Re: DConf 2013 Day 3 Talk 4: LDC by David Nadlinger

2013-06-17 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Monday, 17 June 2013 at 15:19:27 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
There seems to be some audio glitching every couple of seconds 
(at the
beginning). I've noticed this in other videos as well. It's 

minimal though, not much harm done.  :-)

Re: DConf 2013 Day 3 Talk 4: LDC by David Nadlinger

2013-06-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
... slightly more serious response: really nice talk, David, and 
thanks for the mention of Dregs. :-)

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-06-25 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 25 June 2013 at 15:44:02 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Just finished watching Andrei's talk, it was up to his usual 
high standard.

I found the bits about professionalism a bit weird though: can 
we really expect that from a volunteer effort?  I'm pretty sure 
the A/V guys at the conference weren't volunteers, ie they were 

Along the line that QAston started, if you want more 
professionalism, is there any interest in producing a 
commercial D compiler?  If not, why not?  I notice that Walter 
sells C and C++ compilers and source on, but 
strangely not D.
 There are interesting business/source models nowadays where 
you can be mostly open source and still sell a commercial 

For example, Walter has often talked about optimizations in the 
compiler that he'd like to get to.  There could be two 
compilers: one where the source is fully publicly available, 
another made available to paying users, which has additional 
optimizations done either by Walter or others who he 
supervises, but the source for those optimizations would not be 
available publicly, though perhaps made available only to the 
buyers under a non-OSS license.  After enough time has passed 
for the optimization work to be paid for, the optimization 
patches would eventually be merged into the slower, non-paid 
version.  Android uses a similar hybrid model, which has 
obviously been enormously successful.

Another possibility is a bounty system, where users pledge 
money towards needed features or bug fixes.  It'd basically be 
a more distributed version of the hybrid approach I've outlined.

I wonder what the response would be to injecting some money and 
commercialism into the D ecosystem.

Given how D's whole success stems from its community, I think an 
"open core" model (even with time-lapse) would be disastrous. 
It'd be like kicking everyone in the teeth after all the work 
they put in.

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-06-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 25 June 2013 at 21:38:01 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I don't know the views of the key contributors, but I wonder if 
they would have such a knee-jerk reaction against any 
paid/closed work.  The current situation would seem much more 
of a kick in the teeth to me: spending time trying to be 
"professional," as Andrei asks, and producing a viable, stable 
product used by a million developers, corporate users included, 
but never receiving any compensation for this great tool you've 
poured effort into, that your users are presumably often making 
money with.

Obviously I can't speak for the core developers, or even for the 
community as a group.  But I can make the following observations.

D's success as a language is _entirely_ down to volunteer effort 
-- as Walter highlighted in his keynote.  Volunteer effort is 
responsible for the development of the compiler frontend, the 
runtime, and the standard library.  Volunteers have put in the 
hard work of porting these to other compiler backends.  
Volunteers have made and reviewed language improvement proposals, 
and have been vigilant in reporting and resolving bugs.  
Volunteers also contribute to vibrant discussions on these very 
forums, providing support and advice to those in need of help.  
And many of these volunteers have been doing so over the course 
of years.

Now, in trying to drive more funding and professional effort 
towards D development, do you _really_ think that the right thing 
to do is to turn around to all those people and say: "Hey guys, 
after all the work you put in to make D so great, now we're going 
to build on that, but you'll have to wait 6 months for the extra 
goodies unless you pay"?

How do you think that will affect the motivation of all those 
volunteers -- the code contributors, the bug reporters, the forum 
participants?  What could you say to the maintainers of GDC or 
LDC, after all they've done to enable people to use the language, 
that could justify denying their compilers up-to-date access to 
the latest features?  How would it affect the atmosphere of 
discussion about language development -- compared to the current 
friendly, collegial approach?

... and -- how do you think it would affect uptake, if it was 
announced that access to the best features would come at a price? 
 There are orders of magnitude of difference between uptake of 
free and non-free services no matter what the domain, and 
software is one where free (as in freedom and beer) is much more 
strongly desired than in many other fields.

I understand that such a shift from being mostly OSS to having 
some closed components can be tricky, but that depends on the 
particular community.  I don't think any OSS project has ever 
become popular without having some sort of commercial model 
attached to it.  C++ would be nowhere without commercial 
compilers; linux would be unheard of without IBM and Red Hat 
figuring out a consulting/support model around it; and Android 
would not have put the linux kernel on hundreds of millions of 
computing devices without the hybrid model that Google 
employed, where they provide an open source core, paid for 
through increased ad revenue from Android devices, and the 
hardware vendors provide closed hardware drivers and UI skins 
on top of the OSS core.

There's a big difference between introducing commercial models 
with a greater degree of paid professional work, and introducing 
closed components.  Red Hat is a good example of that -- I can 
get, legally and for free, a fully functional copy of Red Hat 
Enterprise Linux without paying a penny.  It's just missing the 
Red Hat name and logos and the support contract.

In another email you mentioned Microsoft's revenues from Visual 
Studio but -- leaving aside for a moment all the moral and 
strategic concerns of closing things up -- Visual Studio enjoys 
that success because it's a virtually essential tool for 
professional development on Microsoft Windows, which still has an 
effective monopoly on modern desktop computing.  Microsoft has 
the market presence to be able to dictate terms like that -- no 
one else does.  Certainly no upcoming programming language could 
operate like that!

This talk prominently mentioned scaling to a million users and 
being professional: going commercial is the only way to get 

It's more likely that closing off parts of the offering would 
limit that uptake, for reasons already given.  On the other hand, 
with more and more organizations coming to use and rely on D, 
there are plenty of other ways professional development could be 
brought in.  Just to take one example: companies with a 
mission-critical interest in D have a corresponding interest in 
their developers giving time to the language itself.  How many 
such companies do you think there need to be before D has a 
stable of skilled professional developers being paid explicitly 
to maintain and develop the language?

Your citation of the Linux kerne

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-06-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 12:39:05 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2013-06-26 12:16, Leandro Lucarella wrote:

Yeah, right, probably Python and Ruby have only 5k users...

There are companies backing those languages, at least Ruby, to 
some extent.

They don't own them, though -- they commit resources to them 
because the language's ongoing development serves their business 

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-06-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 15:52:33 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I suggest you read my original post more carefully.  I have not 
suggested closing up the entire D toolchain, as you seem to 
imply.  I have suggested working on optimization patches in a 
closed-source manner and providing two versions of the D 
compiler: one that is faster, closed, and paid, with these 
optimization patches, another that is slower, open, and free, 
without the optimization patches.

Over time, the optimization patches are merged back to the free 
branch, so that the funding from the closed compiler makes even 
the free compiler faster, but only after some delay so that 
users who value performance will actually pay for the closed 
compiler.  There can be a hard time limit, say nine months, so 
that you know any closed patches from nine months back will be 
opened and applied to the free compiler.  I suspect that the 
money will be good enough so that any bugfixes or features 
added by the closed developers will be added to the free 
compiler right away, with no delay.

Perhaps you'd like to explain to the maintainers of GDC and LDC 
why, after all they've done for D, you think it would be 
acceptable to turn to them and say: "Hey guys, we're going to 
make improvements and keep them from you for 9 months so we can 
make money" ... ?

Or doesn't the cooperative relationship between the 3 main D 
compilers mean much to you?

Thanks for the work that you and Don have done with 
Sociomantic.  Why do you think more companies don't do this?  
My point is that if there were money coming in from a paid 
compiler, Walter could fund even more such work.

Leaving aside the moral issues, you might consider that any work 
paid for by revenues would be offset by a drop in voluntary 
contributions, including corporate contributors.  And sensible 
companies will avoid "open core" solutions.

A few articles worth reading on these factors:

I think this ignores the decades-long history we have with open 
source software by now.  It is not merely "wanting to make the 
jump," most volunteers simply do not want to do painful tasks 
like writing documentation or cannot put as much time into 
development when no money is coming in.  Simply saying "We have 
to try harder to be professional" seems naive to me.

Odd that you talk about ignoring things, because the general 
trend we've seen in the decades-long history of free software is 
that the software business seems to getting more and more open 
with every year.  These days there's a strong expectation of free 

If I understand your story right, the volunteers need to put a 
lot of effort into "bootstrapping" the project to be more 
professional, companies will see this and jump in, then they 
fund development from then on out?  It's possible, but is there 
any example you have in mind?  The languages that go this 
completely FOSS route tend not to have as much adoption as 
those with closed implementations, like C++.

It's hardly fair to compare languages without also taking into 
account their relative age.  C++ has its large market share 
substantially due to historical factors -- it was a major "first 
mover", and until the advent of D, it was arguably the _only_ 
language that had that combination of power/flexibility and 

So far as compiler implementations are concerned, I'd say that it 
was the fact that there were many different implementations that 
helped C++.  On the other hand, proprietary implementations may 
in some ways have damaged adoption, as before standardization 
you'd have competing, incompatible proprietary versions which 
limited the portability of code.

And yet the linux kernel ships with many binary blobs, almost 
all the time.  I don't know how they legally do it, considering 
the GPL, yet it is much more common to run a kernel with binary 
blobs than a purely FOSS version.  The vast majority of linux 
installs are due to Android and every single one has 
significant binary blobs and closed-source modifications to the 
Android source, which is allowed since most of Android is under 
the more liberal Apache license, with only the linux kernel 
under the GPL.

The binary blobs are nevertheless part of the vanilla kernel, not 
something "value added" that gets charged for.  They're 
irrelevant to the development model of the kernel -- they are an 
irritation that's tolerated for practical reasons, rather than a 
design feature.

Again, I don't know how they get away with all the binary 
drivers in the kernel, perhaps that is a grey area with the 
GPL.  For example, even the most open source Android devices, 
the Nexus devices sold directly by Google and running stock 
Android, have many binary blobs:

Other than Android, linux is really only popular on servers, 

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-06-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 19:26:37 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
I can't be bothered to read all points the both of you have 
mentioned thus far, but I do hope to add a voice of reason to 
calm you down. ;)

Quick, nurse, the screens!

... or perhaps, "Someone throw a bucket of water over them"? :-P

From a licensing perspective, the only part of the source that 
can be "closed off" is the DMD backend.  Any optimisation fixes 
in the DMD backend does not affect GDC/LDC.

To be honest, I can't see the "sales value" of optimization fixes 
in the DMD backend given that GDC and LDC already have such 
strong performance.  The one strong motivation to use DMD over 
the other two compilers is (as you describe) access to the 
bleeding edge of features, but I'd have thought this will stop 
being an advantage in time as/when the frontend becomes a 
genuinely "plug-and-play" component.

By the way, I hope you didn't feel I was trying to speak on 
behalf of GDC -- wasn't my intention. :-)

Having used closed source languages in the past, I strongly 
believe that closed languages do not stimulate growth or 
adoption at all.  And where adoption does occur, knowledge is 
kept within specialised groups.

Last year I had the dubious privilege of having to work with MS 
Visual Basic for a temporary job.  What was strikingly different 
from the various open source languages was that although there 
was an extensive quantity of documentation available from 
Microsoft, it was incredibly badly organized, much of it was out 
of date, and there was no meaningful community support that I 
could find.

I got the job done, but I would surely have had a much easier 
experience with any of the open source languages out there.  
Suffice to say that the only reason I used VB in this case was 
because it was an obligatory part of the work -- I'd never use it 
by choice.

- The development model of D on github has adopted a "pull, 
review and merge" system, where any changes to the language or 
compiler do not go in unless it goes through proper coding 
review and testing (thank's to the wonderful auto-tester).  So 
your suggestion of an "open core" model has a slight fallacy 
here in that any changes to the closed off compiler would have 
to go through the same process to be accepted into the open one 
- and it might even be rejected.

I had a similar thought but from a slightly different angle -- 
that allowing "open core" in the frontend would damage the 
effectiveness of the review process.  How can you restrict 
certain features to proprietary versions without having also a 
two-tier hierarchy of reviewers?  And would you be able to 
maintain the broader range of community review if some select, 
paid few had privileged review access?

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-06-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 19:01:42 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Why are they guaranteed such patches?  They have advantages 
because they use different compiler backends.  If they think 
their backends are so great, let them implement their own 
optimizations and compete.

I could respond at greater length, but I think that substantial 
flaws of your point of view are exposed in this single paragraph. 
 GDC and LDC aren't competitors, they are valuable collaborators.

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-06-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 26 June 2013 at 21:29:12 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

Don't call be Shirley...

Serious? :-)

By the way, I hope you didn't feel I was trying to speak on 
behalf of GDC -- wasn't my intention. :-)

I did, and it hurt.  :o)

Oh no.  50 shades of #DD ? :-)

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-06-27 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 27 June 2013 at 08:21:12 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I'm familiar with its arguments from a summary, not 
particularly interested in reading the whole thing.

You know, I think I see what your problem is ... :-)

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-06-29 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Saturday, 29 June 2013 at 08:37:48 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
The bottom line was the open source movement was not a very 
significant force in the 1980's when C++ gained traction. Open 
source really exploded around 2000, along with the internet. I 
wonder if open source perhaps needed the internet in order to 
be viable.

That's a very good point.  It's before my time really, but if I 
understand the history right, the main way to get hold of copies 
of stuff like GCC in the early days was to pay for a set of disks 
with it on -- and there was no infrastructure for easily sharing 
changes.  So neither the free-as-in-beer or free-as-in-freedom 
advantages were as readily apparent or effective as they are 

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-07-01 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Sunday, 30 June 2013 at 19:45:06 UTC, Joakim wrote:
OK, glad to hear that you wouldn't be against it.  You'd be 
surprised how many who use permissive licenses still go nuts 
when you propose to do exactly what the license allows, ie 
close up parts of the source.

Because people don't just care about the strict legal 
constraints, but also about the social compact around software.

Often people choose permissive licenses because they want to 
ensure other free software authors can use their software without 
encountering the licensing incompatibilities that can result from 
the various forms of copyleft.  Closing up their software is 
rightly seen as an abuse of their goodwill.

In other cases there may be a broad community consensus that 
builds up around a piece of software, that this work should be 
shared and contributed to as a common good (e.g.  
Attempts to close it up violate those social norms and are 
rightly seen as an attack on that community and the valuable 
commons they have cultivated.

Community anger against legal but antisocial behaviour is hardly 
limited to software, and is a fairly important mechanism for 
ensuring that people behave well towards one another.

Since you have been so gracious to use such permissive licenses 
for almost all of D, I'm sure someone will try the closed/paid 
experiment someday and see if which of us is right. :)

Good luck with that :-)

By the way, you mentioned a project of your own where you 
employed the short-term open core model you describe.  Want to 
tell us more about that?  Regardless of differences of opinion, 
it's always good to hear about someone's particular experience 
with a project.

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-07-02 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Sunday, 30 June 2013 at 03:29:06 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 6/29/2013 5:08 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
True, distribution was mainly by physical mail. There was some 
via BBS's and Usenet, but these were severely limited by 

I'd receive bug reports by fax, paper listings, and mailed 

This was also the heyday of the BBC Micro in UK schools, and I 
remember well the shelves full of books of sample programs in BBC 
Basic. We had lots of fun typing them up, working out how they 
worked, and then twisting them to our more evil designs.

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-07-02 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Monday, 1 July 2013 at 21:20:39 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/1/2013 2:04 PM, Brad Roberts wrote:
Actually, Boost was specifically chosen because it didn't 
require attribution
when redistributing. If BSD hadn't had that clause we probably 
would be using it


That was indeed another important reason for it. But we were 
well aware of and approved of the idea that people could take 
it and make closed source versions.

It was always clear (and logical) to me why the core libraries 
were permissively licensed, but the 
no-need-to-give-attribution-for-non-source-distribution feature 
was a subtlety I hadn't considered before.

Re: DConf 2013 Closing Keynote: Quo Vadis by Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-07-02 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Monday, 1 July 2013 at 17:45:59 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Then they should choose a mixed license like the Mozilla Public 
License or CDDL, which keeps OSS files open while allowing 
linking with closed source files within the same application.  
If they instead chose a license that allows closing all source, 
one can only assume they're okay with it.  In any case, I could 
care less if they're okay with it or not, I was just surprised 
that they chose the BSD license and then were mad when someone 
was thinking about closing it up.

The trouble is, even very weak copyleft licenses like MPL and 
CDDL can result in licensing incompatibilities.  Only by granting 
very permissive licensing terms can you guarantee that your 
software will be usable by the full range of free software 

For what it's worth, I have also made the argument on many 
occasions that projects shouldn't pick permissive licenses unless 
they're happy to see their work turned into proprietary products. 
 But if a developer releases software under a liberal license, 
saying "I'm doing this so that everyone can use it but please 
keep it free," I think they have a right to be pissed off when 
someone ignores their moral request.

There's no doubt that even if they chose a permissive license 
like the MIT or BSD license, these communities work primarily 
with OSS code and tend to prefer that code be open.  I can 
understand if they then tend to rebuff attempts to keep source 
from them, purely as a social phenomenon, however irrational it 
may be.  That's why I asked Walter if he had a similar opinion, 
but he didn't care.

Yes, the conscious choice of an extremely permissive license for 
druntime and Phobos is a different situation.  It's completely 
right in this case to facilitate all forms of development and 
re-use, under all licensing scenarios.

I still think it's ridiculous to put your code under an 
extremely permissive license and then get mad when people take 
you up on it, particularly since they never publicly broadcast 
that they want everything to be open.  It is only after you 
talk to them that you realize that the BSD gang are often as 
much freetards as the GPL gang, just in their own special way. 

It's a shame that you feel the need to resort to name-calling 
because someone has come to a considered moral or strategic 
position that's different from yours.  It also doesn't really 
help your position -- you're better off just getting on with 
developing software using your strategy and showing how it serves 
free software in the long run.

I wouldn't call closing source that they legally allowed to be 
closed antisocial.  I'd call their contradictory, angry 
response to what their license permits antisocial. :)

Personally speaking, I find there are a lot of things in life 
which I prefer to be legally permitted, but still nevertheless 
consider antisocial -- and I don't think there need be a 
contradiction there.

Note that this article was written when Android had less than 
10% of the almost billion users it has today, by using a 
similar hybrid model, and I was thinking up these ideas years 
before, long before I'd heard of Android.

My project was a small one, so it couldn't be a resounding 
proof of my time-limited version of the hybrid model, but it 
worked for its purpose and I'm fairly certain it will be the 
dominant model someday. :)

Thanks for the interesting read.  I think you have a point 
inasmuch as this is a model that clearly works very well from a 
business perspective where apps are concerned -- and if you're 
going to have open core, I'd rather it be one where the closed 
parts are guaranteed to eventually be opened up.  Of course, this 
is not the same as moral approval :-)

What I'd say, though, is that what works for apps isn't going to 
be what works for languages or their core development tools.  
Most apps seem to be single- or small-team developments, not 
community projects, they are targeting niche requirements, and 
ultimately they're being delivered to a target audience that's 
used to paying for software.

On the other hand with a language your overwhelming goal is to 
grow the user community, and (unless you're Microsoft or Apple, 
who can dictate terms to software developers) the best way by far 
to do that is to secure the language quality while keeping the 
development tools available free of charge.  You'll get more 
mileage out of monetising other things -- e.g. bug-fixing 
services, support, consultancy -- than you will out of 
restricting access to tools that enable people to use the 
language effectively.

You also have to consider the user perspective.  If I was offered 
a new language whose tools were delivered with open core terms, I 
would almost certainly refuse -- I'd feel unable to trust that I 
wouldn't at some point find all future releases locked up, 
leaving me with the 

Re: Is this D or is it Javascript?

2013-07-05 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Saturday, 6 July 2013 at 00:27:45 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I really should either finish it or just give in and use a 
third party service or something (the closest I've come is this 
newsgroup!), since at least blog blabbing would be *some* 
documentation for half my random stuff, but just blargh, 
words cannot describe my hatred for WordPress and friends.

I used to think similarly, and spent years starting and never 
finishing websites using all sorts of different solutions. 
Finally I realized that, to run a blog, WordPress was actually by 
far the simplest solution.

YMMV of course. I've never felt the need to write my own plugins 
so never had to deal with the painful side of WordPress.

Re: My first email to Walter, ever

2013-07-08 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Sunday, 7 July 2013 at 22:03:17 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/7/2013 5:09 AM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

That's a cool teaser, but how did the discussion continue? :)

Generally along these lines:

"And you, Scarecrow, have the effrontery to ask for a brain, 
you billowing bale of bovine fodder!"

What happened when Toto pulled back the curtain? :-)

Re: A very basic blog about D

2013-07-08 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Monday, 8 July 2013 at 17:39:46 UTC, Baz wrote:

On Sunday, 7 July 2013 at 15:00:43 UTC,
That's interesting...but I'm not a big fan of collecting 

of links...I think that someone should create something like but for D... ... ?

There'd need to be some way of filtering upstreams by topic. I 
blog about D, but not _just_ about D.

Re: A very basic blog about D

2013-07-08 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Monday, 8 July 2013 at 18:54:30 UTC, Baz wrote:

You're wrong, there's a real need for promoting D worldwide.

Did I say otherwise? I am not sure you are reacting to what I 
actually wrote.

Just for example, this mainstream (french) programming site has 
(had?) a forum for D which is not updated or used at all:

That's a shame.

Fedora a few years ago has proposed the D language as a part of 
their very "extremist open source ashole repository". The fact 
is that D is totally missing from their dev packages ("sudo yum 
i want some only opensource douche stuff even if I have to type 
make make install every two minutes"). And If you setup dmd 
manually they'll propose you to setup ldc, which is not 
possible due to some broken package dependencies...

I don't understand your visceral hostility here. No one is 
excluding D on licensing grounds -- there might be some distros 
that would prefer not to include DMD, but they'd be happy to 
include GDC and/or LDC.

If D compilers are missing from a distro, or have broken 
dependencies, it's because no one is stepping up to take 
responsibility for packaging.

Blogs are usefull, D can be used in many editors and compiled 
in two portables IDE (Xamarin and Geany) and in another 
mainstream win-only-IDE(VS)...

Yes, blogs are useful. I'm still not sure who your argument is 
with, though.

Complex networks in D

2013-07-15 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
Following the discussion on digitalmars.D, I've put together a 
little (... er, long ...) blog post discussing the basics of my D 
graph library:

The main slant of this post is the ease of writing this stuff in 
D.  Later posts will follow up on performance issues and fill in 
some more detail about the workings of the library.

{Enj,Destr}oy :-)

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 08:27:07 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 07:17:59 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Thanks! :-)

Re: GHC 2013 in Paris

2013-07-16 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 11:02:10 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

GHC 2013

Been Haskelling too much recently? :-)

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 14:18:02 UTC, bearophile wrote:

size_t vertexCount() @property const pure nothrow
assert(_sumHead.length == _sumTail.length);
return _sumHead.length - 1;

Is that better written in a struct/class invariant?

Nice thought -- probably; it's a condition that must always hold.

size_t degreeIn(immutable size_t v) const pure nothrow
assert(v + 1 < _sumTail.length);
return _sumTail[v + 1] - _sumTail[v];

Here you are looking for the method pre-condition.

Ahh, you mean inside in { ... } brackets?  I did consider writing 
it like that.  It wasn't clear to me what the benefits were, 
though, especially as I did consider making this an enforce() 
rather than an assert().

And "in size_t v" is enough compared to "immutable size_t v".

Does "in" allow for subsequent mutation _within_ the function?

For such kind of code I suggest to use UFCS chains.

Can you explain in a little more detail?  It's not an aspect of 
programming I'm familiar with.

Also be careful with the performance of such range-based code, 
writing benchmarks. Unfortunately often DMD doesn't compile it 

Yes, this is a concern of mine too.  In benchmarks I've carried 
out, the calls to e.g. neighbours() take up a substantial chunk 
of the overall runtime -- but that said, the number of calls to 
them is very, very large.  It works out as on the order of 
between 1e-9 and 1e-8 seconds per call.

These kinds of range-based solutions seem to be a part of D where 
LDC typically produces the best performance.  But I would not use 
DMD for serious number crunching of any kind -- as it stands it 
can't match either of the other two compilers.

Anyway, thanks very much for the useful feedback :-)

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 18:22:31 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
People are much more likely to read your article from links in 
reddit and hackernews if you put in as a comment some 
description of it. Don't wait for others to do it for you! They 
may mischaracterize it, or worse, the opportunity will slip by.

Done.  Thanks for the advice!

Re: Complex networks in D

2013-07-16 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 16 July 2013 at 15:57:06 UTC, bearophile wrote:

For such kind of code I suggest to use UFCS chains.

Can you explain in a little more detail?  It's not an aspect 
of programming I'm familiar with.

auto r1 = iota(_sumHead[v], _sumHead[v + 1]).map!(a => 
auto r2 = iota(_sumTail[v], _sumTail[v + 1]).map!(a => 

return chain(r1, r2);

Ahh, OK.  To be sure I understand what you're getting at, is it 
just that it's more elegant to write it this way (I agree:-), or 
is there a performance benefit in the iota().map!() form (or to 
separately generating the ranges and then chaining them)?

Re: monarch dodra granted write access to phobos, druntime, and tools

2013-07-23 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Monday, 22 July 2013 at 18:08:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Please join me in congratulating monarch dodra for his 
admission among our github committers. We're starting with 
phobos, druntime, and tools access, and if all goes well, we'll 
extend write rights to dmd also.

Congratulations! Well deserved :-)

Re: monarch dodra granted write access to phobos, druntime, and tools

2013-07-27 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Tuesday, 23 July 2013 at 19:24:10 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
I'm very surprised by your outlook. My perception is that the 
long queue of pending pull requests not being reviewed is the 
single most important bottleneck at this point in history in 
the path of D. By my estimates I think we'd improve the speed 
of D's development by at least one third if we solve this one 
issue. There's no other issue offering so much impact.

I agree it's the major bottleneck but disagree slightly about the 

My recent experience has been that my Phobos pull requests get 
_reviewed_ quite quickly but then it may take quite some time to 
actually get merged. Confusion can be added because the reviewers 
don't always indicate explicit approval of the code, so the 
submitter can be sitting in limbo not knowing if the lack of 
merge is down to the code still being inadequate or just the 
reviewer not getting round to merging it yet.

The latter kind of delay tends to result from the situation where 
the reviewer is waiting for the test suite to pass. Because 
there's no option to auto-merge on pass, and no alert to 
reviewers that a pull request has passed testing, it's easy to 
miss windows of opportunity to merge. This only has to happen a 
few times for the pull request to get stuck at the bottom of the 
test queue and for the delay in merging just to stretch.

So, I'd propose that if possible the review process include a way 
for reviewers to explicitly indicate, "This pull request is 
provisionally approved subject to testing."

Approved pull requests would go on a separate priority test queue 
with "first in, first out" policy. If the test suite passes, 
they're auto-merged, if it fails they are removed from the queue 
and must be re-approved.

Ideally it should be possible to distinguish actual test failures 
from something going wrong with the test procedure itself (e.g. a 
test process not spawning correctly) and in the latter case 
keeping the pull request in the approved queue.

Does this sound workable/useful?

Re: echo: "-n", the next installment

2013-07-27 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Saturday, 27 July 2013 at 12:19:44 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work ideally for echo as the 
behaviour depends on the order of the arguments.

It also has some odd little niggles -- e.g. it's not nice that 
with a short option you can have --t 5 and --t=5 but not -t 5 or 
-t=5 (according to docs you can only use -t5 ).

Re: New malloc() for win32 that should produce faster DMD's and faster D code that uses malloc()

2013-08-04 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Sunday, 4 August 2013 at 06:07:54 UTC, dennis luehring wrote:
ever tested nedmalloc 
( or other 
malloc allocators?

"Windows 7, Linux 3.x, FreeBSD 8, Mac OS X 10.6 all contain 
state-of-the-art allocators and no third party allocator is 
likely to significantly improve on them in real world results."

So there may be minimal returns from incorporating nedmalloc on 
modern OS's ... ?

Re: D reaches 1000 questions on stackoverflow

2013-08-15 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Thursday, 15 August 2013 at 00:23:16 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
You can define a filter that emails you whenever there are new 
questions on the "D" tag.

Why not set up D.learn (or a new mailing list) to track that 
filter? That should help prompt the community here to engage with 
any new questions.

Re: GHC 2013 in Paris

2013-08-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 20 August 2013 at 07:31:29 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
Will be arriving in Paris tomorrow.  Is it only you two who 
will be around?

Sad to say I can't make it. :-(  Will the talk be videoed?

Re: GHC 2013 in Paris

2013-08-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 20 August 2013 at 08:35:57 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

I don't know, will certainly ask...

In any case, have fun (and look out for the Space Invaders...:-)

Updates to D graph library

2013-09-12 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

Hello all,

Today I pushed a number of major (and breaking) changes to the 
master repository of the D graph library.  I've provided a brief 
summary on my blog, which also describes how to revise any 
programs to work with the new code:

I hope that these changes don't unduly inconvenience anyone 
currently using the library.  My own take was that it's worth it 
in terms of moving to a generic design and offering some new 
higher-performance graph data structures, which I'll be 
describing in more detail some time soon.

Feedback on the new code is welcome.  I would also like to offer 
thanks to all the nice people on D.learn who contributed useful 
ideas that helped with this update :-)

Thanks & best wishes,

-- Joe

Re: [OT] My C++ talk at GoingNative 2013

2013-09-12 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 10 September 2013 at 13:08:29 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
All class methods are virtual by default in D, unless declared 

There was an intense discussion a while back which ended in (I 
think) a decision by Walter to switch to final-by-default, but 
there has so far been no practical follow-up.

Re: Updates to D graph library

2013-09-13 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Friday, 13 September 2013 at 07:49:49 UTC, ilya-stromberg 
Do you have any plans to change license from GPLv3 to something 
more liberal like Boost, MIT or BSD? Without this it's 
impossible to use your library for commercial purposes.

The licence is GPLv3+ because the code is closely influenced by 
igraph, which is GPLv3-licensed. It's not like there's 
copy-pasting, but it's not clean-room either, so offering a 
permissive licence might put users in an invidious situation if 
the igraph authors chose to make an issue of it. Unlikely, but 
better safe than sorry.

If anyone wants to use it in a commercial application the best 
thing probably to let me know and I can discuss with the igraph 
authors. I will probably do so anyway once the library is more 
feature-complete, less out of concern for commercial apps than in 
order not to be incompatible with other free licenses.

Re: Updates to D graph library

2013-09-13 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Friday, 13 September 2013 at 08:45:45 UTC, ilya-stromberg 
I see. You can use Boost Graph Library (BGL) as a initial 
point. It's under Boost license that allows commercial usage.

I'm aware of the BGL, but I didn't find it a very nice design.  I 
was also influenced by the fact that among colleagues who work 
with the various graph libraries, none of them seem to favour it 
-- whereas igraph seems both popular and high-performing (I 
believe it can scale to larger data size than any other solution 
out there).  But of course I may revisit that in future.

Also, it would be nice to have graph library in Phobos in a 
future, and in that case module must be under Boost license.

Understood, although I never particularly saw Dgraph as being a 
Phobos candidate, it feels a bit too specialized.  My impression 
is that graph libraries tend in practice to sprawl out into 
massive constructions, rather too extended for something like a 
standard library.

But if the core functionality is something people are interested 
in for Phobos, then again, I'm happy to open up the licensing 
discussion.  I'm sure that the igraph authors would be supportive.

Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

Hello all,

I thought I'd do a writeup of the process of implementing and 
optimizing one of the graph metrics in Dgraph, starting from a 
fairly straight copy of pseudo-code in a research paper all 
through the various incremental tweaks that improve performance.

I guess the optimizations made in this process are trivial for 
anyone experienced in D, but I hope the detailed description of 
what changes produce useful speedups might be useful for people 
new to the language.

{Enj,Destr}oy :-)

Best wishes,

-- Joe

Re: Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 13:39:29 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Just for a test, try to allocate all those arrays in a 
different way:

- First try a std.array.Array using the LDC2 compiler;
- Another thing to try is to allocate them on the stack using 

auto p = cast(T*)alloca(T.sizeof * g.vertexCount);
if (!p) throw new MemoryError...
auto centrality = p[0 .. g.vertexCount];
This probably can't be used for very large graphs, so you have 
to add even more logic to allocate the arrays on the C heap if 
they are too much large. This could be useful if you call 
betweenness() many many times.

- Try to optionally accept the buffers from outside.

Nice suggestions, I'll try those out! :-)

I think I did give std.array.Array a trial when trying to speed 
up its performance, and I don't remember it making any difference 
(if anything it may have slowed things down).  But I'll give it a 
second look and report back.

I haven't yet tried alloca or other manual memory management -- I 
felt a bit resistant to this as I'd prefer to keep the code 
simple and readable -- but I'll give that a go too just to see 
how it goes.

It's interesting that you pick up on my use of to!T(0) etc.  I 
had some concern about whether that would affect speed at all.  
At the time of originally writing the code, my impression was 
that not having it actually made things worse, and that the 
compiler was smart enough to carry out the conversion at 

However, my impression now is that having or not having it, or 
any other method (e.g. enum T0, T1, etc.) makes absolutely no 
difference, and that I might as well be simple and write 0 for 
integral-types, 0.0 for floating-point.

Re: Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 15:22:51 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Joseph Rushton Wakeling:

I haven't yet tried alloca or other manual memory management 
-- I felt a bit resistant to this as I'd prefer to keep the 
code simple and readable -- but I'll give that a go too just 
to see how it goes.

I'd like some stack-allocated variable-length array in 
D+Phobos, as in C++14. It's also a basis to build several other 
stack-allocated data structures.

Yes, that'd be useful, although in the case of this code I think 
that stack vs. heap probably isn't that important.  If the data 
is small enough for stack allocation, the calculation will be 
quick anyway.

However, my impression now is that having or not having it, or 
any other method (e.g. enum T0, T1, etc.) makes absolutely no 
difference, and that I might as well be simple and write 0 for 
integral-types, 0.0 for floating-point.

Right. And this could be right even if you want T=Rational.

Actually, on re-testing this just now, I'm returning to my 
original view.  I find that if you put in raw floating-point 
numbers like 0.0, 1.0 etc. the resulting code can be slower in 
the case where T = float.  Putting to!T or using enums as you 
suggest appears to make no difference.

This is a guess rather than confirmed by looking at assembly, but 
I'm presuming that to!T(0) and other conversions of compile-time 
constants are evaluated at compile time, so you don't in practice 
carry the cost you'd normally get from using to().

Re: Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 15:17:25 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
I think I did give std.array.Array a trial when trying to speed 
up its performance, and I don't remember it making any 
difference (if anything it may have slowed things down).  But 
I'll give it a second look and report back.

I tried rewriting the variable declarations:

Array!T centrality;
centrality.length = g.vertexCount;
centrality[] = to!T(0);
Array!size_t stack;
stack.length = g.vertexCount;
Array!T sigma;
sigma.length = g.vertexCount;
Array!T delta;
delta.length = g.vertexCount;
Array!long d;
d.length = g.vertexCount;
auto q = VertexQueue(g.vertexCount);
Appender!(size_t[])[] p = new 

It results in a moderate slowdown of the code, at a guess because 
it increases the total number of mallocs/deallocs.

I note that there seems to be no way to initialize 
std.container.Array as having a certain length ... ?

I tried instead using std.array.uninitializedArray to initialize 
the arrays in the betweenness() function -- it was a bit 
difficult to judge here: with a relatively small number of calls 
to betweenness() it seems to have resulted in a speedup, but with 
very many calls, it seems to have been slower.

Re: Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 13:39:29 UTC, bearophile wrote:

- Try to optionally accept the buffers from outside.

Does this look good to you?


auto ref betweenness(T = double, Graph)(ref Graph g, bool[] 
ignore = null)

if (isFloatingPoint!T && isGraph!Graph)
T[] centrality = new T[g.vertexCount];
return betweenness!(T, Graph)(g, centrality, ignore);

auto ref betweenness(T = double, Graph)(ref Graph g, ref T[] 
centrality, bool[] ignore = null)

centrality.length = g.vertexCount;
centrality[] = to!T(0);
// ... the rest as before


Re: Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 17:13:28 UTC, bearophile wrote:
How many times or how often do you need to call betweenness()? 
If it's called only few times or once in a while then using the 
GC is good enough. But if you have to call it many millions of 
times, all those GC array allocations could cost some time, 
even if they are small arrays. In this case allocating them on 
the stack (or not allocating them, using externally allocated 
buffers) helps.

I think millions of times is excessive. In my test code I have an 
example with a 50-node network calculating betweenness centrality 
1 times, which takes under 1.5 seconds. So obviously if you 
scale up to millions, small improvements could make a difference, 
but it's not going to be on such a scale that it's worth 
prioritizing, at least for now. I think even 1 calculations 
is excessive for any practical case I can think of.

You're right to call for the opportunity to pass a buffer, 
though, and I've enabled that. In the current test code it 
doesn't seem to improve anything, but that may be simply a matter 
of scale.

Re: Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 at 13:39:29 UTC, bearophile wrote:
auto centrality = 

centrality[] = T0;
auto stack = new size_t[g.vertexCount];
auto sigma = minimallyInitializedArray!T(g.vertexCount);
sigma[] = T0;
auto delta = minimallyInitializedArray!T(g.vertexCount);
delta[] = T0;
auto d = minimallyInitializedArray!long(g.vertexCount);
d[] = -1;
auto q = VertexQueue(g.vertexCount);
auto p = new Appender!(size_t[])[g.vertexCount];

As an experiment I tried something along these lines -- using 
uninitializedArray for most of the arrays here and 
minimallyInitializedArray for p.

It seems to result in a small speed improvement, although I'm not 
certain about that -- certainly not a speed loss.

On the other hand, if inside the VertexQueue implementation, I 
replace the "new" declaration with an uninitializedArray call, 
the code gets slower by a noticeable amount.

Very odd -- any ideas why that might be?

Re: Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 24 September 2013 at 22:14:30 UTC, bearophile wrote:
minimallyInitializedArray is not stupid, if the specified type 
has no indirections, it's equivalent to using 
uninitializedArray, but it's safer if you later change the 
type. So in general it's not a good idea to use 
uninitializedArray, unless you have special needs. The two 
functions are not equivalent, one of them is for normal 
performance tuning, and the other is for special usages.

I have not found this -- using minimallyInitializedArray for the 
arrays of built-in types is slower than if I use 

These arrays have their values initialized immediately -- this is 
the actual code from inside the betweenness centrality function:

size_t[] stack = uninitializedArray!(size_t[])(g.vertexCount);
T[] sigma = uninitializedArray!(T[])(g.vertexCount);
T[] delta = uninitializedArray!(T[])(g.vertexCount);
long[] d = uninitializedArray!(long[])(g.vertexCount);
auto q = VertexQueue(g.vertexCount);
Appender!(size_t[])[] p = 

sigma[] = to!T(0);
delta[] = to!T(0);
d[] = -1L;

... so I don't see the safety problem here.  uninitializedArray 
is used only for arrays of built-in types, 
minimallyInitializedArray is used otherwise.

On the other hand, if inside the VertexQueue implementation, I 
replace the "new" declaration with an uninitializedArray call, 
the code gets slower by a noticeable amount.

Very odd -- any ideas why that might be?

See above, use uninitializedArray only in special situations 
and when you know what you are doing. Here you do not know what 
you are doing, so use minimallyInitializedArray.

uninitializedArray or minimallyInitializedArray, using either 
inside the VertexQueue creates a significant slowdown.

uninitializedArray creates random pointers, and aliases that 
could increase the work done by the GC and cause (temporary if 
you initialized all your data) memory leaks. Try to totally 
disable the GC and time the two versions of the code, with and 
without uninitializedArray. If the GC is the cause of speed 
differences and you disable it, you will see no performance 
difference any more.

You seem to be suggesting that using uninitializedArray could 
cause general slowdown, but in general it results in a speedup 
compared to minimallyInitializedArray.

In the one case where it causes a slowdown, 
minimallyInitializedArray does too, and by a similar amount.

Re: Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 26 September 2013 at 20:56:39 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Joseph Rushton Wakeling:

I have not found this -- using minimallyInitializedArray for 
the arrays of built-in types is slower than if I use 

Then minimallyInitializedArray should be improved :-)

It's odd, because the two actually use the same underlying 
function, with minimallyInitializedArray potentially triggering 
this section:

else static if(minimallyInitialized && hasIndirections!E)
ret[] = E.init;

... but if E is (say) an int, or a size_t, or any other built-in 
type, this should not be triggered -- right?

So it's bizarre that there is a performance difference here.

Incidentally, this was why I felt safe using uninitializedArray 
for arrays of e.g. long, size_t, etc., because the only 
difference at the end of the function could be whether the values 
contained in the array have been set or not.  As I do ensure that 
any array entry used also has its value set, it should be OK.

Re: Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-26 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 26 September 2013 at 21:29:42 UTC, bearophile wrote:
You also have arrays of T. Someday T could be something with 
indirections :-) So minimallyInitializedArray is safer 
regarding future changes in your code.

T is qualified via isFloatingPoint :-)

Re: Implementing and optimizing a simple graph metric

2013-09-27 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 26 September 2013 at 22:03:12 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Joseph Rushton Wakeling:

T is qualified via isFloatingPoint :-)

I know, but that qualification could change in future 
evolutions of your code. Strong type safety means that if you 
change a type in your code, with a localized change (like 
removing isFloatingPoint at the top of your function) the whole 
code that depends on that type (like the body of this function 
of yours) will keep working as safely as before :-)

OK, I accept your argument :-)

As things stand I'm inclined to leave the code using "new" for 
now. I'll see if I can work out anything about why 
minimallyInitializedArray might be problematic -- at a guess, 
perhaps it accidentally gets in the way of some potential 

Re: Facebook is using D in production starting today

2013-10-10 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 00:36:12 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Today I committed the first 5112 lines of D code to Facebook's 
repository. The project is in heavy daily use at Facebook. 
Compared to the original version (written in C++) we've 
measured massive wins in all of source code size, build speed, 
and running speed.

In all likelihood we'll follow up with a blog post describing 
the process.

Congratulations!  This is wonderful news.

Re: Facebook is using D in production starting today

2013-10-11 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 05:11:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
It's the first battle signaling the end of Middle Earth, and 
the rise of the Age of D. The old guard will be sailing to the 
Grey Havens soon.

Hmmm, dodgy metaphor.  The departure of the ringbearers heralds 
the new age, but it's the one in which all the beautiful magical 
things of Middle Earth will fade away and be lost ... :-P

(Can you tell who re-read LOTR recently?:-)

Re: Facebook is using D in production starting today

2013-10-17 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Saturday, 12 October 2013 at 12:08:03 UTC, Todor wrote:

On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 05:11:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/10/2013 10:05 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Awesome! Great bragging rights for D :)

It's the first battle signaling the end of Middle Earth, and 
the rise of the Age of D. The old guard will be sailing to the 
Grey Havens soon.

They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!

Actually, I think this development is akin to the March of the 
Ents.  They spend a long time thinking and are slow to rouse ... 
but when they are roused ... :-P

Re: LDC 0.12.0 has been released

2013-10-23 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Tuesday, 22 October 2013 at 22:42:14 UTC, David Nadlinger 
LDC 0.12.0, the LLVM-based D compiler, is available for 
download! It is built on the 2.063.2 frontend and standard 
library and supports LLVM 3.1-3.3 (OS X: 3.2 only).

Congratulations David and team :-)

Re: "Programming in D" book is about 95% translated

2013-11-02 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Saturday, 2 November 2013 at 00:03:51 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I have continued with the translation of the book. There are 36 
of the 727 pages still to be translated. (However, I still need 
to write the UDA chapter.)

In addition to many corrections and additions throughout the 
book, there are the following chapters translated:

* Tuples
* More Templates
* More Functions
* Mixins
* More Ranges

That's fantastic, Ali, thanks and many congratulations! :-)

One small linguistic note -- in the "More Ranges" chapter, it may 
be better to call your example range "Opposite" rather than 
"Inverse".  In a strict mathematical sense you're correct -- 
swapping sign gives you the additive inverse -- but in a more 
colloquial sense the term "inverse" is usually in English assumed 
to be the multiplicative inverse.

This is to an extent a matter of taste, of course, so feel free 
to ignore me.

Re: "Programming in D" book is about 95% translated

2013-11-02 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Saturday, 2 November 2013 at 20:36:39 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

"Converse"? (Haven't read the section discussed.)

Could also work.  The range in question wraps an input range r 
and sets front to return -r.front.

Re: "Programming in D" book is about 95% translated

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Saturday, 2 November 2013 at 22:45:13 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I spent considerable amount of time on those names. Like you, I 
am not happy with Inverse. :)

I wanted to say struct Negate and function negate(). But ! is 
the negation operator.

I like opposite better but the Wikipedia article calls it 
"additive inverse" so inverse is still acceptable, I guess? :)

Well, if you don't want to change it now that the chapter has 
been released, don't worry -- it's not wrong per se, just 
somewhat unintuitive to my native English ear.

I think that Negative and negative() (not Negation) would be 
fine.  Bear in mind that ! is the _logical_ negation operator; 
without the qualifier, the word doesn't have the same meaning.  
"The negative of x" is just -x.

The trouble with inverse (for me) is that its colloquial meaning 
is the multiplicative inverse, while in a strict mathematical 
sense it is too general -- you can have an inverse of _any_ 
function, so the term always needs to be qualified as the 
"inverse of ..." (whether of addition, multiplication, some other 
choice of function).  But this may be my fussing too much. ;-)

Re: "Programming in D" book is about 95% translated

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Sunday, 3 November 2013 at 22:42:37 UTC, Tove wrote:

I'm not a native English speaker, but FWIW I would have chosen:

I knew there was another term out there somewhere :-)

Re: DConf 2014 Call for Submissions is now open

2013-11-27 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Wednesday, 27 November 2013 at 05:44:36 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
And now I have to wrack my brain for ideas. :) I could probably 
questions about D all day, but coming up with something useful 
to talk about

on my own never seems to be as easy as it should be...

Well, you have 'til the end of January ... :-)

Why not talk about exactly that -- about providing effective 
on-list guidance, the kind of things that are simple or tricky to 
deal with, the kind of supporting infrastructure that might be 
helpful for minimizing the number of repeat questions  I'm 
sure you can extend this list.

Re: DConf 2014 Call for Submissions is now open

2013-11-27 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 27 November 2013 at 14:37:11 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
I had some until I have started to think about "Credentials: 
What qualifies you to talk on the topic of choice?".

The fact that you are curious about the topic in question, have 
given it some thought and come up with something interesting to 
say? :-) It's not all about degrees and job titles.

Re: Range-Based Graph Search in D (blog post)

2014-01-10 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Friday, 10 January 2014 at 11:07:13 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

Nice :)

I presume you are aware of

Good inspiration for me to get back to work on that :-)

@Peter -- this is really exciting to see and I will be looking 
into your work with great interest.  Let me know if there is any 
overlap in our projects that we can make use of.  At first glance 
(I'm in the midst of house-moves right now so can't give your 
code the attention it deserves immediately:-) it is interesting 
to see how our algorithms and problems of interest have resulted 
in different design concerns.

We should definitely try and set up some mutual coding challenges 
to try and test scalability, performance etc. :-)

Re: Facebook open sources flint, a C++ linter written in D

2014-02-25 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 26 February 2014 at 00:57:55 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

Usually, I understand XXX evangelist as "My job is to use

Oh, so _that's_ why the text of the Bible comes in individual 
numbered verses of less than 140 characters each!

1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

Hello all,

As some of you may already know, monarch_dodra and I have spent 
quite a lot of time over the last year discussing the state of 
std.random.  To cut a long story short, there are significant 
problems that arise because the current RNGs are value types 
rather than reference types.  We had quite a lot of back and 
forth on different design ideas, with a lot of helpful input from 
others in the community, but at the end of the day there are 
really only two broad approaches: create structs that implement 
reference semantics internally, or use classes.  So, as an 
exercise, I decided to create a class-based std.random.

The preliminary (but comprehensive) results of this are now 
available here:

Besides re-implementing random number generators as classes 
rather than structs, the new code splits std.random2 into a 
package of several different modules:

   * std.random2.generator, pseudo-random number generators;

   * std.random2.device, non-deterministic random sources;

   * std.random2.distribution, random distributions such as 

 normal, etc.;

   * std.random2.adaptor, random "adaptors" such as randomShuffle,
 randomSample, etc.

   * std.random2.traits, RNG-specific traits such as isUniformRNG
 and isSeedable.

A package.d file groups them together so one can still import all 
together via "import std.random2".  I've also taken the liberty 
of following the new guideline to place import statements as 
locally as possible; it was striking how easy and clean this made 
things, and it should be easy to port that particular change back 
to std.random.

The new package implements all of the functions, templates and 
range objects from std.random except for the old 
std.random.uniformDistribution, whose name I have cannibalized 
for better purposes.  Some have been updated: the 
MersenneTwisterEngine has been tweaked to match the corresponding 
code from Boost.Random, and this in turn has allowed the 
definition of a 64-bit Mersenne Twister (Mt19937_64) and an 
alternative 32-bit one (Mt11213b).

There are also a number of entirely new entries.  
std.random2.distribution contains not just existing functions 
such as dice and uniform, but also range-based random 
distribution classes UniformDistribution, NormalDistribution and 
DiscreteDistribution; the last of these is effectively a 
range-based version of dice, and is based on Chris Cain's 
excellent work here:

The principal weak point in terms of functionality is 
std.random2.device, where the implemented random devices (based 
on Posix' /std/random and /std/urandom) are really very primitive 
and just there to illustrate the principle.  However, since their 
API is pretty simple (they're just input ranges with min and max 
defined) there should be plenty of opportunity to improve and 
extend the internals in future.  Advice and patches are welcome 
for everything, but particularly here :-)

What's become quite apparent in the course of writing this 
package is how much more natural it is for ranges implementing 
randomness to be class objects.  The basic fact that another 
range can store a copy of an RNG internally without creating a 
copy-by-value is merely the start: for example, in the case of 
the class implementation of RandomSample, we no longer need to 
have complications like,

@property auto ref front()
// The first sample point must be determined here to avoid
// having it always correspond to the first element of the
// input.  The rest of the sample points are determined 

// time we call popFront().
if (_skip == Skip.None)
return _input.front;

that were necessary to avoid bugs like; because the 
class-based implementation copies by reference, we can just 
initialize everything in the constructor.  Similarly, issues like and just vanish.

Obvious caveats about the approach include the fact that classes 
need to be new'd, and questions over whether allocation on the 
heap might create speed issues.  The benchmarks I've run (code 
available in the repo) seem to suggest that at least the latter 
is not a worry, but these are obviously things that need to be 
considered.  My own feeling is that ultimately it is a 
responsibility of the language to offer nice ways to allocate 
classes without necessarily relying on new or the GC.

A few remarks on design and other factors:

   * The new range objects have been implemented as final classes 
 speed purposes.  However, I tried another approach where the 

 class templates were abstract classes, and the individual
 parameterizations were 

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Wednesday, 19 March 2014 at 23:58:36 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
Out of interest but, shouldn't in the device module have a 
static assert(0, "Not implemented yet") type of deal with the 
version(Posix) block?

Not really.  There's still usable functionality in there for all 
architectures (although I'm not sure how practically useful).

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 00:09:51 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Do you have a simple but very fast function that generates 
uniforms in [0.0, 1.0]? :-)

No, but it's planned.  Jerro wrote quite a nice one in the course 
of his work on the Ziggurat algorithm, and I'm sure he'd be happy 
for me to adapt it accordingly.

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 00:05:20 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
Not really.  There's still usable functionality in there for 
all architectures (although I'm not sure how practically 

Just to expand on that remark: my impression is that individual 
random devices are inevitably going to be architecture-dependent. 
 /dev/random and /dev/urandom are Posix devices; Windows AFAIK 
has its own alternative.  So the broad idea is that you'd have as 
much generic functionality as possible available to all 
architectures (mostly related to what sources you read from; a 
file, a socket, something else?), and then individual 
architecture-dependent aliases would map this to particular 
random sources available to them.

Then, finally, you'd have some default alias RandomDevice that 
would point to an appropriate architectural default; so e.g.

version (Posix)
alias RandomDevice = DevURandom!uint;
else version (Windows)
alias RandomDevice = ...
// etc.

... so, unless you were quite specific about your requirements, 
90% of the time you could just use RandomDevice and expect it to 
Just Work whatever your platform.

But as random devices are not my strongest area of expertise, 
I'll happily take advice here.

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 00:09:51 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Please don't use stuttering names like 
"std.random2.randomShuffle". "std.random2.shuffle" is enough.

I don't object to rewriting the names if there's a valid case for 
it, but it does seem to me to be important to try and match as 
much as possible the names that are already out there in 
std.random.  The idea is to minimize the amount of rewriting 
anyone will have to do to adapt their code, and as far as I can 
tell where the contents of std.random2.adaptor are concerned 
(randomShuffle, randomCover, randomSample) it should require no 
rewriting at all.

Besides, while std.random2.adaptor.randomShuffle may be the 
fully-qualified name, in practice, no one will write all that 
out, so the redundancy is less bad; and in any case, as any 
magician will tell you, a shuffle is not necessarily random ;-)

I don't think the language is yet there. So I think currently 
this is not a good idea.

If the aim were to overwrite std.random, I would agree with you, 
but there is no need to do that.  It's named std.random2 for a 
reason :-)

However, I do think that merging it into Phobos (assuming all 
other factors are OK) may have to be conditional on improvements 
in the available allocation strategies.

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 00:39:43 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Note: I meant a simple but very fast function that generates 
just one value in [0.0, 1.0] (not a range).

There will be both. :-)

Off the top of my head I'm not sure whether the interval will be 
[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0) or whether it might be possible to make it 
work with arbitrary boundaries.  If I recall right, most 
uniform01 implementations are [0.0, 1.0) ... ?

It's the best chance to improve naming, so do not throw it away 
for nothing:

If you want you can keep a deprecated randomShuffle alias name 
for some time in std.random2.

Yes, in that case, I'd be happy to make the change (and maintain 
the old names via aliases).  Thanks for pointing me to the bug 
report; I'd forgotten that this was an open issue :-)

We will probably have the nice Andrei's allocators in Phobos, 
but not in a short time. So I suggest to not rely on them for 

No, I don't intend to rely on them arriving soon.  But while of 
course a random3 is always possible too, I'd rather not be faced 
with the situation of needing breaking changes to handle support 
for alternative allocation strategies.  So if necessary, I'd 
rather maintain std.random2 outside of Phobos for a while and get 
things right when it finally lands, than push it in too early and 
need to make breaking changes.

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 01:07:54 UTC, bearophile wrote:
In Bugzilla probably there are many bug reports/enhancement 
requests about std.random, so I suggest you to read them. Some 
of them can be useful, while other are probably already 
addressed in the current (or planned) std.random2.

Yes, indeed.  Quite a few of them _are_ addressed, I think, but 
now that I've got the essentials of the design laid out, I should 
be systematic and go through them.

Another random one that was just commented by Infiltrator:

Well, you already have the NormalDistribution in 
std.random2.distribution ;-)  I clearly can also implement 
function-only Box-Muller variant that spends 2 random variates to 
generate a single normally-distributed value, as this doesn't 
have the problem of needing to store state or allocate memory, so 
I will add that at some stage.

I'm reluctant to add a specific fastRandom because I think here 
the better option is a really nice range-based algorithm that can 
generate high quality variates at speed (e.g. the Ziggurat 
algorithm is a good candidate here).  There's a quite good review 
of different algorithms here:

But of course I'm open to arguments here :-)

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 01:32:41 UTC, Chris Williams wrote:
Any chance that you could describe them? I was about to resume 
porting the dcrypt library into Phobos, and had intended to 
flip the classes into structs, to match what the rest of the 
library was doing.

I think there's a good case for a std.random2.crypto module that 
contains RNGs that are specifically suitable for cryptography.  
That said I think the bar here has to be set VERY high, which is 
why I didn't even begin working on it yet.  It has been argued by 
some that where crypto in Phobos is concerned, we shouldn't take 
community contributions but we should hire security experts to 
write the functionality for us.

Anyway, let's keep in touch about this and discuss how we could 
support one another's efforts.

About the issues with value-type RNGs (as monarch_dodra says, 
it's not structs vs. classes per se, as you can implement 
reference types via structs; it's just more finnicky to do so), 
probably the best starting point is to read through the various 
bugs that have been reported as a result of this:

Although some of these are marked as fixed, the fixes are pretty 
unpleasant and are workarounds rather than solutions of the 
underlying problem.  It may look like only a few issues, but the 
implications are nasty.  We had extensive discussions about this 
over the last year:

The bottom line is that implementing your RNGs as classes 
automatically gets you out of the worst of these traps by giving 
you reference semantics from the get-go.  Whether there are other 
problems that arise from this that make you prefer another design 
is a question you'll have to answer for yourself -- someone may 
yet come up with an objection that shows my current design is a 
Very Bad Idea ;-)

Anyway, the example with rndGen.take(10).writeln that 
monarch_dodra gave is probably the best argument one can make.  
Imagine a cryptographic application where you're generating 
(supposedly) two different sets of random data, and because of an 
unintended value-type copy like this they turn out to be 
identical.  Insecure much? :-)

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 08:30:09 UTC, ponce wrote:
Related: please consider using parts of SimpleRNG the excellent 
work of John D. Cook which provides many random distributions 
in a compact and documented way. 
(here a port)

Good call, I'll take a close look at that.  Can you provide me 
with a link to the original project too?  (Yes, I can just Google 
it, I'm being lazy:-)

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 08:51:08 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:


There is consensus it seems.  I will make the fix ;-)

I think there is 0 doubt that reference semantics is the way to 
go. An advantage of using class is that it is still *possible* 
to place them on the stack with Scoped, or with some future 
language mechanic. On the other hand, if we implement as 
reference structs, then that's that.

I suppose the one concern I have is whether these reference-type 
RNGs might generate unpleasant unintended effects with other 
range objects in Phobos.  One thing that I really must do now 
that the basic design is in place is to systematically go through 
all the different ways in which these ranges could interact with 
deterministic ranges, and whether there are any issues to address.

Furthermore, even in terms of performance, I think a heap 
allocated PRNG will still flat-out beat the value based one, if 
only because of the size of the damn thing.

I don't know if you or anyone else has run the simple benchmark 
programs I created, but my impression was that for the RNGs and 
other functions here there is no significant speed difference 
between the std.random2 class implementations and their 
std.random struct predecessors.  Where there _is_ a difference it 
seems more likely to be down to algorithm rather than 
class/struct or heap/stack.

For example, my new Mersenne Twister is slightly slower, but 
probably because it's carrying extra parameters compared to that 
of std.random.  On the other hand, generating random numbers by 
foreach'ing over uniform() calls does not seem to have any speed 
difference with popFrontN()'ing over a Uniform Distribution.

That said, being able to allocate them on the malloc heap, and 
not the GC heap, would be (IMO) also a valid design.

A simple and dumb design might be to still implement them with 
value semantic but:

1. Disable postblit.
2. Make .save() return a "Random*"
This would mean
1. No dangers of accidental copy.
2. Range* is a ForwardRange.
3. Trivially allows GC/malloc/stack allocation.
With good aliases ("alias Random = RadomImpl*;"), and a "make!" 
template we could make the "default useage" transparent to this 
mechanism yet make it easy to get our hands under the hood.

One strict objection here: .save returning a Random* would mean 
that this kind of unittest will fail, no?

auto rng1 = someRandomGenType;
auto rng2 =;
assert(rng1.front == rng2.front);

More generally, I think that, while I don't object to doing 
complicated stuff behind the scenes to get things simple and easy 
for the user, the problem I have with the above is that it really 
seems to require so much effort to create something which comes 
naturally with the current std.random2 design.

I didn't check the code yet, but a "middle ground" could be to 
make all constructors private, and disable T.init. Then, we 
force construction through a make! template.

This might not be what's most convenient, but it would allow us 
to potentially change the design at a later stage, without 
breaking user code.

The idea of making constructors private and forcing the user to 
use the convenience functions is a very interesting one.  As long 
as they provide an adequate interface to completely control all 
implementation parameters, it could provide a way to have 
significant leeway in controlling exactly how RNG instances are 

On the other hand it really feels obnoxious to cut users off from 
being able to use objects directly :-(

Do you have a simple but very fast function that generates 
uniforms in [0.0, 1.0]? :-)

AFAIK, the allocation issue is only for ranges? "uniform" is 
just a function, I don't think it affected by the issue. Even 
if you are operating on a "passed range", either ranges are 
reference semantics, and you take by value, or they are value 
semantic, and you take by ref. Either way, you have to pay for 
the indirection.

I think the issue here is just that it's possible to implement a 
really fast high-quality algorithm for uniformly-distributed 
floating point numbers in [0, 1).  That has all sorts of uses not 
just for Phobos users but also internally in e.g. random 
distributions (for example, it'll give a significant speed boost 
to NormalDistribution).

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 21:42:13 UTC, Chris Williams wrote:

To be certain that the implementation doesn't have any security

Yes.  Of course, in the current climate one might fear that
they'd be the ones introducing them ... :-)

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-20 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 18:43:49 UTC, Chris Williams wrote:
That's only completely true if structs are referred to by 
pointer. ref parameters/returns aren't quite sufficient to keep 
a struct acting as a reference for all purposes.

As far as I can tell, you're thinking of _passing_ struct 
parameters, and here, indeed, passing by ref is sufficient.

The problem comes when you want to _store_ them.  It's not safe 
to just store a pointer, because the (value type) struct that's 
being pointed to might go out of scope and be deleted.

However, you can make structs behave like reference types behave 
like reference types, simply by making them contain (safe) 
references to the actual data they contain.  E.g. (stupidly 
simple example):

struct Foo
int *_a;

this(int val)
_a = new int;
*_a = val;

ref int a() @property
return *_a;

auto foo1 = Foo(23);
auto foo2 = foo1;

foo2.a = 4;


Most of the discussion over RNGs in the last year is about 
whether we need to take a (more sophisticated) variant of this 
kind of approach to implement reference-type semantics for RNGs, 
or whether we should do something different.  std.random2 is ... 
something different ;-)

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-21 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 00:39:43 UTC, bearophile wrote:
It's the best chance to improve naming, so do not throw it away 
for nothing:

I think the following patch should fix that for you:

I've also made shuffle composable as per your request.  Looks 
good? :-)

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-22 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
Latest patches rename randomSample => sample, again offering a 
documented alias to assist migration.

It would be nice to complete the set and eliminate randomCover, 
but in this case "cover" seems too vague a name to use.  Any 
suggestions for alternatives?  I wasn't able to readily find an 
equivalent in other random number libraries.

"permutation" seems good to me (or "permute"?), but perhaps 
others have suggestions or can point to a typical naming practice 
from other languages?

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-22 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Saturday, 22 March 2014 at 20:09:00 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Perhaps it's better to not document this alias.

For now it will be documented, for clarity if nothing else.  
Whether that documentation makes it into a Phobos submission, I 
think should depend on formal review.

I'd like a permutations() range in std.range or 
std.combinatorics.  permutation() sounds a bit too much close, 
despite it is inside another module.

How does your desired concept relate to the existing 
std.algorithm.nextPermutation ... ?

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-22 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
Latest patches just pushed to repo make the randomSample => 
sample change and introduce a fast uniform01 and 
uniform01Distribution :-)

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-23 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Saturday, 22 March 2014 at 23:56:35 UTC, bearophile wrote:

They seem good.


There may need to be some attention to the internals of 
uniform01.  Its correctness depends on whether one can always 
trust a float-based RNG to return values in [min, max) or whether 
[min, max] is also going to be supplied by some.

More ideas:

"Three suggestions for std.random":

I think all std.random functions now support a default RNG.  
There were some bugs related to that (e.g. the "can't use 
Xorshift" one) that I fixed last year.

The problem you identify with,

int r = randomCover(data, rndGen).front;

always returning the same value, is down to the fact that rndGen 
is being copied inside the RandomCover struct by value, so of 
course the original rndGen is never updated and each of these 
calls will produce the same result.  The new std.random2 fixes 
that, because the RNGs are reference types.

However, I'd have thought that

int r = data.sample(1, rndGen).front;

would have been a more efficient way to implement "choice", as it 
can operate on any input range, as long as it has the .length 
property; and it ought to be _much_ faster than even a single 
call to randomCover.

One could always use this as a default option, with a 
specialization where data is a RandomAccessRange to use the more 

int r = data[uniform!"[)"(0, data.length)];

"Strongly pure random generator":

.front and .popFront at least are pure for _all_ the RNGs 
currently implemented in std.random2.generator.  See e.g.:

Of course this is not strongly pure in line with your request, 
but it should enable use of these RNGs in many other scenarios 
where purity is important.

I hope a gaussian (normal distribution) generator is planned or 

This is a range implementation; there will also be a function 
implementation, which will probably follow the inefficient 
Box-Muller variant that uses 2 uniform random variates to 
generate a single normal variate (as per the example you posted 
in your feature request).

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-23 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Sunday, 23 March 2014 at 10:15:32 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Is the issue is already fixed in std.random you can close it :-)

Well, your request for a "choice" method is still open ... :-)

The best thing is to add an efficient choice() function, so no 
efficiency mistake happens :-)

Sure, I'm simply raising a couple of simple internal 
implementations that could be used for an effective first draft 
of that function.

So you are saying that those RNGs are already weakly pure and 
they can't become strongly pure because they take the engine as 
mutable class reference. And even if you design a very small 
random engine that can be created every time you call a random 
generator, the API of all the random functions is not 
compatible with it. So it's not a simple problem...

I think I need to make some detailed research into how Haskell 
and other functional languages handle randomness before 
commenting here.  What it does seem to me at this stage is that 
while a weakly pure range-based RNG is readily possible (as 
implemented in std.random2.generator now), I'm not sure that the 
range-based approach typical of Phobos plays nicely with strong 
purity where random number generation is concerned.

A possibility is to also add a less precise (more approximate) 
but faster function implementation.

Again, this is something I'll look into.  I need to re-read the 
paper on gaussian-distribution algorithms that I linked to 
earlier in this thread, but my recollection is that the 
speed/precision tradeoff is something of a false dichotomy given 
the algorithms out there now; so a good range-based solution 
(which stores internal state) will probably be able to provide 
high-quality normal variates faster than a low-quality, purely 
function-based implementation.

Are the ddocs produced by std.random2 online somewhere?

Not yet.  I can make that happen :-)

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Thursday, 20 March 2014 at 00:09:51 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Do you have a simple but very fast function that generates 
uniforms in [0.0, 1.0]? :-)

On that note:

Hope you don't mind me jumping ahead of your existing PR on this 
-- it's been inactive so I didn't know if you were planning on 
following up.  I'd be very happy to see you take what's good from 
the above into your own patchset, we need to land a contribution 
from you in Phobos :-)

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-03-25 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 25 March 2014 at 00:08:27 UTC, bearophile wrote:
I don't mind, I am happy :-) Thank you for adding a sorely 
needed function.

You are very kind, and far too modest. :-)

Re: 1st draft of complete class-based std.random successor

2014-04-03 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Tuesday, 25 March 2014 at 00:08:27 UTC, bearophile wrote:
I don't mind, I am happy :-) Thank you for adding a sorely 
needed function.

It's been merged :-)

Re: New newsgroup: digitalmars.D.ldc

2013-01-24 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
On Sunday, 16 December 2012 at 10:27:05 UTC, David Nadlinger 
For everyone wondering why it does not show up in the web 
interface ( yet

What about mailing-list access?  I see nothing on

Re: DConf 2013 Day 1 Talk 5: Using D Alongside a Game Engine by Manu Evans

2013-05-17 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling
Really exciting to see how D is being used in this context, and 
the C++ binding examples are inspiring.

Just one niggle -- the word "postmortem" makes it sound like a 
study of how something died, whereas this seems to be work that 
is very much alive and kicking!

Re: DConf 2013 Day 1 Talk 5: Using D Alongside a Game Engine by Manu Evans

2013-05-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Friday, 17 May 2013 at 22:52:19 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
The last question in the video was if it would work in Linux 
too, and idk about the rest of their setup, but the C++ binding 
is something I've done before, and the code is virtually 
identical to what Manu did.

That's good to know, as Linux is my platform too and (though I've 
avoided it 'til now) I am always concerned that at some point 
I'll have to bind with C++.

Re: DConf 2013 Day 1 Talk 7: Panel with Walter Bright and Andrei Alexandrescu

2013-05-23 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On Wednesday, 22 May 2013 at 13:44:10 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
Eh, official definition of "breaking change" keeps breaking my 
heart. But I guess this is a mindset set in stone now and 
changing it is close to impossible.

Can you elaborate a little bit?

I felt personally that what the discussion didn't really address 
was that these days the "breaking" problems are primarily not 
with the language, but with the standard library, and this is not 
much less problematic.  Yes, it was mentioned, but not really 
considered in detail, and that's where a significant amount of 
attention needs to be.

You can extend this to spec -- whereas D as a language is 
substantially well defined, the standard library doesn't seem to 
be, and there are clearly areas where this needs to be addressed. 
 Just as one example, which strongly affects my own use of and 
engagement with D: the de facto behaviour of random number 
generators, which are implemented as value types despite there 
being strong reasons why they should instead be reference types.

I understand that resolving the last major language spec issues 
probably needs to be first priority, but I don't think this is 
the major _usability_ issue any more.

Re: DConf 2013 Day 2 Talk 1: GDC by Iain Buclaw

2013-05-25 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

Wonderful talk, Iain. :-)

One question about the copyright assignment issue.  How does this 
operate in practice?  Is it going to be that the D frontend will 
simply go forward as copyright (c) FSF (which isn't a problem 
DMD-wise as their assignment agreement immediately licenses the 
code back under completely unrestricted terms), or will it 
operate on a per-release basis (where basically every time a new 
D frontend release is pushed to GCC, the copyright is also 

Re: Five Projects Selected for SAOC 2019

2019-09-04 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 26 August 2019 at 03:55:43 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 13:38:24 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Solve Dependency Hell:
This is considered as a crucial first step in making Phobos 
available via the DUB registry

I'm guessing this means we might even be able to use multiple 
versions of Phobos one day. However before we do that, we will 
really need to fix the use of globals in Phobos.

Honestly, I'm a bit leery about this use-multiple-versions 
approach. It feels like it carries some serious risks of code 
bloat, which may be accentuated by the fact that DUB has some 
serious dependency resolution bugs even with single version 
dependencies... :-\

Re: D at 20: Hits and Misses, and what I learned along the way Oct 19

2019-09-25 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 24 September 2019 at 23:27:44 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 9/23/2019 3:01 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 02:55:00PM -0700, Walter Bright via 
There should be redundant, decoupled camera/operator crew to 
solve this

problem. ;-)

I know. The same thing happened at DConf 2018, where the first 
morning's sessions were all lost.

Going by the lessons of DConf 2015, I reckon we should always 
have at least one person using their laptop to stream to YouTube 

Re: Blog Post: Beating std::visit Without Really Trying

2019-10-06 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce
Speaking of performance, I was intrigued by the Reddit response 
noting that Rust can go one better by eliminating the error path 
at compile time:

The commenter suggests that's because Rust bakes the 
functionality into the compiler instead of making it a library 
type. @Walter, @Andrei, that might be an interesting data point 
for the question of what should have compiler vs. library support?

Re: Blog Post: Beating std::visit Without Really Trying

2019-10-06 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 6 October 2019 at 03:47:25 UTC, Seb wrote:
My earlier post tried to point out that SumType is an excellent 
candidate for v2.

Sorry, Seb, but I don't get this. There's no reason to wait for a 
v2 to introduce a new SumType symbol that outperforms the old 
Variant (assuming it's not possible to just rewrite the latter 
implementation under the hood without changing behaviour).

On the contrary, the best way to do a v2 is likely to be that all 
or most of the stuff we want in it is already there and has been 
battle tested in the wild.

Re: Blog Post: Beating std::visit Without Really Trying

2019-10-06 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 6 October 2019 at 08:27:35 UTC, Seb wrote:

Well, my guess it will be similar [...]

If you're not the one making those decisions it may be better not 
to prejudge them. A significant performance improvement is a 
different beast to moderate API/usability improvements.

A standard library is _not_ supposed to be a place where actual 
battle-testing happens. It's where things move when they have 
been tested and no longer change.

You misunderstand what I mean by "battle-testing". Clearly 
designs should go through a high level of testing and usage 
before they go anywhere near the standard library. But the very 
fact of being placed in the standard library exposes them to 
orders of magnitude more usage, and hence gives a much stronger 
guarantee of establishing their correctness (or identifying their 

It's much better to get newer and apparently better designs 
exposed to this level of scrutiny _before_ making them the only 
option in a new major release. That way you are much less likely 
to get hit by a showstopper edge case that no one anticipated.

Re: Blog Post: Beating std::visit Without Really Trying

2019-10-06 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 6 October 2019 at 14:08:07 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
D can eliminate error paths at compile time too, e.g. static 
assert - which can be used to create all kinds of new useful 
errors. So I am guessing this is just a case of the code 
needing a lil tweak or the compiler being conservative and 
putting the code in even though it is never supposed to happen 
(like final switch keeps an error path because you can do like 
cast(some_enum) value_not_in_enum and then better to have 
the assertion failure than UB.)

Good to hear. I confess I was a bit mystified about why it should 
be an issue for D or why compiler vs. library implementation 
should make a difference to the ability to eliminate the error 
path (I infer from your remarks that it shouldn't, in principle).

I'm not fluent in assembly so, leaving the error path aside, I 
wasn't sure how to interpret the "main path" assembly from the D 
and Rust code, and whether they were practically equivalent 
(clearly the assembly posted looked different). Can anyone offer 
any interpretation there?

Re: Blog Post: Beating std::visit Without Really Trying

2019-10-07 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 7 October 2019 at 01:38:04 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
Just to clarify: SumType isn't, and was never intended to be, a 
drop-in replacement for Algebraic. Their interfaces are similar 
enough that porting code from Algebraic to SumType shouldn't be 
too difficult, but even within the common subset, there are 
incompatibilities. For example, here's a post from an old 
sumtype announcement thread where I discuss the differences 
between SumType's `match` and Algebraic's `visit`:

I don't follow. The visit and match template signatures are 
identical, and from what you describe the SumType match 
implementation should support the same handler choices as visit, 
while allowing extra/more flexible choices.

Where's the breaking change? Are there selections of handlers 
that work for visit and don't work with match?

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 11 November 2019 at 13:44:28 UTC, Robert Schadek wrote:
So dub has some problems, and personally I find its code base 
very hard to get

At Symmetry we are a very heavy user of dub, resulting in many 
wasted hours.

So I started to write dud [1]. I kept some boring/nice parts 
from dub, but most

code so far is a complete rewrite.

The goal of dud is mostly do what dub does, but more 

Cool :-)  Since I have also been experiencing a fair bit of 
production-use DUB pain in the last year, I really appreciate 
your taking action on this.

A few things that would be good to understand up front:

  * what are the particular issues with DUB that you want to 

  - making the codebase cleaner and more functional is 
nice but is at most a means to an end -- what's the real 

you have in mind?

  - I would imagine getting dependency resolution really right
would be top of the list -- it would be good to aim to fix
issues like

  - I would personally really appreciate it if you would make 

a design goal to better separate concerns in terms of what
DFLAGS are used and why (for example, the fact that right 
`dub test --build=release` will not actually run 

as `--build=release` drops the `-unittest` flag)

  * are there any particular known issues with DUB that this 

will NOT address?

  * are there any key _breaking_ changes you have in mind?

  * where does this stand w.r.t. some of the proposals to break 
DUB apart
into more cleanly separated components, e.g. determining 
dependencies, downloading dependencies, building or running 
tests ... ?

Some concrete feedback on the project as it stands:

  * the tickboxes of compatible commands are nice, but it would 
be good to
have a more contextualized roadmap, in particular outlining 
the design

concerns for core data structures and functionality

  - this should probably be in issues rather than the README, 
it needs to be somewhere, otherwise it's hard for anyone 

to identify things they can do

  - it might be nice to use a GitHub project to manage things 
so that
us outside folks can identify better what's being worked 
on and

what's blocked by what

  * I don't mind breaking changes in either the config format or 
the command
line API if it gets us to a nicer tool, so please embrace the 

where appropriate

  - I can imagine this might be the reason why the aim is to 
a "tasteful subset" of DUB's features: it means that 
others can

be re-implemented in an incompatible but better way

  - auto-conversion mechanisms may be preferable to outright 

for old formats and commands

  * I really recommend trying to start writing clean, clear 
commit messages
from the very start -- think of this as another form of code 
that communicates to all interested readers the intent and 
behind any particular change to the codebase.  This makes it 
much easier
for outsiders to get a clear understanding of the project and 
get into the

habit of contribution

  - right now, pretty much all the commit messages read like 
notes where even YOU won't remember the whys or 
wherefores in a few

months' time

  - long term it saves a LOT of time when trying to look back 
and understand
"Why did we do things that way?" -- particularly useful 
when trying to

fix some subtle design bug

  * for the same reasons, really try to provide good 
documentation and comments
for all code from the start -- this really makes it much 
easier for anyone
interested to grasp the major design concerns and get 

  * these concerns are going to be strongest for the key data 
structures and
algorithms -- please make sure these are REALLY documented 
well, from the

very start

Hope all of that's helpful, and best wishes for taking this 
forward -- I will try to help as I can, but time right now is 
very constrained ... ;-)

Thanks & best wishes,

 -- Joe

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-18 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 18 November 2019 at 13:19:12 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi 
Closing this kind of discussions and letting anyone to choose 
"tabs or spaces" is a constructive solution, I think.

It is quite extraordinary how readily folks fall to arguing over 
what the config format should be, rather than what the app should 
actually be able to do. :-\

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 18 November 2019 at 19:44:46 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
On Mon, 2019-11-18 at 15:35 +, Joseph Rushton Wakeling via 
Digitalmars-d- announce wrote:

It is quite extraordinary how readily folks fall to arguing 
over what the config format should be, rather than what the 
app should actually be able to do. :-\

Perhaps because writing the configuration files is a critical 
part of the usability of the tool.

Fair.  My remark was maybe a little too intemperate :-)

I'm simply concerned that if we don't put enough scrutiny on the 
app features and behaviour, we run the risk of simply reproducing 
some of the problematic design decisions of the existing tool.

As an example -- try running `dub test --build=release`.  
Intuition suggests that this is testing a release build.  But 
actually it strips out your unittests, because `--build=release` 
determines not only the optimization flags, but the complete set 
of DFLAGS used -- and `-unittest` isn't among them.

I ran `dub test && dub test --build=release` as a matter of habit 
for some time before discovering the latter wasn't actually 
testing anything.  And while I now know that I _can_ define a 
custom build to get what I want, that's clumsy and hard(er) to 
discover, and annoying to have to repeat for every project I 

That's the kind of usability and design concern we really ought 
to be revisiting in any rewrite.

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 18 November 2019 at 20:48:53 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
IMO this is one of the most important parts of the first five 
minutes with the language. Someone has installed the compiler, 
and now they want to test it out. If they have a bad experience 
with Dub, they will not continue with the language. A package 
manager, including the choice of format, is something you have 
to get right. Rust understands this.

Fair point.  But that isn't something that has to be decided at 
the _start_ of a rewrite: better to focus on wanted behaviour, 
and then derive the ideal config format from that.

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-19 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 18 November 2019 at 16:31:09 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:
As has been discussed elsewhere a few months ago, dependency 
resolution should be outsourced to an established SAT

I have no objections to that in principle, but I am not sure that 
will resolve the issue I posted: IIRC DUB's key problem is not so 
much how it resolves dependencies _per se_ but the fact that it 
includes dependency constraints that actually don't apply to a 
given build (e.g. constraints that derive from the testing 
requirements of dependencies).

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-21 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 20 November 2019 at 11:40:19 UTC, Robert Schadek 

Here is disagree, to a degree I consider comments a code smell.
If I have to write them, I failed to convey the information
needed to understand the code in the code.

That depends on what you're using documentation and comments for.

It's obviously great to try to write code that is as clean and 
clear and comprehensible as possible.  But in general even the 
cleanest and clearest code rarely communicates the WHY behind 
design decisions.  "This design was chosen because ..."  "These 
are the assumptions made ..." etc.

That WHY is what you want to clearly document, because that's 
what saves the most time for anyone looking to understand and 
modify the codebase.

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-21 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 21 November 2019 at 14:50:59 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

Assuming the code you wrote does what you wanted it to do...

Often times, comments convey what you're thinking, and it's 
much easier to understand a description than mentally compiling 
and running the code to figure out what you were thinking.

Exactly.  And of course this isn't just for the benefit of others 
-- future you often needs the exact same help to understand what 
past you was thinking ...

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-25 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 09:51:13 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I 
would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

Thanks for putting this together, it looks very carefully thought 

On this particular part:

Exceptions can be thrown but not catched. A thrown exception 
terminate the program. Exceptions are still in the proposal 

When the proposal is accepted exceptions can be fully supported.

This would suggest that there may be some benefit in D providing 
improved support for return-type-based error propagation (as with 
`Result` from Rust), no ... ?

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