Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

If you buy the games or movies in question legally, I see no problem with extracting the ROM'S to play more accessibly, or to find audio described ver₦s but ONLY if you have bought the movie first. You bought the movie/game, so that's your  choice. And while I am sorry for the lack of availibility of audio description in certain regions, or if you are unable to afford those movies because of exhorbonant prices, torrenting the movies, in my opinion, not only disrespects the time and efert put into those movies, but also shows poor character. Yes, I realize that people want to fit in and watch the movies everyone else wants to watch, but movies aren't a necessity. Just as Gamestop isn't "essential retail", movies aren't essential to survival.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Oh, I never owned an NES, although I did have an SNES, an N64, PS2, PS3, and Gamecube. I've moved a bit since then, and so have those consoles, but I did have the games. The main thing we get from emulation is accessibility, that is impossible on any console so far to OCR the screen, and no I don't care about some video patch cable or whatever Superblindman uses to play Animal Crossing on the Switch, or how some people play Xbox one games essentially by playing them on their computers. I'm a simple person, and don't have time or inclination for such elaborate workarounds to play a game, when we have so much already in the area of mainstream, nearly accessible, emulated games. And no, I don't own a console now, as there is no OCR, no machine Learning vision, none of that, and being stuck in a game due to inaccessibility is frustrating, not fun, to me. So that's why I, essentially, pirate the games that I actually buy.Now, about the main thrust of this topic, it looks like Jayde is true to his word; he hasn't cautioned anyone else for talking about the vault, only banning the Anti-Semitic young adult for his actions unrelated to the vault and piracy. This seems to be a good enough compromise, although I do agree that legal experts should be brought in. However, if they are, we could see even worse lockdown, due to many sound packs using unlicensed sounds, and stuff like Crazy Party and the Rhythm titles, like Rhythm Rage or whatever that game was called, sorry. Point is, piracy is a part of the community, and, while much higher in the blind community due to no jobs, is also a part of the regular community as well. In this case, we are quite special, however, as just about all of our games use unlicensed content. after all, creating sounds is harder than drawing a picture, I think.So, I think as long as the goal post isn't moved further, this is a good point. Now, let's remember these things when we come back to it a month later. May these words be tested by the passing of further time, and the happening of further events.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

At devinprater, thumbs up man! That was rockin'! Saim here, I owned a NES when I was younger, and now, synce my father is not around anymore, we can't get those things from America, they don't manufacture those in belize. So tell me this, why should I have to buy a gameboy and a nes just to dump the roms out of or to waist money on, so when and if I move, and the cheep thing brakes, I am no longer legal then? And lastly, could you please stop calling the audiovault shady and sketchy and all that? The audiovault already can't be talked about as far as helping goes, and if you're using those words, you're going to be putting mor harm to the audiovault. I don't know if you noticed, but you're making the audiovault sound really dangerous, and it really isn't.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

It will take quite a while to extract piracy from the blind community at large, especially with the 50 year old 75% unemployment number. Blind people see sighted people, with jobs, playing games, watching movies, amusing themselves to death, and want to do it too. And no, I'm no different, either, I just, think too much. Regarding moving the goal posts, was "intent" a part of the proposition when the filters were taken down? If so, then the posts haven't been moved, and it is a good idea anyway. If not, then the goal posts have been moved, and should be moved back, or this should be official, as in, a part of rule three.Regarding games with licensed copyright stuff, I don't really play them. I'm still enthralled by Dissidia Final Fantasy, gonna get the hidden ending one day, but yes, just about all games have this, again, because even developers, some of them anyway, may not have the money to buy good sound libraries, or the library used is a common one so games wind up having the same sounds. Now, what would happen if a game had a not so secret secret browser of the audio vault? I could see that happening.Regarding "this admin. sucks, we need the old one back right meow!" Really, the old administration was soundly thrashed in some long blog post, and stepped down. When, oh when, will change be enough? Do we need even more change? When will it come about that we're simply in an unending set of upheavals? This is something happening in politics as well, people demanding change after change, the smooth gears of government, always slow and ponderous, turning to a more unsteady, jerking, quick, crumbling motion. What, I wonder, will be left once it is nothing more than a heaving, gelatinous mass? Really, this administration is doing a fairly good job. My heart doesn't agree with rule three at all. Then again, my heart changes with the mob, and is easy to change. My mind finds it good where we are now, unless "intent" becomes every mention of the vault, and from what I've seen, Jayde takes things seriously when he activates moderator mode. We've just become so used to pirating, so used to the arguments, so used to needing movies, TV, even games, that boredom is our enemy, that quiet is dreadful, that law is to be spat upon for the realization of our happiness.And still I understand many who pay for things, but can't access it. It is the same for me and the PSP games I have. Well I admit, I downloaded that union game that I can't spell, and the sequel/prequel, but I just wanted to see if I could make sense of them. I /bought/ Dissidia Final Fantasy, Dissidia 012, and Soul Calibur, Broken Destiny from the Playstation Network, and downloaded them from elsewhere. Why? Because I can't download them from the PSN, don't have a PSP, don't feel that dealing with an inaccessible machine in order to dump the ROMS is a valid use of my time, and don't think that I should trouble AIRA just to see if I can mod the thing, and dump the ROMS. I spent the money, after all. So no, I'm not perfect, I'm not saying that I am, but in this world of shadow, there is rarely much that is completely right and completely wrong. This is why, in piracy, politics, and just about everything else, I am more in the center, seeing both sides, the law and logic, and the humanity and compassion. I think we could all do some of that in regards to piracy.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

at grryfindore, don't worry man, I know that's how it works, I know for a fact forrums don't just majicly get taken off the interwebs. I hate describing the dijital world to the real world, because personally meh, but here goes. When you rent a house, you are paying munthly for a leace. If you decide to move, or something with the land lord happens, what do they give you, a formal notice. They can't kick you out of your house like that, because obviously not, The point i'm trying to make is, you can make rules, I will abide by them, to an extent, but at least try to stop doing this thing whereby if you post something on the audiovault, like saying its name, we will be flagged for piracy on the net, It's like when they passed around that stupid thing whereby if you were pirating, the FBI would come to your house and personally arrest you for it. Such a stupid thing. Wouldn't you agree? Anyways, don't get me rong, I have no problem with legal ways, but when people start doing this whole thing whereby if you don't do this in a kinda way, so and so will happen. It's in no way getting me afraid, it's just annoying. And don't get me rong in the slitest, I love devs and new people, because big G/Gorrilla is here, and I obviously care about him, but yeah, this forrum will not be about audiogames for ever, but at the saim time, it will not only be about non legal things, there will be diferences, and who knows, maybe games and things like CP will probably instead of being flagged, will give new devs something to study? Have you tried thinking about that for a change yall?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Well then, Jace.K's defense falls flat on the babagreen road then?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

A prior version of this post was needlessly wordy. Here's a shorter version.I think you've mistaken me in a lot of ways. First and foremost, the way I view myself. If you feel that I'm arrogant enough to believe that I am personally non-expendable where this forum is concerned, think again. If I left, the place would go on without me.I've been here for a long, long time. I've watched the forum evolve, and we, as a team (not just me, let's make that clear) have done what we can to meet the evolving needs of the community. We made clearer, more transparent rules, and a formal warning system, among other things. Not everyone has been totally on board with stuff, but by and large, I think that more people are happy than not. And those who are unhappy, mostly, seem to be willing to look at the bigger picture.Folks like you are the exception that proves the rule. Maybe there are secretly 385 people like you waiting in the wings to leave the forum, but somehow I doubt that. Really, I think you just overplayed your hand in your previous post to make the impact of your words seem larger. Pretty sure I've seen you do it before.We, as a team, have decided that rule 3 is necessary. Popular vote was not a reliable means of gauging what would be best here. Many forum users think no further than themselves, or of one aspect of the situation (i.e., region restriction, or lack of access to funds). I, at least, have tried to view this from every angle there is. Am I perfect? God no. Perish the thought. But when you have a position of power, one of the responsibilities is to use that power fairly and in defense of the community you serve. Frankly, that sometimes means protecting you from yourselves, and sometimes it means protecting you from behaviour which can have negative impacts that you don't believe are as bad as they could be. I am trying to do this. And if I seem harsh, firm, stubborn, it is because I at this time see no reason nor need to negotiate. Plausible deniability is established. You have many, many other means to do what you're doing. We are an audiogames forum, and to that end, we're doing splendidly.And as far as "like it, loathe it, leave", again, you're misreading that. I don't actively want anyone to take off, but if you're truly upset enough that you can't abide the rules here, then that's really your best option. Becau standing up and howling, attacking other people, or dragging the same thing up over and over again is simply not the way to go. Past a certain point, that will fall into community failure, because your boat-rocking may be construed as more harmful than the original topic.Now, let's all take a collective breath here. Grryfindore is still here. He didn't even get punished. People who mention the vault incidentally aren't being punished either. We're asking you not to send people at it here in public with the express purpose of getting them to use it. This is not a difficult task. If you find yourself unable or unwilling to heed this, that's on you, not us.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I think you vastly overestimate my impact on the user base here, dude. I also think you seriously misunderstand my own viewpoint on how vital I am (or am not) for this website.The fact that rule 3 has been here for months, and we still have the grand majority of our user base, tells me that it has not been nearly so divisive as you claim. Does it ruffle a few feathers? Sure it does. But pretty much everyone is still here. Your post reeks of overdramatization, which is really nothing new from you. I would appreciate a more balanced perspective. So here, I'll provide it.I've been a user here since 2005, and a moderator since 2018. I've definitely rocked the boat several times since showing up here, but I think I've also done plenty of good as well. Let's not go into nuts and bolts on that, shall we?But the point is this. I know damn well that if push came to shove, I could leave and the forum wouldn't die. I'm not nearly so arrogant as to think that I am vital to the way this forum operates. As such, I'm also not arrogant enough to think that my views alone represent the forum itself.What I am confident enough to believe, however, is that I am in a position of leadership, and that this position comes with responsibilities. Some of that responsibility entails protecting users from each other. Some of that responsibility also involves protecting the forum itself, the community which has accreted around it, from harmful actions and behaviour.But you know what else? I'm part of a team. I am not first among equals. I don't have a louder voice than everyone else. I can disagree with members of this team, but at the end of the day, we're all here, voluntarily, to help this forum thrive. And sometimes that means making and sticking to decisions that will protect the forum as it grows. Whether this is from a legal standpoint or one based on optics and public exposure, the facts remain the same. Sometimes we have to do things that may not even tightly align with our personal beliefs in order to do what is best for the forum.Now listen up. I'm only saying this one more time.What is best for the forum is not, by default, what everyone -thinks is best for the forum. The popular vote does work for a lot of things, and inasmuch as possible I prefer it. But sometimes, when there is too much bias at play, a bigger perspective is necessary, especially when the environment is evolving. The forum was definitely a lot less widely known, say, eight years ago, and the amount of unauthorized code forks and general attention were considerably less. If we did shady stuff, it was even less likely anyone would know or care. But over the last little while, it's been made painfully clear that we had to change with the times. Thus, rule 3.When I say "like it, loathe it or leave", that is nothing more or less than a statement that you, too, belong to this community voluntarily. Some people like our rules and the way we operate. Some don't, but are willing to play nice because the good outweighs the bad. I can respect that; I don't agree with absolutely everything either, you know. But if your objections are truly too large to bear, then screaming is not helpful. You will not change the world this way. Repeating the same arguments and acting in bad faith, trying the same sneaky tactics to slip around rule 3 and then getting outraged when you're caught, will not do you any good. Not. Any. Good. I can't stress that enough. There is going to come a point where you ought to choose whether you want to harm the forum, or just leave before you do something you might regret. Because at this point, by numbers at least, the majority are willing to leave this situation alone; it's only a vocal few who are upsetting the rest of the user base. By that logic, I'd actually suggest that folks like you are doing more harm to this community than I ever have.In other words: if you're truly that upset, we can't keep you and perhaps it's time you moved on. We don't want to drive you out, but given a choice between having you leave and listening to you yowl, I'd rather the former. I've had to leave a few communities I've belonged to, for precisely this reason. It's an awful feeling to have. But in the end, I left, because I knew I was at an impasse.Now, if thousands of people start leaving in droves, then you'll have proven your point. But until your predicted end-of-the-forum scenario starts in full swing, I'd advise you against further theatrics, if only because it does you poorly. I'm sure you can muster better arguments than that.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Man, I don't even have the words to describe this complete lack of any understanding towards your community. First, obviously my last part of the post is not serious and is only illustrating a point. A point that the post is not splashing a little anger, the post is attacking. But if you say it's not, makes me happy to know that I can feel free to tell someone to get lost and leave whenever they disagree with something. It's a great argument and adds a lot of value to a discussion. But I especially like the part that says we're the administrators, this was our decision, Like it, loathe it, leave. It's up to you. You are the administrator of a community that successfully survive without you for 18 years. You have started your administration a year or two ago. How can you feel you have the right to tell someone to leave? People have done your job before you, and quite successfully I must say, and they didn't really feel like they can tell someone like it, leave it, do as you wish. You are administering the biggest community of  audiogamers on the Internet, and perhaps one of the largest forum for the blind. You abuse the fact that new releases are here, and you know very well that most people who regularly play games won't want to leave. Like it, leave it is not how a community based website works. Maybe however people should listen to your advice and do as you tell them. If everyone who disliked your rules left, perhaps you'd enjoy for a few months with a couple of users and then realize the impact of the words you are throwing around like they mean absolutely nothing. You feel like you have the power and we must agree or go away. That's not how users are treated. I'm talking now regardless of enforcement of this stupid rule, I'm talking in general because you say that a lot without realizing. There's nothing to add to the rule 3 discussion. Your mindset is stuck and it's not going to change, you feel like you are right despite what anyone else says so let it be like that. Keep pushing the way you do and you might drive more users away than you realize. I hope you don't though, because this site has a very large history and it would be sad to see one moderator crash it with his selfishness.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Hi, @juan reina, Just a slight correction to your post, is visible on google, but that does not signify, and my point still stands that won't be getting a DMCA, and even if it does, the site won't be shut down etc, as some would have you believe. Forums don't work that way, fortunately. @nidza07, well put, and exactly what I have been saying for a while now, although in a more coherent manner than my atempts at it.  Grryf


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I'm not sure if you're expecting me to regret my analysis of post 60 in light of your recent post. If so, I don't.You're not going to get warned or cautioned, and I wasn't even tempted to do so. Disagree with me to your heart's content. Splash a little anger around if it makes you feel better and helps you get your frustration off your chest. If you go too far, you'll be dealt with, just as anybody else will, but here, you didn't.I promise I'm not going anywhere though, and I don't really feel a need to start a new forum in order to enforce rules you don't like. We're here, we're administrators, and this was our decision. Like it, loathe it, leave. It's up to you.The fact that you still refuse to understand the caution given is an indication that your comprehension skills are failing you. I'm going to break this down using short words and short sentences, not because I think you're stupid - I don't - but because I'm tired of folks using busted arguments.A user wanted Harry Potter and Star Wars audio description.Grryfindore pointed them at his site.Grryfindore's sight is shady. We want as little to do with it as we can in public.Grryfindore knows the rules, and chose to push a little. His caution is just us pushing back a little. Nobody got hurt.His caution wasn't because what he did was bad for our forum. On its own, it really wasn't too bad for the forum. His caution is more because he knows the rules, could've sent a PM to the user in question or suggested fully legal sources, and didn't do it. It's easy to assume that he simply wanted to stretch rule 3. This wasn't an accident. This is why he got a caution.Remember: rule 3 talks about intent. If you are intending to do something we don't want you to do, and you're trying to tiptoe this way, we're still going to react.Again, this wasn't an accident or a mistake. He made his choice and got a heads-up to not do it anymore.So let this be a message to the rest of you.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

So, which law is broken by saying you can find it on audiovault? None. Keep repeating your statements in a loop, but as you like saying, if it didn't work the first time, it's not going to work in the attempt number 19 either. I mean, nothing needs saying if you can count the people who agree with you on the fingers of your hands. I'm waiting for a site to get DMCA notice just because someone said hey you can find this on torrent name, search for X and it is the first result. Worst case, that torrent or site gets flagged, not your forum. But it's useless to argue with a wall. You're providing same arguments that have since long been answered and you were given very solid justifications on why the community is against it. No, it's not that the majority of the forum likes free things. It's not our fault that there's no Netflix in our countries. It's not yours either, but it is that you are trying to strictly enforce a rule even when it's not required. Tell me 5 people who said hey, the moderation team is really doing a bad job by disallowing cracks. I want things for free, so I think that rule should not exist. You won't find them, so your argument of people doing it because they only want things for free doesn't work. People on this forum have always supported developers, and never said that game cracks should be allowed. Of course, there is always a select few who do, but I am talking about the majority of the community here. Think about that before you say how we only want things for free and even if we had legal ways to obtain things we would not use those ways but would continue using the vault. As a sidenote, I should not even comment on your analysis of the post number 60. Conveniently trying to get around the rule the exact same way we do when mentioning the vault. It is very offensive and attacking, whatever you'd like to say about it. Because if it's not, Jayde, I'm tired of you, go make your own forum and maybe you can enforce your own rules on it. I'm tired of this attitude of hey we're doing the right things and you are all wrong. You know what? The door is here, go make your own fucking forum already. TLDR: I'm tired of your shit, so get lost, go make your own forum.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

@Jayde. Point taken.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

No. It was not just the name "audio vault". You just did it, and I'm not going to caution you.It was Grryfindore pointing at the vault in response to someone asking for content. Intent matters; rule 3 was invoked for...wait for it...a caution.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

@Liam, That is why I said we need new web masters.@Jayde, Point taken, but no links were shared here. It was just the name "audiovault."


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Discussion does not mean we were putting it to a vote and prepared to go with the most popular result.Discussion simply meant we were giving everyone a chance to voice what they were thinking, and to come forward with compelling reasons that exceptions should be made. No one did, or could, to our satisfaction. Thus, rule 3 was implemented.As I stated before, it was my belief then, and is now, that there really isn't a good reason not to have this sort of rule in place on a forum like this. i.e., none of you were going to be able to give a compelling reason for us to change what we were thinking of doing. That's not your fault, and it's not ours either; it's just the way the situation is, in this is highly visible on is attracting more new devs than ever before in its history.The world at large is more conscious than ever before of optics, of impression management.There are potential legal ramifications for hosting or permitting links to illicit content in public view, and excellent reasons to establish plausible deniability.Whatever you might want to think, we aren't a forgotten website on a forgotten corner of the internet that nobody visits or cares about. We also won't get a free pass if things go badly, and we are not above the law, nor should we be. You can hiss and spit and yowl all you want, but that doesn't change the facts.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

if the webmasters are absent, they can't exactly say anything can they?Keep in mind that we rarely hear from them, so it falls to the admin team to have to make and enforce policy.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

@Jayd, rules were discussed, yes. but what was the point of the discussion if you are doing the opposit of what the community wants? And again, if the absent webmasters were having an issue about it, they would've said something by now. Maybee its time for new responsible web masters? just maybe?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

yeah man, saim here. DMCAS don't work like that, don't know why people are thinking like that. If we are so easy to find on google, then tell me why hasn't anyone tried to say something like big companys? yall sceme to be giving us this run around about google things and I still have yet to see a site that is activly trying to prevent audio described content from being a thing. I also believe that the audiovault is a big part of the comunity, and for the comunity. So this active scare thing isn't working, at least for us who actually knows how these kinds of things work. And as for porn being a thing, like I said, I really hate that sort of thing, but if you like that kind of thing, more power to ya I guess.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

yeah man, saim here. DMCAS don't work like that, don't know why people are thinking like that. If we are so easy to find on google, then tell me why hasn't anyone tried to say something like big companys? yall sceme to be giving us this run around about google things and I still have yet to see a site that is activly trying to prevent audio described content from being a thing. I also believe that the audiovault is a big part of the comunity, and for the comunity. So this active scare thing isn't working, at least for us who actually knows how these kinds of things work.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Hi, So people are trying to discuss this, things are calming down, and we go OT entirely. Have seen the pattern before. Either way.Xvordan wrote:I really don't understand why there seems to be a certain sect of members whose goal seems to be the vilification of anything the mods do. Remember, these rules came about because the mods were criticized for not taking a stronger stance on copyright material (by allowing some material to go through). So they get heat if they don't crack down on stuff, but they get heat if they crack down on stuff? Not true, at least here. Not everything, at anyrate . A few handful of users indeed supported the mods, again with a bit of the same rhetoric, that the mods are trying to Defend the site owners, who btw are still around and come in and fix issues when they get time, and they had no problems in us discussing sites like bmmv, and where audio described material could be obtained. it was a few people who made such a big deal out of it. Also, Let's all have it very clear the fact that even if this forum for example has a entire topic dedicated to discussing where to obtain illegal material, it'll get a DMCA first, along with a few more such notices, and things just don't go to court just like that, and cases etc. Specially a forum of a website... getting back on topic,   But the majority of users had no problem and would rather have audiovault etc be an exception to that rule.Again, perhaps I indeed sound like a David Eddings book, but  this topic right here Read it, and you'll see how many were against it, and how many for. As  to owners, I am sure if this was such a big deal to them, they would have hopped on and said something about it. Either publicly or privately in the last 12 14 years that the blind mice movie vault and such were getting discussed on the forum. Xvordan wrote:I feel like I'm reading another David Eddings book, The same arguements get trotted against it, so we rehash/ rewrite the same stuff in response.  example, the paragraph above. As to if you don't like the rules, go away etc, to that I have to say this. Audiovault as much as some would deny it, is a part of the community here. It was created by people on here, it's needed by the people here, and it works with the help of people on here. So why should we really leave.  The rules we agreed to were different in spirit back then, at least, and as users of the forum and a part of the community, as long as an exception does not harm the website/ forum, we do have a write to speak against them. Cheers all. and starwars porn, omg. People will convert everything and anything into porn, creativity, I suppose... Grryf


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Hi, So people are trying to discuss this in a civel manner, and things aren't going as some would have it, so we get topic highjacking. in form of humur. Either way.Xvordan wrote:I really don't understand why there seems to be a certain sect of members whose goal seems to be the vilification of anything the mods do. Remember, these rules came about because the mods were criticized for not taking a stronger stance on copyright material (by allowing some material to go through). So they get heat if they don't crack down on stuff, but they get heat if they crack down on stuff? Not true, at least here. Not everything, at anyrate . A few handful of users indeed supported the mods, again with a bit of the same rhetoric, that the mods are trying to Defend the site owners, who btw are still around and come in and fix issues when they get time, and they had no problems in us discussing sites like bmmv, and where audio described material could be obtained. it was a few people who made such a big deal out of it. Also, Let's all have it very clear the fact that even if this forum for example has a entire topic dedicated to discussing where to obtain illegal material, it'll get a DMCA first, along with a few more such notices, and things just don't go to court just like that, and cases etc. Specially a forum of a website... getting back on topic,   But the majority of users had no problem and would rather have audiovault etc be an exception to that rule.Again, perhaps I indeed sound like a David Eddings book, but  this topic right here Read it, and you'll see how many were against it, and how many for. As  to owners, I am sure if this was such a big deal to them, they would have hopped on and said something about it. Either publicly or privately in the last 12 14 years that the blind mice movie vault and such were getting discussed on the forum. Xvordan wrote:I feel like I'm reading another David Eddings book, The same arguements get trotted against it, so we rehash/ rewrite the same stuff in response.  example, the paragraph above. As to if you don't like the rules, go away etc, to that I have to say this. Audiovault as much as some would deny it, is a part of the community here. It was created by people on here, it's needed by the people here, and it works with the help of people on here. So why should we really leave.  The rules we agreed to were different in spirit back then, at least, and as users of the forum and a part of the community, as long as an exception does not harm the website/ forum, we do have a write to speak against them. Cheers all. and starwars porn, omg. People will convert everything and anything into porn, creativity, I suppose... Grryf


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

first of all, iw? I am a pirate, but even piracy, has its limits, and for me, that's one of them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I just can't...The things people do for, ahem entertainment. I don't know how true, but I've heard utterances of SpongeBob, Peppa pig and Curious George Prono. I don't know how true, but if it is that's disgusting. And the fact that a good chunk of the people who watch so-called child porno are adults are scary to say the least.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Star Wars: A New Cope, where we learn how Luke's dealing with his addiction for unspeakable acts.Star Wars: The Jedi Night, where Jedi masters try to prove that they can really go the distance.Star Wars: The Emperor Bareback, which requires no explanation.Star Whores: featuring Jabba The Slutt and Princess Leia Lot.Star Wars: Rogue Won, a crossover where a member of the X-Men and Princess Leia Organa battle for Hans Solo's love (Hint, the title gives away the ending).What do you say to someone who makes Star Wars jokes? May the farce be with you.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Star Wars: A New Cope, where we learn how Luke's dealing with his addiction for unspeakable acts. Star Wars: The Jedi Night, where Jedi masters try to prove that they can really go the distance. Star Wars: The Emperor Bareback, which requires no explanation. Star Whores: featuring Jabba The Slutt. Star Wars: Rogue Won, a crossover where a member of the X-Men and Princess Leia Lot battle for Hans Solo's love (Hint, the title gives away the ending).What do you say to someone who makes Star Wars jokes? May the farce be with you.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Shit. That is disturbing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Why do we keep having this argument over, and over, and over, and...Honestly. If you guys really don't like the rules in place here on, you know, a site to discuss games and not the illegal distribution of multimedia, you can always go open up your own forum where you can make your own rules and deal with the consequences (if any) there.The mod team is doing what's right for the group as a whole, including the site's owner(s). You guys seem to forget that is actually being paid for and footed by someone (who has their name on the bills, and so if the shit hits the fan, they're the ones who have to deal with the blowback. Should that happens, I will wager they would rather disavow themselves of and shut it down, rather than fight a court case that they didn't bargain for.If you're gonna download movies, tv shows, music, and star wars porn, no one's saying you can't somewhere else -- the site's mods just don't want it done here. Is that so hard to grasp?Does this always have to be a recurring battle? I feel like I'm reading another David Eddings book, you know, where he just recycles the plot with new characters and places.I really don't understand why there seems to be a certain sect of members whose goal seems to be the vilification of anything the mods do. Remember, these rules came about because the mods were criticized for not taking a stronger stance on copyright material (by allowing some material to go through). So they get heat if they don't crack down on stuff, but they get heat if they crack down on stuff? Jesus fucking Christ on a corkscrew. They just can't win with some of you, can they? You just have to bicker and bicker and rehash the same arguments repeatedly, as if there aren't more appropriate things we couldn't be discussing... you know, like... games.The world's a hard place, Billy. Ya ain't always gonna get everythin' that ya ask fer from the bakery. Sometimes they ain't gonna have bearclaws, and ya might have ta settle fer 'dem maple bars. But I'ma tell ya hwat, Billy. If'n Jimmy's Bakery ain't got none 'dem bearclaws, it ain't the end of tha world, ya heared? But even if ya'll just can't be a'livin' wit'out 'em, maybe instead of a'hollerin' and a'hootin' all through Jimmy's shop 'bout yer problem, ya could head on' over ta Grandma Dana's Dessert Pantry, where they specialize in bearclaws. Ya lissenin ta me boy?Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Unfortunately, yes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Is starwars porn even a thing?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Why do we keep having this argument over, and over, and over, and...Honestly. If you guys really don't like the rules in place here on, you know, a site to discuss games and not the illegal distribution of multimedia, you can always go open up your own forum where you can make your own rules and deal with the consequences (if any) there.The mod team is doing what's right for the group as a whole, including the site's owner(s). You guys seem to forget that is actually being paid for and footed by someone (who has their name on the bills, and so if the shit hits the fan, they're the ones who have to deal with the blowback. Should that happens, I will wager they would rather disavow themselves of and shut it down, rather than fight a court case that they didn't bargain for.If you're gonna download movies, tv shows, music, and star wars porn, no one's saying you can't somewhere else -- the site's mods just don't want it done here. Is that so how to grasp?Does this always have to be a recurring battle? I feel like I'm reading another David Eddings book, you know, where he just recycles the plot with new characters and places.I really don't understand why there seems to be a certain sect of members whose goal seems to be the vilification of anything the mods do. Remember, these rules came about because the mods were criticized for not taking a stronger stance on copyright material (by allowing some material to go through). So they get heat if they don't crack down on stuff, but they get heat if they crack down on stuff? Jesus fucking Christ on a corkscrew. They just can't win with some of you, can they? You just have to bicker and bicker and rehash the same arguments repeatedly, as if there aren't more appropriate things we couldn't be discussing... you know, like... games.The world's a hard place, Billy. Ya ain't always gonna get everythin' that ya ask fer from the bakery. Sometimes they ain't gonna have bearclaws, and ya might have ta settle fer 'dem maple bars. But I'ma tell ya hwat, Billy. If'n Jimmy's Bakery ain't got none 'dem bearclaws, it ain't the end of tha world, ya heared? But even if ya'll just can't be a'livin' wit'out 'em, maybe instead of a'hollerin' and a'hootin' all through Jimmy's shop 'bout yer problem, ya could head on' over ta Grandma Dana's Dessert Pantry, where they specialize in bearclaws. Ya lissenin ta me boy?Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Oh just stop going on about post 62 already. The poster has been banned like he deserved. Continuing talking about it is kinda pointless and is giving the post attention that it not really deserve.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

62, what the bloody hell does Jayd and Liam being Jewish have to do with anything? You call Hitler cool, but you wanna know something you stupid schmuck? If Hitler had his way you would have been bloody killed the minute they found out you were blind. So, are Liam and Jayd still blood thursty little fucks? huh? huh? And who gave you the authority to give out Jayd's full name? Don't you know that's a violation of its self by you simply doing that? As Jayd, the evil little fuck said, by you doing this you're aren't making yourself look like some kind of tragic hero. More like a tragic asshole. I know you  probably won't see this post for a little while, but I want this to be out there. When you come back to see how people who were agreeing with you now look at you for such stupid ridiculous posts. As Jayd said, this only makes you look like some kind of coward who can't face defeat, so you go all out in a you can't fire me cuz I quit attitude.My cousin Lawrence McSchmuck makes better insults than that. And go look at his final banning post on the forum. He said he only posted that post to fuck with the staff team because he already knew he was going to be banned. Sort of a last itch attempt to try and wwin the flame fight he and Cross were having. I hope in your time of being banned you learn how stupid posts like that make you look like a see you next tuesday.Also, by the fact that you had to post that in German further proves your cowardlyness. You thought that the mods would simply overlook it,  but when you found out that they were in fact looking into it you started waving the ban me! Ban me now! flag. I'm still on the side of Griffender and they, however you in this debate is like Italy in World War 2. Just a neusence to both the allies and the Nazis.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

62, what the bloody hell does Jayd and Liam being Jewish have to do with anything? You call Hitler cool, but you wanna know something you stupid schmuck? If Hitler had his way you would have been bloody killed the minute they found out you were blind. So, are Liam and Jayd still blood thursty little fucks? huh? huh? And who gave you the authority to give out Jayd's full name? Don't you know that's a violation of its self by you simply doing that? As Jayd, the evil little fuck said, by you doing this you're aren't making yourself look like some kind of tragic hero. More like a tragic asshole. I know you  probably won't see this post for a little while, but I want this to be out there. When you come back to see how people who were agreeing with you now look at you for such stupid ridiculous posts. As Jayd said, this only makes you look like some kind of coward who can't face defeat, so you go all out in a you can't fire me cuz I quit attitude.My cousin Lawrence McSchmuck makes better insults than that. And go look at his final banning post on the forum. He said he only posted that post to fuck with the staff team because he already knew he was going to be banned. Sort of a last itch attempt to try and wwin the flame fight he and Cross were having. I hope in your time of being banned you learn how stupid posts like that make you look like a see you next tuesday.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Hi.Well I think Netflicks has shut the door on VPN services, at least as far as I know you can't use a VPN to watch netflicks US.over here, we're starting to get audio description in Netflicks productions slowly but it still isn't as much as in the US.Greetings Moritz.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

If you can obtain media legally, I recommend doing that. Whether that be via iTunes, Netflix, Audible or some other means, this method is preferable above all others. We encourage users to share these methods first and foremost, particularly where media should be relatively easy to find or obtain.If you are too young to own a credit card, or if you legitimately cannot obtain a credit card but still wish to consume paid media, my recommendation is to ask friends or family for help, the same way any sighted individual might have to do if they were likewise unable to obtain content legally. Your not having access to a credit card is not our problem, however.If the media you wish to consume is not available in your country, you have our sympathies, but this, again, is not our problem. I offer my condolences, since I feel that regional restriction and the whole copyright mess in general is largely profiting the 1% who control most of the wealth, and believe it or not, this doesn't make me happy. Anything you might do to circumvent regional restrictions for the acquisition of media should not be discussed openly here. We are not responsible for what you do elsewhere, but in this environment, we will not be responsible for the encouragement, distribution or sharing of copyrighted content, and will look unfavourably on anyone attempting to force the issue.If you simply do not wish to spend money on paid media that is available to you for purchase, then again, this is not our problem. I would wager that most of us aren't swimming in money, and don't have a ton of disposable cash handy. I'd also wager that we are not the only group experiencing these limitations, and thus should not treat ourselves as especially unfortunate in these terms.Even if you take all the discussion out of it, we simply didn't want to start dancing around, deciding from one place to the next what was okay to pirate and what wasn't. Why was it okay to encourage folks to access described audio, but a heinous crime to share Audible files with DRM removed? Why was it okay to download movies in their entirety for free and with no real region restriction, yet unthinkable to get hold of an illicit ten-dollar game for nothing? The answer was simple. It was constant double standards, and as a general rule, we're not okay with that.Thus, rule 3 stands. It will continue to stand until or unless one of the actual website owners wants to step in and change things. We will, of course, honour those wishes, since they're the ones with even more stake in this than we have.Please stop arguing legality as if that's the only issue; even if you're all correct, that's not enough on its own, and after thorough research, I'm not convinced one way or the other.Please stop arguing that no one will notice us. We are popular enough that we show up easily on google, and new devs and community members are showing up all the time. The last thing we need, for the sake of public image, is to be thought of as a community that is permissive in our treatment of illicit content. Please stop pretending that your supposedly righteous reason for downloading illicit content actually matters a damn when it comes to the image we present to the world at large; it doesn't, I promise. Some of you have truly legitimate reasons to do what you're doing, in the sense that you're being screwed by regional restriction, lack of funding, lack of payment options or other concerns that are not your fault and are difficult to overcome. There are ways to help yourself which do not require the public sharing of links to or direct mention of obtaining illegal content. Please use them. For the rest of you, who do not have these restrictions, again, your reasons for doing what you do don't matter. Use the tools available to you, but's public forums are not one such tool in your arsenal. If they were once, they are no more.And please, for the love of crumbcake, stop pushing the point. You are just upsetting folks and dragging on topics that have been dead, or should have been dead, for months now. You aren't gaining anything this way except the attention and potential ire of the staff team. You aren't winning this fight, because it isn't one. You had your chance to find a legitimate compromise months ago, and you couldn't find one, so rule 3 came into being. The reason you couldn't find one, in my view at least, is because at this time, and under these circumstances, there isn't one. There isn't really any middle ground, except to say that intent will be taken into account when processing rule 3. This is precisely what was done.Holy wall of text, Batman!


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

What 92 said. I mean we're paying for netflix, why should we have to pay extra for a vpn to watch shows people in other countries can get by just paying for netflix? They're getting our money anyway so I don't see who's losing anything.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Hi,@74, 86, Thing is, Those articals as I read them don't at all apply to this forum or the website in no way or form. Second thing to consider is not a single blind forum/ mailinglist along with many companys as far as I am aware treets bmmv, or the vault or discussions pertaining to them and or audiodescription as this forum does now. Food for thought. @mitch, If only it were as easy as that. First of all, not all of the titles that the vault contains are by netflix or prime, Hulu etc. There are many tv shows and movies that aren't available on those platforms. Even if let's say you are able to get access to a US vpn that at all works with Prime, you'll need payment/ a US card or similar. Which aren't at all possible to get. As for other reasons, a few that I can think of, others might have others are. 1. No description available at all for certain titles, and or No description available at all for any titles.2. no way to obtain/ get access to some titles even with a vpn, and or availability in US UK. 3. payment methods not supported I.E ITunes doesn't accept anything but Creditcards in certain countries, and CC's aren't easy to obtain in those countries as well if you are blind. Grryf


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

My question is for people who use the vault.  There are many perfectly legal places to listen to descriptive audio on movies. And yes, while there are movies that aren't described that may be on the vault, so that the only reason? I realize some people may be in different countries, but it seems quite possible that you can go purchase a VPN that links to the US or UK or a place with a lot of audio description available. Is there any other reason why people use the vault?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

All right. Since I'm getting mighty sick of accusations of bias - i.e., no warning given because it favours us - let's really rip apart post 60 piece by piece to detect personal attacks, shall we?"You don't like the rules?Leave. Go on. Shoo. There's the door. You're not on the mod/admin team. You don't get to sit here and say oh I am not reading Jade's posts, because he's wrong."This is dismissive and pointed, but it is not a personal attack in the slightest. The user is stating that the target should leave if they don't like the rules; this is not an attack. The user is stating that the target is not an admin; this is simply a fact. The user is stating that the target cannot/should not dismiss arguments of another user; this constitutes an opinion, not an attack of any kind."Jade's an admin. His /job/ is to enforce rules. Rules that you agreed to by using this site. Rules that the community were given a chance to discuss."The user is telling the target about my being an admin; this is not an attack. The user is then saying that by being on the forum, the target has tacitly agreed to the rules. Again, it's a fact, not an attack. The user then mentions that the community had a chance to discuss the rules; this is also a fact, not an opinion and by no means an attack."You know what? You don't like not being able to sharee whatever pirated 'I am blind but I am greedy so give me all the things TV and film studios work their buts off on for free mentality' things? Go on. Make your own forum then. Make that and don't have any rules. Don't be shocked when people post links to things that get flagged by responsible users or quick acting admins. You want that? Go fucking make your own forum. You are coming off off as a greedy entitled so and so who wants everything handed to you and doesn't want to support creators and networks who make the content, or indeed the people making the audio tracks, too."And here is the problematic paragraph for most people, I think. Deconstruction time.The paragraph starts with the user, in essence, saying, "if you want to share/pirate freely, go someplace else and do it". This is not an attack; it's phrased dismissively, but it is by no means a personal attack of any kind.There is then mention that questionable content might get flagged; totally harmless, not an attack.Starting with the phrase "you are coming off...", the user explains that the target's behaviour is striking them a certain way, and this mentality clearly upsets the user. This is heated, but it is not a personal attack; at the absolute worst, it is an indictment of character, which is different. Anyone who has a problem with this, and thinks it's a personal attack, how would you feel if you called me dictatorial and I warned you for it? Better question: how many times have I turned such a comment about me, the admin team as a whole or the like into a warning? Go on, I'll wait."TL:DR: I for one am tired of your shit. Don't like the forum rules. Get lost, go make your own forum."None of this is a personal attack, either. The user is saying that he is tired of the target's behaviour, and inviting the target to leave.Conclusion: heated words, reason to be annoyed, indictment of character, no personal attackTrust me, folks. If this were warning-worthy, a good number of you would have been banned a long time ago, because you engage in comments like this, and worse, without sanction. Thus, my lack of action on post 60 has nothing to do with who it's targeting, and everything to do with precedent.But hey, if you want me to start handing out warnings for sharply-worded comments like this, do let me know, and we can consider it. I promise you that the forum will get quieter pretty quickly at first, though, and that outrage will grow as a result, because guess what? The nature of such forums is that sometimes people will piss each other off. We are not in the habit, at this time, of completely suppressing your right to be angry. Go ahead. Be angry. Do it constructively enough and we may even applaud you for it. But you know what will happen? A bunch of people will get pissed off, make comments worded like 60, get warned/banned because they can't hold themselves back, and then everybody will cry foul.And, of course, they'll be right, because I, for one, don't want to be part of a community which holds that kind of standard. If I can't even indict your character or your actions, if your character or your actions are beyond all reproach and you're still allowed to say and do what you want, within fairly broad limits, then that's just open season for all kinds of idiocy. I want no part of it.Nah, I'll take this one step further, and in a d

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

All right. Since I'm getting mighty sick of accusations of bias - i.e., no warning given because it favours us - let's really rip apart post 60 piece by piece to detect personal attacks, shall we?"You don't like the rules?Leave. Go on. Shoo. There's the door. You're not on the mod/admin team. You don't get to sit here and say oh I am not reading Jade's posts, because he's wrong."This is dismissive and pointed, but it is not a personal attack in the slightest. The user is stating that the target should leave if they don't like the rules; this is not an attack. The user is stating that the target is not an admin; this is simply a fact. The user is stating that the target cannot/should not dismiss arguments of another user; this constitutes an opinion, not an attack of any kind."Jade's an admin. His /job/ is to enforce rules. Rules that you agreed to by using this site. Rules that the community were given a chance to discuss."The user is telling the target about my being an admin; this is not an attack. The user is then saying that by being on the forum, the target has tacitly agreed to the rules. Again, it's a fact, not an attack. The user then mentions that the community had a chance to discuss the rules; this is also a fact, not an opinion and by no means an attack."You know what? You don't like not being able to sharee whatever pirated 'I am blind but I am greedy so give me all the things TV and film studios work their buts off on for free mentality' things? Go on. Make your own forum then. Make that and don't have any rules. Don't be shocked when people post links to things that get flagged by responsible users or quick acting admins. You want that? Go fucking make your own forum. You are coming off off as a greedy entitled so and so who wants everything handed to you and doesn't want to support creators and networks who make the content, or indeed the people making the audio tracks, too."And here is the problematic paragraph for most people, I think. Deconstruction time.The paragraph starts with the user, in essence, saying, "if you want to share/pirate freely, go someplace else and do it". This is not an attack; it's phrased dismissively, but it is by no means a personal attack of any kind.There is then mention that questionable content might get flagged; totally harmless, not an attack.Starting with the phrase "you are coming off...", the user explains that the target's behaviour is striking them a certain way, and this mentality clearly upsets the user. This is heated, but it is not a personal attack; at the absolute worst, it is an indictment of character, which is different. Anyone who has a problem with this, and thinks it's a personal attack, how would you feel if you called me dictatorial and I warned you for it? Better question: how many times have I turned such a comment about me, the admin team as a whole or the like into a warning? Go on, I'll wait."TL:DR: I for one am tired of your shit. Don't like the forum rules. Get lost, go make your own forum."None of this is a personal attack, either. The user is saying that he is tired of the target's behaviour, and inviting the target to leave.Conclusion: heated words, reason to be annoyed, indictment of character, no personal attackTrust me, folks. If this were warning-worthy, a good number of you would have been banned a long time ago, because you engage in comments like this, and worse, without sanction. Thus, my lack of action on post 60 has nothing to do with who it's targeting, and everything to do with precedent.But hey, if you want me to start handing out warnings for sharply-worded comments like this, do let me know.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

So regardless of opinions on the vault, it's pretty clear that post 60 contains multiple personal attacks. If this were being directed at the mods or at someone unrelated it would have been warned, but since it's in the mod's favour it isn't. Again, I'd like to reitterate that I don't dislike Jayde, hell I have a lot of respect for the guy for doing what he does as a mod and for standing up for me in that other topic back in January, I just think that some personal biases are at play here.@jacek, in response to your comment on going back to the way things were where in only audiogame cracks were against the rules, I fail to understand how this would be a bad thing. We're an audiogames website after all, what certain members choose to do in the *off topic* room is their problem, and it's not harming other audiogame developers, so there's really no reason besides morals that the mods should care about it. Realistically speaking it's not even harming the fatcat companies who produce these movies, because most of the people who watch them do so through services like netflix or amazon prime.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : marko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

This has become a big topic. Can we stop this, since this isn’t going anywhere? We are just arguing.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

It seems like practically this entire topic is made up of hardliners on both sides. How does that always end? We need only look back at the forum topics sighted here in this thread for the answer. Oh, and this one. At this point, both sides look ridiculous to me, because it seems that they are both missing one thing or another. People really don’t know how to resolve conflicts.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

And guess who staarts this argument every time ,Grif?You were the one who, even if you didn't link to anything, mentioned the vault. IF you had just said 'hey did you check around including the vault?' then that's one thing. But no. You lit the touch paper and went with how you phrased it.I'm still siding with Jade. Intent matters. It's hilarious how you instantly leap to 'pirate this' without even thinking about legal sources (which were mentioned a few posts later). If it got put to a vote we'd be right back to the double standards of not allowing game cracks but everything else being a-ok to allow, which is a much, much bigger issue than people realize.@74 has a point. The rebuttals in that thread were US specific when the site's hosted in the EU. Which given how draconian Art 13/17 now isisn't exactly a good thing


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Can we talk about 74's suggestion? It sounded pretty good. Jayde and other admins can talk to an expert on the EU article 17/13 issue.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Hi, First of all, Thank you JaceK, I shall so not follow your recommendation, you however, feel free to do so. and also, You bring this up every time this discussion startsJaceK wrote:Rules that the community were given a chance to discuss  The rule which the community was and is clearly against, and thinks an exception ought to be made. You and a few users don't really make or speak for the entire community, just so you know. Also, If you are tired of my posts, please follow your suggestion, don't let the door hit you on the way out. for I am sick of people like you, too. Again,  This thread from beginning to end makes a very good read, and contains rebuttles for all the arguement all the copywrite trolls and fearmongers have put in. I'd Wager if this were put to a wote to the community Whether or not discussion of Audiovault and descriptive content should be an exception to rule 3,  the overvelming majority would agree that indeed, it should be. So no, Community does not make you and 5 to 10 users that I can count and name.@nidza07, obviously 60 would not get a worning or even a caution or the like, because calling someone a greedy so and so along with the rest of post 60, is nothing but harsh and not insulting. lmao, it's so obvious at this point that this does not even need pointing out that it's because JaceK is saying exactly what these people want to say. And mo, I refuse to be driven off because of a few copywrite trolls and or fearmongers.Grryf


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

lol, nice vedeogame joke. I love that one!but yeah, that's the point. nead I say anymore?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

@JaceK, not to mention the "Nintendo ninjas" crcking down on fangames, and getting really pushy when it comes down to it. In that case, Sega really does what Nintendon't.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Other than the fact that there are hundreds of copyrighted assets, and that CP is trying very hard to emulate Mario Party and card-based Pokémon-esque battles?Also? There's a world of difference between 60 and 62. 62 was blatant; I'm pretty sure we can all agree on that. 60 was harsh, but did not actually contain personal attacks or any other breach of rules.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Look it's OK. but here, Do you know why CP sounds the way it does? It's something every audiogamer should know, or every videogamer I should say.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Ah, so 62 gets a warning, completely justified, but 60 does not? So I'm fine to tell people get lost, go, I'm tired of your posts, there's the door, make your own fucking forum as long as I agree with the mods?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

You know, Kai, I never thought of the argument of fan mods for the AA soundpack. I recognize that it's still something of a gray area, mind you.CP is a little iffier, since it's not really a fan mod, it's like Mario party and a screwy version of pokemon in one go, with plenty of music and sound effects from the pokemon, Mario and even sonic franchises. I mean, yes, popular game, and I'm not dumping on it, as it does a lot of things pretty well, but I definitely think it falls in a gray area.But for anyone curious, CP is actually where we stopped the slippery-slope stuff. At one point I was strongly advocating that we maybe consider suspending support for it here on the forum due to its copyrighted assets, but that ultimately didn't fly because apparently a lot of audiogames use certain assets that perhaps shouldn't be used, and to crack down on one, in this instance, means re-examining almost all of them.That said, I would still love to see CP get updated eventually with sounds and music from the public domain, or with its own proprietary stuff.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : supremekiller via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Thanks for explaining it Liam


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : supremekiller via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

So, I guess it's just like buying tickets to the cinema accept you get the movie instead?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

With Itunes you have to buy or rent a movie you want to watch, so you don't get a monthly all you can eat package like you would with Netflix. However, you'll get movies that have just been released, so I suppose that is a plus.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : supremekiller via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Sky guardian, that poast was disgusting, ridickolous, and all round childish. Not only could you have changed your password to some random stuff that is 60 characters, but you could have asked the moderators to ban you, you could have said that your finished with the forum or something. I'll be honest and say that I've lost almoast 100 percent of respect for you. I'm sorry if I'm derailing the topic, but I just wanted to say that and I won't poast any more about this. Either way, lots of services like ITunes offer tuns of movies. I use netflicks, is it worth getting ITunes? does it have more movies than netflicks? I'm just curious.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

@72:Counter point is Take 2 being trigger happy with trying to murder mods for their games and going after modders who use existing RDR2 assets, and tried to C^D legal (under Russian law) tools to stop GTAV modding however, as well as Bethesda's absolutely asinine Creation Club model though.Yes. Take 2 has been up to some insanely shady things re: protecting its IP, not just on the modding front


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I have a solution that has always, always, always, always been talked about, but never executed.We don't know where to draw the line. We don't know what is and is not allowed in the grey area. The users keep pushing, the mods keep pulling. The whole reason why this rule exists, is to keep the forum going, without getting into legal trouble. Are we on the same page? Good, read on.The truth is, no one here is right. Neither the users or the mods. Neither group knows what is acceptable and what is not. And guess what? Neither group is stupid either. Both groups have very good and very bad points.The mods are trying to do right, and the users are trying to do right, some of them. But no one is asking for help.Instead of bickering and playing this violent tug of war, we could be asking people we will know, who have the answers. Why hasn't anyone reached out to an official source for copyright? We can explain our problem, and they can tell us what is ok and not ok to place on this forum. Sometimes asking legit sources for help is actually useful. It certainly sounds more productive than trying to fix this ourselves at this point. I am not saying the mods are not making progress, or that they are doing everything wrong. I am saying we can ask an official source for help so we don't fight each other.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I have a solution that has always, always, always, always been talked about, but never executed.We don't know where to draw the line. We don't know what is and is not allowed in the grey area. The users keep pushing, the mods keep pulling. The whole reason why this rule exists, is to keep the forum going, without getting into legal trouble. Are we on the same page? Good, read on.The truth is, no one here is not. Neither the users or the mods. Neither group knows what is acceptable and what is not. And guess what? Neither group is stupid either. Both groups have very good and very bad points.The mods are trying to do right, and the users are trying to do right, some of them. But no one is asking for help.Instead of bickering and playing this violent tug of war, we could be asking people we will know, who have the answers. Why hasn't anyone reached out to an official source for copyright? We can explain our problem, and they can tell us what is ok and not ok to place on this forum. Sometimes asking legit sources for help is actually useful. It certainly sounds more productive than trying to fix this ourselves at this point. I am not saying the mods are not making progress, or that they are doing everything wrong. I am saying we can ask an official source for help so we don't fight each other.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Well, there goes the civil conversation. UGH. This is why we can't have nice things.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Xvordan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Jayde et al. I do get where you're coming from about the Alter Aeon sound pack (hey, they took sounds of mine that weren't made for AA to use in that as well), but I actually think that in the case of the AA sound pack, it's actually ok. The sound pack is in essence a fan mod which (so far as I know) isn't trying to profit from the content they're using. I don't actually think it's even hosted on the Alter Aeon server, just linked to from there. In a case like this, I actually think they're ok, albeit in a slighty grey area but using so many assets from so many titles.My justification for this view is this: A lot of video games eventually amass a selection of fan mods that alter portions of the game to resemble other games. Street Fighter 4 and 5, for instance, both have tons of fan mods that change different characters to look like other IP from other companies (including Capcom's own), and none of the companies have ever sent a C&D to these modders. The only time something came close was because the modders were running a Patreon for the mod, and people who paid certain amounts either got early access or exclusive content (which reused Capcom IP).I still don't like that the sound pack has so much borrowed material (including my own), but since it's a free-to-use fan mod (AA might be Pay-to-win, but the mod isn't), I don't think they'd get in trouble for it, nor would for promoting it. If modders can reuse sprites and media from other games under the fan-mod umbrella without legal rammifications, I think the AA sound pack will be just fine.Kai


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

62: I'm sorry to hear that you are that upset with what is going on that youf elt the need to sabotage your standing here on this forum. I wish you nothing but the best going forward.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

And if you look closely, you will see that several people have mentioned the vault by its full name in passing, and none of them have received a caution. Intent matters. Please don't lose sight of that.MechaSkyGuardian has now been banned.Bryant, thank you for the encouragement. I know that sometimes we end up doing things that annoy folks, and that's going to rub people's fur the wrong way, but it's nice to know that it's not all for naught.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

@jade and other admins of this forum: I want you to know that I, at least, agree with you and think that you are doing a good job moderating and trying to enforce the rules. To everyone else, I strongly encourage you to think about what jade said. He specificly said that he wasn't going to give Gryfindore a warning, because while he mentioned the audiovault, he did not post a link to it, which would have been worthy of a warning. My stance on this issue is, and will always be, if you can't pay for something for whatever reason, ask someone if they are willing to pay for it for you. There are plenty of people out there who i'm sure would be willing to do just that. But this is not an excuse to demand everything for free, or try to get around copyright restrictions. The admins have dealt with enough hostility, much of which is not warranted. They are only trying to do their ob and make sure this forum does not come under fire by endorsing posting of copyrighted material, nor posting of it. For those who say that nothing has happend so far, that doesn't mean it never will, so better to be safe than sorry.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Moderation:JuanReina, here's a warning for personal attacks. You don't get to run around and call people bitches and fucktards, no sir.MechaSkyGuardian, all I see in your last couple of posts is a desperate attempt to control a situation over which you have very little influence. You're pissed off that things aren't going your way, so you're tossing all your toys out of the pram. You can't make us change our minds no matter how much you insult us, and so I guess you think you're cool by invoking hate speech or something? Well I have news for you. All it does is make you look foolish. I'm well aware that you're attempting to get yourself banned; I've seen this sort of thing several times before, and it always boils down to the same thing. "You can't control me, I quit". But when people say that, they're usually trying desperately to hide the fact that they're feeling hurt, rejected or useless. I won't wager which it is with you, but all you've done here is make yourself sound like a child throwing a racist tantrum. If you had any credibility before now, consider it shot. I bet even those who might have otherwise agreed with your sentiments before now are going to have trouble justifying this.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

JaceK, I read all of this, and it looks like you didn't read the audiovault's homepage. But nice little swing at grryfindore, not that that did anything, I'm sure you wouldn't like when people swared at you? Look, you bitch, he's not being entitled. Get that out of your ass rite now! We say that we are blind and want things for free? no we didn't! You see me fighting for roms and cracked shit? no! PMS for that! all that we're saying, and it's fucktards like you who just aren't getting, is that all we want is to say the thing freely. I groo alot of respect for grryfindore because he did what people like you wouldn't do. he saw the good in things, not what's legal and what's not. and I hate saying this over and over again, but I am not talking as a pirate, but as someone that wants you to see that there's good in things, and for not you all are after. But yeah, If we're  entitled assholes, then I guess that makes you an asshole that all he knows how to do is to spit in our faces. Good enough?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

It realy is quite a simple rule to follow, now if I was responding to the OP, I would tell them to check iTunes.I can't speak for Brazil because I'm in Australia, and all the Harry Potter and Star Wars films are available on iTunes here audio described.I wish I could say the same for Joker.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mechaSkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

You’re doing what I want you to do Jayde. I want to be banned and you don’t understand that. I wouldn’t have posted something like that if I didn’t want to be banned. You’re obviously not as smart as you look because I thought you would’ve noticed that by now. Honestly I liked the previous set of admins better than the ones we have right now. Oh and no need to put it through Google translate. I’ll give you the English version if you ask for it that is. And my last words before Jade bans me are. It’s both of your faults the forum is like like this. I hope you know that. Other than the moderation of You guys are just humans with nothing else better to do than babysitting a god damned forum. I’ll see you later Greg Chambers and Liam Irvin


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Moderation:MechaSkyGuardian, consider this an official warning. That level of antagonism is absolutely unwarranted.I'm going to put your German through Google Translate to see what it says, but if any native German speakers want to help me out, feel free to drop me a line. If it's as bad as it looks to my admittedly untrained eye, that's going to be a second warning.And...yup. Second warning. I would ban outright, but I'm gonna wait for confirmation on that. Hate speech against Jews? Nope. Ain't gonna fly, my dude. We don't accept hate speech of any kind.End moderationRegarding assets in games and other things of a similar nature, I confess to a rather dim view of the whole process. I find the AA sound pack extremely engaging, but I can't ignore the fact that a lot of its assets break copyright. Crazy Party is a game which has a similar problem, and also borrows concepts from several popular franchises in the bargain. I find it interesting that, especially where CP is concerned, no one has bothered trying to update the sound and music to use free noncopyrighted material, despite the large following it's got. I find this rather telling.Goal posts moved when rule 3 was updated and implemented, but they haven't moved since. Intent matters.And when I said this discussion was over, I simply meant that I'm not going to try and convince you anymore that you're wrong because I don't feel a need to prove myself to most of you anymore, not on this topic at least. Believe as you wish, but nothing is changing.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Moderation:MechaSkyGuardian, consider this an official warning. That level of antagonism is absolutely unwarranted.I'm going to put your German through Google Translate to see what it says, but if any native German speakers want to help me out, feel free to drop me a line. If it's as bad as it looks to my admittedly untrained eye, that's going to be a second warning.End moderationRegarding assets in games and other things of a similar nature, I confess to a rather dim view of the whole process. I find the AA sound pack extremely engaging, but I can't ignore the fact that a lot of its assets break copyright. Crazy Party is a game which has a similar problem, and also borrows concepts from several popular franchises in the bargain. I find it interesting that, especially where CP is concerned, no one has bothered trying to update the sound and music to use free noncopyrighted material, despite the large following it's got. I find this rather telling.Goal posts moved when rule 3 was updated and implemented, but they haven't moved since. Intent matters.And when I said this discussion was over, I simply meant that I'm not going to try and convince you anymore that you're wrong because I don't feel a need to prove myself to most of you anymore, not on this topic at least. Believe as you wish, but nothing is changing.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

@62:You forget the bit that says staff enforce the rules. You also forget the whole 'the community had a chance to talk about the rules' bitAlso nice German there. Door's over there, don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out, racist


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mechaSkyGuardian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Jayde. I would like to inform you and your little sidekick Liam that you are both pieces of human excrement as well as shitty admins. The community has said countless mf times that rule 3 is a piece of shit and should and exist. So one thing before i leave.fick dich, Ihr seid alle Scheiße, Jayde und Liam. ihr alle ist juden. Ficken die juden. Hitler ist sehr prima, aber ihr ist nicht, mutterfickers. Fick deine familien, sie sind alle sehr gross und haaslich. sind sie jungen oder madchen? ich weiss nicht. Und fick dich jacek. Sie klein scheisse


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

What i find intresting in this regards that assets that are used in games are mostly overlooked by the mods.The most prominent example I would mension is Alter Eon or rather the accessible client. You don't need to look hard enough to see that copyrighted music is in there, and not just one or two tracks. Yes, some of these are possibly self created, I'm willing to believe that, but definitly not every track.So I do wonder, why is nothing done about that?Greetings moritz.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Grif.You don't like the rules?Leave. Go on. Shoo. There's the door. You're not on the mod/admin team. You don't get to sit here and say oh I am not reading Jade's posts, because he's wrong.Jade's an admin. His /job/ is to enforce rules. Rules that you agreed to by using this site. Rules that the community were given a chance to discuss.You know what? You don't like not being able to sharee whatever pirated 'I am blind but I am greedy so give me all the things TV and film studios work their buts off on for free mentality' things? Go on. Make your own forum then. Make that and don't have any rules. Don't be shocked when people post links to things that get flagged by responsible users or quick acting admins. You want that? Go fucking make your own forum. You are coming off off as a greedy entitled so and so who wants everything handed to you and doesn't want to support creators and networks who make the content, or indeed the people making the audio tracks, too.TL:DR: I for one am tired of your shit. Don't like the forum rules. Get lost, go make your own forum.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Hi, Wall of text coming up! I'll say this again, just in case it gets missed. I see that jade has posted quite a few replys, but I haven't read them, nor will I do, and this isn't a reply to his posts. If Jade and Liam haven't understood all this by now, they never will, or perhaps they do, but refuse to see it.  As I said though, It's a good thing Jade isn't the only so called administrator we have.But this isn't the point here, more on that below, or just read post 55. In the end his posts on this topic all come down to  basicly this. I want it this way, you are missing perspective, thinly waled threats of wornings and banishments. Is all his posts consist of at least when it comes to this.  Now responding to others @Aaron, I wasn't going to bring all this up, to be perfectly honest with you, and as you and others might see, I mostly stick to the rules where ever possible, and have done so even with this rule even though quite a few of us/ majority were against it's implementation both for Audiovault and games containing questionable sounds/ and or from questionable sources. It's this pushing the goalpost/lines that seems to happen every time that gets me and makes me speak up. But since we are at it again might as well lay all of it down on the table, as it were. As to your question,The internet is indeed a huge huge place, and If you are really looking for something, you are sure to find it. From places that are nothing but a pirate's den, or full of dictators (these don't last very long though), to forums and websites that ban you for nothing and anything, and then there are those that won't even if you go around trolling. The question you should be asking your selvs, of course is What is this forum for and  whom it's for (and this is very important) in this context, at least. It's for discussions of games, specificly audiogames. But being a forum, It's not just limited to such, obviously. We have discussions on how to play mainstream games, to how to go about cooking, The way we carry out daly activities being blind, so on and so forth. and Until  a year ago, We also could as we had done for years talk about How and where we being visually impaired watched movies and shows, Audio described, where such could be obtained etc. I am a man of simple words, and this is all I will say. Things are already so bloody hard, obviously more so for some of us than others, Why make them even harder. What we need to understand here is though, is a need for compromise. A Compromise that has already occured, to the extent possible. But of course certain people want to push, and push until they have things the way they want them to be, and unfortunately that is not how this forum has worked, and hopefully will not, either. We all should follow Rules and laws where ever possible, and in context of rule 3, it was being followed, of course. as layed down by you all, that being, No direct links etc, but Name dropping should be alright.goes without saying, but There comes a time when you need to stand up, and say, We've had enough, and won't stand for such no more. Do you then choose to be a dicktator, or listen to your users concerns as long as nothing is harmed? I wasn't asking for allowing us to create an audiovault news/ discussion thread here, and never have either, besides that point at first when the thread was closed, and I do believe I asked aaron, who after discussions refused. and I am sure he and others could verify that I haven't done so again after that one time, that too in a personal private email. All I have been asking is a chance for the users of this forum who might not know about the vault to be given a chance to do so nothing else, and I personally do not think that is too much to ask. Considering that the vault is nothing but an community effort by the users of this forum. Movies and shows are just as important in todays world for everybody,as Books and Education.TL,DR We shouldn't let this forum become a thievs den where everything illegal under the sun is welcome, but we also should have some empathy/ consideration, and not be beholden to some corporation/law that does not give an rat's ass about us. If that is too much for you to bair, then at least do not be an arse, when Rules are being followed to the extent possible, but of course not all the T's and dots are crossed. @post 40 Thetechguy, Here is what happened, Some of it is speculation on my part, from the data that I have, so there is a possibility however small of it being not true, so take it as such. this got posted  Most users disagreed, and for a while it looked like Audio described movies along with the vault would be an exception to this whole thing, and FYI, Artical 17 because of which all this got started, or at least that was the reason g

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

All I have to say is post 55. Read it, understand it. Again, I say no links were passed around, not counting Ashley's post which was quite clearly against the rules.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I agree with Mads here.I can't see what harm it does to talk about the vault but Christ. It is not exactly dificult to send a pm with a link.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mads via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I don't understand the point of "Well, I am not using it in a bad way". That would be like me saying, "Let me show you how to break into a car and steal it. Now if you want to, you can take any car, but personally i only use it to take cars when I really, really have no other option." See it makes no damn sense, I would still be showing people how to do something wrong.I just don't understand why it is so hard just sending a damn mail or pm or whatever, it's only a few clicks more, and we never have to have this discussion again. Just do it..


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

The main point here is that before the admins specifically said that discussing it is fine, but that no direct links would be allowed. They're moving the goal posts now. It's like they're slowly taking it to where they want it to be, pushing further every time people accept the previous level.Oh and I like 16's suggestion.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

The main point here is that before the admins specifically said that discussing it is fine, but that no direct links would be allowed. They're moving the goal posts now. It's like they're slowly taking it to where they want it to be, pushing further every time people accept the previous level.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

@simbah: but gryfindore specificly did mention the movie vault in his post when he said check the vault. I frankly do not understand why people are missing this.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : marko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I use the vault too, for the same reasons. Jayde, try to find the one who is with you. Even Aaron disagreed. To tell where to find an audio deskpribed movie or that you use a site because of such and such reasons isn’t illegal or against the rules.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : marko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I use the vault too, for the same reasons. Jayde, try to find the one who is with you. Even Aaron disagreed. To tell where to find an audio deskbribed moovie or that you use a site because of such and such reasons isn’t illegal or against the rules.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I don't think it is not you who decides what discussions continue and which ones don't. If users of this forum want to further discuss this the matter and they don't share any links or mension the site. I want to see you trying to warn them by stating a rule that they didn't even break by not linking to illegal material or mensioning any site to download copyrighted material.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

All irrelevant. If you don't get it now, you never will. Or perhaps you refuse.Some people use the vault, and other such sites, for the reasons that TheGreatCarver mentioned. Fine. It's still a grey area, but fine. But just because you do this doesn't mean others share your scruples. What's more, technically we only have your word that you possess these scruples in the first place. It is impossible for us to gauge your honesty, and we're neither equipped to track what you do nor interested in pursuing you to that degree. that's not our job.If we relaxed rule 3, all that would happen is that half a hundred people would claim the same as you have, would say they only use the vault and other places when there is literally no other legal choice. Some might even be telling the truth, but many wouldn't. And many, of course, simply wouldn't bother with pretense at all. They'd just pass around links to copyrighted material. This opens the forum up to potential risk that it doesn't need, gives outsiders the impression that we condone these actions in an official capacity, and generally creates an aspect of forum culture that we want to minimize as much as we reasonably can.Yet again, I want to point out that we are not attempting to control what you do off the forum. But since we're in charge of the forum at present, and since we're asking you not to break the rules, we expect that you'll either abide by the rules or leave. If you choose to do neither, you will eventually be made to leave if the situation escalates far enough. I hate to sound threatening about it, but that is what you may be forcing here.Your inability to share the links you're arguing for in public is not stopping you, or others, from enjoying the things you wish to do so. The only thing it's doing is making it one or two steps harder to do what you want.You think I'm being stubborn, or narrow-minded. I'm not. I'm thinking about it from further down, further out, than you are. Most of you seemingly can't look past the thought that your freedom is being circumscribed a little. You are focused on one aspect of the discussion - one that has absolutely no good future - and you're stretched well beyond your rational means. I advise you let it go. This rule isn't changing, and the way we enforce it isn't changing either. If you encourage folks to visit problematic sites or engage in illegal activity in public, whether it be via direct link or indirect mention with intent to show a person how to do what they want, you will be dealt with.This discussion is over. From here on out, you may as well be talking to yourselves. The only reason I am not locking this topic is because folks have a tendency to throw fits when we exercise that particular power, but this thread has well and truly served its purpose.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

TheGreatCarver, that's what I'm trying to tell him, but Jayde looks like he's only thinking about legal and non legal. I watch netflix when my cousin comes over, and that's legal and that's because he's fortunate and he said when he's here, I can use it.So when he's not I use the audiovault.Look man, I'm not supporting piracy on this one, i'm just really, at least against this part of the rule. And I will say this, and i'll keep my word on this, it's OK for mee when roms and torrents and cracked software to PM. well for torrents, I'll make sure they're legal before I post, don't worry. But for AV, I will stic by this.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I use the Audio Vault when I need to find an audio description track that I can not obtain legally. That usually means old movies, as well as TV shows that I can´t stream or download from iTunes, Netflix etc. So please understand that not everyone is looking to use the vault as an opportunity to deprive people of income or to buck the system. Many of us use the vault to access material that we would not otherwise be able to access accessibly.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I do use the audio vault, but I don't point people to it because I know about the arguments it causes


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

No they may do. you're thinking only on that? Things that people do are 50 50, it's not always only one and not the other. those asumptions of humans you're making are really all that you're going on? When you're failing to see the big picture. I think you nead to read my post a little better.Please?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

The vault says it's not trying to deprive people of income.Except that in many cases that's precisely what it's doing. Folks who have a choice between the vault or paying for stuff, and who do have the money to make that choice, may still choose the vault because it's free, resulting in lost income.If I call someone an idiot, and then say I wasn't trying to insult them, that doesn't make any sense. Seriously, Juan, just consider what you're saying a little better before you speak. Words have meanings.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thunderdragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Agreed with  44. I don't really have the money to buy movies with Audio description so I have no choice but to use the audio vollt


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : juan reina via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

All i'm saying is, there's nothing rong with the audiovault as far as I can see. I'm OK with PMS on the pirate bay, and dark web and all that, but the audiovault, bottom line is, if people want to use Itunes, they can use it. if people want to use the audiovault, and they are less fortunate, they can. it's simple, it's not like nobody won't be using Itunes and netflix, intent does matter yes, not all the blind will use Itunes, and not all of the blind will use the audiovault, we, nead to at least, learn to fight for something. roms, torrents, cracked software, PMS. audiovault, as far as I can see, if you really look on the homepage, really doesn't wana take owners out of there content, so please, yall nead to stop holding this down.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thunderdragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

I knew this was coming ever since the first post. I get it, we don't like it, but what can we do?  Yes, I'll admit I use the audio vollt and there's no use hiding the name it's all over the forum. But please, please, use the PM if you want to point someone to the audio volt. i don't like waking up, looking at the forum and the first thing i see is a  fight which really   should be over by now. We've done it so many times, what will it accomplish if we keep doing it every day. if you disagree with someone, you should let them know and go on from their, with out bringing personal matters in to it. 'i'm not targeting anyone here, but it gets  frustrating reading this all over again. I get it, there is confusion and all, but what would it do to keep throwing stuff at Jaid or anyone else?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Aaron has every right in the world to disagree with me, as do any of the rest of you. Do it to your heart's content; I promise I won't get offended. I may think you're wrong, I may challenge and dismantle your arguments if you present them, but I don't take it personally if someone thinks I'm wrong.Where I took issue with Aaron - and thanks for the apology, Aaron - is that it's generally accepted that people who are in a position of authority shouldn't squabble in public. We have an email list where Aaron could've come at me with both barrels blazing if he'd wanted to, and I wouldn't have batted an eye because it was being done in private. Doing what he did makes it seem like there is dissention in the ranks, and of course there is. It takes away from my potential credibility for no good reason. I would object to it no matter who was saying what, by the way, so this would have been equally wrong if Aaron were out front and I'd torpedoed him instead. I try very hard not to throw my fellow staff members under buses, because at the end of the day, we're working together here to try and make this forum a place worth visiting.I personally do not see a need to compromise any further than what has already been done. Even within the forum, you still have private messages, and we can't and don't police those. We simply don't want you to point folks at sites where illegal content is being hosted or can be very easily accessed. At the end of the day, this is the only reason we need; we don't want it done, so it won't be done in public. Any points you might make about risk are moot. Any points you might make about inaccessibility of certain shows, also moot. If we were a media-based forum, then we'd be having a different discussion, but we're not. We decided several months ago to distance ourselves as much as reasonably possible from the illegal distribution of copyrighted information. This means you can't post certain links and you can't sidestep rule 3. This is, at least at this time, non-negotiable in my eyes. I'm sure that pushes some of you into a rage, or makes you think I'm being dictatorial, especially given that Aaron is considerably softer on this than I am.So here's a little bit about me that may help you understand some stuff, and might dispel some of your halfhearted attempts at smearing my character.I have definitely partaken of illegal content from time to time. I won't say what, where or when, but yes, I've done it. I've said multiple times that on a moral level, I largely don't object to it as long as the source isn't truly being hurt (i.e., I strongly object morally to people ripping off indy devs or audiogame devs, but I don't worry so much about taking ten bucks from a million-dollar media creator or billion-dollar industry). Emotionally speaking, I don't mind a lot of this stuff half as much as some of you think I do. So you know that stuff regarding my "personal vendetta"? Nope. Stuff it.Now here's the bit you ought to pay attention to. When deciding what is right and wrong for the forum at large, I am not emotional. I'm rational. This means that if one path means virtually zero risk, and the other path means, say, 3% risk, I'm going to advocate for the 0 risk path because the harm of users being annoyed is offset by the fact that the forum will be kept safe and will not be associated with the unthrottled sharing of copyrighted content. The worst that will happen by maintaining this stance is that some users will keep pushing the rules, or a few users may leave; if they leave, that's their choice, and if they push the rules, they'll be dealt with. Acceptable and tolerable losses, in my assessment. I cannot and will not let my emotions make this decision, and that is where Aaron and I are fundamentally different.Some of you see my unyielding façade and think I'm cold. In this context, I'm okay with that, because most of you don't know me. I like many of you, I dislike a few of you, but those things, too, can't impact decisions I make. If some of you think I'm heartless or stubborn on this topic, I can tolerate that; your accusations amuse me a little, if I'm being wholly honest, but they don't hurt me and they won't cause me to change what I do or how I do it.Put another way, I care about you as individuals, and I don't want to see you hurt, taken advantage of or otherwise come to any grief. I have a huge heart, believe it or not. But my primary job here is to make sure the forum runs smoothly, and sometimes that means maintaining a stance that really pisses some of you off for the greater good of the forum. I don't enjoy this, but I will continue to do it because it is the right 

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Hi.At 24 well, I don't know about you, but to me it seams, and I really don't want to lean out of the window with that one, but I think were're just having this discussion again and you are actually taking part in it.You won't get the vault out of the forum, there are to many members knowing about it and it will always get mensioned somewhere, either in a threat or via a private message, I really would love to see Jayde trying eliminating discussion about the Vault on the forum.Aaron is the most level headed of the bunch. Jayde is the only good other moderator on the team in my opinion, but possibly not neutral on this matter.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

didn't we already had a community discussion before this rule was implemented? Most of the community were against the rule being implemented at the time. So what was the point of that discussion if the admins didn't listen?


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : supremekiller via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

@jade, hate to tell ya but Aaron, sorry if I'm spelling that wrong, has the right to post against your opinions. Sorry if you don't like it. Also, I have not seen one person, excluding the admins who has posted on this topic and said, no! the rule 3 shouldn't be relaxed!I won't post any more about this, but it is being taken way out of praportion.


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Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Long post ahead. Please stay with me in this. There might be a lot to unpack.@GRyf:I am not talking about DMCA, not automatically. I'm talking about a situation whereby someone, such as an advocate or even one of our indie devs, might see this and decide to possibly take it down more legal avenues. Or, ya know, they might just leave. Probably not very likely, each person checks their respective parts of the forum and for now, seems to leave it at that. But is it worth the risk? It only takes one.I'm part of a website called Equestria Daily, and their comments say don't link to downloadable episodes. Link to streamable ones or unofficial content such as YOuTube, and they've got a few in that fandom who have the episodes up to stream and then, when it becomes available to purchase legally, they take it down, right then and there explaining to support the show.That's quite a large fan-related website though, our forum is a lot smaller. But are we truly exempt? You might find something at the very end of this post that could be interesting.@Jayde: I do apologize, once again, for calling you out in public like that, and I did not name my source because they specifically do not want to get involved with this at this time. But I've done a bit of thinking over the night.I think part of the reason was if I went to the list and the only ones to respond were, say, you and Carter, I don't know how well it'd end for some of us. I'd get worried we'd just keep clashing over it. I'd end up causing stress for you guys and one or both might end up leaving, and I don't want that, not if I can help it. I could call on some other staff to get opinions from but again, I just don't see it ending well. Whereas if we approach the community about this there's a possibility of coming up with a compromise with everyone. It might take longer though, and doing that, could actually cause the same result, I do realize that. I took a huge risk. It could result in a slow burn... and then someone ends up leaving, not the result I'd want ideally, not at all. It's widely known I approach things slightly softer, but I'll come to that in a bit.Then, after that thought trail, another trail happened and I came to a realization, something like this:Going public means we can get more perspectives. We need a compromise but we also can't redact rule 3, not really. If we did that, where would we stop? If we go too far in one direction we reach a problem. We either go too soft or we go too strict and scare people away. Stay with me a sec.Having a look at the other perspectives, I can see why Jayde said what he said. In summary, there's the addage that we're not going to be able to please everyone as admins and staff.Essentially: I'm with the rest of the staff and I respect rule 3 but there must be some way we can do something without being too scary about it. Saying this, I also understand that we need to be foreceful sometimes, and I would add, I don't like saying it, I don't think anyone on the staff team necessarily likes saying that. It becomes a factor of, we've got to do our jobs as mods/admins. If we just left you all to it, who knows what would happen. I think there'd be so many arguments and who knows what else.Look at some of my responses in previous topics. If someone asks about stuff I've often now taken the approach of asking if there's any international distributors, trying to subtly steer the conversation away. I do that because I don't want people to end up feeling hurt or stressed, not if I can help it. Otherwise I just envisage a situation of someone saying "let's use the vault" and someone else suddenly replies "why are you mentioning that"/"incert pages and pages of debate until finally someone goes over the edge"/" / I go to the staff list / and then, moderation I'm gonna close this topic because this went too far!" I'd rather end a debate peacefully, and I think if all of us on the staff team could, we would.I've been following stuff like TorrentFreak long enough to realize that it's not worth the risk us linking to content. This topic isn't even necessarily about that. It's now trying to find the idea of context, again stay with me a sec.I'd like everyone to do something (I have a feeling Jayde is probably going to say something to me about this but I'll go with that if/when it happens, but also hoping to not only appeal to his logic, but perhaps get some of you to understand more of his logic as well)I, genuinely, do not think there's bias at play. Believe it or not, I used to think that around a year ago but then stuff changed. Then, I realized something last night. I had a huge, huge bombshell of a brainwave at the end o

Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how I can obtain harry potter and star wars with audio description?

Indeed. Jayde is a good admin in general. But when it comes to this rule, he changes. He would say his patients has run out. To me it looks more like stubbornness. Same goes for Liam if I have to be completely honest.


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