Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-15 Thread merudanda


---In,  wrote :

 (because of certifiable short  memory and time)
 And BTW, it was Jeffery Jones character Emperoro Joseph II, who says "too many 
notes" in the film "Amadeus" not Salieri.  The story  a variation of Alexander 
Pushkin's play Mozart i Salieri (Моцарт и Сальери, 1830) and other.
Amadeus - "There are simply too many notes." 
 Amadeus - "There are simply too many notes." "Just cut a few and it'll be 
perfect." "Which few did you have in mind?" A scene from my favorite movie of 
all time.
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"Just cut a few and it'll be perfect."
"Which few You have in mind.."

Another damn film I need to find a BD of as my DVD was "letterboxed" instead of 

 On 05/14/2015 07:21 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Yeah but look who he was saying it about.  :-)


 But I understand...some people have short attention spans, and can't read more 
than 30 words. This post is for them.  :-)
 From: "Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... mailto:mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]"
 To: "" 
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is 
Maharishi's fault
 As Antonio Salieri would say... too many notes!

 snip (because of certifiable short  memory and reading  ability)




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mothers' Day:What if the Buddha were a bartender?

2015-05-11 Thread merudanda
Oh great

---In,  wrote :

 I had a great meditation this morning listening to Gerald Jay Markoe's Zen 
Meditations CD.including MJ first day in a Zen garden 
oh  sorry ---
may I(i=humble)invite You to some tea while listening


or better some- Chinese tea?

or do you prefer Japanese tea?--in a "need for a more discipline in  Your 
live(s) to get Your meditation in--  there is good incarnational reason for it 
in Your lifetime"!?
 just asking-My treat Your wish...
 2015年5月30日(土)に「男庵交流茶会」ということで、男性の方限定の茶会を催します。 亭主は動画のモデルが務めさせて頂きます。 詳細は
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 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 1:45 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mothers' Day:What if the Buddha were a bartender?
 Yep, they just need more discipline in their lives to get their meditation in. 
Well actually they would be a whole lot better off spiritually if they 
meditated twice a day for about an hour or more each time. In the geography of 
spirituality the subtle system does not really get activated and running until 
40 or more minutes and then again after an hour or so. 20 minutes is fine if 
that is all you got. Do the best you can, there is good incarnational reason 
for it in a lifetime. 

---In,  wrote :

 Most healthy people only need 6-8 hours of sleep each day. For years I've been 
going to sleep around 9:00 PM and awaken at 5:00 AM. That way, I have plenty of 
time to meditate, take a run or a swim and prepare for the day ahead, before 
going to the office to work. I guess if you're a single person and you don't 
have much of a family or a job, you could sleep all morning. Go figure.

---In,  wrote :



 "When "finding balance" feels like one more thing on your to-do list...
 I swear, when someone tells me I need to find "balance" in my life, it feels 
like a curse word. I mean really, who has time to meditate for 20 minutes twice 
a day? Sure, it's great that Deepok Chopra is able to get up at 5:00 in the 
morning to sit in silence, but let's be honest; most of us aren't going to do 
 Does that mean we're not as spiritual as those who do? That we won't be able 
to reap the benefits of a more spiritual life now? As we are right now? Do we 
have to wait for our next lifetime when we've somehow figured out how to be 
less busy and overwhelmed? When we have time to sit under the Bodhi tree all 
day and contemplate life?
 Is the pursuit of spirituality and calmness only making us more stressed 
 What if the Buddha were a bartender?..."
"Even Buddah couldn't meditate living in his castle. He had to leave everything 
and everyone to go out on his own."
 How To Be A Super-Mom Without Having A Super-Meltdown 
 How To Be A Super-Mom Without Having A Super-Me... 
Moms: If doing it all is doing you in, it's time to make yourself a priority.
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 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 1:45 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mothers' Day:What if the Buddha were a bartender?
 Yep, they just need more discipline in their lives to get their meditation in. 
Well actually they would be a whole lot better off spiritually if they 
meditated twice a day for about an hour or more each time. In the geography of 
spirituality the subtle system does not really get activated and running until 
40 or more minutes and then again after an hour or so. 20 minutes is fine if 
that is all you got. Do the best you can, there is good incarnational reason 
for it in a lifetime. 

---In,  wrote :

 Most healthy people only need 6-8 hours of sleep each day. For years I've been 
going to sleep around 9:00 PM and awaken at 5:00 AM. That way, I have plenty of 
time to meditate, take a run or a swim and prepare for the day ahead, before 
going to the office to work. I guess if you're a single person and 

[FairfieldLife] Mothers' Day:What if the Buddha were a bartender?

2015-05-10 Thread merudanda


 "When "finding balance" feels like one more thing on your to-do list...
 I swear, when someone tells me I need to find "balance" in my life, it feels 
like a curse word. I mean really, who has time to meditate for 20 minutes twice 
a day? Sure, it's great that Deepok Chopra is able to get up at 5:00 in the 
morning to sit in silence, but let's be honest; most of us aren't going to do 
 Does that mean we're not as spiritual as those who do? That we won't be able 
to reap the benefits of a more spiritual life now? As we are right now? Do we 
have to wait for our next lifetime when we've somehow figured out how to be 
less busy and overwhelmed? When we have time to sit under the Bodhi tree all 
day and contemplate life?
 Is the pursuit of spirituality and calmness only making us more stressed 
 What if the Buddha were a bartender?..."
"Even Buddah couldn't meditate living in his castle. He had to leave everything 
and everyone to go out on his own."

[FairfieldLife] Re: All you need to know about the differences between US and Netherlands

2014-11-28 Thread merudanda
...dates from the 17th century, and was a rebuild of the previous cathedral, 
which was destroyed during the French Wars of Religion. That cathedral in its 
turn had been built to replace a still earlier one which had been destroyed in 
the 12th century during the Albigensian Crusade. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Buck, 


 I'm going to respond atypically seriously to your query. Utrecht is only a few 
minutes away from Leiden by train, and I'm sure that Dom Tower might be a nice 
enough place to meditate if it were still part of a larger church, but it 
isn't. The tower is now all that's left of it. 
For more info, see this:

 But quite honestly if I were looking for a church to meditate in there are a 
few nice ones here in Leiden. And to be even more honest, if I were looking to 
meditate anywhere other than home, I actually prefer meditating in nature to 
meditating in *supposed* "holy places" like churches. 


 Don't get me wrong...some churches and cathedrals in Europe *are* actually 
very beautiful, and have a certain kind of stillness to them. It's *not* caused 
by any "field effect," however, but by the intentional use of space and form by 
the architects. 


 When it comes to "field effect," many of the churches and cathedrals of Europe 
(such as the Papal Palace in Avignon) are IMO downright creepy and low-vibe, 
possibly due to the fact that they were used by the Inquisition as locations in 
which to torture and kill people. 

One of the most interesting churches I've been to in Europe, in terms of my 
interest in cults, religions, and the history of religious folly, is a large 
cathedral in Uzès, France, where I spent a few weeks this past summer. When you 
enter the church from the ground floor, you pass into a large room full of 
traditional church pews, just like many other churches. But looking up, I 
noticed that there were large balconies on both sides of the room. Balconies, 
but no stairs leading to them. There was no way to get to the balconies from 
within the church. This was a mystery I had to solve, so I asked around and 
found the following odd story. 

 It turns out that in its heyday this was a Catholic cathedral, but there were 
many Protestants in the town. To "save their souls," the Protestants were 
*required* to attend Catholic mass every Sunday. Skip it, and you could be put 
to death. But at the same time, you couldn't have these low-life Protestant 
scum sitting side by side with the upscale Catholics now, could you? So they 
built the two balconies and put doors and stairways leading to them on the 
outside of the church. While the Catholics got to sit comfortably in the main 
hall of the cathedral, the Protestants had to stand for the whole service, 
crammed into the too-small-for-them balconies. 


 Go figure, eh? Just one of the many stories of religious conflict and 
craziness here in Europe, and an illustration of why if I'm seeking a nice, 
silent place to meditate, churches are not the first place that springs to my 

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, November 28, 2014 11:55 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: All you need to know about the differences 
between US and Netherlands
 Om The Dom Tower in Utrecht.. Dear Turqb, is the Dom a nice place to go in to 
meditate, spiritually? It is nearby to you? You could go there to meditate? 
Does it hold a spiritual coherence generating field effect sort of like the 
Domes do in Fairfield, Iowa? Which denomination was it built by?  Just 
wondering if it is a place that you could easily use if you were inclined 
spiritually to do that, -Buck in Iowa 


 Waiting 10 Months For The Perfect Drone Footage

 Waiting 10 Months For The Perfect Drone Footage Dutch 
filmmakers Jelte Keur and Reinout van Schie waited 10 months for the right 
weather conditions to shoot this amazing drone footage of the Dom Tower in 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Mindfulness meditation for arthritis

2014-11-28 Thread merudanda
Competing interests None.
Ethics approval The NorthernXEthics Committee approved the study, and all
patients provided written consent.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
As far as I know the externally peer reviewer  has not been published because 
of the confidential rules.In the hope not breaking this confidential rules may 
I note here :
Yoga exercises should be performed with caution by people with RA who have 
limited mobility or spinal problems.No dietary supplement has shown clear 
benefits for RA, but there is preliminary evidence for a few, particularly fish 
oil, gamma-linolenic acid, and the herb thunder god vine.(Tripterygium 
wilfordii- has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine)
To be aware:
 Do not replace proven conventional treatments for RA with unproven health 
products and practices. Do not change your use of prescribed RA medications 
without consulting your health care provider. Going without effective treatment 
for RA could lead to permanent joint damage. Be aware that some complementary 
health approaches—particularly dietary supplements—may interact with 
conventional medical treatments. Also consider the possibility that what’s on 
the label of a dietary supplement may not be what’s in the bottle..)
 "There were no differences, however, in objective measures of disease activity 
like C-reactive protein levels and number of swollen joints between the MBSR 
and comparison groups.
 The authors conclude that MBSR likely helped participants by changing their 
“experience” of the disease."which helps regulate emotions, improved 
participants’ ability to cope with pain.
From research text:

 "Mindfulness training involves the cultivation of non-judgemental attention to 
unwanted thoughts, feelings and bodily experiences via meditation and may help 
ameliorate both psychological and physical symptoms of chronic disease.1 
Clinical trials have shown that mindfulness training improves the psychological 
well-being of people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).2–4 However, there is 
limited evidence for its efficacy on disease activity outcomes in RA. Given 
evidence linking increased mindfulness to improved immune markers,5 mindfulness 
training may reduce disease activity in patients with RA by enhancing their 
immune function. The aim of this randomised controlled trial was to examine the 
effects of a standardised mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) 
intervention on RA disease activity. 
 Fifty-one patients with RA, according to the 1987 American College of 
Rheumatology classification criteria6 and without any prior meditation 
experience, were recruited from two public hospitals in Auckland, New Zealand. 
After completing baseline assessments, 26 and 25 participants were randomised 
to the MBSR and control groups, respectively. The MBSR group received the 
standardised 8-week programme developed
by the University of Massachusetts Medical School,and the control group agreed 
that they could participate free of charge
in MBSR after all data collection was completed. Follow-up assessments were 
completed after 2, 4 and 6 months.
Assessments were conducted by a trained research assistant who
was blinded to treatment allocation. At each study visit, RA
disease activity was assessed using the four-variable Disease
Activity Score in 28 joints-C-reactive protein (DAS28-CRP).
Individual components of the DAS28-CRP include numbers of
tender and swollen joints, CRP and patients’ assessment of
disease activity on a 100 mm visual analogue scale.
Duration of early morning stiffness (minutes) and pain (0–100 mm visual
analogue scale) was also measured. The change over time, treat-
ment differences and their interaction were analysed in the 42
participants who completed the interventions using multivariate
analysis of covariance (PASW Statistics V.18.0) analyses. Baseline
levels were included as covariates. The sphericity assumption
was verified for all main (group or time) and significant inter-
action (group by time) effects, and significant effects were exam-
ined using Fisher’s least significant difference to preserve a 5%
significance level. Partial η 2 was calculated as a measure of effect.."
 To cite Fogarty FA, Booth RJ, Gamble GD, et al. Ann Rheum Dis Published Online
First: [please include Day Month Year] doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2014-205946

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Birth of the Hippies

2014-11-08 Thread merudanda

 Man, rough day. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Birth of the Hippies

2014-11-08 Thread merudanda


---In,  wrote :

  and it is a bear to fix if I can at all. 

 If you're having a bear of a day and you can't bear another moment of it, bare 
your teeth and grin because these bears are the best.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic FLYING YES!!

2014-10-15 Thread merudanda
just flying -just more than one inch in the air-and what a sight to behold
Wingsuit 2014 [best moments] HD 
 Wingsuit 2014 [best moments] HD 
SirensCeol - Coming Home (Original Mix) Join the flight -
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no Yo yo ma ma gic


---In,  wrote :

 To paraphrase Yoko Ono,
 even just one inch in the air you are flying in the sky!
 Jai Guru Dev,Jai Maharishi!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gregorian: the sound of silence

2014-10-05 Thread merudanda
The Amazing Rabbis Singing Simon and Garfunkel! 
 The Amazing Rabbis Singing Simon and Garfunkel! Taken from the israeli TV show 
"Rising Star". Aryeh and Gil Gat are two brothers from Jerusalem. In this video 
they're singing "The Sound of Sile...
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Gat Brothers sing "Sounds of Silence" and "Hotel California" on Next Israeli 
 Gat Brothers sing "Sounds of Silence" and &quo... This feature is not available right 
now. Please try again later. 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: R. Shankar -- sitar lesson!

2014-10-05 Thread merudanda
Anoushka Shankar and Joshua Bell  replaying the 1960s' Ravi-Shankar-Yehudi 
Menuhin duo.
Anoushka Shankar & Joshua Bell: Live at Verbier Festival (2007) 
 Anoushka Shankar & Joshua Bell: Live at Verbier Festival... This feature is not available right 
now. Please try again later. 
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Blanketed with white mist,  Suddenly a lovely Tolling sound wafted my way, A 
gentle reminder to rest.The stars shine so bright They draw us into gilded orbit
Like guards of heaven
Watching us peacefully

[FairfieldLife] Re: R. Shankar -- sitar lesson!

2014-10-05 Thread merudanda
thanks  my dear wanderer in the mist- ...and 
above the Sea of Fog...
wandering lonely as a cloud
Indian Classical Music : Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha and Yehudi Menuhin Trio 
 Indian Classical Music : Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha and Ye... The legendary Ravi Shankar 
demonstrating and talking about Indian classical music Ravi Shankar : Sitar 
Alla Rakha : Tabla Yehudi Menuhin : Violin
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 both will always be separate, intertwined and united  deep in my heart and 
personal memory 
Indian Classical Music : Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha and Yehudi Menuhin Trio 
 Indian Classical Music : Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha and Ye... The legendary Ravi Shankar 
demonstrating and talking about Indian classical music Ravi Shankar : Sitar 
Alla Rakha : Tabla Yehudi Menuhin : Violin
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 forever and ever 

as they are in all our  separate, personal intertwined and united  mind
They were born from a ray of God’s majesty and have the blessings of a good 
Raga: a personal introduction by Ravi Shankar 
 Raga: a personal introduction by Ravi Shankar From extra features of documentary 
"Ravi Shankar : In Portrait" (BBC Opus Arte production) 2002. Musicians: Ravi 
Shankar - Sitar, Anoushka Shankar - Sitar...
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[FairfieldLife] Re: R. Shankar -- sitar lesson!

2014-10-05 Thread merudanda

Indian Classical Music : Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha and Yehudi Menuhin Trio 
 Indian Classical Music : Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha and Ye... The legendary Ravi Shankar 
demonstrating and talking about Indian classical music Ravi Shankar : Sitar 
Alla Rakha : Tabla Yehudi Menuhin : Violin
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Ravi Shankar plays with Yehudi Menuhin 
 Ravi Shankar plays with Yehudi Menuhin Ravi Shankar plays with Yehudi 
Menuhin, full programme here Ravi 
Shankar, sitar Yehudi Menuhin, violin Pandit Ravi...
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 both will always be separate, intertwined and united  deep in my heart and 
personal memory
 forever and ever as they are in all our  separate, personal intertwined and 
united  mind
They were born from a ray of God’s majesty and have the blessings of a good 

[FairfieldLife] Re: R. Shankar -- sitar lesson!

2014-10-05 Thread merudanda

[FairfieldLife] look up look down

2014-09-22 Thread merudanda
Look Up 
 Look Up 'Look Up' - A spoken word 
film for an online generation. Subscribe for more videos: 'Look Up' is a...
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 Look Down ('Look Up' Parody) 
 Look Down ('Look Up' Parody) 
Spencer writes a poetic reply to the popular 'Look Up' video from Gary Turk 
( Subscribe to...
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 “This media we call social is anything but /
 when we open our computers and it’s our doors we shut.”
 to be read on viral facebook

 uses that dumbbell word-order inversion you employed when you were five and 
write handmade Mother’s Day card. 

 Is it not a deeply anti-human claim dressed up as a warm and fuzzy appeal to 
our deepest emotions? Like a often misunderstood but not substantially 
different than Plato’s argument against literacy?
 The central fact of our private life is that it’s your private life not for 
sitting judgment about and the evidence that devices intelligently used add to 
our personal experience is abundant.
 Would our appreciation of fleeting memories be deeper if we had to trade in 
our sound videos of family events for silent Super 8 cartridges with four 
minutes of film?
 Why not see that technology  may enhances our human existence... 

 being not on Facebook 

 because you cannot read my face
 like a book..
 and my library 

 has too many books and faces 

 not everybody wants to face  

 and resist googled-gogled-geckled facebooking


[FairfieldLife] Re: Some Great Images

2014-09-22 Thread merudanda
OMG,Ann charming pretty horse whisperer

and amazons-Oiorpata of FFL I am so totally distractified! There is like 
totally too many  sparkly things that grab my attention! Bizarre 
Ways Your World Changes After Horses Come Into Your Life 
 20 Bizarre Ways Your World Changes After Horses Com... Things just 
got a whole lot hairier. 
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  merudanda wants to protect you and let feel you safe at FFL,dear Ann



[FairfieldLife] Re: ..menstrual hospital of live- a period piece..

2014-08-12 Thread merudanda
Robin Williams - Spark of Madness 
 Robin Williams - Spark of Madness 
A fantastic quote from Robin Williams. I actually have no idea which show this 
was from, I only have this small clip. I'm merely uploading this to show a 
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Dearest Ann, honest horse whisperer , spark of light over there at FFL-   I 
Iove your selected RW quote and  the picture  with a trace of melancholy in his 
face which tells us that the human foolishness he so fiercely lampooned was 
tragic, not comic. But it is here too late in the night or too early in the 
morning...If you do not mind , are patient and are  interested, i`ll love 
to go into  RW later , his rapid-fire -no bonfire- comic brainstorms and 
insight expressed in his  well-known manic hilarity  infused with an awareness 
of tragedy your pic shows so very very well...thanks

[FairfieldLife] ..menstrual hospital of live- a period piece..

2014-08-12 Thread merudanda
Robin Williams dies: Hollywood's comic genius is found dead aged 63 in apparent 
 Robin Williams dies: Hollywood's comic genius is...
 The Hollywood star Robin Williams has been found dead at his home in Northern 
California from an apparent suicide. He was 63.
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We lost himMork & Mindy - Report to Orson - Losing a Friend 
 Mork & Mindy - Report to Orson - Losing a Friend Mork & Mindy - Report to Orson - 
Mork experiences losing a friend. Rest in peace, Robin Williams.
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 "You - you alone will have the stars as no one else has them... In one of the 
stars I shall be living. "In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be 
as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night ... You - 
only you - will have stars that can laugh."
May you rest in peace, Mork, Peter Pan, Mrs. Doubtfire, Alan Parish, Patch 
Adams, Teddy Roosevelt, Popeye, Genie and many many many  more. It is only now 
do we  start to fully understand the pain behind the face, like the tears of a 
clown- examples of a Suppressed Smile and a Bitter Smile - Dead Poets Society 
..?his firstMork and Mindy Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot 
 Mork and Mindy Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot This feature is not available right 
now. Please try again later. 
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2014: Robin Williams with his Mork and Mindy co-star Pam Dawber in The Crazy 
Ones serieshis lastNight At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb Official Trailer #1 
(2014) - Ben Stiller Comedy HD 
 Night At The Museum: Secret Of The Tomb Official Trailer... Night At The Museum: Secret Of The 
Tomb Official Trailer #1 (2014) comedy starring Ben Stiller and Robin Williams 
directed by Shawn Levy. The wildest a...
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Shakesbeer or not to  beersomeone give me 
my dagger

[FairfieldLife] Open Source Quantum Energy Generato

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda
[] Self-Running 40kW (40,000 Watt) Fuelless Generator (Full 
 [] Self-Running 40kW (40,000 Watt) Fuelles... - Full Demo of 
the 2.3kW demonstration of the 40kW WITTS Fuelless Generator. This device, once 
started, requires no input of fuel whatsoe...
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Re: [FairfieldLife] World Government of AE and OPPT (One Peoples Public Trust)

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda
Who?Ms. West?
Seems  there  is a lack of cholesterol in the brain of mine-not so fine-blowing 
my mind
Tempted Share you sure have some coconut oil at home...let me sneak in...

[FairfieldLife] Re: World Government of AE and OPPT (One Peoples Public Trust)

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda
i am sure MMY  would love and giggle at my
"in a cellar by MMY.."line
sounds better than

Life Trustee Award of A.E. document  by MMY somewhere in a cellar ..

---In,  wrote :

 Share It seems you had not enough time to dig into this but still deserve and 
demand some answer and "solution"Even that lousy "bug on" one of mine as an 
answer  not a solution or suggestion for improvement(may i draw your attention 
to the title of the post)
Orig.wanted to show  some private photos where Maharishi celebrated Harrison's 
25th birthday and Harrison played sitar. He gave Harrison an upside-down 
plastic globe of the world and saying, 
"George, the globe I am giving you symbolizes the world today. I hope you will 
help us all in the task of putting it right" 
and Harrison shouting "I've done it!" 
Cannot find it to Share..
but you know what Harrison did...

The One People's Public Trust are claiming non-existent rights, using 
ineffective documents and controverting forms and precedents  in the hope of 
getting free money and are heavily reliant on the concept of "natural law" and 
it different definition
 Amazing.pdf Shared with 

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Turqoise bee would say the buzz word for merudanda was trust, trustee  since he 
has a Life Trustee Award of A.E. document somewhere in a cellar by MMY.. 
.. search for  some derivative with some New Age beliefs mixed in and have the 
history of "our " movement in  your "collected mind" for easier reading 
merudandas individual mind
  The Freeman-on-the-Land movement also known as FMOTL, FOTL, "Footle" Posse 
Comitatus  Redemption movement Detax movement  Green ink brigade Their 
obsession with "capitalisation of words" and various theories on finance can be 
traced back to almost identical theories from these earlier movements above 
These ideas are most attractive to desperate, vulnerable people who are going 
through terrible times in their lives."If someone is selling a simple 
explanation of why your life is messed up, the false hope it offers is 
extremely attractive —
They "believe that all ­statute law is contractual. They further believe that 
law only governs them if they choose or consent to be governed. By implication, 
they believe that, by not consenting, they can hold themselves independent of 
government jurisdiction. "- See more at: Practice Tips - The 
Freeman-on-the-Land movement | The Law Society of British Columbia
 Practice Tips - The Freeman-on-the-Land movement | T... Practice 
Tips, by Dave Bilinsky, Practice Management Advisor The Freeman-on-the-Land 
movement  we don’t need you or your rules – this is ours there’s some...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: World Government of AE and OPPT (One Peoples Public Trust)

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda
Share It seems you had not enough time to dig into this but still deserve and 
demand some answer and "solution"Even that lousy "bug on" one of mine as an 
answer  not a solution or suggestion for improvement(may i draw your attention 
to the title of the post)
Orig.wanted to show  some private photos where Maharishi celebrated Harrison's 
25th birthday and Harrison played sitar. He gave Harrison an upside-down 
plastic globe of the world and saying, 
"George, the globe I am giving you symbolizes the world today. I hope you will 
help us all in the task of putting it right" 
and Harrison shouting "I've done it!" 
Cannot find it to Share..
but you know what Harrison did...

The One People's Public Trust are claiming non-existent rights, using 
ineffective documents and controverting forms and precedents  in the hope of 
getting free money and are heavily reliant on the concept of "natural law" and 
it different definition
 Amazing.pdf Shared with 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Turqoise bee would say the buzz word for merudanda was trust, trustee  since he 
has a Life Trustee Award of A.E. document somewhere in a cellar by MMY.. 
.. search for  some derivative with some New Age beliefs mixed in and have the 
history of "our " movement in  your "collected mind" for easier reading 
merudandas individual mind
  The Freeman-on-the-Land movement also known as FMOTL, FOTL, "Footle" Posse 
Comitatus  Redemption movement Detax movement  Green ink brigade Their 
obsession with "capitalisation of words" and various theories on finance can be 
traced back to almost identical theories from these earlier movements above 
These ideas are most attractive to desperate, vulnerable people who are going 
through terrible times in their lives."If someone is selling a simple 
explanation of why your life is messed up, the false hope it offers is 
extremely attractive —
They "believe that all ­statute law is contractual. They further believe that 
law only governs them if they choose or consent to be governed. By implication, 
they believe that, by not consenting, they can hold themselves independent of 
government jurisdiction. "- See more at: Practice Tips - The 
Freeman-on-the-Land movement | The Law Society of British Columbia 
 Practice Tips - The Freeman-on-the-Land movement | T... Practice 
Tips, by Dave Bilinsky, Practice Management Advisor The Freeman-on-the-Land 
movement  we don’t need you or your rules – this is ours there’s some...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] World Government of AE and OPPT (One Peoples Public Trust)

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda
My dear one
 I am sure that your value  is more than Kiri Campbell  deposit of $15 million 
you may deposit more than that  into my bank account at the Bermudas.

What can we do to improve this situation?
No bad check , pleaseand do not fly away

---In,  wrote :

 merudanda, what can we do to improve this situation? thank you, shareflong

 On Thursday, July 31, 2014 9:59 AM, merudanda  wrote:

 Gruppierung OPPT sorgte für Polizeieinsatz im Waldviertel Staatsanwaltschaft: "One People's Public 
Trust" erkennt Österreich nicht als Staat an - Haftbefehl ausgestellt und 
Gerichtsverhandlung angesetzt

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

 Gruppierung OPPT sorgte für Polizeieinsatz im Waldviertel
Prosecutor: "One People's Public Trust" does not recognize Austria as a state 
at - issued arrest warrant and scheduled court hearing
The group occurs after the prosecutor as an "international 
organization"originated in USA which designates Austria as a business. They 
negate the Austrian legal system, because of this  the members 

 -are subordinate and representing"Common Law" - and

 which in turn refer to themselves as sheriffs and sovereign.
OPPT describes itself as a "grassroots movement" and criticized, for example, 
the existing banking system, because of this man "has robbed and cheated 
throughout life." In addition, all people would live for generations as slave 
1) Governments are/were Corporations.
2) Persons are/were corporation.
3) Mass media is the tool used by Corporate Governments to deliver propaganda 
directly to your home.
4) As a result, the world’s economic structure is was a mechanism of mass 
Heather explains the history of the OPPT, the purpose of the actions, the 
documents, those affected, others that have used the documents, how to use them 
in court, those that fought the system are are sitting in jail,
December 25, 2012, soon after, the Alternative Media begin reporting on it 
claiming that all world governments and corporations had been foreclosed and 
promising listeners $10 billion in gold and silver. Around April, in response 
to questions by followers asking where their $10 billion is, Heather invents 
the "courtesy notice" and wrote documents that followers could take to banks to 
deposit a fraction of their "intrinsic value", convert it to actual currency at 
the bank and thus followers could finally get a portion of their promised 
Kiri Campbell, acting upon OPPT advise, attempts to deposit $15 million of her 
"value" into her bank account as well as writing $60,000 in bad checks backed 
by her "value"...




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tolle: excessive thinking

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda

---In,  wrote :

 dear catcher of one winged butterflies, Bermuda was the site of Share's and 
then hubby's honeymoon more than 40 years ago. Bermuda triangle theories amply 
validated. "Nuff said!
Qusestion remains 
Who vanished?
Vancouver, yay, Toronto nay! And then we could visit FFL's own horse 


 On Thursday, July 31, 2014 10:00 AM, merudanda  


---In,  wrote :

 more bubbles about bugs: in many countries bugs are eaten. I think chocolate 
covered ants are considered a delicacy (-: OMG Steve  be careful OTHO what a 
sweet future and end

 OTOH, butterflies are not, as far as I know, having traveled internationally 
only to Bermuda and Canada!
Ok I prefer Canada then  
Share you easy can recognize meru riding a masked zebra using his danda as a 
riding stick hoping to catch a one winged butterfly


 On Thursday, July 31, 2014 8:46 AM, merudanda  wrote:

   Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung
 Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung 
Interpretaion von Franz Kafkas Erzählung "Die Verwandlung" (uraltes 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

The Metamorphosis,  Verwandlung of Steve Sundur

As Steve awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in 
his bed into a gigantic, some sort of monstrous , insect. He was lying on his 
hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he 
could see his domelike brown belly divided into stiff arched segments on top of 
which the bed quilt could hardly stay in place and was about to slide off 
completely. His numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest 
of his bulk, waved helplessly before his eyes.

What has happened to me? he thought"nothing earth shattering.. noticed that 
that emotion got arrested before it could surface"
"Adapted from Kafkas 
:Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in 
seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Er lag auf seinem 
panzerartig harten Rücken und sah, wenn er den Kopf ein wenig hob, seinen 
gewölbten, braunen, von bogenförmigen Versteifungen geteilten Bauch, auf dessen 
Höhe sich die Bettdecke, zum gänzlichen Niedergleiten bereit, kaum noch 
erhalten konnte. Seine vielen, im Vergleich zu seinem sonstigen Umfang kläglich 
dünnen Beine flimmerten ihm hilflos vor den Augen.»Was ist mit mir geschehen?« 
dachte er."

Steve.Merudanda is just trolling , bubbling from collected mind of T(R)olles  
collective  universal consciousness!
lol with  his numerous legs waving helplessly before your eyes.

For cardemaister:
 In the opening sentence the epithet " ungeheueres Ungeziefer" poses one of the 
greatest challenges to translate. Both the adjective ungeheuer (meaning 
“monstrous” or “huge” and "gigantic") and the noun Ungeziefer are negations— 
virtual nonentities—prefixed by "un". 
Ungeziefer comes from the Middle High German ungezibere, a negation of the Old 
High German zebar (related to the Old English ti’ber), meaning “sacrifice” or 
“sacrificial animal.” 
An ungezibere, then, is an unclean animal unfit for sacrifice, and Ungeziefer 
describes the class of nasty creepy-crawly things.( The word in German suggests 
primarily six-legged critters, though it otherwise resembles the English word 
“vermin” which refers primarily to rodents). 
Ungeziefer is also used informally as the equivalent of “bug,”(beware not Buck 
or make a buck on) though the connotation is “dirty, nasty bug”—(you wouldn’t 
apply the word to cute, helpful creatures like ladybugs).  Transforming into 
“some sort of monstrous insect” with “some sort of” added to blur the borders 
of the somewhat too specific “insect”and " gigantic" suggest the 
overwhelming-ness; A new body and condition with the same hazy focus with which 
Steve himself discovers, noticing without emotional arrest, with his penchant 
for the blurred perceptions of  bewilderment.
About the one leitmotif  and  theme of ruhig/unruhig. (the narrative oscillates 
between untroubled and troubled, tranquil and harried, peaceful and unsettled. )
Ruhig denotes “calm,” “peaceful,” “quiet,” “tranquil,” “at ease,” and unruhig 
its opposite. Starting with the "unruhigen Träume" are often translated 
with“troubled dreams”) in the first sentence,
Panzerartig .
 Denotes to trading  his spine for an exoskeleton, but even this armorlike 
shell (“carapace” and “armor” are the same word in German, Panzer)  is no 
defense for a willingly accepted wretchedness thrust-ed upon ,  erring by 
failing to act.
The German word "Verwandlung" does not s

[FairfieldLife] Re: Proportions in Maharishi Vastu Architecture

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda
 good choice
Die Verwandlung by Surrealist  Wolfgang + Florian Lettl but still cheating with 
the numbers

Ann Du" verrücktes "multiplied Pferd DU:

 Wolfgang + Florian Lettl - Aquatinta-Radierung - Transzendentale Meditation - 
15,7x15 cm 
 Wolfgang + Florian Lettl - Aquatinta-Radierung - Tran... Lettl
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
  Transzendentale Meditation

 R 77  Was schaut Ihr so - seht Euch selber an!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tolle: excessive thinking

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda

---In,  wrote :

 more bubbles about bugs: in many countries bugs are eaten. I think chocolate 
covered ants are considered a delicacy (-: OMG Steve  be careful OTHO what a 
sweet future and end

 OTOH, butterflies are not, as far as I know, having traveled internationally 
only to Bermuda and Canada!
Ok I prefer Canada then  
Share you easy can recognize meru riding a masked zebra using his danda as a 
riding stick hoping to catch a one winged butterfly


 On Thursday, July 31, 2014 8:46 AM, merudanda  wrote:

   Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung 
 Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung 
Interpretaion von Franz Kafkas Erzählung "Die Verwandlung" (uraltes 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

The Metamorphosis,  Verwandlung of Steve Sundur

As Steve awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in 
his bed into a gigantic, some sort of monstrous , insect. He was lying on his 
hard, as it were armor-plated, back and when he lifted his head a little he 
could see his domelike brown belly divided into stiff arched segments on top of 
which the bed quilt could hardly stay in place and was about to slide off 
completely. His numerous legs, which were pitifully thin compared to the rest 
of his bulk, waved helplessly before his eyes.

What has happened to me? he thought"nothing earth shattering.. noticed that 
that emotion got arrested before it could surface"
"Adapted from Kafkas 
:Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in 
seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Er lag auf seinem 
panzerartig harten Rücken und sah, wenn er den Kopf ein wenig hob, seinen 
gewölbten, braunen, von bogenförmigen Versteifungen geteilten Bauch, auf dessen 
Höhe sich die Bettdecke, zum gänzlichen Niedergleiten bereit, kaum noch 
erhalten konnte. Seine vielen, im Vergleich zu seinem sonstigen Umfang kläglich 
dünnen Beine flimmerten ihm hilflos vor den Augen.»Was ist mit mir geschehen?« 
dachte er."

Steve.Merudanda is just trolling , bubbling from collected mind of T(R)olles  
collective  universal consciousness!
lol with  his numerous legs waving helplessly before your eyes.

For cardemaister:
 In the opening sentence the epithet " ungeheueres Ungeziefer" poses one of the 
greatest challenges to translate. Both the adjective ungeheuer (meaning 
“monstrous” or “huge” and "gigantic") and the noun Ungeziefer are negations— 
virtual nonentities—prefixed by "un". 
Ungeziefer comes from the Middle High German ungezibere, a negation of the Old 
High German zebar (related to the Old English ti’ber), meaning “sacrifice” or 
“sacrificial animal.” 
An ungezibere, then, is an unclean animal unfit for sacrifice, and Ungeziefer 
describes the class of nasty creepy-crawly things.( The word in German suggests 
primarily six-legged critters, though it otherwise resembles the English word 
“vermin” which refers primarily to rodents). 
Ungeziefer is also used informally as the equivalent of “bug,”(beware not Buck 
or make a buck on) though the connotation is “dirty, nasty bug”—(you wouldn’t 
apply the word to cute, helpful creatures like ladybugs).  Transforming into 
“some sort of monstrous insect” with “some sort of” added to blur the borders 
of the somewhat too specific “insect”and " gigantic" suggest the 
overwhelming-ness; A new body and condition with the same hazy focus with which 
Steve himself discovers, noticing without emotional arrest, with his penchant 
for the blurred perceptions of  bewilderment.
About the one leitmotif  and  theme of ruhig/unruhig. (the narrative oscillates 
between untroubled and troubled, tranquil and harried, peaceful and unsettled. )
Ruhig denotes “calm,” “peaceful,” “quiet,” “tranquil,” “at ease,” and unruhig 
its opposite. Starting with the "unruhigen Träume" are often translated 
with“troubled dreams”) in the first sentence,
Panzerartig .
 Denotes to trading  his spine for an exoskeleton, but even this armorlike 
shell (“carapace” and “armor” are the same word in German, Panzer)  is no 
defense for a willingly accepted wretchedness thrust-ed upon ,  erring by 
failing to act.
The German word "Verwandlung" does not suggest a natural change of state 
associated with the animal kingdom such as the change from caterpillar to 60 
Share butterfly. It is a word from fairy tales,  suitable for a FFL Fairy Field 
 Life forum, used to describe the transformation, say, of a girl’s seven FFL 
brothers into swans. “Metamorphosis” refers to this, too. Its first definition 
in the Oxford English Dictionary is

[FairfieldLife] World Government of AE and OPPT (One Peoples Public Trust)

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda

 Gruppierung OPPT sorgte für Polizeieinsatz im Waldviertel Staatsanwaltschaft: "One People's Public 
Trust" erkennt Österreich nicht als Staat an - Haftbefehl ausgestellt und 
Gerichtsverhandlung angesetzt
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 Gruppierung OPPT sorgte für Polizeieinsatz im Waldviertel
Prosecutor: "One People's Public Trust" does not recognize Austria as a state 
at - issued arrest warrant and scheduled court hearing
The group occurs after the prosecutor as an "international 
organization"originated in USA which designates Austria as a business. They 
negate the Austrian legal system, because of this  the members 

 -are subordinate and representing"Common Law" - and

 which in turn refer to themselves as sheriffs and sovereign.
OPPT describes itself as a "grassroots movement" and criticized, for example, 
the existing banking system, because of this man "has robbed and cheated 
throughout life." In addition, all people would live for generations as slave 
1) Governments are/were Corporations.
2) Persons are/were corporation.
3) Mass media is the tool used by Corporate Governments to deliver propaganda 
directly to your home.
4) As a result, the world’s economic structure is was a mechanism of mass 
Heather explains the history of the OPPT, the purpose of the actions, the 
documents, those affected, others that have used the documents, how to use them 
in court, those that fought the system are are sitting in jail,
December 25, 2012, soon after, the Alternative Media begin reporting on it 
claiming that all world governments and corporations had been foreclosed and 
promising listeners $10 billion in gold and silver. Around April, in response 
to questions by followers asking where their $10 billion is, Heather invents 
the "courtesy notice" and wrote documents that followers could take to banks to 
deposit a fraction of their "intrinsic value", convert it to actual currency at 
the bank and thus followers could finally get a portion of their promised 
Kiri Campbell, acting upon OPPT advise, attempts to deposit $15 million of her 
"value" into her bank account as well as writing $60,000 in bad checks backed 
by her "value"...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Proportions in Maharishi Vastu Architecture

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda
" ...equal what ten men can manage to burble out..."
be honest and humble
a girl’s seven FFL brothers into swans Verwandlung...


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Richard, thanks for the encouragement for me and Ann, the last of the FFL 
women. You guys have taken over! Go figger (-:

 Naw Share, we as the resident token women don't need numbers - we've got 
brains and influence on our side. It only takes two of us to equal what ten men 
can manage to burble out. Stick around sista.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Tolle: excessive thinking

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda

---In,  wrote :

 Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung 
 Franz Kafka - Die Verwandlung 
Interpretaion von Franz Kafkas Erzählung "Die Verwandlung" (uraltes 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 





[FairfieldLife] Re: Tolle: excessive thinking

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda
In Steve  greatest sense of freedom does he crawl ,enjoys tragicomic crawling 
around the walls and ceiling of his room and  FFL?
(The German verb kriechen which also translates as “to creep” has ironically 
the additional meaning of “to cower.” To kriechen before someone is to act 
sycophantically toward someone. A representation of a new "verwandelte" 
physical state of a long-standing spiritual abjectness?)
Selling himself? His own agency and dignity? Making himself a sellout through 
and through? Can we describing Steve as a “drummer” (commercial traveler), 
referring back to another of Kafkas ilk, “a hardworking drummer who landed in 
the ash can like all the rest of them”? of course...
(silence between two thought bubble)
Just having bathetical fun with a most luminous, suggestive transformation by 
supernatural means (or read Kafka´s  little booklet)
No- your opinion-?cardemaister
As merudanda said already.
Merudanda is just t(r)olling , bubbling from collected pushing-button- mind of 
T(R)olles  collective  universal consciousness!
lol with  his numerous legs waving helplessly before your eyes.

---In,  wrote :

 I remember meditating one time, and I saw a bug crawling in the corner of the 
room, and instead of a frightened response, which would have been normal for 
me, I noticed that that emotion got arrested before it could surface. 

 I mean, nothing earth shattering.  I just remember it as being sort of funny.

---In,  wrote :

 OTOH, Byron Katie popped in while she was crouched in terror under a bed in 
the attic of a rehab house. And a cockroach crawled across her leg. Glad she 
didn't teach THAT as a technique!





[FairfieldLife] Re: Tolle: excessive thinking

2014-07-31 Thread merudanda
some bubbles
QA Sample - Where do our thoughts come from? 
 QA Sample - Where do our thoughts come from? Eckhart 
discusses the transpersonal nature of thought, and how awareness arises both 
individually and collectively.
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

The origin of thought - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
 The origin of thought - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi We are all 
thinking all the time - but where do all these thoughts come from? Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi, speaking at Lake Louise, Canada (1968...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Michael Jackson, was Just so you know

2014-07-19 Thread merudanda

[FairfieldLife] Re: nabuleque maskedzebras fav. country

2014-07-13 Thread merudanda
and round and round...
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

World Cup final - Germany defeats Argentina
 World Cup final - Germany defeats Argentina
 View the World Cup final - Germany defeats Argentina photo gallery on Yahoo 
Sports. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries.
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: nabuleque maskedzebras fav. country

2014-07-13 Thread merudanda

[FairfieldLife] nabuleque maskedzebras fav. country

2014-07-13 Thread merudanda
wins  1:0  against Argentina
and the girls are happy, too


[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi explains how UC becomes Brahman

2014-06-04 Thread merudanda
 During practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, individuals report 
an experience of the Self aware of itself-free from the incessant thoughts, 
feelings and perceptions that usually fill their minds. Maharishi explains that 
this is Transcendental Consciousness, a fourth state of consciousness called 
Turiya Chetana in the Vedic tradition. Repeated alternation of the fourth state 
with customary waking activity gives rise to a new integrated state in which 
Transcendental Consciousness co-exists across the 24 hours of waking, dreaming 
and sleeping consciousness. Maharishi explains that this is Cosmic 
Consciousness, a fifth state of consciousness called Turiyatit Chetana. In 
Cosmic Consciousness, Transcendental Consciousness is experienced as a 
foundational state that is full in its Nature and is untouched by ongoing 
experience during waking, sleeping and dreaming. It is analogous to the 
vastness of the ocean not being lost with each rising wave of daily life.!"?!" 
FWIW in danada`s holding meru op-onion  chasing fleeting wood`s maximize 
"attunement  with the universe" of me-ness sounds flashy nice
 Anybody remembers MMY (appr. the same time -1973-o.m. paper butterfly-Share 
shared with us) intimate beautiful description how The Guru is needed   and 
appears naturally by "cosmic demand" to recognize silently with a tape amicale 
from within of within  "without outer noise and certainly no public 
assurance"the UC in the "focused" seeker--- in order to stop-settle down 
lovely- intimate with a laughing  twinkle of an eye  the  chasing fleeting wood 
of UC?
 just asking without cosmic demand
 and then..

 .. if I should ever go away
 Well, then close your eyes and try
 To feel the way we do today
 And then if you can remember
 Keep smiling, keep shining

 That's What Friends Are For - Dionne Warwick and Friends 
 That's What Friends Are For - Dionne Warwick and Fri... "That's What Friends Are For" is a 
1982 song written by Burt Bacharach and Carole Bayer Sager and introduced by 
Rod Stewart for the soundtrack of the...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi explains how UC becomes Brahman

2014-06-04 Thread merudanda
 During practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, individuals report 
an experience of the Self aware of itself-free from the incessant thoughts, 
feelings and perceptions that usually fill their minds. Maharishi explains that 
this is Transcendental Consciousness, a fourth state of consciousness called 
Turiya Chetana in the Vedic tradition. Repeated alternation of the fourth state 
with customary waking activity gives rise to a new integrated state in which 
Transcendental Consciousness co-exists across the 24 hours of waking, dreaming 
and sleeping consciousness. Maharishi explains that this is Cosmic 
Consciousness, a fifth state of consciousness called Turiyatit Chetana. In 
Cosmic Consciousness, Transcendental Consciousness is experienced as a 
foundational state that is full in its Nature and is untouched by ongoing 
experience during waking, sleeping and dreaming. It is analogous to the 
vastness of the ocean not being lost with each rising wave of daily life.!"?!" 
FWIW in danada`s holding meru op-onion  chasing fleeting wood`s maximize 
"attunement  with the universe" of me-ness sounds flashy nice
 Anybody remembers MMY (appr. the same time -1973-o.m. paper butterfly-Share 
shared with us) intimate beautiful description how The Guru is needed   and 
appears naturally by "cosmic demand" to recognize silently from within of 
within a tape amicale "without outer noise and certainly no public 
assurance"the UC in the "focused" seeker--- in order to stop-settle down 
lovely- intimate with a laughing  twinkle of an eye  the  chasing fleeting wood 
of UC?
 just asking without cosmic demand
 and then..

 .. if I should ever go away
 Well, then close your eyes and try
 To feel the way we do today
 And then if you can remember
 Keep smiling, keep shining

 That's What Friends Are For - Dionne Warwick and Friends 
 That's What Friends Are For - Dionne Warwick and Fri... "That's What Friends Are For" is a 
1982 song written by Burt Bacharach and Carole Bayer Sager and introduced by 
Rod Stewart for the soundtrack of the...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Important Community Meeting, Sunday

2014-06-04 Thread merudanda
Clearly this the Secret Service being sarcastic, except you all missed it... 

'The simpson's done it first''
The Simpsons - Sarcasm Detector 
 The Simpsons - Sarcasm Detector 
this baby is off the charts!
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Sarcasmoholics Anonymous 
Sarcasmoholics Anonymous 
 Sarcasmoholics Anonymous 
Burnistoun S01E05
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

If you watch that you  will never see the number ELEVEN or  look at those voice 
activated things in the same way again---
mmh sorry it is about voice..not watch-see-look The problem of accents and 
voice recognition systems
Burnistoun S1E1 - Voice Recognition Elevator - ELEVEN! 
 Burnistoun S1E1 - Voice Recognition Elevator - EL... For those having trouble with 
the accent, see transcript below. [Iain] Where's the buttons? [Rob] Oh no, 
they've installed voice-recognition technology in t...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Into your heart it will creep
Paranoia strikes now deep, .
Man comes and takes you away 
Starts when you're always afraid. 
Get out of line; 
Beware Turquoise stinging bee
Its capabilities will  not only include “sentiment analysis,”
more importantly "influencer identification"

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Important Community Meeting, Sunday

2014-06-04 Thread merudanda
Thanks for that narrative post and update info. Buck. Apology:  Jim Carrey  
received honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts not philosophy--seems being still in 
MIU  mental mode...
Since I just signed a petition  in support  of  Vermont and it could be that  
not many people caught his jab at Monsanto let us repeat Dr.J.C. joke:
 “I’m here to plant a seed today. A seed that will inspire you to go forward in 
your life with enthusiastic hearts and a clear sense of wholeness. The question 
is, will that seed have a chance to take root or will I be sued by Monsanto?”
Is he he poking fun at the aggressive, overreaching nature of the biotech 
company that sues farmers for "patent infringements" - i.e., their patented 
product blew in the wind and landed in a non-contract field, actually 
contaminating that field or was it about label?
Has not Monsanto already filed 144 lawsuits against 410 farmers and 56 small 
farm businesses in at least 27 U.S. States, as of early last year according to 
Is it  really that shocking of the outspoken Dr.h.c. Carrey to have made such a 
remark to the graduates?The March Against Monsanto was taking place when he 
spoke, May 24th, and #EndMonsanto was a top-trending social media event. MUM is 
known for their ayurvedic philosophies and organic health outlook. They are  
one the first college to offer organic vegetarian meals to their students.
Of course you may argue that Dr Jim should have given his speech at Cal 
Poly. where GMO's began...
Biotech corporations  trying to rule Europe , too. For more than 15 years 
national governments  in Europe have fought against new GM crops and strongly 
defended their rights to ban them. In  freedom loving USA you are not allowed  
even to label them.
But we are in the same boat
"The United States parallels the EU in a similar regard. Just on the heels of 
Vermont passing the first state GMO food labeling law, the DARK Act of 2014 
(actual name is Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act’) threatens to nullify any 
past and future state laws regarding GMO labeling and bans."
Basically, the result of The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership 
(TTIP)  could -should be that biotech firms gets significant legal power in the 
future decisions of the nations regarding GMOs and place biotech corporations 
above European government!! and certainly above the individual member states 
and their people.
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) resources - Trade - 
European Commission 
 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTI... EU and US TTIP 
chief negotiators Ignacio Garcia Bercero and Dan Mullaney during the 5th round 
of negotiations in Arlington, USA, 19/23 May 2014. View all photos 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monsanto is about to sue the state of Vermont.

2014-06-04 Thread merudanda
seems me being in the mist wandering wondrous through mists among parted bush 
and stone where none to the other exists, 

---In,  wrote :

 Thank you very very much my dear brother in arms and spririt about this. Just 
signed the petition to help Vermont with the hope everybody will follow.
Consumers should have the right to know what they're eating and what they're 
feeding their kids as we do in Europe.
merudanda`s  next email will be to the European parliament.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Monsanto is about to sue the state of Vermont.

2014-06-04 Thread merudanda
Thank you very very much my dear brother in arms and spririt about this. Just 
signed the petition to help Vermont with the hope everybody will follow.
Consumers should have the right to know what they're eating and what they're 
feeding their kids as we do in Europe.
merudanda`s  next email will be to the European parliament.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Nice work if you can get it

2014-05-27 Thread merudanda
your wish is our command
and how about  yours???

---In,  wrote :

 turq, re Braco gazing, given that I was sitting at my desk, navel well below 
the desk top, I doubt that Mr. Braco saw my navel. Nor did I see his. Any 
pictures of yours forthcoming...


 snipeee  hurray

[FairfieldLife] Re: Charles Aznavour Turns 90

2014-05-27 Thread merudanda


---In,  wrote :

 Not to mention his unforgettable performance onscreen in Truffaut's "Shoot the 
Piano Player."
 yes of course thanks for mentioning it and many more movies. For the young 
folks here at FFL 
Truffaut's "Shoot the Piano Player." full movie can be watched online or 
downloaded at

for free-it is worth it

Charles Aznavour - It's Heaven 
 Charles Aznavour - It's Heaven A 
Tribute to Charles Aznavour Background photos extract from the movie Shoot the 
Piano Player (Tirez sur le pianiste) 1960 - Shoot the Piano P...
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It's Heaven yes
Have you seen The Truth About Charlie  a 2002 remake of the 1963 classic film 
Charade,once played by Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn.,also an homage to 
François Truffaut's 1960 film Shoot the Piano Player
C'est le vent turbulent
Soulevant tes dessous
C'est la pluie de printemps
Qui vient lécher mes joues
Quand tu m'aimes
It's the turbulent wind
Lifting up your underclothes
It's the spring rain
That licks my cheeks
When you love me
It's your voice which is lost
In an amorous sigh
That makes my flesh vibrate
And brings water to my eyes
Tears of tenderness

 From: merudanda 
 Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Charles Aznavour Turns 90
 Wishing  you – the most famous Armenian in the world – good health and many 
successes in your creative life, as well as in your social and political 
activities,Your creative work ,your unique  tenor voice: clear and ringing in 
its upper reaches, with gravelly and profound low notes and your  ideals have 
inspired and fascinated millions of people from generation to generation
Thanks for hundreds of unforgettable songs such as “La Boheme,” “She,” “Hier 
Encore/ Yesterday when I was young,” “La mamma,” “Emmenez moi” and others
You are an artist above all identities; happy birthday, Charles Aznavour. 

 See you again on stage  many more time until  your 100 th...





[FairfieldLife] Re: Nice work if you can get it

2014-05-27 Thread merudanda
lets remember Buck -o-Braco still trying to get into the Dome Jan.2012
"Well, the dome overseers did try to cut a deal with me as while I re-applied 
and was rejected recently for a dome badge: use Maharishi's Ved and Physiology 
course with its electronic model of the physiology instead of going to see 
saints, and never visit saints again.."
 Buck Apr 20, 2012  finally got the Dome badge again after year long "struggle 
and help"( 
"Bear with patience, tribulaton,
Overcoming all temptation,
Till the glorious jubilee;.." "Buck fought the law and Buck won"in order to 
gaze at Braco after his first 
Home from the Dome
"Well, it was a really nice morning sitting in meditation in the domes this 
morning. For me it again was the Ved indeed flowing in the physiology. I got 
back to the farm after the morning program inside the dome and my wife had just 
joined in a global gazing with the healer, Braco."

May the Braco force be with you, Buck in the awakening loop
why not try her, too
oh oh where is your Golden Dome badge where is your...
Agree with  awoelflebater it is not only the back of the horse...
look into

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 At last a guru who doesn't talk crap the whole time!

 Ha! Good one. You can't accuse this guy of spouting platitudes or claiming to 
be this or that. What you bring to and take away from the 'session' is what 
only you bring to/take awayfrom it as the observer/experiencer. 

 If he comes to London I'll be there, I think a day being adoringly gazed at 
might be rather nice.

 No kidding. Watching that Angelica interviewee in that video, though, really 
gave me the willies. She looks stunned and very bliss ninnyish. Just the type 
to flock to this kind of thing. I wonder how many other woo woo things she 
does. I'll bet lots of them.

---In,  wrote :

 In a public gazing session, Braco stands on a podium and silently looks at the 
members of the audience for a period of five to ten minutes.Supporters say that 
during the gaze time they can feel tingling, see energy or a golden aura, 
experience peace or relief from pain. Believers say Braco's physical presence 
is not necessary, and gazing at a picture or video of him can be sufficient for 
healing. So if you've got a headache take a look at this video and feel the 
pain vanish . . .

[FairfieldLife] Re: Charles Aznavour Turns 90

2014-05-27 Thread merudanda
Charles Aznavour -  22.05.2014 Berlin
Charles Aznavour Live 2000 Paris 
 Charles Aznavour Live 2000 Paris 
Charles Aznavour Concert au Palais des Congrès de Paris, année 2000.
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Charles  Aznavour Live 2000 Paris Charles Aznavour Live Concert, Palais des 
Congres de Paris, 1997 
 Charles Aznavour Live Concert, Palais des Congre... The actual concert starts at around 
03:08. Presented by Lévon Sayan. Realization by Gérard Van der Gucht. Enjoy! 
Prefix - Plus bleu que tes yeux, avec Edith ...
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[FairfieldLife] Charles Aznavour Turns 90

2014-05-27 Thread merudanda
 Wishing  you – the most famous Armenian in the world – good health and many 
successes in your creative life, as well as in your social and political 
activities,Your creative work ,your unique  tenor voice: clear and ringing in 
its upper reaches, with gravelly and profound low notes and your  ideals have 
inspired and fascinated millions of people from generation to generation
Thanks for hundreds of unforgettable songs such as “La Boheme,” “She,” “Hier 
Encore/ Yesterday when I was young,” “La mamma,” “Emmenez moi” and others
You are an artist above all identities; happy birthday, Charles Aznavour. 

 See you again on stage  many more time until  your 100 th...



[FairfieldLife] Re: Jim Carrey in Patanjali Golden Dome

2014-05-24 Thread merudanda
Oh my dear Walrus (here my favorite interpretation)
Thanks for  sharing Share love it my dear one-fly run smile no-snide

 and especially the way of your delivery and description (you should do more of 
that kind,Buck is a little lacy in this regard)-  Eggman Dr.h.c.Jim Carrey- 
Philosophy Honoris Causa[u].
Here the MUM announcement I found
'How Roland Rolls'

  I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
 See how they fly. i´m crying
 See how they run. i´m crying.
 See how they smile See how they snide
I´m crying

Share hope you will post pictures or videos at the Commencement Ceremonies at 
Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M).

---In,  wrote :

I've just heard Jim Carrey deliver the commencement address at MUM and I have 
to admit that I'm bowled over by him. His address was imo a wonderful balance 
of his usual zaniness, plus deep wisdom, mmm h let us see
Jim Carrey on Awakening
Heaven is here there is no other place...
Heaven is Now there is no other time.
JimCarrey  a stand-up philosopher :
The observation or observed while excluding the observer still ironically 
happens through the observer, objectivity is subjective because this still 
comes from the subjective individual:
Jim Carrey conquers Ego ~ Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment 


Jim Carrey conquers Ego ~ Global Alliance for Transfo...
Jim Carrey  spent half this presentation with his face in a floral bouquet. 
Watch his hilarious, insightful, poignant presentation at the Global Alliance 
for ...
 generosity of spirit, compassion and such a moving humbleness.

He opened with some funny jokes about sleeping with his head towards the north 
"You know how THAT can be" and something about his pitta keeping him awake til 
vata time. He spoke sweetly about his own Dad and of course expressed 
appreciation for the parents of the graduates. 

When Bevan awarded the honorary diploma, Jim exclaimed "It's got my name on 
it," and Bevan wonderfully played along by acting surprised. But as Bevan read 
the text of the diploma, Jim looked genuinely moved. He accepted it, first 
jokingly thanking consciousness for the award. Then saying that it was good 
they gave it to someone without a big ego. Then he ended by saying how 
wonderful it was to be in the room with everyone and "I love you all."

He talked about fear being disguised as practicality (good quote)and ended by 
encouraging the graduates to choose love over fear.
Thanks again for your post.Was fun to read and to search have to wait for 
vata time..or Share want to come over gimme some tapping.mmmh thank 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Jim Carrey in Patanjali Golden Dome

2014-05-24 Thread merudanda
Oh my dear Walrus (here my favorite interpretation)
Thanks for  sharing Share love it my dear one-fly run smile no-snide

 and especially the way of your delivery and description (you should do more of 
that kind,Buck is a little lacy in this regard)- Dr.h.c.Jim Carrey- 
Philosophy Honoris Causa[u]. 
Here the MUM announcement I found
'How Roland Rolls'

 I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together
 See how they fly. i´m crying
 See how they run. i´m crying.
 See how they smile See how they snide
I´m crying

Share hope you will post pictures or videos at the Commencement Ceremonies at 
Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M).

---In,  wrote :

 I've just heard Jim Carrey deliver the commencement address at MUM and I have 
to admit that I'm bowled over by him. His address was imo a wonderful balance 
of his usual zaniness, plus deep wisdom, mmm h let us see
Jim Carrey on Awakening
Heaven is here there is no other place...
Heaven is Now there is no other time.
JimCarrey  a stand-up philosopher :
The observation or observed while excluding the observer still ironically 
happens through the observer, objectivity is subjective because this still 
comes from the subjective individual:
Jim Carrey conquers Ego ~ Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment 
 Jim Carrey conquers Ego ~ Global Alliance for Transfo... Jim Carrey spent half this 
presentation with his face in a floral bouquet. Watch his hilarious, 
insightful, poignant presentation at the Global Alliance for ...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 generosity of spirit, compassion and such a moving humbleness.

 He opened with some funny jokes about sleeping with his head towards the north 
"You know how THAT can be" and something about his pitta keeping him awake til 
vata time. He spoke sweetly about his own Dad and of course expressed 
appreciation for the parents of the graduates. 

 When Bevan awarded the honorary diploma, Jim exclaimed "It's got my name on 
it," and Bevan wonderfully played along by acting surprised. But as Bevan read 
the text of the diploma, Jim looked genuinely moved. He accepted it, first 
jokingly thanking consciousness for the award. Then saying that it was good 
they gave it to someone without a big ego. Then he ended by saying how 
wonderful it was to be in the room with everyone and "I love you all."


 He talked about fear being disguised as practicality (good quote)and ended by 
encouraging the graduates to choose love over fear. 
Thanks again for your post.Was fun to read and to search ...


[FairfieldLife] Re: A nostalgia moment

2014-05-16 Thread merudanda
Back to the Future (1985): Where Are They Now? 
 Back to the Future (1985): Where Are They Now? find out what happen to the 1985 
movie, Back to the Future.
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.. there are people just passing by not realizing who he is
Tom Wilson - New York City 
 Tom Wilson - New York City 
Skyscrapers and everything...
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Tom Wilson Stand-up Comedy Demo 2010 
 Tom Wilson Stand-up Comedy Demo 2010 This feature is not available right 
now. Please try again later. 
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I don't get irritated, I just wrote a funny song about it ..enjoy thanks 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A pretty cool car, and it's from India

2014-05-15 Thread merudanda
Yes my dearest   horse ...uhh grass hoppera  great design for MVCar
but how you got the compressed air for the compress- air -engine--would that 
-be -not -be
to use a better more advanced  scientific verified method fuel for the 
air-engine?---do you see the compressed air underneath?

do you see the compressed air underneath?

ok ok  may be by brain waves then
or combined


[FairfieldLife] Re: A pretty cool car, and it's from India

2014-05-15 Thread merudanda
thanks going along...watching Merudanda TV...
Ahh  unbounded---then why a car then
OTOH. leaving my danda at mount meru --lets consider your design
where are my eye glasses...
  (OOHMMM Buck this about other kind of horses- please

 do not read---and censor)

so--first gain unbounded purse control power  and then limit yourself to this 
gorgeous flying horse ready to become your own version of god Hermes 

ready to fly---correct?
good choice and suggestion my dear  wooden jaguar fleet owner-only question 
Did you got your Maharishi Vedic City Car Insurance  ? Here the Requirements & 

and here your recommended Indian insurance dealer and agent

---In,  wrote :

 You have a good show on - I sometimes really enjoy watching Merudanda TV. 
Vedic car design? Sure - first gain unbounded awareness, and then drive 
anything you want! My personal fave is my 98 xk8 coupe - So Much Fun. 

---In,  wrote : not getit

---In,  wrote :

 hmmm, perhaps a spotted corgi... of course if you spotted the corgi at the 
right hand drive in a "masked---uhh- Reliant Robin"---has to be  a spotted 
corgi   in " those parked around "RRs there at your place
no other free choice option--eh?
Now I know why the French invented and use the compressed-air propulsion system 
first in history...
Any idea you may contribute for the big B`s Maharishi Vedic Car design?
In  FFL slang and FFL finger pointing to the moon of fantasia :
just curious ...
Thanks for going along for a laugh...

snipeee hurray


[FairfieldLife] Re: A pretty cool car, and it's from India

2014-05-15 Thread merudanda

[FairfieldLife] Re: A pretty cool car, and it's from India

2014-05-14 Thread merudanda not getit

---In,  wrote :

 hmmm, perhaps a spotted corgi... of course if you spotted the corgi at the 
right hand drive in a "masked---uhh- Reliant Robin"---has to be  a spotted 
corgi   in " those parked around "RRs there at your place
no other free choice option--eh?
Now I know why the French invented and use the compressed-air propulsion system 
first in history...
Any idea you may contribute for the big B`s Maharishi Vedic Car design?
In  FFL slang and FFL finger pointing to the moon of fantasia :
just curious ...
Thanks for going along for a laugh...

---In,  wrote :

 Are you sure it was a dalmatian?


---In,  wrote :

 A 'Reliant Robin'! The guy up the block works on old British cars, and  I've 
seen one of those parked around here. Also a two-seater, bubble-top, right-hand 
drive, that the owner rides around in, with his dalmatian in the passenger 
seat, looking as if the dog is driving. 

---In,  wrote :

 Britishjaguar, yes now owned  by   Tata Motors since 2008
The "airy" article says: " They enlisted the help of MDI,.." Actually "The Air 
Car" according to  "air-pressed- google- engine"- has been in development for 
twenty years already by MIDI-Motor Development International SA   a French -not 
British company (incorporated in Luxembourg) whose tech-chic atelier lies in 
Carros, a palmy industrial suburb of Nice, France. Guy and Cyril Nègre (a 
self-taught mechanic who studied philosophy and worked in French carmaker 
Renault’s advertising department in the 1960s before setting up his first 
engine-design shop.), the father-and-son team behind MDI, runs out of money so 
Tata (and other  countries) licensed  MDI's technology with the aim of 
producing and selling compressed air cars in India.. 
Pneumatic propulsion was high tech in the late 19th century, when 
compressed-air engines and equipment became commonplace in Europe and North 
America. Networks of compressed-air piping vied with then-nascent electrical 
grids to power machine tools, railway hoists, and switch-yards, among other 
heavy gear. A compressed-air propulsion system for trams was already invented 
by Louis Mékarski  and tested in Paris in 1876 and introduced to the tramways 
of Nantes in 1879.
Mekarski system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Mekarski system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Mekarski system was a 
compressed-air propulsion system for trams invented by Louis Mékarski or Louis 
Mékarsky (the correct spelling is uncertai...

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 Preview by Yahoo 

No independent testing laboratory has assessed the AirPod’s performance.  The 
two big B`s poster at FFL( who seems to work  both  secretly hard on a design 
for a Vedic Car with the MVP and M.Golden Dome compressed air producer) will 
tell you and  confirm this:
In the computer industry that’s known as vaporware, an appellation that seems 
oddly appropriate for a car that runs on air.
But my dear fleeting wood , do not cry for Jaguar and the British! According to 
this report the British are the only one who are friendly enough to give  
always a helping hand for this kind of car
Rolling a Reliant Robin - Top Gear - BBC
 Rolling a Reliant Robin - Top Gear - BBC Jeremy takes the extreme sport of 
Reliant Robin rolling to the streets of Barnsley, aided by a string of 
celebrities who just happen to be on hand to help ke...

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Love and how you say---
have a nice day


[FairfieldLife] Re: A pretty cool car, and it's from India

2014-05-13 Thread merudanda
Are you sure it was a dalmatian?


---In,  wrote :

 A 'Reliant Robin'! The guy up the block works on old British cars, and  I've 
seen one of those parked around here. Also a two-seater, bubble-top, right-hand 
drive, that the owner rides around in, with his dalmatian in the passenger 
seat, looking as if the dog is driving. 

---In,  wrote :

 Britishjaguar, yes now owned  by   Tata Motors since 2008
The "airy" article says: " They enlisted the help of MDI,.." Actually "The Air 
Car" according to  "air-pressed- google- engine"- has been in development for 
twenty years already by MIDI-Motor Development International SA   a French -not 
British company (incorporated in Luxembourg) whose tech-chic atelier lies in 
Carros, a palmy industrial suburb of Nice, France. Guy and Cyril Nègre (a 
self-taught mechanic who studied philosophy and worked in French carmaker 
Renault’s advertising department in the 1960s before setting up his first 
engine-design shop.), the father-and-son team behind MDI, runs out of money so 
Tata (and other  countries) licensed  MDI's technology with the aim of 
producing and selling compressed air cars in India.. 
Pneumatic propulsion was high tech in the late 19th century, when 
compressed-air engines and equipment became commonplace in Europe and North 
America. Networks of compressed-air piping vied with then-nascent electrical 
grids to power machine tools, railway hoists, and switch-yards, among other 
heavy gear. A compressed-air propulsion system for trams was already invented 
by Louis Mékarski  and tested in Paris in 1876 and introduced to the tramways 
of Nantes in 1879.
Mekarski system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Mekarski system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Mekarski system was a 
compressed-air propulsion system for trams invented by Louis Mékarski or Louis 
Mékarsky (the correct spelling is uncertai...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

No independent testing laboratory has assessed the AirPod’s performance.  The 
two big B`s poster at FFL( who seems to work  both  secretly hard on a design 
for a Vedic Car with the MVP and M.Golden Dome compressed air producer) will 
tell you and  confirm this:
In the computer industry that’s known as vaporware, an appellation that seems 
oddly appropriate for a car that runs on air.
But my dear fleeting wood , do not cry for Jaguar and the British! According to 
this report the British are the only one who are friendly enough to give  
always a helping hand for this kind of car
Rolling a Reliant Robin - Top Gear - BBC
 Rolling a Reliant Robin - Top Gear - BBC Jeremy takes the extreme sport of 
Reliant Robin rolling to the streets of Barnsley, aided by a string of 
celebrities who just happen to be on hand to help ke...

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 Preview by Yahoo 

Love and how you say---
have a nice day

[FairfieldLife] Re: A pretty cool car, and it's from India

2014-05-13 Thread merudanda
Britishjaguar, yes now owned  by   Tata Motors since 2008
The "airy" article says: " They enlisted the help of MDI,.." Actually "The Air 
Car" according to  "air-pressed- google- engine"- has been in development for 
twenty years already by MIDI-Motor Development International SA   a French -not 
British company (incorporated in Luxembourg) whose tech-chic atelier lies in 
Carros, a palmy industrial suburb of Nice, France. Guy and Cyril Nègre (a 
self-taught mechanic who studied philosophy and worked in French carmaker 
Renault’s advertising department in the 1960s before setting up his first 
engine-design shop.), the father-and-son team behind MDI, runs out of money so 
Tata (and other  countries) licensed  MDI's technology with the aim of 
producing and selling compressed air cars in India.. 
Pneumatic propulsion was high tech in the late 19th century, when 
compressed-air engines and equipment became commonplace in Europe and North 
America. Networks of compressed-air piping vied with then-nascent electrical 
grids to power machine tools, railway hoists, and switch-yards, among other 
heavy gear. A compressed-air propulsion system for trams was already invented 
by Louis Mékarski  and tested in Paris in 1876 and introduced to the tramways 
of Nantes in 1879.
Mekarski system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Mekarski system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Mekarski system was a 
compressed-air propulsion system for trams invented by Louis Mékarski or Louis 
Mékarsky (the correct spelling is uncertai...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

No independent testing laboratory has assessed the AirPod’s performance.  The 
two big B`s poster at FFL( who seems to work  both  secretly hard on a design 
for a Vedic Car with the MVP and M.Golden Dome compressed air producer) will 
tell you and  confirm this:
In the computer industry that’s known as vaporware, an appellation that seems 
oddly appropriate for a car that runs on air.
But my dear fleeting wood , do not cry for Jaguar and the British! According to 
this report the British are the only one who are friendly enough to give  
always a helping hand for this kind of car
Rolling a Reliant Robin - Top Gear - BBC 
 Rolling a Reliant Robin - Top Gear - BBC Jeremy takes the extreme sport of 
Reliant Robin rolling to the streets of Barnsley, aided by a string of 
celebrities who just happen to be on hand to help ke...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Love and how you say---
have a nice day

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheists Can't Transcend

2014-05-13 Thread merudanda
interesting point and observation
see more below

---In,  wrote :

 Even someone like me with genuine, diagnosed-by-a-doctor OCD, can transcend 
just fine. Obsessing about TM is Just Another Obsession and doesn't interfere 
with the practice any more than any other obsession -it's all just thinking, 
afterall, and if you can obsess, er, think, you can meditate. 

 It reflect the recent  study by Radomsky which "shows that it's not the 
unwanted, intrusive thoughts that are the problem -- it's what you make of 
those thoughts"  "People with OCD and related problems are very much like 
everyone else.""Almost everyone has these kinds of thoughts. They're normal, 
and they're a part of being human,"
Happen to review not long ago these article -.Still have the pdf files -Being a 
little busy but just in case  you are interested can-may send it next time 

The surveys were taken in different countries with different cultures and 
languages, (13 countries across six continents, including  Canada, Argentina, 
Australia, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Iran, Israel, Italy, Sierra Leone, Spain, 
Turkey and the United States)potentially making it hard to directly compare the 
responses. ( Some of the more interesting differences that emerged were 
associated with the fact that some languages/cultures do not have a simple term 
or expression for ‘intrusive’: the  IITIS questionnaire  has to be translated 
in nine languages English, Cantonese, French,Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Persian, 
Spanish, and Turkish.)
Also, the survey questions may not have turned up an accurate number of 
intrusive thoughts among the participants and the study only looks at college 
students, not older or younger people, it still provides the first empirical 
evidence that obsessions might have their origins in the normal thought 
processes that characterize the stream of consciousness.
here some more at the journal site

If you are interested  can send you a additional special issue on a global 
perspective on unwanted intrusive thoughts  with a commentary by Professor Jack 
Rachman who  situate the current findings within the historical context of 
intrusions and cognitive-behavioral approaches to OCD. Professor Rachman can be 
considered the “founder of intrusive thoughts”, at least in reference to OCD.
A sample quote: 
"Not all uninvited thoughts are unacceptable. Some are pleasant,some amusing, 
and some can be creative. For example Mozart and Beethoven described how some 
of their musical thoughts “intruded”. Mozart's often arrived fully formed, and 
Beethoven had many that “pounded into his head.”

Reviewing was easy since the study acknowledges several caveats that could 
affect the reliability of its findings and the remaining caveats was covered  
by Professor Jack Rachman`s commentary.

BTW my dear Lazarus: Assuming that you have transcended quite often during a 
assuming long period of time.--your NS could-may be  accustomed to the silent 
aspect of your mind and you feel-consider thought as noise  and somehow painful 
and therefore "intrusive and compulsive"?
Happen quite often...just saying

-sniper snip



[FairfieldLife] Re: A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread merudanda

 Correction below

---In,  wrote :

 O my dear big L  traveler in Umberto Eco`s hyperreality -land- of- the 
-harmless-free -celebrating -the wild-sipping  from the horror vacui bowl at 
the Faith in Fake Lounge, .."with straw hat and lollipops"
 ---In,  wrote cogito 
interruptus-esque :It's all just "multi-personal, pantheistic solipsism," you 
know. L our dearest Lazarus, stranded all alone in the gas station of love 
having to use the self-service pumps...
Welcome to the" Second Centennial Convention of the Interuniversal Society for 
Eschatological Pantheistic Multiple-Ego Solipsism" at Fairy Field Light

Snipe -snipee snip snip snip




[FairfieldLife] Re: A thought -- freely willed -- about determinism

2014-05-13 Thread merudanda
O my dear big L  traveler in Umberto Eco`s hyperreality  sipping  from the 
horror vacui bowl at the Faith in Fake Lounge, ..
 ---In,  wrote :It's all just 
"multi-personal, pantheistic solipsism," you know. L our dearest Lazarus, 
stranded all alone in the gas station of love having to use the self-service 
Welcome to the" Second Centennial Convention of the Interuniversal Society for 
Eschatological Pantheistic Multiple-Ego Solipsism" at Fairy Field Light

Snipe -snipee snip snip snip




[FairfieldLife] Re: Risto Räppääjä ja nuude lipää, ja kauhea makkara

2014-04-28 Thread merudanda
thanks  for the happy clapping   
my shy 

---In,  wrote :

 John Spencer playing Leo McGarry, Chief of Staff to President Bartlet in West 
"There are two things in the world you never want to let people see how you 
make 'em: laws and sausages." 

maybe noodles too...
 agrrd  but  shouldn't we be more concerned about the making of  
But OTHO you may be right a crownedhead could hide the sprouting  oodles of 

and since you quote serious stuff

nice mustache, eh?
OHH it's darkening  again and i forgot to translate the  Japaneseforgive me

[FairfieldLife] Re: Risto Räppääjä ja nuude lipää, ja kauhea makkara

2014-04-28 Thread merudanda
seems some Miles to go ...
to Fairy Field and MUM??
Bring me down… can’t nothing…
 Bring me down… your love is too high…
 Bring me down… can’t nothing…
 Maybe even FFL poster is in it! certainly there you are

---In,  wrote :

 no no merudanda san, this is sign of rising evolutionary trends, imho. Maybe 
even FFL poster is in it! (-:
Pharrell Williams - Happy (Nagoya is also Happy!)
 Pharrell Williams - Happy (Nagoya is also Happy!)

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 On Monday, April 28, 2014 5:51 AM, merudanda  wrote:
   Noodlehead and the Horrible Sausage


  Young audiences around the world are enjoying Finnish classics. Finland’s 
first independent, international literary agency representing Finnish authors, 
illustrators and publishers in international markets. "Global audiences cannot 
seem to get enough of Finnish children’s books. New translations are rolling 
off the presses worldwide in languages as diverse as Arabic, Norwegian and 

 Maharishi's Global Good News service views this news as a sign of rising 
positivity in the field of culture, documenting the growth of life-supporting, 
evolutionary trends. 
 ...or is it just the noodle head..
 ...but then what's about the sausage..horrible




[FairfieldLife] Re: Risto Räppääjä ja nuude lipää, ja kauhea makkara

2014-04-28 Thread merudanda
Finland's Sofi Oksanen has been awarded the Budapest Grand Prize at the 
International Book Festival of Budapest (24- 27 April 2014

[FairfieldLife] Risto Räppääjä ja nuudelipää, ja kauhea makkara

2014-04-28 Thread merudanda
Noodlehead and the Horrible Sausage


  Young audiences around the world are enjoying Finnish classics. Finland’s 
first independent, international literary agency representing Finnish authors, 
illustrators and publishers in international markets. "Global audiences cannot 
seem to get enough of Finnish children’s books. New translations are rolling 
off the presses worldwide in languages as diverse as Arabic, Norwegian and 

 Maharishi's Global Good News service views this news as a sign of rising 
positivity in the field of culture, documenting the growth of life-supporting, 
evolutionary trends. 
 ...or is it just the noodle head..
 ...but then what's about the sausage..horrible


[FairfieldLife] Re: Crazy stuff here. but

2014-04-28 Thread merudanda
btw Actually a quite readable article  at Wikipedia about 
Kayasthas caste
Interesting in the English version MMY is not mentioned as " noteworthy people 
of the Kayastha caste of India"
But in the Hindi version

and the German version MMY is mentioned among other

in the very interesting Nepali version again MMY not mention
as well in the  Chinese and Swedish one not mentioned

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crazy stuff here. but

2014-04-28 Thread merudanda

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crazy stuff here. but

2014-04-27 Thread merudanda
But... but...let’s not forget : “This is a work of fiction. All characters. 
names, and events, except the obvious historical and political ones, are the 
author's creations «  you can read at the beginning of this novel.Yes you are 
right it is more an "attitude pop up in a (fictional)conversation".The original 
one with a description where when and how it has taken place would be much more 

  The quotes and narrative fictional dialogue in are embedded in a 
discussion about caste discrimination, and animal cruelty, referring to bah. 
the common practice of animal sacrifice in the Himalayas and trying to discover 
more about their own culture, their relationship and themselves. It’s a 
beautiful enchanting narration describing an Indian anthropologist (certainly 
describing  Anoop Chandola himself), his wife(not so sure about this), and his 
passionate, fresh, and vocal graduate students visit Dehradun and their 
struggle between questions about the nature of morality, the authenticity of 
folk heroes, and the reality of ritual possession. Situated at the  state 
capital in the shadows of the Garhwal Himalayas, they witness the religious, 
cultural, and political undercurrents stirred up by a performance of the 
ancient Bhagavad Gita and, whether because of the hypnotic drumming(Anoop 
Chandola's best article and research are about folk drumming in North India) or 
the inspired analysis emerging from the group and their hosts, each become 
entangled in what can only be appropriately called as their own dharma war
 ... "You are still a Pahari even if you live in America. But the Maharishi is 
not Pahari, even if hh has his own town near Rishikcsh. His language is Hindi. 
He came here from central India. His caste is Kayastli. There is no Pahari 
Kayastli castc. No drummer will sing his song."
 Let's  not be mixed with up their fictional dharma war with our here at FFL .
 Especially  the non-Governor-initiator-movement contributors...non-movers  and 
shakers here at FFL.
  Not that FFL poster are also  trying to discover more about their own 
culture, their relationship among   themselve.

 ---In,  wrote :

 Thanks for mention Anoop Chandola, LEnglish5. Will not forget meeting him in 
Graz during a musicology conference. His understanding of Hindi , music and 
"his"field of musicolinguistics are certainly beyond Girish grasp (BTW speaking 
of big G.The father in law of the woman who has accused Girish of exploitation 
had taught him music in a Jabalpur college and he was called  a family friend).
 In a way  this scene described in this novel somehow resonate with the related 
post  I sent Share actually answering Buck’s inquiring. 
 (scroll down...)


---In,  wrote :


 That attitude pops up in conversations in his latest book, In the Himalayan 

 (see especially page 190). Doesn’t it goes like this in his" In the Himalayan 
Nights, " novel (but.. but.. do not forget to scroll down to the end of the 
quote in my second post) :
 « According to devout Hindus, a visit to Jothimath and the nearby temple of 
Badrinath on the border of Tibet are enough for spiritual release or moksha. In 
the great Hindu tradition of pilgrimage, millions of devotees come here every 
summer. The head monk of the Jothimath monastery is called Shankaracharya. He 
teaches meditation, too. It definitely releases your stress, so even 
non-believers cone here to learn meditation.
 For example, the famous Shankaracharv Swami Brahmananda. taught it to his own 
disciple Mahesh. The Brahmin swami was charismatic himself, but nowhere close 
to his non-Brahmin disciple. After the death of his guru, Mahesh took 
meditation out to the world. He modified its name to include his own: 
Transcendental Meditation and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (the Sanskrit word is  
Maharshi "great sage.").
 "I learned TM from a disciple of the Maharishi. He never recommended 
meat-eating. But he was championing the Vedic culture..."
 "Everybody knows him as the guru of the Beatles. Even the Paharis know him. He 
lived for years in the monastery of Jothimath. and then he established the 
meditation colony between Rishikesh and Dehradun."
 "You mean the Shankaracharya Nagar?"
 "Yes, after his teacher's title. Only the Garhwal Maharajas founded new towns 
or nagars after their names: Srinagar. Kirtinagar, Narendra Nagar...It's  
amazing how the Maharishi got that kind of money!"
 "That's an interesting question." I said, because I saw one of his interviews. 
An American talk show host wondered about his big money. The Maharishi was 
quick to answer, "You can see. I have no pockets!" He spread his hands from his 
chest downward. He meant his dhoti. the plain long white cloth he had on his 
body. The entire audience laug

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crazy stuff here. but

2014-04-27 Thread merudanda

 Thanks for mention Anoop Chandola, LEnglish5. Will not forget meeting him in 
Graz during a musicology conference. His understanding of Hindi , music and 
"his"field of musicolinguistics are certainly beyond Girish grasp (BTW speaking 
of big G.The father in law of the woman who has accused Girish of exploitation 
had taught him music in a Jabalpur college and he was called  a family friend).
 In a way  this scene described in this novel somehow resonate with the related 
post  I sent Share actually answering Buck’s inquiring. 
 (scroll down...)


---In,  wrote :


 That attitude pops up in conversations in his latest book, In the Himalayan 

 (see especially page 190). Doesn’t it goes like this in his" In the Himalayan 
Nights, " novel (but.. but.. do not forget to scroll down to the end of the 
quote in my second post) :
 « According to devout Hindus, a visit to Jothimath and the nearby temple of 
Badrinath on the border of Tibet are enough for spiritual release or moksha. In 
the great Hindu tradition of pilgrimage, millions of devotees come here every 
summer. The head monk of the Jothimath monastery is called Shankaracharya. He 
teaches meditation, too. It definitely releases your stress, so even 
non-believers cone here to learn meditation.
 For example, the famous Shankaracharv Swami Brahmananda. taught it to his own 
disciple Mahesh. The Brahmin swami was charismatic himself, but nowhere close 
to his non-Brahmin disciple. After the death of his guru, Mahesh took 
meditation out to the world. He modified its name to include his own: 
Transcendental Meditation and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (the Sanskrit word is  
Maharshi "great sage.").
 "I learned TM from a disciple of the Maharishi. He never recommended 
meat-eating. But he was championing the Vedic culture..."
 "Everybody knows him as the guru of the Beatles. Even the Paharis know him. He 
lived for years in the monastery of Jothimath. and then he established the 
meditation colony between Rishikesh and Dehradun."
 "You mean the Shankaracharya Nagar?"
 "Yes, after his teacher's title. Only the Garhwal Maharajas founded new towns 
or nagars after their names: Srinagar. Kirtinagar, Narendra Nagar...It's  
amazing how the Maharishi got that kind of money!"
 "That's an interesting question." I said, because I saw one of his interviews. 
An American talk show host wondered about his big money. The Maharishi was 
quick to answer, "You can see. I have no pockets!" He spread his hands from his 
chest downward. He meant his dhoti. the plain long white cloth he had on his 
body. The entire audience laughed. The host saw no pockets on his clothing and 
did not ask again about money.
 "But he did have a lot of money," Shib Dutt said. "Usually most people need 
more money, especially if they have children. The Maharishi has no children. He 
is a monk. A monk who is a non-meat-eater, non-drinker, non-night-lifer, 
non-suitor-booster does not need that big money. He spent that money in 
propagating his TM. His wording. Transcendental Meditation for dhyana turned 
out good for publicity. Quite a smart move...I mean, meditation or dhyana is 
the seventh stage of the standard yoga, and the eighth and last is samadhi. The 
eighth definitely transcends the seventh. He mixed both under TM. Altogether, 
Maharishi was very good at the guru business. Rishikesh-Hardwar area has the 
biggest baba-bazaar of the world. Here you can shop around for big babas. Don t 
you think he beats all those holy men? "
 In my head, the same question was reverberating, so I asked him, "The 
Maharishi lived in Garhvval for so many years. He would have been the 
Shankaracharya at Jothimath."
 "No. He was denied that title. He w as not a Brahmin. His Kayasth caste 
disqualified him. He would have been a better Shankaracharya than either of 
those two quarreling Brahmin Shankaracharyas though."
 "Yes. I heard of the two Shankaracharv as who went to the Allahabad High Court 
to settle the claim." I said to show my familiarity with the court case.
 "The Maharishi could have claimed that position," Shib Dutt said, slapping his 
thigh for emphasis.
 "But then the Maharishi could have challenged the caste system. Some even 
believe that the Kayasth caste does not fit in the traditional varna system."
 "It is an irony that the Maharishi accepted the worthless caste system.The 
Gîta was his favorite scripture. He never challenged its support of the varna. 
He was a student of physics. Shouldn't he have debunked the claim of Krishna as 
the head of Nature as simply a myth created by the Brahmin men?"
 "It's not easv to overcome the male chauvinism of thousands of years. I 
understand what vou mean. Krishna is masculine and Prakriti is feminine.This 
feminine Nature does everything by His will. So it implies 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Crazy stuff here. but

2014-04-27 Thread merudanda
But... but...let’s not forget : “This is a work of fiction. All characters. 
names, and events, except the obvious historical and political ones, are the 
author's creations «  you can read at the beginning of this novel
  The quotes and narrative fictional dialoque in are embedded in a 
discussion about caste discrimination, and animal cruelty, referring to bah. 
the common practice of animal sacrifice in thc Himalayas and trying to discover 
more about their own culture, their relationship and themselves. It’s a 
beautiful enchanting narration describing an Indian anthropologist, his wife, 
and his passionate, fresh, and vocal graduate students visit Dehradun and their 
struggle between questions about the nature of morality, the authenticity of 
folk heroes, and the reality of ritual possession. Situated at the  state 
capital in the shadows of the Garhwal Himalayas, they witness the religious, 
cultural, and political undercurrents stirred up by a performance of the 
ancient Bhagavad Gita and, whether because of the hypnotic drumming or the 
inspired analysis emerging from the group and their hosts, each become 
entangled in what can only be appropriately called as their own dharma war
 ... "You are still a Pahari even if you live in America. But the Maharishi is 
not Pahari, even if hh has his own town near Rishikcsh. His language is Hindi. 
He came here from central India. His caste is Kayastli. There is no Pahari 
Kayastli castc. No drummer will sing his song."
 Let's  not be mixed up their fictional dharma war with our here at FFL .
 Especially  the non-Governor-initiator-movement contributors...movers  and 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Crazy stuff here. but

2014-04-27 Thread merudanda
Thanks for mention him. Will not forget meeting him in Graz His understanding 
of Hindi and music is certainly beyond Girish grasp (BTW the father in law of 
the woman who has accused him of exploitation had taught Girish music in a 
Jabalpur college and he was called  a family friend)In a way  this scene 
described in this novel somehow resonate with the related post  I sent Share 
actually answering Buck’s inquiring. 


 Doesn’t it goes like this in this novel (but.. but.. do not forget to scroll 
down to the end of the quote in my second post) :
 « According to devout Hindus, a visit to Jothimath and the nearby temple of 
Badrinath on the border of Tibet are enough for spiritual release or moksha. In 
the great Hindu tradition of pilgrimage, millions of devotees come here every 
summer. The head monk of the Jothimath monastery is called Shankaracharya. He 
teaches meditation, too. It definitely releases your stress, so even 
non-believers cone here to learn meditation.
 For example, the famous Shankaracharv Swami Brahmananda. taught it to his own 
disciple Mahesh. The Brahmin swami was charismatic himself, but nowhere close 
to his non-Brahmin disciple. After the death of his guru, Mahesh took 
meditation out to the world. He modified its name to include his own: 
Transcendental Meditation and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (the Sanskrit word is  
Maharshi "great sage.").
 "I learned TM from a disciple of the Maharishi. He never recommended 
meat-eating. But he was championing the Vedic culture..."
 "Everybody knows him as the guru of the Beatles. Even the Paharis know him. He 
lived for years in the monastery of Jothimath. and then he established the 
meditation colony between Rishikesh and Dehradun."
 "You mean the Shankaracharya Nagar?"
 "Yes, after his teacher's title. Only the Garhwal Maharajas founded new towns 
or nagars after their names: Srinagar. Kirtinagar, Narendra Nagar...It's  
amazing how the Maharishi got that kind of money!"
 "That's an interesting question." I said, because I saw one of his interviews. 
An American talk show host wondered about his big money. The Maharishi was 
quick to answer, "You can see. I have no pockets!" He spread his hands from his 
chest downward. He meant his dhoti. the plain long white cloth he had on his 
body. The entire audience laughed. The host saw no pockets on his clothing and 
did not ask again about money.
 "But he did have a lot of money," Shib Dutt said. "Usually most people need 
more money, especially if they have children. The Maharishi has no children. He 
is a monk. A monk who is a non-meat-eater, non-drinker, non-night-lifer, 
non-suitor-booster does not need that big money. He spent that money in 
propagating his TM. His wording. Transcendental Meditation for dhyana turned 
out good for publicity. Quite a smart move...I mean, meditation or dhyana is 
the seventh stage of the standard yoga, and the eighth and last is samadhi. The 
eighth definitely transcends the seventh. He mixed both under TM. Altogether, 
Maharishi was very good at the guru business. Rishikesh-Hardwar area has the 
biggest baba-bazaar of the world. Here you can shop around for big babas. Don t 
you think he beats all those holy men? "
 In my head, the same question was reverberating, so I asked him, "The 
Maharishi lived in Garhvval for so many years. He would have been the 
Shankaracharya at Jothimath."
 "No. He was denied that title. He w as not a Brahmin. His Kayasth caste 
disqualified him. He would have been a better Shankaracharya than either of 
those two quarreling Brahmin Shankaracharyas though."
 "Yes. I heard of the two Shankaracharv as who went to the Allahabad High Court 
to settle the claim." I said to show my familiarity with the court case.
 "The Maharishi could have claimed that position," Shib Dutt said, slapping his 
thigh for emphasis.
 "But then the Maharishi could have challenged the caste system. Some even 
believe that the Kayasth caste does not fit in the traditional varna system."
 "It is an irony that the Maharishi accepted the worthless caste system.The 
Gîta was his favorite scripture. He never challenged its support of the varna. 
He was a student of physics. Shouldn't he have debunked the claim of Krishna as 
the head of Nature as simply a myth created by the Brahmin men?"
 "It's not easv to overcome the male chauvinism of thousands of years. I 
understand what vou mean. Krishna is masculine and Prakriti is feminine.This 
feminine Nature does everything by His will. So it implies that the ultimate 
boss of any woman las to be a male. Krishna could have said. 'All of us. 
including me, are govcrncd by Nature's laws.' He didn't. His voice is male."
 . "Mahesh Yogi would have lost his popular appeal in India if he had 
questioned the Gita-chauvinism. He was a clever man. His opinions resonated 
very well. How could he fool people into believing that mass meditation with 
mantras causes world peace? Devotees in huge numbers have been praying for

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brahmachari Girish Varma Ji "is to be praised"

2014-04-25 Thread merudanda
... according to some publication and report Girish Chandra Varma(GCV) owns 
himself  only 7000 crore worth of property. (7000 crore rupees or 1.5 Billion 
US )... records?


---In,  wrote :

 By the way, why does everyone say that GIrish Varma is a billionaire? Has 
anyone seen his bank accounts or tax records?

just wait for result of land grab charges and investigation
BTW people who loves MMY  are trying to distance themselves from him for 
yearsyou seems to be quite out of touch Lord L.

---In,  wrote :

 What *you* have said doesn't make any sense at all.  

---In,  wrote :

 Girish is a billionaire. It doesn't make much sense that he would have to 
resort to threats to have sex.

---In,  wrote :

 Dunno anything about Girish Varma except that many people who are hostile to 
Maharishi are also hostile to him. The accusation of rape is interesting 
because the behavior allegedly lasted for about 15 years, and involved the wife 
of his assistant being invited to accompany her husband on trips so that Varma 
would be able to access the room of the husband and wife whenever he wanted 
while the husband was doing errands for Varma. 

 According to the wife, this allowed Varma to have sex with her over a period 
of 15 years whenever her husband went out. The wife kept her mouth shut on the 
threat that her husband and she would lose their jobs if she said anything. The 
husband says that he knew nothing of the arrangement until about a year or so 
ago when he was fired, and his wife was fired, thereupon she confessed the 
arrangement to him and they went to the police.

 This is India we are talking about,  so I nave no idea how plausible the 
scenario is within that culture.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Funding for Pundits Pulled

2014-04-25 Thread merudanda

 Training and employment of Vedic Pandits is being carried out by Maharishi 
Veda Vigyan Vishwa Vidya Peeth, a charitable trust in India.
 The management team for these charities in India is led by Dr. Girish Chandra 
Varma. Dr Varma is Director General of the Maharishi Capital of World Peace in 
the Brahmasthan of India, Chancellor of Maharishi University of Management, 
Chhattisgarh, and as Chancellor of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools group has 
provided the executive direction over the establishment and operation of a 
private school system with 160 schools and 88,000 students.
 See Maharishi Vedic Pandits throwing flower over him, chanting and praying

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Case for Spiritual Pragmatism

2014-04-23 Thread merudanda

 ---In,  wrote :

 I'm taking a short break from work, walking my enlightened dog
Come on now 
Walking your enlightened dog
Just  walking the dog
If you don't know how to do it
Show you how to walk the dog
Come on now, come on, come on

Oh oh, just a, just a, just a walking
if if you donna do it.. see what happen then

and thought I'd spend a few minutes on this sunny afternoon rapping about one 
of the things I like about some Buddhists I've met. Despite what Nabby says, 
I'm not actually a Buddhist myself. I couldn't be, because I don't even agree 
with the first of its Four Noble Truths. 

But I have met many Buddhists over the years (definitely *not* including the 
Rama/Fred Lenz guy, who only called himself a Buddhist), and one thing strikes 
me about the best of them is that they're pragmatic. 

The historical Buddha reputedly refused to be drawn into discussions of or 
arguments about the How and Why of things. He considered it a waste of time. 
His focus was on the What of things -- what is happening, right now, here, in 
the moment? In his view, it didn't really help to ponder How the events in this 
moment happened or Why they happened. Whatever you come up with will be only 
one view of the moment, and it won't really help you to deal with the moment 
itself. Better to focus, in his opinion, on the moment itself, and surfing it 

I'm kinda drawn that way myself, which is why some aspects of Buddhism appeal 
to me. The cool Buddhists I've known don't really spend much time pondering 
theories of How or Why things happen. They just deal with the What of things, 
as they happen. 

And y'know, most of the time they're more *effective* at dealing with the 
moment than those who are off on the sidelines somewhere trying to figure out 
Why it happened or How. By the time they come up with an "explanation" that 
they can settle for, the moment has passed and they've lost their chance to 
deal with it at all. 

That's all. Now Nabby can go ballistic because someone mentioned "Buddhists."  


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Case for Spiritual Pragmatism

2014-04-23 Thread merudanda
HEEEi you forgot to insert some illustration... may i help u out

---In,  wrote :

 I'm taking a short break from work, and thought I'd spend a few minutes on 
this sunny afternoon rapping about one of the things I like about some 
Buddhists I've met. Despite what Nabby says, I'm not actually a Buddhist 
myself. I couldn't be, because I don't even agree with the first of its Four 
Noble Truths.

But I have met many Buddhists over the years (definitely *not* including the 
Rama/Fred Lenz guy, who only called himself a Buddhist), and one thing strikes 
me about the best of them is that they're pragmatic. 

The historical Buddha reputedly refused to be drawn into discussions of or 
arguments about the How and Why of things. He considered it a waste of time. 
His focus was on the What of things -- what is happening, right now, here, in 
the moment? In his view, it didn't really help to ponder How the events in this 
moment happened or Why they happened. Whatever you come up with will be only 
one view of the moment, and it won't really help you to deal with the moment 
itself. Better to focus, in his opinion, on the moment itself, and surfing it 

I'm kinda drawn that way myself, which is why some aspects of Buddhism appeal 
to me. The cool Buddhists I've known don't really spend much time pondering 
theories of How or Why things happen. They just deal with the What of things, 
as they happen. 

And y'know, most of the time they're more *effective* at dealing with the 
moment than those who are off on the sidelines somewhere trying to figure out 
Why it happened or How. By the time they come up with an "explanation" that 
they can settle for, the moment has passed and they've lost their chance to 
deal with it at all. 
Isn't it nice that Maya stop asking question

That's all. Now Nabby can go ballistic because someone mentioned "Buddhists."  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Cities.. . ..Live the Golden Age!

2014-04-23 Thread merudanda

"vedic city" Excellent investment opportunity with buy back offer (40% return)
"For the first time, A city rises in the heart of greater Noida that will take 
us back to the golden ages,A city that is so exclusive that it will change the 
real estate forever. A city crafted with the heritage of the golden age and 
decked up with all modern facilities, A city that personifies grand lifestyle 
vedic city is destined to create a historic landmark.
 Presenting vedic city, Where the glory of ancient india meets the modernity of 
the 21st century. The lifestyle of royal india has only found form in our 
minds,Through art,Architecture and historical literature. Today we invite you 
to become a part of that mystical grandeur in the Vedic city.
 The township is spread across 580 acres of fertile land in gr.Noida-Ncr. As 
the name suggests the architectural theme is inspired by  a glorious era of 
Indian history. Set to become the most desired luxury lifestyle in north india, 
Vedic city will be the home of a privileged few. To maintain a few other 
highlights of city:Group housing,Independent villas,Plots etc.Helipads for 
quick transportation.Electric commuting system through out the integrated 
township.Yoga ashrams,Medical & sporting facilities for body and mind 
etc.Proposed metro(Bodak) connectivity. Immediate access from eastern 
peripheral express way World renowned art gallery and museum. The inspiration 
for vedic city can be found in the glorious ancient history of india.Known as 
the golden period in the 3 rd and 4 thcentury bc this vast fertile land 
wasPopulated by a civilization made up of highly skilled, Well educated and 
artisticPeople. The mauryas, Guptas, Ashoka, The buddha and other spiritual 
giants Walked the earth. Art, Architecture, Music, Dance all flourished with 
good fervor and Patronage from the rulers.The grand structure, Palaces, 
Universities like nalanda and ones in takshila,Temples and halls for performing 
arts  were wonders of the earth." 
And... and... the newest inventions and technologies 
See sample at the entrance of the conference hall in Paris

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vedic Cities.. . ..Live the Golden Age!

2014-04-23 Thread merudanda

hhhM shantii

YOU HAVE ALREADY MISSED THE 9:30 Welcome coffee!!! served by Turquoise b  
at EHESS - Salles 638-640  -  190-198, avenue de France  -  75013 Paris
and missed  the opportunity to join the session 
1.Vedic Scholarship Today (actually everybody has been waiting for you)
2.Regional “Revivals” of the Veda at Fairfield, Iowa
 3.Women's Recitation of the Veda   and be Good under the direction of Vedic instructions;

But Buck
If you hurry up you may join the discussion on Thursday 15th May 2014 “Veda for 
the Common Man”the French version Veda for Dummies
and not to forget  the session 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Deepak Chopra : Vedic ‘Science’ for Perfect Health by 
Maya Warrier (University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter)who examines 
contemporary forms of bhakti (devotion) and seva (service) practised by the 
urban Indian ‘middle class’ devotees of the transnational guru Mata 
Amritanandamayi (popularly known as Amma) and explores Hindu traditions in the 
Western ‘New Age’ complex 
and of course 
“Vedic Communism”, 
Vedic Absolutism in the Heartland of the United States.Fairfield, 

[FairfieldLife] Pope Francis goes to confession

2014-03-31 Thread merudanda
 Stunned priest hears Pope Francis confession without warning..turn yesterday 
by breaking with tradition and publicly confessing his sins while leading a 
penitential liturgy in St. Peter's Basilica. Next time someone tell him not to 
read the FFL postings every day...





[FairfieldLife] Re: Unifying String Theory

2014-03-31 Thread merudanda
You realize that your place and position in history is that You will go down as 
the voice of this generation, of this decade, You will be the loudest voice..

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unifying String Theory

2014-03-31 Thread merudanda
it’s a rope, Tuco. 

Now I want you to get up there and put your head in that noose.

That will teach you to tell me that I can’t differentiate between Vampire 
Weekend and Ra Ra Riot.

you shooting Buck you
 from the Dome

---In,  wrote :

 It's a snake!

 No, those are particles.
 No, It's a wave function..  .

 Field Work in Latest Research. ..


Re: [FairfieldLife] IS TM and Effortless Practice?

2014-03-29 Thread merudanda

other posters kite?

 'Mahila akhada' Judy and Swami Turquoisebe?

maharishis pandits?

Golden Dome male and female peace flying choir?

[FairfieldLife] Re: You and me are like the devil and holy water

2014-03-26 Thread merudanda

Nuvole svaniscono dal cielo del mio cuore lasciandomi il ricordo di un forte 

Clouds disappear from the sky of my heart
 Leaving the memory of a strong storm
 Being troubled inside
 When I decided to change
 The sun merges into the mists of winter 
 there is no way only  desert that I see all around
 you are my hope
 I could not live without.
Now I am traveling between new and true emotions
 And confronting that painful look in your eye
 So in distress--and then
Still could not live without...
And when the day is ending
 I stop and wait
 And will talk about a new dawn.

Waiting waiting I  remember was waiting for the glow of every  new initiate 
after meditation and had never never left her or/and him without that glow ...
on the face and ..gesture
But it is very late now here for that ancient one and soon the dawn will shine 
again as it has been for thousand of yearsin eternity

[FairfieldLife] Re: You and me are like the devil and holy water

2014-03-26 Thread merudanda
She is certainly singing about her relationship with Christ. Alicia Keys may or 
may not mean it that way, but Sister could!
Then someone stands on a stage (I am talking about the guy almost crying- said 
person is from the music industry which is well know for promoting satanic 
symbolism.)and displays satanic gestures,  proclaiming his belief. just watch 
the body language of bothjust saying and hinting
Also did you not realize that in Italian Catholic culture a "horn down" sign 
meant "down with the devil so to speak"?
Senza la tua voce
Senza il tuo respiro
Senza la tua luce
Senza la tua mano
Senza le tue braccia che mi accorgono
Che mi scaldano che mi amano.
Without your voice
 Without your breath
 Without your light
 Without your hand
 Without your arms I realize
 The heat that loves me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: You and me are like the devil and holy water

2014-03-26 Thread merudanda
31,850,775 wanted to see and hear that, too  
No one, no one, no one
 Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
 No one, no one, no one.

[FairfieldLife] You and me are like the devil and holy water

2014-03-26 Thread merudanda
I just want you closeWhere you can stay foreverYou can be sureThat it will only 
get betterYou and me together
"The Voice of Italy"  judges  couldn't believe their ears when they heard 
Sister Cristina Scuccia, a member of the Ursuline Sisters of the Holy Family, 
delivering a jaw-droppingly good performance , a belting out Alicia Keys' "No 
One," but they were in for a greater shock when they saw what Scuccia looked 

[FairfieldLife] Re: accounting of TM organization 2012, including TM initiations, etc

2014-03-21 Thread merudanda

 etc etc



[FairfieldLife] Re: accounting of TM organization 2012, including TM initiations, etc

2014-03-21 Thread merudanda
Global Country Of World Peace 
06/2012 Financial Summary
Asset Amount $77.9 Million Income Amount $48.7 Million Revenue Amount $47.4 
 Brahmananda Saraswati Foundation in Fairfield IA (
2010, total donations received for purchase of yagyas were $2,027,650,
 and in 2011 total donations were $3,714,90

Company Size Sales Volume $160,000 Employees At This Location 5 !! Total Number 
of Employees
Purpose of organization Brahmananda Saraswati Foundation in Fairfield IA 
2010 grants:


Global Country Of World Peace is a corporation located in Fairfield, Iowa. 
Charitable donations to this organization are deductible. The Global Country Of 
World Peace benefits science and technology research institutes, services, 
focusing specifically on science, general programs. The organization IRS 
foundation code is a 170(b)(1)(a)(vi) organization, which indicates it receives 
a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or the general 
public. Global Country Of World Peace IRS classification is an educational 

[FairfieldLife] Re: accounting of TM organization 2012, including TM initiations, etc

2014-03-21 Thread merudanda


---In,  wrote :


 Overseas wires transfer "grants" for "General Support" of organizations in 
Europe (?! 2012):

May be for renovation of Vlodrop and interim  relocation Jan 2014??















[FairfieldLife] Re: A Permanent Group of 1000 Pundits has been Established in America!

2014-03-21 Thread merudanda

 The flower beating of the day:
 Ah, but you should hear Hagelin sing (chant); he's worth every penny. And he 
sends $392 of that back to his grandmother in Florida.

“The power of an intention is the square of the number of people thinking the 
same thought at the same time.”(John in Hagel)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Permanent Group of 1000 Pundits has been Established in America!

2014-03-21 Thread merudanda

 ..the flower beating of the day
 Ah, but you should hear Hagelin sing (chant); he's worth every penny. 
And he sends $392 of that back to his grandmother in Florida.
“The power of an intention is the square of the number of people thinking the 
same thought at the same time.”
John in Hagel 



[FairfieldLife] RE: There Is No Hell Fire; Adam & Eve Not Real – Pope Francis

2014-02-27 Thread merudanda
OMG, are you describing a (your)Messiah?Confirmation of what we all that know 
and want to know to be true and the Vatican will lead the way in our Brave New 
World. How wonderful is that? Finally a religious leader we can actually 
believe will unite people in a common goal of peace and justice.
Oh  wait wait nablusoss
of your 1008 ways to ross
Again .Not a news article. It is a fictional story at a satirical site. .being 
circulated via social media, with many of those who encountered the item 
mistaking it for a genuine news item.
The formation of a female Shankaracharya, that's confirmed news and the 
publication sources , The Free Press Journal, of the 66pages final Charge- 
sheet filed against Girish Chandra Verma has been researched  and info double 

---In,  wrote:

 Not a news article. It is a fictional story at a satirical site. .
This is a satire article, not real. Please folks over there  tell that to 
everyone you see posting it! 
Because shortly afterwards that posting by Erik Thorson links and excerpts 
referencing this article were being circulated via social media, with many of 
those who encountered the item mistaking it for a genuine news item. However, 
the article was just a spoof: No Third Vatican Council has been convened (the 
Second Vatican Council took place in the early 1960s), and the blog that 
published this item, the Diversity Chronicle includes a disclaimer noting that 
“The original content on this blog is largely satirical.”and Erik Thorson 
writes it in spirit of a  quote by the great German  scientist, satirist, and 
anglophile Lichtenberg and for his own personal amusement --pushing button-may 
be, too
 “I ceased in the year 1764 to believe that one can convince one’s opponents 
with arguments printed in books. It is not to do that, therefore, that I have 
taken up my pen, but merely so as to annoy them, and to bestow strength and 
courage on those on our own side, and to make it known to the others that they 
have not convinced us.” – Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. 

So look at the disclaimer on that site first before you quote and. .. again 
 there is no 3rd Vatican Council going on right now
You do not need to take my word for it. The Vatican has a state-of-the-art 
website. It is interesting to compare what we think we know about the Church 
and the Vactican with what is actually published on this site. It is immense.

You can read the Pope’s speeches here.

[FairfieldLife] RE: There Is No Hell Fire; Adam & Eve Not Real – Pope Francis

2014-02-27 Thread merudanda
Not a news article. It is a fictional story at a satirical site. .
This is a satire article, not real. Please folks over there  tell that to 
everyone you see posting it! 
Because shortly afterwards that posting by Erik Thorson links and excerpts 
referencing this article were being circulated via social media, with many of 
those who encountered the item mistaking it for a genuine news item. However, 
the article was just a spoof: No Third Vatican Council has been convened (the 
Second Vatican Council took place in the early 1960s), and the blog that 
published this item, the Diversity Chronicle includes a disclaimer noting that 
“The original content on this blog is largely satirical.”and Erik Thorson 
writes it in spirit of a  quote by the great German  scientist, satirist, and 
anglophile Lichtenberg and for his own personal amusement --pushing button-may 
be, too
 “I ceased in the year 1764 to believe that one can convince one’s opponents 
with arguments printed in books. It is not to do that, therefore, that I have 
taken up my pen, but merely so as to annoy them, and to bestow strength and 
courage on those on our own side, and to make it known to the others that they 
have not convinced us.” – Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. 

So look at the disclaimer on that site first before you quote and. .. again 
 there is no 3rd Vatican Council going on right now
You do not need to take my word for it. The Vatican has a state-of-the-art 
website. It is interesting to compare what we think we know about the Church 
and the Vactican with what is actually published on this site. It is immense.

You can read the Pope’s speeches here.

[FairfieldLife] RE: There Is No Hell Fire; Adam & Eve Not Real – Pope Francis

2014-02-27 Thread merudanda
Not a news article. It is a fictional story at a satirical site. .
This is a satire article, not real. Please folks over there  tell that to 
everyone you see posting it! 
Shortly afterwards links and excerpts referencing this article were being 
circulated via social media, with many of those who encountered the item 
mistaking it for a genuine news item. However, the article was just a spoof: No 
Third Vatican Council has been convened (the Second Vatican Council took place 
in the early 1960s), and the blog that published this item, the Diversity 
Chronicle includes a disclaimer noting that “The original content on this blog 
is largely satirical.”and Erik Thorson writes it in spirit of a  quote by the 
great German  scientist, satirist, and anglophile Lichtenberg and for his own 
personal amusement --pushing button-may be, too
 “I ceased in the year 1764 to believe that one can convince one’s opponents 
with arguments printed in books. It is not to do that, therefore, that I have 
taken up my pen, but merely so as to annoy them, and to bestow strength and 
courage on those on our own side, and to make it known to the others that they 
have not convinced us.” – Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. 

So look at the disclaimer on that site first before you quote and. .. again 
 there is no 3rd Vatican Council going on right now
You do not need to take my word for it. The Vatican has a state-of-the-art 
website. It is interesting to compare what we think we know about the Church 
and the Vactican with what is actually published on this site. It is immense.

You can read the Pope’s speeches here.

[FairfieldLife] RE: 'mahila akhada'formed by lady 'Shankaracharya' Trikal Bhavanta

2014-02-26 Thread merudanda
"In the Hindu religious system, there is no mention of a 'mahila akhada'. This 
is against the tradition, too, so there is no question of giving it 
recognition," Shankaracharya Vasudevanand Saraswati has said. However, the 
Dwarka Shankaracharya, Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati **has said that he was 
willing to accord the women's 'akhada' due recognition if it names him as their 
'guru'.(please  scroll down for more)
Seems my charming, insightful, all-beloved and not-forgotten "he"

wasn't so "far-out "-wrong in his description about the now Dwarka S.and the 
context  of his initiation by SBS.
"Dwarka shankaracharya slaps scribe over poser on Modi
JABALPUR: Swaroopanand Saraswati, the shankaracharya of Dwarka, struck a 
resounding controversy when he allegedly slapped a television reporter for 
asking him about Narendra Modi's prospects of becoming Prime Minister. 
 The incident occurred on Tuesday while the seer was interacting with 
journalists during his visit for a religious function. 
 "Rajniti ki baat nahi karna (Don't talk politics)," the seer admonished the 
reporter as he slapped him. "

---In,  wrote:

 Since there seems such an new awakening-(shift-happens) and interest by 
non-governor and only TMO-watcher in 'Shankaracharya' et al at this 
some MOTHER DIVINE news from banks of the Sangam  at Allahabad.

 "In a move that challenges the male domination in the world of Hindu religion, 
sanyasins have formed their own independent 'akhada' (a religious formation) in 
complete defiance of the severe opposition by the All India Akhada Parishad and 
prominent sant-mahants.
 As if in a show of rebellion, lady 'Shankaracharya' Trikal Bhavanta led a 
group of about 50 women seers in a procession from her camp in the Magh Mela 
area on the banks of the Sangam (confluence of rivers) at Allahabad. They 
marched on the Mahavir Marg up to the Sangam nose where they performed 'Ganga 
poojan' and 'Ganga abhishek' before proclaiming the formation of the new 
 The name of the new formation is quite a mouthful – Shri Sarveshwar Maha 
Baikunth Dham Mukti Dwar Akhada Parisampradaya.
 "Today, it is a day of independence for women in the world of religion and 
spirituality," Trikal Bhavanta said after performing the rituals. She said the 
new 'akhada' would get women pride of place in the religious hierarchy. 
Bhavanta said though women did hard work in all the 'akhadas', they were not 
allowed to rise in the seers' hierarchy. "This subjugation of women in the 
'akhada' system run by men will end now," she asserted.
 The All India Akhada Parishad president Mahant Gyan Das has rejected the 
all-women 'akhada' saying this was against religious traditions. "In the 
'akhadas' established by Adi Shankaracharya, there is no place for a separate 
one for women. The women seers get ample respect and honour in our 'akhadas', 
and have separate areas in each one of them," he said.
 But, Trikal Bhavanta is defiant. She says she would go to all four 
Shankaracharyas for recognition. She said her 'akhada' would also participate 
with its own flag in the Maha Kumbh at Nasik next year.
 "In the Hindu religious system, there is no mention of a 'mahila akhada'. This 
is against the tradition, too, so there is no question of giving it 
recognition," Shankaracharya Vasudevanand Saraswati has said. However, the 
Dwarka Shankaracharya, Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati has said that he was 
willing to accord the women's 'akhada' due recognition if it names him as their 
 As per the system laid down by Adi Shankaracharya hundreds of years ago, there 
are 13 akhadas divided into four categories – sanyasi, bairagi, udaseen and 
nirmal. All these 'akhadas' have separate areas earmarked for the sanyasins 
living in them. The women seers also get 'deeksha' (anointment or initiation), 
and religious and spiritual education. However, they are allegedly kept 
involved in daily chores and not allowed to rise beyond mediocre levels.
 Interestingly, some top women seers are also opposed to the women's 'akhada'. 
"There is no need to form a separate 'akhada' for women. Established traditions 
should not be defied," says Santoshi Mata, 'mahamandaleshwar', Niranjani 
'akhada'. "Women are worshipped in our country, and in any case, once you are a 
sant, there is no difference between male and female," says Ma Gyanmayee, head 
of Atmashakti Peeth."
 Friday, 14 February 2014 by Deepak Gidwani-dna

[FairfieldLife] RE: 'mahila akhada'formed by lady 'Shankaracharya' Trikal Bhavanta

2014-02-26 Thread merudanda
"In the Hindu religious system, there is no mention of a 'mahila akhada'. This 
is against the tradition, too, so there is no question of giving it 
recognition," Shankaracharya Vasudevanand Saraswati has said. However, the 
Dwarka Shankaracharya, Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati has said that he was 
willing to accord the women's 'akhada' due recognition if it names him as their 
'guru'.(please scroll down)
 Seems my charming beloved "he "

wasn't so "far -out " in his description of the now Dwarka S. and the context 
of his initiation by SBS 
Dwarka shankaracharya slaps scribe over poser on Modi
JABALPUR: Swaroopanand Saraswati, the shankaracharya of Dwarka, struck a 
resounding controversy when he allegedly slapped a television reporter for 
asking him about Narendra Modi's prospects of becoming Prime Minister. 
 The incident occurred on Tuesday while the seer was interacting with 
journalists during his visit for a religious function. 
 "Rajniti ki baat nahi karna (Don't talk politics)," the seer admonished the 
reporter as he slapped him. "

---In,  wrote:

 Since there seems such an new awakening-(shift-happens) and interest by 
non-governor and only TMO-watcher in 'Shankaracharya' et al at this 
some MOTHER DIVINE news from banks of the Sangam  at Allahabad.

 "In a move that challenges the male domination in the world of Hindu religion, 
sanyasins have formed their own independent 'akhada' (a religious formation) in 
complete defiance of the severe opposition by the All India Akhada Parishad and 
prominent sant-mahants.
 As if in a show of rebellion, lady 'Shankaracharya' Trikal Bhavanta led a 
group of about 50 women seers in a procession from her camp in the Magh Mela 
area on the banks of the Sangam (confluence of rivers) at Allahabad. They 
marched on the Mahavir Marg up to the Sangam nose where they performed 'Ganga 
poojan' and 'Ganga abhishek' before proclaiming the formation of the new 
 The name of the new formation is quite a mouthful – Shri Sarveshwar Maha 
Baikunth Dham Mukti Dwar Akhada Parisampradaya.
 "Today, it is a day of independence for women in the world of religion and 
spirituality," Trikal Bhavanta said after performing the rituals. She said the 
new 'akhada' would get women pride of place in the religious hierarchy. 
Bhavanta said though women did hard work in all the 'akhadas', they were not 
allowed to rise in the seers' hierarchy. "This subjugation of women in the 
'akhada' system run by men will end now," she asserted.
 The All India Akhada Parishad president Mahant Gyan Das has rejected the 
all-women 'akhada' saying this was against religious traditions. "In the 
'akhadas' established by Adi Shankaracharya, there is no place for a separate 
one for women. The women seers get ample respect and honour in our 'akhadas', 
and have separate areas in each one of them," he said.
 But, Trikal Bhavanta is defiant. She says she would go to all four 
Shankaracharyas for recognition. She said her 'akhada' would also participate 
with its own flag in the Maha Kumbh at Nasik next year.
 "In the Hindu religious system, there is no mention of a 'mahila akhada'. This 
is against the tradition, too, so there is no question of giving it 
recognition," Shankaracharya Vasudevanand Saraswati has said. However, the 
Dwarka Shankaracharya, Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati has said that he was 
willing to accord the women's 'akhada' due recognition if it names him as their 
 As per the system laid down by Adi Shankaracharya hundreds of years ago, there 
are 13 akhadas divided into four categories – sanyasi, bairagi, udaseen and 
nirmal. All these 'akhadas' have separate areas earmarked for the sanyasins 
living in them. The women seers also get 'deeksha' (anointment or initiation), 
and religious and spiritual education. However, they are allegedly kept 
involved in daily chores and not allowed to rise beyond mediocre levels.
 Interestingly, some top women seers are also opposed to the women's 'akhada'. 
"There is no need to form a separate 'akhada' for women. Established traditions 
should not be defied," says Santoshi Mata, 'mahamandaleshwar', Niranjani 
'akhada'. "Women are worshipped in our country, and in any case, once you are a 
sant, there is no difference between male and female," says Ma Gyanmayee, head 
of Atmashakti Peeth."
 Friday, 14 February 2014 by Deepak Gidwani-dna

[FairfieldLife] RE: 'mahila akhada'formed by lady 'Shankaracharya' Trikal Bhavanta

2014-02-26 Thread merudanda

 Since there seems such an new awakening-(shift-happens) and interest by 
non-governor and only TMO-watcher in 'Shankaracharya' et al at this 
some MOTHER DIVINE news from banks of the Sangam  at Allahabad.

 "In a move that challenges the male domination in the world of Hindu religion, 
sanyasins have formed their own independent 'akhada' (a religious formation) in 
complete defiance of the severe opposition by the All India Akhada Parishad and 
prominent sant-mahants.
 As if in a show of rebellion, lady 'Shankaracharya' Trikal Bhavanta led a 
group of about 50 women seers in a procession from her camp in the Magh Mela 
area on the banks of the Sangam (confluence of rivers) at Allahabad. They 
marched on the Mahavir Marg up to the Sangam nose where they performed 'Ganga 
poojan' and 'Ganga abhishek' before proclaiming the formation of the new 
 The name of the new formation is quite a mouthful – Shri Sarveshwar Maha 
Baikunth Dham Mukti Dwar Akhada Parisampradaya.
 "Today, it is a day of independence for women in the world of religion and 
spirituality," Trikal Bhavanta said after performing the rituals. She said the 
new 'akhada' would get women pride of place in the religious hierarchy. 
Bhavanta said though women did hard work in all the 'akhadas', they were not 
allowed to rise in the seers' hierarchy. "This subjugation of women in the 
'akhada' system run by men will end now," she asserted.
 The All India Akhada Parishad president Mahant Gyan Das has rejected the 
all-women 'akhada' saying this was against religious traditions. "In the 
'akhadas' established by Adi Shankaracharya, there is no place for a separate 
one for women. The women seers get ample respect and honour in our 'akhadas', 
and have separate areas in each one of them," he said.
 But, Trikal Bhavanta is defiant. She says she would go to all four 
Shankaracharyas for recognition. She said her 'akhada' would also participate 
with its own flag in the Maha Kumbh at Nasik next year.
 "In the Hindu religious system, there is no mention of a 'mahila akhada'. This 
is against the tradition, too, so there is no question of giving it 
recognition," Shankaracharya Vasudevanand Saraswati has said. However, the 
Dwarka Shankaracharya, Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati **has said that he was 
willing to accord the women's 'akhada' due recognition if it names him as their 
 As per the system laid down by Adi Shankaracharya hundreds of years ago, there 
are 13 akhadas divided into four categories – sanyasi, bairagi, udaseen and 
nirmal. All these 'akhadas' have separate areas earmarked for the sanyasins 
living in them. The women seers also get 'deeksha' (anointment or initiation), 
and religious and spiritual education. However, they are allegedly kept 
involved in daily chores and not allowed to rise beyond mediocre levels.
 Interestingly, some top women seers are also opposed to the women's 'akhada'. 
"There is no need to form a separate 'akhada' for women. Established traditions 
should not be defied," says Santoshi Mata, 'mahamandaleshwar', Niranjani 
'akhada'. "Women are worshipped in our country, and in any case, once you are a 
sant, there is no difference between male and female," says Ma Gyanmayee, head 
of Atmashakti Peeth."
 Friday, 14 February 2014 by Deepak Gidwani-dna
 **"JABALPUR: Swaroopanand Saraswati, the shankaracharya of Dwarka, struck a 
resounding controversy when he allegedly slapped a television reporter for 
asking him about Narendra Modi's prospects of becoming Prime Minister. 

 The incident occurred on Tuesday while the seer was interacting with 
journalists during his visit for a religious function. 

 "Rajniti ki baat nahi karna (Don't talk politics)," the seer admonished the 
reporter as he slapped him. "
 Seems my charming beloved "he "

 wasn't so "far -out " in his description of the Dwarka S. and the context of 
his initiation by SBS 

[FairfieldLife] 'mahila akhada'formed by lady 'Shankaracharya' Trikal Bhavanta

2014-02-26 Thread merudanda
Since there seems such an new awakening-(shift-happens) and interest by 
non-governor and only TMO-watcher in 'Shankaracharya' et al at this 
some MOTHER DIVINE news from banks of the Sangam  at Allahabad.

 "In a move that challenges the male domination in the world of Hindu religion, 
sanyasins have formed their own independent 'akhada' (a religious formation) in 
complete defiance of the severe opposition by the All India Akhada Parishad and 
prominent sant-mahants.
 As if in a show of rebellion, lady 'Shankaracharya' Trikal Bhavanta led a 
group of about 50 women seers in a procession from her camp in the Magh Mela 
area on the banks of the Sangam (confluence of rivers) at Allahabad. They 
marched on the Mahavir Marg up to the Sangam nose where they performed 'Ganga 
poojan' and 'Ganga abhishek' before proclaiming the formation of the new 
 The name of the new formation is quite a mouthful – Shri Sarveshwar Maha 
Baikunth Dham Mukti Dwar Akhada Parisampradaya.
 "Today, it is a day of independence for women in the world of religion and 
spirituality," Trikal Bhavanta said after performing the rituals. She said the 
new 'akhada' would get women pride of place in the religious hierarchy. 
Bhavanta said though women did hard work in all the 'akhadas', they were not 
allowed to rise in the seers' hierarchy. "This subjugation of women in the 
'akhada' system run by men will end now," she asserted.
 The All India Akhada Parishad president Mahant Gyan Das has rejected the 
all-women 'akhada' saying this was against religious traditions. "In the 
'akhadas' established by Adi Shankaracharya, there is no place for a separate 
one for women. The women seers get ample respect and honour in our 'akhadas', 
and have separate areas in each one of them," he said.
 But, Trikal Bhavanta is defiant. She says she would go to all four 
Shankaracharyas for recognition. She said her 'akhada' would also participate 
with its own flag in the Maha Kumbh at Nasik next year.
 "In the Hindu religious system, there is no mention of a 'mahila akhada'. This 
is against the tradition, too, so there is no question of giving it 
recognition," Shankaracharya Vasudevanand Saraswati has said. However, the 
Dwarka Shankaracharya, Swami Swaroopanand Saraswati has said that he was 
willing to accord the women's 'akhada' due recognition if it names him as their 
 As per the system laid down by Adi Shankaracharya hundreds of years ago, there 
are 13 akhadas divided into four categories – sanyasi, bairagi, udaseen and 
nirmal. All these 'akhadas' have separate areas earmarked for the sanyasins 
living in them. The women seers also get 'deeksha' (anointment or initiation), 
and religious and spiritual education. However, they are allegedly kept 
involved in daily chores and not allowed to rise beyond mediocre levels.
 Interestingly, some top women seers are also opposed to the women's 'akhada'. 
"There is no need to form a separate 'akhada' for women. Established traditions 
should not be defied," says Santoshi Mata, 'mahamandaleshwar', Niranjani 
'akhada'. "Women are worshipped in our country, and in any case, once you are a 
sant, there is no difference between male and female," says Ma Gyanmayee, head 
of Atmashakti Peeth."
 Friday, 14 February 2014 by Deepak Gidwani-dna

[FairfieldLife] Proven Strategy to Prevent Turmoil in Ukraine

2014-02-25 Thread merudanda
why oh why  sounds this at least better than asking for yagya donation 
but IMHO
why oh why are not politician and representative of the the demonstrators 

 (just in case you do not recognize:it is the EU flag)
Wednesday, 26 February, 2014
[ Invincible Defense Technology ]Proven Strategy to Prevent Turmoil in Ukraine 
By Dr. Mykola Didukh and Dr. David Leffler (For which was 
also published in Russian and Ukrainian.)
The military of Ukraine is responsible for defending its citizens. As with 
other militaries, it can now succeed in its mission simply by creating a 
Prevention Wing - a group of IDT experts. The size of this Prevention Wing 
would be small - approximately the square root of 1% of the population of 
Ukraine. Only a small number of military personnel would be needed to staff 
this Prevention Wing.
Dr David Leffler Executive Director Center for Advanced Military Science (CAMS) 
Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy recently co wrote on op ed 
titled "Proven Strategy to Prevent Turmoil in Ukraine". South African host 
Shafiq Morton interviewed American Dr. David Leffler this week, Wednesday, Feb. 
19, 2014, on a unique solution to the growing violence in Kiev.
you may download his interview at

listen online

[FairfieldLife] RE: Israel Airstrikes in Lebanon-Syria Border

2014-02-25 Thread merudanda
As you can read"So basically, AP knows nothing about anything that allegedly 
happened somewhere and denied by everybody."
What will Obama do with this new development? 
Bomb the journalist...

[FairfieldLife] What's Sanyam opinion about G. C.Ve(a)rma case in Bhopal

2014-02-24 Thread merudanda
Since we are privileged to have a Bhopal /India resident here now at our FFL 
forum wouldn't it be interesting to know Sanyam's opinion about Girish case and 
latest news? And as astronomer with "spritual leaning" Sanyam  opinion about 
"Maharishi Yagya", Girish were paramount - the divine  prime mover ?
  February 19, 2014:Latest news about Girish C.Varma from The Free Press 
Journal(est 1933 in Bombay, now Mumbai )"forefront of freedom struggle against 
the British, supporter of the Indian independence movement". 
 Starting from December 30, 2013 The Free Press Journal published 9 article 
about G.C.V. including February 8, 2014: Complainant (Renu Rani Sharma)alleges 
acid attack, threatening calls ( contract for her murder),February 9,:Maharshi 
Vidya Mandir denies hand in ‘acid attack’on woman( Renu Rani Sharma) - See more 
 The journal are described as nationalist  with left-wing affiliation, even 
with  communist leanings (Bal Thackeray)but let's not forget Satyananda and his 
friends  had the same strong political background before he and they met SBS.
 The registered charge-sheet seems not to include the land grab charge  but 
other little detail.
 Girish Verma raped victim for 15 yrs from 1999 to 2014 - See more at:
 Girish Verma raped victim for 15 yrs from 1999 to 2014
 Charge- sheet filed against Chancellor of Mahesh ogi varsity
 The police, on Tuesday, filed charge- sheet against Chancellor of Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi Vedic University Girish Chandra Verma in the designated court of 
JMFC Umesh Soni in connection with sexual harassment allegation made by a 
teacher of a school under him. Challan incorporates statements of 20 witnesses, 
including principal of Maharishi Vidhyalaya and former school principal Jai 
Narain Pandey of Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh.

Pandey, in his statement, had informed the police that Verma used to order to 
appoint girls between 20 years to 25 years and they were appointed only after 
one- to one screening by Girish Verma.
 Complainant Renu Rani Sharma, in her statement to police, had alleged that she 
was removed when she refused to arrange young girls for Verma. Verma took her 
signatures on blanks papers in 1997- 99. She was first raped on August 22, 1999 
and the last time on March 1, 2013. She had lodged first complaint on March 11, 
2013 and second complaint on March 24, 2013.
 Verma was arrested on December 29,2013. He was initially sent in police 
custody till January 1, 2014. Thereafter he was sent to judicial custody. ADJ 
Syeda Bano Rehman had rejected the bail plea on January 3, 2014. The High 
Court,on January 30,2014 had granted bail to him. Justice NK Gupta had granted 
bail. Verma’s passport and Audi car and other documents have been seized. 
Mahila Police Station SHO Renu Murab said, “ We have filed challan of 66 pages 
including statements of all the witness. Next hearing will be on March 5. 
Charges under sections 376 ( rape) and 506 ( criminal intimidation) of IPC have 
been registered against Verma”.
 - See more at:
 "Complainant Renu Rani Sharma, in her statement to police, had alleged that 
she was removed when she refused to arrange young girls for Verma" (section 506 
 criminal intimidation?of IPC)- seems the photo from
  was not so farfetched

Re:: [FairfieldLife] Re: New member in the family

2014-02-24 Thread merudanda
Dear Sanyam Shrivastava seeker or finder of truth and liberation!
Welcome to the slim bright shining curl of our companion world at FFL  
mysterious grace of moon 
you may lights a fire anytime in our remembering places at FFL.
Topics and  basic discussions covered in this group are quite beautiful 
described  by Rick Archer 
see and just click
 allow me to copy and paste the content for your convenient:
 Group Description 
 Fairfield Life focuses on topics of interest to seekers (and finders) of truth 
and liberation everywhere. Fairfield, Iowa is home to Maharishi University of 
Management, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1971. There are about 2000 
Transcendental Meditation practitioners here, as well as many others pursuing 
various spiritual paths.

"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell

We often discuss the trials and tribulations of the TM Movement, which may not 
interest some, but that's why God created the delete key. Discussions also draw 
from diverse teachers such as Ammachi, Eckhart Tolle, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, 
Byron Katie, Dalai Lama, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Ramana Maharshi, Shankara, etc.

"The healthy mind challenges its own assumptions." ~ The I Ching

Pretty much any topic is fair game. Currently, there's a lot of discussion 
about American politics. We have discussed spirituality, politics, economics, 
morality and higher states of consciousness, drug laws, evolution vs. 
creationism, enlightenment, advaita, reincarnation, karma, Jyotish (Vedic 
astrology), yagya, Ayurveda, dzogchen, tantra, channeling, vegetarianism, 
kundalini, celibacy, sexuality, homosexuality, abortion, racism, UFOs, 
Buddhism, Hinduism, Veda, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Scientology, etc.

"Whatever you think, it's more than that" ~ Incredible String Band

You can lurk without joining, but you have to join to post. Members can access 
Files, Photos, Links, and Database.

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I 
have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." 
~ Buddha

"Take what you need and leave the rest." ~ The Band

"I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love for 
the truth; and truth rewarded me." ~ Simone de Beauvoir"

[FairfieldLife] What's Sanyam opinion about Girish C.Ve(a)rma case and latest news

2014-02-24 Thread merudanda
Since we are privileged to have a Bhopal/India resident here now at our FFL 
forum wouldn't it be interesting to know Sanyam's opinion about Girish case and 
latest news? And as astronomer with "spritual leaning" Sanyam  opinion about 
"Maharishi Yagya", Girish were paramount - the divine  prime mover ?
 February 19, 2014:Latest news about Girish C.Varma from The Free Press 
Journal(est 1933 in Bombay, now Mumbai )"forefront of freedom struggle against 
the British, supporter of the Indian independence movement". 
Starting from December 30, 2013 The Free Press Journal published 9 article 
about G.C.V. including February 8, 2014: Complainant (Renu Rani Sharma)alleges 
acid attack, threatening calls ( contract for her murder),February 9,:Maharshi 
Vidya Mandir denies hand in ‘acid attack’on woman( Renu Rani Sharma) - See more 
The journal are described as nationalist  with left-wing affiliation, even with 
 communist leanings (Bal Thackeray)but let's not forget Satyananda and his 
friends  had the same strong political background before he and they met SBS.

The registered charge-sheet seems not to include the land grab charge  but 
other little detail.
Girish Verma raped victim for 15 yrs from 1999 to 2014 - See more at:
 Girish Verma raped victim for 15 yrs from 1999 to 2014 - See more at:
 Girish Verma raped victim for 15 yrs from 1999 to 2014 
 Charge- sheet filed against Chancellor of Mahesh ogi varsity
 BHOPAL: The police, on Tuesday, filed charge- sheet against Chancellor of 
Maharishi Mahesh ogi Vedic University Girish Chandra Verma in the designated 
court of JMFC Umesh Soni in connection with sexual harassment allegation made 
by a teacher of a school under him. Challan incorporates statements of 20 
witnesses, including principal of Maharishi Vidhyalaya and former school 
principal Jai Narain Pandey of Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh.,
 in his statement, had informed the police that Verma used to order to appoint 
girls between 20 years to 25 years and they were appointed only after one- to 
one screening by Girish Verma.
 Complainant Renu Rani Sharma, in her statement to police, had alleged that she 
was removed when she refused to arrange young girls for Verma. Verma took her 
signatures on blanks papers in 1997- 99. She was first raped on August 22, 1999 
and the last time on March 1, 2013. She had lodged first complaint on March 11, 
2013 and second complaint on March 24, 2013.
 Verma was arrested on December 29,2013. He was initially sent in police 
custody till January 1, 2014. Thereafter he was sent to judicial custody. ADJ 
Syeda Bano Rehman had rejected the bail plea on January 3, 2014. The High Court,
 on January 30,2014 had granted bail to him. Justice NK Gupta had granted bail. 
Verma’s passport and Audi car and other documents have been seized. Mahila 
Police Station SHO Renu Murab said, “ We have filed challan of 66 pages 
including statements of all the witness. Next hearing will be on March 5. 
Charges under sections 376 ( rape) and 506 ( criminal intimidation) of IPC have 
been registered against Verma”.
 - See more at:
Charge- sheet filed against Chancellor of Mahesh Yogi Vedic University
BHOPAL: The police, on Tuesday, filed charge- sheet against Chancellor of 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University Girish Chandra Verma in the designated 
court of JMFC Umesh Soni in connection with sexual harassment allegation made 
by a teacher of a school under him. Challan incorporates statements of 20 
witnesses, including principal of Maharishi Vidhyalaya and former school 
principal Jai Narain Pandey of Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh.Pandey, in his 
statement, had informed the police that Verma used to order to appoint girls 
between 20 years to 25 years and they were appointed only after one- to one 
screening by Girish Verma.
Complainant Renu Rani Sharma, in her statement to police, had alleged that she 
was removed when she refused to arrange young girls for Verma. Verma took her 
signatures on blanks papers in 1997- 99. She was first raped on August 22, 1999 
and the last time on March 1, 2013. She had lodged first complaint on March 11, 
2013 and second complaint on Marc

[FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?

2014-02-23 Thread merudanda


---In,  wrote:

 Not to dash your hopes or anything, but one of the limitations about any kind 
of radiation monitoring is whether anyone in a given country is *allowed* to 
perform any private testing.

Nick's  U.S. of

the land of the free
 10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free


[FairfieldLife] RE: Ukraine?

2014-02-23 Thread merudanda
---In,  wrote:
 Not to dash your hopes or anything, but one of the limitations about any kind 
of radiation monitoring is whether anyone in a given country is *allowed* to 
perform any private testing.

Nick's U.S. of

the land of the free?
10 reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free

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