Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

One reason I'd like to see vacus, droidic etc ships hanging around when your doing your normal activities, provided of course combat could be made a little more possible to survive and a little more tactical. As a great example of this,look at smugglers 5. If you play a trader and head into a nsystem your faction has a war with, or if you run into a pirate, you will be in a turn based battle, and you will need to use your shields and flee pretty sharpish, indeed lots of the traders battle abilities are more about reducing random encounters and getting out of battles intact.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

There used to be a vacus warbase you could randomly jump into and destroy enemies, which actually would cause enemies to invade once you left it. The thing about enemies not striking back is something every space moo leaves out a lot, not even sc gets that right. Makes the war effort seam very one-sided if you ask me.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

yeah but what else I'd like to see is reprisals from missions. I mean yeah people do missions. why doesn't that piss the vacus druidic or any other enemy race off to the point whereby they strike back? it's like we can do missions with impunity.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I haven't actually seen an invasion, indeed it's sort of interesting that those thugs you get trying to stop you in package delivery missions are actually the only sort of random ground combat encounter in the game and everything else happens on outpost theta 15. For a start, I would've assumed the Vacus, droidics and other aliens would all have different fronteers, not the entire ground battle be confined to just the one planet, indeed I'd love to see  different mission types and maybe even encounters on some of the wilder main planets, as well as combat being more intigrated into the game as I said.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

yes this is true if we are at war it doesn't really feel like we are at war. even invasions feel sort of scripted if you know what I mean. they happen at given times of the day not randomly etc.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hi Dardar. Interesting, I'm really looking forward to the combat upgrades and seeing combat more frequently as part of the main game rather than a sort of specialised activity along side everything else.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@gryffindor: Thank you for explaining. I keep forgetting if I have mentioned this in a previous post or not, and so am probably repeating myself somewhat. A committee of five hosts have been formed, whose job it is is to go over the current "stock" ships, ensuring they are completely spell checked, and also adding any missing upgrades too them. To use dark's example, one job of this committee would be is to ensure the asteroid hauler actually has an anchor[though I'm pretty sure it does.]@dark Get excited, because development has begun! As I promised the players, it will be a slow intigration, allowing them the time to adjust to each change. Some changes might be two days apart, if they are most asthetics, others might be a week apart, either way, this new system has "different" and "unique" in mind. The first changes are already noticeable, in that targeting, i.e, when you type t , now shows next to it where the ship is in relation to yours, heading, such that if you target a ship and it is off of your port forward, then you turn to the left all of a sudden, the direction will now adjust such that it is starboard forward.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I don't mind the cargo drones myself, but yee gods to do activities there are so many upgrades, and if you miss one of them your stuck, actually it gives the ships in the game very little personality at all since baiscally your ship is just a container for your upgrades and the only things that make ships individual are combat gear (which isn't really needed for most activity ships anyway since combat has become such a specialist area in and of it's own right). Speaking of combat, I am really! looking forward to that combat overhaul, I'd love to see combat more intigrated into the game, and the need to cope with being jumped on more oftne, but actually some ability to survive said encounters, ie, making combat more than a manner of fly in one direction typing as fast as possible and hoping your armour and cloaks stand up to things.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

HiWhat dark and orin etc are getting at and I kind of agree with their sentiments is, if its a ship ment for astroid hauling, make it come with a roid anchor. If its a harvester have it come with scoops, if its a combat ship, have it come with weapons and defenses appropriate for that level.Different upgrade required for minerals could be gotten rid of, made level dependent, or let there be a roid/planet harvester for lower levels,then 1 for higher levels. So that the time a person spends thinking of and getting upgrades reduces.My slight issue with the upgrades right now is, there are certain upgrades that you will just have to sit down and type or arrow up to and press enter upon buy 1, 1 at least 10 20 times... you could either have a prompt for such asking how many of those upgrade or what tear of that upgrade you would like to buy or if you have the level for it,max it.I agree with dardar about the cargo drones,though the update does make them more useful now...Grryf


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hello everyone@dark we're working on that as quick as we can. The ships overhaul has a committee of five hosts dedicated to bringing things up to snuff.There is no roundtime with upgrade drones. There never has been.@Ethin Your post makes a few inaccurate assumtions, most noteably, you think I've already not successfully found a way to do it. Vip does support unicode characters, though I had to test it to find that out. Anyways, keep the reviews coming!


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

actually dark in ce you do need asteroid scanners and the like. there are a few types of scanners depending on level. personally I don't have an issue with that because it stands to reason that the higher the rank the better equipment you can get. that to me makes sense. I do agree however with the purchase of new ships they should come equipped at the level they are purchased at.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I can't speak on the translation issue, but my problem in terms of ships is precisely as stated. when you buy a new ship, you need to install upgrades for each and every activity, not to mention mineral type upgrades for each type you want and upgrades for your scoops for each thing, e.g planetoids, asteroids, orbit cleaning gear  etc, as well as scanning modules, and that's not to speak of warp tanks,spray bottles and extinguishers (plus now apparently even more drones to take on the ratica), engine speed upgrades, extra rooms such as a vehicle bay etc, oh and of course upgrading weapons or defensive systems is near impossible, indeed I suspect that when you do eventually have the capacity to fill enough cargo space to start fighting vacus ships in asteroid and planetoid fields, it'll be easier to buy a battleship and upgrade it with all the cargo holds and resource upgrades than to buy a ship actually designed! for mining and try to add weapons to it. The amount of times I've flown out to the asteroid belt with a new ship and realized that I forgot to buy a scoop upgrade for a specific mineral, or forgot to add the minerals per scoop or something. I would suggest myself firstly reducing the harvesting equipment down to only the type of thing and giving it appropriate names, E.g mineral harvesting scoop, gas extractor, acid extractor etc, after all it makes sense that  same sort of mineral scoop could be used on planetoids and asteroids depending upon a person's skill.then I would suggest removing this bit about having to buy specific upgrades for each mineral and gas type and just leaving it that you need the mineral or gas tank for your cargo drone.I would also suggest making debris collection and orbit cleaning use the same equipment, or at least having orbit cleaning as a function of debris collection. Lastly I would suggest removing all scanning modules from the game and just having any ship able to scan for anything  upon how a person sets their equipment. Contrast cosmic rage with core exiles. There you need no special cargo upgrades, no extra scanners, you just buy your ore laser for asteroid mining, or your wreck laser for wreck collection, install as many cargo holds  your ship's energy allows (since of course in Core exiles cargo space is cargo space whatever you put there), and wail away!No need for running across  entire galaxy looking for hosts of upgrades.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@dardar, I haven't posted in this topic, but just want to say that your multilanguage policies are going to need a lot of hacking. By that I mean mainly unicode characters. VIPMud and MUSHclient do not support unicode input (I don't think any MUDding client supports that right now) and unicode transmission is definitely out of the window due to the way Telnet was created (and hasn't ever been updated to go with the times). As such, unicode characters like ¨, ¬, ¿, À, Á, and other characters (Å, Ø) and their lower-case equivalents (å, à, á, â, ã, etc) will be translated into question marks (?). For example, the Spanish phrase "The Spanish", which, in Spanish, is "El Español", will be translated, over Telnet, as "El espa?ol". Same to the Spanish word 'Policy', which is 'política'. Russian might not present you with troubles like these with certain words, but my point still stands. (Translation source: Google Translate, may not be accurate).


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

hi,you don't have to have a factory to use a drydock. you can use any drydock at any public factory. so it's not limited to factory for cargo drones, as an from last night they will now assuming you have enough plates stored they will go through each hold if asked and they will upgrade them accordingly.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@57, I know and use Dry-docks all the time. What about those low level players that don't have factories yet, though?Also, when you buy a new ship at a new rank, you then obviously have to spend time upgrading it. A lot of the stuff that the ship is designed for should be there. If it's largely an exploration ship it should have all gases, all minerals, etc. I'm not sure what this new change to cargo drones was where they can go to multiple cargo bays, but if I have to manually move them one at a time, that's missing the point of what I was trying to get across. If I have to manually move them they don't feel like drones at all. These are supposed to be robots correct? I should be able to set it up so that it can go and upgrade what it needs to upgrade, while I go do something else, whether that's loading some ammo into storage, etc. Installing plates and doing "upgrade on drone" and select from a menu, then get some runtime and continue doing it until complete is a bit repetitive.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

also I would like to point out that you don't need to go and outfit a ship every time you lose one. that's what drydocks are for. go use them. the only real thing I have to do when I lose a ship is to place my furniture again which does include rat traps. so no I don't think upgrading is as bad as all that. every time you upgrade, go save your ship design every time. it doesn't matter where you do it, it works across the board.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

A very good morning to you all.An interesting idea, @dark regarding the drones. Certainly food for thought. I've not actually played land of livia, though I keep meaning too, as it looks quite fun.Talking of upgrades on ships, I'd like to bring your attention to the message boards. In the spirit of being open and honest with our players, the host post a revised copy of the minutes of their monthly meetings upon the board. By revised, we mean any personal details, or private content, is removed, but still with what we spoke about clearly displayed. One of the items discussed in the last meeting was ships. With the spell check on planets now complete, we turn to ships. A large committee, comprising five hosts, have been elected, two of whom will go over the spelling, 3 of whom will go over upgrades and install missing upgrades on ships. Sadly, this situation was unavoidable. In a game of new features, sometimes they are bound to get missed on older models of ship. We aim to rectify that over the next week or two.We are also, to the best of my knowledge anyway, the only space mud out of the big four whom will soon have multilanguage policies. To ensure complete understanding, our policies are being translated, right now, into russian and spanish and not just by google translate, either.Regarding cargo drones I find the comments interesting. There was of course, the change last night that ensured they could go to multiple cargo bays at once, but I think what interests me is your wording "useless."The cargo drones are perhaps the singularly most unuseless item in the entire game. Without the cargo drones, you can not upgrade cargo bays period. Look at any other space mud, lets take one that uses an upgrade. You pick an upgrade and who installs that upgrade, exactly? Oh, right! A cargo drone! Every ship in any universe will require some form of cargo drone, whether it be stored on the ship, following you around like a lost puppy, or sitting in someones upgrade store. When I created cargo drones, it made sense to me that, why should players have to move all their ships to one planet, to get one cargo upgrade, when they could just lead their drone around, and install the upgrade directly from it instead?Perhaps, using my explanation above, it is not a unique system, but I like to think it is not a "useless " one, either. I'd like to see people play the game without them!  Dragon racing. Of course! 


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

A very good morning to you all.An interesting idea, @dark regardiing the drones. Certainly food for thought. I've not actually played land of livia, though I keep meaning too, as it looks quite fun.Talking of upgrades on ships, I'd like to bring your attention to the message boards. In the spirit of being open and honest with our players, the host post a revised copy of the minutes of their monthly meetings upon the board. By revised, we mean any personal details, or private content, is removed, but still with what we spoke about clearly displayed. One of the items discussed in the last meeting was ships. With the spell check on planets now complete, we turn to ships. A large committee, comprising five hosts, have been elected, two of whom will go over the spelling, 3 of whom will go over upgrades and install missing upgrades on ships. Sadly, this situation was unavoidable. In a game of new features, sometimes they are bound to get missed on older models of ship. We aim to rectify that over the next week or two.We are also, to the best of my knowledge anyway, the only space mud out of the big four whom will soon have multilanguage policies. To ensure complete understanding, our policies are being translated, right now, into russian and spanish and not just by google translate, either.Regarding cargo drones I find the comments interesting. There was of course, the change last night that ensured they could go to multiple cargo bays at once, but I think what interests me is your wording "useless."The cargo drones are perhaps the singularly most unuseless item in the entire game. Without the cargo drones, you can not upgrade cargo bays period. Look at any other space mud, lets take one that uses an upgrade. You pick an upgrade and who installs that upgrade, exactly? Oh, right! A cargo drone! Every ship in any universe will require some form of cargo drone, whether it be stored on the ship, following you around like a lost puppy, or sitting in someones upgrade store. When I created cargo drones, it made sense to me that, why should players have to move all their ships to one planet, to get one cargo upgrade, when they could just lead their drone around, and install the upgrade directly from it instead?Perhaps, using my explanation above, it is not a unique system, but I like to think it is not a "useless " one, either. I'd like to see people play the game without them!  


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@Dardar just trying the new planetoid system now. I like the idea behind it, though it doesn't seem to trigger that often, Ie, I just harvested 1600 minerals at a rate of four per scoop, and got a grand total of five objects, I'm not sure if this is just me being unlucky, but maybe if this object grabbing system is supposed to give interest you could consider making it occur a bit moreoften. I also wonder if you'd considered occasions where instead of giving players  information and just asking them to push buttons, you actually require them to think.  perfect example of this is the mastermind minigame in land of livia for ios. Lots of games have a basic item research skill where you just tap away and auto research, however land of livia has you play mastermind instead. So what occurred to me with the planetoid drones, is instead of giving players all information and just requiring them to match that information with the concept, why not get them to think? For example, instead of having you do a "view" command and the drone telling players where  item is so they just find it, why not have a sort of light locator affair where the player is just told the debris is either above or below, and instead of the player typing "pd up" or "pd down" the player has to type pd 1-10 to go to the appropriate level.Nope, it wouldn't be difficult, but it'd be something to do and a way of getting rewards. This is the sort of thing I mean, finding ways to engage players while the game is going on rather than working on automatic stuff. Btw, totally agree with Orin about the economy and Ai buyers as well, I'd love to be able to actually sell my minerals and such rather than just turn them in for points. I also really agree about all the upgrades, the amount of times I've tried to do something new like planetoid harvesting and forgot a certain part of the upgrade. I'd love to see the universe get more dangerous and more chances of being attacked and ships destroyed (assuming the space combat overhawl works out), in which case the easier to replace your ships the better, and I don't mean financially since cash is easy to come by, i mean in terms of all the random stuff you need to have a ship of your level that can actually do the various in game activities.I'd also like to see ways where some of the other crafting methods, spear making, building statues, quilt making etc could actually have a tangible bennifit in game, since again, those could be activities that revolve around exploring the universe and finding stuff and could be great fun.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

and of course we all still want racing dragons.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@Dardar just trying the new planetoid system now. I like the idea behind it, though it doesn't seem to trigger that often, Ie, I just harvested 1600 minerals at a rate of four per scoop, and got a grand total of five objects, I'm not sure if this is just me being unlucky, but maybe if this object grabbing system is supposed to give interest you could consider making it occur less often. I also wonder if you'd considered occasions where instead of giving players  information and just asking them to push buttons, you actually require them to think.  perfect example of this is the mastermind minigame in land of livia for ios. Lots of games have a basic item research skill where you just tap away and auto research, however land of livia has you play mastermind instead. So what occurred to me with the planetoid drones, is instead of giving players all information and just requiring them to match that information with the concept, why not get them to think? For example, instead of having you do a "view" command and the drone telling players where  item is so they just find it, why not have a sort of light locator affair where the player is just told the debris is either above or below, and instead of the player typing "pd up" or "pd down" the player has to type pd 1-10 to go to the appropriate level.Nope, it wouldn't be difficult, but it'd be something to do and a way of getting rewards. This is the sort of thing I mean, finding ways to engage players while the game is going on rather than working on automatic stuff. Btw, totally agree with Orin about the economy and Ai buyers as well, I'd love to be able to actually sell my minerals and such rather than just turn them in for points. I also really agree about all the upgrades, the amount of times I've tried to do something new like planetoid harvesting and forgot a certain part of the upgrade. I'd love to see the universe get more dangerous and more chances of being attacked and ships destroyed (assuming the space combat overhawl works out), in which case the easier to replace your ships the better, and I don't mean financially since cash is easy to come by, i mean in terms of all the random stuff you need to have a ship of your level that can actually do the various in game activities.I'd also like to see ways where some of the other crafting methods, spear making, building statues, quilt making etc could actually have a tangible bennifit in game, since again, those could be activities that revolve around exploring the universe and finding stuff and could be great fun.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@Dardar just trying the new planetoid system now. I like the idea behind it, though it doesn't seem to trigger that often, Ie, I just harvested 1600 minerals at a rate of four per scoop, and got a grand total of five objects, I'm not sure if this is just me being unlucky, but maybe if this object grabbing system is supposed to give interest you could consider making it occur less often. I also wonder if you'd considered occasions where instead of giving players  information and just asking them to push buttons, you actually require them to think.  perfect example of this is the mastermind minigame in land of livia for ios. Lots of games have a basic item research skill where you just tap away and auto research, however land of livia has you play mastermind instead. So what occurred to me with the planetoid drones, is instead of giving players all information and just requiring them to match that information with the concept, why not get them to think? For example, instead of having you do a "view" command and the drone telling players where  item is so they just find it, why not have a sort of light locator affair where the player is just told the debris is either above or below, and instead of the player typing "pd up" or "pd down" the player has to type pd 1-10 to go to the appropriate level.Nope, it wouldn't be difficult, but it'd be something to do and a way of getting rewards. This is the sort of thing I mean, finding ways to engage players while the game is going on rather than working on automatic stuff. Btw, totally agree with Orin about the economy and Ai buyers as well, I'd love to be able to actually sell my minerals and such rather than just turn them in for points. I'd also like to see ways where some of the other crafting methods, spear making, building statues, quilt making etc could actually have a tangible bennifit in game, since again, those could be activities that revolve around exploring the universe and finding stuff and could be great fun.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here, because I have an on and off with this game that's really putting me off as of late.I see the typos are getting fixed, good on you there.I think ship upgrades and cargo upgrades need an overhaul. This system is pretty confusing for newbies, I'd say, and just downright annoying for everyone else, but we're all used to it so nobody's saying anything.Here's what I have to do if I lose a ship and want to get a new one back in shape. I have to buy the ship. If it's not one of the player ships that has everything upgraded, you then have to buy the misc upgrades and worst of all, cargo upgrades. Oh and I forgot, you have to buy a drone, which is fine, but then oh, wait, you have to buy upgrades for that drone so that it can physically add... what, exactly? to 20+ cargo bays? Not the mention the packs of plates you have to get for it first to do that.I think at least one of these steps should be eliminated. The cargo drones are practically useless and are only used for expanding cargo bays. I think the ship level should determine what minerals/gases/etc it can harvest and/or otherwise hold in it's cargo bays. Perhaps, like this new ratio system implemented now, cargo drones can actually help you with useful things and turn into resource drones and become what the hard to learn resource trolleys are. Speaking of that, Nate, didn't you say you were going to implement some kind of resource drone?I just hope it's not as bad as the helper drone, something I thought would've been a lot more autonomous than they actually are. I think it would be cool if we could write scripts of commands for them to execute, rather than one command at a time. Some interesting ideas could no doubt come from that. I'm not talking about boting either.Lastly, perhaps you should consider the advancement potential of an activity before implementing it. Lately, whether it's Dark Matter Mining, or anything having to do with resources activities have been getting implemented lately. It may help the economy, but it is not helping those of us who aren't interested in crafting. I've thought several times about selling my factory because the resources I've been getting I've been trying to advance levels with, not give them to myself at the factory.also, how about developing AI's to help out the economy a bit? They can do their thing and contribute to the economy by giving players resources at factories, clan or otherwise, because... more realism. It looks like it's working out for Star Conquest.I'm not so sure I like this new ground combat system, actually. Putting X number of points into limbs is silly. Stats should be generalized for your whole character that should then effect your limbs in combat, etc.I think some of the military organization application questions should be changed to reflect the world you're trying to create. The Infantry questions felt like I was being asked about the laws of today, not four centuries later. I didn't fill it out because I don't have a profile yet, but still. I'd also would like some idea of what I'd be getting into when joining. AKA with the SDL do they require you to do a Vacus solo battle exam without obfuscation? If so, I was never able to type/think fast enough, something I hope the new combat system can change in this regard.HTH.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

lol I'd like a fully fledged universe, thousands of star systems, true space simulation in as much as what you can see from outside your vestle etc, more random attacks by the enemy, factories are never threatened, so yes you should have to defend them, a much better economy system which would make trading a real reality,


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hi there@karate25 I totally understand your problem. First let me thank you for the apology, it is well appreciated and accepted. It can often be difficult to convey  a meaning based on just text with no tone.It is interesting. You speak about wanting there to be a game/mud that could do what these other games[the ones you mentioned] can do, in term of quality or actions. That's exactly what this thread is for. It's us, as the staff of Cosmic, reaching out and saying hey, what're we missing that you'd like?Anything is possible with code, but only if we know what you'd like! 


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hi,@ironcross32, I did it 15 hours ago,in fact. The big boys come in,but they dont do anything. nither the scouts.They just stand there like spectators watching me harvest,and if I get a little board,they turn into clouds of debris @dardar, I like all the ways you have of taking feedbacks and thats the one thing I like about cosmic that no matter what,the feedback the users provide will be considered before its let go or its implemented into the game.@karate25, miriani clone? I dunno, miriani was a clone of SC when it started out,imo you could call cosmic many things,but a miriani clone would be the furtherest I would call it. Miriani is a dead game with no development in the 9 10 years I have monitered it. The only 2 activities that you could do and that have been added sinse I started playing are gase atmo aquatic atmo, with the digging system already existing and slightly modified, I mean all you would see in the changelog if you were to look back 6 months 1 year or even back would be new socials being added, a few obscure bug fixes(which are good btw) and thats it.anyway,I dont want to turn this into a miriani bash,so I will stop.Grryf.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@45 How recently have you done nebula harvesting? Because, unless it got taken out since I've stopped playing, you do get enemy scouts that come in, you have to kill them fast and if you manage it, you get no further enemies for a time, if you don't kill them off in a certain time, you end up with the big boys coming in.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hello there Nathan, karate25 here. I'd like to sincerely apologize to you my friend for coming across so harshly. I have indeed played cosmic rage, and I have never ever had anything bad happen to me in the game, but after awhile, it just seemed like a miriani clone somewhat. I'll explain what kind of gamer I am so that maybe this'll help you understand where I'm coming from. I'm a totally blind gamer who loves to watch gameplay videos on youtube of other of our sighted counterparts playing and enjoying video games and virtual worlds, and I sit here and wish with all of my heart that I could make characters and live in just a few of these virtual worlds. Star citizen being among my top choices of dream worlds that I would like to inhabit if only I had enough usable vision. Planet colypso is my second choice. Unfortunately though, I'm only able to see light, not nearly enough to live in virtual worlds such as these I assure you. Which is why I've been looking so forward to seeing starmourn come out for us all to play. My posting about it was absolutely not meant to be a slap in your face, and I apologize if it seemed as such. You're looking at a gamer who's trying his best to talk to these developers and using what little knowledge that I have to get hold of them and politely explain our plight in hopes that some of them, like our friend Karen Stevans from ea games will come alongside us and work to make accessibility happen for us. I know this is a slow process and it'll require patients, but I truly believe with all of my heart that we'll eventually get there. I'm pretty certainly going to be taken on as a live usability tester this week working for a company called my blind spot, and be earning a good income. One of my goals with this new income is to pool enough money so that I'd be able to attend Citizen con, and hopefully get a chance to speak one on one with Mr. Roberts about just this very issue. Not saying it'll happen mind you, but here's hoping. I'm sorry for this rambling post, but your take home message from it is that I am sincerely sorry if my post came across as harsh or as a slap in the face. Have a wonderful day to you all.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hello everyone,My sincerest apologies for the double post, but I thought this was a strong enough reason to post. Actions speak louder than words, the saying goes, and I like to think I am proving that by taking all of the feedback you write on this thread to heart, and changing the game to suit you.The most recently, change, in fact, is most important, as it concerns making planetoid harvesting very unique compared to both other muds, and its asteroid harvesting counterpart. this is just one thing I intend to add in response to your statements about the game needing a variety of activities. full details can be found in the main thread of the game.Thank you!


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hello everyone,My sincerest apologies for the double post, but I thought this was a strong enough reason to post. Actions speak louder than words, the saying goes, and I like to think I am proving that by taking all of the feedback you write on this thread to heart, and changing the game to suit you.The most recently, change, in fact, is most important, as it concerns making planetoid harvesting very unique compared to both other muds, and its asteroid harvesting counterpart. this is just one thing I intend to add in response to your statements about the game needing a variety of activities. full details can be found in the main thread of the game.Thank you!


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hi there@grryfindore Thank you for your words.Indeed, I am working on a few ideas to improve planetoid harvesting and nebula harvesting, to the effect of making them "different"Tis a work in progress, as they say.Never the less, we now have another host, so the pace should pick up some what.I must admit, I struggled to come up with a way to respond to the posts regarding Starmorn. I remember getting an invitation to be a coder on there a few months ago and refusing... the format of the post, if nothing else, is a bit of a slap in the face, but hey, take the good with the bad and everyone elses constructive feedback is sure helping Cosmic Rage a lot!As a side note, we have also introduced a feedback command to the game, in order for people to give us feedback on features, changes, announcements or actions taken by the hosts from within the game itself!thanks so much.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hi,dardar, I havent read all posts but the first page of the topic,so I do apologise if I repeat the things that have already been said.I have played cosmic rage on and off,ever sinse it came out. and where it stands today is miles and miles ahead of where it started,and most of that has been good.I recently got back into it again,and have gotten to 700 800 in just a few days.Here are my observations (mostly things that need improvement):1. the spam. this can get to be a bit too much sometimes, specially in when you launch drones,recall them,when rats come in,when gard drones repair,the alarm or siren in the ship specially during star study. These are just a few examples there maybe more that I dont know of,or am forgetting. What could be done for these could be to convey the same information but streamline it. examples for combat drone launchs, the heavy drones are launched,the selected number of anty rat nest drones are launched. please dont incorporate this text exactly  this is just a rough sample. and the siren during star study,make it fire a few times as you do now for the first few seconds,and then when the ship is stable or not getting pulled,disable it.2. help files. most help files are good and well written,but they could be improved. you and the other hosts do take reports regarding this and are quick in fixing issues so thats good,however new players will read those help files, and those need to have a bit more detail of what wherre and how to use command do activity, oh and yes, very important, this had me stuck, if a player cant use any equipment, or is lacking skill to use an equipmenyt, or iff some module equipment is missing to do a activity,please inform the player of it.In such situations it is better to have more information,than just saying you either lack the skill or the equipment to do that. inform the player what exactly needs to be done. as a further aside to this, dont let players upgrade ships to such a level that they can not use it after upgrading. happens currently with quite a few ships that come with extra debris lines for the level for which they are ment for,or you can add extra debris lines and make the salvage equipment unusable.3. new activity vs polishing the old ones. I see new things being added daly that improves on activity recently,carry that onwards a great exammple of such is the newer and smarter ratikas. new activities are good,and players that have achieved higher ranks need to do something, I get that. but perhaps focus on improving the ones that already exist first,make them a bit more difficult or add random elements that needs a player to be alert or to do a few different things.I have seen a few posts saying that most of the activities are similar to each other and many require you to do nothing but sit and type same command in again and again,or repair. a few activities like these can be good,but there needs to be a mix of activities that players can do depending on the kind of thing time or energy level they have at that particular time.some activities like these that are good are star studies, I am doing it as I type this  even though its one of those activities where you type in 1  2 3 commands and sit and let it do its thing, its not that boring as it keeps you on your toes checking heat status, keeping shields at a good level,and keeping an eye on your coordinates just in case the star hasnt increased its pull and has pulled you closer to its mesmerising depths...Activity similar to the sitting and typing 1 command that gets boring is nebula harvesting after a while. what could make it interesting could be perhaps enemy ships scouts at first coming in, if they cant defeat you calling in reinforcements. as it is,now there are enemy ships in the nebula fields,but they dont do anything at all. to expand on this, perhaps they could have a cargo ship harvesting gas,same as us, and their escorts,due to it being a nebula make visibility of ships and firing weapons intermitent,reduced damage,misses, being able to see ships for a few then cant and so on.All in all,love what you are doing with this game, I specially love the edition to salvage, that is ratikas and the way they come in pods from debris in space,attach to your ship and board you build nests and things. this makes salvaging far more interesting and fun and realistic not to mention unique from all the other space games.Give information to players what they need to know,polish these activities a bit more that is add stuff that can make them more fun/interesting to do, add scalable activities and I think cosmic will reach hights no other space moo has sofar.Right now it does quite a few things that make it far interesting,and also quite a few that can be frustrating,but for all that there is potential for it to be great.And lastly, Thank you for working on this game for us the players. Grryf.


Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Fox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

hmm wierd i will try again


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@40 you ca't run a MUD client on your laptop? Do what now? I could run it on an old laptop from 2006. I think this is most likely operator error.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Thankfully, StarMourn will not have studying or anything like that. Actually, the game will by RP Encouraged, a first for IRE games. I'm not going to sit here and say that it's going to be amazing, but it will definitely be better than any of these space Moos, carbon copies of themselves really, starting with Miriani.StarMourn's space combat system seems far more easier than any of these combat systems, only having to deal with two kind of weapon types, among other things.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I can run vipmud on my laptop just fine with a soundpack it's working totally fine infact.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Fox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

the thing that repelled me from this game is the fact that i can't run it on my laptop. xd.but i think i will try it wen i get to my dads where my other comp is, could you post a link?


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

well when you consider that Nathan was asking a genuine question here about his game to then go and say go play another game isn't exactly fair is it. I mean if he's asking how it can be improved then give him answers to that affect. he might not like all the answers he gets but that's the nature of asking a question and am sure he's prepared himself for that. at least keep this thread to the topic it was meant to be.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I've checked out the starmourn site and I believe signed up for the news letter, however again I'm not sure on this one, especially  Ironrealms' fiasco known as legends of zork. I've heard a lot of conflicting reports about ironrealms games, some sighting their worlds and mechanics as superior, some  calling them pvp hacks, some noting that in character advancement is way ott as Ironcross said, others mentioning that their games do boil down to pay to win in the end, while others mentioned less than access friendly travel systems and mechanics. Actually I have been meaning to try one or other of Ironrealms games out for myself to determine my own opinion on the matter. In terms of Starmourn though Ironrealms have had a checkered enough past and reports to make me at least approach anything they're doing with a little caution, besides, I've learned myself over the past   decade or so of watching audiogames development that it's a bad idea to count your games before they're coded and your usually better  putting your time into what is in front of you than always expecting jam tomorrow. This particularly goes for cases when a developer of an established game is asking for feedback as is occurring in this thread, since however good starmourn, or stellaraeon, or some as yet unnamed space mud in the future might be, Cosmic rage has a major advantage over all of them being that it's up and running now and in the process of improvement, where as any future game not only needs to be released, but needs to be established as having developers willing to listen to their players, and then put the time and effort into improving their game.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

BAH! iron realms P2W  trash, nothing but a well-orchestrated scheme. Save yourself the time and frustration and go play something else. Yes yes beautifully detailed, lots of players, I don't dispute that, but they run a business, not a community, the hell with that. Everything feels too much like real life, studying, tests, etc. just to join a good house, sorry, but I play a game to get away from life, not to indulge in a second one.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hello everyone. I'm going to way in here and please don't take this the wrong way, cosmic rage is okay and all that, but if you really want to check out a really cool mud that's coming out some time this year, do yourselves a favour and go to and sign up for the newsletter and read up on the blog. This is a mud that's been built from the ground up, wonderful ship ideas and everything, and it's going to be much more lifelike than what we've currently got out there now, and it's being built by iron realms entertainment, the same good folks who brought us such muds as achaea. I'm quanshee on there by the way, and I'm a paladin living in targossas and am loving it. I love iron realms muds because they're wonderfully story driven, and the worlds are so lush and well put together. Again. I'm not knocking anyone who plays cosmic rage, if you like it well then by all means have all the fun in the world with it, I won't hold it against you. If you don't like iron realms, that's okay too. We're all individuals here and everyone doesn't have to like the same thing. I sit and watch gameplay videos of star citizen and almost cry, (not really,) because I haven't got the vision to sit and play that game or live in that world. So for me, starmourn is the next best thing if we can't have something like star citizen. I still plan on making the attempt on going to citizen con and attempting to at least try to speak to Mr. Roberts about making it accessible. Have a wonderful day to you all, and there's my two cents for what ever they're worth.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hello!I just wanted to update everyone on one of the biggest problems that you have raised in this thread, that of spelling.We have now spell checked all of the public planets on the game, fully, and will be moving onto starships in the next day or two.It is our mission to have a typo, and well-spelt, game for you to play.Thank you!


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

On the rp question, I don't have a problem with rp itself in Cr since rp and none rp channels are separated fairly well, and as a player who is primarily a none rp person myself I appreciate that. That being said, I do think the newbie channel and character distinctions are a little strange being as if you ask a question like "where can I find such and such" on the newbie channel it's counted as a question that should be Ic, or if you need a longer than one line answer to something. it would be helpful if perhaps people were a little less militant on the newbie channel in terms of question answering methinks. In terms of rp, one thing I really like in flexibel survival is the way characters are given in game rewards of xp and salvage items for rp. You don't need to do anything major for this, just use the say command to speak in a room with characters and the "pose" command to do something. It's also an fs tradition that some places, especially one particular lobby close to a newbie entrance), are sort of an unofficial rp hub, so even if your not naturally an rp person you can just duck in there and say "hi I'm feeling tired!" or something like that. Rp rarely happens in fs over channels, even though the universe allowas'd be great if A, cr had some official places for people to go and do rp which tended to have a character or two hanging out there to rp with, and B, cr had some sort of reward system to encourage people for doing it. i'm not against rp in a game, but getting into an established group on an ic channel, especially one where my character is essentially just listening on a radio network to conversations between established in universe people and doesn't have a clear way in does not encourage me to get involved, where as wandering into a galactic cafe or similar likely would, especially if there was a chance of me getting points out of it ./I also would like to see some in universe encouragement of discussing in game activities in a universal way, so that situations such as the one darren mentioned above were less likely and being able to say "hay I was just out of sector  and I had to abandon an asteroid since a bunch of vacus were chasing me"  be encouraged, not discouraged, this is also where making the activities a bit more varied would be nice,  manifestly the more variety in objects, events etc there is, the better players can construct histories for their characters out of those events.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

actually speaking of that, the one thing I do think really is pointless is that you ask certain questions on newbie then you get told that you have to ask that ic then you ask the same question ic and that very same person who told you to ask that ic in the first place goes and answers! I'm sorry but a newbie channel is for that. newbies. personally, I think that responses such as what I described above are just pointless and an utter waste of time. if you're going to anser a question then answer it. if you aren't then don't bother. simple. as for enforced rp, try going to the militant mud that is sc then you'll know what enforced is. but I do stand by my above point ref newbie.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Okay, I was a player of CR when it first came out, I've played off and on over the past couple years but I've always had one majorly huge issue with the game.My issue is the rp. Basically, I log on the game to play the game as in do the activities, build my factory, build my ships, level my character. When I'm doing these things, I like to talk about it, and I don't like to talk about it in some weird in character setting that I'm not at all comfortable with. Don't get me wrong, for people who enjoy rp, all the power to you and I hope you have all the fun in the world, but their are many many people out their who don't like rp and play a game for the enjoyment of the actual gameplay itself. But in cr, not only are you encouraged to rp, but in some instances you are actually forced to rp. Some day, try saying something like, [[wow]] I just filled up 3 mineral holds with minerals over ooc, and see the grief you get for it. And then keep it up, and you'll get warnings and banns.I'm saying this simply because you created this thread asking why people don't play and what you could do to get more people to play, either offer an RP free mode, or when you want to do rp events, maybe have an rp instanced area you move all the people who want to rp in to or something so the rp isn't interrupted by the people who just want to play the game. I have a feeling your games playerbase would double or more if it catered to people who don't want to rp as well as the people who do, cause no offense but I am pretty sure the rp community is smaller then the community who just likes to game for gaming.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

hi all,well i'll way in on this topic now.firstly I just want to say that I do like the game a lot, I have been playing for 7 months now lol.firstly, I think you can do much more with space than you do currently. for example, if you're flying towards an object, it would be great to be able to see that object and to see how it changes depending on distants and angle of approach. for example, are you going to go passed a planet on your left or right, or will you pass under or over it? if you're flying towards a planet how does it look from a distants compared to when it fills the forward viewport because you're up close? when yu get closer, what colour is the atmosphere of a planet? yes you can see that from space especially when you get into orbit of a planet. right now space looks so bland as to be almost boring. you can make it look so much more. it's not all just black and velvet. secondly, sectors are massive. why not make more use of the space within a sector? multiple stars in a sector is cool but so close? look at astro charts of various binary starsystems and see just how far apart 1 star is from another. of course yes it varies but 400 units seems a little close to me. a quote from the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy comes to mind. (space is big! really big! you won't believe how hugely mindbogglingly big it is! you may think that a walk to the post office is a long way but that's just peanuts to space!). not exactly right but you see what I'm saying. our own solar system seems big between the sun and pluto/planet 9 depending??? but my point here is space in cr is not utalised properly.well that's all from me aka john smith for now. I hope this finds you well.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hello, everyone!Thank you again for your wonderful wonderful ideas and reviews.I can't repeat enough how much you giving me your time to do this makes me feel proud. Proud to be someone who can make a difference.Already, many features have been implemented that are turning Cosmic Rage around from the collision course it was on onto a fantastic and fiery future.I usually, and will, do this in the new releases thread, but I wanted to draw your attention to certain changes that came about because of you spectacular people.*All changes and announcements are now spell checked before they get posted*spam on twitter has been reduced*The home planets are now typo and spell check free, and others are being swift to follow*background checks have been implemented to help tackle the typo catastrophe*the website is being updated, so far with the activities page having been updated and the index page ripped out and revamped*trash collecting now has some random rewards that you can get*in chargen, the longer menus have been split, such that you now get a list of the 5 most popular, with an option to view the full list, and so reducing clutter and time*an alts curve to make it easier to level up * large bank balance transfers*better message board formats*and moreThose changes are all because of you guys,. I also have some personal notes to deliver:@dark as always, your ideas are the boss and top of my list. some inspiring ideas and you can guarantee we'll be snatching them combat: We are working on a tactical space combat, as I discussed in a previous thread a while back, including line of fire, big ship sizing verses small ship speeds, ETC. To ensure absolute implementation with no hiccups though, we're taking it, very, very, slow, @nocterness:Again, some good criticisms for me to chew on and digest, so thank you for that. I must admit being more than slightly disappointed, both yours and madam nightshades names make me think of a god and goddess, and part of me was really, really looking forward to seeing if you guys were going to make a unique  and exciting fantasy mud to really shake up the place. Often, I've noticed, space muds go through phases of popularity and, I sadly, think we're in a decline again, hence I was hoping... anyway, enough about that.I hope you find your Cosmic Rage experience to be enjoyable, both of you.Again, thank you everyone, and I'll do my best to keep Cosmic Rage to an exceptional standard.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Interesting conor, though so as not to clutter up the cr topic with discussion about sc, I will ask questions in the sc topic, though right now I must g o and stop using all these a c r o n y m s .


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

actually sc's staff have seen reason. There's a sort of official soundpack you can now talk about, this being you can ask on the newbie channel for a link and won't get yelled at. The link for it is , and it'll probably stay around for a while. Plus it sometimes also gets updates so new things do get sounds. Things like atmo scooping and the rift have sounds now, and ground combat has been further enhanced with sounds so you know more about what's going on, such as when speciffic enemies prepare to use abilities, this is helpful if you want to interrupt their preparation and stop them from healing and stuff.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Oh yeah here's another reason why I'm not too keen on playing. Some of your people are riddiculous. Here's the cenario:Yesterday I logged on, picked my char and reset it to make a dragon. Then I got to level 100. This morning I came on to screw around and get some money, and not being careful I died. No problem I thought, I just have to go through this annoying death scene. But when I typed return, I found out I was reset. Then I realized my ryuchi that I played a year before that had been nightmare mode, and reset didn't clear that so now I had lost all my progress because I wasn't aware the char was still in nightmare, because I expected reset to reset that to normal. To be honest I had completely forgotten I was even nightmare previously.Then one of the jags was talking to me on the newbie channel and defending some silly policy and told me that it was all good.Lol I guess I won't be coming back unless you resolve that little detail.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Well Nocturnus I'll be interested to see what you come up with. I'll confess that Cr is my favourite space mooo these days. Miriani I was put off by the pvp, since I have no interest in attacking or being attacked by other players, and the games high focus on this was not encouraging. Star conquest had some great writing and background and some potentially really interesting activities,  and quests but the game is a dead loss, combat so spammy it's near  without a soundpack and admins who not only refuse to discuss accessibility but actively discourage soundpack use. The heavy social focus, aka events built around a few good players didn't help either. Prometheus felt so unbstructured as to be actively confusing, with help that didn't answer questions and a lot of stuff that you just happened to know, e.g communication being blocked until you happen to have bought the right item, or combat simulations that took a lot of specialist commands to run. The game didn't seem bad, but seriously! needed some focus.Cr is the best structured of the space muds I've tried so far. particularly the way  you get to get used to the game before getting a spaceship. I also like the extra complexities in space flight such as heat shields, orbits, things that go wrong in salvage etc. I also see Cr as the game with probably the most active development fixing it's problems, e.g this thread, and I have seen the game evolve most out of the ones I mentioned.If you and Nightshade come up with something, I'll definitely be playing it, similarly I still hope Dentin will get Stellaraeon up and running one day, but in the mean time I do still have hopes that Cr will sort it's balance out and become the space game we all want.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@dark, I like it.  I'm in entire agreement with 24.  What's more, I intend to stick around as long as I can to try and give the game as fair of a trial as I possibly can, though the fact that we're in development stages ourselves with a game we hope will provide some challenge to the current status quo where space and futuristic sci-fi moos and games overall are concerned, as well as an alternative to what to me is arguably some rather primative feeling stuff given how far in the future the story lines are set, means Nightshade and I will more than likely not be giving it as much time as we otherwise would.  this is not meant to be an attack on any of the currently existing moos; we owe a ton of our inspiration to Miriani which we've been playing on and off for the past decade, to SC which has a ton of features we like but which we haven't really cared much for because of all of the enforced socializing/RP/stringent profile creation, and Prometheus, which, thus far, out of all of them, felt most like home to me.  CR, if nothing else, has shown me that there is a ton of interest for this content.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

The thing is, Cr already has a hole bunch of systems that would rock if implemented for random encounters on planets. Hunting, gathering, archaeology, lots of resources and crafting projects, not to mention  ability to have random encounters and a potentially interesting ground combat system.All that needs to happen is a few of these things need to be spread randomly around the different planets rather than just occuring in one area, then come with a reward. I'd love to be able to wander the desert in saharia, be attacked by a random critter which I could then slay and skin, and be able to fashion the skin into something that I could then sell off to a trader for credits, or to wander the lower decks on some grimy space station, only to be set upon by a gang of shalker mercinaries who drop some draconic wrelics that I could then take to an archaeology research center to decode for cash.Or how about having my hand mining computer suddenly alert me that I'm close  a vane of minerals so it's time to pull out my shovel and start digging. While we're on the suggestions field, I would also suggest a miner change to ground combat, since at the moment  only die if their torso or head is mangled (an entombed reference?), this in effect means that when fighting the more body parts an enemy has, the less chance you have of disabling them, especially because it seems that enemies can suffer manglement of most body parts without too much inconvenience, indeed sometimes it's taken me longer to kill lower level vacus than higher level droidics simply because of the fewer body parts :d. It'd be nice if this balance was addressed, e.g if an enemy's legs (or tentacles, wheels etc), were damaged they could no longer walk, meaning you could sit in another squeare on the battle field and pepper them to death at a distance, or if an enemy's hands were  damaged their attack options would be reduced. This would be particularly good if, as I hope, we see  enemies and more attacks in the future.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

At Dark, that's precisely what I meant about the spuriousness of cities being so pointlessly hge!  they have a ton of rooms that mean virtually nothing nor add any purpose to your exploring them, other than just, being there!  It'd be nice to have some sort of occasionall, tiny surprise thrown in along the way as is the case with say, AHC, where when you visit a city or other site you find a trashheap that contains items you can sel or use yourself later to do stuff with.  The game should, theoretically be able to spawn things like this, frequently enough to detract from the monotony of just walking around, but not enough to make you overly filthy rich or anything like that.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@Nocturnus, in terms of auto saving, saving in the game isn't  necessary or has much to do with whether you donate or not, since the game saves itself when you perform many activities, or you can just type save if your worried, though %90 of the time you don't need to. I've bought a couple of donator items for the game, but auto saving wasn't one of them because I saw no need for it. this is a text game, so why should my character be short with tanned skin, blue eyes and black hair when they can be compact with richly olive skin, sky blue eyes and curley black hair, actually this was  one of the first htings that struck me about Cr, not just that I got to play a dragon, but that I got to play a dragon who's physique and colouring I decided upon myself. I will say I do find colouring options for each and every bought item rather long  since if I am buying a shovel or a radio I'd rather just buy a shovel or a radio than have to specify, but you can get through the options pretty quickly. I'm also afraid I disagree regarding size of locations, I personally love exploring, and having a planet that feels at least somewhat large, rather than just a couple of shops next to a launch pad increases immersion factor for me especially if the planet is a particularly alien or harsh environment and I can find out about it's history, culture, place in the universe etc. I would like to see the writing in the game cleaned up a little, since there are some interesting locations in terms of description, especially given Cr also contains soundpacks), so getting rid of a few of the more childish messages E.g "your too fat to go that way" or "The game crashed!" type saving messages would contribute to the game's atmosphere. This isn't to say the game should be humourless, just that it would be nice if the humour and descriptive level were equaled out, so that a really harsh environment such as sdf outpost theta 15 did not appear along side really silly messages. The one problem I have with many of the games' locations is that practically there isn't a lot of point! in exploring since you will not get attacked, run into quests, find items to hunt for etc. This is especially jarring on particularly harsh or wore torn planets, particularly given that the Cr universe is supposed to be  one of inter racial war where people are far from safe. The same goes for space, indeed if combat in the game were a little less based on firing and forgetting and typing quickly, and a little more tactical, it would also be possible to make space a trifle more dangerous and thus more interesting than it is even the ratica have had their teeth pulled in recent updates to the game, going from acid spewing predators whom ship captains need to fight off, to just a miner annoyance you can largely ignore if you remember to get the right bits of equipment (which you need to do for each and every room in each and every ship you own).I do agree in terms of writing that some extra text alternatives for activities might be fun, but if activities were engaging enough and had enough by way of potential surprises and variety this would probably matter rather less than it does, after all I wouldn't mind hearing "your harvesting equipment diploys" every time if there was then a potential of me having to interact with the equipment a little more and watch out for something unexpected to come up that I might need to deal with.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@Nocturnus, in terms of auto saving, saving in the game isn't  necessary or has much to do with whether you donate or not, since the game saves itself when you perform many activities, or you can just type save if your worried, though %90 of the time you don't need to. I've bought a couple of donator items for the game, but auto saving wasn't one of them because I saw no need for it. this is a text game, so why should my character be short with tanned skin, blue eyes and black hair when they can be compact with richly olive skin, sky blue eyes and curley black hair, actually this was  one of the first htings that struck me about Cr, not just that I got to play a dragon, but that I got to play a dragon who's physique and colouring I decided upon myself. I will say I do find colouring options for each and every bought item rather long  since if I am buying a shovel or a radio I'd rather just buy a shovel or a radio than have to specify, but you can get through the options pretty quickly. I'm also afraid I disagree regarding size of locations, I personally love exploring, and having a planet that feels at least somewhat large, rather than just a couple of shops next to a launch pad increases immersion factor for me especially if the planet is a particularly alien or harsh environment and I can find out about it's history, culture, place in the universe etc.The one problem I have with many of the games' locations is that practically there isn't a lot of point! in exploring since you will not get attacked, run into quests, find items to hunt for etc. This is especially jarring on particularly harsh or wore torn planets, particularly given that the Cr universe is supposed to be  one of inter racial war where people are far from safe. The same goes for space, indeed if combat in the game were a little less based on firing and forgetting and typing quickly, and a little more tactical, it would also be possible to make space a trifle more dangerous and thus more interesting than it is even the ratica have had their teeth pulled in recent updates to the game, going from acid spewing predators whom ship captains need to fight off, to just a miner annoyance you can largely ignore if you remember to get the right bits of equipment (which you need to do for each and every room in each and every ship you own).


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@LordLundin really?  lol I guess my message got across, then!  I never would have guessed!


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@Nocturnus Lara Stardust = Nathan But yes, their support is quite nice ... thankfully, since last time I played I had a habbit of breaking the game every 5 minutes.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hi.My job and other activities takes all my time, so I don't have the time to play such complex game at the moment. Otherwise, I really enjoyed playing the game long time ago.Is there any reason for it's only the Vip mud soundpack which is being updated? Being able to play the mud in a web browser with a soundpack would be awesome.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : snow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

i don't think i'm not an english,or my english not good enough will got policy worning,i really not good at writing description,on the other hand,i think  game should more roleplay focus,but if force profile,no,again,english.this is i saying.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SilverEagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I played it until I reached somewhere around level 160 at which point we have to shift to asteroid harvesting and stuff to earn more points to level. I found those activities too tedious and too slow in yielding rewards. Later on it became even worse when you needed to haul and store resources in tanks to keep up with the points and credits. I left it at that point. It was a good and interesting game however, and a good break from fantasy muds. What I'm saying was a long time ago and things would have changed by now. I probably need to reset my character and try it again.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I feel... so ignored u.u


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

The saving thing I think people have misconceptions about. This isn't the concept of storing your playerfile to disk or something else like that, yes a moo is configurable in when and how often it checkpoints, this isn't that though. The saving is akin to Hellmoo's clones where you update your data at the clone banks. SO, the donator item just takes care of that for you automatically. This is what happens if you die, if you're a newbie, you're immune from the system, past that point, you need to type save at important points in your char's career. You can do that as often as you wish unless that was changed since I've last played, so there's no strategy to it. When you die, you're restored to life with the stats of your last save. It's not as though your complete existence is rolled back, things like money will remain with you, vehicles you own, stuff of that nature, you will still have all your weapons, items, vehicle phobs, things like that, just your physical stats will be reverted, as well as your level and some other things.This therefore isn't a scam, or a distasteful thing of that nature since you're not being forced to pay for the moo's checkpoints. Actually its quite possible to get your hands on donator items without ever having given a cent. Just submitting a profile will net you 500RP, and if not, well, bug someone about it, not all hosts do that, but its in the help file so it should be honored. There are also events and stuff every once in a while where you can win donator cash. Also, if you input your birthday IRL, you can get a donator item of up to 15 pounds on your birthday if you put in a ticket for it.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

@Dardar,  My personal experience.1.  You're trying to double as both public relations guy and programmer.  I've no doubt that you're successful at the latter, but from a PR standpoint I can't give you any credit, and that based on your posts alone!  In your first post you admit to being tossed around like a yoyo where systems are concerned, where things can change on a daily basis; it shouldn't work like that.  Systems in a game should be carefully considered, methodically and meticulously planned.  Thorough questions must be asked about the system you're trying to implament; does one group benefit over another?  Does one group suffer more than another?  What are the perks and faults concerning this system?  Can we introduce another system that'll balance it out?  How will it work with everything else currently in place?  All of these and more are questions I'd be asking if I were in your shoes, understanding that I can't truly know the outcome of any system I introduce, nor can I know how people are going to react to it, but aware that you have to have a listening ear that is capable of pulling apart the fans from the fools willing to say anything to see if they can push your buttons.  Some people can double as both coder and promotional voice of their product; your short answers sometimes make me wonder if you've thought about this aspect of things at all.  More often than not I'd come across statements and other particulars while playing that made me wonder if you wanted to be taken seriously or not, IE, jokes about being too fat to walk through walls, and leaving unattended typos on both your game and your website.  Were I anyone else, I'd think you didn't care. There is tons of repetitious writing especially in descriptions, as of this writing something is busted which doesn't allow people to teleport out of the beginners accademy and go home, and I keep getting spammed by the 32nd survey requiring my attention.2.  Saving your data manually versus paying to have it saved automatically... Why, for the life of me, is this even a thing!  I get it!  You want donation incentives, but I struggle to find why this was even an idea, given this is not an offline game and there are far more greater conveniences you could be offering.  Telling people they have to pay to save their progress after a certain level is nothing short of telling your fans that if they value their progress at all on your game they had better not be stupid, because you can't be bothered putting in any extra effort on your part unless they cough up a chunk of change they otherwise wouldn't need.  Can you imagine how many people would dump Alter aeon if this became a thing out there?  Not only that, but getting a spammy message about being a complete newb every 10 minutes or so is somewhat distasteful.3.  Excess material... I have no idea what half of it is or why I should even consider it!  Thankfully, the accademy now exists and tells you a bit about where you should go, but it still seems rather vague!4.  Character creation?  Still spurious and has far more clutter in it than is entirely necessary.  Let people go color their hair in hair care parlors and beautify themselves in beauty salons or what have you, but having to pick through a list of a few dozen plus options for my hair color, nail color, etc etc... Do some of those even exist in real life?  I shudder to think they might, just might!5.  Menus are busted!  Example: 1: Message board. Price: 7,644,695.4 credits, level: 1. Items in stock, 392: Message board. Price: 8,518,374.8 credits, level: 1. Items in stock, 35May I kindly ask what the blazes is up with that?6.  Grouping is currently a fit of giggles waiting to happen.  I followed nightshade, but was apparently able to break the whole thing by getting a taxi, claiming I was going somewhere entirely different, then she, by moving, was able to just, bring me back to where she was.7.  Cities are spuriously hge!8.  Scanning really shouldn't be as difficult as it is now, something else which is exceptionally spurious; why in this supposedly high-tech modern day and age can this mining scanner not just give me the closest items to me first?  Admitedly, that last line is rather cool, but seriously!And now, for the stuff I do like!1.  Thankfully, your host/admin/assistive people who help out are more prominant and able to help!  We left for home almost 10 minutes after I wrote up my first set of statements; thank Lara Stardust for us if you get the chance.2.  newbie tips: freaking awesome little bit since I last played!3.  Mentors!  Another little addition I find welcoming!4.  Extensively documented help files, both a help and a hindrance because you're not exactly sure what you should be reading when, but I think I like it, mostly.Will be back with more as I go; I plan on giving this as much 

Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Spelling and grammar are big issues because if you use another synth other than eloquence, they will most likely report a lot of these words eloquence will say just the same even if its terribly misspelled. Not only that but it just makes sighted people cringe. IF sighted people take the time to make their games accessible to blind people, I think a decent gesture would be for the blind people to do the best they can to make their games visually appealing, that means yes, going in and fixing these long standing god awful spelling errors.I think the nail has also been struck quite forcefully and accurately about the activities being just a matter of typing over and over the right thing. Don't get me wrong, I don't see a problem with some chill activities, but little challenge is not good either.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I feel obligated to start out by saying that I've never played your game extensively. I gave it a shot once on a day when I was really bored a couple months ago, but only stuck through the first 50-100 ish levels.I do know people who do, though, and from asking around I'm reasonably confident that the issues I had with it don't go away at higher levels.I'd also like to apologize in advance if I come off as overly harsh, I'm just trying to provide honest feedback here.1. Spelling, grammar and syntax. Pretty important for a text game, and yet very obviously not given enough attention in yours. Never have I read a line of text from your game and gone oh [[wow]], that's well written. from help files to starship messages and room descriptions, I've never gotten the impression that writing quality matters. If I'm playing a text game, I expect to get quality text- not something slapped together on the back of a napkin. It's not just the presence of mistakes, it's the lack of depth,  about the lack of consistency. I got the impression of trying to read a project done in google docs where 13 different people are trying to add things in without going back and making sure the top half of the document matches in style to the bottom half. I expect some variety in messages, too. having only played the game briefly, the one thing that comes to mind at this second is weapons firing, which from what I remember relied on a single message with a single adjective and the name of the weapon changing for variety, but other than that was almost exactly the same for 80 percent of the weapons I saw- again, I admit that I only played the game briefly.I can live with typos- they happen to all of us- but I expect at least some modicum of effort put into presentation of text when the entire game is about text. [[wow]] me with your writing skills. I don't expect PHD thesis level writing, but I'd hope it's not unreasonable to get something that doesn't read like an eighth grade project that isn't even being marked on grammar.2. me and a five-year-old would be equally good at playing Cosmic Rage.As mentioned above, very many of your activities are rote tasks- type this, then wait, then type that, then wait, rinse and repeat, or buy an upgrade that makes it so you only have to type one command. More than that, though, it feels like many activities are carbon copies of each other- drawing from my experience, I didn't feel a difference between trash collecting and volcano harvesting, for example, or several other activities who's names I've forgotten. yes, the commands and some of the text changed, but I was literally doing the same thing, and from asking around this appears to be a recurring theme even at high levels. The buttons change, the messages change a bit, but you, in essence, are doing the same exact thing in almost all the multitude of activities cosmic rage has to offer. I get the impression that there are four or five activity templates reused ten or twenty times each, and from what I experienced and what others tell me, once you've done one activity from the template you can pick up any of the others in seconds.I've also been lead to believe that at no point is there an activity requiring true strategic thinking, planning, timing yourself, or anything similar- that as I said earlier, a child capable of typing would not be disadvantaged at all if they and I started playing at the same time. Nowhere is there a cutoff related to skills, save combat which I will address in a minute. If you can use a keyboard, you can play cosmic rage- which, don't get me wrong, trying to appeal to gamers of any skill level is great and all- it just provides nothing in the challenge department. from everything I've been told, no matter what if you sink enough time into it you'll end up at the top even if you barely understand what you're doing. For a game to truly be enjoyable to me, I have to be challenged. There needs to be some amount of effort involved, if I can get to the top by keyboard mashing at 3 AM then it's not particularly fun. Make people have to use their brains sometimes.3. The issue of combat.This is definitely not unique to your game, but the way space combat works has got to change. I'm not even going to go int much detail here, I think @Dark addressed it pretty well above for your particular case. What I will say, though, is if a game relies heavily on luck and better upgrades to do well at an activity touted as the one requiring the most player skill, something isn't ideal.Again, I'm sorry if any of this came off as me trying to insult you- I'm honestly just trying to provide my personal, and hopefully constructive! reasoning for not liking your game.Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful day.


Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Well, In my case, I played the game a few monts ago. I enter to it well time to time to see what is happen and do some actibities, but in general I think that the game is fun.One suggestion, so that the actibities are not necesarili scalables. I know that some activities give more exp than others, but IDk. give options to manage your own complete fleet of trash truck can give to you a good amount of exp and credits. or give the option to buy various vehicles, and let you share (or rent) it to other players, to get rewards like a enterprise. It will be very fun.Other thing, is improbe the group experience. currentli, to have activities with friends, you need a.. well some time playing the game, but in various moment,s you want specially at start, can do things with your friends, so add more group activities at all range of levels.And well, In my case, I love the "non-rol" experience, so, keep it as is done today. as an alternative, not mandatory. if you don't want to do a roleplay you can't do it and only play with activities, do things with only your friends, etc.Finally, well. add some variations in the process of each activities, to have differences between how you do each one A, and improve the mushclient soundpack.For me, these are all the suggestions. for all of other things, the game is very nise.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hi rashad,Thank you for your comments.As with everyone elses, they are highly appreciated and will be worked upon to the best of my ability. Obviously some things take time, but they can be done.In response to your possible harshness, I shrug, I shrug. I asked for the truth, not to be cuddled and babied, and you've been truthful, I respect you, sir. And thank you.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hi nightshade!I'm happy to welcome you back, and sad I missed you!Some of the options are quite long, I do agree. The saving thing is for saving skills through death, rather than actually saving your character to disk, as it were.thanks!


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nightshade via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

So, I played for a bit this morning. Here are my observations so far.I have a big problem with having to type save to save ones progress, as evidenced by this bit of text from the game.You are a newbie, so your data has been automatically saved. Past level 50, you will need to type save to do this regularly, or purchase the autosave donator item.I have a problem with this, because the MOO checkpoints automatically. Why make people pay for something your MOO already does?Character creation seems to have a lot of questions and be very cluttery.Some questions have over 150 options, that is a lot for a newbie.I like the addition of the academy.I'll report more as I figure it out.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Hello all.I'd like to address people point by point, so here goes:Nightshade:Totally understandable. The nonmenu based chargen has actually been removed now and it's much friendlier. I can't say, without lying, the spelling is any better yet, but with the new spell checking tool, it's on its way. I personally went over 4 planets yesterday and today and corrected them, my target is to have 80 percent of spelling mistakes removed by april.Soundpacks not available on the website: Yeah. Yeah. They're not. Can't deny that. I'll do my best to fix that as soon as possible, the website needs updating, anyway.Draq:What is in a name? Would a rose smell sweeter if it were called by another name? Romeo and Juliette.Dark, the genius:what can I say, you hit the nail on the head. Your ideas are top of my implementation list. Nice ideas, sir.Lordlondon:As per policy, a name once used, may not be reused. I can understand how this would be frustrating. But if there are no rules, there is no order.Thanks so much and keep the reviews coming!


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

Today this is my favorite mud, but I do not have time to play.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I played cosmic rage for a few months, as Blaak Greyscale.The game is too easy. I could write a simple bot for the whole game and leave it running. Not is it only too easy, but it is also quite repetative like Dark said. I'd love there to be more descriptive interaction ... Dark already nailed it and I can't come up with anything at the moment.I left because of a poor admin choice during a roleplaying event that wasn't looked into when I complained and killed my mood.I'd love to see more activities scale upwards, so that you don't necessarily have to do that star ... uh I forgot what it's called, the 1100 to 1500 level activity or something.Maybe you could have more components gathered from various activities for your factory crafting rather than just the base minerals. For example maybe you'd randomly get some special gem you needed for ... uh I can't even remember  the game anymore. I'm thinking some insentive to do another type of activity.I would get back to Cosmic Rage if I could have my character name Blaak Greyscale. I had an interesting roleplaying plotline in mind but when I asked you I received a no, and I don't know if that was because of technical problems with my name being linked to things and having another character could possibly cause bugs, or ... I don't know honestly.I feel it's a bit too late now to start the plotline I had in mind but I'll consider coming back if I could use the name.


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Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I've played the game, it's on my regular muds list in Vipmud and I will certainly be playing again. That being said, it is true Cm isn't quite as compulsive as some games I've tried, so I'll try and  a few things that I've found missing in the game. The first, and one of the most major things for me, is variety in progression. cm has a lot of activities with well written descriptions and unique equipment. The problem is, once you've done an activity for the first time, the activity itself becomes slightly rote. This is because a large percentage of activities devolve to go to location x, type in a command, wait to get a given resource then type in another command. Other than occasionally fixing errors with harvesting or trash collecting equipment, there isn't much variation in what you actually have to do while carrying out the activity, you can't be suddenly surprised, or for that matter, suddenly rewarded by something else. There are a few notable exceptions, particularly those activities like dangerous package delivery that involve a little ground combat, however there should really be more of this, more need to actually be engaged with what your doing,  different levels of rewards, and try  puzzle or fight your way past different circumstances. After all, something like asteroid mining should involve a little more than just finding an asteroid and waiting, what about cave ins? what about random space junk that might need blowing away, what about suddenly finding valuable mineral remains or bits of dead aliens that need carefully scooping out?When doing some of the water based activities, what about suddenly finding people floundering in the water you'd need to rescue (rather than having the search command). Variety is the spice of life, and many of the cm activities need a little spiccing methinks. This brings me on to the second point, that is combat. Having combat in asteroid fields was a great idea, the problem is space combat in cm is  not exactly the most tactical kind, generally it's a matter of going in one direction, blasting away with whatever weapons you have hoping that the enemy's fire power or detections don't overwhelm your systems. it'd be great if space combat was slower and more tactical, and less based on how quickly you can type, not to mention more integrated into the rest of the game and different activities, though as this has been mentioned before I won't say too much. A third issue for me is questing, The game has quests and they are fun, especially those that come with ground combat, but more quests would be nice, especially giving you a reason to explore different planets and wander around, indeed not just quest, but random items to find or harvest in different locations, giving you a reason to see a lot of the great world cm has to offer.This also goes with the idea of expanding the ground combat system and making gameplay there more tactically based, since it'd feel much better to have say the possibility of finding something valuable lying around on a hostile alien world if there were hostile aliens ready to leap out and get you . I do know there is a little of this later in the game with base attacking and maybe exploring and such, but given all the places you go, from  where humanity was at war with the Kaitsar to dodgy space ports, comit chunks etc, a little more variety and danger would be appreciated.Finally one thing I will confess that really! gets up my nose in cm is the need for ship upgrades. If I buy any! new ship I must spend a very long time indeed running from place to place to place purchicing so many upgrades for different activities. This also meakes having ships destroyed an incredible inconvenience. It's not the financial cost here, it's the cost of time, especially when you have to run around so many shops. it would be great to have a way  keep track of your ship upgrades between vessels and basically just have "some of those" Again, I know it's possible to do some of this when you have your own factory (something I will be seeing about rather soon in the game myself), but having an option to protect upgrades would be really nice, especially if ship combat gets over hauled, the galaxy becomes more dangerous and your in more danger of losing your ship. Okay, methinks I've rambled enough. be sure I will be back on cm myself soon enough, (I really fancy trying exploration). but hopefully you've found some of these thoughts useful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I still say Cosmic Rage sounds like some strange Pokémon attack.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my dream, your nightmare

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nightshade via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my dream, your nightmare

I've tried it, and some of the issues I had.It did not feel newbie friendly.You had to type in a ton of info when trying to create a character instead of just picking stuff from a menu.The soundpacks weren't available on the website.It seemed very, very cluttered for a newbie, but my biggest issue was the lack of spellchecking on both your website and the game itself. I know we all make typos now and then, but it just makes your game look like a kid put it together.


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