Re: [twitter-dev] Sending 1600 DMs?

2010-07-27 Thread Chris Thomson
You can only send 250 DMs from one account per day:

Chris Thomson

On Jul 28, 2010, at 12:47 AM, Mark Sievers wrote:
 Kind of curious what would happen myself. The call is not itself rate-
 limited, and the target must be following you (ie they have opted in)
 so this is ok, but wonder if firing off 1600 DMs in the space of a few
 minutes raises any red flags in the Twitter mopther ship.

[twitter-dev] Re: What uses up my rate limit

2010-07-08 Thread Chris Thomson
Twitter had some issues with incorrect rate limits over the past few
days [1].

I believe they've resolved those issues now, so if you're still having
the issue you've described, visit the connections page [2] to see if
any app using OAuth may be accessing your account. If not, change your
password [3], which would prevent any Basic Auth apps (that you've
previously given your credentials to) from accessing your account and
using up some of your requests.


On Jul 7, 11:59 am, founder wrote:
 Just started to integrate twitter into my own CMS written in Perl.

 I use a very old Perl version, because only this old version is
 compatible to use MSIE as GUI.

 To use the API, Perl engages a download program by a batch file.

 Just right now, I only test with 

 No other call is used. But from start to start, there are less hits
 remaining in the rate limit,
 Up to 10 less when I wait some minutes.

 I have no idea what consumes my rate limit

 I already closed Twitter in all browsers, but still the same effect.

 Any idea what could use up my rate limit?

Re: [twitter-dev] not working

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Thomson
You're supposed to change version in the URL: :)

Chris Thomson, via iPad

On 2010-06-18, at 4:18 PM, Rahul wrote:

 I was trying to get the trends from twitter and this returns no page.
 Is this the right link to get the current trends. Also it mentions
 that it doesn't need authentication so i am not passing any
 authentication credential.

Re: [twitter-dev] Simple Twitter App?

2010-06-05 Thread Chris Thomson
You may want to take a look at this page:

Chris Thomson, via iPad

On 2010-06-05, at 5:21 PM, Iguanasan wrote:

 Hello, Everyone.
 I'm trying to figure out how to create a simple app.  When someone
 adds a new record to my database I want to tweet that it's available
 to be seen - apartments for rent - so that anyone who follows my
 twitter feed will get a notification about a new place for rent.
 I've been forward and backward through the docs and I know that oAuth
 is required and I've run some of the samples, however, most of them
 seem to be allowing access to OTHER people's twitter accounts like a
 Twitter app would do.  I want to simple access to my OWN Twitter
 Can anyone help point me in the right direction?
 PS: I'm working in PHP for this project.

Re: [twitter-dev] email

2010-06-01 Thread Chris Thomson
In order for someone to receive your tweets, they either have to be following 
you or following a list that has you added as a member.

Chris Thomson, via iPad

On 2010-05-31, at 10:02 PM, MacGuy wrote:

 Is there a way for the recipient to receive your tweet if you are
 following them, but they are not following you? Thanks.

Re: [twitter-dev] leave API problem

2010-05-20 Thread Chris Thomson
notifications/leave stops the authenticating user from receiving SMS 
notifications of the specified user's tweets.

If you'd like to unfollow a user, you're looking for friendships/destroy:
Chris Thomson

On May 20, 2010, at 12:05 PM, roteva wrote:

 I am seeing a problem using, (with oauth)
 in that it returns a good status (200), with the correct user info
 specifying the user
 I want to un-follow.
 However, the follow/friend status is unchanged. AM I using the wrong
 API method
 to unfollow?
 Thanks for any hints,

Re: [twitter-dev] API returns 0 lists even though I follow 3

2010-04-01 Thread Chris Thomson
That method returns the lists owned by the specified user -- not the lists the 
user is subscribed to. You're looking for 

Chris Thomson

On Apr 1, 2010, at 5:49 PM, ryjennings wrote:

Re: [twitter-dev] getting authenticated user's rate-limit-using rest API.

2010-03-21 Thread Chris Thomson
The rate_limit_status method does not take a username as a parameter. All 
account methods act on the authenticating user's account (or in the case of an 
unauthenticated call, the requesting IP address). In order to get each other's 
rate limit information, you'll need to have both the user's authenticated as 

Chris Thomson

On Mar 21, 2010, at 8:01 AM, Rushikesh Bhanage wrote:

 Hi, there,
  I am using rest api method in my app, in that, I have two users(i.e 
 white-listed user accounts.) and need to get each user's account rate-limit 
 request balance, I am using following URL to get request balance.
 ''.$unm.'.xml '. Here $unm is 
 user name passed through ratelimit() function . 
  Below is the code logic: (using cURL functions )
 [ function Checklimit()
 for($i=0; $i2; $i++)
 $usrlimit = $this-ratelimit($this-u[$i]);   
// ratelimit($unm) function will give array containing remaining hits. 
 foreach($usrlimit as $key=$val)  
   // $this-u[]  is the array used for fetching users with $i. 
 if($key == 'remaining-hits')
 if($val != 0)
// here will return array element which is having hits.
return $i; 
 // here it doesn't come inside when value of ratelimit of first 
 user comes to an end
   // Actually here it goes to second user but does not get it's hits 
 from api using ratelimit function. gets same 0 as like first user. It will 
 return -1 when no user is having hits.   
 return -1;
 Can I have some clue, please. 
 Thank You in advance.
 with regards,
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to or reply to this email 
 with the words REMOVE ME as the subject.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to or reply to this email 
with the words REMOVE ME as the subject.

Re: [twitter-dev] How to add my app to app wiki?

2010-03-21 Thread Chris Thomson
Have you tried requesting access to edit the wiki? See :)

Chris Thomson

On Mar 21, 2010, at 1:41 PM, Dmitri Snytkine wrote:

 I recently built by first Twitter app.
 Is it possible to add it to Twitter apps wiki here:
 I don't see any ways to submit your app, so does anybody know who to
 contact about it?
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to or reply to this email 
 with the words REMOVE ME as the subject.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to or reply to this email 
with the words REMOVE ME as the subject.

[twitter-dev] All replies are appearing in home_timeline

2010-03-04 Thread Chris Thomson
Replies from people I'm not following (not directly, and not through any lists) 
are appearing in home_timeline. This hasn't always been the case, has it? Is 
this the new expected behaviour, or is it just a bug?

Chris Thomson

[twitter-dev] Re: New way to get highest id?

2010-03-04 Thread Chris Thomson
You could always poll the search API occasionally for a very common
term like 'what' and just take the most recent tweet ID from that.

On Mar 3, 10:20 pm, Brian Morearty wrote:
 With the upcoming deprecation of /statuses/public_timeline that was
 just announced, will there be any way to find out the (approximate)
 highest tweet id?

 I know the streaming API would work but it seems like overkill.

 Scenario: in my app I cache tweets for performance and to avoid over-
 calling the API. If someone references a tweet whose id doesn't exist
 (e.g. by searching), I'd like to be able to tell the difference
 between that tweet was deleted and that tweet id has never been
 used yet.

 I currently poll the public_timeline once every few minutes. Ids that
 are missing but are lower than the highest one are considered

 As you can see based on my current mechanism, exact precision doesn't
 matter much to me.

 A better alternative for this use case would be a deleted indicator
 (perhaps in the HTTP code?) if I try to retrieve a tweet that has been
 deleted. It could be different than the code returned if a tweet had
 never been created.

Re: [twitter-dev] Add My Application In Twitter

2010-02-16 Thread Chris Thomson
You can use to register a Twitter API 
application for use with OAuth. Is that what you're looking for?

Chris Thomson

On 2010-02-16, at 2:02 PM, 3rB3r wrote:

 Hey Guys ...
 Last Week I Found A URL For Add Application [ API ] In Twitter
 WebSite , But Now I Can't Find It And I Forgotted :( Anybody Can Help
 Me ?
 With Best Regards, @3rB3r

Re: [twitter-dev] Yet Another Rate Limit Question

2010-02-15 Thread Chris Thomson
GET requests to the REST API (not the streaming API or search API; they fall 
under different limits) count against the hourly rate limit. If you're making 
the request as an authenticated user, it count's against the user's rate limit. 
Otherwise, it counts against the IP address's (your website's IP address's) 
hourly rate limit.

POST requests, such as posting updates, don't count against the rate limit. All 
methods that require POST requests have other limits, which usually aren't 
public to prevent spam - see 
for details on that. So no, posting an update on behalf of a user won't count 
against the hourly rate limit.

Chris Thomson

On 2010-02-15, at 7:20 PM, Paul wrote:

 Sorry; I did look at the FAQ and search the archive, but still the
 answer wasn't clear to me
 So far I have an ordinary authorized Twitter web application using
 OAuth, not whitelisted or anything.  From what I understand in the
 FAQ, that limits API requests from my website to 350/hr.
 People are meant to post tweets from my website.  Does this mean that
 the total of all tweets through my website are limited to 350/hour?
 If users have to authenticate each tweet (which currently they do
 because I don't store the tokens), does this mean the the whole site
 is limited to a max of 175 tweets per hour total for all users?
 Sorry if it's an uninformed question.  I did research it,  I've put
 in a lot of work to get the site to work; now I'm trying to figure out
 the policy issues

Re: [twitter-dev] Application Suspended

2010-02-14 Thread Chris Thomson
You may want to look at the Twitter Rules ( - 
specifically the section on spam), and review your application's goals. If your 
application makes it easy for users to spam others, and if many of your users 
have been reported for activity generated by your application, that may be 
grounds for your application to be suspended.

I'm sure you'll get a response to your support ticket from a Twitter employee 
in the next few days.

Chris Thomson

On 2010-02-14, at 2:56 PM, Jim Fulford wrote:

 Hello, I need some help.  4 days ago I started getting emails from my
 users that they could not login to our site using the Oauth service.
 I checked my site and it said my application had been suspended.   I
 did not get any email from Twitter, they just deactivated my
 application so nothing works.  I have sent in two support tickets, but
 gotten no response.  2 days ago, I took my site down
 so that I would stop getting support email from my users.
 I have had this site up for 5 months, and I have over 5000 users have
 used the service.  I am so glad that I have never charged for the
 service, this would be a nightmare.
 If they would let me know what our site, or one of our users did to
 get banned, we would be glad to fix it.   We have tried to make our
 site as Twitter API friendly as possible.
 We are 100% Oauth, we have never saved or requested any users
 We only let our users hit the Twitter API 1000 times in a 24 hour
 We have all of our tools that follow or unfollow use individual user
 verification, (no mass follow or unfollow)
 An email with the issue would have been great.
 Not getting a response in the last 4 days that my site has been down
 is really not acceptable!

Re: [twitter-dev] Filing a new support ticket re a reversed user spam complaint

2009-12-19 Thread Chris Thomson
You can open a support ticket here:

Chris Thomson

On 2009-12-19, at 7:30 PM, Abir wrote:

 Hey Guys,
 1. An user had done a Report Spam in response to a marketing message
 we sent based on product keywords in their recent tweet.
 2. We talked w the user over Facebook and agreed not to send him more
 marketing Tweets and he has agreed to withdraw the spam complaint.
 3. We can't locate a way to open a support ticket to notify you here:
 4. Should we email or @ message someone?  What's the protocol you guys
 want to follow?

Re: [twitter-dev] Is it possible to recreate Twitter's followers screen?

2009-11-23 Thread Chris Thomson
There seems to be a `following` boolean attribute returned for each user in 
/statuses/followers.xml (and .json)... is that what you're looking for?

Chris Thomson

On 2009-11-23, at 11:16 AM, Ryan Bell wrote:

 I would like to completely recreate Twitter's followers screen.  After
 some research, we aren't sure its possible without being inefficient
 with the API.
 We're unable to determine if a user is a following the logged in user
 in a bulk fashion.This information is needed in order to determine
 which options to include next to each follower. ex) should you show
 'follow' or 'unfollow' button?
 Twitter returns your followers information, but does not include
 information as to whether you are also following that user.  It seems
 that the only way to get this additional information is on a 1-by-1
 basis by checking to see if each of your followers is being followed
 by you.
 Is there a better way to determine in bulk if users are being followed
 by you?  It seems that this functionality must exist in order for an
 application to mimic Twitter's Followers page.
 Thanks in advance for any assistance,

Re: [twitter-dev] the name i want is taken but the person doesnt use the account

2009-11-22 Thread Chris Thomson
You could *try* opening a ticket at 
new, but I'm not sure if they release usernames anymore.

On 2009-11-22, at 11:14 PM, Enue wrote:

I would love for our username to just be Enue, but someone has it
already. However, they haven used their account since April 2008. Is
there any way I can get them removed from twitter? or somehow contact
them through e-mail?

Re: [twitter-dev] Question and/or Feature Request: in-reply-to-direct-message-id for DMs

2009-11-21 Thread Chris Thomson
I'd suggest opening a new issue on the Twitter API bug/enhancement tracker so 
others can 'star' it to show interest:

Chris Thomson

On 2009-11-21, at 2:11 PM, Michael Steuer wrote:

 Hi Twitter, Twitter Developers,
 Let me start with the question: is there a good reason why the payload for 
 direct_messages doesn’t have a “in-reply-to-direct-message-id”, just like 
 the “in-reply-to-status-id” for status updates? I know that for my use 
 cases, and I’m sure for some of yours, it’d be helpful to know if a DM was a 
 reply to an earlier one, or a new DM to the recipient.
 So here’s the feature request: can we pretty please have a 
 “in-reply-to-direct-message-id” in the DM API payload? And if you consider 
 this a reasonable request, how long do you think that would take ;)

[twitter-dev] Re: Whitelisting rejection e-mail

2009-11-09 Thread Chris Thomson

On 2009-11-09, at 8:41 PM, John Meyer wrote:

 What was the e-mail to submit questions as to why an application was rejected 
 and what 
 I can do to rectify the situation as a developer?

[twitter-dev] Re: Show a specific list you can use the new resource

2009-11-07 Thread Chris Thomson

That method shows information about a list and its owner. Full
documentation is at:

On Nov 7, 11:31 am, Matthew Terenzio wrote:
 Can someone explain this?

 GET '/:users/lists/:list_slug.:format'
 Show a specific list you can use the new resource.

[twitter-dev] Re: My application for whitelisting has been rejected for no reason!

2009-11-05 Thread Chris Thomson

There's a bug in the whitelisting system that's not properly passing  
along the reason for rejection. Try emailing with the  
username you submitted the request under, and someone from the  
Platform team will look up the reason for you.

On 2009-11-05, at 1:47 PM, Nish wrote:


Today i submitted by application to twitter stating that we are
developing a Twitter application similar to socialoomph and asking to
whitelist 3 of my IPs, I also explained them how am going to use them.

However to my shock i got a email today stating its rejected and No
reason was mentioned! (see below)

Please Help!

Hi Nishanth Chandran,

Thanks for requesting to be on Twitter's API whitelist. Unfortunately,
we've rejected your request.

Here's why:

Please address the issues above and submit another request if

The Twitter API Team

[twitter-dev] Re: ?

2009-10-09 Thread Chris Thomson

There's no need to bump threads here.

As for your question, I believe the befriend_all link was available a  
year (or two) ago, until people abused it. If I remember correctly, it  
was accessible through a GET request which made it easy to abuse  
(shorten the link, tweet it out, boom!). Someone please correct me if  
I'm wrong, though. :)

Chris Thomson

On 2009-10-09, at 8:29 AM, Rick Yazwinski wrote:


On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 2:29 PM, Rick Yazwinski 

I see comments via google about having a bot call this regularily to
make sure your bot follows anyone following the bot... makes sense
(rather than getting all friends and all followers and issuing
seperate friend requests), however I see no reference to it on the
twitter api site.

Is this legit?

When I call it it just redirects to my home page.


[twitter-dev] Re: How to know numberof result total agian keyword search?

2009-10-03 Thread Chris Thomson

No, there isn't a way.

Chris Thomson

On 2009-10-03, at 8:54 AM, Gohar Sultan wrote:

I am new to twitter API, and i want to know total number of results  
found against any keyword search.

Please help me,

Gohar Sultan

[twitter-dev] Re: Submitting applications to Twitter

2009-08-14 Thread Chris Thomson

Take a look at 

Chris Thomson

On 14-Aug-09, at 6:28 PM, Mytweetopics wrote:


We would like to submit to Twitter so that it can
show up in the listing that Twitter uses to show highlighted Twitter
applications on a user's home page, in the top right hand box. e.g.

Trazz·ler Buzzn. tracking popular travel destinations via Twitter.

Does someone know how to do this?



[twitter-dev] Re: Is the rate limiting on IP or User a/c

2009-07-16 Thread Chris Thomson

Victor, email to  

Chris Thomson

On 2009-07-16, at 2:15 AM, victor castleton  

Hello All, can anybody tell how  to stop me  unwanted mail from  
coming, I am
getting hundreds of mails and I cannot find the way to stop them.  
Thanks VJC

[twitter-dev] Re: Safe url shorteners

2009-07-15 Thread Chris Thomson
You may want to check what thumbshots is doing with the URL 
 . It's definitely not taking a screenshot of the correct site …

Chris Thomson

On 15-Jul-09, at 7:06 PM, Kevin Mesiab wrote:

That's a valid concern that we share in our  
application.  We dereference all shortened urls before indexing  

In anticipation, supplies the API call /api/stats/[short]/ 
original to grab the original url for archiving or displaying to end  


All links are dereferenced by to be qualified before  
shortening.  Currently in beta, we've set the qualifications a bit  
tight and urls that redirect using some schemes will be rejected,  
and some bad http status headers will also cause rejection.  This  
will be cleaned up a bit before full public deployment.  At present,  
all urls use as the root domain and are typically between 7  
and 10 characters.

Screenshots are gathered via which works  
like this:

1.) If the full url exists in the cache its image is returned, then  
the url is queued for a new shot.

2.) If the full url does not exist in the cache as a screenshot, the  
root domain is looked up.  If the root domain is in the cache, that  
shot is returned and the full url is queued for a new shot.

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 12:34 PM, owkaye wrote:

 Just wanted to let you guys know about a free service
 we're prototyping for shortening URL's that overcomes a
 few of the limitations of other shorteners.

Only one problems with all these URL shorteners, when the
companies creating them disappear all their shortened URLs
become orphans and therefore useless.

Not a major problem on Twitter because of the typical
transience of data, but when you run a company like mine
that needs to reference historic data it will definitely
create future problems when these companies fail.

Just something for folks to consider ...


Kevin Mesiab
CEO, Mesiab Labs L.L.C.

[twitter-dev] Re: User Search API

2009-07-11 Thread Chris Thomson
There's a published roadmap for the next big iteration of the API  
(version 2) [1]. Your suggestion is already listed under Users and  
is assigned to ticket #357 [2].


Chris Thomson

On 11-Jul-09, at 5:33 PM, Kevin Mesiab wrote:

Is there a published road-map?  Thanks.

On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 6:53 AM, Doug Williams  

User search is something we would like to offer in the future  
through the API.  The project is not highly ranking on the current  
overall roadmap, so there is no ship date to report.


On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 2:53 PM, SamirR  

Are there plans to implement user search in the API (http:// Thanks!


Kevin Mesiab
CEO, Mesiab Labs L.L.C.
img src= 


[twitter-dev] Re: Retrieve Other User's Friend Timeline

2009-07-03 Thread Chris Thomson
There used to be a way, but Twitter removed it a long time ago, on June 4,
2008 [1] because it was too intensive on the servers for a page that hardly
anyone used.


-Chris Thomson

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Yao wrote:

 Are there ways to retrieve friend timeline for users different from
 the authenticated user?


[twitter-dev] Re: Retrieve Other User's Friend Timeline

2009-07-03 Thread Chris Thomson

Sorry about that, wrong link.


On Jul 3, 1:27 pm, Chris Thomson wrote:
 There used to be a way, but Twitter removed it a long time ago, on June 4,
 2008 [1] because it was too intensive on the servers for a page that hardly
 anyone used.


 -Chris Thomson

 On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 11:32 AM, Yao wrote:

  Are there ways to retrieve friend timeline for users different from
  the authenticated user?


[twitter-dev] Re: Favourite Count

2009-06-29 Thread Chris Thomson
As far as I know, no, there isn't a favorite count for tweets. Issue #459
[1] was opened for this reason, but has since been closed as WontFix because doesn't have this functionality (yet).
seems sites like Favrd [2] crawl the favorites of users individually,
then aggregate the data to show which tweets are most favorited.

-Chris Thomson

[1] -
[2] -

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 3:25 PM, Twitticism

 Is there anyway to access/utilise the favourite count of an individual
 tweet? Can't seem to find any info anywhere.



[twitter-dev] Re: Birdfeed App

2009-06-28 Thread Chris Thomson
It uses basic auth.

-Chris Thomson

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:19 PM, isaiah wrote:

 Just curious if anyone knows if the new Birdfeed ipone app that's just
 been released today uses OAuth 1.0a Pin flow, the other OAuth flow,
 or basic auth.  Anyone know?


[twitter-dev] Re: Tweets are not showing up in search results, have not been since Thursday

2009-06-14 Thread Chris Thomson
A common reason that an account wouldn't show up in search is because it is
being investigated for spam. See [1] for more details.

-Chris Thomson

1 -

On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 12:54 PM, Ron Evans wrote:

 I have noticed that tweets from my twitter account @thumbfight
 suddenly stopped appearing in the Twitter search results starting on
 Thursday. Anyone else have this problem?

 I submitted a Twitter support request, which was closed by an
 automated program they have regarding new Twitter accounts. This
 account is not new, and up until Wednesday evening all was working

 Anyone else experiencing, or have experienced in the past, this kind of

 Ron Evans

[twitter-dev] Re: Registering source app without OAuth

2009-06-07 Thread Chris Thomson
See Doug's message about this from back in April [1], and the FAQ [2].

1 -
2 -

-Chris Thomson

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Emrah wrote:


 I would like to register a cmd line app that I made for some FFF
 (Friends fools and family) that does not use OAuth because I would just
 mean unnecessary garbage.
 How do I register it as a Source app?


[twitter-dev] Re: geocode doesnt include non-geocoded locations? (web)

2009-05-23 Thread Chris Thomson
I believe locations are based solely on what the user enters in for their
location. In other words, it could be inaccurate, left blank, or the place
might not even exist. I'd assume that if Twitter was automatically guessing
at where people are based on their IP, they'd have something to say about
that in their privacy policy [1].

1 -

-Chris Thomson

On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 3:55 AM, Zee wrote:

 No responses???

[twitter-dev] Re: count parameter need to be documented

2009-04-19 Thread Chris Thomson
Yusuke, The REST API Documentation page is being phased out and is being
replaced by the much simpler (which links to all of
the correct Twitter-REST-API-Method pages).
Doug, perhaps you should remove the contents of the older page and link it
to the newer one, to prevent confusion with future API changes?

-Chris Thomson

2009/4/19 Yusuke


 I found that actually it is inconsistently documented.

  - user_timeline
  Not yet documented. max is unknown.
 It is documented here,
 But not here,

  - friends_timeline
  Documented. max is 200.
  - direct_messages.xml
  Not yet documented. max is 100. issue#115
 Documented here:
 But not here:

  - direct_messages/sent.xml
  Not yet documented. max is 100. issue#115
 Not yet documented: sent
 # the URL looks to be wrong. should be

  - statuses/mentions.xml
  Not yet documented. max is unknown.
 Documented here:
 But not here:


 On 4月19日, 午後11:55, Yusuke wrote:
  AFAIK, count parameter is technically supported with several methods
  and it used to be documented.
  But now it's documented only with statuses/friends_timeline.
  According to the recent activities on the issue list, it seems to be
  still officially supported other than friends_timeline.
  - direct_messageshttp://
  - replies (mentions)
  Do you guys have any plan to document it soon?
  I confirmed that following methods support count parameter:
  - user_timeline
  Not yet documented. max is unknown.
  - friends_timeline
  Documented. max is 200.
  - direct_messages.xml
  Not yet documented. max is 100. issue#115
  - direct_messages/sent.xml
  Not yet documented. max is 100. issue#115
  - statuses/mentions.xml
  Not yet documented. max is unknown.
  - statuses/repliess.xml
  Not yet documented. max is unknown.
  Thanks in advance,

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter API returning truncated XML responses

2009-04-15 Thread Chris Thomson
I'm having this issue as well. Here's the full response (including the
headers returned):

-Chris Thomson

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Doug Williams wrote:

 More details would certainly help track down the problem. Headers, response
 bodies, etc.?

 Doug Williams
 Twitter API Support

 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Dossy Shiobara do...@panoptic.comwrote:


 Is there something actively killing the Twitter web farm?  This happened
 once before, where XML API responses were being truncated randomly somewhere

 It's going on _right now_ and has effectively shut down Twitter Karma for
 all its users.


 Dossy Shiobara  | |
 Panoptic Computer Network   |
  He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on. (p. 70)

[twitter-dev] Re: url as an input

2009-04-09 Thread Chris Thomson
There's also the BackTweets API.

-Chris Thomson

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:27 AM, jstrellner wrote:

 Hi Nick,

 Yes, we can help with this. We have an API that is nearly complete
 that will allow you to provide a URL and get all of the tweets that
 contained a link to the provided URL, regardless of which URL
 shortener that was used.


 On Apr 5, 12:02 pm, Nick Arnett wrote:
  On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Abraham Williams
   Just pretend the URL is text and search for that text using the default
   Search API call.
  But if you want meaningful results, you'll want to shorten the URL with
  popular shorteners (tinyurl, bitly, etc.) and search on the shortened
  Or you might be able to accomplish what you're seeking by using Twiturly.

[twitter-dev] Re: url as an input

2009-04-05 Thread Chris Thomson
Perhaps Abraham's referring to Tweetmeme?
-Chris Thomson

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Abraham Williams wrote:

 You will want to read the Search API Docs:

 Also consider that alot of long URLs are shortened using
 There is another site providing an API to reverse the process but I don't
 remember what it is.


 On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 13:00, ParsePlz wrote:


 What I need is to pass a url to API and get tweets for it, process is
 similar to as of .

 Can such be implemented ?

 Thanks and Best Regads


 On Apr 5, 11:55 pm, Abraham Williams wrote:
  Please clarify. I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to
  On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 12:28, ParsePlz wrote:
   Is it possible to get tweets, who-tweet? type data with a input URL. I
   checked twitter api documentation, but Idont see it accepts url
   anywhere that accepts url as ain input parameted.
   If someone of you aware of it, please let me know.
   Thanks and Best Regadrs.
   B. Parse
  Abraham Williams | Hacker |
  @poseurtech |
  Web608 | Community Evangelist |
  This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.
  Sent from Chicago, Illinois, United States

 Abraham Williams | Hacker |
 @poseurtech |
 Web608 | Community Evangelist |
 This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.
 Sent from Chicago, Illinois, United States

[twitter-dev] Re: Problem with search api

2009-04-02 Thread Chris Thomson
Give this a try:

-Chris Thomson

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 3:59 AM, nyankov wrote:

 Hi All,

 Does anybody have idea why this url: OR book OR read since:
 2008-04-02 from:nyankov

 Give me:

 The page you were looking for doesn't exist.
 You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.

 Any help and advice will be appriciated.

 Best regards,

[twitter-dev] Re: Is there a way to list blocked users for an account?

2009-04-02 Thread Chris Thomson
There isn't a way to do that currently, but there's a ticket open for it:

-Chris Thomson

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 5:46 AM, Ninjamonk wrote:

 Hi There, I wanted to find out which users I have blocked and give
 them a 2nd chance but I cannot find an api method that lists blocked
 users for an authed account.

 Any pointers?

 Kind Regards


[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth Open Beta for new accounts?

2009-03-22 Thread Chris Thomson
I believe the Connections tab only appears after you authorize an
application. You should be able to access it directly, though:
Chris Thomson

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Chad Etzel wrote:


 I have created a new account for a new app coming up (for which I
 would like to implement OAuth), and I don't see the Connections tab
 under my new account settings.  Are there some heuristics which
 determine whether an account can participate in the OAuth Open Beta?


[twitter-dev] Re: Pre-fill DM textarea?

2009-03-17 Thread Chris Thomson
This isn't documented anywhere, as far as I can tell, but . . . seems to work.

Chris Thomson

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 11:01 AM, TjL wrote:

 I am adding links to TwitReport to be able to report someone as a dirty

 This can easily be done as an @reply like this:$TWIT+

 where $TWIT is already defined as the TwitterName of your new follower.

 I can also do a DM like this$twit+

 but that loads the entire /home webpage AND doesn't verify that the
 person can send a DM to @spam.

 I'd much rather use

 but I want to be able to be able to pre-populate the textarea with the
 @name of the Twit in question.

 However, this doesn't work:$twit

 Is there another way or am I stuck using 'd spam'?



[twitter-dev] Re: Friendship.create is confusing

2009-03-17 Thread Chris Thomson
To simply follow a person, use friendships create. Notifications are for
toggling notifications (updates from a particular user) on/off to the
authenticated user's SMS device.
Chris Thomson

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Gary Zhao wrote:

 Things still confusing. As per the article,
 The New Terminology
 Things are now decidedly simpler: you follow other users, and other users
 follow you.  You can turn notifications on and off on a per-user basis.

 So looks like Friendship.create is to follow someone and
 Notification.follow is to turn on notifications.
 My question is what turn on/off means. I found the only option on is to follow/unfollow a user. Can I follow a user but turn off
 notifications? or it can only be done in program?

 What's your suggestion if I want to simply follow a
 person. Friendship.create and Notification.follow, which one should I use?


 On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Doug Williams wrote:

 Alex wrote this a while back and it suddenly seems relevant [1].

 [1] -

 Doug Williams
 Twitter API Support

 On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Gary Zhao wrote:
  Hi all
  I'm sort of confused with this API. On, my understanding is
  friend is someone you follow. However, there is a parameter follow for
  this API. That means he/she can be your friend, but you don't follow.
  does this mean? A friend you don't follow is what?
  Another question is when you use Notification.follow API, will the
  user specified becomes your friend automatically? Or is it possible that
  follow someone who's not your friend?


[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth preparation

2009-03-16 Thread Chris Thomson
Chen, see:
Chris Thomson

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:45 PM, Chen Jie wrote:

 Hey, do I need to sign up with twitter to use OAuth? How can I get my
 consumer key and secret?

 On Mar 17, 10:34 am, Steve Brunton wrote:
  On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Abraham Williams
  Yeah, it's back now (the tweet that is). Probably some of that caching
  funkiness. Looks like I have some new code to write tomorrow.

[twitter-dev] Re: Reserved usernames

2009-03-15 Thread Chris Thomson
Any username containing twttr also can't be registered.
Chris Thomson

On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Nick Arnett wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 6:36 AM, richardhenry wrote:

 Is this everything, or have I missed anything?

 Nothing that contains twitter is allowed, I believe.


[twitter-dev] Re: Reserved usernames

2009-03-15 Thread Chris Thomson
Ahh, I forgot to mention @archive.
Chris Thomson

On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Chris Thomson wrote:

 Any username containing twttr also can't be registered.
 Chris Thomson

 On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Nick Arnett nick.arn...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 6:36 AM, richardhenry richardhe...@me.comwrote:

 Is this everything, or have I missed anything?

 Nothing that contains twitter is allowed, I believe.


[twitter-dev] Re: Outdated API documentation refers to /archive?

2009-02-20 Thread Chris Thomson
Yep, the /archive page is gone. The user_timeline method basically replaces
it, but you can only go back a certain number of tweets due to technical
limitations (the number has escaped me, but it was 3000).
Chris Thomson

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 11:19 PM, TjL wrote: says

  Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted from the authenticating user.
  It's also possible to request another user's timeline via the id
 parameter below.
  This is the equivalent of the Web /archive page for your own user, or the
 profile page for a third party.

 There is no longer an /archive page, correct?


Re: Is there a limit on how quickly an app can post updates?

2009-01-31 Thread Chris Thomson
There's a limit of 1000 updates per day, per user (subject to change). See:

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 6:34 PM, Amir Michail wrote:


 I'm referring to public tweets here.

 I don't want to get my app bot twitter account banned...


Re: excited

2008-12-15 Thread Chris Thomson
I also seemed to have missed it:

Chris Thomson

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 5:47 PM, Rob Iles wrote:

 Me.MissedBigAnnouncement(); ??

 2008/12/15 JSadamant

 i can't wait to see what you crazy geniuses do together. twitter 
 google. watch out world!

 Rob Iles

 Harmony -
 Software Development -

 Skype: rob_iles

Re: simple tweet this implementation

2008-11-21 Thread Chris Thomson

Not all Twitter clients show the from application text, so it's  
probably a better idea to just enter the link with the status (and no,  
you can't modify the from web link when posting from the  

Chris Thomson

On 20-Nov-08, at 1:05 PM, scottjgo wrote:


 I want to add a tweet this link to my website. The idea is that you
 would click the button, and it would prepopulate the message field on
 twitter with a link. Ideally, you would authenticate through so I can avoid handling passwords.

 I understand you can use a link like:
 but is it possible to replace the from web with a link to my
 website? Without that, it sort of eliminates the cool viral
 advertising. Is the only alternative to use the real api (and handle
