[O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-06-29 Thread Luis Anaya

> > Nick Dokos  writes:
> >
> >
> > Oh... ok.. good! I have no problem taking a look at it. I'll just create
> > a groff exporter based on that code then. I have a vested interest being
> Also, you have some documentation for back-end developers at:
>   http://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-export-reference.html


First release (?!) of the org-e-groff.el is available. I still need to do more 
but it manages to export from org. 
The code is in the same github location, 

Sample Output at http://ppl.ug/VzS3BGQjFgw/

One thing I have not managed to export are the deadlines/scheduled dates. 
The code to export and add the appropriate markup is completed, but 
that code is not running. 

I am aware that there is a flag at org-export.el to control the output,  but 
they are 
all "t".  Before I go all crazy on this, I need to ask if this is a feature to 
control its output
or am I missing something that I should take a look.

Thanks a bunch.



Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-06-30 Thread Luis Anaya


> I see this is based on org-e-latex.el. While this is a fast way to have
> a back-end running in the short term, it adds a lot of useless code (for
> example footnote handling is very specific and, as such, probably wrong
> on your back-end) and I'm not sure it will be a win in the long run.

True. I wanted to get something going to get the feel of the routine.  I know
that there is a lot of latex specific code, and I will clean it up as testing
goes on. 

In terms of foot notes. I did adjust to the way GROFF uses them, but when I

tested them nothing came out. The way it works is to insert a .FS/.FE pair

on the text to be footnoted. GROFF will place the text in the footnote

and automatically add the marker in the location that the .FS/.FE marks
where placed. 

Well, it is not working... so needs to be fixed :)

[chomp... good suggestions!]

> Speaking of attributes, org-e-groff.el has to add "ATTR_GROFF" to both
> `org-element-affiliated-keywords' and `org-element-multiple-keywords'.
> > One thing I have not managed to export are the deadlines/scheduled dates.
> > The code to export and add the appropriate markup is completed, but
> > that code is not running.
> By default, planning info are not exported. See
> `org-export-with-planning' variable.

I suspected that there was a variable that controlled it; but I was not sure, 
thanks for clarifying.
> Are you talking about org-export-with-* variables? Some of them have
> a nil value (planning is an example). What do you want to know about
> them?

I thought that these were used to control the export of the planning 
information. But you already answered my question.



Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-02 Thread Luis Anaya

Ok, no attributes then :)

I just fixed footnotes, only automated footnotes  for now
I have to wait until I get home when I get a hold of my
UNIX MM book to get custom footnote markers added. 

(I'm on the road on holidays... before you ask, my wife's cousins
are in town. sitting down coding in Emacs LISP is a welcome break).

In terms of keywords, they all have to be revised, and many of them
are going to be removed. (Like long tables). I'll changed them from 
tag=value to :blah value, right now they're not really meaningful for
groff and many of them stubbed. 

I proposed to keep an eye on my github repository. I'll be working
on it and hopefully should be ready for prime time. 

(If I do not collapse of exhaustion taking care of them. :( )



Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-05 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> I can't promise to keep an eye on the repository, but if you have any
> question (if possible with an example to illustrate it, as I don't know
> groff syntax), do not hesitate to ask.

Thanks, I will. The only concern that I have is that there are times
that export hangs.  I need to figure that one out, I'll keep you

>> (If I do not collapse of exhaustion taking care of them. :( )
> There's the `sleep-for' function for that.


It'll execute for a looong time over the weekend 


In other news I added various enhancements. Including:

1. Automated caption support. I need to figure out how to get the
caption text (via CAPTION? via ATTR ? ). Right now generic ones are
added which they show up in the table of content. 

2. EPS diagrams import support. I mostly needs it for plantuml
diagrams. Groff only supports ps and eps only. But automated plantuml
diagrams do get created and inlined (via .PSPIC) when the file is exported.

3. Quotes and Verse support.  Currently hardcoded to helvetica. I should think 
customizing fonts via defcustom, but for now, this is it.

4. Improvements on footnotes. Currently creating footnotes by taking the
value from :label. 

5. Lists (numeric and bullets). 

Sample output is here:


I have a general question though. Equation and Picture creation 
support in Groff is done with the use of the "eqn" and "pic" programs. 
I've been debating if these should be included in org-babel, 
for executing these the same way plantuml is  executed through the use
of #+begin_src #+end_src 

However considering that these are Groff only I'm not sure if these
would be better served by using special attributes to add pic/eqn
code. This is because the output of these commands are Groff statements
that only make sense in Groff. 



Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org/LaTeX set-up for business letters?

2012-07-06 Thread Luis Anaya

One format provided by Groff MM macros are business letters. It may not
fit all types of communications, but it was the way business letters 
written in Ma Bell for many years.

Keep in mind that I'm still working on this code.  It is far from





Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] #+CAPTION: Not being protected when they are used with #+begin_src

2012-07-07 Thread Luis Anaya

>From the documentation, I know that captions work with inline images
and tables, but for some reason when then inline images are generated
through org-babel, #+CAPTION keys turns into regular text. What am I
doing wrong now? :)

-- ORG Source --

#+TITLE: Graphic Tests
#+AUTHOR: Luis R. Anaya
#+GROFF_ATTR: :alignment center
* PlantUML
#+CAPTION: plantuml drawing
#+begin_src plantuml :cmdline -Teps :file x.eps
[A] --> [B]
* Gnuplot
#+CAPTION: gnuplot drawing
#+begin_src gnuplot :file salida.pic
set term gpic
plot sin(x)

-- Groff Output --

.MT 1
.H 1 "PlantUML"
#+CAPTION: plantuml drawing
.PSPIC "x.eps"
.FG "" 
.H 1 "Gnuplot"
#+CAPTION: gnuplot drawing
copy "salida.pic"
.FG "" 


Resultant output in PDF at:  http://ppl.ug/YGVUBTwhknY/


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] #+CAPTION: Not being protected when they are used with #+begin_src

2012-07-07 Thread Luis Anaya
Eric Schulte  writes:

> Instead of putting the #+Caption: line on the source block, place it on
> the result.  This requires the use of named code blocks and results.
> The following alternate version of your example should give the behavior
> you're after.

Hi Eric:

Thanks for your help but not quite what I expected.  I did get the
caption now, but I am still getting the #+NAME:

See results:

.H 1 "PlantUML"
#+NAME: plantuml-drawing
.PSPIC "x.eps"
.FG "\fRplantuml drawing\fP" 
.H 1 "Gnuplot"
#+name: gnuplot-drawing
copy "salida.pic"
.FG "\fRgnuplot drawing\fP" 

I'm getting suspicious on the ".P" on my results during paragraph
generation. What I'll do is to temporary remove generating that ".P" and see
if that removes the #+NAME: tag. If that's the case, I have to add
another exception clause on the backend... 

Thanks a bunch!

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] #+CAPTION: Not being protected when they are used with #+begin_src

2012-07-07 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:


> This is the known bug I told you about in another thread. It will be
> fixed soon after org-element hits core.

Oh... I guess I missed that email :(  At least I know that named captions are 
working for images. 

In other news...

Other things I got working today are:

1. Checklists, in Groff will be: White bullet for on, Black bullet for
off and hyphen. These map to .BL command. 
2. Descriptive lists. It maps to a .VL statement with an inch separation (2.54 
for those in metric) between item and description.
3. Inline links for image types [[file:image.eps]] resolves to .PSPIC
"image.eps" while a [[file:image.pic]] link resolves to a .PS/.PE pair. 
4. Gnuplot support, embeds gpic or eps. You get better results with gpic. 
5. Direct Groff commands. Now equations can be embedded. (via EQ/EN/EC)
6. Cleaned up some of the links output to make it look pretty :)

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-07 Thread Luis Anaya
In case you were curious how today's updates look like (if you're not,
then yeah, I'm showing up :) ),  samples of these can be found at:


graph.org - http://ppl.ug/droqQrYmMkw/
todo.org - http://ppl.ug/W6RBCb7gNAs/

PDF results:

graph.pdf - http://ppl.ug/YGVUBTwhknY/
todo.org - http://ppl.ug/c1TZGeedv3Y/

I also added a small feature to include groff files if they are placed
in links.  The groff exporter as it stands has very minimal support for
links, these will just be printed as text. However being that groff 
can include files, I throught that it would be nice if groff files were 
included instead having their path printed out.



Will map to an include call, namely to:

.so myfile.groff

When the org file is exported, myfile.groff will be included as part of the
export process and written in the resultant PDF file.


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-07 Thread Luis Anaya
I should clarify that image files that are supported in groff, get
inlined when a link is written. 


[[file:image.eps]] or

Will include the image and write the image in the resultant PDF file.

Sorry if I confused anybody... :(

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-07 Thread Luis Anaya
suvayu ali  writes:

Hi Sevayu!

> have the content pages at the end instead of the front. Is there any
> particular reason for that?

Yes there is a reason. 

The MM implementation of table of contents collects all the headers and
captions that have read up to the point of execution of the table of
content command. 

If you want to collect all the headers, the table of content command 
must be placed at the end.  The idea was that you placed those pages in the 
right order
before "shipping" the document after printing. Now in the day of PDF
files, it may look weird to have it there but being that the
implementation of the macro has not changed, it still needs to be the
last command in the document.

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-08 Thread Luis Anaya
suvayu ali  writes:

>> suvayu ali  writes:
>> Yes there is a reason.
> Ah, so it's a legacy reason. It is always great to learn about history.
> :) Maybe this information would be worth mentioning in the future
> documentation for the groff exporter.

Yeah, I would say it is more of an implementation reason, but legcy will
do as well. :).  I tried the same with the MOM and MS macros, same
results. Table of content command needs to be placed at the end of the
file and it will be printed at the end. 

I'm aware that documentation is lacking, but this code is still in quite 
active development. I have been making comments relevants as I go by
through the code. 

Today is my last day of holidays though; the rate of development will
slow down. 

(at least my wife's cousins are gone... )

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el

2012-07-08 Thread Luis Anaya

I added the ability to modify positioning for EPS images. It maps to the
parameters for .PSPIC calls. It only works with EPS images being that
groff PIC images are self contained. 

Source:  http://ppl.ug/v-RtLdtfM2E/
PDF Output:  http://ppl.ug/wbx7AVcI_Ak/

Tables might take some doing, but that'll be the next thing to work on. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-08 Thread Luis Anaya

Ok, got global table control coded. I still need to figure out how to perform
column control. 

Source:  http://ppl.ug/H8mbZtyn7AQ/
PDF Output:  http://ppl.ug/tvl9DIWIABo/

Now off to put the recyclables on the curb for collection. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-09 Thread Luis Anaya

Last but not least, source code highlight support. Unlike LaTeX, there
is no package for source code highlight in groff. Looking around, I
decided to use GNU source highlight as a solution. The reason being 
that the way output definitions are declared is through the use of
configuration files. In this way, I created one for groff (I should
submit it for inclusion... we'll see).  I have also saw it in use in the
WXE editor, hence I'm sort of familiar. However, most importantly, 
it supports COBOL :). 

(well, it does... its importance may be in question... )

This feature is controlled by a variable. If it is nil, it shows
the code listing using the courier font (constant width). 


PDF Output:

All right... what else I need to do now? :)

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-09 Thread Luis Anaya
suvayu ali  writes:


> I see all the source blocks are black, but the tokens are emphasised


> properly as per the syntax. Is it supposed to be like that (as in
> black


> text not coloured as minted does for LaTeX export)?

Correct. However the reason is because of the way I wrote groff definition 
in GNU source highlight.  (i. e. black and white only). 

GNU source highlight does support colorization. It is a matter of
mapping those colors to the right code in groff. Frankly, I've never used
colorization in groff before. I just need to try it though... 

Well, I guess something else to do :)

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-09 Thread Luis Anaya
suvayu ali  writes:

>> Correct. However the reason is because of the way I wrote groff definition
>> in GNU source highlight.  (i. e. black and white only).
>> GNU source highlight does support colorization. It is a matter of
>> mapping those colors to the right code in groff. Frankly, I've never used
>> colorization in groff before. I just need to try it though...
>> Well, I guess something else to do :)
> Glad that my comments urged you. :)


I had to read on how to put colors in groff, at least I learned 
something new today :). 

Colorized version:
Source: http://ppl.ug/LN7rEdf2yS4/
PDF Output: http://ppl.ug/wlA1QvIDNSk/

You'll notice that DUMMY refers to a #+begin_src dummy, this will
default to black and white in constant width. This will happen if the
language is not in the list of language that is stored in 

Being that GNU source highlight allows for the creation of
new language colorization schemes.  This variable will need to be 
updated accordingly when a new language is added in source highlight to get it

Otherwise, it will default to courier, black and white. 

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-09 Thread Luis Anaya
suvayu ali  writes:


> Does that mean a user can add any new language like this with her/his
> definitions in their personal setup? If that is possible it would be
> a really flexible setup.

Yes. If you sit down and create the language specification in GNU Source
Highlight, you can add any languages. I would have to do that for work
being that we used a specialized version of TCL. 

> The defaults look pretty good for a fallback. :)

Yes. I found something odd while addressing your question. For some
reason I have to force the pen back to black. I checked the groff output
and it looked ok. I had to make this change into the code. 

> would be good to see whether they stand out well when surrounded by
> normal text.

I think that it is a fair question.

For that I had to do some minor changes to make it more evident from the
last one that you saw. These are:

1. Changed from DS L to DS I. It will cause the text to be indented. 
2. Force black pen on fallback mode. This required an emacs lisp code 
3. Remove the font reduction. I placed it before because of some long
code that I used for testing. I do not think that you need to do that
for writing code in org. 

Source: http://ppl.ug/R-WxCXnp_As/
PDF Output: http://ppl.ug/At07I2gFUBo/

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-10 Thread Luis Anaya
suvayu ali  writes:

> This looks beautiful! Now it's up to Nicolas to comment whether he
> would

Yeah, it works! I'm amazed that it does :) 

> like any other changes in the code. I think the backend is now looking
> pretty mature, and all in a few days work!
> Great work,

Thanks a bunch. 

It is getting there, but I need to test the inline source and inline
TODO lists.  I have not unit tested that code yet and I'm sure that
there are uglies to squish out. 


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] [dev] Org inline src block not being triggered in org-export.el

2012-07-10 Thread Luis Anaya
I'm testing inline source and nothing is being printed. Nothing is
happening. No errors, no messages, no nothing. Definition to the corret
inline-src-block function is in the definition list. But it does not
seems that is executing at all. 

So, what am I doing wrong? :)

-- org mode source --
* Test


Verbage verbage src_python[]{def mondinga: a+1} verbage verbage 
src_lisp[]{(defun x (y) (* y y))} verbiage verbiage verbiage. 

-- groff output -- 
.AR "Org User" 
.AU "Luis Anaya"
.ND "2012-07-10"
.MT 0
.H 1 "Test"

Verbage verbage verbage verbage 
verbiage verbiage verbiage. 


I ran it without the []'s and the results are the same. Nothing is
showing up. 


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org inline src block not being triggered in org-export.el

2012-07-10 Thread Luis Anaya
Eric Schulte  writes:

> Luis Anaya  writes:

> In all of your code blocks, the code you've written doesn't cause any
> output or return values, so there is nothing for the inline code blocks
> to return.



Well, this is embarrasing... 

Thanks for clarifying that. 

I tried this with returned values and it worked. I am going to try with
the Options: ^:nil being that perl is returning back with
=4\n=. Formatting on lisp and emacs lisp comes back fine. 

Thanks a bunch, let me keep on trucking. :)

> #+Options: ^:nil
> * Test
> Two plus two equals src_lisp{(+ 2 2)}.
> A definition returns "src_lisp[]{(defun x (y) (* y y))} ".
> Three plus three equals src_python{return 3 + 3}.

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] MobileOrg on an Android tablet?

2012-07-13 Thread Luis Anaya
emacs-orgmode-requ...@gnu.org writes:


> Is anyone using MobileOrg for android on a tablet?

I am...  Vizio table running Honeycomb.

> More specific question -- is the android version just a phone app that
> will get blown up onto the tablet screen, or will it use the extra
> screen space on a tablet?

It is the android version a phone app. Honeycomb does have options to
manage the real estate on phone apps, being that this option is shown 
on phone apps, that's how I know that is a phone app and not a
tablet "native" one.  

In the case of mobileorg on Honeycomb, you get more area for text if 
you choose to. It works ok. Keep in mind that you're organizing your
life in plain text :)

Luis Anaya
papoanaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff, now in org-export.el ...

2012-07-13 Thread Luis Anaya

I'm still working on this exporter, however being that my boss wants me to do
some actual productive work, I need to split the time between work and
hacking in emacs lisp.

However, during the week I performed the following coding changes to the
groff exporter:

1. Cleaned up some issues related to nested lists and special blocks.
2. Added formatting control on tables. Now the use of   and 
will propagate in the exported table.
3. Added a new option for title line on tables (:title-line). It overrides the 
line to cb (centralized bold).
4. Added support to propagate column width. It will convert 5 characters
to one centimeter. It works sort of ok, but it's groff's doing, not
org-mode. Needs more testing, but what I want to export, it's being
exported fine.
5. Removed irrelevant code, more needs to be removed. This will be ongoing.

Some of these have been discovered while eating my own dog food. I have
an org file in which I store all the meeting notes. I started to export
those to PDF using the groff exporter. Things that have been found that
have resulted in bugs are being fixed and propagated. I'll do that to
make sure that the exporter is stable for daily use by... using it
daily. :)

Luis Anaya
papoanaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] How to integrate org-mode in a MS Windows-/Office-based environment?

2012-07-14 Thread Luis Anaya

There have been a list of good suggestions of integrating org-mode with
MS products. I personally use org-mode primarily for task tracking
rather than document generation.  I use the following combination of
tools and techniques:

1. I get tickets assign for review on JIRA. I capture those using
jira.el . Yes, I am aware that there is a jira-org tool, but I'm used to
jira.el. I get a list of tickets, highlight any new ones and store them
in remember mode for inclusion into my task file. 

2. I do use gnus with IMAP in which I use davmail as the conduit. If you
are lucky to have exchange enabled with IMAP, then you do not need to do
this. In my workplace, that's not the case. The issue of using davmail
is that you get constrained to use emacs 22 being that version of gnus
that is shipped in emacs 23 does not play well with davmail. I have not
tried it with emacs 24. This is mostly for emails and capture any new
tasks or ideas that warrant to be stored for tracking. 

3. I do not normally store appointments in org-mode. I rather have my
phone nagging me when a meeting is coming up.  I use the weekly agenda
to track deadlines. 

Using HTML for export is a good way to transfer content as has been
suggested.  In my personal case, most of my documentation stored in org-mode
are meeting notes, I really do not have a need to transfer to Word being
that these are for my use. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Using HTML or ODF to get content from Org to Word

2012-07-14 Thread Luis Anaya
emacs-orgmode-requ...@gnu.org writes:
> I am a bit puzzled. I thought that using the ODF-exporter would be
> the format of choice to get content from Org to Word. Why do you
> guys prefer HTML?

The following is my opinion why I prefer using HTML to ODF for transfer
to Word, but  there is no reason for not using ODF for transfer files.  
It is more a matter of personal taste than anything else. 

1. Mature support for HTML import on Word. ODF import was included in Office
2007 as an option. But HTML support has been available since Office
2000. (probably since Office '98, but it's been a while since I used
that one).  If you do not have the ODF facility installed in Word or 
if you're stuck with an older version of Office  then you have to 
convert to Word using Libre/Open Office.  That's an extra step and 
more conversion errors to add to the final result.  

2. Less nuances to worry about. HTML is clean and a plain ASCII format
at the expense of size.  I am not familiar with ODF's internal
structure, but I've worked on the generation of MS Open Office XML
documents at work.  Even though it's an XML format, there are sometimes 
difference in the positioning of elemements when documents are created
in Word vs  when they are created through a program using the MSOOXML

One issue I had during testing was the inclusion of images in
which they get installed on a different nodes if the document is created
through the .NET API. These causes images not to show up in
LibreOffice or AbiWord to crash. However they render fine in Word. 

My 2 cents...
Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-16 Thread Luis Anaya

I wanted to let you know that the development for the org-export
exporter to groff is in feature freeze. Everything that I thought up
that was useful has been coded. There might be other useful things to
do, but right now... my brain is mush.  

Efforts will be spent on clean-up, stability and documentation. 

Recent items added have been :
  * Fixed issue with planner output. 
  * Added optios for hyphenation and right justification control. 
  * Bug fixes


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] FW: Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-16 Thread Luis Anaya

I should've done a wide reply to the list. 

 > Wow, it's *great*. Congrats for implementing this!

 >> Efforts will be spent on clean-up, stability and documentation.
 >> Recent items added have been :
 >> * Fixed issue with planner output.
 >> * Added optios for hyphenation and right justification control.
 >> * Bug fixes
 > Thanks again for this. I tested org-e-groff.el and first loaded your
 > version of org-export.el and org-element.el but maybe I should not have
 > loaded first, as I get this error:

 That's because you do not have source-highlight installed. It goes back
 to documentation :( , but I should turn its use off by default in the
 delivered source.

 Just assign to nil the org-e-groff-source-highlight variable and try
 again. It should default to courier.

> > Also, from the preambule of your files, I assume you already signed
> > the FSF copyright papers. Did you? If not, are you willing to sign
> > them? It does not prevent us for including org-e-groff.el into
> > contrib/lisp/ but this will be mandatory if you want this feature
> > to be in core Org.
 I have no problem signing those papers. I want this code to be under the same
 licensing terms to avoid any licensing discrepancies between


 Luis R. Anaya
 papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
 "Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-16 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

>> let you discuss this with Nicolas, of course.

> AFAICT, these are just older versions of org-export.el and
> org-element.el. There are no new features added.

Most likely that we missed commits between the latest one and the one
I pulled from git.  Do not update org-export.el with the one I used, 
use the one in git. if there are any groff related code, that's the only thing
that should be updated.  When I went back, I could not see any. I would
not go too crazy on that. What I could do is to pull a latest checkout
from git and run the code from an updated code base. 

> I think we can add the file to the contrib/lisp/ directory, if only to
> ease migration to latest org-element.el and org-export.el.

> It will also permit, if Luis Anaya agrees of course, to echo trivial
> changes from org-export/org-element in that file.

The only change I can see is the one to add the ATTR_GROFF string to get the
:attr_groff key in info.  I have no issues propagating changes, at  the
end, you're the boss :). What needs to be done, let's do it. I'm ok with


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-16 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Luis Anaya  writes:
> This is already the case since a recent patch.  ATTR_SOMETHING appears
> automatically as :attr_something in element/object properties.

I remember you mentioned it but it seems that I pulled the git repo too
soon. What I'll do is to refresh my development repository from git and
run regression testing of the groff exporter. 

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-16 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Luis Anaya  writes:
>> The only change I can see is the one to add the ATTR_GROFF string to get the
>> :attr_groff key in info.
> This is already the case since a recent patch.  ATTR_SOMETHING appears
> automatically as :attr_something in element/object properties.


I pulled the latest git code and ran my regression test suite (for lack
of a better phrase) to test the groff exporter. There were no unsolvable
issues, but you might want to know that I found:

   - No changes were needed to org-export.el or org-elements.el  All the
 tests were run with the code from git. These two files did not
 cause any problems during the test. Therefore, those can be left as
 they are.

   - The change with the largest imapct on my code had to do with 
 the BEGIN_GROFF/END_GROFF pairs in which now invokes the special 
 block function and process the enclosed text through the plain-text 
 function. Originally these were passed through without the
 invocation of the plain text function. 

 I had to remove all the text pre-processing being that it was causing
 problems in the execution of GROFF macros. I do not think that
 doing this will hurt (much) because of the GROFF  markup syntax.
 For instance:
 TeX/LaTeX looks like this:
 while GROFF looks like this. 

French quotations are not supported now because of this change, quotes are
significant in GROFF for many things and I cannot translate those
because GROFF will fail with a syntax error. 

- There were some other issues found, but those were my doing :). These
  were resolved and pushed into the repository. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-16 Thread Luis Anaya
Avdi Grimm  writes:

> Does this mean that creating manpages from org source is now a
> possibility?


Not right now... berause of the different macro package that man pages uses
for rendering compared to the one used in Org which is based on the MM

However, one thing that got me thinking was to implement exporters for
other  macro packages, like MOM and MS being that they 
follow similar structure.  The reason why I think this is useful is
because each macro language is geared for a slightly different purpose.  

  - MM is for business communications
  - MOM for literary writings 
  - MS for general typesetting. (Word grinder uses it for rendering )
  - MAN well, for man pages :)

The MAN macro package uses different commands for typesetting 
even though is processed through GROFF. But many of the structure are 
shared among all macros package and there is always the option to use
straight GROFF commands.  Even though is an idea on how to use Org mode, 

I have never thought of using it for writing MAN pages. I'm
not sure how many people would; but the idea does 
not have merit and certainly deserves some thought.

But... before going all crazy, probably I want to make sure that the one
I wrote for MM works well before venturing into coding for other macro 
packages. It would make porting to those packages a lot easier.

Something else to consider, if you're inclined to. 

It might be easier to implement a typesetter for MAN pages in muse mode 
because it has a simpler rendering framework.  It may also be a more
appropriate platform considering that MAN pages do not have a lot of
formatting requirements, when they are compared to a document 
with multiple levels, lists, equations and graphics which is what you
find in papers, letters or memorandum. 


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-16 Thread Luis Anaya
Avdi Grimm  writes:

I should have said that the idea *does have* merit and deserves some
thought. Sorry for the mix up. :(

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-17 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> You just have to put
>   (add-to-list 'org-element-block-name-alist 
>'("GROFF" . org-element-export-block-parser))
> in org-e-groff.el so BEGIN_GROFF/END_GROFF blocks are treated as export
> blocks again. No need to remove anything in your text pre-processing
> because of this.

This looks vaguely familiar :( I think this was the change I made in
org-export.el. Let me add that on the org-e-groff.el code. 

Thanks for your help.

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-17 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:


> An advantage of the new export engine is that a back-end can be as
> simple as you want it to be.  

This is correct; you bring a good point. 

> One can imagine specialized back-ends only rendering a limited set of
> Org features. As long as the set is explicitly documented in the
> back-end, there's nothing wrong with that.


But, there's more to the story. I started dabbling with muse
this morning at 4:00 AM (because that's the best time to play with
emacs, just after the ghosts go to bed :) ). I got a fairly modest
version running in muse that created a fairly believable man page.  

I realized some things during the experiment: 

1. Although the subset of MAN macros is small for the creation of man 
pages, there are things that can be done procedurally during export that
can enhance the look of the man page. The new Org backend makes this
task a lot easier because of its flexibility and the availability of all
data items through the "info" variable.   The POD to man page does that,
no reason why it cannot be done in Org. 

2. The ability to render source code, or the execution of embedded code,
would have a positive impact on the end result. 

I can work on a prototype on Org and see how it goes. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-17 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> One can imagine specialized back-ends only rendering a limited set of
> Org features. As long as the set is explicitly documented in the
> back-end, there's nothing wrong with that.

Ok folks:

I created an exporter for man page based on the groff one. It probably
has more junk than my grandma's attic, and it was done more as a proof
than anything else. Let me know what you guys think?


Man Page:

PDF Result of Man Page

PDF Result with the MM macros (just for fun)


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-17 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

All right fine... I went all crazy :)

Centered text? 

Yes. Implemented centered block in man pages. This is probably one of
the reasons the Org exporter enables the creation of complex
typesetting. In this case, I'm using the .ce groff command to centralize
the text. .ce requires the number of lines to centralized, provided by
the content variable. It is not "dumb" markup translation. 


Yes. Man pages are groff files at the end. It can process TBL and
EQN commands. You may need to configure man.conf to make sure that tbl 
and/or eqn is invoked. 

Multi levels? 

Yes, provided via .TP macros. The first two levels are using the
headline macros from man. The next levels are through .TP and

Bullet Lists?

Yes, provided via .IP and using the different markers. 

Alpha lists?

Are you kidding me?! NO! :) 

Ok, not yet. It should be possible to implement though. 


The new version of the man command allows for URL and for Email. 
But I'm sticking mostly with legacy implementation in which
they will be written out and that's it. For now... 

Want proof?
Org file
Man page


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Hello,
> It sure looks interesting.

Well, I did it in the spur of the moment. What I'll do is to open a
ticket for each of the item to keep track of them. 

> Here are a few comment about org-e-man.el.
> 1. Please do not leave trailing parenthesis (i.e at line 228).

Well, I guess that paredit does not work as good as I though. I have to
check those over, thanks. 

> 2. You can remove every `declare-function'. You only need to
> (require 'org-export)
>in the file header, actually.
> 5. Do you really need something as complicated as `org-e-man-classes'?

The only thing I can think of is to use to determine what man page
you're creating. But that can be done through the use of a list, or just
place the man number as a variable. 

I have to leave it for the MM one though, it'll be evident when I'm with my
branding exercise and show the results. 

> 14. In general, try to remove as much unused stuff as possible.

Yes, it's on the queue of things to do. Work is heating up, though. But
what'll do is keep track those in github so I can address those 
as I continue with development. (and in org as well :) )


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> 1. Please do not leave trailing parenthesis (i.e at line 228).

Actually, it closes on line 306. I was surprised when you mentioned it
being that I use paredit mode to make sure that I do not leave trailing
parenthesis (because... I do leave them :) )

This defcustom will get simplified once we decide if we are using
classes or just coding them. I know that you coded classes because LaTeX
uses different names for each level according to the document. Groff
uses the same marking, with a level indicator. 

I'll figure out something...

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org mode export to Groff MM. Feature Freeze

2012-07-19 Thread Luis Anaya

Nicolas, I finished the first pass for simplification for the
org-e-man.el. There is probably more that can be removed, but I'm
feeling very sleepy right now... 

In other news:

One thing I wanted to know if I could could replicate a document with
all the brandings that we use at work. I managed to get a reasonable 
fascimile within the constraints of Groff. 

I validated if there were any missing features that would have impede 
the creation of this branded document. There were some minor features 
that were added to match branding. 

Some points:

- Most of the eye candy is done in Groff while Org is used to drive
content.  I created a cover page that defines all the styles, including
a "Top of the Page" macro that is used to insert the header
banner. During the creation of the Groff file, an include statement is
added to read the data from this file. 

- I am using the "class" list to get the right memorandum type
and heading colorization.  However,  Considering Nicolas' comment on 
the org-e-man.el, I should look for a way to simplify this. Adding all 
those colors for the whole list is a chore. 


PDF Output:

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] is there some example for parse org-mode file in emacs lisp script mode ?

2012-07-25 Thread Luis Anaya
Tongzhu Zhang  writes:

I've been slowly working on these, but my boss is on holidays and I have
to cover for him. I get all the work, none of the perks.  I've been
squeezing development between boring meetings. 

(which one just popped up on outlook :( )

I cleaned up most of the fluff from the org-e-man.el.  If you want to try
it and give me some feedback, it would be appreciated. 

Now numbered lists are supported.  :). 

I'm now working on cleaning up org-e-groff.el I changed the way document
classes are defined to make it more compact being that Groff does not change
header markers like LaTeX. 

Now they look, for example:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
("file" ".MT 1"  
 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))  

My plan is to define the options that are related to the class in the 
class definition, and any exceptions in the #+GROFF_CLASS_OPTION

However I'm trying to thread lightly not to create a lot of options. 
For that I added a custom type for allowing adding your own Groff code.  
I also  added support for COVER documents in addition to MT ones, which are
marked as :type "cover" and "type "memo"

It's still in the works. If you want to play with it go ahead. 


> cool ! 
> I'll keep an eye on it, thanks ! 
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Suvayu Ali 
> wrote:
>   On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 04:40:45PM +0800, Tongzhu Zhang wrote:
>   >
>   > help command_a will display :
>   >
>   >   some description or params for this command
>   >
>   If you wait a few weeks, Luis Anya's org-e-man.el exporter for man pages
>   might be ready. You can actually try the current version too.
>   https://github.com/papoanaya/emacs_utils
>   Check the mailing list archives for more information.
>   --
>   Suvayu
>   Open source is the future. It sets us free.

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] [ANN] Markdown export back-end in contrib

2012-07-26 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> I introduced a Markdown export back-end in contrib/.  It uses atx syntax
> for headlines and inline syntax for links and images.  It is quite
> simple, so don't expect much about it.

Good deal! It certainly simplifies the work while adding content on
sites.  I'm curious to see how compatible are these to enter content in
JIRA (probably the wiki one... or this one... I need to try it)

> You can use `org-md-export-as-markdown' and `org-md-export-to-markdown'
> functions to test it.

Oh... niiiiceee... :)

Thanks a lot!

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] [ANN] Markdown export back-end in contrib

2012-07-27 Thread Luis Anaya
Luis Anaya  writes:

>> You can use `org-md-export-as-markdown' and `org-md-export-to-markdown'
>> functions to test it.

Well, it works... but hashes are being problematic. They append an
initial \ at some of the levels. I went through the code and I saw that
this is being handled through a regular expression substitution, however
for some reasons this initial \ is escaping. (it may be a feature

As an enhancement, you might want to provide an option to use setext
convention to markdown headers in addition to the use of hashes.  Just in case 
a given site is limited to that markdown style. 

For setext markdown 
First Headers are marked like this

Subsequent headers are marked like this



Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] [ANN] Markdown export back-end in contrib

2012-07-28 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> I modified the hash protection code a few hours ago. Could you update
> org-md.el and try again?

I downloaded the latest one and tried it. It did the trick, no issues. 

> If it still fails, could you provide an ECM?

Erm, would you enlighten this old man and describe an ECM other than the
thinguie used by fighter planes to avoid being shut down by enemy
missiles? :)

> Done. Users can configure `org-md-headline-style' variable.


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] org-caldav: Sync Org with external calendars through CalDAV (Owncloud, Google, ...)

2012-07-29 Thread Luis Anaya
David Engster  writes:

> Thanks for testing,

I would like to play with this, but I've been busy finalizing the
exporter code. It is in the queue of things to check out.  I was
wondering about it earlier on today. 

I'm following your repo on github. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Extending org-koma-letter.el

2012-07-31 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:


>> Thanks.  It's wonderful writing letters with the new latex exporter.
>> You should consider adding it to org_contrib.

> On the other hand, I think that Org deserves a serious letter
> package. If you want to maintain and improve it, I'm all for adding it
> to contrib directory.

Nicolas, I would like to take a look at the code. I've been raking my
brain on how to add support for the .LO/.LT Groff macros being that they
break convention to covers and memorandum types. 

>> * my-encl:appendix:
>> #+latex:\encl{
>> - doc 1
>> - doc 2
>> #+latex:}
>> #+end_src

> The #+latex: ... parts are ugly. You may implement
> an #+attr_koma: :enclosure t syntax, for example.

This one I can use to enclose the .NS calls (that's how enclosures are
marked in Groff). Right now there's support for Closure and Signature, but
enclosures or carbon copy  marks need to be added using Groff code.  

> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (org-element-map
>   (plist-get info :parse-tree) 'headline
>   (lambda (h) 
> (and (member "appendix" (org-export-get-tags h info))
>  h))
>   info)
> #+end_src

Oh, so that's the magic trick :).  I was wondering for a good way to do
implement abstracts, but I should be able to use it to use it
for addresses as well. 

Thanks for sharing. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] [ANN] Org-e-groff.el improvements.

2012-08-02 Thread Luis Anaya

I know that I've not said much of late, but I'm not sitting idle. 

The following new features added to the Groff Exporter.

- Ability to handle long tables.
Long tables were being truncated, now there is an option to tell the
export when tables contain very long cells. The reason for this to be an
option is because of discrepancies in the way TBL handles formatting. 

- Ability to automatically generate reference lists
Using [fn:rl123] will not create a footnote, but a reference. The
reference is listed at the end in the table of contents. 

- Ability to perform special processing in paragraph
This was needed for advanced text processing, for instance, to create
Drop Capitals. The reason why Drop Capitals are not a feature is because
they are not available in the MM macro set. The use of a specialized
macro is needed. However, MOM macros include Drop Capitals Macros, but I've not
started porting from MM to MOM yet. 

- Ability to disable captions.
This was needed for special circunstances in which a caption is not
desired. For Tables, Figures and Exhibits (programs) adding a
:disable-caption t in the #+ATTR_GROFF: line disables it.

- Ability to process special characters.
This was needed to provide correct representation of Copyright,
Trademark and Registered marks.

- Improved table handling
Improvements were made during while fixing the long tables format. 


Source: http://ppl.ug/Q60uBaHOrw4/
PDF Output: http://ppl.ug/C9HvWdjMnDI/

Source: http://ppl.ug/RpTrZY73eSg/
PDF Output: http://ppl.ug/p_d-STCegXk/


Available in GitHub/emacs_utils and in Org Mode Git. 

QA Note:

- Regression test suite passed. 
- No issues detected while exporting meeting notes. 

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] [BUG] Traceback on Org-Export

2012-08-02 Thread Luis Anaya


I pulled the latest and greatest from  Git after I uploaded by changes
on the exporter and I got the following trace during import of org-export. 



Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-outline-regexp-bol)
  (concat "^[   ]*$" "\\|" org-outline-regexp-bol "\\|" "^[ ]*#\\+" $
  (defconst org-element-paragraph-separate (concat "^[  ]*$" "\\|" org-o$
  eval-buffer(#> nil "/opt/home/papo/.emacs.d/org/lisp$
  eval-buffer(#> nil "/opt/home/papo/.emacs.d/org/cont$
  eval-buffer(#> nil "/opt/home/papo/.emacs.d/org/cont$
  eval-buffer(# nil "/opt/home/papo/.emacs" nil t)  ; Re$
  load-with-code-conversion("/opt/home/papo/.emacs" "/opt/home/papo/.ema$
  load("~/.emacs" t t)
  #[nil "^H\205\264^@   \306=\203^Q^@\307^H\310Q\2027^@ \311=\2033^@\312$

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] [BUG] Traceback on Org-Export

2012-08-03 Thread Luis Anaya
Bastien  writes:

> Hi Luis,
> Luis Anaya  writes:
> I can't reproduce this.  Perhaps ~$ make cleanall and ~$ make again?

Tried it... same error. I'm getting the following compilation error
which is too much of a coincidence. 

I'll keep digging.


In org-toggle-heading:
org.el:19364:26:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp-bol'

In org-mark-subtree:
org.el:20638:28:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp-bol'

In org-yank-generic:
org.el:21355:37:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp-bol'

In org-yank-folding-would-swallow-text:
org.el:21384:37:Warning: attempt to let-bind constant `org-outline-regexp-bol'

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] [BUG] Traceback on Org-Export

2012-08-03 Thread Luis Anaya
Bastien  writes:

> I can't reproduce this.  Perhaps ~$ make cleanall and ~$ make again?

Ok... my bad... pilot error... missing (require 'org). I would've
thought (org-install) would've loaded it. Anyway, this solved the
problem by adding the require on my .emacs file.

Now I need some tea...


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] [BUG] Traceback on Org-Export

2012-08-03 Thread Luis Anaya
Giovanni Ridolfi  writes:

>> Ok... my bad... pilot error... missing (require 'org). 
> ?-)
> why is this needed? 

Good question :) Like I said, I thought that org-install would have
loaded it. But being that I'm more interested in testing the Groff
exporter to the latest pull from git, it became a secondary task. 

(and I'm now fixing the exporter to meet parameter changes in the 
org-export.el API :( )

> Perhaps you do run the export in batch mode?

No. Not while I'm debugging code. I should try for testing though, in
this way I can automate the results. But for now, this is done on the

> Giovanni /a bit puzzled


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Extending org-koma-letter.el

2012-08-03 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Code for org-koma-letter.el is at:
>   http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/57547

Thanks... I'll take a look.  I went through the Koma documentation to
get a sense of the LaTeX commands in use for writing letters and see 
how they relate to the Groff ones, in this way I have some context on
the code while reading it. 

Again, thanks for sharing.


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Extending org-koma-letter.el

2012-08-03 Thread Luis Anaya
Bastien  writes:

> If you want to take care of this library, please do! 
> Nicolas told me he won't have time for this anytime soon.

Well, that's a challenge... It's now and my wife thinks I have a cyber lover
or something being that I spend typing on the keyboard up to the wee
hours of the night or morning... plus work which has its demands as
it is. 

Let me finalize the Groff code first, it should give me an idea of the
challenges of letter creation. I can see what can I do with the Koma
exporter. (and I have to re-learn LaTeX being that I do not use it as
much as Groff). 

We'll see... 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] [ANN] Letter modes in the Groff exporter

2012-08-11 Thread Luis Anaya

This is probably the last major feature to be implemented in the Groff

This is to announce that support for the letter building
macros (WA/WE/IA/IE/LO and LT) are now available in the Groff
exporter. This feature allows you to write business communications in
standard format which are provided by the means of new document classes,
namely: block, semiblock, full block, and simplified. It also
allows the use of cover sheets to build custom letter heads. 

Org will present a consistent mechanism for letter writing regardless of
the underlying macro calls. The objective during development was to hide 
as much as possible much of the implementation nuances in Groff. 

Samples are available at: 


(I am using box instead of the pogoplug share because it was more convenient
to upload the files... call me lazy. :P )


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] [ANN] Letter modes in the Groff exporter

2012-08-11 Thread Luis Anaya
Suvayu Ali  writes:

> This looks absolutely fantastic!  I had a quick look through the Worg
> documentation, but I could not find any of the beautiful examples you

I can load them there, there are still in the Pogo Cloud thinguie. It
just did not occurred to me to do it.

> Thanks for the great work; I'm pretty sure I'll be using the letter
> export a lot.  :)

I hope that they'll be of use to you. :) I have honestly thought that I was
going to be the only person using any of this. 


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] What HW/SW issues influence org/Emacs performance?

2012-08-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Karl Voit  writes:

> I was thinking about which hardware and software attributes are the
> most important factors for improving performance of Emacs and/or
> Org-mode. The things I want to improve are 

It is an interesting question, but I think that it is not restricted to
Emacs or Org. Without going through a software profiling exercise, it is
just trying to shoot in the dark. In your case, you'll have a set of
relatively large files that will take some time to process. This will
cause the CPU to be bound during that time. Being that emacs is single
threaded, it's only one core that gets bound. 

> What do you think are the most important factors?
> - CPU speed (of one core)
> - type of CPU

I run Emacs on different platforms, but most of my development is done
on ARM (A pogo plug running Arch).  Things happen a bit slower, but it
is not unusable. The biggest factor on these systems is that their I/O 
performance is not great, but it only matters when the system is
executing a lot of processes that that affects the overall system load. 
I would not say that it is the type, but the speed and the factors that 
contribute your system load.

> - 32bit kernel vs. 64bit kernel

This only affects amount of available memory. Unless you are loading
files that are larger than 2 Gigabytes, it does not matter.

> - faster I/O (through HDD->SSD or even faster SSD)

Only if the system is in high I/O utilization. When the system is
relatively idle, it really does not matter being that it's dedicated to
the CPU. So... in this specific case in Emacs, it is the CPU speed that has the
largest impact on the overall performance. 

My 2 cents. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Do Groff letter modes work in latest git?

2012-08-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Myles English  writes:

> Following the announcement that writing letters was possible using the
> Groff exporter in this thread:

Yes, that's right... 

> I decided to have a go but the resulting pdf does not look much like a
> letter, more like a memo, and the tags :FROM: :TO: etc are still visible
> in the text.  I was expecting a nicely formatted letter.

Which class were you using? Internal will look like a memo. Try the
#+GROFF_CLASS: block or #+GROFF_CLASS: semiblock

> 2. open an org document containing:
> #+AUTHOR: Mickey Mouse
> #+TITLE: Example from Worg
> #+GROFF_CLASS: letter

No, you want to use fullblock, block or semi block.  
What happens with "letter" is that is a throwback from the Bell Labs in 
which the Memo Type 5 was used for letters. It had to be made available
for sake of completeness. 

But, the Groff MM folks created a separate set of macros for letter
writing in which within Org uses a separate class name.
These are simplified, semiblock, fullblock or block. Hopefully these
will give you are looking for.

Let me know if you have any questions. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Do Groff letter modes work in latest git?

2012-08-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Myles English  writes:

> Luis Anaya writes:
>>> #+AUTHOR: Mickey Mouse
>>> #+TITLE: Example from Worg
>>> #+GROFF_CLASS: letter
>> No, you want to use fullblock, block or semi block.  
> Thanks for the help, however none of these classes yields a letter for
> me.  Do you get the same result with my ECM?

I did not ran it because I suspected on the GROFF_CLASS. I thought 
that you were asking about it because you only got a subject and a date.
 Let's do some parallel threads here. 

Please refer to the samples at
https://www.box.com/s/578d9a22c890ddcea8bd and see if there's something
fishy. I'll take a look at the ECM and run it at home and see how it


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Do Groff letter modes work in latest git?

2012-08-19 Thread Luis Anaya


The following does look like a letter, or at least it is formatted
according to what Groff provides. Note on the class type.



#+AUTHOR: Mickey Mouse
#+TITLE: Example from Worg
#+GROFF_CLASS: semiblock
Joe Smith
00 Street
City, ST, 0
* TO :TO:
Maria Rivera
Urbanizacion Palma Lejos
Calle 22, Bloque A, Numero 10
Ciudad, ES, 0
letter content
* Copy to:NS:
Jill Brown


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Do Groff letter modes work in latest git?

2012-08-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Myles English  writes:

> Thanks for checking but did you start with emacs -Q ?

I tried with emacs -Q. I loaded the following from *scratch*

#+begin_src emacs-lisp

(add-to-list 'load-path "/sdcard-ext/org-mode/lisp")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/sdcard-ext/org-mode/contrib/lisp")
(require 'org-install)
(require 'org)
(require 'org-e-groff)


> I tried it and I don't get a letter.  I get the attached screenshot.  Is
> that what you get too?

No, certainly not. This is the resultant PDF and Groff files.


Description: mm.pdf

Description: mm.groff

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Do Groff letter modes work in latest git?

2012-08-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Myles English  writes:

> Did you mean to attach your Groff file?  Here's mine anyway:
> .AF "Org User" 
> .TL
> Example from Worg
> .AU "Mickey Mouse"
> .ND "2012-08-19"

Note that you do not have a .MT command, this is suspicious. 

> I am wondering if semiblock should be in org-e-groff-classes?  Says on

Yes. It should be listed there, otherwise goes through the wayside and
you get the "generic" one. This is useful if you have a specialized
cover letter or custom cover. But it should default to internal. 

> Worg that "The [#+GROFF_CLASS:] must be listed in org-e-groff-classes"
> but here is the org-e-groff-classes from org-e-groff.el:

This code tells me that that you have a very old version. These are
defined in the org-e-groff.el, at the end  If you are picking it up from Git, 
make sure 
that you get the latest and greatest. 

This is how that variable is supposed to look like, but if you have an
old version, adding those will not help:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp

(defcustom org-e-groff-classes
  '(("file" ".MT 1"
 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))
("internal" ".MT 0"
 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))
("programmer" ".MT 2"
 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))
("engineer" ".MT 3"
 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))
("external" ".MT 4"
 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "toc"))
("letter" ".MT 5"
 (:heading 'default :type "memo" :last-section "sign"))
("custom" ".so file"
 (:heading custom-function :type "custom" :last-section "toc"))
("dummy" ""
 (:heading 'default :type "memo"))
("ms" "ms"
 (:heading 'default :type "cover" :last-section "toc"))
    ("se_ms" "se_ms"
 (:heading 'default :type "cover" :last-section "toc"))
("block" "BL"
 (:heading 'default :type "letter" :last-section "sign"))
("semiblock" "SB"
 (:heading 'default :type "letter" :last-section "sign"))
("fullblock" "FB"
 (:heading 'default :type "letter" :last-section "sign"))
("simplified" "SP"
 (:heading 'default :type "letter" :last-section "sign"))
("none" "" (:heading 'default :type "custom")))


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Do Groff letter modes work in latest git?

2012-08-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Myles English  writes:

> Luis Anaya writes:
> I have been using the latest git, so git needs updating I think.

Try now... I might have forgotten to push it up :-|. I checked it now. Let
me know.


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Do Groff letter modes work in latest git? (Yes, they do)

2012-08-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Myles English  writes:

>> Try now... I might have forgotten to push it up :-|. I checked it now. Let
>> me know.
>> Luis
> Thank very much it works well now.

Well, thank you for trying it out. Otherwise, I would not have realized
that it was missing. 


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] exporter / org-man

2012-08-23 Thread Luis Anaya
Achim Gratz  writes:

> I just realised that there's a trainwreck in the making:
Choo choo! :)

> We have org-e-man and org-man in contrib.  Now when the exporter moves
> into core, org-e-man supposedly changes its name to org-man as
> well... not good.  Since org-man was there first, could org-e-man be
> renamed to something that will not collide?

I have no problems. We can rename org-e-groff.el to org-groff-mm.el and
consequently, org-groff-man.el ? If I get hold around the MOM macros, I
can then name them org-groff-mom.el 



Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] exporter / org-man

2012-08-24 Thread Luis Anaya
Bastien  writes:

> Hi Achim,
> Achim Gratz  writes:
>> Luis Anaya writes:

>> Well, if the org-e-* stuff gets renamed to oe-* instead it becomes a
> Yes, that's exactly the plan.

That makes sense then and keeps it consistent with babel (ob-*).  


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] Features and stuff I've been working on.

2012-08-28 Thread Luis Anaya

I was interchanging emails with Bastien regarding some items I've been
working on for the past few month in my spare time. Some will be posted
into the development branch, but for others I would like to get some
feedback if these should be made available or not in the org-mode
github, they're available on mine (https://github.com/papoanaya/emacs_utils)

New items

ob-mathomatic.el :: Babel mode for Mathomatic. Mathomatic is a CAS written 
in C. Very small and portable. I wrote it out of necessity being that my Atrix 
does not have enough drive space for anything too big.  It supports
plotting via gnuplot. For more information go to. 

org-groff-mom.el :: Groff exporter using MOM's macros. This one is
almost complete. (http://www.schaffter.ca/mom/mom-01.html)

org-platypus.el :: Exporter mode for Platypus. Platypus is a small 
typesetter written in java that is still in active development. Not 
something I would put in main yet being that there are missing features 
in the typesetter. (like no numbered headings!)  

But it is good enough to play with it. You can see the 
results at https://www.box.com/s/b02f017f0d8854c6cbdb  

ob-tcl.el :: I work with TCL daily, I just had to do it. It's a clone of
the ob-perl.el one translated to TCL. This should also work with expect and
ns2. (ww.tcl.tk)

ob-jlang.el :: C'mon, there's nothing cooler than:
#+begin_src jlang :results output
a =. +/%$ 
echo a i. 10
:) This is org babel for JLanguage. This one is still in the works, but
it is functional. It has support for JConsole only (which makes sense). 

For those curious enough, the code computes the average from 0 to 9. 

ob-newlisp.el :: Why newlisp? Well, there's picolisp and other lisps
available. I use newlisp for a lot for system programming at home, so
there. Based on the ob-picolisp.el code. (www.newlisp.org)

Updated features. These I will post in the org-mode Github after I test them

org-e-groff.el :: 

1. Ability to inline .PNG and JPEG. It wil use pngtopnm/pngtops or sam2p
for translating raster into Groff. But the process should be
automatic. This enables the use of ditaa on Groff exports. It is
controlled with a variable to allow disabling the feature if none of
these options are available. 
2. Ability to resize pic images. Height and attributes are now available
for .pic images in addition to eps ones.


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Features and stuff I've been working on.

2012-08-28 Thread Luis Anaya
t...@tsdye.com (Thomas S. Dye) writes:

> Aloha Luis,

Aloha islander! :)

> The babel documentation at
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages.html encourages

Thanks a lot, I'll go through it. 

> Maintenance seems always to be an issue.  Several language support files
> currently lack a maintainer.  Would you be able to maintain those files
> if they go into core?

This is a fair concern, for that I would say, yes, but I cannot predict
the future. My current job allows me to have side projects being there's
a lot of "hurry up and wait". (Tomorrow I'll be on hurry up mode :( )

With that said, my personal view is that ob-tcl should be included being
that is a common language used in many applications. I'm on the fence on
mathomatic being that there's already plenty alternatives, but I would
say yeah, sure.  These need to be cleaned up, hence I appreciate you
forwarding me the documentation link. 

Number of line of code is fairly modest on these. Unless there are API 
changes they should remain fairly stable after clean up. (IMHO).

Newlisp and JLang happen to be fairly fringe languages. (C'mon +/%# =
average?! :) ) and should belong to contrib, or be made available out of
org, which they can be maintained on a secondary basis for those who use

My 2 cents... 

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Features and stuff I've been working on.

2012-08-30 Thread Luis Anaya
Bastien  writes:

> but the first line says it's org-groff-mom.el...

Yes, I need to clean that code up. That's why it's in the development
branch still. 

>> org-groff-mom.el :: Groff exporter using MOM's macros. This one is
>> almost complete. (http://www.schaffter.ca/mom/mom-01.html)
> How much duplicate code with org-e-groff.el?  If the amount is not
> should merge them somehow.

This would require some thought, but it has been on my radar. The reason
why this is tricky is because even though they both use
Groff, their behavior is different in some cases. 

There are a lot of items that are shared among them, like tables fonts
and picture handling, but there are some constructs that have a totally 
different behavior. Notably:

1. MM defines numbered headings with .H and unumbered with .HU. MOM asks
you to defined the type of heading you want at start.

2. MM terminates all constructs, MOM does not in some cases. 
For example .DS C/DE for centralizing in MM but in MOM I have to specify 
the next type of justification after a .CENTER which may not correspond
to the previous justification type. 

3. Letter macros work slightly different, but not horrible. But MOM
letter macros are unforgiving on the order in which the Macros
are called in.

4. Font definitions are slightly different \fB vs \*[BOLD] but MOM
macros can use \fB just as well. 

5. Colors are handled slightly different. MOM is a lot smarter on color
handling than MM, but MOM is ok with using Groff commands on colors.

The bottom line, considering that there's a lot of shared code, I think 
it's doable to merge both, Now that I have a working MOM exporter I
should be able to accomodate for nuances on each set during merge. 

> This looks very useful.  Please share the code on this list when you
> think it's ready for inclusion.

>> org-e-groff.el :: 

I need to push this to Org's Git. I do not think I want to wait until I
go through the exercise of merging MOM and MM's sets into one file to
get that out of the door. 

Now, back to bed. (allergies are killing me).

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] [ANN] New items pushed in into Org Mode Github.

2012-09-08 Thread Luis Anaya


(2nd try). 

I just came from a business trip and still trying to get my bearings.

I pushed the following into the org-mode this morning which may be of interest:

  1. org-e-groff.el: Pushed a fix to solve the problem of an extra new line
 in table generation that caused a new row to be written.

  2. ob-tcl.el: Org Babel script for tclsh execution.  

  3. ob-mathomatic.el : Org Babel script for mathomatic execution. 

  4. ob-eukleides.el  : Org Babel script for eukleides. Eukleides is a 
gometry visualitation tool. (www.eukleides.org)

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] [ANN] New items pushed in into Org Mode Github.

2012-09-08 Thread Luis Anaya
Jambunathan K  writes:

> It is great that you are updating your sources and providing updates on
> new features in the mailing list.  It would be much better if you could
> maintain a .org file in Worg that demoes all the capabilities of
> org-e-groff exporter.

The org file for the exporter is up to date in terms of features. This
was a small fix that I needed to place and it did not created a change
in the documentation. (C'mon, I just removed a \n :) )

I should do that on the babel exports. It's on the todo list. 

> My only concern is that updates that you are providing is getting
> fragmented (and not consolidated) as the exporter is continuing to be
> improved and solidified.
> ps: Definitely not meant as a criticism.

No worries, your point and concern is well taken. I try to keep the code
current, I'm not saying that I will always succeed, but I least I try
to do it. 

Before I push anything into Org Mode Github I:

1. Check out the current code from Org Mode. 
2. Do a diff for changes. For instance, in this case I noticed that
"macro" was removed and I removed it accordingly on the new code. I 
need to do it for the ChangeLog (that I never get right anyway, but 
I try). 
3. Run regression test. I have an automated regression test script that I
run for changes. I got burned once, not to anybody's fault, it happened
and highlighted the need for having it. 

Is there something that you've noticed that I should address? 

(Now I'm curious...)
Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] [ANN] New items pushed in into Org Mode Github.

2012-09-08 Thread Luis Anaya
Eric Schulte  writes:

> If we're talking documentation, it would be great to list all three of
> these code block languages on Worg [1], this would also serve as the

Well, you got two out of three :). I uploaded the documentation for 
Mathomatic and Tcl. I owe you the one for Eukleides. I'll work on that
tomorrow. Right now, my brain is mush... 


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] babel for ditaa-eps

2012-09-12 Thread Luis Anaya
"Arne Babenhauserheide (IMK)"  writes:

> Dear org hackers,

> I don?t know if there?s already a babel-ditaa-option for using
> ditaa-eps, so I modified ob-ditaa.el to use ditaa-eps and convert the
> result using epstopdf.

This is great, thanks. The way I addressed this in the Groff exporter
was to convert the PNG to EPS. But if this creates EPS directly from the
get go, it's a better approach for better fidelity. 

Thanks for sharing. 

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] babel for ditaa-eps

2012-09-12 Thread Luis Anaya
"Arne Babenhauserheide (IMK)"  writes:

I made a small changed to the code. It will look for the suffix and run
the epspdf step only if it's a pdf, otherwise, it will print the
EPS. The reason for this is because on Groff, you're better off with the
EPS file. 


Description: Modified Ditaa EPS

Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] babel for ditaa-eps

2012-09-13 Thread Luis Anaya
Eric Schulte  writes:

Please, provide the option to not create the PDF file at the end for
those poor people that use Groff to create documents in which will barf
on a PDF file.



Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] babel for ditaa-eps

2012-09-13 Thread Luis Anaya
Oh, I thought that I was going blind or needed stronger bifocals :).I'll take a look at it and play with it, Thanks!Luis Original Message  From: Eric Schulte  Sent: Thu, Sep 13, 2012 10:51 PM To: Luis Anaya  CC: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org; Arne Babenhauserheide (IMK)  Subject: Re: [O] babel for ditaa-epsEric Schulte  writes:

> Luis Anaya  writes:
>> Eric Schulte  writes:
>> Please, provide the option to not create the PDF file at the end for
>> those poor people that use Groff to create documents in which will barf
>> on a PDF file.
>> Thanks,
>> Luis
> Good idea,
> The attached version makes this change.  If someone can confirm that
> this patch works I can apply it.
> Thanks,

with the attachment :)

Eric Schulte

Re: [O] babel for ditaa-eps

2012-09-15 Thread Luis Anaya
Eric Schulte  writes:


> with the attachment :)

I tried your patch and it seems that the defcustom needs to be changed
(at least from the way it is written in the patch. I'm attaching a diff
against the original ditaa (I hope that is close enough) with the one I
fixed. The only thing that is of importance is the defcustom definition
for the DitaaEPS.jar. I did not change any of the logic (yet... :) ).


Description: Luis Patch for ob-ditaa.el

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] [OT] Xiki - could something like that be done with emacs+orgmode?

2012-09-18 Thread Luis Anaya
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  writes:

> Hi list,
> I've found a pretty interesting piece of software today. It's called Xiki,
> check out the video:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUR_eUVcABg&feature=youtu.be

It's interesting, but it has its challenges. I tried to install it to
play with it and... well, it's still there in zombie mode; I've not
followed through with it.

This is what I found out: 

1. Requires ruby and uses el4r. That by itself is not bad, but it is
overhead to run the application. The installation process is a
chore. I'm not a ruby programmer although I'm familiar with the
language. Other than I had to compile ruby from source (which is not
bad) trying to get it to work within el4r is not straightforward. If you
do not know ruby or el4r, it does complicates its installation.

2. Uses emacs or vim or some other editors in experimental mode, and I 
think that it's limited to graphic mode. I tried to run it from the
console and I got a "Face -9" error. So, what good is a shell if you
can't run it from the console?  It might have been pilot error but makes
me wonder.

3. I think that Bastien mention that items can be done in babel being
that it allows to get data form different sources. 

In terms of its interface, it's pretty nifty, but the real magic happens
because it's running within an editor. 

My 2 cents... 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Org HTML->PDF publishing

2012-09-18 Thread Luis Anaya
Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  writes:

> Hey guys,
> Is it feasible to publish something (say an ebook) to html and then
> convert it to pdf? 
> Has anyone tried this workflow?

More ideas:

- Calibre (calibre-ebook.com) can convert HTML to PDF, open source and

- OpenOffice/LibreOffice. Read files and export to PDF ? 

- Within reason you can do that in a browser and print to PDF (native in 
  Linux and Mac, Get a PDF print driver - PDFCreator, dump to Post Script and
  ps2pdf in cygwin... ad nauseum -) . 

Calibre might be your best bet being that it handles bulks of HTML
pages, but YMMV. 


Luis R. Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output file

2012-09-21 Thread Luis Anaya
Eric Schulte  writes:

> Hi,
> Maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but I can't get org-e-groff to
> generate anything but an empty output file.  I've boiled this down to

This is not good. What I'll do is to pull the latest from git and run
regression test. I know that changes have been made and I pushed those
in my github account. But I've not run with the latest for a while (I
still need to use org-mode for real work. :) ) Let me play with it and


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output file

2012-09-21 Thread Luis Anaya
Luis Anaya  writes:

> Eric Schulte  writes:
>> Hi,
>> Maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but I can't get org-e-groff to
>> generate anything but an empty output file.  I've boiled this down to


No, you're not missing something, there's is a problem. I just ran
regression and all the groff files are empty. My gut feeling is the
change from the defvar to the invocation of
`org-export-define-backend' is not mapping the different calls to
its respective function. First thing I noticed is that the second
parameter, is a symbol while the function expects it to be a string
(it's passing it into a format), that may be one of the problems. I
changed it to a string with the same results. (i. e. empty files).

I ran it with an older version of org-e-groff.el that does not use 
this function and it runs fine with the lastest from git.  


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output file

2012-09-22 Thread Luis Anaya
Yes, that happens. :)If it's taken care of and push to git, I can go ahead and run regression to make sure that everything is working ok. Luis Original Message  From: Nicolas Goaziou  Sent: Sat, Sep 22, 2012 03:55 AM To: Luis Anaya  CC: Eric Schulte ; Org Mode Mailing List  Subject: Re: org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output fileHello,

Luis Anaya  writes:

> Luis Anaya  writes:
>> Eric Schulte  writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> Maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but I can't get org-e-groff to
>>> generate anything but an empty output file.  I've boiled this down to
> Hi:
> No, you're not missing something, there's is a problem. I just ran
> regression and all the groff files are empty. My gut feeling is the
> change from the defvar to the invocation of
> `org-export-define-backend' is not mapping the different calls to
> its respective function. First thing I noticed is that the second
> parameter, is a symbol while the function expects it to be a string
> (it's passing it into a format), that may be one of the problems. I
> changed it to a string with the same results. (i. e. empty files).
> I ran it with an older version of org-e-groff.el that does not use 
> this function and it runs fine with the lastest from git.  
> Hmmm...

This is because I made a typo when defining the back-end: there
shouldn't be any quote before the first alist.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output file

2012-09-22 Thread Luis Anaya
Hi:I can remove and push it (if allowed). I know that there was a change in the server being that git complained about the SSL certificate. I'll keep you posted. Luis Original Message  From: Nicolas Goaziou  Sent: Sat, Sep 22, 2012 05:03 AM To: Luis Anaya  CC: Org Mode Mailing List ; Eric Schulte  Subject: Re: org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output fileHello,

Luis Anaya  writes:

> If it's taken care of and push to git, I can go ahead and run
> regression to make sure that everything is working ok.

Unfortunately, I don't seem to have push access to repository for now.
It will either have to be done by someone else or wait until I can fix

For the record, it's just about removing the quote at the beginning of
the line 51 in org-e-groff.el.

You may also want to remove the two `defvar' above, which look useless.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output file

2012-09-22 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas:I think that we commited at the same time. Git warned me about it and I got the conflicts resolved. I checked the file in the Org Git repository, it looks fine.  I'm running regression and well, no empty files. :)Luis Original Message  From: Nicolas Goaziou  Sent: Sat, Sep 22, 2012 05:03 AM To: Luis Anaya  CC: Org Mode Mailing List ; Eric Schulte  Subject: Re: org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output fileHello,

Luis Anaya  writes:

> If it's taken care of and push to git, I can go ahead and run
> regression to make sure that everything is working ok.

Unfortunately, I don't seem to have push access to repository for now.
It will either have to be done by someone else or wait until I can fix

For the record, it's just about removing the quote at the beginning of
the line 51 in org-e-groff.el.

You may also want to remove the two `defvar' above, which look useless.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output file

2012-09-22 Thread Luis Anaya
Hi:When I commited that returned the conflict warning, I noticed that they were removed. I cannot think of a use for those while typesetting in Groff, other than send Groff commands with a LaTeX instruction (awkward...).  If this is the case, those two routines should be removed from the exporter as well.Luis Original Message  From: Nicolas Goaziou  Sent: Sat, Sep 22, 2012 05:32 AM To: Luis Anaya  CC: Org Mode Mailing List ; Eric Schulte  Subject: Re: org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output fileHello,

Luis Anaya  writes:

> I can remove and push it (if allowed). I know that there was a change
> in the server being that git complained about the SSL certificate.

I've regained push access. So it should be fixed now. I let you
double-check the commits.

As a side note, there was a typo in some element types (latex-fragment
and latex-environment) so they were ignored by the Groff back-end. I've
fixed their name, but, since I don't know what you want to do with them,
I've commented them out from back-end definition. Thus, they are still
ignored (see lines 68-69 in the file). I let you decide what to do with


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output file

2012-09-22 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> `e-html' back-end turns them into images (with, i.e. dvipng). Would that
> be applicable to Groff as well?

Hmm... that's an idea... It would be useful for equations. Even though
Groff has EQN, if you're used to LaTeX ones, you do not have to learn
another set. 

The only difference that it has to be exported with dvips, but at the
end is just the same difference.

Let me look at the html code and see. :)


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output file

2012-09-22 Thread Luis Anaya
Luis Anaya  writes:

> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: 
> <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/attachments/20120922/5b696f1b/attachment.html>

... great, this is what happens when I send email from my phone
:(. Sorry about that. 


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] org-e-groff-export-to-groff produces empty output file

2012-09-23 Thread Luis Anaya
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> `e-html' back-end turns them into images (with, i.e. dvipng). Would that
> be applicable to Groff as well?


I did a test with the dvipng output and the issue is converting it to
EPS after they have been generated. The better solution is to add
support for dvips to get an EPS directly from DVI. 

I'll play with org.el and see if I get it going. 


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] Yes, I'm still alive

2012-11-06 Thread Luis Anaya

It has been a while since I've posted or said anything, but right now at
work it's the mad dash before the holidays. I've been keeping the Groff
exporter up to date from the changes in the main repository with the
exception of the past few days because of Sandy. 

Sandy, the hurricane, that is. You see, I live in New Jersey and the
hurricane made landfall about 2 hours drive from my house. Which meant
that during that time, I lost power, Internet and almost sanity. 

I had to chop wood for the stove every morning, fixed the fence's 
door after somebody decided to wreck it for no reason, sleep in 
the futon near the stove to avoid hypothermia and using the garage 
as a fridge. 

Other than that, we're ok. :) Seriously, compared with other folks in the
state, we did pretty well. It really hit hard. 

I hope to resume improving the exporter with the outstanding items now
that the Thanksgiving holidays approach which I should have some free
time code some of the items. 

If there are any issues that you want me to look, please let me know.


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] C# and org-mode

2012-11-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Eric Schulte  writes:

> Fabrice Popineau  writes:

Full disclosure:

I have to code C# at work for Sharepoint development. (yes, I know... )

>> Given that there is this C# mode :

>> http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/csharp-mode.el
>> is there a way to plug it in org-mode so that

>> C# becomes part of the languages available for src blocks?


> take a look at tweaking lisp/ob-C.el file in Org-mode to add C# support
> following the same model used to add C++ support in that file.
> For more sophisticated interaction with C#-mode you may want to
> implement a dedicated ob-csharp.el from this template.

You may also want to take a look at flymake.el 
(http://flymake.sourceforge.net) for ideas on integration being that it
was developed for C#. If you want to use it as a src block, get the
ideas from flymake.el to incorporate them with a potential

Caveat Emptor.

Using flymake.el and org.el *will* break C-' in org mode if you have flymake
attached to a given programming mode hook. I only mention flymake.el 
because it has a fair integration with csc/msc and you may want to get ideas on 
how to
implement some of these in ob-csharp, especially error handling from csc/msc 

I use flymake.el at work being that I do not use C# in src blocks. 

csharp-mode.el tends to be temperamental with the version of cc mode. If
csharp-mode.el starts acting funny, cc mode is the problem. Make sure
that you have the latest and greatest in your environment. 

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Extending org-koma-letter.el

2012-11-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Alan Schmitt  writes:

> Nicolas Goaziou  writes:
>> Anyway, for the record, I'm posting an updated version[1] of the file,
>> compatible with latest Org (master branch). It may solve your problem.
> Alan


Let me know how the back end is working for you. Bastien asked to work
on koma but things have been delayed thanks to work, hurricanes, raccoons,
looters, blackouts and now turkey. :) 


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Yes, I'm still alive

2012-11-19 Thread Luis Anaya
Aidan Gauland  writes:

> John Hendy  writes:
>> Thanks for sharing and you have my condolences. As others might say


> Ditto.  Don't worry about us; worry about yourself and your sanity.
> (That, of course, doesn't mean not to hack on Org if you're itching
> to.)



Things have been coming back to normal after all that time, but there
are crews from other states working on lines. 

Personally, we did fine compared to the folks at the shore, parts of
New York and Long Island. If you watched the news, those were the areas
that were presented being that had the biggest impact from the storm. 
Luckily, we live far from the ocean, but near a river, which was a 
concern for  evacuation. But most of the damage in our neighborhood 
came from down trees due to winds, but no disastrous damage in our area. 

In our home we had a couple of branches that were used as kindle for 
the wood stove, our biggest problem during that time was the lack of
power. Being that those night went down to the 30's (0-1C) we had to
keep the wood stove going during the outage that lasted three days.  

That was tiring...

But, back to normal. :)

Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

[O] Exporting to groff...

2012-06-25 Thread Luis Anaya

Being that groff is not available in org mode (at least by default, I 
decided to give it a try and write a driver to export Org files into 
groff with the use of the -mm macros. 

Being that I'm not familiar with many of the facilities in Org mode, 
I am modifying the org-latex.el to write groff markups. 

In its current incarnation it exports the titles, content and basic
support for tables

You can see the resultant output at:  http://ppl.ug/1_8pA3lpXWA/

Really messy code currently in http://github.com/papoanaya/emacs_utils


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Re: [O] Exporting to groff...

2012-06-26 Thread Luis Anaya
Nick Dokos  writes:

Hi Nick!

> would be a good idea to change your starting point: org-latex.el is on
> its way to extinction, to be replaced by Nicolas Goaziou's "new"
> exporter. The code for that is in contrib/lisp/org-export.el

Oh... ok.. good! I have no problem taking a look at it. I'll just create
a groff exporter based on that code then. I have a vested interest being
that I am more versed in ?roff than LaTeX. I worked with those macros
for a good chunk of my work life. :). 

The org-latex.el seemed like a good place to use as my base. 


Luis Anaya
papo anaya aroba hot mail punto com
"Do not use 100 words if you can say it in 10" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo