Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm Thinking about doing a free software Community(Forum)

2018-01-02 Thread mason

While this is a good idea, your work on Uruk might be more important.

[Trisquel-users] trouble with

2018-01-07 Thread mason

I saw that there are new ISOs up here

and decided to test the 64-bit one.

I was not able to get a working display manager or desktop environment from  
the text installer or graphical installer. The text installer couldn't  
complete the step where I select a DE. The graphical installer appeared to  
work, but upon rebooting I got a black screen with no display manager. I  
opened a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+F1 and was able to determine that MATE was  

I have submitted a bug report and reinstalled Trisquel 8 from the previous  
ISO from 6/19. However, if I can I would like to test the new ISO to verify  
that these issues

are indeed fixed (23470 did not appear to be, as once I had a terminal open I  
could not find the firmware package via 'apt-cache search') and see if any  
other issues have been resolved.

Has anyone successfully installed Trisquel 8 from the 12/24 ISO? If so, what  
did you have to do to get it working.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trouble with

2018-01-07 Thread mason
The title of this thread was supposed to be 'trouble with new Flidas ISOs  
from 12/14)

Re: [Trisquel-users] trouble with

2018-01-07 Thread mason

Do you have any idea what I might have done wrong?

I burned the 64-bit ISO using
$ sudo dd if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=8M;sync
and attempted to install on a librebooted X60. When that didn't work I  
started over with a fresh download of the ISO.

The exact same steps work fine with the 6/19 ISO.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trouble with

2018-01-07 Thread mason
I tried again with Startup Disk Creator and had the same problem. I just get  
a black screen with a cursors. Sometimes I get an iwl3945 missing firmware  
message, but I don't think that's the issue because it always happens in  
Trisquel until I blacklist the non-free WiFi device.

I tried running startx from a terminal and got 'xinit: unable to connect to X  
server: Connection refused'. Then I tried 'sudo lightdm' and just got the  
black screen + cursor.

This time I also tried running live with 'Try Trisquel Without Installing'  
and even then had the same problem: just a black screen and cursor.

Could it be a libreboot issue? Is this the link you downloaded the ISO from?

Re: [Trisquel-users] trouble with

2018-01-07 Thread mason
Yes, sometimes Startup Disk Creator doesn't work well and dd works better.  
That was the case with the previous Flidas ISO. With this ISO however I run  
into the same problem with either method.

Re: [Trisquel-users] trouble with

2018-01-07 Thread mason
I tried 'apt-cache search ath9k' and got no results, but given the other  
issues I was having I doubt my experience is representative of a working  

I can't afford to go too many more hours without a working system, so I've  
installed Trisquel 7 and will use this as an opportunity to test the upgrade  
process to Trisquel 8, since I don't have enough RAM to test in a virtual  
machine. Next weekend I'll give the new ISO another shot. How would I go  
about saving logs of future attempts?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-11 Thread mason
Just a heads up that the way you've started quoting text does work in the  
mailing list making this very difficult to read.

> Nothing wrong at all. I just wanted to accent...

I think we basically agree here. I brought this up to explain why invoking  
'freedom 0' was not effective in the Mozilla thread, and we're past that.

> Hence my idea about a new network.

This is probably worth starting a new thread over.

> You can also try wireshark.

Will do.

> That is in no way different from Ubuntu's case or from Mozilla's telemetry.

Yes, I avoid Ubuntu and Firefox as well. I use modified versions (Trisquel  
and Tor Browser) by more privacy- and freedom-friendly developers. I would  
also be open a similarly modified version of Chromium but am not aware of  

> Chromium does not send packets to any third party on startup.

Am I missing something? You filed a bug report because it does, right?

> Why are you more concerned about licensing while your browser is sending  
packets to company X, Y, Z?

I am concerned with both. While software freedom and privacy are two  
different issues, lack of software freedom makes it easier for software to  
abuse its users, including by invading their privacy. I would be interested  
to know what packets are sent from Tor Browser and how. If they contain no  
identifying information and are sent through the Tor network then they do not  
invade my privacy because the information has nothing to do with me and no  
one knows it came from me. Of course, I would feel more comfortable with it  
not being sent at all, but it's certainly not worth switching to Chromium  

I suggest that you approach the Tor developers as you have with Mozilla,  
Google, and RMS. I can do it myself if you don't have time, but you'd be able  
to do it much more quickly because you've already learned how to run these  
tests and articulate your findings.

> Purism's phone...
> It is still not produced, so nobody can possibly evaluate it.

If the device connects to the cell network, we do not need to evaluate the  
device to know that it will track you.

> But from what I know there will be complete hardware separation between the  
modem and the rest of the system. So you can use it as a pocket libre  
computer, hopefully without any coreboot or whatever firmware blobs,  
otherwise it won't be much different from a Samsung + Replicant.

If they made a pocket libre computer with no modem I'd be fine with them  
saying it doesn't track you. If it's a phone it does. Good modem isolation  
can limit the amount of information that your modem accesses, but the modem  
only needs to connect the cell network for you to be tracked.

> So basically the only tracking will be possible through the location of the  
phone based on nearby mobile stations (which perhaps cannot be avoided if one  
wants to talk to anybody).

> I don't but thanks for the info. What you describe is similar to Librem5.

No, it's completely different. I won't lengthen this message by explaining  
JMP since you don't live in North America and the information won't benefit  
you right now, but unlike what Purism is proposing, JMP requires no modem or  
connection to the cell network. Purism's marketing for their phones hasn't  
really been on my radar until now, but many people are already ignorant of  
the issues with cell phones and Purism could do some real damage if they  
spread misinformation just to sell their product.

> FB (and many other sites) won't allow you to sign up/in with a disposable  
email address (they seem to recognize the domains).

As an experiment I tried making a Facebook account through Tor with a  
disposable email address. It rejected the first domain I tried but accepted  
the second one. However, it eventually wouldn't let me advance without  
uploading a picture of my face, at which point I gave up. Anyway, the fact  
that Facebook rejects some disposable email address is far from the only  
reason to avoid Facebook. I avoid any site that prevents me from accessing it  

> I can't find any site which gives disposable email without JS, so there is  
still no possibility for complete untraceable anonymity

The one's linked to from the FSF use libre JavaScript. If you don't trust the  
FSF's evaluation of the code, you can review it yourself or find someone who  
can. JavaScript is a programming language like any other. Avoiding every  
single instance of JavaScript is unnecessary. We don't need to avoid every  
single instance of C just because some proprietary and/or malicious software  
is written in that language. Unless the JS on those sites compromises  
anonymity (which it might. I never learned JavaScript and have not audited  
the code, relying on the FSF's judgement) it is not an obstacle to anonymity.

> So far I haven't found a single online service provider who can guarantee a  
clean and completely tested system

Sure, really the only way to be certai

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-12 Thread mason
Ugh. I spent a long time writing a message and then accidentally deleted it.  
I can't afford the time it would take to fully reconstruct it, so this will  
not be the full response that many of your points deserve.

The forum is mirrored to a mailing list which you can join here:

I understand that the forum is being reworked. In the meantime, to ensure  
that forum posts are readable for mailing list users, avoid relying on html  
for coherence and update your comments by replying to them instead of editing  

If you want to start a thread that will be of interest to people here but  
that you are afraid is too far off-topic from Trisquel, the Troll Lounge is  
good for meaningful but off-topic discussions.

Although Tor Browser is as libre as Firefox and more so than Chromium, the  
reason I use is for privacy. I agree that we *shouldn't* need anonymity to  
protect our privacy, but right now we do. If Tor Browser sends the same data  
Firefox does and it is either deanonymizing or not sent through the Tor  
network then that is a serious bug. (If you find that this is the case, I'm  
sure it can be addressed if you report it here: However, if the data is not  
identifying and is sent through the Tor network than it is irrelevant as far  
as privacy is concerned, eliminating Chromium's advantage on this one point.  
When it comes to other potential privacy issies, I see Chromium as far more  
risky than Tor Browser. In many situations on the internet the only way to  
protect your privacy is to avoid them entirely, or engage with them  
anonymously. The former option is crippling, and more isolating than the  
latter. Outside the context of the issue you are testing among browsers,  
Google and Chromium have a far worse track record than Mozilla and Firefox,  
and while Tor developers have an incentive to find and fix privacy issues  
from Firefox, Chromium developers have an incentive to create as many privacy  
issues as they can get away with and only have an incentive to remove them  
after they get caught and if there is enough outrage. Unless Firefox has an  
extraordinarily massive flaw we are unaware of that cannot be fixed in Tor  
Browser, the hypothetical privacy gained from switching to Chromium, assuming  
it is better overall than Firefox in situations outside of the one you are  
testing, is far less than the actual privacy lost by failing to protect my  
privacy from many parties, not just Google and Mozilla, with anonymity.

I understand your point about this not being a long-term solution. Many of  
your points are about identifying things that are not long-term solutions,  
and that is valuable because without long-term planning the good guys have no  
chance of winning. However, if the bad guys win anyway then all that will  
have mattered is mitigation of the harm to our lives, our communities, and  
the people we care about, so I do not consider mitigating actions petty. We  
have to do both.

As you point out, the best long term solutions are those that replace  
important but harmful technologies, rather than isolate ourselves from them.  
Just as important as the new technologies is a path toward transitioning from  
the old technologies. I see Denver Gingerich's work with JMP and WOM to be a  
very promising plan. It is already possible to use JMP to send and receive  
texts and calls without a SIM card. No need to choose between isolating  
yourself and being tracked. Having integrated with the cell network, the next  
steps are to create advantages to using JMP over connecting the cell network  
directly, and finally replace it. Good old EEE. Thanks Micro$oft. Diaspora  
takes a similar approach with respect to Facebook, but I am more skeptical of  
it. I have some ideas about ethical and pracical social media that I am still  
organizing and are outside the scope of this thread.

As for JavaScript, you are right to avoid it when you can. However, no  
individual can review every line of code in all software they use, whether  
it's JS for a disposable email address or the Linux kernel. JavaScript is  
unique in that many people install JavaScript programs everyday with out  
knowing it (hence my suggestion for how browsers could better frame the issue  
for uninformed users), but if you are as cautious about installing software  
written in JavaScript as you are with any other software it is no worse than  
C or Python. This is a good essay that probably won't tell you anything you  
don't already know about the problem but has some good insight as to possible  

> even with the risk of my scepticism being considered close to insanity :)

You aren't insane. The world is. That said, don't let perfect be the enemy of  
the less-awful-option-until-we-maybe-solve-the-problem-for-real-one-day.

I didn't touch the capitalism 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerable to meltdown?

2018-01-18 Thread mason
You could download a more recent kernel from jxself's repo.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-19 Thread mason

> I think I have already done that. Right now I find Chromium least worse
> because of the results of the test

Perhaps it is because of your time investment in your test that you weight  
your test far too heavily. Your complaints are reasonable, but there is also  
a reasonable explanation for why those compromises are made, even if we  
disagree with Mozilla that the compromises are worth it. Firefox and its  
derivatives would be better than they are now if it were easier to configure  
for full privacy, but this one situation is not so damning that it is  
automatically worse than Chromium.

> + the ability to use uBO and uMatrix

These addons are available in FF derivatives, and uBO is even installed by  
default in Abrowser, so you do not need to rely on a developer whose business  
model is selling your privacy.

> Tor is slow

I'm sure that Chromium is significantly faster than Tor Browser, but I value  
freedom and privacy over convenience.

> (and some sites won't work with it).

Some sites accidentally blacklist some exit relays and you'll have to switch  
to another relay, but I assume you are referring to sites that systemically  
blacklist all Tor relays (Yelp and are a few that I've  
noticed). If you value your privacy I suggest that you avoid such sites, as  
their only motivation for forcing you to identify yourself is if they intend  
to collect information about you. No matter how good your browser is, it also  
takes safe browsing habits to protect your privacy.

> Let's not forget also that browsers
> like IceCat and other forks which have not updated their code up to FF 57
> basis still don't have the new fixes about Meltdown for example.

Meltdown has been patched in the Linux kernel, but Abrowser is based on 57  
anyway, and unlike Chromium has no profit incentive to violate your privacy  
and no history of doing so in a very serious way.

> I think we should also mention without any bias that Google's experts are
> very good at security.

Security and privacy are both important but are different. As Magic Banana  
has pointed out they are sometimes at odds with each other, forcing a  
compromise. In Google's case they are almost always at odds with each other,  
as their first solution for security is generally to compromise privacy. Any  
account you have with them or info you store with them, they protect by  
tracking your location and locking your account when it is accessed from a  
suspicious location (or through Tor). The only way to unlock your account is  
with a phone number, so if you don't give them your phone number you risk  
losing access to your data. Magic Banana pointed out that the reason phishing  
blacklists can't be decentralized the way you want them to be is that Google  
won't allow it. That's the problem with a company who doesn't value your  
right to privacy (and in Google's case, your privacy is their product): They  
have no reason to seek security solutions that protect your privacy, and be  
avoiding them it gives them an excuse to violate your privacy in the name of  
"saftey." It's a trap.

As you have correctly pointed out, using software you have not written or  
fully audited yourself relies on trust. Trust always comes with risk, and you  
must evaluate that risk based on how untrustworthy the developer is. Firefox  
is not fully trustworthy (though far more so than Google, since they have a  
better track record and their business model does not rely on violating your  
privacy), but if serious privacy disrespeecting features slipped into Tor  
Browser, Abrowser, or Icecat it would be by accident and there is probability  
(though not certainty) that the developers can catch and fix it. This reduces  
the probabilty of a serious privacy violation in those browsers. Chromium, on  
the other hand has already been proven to have a serious privacy violation,  
and it was only removed after they got caught, so there is no reason to  
believe that they will remove any additional ones until they get caught  
again. Why would they? If Google created a privacy-respecting alternative to  
Chrome, they would lose money, so they would be fools not to insert as many  
antiprivacy antifeatures as they think they can get away with. Of course,  
Chromium is not an "alternative" to Chrome. It is the part of Chrome's  
development process that exploits the labor of free software developers. This  
is another reason not to remove privacy issues from Chromium: it would create  
the extra work of putting them back into Chrome.

Finally, you are the one who says that we should not settle for short-term  
solutions, and relying on the least privacy-respecting company in the world  
to protect your privacy is not a long-term solution.

> I have bookmarked (in order to look at later)

Cool, I'll take a look.

> I also learned to download files with public access from Google Drive
> without having to log in to Google 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-19 Thread mason

Yikes. I avoid saving passwords in my browser as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] installed Thunderbird in terminal but I don't see it

2018-01-28 Thread mason
If I may interject, you are referring to  
GNU/there_can_not_be_better_mail_client, or as I've taken to calling it  
recently, NeoMutt+vimkeybindings.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2018-03-04 Thread mason

With a fresh install of Uruk, I ran

$ git clone
$ cd debian-guix-installer
$ make
$ sudo dpkg -i guix-installer.deb

and got

(Reading database ... 259417 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack guix-installer.deb ...
Unpacking guix (0.14.0) over (0.14.0) ...
Setting up guix (0.14.0) ...

I then ran

$ guix package -i hello

and got

bash: guix: command not found

and ~/.guix-profile was not created.

Is there a step I'm missing? I tried

$ sudo apt install guix

and got

guix is already the newest version (0.14.0)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2018-03-05 Thread mason
Thank you for clarifying. With a fresh install of the Trisquel 8 ISO from  
6/18 I ran

$ git clone
$ cd debian-guix-installer
$ make
$ sudo dpkg -i guix-installer.deb
$ sudo /gnu/guix_installer/setup
$ guix package -i hello

and everything worked as expected. Thanks!

Re: [Trisquel-users] SNAP, a door to non free software!

2018-03-12 Thread mason
It works (see screenshot). Spotify and other proprietary software are also  
recommended in Gnome Software Center (see other screenshot). I reported the  
latter as a licensing issue

months ago, but had not actually attempted installing any proprietary to see  
if it would work. Apparently it does.

Even after running

$ snap remove spotify

Gnome Software still says it's installed. When I try to remove it within  
Gnome Software I get

"Detailed errors from the package manager follow: snapd returned status code  
400: Bad Request"

Gnome Software is pretty buggy to begin with, so hopefully Spotify is indeed  
no longer installed. I may reinstall Trisquel to be safe though.

Perhaps snapd should be temporarily removed until this is issue fixed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas Artwork

2018-04-02 Thread mason
The new wallpaper is growing on me, but as an experiment I tried to make it  
feel a little more congruent with the icon theme. I took the original  
(flidas.jpg) and the color gradient of the home folder icon (blue.png) and  
decomposed both images into LAB components. I then recomposed the lightness  
component of flidas.png with the color components of blue.png  
(flidas-blue.png). Screenshot as wallpaper (screenshot.png) is attached. I  
don't know how to take a screenshot from lightdm, but I think it looks better  
as a background there too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas Artwork

2018-04-07 Thread mason
Sure! The image attached in my comment is lower resolution than the original  
because the full resolution image exceeded the maximum upload size. Where  
should I upload the full resolution image?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas Artwork

2018-04-07 Thread mason
Here are some screenshots using the both the original background and the  
bluified one for comparison. My version isn't necessarily better. The colors  
in the original are beautiful and more interesting than the blue version, but  
I think the blue works better with some of the icons and makes the white text  
on the desktop more readable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does PlayOnLinux work with Trisquel 8?

2018-04-08 Thread mason
When you quote text this way, the two left angle brackets you use to end the  
quote and all text following get left out of the message sent to the mailing  
list. I don't know why this is, but if you stick with only the two right  
angle brackets at the beginning of each quoted paragraph this won't happen,  
and it will still be clear which text is part of a quote.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Getting Trisquel 8 Working on Macs

2018-04-12 Thread mason
Does bootcamp the Mac Mini recognize other distros as Windows? I wonder if  
there is any way to fix this on Trisquel's end, or if bootcamp assumes that  
anything that isn't macOS is Windows. It's a cosmetic issue that can be  
clarified in the documentation, but it could confuse someone.

More importantly, it seems like Trisquel 8 has worked with - GrevenGull's  
iMac (2008)

- your Mac Mini (2009)
- GrevenGull's MacBook (2012)
- and my friend's MacBook (2012).

and has not worked with
- strypey's wife's MacBook (7-8 years old, so 2011-ish)
- your MacBook Air (2015)

If it weren't for strypey's wife's MacBook this would make me think that the  
problem is only with newer MacBooks. I have a friend with a MacBook retina  
(2015). I'll see if he'll let me try booting Trisquel on it.

I have another friend with a MacBook Retina from 2015. I'll see if he'll let  
me try booting Trisquel on that.

Have you tried bootcamp on your MacBook Air?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Getting Trisquel 8 Working on Macs

2018-04-12 Thread mason
Sorry, I didn't see your full post. All that was included in the message sent  
to the mailing list was "I've managed to get Debian, MInt and Trisquel to  
boot." This post is also missing the last paragraph in the email. Are you  
editing your comments after posting? If so, replying to your posts instead  
would be less confusing for mailing list users.

This page[1] seems to be down at the moment, but when it's back up I do  
suggest trying an earlier ISO. There have been changes from ISO to ISO that  
caused booting issues[2] for me until it was fixed in the 4/2 ISO. Maybe  
similar changes have affected booting on Macs. I'm totally guessing, though.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser and privacy

2018-04-20 Thread mason
Attached are the default user.js for Abrowser and Firefox, and a comparison  
of the two via diff.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Intel wifi

2018-04-20 Thread mason
That means that every other distro you have tried is non-free. Since Trisquel  
is a free replacement for Ubuntu, including non-free software would defeat  
the purpose.

You are of course free to install whatever software you choose on your own  
machine (Trisquel doesn't impose restrictions like some non-free systems),  
including the proprietary driver for your WiFi card, but it would be against  
community guidelines[1] to help you do so, so the best advice I can give is  
to use a USB dongle. I have one, and it works great.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Helping with translations ?

2018-04-20 Thread mason
If you are signed in, you can add or edit translations for any documentation  
page by navigating to it and clicking "Translate" under the title.

Re: [Trisquel-users] few questions before installing

2018-05-10 Thread mason

> Would u consider it a must for latest security updates in general?

I think that for the Spectre patch you need 4.14 or later. Trisquel gets 4.4  
from upstream Ubuntu, so if you want the Spectre patch I suggest installing  
4.14 from jxself's repo.

> Your script would help me a lot. I appreciate that.



# get i3-stuff (lock, status, etc.) but remove i3
sudo apt remove i3 && sudo apt remove i3

# get dependencies
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:aguignard/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libxcb1-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libpango1.0-dev  
libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libyajl-dev libstartup-notification0-dev  
libxcb-randr0-dev libev-dev libxcb-cursor-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev  
libxcb-xkb-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev autoconf libxcb-xrm-dev

# clone and build
sudo apt install git
cd /tmp
git clone i3-gaps
cd i3-gaps
autoreconf --force --install
rm -rf build/
mkdir -p build && cd build/
../configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --disable-sanitizers
sudo make install
rm -rf i3-gaps


Re: [Trisquel-users] guix on trisquel 8

2018-06-02 Thread mason

A few months ago a Trisquel user shared a deb package for installing Guix.

I have tested it with Trisquel 8 and it worked.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Tirsquel 8 upgrade disaster: windowing broken, panels broken etc.

2018-06-07 Thread mason
It does seem that way with Belenos -> Flidas. I wonder if this is true in  
general, or if it's an issue of the migration from GNOME to MATE and will be  
less of a problem with Flidas -> Etiona.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with OS after upgrade

2018-06-08 Thread mason
In a terminal, run "killall pulseaudio" and then run pulseaudio in a  
terminal. Then, try playing something in VLC, playing something in your  
browser, adjusting the sound applet in your panel, and opening and adjusting  
values in the volume menu. If any errors or warnings appear in the terminal  
from which you are running pulseaudio, paste them here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] No suspend or hibernate options in GnomeShell

2018-06-29 Thread mason

What happens if you open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run

systemctl suspend


systemctl hibernate

and press enter?

Re: [Trisquel-users] No suspend or hibernate options in GnomeShell

2018-06-29 Thread mason

For me GNOME suspends when I close the lid.

Install gnome-tweak-tool if you haven't already, run it, and go to 'Power'.  
There are two settings under 'When Laptop Lid is Closed', one for while  
plugged in and one for while on battery power. For me both are set to  
Suspend. There is also a setting call 'Don't suspend on lid close'. which for  
me is set to Off. If your settings are different, change them to match mine  
and see if that fixes the problem. If not, we'll keep looking.

Re: [Trisquel-users] free software to remove DRM from Adobe ACSM format

2018-08-05 Thread mason
From what I can gather, an .acsm file doesn't actually contain a ebook. It just 
contains a link that Adobe Digital Editions uses to download an ebook from 
Adobe's servers. I don't think that a free software program could download the 
ebook unless it was capable of making itself appear to be a copy of Adobe 
Digital Editions. That ebook *would* have DRM, and there might be free software 
capable of removing it, but I can't find any free software that can download 
the ebook in the first place using the .acsm file.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser won't let me connect with

2018-08-07 Thread mason
> Is this a bug?

As the message states, Abrowser is warning you that "The owner of 
has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being 
stolen, Abrowser has not connected to this website." If you click "Advanced" 
you'll see specifically what's wrong: uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate expired on July 26, 2018, 11:59:59 PM GMT. The current time is 
August 7, 2018, 5:57 PM.

So the site's security certificate expired recently and Abrowser no longer 
considered it valid. To visit the site anyway, you can either click "Add 
Exception" or use http instead of https. 

Description: PGP signature

[Trisquel-users] compose key in MATE reverting xmodmap during startup

2018-08-10 Thread mason
I use MATE, with i3 as the window manager. From my i3 config file I run this 
script when I log in.

xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
xcape -e '#66=Escape'
xcape -e '#65=space'

where ~/.Xmodmap contains this:

clear  lock 
clear  mod1
clear  mod2
clear  mod3
clear  mod4
clear  mod5
keycode  65 = Super_R 
keycode  66 = Hyper_L
keycode 254 = Escape
keycode 255 = space
keycode 108 = ISO_Level3_Shift
addmod1 = Alt_L Alt_R Meta_L
addmod2 = Num_Lock
addmod3 = Hyper_L
addmod4 = Super_L  Super_R
addmod5 = Mode_switch ISO_Level3_Shift

This remaps several keys according to my preferences.

Recently, I used mate-control-center to define a compose key. Ever since I did 
so, the keys are correctly remapped upon logging in only about 80% of the time. 
The rest of the time, the keys do not appear to be remapped at all.

If, during one of the sessions where the keys were not remapped correctly, I 
run the script manually, everything will be correct except that when I hit 
space bar, two spaces are output instead of one. If instead I just run

$ xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

and omit the xcape commands, everything is correct. I also find that, during a 
normal session, running just

$ xcape -e '#65=space'

also causes space bar to output two spaces. It seems that in the sessions where 
the keymappings appear not to work, the xcape commands have in fact been 
executed correctly. It's just not noticable because all they do is restore the 
original behavior of the keys when used on their own after xmodmap has altered 
their behavior when used as a modifier. The problem, then, is with the xmodmap 

I find that if, during a normal session, I reset the compose key in MATE 
control center, I reach the same state as during the abnormal sessions: The 
custom keymappings are gone, and running xmodmap restores them while running 
the complete script results in the two spaces issue. It seems that setting the 
compose key undoes the xmodmap command.

My suspicion is that most of the time MATE sets the compose key before xmodmap 
is run, but sometimes xmodmap is run first and is reverted when the compose key 
is set.

If I am correct, then I see three possible solutions: (a) Find a terminal 
command for setting the compose key that does not depend on MATE, and make that 
the first line of the keymapping script, (b) find a way to ensure that MATE 
never starts i3 until after it has set the compose key, or (c) run the 
keymapping script from somewhere other than my i3 config file (I already tried 
adding it to Startup Applications in mate-control-center, and xmodmap gets 
reverted every time). 

Does anyone know how to do acheive any of these things or have any other ideas?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Redshift on Trisquel 8

2018-08-13 Thread mason
> I cannot
> seem to find the .config directory.

It's in your home folder. Since it begins with "." it will be hidden by 
default. If you're using a graphical file manager like Caja or Nautilus you'll 
need to use "Ctrl+H" to see it.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Download Youtube videos

2018-08-13 Thread mason
> The FSF says youtube-dl is OK now.

I'm glad to hear this, but I wish I could find more information. The most 
detailed explanation I can find is a comment[1] from Leah saying that the 
non-free JS is only parsed to acquire the video URL, not executed. This is 
enough to satisfy me that youtube-dl is fine freedom-wise, so I'll begin 
recommending it over avideo. However, I'm curious to know why parsing the JS is 
necessary for some videos and not others.

I find that the videos least likely to work with avideo are those of a song, 
either as a music video or as a video containing only audio and a static image 
or lyrics. Anything posted by VEVO, by YouTube's auto-generated "- Topic" 
channels, or from a popular artist's official channel never works with avideo. 
Videos containing songs that are uploaded by regular users occasionally work. 
User-uploads of live recordings work more often than album recordings, and the 
more popular the artist is the less likely it is to work.

These observations have led me to suspect that the JS has something to do with 
the music industry enforcing their copyright restrictions. As long as we don't 
have to exectute the JS to access the video it is not a problem at this time, 
but I'd be interested to know what is the purpose of the JS and why it is 
encountered only for certain videos.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Java installable in Trisquel 8?

2018-08-14 Thread mason
On 08/15, wrote:
> Now I want to install I2P which also requires Java. Is it usable now in
> Trisquel 8?

I succesfully installed I2P on Trisquel 8 a few months ago. I don't remember 
exactly what I did, but I started from this page

and didn't run into any particular problems. 

I think the package 'openjdk-8-jre' might be what you need. It's definitely 

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] YouTube search appears to work without Javascript

2018-08-15 Thread mason
> Still a YouTube bar
> at the top with a blank gray page.

Same here, whether I use NoScript or disable JS globally.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Errors when I update packages

2018-08-15 Thread mason
That mirror is down. Switch to a different one. See:

This seems to be affecting a lot of people. Can we expect this mirror to go 
back up? If not, is there a fix other than telling users one-at-a-time how to 
switch to a different mirror when they ask the forum why they can't update?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Java installable in Trisquel 8?

2018-08-15 Thread mason
> "";

This mirror is down. Use a different one. See: 

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Login screen with different wallpapers

2018-08-15 Thread mason
> How can I know which login manager I have installed and running right now?

$ cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager

It's probably lightdm.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird output when trying to update

2018-08-16 Thread mason
A more detailed solution for me to link back to next time someone has this 

- From the main menu, launch System -> Administration -> Software & Updates
- Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Download from:"
- Select "Main Server"
- Click "Close"
- In the window that pops up, click "Reload"
- If update is successful, click "Install now"

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weird output when trying to update

2018-08-16 Thread mason
> How was an ordinary person supposed to figure out

No idea. I've submitted a bug report[1] and hope this gets addressed soon.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-20 Thread mason

Like the binary distributed by Micro$oft, this appears to be proprietary.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF Membership card

2018-08-20 Thread mason
It might be better to pick some threads in the troll lounge to necro instead.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-20 Thread mason
> callousness of microsoft,
> and callousness of systemd devs.

I know that systemd is not your preferred init system, but do you really think 
Red Hat and Microsoft are comparable?

Red Hat creates free software that not everybody likes. There is nothing 
unethical about not pleasing everybody. Microsoft on the other hand creates 
mostly proprietary software, much of which is malware. This is unethical.

These two bug reports don't seem comparable either. The vscode bug has been 
ignored by the developers and left unfixed for over a year. It is still a 
problem. The systemd bug was fixed promptly. It stopped being a problem a long 
time ago.

I'm glad that there are FSDG distros like Parabola and Hyperbola that support 
other init systems so that people who do not prefer systemd have these options, 
but this is not a freedom issue.

If "init freedom" is having a choice between different init systems, then 
Hyperbola and Trisquel offer very little init freedom, as they each support 
only one init system. In both cases, however, the init system is free software, 
so this doesn't make Hyperbola and Trisquel less free than Parabola, which 
supports two init systems.

Similarly, none of these distros have very much "kernel freedom" as they only 
support Linux-libre. However, Linux-libre is free software, so this does not 
make them less free than GuixSD, which has support for Hurd in development.

Also similarly, Devuan reduced the number of choices of desktop environment by 
excluding GNOME, so it has less "desktop freedom" than Debian. However, as long 
as the desktop environments that it does include are free software, this does 
not make Devuan less free than Debian (although it may be less free for other 

Lack of support for certain software is not a freedom issue, as long as the 
software that is supported is free. 

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser won't save zoom level

2018-08-23 Thread mason
> Not sure if its a bug, or a design choice for increased browser privacy.

Both behaviors (resetting browser geometry and resetting zoom level) are indeed 
privacy features, not bugs. They reduce the uniqueness of your browser in order 
to resist fingerprinting.

If you wish to disable these features, you can do so by going to about:config 
and changing privacy.resistFingerprinting to False.

Description: PGP signature

[Trisquel-users] trisquel-builder

2018-08-25 Thread mason
I'm trying to follow these steps[1] and am having trouble creating the build  
environment. The problem, or at least one problem, is that it has not been  
updated for Trisquel 8. This was discussed in a thread last year, but the  
solution[2] was to use this[3] diff file, which does not seem to exist  

Should I be using something other than trisquel-builder? If not, how should I  
get it working with Flidas?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas without installing

2018-08-27 Thread mason
Did it start working after you enabled "Allow apps that use less secure sign  
in" in your Yahoo account? I'm almost certain that this was the problem, as  
it's a known issue with Yahoo accounts and Thunderbird/Icedove that produces  
the exact problem you had initially.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot installation with winsond chip

2018-08-27 Thread mason

> the email is

info at

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trying To Install Open Broadcaster Software Studio OBS Studio on Trisquel 8

2018-09-03 Thread mason

You can get the source code with

$ sudo apt install git
$ git clone

This will copy the repository to your machine in a directory called  
'obs-studio'. However, from browsing the source code it is not obvious to me  
how to disabled AAC support. Maybe someone more experienced than I am can  

I have gotten around to actually testing my own instructions and can be more  
specific now.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libavcodec-ffmpeg56 libavdevice-ffmpeg56  
libavformat-ffmpeg56 libavutil-ffmpeg54 libc6 libcurl3 libdbus-1-3  
libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libgcc1 libjack0 libluajit-5.1-2 libpulse0  
libpython3.5 libqt5core5a libqt5gui5 libqt5gui5 libqt5widgets5  
libqt5x11extras5 libspeexdsp1 libstdc++6 libswresample-ffmpeg1  
libswscale-ffmpeg3 libudev1 libv4l-0 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libx264-148  
libxcb-shm0 libxcb-xfixes0 libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxfixes3  

$ apt download obs-studio
$ ar x obs-studio_22.0.2-0obsproject1~xenial_amd64.deb
$ tar -xzf control.tar.gz
$ sed -e s/"libfdk-aac0 (>= 0.1.1), "//g -i control
$ tar -cvzf control.tar.gz control
$ ar rcs newpackage.deb debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.xz
$ sudo dpkg -i newpackage.deb

I was then able to launch OBS. I don't have a webcam so I can't test whether  
it records video, but it appears to be receiving microphone input.

Building from source without AAC support would be the more correct way to do  
it, but this way won't take very long to test so I think it's worth trying.

[Trisquel-users] FSDG and pip

2018-09-05 Thread mason
As discussed in this bug report,[1] pip allows the user to search and install  
software from, some of which is proprietary. It looks like pip is  
going to be removed entirely[2] to address this freedom issue. However, since  
most software in the PyPI repository is free, I think it would be preferable  
to modify pip so that it refuses to recommend or install any non-free  
software in the PyPI repo.

For each PyPI package there is a json file at[package  
name]/json containing metadata including licensing information and a list of  
dependencies. I've written some code that uses this information to check the  
license of a package and packages in its dependency tree to determine whether  
it is or requires non-free software. I've modified pip's code so that 'pip  
search' only lists packages that pass the license check and 'pip install  
[package]' will refuse to install a package that is non-free or has non-free  

Before I put more time into this, I'd like some feedback on several points.

(1) Is this approach potentially sufficient to satisfy the FSDG? If not, the  
rest of these questions are irrelevant.

(2) With what I have now, attempting to install proprietary software returns

[package] has non-free or unclear license.
  Not installing [package]

and attempting to install free software with proprietary dependencies returns

one or more dependencies of [package] has non-free or unclear license.
  Not installing [package]

Is this appropriate, or should pip act as if the software does not exist at  

(3) The biggest challenge has been that the license data is inconsistent and  
often unclear. Many packages do state the license using a consistent format,  
such as

License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)

but others use a variety of formats such as "GPLv3", "GNU GPL", or "GNU  
General Public License", "gpl", or even the entire text of the GPL. Some  
packages have multiple license statements or no license statements.

This makes it a real pain to compile a whitelist of acceptable license  
statements, and it seems inevitable that some free packages are going to be  
inaccurately excluded. While we should avoid excluding free software as much  
as possible, the most important thing is that no proprietary software slips  
through. I would appreciate input on the standard of clarity that should be  
required in order to whitelist a license statement. If you think you can  
provide guidance, please see here[3] for the whitelist as it currently stands  
and a description of my approach so far.

(4) Is anyone aware of situations other than from 'pip search [query]' and  
'pip install [non-free package]' in which pip's behavior needs to be modified  
in order to satisfy the FSDG?

Thanks for any guidance or assistance anyone can provide.


Re: [Trisquel-users] FSDG and pip

2018-09-05 Thread mason
(5) My programming experience is limited and I took this on partially as an  
educational project, so technical feedback is also welcome.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSDG and pip

2018-09-07 Thread mason

>  I thought the license name was a free text field.

I was partly mistaken. If you select "Other" you are indeed given a text  
field in which to enter a different license. However, as you say, most free  
addons are probably under one of the seven licenses listed, and anyone using  
one of these licenses would be unlikely to bother clicking "Other" and typing  
out the license in a different format. As a result, most free addons have a  
machine-readable license statement.

It's true that the yes/no dialog in free-addons would not be needed to  
automatically reject all licenses other than those seven, but it only takes  
seven yes's to accept them all, at which point your yes/no dialog works well  
for dealing with the handful of other free licenses.

Mozilla requires developers who select "Other" to upload the text of their  
license, which is available at[name of addon]/license

so I tried out in addition to your y/n options adding a 'v' option to view  
the text of the license and an 'o' option to add only the current addon   
without accepting other addons with the same license statement. This might  
help with situations like HTTPS Everywhere. The text for HTTPS Everywhere is

HTTPS Everywhere:
Copyright © 2010-2018 Electronic Frontier Foundation and others
Licensed GPL v2+
HTTPS Everywhere Rulesets (src/chrome/content/rules):
To the extent copyright applies to the rulesets, they can be used according  

GPL v2 or later.
Issue Format Bot (utils/issue-format-bot/*):
Copyright © 2017 AJ Jordan, AGPLv3+
The build system incorporates code from Python 3.6
Copyright © 2001-2018 Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved

from which one can determine that the addon is free and add HTTPS Everywhere  
without accepting "Multiple" for other addons.

I'm having a little with your script and the MIT/X11 License. I am prompted  
to accept or reject "MIT\u002FX11 License", and accepting it does add it to  
pop-n-free/accept, but at the next X11 addon it appears not to find it in the  
list of accepted licenses. "MIT\u002FX11 License" gets added to pop-n-free an  
additional time each time I accept it and is never recognized as having  
already been accepted. It seems like it might have something to do with '/'?  
Is it a locale thing?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Desktop icons and menus disapear Trisquel 8

2018-09-07 Thread mason
I'm not very familiar with firejail. How do you go about wrapping a command  
in firejail, and do you have a list of everywhere you have done so?

Re: [Trisquel-users] MTP For Android

2018-09-09 Thread mason
I have never used Android, but with Replicant I recall having to switch the  
USB mode to MTP in Replicant's settings.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 install didn't detect my monitor, gave wrong resolution.

2018-09-13 Thread mason
I understand that the terminal is intimidating at first, especially if you  
don't understand what the commands are doing. Magic Banana already covered  
some of this, but here's an explanation of what each command does. I'm also  
adding in a few extra lines to help you understand what's happening.  
Hopefully that will make you feel more comfortable running them.

sudo apt-get install build-essential xorg-dev xutils-dev automake libtool

This installs the packages build-essential, xorg-dev, xutils-dev, automake,  
and libtool. The graphical equivalent would be to search for each package  
individually in Synaptic and installing them. Since installing software  
requires more  privileges than a regular user, we need to begin the command  
with 'sudo', which means "superuser do" (do this as superuser). The use of  
'sudo' is why you need to type your password.

cd ~/   #or whatever directory you want to use for this build

"cd" means "change directory." It is the graphical equivalent of double  
clicking on a directory in your file manager.

echo ~/

"echo" prints back your command to the terminal. In this case, it will print  
not '~/' but '/home/[user]', revealing that '~' is just a shorter way to  
refer to your home directory. Therefore 'cd ~/' takes you to your home  
directory. Your home directory is where you begin when you open a new  
terminal, so you only need this line if you want to build somewhere else.

echo #comment

There output is blank, because a '#' and everything following it is a comment  
and gets ignored, so you actually don't have to delete aloniv's comment when  
you paste that line into the terminal.


'ls' lists the contents of the current directory. If you are in your home  
folder you should see Documents, Downloads, Music, etc.


"wget" followed by a URL downloads whatever is at that that URL. It is quite  
useful for large downloads or an unstable internet connection, because if  
your download is interrupted you can use 'wget -c [URL]' to continue the  
download where it left off. (The 'c' option means "continue.")


This will print the contents of the current directory again. You'll see that  
the file we downloaded, xf86-video-sis-0.10.9.tar.bz2, is now listed.

tar -xjf xf86-video-sis-0.10.9.tar.bz2

A file is a compressed archive. The 'tar' command extracts it. the  
'x' option means extract. The 'j' option means that the compression format is  
bzip2 (which we know from the .bz2 extension). The 'f' means that the next  
part of the command is the file we want to extract.


This will list the contents of the current directory again. You'll see that  
the previous command create a directory called 'xf86-video-sis-0.10.9'

cd xf86-video-sis-0.10.9/

Change to the new directory.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local

These commands prepare to compile the program.


Notice that the contents of this directory include a file called 'Makefile'


'make' compiles the program. 'make' gets its instructions for how to compile  
the program from the Makefile.

sudo make install

'make install' installs the program. 'make' also gets its instructions for  
how to install the program (which files go where?) from the Makefile. Since  
we are installing the program system-wide, we need to use 'sudo' again.

[Trisquel-users] can't boot, problem possibly hard drive

2018-09-14 Thread mason
Trisquel froze while compiling a program. Since I couldn't get the system to  
respond, I powered down. Upon attempting to boot, I get stuck with this  

ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 action 0x6 frozen
ata1.00: ST_FIRST: DRQ=1weith device error, dev_stat 0x7F
ata1.00: cmd a0/00:00:00:08:00/00:00:00:00:00:/a0 tag 0 pio 16392 in
 Get event status notification 4a 01 00 00 10 00 00 00 01 00res  
74/74:74:74:74:74:/00:00:00:00:00:/74 Emask 0x3 (HSM violation)

ata1.00: status { DRDY DF }
ata1.00: revalidation failed (errno=-2)

I've found a couple of threads with similar error messages in the context of  
not being able to boot. They were inconclusive but suggested that the hard  
drive is to blame. Perhaps powering down without unmounting could have  
screwed something up. I am able to boot into a Trisquel live USB, and access  
my file system from a live session, which makes me suspect that whatever  
might be wrong is at the OS level, as opposed to the hardware level. I don't  
know much about hardware though. Since I can back up my files from a live  
session, reinstalling Trisquel is an option if there's a chance that will  


Re: [Trisquel-users] How to completely replace MATE with GNOME?

2018-09-15 Thread mason

> You certainly mean 'sudo apt purge mate-desktop' (not "install").

Whoops. Muscle memory. I indeed meant purge.

> most MATE packages will not be removed. Like onpon4, I would suggest 'sudo  
apt install gnome' after a *NetInstall*.

Yeah, it looks like it cleans out navigational things like panels and  
applets, but not desktop utilities, so there will be some duplicates like  
baobab and mate-disk-usage-analyzer. A netinstall would certainly be cleaner.

Re: [Trisquel-users] can't boot, problem possibly hard drive

2018-09-15 Thread mason

I reinstalled. All is well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VPN

2018-09-15 Thread mason
For some reason the OP did not show up on the forum. Here is the list
thread I was replying to.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Display issue (probably font rendering) on Abroswer

2018-09-22 Thread mason
> Should I report a bug?

It's already been reported here:

> How do I
> fix  it?

When you encounter the blurry text, you can make it go away temporarily
by switching to another tab and then switching back. I don't know of a
permanent fix though.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Google is default search engine?

2018-10-01 Thread mason
> data:text/plain,

I booted into a live session, ran Abrowser, and looked at this value.
It was the same as yours. However, using the search bar search DDG as
expected. Moreover, after running

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install abrowser

the value was completely absent. It is absent in my install of Trisquel
as well. It seems the setting was removed in Abrowser 62. I don't think
it's the problem.

My search engine is, and this is displayed under Preferences ->
Search -> Default Search Engine. However, in about:config, says DuckDuckGo. It seems that this
value does not control the behavior of the search bar either.

$ cd ~/.mozilla/abrowser/[random].default/
$ grep -R searx *

matches only a binary file called "search.json.mozlz4"

It seems that this file, not, is
modified by graphically changing the default search engine graphically.

GrevenGull, what search engine is set as the default under Preferences ->
Search -> Default Search Engine?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Librebox (with Coreboot) - Hello Again

2018-10-02 Thread mason

> Not all coreboot features are necessarily malicious

But some of them may be, and without freedom 1 there is no way to check.  
Also, while proprietary software is often malicious, the fact that it is  
non-free is enough of a reason not to use it. It is wrong for the developer  
to have power over the user, even if the developer has not yet abused that  

> e.g. the proprietary VGA option ROM which supports more laptop monitors  
than the free libreboot native graphics implementation.

Linux supports more hardware than Linux-libre. Chrome supports more websites  
than Icecat. Spotify supports more music than LibreFM. The problem is not  
with Linux-libre, Icecat, LibreFM, or Libreboot. The problem is with the  
hardware that does not work without non-free blobs, the websites that don't  
work without non-free JS or Flash, and the music than can not be legally  
shared in a freedom-respecting way.

There's such a thing as a strategic compromise. If someone has a computer  
that does not support libreboot but does support coreboot, has the means to  
install coreboot, and cannot afford a new computer at this time, then  
installing coreboot is better than continuing to use the proprietary BIOS. If  
someone has a laptop whose WiFi card requires proprietary firmware, and if  
they cannot afford a USB dongle at this time, then installing the proprietary  
firmware onto an otherwise free system is better than using a completely  
proprietary system. However, these are temporary measures only appropriate  
when absolutely necessary. If someone has the means to buy a new computer or  
can afford a USB dongle, then the freedom compromise is not a strategic one  
because it is unnecessary.

> There's quite a lot of proprietary code being run by libreboot such as CPU  
microcode (without updates), EC firmware, SSD/HDD firmware etc. Whenever they  
find a free replacement they use it, but the computer is far from 100 percent  
free when using libreboot.

True, and this is a real problem that has yet to be solved. However, these  
are temporary measures, only appropriate because they are now necessary.  
Proprietary EC firmware is currently necessary because a free replacement  
does not exist. coreboot is not necessary because libreboot exists.  
Unnecessary compromises are steps backward with no strategic value. Using  
coreboot instead of libreboot will not give us free SSD firmware.

> You basically cannot get both performance and freedom with Intel. In my  
humble opinion, it would be better to be honest about the compromises made in  
terms of freedom to get performances.

I agree. If people are deceived into thinking that there is a path to freedom  
with Intel machines, they will not understand why it is important to support  
efforts to explore non-x86 architectures. Also, compromising performance for  
freedom sends a message that freedom is important, which normalizes caring.  
Conversely, compromising freedom for performance sends a message that having  
shiny new things is important, which normalizes complacency. In any case, the  
amount of performance compromise should not be a problem for free software  

I think it's also important to point out that, in general, only Windows and  
macOS users benefit from having the newest hardware. Operating systems like  
Trisquel aren't bloated enough to require the newest hardware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I finally migrated to Trisquel

2018-10-13 Thread mason
> One thing I haven't found yet, how to disable annoying 'beep' on login
> screen startup.

A workaround might be to mute the login screen.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] solved a problem with lxde

2018-11-18 Thread mason
> Anyway I am thinking this laptop does not manage very well even these  
minimum coices

I have some low-resource netbooks on which I'm trying to configure Trisquel  
to be as light as possible while preserving the Trisquel look/feel. If you're  
still having trouble with performance, here's how to recreate what I have so  

(1) Install base system

Either download the NetInstall ISO, or use the regular Trisquel ISO but  
select "Install in Text Mode". Assuming that you aren't dual booting, you  
should be fine accepting the defaults. This will install only the base  
system, with no desktop environment.

(2) Install a window manager and display manager

When you reboot after installing you will have just a command line. Log in  
and connect to the internet. If you need to connect to WiFi follow this.[1]  
Then install these packages:

sudo apt install icewm slim network-manager alsa-base xinit  
policykit-desktop-privileges pcmanfm volti

Icewm is the lightest window manager I know of. Slim is the lightest display  
manager (login screen) I know of. Network Manager will make it easier to  
manager network connections. pcfman is a lightweight file manager. volti is a  
sound applet.

TODO: Anyone know of a good standalone battery applet?

(3) Web Browser

If you want to use Midori, I recommend building the new Midori release from  
source, as the version in the Trisquel repo is several years old.

$ sudo apt install cmake valac libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev libsoup-gnome2.4-dev  
libgcr-3-dev libpeas-dev libsqlite3-dev intltool libxml2-utils
$ wget

$ mkdir midori
$ tar xf midori-v6.0.tar.gz -C midori
$ cd midori
$ mkdir _build
$ cd _build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

If you want to use Abrowser, you can just install it with

$ sudo apt install abrowser

TODO: I don't have sound working with either browser. Abrowser will  
definitely need pulseaudio, but before I install pulseaudio I want to see if  
I can get Midori working with just ALSA.

(4) Install other programs

This is the additional software I have installed

$ sudo apt install abiword vlc gnome-app-install synaptic

(5) Other stuff you might want to do

$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER netdev # I had to do this to connect to wifi from  

$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER audio # I had to do this to get sound working

(6) Configuring Icewm and Slim

Extract icewm.tar.bz2 to ~/.icewm and extract slim-theme.tar.bz2 to  

$ sudo apt install feh # used to set the desktop background

Install Trisquel theme

$ sudo apt install trisquel-gtk-theme trisquel-icon-theme trisquel-wallpapers

Create these files:

 ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini %%
gtk-theme-name = "Trisquel"
gtk-icon-theme-name = "trisquel
gtk-font-name = "DejaVu Sans 8"

gtk-theme-name = "Trisquel"
gtk-icon-theme-name = "trisquel
gtk-font-name = "DejaVu Sans 8"

Edit /etc/slim.conf and find the line beginning with "current_theme" and  
change the value to "trisquel" (without the quotes).

To further configure Icewm:
- edit ~/.icewm/menu to add/remove menu items
- edit ~/.icewm/toolbar to add/remove from the bottom panel
- most other changes are made in ~/.icewm/preferences (see here[2])



Re: [Trisquel-users] Avideo installing?

2018-11-27 Thread mason
Here are my sources for youtube-dl not executing non-free JS, at least
for YouTube videos.

> Is this also true for websites that require PhantomJS (e.g. Openload)?

I think that depends on whether PhantomJS is used to execute JavaScript
or only used to scrape URLs from the JS without executing it. The above
links seem to indicate that executing JS is unnecessary for YouTube
videos, but it is unclear to me whether or not this is true for
non-YouTube videos.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8: Not able to format USD or SD cards. synaptic package manager fails. Unable to set time and date

2018-12-01 Thread mason
I didn't know that Synaptic was even capable for formatting disks. I
thought it was only intended for package management. Have you tried
using a disk partitioner like GParted?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Wifi is disabled" permanently on fresh install of Trisquel Mini on Librebooted Thinkpad X60.

2019-02-03 Thread mason


If you're unsure what they're talking about, the WiFi hardware switch on the  
X60 is at the front-center-bottom of the base of the laptop. Its "on"  
position is to the right, leaving a green surface exposed to the left. It's  
easy to accidentally turn the switch off. I would occasionally do so back  
when my X60 was my primary machine.

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Wifi is disabled" permanently on fresh install of Trisquel Mini on Librebooted Thinkpad X60.

2019-02-04 Thread mason
The WiFi status light is off in this photo, so I think aloniv was right.  
Check the hardware switch at the bottom-front-center of the laptop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat seems very outdated, what browser *should* one be using?

2019-02-09 Thread mason

> Midori released new releases in the last 6 months - versions 6.0 and 7.0
> use a newer WebKit. You can install it via Snap:

Snap was removed from Trisquel due to freedom issues.[1] I have
submitted a merge request to backport Midori 7,[2] but I'm not sure
if/when it will be merged. In the meantime I have just uploaded the
source to a PPA,[3] which the OP or whoever can install with

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chaosmonk/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install midori


Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with DTLAPC14

2019-02-23 Thread mason
Okay, I think that the lack of output from "lspci | grep Network" means that  
your WiFi card isn't being recognized. I'm not sure what to do there.

What is the output of

$ aplay -l


Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with DTLAPC14

2019-02-26 Thread mason

Try purging pulseaudio but *not* ALSA and see if you can get sound to work.

When you have a huge chunk of output to paste in the forum, using pastebin or  
something like it can help keep the thread readable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat seems very outdated, what browser *should* one be using?

2019-02-26 Thread mason

Looks like Magic Banana has answered your questions already.

Since writing the post you replied to, I've written some scripts to do what I  
suggested automatically and in a cleaner way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat seems very outdated, what browser *should* one be using?

2019-02-26 Thread mason
> But I actually believe he added that path. 'echo $PATH' does not include  
~/local/bin on my system.

~/.profile does contain these lines

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin directories

but I am pretty sure that I did not add them. I just booted into a live  
Trisquel ISO and ~/.profile contains the same lines, and the output of "echo  
$PATH" includes /home/trisquel/bin and /home/trisquel/.local/bin

Did you perhaps upgrade to Trisquel 8 from Trisquel 7? Maybe the default  
~/.profile only contains these lines in Trisquel 8.

In any case, it seems I should not assume that everyone has these directories  
in their path.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat seems very outdated, what browser *should* one be using?

2019-02-26 Thread mason
> In any case, it seems I should not assume that everyone has these  
directories in their path.

And I've updated the script I linked to accordingly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with DTLAPC14

2019-02-26 Thread mason
Don't mess around with JACK when you don't yet have ALSA working. Like  
Pulseaudio, JACK is a sound server that controls and relies on ALSA.  
Pulseaudio is intended to work out-of-the box for basic desktop usage. JACK  
is more advanced (i.e. for professional audio production) and requires more  
configuration. I know a lot of musicians, so I frequently set up JACK on  
people's laptops, and every new sound card I encounter is a unique  
pain-in-the-adventure. Installing JACK has the potential to break sound if it  
was already working, but if ALSA already wasn't working then JACK won't make  
things any better. If you're a musician, I'll help you through installing and  
configuring JACK *after* we get ALSA working. Otherwise you're better off  
with ALSA+Pulseaudio or (if you don't use GNOME or a Firefox-based browser)  
just ALSA.

I've seen many cases where these things worked with just ALSA but not with  
JACK+ALSA. Pulseaudio+ALSA has worked on the dozen or so laptops on which  
I've install Trisquel 8, but I have heard of people having problems with it.  
For now lets keep it simple and just get ALSA working.

Purge ALSA, Pulseaudio, and JACK. Reinstall *just* ALSA. Run "alsamixer" and  
try all of the available devices. Don't test audio through Abrowser, because  
Firefox-derivatives no longer work without Pulseaudio. Instead play an audio  
or video file through your preferred media player.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with DTLAPC14

2019-02-27 Thread mason
Audacity isn't the best program to troubleshoot with, because are situations  
in which it might not work even when audio is otherwise working.

Install mpv

$ sudo apt install mpv

and try to play an audio file from the command line

$ mpv /path/to/file

If you get errors, paste them here.

Also copy/paste the output of

$ lspci | grep Audio

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with DTLAPC14

2019-02-27 Thread mason
Searching for "bytcr-rt5651" it seems that many people have had trouble with  
your sound card. According to this thread[1] it works better with a newer  
kernel, and the poster seems to think the first good kernel is between 4.16  
and 4.18. Try installing 4.19 from jxself's repo[2] and see if that helps.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Middleton pass on software freedom to recipients of Middleton's BIOS?

2019-03-25 Thread mason
> if
> you're not free to run, inspect, share, and modify the software running
> on your computer it's not trustworthy.

I think we can all agree on that. The question is whether a proprietary
BIOS modified by a third party is better or worse than the original
proprietary BIOS. On the one hand, there seems to be greater risk with
the modified BIOS, because you're vulnerable to abuse from both Lenovo
and the third party. On the other hand, if the modified BIOS disables
the whitelist then it has a practical advantage over the factory BIOS.
For the X61 it turned out to be a non-issue for me because there
apparently is a whitelisted Atheros card that works with free software,
but apparently this is not the case with the X201.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-03-28 Thread mason

@Lil Beanie

If I understand correctly, your sound problems happened after a regular  
Trisquel 7 update, and that your problems upgrading to Trisquel 8 were a  
separate issue. Can you confirm whether or not this is the case?

@Lil Beanie, Liberated, Masaru Suzuqi

Can all three of you run

$ uname -r

and copy/paste the results here? autumnlover could be right that a kernel  
upgrade caused the problem, so I want to see if you all three of you are  
using the same kernel. I would expect Trisquel 7 to have a different kernel  
from Trisquel 8.


Do you use Pulseaudio on any of your systems, or just ALSA+JACK?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does installing Trisquel 7 updates cancel my sound system?

2019-04-03 Thread mason

>  'apt purge' removes *system* configuration files.

My bad. Thanks for the correction.

Remove the folder Magic Banana mentions with

$ rm -rf ~/.config/pulse

and then log out and back in again.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VirtualBox, Eclipse Java

2019-04-16 Thread mason
> I thought there was something blocking non-free softwares, but it's silly
> because it's a restriction of freedom too.

It might not be as easy or convenient to install non-free software on
Trisquel compared to other distros, and our documentation and community
don't support non-free software, but it's your system and Trisquel does
not restrict you from installing non-free software if you choose to.

> If I remove those software aftwards, would my OS be free again or should
> I reinstall the os because some thirdpart applications corrupt it.

There are two issues here: freedom and security. If you stop using a
non-free program and remove it, and it no longer has any influence on
your life, then freedom-wise everything should be fine. However,
depending on the program I suppose that it is possible security-wise
that it modified your system in some way that persists after removing
the program. I don't know enough about security to know whether this is
something to worry about with VirtualBox or JavaFX.

By the way, Eclipse actually is free software and can be installed
easily from Trisquel's repository.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password protected directory

2019-04-29 Thread mason
> Let's say I want ~/.prn to be password protected, how can I do that?

Not sure if this is the easiest way, but you could encrypt it with gpg.

Nautilus (GNOME's file manager) has a plugin for doing this graphically.
If you use Nautilus, install the plugin with

$ sudo apt install seahorse-nautilus

and you'll have to option to encrypt a file by right clicking on it. I
haven't tried this myself, so I'm not sure if you'll be able to encrypt

If you use Caja (MATE's file manager), there is also a plugin but it is
not in Trisquel's repository.

Again, I'm not sure if that works on directories, or just files.

Alternatively, you can do all this from the command line:

To encrypt a file, run

$ gpg -c /path/to/file

You'll be prompted to enter a password twice, and /path/to/file.gpg will
be created. If you then delete the original,

$ srm /path/to/file
(you might need to run "sudo apt install secure-delete" first)

then only the encrypted file will remain.

To decrypt it, run

$ gpg /path/to/file.gpg

Enter the password you created earlier, and the file will be decrypted.

This only works on files, not directories. However, you could either
encrypt each file individually (assuming you don't mind the directory
structure being visible)

$ cd ~/.prn
$ for file in $(find -type f); do gpg -c $file && srm $file; done

or convert the directory to a file and encrypt that.

$ cd ~
$ tar cf .prn.tar .prn
$ gpg -c .prn.tar

Before deleting the original, make sure that you can successfully
decrypt .prn.tar.gpg with

$ gpg ~/.prn.tar.gpg

and extract the resulting .prn.tar with

tar xf ~/.prn.tar

When you're ready to delete the originals,

$ srm .prn .prn.tar

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password protected directory

2019-04-29 Thread mason
> Unfortunately, the .prn is a directory and it's size is around 70 Gb.
> So I guess tar/untar it every time I need access to it is the only option?

If it's only the content of the files you need encrypted, then you can
recursively encrypt all of the files with

$ cd ~/.prn
$ for file in $(find -type f); do gpg -c $file && srm $file; done

like I suggested, and then decrypt individual files as needed. However,
if you don't want anyone to even see the directory tree, then I don't
see a way around encrypting and decrypting the entire tar archive when
you need it. With 70 Gb that could take a while. secure-deleting 70 Gb
with srm could take a while too. Maybe you could save time by separating
.prn into multiple directories and creating a separate tar for each, so
that you don't have to decrypt all 70 Gb every time.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Password protected directory

2019-04-29 Thread mason
> The problem is that this PC was bought using family budget and all adult
> family members have sudo on it.

> I though
> that there should be an option to simply put a password on a directory and
> rename it something like .muttmailrc to make it look like a part of the
> system.

> I will probably end up buying a separate laptop and use it for my
> personal needs.

Maybe you should just buy a USB drive and store your private data on
that. It would be cheaper than buying a laptop, less suspicious than 70
Gb of config files, and possible to encrypt the entire disk.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : GNU Octave update

2019-05-03 Thread mason
> In
> the related deb-src repository, there is the source code.  However, as
> far as I understand, nothing guarantees that the compiled packages are
> built from these sources.

The source packages are uploaded to Launchpad, which are then built on
Launchpad's servers, so the party to trust or distrust on this
particular point is Canonical.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Inappropriate presence of entertainment system emulators in Trisquel repository

2019-05-03 Thread mason
> The truth is that there are libre games for
> almost all the platforms that those emulators you mention support. Do
> people really play those instead of the proprietary games? Maybe not. But
> the possibility exists and therefore shouldn't be removed.

I agree that as long as Trisquel does not include or recommend the
non-free games then it is fine to include the free emulator.

> Those games have no internet
> connection, no way to escape the "sandbox" of the emulator itself

This is relevant to security but irrelevant to freedom. Sandboxing a
non-free program does not give you the freedom to run/study/modify/share

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] A Design team for Trisquel and call for collaboration

2019-05-04 Thread mason
> What's his nick on channel #trisquel-dev? I confess I do not remember
> talking to David; But I attended the last meetings on channel #
> trisquel-dev and I've been presenting some ideas and proposals there.

He wasn't at those meetings, but you can contact him at david at

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel 9 Ready For Development And Testing

2019-05-04 Thread mason
> How can I install Trisquel 9 for testing?

I'm not sure whether this is the best way, but I was able to install it
on a spare laptop by doing a netinstall of Trisquel 8, editing
/etc/apt/sources.list and changing "flidas" to "etiona", and running

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install perl-modules-5.26 # to resolve a package conflict when 
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt dist-upgrade

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] CC Search , the search engine for free images, is "out of beta"

2019-05-04 Thread mason
On 05/04, Ignacio Agulló wrote:
>  For some reason I cannot get it to work in my GNU/Linux Trisquel 7,

Trisquel 7 reached EOL last month and no longer received security
updates. You might want to upgrade to Trisquel 8.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problem in Firefox disables all add-ons - Abrowser and IceCat could be affected too

2019-05-04 Thread mason
> Firefox add-ons disabled en masse after Mozilla certificate issue | ZDNet

Hm. No problems here in Abrowser, Icecat, or Tor Browser.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Ready For Development And Testing

2019-05-04 Thread mason

Icewm running on Trisquel 9

Re: [Trisquel-users] Live DVD Trisquel 8.0 64bits installation issue

2019-05-05 Thread mason
> I would like to perform installation in text mode, without network
> connection.
> Is it possible and if yes, how ?

The text mode installer is the same thing as the netinstall. It requires
an Internet connection.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Ready For Development And Testing

2019-05-05 Thread mason
> I could never install a working version of minitube.

It's been a year or so since I tried to get Minitube working, so my
memory is a little hazy, but IIRC the problem had to do with Minitube's
use of Google's API. From [1]:

> Google is now requiring an API key in order to access YouTube Data web
> services. Create a "Browser Key" at
> and enable the Youtube Data API.
> The key must be specified at compile time as shown below.
> Alternatively Minitube can read an API key from the GOOGLE_API_KEY
> environment variable.

The developer presumably has their own API key with which they compile
their binaries, so their prebuilt binaries probably work, but in order
for a user or distro to build it themselves they need their own API key.
When Google made this change, it broke the versions of Minitube in
distros' repositories, because it would get built without an API key and
then wouldn't work.

I remember reading that Debian at one point got Minitube working by
using their own API key. A problem with this approach is that when a
Debian user uses Minitube Google will know from the API key that they
are a Debian user, which it seems to me would expose the user to
fingerprinting. Trisquel has few users compared to Debian, only a subset
of whom would use Minitube, so to me it seems like this approach would
put Trisquel users at risk of fingerprinting. If you build Minitube
yourself using your own API key then the fingerprinting will be even
more precise, which is a problem since freedom 1 requires your to be
able to build from source.

I recommend using a program that uses youtube-dl or Invidious's API
instead of Google's API. GTK-Youtube-Viewer[2] has similar functionality
to Minitube.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] CC Search , the search engine for free images, is "out of beta"

2019-05-05 Thread mason
> I thought all releases were supported for 5 years.

Correct. Trisquel 7 is based on Ubuntu 14.04, which was released in
April 2014, just five years ago.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help on Trisquelize

2019-05-06 Thread mason
> The following additional packages will be installed:
>   firmware-linux-free

> /var/cache/apt/archives/firmware-linux-free_3.4+8.0trisquel2_all.deb
> (--unpack):
>  trying to overwrite '/lib/firmware/cis/SW_8xx_SER.cis', which is also in
> package linux-firmware 1.157.21

The package 'firmware-linux-free' needs to replace the package
'linux-firmware', but the package manager is trying to install
firmware-linux-free alongside linux-firmware and stopping when it sees
that they conflict. Normally the Trisquel version of a package should
just overwrite the Ubuntu version. I think the problem here is that the
Trisquel package has a different name.

Try running

$ sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install 

This should force the installation of firmware-linux-free, overwriting
the files it has in common with linux-firmware.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel 9 Ready For Development And Testing

2019-05-06 Thread mason
> I tried to download the netinstall but its not working I have an error
> during installation "Loading libc6-udeb failed for unknown reasons.

Yeah, that's a bug. I guess the fixed ISOs either haven't made it to the
download page or haven't made it to all mirrors. Here's[1] what I used.
The "install in text mode" option is the same as a netinstall.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Ready For Development And Testing

2019-05-07 Thread mason
> I would love it if Trisquel would come preconfigured with very good
> audio production settings/ software.

I don't think that it should by default, since this would mean things
like a low-latency kernel, which most users do not need, and JACK
instead of pulseaudio, which most users *really* do not need.

I have thought about the idea of a separate Trisquel Studio flavor
analogous to Ubuntu Studio. One problem is that Trisquel is based on
Ubuntu's two-year release cycle plus a delay. Musicians generally want
newer software than this. Ubuntu Studio is based on Ubuntu's short term
releases, so it has a six-month release cycle, but Trisquel doesn't have
short term releases based on Ubuntu's.

It looks like Ubuntu Studio does have a backports PPA[1] from which we
could bring in some newer packages, except that the PPA only supports
LTS versions of Ubuntu for three years, so it's too late to do this for
Trisquel 8, but might be an option for Trisquel 9.

KXStudio has a similar PPA from which we might at least want to bring in
Cadence, Catia, and some plugins.

Then we could borrow Ubuntu Studio's default configuration (if they have
JACK working out-of-the box even with laptop soundcards I'll be very
impressed) and either build Abrowser with JACK support[2] or run it with
apulse so that it does not require pulseaudio.

Since it sounds like you're using Ubuntu Studio, can you tell me
- Are you using the LTS version based on 18.04, or the newest version
  based on 18.10?
- Did JACK work out of the box (especially if you tried it with a
  laptop's soundcard as opposed to an audio interface)?
- Do they use a JACK-pulseaudio bridge, or do they avoid pulseaudio
- It doesn't look like Ubuntu's repo or Ubuntu Studio's PPA include
  Cadence and Catia. Do they use qjackctl, or do they have another
  graphical tool for configuring and routing JACK?


Description: PGP signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ubuntu Studio As Base for Next Trisquel? Trisquelize for Ubuntu Studio?

2019-05-08 Thread mason
> I recently finally got a Linux setup that allows me to create music,
> by using Ubuntu Studio. However, I would like to free the system as
> much as I can. Would the Trisquelize script work?

If you are using Ubuntu Studio 18.10 then you cannot trisquelize it at
all. The script replaces Ubuntu's repository with the corresponding
Trisquel repository, and in this case there is no corresponding Trisquel

If you are using Ubuntu Studio 18.04 then you technically *could*
trisquelize it, because Trisquel 9 is based on 18.04. However, Trisquel
9 development just recently started and many packages are missing. I
would wait until Trisquel 9 development is further along before using it
for anything other than testing purposes.

> I really wish Ubuntu Studio was used as the base system for Trisquel
> because audio configurations are so sensitive.

See my comment here.[1]

> I am trying my best to stay Libre.

If you want to keep running Ubuntu, here are some things you can do to
address or at least be aware of some of its freedom issues. I can't
guarantee this will address everything. It would be better to run a FSDG

- Add jxself's repo[2] and replace Ubuntu's blobby kernel with
- Install a free browser like Icecat.
- Disable the Multiverse and Restricted repositories.
- Use Synaptic Package manager and filter by origin to make sure that
  you don't have any packages from Multiverse or Restricted installed.
- Remove any packages installed that are listed in ubuntu-purge[3] as
  non-free. (Note that this list is for Ubuntu 16.04, so it might not be
100% complete for your version of Ubuntu.)
- Look at Trisquel's package helpers[4] to see which packages Trisquel
  modifies. Some of them are just modified for branding purposes, but
others are modified for freedom reasons, so be wary that these packages
might be problematic. (Again, this list might not be 100% complete for
your version of Ubuntu.


Description: PGP signature

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >