Re: [IxDA Discuss] Leaving Las Vegas...I mean the website site.

2009-10-02 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
[...] and I have learned that when you have a link that is internal you have that link open within the same window. On the other hand, I was taught that any link that you have that is a reference to an external website you should have the link open in an external window or tab if the user

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Toward a search dominant wayfinding paradigm (worthit?)

2009-09-24 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
It's a matter of the nature of the content. If people know unique identifiers (exact titles, authors, part numbers), then search will always trump any category hierarchy or facets. That's why media products (such as books and music) do well with search. However, search on data where the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Are you a SXSW Interactive veteran? Heading to 2010?

2009-09-23 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I'd love to see who else is planning to attend and if any of the vets think it's worth going. I wouldn't miss it. I go every year. While it's not necessarily the best event for straight-up educational purposes, it's monstrous for inspiration, and can't be beat when it comes to networking. Be

Re: [IxDA Discuss] How trendy is UCD? Are we critical enough about it?

2009-09-10 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
It all prompted me to ask on my blog show me a major success (Apple-like success) that was based on UCD. No answers yet. ;-) I'm not going to get into another debate on this, but I do have a quick thought: Zappos is revered for its customer service, but as far as I know, they don't apply UCD

[IxDA Discuss] PLUG: SXSW core conversation on scoring a tech book deal

2009-09-04 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I know at least a few of you here would love to write a book, and the world definitely needs more UX expertise on the bookshelf. See you there! -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] \Way Out\ vs \Exit\ - Signage usability and passenger experience

2009-09-01 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
- Exit is almost the international standard word to indicate an exit route. In Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, and Korea, the standard appears to be Way Out. I don't recall if these signs were used *every*where, but they were definitely used in airports and subway stations, and frequently in

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Contractor Rates

2009-08-14 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I can say that I've had clients say, In light of the current economy, we expected the price to be lower. Of course, you should only accept this argument if your client's business has actually been affected by the current economy. There are plenty of industries doing just fine, and many others

Re: [IxDA Discuss] His/Her vs. Their in website copy

2009-07-23 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
For a mailing list that hates discussions about semantics, this thread is quite long. This list only likes to *say* it hates semantic debates. -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list

Re: [IxDA Discuss] His/Her vs. Their in website copy

2009-07-23 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
This list only likes to *say* it hates semantic debates. When you say *say* what do you mean? ;) Oh, you clever bastard, you. I actually almost fell for that. -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post

Re: [IxDA Discuss] His/Her vs. Their in website copy

2009-07-22 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Just pointing out that it's significantly less common. Really? Because it sounded to me like you were stating some abolute rules with neither credible citations nor a sophisticated theory of linguistic evolution behind them. Not at all. Sorry if it appeared that way. But please, let's not

Re: [IxDA Discuss] His/Her vs. Their in website copy

2009-07-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Here is a related Wikipedia entry on the singular they - Wikipedia is hardly a reliable source for grammar expertise. Don't make me send Grammar Girl after you. Their is grammatically incorrect when used to refer to a single person. Consider

Re: [IxDA Discuss] His/Her vs. Their in website copy

2009-07-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
People always get irritated about nouns becoming verbs and yet we all google things. Language lives! Evolve! Their! Theirs! ;) I'm all for the evolution of language, and yes, nouns become verbs frequently these days, but in this case, you're talking about making a plural form singular. It's

Re: [IxDA Discuss] His/Her vs. Their in website copy

2009-07-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
How about a direct, 2nd person approach like Your partner's birthday? *Excellent* suggestion. -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list ... Unsubscribe

Re: [IxDA Discuss] His/Her vs. Their in website copy

2009-07-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Mini-rant: It's interesting that so many of us gripe about grammar lessons in school, then want to enforce it in places like this, calling things wrong and ungrammatical. And at the same time we talk about designing for people. People communicate. In all different ways. It's also

Re: [IxDA Discuss] His/Her vs. Their in website copy

2009-07-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Is a plural form becoming used for singular cases somehow an impermissible form of evolution? Just pointing out that it's significantly less common. I actually can't think of any examples of this happening in English. I'm not sure your German example counts — we're not talking about German

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Going beyond Usability: The need to design for Persuasion, Emotion, and Trust

2009-07-16 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I don't understand this at all. How can we avoid it? Agreed. It's foolish to think like an engineer when dealing with human beings. People don't follow light-switch logic — the don't operate in 1s and 0s. In the same way that it's impossible for a journalist to be truly objective, the very

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Going beyond Usability: The need to design for Persuasion, Emotion, and Trust

2009-07-14 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
One of the other researchers at HFI, Susan Weinschenk, recently published a book called Neuro Web Design - What makes them click? It was a good read and covered 9 different persuasion techniques. Weinschenk's book, I thought, was awful. All she did, *really*, was rehash Cialdini's work and

Re: [IxDA Discuss] In 10 words or less, what is software design to you?

2009-07-04 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Do you think what you do is exactly the same as what an automotive designer does? I certainly hope not. Jared's not a designer. ;) Software design, despite that I call occasionally call myself a software designer for its conversation-killing effects, is the art of designing systems. User

[IxDA Discuss] Mentoring, eh?

2009-06-18 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Is this new? I never noticed it before. How long has that been there? -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list ... Unsubscribe

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Mentoring, eh?

2009-06-18 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
IxDA Mentorship Program Musta missed it somehow. Thanks ... -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list ... Unsubscribe

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Difference between Heuristic Evaluation and Expert Review

2009-06-18 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
In Heuristic evaluation, evaluator evaluates design with reference of design principles to find out the usability issues. How “Expert Review” is different from this? Is there any major difference or it’s the same? Anyone can evaluate a site using heuristics. Expert usability professionals

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Palm Pre

2009-06-17 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
With Smartphones becoming more popular and affordable - what are the critical differentiators when selecting between phones? When products start to assume similar looks, what makes something stand out from the crowd? For example, battery life. Others? You have to look beyond the phone

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Recommendations for icon-designers?

2009-06-16 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Dave Shea is your guy. -r- On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 9:44 PM, Niklas Mortensen wrote: Currently working on a suite of web-apps (CMS, CRM, task- and project-management etc). The UI is in large part going to be white-labeled

Re: [IxDA Discuss] What is an Experience Strategy?

2009-06-06 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Is it clear? Would you add to it? Qualify it? Your definition: An experience strategy is that collection of activities that an organization chooses to undertake to deliver a series of (positive, exceptional) interactions which, when taken together, constitute an (product or service) offering

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Any one from South Korea ?

2009-06-03 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I am looking for my tribe in South Korea. I'll be in Daejeon in August to speak at a conference. Now quite close enough for a meeting in Seoul, but if there's one in Daejeon, maybe I can swing by. -r- Welcome to the Interaction

Re: [IxDA Discuss] New release of GUI Design Studio

2009-05-31 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Ouch, that's pretty harsh. I agree. That said, a single GUI Studio license costs $499. For that price, it better do my dishes. -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list ...

Re: [IxDA Discuss] New release of GUI Design Studio

2009-05-31 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
What exactly is the problem of choosing the single largest market and building a product to address it? In the past 2-3 years, I've met extremely few designers using Windows. I'm not saying there aren't loads more out there but worst-case, it's quite debatable whether or not Windows is

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nice Research on Persona Effectiveness

2009-05-30 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
A map of J.R.R. Tolkien's Shire is fictitious. A map of Manhattan is not. A map of Manhattan is documentation of a real place. Personas are not documentation of real people — they're hybrid, man-made, archetypal, representative descriptions that are based on real people. -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nice Research on Persona Effectiveness

2009-05-29 Thread Robert Hoekman, Jr.
That was absolutely uncalled for, and incredibly unproductive. -r- Sent from 602.421.5800 On May 28, 2009, at 10:53 PM, Angel Marquez wrote: After a little more thought FUCK YOU Welcome to the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Wireframing with pencil and paper

2009-05-29 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I've noticed a general trend, especially in smaller companies, in which ux strategy is documented/created using pencil and paper. Am I the only person who objects to the idea that UX strategy is somehow equivalent to sketching wireframes? -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nice Research on Persona Effectiveness

2009-05-29 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I suppose the question, then, is how important that (obvious but misleading) clarification is to the overall discussion. A model of a person is not a person. A model of a group is not a group. A map is not the territory. Point taken, but I can still use a (good) map to help get me to

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nice Research on Persona Effectiveness

2009-05-28 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Here's a nice, solid research paper by Frank Long at NCAD in Dublin that shows how they can improve team dynamics: Oh, man. This is hardly solid research. Now you're just begging for a debate. ;) 1. They tested the effectiveness of personas by performing heuristic evaluations. That's like

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nice Research on Persona Effectiveness

2009-05-28 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Jared raises a valuable point often left out of discussions of personas as fiction. Personas should be based on rich research data. For every descriptive statement in a persona document, you should be able to go back to the qualitative or quantitative research to answer the question where

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Nice Research on Persona Effectiveness

2009-05-28 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
The straw man argument that personas aren't real isn't a fair characterization when proper data gathering and analysis techniques are appropriately applied. Well, they don't eat, they don't sleep, and they don't pay taxes, and you have to do at least two of those things to be a real, living

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Who am I?

2009-05-22 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Once you've learned to think computationally/programatically, it's hard to unlearn. It's like saying if you stop designing you forget how to be a designer. That's just what I said. You don't forget how to think programmatically. But many people do forget the exact syntax, the exact method

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Who am I?

2009-05-22 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Don't mind Robert. He just loves to crush the soul of people who are likely to be more talented than him. :) Ha! Wow—I actually laughed out loud at that one. -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Who am I?

2009-05-22 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Sound's like Joshua's question could be the topic of your next podcast. Hmmm? I'm game if Jared and Joshua are. The only difficulty may be keeping the podcast under 7 hours. :) -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Who am I?

2009-05-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I've found no evidence to suggest that someone talented couldn't be great at both, if they put the effort into it. With many other combinations, I'd say sure, it's possible. If it was UX and something other than programming, I'd say, sure, it's possible. Programming, however — and you need

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Who am I?

2009-05-18 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
What do you call someone who sits squarely on the fence between interaction design and implementation? Someone who is unlikely to be great at either, even if he was previously great at one or the other. I mean no offense by that — there's just far too much to know in either niche to divide

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples of 'sliding' registration processes

2009-05-13 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I'm designing a simple registration process, four steps, each a small form. I want to create one page, with each step appearing below the other.. so the process sort of 'slides down' one page. It sounds like all you're doing is creating a single-screen version of a wizard. Some design

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Its Just UX

2009-03-27 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Information architecture defines the structure of information (which can exist in many formats). Interaction design enables people to manipulate and contribute to that information. Visual design communicates these possibilities to people and creates affinity to them (desirability). User

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Its Just UX

2009-03-27 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Information architecture defines the structure of information (which can exist in many formats). Interaction design enables people to manipulate and contribute to that information. Visual design communicates these possibilities to people and creates affinity to them (desirability). User

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Five things Interaction Design probably isn't

2009-03-24 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
This really bothers me because it is so untrue and we've spent countless hours as a group outlining the differences between the two. Agreed. I rarely do IA work, and although I do take on that role on occasion, I wouldn't dare call myself an IA. Christina Wodtke all but demolishes the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bowman leaves Google

2009-03-20 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
So you think that testing 41 shades of blue or arguing about borders being 2 to 4 pixels to the point of being asked to prove 2 is better than 4 is a good thing? That all design decisions should be driven by Google's insistence on data driven design by committee? I'm gonna go out on a limb

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Developing an effective User Experience/Usability strategy

2009-03-19 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
* The immediate opportunity * The customer's situation * The competitive landscape * Revenue streams and models, with plausible estimates (or benefits if there's no direct revenue) * Risks * Peripheral opportunities * Intersection with related elements such as brand identity, marketing

[IxDA Discuss] PLUG: Voices That Matter web conference 2009

2009-03-10 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Jesse James Garrett, Steve Krug, Aaron Walter, Christine Wodtke, Jared Spool, Dan Saffer, and me (talking about interaction design *frameworks*, the topic of the book Jared and I are currently coauthoring). -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] PLUG: Voices That Matter web conference 2009

2009-03-10 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Jesse James Garrett, Steve Krug, Aaron Walter, Christine Wodtke, Jared Spool, Dan Saffer, and me (talking about interaction design *frameworks*, the topic of the book Jared and I are currently coauthoring). To clarify: *I'll* be talking about

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Persona skeptics

2009-03-09 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
It seems like every time this topic comes up, weird logic is used to conclude that personas have little value, e.g.: 1. Personas done with little to none or poor research (i.e. marketing demographics and segments) result in bad personas. 2. Many people create personas this way.

Re: [IxDA Discuss] What music for interaction designers

2009-02-28 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Flight of the Conchords, The Frames, Flogging Molly The Frames — nice choice. Glen Hansard is one of the finest songwriters on the planet. -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list ...

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Working group for psychology social media

2009-02-24 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I've set up a private google google group for psychologists interested in social media. Why limit it to psychologists? It sounds like your intent is to have a discussion on psychology's role in social media. Anyone interested in both topics could benefit from and contribute to such a

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Anyone familiar with Balsamicq Mockups?

2009-02-24 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Does anyone have experience with this product who would like to share their thoughts? A related thread: We talked about the pros/cons of sketch-quality designs, which is what Mockups does best, and specifically talked

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Greats?

2009-02-17 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
- Jeff Bezos When his team was attempting to create the One-Click checkout, the first version included a confirmation page. Bezos, insisting it be a single-click process, reportedly said something like, But that's twice as many clicks! If that was the only interaction design Bezos ever did,

Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Greats?

2009-02-17 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Other possibilities: Jony Ive (the iPhone design may match Coke bottles, if not Falling Water ;-), Peter Morville, and Jesse James Garrett. Name something that JJG and Morville designed that makes them IxD greats. I'm not being antagonistic—I'm genuinely curious. I have no idea what designs

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Microsites...good or bad?

2009-02-13 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Brand = reputation. No matter how good the interface is, if you destroy the brand, you end up with no one using the product. Why are the two mutually exclusive? Doesn't product quality reinforce brand impression? -r- Welcome to

Re: [IxDA Discuss] The UX Challenge organizers might be insane

2009-02-11 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
What is stopping anyone unable and unwilling to go and engage in what this conference has to offer from producing their own solutions? I can answer for myself. I work on socially-conscious/responsible projects all the time because my company offers a discount on them

Re: [IxDA Discuss] The UX Challenge organizers might be insane

2009-02-11 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Sponsorship. Sponsorship. Sponsorship. (Playing devil's advocate.) Make a case for this. What would a sponsor get out of the deal? -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list ...

Re: [IxDA Discuss] The UX Challenge organizers might be insane

2009-02-11 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
You kidding me? Can you imagine the prestige of sponsoring the winning team at an extreme challenge like this? It's like sponsoring the first balloon or boat to make it around the world. Or the first spaceship to the moon or Mars. This is extreme in so many ways it's not even funny. That

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Dead polar bears (was: UX Challenge organizers must be insane)

2009-02-11 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
1. If you meet the polar bear, kill the polar bear... 2. Conferences are nice, but it's time for a challenge. That's sad, actually. The site frames the event around a noble cause — promoting peace ‚ but your post here makes it sound like it's just another plea for innovation for

Re: [IxDA Discuss] The UX Challenge organizers might be insane

2009-02-11 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Do it at the bottom of the ocean! Or on the surface of the sun! Or in the back seat of a Volkswagon Beetle. (Mall Rats joke. Sorry. Had to be done.) -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this

Re: [IxDA Discuss] The UX Challenge organizers might be insane

2009-02-11 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I'm still trying to figure out why it needs to be a website. That seems also pretty limiting, assuming a lot of the people that could be reached may not have web access (!!!). Me, too. But then, it's about contribute to world peace and reconciliation, and there's definitely some potential in

Re: [IxDA Discuss] The UX Challenge organizers might be insane

2009-02-11 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
My god, the very *premise* of the challenge is patently absurd: let's build a website/application to bring about world peace! Contribute to, not bring about. Key difference. No website will ever bring it about, but we can all certainly contribute to it. -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] The UX Challenge organizers might be insane

2009-02-11 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Contribute to, not bring about. Key difference. No website will ever bring it about, but we can all certainly contribute to it. Specifically, the site says you'll work towards creating a prototype for a web system with the goal of creating dialogue between people under and after a conflict.

[IxDA Discuss] The UX Challenge organizers might be insane

2009-02-10 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Looks like the UX Challenge organizers changed a few details along the way. From the site - There's a conference fee of $2,000 per person - The hotel is not included — it's $450 per person for four nights - Contrary to what is implied on another

Re: [IxDA Discuss] The UX Challenge organizers might be insane

2009-02-10 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Sponsorship! Team jackets with logos! This is the NASCAR of UX. Great idea! Though, I think sponsors prefer to somehow benefit from the deal. Regardless, the Miskeeto logo sure would look great on one of those satin jackets. ;) -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] all small or add caps?

2009-02-09 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Unless you're going with some kind of symbol for your logo, what will be most memorable is the name. For better or worse, my logo is all lowercase, but the brand mark is actually part of the name. -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] E-Commerce site - but no categories - so bad SEO?

2009-02-07 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Forcing categories means forcing the audience into a particular mental model, and in the case of our store that has so many users of different professions, we inhibit as many as we help. Sorry to be frank, but this is a cop-out. It's a easy-out answer (that I've heard before) for companies

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Usability Tools and Products

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
One of these days, I'm going to make a Just Say No to Eye Trackers t-shirt. Now, now, Jared. You know they can be useful—they're just widely misinterpreted as providing meaningful information all by themselves. Eye-tracking results have to be put into perspective by about 100 other things

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Usability Tools and Products

2009-02-02 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Eye-tracking results have to be put into perspective by about 100 other things (metrics, goals, click paths, etc). Without those things, all you have are pretty pictures. A clarification: That said, eye-tracking gear is so way more expensive than it's worth, so even if you use the results

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Tag clouds (and tagging)

2009-01-30 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Does anyone know of any resources regarding the drawbacks of tag clouds or the debate about their value versus their drawbacks. I have a bee in my bonnet about them and would like write a point of view but want to do appropriate research first. I can't talk about the actual data from the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Axure - Questions...and more questions

2009-01-30 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
1. What would be your estimate regarding the learning curve (timewise) to becoming productive with Axure without feeling like you are blowing the project timelines for deliverables? Spend 2 or days just playing around with it. Experiment with Masters and figure out how to emulate DHTML

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rapid Expert Design (R.E.D.)

2009-01-29 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I think my most recent post is about as detailed as I can get to a description of the components of the RED approach to design and development. Well, then it sounds like nothing more than a name for a situation rather than a methodology, approach, philosophy, or process. And I just don't see

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rapid Expert Design (R.E.D.)

2009-01-28 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgments. But some people can attain great judgment through just a little experience, while others can have a ton of experience and never attain great judgment. Ooh! Gotta run—someone needs my help transferring $2.5 million from

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rapid Expert Design (R.E.D.)

2009-01-28 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I'm in extremely strong disagreement with Jarod in a number of things he states. I disagree with his statement that one does not know where a RED design will end until after it's finished. This is flatly untrue. It's a matter of experience. One has to have confidence of where a design

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rapid Expert Design (R.E.D.)

2009-01-28 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Jim's medium-length answer: My team and I will listen, leaf through existing documentation, do some minimal research, (paper)prototype, discuss documents, and document for implementation. We've done that before, and it worked then so it will work for you too. My guess is that most clients

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rapid Expert Design (R.E.D.)

2009-01-28 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
You've still done pretty much everything but actually define R.E.D. If you can't explain what it is (instead of what it is not) in a clear manner, it's going to be very difficult to get anyone else to understand it, hence all the confusion in this thread. My goal, which I stated earlier, is not

Re: [IxDA Discuss] User Experience Deliverables

2009-01-28 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr For clarification's sake, are you simply presenting these as deliverables you've seen, or are you advocating their use? -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rapid Expert Design (R.E.D.)

2009-01-28 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Rather than spending so much time dissecting the nature of discussions on this list, your efforts would be better served by putting on the old marketing hat and crafting a definition of RED that might be used as a doorway into what you consider a more productive conversation. Cheers to

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rapid Expert Design (R.E.D.)

2009-01-27 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
So, if I was a person who practiced RED, would I get to say so without sounding egotistical? It's not Genius Design, so I wouldn't be implying I'm a genius, but I would still be saying I can design effective solutions without following the rules, which isn't all that dissimilar. What if I could

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rapid Expert Design (R.E.D.)

2009-01-27 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
While it is interest to know about this practice, I'm not so sure I see value in knowing about it? or even understanding it. Further b/c it seems to exist outside the norms of practice (just statistically speaking) it doesn't seem to communicate using language that can engage the rest of the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Rapid Expert Design (R.E.D.)

2009-01-26 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I use instead the term, Rapid Expert Design or R.E.D. Despite all this, one important detail is unclear to me. You've described how R.E.D. can be learned, how it can be implemented, how it affects product development, how much better a term it is than Genius Design, and even what it is not.

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Living the Job Enterprise UX Research by Doing (vs. Observation)

2009-01-23 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I've often described how I do what I for a living as wearing someone else's hat fir a while. That could be the name. OR... I crowdsourced for names on Twitter over the last couple of days, and many people continually tried to latch onto terms that already mean other things. David Malouf,

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Living the Job Enterprise UX Research by Doing (vs. Observation)

2009-01-22 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Does anyone out there have the experience of actually performing a given job (for at least a day or three, perhaps longer) as a means of really researching context, tasks etc.? I've done this a number of times. Once, for example, I learned from a waiter the proper process for serving wine

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Living the Job Enterprise UX Research by Doing (vs. Observation)

2009-01-22 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Point extremely well taken. However, learning from a waiter how to serve wine is not the same as being a waiter for a number of evenings--which is what Julian asked about. Not a great example, obviously, but I thought of it because it was one of the more unusual cases. Other times, I have

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Living the Job Enterprise UX Research by Doing (vs. Observation)

2009-01-22 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
But you still have an extremely partial view. Hence my use of the word tourist. I realize, as I'm sure everyone else does, that this approach does not make you an expert, but it's certainly no worse than observation alone. I won't know what it's like to live in Dubai by visiting there for

Re: [IxDA Discuss] what do you aspire to?

2009-01-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
So as an interaction designer, what are your career aspirations? I just want to lead a life of doing meaningful work. And for me, the notions of making things better for people, being continually challenged to find new ways to accomplish that goal, and then passing my experiences on to others

Re: [IxDA Discuss] what do you aspire to?

2009-01-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Find a project, job, otherwise be associated that combines my love for designing systems and whales I never thought about it before now, but you know, I'd also like to design whales. ;) -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design

Re: [IxDA Discuss] How to introduce experience design in high schools?

2009-01-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I'm going to be speaking to my niece's high school web design class in March, so I'm really glad someone brought this up. Probably the most important thing is to make the discussions relatable to the kids. Talk about the design of devices and websites they use (iPods, cell phones, MySpace,

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Masters Programs in Interaction Design and Design Management at University of Kansas

2009-01-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Critiques, for instance, which are such a large part of a design education, would be difficult to conduct remotely. Constraints are the drivers of great design. We can always find ways to improve, but we first have to be willing to say it's possible. -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Quick survey on 6 prototyping tools

2009-01-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
All you have to do is head to and rate the 6 different tools against 13 characteristics. It's kinda funny that the first thing you rate is how useful paper is for creating paper prototypes. I get what you meant, but it didn't translate literally—I had to sort that

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Quick survey on 6 prototyping tools

2009-01-21 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Why is OmniGraffle missing from the list? -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list ... Unsubscribe List Guidelines

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Ux Trends to watch out for in 2009

2009-01-14 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Jet Packs! Flying cars! Online Banking that doesn't frustrate! Impossible! There's no such thing as good online banking. -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list ...

[IxDA Discuss] PLUG: Userability podcast — UX call-in show with Jared Spool and Robert Hoekman, Jr.

2009-01-09 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Ask a question, get an answer! -r- Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)! To post to this list ... Unsubscribe

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Objectified

2009-01-06 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
This stuff drives me crazy! I am not a designer but when I think about design and ideas I get goose pimples. Is this normal or should I be enrolling in design classes? It's normal if you're a designer. You should probably start thinking about a career change. :) -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Strategic Interaction Design

2009-01-05 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Wilken's Law: The effectiveness of research is inversely proportional to the thickness of its binding. I couldn't agree more. In fact, Gladwell's book Blink even backs up this idea. Back to the topic now ... -r- Welcome to

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interaction Designers: What is your elevator pitch?

2008-12-17 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
how do you introduce the work you do when you have a social introduction? I figure out what a web site or application needs to do, and why, and then design how people will perform those tasks. It's incomplete by a mile, but it works well after you say, I'm an interaction designer, and they

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Prototype Creator launched today

2008-12-01 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Today we launched the Prototype Creator ( ), a collaborative editor for interactive wireframes. Looks like it could be a good tool, but I have to say, it's bad form to require payment during registration for a product the user can't even try out first. You're

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Prototype Creator launched today

2008-12-01 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
@Robert - You can try it for free by going to or clicking the Try for Free link on the homepage. Thanks, but that's actually just a preview, not a free trial. I'd like to try it on a real project before laying down a subscription fee, you know? -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Likert scale survey designs

2008-11-27 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Thanks for your responses, everyone. Turns out, though, that while writing down the design criteria for the survey design, the solution magically presented itself. Need to run it by a few users, but I think I have a winner. Cheers! -r-

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Likert scale survey designs

2008-11-27 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
I have adapted this kind of layout many times for online versions. Instead of just a grid, I use radio buttons. This is exactly what I want to avoid—row after row of radio button groups. Very tedious, not the least bit enjoyable, and in a survey with 100 questions, it means bombarding the

Re: [IxDA Discuss] Likert scale survey designs

2008-11-27 Thread Robert Hoekman Jr
Here's what I designed I'd love any and all feedback. It's obviously an unconventional design, so I'd like to run it by some users, and I'd love to hear the impressions of other designers. The task flow: 1. User clicks a response to the current active

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