Re: Open Office disappeared

2015-01-31 Thread mt

On 30/1/15 at 1:51 AM, (Susan Anderson) wrote:

I did an update (not an upgrade) on my Mac and when it finished 
I realized that Open Office is missing.  How do I get it back.  
I have many important documents on it.

A phone number would be great.  I find it much easier for 
someone to walk me through an issue.  FAQ's (for whatever issue 
I've had to research) have NEVER had my question nor any type 
of clear answer.

I can't just reinstall it if it means losing all the documents 
that are in it.

Susan Anderson

Hello Susan,

From what you write, it sounds like you updated your Operating 
System, not Open Office in itself. Is this correct?

In any case, updates/upgrades should not delete any contents 
--unless of course you had to restore your data from some older 
backup, which did not include all your current (pre-restore) HD contents.

Could you check your Applications folder and see if Open Office 
is still there. If so, and if the reason you think it's no 
longer there is that it doesn't fire up when you click on file 
icons that used to be associated with OO, then you might have to 
reset your Open with... preferences.

If any of the above sounded a bit mysterious, could I suggest 
that you get personal assistance. For this, you can make an 
appointment at any Apple store, or contact your closest MUG 
(Macintosh Users Group).


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Re: pages and Office

2015-01-15 Thread mt

Hello Beverly,

On 14/1/15 at 4:13 AM, (Beverly Eisner) wrote:

Hello to someone:)

Although I have both programs, Pages and Office, I want Office 
and I start to write, but it changes to Pages which is a puzzle 
to me. I want only Office open because that is the one others 
can open when I send it out.  Why does it open in pages?

This mailing list can only help with technical questions 
relating to the OpenOffice application suite, described at From what you write, it is not 
clear whether this is what you have.

This said, I imagine you are using a Macintosh computer, where 
the file association for word processing documents is set to 
Pages. If you wish to open and edit this kind of files with 
Office, you will have to Ctlr+click the file name and choose 
Office from the pop-up menu.

For details, and because I have a feeling you would benefit from 
personal support, could I suggest that you visit an Apple Store 
or get in touch with your local Mac User Group.

Kind regards

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Re: Trying to update, I have 4.1.0 and I am trying to download 4.1.1

2015-01-14 Thread mt


[see below]

On 14/1/15 at 7:44 PM, (Jeff Gordon) wrote:

Thanks all very much.

Your answers omit to say you should log-in first before the DOWNLOAD may

There are no login requirements for downloading Apache 
OpenOffice from the official Website.

Make sure you are accessing the OFFICIAL download page for 
Apache OpenOffice, at, and not some 
other (similarly named) software.

Let us know how you go!


[message sent in copy to]

Jeff Gordon

On 14 January 2015 at 17:52, Dennis E. Hamilton

When you start at and get to the page,, make sure the


there are appropriate for your computer.

After you click Download full
installation DO NOT CLICK ANYTHING MORE.  There are ads on the next
page that invite your downloading of other software, and they are
confusing. DON'T TOUCH THOSE.

What you want to read is in the fine print near the Apache OpenOffice
symbol and title.  If you just wait, the download will start and you
will be asked what to do with it (depending on the browser and


you are using).  If the download does not just start after a brief


follow the barely visible Problems with the download? ... message.

The embarrassing icky-ness of the advertising-based download buttons


various guises is something that we seem unable to explain to the


Forge folks.  It is all quite smarmy and an ugly example of the


spirit that was once confined to matchbook covers and the back pages


comic books.

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Gordon []
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 07:41
Subject: Trying to update, I have 4.1.0 and I am trying to download


EVERY time I click on the DOWNLOAD button I am taken to the site FREE



All I am trying to do is download the update.

Jeff Gordon

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Re: How to Populate Accidentally Deleted OOB Table

2015-01-04 Thread mt

On 4/1/15 at 7:00 PM, (Dan Boney) wrote:

I've recently begun using Open Office Base to organize my stamp
collection.  Using online tutorials, I created a stamp collection table.
Then I created a form to enter my stamp information.  After entering
information on 100's of stamps, I accidently deleted the stamp collection
table.  How do I get the data from the existing odb file into a 
new table?

Can you export the data in CSV or tab-separated (plain text) format?
If so, you can re-import the data after recreating an empty 
table in Base.

The above sounds very simplistic, so I'm not really sure this is 
going to help...

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RE: Quick Office Pro

2014-12-03 Thread mt
I'm not a moderator on this list, however I have some experience 
from running  moderating other busy mailing lists for a long 
time. So I'm putting this forward just as a suggestion, which I 
have found to work perfectly in similar situations - hope this 
is OK.

The idea of preparing a standard response to common posts that 
might create confusion/disruption on list is a very good one. 
With minimum effort, moderators can resort to pre-worded 
messages to non-subscribers, explaining why their questions 
cannot be answered through the AOO mailing list/forums. 
Illegal posters, lists and forums can only benefit from this approach.

Just as a starting point, standard messages could be in a 
similar form to the following:

Dear [poster],

Thank you for the message you sent to the Apache OpenOffice user 
group. As you can gather, the scope of this mailing list/forum 
is limited to the Apache OpenOffice software suite, as described 
at As an open-source software 
suite, AOO can be downloaded and used completely free of charge 
for any purpose, and makes support available to users through a 
network of volunteers offering their time for free.

For these reasons, we are unable to make our forums/mailing 
lists available to support other software products, including 
[Quick Office Pro or whatever], which are sold and distributed 
by commercial entities as profit-making products.

We therefore encourage you to go ahead and replace your [Quick 
Office Pro or whatever] with AOO, so you can take advantage of 
its features and support.

I believe it's important not to put any 'blame' on people who 
mistakenly post to this user group, and instead encourage them 
to move to AOO.

Thank you, list admins and moderators, for helping keep this 
list a place where subscribers can offer advice and ask for 
help, with optimal noise-to-content ratio  levels :-)

Italy or Australia
MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, OS X 10.9.5
MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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Re: Can't connect to OpenOffice word document after Apache update

2014-11-28 Thread mt

On 28/11/14 at 7:16 AM, (Brian Barker) wrote:

At 16:50 28/11/2014 +1100, Martin Groenescheij wrote:
Go to C:\Program Files\OpenOffice 4\program and copy the file 
soffice.exe and paste on your desktop.

Aaargh! Please don't suggest such misuse of a computer and its 
files. People reading a public mailing list shouldn't be 
advised to use such bad practice.

True, I haven't used Windows for some time now, but what Martin 
suggested used to be the correct way to add a shortcut to the 
desktop, as was explained in Window's own online Help.

For updated instructions, here's what a quick search on produced, straight from Microsoft's online 
support Website:


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Re: Excel

2014-11-23 Thread mt

Hello Ingrid,

On 21/11/14 at 8:10 PM, (Ingrid Ream) wrote:

Good afternoon,

I have the most current version of 4.1 and can not open an
excel document. Is there something additional that I need to do

so I can open the document? or does this version not support opening the
docs in excel? I am using windows 8.1 if that makes a difference.

Is this the first time you are trying to open an Excel document 
in OpenOffice, or the first time you are unable to open an Excel 
document with your latest version of OpenOffice?

If you have never used OpenOffice before:

1. Do you know how to run 'new' applications under Windows?

2. Have you already explored all possibly ways to open documents 
with a given application? This includes:
a) Starting OpenOffice, opening the File menu, and 
selecting the file via the Open command
b) Locating the file you want to open, Ctrl+clicking its 
name and choosing OpenOffice from the drop-down/pop-up list of 
available Open with... applications

If, instead, you have used OpenOffice before and only recently 
have become unable to open any Excel files using OpenOffice, 
maybe there are security features preventing you from running 
your latest version of OpenOffice.

If you are not familiar with/do not know how to check any of the 
above, could I suggest that you get help from someone who can 
give you a hands-on tutorial.

If you would like to report back to the list, that would be great.


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Re: Problème clavier

2014-11-21 Thread mt

On 21/11/14 at 8:33 AM, (Urmas) wrote:

Brian Barker:

the number of speakers of Mandarin as a first language is more 
than twice that for English

Would you please follow your own logic and repeat your query in Mandarin

Not even Chinese speak Mandarin.
However, everyone of consequence on our Earth speaks English.
Also, netiquette states clearly: English or nothing.

I'm sure even you would benefit from perfecting your non-native 
English and broadening your view on languages. Understanding 
French, as well as English, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese 
and Arabic will make it much easier for you to communicate over 
the Internet. Which is the only reason for 'netiquette' to 
exist: no communication, no need for netiquette. Right? :-)


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Re: Fw: New Folder

2014-11-21 Thread mt

On 21/11/14 at 4:20 PM, (Rita Schwartz) wrote:


I am using 4.0.1Open Office.  I can't get a New Folder to open 
when I click on the icon in the task bar.

How can I  open a New Folder?

Hello Rita,

Clicking on an icon in the task bar ought to the associated 
application - so if you click on the OpenOffice icon in your 
task bar, OpenOffice should start and present you with a few 
choices (e.g., start a new document, open a recent file).

Not sure why you might want to open a New Folder? If what you 
mean is creating a new folder for OpenOffice files, then this 
is an operating system task. On a Mac, you would do this in a 
Finder window. I'm not familiar with Windows/Linux, so I'm sorry 
I can't help you there.

I hope this helps,


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Re: ASF Code of Conduct

2014-11-21 Thread mt
On 21/11/14 at 4:21 PM, (Dennis E. 
Hamilton) wrote:

Recently, this contribution was being celebrated on the ASF 
Community dev list.  I think it is very useful to keep in mind 
when supporting users:

I find Rory's approach to be entirely within the spirit and I 
commend his gentility for emulation by others who want to 
support and encourage the users of Apache OpenOffice.

- Dennis

Thank you Dennis, much appreciated. I second your commendation 
for Rory: his contributions are always kind, well worded and to 
the point. Thank you Rory!


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Re: line spacing

2014-11-15 Thread mt

On 15/11/14 at 9:02 AM, (Rory O'Farrell) wrote:


There is an informative article on OpenOffice line spacing at

This may have been outmoded by later versions - I'm not certain.

Very interesting, although maybe a bit too 'advanced' for common 
user requirements :-)

The available options are still the same. However, line spacing 
is set to 'Single' in the default styles, so it remains unclear 
how it would turn into 1.5 after pasting into a Word document.

Unless (it seems to me) a 1.5 line spacing has been set as part 
of one of the Styles used in those documents.

Ciao :-)


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Re: Document Recovery Issue

2014-11-14 Thread mt
John, have you tried changing magnification through the Zoom 
slider at the bottom right corner of the OpenOffice screen? That 
should adjust the font size on your screen, till it's big enough 
for you to see.

Sorry I can't help with your other issue. I assume you have 
already made certain you are using Apache OpenOffice, and not 
another application with a similar name?

[message also sent to (John W. Smith)]

On 14/11/14 at 1:53 PM, (John W. Smith) wrote:

I've checked in before with screen reader accessibility 
questions, and the problem that has popped up is aggravated by 
that. I have a little usable vision, which enables me to do 
only limited tasks with Open Office.

Last night I opened a document in Writer. Since I couldn't read 
it with my screen reader, I attempted to copy the text into 
Notepad. For some reason, the text didn't copy. I can't 
remember what happened when I closed the Writer document, but 
now when I open any Open Office application, I get a message 
about document recovery. I've deleted the document I was trying 
to copy from. It's gone from Recycle bin deliberately as well. 
My screen resolution isn't set for optimal use with Open 
Office, so I can't see buttons at the bottom of the screen that 
shows the message about document recovery. However, I've 
figured out that by striking S, then N, I can open up the 
document or spread sheet I'm actually trying to work with.

That led to other problems this morning. I tried to print out a 
spread sheet so I could read it with magnification apart from 
the computer, but I couldn't get it to print at all. I couldn't 
tab to whatever control I needed to make it work.

I don't know how much of this is related to my lack of ability 
to access the programs with my screen reader, but is it 
necessary to uninstall and reinstall to resolve any of this?


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Re: Document Recovery Issue

2014-11-14 Thread mt
John, have you tried changing magnification through the Zoom 
slider at the bottom right corner of the OpenOffice screen? That 
should adjust the font size on your screen, till it's big enough 
for you to see.

Sorry I can't help with your other issue. I assume you have 
already made certain you are using Apache OpenOffice, and not 
another application with a similar name?

[message also sent to (John W. Smith)]

On 14/11/14 at 1:53 PM, (John W. Smith) wrote:

I've checked in before with screen reader accessibility 
questions, and the problem that has popped up is aggravated by 
that. I have a little usable vision, which enables me to do 
only limited tasks with Open Office.

Last night I opened a document in Writer. Since I couldn't read 
it with my screen reader, I attempted to copy the text into 
Notepad. For some reason, the text didn't copy. I can't 
remember what happened when I closed the Writer document, but 
now when I open any Open Office application, I get a message 
about document recovery. I've deleted the document I was trying 
to copy from. It's gone from Recycle bin deliberately as well. 
My screen resolution isn't set for optimal use with Open 
Office, so I can't see buttons at the bottom of the screen that 
shows the message about document recovery. However, I've 
figured out that by striking S, then N, I can open up the 
document or spread sheet I'm actually trying to work with.

That led to other problems this morning. I tried to print out a 
spread sheet so I could read it with magnification apart from 
the computer, but I couldn't get it to print at all. I couldn't 
tab to whatever control I needed to make it work.

I don't know how much of this is related to my lack of ability 
to access the programs with my screen reader, but is it 
necessary to uninstall and reinstall to resolve any of this?


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Re: Document Recovery Issue

2014-11-14 Thread mt

On 14/11/14 at 3:04 PM, (John W. Smith) wrote:

Marina, Yes, I'm using Apache Open Office 4.1.1. Thanks for the 
magnification tip. I'll see what I can do to make that work 
when I get the document recovery issue resolved. When I open 
the Open Office icon, I have to go through the steps (S  N) as 
described before. Then it opens Writer, not the panel that lets 
me choose the program I want.

By the way, I got 4 copies of your message.

My email client had a spaz attack and sent it twice to both 
email addresses --ie yours and that of the mailing list!

Apologies for that.

I'm not really up-to-date with the Windows operating system, so 
I hope others will step in with suggestions for your document 
recovery issue.

If you have a copy of the original .zip/compressed archive with 
the program, seems to me it wouldn't hurt to uninstall and do a 
clean install.

Hope you can find a quick and good fix! :-)

Italy or Australia
MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, OS X 10.9.5
MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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Re: line spacing

2014-11-14 Thread mt


On 14/11/14 at 9:55 PM, (Stan 
Reffin) wrote:

We have created a document in open office text with single line 
spacing. When we paste this document in to a template created 
in word the spacing is 1.5 we have right clicked to high lite 
single line but this changes nothing.Is it possible to change 
the format when going from open office to word ?

Is it possible the 1.5 line spacing is set in the Word template?

Also, you might want to check the Style settings, both in OO and 
in Word, to make sure line spacing is what you want for the 
active style.

For details on styles, open the Help menu and type Styles in 
the Search box. This should be the same in both programmes.



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Re: Sending a message

2014-11-12 Thread mt
It sounds like you would benefit from personal support. You can 
get help with your iPad at any Apple Store or Mac User Group.

This list can only help with technical questions relating to the 
OpenOffice application suite, which however is not available on iPads.

Kind regards

(message sent both to the list and directly to

On 12/11/14 at 5:00 PM, (jackie sudron 
sanderson) wrote:

I have wrote a letter but it won't send, can you help me
Sent from my iPad

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Re: password

2014-11-09 Thread mt

Hello Christine,

It sounds like you would benefit from a hands-on tutorial. Could 
I suggest that you explore the availability of local resources, 
such as Mac User Groups or basic computer courses at 
libraries/local community centres.

I am sending this message to you privately, as well as to the 
list. Let me know if you need help locating possible options.


On 4/11/14 at 12:00 AM, (Christine 
Casey) wrote:

Thank you very much for trying to help me, I really do 
appreciate it very much.  Unfortunately I think I’m the type 
that needs a phone call and someone to just walk me thru all 
this because I’m just completely unfamiliar with anything 
past writing an email or going on a simple site like YouTube or 
something.  I don’t know what it means when you say “make a 
new Writer file ((/File/New/Writer file).  I just need someone 
to be on the phone with me and tell me exactly what to go to on 
my screen, what to click…you know, like that, step-by-step.
I took back the Windows 8.1 Laptop that I had bought because it 
was just frustrating me beyond belief.  I am now just back on 
my Mac.  I tried to download the Apache OpenOffice but the Mac 
won’t open it so I guess I”m out of luck anyway that I 
turn.  I really hope that I never have to get another Windows 
computer again but in case I ever do and need help with your 
Apache OpenOffice is there a phone number that I can call for 
someone to walk me thru it?  I know it’s a lot to ask but 
that is really the type of help that I need.


Christine Casey
On Nov 4, 2014, at 1:02 PM, Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:04:33 -0600
Christine Casey wrote:

I am using Apache OpenOffice for the first time.  Please help me with this!

A window opens up that says:
  “The document you are about to export has one or more 
protected items with
password that cannot be exported.  Please retype your password 
to be able to export your document.”  So my question is 
this:  What password???  And it does me no good to select 
“Remove password from this protected item” because it just 
keeps sending me back to the page saying to retype my 
password.  So what password are they talking about?  Is it a 
password from Apace OpenOffice or who?  I am very confused.
  Please just write me back a specific email and don’t 
send me to “forum
land”.  I am NOT a computer savvy person at all and the more 
places you send me, the more confused I get.  Please just email 
back to me here.

  Thank you,
  Christine Casey

A quick test: make a new Writer file (/File /New /Writer file).  In it type
dt, then press F3 key to get dummy test in the file.  Now /File 
/Save As; put Test into the File name box, Select ODF Text 
document (.odt) in the file type box (may have to scroll up or 
down using the arrow keys to select this). Make sure Automatic 
file name extension checkbox is checked.  Now /File /Close.  
Can you do all the above and reload this file?  If so, OO is 
working correctly and the problem lies in your other file, 
which we can then consider.

Rory O'Farrell

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Re: NeoOffice vs AOO - Was Re: Disappearing fonts

2014-10-25 Thread mt

On 24/10/14 at 9:23 PM, (James Plante) wrote:

Nope, you're still correct. That's for TECH support, though. 
You can still get help with How do I problems from forums 
like this one, since AOO and Neo operate pretty much 
identically. There's also NeoWiki, and of course Google.


Apparently we were both wrong -just found NeoOffice new support 
policy at

So basically, NeoOffice is the same as AOO and uses the same 
free, user-based support network.

In the past, when NeoOffice was the only Mac alternative to AOO, 
there was no option but it. But now, with AOO already being 
available for Macs... why use NeoOffice at all?

Don't know, but I have a feeling it might also be on the way out altogether.

Italy or Australia
MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, OS X 10.9.5
MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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NeoOffice vs AOO - Was Re: Disappearing fonts

2014-10-24 Thread mt

On 24/10/14 at 4:14 PM, (James Plante) wrote:

One other thing you may want to do: Download NeoOffice from the 
App store. On Macs, it seems to work with fewer annoyances than AOO.

Not sure this is really true. I have used both NeoOffice and 
Apache OpenOffice, and have opted for the latter -no regrets.

The main issue I had with NeoOffice was the exorbitant cost of 
accessing support - unless Patrick has changed his marketing 
strategy, one had to pay at least $100 a year in order to be 
able to access the support forums.

Happy to stand corrected if that's no longer the case!

Italy or Australia
MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, OS X 10.9.5
MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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Re: Openoffice is terrible

2014-10-19 Thread mt
Could I add my two bob's worth, as a long-time Mac  Calc user. 
I am assuming the following was written by Michael (who is 
receiving this in copy), even though I found it in Rory's message:

On 19/10/14 at 5:59 PM, (Rory O'Farrell) wrote:

By far the most annoying bug from 4.0 was the scrollbar issue.  
As mentioned, with large spreadsheets, scrolling down very far 
caused it to be very difficult to return up.  You could do it, 
but it would go very slowly.  It would not let you drag the bar 
up as quickly as you wanted.  You could scroll up with the 
middle mouse wheel but that would take forever with the size of 
documents I'm talking about 

Are you familiar with the Cmd+arrow (up or down) key 
combination? I've found this to be by far the fastest way to 
scroll up and down long spreadsheets, as it brings up (or down) 
the last empty or filled cell.

Alternatively, if you want to scroll to a certain point, you 
can simply click once to select any cell, and then keep the 
required arrow pressed until you reach the desired cell. Or you 
can use the Find command to locate any cell with given data.

In fact, your point made me realise I never use the scrollbar! :-)

Hope this helps a bit,


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Re: accented characters and regex ...

2014-09-27 Thread mt
I often have to do that with Italian accented letters - my 
simplistic approach is to keep a reference file with all 
accented (or otherwise modified) letters, which I copy and paste 
in the Replace with field. This doesn't take as long as I 
would need for a macro... but then I am not a programmer, and I 
need a real KISS solution :-)


On 27/9/14 at 6:12 PM, (Albretch Mueller) wrote:

Most of the times I type in English so I don't need to worry about
accented characters

Sometimes I need to write up or edit text in Spanish or German, so I
need to be able to replace accented characters at once.

After marking them up with ticks next/right to the character you can
search all of them with the regex:


but then, how do you replace them all at once (each correspondingly) by:

(á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ, ¿, ¡, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ü, Ñ)

A'lgebra I: ?'Do'nde encuentro una gui'a de te'rminos Matema'ticos
u'nicos para el an~o?

Should become at once:

Álgebra I: ¿Dónde encuentro una guía de términos Matemáticos únicos
para el año?

Thank you,

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Re: Updated Version

2014-09-27 Thread mt
Version 4.1.1 build 9775 (Mac OSX) is what I have, and I get the 
same message when checking for updates on Apache OO Website.

Is it possible that the Cnet alert email is spam? Or otherwise, 
that Cnet has some not-very-timely update alert system you 
signed up for?

Kind regards


[message also sent in copy to]

On 27/9/14 at 8:47 PM, (Janet Rogers) wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam

I have the OpenOffice version 4.1.1 (4.11.9775) which was 
updated on 23.08.2014.

I have, today, received a Download Alert email from Cnet saying 
that there is an 'update' to this version dated 25.09.2014 
saying that 'Version 4.1.1 is a micro release intended to fix 
critical issues' but, when I did a 'check for updates' through 
myOpenOffice it says my version is currently 'up-to-date' so 
can you verift for me please.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully
Mrs J Rogers

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Re: accented characters and regex ...

2014-09-27 Thread mt

G'day Albretch,

On 27/9/14 at 12:25 AM, (Albretch Mueller) wrote:

How? simple... switch your keyboard configuration to Spanish-Traditional
(in Windows XP to 7, this is done from Control Panel, under regional
settings, click on the Languages tab and then on the details button.

Simplest are your assumptions. First, I don't use Windows; second,
I find myself very often having to use more than one lang in the same
text; third, at times I use other editors (for coding, for example);
fourth, I teach, so I can't just write in a messy way to my students

In your situation, it might be worth your while to find out what 
accent modifier keys are available for your keyboard in your 
operating system.

Macs with a standard international keyboard layout have a rather 
wide range of accented/special characters available, which are 
activated by pressing the Alt key in combination with a number 
of characters. These special gestures will probably come to 
you quite naturally after a while, if you use special characters frequently.



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Re: AOO Ripoffreport

2014-08-24 Thread mt
I really don't understand why these scams, and spam with them, 
aren't necessarily and sufficiently addressed by the 
appropriate authorities.

Isn't there suitable legislation to combat fraud? Shouldn't 
elected politicians be accountable for ensuring fair business 
practices on the Internet?

Seems to me each of us has holds equal responsibility in this, 
and expecting that others (Apache/OpenOffice) act in our stead 
is yet another way to support scammers and spammers.

(ops - off my soapbox now!)


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Re: Change default browser

2014-08-09 Thread mt

Hello Jerry,

I'm not familiar with Xubuntu Linux, but in other operating 
systems, the default browser is a system-wide setting. So you 
should be able to change it through whatever tool Xubuntu Linux 
offers for controlling system preferences.



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On 7/8/14 at 5:11 AM, (J. Van Brimmer) wrote:

I have OO-4.1.0 on Xubuntu Linux. I just installed it, and when I
started up Writer, after a few seconds it presented me with a
notification saying that there was updates for an installed extension.
So I clicked on the button. After it found the extension update, I
clicked on the Install button. The first time this happened, it then
presented me with a list of installed browsers and asked me to select
one. I clicked on chrome, because I do have Chrome installed. It
failed saying that it couldn't find the default browser. Now, every
time I try to rerun the process, it doesn't present me with a list of
installed browsers, it just fails, saying again that it can't find the
default browser.

So, I can't find where to change the default browser in Writer. Does
anybody know? I tried renaming the profile folder, that didn't work,
it still failed.

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Re: Calc issues, Mac OS X 10.9.4

2014-07-25 Thread mt

Hi Chuck,

On 24/7/14 at 3:24 AM, (chuck ef) wrote:

I am an OO newbie so bear with me. I am on an iMac using 10.9.4 
and I have never used OO before. I downloaded 4.1.0. I am 
trying to migrate an MS Excel spreadsheet to Calc. It will be 
nice to get away from MS.

Forgive my silly question: have you tried to simply open the 
Excel file in OO instead of copying and pasting?

On your Mac you should be able to do this in a few different 
ways - eg:

- In the Finder window showing your Excel file: right- or 
CTRL-click on the file name and choose Open Office in the 
drop-down Open with... menu

- Launch Open Office and drag your Excel file (from the Finder 
window) onto its icon in the Dock

- Launch Open Office and navigate to your Excel spreadsheet in 
the Open file... dialog (from the menu bar at the top of the 
OO window)

(Forgive me if you already knew and tried all of the above!)

You can even change the default application for all Excel files, 
so that they open directly in Open Office when you double-click 
on their icons. Let us know if you'd like some help with that.

I have no suggestions to offer for your other issues, and hope 
this helps somehow.



Anyway, I have noticed two problems right off the bat - maybe 
they are known already and I simply need to be vectored to the 
appropriate Apache site. But in the even that they are not 
known already 
1.) I seem unable to cut-and-paste large amounts from my 
current MS Excel file into OO Calc. I can do a small set of 
cells. When I do a 'select all' in Excel and try to paste into 
Calc, however, nothing happens. Work around: Open the Excel 
spreadsheet from within Calc. That is OK but not particularly 
satisfying when I later have to paste more in from some other 
source. But it is OK for now.
2.) I use a so-called Apple Magic Mouse. Excel often is jittery 
when I accidentally slide a finger across the top of the mouse 
- columns zoom by but it is recoverable, though irritating. 
However, Calc does not seem to be able to recover so easily. It 
can get confused quickly (by a minor though quick finger swipe 
across the mouse - speed of swipe seems to be the issue) and 
head off into columns unknown. I try scrolling back with the 
mouse (sliding a finger across the top of the mouse like a 
track pad) but it does not seem to be able to get back to 
Column 'A'. It just seems lost (three-letter columns will come 
down to two-letter columns but then go back to three-letter and 
so forth, sort of drifting even though I am making a determined 
effort to scroll back to the origin).
Work around: Use the Calc scroll bar at the bottom of the Calc 
spreadsheet. Again, that is OK but not very satisfying. I was 
also able to recover by reloading (from the Calc menu) but 
that would probably not be a good solution for this apparent 
column tracking problem if it occurs before I have had a chance 
to save my work - I have not tried that though.

Has anyone seen this before? Am I retracing old issues?

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Re: Open Office vs MS Office

2014-07-23 Thread mt

2014-07-15 7:16 GMT+02:00 Senior.System Analyst

Dear Sir/Madam,
Kindly provide us your comments for the following at the earliest.
(a) Formatting (color size, shapes, etc.) may change once MS word document
is opened in Open Office. [...]

I wonder if it is sensible to compare individual features and 
behaviour across different programs, even when they are designed 
to do the same thing.

Seems to me it is simpler (and a lot more useful) that you focus 
instead on what you want to do with an office suite.

Once you have defined your requirements, you will then be able 
to compare how MS Office and Open Office can achieve those 
results, and compare their performance for the task.



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Re: open office

2014-06-29 Thread mt


Not sure what your reason was for writing to this list, but your 
message below doesn't sound like a request for help with a real problem.

Applications and computers do not improve or update without 
you, the user in command, deciding they need it.

If you're happy with your current versions of AOO, operating 
system and computer hardware, you are free to just stick with 
what you have and ignore any Update available suggestion. 
What's the point of blaming others for your own decisions?

Then of course, if you have a specific problem with AOO, which 
you cannot solve with the built-in Help system, most people on 
this list will be happy to help.

To me, this mailing list is a much better option than any 
online user forums, where one has to dig through millions of 
posts hoping to find suitable solutions.

So if you want to make the most of this mailing list, how about 
you post one (or more) specific questions that relate to your 
specific issues?

Let us know how we can help.


On 24/6/14 at 3:23 AM, (Jack McKee,) wrote:

I know your don’t really care but i hate open office. I just 
want a simple program that actually works without a million 
choices and “improvements” every time I turn around.   I 
hate having to to spend hours trying to figure what is wrong 
with something I have layed out and has worked perfectly well 
for years. Now it doesn’t work either because the program has 
been “updated” or it now longer works with my “updated 
computer software. And its my problem to sort thru a million 
problems in what is so ridiculously labled “help”.  Very 
user friendly.

Jack McKee
Hands On Books

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Re: OpenOffice Writer/Web how to add lists without paragraph P tags.

2014-05-30 Thread mt


My understanding is that you can only export any OO Writer 
document as an HTML file. For this, you would add normal 
formatting as for any Writer document, without worrying about 
HTML tags.

I suppose you might then be able to change the tags to your 
liking - but for this, and if you want to manually write HTML 
files, you are probably better off using a text editor, such as 
BBEdit/TextWrangler on a Mac.

That's my experience anyway.


On 30/5/14 at 1:00 AM, (Keyur Parikh) wrote:

I am trying to write a new Web document (html) file. As soon as I select
unnumbered list ( UL LI ) it adds the P tags to it which causes extra
spacing when viewing in the browser. I do not want the P tags in the
lists ( LI ). In the open office it shows just as newlines without
spacing but in browser it shows the spacing.
Is there any way to avoid adding the P tags in the lists ???

Also just found out that to add a line break (BR) : need to type
ShiftEnter : this is not documented anywhere. ( In fact hardly found
documentation for html documents in the manual is there any online version
for this manual ? ).

Thanks in advance.

Keyur Parikh

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Re: Suggestion.

2014-05-21 Thread mt

On 20/5/14 at 3:02 PM, (Bruce Byfield) wrote:

Sorry -- you're waa behind the times. The vast majority of 
books published these days use a layout program -- sometimes, 
even, LibreOffice -- and the publishers set it using tools like 
styles. ...

This is true, Bruce. But you can always set apart books that 
have been manually adjusted from books that rely on automatic layout.

Guess which are the most professional-looking? :-)

Bottom line is that there is no perfect automation. Which is 
exactly why many users request more efficient ways to interact 
with the software.

Now I don't know whether we should make a distinction between 
requirement and request in this case... but it seems to me 
that whitewashing it altogether might not be the best approach.

MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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Re: Suggestion.

2014-05-20 Thread mt

On 19/5/14 at 12:05 PM, (Julian Thomas) wrote:

 Is there a better manual than the online help that I'm missing?

cheers - jt

The best style manual I have come across was the ancient Hakon 
Wium Lie's CSS book - and in fact, it's been easier for me to 
master styles in writer applications after grasping the CSS 
concept. Of course experience with HTML (from version 1...) also 
helped greatly, in terms of understanding how to design 
structured documents.

It might be easier for you, too, to understand Styles if you 
look at your document's structure: headings, normal paragraphs, 
indented paragraphs, bullet or number lists can all be defined 
as individual paragraph styles, which then become available 
for other parts of the document. Or, if you save these styles to 
a style library, for all other documents. Similarly, you can 
define character styles for things like bold, italic, or 
coloured text that does not span the whole extent of a paragraph.

I found it was easier for me to work with my own styles. If you 
take the New style based on selection approach, you'll be able 
to see how attributes are assigned.

I know this is very rough... hope it helps a little bit!

MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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Re: OpenOffice mac

2014-05-19 Thread mt

On 15/5/14 at 6:19 AM, (Andrea Pescetti) wrote:

On 12/05/2014 mt wrote:

Is there somewhere an explanation of what older Mac users are missing
out on?

It is a purely technical choice we had to make to take 
advantage of 64-bit Mac OS X applications and avoid the 
dependency on now deprecated build tools. It was discussed at 
length on the dev list, since it was clear that we needed to 
drop support for older Mac OS X releases in order to better 
support the newer ones.


OK, thank you Andrea.

Do you know if there's a way to turn off the OpenOffice update 
available - Click here for further information warning I get 
when I start OO on my Mac OS X 10.6.8?

I find that's a less than useful piece of information, given 
that there is really no update available for the OO version I 
can run on my system :-)


MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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Re: Reveal Codes Query - or Re: Suggestion.

2014-05-19 Thread mt
Sorry if there is some confusion here, as I for one never meant 
to criticise styles - which I use extensively, and generally 
find useful.

There are however situations where styles might not help. For 
example, when troubleshooting document formatting problems such 
as page or section options, or when special (manual) character 
formatting has been applied to styled paragraphs: this is where 
reveal codes can come in handy. Also, typically, Reveal 
codes was used by someone other than the original author... 
funny this has never been mentioned, given that it was the main 
reason why we had to use Reveal codes back when WordPerfect 
was the standard!

Anyhow, a (very basic) example of how this could be obtained is 
in the Write/Edit Post interface in WordPress, with its two 
tabs (Visual | Text). I have no idea whether this is possible in 
OO - but it is my understanding that something like that is what 
people asking for Reveal codes might find useful.

As WordPress demonstrates and Richard Detwiler already 
suggested, these two ways of looking at a written page are not 
necessarily mutually exclusive. So if they are in OO, maybe this 
is what needs to be explained to us users, who do not 
understand, nor want to know, about the inner workings of the program.

Lastly, and by the by: I believe the only way a programmer can 
take the user's perspective is to listen to end users 
themselves. Ideally... without expecting them to be computer 
literate or (worse) accusing them to not put in the necessary 
time/effort to learn how to use the program.

Thank you for suggesting ways how we might be able to help, as 
end ( dumb? :-) users.

MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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Re: OpenOffice mac

2014-05-19 Thread mt

On 19/5/14 at 6:02 PM, (Larry Gusaas) wrote:

On 2014-05-19, 1:35 AM mt wrote:

Do you know if there's a way to turn off the OpenOffice 
update available - Click here for further information warning 
I get when I start OO on my Mac OS X 10.6.8?

On menu bar click 'OpenOffice', then click 'Preferences.
In the window that opens go to OpenOffice/Online Update and 
uncheck 'Check for updates automatically'.

Thank you Larry. However, this means I would not be notified of 
any updates, including those that might become available in 
future for older Macs.

But I suppose I'll have to live with that, at least until I can 
afford a new computer, able to run the latest OS!

Thank you anyway,

MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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Re: Suggestion.

2014-05-16 Thread mt

On 14/5/14 at 12:17 PM, (Julian Thomas) wrote:

As a longtime Star office and now OO user, I am new to styles.  
I'd still like to see some helpful information on how to get 
started with styles (better than 'my pets' and 'my cats'; [I 
tried those tutorials and they didn't work very well for me]) 
and a reference.

Sorry I can't help Julian, I have found no tutorials at all. I'm 
used to learning by reading the manual and then lots of trial 
and error, and after investing many hours doing just that, I 
have found that using styles can save some time with complex documents.

(I write and translate books, so using styles was forced on me 
by my editors, a dozen years ago or so. As of today, I am still 
sort of unsure what amount of time I have *effectively* saved by 
learning how to use styles - but I was given no option, and now 
that I've grown accustomed to styles, it's possible I am 
starting to save time. Twelve years, and many books down the 
track!  :]  )

To those who chimed in to justify styles: it is quite obvious to 
me that you are missing the point. For starters, it sounds like 
you don't really know WordPerfect, and imagine Reveal codes to 
be something other than it was.

But more basically, OpenOffice is for people like Julian and me. 
If people like me and Julian put forward a suggestion, it should 
be the programmer's job to consider it from the user's 
perspective... or shouldn't it??

Again, I would like to say thank you to those who give their 
time for free to build and improve OpenOffice. This includes 
those who put forward useful suggestions from the user's 
perspective :-)


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Re: Suggestion.

2014-05-16 Thread mt

On 14/5/14 at 4:12 AM, (Bruce Byfield) wrote:

On Wednesday 14 May 2014 05:29:45 PM Brian Barker wrote:

At 23:38 14/05/2014 +1000, Marina Tadiello wrote:

In general, and from a user's perspective, Styles are one example of
how common users are encouraged (or forced? :-) to think (program)
and behave like computers.

Yes, manual formatting is available. But using it is kind of 
perverse, because it means doing more work than necessary, and 
cutting yourself off from important features.

Mh, this really depends.

Here's how I describe manual formatting in the introduction to 
the book I'm in the middle of completing:

Office suites are as old as the personal computer. Yet, after 
more than thirty years, few of us have bothered to learn how to 
use them.

Oh, we have learned how to get things done in them. Most of us 
can format a document and print it out, after a fashion. But 
what we haven't learned is to do these things efficiently, 
taking advantage of all the tools that are available.
It is as if we have learned enough about cars to go down hill 
in them and coast across level ground, but never learned about 
the ignition. We get things done, but with more effort and less 
efficiency that we should. Some tasks, like going uphill, we 
don't imagine are even possible because of our limited view.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm simply asking that user 
perspective is taken into consideration at least as much as the 
programmer's own.

The starting point ought always to be that computers are there 
to aid humans. And not all humans take to computing as well as 
programmers do. It's just obvious to me - why should it sound so 
strange to programmers? :-)

Also, your comments do not address the main point in my message, 
which was about revealing codes for document options that go 
beyond plain styling.


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Re: Suggestion.

2014-05-14 Thread mt
While I have learned how to (use and) appreciate the Styles 
features, I agree that not everything in every given text 
document is prone to being styled.

Sometimes it's just not worth spending the time required to 
define a new Style (or find a suitable one among those already 
defined), so it's simpler to change format on the fly. This is, 
I believe, where a Reveal codes option would be ideal.

Also, from my remote memories of WordPerfect, Reveal codes was 
necessary (in complex documents) for changes in page format, 
orientation, table dimensions, and other document options that 
went beyond simple word and paragraph formatting.

In general, and from a user's perspective, Styles are one 
example of how common users are encouraged (or forced? :-) to 
think (program) and behave like computers. This is not 
necessarily the best way to ensure user satisfaction.

So while I understand that Styles have a place in modern 
applications, I would appreciate it if program designers could 
make better efforts to grasp the average user's point of view. 
This, without limiting my gratitude to OO developers!!

Italy or Australia?
MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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Re: OpenOffice mac

2014-05-12 Thread mt

On 8/5/14 at 7:33 PM, (der_ron) wrote:

Please could you make new releases available on mac osx 10.6?

10.6 is 5 years old ...

Same here. I would like to be able to use new OpenOffice 
releases on my 10.6 Mac OS X system without having to upgrade 
-which in my case would require buying a new computer.

Is there somewhere an explanation of what older Mac users are 
missing out on?



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Re: Question

2013-12-12 Thread mt
Doc, you might have forgotten you had signed up to this list, or 
misinterpreted its description and assumed it was an announce 
newsletter. I don't think anybody can be put on unbeknownst to them.

Unsubscribe instructions are at the bottom of each message - and 
I repeat them here for clarity:

Send a message from


On 12/12/13 at 4:22 AM, (Alan Rogers) wrote:

How can I get off the 'users' mailing list. It is getting 
pretty annoying,

especially as I never signed up for it. Doc

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Larry Gusaas larry.gus...@gmail.comwrote:

On 2013-12-12, 3:54 AM Jean Castaldi wrote concerning Question:

Is it possible to install and run Open Office on an iPad ?
Jean Castaldi



Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far


theirs. - Edgard Varese


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Re: Question

2013-12-12 Thread mt


Missing bit added below:

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I repeat them here for clarity:

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On 12/12/13 at 4:22 AM, (Alan Rogers) wrote:

How can I get off the 'users' mailing list. It is getting 
pretty annoying,

especially as I never signed up for it. Doc

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Larry Gusaas larry.gus...@gmail.comwrote:

On 2013-12-12, 3:54 AM Jean Castaldi wrote concerning Question:

Is it possible to install and run Open Office on an iPad ?
Jean Castaldi



Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far


theirs. - Edgard Varese


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RE: PDF-to-ODT conversion

2013-12-02 Thread mt
Back to the original topic (but thanks for the useful info about 
download sites!) - just thought I'd mention that dragging or 
copying-and-pasting text from any (text) PDF and OpenOffice 
works pretty well on a Mac.

Not sure if this would apply to all platforms, but it's by far 
the easiest way I have found on my Mac. I might have to reapply 
some formatting for complex files, but all the text gets copied 
over, and most of the styles as well.


Italy or Australia?
MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.6.8

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Re: The Search Term Text Box

2013-11-19 Thread mt
Not sure I understand correctly, so please forgive me if the 
following isn't going to help -

I have a feeling there might be a misunderstanding as to which 
search box you would like to use.

If you would like to search OpenOffice's help files, then you'd 
need to go to the Help menu (top right) and select OpenOffice 
Help (second item from top). The Search box that comes up at 
the top when opening the Help menu is a Spotlight search 
window, and belongs to the Mac operating system - really no use 
for OO, but that's Apple's responsibility... :-)

If instead you wish to search your OpenOffice document, then 
you'd go to the Edit menu and click on Find  Replace...

I have been assuming you are using OO on a Macintosh computer.


On 19/11/13 at 6:01 AM, (James) wrote:

I have done as this suggests and have gotten nowhere. It 
searches text in documents  that  I have not created. I have 
docked the toolbar and all I want to do is un-dock the toolbar. 
I have even removed open office from my computer and 
re-installed it with no  results. the tool bar is still docked 
and un usable. I once saw a way to  reduce the space between 
lines and I cannot find it again.

James Lambert

From: The Morses Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:08 PM
To: Subject: Re: The Search Term 
Text Box

On 11/19/2013 09:26 AM, James wrote:

I need help. I cannot find the Search Term Text box in Open 
office help.

Exactly where do I find this. I have tried the binocular icon 
and all it finds in text in documents.
I am tired of sending questions and never getting any answer. I 
am about fed up with this whole deal!

James Lambert

Click on Help, select Open Office Help, select Index tab, and 
the cursor is now active in the search term box.  Labeled 
Search term.

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Re: saving text documents as PDF

2013-11-12 Thread mt
As you suggest in 3rd paragraph, below, I have a feeling the 
whole signing procedure might be outside the scope of OO, and 
you might need Adobe Acrobat Pro for that.

This said, a quick Internet search just brought up the following:

?? :-)

Would be great if you could report back and let us know if that helped.



On 11/11/13 at 1:27 PM, wrote:


I have a question about exporting word-processing documents as 
PDFs; specifically, how do I enable the signing of documents 
in Adobe Reader?  That is, after I save a text document as a 
PDF, I want to be able to use Adobe Reader to sign it.

Currently, if I use export as PDF and then open a document in 
Adobe Reader, Document  Sign  Sign Document is greyed out, 
and if I go to Document  Security  Show Security Properties, 
I see that signing is not allowed.

According to Adobe's documentation, In Reader, only PDFs with 
Reader Usage Rights enabled can be signed.  How does one set 
Reader Usage Rights when exporting an OpenOffice document as 
a PDF?  Or, must one have the full version of Adobe Acrobat in 
order to create signable documents?

Finally (and, admittedly, this question is off-topic), where 
can I get an inexpensive PDF-signing certificate so that when I 
e-mail or upload a document that I've signed, the recipient 
won't see an error message warning them that the document is self-signed?

Thank you,

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Re: Save As gripe - OSX

2013-11-06 Thread mt
Not sure without a screenshot - but have you tried clicking the 
little arrow next to the filename (in the Save As popup)?

The arrow toggles between different views of your filesystem - 
and the expanded view allows you to navigate anywhere you like, 
as well as create new folders.



On 6/11/13 at 2:03 PM, (Julian Thomas) wrote:

If I create a new file and want to save it to a particular 
directory/folder, the Save As popup does not allow me to drill 
down into subdirectories under the ones it suggests.
This is a PITA because I have to save stuff in the best choice 
[ in my case ~/Documents/oodocs] and then remember to move it 
into the appropriate subdirectory.

Is there something I'm missing?

tnx - jt

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