[android-developers] How to approach designing a clound sync adapter?

2011-03-29 Thread Moto
I'm trying to sync my users database data to a remote service such as Amazon 
services.  I want it to behave similarly to gmail IMAP servers.

I'm not sure how I go about creating a sync adapter that keeps track of user 
modified data and modifications made from other devices sync to the same 

All this time I'm thinking there has to be an easy way.  I just don't want 
to re-invent the wheel if something already exists...  :(

Thanks for any tips you might have!

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[android-developers] Re: Clearning Activity's intent data randomly comes back, why?

2011-02-18 Thread Moto

Don't modify that Intent.  It is maintained for you by the system, and the 
original Intent will be restored whenever the activity is restarted.

This is interesting...  My activity currently runs as singleTop and I get 
new intents via onNewIntent().  From what you posted it seems that 
regardless, the original intent might be restored by the system when the 
activity is restarted?  Please advice how I can resolve the issue.  As of 
now setIntent(new Intent()) seems to be the way to go... Will I still run 
over issues using that? How can I tell the system to let it go... :P

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Clearning Activity's intent data randomly comes back, why?

2011-02-18 Thread Moto
@Dianne, I'm sorry but I'm a little confused.  What I'm understanding is 
that there is no way to clear the intent of an activity from the system.  It 
can be cleared temporarily by using setIntent(..) but if the activity was to 
be restarted the previous intent used to open the activity will be used when 
the activity restarts, correct?  If that's the case how do you recommend 
doing this correctly? I want to follow the best programing standard for 
Android and well you seem to be the one that is 100% actively involved on 
Android...  :)

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[android-developers] Clearning Activity's intent data randomly comes back, why?

2011-02-17 Thread Moto
I have a media application which starts playback when the intent is sent to 
the player activity with the following intent extras; data path to the 
music and type mime/audio format.

I pick up the intent data at the player activity execute to start playback 
and I remove the passed extras from the intent to avoid having the same 
request going again after flipping the screen or the activity being brought 
back to the foreground.

This is how I process an intent:

final String data = getIntent().getDataString();
final String type = getIntent().getType();

// start playback
requestPlay( data, type );

// remove intents because they are needed only once per call!
this.getIntent().setDataAndType(Uri.parse(), );

The issue I'm having is that randomly and rarely, I will open the 
application and when it resumes at the player activity, the intent will 
contain the previous extra data and start playing... This is annoying to me 
and well my users...

Anyone have any ideas what's the best way to clear the intents data? Some 
reason the ActivityManager might be keeping this data stored...?


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Re: [android-developers] Clearning Activity's intent data randomly comes back, why?

2011-02-17 Thread Moto
Thanks for your reply.  I'll give it a try and see if that helps resolve the 


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[android-developers] SmaliHook.java found on my hacked application.

2011-02-01 Thread Moto
First, this is not a post to talk about how much pirating apps sucks etc... 
I just want to post what I found hackers using to unlock my application from 
using the Licensing Tools provided by Android.  Anyone have any clues how to 
prevent this particular hack? Anyone familiar with this particular hack?

Please find attached the recovered file found when I decompiled hacked 
version of my application.


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http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=enimport android.app.Activity;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;
import android.content.pm.Signature;
import android.util.Log;
import java.io.File;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class SmaliHook extends Activity
  public static int checkSignatures()
return 0;

  public static int checkSignatures(String paramString1, String paramString2)
return 0;

  public static int getApplicationEnabledSetting(PackageManager paramPackageManager, String paramString)
  int i = paramPackageManager.getApplicationEnabledSetting(paramString);
  int j = i;
  if (j == 2)
j = 0;
  k = j;
  return k;
catch (IllegalArgumentException localIllegalArgumentException)
  while (true)
int k = 0;

  public static String getInstallerPackageName(String paramString)
return com.google.android.feedback;

  public static PackageInfo getPackageInfo(PackageManager paramPackageManager, String paramString, int paramInt)
throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException
  PackageInfo localPackageInfo1 = paramPackageManager.getPackageInfo(paramString, paramInt);
  localPackageInfo2 = localPackageInfo1;
  if ((paramInt  0x40) == 64)
Signature[] arrayOfSignature1 = spoofSignatures();
Signature[] arrayOfSignature2 = localPackageInfo2.signatures;
Signature localSignature = arrayOfSignature1[0];
arrayOfSignature2[0] = localSignature;
  return localPackageInfo2;
catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException localNameNotFoundException)
  while (true)
PackageInfo localPackageInfo2 = paramPackageManager.getPackageInfo(com.application.packagename.here, paramInt);

  public static Object invokeHook(Method paramMethod, Object paramObject, Object[] paramArrayOfObject)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException, PackageManager.NameNotFoundException
String str1 = paramObject.getClass().getName();
String str2 = paramMethod.getName();
String str3 = smali hook - class:  + str1 +  method:  + str2;
int i = Log.d(lohan, str3);
Object localObject1;
if ((str1.equals(android.app.ContextImpl$ApplicationPackageManager)) || (str1.equals(android.app.ApplicationContext$ApplicationPackageManager)) || (str1.equals(android.content.pm.PackageManager)) || (str1.contains(ApplicationPackageManager)))
  if (str2.equals(getInstallerPackageName))
localObject1 = getInstallerPackageName((String)paramArrayOfObject[0]);
while (true)
  return localObject1;
  if (str2.equals(getPackageInfo))
int j = ((Integer)paramArrayOfObject[1]).intValue();
if (str1.equals(android.content.pm.PackageManager))
  PackageManager localPackageManager1 = (PackageManager)paramObject;
  String str4 = (String)paramArrayOfObject[0];
  localObject1 = getPackageInfo(localPackageManager1, str4, j);
  Object localObject2 = paramMethod.invoke(paramObject, paramArrayOfObject);
  localObject3 = localObject2;
  if ((j  0x40) == 64)
Signature[] arrayOfSignature1 = spoofSignatures();
Signature[] arrayOfSignature2 = ((PackageInfo)localObject3).signatures;
Signature localSignature = arrayOfSignature1[0];
arrayOfSignature2[0] = localSignature;
  localObject1 = localObject3;
catch (Exception localException)
  while (true)
Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[1];
arrayOfObject[0] = %!AppPackage;
Object localObject3 = paramMethod.invoke(paramObject, arrayOfObject);
  if (str2.equals(getApplicationEnabledSetting))

Re: [android-developers] SmaliHook.java found on my hacked application.

2011-02-01 Thread Moto
Hi Jostya,

Yes, my app is obfuscated and the signature was my signature...  It seemed 
like it doesn't matter if the application is obfuscated.  It seems to be a 
simple hack that was fast! It only took a few hours after release of my 
application... Incredible...

I guess I'm gonna have to get creative...


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[android-developers] How to bring Activity to top of stack and reset it?

2011-01-28 Thread Moto

I'm trying to keep my activity calling flow simple for the user. Always one 
instance of the activity on the history stack.

So using flag 
is perfect! but there is a slight issue. 

The activity is brought to the front but the onCreate() is not called if 
Activity is already started. Makes sense, but I want the behavior to be that 
it calls onCreate().

Thanks for the help!

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Re: [android-developers] How to bring Activity to top of stack and reset it?

2011-01-28 Thread Moto
Yes, exactly I understand the behavior. 

What I'm trying to figure out is what other flags can I use such that the 
activity can be removed from the history stack brought to the top.  When 
brought to the top it should be reset so that it calls the onCreate().

I just keep trying things and well not that good with these flags :(

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Re: [android-developers] How to bring Activity to top of stack and reset it?

2011-01-28 Thread Moto
Not sure you understand the question or I don't understand the process so 
please let me explain what I think it's happening.

Using flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT brings the activities to the 
front.  If already is somewhere in the history stack than it will be brought 
to the front and if not it will be created and than put at front of the 
history stack.  This behavior allows keeping the history stack clean so 
the user doesn't press back and continue to see repeated activities left and 
right like so many apps on the Android Market. THATS WHAT I WANT TO 

Thinking on that behavior I wanted to find out if I could somehow have 
identical behavior but having the activity be restarted as it's brought to 
the front.

That is like saying that red is not blue, and you want to know how to
make red be blue, because you always want blue.
I'm sorry but this question is nothing like red is not blue.. etc... Please 
take the time to read and help, and not try to degrade the developer!

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Re: [android-developers] How to bring Activity to top of stack and reset it?

2011-01-28 Thread Moto
Thanks Kumar for your help.  I do understand the activity lifecycle and see 
your point.  I guess I need to take two steps back and think this over...

As you suggested to just do the work onResume()  I tried getting the passed 
intent extras but I guess they are not sent to the activity if it's only 
being brought to the top of the history stack...

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[android-developers] Re: How to bring Activity to top of stack and reset it?

2011-01-28 Thread Moto
@Kostya and Streets Of Boston

Thanks guys that is actually exactly what I was looking for! That's great!! 

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Re: [android-developers] Re: How to bring Activity to top of stack and reset it?

2011-01-28 Thread Moto
Yep! using android:launchMode=singleTop with implementing the 
onNewIntent() worked perfect! 

I assume this also helps the application be a lot faster, responsive, and 
lot less GC. :)

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Re: [android-developers] How to bring Activity to top of stack and reset it?

2011-01-28 Thread Moto
Thanks Dianne for your reply.  I'm currently using 
android:launchMode=singleTop and have implemented the onNewIntent().  With 
that I'm also using the flag 

This behavior is perfect for what I was trying to do.  If you don't 
recommend this please do let me know! 


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[android-developers] Re: How to bring Activity to top of stack and reset it?

2011-01-28 Thread Moto
Thanks man that's exactly what I ended doing! :)

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[android-developers] How to gracefully terminate a remote service process?

2011-01-07 Thread Moto
Currently I believe I'm doing a ok job managing my application's remote 
service. When I'm done using it I can see the onDestroy() called, perfect...

Now the issue is I can see the remote process still hanging around, via DDMS 
or via phone's running processes. Users see this and think I'm doing stuff 
on the background etc... blaming my app and than asking for an exit 
button... Truth is they don't need an exit button!

So my question:

How to gracefully terminate a remote service process?

I could get the PID and kill it but something tells me this might not be the 
nice way to do this since the service might be restarted again...

Any help would be greatly apreciated!


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Re: [android-developers] How to gracefully terminate a remote service process?

2011-01-07 Thread Moto
I guess my knowledge on the subject was not far off...  I guess I was being 
mislead by all these task killers and users complaining... They just assume 
a visible process is hogging CPU and memory.  Well it could on applications 
that aren't managing things properly.

Thanks for your reply

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Re: [android-developers] How to gracefully terminate a remote service process?

2011-01-07 Thread Moto
I kept telling my users I don't want to place an exit button cause it's 
pointless! If you program the application properly there is no need for an 
exit button on many type of applications such as mine, a media playback 
application.  I explain users and some understand while other don't... 

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[android-developers] Re: Small, Normal, Large and xlarge. How to handle application?

2010-12-31 Thread Moto
Thanks! I'll look over that blog.


On Dec 18, 10:41 am, pk Lam newbal...@gmail.com wrote:
 have a look at the following blog post, you might get some 

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[android-developers] How to creating Launcher home screen behavior on my app?

2010-12-28 Thread Moto
I would like to have my application follow accurately my finger swipe across 
the screen to move to the next screen/layout.  I would like to have the same 
interaction as one has with the home screen by sliding your finger across to 
move from one screens to another with that bounce feedback.

I currently have something that catches swipe events and using animation to 
slide to the next screen/layout.  This is not the behavior I want.  I want 
it to feel smooth and that follows the finger.

Any ideas how I could approach at creating such feature?


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[android-developers] java.net.SocketException after HTC 4G latest update...

2010-12-19 Thread Moto
The latest update of the HTC 4G has broken my application. Internally I set 
a socket port listening for some internal messages and it's dieing with the 
following error:
*ERROR/HTTPDataSource(64): HTTP request failed w/ http status 404*

What's my code doing:
mServerSocket = new ServerSocket(0);

The accept seems to get killed without ever giving me a Socket.  Any ideas 
why this might be happening?


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[android-developers] Re: java.net.SocketException after HTC 4G latest update...

2010-12-19 Thread Moto
Oops the actual error is:
*12-19 13:42:06.939: WARN/System.err(1198): java.net.SocketException: 
Interrupted system call
12-19 13:42:06.949: WARN/System.err(1198): at 
12-19 13:42:06.949: WARN/System.err(1198): at 
12-19 13:42:06.949: WARN/System.err(1198): at 
12-19 13:42:06.949: WARN/System.err(1198): at 
12-19 13:42:06.949: WARN/System.err(1198): at 

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[android-developers] Re: java.net.SocketException after HTC 4G latest update...

2010-12-19 Thread Moto
Something important to note about this is that when connected to WiFi this 
issue does not happen. 

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[android-developers] Re: java.net.SocketException after HTC 4G latest update...

2010-12-19 Thread Moto
Yes, I have internet access...  I can even connect to an URL and fetch a 
file via code without any issues.  This just seems like a weird HTC typical 
fragmentation issue... :(  In the past there was an issue with RTSP servers 
and WIFI. It would only work when WiFi radio was enabled...

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[android-developers] Small, Normal, Large and xlarge. How to handle application?

2010-12-17 Thread Moto
Currently I'm used to developing on a small screen and now tablets and
TV are coming slowly but surly to the market...  Now the dilemma is
not all apps look great magnified on a larger screen.  The larger
screens allows us to combine different activities into one since they
fit and make sense sometimes.  The issue is when you combine
activities your existing app for cellphones become a mess trying to
support the new layout...  How can we manage smartly these new

Here are my thoughts about splitting my app in two:

1. Implement large/xlarge layouts on my existing application.
Con: Brings new complexities to existing activity code.
Pro: I'll have the popularity numbers, downloads, rating, etc...

2. Create a brand new application for the large/xlarge screen sizes.
Con: No popularity numbers, downloads, ratings... etc...
Pro: A chance to start up fresh and create everything optimized for
these screens.

What are the issues/questions I have about providing all screen sizes
support into one app:
1. Making the app one nice juicy app that supports it all will be huge
and unnecessary waste of space for cellphones. Unless at installation
all different folders needed for larger screen dimensions are excluded
from installation.
2. How to open the correct activities for the correct screen sizes?
For example I would like to open MainActivityNormalScreen when phone
is running on a normal screen.  Or MainActivityLargeScreen when
running on a device with large screen.  I know I can code some helper
classes and such but things become a little tricky and messy.

What are your thoughts in respect to this subject? Would you try to
keep the app as one to support all these different screen sizes? Or
split them?


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[android-developers] Re: layout editor in 2.3 SDK sucks! Sorry but it does.

2010-12-17 Thread Moto
I believe the new layout has improved but where did the layout move up
or down go?  I used to be able to select a view under Outline and
using little up/down arrows move the view around

On Dec 17, 3:32 pm, Tim H. timho...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Xavier,

 r9 is much improved! I am still seeing some glitches, such as if you
 drag something onto a supposedly invalid area, it still makes changes
 and/or makes the view disappear!

 What I would love to see make the next version is correcting
 references to alignments when a view is renamed, i.e. if I rename a
 view that is in a RelativeLayout, other views that refer to that view
 are also corrected. This would be a godsend!


 On Dec 15, 7:47 pm, Xavier Ducrohet x...@android.com wrote:

  Hey everyone,

  we just released a preview of ADT 9.0.0 that fixes some of the issues
  you all have.


  Make sure you know this is dev version, not a final, fully-tested,
  public release.

  Hope this helps.


  On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 3:24 PM, XanXa xanxamob...@gmail.com wrote:
   1. I have moved a TextView with Style into a linearLayout and the
   TextView loosed the style.
   2. When I try to use an empty LinearLayout I can't add any child (I
   have to put Layout width and heigth).
   3. It's so difficult put the view where you want using only the editor
   and always modify the rest of views.
   4. The ctrl+z work bad and strange, sometimes do things I didn't.

   I didn't like the up and down arrows and neither the + and - buttons
   but they made their job, Why not keep them until the drag is ready?.
   Finally I think I'll going to use the XML editor for a while.

   Nevertheless, I know the old editor was awfull and slow to use and we
   needed a new Layout Editor powerfull and easier to use. We must work
   hard to make this new Android Layout Editor more stable and usable.

   (Sorry about my English)

   On 13 dic, 16:35, Julie Andrews julieonli...@gmail.com wrote:
   On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 8:41 PM, niko20 nikolatesl...@yahoo.com wrote:
Ok, the new layout editor is fancier and all but no more properties
window? I have to right click to set properties now? And many times
the right click menu does not function correctly either, like it will
be missing sub menus, etc. I want my properties list back!


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   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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  Xavier Ducrohet
  Android SDK Tech Lead
  Google Inc.

  Please do not send me questions directly. Thanks!

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[android-developers] Re: Bluetooth status broadcasts. Why some intents aren't being catch?

2010-12-15 Thread Moto
This thread disappeared from the forum... :( I was able to find it via
email only...  Anyone can provide some insight about what I'm trying
to do?


On Dec 14, 3:31 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm currently trying to work with bluetooth and I'm having trouble
 getting some of the broadcasts.  I have currently
 android.permission.BLUETOOTH permission set and the following intent
 filters for my BroadcastReceiver.

 android:name=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED /
 android:name=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED /
 android:name=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED /

 android:name=android.bluetooth.device.action.BOND_STATE_CHANGED /

 I'm currently only getting:

 Why aren't the other two being sent?  Specially
 android.bluetooth.device.action.BOND_STATE_CHANGED?  I find that the
 call disconnected is very slow at being called.  I need it to be
 immediate since I have music playing in the background and I want it
 to be stopped before sound comes out of the phones speakers...


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[android-developers] Bluetooth status broadcasts. Why some intents aren't being catch?

2010-12-14 Thread Moto
I'm currently trying to work with bluetooth and I'm having trouble
getting some of the broadcasts.  I have currently
android.permission.BLUETOOTH permission set and the following intent
filters for my BroadcastReceiver.

android:name=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED /
android:name=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED /
android:name=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED /

android:name=android.bluetooth.device.action.BOND_STATE_CHANGED /

I'm currently only getting:

Why aren't the other two being sent?  Specially
android.bluetooth.device.action.BOND_STATE_CHANGED?  I find that the
call disconnected is very slow at being called.  I need it to be
immediate since I have music playing in the background and I want it
to be stopped before sound comes out of the phones speakers...


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[android-developers] Best way to provide access to a Service?

2010-12-08 Thread Moto
I find my self over and over re-writing my service in my app.  I
essentially want to provide control over my service easily for things
such as home widgets or other apps.

What are the things my service supports:

-start playback
-stop playback
-toggle playback
-start special features

-media playback status
-special features reporting status
-playback time (every second)

What are the things I should look for when deciding to implement an
aidl interface versus calling the service using Intents?

Should I use Broadcasts to report the service status and information
as opposed to aidl?

Sorry if my questions aren't making sense...


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[android-developers] Re: Best way to provide access to a Service?

2010-12-08 Thread Moto
Thanks Mark for your reply.  It does help clear up a couple doubts I

About service outbound data, I'm not sure if updating the widget right
from the service would work for me... I believe this will tie my
service to the widget and that's kind of what I want to avoid.  I want
it to be an independent service no strings attached... :)  But I guess
at least some will have to be...

Now for communicating with an activity I'm seeing two issues.
1. What if the service is controlled only by intents and the service
dies... The activity using this service would have no clue that it
died unless I'm bound to it...
2. I would have to provide a service intent to burst service status
broadcast so that the activity can be updated with the latest
information of the running service.  This would work, but is this
method recommended?


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[android-developers] Using cache or sdcard as a temporary buffer. Good idea?

2010-11-19 Thread Moto
I'm currently trying to create a buffer for my application which needs
to be big! I mean at least 1MB but most likely to be 4MB.  Now
definitely bad idea to actually allocate this much on a byte array in
memory.  So the options are put all the data in a file. So question is
where do I place this temp file?

Option 1:
Store to sdcard.  Might be slow and not such a good idea for
continuous read/writes?

Option 2:
Store to in the apps cache. I read somewhere this is fast for read/
writes. But also read before issues cleaning up the cache after use? I
guess I should as if I be able to create a file in cache and discard
it when I don't need it?

Any tips/look outs from using this methods would be greatly


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[android-developers] Re: Using cache or sdcard as a temporary buffer. Good idea?

2010-11-19 Thread Moto
Oops! Well...

  But also read before issues cleaning up the cache after use?


Typed too fast! I actually meant to say that I read somewhere that
other users had issues clearing the cache...  Also, seen users
complaining about apps that had caches that were taking way too much
space which = bad rating...  So I'm trying to be a little cautious
when using the cache...

As you can tell I haven't worked yet with the phones cache area so I
hope it's as easy as create a new file use it now delete it
Cache=0MB :)... across different Android versions

On Nov 19, 11:53 am, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
  But also read before issues cleaning up the cache after use?


   I guess I should as if I be able to create a file in cache and discard it
  when I don't need it?

 Yes, you can create files in the cache directory and delete it as necessary.
 The docs also state that the system may wipe this data if it sees fit to get
 more disk space, but don't count on that.

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: Should I use synchronized for a boolean variable

2010-10-18 Thread Moto
I would think that if the child thread does not modify the flag, just
gets the flags value, you do not need to synchronize the use of this
flag, assuming your child thread is a bit relaxed about the
possibility of miss the if(flag) call once on the loop. But, if the
child and parent could modify the flag state you should sync the set
and get calls...


On Oct 18, 5:50 am, Daniel Drozdzewski daniel.drozdzew...@gmail.com
 On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:21 AM, xeagle xeagle...@gmail.com wrote:

  I use a boolean variable flag both in main and child thread. This
  flag is used to notify child thread to exit. I only use simple
  operation, e.g., flag=false, if (flag) {}. As I know, in java,
  get and set a boolean variable is atomic. So synchronized is not
  needed for variable flag, declaring flag as volatile is enough.

  Is this still true in Android?

 It is. Android follows JLS' Memory Model, hence volatile will behave
 exactly as it does in 'normal' JVMs.
 Please mind that in the second statement you mention if (flag) {},
 you should not modify the flag beyond the if part of the statement.

 There are plenty helpers in *java.util.concurrent.atomic* that will
 help you achieve further atomicity without the use of locks and perils
 of *volatile* 


 Daniel Drozdzewski

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[android-developers] Re: Stolen app on market

2010-10-13 Thread Moto
Oh man... I was actually thinking this could happen to me any time
soon and now that it happen to you I'm even more worried!

I guess I'm gonna have to invest some money for protecting my
application :( it already insanely pirated...

And yes I have originally wanted to go with Amazon!  I bet they got a
better solution to spam pirates and all that...


On Oct 13, 8:35 am, JP joachim.pfeif...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Oct 13, 4:51 am, Edmund Higgins ehiggins...@gmail.com wrote:

  I would rather
  have controlled quality in my market than chaotic crap!

 O well who wouldn't agree. It'll be interesting to see if Amazon can
 come up with compelling terms to attract a sufficient critical mass
 of quality apps, offer decent discoverability, presentation with
 customer appeal, easy payment, in app payment - short, offer all
 that's missing in Android Market to emphasize monetization for devs
 that put in the effort. If these guys take off, they might be able to
 stick Android Market with the crap. It's a longshot though.

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[android-developers] Re: Obfuscating parts of an application. Wise or not?

2010-10-06 Thread Moto
Sorry second post wasn't worded properly.

Yes, I was asking obfuscating one jar, rather than the entire
application. If that's a good approach and if that's safe to do.
That's why the second post, if using a jar on an application if it
could be easily extracted.  Cause if you could there is no point in
obfuscating the jar, since it could be extracted and reused by some
other app.


On Oct 5, 8:25 pm, DanH danhi...@ieee.org wrote:
 Though I'll admit that his second post makes no sense in that context.

 On Oct 5, 7:20 pm, Lance Nanek lna...@gmail.com wrote:

  Why would you think a JAR provides any obfuscation at all? I open them
  as ZIP files all the time. Not to mention that Android doesn't even
  run Java bytecode. Any JAR you put in your project's classpath is just
  a source for Java bytecode that gets converted to Dalvik bytecode and
  put into a file in the APK when you build your project.

  On Oct 5, 11:26 am, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

   I'm a bit scared about obfuscating my application completely.  I'm
   afraid to run into issues where I can't figure out a bug because lines
   and function names wont match.  Please correct me if I'm wrong...

   I thought maybe the simplest way to protect important parts of my code
   is to create a jar of the important files. I know and understand that
   jars are good only for classes and no xmls or other Android dependent
   parts. I believe it would be simple this way since I would not have to
   worry about obfuscating too much and breaking my project.  Also, could
   be helpful for distributing to clients a library which they can't

   In terms of obfuscating jars maybe I could do the same to the Market
   Licensing code to protect my paid application from pirating?

   What are your thoughts on my approach?  Maybe bad idea? What
   experiences have you had with obfuscating your application?  Is it not
   as bad as I think?


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[android-developers] Re: The ultimate, killer Android Marketplace replacement

2010-10-06 Thread Moto
Supporting subscription options for some type of apps, not all,
wouldn't be a bad idea.


On Oct 6, 10:56 am, Bret Foreman bret.fore...@gmail.com wrote:
 This can't be solved by single-carrier efforts. A piecemeal solution
 will be no good at all for developers. There needs to be a single
 entity where developers can place their apps and from which they can
 collect their payments. That entity needs to cut deals with all the
 major carriers, who in turn present the apps for sale to their
 customers and manage the monthly billing and remittances back to the

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[android-developers] Re: CPU usage stats

2010-10-06 Thread Moto
I know it's not the same using an actual phone than an emulator, but
on the emulator there is an option I believe that shows CPU status...


On Oct 6, 9:58 am, askPrins askpr...@gmail.com wrote:
 As a developer I would say it is VERY important to measure how
 efficient your implementation (code) is.
 CPU usage (which can sucks the battery) and memory usage etc are very
 important issues specially for developers.

 On Sep 8, 8:18 pm, Frank Weiss fewe...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 3:01 AM, Andy a...@fendley.com wrote:
   Hi all,

   Thanks for the input and I think these comments answer my question.
   Maybe it would be an idea to allow an SDK api to access these stats as
   they, in my view for applications, can be very useful due to the heavy
   multitasking nature of android?

   I suppose the question is for whom would this be useful? How many

  developers are going to need to do this with the SDK?

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[android-developers] Re: Testing licensing on emulator.

2010-10-06 Thread Moto
Read the Android Licensing tutorial they cover what you need to do:


On Oct 6, 2:22 am, MB manoj.bi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am testing lvl using the sample  application (after changing package
 name and uploading the apk). But it always returns 'Licensed' on the
 emulator even though I've set the test response to 'Not Licensed'.

 The following thread indicates that LVL cannot be tested with draft
 applications and will always return 'Licensed'.  So how does one test
 LVL on the emulator? I am sure something as basic as this must be

 But I am unable to figure out how to do it. I would really appreciate
 any pointers regarding this.  I've wasted quite a bit of time on this
 poring over the licensing doc and other  threads.




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[android-developers] Obfuscating parts of an application. Wise or not?

2010-10-05 Thread Moto
I'm a bit scared about obfuscating my application completely.  I'm
afraid to run into issues where I can't figure out a bug because lines
and function names wont match.  Please correct me if I'm wrong...

I thought maybe the simplest way to protect important parts of my code
is to create a jar of the important files. I know and understand that
jars are good only for classes and no xmls or other Android dependent
parts. I believe it would be simple this way since I would not have to
worry about obfuscating too much and breaking my project.  Also, could
be helpful for distributing to clients a library which they can't

In terms of obfuscating jars maybe I could do the same to the Market
Licensing code to protect my paid application from pirating?

What are your thoughts on my approach?  Maybe bad idea? What
experiences have you had with obfuscating your application?  Is it not
as bad as I think?


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[android-developers] Re: Obfuscating parts of an application. Wise or not?

2010-10-05 Thread Moto
Can used jar files be easily extracted from an application by others?
I guess that would be my only concern doing this...

On Oct 5, 11:26 am, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm a bit scared about obfuscating my application completely.  I'm
 afraid to run into issues where I can't figure out a bug because lines
 and function names wont match.  Please correct me if I'm wrong...

 I thought maybe the simplest way to protect important parts of my code
 is to create a jar of the important files. I know and understand that
 jars are good only for classes and no xmls or other Android dependent
 parts. I believe it would be simple this way since I would not have to
 worry about obfuscating too much and breaking my project.  Also, could
 be helpful for distributing to clients a library which they can't

 In terms of obfuscating jars maybe I could do the same to the Market
 Licensing code to protect my paid application from pirating?

 What are your thoughts on my approach?  Maybe bad idea? What
 experiences have you had with obfuscating your application?  Is it not
 as bad as I think?


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[android-developers] Re: CRC32 checksum use in order to secure Android LVL Applications

2010-10-01 Thread Moto
You do a CRC32 over the actual application file, *.apk.  Open the file
and get the byte stream. Now it's tricky to do that and than hardcore
the CRC32 number in your app because it will change the value of the
app computed CRC32 value.  That is why he suggested to store it in a
remote server...

For example:

CRC value of the apk = 0xABCDABCD

You would store that on your server 0xABCDABCD and use it to make sure
nothing was changed inside the app...


On Sep 28, 2:30 am, Asker mallorc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Following the examples given by Johns Trevor in order to secure
 Android LVL Applications (http://android-developers.blogspot.com/
 2010/09/securing-android-lvl-applications.html), I've been stucked on
 one only particular issue.

 Indeed, here is the matter:
 The most obvious mechanism is to use a lightweight hash function, such
 as CRC32, and build a hash of your application’s code. You can then
 compare this checksum with a known good value. You can find the path
 of your application’s files by calling context.GetApplicationInfo() —
 just be sure not to compute a checksum of the file that contains your
 checksum! (Consider storing this information on a third-party server.)

 Howether, I can't find what I must use in my code to detect an
 unwanted modification inside it.
 java.util.zip.CRC32 crc32 = new java.util.zip.CRC32();

 I've tried many method related to context.GetApplicationInfo() but no
 one seems to deliver something that change as soon as the code is

 Has someone already succeed on CRC32 checksum implementation?


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[android-developers] Re: CRC32 checksum use in order to secure Android LVL Applications

2010-10-01 Thread Moto
Might want to read about CRCs... to understand how it works:

On Oct 1, 3:04 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 You do a CRC32 over the actual application file, *.apk.  Open the file
 and get the byte stream. Now it's tricky to do that and than hardcore
 the CRC32 number in your app because it will change the value of the
 app computed CRC32 value.  That is why he suggested to store it in a
 remote server...

 For example:

 CRC value of the apk = 0xABCDABCD

 You would store that on your server 0xABCDABCD and use it to make sure
 nothing was changed inside the app...


 On Sep 28, 2:30 am, Asker mallorc...@gmail.com wrote:


  Following the examples given by Johns Trevor in order to secure
  Android LVL Applications (http://android-developers.blogspot.com/
  2010/09/securing-android-lvl-applications.html), I've been stucked on
  one only particular issue.

  Indeed, here is the matter:
  The most obvious mechanism is to use a lightweight hash function, such
  as CRC32, and build a hash of your application’s code. You can then
  compare this checksum with a known good value. You can find the path
  of your application’s files by calling context.GetApplicationInfo() —
  just be sure not to compute a checksum of the file that contains your
  checksum! (Consider storing this information on a third-party server.)

  Howether, I can't find what I must use in my code to detect an
  unwanted modification inside it.
  java.util.zip.CRC32 crc32 = new java.util.zip.CRC32();

  I've tried many method related to context.GetApplicationInfo() but no
  one seems to deliver something that change as soon as the code is

  Has someone already succeed on CRC32 checksum implementation?


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[android-developers] Re: How to transfer application ownership from one Developer account to another?

2010-10-01 Thread Moto
I'm sure you can't do that... But I could be wrong...


On Oct 1, 12:18 pm, peter yellowwin...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello fellow developers,

 My company is a Hong Kong based company and my app has been hosted by
 my good friend in America under his Android Market account. Now that
 Google announced support of selling app in my region, I want to move
 the app back so to avoid more hassle to him for tax reporting etc.

 Do you know a formal way either:

 - Check the existing Google Checkout account from one country to
 another, or
 - To move the app ownership from one Android Developer account to

 Is this possible?

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[android-developers] How to store app data to gmail account? Is it possible?

2010-09-29 Thread Moto
I'm looking for the best way to allow users to sync their data to
their gmail account.  The idea is to be able to access the same data
via my other applications for computers, phones, etc...  I need it to
be a free service...

The data is a list of items that contains a title tied to a playlist.

Anyone know of a particular Google lab allowing such data?  Or other
cloud services?


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[android-developers] Re: How to store app data to gmail account? Is it possible?

2010-09-29 Thread Moto
Well hopefully some people in this forum can help :)  I found
something that could potentially work BUT... You can't update data,
you must first delete than upload again, and that can be tricky...


On Sep 29, 5:13 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm looking for the best way to allow users to sync their data to
 their gmail account.  The idea is to be able to access the same data
 via my other applications for computers, phones, etc...  I need it to
 be a free service...

 The data is a list of items that contains a title tied to a playlist.

 Anyone know of a particular Google lab allowing such data?  Or other
 cloud services?


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[android-developers] Re: How to store app data to gmail account? Is it possible?

2010-09-29 Thread Moto
As you can tell I'm new to this area...  I guess the main idea is to
sync my applications database to the cloud, and I would like to use
the users gmail account to store it.

On Sep 29, 5:25 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well hopefully some people in this forum can help :)  I found
 something that could potentially work BUT... You can't update data,
 you must first delete than upload again, and that can be tricky...


 On Sep 29, 5:13 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm looking for the best way to allow users to sync their data to
  their gmail account.  The idea is to be able to access the same data
  via my other applications for computers, phones, etc...  I need it to
  be a free service...

  The data is a list of items that contains a title tied to a playlist.

  Anyone know of a particular Google lab allowing such data?  Or other
  cloud services?


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[android-developers] Re: New countries for paid apps! Maybe Ireland will be included??

2010-09-28 Thread Moto
 Yeah.. I got it alsobut I really hope they are doing something to
 reduce the impact of Spam Apps at the same time.

I really do hope that that issue gets resolved soon!  But not sure if
it will during this type of update...

 My very simple idea to reduce the impact Spam Apps have on the market
 would be to only allow an app to show up in the Just In category 3
 times a year, and never less than 2 months apart. That should be enough
 for legit developers, and Spam Apps would very quickly stop dominating
 the Just In list.

I don't think 3 times a year is a solution and I would definitely not
like it to be like that... I believe that the current available
solutionon the Market works perfect BUT... The issue is mostly that
spammers put a trillion of the same applications on the Market... So
that takes away from us the beauty of the Just In feature... :(

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[android-developers] Re: How to reverse ListView scrolling behavior?

2010-09-17 Thread Moto

I appreciate your concern but come on, really?  You have no idea what
I'm trying to do here.  This behavior is not intended for regular
phone usage.  I'm experimenting with different behaviors.

I really apreciate if you would help me out and not jump into
conclussions :)


On Sep 17, 5:08 am, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:
 The most important tip anyone can give you is GIVE UP! It is a bad
 idea, since it would put your pseudo-ListView at odds with the entire
 rest of the Android UI.

 On Sep 16, 7:07 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have been trying now for a few hours to reverse the scrolling of
  behavior of the ListView.  Essentially when scrolling down with my
  finger I want the list to scroll up!  :)

  Any tips?


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[android-developers] Re: How to reverse ListView scrolling behavior?

2010-09-17 Thread Moto
I really don't care if it's user friendly or not!  Can you just give
up that discussion?

I asked a questions if anyone else had done this or had some pointers
to try to do this.  Its none of your business how I would like to use
this feature.  And just to make you feel better you can rest assure it
will not end up being used were users would expect a listview to
behave like a list view! :)

So please let's not argue about how user friendly the concept is or is
not...  I just need tips on how to achieve this...


On Sep 17, 7:49 am, Kumar Bibek coomar@gmail.com wrote:
 It's not the way a touch phone user would expect the scrolling to
 happen. So, as far as I am concerned, it's not user friendly.

 -Kumar Bibekhttp://techdroid.kbeanie.com

 On Sep 17, 4:39 pm, amjath sharief amjathsharief.techsa...@gmail.com

  Any feature which is user friendly should be there in any device, whether
  its desktop or mobile that shouldn't matter. Hence just comment if the
  feature requested by Moto is user friendly or not. If the answer is yes,
  then that should be there, how weired someone feels. If the answer is no,
  then just mention your reasons for saying why its not user friendly. thats

  On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

   I appreciate your concern but come on, really?  You have no idea what
   I'm trying to do here.  This behavior is not intended for regular
   phone usage.  I'm experimenting with different behaviors.

   I really apreciate if you would help me out and not jump into
   conclussions :)


   On Sep 17, 5:08 am, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:
The most important tip anyone can give you is GIVE UP! It is a bad
idea, since it would put your pseudo-ListView at odds with the entire
rest of the Android UI.

On Sep 16, 7:07 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have been trying now for a few hours to reverse the scrolling of
 behavior of the ListView.  Essentially when scrolling down with my
 finger I want the list to scroll up!  :)

 Any tips?


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[android-developers] Re: How to reverse ListView scrolling behavior?

2010-09-17 Thread Moto
If it makes everyone HAPPY!  I'm essentially doing a small study on
user interface behavior.  I'm trying to test different behaviors of
the UI in particular cases.  One would be while driving.  FYI, you
shouldn't be using your phone while driving...

In the case of an inverted ListView scrolling behavior, I trying to
see how it feels to scroll when I have my hand extended out to the car
craddle holding the phone.

Here is what I'm trying to test, and I like to actually test not just
jump into a conclusion, ohh no this is not UI friendly...  ;)

*On a ListView usually more content is located below so you need to
scroll down which means you must move your finger up.  Making this
motion of moving the finger up can be very difficult when you are
extending your arm.  Also, if the air is a bit humid. By inverting the
list it might be better to scroll the content by moving your finger
down than up!


Thanks for at least hinting on a path. I have been trying to intercept
the touch events and trying to invert them but it's not really
working...  I'll continue to test and try to see if I can post some
code of what I'm doing.

On Sep 17, 12:48 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 11:44 AM, DanH danhi...@ieee.org wrote:
  In a particular context normal scroll behavior was (almost) universally
  judged by users as backwards, even though a few screens later the
  situation was reversed.

 What context? If this is clearly explained so the rest of us dumb folk
 understand, it would be easier to climb down off the high horses.

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: How to reverse ListView scrolling behavior?

2010-09-17 Thread Moto
Sounds like a good idea I'll give that a go.

@Kumar Bibek
I understand that there are a lot of other users on this forum that
just post questions asking for others to do their homework or solve
their problem magically...  I believe my question was clear and to the
point...  Event if said on my original post, I can't disclose why I'm
doing this  I think still I would have been told the same by users
like you... It is truly not the type of help I was expecting... I'm
doing this investigation and it's all about trying things not just
listening to one person...  That's how new things, innovative things
happen, not usually by doing what everybody is doing ;)

On Sep 17, 1:29 pm, DanH danhi...@ieee.org wrote:
 Yes, regarding the transparent overlay trick, I did that in buckets on
 the application to which I refer.

 On Sep 17, 12:14 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 12:04 PM, DanH danhi...@ieee.org wrote:
   In this particular context there was a simulated scroll wheel superimposed
   over the edge of the scroll list (for reasons having to do with the 
   of the controls).  For some reason this changed the user's perception of 
   control completely.

  That makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.

  And the OP certainly has a right (and perhaps legal obligation) to not

   disclose the particulars of his application, in addition to simply not
   wanting to hear even more of You shouldn't be doing it that way.

  Certainly - but again, lots of posts come through here where it's *usually*
  the case that the poster is doing something for the wrong reasons.
  Clarifying the purpose helps a lot.

  On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
   I'm essentially doing a small study on user interface behavior.

  I think that alone would have sufficed to assure people you knew what you
  were doing. =)
  Good luck with your study.

  On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.comwrote:

   If this is just for testing, you could put a transparent view on top of 
   ListView, handle events there, and call

  scrolling methods in the ListView.

  Clever! OP, try that.

  TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
  transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: appbucket: all apps for $9.99 per year, are we just going to watch?

2010-09-17 Thread Moto
I think there is a big difference here.  Charging for pirated material
and offering it for free.

Yes, pirated apps sucks but this is even worse! Makes me so mad that
these users are actually charging for my work!!  This is a new level
of piracy that might be easier to track and target right?  The credit
card payments have to go to some legal account right?

I totally prefer my app pirated FOR FREE! Than some freaking looser
making money out of my hard work...

On Sep 17, 4:28 pm, Chris Stewart cstewart...@gmail.com wrote:
 I certainly care, but I find myself as an individual or even as a part of
 this community to be underpowered to fight this.

 I tend to look at it as I did with the RIAA fighting every individual
 pirating music.  The RIAA spent a decade or more, and ridiculous sums of
 money, to fight in the legal system to stop people from downloading music
 illegally.  Sure, they won some high profile cases and shut down some of
 those very highly visible hubs.  But they didn't stop piracy completely.

 What really changed things was when Apple came along and made buying music
 effortless and affordable with iTunes.  Jumping through the hoops of trying
 to pirate music just isn't worth the hassle now that you can buy your
 favorite song for $0.99 without even thinking about it.  I think the
 combination of these things needs to be brought to our fight.

 Maybe if Google was making the act of buying these apps effortless (better
 payment system, available worldwide) while at the same time shutting down
 these major hubs, we'd have similar results as we've seen over the last
 decade with the music industry.  To some extent, there's not a lot we as
 individuals can do.  Google needs to step up and protect our rights and
 their market by throwing their weight behind it in a courtroom.  Until that
 happens, all we have are our own methods of copy protection which have
 proven to be rather insufficient.

 Chris Stewarthttp://chriswstewart.com

 Android app for MFL fantasy football owners

 On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Maps.Huge.Info (Maps API Guru) 

 cor...@gmail.com wrote:
   True, but the second and third options could set you up for a lawsuit.

  That would be rich. A pirate suing for such a thing... They would have
  to reveal who they really are and that would probably open themselves
  up for more trouble than it would be worth.

  -John Coryat

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[android-developers] Re: When is a right time to start placing ads in app (share your experience)

2010-09-16 Thread Moto
My case we started with a paid and free version.  The free was very
limited and had no ads.  After a few months we thought ads was a good
way to make more money and to not piss people off we opened up a lot
of features on the free, almost all!  I believe because we did that we
had a very nice turn out of happy users. :)

I think the main idea for us was:  Provide a free application that
contains just about almost all features enabled with ads and if the
user doesn't like ads we give them the choice to buy the app and
support our work :)


On Sep 16, 3:31 pm, Michael A. michael.aki...@gmail.com wrote:
 From the beginning. What's the point of waiting? If people won't
 accept to download your app with ads in it, they are certainly not
 going to take kindly to your placing ads in it later. In addition, you
 really need to consider carefully how you place the ads (i.e., to
 avoid having them too close to buttons, etc. - there is nothing more
 annoying to a user than to accidentally click on an ad and get dumped
 out of your app) as well as where (title screen only? loading screen?
 etc). Ideally you want the ads to fit into the app without being
 disturbing - not be something that is tacked on afterwards.

 How much revenue it makes depends entirely on your app, how it is
 used, and what kind of users you have (younger users are much more
 likely to click on ads than elder users, for instance). There is
 really no magical formula. In principle, it is all about volume,
 though. Make a great app that many, many thousands of users download
 and use every day, and you will generate revenue.


 Michael A.

 On Sep 16, 3:08 pm, Kman91 kabira...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have just recently released my free app into the market and was
  wondering when is a good time to start placing ads in the app? Should
  I put it straight from the beginning?

  I'm thinking maybe when the downloads gets to 5000 but these are
  numbers I'm pulling out of thin air so I would love for some of you
  guys to share your experience with placing ads in your app.

  When did you place ads in your app? What kind of revenue was/is it
  making? And any tips for someone that has no idea where to start?


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[android-developers] Can't find my posts :(

2010-09-16 Thread Moto
I have had this problem a couple times where I post something and I
can never find it again... One time I lucked out because my post was
still open on my other computers browser...

Anyone have this issues?  I'm a bit frustrated... :(


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[android-developers] How to reverse ListView scrolling behavior?

2010-09-16 Thread Moto
I have been trying now for a few hours to reverse the scrolling of
behavior of the ListView.  Essentially when scrolling down with my
finger I want the list to scroll up!  :)

Any tips?


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[android-developers] Re: appbucket: all apps for $9.99 per year, are we just going to watch?

2010-09-16 Thread Moto
I'm so bothered by this! It's incredibly crazzy!  My tracking shows
that 300% of my daily new users are not purchased! Its really crazzy
Im gonna have to invest in a better copy protection methods :(


On Sep 16, 8:59 pm, mot12 martin.hu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I had thought more people would chime in on this. Do developers really
 not care?

 On Android, I am really surprised about two things as a developer (and
 I don't know how it is on other platforms):

 1) Piracy and criminal reselling are much more of an issue than I
 expected. And developers seem to adopt an attitude that this is just
 part of life. I strongly disagree. This makes Android less interesting
 for developers who try to make a living with creating apps (and don't
 tell me that it is unreasonable to try to make a living like that).

 2) Users are cheap (maybe goes together with point 1). I have a free
 version of my main app (an alarm clock with all kind of bells and
 whistles) that doesn't ring on Wednesdays. I actually had one user
 comment that he changes the clock every Tuesday to Thursday so he
 tricks my app into ringing anyways. He rather does that every week
 than pay $2. To him, it is a sport to find a way not to pay me and he
 feels good about having succeeded in that.

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[android-developers] Opening control to my app to other developers

2010-09-14 Thread Moto

I'm looking for some good design pattern for allowing users to have
access to parts of my application.

Essentially my app plays music.  I want to allow other apps, widgets,
livewallpapers, etc.. to receive currently playing information,
current playback time, and allow them to toggle playback and control

I want to create a very simple and easy to use API on which developers
can use for their apps...

My approach would be to provide now playing track information etc by
broadcasting this information to registered Broadcast receivers.  And
for the controls possibly allowing my Service to receive intents to
control playback.

Few Questions:
1. How bad is it in regards to performance/battery life to broadcast
the current playback time?  This would happen every 1 second.

2. Is it recommended to provide access to start the Service via an
Intent?  I guess I would just need to make sure that the service
terminates it self when not needed...?

3. Can I tell when a broadcast receiver has been registered?  I guess
the issue would be that the user might need to populate the widget
with information even if the service hasn't broadcaster yet the new

I hope I somewhat make sense if not please ask I'll try to explain
better :)

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[android-developers] Active Installs Dropping Like Crazy but Total Downloads Increasing Steadily!

2010-08-26 Thread Moto
I'm getting a little concerned about the issue.  I know for a fact
that my application is doing very well from analytic...  But the
active installs are dropping daily by a lot! While my total downloads
are growing steadily as they always have!  I'm worried cause I know
that active installs affect an applications popularity and mine is
going to be dumped all the way to the bottom if this continues

So what's causing this issue? Two theories:
1. I recently allowed to install to SD card.
2. Android Market is broken?

Anyone seeing this issues?

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[android-developers] Re: Active Installs Dropping Like Crazy but Total Downloads Increasing Steadily!

2010-08-26 Thread Moto
Yeah... seeing results drop like that are very discouraging when you
work so hard on an app...  But I feel much better that it's not only
me...  Cause it hurts to see those really low numbers...


On Aug 26, 10:22 am, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm worried cause I know that active installs affect an applications
  popularity and mine is going to be dumped all the way to the bottom if this

 Have you noticed a change in your position as a result? I have not and my
 stats too are dropping steadily and appear to have picked up after an update
 over the weekend.

  So what's causing this issue? Two theories:
  1. I recently allowed to install to SD card.

 I don't allow this, still seeing the problem.

   2. Android Market is broken?

 Not necessarily broken, but it's doing something.

   Anyone seeing this issues?

 Indeed. There's already a thread going on the issue titled Is anyone's
 active install % dropping like a rock lately? Appears to be a common
 problem so I wouldn't worry too much about it (which I know is easier said
 than done as you watch that percentage plummet).

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] How to catch this browser intent?

2010-08-23 Thread Moto

I'm trying to handle the content not supported by the browser but for
some reason I can't get my app to catch this intent...  What do I
need?  Here is what the browser spits on the logcat:

Intent {
cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }

I have:
activity android:name=.myAppr
android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /
android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
android:name=android.intent.category.DEFAULT /
android:name=android.intent.category.BROWSABLE /

data android:pathPattern=*.pls/


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[android-developers] Re: How to catch this browser intent?

2010-08-23 Thread Moto
for some reason it doesn't resolve the mime type?   On other cases I
specify the mimetype and I can catch it but with this particular case
I can't :(

Raw Logcat message:
08-23 20:29:17.609: INFO/ActivityManager(995): Starting activity:
Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW
cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=http://listen.di.fm/
public3/liquiddnb.pls cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }

On Aug 23, 8:12 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm trying to handle the content not supported by the browser but for
 some reason I can't get my app to catch this intent...  What do I
 need?  Here is what the browser spits on the logcat:

 Intent {
 cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }

 I have:
                 activity android:name=.myAppr
 android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /
 android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
 android:name=android.intent.category.DEFAULT /
 android:name=android.intent.category.BROWSABLE /

                                 data android:pathPattern=*.pls/


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[android-developers] Re: How to catch this browser intent?

2010-08-23 Thread Moto
I have also tried the following intent-filter data catch:
data android:host=* 
android:scheme=http /

On Aug 23, 8:30 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 for some reason it doesn't resolve the mime type?   On other cases I
 specify the mimetype and I can catch it but with this particular case
 I can't :(

 Raw Logcat message:
 08-23 20:29:17.609: INFO/ActivityManager(995): Starting activity:
 Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW
 cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=http://listen.di.fm/
 public3/liquiddnb.pls cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }

 On Aug 23, 8:12 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:


  I'm trying to handle the content not supported by the browser but for
  some reason I can't get my app to catch this intent...  What do I
  need?  Here is what the browser spits on the logcat:

  Intent {
  cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }

  I have:
                  activity android:name=.myAppr
  android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /
  android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
  android:name=android.intent.category.DEFAULT /
  android:name=android.intent.category.BROWSABLE /

                                  data android:pathPattern=*.pls/


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[android-developers] Re: How to catch this browser intent?

2010-08-23 Thread Moto
Well as fast as I posted I resolved the issue! :P Thanks forum..

On Aug 23, 8:34 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have also tried the following intent-filter data catch:
                                 data android:host=* 
 android:scheme=http /

 On Aug 23, 8:30 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

  for some reason it doesn't resolve the mime type?   On other cases I
  specify the mimetype and I can catch it but with this particular case
  I can't :(

  Raw Logcat message:
  08-23 20:29:17.609: INFO/ActivityManager(995): Starting activity:
  Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW
  cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat=http://listen.di.fm/
  public3/liquiddnb.pls cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }

  On Aug 23, 8:12 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:


   I'm trying to handle the content not supported by the browser but for
   some reason I can't get my app to catch this intent...  What do I
   need?  Here is what the browser spits on the logcat:

   Intent {
   cmp=com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity }

   I have:
                   activity android:name=.myAppr
   android:name=android.intent.action.VIEW /
   android:name=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER /
   android:name=android.intent.category.DEFAULT /
   android:name=android.intent.category.BROWSABLE /

                                   data android:pathPattern=*.pls/


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[android-developers] Re: LVL found to be easy to crack

2010-08-23 Thread Moto
Well it saved me a load on car insurance! :P  It was good while it
lasted! let the race begin!
But being serious this kind of sucks... :( Poor market sells plus
pirating not nice

On Aug 23, 9:21 pm, Maps.Huge.Info (Maps API Guru)
cor...@gmail.com wrote:
 We all knew this was going to be a problem. It's inherent in the
 platform. That said, the steps required to fix an app so it will run
 are way more complicated than they used to be with just forward
 locking. The script kiddies will be dissuaded from trying to unlock
 hundreds or even thousands of apps to the point that it will become
 unprofitable for them to do so. It may appear  to be a simple scan and
 replace as shown in the article but for a complex app with lots of
 code, it will be a lot more difficult and subject to errors.

 I can see an easy way to thwart an automated patch. Just put about a
 dozen fake functions in your app with that code. They don't have to do
 anything but sit there. You could even put in a test to see if the app
 was patched and cause it to fail or do something evil without a lot of
 fuss. That way the pirates would not only have to look but would have
 to analyze logic, something that's going to be beyond even the best

 The thing that makes these pirates able to function is to be able to
 simply steal the app, load it on their site and sell it. If each one
 requires a manual effort to patch, they will quickly lose interest.
 There may be some that will continue to do this but the numbers will
 drop precipitately.

 -John Coryat

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[android-developers] Re: Any Interview Question

2010-08-22 Thread Moto
I agree I generally don't like to see packed resumes with so much
bs... :P

In any case assuming you are proficient in Android they will probably

Q: Can you start an activity via a Broadcast Intent?
A: try it out...

Prbl many things in regards to Intents... how to use them... etc...
That's on of the big things in Android...  Services, Activities what
are their differences...

Read the whole Android.com site! :P


On Aug 22, 12:28 am, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Vinay Julme vinayju...@gmail.com wrote:

 I just love that you follow this:

 Don't demoralizes the kid.

 Immediately with this:

   and Yo kid Rajesh have you heard something called Google?

 OP: I think what they're trying to say is if you need people to send you
 questions about something that is a new technology for you, you may not be
 quite ready to be interviewing for the position.

 Besides that, Vinay's advice is quite sound. Good luck.

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: Share library

2010-08-22 Thread Moto
I use the share options available by Android devices.  Most apps such
as facebook or other twitter apps support the share intent.  You can
actually see the intent call on the logcat if you do a share on a

Intent shareIntent = new 


On Aug 22, 10:53 am, samspade79 samspad...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Mark,

 What I mean is, rather than writing code that talks to Facebook,
 Twitter, etc, I wonder if anyone had already released this as a
 library I can use. I tried googling but share xxx brings up
 unrelated stuff.

 On Aug 22, 10:16 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 5:10 AM, samspade79 samspad...@gmail.com wrote:
   Does anyone know of a library that will give me the share
   functionality for pictures? Ie, how in many apps now you are given the
   option of sharing a page or image with facebook, twitter, email, sms,

  I am not quite certain what you mean by your question.

  If you are looking to determine what services allow you to share,
  construct an ACTION_SEND Intent that describes what you want to share
  and use PackageManager and queryIntentActivities() to find out details
  of who all supports that action.

  If you are looking to determine what applications *request*
  ACTION_SEND Intents, I don't think there's a way to do that sort of
  reverse lookup.

  Mark Murphy (a Commons 

  _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.1 Available!

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[android-developers] Re: enable/dissable fullscreen for lifetime of the app?

2010-08-21 Thread Moto
Ahh! nice!  For some reason I was expecting an actual proxy port! :P

So your method looks really good but it's just about the same thing if
I create a CustomActivity class extends Activity and overwrite the
methods I need to do special things such as checking user pref.  I
guess both ways can be clean  I'm guessing ether way will have the
same performance...

Thanks again!

On Aug 20, 5:21 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
  Mmm Activity proxy class? I kind of understand the concept but I'm
  not following well... you have a simple example?

 class ActivityProxy
  mActivity = null;

  public ActivityProxy(Activity activity)
   mActivity = activity;

  // Do whatever every Activity should do in onCreate
  public void onCreate()
   if (Prefs.runFullScreen)


 public MyActivity1 : Activity
  ActivityProxy proxy = new ActivityProxy(this);

  protected void onCreate()
   proxy-onCreate(); // Now all common code is abstracted here.


 public MyActivity2 : Activity
  ActivityProxy proxy = new ActivityProxy(this);

  protected void onCreate()
   proxy-onCreate(); // Now all common code is abstracted here.


 So your proxy does all the work that you want other Activities the ability
 to do, but it's centralized and encapsulated. The tradeoff, of course, being
 you need an instance in each Activity. But this is really no different than
 the alternative of overriding a base and then overriding all the required

 This may not be worth it in your simple case, but once your app grows and
 you have tons of common code you can't put in a base class, it proves its

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: enable/dissable fullscreen for lifetime of the app?

2010-08-21 Thread Moto
Perfect I understand why to use your method since java in a way limits
us from multiple extends :) Thanks man great help!

Thanks for that information now I know not to spend much time figuring
out if I can set the full screen setting for the lifetime of the
app...  It's always good to understand the core so I don't fight the
current :)

Thanks all I'm all set! :)

On Aug 21, 4:54 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 10:27 PM, Kantesh kantesh@gmail.com wrote:
  this may help u.. try it out..i am not sure..:)


 No this won't do anything you want.  The application context is global to
 the process, but not associated with a UI state, so you can't do UI from it.
  Also it is just global to the process, so once your process is killed,
 whatever you did to it is lost.

 You'll just need to check a setting in each onCreate() and set your window's
 full-screen flag as desired based on it.  You can just write a little
 function that takes an activity and does this, and put it in the onCreate()
 of each of your app's activities.

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: enable/dissable fullscreen for lifetime of the app?

2010-08-20 Thread Moto
thanks for the tip... I do have fullscreen deal working but setting a
theme seems like an interesting option, but still I have to make that
call every time an activity starts right?  What's the lifetime of
setting a theme? Activity lifetime from onCreate to onDestroy? or app

Mmm Activity proxy class? I kind of understand the concept but I'm not
following well... you have a simple example?

Thanks guys...

On Aug 20, 1:34 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 5:26 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
  One way to do it would be to have a custom Activity class that does these
  checks and all my activities can just implement it?  would that be slow is
  it recommended?

 It wouldn't be slow (at least it shouldn't be), but would only work if you
 only ever extend Activity. If you use ListActivity, MapActivity, etc, this
 would not work.

 An option is to make an Activity proxy class that takes a reference to an
 Activity and then forwards calls on to it as necessary. Then each of your
 Activities has a proxy and forwards calls to it and let's the proxy do the
 common work. A little more verbose since you need to inject it in every
 Activity, but a decent tradeoff given how Android is designed.

 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 12:27 AM, Kantesh kantesh@gmail.com wrote:
  this may help u.. try it out..i am not sure..:)


 OP would still have to check each time to see if the user had the setting.

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] enable/dissable fullscreen for lifetime of the app?

2010-08-19 Thread Moto
Currently my application allows the user to set the application to run
in full screen.  I than check in every activity at onCreate() if the
user has set to make the app run in full screen.  Is there a better
way to do this?  I have many other settings that I do and I find this
method a little bad in terms of code design.

Is there a way to set full screen for the lifetime of app or until I
set it back to not full screen?

One way to do it would be to have a custom Activity class that does
these checks and all my activities can just implement it?  would that
be slow is it recommended?


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[android-developers] Re: Why doesn't fillparent work for a child view group inside ScrollView?

2010-08-12 Thread Moto
Thanks Rommain! that was exactly what I needed!  Good thing your still
around to help us out! :)


On Aug 12, 12:02 am, Romain Guy romain...@android.com wrote:
 fill_parent means always be as big as your parent, which makes no
 sense in a ScrollView. What you want is android:fillViewport=true on
 the ScrollView/ tag.

 On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
  I want the view group to extend with the ScrollView if the content of
  the group is smaller than the display area of the ScrollView.

  How can I have the ScrollView child extend to fill the parent if it's
  smaller than the parent?



                 !-- Some content --


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 Romain Guy
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
 to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
 public forums, where I and others can see and answer them

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[android-developers] Why doesn't fillparent work for a child view group inside ScrollView?

2010-08-11 Thread Moto
I want the view group to extend with the ScrollView if the content of
the group is smaller than the display area of the ScrollView.

How can I have the ScrollView child extend to fill the parent if it's
smaller than the parent?



!-- Some content --


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[android-developers] Re: How to correctly organize layouts for different screen type?

2010-08-10 Thread Moto
Thanks Mark!

I really thought it was a smart idea but now that you put it that way
I guess it is smarter to create a dynamic layout for small, normal and

So at the end of the day this would be the specific layout structure:


On Aug 9, 4:08 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
  Currently I have only 2 layouts that need special attention.

 The key word there is currently.

  questions... What is the best way to properly handle screens


  I thought I would create the following resource folders:

 The first directory is OK.

  Does anyone know if this is the best way to handle specific layouts
  for specific screens?  Doing it by resolution size?

 You really really really really really really do not want to handle
 specific layouts for specific screens. Redesign your UI to be more
 fluid, and handle broad categories of screen sizes (e.g., small vs.
 normal vs. large).

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_ Version 1.9

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[android-developers] Re: How safe is emailing a signed App apk?

2010-08-10 Thread Moto
When ever I get requests from china or korea to localize they always
ask for strings.xml.
That is all they need...  So I suggest if you haven't start putting
al your strings in an strings.xml file :)

First time sucks but there after is good practice :)

On Aug 10, 2:47 pm, Rootko roo...@gmail.com wrote:

 For .apk localization it is only necessary to send the xml files with
 the strings (in case you don't have the strings hard-coded, which you
 must not have).
 Anything other than that would be suspicious to me... So I think there
 is no sense in sending the whole .apk.


 On Aug 10, 11:20 am, Droid rod...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have an email wanting to localise an APK. But I have to email him/
  her a signed APK. Is that safe, I mean can they access my merchant
  account or something horrible like that if they get my key store?

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[android-developers] Help understanding ANR trace?

2010-08-10 Thread Moto
  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1096)

FlurryAgent prio=5 tid=7 WAIT
  | group=main sCount=1 dsCount=0 s=N obj=0x44984420 self=0x24e2d8
  | sysTid=5172 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=2371648
  | schedstat=( 55450440 114135741 111 )
  at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
  - waiting on 0x44984568 (a android.os.MessageQueue)
  at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:288)
  at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:146)
  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:110)
  at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:60)

Binder Thread #2 prio=5 tid=6 NATIVE
  | group=main sCount=1 dsCount=0 s=N obj=0x4497f3c0 self=0x13d128
  | sysTid=5171 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=1172920
  | schedstat=( 236358659 331481927 749 )
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

Binder Thread #1 prio=5 tid=5 NATIVE
  | group=main sCount=1 dsCount=0 s=N obj=0x4497a8f8 self=0x11e7f8
  | sysTid=5170 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=1175528
  | schedstat=( 229827891 316406235 750 )
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

Compiler daemon prio=5 tid=4 VMWAIT
  | group=system sCount=1 dsCount=0 s=N obj=0x449782a0 self=0x11f3a8
  | sysTid=5169 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=1176424
  | schedstat=( 2052520764 981689442 13107 )
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

Signal Catcher daemon prio=5 tid=3 RUNNABLE
  | group=system sCount=0 dsCount=0 s=N obj=0x449781e8 self=0x11f5e8
  | sysTid=5168 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=1177000
  | schedstat=( 1281740 13519287 7 )
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

HeapWorker daemon prio=5 tid=2 VMWAIT
  | group=system sCount=1 dsCount=0 s=N obj=0x4335c948 self=0x121eb8
  | sysTid=5167 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=1204896
  | schedstat=( 242462156 215270991 269 )
  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)


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[android-developers] How to correctly organize layouts for different screen type?

2010-08-09 Thread Moto
I just got a hold of an HTC Evo and well my app really looked bad... :
(  What a shame my part...  But the app looked great on another device
I got Xperia X10.

The differences:
Evo: 480x800
X10: 480x854

Currently I have only 2 layouts that need special attention.  My
questions... What is the best way to properly handle screens

I thought I would create the following resource folders:

Does anyone know if this is the best way to handle specific layouts
for specific screens?  Doing it by resolution size?

I read over and over this but still a bit confused... What do you guys
do in general?


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[android-developers] Android Market Abusive developers...

2010-08-04 Thread Moto
I currently have an application that does something useful.  I'm
currently overwhelmed by the amount of MATURE wallpaper apps being
submitted BY ONE DEVELOPER!  Particularly ASIAN developers!  It's not
just one developer doing this but way too many!  The nature of these
repeated apps  are they contain mature content even when previewing
the app screen shots and they contain two pictures.

Here is a small list of a few developers ruining the Android Market!

Dev: background
Number of apps in the market: 11
email: ldcr0...@gmail.com

Dev: maike.TT
Number of apps in the market: +50
email: zaytmd...@gmail.com

Dev: Creature Apps
Number of apps in the market: +50
email: creaturea...@gmail.com

So the thing is yeah they have a right to put apps in the market, but
I guess the solution is or create a MATURE category or enforce them to
put it on the Entertainment category or a new wallpaper category.


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[android-developers] Re: Android Market Abusive developers...

2010-08-04 Thread Moto
Yes, well exactly that I'm worried about the Just In view.  I want
to upload my application and give users the chance to find out about
my application that way at least once in a while.  But now it's a joke
to look there it pure spam!  No longer interested my self to look at
the Just In since it garbage!

I feel bad for the new developers trying to get their work
discovered.  It seems that Just In is a good way to get recognized
and I know you can only be there if you run updates every month or

Maybe starting a petition to this issue would help? Not sure but I
really care about my application and more importantly the Android


On Aug 4, 12:54 pm, { Devdroid } webnet.andr...@gmail.com wrote:
 On 4 August 2010 17:30, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

  I currently have an application that does something useful.  I'm
  currently overwhelmed by the amount of MATURE wallpaper apps being
  submitted BY ONE DEVELOPER!  Particularly ASIAN developers!  It's not
  just one developer doing this but way too many!  The nature of these
  repeated apps  are they contain mature content even when previewing
  the app screen shots and they contain two pictures.

 Android Market is one big garbage. Flooded with crap like that one you
 mentioned, thousands of useles app uploaded by developers who only
 target at one thing - earning from ads. The Market does not look
 maintained at all - tons of spam comments (mostly by pirate sites)
 remains there forever. Market application is far from being useful -
 users are quite annoyed (politely speaking) trying to check if there's
 any new app available - the Just in category is pure joke with this
 flood of junk. There's no way to filter out by keyword nor publisher.

 Lately there're signals Google noticed that (at least a bit) and
 removed crap from couple of most active spammers, but this look like
 one time action to me as of now - I saw one of them back under new
 names (multiaccounts) and email addresses. But apps are the same,
 same icons etc...

 So we can only hope that once Google become profitable company one
 day, they hire more people to clean this mess.Finger crossed as it's
 high time really.

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[android-developers] HTC EVO RTSP issues... Anyone experience issues in this area?

2010-08-03 Thread Moto
I'm currently getting issues with the RTSP client of the HTC EVO
running Android 2.2.

The purpose of this post is to know if anyone has issues in that area
or if there is known bug on this... Just to know it's not only
me... :P


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[android-developers] Re: HTC EVO RTSP issues... Anyone experience issues in this area?

2010-08-03 Thread Moto
So yeah MediaPlayer RTRSP for the HTC EVO is not as good... :(

On Aug 3, 10:44 pm, r01carlsonr overvoltag...@gmail.com wrote:
 Looks like you aren't alone...



 On Aug 3, 7:53 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm currently getting issues with the RTSP client of the HTC EVO
  running Android 2.2.

  The purpose of this post is to know if anyone has issues in that area
  or if there is known bug on this... Just to know it's not only
  me... :P


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[android-developers] Re: onCreate, onStop..... super.onCreate, super.onStop... called before code or after?

2010-08-02 Thread Moto
Thanks for the replies guys!

Well Satya you have a point to call super before any code at
onCreate()... but MB also has a point :) when calling onDestroy...
onStop calling super at the end...

I guess since it's not really enforced I'm not sure it really
matters?  I tried both ways and it works but I'm afraid to maybe get
some memory leaks or things that are not apparent now but can cause
harm or unexpected issues on some users...

Mark, not calling super at onCreate will lead to a crash... :)

I got maybe a little more insight on this but still no definite
answer... maybe is not much of a big deal? :P

On Aug 1, 1:50 am, MB manoj.bi...@gmail.com wrote:
 By this logic, super.onStop and super.onDestroy would need to be
 called after the implementation of the more specific class.

 On Jul 31, 7:50 pm, Satya Komatineni satya.komatin...@gmail.com

  Probably there are exceptions to every rule.

  In this particular instance I would probably have the base class
  complete its work before I do the work of the derived. May be a poor
  parallel, but if I am constructing a multi-story house, I would want
  to finish the base floors and move on to the upper floors.

  Another thought is, a derived class comes later in conception than the
  base class. So a derived class can anticipate what a base class does
  on the otherhand baseclass designers would not have known what the
  derived class would have done.

  In case of a constructor, the compiler will tell you that you have to
  call the super first.

  However if I know that I am not altering the state of the base class,
  such as logging a message, I could put that method either before or

  Also if you want the behavior of the base class to be a default one
  after you have exhausted your options such as attending to menus, then
  you want to call the base super last.

  In the particular case of onCreate, as it resembles construction, I
  go with calling the super first.

  Hope this reflection helps

  Satya Komatinenihttp://www.satyakomatineni.comhttp://www.androidbook.com

  On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
   This might be a simple question but I'm seeing the super call at the
   end of the overwritten function and also at the start of the
   function.  What is recommended? any differences on this?

   I feel very beginner with this question... :P


          protected void onCreate)
                  // some code


          protected void onCreate()
                  // some code


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  Satya Komatinenihttp://www.satyakomatineni.comhttp://www.androidbook.com

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[android-developers] Using a new generated Keystone for existing app. Any possible outcomes?

2010-07-31 Thread Moto

I currently have my application signed using a keystone key I
generated.  Could I use a new keystone to sign my application for the
next update?

Any issues that could arise if I use a different keystone?


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[android-developers] Re: Using a new generated Keystone for existing app. Any possible outcomes?

2010-07-31 Thread Moto
keystone = keystore :P

On Jul 31, 6:24 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

 I currently have my application signed using a keystone key I
 generated.  Could I use a new keystone to sign my application for the
 next update?

 Any issues that could arise if I use a different keystone?


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[android-developers] Re: Using a new generated Keystone for existing app. Any possible outcomes?

2010-07-31 Thread Moto
Oops never mind :(  You can't do that...


Application upgrade – As you release updates to your application, you
will want to continue to sign the updates with the same certificate or
set of certificates, if you want users to upgrade seamlessly to the
new version. When the system is installing an update to an
application, it compares the certificate(s) in the new version with
those in the existing version. If the certificates match exactly,
including both the certificate data and order, then the system allows
the update. If you sign the new version without using matching
certificates, you will also need to assign a different package name to
the application — in this case, the user installs the new version as a
completely new application.

On Jul 31, 6:26 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 keystone = keystore :P

 On Jul 31, 6:24 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:


  I currently have my application signed using a keystone key I
  generated.  Could I use a new keystone to sign my application for the
  next update?

  Any issues that could arise if I use a different keystone?


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[android-developers] onCreate, onStop..... super.onCreate, super.onStop... called before code or after?

2010-07-31 Thread Moto
This might be a simple question but I'm seeing the super call at the
end of the overwritten function and also at the start of the
function.  What is recommended? any differences on this?

I feel very beginner with this question... :P


protected void onCreate)
// some code


protected void onCreate()
// some code


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[android-developers] Re: Using SharedPreferences.editor from OnSharedPreferenceChange listener

2010-07-28 Thread Moto
I believe that when you edit the preferences and you do a commit() it
will trigger to call the registered OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener.

I haven't tried using that but that's what it seems from reading the


On Jul 28, 3:16 pm, TreKing treking...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 5:41 AM, { Devdroid } webnet.andr...@gmail.comwrote:

  Is there a way to notify preferences that some values has changed (i.e. in
  OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener) so the prefs shall be re-read?

 Notify what preferences? What's the prefs that shall be re-read?

  How can I dynamically modify preferences values from within preferences

 The same way you do it anywhere 

 TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
 transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] What are the supported formats over RTSP for the MediaPlayer?

2010-07-26 Thread Moto
Does anyone know what formats are supported by the MediaPlayer via
RTSP?  Would it be the same formats available as suggested by the
phone manufactures and Android site?


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[android-developers] Re: ListView and a button inside the list item... How to process long presses?

2010-07-22 Thread Moto
Hey guys thanks for the feedback.

@greg yeah implementing a LongClick on the ListView is what I'm doing
it's just not getting triggered cause I have buttons on my ListView
items... :P

@Mikey well I guess I'll just go the hardcore way :P Cause I was
thinking this could be an easy solution but I guess not.. :P  Here I

Any other tips greatly appreciated...


On Jul 21, 2:54 am, metal mikey coref...@gmail.com wrote:
 Typically one doesn't longclick a button, rather one would simply
 click a button...

 I've implemented buttons within childViews and groupViews in an
 ExpandableList (similar, but more hardcore than your situation ;), so
 it definitely can be done...how'd I do this? Well I don't have the
 code at hand, as I recall it took some adjusting of focussable and
 clickable properties in the various views that made up the list, the
 groupViews, and the childViews.

 If/when you get it working using the lead I've provided, would be
 great if you can document the solution properly in this thread!

 On Jul 21, 12:51 pm, greg sep...@eduneer.com wrote:

  implements ListView.OnItemLongClickListener

  On Jul 20, 10:20 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi all!
   I got a ListView item that contains a button inside.

   Currently the long press of a ListView item does not get processed.  I
   thought that by setting the Button.setLongClickable(false) would allow
   the long press to be passed along to the ListView item and it's not

   Any help on this?


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[android-developers] Re: ListView and a button inside the list item... How to process long presses?

2010-07-22 Thread Moto
Hey guys,

Well it turns out that in order to allow the ListView to handle the
long presses you need to attach a LongClick listener to any button you
are listening for click events and return false so that the long press
can be propagated down to the parent...


On Jul 21, 2:54 am, metal mikey coref...@gmail.com wrote:
 Typically one doesn't longclick a button, rather one would simply
 click a button...

 I've implemented buttons within childViews and groupViews in an
 ExpandableList (similar, but more hardcore than your situation ;), so
 it definitely can be done...how'd I do this? Well I don't have the
 code at hand, as I recall it took some adjusting of focussable and
 clickable properties in the various views that made up the list, the
 groupViews, and the childViews.

 If/when you get it working using the lead I've provided, would be
 great if you can document the solution properly in this thread!

 On Jul 21, 12:51 pm, greg sep...@eduneer.com wrote:

  implements ListView.OnItemLongClickListener

  On Jul 20, 10:20 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi all!
   I got a ListView item that contains a button inside.

   Currently the long press of a ListView item does not get processed.  I
   thought that by setting the Button.setLongClickable(false) would allow
   the long press to be passed along to the ListView item and it's not

   Any help on this?


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[android-developers] Re: ListView and a button inside the list item... How to process long presses?

2010-07-22 Thread Moto
Well a little more than that... you just need to propagate the long
press down to the parent it seems...

On Jul 23, 12:12 am, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey guys,

 Well it turns out that in order to allow the ListView to handle the
 long presses you need to attach a LongClick listener to any button you
 are listening for click events and return false so that the long press
 can be propagated down to the parent...


 On Jul 21, 2:54 am, metal mikey coref...@gmail.com wrote:

  Typically one doesn't longclick a button, rather one would simply
  click a button...

  I've implemented buttons within childViews and groupViews in an
  ExpandableList (similar, but more hardcore than your situation ;), so
  it definitely can be done...how'd I do this? Well I don't have the
  code at hand, as I recall it took some adjusting of focussable and
  clickable properties in the various views that made up the list, the
  groupViews, and the childViews.

  If/when you get it working using the lead I've provided, would be
  great if you can document the solution properly in this thread!

  On Jul 21, 12:51 pm, greg sep...@eduneer.com wrote:

   implements ListView.OnItemLongClickListener

   On Jul 20, 10:20 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi all!
I got a ListView item that contains a button inside.

Currently the long press of a ListView item does not get processed.  I
thought that by setting the Button.setLongClickable(false) would allow
the long press to be passed along to the ListView item and it's not

Any help on this?


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[android-developers] ListView and a button inside the list item... How to process long presses?

2010-07-20 Thread Moto
Hi all!
I got a ListView item that contains a button inside.

Currently the long press of a ListView item does not get processed.  I
thought that by setting the Button.setLongClickable(false) would allow
the long press to be passed along to the ListView item and it's not

Any help on this?


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[android-developers] How to update the app's icon LAUNCH activity after an app update?

2010-07-14 Thread Moto
I'm currently running into an issue that makes sense but I'm not too
sure how to resolve it...

Here is the scenario:

App v1
icon LAUNCH is set to ActivityMain from the manifest file

App v2
icon LAUNCH is set to ActivityAll from the manifest file and
ActivityMain no longer exists

After updating to App v2 the app icon fails to launch the application
saying it doesn't exist!  After a restart of the phone things work.
So how can I refresh the applications package or better the launch
icon and shortcut icons so that my users don't experience this after
an upgrade of my newest app version?


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[android-developers] Re: How to update the app's icon LAUNCH activity after an app update?

2010-07-14 Thread Moto
I'm wondering if I can just add an extra intent filter to the new
LAUNCH activity and maybe the launch icon will be able to trigger the
new activity...

I'm not home now so I can't give it a try :P

Thanks Mark for your help!

On Jul 14, 1:49 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 1:32 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm currently running into an issue that makes sense but I'm not too
  sure how to resolve it...

  Here is the scenario:

  App v1
  icon LAUNCH is set to ActivityMain from the manifest file

  App v2
  icon LAUNCH is set to ActivityAll from the manifest file and
  ActivityMain no longer exists

  After updating to App v2 the app icon fails to launch the application
  saying it doesn't exist!

 Correct. The launcher, shortcuts, and everything will continue to
 point to the original activity. The launcher will be fixed on the next
 reboot, as you have discovered. Users will have to re-create any
 shortcuts they made, or anything else they tied into your application
 (e.g., Locale profile to start your activity under certain

  So how can I refresh the applications package or better the launch
  icon and shortcut icons so that my users don't experience this after
  an upgrade of my newest app version?

 Do not change your start activity. If needed, have ActivityMain call
 startActivity() on ActivityAll and then finish().

 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_ Version 1.9

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[android-developers] RTCP BYE packets not supported by the Android Media Framework?

2010-07-09 Thread Moto

I'm currently running into issues where the MediaPlayer fails to
complete or terminate after a RTCP BYE packet is sent.  The issue is
that when the RTSP server is completed serving a file MediaPlayer
continues ticking it's clock as if it was playing but with no sound
until after just about 1min it completes.

The question is: Is RTCP BYE packet supported at all by the Android
Media Framework?

Any information on this matter is appreciated.


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[android-developers] Re: CursorAdapter notifyDataSetChanged doesn't work? What am I doing wrong?

2010-07-03 Thread Moto
So from what I understand when I modify my database table and I want
the changes to show requery is the way to do it?  I'm still a little
confused about notifyDataSetChanged() when that would be useful...

@Android Dev, I don't see any function setNotifyOnChange(..)?

Thanks for the help guys!

On Jul 2, 4:47 am, Android Development indodr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I think for getting this callback, you need to call setNotifyOnChange(true).

 On 7/2/10, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

  On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 10:51 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
  But not sure if design wise is good? Why doesn't
  notifyDataSetChanged() work? what's the difference on what I just did?

  requery() reloads the Cursor's data.

  notifyDataSetChanged() tells an Adapter's listeners that its data has

  requery() on a Cursor will cause an attached CursorAdapter to call
  notifyDataSetChanged(), after having loaded in the new data.

  Calling notifyDataSetChanged() yourself, without actually having
  changed the data set, will not work.

  Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)

  Android Training...At Your Office:http://commonsware.com/training

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[android-developers] Re: CursorAdapter notifyDataSetChanged doesn't work? What am I doing wrong?

2010-07-03 Thread Moto
Ahh just after I posted I think it clicked!

So notifyDataSetChanged() seems to be more useful for ListViews
adapters that aren't database driven...  Such as array of data.

The requery is exactly what it says it requeries the data it updates

Thanks guys! :)

On Jul 3, 10:23 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 So from what I understand when I modify my database table and I want
 the changes to show requery is the way to do it?  I'm still a little
 confused about notifyDataSetChanged() when that would be useful...

 @Android Dev, I don't see any function setNotifyOnChange(..)?

 Thanks for the help guys!

 On Jul 2, 4:47 am, Android Development indodr...@gmail.com wrote:

  I think for getting this callback, you need to call setNotifyOnChange(true).

  On 7/2/10, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:

   On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 10:51 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
   But not sure if design wise is good? Why doesn't
   notifyDataSetChanged() work? what's the difference on what I just did?

   requery() reloads the Cursor's data.

   notifyDataSetChanged() tells an Adapter's listeners that its data has

   requery() on a Cursor will cause an attached CursorAdapter to call
   notifyDataSetChanged(), after having loaded in the new data.

   Calling notifyDataSetChanged() yourself, without actually having
   changed the data set, will not work.

   Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)

   Android Training...At Your Office:http://commonsware.com/training

   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   Groups Android Developers group.
   To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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   For more options, visit this group at

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[android-developers] Re: How to remove a HeaderView from a ListView?

2010-07-02 Thread Moto
Thx! sounds good!  I'll than just go try to implement another method
of adding a header view :) I'll take a look at your sample!


On Jul 2, 2:54 am, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:20 PM, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
  How can I remove the Header from a ListView?

 If you are using addHeaderView(), you can't. I don't even think
 calling setAdapter() again will necessarily get rid of it.

 So, don't use addHeaderView(). Rather, create your own adapter that
 blends your main roster of Views with your header. While my
 MergeAdapter will not handle your specific case, you can use it to see
 the concept of blending multiple row sources:


 Mark Murphy (a Commons 

 Android Training...At Your Office:http://commonsware.com/training

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[android-developers] CursorAdapter notifyDataSetChanged doesn't work? What am I doing wrong?

2010-07-01 Thread Moto
Hi I'm trying to clean up some code and now I'm determined to get this
seemless ListView updating working...

I want my ListView to be updated when I call notifyDataSetChanged()
but nothing happens... I'm also passing the autoRequery flag to true
when creating my CursorAdapter.

Cursor c = FavoritesHandler.getCategoryFavorites(getSQLiteInstance(),

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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[android-developers] Re: CursorAdapter notifyDataSetChanged doesn't work? What am I doing wrong?

2010-07-01 Thread Moto
Let me add that for the first time now I can update the ListView by
doing the following call:

But not sure if design wise is good? Why doesn't
notifyDataSetChanged() work? what's the difference on what I just did?


On Jul 1, 10:40 pm, Moto medicalsou...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi I'm trying to clean up some code and now I'm determined to get this
 seemless ListView updating working...

 I want my ListView to be updated when I call notifyDataSetChanged()
 but nothing happens... I'm also passing the autoRequery flag to true
 when creating my CursorAdapter.

 Cursor c = FavoritesHandler.getCategoryFavorites(getSQLiteInstance(),

 Any help is greatly appreciated!

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[android-developers] How to remove a HeaderView from a ListView?

2010-07-01 Thread Moto
How can I remove the Header from a ListView?  I tried setting the
view's visibility to GONE but that just leaves me a blank area...

Is there a way to be able to disable the header and than enable it


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