Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

I'm afraid eloquence attempt at English english just sounds too dire and the over all intonation is  robotic for my taste, it reminds me of a lot of the very early orphius voices such as synthetic dave. I have heard the k being a kw sound, but Daniel is okay with that over here on vocaliser, indeed these days most of the actual pronunciation with synths have been ironed out, it's a question of intonation and voice quality. it's for me the robotic intonations and lack of human pauses which is why i still would take  worst possible human reader of an audiobook over  best ever synth, though this might change in the future I'm not sure, as technology has continually improved, and now that voice generation technology is in the mainstream there is  going to be more development time put into working on voices.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

I don't find Alexa to be all that computerized, but yeah I get what you mean when she does that. The voices are a bit different, and I experimented with switching it to the UK  and Canadian voice just to see what they were like. One word she says that's not great is she can't say question in certain contexts. At least in the American voice. She doesn't tie the QU sound together right, and says something like hard K, westion. Most notably in the question of the day skill. I actually do find the voice to be mostly free of artifacts, and weird jumps in two parts of a word where the intonations don't match. That's the kind of thing that makes me not listen to books using synthetic voices. They just don't cut it for me, and yeah, its why I generally use Eloquence, because it doesn't do that and it keeps its responsiveness and intelligibility at high speeds.I find that a lot of synths struggle with the K sound, they'll make it into a weird sounding K-W where it doesn't belong like captain Kwirk or somethihng, or a trailing K turns into thinkw, its kind of hard to replicate, but its a trend I've noticed.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

that's another reason I like realspeak Daniel, he does at least sound sort of vaguely humanish and has a reasonable vocabulary, his latest version  no longer informs me how much horse power and street I have in rpg games .One thing I find odd about Alexa's voice is that she's mostly moderately computerised accept when she's had a preprogrammed _expression_, so she'll be moderately robotic if pleasant then suddenly come out with "fancy that!" or "woopsadazy!" in a rather surprisingly bright and sprightly tone that makes her sound like Mary poppins .


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

True true, well maybe they made Daniel better, but to me he sounds raspy and definitely a smoker. It is also true how so many tts voices have no, absolutely no expressiveness to them. It's like the older generations did, then all the companies got together and voted against adding it in the future. Stupid really, since if the voice has hardly any range, I won't use it no matter how good it is Otherwise.Still, if we could get voices modeled on Takitron 2, I'd buy them in a second.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

Daniel a cigarette smoker? that is very odd since to me he sounds much more like a bbc news reader, one reason I like his voice. Acapella Rachel and Graham are the two voices available on the victor stream and I'm afraid I'm not keen on either. Graham sounds like a quavery old man at the bottom of a well, while Rachel has the emotional range of your average cyberman, then again to each their own, one reason why it's good that there are so many voices available.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

Oo man, you should try Acapela Peter or Graham, Daniel sounds to me like too much the beer drinker and 2 to 3 packs a day cigarette smoker 


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

@pitermach, thanks for that, this is what happens when you try to save time by having speaking of links disabled . My skull of gnumbness aside though, thanks a lot for the program, it's cleared the clipping problem right up, indeed I'm writing using my 5.1 speakers right now and getting vocaliser Daniel's sonorous tones in full spacial audio .


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

Hah, he already did, its in his post above the last 3 or so.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

@Dark look again. The word Silenzio should be a link. 


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

@Pitchermach, could you please give me a link to that selenzio program? I tried googling Stefan Kiss Selenzio, but the only page I found was in his native language. @@Ryok, they're a set from cambridge audio, though I'm not %100 sure of the model number at this point (I cshould check). I will say they really weren't cheap,  they cost £1600 (about $2400and that was on a deal with two extra speakers to put into the kitchen. I don't usually throw around this sort of money, but this I regard as part of getting my lady and I the house we want, and there are occasions when  dipping into life savings is necessary. Needless to say, I hope like my previous logitech ones these will last us a good 15 or so years.I haven't tried any audio described tv programs with them, but for music or conventional dvds they sound amazing so I see no reason that would change with audio described stuff, although things like the blindmice valt once where everything is in monno might be less good, though that is not because of the speakers so much  the quality of the recording, still as blindmice's stuff is free I can't complain,  well other than complaining about not being able to log in without going through the forgot password rigmorole each and every time .


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ryok via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

HI all.Dark, I'll go off topic here. Which Dolby speakers are you using. I've been wanting to replace my logitec speakers and I don't know what to get.Also, did you try listening to audio described movies/tv shows with them.If so, how was it?Best regards.Ahmad.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

That is cool, I didn't know about it, it has fixed the issue I am having with my laptop. yes, if manufacturers would stop assuming what they think people will need, or if they just didn't close the channel abruptly, instead providing a 10ms fade after say, 3 seconds or something, you'd probably never notice.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

The reason for this problem was already explained by others. One way you can fix it with something like Silenzio From Stefan Kiss of Eurofly faim. This is a tiny program that hides in your system tray whose only job is to keep your soundcards audio channel open, exactly for the reason you're running into as it's quite common with some laptops and especially Bluetooth headsets.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

Ah, good thought ironcross. It is odd though that it only seems to happen with screen reader voices, though some worse than others. I would be willing to bet though that the speakers probably have a setting to stop this happening so if you tell me exactly what is going on I can always asked the manufacturers as they're a nice bunch since I imagine there is a setting to turn this off somewhere. The ironic thing is auto config otherwise is actually rather nice, one reason why I didn't worry as much about buying a set of 5.1 speakers with a hugely complex audio control box that comes with an ever so friendly inaccessible display .


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

It's not vocalizer, or the screen reader's issue, its your speakers and audio drivers trying to save power by closing the audio channel when its not used, which is highly absurd if you ask me. It then takes a 50th of a second to open it again, and then everything is fine. I'm almost sure this is what the issue you're experiencing is. Just as a process of elimination though, you could try other voices, whatever your orphius comes with by default, or eSpeak with nvda, as well as the windows one core voices. Do this just enough to tell if its the same thing, I'm willing to bet all voices will do this, though some may be a little better than others due to certain factors I'm not sure of.You know, I really hate audio equipment these days, I preferred it when you just set it up and it fucking just worked like it was meant to already. Not this, oh we wanna help you save power, look genius, if I wanted to save fucking power, I would have bought a $15 pair of Coby speakers alright? I hate this presupposed attitude where manufacturers think they can anticipate the needs of all of their end-users and lump them all into one bucket.This effect is more pronounced on bluetooth headsets or wireless ones. My Aftershokz do this, consequently, if you make an audio file that's like 10 hours of silence and just load it up in VLC or whatever player on loop, you won't have this issue. That is, if it is what I think it is.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

I'm not sure. It's not even that it sounds bad, it's just that vocaliser clips for some reason. I've tried the different audio output options in Nvda and got no difference.. I'm not sure about changing sound drivers since other than this the speakers sound fine. I'm just surprised that with the amount of people (especially visually impared people), who likely own 5.1 speaker systems vocaliser has this bug.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

if you change audio drivers, but use the same speakers, does it still sound bad?


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

The problem is I actually wanted these speakers for! the dolby thing so they're set on dolby anyway. I could adjust my computer's output I supposed and change it from Dolby, but that would be a miner pest whenever I do want the dolby. It's odd that screen readers have this issue.


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Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with vocaliser and 5.1 speakers

hi, did you mention dolby sound system? if yes, that's supposed to happen. I had the same issue with dolby and eloquence, then later realised everything was affected. disabling dolby fixed it for me.


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