[O] [bug?] Error message related to auto-complete?

2012-03-01 Thread Thorsten

Hi list, 
a strange and not pathological error message I had all the time (and
even reported once on this list) being on Ubuntu now popped up the first
time with my new ArchLinux setting:

| Error in pre-command-hook (delete-selection-pre-hook):
| (wrong-type-argument symbolp (lambda nil (interactive)
| (org-eval-in-calendar (quote (calendar-forward-day 1)

it happens in the agenda, the very first time I use M-+ to change a date
in the calendar (+ 1 day). After that, it just works without an error
message - until the next start of emacs. 

I now think it must be related somehow to auto-complete, since yesterday
I loaded my old auto-complete configuration file for the first time, and
now there is the old error again (I loaded old autopair and babel (not
org babel) config files for the first time too, but I rather suspect its
auto-complete that is the culprit).

Its not really a serious error - just strange. I report it FYI only. 


[O] [babel] Is Org Babel an X11 application?

2012-03-01 Thread Thorsten

Hi List, 

having figured out that it is really nice to have one emacs daemon
running and then open several emacsclient-windows managed by tmux (a
modern gnu screen) instead of winring.el e.g (a console session)
I tried to use Org Babel with that setting. Only to find out that the
results of code block evaluations seem to be inserted as pictures in the
org document - and need X11 or there is an error message.

Is that true - Org Babel only works in an X11 session and not on the
console? Or is there some configuration/trick to make it work on a
console too? 


Re: [O] babel, executing code in background process

2012-03-01 Thread Eric Schulte
Erik Garrison  writes:

> Hi Eric,
> Thanks for the background.  It looks like ob-screen may be very limited in
> that it doesn't
> It seems to me that a decent method would behave similarly to the way to
> "M-x compile" works--- another buffer opens in which the compilation
> progresses.  Is there any reason why this might not be applicable to the
> way babel works?

The approach you describe above (a process buffer with a filter) would
be one viable approach, perhaps even something as simple as using
`async-shell-command' would be workable.  One place to start looking
would be in ob-eval.el for external evaluation and ob-comint for session
based evaluation.

The trick would be in setting up the post-execution code block handling
(namely results parsing and insertion) to run after external evaluation
has completed.

If anyone wants to look into the code and write/propose a way forward
I'm happy to help in any way I can.


> Erik
> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 5:55 PM, Eric Schulte  wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> Currently there is not (to my knowledge) any support for asynchronous
>> code block evaluation.  The one possible exception could be ob-screen
>> which I mention only because I don't really know anything about it.
>> This would certainly be a worthwhile feature to add to Org-mode code
>> blocks, however a good implementation (easy to use, robust and
>> cross-language) will be non-trivial to implement.
>> Best,
>> Erik Garrison  writes:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I'm just starting to use org-mode and babel to structure exploratory data
>> > analysis which I do for my work.
>> >
>> > One issue that I've run into is that many of the queries I have to issue
>> > will take a very long time to complete.
>> >
>> > Is there any method I could use to execute them in a background process?
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Erik
>> --
>> Eric Schulte
>> http://cs.unm.edu/~eschulte/

Eric Schulte

Re: [O] spot the LaTeX error

2012-03-01 Thread Peter Salazar
Correction: The setup below is no longer crashing my Emacs, but it does
produce a PDF with the following errors:

1. There's stray text at the top of the title page:

2. In the top right header, the document title doesn't show up as I hoped
it would. Instead it shows the text: "title : 3"  --- and it's in in a
different font.

Any help appreciated. Thank you.

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:26 PM, Peter Salazar wrote:

> Not sure if this is the right forum for this question, so feel free to
> direct me elsewhere...
> I'm trying to quit Markdown and switch to org-mode completely. To do that,
> I need to get my LaTeX template working with org-mode.
> I had a LaTeX template I cobbled together and successfully used with
> Pandoc for Markdown -> LaTeX -> PDF.
> I tried to convert my template to work with org-mode, but I haven't had
> any success. The .tex file it generates looks valid as far as I can tell,
> but when I do org-export to LaTeX and open resulting PDF, it crashes Emacs.
> Here's what I added to my .emacs file. Can anyone see what I've done
> wrong? As may be apparent, I don't really know what I'm doing.
> (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-classes
>   '("salazar"
> "\\documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \\usepackage{float}
> \\usepackage{hyperref}
> \\usepackage{algorithm}
> \\usepackage{amsmath}
> \\usepackage{ifxetex}
> \\ifxetex
>   \\usepackage{fontspec,xltxtra,xunicode}
>   \\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text,Scale=MatchLowercase}
>   \\setromanfont{Adobe Garamond Pro}
>   \\setsansfont{Arial}
>   \\setmonofont{Courier}
> \\else
>   \\usepackage[mathletters]{ucs}
>   \\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}
> \\fi
> \\usepackage{microtype}
> \\usepackage{fancyhdr}
> \\pagestyle{fancy}
> \\pagenumbering{arabic}
> \\lhead{\\href{mailto:cycleofs...@gmail.com}{Peter Salazar}}
> \\chead{\itshape}
> \\rhead{\\itshape{\\nouppercase{\\@title}: {\\nouppercase\\leftmark}}}
> \\lfoot{}
> \\cfoot{\\thepage}
> \\rfoot{}
> \\usepackage{listings}
> \\lstnewenvironment{code}{\\lstset{language=Haskell,basicstyle=\\small\\ttfamily}}{}
> \\setlength{\\parindent}{0pt}
> \\setlength{\\parskip}{12pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
> \\usepackage{fancyvrb}
> \\usepackage{enumerate}
> \\usepackage{ctable}
> \\setlength{\\paperwidth}{8.5in}
> \\setlength{\\paperheight}{11in}
>  \\usepackage[margin=1.5in,hmargin=1.5in,vmargin=1.5in]{geometry}
>   \\tolerance=1000
> \\usepackage{tocloft}
> \\renewcommand{\\cftsecleader}{\\cftdotfill{\\cftdotsep}}
> \\usepackage[normalem]{ulem}
> \\newcommand{\\textsubscr}[1]{\\ensuremath{_{\\scriptsize\\textrm{#1
> \\usepackage[breaklinks=true,linktocpage,pdftitle={\\@title},pdfauthor={\\@author},xetex]{hyperref}
> \\usepackage{url}
> \\usepackage{graphicx}
> \\hypersetup{ colorlinks,
> citecolor=black,filecolor=black,linkcolor=black,urlcolor=blue}
> \\makeatletter
> \\def\\maketitle{
>   \\thispagestyle{empty}
> \\vfill
>   \\begin{raggedright}
>   \\leavevmode
> \\vskip 1cm
> \{\\fontsize{50}{60}\\selectfont \\@title\\par}
> \\vskip 1cm
> \\normalfont
> \{\\huge {\\@author\\par}}
>   \\vfill
> \{\\Large Peter Salazar}
> \\newline
>   \{\\Large \\href{mailto:cycleofs...@gmail.com}{
> cycleofs...@gmail.com}}
> \\newline
> \{\\Large \\@date\\par}
>   \\null
>   \\cleardoublepage
> \}
>  ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
>  ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
>  ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
>  ("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
>  ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}")))
> (setq org-latex-to-pdf-process
>   '("xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %f"
>  "xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %f")) ;; for multiple passes

[O] spot the LaTeX error

2012-03-01 Thread Peter Salazar
Not sure if this is the right forum for this question, so feel free to
direct me elsewhere...

I'm trying to quit Markdown and switch to org-mode completely. To do that,
I need to get my LaTeX template working with org-mode.

I had a LaTeX template I cobbled together and successfully used with Pandoc
for Markdown -> LaTeX -> PDF.

I tried to convert my template to work with org-mode, but I haven't had any
success. The .tex file it generates looks valid as far as I can tell, but
when I do org-export to LaTeX and open resulting PDF, it crashes Emacs.

Here's what I added to my .emacs file. Can anyone see what I've done wrong?
As may be apparent, I don't really know what I'm doing.

(add-to-list 'org-export-latex-classes
  \\setromanfont{Adobe Garamond Pro}
\\lhead{\\href{mailto:cycleofs...@gmail.com}{Peter Salazar}}
\\rhead{\\itshape{\\nouppercase{\\@title}: {\\nouppercase\\leftmark}}}
\\setlength{\\parskip}{12pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}


\\hypersetup{ colorlinks,
\\vskip 1cm
\{\\fontsize{50}{60}\\selectfont \\@title\\par}
\\vskip 1cm
\{\\huge {\\@author\\par}}
\{\\Large Peter Salazar}
  \{\\Large \\href{mailto:cycleofs...@gmail.com}{
\{\\Large \\@date\\par}
 ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
 ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
 ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
 ("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
 ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}")))

(setq org-latex-to-pdf-process
  '("xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %f"
 "xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %f")) ;; for multiple passes

Re: [O] d Dynamically exclude an 'org id' with org-babel-load-file?

2012-03-01 Thread Bernt Hansen
Bernt Hansen  writes:

> Could you provide more details on what it is you are trying to 'fix'?  I
> don't think I understand what it is you are trying to achieve.

I just saw your followup in the other thread... so nevermind :)


Re: [O] d Dynamically exclude an 'org id' with org-babel-load-file?

2012-03-01 Thread Bernt Hansen
Damon Haley  writes:

> Hi, I downloaded Bernt Hansen's wonderful GTD orgmode setup from:
> git clone git://git.norang.ca/org-mode-doc.git
> I am then using his customizations in my emacs config with:
> (org-babel-tangle-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")
> (org-babel-load-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")
> However there is one section under Bernt's 'Agenda setup' with an org id
> of 'AgendaSetup' that I don't want to evaluate in my emacs
> initialization.
> ** Agenda Setup
> :CUSTOM_ID: AgendaSetup
> :END:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes :exports none
>   ;; The following setting is different from the document so that you
>   ;; can override the document org-agenda-files by setting your
>   ;; org-agenda-files in the variable org-user-agenda-files
>   ;;
>   (if (boundp 'org-user-agenda-files)
>   (setq org-agenda-files org-user-agenda-files)
> (setq org-agenda-files (quote ("~/git/org"
>  "~/git/org/client1"
>  "~/git/org/bzflag"
>  "~/git/client2"
> #+end_src
> I know I could edit the file directly and change tangle to 'no'.
> But is there a way to exclude this section dynamically when I start up
> emacs without having to manually change Bernt's file?  This is because
> I'd like to use git pull again in the future to get Bernt's latest
> changes and not have to keep track of the changes I made.
> There is a function in the 'emacs starter kit' called starter-kit-load
> that loads org file section by id or tag, but I'm not sure if there's a
> way to do the opposite and load while excluding id(s) or tag(s) using
> org-babel.
> Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi Damon,

Thanks for the kind words!

I guess I don't understand what the problem is here.  Since you have
your own clone of the repository you can create a commit that turns off
this :tangle yes and then subsequent pulls will preserve that change.
I'm not expecting to touch that part of the document again so you
probably won't get conflicts with it in the future.

Why do you want to skip this specific part of the file?  Can't you just
override the variable with your value of org-agenda-files by doing

(setq org-user-agenda-files (quote WHATEVER-IS-APPROPRIATE))

before you load it?

Could you provide more details on what it is you are trying to 'fix'?  I
don't think I understand what it is you are trying to achieve.


Re: [O] [TIP/QUERY] Curly quotes in HTML

2012-03-01 Thread Samuel Wales
I like -- for mdash and === for separator:

(setf org-export-html-special-string-regexps
("^-$" . "")  ;see also === below
("---\\([^-]\\|$\\)" . "—\\1")
("--\\([^-]\\|$\\)" . "—\\1")
("^===$" .

The Kafka Pandemic: http://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com

Re: [O] Displaying or linking to definitions of terms?

2012-03-01 Thread Samuel Wales
> I'd like to be able to write a definition of a term, and then be able to
jump to that definition, or see that definition in some way in buffers
where the term occurs. Preferably on a "file can specify a file with
term definitions" or a global scale,

One option is to have an entry for the word, and link to it using an
Org-ID link.

The Kafka Pandemic: http://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com

[O] footnote doc not clear

2012-03-01 Thread Samuel Wales
Export of inline footnotes breaks if you do (setf org-footnote-section
nil).  The footnote section goes in a single place but not at the end.

*** test
* b
* c
* d
* e

The docstring says "before export" which implies that it will not
affect export.  Or it seems to.

Perhaps it should say "before export and for export" or something.  Or
perhaps there should be two variables.

And the behavior is a bug, although it isn't an important one.

b032a6d51bbd0c8e1be4f20dd68abfe52b328e25 is the first bad commit


The Kafka Pandemic: http://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com

Re: [O] Regression tests and stderr

2012-03-01 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Hi Achim,

Achim Gratz wrote:
> "Sebastien Vauban"
>  writes:
>> Pretty good. One failure, though, which I'll try to investigate (later on).
> That's a new test from Nicolas which seems to need some testing
> itself... :-)

Just saw your reporting as well... Thanks for pointing out anyway.

>> What's weird is the output that comes _after_ the above summary:
> Let me guess, you are on a Windows console or running cmd in a shell
> buffer?  Then the order of output between STDOUT / STDERR is not
> predictable since by default both streams will be buffered.

On Windows, yes. But in a MinTTY terminal with Cygwin.

I never have seen mixed (delayed) streams with other applications, but they
may be less verbose: exit on error, for example, while here a lot of output is
written anyway.

The delay is a problem. The fact that normal messages (vs only calls to
`error') are sent to `stderr' is another big, I think. We can't grep through
errors only, or check for some file to be empty (when redirecting stderr to a
file), or...

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] Regression tests and stderr

2012-03-01 Thread Achim Gratz
"Sebastien Vauban"
> Pretty good. One failure, though, which I'll try to investigate (later on).

That's a new test from Nicolas which seems to need some testing
itself... :-)

> What's weird is the output that comes _after_ the above summary:

Let me guess, you are on a Windows console or running cmd in a shell
buffer?  Then the order of output between STDOUT / STDERR is not
predictable since by default both streams will be buffered.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

Samples for the Waldorf Blofeld:

[O] Regression tests and stderr

2012-03-01 Thread Sebastien Vauban

FYI, I just updated, and ran the tests, looking more carefully at the results
once again.

The trailer of what's displayed in the terminal is here:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
   passed  102/112  test-org/accumulated-properties-in-drawers
   passed  103/112  test-org/org-link-escape-ascii-character
   passed  104/112  test-org/org-link-escape-ascii-ctrl-character
   passed  105/112  test-org/org-link-escape-custom-table
   passed  106/112  test-org/org-link-escape-custom-table-merge
   passed  107/112  test-org/org-link-escape-multibyte-character
   passed  108/112  test-org/org-link-escape-url-with-escaped-char
   passed  109/112  test-org/org-link-unescape-ascii-character
   passed  110/112  test-org/org-link-unescape-ascii-ctrl-character
   passed  111/112  test-org/org-link-unescape-ascii-extended-char
   passed  112/112  test-org/org-link-unescape-multibyte-character

Ran 112 tests, 111 results as expected, 1 unexpected (2012-03-01 
11 expected failures

1 unexpected results:
   FAILED  test-org-export/fuzzy-links
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Pretty good. One failure, though, which I'll try to investigate (later on).

What's weird is the output that comes _after_ the above summary:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
(a (quote 1))

(a (quote 2))

(it (quote 1))

(it (quote 4))

(results (quote (4 3 2 1)))


(bar (quote 2))

(foo (quote 1))

(bar (quote 2))
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Weird flushes, quite disturbing for analyzing the output of the tests.

I've discovered the same symptoms when using `print' or `princ' functions in
code that's run in batch mode. They come after calls to `message'.

What's even more annoying is that all the output of the testing -- but the
above trailer which comes after the test summary -- is sent to `/dev/stderr'.

What I tried to get is normal, informational messages, sent to `/dev/stdout',
and real errors (like test failures) sent to `/dev/stderr'.

Sadly, this seems to be a limit of Emacs itself:

   "In batch mode, Emacs does not display the text being edited, and the 
terminal interrupt characters such as C-z and C-c have their usual effect.
Emacs functions that normally print a message in the echo area will print to
either the standard output stream (stdout) or the standard error stream
(stderr) instead. (To be precise, functions like prin1, princ and print 
to stdout, while message and error print to stderr.) Functions that normally
read keyboard input from the minibuffer take their input from the terminal's
standard input stream (stdin) instead."


That's a pity, because it really limits (IMHO) the usage of such "script mode"
of Emacs. We can't afford rewriting all calls to `message' into calls to
`princ (format ...)'. Plus, doing so, moves messages in a non-chronological
way (like the "weird flushes" above).

Any workaround in sight?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] Rendering error, or am I missing something? -- case 3.

2012-03-01 Thread Allen S. Rout

On 03/01/2012 02:54 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

I've just pushed up a fix for this issue, please let me know if it
doesn't work on your system.

Pulled and reinstalled, all looks well.   Thanks for the quick response, 
and the encouragement.  I'll keep on trying to break stuff. :)

- Allen S. Rout

Re: [O] [Bug] Tests for experimental org-features should expect to fail if not activated by the user

2012-03-01 Thread Achim Gratz
Eric Schulte  writes:

Thanks for your latest round of patches.  It all works now when adding
"testing/" to the load path.  I'll add this to the default configuration
in my Makefile fork.  There's another patch by Nicolas that added a few
test, one of which seems broken:

Mark set
Test test-org-export/fuzzy-links backtrace:
  signal(error ("No link found"))
  error("No link found")
  (prog1 (goto-line 4) (org-open-at-point) (should (looking-at "<+

Factory and User Sound Singles for Waldorf rackAttack:

Re: [O] Is babel just ... unstable at the moment?

2012-03-01 Thread Allen S. Rout

On 03/01/2012 03:19 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

Hi Allen,

[...] You've discovered a couple of edge cases and you seem to have a
knack for coming up with pernicious examples.

Why sir, I blush!   *fans self*

I just proudly repeated this comment to my co-workers.  One of them 
commented "They seem to know you!". :)

- Allen S. Rout

Re: [O] Is babel just ... unstable at the moment?

2012-03-01 Thread Eric Schulte
Hi Allen,

I think what you are experiencing is the lack of previous heavy usage of
inline call lines -- especially with multiple such calls on the same
line.  You've discovered a couple of edge cases and you seem to have a
knack for coming up with pernicious examples.

Please do keep these sorts of error reports coming, as I would like to
fix any such errors in the code.


"Allen S. Rout"  writes:

> So I keep running into very strange babel behaviors.
> In addition to the whacked-out rendering oddities I've been posting
> about,  I've just executed a static R block a half dozen times and
> gotten three or four different results blocks.   I'm not going to try
> to minimal-example this one, it seems too timing sensitive to be worth
> attempting replication.
> I'm using the blocks-calling-other-blocks behavior rather heavily, and
> the variation seems to be that, on some calls, output from
> dependencies is just getting pasted into the output from the dependant
> block.
> Worse, there was one occasion on which it seems I got an output line
> from 'last'  C-c C-c  in 'this' run's output block.
> I've been seeing comments about changes to the babel block formats
> recently, so it's perhaps plausible that git HEAD just isn't
> stable. Should I back off?
> - Allen S. Rout

Eric Schulte

Re: [O] Minimal example... Is this intended ?

2012-03-01 Thread Eric Schulte
Alright, I've just pushed up a fix for this issue as well.

"Allen S. Rout"  writes:

> I've attached 'minimal.org',  which demonstrates (for me) an odd
> behavior in current git head (I encountered this just after doing a
> git pull).
> There are two ls listings in this file, one after the 'foo' block, and
> prefixed by a results: tag.   The other is before the block, and not
> so prefixed.
> The trailing, prefixed block was generated when I had no space after
> the string 'foo' in the NAME: line.   If I add one space, then the
> results block which comes before is generated.
> I can't think this is a deliberate feature;  can anyone else duplicate
> these results?
> - Allen S. Rout

Eric Schulte

Re: [O] Rendering error, or am I missing something? -- case 3.

2012-03-01 Thread Eric Schulte
I've just pushed up a fix for this issue, please let me know if it
doesn't work on your system.

"Allen S. Rout"  writes:

> So, this is a different problem (I presume) which I'm exercising in
> the same document I'm trying to write.
> With latest git org-mode, and minimal3.org, I get minimal3.pdf:
> If there are successive inline calls to a function in the same line of
> text, then the last of them is rendered "correctly" (though successive
> calls in the same paragraph still evince the 'last two characters of
> call' bug.Earlier calls in the line are rendered 'verbatim', or
> how I'd expect the string to be rendered if I didn't know it was
> supposed to call a block.
> - Allen S. Rout

Eric Schulte

Re: [O] Rendering error, or am I missing something? -- case 2.

2012-03-01 Thread Eric Schulte
Hi Allen,

Your example exposed a bug in the code which examplizes regions.  I've
just pushed up a fix which resolves the problem on my system.


"Allen S. Rout"  writes:

> With latest git org-mode, and attatched minimal2.org, I get minimal2.pdf.
> My second and successive calls to the prettify block get rendered with
> the last two characters of the call invocation.
> - Allen S. Rout
> * Database sizing
>   This:  call_prettify(tot_db)
>   That:  call_prettify(tot_db)
>   That:  call_prettify(tot_dc)
>   That:  call_prettify(tot_dcc)
>   That:  call_prettify(tot_dcq)
>   That:  call_tot_db()
> #+RESULTS: tot_db
> : 779408.14
> #+RESULTS: tot_dc
> : 779408.14
> #+RESULTS: tot_dcc
> : 779408.14
> #+RESULTS: tot_dcq
> : 779408.14
> #+NAME: prettify
> #+BEGIN_SRC R  :results value :exports none :var tot=512
> gb = paste(round(tot/1024,1),"GB")

Eric Schulte

Re: [O] mlorg : yet another parser for org-mode (Written in OCaml contained in org-mode files)

2012-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Simon Castellan  writes:

> For now I am rebasing my parser on your categories (I must say I was
> lacking a lot). Please let me know when you change your syntaxic
> categories (by change you mean additions only or removals as well ?).

I have a couple additions in mind: I'd like to refine table parsing.
I'll probably add "table-row" and "table-cell" elements. I'd like to
introduce a new type of drawers too, but that's another story.

There's no removal in sight, though.

I'll keep you informed on changes in that area.

> I will try in my sources to document meanings and (very) informal
> syntax of handled constructions.

This could be a starter for the complete document to come.

> Besides, what are "export snippets" ? I can't find a reference to it
> in the manual.

They're an experimental syntax I introduced to replace and generalize
HTML tags (@). They are, more or less, the inline counterpart of
export blocks. For example, one should be able to use @html{}, but
also @latex{\hfill{}}, etc. and back-ends filter out all but one


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Export individual clock entries to HTML?

2012-03-01 Thread Juan Pechiar
On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 12:10:16PM -0500, Jesse W. Wilson wrote:
>  After a year and a half with paper notebooks, I've decided to
> return to org-mode. :) One thing I could never figure out, though,
> is how to get org-export-as-html to export individual clock entries.
> The clock summary tables are very nice, but I would also like to see
> clock-in and clock-out timestamps for each entry I make.
> Is there an option or setting I am missing?

Add the 'd:t' option to the export options of the clocking subtree:


(or to the file export options).

This will show drawer contents for every entry.


Re: [O] Dynamically exclude an 'org id' with org-babel-load-file?

2012-03-01 Thread Damon Haley
Damon Haley  writes:

Oops, the answer was right in from of me.  Just set

;; The following setting is different from the document so that you
;; can override the document org-agenda-files by setting your
;; org-agenda-files in the variable org-user-agenda-files

However, it would still be nice to know how to untangle a specific
block by id if that is possible.



> Hi, I downloaded Bernt Hansen's wonderful GTD orgmode setup from:
> git clone git://git.norang.ca/org-mode-doc.git
> I am then using his customizations in my emacs config with:
> (org-babel-tangle-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")
> (org-babel-load-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")
> However there is one section under Bernt's 'Agenda setup' with an org id
> of 'AgendaSetup' that I don't want to evaluate in my emacs
> initialization.
> ** Agenda Setup
> :CUSTOM_ID: AgendaSetup
> :END:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes :exports none
>   ;; The following setting is different from the document so that you
>   ;; can override the document org-agenda-files by setting your
>   ;; org-agenda-files in the variable org-user-agenda-files
>   ;;
>   (if (boundp 'org-user-agenda-files)
>   (setq org-agenda-files org-user-agenda-files)
> (setq org-agenda-files (quote ("~/git/org"
>  "~/git/org/client1"
>  "~/git/org/bzflag"
>  "~/git/client2"
> #+end_src
> I know I could edit the file directly and change tangle to 'no'.
> But is there a way to exclude this section dynamically when I start up
> emacs without having to manually change Bernt's file?  This is because
> I'd like to use git pull again in the future to get Bernt's latest
> changes and not have to keep track of the changes I made.
> There is a function in the 'emacs starter kit' called starter-kit-load
> that loads org file section by id or tag, but I'm not sure if there's a
> way to do the opposite and load while excluding id(s) or tag(s) using
> org-babel.
> Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
> Damon

  /    -[]--. \ \/ I /\/ Y |_ I S |_ A |\| |}  @  ssl-mail.com   
 / ,-' `-.   \ \ Send me long text - http://www.asciiribbon.org  
/ (   o   )  _) \ http://email.is-not-s.ms 
   /   `-._,-'_ /_/-.\ \/ I /\/ Y |_ I S |_  @  jabber.sdf.org  Jabber 
  /  __ _" " "\ \/ I /\/ Y |_ I S |_  .  netlsd dot com  Check 
out my PGP key 

[O] Export individual clock entries to HTML?

2012-03-01 Thread Jesse W. Wilson
 After a year and a half with paper notebooks, I've decided to return 
to org-mode. :) One thing I could never figure out, though, is how to 
get org-export-as-html to export individual clock entries. The clock 
summary tables are very nice, but I would also like to see clock-in and 
clock-out timestamps for each entry I make.

Is there an option or setting I am missing?

Many thanks,

Jesse W. Wilson, Ph.D.
Warren Lab
Chemistry Department
Duke University

[O] Dynamically exclude an 'org id' with org-babel-load-file?

2012-03-01 Thread Damon Haley
Hi, I downloaded Bernt Hansen's wonderful GTD orgmode setup from:

git clone git://git.norang.ca/org-mode-doc.git

I am then using his customizations in my emacs config with:

(org-babel-tangle-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")
(org-babel-load-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")

However there is one section under Bernt's 'Agenda setup' with an org id
of 'AgendaSetup' that I don't want to evaluate in my emacs

** Agenda Setup
:CUSTOM_ID: AgendaSetup

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes :exports none
  ;; The following setting is different from the document so that you
  ;; can override the document org-agenda-files by setting your
  ;; org-agenda-files in the variable org-user-agenda-files
  (if (boundp 'org-user-agenda-files)
  (setq org-agenda-files org-user-agenda-files)
(setq org-agenda-files (quote ("~/git/org"

I know I could edit the file directly and change tangle to 'no'.

But is there a way to exclude this section dynamically when I start up
emacs without having to manually change Bernt's file?  This is because
I'd like to use git pull again in the future to get Bernt's latest
changes and not have to keep track of the changes I made.

There is a function in the 'emacs starter kit' called starter-kit-load
that loads org file section by id or tag, but I'm not sure if there's a
way to do the opposite and load while excluding id(s) or tag(s) using

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


Re: [O] relative row reference in table formula

2012-03-01 Thread Juan Pechiar
Hi Osiris,

On Thu, Mar 01, 2012 at 11:01:39AM -0300, OSiUX wrote:
> is possible to define the reference to the last row of the following @II+$3, 
> to avoid
> having to change the number of row (@4$3)?
> in this example does not calculate:
>   | date | item  |cost |
>   |--+---+-|
>   | [2012-03-01 jue] | item 1|   30.00 |
>   | [2012-03-01 jue] | item 2|   20.00 |
>   |--+---+-|
>   |  |   |   30.00 |
>   #+TBLFM: @II+$3=vsum(@I..@II);%0.2f

It should be '@II+1$3' according to documentation, but anyway it
doesn't get evaluated.

However, '@>$3' (meaning the last row, col 3) does get evaluated

In any case, if you add/remove rows/columns using M-S-arrows, the
absolute formula references get updated accordingly (e.g. formula at
@4$3 goes to @5$3 after inserting a row).


[O] d Dynamically exclude an 'org id' with org-babel-load-file?

2012-03-01 Thread Damon Haley
<#!multipart type=alternative><#!part type=text/plain>
Hi, I downloaded Bernt Hansen's wonderful GTD orgmode setup from:

git clone git://git.norang.ca/org-mode-doc.git

I am then using his customizations in my emacs config with:

(org-babel-tangle-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")
(org-babel-load-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")

However there is one section under Bernt's 'Agenda setup' with an org id
of 'AgendaSetup' that I don't want to evaluate in my emacs

** Agenda Setup
:CUSTOM_ID: AgendaSetup

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes :exports none
  ;; The following setting is different from the document so that you
  ;; can override the document org-agenda-files by setting your
  ;; org-agenda-files in the variable org-user-agenda-files
  (if (boundp 'org-user-agenda-files)
  (setq org-agenda-files org-user-agenda-files)
(setq org-agenda-files (quote ("~/git/org"

I know I could edit the file directly and change tangle to 'no'.

But is there a way to exclude this section dynamically when I start up
emacs without having to manually change Bernt's file?  This is because
I'd like to use git pull again in the future to get Bernt's latest
changes and not have to keep track of the changes I made.

There is a function in the 'emacs starter kit' called starter-kit-load
that loads org file section by id or tag, but I'm not sure if there's a
way to do the opposite and load while excluding id(s) or tag(s) using

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


<#!part type=text/html>
Hi, I downloaded Bernt Hansen's wonderful GTD orgmode setup from:

git clone git://git.norang.ca/org-mode-doc.git

I am then using his customizations in my emacs config with:

(org-babel-tangle-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")
(org-babel-load-file "~/git/src/org-mode-doc/org-mode.org")

However there is one section under Bernt's 'Agenda setup' with an org id
of 'AgendaSetup' that I don't want to evaluate in my emacs

Agenda Setup

Is there a way to exclude this section.  This is because I'd
like to not have to edit his file manually so I can use git pull again
in the future to get Bernt's latest changes.

There is a function in the 'emacs starter kit' called starter-kit-load
that loads by org id, but I'm not sure if there's a way to exclude by

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.



[O] [TIP/QUERY] Curly quotes in HTML

2012-03-01 Thread Christian Moe


When I type English, I usually use straight quotes ('/"), especially 
in Emacs, as curly quotes (‘’/“”), though available from the keyboard, 
are difficult to see with the fixed-with font I prefer.

I have put this in my .emacs to get curly-quote output in HTML export:

(setq org-export-html-special-string-regexps
   '(("\\(^\\|[ \"(]\\)'" . "\\1‘")
 ("'" . "’")
 ("\\(^\\|[ (]\\)\"" . "\\1“")
 ("\"\\([ [:punct:]]\\|$\\)" . "”\\1"))

The advantage of going through org-export-html-special-string-regexps, 
I think, is that Org does smart replacements, so I don't accidentally 
e.g. replace straight quotes in code blocks. The regexps catch most 
combinations of quotes and punctuation.

Query: Anyone using any other, perhaps better, tricks?


[O] Is babel just ... unstable at the moment?

2012-03-01 Thread Allen S. Rout

So I keep running into very strange babel behaviors.

In addition to the whacked-out rendering oddities I've been posting 
about,  I've just executed a static R block a half dozen times and 
gotten three or four different results blocks.   I'm not going to try to 
minimal-example this one, it seems too timing sensitive to be worth 
attempting replication.

I'm using the blocks-calling-other-blocks behavior rather heavily, and 
the variation seems to be that, on some calls, output from dependencies 
is just getting pasted into the output from the dependant block.

Worse, there was one occasion on which it seems I got an output line 
from 'last'  C-c C-c  in 'this' run's output block.

I've been seeing comments about changes to the babel block formats 
recently, so it's perhaps plausible that git HEAD just isn't stable. 
Should I back off?

- Allen S. Rout

Re: [O] mlorg : yet another parser for org-mode (Written in OCaml contained in org-mode files)

2012-03-01 Thread Simon Castellan

Thanks for your answer. I think indeed that a description of org's syntax would
be better in a separate document. For now I am rebasing my parser on your
categories (I must say I was lacking a lot). Please let me know when you change
your syntaxic categories (by change you mean additions only or removals as well
?). I will try in my sources to document meanings and (very) informal syntax of
handled constructions.

Besides, what are "export snippets" ? I can't find a reference to it in the 


Re: [O] org-export-blocks-preprocess: Marker does not point anywhere

2012-03-01 Thread Nick Dokos
Matthew Landis  wrote:

> On 3/1/2012 12:47 AM, Nick Dokos wrote:
> > Matthew Landis  wrote:
> >
> >> Hello orgmode fans,
> >>
> >> Another issue with org and R giving me headaches tonight.
> >>
> >> In the example below, using the :session header argument seems to cause 
> >> problems with export to html.  On export, the *R* buffer is
> >> opened up, but no file is created.  in the *Messages* buffer, I see
> >>
> >> org-export-blocks-preprocess: Marker does not point anywhere
> >>
> >> however, if I try to export again, with the *R* buffer already open,
> >> then things work fine.  This is an OK work around I guess, but I
> >> thought someone ought to know about it.
> >>
> >> Session info:
> >> Windows 7, 64 bit.
> >> Emacs version: GNU Emacs 23.4.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) of 2012-02-04
> >> on MARVIN
> >> Org mode version 7.8.03
> >> ESS version 5.14
> >> R version 2.14.1
> Example now included! (Thanks Nick, for pointing that out...)
> #+begin_src R :session :exports code :results silent
>x <- runif(n = 100, min = 0, max = 20)
>y <- 4*x^2 + 0.3*x + 3 + rnorm(100, sd = 200)
> #+end_src

I can't reproduce it either with latest (more or less) or with 7.8.03.
The html export succeeds and the code is exported, pdf export (with
minted) succeeds except that the code block is not processed, because
there is no minted lexer for R (at least in my setup). But I get no


Re: [O] Bug: odt export of footnotes inside plain lists; WAS Bug in odt export of org files with footnotes

2012-03-01 Thread Jambunathan K


> There is another issue, however, with footnotes inside plain lists.

I have pushed a fix for this. With this fix applied, you may want to
make sure that all the footnote definitions in the ODT documente come
out in full (without being mangled in strange ways).

Jambunathan K.


[O] relative row reference in table formula

2012-03-01 Thread OSiUX
is possible to define the reference to the last row of the following @II+$3, to 
having to change the number of row (@4$3)?

in this example does not calculate:

  | date | item  |cost |
  | [2012-03-01 jue] | item 1|   30.00 |
  | [2012-03-01 jue] | item 2|   20.00 |
  |  |   |   30.00 |
  #+TBLFM: @II+$3=vsum(@I..@II);%0.2f




  Osiris Alejandro Gomez (OSiUX) os...@osiux.com.ar
  AA70 93FD B6EF EB42 6920 7530 A799 B226 74C8 A3FE
  http://osiux.com http://wiki.buenosaireslibre.org

Description: Digital signature

Re: [O] org-export-blocks-preprocess: Marker does not point anywhere

2012-03-01 Thread Matthew Landis

On 3/1/2012 12:47 AM, Nick Dokos wrote:

Matthew Landis  wrote:

Hello orgmode fans,

Another issue with org and R giving me headaches tonight.

In the example below, using the :session header argument seems to cause 
problems with export to html.  On export, the *R* buffer is
opened up, but no file is created.  in the *Messages* buffer, I see

org-export-blocks-preprocess: Marker does not point anywhere

however, if I try to export again, with the *R* buffer already open,
then things work fine.  This is an OK work around I guess, but I
thought someone ought to know about it.

Session info:
Windows 7, 64 bit.
Emacs version: GNU Emacs 23.4.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) of 2012-02-04
Org mode version 7.8.03
ESS version 5.14
R version 2.14.1

Example now included! (Thanks Nick, for pointing that out...)

#+begin_src R :session :exports code :results silent

  x <- runif(n = 100, min = 0, max = 20)
  y <- 4*x^2 + 0.3*x + 3 + rnorm(100, sd = 200)


Re: [O] mlorg : yet another parser for org-mode (Written in OCaml contained in org-mode files)

2012-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Simon Castellan  writes:

> Thank you very much for this pointer, This is what I was looking for :
> a list of syntaxic construction in org-mode. I'd say though that it
> lacks a more-or-less formal syntaxic definition of constructions.

It lacks that, indeed, among many other things. On the other hand, it's
a work in progress, so I guess that explains why.

I had postponed such a definition of constructions, since the model used
to describe the Org format wasn't (and still isn't) complete. Actually,
the list that you can observe in org-element.el will change a little
during the next few weeks.

Anyway, I agree that a document formally describing each element/object
in Org has to be written at some point. Even if I think it's one or two
months too early for that task, I'll gladly offer my help if you decide
to undertake it nonetheless. Do not hesitate to ask if you need more


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Multiple (natural) languages in a single org-file

2012-03-01 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Carlos Russo  writes:

> I would like to add that the idea of using a special markup (using some
> symbol) that would accept an argument (the language) would be cool.
> I'm thinking something like
> &en: This shows up only in the english version&
> &pt: Hey! This is not portuguese!&
> Or even a compound statement
> &pt: Português &en: English&fr: Français&

Just use two different drawer names, and select which one to actually
export through i.e. #+OPTIONS: d:("EN"). No need for extra syntax.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Multiple (natural) languages in a single org-file

2012-03-01 Thread Carlos Russo

it seems I missed the thread "multilingual presentation with org"
started earlier this month, my apologies for coming back to this topic.

I would like to add that the idea of using a special markup (using some
symbol) that would accept an argument (the language) would be cool.

I'm thinking something like
&en: This shows up only in the english version&
&pt: Hey! This is not portuguese!&
Or even a compound statement
&pt: Português &en: English&fr: Français&


[O] Multiple (natural) languages in a single org-file

2012-03-01 Thread Carlos Russo

Is there a way to accommodate more than one natural language (e.g.
english and portuguese) in a single org-file?

I often prepare presentations in org-mode and export them using LaTeX's
beamer class. There is usually little text and quite some math.
Often I need to recycle an older presentation but using a different
language, i.e. sometimes I prepare something in english, but later I
will need to recycle it using english.

So far, I get around this by defining a custom LaTeX command:
#+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\pt}[1]{} \newcommand{\en}[1]{#1}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand{\pt}[1]{#1} \newcommand{\en}[1]{}

I use this command to write stuff like
* \en{Example: sum of two numbers}\pt{Exemplo: soma de dois números}
\en{Example 1}\pt{Exemplo 1}
3 = 2 + 1
\en{Example 2}\pt{Exemplo 2}
0 = 1 + e^{i\pi}

I then export to pdf. Switching between languages is a matter of
changing the LaTeX header and exporting again.

Is there a more elegant way of doing this? I would like to be able to
export to HTML and ODT...


[O] Agenda TODO sorting by date

2012-03-01 Thread James Harkins
I'm still poking around, trying to figure out how to sort my TODO tag search 
the way that I want.

Initially I thought org-agenda-sorting-strategy would do it, but only just 
found the variable's documentation: "Sorting structure for the agenda items of 
a single day."

Since I want to sort the TODO entries *by day* (across multiple days), 
obviously this won't do it.

So I still have the question. Given this (omitting tags):

* Audio Class
** Audio session 03
*** TODO Write next week's assignment <2012-03-04>
* Lessons
** Audio 2010
*** TODO Listen and critique <2012-03-03>
** TODO (something else, not time stamped)

How do I get a tags-search (to-do only) like this?

*** TODO Listen and critique <2012-03-03>
*** TODO Write next week's assignment <2012-03-04>
** TODO (something else, not time stamped)

Currently, I get

*** TODO Write next week's assignment <2012-03-04>
*** TODO Listen and critique <2012-03-03>
*** TODO (something else, not time stamped)

because that's the order in which they appear in the file. So I have to scan 
the whole list to find what's for today, what's for tomorrow etc.

I keep thinking, orgmode can already practically make me a grilled cheese 
sandwich, so there must be a way to do this. Just can't find it.


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

blog: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/words
audio clips: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/audio
more audio: http://soundcloud.com/dewdrop_world/tracks

Re: [O] [babel] [PATCH] enhanced org-babel-goto-named-src-block

2012-03-01 Thread Andreas Leha
t...@tsdye.com (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

> Andreas Leha  writes:
>> "Sebastien Vauban"
>>  writes:
>>> Hi Jonathan,
>>> Jonathan Leech-Pepin wrote:
 I ran into exactly that question this morning and managed to figure it out.

 If I use "emacs -q" then C-c & works as expected and is mapped to
 (org-mark-ring-goto & optional N).  However when trying C-c & C-h I find
 out that C-c & is a prefix for a few yasnippet commands:

 | `yas/minor-mode' Minor Mode Bindings Starting With C-c &:
 | key binding
 | --- ---
 | C-c & C-f yas/find-snippets
 | C-c & C-n yas/new-snippet
 | C-c & C-s yas/insert-snippet
 | C-c & C-v yas/visit-snippet-file

 Seems this is another place where yas and org don't get along well together
>>> Something along these lines should work:
>>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>>   ;; remove the binding of `C-c &'
>>>   (add-hook 'yas/minor-mode-hook
>>> (lambda ()
>>>   (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c & C-s") nil)
>>>   (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c & C-n") nil)
>>>   (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c & C-v") nil)
>>>   (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c & C-f") nil)
>>> ))
>>> #+end_src
>>> ... but it doesn't. And I don't understand yet why. Maybe the hook in which
>>> this is placed is not the right one?  If anyone sees an obvious reason for
>>> it...
>>> Best regards,
>>>   Seb
>> Thanks for looking into this.  I am not using yas myself - so I did not
>> notice.
>> @Tom: I think, if C-c & is documented, this issue (together with a
>> fix/work-around, as soon as found) should be mentioned there as well.
>> There will be more org- and yas-users.
>> Regards,
>> Andreas
> Aloha Andreas,
> IMO the manual should stick to describing Org Mode, and not get too
> much into working around conflicts with other modes.
Valid point.

>  At the same time,
> I tend to agree with your guess that there are lots of Org Mode users
> who also use yas.
> I wonder what others think about adding a babel key binding for
> org-mark-ring-goto?  C-c C-v something.  This could be documented in the
> babel key bindings, along with a reference there to the standard Org
> Mode binding, C-c &.
> Assuming Seb's attempt finds a solution, then perhaps that could go
> into the FAQ under something like "Why doesn't C-c & work for me?"
Good idea.  That should be "visible enough" to the ones hit by this.

> All the best,
> Tom


[O] Bug: odt export of footnotes inside plain lists; WAS Bug in odt export of org files with footnotes

2012-03-01 Thread Martin Gürtler
Am Mittwoch, den 29.02.2012, 20:25 +0530 schrieb Jambunathan K:
> Martin
> I am attaching a patch that should fix this issue. I will let Nicolas
> review/apply it.
This fixed the minimal example I provided yesterday. There is another
issue, however, with footnotes inside plain lists. 

minimal example:
#+TITLE: test.org
#+AUTHOR:Martin Gürtler
#+EMAIL: none@none
#+DATE:  2012-02-29 Wed
#+OPTIONS:   H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:nil
#+OPTIONS:   TeX:t LaTeX:dvipng skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil 
#+OPTIONS:   tags:not-in-toc

* Headline
  - text [fn:1]

* Footnotes

[fn:1] footnote
This cannot be opened in libreoffice. The relevant part in content.xml



In the empty line, a number of closing tags is missing. 

Best regards,
