Re: the touch experience?

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: the touch experience?

I want touch screens with tactile feedback. Notice, one of the first things I did when we learned about Coulomb's Law... in sixth grade... was to ask the teacher if that meant tactile illusions could be created electronically. This is not an amazing innovative concept.Funnily enough, when I tried to limit myself to articles published before fall 2005, and researched electrostatic displays... I found more than enough articles to write a decent research paper.Just looking at the abstracts, it seems like the designs were a bit more than necessary, possibly even for the time period, but I think they wanted to test the concept for accessibility's sake, and thus went as close to all out as they could.But, mostly, I'm just annoyed that this technology has received the "meh" treatment for 60 years. It took touch screens becoming ubiquitous for a company to take it seriously. And that has yet to go anywhere, never 
 mind diffuse to the vast number of touch devices out there.(Also, check this out:  ; it sounds like they have a bizarre history with another company, making me question the likelyhood that they're actually going to accomplish anything more than Senseg. But their website makes it sound like (sound like--I'd have to ask them to be sure I'm not mistaken, because it's not entirely clear) one could conceivably call them up, throw several thousand dollars their way, and have a bending wave-based illusiry keyboard on the device of your choice. Which inevitably means Android, because open source.  )Gaah!URL:

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Re: Wanted: blind Java programmers for user study

2014-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Wanted: blind Java programmers for user study

Blind Java Programmer and Jaws User? Check³.However, I don't have any experience with setting up Jaws scripts, and I only have the demo version of Jaws 10 (could get newer demos if necessary, but they'd still be demos. It isn't inconceivable that I could obtain a full license, but I'll only worry about that if it is a necessity.)URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Pygame (a set of Python modules specifically designed for making games) includes an audio system. It's not as nice as BGT's sound_pool, but it's much nicer than most else I've found. And one can always wrap it in something friendlier.I also found this in my history (I don't remember what it is; it'll only be the second time I've embarrassed myself tonight if it turns out this was you or me asking the same question a few months ago): think the developer of Sound RTS has a page on using pygame.mixer, somewhere. I'll edit it in if I can find it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Pygame (a set of Python modules specifically designed for making games) includes an audio system. It's not as nice as BGT's sound_pool, but it's much nicer than most else I've found. And one can always wrap it in something friendlier.I also found this in my history (I don't remember what it is; it'll only be the second time I've embarrassed myself tonight if it turns out this was you or me asking the same question a few months ago): think the developer of Sound RTS has a page on using pygame.mixer, somewhere. I'll edit it in if I can find it.[edit]Yeah, Sound MUD links to the articles I mentioned in that thread. There's some more complicated stuff in there, too.[/edit]URL:

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Re: Question about BGT

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Question about BGT

It is possible to declare an array of objects that match a given interface, so you can do exactly what you said.Example:interface enemy {
void act();
// Add more if needed.

class Robot : enemy{
// Robot properties.

// Robot constructor:
Robot() {}
void act()
// Code for robots.

void robot_method() {
// You cannot access this method if the Robot is known only as an enemy,
// but the act method knows it's a Robot, so just call act.


class Dragon : enemy {
// Dragon properties.

// Constructor:
Dragon() {}

void act()
// Code for Dragons.

enemy@[] enemies;

void load_level(uint level) {

enemies.resize(0); // Not important for the example, but a good idea.
if (level==10)
Robot r;
Dragon d;
void game_loop() {

for(uint i=0; iYou probably won't need to cast an enemy to a specific class after you've created it. If you do need to cast, though, you can do this:Robot@ r=cast(enemies[i]);
if(@r!=null) {
// Do something with the Robot.
else {
// It is not a robot. Try something else?
 Dragon@ d=cast(enemies[i]);
// Do something with a Dragon.
else {
// Default?
}But it should be possible to avoid the need to cast. It is better if more operations of objects begin in interface methods; that way, casting is unnecessary.I hope this wasn't confusing...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How can I decrease my stupidity?

2014-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: How can I decrease my stupidity?

Disclaimer: My response might be dumb. Read with caution.IIRC, you were 13ish whenever you started posting? A year ago maybe?You set off fewer obvious "I am a young teenager" alarms for me than a few young teenagers around here, and I wouldn't insult the intelligence of all that do.If I were 13/14-ish, I'd probably say something like "Don't listen to everything you hear/ask questions/read a lot". Keep in mind, I was under the impression that I was following said advice, and now I'm pretty sure I wasn't doing it right. It's still a good idea, but... ah... doing it right appears to involve a great deal of luck, effort, and luck, so let's just put it in the "generic but think about it" pile for now.If I was even worse than I am at modeling other people's reactions, I'd suggest websites (with warnings about things that look enough like Singularity cults that a lot of outsiders r
 ound up and leave it at that), but that'd be a dumb idea. Especially since certain websites do not appear to have done much for me. So I will in no way suggest that you read a blog that talks about the Bayesian Conspiracy, because then I'd just look dumb. And that's kinda what we're trying to avoid, here.So, instead, I'll suggest that, if any conversations where this comes up are in a form that can be saved, save them. Don't go nuts over them trying to figure out what happened; people do this over mistakes all the time, and while sometimes it does help for the future, most of the time postfacto rehearsal is just stressful. But finding patterns is nice. It does, though, require a sufficient hypothesis selection ability, which is actually pretty difficult to come up with. Hence, "read a lot".But, you know, people tend to move toward the average of the people with whom they have the most contact. This has some weird zero sum implica
 tions (The average stays the same, the worst gets better and the best gets worse), which makes trying to use this to one's advantage into a moral dilemma of sorts (though there are ways to munchkin around this. For example, if one focuses on gaining from a superior group, but all the stronger members of the group have other connections pulling their average upward...). But that's... kinda insane and unreliable and how in the world does someone go shopping for a group of "people smarter than me who I can spend most of my time with but who have even smarter people they can spend enough time with that I don't weaken their smartness"? That, and it's a general rule of thumb, not a hard-and-fast law.I think this post is a mess. Let's just round to "read a lot" and "try things, and if you don't get frustrated at least monthly, you should probably try harder". But... that last one needs caveats about how one should consider 
 evidence (and the strength of said evidence) before deciding what to try (i.e., if there's ample evidence that something is self-destructive, probably shouldn't try it. But research the evidence to be sure you understand it right. So don't jump off bridges, because that generally results in injuries or death or at least a visit to the police/mental hospital. The evidence for that is pretty strong: gravity and bone-breakage don't magically stop working below bridges. If a troll tells you otherwise, laugh at them for being from a medieval fairytale, then ask them to star in your epic feature-length live-action retelling of the Billy Goats Gruff.)URL:

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Re: why do we fear the blind?

2014-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: why do we fear the blind?

If there's anything I've learned from the internet, it's that people can read the exact same text and understand it in diametrically opposed ways.For example, in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Ms. Fig testifies that squibs can see Dementors, then proceeds to give such a querky account of an event that Harry concludes she's lying. Quite a few people on the internet took Ms. Fig's word for it anyway.I mention this, only because the "blind are cursed by God" mentality is addressed in the New Testament, and I read it as debunking that belief. Apparently, these people disagree. (John9:1-3).I get the impression that people see blindness as the most salient detail about the person, so usually get stuck on that. In the US, we have a lot of people terrified of offending people by using a disability as a means of starting a discussion. I wonder if a "You can ask; I won't bite" T-shirt would accomplish a
 nything? ... Assuming people didn't read it as saying "You can't ask; I do bite".URL:

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Re: I have no passion in life

2014-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: I have no passion in life

I liked school (up until I got senioritis that followed me all the way through college). I'm still pretty much in the exact same boat.I moved into my own place a week and 2.5 hours ago. Almost all of that time has been spent on the couch or pacing.Thursday, I got sick of not doing anything useful, and installed Leachblock. Not half an hour later, a tornado came out of nowhere and installed super leachblock, in the form of using trees to sever the power lines. And the phone lines. And knock out the internet. So I was without internet for over 20 hours. This did not help. But it might be getting better, I dunno; only time will tell.There really isn't much else to do.You know, I remember reading things saying that the defining quality of the millennial generation is the sense of community. I find this analysis perplexing on multiple levels.URL:

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Re: Best python development environment

2014-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Best python development environment

Is Idle accessible? (I'm not even sure that's how it's spelled; I don't bother with IDEs most of the time, but it's the one that's been mentioned as I've been reading up on Pygame).URL:

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Re: Why do so many people use Sendspace and what is so great about it?

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Why do so many people use Sendspace and what is so great about it?

As someone who is in no position to start a monthly subscription service, either Sendspace or Dropbox, I mostly use Sendspace when my dropbox gets disabled for too much traffic. Which happens pretty much every time I post a link.No, I don't install download wizards, for exactly the reasons in post 6. It irritates me that so many sites are moving toward those. Especially since they are, in fact, riddled with malware. You didn't need all these wizards back in the days before Megaupload was destroyed.But, really, all of these sharing services need to impose limitations on free users. Bandwidth and filespace are not free. Whether it's Sendspace throttling download speed, or Dropbox having space and traffic limits, they need some restrictions, else they'd immediately go into debt and close (see: the .com bubble).Yeah, yeah, things are cheaper nowadays. That still doesn't make the pro version of everything, or cheap web hosting readily avail
 able to everyone who could use it. Chris's age leads me to doubt he has much financial autonomy, and I just plain don't have money to throw around without every little thing becoming a major expense. I'd totally sacrifice the $10/month for cheap hosting if I was making $16k/year. (FYI, that's extremely difficult for most people to live on. One of the advantages to not having a car or making loads of long-distance phonecalls, I guess.)URL:

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Re: New kickstarter project: haptic feedback vest

2014-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: New kickstarter project: haptic feedback vest

Am I reading right that it has raised over $111000 of its $75000 goal, and there are still 30 days left? Last time I checked, the maximum Kickstarter let a project run was 60 days.The question is: does this block audio in the process?URL:

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Re: web hosting recommendations?

2014-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: web hosting recommendations?

Swamp uses a computer in Aprone's basement. I think he has through Yahoo!, and handles forwarding connection requests through said site.The donations from 2011-2014 were mostly just enough to cover the costs of running the server (maintenance, electricity, upgrades).A VPS/VPN would probably be a good starting point if you don't want to/can't afford to set up a physical server directly. Just be aware of all the DNS stuff.URL:

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Re: learning braille music

2014-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning braille music

I imagine that someone here can summarize the basics. I'd try now, but it's been a while, and I'm currently on a phone. If no one does it before my next chance, I'll see if I can come up with something helpful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: learning braille music

2014-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning braille music

I'm pretty much with Dark. I find braille horribly useful in general, but when it comes to music, the existing system is more trouble than it's worth. I usually just open midis in Noteworthy Composer and read it with Jaws/NVDA if I can't figure it out by ear.But, anyway, what I remember goes like this:- The notes go from d to j, for some unholy reason.- The bottom two dots are used to indicate the length of the note. Now, you might be thinking "Two dots? That's only four possible combinations!", which is a very excellent point, but in the time it took to reply your time limit for the all-region sight-reading test ran out. See what happens when you nitpick? Anyway, I forget what combination is what, only that both dots can be both 16th notes and whole notes.- I forget what symbol is used to dot notes or indicate triplets, but I imagine it will be easy to figure out, since it probably looks suspiciously related to one of 
 the many braille periods or 3s.- The a, b, and c-topped symbols that were not used for notes are used for rests instead. I don't get it either.- The time signature, IIRC, uses a numbersighn (#), followed by the top number (top two rows), then the bottom number (bottom two cells). So, in computer braille, 4/4 time would look like #d4 ... Except I'm pretty sure there's a special symbol for common time/halftime, too, and I don't remember that one.- I think measures are separated by spaces.- I don't remember for sure, but I think tied or chorded notes (I forget which) are connected with hyphens (-)?I think this mostly exhausts my memory. I tried it like two or three times then gave up and started using midis and inventing my own notation if I ever felt the need to write something down when I was away from NWC or something to record with.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: learning braille music

2014-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: learning braille music

I usually just use separaters between letters to indicate the rhythm, if I really need to write music in plaintext. ABC, A B C, A, B, C, A-B-C, etc. It isn't really standardized since I usually just do this when I'm out then either forget about it or convert it to NWC the first chance I get.There's also the music formatting used in BGT's soundtrack object, but it's probably awful for reading since it's optimized for creating music programmatically.If I were to recreate braille music from scratch, I'd probably go with something similar to what we already have, except less needlessly obfuscated and more print-music-shaped. But my tendency to try and cram as much data into the smallest space possible would probably make it look about as ridiculous as d-j notation.


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Installing Windows 8.1

2014-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Installing Windows 8.1

I remember there being a topic on this, but I couldn't find it in the first 8 pages or with the search feature, and I'm running on an old laptop battery at the moment, so new topic it is:I was playing Bokurano Daibouken 3, and therefore hitting the spacebar quite often, when Windows decided it was a good time to ask me if I wanted to update to 8.1. Being a meany, whoever designed that prompt set it up so that you default on the "install and update without asking for confirmation" button.So my computer restarted and is no longer talking to me and I have no idea what to do.Does anyone know what to do? Like, does a prompt of some sort come up? Is it taking me to the windows logon screen and NVDA is simply not talking? Do I have to do anything fancy? Am I completely screwed without sighted help (in which case I have some choice words for Microsoft, since I never actually agreed to this)? Something else entirely? Is there an available resource tha
 t will tell me what to do?Much thanks to anyone who can help!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Installing Windows 8.1

2014-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Installing Windows 8.1

Thanks; it was slow and cumbersome and did weird things with the audio volume, but it eventually worked.My soundcard was doing weird things when it first loaded (echoes and such), but it sounds fixed now, so I hope that's an actual fix and not a patch I just did.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

MBraille has a weird V-shaped configuration by default, which takes getting use to. That said, it's way less frustrating than typing with the on-screen qwerty keyboard.I imagine if I had a bluetooth keyboard, I'd probably use it for everything. In the absence thereof, though, I'm pretty much exclusively typing with M Braille (I haven't tried Flexy. I remember a previous discussion that compared the two in terms of ease of use, but I don't remember how it went and I actually had an extremely frustrating time figuring out how to paste things and by the time that was under control, I didn't feel like going back to the app store.  )


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Re: the eloquence driver doesn't work in NVDA. Please help!

2014-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the eloquence driver doesn't work in NVDA. Please help!

(*Cannot find a userConfig folder* *Has a systemConfig folder that already has addons and addonsState.pickle in it*)The only issue I'm having is that I can't read uppercase letters without having to reset the person to restore normal pitch.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the eloquence driver doesn't work in NVDA. Please help!

2014-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the eloquence driver doesn't work in NVDA. Please help!

Not so far as I know. It's installed in my program files folder.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Apparently, setting your content as not for kids will not save you, as the FTC will go ahead and treat anything they think of as "for kids" as being "for kids", from the sounds of it. The language of the COPPA is ... bad. It's like something written by out-of-touch old people who know nothing about the generation after them, probably because it was written by out-of-touch old people who know nothing about the generation after them. The question is if there's some way in there for things like South Park and Hentai to meet the "Cartoon clearly does not mean 'for kids' in this case" standard. Does the fact that the first line in DBZ Abridged is "Oh no, my marijuana patch" enough to save TFS from getting fined? cause that's apparently the sort of thing people are thinking about doing, to make it as clear as possible to whatever entity will judge their fate that they should not be considered in violation.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

A long video where a youtuber and an attorney discuss COPPA and the situationIt is rather thorough. Not much useful advice, though, on the grounds that there isn't much one can do besides comment to the FTC and hope they respond helpfully. And, uh, if comments on this forum are any indication, I'm not sure I trust most comments that would come from here to not make things worse  .The one main hope here is that Youtube adds a mixed / general audience setting, since this exclusive or situation with fines for perceived violations just makes everything worse.


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Re: I need urgent help understanding why people need urgent help

2019-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need urgent help understanding why people need urgent help

Yes. Yes. This. Yes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I tend to sleep during studies/learning something new.

2019-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I tend to sleep during studies/learning something new.

Important question: are you getting enough, high-quality sleep under normal circumstances? This seems to be a cause of many, many problems, some less obviously related than this one.I do not expect I will forget the time I was college-shopping and had a meeting with an enthusiastic physicist with decades of experience... and fell asleep while he was talking about things I really wanted to hear more about.Part of this is probably blindness screwing with circadian rhythms, and that's really hard to do anything about (Hetlioz is stupidly expensive; not sure if other countries have as bad a gauntlet of flaming hoops to jump through to get it as the US).Standard recommendation is to get checked for Sleep Apnea, and get a CPAP if diagnosed. I find this rather annoying, but everyone insists that the quality-of-life improvements are enormous.I could be barking up the wrong tree. Not sure where else to look, other than finding an excuse to keep moving (even if it's just tapping your toe inside your shoe), or medication (and those are troublesome to use correctly without side-effects, although Modafinil is apparently the undisputed best at no-side-effect wakefulness).


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Re: how much do you think freedom scientific loses because of cracked jaws

2019-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how much do you think freedom scientific loses because of cracked jaws

I seem to recall someone saying that an FS employee or executive once told them that their real source of income was charging 10x the cost of manufacture on notetakers. They also historically made those difficult to impossible to service without sending them in, meaning that you needed either a warrantee or to pay a service fee. Add to that what everyone has already said about businesses, schools, and governments doing most of the software purchasing, and I get the impression that individuals cracking Jaws is their lowest priority.


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Re: In which country is better to live?

2019-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: In which country is better to live?

Umm. I think the thread started with the focus meant toward the difficult of immigration in mind, rather than only rehashing the previous topics.I'd expect Germany would be easiest to get into, what with that whole EU thing. Brexit seems likely to make getting into the UK from Ukraine harder. I have no idea how difficult it would be to get into the US, Canada, or the rest of The Commonwealth.Fwict, Canada is probably a good choice, but the immigration rules are difficult.Possibility: aim for Germany first, if it is indeed easiest to immigrate to. Save money while there, so as to pay for future immigration, if you get there and find you'd prefer elsewhere.Source: going off memory of very vague descriptions of treaties and immigration attempts. Please research to confirm before taking action based on the above.


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Re: Braille Reading Speed, what is your average?

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braille Reading Speed, what is your average?

IIRC, something like 130 on paper. Not sure about displays.However, I haven't read so much in a while, and would probably be lower if tested right now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

I'm surprised you didn't go into how their 'default' weapons are designed to psychologically fight against their flaws. Leonardo is always hesitant to put his brothers in danger as their leader so Master Splinter gave him Ninjaken, which (while a Hollywood weapon) were designed for quick, decisive strikes. Raphael is obsessed with proving he's the strongest so he was given the Sai, a disarming blunt weapon meant for defense and not killing. Michelangelo is scatter-brained and lazy so he was given the  most complicated (another Hollywood weapon) Nunchaku because it would force him to focus in order to use them effectively, and Donatello with his talents using machines and computers was given the most low-tech weapon possible to teach him not to rely on superior arms.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Domino's Pizza Petitions Supreme Court Over ADA Compliance

2019-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Domino's Pizza Petitions Supreme Court Over ADA Compliance

@13: Yeah, Papa John's is better... everywhere but my town. Like, I've somehow had Papa John's in several different places, and I just happen to live in the location with the one bad Papa John's. And, yeah, they're both overpriced.@14-15-16: Got a timestamp on that? I downloaded the app because the site was such a pain (Firefox, Safari), with important "how to get to the next part?" controls in unintuitive formats / locations, lots of clutter, etc. The app was almost identical when I first got it, just a wee bit less cluttered. Recently they — *distracted by culture clash in the next room* ... Ahem.I guess I'm fucking stupid, considering that it took several orders that took over 30 minutes (at a minimum) to wrestle with the online interface to place an order. After enough of this, one does tend to learn how the thing works, but it is among the least intuitive online purchase systems I've encountered.I don't think it's bad enough to invoke the ADA over, but it is bad enough to give a 1 or 2 star response to the "how would you rate your online order experience?" survey question. ... Heh, except they broke that in the app in one of the latest updates, so all the vote options just say "star". Are they in ascending or descending order? Guess they don't want my feedback anymore.This is all spread out over the past 5 years, keep in mind. Though I don't remember noticing their site change much. The app is way less clunky.


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Re: Using apps to walk independently

2019-08-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Using apps to walk independently

My strategy has generally been to look up directions, then only use GPS to determine what block I'm on. GPS is unreliable enough that I'd usually recommend asking 3 times. If all three are different enough that you can't get useful information out of it, keep walking until either this changes, or you can ask a human what street you're on/near.I don't generally use the Maps app, as it has generally been worse than no phone at all for walking, in my experience. Maybe the best example is the time I was in Indianapolis looking for a bus-stop. The most direct route from my hotel there was to go to the road it was on, then follow that road for a mile, and go like 20 feet around a corner. My phone sent me on a complex winding route through tiny side-streets, then the GPS got confused and thought the Freeway was the road I'd started on. Then my phone died, because it was a 2.5-year-old iPhone 4s, and apparently that meant less than an hour with Maps was too much for a full battery.Meanwhile, a "where am I?" or use of the compass have been far more helpful. Would that GPS was comparably accurate to Swamp's navigation aids.


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Re: What is the strangest or scariest thing that has happened to you

2019-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is the strangest or scariest thing that has happened to you

I guess that time I got stuck on the wrong side of the guard rails as a train was coming was pretty terrifying?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Domino's Pizza Petitions Supreme Court Over ADA Compliance

2019-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Domino's Pizza Petitions Supreme Court Over ADA Compliance

This seems like the case for most restaurants, fwict. Not being able to drive and casually look at businesses in passing, and not being interested enough to do online research, I hardly ever learn about these. There's this Mexican place my parents decided to try ... holycrap 18 years ago, but it feels weird calling it a Mom 'n Pop business, somehow. The owner is really good at establishing a medium-to-large-sized business feel, and has been willing to try changing things up to see what sticks, and it's pretty busy nowadays, especially on weekends.And this post ends here, before it becomes a review of this restaurant. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

. As Mark Twain said, “Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it.”


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

Dyson swarm sounds so alien, until you realize it's satellites around the sun.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

"orcas will divert the course of ships, humans will acidify the ocean - you know, classic pranks"


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

See, this is what happens when you leave your galaxy outside on a hot day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

I tried typing "ðorn" to see if Eloquence would voice the th. It pronounced it as "born". ... Then I typed it into this box, and it pronounced it as "thorn" with a voiced "th". I am so confused! Also, while I know that þ and ð were used based on position rather than vocalization, I suspect that þ was voiced quite a lot (the, thee, thou, this, that), while ð was more of a toss up (death, breath, but wither hither heather weather), the fact that Eloquence voices it when it says ð (for some reason it knows ð and þ but not yough, which I don't remember how to type) has me thinking of þ as unvoiced and ð as voiced. This is just going to make things more confusing when I wind up in the world where they write English phonetically and abolish gendered pronouns and weird conjugation.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Graphiti Braille Display Now Available?

2019-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Graphiti Braille Display Now Available?

It sounds like $15k is the pre-release price, implying that it will be cheaper upon release, but that's not saying much. $5k is cheaper, after all. ... wait, $5k is the price of a Braille Sense. Carry on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: questions about dating and atraction

2019-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: questions about dating and atraction

"Not judging by appearances" ends the moment you can touch the bits you can't hear / smell. The difference is that those things come after all the others, which is more fair, I guess.But yeah, people I would actually find attractive seem kinda rare. Then again, my access to a sufficient variety of people exists solely in educational contexts, because, even without the Off-resistant mosquitos and heat advisories, the only incentives to go outside hereabouts are "the weather is not too horrible today and Vitamin D supplements are actually weirdly countereffective". Then again again, most people I know who paired off did so in college, or with someone they met in college. Then thrice again, I find the whole subject kinda annoying and would probably take the "tell biology I know where to find knives" approach had biology not planned for this by making informed decisions come with irreversable side-effects Which brings us back to the subject of children, because you know that if I were to go back to the 90s and make myself a candidate for the new Walter Tetly, that's when I'd find someone and decide that maybe I wouldn't be a terrible parent after all.I also had to look up Walter Tetly's name, and only just now thereby discovered that Sherman had red hair and glasses, which is not at all how I imagined him I have reread this post multiple times and have no idea what it's supposed to be saying. Uh, people don't know what they're talking about where this subject is concerned, and modern anglophone cultures with which I am familiar seem kinda disfunctional about it in many ways? Yeah.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

Humans: War is hellAnts: War is Tuesday


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

1971. Ken Kesey was taking LSD with his friend Paul Foster. Then things got weird.Paul tried to stand. He took a second to catch his breath. Kesey – the thing in Kesey’s body – seemed content to let him. It just stood there, hovering.“W…who are you?” asked Paul.“NEIL,” said the thing in Kesey’s body.“But…who…what ARE you?”“NEIL,” said the thing in Kesey’s body, somewhat more forcefully.Quivering from head to toe, Paul knelt.“NO. I AM NEIL ARMSTRONG. ELEVEN MONTHS AGO, I FELL THROUGH A CRACK IN THE SKY INTO THE EIN SOF, THE TRUE GOD WHOSE VASTNESS SURROUNDS CREATION. LIKE ENOCH BEFORE ME, I WAS INVESTED WITH A PORTION OF THE MOST HIGH, THEN SENT BACK INTO CREATION TO SERVE AS A MESSENGER. I AM TO SHOW MANKIND A CITY UPON A HILL, A NEW JERUSALEM THAT STANDS BEYOND ALL CONTRARIES AND NEGATIONS.”Paul just stared at him, goggle-eyed.“YOU DO NOT BELIEVE. I WILL GIVE YOU A SIGN. ARISE AND OPEN YOUR BIBLE, AND READ THE FIRST WORDS UPON WHICH YOUR EYES FALL.”Mutely, Paul rose to his feet and took a Bible off his shelf, an old dog-eared King James Version he thought he might have stolen from a hotel once. He opened it somewhere near the middle and read from Psalm 89:12-13:The north and the south Thou hast created them: Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in Thy name. Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is Thy hand, and high is Thy right handWilliam Blake described mystical insight as “seeing through the eye and not with it”. Stripping away all of the layers of mental post-processing and added interpretation until you see the world plainly, as it really is. And by a sudden grace Paul was able to see through his eyes, saw the words themselves and not the meaning behind them:arm strong is Thy handFor a moment, Paul still doubted – did God really send His messengers through druggies who had just taken monster doses of LSD? Then he read the verse again:high is Thy right handFor the second time in as many minutes, he fell to his knees.


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Re: Bats That Use Leaves As Sound Mirrors

2019-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bats That Use Leaves As Sound Mirrors

It makes it sound so complex and scifi/fantasy superhero mcawesome, when you could swap out "sound" with "light" and "ears" with "light receptors" (people don't have extra internal eyes, afaik, but cones / rods / etc are specialized for different aspects, eye movements play a part, eye size, shape, spacing, angles, etc), and you're describing normal vision.The precision to use individual leaves that way is impressive, but that's somewhat offset by the fact that insect-eating bats are pretty small. If a leaf is the comparable size of large furniture, then the main difference between leaves and my garbage can is that leaves are way more aesthetically pleasing. ... And abundant.Nevertheless, bats could still utterly destroy me in an echolocation battle, even compensating for the size / environment differences, so eh. There is no excuse for getting lost in my own yard when the road, the building, the trees, and that little hill with the storm-cellar I'd be too afraid of squatting fanged things to use under it are all right there and unmoving. Maybe it'd be easier if I was a foot or two shorter? cause it feels like it would be, but maybe height advantage works with echolocation just as it does visually; I'm not sure why it wouldn't, unless there's a serious range limitation that makes the added distance cost more than can be gained from height. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Neurolink: Casual Brain Surgery For All

2019-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Neurolink: Casual Brain Surgery For All

Yes, but whatabout swimming / acrobatics / combat / sneezing / spaceflight / roller coasters / running into signs that overhang the sidewalk?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

It's the neediness, the status anxiety, the fear of their peers in the industry and their audience, the resentment - that's what I feel like I'm picking up on that's driving these works. It's like Orwell said: "The imagination doesn't breed in captivity."


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Make Your Topic Titles More Descriptive

2019-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Make Your Topic Titles More Descriptive

Agree with post 1. "Urgent help required" / "new game" / "problem..." Heck, even just the title of a game is often insufficient, because, like, can you expect people to know what game has that title.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

Ecliptor deserves a second chance. If Zedd and Rita were able to do so by becoming human, why couldn’t the same apply to him?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

It is worth noting that small, low-thrust Fighters can be extremely low-tech. This would make them far less combat-effective, but would make them less vulnerable to EMP-like anti-drone defenses, fwiw.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

2019-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clipboard Game, paste whatever is on you're clipboard.

An amusing historical anecdote on point is what General Grant is alleged to have told skittish subordinates upon taking command of the Army of the Potomac: "I’m damned tired of hearing what Lee is going to do to us … it is about time we start talking about what we are going to do to him."


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my thoughts on the uses of Braille

2019-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my thoughts on the uses of Braille

Imo, literacy necessarily involves decoding written symbols directly, and having them read by a TTS shouldn't count. Writing is more ambiguous, since I can't think of any reason that typing shouldn't count. All throughout history, and still today, those who are fully literate tend to have far better outcomes than those who are not, and we find the same trend among blind people who are Braille-literate and those who are not.But it seems that these days, I mostly just use Braille to read the SSA letters claiming they totally sent out a previous notice explaining why they were charging me $1542 extra, even though it mysteriously hasn't appeared from the dimentional abyss that my mailbox apparently is, while OCR has been helpful on a daily basis, so idk.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my thoughts on the uses of Braille

2019-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my thoughts on the uses of Braille

@20: I think probably, since it comes from a person's name. IDK if other encoding systems are capitalized... Morse Code? Which is also named after its inventor.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

Re: "you can just close your eyes" ... So I don't think that's literally true, on the grounds that I find my eye formerly known as the good one demanding to be opened sometimes, even when it's particularly sensitive and that would be bad. There were some moments when playing Swamp got some long unused impulse to open eyes and look for the zombies to get really distracting.That said, sleepshades are a thing. So the question is how much utter darkness as input would be distracting.Anyway, the future sounds horribly unpleasant, unless we get the option to just go hide in a personalized Utopia and not get eaten by whatever "The System" is at the time. So I'll ignore the mechanism and focus instead on Fairy godparents, or a genie, or some divine miracle, or whatever.I like what I had in the 90s. But if that was the only miracle I was being offerred, or if perfect vision was being offerred... I'd be kinda unhappy that a miracle was on the table and that was the only one available. Because no matter if you also miraculously fix the neurological and skill stuff, I still see myself having problems with it. Like, what would the psychological affects of being able to see people clearly be? How would vision effect motivation, attention, etc? Do I have the attention span to drive carefully, since we did not include self-driving cars in this miracle? And I think that constant reminder of how tall I am would be especially dysphorigenic. What about the things I'm better off not seeing? Etc.But at the same time, refusing such a thing is like being offerred a big wad of no-strings-attached money, and refusing. It's basically being offerred superpowers compared to the present. ... I'd have to change my health insurance, I guess, but that's beside the point. It's really hard to imagine sight, by itself, being much of a quality-of-life improvement. Other than video games and scenery. But the ability to drive and read and identify arbitrary businesses without having to ask people what they are would be huge, wouldn't they?If I could get back what I had, then maybe slowly work up to improving, but it's all part of a broader package of problems miraculously solved, I'd feel a lot better about it. But ceterus paribus, I'd expect perfect vision to be stressful enough that I'd be uneasy about taking it on its own, and rather upset because I'd probably have to take it anyway and pray I could cope with the downsides.I think, though, it'd also tend to be a more constant reminder about everything else that's wrong in my life that can't be fixed with current tech, and I'm not sure how that'd weigh.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

I was avoiding saying it directly, but since it keeps coming up: I prefer not being able to look at attractive people. I'm not sure what would happen if I gained the ability to look at people in that way, but it seems likely to be bad. Also, I have always been disinterested in pornography, and can count the instances I've found pornographic audio on one hand (I was not impressed in any case). Would being able to see it change anything in that regard? I'd hope not, but I'd rather not stress-test it.That said, on the off chance I do wind up in the sort of situation where prolonged eye-contact would be really nice, not having that opportunity (and by extention denying it to the other person) would indeed be a downside of blindness. On the other hand, my vision never was sufficient for strong eye-contact, so I wonder how even simple, not-the-least-bit-romance-related eye-contact would effect me? It's hard to imagine because I only ever had one working eye, so even trying to imagine better detail and focus than I ever had isn't quite enough to get the idea.Now, if this were a package deal with everything else being fixed, I'd assume that would also mitigate those concerns somewhat (and outweigh what's left, I'd hope). Which is to say, that the only way "give me sight" makes my 3 wishes to a 3-wish genie is as a subcomponent of "fix everything, or failing that, fix me". And genies tend to be picky and avoid such vaguities (or worse, come up with the least convenient interpretation of the words), and in that case I'd have to narrow it down to the point that vision would get left out. Though I can imagine some way in which ... OK, if I keep thinking about specific wording of genie wishes, we'll be here all day.(Everything else including my house. Why am I choking on the neighbors' apparently out-of-control barbecue after 9:00PM? >.< Would being able to see mean I would have fixed this by now? It's quite unhealthy. Not to mention all the books and tapes I need to not be destroyed.)


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Re: How to make music with out midi keyboard?

2020-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to make music with out midi keyboard?

HTF did I learn NWC in 2002 without assistance, and nobody else can figure it out with my help? QWS is way more accessible, but given the choice between an events list with all the midi details, and just writing sheet music with read-lag to get around the accessibility problems ...Anyway, QWS has a virtual keyboard that's semi usable, especially if you can tweak the config to your liking. NWC has nothing of the sort, and the version I use is not so good for modern Windows but the latest version has problems that prevent me from recommending it (mainly that they nerfed the free version). The biggest problem with the old version is that the help file is in an ancient, unsupported format, and I used the help file a lot when learning the program.Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding the first two posts, but none of my midis were made with a midi keyboard. ... Or a virtual keyboard, on a count of by the time I've planned the song thoroughly enough, and practiced it enough to get a good recording... I could have written it several times over and tried a variety of modifications. But since most people apparently have rhythm or something...I know nothing about Reaper. I just use NWC for original music, and QWS when working with pre-existing midis (NWC mangles things with its midi importer, and quite badly, but I still use to use it to learn songs, and just mentally corrected the butchered rhythm).I do prefer NWC to music ml type generators, on the grounds that I can easily listen while editing, without need to compile or whatever. Maybe I just had more patience for learning software back then.I'm on my phone, so can't actually check what's in this, but if it's what I think it is (a bunch of midis I sent someone as a demo), then these are all made in NWC: … opD2Z_wYC2Ugh, someone teach me how to make NVDA addons so I can fix the NWC accessibility problems. It should be trivial. At the absolute worst, it'd just append shift+left, ctrl+c, shift+right, nvda+c to everything, but that's really dumb and would mess up in literal edge cases and ruin the clipboard. But the way the clipboard thing works suggests that both NVDA addons and Jaws scripts should have other ways of identifying NWC notation.I don't like this post. What should I replace it with?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

I don't like the science fiction future. It sounds weirdly alienating. I don't know why. Extreme transhumanism and/or brain-linked simulations are clearly the only way to Live the Life I want™. But whenever I hear people talk about those things, it just sounds sad. I am confused.But yeah, if I had to pick one futuristic perk, it would not be sight. I'd need to know what futuristic perks are actually on the hypofuturistical table before picking one, but I'd much rather have perfect teeth / no RSI / other biomancies. Things where I know the quality-of-life improvement is unambiguous and positive and without major tradeoffs or concerns. But were I offerred 5 ... eh, maybe. I'd have to actually try and make the list to be sure. But it feels like an obligation more than like something I'd actually want.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

@61: yeah, I basically see refusing as leaving money on the ground. I worry about things that might come with it because I know what living in my head is like. Fixing this one thing by itself, without fixing the other things... I could probably cope, but, like, the kind where I'm not sure?@64: You know, of the three drop-routes they gave me at LCB, I mostly liked the first one and was kinda "meh" about the other two. The first one was an adventure. The second was just a long walk because apparently that weird texture sound on Alabama Ave extends a mile past Tech Drive. And the third was lame because I'd already found Lowe's before so immediately knew where I was (I heard the intercom while passing by while looking for someplace else, and went in to check the address). The first one, though, they just dropped me off in a tiny parking lot in the middle of the woods on some obscure backroad I'd never come within a mile of. The "find this address" assignment that originally led to my finding Lowe's, though, does demonstrate a #blindproblem, though. I found the right block, and the right street, but there was a shared parking lot with the driveway on a completely different road. I have no idea how I was expected to find that out. There wasn't anyone reasonably close to ask. I finally just picked a spot that sounded clearish, and charged up the hill to see if there was a way to reach the parking lot that way. I don't remember if I left the same way, or actually found the driveway on my way out. But yeah, I still have no idea how I was supposed to guess that the driveway was on the perpendicular, and a sighted person would have known immediately, and even if I had only the sight I had in the 1990s, I could have seen the parking lot and just did what I wound up doing an hour earlier.Which is to say: this is like the second or third time I've heard you suggest that independent travel in an unknown place is impossible. I felt that way and whined about it a lot on this very forum, then tested the limits experimentally (and would have done it sooner if I had more conscientiousness than a stump), and, empirically, I can just ask Siri or Google Maps just like everybody else, and not need rescuing ... at least 2/3 of the time. And Indianapolis was my own damn fault (but the panicking civilians didn't make things easier). ... And also empirically, I still ran into "how was I supposed to figure that out blindly?" things on occasion. I can't tell if I'm splitting hairs or not, here. Sorry if I got this completely wrong  This feels weird. Like, in 2013-14, I was complaining about how you basically had to be some kind of demigod to overcome such and such problem. Then I overcame said problem. So either you don't have to be a demigod, or I am a demigod. I don't think it's the latter. I think maybe I'm unusually visually-minded or something? It'd explain the travel skills, and the geometry, and the platformers, and the intermittent attempts at doing things with graphics. Eh, I don't buy it.Ugh. Can a GP prescribe Adderall? I feel like I'm making more ADHD-addled narcissistic posts than usual. Oh, hey, if I wasn't blind, I wouldn't have Medicaid, would I? ... What insurance would I have now, and what would I have had 5 years ago? Hmm. Well, whatever it would have been, it wouldn't have had the restriction about not being able to get stimulants when neither employed nor a student.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

@@73: I feel like there are two parts to the social model that you describe. One of these is purely social / not well thought out by the sighted majority, and the other is based around the absurd overpowered nature of vision compared to the other senses, making it impractical to design things any other way until we can afford to. (When any particular society could afford to move away from a monosensic structure is a vast a complex subject, and some would argue that progress and opportunity for safe progress overlap almost completely. I'm not sure I'd agree (why is Braille so young? How old are canes, seeing as that whole "blind leading the blind" parable only makes sense without them being common, but I'd think that using a big stick to extend one's awareness to be a concept that predates civilization ...' ). Which is to say, it'd take up a whole thread and a thesis or three.)I think I weighted that poorly. Suffice it to say, there are two separate parts to the social / cultural / worldbuilding situation, and disentangling where one begins and the other ends, and when a failure in the resource-based one is or is not acceptable, is going to lead to lots of differing opinions.But I do feel like the three biggest downsides to blindness (other than being left out of video games) are people, the increased difficulty accessing books and written data, and being in a world built under the assumption that only people who can drive are considered worth building anything but daycares and prisons for.One of those is purely people being ignorant and/or needlessly unpleasant. The other two come from practical resource allocation concerns that I'm not sure could have turned out any differently without making life harder unnecessarily for everyone else. Maybe push building car-based infrastructure back a century, but then would the tech that gets around the problems with cars have developed without drivers being able to go basically anywhere at anytime? And a tactile form of writing is outcompeted by ink and paper quite handily, seeing as tactile forms of writing did exist (where are all the blind Cuneiform experts?). If we can posit a world where cars did not reduce accessibility of travel, it's much harder to come up with a way that books could have been accessible between the invention of affordable writing materials and the production of enough resources to make alternatives practical.Computer accessibility, though ... -_- I feel like I keep trying to be more balanced, and instead keep coming back to the "how could we expect otherwise without reducing scarcity"; stuff. Presumptive design is far more troublesome on a daily basis. I mean, who thought puting an inaccessible CAPCHA on an email service after decades was a good idea? Someone who read "I'm blind" in my support ticket and took it as meaning "I couldn't read that one, and only that one". ... Ugh, how much clearer could I be? "I'm blind" means "I cannot see", not "lol I that looks weird im so blind roflmao". >.<(And that is why I stopped answering forum emails. F***ing CAPCHAs.)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: experiences in a blind school or the organization

2020-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: experiences in a blind school or the organization

Some past discussion: … -to-share/ … the-blind/ … y-perform/Personally, I went to a school for the blind for two summers (and was not impressed), World Services for the Blind in Little Rock, AR (and hated it), and the Louisiana Center for the Blind (and had a much more positive experience, but lots to complain about and lol at the NFB propaganda. Or to put it another way: LCB was great for me, but the fact that NFB members operate LCB does not take away the problems with the NFB.). I can probably dig up more detailed responses from past discussion if you want.


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Re: Paid Columbia Research Study: Navigating in Games Using Sound

2020-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid Columbia Research Study: Navigating in Games Using Sound

How specific a controller are we talking? For PC, I use ancient PS1 controllers that lack analog sticks or rumble. Are either of those necessary?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is it possible for me to speak with someone's else voice?

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it possible for me to speak with someone's else voice?

Oh. And I was about to recommend Morphvox for low-quality voice-changing.Anyway, here's an E-mail I recently received that might help:The next generation of Lyrebird’s voice cloning software has arrived.Dear Lyrebird customer,We’re pleased to share that Overdub — a new and dramatically improved version of Lyrebird’s Vocal Avatar technology — is now available. Listen to this demo to hear for yourself how much voice quality has improved!As you may know, Lyrebird was acquired by Descript in 2019. Overdub is integrated into Descript, an audio editor that lets you generate and edit audio by typing. Learn more about Descript, and try Overdub for free by downloading the app.Lyrebird users will no longer be able to access their Vocal Avatar voice. A future version of Overdub may allow voice creation from audio recorded on the former Lyrebird website, but for now, if you wish to create an Overdub voice, you’ll need to record new audio in Descript.If you recorded audio on the former Lyrebird website and wish to have it deleted permanently, please let us know through this form.What this means for you:Although Vocal Avatar is no more, Lyrebird users can now access Overdub, Descript’s text-to-speech functionality, which is even more powerful than Vocal AvatarTo create an Overdub Voice, users will need to download Descript, create an account, and click “Overdub Voices” in the left sidebar of the Descript Project window  Users will need to record themselves speaking, using a script provided by Descript, to train their Overdub VoiceSafety and security is our top priority, and Descript users may only create Overdub Voices using their own voiceThank you for using Lyrebird, and we’d love to see you over at Descript!So as you can read, they have declared a policy against using their service to impersonate someone else. Jokes on them. I want to impersonate myself! Now if only I had enough recordings with the quality necessary to pull this off...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

I think calling blindness a magnifier for other disabilities is pretty accurate, at least for certain other disabilities. "Where did I put my keys?" becomes a much more troublesome thing when you have to meticulously check every square inch of every place you could have left them. (Have I mentioned that I hate dropping small things, especially the bouncy/rolly/tumbly kind? It's to the point where, if I can't find a dropped nut or raisin within a couple minutes, I just vacuum the whole house.)Yeah. Dropping things was one of the things on the list I forgot about. Driving and reading ... there are ways around those, if cumbersome and less effective. You can always tell people they're wrong. But a tiny item, dropped and tumbling quietly and pseudorandomly, will not yield to computers or education. And they're generally too small to find with the flat cane trick, as it just goes right over them at the tapery parts.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Gravity Sims: are any accessible?

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Gravity Sims: are any accessible?

I'm specifically talking things that simulate orbital mechanics and the like, where you can create custom solar systems / planets / moons / etc, and see what happens over time. People mostly use them to discover that making systems that are both interesting and stable is really hard.There are apparently quite a few of these, some free, others fancier and more detailed and gah I want Universe Sandbox 2. But I expect none of the best ones are the least bit accessible, unless something uses standard UI components for displaying/editing raw data.So obviously, the best that happens here is accessible numbers. But are there any such sims available?Bonus points if there's something open source, so an accessible AUI can be added, but that's not a requirement.


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Re: Gravity Sims: are any accessible?

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Gravity Sims: are any accessible?

Eh. Using beacons with adjustable rolloff / zoom / Doppler should be reasonable-ish. The trouble is distance, since bright objects can be seen from much farther away than loud objects can be heard. Maybe audio approximating radio would work better, since we do have astronomical radio signals that can be converted into  audio. Let the user adjust the max distance from which a sound can be heard, and the shere scales involved will do the rest. You'll find instead that you'll want to use pointer-type beacons, like Swamp or New Horizons, and even then, I expect it would be a mess.


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Re: Is it possible for me to speak with someone's else voice?

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it possible for me to speak with someone's else voice?

Even if they are both native English speakers, there are lots and lots of English accents. And there's speaking style and stuff. Impersonators just using text get discovered for style / dialect mishaps.


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Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

2020-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your choice? Would you restore your vision?

@98, re: ages 2-12: I feel the polar opposite, even excluding the part where my vision worsened in high school. (If anything, it got better when my vision got worse, but I don't think that has so much to do with vision as it does other things... but "better than 13-14" is a pretty low bar."Let's be honest, " is one of those phrasings I'd really like to see less of Which just brings me back to how Id rather the singularity / second coming / some manner of over-the-top miracle situation happen before I could be offerred vision, by itself. Sure, if I'm using it to lookat a screen the whole time, that's not so bad. But doing anything else, it'd be a constant reminder of everything else that's broken. What I had wasn't good enough for 21st century games, so really I didn't care too much when it worsened until I got a hold of a game it would have worked with that I'd been wanting for a while and couldn't make sense of it. Of course, I was in college at that point, so nothing important to daily life had gotten my attention yet, because we try to keep people as far away from real life as possible for as long as possible, these days. Really, I think there are loads of sighted people who could use a sighted equivalent of LCB and CCB. People get into their mid-late twenties or even early 30s, not knowing how to handle basic stuff. But then we'd have the sighted equivalent to NFB seminars, and I don't want to guess which political fringe that would , be and just lament that it would inevitably politicize generalized functioning. I think I might hate the 21st century.Having said all that ... I've spent ... HOLYCRAP 18 YEARS trying to get around blindness to make games and videos etc, and have failed pretty hard. And I still drop things often enough for that to be a headache. Knowing that I can cope with being lost in the middle of nowhere, or that I can build various things out of wood, etc does help, but does not make it easier to undrop things, or to deal with people, or to play Kingdom Hearts. And how am I ever going to make it back to my home planet if you have to have 20/20 vision to be allowed into space?


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Re: E acute?

2019-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: E acute?

Doesn't it copy the symbol to the clipboard?


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Re: What do You Guys Want to See in an Independence Training Center

2019-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Guys Want to See in an Independence Training Center

It sounds like the way it works in Germany isn't too different from the way it works in the US. The Training Centers are available in part because people felt like they weren't getting enough from the standard stuff, and also for people who go blind later in life, or for people who want to set aside a short amount of time for training, instead of interrupting whatever schooling / work they're already engaged in.TBH, it's hard to say what the NFB mindset is, based just on LCB. Instead, I'd point to some of their lawsuits, protests, and Banquet Speeches. Really, it's more the Banquet speeches, and General Session speeches, from the National Conventions. Audio and sometimes transcripts of these are available ... somewhere. At the most extreme, you had people singing "Glory, Glory, Federation!" which is a weird way to combine militant-like and cult-like qualities into three words. At best, it's "Everyone tries to keep us down, but we can do better if we overcome their Ablism!" IME, the speeches tend to be in the middle.LCB defaulted to playing past speeches when there was nothing better to do for Seminar, and anyone in the program at the time of National Convention had to attend, General Sessions and Banquet included. (Sneaking out of General Session after being seen was sometimes viable. They try to arrange to have everyone from LCB in the same area, and there were always sighted staff members in the middle of that area, but the place filled up so quickly and chaotically that this was not an enforceable setup. Or I guess it could have been, if they'd really wanted, but I managed to escape early a couple times, so meh.)Other than that, it's mostly the Structured Discovery-based "Be more confident/assertive" thing, with a dose of "Be more independent!". You'd think that acknowledging the need to occasionally ask for information or assistance would be in opposition to that, but apparently Americans are just really terrified of asking strangers for information, for some reason. (There were students from outside the US, mostly Mexico and Canada, and Puerto Rico depending how you count Puerto Rico.)I wonder if maybe this is a good time for the seemingly annual reminder that the US is a vast, pedestrian-unfriendly half-continent, whose regulations on businesses and services vary wildly with decade. According to Google Maps, my parents' live about 5.1mi (8.6km) from me, as the crow flies, and neither of us is really on the outskirts of town. I have no idea if there's a single sidewalk on the shortest path by road, and they are about 1mi / 1.6km from a bus stop. I should add that thorough bus coverage here is quite new, within the past 5-7 years or so. Outside of big cities, passenger trains don't really exist. There are a few intercity trains, mostly in New England and California, iiuc. Most O and M, IME, is either generic (which is not the same as general), or overly specific ("OK, that's a route from my apartment to the theater, but what if I want/need to go somewhere else, or get lost somehow?"). Just 10 years ago, GPS was not good enough to compensate. At best, it could guess what street you were on (which is still a huge boon, don't get me wrong). Just 20 years ago, GPS wasn't widely available to random civilians. GPS helps a ton, in the sense that Swamp's zones and beacons help a ton, but there's still way more to it than that.I have no idea why I went off on a tangent about GPS. I'd better post before I go off on some other tangent.


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Re: sighted verses blindness mindset

2019-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sighted verses blindness mindset

I never had perfect vision, but I could play Mario until I was 14.33. And you know what else? Prior to that, I made it very clear that I did not care one way or the other, so long as I could still play video games. And lo, the Lord laugh'd out loud, saying, "Even that which you have, it shall be taken away." And it was so, for the Lord had spoken it, This somehow managed not to bother me for a whole 5.5 years, though. Then I decided I was really tired of not being able to play the games I wanted, and started on what would become the Jeqocon Console. And no seriously I had to get out of college and realize how much it bites living with and being dependent on your parents when they were your parents at the same point in their lives to sink in>.><.<...I can has game?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do You Guys Want to See in an Independence Training Center

2019-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do You Guys Want to See in an Independence Training Center

A lot of NFB-inspired centers apparently started popping up all over the country in recent years. If I've heard correctly, they're easier than Colorado Center for the Blind, which is easier than Louisiana Center for the Blind, and I have no idea where Blind Inc / BISM fit into  things. World Services for the Blind (formerly Lions' World) in Little Rock is ... Well, there was a recent thread about that.You might find the thread linked in post 2 helpful, although there's a lot of back-and-forth during the bits where no one has much to go on.


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Re: randomly generated complaints about AGNet admins.

2019-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: randomly generated complaints about AGNet admins.

So... anyone wanna download the public version of GPT2 and train it on the forum, and see how many complaints it generates?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: randomly generated complaints about AGNet admins.

2019-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: randomly generated complaints about AGNet admins.

GPT2 is an AI that responds to prompts with more coherent text than the typical random text bot. The devs decided not to release the strongest version because they're afraid it's too good, and would be used to quickly write a ton of fake stuff. A weaker version is on Github. It seems to really like Zebras.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: randomly generated complaints about AGNet admins.

2019-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: randomly generated complaints about AGNet admins.

GPT2 is an AI that responds to prompts with more coherent text than the typical random text bot. The devs decided not to release the strongest version because they're afraid it's too good, and would be used to quickly write a ton of fake stuff. A weaker version is on Github. It seems to really like Zebras.


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Re: Looking for Blind Users for a Study on Nonvisual Digital Maps

2019-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for Blind Users for a Study on Nonvisual Digital Maps

If it's still open, I'm interested 


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Re: I’m going to the space camp for interested visually impaired students

2019-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I’m going to the space camp for interested visually impaired students

Regular Space Camp had, like, simulators and stuff. Although the EPCOT Mission Space thingy was way more involved as regards the forces involved, whereas Space Camp is more detailed with regards to things actually involved in carrying out missions. ... Come to think of it, how hard would it be to build the 5df chair in my back yard? OK Sirexa, add "research 5 degrees of freedom chair" to my notes.But, as was made apparent the last time it came up, the VI version and the regular version seem to differ in some significant ways. Although, it's possible that people have just become more paranoid since I was there, and both are about the same.


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Re: Getting started with streaming, what's the best way to go about it?

2019-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with streaming, what's the best way to go about it?

Jumpcut says to just use whatever you have, don't worry about equipment; it's the content that matters. But Jumpcut made me sit through 3 hours of Kong saying how awesome their secrets are over and over without saying anything useful, thinking that would make me buy their crap, but it didn't, so what do those rich Californians know?But, uh, I do think the emphasis on equipment is not as important as it sounds. I'd worry about the software and distribution side first, and upgrade equipment if that stuff works out.But that hasn't done jack for me, so what do I know?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Getting started with streaming, what's the best way to go about it?

2019-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with streaming, what's the best way to go about it?

I could get Audacity to record the soundcard and the microphone without installing anything extra, but that does include the screenreader. If there's some other output device, and you can have the screenreader go to that one, that'd solve it, but we're right back to either VAC-type software, or hardware.(If you have a Braille display, you might could get away with muting the Screenreader?)


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Re: Software similar to tactileware, the vOICe or brushtone

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Software similar to tactileware, the vOICe or brushtone

I made an experimental thing for viewing images via sound and Braille. Sound Paint is probably better. It allows you to add custom sounds for arbitrary colors. I aimed for the default to exploit synesthesia, but the last time I uploaded a test, I hadn't worked out how to deal with extremely unrecognized colors in an intuitive way. IIRC, Sound Paint ran into the same problem, and went with the RGB sequence. I did eventually come up with another way that works better for me, but I feel kinda like rambling about it without a link is kinda obnoxious. (The solution was to divide the color not into Red, Green, and Blue, but brightest single color, secondary color, and the rest goes toward luminosity/saturation. Trying to make sense of red+green+blue as a creamy orange was confusing, so now it's red+yellow+white. This is still a little confusing, but it's the difference between unusably confusing and sorta-kinda-strenuous-but-usable.)


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Re: Online college destroyed my motivation, please kick me into shape

2020-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Online college destroyed my motivation, please kick me into shape

Welcome to the cl— *reads replies* NONONONOYOUAREALLWRONGYOUKNOWNOTHING!!!If the replies in this thread actually help, ignore this post, because in my experience, anything that helps at all is miraculous and to be appreciated accordingly.To be fair, though, I've only skimmed because the first sentence of every one of Jayde's posts is giving me flashbacks and I can hardly come up with coherent.In my experience, the whole mocking extroverts going crazy in quarantine is maddeningly unfair. I am as introverted as they come, but being isolated from positive human interaction still messes me up to the point that I can't do anything, no matter how much I want to. I'm pretty sure I'd've been here posting crappy games at least two years earlier if my first two years of college hadn't been so bloody alienating. And all I got in response was utterly useless motivational poster stuff like the above.What helped was waiting two years for non-alienating people to show up somewhere I could find them. Lo and behold, my grades improved dramatically and all of the Java/BGT games I opened with here got made, and I did a bunch of writing, too.Then I left, and 2012-15 happened. Remember all the whining I did all over the internet during that time? Of course you don't; why would you read, let alone remember that awfulness?Then I went to LCB, and oh look: a big new game: and more writing, and more music, and all that.Then I came home and it collapsed. Then I went to work and it got a little better but still kinda bites but that's OK because I was never any good at those things in the first place.The trouble is that people just plain don't believe that this is possible. Everyone insists it must be deliberate decisions on my part, like I'm doing something else instead, and that's because I like the something else better or some assinine rubbish like that. Pray none of them are forced by the hand of fate to stare at a wall in powerless desperation for hours on end.I do not have answers that do not require breaking Social Distancing. I did, however, try doing some quantifying, and found some things that appear to help, if much less so.Time-boxxing. The strongest variable next to positive human interaction was being stuck with the 40min version of Jaws. I've tried using Aprone's time reminder for this purpose in the absence of 40min Jaws, but one must be consistent about it. That is to say, every x minutes, you stop what you are doing for y minutes. If you're stuck in a rut, or going the wrong direction, or distracted, this helps make it easier to reset and try to get into a more cooperative context.Internet limitations. Enforcing these artificially is hard, and worse, the very things you could most easily block are increasingly necessary to do online coursework. But if you can find a way to effectively block anything that might be drawing you away from what you're better off doing, it's probably worth a shot.Be sure you are getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is a pathway to many disabilities some consider to be uncredible. Beware, though, as too much sleep is also dangerous. Yes, this is annoying.Physical activity, especially in fresh air and healthy amounts of sunshine. I find that my body seems to strongly prefer constant escalation when it comes to this sort of thing, which really needs to be moderated because big drops in activity tend to come with a huge mental crash. I'm not convinced pacing escalation carefully is a common problem, though; I was apparently just meant for mountains or some crap.Diet has some influence, but it's really hard to pen down what, specifically. I find that if I go without much sugar for a while, a cookie is noticeably energyzing, but if there is a significant background level of sugar, a handful of cereal is horribly depressing. The best I've got is "eat healthy (whatever that means) and keep the most motivating stuff rare, lest you build up a tolerance."Things which other people suggest, but that are worse than useless for me, include things like telling others what you intend to do, so that the pressure of not making yourself a liar motivates, training yourself with small rewards whenever you complete a problem or assignment, and commitment contracts, where you put yourself in a position where you lose money if you fail at the goal. None of these work for me (neither does locking myself in a tiny room without internet access for five hours with nothing else on my mind), but they remain popular, so maybe they'd work for you / someone reading this.Phew, I don't think I'd've gone on so long if not for all the "the power was inside you all along" replies. Is that good or bad? Let's hit "submit" and find out.


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Re: What Gives, YouTube

2020-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Gives, YouTube

@7: building a Youtube takes a lot of work. That's why they have no meaningful competition (and are therefore getting close to monopoly and anticompetitive territory. Google runs Youtube at a loss, because they just have that much money and already have enough infrastructure they own. Literally no one short of Gates, Besos, or Musk can compete with that, and that's because they dominate other niches, if less totally.)You know what's weird? Lots of educational Youtubers are moving to Nebula, mention Nebula in all their videos, talk about how signing up for Curiosity stream gets you a free Nebula subscription... and none of them actually include a link to Nebula anywhere. Curiosity Stream might, but I'm on Suddenlink and they apparently have a deal for Suddenlink customers, which means I don't have to buy the CS subscription, which means I don't get the Nebula subscription, and I have no idea what even the URL to Nebula is. .com? .io? .tv? .net? n.eb/ula? Someone just link to the site in a video description already!)


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Re: Online college destroyed my motivation, please kick me into shape

2020-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Online college destroyed my motivation, please kick me into shape

Ime,  Therapy helps because you're talking to someone about your problems consistently, fwict, not because CBT or DBT or whatever the therapy de jour is has any magic powers to motivate. Either that, or all ... is it 6? 6 therapists I've talked to about this just suck at giving me anything whatsoever to work with. Other than empirical evidence that thinking about French poetry essays causes my ability to focus to shut down. But that wasn't talk theffapy so much as a machine of dubious scientific quality.Just throwing it out there ... but something tells me that y'all have significant social lives and meetspace hobbies, and have consistently had these for most of your lives? And do not have ADHD?That's a prediction. I don't have any evidence beyond what you've said here. But i think that, if it were a matter of thinking your way into will power, I'd've thought my way there by now. Or at least, would have a single, solitary example in which this happened, even if it wasn't reproduceable.Also-also, I think maybe my model predicts the OP's problem better Hm. If something small to get back on track is all that is needed... Study-group on Skype or whatever voice chat platform (chatform?) people are using these days? I recall people who literally pay someone to sit on Skype and keep them on track, so apparently it helped them.


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Is there any reason I should bother with 1gbps internet?

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Is there any reason I should bother with 1gbps internet?

... Or should I tell aggressive marketers that 200mbps is fine, because I don't care about video quality?I live alone and do not torrent / livestream / try to watch Netflics while someone plays online games in the other room. I don't foresee this changing. If Youtube's working just fine, is there any reason to upgrade in the slightest?


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Re: the "wonna be friends?" comments on yuotube: let's discuss

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the "wonna be friends?" comments on yuotube: let's discuss

Has anyone tried to report them?


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Re: How you are spending your time?

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How you are spending your time?

My job is considered essential, and there's not much in walking distance anyway, so I've been doing exactly the same as last year, except they uselessly take everyone's temperature when arriving at the workplace Also a lot of people quit right before the pandemic got hot and we still haven't managed to replace them somebody please come help the extra workload has everyone at each other's throats and is killing my wrist even faster . Three people would be nice. Even though we lost 5, I think 3 would make things way more ... comparable in terms of frustration with the pay, which has not gone up (technically a government job, strict rules about how that works, no overtime pay, just comp time, which I can't use because we don't have enough people. [exasperated emoji] ) But other than that? Worldbuilding, I guess. May or may not toss together an 8-dot unicode Braillepad so I can type examples for the conlang? Not that I expect to publish any of it.


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Re: Paid Columbia Research Study: Navigating in Games Using Sound

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Paid Columbia Research Study: Navigating in Games Using Sound

Does it matter what kind of controller? I might be able to obtain a PS4 / XBox controller on short notice if need be, though I generally use ancient PSx controllers (pre analog sticks) connected via USB adapter.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is there a good and accessible replacement for file explorer?

2020-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is there a good and accessible replacement for file explorer?

I made a lightweight explorer substitute, but like everything I do, I got satisfied with it way before it was good enough for the general public, and it sounds like y'all have better options now anyway that I should try.Mine also has this problem where, for unpredictable reasons, it's random whether or not opening a file will actually open the file, or just open file explorer. I have no idea what causes this and I'd rather like to fix it. But I mostly just use it for text and sound, and those work reliably enough.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is there a good and accessible replacement for file explorer?

2020-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is there a good and accessible replacement for file explorer?

While "specifically for blind users" products tend to have issues, I kinda feel like this is a situation where we could really use one. There is too much crap on the screen, too many weird and confusing panes, too many thumbnails, and a lot of software, apparently including the explorer/NVDA combination, takes advantage of the fact that some things can appear on screen while it's actually bogarting RAM to load other things, which does NVDA users absolutely no good. So just make a list or tree, with some simple way to get file information that doesn't require wasting time indexing and loading and thumbnails etc. If we need audio thumbnails, Aprone made thumbnail wavs almost a decade ago.Although tbh I feel this way about a lot of post XP software. Heavy, clutter, easy to get lost in, dubiously intuitive in places. It seems like software design is moving away from that somewhat, thanks to mobile, especially websites. But how about desktop?(I reinstalled Messenger a few weeks ago on my phone, and was amazed to find that the size had decreased compared to previous versions. Still pointlessly huge for what it does, but nonetheless a step in the right direction, imo.)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is there a good and accessible replacement for file explorer?

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is there a good and accessible replacement for file explorer?

Superscript 2 is either alt+0178, or alt+0188... I forget which. On phone; can't check. And that's useless if you don't have a numpad or one of those laptop numpad tricks. 


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Animation, OBS, accessibility, etc

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Animation, OBS, accessibility, etc

How do?As it stands, I'm not aware of any accessible animation tools. ... Ur, OK, Powerpoint and the Spider-man Cartoon Maker sorta-kinda, but the latter doesn't even run right after Windows 95 and was never that powerful to begin with, and it's more "usable" than "accessible".So I'm thinking the only way I'm animating things is programmatically. And therefore, it looks awful to anyone who cares about visual art, but I figure one could just lean into the style and treat it like the visual aid for sighted audiences that it is.But then there's the question of how to go from code to sharable video. Making animations with sound and such is nothing I haven't done before—I did it in _javascript_ way before HTML5—but that's a far cry from something sharable. And _javascript_ is a butt these days, so in practice, I'd probably be going with Python or Java. And audio and accessible i/o are easier in Python. Then again, Java's gradients and paths and geom were more powerful than Pygame, last time I checked...— but the point is, how to go from a Python/Java animation to a video file? Can something like OBS accomplish this, and if so, where are the most up-to-date instructions because it was an accessibility mess the last time I tried... several years ago... ?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Animation, OBS, accessibility, etc

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Animation, OBS, accessibility, etc

Animation: yes. Good animation? Not so much.The Java version of the Jeqocon Console had a screensaver, logo animation for some of the games, and the JFIMA had simple graphics but idr if I added that before abandoning Java for BGT. I once did a short cartoon in _javascript_ (I was hoping I could find the source to put here, but no dice).So realistically? I'm expecting to make polygons dance. But some Youtubers get away with that as a visual aid for the real content, which is narrated / subtitled.(OK, DBGU had graphics, too, but I couldn't work out how to manage sprites, so in practice it's just the backgrounds, and iirc the title screen?)So yeah, I'm picturing stars fighting circles, here, not Anime.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Animation, OBS, accessibility, etc

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Animation, OBS, accessibility, etc

So I found this potentially dissectable answer for Pygame: Text field Read-only Double tap to edit.Tldr: it uses a tool (avconv?) to convert a folder of images to avi.This isn't quite good enough, since it lacks audio and requires saving every single frame as an image file, then converting all of that into a video file. But merging that with an audio track might work?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Animation, OBS, accessibility, etc

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Animation, OBS, accessibility, etc

So I found this potentially dissectable answer for Pygame: it uses a tool (avconv?) to convert a folder of images to avi.This isn't quite good enough, since it lacks audio and requires saving every single frame as an image file, then converting all of that into a video file. But merging that with an audio track might work?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I really don’t understand time signature

2020-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I really don’t understand time signature

Basically, the top number tells you the rhythm, and the bottom tells you how to read it. Occasionally you get weird rhythms like 5:8, which apparently people can recognize as distinct from a fast 5:4 because it's in the middle of a 4:4 or 2:4 and the tempo didn't change.I'm also feeling wy behind, because every single post here used "bar" for what I only know as "measure". Just count the downbeats before a repeating rhythm would repeat. If it's a number other than 2, 3, or 4, it's probably 8th notes. Otherwise, it's probably quarter notes. If you don't have a repeating rhythm—say, if you have some complex drum shenanigans in orchestra or marching band—then  the melody should be easier to count.


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Re: For Fans of MSN Messenger, it's back! Well... Kinda

2020-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: For Fans of MSN Messenger, it's back! Well... Kinda

Me: Yes please!Thread: Meh, network don't care.I guess I forgot that most people have huge contacts lists and expect constant communication. Instead of, like, two or three people.MSN is the only realtime text conversation service I'd ever really consider all that good. Bizarrely enough, Facebook Messenger seems to have done something very unusual, and actually improved on all the relevant axes. As of now, Messenger is smaller than just about every other app on my suggested updates list, even though the others really have no excuse for being 3-5 times the size. It no longer crashes all the time. I'm so use to updates making things worse, especially IM clients, that it kinda feels like I fell into bizarro world.But if I could talk people into getting on an MSN Zombie instead, yeah, no competition. What even is the point of all the other crap they've been weighing us down with since Skype took over? Oh, hey, you know what else? Saving MSN conversations was trivial. I have no idea what happened to my Skype, Messenger, or text logs if something weird happens to the network or my device. I probably can find a way to save all those, but the thing is, in MSN, I just opened the file menu and hit save, and got a very readable txt or rtf file. But, eh, doing everything on phones these days just makes saving your data (especially privately) pointlessly strenuous in general, so I can't blame texts or Facebook for that. (Skype, though... >.< )


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Re: Audio Based Social Media App

2020-09-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Based Social Media App

So, this isn't really practical to implement because of not being able to rely on users having the same software available ... but does anyone else find the idea of having unique voice settings for different users somewhat interesting?SAPI5 supposedly supported ways to try and universalize this sort of thing, with SAPI SML and being able to search for voice attributes, rather than rely on specific voices. But afaik that kinda collapsed, so TTS Profiles probably would need to be set by the user reading, rather than the user writing, and who's going to bother with that? Still, though. Sighted people get avatars floating beside their text. Audio-wise, the options are either unique voices, or some background sound that plays while reading the message, and the latter would be hard to keep from getting obnoxious.


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Re: pole, would you go for perpetual or subscription for software? Why?

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: pole, would you go for perpetual or subscription for software? Why?

Yeah, with everyone else that perpetual is preferred when possible.I think the key difference is product Vs service. It seems like an unreasonable amount of software is switching to making things services when they can easily be products. I do not know why. It helps maintain the ever-moving target that is up-to-date technology, in which things constantly change but rarely improve, which imo is pointless artificial entropy and difficulty that selects against the ability to make something stable... but what do I know?The key thing screwing this up, even without what I just complained about, is everything going online. It makes way more sense to subscribe when using something on a server or network, and wouldn't you know, nearly everything is moving toward an always online model. >.<


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Re: Good, moderate to low priced controller that works with Windows?

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Good, moderate to low priced controller that works with Windows?

Mapping the mouse in Joy2Key is a pita, especially with NVDA. It's on a separate tab in the config box (where you map keys to buttons), but pressing anything in that box maps it. And it's been like 8 years and I don't well remember how I did it, only that I didn't have any analog sticks so mapped turning to the shoulder buttons.It can be done. If there's a better joystick-to-mouse option out there, though, do that instead.


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Re: How do you handle crossing roads in a straight line?

2020-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How do you handle crossing roads in a straight line?

TLDR: the sun, and hip/shoulder alignment work for me, but ymmv.The LCB answer (wait come back I'm going somewhere with this) is "placement and alignment". The key difference to what has already been said is that exactly how far one is from the corner is important (you really want to cross where the curb / gutter / whatever is straight,), and the emphasis on steering with your shoulders. If necessary, using your hand to point where you're aiming, by pointing at what you're aligning to, then adjusting a few degrees.So, I tried doing that exactly as I was taught, and found that I was messing up more often than if I just crossed without thinking about it their way. What happened?What I've settled on, here, is that the shoulder thing is oversimplified and presumptuous. It's not just your shoulders that control steering. It's the angle between your shoulders and hips. If you've got weird spinal alignment, or other weirdness with your hips / legs, that can also contribute to angular drift. Stuff that comes so naturally when learning how to walk, that we never think about it in that much detail. Try walking someplace safe, and paying attention to what your hips/shoulders do when you turn / walk straight, without doing anything like touching a wall for guidance.The aha moment for how to keep my alignment in spite of the incomplete shoulder / spine talk came on a day that was perfectly sunny, such that I could very clearly locate the sun. The trick then was to align myself when I start crossing, and keep the sun hitting the exact same spot on my body for the entire crossing. This, of course, requires cooperative weather, and the right sensitivity to tell where the sun is hitting you. But once I'd done it enough, it helped me recognize what keeping my shoulders aligned was supposed to feel like, so the problems became much less frequent afterward.I suspect that spinal alignment plays a significant role, too. If I've been spending lots of time lying on a broken-in couch, and very little time traveling anywhere, my spine is probably going to be all out of whack and make keeping alignment harder.Since I had to work out the spine / hips / sun thing on my own, that should tell you that a "one size fits all" solution ought to be questioned. The details I was taught were insufficient on their own, so it'd not surprise me at all if what worked for me is not quite right for you. The key thing is to break it down into a mechanical problem, to understand what's going wrong and what you have available to try and solve it.


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This "FTL == Time-Travel" thing still does not make sense to me.

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


This "FTL == Time-Travel" thing still does not make sense to me.

Seriously do you need to have the equations and/or diagrams in front of you for it to make sense? Because many, many smart people agree that it totally makes sense, but no explanation I've found conveys this in a way I can understand.The simplest version makes FTL sound like you're Blue Skidooing into the image of what is in the distance, which I am pretty sure is not how it works and is probably a bad explanation made by Relativistic Greenbelts.There's two scenarios worth making sense of. I sorta-kinda get the wormhole variant: accelerate one end of the wormhole to Relativistic speeds, let the ends get far enough out of sync that travel time through the wormhole cannot compensate. It still feels like there's a section labeled "then it works this specific way, but we're skipping the explanation", but I will assume that the explanation for why out-of-sync wormholes mess with time is clear in the math.What about the other, more popular example? I can't exactly summarize it, because every version I've read is too confusing to follow. But it apparently also works with only FTL communication, rather than shenanigans with accelerating at a certain point from a certain frame then turning around or .So I guess there are three examples, but the underlying principal is that "c is the speed of causality; don't question it."Can someone at least get the examples to make sense?Wormholes, accelerate one end and get them out of sync, then put them closer together than the amount of time they're out of sync minus transit time. Still confusing but halfway comprehensible.Take your warp drive from A to B, then go back to A. Surprise: you went back in time somehow. I am completely lost.You have an ancible. Or However you spell that. You can call someone on Mars, and communicate with no lag. Somehow you're calling the past / future. How does this make any sense?


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Re: This "FTL == Time-Travel" thing still does not make sense to me.

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This "FTL == Time-Travel" thing still does not make sense to me.

OK, what's happening in this situation?- I have a low-mass wormhole to another universe. Assume that the physics of this universe do not break anything that the physics of our universe wouldn't.- I place this portal in orbit around Neptune (4.5billion km ... that'd be terameters, wouldn't it?) from the sun.- I have a fusion-powered spaceship that I use to fly to Uranus (2.88tm from the sun, but there's no telling where the planets are relative to each other at this time, so let's round to 2tm). I have onboard what is necessary to open another portal to the same universe.- A very rough attempt at calculating tells me that using the constant-acceleration method, the ship would lose somewhere between 0 and 120s to time dilation, to put it in horribly imprecise terms. Since we're accelerating the whole time, it's confusing and I haven't had to do time dilation problems since 2006, hence the huge range. Let's just go with a pessimistic "the ship is 60s younger than the portal at Neptune" and move on, even though I'm pretty sure there's way, way less dilation because I didn't accurately deal with the acceleration.- I open a new portal in orbit around Uranus.- The Far sides of the portals, in the other universe, are co-orbiting a brown dwarf, close enough that a signal can travel between them in well under 60s (aka, they're within 1 light-minute of each other).- Exactly what steps would result in Neptune sending Uranus information from Uranus's future, given this setup? Does that change if we adjust the amount of time dilation, or the distance between the far portals?- What if the far universe is in an apparently faster frame, such that time appears to pass twice as fast there from our perspective?


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Re: This "FTL == Time-Travel" thing still does not make sense to me.

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This "FTL == Time-Travel" thing still does not make sense to me.

@16: Are you saying that the achronistic communication is impossible, or that the two wormholes are impossible? Or something else? Because my general assumption was to go with Hawking's "if you have a closed time-like curve, it either explodes or collapses into a black hole" conjecture. So you can rewrite the question as "what will cause this system to break, and what will not?"


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