Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: No Mantra will cure willfully arrogant stupidity

2014-03-25 Thread doctordumbass
Point #5: Shaddap, Barry.:-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-25 Thread doctordumbass
LOL - He needs targets like a fish needs water, and when he becomes one, it is 
quite spectacle. Not quite sure why he puts his irrational and self-abusive 
personality on display. I guess that is all he has available.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-25 Thread doctordumbass
hmmm, more calcified thoughts -  well, you keep at it, and after I return from 
my ten day trip to the mountains, in the RV, with my wife, maybe your cranium 
will have emerged from your butt. We can only hope, Barry. In the meantime, you 
have *plenty* to get riled up about, without me, wearing your shit-colored 
shades, and all. :-) 

---In,  wrote :

 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   You're wasting your time in pointing out the innumerable shortcomings of the 

 For once I agree with Nabby. :-)
 The question this brings up is WHY a person who claims to be enlightened would 
obsess as heavily as Jimi is on me. With Judy and Ann, they just obsess because 
they're obsessives. But why would an "enlightened" person be so obsessed?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Barry's Chopra quote scam

2014-03-25 Thread doctordumbass
Yep, I really enjoyed the Chopra quote. Barry was just looking for another 
handful of shit, to fling through the bars. Has anyone actually told him that 
he is the one in the cage?? :-) I get so tired of assholes making thier 
numerous issues, other people's problems (sigh).

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Well, whaddya know, Barry's been trying to pull a fast one on us with that 
Chopra quote all along. 

 It wasn't generated by the robot program after all. It's a genuine Chopra 
quote from an audiotape he made called "Seeing Through the Mask of Matter." The 
whole tape is transcribed here:

 Do a text search on the page for the quote:

 “You are not looking at the field in every wave and particle, the field is 
your extended body….you are a local concentration of information and energy in 
the wholeness that is the body of the universe.” can make fun of the quote on its own terms if you like, but you can't 
make fun of DoctorDumbass for not knowing it was from the robot site, because 
it wasn't. Barry's been telling a whopping falsehood for the purpose of 
demonizing DoctorDumbass.

 Such a nice man, that Barry. Don't you think so, Share?

 Ha, ha. I'm getting to this party late. It was a busy day but now sitting down 
to read the day's posts I stumbled across this as I read backwards towards the 
morning postings. Nice find Judy. Now I have to see what everyone did with this 
little tidbit... ONe thing I can pretty much predict is that Bawwy isn't going 
to A) apologize or B) admit his "mistake" or even C) acknowledge his 
misrepresentation to Jim. To do so what require him to drop his inflated ego 
for a split second and he simply is incapable.



 That he finds the Chopra quote thing so decisive with regard to your state of 
consciousness is, to say the least, revealing of the...uh...depth of his 


 Seriously, I have nothing to learn from you. I find you badly out of touch 
with your emotions, and negatively compensating for a host of past issues. When 
you catch up to the present, I may listen, but I see no evidence of that ever 
happening. Dream on.


 I wouldn't say that, Jimbo. After all, it took me to point out that the quote 
you read here attributed to Deepak Chopra, and which you thought was so wise, 
was really written by a robot program that does nothing more than string 
together buzzwords and phrases from his previous tweets and writings, at 
Seems to me that's quite a failing in someone who claims to be "enlightened."

 But don't worry...I won't charge you anything for teaching you this. It's just 
what those of us who can tell shit from shinola do for those who...uh...can't.  


Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-25 Thread doctordumbass
I always enjoy your posts, Nabby. Yes, I am well aware of the discipline, 
integration and will, needed, to traverse a spiritual path; the journey as 
Maharishi put it, from here to here. I thought it was worth mentioning, in a 
variety, of ways, to Barry, that, to quote Maharishi, "The world is as you are. 
Live unbounded awareness". Otherwise he continues to view his world through 
shit-colored glasses, while insisting he is not wearing glasses, at all.:-)

---In,  wrote :

 What did you expect, fellows like the Turq to be able to stick to a Path  ? 
With his endless patience and grace Maharishi invited anybody to a path 
eventually leading to Freedom.  Needless to say this forum is crowded with 
"anybodies" lacking in the basic requirements for progress on any Path; 
perseverance, steadiness and will. 
 You're wasting your time in pointing out the innumerable shortcomings of the 
 And somehow I think you are very aware of just that :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

   Your bitterness and lack of spiritual progress are ugly things for me to 
see, Barry

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-25 Thread doctordumbass
Thanks Ann - I have been patiently, and repeatedly, responding to Barry, 
reminding him that this discussion has nothing to do with me. He continues to 
try and deviate from it, distract from it, insult me, insult others, and 
basically do ANYTHING HE CAN, to keep people from thinking about his personal 
life, and how it has made him a really scummy person on here. But, it isn't 
working, thank God. All eyes on Barry. 
Ironically, the guy lives for attention, yet he thought he could be more 
selective, about how he draws it to himself. I am quite sure he would love to 
close his bathroom door, but I have my foot wedged into the opening, despite 
the odor.:-)

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 It *is* a viable question, n'est-ce pas? Especially for someone who seems to 
never tire of telling people how enlightened he is, and so perfectly in tune 
with the Laws Of Nature, and so much more highly evolved than anyone else here. 
My bet is that his wife tossed him out some months now, possibly before he 


 But of course, as with any other direct question, he'll ignore it completely, 
pretend the question never existed, hoping that other people's memories are as 
sieve-like as his own, and that they'll forget the question was ever asked. 
He'll lay low for a while, and then start running the same act again. 


 No, he should ignore you because you are an imbecile with an penchant for 
remaining so no matter how long you remain on this planet. Your conjectures and 
questions are bullshit, are completely out to lunch and are none of your 
business. He could fart in your general direction and he'd be wasting his time 
so why should Jim or anyone else actually answer some "direct question" you 
might pose in the asshole way that you always do? Bawwy, you're a waste of skin.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Jet Vanishes

2014-03-25 Thread doctordumbass
Are you sure your wife didn't kick you out of the house, for disagreeing with 
her? lol

---In,  wrote :

 Hey Judy, at this point, I think we have to give first place to Jim.  After 
all, he did say that satellite data would be instrumental in finding the plane. 
 Now evidently it was a little different than that technicalese that he offered 
up, but I'm giving that first place finish nonetheless. 

 But, but, but, second place finish definitely goes to you, who stated there 
was some serious malfunction, lithium batteries I believe.

 I think your second place finish will hold no matter what.

 My wife's theory of plane landing in Pakistan or North Korea, way down the 
list.  My theory of pilot suicide still has a chance, but not much.

 That's how I'm handicapping things at this point.


---In,  wrote :

 You do know that the thinking among experts is now leaning strongly toward a 
serious technical malfunction aboard the plane that incapacitated both pilots, 

 We have derive who the culprit is by elimination.  It couldn't be the 
passengers or the attendant staff because they're locked out of the cockpit and 
more likely they can't fly the airplane.  It couldn't be the pilot because he's 
an atheist, who IMO would rather live than die for a cause.  That leaves the 
co-pilot, a supposedly devout Muslim, as the likely perpetrator of this crime.  
IMO he has the necessary sketch of someone who can kill himself and others for 
a certain reason or cause. 

---In,  wrote :

 We just can't understand how a plane could fly for seven hours with no 
communications. So, we are back to square one: why and how did the transponder 
get shut off? Go figure.

 "Investigators are still trying to determine what happened to the plane after 
it took off around midnight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, headed for Beijing, 
China. It disappeared off the radar shortly after 1 a.m. but continued to fly, 
according to satellite data, for up to seven hours."

 Officials Say Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane 'Ended in the Southern Indian 

 On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 5:36 PM, Mike Dixon mailto:mdixon.6569@...> wrote:
 It's probably in some remote hangar being repainted, maybe with El Al logos.
 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 7:34 AM, Richard J. Williams mailto:punditster@...> wrote:

 "The moment the jet veered westwards was at the point of handover, according 
to the leaked document - when it could have been invisible to ground control, 
making the timing perfect for hijack."
 Daily Mail:
 On 3/21/2014 8:43 PM, punditster@... mailto:punditster@... wrote:

 My prediction is that this is going to be HUGE when we find out the mystery. 
Until then, what we have is a lost Boeing 777. That's already huge, and it may 
get a lot bigger in the next few days.Something has got to break with millions 
of people looking for any trace of the plane.
 "It seems to be more than just a strong coincidence that the loss of contact 
with the aircraft happened at the point of handover."
 'Missing Flight MH370 could have been hijacked in radar 'black hole' between 
Malaysia and Vietnam'




Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-25 Thread doctordumbass
Yes, "speak no enlightenment", you are doing a great job. Here's a virtual 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Jimmy, take step back from your enlightened persona a bit.  You're acting like 
a baby that just got it's toy taken away.  Is there anything we can do to try 
to fill the vacuum?  Okay, I know, tell us about ever expanding Brahman, and 
it's relation to the ego.  Will that work as a starting point? 

 My God, though, I didn't realize your fixation with Barry went so deep.

---In,  wrote :

 You and Share oughta join up with Barry, and become the three monkeys; See no 
enlightenment, Hear no enlightenment, and Speak no enlightenment - lol. C'mon 
you are halfway there!

---In,  wrote :

 Okay, how bout instead of "Unity sucks an egg", we can go to Vedically 
correct, "Unity sucks hiranyagarbha"

---In,  wrote :

 Steve, my vote would go to: Doc sez, "Unity sucks!"

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:31 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  wrote:
   you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle

 Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

 Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

 Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

 Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

 Just an idea. (-:

 ---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, from the dwindling number of posts I guess we could say that it wasn't a 
lot of people's cup of tea!
 Even others with exceptional experiences, like Kris, fell away. In my 
experience, free for all is more fun, even more healing, even more enlivening 
of totality. Go figure!

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:47 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-25 Thread doctordumbass
Ha, please don't play the fool, simply to win the popularity contest. 


---In,  wrote :

  I'm sorry Bat lost it's following.  Sounds like you were pretty invested in 
it. But as has been pointed out, it was mostly two people patting each other on 
the back.   I guess it just got boring.  Go figure.


 Again, Ha, please don't play the fool, simply to win the popularity contest. 

---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, from the dwindling number of posts I guess we could say that it wasn't a 
lot of people's cup of tea!
 Even others with exceptional experiences, like Kris, fell away. In my 
experience, free for all is more fun, even more healing, even more enlivening 
of totality. Go figure!

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:47 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/22/14 00:00:00
 822 messages as of (UTC) 03/20/14 23:59:05

172 Richard J. Williams 
87 authfriend
58 TurquoiseBee 
58 Share Long 
56 doctordumbass
 42 emilymaenot
41 Michael Jackson 
37 awoelflebater
33 steve.sundur
33 Bhairitu 
28 Mike Dixon 
26 salyavin808 
 26 nablusoss1008 
24 dhamiltony2k5
16 cardemaister
12 jr_esq
12 LEnglish5
10 anartaxius
10 Pundit Sir 
9 s3raphita
6 Rick Archer 
4 emptybill
 3 ultrarishi 
2 wgm4u 
2 srijau
2 punditster
2 merudanda 
2 martyboi
2 j_alexander_stanley
2 Dick Mays 
 1 yifuxero
1 turquoiseb
1 martin.quickman
1 WLeed3
1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 35
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evenin

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-25 Thread doctordumbass
Barry. This isn't about me. This is about you. You constantly dodge and weave, 
to hide yourself from me. You see my declaration of my enlightenment as a 
severe test of your world view. Here's another: When you stop hiding from me, I 
will engage with you. Until then I have NO INTEREST in becoming the 
inappropriate focus, for your many emotional issues. So the next time you feel 
like a rant against me, think about why you want to write it, and why it makes 
you feel so awesomely good. Stupid twit.
 ---In,  wrote :

 It *is* a viable question, n'est-ce pas? Especially for someone who seems to 
never tire of telling people how enlightened he is, and so perfectly in tune 
with the Laws Of Nature, and so much more highly evolved than anyone else here. 
My bet is that his wife tossed him out some months now, possibly before he 


 But of course, as with any other direct question, he'll ignore it completely, 
pretend the question never existed, hoping that other people's memories are as 
sieve-like as his own, and that they'll forget the question was ever asked. 
He'll lay low for a while, and then start running the same act again. 


 From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:43 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   ---In,  wrote :
 For example, how's your marriage doing, you who are so keen to paint me with 
the brush of "emotional issues?" We haven't heard much about your wife lately. 
Is she still your wife? 

 Father forgive me.  I've wondered the same thing.

 Or are you roaming around the country in your trailer because you've got no 
home to go home to? 

And how's it *going* for you, posing as enlightened and all? I've offered you 
many, many chances to *see* how it's going, by simply asking the people here on 
Fairfield Life to weigh in and say whether they believe that you're 
enlightened. So far, I don't think you have, and I don't think anyone has 
stepped up to the plate on their own. Don't you think that's a little odd, for 
someone who is as established in BC (I think the 'B' stands for either Brahman 
or Bullshit...not sure) as you are? 

 Isn't it about time for another bunch of machine-generated bullshit quotes 
from you to "prove" how much more evolved you are than the other people here, 
especially the ones you don't like? And while we're at it, what's up with that 
not liking people, coming from someone who theoretically views them as Self?

 Jimbo, NO ONE believes you're enlightened. They kinda feel sorry for you that 
you have to go around claiming that you are. The day you realize and 
acknowledge this, you might have finally evolved to the level of a normal human 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   Your bitterness and lack of spiritual progress are ugly things for me to 
see, Barry. I honestly feel sorry for you. To try and make points with your 
perceived audience, by twisting my words, is such a petty and small minded 
thing to indulge in. 

Ask yourself if it *honestly* makes you feel better, to do this? I don't think 
so. Anyway, a toxic diet can become a habit - just as a warning to you. Your 
words, since they are not accurate, have no personal impact on me. But your 
attitude is truly worrisome, and I *hate* to see someone as old as you are, 
becoming so delighted with the negative thoughts, that you feed on. 

Please, put *that* in your pipe, and smoke it.


---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, Xeno. You're only in Cosmic Consciousness, whereas Jimbo is SO much more 
enlightened than that. You have a long, long way to go before YOU can't tell a 
real Deepak Chopra quote from one written by a computer robot stringing BS 
phrases together at random. 

 Aren't you happy to learn that you've got so much to look forward to once you 
"flower fully" the way Jimbo has?  :-)  :-)  :-)

 And remember, this is the same guy who once said that Buddha (who didn't 
believe in a God) once taught that "God is love."  SO much to look forward to 
once you get over that puny CC stuff and become as highly evolved as he is.  
:-)  :-)  :-)


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   Of course it fucking runs out of steam, dude. It is a comparison. Once the 
comparison is integrated, there is no more left to say. However there are 
several subjective experiences of enlightenm

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
yeah, there were some serious and helpful discussions (for me), but about as 
far away from the free spirited space on here. This place reflects everyday 
life, whereas the BAT was more a way station to get some stuff straight, before 
plunging back into the fray. Possibly had a limited shelf life, as a result, or 
at least a sporadic one.
---In,  wrote :

 The dynamics never really appealed to me.  I lurked on FFL for just a few days 
before I felt compelled to participate.  But BAT was, as you say, mostly a 
research forum, and I never felt cared to share my findings.  And not really 
particularly interested now, except it came up as a topical subject that came 
up, and I couldn't resist poking a little fun at it.  I guess I should have 
shown more respect for the site. 

---In,  wrote :

 You contributed so little to the BATGAP forum, never having had the balls to 
even speak up. Why all the interest now?

---In,  wrote :

 you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle 

 Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

 Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

 Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

 Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

 Just an idea. (-:

 ---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, from the dwindling number of posts I guess we could say that it wasn't a 
lot of people's cup of tea!
 Even others with exceptional experiences, like Kris, fell away. In my 
experience, free for all is more fun, even more healing, even more enlivening 
of totality. Go figure!

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:47 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

 Fairfield Li

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
Yes, agreed!! Reminds me, there is a cartoonist, Jack Ziegler, who has a book 
of compilations, called, "Hamburger Madness". The title cartoon features a guy 
wearing an apron and chef's hat, holding a spatula and  standing by a BBQ, with 
a *massive* pile of cooked burgers behind him, at dawn. 
He is exclaiming, "Sun-up, already?!"

---In,  wrote :

 Doc, our mutual buddy from Bat knows a young fellow who awoke and 2 days later 
popped into UC. So anything is possible. 

 On Monday, March 24, 2014 3:31 PM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   CC is not the end point, so of course he has a long way to go, as does 
anyone in Cosmic Consciousness. Why would you even question such a thing. 
Share?? I am assuming you have taken the SCI course?


---In,  wrote :

 jeez, Doc whatever state of whatever you're in, how in the heck can you say 
for sure that Xeno has a long way to go?! I don't think you can know that for 
sure. So why even say it?!

 On Monday, March 24, 2014 11:21 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Oh yes, Share, you must pass on these other nuggets of understanding of life 
in Brahman (not an SOC, it encompasses them all). I will wait to act, speak and 
think, according to your assumptions, even if they are just assumed to be 95% 
correct. Fair enough? 
I was giving Xeno helpful information, as I have received in the past. He can 
choose to ignore it, and it is *certainly* NOT a criticism - rather an 
acknowledgement of his progress, and a pointer for further progress. 

---In,  wrote :

 Doc wrote to Xeno: Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.

Doc, imo, someone in BC, Brahman Consciousness, would never say something like 
this to another person. In particular the bit about having a long way to go. 
Not to mention the bit about saying what state of consciousness another person 
is in! Can I absolutely know either of these for sure? No. But I'm 95% sure. Go 


 On Monday, March 24, 2014 8:15 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Of course it fucking runs out of steam, dude. It is a comparison. Once the 
comparison is integrated, there is no more left to say. However there are 
several subjective experiences of enlightenment, each more full than the last. 
So, until we are discussing the relative merits of Brahman, there is plenty to 
clarify and discuss. Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.


---In,  wrote :

 The enlightened narrative runs out of steam after a certain point, it's like 
the standard musical form A B A. 
 A = ordinary life & B = spiritual path. The part everyone gets hopped up about 
is B. If you get really good at playing the tune suddenly you find once again 
your at A. I think it's worth it, but only because in returning to A you now 
know there are no alternatives to A. It's a good idea to finish the song, and 
not get stuck in the middle.

---In,  wrote :

 you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle 

 Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

 Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

 Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

 Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

 Just an idea. (-:

 ---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 






Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
CC is not the end point, so of course he has a long way to go, as does anyone 
in Cosmic Consciousness. Why would you even question such a thing. Share?? I am 
assuming you have taken the SCI course?

---In,  wrote :

 jeez, Doc whatever state of whatever you're in, how in the heck can you say 
for sure that Xeno has a long way to go?! I don't think you can know that for 
sure. So why even say it?!

 On Monday, March 24, 2014 11:21 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Oh yes, Share, you must pass on these other nuggets of understanding of life 
in Brahman (not an SOC, it encompasses them all). I will wait to act, speak and 
think, according to your assumptions, even if they are just assumed to be 95% 
correct. Fair enough? 
I was giving Xeno helpful information, as I have received in the past. He can 
choose to ignore it, and it is *certainly* NOT a criticism - rather an 
acknowledgement of his progress, and a pointer for further progress. 

---In,  wrote :

 Doc wrote to Xeno: Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.

Doc, imo, someone in BC, Brahman Consciousness, would never say something like 
this to another person. In particular the bit about having a long way to go. 
Not to mention the bit about saying what state of consciousness another person 
is in! Can I absolutely know either of these for sure? No. But I'm 95% sure. Go 


 On Monday, March 24, 2014 8:15 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Of course it fucking runs out of steam, dude. It is a comparison. Once the 
comparison is integrated, there is no more left to say. However there are 
several subjective experiences of enlightenment, each more full than the last. 
So, until we are discussing the relative merits of Brahman, there is plenty to 
clarify and discuss. Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.


---In,  wrote :

 The enlightened narrative runs out of steam after a certain point, it's like 
the standard musical form A B A. 
 A = ordinary life & B = spiritual path. The part everyone gets hopped up about 
is B. If you get really good at playing the tune suddenly you find once again 
your at A. I think it's worth it, but only because in returning to A you now 
know there are no alternatives to A. It's a good idea to finish the song, and 
not get stuck in the middle.

---In,  wrote :

 you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle 

 Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

 Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

 Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

 Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

 Just an idea. (-:

 ---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
Yeah, I thought I had covered all that map not being the territory biz. Old 
news. I stand by my experience of you. 

---In,  wrote :

 Doctordumbass ---

 Doc wrote to Xeno: Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.

 Doc, imo, someone in BC, Brahman Consciousness, would never say something like 
this to another person. In particular the bit about having a long way to go. 
Not to mention the bit about saying what state of consciousness another person 
is in! Can I absolutely know either of these for sure? No. But I'm 95% sure. Go 

 Yeah, Xeno. You're only in Cosmic Consciousness, whereas Jimbo is SO much more 
enlightened than that. You have a long, long way to go before YOU can't tell a 
real Deepak Chopra quote from one written by a computer robot stringing BS 
phrases together at random. 

 Aren't you happy to learn that you've got so much to look forward to once you 
"flower fully" the way Jimbo has?  :-)  :-)  :-)

 And remember, this is the same guy who once said that Buddha (who didn't 
believe in a God) once taught that "God is love."  SO much to look forward to 
once you get over that puny CC stuff and become as highly evolved as he is.  
:-)  :-)  :-)

 Of course it fucking runs out of steam, dude. It is a comparison. Once the 
comparison is integrated, there is no more left to say. However there are 
several subjective experiences of enlightenment, each more full than the last. 
So, until we are discussing the relative merits of Brahman, there is plenty to 
clarify and discuss. Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.

 The enlightened narrative runs out of steam after a certain point, it's like 
the standard musical form A B A.

 A = ordinary life & B = spiritual path. The part everyone gets hopped up about 
is B. If you get really good at playing the tune suddenly you find once again 
your at A. I think it's worth it, but only because in returning to A you now 
know there are no alternatives to A. It's a good idea to finish the song, and 
not get stuck in the middle.


 I think the good doctor has made an error, I am not in 'Cosmic Consciousness'. 
I did have an experience like this over a third of a century ago. After 
learning TM, inner silence did grow pretty much according to the benchmark 
formula; it started to be evident after about 6 months. After five years or so 
it was extraordinarily strong. And then it vanished, and it never has returned. 
At the time, I thought I had fallen back to square one. It was a downer for 
sure. A dark era. Some people might call this the dark night of the soul, 
except I was never convinced there was such a thing as a soul. For the purpose 
of this post it would be good to assume I am solidly at square one. The good 
doctor made a mistake here. After so much time it is pretty clear that the 
experience of inner unbounded awareness is not going to flower.

 I also think the doctor misread my meaning in my  comments about the character 
of the process of enlightenment having the nature of the song form A B A. It is 
easy to have a different understanding of what someone says than the person who 
said it has, so there is no blame here. A, being in that post representing 
ordinary awareness, and B the spiritual path, I implied that B led to A. But it 
was not a comparison, in my mind (which is not the doctor's mind). Here is what 
I meant, but anyone is allowed to have a different interpretation. B, the 
spiritual path is not a reality, it is rather a set of ideas and practices that 
supposedly will get us to reality, or to a greater awareness of reality. It is 
thus that B not a truth, but a strategy. If the strategy works we find B is not 
really real. We find A is real. Thus B never really was real. There is no 
comparison here. I was implying that people get caught up in the spiritual 
path; after all we have all these religions floating about (and there is we 
posters here at FFL). 

 B does not lead to A, it destroys B, and the idea that there was something 
beyond A. It is an auto destructor if you will. In other words B is the 
flowering of a contaminant in A, as we come to B via A. In pursuing B the 
contaminant is destroyed, or rather seen through, and you end up with A again, 
minus some mental flack. If B fails, we have a religious or spiritual nut on 
our hands.

 When my alleged CC experience ended, I was not back at A at all even though 
that is what I thought at the time. I was just at another level of delusion and 
rather miserable in it. My attention, which had been very inward for years, 
turned outward into the world. That is another story, but it i

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
lol - yeah, you think a lot of things. Might want to examine a few of those 
calcified ideas. 

---In,  wrote :

 I thought the "enlightened" were beyond worry.  

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 5:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   You worry me, Barry.

 ---In,  wrote :

 On the other hand, Doc, *I* am not the one staying up till after 4 AM 
obsessing on a person he claims to be "worried about" and trying to insult him, 
all while claiming to be enlightened. *I* am not the one acting out his 
jealousy when someone pays attention to people he disagrees with on this forum. 
And *I* am not the one in pretty much constant "reaction mode" any time someone 
challenges his ostensible spiritual teacher, while claiming to be beyond 

If you don't mind, I'll keep coming back to that "claiming to be enlightened" 
thang when addressing the pity I feel for YOU. 

For example, how's your marriage doing, you who are so keen to paint me with 
the brush of "emotional issues?" We haven't heard much about your wife lately. 
Is she still your wife? Or are you roaming around the country in your trailer 
because you've got no home to go home to? 

And how's it *going* for you, posing as enlightened and all? I've offered you 
many, many chances to *see* how it's going, by simply asking the people here on 
Fairfield Life to weigh in and say whether they believe that you're 
enlightened. So far, I don't think you have, and I don't think anyone has 
stepped up to the plate on their own. Don't you think that's a little odd, for 
someone who is as established in BC (I think the 'B' stands for either Brahman 
or Bullshit...not sure) as you are? 

 Isn't it about time for another bunch of machine-generated bullshit quotes 
from you to "prove" how much more evolved you are than the other people here, 
especially the ones you don't like? And while we're at it, what's up with that 
not liking people, coming from someone who theoretically views them as Self?

 Jimbo, NO ONE believes you're enlightened. They kinda feel sorry for you that 
you have to go around claiming that you are. The day you realize and 
acknowledge this, you might have finally evolved to the level of a normal human 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   Your bitterness and lack of spiritual progress are ugly things for me to 
see, Barry. I honestly feel sorry for you. To try and make points with your 
perceived audience, by twisting my words, is such a petty and small minded 
thing to indulge in. 

Ask yourself if it *honestly* makes you feel better, to do this? I don't think 
so. Anyway, a toxic diet can become a habit - just as a warning to you. Your 
words, since they are not accurate, have no personal impact on me. But your 
attitude is truly worrisome, and I *hate* to see someone as old as you are, 
becoming so delighted with the negative thoughts, that you feed on. 

Please, put *that* in your pipe, and smoke it.


---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, Xeno. You're only in Cosmic Consciousness, whereas Jimbo is SO much more 
enlightened than that. You have a long, long way to go before YOU can't tell a 
real Deepak Chopra quote from one written by a computer robot stringing BS 
phrases together at random. 

 Aren't you happy to learn that you've got so much to look forward to once you 
"flower fully" the way Jimbo has?  :-)  :-)  :-)

 And remember, this is the same guy who once said that Buddha (who didn't 
believe in a God) once taught that "God is love."  SO much to look forward to 
once you get over that puny CC stuff and become as highly evolved as he is.  
:-)  :-)  :-)


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   Of course it fucking runs out of steam, dude. It is a comparison. Once the 
comparison is integrated, there is no more left to say. However there are 
several subjective experiences of enlightenment, each more full than the last. 
So, until we are discussing the relative merits of Brahman, there is plenty to 
clarify and discuss. Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.


---In,  wrote :

 The enlightened narrative runs out of steam after a certain point, it's like 
the standard musical form A B A. 
 A = ordin

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
Oh yes, Share, you must pass on these other nuggets of understanding of life in 
Brahman (not an SOC, it encompasses them all). I will wait to act, speak and 
think, according to your assumptions, even if they are just assumed to be 95% 
correct. Fair enough? 
I was giving Xeno helpful information, as I have received in the past. He can 
choose to ignore it, and it is *certainly* NOT a criticism - rather an 
acknowledgement of his progress, and a pointer for further progress. 
---In,  wrote :

 Doc wrote to Xeno: Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.

Doc, imo, someone in BC, Brahman Consciousness, would never say something like 
this to another person. In particular the bit about having a long way to go. 
Not to mention the bit about saying what state of consciousness another person 
is in! Can I absolutely know either of these for sure? No. But I'm 95% sure. Go 


 On Monday, March 24, 2014 8:15 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Of course it fucking runs out of steam, dude. It is a comparison. Once the 
comparison is integrated, there is no more left to say. However there are 
several subjective experiences of enlightenment, each more full than the last. 
So, until we are discussing the relative merits of Brahman, there is plenty to 
clarify and discuss. Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.


---In,  wrote :

 The enlightened narrative runs out of steam after a certain point, it's like 
the standard musical form A B A. 
 A = ordinary life & B = spiritual path. The part everyone gets hopped up about 
is B. If you get really good at playing the tune suddenly you find once again 
your at A. I think it's worth it, but only because in returning to A you now 
know there are no alternatives to A. It's a good idea to finish the song, and 
not get stuck in the middle.

---In,  wrote :

 you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle 

 Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

 Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

 Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

 Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

 Just an idea. (-:

 ---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
You worry me, Barry.

 ---In,  wrote :

 On the other hand, Doc, *I* am not the one staying up till after 4 AM 
obsessing on a person he claims to be "worried about" and trying to insult him, 
all while claiming to be enlightened. *I* am not the one acting out his 
jealousy when someone pays attention to people he disagrees with on this forum. 
And *I* am not the one in pretty much constant "reaction mode" any time someone 
challenges his ostensible spiritual teacher, while claiming to be beyond 

If you don't mind, I'll keep coming back to that "claiming to be enlightened" 
thang when addressing the pity I feel for YOU. 

For example, how's your marriage doing, you who are so keen to paint me with 
the brush of "emotional issues?" We haven't heard much about your wife lately. 
Is she still your wife? Or are you roaming around the country in your trailer 
because you've got no home to go home to? 

And how's it *going* for you, posing as enlightened and all? I've offered you 
many, many chances to *see* how it's going, by simply asking the people here on 
Fairfield Life to weigh in and say whether they believe that you're 
enlightened. So far, I don't think you have, and I don't think anyone has 
stepped up to the plate on their own. Don't you think that's a little odd, for 
someone who is as established in BC (I think the 'B' stands for either Brahman 
or Bullshit...not sure) as you are? 

 Isn't it about time for another bunch of machine-generated bullshit quotes 
from you to "prove" how much more evolved you are than the other people here, 
especially the ones you don't like? And while we're at it, what's up with that 
not liking people, coming from someone who theoretically views them as Self?

 Jimbo, NO ONE believes you're enlightened. They kinda feel sorry for you that 
you have to go around claiming that you are. The day you realize and 
acknowledge this, you might have finally evolved to the level of a normal human 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   Your bitterness and lack of spiritual progress are ugly things for me to 
see, Barry. I honestly feel sorry for you. To try and make points with your 
perceived audience, by twisting my words, is such a petty and small minded 
thing to indulge in. 

Ask yourself if it *honestly* makes you feel better, to do this? I don't think 
so. Anyway, a toxic diet can become a habit - just as a warning to you. Your 
words, since they are not accurate, have no personal impact on me. But your 
attitude is truly worrisome, and I *hate* to see someone as old as you are, 
becoming so delighted with the negative thoughts, that you feed on. 

Please, put *that* in your pipe, and smoke it.


---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, Xeno. You're only in Cosmic Consciousness, whereas Jimbo is SO much more 
enlightened than that. You have a long, long way to go before YOU can't tell a 
real Deepak Chopra quote from one written by a computer robot stringing BS 
phrases together at random. 

 Aren't you happy to learn that you've got so much to look forward to once you 
"flower fully" the way Jimbo has?  :-)  :-)  :-)

 And remember, this is the same guy who once said that Buddha (who didn't 
believe in a God) once taught that "God is love."  SO much to look forward to 
once you get over that puny CC stuff and become as highly evolved as he is.  
:-)  :-)  :-)


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   Of course it fucking runs out of steam, dude. It is a comparison. Once the 
comparison is integrated, there is no more left to say. However there are 
several subjective experiences of enlightenment, each more full than the last. 
So, until we are discussing the relative merits of Brahman, there is plenty to 
clarify and discuss. Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.


---In,  wrote :

 The enlightened narrative runs out of steam after a certain point, it's like 
the standard musical form A B A. 
 A = ordinary life & B = spiritual path. The part everyone gets hopped up about 
is B. If you get really good at playing the tune suddenly you find once again 
your at A. I think it's worth it, but only because in returning to A you now 
know there are no alternatives to A. It's a good idea to finish the song, and 
not get stuck in the middle.

---In,  wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
down to the bedrock.:-)

---In,  wrote :

 You are definitely on a roll, Doc. 


 Right? With so many neurotic cultural assumptions, it isn't even English to 
me. Barry writes the same way, as if the shit in their heads is universally 
understood. Very strange individuals. Living in a parallel, yet fictitious 


 If you eliminate your inadvertent cross-comparison, non-sequential opinions, 
and overall conclusion, I could reply, but this radio message from your outer 
space, or inner space, makes no sense to me, Share. Different strokes, indeed.

 Oh fuck. Friggin' Hilarious.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, as to the value per post being much higher on BAT, I disagree. As I said, 
I find FFL not only more fun, but also more enlivening of totality and even 
more healing. Different strokes...




Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
Hey tex, what's up?

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/24/2014 8:09 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
 > Any idea what I was talking about, Share? Although the phrase is a 
 > catchy one, it defines the difference, subjectively, between Brahman 
 > and Unity Consciousness. Though if you would like to continue giggling 
 > over it, like someone with the consciousness of a rock, please, be my 
 > guest.
 Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to enlighten Share about the 
 difference between Brahman and Unity Consciousness. That really helps 
 her to understand the mechanics of consciousness compaed to a rock. LoL!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
I thought the Chopra quote was brilliant, machine generated, or not. That is 
one of the genuine pleasures of liberation - to not be bound by anything, 
except reality. What a concept, eh?

---In,  wrote :

 That he finds the Chopra quote thing so decisive with regard to your state of 
consciousness is, to say the least, revealing of the...uh...depth of his 


 Seriously, I have nothing to learn from you. I find you badly out of touch 
with your emotions, and negatively compensating for a host of past issues. When 
you catch up to the present, I may listen, but I see no evidence of that ever 
happening. Dream on.


 I wouldn't say that, Jimbo. After all, it took me to point out that the quote 
you read here attributed to Deepak Chopra, and which you thought was so wise, 
was really written by a robot program that does nothing more than string 
together buzzwords and phrases from his previous tweets and writings, at 
Seems to me that's quite a failing in someone who claims to be "enlightened."

 But don't worry...I won't charge you anything for teaching you this. It's just 
what those of us who can tell shit from shinola do for those who...uh...can't.  


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 1:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   No worries. I have nothing to learn from you.:-)

 ---In,  wrote :

 Just to follow up, I honestly think that the whole problem with the BATGAP 
forum (not to mention the whole narcissistic subculture that has grown up 
around people having "awakening" experiences) is because of the cultural 
"career path" presented to them by traditional spiritual paths. 

The way this "career path" works -- according to the models they've been 
presented since Day One of their involvement with traditional spiritual 
teachings -- is that you "pay your dues" as a seeker, and finally "attain" 
enlightenment. At that point, the world *owes* you reverence as the "teacher" 
you've become. So they expect people to *treat* them like spiritual teachers, 
and sit back and listen to anything they say, the *same way they did* with 
their spiritual teachers. 

When it doesn't happen -- as when Jimbo and others tried it on FFL -- the 
"newly awakened tend to get angry and lash out, and after a while they move on 
to forums where people DO treat them the way they *expect* to be treated -- as 
people with valuable things to say, just because they've had (or claim to have 
had) some minor realization or awakening experience. Naturally these "easy 
audience" forums turn out to be pretty much as boring as a bunch of people 
sitting around in a room and murmuring "Yes, Master, that's so wise," or "Boy, 
you sure nailed that one, bro." 

I don't think it's necessarily their *fault* that most of the New Age Newly 
Awakened fall into this ego-trap and start trying to talk as if they were 
teachers now and that anyone listening to them 1) by definition is lower than 
them unless they claim to be "awakened" too, and 2) *have* to listen, and be 
properly thankful, because they are being lectured to by the Laws Of Nature, 
now manifest in the newly-awakened. They just run this number because they've 
seen it run on *them* so many times by people who *they* toadyed up to because 
*they* claimed to be enlightened. 

The problem is in the model, IMO. Awakenings are a dime a dozen. None of them 
confer upon the person having them any kind of "wisdom" or "knowledge" that 
then can or should be "taught" to others. The others don't owe them 
diddley-squat, much less their rapt attention. So what happens to ALL of these 
"I'm awakened and I'm here to help you by talking about ME" forums I've ever 
seen spring up on the Internet is that they hold a fascination for a few people 
stuck in the traditional teacher model for a while, but pretty soon even they 
all wise up and go away, leaving the "awakened" talking to themselves. Which it 
then takes *them* some time to realize themselves, because after all they were 
talking *to* themselves, and *about* themselves* the whole time. :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
Your bitterness and lack of spiritual progress are ugly things for me to see, 
Barry. I honestly feel sorry for you. To try and make points with your 
perceived audience, by twisting my words, is such a petty and small minded 
thing to indulge in. 

Ask yourself if it *honestly* makes you feel better, to do this? I don't think 
so. Anyway, a toxic diet can become a habit - just as a warning to you. Your 
words, since they are not accurate, have no personal impact on me. But your 
attitude is truly worrisome, and I *hate* to see someone as old as you are, 
becoming so delighted with the negative thoughts, that you feed on. 

Please, put *that* in your pipe, and smoke it.

---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, Xeno. You're only in Cosmic Consciousness, whereas Jimbo is SO much more 
enlightened than that. You have a long, long way to go before YOU can't tell a 
real Deepak Chopra quote from one written by a computer robot stringing BS 
phrases together at random. 

 Aren't you happy to learn that you've got so much to look forward to once you 
"flower fully" the way Jimbo has?  :-)  :-)  :-)

 And remember, this is the same guy who once said that Buddha (who didn't 
believe in a God) once taught that "God is love."  SO much to look forward to 
once you get over that puny CC stuff and become as highly evolved as he is.  
:-)  :-)  :-)


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 2:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   Of course it fucking runs out of steam, dude. It is a comparison. Once the 
comparison is integrated, there is no more left to say. However there are 
several subjective experiences of enlightenment, each more full than the last. 
So, until we are discussing the relative merits of Brahman, there is plenty to 
clarify and discuss. Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.


---In,  wrote :

 The enlightened narrative runs out of steam after a certain point, it's like 
the standard musical form A B A. 
 A = ordinary life & B = spiritual path. The part everyone gets hopped up about 
is B. If you get really good at playing the tune suddenly you find once again 
your at A. I think it's worth it, but only because in returning to A you now 
know there are no alternatives to A. It's a good idea to finish the song, and 
not get stuck in the middle.

---In,  wrote :

 you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle 

 Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

 Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

 Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

 Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

 Just an idea. (-:

 ---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
Seriously, I have nothing to learn from you. I find you badly out of touch with 
your emotions, and negatively compensating for a host of past issues. When you 
catch up to the present, I may listen, but I see no evidence of that ever 
happening. Dream on.

---In,  wrote :

 I wouldn't say that, Jimbo. After all, it took me to point out that the quote 
you read here attributed to Deepak Chopra, and which you thought was so wise, 
was really written by a robot program that does nothing more than string 
together buzzwords and phrases from his previous tweets and writings, at 

Seems to me that's quite a failing in someone who claims to be "enlightened."

 But don't worry...I won't charge you anything for teaching you this. It's just 
what those of us who can tell shit from shinola do for those who...uh...can't.  


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 1:52 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   No worries. I have nothing to learn from you.:-)

 ---In,  wrote :

 Just to follow up, I honestly think that the whole problem with the BATGAP 
forum (not to mention the whole narcissistic subculture that has grown up 
around people having "awakening" experiences) is because of the cultural 
"career path" presented to them by traditional spiritual paths. 

The way this "career path" works -- according to the models they've been 
presented since Day One of their involvement with traditional spiritual 
teachings -- is that you "pay your dues" as a seeker, and finally "attain" 
enlightenment. At that point, the world *owes* you reverence as the "teacher" 
you've become. So they expect people to *treat* them like spiritual teachers, 
and sit back and listen to anything they say, the *same way they did* with 
their spiritual teachers. 

When it doesn't happen -- as when Jimbo and others tried it on FFL -- the 
"newly awakened tend to get angry and lash out, and after a while they move on 
to forums where people DO treat them the way they *expect* to be treated -- as 
people with valuable things to say, just because they've had (or claim to have 
had) some minor realization or awakening experience. Naturally these "easy 
audience" forums turn out to be pretty much as boring as a bunch of people 
sitting around in a room and murmuring "Yes, Master, that's so wise," or "Boy, 
you sure nailed that one, bro." 

I don't think it's necessarily their *fault* that most of the New Age Newly 
Awakened fall into this ego-trap and start trying to talk as if they were 
teachers now and that anyone listening to them 1) by definition is lower than 
them unless they claim to be "awakened" too, and 2) *have* to listen, and be 
properly thankful, because they are being lectured to by the Laws Of Nature, 
now manifest in the newly-awakened. They just run this number because they've 
seen it run on *them* so many times by people who *they* toadyed up to because 
*they* claimed to be enlightened. 

The problem is in the model, IMO. Awakenings are a dime a dozen. None of them 
confer upon the person having them any kind of "wisdom" or "knowledge" that 
then can or should be "taught" to others. The others don't owe them 
diddley-squat, much less their rapt attention. So what happens to ALL of these 
"I'm awakened and I'm here to help you by talking about ME" forums I've ever 
seen spring up on the Internet is that they hold a fascination for a few people 
stuck in the traditional teacher model for a while, but pretty soon even they 
all wise up and go away, leaving the "awakened" talking to themselves. Which it 
then takes *them* some time to realize themselves, because after all they were 
talking *to* themselves, and *about* themselves* the whole time. :-)

 From: TurquoiseBee 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 6:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

That, plus the hideous amounts of self-importance of these people expecting 
others to be hanging off their every word. It was like the whole lot of them 
expected to be treated as special just because they had some subjective 
experience they thought was special.  




Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
Of course it fucking runs out of steam, dude. It is a comparison. Once the 
comparison is integrated, there is no more left to say. However there are 
several subjective experiences of enlightenment, each more full than the last. 
So, until we are discussing the relative merits of Brahman, there is plenty to 
clarify and discuss. Your current experience of enlightenment, Cosmic 
Consciousness, has a long way to go, before flowering fully.

---In,  wrote :

 The enlightened narrative runs out of steam after a certain point, it's like 
the standard musical form A B A. 
 A = ordinary life & B = spiritual path. The part everyone gets hopped up about 
is B. If you get really good at playing the tune suddenly you find once again 
your at A. I think it's worth it, but only because in returning to A you now 
know there are no alternatives to A. It's a good idea to finish the song, and 
not get stuck in the middle.

---In,  wrote :

 you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle 

 Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

 Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

 Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

 Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

 Just an idea. (-:

 ---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
Right? With so many neurotic cultural assumptions, it isn't even English to me. 
Barry writes the same way, as if the shit in their heads is universally 
understood. Very strange individuals. Living in a parallel, yet fictitious 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 If you eliminate your inadvertent cross-comparison, non-sequential opinions, 
and overall conclusion, I could reply, but this radio message from your outer 
space, or inner space, makes no sense to me, Share. Different strokes, indeed.

 Oh fuck. Friggin' Hilarious.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, as to the value per post being much higher on BAT, I disagree. As I said, 
I find FFL not only more fun, but also more enlivening of totality and even 
more healing. Different strokes...




Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
Any idea what I was talking about, Share? Although the phrase is a catchy one, 
it defines the difference, subjectively, between Brahman and Unity 
Consciousness. Though if you would like to continue giggling over it, like 
someone with the consciousness of a rock, please, be my guest.

---In,  wrote :

 Steve, my vote would go to: Doc sez, "Unity sucks!"

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:31 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  wrote:
   you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle

 Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

 Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

 Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

 Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

 Just an idea. (-:

 ---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, from the dwindling number of posts I guess we could say that it wasn't a 
lot of people's cup of tea!
 Even others with exceptional experiences, like Kris, fell away. In my 
experience, free for all is more fun, even more healing, even more enlivening 
of totality. Go figure!

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:47 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/22/14 00:00:00
 822 messages as of (UTC) 03/20/14 23:59:05

172 Richard J. Williams 
87 authfriend
58 TurquoiseBee 
58 Share Long 
56 doctordumbass
 42 emilymaenot
41 Michael Jackson 
37 awoelflebater
33 steve.sundur
33 Bhairitu 
28 Mike Dixon 
26 salyavin808 
 26 nablusoss1008 
24 dhamiltony2k5
16 cardemaister
12 jr_esq
12 LEnglish5
10 anartaxius
10 Pundit Sir 
9 s3raphita
6 Rick Archer 
4 emptybill
 3 ultrarishi 
2 wgm4u 
2 srijau
2 punditster
2 me

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
You and Share oughta join up with Barry, and become the three monkeys; See no 
enlightenment, Hear no enlightenment, and Speak no enlightenment - lol. C'mon 
you are halfway there!

---In,  wrote :

 Okay, how bout instead of "Unity sucks an egg", we can go to Vedically 
correct, "Unity sucks hiranyagarbha"

---In,  wrote :

 Steve, my vote would go to: Doc sez, "Unity sucks!"

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 5:31 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  wrote:
   you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle

 Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

 Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

 Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

 Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

 Just an idea. (-:

 ---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, from the dwindling number of posts I guess we could say that it wasn't a 
lot of people's cup of tea!
 Even others with exceptional experiences, like Kris, fell away. In my 
experience, free for all is more fun, even more healing, even more enlivening 
of totality. Go figure!

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:47 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/22/14 00:00:00
 822 messages as of (UTC) 03/20/14 23:59:05

172 Richard J. Williams 
87 authfriend
58 TurquoiseBee 
58 Share Long 
56 doctordumbass
 42 emilymaenot
41 Michael Jackson 
37 awoelflebater
33 steve.sundur
33 Bhairitu 
28 Mike Dixon 
26 salyavin808 
 26 nablusoss1008 
24 dhamiltony2k5
16 cardemaister
12 jr_esq
12 LEnglish5
10 anartaxius
10 Pundit Sir 
9 s3raphita

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
Ha, please don't play the fool, simply to win the popularity contest. 

---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, from the dwindling number of posts I guess we could say that it wasn't a 
lot of people's cup of tea!
 Even others with exceptional experiences, like Kris, fell away. In my 
experience, free for all is more fun, even more healing, even more enlivening 
of totality. Go figure!

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:47 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/22/14 00:00:00
 822 messages as of (UTC) 03/20/14 23:59:05

172 Richard J. Williams 
87 authfriend
58 TurquoiseBee 
58 Share Long 
56 doctordumbass
 42 emilymaenot
41 Michael Jackson 
37 awoelflebater
33 steve.sundur
33 Bhairitu 
28 Mike Dixon 
26 salyavin808 
 26 nablusoss1008 
24 dhamiltony2k5
16 cardemaister
12 jr_esq
12 LEnglish5
10 anartaxius
10 Pundit Sir 
9 s3raphita
6 Rick Archer 
4 emptybill
 3 ultrarishi 
2 wgm4u 
2 srijau
2 punditster
2 merudanda 
2 martyboi
2 j_alexander_stanley
2 Dick Mays 
 1 yifuxero
1 turquoiseb
1 martin.quickman
1 WLeed3
1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 35
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones:










Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
You contributed so little to the BATGAP forum, never having had the balls to 
even speak up. Why all the interest now?

---In,  wrote :

 you could always go the blog route.  you've got a catchy handle 

 Doctor Dumbass and Higher States of Consciousness.  nah.

 Doctor Dumbass and the Road to Bliss.  definitely nah

 Doctor Dumbass's Fireside Chats.  uh, maybe

 Doctor Dumbass: To Brahman and Beyond!.  You know, a play on BuzzLightYear

 Just an idea. (-:

 ---In,  wrote :

 Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

 but hell, it had legs for a while  (-:

---In,  wrote :

 oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, from the dwindling number of posts I guess we could say that it wasn't a 
lot of people's cup of tea!
 Even others with exceptional experiences, like Kris, fell away. In my 
experience, free for all is more fun, even more healing, even more enlivening 
of totality. Go figure!

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:47 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/22/14 00:00:00
 822 messages as of (UTC) 03/20/14 23:59:05

172 Richard J. Williams 
87 authfriend
58 TurquoiseBee 
58 Share Long 
56 doctordumbass
 42 emilymaenot
41 Michael Jackson 
37 awoelflebater
33 steve.sundur
33 Bhairitu 
28 Mike Dixon 
26 salyavin808 
 26 nablusoss1008 
24 dhamiltony2k5
16 cardemaister
12 jr_esq
12 LEnglish5
10 anartaxius
10 Pundit Sir 
9 s3raphita
6 Rick Archer 
4 emptybill
 3 ultrarishi 
2 wgm4u 
2 srijau
2 punditster
2 merudanda 
2 martyboi
2 j_alexander_stanley
2 Dick Mays 
 1 yifuxero
1 turquoiseb
1 martin.quickman
1 WLeed3
1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 35
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Sat

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-24 Thread doctordumbass
No worries. I have nothing to learn from you.:-)

---In,  wrote :

 Just to follow up, I honestly think that the whole problem with the BATGAP 
forum (not to mention the whole narcissistic subculture that has grown up 
around people having "awakening" experiences) is because of the cultural 
"career path" presented to them by traditional spiritual paths. 

The way this "career path" works -- according to the models they've been 
presented since Day One of their involvement with traditional spiritual 
teachings -- is that you "pay your dues" as a seeker, and finally "attain" 
enlightenment. At that point, the world *owes* you reverence as the "teacher" 
you've become. So they expect people to *treat* them like spiritual teachers, 
and sit back and listen to anything they say, the *same way they did* with 
their spiritual teachers. 

When it doesn't happen -- as when Jimbo and others tried it on FFL -- the 
"newly awakened tend to get angry and lash out, and after a while they move on 
to forums where people DO treat them the way they *expect* to be treated -- as 
people with valuable things to say, just because they've had (or claim to have 
had) some minor realization or awakening experience. Naturally these "easy 
audience" forums turn out to be pretty much as boring as a bunch of people 
sitting around in a room and murmuring "Yes, Master, that's so wise," or "Boy, 
you sure nailed that one, bro." 

I don't think it's necessarily their *fault* that most of the New Age Newly 
Awakened fall into this ego-trap and start trying to talk as if they were 
teachers now and that anyone listening to them 1) by definition is lower than 
them unless they claim to be "awakened" too, and 2) *have* to listen, and be 
properly thankful, because they are being lectured to by the Laws Of Nature, 
now manifest in the newly-awakened. They just run this number because they've 
seen it run on *them* so many times by people who *they* toadyed up to because 
*they* claimed to be enlightened. 

The problem is in the model, IMO. Awakenings are a dime a dozen. None of them 
confer upon the person having them any kind of "wisdom" or "knowledge" that 
then can or should be "taught" to others. The others don't owe them 
diddley-squat, much less their rapt attention. So what happens to ALL of these 
"I'm awakened and I'm here to help you by talking about ME" forums I've ever 
seen spring up on the Internet is that they hold a fascination for a few people 
stuck in the traditional teacher model for a while, but pretty soon even they 
all wise up and go away, leaving the "awakened" talking to themselves. Which it 
then takes *them* some time to realize themselves, because after all they were 
talking *to* themselves, and *about* themselves* the whole time. :-)

 From: TurquoiseBee 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 6:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   From: "steve.sundur@..." 
 Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC
   Easy Doc, don't take the inactivity personally.  

 People may just not be that interested in hearing the enlightened 
narrative..again, and again, and again.

That, plus the hideous amounts of self-importance of these people expecting 
others to be hanging off their every word. It was like the whole lot of them 
expected to be treated as special just because they had some subjective 
experience they thought was special.  



Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-23 Thread doctordumbass
oh shit, I forgot - spiritual development IS a popularity contest! 
Thanks Share and seventh. Great reminder. Where would we be without people like 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, from the dwindling number of posts I guess we could say that it wasn't a 
lot of people's cup of tea!
 Even others with exceptional experiences, like Kris, fell away. In my 
experience, free for all is more fun, even more healing, even more enlivening 
of totality. Go figure!

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:47 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/22/14 00:00:00
 822 messages as of (UTC) 03/20/14 23:59:05

172 Richard J. Williams 
87 authfriend
58 TurquoiseBee 
58 Share Long 
56 doctordumbass
 42 emilymaenot
41 Michael Jackson 
37 awoelflebater
33 steve.sundur
33 Bhairitu 
28 Mike Dixon 
26 salyavin808 
 26 nablusoss1008 
24 dhamiltony2k5
16 cardemaister
12 jr_esq
12 LEnglish5
10 anartaxius
10 Pundit Sir 
9 s3raphita
6 Rick Archer 
4 emptybill
 3 ultrarishi 
2 wgm4u 
2 srijau
2 punditster
2 merudanda 
2 martyboi
2 j_alexander_stanley
2 Dick Mays 
 1 yifuxero
1 turquoiseb
1 martin.quickman
1 WLeed3
1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 35
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones:










Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-23 Thread doctordumbass
If you eliminate your inadvertent cross-comparison, non-sequential opinions, 
and overall conclusion, I could reply, but this radio message from your outer 
space, or inner space, makes no sense to me, Share. Different strokes, indeed.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, as to the value per post being much higher on BAT, I disagree. As I said, 
I find FFL not only more fun, but also more enlivening of totality and even 
more healing. Different strokes...

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:07 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Yeah, I enjoy 'fun' too. Yet, sometimes, I like to bounce my experiences off 
of those with similar experiences, with the discussion limited, to those who 
have had similar experiences, and can discuss them intelligently and 
knowledgeably. If you read the brief description for BATGAP, it is for 
'ordinary awakened people', so, yes, not everyone's cup of tea. Even though the 
BATGAP forum is not 'fun', in the way this place is 'fun', the value per post, 
is much higher. I am sorry you missed that.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, from the dwindling number of posts I guess we could say that it wasn't a 
lot of people's cup of tea!
 Even others with exceptional experiences, like Kris, fell away. In my 
experience, free for all is more fun, even more healing, even more enlivening 
of totality. Go figure!

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:47 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/22/14 00:00:00
 822 messages as of (UTC) 03/20/14 23:59:05

172 Richard J. Williams 
87 authfriend
58 TurquoiseBee 
58 Share Long 
56 doctordumbass
 42 emilymaenot
41 Michael Jackson 
37 awoelflebater
33 steve.sundur
33 Bhairitu 
28 Mike Dixon 
26 salyavin808 
 26 nablusoss1008 
24 dhamiltony2k5
16 cardemaister
12 jr_esq
12 LEnglish5
10 anartaxius
10 Pundit Sir 
9 s3raphita
6 Rick Archer 
4 emptybill
 3 ultrarishi 
2 wgm4u 
2 srijau
2 punditster
2 merudanda 
2 martyboi
2 j_alexander_stanley
2 Dick Mays 
 1 yifuxero
1 turquoiseb
1 martin.quickman
1 WLeed3
1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 35
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Fri

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-23 Thread doctordumbass
Yeah, I enjoy 'fun' too. Yet, sometimes, I like to bounce my experiences off of 
those with similar experiences, with the discussion limited, to those who have 
had similar experiences, and can discuss them intelligently and knowledgeably. 
If you read the brief description for BATGAP, it is for 'ordinary awakened 
people', so, yes, not everyone's cup of tea. Even though the BATGAP forum is 
not 'fun', in the way this place is 'fun', the value per post, is much higher. 
I am sorry you missed that.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, from the dwindling number of posts I guess we could say that it wasn't a 
lot of people's cup of tea!
 Even others with exceptional experiences, like Kris, fell away. In my 
experience, free for all is more fun, even more healing, even more enlivening 
of totality. Go figure!

 On Sunday, March 23, 2014 12:47 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/22/14 00:00:00
 822 messages as of (UTC) 03/20/14 23:59:05

172 Richard J. Williams 
87 authfriend
58 TurquoiseBee 
58 Share Long 
56 doctordumbass
 42 emilymaenot
41 Michael Jackson 
37 awoelflebater
33 steve.sundur
33 Bhairitu 
28 Mike Dixon 
26 salyavin808 
 26 nablusoss1008 
24 dhamiltony2k5
16 cardemaister
12 jr_esq
12 LEnglish5
10 anartaxius
10 Pundit Sir 
9 s3raphita
6 Rick Archer 
4 emptybill
 3 ultrarishi 
2 wgm4u 
2 srijau
2 punditster
2 merudanda 
2 martyboi
2 j_alexander_stanley
2 Dick Mays 
 1 yifuxero
1 turquoiseb
1 martin.quickman
1 WLeed3
1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 35
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones:










Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-22 Thread doctordumbass
BATGAP posts were more research oriented, than the free for all, here. It 
wasn't a matter of wanting spirituality integrated into our lives. It already 
is. It was a matter of asking very specific questions about experiences of 
states of consciousness, and learning from the answers - often drawing very 
subtle distinctions. Not your cup of tea, granted. 
---In,  wrote :

 Hi Steve, WNS is Wednesday Night Satsang, an online group that had an in 
person component, meaning that there was a Wednesday Night Satsang meeting in 
FF every Wednesday night. That forum petered out; then the meetings ended; and 
now BATGAP is petering out, the forum not the interviews. But someone in 
Australia recently revived WNS. Not sure how long that revival will last...

 Meanwhile FFL is going strong. What it says to me is that people now want 
their spirituality thoroughly integrated into their whole life, not off in some 
corner irrelevant to everyday matters. Just my opinion.
 PS Thank you for your support. It means a lot.

 On Saturday, March 22, 2014 6:06 PM, "steve.sundur@..."  
   what is WNS?


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, having participated on both the dying BAT and the reviving WNS, I say 
yay yay yay for the Funny Farm Lounge (FFL), the best forum, imho, on the www! 
Not that I've read them all, mind you. Go figure! 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43 PM, Pundit Sir  wrote:
   Somebody is doing some compulsive reading! 

 Posting History FairfiledLife:


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 11:24 PM, mailto:awoelflebater@...> 


 wrote :

 Rick, in Richard's defense I want to say that he brings a light heartedness to 
FFL that is welcome, at least by me. And this week he posted some good articles 
about the missing plane. He does seem somewhat obsessed about turq's report 
about Lenz's levitation. But nobody's perfect. Go figure!

 Mayb, but did he need 172 posts to do so? Can anyone say "compulsive"? 

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 10:18 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:
   Hey Richard Williams. Notice anything about this post count? Have you 
considered taking up a hobby?
[] On 
Behalf Of FFL PostCount
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:16 PM
To: FairfieldLife
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/22/14 00:00:00
 822 messages as of (UTC) 03/20/14 23:59:05

172 Richard J. Williams 
87 authfriend
58 TurquoiseBee 
58 Share Long 
56 doctordumbass
 42 emilymaenot
41 Michael Jackson 
37 awoelflebater
33 steve.sundur
33 Bhairitu 
28 Mike Dixon 
26 salyavin808 
 26 nablusoss1008 
24 dhamiltony2k5
16 cardemaister
12 jr_esq
12 LEnglish5
10 anartaxius
10 Pundit Sir 
9 s3raphita
6 Rick Archer 
4 emptybill
 3 ultrarishi 
2 wgm4u 
2 srijau
2 punditster
2 merudanda 
2 martyboi
2 j_alexander_stanley
2 Dick Mays 
 1 yifuxero
1 turquoiseb
1 martin.quickman
1 WLeed3
1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 35
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
 Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones:









Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dolly Lommer Unstressing on Sex Stuff

2014-03-22 Thread doctordumbass
Count me in - I already have a green t-shirt, cam-o pants, and kelly green 
socks, with a pattern of little cheeseburgers, and french fries, on them - I am 
sure the GL will be mighty impressed. 
---In,  wrote :

 That's why I'd rather go to the Green Llama
 On Sat, 3/22/14, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dolly Lommer Unstressing on Sex Stuff
 Date: Saturday, March 22, 2014, 5:20 PM
 Yow. This is disappointing.
 I think I would
 rather go to the Green Llama for spiritual

Re: [FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-22 Thread doctordumbass
'You don't do conversations, you do graffiti'
LOL - excellent! ...stealing it...

---In,  wrote :

 You don't do conversations, you do graffiti.  There's this thing called 
Twitter you might like.
 On 03/22/2014 10:40 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
   On 3/22/2014 11:18 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
 > It's actually 203 posts as you aren't counting his other handles.
 That's probably the minimum anyone could post in order to keep the 
 conversation going. There were 3,186 total FFL messages in February. Go 
 If you don't want to dance, why did you come to the dance party?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: Share Long 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 3:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   Judy, sinking to a new low, wrote about people she has had zero contact 
with: For all we know, his "family" approves of and encourages his despicable 
behavior on FFL...Maybe Barry wouldn't live with them if they weren't as rotten 
as he is.

My family is more understanding. They've seen some of the posts that Judy Stein 
writes, and their only comment has been, "Why do you waste any time with that 
psychotic cult bitch?" And they've got a point. :--)

 If you think "they've got a point" then why have you spent 18 years involving 
yourself with Judy? I guess you don't think it's a waste of time or you just 
can't help yourself. BTW, how do you say "psychotic cult bitch" in Dutch?

Google says, "psychotische cult teef":-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 From: Share Long 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 3:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   Judy, sinking to a new low, wrote about people she has had zero contact 
with: For all we know, his "family" approves of and encourages his despicable 
behavior on FFL...Maybe Barry wouldn't live with them if they weren't as rotten 
as he is.

My family is more understanding. They've seen some of the posts that Judy Stein 
writes, and their only comment has been, "Why do you waste any time with that 
psychotic cult bitch?" And they've got a point. :--)

 If you think "they've got a point" then why have you spent 18 years involving 
yourself with Judy? I guess you don't think it's a waste of time or you just 
can't help yourself. BTW, how do you say "psychotic cult bitch" in Dutch?

I guess Barry is more frightened of facing himself, than he is, a psychotic 
cult bitch. Oh, fuck it - on with the show!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for Feste

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass
Thanks for replying - yeah, it is hard to tell if those entrenched, "we are 
simply better than you" attitudes will change, but happy to see the dirty 
laundry flapping out the window for a change.

---In,  wrote :

 Actually, I think you are right in everything you said. And as odd as it may 
seem to some here, I am willing to believe that folks doing things in their 
awareness can work seeming miracles. If Anita Moorjani can eliminate her many 
tumors in 11 days after coming out of a coma, then most anything is possible.
 I don't really think the yagya deal is any more efficacious than a group of 
Christians getting together for regular prayer and it seems clear the TMO uses 
the idea that the pundits yagyas are something real special to collect large 
fees - which I think is not too cool. I mean, they raise a hundred thousand 
bucks to save England when the pundits are already on site and could easily do 
it anyway with no need for donations?
 Anyhow, I agree its good for the Movement that this happened, but perhaps you 
are more optimistic than I am as to the end result. Having seen Bevan and some 
of his lieutenants in action in years past (like Chris Crowell - ugh!) I think 
they will dig their heels in and do as they always do which was generally 
change nothing and denounce anyone who asks for change as being "negative" or 
get rid of 'em.
 On Fri, 3/21/14, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Question for Feste
 Date: Friday, March 21, 2014, 12:20 PM
 Hey, MJ, good morning, and allow
 me to sashay right into the middle of this - 
 I think this whole "pundit riot" (PR for short),
 which was *very tame* by international standards, was a good
 It woke up the administration, like nothing else would have,
 and publicized the program - as the phrase goes, 'there
 is no such thing as bad publicity'. 
 After this, the full spotlight is on the dudes in Iowa, in
 their cream colored suits. Nothing like a little unwelcome
 attention, from the general public, and surrounding
 communities, to get something right.:-) 
 Your thoughts?

 wrote :
 Feste, if I
 recall correctly, you said the pundit program should be
 ended and that it was a mistake to begin with. Why do you
 feel it was a mistake from the beginning?

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass
Right on - yes, I recall your picture and you look far younger. Agree with all 
that you say - I never think about my age, well almost never - yet each day 
brings so much freshness and life, it is difficult to believe, we are actually 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Not if you ask my daughter...Hey, Ann, I recall hearing, years ago, that those 
doing TM had a physiological age 7 years younger than their physical age, and 
for TMSP it was 11 years, I think. I am regularly mistaken for someone in his 
40's, although I turn 60 in just a few months. I never feel my age, physically, 
and do not take particularly good care of myself, in order to achieve that - 
lol. Genetics play a part, but doing all that TM definitely changes the body to 
something less coarse, less susceptible to aging and stress, in general.

 Yes, I remember those figures now that you mention it. I haven't really 
meditated for 25 years but I also have the experience of people not thinking I 
am as ancient as I am. But I think it is because I just live my life without a 
real awareness of my age and I am pretty active and involved in a sport that 
keeps you having to be quick thinking and reasonably agile. Many times I think 
it is the way people hold themselves and move that creates an impression of 
vitality as opposed to how many wrinkles one has. Check it out, watch how the 
posture and movements effect our impression of someone's overall energy level 
and therefore sense of "youthfulness" of that person. I have always had a sort 
of boundless energy plus good genetics have helped in the less-aged face 
department and I am just vain enough to enjoy the fact no one can believe I am 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

 Geez, it's true: You are an Adonis and with a golden stringed instrument. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is ANYONE happy with how Yahoo groups replying works?

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass
I am in a chatty mood, and this is just the kind of grounded and practical 
advice, we don't need around here, 7th ray. 
C'mon, where's the speculation, straw-man arguments, political views, 
interpolation of the minds, of the very Yahoos that coded this??  I personally 
think the whole issue with neo, is *strongly* linked to crop circles, the 
pundit riot, and the disputed existence of God. Hmmm?
---In,  wrote :

 It's real simple Egg.  Just click on "show history" button.  No need to study 
it, or dissect it.  Just click on it. 

---In,  wrote :

 Depending on which button or option I used to reply, there may or may not be a 
"show history" button, or there may be an inline list of all text without a 
button, or there may be no text at all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Question for Feste

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass
Hey, MJ, good morning, and allow me to sashay right into the middle of this - 
I think this whole "pundit riot" (PR for short), which was *very tame* by 
international standards, was a good thing. 
It woke up the administration, like nothing else would have, and publicized the 
program - as the phrase goes, 'there is no such thing as bad publicity'. 
After this, the full spotlight is on the dudes in Iowa, in their cream colored 
suits. Nothing like a little unwelcome attention, from the general public, and 
surrounding communities, to get something right.:-) 
Your thoughts?
---In,  wrote :

 Feste, if I recall correctly, you said the pundit program should be ended and 
that it was a mistake to begin with. Why do you feel it was a mistake from the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is ANYONE happy with how Yahoo groups replying works?

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass
I remember coding legal documents for the case of GTE vs. ATT, in the 80's, one 
of the cases that led to the deregulation of the telecomm industry. This is the 
trade off; corporations operating as unregulated utilities, with profits more 
important than ongoing services. Oops.

---In,  wrote :

 Depending on which button or option I used to reply, there may or may not be a 
"show history" button, or there may be an inline list of all text without a 
button, or there may be no text at all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa and Unity Village Kansas City

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass
Excellent news - Given what infomercials charge for vitamins and a CD, the TM 
price doesn't seem so out of line. Besides, after boosting it to $2500 a few 
years ago, anything else is going to look really affordable - excellent 
marketing. I am glad people are again noticing the benefits of the technique. 
Can't have enough people doing TM.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Current TM initiations are higher than they have been since the Merv Griffith 
days. The pprice of TM instruction has been lowered 36% for adults, and down to 
$360 for ages 10-18, and full-time college students, at least through May 31, 

 ADULTS Your course fee includes:
 Personal one-on-one instruction Lifetime follow-up and support Lifetime of benefits Initial 
payment of  $375 $240 (valid through May 31)
and 3 additional monthly payments of  $375 $240
 (Optional: one-time payment of  $1500 $960)


 FULL-TIME STUDENTS Your course fee includes:
 Personal one-on-one instruction Lifetime follow-up and support Lifetime of benefits Initial 
payment of  $187.50 $90 (valid through May 31)
and 3 additional monthly payments of  $187.50 $90
 (Optional: one-time payment of  $750 $360)

 CHILDREN UNDER 18 Your course fee includes:
 Personal one-on-one instruction Lifetime follow-up and support Lifetime of benefits Initial 
payment of  $93.75 $90 (valid through May 31)
and 3 additional monthly payments of  $93.75 $90
 (Optional: one-time payment of  $375 $360)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass
Catch a clue, dear. Barry just gets into this manure, in order to distract 
attention from his fairly serious emotional issues. You can obviously play 
along, for fun, but please don't be taken in by his feigned passion for this 
topic. Just a smokescreen he can use, to hide from himself.
Now, before you accuse me of demonizing the poor man, I'd just like to point 
out that once it becomes apparent that someone is a serial critic, of almost 
everything, as he is, it is only a matter of time, before I ask myself, "Why?" 

---In,  wrote :

 turq, at least 2 things we don't know: we don't know if they were fenced in 
from the get go, when they were 6 to 8 years old; we don't know if all the boys 
had to be forced by their families to join the program. It's possible that some 
of them genuinely wanted to.

But if, to repeat my opinion, if even one child was forced, then the program 
needs to be ended and begun again, next time with only volunteers.

 On Friday, March 21, 2014 1:48 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   Just following up on your apologetics, Lawson, if you persist in saying that 
the 20+ year old pandits in America are free to make their own legal decisions, 
I suggest that you are ignoring two important issues:

1. Many of them have been "in the program" and behind barbed wire since they 
were minors as young as 8, and thus incapable of making any legal decisions 
about whether they want to be there or not. Yes, they had to be at least 20 to 
sign the TMO slave contracts for the US, but they were too young to legally 
agree before that. After having been indoctrinated in TM compounds for ten 
years or more, it's understandable that many of them can no longer imagine any 
other life, and thus signed whatever was put in front of them for the prospect 
of a few more rupees and a few more bowls of curry per day.

2. You completely ignore the influence of family on these poor guys. I've 
worked with many Indian programmers over the years, and have seen at least two 
dozen of them *forced* by their parents to return to India and marry some woman 
they'd never met. Yes, "arranged marriages" are still the norm. When asked by 
me WHY they'd submit to this, they all replied the same: "Family." Their 
families would disown them if they ever did something they weren't told to do, 
which in India carries as much of a social stigma as it does in Japan. The 
pandit boys are *trapped* in their positions, unable to leave them because to 
do so would make them social outcasts for the rest of their lives. 

 Now back to the money. You've talked about how much John Hagelin makes to be a 
shill for the TM movement. How much do YOU make to "argue on the Internet" 
incessantly and be pretty much a full-time apologist for the TM movement? 
Doesn't it ever occur to you that you're as brainwashed as the pandit boys?


 From: TurquoiseBee 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role
   Meanwhile you're still lying about the pandits, and pretending that they get 
paid $200 per month. They do not. They get paid $50 a month, with the other 
$150 going to the parents who sold them into this program in the first place. 
They never see a penny of it. Therefore they are paid $1.66 per day, not $6.60 
as you claim. 

Meanwhile, by your own figures below, John Hagelin is paid $438 per day.

 From: "LEnglish5@..." 
 Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 7:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role
   John Haglein is now "Raja" John Hagelin, in charge of the TMO for North 

 I was arguing with someone in about TM finances and looked at the 
IRS form 990 records for various TM-related organizations.

 John is paid $37,000 as President of the DLF. He gets another $36,000 for 
Global Country of World Peace activities.

 He gets $87,000 as Trustee and director of the Insitute for Science, 
etchnology and public policy at MUM.

 By far, he's the highest-paid TMer in North America. I haven't looked into 
what he is paid or not as Raja -usually that is a non-compensated position, as 
you have to pay (or get someone to pay for you) $1 million for the post.







Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-21 Thread doctordumbass
Not if you ask my daughter...Hey, Ann, I recall hearing, years ago, that those 
doing TM had a physiological age 7 years younger than their physical age, and 
for TMSP it was 11 years, I think. I am regularly mistaken for someone in his 
40's, although I turn 60 in just a few months. I never feel my age, physically, 
and do not take particularly good care of myself, in order to achieve that - 
lol. Genetics play a part, but doing all that TM definitely changes the body to 
something less coarse, less susceptible to aging and stress, in general.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

 Geez, it's true: You are an Adonis and with a golden stringed instrument. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your respo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Absolutely, and I drive *better*, too!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Thanks for putting my humor in proper perspective, jr.:-)

---In,  wrote :


 Old Vern is actually the Sun who's having an orgy with the Earth Goddess at 
this time of the year.  Summer will come later. :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Speaking of , "demonizing", remember, "martinizing"? Maybe we should do more of 
that around here. Or "simonizing". After awhile, I used to mentally read the 
sign, as, "Martini Zing!", whenever I'd see a dry cleaner, offering that option.
---In,  wrote :

 Emily, Share picked it up from Barry. It's his term; he uses it all the time, 
claiming it's what his critics are doing to him. I have on occasion used it 
back at him, because his attacks on his critics are so much worse than anything 
they say about him. I think one could say that if anybody does anything 
resembling demonizing around here, it's Barry. 

 Correct.  Share, the point is that if you continue to use the word "demonize", 
regardless of whether you attribute it to yourself or others, you are still 
indicating that you believe this is going on, which I am saying and which Judy 
is saying, is going on in your imagination, only.  Maybe you should "unpack" 
that word for yourself so you understand what it means, really.  I looked it up 
- you are way off base using this term.  
---In,  wrote :

 No, Emily didn't miss the point, you did. If you say you are "demonizing the 
demonizers," that means you think there are demonizers to be demonized. Emily's 
telling you there aren't any demonizers except those in your imagination. Get 
it now? It's pretty simple. 


 jeez, Emily, talk about missing the point! I said I was demonizing the 
demonizers. But maybe you just wanted to echo that when you said demonizing was 
going on in my own mind. Go figure! 

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:23 PM, "emilymaenot@..."  
   Share, you are missing the point, yet again.  There is no "demonizing" going 
on except in your own mind.  


---In,  wrote :

 Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then 
everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go figure!

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:44 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Right, Doc, I was replying to a point you made in another post. It simply 
seems to me that lots of people on FFL are demonizing other people and or 
organizations. By demonizing I mean: thinking of them as ALL bad. By what they 
write, I think that some people think that certain others are ALL bad. Of 
course this is my interpretation of what they write.

 Your interpretation is faulty because already so many have told you that no 
one is demonizing anyone nor are they claiming anyone is ALL bad, at least with 
regard to Bawwy who seems to be who you are 'defending' now. Do you think Bawwy 
"demonizes" Judy or Robin or me or even Doc? Do you think Bawwy could ever make 
himself gag up a compliment toward Judy or Robin, for that matter? And if you 
believe others to be demonizing "people and organizations" at FFL then what 
influence do you believe you could possibly have in changing that? To what 
degree do you believe in holding others accountable for bad behavior even 
though you feel they are being "demonized" by others who have taken exception 
to it? Why do you never run to Judy's 'defense' or mine? How impartial is your 
sense of justice to defend those you feel are being "ganged up" on?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
matter of fact, I hear ol' Vernal, an' "Summer" Solstice (she hails from the 
Florida panhandle, y'see) dun hooked up.

---In,  wrote :

 Vernal Equinox... almost sounds red-neck. 
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:34 AM, Share Long  wrote:
   Happy first day of spring, John! It's my favorite time of year.

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:02 AM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:
   Lest we forget, happy spring day to everyone!  Congratulations to those 
who've weathered through the tough winter season.




Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Oh, *hell* no! I'm gonna get good, first. At least I can now say, legitimately, 
"I've got blistahs on me fingahs..." (with massive apologies to Geo 
Harrison...).:-)...time to run some scales, ouch.

---In,  wrote :

 Excellent!  What is that halo of light I see around your head?  You'll have to 
post a musical post nextand prepare for some critical review of your 
beginner's skills.  Smile.  

---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Why the left turn, down a dirt road? What you have written, has nothing to do 
with what I have written. I have no idea how to respond to you. Please examine 
your assumptions, below, and get back to me, if you want to.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, turq did admit to his over the topness at some point in the pundit 
discussions. I think that's healthy. Do you remember that?

No one on FFL is ALL bad. Plus I don't think it's useful to demonize anyone. 

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:51 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   What I am waiting for, Barry, is to hear about your past relationships, with 
women. I am pretty sure you have not been married before, but if so, SHE dumped 
you, and that may be the problem with you, right there (they are all cunts and 
bitches, huh?). Without therapy and a lot of soul searching, such a stressful 
event could result in you being as sadistic, abusive, self-distracting, and at 
the same time, scared to death, as you are. 

Enjoy your day - I'll keep working on this. To help yourself out, I would 
suggest recognizing the distractions, which come out of your mouth, and 
shutting them down, until you have faced your past emotional trauma. Thank you 
for calling me by name - it spurs my interest, in revealing you, to yourself.

---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs 
they don't practice

[Salyavin's] Comments in red   Mine in this color
---In,  wrote :

 There are a few here, that take great delight in bashing meditation programs 
they do not participate in. 

 Are we reading different forums? Who are these people? I see a bit of 
criticism of things unrelated to meditation, like the ridiculous claims of 
yagyas and world peace creation that have nothing to do with TM but arose as 
cash-creation schemes that are successful only because people brought into the 
belief system espoused by Marshy. Anyone taking a long, cold look at any of 
these add-on claims is rapidly disillusioned.

 I would go so far as to suggest that after decades of buying into the 
bamboozlement perpetrated by Maharishi and the TM movement to come up with 
these cash-creation schemes, most True Believers are *incapable* of taking a 
long, cold look at much of anything. Just look at Lawson's post this morning -- 
a huge, steaming shitpile of justifications and apologetics ALL BASED ON A LIE.

 Same folks that get pissed at others for taking attention away from them. 
These folks have nothing to offer - no skills, no abilities, no outside 
interests. They just like to create doubt, and confusion, to mirror their own. 

 In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Maybe people who have seen 
through something you fervently believe without any evidence is doing you a 
favour in bringing it to your attention?

The True Believers cannot possibly accept that those bringing these things to 
their attention are correct. To do so would mean that they were 
w...w...w...WRONG. Can't have that. 

Their True Believerism is a perverted form of ego-protection. They have 
identified themselves with what they believe in so long that they cannot 
possibly separate the two any more. Any perceived criticism of the belief 
system/organization they've come to identify with as an extension of their self 
is perceived as a criticism of their self. 

Perhaps if they could convince just one person of their cynical and depressing 
view of the world, they win. Sadly, there is no way to convince another human 
being of the error of their ways, without providing an alternative. 

Sorry to labour the point but a life free of being ripped off by bogus and 
deluded holy men is a life of joy and wonder, just think of what you can find 
out if you aren't encumbered by dogma, there's a fascinating world out there. 
Naturally, I agree. Who would WANT a life based on a series of lies? Obviously, 
only those who have bought into those lies for so long that they would have to 
admit to having done so to admit that they *are* lies. 

Who was it discovered the gravity waves that prove universal inflation after 
the big bang, the pope? some pandit in a cave chanting 1500 year old poems? 
John Hagelin? No, it was someone with vision and freedom of thought to explore 
whatever avenue they wanted. It's that that enriches the world not new age 
foolishness. That, like all religion, holds you still and unevolving, not even 
question whether Your own ideas are correct. Some enlightenment
I find it interesting that so far in all of this pandit kerfuffle, NOT A SINGLE 

Not one. Not Lawson, not Judy, not Ji

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Oh c'mon, the folks bashing yagyas and sidhis and the rest, ARE NOT on the 
forefront of some new revelation - It is the same old shit I have been reading 
about for years. The reality that you and a couple of others are able to look 
at these elements, objectively, finally, and find a flaw or two, is not news. 
It is boring, and like watching 3rd graders delight in simple math. Nope, what 
I see here, is a lot of distraction and misdirection from personal issues. 

I do quite agree that something has happened to Barry, in the past, most likely 
with a woman, and he hasn't been the same since. I could not care less about 
anyone saying negative crap about the TMO, or even a reasoned argument, as you 
have written. Doesn't matter to me. I don't have anything to do with the TMO - 
Just like the critics. 

I am looking for some personal honesty, though, and I don't turn away from 
seeing someone as clearly damaged as Barry is, simply because he draws an image 
of Maharishi butt-fucking the Pope. I continue to focus on the damage, and not 
the distraction. Get it? I hope so.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
What I am waiting for, Barry, is to hear about your past relationships, with 
women. I am pretty sure you have not been married before, but if so, SHE dumped 
you, and that may be the problem with you, right there (they are all cunts and 
bitches, huh?). Without therapy and a lot of soul searching, such a stressful 
event could result in you being as sadistic, abusive, self-distracting, and at 
the same time, scared to death, as you are. 

Enjoy your day - I'll keep working on this. To help yourself out, I would 
suggest recognizing the distractions, which come out of your mouth, and 
shutting them down, until you have faced your past emotional trauma. Thank you 
for calling me by name - it spurs my interest, in revealing you, to yourself.
---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:11 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs 
they don't practice

[Salyavin's] Comments in red   Mine in this color
---In,  wrote :

 There are a few here, that take great delight in bashing meditation programs 
they do not participate in. 

 Are we reading different forums? Who are these people? I see a bit of 
criticism of things unrelated to meditation, like the ridiculous claims of 
yagyas and world peace creation that have nothing to do with TM but arose as 
cash-creation schemes that are successful only because people brought into the 
belief system espoused by Marshy. Anyone taking a long, cold look at any of 
these add-on claims is rapidly disillusioned.

 I would go so far as to suggest that after decades of buying into the 
bamboozlement perpetrated by Maharishi and the TM movement to come up with 
these cash-creation schemes, most True Believers are *incapable* of taking a 
long, cold look at much of anything. Just look at Lawson's post this morning -- 
a huge, steaming shitpile of justifications and apologetics ALL BASED ON A LIE.

 Same folks that get pissed at others for taking attention away from them. 
These folks have nothing to offer - no skills, no abilities, no outside 
interests. They just like to create doubt, and confusion, to mirror their own. 

 In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Maybe people who have seen 
through something you fervently believe without any evidence is doing you a 
favour in bringing it to your attention?

The True Believers cannot possibly accept that those bringing these things to 
their attention are correct. To do so would mean that they were 
w...w...w...WRONG. Can't have that. 

Their True Believerism is a perverted form of ego-protection. They have 
identified themselves with what they believe in so long that they cannot 
possibly separate the two any more. Any perceived criticism of the belief 
system/organization they've come to identify with as an extension of their self 
is perceived as a criticism of their self. 

Perhaps if they could convince just one person of their cynical and depressing 
view of the world, they win. Sadly, there is no way to convince another human 
being of the error of their ways, without providing an alternative. 

Sorry to labour the point but a life free of being ripped off by bogus and 
deluded holy men is a life of joy and wonder, just think of what you can find 
out if you aren't encumbered by dogma, there's a fascinating world out there. 
Naturally, I agree. Who would WANT a life based on a series of lies? Obviously, 
only those who have bought into those lies for so long that they would have to 
admit to having done so to admit that they *are* lies. 

Who was it discovered the gravity waves that prove universal inflation after 
the big bang, the pope? some pandit in a cave chanting 1500 year old poems? 
John Hagelin? No, it was someone with vision and freedom of thought to explore 
whatever avenue they wanted. It's that that enriches the world not new age 
foolishness. That, like all religion, holds you still and unevolving, not even 
question whether Your own ideas are correct. Some enlightenment
I find it interesting that so far in all of this pandit kerfuffle, NOT A SINGLE 

Not one. Not Lawson, not Judy, not Jim Flanegin/Doctordumbass, not Nabby -- NO 

That's because they can't. The ONLY reason they blindly support this fairly 
obvious form of modern slavery and cynical exploitation of the gullible is 
because of one word -- Maharishisez.

 This is why I never got on on the TMO, they think they know it all when really 
they are floundering in the dark. If you want examples I've got millions. It's 
the fundamentalist religious world view that depresses me and not the people 
that try and see through it. Anyone who challenges the people who make money 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
NOBODY is ganging up on anybody, Share. You seem to be made very uncomfortable 
when someone is called out for their scummy behavior, unless it is directed AT 
YOU. I don't know why that is, but I would suggest discussing this with your 
therapist. You probably need to work on your sense of self-esteem, and not be 
so quick to defend those, who do not have your best interests at heart. Also, I 
assume we are all adults here, and anything said, is fair game. Perhaps you 
need to pull on your Big Girl Panties, and rub the sleep from your eyes. This 
ain't practice, this is real life. Please, get used to it.
---In,  wrote :

 Judy, I'm not pandering. And I admit I don't like it when lots of people gang 
up on one person. 

As for turq liking me, I think it's great when people like other people. But my 
happiness is not dependent upon it.

Also, I've seen a picture of turq's family and they look nice to me. Also we've 
seen pictures of Maya and heard stories about their time together.


 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 12:23 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Panders Share, still hoping against hope that she can persuade Barry to like 

 Whether his "family there in Leiden" is "really nice" or not, Barry is missing 
something big in his life and spends enormous amounts of time and energy taking 
that lack out on everybody else.

 Doc, I think turq has a really nice family there in Leiden, so I don't think 
he's all that lonely. As for being old, we're all getting there! 

 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:57 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Yep, grown up kids like that one, have no business on here. He is a loud 
mouthed lout, who thinks that a kiss and hug, are equal to a sock in the mouth. 
I'll bet the old coot is still on here, twenty years from now, having 
accomplished absolutely nothing. Lonely old guy.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 wow - "3:23 AM your time", "obsessing about me", "Mr. Enlightened".
Sure, climb into your cocoon of convention - but, please, do it more quietly. 
We no longer need to hear this POV of yours. Fewer posts, for awhile, if you 
would - or back to TV reviews. 
You numb us with your repetition, and the same angry screeds, against the same 
targets. I watch you smugly dismiss my words, to disguise your embarrassment at 
being called out, and yet, I am almost surprised, that you are so unaware of 
your transparency.
You really have to put on your big boy pants, Barry, to participate on a forum 
that encourages seeing beyond illusions. Being lonely, and just wanting 
attention, doesn't cut it, here. People like me, are going to see you for who 
you are, and not simply accept who you *think* you are.

I liked that sentence I italicized and put in green a lot Doc. Another gold 
star, this time a virtual one. Imagine it in your head and make it as fancy as 
you want.
 ---In,  wrote :

 You realize, don't you "Mr. Enlightened," that you are still up obsessing 
about me at 3:23 AM your time, right?   :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   LOL - Birds of a feather, eh? Ha ha, I was wondering when you'd bite, 
knowing with a certainty, that you were reading these posts of mine, despite 
your past [moronic] denials, and recognizing them as applying mostly to you. 
You are exceptionally predictable, Barry. 

Seriously, I post elements of your psyche, on FFL, occasionally, to simply 
force some self-awareness on you, and get you to nudge the stylus over, on that 
skipping record, in your head. And, to give the rest of us a break. Get it? :-) 
Nothing personal - I'd do the same favor, for anyone else, as clueless.

Enlightened people are out to enlighten the world, without playing favorites. 
So, please don't feel singled out by me -- after all, you ain't *that* special, 
anyway ;-) You just need more work, than most, to wake up from your stupor, and 
sleepwalking doesn't count.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Meanwhile, the person who claims to be "enlightened" is still obsessing over a 
few posts that never had anything to do with him in the first place, and 
reacting to them by doing *exactly* what he's railing about -- trying to put 
down people he feels he's in competition with in an attempt to be "special" and 
"win." Go figure.

 If you're "enlightened," you sure make a strong case for everyone to avoid it 
like the plague. 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 To: Fai

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
"The point is, something is missing from his life that drives him to be 
sadistically and gratuitously mean to other people."

Definitely. Any ideas what that might be?? Given his predisposition to call 
women, "cunts", I am betting it has something to do with a past rejection, by a 
woman. Barry, can you give us a hint??


---In,  wrote :

 I think you are pandering, actually. 

 It's tough that "ganging up" on somebody makes you uncomfortable, but if 
anyone deserves to be ganged up on, it's Barry. He's reaping what he's sown; 
his chickens are coming home to roost. It's not up to you to rescue him from 
what he's brought on himself.

 I didn't say your happiness was dependent on Barry liking you. If you can't 
get him to like you, you'll just go pander to somebody else. That's what you do 

 As the good doctor just pointed out, the folks Barry lives with in Leiden are 
not his "family," no matter how "nice" they may look to you. The point is, 
something is missing from his life that drives him to be sadistically and 
gratuitously mean to other people. You are not going to fill that lack no 
matter what you do.

---In,  wrote :

 Judy, I'm not pandering. And I admit I don't like it when lots of people gang 
up on one person. 

As for turq liking me, I think it's great when people like other people. But my 
happiness is not dependent upon it.

Also, I've seen a picture of turq's family and they look nice to me. Also we've 
seen pictures of Maya and heard stories about their time together.


 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 12:23 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Panders Share, still hoping against hope that she can persuade Barry to like 

 Whether his "family there in Leiden" is "really nice" or not, Barry is missing 
something big in his life and spends enormous amounts of time and energy taking 
that lack out on everybody else.

 Doc, I think turq has a really nice family there in Leiden, so I don't think 
he's all that lonely. As for being old, we're all getting there! 

 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:57 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Yep, grown up kids like that one, have no business on here. He is a loud 
mouthed lout, who thinks that a kiss and hug, are equal to a sock in the mouth. 
I'll bet the old coot is still on here, twenty years from now, having 
accomplished absolutely nothing. Lonely old guy.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 wow - "3:23 AM your time", "obsessing about me", "Mr. Enlightened".
Sure, climb into your cocoon of convention - but, please, do it more quietly. 
We no longer need to hear this POV of yours. Fewer posts, for awhile, if you 
would - or back to TV reviews. 
You numb us with your repetition, and the same angry screeds, against the same 
targets. I watch you smugly dismiss my words, to disguise your embarrassment at 
being called out, and yet, I am almost surprised, that you are so unaware of 
your transparency.
You really have to put on your big boy pants, Barry, to participate on a forum 
that encourages seeing beyond illusions. Being lonely, and just wanting 
attention, doesn't cut it, here. People like me, are going to see you for who 
you are, and not simply accept who you *think* you are.

I liked that sentence I italicized and put in green a lot Doc. Another gold 
star, this time a virtual one. Imagine it in your head and make it as fancy as 
you want.
 ---In,  wrote :

 You realize, don't you "Mr. Enlightened," that you are still up obsessing 
about me at 3:23 AM your time, right?   :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   LOL - Birds of a feather, eh? Ha ha, I was wondering when you'd bite, 
knowing with a certainty, that you were reading these posts of mine, despite 
your past [moronic] denials, and recognizing them as applying mostly to you. 
You are exceptionally predictable, Barry. 

Seriously, I post elements of your psyche, on FFL, occasionally, to simply 
force some self-awareness on you, and get you to nudge the stylus over, on that 
skipping record, in your head. And, to give the rest of us a break. Get it? :-) 
Nothing personal - I'd do the same favor, for anyone else, as clueless.

Enlightened people are out to enlighten the world, without playing favorites. 
So, please don't feel singled out by me -- after all, you ain't *that* special, 
anyway ;-) You just need more work, than m

[FairfieldLife] Re: Another view of the "Maharishi pandit program"

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
The TMO, compared to your life, is a paragon of order and virtue. Work on 
yourself, a little, Mr. Far From Perfect. After that, we may entertain your 
latest screed. In the meantime, shaddap.

---In,  wrote :

 Just to keep the pressure on the cult apologists trying to "spin" the recent 
pandit riots in Fairfield in a positive light, I'd like to expand upon two 
recent statements I've made today, and then continue with a little less 
favorably "spun" version of facts presented in media articles over the last few 
 > > Whereas women in their 7th decade [Judy Stein] seem to spend their time 
 > > pretending that well-to-do white people *aren't* paying to have young 
 > > brown-skinned guys chant for them to cure them of their ills and 
 > > supposedly create world peace...when they're not busy rioting.  :-)

> In other words, the systematized racism here is on the part of the TM 
> organization, which seems to think it's OK to take advantage of poverty and 
> desperation of poor Indian parents to persuade them to sell their children 
> into indentured servitude. And who then take advantage of gullible TMers by 
> suckering them into paying *huge* prices for so-called "yagyas" from these 
> indentured servants, while paying the poor Indian boys $50 a month and 
> locking them in barbed-wire compounds. 


 Everything said above is from the articles surrounding the pandit program, 
either the earlier articles about a number of pandits trying to escape from 
their compound, or the more recent articles about their riot. What Judy and 
some of the others here are trying to obscure and keep from being said is 
a...uh...less favorable view of these facts. 


 The TM movement in India -- led by a person currently out on bail after having 
been charged with rape, Girish Varma -- has for many years approached poor 
parents in India unable to provide for their children and talked them into 
having them become "pandits." The parents are promised a monthly income *in 
excess of the average monthly salary in India*, and they've been told that 
their kids will receive an education and be taught a useful trade. What Girish 
Varma fails to mention in his sales spiel to these parents is that -- according 
to at least two of the articles -- he is *not* providing the promised education 
to these kids, and that the only "market" for their supposed new "trade" is the 
"pandit programs" he arranges through the TM movement to have these kids "chant 
for peace" or chant yagyas (prayers to Hindu gods) for paying customers. 


 Another tidbit from these articles, most recently stated by the TM movement's 
main lawyer Goldstein, is that this *entire program* is being paid for by the 
"donors," meaning the overly-privileged TMers around the world who have been 
suckered into either 1) paying all the bills for the program, including finding 
warm clothing for the pandits themselves, or 2) paying *enormous* fees for 
supposed "yagyas" in which these pandits chant to Hindu gods to cure them of 
their ills, insure their business successes, or otherwise achieve their 
personal goals. 


 And remember -- according to the TM movement's own lawyer, *ALL* of this is 
being paid for by these either well-meaning (the ones who believe without any 
evidence that chanting a bunch of mumbo-jumbo will bring about world peace) or 
selfish (wanting only to cure their diseases or make money). The TM movement -- 
which according to many reports in the press is sitting on assets of OVER A 
BILLION DOLLARS -- is not paying a *penny* for any of this. Instead, what they 
are doing is taking these children (some of whom were sold into the program by 
their parents at age eight) and using them as a "cash cow" to sucker even more 
money from "donors" into the TM movement's already bulging coffers. 


 At the same time, the TM movement is carefully taking any of the pandits who 
*might* have grievances of any kind and putting them on a plane to India, where 
they can't be interviewed by the press to get another side of the story. Some 
*may* be actually happy with their lives as pandits -- after all, they've been 
kept in compounds and indoctrinated by Girish and Co. since they were eight -- 
but the TMO is making sure that no one can talk to the ones who aren't. 


 All that I'm doing is interpreting the facts presented either in press reports 
or by the TMO's main lawyer in a way that suggests that what is really going on 
is an ill-disguised form of slavery. The pandit's "contracts" with the TMO 
definitely fit the legal definition of "indentured servitude," because the 
supposed payment to their parents is completely dependent on them "serving 
their sentence" and working for the full three years of their "assignment," and 
is not made until *after* that "term of service" is over. Indentured servitude 
is illegal in the US and worldwide, having been condemned by the United 
Nations. Meanwhile the boys -- 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Springtime is Wartime for Washington

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
Nope. I look at these guys carefully enough. I know about the scammers, and you 
*can* tell the difference. I don't give money to scammers, and I don't give a 
damn if those who need it, spend my buck on booze. 

---In,  wrote :

 Yes, most of the people that  Doc is seeing near the freeway off ramps are 
scammers.  I recall seeing one guy with a walker awkwardly moving to a car 
window to get the money fools were giving him.  The tip off is that he wasn't 
doing a very good job of faking the walker bit.  Then the next day I saw him 
downtown running around  without the walker.
 At the shopping center nearby there would be panhandlers looking for money 
too.  But I found out in some cases when they got enough money they went into 
the drug store and bought a pint of malt liquor.  There was a guy asking for 
money for food in nice new sneakers and an expensive bike.
 In this town the Baptist church has free lunches for the homeless.  We have 
one schizo who lives at the waterfront park but he won't beg for anything.  One 
of the former managers of Starbucks had let him set up the tables and chairs 
outside in exchange for food and coffee.  The next manager stopped that.  Once 
he rescued a newborn in a garbage bin and that made headlines.  He had offers 
for jobs and people finding him to give gifts of food.  Nice guy but really out 
of his mind.
 I don't know about buying them a burger but perhaps keeping some food bars on 
hand.  There was one guy downtown often asking for money for food.  One day as 
I was leaving the town square I caught him throwing away most of deli sandwich 
he had just bought from what people had given him.
 Now as far as welfare goes what I said about California was a political issue 
started by Dubya who didn't like Californians voting against him. So they cut 
the money most states would get back from federal taxes.
 On 03/19/2014 08:26 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   I remember the first time  I ever saw a person on a street corner holding a 
sign saying *will work for food*, back in the eighties. I thought my heart was 
being ripped out of my chest. Almost drove to an ATM to withdraw 20 bucks to 
give him, then thought about it and realized that was the response intended, to 
play on the heart strings of well meaning people. Later started hearing stories 
in the media that these people were raking in hundreds of dollars a day, tax 
free! They would drive their late model cars to a parking lot, get out and walk 
to a busy intersection and hold out their cardboard sign, begging for  a days 
work in exchange for food. So I decided that if  I ever saw a *regular*, I 
would either buy a burger and fries to give them or a new clean *T* 
shirt.However, I'm not going to support somebodies meth or crack problem.
 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:48 AM, "doctordumbass@..." 
mailto:doctordumbass@...  mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   Perhaps, but it still pisses me off, to see people, in this area with untold 
wealth, standing at the freeway off ramps, begging, while endless new, shiny, 
freshly washed cars, pass these guys, without giving them a nickel. What's a 
spare buck? Too embarrassed to give to a beggar? Fuck those rich fools.

 mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote :
 See? Even Bhairitu is against welfare, the rich supporting the poor. Now, it 
won't be a few rich hippies dictating what part of California secedes and joins 
up with whoever. It'll be Hispanics that decide if they join Mexico. Now here 
in Texas, we remember the Alamo!
 On Monday, March 17, 2014 9:17 AM, Bhairitu  mailto:noozguru@... 
   No, we Californians want to secede and form a new country probably taking in 
Oregon and Washington.  Oh, SoCal can join Mexico though.  Why secede?  Because 
the Red States are getting more money back from the feds than Blue California 
and we pay in a lot.  And California has one of the largest economies in world.
 On 03/17/2014 07:23 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   And ... and  and if the people of California want to secede and be part 
of Mexico again, what's wrong with that?
 On Monday, March 17, 2014 7:06 AM, Mike Dixon mailto:mdixon.6569@... 
mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote:
   Well, I'm sure the people of Austria and the Sudetenland wanted to be 
annexed as well back in the 30's. No biggie there.
 On Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:59 PM, mailto:steve.sundur@... 
mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:

mailto:emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote :
 Yes, I'd dispose of the nest for sure.  Look online...gotta bb gun?  
 yes, whole arsenal of bb and pellet guns.  (backyard activity) (no animals 
though)  have you ever seen aerosol pain

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
I don't know about that, but I sure get tired of losers, with only their ego to 
prop themselves up, going on and on about shit they know nothing about. So 
sometimes I really enjoy turning the mirror on them.:-)

---In,  wrote :

 He is not the only bitter soul on this forum. And with good reason: To have 
rejected the only Yogi you ever met in this life does not drawn a very bright 
picture for your prospects next time around.

---In,  wrote :

 Yep, grown up kids like that one, have no business on here. He is a loud 
mouthed lout, who thinks that a kiss and hug, are equal to a sock in the mouth. 
I'll bet the old coot is still on here, twenty years from now, having 
accomplished absolutely nothing. Lonely old guy.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 wow - "3:23 AM your time", "obsessing about me", "Mr. Enlightened".
Sure, climb into your cocoon of convention - but, please, do it more quietly. 
We no longer need to hear this POV of yours. Fewer posts, for awhile, if you 
would - or back to TV reviews. 
You numb us with your repetition, and the same angry screeds, against the same 
targets. I watch you smugly dismiss my words, to disguise your embarrassment at 
being called out, and yet, I am almost surprised, that you are so unaware of 
your transparency.
You really have to put on your big boy pants, Barry, to participate on a forum 
that encourages seeing beyond illusions. Being lonely, and just wanting 
attention, doesn't cut it, here. People like me, are going to see you for who 
you are, and not simply accept who you *think* you are.

I liked that sentence I italicized and put in green a lot Doc. Another gold 
star, this time a virtual one. Imagine it in your head and make it as fancy as 
you want.
 ---In,  wrote :

 You realize, don't you "Mr. Enlightened," that you are still up obsessing 
about me at 3:23 AM your time, right?   :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   LOL - Birds of a feather, eh? Ha ha, I was wondering when you'd bite, 
knowing with a certainty, that you were reading these posts of mine, despite 
your past [moronic] denials, and recognizing them as applying mostly to you. 
You are exceptionally predictable, Barry. 

Seriously, I post elements of your psyche, on FFL, occasionally, to simply 
force some self-awareness on you, and get you to nudge the stylus over, on that 
skipping record, in your head. And, to give the rest of us a break. Get it? :-) 
Nothing personal - I'd do the same favor, for anyone else, as clueless.

Enlightened people are out to enlighten the world, without playing favorites. 
So, please don't feel singled out by me -- after all, you ain't *that* special, 
anyway ;-) You just need more work, than most, to wake up from your stupor, and 
sleepwalking doesn't count.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Meanwhile, the person who claims to be "enlightened" is still obsessing over a 
few posts that never had anything to do with him in the first place, and 
reacting to them by doing *exactly* what he's railing about -- trying to put 
down people he feels he's in competition with in an attempt to be "special" and 
"win." Go figure.

 If you're "enlightened," you sure make a strong case for everyone to avoid it 
like the plague. 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who 
might feel special
   PS Yay - nothing like a spotlight to hush those *extra special* ones, for 
whom this post applies. Light always provides a shiver down the spine, for 
those who enjoy hiding in their own darkness.:-) 
I find after I post something like this, the childish ones who engage in the 
behavior I am pointing out, cool their jets, for awhile, until they sense "Dad" 
is no longer watching - lol. Then they are back to their infantile tricks - 
can't help themselves; knowledge is structured in consciousness. 
A pretty funny game to play, with those who are fearful of being exposed for 
who they are, yet can't help themselves.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 Ego competition, of course. There are a couple of people on here, always 
ranting and raving against others, who, they insist, are involved in all things 
spiritual, ONLY because, "it makes them feel special". I have always thought it 
was the mightiest of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
Yes, I agree. There is a huge hurt, or emptiness there, that he either cannot 
face, or has decided is someone else's fault. I have never come across someone 
with such a lack of skills and abilities, except tapping a keyboard, who sits 
around all day, pointing the finger at others. Absolutely clueless, that one.

---In,  wrote :

 Panders Share, still hoping against hope that she can persuade Barry to like 

 Whether his "family there in Leiden" is "really nice" or not, Barry is missing 
something big in his life and spends enormous amounts of time and energy taking 
that lack out on everybody else.

 Doc, I think turq has a really nice family there in Leiden, so I don't think 
he's all that lonely. As for being old, we're all getting there! 

 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:57 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Yep, grown up kids like that one, have no business on here. He is a loud 
mouthed lout, who thinks that a kiss and hug, are equal to a sock in the mouth. 
I'll bet the old coot is still on here, twenty years from now, having 
accomplished absolutely nothing. Lonely old guy.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 wow - "3:23 AM your time", "obsessing about me", "Mr. Enlightened".
Sure, climb into your cocoon of convention - but, please, do it more quietly. 
We no longer need to hear this POV of yours. Fewer posts, for awhile, if you 
would - or back to TV reviews. 
You numb us with your repetition, and the same angry screeds, against the same 
targets. I watch you smugly dismiss my words, to disguise your embarrassment at 
being called out, and yet, I am almost surprised, that you are so unaware of 
your transparency.
You really have to put on your big boy pants, Barry, to participate on a forum 
that encourages seeing beyond illusions. Being lonely, and just wanting 
attention, doesn't cut it, here. People like me, are going to see you for who 
you are, and not simply accept who you *think* you are.

I liked that sentence I italicized and put in green a lot Doc. Another gold 
star, this time a virtual one. Imagine it in your head and make it as fancy as 
you want.
 ---In,  wrote :

 You realize, don't you "Mr. Enlightened," that you are still up obsessing 
about me at 3:23 AM your time, right?   :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   LOL - Birds of a feather, eh? Ha ha, I was wondering when you'd bite, 
knowing with a certainty, that you were reading these posts of mine, despite 
your past [moronic] denials, and recognizing them as applying mostly to you. 
You are exceptionally predictable, Barry. 

Seriously, I post elements of your psyche, on FFL, occasionally, to simply 
force some self-awareness on you, and get you to nudge the stylus over, on that 
skipping record, in your head. And, to give the rest of us a break. Get it? :-) 
Nothing personal - I'd do the same favor, for anyone else, as clueless.

Enlightened people are out to enlighten the world, without playing favorites. 
So, please don't feel singled out by me -- after all, you ain't *that* special, 
anyway ;-) You just need more work, than most, to wake up from your stupor, and 
sleepwalking doesn't count.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Meanwhile, the person who claims to be "enlightened" is still obsessing over a 
few posts that never had anything to do with him in the first place, and 
reacting to them by doing *exactly* what he's railing about -- trying to put 
down people he feels he's in competition with in an attempt to be "special" and 
"win." Go figure.

 If you're "enlightened," you sure make a strong case for everyone to avoid it 
like the plague. 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who 
might feel special
   PS Yay - nothing like a spotlight to hush those *extra special* ones, for 
whom this post applies. Light always provides a shiver down the spine, for 
those who enjoy hiding in their own darkness.:-) 
I find after I post something like this, the childish ones who engage in the 
behavior I am pointing out, cool their jets, for awhile, until they sense "Dad" 
is no longer watching - lol. Then they are back to their infantile tricks - 
can't help themselves; knowledge is structured in consciousness. 
A pretty funny game to play, with those who are fearful of being exposed for 
who they are,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
MUCH better to be enjoying the flute and guitar, eh? :-) People that simply 
strum their egos to make noise really bore me.

---In,  wrote :

 Bingo !

---In,  wrote :

 There are a few here, that take great delight in bashing meditation programs 
they do not participate in. Same folks that get pissed at others for taking 
attention away from them. These folks have nothing to offer - no skills, no 
abilities, no outside interests. They just like to create doubt, and confusion, 
to mirror their own. 

Perhaps if they could convince just one person of their cynical and depressing 
view of the world, they win. Sadly, there is no way to convince another human 
being of the error of their ways, without providing an alternative. 

These TM bashers have nothing to say in that regard, making the point, instead, 
that they are living proponents of a lifetime spent bashing TM, Maharishi, Guru 
Dev, Hindus, Indians, mantras, pandits, yagyas, and anything else that they 
attach their failed lifetimes to. This misdirected anger, is then meant to buoy 
the TM skeptics out there, with the result that they, of course, want to 
emulate the TM bashers, vs. learning TM. What a joke. For one thing TM 
strengthens the ability for successful social relationships. Compare that to a 
TM basher, who sits alone in cafes and his room, watching TV and drinking beer. 
What would your choice be? Pretty obvious, huh?

So, it doesn't work that way. People are attracted to leaders, and those with 
full hearts. The ones that live in the dark world of criticizing everything, 
want others to look up to them, but they are consistently crawling around on 
the ground, making such a desire impossible.

[FairfieldLife] Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
There are a few here, that take great delight in bashing meditation programs 
they do not participate in. Same folks that get pissed at others for taking 
attention away from them. These folks have nothing to offer - no skills, no 
abilities, no outside interests. They just like to create doubt, and confusion, 
to mirror their own. 

Perhaps if they could convince just one person of their cynical and depressing 
view of the world, they win. Sadly, there is no way to convince another human 
being of the error of their ways, without providing an alternative. 

These TM bashers have nothing to say in that regard, making the point, instead, 
that they are living proponents of a lifetime spent bashing TM, Maharishi, Guru 
Dev, Hindus, Indians, mantras, pandits, yagyas, and anything else that they 
attach their failed lifetimes to. This misdirected anger, is then meant to buoy 
the TM skeptics out there, with the result that they, of course, want to 
emulate the TM bashers, vs. learning TM. What a joke. For one thing TM 
strengthens the ability for successful social relationships. Compare that to a 
TM basher, who sits alone in cafes and his room, watching TV and drinking beer. 
What would your choice be? Pretty obvious, huh?

So, it doesn't work that way. People are attracted to leaders, and those with 
full hearts. The ones that live in the dark world of criticizing everything, 
want others to look up to them, but they are consistently crawling around on 
the ground, making such a desire impossible.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
He's got roommates, kiddo - not a family. Do you know the difference? For 
example, he won't be saving money, to send that two year old to college, or 
attending her parent teacher conferences in grade school. He doesn't have sex 
with anyone in that household, and beyond paying his share of the rent, has no 
long term commitments to these roommates of his, should he vacate the premises. 
He may be close to his roomies, but to call them a family is delusional, and 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Doc, I think turq has a really nice family there in Leiden, so I don't think 
he's all that lonely. As for being old, we're all getting there!

 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:57 AM, "doctordumbass@..."  
   Yep, grown up kids like that one, have no business on here. He is a loud 
mouthed lout, who thinks that a kiss and hug, are equal to a sock in the mouth. 
I'll bet the old coot is still on here, twenty years from now, having 
accomplished absolutely nothing. Lonely old guy.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 wow - "3:23 AM your time", "obsessing about me", "Mr. Enlightened".
Sure, climb into your cocoon of convention - but, please, do it more quietly. 
We no longer need to hear this POV of yours. Fewer posts, for awhile, if you 
would - or back to TV reviews. 
You numb us with your repetition, and the same angry screeds, against the same 
targets. I watch you smugly dismiss my words, to disguise your embarrassment at 
being called out, and yet, I am almost surprised, that you are so unaware of 
your transparency.
You really have to put on your big boy pants, Barry, to participate on a forum 
that encourages seeing beyond illusions. Being lonely, and just wanting 
attention, doesn't cut it, here. People like me, are going to see you for who 
you are, and not simply accept who you *think* you are.

I liked that sentence I italicized and put in green a lot Doc. Another gold 
star, this time a virtual one. Imagine it in your head and make it as fancy as 
you want.
 ---In,  wrote :

 You realize, don't you "Mr. Enlightened," that you are still up obsessing 
about me at 3:23 AM your time, right?   :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   LOL - Birds of a feather, eh? Ha ha, I was wondering when you'd bite, 
knowing with a certainty, that you were reading these posts of mine, despite 
your past [moronic] denials, and recognizing them as applying mostly to you. 
You are exceptionally predictable, Barry. 

Seriously, I post elements of your psyche, on FFL, occasionally, to simply 
force some self-awareness on you, and get you to nudge the stylus over, on that 
skipping record, in your head. And, to give the rest of us a break. Get it? :-) 
Nothing personal - I'd do the same favor, for anyone else, as clueless.

Enlightened people are out to enlighten the world, without playing favorites. 
So, please don't feel singled out by me -- after all, you ain't *that* special, 
anyway ;-) You just need more work, than most, to wake up from your stupor, and 
sleepwalking doesn't count.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Meanwhile, the person who claims to be "enlightened" is still obsessing over a 
few posts that never had anything to do with him in the first place, and 
reacting to them by doing *exactly* what he's railing about -- trying to put 
down people he feels he's in competition with in an attempt to be "special" and 
"win." Go figure.

 If you're "enlightened," you sure make a strong case for everyone to avoid it 
like the plague. 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who 
might feel special
   PS Yay - nothing like a spotlight to hush those *extra special* ones, for 
whom this post applies. Light always provides a shiver down the spine, for 
those who enjoy hiding in their own darkness.:-) 
I find after I post something like this, the childish ones who engage in the 
behavior I am pointing out, cool their jets, for awhile, until they sense "Dad" 
is no longer watching - lol. Then they are back to their infantile tricks - 
can't help themselves; knowledge is structured in consciousness. 
A pretty funny game to play, with those who are fearful of being exposed for 
who they are, yet can't help themselves.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
Yep, grown up kids like that one, have no business on here. He is a loud 
mouthed lout, who thinks that a kiss and hug, are equal to a sock in the mouth. 
I'll bet the old coot is still on here, twenty years from now, having 
accomplished absolutely nothing. Lonely old guy.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 wow - "3:23 AM your time", "obsessing about me", "Mr. Enlightened".
Sure, climb into your cocoon of convention - but, please, do it more quietly. 
We no longer need to hear this POV of yours. Fewer posts, for awhile, if you 
would - or back to TV reviews. 
You numb us with your repetition, and the same angry screeds, against the same 
targets. I watch you smugly dismiss my words, to disguise your embarrassment at 
being called out, and yet, I am almost surprised, that you are so unaware of 
your transparency.
You really have to put on your big boy pants, Barry, to participate on a forum 
that encourages seeing beyond illusions. Being lonely, and just wanting 
attention, doesn't cut it, here. People like me, are going to see you for who 
you are, and not simply accept who you *think* you are.

I liked that sentence I italicized and put in green a lot Doc. Another gold 
star, this time a virtual one. Imagine it in your head and make it as fancy as 
you want.
 ---In,  wrote :

 You realize, don't you "Mr. Enlightened," that you are still up obsessing 
about me at 3:23 AM your time, right?   :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   LOL - Birds of a feather, eh? Ha ha, I was wondering when you'd bite, 
knowing with a certainty, that you were reading these posts of mine, despite 
your past [moronic] denials, and recognizing them as applying mostly to you. 
You are exceptionally predictable, Barry. 

Seriously, I post elements of your psyche, on FFL, occasionally, to simply 
force some self-awareness on you, and get you to nudge the stylus over, on that 
skipping record, in your head. And, to give the rest of us a break. Get it? :-) 
Nothing personal - I'd do the same favor, for anyone else, as clueless.

Enlightened people are out to enlighten the world, without playing favorites. 
So, please don't feel singled out by me -- after all, you ain't *that* special, 
anyway ;-) You just need more work, than most, to wake up from your stupor, and 
sleepwalking doesn't count.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Meanwhile, the person who claims to be "enlightened" is still obsessing over a 
few posts that never had anything to do with him in the first place, and 
reacting to them by doing *exactly* what he's railing about -- trying to put 
down people he feels he's in competition with in an attempt to be "special" and 
"win." Go figure.

 If you're "enlightened," you sure make a strong case for everyone to avoid it 
like the plague. 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who 
might feel special
   PS Yay - nothing like a spotlight to hush those *extra special* ones, for 
whom this post applies. Light always provides a shiver down the spine, for 
those who enjoy hiding in their own darkness.:-) 
I find after I post something like this, the childish ones who engage in the 
behavior I am pointing out, cool their jets, for awhile, until they sense "Dad" 
is no longer watching - lol. Then they are back to their infantile tricks - 
can't help themselves; knowledge is structured in consciousness. 
A pretty funny game to play, with those who are fearful of being exposed for 
who they are, yet can't help themselves.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 Ego competition, of course. There are a couple of people on here, always 
ranting and raving against others, who, they insist, are involved in all things 
spiritual, ONLY because, "it makes them feel special". I have always thought it 
was the mightiest of assumptions to know what someone else is thinking.

Nonetheless, I am curious, not about what drives a person's feelings of 
"specialness", but why another person would bring this up as some kind of 
personal sin against *themselves*, for years. On and on - ranting and raving, 
for days, weeks, months and years. Pretty funny when it becomes clear, the one 
denigrating others for feeling special, is doing so, because, they don't like 
the competition. Who cares if someone else feels, "special&qu

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
Suck it up, Big Boy. Like I said, loneliness and the need for a little 
attention don't cut it on here. Love, Doc
 ---In,  wrote :

 I don't know about you, Jimbo, but I'm having fun seeing *you* so jealous of 
me that you're still up posting at 4:54 AM your time. And all because I pointed 
out a few days ago that you -- who claim to be enlightened -- couldn't even 
tell that a "Deepak Chopra quote" posted here was written by a 'bot that just 
strings together buzzwords from his tweets and writings in random order. As I 
pointed out to "Mr. Enlightened" then, it could well be that the output of this 
parody machine sounds a great deal like his *own* writing.  :-)  


 Here are a few more "Chopra quotes" that Jimbo will probably think are full of 


 "Evolution regulates unparalleled mysteries"

"Awareness is the path to quantum mortality"

"The ego unfolds into subjective bliss"

"People are going to see you for who you are, and not simply accept who you 
think you are."

 Oh, wait. That last one wasn't from the Chopra parody website at all. It was 
Jimbo, seemingly writing about himself. :-) :-)  :-)


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   wow - "3:23 AM your time", "obsessing about me", "Mr. Enlightened".
Sure, climb into your cocoon of convention - but, please, do it more quietly. 
We no longer need to hear this POV of yours. Fewer posts, for awhile, if you 
would - or back to TV reviews. 
You numb us with your repetition, and the same angry screeds, against the same 
targets. I watch you smugly dismiss my words, to disguise your embarrassment at 
being called out, and yet, I am almost surprised, that you are so unaware of 
your transparency.
You really have to put on your big boy pants, Barry, to participate on a forum 
that encourages seeing beyond illusions. Being lonely, and just wanting 
attention, doesn't cut it, here. People like me, are going to see you for who 
you are, and not simply accept who you *think* you are.

 ---In,  wrote :

 You realize, don't you "Mr. Enlightened," that you are still up obsessing 
about me at 3:23 AM your time, right?   :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   LOL - Birds of a feather, eh? Ha ha, I was wondering when you'd bite, 
knowing with a certainty, that you were reading these posts of mine, despite 
your past [moronic] denials, and recognizing them as applying mostly to you. 
You are exceptionally predictable, Barry. 

Seriously, I post elements of your psyche, on FFL, occasionally, to simply 
force some self-awareness on you, and get you to nudge the stylus over, on that 
skipping record, in your head. And, to give the rest of us a break. Get it? :-) 
Nothing personal - I'd do the same favor, for anyone else, as clueless.

Enlightened people are out to enlighten the world, without playing favorites. 
So, please don't feel singled out by me -- after all, you ain't *that* special, 
anyway ;-) You just need more work, than most, to wake up from your stupor, and 
sleepwalking doesn't count.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Meanwhile, the person who claims to be "enlightened" is still obsessing over a 
few posts that never had anything to do with him in the first place, and 
reacting to them by doing *exactly* what he's railing about -- trying to put 
down people he feels he's in competition with in an attempt to be "special" and 
"win." Go figure.

 If you're "enlightened," you sure make a strong case for everyone to avoid it 
like the plague. 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who 
might feel special
   PS Yay - nothing like a spotlight to hush those *extra special* ones, for 
whom this post applies. Light always provides a shiver down the spine, for 
those who enjoy hiding in their own darkness.:-) 
I find after I post something like this, the childish ones who engage in the 
behavior I am pointing out, cool their jets, for awhile, until they sense "Dad" 
is no longer watching - lol. Then they are back to their infantile tricks - 
can't help themselves; knowledge is structured in consciousness. 
A pretty funny game to play, with those who are fearful of being

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
wow - "3:23 AM your time", "obsessing about me", "Mr. Enlightened".
Sure, climb into your cocoon of convention - but, please, do it more quietly. 
We no longer need to hear this POV of yours. Fewer posts, for awhile, if you 
would - or back to TV reviews. 
You numb us with your repetition, and the same angry screeds, against the same 
targets. I watch you smugly dismiss my words, to disguise your embarrassment at 
being called out, and yet, I am almost surprised, that you are so unaware of 
your transparency.
You really have to put on your big boy pants, Barry, to participate on a forum 
that encourages seeing beyond illusions. Being lonely, and just wanting 
attention, doesn't cut it, here. People like me, are going to see you for who 
you are, and not simply accept who you *think* you are.

 ---In,  wrote :

 You realize, don't you "Mr. Enlightened," that you are still up obsessing 
about me at 3:23 AM your time, right?   :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:23 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others 
who might feel special
   LOL - Birds of a feather, eh? Ha ha, I was wondering when you'd bite, 
knowing with a certainty, that you were reading these posts of mine, despite 
your past [moronic] denials, and recognizing them as applying mostly to you. 
You are exceptionally predictable, Barry. 

Seriously, I post elements of your psyche, on FFL, occasionally, to simply 
force some self-awareness on you, and get you to nudge the stylus over, on that 
skipping record, in your head. And, to give the rest of us a break. Get it? :-) 
Nothing personal - I'd do the same favor, for anyone else, as clueless.

Enlightened people are out to enlighten the world, without playing favorites. 
So, please don't feel singled out by me -- after all, you ain't *that* special, 
anyway ;-) You just need more work, than most, to wake up from your stupor, and 
sleepwalking doesn't count.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Meanwhile, the person who claims to be "enlightened" is still obsessing over a 
few posts that never had anything to do with him in the first place, and 
reacting to them by doing *exactly* what he's railing about -- trying to put 
down people he feels he's in competition with in an attempt to be "special" and 
"win." Go figure.

 If you're "enlightened," you sure make a strong case for everyone to avoid it 
like the plague. 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who 
might feel special
   PS Yay - nothing like a spotlight to hush those *extra special* ones, for 
whom this post applies. Light always provides a shiver down the spine, for 
those who enjoy hiding in their own darkness.:-) 
I find after I post something like this, the childish ones who engage in the 
behavior I am pointing out, cool their jets, for awhile, until they sense "Dad" 
is no longer watching - lol. Then they are back to their infantile tricks - 
can't help themselves; knowledge is structured in consciousness. 
A pretty funny game to play, with those who are fearful of being exposed for 
who they are, yet can't help themselves.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 Ego competition, of course. There are a couple of people on here, always 
ranting and raving against others, who, they insist, are involved in all things 
spiritual, ONLY because, "it makes them feel special". I have always thought it 
was the mightiest of assumptions to know what someone else is thinking.

Nonetheless, I am curious, not about what drives a person's feelings of 
"specialness", but why another person would bring this up as some kind of 
personal sin against *themselves*, for years. On and on - ranting and raving, 
for days, weeks, months and years. Pretty funny when it becomes clear, the one 
denigrating others for feeling special, is doing so, because, they don't like 
the competition. Who cares if someone else feels, "special"? Seriously, who 
cares? And if someone is feeling inappropriately special, what is the 
alternative being proposed? Oh, right, there isn't one - simply a case of 
jealousy, and ego competition. No alternative is ever proposed, except that the 
perceived special one, STFU.

SO if you see anyone around here, getting down on anyone who might feel 
"special", ask yourselves why. The answer is because the one making the 
accusation, is feeling *extra* "special", and doesn't like the competition, 
from those who are

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
LOL - Birds of a feather, eh? Ha ha, I was wondering when you'd bite, knowing 
with a certainty, that you were reading these posts of mine, despite your past 
[moronic] denials, and recognizing them as applying mostly to you. You are 
exceptionally predictable, Barry. 

Seriously, I post elements of your psyche, on FFL, occasionally, to simply 
force some self-awareness on you, and get you to nudge the stylus over, on that 
skipping record, in your head. And, to give the rest of us a break. Get it? :-) 
Nothing personal - I'd do the same favor, for anyone else, as clueless.

Enlightened people are out to enlighten the world, without playing favorites. 
So, please don't feel singled out by me -- after all, you ain't *that* special, 
anyway ;-) You just need more work, than most, to wake up from your stupor, and 
sleepwalking doesn't count.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Meanwhile, the person who claims to be "enlightened" is still obsessing over a 
few posts that never had anything to do with him in the first place, and 
reacting to them by doing *exactly* what he's railing about -- trying to put 
down people he feels he's in competition with in an attempt to be "special" and 
"win." Go figure.

 If you're "enlightened," you sure make a strong case for everyone to avoid it 
like the plague. 


 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 10:07 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who 
might feel special
   PS Yay - nothing like a spotlight to hush those *extra special* ones, for 
whom this post applies. Light always provides a shiver down the spine, for 
those who enjoy hiding in their own darkness.:-) 
I find after I post something like this, the childish ones who engage in the 
behavior I am pointing out, cool their jets, for awhile, until they sense "Dad" 
is no longer watching - lol. Then they are back to their infantile tricks - 
can't help themselves; knowledge is structured in consciousness. 
A pretty funny game to play, with those who are fearful of being exposed for 
who they are, yet can't help themselves.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
 Ego competition, of course. There are a couple of people on here, always 
ranting and raving against others, who, they insist, are involved in all things 
spiritual, ONLY because, "it makes them feel special". I have always thought it 
was the mightiest of assumptions to know what someone else is thinking.

Nonetheless, I am curious, not about what drives a person's feelings of 
"specialness", but why another person would bring this up as some kind of 
personal sin against *themselves*, for years. On and on - ranting and raving, 
for days, weeks, months and years. Pretty funny when it becomes clear, the one 
denigrating others for feeling special, is doing so, because, they don't like 
the competition. Who cares if someone else feels, "special"? Seriously, who 
cares? And if someone is feeling inappropriately special, what is the 
alternative being proposed? Oh, right, there isn't one - simply a case of 
jealousy, and ego competition. No alternative is ever proposed, except that the 
perceived special one, STFU.

SO if you see anyone around here, getting down on anyone who might feel 
"special", ask yourselves why. The answer is because the one making the 
accusation, is feeling *extra* "special", and doesn't like the competition, 
from those who are not seeing this critic's self-righteous view of the world, 
as they bloody well should.

What a spiritually unenlightened viewpoint. Such thinking is the antithesis of 
this forum. Someone who criticizes others, strongly and regularly, for being 
special, or for believing in God, or for not seeing the world as they do, or 
for speaking too much about enlightenment - It appears such a person continues 
on a forum like this, because their differing opinions are strongly outweighed 
by their loneliness. There is no attempt to provide alternatives - just bash, 
bash, bash, as if they are saying, "All of the negatives I am pointing out, are 
to turn you attention back to me". 

What lengths some of us will go to, simply for a little attention, and love.






[FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
PS Yay - nothing like a spotlight to hush those *extra special* ones, for whom 
this post applies. Light always provides a shiver down the spine, for those who 
enjoy hiding in their own darkness.:-) 
I find after I post something like this, the childish ones who engage in the 
behavior I am pointing out, cool their jets, for awhile, until they sense "Dad" 
is no longer watching - lol. Then they are back to their infantile tricks - 
can't help themselves; knowledge is structured in consciousness. 
A pretty funny game to play, with those who are fearful of being exposed for 
who they are, yet can't help themselves.
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Ego competition, of course. There are a couple of people on here, always 
ranting and raving against others, who, they insist, are involved in all things 
spiritual, ONLY because, "it makes them feel special". I have always thought it 
was the mightiest of assumptions to know what someone else is thinking.

Nonetheless, I am curious, not about what drives a person's feelings of 
"specialness", but why another person would bring this up as some kind of 
personal sin against *themselves*, for years. On and on - ranting and raving, 
for days, weeks, months and years. Pretty funny when it becomes clear, the one 
denigrating others for feeling special, is doing so, because, they don't like 
the competition. Who cares if someone else feels, "special"? Seriously, who 
cares? And if someone is feeling inappropriately special, what is the 
alternative being proposed? Oh, right, there isn't one - simply a case of 
jealousy, and ego competition. No alternative is ever proposed, except that the 
perceived special one, STFU.

SO if you see anyone around here, getting down on anyone who might feel 
"special", ask yourselves why. The answer is because the one making the 
accusation, is feeling *extra* "special", and doesn't like the competition, 
from those who are not seeing this critic's self-righteous view of the world, 
as they bloody well should.

What a spiritually unenlightened viewpoint. Such thinking is the antithesis of 
this forum. Someone who criticizes others, strongly and regularly, for being 
special, or for believing in God, or for not seeing the world as they do, or 
for speaking too much about enlightenment - It appears such a person continues 
on a forum like this, because their differing opinions are strongly outweighed 
by their loneliness. There is no attempt to provide alternatives - just bash, 
bash, bash, as if they are saying, "All of the negatives I am pointing out, are 
to turn you attention back to me". 

What lengths some of us will go to, simply for a little attention, and love.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Springtime is Wartime for Washington

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
Perhaps, but it still pisses me off, to see people, in this area with untold 
wealth, standing at the freeway off ramps, begging, while endless new, shiny, 
freshly washed cars, pass these guys, without giving them a nickel. What's a 
spare buck? Too embarrassed to give to a beggar? Fuck those rich fools.
---In,  wrote :

 See? Even Bhairitu is against welfare, the rich supporting the poor. Now, it 
won't be a few rich hippies dictating what part of California secedes and joins 
up with whoever. It'll be Hispanics that decide if they join Mexico. Now here 
in Texas, we remember the Alamo!
 On Monday, March 17, 2014 9:17 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
 No, we Californians want to secede and form a new country probably taking in 
Oregon and Washington.  Oh, SoCal can join Mexico though.  Why secede?  Because 
the Red States are getting more money back from the feds than Blue California 
and we pay in a lot.  And California has one of the largest economies in world.
 On 03/17/2014 07:23 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   And ... and  and if the people of California want to secede and be part 
of Mexico again, what's wrong with that?
 On Monday, March 17, 2014 7:06 AM, Mike Dixon mailto:mdixon.6569@... 
mailto:mdixon.6569@... wrote:
   Well, I'm sure the people of Austria and the Sudetenland wanted to be 
annexed as well back in the 30's. No biggie there.
 On Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:59 PM, mailto:steve.sundur@... 
mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:

mailto:emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote :
 Yes, I'd dispose of the nest for sure.  Look online...gotta bb gun?  
 yes, whole arsenal of bb and pellet guns.  (backyard activity) (no animals 
though)  have you ever seen aerosol paint cans explode?

 They've probably made a real mess in there. 

  Wear a mask, maybe. 
 yes, definitely

  I had mice that came in the kitchen every year while we were on vacation in 
Whistler.  I would have to remove and clean everything and set traps. I killed 
7 one year in short order with peanut butter.  And we caught a few and took 
them to a nearby park.  And, the cat did a bang up job outside with mice and 
moles for several years. Then, after about a month, they would leave and I 
wouldn't see them until the next year.  I couldn't figure how they were getting 
in until I had water damage and found out there was a big hole in the drywall 
behind the sink.  Problem solved.  I wasn't a fan of poison but it was a huge 
 doesn't take much of an opening, to create an opening, if you know what I mean.
mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote :
 They've got the run of the whole length of the eves, and I have access to only 
one little part.  I think I will remove the nest, unblock the hole and try to 
coax them out.  
mailto:emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote :
 Yeah, either that or just take the nest out.  They might have to abandon this 
year's chicks, but hopefully the birds will relocate.  It would be a lot easier 
if they find a new home.  
mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote :
 Great Idea.  I can get to the next.  It is reachable.  And I can open the 
window during the day.  So, I'll put the nest next to the window.  Thanks
mailto:emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote :
 Can you get to the nest?  Open the window.  
mailto:steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote :
 Yes, I guess that would be a problem.   
 Here's what I was faced with today, (and I don't mean to belittle the Crimean 
Tatars), I am trying to fix up a building we own and turn it into rental 
property.  There was an area in the eves where a family of pigeons was getting 
in.  With all the noise, I thought they had left, and I blocked up the hole 
yesterday with some bricks.  But this morning I saw two of them running around, 
and a nest with two eggs in it.  I also saw that the eves area was much larger 
than I thought, so there was no way to try to catch them, or shoo them out of a 
 So, I am resigned, I think to just let them die there.  But because the wall 
is all torn out, I may go up tomorrow, and open a window, and see if they will 
fly out.  
 But truthfully, I also think they may just be a casualty of the circumstances.
 So, how far do we, or the international community go, to make sure the Crimea 
Tatars aren't oppressed?
 ---In mai

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-19 Thread doctordumbass
LOL! So true, eh?

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Ego competition, of course. There are a couple of people on here, always 
ranting and raving against others, who, they insist, are involved in all things 
spiritual, ONLY because, "it makes them feel special". I have always thought it 
was the mightiest of assumptions to know what someone else is thinking.

Nonetheless, I am curious, not about what drives a person's feelings of 
"specialness", but why another person would bring this up as some kind of 
personal sin against *themselves*, for years. On and on - ranting and raving, 
for days, weeks, months and years. Pretty funny when it becomes clear, the one 
denigrating others for feeling special, is doing so, because, they don't like 
the competition. Who cares if someone else feels, "special"? Seriously, who 
cares? And if someone is feeling inappropriately special, what is the 
alternative being proposed? Oh, right, there isn't one - simply a case of 
jealousy, and ego competition. No alternative is ever proposed, except that the 
perceived special one, STFU.

SO if you see anyone around here, getting down on anyone who might feel 
"special", ask yourselves why. The answer is because the one making the 
accusation, is feeling *extra* "special", and doesn't like the competition, 
from those who are not seeing this critic's self-righteous view of the world, 
as they bloody well should.

What a spiritually unenlightened viewpoint. Such thinking is the antithesis of 
this forum. Someone who criticizes others, strongly and regularly, for being 
special, or for believing in God, or for not seeing the world as they do, or 
for speaking too much about enlightenment - It appears such a person continues 
on a forum like this, because their differing opinions are strongly outweighed 
by their loneliness. There is no attempt to provide alternatives - just bash, 
bash, bash, as if they are saying, "All of the negatives I am pointing out, are 
to turn you attention back to me". 

What lengths some of us will go to, simply for a little attention, and love.




Re: [FairfieldLife] my review of the iPAD Air w/128 GB

2014-03-18 Thread doctordumbass

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/18/2014 12:38 PM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
 > The number of Windows Surface apps, compared to Apple apps, is like 
 > comparing a glass of water, to an ocean, and since this thing runs on 
 > downloads, it is ridiculous to spend money on the Microsoft product. 
 > go figure.
 You can run any Windows app on a Surface Pro. Compared to Adobe apps, 
 Apple apps are just for beginners - there's only so much you can do with 
 a touch screen - I wouldn't touch one if you paid me. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: In Case Dr.D Missed This One - Enjoy !

2014-03-18 Thread doctordumbass
Thanks, Nabby! Yeah, I love learning new stuff - I have also been looking for 
an artistic expression, that fits my personality. I enjoy the visual arts, but 
the performance and the audience are separate, and so another step must be 
taken, to organize the exhibition, attract people, rent space, etc. With music, 
I can play anywhere, and if I am good, it will make people happy, and that is 
why I want to do it. I want to reach people's hearts, but not through words - 
music is far more insidious, and subversive, very intimate, yet, 
I will still keep up with my visual arts, too, since the one complements the 
Bonus: the iPAD has superior throughput for vids, so I can watch your links, 
without endless buffering.
---In,  wrote :

 Any grown up person who decides to learn something completely new is like a 
brother to me as I do that all the time, it is as if the freshness of the new 
reshapes the body. I play the flute but marvel at those guitar-players; how do 
they do it  ??  All cudos to you for wanting to learn to play the guitar !

 If you want my advice; do take a teacher. Sitting with a Master is a very 
interesting thing and will speed up the learning immensely.

 Other guitar heros include these two obvious fellows, the chap at the left is 
actually a master-guitarist:

 A guitarist extraordinare: Bill Frisell:

 Guitar-playing on a high level: John Scofield: (Snake Dance)

 Another American guitarist of high esteem is Ry Cooder:

 Enjoy !

[FairfieldLife] Re: In Case Dr.D Missed This One - Enjoy !

2014-03-18 Thread doctordumbass
I will keep these suggestions in mind. For now, to master the basics, I have an 
excellent piece of software, Rock Prodigy - Courses 1 to 4 - all on my iPAD, 
now. It not only teaches guitar, but also music theory, notation, and many 
other aspects of music, I have yet to discover. Quite challenging, but very 
well done. I used to produce on-line learning courses, and this one is 
consistent with professional standards.
After that, who knows? Thanks for the tips.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Any grown up person who decides to learn something completely new is like a 
brother to me as I do that all the time, it is as if the freshness of the new 
reshapes the body. I play the flute but marvel at those guitar-players; how do 
they do it  ??  All cudos to you for wanting to learn to play the guitar !

 If you want my advice; do take a teacher. Sitting with a Master is a very 
interesting thing and will speed up the learning immensely.

In case you can't afford one, or stuff, do as e.g. Eric Clapton did: record 
your playing and listen to it very carefully!
I've been very reluctant to record my drum "playing", but once I did it, it 
seemed to me some aspects
of my "playing" improved drastically after that! In the case of, say,  
electronic drums, the possible Coach mode is  very useful in improving various 
aspects of ones drum work...

(Kinda depressing to watch someone who obviously nothing short of really can 
play drums, LoL!)

Re: [FairfieldLife] my review of the iPAD Air w/128 GB

2014-03-18 Thread doctordumbass
'Yup, most of these devices come with VERY LITTLE documentation.  I didn't know 
for over a year that the control on the earbuds was really a microphone as 
hands free headset.'

Just ran into my latest, using the camera. The camera itself, rocks - great 
tool, but, then, I somehow set it on video, and couldn't find a way, to reset 
it, back to photo. Had to google it, and turns out, that unique to *this* app's 
interface, a swiping upward motion is needed, over the name of the mode you are 
selecting - wtf? It worked, but not intuitive *at all*.

I am beginning to understand its personality, and did finally get it to stfu, 
about wanting to enable its GPS - my answer is still nada on that one.
---In,  wrote :

 I went the other way and my new "low end" gadget is a Firefox OS phone which 
arrived yesterday.  It's a ZTE Open and recommended by Mozilla as a test device 
for developing apps for the OS.  Firefox OS apps are HTML5 and mainly written 
in Javascript.  Thing is you can also run these apps on Android and iPhone too 
and probably a Windows 8 phone.  The target market for Firefox phones are 
emerging countries where they can't even afford Android phones.  They are even 
planning on a $25 smartphone for that market.
 There are some quirks with the OS so far.  Firefox doesn't display Neo 
properly and the right side of messages are cut off.  On Android I look at FFL 
in Neo with Chrome which handles it fine.  In some cases like looking at the 
Firefox Marketplace the one button to go back just takes you out of the app 
itself.  Good points are the battery life seems good.  The phone is also GSM so 
if I want to try it as a phone I can just use the SIM card from the Android 
phone.  Otherwise it works fine with wifi.  Also it comes with built in FM 
 Yup, most of these devices come with VERY LITTLE documentation.  I didn't know 
for over a year that the control on the earbuds was really a microphone as 
hands free headset.  
 I also have two Android tablets and an Android Tegra Shield game device.
 On 03/18/2014 05:48 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   I bought this thing, yesterday, because it is a superior appliance for 
learning the guitar, using a specific piece of software - great display, 
blazingly fast, doesn't crash, has lots of great apps on-line, and is portable. 
So far, so good.
 Yet, compared to my PC, even the simplest of tasks - sending email - ranges, 
from, "big pain in the butt", if I need to set the cursor location, by tapping, 
to *impossible* -- there is NO WAY to access my Yahoo Biz account email 
(currently *unsupported*). Also, entering any password, that contains both text 
and numbers, requires switching between *two* virtual keyboards - only one of 
which can be on-screen, at a time.
 The "stroking, swiping and tapping" interface, although elegant, leaves the 
screen all smudged up, very quickly. Also, the Apps have inconsistent controls, 
with the option to return to a previous page, performed by,  sometimes closing 
a window, OR tapping in the space behind it, OR pressing the one function 
button on the side of the unit. It is a hunt and guess, to determine which 
action to take. The unit comes with no documentation, at all. 
 Overall, it is a great high-end gadget, performing a few functions very well, 
but if I wasn't so interested in finding the right platform, to run a specific 
piece of software, I would buy something else.


Re: [FairfieldLife] my review of the iPAD Air w/128 GB

2014-03-18 Thread doctordumbass


---In,  wrote :

 There should be an iOS app for Yahoo Mail.  There is one for Android.

There is, even comes pre-loaded on the unit, and installs cleanly, and quickly 
- BUT, no support for Yahoo biz accts. No kidding, even got an explicit msg. 
about it, when I tried to access my biz email. So, that definitely, *does* suck.

Re: [FairfieldLife] my review of the iPAD Air w/128 GB

2014-03-18 Thread doctordumbass
The number of Windows Surface apps, compared to Apple apps, is like comparing a 
glass of water, to an ocean, and since this thing runs on downloads, it is 
ridiculous to spend money on the Microsoft product. go figure.

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/18/2014 7:48 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
 > I bought this thing, yesterday
 Didn't you once post that you'd never touch a touch screen computer? You 
 should have bought a Microsoft Surface Pro. That way, you could could 
 make use of a keyboard; you could multi-task with a professional OS; and 
 you could use your USB flash drive. Windows 8.1 supports internet Yahoo 
 Mail. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: my review of the iPAD Air w/128 GB

2014-03-18 Thread doctordumbass
Yep - makes the best toast, on the planet! 

---In,  wrote :

 Your experience spells out exactly why the idea that tablets will replace PCs 
is ridiculous. Tablets are great little niche products that do a few things 
very well, but as general usage computers, they totally suck. 

---In,  wrote :

 I bought this thing, yesterday, because it is a superior appliance for 
learning the guitar, using a specific piece of software - great display, 
blazingly fast, doesn't crash, has lots of great apps on-line, and is portable. 
So far, so good.

Yet, compared to my PC, even the simplest of tasks - sending email - ranges, 
from, "big pain in the butt", if I need to set the cursor location, by tapping, 
to *impossible* -- there is NO WAY to access my Yahoo Biz account email 
(currently *unsupported*). Also, entering any password, that contains both text 
and numbers, requires switching between *two* virtual keyboards - only one of 
which can be on-screen, at a time.

The "stroking, swiping and tapping" interface, although elegant, leaves the 
screen all smudged up, very quickly. Also, the Apps have inconsistent controls, 
with the option to return to a previous page, performed by,  sometimes closing 
a window, OR tapping in the space behind it, OR pressing the one function 
button on the side of the unit. It is a hunt and guess, to determine which 
action to take. The unit comes with no documentation, at all. 

Overall, it is a great high-end gadget, performing a few functions very well, 
but if I wasn't so interested in finding the right platform, to run a specific 
piece of software, I would buy something else.

[FairfieldLife] my review of the iPAD Air w/128 GB

2014-03-18 Thread doctordumbass
I bought this thing, yesterday, because it is a superior appliance for learning 
the guitar, using a specific piece of software - great display, blazingly fast, 
doesn't crash, has lots of great apps on-line, and is portable. So far, so good.

Yet, compared to my PC, even the simplest of tasks - sending email - ranges, 
from, "big pain in the butt", if I need to set the cursor location, by tapping, 
to *impossible* -- there is NO WAY to access my Yahoo Biz account email 
(currently *unsupported*). Also, entering any password, that contains both text 
and numbers, requires switching between *two* virtual keyboards - only one of 
which can be on-screen, at a time.

The "stroking, swiping and tapping" interface, although elegant, leaves the 
screen all smudged up, very quickly. Also, the Apps have inconsistent controls, 
with the option to return to a previous page, performed by,  sometimes closing 
a window, OR tapping in the space behind it, OR pressing the one function 
button on the side of the unit. It is a hunt and guess, to determine which 
action to take. The unit comes with no documentation, at all. 

Overall, it is a great high-end gadget, performing a few functions very well, 
but if I wasn't so interested in finding the right platform, to run a specific 
piece of software, I would buy something else.

[FairfieldLife] Why some people are REALLY bothered by others who might feel special

2014-03-18 Thread doctordumbass
Ego competition, of course. There are a couple of people on here, always 
ranting and raving against others, who, they insist, are involved in all things 
spiritual, ONLY because, "it makes them feel special". I have always thought it 
was the mightiest of assumptions to know what someone else is thinking.

Nonetheless, I am curious, not about what drives a person's feelings of 
"specialness", but why another person would bring this up as some kind of 
personal sin against *themselves*, for years. On and on - ranting and raving, 
for days, weeks, months and years. Pretty funny when it becomes clear, the one 
denigrating others for feeling special, is doing so, because, they don't like 
the competition. Who cares if someone else feels, "special"? Seriously, who 
cares? And if someone is feeling inappropriately special, what is the 
alternative being proposed? Oh, right, there isn't one - simply a case of 
jealousy, and ego competition. No alternative is ever proposed, except that the 
perceived special one, STFU.

SO if you see anyone around here, getting down on anyone who might feel 
"special", ask yourselves why. The answer is because the one making the 
accusation, is feeling *extra* "special", and doesn't like the competition, 
from those who are not seeing this critic's self-righteous view of the world, 
as they bloody well should.

What a spiritually unenlightened viewpoint. Such thinking is the antithesis of 
this forum. Someone who criticizes others, strongly and regularly, for being 
special, or for believing in God, or for not seeing the world as they do, or 
for speaking too much about enlightenment - It appears such a person continues 
on a forum like this, because their differing opinions are strongly outweighed 
by their loneliness. There is no attempt to provide alternatives - just bash, 
bash, bash, as if they are saying, "All of the negatives I am pointing out, are 
to turn you attention back to me". 

What lengths some of us will go to, simply for a little attention, and love.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ‘Pirated’ Boeing 77 7 may return t o skies as stealth nuclear weap o n

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
Probably not - the operational limit of the aircraft, is far different from its 
rated limit - a built in safety buffer. The ability to pressurize the plane 
isn't that much greater (at 45K), though the flight control surfaces and 
engines may.operate less reliably, at such a high altitude, due to decreased 

 ---In,  wrote :

 Did the passengers die when the plane went up to 45,000 feet?

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/16/2014 9:38 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:

 and the rest of the passengers?

 In this China cyber-jacking theory, all of the passengers would be dead long 
before the plane landed in China. It's the data on the laptops belonging to the 
on-board engineers that the Chinese cyber-jackers wanted. The engineers were 
working for a Texas semi-conductor company involved in top-secret data storage 
and retrieval technology. Go figure.
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 3/16/2014 9:19 PM, steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@... wrote:

 Why would they need this 777 to load with explosives?  Just take one out of 
the fleet, or buy something along those lines.  Plus they've pretty much 
eliminated the element of surprise, right?  Everything is on heightened alert 
now. >
 One theory that I am following has the plane being cyber-jacked by the Chinese 
government using a software program in an iPhone, which was the cause of the 
change in altitude and direction. The iPhone connection software included  a 
highly sophisticated program for landing the plane somewhere in China. It's not 
the plane that they wanted, it was the internet engineers that were among the 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alternative View of Deepak Chopra

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
[damn Jude, always pressing the issue - ok] - yeah, but I used to work for a 
satellite comm company, roughly a million years ago (mid-80's) - launched their 
own sat, on an Ariane rocket, from Kourou, French Guiana (been there). 
I  used to peak signals, with a spectrum analyzer, from the ground station, to 
the sat transponder (22K miles, one way, with a 1.5 second delay, for voice, 
r/t), straight up, and back, to a VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal), using a 
highly redundant protocol (x.25 - no sliding windows, like TCP [aka "the 
Internet", along with IP]. Instead, mirroring the less reliable comm links back 
then, validation for each *4K* data packet). 
The goal was to tune in the most efficient path. I'd send messages through 
space, like, "Hey what's going on? This is me" (nothing too bad-ass, since I 
was being paid to get it right, after my 14 hour tune-up), to test the signal 
strength, confirming the measured analog signal, with the x.25 transmission. 
So, the footprint (reliable comm) of the birds, in geo-stat orbit, is not 
trivial - 2k length x 1k wide (miles), typical. Let's take ten percent, at 
worst, of the birds in orbit (~500), that might have visuals, and proximity, to 
the missing airliner, and, like I said, *someone saw something* - just a matter 
of interpreting the data, for such a small object.
If not, it was an alien abduction.:-)

 ---In,  wrote :

 The "on-board telemetry system" stopped transmitting shortly after 8 a.m. last 
Saturday morning (the plane was nearly out of fuel by that time). 

 What about visual and infrared surveillance, Doc? They didn't know there was a 
lost plane for them to be looking for, or where to look, until days after it 
was no longer flying, one way or the other. The way satellites "see" planes is 
by receiving a signal sent out by the plane, or a "ping" from the plane 
acknowledging one of the satellite's signals. The plane was neither sending nor 
pinging back as of 8-ish Saturday morning.


 Seriously? What about visual, and infrared surveillance??
 "A transponder is a device that transmits a response. In a plane, the 
transponder is receiving an interrogation and responding by transmitting a 
burst of data. Turning off the transponders didn’t stop all radio 
transmissions, however. There is an on-board flight telemetry system that kept 
transmitting for a long time, as much as seven hours."
 mailto:authfriend@... wrote :
 Satellites don't "see" aircraft whose communications systems aren't 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Real Master

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
Quite beautiful - you have such a gift, for the song, within the language - you 
know what I'm sayin' - what's Ikkyu's cell? I want to call that dude.

---In,  wrote :

 this one's better:
 “that stone Buddha deserves all the
 birdshit it gets
 I wave my skinny arms like a tall
 flower in the wind”
 ― Ikkyu,
 On Sun, 3/16/14, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Real Master
 Date: Sunday, March 16, 2014, 10:37 PM
 I like this one:
 If at the end of our
 There is no final 
 Then we need not
 Losing our Way.

 wrote :
 The only master
 worth listening to:
 “don't hesitate, get laid - that's wisdom
 sitting around chanting what crap”
 - Ikkyu, Zen monk-poet (1394-1481) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alternative View of Deepak Chopra

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
Seriously? What about visual, and infrared surveillance??

---In,  wrote :

 Satellites don't "see" aircraft whose communications systems aren't 


 Here's a list, of the 3,909 active satellites, orbiting the planet. I should 
think someone knows, or is close to finding out. Unfortunately, this one *does* 
take a rocket scientist (had to happen, eventually) --
---In,  wrote :

 So where's the fuckin' plane! Speaking of practical benefits. (-:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alternative View of Deepak Chopra

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
Here's a list, of the 3,909 active satellites, orbiting the planet. I should 
think someone knows, or is close to finding out. Unfortunately, this one *does* 
take a rocket scientist (had to happen, eventually) --
---In,  wrote :

 So where's the fuckin' plane! Speaking of practical benefits. (-:

---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, so true, and well said - I like to find a practical benefit in such 
wisdom, otherwise I tend to lose interest. One that has occurred with more and 
more frequency, with me, is not having to consciously try to remember the 
masses of data I have absorbed over the years. Living more as a concentration 
of the infinitely greater wholeness, vs. a more rigidly isolated entity, it 
makes chunks of that wholeness more easily available, once the relationship to 
everything else is seen as more myself, than not. Someone recently expressed 
the idea that even our thoughts are not really our own. Not as a means of 
disavowing responsibility, but rather, locating the source of each, as 
something available to all of us, at any time. I enjoy playing along the line 
of me/not me, dissolving the apparent boundary between the two, through 
discovery, integration, and expansion.
What a life.
---In,  wrote :

 “You are not looking at the field in every wave and particle, the field is 
your extended body….you are a local concentration of information and energy in 
the wholeness that is the body of the universe.”

---In,  wrote :

 I found this to be a very interesting take on old Deepak

Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum FF Ledger 3/14/14

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
Haiku says: damn - seared into my memory - love a good bar joke - thanks.
---In,  wrote :

 Does this warrant telling the story of the guy sitting at a bar who keeps 
ordering two drinks at at time and then throwing one of them on his other hand. 
 The bartender finally asks him what's going on, and he says, "I'm getting my 
date drunk"

 Just askin'

---In,  wrote :

 Is getting nutted OK? sometimes I can't help myself...

---In,  wrote :

 Very cogently expressed! 
 I'll buy you a pint next time I'm in Merrye Olde Englande, but it won't be 
Stella Artois cuz I don't want you to glass me.
 On Sat, 3/15/14, salyavin808> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum FF 
Ledger 3/14/14
 Date: Saturday, March 15, 2014, 11:06 PM 
 I don't have confirmation bias about this. I
 would be more than happy to have seen any results from
 I also know someone who made a miraculous
 recovery from a head injury without any help from the gods
 (no one paid for any at least). Some people do spontaneously
 and unexpectedly recover from health crises, it's how
 miracles work - we only see the good results and filter out
 the rest. Think Lourdes, how many hundreds of thousands of
 people go there every year? And how many get cured? Probably
 the same miniscule amount as get anything from
 It's a coincidence if anything happens at
 all, or the gods are a particularly unpleasant bunch who
 relish in our suffering. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum FF Ledger 3/14/14

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
a Very beautiful horse - You must miss her so much. Horses almost overwhelm me 
with their presence, and I don't just mean their size. It is a shame that we 
will outlive any dog, cat, or horse, and it really isn't practical to keep 
elephants, or great tortoises, as companions. Thank you for sharing your story 
of that lovely creature, no doubt romping in fields of endless fresh grass, now.
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Exactly - water finding its own level?
Happy Sunday, Ann. How are the horses?

 Happy Sunday to you Doc. I lost a beautiful presence from my life two weeks 
ago today. I bred this lovely mare who I named Annapurna and had her mother for 
17 years before that. She was my champion, my broodmare, my sweet baby horse 
who lived to the ripe age of 30. She died suddenly from colic (a very generic 
term for abdominal distress caused by anything from twisted intestines to 
tumours) two Sundays ago. Here is a small tribute I made to her to appear as 
our ad in a horse magazine here in BC and Alberta. This picture was taken when 
she was 28, she looked so great for her age. I wanted to share this with you 
since you are sensitive and kind enough to "get it".






[FairfieldLife] Re: Dean Vendetta XM

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
added the model

---In,  wrote :

 Any opinions on this guitar? I bought one, with a 10 watt amp - hasn't arrived 
yet. Dean is made in USA, and the reviews liked it. Comments from B2 or Curtis 
or anyone who maybe has had experience with this one - apparently far superior 
to the crummy starter electric guitars sold.
Also picked up Rock Prodigy Learn Guitar Lesson 1, which isn't as flashy and 
"gamey" as Rocksmith.
I heard it takes four years to get good, and a lifetime to master - sounds like 
a plan, along with my many others...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alternative View of Deepak Chopra

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
Jokes on you, toilet-boy. Since Chopra speaks the truth, coherently, mixing and 
matching comes up with the same result. Don't be so full of yourself, please. 
Go get a pastry.
---In,  wrote :

 Doctordumb is clearly unaware that this site generates pseudo-Chopra sayings 
by piecing together buzzwords and phrases from his own tweets and writings, 
completely at random. The idea is to create something that appeals to gullible 
idiots and makes them say things like "Well said" and "How wise."

Then again, this is exactly what DD does in *his* writing, too, so no wonder he 
couldn't tell the difference.  :-)

 From: "doctordumbass@..." 
 Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014 11:43 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Alternative View of Deepak Chopra
   Yeah, so true, and well said - I like to find a practical benefit in such 
wisdom, otherwise I tend to lose interest. One that has occurred with more and 
more frequency, with me, is not having to consciously try to remember the 
masses of data I have absorbed over the years. Living more as a concentration 
of the infinitely greater wholeness, vs. a more rigidly isolated entity, it 
makes chunks of that wholeness more easily available, once the relationship to 
everything else is seen as more myself, than not. Someone recently expressed 
the idea that even our thoughts are not really our own. Not as a means of 
disavowing responsibility, but rather, locating the source of each, as 
something available to all of us, at any time. I enjoy playing along the line 
of me/not me, dissolving the apparent boundary between the two, through 
discovery, integration, and expansion.
What a life.

---In,  wrote :

 “You are not looking at the field in every wave and particle, the field is 
your extended body….you are a local concentration of information and energy in 
the wholeness that is the body of the universe.”

---In,  wrote :

 I found this to be a very interesting take on old Deepak



[FairfieldLife] Dean Vendetta

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
Any opinions on this guitar? I bought one, with a 10 watt amp - hasn't arrived 
yet. Dean is made in USA, and the reviews liked it. Comments from B2 or Curtis 
or anyone who maybe has had experience with this one - apparently far superior 
to the crummy starter electric guitars sold.
Also picked up Rock Prodigy Learn Guitar Lesson 1, which isn't as flashy and 
"gamey" as Rocksmith.
I heard it takes four years to get good, and a lifetime to master - sounds like 
a plan, along with my many others...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum FF Ledger 3/14/14

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
Exactly - water finding its own level?
Happy Sunday, Ann. How are the horses?

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 When given a choice, why do you often choose to play in the toilet? It baffles 






---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014 12:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum FF 
Ledger 3/14/14
   I don't have confirmation bias about this. I would be more than happy to 
have seen any results from yagyas. 
 I also know someone who made a miraculous recovery from a head injury without 
any help from the gods (no one paid for any at least). Some people do 
spontaneously and unexpectedly recover from health crises, it's how miracles 
work - we only see the good results and filter out the rest. Think Lourdes, how 
many hundreds of thousands of people go there every year? And how many get 
cured? Probably the same miniscule amount as get anything from yagyas.

 It's a coincidence if anything happens at all, or the gods are a particularly 
unpleasant bunch who relish in our suffering. That's as good an argument as 
you'll get against the concept of a god capable of intervening in our affairs. 
He's a git. But the eastern religions have a great many get-out clauses for him 
which we are all familiar with; My karma is too bad or there's too much stress 
in collective consciousness. I wish I'd thought of it but I just don't have a 
criminal mind. 

I'm still chuckling over your description of how the actual text of the yagyas 
is written. 

"Please Kalki, please Saraswati, please glorious, glorious "boy group" Brahma, 
Vishnu & Shiva, take pity on this unworthy (but regular in my TMSP practice) 
sinner, and help to remove the painful boil that has developed on my backside. 
I'm far too fat to reach around and treat it myself, and I know that I 
shouldn't trust medical doctors because Maharishi told me I should avoid them, 
so if you could do something about it, I'd be very appreciative because then I 
could practice Yogic Flying again without screaming in pain at every landing."  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum FF Ledger 3/14/14

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
When given a choice, why do you often choose to play in the toilet? It baffles 
---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014 12:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum FF 
Ledger 3/14/14
   I don't have confirmation bias about this. I would be more than happy to 
have seen any results from yagyas. 
 I also know someone who made a miraculous recovery from a head injury without 
any help from the gods (no one paid for any at least). Some people do 
spontaneously and unexpectedly recover from health crises, it's how miracles 
work - we only see the good results and filter out the rest. Think Lourdes, how 
many hundreds of thousands of people go there every year? And how many get 
cured? Probably the same miniscule amount as get anything from yagyas.

 It's a coincidence if anything happens at all, or the gods are a particularly 
unpleasant bunch who relish in our suffering. That's as good an argument as 
you'll get against the concept of a god capable of intervening in our affairs. 
He's a git. But the eastern religions have a great many get-out clauses for him 
which we are all familiar with; My karma is too bad or there's too much stress 
in collective consciousness. I wish I'd thought of it but I just don't have a 
criminal mind. 

I'm still chuckling over your description of how the actual text of the yagyas 
is written. 

"Please Kalki, please Saraswati, please glorious, glorious "boy group" Brahma, 
Vishnu & Shiva, take pity on this unworthy (but regular in my TMSP practice) 
sinner, and help to remove the painful boil that has developed on my backside. 
I'm far too fat to reach around and treat it myself, and I know that I 
shouldn't trust medical doctors because Maharishi told me I should avoid them, 
so if you could do something about it, I'd be very appreciative because then I 
could practice Yogic Flying again without screaming in pain at every landing."  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum FF Ledger 3/14/14

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
LOL - no archery contests with you, MJ.

---In,  wrote :

 What sort of beverage leads to that sort of behavior?
 On Sun, 3/16/14, salyavin808> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits during forum FF 
Ledger 3/14/14
 Date: Sunday, March 16, 2014, 9:13 AM
 Is getting nutted OK?
 sometimes I can't help myself...

 wrote :
 Very cogently
 I'll buy you a pint next time I'm in Merrye Olde
 Englande, but it won't be Stella Artois cuz I don't
 want you to glass me.
 On Sat, 3/15/14, salyavin808>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Students inquire about pandits
 during forum FF Ledger 3/14/14
 Date: Saturday, March 15, 2014, 11:06 PM 
 I don't have confirmation bias about this. I
 would be more than happy to have seen any results from
 I also know someone who made a miraculous
 recovery from a head injury without any help from the gods
 (no one paid for any at least). Some people do
 and unexpectedly recover from health crises, it's how
 miracles work - we only see the good results and filter out
 the rest. Think Lourdes, how many hundreds of thousands of
 people go there every year? And how many get cured?
 the same miniscule amount as get anything from
 It's a coincidence if anything happens at
 all, or the gods are a particularly unpleasant bunch who
 relish in our

[FairfieldLife] Re: Alternative View of Deepak Chopra

2014-03-16 Thread doctordumbass
Yeah, so true, and well said - I like to find a practical benefit in such 
wisdom, otherwise I tend to lose interest. One that has occurred with more and 
more frequency, with me, is not having to consciously try to remember the 
masses of data I have absorbed over the years. Living more as a concentration 
of the infinitely greater wholeness, vs. a more rigidly isolated entity, it 
makes chunks of that wholeness more easily available, once the relationship to 
everything else is seen as more myself, than not. Someone recently expressed 
the idea that even our thoughts are not really our own. Not as a means of 
disavowing responsibility, but rather, locating the source of each, as 
something available to all of us, at any time. I enjoy playing along the line 
of me/not me, dissolving the apparent boundary between the two, through 
discovery, integration, and expansion.
What a life.
---In,  wrote :

 “You are not looking at the field in every wave and particle, the field is 
your extended body….you are a local concentration of information and energy in 
the wholeness that is the body of the universe.”

---In,  wrote :

 I found this to be a very interesting take on old Deepak

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jet Vanishes

2014-03-15 Thread doctordumbass
Bends spoons, finds riches, I wonder if he could remove a small dent from my 
car, using a remote mallet? I'll check later - my intent should have reached 
him by now...

---In,  wrote :

 Not too far from the truth. Uri Gellar now makes a living finding oil, gas and 
other minerals for mining companies. He does this by waving a pendulum over a 
map. We only have his aggrandised version of events to gauge his success - if 
that's even what he does at all - but I'm guessing 50/50. He is a very good 
salesman and they always find suckers. One born every minute apparently

---In,  wrote :

 Given this turn of events, once he mastered bending spoons, he possibly then 
created a side business, finding missing silverware, for others -- 
"Hmm...the dinner fork is beneath the sideboard...or the sofa...or 
upstairs, somewhere. That will be $20, far less than the cost of replacement..."

---In,  wrote :

 Psychic spoon-bender Uri Geller today revealed he has been asked to help find 
the missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Skating on Näsijärvi!

2014-03-15 Thread doctordumbass
Very beautiful, and serene. How do they cover the lake, with that thick 
plastic? Must take months to move it into place, especially the scaffolding. 

---In,  wrote :

Shot with Nokia N8, skating on Näsijärvi (Nassy-yarvy, Lake Näsi)

[FairfieldLife] Pandit David Gilmour - his best ever comfortably numb solo

2014-03-15 Thread doctordumbass
I'm trying to stay relevant, hence the "Pandit" nod -- Anyway, always loved 
this song, and found this version, live, with light show to match -- about 4:44 
in, DG unleashes his halo:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-15 Thread doctordumbass
Very much so - being reasonably free in the world demands both qualities -  I 
try to use each, to my advantage, peering into creative corners, discovering 
something I can comfortably display - lol  

---In,  wrote :

 Hey there, no worries.  I am naturally slightly paranoid alsoI like the 
idea of being a "paranoid optimist" (nod to bOb).



---In,  wrote :

 Hey there - I responded but didn't follow the Neo Commandment, "thou shalt 
click, 'Show message history'":-)
I *totally* (like, totally) agree that we each must do our own work - Yes, no 
free lunches, etc. ever. As for "branded", I am naturally slightly paranoid - 
Its harmless, but I suppose I get to enjoy more edges that way...

---In,  wrote :

 I'm not "branding you" Docthat's funny.  Just curious if you had anything 
else to say.  Many believe that prayer worksalthough one doesn't always get 
what one prays for.  Nothing wrong with believing it; nothing wrong with 
prayerit's an inside job.  

---In,  wrote :

 I got nuttin' - sorry. I just know it works.:-) Brand me as you will, makes no 
diff. Like I said, I never give it much thought. No big deal, either way...

---In,  wrote :

 "Spiritual liberation is for the most part an inside job, imo."  How are they 
aiding the ability of others so inclined?  I am inclined, for example to desire 
such a thing.  How are they helping me?  (I have an answer to my own question, 
but I am curious as to your answer.) By example?  Because you honestly believe 
the hundreds of 20+ year olds are "raising the collective consciousness" of the 
world, sitting and chanting there in their barbed wire compound day after day 
after day, filled with apparent frustration (at least on that one day), perhaps 
sublimating many ordinary, normal and larger desires that 20-year olds have?  
(Think of your own child.  I think of mine.  She is about educating 
herself- academically, with respect to her relationship to nature/world, 
learning of people and beliefs through interaction with other human beings, 
exploring her own curiosities, her own desire for adventure, etc.)
---In,  wrote :

 Please allow me to butt in -- Quite honestly Em, I do. Not that world peace 
necessarily dawns, but what they are doing, is *definitely* aiding the ability 
of those who are so inclined, to achieve spiritual liberation. Get enough 
spiritually clear folks on the planet, and we might make it a few more 
generations. Trying to get that ball of collective consciousness rolling in the 
other direction. No, I have absolutely NO PROOF of this, nor is it something I 
spend even five seconds per month thinking about.:-)
---In,  wrote :

 Share, do you believe that the "program" is working to create world peace?  

---In,  wrote :

 Richard, just because they don't want to go back to India, doesn't mean they 
want to continue being a pundit! Where is Spock when we need him?!

 I don't think the pundits have any contact with MUM any more. When the program 
started, they lived on campus. But not for quite a while now.

 That's right, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head. But we must have 
higher standards than that for a program meant to create world peace! Of 
course, imho (-:

 On Friday, March 14, 2014 10:43 AM, Richard J. Williams  wrote:
   On 3/13/2014 9:27 PM, Share Long wrote:
 > To force someone to be in a program to create world peace is a 
 > contradiction in terms! 
 Apparently all the students and their parents think MUM is a good thing.
 We are all trying to promote world peace. There doesn't seem to be any 
 evidence that anyone is being forced to send their children to a private 
 school in the U.S. and none of the school boys have lodged any 
 complaints that I know of. A few apparently didn't want to go back to 
 India! If anyone was forced to stay, why would they not want to go back 
 home? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the tenth year of 
 operation for the pundit boy campus? The only complaints I've heard 
 about MUM have come from MJ who wasn't even a student at MIU or MUM. Go 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Jet Vanishes

2014-03-15 Thread doctordumbass
Given this turn of events, once he mastered bending spoons, he possibly then 
created a side business, finding missing silverware, for others -- 
"Hmm...the dinner fork is beneath the sideboard...or the sofa...or 
upstairs, somewhere. That will be $20, far less than the cost of replacement..."

---In,  wrote :

 Psychic spoon-bender Uri Geller today revealed he has been asked to help find 
the missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft.

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >