RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-11 Thread Zack Widup
On Fri, 11 May 2007, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

> Well Mome, the point I was trying to make was that any effort to re-do the
> DXCC list -- something that I do NOT personally advocate, by the way -- over
> from scratch will create just as much controversy as retaining the current
> list; and possibly (probably) more.  [note:  that means that you two guys
> over in GM, you know who you are, can quit throwing stuff at me, I was
> speaking hypothetically!]

Hey, if someone wants to throw greenstamps, IRC's, or - better yet, 
expensive radios - at me, I won't turn them down!

73, Zack W9SZ

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RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-11 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
Well Mome, the point I was trying to make was that any effort to re-do the
DXCC list -- something that I do NOT personally advocate, by the way -- over
from scratch will create just as much controversy as retaining the current
list; and possibly (probably) more.  [note:  that means that you two guys
over in GM, you know who you are, can quit throwing stuff at me, I was
speaking hypothetically!]

I was also trying to point out (in the part that got clipped out of the
reply) that many of the odd and unusual -- and suspect -- entities that
exist today could not come into being today under current rules.  So at
least there will be no more (although had the rules not changed, I could
argue for the inclusion of 4U1VIC; actually, I could argue either side of
that one, but it's now a moot point anyway)... and especially none created
due to phony IARU societies, which covers at least 2 of the entities added
since the DXCC 2000 rules went into effect.  'nuff said.

But, if you really want to chew on something, consider this:  Don Miller
W9WNV.  He sure did activate a whole bunch of new ones... only quite a few
never went on the books officially (or were removed after the fact) due to
lack of documentation.  Remember, there was only ONE operation that he
actually owned up to faking; quite a few were accepted, mainly his earlier
endeavors.  It was only his later ones, were suspicions of "cut corners"
came up, that were questioned.

What if... Don ever did come up with the paperwork to prove that some or all
of these "removed" entities weren't bogus, but were legit and he really did
operate from them?  How many "new ones" could be put back on the map?  How
many HR positions would change?

I don't think it will happen... the paperwork, if it ever existed, would be
over 30 years old, some possibly 40 or more.  But if you think about the
ramifications if something ever did turn up...


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mome Z32ZM
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:42 AM
To: DX Chat
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

   OC Ron,
You finaly comme on mine.
This is something I been writing allmost 8 months a go, (I think subject
like KH8ZM or so).
Then everyone go against me, but now  repeating mine questions, posible
answers etc..NEVERMIND.

I think its about the time that DXAC members must seat-down and clear up the
DXCC (delete OR add entities) for quite
long period, OR the mess will continue?!?!?!

CU in the Z7 & Z9 pile-up's :)
All the best & Have nice day!
Stay Tuned & GL on SIX !!!
73  GL&DX!!!de: Mome - Z32ZM

- Original Message -
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:59 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

> Well, here's the thing:
> Many won't survive.  BS7H certainly wouldn't.  What about Scotland, Wales,
> and the rest of the non-England parts of the UK?  Desecheo?  Navassa?
> Sable?  Ducie?
> What about the "special" cases:  The Spratley's?  Do you keep the UN Hq?
> so, what about the Council of Europe HQ?  The Vatican?  SMOM?  ITU Hq?
> about the UN Vienna?

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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-11 Thread Mome Z32ZM
   OC Ron,
You finaly comme on mine.
This is something I been writing allmost 8 months a go, (I think subject like 
KH8ZM or so).
Then everyone go against me, but now  repeating mine questions, posible answers 

I think its about the time that DXAC members must seat-down and clear up the 
DXCC (delete OR add entities) for quite 
long period, OR the mess will continue?!?!?!

CU in the Z7 & Z9 pile-up's :)
All the best & Have nice day!
Stay Tuned & GL on SIX !!!
73  GL&DX!!!de: Mome - Z32ZM

- Original Message -
From: "Ron Notarius W3WN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:59 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

> Well, here's the thing:
> Many won't survive.  BS7H certainly wouldn't.  What about Scotland, Wales,
> and the rest of the non-England parts of the UK?  Desecheo?  Navassa?
> Sable?  Ducie?
> What about the "special" cases:  The Spratley's?  Do you keep the UN Hq?  If
> so, what about the Council of Europe HQ?  The Vatican?  SMOM?  ITU Hq?  How
> about the UN Vienna?

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RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-11 Thread Bernie McClenny, W3UR
I don't remember all the exact details of the DXCC 2000 rewrite.  What I do
remember was that K5UR, N4MM, K5VUF (now K5NX) and several others were on
the committee.  I do remember receiving the questionnaire, which I believe
was available to all DXers.  This was back around 1997 or 1998.  Other than
that I don't remember.

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Now more than ever - you need The Daily DX and The Weekly DX - to keep up
with the DX news from around the globe!

Editor of - The Daily DX <-- two free weeks
  - The Weekly DX <-- free sample
  - How's DX

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron Notarius
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 18:00
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

Well, here's the thing:  As I recall (Bernie et al correct me if I'm wrong),
there was a lot of discussion about what to do about "countries" and the
very beginning of what became the DXCC 2000 rewrite.  And there was a school
of thought that strongly suggested starting everyone over on 1 Jan 2000 with
a clean slate, and along with that, a refreshed list of "countries" (we
hadn't switched to calling them "entities" yet... I think)

And please, no brickbats, I was NOT a member of that small but vocal group
that thought this!

But, just for fits and giggles... imagine doing just that.  Convince some
other group to sponsor a DXCC-like award, for contacts starting 1 Jan 2000
(even though the 21st century actually started 1 Jan 2001, but let's not go
into THAT one again either), and for this hypothetical award -- call it "DX
21" for the sake of argument -- issue a new list of entities, based on the
current DXCC active list (forget the deleteds), but applying current
criteria to each and every one of them, plus evaluating other possibile ones
that have been eliminated under recent rules changes.

Many won't survive.  BS7H certainly wouldn't.  What about Scotland, Wales,
and the rest of the non-England parts of the UK?  Desecheo?  Navassa?
Sable?  Ducie?

What about the "special" cases:  The Spratley's?  Do you keep the UN Hq?  If
so, what about the Council of Europe HQ?  The Vatican?  SMOM?  ITU Hq?  How
about the UN Vienna?

I could go on, but you get my drift.  Either way for many of these, stay or
go... at least apply the new "DX 21" rules consistently.  How will this
affect DX chasing?  To say nothing of little discussions like this thread...

I can understand all too well why no one wanted to undertake the controversy
that a change like this would have entailed.  But it's interesting to think


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 9:32 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

At 06:59 AM 05/10/2007, Bernie McClenny, W3UR wrote:
>Back to the one and only way to remove a current counter from the DXCC
>The only way is if the said entity no longer meets the criteria in which
>it on the list to begin with.  Rules that are made up afterwards do not
>affect its status.  Remember BS7H was added to the list back in the mid
>Then afterwards in an effort to not have any others added to the list like
>Scarborough Reef the "100 meter high tide" rule was added.  Believe me you
>don't want to remove anything off the DXCC list, unless it does not meet

I don't think there's a solution to this that will please everybody.
I'd personally like to see the rules overhauled completely at some
point down the road, but how that could be accomplished I really
don't know. I'm not in favour of creating new ones by rule changes,
nor deleting/removing old ones by fiat either, but the mish-mash that
exists now is somewhat bizarre and could use a revamp at some point.

I'm definitely not in favour of mollycoddling DXers and DXpeditioners
by removing tough- or dangerous-to-activate entities just because
they're tough or dangerous to activate. Free will is truly a wonderful



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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread N4BAA - Jose Castillo

NOT practical and is totally out of the question.
The current rules make DXCC a CHALLENGE...not a "GIVEN"!!!

On that note...we have several here associated with a "DX" 
club and they believe in pumping their chest over #1 honor 
roll.  #1 HR is obtainable by MANY hams as long as they live 
long enough AND the NEEDED entities are "ACTIVATED"...

Many needing that last onedid NOT get it!! But THIS 
DXPedition was NOT about eradicating the need for BS7 for 
everyone it was meant to put a very much needed entity 
on the air for a less than majority group.  For the most 
part, ANY ham who has a radio and a yagi at some height can 
work them all GIVEN enough timewhen there is a 
DXpedition like PETER ONE who is on for so long they call CQ 
endlessly without answer...SURE!!! EVERYONE can work them...

When an entity comes on like BS7 for a relatively SHORT 
period.FORGET ABOUT IT! I think it would be 
interesting to know how many stations (IF ANY) in 3 or 4 
land worked them without an AMP?  I know many who called for 
days on end without one, only to end up coming over here to 
work them.

No mal intent implied or suggestedbut the next time a 
BS7 comes on.I bet you there will be more amps fired up 
on the east coastIF NOTHING sure helps the HAM 
RADIO ECONOMY by having hams run out and purchase amps and 


Jose - N4BAA

Charles Gallo wrote:

On 5/10/2007 Bernie McClenny, W3UR wrote:

HS0ZCW, who sometimes operates as K4VUD said "Maybe it is time to re-think
the DXCC status of this place?"

I actually have read the rules - and I think they are rather silly - I follow them, but, if I was running the  program, I'd add one simple one 

The entity must have a permanent human population - defined as having been 
continuously populated for more 6 months - after 6 months of no one living 
there, they are removed

Yeah - I know it would remove a LOT of entities from the list, but 

73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

A rose by any other name would be "deadly thorn-bearing assault vegetation."

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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Charles Gallo

On 5/10/2007 Bernie McClenny, W3UR wrote:

> HS0ZCW, who sometimes operates as K4VUD said "Maybe it is time to re-think
> the DXCC status of this place?"

I actually have read the rules - and I think they are rather silly - I follow 
them, but, if I was running the  program, I'd add one simple one 

The entity must have a permanent human population - defined as having been 
continuously populated for more 6 months - after 6 months of no one living 
there, they are removed

Yeah - I know it would remove a LOT of entities from the list, but 

73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

A rose by any other name would be "deadly thorn-bearing assault vegetation."

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RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
Well, here's the thing:  As I recall (Bernie et al correct me if I'm wrong),
there was a lot of discussion about what to do about "countries" and the
very beginning of what became the DXCC 2000 rewrite.  And there was a school
of thought that strongly suggested starting everyone over on 1 Jan 2000 with
a clean slate, and along with that, a refreshed list of "countries" (we
hadn't switched to calling them "entities" yet... I think)

And please, no brickbats, I was NOT a member of that small but vocal group
that thought this!

But, just for fits and giggles... imagine doing just that.  Convince some
other group to sponsor a DXCC-like award, for contacts starting 1 Jan 2000
(even though the 21st century actually started 1 Jan 2001, but let's not go
into THAT one again either), and for this hypothetical award -- call it "DX
21" for the sake of argument -- issue a new list of entities, based on the
current DXCC active list (forget the deleteds), but applying current
criteria to each and every one of them, plus evaluating other possibile ones
that have been eliminated under recent rules changes.

Many won't survive.  BS7H certainly wouldn't.  What about Scotland, Wales,
and the rest of the non-England parts of the UK?  Desecheo?  Navassa?
Sable?  Ducie?

What about the "special" cases:  The Spratley's?  Do you keep the UN Hq?  If
so, what about the Council of Europe HQ?  The Vatican?  SMOM?  ITU Hq?  How
about the UN Vienna?

I could go on, but you get my drift.  Either way for many of these, stay or
go... at least apply the new "DX 21" rules consistently.  How will this
affect DX chasing?  To say nothing of little discussions like this thread...

I can understand all too well why no one wanted to undertake the controversy
that a change like this would have entailed.  But it's interesting to think


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 9:32 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

At 06:59 AM 05/10/2007, Bernie McClenny, W3UR wrote:
>Back to the one and only way to remove a current counter from the DXCC
>The only way is if the said entity no longer meets the criteria in which
>it on the list to begin with.  Rules that are made up afterwards do not
>affect its status.  Remember BS7H was added to the list back in the mid
>Then afterwards in an effort to not have any others added to the list like
>Scarborough Reef the "100 meter high tide" rule was added.  Believe me you
>don't want to remove anything off the DXCC list, unless it does not meet

I don't think there's a solution to this that will please everybody.
I'd personally like to see the rules overhauled completely at some
point down the road, but how that could be accomplished I really
don't know. I'm not in favour of creating new ones by rule changes,
nor deleting/removing old ones by fiat either, but the mish-mash that
exists now is somewhat bizarre and could use a revamp at some point.

I'm definitely not in favour of mollycoddling DXers and DXpeditioners
by removing tough- or dangerous-to-activate entities just because
they're tough or dangerous to activate. Free will is truly a wonderful



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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Ronald Loneker Sr.
Talk about danger... Martti OH2BH, my brother in kidney tranplantation 
was along with the crew on BS7.  We must take large amounts of
anti-rejection medications and others  a few times a day or risk organ 
rejection which could lead to death. No whimpering out of Martti , but I
really would like to know how he kept all those pills dry. DX is!...  
73,  Ron 

Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:

N1DG; Los Angeles is a new one?  Hehehe.

I agree that there is no sense deleting an entity because of danger.
Yes, the BS7H guys put their lives on the line for a few silly radio
contacts, but I bet that it was an experience that they will never for
a second regret.

It's called an adventure.  If it had truly been a suicide mission, no
one would activate it.

- - - - - - -

I think there should never be a precedent set for deletion or
exclusion from the DXCC list because a particular entity is too hard
to activate, no matter what the reason.

I want more entities, not fewer.  More fun that way (point taken about
IOTA; haven't gone that way yet, but maybe after I work another 40
countries or so )


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Ronald Loneker Sr. - KA2BZS
9 Band DXCC - A1-OP

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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Zack Widup

I can see your point Charlie, but maybe the people who we REALLY need to 
ask are the people who put on the DXpedition and went there.  Just like 
those who climb Mt. Everest or K2, they knew what they were getting into 
beforehand and knew what was likely to happen when they got there.

It seems there are people willing to go to these places so we can sit in 
our comfy chairs and try to work them.  They do so on their own 
responsibility.  They took the risk and great personal cost to do so.  
How are THEY going to feel if the entity is deleted and their work was 
for naught?

The time to "delete" an entity such as Scarborough is before it even gets 
created.  That way no one has to feel a personal loss because they did 
risk their lives and pocketbooks for nothing.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, 10 May 2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

> However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I know 
> mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very 
> dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing our 
> fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning strike, 
> or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen disaster.  How would 
> we feel as hams if the worst had happened there?  How much should we depend 
> on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they please, but not with the 
> sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.
> Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?
> Charles Harpole

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RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Peter Dougherty

At 06:59 AM 05/10/2007, Bernie McClenny, W3UR wrote:

Back to the one and only way to remove a current counter from the DXCC list.
The only way is if the said entity no longer meets the criteria in which put
it on the list to begin with.  Rules that are made up afterwards do not
affect its status.  Remember BS7H was added to the list back in the mid 90s.
Then afterwards in an effort to not have any others added to the list like
Scarborough Reef the "100 meter high tide" rule was added.  Believe me you
don't want to remove anything off the DXCC list, unless it does not meet the

I don't think there's a solution to this that will please everybody. 
I'd personally like to see the rules overhauled completely at some 
point down the road, but how that could be accomplished I really 
don't know. I'm not in favour of creating new ones by rule changes, 
nor deleting/removing old ones by fiat either, but the mish-mash that 
exists now is somewhat bizarre and could use a revamp at some point.

I'm definitely not in favour of mollycoddling DXers and DXpeditioners 
by removing tough- or dangerous-to-activate entities just because 
they're tough or dangerous to activate. Free will is truly a wonderful concept.



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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Dan Zimmerman N3OX

N1DG; Los Angeles is a new one?  Hehehe.

I agree that there is no sense deleting an entity because of danger.
Yes, the BS7H guys put their lives on the line for a few silly radio
contacts, but I bet that it was an experience that they will never for
a second regret.

It's called an adventure.  If it had truly been a suicide mission, no
one would activate it.

- - - - - - -

I think there should never be a precedent set for deletion or
exclusion from the DXCC list because a particular entity is too hard
to activate, no matter what the reason.

I want more entities, not fewer.  More fun that way (point taken about
IOTA; haven't gone that way yet, but maybe after I work another 40
countries or so )


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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Peter Forbes

Hi all,

In the near future BS7 may delete itself if global warming continues, the 
ocean levels rise and the tidal extremes increase.

But whilst it IS there, why not?


Peter  VK3QI

- Original Message - 
From: "Don Greenbaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:13 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

If you delete BS7 based on danger, then you need to look at all the other 
entities that are not "safe".  Peter I, South Sandwich, Baghdad, Los 
Angeles, VU4 (Tsunami Danger).

See where this is headed?


At 07:58 AM 5/10/2007, Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH) wrote:

Good Morning Bernie & All:

After seeing the video from 1997 I too questioned whether BS7 should be on 
the list. My conclusion is that it should never have been a new 
entity(don't ask me why, I don't have a good answer).  However, now that 
it is on the list I do not believe it should be removed.  In retrospect, a 
land mass clause probably should have been an original part of the rules, 
but it wasn't/isn't.  You can't un-ring the bell.

Move on.

Mike, W5UC

At 05:59 AM 5/10/2007, Bernie McClenny, W3UR wrote:
HS0ZCW, who sometimes operates as K4VUD said "Maybe it is time to 

the DXCC status of this place?"

This would set a terrible precedence!  We must follow the DXCC rules
otherwise we will destroy the very fabric of the integrity of the DXCC
program.  If we do as Charles suggests for BS7H what will be next?  This 

a slippery slope.  Anyone could then make the same case for many other
counters on the DXCC list.  I won't give examples but one could easily 

many more countries for their "own personal" reasons.  We have gone down
this road many times over the years.  So there is no need to repeat this
thread.  There is one and only one way for a DXCC Entity (country) to be
removed from the DXCC list.

Notice I said removed!  I don't think many people realize the next 
that does not meet the DXCC criteria will be removed, not deleted, as 
will be no more deletes because of the results of DXCC 2000.  That's 
right a
removal, which will be as if you never worked it!  More on that 


Back to the one and only way to remove a current counter from the DXCC 
The only way is if the said entity no longer meets the criteria in which 

it on the list to begin with.  Rules that are made up afterwards do not
affect its status.  Remember BS7H was added to the list back in the mid 
Then afterwards in an effort to not have any others added to the list 
Scarborough Reef the "100 meter high tide" rule was added.  Believe me 
don't want to remove anything off the DXCC list, unless it does not meet 


I wonder how many have actually read the DXCC rules?
Notice I said read them, not understood them all!  Some are hard to
understand, but then again so are some of the counters on the list!

See you in the next pileup?
Bernie, W3UR

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Now more than ever - you need The Daily DX and The Weekly DX - to keep up
with the DX news from around the globe!

Editor of - The Daily DX <-- two free weeks

 - The Weekly DX <-- free sample
 - How's DX

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles 

Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 01:39
Subject: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

Fellow DXers Prior to the latest BS7H op, I had not given the Rocks 

attention and had only a vague notion of what is there.  But today I read
the web sites, saw the photos,  and listened to James' super interview 

on site.  I come away of two minds... one with great appreciation and awe 

the accomplishment and second with a deeper understanding of how truly
dangerous this op was.

Of course, I congratulate all who make this happen and especially to men 

were willing genuinely to risk their lives to do the op.  Let nothing 

away from that.

However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I know
mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very
dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing 
fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning 
or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen disaster.  How 
we feel as hams if the worst had happened there?  How much should we 

on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they please, but not with the
sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.

Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?

Charles Harpole


RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Don Greenbaum
If you delete BS7 based on danger, then you need to look at all the other 
entities that are not "safe".  Peter I, South Sandwich, Baghdad, Los Angeles, 
VU4 (Tsunami Danger).

See where this is headed?


At 07:58 AM 5/10/2007, Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH) wrote:
>Good Morning Bernie & All:
>After seeing the video from 1997 I too questioned whether BS7 should be on the 
>list. My conclusion is that it should never have been a new entity(don't ask 
>me why, I don't have a good answer).  However, now that it is on the list I do 
>not believe it should be removed.  In retrospect, a land mass clause probably 
>should have been an original part of the rules, but it wasn't/isn't.  You 
>can't un-ring the bell.
>Move on.
>Mike, W5UC
>At 05:59 AM 5/10/2007, Bernie McClenny, W3UR wrote:
>>HS0ZCW, who sometimes operates as K4VUD said "Maybe it is time to re-think
>>the DXCC status of this place?"
>>This would set a terrible precedence!  We must follow the DXCC rules
>>otherwise we will destroy the very fabric of the integrity of the DXCC
>>program.  If we do as Charles suggests for BS7H what will be next?  This is
>>a slippery slope.  Anyone could then make the same case for many other
>>counters on the DXCC list.  I won't give examples but one could easily list
>>many more countries for their "own personal" reasons.  We have gone down
>>this road many times over the years.  So there is no need to repeat this
>>thread.  There is one and only one way for a DXCC Entity (country) to be
>>removed from the DXCC list.
>>Notice I said removed!  I don't think many people realize the next country
>>that does not meet the DXCC criteria will be removed, not deleted, as there
>>will be no more deletes because of the results of DXCC 2000.  That's right a
>>removal, which will be as if you never worked it!  More on that discussion
>>Back to the one and only way to remove a current counter from the DXCC list.
>>The only way is if the said entity no longer meets the criteria in which put
>>it on the list to begin with.  Rules that are made up afterwards do not
>>affect its status.  Remember BS7H was added to the list back in the mid 90s.
>>Then afterwards in an effort to not have any others added to the list like
>>Scarborough Reef the "100 meter high tide" rule was added.  Believe me you
>>don't want to remove anything off the DXCC list, unless it does not meet the
>>I wonder how many have actually read the DXCC rules?
>>Notice I said read them, not understood them all!  Some are hard to
>>understand, but then again so are some of the counters on the list!
>>See you in the next pileup?
>>Bernie, W3UR
>>Bernie McClenny, W3UR
>>Now more than ever - you need The Daily DX and The Weekly DX - to keep up
>>with the DX news from around the globe!
>>Editor of - The Daily DX <-- two free weeks
>>  - The Weekly DX <-- free sample
>>  - How's DX
>>-Original Message-
>>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Harpole
>>Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 01:39
>>Subject: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts
>>Fellow DXers Prior to the latest BS7H op, I had not given the Rocks any
>>attention and had only a vague notion of what is there.  But today I read
>>the web sites, saw the photos,  and listened to James' super interview while
>>on site.  I come away of two minds... one with great appreciation and awe at
>>the accomplishment and second with a deeper understanding of how truly
>>dangerous this op was.
>>Of course, I congratulate all who make this happen and especially to men who
>>were willing genuinely to risk their lives to do the op.  Let nothing take
>>away from that.
>>However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I know
>>mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very
>>dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing our
>>fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning strike,
>>or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen disaster.  How would
>>we feel as hams if the worst had happened there?  How much should we depend
>>on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they please, but not with the
>>sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.
>>Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?
>>Charles Harpole
>>Catch suspicious messages before you open them-with Windows Live Hotmail.
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>>To post a m

RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH)

Good Morning Bernie & All:

After seeing the video from 1997 I too questioned whether BS7 should 
be on the list. My conclusion is that it should never have been a new 
entity(don't ask me why, I don't have a good answer).  However, now 
that it is on the list I do not believe it should be removed.  In 
retrospect, a land mass clause probably should have been an original 
part of the rules, but it wasn't/isn't.  You can't un-ring the bell.

Move on.

Mike, W5UC

At 05:59 AM 5/10/2007, Bernie McClenny, W3UR wrote:

HS0ZCW, who sometimes operates as K4VUD said "Maybe it is time to re-think
the DXCC status of this place?"

This would set a terrible precedence!  We must follow the DXCC rules
otherwise we will destroy the very fabric of the integrity of the DXCC
program.  If we do as Charles suggests for BS7H what will be next?  This is
a slippery slope.  Anyone could then make the same case for many other
counters on the DXCC list.  I won't give examples but one could easily list
many more countries for their "own personal" reasons.  We have gone down
this road many times over the years.  So there is no need to repeat this
thread.  There is one and only one way for a DXCC Entity (country) to be
removed from the DXCC list.

Notice I said removed!  I don't think many people realize the next country
that does not meet the DXCC criteria will be removed, not deleted, as there
will be no more deletes because of the results of DXCC 2000.  That's right a
removal, which will be as if you never worked it!  More on that discussion

Back to the one and only way to remove a current counter from the DXCC list.
The only way is if the said entity no longer meets the criteria in which put
it on the list to begin with.  Rules that are made up afterwards do not
affect its status.  Remember BS7H was added to the list back in the mid 90s.
Then afterwards in an effort to not have any others added to the list like
Scarborough Reef the "100 meter high tide" rule was added.  Believe me you
don't want to remove anything off the DXCC list, unless it does not meet the

I wonder how many have actually read the DXCC rules?
Notice I said read them, not understood them all!  Some are hard to
understand, but then again so are some of the counters on the list!

See you in the next pileup?
Bernie, W3UR

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Now more than ever - you need The Daily DX and The Weekly DX - to keep up
with the DX news from around the globe!

Editor of - The Daily DX <-- two free weeks
  - The Weekly DX <-- free sample
  - How's DX

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Harpole
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 01:39
Subject: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

Fellow DXers Prior to the latest BS7H op, I had not given the Rocks any
attention and had only a vague notion of what is there.  But today I read
the web sites, saw the photos,  and listened to James' super interview while

on site.  I come away of two minds... one with great appreciation and awe at

the accomplishment and second with a deeper understanding of how truly
dangerous this op was.

Of course, I congratulate all who make this happen and especially to men who

were willing genuinely to risk their lives to do the op.  Let nothing take
away from that.

However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I know
mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very
dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing our
fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning strike,
or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen disaster.  How would
we feel as hams if the worst had happened there?  How much should we depend
on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they please, but not with the
sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.

Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?

Charles Harpole

Catch suspicious messages before you open them-with Windows Live Hotmail.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread N4BAA - Jose Castillo


Exactly! I am in 100% agreement with you.

A few "Holy Grails" scattered about the world is a good 
thing.  It won't take long for someone or some group to come 
along and step up to the challenge!  Money holds most back, 
but it is MY personal opinion, that if the monetary hurdle 
were not there, MANY would take that challenge!

Danger accessing a given location is NOT a reason to remove 
an "entity" from the DXCC list!.. There are islands where 
amateurs have died while on DXPeditions (Malpelo I 
think..just to name one)..and they are still on the list.

What better way to go? 

Jose - N4BAA

john wrote:

At 01:39 AM 5/10/2007, you wrote:
Oh please

Not everyone wants a rubber padded room world, where everything is safe 
and risk free.  If you don't wish to go, then don't, but don't remove 
the excitement of doing something difficult for the rest of the world, 
just because YOU think it's the way things should be.

Nobody at the ARRL puts a gun to someones head, and forces guys to go. 
They do it precisely because it's difficult, remote, and yes, 
potentially dangerous and certainly exciting.

John K5MO

However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I 
know mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other 
very dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction 
placing our fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, 
lightning strike, or just a nasty fall would have been an 
easy-to-happen disaster.  How would we feel as hams if the worst had 
happened there?  How much should we depend on LUCK? I think anyone can 
go where ever they please, but not with the sanction and official 
stamp of our great avocation.

Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?

Charles Harpole

Catch suspicious messages before you open them—with Windows Live 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Steve-KF2TI
Bravo, and very well stated

Sir Edmund Hillary said it best when asked why he climbed Mt Everest.
 His response, "because it was there"

On 10 May 2007 at 6:39, john wrote:

Date sent:  Thu, 10 May 2007 06:39:39 -0400
From:   john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:            Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> At 01:39 AM 5/10/2007, you wrote:
> Oh please
> Not everyone wants a rubber padded room world, where everything is safe and
> risk free.  If you don't wish to go, then don't, but don't remove the
> excitement of doing something difficult for the rest of the world, just
> because YOU think it's the way things should be.
> Nobody at the ARRL puts a gun to someones head, and forces guys to go. They
> do it precisely because it's difficult, remote, and yes, potentially
> dangerous and certainly exciting.
> John K5MO
> >However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I know
> >mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very
> >dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing
> >our fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning
> >strike, or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen
> >disaster.  How would we feel as hams if the worst had happened there?  How
> >much should we depend on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they
> >please, but not with the sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.
> >
> >Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?
> >
> >Charles Harpole
> >
> >_
> >Catch suspicious messages before you open them-with Windows Live Hotmail.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems
> >
> >To post a message, DX related items only,
> >
> >This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA
> Subscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, problems
> To post a message, DX related items only,
> This is the DX-CHAT reflector sponsored by the NJDXA

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RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Bernie McClenny, W3UR
HS0ZCW, who sometimes operates as K4VUD said "Maybe it is time to re-think
the DXCC status of this place?"

This would set a terrible precedence!  We must follow the DXCC rules
otherwise we will destroy the very fabric of the integrity of the DXCC
program.  If we do as Charles suggests for BS7H what will be next?  This is
a slippery slope.  Anyone could then make the same case for many other
counters on the DXCC list.  I won't give examples but one could easily list
many more countries for their "own personal" reasons.  We have gone down
this road many times over the years.  So there is no need to repeat this
thread.  There is one and only one way for a DXCC Entity (country) to be
removed from the DXCC list.  

Notice I said removed!  I don't think many people realize the next country
that does not meet the DXCC criteria will be removed, not deleted, as there
will be no more deletes because of the results of DXCC 2000.  That's right a
removal, which will be as if you never worked it!  More on that discussion

Back to the one and only way to remove a current counter from the DXCC list.
The only way is if the said entity no longer meets the criteria in which put
it on the list to begin with.  Rules that are made up afterwards do not
affect its status.  Remember BS7H was added to the list back in the mid 90s.
Then afterwards in an effort to not have any others added to the list like
Scarborough Reef the "100 meter high tide" rule was added.  Believe me you
don't want to remove anything off the DXCC list, unless it does not meet the

I wonder how many have actually read the DXCC rules?
Notice I said read them, not understood them all!  Some are hard to
understand, but then again so are some of the counters on the list!

See you in the next pileup?
Bernie, W3UR  

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Now more than ever - you need The Daily DX and The Weekly DX - to keep up
with the DX news from around the globe!

Editor of - The Daily DX <-- two free weeks
  - The Weekly DX <-- free sample
  - How's DX

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Harpole
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 01:39
Subject: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

Fellow DXers Prior to the latest BS7H op, I had not given the Rocks any 
attention and had only a vague notion of what is there.  But today I read 
the web sites, saw the photos,  and listened to James' super interview while

on site.  I come away of two minds... one with great appreciation and awe at

the accomplishment and second with a deeper understanding of how truly 
dangerous this op was.

Of course, I congratulate all who make this happen and especially to men who

were willing genuinely to risk their lives to do the op.  Let nothing take 
away from that.

However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I know 
mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very 
dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing our 
fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning strike, 
or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen disaster.  How would 
we feel as hams if the worst had happened there?  How much should we depend 
on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they please, but not with the 
sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.

Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?

Charles Harpole

Catch suspicious messages before you open them-with Windows Live Hotmail.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread john

At 01:39 AM 5/10/2007, you wrote:
Oh please

Not everyone wants a rubber padded room world, where everything is safe and 
risk free.  If you don't wish to go, then don't, but don't remove the 
excitement of doing something difficult for the rest of the world, just 
because YOU think it's the way things should be.

Nobody at the ARRL puts a gun to someones head, and forces guys to go. They 
do it precisely because it's difficult, remote, and yes, potentially 
dangerous and certainly exciting.

John K5MO

However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I know 
mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very 
dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing 
our fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning 
strike, or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen 
disaster.  How would we feel as hams if the worst had happened there?  How 
much should we depend on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they 
please, but not with the sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.

Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?

Charles Harpole

Catch suspicious messages before you open them—with Windows Live Hotmail.

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RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread Jay Hainline
It makes me wonder if the ARRL would be liable is someone was seriously
injured or killed by trying to put this "land mass" on the air. A place
where the only shelter you can put up is an umbrella should be deleted.
Maybe there should be a minimum land mass requirement in the dxcc rules?

73 Jay

Jay Hainline  KA9CFD  EN40om
Colchester, IL

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Harpole
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 05:39
Subject: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

Fellow DXers Prior to the latest BS7H op, I had not given the Rocks any
attention and had only a vague notion of what is there.  But today I read
the web sites, saw the photos,  and listened to James' super interview while
on site.  I come away of two minds... one with great appreciation and awe at
the accomplishment and second with a deeper understanding of how truly
dangerous this op was.

Of course, I congratulate all who make this happen and especially to men who
were willing genuinely to risk their lives to do the op.  Let nothing take
away from that.

However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I know
mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very
dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing our
fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning strike,
or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen disaster.  How would
we feel as hams if the worst had happened there?  How much should we depend
on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they please, but not with the
sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.

Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?

Charles Harpole

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RE: [DX-CHAT] BS7H thoughts

2007-05-10 Thread LA5HE Ragnar Otterstad
However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I know 
mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very 
dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing our 
fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning strike, 
or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen disaster.  How would 
we feel as hams if the worst had happened there?  How much should we depend 
on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they please, but not with the 
sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.

Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?

Charles Harpole

Quite a few DX.-ers are now focusing on IOTA as a more attractive
alternative than DXCC now..
Rocks like BS7 will still be dangerous, of course ! 


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