[cia-drugs] The Flippin Clintons - From The Murder of Don Bolles to TEXAS

2008-07-10 Thread judson witham
The most important book of our times - Judson Witham

The Collateral worth of REALTY as a basis for LOOTING Financial Institutions 
and the INSURANCE FUNDS of FDIC, FSLIC, Fannie and Freddie and HUD and the VA 
and FmHa and FHA go way beyond the FLIPPIN CLINTONS con to finance their RISE 
TO 1600 Penn Ave.  The MELT DOWN during the 1980s and the LOOT from that era 
STOLE the next couple elections just like the FLIPPIN CLINTONS used their ILL 
GOTTEN GAINS to FINANCE their Campaigns.  Judson Witham's WAR against the 
MASSIVE LOOTINGS is well documented.  You see folks BEWARE THE RANCHERO 
RACKEETERS, the MURDER of Don Bolles, the Looting of the MADISON, the THOUSANDS 
of Illegal Land Cons eminating from CONROE TEXAS and the MASSIVE Colonias and 
who rise to POWER across the USA, GOD DAMNED THEM ALL.
Judson Witham
Son Of Swamp Fox

- Original Message 
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 2:40:13 AM
Subject: Fwd: Check out Hawaii Real Estate Info

"Information is the Currency of DEMOCRACY"?  Thomas Jefferson
chance 'um...
ninja cats - south pac

Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music scene in your 
area - Check out TourTracker.com!

-Inline Message Follows-

Hawaii Real Estate Info
What Happened on the way to the Asian Pacific Political Real Estate Investor 
forum for an All-American Culture of Deception in the USAincluding the "A - 
Lo - Ha" State of Hawaii?
Attn:  New York, New York Federal District Judge / U.S. Attorney General - 
Michael Mukasey;  Former Department of Justice under Political Mr. Fix It - 
U.S. Attorney / AIPAC Political Fund Raiser - Lobbyist linked to the University 
of Colorado Law School / Commercial Real Estate Investor Developer / 101-st 
Congressman - NORMAN PHILLIP BROWNSTEIN, vis-a-vis,  Jack Hyatt, Steve Farber, 
Ted Strickland, Lisa Holstein, Gale Norton {CREA - DOI}, James Nicholson {Dept 
of Veterans Affair}, Hank Brown {former Congressman & U.C. - Boulder President} 
all linked to U.C.- Boulder Law School Political associate for  U.S. Federal 
District Tax Court Judge - Maurice B. Foley {First Black Judge on the U.S. Tax 
Court Bench appointed by former President William Jefferson Clinton, aka, Slick 
Ref:  The South Pacific Atolls - Hawaii - California - Colorado - New York - 
Washington DC for the "Bait & Switch" Connections:
"Make the LIE BIG, Make it simple, Keep saying it, and eventually they will 
believe it..."?  {Joseph Goebels - German Minister of Public Enlightenment & 
Propaganda - Nuremberg Trial Testimonials}
More Hawaiian Asian Pacific Predatory Hui LEGENDS;  More AIPAC Criminal 
Syndicate Sovereign MYTHS;  More Hawaii Real Estate Broken Trust Bamboo TALES 
with the public subsidized "Social Engineers in Paradise" for future special 
entitlement "LAND AND POWER IN HAWAII" under: Organized Crime - Subdividing 
Lava Fields - The Maryland Laws {Cooper & Daws}
Public Scope of Focus:  Hawaii Real Estate Information:  Hawaii Real Estate 
Investor Developer / Three Times in one Year {2000 - 2001} Public Consumer 
Bankruptcy Specialist & Hawaii Land conversion con artist with 
Hana Hou:  One more time for the Public record under - OMINOUS PARALLELS:
"Contrary to the Marxist, the Nazi's did not advocate public ownership of the 
means of production.  They did demand that the government oversee and run the 
NATION's economy.  The issue of LEGAL ownership, they explained, is secondary:  
what counts is the ISSUE OF CONTROL.  Private citizens, therefore, may continue 
to hold titles to property---so long as the STATE reserves itself the 
UNQUALIFIED [Unconstitutional] right to REGULATE the use of the property"   
Leonard Peikoff
Aloha Mai Mo. Aloha Aku:  Do the Disavowed Public documented facts matter for 
"our regulatory agencies are incompetent but they are incompetent by design"?  
{David Goldstein}
"Go For Broke" - "All The Way"  USAincluding Hawaii Nei?
Ask not what your COUNTRY can do for you;  Ask what your SECRET GOVERNMENT 
cabals can do to you?
Mutant ninja cats - south pacific kabuki theatre {Island playgrounds in the Sun 
for:  CREA, AIPAC, PNAC, CNP, with Robert "Saipan" Awana:  the former Hawaii 
Chief of Staff / Asian Pacific Goodwill Ambassador / Asian Pacific Board of 
Immigration and Nat

[cia-drugs] Climber - LaRouche big FAKE !!!!

2007-06-21 Thread judson witham
Lyndon LaRouche is an ASSHOLE who seeks his OWN GAIN.  His Wife is the same 

Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
  - Original Message -   From: Cz.cclgo 
  Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 8:28 AM
  Subject: LaRouche & South American Union Leaders Vs NWO Globalization 


  LaRouche in Hemispheric Webcast on Defeating Globalization 
with South American Trade Union Leaders
  June 14, 2007 (EIRNS)—Led by U.S. Democratic Party leader Lyndon LaRouche 
and Mexican trade union leader, Agustín Rodríguez, Secretary General 
of the Union of National Autonomous University of Mexico Workers (STUNAM), 
trade union leaders from Chile, Argentina, and Peru participated today in a 
profound dialogue via internet videoconference, on the subject "Globalization 
Is Equal to Fascism. We Need A New Bretton Woods, Now." Organizers from around 
the world —from Bolivia and Colombia to Russia and cities across the United 
States— were listening as it occurred. (See media archive of the webcast.)
  Some 35 individual Spanish sites were logged on as the dialogue took place, 
the highest number yet reached for a LaRouche webcast.
  This was no academic discussion. The STUNAM is in the midst of organizing a 
labor rebellion against the Calderón government, demanding the government 
revoke the March 30 law privatizating public workers pensions and health care, 
as unconstitutional and a step towards plans to eliminate all workers' rights, 
in the name of "structural reforms" and "globalization." Attempting to pick off 
weaker-kneed labor leaders by talk of possible concessions, the government 
delivered a formal "offer" to labor leaders, right before the "II 
LaRouche-Rodríguez International Dialogue" on Globalization was scheduled 
to begin. And, while 60 people, including various other trade union leaders and 
more than two dozen youth, were at that dialogue at the STUNAM headquarters, 
five other meetings mapping out local details of the fight were taking place at 
the same time in other parts of the building.
  LaRouche and Rodríguez opened the dialogue, and fielded questions (see 
transcript). The other speakers then addressed the essential nature of the 
battle to reestablish State-run social security systems which can defend the 
public welfare. Most noted how important it was to participate in a continental 
discusssion of this type, which gave them hope that misery can be overcome.
  From Santiago, Chile, Yasmir Fariña, Vice President of the National 
Federation of Workers of the University of Chile (FENAFUCH), spoke with passion 
of the destruction which the so-called "Chile model," imposed under the 
Pinochet dictatorship but not yet overturned, has wrecked upon her country. 
From Lima, Peru, Carlos Gallardo, dean of the Association of Professors of 
Peru, reported that the teachers and professors in his country are on strike 
now, because, while the government claims it has no money for education, it is 
paying off the foreign debt even before it comes due.
  Hugo Moyano, Secretary General of the Argentine Labor Federation (CGT), spoke 
by cell phone from the city of Mar del Plata where he was attending a meeting. 
He delivered a message of optimism, that Argentine workers had fought without 
success for years against the privatization of social security, but under the 
Kirchner government, that privatization is finally being reversed. And, he 
emphatically agreed with Mr. LaRouche, that Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet 
had been an agent of Margaret Thatcher!
  Moyano's participation is notable, given that he is the Argentine equivalent, 
post-wise, of John Sweeney of the AFL-CIO.
  Moyano's message of optimism was also supported by Salvador Fernandez, 
Adjunct Secretary General of the Argentine social security workers union, APOPS.
  The motivation to fight driving all those participating in the discussion was 
brought home in answer to the last question, sent in from Germany. The question 
was: if it was not too harsh to compare globalization with fascism, which 
conjures up images of the Third Reich? Erik de Leon of the LaRouche Youth 
Movement in Mexico answered that they are asked the same question often on the 
streets in Mexico, by people who make the mistake of equating fascism with a 
person, Hitler, rather than facing the fact that it is a system, which has 
historical roots, and which kills people, by taking away even their means to 
  Rodríguez added that the system of globalization "exterminates the 
weakest," and therefore it is, indeed, similar to fascism. In closing the 
dialogue, he said, we await our III Dialogue with Mr. LaRouche.
  The first two hours of the dialogue in which Mr. LaRouche participated in 
archived here in English, as is the full three hour discussion in Spanish. 


[cia-drugs] NSA and CENSORSHIP !

2007-03-31 Thread judson witham
YUP they just do NOT want the Satellite Images that the BRITISH do NOT have to 
come out. You know, they are sending a THIRD Carrier Group to the GULF OF OIL, 
USS Nimitz
  Hey we can leave IRAQ just in time to let Bush get us into IRAN

Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Out of 40 Emails which were in my Inbox today here, 32 of them were 
repeats of the original 8 messages. Also, in my Yahoo account, of the 5 
messages sent, 24 of them were repeats.

Cut it out NSA. Some of these messages are very large so take up a lot of space 
in any given Inbox, and could cause an Inbox to fill up, which would prevent 
other legitimate Email from being delivered.

We're on to you now, so cease and desist.


Arlene Johnson
To access my editions, click on the icon that says Magazine
Password for 2006 editions: message
No password is needed to access any other edition.


Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.

[cia-drugs] Crime Blotter: CIA Headquarters and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

2007-03-24 Thread judson witham
Yup The SECRET GUVMINT hard at work.  We need to come up with an ACTION PLAN 
  Get On With getting our Republic Back !

  He's a dose of what is really going on !

Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

March 19, 2007
  Our Highest Law Enforcement Officials are Criminals  Crime Blotter: 1600 
Pennsylvania Avenue  By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS
  While serving as President Bush's White House lawyer, Alberto Gonzales 
advised Bush that the president's war time powers permitted Bush to ignore the 
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and to use the National Security 
Agency (NSA) to spy on US citizens without obtaining warrants from the FISA 
court as required by law. Under an order signed by Bush in 2002, NSA illegally 
spied on Americans without warrants.
  By spying on Americans without obtaining warrants, Bush committed felonies 
under FISA. Moreover, there is strong, indeed overwhelming, evidence that 
justice was obstructed when Bush and Gonzales blocked a 2006 Justice Department 
investigation into whether Gonzales acted properly as Attorney General in 
approving and overseeing the Bush administration's program of spying on US 
citizens. Also at issue is whether Gonzales acted properly in advising Bush to 
kill an investigation of Gonzales' professional actions with regard to the NSA 
spy program.
  We are faced with the almost certain fact that the two highest law 
enforcement officials of the United States are criminals.
  The evidence that Bush and Gonzales have obstructed justice comes from 
internal Justice Department memos and exchanges of letters between the Justice 
Department's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), an investigative 
office, and members of Congress. The documents were leaked to the National 
Journal, and the story was reported in the March 15, 2007, issue by Murray 
Waas, who also relied on interviews with both current and former high ranking 
DOJ officials. Ten months previously on May 25, 2006, Waas broke the story in 
the National Journal about the derailing of the OPR investigation.
  From Waas's report it is obvious that many current and former Justice 
Department officials have serious concerns about the high-handed behavior of 
the Bush administration. The incriminating documents were leaked to the 
National Journal, the only remaining national publication that has any 
credibility. The New York Times and Washington Post have proven to be supine 
tools of the Bush administration and are no longer trusted.
  When the Bush administration's violation of the Foreign Intelligence 
Surveillance Act was leaked to the New York Times, the paper's editors obliged 
Bush by spiking the story for one year, while Bush illegally collected 
information that he could use to blackmail his critics into silence. As I wrote 
at the time, the only possible reason for violating FISA is to collect 
information that can be used to silence critics. The administration's claim 
that bypassing FISA was essential to the "war on terror" is totally false and 
is a justification and practice that the Bush administration, no longer able to 
defend, abandoned in January of this year.
  The known facts: After keeping the information from Congress and the public 
for one year, on Dec. 16, 2005, the New York Times reported that Bush was 
spying on Americans without complying with the FISA statute. In response to a 
request from members of Congress, the Justice Department's Office of 
Professional Responsibility launched an investigation into the Bush 
administration's decision to ignore FISA and to conduct domestic spying on 
American citizens without obtaining the warrants required by law. On January 
20, 2006, Marshall Jarrett, the Justice Department official in charge of OPR, 
informed senior Justice Department officials of his investigation and its scope.
  Gonzales informed President Bush about the OPR investigation, and Bush shut 
down the investigation by refusing security clearances to the Justice 
Department officials in OPR. In a response to Senate Judiciary Committee 
chairman Arlen Specter on July 18, 2006, Gonzales disclosed that President Bush 
had halted the OPR investigation.
  This is the first and only time in history that DOJ officials have been 
denied security clearances necessary to conduct an investigation. The Bush 
administration claimed that the secret spying was too crucial to our national 
security to permit even Justice Department officials to learn about it. 
However, even as Bush was denying clearances to OPR, he granted identical 
clearances to: (1) the FBI agents ordered to find who leaked the 
administration's secret spying to the New York Times, (2) DOJ officials in the 
Civil Division who had to respond to legal challenges to the illegal spy 
program, and (3) five private sec

[cia-drugs] Foreign policy the Power Elite- OIL WARS NO SECRET

2007-02-19 Thread judson witham
  The Reality  BushCo and Carlyle Whores
  Well Paying To Take Over American Political Power takes loads of CASH.  Like 
the Clintons used Madison Cash, Bush and Carlyle, Enron and even the Missing 
C-130s TONS of Brand New Hundred Dollar Bills, Bush's Way Forward is a MONEY 
CON of unprecedented proportion.  Everyone who has a brain KNOWS the Lie 
Factory covered by Mother Jones was as accurate an account as the REALITY seems 
to have panned out. Mr. Pizzo fails to see the CASH missing from Texas Banks 
and S&Ls and those in California, New Mexico, Arizona, Florida, Missouri, Penn 
HELL going back to Penn Square and The Continental Lootings and the BCCI mess, 
its takes MONEY to run SECRET GUVMINTS.
  Cathryn Fitts and William Black from UT and JUDSON WITHAM from Houston Texas 
along with folks like Martin Mayer etc., et al in FACT KNOW that All The 
Missing Loot is being used to PROMOTE, INFLUENCE and BUY FAVORS from all sorts 
of folks Mostly in the Congress and Senate - AND THE BAND PLAYS ON
  Judson Witham

While we're all being DISTRACTED they are Looting the Nation

The Globalists are Coming
  The New World Order Is Taking Over

  Here's WHY you all are being distracted with Iraq and Iran

  - Original Message -   From: spiker


http://www.youtube. com:80/watch? v=XdxI0zClV_ Y

Video Description













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[cia-drugs] Fwd: To Congress Senate Pelosi FBI Secret Service the WORLD - Pass OnTo Everyone

2007-01-07 Thread judson witham
  The IRAQ WAR to date has cost 500 Billion
  where's the 500 BILLION 
  Looted from US Banks and S&Ls ???
  Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton,  Mr. Gonzales and your answer is 
  BushCo in Texas from Dallas to Houston TO HUMBLE, Austin and then back to DC 
engaged in MASSIVE REAL ESTATE BASED Bank and S&L Lootings that make the 
Madison and Whitewater CON in Arkansas a DROP IN THE BUCKET.  The simplistic 
technicalities involved in using EXTREMELY WIDESPREAD Land Speculations and 
BOGUS LAND DEVELOPMENT LENDING nack rolled the current BushCo Regime.  Alberto 
Gonzales there along EASTEX 59 at 1960 the Dearbrook Mall and South KINGWOOD is 
literally just across the WEST FORK of the San Jacinto River from Montgomery 
County TX.
  In Seniot US District Court Judge DeAnda's FEDERAL COURT in Houston, JUDSON 
WITHAM exposed more than 600 (SIX HUNDRED)  extremely ILLEGAL Land Development 
CONS.  The PROBLEM was that so many Title Companies, Lawyers, Bankers and the 
Finest Republican BUDDIES of Alberto Gonzales, Former Assistant US Attorney 
Henry Onkin, and Bill Clinton's Campaign Manager in Texas GARY MARUO were 
reaping BILLIONS from the Land Speculation CONS.
  FACT the Arizona Project, the YAZOO Land Frauds, Pine Barrens Frauds, the I 
35 Scandal, the Sharpstown Scandal the S&L and banking Lootings THEY ARE ALL 
  The problem is so deeply rooted that PIECES OF SHIT like FORMER FBI AGENT 
John Connolly was himself involed in EXTORTING folks in Real Estate Deals.
  The OIL CONTRACTS being given to EXXON with World Headquaters in MONTGOMERY 
COUNTY TEXAS over at the WOODLANDS should let you understand ALBERTO GONZALES 
  IF I am a LIAR as many THINK, check some of the FACTS I reveal hear AND KNOW 
THIS the Title Insurance CONS recently being BUSTED by FBI and SECRET SERVICE 
is only the TIP OF THE ICEBERG,
  US SECRET SERVICE AGENT  MR RICK WILLIAMS you told me the Secret Service was 
SCRATCHING AT THE SURFACE my only comment is YOU BET YOUR ASS dig a little 
DEEPER and you will understand WHY they call them RED FLAG SUBDIVISIONS.
  Judson Witham
  PS:  Look At The PLAT DEDICATION AFFIDAVITS on the Whitewater, Castle Grande 
and campebello Island Developments AND EXPLAIN TO ME why the TAX ASSESSORS and 
Subdivision Projects SUCH AS the 635 Unrecorded and ILLEGAL ONES  Judson Witham 
EXPOSED in US Judge DeAnda's Federal Court at 515 Rusk in Houston Texas.  Look 
at the AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY's  Legal Descriptions in their 
INSURANCE AGREEMENTS and ASK the FDIC why Judson Witham had to do their JOB and 
why SEWELL & RIGGS did NOT do theirs,
  Judson Witham
My Letter to N.Pelosi-Add your name, Add Crimes + Pass OnTo Everyone !
and email a copy to her (below)

My letter to Pelosi - free to edit and use 
Save and send out once a week


Nancy Pelosi 
2371 Rayburn HOB 
Washington, DC 20515 
Speaker Pelosi, 

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, California, 8th District

The American people elected a Democratic majority to restore checks
and balances, the rule of law, and our reputation as a law-abiding
country in the world community. 
These cannot be accomplished unless President George W. Bush and
Vice President Dick Cheney are impeached. Their impeachable offenses
dwarf those that led to proceedings against President Clinton and
President Andrew Johnson, and the threatened proceeding against
President Richard Nixon combined. 
The offenses below are already supported with evidence in the
public record, including admissions of guilt. It is likely that
investigations prior to impeachment would turn up even more. 


Lying to the American people, Congress, and the world about the threat
from Iraq & need for war. 

War of aggression against Iraq, which posed no threat to US. 

Death of over 600,000 Iraqis and over 3,000 troops in unnecessary

"Executing" and exploiting 9/11 for political gain and for war to
benefit oil companies and other cronies. 

Canceling Iraq's oil contracts with foreign companies and giving them to
American corporations and restructuring Iraq's oil industry to their
specification in violation of the Hague and Geneva Conventions. 

Awarding no-bid contracts to cronies for rebuilding and oil exploitation
in Iraq. 

Inciting animosity toward the US by attacking Iraq and falsely claiming
it was part of "War on Terror." 

Authorizing the use of torture in violation of the Geneva Convention and
US law and against the advice of the uniformed military. 

Participating in the overthrow of the democratically elected gove

[cia-drugs] Standing up for the 100 Hour Agenda

2007-01-04 Thread judson witham
  God Bless Freedom and the Republic
  Judson Witham

"MoveOn.org Political Action" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 18:15:55 UT
Subject: Thank you for standing up for the 100 Hour Agenda
From: "MoveOn.org Political Action" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear friend,

Thank you. Your name has been added to the petition and your comments will be 
delivered to your members of Congress. 

Our friends at Working Assets have set up an innovative way for you to stay 
involved. You can sign up to get text messages to your mobile phone when each 
of the 100 hours items comes to a vote, alerting you to call your 
representatives and weigh in on the next item.

To sign up for this service, just go to:


Also, please take a moment to invite your friends and colleagues to sign the 
petition. You can just forward the sample letter below.

Spreading the word is critical, but please only pass this message along to 
those who know you -- spam hurts our campaign.

Thanks for all you do. --Ben Brandzel and the whole MoveOn.org Political Action 

Here's a sample message to send to your friends:

Subject: Help the new Congress start right


As you may have heard, Nancy Pelosi is hoping to start off big with her "100 
Hours Agenda." It's a bunch of progressive proposals, including cutting oil 
subsidies to invest in clean energy, getting cheaper prescription drugs for 
seniors, and raising the minimum wage.

Naturally, the big drug companies, oil companies, and business lobbies are 
fighting hard to stop her.

MoveOn has started a petition to Congress so we can show our representatives 
we're ready for some real progress, and they should act quickly to pass the 100 
Hours Agenda.

Plus, the total signature count and some of our comments will be read out loud 
on the floor of Congress during the debate -- so the more we get, the louder 
our voice will be. You can join me in signing today at:


If you've received this email in error, please correct your campaign 
subscription information at:

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

[cia-drugs] I "Wanta see the PROOF"

2007-01-04 Thread judson witham
Please produce even a SINGLE SCINTILLA of EVIDENCE, you know Documentation that 
President Reagan empowered or appointed Leo Wanta to any OFFICIAL STATION or 
OFFICE.  Have you for instance any Congressional or Executive documentation of 
ANY KIND which gives any GRANT OF AUTHORITY to this WANTA FELLOW, bestowed upon 
him by any GENUINE OFFICIAL of the Legislative, Judicial or Executive, 
appointed, anointed or otherwise OFFICIAL ?
  Judson Witham
  Son of "Swamp Fox"
  It's an INTERESTING ARTICLE and rather full of Supposition and Conjecture 
with Anecdotal facts, BUT please Direct, Substantive Proof, you know ADMISSIBLE 

Supreme Law Firm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Wanta Know What is Really Going On?
  You MUST know!
  January 02, 2007
  by Taffy Rice
  Copyright Taffy Rice
  Powder Springs, Georgia -
  Do you 'Wanta' know; maybe you do and maybe you don't. In Georgia, 
bankruptcies are number 1 in the nation, thanks to new bankruptcy laws. Could 
that be an accident? So many property owners cannot understand the overt theft 
of their family, rights, and homes, yet the problem WILL affect EVERY American 
and the culprits are in plain view. The powers that be created a "cold war," 
which was really a 'red hot' free for all to distribute debt internationally 
and subversively. As in all moneyed schemes, the piper has to ultimately be 
paid; meet Leo Wanta, an appointed trustor of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS by President 
Ronald Reagan, intended to be distributed to America? Despite Wanta's 
diplomatic 'privilege', he was ultimately extradited from Switzerland 
supposedly for a debt relating to Wisconsin back taxes in an abrupt and 
suspicious fashion. (Can't imagine the use of government to deny lawful 
behavior by Americans...familiar tactic, isn't it!?) And so begins the coming 
to pass of
  Henry Paulson, the former chairman and chief executive of investment banking 
powerhouse Goldman Sachs (a 9/11 benefactor) and Bush appointee to the Treasury 
Department upon appointment, stated the American debt was "manageable," during 
his confirmation. Don't forget, BOTH Democrats and Republicans easily confirmed 
Paulson. However the International Court of Justice did not view his refusal to 
address ever escalating debt and fund payment to be an option for Treasury 
Secretary Paulson, upon repeated refusals to address the call for outstanding 
debt satisfaction.
  Specifically, Paulson's repeated refusal to pay the American 4.5 TRILLION 
debt called by Leo Wanta (see connections to Goldman Sachs and Citibank to name 
a few), were met with no less than a 'do NOT pass GO' in Germany by the 
International Court of Justice during December, while you were distracted by 
Santa ... ho, ho, ho! Wanta’s efforts were key dating back to the Reagan 
Administration but the outstanding debt he refused to funnel or launder, had 
American Officials literally targeting Wanta himself. However despite tax 
claims and physical sidelining, the requirement to fund debt, was in Germany 
met by no less than a subpoena issued by the German Government for Paulson 
himself with another for Vice President Cheney forthcoming. For those not 
familiar with Leo Wanta efforts, look no further than your American Highways, 
Bridges, or Amtrak to name but a few.
  Time again, I have received calls regarding the jaded purchases of American 
trusts, streets, parks, and buildings being resold, which came as no surprise. 
The bank consolidations, mergers, acquisitions, and union busting fervor has 
ALL led to the same property theft; the redistribution of debt and assets 
internationally by the global elite and the related destruction of the American 
Dollar. And what was the collateral used for this massive effort, why your 
property interests, of course! With the courts as the implementors to invoke 
the bankers agenda, politicians were all to ready to cash in on the backs of 
  But will anything change in this country? And will it happen quickly enough 
to avoid total economic destruction? Check prices in the housing market, (see 
GA's ranking as number 1 in bankruptcies). Most people have no clue about the 
private corporation printing fiat currency, the Federal Reserve or the CIA 
control of federal as well as local governments. While the effort by 
Regan/Clinton/Bush to float debt and create a 1 world government, using 
American Assets against Americans continues to escalate with an occasional 
Abramoff, Enron, or Saddam sacrifice, to detract from the real play, where will 
this corruption and deception leave the American Economy?
  And with the latest economic revelation UNREPORTED by MAJOR MEDIA, will 

[cia-drugs] Bend Over America - You ALL Guvmint Slaves

2006-10-02 Thread judson witham

I found this in my email this morning AND MAN it is SO TRUE     WAKE UP  Son Of Swamp Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]From: "Son Of Swamp Fox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 15:15:44 -Subject: [Power Hour II] Bend Over America - You ALL Guvmint SlavesThe politicians in Congress think nothing of squandering our money. Allthey have
 to do isgo to Congress and "appropriate" some more. Hey, money for nothing...It never occurs to these folks that there are people with lives on theother end of theirendless stream of appropriations, or maybe it does and they just don'tcare. But, like Bush'41 who didn't have a clue about the grocery star and what goes on belowthe glassceiling, our Congress doesn't trouble their heads over the little peoplefrom whom they arebasically stealing all of this money. Where is Mme. DeFarge when youneed her?Congress ordered up another 70 BILLION dollars recently. It would serveus all to have acloser look as to exactly what one billion means.Check this out:Komodo***What is a billion???The next time you hear a politician use the word "billion" in acasual manner, think about whether you want the "politicians"spending your tax money.A billion is a difficult number to comprehend,
 but one advertisingagency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspectivein one of its releases.a. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.b. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. (if ofcourse, he ever was alive)c. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living inthe Stone Age.d. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth ontwo feet.e. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look atNew Orleans. It's amazing what you can learn with some simpledivision .Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is presently asking theCongress for $250 BILLION to rebuild New Orleans. Interestingnumber, what does it mean?a. Well, if you are one of 484,674 residents of NewOrleans (every man, woman, child), you each get $516,528.b. Or, if you have one of the
 188,251 homes in NewOrleans, your home gets $1,329,787.c. Or, if you are a family of four, your familygets $2,066,012.Washington, D.C .. HELLO!!! ... Are all your calculators broken??This is too true to be very funnyTax his land,Tax his wage,Tax his bed in which he lays.Tax his tractor,Tax his mule,Teach him taxes is the rule.Tax his cow,Tax his goat,Tax his pants,Tax his coat.Tax his ties,Tax his shirts,Tax his work,Tax his dirt.Tax his tobacco,Tax his drink,Tax him if he tries to think.Tax his booze,Tax his beers,If he cries,Tax his tears.Tax his bills,Tax his gas,Tax his notes,Tax his cash.Tax him good and let him knowThat after taxes, he has no dough.If he hollers,Tax him more,Tax him until he's good and sore.Tax his coffin,Tax his grave,Tax the sod in which he
 lays.Put these words upon his tomb,"Taxes drove me to my doom!"And when he's gone,We won't relax,We'll still be after the inheritance TAX!!Accounts Receivable TaxBuilding Permit TaxCDL License TaxCigarette TaxCorporate Income TaxDog License TaxFederal Income TaxFederal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)Fishing License TaxFood License TaxFuel Permit TaxGasoline TaxHunting License TaxInheritance TaxInventory TaxIRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax),IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax),Liquor Tax,Luxury Tax,Marriage License Tax,Medicare Tax,Property Tax,Real Estate Tax,Service charge taxes,Social Security Tax,Road Usage Tax (Truckers),Sales Taxes,Recreational Vehicle Tax,School Tax,State Income Tax,State Unemployment Tax (SUTA),Telephone Federal Excise Tax,Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax,Telephone
 Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax,Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax,Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax,Telephone State and Local Tax,Telephone Usage Charge Tax,Utility Tax,Vehicle License Registration Tax,Vehicle Sales Tax,Watercraft Registration Tax,Well Permit Tax,Workers Compensation Tax.COMMENTS: Not one of these taxes existed 100 years agoAnd there was prosperity, absolutely no national debt,The largest middle class in the world and Mom stayed hometo raise the kids.What the hell happened ?Garance  Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business.  
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[cia-drugs] Ayatolla Bush The Real Gihadist

2006-09-17 Thread judson witham

Blessed are the PEACE MAKERS      The World's Problem Is   Gihad and Killing In The Name Of God / Allah   is what Osama Bin Loony Toons  is all aboutAyatolla Bush is a Theocratic WACKO      A Neocon Christian Gihadist 
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[cia-drugs] Bush's Balls On The Barbi - he's BUSTED

2006-09-14 Thread judson witham

  WAKE UP FOLKS they STOLE the VOTE     This Affidavit is 18 pages long ENJOY     http://web.northnet.org/minstrel/declaration.01.htm     The methods employed to STEAL Liberty and Freedom have become VERY SOPHISTICATED.  Thank God for good men like Dr. Phillips.  He and I have been friends for nearly 40 years and I assure you HE DOES NOT LIE.     Judson Witham 
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[cia-drugs] VICTORIES from Salt Lake to OHIO They Can Never Steal OUR FREEDOM

2006-09-01 Thread judson witham

Yeah Marsha here's some more good news,  My very old friend Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips and your's truly with GREAT AMOUNTS of Help and Solidarity from Tens of Thousands of People ARE DIGGING REAL HARD to expose the VOTE Manipulations and FRAUDS of 2000 and 2004 in Florida and Ohio.  TOGETHER in Solidarity FREEDOM will always WIN as Long as those who LOVE FREEDOM stick TOGETHER.     Peace     Judson Witham  Son Of Swamp FoxMarsha MCClelland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Salt Lake City Mayor gets down on corrupt administration...Please forward     http://kutv.com/video/?id=18850@kutv.dayport.com<http://kutv.com/video/?id=18850@kutv.dayport.com>     judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Filing A Law suite and making the ballots an issue REQUIRES they be preserved.  Even if the litigation is LOST the Ballots are EVIDENCE in the mean while !       The Violations I see are Constitutional as VOTE Tampering and Nullification through Criminal Tampering deprives Legal Voters of Having their Votes ACCURATELY and HONESTLY Counted . 
    In my understanding Ballot Tampering, Destruction or Padding would deny the Common Law Rights of people to have their Votes ACCURATELY and Honestly Counted, and anything less would be to DEPRIVE a Citizen of their LAWFUL RIGHTS TO VOTE at Common Law.  Said being a deprivation of Fundemental Civil Liberty violating the US Constitutional Guarantee of Equal Protection and Due Process.  You see VOTING is a 1st Amendment Issue.   I realise there may need to be some NEW GROUND PLOWED, but this Vote Rigging SHIT has got to be STOPPED.        The Universal Declaration On Human Rights is the Standard as Follows :     Article 21.(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country,
 directly or through freely chosen representatives.     (2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.     (3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.        NOTE: Genuine Elections DOES NOT MEAN Rigged or TAMPERED  Ohio delays destroying 2004 ballots      By JULIE CARR SMYTH, Associated Press Writer 2 hours,
 55 minutes ago COLUMBUS, Ohio - Secretary of State Ken Blackwell said he will do what he can to keep ballots from the contentious 2004 presidential election beyond their scheduled destruction date in response to a federal lawsuit filed Thursday.         In an Aug. 23 letter to Blackwell, voting-rights attorney Cliff Arnebeck asked Blackwell to preserve the ballots in connection with the legal action. He said the individuals and public interest groups he represents have found irregularities and anomalies among the ballots they have reviewed so far, and they want to keep digging.  Federal law says the secretary of state's office is required to keep ballots for 22 months following a federal election.     Arnebeck's sweeping lawsuit accuses Blackwell of violating state and federal laws and the U.S. Constitution by "inequitably distributing voting
 resources, suppressing votes, and spoiling ballots" in 2004, the letter said.     Last year, Arnebeck dropped a similar challenge to Ohio's 2004 election results after Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Tom Moyer called the evidence "woefully inadequate."     Blackwell, a Republican now running for governor, has drawn criticism for his oversight of the 2004 election — in which President Bush prevailed over Democrat John Kerry by 118,000 votes — and his simultaneous
 honorary role on Bush's re-election committee.     He has already supported a thorough examination of the ballots by election officials, outside groups and members of the press, and will not interfere with the group's review, said spokesman James Lee.     Lee emphasized, however, that county elections boards have the final say regarding what happens to the records.     "The ballots were counted, and they were re-counted, the Los Angeles Times even came into Cuyahoga County and made photocopies of all the ballots," he said. "If this group wants to look at the ballots yet again then they can do that, but most everyone in the state — Democrats and Republicans — have moved on and know that the results of the 2004 presidential election are legitimate."     Lee said that the lawsuit is based on a faulty understanding of Blackwell's statutory duties as the state elections
 chief.     "Anyone who is objectively looking at the election system in Ohio knows that we have a bipartisan voting system that is run primarily at the county level, that bipartisan boards determined whether to place individual voting machines," he said. "It's amazing that there are still those conspiracy theorists out there who refuse to accept 

[cia-drugs] "Is It Legal" Mechanism's of 21st Century Techno Slavery

2006-08-28 Thread judson witham

judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: "Men commit evil within the scope available to them."  Theodore Dalrymple     IS IT LEGAL ?      http://www.ninehundred.net/control/forward.html "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul."   Matthew 10:28       This book attempts to depict the strange transformation of the free human mind into an automatically responding machine a
 transformation which can be bought about by some of the cultural undercurrents in our present day society as well as by deliberate experiments in the service of a political ideology.   The rape of the mind and stealthy mental coercion are among the oldest crimes of mankind. They probably began back in pre historic days wheh man first discovered that he could exploit human qualities of empathy and understanding in order to exert power over his fellow men. The word "rape" is derived from the Latin word _rapere_, to snatch, but also is related to the words to rave and raven. It means to overwhelm and to enrapture, to invade, to usurp, to pillage and to steal.   The modern words "brainwashing," "thought control," and "menticide" serve to provide a clearer conception of the actual methods by which man's integrity can be violated. When a concept
 is given its right name, it can be more easily recognized and it is with this recognition that the opportunity for systematic correction begins.       In this book the reader will find a discussion of some of the imminent dangers which threaten free cultural interplay. It emphasizes the tremendous cultural implication of the subject of enforced mental intrusion. Not only the artificial techniques of coercion are important but even more the unobtrusive intrusion into our feeling and thinking. The danger of destruction of the spirit may be compared to the threat of total physical destruction through atomic warfare. Indeed, the two are related and intertwined.       My approach to this subject is based on the belief that it is only by looking at any problem from several angles that we are able to get at its
 heart.       According to Bohr's principle of complementarity, the rather simple phenomena of physics can be looked at from diverse viewpoints; different and seemingly contrasting concepts are needed to describe physical phenomena. For instance, for explanation of the behavior of electrons, both the concept of particle and the concept of wave are useful. The same is true for the even more complicated psychological and social interactions. We cannot look at brainwashing merely from a simple Pavlovian viewpoint. This book tries to do it also from the clinical descriptive view and from the concept of psychology; it tries to look at brainwashing from the standpoint that general mental coercion may belong to every human interaction.       Communication of any sort can almost be compared with trying to knock down a row of dolls in a throwing
 game. The more balls we throw, the greater is the probability that we may hit all the dolls. The more approaches we make to any problem, the greater chance we have of finding and grasping its essential core. Such detailed treatment will be impossible without some repetition in the text.       In this book we shall move from the specific subject of planned and deliberate mental coercion to the more general question of the influences in the modern world that tend to robotize and automatize man. The last chapters are devoted to the problem of inner backbone, as a first step in the direction of learning to maintain OUR MENTAL FREEDOM.       One of the great Dutch authors, Multatuli, wrote a letter to his friend excusing himself because the letter was so long: he had not had time enough to write a shorter one. In this paradox he expressed part of the
 problem of all search for _expression_ and communication. It takes a long time to express an idea in a precise and communicable way. Yet being short and simple in one's descriptions is not always appreciated. Expecially modern psychology is loaded with superlearnedness with the secret intention of leaving the reading public awe stricken. The man who tries to express himself in simple words, bypassing jargon, risks being called popular and unscientific. Nevertheless, I am aware of the fact that I have been so much steeped in psychological terminology that I cannot completely forego psychological language. The real test of psychological clarity is the way the layman absorbs and understands the ideas communicated. My aim has been to write for the general public, not to popularize but to bring some order to the chaos of our particular epoch.   Every word man speaks is a
 plagiarism. The task of an author is to absorb, incorporate, and transform the knowledge and emotional currents of his own epoch and to present them in his own personal way, enriched by his own experiences. I am grateful, indeed, to 

[cia-drugs] BooshCo & Financing The Global Coup d' etat

2006-08-16 Thread judson witham

judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:This Missing Billions you Mean TRILLIONS  RoadsEnd  WE KNOW !!     Catherine A. Fitts - Don Bolles - Peter Brewton - Steve Pizzo - Mary Fricker , Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips, Greg Collins, and JUDSON WITHAM and Many Many Others    EXPOSE THE FINANCIAL RAPE OF AMERICA  BooshCo's  The GLOBAL Coup d' etat     http://www.dunwalke.com/The Financing of the American Coup d' etat     see http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot       The Great Texas Bank Job is Not a Joke     From the Great Texas Bank Job to Solari and FAR FAR Beyond.  Ol Peter Brewton and the Business Editor at the Former Houston Post Gerrald Egger and Don Bolles ALL are TRULY GREAT AMERICANS     A Coverup Under Two Presidents:      To Cover Up Massive Amounts Of MISSING MONEY ?   BuschCo, ClintonCo  Intentionally Destroying a Nation       CNN's Amanpour Links 9/11 Truthers With Sky Terrorists     Earth To  CNN's Christiane Amanpour     
 NOPE -  NO LUNITICS HERE.      No Conspiracy Theories      JUST MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF Missing LOOTED MONEY from Public Treasury, Retirement Accounts, Social Security, Pension Plans etc., etc.      We are simply on to some very horrifying FACTS.    This is just the TIP of the iceberg     http://www.co.cochise.az.us/treasurer/LandFraud.htm     Every Arizona County and hundreds of thousands of trusting land purchasers were victimized by the rampant land scams of the 1960's. Artist renditions showed trees and lakes with boating and all the modern facilities: streets, street lights, golf courses, a real piece of the American dream. The true picture was a section of dry Arizona deserts with no development whatsoever. Although Arizona has the reputation of being the worst in the nation, Florida was not far behind and many states had similar swindles take place during the same time period.        JUST LIKE MONTGOMERY COUNTY TEXAS      MASSIVE CAMPAIGN FINANCING SCANDAL     You Thought The Madison S&L Job was Original     THINK AGAIN     You see when you steal BILLIONS and get CAUGHT, you are looking at some HARD TIME.  BooshCo , ClintonCo and Companies  and their GANGS / MAFIAS are a Pack Of THIEVING WHORES.  Your claims about VAST SUMS of Missing Money are FACT not
 FICTION.  HUD, S&Ls, Banks, Enron, MCI World Com, Dynergy, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, VA,  and YUP Pentagon and DOD are missing VASTE AMOUNTS of Loose Change "TRILLIONS"  and you thought the Clinton Campaign  Financing CON was original       Judson Withamgreg collins yahoo.com> wrote:        I know this discusion will put us in the lunatic fringe group but right after Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 trillion dollars was missing from the Pentagon a magic airplane with no wings or engines smashed into the accounting section of the pentagon convieniently killing a whole bunch of budget analysts and accountants.Rumsfeld made the announcement on sept 10 he would have had to start facing the music on sept 11.No wonder Bush
 blocked investigations of the Saudi's those 19 hijackers saved his and Rumsfelds bacon.judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com> wrote:     How do you think these SLUTS PAY    to STEAL ELECTIONS     The Great Texas Bank Job      is the FEDS worse nightmare   05/22/2004 InterviewReal Audio  MP3Transcript     Nonprofit groups funneled Abramoff fundsE-mails between indicted lobbyist, activists shed light on D.C. money trail     By Susan Schmidt and James V. Grimaldi     Updated: 10:35 p.m. PT June 24, 2006     Newly released documents in the Jack Abramoff investigation shed light on how the lobbyist secretly routed his clients' funds through tax-exempt organizations with the acquiescence of those in charge, including prominent conservative activist Grover Norquist.     The federal probe has brought a string of bribery-related charges and plea deals. The possible misuse of
 tax-exempt groups is also receiving investigators' attention, sources familiar with the matter said.     Among the organizations used by Abramoff was Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform. According to an investigative report on Abramoff's lobbying released last week by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, Americans for Tax Reform served as a "conduit" for funds that flowed from Abramoff's clients to surreptitiously finance grass-roots lobbying campaigns. As the money passed through, Norquist's organization kept a small cut, e-mails show.        A second group Norquist was involved with, the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, received about $500,000 in Abramoff client funds; the council's president has told Senate investigators that Abramoff often
 asked her to lobby a senior Interior Department official on his behalf. The committee report said the Justice Department should further investigate the organization's dealings with the department and its former deputy secr

[cia-drugs] DISSEMINATE AND READ THIS BOOK - Training People to Act like Slaves

2006-08-14 Thread judson witham

YOU MUST DISSEMINATE AND READ THIS BOOK     http://www.ninehundred.net/control/forward.html     http://www.ninehundred.net/control/forward.html     THE RAPE OF THE MIND: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing, by Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, Columbia University Lecturer in Social Psychology, New School for Social Research, Former Chief, Psychological Department, Netherlands Forces, published in 1956, World Publishing Company. (Out of Print)    NOTE: This work has been long out of print, last known publication date 1956, the World Publishing Company. Of course, the technology has advanced
 and the techniques have been refined, but the principles remain the same.   FOREWARD     "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul." -Matthew 10:28      This book attempts to depict the strange transformation of the free human mind into an automatically responding machine a transformation which can be bought about by some of the cultural undercurrents in our present day society as well as by deliberate experiments in the service of a political ideology.     The rape of the mind and stealthy mental coercion are among the oldest crimes of mankind. They probably began back in pre historic days wheh man first discovered that he could exploit human qualities of empathy and understanding in order to exert power over his fellow men. The word "rape" is derived
 from the Latin word _rapere_, to snatch, but also is related to the words to rave and raven. It means to overwhelm and to enrapture, to invade, to usurp, to pillage and to steal.      The modern words "brainwashing," "thought control," and "menticide" serve to provide a clearer conception of the actual methods by which man's integrity can be violated. When a concept is given its right name, it can be more easily recognized and it is with this recognition that the opportunity for systematic correction begins.      In this book the reader will find a discussion of some of the imminent dangers which threaten free cultural interplay. It emphasizes the tremendous cultural implication of the subject of enforced mental intrusion. Not only the artificial techniques of coercion are important but even more the unobtrusive intrusion into our feeling and thinking. The danger of destruction of the spirit may be compared to the threat of total physical
 destruction through atomic warfare. Indeed, the two are related and intertwined.   My approach to this subject is based on the belief that it is only by looking at any problem from several angles that we are able to get at its heart.      According to Bohr's principle of complementarity, the rather simple phenomena of physics can be looked at from diverse viewpoints; different and seemingly contrasting concepts are needed to describe physical phenomena. For instance, for explanation of the behavior of electrons, both the concept of particle and the concept of wave are useful. The same is true for the even more complicated psychological and social interactions. We cannot look at brainwashing merely from a simple Pavlovian viewpoint. This book tries to do it also from the clinical descriptive view and from the concept of psychology; it tries to look at brainwashing from the standpoint that general mental coercion may belong to every human interaction.  
    Communication of any sort can almost be compared with trying to knock down a row of dolls in a throwing game. The more balls we throw, the greater is the probability that we may hit all the dolls. The more approaches we make to any problem, the greater chance we have of finding and grasping its essential core. Such detailed treatment will be impossible without some repetition in the text.      In this book we shall move from the specific subject of planned and deliberate mental coercion to the more general question of the influences in the modern world that tend to robotize and automatize man. The last chapters are devoted to the problem of inner backbone, as a first step in the direction of learning to maintain OUR MENTAL FREEDOM.     One of the great Dutch authors, Multatuli, wrote a letter to his friend excusing himself because the letter was so long: he had not had time enough to write a shorter one. In this paradox he
 expressed part of the problem of all search for _expression_ and communication. It takes a long time to express an idea in a precise and communicable way. Yet being short and simple in one's descriptions is not always appreciated. Expecially modern psychology is loaded with superlearnedness with the secret intention of leaving the reading public awe stricken. The man who tries to express himself in simple words, bypassing jargon, risks being called popular and unscientific. Nevertheless, I am aware of the fact that I have been so much steeped in psychological terminology that I cannot completely forego psychological language. The real test of psychological clarity is the way th

[cia-drugs] Uncle Sam a Liar George Bush Says NOPE BABY !!

2006-08-12 Thread judson witham

   NOW COME ON YOU KNOW MO BETTER     My Buddy W would never Prevaricate       They all be fine up standing WALKING EAGLE TYPES     Uncle Sam a LIAR ohhh PULASE       To: Cia-drugs@yahoogroups.comFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 12:03:02 EDTSubject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: Government Releases Detailed Information on 9/11 Crashes (delete if not a researcher)To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]From: Brian Bogart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Government Releases
 Detailed Information on 9/11 Crashes (delete if not a researcher)Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2006 03:10:15 -0700  For what it's worth (not a 9-11 researcher? click "delete" - note: no further messages of this kind will follow). Of course, ALL information released by our government is The Uncensored Truth, especially five-year-old documents released only on demand.  Government Releases Detailed  Information on 9/11 Crasheshttp://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB196/index.htmComplete Air-Ground Transcripts of Hijacked  9/11 Flight Recordings DeclassifiedNational Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 196Edited by Barbara EliasFor more information contact:  Barbara Elias - 202/994-7000Posted - August 11, 2006(See also: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/sept11/index.html)    Washington, DC - August 11, 2006 - The National Transportation Safety
 Board (NTSB) this week released full transcripts of the air traffic control recordings from the four flights hijacked on September 11, 2001, and meticulous Flight Path Studies for three of the flights, in response to a Freedom of Information request by the National Security Archive. The studies provide the most detailed technical information available to date related to the hijackings, and the transcripts of the aircraft-to-ground communications are the first complete government disclosure of each flight's air traffic control recordings.    The documents are cited extensively in the 9/11 Commission Report to establish key
 facts and basic timelines for each hijacked flight. The NTSB Web site references the documents but does not provide copies, claiming "the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to the FBI, and any material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI. The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report or open a public docket." The documents were released in their entirety to the National Security Archive and were received directly from the NTSB.    The transcripts provide additional details to
 the information summarized in the 9/11 Commission Report. For example, the NTSB transcript differs slightly from the Commission's text of the warning that United Airlines Flight 93 received only minutes before the hijackers attacked. At 9:23am, the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) shows a text message to Flight 93 reading: "BEWARE OF ANY COCKPIT INTROUSION [sic]. TWO AIRCRAFT IN NY, HIT TRADE CNTER BUILDS [sic]." Five minutes later at 9:28am Flight 93 was sending the message "***(mayday)*** (hey get out of here) ***" as it was being hijacked.    The Flight Path Studies reconstruct the routes
 of American Airlines Flight 11, American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 175. Complied from recorded radar data and information from the Flight Data Recorders, the studies' illustrations of radar ground tracks, maps and altitude profiles provide graphic guides to each hijacking and were used by the NTSB to determine the takeover points where the hijackers gained control of the planes.    In addition to the Flight Path Studies and Air Traffic Control Recording transcripts, the NTSB released a February 2002 "Specialist's Factual Report of Investigation" on United Airlines Flight 93 based on the flight's
 recovered digital data recorder -- the only surviving recorder from the hijacked planes on 9/11. The report provides graphic analysis of the data recovered from Flight 93 and its subsequent crash in Shanksville, PA. According to the report, the flight recorder functioned normally.    Documents      Note: The following documents are in PDF format.      You will need to download and install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.    Document 1: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-American Airlines Flight 11," Feb. 19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnotes
 23, 33]    Document 2: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-American Airlines Flight 77," Feb. 19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnote 53]    Document 3: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-United Airlines 175," Feb. 19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The
 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnote 41]    Document 4: NTSB report, "Specialist's Factual Report of Investigation-Digital Flight Data Recorder" for United

[cia-drugs] The Enemy Within - The Real Jack Abramoff , Keeny Boy Duhbbya Story

2006-06-22 Thread judson witham

WOW somebody who see's these BASTARDS for what they are "The Enemy Within"     May GOD bless your every effort to Preserve our Freedom and Liberty     Here Here     Judson WithamRoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  http://cherylsealreports.com/endtoendevil.htmlEnd to End Evil:The Real Jack Abramoff StoryBy Cheryl SealBefore the White House, its creepy pals in Congress, and its sell-out cohorts in the media succeed in spinning the Abramoff scandal as a "bipartisan" problem, a few irrefutable facts about Abramoff must driven home. Like so many sleazebags in high places, Abramoff has so far escaped the full public consequences of his despicable
 actions through a slick little system of “trickle, spin, and deny.” Trickle, as in the media’s focus on a few select aspects of the criminal’s “career.” Spin and deny, as in the media allowing said criminal and his supporters to self-righteously spin off or tearfully deny these minimized charges. This system worked for Tom Delay for years! It is only when the evil deeds are laid out end to end that the real picture is allowed to come into focus for the public and hit home with the force it should.Putting together the whole picture is much more difficult than it should be, however. The mainstream media and its “subdomains” – the blowhard rightwing talkshow hosts like Chris Matthews and Brit Hume and phony “foundations” like the American Enterprise Institute and Heritage Foundation – are dedicated to making sure that their “golden boys” are screened from scrutiny and their lies promoted. Thus the
 coverage of NeoCon criminals is inevitably heavy on the White House propaganda and light on the chronology of facts. I had to search through several sources that included both political blogs and newspapers that still believe in real reporting (Miami Herald, Texas Observer, etc.) to put together the basic facets of the Abramoff case in one place so that they could be laid end to end. And even still, I sense there are still holes in the chronology large enough to drive Reggie the Rig (the GOP’s mascot 18-wheeler) through.But here’s a crash course – “Abramoff 101,” if you will.Looking at the assembled "pieces," the Abramoff scandal can be divided into five main categories, each being an aspect of this multifaceted and truly evil slimebag. Here they are:1. Abramoff the traitor. As the generic definition of treason is "an effort to undermine a nation's government," then we can safely
 assign to Jack Abramoff (forthwith JA) his premier title: TRAITOR. Since the early 1980s, JA's primary agenda has been to turn the US government into a one-party system - ie., a rightwing dictatorship. In short, JA has sought to overturn the US government as we know it in order to insure the financial goals of himself and other NeoCons. Here's an Abramoff quote from the 1983 College Republican "manifesto": “It is not our job to seek peaceful coexistence with the Left. Our job is to remove them from power permanently”:While head of the College Republicans (1981-1985), JA turned this organization into a sort of neo-brown shirt outfit, cranking out mean- spirited, unscrupulous powermongers like Karl Rove. The organization was not just mean-spirited, it was corrupt. Years after leaving the position as top dog, Abramoff was raking in kick backs from the CR. In 2002, he received about $10,000 for what was
 "officially" described as "accounting and legal services." The group laundered hundreds of thousands of dollars to itself through other organizations. The Seattle Times reported "Some of the most prolific donors said they were unaware they had been giving so much money to the group because the fund-raising letters often came under the names of other official-sounding organizations, such as "Republican Headquarters 2004," and led some to believe the money was going to Bush's re-election campaign." Instead, most of the funds went back to a money-laundering outfit called Response Dynamics Inc. (RDI).The goal of all of these intrigues, of course, was to fuel the takeover of the US government at all levels, from the White House to the House of Representatives with rightwing Republicans. There was no "ideology" involved, except as a surface "hook" to reel in the clueless. The only objective was POWER, plain and
 simple. The issues tossed about by the "new GOP" - issues like "family values," "democracy," and "fiscal responsibility" - were simply phony "promos." lThey were thrown out like bait, just like the plasma TVs or stereo systems offered to lure the gullible to signing onto a rip- off timeshare scheme.Those who say that Abramoff was an "equal opportunity, bipartisan" crook with no such agenda are just as dishonest and intentionally misleading as JA himself. JA has had a partisan agenda from day one. Media Matters reports that "a search of the Center for Responsive Politics database of campaign contributions did not find any contributions from Abramoff to Democrats or Democratic leadership political act

[cia-drugs] Cheny Bush Sex Hunts Missouri ????

2006-06-05 Thread judson witham

Years Back I was told of some SEX HUNTS of Naked Women in the BRANSON MISSOURI area, he and BIG DICK CHENEY,  anyone heard any of this ?Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/   June 4, 2006 -- More on George W. Bush's "Sanctity of Marriage" gay marriage constitutional ban.   George W. Bush's marital problems have just taken another turn for the worse. Apparently, Mr. Bush has not only engaged in an extra-marital affair with a member of the opposite sex who is also a senior member of his Cabinet, but also a member of the same
 sex. WMR received the following  release this morning from Leola McConnell, Democratic candidate for Governor of Nevada (who has been endorsed by WMR). McConnell is a one-time professional dominatrix.  "President Bush's speech to the nation Monday. If he doesn't say he's a gay American or at the least a bisexual one then he shouldn't be making one at all. And the notion that it would be in regards to writing bigotry into our nation's Constitution is reprehensible. Too bad it isn't me doing the rebuttal because in 1984, I watched him perform (with the enthusiasm of homosexual male who had done this many times before) a homosexual act on another man, namely Victor Ashe. Victor Ashe is the current Ambassador to the nation of Poland who should also come out like former Governor McGreevey of New Jersey and admit to being a gay American. Other homo-erotic acts were also performed by then private citizen George Bush because I performed one of them on
 him personally. I am the woman this website (bushssecretlifein84.tripod.com) speaks of that has been posted on the net nearly two years now. None of this would be the business of anyone but President Bush's little ruse to save his failed presidency by using DOMA [Defense of Marriage Act] to divide Americans one from the other has to be exposed as the act of a desperate closeted homosexual man. The only crime in being GLBT is in the hiding. The President needs to come clean with the American people about his own past sexual behavior before he tries to besmirch the humanity of people in search of sincerely committing to the same bonds of matrimony he's afforded. He violated his own vows of monogamy having a homosexual affair with a long time family friend of whom his wife had no knowledge. His hypocrisy seems to know no bounds. I had planned to run for governor of Nevada without going into any of this but his planned nationally televised address to the nation
 makes it necessary for me to address his attempt at division in as public a way as he picked to try this Bushification of reality regarding same sex marriages.Sincerely,Leola McConnellLiberal Democratic candidate for Governor of Nevada"  ---  The editor was asked what sort of relationship George W. Bush could be having with Condoleezza Rice? My reply was that it was likely aberrant and involved something like the relationship King Edward VIII had with Wallis Simpson, who was rumored to have had androgen insensitivity syndrome. __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

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[cia-drugs] 2000 & 2004 were STOLEN - IGNORE these Black Robed BASTARDS

2006-06-01 Thread judson witham

The Bottom Line is very simple,  Law vs Liberty, The dictates of the Elected vs the Freedoms of the MINORITY.  I can only think of the Colonial Patriots that loaded powder and shot in to their crude muskets, I wonder "did they think what they were doing was ILLEGAL  ? ". Sorry my friend But I say SCREW THE BLACK ROBED TYRANTS just one more time.  I am firmly convinced the 2nd American Revolution is already underway.     http://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/10432334/was_the_2004_election_stolen/1     YUP it was STOLENJohn Polifronio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  This ought to teach any of us the lesson that no insitution is so exalted that it can be trusted to rise above the narrow interests of a band of political fanatics.  These 5 "Injustices" have debased the highest Court in the land.  They're no better than the raedical right wingers they serve.  jp  - Original Message - From: judson witham   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Cc: Denise Bensusan   Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:29 AM  Subject: [demso] IGNORE these Black Robed BASTARDS - US S.Ct. Curtail free-speech rights  This ruling is ABSURD.  The 4 to 5 Opinion MUST be absolutely IGNORED.  The idea that the FREEDOM of Speech can be so limited as to CURTAIL and CHILL the INALIENABLE RIGHT to Expose The Conduct of Government To The Light of FULL Public Scrutiny is UNVARNISHED TYRANNY.  This is one of those cases where I fully advocate IGNORING these Black Robed BASTARDS.  GOD BLESS WHISTLE BLOWERS     The Freedom of speech
 and of the press are fundamental personal rights and liberties,  the exercise of which lies at the foundation of free government of free people...(it)... is a cardinal principle of Americanism,   Marsh v Alabama, 326 US 501, 90 L Ed 265, 66 S Ct. 276;  Jones v Opelika, 316 US 584, 86 L Ed 1691, 62 S Ct 1231, 141 ALR 514; Scheider v State, 308 US 147, 84 L Ed 155, 60 S Ct. 146; Tampa Times Co. v Tampa 158 Fla 589, 29 So 2d 368, app dismissed 332 US 749, 92 L Ed 336, 68 S Ct 69        The American colonists fought the Revolutionary War because an oppressive government was infringing on
 their rights; had the Founding Fathers been censored or stifled, we would not have the nation that we have today. The First Amendment is the first for this very reason;  the most important rights,  those governing the freedoms of  _expression_ and opinion,  came first in the Constitution.  Throughout America's history, one can see that dissent and protest have been the fuel for the many reforms that
 have changed the country. Indeed, freedom of  _expression_ is what makes the United States a beacon of hope to many impoverished inhabitants of the world. To escape a world of repression and come to America, the land of the free, was and still is one of the great dreams of persons around the globe.   The First Amendment allows us to say what we feel, but it will only remain strong if people are not afraid to exercise their rights.     The primary meaning of the phrase "liberty of the press" as understood at the time our early constitutions were framed, was freedom from ANY censorship of the press and from all such restraints upon publications as had been practiced by monarchial or despotic governments in order to stifle (CHILL) the efforts of the Patriots toward enlightening the fellow subjects upon the rights and as to the duties of their rulers  Schenck v United States, 249 US 47, 63 L Ed 470, 39 S Ct. 247;  Patterson v Colorado 205 US 454,  51 L Ed 879; 27 S.
 Ct. 556;  Respublica v Oswald 1 US 319, 1 L Ed. 155; State vs. McKee, 73 Conn 18, 46 A 409;  State ex rel. Crow v Shephard 177 MO 205, 76 SW 79     Judson Witham Gives The 5 Republican VAMPIRES two thumbs DOWN and a hearty :     SCREW THESES BLOODY DESPOTS  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  http://z14.invisionfree.com/XHCFX/index.php?showtopic=15878  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A closely divided   so much for the first amendment.U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that government whistle-blowers are not protected by free-speech rights when they face employer discipline for trying to expose possible misconduct at work.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
 organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that ma

Re: [cia-drugs] Bush CIA Pick Tied to Major Corruption Scandal

2006-05-09 Thread judson witham

The Great Texas Bank Job is NO JOKE     http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot/index.htmMA PA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Bush CIA Pick Tied to Major Corruption ScandalThe biggest US corruption scandal of the last hundred years.A private firm, MZM, commits a major crime bribing a Congressman and had major access to top
 secret government computers is now linked to the Bush nominee for chief of the CIA. Don't you feel safer? --- May 8, 2006 While director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Michael V. Hayden contracted the services of a top executive at the company at the center of the Cunningham bribery scandal, according to two former employees of the company. Hayden, President Bush's pick to replace Porter Goss as head of the CIA, contracted with MZM Inc. for the services of Lt. Gen. James C. King, then a senior vice president of the company, the sources say. MZM was owned and operated by Mitchell Wade, who has admitted to bribing former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham with $1.4 million in money and gifts. Wade has also reportedly told investigators he helped arrange for prostitutes to entertain the disgraced lawmaker, and he continues to cooperate with a federal inquiry into the matter. More: http://mparent.livejournal.com/8381616.html MARC PARENT   CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS  http://mparent.livejournal.com/   http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/14409  http://www.dailykos.com/user/ccnwon    
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[cia-drugs] Unsecured National Borders the DEATH OF OUR REPUBLIC

2006-04-18 Thread judson witham

Unsecured National Borders  the DEATH OF OUR  REPUBLIC     DEFCON 3 ALERT Please Repost To Your Lists     I say It's time for some BACKBONE from us key punchers. GOD KNOWS I am NOT a RACIST, I am NOT a BIGOT, but on this matter Lou Dobbs is a BIG Hands Off.    Dobbs as Sober and Cautious as he has been
 ,  HAS SHOWN SOME OLD FASHION PATRIOTIC NERVE when it comes to speaking up for Working American Families.      I ask personally that the CLARION CALL GO FORTH, Dobbs has after all EARNED IT.  Do Not Tread On Us.     Try To Silence One   FIGHT US ALL  "Your"  Coalition For Universal Liberty & Freedom     Templar's Campaign For The Restoration of the Bill Of Rights     Our First Amendment tradition protects even speech that is deliberately provocative or offensive. For good reason. In the U.S. Supreme Court decision, Terminiello v. Chicago (1949), Justice William O. Douglas noted that civil rights leaders often used speech that
 "induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger."     Visit The National Archives for a Little Free Speech Education"William A. Bacon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Subject: Illegals nat'l campaign to OUST LOU DOBBS kicks off May 1Again, it is not the economy, stupid, IT IS THE MEDIATAKING LOU DOBBS OFF THE AIR IS LIKE SURRENDERING THE USA TO INVADERS FROM
 ANOTHER COUNTRY.  Wait, isn’t the United States Senate, grillions of liberals and insatiable employers doing just that, one illegal alien at a time?  It is no secret to anyone of the absolute disgust I hold for AOL as an ISP. Saw this on American Border Patrol page this evening and thought it needs tobe shared.  The INVADERS are really mad about Lou Dobbs - they can't stand the TRUTH getting out there.  Too bad Faux News and MSNBC and then the alphabet soup channels ABC - NBC - & CBS don't provide factual and constant coverage to those of us demanding that the EXISTING LAWS be enforced.   I am so tired of seeing all the coverage of the ILLEGALS and so little of REALAMERICANS.  Guess that is why I don't watch those channels or see the commercials - can't buy what I don't see, he.  The advertisers should realize what we want to see on NEWS  It isn't 50 repeats of Rummy or bush practising
 his Miss America wave as he walks from the helicopter - what a tiresome waste of film that is.  He should at lest wear a bikini or an evening gown just to give some change in that worn out walk and wave he does.  Why are we tormented by this kind of coverage anyway.  Do we have a bunch of queer camera men who wait for Bush to walk by and wave at them? Onewave would be MORE than sufficient in my opinion -    One Wave per term in office.Jackie JunttiWGEN   [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.americanpatrol.com/http://hispanic.cc/ax_aol.htmwww.AxAOL.comLou Dobbs: Self Interested DemagogueryOne who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain
 ratingsNATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO TAKE LOU DOBBS OFF THE AIR KICKS OFF MAY 1Why AOL? Lou Dobbs is the number one money maker for CNN so he is not going anywhere as long as he makes money for CNN and right now he is making a tonof money for CNN bashing "illegal immigration."CNN is owned by Time Warner and Time Warner also owns AOL which is being extensively promoted to increase its value as witnessed last week by selling 5% of AOL stock to Google. This 5% cost Google $1 Billion setting abenchmark value for AOL stock.The Google-AOL deal gives AOL a valuation of $20 billion.Billionaire Time Warner shareholder Carl Icahn who controls 3 percent of Time Warner shares has been organizing a proxy battle for control of TimeWarner wants to sell AOL.We could never directly muzzle Lou Dobbs because the revenue his trashing of Hispanic/Latinos generates for CNN is huge and CNN's revenue belongs to Time Warner.The Achilles
 heel is AOL. If the value of AOL was to decrease dramatically because of the loss of the Hispanic/Latino market, Time Warner, and more so,Carl Icahn, would move to stop this hemorrhage. The only way to stop the hemorrhage would be to meet the demands of the Hispanic/Latino community: Remove Lou Dobbs off the Air.Why is this so important?The marches, rallies, and protests have been instrumental in the Senate Judiciary Committee's adoption of the McCain Kennedy Immigration Reformproposal and its submission to the Senate for debate. The monumental protests have been heard in Washington and around the USA.As monumental as the protests have energized the Hispanic community, the protests will not take immigration over the top as witnessed by the Senatefailing to approve immigration reform.Time now for a reality check: The US Senate debated immigration reform but the Senate votes to adopt the Kennedy McCain proposal were simply not
 there!Something else now needs to be added to the protests to take us to the next level if we are going to realize immigration reform as Hispanics favor.Lou DobbsLou Dobbs has become the champi

[cia-drugs] "Betrayed by the Bench."

2006-04-18 Thread judson witham

  DEFCON 3 ALERT Please Repost To Your Lists                                "Betrayed by the Bench."      It was called "None Dare Call It Treason," by John Stormer. It sold millions of copies. It birthed the conservative movement. It awakened a generation that would later bring Ronald Reagan to the presidency.      Now John Stormer is back with another book designed to alert a new generation to another threat to the American republic.      It's called "Betrayed by the Bench." And while there have been other efforts to sound the alarm on judicial tyranny in America, no one does it like Stormer – a modern-day Paul Revere riding his midnight ride.      Unlike any other book on the subject, Stormer traces the origin of this betrayal of the U.S. Constitution and the elevation of judicial power.      "Betrayed by the Bench" examines how the 19th century academic theories of Hegel and Darwin transformed legal education, the courts and our culture. Its underlying theme reveals the impact of God's historical intervention through the Great Awakening of the 1740-1785 period and, again, in the revival of 1857.        Do Not Tread On Us.     Try To Silence One   FIGHT US ALL  "Your"  Coalition For Universal Liberty & Freedom     Templar's Campaign For The Restoration of the Bill Of Rights     Our First Amendment tradition protects even speech that is
 deliberately provocative or offensive. For good reason. In the U.S. Supreme Court decision, Terminiello v. Chicago (1949), Justice William O. Douglas noted that civil rights leaders often used speech that "induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger."     Visit The National Archives for a Little Free Speech Education
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2006-02-18 Thread judson witham

judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Does anyone have the data on any choke that was employed in the Cheney Weapon ?  I suggest doing your tests a couple times even three and remember COPS taint cases all the time !!     I find his (BIG DICK'S) comments about It Being " The Worse Day Of His Lfe and that he would never get the image out of his mind"  as Hilarious.       This ASSHOLE former Defense Secretary, VP WAR HAWK ought to take a good long and close look into the dead eyes of all the KIDS this piece of SHIT has caused to DIE.  Imagine the KIDS body parts being ripped apart by your Fn Shock and Awe
 asshole.  GOD KNOWS Bush 41 and DICK Fn Cheney AIdded and Abetted Saddam Insane IN FACT Saddam Insane is Ollie North, Reagan, WD 41's and Cheney's BASTARD MONSTER.  Osama Bin SHIT HEAD is as well.Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  http://www.infowars.com/articles/us/cheney_shooting_scientific_proof.htmSCIENTIFIC PROOF CHENEY'S SHOOTING STORY A LIE Harry Whittington Shooting Ballistics Tested, Cheney shot at Whittington from 15 feet not 90 as claimed   Infowars | February 16, 2006By Alex Jones   SYNOPSIS OF VIDEO NEWS REPORT DOCUMENTING SHOOTING TESTby Alex Jones   Below is a ten minute "see-for-yourself" report that conclusively shows that Vice President Dick Cheney's claims to Kennedy County Sheriff's Deputies in south Texas is a total fabrication.CLICK HERE FOR THE BALLISTICS TEST VIDEO   Click here to view stills from the videoUpdate: Our servers have been overwhelmed by demand for the Ballistics Test Video. To prevent server shut down, the video may become temporarily unavailable so check back in a little while to download the video.   A massive cover-up has been conducted concerning the shooting. We know that most of the facts that have been told to the public are manufactured frauds.   Cheney claims that he shot Whittington at 90 feet, ballistic tests from the spread of the shotgun pellets to their penetration depth is 100% conclusive.   Harry Whittington was shot at close range, between 15 and 18 feet, not the 90 claimed by Dick Cheney and the Secret Service. It is now clear why they refused to let
 Sheriff's Deputies interview Cheney for over 13 hours and why they claimed that Whittington's injuries were superficial when in truth they were grievous.   The mainstream media is ignoring this literal smoking gun evidence. Anytime they wish, the local police can conduct their own ballistics tests and they will have the exact same findings. The media can conduct their own tests. The ballistics of shotguns and birdshot is well known to tens of millions of Americans who hunt fowl.   We have now scientifically proved with an engineer and a police officer on-site conducting the test that the American people are being lied to and a cover-up is in progress.  Observations of the Ballistics Test  Infowars | February 15, 2006By Kevin Smith   Gelatin Testing: #8 Birdshot StatisticsRange: 3 yards   Shotgun: 18 inch barreled Remington 870 Marine Magnumn   Round: 12 gauge 2¾ Remington Heavy Dove 1-1/8 oz #8 Birdshot   Gelatin: 9'x9'x19' 10% ordinance gelatin block   Measured Average Permenant Cavity Penetration: 4.5 inches (11.4 cm)   Temporary Stretch Cavity: 1.0 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.6 cm)   Calibration BB Velocity: 623 fps   Calibration BB Penetration: 12.5 cm   #4 Remington Heavy Dove out of an 18 inch barreled Remington 870 Marine Magnum   Observations*Small sized birdshot such as this #8 heavy dove load is a poor choice for deployment with a tactical shotgun. Wounds inflicted from birdshot tend to be gruesome yet shallow as they lack the penetration required to reach vital cardiovascular or central nervous system structures.   RELATED:  Cheney's shotgun  Media Ignores Cheney 'Smoking Gun'  Texas Sheriff Barred From Interviewing Cheney About Shooting Incident  More Questions Raised About Delay in Reporting Cheney Misfire   Hunter Shot by Cheney Has Heart
 Attack  On February 14, 2006 when I made my original comments about the Cheney shooting incident on The Alex Jones Show, the subsequent article and ballistic data that I complied were based on a basic knowledge of firearms and my own personal and shared hunting experiences. I assumed that they were probably using #4 or #5 birdshot, accordingly I went to the http://www.tacticalshotgun.ca/ website and gathered that specific data. We now know the shot being used was an even smaller grain #7.5 birdshot, packing even less lethal ballistics than previously thought. Included is data for #8 birdshot, the closest we could find, any differences between #7.5 and #8 would be negligible. As many of you already know Alex is a Pit Bull, he sinks his teeth in and won’t let go. So yesterday I accompanied Alex to the local 

[cia-drugs] Cheney's Real Story Emerges- Questions

2006-02-16 Thread judson witham

Has anyone discovered the gauge of the shot #6  #7  #8 or what sort of shot was used ?  It would be interesting to know what sort of clothes he was wearing and any jacket or hunter orange etc..  Inorder for pellets to go through the chest past the sternum ribs and flesh, muscle etc , certain velocities are required.  WHO WERE THE OTHER NON SPOUSAL WOMAN, how old, what were their names, were they there for business or pleasure.  I have seen and heard extremely off color accounts of such hunts in the Ozarks involving women before.  I wonder when the gun shot wound was reported to authorities by the med team involved, WHO TRANSPORTED the Wounded Lawyer, Air Evacte or Regular Ground Trans ?  Personally I have done BOREDOM tests with many types of firearms over the years.  What I mean to say is I have used feed sacks to examine shot spread at different distances.  I have used carpet rolls and plywood etc to crudely examine shot and
 even slug penetration and mushrooming.  Inquiring minds want to know the ballistics.  Were the woman carrying guns and what were they wearing ???  Why were they there again      Hawkeye  Son Of Swamp Fox (Swampy)     JW ;)Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Interestingly, Armstrong's playing with words here. She later said that she (Armstrong) hadn't had anything to drink, so at least one of the other three must have been drinking - and the other three were shooting. So while her statement was literally correct ("not everyone ... was shooting"), it gives the false impression that nobody drank and shot.      http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rj-eskow/cheneys-chappaquiddick-i_b_15711.html     Cheney's Chappaquiddick II: The Real Story Emerges    The real story is already emerging, if you're willing to do a little digging. Cheney and Whittington went hunting with two women (not their wives), there was some drinking, and Whittington wound up shot. Armstrong didn't see the incident but claimed she had, Cheney refused to be questioned by the Sheriff until the next morning, and a born-again evangelical physician has been downplaying Whittington's injuries since they
 occurrred.Neither the press nor law enforcement seems inclined to investigate. Before the right-wing commenters howl - there's documentation for all of these statements. Let's take them one by one: In addition to Cheney and Whittington, the hunting party included Katherine Armstrong (who was in the car at the time of the shooting: more on that later). After lots of evasive comments that only referred to a "third hunter," we now know her identity: Pamela Willeford, the US Ambassador to Switzerland.   Then there was this Armstrong quote on MSNBC and picked up by Firedoglake (later dutifully scrubbed, but preserved on Google cache): "There may be a beer or two in there," (Armstrong) said, 'but remember not everyone in the party was shooting.'"   Interestingly, Armstrong's playing with words here. She later said that she (Armstrong) hadn't had anything to drink, so at least one of the other three must have been drinking - and the other three were shooting. So while her statement was literally correct ("not everyone ... was shooting"), it gives the false impression that nobody drank and shot.   Then there was this item (courtesy kos):   Armstrong said she saw Cheney's security detail running toward the scene. "The first thing that crossed my mind was he had a heart problem," she told The Associated Press.In other words,
 she didn't see the accident. All of her statements, replete with colorful sidebars about getting "peppered pretty good," gave the false impression she was an eyewitness. She wasn't. And what about Dr. David Blanchard, who made such light of Whittington's injuries? Before the heart attack occurred, Blanchard gave no indication that pellets had entered Whittington's torso or major organs (we now know that at least one other pellet entered his liver). I found an interesting quote. After asserting that spiritual beliefs help people recover more quickly (which studies have suggested may be true), Blanchard said this of people with out of body and near death experiences:  "These people do quite well in their disease processes," he said. "The Lord wasn't quite ready for them yet . . . It makes believers out of them."It's likely that Blanchard is also the same "Dr.
 David Blanchard" who is listed as Vice Chairperson of World Hope International, a Christian evangelical aid group. Blanchard's certainly entitled to his own beliefs, and World Hope International (if he's the same Blanchard) has done some good work, albeit with a proselytizing bent. But most evangelicals in this country are ardent supporters of the Bush/Cheney Administration. This may explain the otherwize puzzling word choices Dr. Blanchard made to play down Whittington's injuries, especially before the heart attack made that more difficult to do.  So was Cheney drinking, and was there anything inappropriate about this hu

[cia-drugs] Bush's Social Security Conspiracy WAKE UP

2006-02-12 Thread judson witham

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11235990/site/newsweek/      Emperor Bush the Thieving BASTARD and his Organized Crime Buddies, did you SHEEPPLE think I was kidding THE GREAT TEXAS BANK JOB is a VERY REAL ACCOUNT of the FACT that Abranoff is a SNIFFLE not the main CANCER.  These assholes are MAJOR thieves       THE GREAT TEXAS BANK JOB IS REAL  http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot     WAKE UP it's called  CONSPIRACY GRASSHOPPERS  Not Slight Of Hand  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Bush Slips Social Security  Privatization into 2007 US Budget Subject: Sleight of Hand... Shrub attempts again to pull a fast one onCongress and the American People    Here's one uncovered by Allan Sloan at Newsweek... after Shrub'sproposed turning of the Social Security safety net into a Wall Streetcrapshoot (which went over like a lead balloon, and for good reasons),  Shrub snuck it into his 2400+ page budget proposal anyhow...squandering an apparently 'spare' 715 BILLION dollars on a miserable andunwanted
 program when we're already trillions of dollars in hock toCommunist China... and apparently hoping that nobody would notice untilit was a 'done deal" (just as so often happens with huge omnibus billssent to Congress). [quote] http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11235990/site/newsweek/     Sleight of Hand Bush buried detailed Social Security privatization proposals in hisbudget. Can the surprise move jump-start bipartisan reform?     By Allan Sloan Updated: 12:09 p.m. ET Feb. 8, 2006 Feb. 8, 2006 - If you read enough numbers, you never know what you'llfind. Take President Bush and private Social Security accounts.     Last year, even though Bush talked endlessly about the supposed joysof private accounts, he never proposed a specific plan to Congress andnever put privatization
 costs in the budget. But this year, with nofanfare whatsoever, Bush stuck a big Social Security privatization planin the federal budget proposal, which he sent to Congress on Monday.  His plan would let people set up private accounts starting in 2010and would divert more than $700 billion of Social Security tax revenuesto pay for them over the first seven years.     If this comes as a surprise to you, have no fear. You're not alone.Bush didn't pitch private Social Security accounts in his State of theUnion Message last week.    First, he drew a mocking standing ovation from Democrats by sayingthat "Congress did not act last year on my proposal to save SocialSecurity," even though, as I said, he'd never submitted specificlegislation.     Then he seemed to be kicking the Social Security problem a few yearsdown the road
 in typical Washington fashion when he asked Congress "tojoin me in creating a commission to examine the full impact of baby-boomretirements on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid," adding that thecommission would be bipartisan "and offer bipartisan solutions."     But anyone who thought that Bush would wait for bipartisanship todeal with Social Security was wrong. Instead, he stuck his ownprivatization proposals into his proposed budget.    "The Democrats were laughing all the way to the funeral of SocialSecurity modernization," White House spokesman Trent Duffy told me in aninterview Tuesday, but "the president still cares deeply about this."Duffy asserted that    Bush would have been remiss not toinclude in the budget the cost of something that he feels so stronglyabout, and he seemed surprised at my surprise that Social
 Securityprivatization had been written into the budget without any advancefanfare.  Duffy said privatization costs were included in the midyear budgetupdate that the Office of Management and Budget released last July 30,so it was logical for them to be in the 2007 budget proposals. But Isure didn't see this coming—and I wonder how many people   outside ofthe White House did.    Nevertheless, it's here. Unlike Bush's generalized privatization talkof last year, we're now talking detailed numbers. On page 321 of thebudget proposal, you see the privatization costs: $24.182 billion infiscal 2010, $57.429 billion in fiscal 2011 and another $630.533 billionfor the five years after that, for a seven-year total of $712.144billion.     In the first year of private accounts, people would be allowed todivert up to 4 percent of their wages covered by Social Security intowhat
 Bush called "voluntary private accounts." The maximum contributionto such accounts would start at $1,100 annually and rise by $100 a yearthrough 2016.     It's not clear how big a reduction in the basic benefit SocialSecurity recipients would have to take in return for being able to setup these accounts, or precisely how the accounts would work.     Bush also wants to change the way Social Security benefits arecalculated for most people by adopting so-called progressive indexing.Lower-income people would continue to have their Social Securitybenefits tied to wages, but the benefits paid to higher-paid peoplewould be tied to inflation.     Wage

[cia-drugs] Excellent US plans massive data sweep TROLL THIS

2006-02-09 Thread judson witham

Excellent Advise the Corrupt Bastards to Troll these sites      These BOMBS will BLOW UP in their Friggin Faces :)     http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot    and    http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot/OperationMissouriFreedom.htm      Maybe the Looted Billions used to ROB POWER in the USA can finally be exposed by UNCLE SAM  I will NOT hold my breath.     JWnorgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:US plans massive data sweep  Little-known data-collection system could troll news, blogs, even e-mails. Will it go too far?  By Mark Clayton | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor    The US government is developing a massive computer system that can collect huge amounts of data and, by linking far-flung information from blogs and e-mail to
 government records and intelligence reports, search for patterns of terrorist activity.   The system - parts of which are operational, parts of which are still under development - is already credited with helping to foil some plots. It is the federal government's latest attempt to use broad data-collection and powerful analysis in the fight against terrorism. But by delving deeply into the digital minutiae of American life, the program is also raising concerns that the government is intruding too deeply into citizens' privacy.  "We don't realize that, as we live our lives and make little choices, like buying groceries, buying on Amazon, Googling, we're leaving traces everywhere," says Lee Tien, a staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "We have an attitude that no one will connect all those dots. But these programs are about connecting those dots - analyzing and aggregating them - in a way that we haven't thought about. It's one
 of the underlying fundamental issues we have yet to come to grips with."  The core of this effort is a little-known system called Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight, and Semantic Enhancement (ADVISE). Only a few public documents mention it. ADVISE is a research and development program within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), part of its three-year-old "Threat and Vulnerability, Testing and Assessment" portfolio. The TVTA received nearly $50 million in federal funding this year.  DHS officials are circumspect when talking about ADVISE. "I've heard of it," says Peter Sand, director of privacy technology. "I don't know the actual status right now. But if it's a system that's been discussed, then it's something we're involved in at some level."  Data-mining is a key technology  A major part of ADVISE involves data-mining - or "dataveillance," as some call it. It means sifting
 through data to look for patterns. If a supermarket finds that customers who buy cider also tend to buy fresh-baked bread, it might group the two together. To prevent fraud, credit-card issuers use data-mining to look for patterns of suspicious activity.  What sets ADVISE apart is its scope. It would collect a vast array of corporate and public online information - from financial records to CNN news stories - and cross-reference it against US intelligence and law-enforcement records. The system would then store it as "entities" - linked data about people, places, things, organizations, and events, according to a report summarizing a 2004 DHS conference in Alexandria, Va. The storage requirements alone are huge - enough to retain information about 1 quadrillion entities, the report estimated. If each entity were a penny, they would collectively form a cube a half-mile high - roughly double the height of the Empire State Building.  But ADVISE and related DHS
 technologies aim to do much more, according to Joseph Kielman, manager of the TVTA portfolio. The key is not merely to identify terrorists, or sift for key words, but to identify critical patterns in data that illumine their motives and intentions, he wrote in a presentation at a November conference in Richland, Wash.  For example: Is a burst of Internet traffic between a few people the plotting of terrorists, or just bloggers arguing? ADVISE algorithms would try to determine that before flagging the data pattern for a human analyst's review.  At least a few pieces of ADVISE are already operational. Consider Starlight, which along with other "visualization" software tools can give human analysts a graphical view of data. Viewing data in this way could reveal patterns not obvious in text or number form. Understanding the relationships among people, organizations, places, and things - using social-behavior analysis and other techniques - is essential to going
 beyond mere data-mining to comprehensive "knowledge discovery in databases," Dr. Kielman wrote in his November report. He declined to be interviewed for this article.  One data program has foiled terrorists  Starlight has already helped foil some terror plots, says Jim Thomas, one of its developers and director of the government's new National Visualization Analytics Center in Richland, Wash. He can't elaborate because the c

[cia-drugs] Abramoff is a Little Sniffle , the DISTRACTION and a SYPTOM of a COV ER UP - not the main disease

2006-02-02 Thread judson witham

judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 06:09:56 -0800 (PST)From: judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Abramoff is a Little Sniffle , the DISTRACTION and a SYPTOM of a COV ER UP - not the main diseaseTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mary MacElveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rob Michaels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, LADY GRAY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, ann gautier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  FOLLOW THE LOOTED BILLIONS, Abramoff is a Little Sniffle , the DISTRACTION and a SYPTOM not the main disease 
    Dig DEEPER  Bugs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Congressmen tried to stop investigationRichard A. Serrano and Stephen Braun of the Los Angeles Times used documents to report that “Reps. John T. Doolittle and Richard W. Pombo joined forces with former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas to oppose an investigation by federal banking regulators into the affairs of Houston millionaire Charles
 Hurwitz.” The lawmakers inserted regulatory agency investigation files into the Congressional Record, giving Hurwitz’s attorneys access to them. “Soon afterward, in 2002, the FDIC dropped its case against Hurwitz, who had owned a controlling interest in the United Savings Assn. of Texas. United Savings’ failure was one of the worst of the S&L debacles in the 1980s.” Direct LINK to This Extra! Extra! Post     They have ALBERTO from Humble Texas INSTALLED.  The Massive Land Cons and Bank/S&L Lootings exposed at http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot has so many GENITALS in knots there is no more integrity left in Government.  The
 Publicans and Democrats are FILTHY CORRUPT and all they do is build walls and a POLICE STATE against decent Americans.  Friggin Lying is an art form to them. ONLY folks from Martha Stewart on down are actually held accountable.  The Great Texas Bank (S&L) Job is where the Sell Out Of Our National Interests by Political MAFIAS and SYNDICATES became complete.      DIG MUCH DEEPER   judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:ALTA Warns  HUD  ho ho hee hee ha ha !!     Ah Nancy
 you see these bastards make it up as they go along.  I have spent 25 years learning these SNAKES games.  Making False Statements 18 USC 1001 means nothing to them.  They have ALBERTO from Humble Texas INSTALLED.  The Massive Land Cons and Bank/S&L Lootings exposed at http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot has so many GENITALS in knots there is no more integrity left in Government.  The Publicans and Democrats are FILTHY CORRUPT and all they do is build walls and a POLICE STATE against decent Americans.  Friggin Lying is an art form to them. ONLY folks from Martha Stewart on down are actually held accountable.  The Great Texas Bank (S&L) Job is where the Sell Out Of Our National Interests by Political MAFIAS and
 SYNDICATES became complete.     DIG MUCH DEEPER      18 USC § 1001. Statements or entries generally  Release date: 2005-08-03  (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—      (1) falsifies, conceals, or
 covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;      (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or      (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry; shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.     (b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial
 proceeding, or that party’s counsel, for statements, representations, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding.     (c) With respect to any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch, subsection (a) shall apply only to—     (1) administrative matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of property or services, personnel or employment practices, or support services, or a document required by law, rule, or regulation to be submitted to the Congress or any office or officer within the legislative branch; or
      (2) any investigation or review, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, subcommittee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent with applicable rules of the House or Senate.       January 18, 2006   ALTA warns HUD that RESPA
 enforcement Web site may be bad idea   “We are concerned that the Web site may become a vehicle that leads to HUD investigations where there may be no real basis for such an investigation,” said Charlene Nieman, ALTA Grassroots & PAC manager.judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Blue or Red Pill ???  Bush Cornyn Alberto & DeLay's M

[cia_tradecraft] These Guys ARE Rotten !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-18 Thread judson witham

The Great Texas Bank Job it is NO JOKE
YUP they looted BILLIONS and the Mispression Of Felonies are as BIG as TEXAS !!!  JWVigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The end result has been a noxious “crony capitalism” that has seeped into nearly all U.S. government policies, from the War on Terror to the Iraq War to the Hurricane Katrina recovery effort.http://www.consortiumnews.com/2005/100405.htmlHow Rotten Are These Guys? 
By Robert ParryOctober 5, 2005
The separation of the Bush political machine from organized crime is often like the thin layer of rock between a seemingly ordinary surface and volcanic activity rumbling below. Sometimes, the lava spews forth and the illusion of normalcy is shattered.
In the weeks ahead, a dangerous eruption is again threatening to shake the Bush family’s image of legitimacy, as the pressure from intersecting scandals builds.
So far, the mainstream news media has focused mostly on the white-collar abuses of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay for allegedly laundering corporate donations to help Republicans gain control of the Texas legislature, or on deputy White House chief of staff Karl Rove for disclosing the identity of a covert CIA officer to undercut her husband’s criticism of George W. Bush’s case for war in Iraq.
Both offenses represent potential felonies, but they pale beside new allegations linking business associates of star GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff – an ally of both DeLay and Rove – to the gangland-style murder of casino owner Konstantinos “Gus” Boulis in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in 2001.
These criminal cases also are reminders of George H.W. Bush’s long record of unsavory associations, including with a Nicaraguan contra network permeated by cocaine traffickers, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s multi-million-dollar money-laundering operations, and anti-communist Cuban extremists tied to acts of international terrorism. [For details on these cases, see Robert Parry’s Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq.]
Now, George W. Bush is faced with his own challenge of containing a rupture of scandals – involving prominent conservatives Abramoff, DeLay and potentially Rove – that have bubbled to the surface and are beginning to flow toward the White House.
Mobbed Up
On Sept. 27, 2005 – in possibly the most troubling of these cases – Fort Lauderdale police charged three men, including reputed Gambino crime family bookkeeper Anthony Moscatiello, with Boulis’s murder. Boulis was gunned down in his car on Feb. 6, 2001, amid a feud with an Abramoff business group that had purchased Boulis’s SunCruz casino cruise line in 2000.
As part of the murder probe, police are investigating payments that SunCruz made to Moscatiello, his daughter and Anthony Ferrari, another defendant in the Boulis murder case. Moscatiello and Ferrari allegedly collaborated with a third man, James Fiorillo, in the slaying. [For more on the case, see Sun-Sentinel, Sept. 28, 2005.]
The SunCruz deal also led to the August 2005 indictment of Abramoff and his partner, Adam Kidan, on charges of conspiracy and wire fraud over a $60 million loan for buying the casino company in 2000. Prosecutors allege that Abramoff and Kidan made a phony $23 million wire transfer as a fake down payment.
In pursuing the casino deal, the Abramoff-Kidan group got help, too, from DeLay and Rep. Robert W. Ney, R-Ohio, the Washington Post reported. Abramoff impressed one lender by putting him together with DeLay in Abramoff’s skybox at FedEx Field during a football game between the Washington Redskins and the Dallas Cowboys.
Ney placed comments in the Congressional Record criticizing Boulis and later praising the new Abramoff-Kidan ownership team. [Washington Post, Sept. 28, 2005]
After the SunCruz sale, tensions boiled over, as Boulis and Kidan got into a fistfight. Kidan claimed that Boulis threatened his life. Two months later, however, Boulis was the one who was shot to death when a car pulled up next to him and a gunman opened fire. Lawyers for Abramoff and Kidan say their clients know nothing about the murder.
Police, however, are investigating financial ties between the Abramoff-Kidan group and Moscatiello and Ferrari.
In a 2001 civil case, Kidan testified that he had paid $145,000 to Moscatiello and his daughter, Jennifer, for catering and other services, although court records show no evidence that quantities of food or drink were provided. SunCruz also paid Ferrari’s company, Moon Over Miami, $95,000 for surveillance services.
Kidan told the Miami Herald that the payments had no connection to the Boulis murder. “If I’m going to pay to have Gus killed, am I going to be writing checks to the killers?” Kidan asked. “I don’t think so. Why would I leave a paper trail?”
Kidan also said he was ignorant of Moscatiello’s past. In 1983, Moscatiello was indicted on heroin-trafficking charges along with Gene Gotti, brother of Gambino crime boss John Gotti. Though 

[cia-drugs] These Guys ARE Rotten !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-17 Thread judson witham

The Great Texas Bank Job it is NO JOKE
YUP they looted BILLIONS and the Mispression Of Felonies are as BIG as TEXAS !!!  JWVigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The end result has been a noxious “crony capitalism” that has seeped into nearly all U.S. government policies, from the War on Terror to the Iraq War to the Hurricane Katrina recovery effort.http://www.consortiumnews.com/2005/100405.htmlHow Rotten Are These Guys? 
By Robert ParryOctober 5, 2005
The separation of the Bush political machine from organized crime is often like the thin layer of rock between a seemingly ordinary surface and volcanic activity rumbling below. Sometimes, the lava spews forth and the illusion of normalcy is shattered.
In the weeks ahead, a dangerous eruption is again threatening to shake the Bush family’s image of legitimacy, as the pressure from intersecting scandals builds.
So far, the mainstream news media has focused mostly on the white-collar abuses of former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay for allegedly laundering corporate donations to help Republicans gain control of the Texas legislature, or on deputy White House chief of staff Karl Rove for disclosing the identity of a covert CIA officer to undercut her husband’s criticism of George W. Bush’s case for war in Iraq.
Both offenses represent potential felonies, but they pale beside new allegations linking business associates of star GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff – an ally of both DeLay and Rove – to the gangland-style murder of casino owner Konstantinos “Gus” Boulis in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in 2001.
These criminal cases also are reminders of George H.W. Bush’s long record of unsavory associations, including with a Nicaraguan contra network permeated by cocaine traffickers, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s multi-million-dollar money-laundering operations, and anti-communist Cuban extremists tied to acts of international terrorism. [For details on these cases, see Robert Parry’s Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq.]
Now, George W. Bush is faced with his own challenge of containing a rupture of scandals – involving prominent conservatives Abramoff, DeLay and potentially Rove – that have bubbled to the surface and are beginning to flow toward the White House.
Mobbed Up
On Sept. 27, 2005 – in possibly the most troubling of these cases – Fort Lauderdale police charged three men, including reputed Gambino crime family bookkeeper Anthony Moscatiello, with Boulis’s murder. Boulis was gunned down in his car on Feb. 6, 2001, amid a feud with an Abramoff business group that had purchased Boulis’s SunCruz casino cruise line in 2000.
As part of the murder probe, police are investigating payments that SunCruz made to Moscatiello, his daughter and Anthony Ferrari, another defendant in the Boulis murder case. Moscatiello and Ferrari allegedly collaborated with a third man, James Fiorillo, in the slaying. [For more on the case, see Sun-Sentinel, Sept. 28, 2005.]
The SunCruz deal also led to the August 2005 indictment of Abramoff and his partner, Adam Kidan, on charges of conspiracy and wire fraud over a $60 million loan for buying the casino company in 2000. Prosecutors allege that Abramoff and Kidan made a phony $23 million wire transfer as a fake down payment.
In pursuing the casino deal, the Abramoff-Kidan group got help, too, from DeLay and Rep. Robert W. Ney, R-Ohio, the Washington Post reported. Abramoff impressed one lender by putting him together with DeLay in Abramoff’s skybox at FedEx Field during a football game between the Washington Redskins and the Dallas Cowboys.
Ney placed comments in the Congressional Record criticizing Boulis and later praising the new Abramoff-Kidan ownership team. [Washington Post, Sept. 28, 2005]
After the SunCruz sale, tensions boiled over, as Boulis and Kidan got into a fistfight. Kidan claimed that Boulis threatened his life. Two months later, however, Boulis was the one who was shot to death when a car pulled up next to him and a gunman opened fire. Lawyers for Abramoff and Kidan say their clients know nothing about the murder.
Police, however, are investigating financial ties between the Abramoff-Kidan group and Moscatiello and Ferrari.
In a 2001 civil case, Kidan testified that he had paid $145,000 to Moscatiello and his daughter, Jennifer, for catering and other services, although court records show no evidence that quantities of food or drink were provided. SunCruz also paid Ferrari’s company, Moon Over Miami, $95,000 for surveillance services.
Kidan told the Miami Herald that the payments had no connection to the Boulis murder. “If I’m going to pay to have Gus killed, am I going to be writing checks to the killers?” Kidan asked. “I don’t think so. Why would I leave a paper trail?”
Kidan also said he was ignorant of Moscatiello’s past. In 1983, Moscatiello was indicted on heroin-trafficking charges along with Gene Gotti, brother of Gambino crime boss John Gotti. Though 

[cia-drugs] SMOKE AND MIRRORS BABY - Washington Insider: Subway Alert Is Fake Terror To Distract From Indictments

2005-10-08 Thread judson witham

The Great Texas Bank Job and W & Company's BOGUS ASS WAR in IRAQ, how many BILLIONS are now unaccounted for 

The Culture of Corruption Nancy Pelosi and many others are aware of is working feverishly to distract, derail and cloud MURKY WATERS to Cover Up massive POLITICAL and INJUSTICE SYSTEM CRIMES here and around the world.  YUP the evil BASTARDS are using HELTER SKELTER to COVER UP THEIR INIQUITIES.  The Great Texas Bank Job is REAL and sorry it DWARF's DeLays tempest in a teapot DISTRACTION !!

Here's The Link the BLACK ROBES HATE  
The  Technicalities,   Loopholes,  Secret Signs 
& INCANTATIONS    will drive you CRAZY   - JW

There are some fine legal links at the bottom of
OperationMissouriFreedom "it's no Joke"
also [EMAIL PROTECTED] probably will be more specific on this subject !
Judson Witham
Son Of Swamp FoxJudson WithamOperationMissouriFreedom "it's no Joke"
No Justice - No Peace 
norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Washington Insider: Subway Alert Is Fake Terror To Distract From Indictments 
Wayne Madsen | October 7 2005
After it was reported that Karl Rove had agreed to give further testimony to the Grand Jury investigating the CIA leak, Rove's attorney Robert Luskin denied his client had received a target letter from special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, a formal "heads up" sent to individuals who are about to be indicted.
However, it is being reported from well-informed sources throughout Washington that 1) target letters have been sent to Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and Ari Fleischer; 2) Rove has agreed to testify and possibly agree to a plea bargain agreement in return for his testimony against other targets of the criminal probe; 3) Cheney and Bush may be named as unindicted co-conspirators; 4) Bush's "war speech" before the National Endowment for Democracy and a late Thursday afternoon report that "19 operatives" have arrived in New York City to place bombs on subway trains are blatant attempts by the White House to divert attention from the impending indictments against the Bush White House.
The main stream media is just beginning to take notice that a "Watergate-level event" is about to occur in Washington.

Question: if Bloomberg really thought there was a credible threat against the subway, would he be riding it?
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Please let us stay on topic and be civil. 



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[cia-drugs] The Whitewater Fund Raising Model - DeLay Money Machine Goes International

2005-10-05 Thread judson witham

   Oh Shit They Figured Out The Money Machine

     judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DeLay scandal goes international. A Texas Grand Jury has brought two more indictments against Rep. Tom DeLay, in addition to an earlier criminal conspiracy indictment. The latest two indictments are for money laundering. GOP apologists for DeLay contend that Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle is a Democratic activist bent on a vendetta against DeLay. They have no comment on the fact that it was two separate 12-member Grand Juries that brought the three indictments against DeLay.
The Great Texas Bank Job and Tom DeLay's MONEY MAFIA dwarf this story below !!
You did'nt think Hubble, MacDougal and the Rose Law Firm and the Harris, Montgomery and Tarrant County - Texas Reublicans were in this alone did yah !!!
However, what throws cold water on the entire GOP spin strategy is the fact that the U.S. Department of Justice is participating in a criminal probe of DeLay for his political fundraising activities in Great Britain, an investigation that includes DeLay's May 2000 meeting in London with Lady Margaret Thatcher, the former Tory Prime Minister. 
The investigation involves DeLay's possible support for legislation in return for free trips abroad, including a May 2000 golf trip to St. Andrews, Scotland.  DeLay's May 2000 meeting in St. Andrews with Scottish Tory Member of Parliament Brian Monteith and other Scottish Tory leaders are also being investigated. Monteith is an acquaintance of indicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff. A leaked British Home Office document states that the U.S. Justice Department requested the Home Office's assistance in a criminal probe "involving high-profile American and UK-based individuals, including a leading congressman and former prime minister Margaret Thatcher." 

In August 2004, Thatcher's son, Sir Mark Thatcher, was placed under house arrest by South African police for his involvement in a plot to overthrow the government of oil-rich Equatorial Guinea in a coup d'etat that involved British, Angolan, and South African mercenaries and British, Lebanese, and American financial backers. The Boeing 727-100 used to fly the mercenaries to Equatorial Guinea via Zimbabwe (where it was impounded) was bought from Dodson Aviation, an Ottawa, Kansas company, just a few weeks prior to the planned coup. One of the largest investors in Equatorial Guinea's oil industry is Dallas-based Triton Energy, a firm that is close to George W. Bush. It has been a significant contributor to the Republican National Committee.

Margaret Thatcher's reported involvement in DeLayGate opens a whole new chapter on DeLay's activities
Thatcher was nabbed by South African police in Cape Town prior to his fleeing to Texas. His Texas-born wife Diane Burgdorf Thatcher, the conservative daughter of a Dallas millionaire care dealer, and their two children had already left South Africa for Texas. Thatcher had been under investigation by a special South African anti-corruption squad, code named the "Scorpions," since 1995. In 1994, Thatcher fled Texas for South Africa after he was charged with racketeering in a $6 million civil action. In January 2005, Thatcher pleaded guilty to violating South Africa's anti-mercenary laws and was fined $505,000 and allowed to leave for Britain. The United States denied Thatcher a visa to join his family in Texas. Last month, the couple announced that they were divorcing due to an "irretrievable breakdown."

Sir Mark Thatcher has long standing business and political ties to GOP in Texas
It is doubtful that the Justice Department, under Republican Alberto Gonzales, would participate with Earle in a criminal probe of the former House Majority Leader if there was not a criminal predicate for such an investigation. 
It is also commonplace for Federal and state prosecutors to share information when their investigations are targeting the same individual or group of individuals. The Justice Department probe of DeLay involves the possible laundering of money from Britain to DeLay's Republican political action committees (PACs). Those same PACs are part of Earle's probe of the illegal laundering of corporate money through the Republican National Committee. 
The DeLay probe now includes prosecutors and investigators from the Travis County District Attorney's Office, the U.S. Justice Department, the British Home Office, the London Metropolitan Police, and the Scottish Police Services. GOP charges that the investigation is a Democratic plot are laughable and inane. 
In addition to state charges, DeLay also faces possible criminal charges in relation to his dealings with convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff as well as the latest revelations about laundering political campaign money from Bri

[cia-drugs] Hammer N Company to the Slammer -- Curtains for the GOP - DNC MOBS

2005-10-03 Thread judson witham

The Tentacles & Roots of the DeLay MONEY MACHINE goes way, way BACK !!!  Harris & Montgomery County are FILTHY CORRUPT TO THE CORE
When Ollie North, Secord and Poindexter, Bush Sr. and Cheney N Comapnay ETC. ran the Money Laundery Op for the Missle Sale to the Iranians and the Money to the Contras, the FIRST Gala Fund Raising event was at the Galleria Hotel on Westheimer a couple blocks South of the Houstonian.  ONE of the leading CROOKED Banks Western Bank Houston was RIGHT NEXT DOOR.  The Land Deal I was lured into in Montgomery County at PINEWOOD VILLAGE Section One was used MANY TIMES to CHURN Loans through Western's COMMERCIAL LOAN DEPARTMENT.  My Family has a fairly extensive background in Land Development Matters as Dad develped the Marina shown below on Lake George NY.  (Site of the Weekends Tragedy involving the Tour Boat on Lake George NY)
Robert Corson and Company was associated with WESTERN BANK and BIG TIME.
The Houston Post's writings of Gerrald Egger and Pete Brewton were acomplished from my information to a GREAT DEGREE.  The MAFIA associations of Secord, North and Poindexter in TEXAS are FAMOUS.  Ronnie Earl's digging on DeLay will have to deal with the BIGGER PICTURE and using RICO go back to the 1980s when DeLay was first INSTALLED by the Bush Regime in Harris County 

When I realised we had been had by the developer I went to the Bank, the Title Company and the County Authorities.  I WAS ATTACKED AT EVERY TURN by these CROOKED BASTARDS as I later PROVED IN FEDERAL COURT there are over 635 Illegal Subdivisions JUST LIKE Whitewater and Pinewood Village JUST in Montgomery County.  In the wake of the FRAUD I witnessed and was being subjected to I DUG very hard and DUG More and More and More beginning in 1981 JUST FOR THE RECORD, and what I found was MASSIVE and State Wide Land Cons just like the Clinton's BOGUS Speculation on the White River near Flippin and Yelleville Arkansas.  Ozarks Realty and the Wades used Quapaw Title and Issuing Agent for AMERICAN TITLE the very same Crooks behind Hundreds Of Illegal Cons in Montgomery County, Texas and DeLay's Harris County.  Having a very good understanding of Land Conveyance Law, Title Abstracts and ROWs and the Conveyance Requirements from private interests to STATE or Government
 Interests led me to a very close examination of the Land Recording, TAXATION and Platting Records of 635 Illegal Projects ORDERED RELEASED by the US District Court at 515 Rusk - Judge James DeAnda in 1987.  The very bottom line is this, ROW and TAX ASSESSMENT ROLLS, Platting and Recording Laws and the USE of the US MAILS associated with these LAND/Bank Looting Cons is EXTENSIVE in Texas and all around DALLAS and HOUSTON.  There have been BILLIONS looted Clinton, MacDougal Style using these Land Cons.  Don Bolles discover the same garbage in the Tombstone area or Cochise County Arizona.  Don Bolles was MURDERED to shut him up.
The Land Registration Act of 1931 and HB 473 or former Penal Code 1137h and Artcile 6626 a-c of the Texas LAND DEVELOPMENT LAWS sprung from the massive Land Con Lootings of S&Ls and Banks during the 1920s.  The Money in great amounts was used JUST LIKE Arkansas Attorney General Clinton used to get the the Governors Mansion and then the Whitehouse.  Funnling Campaign Contributions is an RNC and DNC Art Form.  DeLay's recent indictment is only the TIP of the ICEBURG.  Dallas was # 1 and Houston # 2 for Bank and S&L Lootings, BUSH KNOWS THIS - In FACT our President has been quoted in the Dallas Morning News describing this VERY SAME STORY, claiming 1,000,000 One Million Texas families got the shake down.  Just picture the Money Machines of Whitewater and Castle Grande, travel a little WEST down I-30 from Little Rock and understand that 56% of the entire National S&L and Banking Meltdown happened in DALLAS & HOUSTON.
DeLAY's claims of Democratic Conspiracies begin in CONROE and Houston Texas !!!
I am 49 years old and spent a LIFE TIME in Land Development and Commercial Construction, Platting and Permit Compliance.  I certainly knew enough about FEDERAL LAW and COURT Procedures to get Senior Federal  District Judge DeAnda to order the release of the Records associated with 635 Illegal Projects just INORTH OF and IN DeLay's DISTRCT.  The reason you have heard so little about this is CAMPAIGN CONTRUBUTIONS to folks LIKE DeLay and Bush from these CONS bought lots of SILENCE and LOYALTY.
Judson WithamRobert Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Hammer to the Slammer -- Cruisegate: Curtains for the GOPMOBSeptember 30, 2005-Venice, FL.by Daniel HopsickerThe investigation into the 4-year old murder of Sun Cruz Casino boat founder Konstantinos ‘Gus’ Boulis in Fort Lauderdale has begun to reveal hidden connections between Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s gargantuan fund-raising machine, essential to victory in the past two Presidential elections, and a cast of underworld characte

[cia-drugs] Katrina and Rita a little Shock and Awe, dare we ask ???

2005-10-02 Thread judson witham

Katrina and Rita a little Shock and Awe, dare we ask ???


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[cia-drugs] Martha Stewart Says - RICO Baby 18 USC 1001 get them LYING "Turds" Blossoms

2005-10-02 Thread judson witham

No insider info? GIVE ME A BREAK! 1. if his stock was in a BLIND trust, he would not know what he had in what or what to sell and when, without INSIDE INFO.Why do you think they call it a "BLIND TRUST"?
Martha Stewart Says - RICO Baby 18 USC 1001 get them LYING "Turds"  Blossoms 
Move over Martha, here is a guy REALLY involved in insider trading.=JD= repug daffynitions are so backwardsWASHINGTON (AP) -- Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Monday he had no insider information when he sold stock this summer in HCA Inc., the hospital company founded by his father and brother.

HUD - FHA - FmHA - VA - S&Ls - Banks - Wall Street - DeLay, Blunt, Abramoff, Clintons and On and On and On

Oh $hit  "They Figured Out The Money Machine"   

What Ever You Do 
Do Not Mention The Mi$$ing Billion$ in IRAQ

Repeat After Me  "I $WEAR - we did not have $exual Relation$ with Fannie Mae Freddie Mac or those $&Ls and BANK$"

GREG we all need to WORK very hard to eradicate the Lootings as they are STEALING our Nation, polluting the World with STOLEN MONEY.  Please everyone DIG very hard and help expose the Clinton,Bush,DeLay RNC and DNC and God knows the INTERNATIONAL Money MAFIAS Raping our Country.
greg collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
These gse's Fannie, Freddie,Sallie buy all sorts of bad loans andare part of the money laundering several recent shakeup's and investigations but they haven't really been cleaned up.I'l get back to you on this.Btw perhaps its legal but what business do they have beinggovernment sponsered and spending taxpayer dollars to put politicians in office and promote themselves to the government ,why do we need these GSE's anyhow? Supposedly to help get people into homes but these government based programs almost never work out even if by some miracle they are really designed for our benefit someone usually gets their hands into the cookie jar.You may want to contact mr. Nye Lavalle at [EMAIL PROTECTED] he keeps up on the GSE"s and posts much info on them and is opposed to them or at least the way they currently operate. We need to kick these guys out wholesale a whole new
 Congress andSenate with none of the old blood .
I am working with a researcher PLEASE ALL Help on this research ! 
Dear Judson,

Can you find out if any of the following entities have been involved in real estate fraud that you are aware of.

Iksir Holding, SA (Italy), Asat Trust (Liechtenstein), Iksir Ltd. (Bahamas), Gulf Center (Italy), NASCO (Turkey), Nasreddin International Group (Liechtenstein), Akida Bank (Bahamas), MIGA (Switzerland), and Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein). According to intelligence sources in the United States and Europe, the Al Taqwa network intersected with tranches in Geneva and the Isle of Man that involve front companies associated with George H. W. Bush and Enron: Topaz Liberty, Bluelake World, and Potomac Capital.
Name Witheld - Protected For Cause - JW
judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Thanks Greg THE IRON IS HOT PLEASE PUSH REALLY HARD the Texas/Arkansas  Money Mafias reach NATIONWIDE.  The DeLay probe is peanuts

Ronald Earle, District Attorney
Phone: (512) 854-9400Fax: (512) 854-9695509 W.11th StAustin, TX 78701
ROY BLUNT IS A FRIGGIN CON MAN and an ACCESSORY in FACT to the massive looting of US Banks and S&Ls.  His Office in Springfield is a PILE of LYING TRASH.
Judson Witham
Oh yes PLEASE click on the link  $$
http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot/  $


Wait Hold THE PHONE 
This CRAP has been used to STEAL THE LOOT just like Clinton's Mess in Arkansas
Judson Witham
DeLay, Blunt, Abramoff Are Becoming Anchors For The House GOP
Submitted by Roy Temple on Fri, 09/09/2005 - 5:22am. GOP Culture of Corruption 

News for the scandal-plagued GOP House leadership keeps getting worse and worse--and there's more to come.  Yesterday, a Texas grand jury indicted TRMPAC, a PAC founded by Majority Leader Tom DeLay to manipulate the redisctricting process in Texas.  
According to the AP:

A Texas grand jury has indicted a political organization formed by Tom DeLay, accusing it of taking illegal corporate money as the House majority leader helped Republicans win control of the Texas Legislature and keep Congress in GOP hands.
Last fall, the grand jury indicted three close associates of the DeLay-Blunt leadership team.  One of those men, Jim Ellis, was indicted for money laundering.  Ellis, who ran ARMPAC, DeLay's federal political arm, once ran a political laundromat for Roy Blunt called the ROYB Fund.
In 1999 and 2000, when Ellis ran both DeLay&

[cia-drugs] Frist, DeLay & Company Fend Off Probes Into Ethics - The Great Texas Bank Job WIDENS

2005-10-02 Thread judson witham

Frist's HCA Stock Sale Being Investigated -  The Great Texas Bank Job WIDENS
http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot   How the Trillions Got STOLEN - JW
The  Great Texas Bank Job
Money Laundering N Looting
Paying Those Political Campaign Expenses "Slick  Willy's Way"
This again shows how far special interests, favors and corruption have gone in this administration by putting completely unqualified people in high level posts.
Tom DeLay's funny-money trail
WD 41 and WD 43 N Company "Slicker Than Willy"
The RNC Bag Men Go To DC, LA, Florida, Iraq


Oh Shit  "They Figured Out The Money Machine"   $$$

What Ever You Do Do Not Mention The Missing Billions in IRAQ
Repeat After Me  "I SWEAR - we did not have Sexual Relations with Fannie Mae Freddie Mac or those S&Ls and BANKS"
WASHINGTON, September 23, 2005
(AP) The Securities and Exchange Commission and federal prosecutors are investigating Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's sale of stock in HCA Inc., the hospital operating company founded by his family. In a statement released Friday, the Nashville-based company said federal prosecutors for the Southern District of New York issued a subpoena for documents HCA believes are related to the sale of its stock by the senator. Frist's office confirmed the SEC is looking into the sale. The SEC also contacted HCA on Friday to informally request copies of the subpoenaed documents, HCA spokesman Jeff Prescott said. "We of course will comply with that request," he said. Frist traded using only public information, and only to eliminate the appearance of a conflict of interest, Frist spokesman Bob Stevenson said in an e-mail Friday. "Not surprisingly, the Securities and Exchange Commission contacted Senator Frist's office after
 the story appeared in the press about the sale of his Hospital Corporation of America stock," Stevenson said. "The majority leader will provide the SEC any information that it needs with respect to this matter." Frist spokeswoman Amy Call again declined to comment on the timing of the sale, saying, "His only objective in selling the stock was to eliminate the appearance of a conflict of interest." HCA, the nation's largest for-profit hospital company, was founded by Frist's father. His brother was formerly its CEO and chairman and remains on the board of directors. Frist asked a trustee to sell all his HCA stock in June, near a 52-week stock price peak of $58.40 and at the same time HCA insiders were selling off shares. Reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission showed insiders sold about 2.3 million shares, worth about $112 million, from January through June, said Mark LoPresti of Thomson Financial. The sale came about two weeks before the
 company issued a disappointing earnings forecast that drove its stock price down almost 16 percent by mid-July. They still have not recovered, closing Thursday at $45.90. The value of Frist's stock at the time of the sale was not disclosed. Earlier this year, he reported holding blind trusts valued at $7 million to $35 million. The sale of stock was first reported Monday by Congressional Quarterly. On Tuesday, The Associated Press reported that the stock was sold at or near its peak between June 13, when Frist asked the shares to be sold, and July 1, when he was told the sale was complete. On July 8 he was informed that his wife and children's shares had also been sold per his request, his spokeswoman Amy Call said. For years, Frist was criticized for holding HCA stock while directing legislation on Medicare reform and patient issues. He and his office have consistently deflected criticism by noting that his assets were in a blind trust and not under his
 active control. But Senate ethics rules allowed him more control than most observers realized. Under the guidelines, senators can directly order the sale of any asset in the trust to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. The senator also can communicate to the trustee matters of concern, including "an interest in maximizing income or long-term capital gain." That is not how blind trusts normally work, said David Becker, who was general counsel at the SEC from 2000 to 2002. Frist, a Tennessee Republican, is widely considered a potential presidential candidate in 2008. HCA said the subpoena seeks the "production of documents," and said it plans to fully cooperate with the investigation. On Thursday, SEC spokesman John Nester would neither confirm nor deny that Frist or any officer or director of HCA is the subject of an investigation, citing the agency's policy. Nester also declined comment Friday on Frist's spokesman saying the SEC
 had contacted the senator's office. Shares of HCA were up 25 cents to $46.15 in early trading on the New York Stock Exchange. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Original Message-From: Das GOATTo: Roads EndCc: E Mael0; JusB; [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:00:19 PM Eastern Daylight Ti

[cia-drugs] Bush, Clinton, DeLay ,Blunt, Abramoff - BIG SEX with Sallie Mae & Lots MORE !!!

2005-09-29 Thread judson witham

judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:01:24 -0700 (PDT)From: judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Bush, Clinton, DeLay ,Blunt, Abramoff - BIG SEX with Sallie Mae & Lots MORE !!!To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 09:00:31 -0700 (PDT)From: judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Bush, Clinton, DeLay ,Blunt, Abramoff - BIG SEX with Sallie Mae & Lots MORE !!!To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HUD - FHA - FmHA - VA - S&Ls - Banks - Wall Street - DeLay, Blunt, Abramoff, Clintons and On and On and On

Oh $hit  "They Figured Out The Money Machine"   

What Ever You Do 
Do Not Mention The Mi$$ing Billion$ in IRAQ

Repeat After Me  "I $WEAR - we did not have $exual Relation$ with Fannie Mae Freddie Mac or those $&Ls and BANK$"

GREG we all need to WORK very hard to eradicate the Lootings as they are STEALING our Nation, polluting the World with STOLEN MONEY.  Please everyone DIG very hard and help expose the Clinton,Bush,DeLay RNC and DNC and God knows the INTERNATIONAL Money MAFIAS Raping our Country.
greg collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
These gse's Fannie, Freddie,Sallie buy all sorts of bad loans andare part of the money laundering several recent shakeup's and investigations but they haven't really been cleaned up.I'l get back to you on this.Btw perhaps its legal but what business do they have beinggovernment sponsered and spending taxpayer dollars to put politicians in office and promote themselves to the government ,why do we need these GSE's anyhow? Supposedly to help get people into homes but these government based programs almost never work out even if by some miracle they are really designed for our benefit someone usually gets their hands into the cookie jar.You may want to contact mr. Nye Lavalle at [EMAIL PROTECTED] he keeps up on the GSE"s and posts much info on them and is opposed to them or at least the way they currently operate. We need to kick these guys out wholesale a whole new
 Congress andSenate with none of the old blood .
I am working with a researcher PLEASE ALL Help on this research ! 
Dear Judson,

Can you find out if any of the following entities have been involved in real estate fraud that you are aware of.

Iksir Holding, SA (Italy), Asat Trust (Liechtenstein), Iksir Ltd. (Bahamas), Gulf Center (Italy), NASCO (Turkey), Nasreddin International Group (Liechtenstein), Akida Bank (Bahamas), MIGA (Switzerland), and Nasreddin Foundation (Liechtenstein). According to intelligence sources in the United States and Europe, the Al Taqwa network intersected with tranches in Geneva and the Isle of Man that involve front companies associated with George H. W. Bush and Enron: Topaz Liberty, Bluelake World, and Potomac Capital.
Name Witheld - Protected For Cause - JW
judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Thanks Greg THE IRON IS HOT PLEASE PUSH REALLY HARD the Texas/Arkansas  Money Mafias reach NATIONWIDE.  The DeLay probe is peanuts

Ronald Earle, District Attorney
Phone: (512) 854-9400Fax: (512) 854-9695509 W.11th StAustin, TX 78701
ROY BLUNT IS A FRIGGIN CON MAN and an ACCESSORY in FACT to the massive looting of US Banks and S&Ls.  His Office in Springfield is a PILE of LYING TRASH.
Judson Witham
Oh yes PLEASE click on the link  $$
http://www.geocities.com/jurisnot/  $


Wait Hold THE PHONE 
This CRAP has been used to STEAL THE LOOT just like Clinton's Mess in Arkansas
Judson Witham
DeLay, Blunt, Abramoff Are Becoming Anchors For The House GOP
Submitted by Roy Temple on Fri, 09/09/2005 - 5:22am. GOP Culture of Corruption 

News for the scandal-plagued GOP House leadership keeps getting worse and worse--and there's more to come.  Yesterday, a Texas grand jury indicted TRMPAC, a PAC founded by Majority Leader Tom DeLay to manipulate the redisctricting process in Texas.  
According to the AP:

A Texas grand jury has indicted a political organization formed by Tom DeLay, accusing it of taking illegal corporate money as the House majority leader helped Republicans win control of the Texas Legislature and keep Congress in GOP hands.
Last fall, the grand jury indicted three close associates of the DeLay-Blunt leadership team.  One of those men, Jim Ellis, was indicted for money laundering.  Ellis, who ran ARMPAC, DeLay's federal political arm, once ran a political laundromat for Roy Blunt called the ROYB Fund.
In 1999 and 2000, when Ellis ran both DeLay's ARMPAC and Blunt's ROYB Fund, ARMPAC made contributions to Blunt's committee totalling $150,

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Roberts MAFIA , Federal Crackdown On Realty Fee Kickbacks Underway "In Every State."

2005-09-09 Thread judson witham

The Reagan Bush,  ROBERTS, Ed Meese, Dick Thornberg, OLLIVER NORTH Bank and S&L Lootings Covered UP by ROBERTS and the entire INJUSTICE DEPARTMENT MAFIA.

When you loot 500 BILLION from Banks and S&Ls you have to have an angle and exit strategy
Judson Witham  I lie NOT
The Great Texas Bank Job is REAL and TRUEjudson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 13:37:57 -0700 (PDT)From: judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Federal Crackdown On Realty Fee Kickbacks Underway "In Every State."To: greg collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CNN's Nelda Luce Radabaugh Blair use to represent ME before she went to work for Montgomery County, Texas.  Ooops Did I Mention she was working for the Crooked Ass Title Company American Title that SCRWED US before the Firm of Hope and Mayes PC Conroe, Texas took our case ???  In short, the Title Reports and Title Policies associated with THOUSANDS of Criminal land Conveyances were COVERED UP.  RESPA and the Land Title Registration Act and many other Laws were routinely violated. YUP the Courts and Feds are Corrupt and BAD.   There are THOUSANDS of Bull Shit land deals Like Whitewater/Castle Grande all over Texas and the Southwest hell the entire Nation has ILLEGAL SUBDIVISIONS where the hell is HUD's RESPA teams.  RICO is the KEY WORD HERE
When you loot 500 BILLION from Banks and S&Ls you have to have an angle and exit strategy
Judson Witham  I lie NOT
The Great Texas Bank Job is REAL and TRUE

Major Federal Crackdown On Realty Fee Kickbacks Underway "In Every State."The federal government has issued a warning to realty agents, builders, title agencies, mortgage brokers and other industry participants: Get ready for a wave of RESPA crackdowns, and financial penalties that could make your head spin. 
In remarks last week, the federal government's top Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) investigator, Ivy Jackson, said that a recent $450,000 settlement with Tulsa realty agents and builders is just the tip of the iceberg. Potentially dozens of additional crackdowns are in the wings. 
Jackson heads HUD's RESPA enforcement unit, and has unleashed dozens of on-staff and contract investigators -- often ex-FBI, Customs Bureau or financial regulatory agency sleuths -- to break up what she called "blatant violations" of federal anti-kickback rules among realty agents, title companies, lenders and others nationwide. 
"We are doing investigations in every state," she said, and "we anticipate a very busy (enforcement) year." Jackson's office gets hundreds of tips a year about alleged payoff arrangements involving realty agents, brokers, lenders, mortgage brokers, builders and title and escrow agencies every year. The tips come mainly from local competitors inside the industry, but also are sent in by individual consumers, federal banking regulators, and state officials. 
The Tulsa settlement, unveiled in late March, involved allegations that realty agents and builders created shell corporations that bought into local title companies, and then distributed referral-fee kickbacks based on which agent or builder made the referrals to the companies. The participants all denied wrongdoing, but agreed to pay nearly half a million dollars to settle the case. 
That settlement followed a much larger agreement with Chicago Title Insurance Co., involving alleged referral-fee payoffs in Texas. In that case, Chicago Title paid the federal government $5 million and the Texas Department of Insurance $1.2 million. HUD alleged that Chicago Title knowingly participated in schemes involving falsified closing documents and illegal payoffs. Chicago Title denied all wrongdoing as part of its settlement. 
Jackson told a, real estate lenders and brokers, conference last week that "we are using every resource at our disposal" to move against realty agents, mortgage brokers, lenders and title companies "who ignore the rules" on referral fees. Jackson said that over 60 major investigations, or settlement cases, are currently underway, and that the department now routinely works with state real estate and financial regulatory officials, insurance commissioners, and state attorneys general to identify and stop illegal activities. 
She conceded that until recently, RESPA enforcement was less prominent than it is now. But HUD has recently tripled its RESPA investigative staff, and has a contract with a company in Virginia that provides ex-FBI, ex-Customs Bureau and other trained law enforcement and financial investigators to deconstruct even the most sophisticated cover-ups of referral fee arrangements. 
In the Tulsa case, for example, Jackson said the realty agents and builders created a "multi-tier" kickback scheme 

[cia-drugs] Fwd: Iraq?s Well Injection and Drilling Caustics Chemicals WMD??

2005-09-09 Thread judson witham

judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 13:26:34 -0700 (PDT)From: judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Iraq?s Well Injection and Drilling Caustics Chemicals WMD??To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CIA & COMPANY know GD well that any OIL PATCH operation requires CUASTICS and other LETHAL CHEMICALS used to inject wells.  As you pump Crude Oil out of Shale and Sandstone formations the wells PLUG UP so they are injected with DRANO like chemicals THOUSANDS of times more potent.  Look up Drilling and Injection Caustics WAKE UP a little clorine or ammonia and you got WMDs all over the Oil Fields of the WORLD.Alamaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 


A deadly trail : Who supplied Iraq’s WMD?” 

By Hero 

09/08/05 "Hero" -- -- IN THE TWO-AND-A-HALF YEARS since the invasion of Iraq, the question of how Iraq acquired the capability to develop Weapons of Mass Destruction – the pretext for the US-led invasion – has not yet been fully answered. 
A final-year student at Sussex University took it on himself to find the answer, and has managed, according to his BA dissertation, to trace Saddam’s toxin all the way back to a cow that died in Oxfordshire just before World War 2. 

Geoffrey Holland, an undergraduate politics student, spent six months unearthing the history of the 14578 strain of anthrax, after an official US report last autumn confirmed that it was the type used in Saddam’s biological weapons programme. 

The ‘Vollum’ anthrax was isolated by scientists at Oxford, who were sent the ear of a cow that had died in Oxfordshire ‘around 1937’. Named after bacteriologist Professor Robert Vollum, the strain was used by Churchill in wartime experiments. A well-known example involves the Scottish island of Gruinard, where the release of anthrax killed thousands of sheep and led to the area being quarantined for 48 years. 

The culture was later exported to the US, and, Holland claims, passed from there to Iraq in the 1980s, despite the US having signed up to the Biological Weapons Convention that came into force in 1975.

Holland tracked the toxin’s history through the catalogues of the American Type Culture Centre, a repository in Virginia. He says that despite mounting evidence, the story of how these toxins came to be held by the Iraq government has been largely neglected.

“Despite the War, the hunt for WMD, the death of David Kelly, the Hutton and Butler Reports and all else that has transpired, it has still not been discussed,” says Holland. “The news media has almost entirely overlooked one of the most important stories of our time: Who supplied Iraq’s WMD?”

He argues that transmission of the anthrax, now understood more fully than ever before, constitutes a breach of international law by the US, and that it is now the British government’s responsibility to report the matter to the United Nations Security Council.

To date, attempts to push the government to do so have been unsuccessful, although a motion in the 2003-4 session of parliament by Austin Mitchell MP attracted the support of 141 MPs.

Questions continue to be asked. In July of this year Mike Hancock MP tabled a question in parliament asking what breaches of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention have occurred since 1980. Minister of State Kim Howells responded that “no complaints of breaches of the obligations of the convention have been submitted to the United Nations,” which, as Holland points out, does not quite answer the question.

The paper forms Holland’s final dissertation of his BA degree in Politics and International Relations. He says that he originally became interested in the story in 2002, when he came across evidence that the US had exported the materials it was then accusing Iraq of developing. “The fact was not being discussed anywhere, and this seemed wrong,” he said.

Asked what advice he would give to other students wanting to research these kind of issues, he says: “Don’t spend too long just wanting to – and share what you find with other people who know more than you do.”

Useful websites 

Geoffrey Holland's BA dissertation, United States Exports of Biological Materials to Iraq: Compromising the Credibility of International Law, is at:  

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[cia-drugs] Black, Brown and White Trash People FLOAT Right !!!!!!

2005-09-09 Thread judson witham

YUP the Posche Carreras and Lexus Dealers, Wells Fargo, Loomis and other VERY RICH and VERY WELL CONNECTED, mostly Powerful WHITES and others with BUCKS came FIRST !!
Look to see how many Safe Deposit Boxes and Bank Vaults and other TREASURES and IMPORTANT TYPES, Drug Lords, MAFIA FAMILIES, RACIST LEADERS, Congressman, Senators and CORPORATE Campaign Contributors took  preference over OLD FOLKS abandoned in retirement Gulags.  
Everybody KNOWS rich white folks and other HIGHER UP TYPES are more importatnt than those called PARASITES by the likes of Neil Boortz on FOX Radio this morning.  The Guard and Cops were securing the IMPORTANT FILES, and possessions of the Corporations and Political ELITE that has ENSLAVED THE REST OF US.  
Judson WithamBush_Sucks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

First hand account from New Orleans...   
Forwarded message:  
I have NO contacts who might use thisPLEASE - SOMEBODY, bring the following information to the right people!If this is true, the situation is WORSE in this country than you could possibly imagine.Read this and weep.http://www.emsnetwork.org/artman/publish/article_18337.shtml 

Two days after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, the Walgreen's store at the corner of Royal and Iberville streets remained locked. The dairy display case was clearly visible through the widows. It was now 48 hours without electricity, running water, plumbing. The milk, yogurt, and cheeses were beginning to spoil in the 90-degree heat. The owners and managers had locked up the food, water, pampers, and prescriptions and fled the City. Outside Walgreen's windows, residents and tourists grew increasingly thirsty and hungry.
The much-promised federal, state and local aid never materialized and the windows at Walgreen's gave way to the looters. There was an alternative. The cops could have broken one small window and distributed the nuts, fruit juices, and bottle water in an organized and systematic manner. But they did not. Instead they spent hours playing cat and mouse, temporarily chasing away the looters.
We were finally airlifted out of New Orleans two days ago and arrived home yesterday (Saturday). We have yet to see any of the TV coverage or look at a newspaper. We are willing to guess that there were no video images or front-page pictures of European or affluent white tourists looting the Walgreen's in the French Quarter.
We also suspect the media will have been inundated with "hero" images of the National Guard, the troops and the police struggling to help the "victims" of the Hurricane. What you will not see, but what we witnessed,were the real heroes and sheroes of the hurricane relief effort: the working class of New 
Orleans. The maintenance workers who used a fork lift to carry the sick and disabled. The engineers, who rigged, nurtured and kept the generators running. The electricians who improvised thick extension cords stretching over blocks to share the little electricity we had in order to free cars stuck on rooftop parking lots. Nurses who took over for mechanical ventilators and spent many hours on end manually forcing air into the lungs of unconscious patients to keep them alive. Doormen who rescued folks stuck in elevators. Refinery workers who broke into boat yards, "stealing" boats to rescue their neighbors clinging to their roofs in flood waters. Mechanics who helped hot-wire any car that could be found to ferry people out of the City. And the food service workers who scoured the commercial kitchens improvising communal meals for hundreds of those stranded.
Most of these workers had lost their homes, and had not heard from members of their families, yet they stayed and provided the only infrastructure for the 20% of New Orleans that was not under water.
On Day 2, there were approximately 500 of us left in the hotels in the French Quarter. We were a mix of foreign tourists, conference attendees like ourselves, and locals who had checked into hotels for safety and shelter from Katrina. Some of us had cell phone contact with family and friends outside of 
New Orleans. We were repeatedly told that all sorts of resources including the National Guard and scores of buses were pouring in to the City. The buses and the other resources must have been invisible because none of us had seen them.
We decided we had to save ourselves. So we pooled our money and came up with $25,000 to have ten buses come and take us out of the City. Those who did not have the requisite $45.00 for a ticket were subsidized by those who did have extra money. We waited for 48 hours for the buses, spending the last 12 hours standing outside, sharing the limited water, food, and clothes we had. We created a priority boarding area for the sick, elderly and new born babies. We waited late into the night for the "imminent" arrival of the buses. The buses never arrived. We later learned