[FairfieldLife] Re: The FFL Time Travel Machine

2013-12-07 Thread s3raphita
Curiously, I didn't become aware of him until his son Jeff became popular. I don't know why I missed him - the trouble is there was just too much good music around during that period and you were spoilt for choice.

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Seven states of Consciousness

2013-12-07 Thread s3raphita
Re "The Romans were horrified by the practice of human sacrifice which they found during their conquests.": Including the Romans' arch-enemy Carthage. Carthaginians were notorious for child sacrifice. They may have roasted babies to death on a heated bronze statue.

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-07 Thread s3raphita
It would be simpler if Barry and Richard listed the bands they *haven't* seen. And you caught the acts when they were fresh and surprising - lucky you. And before bands had moved on to giving performances in vast stadiums - something else I loathe.

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-07 Thread s3raphita
The Ozark Mountain Daredevils were popular among my set in the north east of England in the late 70s. A real fun band. "You Made It Right" is simple but perfect laid-back country rock. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8NPdyVw5XE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8NPdyVw5XE

[FairfieldLife] RE: Krapp's Last Tape

2013-12-07 Thread s3raphita
Re "The URLs are in the correct order; the videos are not. ": One time a group of us went to see the French film "Lacombe Lucien" (director Louis Malle, 1974). Based on Malle's own experiences it tells the story of a teenage boy during the German occupation of France in World War II. He wante

[FairfieldLife] RE: Government Criminalizes Church Groups Feeding Homeless

2013-12-07 Thread s3raphita
Something similar in the UK: well-meaning old dears who have prepared food for the needy have been unable to deliver their home-baked cakes and what-have-you as the local councils can't guarantee they're up to the food standards demanded by health and safety legislation and won't risk being pros

[FairfieldLife] RE: In Quiet, European ancestral genealogy of transcendentalism

2013-12-07 Thread s3raphita
Re "Count Nikolaus von Zinzendorf (1700-1760)": He founded the Moravian school (and utopian community) I attended in England. I only learned years later that Zinzendorf's theology was sometimes controversial to his contemporaries. And why would that be? Well he encouraged followers to visual

[FairfieldLife] RE: MMY's Seven states of Consciousness

2013-12-07 Thread s3raphita
I'm responding to emptybill's: "The Romans were horrified by the practice of human sacrifice which they found during their conquests. They not only banned it but also persecuted anyone found practicing it." Read the thread from the top down.

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-07 Thread s3raphita
That's one of the main reason I'm still in Central Texas - Austin is the "live music capital of the world." I'll have to visit. Here in the UK I was a big fan of the "pub-rock" scene in the 70s/80s which despised big-ego stadium bands and concentrated on rockers like Dr Feelgood and Steve

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-08 Thread s3raphita
Re "It was dark and disturbing, although the tune wasn't bad. I was channeling S3raphita's seeming interest with the deviant psyche (sorry S3raphita). However, I'm too sensitive; I don't see horror movies either.": Horror is one of my favourite genres. However

[FairfieldLife] RE: Inside China: Nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S.

2013-12-08 Thread s3raphita
Re "Off the top of your head (without looking at the Internet) please define communism": You keep posting this challenge. We all know what Communist states were like - and we all know we sure as hell wouldn't want to live there. If you mean cuddly communism with a small "c" it boils down to

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-08 Thread s3raphita
When I say "Wayne County was disturbing" I should have added he was also hilarious. It's the darkest of black humour but his performances in the punk venues in London were always packed out.

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-08 Thread s3raphita
When I was in Watkins booksellers today (which specialises in new age, occult and eastern religions) an old geezer walked in, took one look around, and announced loudly to we customers: "Too many words! Far too many words!" and then took his leave. Paying my respects to this awakened one I g

[FairfieldLife] RE: Inside China: Nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S.

2013-12-08 Thread s3raphita
“Mediation in Meditation” It worked before with the Soviets to drop the Iron Curtain and bring down the Wall. What worked was that the USSR became bankrupt trying to compete with US military muscle. Their ballistic submarines were the biggest drain on the public purse. "If you want pe

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Inside China: Nuclear submarines capable of widespread attack on U.S.

2013-12-08 Thread s3raphita
I followed the link. Re "It is that everybody feels that if the society succeeds, I succeed, I don’t get left behind.": I second that. But in itself that wouldn't be communism - small-c. I'm in favour of small-c communism in small communities like artists' colonies where people have come t

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
He's not one of the chaps who actually recorded the song. He was just paid to be the one to go on the show. Funny way to make a living: pretend to whistle for two minutes. A least you can't forget the words.

[FairfieldLife] RE: We can all feel safer now...

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
In the UK, it's against the law to buy or import an imitation firearm. You can get away with a toy gun if it is obviously a toy - eg, coloured bright red or blue, or is transparent. The law was brought in as too many criminals were using imitation guns to commit real crimes. I can't see the

[FairfieldLife] RE: Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
Re "It's not likely this will replace the Big Bang Theory any time soon.": There are a fair few theories contending with the BB. The BB idea was originally suggested because of the red-shift in light from distant stars. Longer wavelengths = stars travelling away from us. What if the geometry

[FairfieldLife] RE: Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
According to Big Bang Theory all the matter in the Universe once fitted into a space less than the size of a pin head. Get hold of a pin. Take a good look at it. Now ask yourself: "Do I really and truly believe that the mass of between 1 sextillion and 1 septillion stars (that's between 1,00

[FairfieldLife] RE: Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
Re "If time is an illusion, then would you consider space and illusion too? If these are so, what is REAL?": Consciousness? Brahman? The Absolute? The One? Re "S3, I haven't heard of this theory.": That's not surprising. Peter J Carroll is a chaos magician! Albeit one who studied phy

[FairfieldLife] RE: Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
Re "Obviously a very bright pin-head came up with the theory.": Cute! But someone who attempts to evoke and then send a "servitor probe" back to the big-bang era would probably make an amusing dinner guest. And I still claim that believing the mass of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 st

[FairfieldLife] RE: Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
If chaos magicians trouble you consider astronomer Fred Hoyle. He it was who coined the term "Big Bang" (as a put-down). Although accepting that the Universe was expanding he came up with his steady-state theory, ie, matter is continuously being created in "empty" space and so forcing the univer

[FairfieldLife] Goldfinger redux

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
Fort Knox was last fully audited in 1953. The US government claims there is 5,000 metric tons of gold stored there. Conspiracy theorists at the more wacky end of the spectrum claim that the vaults are empty. What amuses me about this is that even if there is no gold there, as long as everyone

[FairfieldLife] RE: What People Wear

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
Re "Today, I wore a leather jacket, black; and a sweater underneath, blue; and boots, brown; and a wooly cap, navy, pulled down over my ears. And, that's when I was inside my home office.": Why not turn up the heating? Then you could wear a silk shirt and linen slacks and feel unrestricted.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: We can all feel safer now...

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
A basic rule around here is to NEVER tell anyone that are carrying a concealed weapon. Another basic rule of self defense around here is to NEVER show your weapon until you are forced to use it. And, you should NEVER take a knife to a gun fight at the OK corral. LoL! But is it OK to carry a

[FairfieldLife] RE: We can all feel safer now...

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
Re "Foil an attacker with your car key using it to slit their throat.": Crikey! Look, the point of the convincing replica handgun is that no one gets hurt. You point the toy at the attacker, say "Feeling lucky punk?", and then casually walk away with a sneer. What's not to like? It's cheap,

[FairfieldLife] RE: What People Wear

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
Re "And get a big heating bill next month . . . As it is the house is set for 65 degrees.": Mine is set for 20 degrees celsius (68 in your measure). You Yanks have dirt-cheap fuel bills thanks to fracking. Make the most of it. One of the biggest causes of disputes in shared households is

[FairfieldLife] RE: What People Wear

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
Nah, our heat pump decides that. "Heat pumps" - what the hell are they? Don't you have central heating? Don't let the machines boss you around; they should be our servants.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Time May Have No Beginning

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
Re "The present is "now" and should be the only thing that's important for human beings.": Amen to that. The non-stop onslaught of advertising saying we really should have the products they're pushing if we're to find fulfilment has to be the single most important factor in the spiritual ma

[FairfieldLife] RE: Fealty, Neganauts, and 'Dissolute' life

2013-12-09 Thread s3raphita
Re "I have heard of ways people managed to stay out of the Dome using subterfuge.": What's the story here? In Fairfield it's not compulsory to go to the Dome is it? Aren't people keen to get in turned away? The way self-important bouncers decide who is hip enough to get into a popular night

[FairfieldLife] RE: What People Wear

2013-12-10 Thread s3raphita
I have a Vaillant combination boiler which feeds the central heating and supplies the hot water. A few days ago it came up with error message "F.22" and stopped working. I did a Google and came across a short YouTube tutorial showing me what to do. All I needed was a screwdriver. A few minutes a

[FairfieldLife] RE: What People Wear

2013-12-10 Thread s3raphita
Re "I used to sweat creating perfect Boolean search strings, but it almost doesn't matter any more.": Absolutely. What leaves me astonished (and humbled) is the sheer scale of the free info and advice that's now available. We're talking about countless numbers of people who freely give of th

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: What People Wear

2013-12-10 Thread s3raphita
An amusing post I saw on a newspaper site recently was from some guy complaining about the hypocrisy of the paper running an article about the negative effects of modern porn when at the same time there were adverts for sex-related services appearing alongside the piece. Some helpful respon

[FairfieldLife] Dope is now legal in America

2013-12-10 Thread s3raphita
Uruguay has become the first country in the world to make it legal to grow, sell and consume marijuana. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-25328656 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-25328656

[FairfieldLife] RE: Big Bang totally unnecessary

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
Re I stayed out of the latest tempest-in-a-pisspot discussions of the Big Bang, and how REEEAAALLY STOOOPID some people here think those who don't believe in it are,: I think it was the other way around. Ie, me saying how credulous people are in *believing* in the Big Bang ie, in believing

[FairfieldLife] RE: Big Bang totally unnecessary

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
Re "The current scientific discoveries in cosmology do not support your position [Big Bang dissing].": That's true. But modern physics has only been around for a century or so. We're still at the baby-crawling stage. You no longer think your siblings stop existing when they walk out the ro

[FairfieldLife] Mandela Memorial: Deaf Signer Was a Fake!

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
South Africa's deaf federation has claimed that an interpreter using sign language during the Mandela memorial was a "fake". Concerns over the male interpreter had been raised by deaf people watching the service at Johannesburg's FNB Stadium on Tuesday. Bruno Druchen, national director of the

[FairfieldLife] RE: Big Bang totally unnecessary

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
And another thing . . . Judy said: If Curtis were here, he would almost certainly note that what may seem to us laypeople to be common sense is not a reliable basis for evaluating scientific theories. After all, if it were, we would be fully justified in immediately tossing quantum mechanics ont

[FairfieldLife] RE: Big Bang totally unnecessary

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
Re "I'm kinda thinking "the universe" is more like an endless piece of swiss cheese.": You were anticipated by Menocchio, an Italian miller. He was burned at the stake in 1599, at the age of 67, on orders of Pope Clement VIII. Wiki quotes him: "I have said that, in my opinion, all was ch

[FairfieldLife] RE: Mandela: Deaf Signer Was a Fake!

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
Re this fake sign-language joker: did your US secret service suits not check him out before the event? He was standing right next to Obama and could have been a loony. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG57ncLTCNc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG57ncLTCNc

Re: [FairfieldLife] What's a meta for, anyway?

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
"A monk asked Joshu to teach him zen. Joshu asked, "Have you eaten your rice?" I wonder what Joshu's comeback would have been if the monk had replied: "No. I've not had a chance to eat yet. Is there any stir-fry left?"

Re: [FairfieldLife] What's a meta for, anyway?

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
Is it just me or do these Zen koans always sound like jokes? The ones where you don't really *get* the punchline but giggle nervously to cover your embarrassment. I'm really asking if satori is related to our sense of humour. Perhaps having an awakening experience is suddenly seeing that li

[FairfieldLife] RE: Mandela Memorial: Deaf Signer Was a Fake!

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
Re "LOL , a pair of loonies!": A wit on a comments section re this story said that Obama never has to worry about being assassinated since he chose Joe Biden as vice-president. I'm guessing that's an old joke that is recycled every new incumbent. It's a good one though. On this sign-lan

[FairfieldLife] RE: What's a meta for, anyway?

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
"A Cup of Tea" is a good one! Thanks. I've heard Zen koans that I can immediately see show us our situation *precisely* - I mean you can see exactly how we experience the world subjectively, ie, without preconceptions. I then feel very pleased with myself; until I encounter my next koan whic

[FairfieldLife] Re: What I Did Today

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
George Armstrong Custer wore a Stetson hat at The Battle of Little Big Horn. He would have been better off stocking up on Winchester 73 repeaters. It seems the Indians at his Last Stand had those but his troops had old-fashioned carbines. Better at long range but no match for rapid fire. ht

[FairfieldLife] What I have always dreaded . . .

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
. . . has just happened. Every time I sign off and one of those damned messages appears saying "Do not turn off your computer" and "Now downloading new updates" I think "Ye gods. The next time I try and sign on I'll be locked out." Tonight I was suddenly signed off automatically in mid-flow a

[FairfieldLife] RE: Unanswered question

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
Re "the gnostics, that our awareness is imprisoned, and there are seven levels to this prison and we have to escape each one before we are free.": The ancient Gnostics had a wonderful myth that awakened souls after death found themselves raised to the Moon (which gave the Moon its light and

[FairfieldLife] RE: What I have always dreaded . . .

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
You can set Windows to notify you when updates are available: Thanks. How do I do that?

[FairfieldLife] RE: What's a meta for, anyway?

2013-12-11 Thread s3raphita
Re "And for most, resolution of the experience, the way it settles in, the way the implications take over one's life, takes some time, usually years, regardless of whether one understood clearly what happened or was nonplussed by the experience.": Yes. I suspect that the difference between

[FairfieldLife] A pact with the devil

2013-12-12 Thread s3raphita
This is an old story I've only just come across - but a fun prank, pulled by GameStation, a UK online gaming store. It resulted in the voluntary surrender of 7,500 souls. The soul-snatching was made possible through an "immortal soul clause" buried in the site's terms and conditions. The cla

[FairfieldLife] RE: Big Bang totally unnecessary

2013-12-12 Thread s3raphita
Re " I have the heat turned down to save $$.": If you're so smart why aren't you rich? Sorry, just being cute. But aren't "awakening experiences with their rock-solid sort of effect that cannot be doubted" more amenable to explanations that prioritise idealism (mind is more fundamental th

[FairfieldLife] RE: Unanswered question

2013-12-12 Thread s3raphita
Although I cited the Gnostics with approval a few posts above I have to confess than when I read their literature there is definitely something slightly sinister about their texts. Too much distaste for the body and sex; too much yearning for escape. That could simply be a literary trope of cour

[FairfieldLife] RE: What I Did Today

2013-12-12 Thread s3raphita
stating that he "could whip any bunch of Indians" Pride before a fall. It seems to be a common failing in the military. Another "western" gun that has a certain aesthetic appeal are those old Confederate revolvers. As the South lacked the industrial capacity of the North they made the n

[FairfieldLife] RE: What I have always dreaded . . .

2013-12-12 Thread s3raphita
Aha! Thanks.

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-12 Thread s3raphita
Re "I first saw [Airplane] at the first "Human Be-In" held in Golden Gate Park in 1967 and later at Chet Helm's Family Dog venue in San Francisco and at the Avalon Ballroom." : You lucky sod. I'd have loved that. There's a great clip of a pre-Slick Airplane at the Fillmore Auditorium in 1966

[FairfieldLife] RE: Unanswered question

2013-12-13 Thread s3raphita
Re "The average lifespan in the Middle Ages was 30, meaning that fewer than half the humans born reached that age." : Average lifespans are a dodgy statistic as in older societies with their very high infant-mortality rates that can badly skew the figures. Japanese novelist Yukio Mishima

[FairfieldLife] RE: What I Did Today

2013-12-13 Thread s3raphita
Re "In those days it was commonly thought that if you are in a battle with Indians you always saved your last bullet for yourself because you dare not be taken alive.": Abso-bloody-lutely! The Indians weren't the cuddly ethnics the PC crowd would have you believe. From Wiki: "The tort

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-13 Thread s3raphita
Almost as interesting as playing the same bill with the Airplane at a couple of concerts and hanging out with them. ;-) What was your band called?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Mandela: Deaf Signer Was a Fake!

2013-12-13 Thread s3raphita
Thamsanqa Jantjie, 34, who was found to have signed "nonsense" during the four-hour ceremony as he stood next to a number of heads of state including US President Barack Obama, has been treated for schizophrenia, was reportedly charged with murder in 2003, as well as rape in 1994, theft in 1995,

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-13 Thread s3raphita
Grace Slick and Marty Balin - both powerful singers. You get 18 thumbs up and 0 thumbs down on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGQ0HiypYf4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGQ0HiypYf4

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-13 Thread s3raphita
So are you aged and grey? Magic Fern Seattle, Washington 1966 - 1967 MembersMike Allan ~ Bass Brian Conrad ~ Drums Tim Cooley ~ Bass Tom Sparks ~ Guitar Mike Waters ~ Guitar

[FairfieldLife] RE: Professor Post

2013-12-13 Thread s3raphita
This worrying about the amount of posts an individual sends in a week bemuses me. There are many conversations on FFL when you just want to give a thumbs up to show you appreciated a particular comment. It's like saying "Absolutely!" or "Well said!" in a real-life conversation. With post limits

[FairfieldLife] RE: Unanswered question

2013-12-13 Thread s3raphita
Why quote such a psuchophantic bullshitter. Because he was a great novelist. My favourite is The Temple of the Golden Pavilion in which a novice burns down the temple that has obsessed him. It's based on a true-life event but is essentially about someone desperately trying to escape from

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-13 Thread s3raphita
Re Bhairitu : I forgot to add that I also liked the Maggie song. This is not flattery as I *never* flatter anyone - even to the point of rudeness. I don't suppose there is any film footage of your band playing? Re the Grateful Dead discussion: I've always liked their music (though well this

[FairfieldLife] RE: New Generation of Kennedys

2013-12-14 Thread s3raphita
Re "The grandson of JFK is apparently being groomed to take over legacy of his grandfather.": I hate shit like this. You have the Kennedy clan; the Bush family; the Clintons . . . this keeping power in the family line is like North Korea. (Yes, we have the Royal Family - but they are symbo

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-14 Thread s3raphita
Thanks again. Re "I don't remember Quick Joey Small": That was an American hit but we're talking serious bubblegum here so are moving beyond your comfort zone I suspect. I liked the way the fun side of bubblegum laid the groundwork for glam rock which was a precursor to some aspects of pun

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-14 Thread s3raphita
Re "I like them much better as the glam rock band you posted. ": Yes - what really appeals is that the band are so obviously enjoying themselves (and definitely *not* taking themselves seriously) and that vibe gets transmitted to the audience. And what is also funny watching that clip is th

[FairfieldLife] RE: SNL Spoof of Fake Interpreter

2013-12-15 Thread s3raphita
Loved it!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Great Country Classics

2013-12-15 Thread s3raphita
That I like. And kudos to the composer. But the Patsy Cline version is one of my favourite songs. Talking country: here in the UK and Ireland Jim Reeves was mega-huge. Probably a bigger star than in the States. I especially liked the "dub" song Distant Drums. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

[FairfieldLife] How to introduce a star

2013-12-15 Thread s3raphita
My favourite scene in which the star makes a *first* entrance in a movie. Rita Hayworth in Gilda http://tinyurl.com/p9kpcst http://tinyurl.com/p9kpcst Peggy Cummins in Gun Crazy comes in at second place. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neASYyLBE9U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neASYyLBE9

[FairfieldLife] Joan Fontaine R.I.P.

2013-12-16 Thread s3raphita
Joan Fontaine has died. I liked her best as the second Mrs de Winter in Rebecca. (It's extraordinary how long-lived her family is. Her sister Olivia de Havilland, star of Gone with the Wind is still with us.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaMYJO-aWpU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaMYJ

[FairfieldLife] RE: The pharmaceutical industry is beneath contempt

2013-12-16 Thread s3raphita
"Try as they might, Big Pharma cannot find an effective pharmaceutical equivalent to Cannabis": Nine years ago a UK company marketed a smoking blend called "Spice". This stuff took off big time so, although I don't smoke dope any more, my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to samp

[FairfieldLife] RE: Thespian -hero , raising hell and standardPeter O'Toole

2013-12-16 Thread s3raphita
There are stories that film-colour trickery was used to enhance the blue of Peter's eyes in the close-ups for Lawrence of Arabia. After seeing O'Toole in flowing robes, Noël Coward quipped: "If you'd been any prettier, it would have been Florence of Arabia."

[FairfieldLife] State censorship of radio

2013-12-16 Thread s3raphita
In the UK there's been a big push to have DAB radio coverage. The BBC want the Government to announce a timetable for turning off all analogue coverage so that all those old AM/FM radios will become worthless. As DAB reception can be hopeless in some areas it's not proving a popular move. But th

[FairfieldLife] RE: State censorship of radio

2013-12-16 Thread s3raphita
Re "On my walks I listen to streams on my smart phone rather than AM or even FM radio.": I'm illiterate as far as new technology goes. Is it that you can access the internet on a smart phone without having to rely on a local wi-fi connexion? So you use the phone company's regular signal? If so,

[FairfieldLife] RE: State censorship of radio

2013-12-16 Thread s3raphita
Re "There was a plan for hand-held digital TVs with a lower resolution sub carrier but it seems to have gone away.": So we're moving backwards! We now have less freedom of choice. My hand-held TV screen (Casio) was great for when I was watching a programme at home on my "stationary" TV and ne

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-16 Thread s3raphita
Richard started this thread "100 Great Rock Artists" to celebrate his favourite musical acts. It's striking that his choices only include one band - Jefferson Airplane - that has a woman. Now Airplane were one of my favourites; and one vital draw was Grace Slick. She wrote those wonderfully quir

[FairfieldLife] Are you more intelligent than Seraphita?

2013-12-16 Thread s3raphita
Only Connect is a BBC quiz show presented by dominatrix Victoria Coren (Mitchell) in which teams compete in a tournament of finding connections between seemingly unrelated clues. What distinguishes it from other quiz shows is that it's essentially only winnable for those for whom *lateral thinki

[FairfieldLife] RE: Are you more intelligent than Seraphita?

2013-12-17 Thread s3raphita
Re "I don't think the US has ever had a female quiz show MC;" You imported our Anne Robinson for The Weakest Link. Curiously, she also honed that bossy female act.

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-17 Thread s3raphita
Re "S3, I remember this album really well": First time I heard this was a Christmas Eve when a group of us dropped acid and put the album on the turntable. A perfect combination. I've always wondered about "acid rock": did those who never partook of LSD really *get* the music they were li

[FairfieldLife] RE: Are you more intelligent than Seraphita?

2013-12-17 Thread s3raphita
Re "did not think it was made in USA": There are UK (the original) and USA versions. Here's the bitch in action on unsuspecting Yanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oOd0TxEneI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oOd0TxEneI

[FairfieldLife] RE: Are you more intelligent than Seraphita?

2013-12-17 Thread s3raphita
Actually, I like cruel humour. My favourite US comedy show - I mean the one that literally had me rolling on the floor clutching my sides - was "Married with Children". It was merciless. Breathtakingly merciless. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asMVAYLxfrI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asMVAYLx

[FairfieldLife] RE: 100 Great Rock Artists

2013-12-18 Thread s3raphita
If this doesn't get your feet tapping you're already dead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CHjYHwNzx0&list=FLJad8vN225Nr5hDIzlEOYMA&index=22 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CHjYHwNzx0&list=FLJad8vN225Nr5hDIzlEOYMA&index=22

[FairfieldLife] If it quacks like a duck

2013-12-19 Thread s3raphita
"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson has been suspended indefinitely by the A&E Network following his recent comments calling homosexuality sinful. I've not seen or heard of this program and his remarks as reported strike me as knee-jerk and simplistic. But what annoys me more is the statement rel

[FairfieldLife] Are you a lark or an owl?

2013-12-19 Thread s3raphita
Maharishi advised us to go to bed early and rise with the sun. Didn't he say something about angels waiting to escort us to dream land? If you missed their deadline you were in for a disturbed night spent tossing and turning. But, out there in the real world, whether you prefer to rise early o

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are you a lark or an owl?

2013-12-19 Thread s3raphita
Re "I'm a lark and my partners have been owls." : Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Other nightmare scenarios include disagreeing about how hot or warm the room should be (I like high temperatures combined with minimum, loose-fitting clothing); what music tastes partners have (I couldn't live

[FairfieldLife] RE: If it quacks like a duck

2013-12-19 Thread s3raphita
Re "Which is more important: following PC or being free?": Who wants to conform? Let freedom reign. Richard: how come I started this thread but your post ("So, lets review what we know") now appears *first* in the list? That's a neat trick!

[FairfieldLife] RE: Are you a lark or an owl?

2013-12-19 Thread s3raphita
Re "I vary between larkish and owlish as far as bedtime is concerned.": I'm hardcore owlish and always have been. Maybe I should have been a night worker. It's true that when, on occasion, I've had to get up very early there is something refreshing and enlivening about the experience (an

[FairfieldLife] RE: If it quacks like a duck

2013-12-20 Thread s3raphita
When I started this thread I mentioned that what annoyed me most was the statement released by the Network saying: "His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks." I've noticed that reaction elsewhere: an individual says something controversial and the employer rushes in to give tha

[FairfieldLife] RE: If it quacks like a duck

2013-12-21 Thread s3raphita
Re "If they don't put that caveat in": Once you start down this road you can't get off. What happens when someone gives an edgy opinion about a topic and the network *doesn't* issue that caveat? The obvious implication is that in this case the views expressed *are* endorsed by the network.

[FairfieldLife] RE: If it quacks like a duck

2013-12-21 Thread s3raphita
Re ducks: Camille Paglia wades in . . . “I speak with authority here, because I was openly gay before the 'Stonewall rebellion' when it cost you something to be so. And I personally feel as a libertarian that people have the right to free thought and free speech. In a democratic country, peopl

[FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Re "homosexuals are all products of freewill choices made in this and/or past lives": So what choices did they make exactly? And is having homosexual tendencies a reward or a punishment?

[FairfieldLife] RE: The Quran on Israel!

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
The Quran is a dispiriting book. It's chock-full of passages in which Mohammed scoffs at those who didn't pay heed to Allah's past warnings, like the destruction of Sodom. When well-meaning people suggest to him that those stories might just be, well, stories - legends, myths - they are roundly

[FairfieldLife] RE: Study: Clear Majority of European Muslims Pro-Sharia Fundamentalists

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Yes, it's grim. The worst case cited in the study is Austria where . . . . . . 73% of Muslims interviewed say Sharia law is more important than the secular laws of the state; 79% say there is only one correct interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all, and 65% believe Muslims shou

[FairfieldLife] RE: Study: Clear Majority of European Muslims Pro-Sharia Fundamentalists

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
"Where's Enoch Powell when you need him": Warwick Cemetery turning in his grave.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Enoch Powell was opposed to mass immigration on *racial* grounds. He didn't want the mass influx of non-whites: Indians, Pakistanis and blacks. It's an interesting topic to debate but one that invariably generates more heat than light. What always amused me is that in the 1970s there were t

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Re "we all alternate male and female lives. The first year when we're in a new gender we may still have tendencies, etc. from the previous life in the other gender. I like this theory because it's not punitive. What do you think?": Yes, I've always liked that speculation. Although I don't be

[FairfieldLife] RE: If it quacks like a duck

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Re "The Baby Boomers turned into The Man.": Not me! And why not me? Did my parents instill into me the importance of free speech? Nope. Did my teachers instill into me the importance of free speech? Nope. Did my friends instill into me the importance of free speech? Nope. Did polit

[FairfieldLife] RE: Understanding Homosexuality

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Re "most gays are perfectly happy with who they are.": All the homosexuals and lesbians I've known and worked with over the past decades have been perfectly happy with their "orientation" (not sure if I like that word). Not a single exception to that rule. It only seems to be a worry f

[FairfieldLife] RE: Enoch Powell was a prophet

2013-12-22 Thread s3raphita
Re "The British . . . went all over the globe plundering everyone's natural resources and offering only civilization in return.": I do think that if the ideology of multiculturalism and multi-ethnicity can overcome its many problems and finally have a happy ending then the most likely place

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