Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/3/2014 9:49 AM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, I thought Curtis made some really reasonable points to you 
this morning and he wasn't inflammatory at all. Why not read his posts 
and make your peace with the situation as it now is?

Curtis did make some good points in his rather long post, although he 
didn't respond to my main point about Barry's imaginary baby and family 
in Leiden.

It looks like the entire incident was a planted message in order to get 
some angry responses.

Barry is now saying it was all a joke, that he planted the message in 
question, and then made up the threat to call the police. The whole 
thing was a hoax - there's no call to a lawyer and lurking reporter; no 
Dutch police "watch list"; no Interpol; and no real outrage at all.

Go figure.

It was all just a button-pushing contest set up by Barry in order to 
garner some support from Curtis, Salya and Xeno. They probably feel real 
dumb now and used - so they don't want to talk about it anymore - 
because it is so embarrassing to have a ruse pulled on them.

Go figure.

/"That reply was a joke, Share, just as she claims the post I was 
replying to was. As for anyone from the world of government or law 
enforcement wanting to watch you or anyone on this group just because 
they're on this group, that's just self-important paranoia from 
cultists, as usual."/- TurquoiseB, 12/2/20014

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/3/2014 6:55 AM, Share Long wrote:

turq, you replied to Raunchy that she's now on Interpol watch.

/"You have now officially been added to Interpol's Watch List, 
Raunchy."/ - Barry Wright, 11/29/2014

Also, I think we're all being watched anyway, so all this being 
watched business is nothing new imho. That ship has sailed a long time 

According to Barry, you Share, are just a "paranoid cultist" and a "True 
Believer"; hoaxed into seriously believing Barry called the cops on us. 
But, Richard is the liar. Go figure.


I'm atypically replying to this post from Richard because it's a 
blatant LIE, and indicative of what an unconscionable troll he is.

The only two people on FFL who have been reported to the cybercrime 
unit of the Dutch police are Nablusosos1008 and Jim Flanegin 
(fleetwood_macncheese). They were reported because they were posting 
libel about me that could have harmed me and my family.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/3/2014 7:08 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/That reply was a joke, Share, just as she claims the post I was 
replying to was.


So, you were just joking around and pushing some buttons, trying to get 
an angry response and to put one over on Curtis.

*/As for anyone from the world of government or law enforcement 
wanting to watch you or anyone on this group just because they're on 
this group, that's just self-important paranoia from cultists, as usual.


*/So, you didn't really call a lawyer and the lurking reporter, or the 
Dutch police or Interpol - you were just joking around trying to push 
some buttons. There's no baby or family and you don't even live in a 
house Leiden, NE - and you were never in a Rama cult or even learned TM. 
Go figure.

Troll - /A person who sends duplicitous messages to get angry responses./

*From:* "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* "" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 3, 2014 1:55 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

turq, you replied to Raunchy that she's now on Interpol watch. Also, I 
think we're all being watched anyway, so all this being watched 
business is nothing new imho. That ship has sailed a long time ago!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/3/2014 7:12 AM, Share Long wrote:

turq, I meant all human who are online. Yes, very special group!

So, it was just a silly button-pushing contest. There's no baby, no 
family, no Dutch police, Interpol, lawyer or lurking reporter. It was 
all just a joke? But, Curtis thought it was real and that Raunchy really 
meant to hurt Barry and his family? When it turns out that Barry hoaxed 
his own family, assuming they read this. Where is Dr. Pete when we need 
him? Go figure.

/"You have now officially been added to Interpol's Watch List, 
Raunchy."/ - Barry Wright, 11/29/2014

*/That reply was a joke, Share, just as she claims the post I was 
replying to was.

*/As for anyone from the world of government or law enforcement 
wanting to watch you or anyone on this group just because they're on 
this group, that's just self-important paranoia from cultists, as 
usual. /*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/3/2014 6:42 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

I'm atypically replying to this post from Richard because it's a 
blatant LIE, and indicative of what an unconscionable troll he is.

You are not even making any sense, Barry. /

/Everyone knows you tried to push buttons by posting a salacious 
comment. We all realize that if the moderator had stepped in he could 
have nipped this whole crises in the bud by suspending you from posting 
further comments and/or demanded that you apologize to the group. Rick 
or Alex could also have posted a warning to the others not to escalate 
the button-pushing.

/None of these actions were taken.//

The only two people on FFL who have been reported to the cybercrime 
unit of the Dutch police are Nablusosos1008 and Jim Flanegin 
(fleetwood_macncheese). They were reported because they were posting 
libel about me that could have harmed me and my family.

You really need to stop the fibbing, Barry. Now you me an apology!

/"You have now officially been added to Interpol's Watch List, 
Raunchy."/ - Barry Wright, 11/29/2014

You could have sent a few simple emails to the parties concerned and to 
the moderator with a complaint and a warning not to continue with the 
button-pushing. You also could have responded to my objection about your 
original message. You did not, so why are you trying to blame others for 
your mistake now?/


Neither the Dutch police nor Interpol have any interest in 1) 
Fairfield Life as a whole, 2) other people who post on it, or 3) even 
Richard J. Williams. Despite what Richard is LYING about here, no one 
is monitoring your conversations any more than they were before. No 
one was *ever* being monitored as part of a "Dutch porn watch list." 
Jim and Nabby were (and still are) being monitored because they BROKE 
DUTCH LAW by claiming that I was a child molestor and child 
pornographer and urged other people to take illegal actions about that 
libelous claim.

Instead of being reasonable, you flew off the handle and called in a 
lawyer, a reporter, the Dutch police and Interpol. That was wrong of you 
- you did a very bad thing, Barry.

What's even worse, you jeopardized the security of your entire family by 
the original message and then by informing the authorities you put 
yourself in jeopordy - everyone knows you've posted many messages to the 
group over the last decade that were in poor taste and contrary to FFL 
rules, up to and including a pirated photo of rodents in coitus, 
inferring that I was guilty of "fucking prairie dogs."

It wasn't even funny - it was juvenile, in poor taste, and showed your 
prejudice. Everyone knows this.

If you want to play with fire you should be prepared to get burned. You 
know and everyone else knows that you are an inveterate button-pusher. 
Now you've brought the heat on everyone in the forum. I wouldn't be 
surprised if all the comments posted to FFL are now in a database file 
being read by detectives in the vice squad at The Hague! If I were you, 
Barry, I would be wearing shades and hiding out incognito somewhere in 
an alley in Amsterdam and just hoping that my friends would tell the 
police "I never heard of the guy."


Even RICHARD has not been reported to Dutch and international 

I've got a clear conscious so I've got nothing to hide and so I'm not 
alarmed. But, I can't speak for others. You know and I know there's not 
a person on the planet that would be willing to debate with you now with 
under the threat of a legal prosecution. Unless they are dumb, real 
dumb. You performed the ultimate thought-stopper, Barry. Now you own 
this forum - after a decade of button-pushing you finally won the 
religious debate.

I just wish Judy was still around to take you to task. Now Share is left 
as the only person on the forum that is trying to talk some sense into 
you. For all practical purposes, you are finished as a debater on this 
forum - it's all in the FFL archives now.

There seems to be *no question* that he's going to continue lying 
about me and other people on this forum, as he has done for years. 
Unfortunately we can't stop that...only Rick can. But I'm not going to 
put even *him* on the cybercrime watch list unless his lies step over 
the line and break Dutch law, as Jim's and Nabby's did.

You just don't seem to get it - you've got a deep-seated cognitive 
dissonance, or some mental problem. You need to face the consequences of 
your own actions; you are a devious button-pusher, cultist, informant, a 
hypocrite, poser, and if you did not call the police, you are a liar. 
Deal with it.

If I were you, I would just post an honest apology to the remaining 
members and to Rick and Alex - and then, I would just keep my big 
pie-hole shut and take care of your family. They probably don't need 
this kind of stress to be dragged into the FFL cesspool. What you have 
been doing is mean, vindictive and mean-spirited and now you're just 
making everything 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, I thought Curtis made some really reasonable points to you this 
morning and he wasn't inflammatory at all. Why not read his posts and make your 
peace with the situation as it now is?Wishing you the best always...

  From: "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 9:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
 On 12/3/2014 6:14 AM, Share Long wrote:
     yoohoo, hi salyavin, I'm still here too. Practicing a little bi-location 
(-: Anyway, enjoying the humor from you and turq. Plus the NASA photo of aurora 
borealis, cool! 
  OTOH, enjoyed Richard's comment too and will now reply to that. Go figger!

 Nobody seems to want to talk about the the big white elephant in the room. Go 
 So, I guess that's because most of the other respondents left in protest. 
Apparently the ones that remain don't realize that Barry now owns this forum. 
It may take awhile for the remainders to realize the ramifications of the 
present situation.
 In a button-pushing contest, all is fair up to but not including calling in 
the police when you post a satirical comment in response to their 
button-pushing - that pretty much indicates the end of the contest. 
 According to the rules of netiquette, one of the most egregious activities is 
to post pornographic text or images to a moderated family-oriented discussion 
group during a debate. In most instances, on Yahoo or Facebook, this would 
result in an immediate banning from the group, or at least a stern warning 
and/or suspension from the group moderator. 
 But by far, the most heinous button-pushing tactic of all time would be to 
call in a lawyer and a news reporter, inform the police, and threaten to have a 
debating opponent prosecuted and arrested - for whatever reason. Now that's a 
 We all agreed that this forum was not to be taken seriously - we all agreed 
that pushing buttons was just a form of satire. We did NOT agree that when you 
got your buttons pushed back that it was acceptable to call the International 
Police - when a few simple emails sent privately would have been sufficient!
     1. outstandingly bad; shocking.
     a. "He made an egregious abuse of button-pushing."
     synonyms:    shocking, appalling, terrible, awful, horrendous, frightful, 
atrocious, abominable, abhorrent, outrageous.
From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 1:21 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
 ---In,  wrote :
   In its fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seems  now is Mostly 
Left to the Angry People.  The migration from FFL to The_Peak also at 
Yahoo-groups seems to  be going well, over to a New Jerusalem at:    
  You keep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you are STILL HERE.  
 DearYahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a  higher power to 
come in here and help clean this  place up. I welcome your arrival. Hopefully 
you  can help us mediate and even help revive all that  was once really good 
about FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest 
surviving original  members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually 
 on of the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in  Fairfield, Iowa 
and I should be glad to be of  administrative assistance for you if you need 
help  controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  
   Dear RD;   Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying  to come back 
'to save' people reads much more now like the  harassment of a people who are 
otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral  dissonances within 
their own community in their own  terms to their own spiritual ends. Who are 
these neganauts to interfere with the internal  affairs of others any way? It 
seems incredibly  arrogant on their part to come in here and try to 
methodically disturb people's  peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking 
 harassment to use such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned 
their own particular  histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys  as sources of anything 
spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse of  
the unguarded cultural openness of this community has allowed  them to take 
over the flower that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more  
seasoned reasoned and experienced membership. -Buck in  Fairfield, Iowa 
  raunchydog wrote : 
 Barry, your recent use of crude  language and imagery for the sake of  pushing 
buttons is  just an e

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/3/2014 6:14 AM, Share Long wrote:
yoohoo, hi salyavin, I'm still here too. Practicing a little 
bi-location (-:
Anyway, enjoying the humor from you and turq. Plus the NASA photo of 
aurora borealis, cool!

OTOH, enjoyed Richard's comment too and will now reply to that. Go figger!

Nobody seems to want to talk about the the big white elephant in the 
room. Go figure.

So, I guess that's because most of the other respondents left in 
protest. Apparently the ones that remain don't realize that Barry now 
owns this forum. It may take awhile for the remainders to realize the 
ramifications of the present situation.

In a button-pushing contest, all is fair up to but not including calling 
in the police when you post a satirical comment in response to their 
button-pushing - that pretty much indicates the end of the contest.

According to the rules of netiquette, one of the most egregious 
activities is to post pornographic text or images to a moderated 
family-oriented discussion group during a debate. In most instances, on 
Yahoo or Facebook, this would result in an immediate banning from the 
group, or at least a stern warning and/or suspension from the group 

But by far, the most heinous button-pushing tactic of all time would be 
to call in a lawyer and a news reporter, inform the police, and threaten 
to have a debating opponent prosecuted and arrested - for whatever 
reason. Now that's a thought-stopper!

We all agreed that this forum was not to be taken seriously - we all 
agreed that pushing buttons was just a form of satire. We did NOT agree 
that when you got your buttons pushed back that it was acceptable to 
call the /International Police/ - when a few simple emails sent 
privately would have been sufficient!


1. outstandingly bad; shocking.
a. "He made an egregious abuse of button-pushing."

synonyms:shocking, appalling, terrible, awful, horrendous, 
frightful, atrocious, abominable, abhorrent, outrageous./

*From:* salyavin808 
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 3, 2014 1:21 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

---In,  wrote :

In its fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seems now is 
Mostly Left to the /Angry People/.
The migration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groups seems to be 
going well, over to a /New Jerusalem/ at:

You keep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you are STILL 


Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a
higher power to come in here and help clean this place up. I
welcome your arrival. Hopefully you can help us mediate and even
help revive all that was once really good about FairfieldLife as a
Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving original
members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually on of
the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield,
Iowa and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for
you if you need help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear RD;
Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you. What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push "true believer" buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
turq, I meant all human who are online. Yes, very special group!
  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 7:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
    That reply was a joke, Share, just as she claims the post I was replying to 

As for anyone from the world of government or law enforcement wanting to watch 
you or anyone on this group just because they're on this group, that's just 
self-important paranoia from cultists, as usual. 


 From: "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 1:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
    turq, you replied to Raunchy that she's now on Interpol watch. Also, I 
think we're all being watched anyway, so all this being watched business is 
nothing new imho. That ship has sailed a long time ago!


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 6:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
    I'm atypically replying to this post from Richard because it's a blatant 
LIE, and indicative of what an unconscionable troll he is. 

The only two people on FFL who have been reported to the cybercrime unit of the 
Dutch police are Nablusosos1008 and Jim Flanegin (fleetwood_macncheese). They 
were reported because they were posting libel about me that could have harmed 
me and my family. 

Neither the Dutch police nor Interpol have any interest in 1) Fairfield Life as 
a whole, 2) other people who post on it, or 3) even Richard J. Williams. 
Despite what Richard is LYING about here, no one is monitoring your 
conversations any more than they were before. No one was *ever* being monitored 
as part of a "Dutch porn watch list." Jim and Nabby were (and still are) being 
monitored because they BROKE DUTCH LAW by claiming that I was a child molestor 
and child pornographer and urged other people to take illegal actions about 
that libelous claim. 

Even RICHARD has not been reported to Dutch and international police...YET. 

There seems to be *no question* that he's going to continue lying about me and 
other people on this forum, as he has done for years. Unfortunately we can't 
stop that...only Rick can. But I'm not going to put even *him* on the 
cybercrime watch list unless his lies step over the line and break Dutch law, 
as Jim's and Nabby's did. 

Are we clear now? Richard is a lying scumbag, and you're NOT all being watched 
by the police.

---In,  wrote :

Inits fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seemsnow isMostly Left to 
the Angry People.
dhamiltony wrote :

Themigration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groupsseems to be goingwell, 
over to a New Jerusalem at:
On 12/3/2014 1:21 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

  Youkeep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you areSTILL HERE. 

We are still here to warn everyone aboutposting to FFL. They do so at their own 
risk because everyonethat posts here is now on the Dutch police porn "Watch 
List."You do realize that they've seen the cartoon you posted with the"c" word 
caption, right? And, I guess you realize they have yourname, phone number, and 
IP address, right? Or, maybe you don't.Go figure.



 #yiv9988356552 #yiv9988356552 -- #yiv9988356552ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9988356552 
#yiv9988356552ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9988356552 
#yiv9988356552ygrp-mkp #yiv9988356552hd 
0;}#yiv9988356552 #yiv9988356552ygrp-mkp #yiv9988356552ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9988356552 #yiv9988356552ygrp-mkp .yiv9988356552ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv9988356552 #yiv9988356552ygrp-mkp .yiv9988356552ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv9988356552 #yiv9988356552ygrp-mkp .yiv9988356552ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9988356552 #yiv9988356552ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv9988356552ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9988356552 
#yiv9988356552ygrp-sponsor #yiv9988356552ygrp-lc #yiv9988356552hd {margin:10px 
#yiv9988356552ygrp-sponsor #yiv9988356552ygrp-lc .yiv9988356552ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9988356552 #yiv9988356552actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv9988356552 
 #yiv9988356552activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv9988356552 
#yiv9988356552activity span:first-child 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
That reply was a joke, Share, just as she claims the post I was replying to 

As for anyone from the world of government or law enforcement wanting to watch 
you or anyone on this group just because they're on this group, that's just 
self-important paranoia from cultists, as usual. 

  From: "Share Long [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 1:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
    turq, you replied to Raunchy that she's now on Interpol watch. Also, I 
think we're all being watched anyway, so all this being watched business is 
nothing new imho. That ship has sailed a long time ago!


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 6:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
    I'm atypically replying to this post from Richard because it's a blatant 
LIE, and indicative of what an unconscionable troll he is. 

The only two people on FFL who have been reported to the cybercrime unit of the 
Dutch police are Nablusosos1008 and Jim Flanegin (fleetwood_macncheese). They 
were reported because they were posting libel about me that could have harmed 
me and my family. 

Neither the Dutch police nor Interpol have any interest in 1) Fairfield Life as 
a whole, 2) other people who post on it, or 3) even Richard J. Williams. 
Despite what Richard is LYING about here, no one is monitoring your 
conversations any more than they were before. No one was *ever* being monitored 
as part of a "Dutch porn watch list." Jim and Nabby were (and still are) being 
monitored because they BROKE DUTCH LAW by claiming that I was a child molestor 
and child pornographer and urged other people to take illegal actions about 
that libelous claim. 

Even RICHARD has not been reported to Dutch and international police...YET. 

There seems to be *no question* that he's going to continue lying about me and 
other people on this forum, as he has done for years. Unfortunately we can't 
stop that...only Rick can. But I'm not going to put even *him* on the 
cybercrime watch list unless his lies step over the line and break Dutch law, 
as Jim's and Nabby's did. 

Are we clear now? Richard is a lying scumbag, and you're NOT all being watched 
by the police.

---In,  wrote :

Inits fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seemsnow isMostly Left to 
the Angry People.
dhamiltony wrote :

Themigration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groupsseems to be goingwell, 
over to a New Jerusalem at:
On 12/3/2014 1:21 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

  Youkeep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you areSTILL HERE. 

We are still here to warn everyone aboutposting to FFL. They do so at their own 
risk because everyonethat posts here is now on the Dutch police porn "Watch 
List."You do realize that they've seen the cartoon you posted with the"c" word 
caption, right? And, I guess you realize they have yourname, phone number, and 
IP address, right? Or, maybe you don't.Go figure.


 #yiv5115898589 #yiv5115898589 -- #yiv5115898589ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv5115898589 
#yiv5115898589ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv5115898589 
#yiv5115898589ygrp-mkp #yiv5115898589hd 
0;}#yiv5115898589 #yiv5115898589ygrp-mkp #yiv5115898589ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv5115898589 #yiv5115898589ygrp-mkp .yiv5115898589ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv5115898589 #yiv5115898589ygrp-mkp .yiv5115898589ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv5115898589 #yiv5115898589ygrp-mkp .yiv5115898589ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5115898589 #yiv5115898589ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv5115898589ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv5115898589 
#yiv5115898589ygrp-sponsor #yiv5115898589ygrp-lc #yiv5115898589hd {margin:10px 
#yiv5115898589ygrp-sponsor #yiv5115898589ygrp-lc .yiv5115898589ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv5115898589 #yiv5115898589actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv5115898589 
 #yiv5115898589activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv5115898589 
#yiv5115898589activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv5115898589 #yiv5115898589activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5115898589 #yiv5115898589activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv5115898589 #yiv5115898589activity span 
.yiv5115898589underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv5115898589 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
turq, you replied to Raunchy that she's now on Interpol watch. Also, I think 
we're all being watched anyway, so all this being watched business is nothing 
new imho. That ship has sailed a long time ago!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 6:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
    I'm atypically replying to this post from Richard because it's a blatant 
LIE, and indicative of what an unconscionable troll he is. 

The only two people on FFL who have been reported to the cybercrime unit of the 
Dutch police are Nablusosos1008 and Jim Flanegin (fleetwood_macncheese). They 
were reported because they were posting libel about me that could have harmed 
me and my family. 

Neither the Dutch police nor Interpol have any interest in 1) Fairfield Life as 
a whole, 2) other people who post on it, or 3) even Richard J. Williams. 
Despite what Richard is LYING about here, no one is monitoring your 
conversations any more than they were before. No one was *ever* being monitored 
as part of a "Dutch porn watch list." Jim and Nabby were (and still are) being 
monitored because they BROKE DUTCH LAW by claiming that I was a child molestor 
and child pornographer and urged other people to take illegal actions about 
that libelous claim. 

Even RICHARD has not been reported to Dutch and international police...YET. 

There seems to be *no question* that he's going to continue lying about me and 
other people on this forum, as he has done for years. Unfortunately we can't 
stop that...only Rick can. But I'm not going to put even *him* on the 
cybercrime watch list unless his lies step over the line and break Dutch law, 
as Jim's and Nabby's did. 

Are we clear now? Richard is a lying scumbag, and you're NOT all being watched 
by the police.

---In,  wrote :

Inits fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seemsnow isMostly Left to 
the Angry People.
dhamiltony wrote :

Themigration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groupsseems to be goingwell, 
over to a New Jerusalem at:
On 12/3/2014 1:21 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

  Youkeep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you areSTILL HERE. 

We are still here to warn everyone aboutposting to FFL. They do so at their own 
risk because everyonethat posts here is now on the Dutch police porn "Watch 
List."You do realize that they've seen the cartoon you posted with the"c" word 
caption, right? And, I guess you realize they have yourname, phone number, and 
IP address, right? Or, maybe you don't.Go figure.

  #yiv7448802799 #yiv7448802799 -- #yiv7448802799ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7448802799 
#yiv7448802799ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv7448802799 
#yiv7448802799ygrp-mkp #yiv7448802799hd 
0;}#yiv7448802799 #yiv7448802799ygrp-mkp #yiv7448802799ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv7448802799 #yiv7448802799ygrp-mkp .yiv7448802799ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv7448802799 #yiv7448802799ygrp-mkp .yiv7448802799ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv7448802799 #yiv7448802799ygrp-mkp .yiv7448802799ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7448802799 #yiv7448802799ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv7448802799ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv7448802799 
#yiv7448802799ygrp-sponsor #yiv7448802799ygrp-lc #yiv7448802799hd {margin:10px 
#yiv7448802799ygrp-sponsor #yiv7448802799ygrp-lc .yiv7448802799ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv7448802799 #yiv7448802799actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv7448802799 
 #yiv7448802799activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv7448802799 
#yiv7448802799activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv7448802799 #yiv7448802799activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv7448802799 #yiv7448802799activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv7448802799 #yiv7448802799activity span 
.yiv7448802799underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv7448802799 
0;width:400px;}#yiv7448802799 .yiv7448802799attach div a 
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{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv7448802799 .yiv7448802799attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv7448802799 .yiv7448802799attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv7448802799 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv7448802799 .yiv7448802799bold 
.yiv7448802799bold a {text-

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

In its fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seems now is 
Mostly Left to the /Angry People/.
The migration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groups seems to be 
going well, over to a /New Jerusalem/ at:
You keep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you are STILL 

*/And still trying to stir up the very negativity you claim to be 
against. WTF?/*

On 12/3/2014 1:55 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
I think they are operating on a "my enemy's enemy is my friend" as far 
as Jim goes.

Look, Sally, I knew you were dumb, but not this dumb. You need to get 
some smarts: you are now on the /Interpol /child porn watch list because 
Barry reported you to the police and brought the heat on the whole 
group. You posted a pornographic image to a family-oriented discussion 
group. That was a big mistake, but not as big a mistake as Barry 
reporting you to the Dutch police.

If I were you, I'd at least try to explain to the group why you posted 
the porn. Go figure.

I seem to remember him being rather critical and abrasive quite often, 
not to mention the superior attitude! But I guess that's OK as long as 
he's fighting on their side, as if it was all about sides to begin with!

Non sequitur.
Willytex is the same, but they'd need to develop some self-awareness 
to see themselves how others see them. Can't have that in a spiritual 
life ;-)

Non sequitur.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm atypically replying to this post from Richard because it's a blatant LIE, 
and indicative of what an unconscionable troll he is. 

The only two people on FFL who have been reported to the cybercrime unit of the 
Dutch police are Nablusosos1008 and Jim Flanegin (fleetwood_macncheese). They 
were reported because they were posting libel about me that could have harmed 
me and my family. 

Neither the Dutch police nor Interpol have any interest in 1) Fairfield Life as 
a whole, 2) other people who post on it, or 3) even Richard J. Williams. 
Despite what Richard is LYING about here, no one is monitoring your 
conversations any more than they were before. No one was *ever* being monitored 
as part of a "Dutch porn watch list." Jim and Nabby were (and still are) being 
monitored because they BROKE DUTCH LAW by claiming that I was a child molestor 
and child pornographer and urged other people to take illegal actions about 
that libelous claim. 
Even RICHARD has not been reported to Dutch and international police...YET. 

There seems to be *no question* that he's going to continue lying about me and 
other people on this forum, as he has done for years. Unfortunately we can't 
stop that...only Rick can. But I'm not going to put even *him* on the 
cybercrime watch list unless his lies step over the line and break Dutch law, 
as Jim's and Nabby's did. 

Are we clear now? Richard is a lying scumbag, and you're NOT all being watched 
by the police.

---In,  wrote :

 In its fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seems now is Mostly 
Left to the Angry People. dhamiltony wrote : The migration from FFL to The_Peak 
also at Yahoo-groups seems to be going well, over to a New Jerusalem at:

 On 12/3/2014 1:21 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
   You keep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you are STILL HERE. 

 We are still here to warn everyone about posting to FFL. They do so at their 
own risk because everyone that posts here is now on the Dutch police porn 
"Watch List." You do realize that they've seen the cartoon you posted with the 
"c" word caption, right? And, I guess you realize they have your name, phone 
number, and IP address, right? Or, maybe you don't. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

The migration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groups seems to be 
going well, over to a /New Jerusalem/ at:

You keep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you are STILL 

On 12/3/2014 1:25 AM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

*/And still trying to stir up the very negativity you claim to be 
against. WTF?/*

/Stir up negativity?

/Let me be clear: you are a serious case of cognitive dissonance.
// You called in the Dutch police, Interpol, and a lawyer to prosecute 
three members of this forum for posting satire. You got your buttons 
pushed back and you went bat-shit crazy. Is that clear, Barry? Now do 
you realize why seven members of this forum left to form a new Yahoo 
Group? Do I have to spell it out for you?/


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

dhamiltony wrote :

In its fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seems now is 
Mostly Left to the /Angry People/.

The migration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groups seems to be 
going well, over to a /New Jerusalem/ at:

On 12/3/2014 1:21 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

  You keep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you are STILL 

/We are still here to warn everyone about posting to FFL. They do so at 
their own risk because everyone that posts here is now on the Dutch 
police porn "Watch List." You do realize that they've seen the cartoon 
you posted with the "c" word caption, right? And, I guess you realize 
they have your name, phone number, and IP address, right? Or, maybe you 
don't. Go figure./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-03 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
yoohoo, hi salyavin, I'm still here too. Practicing a little bi-location 
(-:Anyway, enjoying the humor from you and turq. Plus the NASA photo of aurora 
borealis, cool! 
OTOH, enjoyed Richard's comment too and will now reply to that. Go figger!
  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 3, 2014 1:21 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

---In,  wrote :

Inits fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seems now isMostly Left 
to the Angry People.Themigration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groups 
seems to be goingwell, over to a New Jerusalem 
You keep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you are STILL HERE. 


DearYahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higherpower to 
come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome yourarrival. Hopefully you 
can help us mediate and even help revive all thatwas once really good about 
FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community.I am one of the longest surviving 
original members of this forum and well knowits ways. I am actually on of the 
few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa and I should 
beglad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need helpcontrolling 
this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  

Dear RD;  GoodPoint RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save'people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
areotherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonanceswithin 
their own community in their own terms to their own spiritualends. Who are 
these neganauts to interfere with the internal affairsof others any way? It 
seems incredibly arrogant on their part tocome in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. Itseems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatorylanguage the way they do. Having learned their own 
particularhistories as they have related them on FFL through time 
thensympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything 
spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse ofthe 
unguarded cultural openness of this community has allowed them totake over the 
flower that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned 
reasoned and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa
raunchydog wrote :
Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushingbuttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually 
respondto by making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion 
thatinventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being)in 
order to push "true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhapsliberate 
them from TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you 
is about your offensive behavior,period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are 
a narcissistic,self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission towake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING.You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in 
thepast by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implyingthe police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge toofar. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.  
#yiv0165531386 #yiv0165531386 -- #yiv0165531386ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv0165531386 
#yiv0165531386ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv0165531386 
#yiv0165531386ygrp-mkp #yiv0165531386hd 
0;}#yiv0165531386 #yiv0165531386ygrp-mkp #yiv0165531386ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv0165531386 #yiv0165531386ygrp-mkp .yiv0165531386ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv0165531386 #yiv0165531386ygrp-mkp .yiv0165531386ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv0165531386 #yiv0165531386ygrp-mkp .yiv0165531386ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0165531386 #yiv0165531386ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv0165531386ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv0165531386 
#yiv0165531386ygrp-sponsor #yiv0165531386ygrp-lc #yiv0165531386hd {margin:10px 
#yiv0165531386ygrp-sponsor #yiv0165531386ygrp-lc .yiv0165531386ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv0165531386 #yiv0165531386actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv0165531386 
 #yiv0165531386activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv0165531386 
#yiv0165531386activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv0165531386 #yiv0165531386activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv0165531386 #yiv0165531386activity span 
span {color:#

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-02 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 From: salyavin808 

 ---In,  wrote :
 In its fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seems now is Mostly 
Left to the Angry People.
 The migration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groups seems to be going 
well, over to a New Jerusalem at:
 You keep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you are STILL HERE. 

 And still trying to stir up the very negativity you claim to be against. WTF?


I think they are operating on a "my enemy's enemy is my friend" as far as Jim 
goes. I seem to remember him being rather critical and abrasive quite often, 
not to mention the superior attitude! But I guess that's OK as long as he's 
fighting on their side, as if it was all about sides to begin with!

 Willytex is the same, but they'd need to develop some self-awareness to see 
themselves how others see them. Can't have that in a spiritual life ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-02 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :
Inits fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seems now isMostly Left 
to the Angry People.Themigration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groups 
seems to be goingwell, over to a New Jerusalem 
at:  You keep saying you're 
going but I can't help noticing you are STILL HERE. 
And still trying to stir up the very negativity you claim to be against. WTF?


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-02 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 In its fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seems now is Mostly 
Left to the Angry People.
 The migration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groups seems to be going 
well, over to a New Jerusalem at:

 You keep saying you're going but I can't help noticing you are STILL HERE. 


 Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higher power to 
come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome your arrival. Hopefully 
you can help us mediate and even help revive all that was once really good 
about FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest 
surviving original members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually 
on of the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa 
and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need 
help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear RD;  
 Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to save' 
people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who are otherwise 
comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonances within their own 
community in their own terms to their own spiritual ends. Who are these 
neganauts to interfere with the internal affairs of others any way? It seems 
incredibly arrogant on their part to come in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time then 
sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything spiritual 
they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse of the unguarded 
cultural openness of this community has allowed them to take over the flower 
that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned 
and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 raunchydog wrote :
 Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of pushing 
buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually respond to by 
making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion that inventing an 
offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being) in order to push 
"true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from 
TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you is about 
your offensive behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in the 
past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-02 Thread [FairfieldLife]
In its fragmentation Yes, sadly FFL at Yahoo-groups it seems now is Mostly Left 
to the Angry People.
 The migration from FFL to The_Peak also at Yahoo-groups seems to be going 
well, over to a New Jerusalem at:

 Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higher power to 
come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome your arrival. Hopefully 
you can help us mediate and even help revive all that was once really good 
about FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest 
surviving original members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually 
on of the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa 
and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need 
help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear RD;  
 Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to save' 
people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who are otherwise 
comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonances within their own 
community in their own terms to their own spiritual ends. Who are these 
neganauts to interfere with the internal affairs of others any way? It seems 
incredibly arrogant on their part to come in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time then 
sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything spiritual 
they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse of the unguarded 
cultural openness of this community has allowed them to take over the flower 
that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned 
and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 raunchydog wrote :
 Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of pushing 
buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually respond to by 
making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion that inventing an 
offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being) in order to push 
"true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from 
TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you is about 
your offensive behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in the 
past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

According to the number of posts downloaded this morning on FFL "The 
Peak" has had little effect. And I took a "peek" at "The Peak" and 
Willy has set up shop there already. Go figure.

On 12/1/2014 1:31 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
Seems lonely around here without any crop circle and UFO reports. I 
even went to The Examiner to look for a face on Mars but they haven't 
found any this week

/Well, yes - if it hadn't been for me posting here today you wouldn't 
have anything much to read would you?

Did you try reading the Daily Mail? There's a big story about Rotherham. 
You might try reading that and then get back to us./

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 1:21 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

According to the number of posts downloaded this morning on FFL "The 
Peak" has had little effect.

/So, you've been doing some stalking and some lurking. Go figure./
And I took a "peek" at "The Peak" and Willy has set up shop there 
already. Go figure.

/Translation: "I applied to be a subscriber but Jim rejected me for 
being a rebel.//"/


On 12/01/2014 12:01 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

*/I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of 
this complaining that they were "driven away" from FFL and forced to 
migrate to the Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, 
and 2) a veritable case study in lack of self-knowledge.

*/They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being 
"persecuted," but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic 
here knows that the folks who left for the "gentle speech" group (and 
especially its founder) were some of the most volatile creators of 
vile-speak FFL has ever seen.


I always said they should be careful what they wish for. Without 
people to rag on they'll be bored shitless.

*/My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to 
have actually unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get 
up on their high and might pulpits and dump on the people they don't 
like, and they've boxed themselves in on the new group so they can't 
do it there without being laughed out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll 
do "drive-bys" on FFL just to get their rocks off by complaining 
about the people they feel superior to.

*/Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There 
will be more.../*

Why does Buck think he has to save us from ourselves? I can't imagine 
being so "up" myself that someone with a different opinion is "out of 
hand" and needs a higher power. Now he's got somewhere else to play 
that's so much better, why doesn't he just go?

I reckon he'll miss us, or miss feeling superior about us.

*From:* "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a
higher power to come in here and help clean this place up. I
welcome your arrival. Hopefully you can help us mediate and even
help revive all that was once really good about FairfieldLife as
a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving
original members of this forum and well know its ways. I am
actually on of the few  FFL member participants on the ground
here in Fairfield, Iowa and I should be glad to be of
administrative assistance for you if you need help controlling
this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

Dear RD;
Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their 
own spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the 
internal affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on 
their part to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's 
peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use 
such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you.  What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push "true believer" buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your 
offensive behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your 
failed mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult 
nightmare IS NOT WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts f

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 According to the number of posts downloaded this morning on FFL "The Peak" has 
had little effect.  And I took a "peek" at "The Peak" and Willy has set up shop 
there already. Go figure.
Seems lonely around here without any crop circle and UFO reports. I even went 
to The Examiner to look for a face on Mars but they haven't found any this 



 On 12/01/2014 12:01 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of this 
complaining that they were "driven away" from FFL and forced to migrate to the 
Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, and 2) a veritable case 
study in lack of self-knowledge. 
 They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being "persecuted," 
but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here knows that the folks 
who left for the "gentle speech" group (and especially its founder) were some 
of the most volatile creators of vile-speak FFL has ever seen. 

 I always said they should be careful what they wish for. Without people to rag 
on they'll be bored shitless.


 My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to have 
actually unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get up on their 
high and might pulpits and dump on the people they don't like, and they've 
boxed themselves in on the new group so they can't do it there without being 
laughed out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll do "drive-bys" on FFL just to get 
their rocks off by complaining about the people they feel superior to.
 Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will be more...

 Why does Buck think he has to save us from ourselves? I can't imagine being so 
"up" myself that someone with a different opinion is "out of hand" and needs a 
higher power. Now he's got somewhere else to play that's so much better, why 
doesn't he just go?
 I reckon he'll miss us, or miss feeling superior about us.

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
   Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higher power 
to come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome your arrival. Hopefully 
you can help us mediate and even help revive all that was once really good 
about FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest 
surviving original members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually 
on of the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa 
and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need 
help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear RD;  
 Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to save' 
people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who are otherwise 
comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonances within their own 
community in their own terms to their own spiritual ends. Who are these 
neganauts to interfere with the internal affairs of others any way? It seems 
incredibly arrogant on their part to come in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time then 
sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything spiritual 
they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse of the unguarded 
cultural openness of this community has allowed them to take over the flower 
that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned 
and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa
 raunchydog wrote :
 Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of pushing 
buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually respond to by 
making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion that inventing an 
offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being) in order to push 
"true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from 
TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you is about 
your offensive behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission to wake up perceived cultists fr

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
According to the number of posts downloaded this morning on FFL "The 
Peak" has had little effect. And I took a "peek" at "The Peak" and Willy 
has set up shop there already. Go figure.

On 12/01/2014 12:01 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

*/I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of 
this complaining that they were "driven away" from FFL and forced to 
migrate to the Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, 
and 2) a veritable case study in lack of self-knowledge.

*/They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being 
"persecuted," but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here 
knows that the folks who left for the "gentle speech" group (and 
especially its founder) were some of the most volatile creators of 
vile-speak FFL has ever seen.


I always said they should be careful what they wish for. Without 
people to rag on they'll be bored shitless.

*/My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to 
have actually unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get 
up on their high and might pulpits and dump on the people they don't 
like, and they've boxed themselves in on the new group so they can't 
do it there without being laughed out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll 
do "drive-bys" on FFL just to get their rocks off by complaining about 
the people they feel superior to.

*/Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will 
be more.../*

Why does Buck think he has to save us from ourselves? I can't imagine 
being so "up" myself that someone with a different opinion is "out of 
hand" and needs a higher power. Now he's got somewhere else to play 
that's so much better, why doesn't he just go?

I reckon he'll miss us, or miss feeling superior about us.

*From:* "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a
higher power to come in here and help clean this place up. I
welcome your arrival. Hopefully you can help us mediate and even
help revive all that was once really good about FairfieldLife as a
Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving original
members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually on of
the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield,
Iowa and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for
you if you need help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear RD;
Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you. What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push "true believer" buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your 
failed mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult 
nightmare IS NOT WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you 
have experienced in the past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child 
abuser is a bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself 
and leave it at that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
I predict that your prediction here is 100% accurate.

  From: "TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: ""  
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 2:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
    I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of this 
complaining that they were "driven away" from FFL and forced to migrate to the 
Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, and 2) a veritable case 
study in lack of self-knowledge. 

They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being "persecuted," but 
anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here knows that the folks who 
left for the "gentle speech" group (and especially its founder) were some of 
the most volatile creators of vile-speak FFL has ever seen. 

My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to have actually 
unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get up on their high and 
might pulpits and dump on the people they don't like, and they've boxed 
themselves in on the new group so they can't do it there without being laughed 
out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll do "drive-bys" on FFL just to get their 
rocks off by complaining about the people they feel superior to.

Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will be more...


 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
DearYahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higherpower to 
come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome yourarrival. Hopefully you 
can help us mediate and even help revive all thatwas once really good about 
FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving 
original members of this forum and well knowits ways. I am actually on of the 
few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa and I should 
beglad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need helpcontrolling 
this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  

Dear RD;  GoodPoint RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save'people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
areotherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonanceswithin 
their own community in their own terms to their own spiritualends. Who are 
these neganauts to interfere with the internal affairsof others any way? It 
seems incredibly arrogant on their part tocome in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. Itseems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatorylanguage the way they do. Having learned their own 
particularhistories as they have related them on FFL through time 
thensympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything 
spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse ofthe 
unguarded cultural openness of this community has allowed them totake over the 
flower that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned 
reasoned and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa
raunchydog wrote :
Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushingbuttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually 
respondto by making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion 
thatinventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being)in 
order to push "true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhapsliberate 
them from TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you 
is about your offensive behavior,period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are 
a narcissistic,self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission towake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING.You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in 
thepast by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implyingthe police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge toofar. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.  

 #yiv3903992892 #yiv3903992892 -- #yiv3903992892ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3903992892 
#yiv3903992892ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3903992892 
#yiv3903992892ygrp-mkp #yiv3903992892hd 
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{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3903992892 #yiv3903992892ygrp-mkp .yiv3903992892ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv3903992892 #yiv3903992892ygrp-mkp .yiv3903992892ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv3903992892 #yiv3903992892ygrp-mkp .yiv3903992892ad a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

---In,  wrote :

*/I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of 
this complaining that they were "driven away" from FFL and forced to 
migrate to the Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, 
and 2) a veritable case study in lack of self-knowledge.

*/They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being 
"persecuted," but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here 
knows that the folks who left for the "gentle speech" group (and 
especially its founder) were some of the most volatile creators of 
vile-speak FFL has ever seen.


On 12/1/2014 2:01 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
I always said they should be careful what they wish for. Without 
people to rag on they'll be bored shitless.

It probably works both ways - if there were no female respondents on the 
forum, who would you show your gender bias to? It's not so much you made 
a mistake, but what is really surprising is the approval you seem to 
have earned for posting it. Why is it that Share and I are the only ones 
that see it as a gender bias?


*/My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to 
have actually unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get 
up on their high and might pulpits and dump on the people they don't 
like, and they've boxed themselves in on the new group so they can't 
do it there without being laughed out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll 
do "drive-bys" on FFL just to get their rocks off by complaining about 
the people they feel superior to.

*/Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will 
be more.../*

Why does Buck think he has to save us from ourselves? I can't imagine 
being so "up" myself that someone with a different opinion is "out of 
hand" and needs a higher power. Now he's got somewhere else to play 
that's so much better, why doesn't he just go?

/Non sequitur.//If you weren't so "up" yourself you would have 
apologized to the whole group for posting the "c" word. Why is that so 
difficult for you to understand? /


I reckon he'll miss us, or miss feeling superior about us.

/Non sequitur./

*From:* "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a
higher power to come in here and help clean this place up. I
welcome your arrival. Hopefully you can help us mediate and even
help revive all that was once really good about FairfieldLife as a
Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving original
members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually on of
the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield,
Iowa and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for
you if you need help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear RD;
Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you. What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push "true believer" buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, you

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 12/1/2014 1:24 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
*/I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of 
this complaining that they were "driven away" from FFL and forced to 
migrate to the Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, 
and 2) a veritable case study in lack of self-knowledge.


/Maybe they just want to be friends./
*/They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being 
"persecuted," but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here 
knows that the folks who left for the "gentle speech" group (and 
especially its founder) were some of the most volatile creators of 
vile-speak FFL has ever seen./*

/Barry sounds kind of concerned about some friends starting their own 
discussion group without him. Go figure. /


*/My bet? They'll be back. /*

*//Barry seems to be running out of targets. My bet is that his next 
target will be Share and the other Barry. Maybe we should start a 
contest to see who can predict who Barry will attack next.

*/(You'll notice that none of them seem to have actually unsubscribed 
from FFL.) /*

Barry seems to be the only informant that has checked this out. Maybe 
Barry has a list. Go figure.

*/They'll miss being able to get up on their high and might pulpits 
and dump on the people they don't like, and they've boxed themselves 
in on the new group so they can't do it there without being laughed 
out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll do "drive-bys" on FFL just to get 
their rocks off by complaining about the people they feel superior to.


OMG! Is Barry implying that someone doesn't like him?

*/Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will 
be more.../*

So, how would Barry be knowing that Buck left and then came back to FFL?

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a
higher power to come in here and help clean this place up. I
welcome your arrival. Hopefully you can help us mediate and even
help revive all that was once really good about FairfieldLife as a
Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving original
members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually on of
the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield,
Iowa and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for
you if you need help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in
Fairfield, Iowa

Dear RD;
Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you. What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push "true believer" buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your 
failed mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult 
nightmare IS NOT WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you 
have experienced in the past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child 
abuser is a bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself 
and leave it at that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/30/2014 8:28 PM, dhamiltony wrote:

Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a
higher power to come in here and help clean this place up.

At the founding of this discussion group, Rick set up a rule that the 
posting of pornography would not be tolerated, either by text, images or 
links. This rule has been broken on numerous occasions in the past few 
days. If corrections are not taken, we must assume that the rule has 
been changed and we therefore deserve an explanation from the moderator.

Instead of calling the police, Buck, it would probably be better to 
appeal to the moderators to do their jobs and just send out a warning 
message to the perpetrators to remind them of their obligation when they 
signed the the group member agreement:

*FFL Guidelines:
//1) This group has long maintained a thoughtful and considerate tone. 
Please refrain from personal attacks, insults and excessive venting. 
"Speak the truth that is sweet" is a worthy aspiration. If angry, take 
some time to gain composure before writing or pushing the send button./*

/8) Posting of "adult" material, either text or photos, or links to such 
materials, is prohibited. Violation of this guideline may result in 
expulsion from the group./


I welcome your arrival. Hopefully you can help us mediate and even
help revive all that was once really good about FairfieldLife as a
Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving original
members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually on of
the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield,
Iowa and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for
you if you need help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in
Fairfield, Iowa

Maybe now is the time to remind all respondents that this is supposed to 
be a family-oriented forum. If the posting of objectionable material 
persists, the Yahoo Administrators may have cause to reclassify the FFL 
group as an adult site and give it  XXX rating. This would be very 
embarrassing, to say the least, and could result in further actions - it 
is unlawful to post adult material to a family-oriented Yahoo Group.

*Yahoo Groups Guidelines:*

/1) Don't violate the law. Members of Yahoo! communities are not above 
the law, so don't post anything that violates the laws of your country, 
state, province, or city. //

//2) Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in Groups. Also 
not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting. If 
you wouldn't say it in public or with a group of friends, don't post it./

Dear RD;

Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you.  What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push "true believer" buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your 
failed mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult 
nightmare IS NOT WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you 
have experienced in the past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child 
abuser is a bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself 
and leave it at that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-12-01 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of this 
complaining that they were "driven away" from FFL and forced to migrate to the 
Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, and 2) a veritable case 
study in lack of self-knowledge. 


 They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being "persecuted," 
but anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here knows that the folks 
who left for the "gentle speech" group (and especially its founder) were some 
of the most volatile creators of vile-speak FFL has ever seen. 


 I always said they should be careful what they wish for. Without people to rag 
on they'll be bored shitless.


 My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to have 
actually unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get up on their 
high and might pulpits and dump on the people they don't like, and they've 
boxed themselves in on the new group so they can't do it there without being 
laughed out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll do "drive-bys" on FFL just to get 
their rocks off by complaining about the people they feel superior to.


 Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will be more...


 Why does Buck think he has to save us from ourselves? I can't imagine being so 
"up" myself that someone with a different opinion is "out of hand" and needs a 
higher power. Now he's got somewhere else to play that's so much better, why 
doesn't he just go?

 I reckon he'll miss us, or miss feeling superior about us.

 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
 Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higher power to 
come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome your arrival. Hopefully 
you can help us mediate and even help revive all that was once really good 
about FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest 
surviving original members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually 
on of the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa 
and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need 
help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   


 Dear RD;  
 Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to save' 
people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who are otherwise 
comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonances within their own 
community in their own terms to their own spiritual ends. Who are these 
neganauts to interfere with the internal affairs of others any way? It seems 
incredibly arrogant on their part to come in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time then 
sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything spiritual 
they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse of the unguarded 
cultural openness of this community has allowed them to take over the flower 
that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned 
and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 raunchydog wrote :
 Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of pushing 
buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually respond to by 
making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion that inventing an 
offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being) in order to push 
"true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from 
TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you is about 
your offensive behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in the 
past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-11-30 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I kinda figured this would happen. I've always assumed that most of this 
complaining that they were "driven away" from FFL and forced to migrate to the 
Let Us Be Boring Together group was 1) mere posturing, and 2) a veritable case 
study in lack of self-knowledge. 

They just made a pretense of stalking off in a snit and being "persecuted," but 
anyone who has been watching the actual traffic here knows that the folks who 
left for the "gentle speech" group (and especially its founder) were some of 
the most volatile creators of vile-speak FFL has ever seen. 

My bet? They'll be back. (You'll notice that none of them seem to have actually 
unsubscribed from FFL.) They'll miss being able to get up on their high and 
might pulpits and dump on the people they don't like, and they've boxed 
themselves in on the new group so they can't do it there without being laughed 
out of Yahoo Group Town, so they'll do "drive-bys" on FFL just to get their 
rocks off by complaining about the people they feel superior to.

Buck is just the first example of one of them doing that. There will be more...

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 3:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
DearYahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higherpower to 
come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome yourarrival. Hopefully you 
can help us mediate and even help revive all thatwas once really good about 
FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest surviving 
original members of this forum and well knowits ways. I am actually on of the 
few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa and I should 
beglad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need helpcontrolling 
this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa  

Dear RD;  GoodPoint RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save'people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
areotherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonanceswithin 
their own community in their own terms to their own spiritualends. Who are 
these neganauts to interfere with the internal affairsof others any way? It 
seems incredibly arrogant on their part tocome in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. Itseems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatorylanguage the way they do. Having learned their own 
particularhistories as they have related them on FFL through time 
thensympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything 
spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse ofthe 
unguarded cultural openness of this community has allowed them totake over the 
flower that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned 
reasoned and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa
raunchydog wrote :
Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushingbuttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually 
respondto by making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion 
thatinventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being)in 
order to push "true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhapsliberate 
them from TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you 
is about your offensive behavior,period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are 
a narcissistic,self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission towake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING.You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in 
thepast by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implyingthe police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge toofar. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.  
#yiv3032905557 #yiv3032905557 -- #yiv3032905557ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3032905557 
#yiv3032905557ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3032905557 
#yiv3032905557ygrp-mkp #yiv3032905557hd 
0;}#yiv3032905557 #yiv3032905557ygrp-mkp #yiv3032905557ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3032905557 #yiv3032905557ygrp-mkp .yiv3032905557ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv3032905557 #yiv3032905557ygrp-mkp .yiv3032905557ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv3032905557 #yiv3032905557ygrp-mkp .yiv3032905557ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv3032905557 #yiv3032905557ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv3032905557ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv3032905557 
#yiv3032905557ygrp-sponsor #yiv3032905557ygrp-lc #yiv3032905557hd {margin:10px 
#yiv3032905557ygrp-sponsor #yiv3032905557ygrp-lc .yiv

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-11-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Yahoo-Groups Guideline Police: I have long pleaded for a higher power to 
come in here and help clean this place up. I welcome your arrival. Hopefully 
you can help us mediate and even help revive all that was once really good 
about FairfieldLife as a Yahoo-group community. I am one of the longest 
surviving original members of this forum and well know its ways. I am actually 
on of the few  FFL member participants on the ground here in Fairfield, Iowa 
and I should be glad to be of administrative assistance for you if you need 
help controlling this out-of-hand group. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa   

 Dear RD;  
 Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to save' 
people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who are otherwise 
comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonances within their own 
community in their own terms to their own spiritual ends. Who are these 
neganauts to interfere with the internal affairs of others any way? It seems 
incredibly arrogant on their part to come in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time then 
sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything spiritual 
they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse of the unguarded 
cultural openness of this community has allowed them to take over the flower 
that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned 
and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 raunchydog wrote :
 Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of pushing 
buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually respond to by 
making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion that inventing an 
offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being) in order to push 
"true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from 
TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you is about 
your offensive behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in the 
past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-11-30 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Too bad you never told Doc Dummy that since he did the same thing quite often. 

  From: feste37 
 Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2014 3:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL
    It's a matter of the tone in which the discussion takes place, something 
that I doubt, given your history, that you would understand. Discussion is one 
thing, but an entire stream of abusive posts using the kind of language that 
seems to come naturally to you is quite another. 

---In,  wrote :

It's *not*, after all, as if the description of this forum gives the impression 
that it's a forum for TM blissninnies to come and discuss their fantasies 
without being bothered by negativity --
We often discuss the trials and tribulations of the TM Movement, whichmay not 
interest some, but that's why God created the delete key.  ...  Pretty much any 
topic is fair game.
Then there are the quotes chosen by Rick to "set the tone" for this forum, 
among which are:
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite."  ~ Bertrand Russell
"The healthy mind challenges its own assumptions."  ~ The I Ching
"Believe nothing, no matter whereyou read it, or who said it, no matter if I 
have said it, unless itagrees with your own reason and your own common sense." 
~ Buddha

"Take what you need and leave the rest." ~ The Band
I mean, to invoke the spirit of Judy Stein, one would have to be REEAALLY 
REEAALLY REEAALLY STOOOPID to believe that the still-fervent TMers are the 
"owners" of this group and that the "neganauts" are the intruders. 
  From: salyavin808 

Well it's lucky for you two that you have another option, you don't need to 
visit this place and lament at us fallen souls, you can go to Jim's new site 
and talk about how fantastic you and your beliefs are instead of getting 
depressed round here. It's only you that wants to stay here, ever ask yourself 

I'd say take Willytex with you but I doubt they'd have him, that sad sack of 
shit will probably be sitting here moaning about nothing until doomsday. What a 
waste of time for you all, visiting a website where all you do is complain 
about what goes on there! I mean go figure

---In,  wrote :

Dear RD;  GoodPoint RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save'people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
areotherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonanceswithin 
their own community in their own terms to their own spiritualends. Who are 
these neganauts to interfere with the internal affairsof others any way? It 
seems incredibly arrogant on their part tocome in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. Itseems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatorylanguage the way they do. Having learned their own 
particularhistories as they have related them on FFL through time 
thensympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything 
spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse ofthe 
unguarded cultural openness of this community has allowed them totake over the 
flower that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned 
reasoned and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa
raunchydog wrote :
Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushingbuttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually 
respondto by making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion 
thatinventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being)in 
order to push "true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhapsliberate 
them from TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you 
is about your offensive behavior,period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are 
a narcissistic,self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission towake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING.You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in 
thepast by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implyingthe police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge toofar. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.

  #yiv3061611715 #yiv3061611715 -- #yiv3061611715ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3061611715 
#yiv3061611715ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3061611715 
#yiv3061611715ygrp-mkp #yiv3061611715hd 
0;}#yiv3061611715 #yiv3061611715ygrp-mkp #yiv3061611715ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv3061611715 #yiv3061611715ygrp-mkp .yiv3061611715ad 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-11-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/30/2014 2:42 PM, feste37 wrote:

It's a matter of the tone in which the discussion takes place, 
something that I doubt, given your history, that you would understand. 
Discussion is one thing, but an entire stream of abusive posts using 
the kind of language that seems to come naturally to you is quite 

/There is a reason he used to call himself "Uncle Tantra". It's not 


---In,  wrote :

*/It's *not*, after all, as if the description of this forum gives the 
impression that it's a forum for TM blissninnies to come and discuss 
their fantasies without being bothered by negativity --/

*We often discuss the trials and tribulations of the TM Movement, 
which may not interest some, but that's why God created the delete 
key.  ...  Pretty much any topic is fair game.*

/*Then there are the quotes chosen by Rick to "set the tone" for this 
forum, among which are:*/

*/"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find 
out, which is the exact opposite." / ~ Bertrand Russell*

*/"The healthy mind challenges its own assumptions." / ~ The I Ching*
*/"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no 
matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and 
your own common sense."/ ~ Buddha

/"Take what you need and leave the rest."/ ~ The Band*
/*I mean, to invoke the spirit of Judy Stein, one would have to be 
REEAALLY REEAALLY REEAALLY STOOOPID to believe that the still-fervent 
TMers are the "owners" of this group and that the "neganauts" are the 
intruders. */

*From:* salyavin808 

Well it's lucky for you two that you have another option, you don't 
need to visit this place and lament at us fallen souls, you can go to 
Jim's new site and talk about how fantastic you and your beliefs are 
instead of getting depressed round here. It's only you that wants to 
stay here, ever ask yourself why?

I'd say take Willytex with you but I doubt they'd have him, that sad 
sack of shit will probably be sitting here moaning about nothing until 
doomsday. What a waste of time for you all, visiting a website where 
all you do is complain about what goes on there! I mean go figure

---In,  wrote :

Dear RD;
Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you. What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push "true believer" buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your 
failed mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult 
nightmare IS NOT WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you 
have experienced in the past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child 
abuser is a bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself 
and leave it at that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-11-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
On 11/30/2014 11:07 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
/*I mean, to invoke the spirit of Judy Stein, one would have to be 
REEAALLY REEAALLY REEAALLY STOOOPID to believe that the still-fervent 
TMers are the "owners" of this group and that the "neganauts" are the 
intruders. */

To invoke the spirit of J. Edgar - /one would have to //be //really 
stupid not to realize that Barry Wright is a FINK and an informant 
working for the Dutch police and Interpol. /That's all anyone needs to 
know - as long as /Uncle Tantra/ is lurking here and reporting back to 
his minders.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-11-30 Thread feste37
It's a matter of the tone in which the discussion takes place, something that I 
doubt, given your history, that you would understand. Discussion is one thing, 
but an entire stream of abusive posts using the kind of language that seems to 
come naturally to you is quite another. 

---In,  wrote :

 It's *not*, after all, as if the description of this forum gives the 
impression that it's a forum for TM blissninnies to come and discuss their 
fantasies without being bothered by negativity --

 We often discuss the trials and tribulations of the TM Movement, which may not 
interest some, but that's why God created the delete key.  ...  Pretty much any 
topic is fair game.

 Then there are the quotes chosen by Rick to "set the tone" for this forum, 
among which are:

 "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite." ~ Bertrand Russell

 "The healthy mind challenges its own assumptions." ~ The I Ching

 "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I 
have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." 
~ Buddha

"Take what you need and leave the rest." ~ The Band

 I mean, to invoke the spirit of Judy Stein, one would have to be REEAALLY 
REEAALLY REEAALLY STOOOPID to believe that the still-fervent TMers are the 
"owners" of this group and that the "neganauts" are the intruders. 

 From: salyavin808 

 Well it's lucky for you two that you have another option, you don't need to 
visit this place and lament at us fallen souls, you can go to Jim's new site 
and talk about how fantastic you and your beliefs are instead of getting 
depressed round here. It's only you that wants to stay here, ever ask yourself 

 I'd say take Willytex with you but I doubt they'd have him, that sad sack of 
shit will probably be sitting here moaning about nothing until doomsday. What a 
waste of time for you all, visiting a website where all you do is complain 
about what goes on there! I mean go figure

---In,  wrote :

 Dear RD;  
 Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to save' 
people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who are otherwise 
comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonances within their own 
community in their own terms to their own spiritual ends. Who are these 
neganauts to interfere with the internal affairs of others any way? It seems 
incredibly arrogant on their part to come in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time then 
sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything spiritual 
they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse of the unguarded 
cultural openness of this community has allowed them to take over the flower 
that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned 
and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 raunchydog wrote :
 Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of pushing 
buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually respond to by 
making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion that inventing an 
offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being) in order to push 
"true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from 
TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you is about 
your offensive behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in the 
past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-11-30 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 11/30/2014 10:56 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
Well it's lucky for you two that you have another option, you don't 
need to visit this place and lament at us fallen souls, you can go to 
Jim's new site and talk about how fantastic you and your beliefs are 
instead of getting depressed round here. It's only you that wants to 
stay here, ever ask yourself why?

I'd say take Willytex with you but I doubt they'd have him, that sad 
sack of shit will probably be sitting here moaning about nothing until 
doomsday. What a waste of time for you all, visiting a website where 
all you do is complain about what goes on there! I mean go figure

/Sounds like someone has been lurking on //The Peak.//So, you don't want 
to talk about Rotherham. Go figure./


---In,  wrote :

Dear RD;

Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save' people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
are otherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral 
dissonances within their own community in their own terms to their own 
spiritual ends. Who are these neganauts to interfere with the internal 
affairs of others any way? It seems incredibly arrogant on their part 
to come in here and try to methodically disturb people's peace. It 
seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to use such 
defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time 
then sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of 
anything spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that 
their abuse of the unguarded cultural openness of this community has 
allowed them to take over the flower that was FFL with their 
negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned and 
experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

raunchydog wrote :

Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushing buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I 
usually respond to by making fun of you. What I find funny is your 
delusion that inventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any 
normal human being) in order to push "true believer" buttons will 
somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from TMO/MMY delusions. You 
never seem to get is how people respond to you is about your offensive 
behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your 
failed mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult 
nightmare IS NOT WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you 
have experienced in the past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child 
abuser is a bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself 
and leave it at that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-11-30 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry plays by Ricks's rules. Mario Goes Berserk 
 Mario Goes Berserk See more 
Mario's done playing Mr. Nice Plumber. Geek out with us... FACEBOOK: TWI...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-11-30 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
It's *not*, after all, as if the description of this forum gives the impression 
that it's a forum for TM blissninnies to come and discuss their fantasies 
without being bothered by negativity --
We often discuss the trials and tribulations of the TM Movement, which may not 
interest some, but that's why God created the delete key.  ...  Pretty much any 
topic is fair game.
Then there are the quotes chosen by Rick to "set the tone" for this forum, 
among which are:
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is 
the exact opposite."  ~ Bertrand Russell
"The healthy mind challenges its own assumptions."  ~ The I Ching
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I 
have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." 
~ Buddha

"Take what you need and leave the rest." ~ The Band
I mean, to invoke the spirit of Judy Stein, one would have to be REEAALLY 
REEAALLY REEAALLY STOOOPID to believe that the still-fervent TMers are the 
"owners" of this group and that the "neganauts" are the intruders. 
  From: salyavin808 

Well it's lucky for you two that you have another option, you don't need to 
visit this place and lament at us fallen souls, you can go to Jim's new site 
and talk about how fantastic you and your beliefs are instead of getting 
depressed round here. It's only you that wants to stay here, ever ask yourself 

I'd say take Willytex with you but I doubt they'd have him, that sad sack of 
shit will probably be sitting here moaning about nothing until doomsday. What a 
waste of time for you all, visiting a website where all you do is complain 
about what goes on there! I mean go figure

---In,  wrote :

Dear RD;  GoodPoint RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to 
save'people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who 
areotherwise comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonanceswithin 
their own community in their own terms to their own spiritualends. Who are 
these neganauts to interfere with the internal affairsof others any way? It 
seems incredibly arrogant on their part tocome in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. Itseems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatorylanguage the way they do. Having learned their own 
particularhistories as they have related them on FFL through time 
thensympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything 
spiritual they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse ofthe 
unguarded cultural openness of this community has allowed them totake over the 
flower that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned 
reasoned and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa
raunchydog wrote :
Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of 
pushingbuttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually 
respondto by making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion 
thatinventing an offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being)in 
order to push "true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhapsliberate 
them from TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you 
is about your offensive behavior,period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are 
a narcissistic,self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission towake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING.You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in 
thepast by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implyingthe police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge toofar. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.  
#yiv6439801263 #yiv6439801263 -- #yiv6439801263ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Sacking of FFL

2014-11-30 Thread salyavin808

Well it's lucky for you two that you have another option, you don't need to 
visit this place and lament at us fallen souls, you can go to Jim's new site 
and talk about how fantastic you and your beliefs are instead of getting 
depressed round here. It's only you that wants to stay here, ever ask yourself 

 I'd say take Willytex with you but I doubt they'd have him, that sad sack of 
shit will probably be sitting here moaning about nothing until doomsday. What a 
waste of time for you all, visiting a website where all you do is complain 
about what goes on there! I mean go figure
---In,  wrote :

 Dear RD;  
 Good Point RD, the ruse of these apostates trying to come back 'to save' 
people reads much more now like the harassment of a people who are otherwise 
comfortable having dealt with their own moral dissonances within their own 
community in their own terms to their own spiritual ends. Who are these 
neganauts to interfere with the internal affairs of others any way? It seems 
incredibly arrogant on their part to come in here and try to methodically 
disturb people's peace. It seems now quite a hateful and shocking harassment to 
use such defamatory language the way they do. Having learned their own 
particular histories as they have related them on FFL through time then 
sympathetically when considering these guys as sources of anything spiritual 
they are quite pitiable really. It is a shame that their abuse of the unguarded 
cultural openness of this community has allowed them to take over the flower 
that was FFL with their negativity and erode off our our more seasoned reasoned 
and experienced membership. -Buck in Fairfield, Iowa

 raunchydog wrote :
 Barry, your recent use of crude language and imagery for the sake of pushing 
buttons is just an escalation of your usual MO, which I usually respond to by 
making fun of you.  What I find funny is your delusion that inventing an 
offensive straw-man (offensive to any normal human being) in order to push 
"true believer" buttons will somehow expose and perhaps liberate them from 
TMO/MMY delusions. You never seem to get is how people respond to you is about 
your offensive behavior, period.  Apart from the fact that IMO you are a 
narcissistic, self-righteous, self-aggrandizing human being, your failed 
mission to wake up perceived cultists from *your* cult nightmare IS NOT 
WORKING. You cannot fix whatever hurts from cults you have experienced in the 
past by projecting unresolved pain onto others.

Granted, implying the police ought to investigate you as a child abuser is a 
bridge too far. Let's just say you brought it on yourself and leave it at that.