Ubuntu and want to use it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas
hate speech is defined by the EU as including ‘incitement to hatred’,  
which is both circular and so vague as to mean almost anything.
What this means is lawyers can use this loophole to give their own  
interpretation on whats hate speech and use it on their advantage to ban  
almost anything.
That would be the legal system being used (again) for the interests of a few  
rather than truth and justice for everyone.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
The second video is featured on the so-called "Prager University". It is  
about as reputable an 'educational institution' as Trump University, a  
pathetic commercial entity offering "business education", which is known to  
bully people into blowing all their money on worthless courses in real estate  
to get rich quick. TrumpU takes after Trump himself, it seems.
"PragerU" is run by the far-right talk-show host Dennis Prager (or at least  
is tarnished with his name), a man who likes to peddle the narrative that  
there is an attack on religious freedom, i.e. the freedom to oppress others.  
This view is exacerbated by campaigns by secular organisations to reduce the  
state funding of religion.
The video takes a similar line. It says that there are efforts to ban speech  
that is considered "hurtful" and "hateful", and the video specifially  
mentions the efforts to prevent "freedom of religion".
This is the most utter crap. For a start, it ignores the history of Europe,  
where religion (the dominant force being Christianity) has been part of the  
general oppression of freedom of expression for centuries. Look at Spain,  
with the Spanish Inquisition (and the Catholic Church's alliance with  
Franco's Fascists), and Nazi Germany's pact with the Catholic Church to  
protect itself. Look more generally at the denial of women's reproductive  
rights and rights to schooling. It is just the most stupid argument.  
"Sensitivity-based censorship" is presented with absolutely no evidence  
whatsoever. There are efforts to separate the Church and State further in  
many European countries, but religious leaders enjoy little fear of  
oppression and censorship at the hands of the state. There is healthy debate  
about the role of religion in modern times, and religious leaders are  
welcomed to express their views in throughout the media. Religion is largely  
respected, and it is declining. However, this represents Christianity, as the  
dominant religion. Islam is not widespread (although it has a wide presence)  
and in recent months has seen backlash and attacks by far-right thugs. We  
should of course not that this does not mean an attack on freedom of  
religion! People are still allowed to express themselves freely. I think that  
the emphasis on "criticism of religion" is perhaps support for Marine Le Pen  
(in the video, the words "criticism of religion" are put over France) who  
frames anti-Muslim rhetoric as "criticism of religion". There's something  
insidious about that whole video...
Now it attacks 'Political Correctness'! It's such a load of crap. This leads  
back to the issues of freedom of speech in general vs. the moderation on  
non-public forums. It's all a load of double-standards anyway. American TV  
won't allow swearing (they say 'darn it' far too much) but they are happy to  
show graphic images of dead people in far-off lands. They frame accusations  
of a general criminality among black people as polite 'analysis' of events,  
and blame illegal immigrants for undercutting the American wages.
They talk about the 'political correctness' at American colleges and  
universities, but this is generally about the supposed "suppression" of  
activities that are nationalist. That video gives several examples but does  
not give us the full story, or even links to news articles about them.
The video says that "few conservative speakers are invited to speak at  
colleges, lest they be 'disinvited' later". This is, again, a theme of this  
comment thread. There is not an attack on free speech. The conservative  
speakers could go to speak wherever will take them, voice their opinion on  
the internet, or in the conservative mass media. It is not an attack on free  
speech to no-platform someone.
As for trigger warnings, I think they can sometimes be used to the extreme,  
but often they are reasonable. For example, the comic book 'Tintin in the  
Congo' was only recently translated into English. As Tintin books are  
generally read by children, a warning was written saying that it reflected  
the society in Belgium at the time, which was supportive of the brutal  
dictatorship in Central Africa, and as a result some of the material in the  
book is shocking by today's standards. What if that warning was not included?  
It might upset some children that African people are portrayed in the fashion  
they are in the book.  The example of the trigger warning in the Great Gatsby  
perhaps goes a little too far but perhaps a note in the preface about it  
reflecting mysoginistic attitudes of the time would not be unreasonable. To  
be honest though, the fact that so much mysoginy still exists, which the  
video completely brushes over, would make it seem not particularly shocking  
in my opinion. I think there is a certain irony that the video is attacking  
trigger warnings when these are reasonable under freedom of speech... if that  
is, indeed what the video cares about, rather than the 

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus

"Now let's back to the main topic."

You are not listening troll.  Maybe louder will help??


[Trisquel-users] A RAID1 question

2016-06-03 Thread Tommy Tolson
Does Tresquel 7 support RAID 1?  I have a hardware RAID 1 set in an Icy 
Dock 3.5" backplane with 2 SanDisk Extreme Pro SSDs and have tried Intel 
chips and AMD chips with the same result: Tresquel won't install.  It 
gets to the "Preparing to Install Trisquel" place and stops.  The little 
white thing will spin for as long as I let it. Ubuntu Studio 14.04 LTS 
installed fine, first try, and works good. What's up with Tresquel?  
Thanks.  I learn a lot here and I appreciate it.  I like Tresquel more 
than Ubuntu and want to use it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas

I agree.
root_vegetable and loldier has drag me and other in this thread way too  
off-topic. Now let's back to the main topic. Which is EU with a new law that  
could and can be used to control public opinion directly in the EU and  
outside too indirectly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus
Last I checked, there are hundreds of people who are viewing this site at any  
point in time.  I wouldn't blame any of them for rejecting this community for  
its inability to control itself from having these polarizing discussions  
about politics and hate speech and the like.

For those whose attitude is: "Good, f*** 'em, they can't stand the heat--get  
out of the kitchen!!".  Realize this:
Trisquel is a very tiny community that needs growth and can't afford to lose  
people that like Trisquel, but dislike unpleasant, unnecessary, totally  
out-of-place, political debates.

We all agreed on the terms of using these forums.  While I know it is fun to  
be an anarchist, let's stop feeding this thread let it crawl into the corner  
and die like it deserves.

IMHO  :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dooleyn
Serving as an elector does not automatically translate as being a member of  
the same party or holding all the same views as that party. Anyone wishing to  
run for office needs electors to be eligible. When Pulley ran in 1980,  
Sanders was actually an independent having left the (socialist) Liberty Union  
Party in 1977. No doubt he felt Pulley was closer to his thinking than either  
Carter or Nixon.

I suspect Duke's association with the KKK is always brought up by people  
because of what that organisation did in contrast to what the SWP or LUP ever  
achieved in US politics. Sanders I believe became independent due to the  
inactivity of the LUP ironically when he was in fact the chairman.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
I think you are banking that I didn't watch your video. I wish I didn't  
because it is a load of utter crap, but there we have it. I will tell you why  
it qualifies as hate speech.
He starts with "The Zionist media". This is to feed into his racist  
narratives of his other videos, that there is a conspiracy be Jews to take  
over the world. It was the same narrative peddled by the Nazis, and David  
Duke's other Holocaust-denying associates, such as the Ku Klux Klan, who are  
very fond of using Nazi imagery.
"The reason why the Zionists who have so much ungodly influence in the  
American media, and they've got the politicians in their back pockets, and  
they've got the big banks and the big money who controls the politicians...  
Goldman Sachs, they control the Federal Reserve, they control the World  
This feeds into the narrative that the Jews rule the world, are trying too,  
or are extremely close to doing so. It is simply not true. He keeps  
mentioning the "pernicious Zionist influence". It is just a load of rubbish.  
It is convenient for people like Duke to use the injustice of the Israeli  
occupation to peddle their conspiracy about Jews, but they don't, for  
instance, criticise the mass-incarceration of black people, which they  
support because they are a bunch of white supremacists, and justify violence  
and murder of these people in the past and present based on religious  
references and pseudo-scientific doctrines, the same that justified slavery  
and imperialism. Examining the video, it becomes clear that Duke probably  
doesn't care all that much about these people dying, or at least has  
convinced himself of it because he wants to justify his conspiracies about  
"Zionists". Hate speech is justification of violence and stigma. Duke wants  
to create stigma and anti-Semitism, so this qualifies as hate speech. It is  
disguised so that at first it might seem justified, but anyone watching the  
whole video can probably tell that the conclusion of the video is pretty  
outrageous and designed to forment tensions. It is thus hate speech, and I am  
pretty surprised it is still available.
It just goes to show that the ferociously-authoritarian EU is really not  
doing its job, is it?
Note, there are legitimate criticisms of Israel. It is just that this is used  
as part of his hate speech. The irony is that people like Duke say that it is  
not anti-Semetic to criticise Israel, when he is deliberately confusing the  
two issues of the State of Israel and Jewish people to justify his  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installation problem of Trisquel 7 on laptop ASUS X554LA

2016-06-03 Thread t8mf4nu6lizp
You need to edit /etc/default/grub as super user and then run update-grub as  
super user afterwards. The variable is GRUB_GFXMODE, see

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread Tommy Tolson
Indeed.  The Kochs and Goldman Sachs are not interested in your liberty, 
in the meaning the word carried before it was hijacked in the insane 
dash to weaponize economics.  Conservative libertarians took a decent 
ideology (although ideologies are, after critical analysis, or, even 
more devastating, deconstruction, the ideas of dead guys, males, mostly 
dead white males. dead rich white males - I won't call them men - 
they're monster boys in adult bodies) and spun it into neoliberalism, 
so, about 36 years later, the Sixth Mass Extinction could come for our 
species any day now.  This is because this sort of libertarianism thinks 
it deserves our money, so it does the old fashioned thing and steals 
it.  The overexploitation of the life system under this harebrained 
ideology gone mad had 150 species per day going extinct a while back, 
according to Guy McPherson, an acacemic field ecologist before he headed 
back to the land, knows these things.  We're in a really dumb 
predicament.  No one ever said the aristocracy was intelligent. 
Descartes, an aristocrat, could dissect a live, unsedated dog and swear 
it felt no pain, when the scientific method of which he is remembered as 
a founder was purportedly based on observation, on objective 
observation.  That dumb crap, masquerading as thought, remains a part of 
the basis of western culture.  In the words of my friends in grad 
school, we're fucked, since we didn't stop polluting the life system and 
creating one desert after another 30 years ago like James Hansen told 
Congress we had to do.  On that happy note, I'll step away from the 
lectern, after one last remark.  Technology observes real reality, the 
one humans did not create, no better than Descartes.  Go Bernie!

On 06/03/2016 05:22 AM, wrote:
Libertarianism got hijacked by the tight long ago. They misinterpret 
freedom from oppression as freedom from regulations. It's pretty 
creepy. There are no rightwing anarchists, as capitalism only exists 
with the support of the state. They just want to shrink the bits of 
government they don't like so they can opress and get rich off poor 
It's creepy. Private power is worse than public power which at least 
has some element of control over it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows 7 and 8 users are starting to disable Windows Update entirely. Yikes.

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus

Most of the people know buy computers from a brick-and-mortar store. They go  
into a store like Best Buy, and they try out different computers and  
eventually buy one. It would be great if there was a GNU/Linux store where  
people could go and try out GNU/Linux in person, buy it installed on the  
computer, and receive support services. Alternatively, perhaps stores like  
Best Buy could carry a line of computers that have GNU/Linux installed.  I  
wouldn't hold my breath though.

The simplest initial solution would be to set up a table at some college  
fair. Then make demonstrations, answer questions, and help people install  
GNU/Linux. If this were done by a company that already exists, like Think  
Penguin, orders could be taken as well--maybe even sell some laptops there  
and then. This could be quite a lucrative model for promoting GNU/Linux,  
since a lot of college students buy computers, and there are a lot of college  
students.  Also, there are many benefits to focusing on college students and  
universities in general.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mcz

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas

>Have you evidence to support your statement that Sanders is a communist?
Sanders served as an elector for the 1980 Socialist Workers Part nominee  
Adrew Pulley

And don't let the name fool you. They are openly communist and Marxist.

>"Plus nobody calls Duke a communist either as you say"
I imagine you're responding to this part:
>"For example Bernie sanders is a former communist, but no one call him that  
all the time as they do with David Duke"
I actually meant to say: "For example Bernie sanders is a former communist,  
but no one call him that. While David Duke is called "former Ku Klux Klan"  
all the time."

Sorry for the little mistake.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
Ugh... Don't defend Lenin, ever. There's little that was good about him, for  
example he opposed free speech, presided over political violence, and  
destroyed any force that dared oppose him, like the Ukranian Free Territory  
and the Kronstadt rebellion. He was awful in the end. Not as awful as the  
later rule of Stalin, granted, but not worth defending at all. Oppression is  
oppression no matter how it might look from the outside... Also, Lenin did  
not found socialism, just the ideology of Marxist-Leninism. There have always  
been social movements, and things like Marxist-Leninism subjugate rather than  
liberate. It's socialism without liberty, if it's socialism at all, and  
that's frankly horrible. Socialism isn't really something you can say was  
"founded", it is a series of leftwing movements that were formalised into  
specific ideologies, for example there is libertarian socialism at the sane  
time as Marxism (indeed, the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin opposed Marx at the  
1872 Hague Congress).
If you want the good part of socialism read the works of Noam Chomsky:
There's no point sticking to dogma written a century ago, when the world has  
changed so much. It leads to the cult of the leader, etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help me burning encryped DVD with Luks

2016-06-03 Thread pierrefalek

I'm continuing the post #22 by HKR

I've corrected some commands

dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=665 of=my-container.iso
On this command, you will notice the use of .iso rather than .img used in  
this tutorial

Using a .iso file is better for Brasero, because it is a recognized format.

sudo cryptsetup luksFormat my-container.iso

sudo cryptsetup luksOpen ~/my-container.iso secret-device

sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/secret-device

mkdir ~/my-mount-point
sudo mount /dev/mapper/secret-device ~/my-mount-point

sudo umount ~/my-mount-point
sudo cryptsetup luksClose secret-device

sudo cryptsetup luksOpen ~/my-container.iso secret-device
sudo mount /dev/mapper/secret-device ~/my-mount-point

sudo chown [your name session] my-mount-point

After a my-container.iso burning, the things I feared in post #19 happened.

When you insert the encrypted cd-r and you try to open it in Nautilus, the  
usual window you can find with your external HD or USB key works very well.

But after have entering your password there is this warning :

Impossible to access to « 695 MB Volume»

Error mounting /dev/dm-3 at /media/[your  
session]/d2848ff6-7b28-44d0-91f3-8a454c84fb23: Command-line `mount -t "ext4"  
-o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid" "/dev/dm-3" "/media/[your  
session]/d2848ff6-7b28-44d0-91f3-8a454c84fb23"' exited with non-zero exit  
status 32: mount: block device  
/dev/mapper/luks-e8d99aff-7c20-445b-9b1a-88d350197868 is write-protected,  
mounting read-only
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on  

   missing codepage or helper program, or other error
   In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
   dmesg | tail  or so

There is the problem of the mounting point named "my-mount-point" and you  
can't acces to your files. It is also impossible to eject the CD-R without  
restart the machine.

Does anyone understand what really says this warning ?

Thank you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] netinstall; first timer's question

2016-06-03 Thread mcz

Will MATE launch automatically when I subsequently turn my computer on?
No, you need to start X (I don't remember, but I think the command is  
"startx"). At least that's what I had to do with my i3wm install until I  
configured a file to make it start without my input.

You'll definitely have a CLI with BASH, but you might have to "sudo apt-get  
update && sudo apt-get install" some programs. No big deal.

The problem I faced with my net install is that i3wm is really minimalist, so  
wifi, and making hard drives to mount/unmount/eject automatically (or close  
to that) was tough for me.

But maybe the default MATE comes with lots of fully featured programs, or  
maybe you'll have to add some more programs, hopefully avoiding duplicates.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mcz

Good point:
Respect among community members

Discrimination -- Do not discriminate against people based on age,  
gender, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion, ideology, ideas,  
social class, nationality, race, intelligence, or any analogous grounds.
Profanity -- Do not curse or use hard language here. Social norms differ  
from place to place; hard language can deter people from our community.
Incivility -- Do not insult others here. Disagree and challenge ideas  

Does that go against free-speech? If it does, I'm fine with that. I  
definitely don't mind giving so much voice to intolerant propaganda. I mean  
What's happening in Croatia or Poland is not something I want to encourage in  
the name of free speech.

It makes me think about that Voltaire quote. Wait a second:
if you want to quote Voltaire on free speech, here’s something that he did  
write once, in his 1763 Treatise on Toleration: “The supposed right of  
intolerance is absurd and barbaric. It is the right of the tiger; nay, it is  
far worse, for tigers do but tear in order to have food, while we rend each  
other for paragraphs.” That’s something probably everybody on the  
Internet could stand to think about, ourselves included.if you want to quote  
Voltaire on free speech, here’s something that he did write once, in his  
1763 Treatise on Toleration: “The supposed right of intolerance is absurd  
and barbaric. It is the right of the tiger; nay, it is far worse, for tigers  
do but tear in order to have food, while we rend each other for  
paragraphs.” That’s something probably everybody on the Internet could  
stand to think about, ourselves included.

On the other hand, if it's not clearly defined, it's clearly a censorship  

So, what about the actual text? How loosely defined is it, in practice?

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas

Yeah, Costa Rica to be more specific.
¡vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz!

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread danigaritarojas
Have you even watch the video? In the video you see a video that got censured  
not because it was hate speech, but simply because interest.

"UN Envoy Cries for Gaza Children"

Also you can see more people that got silenced simply because interests in  
this video

You should watch this peaceful free speech while you can, you don't know when  
it will get banned too in France.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
Do you live in America? If so, why do you reserve such bad words for the EU,  
even though it doesn't affect you?
And if you live in Europe, why question whether user Loldier lives in  

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread calmstorm

I would +10 if i could.

Re: [Trisquel-users] netinstall; first timer's question

2016-06-03 Thread enduzzer
I think you can install a minimal base system from any ISO. Just do the text  
installer and leave all desktop out. Then install X and add MATE or any other  
DE. You'll have to install all other programs one by one if they are not  
included in MATE. The usual repos are there, so it's no big deal if you are  
missing a few bits. Add them when needed. That's how I did a base system and  
added X and CDE.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to translate sentences

2016-06-03 Thread alejandrohp

1. apertium version on its web is: 3.3.2. (2016-01-02)

When will Trisquel update this package?

2. apertium has a translation web: Could we use it  
or we must not because it is a SaaS?


[Trisquel-users] Re : netinstall; first timer's question

2016-06-03 Thread pinmaritim

Hi muhammed ;-)
You can remove unwanted/duplicate packages with Synaptic package Manager

The NetInstall will propose you eitheir a command line installation or a  
Text-based Installer(like Debian)

wiki |>
Noticing that the choice of Desktop Environment is either
(Gnome)?..(I am not sure seeing i have allways chosen Mini Environment)

Another alternative is Uruk 1.0 which has Maté as default Desktop and is a  
fork/respin of Trisquel

[Trisquel-users] netinstall; first timer's question

2016-06-03 Thread adel


I installed MATE [1] with Trisquel and noticed that I had a number of  
duplicate programs (eg. two different file browsers).

I can avoid duplicate programs with netinstall + MATE, right?  Are there any  
extra steps necessary for a fully functional desktop with GUI?  Will MATE  
launch automatically when I subsequently turn my computer on?

If I use netinstall+MATE, will I still have all the BASH programs (not sure  
how else to describe these) that I need to fix my computer fans [2] etc?



Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel installation - Checking

2016-06-03 Thread alejandrohp

30 sectors with errors... (sdb)

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread cjpaperbond
Why are you debating with me? I clearly stated what the European Union is  
doing is silly... they are censoring themselves! xD

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread cjpaperbond

Central America*

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop too hot - CPU (almost) always at 100%

2016-06-03 Thread andyprough
Do you only have an NMI Backtrace for CPU 0? My dmesg gives an output with  
backtrace for 4 CPU cores, some will have 2 (or more). Just do me a favor and  
check to be sure. Please post them if you have additional backtraces for  
additional CPU cores.

Also another question, do you have KDE installed? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installation problem of Trisquel 7 on laptop ASUS X554LA

2016-06-03 Thread anguriamelone

Hi! No, I haven't. Sorry, but how do I set the resolution in grub? Thanks

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sent an Email to about these 2 new Libre OS

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie
I think that if it is self-hosted by definition it should have its own  
repositories if it is building its own packages.
Although I think if you wanted a distribution on a shoestring you could make  
it completely source-based and just specify how things are built, rather like  
the Gentoo packages. It could still qualify that way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread dooleyn
Have you evidence to support your statement that Sanders is a communist? He  
describes his politcial views as democratic socialism which is not the same  
as communism. You may want to look up the difference. Plus nobody calls Duke  
a communist either as you say. His views are actually more aligned with the  
hard right than the hard left.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop too hot - CPU (almost) always at 100%

2016-06-03 Thread gnuser
If anyone else is interested in helping me out, here is the output of the  

[ 6929.704528] NMI backtrace for cpu 0
[ 6929.704533] CPU 0
[ 6929.704536] Modules linked in: bnep rfcomm bluetooth binfmt_misc xfs  
ip6t_REJECT xt_hl ip6t_rt nf_conntrack_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv6 ipt_REJECT xt_LOG  
xt_limit xt_tcpudp xt_addrtype xt_conntrack acer_wmi sparse_keymap  
ip6table_filter ip6_tables snd_hda_codec_hdmi nf_conntrack_netbios_ns  
nf_conntrack_broadcast nf_nat_ftp nf_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4  
snd_hda_codec_realtek nf_conntrack_ftp nf_conntrack iptable_filter  
snd_hda_intel snd_hda_codec snd_hwdep ip_tables x_tables snd_pcm uvcvideo  
videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops dm_multipath microcode snd_page_alloc  
videobuf2_core videodev snd_seq_midi snd_seq_midi_event snd_rawmidi snd_seq  
arc4 k10temp joydev scsi_dh edac_core serio_raw edac_mce_amd snd_seq_device  
snd_timer snd ath9k soundcore ath9k_common ath9k_hw ath mac80211 cfg80211  
sp5100_tco i2c_piix4 shpchp mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport btrfs  
libcrc32c zlib_deflate xts gf128mul dm_crypt raid10 raid456 async_memcpy  
async_raid6_recov async_pq async_xor xor async_tx raid6_pq raid1 raid0  
multipath linear dm_mirror dm_region_hash dm_log ums_realtek usb_storage  
radeon psmouse tg3 i2c_algo_bit ttm drm_kms_helper drm video wmi

[ 6929.704705]
[ 6929.704711] Pid: 3062, comm: bash Not tainted 3.4.112-gnu1 #1
[ 6929.704723] RIP: 0010:[]  [] __bitmap_empty+0x4/0x90
[ 6929.704742] RSP: 0018:88007c623e10  EFLAGS: 0096
[ 6929.704747] RAX:  RBX:  RCX:  
[ 6929.704753] RDX:  RSI: 0100 RDI:  
[ 6929.704759] RBP: 88007c623e28 R08: 013f R09:  
[ 6929.704765] R10:  R11:  R12:  
[ 6929.704770] R13: 0286 R14: 0004 R15:  

[ 6929.704777] FS:  7f5c6315e740() GS:88010fc0()  

[ 6929.704784] CS:  0010 DS:  ES:  CR0: 80050033
[ 6929.704789] CR2: 7f5c627dc000 CR3: 325ca000 CR4:  
[ 6929.704795] DR0:  DR1:  DR2:  

[ 6929.704801] DR3:  DR6: 0ff0 DR7:  
[ 6929.704807] Process bash (pid: 3062, threadinfo 88007c622000, task  

[ 6929.704812] Stack:
[ 6929.704816]  81034d26  006c  
[ 6929.704825]  813e110e 88007c623e78 813e14f9  
[ 6929.704833]  0002 fffb 8800cf2d7d00  

[ 6929.704842] Call Trace:
[ 6929.704854]  [] ? arch_trigger_all_cpu_backtrace+0x86/0xa0
[ 6929.704866]  [] sysrq_handle_showallcpus+0xe/0x10
[ 6929.704875]  [] __handle_sysrq+0x129/0x190
[ 6929.704884]  [] ? __handle_sysrq+0x190/0x190
[ 6929.704893]  [] write_sysrq_trigger+0x4a/0x50
[ 6929.704902]  [] proc_reg_write+0x84/0xc0
[ 6929.704911]  [] vfs_write+0xc8/0x190
[ 6929.704918]  [] sys_write+0x51/0x90
[ 6929.704928]  [] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
[ 6929.704932] Code: 89 45 f0 48 89 45 b8 48 8d 45 d0 4c 89 4d f8 c7 45 b0 10  
00 00 00 48 89 45 c0 e8 38 ff ff ff c9 c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 44 8d 46 3f  f6  
55 44 0f 49 c6 31 d2 48 89 e5 41 c1 f8 06 45 85 c0 7e 24

[ 6929.704998] Call Trace:
[ 6929.705005]  [] ? arch_trigger_all_cpu_backtrace+0x86/0xa0
[ 6929.705015]  [] sysrq_handle_showallcpus+0xe/0x10
[ 6929.705023]  [] __handle_sysrq+0x129/0x190
[ 6929.705032]  [] ? __handle_sysrq+0x190/0x190
[ 6929.705040]  [] write_sysrq_trigger+0x4a/0x50
[ 6929.705048]  [] proc_reg_write+0x84/0xc0
[ 6929.705055]  [] vfs_write+0xc8/0x190
[ 6929.705062]  [] sys_write+0x51/0x90
[ 6929.705070]  [] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b

Re: [Trisquel-users] EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread mnaus

Let's look at this from a different angle:

Just because a private property is located on and accessible from a public  
road, doesn't mean you can enter that property.  If you enter that property,  
that does not mean that you are free to do as you please. It is still private  

For example, the entrance to my home can be accessed from a public road. If I  
let you in my house and say, "You can stay as long as you are civil", then  
you better be civil or you can leave (actually, if you are so 'uncivil' to  
the point of hate speech--you might not be able to leave my house; OK OK,  
you'll leave...but in a pine box!)

Apply this to private websites that can be reached from public roads (the  
internet). You do not have to join those websites by signing up and making a  
promise to abide by their rules.  If you do, however, why are you surprised  
they will exercise control of their own property and enforce the agreement  
you signed.

Incidentally, and this is really germane to this entire thread, here is a  
relevant part of the agreement we all signed in order to be able to post on  
these threads:

Respect among community members

Discrimination -- Do not discriminate against people based on age,  
gender, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion, ideology, ideas,  
social class, nationality, race, intelligence, or any analogous grounds.
Profanity -- Do not curse or use hard language here. Social norms differ  
from place to place; hard language can deter people from our community.
Incivility -- Do not insult others here. Disagree and challenge ideas  

Code of conduct

The forum / mailing lists exist to foster the development and use of  
Trisquel. Non-constructive or off-topic messages, along with other abuses,  
are not welcome.

Do not send spam.
Send all of your post / e-mails in English. Only use other languages on  
forum / mailing lists where that is explicitly allowed.

Avoid sending large attachments.
Try not to flame; it is not polite.
Use common sense all the time.

These parts are decisive:

Profanity -- Do not curse or use hard language here. Social norms differ from  
place to place; hard language can deter people from our community.

Incivility -- Do not insult others here. Disagree and challenge ideas  

Based on the following, you might be able to argue that this thread should  
exist in the Troll Hole. One can make a stronger argument that it shouldn't  
exist in these forums at all:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Laptop too hot - CPU (almost) always at 100%

2016-06-03 Thread gnuser
Here, I think this is it. The problem is happening right now, and again, I  
had left it for about an half an hour. When I got back the CPU was at 100%  
and after I entered my password again (to unlock the OS) and ran the commands  
you posted, here is the output:

[ 6929.704528] NMI backtrace for cpu 0
[ 6929.704533] CPU 0
[ 6929.704536] Modules linked in: bnep rfcomm bluetooth binfmt_misc xfs  
ip6t_REJECT xt_hl ip6t_rt nf_conntrack_ipv6 nf_defrag_ipv6 ipt_REJECT xt_LOG  
xt_limit xt_tcpudp xt_addrtype xt_conntrack acer_wmi sparse_keymap  
ip6table_filter ip6_tables snd_hda_codec_hdmi nf_conntrack_netbios_ns  
nf_conntrack_broadcast nf_nat_ftp nf_nat nf_conntrack_ipv4 nf_defrag_ipv4  
snd_hda_codec_realtek nf_conntrack_ftp nf_conntrack iptable_filter  
snd_hda_intel snd_hda_codec snd_hwdep ip_tables x_tables snd_pcm uvcvideo  
videobuf2_vmalloc videobuf2_memops dm_multipath microcode snd_page_alloc  
videobuf2_core videodev snd_seq_midi snd_seq_midi_event snd_rawmidi snd_seq  
arc4 k10temp joydev scsi_dh edac_core serio_raw edac_mce_amd snd_seq_device  
snd_timer snd ath9k soundcore ath9k_common ath9k_hw ath mac80211 cfg80211  
sp5100_tco i2c_piix4 shpchp mac_hid parport_pc ppdev lp parport btrfs  
libcrc32c zlib_deflate xts gf128mul dm_crypt raid10 raid456 async_memcpy  
async_raid6_recov async_pq async_xor xor async_tx raid6_pq raid1 raid0  
multipath linear dm_mirror dm_region_hash dm_log ums_realtek usb_storage  
radeon psmouse tg3 i2c_algo_bit ttm drm_kms_helper drm video wmi

[ 6929.704705]
[ 6929.704711] Pid: 3062, comm: bash Not tainted 3.4.112-gnu1 #1
[ 6929.704723] RIP: 0010:[]  [] __bitmap_empty+0x4/0x90
[ 6929.704742] RSP: 0018:88007c623e10  EFLAGS: 0096
[ 6929.704747] RAX:  RBX:  RCX:  
[ 6929.704753] RDX:  RSI: 0100 RDI:  
[ 6929.704759] RBP: 88007c623e28 R08: 013f R09:  
[ 6929.704765] R10:  R11:  R12:  
[ 6929.704770] R13: 0286 R14: 0004 R15:  

[ 6929.704777] FS:  7f5c6315e740() GS:88010fc0()  

[ 6929.704784] CS:  0010 DS:  ES:  CR0: 80050033
[ 6929.704789] CR2: 7f5c627dc000 CR3: 325ca000 CR4:  
[ 6929.704795] DR0:  DR1:  DR2:  

[ 6929.704801] DR3:  DR6: 0ff0 DR7:  
[ 6929.704807] Process bash (pid: 3062, threadinfo 88007c622000, task  

[ 6929.704812] Stack:
[ 6929.704816]  81034d26  006c  
[ 6929.704825]  813e110e 88007c623e78 813e14f9  
[ 6929.704833]  0002 fffb 8800cf2d7d00  

[ 6929.704842] Call Trace:
[ 6929.704854]  [] ? arch_trigger_all_cpu_backtrace+0x86/0xa0
[ 6929.704866]  [] sysrq_handle_showallcpus+0xe/0x10
[ 6929.704875]  [] __handle_sysrq+0x129/0x190
[ 6929.704884]  [] ? __handle_sysrq+0x190/0x190
[ 6929.704893]  [] write_sysrq_trigger+0x4a/0x50
[ 6929.704902]  [] proc_reg_write+0x84/0xc0
[ 6929.704911]  [] vfs_write+0xc8/0x190
[ 6929.704918]  [] sys_write+0x51/0x90
[ 6929.704928]  [] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
[ 6929.704932] Code: 89 45 f0 48 89 45 b8 48 8d 45 d0 4c 89 4d f8 c7 45 b0 10  
00 00 00 48 89 45 c0 e8 38 ff ff ff c9 c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 44 8d 46 3f  f6  
55 44 0f 49 c6 31 d2 48 89 e5 41 c1 f8 06 45 85 c0 7e 24

[ 6929.704998] Call Trace:
[ 6929.705005]  [] ? arch_trigger_all_cpu_backtrace+0x86/0xa0
[ 6929.705015]  [] sysrq_handle_showallcpus+0xe/0x10
[ 6929.705023]  [] __handle_sysrq+0x129/0x190
[ 6929.705032]  [] ? __handle_sysrq+0x190/0x190
[ 6929.705040]  [] write_sysrq_trigger+0x4a/0x50
[ 6929.705048]  [] proc_reg_write+0x84/0xc0
[ 6929.705055]  [] vfs_write+0xc8/0x190
[ 6929.705062]  [] sys_write+0x51/0x90
[ 6929.705070]  [] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b

I don't see why this is happening, since there is nothing appearing  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sent an Email to about these 2 new Libre OS

2016-06-03 Thread pinmaritim

C'est exact Monsieur Root ;-)

Self hosted
It's own repositories (?)
& packages 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Windows 7 and 8 users are starting to disable Windows Update entirely. Yikes.

2016-06-03 Thread tegskywalker
Google is also getting behind Vulkan for Android which could help adoption. I  
believe Unreal Engine 4.12 now supports Vulkan for Android. It's too bad that  
Android got support before GNU/Linux and Windows.

[Trisquel-users] Re : EU: All your internet are belong to us

2016-06-03 Thread lcerf

My opinions (if anybody cares):

No *speech* should ever be outlawed (what ultimately makes disgusting speech  
stronger with the argument: "we are right; that is why they censor us") in  
the public space, Internet included: anyone should be allowed to write/say  
whatever (s)he wants on his/her *own* site/newspaper/radio or TV  

Google/Facebook/Twitter/etc. can apply, on *their* sites, any rule they want;
If those rules involve editing/removing content, then  
Google/Facebook/Twitter/etc. should be considered "editors" and be held  
responsible of anything written on their sites (like newspapers' editors);
No law should ever apply to a specific set of corporations (doing so - but  
does it? - the EU implies that Google/Facebook/Twitter/etc. are the whole Web  
and that they are in charge of its governance);

Re: [Trisquel-users] Sent an Email to about these 2 new Libre OS

2016-06-03 Thread jason
Yep, and that's not until their problems are fixed: Last time it was  
evaluated the installer doesn't actually install LibertyBSD. It installs  
OpenBSD instead!  
has a link to a screenshot.

They replied saying they'd fix it:

But that was February and we're now in June. I'm not sure how that fits in  
with the FSF's criteria of having a "commitment to correct mistakes"...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is your favorite search engine and why?

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie

La Quadrature du Net! Merci beaucoup!

Re: [Trisquel-users] When will Trisquel 8.0 (Flidas) release?

2016-06-03 Thread dguthrie


Re: [Trisquel-users] Which is your favorite search engine and why?

2016-06-03 Thread greatgnu


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