[ZION] Anyone else not getting Topica messages?

2002-10-15 Thread Geoff Fowler

Hi fellow Zionites,

I have not been receiving any Topica messages from any of John 
Redelf's lists in my email. While I can go online and view them 
just fine, and I can also post to them via email, none of the 
posts are being mailed to me as I had specified in my settings on 
Topica. Anyone else having or had the same problems? If so, how 
can I fix it? I tried to reset my settings on Topica, but to no 

Please send suggestions to [EMAIL PROTECTED], since replies 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will not arrive in my mailbox.

Thank you for your help!


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Re: [ZION] DC sniper

2002-10-23 Thread Geoff FOWLER
I am glad that your mother listened and then harkened to that prompting
she received. The best we can do in a situation like this is to pray for
our families, the victims and their families, and especially for the
sniper (or snipers) - that they may come to their senses and realize the
horrible crimes they have committed. I pray that the perpetrators will
be caught soon.
As for theories, I used to think that this was a terrorist act, but now
I am not sure. In fact, I was convinced that there were perhaps more
than one team involved, striving to create fear and panic in the Capitol
and surrounding areas. The ransom note, however, has thrown me. I don't
know what to make of it - whether it is legitimate or whether it is a
Geoff Fowler
Network Server Engineer
Weber State University

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/23/02 04:18PM 
What do you all think about the DC sniper?  Anyone have any theories on
I'm not sure what to think except that I'm just sick about it.  My
and one of my sisters live in the area...I grew up there...I'm just a
bit worried.  On the other hand, I know about eternal families and that
anything ever happened, we are sealed as a family.  But I'm still
about them.  My mom only does shopping now at a secure military base;
figures she's a lot safer there (side note: two weeks ago, on the day
shooting happened in Manassas, she was planning on doing some shopping
there and a distinct impression came to her to not go, so she didn't. 
was that afternoon that another shooting happened in the area where
would have been).  My sister and her roommates only go out when
When she buys gas, she starts pumping and then ducks (she lives in

What do I do?

Heidi the fair

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[ZION] Study Bible in Hebrew, Greek, etc.

2002-10-29 Thread Geoff FOWLER
Does anyone know of an accurate study Bible in the original Hebrew and
Greek? I would like to learn more about those biblical languages and I
figure that this is the way to do it. However, I am unsure of which
Bible to purchase. There are different interlinear ones, but what I am
looking for doesn't necessarily have to be interlinear.
I wouldn't mind something that included Latin or Aramaic as well. There
was such a book that one of the Church Father's put together, but the
name of it escapes me. Does something like that exist today?
Thank you for your input,

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Re: [ZION] Mormon's words on war

2002-10-31 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Gary appropriately wrote:
It was actually chapter 7 of Mormon. 

Thank you - I appreciate the correction. :)

Captain Moroni DID clear the wilderness areas of Lamanites. 

I agree that Captain Moroni did clear the wilderness. However, he did so under the 
pretext of defending his people. I guess I should have reworded my sentence. I believe 
that God commanded him (or gave His approval) to clear out the east wilderness. Why? 
Because he was trying to preserve the liberties and lives of the Nephites. I don't 
think that it was necessarily a war of aggression, but that doesn't really matter. 
See the reference to DC 98 I have included below for more details on why this is the 

We read in Helaman 6:
37 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did hunt the band of robbers of
Gadianton; and they did preach the word of God among the more wicked part
of them, insomuch that this band of robbers was utterly destroyed from
among the Lamanites.

The righteous Lamanites hunted them. That suggests going into the
territories of the Gadiantons.

I always believed that the Gadiantons were in the midst of the Lamanites. 
Additionally, if you look closely at how the Lamanites actually hunted the Gadiantons, 
they preached the word of God among THE MORE WICKED PART OF THEM, insomuch that this 
band of robbers was utterly destroyed FROM AMONG THE LAMANITES. (emphasis added by 
me). I am sure that those that did not repent of their Gadianton ways were probably 
executed, but it appears that the more part of them repented because of the preaching 
of the work of God, and this is how the Gadiantons dwelling in the midst of the 
Lamanites were destroyed.

Notice also that the Lamanites did not go among the Nephites with their armies and 
attempt to destroy the Gadianton bands living in Nephite lands. At least, that is how 
the scriptures appear to be written.

So the command to bury weapons of war has always been a condition given
to the converted Lamanites, as a sign of their repentance. Those who had
the covenant (Nephites/us), have never been told by God to bury our
weapons. We've been commanded to seek peace with other nations, but
defend against them. And when it comes to Gadianton Robbers, the
righteous peoples in the BoM hunted them into extinction.

I appreciate these comments. Actually, I am grateful for all of them - I have never 
thought about the burying their weapons of war as a covenant only between the Lord 
and the Lamanites, although it makes sense to me.

I know that we are supposed to defend ourselves. However, I have a difficult time 
reconciling what we (meaning the United States) are currently doing in the world and 
the words given to us by the Savior through Joseph Smith in section 98 of the Doctrine 
and Covenants:

   23 Now, I speak unto you concerning your families—if men will smite you, or your 
families, once, and ye bear it patiently and revile not against them, neither seek 
revenge, ye shall be rewarded;

24 But if ye bear it not patiently, it shall be accounted unto you as being meted out 
as a just measure unto you.

25 And again, if your enemy shall smite you the second time, and you revile not 
against your enemy, and bear it patiently, your reward shall be an hundred fold.

26 And again, if he shall smite you the third time, and ye bear it patiently, your 
reward shall be doubled unto you four-fold;

27 And these three testimonies shall stand against your enemy if he repent not, and 
shall not be blotted out.

28 And now, verily I say unto you, if that enemy shall escape my vengeance, that he be 
not brought into judgment before me, then ye shall see to it that ye warn him in my 
name, that he come no more upon you, neither upon your family, even your children’s 
children unto the third and fourth generation.

29 And then, if he shall come upon you or your children, or your children’s children 
unto the third and fourth generation, I have delivered thine enemy into thine hands;

30 And then if thou wilt spare him, thou shalt be rewarded for thy righteousness; and 
also thy children and thy children’s children unto the third and fourth generation.

31 Nevertheless, thine enemy is in thine hands; and if thou rewardest him according to 
his works thou art justified; if he has sought thy life, and thy life is endangered by 
him, thine enemy is in thine hands and thou art justified.

32 Behold, this is the law I gave unto my servant Nephi, and thy fathers, Joseph, and 
Jacob, and Isaac, and Abraham, and all mine ancient prophets and apostles.

33 And again, this is the law that I gave unto mine ancients, that they should not go 
out unto battle against any nation, kindred, tongue, or people, save I, the Lord, 
commanded them.

34 And if any nation, tongue, or people should proclaim war against them, they should 
first lift a standard of peace unto that people, nation, or tongue;

35 And if that people did not accept the offering of peace, neither the second nor the 
third time, they should 

Re: [ZION] Study Bible in Hebrew, Greek, etc.

2002-10-31 Thread Geoff FOWLER
BTW - I found out the name of the Bible with 6 different languages /
translations: Origen's Hexapla. Here is an online definition of what it
The Hexapla was an important work of biblical criticism, the magnum
opus of Origen (185-254). In his discussions with the Jews, Origen
became aware of the significant differences between the Hebrew Bible
used by the Jews and the Septuagint of Christians. Although he probably
began the work while still in Alexandria, he completed it after moving
to Caesarea. Most portions of the Hexapla consisted of six columns of
parallel texts: (1) the Hebrew text, (2) the Hebrew text transliterated
into Greek characters, (3) the Greek version of Aquila, (4) the Greek
version of Symmachus, (5) the Septuagint, and (6) the Greek version of
Theodotion. In the Septuagint column, Origen marked with an obelus those
passages present in Greek but not found in his Hebrew column. When the
Septuagint lacked material found in Hebrew, Origen would insert the
passage from one of the other Greek columns (which were closer textually
to the Hebrew) and mark the insertion with an asterisk. Although the
Hexapla in its entirety was apparently never copied, the Septuagint
column was copied repeatedly. Unfortunately, many copies omitted
Origen's textual marks, thus introducing a significant amount of
contamination into the textual tradition of the Septuagint. Only a few
fragments of copies of the Hexapla or of its fifth column are extant.
One of the most important witnesses to Origen's work is the seventh
century Syriac translation of the fifth column--complete with textual
marks--attributed to Paul of Tella, known as the Syro-Hexapla

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/29/02 02:52PM 
There was such a book that one of the Church Father's put together, but
name of it escapes me. Does something like that exist today?

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Re: [ZION] Study Bible in Hebrew, Greek, etc.

2002-10-31 Thread Geoff FOWLER
Thank you for your suggestions - I have ordered them and hope to see
them in a couple of weeks.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/29/02 06:53PM 
The standard editions used by most scholars are:

Hebrew: Biblia Hebraica, from the Deutsche Bibelstiftung (also known as
Württembergische Bibel Gesellschaft) in Stuttgart, Germany. It should
available in any Christian bookstore (or here in Canada, from stores of
Canadian Bible Society).

Greek: Greek New Testament, edited by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, et.
Published by the United Bible Societies, and likewise available from
national Bible society or Christian bookstore.

Geoff FOWLER wrote:


 Does anyone know of an accurate study Bible in the original Hebrew
 Greek? I would like to learn more about those biblical languages and
 figure that this is the way to do it. However, I am unsure of which
 Bible to purchase. There are different interlinear ones, but what I
 looking for doesn't necessarily have to be interlinear.

 I wouldn't mind something that included Latin or Aramaic as well.
 was such a book that one of the Church Father's put together, but
 name of it escapes me. Does something like that exist today?

 Thank you for your input,

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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

Guns don't kill people; people with guns kill people

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Re: [ZION] Mission Call

2002-11-07 Thread Geoff FOWLER
Congratulations to her and your family.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/07/02 05:11AM 

My daughter got her mission call yesterday, to Sao Paulo.   She was
in the irony.  She had a terrible experience in Brasil this summer, and

came back dreadfully ill and exhausted.


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Re: [ZION] Mission Call

2002-11-07 Thread Geoff FOWLER
Not for her terrible experience and illness, but for the mission call.
I am sure that she'll do a wonderful job and bless the Brazilian

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/07/02 12:45PM 
Congratulations to her and your family.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/07/02 05:11AM 

My daughter got her mission call yesterday, to Sao Paulo.   She was
in the irony.  She had a terrible experience in Brasil this summer,

came back dreadfully ill and exhausted.


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Re: [ZION] Fwd: Your Consideration.

2002-11-08 Thread Geoff FOWLER
I humbly crave your indulgence??

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/08/02 12:14PM 

Another of these entertaining invitations from Lagos...

TEL: 2348023263622

Your Attention:

First, I must solicit your strictest understanding in the matter i am
to disclose to you,if the contents of this mail does meet with your 
approval, I humbly crave your indulgence.

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Re: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-12 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Paul wrote: 
I've snuck out a few times over the years and it makes me feel
But, when I've gone shopping after midnight (Monday morning) my
conscience is as clear as can be. What do you think of that? I love
loopholes. ;-)

I don't consider them loopholes at all. When I started working for an
Internet-based company in early 2000, I was alone responsible for
their entire IT operation. There was a time when I worked 6 days a week,
and then had to come in by 1:00 AM onMonday mornings to complete my work
before my colleagues arrived later that morning. I didn't want to be the
one holding things up, and we were growing rapidly.
With my wife's encouragement I was able to get them to hire a few
more people so that I could go back to a normal work week. I believe
that I was blessed for not working on Sunday, even though I had to come
in pretty early those few Mondays. :). While the company itself inflated
and deflated with the rest of the dot-bombs, I was not laid off and left
of my own free will only a couple of months ago. Given the number of
people who were let go (many of whom were much more qualified than I
was), I consider this a tremendous blessing and am very grateful for

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Re: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-14 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Scott favored us with the following: 
I tend to use (not abuse) the Ox in the mire philosophy. For 
instance, there was a time a few months back where I had to 
run to the store for something we really needed on a Sunday. 
I felt really bad about it, and resolved more strongly to anticipate 
such needs before hand. I did go, but I repented of my lack of 
forethought. Most of the time if I find I need something on a 
Sunday, I just have to do without. I don't recall what it was 
that was so important, but I do recall the incedent as I felt
so badly about it.

Generally, I have found that if I need something on a Sunday (like an
egg or two) and cannot seem to go without it, I will go to a neighbor's
house and ask if I can borrow the item from them. I figure it gives me
chance to get to know my neighbors (and take advantage of them,
apparently - ;-), while at the same time avoid going to the store and
purchasing what I need.
Of course, as you said, it is best to anticipate your Sabbath day needs
and purchase / prepare them the day before.

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Re: [ZION] Does America need to be destroyed

2002-11-21 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Gary favored us all with: 
There clearly is a symbolic level to the marks. But often there 
are both physical and spiritual parts of a symbol. Babylon, for
example, is an actual city in antiquity. It also symbolically 
represents the telestial world, built on greed and power. 
Although not all the wicked may have the physical mark on 
their hands/foreheads, it is possible that many will; while all 
will have the spiritual mark of Babylon/Satan on them. I believe 
we will see a physical mark put into place in Europe before long, 
as part of the EU.

One thing my dad taught to me (and is confirmed in the Book of Mormon -
see Alma 3:13-19) was that people who are disobeying the commandments of
God typically mark themselves. It could be in the way that they dress,
piercings, tatoos, or any number of ways. He explained that while he was
on his mission in Germany during the late 60's (early 70's), he and his
companion found and began teaching a man and woman the Gospel. They were
both decked out in the style of the time, with the woman wearing
clothing that were not modest, and they were both unkept and dirty.
While the man was not interested in the message, the woman was, and as
she progressed through the discussions the woman's appearance began to
change. She did away with the fashion of the day, cleaned herself up,
and dressed modestly. She felt the Spirit and was converted. The
missionaries never mentioned to her that she needed to change her
dressing habits, but she was taught what she needed by the Spirit. She
was eventually baptized.
Perhaps this is why the Brethren insist that we dress modestly, avoid
the fads of the day, and be clean in appearance. Perhaps it is so we can
let [our] light so shine before men, that they may see [our] good
works, and glorify [our] Father which is in heaven. (Matt. 5:16)
Perhaps this is one of the ways that we mark ourselves unto
righteousness and show the world that we are the servants of Christ.
What do you think?
Your brother,

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Re: [ZION] Coffee, tea or eternity?

2002-11-22 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Stacy, in all seriousness, asked:
Suppose I never learn to like them?  Can I still get into the
celestial kingdom without liking them?

You'll like them. It's all a matter of faith - first you EAT, and then
you'll LIKE. :)
I didn't think liking (or eating) vegetables was a requirement for the
Celestial Kingdom. At least I hope not - I still don't like peas!
PS - Right now I am enjoying a vegetable lasagna for lunch (left over
from last night) - delicious!

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Re: [ZION] Can Anyone Become A Fully Qualified Member InGoodStandingAfter Hav

2002-11-25 Thread Geoff FOWLER
I fully concur with Marc on this one; especially these statements:
A. As far as the Church is concerned, if the offender has paid their
debt to society and undergone whatever action the Church authorities
determine, then he is forgiven. Please don't misconstrue the word
forgiven in this context, however. While Church authorities have the
power to absolve the offender from punishment or other disciplinary
actions, and allow that person full fellowship, it is the Savior who
forgives and grants the remission of sins. Bishops and Stake Presidents
do not have the authority to remit sins. Only the Savior (and perhaps a
few of His earthly servants - like the Prophet) have that power. I
believe, especially in the case of serious transgression, that the
Savior desires to see proof (through one's thoughts, words, and actions)
that they have repented (or turned from) their sins before giving them
the sweet peace that accompanies true forgiveness and remission of
B. Use common sense. While the Savior taught that we were to love all
men, he did not say that we were to TRUST all men. Trust is something
that has to be earned.
Hope this helps,

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/24/02 10:51PM 
There is really only one question here that anyone on this list can
answer, I'm
afraid, and that is what the general policy is regarding people who
have committed
crimes. If they have paid their debt to society, and undergone whatever
action the
Church authorities involved determined, then that person is forgiven.
atonement is infinite, covering all sins except the sin against the
Holy Ghost
(there is another category, the shedding of innocent blood, which we
are told
involves some additional action, but I assume that neither of these
sins is an

All the rest of the questions are ones which only you (or anyone else
who might be
thinking of dating or becoming friends with him) can answer. The only
advice I'd
dare give is just to use common sense and some caution. Observe how the
treats women when in a group setting, for instance. Trust is something
that has to
be earned, and sometimes it takes time.

Stacy Smith wrote:

 Hi.  I hope this issue does not violate the charter.  I have an
 problem.  I have decided quickly not to date an individual with a
 sexual history in the past.  However, he is a member in good
standing.  He
 has a temple recommend.  What is the general policy regarding people
 have committed crimes in the past?  Is it possible to date those
 individuals, to assume that they have repented and are in good
 with the church?  Do we assume the atonement has covered the
 sin?  Furthermore, what are we to do with the weakness that has been
 shown?  Can we trust such an individual?


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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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Re: [ZION] Just how can we serve?

2002-11-27 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Till favored us with:
Should I have done more?  Is there more we can do for
complete strangers.
I think you did a terrific job. Unfortunately, in our society, genuine
offers of help can be and often are misconstrued.
I say pray to the Father and follow the promptings of the Spirit, and
you'll do accomplish what is expected.

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RE: [ZION] From Ýstanbul with love

2002-12-02 Thread Geoff FOWLER
A Mormon Armenian in Turkey? I wonder if most of the members there are
either ex-Pats or other Christian peoples, as opposed to Turks.
Although, thanks to Ataturk, it should be easier for the Church in
Turkey than in most other Islamic nations.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/29/02 10:04PM 
Dear Br. Topakian,

It was nice to hear from you again. I certainly hadn't forgotten about
you. My son had read the book already while he was in Russia on his
mission, but I want to get a replacement copy, and FAIR
(www.fairlds.com) has reprinted them and I'll be able to order a copy
soon. There are people in my ward I want to lend it out to.

Congratulations on being set apart as First Counsellor.  Do you know
where other branches in Turkey are? (see www.gatheringofisrael.com and
on the left side see the Atlas. But here's a shortcut to my current
of Turkey:

(all branches are branches of the Greece Athens Mission; it's nice to
see former enemies united in the Gospel, isn't it? Now if we could
missionaries into Iraq :-)

aratopakian wrote:

 Dear Elder Schindler , I could not send you and tell you that I am
 very grateful to you , because I lost your e-mail address .I am
 grateful to you because , you had sent me a book about  How to
 the anti-mormon attacks ?  . Ýt was your son's book and I was
 extremely pleased . Now again I am very happy to find you . I am the
 first counselor of the branch presidency in Ýstanbul.I try to serve
 others ( Mosiah 2 : 14-19 ) . I hope that you are all well and I am
 glad to meet you . Ýf you need anything from Ýstanbul do not
 to write me sir . Meanwhile , I remain with kindest regards and very
 best wishes . God bless you and your family . With love , Ara
  Türkiye'nin tercihi! Mynet Email

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick himself up and continue on * Winston Churchill

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Re: [ZION] comparing rebellions

2002-12-02 Thread Geoff FOWLER
Which book was that? I had heard that his other books on OT women were a
bit racy... but I have not read them myself. Have they been banned too?
BTW, I have read most of the Ender's Game series (although I have to
admit that the newest editions are a little too violent and graphic for

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/01/02 09:39PM 
Let's see, Paul studies ancient Egyptian stuff, while Jon owns an LDS

Yep, I'd say Paul is more rebellious than Jon.

Now, if Jon sells copies of Orson Scott Card's new book (recently
from Deseret Book's shelves), THEN we'll consider him in the running.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www 
No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free. 
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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[ZION] Re: [ZION] From Ýstanbul with love

2002-12-04 Thread Geoff FOWLER
I guess it depends on whether or not you agree with his policies... :)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/03/02 01:27PM 
Is that the Turkish version of attaboy?


Geoff FOWLER wrote:
Although, thanks to Ataturk, it should be easier for the Church in
Turkey than in most other Islamic nations.

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Re: [ZION] Re: [ZION] From Ýstanbul with love

2002-12-04 Thread Geoff FOWLER
I think his real name was Mustafa Kemal, but don't quote me on that...

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/03/02 11:53PM 
Atatürk, which was his popular name (offhand I believe his real name
was something
Mustafa -- I'd have to go check). But he'd taken military training in
England at
Sandhurst and came back to Turkey, in the 1920s, determined to
modernize and
secularize Turkey. Islamist (or any other religious) party is forbidden
under the
Turkish constitution. He forbade men to wear the fez (a sign of Islam
there, as in
Moroco) and he changed the language from which relied on the Arabic
alphabet to
one that used the Roman alphabet, with a whole chunk of diacritical
marks. His
adopted name means Father of the Turk[ish Nation]  The Turkish
military steps in
if the constitution is violated.

Jon Spencer wrote:

 Is that the Turkish version of attaboy?


 Geoff FOWLER wrote:
 Although, thanks to Ataturk, it should be easier for the Church in
 Turkey than in most other Islamic nations.

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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick
himself up and continue on * Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author's
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] Hell aint cussin'!

2002-12-05 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Chet favored us with the following:
And every Protestant church I've dealt with has the 
doctrine that True Christians will be neutered angels 
in Heaven, with no more feeling for their spouse than 
one would have for a faithful brother or sister.
If that is what they are expecting, and desire, then they'll get it.
That's the terrestrial kingdom in a nutshell!
I believe, however, that if they would just allow the Spirit to whisper
to their hearts how much more wonderful it would be to have their family
for eternity, then perhaps many would grasp onto that and learn of the
true Church. Ol' Scratch seems to be doing quite a number on families
these days however, and it makes it a little tougher for people to see
past their family problems and see their families for what they could
really be: a source of true happiness and joy forever.
Your brother,

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Re: [ZION] Animal sacrifice

2002-12-12 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Paul graced us with
Are they declared Levites or Jews? What is the patriarch suppose to do
when a Jew joins the 
church and says, I'm a Levite too. 

One is either a Jew or a Levite, but not both. While a Levite may be
classed as a Jew per se by the world at large, he is still a Levite,
as far as I know.

But then again, what do I know? :)


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Re: [ZION] Curiosity About Alma 1:21

2002-12-18 Thread Geoff FOWLER
Nici o problema - as the Romanians are fond of saying.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/18/02 01:53PM 
Yeah, and I think I made it even worse when I was trying to figure out
how I got
the two dates mixed up, and the only thing I was thinking of that could
have made
a neural short like that was de Tocqueville, but later I recalled that
he made his
famous tour *after* the Revolution. So, I guess it was just a simple
slip. My
apologies for any misunderstanding.

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Re: [ZION] Curiosity About Alma 1:21

2002-12-18 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 After intense thought, Marc favored us with:
This is also true, but it's a logical extension of the first, not 
something that's said explicitly to be inspired. I know it's a nit, 
but I think the Lord uses historical events, he doesn't cause 
them, else we wouldn't have free will*. His plan is so elegant 
that His kingdom will come regardless of what choices humanity
But you are forgetting one truth: God is Omnipotent - he knows all. He
knew and planned for Joseph Smith to be born in the United States near
the hill Cumorah where the golden plates were buried and sealed up to
come forth by His power. Additionally, He knew that Joseph would
eventually give in to Martin's harangues and give up the 116 pages of
the Book of Lehi. Yet, God provided a way for his work to be
accomplished, DESPITE the choices made by men. While He might not
directly cause historical events, per se, He can and will certainly
intervene (remember Alma the Younger) if necessary. Knowing all, He can
plan around the mistakes of men.

As far as Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin go (as well as perhaps
others of the Founding Fathers), their drift toward deism and away from
institutionalized Christianity may have been as much due to the corrupt
sects of the day as any other. Perhaps history knows them as such
because they sought to distance themselves from false Christianity. I
guess we will find out when we leave this earthly sphere and see them on
the other side. Perhaps having been finally taught the fulness of truth
in the spirit world, they fully embraced it (and at least some of them
did; else why appear to Wilford Woodruff and request that their work be
done for them?).
Your brother,

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Re: [ZION] Curiosity About Alma 1:21

2002-12-18 Thread Geoff FOWLER
I have no idea who that is - apparently he speaks Romanian too.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/18/02 02:16PM 
Nici o problema - as the Romanians are fond of saying.


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/18/02 01:53PM 
Yeah, and I think I made it even worse when I was trying to figure out
how I got
the two dates mixed up, and the only thing I was thinking of that
have made
a neural short like that was de Tocqueville, but later I recalled that
he made his
famous tour *after* the Revolution. So, I guess it was just a simple
slip. My
apologies for any misunderstanding.

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Re: [ZION] Curiosity About Alma 1:21

2002-12-18 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Marc intelligently replied:
Be careful when you use Latinate terms: they are often 
more restrictive than LDS doctrines. [...]
But that raises the philosophical dilemma of free will. We LDS 
do *not* believe God is omnipotent in the sense the Romans
used this term -- we believe he's subject to natural law, and
we believe that even spirit is a type of matter. That means 
we don't believe in the supernatural, but, to coin a word, the
metanatural. There's a world of difference.
You are correct, Marc. Omnipotent means unlimited power, while
omniscient is unlimited knowledge. Thank you for correcting me. :)
On that subject, yes, I agree that God is subject to natural law -
but obviously we mortals do not have a full understanding of said law
(and will not until we become as He is, am I right?). I like the word
metanatural, BTW.

Now with omniscience, which may be the term you meant to
use, it's not quite as bad, but we also have to understand 
that the telestial world in which we live has only 1 dimension 
to time. You can't read apocalyptic texts like Daniel, parts of
Isaiah and Revelation, not to mention Ezekiel and Matthew 24, 
without realizing that there might be more than one approach 
to time. [...]

I also agree that we do not understand *how* God's omniscience works.
However, any discussion of the attributes of God falls under what you
term as trying to fit God into a box we can understand. Since we are
not like Him yet, and hence do not understand everything He does, we
have to use those terms and concepts that we do understand, while at the
same time recognizing that perhaps we will never truly understand any of
these attributes fully until we arrive on the other side of the veil.
Until then, we work by faith and our comprehension increases line by
line, precept by precept... as the Spirit presents this knowledge to
Unfortunately for me, my understanding of mathematics is just as
limited. I know, I know, I need to repent. :)

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Re: [ZION] BYU bars use of R-rated movies

2002-12-20 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Jim mentioned:
 There also seem to be a number of CES employees 
 who aptly fit the description of wolves among the 

 while Jon added:
 And we have found some in our stake.  When they
 are discovered, they are gone.  Now!

While I can see how perhaps a few BYU professors have become,
unfortunately, secularized in their thinking, I am truly shocked that
CES faculty would fall to such levels. I should not be surprised,
however - the Savior Himself testified of it. I guess I have been
fortunate enough to have never met one of these wretched souls.

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Re: [ZION] Moral War

2003-01-24 Thread Geoff FOWLER
 Gary favored us with:
Are the Republican House and Senate 
not right now discussing issues to stop 
charter-prohibited subject? 

They may be talking about it, but unless something is actually done,
and laws are passed and enforced, then it doesn't make the world any
safer for the innocents.

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Re: [ZION] Conditional divine love

2003-01-24 Thread Geoff FOWLER
Great post! According to the prophets, then it appears that there are
actually two types of love:
1. Divine love
2. Unconditional love
They are not one and the same.
However, it is true that our Heavenly Father has and exercises both,
and that we are commanded to do likewise. Would you agree?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/24/03 09:32AM 
Some time ago on this very list (probably its incarnation on zilker.net

or some other pre-Topica server), a rather heated discussion -- imagine

that! -- arose regarding, of all topics, God's love. Some of us claimed

that the scriptures clearly teach that God's love is conditional, given

to some more than to others, and dependent in its intensity on the 
actions and heart of the recipient; while others steadfastly maintained

that God's love is unconditional, that he loves the rankest, vilest 
sinner just as much as he loves the most virtuous of men and women.

I thus find it interesting that this month's Ensign includes an article

by Elder Nelson extolling the *conditional* nature of God's love. I 
definitely recommend the article to all, which starts on page 20 of the

February 2003 Ensign. Some relevant quotations follow:

While divine love can be called perfect, infinite, enduring, and 
universal, it cannot correctly be characterized as *unconditional*. 
[emphasis in original]

With scriptural patterns of conditional statements in mind, we note 
many verses that declare the conditional nature of divine love for us.

Examples include: [John 15:10; DC 95:12; John 14:23; Proverbs 8:17; 
Acts 10:34-35; 1 Nephi 17:40; John 14:21]

Understanding that divine love and blessings are not truly 
'unconditional' can defend us against common fallacies such as these: 
'Since God's love is unconditional, He will love me regardless...'; or

'Since ''God is love,'' He will love me unconditionally, regardless...'

These arguments are used by anti-Christs to woo people with

Divine love is perfect, infinite, enduring, and universal. The full 
flower of divine love and our greatest blessings from that love are 
conditional -- predicated upon our obedience to eternal law.


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RE: [ZION] Conditional divine love

2003-01-24 Thread Geoff FOWLER
I guess in order to clear up the semantics issue, we would need to turn
to the scriptures and words of the prophets and determine how / when
they use the term unconditional love. I had always thought that the
term meant we were to love and forgive our fellowmen, no matter what
they have done, because they are children of our Heavenly Father - and
thus, our brothers and sisters. Does this mean that God (or we, for that
matter) condones what they wicked do? No, of course not. Yet doesn't He
still love them, despite the bad that they have done? Where are the
conditions that limit God's love?
Here is the real kicker - does God still love Lucifer? What about the
Sons of Perdition?
The other question is this: Does divine love encompass the command to
forgive all men? Are we to love those who hurt, abuse, and murder us
with divine love or unconditional love?
I guess what we need are definitions of each term.
When I searched through GospeLink 2001 for the words unconditional
love, and these are the times they were used by General Authorities:
Express unconditional love to one another through word and act. - A.
Theodore Tuttle, 1979 address
There he found acceptance and affection and unconditional love. -
Elder Marion D. Hanks, Conference Report, October 1970
First Questioner: Is it possible to become too subtle with something
as simple as the gospel?
The Disciple: Indeed it is, and we must ever be aware that this
possibility exists. I don't think of the gospel as subtle, however; I
think of it as deep and simple. For instance, some might say that what
follows is a subtlety: God can love the sinner and hate the sin. When
our desires and our actions go against his plans for us, he must be
against us and what we are then doing. But that really means that God is
always for us. He never regards man with contempt, but regards many of
the things we do as contemptible. In the very moment in which Jesus sent
Judas away to do his awful deed, He still loved Judas; His disciple whom
He had taught unconditional love, who could not love Jesus, nevertheless
could not move outside the range of Jesus' love even in betrayal. Some
truths take a good deal of pondering, but not because they are complex.
Because they are so powerful and cut so deeply, we must truly feel their
edge—and more than fleetingly. - Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Desposition of
a Disciple
His duties have long been galactic, yet He noticed the widow casting
in her mite. I am stunned at His perfect, unconditional love of all.
Indeed, I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. I thank Him
for His discerning way of loving us without controlling us, for never
letting the needs of now crowd out the considerations of eternity. -
Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Even As I Am
This leads us to the process of making covenants and participating in
ordinances, which are sources of power as we realize the importance of
the Lord's will in our lives and have faith in it. Such faith turns us
toward the Savior, his life, and his unconditional love for us. As these
truths sink into our hearts, we hear him requiring the sacrifice of a
broken heart and contrite spirit. We must give up the ways of the world
and accept and do his way. - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, Finding Peace in
Our Lives
Because of his rebellion, Lucifer was cast out and became Satan, the
devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead
them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto [his]
voice. (Moses 4:4.) And so this personage who was an angel of God and
in authority, even in the presence of God, was removed from the presence
of God and his Son. (See DC 76:25.) This caused great sadness in the
heavens, for the heavens wept over him—he was Lucifer, a son of the
morning. (DC 76:26.) Does this not place some responsibility on the
followers of Christ to show concern for loved ones who have lost their
way and are shut out from the presence of God? (Moses 6:49.) I know of
no better way to do this than to show unconditional love and to help
lost souls seek another path. - James E. Faust, Reach Up For The Light
Sorry for the long post. Since I have not read Elder Nelson's talk, I
do not know if he refutes the concept unconditional love or not. If he
doesn't, I guess I am not able to state that this concept is
meaningless. I can easily see, however, the difference between divine
love and unconditional love.
Please let me know your thoughts on this.
Your brother,

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/24/03 02:29PM 
 Great post! According to the prophets, then it appears that there
 are actually two types of love:
 1. Divine love
 2. Unconditional love
 They are not one and the same. However, it is true that our
 Heavenly Father has and exercises both, and that we are
 commanded to do likewise. Would you agree?

Not quite, I don't think. While it is true that God is love, it is
true that Love is God. That is, love is not an overriding or 