Re: [FairfieldLife] my review of the iPAD Air w/128 GB

2014-03-20 Thread punditster
Thanks for all the info, Alex. It sounds complicated, especially the part about 
streaming Direct TV receiver to the iPad for viewing at bedside. I used to have 
my Chromebook at my bedside, before I moved it into the living room, and it was 
wireless. Now, I've got it hooked up with ethernet for better movie viewing 
without the buffering. We dropped the DSL and went for the Time-Warner 15 MBPS 
broadband and the Chromecaster to get the Hulu + and I hooked up the Roku box 
to the big screen TV, with an external HD using the USB. The Chromebook is no 
iPad, but it sure beats my old handheld remote control. Now I've got all my 
digital files at my fingertips. Sweet!

"Since switching from my MacBook Air to using a Surface Pro 2 as my primary PC, 
I set it up to boot to the desktop because all of the software I use runs there 
anyway. I never even see the tiled Windows 8 Start screen while using my 
Windows 8.1 PC as a PC."

---In,  wrote :

 The DirecTV iPad app is great as a channel guide and remote control for the 
DirecTV receiver. OTOH, the DirecTV app's channel streaming totally sucks, but 
pumping the DirecTV receiver's audio and component video into a Belkin 
place-shifting device does a fantastic job of streaming all channels and DVR 
recordings to the iPad. The iPad in my bedroom is held in a SpiderArm, clamped 
to my bedside table, that holds it up in front of my face when I'm in bed. In 
the bedroom, I use it primarily as a TV and for doing the occasional web search 
or checking the weather. Flat on my back in bed, a tablet is actually the 
superior computer platform. Like I said, it's a niche product that does certain 
things very well.

---In,  wrote :

 I've never understood why anyone would even *want* a tablet computer. I can 
think of only one reason to have one. 

Anything one can do on the Net I can do with either my laptop or my iPhone. Why 
would I ever need an iPhone with a bigger screen (which, if you think about it, 
is kinda the definition of a tablet computer)?

The only reason I can think of to own one is that there has actually been a lot 
of cool educational software developed for the iPads and similar tablets. For a 
kid, a touchscreen is a plus. For the rest of us, it's an inconvenience.

 From: Bhairitu 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 5:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] my review of the iPAD Air w/128 GB
   I went the other way and my new "low end" gadget is a Firefox OS phone which 
arrived yesterday.  It's a ZTE Open and recommended by Mozilla as a test device 
for developing apps for the OS.  Firefox OS apps are HTML5 and mainly written 
in Javascript.  Thing is you can also run these apps on Android and iPhone too 
and probably a Windows 8 phone.  The target market for Firefox phones are 
emerging countries where they can't even afford Android phones.  They are even 
planning on a $25 smartphone for that market.
 There are some quirks with the OS so far.  Firefox doesn't display Neo 
properly and the right side of messages are cut off.  On Android I look at FFL 
in Neo with Chrome which handles it fine.  In some cases like looking at the 
Firefox Marketplace the one button to go back just takes you out of the app 
itself.  Good points are the battery life seems good.  The phone is also GSM so 
if I want to try it as a phone I can just use the SIM card from the Android 
phone.  Otherwise it works fine with wifi.  Also it comes with built in FM 
 Yup, most of these devices come with VERY LITTLE documentation.  I didn't know 
for over a year that the control on the earbuds was really a microphone as 
hands free headset.  
 I also have two Android tablets and an Android Tegra Shield game device.
 On 03/18/2014 05:48 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   I bought this thing, yesterday, because it is a superior appliance for 
learning the guitar, using a specific piece of software - great display, 
blazingly fast, doesn't crash, has lots of great apps on-line, and is portable. 
So far, so good.
 Yet, compared to my PC, even the simplest of tasks - sending email - ranges, 
from, "big pain in the butt", if I need to set the cursor location, by tapping, 
to *impossible* -- there is NO WAY to access my Yahoo Biz account email 
(currently *unsupported*). Also, entering any password, that contains both text 
and numbers, requires switching between *two* virtual keyboards - only one of 
which can be on-screen, at a time.
 The "stroking, swiping and tapping" interface, although elegant, leaves the 
screen all smudged up, very quickly. Also, the Apps have inconsistent controls, 
with the option to retu

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jet Vanishes

2014-03-21 Thread punditster
"This scenario begins with the eruption of hazardous materials within the cargo 
hold – either improperly packaged or illegally shipped – or both. It is thought 
the missing plane climbed to 45,000ft - a move Mr Vincent believes may have 
resulted from the pilots not being able to see the controls properly."

'Missing jet WAS carrying highly flammable lithium batteries: CEO of Malaysian 
Airlines finally admits to dangerous cargo four days after DENYING it'
Daily Mail:
---In,  wrote :

 It appears that you're mistaken, John, at least according to the folks who are 
in a position to know how much fuel the plane had. 



 It doesn't appear the plane has enough fuel to reach Kyrgyzstan or Iran for 
that matter, unless it landed and refueled in India or western China.  
Nonetheless, it appears likely that the plane was hijacked and diverted into a 
new destination by people on board, perhaps including a passenger and a crew 

---In,  wrote :

 Latest from Malaysian officials is the assumption that the plane was 
deliberately diverted by people on board. 

 And then there's this:

 "Early this morning BBC reporter Jonah Fisher tweeted, 'Being briefed by 
Malaysia officials they believe most likely location for MH370 is on land 
somewhere near Chinese/Kyrgyz border.'...A violent Uyghur separatist movement 
is active in [the eastern portion of Kyrgyzstan].”


[FairfieldLife] Re: Jet Vanishes

2014-03-21 Thread punditster
My prediction is that this is going to be HUGE when we find out the mystery. 
Until then, what we have is a lost Boeing 777. That's already huge, and it may 
get a lot bigger in the next few days.Something has got to break with millions 
of people looking for any trace of the plane.
"It seems to be more than just a strong coincidence that the loss of contact 
with the aircraft happened at the point of handover."

'Missing Flight MH370 could have been hijacked in radar 'black hole' between 
Malaysia and Vietnam'

---In,  wrote :

 This a mysterious case of an airplane disappearing with no warning.  My first 
reaction was it was shot down by a missile.  But by whom and why? 

 My next suspicion was that it could be that the pilots have purposely crashed 
the plane.  They may have been members of a terrorist group who were making a a 
deadly statement about their political or religious beliefs.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-29 Thread punditster
> Thanks Richard!  Just curious.  I'm going to take a mental health 
> day as it is sunny outside and I hope you do too - actually, you might 
> think about taking a mental health week or two, given the number of 
> monkeys that have been flying out your ass.
Monkeys can't fly, Emily, whether out of my ass or anywhere else. But, I'd say 
the chances of a monkey flying are better odds than Fred Lenz levitating up in 
the air in a cloud of golden light, even one inch.

[FairfieldLife] Re:

2014-04-01 Thread punditster

 Please unsubscribe yourself. Thanks.

---In,  wrote :

 Please stop sending me email!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Last Man Standing?

2014-04-09 Thread punditster
"Strike teams of 15-20 agents are attempting to take the cattle and often in 
the process killing them and burying the cattle in the desert. A group of 
roughly 120 peaceful protestors attempted to stop this got and got in front of 
the convoy of agents to call in the local sheriff as they perceived this as an 
illegal action. BLM agents began violently attacking the protestors throwing 
women to the ground with a number of men being tazed. Agents had assault 
weapons and sidearms drawn but due to the mass of peaceful protestors, ended up 
retreating after their initial attack."

---In,  wrote :

 The federal government sends in armed troops to remove cattle from a 
 ranch in Nevada and arrests the owner's son. Now we have "First 
 Amendment" areas established in Nevada - where people can protest, 
 otherwise you will be arrested by the government and put in jail - to 
 protect a TURTLE. Go figure.
 "Environmentalists are praising the government’s forceful actions, which 
 are being taken to protect the “desert tortoise."
 Ruby Ridge:

[FairfieldLife] Happy Tax Day!

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
In general, I am opposed to taxation, in particular income tax and property tax 
and most sales taxes as well. There is no income tax where I live and the sales 
tax is aroun 8%, compared to 14% in Canada. However, I would be willing to pay 
my fair share of a flat tax on income - about 1%. Go figure.

"American-style capitalism promises higher living standards overall in exchange 
for higher individual risks; faster growth rates in exchange for greater 
inequality; lower unemployment rates in exchange for fewer workplace 
protections; more liberty for innovators and entrepreneurs in exchange for 
somewhat less solidarity-as-redistribution."

'The Case Against Higher Taxes'
New York Times:

'How Much Are You Willing to Pay in Taxes?'

[FairfieldLife] Re: !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming to Fairfield!

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
Apparently "MJ" has been kicked out of MUM for failing to attend any classes - 
I wouldn't be surprised if he is actually banned from setting foot on the 
campus - after they read his messages on the internet. He's more into Chinese 
communist Kung Fu these days, I guess. Go figure.
---In,  wrote :
Don't worry, only people in level will be able to see him. Fellows like you are 
the reason they have security, you wouldn't come within range to do anything 
much less pose any silly questions, If you want to learn use youtube:

---In,  wrote :
 I would love to be there and ask King Tony some questions he would not answer, 
such as how big an ego does one need to declare oneself king of the world? And 
while we are at all this vedic stuff, try reading this little story about one 
man's experience in MUM's Sanskrit class:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
> "...if it isn't measurable it isn't real." How about atoms? >
 There are to my knowledge no scientists on this discussion group, so what you 
are reading Share is about metaphysics, not about science. In Indian 
metaphysics, if some proposition or statement is found to be 
self-contradictory, it doesn't exist. For example, if you see a thief at night, 
and then you realize in the light, that it was just a fence post, then the 
thief didn't exist - except in your mind.

The presentation of the mistaken theif is real because it was presented to you, 
but it was not real in the absolute sense - it was an illusion, not real, yet 
not unreal either. Almost the whole of Indian metaphysics is based on the 
notion of the illusion aspect of the world of the senses.


 So the only way it isn't in conflict with science is because it isn't 
measurable. And if it isn't measurable it isn't real.

 It's the concept, it's wrong. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
Try to imagine someone so desperate for attention that they settle for made-up 
claims about witnessing their guru levitate hundreds of times. And, instead of 
conversation, making even bolder claims about their guru being able to generate 
"golden light" to fill a lecture hall filled with thousands of trance-induction 
inductees. Go figure.

And, then try to imagine a stage-magic conversation with The Amazing Randi.
---In,  wrote :

 Try to imagine someone so desperate for attention that they settle for 
trumped-up arguments instead of conversation.ore.  :-)
   I see you are reduced to your usual nitpicking in order to mask the fact  
you have no argument.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
> To find out if this is real or not, there is no evidence except the 
> experience. 
One of the most thorough account of the spiritual approach may be Ken Wilber's 
book The Spectrum of Consciousness, a comparison of western and eastern ways of 
thinking about the mind, Ken Wilber described consciousness as a "spectrum" 
with ordinary awareness at one end, and more profound types of awareness at 
higher levels.

"Duality is only an appearance; non-duality is the real truth. The object 
exists as an object for the knowing subject; but it does not exist outside of 
consciousness because the distinction of subject and object is within 
consciousness." (IV 25-27) Sharma, p. 245-246. 

Work cited:  

'The Spectrum of Consciousness'
By Ken Wilber 
Quest Books, 1993
pp. 3-16; 52

Re: [FairfieldLife] !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming to Fairfield!

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
Tony Nader, Ph.D., M.D. can't hold a candle to all your accomplishments, such 
as practicing Kung Fu for two years and fixing computers in your living room. 
You may be a nice guy on the surface but you come across in print as a jealous 
guy. Go figure.
---In,  wrote :

 Raja Ram may be a nice guy on the surface, but he is the very face of a cult 
and the very picture of a fraud.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
Knowledge is power, Share. It's like the analogy of the snake in the garden. At 
night we see what appears to be a snake in the garden; in the daylight we see 
that it was only a coiled up rope. The "snake" was real because it was 
presented to our consciousness, but in reality it wasn't a real snake at all. 
The snake was not real, yet not unreal - it was just an illusion due to our 
ignorance and the perception of the senses.

"Pure consciousness is the only Reality. By its nature, it is Self-luminous." 
(XIII, 13). "Thus shaking off duality, he directly perceives the Absolute which 
is the unity underlying phenomena (dharmadatu)." (VI, 7) Sharma, p. 112-113

So salyavin, thinking of the atom which has always been real and measurable 
except that we didn't have the instruments to do so, is it possible that there 
exists right now, something else which is real and measurable but for which we 
don't yet have the instruments for measuring?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-16 Thread punditster

 In "Eye to Eye," Ken Wilber applies his spectrum of consciousness model to 
epistemology. Epistemology is the science of what can be known - knowledge, and 
how we get it. Attempting to investigate the realm of spirit, for example, with 
the "eye of flesh," that is, the eye that perceives only sensory phenomena, 
will not yield real knowledge of the realm of spirit, which is not disclosed to 
sensory perception. There is an old Zen saying: 'The eye cannot see itself.'

"There is no place in this new kind of physics both for field and matter, for 
the field is the only reality". - Albert Einstein

Read more:

'Eye to Eye: The Quest for the New Paradigm'
by Ken Wilber
Shambhala, 1990 

---In,  wrote :

 Richard, Wilbur's book was published 21 years ago. I think neuroscience has 
added greatly to our understanding of consciousness since then.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Studying the numinous

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
But, can she levitate like Rama?

I won't comment on the deeper aspects of your post, just pass along a wonderful 
moment having to do with children.

Re: [FairfieldLife] !Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam is Coming to Fairfield!

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
This sounds like something you made up to cover yourself. Go figure.
---In,  wrote :

 he couldn't catch the towney who repeatedly snuck on campus, let himself in 
the women's dorm so he could expose himself to them in the bathrooms. It took 
them WEEKS to catch that guy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: If the siddhis were real, here's a typical day in the life of a MSAE kid.

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
Never pass up a tragedy in order to win a religious debate.

or the bastard who drugged and raped his patients, or heck with the drugs, how 
about the guy who just plain ol' raped 20 of them and is in prison now, or of 
course there's the guy with the pen in his eye -- he might have had a fleeting 
last thought about "Hey, the technique didn't solve this crazy guy's problems." 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Tax Day!

2014-04-16 Thread punditster

 ---In,  wrote :
 > >  However, I would be willing to pay my fair share of a
> >  flat tax on income - about 1%. Go figure.
> >

 I figure that is not much in anybody's method of doing math.

That's way more than 75% of Americans pay for income tax. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: More Mother India --

2014-04-16 Thread punditster
It's all about Judy - it probably really has nothing to do with living 
conditions in India.

 ---In,  wrote :
 Since when did India and not Being become "home of all knowledge" ?
---In,  wrote :

 Modern India, home of all knowledge and the Va-Va-Voom Vedas, has a problem 
with over 50% of its population just shitting in the streets, so they 
commissioned this Public Service Announcement to turn things around. Somehow I 
don't think dancing poo is quite gonna do it.

 India Has A Problem With People Sh*tting In Public, So They Made A PSA - Digg
 India Has A Problem With People Sh*tting In Public, ...
 Yup, apparently over half the population in India just craps right out in the 
open and we're pretty sure a video of dancing poops isn't going to help.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Been There [1 Attachment]

2014-04-20 Thread punditster
Petty's Grocery & Feed

[FairfieldLife] Re: Working for a Living

2014-04-21 Thread punditster
Today, I verified my IP address using this tool, so I could set up the FTP on 
my server:
---In,  wrote :

 Our WAN server is a hosted server, a Dell PowerEdge blade server, up in 
Washington state. Our local server in our home office is fire-walled with 
protected with Kaspersky. We change our passwords frequently for the log-in. 
Our Wi-Fi access-point is encrypted. We use the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to 
upload files. We think everything is secure.



 And, we have installed bars on all our windows and doors and we have installed 
some sercuritye cameras as well. We are members in good standing in our 
Neighborhood Watch.


 What I really worry about is the physical intrusion. Some team of crackers 
could crawl under our house, which is a pier and beam construction, when we 
were away at a gig or something, and saw a hole in the wood floor to make a 
trap-door. Then, at night when we are out cruising, the crackerjacks could 
sneak in and try to hack into our system to get some information about what I 
might post to FFL - that would be a scoop for them, I guess. Go figure.

 On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Bhairitu mailto:noozguru@...> 
 Update your OpenSSL?  ;-) 
 On 04/10/2014 06:11 AM, Pundit Sir wrote:

   Today I sent several pings to my server and did an internet speed test. 

 On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 7:58 PM, Pundit Sir mailto:punditster@...> wrote:
 Just so you know, I've got a VPN working through a proxy.


 Huey Lewis and the News - Workin' for a Livin' - Live 1992






Re: [FairfieldLife] The World's Highest Ranking Alien Believer

2014-04-23 Thread punditster
It looks like we've got two known True Believers on FFL - MJ and TB. Go figure.
---In,  wrote :

 Willytex is only pretending, but I certainly am an ET. Just ask Barry. Why do 
you think I freak him out so badly? 

---In,  wrote :

 I am perfectly willing to believe that WillyTex and possbily Judy are indeed 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hackers

2014-05-08 Thread punditster
"The Navy quickly identified the breach and tracked down the alleged culprits 
through their online activity, revealing an extensive computer hacking scheme 
committed across the country and even abroad,” U.S. Attorney Danny C. Williams, 
who filed the information, said Monday."

'Sailor on US Nuclear Ship Led Hacker Ring, Prosecutor Says' 

---In,  wrote :

 Reuters - A computer hacker was sentenced on Monday 
 to three years and five months in prison for stealing 
 the personal data of about 120,000 Apple Inc iPad 
 users, including big-city mayors, a TV network news 
 anchor and a Hollywood movie mogul...
 'U.S. computer hacker gets three-and-a-half years for 
 stealing iPad user data'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just sayin'...the Overposters Edition :-)

2013-08-02 Thread punditster

On 8/2/2013 11:19 AM, Share Long wrote:
LOL! I'm obsessive?! Who researched into how much I posted during the 
last 14 months?! Not even I know that!
But Emily, perhaps you could write a book about the insights, etc. you 
received while posted out?

PS to Ann: deep bow to almost everyone past and present on FFL.

PS to Richard: sorry I dragged you into this. I thought Alex's comment 
was pretty funny though you haven't said *so it's all about* in a long 
time. I miss that. And I LOVE go figure! Go figure (-:

Now, it's all about Share. LoL!

*From:* Emily Reyn 
*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Friday, August 2, 2013 10:47 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just sayin'...the Overposters 
Edition :-)

Ha.  Yes, you don't realize what you might achieve internally and 
externally by posting out - and, you'll never know until you try. 
 It's an experiential thing - gotta do it to *know*.  And, you could 
*get* everything here that you identify you are *receiving* as you 
could still view the posts.  Come on, Share, give it a try. Just one 
weekand you could come back and report on the experience of not 
posting - how you had to confront your self-will, the obsessive 
quality to your nature, or whatever comes up for you after 14 months 
of posting every day, or almost every day.   FFL will last a week 
being deprived of your posts, important as they are to the mix.

*From:* Share Long 
*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Friday, August 2, 2013 8:20 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just sayin'...the Overposters 
Edition :-)

Emily, it sounds like you equate posting out with spontaneity, 
freedom, passion, creativity, not being stodgy, throwing caution to 
the wind,  and giving others the opportunity to miss one. Whew! I 
haven't realized what I've been deprived of by not posting out. And 
depriving others as well! Of course for Judy this time, it was simply 
that she miscalculated her post amount. Go figure!

BTW, I've only been on FFL 14 months, not year after year!

As for blessing, FFL posters bless me way more than I could ever 
repay. They make me laugh and keep me informed about current events. 
They tell me about cool high tech stuff and share beautiful music. 
They post great photos from all over the world and give me great info 
about ayurveda and jyotish. They alert me to TV and movies and books 
and food I might enjoy. They got me interested again in politics. They 
write wonderfully. They make me think. They push my buttons. They make 
me laugh.

As some here say, deep bow (-:

*From:* Emily Reyn 
*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Thursday, August 1, 2013 9:53 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just sayin'...the Overposters 
Edition :-)

Awww...Barrythanks for doing this...I *meaningful* is 
this?! I'm not sure what posting on FFL has to do with 
"enlightenment," but feel free to describe it for me/us.  I can tell 
you miss those who post out when they/we do, what with all the focus 
and attention you bring to this topic again and again and again. 
 Control is overrated in my opinion - take Share who thinks in terms 
of 7 a day - how important is it that she make sure the forum is 
blessed with her presence, and that you make sure of the same, every 
day all year long, year after year.  I say, old chap, show us some 
passion, throw caution to the wind every once in awhile, show us a 
little spontaneity, post out just once - for the freedom, Barry (and 
Share), the freedom.  Don't be stodgy; get creative and run with it. 
 I will miss you and your predictability terribly; I will miss Share's 
insights on just about everything.  Come on, now, I dare you.  Share, 
see how far you can get past 50 (maybe even to 70 if you're fast) 
before Alex shuts you down.  Give FFL an opportunity to miss you.  :) :)

*From:* turquoiseb 
*Sent:* Thursday, August 1, 2013 12:23 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Just sayin'...the Overposters Edition :-)

--- In 
, turquoiseb  wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] It's not just the movement that circles the wagons.

2013-08-02 Thread punditster
Now we've got informants finking on rental car drivers over in Spain. Go 

On 8/2/2013 12:51 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

I remember on TTC in Spain, they had to rush a guy to the airport 
after he crashed a rental car and was facing the Spanish justice system.

Everybody thinks the rules don't apply to them.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Brave Combo

2013-08-02 Thread punditster

So, now it's time to fink on the idiots who don't
leash their dogs in the park. Go figure.

--- In, Share Long  wrote:
> noozguru! I got an idea, a brilliant idea if I don't mind saying so myself. 
> You know that backpack and pressure cooker I was gonna send you?

Did you do a Google search for pressure cooker AND 
backpack? LoL!

> Instead let's get the names and addresses of some of those idiots who don't 
> leash their dogs in the park. I'll order these dangerous items and send to 
> them instead! And, just to make the whole thing more fun, the backpack is 
> gonna be covered in polka dots. Gigantic pink polka dots! Of course the 
> backpack will also contain a copy of Polkasonic which they can listen to 
> while their unleashed dogs are walking them in the park! 
> PS When my credit card numbers were stolen last year, the nice fellow at one 
> of the vendors told me that the IP address was in Riverside, right abouts 
> where that nice casino is located. Amazing!
> > > "They won a Grammy Award in 1999 in the Best Polka 
> > > Album category for their album Polkasonic, and 
> > > again in 2004 for their album Let's Kiss..."
> > >
> > > 
> > Brave Combo:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Who would have thunk it?  Willy is a polka fan.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brave Combo

2013-08-02 Thread punditster

Dwayne Verheyden in San Antonio at the Arneson River Theater, 2013:

'El Puente Roto' 


--- In, "card" wrote:
> --- In, "card" cardemaister@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Säkkijärven polkka (sack-key-yar-ven---), polka of/from
> > Säkki-järvi (bag-lake) village (after WWII, part of Russian
> > Karelia) by Viljo (vill-yaw) "Vili"
> > Vesterinen, 1939:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In, "Richard J. Williams" wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Bhairitu:
> > > > Who would have thunk it? Willy is a polka fan.
> > > >
> > > It's all about the Polka.
> > >
> > > My favorite is the 'Beer Barrel Polka'. LoL!
> > >
> > > Beer Barrel Polka by Brave Combo:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Brave Combo, San Antonio, Texas 2013
> > > Dancing is real big around here. I recently took
> > > dancing lessons at the university by joining a
> > > folk dance group to learn folk dancing.
> > >
> > > We really like the two-step around here, 2/4.
> > > Polka music and dancing the two-step is sort of
> > > like the 'polska', which has a 3/4 beat; a
> > > Swedish dance style, but the Polka dance is
> > > apparently from Polish roots.
> > >
> > > Polka music has very popular and over time
> > > evolved into Ragtime dances and Rockabilly music
> > > styles.
> > >
> > > Further south, polka music began to sound a lot
> > > like Cajun and Cajunta music. Go figure.
> > >
> > > "Polka is also popular in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
> > > where the Beer Barrel Polka is played during the
> > > seventh inning stretch and halftime of Milwaukee
> > > Brewers and Milwaukee Bucks games."
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Polka Swing Two Step:
> > >
> > >
> > > > > "They won a Grammy Award in 1999 in the Best Polka
> > > >> Album category for their album Polkasonic, and again
> > > >> in 2004 for their album Let's Kiss..."
> > > > >
> > > > > Brave Combo:
> > > > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just sayin' ....

2013-08-03 Thread punditster

> > so that any Google search against that
> > name would find them.
> >
> That's what I'm sayin!

On 8/3/2013 4:04 PM, obbajeeba wrote:

I am spitting cocoa and coffee here! Stop it! LMAO

I'm just sayin'. LoL!

--- In 
, "Richard J. Williams" 

> > > Just sayin', CHEEZE Gozilla, perhaps they have us beat.
> > > Brave Combo crop circles - crossover from another dimension
> > > by David Lynch. Ma in film is a Vedic wrap and even in
> > > Buddhism unique phenomena can sometimes occur to idiot
> > > Michael Graham.
> > >
> > > Just sayin'
> > >
> turquoise:
> > And those are just the *generic*, "non-attack" Subject
> > lines posted on FFL.
> >
> You guys are not even making any sense today. Go figure.
> > Imagine what the consciousness of
> > this group would be seen as by lurkers if you had
> > mentioned the Subject lines written by some supposedly
> > "highly-evolved sould" trashing someone they didn't
> > like by name,
> >
> Sort of like when you hijacked a FFL thread and renamed
> it "Judy Stein as "prison groupie". You mean like that?
> Or, when you posted "How To Be More Like Judy Stein: a
> tutorial" or "Finally, a task worthy of Judy Stein", or
> "The Subject Of Every Judy Stein Post -- EVERY One", or
> "Perfect gig for Judy Stein -- writing for the Church
> of $cientology"?
> You mean, like a highly-evolved soul, trashing someone
> they didn't like by name? Who would do a stooopid thing
> like that? LoL!
> > so that any Google search against that
> > name would find them.
> >
> That's what I'm sayin!

[FairfieldLife] Re: An i nterview with Prudence Farrow

2013-09-09 Thread punditster
Lawson wrote:
> > Remember that, if I recall correctly, the same woman who
> > wrote teh book about TM, left the TM organization joined
> > another. Shortly after she left THAT one, she published a
> > book claiming to have had an affair with the guru of that
> > organization as well.
Judy wrote:
> If by "the same woman who wrote teh book about TM" you
> meant "the same woman who wrote the book about her affair
> with Maharishi," that would be Judith Bourque. She's the only
> one who has written such a book, as far as I'm aware, and she
> did > not join another organization and write a book about
> her affair with that guru.
Lawson is probably thinking of Judiths's friend - the psychic
Conny Larsson who termed himself 'God's little clown', the
author of 'Behind the Clown's Mask'.

>From what I've read, Judith is part of a psyhic scam with Conny,
calling themselves the Vedic something-or-other cult and they
channel Vyasa, the First Rishi. Go figure.

Not sure how much they say is true, but if they both lied for
years about MMY and Sai Baba, who would believe anything they
say now? Obviously there is some cognitive dissonce going on
here. Where is Dr. Pete when we need him?

Conny wrote two books about his involvement in cults:

'Bakom Clownens Mask'
Debutantförlaget, Stockholm, 2005,
ISBN 91-974438-5-9 9

'Behind the Clown's Mask'
By Conny Larsson

Reviewed by Robert C. Priddy:'smask.html

'Beatles, Maharishi och jag - Ett slags memoar'

'Beatles Maharishi and I - A Memoir'
by Conny Larrson

Review by Robert Priddy and Reidun Priddy:

[FairfieldLife] RE: Describing Communal (Meditating) Fairfield

2013-09-10 Thread punditster
> > If you even attempt to answer the question, then I become
> > reasonably confident that I no longer need to pay attention
> > to you in this context.
> >
> That's a classic double-bind.
Lawson has posed a riddle, somewhat like a zen koan.

There is no correct answer to a koan - the answer is
in the thinking, not in the description of the question
or in the answer.

There is an old zen saying: "Don't mistake the pointing
finger for the moon itself." - Huineng

So, TM is NOT the cause of enlightenment. Go figure.

This was confirmed by SBS who said that the Brahman
was Light and needs no other illumination. According
to MMY, TM is based on thinking - simply thinking
things over.

The riddle in TM is that 'TM' doesn't actually DO
anything - it just allows you to BE without striving. It's
this simple - you are only going to get as much
enlightenment as you are going to get.

"The moving finger having writ, moves on." - Omar

So, 'TM' isn't really a 'technique' at all. A technique
is used for activity and for energized enthusiasm.

And by definition, you don't 'use' the mantra during TM
- because it has been transcended. So, when you start
meditating the mantra is present as a thought, but then
drops off.

Everyone meditates and based on this definition,
because we all think - even without a 'technique'!

You don't need a technique to think because it's a
natural tendency of the mind. The mantra just provides
the correct angle for the effortless transcending.

Meditation techniques are like rafts, so we can cross
over to the other side. Once crossed over you will see
that there's no other side and no crossing over. When
you have crossed over, you have no further need for a
raft - you would look silly carrying around a raft on
your head.

"The map is not the territory." - Ven Sochu

Buddha's Parable of the Raft:

[FairfieldLife] Tips on Posting to Discussion Groups, was RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:

2013-09-10 Thread punditster
Arhata Osho wrote:
> Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re:
Maybe it's time to review some of the netiquette
protocols for posting to discussion groups, because
this is not working - you guys not even making any
sense anymore.

1. Use the Subject line to describe the subject
2. Use the right angle bracket to indicate quoted text
3. Try to use the Enter key to break lines at about
40-50 characters for easy reading and reply.
4. If you are going to top post, snip the text that is
not relevant to your reply.
5. Avoid using anyone's real name in the Subject line.
6. Don't begin your message with a few words in the
Subject line and continue it in the body of the message.

Come on people, I know you're confused by the new
software, but this is just basic stuff! Don't be so lazy
- take a little pride in what you post. LoL!

Email/Discussion Group Netiquette Tips:

[FairfieldLife] Re: See? Anyone can wear the rosy glasses.

2013-09-10 Thread punditster

Michael Jackson:
> ...the skin boy idea is ludicrous but not surprising, 
> I mean if a man is a yogi, a realized master what the 
> heck does he have to worry about what kind of vibe 
> exists where he is sitting?
Addressing the important issues!

Your comments on Indians sitting on skins is probably 
just a prejudice against Hindus, not surprisingly.

Sitting on skins originated with the ancient shamans 
of Siberia and later the habit was imported into 
Northern India by the Sanskrit speaking Aryans. It's a 
custom at least 10,000 years old. 

And it makes perfect sense - when you're sitting around 
together it's natural to sit on a skin or two, or on a 
leather horse saddle. Remember, oriental carpets weren't 
invented yet.

A skin is really just a blanket for covering or a type 
of insulation when sitting on the ground. There's 
nothing specificaly religious about it - it's just a 
custom of simple country people who don't have fancy
wooden rocking chairs like you big city folk do.  LoL!

Have you ever considered taking a history course at a 
community college?

[FairfieldLife] Re: W8 and Neo?

2013-09-10 Thread punditster

Now this is funny - two Mozilla Thunderbird users trying to
explain Yahoo Neo when used on mobile devices. 

Reality check:

You don't really need to read or post a reply to FFL using 
your smartphone when you're at a Paris cafe, at Revelations 
in Fairfield, or at the Oakland Starbucks - you won't miss 
anything for at least a half hour. 

It's like a bulletin board - you can reply later, after your
lunch break, when you get back to the office desktop using
your Windows machine. LoL! 

> It's about the sheeple want something new and flashy or they don't go to 
> your site, buy your app or device.  They've been brain damaged into 
> always wanting something "new". However Neo does look like an attempt to 
> make sure it works well on mobile devices since the younger generation 
> is doing more on those than laptops or desktops.
> Funny thing is I am still getting the old site when logged in on 
> Android.  Neo when not. Neo would be easier to navigate on my phone.  
> And I wouldn't need to type anything in, just dictate my message to the 
> phone and it turns it into text.
> On 09/09/2013 03:57 AM, j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
> >
> > I think there's a general trend in the world of redesigning things to 
> > be new and flashy for the sake of being new and flashy, with no regard 
> > for good design. W8 and Neo are two obvious examples of this. Those 
> > idiotic paddle shifters on some new cars are another. There is nothing 
> > wrong with ridiculously simple and intuitive gated shifters on 
> > automatic transmissions; you put the shifter in the desired gear, and 
> > the shifter's position tells you you're in the right gear. With those 
> > paddle shifters, the shift mechanism itself returns no feedback as to 
> > what gear the car is in; that requires staring at the dashboard while 
> > flailing away blindly on the damn paddle, hoping the stoopid car will 
> > get into the desired gear.
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In,  
> > wrote:
> >
> > Just occurred to me, is there some weird connection between W8 and Neo?
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Explaining the latest NSA revelations - Q & A's

2013-09-10 Thread punditster

> Explaining the latest NSA revelations – 
Or you could learn to make a hyper text link using
the Rich Text Editor. That way, your long link won't 
get broken in the post. Alex already told you about 
this and years ago Judy told us about using the free 
 to make a long link a short one. 

Go figure.

Anyway, thanks for the link - but I already read
the newspaper.

> Q&A with internet privacy experts
> The  Guardian's James Ball and cryptology expert Bruce Schneier answer 
> questions about revelations that spy agencies in the US and UK have 
> cracked internet privacy tools

> velations-encryption-expert-chat
>  evelations-encryption-expert-chat>

[FairfieldLife] Re: Inside, Outside, Upside Down

2013-09-10 Thread punditster
> I thought our (UK) Prime Minister made a complete tit of
> himself by recalling Parliament from the summer break
> to hold an emergency motion on Syria and then to blow it
> as he hadn't worked out the numbers correctly.
We've gone from denouncing Assad and his use of CW to now
supporting him to get rid of his CW.

It was all inside, outside, and upside down! Now it's down
two, sideways up, then right, then left. Go figure.

"Before long Washington may find itself locked on to implicitly
or even explicitly supporting Assad in his civil war as the
best chance to get some sort of internationally agreed CW
destruction programme delivered in Syria.

How has this happened?"

'Syria, chemical weapons, and the worst day in Western diplomatic
The Telegraph:

[FairfieldLife] Nektar: Time Machine

2013-09-10 Thread punditster
"It shot into the Top 20 album charts in the U.S. The follow-up album,
Down to Earth (1974), was another concept album with a circus theme;
it also sold well, breaking into the Top 40 album charts and included
Nektar's only song to chart on the Billboard singles charts..."


Roye Albrighton - guitars and vocals
Allan "Taff" Freeman - keyboards
Derek "Mo" Moore - bass
Ron Howden - drums
Mick Brockett - lights

Nektar Live: 

Remember The Future - Full Album: 

My favorite:
Sunday Night at the London Roundhouse, 1974

Other albums:

Journey to the Centre of the Eye
Down To Earth
A Tab In The Ocean

[FairfieldLife] Re: See? Anyone can wear the rosy glasses.

2013-09-10 Thread punditster

Michael Jackson:
> You idiot - have you ever considered taking a course 
> in reading comprehension? 
So, we are agreed that you are prejudiced against Hindus. 

> My point is not about Indians on skins, but about men 
> who claim to be enlightened or close to it having to 
> fret about the vibes in the chair they want to sit on.
Addressing the important issues!

Lot's of men all over the world sit on skins and proclaim 
themselves enlightened and then fret about the vibes in 
their chair.

Everyone sits on skins and every body is a skin boy. If 
you didn't have skin to sit on, you'd be just a skeleton 
like Jeffery Petersen on Craig Ferguson.

I mean, it's not like you don't have your own myths and 
superstitions to live by, such as the anti-GMO myth,
and the global warming myth. Go figure.

You probably even shake hands with other people and 
salute the U.S. flag at ball games. LoL!

> If they are enlightened by Marshy's definition, where 
> they are in sync with all the laws of nature, then the 
> energy of their enlightened asses should purify any 
> and all vibes they come into contact with. 

> > ...the skin boy idea is ludicrous but not surprising, 
> > I mean if a man is a yogi, a realized master what the 
> > heck does he have to worry about what kind of vibe 
> > exists where he is sitting?
> >
> Addressing the important issues!
> Your comments on Indians sitting on skins is probably 
> just a prejudice against Hindus, not surprisingly.
> Sitting on skins originated with the ancient shamans 
> of Siberia and later the habit was imported into 
> Northern India by the Sanskrit speaking Aryans. It's a 
> custom at least 10,000 years old. 
> And it makes perfect sense - when you're sitting around 
> together it's natural to sit on a skin or two, or on a 
> leather horse saddle. Remember, oriental carpets weren't 
> invented yet.
> A skin is really just a blanket for covering or a type 
> of insulation when sitting on the ground. There's 
> nothing specificaly religious about it - it's just a 
> custom of simple country people who don't have fancy
> wooden rocking chairs like you big city folk do.  LoL!
> Have you ever considered taking a history course at a 
> community college?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Reducing Tension in the Middle East

2013-09-10 Thread punditster
> > > That's a classic double-bind.
> > >
> > Lawson has posed a riddle, somewhat like a zen koan.
> >
> A Zen koan! You're making my point for me.
The term 'Transcendental Meditation' is itself a koan.

Meditation means to 'think things over' but transcendental
means to 'go beyond thinking'. Go figure.

Another term that is a koan is the term 'enlightenment' -
because a 'light' does not come from somewhere outside
yourself - it comes from within you.

There are many koans presented by MMY and the Zen

Dogen, the founder of the Soto Zen sect in Japan, compiled
many koans in the Shobogenzo. According to Shunryu Suzuki,
a Soto master, the main practice of Zen is 'just sitting'.

This just sitting IS enlightenment. That's it!

A monk told Joshu:

'I have just entered the monastery. Please teach me.'

Joshu asked: 'Have you eaten your rice?'

The monk replied: 'I have eaten.'

Joshu said: 'Then you had better wash your bowl.'

At that moment the monk was enlightened!

Joshu Washes the Bowl:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Syriasly

2013-09-11 Thread punditster
> > Apparently not a single Dem member of Congress who has
> > seen the evidence has voiced doubt about the use of
> > chemical weapons by the Assad regime.
> >
> ...the rebels could make it look like the military used
> the chemical weapons.
It has not been established that the rebels have any chemical
weapons. But, I think it is a fact that the Assad regime has
some of the world's largest stockpiles of WMD - some may be
even left over from his father who killed 30,000 Syrians
civilians in Hama.

  So, there's no doubt Assad has hidden chemical stockpiles.

> What about the other atrocities going on in the world
> like Rwanda, Myanmar, etc? We don't seem so anxious
> to intervene there.
A failure to back up the president's threats about Syria
crossing a 'red line' will be proof that America is retreating
from its global responsibilities to help free the people.

This will not be overlooked by our allies like Taiwan and
Poland and Israel. Our failure to act will probably embolden
U.S. rivals such as North Korea, Iran, China and Russia.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Offsite archive is toast?

2013-09-11 Thread punditster

Jason wrote:
> Also in the yahoogroups page, if I press the 'reply 
> tab', all I get is a blank reply box.
That's what I'm sayin'!

That's why I was suggesting that respondents copy and
paste the quoted text using > right angle brackets to 
indicate the quoted text. Then snip the part of the 
text you are NOT replying to. Use the Enter key to 
break lines at about 40-50 characters.

That way, it's easy to read the comments and to reply. 
It's just basic discussion group protocol.

But, nobody wants to take the time - it might interfere 
with their shoot-from the hip post on top activities, 
I guess. 

Or, maybe they re using a mobile device with a tiny 
screen and they just can't take the time to do the 
formatting. Go figure.

Like this.
> --- "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > Nope, doesn't show up for me either. The pre-Neo posts do. 
> > I didn't check to see exactly when it changed. Rick needs 
> > to tell the Mail Archive folks, see if there's anything 
> > 
> > they can do. I rather doubt it. 
> > 
> >
> > ---   wrote:
> > > 
> > > On a whim, I just went to the offsite archive:
> > >
> > > 
> > > And, if I click on a post, it doesn't display any of the 
> > > post's content. Is that the case with everyone else?  
> > > Rick?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Inside, Outside, Upside Down

2013-09-11 Thread punditster
> > I thought our (UK) Prime Minister made a complete
> > tit of himself...
> >
> I'm making a concerted effort to stay out of all
> this Syrian shit, but I did want to commend you
> on your turn of phrase above. LOL-worthy.
> But now I'm stuck trying to figure out whether
> David Cameron is a C-cup or a D-cup.  :-)
Addressing the important issues!

Obama and the French president drew an "unbelievably small"
red line, but they fell into a very deep hole. Go figure.

'The most feeble US president of modern times?'
The Telegraph:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Nokia gets Indian CEO??

2013-09-11 Thread punditster
> Nokia gets Indian CEO, Rajeev Suri??
>From what I've read, the Nokia devices section has been sold to
and the Nokia patents will be sold soon.

What are you going to do with all that cash from your Nokia stock?

So, I wonder what happened to Risto Siilasmaa and what's going to happen
to Stephen Elop?

"... Shameful, but unavoidable. This is a complete failure of chosen
and its implementation. Nokia was not able to make it work. For
sake I hope Microsoft will." - T. Anssi Vanjoki

Nokia's interim CEO addresses the 'next 150 years':
The Verge:

Microsoft urged to put Ford's Mulally on CEO short list:
Globe and Mail:

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Describing Communal (Meditating) Fairfield

2013-09-11 Thread punditster

Addressing the important issues!

A YouTube video about making marshmallow fluff,
in German posted on a thread entitled 'Communal
Meditating Fairfield'. LoL!

Never mind the bollocks!

It might be a good time to review some discussion
forums protocols.

1. Try to avoid posting links to web sites or videos
without posting any of your own comments.
2. Clearly indicate the quoted text.
2. When posting, try to stay on topic.
3. If you're changing the subject, post it on a new thread.

[FairfieldLife] [FairfieldLife] Re: See? Anyone can wear the rosy glasses.

2013-09-11 Thread punditster
Mike Dixon:
> Quien es mas macho, Ricardo Montalban  ora Fernando Lamas?
Que Paso?


Texas Tornado - Hey Baby Que Paso 

Texas Tornados, Who Were You Thinking Of?, Gruene Hall, 1992 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Offsite archive is toast?

2013-09-11 Thread punditster
> > Also in the yahoogroups page, if I press the 'reply
> > tab', all I get is a blank reply box.
> >
> Gosh, it would be interesting to know what you mean by
> "yahoogroups page."
Maybe he means the Yahoo Groups Page; the page that
has the FFL Yahoo Groups reply tab; the text box that
comes up blank when you click on reply. LoL!

> Not to mention what that would have to do with the
> offsite archive that is the topic of this thread.
That the offsite archive is toast and when he clicks on a
message it comes up blank?

It's probably just as well - when looking at the offsite
index, it's a real mess with those RE: all over the place.

Why is it so difficult to key in a simple Subject line?

Between you guys and the Yahoo staff you've made this group's
postings look like a bunch of newbie posts. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Protocols of the Elder

2013-09-11 Thread punditster
> Protocols of the Elder of FFL
We were all young once, so don't let it bother you that
some informants don't know how to format messages to
discussion groups.

With a little practice, you'll wonder how you ever got
along without sending text messages to groups of people
you don't even know and that may be a lot older than
yourself. LoL!

Basic tips on posting:

1. When you are replying to a post, hit the REPLY button.
2. Place the cursor on the left of the text box and Key
in your reply.
3. Then, hit the SEND button.

Was this tip helpful?

Arhata Osho wrote:
> > > Arhata
> > >
> > It might be a good time to review some of the basic
> > protocols for postingto discussion groups.
> >
> > 1. Try to post something that pertains to the topic being discussed.
> > 2. Don't waste band space posting just your handle as a message.
> > 3. Snip what you're not commenting on.
> >
> > 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What you do not focus on, you become less like

2013-09-12 Thread punditster

> There is a saying that appears in many, if not most, 
> spiritual trips I've investigated or been part of. 
There's no 'spiritual' trip that I know of that makes 
this claim. In fact, it's the exact opposite of what 
the Zen Master Rama said! 

Go figure.

It's certainly not one of MMY's sayings because MMY
believed in karma - that you are what you are due to
being bound by your past actions. 

All the six systems of Indian philosophy and Buddhism
agree with this.

You can't go back and change the past. If you could 
do that, you'd be a Super Man - you could become God 

> It is, "What you focus on, you become."
You're not even making any sense. If you had free-will 
why would you need to focus on anything? If you were 
free, you could be anything you want to be - you could 
cause change at will.

But, we know this is impossible - you can't leap tall 
building even if you want to, even if you focus on 
doing so for a thousand years. 

All things fall down is the law, without exception;
even Rama fell back down after his levitating event.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Barbara Walters

2013-09-12 Thread punditster
> I guess this is another Bobby Roth achievement, along
> with the five new billionaires.
Maybe it's time to review some of the core rules of netiquette
posting to discussion groups.

1. When citing a news source, key in or copy and paste the url to the

The Core Rules of Netiquette:

[FairfieldLife] Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: Reducing Tension in the Middle East

2013-09-12 Thread punditster
> And it would be nice if you would take the trouble to spell
> his name correctly.
a u t h f r i e n d?

s p a r a i g?

Thanks for this - it was a helpful suggestion.

1. When replying to a comment, try to spell the respondent's
handle correctly.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What you do not focus on, you become less like

2013-09-12 Thread punditster
Share Long :
> ... I think there's noticing something, focusing on something for as
> long as is needed to take care of practical matters.
"I want to taste sugar, not be sugar." - Sri Ramakrishna

Spiritual Forums:

> > However if everything is "line on water" then you don't become
> > what you focus on. It's just stuff floating down the stream. ;-)
> >
> > >There is a saying that appears in many, if not most, spiritual
> > > I've investigated or been part of. It is, "What you focus
on, you
> >> become."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Drink More Water

2013-09-13 Thread punditster
> Share continues her reality-avoidance approach after having
> cited a book by a quack...
So, it's all about Share. I guess this is the point where we get up
close and personal. Go figure.

Discussion Tips:

1. Use bold or italic to emphasize words or phrases,
or for quoting, but avoid using bold for the entire
body of your message.

2. Some discussion group readers don't read rich text
formatting such as bold, so compose your message for
the lowest common denominator.

3. Try to use plain text to compose your messages - don't
use fancy typefaces with words or letters in color.

4. Indicate quoted text with a > right angle bracket.

5. Don't post flame-bait to the discussion group in an
effort to start a war of words over how much water to
drink every day.

Was this tip helpful? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What you do not focus on, you become less like

2013-09-13 Thread punditster

> > > There is a saying that appears in many, if not most,
> > > spiritual trips I've investigated or been part of.
> > >
> > There's no 'spiritual' trip that I know of that makes
> > this claim. In fact, it's the exact opposite of what
> > the Zen Master Rama said! 
> >
Share Long:
> As for becoming what one puts one's attention on, I'd 
> credit that to the New Age!
So, you're thinking that Turq's spiritual path comes from 
'New Age' teachings? Wow! You sure put him in his place.

Good work!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Drink More Water

2013-09-13 Thread punditster
> > ...pundister, whoever that is, wrote:
> >
> You're really not aware that "punditster" is Richard Williams, Share?
Maybe it's time to review some of the basic rules of netiquette.

The Basic Rules of Netiquette:

1. Do not post the real names of respondents in messages without their
permission - this is considered to be a form of online snitching and

2. Do not surf to another respondent's place of employ and then post
personal employment details to the list - this may be considered

3. Do not copy and paste photos of group members that you rip off the
world wide web - this may be illegal in some U.S. states.

Was this tip helpful?

"Lest we forget, the Internet is there for people to do work. People
using the
network and the systems on it are doing so for a purpose, whether it be
research, development, or whatever."

'Zen and the Art of the Internet'

[FairfieldLife] Re: RE: Drink More Water

2013-09-13 Thread punditster

Share Long:
> Judy obsesses on Share and is clueless that
> someone might simply be funning on FFL. GF!
Maybe it's time to review some of the basic rules
of netiquette.

The Basic Rules of Netiquette:

1. Try to avoid funning around on a discussion group.
2. Try to avoid obsessing on particular respondents who might
or might not be funning around on a discussion group.


Do not post any comments on a spiritual discussion group
that would make the claim that DHMO plays any part in the
TM initiation ritual.

Author: Delia
Subject: DHMO update
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: March 16, 2004 

[FairfieldLife] DHMO, was Drink More Water

2013-09-13 Thread punditster

Share Long:
> punditster wrote the other day:
> 3. If you're changing the subject, post it on a new thread.
So, it's all about Share.

DHMO is water - it is used in the TM initiation ritual, but I'm
not sure if you're supposed to drink it after the initiation.

Go figure.

> > Judy obsesses on Share and is clueless that
> > someone might simply be funning on FFL. GF!
> >
> Maybe it's time to review some of the basic rules
> of netiquette.
> The Basic Rules of Netiquette:
> 1. Try to avoid funning around on a discussion group.
> 2. Try to avoid obsessing on particular respondents who might
> or might not be funning around on a discussion group.
> Note:
> Do not post any comments on a spiritual discussion group
> that would make the claim that DHMO plays any part in the
> TM initiation ritual.
> Author: Delia
> Subject: DHMO update
> Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> Date: March 16, 2004
> <>

[FairfieldLife] Pundister, was Drink More Water

2013-09-13 Thread punditster
> BTW, it's punditster, not "pundister."
So, it's all about the pundister. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pundister, was Drink More Water

2013-09-13 Thread punditster

> Pun Disaster
Admit nothing.
Blame everyone
Be bitter.

> On 09/13/2013 12:57 PM, punditster wrote:
> >
> > authfriend:
> > > BTW, it's punditster, not "pundister."
> > >
> > So, it's all about the pundister. Go figure.
> >
> > 
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: What you do not focus on, you become less like

2013-09-13 Thread punditster
> > > As for becoming what one puts one's attention on, I'd
> > > credit that to the New Age!
> > >
> > So, you're thinking that Turq's spiritual path comes from
> > 'New Age' teachings? Wow! You sure put him in his place.
> >
> > Good work!
> >
> Happy to help (-:
Now that we've got that issue settled  - where do you think
we get that spiritual teaching that says 'you are what you

I think it comes from the Upanishads in India - 'karma' -
actions and the results of actions. All Hindus and Buddhists
believe that your actions in this life are the result of your past

Another New Age saying from California:

"You are what you eat." - Dr. Pietro Rotundi   

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count burpola

2013-09-13 Thread punditster
> > Well, you know how it goes... the lagna's nakshatra
> > goes all combust on the smriti, and yada yada yada,
> > the internet goes down.
> >
> But aren't the pundits supposed to prevent that?
So, how did I get put in charge of the gerbils that
make the internet work? Maybe we should get some
prairie dogs in to do the job.

[FairfieldLife] The Most Interesting Man in the World

2013-09-13 Thread punditster
Some say he found the fountain of youth, but he
didn't drink because he was not thirsty.


He lives vicariously - through himself.

He can speak French - in Russian.

When in Rome, they do as he does.

He can tell insider jokes to perfect strangers.

In a past life, he was himself.

He is - the most interesting man in the world. 

[FairfieldLife] Rules for Iowa

2013-09-13 Thread punditster
Maybe it's time to review some of the rules for Iowa.

Rules for Iowa

This list of rules should be handed to each person as they enter the State of 

1. That slope-shouldered farm boy did more work before breakfast than you'll do 
all week at the gym. He doesn't need your respect, but he sure deserves it.

2. It's called a 'gravel road.' No matter how slow you drive, you're going to 
get dust on your BMW. I have a four-wheel drive because I need it. Drive one or 
get your girlie-car out of the way.

3. We all started hunting and fishing when we were nine years old. Yeah, we 
shot Bambi; we got over it.

4. Any references to "corn fed" when talking about our women will get your butt our women.

5. Go ahead and bring your $600 Orvis Fly Rod. Don't cry to us if a flathead 
breaks it off at the handle. We have a name for that little 13-inch trout you 
fish for ...bait.

6. Pull your pants up. You look like an idiot.

7. If that cell phone rings while a bunch of mallards are making their final 
approach, we will shoot it. You might hope you don't have it up to your ear at 
the time.

8. That's right. Whiskey is only two bucks. We can buy a fifth for what you 
paid in the airport.

9. The Hawkeyes and the Cyclones are as important here as the Lakers and the 
Knicks...and a dang sight more fun to watch.

10. No, there's no "Vegetarian Special" on the menu. Order steak. Order it 
rare. Or, you can order the Chef's Salad and pick off the two pounds of ham and 

11. You bring Coke into my house, it better be brown, wet, and served over ice.

12. So you have a sixty thousand dollar car. We're real impressed. We have a 
quarter of a million dollar combine that we drive two weeks a year.

13. Let's get this straight. We have one stoplight in town. We stop when it's 
red. We may even stop when it's yellow.

14. Our women hunt, fish, and drive trucks-because they want to. So, you're a 
feminist. Isn't that cute.

15. Yeah, we eat catfish-carp, too-and turtle. You really want sushi and 
caviar? It's available at the bait shop.

16. They are hogs. That's what they smell like. Get over it. Don't like it? 
Interstate 80 goes two ways - I-35 goes the other two. Pick one.

17. The "Opener" refers to the first day of pheasant season. It's a religious 

18. Yeah, we have sweet tea. It comes in a glass with two packets of sugar and 
a long spoon.

19. So every person in every pick-up waves. It's called being friendly. Try to 
understand the concept.

20. Yeah, we have golf courses. Don't hit in the water hazards. It spooks the 

21. Pull your pants up. You look like an idiot.

Now, enjoy your visit to Iowa. Oh, and one last thought "The "s" on the end 
of Des Moines is silent.

[FairfieldLife] Aspirational Cities

2013-09-13 Thread punditster
"These places have lured companies and people from more expensive
notably California and the Northeast, by being not only culturally rich
but also
amenable to building a career, buying a home and, ultimately, raising a
in relative comfort"

Austin, Texas - view from Town Lake:


'Aspirational Cities'
The Daily Beast:,_Texas

[FairfieldLife] Re: What you do not focus on, you become less like

2013-09-13 Thread punditster
Kevin wrote:
It might be a good time, Kevin, to review some of the basic rules
of discussion group netiquette. Please keep these in mind.

1. When you use all caps in your message, it might be construed
as shouting.

Other Basic Rules of Netiquette:

Unsubscribing to a Discussion Group:

1. Do not send an 'unsubscribe' message to the list.
2. Send a message to unsubscribe to the server administrator.
3. If you are unsure of what to do, always check the Group FAQ
before you post your request or question.

Was this tip helpful?


Other respondents on the list do not desire to know if you are
added or deleted; they are not interested in administrative
tasks such as being subscribed or unsubscribed. You subscribed
without member help, now unsubscribe on your own too.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Drink More Water

2013-09-14 Thread punditster
obbajeeba  wrote:
> t-your-kidneys/
>  rt-your-kidneys/
Now this is funny - a guy posts a message about Michelle Obama, who is
saying it's
better to drink plain water instead of sodas, for good health, and so
your weight
doesn't balloon up.

Then, a gal who lives in Fairfield, IA replies that sodas are killers,
and that drinking
plain water is better in order to maintain good health, and cites H.H.
Mitchell in The
Journal of Biological Chemistry 158.

So, a Bharata guy who lives in California says it all depends on your
'dosha', and an
Obbajeba gal posts an article from the 'Live Strong Org', formerly known
as the
'Lance Armstrong Foundation'.

You can't make this stuff up. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Most Interesting Man in the World

2013-09-14 Thread punditster
Bond, James Bond.

Dr No: 


[FairfieldLife] Re: So I'm just clicking on headlines and . . .

2013-09-14 Thread punditster
> > Yes group meditation, ...known as invincible defense
> > technology [IDT]. This preventive defense system is
> > thought to work on the level of the Unified Field
> > where all the forces of nature are united.
> >
> This preventive defense system is thought not to work.
So, the defense system you taught for 24 years, first
with MMY and later for Rama, doesn't work and you are
telling us this NOW?


If so, I would think a refund would be in order, or at least
an apology.

[FairfieldLife] Deny everything, shift blame, be bitter

2013-09-14 Thread punditster

Michael Jackson:
> I guess the flying group in and around Boulder Colorado 
> is rather small
Leave it to MJ to sink down low to comment on a real 
tragedy just in order to win a religious debate. Low, 
really low. How low can he go? Go figure. 

Where is Dr.Pete when we need him?

Some people just feel better when they have someone to 
talk to, I guess.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Drink More Water

2013-09-14 Thread punditster
Share Long :
> Also funny punditsir is that both too much water and not enough
> water cause brain dysfunction...
That's like a Zen koan or a double bind. What's really funny is that
several informants on FFL don't seem to believe anymore in the
power of their own thought, much less the power of the DHMO.

That's another Zen koan: if you had free-will, you could influence the
whole world with just a thought - you could bend spoons, and levitate,
or become invisible - you could cause change at will.

"We know, if we drop a stone in a pond, the ripples begin to move,
and they move over the whole pond, reaching all the extremities.
One slight stir in any part of the pond stirs the whole pond, influences
the entire field of water, and its surroundings. Similarly, by every
thought, word and action, every individual is setting forth influence in
his surroundings, and that influence is not restricted to any
It goes on and on and reaches every level of creation." - MMY

'MMY on Inner Power'
Tapping the untapped source of power that lies within'
Recorded at Guild Hall  Cambridge, England July 11, 1960
   Excerpt from
Historic Lectures 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Describing Communal (Meditating) Fairfield

2013-09-14 Thread punditster

Maybe it's time to review some more FFL Protocols 
for posting:

1. Compose the first line of your message so that 
it can be easily read in Message View.

2. Don't copy and paste the quoted text for the 
first line of text of your own message.

3. Try to avoid redundancy in the Message View.

4. Reserve blue text for hyper text links.

5. Indicate quoted text with a > right angle bracket 
or other indicator.

6. Try to format your text for easy reading and 

Redundancy Example: 

357475  Re: Describing Communal (Meditating) Fairfield

Judy sez: Nothing wrong with iranitea's observations 
and information on their own terms.

357476  Re: Describing Communal (Meditating) Fairfield

Iranitea wrote: Judy sez: Nothing wrong with iranitea's 
observations and information on their own terms. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Describing Communal (Meditating) Fairfield

2013-09-14 Thread punditster

> > It's enough if I see how you constantly bug and patronize 
> > Share for nothing, and now you want to draw me into this 
> > stupid argument you are having with her?
> > 
Share Long:
> I think when certain posters don't drink enough water, 
> their pitta gets vitiated and they can't help but argue 
> with lots of people.
It's not complicated - some people just feel better when 
they have someone to talk to. When you don't have a car 
and you can't get around, it's only natural to turn to a 
discussion group to vent their frustrations. 
> Kind of ironic.
Yes, I've been dialoging with Judy and Barry for over ten 
years now and they both seem to just get worse with time. 

At least I've got them to the point that they won't even
correspond with me anymore. LoL!

I think I got rid of one troll - that guy John Manning - 
the one that trolled to my place of employ and tried to 
get me fired from my janitor job at the community college. 

Apparently he only posts to that Mormon religious group 
anymore. Go figure.

It's been more difficult to get back at that weird Barry 
character - the guy that tried to publish my real name on 
the internet a few years ago over on Usenet. 

What's ironic is that Barry won't even admit he's guilty 
and Judy, who makes claims of being so ethical, never
even spoke up about any of these incidents. Ironic.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rules for Iowa

2013-09-14 Thread punditster

Michael Jackson:
> I have had the same experience - if you are going to deal 
> with Yahoo, you are gonna have to take a ration of crap, 
> same as if you deal with the TMO (couldn't resist!)
You really told Share off, didn't you? She is one of three 
respondents on FFL that practices TM in the Dome every day 
up in Fairfield.

Does it make you feel superior now that you insulted Share?

> > Neo question for Alex or anyone...
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yeah, Baby! The Land of the Veda!

2013-09-15 Thread punditster
Michael Jackson:
> Yeah, Baby! The Land of the Veda!
You sound very prejudiced against Hindus. You seem
to try to sink lower and lower every day. Only a racist
would sink so low as to cite a tragedy like this just to
win a religious debate. Go figure.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Deny everything, shift blame, be bitter

2013-09-15 Thread punditster

Michael Jackson:
> Like I have said before...
So, we are agreed - someone should send in some of 
the Thought Police!

How dare those black people like Michael Jackson
to believe in something as stupid as being a Witness
for Jehovah. Gawd, it should be a crime to be a Jew
and join a dumb church like that.

And, how dare those hicks up in Iowa to believe in 
such a crazy Hindu religion? 

We should put a stop to these outrageous beliefs - 
that religious prayer could have any effect on 
human tragedies. 

It's just outrageous, the things some people 
believe! We should pass a law against these prayer 
vigils and put a stop to these false religions that 
believe in the stupid power of prayer. Go figure. 

--- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Like I have said before, if the TMO is willing to praise the rajas, praise 
> marshy and praise the bullshit idea of the so-called marshy effect every time 
> a bird sings or the sun come sup in the east, I feel it is completely kosher 
> to comment when things don't go so well - if they claim they can avert 
> disasters, why do the disasters still occur even when Dome numbers are 
> relatively high?
> > I guess the flying group in and around Boulder Colorado 
> > is rather small
> > 
> Leave it to MJ to sink down low to comment on a real 
> tragedy just in order to win a religious debate. Low, 
> really low. How low can he go? Go figure. 
> Where is Dr.Pete when we need him?
> Some people just feel better when they have someone to 
> talk to, I guess.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pussies of FFL

2013-09-15 Thread punditster

> > You are quite a few, aren't you...
> >
> ...your post has to be one of the most unpleasant I've 
> ever read. What is the point of butting into a group 
> you have absolutely no empathy with?
>From what I've read, he has never even been to the 
Fairfield, IA community. But, there have been several 
new lows this past week posted to FFL and his should 
be near the top, followed closely by MJ's dumb racist 
religious rants. 

According to accepted Netiquette, these guys should be 
considered trolls and shunned - so we probably shouldn't 
be feeding them. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Pussies of FFL

2013-09-15 Thread punditster

> > Some time ago someone posted something about how 
> > despised Rick Archer is in the FFL community
> >
> (snip Nablosus's poisonous ramblings) 
> I think you meant the FF (Fairfield) community (according 
> to Buck, at least). Most of us here on FFL (Fairfield 
> Life) like Rick.
It sounds like Shechem got a corn cob stuck up his ass. 

Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Aspirational Cities

2013-09-15 Thread punditster
John Jr. esq:
> A few weeks ago, I called the technical support staff for ATT...
She could have been a military brat that works at the call center
in San Antonio - that's where AT&T is located (used to be
Southwestern Bell). Lots of military brats around here. I used to
have a DSL account with AT&T and still have a land line (same
number since 1965). Mom was born here and I have cousins all
over the place.

The company built the AT&T Center in San Antonio for the Spurs
basketball team (NBA National Champs four times). "The Spurs'
four NBA championships are the fourth most in NBA history,
behind only the Boston Celtics, Los Angeles Lakers, and Chicago

Spurs game at AT&T Center:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Rules for Iowa

2013-09-15 Thread punditster

> > If Organization A is "a mix of good and bad"
> >
> This is an instance of what's known as "false equivalence," 
> something people who don't think very deeply frequently 
> engage in.
Yeah, what Share wrote is so much worse than what MJ posted
about the tragedy of dowry marriage in India being caused by 
the Hindu belief in the Vedas.

How dare Share not think very deeply about Rules for Iowa! 

And, what Share wrote is so much worse that making a "false
equivalence" between the flooding in CO and the group 
meditations up in Fairfield, Iowa like MJ posted. 

So, you've obviously been thinking deeply about this. 

Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Co-ordinate Meditation Times

2013-09-15 Thread punditster

> Buck lied: 
That Goddamn liar, Buck! It might be a good time to
review some of the basic netiquette protocols.

How dare him make up this kind of crap, which is not 
even from the Bible, and post it on a spiritual 
discussion group. Does Buck have a corn cob stuck up
his ass!

He should be shunned for doing dumb stuff like that! 

Basic Protocols of Netiquette:

1. DO NOT make up crap and attribute it to the Bible 
and post it to the list.

2. DO NOT get a corn cob stuck up your ass, and then 
make a post to the list.

3. DO NOT ever post any lies, that you made up, to 
the list, in a post, when you have a corn cob stuck 
up your ass.

4. DO NOT ever respond to a lie, that a guy made up 
and posted to the list, when it isn't even in the 
Bible, and when it is obvious that the guy sending 
it has a corn cob stuck up his ass.
5. DO NOT get a corn cob stuck up your ass when you
are reading stuff on a discussion group!


Always use a white corn cob on Sunday; a brown corn 
cob during the week; and use a red corn cob on Saturday 
night. If there are no corn cobs available, use the 
rind of a mush melon or any other fruit that you can 
find near at hand.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Spiritual Practice

2013-09-15 Thread punditster

> > I agree, but the difference in our point of view is 
> > that I know the rajas don't give a crap about spreading 
> > TM to achieve enlightenment for the world...
> >
> If anyone knows of, any of the TM Rajas collecting money 
> as Rajas for anything else other than educational reasons, 
> it would be interesting to know.
You probably can't rely on the word of a disgruntled ex-TMO
baker from 1986 to know much about what is going on with
any rajas, teachers, or administration at MUM. 

Most of what the impostor writes has been shown to be just 
a bunch of racist remarks directed at poor Hindus. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Practice

2013-09-15 Thread punditster
> "The goal of many spiritual teachers is to
> convince their students that they *need*
> 'purification' and that their minds and
> subtle bodies are 'impure' and need 'fixing'
> to burn off their 'karma.' The more we can
> convince our students of this, the more they
> are willing to build up *our* bank accounts
> paying for the 'purification' methods we
> sell them. The more money *we* have in the
> bank, the greater the evolution *we* will
> experience on a financial level."
So, let's review:

You probably gave MMY over $5,000 and maybe
$10,000 to Rama over a period of twenty years
or more. So, what happened to all the money?

You were trained by MMY and Rama. So, you're
probably still getting money from people so you
can pay your rent over there. Go figure.

"The more you give, the more we can do." - Rama


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why "Breaking Bad" is an "All American" series

2013-09-15 Thread punditster

> Well, for one reason, the entire plot premise falls 
> apart if you set it in Canada...
Professor White was ostensibly on a group medical plan
and a member of the teacher's union at the school where 
he worked for twenty years, which would have paid 80% 
of all of his medical bills. 

So, the whole plot of the show falls apart anyway.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Co-ordinate Meditation Times

2013-09-16 Thread punditster

> > Buck lied: 
> >
> Liar? 
Don't pay any attention to her - nobody knows exactly
what Mathew said back then, or if he even said anything
that was important to history. Your translation sounds
pretty fair to me. 

It's easy for anyone to see the similarities to the ME 
- group meditation, where people gather together to 
pray or meditate. 

Obviously Judy just wants to cause you trouble - and  
it's not a recent thing - she's been calling me a liar 
and a troll since 1999. Go figure.

Apparently Judy has very little sense of fair ethics 
if she's going to defend a racist impostor like MJ, 
who posts lies and slurs almost every day directed at 
the poor Hindu Pundit boys living in Fairfield. 

Go figure.

> Horse-laughing, as you say [The Unified Field is not 
> proud > of you for lying]. Om, now you are to the ad 
> hominem. Have you done a google search on Matthew 
> 18:20? Seen how many translations there are of that? 
> Mine is certainly as fair as any those in my experience. 
> Yes, and a high propinquity in fact of experience.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Describing Communal (Meditating) Fairfield

2013-09-17 Thread punditster

> ...amazing to me that you've been dialoguing for over 10 
> years with Ma and Pa of FFL and have kept your sense of 
> humor about it all. As far as I can go and figure, that's 
> what it's ultimately all about.
What exactly, was Judy's beef with you? I forgot. 

That you're dishonest, a liar, and an idiot? Do 
you see any patterns here? LoL! 

> > > It's enough if I see how you constantly bug and patronize 
> > > Share for nothing, and now you want to draw me into this 
> > > stupid argument you are having with her?
> > > 
> Share Long:
> > I think when certain posters don't drink enough water, 
> > their pitta gets vitiated and they can't help but argue 
> > with lots of people.
> >
> It's not complicated - some people just feel better when 
> they have someone to talk to. When you don't have a car 
> and you can't get around, it's only natural to turn to a 
> discussion group to vent their frustrations. 
> > Kind of ironic.
> >
> Yes, I've been dialoging with Judy and Barry for over ten 
> years now and they both seem to just get worse with time. 
> At least I've got them to the point that they won't even
> correspond with me anymore. LoL!
> I think I got rid of one troll - that guy John Manning - 
> the one that trolled to my place of employ and tried to 
> get me fired from my janitor job at the community college. 
> Apparently he only posts to that Mormon religious group 
> anymore. Go figure.
> It's been more difficult to get back at that weird Barry 
> character - the guy that tried to publish my real name on 
> the internet a few years ago over on Usenet. 
> What's ironic is that Barry won't even admit he's guilty 
> and Judy, who makes claims of being so ethical, never
> even spoke up about any of these incidents. Ironic.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I stand with U Buck Col Leed

2013-09-17 Thread punditster

Maybe it's just another case of the classroom bully.

Share Long:
> Exactly Jason! Buck was simply being playful. It's clear to me he wasn't 
> lying because it was not his intention to deceive. Nor was he blaspheming as 
> Xeno suggested. Maybe Xeno was being playful too? Anyway, Buck wasn't even 
> being a bliss ninny. If anybody thinks somebody on FFL is a bliss ninny, that 
> anybody really needs to come to FF and see what a real bliss ninny is like! I 
> stand with Buck and Col Leed. Sgt. Share
>  From: Jason 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 9:06 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I stand with U Buck Col Leed
> I don't understand this authbabe.
> Just because the Colonel liked it, doesn't have anything to 
> do with integrity.  It's just Buck's playful twist on it.
> --- "authfriend"  wrote:
> > 
> > You like that he wrote something about the Unified Field  
> > and pretended it came from the Bible?
> > 
> > Such integrity. 
> >
> >
> > --- "leedwilliam"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > NICE, going Buck am with U in all
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > dhamiltony2k5@ writes:
> > > > 
> > > > In National unity of empathy and with great concern  
> > > > for the dead
> > > > 
> > > > and their communities of families and friends,
> > > > 
> > > > by the best of science
> > > > 
> > > > I should like to see a National Day of meditation  
> > > > called
> > > > 
> > > > for by the White House as a National coming together
> > > > 
> > > > in a Unified Field.
> > > > 
> > > > -Buck
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > For,
> > > > 
> > > > "Where two or three are gathered in effective  
> > > > transcending meditation there the Unified Field will  
> > > > be found multiplied in effect" -Matthew 18:20 
> > > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mitchell Kapor

2013-09-19 Thread punditster

> > So during the course nothing substantive was done 
> > for these folks? I mean beyond telling them to do 
> > more asanas or something?
> >
> twitching uncontrollably or having symptoms that looked
> for all the world like Tourette syndrome or worse
It's a little difficult to diagnose these kinds of 
problems, even if you are a psychiatrist or an MD.

What could go wrong with a guy that one minute is 
sitting quietly in his room meditating and the next 
minute he is "twitching uncontrollably" in public?

Or, what would anyone make of a guy that just spent 
ten hours napping in bed and then at a meeting, he
suddenly breaks out shouting curse words at his 

I'm not a doctor but I'd probably think there was 
some kind of preexisting condition and look into 
that first, before I put the blame on a poor Hindu
guy who was just trying to help you sleep.

Where is Dr. Pete when we need him?

> Depends on the course. On small ATR courses, no
> nothing in particular was really done. On larger
> courses, they might have been referred to one of
> the resident quacks...uh...I mean doctors. 
> But it was clear that no real effort was made to
> help any of these people who were twitching 
> uncontrollably or having symptoms that looked
> for all the world like Tourette syndrome or 
> worse, because the prevailing myth was always
> "TM is 100% life supporting." No one was willing
> to go up against that and add, "...for many 
> people, but for others, it may cause problems."
> Anyone I ever spoke to who was going through this
> commented on the "Blame the victim" mentality they
> were exposed to. It was always, "What are YOU 
> doing wrong that this is happening to you? We
> all 'know' that it 'shouldn't' be happening."
> > 
> >  From: turquoiseb 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:15 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: RE: Mitchell Kapor
> >  
> > --- In, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> > >
> > > Well, I wasn't there - but from what I have heard of the heavy
> > unstressing on many courses, it doesn't sound like there was an
> > effective means or program in place to assist those who were going
> > through stuff. If there was I would like to know that and to know what
> > things were put into place to assist people going through the
> > unstressing. Such a thing would make me think more highly of the
> > Movement than I do now.
> > 
> > I was on quite a few courses on which participants suffered from
> > "heavy unstressing." ALL of the most severe cases I saw occur
> > were dealt with using the same "NOPA solution."
> > 
> > That is, if none of the standard repeated cliches helped to resolve
> > the problem, the person suffering from the "heavy unstressing"
> > was sent home, and everyone wiped their hands and said "Not
> > Our Problem Anymore."
> > 
> > > 
> > >  From: Steve Sundur steve.sundur@
> > > To: ""
> > > Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 7:51 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Mitchell Kapor
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Â
> > > Hey Mikey.  How you livin'.  Listen, I was on the six month
> > course.  The first one actually, where the experimentation was
> > rampant.  Enemas, diet control, (or at least many theories to
> > consider).  Rick was on that course too.  I guess for Mitch, it
> > wasn't his cup of tea, so he left.  I think he may have been on a
> > later course.  Or at least I don't remember him on my course.
> > > Â
> > > But I thoroughly enjoyed it, and felt I gained much from it.  I
> > think what Jim is saying, (and really, I just skimmed it), is that if
> > there is such thing as a spiritual path, and you choose to be on it,
> > that as you move along that path, and you will have to clear
> > away any wreckage.Â
> > > Â
> > > Now probably, many times you may progress a certain amount, and then
> > decide to take a break.  And of course, so what if you do.Â
> > > Â
> > > I don't know what on with Mitch, other than he felt he got all he
> > could from the program and then moved on -Â  either with prejudice or
> > without prejudice.
> > > Â
> > > I think that's what Jim is saying.  But at some point, if you
> > decide to take up the path again, in a more focused way, then you may
> > well have to engage in some heavy lifting again.
> > > Â
> > > P.S. My favorite part of that course was the hours of reading the
> > Upanishads.  More interesting (and enjoyable) than the Rig Veda
> > readings.Â
> > > Â
> > > P.S.S.  The food was...excellent!!
> > >
> > > From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@
> > > To: ""
> > > Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 6:09 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Mitchell Kapor
> > >
> > > Â
> > > Kapor didn't say he was looking

[FairfieldLife] Mitchell Kapor's diet, was Mitchell Kapor

2013-09-19 Thread punditster
Share Long:
> Anyway, maybe Werner had it right all along and we're
> just tubes and it's all about eating healthy food and
> having healthy poops!
Yeah, I'm on a roll today - must be that enema I took!

"Eat right, to keep fit." - Adele Davis


> > So during the course nothing substantive was done for these folks?
> >
> Apparently the folks were told to take an enema and get some rest
> and
> try to take it easy for a few days. Go figure.
> > I mean beyond telling them to do more asanas or something?
> >
> What would you do - call the EMS and have them taken away by men
> in white coats, just because they didn't like the food? LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: RE: Mitchell Kapor

2013-09-19 Thread punditster

> If Kapor was on an AE course he probably WASN'T on 
> any six month TTC. He probably was on one of those 
> shorter course that were only 3 months and I think 
> there were a few early one's even shorter (like one 
> month).
So, Mitch Kapor took a yoga course in Switzerland with 
the Mahesh Yogi and became a teacher of TM and taught 
TM in Cambridge. 

Then, he invented Lotus 123 and founded the Lotus 
Foundation and became a millionaire. 

Not bad for practicing a few yoga poses and meditating 
a few minutes a day!

> > So, Mitch Kapor signed up for a six month course to be a TM Teacher.
> >
> > Isn't he the guy that invented Lotus 123?
> >
> > I've always wondered what drives some people to do this - why in
> > the world would it take six moths out of someone's life to learn
> > TM and memorize a simple initiation puja?
> >
> > It takes only a few minutes to teach someone how to meditate.
> >
> > Go figure.
> >
> > Wouldn't you have to be somewhat strange to think you could just
> > take off for six months from your family and your job to sit around
> > and meditate in Switzerland?
> >
> > And then, after walking out on the yoga camp, switch over to join
> > a Buddhist cult and get interviewed by Tricycle. Go figure.
> >
> > On 9/19/2013 7:08 AM, Share Long wrote:
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: RE: Mitchell Kapor

2013-09-19 Thread punditster

> I also thought it was crazy that they tested people 
> for the checking notes and puja memorization when 
> rounds were at the high point...
When on a meditation course to become TM teachers I
would think that as prospective teachers you'd be 
checked every day at least. 

If someone was "twitching uncontrollably", do you
think they'd pass a simple TM checking procedure?

Go figure.
> On 09/19/2013 08:44 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> >
> > --- In, Michael Jackson  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > So during the course nothing substantive was done for
> > > these folks? I mean beyond telling them to do more
> > > asanas or something?
> >
> > Depends on the course. On small ATR courses, no
> > nothing in particular was really done. On larger
> > courses, they might have been referred to one of
> > the resident quacks...uh...I mean doctors.
> >
> > But it was clear that no real effort was made to
> > help any of these people who were twitching
> > uncontrollably or having symptoms that looked
> > for all the world like Tourette syndrome or
> > worse, because the prevailing myth was always
> > "TM is 100% life supporting." No one was willing
> > to go up against that and add, "...for many
> > people, but for others, it may cause problems."
> >
> > Anyone I ever spoke to who was going through this
> > commented on the "Blame the victim" mentality they
> > were exposed to. It was always, "What are YOU
> > doing wrong that this is happening to you? We
> > all 'know' that it 'shouldn't' be happening."
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buck Lied, was I stand with U Buck

2013-09-19 Thread punditster

After a little research, we may have to add a few 
respondents to the list of people Judy has accused 
of lying: Sal, Curtis, Vaj, salyavin, azgrey, 
navashok, PaliGap, Nabby, irentea, and Xeno. 

And tht's just FFL for year! Go figure.

Share Long  wrote:
> Richard, you've made me LOL and feel good so many times so thank you. And I 
> think I've gotten inured to the range of comments on FFL. Anyway, today seems 
> to be all about motorbikes rather than apologies (-:
>  From: Richard J. Williams 
> To: Richard J. Williams  
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 9:56 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Buck Lied, was  I stand with U Buck
> Judy called five people liars - it's a pattern. Judy should be
> taken to task for this offense - Barry, Steve, Richard, Buck
> and Share should insist on a retraction and an apology.
> So, we can see that half of the regular respondents on this
> list have been smeared by Judy for no good reason. It's
> time to put a stop to the MGs.
> Stand up for your rights!
> On 9/17/2013 2:27 PM, sharelong60@... wrote:
> > Judy, you began by calling Buck a liar and saying he lied. Then that 
> morphed into wrong and bliss ninny. That's what I mean by backpedaling 
> and that's why I thought you had changed your mind.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Surviving Whole Foods

2013-09-19 Thread punditster
Share Long :
> thanks, turq, this made me LOL.
After viewing the interview with Kelly MacLean, all I can say is



[FairfieldLife] Re: Wondering what obbajeeba is doing tonight?

2013-09-19 Thread punditster
> > OMG Testing. This is cracking me up!
> > Where are the computer nerds? ha
> >
> Besides, possibly, people's patience, what exactly is it that you're
Glad to hear some nerds online tonight!

So, I am testing my own patience and doing what you already suggested.

Ordered a Win 7 Pro disc, a Samsung SSD, and a Seagate Barracuda HD.
Loading now. Stand by - I may have questions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Surviving Whole Foods

2013-09-19 Thread punditster
Share Long :
>  I'll have to drive 2 hours west to Des Moines... the one and only
> Foods in Iowa. Yes, go figure!
Good work Share! According to Judy, Whole Foods is called Whole Paycheck
in  her neck of the woods, but the only Whole Foods is at least 2 hours
from her too. So, I figure Judy has been to Whole Foods what, one time
her whole life? Go figure.

But, from what I've read, Judy and I agree on a lot of things about
right. We are both fans of Francis Moore Lappe's 'Diet for a Small

Read more:


> After viewing the interview with Kelly MacLean, all I can say is
> LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Surviving Whole Foods

2013-09-20 Thread punditster
> I often shop at the Annapolis Whole Foods which is
> about 5 minute drive from my Mom's.
Yeah, I was really laughing at the interview with the
comic talking about shopping at Whole Foods because
hardly anything she said made sense.

Her routine didn't reflect anything that I've ever
experienced shopping at a Whole Foods Market. In
fact, it was downright insulting and not all that funny
since it made fun of poor people and sick people with
special needs.

We like to shop at Trader Joe's sometimes too.

But I'd say that if you had to ride a bus for hours just
to get to a health food store and it takes your whole
paycheck, then maybe it might be a good time to shop
at Safeway.

Or get a car and a better paying job. LoL!

Whole Foods Store Locator

Whole Foods Market, San Antonio:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Roku

2013-09-20 Thread punditster
Have you ever wanted to cut the cable? The cable TV cable that is.
I sure want to - between Time-Warner and AT&T I'm getting
out of that loop!

So, I went to the Shack and bought some digital, powered antennas
for my TV sets to pull in my local channels in HD - ABC, CBS, NBC,
and CW.

Then I bought a Roku box for the kitchen; a WD Live for the living
room; a smart BD for the bedroom; and a Chromecast for the home

Roku LT:

That way, I can tune in to Amazon, YouTube, Netflix, Pandora,
Fox News and Hulu.

Outside of our internet connection (need 2MBPS or more) which
we already had in place, our total internet video monthly fees are
$12.95 for NetFlix and $8.95 for Hulu Plus.

Soon, real soon, right after the last episod of Breaking Bad, I'm
going to cut the cable and save $150 a month.

Now that's better!

Read more:

'Roku Rocks with NetFlix and Playon'
Amazon Review: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chromecast, was Apple TV, was Roku

2013-09-21 Thread punditster

So, what is Chromecast?

Broadcast to your TV with the Chrome browser on your laptop computer.

Anything you see on your computer screen, you can cast it to your big
screen TV. That way you can see your YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, and
Amazon. And you can subscribe to Google Channels.

Get rid of cable! Did I tell you that the Chromcast is $35.00?

You plug in the Chromecast dongle using HDMI, Then you install the
Mozilla Chrome browser on your laptop. After you complete a short setup
on the internet you can connect and cast via your home Wi-Fi network.

Casting from my Ultra Book:

Chromecast dongle on HDMI2:

[FairfieldLife] Security

2013-09-21 Thread punditster
So, my next door neighbor installed a security camera system
at his house and in his carport.

He also erected a fence around the house and there's a pit bull
in the yard. He's got multiple motion activated ligts all around.
I'm pretty sure he's armed to the teeth inside and probably has
a hand gun carry permit too.

He put a sign on his fence that reads "Beware of Dog" and he
put another sign on the front fence that reads "Curb Your Dog!"

Go figure.

Here are some tips on how to make your home safe, in case
some deranged cross-dressing, gay or lesbian, neo-Nazi
skinhead bikers decide to rob you of your Roku box, your TV
and your pot stash.

Home Security Tips:

* First, you need to lock all the doors and the windows!
* Consider upgrading to dead-bolt locks on the doors.
* Then, you need to light up the place - thieves hate light.
* Build a fence around your place - a tall fence.
* Adopt a male pit bull - leave him outside at all times.
* When you leave, turn an inside lamp on and a radio.
* Join a neighborhood watch program.


They're probably not going to get you once you're inside the
house or in the yard. They are going to get you when you step
out of your car at night to open the door to the gate or house.

What you really need in order to be secure is an attached
garage with remote controlled doors. That way, you can drive
your car into the garage and then go into the house through
an inside door.

It would be a good idea to put metal bars on all your windows
and doors.

Also, you might consider putting some expensive infra red
security cameras high up on the sides of your house and at
all the entryways.

Or, you could put one of these up: an outdoor, fake, dummy
security camera with a blinking red light - $8. LoL!

Outdoor Fake , Dummy Security Camera with Blinking Light (Silver):


[FairfieldLife] [FairfieldLife] Re: Surviving Whole Foods

2013-09-22 Thread punditster

> Thank you, Richard, you have provided a perfect demonstration 
> over the past few days for everyone to see that what I said 
> about you to Michael: you are a troll and a liar. 
If you don't like it, just ignore me like you've been
doing since 1999. LoL!

You don't have to respond to every single post here - if 
you don't live near a Whole Foods just say so. Just cut 
the crap, Judy, and stop the lying about it.

And you don't need to put others down just for wanting to 
eat a few organic oranges at a local health food store. 

We're not all poor people and I don't spend my 'whole 
paycheck' at the market - I probably earn more retired
than you do working all day. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Surviving Argumentative People

2013-09-22 Thread punditster

> Surviving Argumentative People
So, it's all about Judy.

Now this is funny - a guy who has never been to a 
Whole Foods Market, hijacks the thread and renames 
it 'Surviving Argumentative People', and that's
his argument for not shopping at a health food

You can't make this stuff up. LoL!

> Good rap. I shall avoid the temptation to reply in terms 
> one particular argument-beast, and instead try to expand
> upon the story I told earlier about the interactions of
> Albert Einstein and my grandfather, Winthrop Wright. It
> seems to me that those were good *conversations*, and 
> that almost no one in the universe could ever accuse 
> them of being arguments. It's the WHY of this I'd like
> to examine.
> From my point of view, for a conversation to devolve into
> an argument, at least one of the parties involved has to
> have a fairly sizable ego, or self. That ego has to be
> convinced that the way it sees things is, at the very 
> least, "right" or "correct" or "truth." 
> Now, again from my point of view, there is nothing wrong
> with believing anything as silly as this (both that they
> are an ego-principle with existence in and of themselves,
> and that this ego-principle actually "knows" stuff, and
> can consider it "right" or "truth"), as long as they don't
> feel the need to get all in your face about it. In other
> words, religious fanatics and such ilk are fine *unless
> and until* they start trying to *make* other people 
> believe the same sillinesses they believe in.
> This was not the case in the Wright-Einstein conversations.
> Based on many stories of both of them, they were above all
> humble men who didn't believe for an instant that they 
> "knew" anything even remotely approaching "truth." They 
> were also scientists, who understood that "truth" is always
> a moving target, and *at best* is an attempted description
> of phenomena one can only see a miniscule portion of. So 
> they could really have *conversations* in equations drawn
> on a blackboard, seeking to come as close to a good descrip-
> tion of the mysteries they pondered as possible. There was
> never any crowing ("Aha! See...I've proved you WRONG and
> my self RIGHT!" and never any denunciations or game-playing
> ("Aha! You're trying to LIE about what I believe about this
> particular way that atoms line up...thus YOU are 'bad' and
> I am 'good'"). Their conversations were genial, and fun for
> both parties; that's why they kept having them, for years.
> Even on the Internet, and even in cesspools like FFL, you
> can find such conversations from time to time. Interactions
> between two or more people who have the humility to under-
> stand that their egos don't know shit about nothing, but 
> who are willing to rap about it anyway, just for fun, and
> to see if there is anything interesting that can be determ-
> ined from such rapping. 
> Then you've got Fairfield Life, which has been shaped over
> a number of years by a few people (and one in particular)
> whose egos are so completely fuckin' out of control that 
> they have to turn pretty much *everything* into an argument.
> The desire to argue RUNS their lives; they clearly aren't
> having any fun if they're not in one. And so their egos
> and those egos' constant need to dominate and assert its
> silly "truths" on others fuck up the whole conversation
> thang for other people. I think it's sad, and saddest for
> the compulsive arguers themselves. What, after all, is 
> the epitaph they are writing for themselves by living their
> lives this way? Are they going to be *happy* with the words
> "She/he won every argument she/he started on the Internet"
> on their tombstones? What a pathetic waste of life.
> The larger question would seem to me to be how does one 
> *avoid* such compulsive arguers when one realizes one has
> encountered them? Is there anything one can do to escape
> the Argumentation Tar Babies of the world, and avoid getting
> sucked into the event horizon of their black (very black)
> holes? 
> I've experimented over the years with Douglas Adams' theory
> of how to deal with nasty critters. One of the reasons every
> traveler in "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" was told
> to have a towel on them at all times was as a defense against
> the Ravenous Bugbladder Beast Of Traal. It had a terrible
> disposition, and if you encountered it, it would (as a result
> of its own nature and its own compulsive needs) attempt to 
> rip you to pieces and eat you, just (presumably) to show 
> other RBBT's in the area that it could. 
> So according to Adams, what one should do if one encounters
> a RBBT is to whip out one's towel and put it over one's own
> head. The reason is that the RBBT believes that if you can't
> see it, it can't see you. So the frood standing there in
> front of it wearing a towel over his or her head becomes 
> effectively invisible. 
> My experience has shown me that this tactic works for

[FairfieldLife] Re: Surviving Whole Foods

2013-09-22 Thread punditster

> > What do others think of this exchange?
> >
> Barry teases, taunts, insults and acts as 
> the baiter.  Judy is rude, abrasive, 
> undiplomatic and acts as the avenger...
So, I'm not the only respondent on the list that
noticed that Judy is a rude prude and that Barry 
is a master baiter. They both have pretty much
crapped on this discussion group membership. 

Is there anyone out there these two don't despise?

Go figure.

> Xeno, both Barry and Judy are equally at fault regarding
> this highly dysfunctional relationship.  Barry teases,
> taunts, insults and acts as the baiter.  Judy is rude,
> abrasive, undiplomatic and acts as the avenger.
> Barry and Judy are like the electron and proton in the
> hydrogen atom.  In a certain dark way, they complete each
> other.
> Barry often talks about the "motives" others rather than
> comment on the substance of the post.  Judy often talks
> about the "stupidity" others rather than gently point out
> the post.
> Barry often calls people 'stalkers'.  Judy often calls
> people 'liars'.
> > It is kind of a habit from reading scientific papers.
> > Because scientists are uncertain, they always use language
> > that waffles, using words like 'may', or 'perhaps', or
> > 'if'. You may notice I do that rather frequently. When I
> > listen to politicians, I generally assume something is
> > going to be lying, for example Obama's recent 'red line'
> > backtracking. When it comes to politicians in the U.S.,
> > Democrats and Republicans alike are pretty much equal
> > opportunity liars. Maureen Murphy, an American politician
> > said the reason there were so few femaile politicians was
> > it was too much trouble to put makeup on two faces.
> >
> >
> > Frankly, just as you seem to find my comments
> > disingenuous, I find the way you generally respond to
> > people also disingenuous, mostly combative. Presumably you
> > are interested in spirituality. Who or what is being
> > 'insulted'? It is just that inbred pest called the ego.
> > The ego always has an axe to grind and swing. The ego
> > thinks it is a 'person', that it has rights, this is our
> > biggest problem in spirituality. It is more of a process
> > than a thing, it is not an entity. If a person's identity
> > is pure consciousness, there is no one to be insulted. I
> > am not saying I cannot take offense or be annoyed etc.,
> > but those who repeated take offense at what the world
> > throws at them are spiritual cretins, and I hope you are
> > not one of those, but to me you do not speak like a person
> > who is interested in the spiritual nature of life, and
> > yet, you are apparently reading about it a lot, and in
> > various kinds of discussions, but I simply do not see much
> > spiritual depth in what you say (but it is a relief that
> > you are not constantly saying what a great life you are
> > leading and how many famous people have crossed your
> > path).
> >
> >
> > Your method of argumentation does not build, it takes
> > down, much in the same way Barry's comments in reference
> > to you are a take down. You two are a strange marriage
> > made in heaven. I say heaven because if heaven makes
> > people such snipers, it is certainly not such a great
> > place to be.
> >
> >
> > From my perspective, you basically engage in the same
> > tactics as those you oppose. You shift context under the
> > pretense of maintaining context; you snip relevant parts
> > of arguments declaring them to be irrelevant. That is how
> > it appears to me. Maybe you do not experience that you are
> > doing these things at all. When I shift context, it is
> > more inadvertent, because I really do not care that much
> > about narrowly defined context. You might try spreading
> > you wings and go off on tangents once in a while to see
> > what comes up. I find it interesting to watch moths in
> > flight - they never go in a straight line, in a world of
> > predators, they deviate from directness. So it is on this
> > thing we call the Internet, where trolls lie in wait.
> >
> >
> > I am here being critical of you, whatever that 'you' is
> > for you. If you would only apply your skills in a more
> > uplifting way, and not be so critical of people's
> > ineptness, minor mistakes, their opacity, and have if you
> > had a more relaxed agenda, you would be a brilliant poster
> > here, but for now, I think you use your skills in a rather
> > dark way, so that brilliance has a tarnish to it. Your
> > argument style has a strong polemical element, which is
> > better suited to the political arena, where lairs lie,
> > than in forums discussing knowledge. It is only when you
> > are kissing up to someone like Robin that you go a bit
> > squishy. A certain softness is required when dealing with
> > people except in extreme circumstances.
> >
> >
> > Perhaps both are perspectives are distorted. What do
> > others think of this exchange? We are not always the best
> > judge of our own behaviour.

[FairfieldLife] How to Fix Most Things

2013-09-25 Thread punditster

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