Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread Sheila208
Patty, Bart & Charity are blessed to have you & so are we. You are such an 
inspiration. Please keep us up on there progress. I'm so happy they are out of 
the cold.   Sheila

Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread Sheila208
Patty, You are so amazing and strong.

Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread Barb Moermond
Patti, you are an inspiration and an excellent example of mind over matter (or 
medicine).  I agree w/MC about the recliner, that's awesome:)

BTW, anyone want to borrow Bandit?
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living 
his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
   - Anonymous

- Original Message 
From: TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 4, 2007 9:04:08 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe W/ me!!!

oh, great news!

(warped person that i am, and fellow gimp, what struck me as most remarkable, 
is that you are wise enough to have a recliner in the barn for when you need 



I know this is OT, but I have written about Bart & Charity, my ferals 
to the list.. And off list to Nina & Kerry..

The other night, we had a (short) blizzard here And, my room mate 
was off on an appt. & I had to walk my dogs after feeding. (NOT easy, I am 
so afraid of slipping & falling & losing my K-9 babies).

Anyway, after feeding, when I was out with my Rottie, I heard these "sweet" 
cat sounds - turns out it was my dear Charity, she has come around so much, and 
her "talking" sounded like she wanted my help.

Well, my Rottie is deaf, and I am almost blind I couldn't see her, and 
(Lady)Bug couldn't hear her, but when Bug SAW her, BAM -- thought for sure 
was going down.  And Charity has "no fear" of dogs, so she proceeded to 
approach me   And, Bug is STRONG, and even pulling her leash back, 
well, w/ all my "problems", it was tough..

I finally got Bug back into house and went back out, into the blizzard, to 
see if I could get Charity.. I was out for over THREE hours!  I was 
able to scruff her when in yard, but she freaked (NO claws!!! She has come a 
long way...).  But, having hardly any use of my right arm, I had to let her 
go..  So, "we" decided to go out to barn..

And, while there, guess who comes out? BART  I was 
shocked!!  He had been in the blankets, etc. I have over crate, I guess 
"trying" to keep warm..  But, I was there w/ food, and he came 

By this time, over 3 hours, I had to sit down in my recliner to rest.. 
And, then, Charity, and Bart, come up, rub against my legs, so I figured the 
time was right!!!  I reached down, scruffed Charity, then found out, she 
"allowed" me to just hold her...  So, I had to make the long journey 
back to house, with her (peacefully) in my arms.. (I had closed the barn 
door, and left the food in the well-insulated crate for Bart)  My main 
fear was Charity freaking once we got in house 'cause my dogs, 4 BIG, are very 
loud..They love cats, but, can act weird when a new one comes in. Thank 
heavens, after I gave them a talking-to when entering, none of them barked, got 
up, or did anything   So, I got my Charity into a large crate and 
there she remains... (She was tested - negative, but that was over a year 
agoAnd w/ my Puma, recently being diagnosed w/ FIP & toxo, well, I 
didn't want to expose any of my babies Charity will be re-tested, and we'll 
go from there...)

Back to Bart. When I got back to barn, he was in crate, so I closed the 
door  When I looked him over, well, now I am really 
concerned..  He is so bloated  Thought maybe I got a diff. 
pregnant female, but, he still has his equipment...  And, Bart, was 
always SO feral, I could never get close to him.  Now, he allowed me to pet 
him, seemed to like it.  But, while stroking him, I could feel his 
backbone.And other bones. Made me wonder just what his problem is. 
Also, his eyes are "clouded", like cataracts or glaucoma (?).  He also 
looks OLD. Probably is, he's been around here since I've been here...2 1/2 
years now...  So, I wormed him, and did not find anything in his 
feces...And, as bloated as he was, I figured if it was worms they'd be as big 
a snake.  But, NOTHINGI even used my magnifying glass.

I worry now that maybe it's FIP. (A very recent topic on list 
lately.)  I called my rescue partner & she is going to get us a vet 
appt.  But, before I neuter him, I am going to have him hospitalized 'til 
we get all the blood test results back.. Depending on "what" the results 
are, I will be faced w/ having to decide what to do.  I do have another 
rescue buddy that has converted her barn into a shelter, w/ indiviual homes, I 
just don't know..

So, Bart is still in crate in barn..  It's very well insulated, 
and, when I was "able", I had insulated parts of barn, filling cracks, 
etc.  I just worry 'cause we're in a deep-freeze.  He has a good 
bed, lots of thermals, and the crate is also insulated, w/ thermal on the 
outside...  But, it's so cold and he's so old

Re: Rompi

2007-02-04 Thread Paolo

thank you for your thoughts. Yes, thanks to the advices from you all
I succeeded in subscribing to the Feline Lymphoma and Feline Cancer
groups. It results that I am no longer subscribed to Feline Anemia (!)
although I regularly receive all the posts from that group (!).
I am just afraid of un-subscribing and re-subscribing right away to
Anemia (in order to reset the situation) because I feel that I would
start receiving the same mail twice!!!... So, in the doubt... ;)

Today I am trying to schedule a visit with the oncologist for tomorrow
or thursday. I have even found a pharmacy that gets me pure L-Lysine and
pure Dimethylglycine in powder, in 50 or 100 g cans, inexpensive,
so Rompi is on both and on Omega3-EPA-DHA, doing great even if it's not
a therapy but just a support.

I remind to everybody that little O.T. of mine, posted saturday... ;)

Michelle, please don't go: take a DEEP breath, but do not go.
I feel so stupid.

Sorry for running away but actually I have to run to work!

Kisses to everybody

Re: Lucy and unsubscribing

2007-02-04 Thread Barb Moermond
Please don't go Michelle, we all value your knowledge and input and want to be 
able to help you (whether by advice or just being an ear to hear) as you have 
helped so many of us.  You having Gray there to be a 2nd pair of eyes is a 
blessing for YOU.  Surely, you trust him to tell you if he thinks you're trying 
too hard to save Lucy.  HIS and YOUR opinions and knowledge of Lucy are the 
best that exist and you have gone through the deaths of animal friends together 
before.  And the making or not-making of the decision to assist.

That said, I certainly see that a break from the list could be helpful to you 
and your state of mind.  Would you be willing to just go No-Mail?

GLOW to you and your family for strength, clarity and peace.
Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living 
his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." 
   - Anonymous

- Original Message 
Sent: Sunday, February 4, 2007 6:49:31 PM
Subject: Lucy and unsubscribing


Since I last wrote, Lucy got up, climbed all 14 stairs to the upstairs, ate 
half a jar of baby food and a couple pieces of dry food, curled up on a cat 
and is purring away as Gray pets her. When Gray poured the dry food for 
Lucy literally got up and ran over to it, trying to push Patched out of the 


I know she has FIP, or most likely does. I know there is no real cure and 
it will get her. But today does not seem to be the day, and I do not think it 
selfish to decide that. Someone who can and wants to climb stairs, wants to eat 
(even if not a normal amount), wants company and pets, and can go running over 
to a bowl of food is, in my opinion, not asking to be killed.


To whoever wrote that I should not do "home euthanasia," I was not 
considering home euthanasia, I was considering, in an emergency if she gets in 
distress, tranquilizing her until a vet could come or we could get to a vet. i 
did that with Simon and he immediately slept and actually died in his sleep 
before we needed to. But it was not intended as euthanasia. I and several 
on the list have also used oral valium to ease passings, and it has done so. I 
do not think this is irrational.


I stopped reading posts after that and just deleted, to whoever wrote 
something in the subject line about allowing suffering.  Given that I had 
just come downstairs from Lucy's little trek and eating spree, it seemed too 
ridiculous to read.


This list has been a godsend for me at times, and I have made friendships 
with a few of you that I hope to continue offline from the group.  But this 
group is not helping me right now and is actually upsetting me quite a bit. So 
am unsubscribing.  Nina and Hideyo, I hope to stay in touch with you 
individually, and anyone else who actually wants to, and to share ideas and 
emotional support.  But I am done with the group.




No need to miss a message. Get email on-the-go 
with Yahoo! Mail for Mobile. Get started. 

Re: Dede and Spud

2007-02-04 Thread TenHouseCats


i'm sorry to hear about spud--stomatitis is such a nasty condition,
and one of the major things that effects FIV kitties and to have
an UTI on top of it. poor baby!

hope the antibiotics help clear up the uti; has your doc considered
extraction for the stomatitis? in a lot of cases, that seems to solve
the problem, and cats seem quite able to eat without teeth with little
trouble. (his age would be a concern re: anesthesia, tho, of
course) what steroid regimen was he on? i took one of my non-FIV
girls with stomatitis in to my vet, fully expecting her to have to do
extractions (my housecall vet doesn't do surgeries, and he thought
lisa'd recommend that, as well)--she said she'd had really good luck
with shots of depo every two weeks, three times. that was two years
ago now, and i just give her depo when she starts to have
problems. no extractions...

good luck, and snuggle poor spud my three fivs say meow to him.


On 2/4/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Dede,
First, have you noticed how ot we get around here :-) ?  Second, thank
you for doing rescue.  11 yrs old and fiv, I guess thats another
indication that what MC says about fiv kitties, (that they die with the
disease, not from it), is true.  (Not that I ever doubt anything the
woman says).

I'm glad to hear the switch in abx is lessening the blood in his urine.
I take it there is still some visible though?  That would scare the heck
out of me.  As for the stomatitis...  I did read, as Phaewryn pointed
out, that fio may help with that.  It's so costly and hard to get
though.  Do you have him on the oral interferon a?  My vet at the time
thought it might have been helping Gracie's gingivitis and I don't see
how it could hurt to try it, if you're not already.

I've had cats start to eat on their own when I assist feed first.  Sort
of like they forget how to eat, or they realize how hungry they are.
Usually it happens when they're congested and I've guessed that tasting
the food lets them know it's something to eat.  I sure do hope Spud
continues to improve.  I've often wondered if the stuff they sell for
babies teething, the stuff that numbs the sore gums, might be something
that could help kitties with mouth pain.

I'm sorry that you've been through losses lately.  It does sadly come
with the territory when you rescue.  You're right, it never gets
easier.  I think you've hit on the secret of being able to keep opening
our hearts... along with the wonderful success stories, even the most
heart wrenching losses are worth the pain because of what they bring to
our lives.  I still cry my eyes out, I still bargain my ass off when I
pray, but I have found that Gratitude, Acceptance, Respect for what I
believe they want, and doing everything in my power to avoid the future
"what ifs" is helping me to be more at peace with the process.

Bless you and Spud, let us know how you guys are doing,

dede hicken wrote:
> Sorry, I didn't say anything because i do rescue, and
> this guy is not FeLV+.  Spud is about 11yrs old.  He
> is FIV+ and has stomatitis.  For some reason, he
> develpoed a UTI about a month ago, and there is a lot
> of blood in his urine.  The vet has switched
> antibiotics from Baytril to clavamox, and there does
> not seem to be so much blood.
> He won't eat unless I force feed him first...go
> figure. He has lost quite a bit of weight, and i give
> some fluids to help flush his system a bit.
> He seems comfortable except when i feed him, then he
> screams from the mouth pain.  (we are using amantadine
> and steroids for this, but have discontinued due to
> the kidney infection)  We have lost several cats
> within the past year, and I know he is not ready to
> cross over yet.  I just never get used to letting one
> go...I know no one on this list does.  We just love
> each one so.  Anyway, that is why I feel for Michelle.
>  Been there, done that, and I hate it.  But, they are
> worth it, and we are better people for knowing them.
> Dede

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Dede and Spud

2007-02-04 Thread Nina

Hi Dede,
First, have you noticed how ot we get around here :-) ?  Second, thank 
you for doing rescue.  11 yrs old and fiv, I guess thats another 
indication that what MC says about fiv kitties, (that they die with the 
disease, not from it), is true.  (Not that I ever doubt anything the 
woman says).

I'm glad to hear the switch in abx is lessening the blood in his urine.  
I take it there is still some visible though?  That would scare the heck 
out of me.  As for the stomatitis...  I did read, as Phaewryn pointed 
out, that fio may help with that.  It's so costly and hard to get 
though.  Do you have him on the oral interferon a?  My vet at the time 
thought it might have been helping Gracie's gingivitis and I don't see 
how it could hurt to try it, if you're not already.

I've had cats start to eat on their own when I assist feed first.  Sort 
of like they forget how to eat, or they realize how hungry they are.  
Usually it happens when they're congested and I've guessed that tasting 
the food lets them know it's something to eat.  I sure do hope Spud 
continues to improve.  I've often wondered if the stuff they sell for 
babies teething, the stuff that numbs the sore gums, might be something 
that could help kitties with mouth pain.

I'm sorry that you've been through losses lately.  It does sadly come 
with the territory when you rescue.  You're right, it never gets 
easier.  I think you've hit on the secret of being able to keep opening 
our hearts... along with the wonderful success stories, even the most 
heart wrenching losses are worth the pain because of what they bring to 
our lives.  I still cry my eyes out, I still bargain my ass off when I 
pray, but I have found that Gratitude, Acceptance, Respect for what I 
believe they want, and doing everything in my power to avoid the future 
"what ifs" is helping me to be more at peace with the process. 

Bless you and Spud, let us know how you guys are doing,

dede hicken wrote:

Sorry, I didn't say anything because i do rescue, and
this guy is not FeLV+.  Spud is about 11yrs old.  He
is FIV+ and has stomatitis.  For some reason, he
develpoed a UTI about a month ago, and there is a lot
of blood in his urine.  The vet has switched
antibiotics from Baytril to clavamox, and there does
not seem to be so much blood.

He won't eat unless I force feed him first...go
figure. He has lost quite a bit of weight, and i give
some fluids to help flush his system a bit.

He seems comfortable except when i feed him, then he
screams from the mouth pain.  (we are using amantadine
and steroids for this, but have discontinued due to
the kidney infection)  We have lost several cats
within the past year, and I know he is not ready to
cross over yet.  I just never get used to letting one
go...I know no one on this list does.  We just love
each one so.  Anyway, that is why I feel for Michelle.
 Been there, done that, and I hate it.  But, they are
worth it, and we are better people for knowing them.


Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread TenHouseCats

oh, great news!

(warped person that i am, and fellow gimp, what struck me as most
remarkable, is that you are wise enough to have a recliner in the barn for
when you need it!)



 I know this is OT, but I have written about Bart & Charity, my ferals to
the list.. And off list to Nina & Kerry..
The other night, we had a (short) blizzard here And, my room mate
was off on an appt. & I had to walk my dogs after feeding. (NOT easy, I am
so afraid of slipping & falling & losing my K-9 babies).
Anyway, after feeding, when I was out with my Rottie, I heard these
"sweet" cat sounds - turns out it was my dear Charity, she has come around
so much, and her "talking" sounded like she wanted my help.
Well, my Rottie is deaf, and I am almost blind I couldn't see her, and
(Lady)Bug couldn't hear her, but when Bug SAW her, BAM -- thought for
sure I was going down.  And Charity has "no fear" of dogs, so she proceeded
to approach me   And, Bug is STRONG, and even pulling her leash back,
well, w/ all my "problems", it was tough..
I finally got Bug back into house and went back out, into the blizzard, to
see if I could get Charity.. I was out for over THREE hours!  I was
able to scruff her when in yard, but she freaked (NO claws!!! She has come a
long way...).  But, having hardly any use of my right arm, I had to let her
go..  So, "we" decided to go out to barn..
And, while there, guess who comes out? BART  I was shocked!!  He
had been in the blankets, etc. I have over crate, I guess "trying" to keep
warm..  But, I was there w/ food, and he came out...
By this time, over 3 hours, I had to sit down in my recliner to rest..
And, then, Charity, and Bart, come up, rub against my legs, so I figured the
time was right!!!  I reached down, scruffed Charity, then found out, she
"allowed" me to just hold her...  So, I had to make the long journey
back to house, with her (peacefully) in my arms.. (I had closed the barn
door, and left the food in the well-insulated crate for Bart)  My main
fear was Charity freaking once we got in house 'cause my dogs, 4 BIG, are
very loud..They love cats, but, can act weird when a new one comes
in. Thank heavens, after I gave them a talking-to when entering, none of
them barked, got up, or did anything   So, I got my Charity into a large
crate and there she remains... (She was tested - negative, but that was
over a year agoAnd w/ my Puma, recently being diagnosed w/ FIP & toxo,
well, I didn't want to expose any of my babies Charity will be
re-tested, and we'll go from there...)
Back to Bart. When I got back to barn, he was in crate, so I closed
the door  When I looked him over, well, now I am really concerned..
He is so bloated  Thought maybe I got a diff. pregnant female, but, he
still has his equipment...  And, Bart, was always SO feral, I could
never get close to him.  Now, he allowed me to pet him, seemed to like it.
But, while stroking him, I could feel his backbone.And other bones.
Made me wonder just what his problem is. Also, his eyes are "clouded",
like cataracts or glaucoma (?).  He also looks OLD. Probably is,
he's been around here since I've been here...2 1/2 years now...  So, I
wormed him, and did not find anything in his feces...And, as bloated as he
was, I figured if it was worms they'd be as big as a snake.  But,
NOTHINGI even used my magnifying glass.
I worry now that maybe it's FIP. (A very recent topic on list
lately.)  I called my rescue partner & she is going to get us a vet appt.
But, before I neuter him, I am going to have him hospitalized 'til we get
all the blood test results back.. Depending on "what" the results are, I
will be faced w/ having to decide what to do.  I do have another rescue
buddy that has converted her barn into a shelter, w/ indiviual homes, I just
don't know..
So, Bart is still in crate in barn..  It's very well insulated, and,
when I was "able", I had insulated parts of barn, filling cracks, etc.
I just worry 'cause we're in a deep-freeze.  He has a good bed, lots of
thermals, and the crate is also insulated, w/ thermal on the outside...
But, it's so cold and he's so old.
He is eating, and I do venture out (slowly & carefully) to feed and water
him daily.  One thing I noticed, his water only had a partial skim on top,
not frozen thru.  So, I guess the barn is pretty well insulated.
Just pray we can get to vet early this week...
I would have written sooner, but besides being over-whatever, my room mate
was NOT too happy. But, I told him, da-m it, I survived the MVA 'cause I
have work to do - and it IS my rescue work!!!  And, prior to getting Charity
& Bart, I was ready to call it a daySo depressed, I "questioned" my
reason for still being alive. Now, knowing Bart & Charity are safe, that
gave me 

Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread catatonya
  Congratulations on just getting through that night!  I hope Bart checks out 
ok with the vet, and the bloating goes away.  You are all in my prayers.  Be 
CAREFUL out in the snow and ice.  I hope the cold weather breaks soon.  I don't 
remember where you live.  But it sounds like the barn is insulated enough for 
Bart right now.  Good luck with the two of them!

  I know this is OT, but I have written about Bart & Charity, my ferals to 
the list.. And off list to Nina & Kerry..
  The other night, we had a (short) blizzard here And, my room mate was 
off on an appt. & I had to walk my dogs after feeding. (NOT easy, I am so 
afraid of slipping & falling & losing my K-9 babies).
  Anyway, after feeding, when I was out with my Rottie, I heard these "sweet" 
cat sounds - turns out it was my dear Charity, she has come around so much, and 
her "talking" sounded like she wanted my help.
  Well, my Rottie is deaf, and I am almost blind I couldn't see her, and 
(Lady)Bug couldn't hear her, but when Bug SAW her, BAM -- thought for sure 
I was going down.  And Charity has "no fear" of dogs, so she proceeded to 
approach me   And, Bug is STRONG, and even pulling her leash back, well, w/ 
all my "problems", it was tough..
  I finally got Bug back into house and went back out, into the blizzard, to 
see if I could get Charity.. I was out for over THREE hours!  I was 
able to scruff her when in yard, but she freaked (NO claws!!! She has come a 
long way...).  But, having hardly any use of my right arm, I had to let her 
go..  So, "we" decided to go out to barn..
  And, while there, guess who comes out? BART  I was shocked!!  He had 
been in the blankets, etc. I have over crate, I guess "trying" to keep 
warm..  But, I was there w/ food, and he came out...
  By this time, over 3 hours, I had to sit down in my recliner to rest.. 
And, then, Charity, and Bart, come up, rub against my legs, so I figured the 
time was right!!!  I reached down, scruffed Charity, then found out, she 
"allowed" me to just hold her...  So, I had to make the long journey back 
to house, with her (peacefully) in my arms.. (I had closed the barn door, 
and left the food in the well-insulated crate for Bart)  My main fear was 
Charity freaking once we got in house 'cause my dogs, 4 BIG, are very 
loud..They love cats, but, can act weird when a new one comes in. Thank 
heavens, after I gave them a talking-to when entering, none of them barked, got 
up, or did anything   So, I got my Charity into a large crate and there she 
remains... (She was tested - negative, but that was over a year agoAnd 
w/ my Puma, recently being diagnosed w/ FIP & toxo, well, I didn't want to 
expose any of my babies Charity will be re-tested, and
 we'll go from there...)
  Back to Bart. When I got back to barn, he was in crate, so I closed the 
door  When I looked him over, well, now I am really concerned..  He is 
so bloated  Thought maybe I got a diff. pregnant female, but, he still has 
his equipment...  And, Bart, was always SO feral, I could never get close 
to him.  Now, he allowed me to pet him, seemed to like it.  But, while stroking 
him, I could feel his backbone.And other bones. Made me wonder just 
what his problem is. Also, his eyes are "clouded", like cataracts or 
glaucoma (?).  He also looks OLD. Probably is, he's been around here 
since I've been here...2 1/2 years now...  So, I wormed him, and did not find 
anything in his feces...And, as bloated as he was, I figured if it was worms 
they'd be as big as a snake.  But, NOTHINGI even used my magnifying 
  I worry now that maybe it's FIP. (A very recent topic on list lately.)  I 
called my rescue partner & she is going to get us a vet appt.  But, before I 
neuter him, I am going to have him hospitalized 'til we get all the blood test 
results back.. Depending on "what" the results are, I will be faced w/ 
having to decide what to do.  I do have another rescue buddy that has 
converted her barn into a shelter, w/ indiviual homes, I just don't know..
  So, Bart is still in crate in barn..  It's very well insulated, and, when 
I was "able", I had insulated parts of barn, filling cracks, etc.  I just 
worry 'cause we're in a deep-freeze.  He has a good bed, lots of thermals, and 
the crate is also insulated, w/ thermal on the outside...  But, it's so 
cold and he's so old.
  He is eating, and I do venture out (slowly & carefully) to feed and water him 
daily.  One thing I noticed, his water only had a partial skim on top, not 
frozen thru.  So, I guess the barn is pretty well insulated.
  Just pray we can get to vet early this week...
  I would have written sooner, but besides being over-whatever, my room mate 
was NOT too happy. But, I told him, da-m it, I s

Re: Lucy

2007-02-04 Thread Nina
No, at least I haven't heard that.  I think when Hideyo typed 
"previous", she meant precious.

catatonya wrote:

Has Lucy passed?

*/Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

Michelle has unsubscribed the list -- Michelled called me and I had a
long conversation this afternoon, I have not read Michell's posting or
other's postings regarding the topic.

I feel very strongly that we are here to support each other and not to
be judgemental and not to assume anything..

There was time, when I was losing my kitties one oafter the other, I
felt really bad by some of the postings which I felt were
judgmental and
I decided not to share my problems with my kitties any more on the
-- "judgment" is the last thing we need when we are going through
difficult times with our kitties.

A topic of when to say good by is can be very controverrtial issue
-- I
am probably one of the last person to decide to euthanize a cat --
partly due to my religious belief and partly because, I don't feel
to do it == it does not mean I am selfish - just as I am not going
to be
convincing people when not to ,, I would like not to be told when
to do
either.. but I am never going to be judgmental when others due when
they do from caring..

We just need to respect each other --I will continue to pray for
Michelle and her previous baby, Lucy...'



2007-02-04 Thread catatonya
Has Lucy passed?

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Michelle has unsubscribed the list -- Michelled called me and I had a
long conversation this afternoon, I have not read Michell's posting or
other's postings regarding the topic.

I feel very strongly that we are here to support each other and not to
be judgemental and not to assume anything..

There was time, when I was losing my kitties one oafter the other, I
felt really bad by some of the postings which I felt were judgmental and
I decided not to share my problems with my kitties any more on the list
-- "judgment" is the last thing we need when we are going through
difficult times with our kitties.

A topic of when to say good by is can be very controverrtial issue -- I
am probably one of the last person to decide to euthanize a cat --
partly due to my religious belief and partly because, I don't feel right
to do it == it does not mean I am selfish - just as I am not going to be
convincing people when not to ,, I would like not to be told when to do
either.. but I am never going to be judgmental when others due when
they do from caring.. 

We just need to respect each other --I will continue to pray for
Michelle and her previous baby, Lucy...'


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 6:02 PM
Subject: My Dearest Michelle

Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how awful it must be to

be in the middle of this torment and feel like you have to stay away 
from the usual support of the list because we've hurt you even more. 
I'm so upset, I've been so upset right along side you throughout this. 
All I want to do is ease your burdens and help Lucy in whatever way I 
can and I'm falling so short of doing that. It sounds familiar, huh? 
Maybe I should take my own advice and stop struggling so hard to help 
"fix" things. I wasn't sure if I should write to you. I wasn't sure if

any thing I had to say would be welcome. I've given you my phone 
number, I'm here supporting you day and night, even if you never pick up

the phone. I don't want to intrude any more than I have, I just wanted 
you to know that I care and I'm so sorry for all you guys are going

You asked how you would know what Lucy wants, how to know if she is 
ready ... That's part of the reason I've been so insistent about 
quieting yourself, quieting all the stress, you need to be quiet and 
still to "hear" her. The experience I had with Spencer will stay with 
me forever. That last day shared with him was full of love and magic. 
I've never been more connected in love with another being. It wasn't 
like I planned to call the vet when he could no longer hold up his head,

until he was so exhausted that he no longer was able to move, I simply 
waited until I /knew/ he was ready. Until I knew we were through saying

our goodbyes. It was sort of like seeing someone off at the railway 
terminal and even though their train isn't leaving for another couple of

hours, it's still time to part, there's nothing more to say or 
experience, so you walk away with a hug and a kiss and tears running 
down your face. He truly seemed to be telling me, it's okay Mom, it's 
time for me to leave. From what you last described with Lucy, it 
doesn't sound like she's there yet. Only the three of you will know if 
she wants help crossing. No one else can tell you that. Trust the 
connection you share, you said that you have made arrangements if her 
suffering becomes too great, in the meantime bask in her companionship 
for as long as you can. 

It may seem ridiculous, but I'm still praying for miracles. I'm praying

for you, Gray and Lucy to share the kind of intimacy that Spencer and I 
had. I'm praying for strength and comfort for you. I'm praying that 
you feel the love that so many people are sending your way to try and 
help you through this. 

Maybe it's not such a bad thing to go off list for a while. This time 
is sacred and I know you want to focus your attention on Lucy, if being 
on list causes you more anguish, or pulls your attention from Lucy in 
any way, then staying away from the computer may be what you need to do.

With much love,

RE: Chris and Mylo

2007-02-04 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry about Mylo.

Chris Ramzy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Mylo went to the specialist yesterday. The doctor was very nice and seemed 
very educated on FeLV. He said that Mylo's kidney's are very inflamed, and 
that he believe's that Mylo has lymphoma and possibly liver disease. This 
diagnosis didn't surprise me as I know lymphoma can accompany FeLV. Mylo is 
dehydrated even though I give him water throughout the day. He's just not 
drinking enough on his own. So the vet said Mylo would have to be 
hospitalized, have a blood transfusion, be put on meds and have 
chemotherapy. He said that even if I did all those things, Mylo would most 
likely only have 4 to 5 months to live. I am glad I went to the appointment 
because I wanted a specialist's opinion even though I know how bad off Mylo 
is. Mylo has hardly eaten the last couple of days. His energy is still very 
low, and the sick meow sound that he makes once and a while is very painful 
to hear. Mylo's quality of life has deteriorated within the last month and I 
don't want to put him through any more stress than he's already gone 
through. I tried my best to find a way to help him get better but I have to 
accept that there is nothing more I can do to help him become healthy again. 
That is a difficult thing.

>From: Nina 
>Subject: Chris and Mylo
>Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 22:57:39 -0800
>Hi Chris,
>I've been thinking about you guys. What happened at the Internist today? 
>I hope no news is good news. Please update us when you can.
>Chris Ramzy wrote:
>>Thank you Elizabeth. Will give an update after the appointment on 
>>Saturday. I can't wait and I hope to get some help for Mylo.

Don’t waste time standing in line—try shopping online. Visit Sympatico / MSN 
Shopping today!

RE: My Dearest Michelle

2007-02-04 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Michelle has unsubscribed the list -- Michelled called me and I had a
long conversation this afternoon, I have not read Michell's posting or
other's postings regarding the topic.

I feel very strongly that we are here to support each other and not to
be judgemental and not to assume anything..

There was time, when I was losing my kitties one oafter the other, I
felt really bad by some of the postings which I felt were judgmental and
I decided not to share my problems with my kitties any more on the list
-- "judgment" is the last thing we need when we are going through
difficult times with our kitties.

A topic of when to say good by is can be very controverrtial issue -- I
am probably one of the last person to decide to euthanize a cat --
partly due to my religious belief and partly because, I don't feel right
to do it == it does not mean I am selfish - just as I am not going to be
convincing people when not to ,, I would like not to be told when to do
either..  but I am never going to be judgmental when others due when
they do from caring.. 

We just need to respect each other --I will continue to pray for
Michelle and her previous baby, Lucy...'


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 6:02 PM
Subject: My Dearest Michelle

Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry.  I can't even imagine how awful it must be to

be in the middle of this torment and feel like you have to stay away 
from the usual support of the list because we've hurt you even more.  
I'm so upset, I've been so upset right along side you throughout this.  
All I want to do is ease your burdens and help Lucy in whatever way I 
can and I'm falling so short of doing that.  It sounds familiar, huh?  
Maybe I should take my own advice and stop struggling so hard to help 
"fix" things.  I wasn't sure if I should write to you.  I wasn't sure if

any thing I had to say would be welcome.  I've given you my phone 
number, I'm here supporting you day and night, even if you never pick up

the phone.  I don't want to intrude any more than I have, I just wanted 
you to know that I care and I'm so sorry for all you guys are going

You asked how you would know what Lucy wants, how to know if she is 
ready ...  That's part of the reason I've been so insistent about 
quieting yourself, quieting all the stress, you need to be quiet and 
still to "hear" her.  The experience I had with Spencer will stay with 
me forever.  That last day shared with him was full of love and magic. 
I've never been more connected in love with another being.  It wasn't 
like I planned to call the vet when he could no longer hold up his head,

until he was so exhausted that he no longer was able to move, I simply 
waited until I /knew/ he was ready.  Until I knew we were through saying

our goodbyes.  It was sort of like seeing someone off at the railway 
terminal and even though their train isn't leaving for another couple of

hours, it's still time to part, there's nothing more to say or 
experience, so you walk away with a hug and a kiss and tears running 
down your face.  He truly seemed to be telling me, it's okay Mom, it's 
time for me to leave.  From what you last described with Lucy, it 
doesn't sound like she's there yet.  Only the three of you will know if 
she wants help crossing.  No one else can tell you that.  Trust the 
connection you share, you said that you have made arrangements if her 
suffering becomes too great, in the meantime bask in her companionship 
for as long as you can. 

It may seem ridiculous, but I'm still praying for miracles.  I'm praying

for you, Gray and Lucy to share the kind of intimacy that Spencer and I 
had.  I'm praying for strength and comfort for you.  I'm praying that 
you feel the love that so many people are sending your way to try and 
help you through this. 

Maybe it's not such a bad thing to go off list for a while.  This time 
is sacred and I know you want to focus your attention on Lucy, if being 
on list causes you more anguish, or pulls your attention from Lucy in 
any way, then staying away from the computer may be what you need to do.

With much love,

Re: Luy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread catatonya
You can't second guess yourself about if you'd known sooner, etc It is a 
terrible thing that we have to try to judge the quality of life or amount of 
pain when we can't just 'ask'.  I will say that when I am nauseous I like it to 
be cool.  That might be part of her breathing heavily.
  And as far as the valium I did have a cat that it had the opposite effect on 
so I have always been afraid to give it to one of my cats in this situation.  I 
have also seen this in dogs with a different drug that we got from the vet.  I 
would ask the vet for a sedative to keep on hand and see if they'll give you 
one.  I really wanted one with Popeye at the end, but I was afraid to try some 
xanax thinking it might be like valium and have a bad effect.  I know this 
isn't much help, but I'm sure a lot of people are not online tonight.  Hang in 

actually, I think I meant to ask if I am horrible if I don't euthanise 
her, not if I do.  She is clearly suffering to some extent. Every once in a 
while she seems to need air, meows and breathes with her mouth open, and if we 
open a door or window to the cold air she settles down. I gave her another dex 
shot (last one over 24 hours ago), and she started purring a little and walked 
a little better.  Earlier today we realized she had dried diarrhea caked all 
over her behind, as if she had sat down in it during the night.  I washed it 
off, which took a long time, and she purred very loudly during the whole thing 
and put her butt up in the air for me to wash and dry it. It was heartbreaking 
and cute at the same time. I am thinking of asking the vet to come over 
tomorrow. My heart is against it, but my mind says she is going through 
something that she does not have to.  I decide it, and then after looking 
miserable for 30 minutes, she looks at me and starts purring, or
 checks out a food bowl and eats about a spoonful of baby food. And I think no, 
wait until she is in more distress than this.
  I have injectable valium in the fridge, given to me almost two years ago. I 
was thinking that if she goes into distress I can give her that and then call 
the vet. I looked it up online, though, and it said that IM valium can be 
painful, and that in a small number of cats it has the opposite than wanted 
effect, ie makes them hyperexcitable. She had hyperexcitability when she came 
out of anesthesia from having her bladder stone removed, so I worry about that. 
I also have telazol that was given to me for Simon-- I gave him half the shot 
to knock him out when he went into distress and he went to sleep and later died 
in his sleep. I kept the rest of the shot. The needle is not clean, obviously, 
but I guess at that point it would not matter. It is also two years old. In 
fact, he died two years ago tomorrow. How strange is that? All of my positives 
have died between the dates 12/31 and 2/22-- less than a 2 month span in deep 
winter. It seems like it must not just be
 coincidental, but like winter knocks their immune systems, even though they 
are inside.
  so I have been thinking we can just stay with her until she goes into 
distress, tranquilize her then and call the vet. But is it fair and right? Is 
episodic extreme weakness and open mouthed breathing, if it lasts only a few 
minutes, acceptable to live through if a half hour later she can eat a little 
food and purr? What about having crusted diarrhea on her, if she then likes 
having it cleaned off? 
  She seemed in good health 3 weeks ago. I can not believe how fast her decline 
has been.
  I don't know if any of you remember, but in late December I emailed saying 
that she seemed to be gaining weight but only in her belly, and that I thought 
it might be fluid and could she have fip. Everyone said no, because she was not 
sick otherwise.  But I think it must have started then, oddly enough, and she 
just did not show symptoms for another 3-4 weeks. I think now i should have 
taken her somewhere, that if the fluid had been found then, and maybe her 
anemia, I could have started her on feline interferon and epogen and maybe they 
actually would have worked. I started them too late.  And then I think that 
none of the success stories I have read about with feline interferon and fip 
concern and felv+ cat, and at least we had a few weeks thinking things were ok, 
and not forcing meds on her. I don't know.  So painful.
  In a message dated 2/4/2007 3:06:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
I don't think you are horrible for considering euthanizing Lucy.  You've 
thrown everything but the kitchen sink at her and she hasn't responded 
the way you hoped and now it seems you've come to the agonizing point 
of  resolving yourself to the fact that your intervention won't be able 
to turn her around.  This is only my intuition talking, perhaps I'm 
wrong, but you still seem desperate to control the situa

Re: My Dearest Michelle

2007-02-04 Thread Sheila208
Thank you Nina for saying the right thing again. I guess I kind of panicked 
when Michelle said she was leaving the list. She has always been so kind and 
helpful . You are right if she needs time away from us to focus on Lucy . We 
will still be here for her if she needs us. I pray that she will find comfort 
soon.   Sheila

Re: Lucy and unsubscribing

2007-02-04 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Oh Michelle PLEASE do not leave us.You have been here for me so many times and 
it just would not be the same without you here.Phaewryn was not trying to hurt 
you and maybe she misunderstood what you were saying.That is so easy to do 
while communicating this way.PLEASE reconsider.

  Since I last wrote, Lucy got up, climbed all 14 stairs to the upstairs, 
ate half a jar of baby food and a couple pieces of dry food, curled up on a cat 
bed, and is purring away as Gray pets her. When Gray poured the dry food for 
Patches, Lucy literally got up and ran over to it, trying to push Patched out 
of the way.
  I know she has FIP, or most likely does. I know there is no real cure and it 
will get her. But today does not seem to be the day, and I do not think it is 
selfish to decide that. Someone who can and wants to climb stairs, wants to eat 
(even if not a normal amount), wants company and pets, and can go running over 
to a bowl of food is, in my opinion, not asking to be killed.
  To whoever wrote that I should not do "home euthanasia," I was not 
considering home euthanasia, I was considering, in an emergency if she gets in 
distress, tranquilizing her until a vet could come or we could get to a vet. i 
did that with Simon and he immediately slept and actually died in his sleep 
before we needed to. But it was not intended as euthanasia. I and several 
others on the list have also used oral valium to ease passings, and it has done 
so. I do not think this is irrational.
  I stopped reading posts after that and just deleted, to whoever wrote 
something in the subject line about allowing suffering.  Given that I had just 
come downstairs from Lucy's little trek and eating spree, it seemed too 
ridiculous to read.
  This list has been a godsend for me at times, and I have made friendships 
with a few of you that I hope to continue offline from the group.  But this 
group is not helping me right now and is actually upsetting me quite a bit. So 
I am unsubscribing.  Nina and Hideyo, I hope to stay in touch with you 
individually, and anyone else who actually wants to, and to share ideas and 
emotional support.  But I am done with the group.

Any questions?  Get answers on any topic at Yahoo! Answers. Try it now.

Re: Rompi

2007-02-04 Thread catatonya
Hi Paolo,
  I hope you've got this straightened out by now, but you should be able to 
just create a whole new yahoo address and rejoin the group.  You and Rompi are 
in my prayers.

Paolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Sorry for not having written before, yesterday I was just too shocked
and needed a rest to gather my ideas. In addition, very high stress
always induces me sleep, just could not stay awake.

We haven't assessed more specifically the type of lymphoma yet, but are
going to do it between today and monday.

Michelle, I have a problem with Yahoo groups. I am a subscriber of the
feline anemia group since 2000 or maybe even before, so I guess I have
an User ID and password (but my Email address is not with Yahoo, as you
can see). But now, at 7+ years, I cannot remember my ID or password any
longer. The strange thing is that I remember there was a "security
question" to be answered, that I filled in at the moment of subscription,
that should serve to retrieve ID and/or Password. But I am unable to
find where to access to that question.

In addition, even trying to create a new profile as a new user, Yahoo
only accepts addresses where to send group posts. This is
definitely odd.

Is it possible that, being a member of the Feline Anemia group already,
and so receiving the posts, there isn't a way to have me recognized as
a legitimate user? Is there a way to write to a human being at Yahoo,
and not to a stupid automated answer system?


Michelle and Lucy

2007-02-04 Thread catatonya
  You and Lucy are still in my prayers.  I'm sorry you're upset by something 
that's been said.  I just skipped about 900 messages because I was worried when 
I saw you said unsubscribe and thought you had lost Lucy.  Please reconsider.  
You are in a terrible place right now and you need the group.   When I'm in a 
bad place I need your support and wealth of knowledge as well.  You belong 
here, and anyone who knows you knows that you give your all for your cats (and 
dogs and horses) and doesn't question or judge your decisions.
  When one of my cats gets sick you are one of the first people I want in my 
corner.  You belong here, and Lucy will let you know (as she is doing now) 
whether she wants to stay or go.  I'm just so sorry you're going through all of 
this.  You've had more than your share over the last year.
  take care,

  Since I last wrote, Lucy got up, climbed all 14 stairs to the upstairs, 
ate half a jar of baby food and a couple pieces of dry food, curled up on a cat 
bed, and is purring away as Gray pets her. When Gray poured the dry food for 
Patches, Lucy literally got up and ran over to it, trying to push Patched out 
of the way.
  I know she has FIP, or most likely does. I know there is no real cure and it 
will get her. But today does not seem to be the day, and I do not think it is 
selfish to decide that. Someone who can and wants to climb stairs, wants to eat 
(even if not a normal amount), wants company and pets, and can go running over 
to a bowl of food is, in my opinion, not asking to be killed.
  To whoever wrote that I should not do "home euthanasia," I was not 
considering home euthanasia, I was considering, in an emergency if she gets in 
distress, tranquilizing her until a vet could come or we could get to a vet. i 
did that with Simon and he immediately slept and actually died in his sleep 
before we needed to. But it was not intended as euthanasia. I and several 
others on the list have also used oral valium to ease passings, and it has done 
so. I do not think this is irrational.
  I stopped reading posts after that and just deleted, to whoever wrote 
something in the subject line about allowing suffering.  Given that I had just 
come downstairs from Lucy's little trek and eating spree, it seemed too 
ridiculous to read.
  This list has been a godsend for me at times, and I have made friendships 
with a few of you that I hope to continue offline from the group.  But this 
group is not helping me right now and is actually upsetting me quite a bit. So 
I am unsubscribing.  Nina and Hideyo, I hope to stay in touch with you 
individually, and anyone else who actually wants to, and to share ideas and 
emotional support.  But I am done with the group.


2007-02-04 Thread Sheila208
Michelle, Please don't leave this list. You have helped me and so many others 
with our fur babies. We need your calm loving caring answers that you have 
always been ready to give. I for one have the same feeling that if one of my 
babies is eating and still showing a desire to go on I will do everything in my 
power to help them live. I know that a lot of people believe in euthanasia and 
I have had to do it but only once and it was horrible. I know a lot of people 
choose to help there babies leave ,but I truly believe that you will know when 
the time is right. I know that you are desperate to do what is right for Lucy 
. My heart breaks for you and Gray. I will continue to pray for you . Sheila

My Dearest Michelle

2007-02-04 Thread Nina
Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry.  I can't even imagine how awful it must be to 
be in the middle of this torment and feel like you have to stay away 
from the usual support of the list because we've hurt you even more.  
I'm so upset, I've been so upset right along side you throughout this.  
All I want to do is ease your burdens and help Lucy in whatever way I 
can and I'm falling so short of doing that.  It sounds familiar, huh?  
Maybe I should take my own advice and stop struggling so hard to help 
"fix" things.  I wasn't sure if I should write to you.  I wasn't sure if 
any thing I had to say would be welcome.  I've given you my phone 
number, I'm here supporting you day and night, even if you never pick up 
the phone.  I don't want to intrude any more than I have, I just wanted 
you to know that I care and I'm so sorry for all you guys are going through.

You asked how you would know what Lucy wants, how to know if she is 
ready ...  That's part of the reason I've been so insistent about 
quieting yourself, quieting all the stress, you need to be quiet and 
still to "hear" her.  The experience I had with Spencer will stay with 
me forever.  That last day shared with him was full of love and magic. 
I've never been more connected in love with another being.  It wasn't 
like I planned to call the vet when he could no longer hold up his head, 
until he was so exhausted that he no longer was able to move, I simply 
waited until I /knew/ he was ready.  Until I knew we were through saying 
our goodbyes.  It was sort of like seeing someone off at the railway 
terminal and even though their train isn't leaving for another couple of 
hours, it's still time to part, there's nothing more to say or 
experience, so you walk away with a hug and a kiss and tears running 
down your face.  He truly seemed to be telling me, it's okay Mom, it's 
time for me to leave.  From what you last described with Lucy, it 
doesn't sound like she's there yet.  Only the three of you will know if 
she wants help crossing.  No one else can tell you that.  Trust the 
connection you share, you said that you have made arrangements if her 
suffering becomes too great, in the meantime bask in her companionship 
for as long as you can. 

It may seem ridiculous, but I'm still praying for miracles.  I'm praying 
for you, Gray and Lucy to share the kind of intimacy that Spencer and I 
had.  I'm praying for strength and comfort for you.  I'm praying that 
you feel the love that so many people are sending your way to try and 
help you through this. 

Maybe it's not such a bad thing to go off list for a while.  This time 
is sacred and I know you want to focus your attention on Lucy, if being 
on list causes you more anguish, or pulls your attention from Lucy in 
any way, then staying away from the computer may be what you need to do.

With much love,

Lucy and unsubscribing

2007-02-04 Thread Lernermichelle
Since I last wrote, Lucy got up, climbed all 14 stairs to the upstairs, ate  
half a jar of baby food and a couple pieces of dry food, curled up on a cat 
bed,  and is purring away as Gray pets her. When Gray poured the dry food for 
Patches,  Lucy literally got up and ran over to it, trying to push Patched out 
of the  way.
I know she has FIP, or most likely does. I know there is no real cure and  it 
will get her. But today does not seem to be the day, and I do not think it is 
 selfish to decide that. Someone who can and wants to climb stairs, wants to 
eat  (even if not a normal amount), wants company and pets, and can go running 
over  to a bowl of food is, in my opinion, not asking to be killed.
To whoever wrote that I should not do "home euthanasia," I was not  
considering home euthanasia, I was considering, in an emergency if she gets in  
distress, tranquilizing her until a vet could come or we could get to a vet. i  
that with Simon and he immediately slept and actually died in his sleep  before 
we needed to. But it was not intended as euthanasia. I and several others  on 
the list have also used oral valium to ease passings, and it has done so. I  
do not think this is irrational.
I stopped reading posts after that and just deleted, to whoever wrote  
something in the subject line about allowing suffering.  Given that I had  just 
downstairs from Lucy's little trek and eating spree, it seemed too  
ridiculous to read.
This list has been a godsend for me at times, and I have made friendships  
with a few of you that I hope to continue offline from the group.  But this  
group is not helping me right now and is actually upsetting me quite a bit. So 
am unsubscribing.  Nina and Hideyo, I hope to stay in touch with you  
individually, and anyone else who actually wants to, and to share ideas and  
emotional support.  But I am done with the group.

Re: allowing suffering (if you don't like me when I am ranting, then don't read it)

2007-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suffering is a sacred process?

Ok, just my opinion, but what a load of crap! I hope that person (pam) had
truly suffered in her past, so she will be justified/qualified in advocating
suffering in others! How the HELL does she know that suffering in a terminal
illness is a pathway to spiritual evolution? Has she ever suffered and DIED
of anything?

"Oh yeah, I'm feeling the need to connect to god (or whatever)... I think I
will gouge my own eyes out so I can find that sacred place suffering will
take me!" Do me a big favor, before advocating allowing suffering in
innocent animals, take the biggest kitchen knife you have, put your hand on
the table, and stab it right through it. Then, please let me know how sacred
you feel, and if you get closer to god that way!

Tell me, if this is the right thing to do, WHY do we even bother taking our
pets to the vet? Why not just let them suffer until they die to begin with?
Oh, so that horse has a broken leg... just let him drag it around, he'll die
on his own in a week or two, we'd hate to rob him of his sacred suffering!

Yeah, fat chance!

I'm going on no mail for a while I can't stand to listen to this


Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread BoardMailbox
Charity & Bart are in my thoughts and prayers.  I think what  you are doing 
is wonderful, Patti.  Please keep us updated.

Re: euthanasia

2007-02-04 Thread elizabeth trent

Please don't cut us off because you are offended by a response.  In my
heart, I truly believe that response wasn't meant to hurt you.  We all need
friends who are direct and who tell us exactly what they think - even if it
is painful - and not just to tell us what they think we want to hear.  You
are going through so much pain right now - and taking on Lucy's pain as your
own too.  You don't need to go through this alone.

I think you are doing the right thing by getting input from a lot of
different sources - the letter from your healer friend really touched my
heart.  We all have very different opinions on a number of things - but we
all agree on this: we care very much.  Please allow us the opportunity to be
there for you.

My heart is with you,


 I do not often get offended by this list, and I know I am in a bad state
to begin with. But I really take offense at this thing people always say,
which at least one of you has said to me in my questioning what to do about
euthanasia, that I need to ask if I am keeping her here for me or for her.
We are talking about ending a life. Believe me, if I could actually tell
that it would be the best thing for her, I would do it. As painful as it
will be to be without her, it is also painful to watch her deteriorate. What
I am trying to figure out is what is best for her, not what is best for me.
Taking someone's life should not be done lightly, and if someone seems to be
getting some enjoyment out of life, I think it is a totally fair question to
ask if it is right to take their life at this time or if it is better to
wait, for their own sake. For Lucy's sake. So I appreciate any insights
about that, but I am going to stop asking for opinions here, because I don't
think that just because I have different standards about euthanasia it means
I am doing it or not doing it "for me" and being selfish. I could say the
same thing, if I wanted, about people who euthanize as soon as they know
something is terminal-- most people can not deal with hospice care or
watching the decline of someone they love, so maybe they just euthanize "for

Enough.  I will deal with this on my own if that is the kind of answer I
am going to get.

I will stay offline now until this is over.


Fwd: from Michelle Lerner

2007-02-04 Thread Lernermichelle
Apropos to what I just wrote is an email I got from my old chiropractor, a  
healer, who I asked the same question of.  
--- Begin Message ---
Hi MIchelle,

I am so sorry to hear about your sadness.

The question you are asking, I am afraid, isn't an easy one to answer.  I will 
do my best.  I think sometimes the most heroic thing we can do for one another 
is to allow suffering.  Knowing that suffering is a sacred process is 
important.  Often, we want to end OUR suffering at another's suffering.  That 
seems unfair.  Perhaps their soul is meant to have this struggle and the 
kindest thing we can do is to be there, listen, love, share.  Trying to fix it 
or change it or stop it only robs the soul of an opportunity to evolve.

Another thought about dying is that it is very similiar to midwifery.  You are 
helping someone to transition.  The energy can be very similiar.  By trying to 
manage, control, anesthetize the being, you are robbing them of an incredibly 
powerful moment.  

On the other hand, (I am a libra and torment myself by understanding all 
sides)I also believe that pain medication is there for a reason and that it can 
sometimes create more peace for all parties to transition and evolve.  It can 
create a less violent experience.

Ultimately,  I do not think that there are any easy answers.  I think I will 
include you and Gray in my circle of prayers so that you will all have the 
strength, the courage and inner connection to listen deeply to what is calling 
you in the moment...thinking beyond simple right and pun intended 
but being willing to live in the GRAY/GREY area with an open heart and soul.

With much love and sympathy,


and a thing that >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Date: 2007/02/04 Sun AM 08:48:00 CST
>Subject: Re: from Michelle Lerner

>Hi. I had been trying to email you a week or so ago because I sent an email to 
>all my friend who I think might pray, asking them to pray for my cat Lucy.  I 
>had heard that lots of people praying, for one reason or another, sometimes 
>helps. She seems to have wet FIP. I don't know if you know what that is, but 
>it is an incurable, fast-moving disease. She is extremely anemic, lethargic, 
>and her belly and sides are full of fluid so she looks like a huge sack of 
>jelly. Right now I am just trying to make her comfortable, giving her lots of 
>steroids and syringe feeding her once a day to make sure she does not feel 
>sick from not eating enough. She eats on her own, just not very much. She 
>purrs when we pet her, and seems to want us with her.  And last night she 
>somehow got herself to the top of a 6 foot tall cat tree, which is hard to 
>imagine because she is not even walking very well.  I think she mostly feels 
>bad from the anemia-- her gums are white. She has been on epogen to stimulate 
>red blood cell production for almost two weeks, but it normally takes 3 to 
>kick in. Do you or have you or would you euthanize an animal? Gray is against 
>it, and I generally have only done it when they are actually in the process of 
>dying, i.e. their bodies have shut down and they are in rspiratory distress or 
>obvious pain.  Except my horse Shire, who was in neither but his whole back 
>end was paralyzed and horses can not live laying down because they crush their 
>own organs and their guts get tied up. Anyway, part of me feels like I should 
>have the vet euthanize Lucy tomorrow, because she is so sick. But I don't know 
>if I would be thinking that if her body did not look so incredibly distorted-- 
>it is what makes her look sickest-- and her distorted body is not, I don't 
>think, what is bothering her. I think it is her anemia. And I think that 
>mostly makes her very very tired, which the steroids help with a little bit. 
>She is not hiding, and purrs when we pet her. I don't really know what to do. 
>I am curious what your feelings are on all of this, if you have time to tell 
>me. thanks, and I hope that you are well, more well than we are right 
>now,Michelle In a message dated 2/4/2007 9:32:57 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:Hi   Michelle,
>The best address to send something to me personally is   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
>How are you?
--- End Message ---


2007-02-04 Thread Lernermichelle
I do not often get offended by this list, and I know I am in a bad state to  
begin with. But I really take offense at this thing people always say, which 
at  least one of you has said to me in my questioning what to do about 
euthanasia,  that I need to ask if I am keeping her here for me or for her. We 
talking  about ending a life. Believe me, if I could actually tell that it 
be the  best thing for her, I would do it. As painful as it will be to be 
without her,  it is also painful to watch her deteriorate. What I am trying to 
figure out is  what is best for her, not what is best for me.  Taking someone's 
life  should not be done lightly, and if someone seems to be getting some 
enjoyment  out of life, I think it is a totally fair question to ask if it is 
to take  their life at this time or if it is better to wait, for their own 
sake. For  Lucy's sake. So I appreciate any insights about that, but I am going 
to stop  asking for opinions here, because I don't think that just because I 
have  different standards about euthanasia it means I am doing it or not doing 
it "for  me" and being selfish. I could say the same thing, if I wanted, about 
people who  euthanize as soon as they know something is terminal-- most 
people can not deal  with hospice care or watching the decline of someone they 
love, so maybe they  just euthanize "for themselves."  
Enough.  I will deal with this on my own if that is the kind of answer  I am 
going to get.
I will stay offline now until this is over.

Re: essiac tonic

2007-02-04 Thread Lernermichelle
it is used mostly for cancer but also helps the immune system and  detoxifies.
In a message dated 2/4/2007 5:07:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

Hi, does anyone know a lot about  essiat tonic and what it does to the body?  
Is it good for other than  cancers?


Re: Luy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread Lernermichelle
I know that about purring. But she only purrs when we pet her, not  
otherwise, so I do think that means she likes us petting her.
In a message dated 2/4/2007 5:07:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  [EMAIL 

I just don't know  Michelle were she my cat, I would have euth'd her 
already, but she's not  my cat. I do know purring isn't necessarily a good 
they purr when they  are miserable too. I think maybe it's time, but only you 
can see her, and read  her body language. 



Re: Lucy (michelle, bless you, I'm so sorry I have to say this to you)

2007-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I care about you, and really want you to know I say this with every bit of
compassion and care I can. I know you are suffering and confused, and
desperate. Please know I have Lucy's well-being at heart when I say this to

No, you are absolutely WRONG! Oh please do NOT attempt home
euthanasia/sedation! Especially with expired drugs and old dull dirty
needles?! My god, are you listening to yourself Michelle? Please THINK, ok?
My step-dad did that with one of my mom's dogs, and it was HORRIBLE, my mom
is still permanently traumatized, she had to hold the squealing, writhing,
and miserable suffering dog all the way to the vet 30 miles away after my
step dad tried to do it at home. PLEASE leave the euthanasia to the

I think you are really at the end of your rope, and not being rational
anymore. Please believe me when I say it is MUCH better to euthanise a
little too soon than even a little too late! But, for god's sake, don't try
to do it yourself! You, yourself, in one of your last emails said it's
obvious she is suffering at times. Do you really need any more of a sign
than that? Lucy has lived a wonderful long life, full of love and good
times, it is her time to leave. You can't fight it, you can't beat it, you
can only prolong the end. The question is, is it something you SHOULD be
prolonging? Is she HAPPY right now? Can you truly say she is HAPPY, and
COMFORTABLE? Or are you just trying to convince yourself that she's "Not
suffering too bad"? Then you must ask, is ANY suffering good? That will be
your answer.

Bless you Michelle, I know you are in such pain, and don't want to let go or
give up on her, but you're so close to the subject that you can't get any
perspective. Please take a step back and really CONSIDER the situation.

Please take this as it's intended... I mean you no insult, but you are not
being rational anymore.


Re: Luy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread Kelly L

At 12:20 PM 2/4/2007, you wrote:

We tend to put our own subjective feelings on theirbehavior, Cats do 
purr a lot if they are in severe pain, It is just a reaction, the 
sunlight is craving warmth,,,nature had a good system of allowing an 
animal to die when the time was right, They did stop eating...we..all 
of us..tend to push food, I am as guilty as the rest,In a case where 
there is hope for recovery that is a different matter, but in a case 
when the agony is only being prolonged I have to wonder. I only say 
this as I totally understand your despair at having to say good by 
for now, It is heartbreaking, but ask yourself if you are doing this 
for Lucy our yourself, Your love for her is so unconditional and she know it,
I think the best thing to keep at home is Buprenex,,, it is a great 
pain reliever and makes them pretty dopy, I also use Acepromazine,,, 
Yes on occasion Valium causes them to become excited,  Is there a vet 
you trust that can get you some buprenex to have at home,

My heart is with you through this very sad time,

I have backed off the meds. Just steroid shot once a day, and I gave 
her a metronidazole and her clindamycin once yesterday instead of 
twice, in case the metronidazole helps her diarrhea or the 
clindamycin helps the congestion. And nose drops every other 
day.  That's all, though.

I dont know what it means for her to show us she wants to stay. she 
looks pretty awful. Does purring occasionally, or laying the in the 
sun occasionally, or licking at food, mean that she wants to stay??


In a message dated 2/4/2007 3:06:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

As long as she's still showing you
that she wants to stay, I would back off of all meds except those that
might make her more comfortable

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Re: Luy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just don't know Michelle were she my cat, I would have euth'd her
already, but she's not my cat. I do know purring isn't necessarily a good
sign, they purr when they are miserable too. I think maybe it's time, but
only you can see her, and read her body language.


Re: Luy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread Lernermichelle
I have backed off the meds. Just steroid shot once a day, and I gave her a  
metronidazole and her clindamycin once yesterday instead of twice, in case the  
metronidazole helps her diarrhea or the clindamycin helps the congestion. And 
 nose drops every other day.  That's all, though.
I dont know what it means for her to show us she wants to stay. she looks  
pretty awful. Does purring occasionally, or laying the in the sun occasionally, 
or licking at food, mean that she wants to stay??
In a message dated 2/4/2007 3:06:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

As long  as she's still showing you 
that she wants to stay, I would back off of all  meds except those that 
might make her more  comfortable


Re: Luy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread Lernermichelle
actually, I think I meant to ask if I am horrible if I don't euthanise  her, 
not if I do.  She is clearly suffering to some extent. Every once in a  while 
she seems to need air, meows and breathes with her mouth open, and if we  open 
a door or window to the cold air she settles down. I gave her another dex  
shot (last one over 24 hours ago), and she started purring a little and walked 
 little better.  Earlier today we realized she had dried diarrhea caked all  
over her behind, as if she had sat down in it during the night.  I washed  it 
off, which took a long time, and she purred very loudly during the whole  
thing and put her butt up in the air for me to wash and dry it. It was  
heartbreaking and cute at the same time. I am thinking of asking the vet to 
come  over 
tomorrow. My heart is against it, but my mind says she is going through  
something that she does not have to.  I decide it, and then after looking  
for 30 minutes, she looks at me and starts purring, or checks out a  food 
bowl and eats about a spoonful of baby food. And I think no, wait until she  is 
in more distress than this.
I have injectable valium in the fridge, given to me almost two years ago. I  
was thinking that if she goes into distress I can give her that and then call  
the vet. I looked it up online, though, and it said that IM valium can be  
painful, and that in a small number of cats it has the opposite than wanted  
effect, ie makes them hyperexcitable. She had hyperexcitability when she came  
out of anesthesia from having her bladder stone removed, so I worry about that. 
I also have telazol that was given to me for Simon-- I gave him half  the 
shot to knock him out when he went into distress and he went to sleep and  
died in his sleep. I kept the rest of the shot. The needle is not clean,  
obviously, but I guess at that point it would not matter. It is also two years  
old. In fact, he died two years ago tomorrow. How strange is that? All of my  
positives have died between the dates 12/31 and 2/22-- less than a 2 month span 
in deep winter. It seems like it must not just be coincidental, but like 
winter  knocks their immune systems, even though they are inside.
so I have been thinking we can just stay with her until she goes into  
distress, tranquilize her then and call the vet. But is it fair and right? Is  
episodic extreme weakness and open mouthed breathing, if it lasts only a few  
minutes, acceptable to live through if a half hour later she can eat a little  
and purr? What about having crusted diarrhea on her, if she then likes  
having it cleaned off? 
She seemed in good health 3 weeks ago. I can not believe how fast her  
decline has been.
I don't know if any of you remember, but in late December I emailed saying  
that she seemed to be gaining weight but only in her belly, and that I thought  
it might be fluid and could she have fip. Everyone said no, because she was 
not  sick otherwise.  But I think it must have started then, oddly enough, and  
she just did not show symptoms for another 3-4 weeks. I think now i should 
have  taken her somewhere, that if the fluid had been found then, and maybe her 
anemia, I could have started her on feline interferon and epogen and maybe 
they  actually would have worked. I started them too late.  And then I think 
that  none of the success stories I have read about with feline interferon and 
fip  concern and felv+ cat, and at least we had a few weeks thinking things 
ok,  and not forcing meds on her. I don't know.  So painful.
In a message dated 2/4/2007 3:06:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I don't think you are horrible for considering euthanizing  Lucy.  You've 
thrown everything but the kitchen sink at her and she  hasn't responded 
the way you hoped and now it seems you've come to the  agonizing point 
of  resolving yourself to the fact that your  intervention won't be able 
to turn her around.  This is only my  intuition talking, perhaps I'm 
wrong, but you still seem desperate to  control the situation, helping 
her cross is the final thing that you could  do for her.  I fully realize 
how much you love her, that everything  you've done has been with her 
best interest in mind, I'm confident that  Lucy feels that way too.  
She's been such a trooper through all this,  she's still purring when you 
and Gray pet her, she's still licking at her  food, she's still grateful 
for the time she can spend with you.  As  long as she's still showing you 
that she wants to stay, I would back off  of all meds except those that 
might make her more comfortable, (perhaps  just Pred and maybe saline 
nose drops for the congestion), and let her  take it from here.  I know 
how you and Gray feel about euthanasia, if  that is what you decided to 
do, make sure it is coming from your heart and  not your head.  Listen to 
her, she will tell you when/if she is  ready.


essiac tonic

2007-02-04 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Hi, does anyone know a lot about essiat tonic and what it does to the
body?  Is it good for other than cancers?

RE: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
Patti, you are a wonder!  Congratulations on getting the furbabies inside
and safe from the storm.  Here are vibes that they both check out OK at the
vet and that Bart doesn't have FIP.  You go girl!!

Diane R.

 -Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 1:12 PM
Subject: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe W/ me!!!

  I know this is OT, but I have written about Bart & Charity, my ferals to
the list.. And off list to Nina & Kerry..
  The other night, we had a (short) blizzard here And, my room mate
was off on an appt. & I had to walk my dogs after feeding. (NOT easy, I am
so afraid of slipping & falling & losing my K-9 babies).
  Anyway, after feeding, when I was out with my Rottie, I heard these
"sweet" cat sounds - turns out it was my dear Charity, she has come around
so much, and her "talking" sounded like she wanted my help.
  Well, my Rottie is deaf, and I am almost blind I couldn't see her, and
(Lady)Bug couldn't hear her, but when Bug SAW her, BAM -- thought for
sure I was going down.  And Charity has "no fear" of dogs, so she proceeded
to approach me   And, Bug is STRONG, and even pulling her leash back,
well, w/ all my "problems", it was tough..
  I finally got Bug back into house and went back out, into the blizzard, to
see if I could get Charity.. I was out for over THREE hours!  I was
able to scruff her when in yard, but she freaked (NO claws!!! She has come a
long way...).  But, having hardly any use of my right arm, I had to let her
go..  So, "we" decided to go out to barn..
  And, while there, guess who comes out? BART  I was shocked!!  He
had been in the blankets, etc. I have over crate, I guess "trying" to keep
warm..  But, I was there w/ food, and he came out...
  By this time, over 3 hours, I had to sit down in my recliner to rest..
And, then, Charity, and Bart, come up, rub against my legs, so I figured the
time was right!!!  I reached down, scruffed Charity, then found out, she
"allowed" me to just hold her...  So, I had to make the long journey
back to house, with her (peacefully) in my arms.. (I had closed the barn
door, and left the food in the well-insulated crate for Bart)  My main
fear was Charity freaking once we got in house 'cause my dogs, 4 BIG, are
very loud..They love cats, but, can act weird when a new one comes
in. Thank heavens, after I gave them a talking-to when entering, none of
them barked, got up, or did anything   So, I got my Charity into a large
crate and there she remains... (She was tested - negative, but that was
over a year agoAnd w/ my Puma, recently being diagnosed w/ FIP & toxo,
well, I didn't want to expose any of my babies Charity will be
re-tested, and we'll go from there...)
  Back to Bart. When I got back to barn, he was in crate, so I closed
the door  When I looked him over, well, now I am really concerned..
He is so bloated  Thought maybe I got a diff. pregnant female, but, he
still has his equipment...  And, Bart, was always SO feral, I could
never get close to him.  Now, he allowed me to pet him, seemed to like it.
But, while stroking him, I could feel his backbone.And other bones.
Made me wonder just what his problem is. Also, his eyes are "clouded",
like cataracts or glaucoma (?).  He also looks OLD. Probably is,
he's been around here since I've been here...2 1/2 years now...  So, I
wormed him, and did not find anything in his feces...And, as bloated as he
was, I figured if it was worms they'd be as big as a snake.  But,
NOTHINGI even used my magnifying glass.
  I worry now that maybe it's FIP. (A very recent topic on list lately.)
I called my rescue partner & she is going to get us a vet appt.  But, before
I neuter him, I am going to have him hospitalized 'til we get all the blood
test results back.. Depending on "what" the results are, I will be faced
w/ having to decide what to do.  I do have another rescue buddy that has
converted her barn into a shelter, w/ indiviual homes, I just don't
  So, Bart is still in crate in barn..  It's very well insulated, and,
when I was "able", I had insulated parts of barn, filling cracks, etc.
I just worry 'cause we're in a deep-freeze.  He has a good bed, lots of
thermals, and the crate is also insulated, w/ thermal on the outside...
But, it's so cold and he's so old.
  He is eating, and I do venture out (slowly & carefully) to feed and water
him daily.  One thing I noticed, his water only had a partial skim on top,
not frozen thru.  So, I guess the barn is pretty well insulated.
  Just pray we can get to vet early this week...
  I would have written sooner, but besides being over-whatever, my room mate
was NOT too happy. But, I told him, d

Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread Kelly L

At 11:11 AM 2/4/2007, you wrote:

I am soo happy these guys are safe and warm and cared for. It is 
amazing that regardless of our distress we always accommodate just 
one more and sleep so much better knowing they are safe.
PLEASE let us know how they are doing,, no go make some hot chocolate 
and cover up.


I know this is OT, but I have written about Bart & Charity, my 
ferals to the list.. And off list to Nina & Kerry..
The other night, we had a (short) blizzard here And, my room 
mate was off on an appt. & I had to walk my dogs after feeding. (NOT 
easy, I am so afraid of slipping & falling & losing my K-9 babies).
Anyway, after feeding, when I was out with my Rottie, I heard these 
"sweet" cat sounds - turns out it was my dear Charity, she has come 
around so much, and her "talking" sounded like she wanted my help.
Well, my Rottie is deaf, and I am almost blind I couldn't see 
her, and (Lady)Bug couldn't hear her, but when Bug SAW her, BAM 
-- thought for sure I was going down.  And Charity has "no fear" 
of dogs, so she proceeded to approach me   And, Bug is STRONG, 
and even pulling her leash back, well, w/ all my "problems", it was tough..
I finally got Bug back into house and went back out, into the 
blizzard, to see if I could get Charity.. I was out for over 
THREE hours!  I was able to scruff her when in yard, but she 
freaked (NO claws!!! She has come a long way...).  But, having 
hardly any use of my right arm, I had to let her go..  So, "we" 
decided to go out to barn..
And, while there, guess who comes out? BART  I was 
shocked!!  He had been in the blankets, etc. I have over crate, I 
guess "trying" to keep warm..  But, I was there w/ food, and he 
came out...
By this time, over 3 hours, I had to sit down in my recliner to 
rest.. And, then, Charity, and Bart, come up, rub against my 
legs, so I figured the time was right!!!  I reached down, scruffed 
Charity, then found out, she "allowed" me to just hold 
her...  So, I had to make the long journey back to house, with 
her (peacefully) in my arms.. (I had closed the barn door, and 
left the food in the well-insulated crate for Bart)  My main 
fear was Charity freaking once we got in house 'cause my dogs, 4 
BIG, are very loud..They love cats, but, can act weird when a 
new one comes in. Thank heavens, after I gave them a talking-to 
when entering, none of them barked, got up, or did 
anything   So, I got my Charity into a large crate and there she 
remains... (She was tested - negative, but that was over a year 
agoAnd w/ my Puma, recently being diagnosed w/ FIP & toxo, well, 
I didn't want to expose any of my babies Charity will be 
re-tested, and we'll go from there...)
Back to Bart. When I got back to barn, he was in crate, so I 
closed the door  When I looked him over, well, now I am really 
concerned..  He is so bloated  Thought maybe I got a diff. 
pregnant female, but, he still has his equipment...  And, Bart, 
was always SO feral, I could never get close to him.  Now, he 
allowed me to pet him, seemed to like it.  But, while stroking him, 
I could feel his backbone.And other bones. Made me wonder 
just what his problem is. Also, his eyes are "clouded", like 
cataracts or glaucoma (?).  He also looks OLD. Probably is, 
he's been around here since I've been here...2 1/2 years now...  So, 
I wormed him, and did not find anything in his feces...And, as 
bloated as he was, I figured if it was worms they'd be as big as a 
snake.  But, NOTHINGI even used my magnifying glass.
I worry now that maybe it's FIP. (A very recent topic on list 
lately.)  I called my rescue partner & she is going to get us a vet 
appt.  But, before I neuter him, I am going to have him hospitalized 
'til we get all the blood test results back.. Depending on 
"what" the results are, I will be faced w/ having to decide what to 
do.  I do have another rescue buddy that has converted her barn 
into a shelter, w/ indiviual homes, I just don't know..
So, Bart is still in crate in barn..  It's very well insulated, 
and, when I was "able", I had insulated parts of barn, filling 
cracks, etc.  I just worry 'cause we're in a deep-freeze.  He 
has a good bed, lots of thermals, and the crate is also insulated, 
w/ thermal on the outside...  But, it's so cold and he's so old.
He is eating, and I do venture out (slowly & carefully) to feed and 
water him daily.  One thing I noticed, his water only had a partial 
skim on top, not frozen thru.  So, I guess the barn is pretty well 

Just pray we can get to vet early this week...
I would have written sooner, but besides being over-whatever, my 
room mate was NOT too happy. But, I told him, da-m it, I 
survived the MVA 'cause I have work to do - and it IS my rescue 
work!!!  And, prior

OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread PEC2851
I know this is OT, but I have written about Bart & Charity, my ferals  to the 
list.. And off list to Nina & Kerry..
The other night, we had a (short) blizzard here And, my room mate  
was off on an appt. & I had to walk my dogs after feeding. (NOT easy, I am  so 
afraid of slipping & falling & losing my K-9 babies).
Anyway, after feeding, when I was out with my Rottie, I heard these "sweet"  
cat sounds - turns out it was my dear Charity, she has come around so much, 
and  her "talking" sounded like she wanted my help.
Well, my Rottie is deaf, and I am almost blind I couldn't see her, and  
(Lady)Bug couldn't hear her, but when Bug SAW her, BAM -- thought for sure 
I  was going down.  And Charity has "no fear" of dogs, so she proceeded to  
approach me   And, Bug is STRONG, and even pulling her leash back,  well, 
all my "problems", it was tough..
I finally got Bug back into house and went back out, into the blizzard, to  
see if I could get Charity.. I was out for over THREE hours!  I was  
able to scruff her when in yard, but she freaked (NO claws!!! She has come a  
long way...).  But, having hardly any use of my right arm, I had to let her  
go..  So, "we" decided to go out to barn..
And, while there, guess who comes out? BART  I was  shocked!!  He had 
been in the blankets, etc. I have over crate, I guess  "trying" to keep 
warm..  But, I was there w/ food, and he came  out...
By this time, over 3 hours, I had to sit down in my recliner to rest..  
And, then, Charity, and Bart, come up, rub against my legs, so I figured the  
time was right!!!  I reached down, scruffed Charity, then found out, she  
"allowed" me to just hold her...  So, I had to make the long journey  back 
house, with her (peacefully) in my arms.. (I had closed the barn  door, and 
left the food in the well-insulated crate for Bart)  My main  fear was 
Charity freaking once we got in house 'cause my dogs, 4 BIG, are very  
loud..They love cats, but, can act weird when a new one comes in. Thank 
heavens, after I gave them a talking-to when entering, none of them barked, got 
or did anything   So, I got my Charity into a large crate and  there she 
remains... (She was tested - negative, but that was over a year  
agoAnd w/ my Puma, recently being diagnosed w/ FIP & toxo, well, I  didn't 
want to 
expose any of my babies Charity will be re-tested, and we'll  go from 
Back to Bart. When I got back to barn, he was in crate, so I closed the  
door  When I looked him over, well, now I am really  concerned..  He 
is so bloated  Thought maybe I got a diff.  pregnant female, but, he still 
has his equipment...  And, Bart, was  always SO feral, I could never get 
close to him.  Now, he allowed me to pet  him, seemed to like it.  But, while 
stroking him, I could feel his  backbone.And other bones. Made me 
wonder just what his problem is.  Also, his eyes are "clouded", like 
or glaucoma (?).  He also  looks OLD. Probably is, he's been around 
here since I've been here...2 1/2  years now...  So, I wormed him, and did not 
find anything in his  feces...And, as bloated as he was, I figured if it was 
worms they'd be as big as  a snake.  But, NOTHINGI even used my 
magnifying glass.
I worry now that maybe it's FIP. (A very recent topic on list  lately.)  
I called my rescue partner & she is going to get us a vet  appt.  But, before 
I neuter him, I am going to have him hospitalized 'til  we get all the blood 
test results back.. Depending on "what" the results  are, I will be faced 
w/ having to decide what to do.  I do have another  rescue buddy that has 
converted her barn into a shelter, w/ indiviual homes, I  just don't know..
So, Bart is still in crate in barn..  It's very well insulated,  and, 
when I was "able", I had insulated parts of barn, filling cracks,  etc.  I 
just worry 'cause we're in a deep-freeze.  He has a good  bed, lots of 
and the crate is also insulated, w/ thermal on the  outside...  But, it's 
so cold and he's so old.
He is eating, and I do venture out (slowly & carefully) to feed and  water 
him daily.  One thing I noticed, his water only had a partial skim on  top, not 
frozen thru.  So, I guess the barn is pretty well  insulated.
Just pray we can get to vet early this week...
I would have written sooner, but besides being over-whatever, my room mate  
was NOT too happy. But, I told him, da-m it, I survived the MVA 'cause I  
have work to do - and it IS my rescue work!!!  And, prior to getting  Charity & 
Bart, I was ready to call it a daySo depressed, I "questioned"  my reason 
for still being alive. Now, knowing Bart & Charity are safe,  that gave 
me a reason to go on
He at first told me, Charity could NOT be in house, blah-blah-blah, but it  
seems he has chang

Re: Luy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread Nina

I don't think you are horrible for considering euthanizing Lucy.  You've 
thrown everything but the kitchen sink at her and she hasn't responded 
the way you hoped and now it seems you've come to the agonizing point 
of  resolving yourself to the fact that your intervention won't be able 
to turn her around.  This is only my intuition talking, perhaps I'm 
wrong, but you still seem desperate to control the situation, helping 
her cross is the final thing that you could do for her.  I fully realize 
how much you love her, that everything you've done has been with her 
best interest in mind, I'm confident that Lucy feels that way too.  
She's been such a trooper through all this, she's still purring when you 
and Gray pet her, she's still licking at her food, she's still grateful 
for the time she can spend with you.  As long as she's still showing you 
that she wants to stay, I would back off of all meds except those that 
might make her more comfortable, (perhaps just Pred and maybe saline 
nose drops for the congestion), and let her take it from here.  I know 
how you and Gray feel about euthanasia, if that is what you decided to 
do, make sure it is coming from your heart and not your head.  Listen to 
her, she will tell you when/if she is ready.

My heart and thoughts are with you,

Yesterday at one point Lucy howled and started open mouth breathing 
and stumbled to the garage door where there is cold air. I assumed 
(and still think) it was her anemia getting so bad she was not getting 
enough oxygen.  I almost reached for valium to knock her out for 
euthanasia, but instead gave her a combo dex/depo shot just to see if 
it would help. She settled down and lay on a pillow by the garage door 
for hours, and we lay with her petting her, and she purred a lot and 
eventually ate a little bit. Last night she climbed to th top of the 
cat tree again at some point, and back down, and is on the couch now. 
She tried to eat a little baby food, but I don't think she can taste 
or smell due to congestion that came back with the steroids, so she 
only ate a little. So I syringed her, thinking once a day is not that 
much torture.  I only pilled her once yesterday. I am just trying to 
keep her comfortable, and when she is not I won't let her suffer.  As 
I am writing, she got up and went into the kitchen to drink some water.
I don't want to give her immuno-regulin, Kerry, because I do think 
this is FIP and I-R works by jump-starting an immune response, and 
with FIP it is the immune response that kills them.  Plus I would need 
to take her to the vet for IV shots, as the sub-q shots did not seem 
to help her at all when I thought this was just a URI weeks ago and 
gave them to her.
There was reason for you not to think Bandy had FIP. He might have had 
dry FIP, you know. It is not unheard of for a cat to be kept going for 
a year with dry FIP.  But Lucy is like a huge sack of jelly at this 
point. She can't even absorb sub-q fluids-- they go to her belly or 
stay in her shoulders.  It is like her whole body has turned to 
jelly.  She does not walk well. I have no idea how she got herself to 
the top of the cat tree last night.
A part of me thinks that I should just get her euthanized tomorrow 
(today is Sunday and I am not driving her to an ER). I hardly ever 
euthanize, and when I do it is when they are actually dying or in 
distress.  And she purrs when we pet her, and she takes a few licks of 
food at a time, and she got to the top of a cat tree last night.  So I 
don't want to.  she looks awful, though, and I would guess her HCT is 
incredibly low. Am I being horrible?

Re: Lucy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread Leslie

The thing with force feeding is that it's worth it if it gets them through
something, it's not worth it if it doesn't.  And the hard thing with that is
that you don't know which situation you're in.

Give her a day to not eat to see if the appetite will come back of its own
accord.  Lucy seems to have been eating pretty well so far, and even 10
licks of the baby food is very encouraging. I've gotten to where I'm
counting the pieces of kibble that go in on their own and if it's in the
double digits, I'll claim success.  You know from when you're sick that you
can feel ill and not eat, or not eat much for a day, but then the next day,
even if still sick, the hunger will get the best of you.  You won't be
putting her in harm's way if you let her not eat one day, in fact you might
be doing her a service as it might be best to have an empty system for a bit
to reset it, and you won't be fighting with the force feeding.  I know about
fatty liver disease, but it's more common for cats to fast and be okay than
fast and get FLS.

In my experience, the time/energy investment of forcefeeding compared to the
amount of food that gets down is disproportionate.  Be easy and patient both
with yourself and Lucy, you're both doing the best you can.

One of my forcefeeding battles resulted in another six months with my
Hepburn.  Even so, though, I don't know if it was necessary or worth it.
Then at the end, I force fed when I shouldn't have.  That was FIP (not
confirmed through necropsy, but she had the distended belly and the fluid
was drawn, etc).  I regret putting us through that.

If it's a cold, that's fabulous, give it a day to see if the Vick's helps,
if the congestion loosens.  It seems like she's been on a pendulum back and
forth, which makes it exceedingly difficult to find patterns.

All this to say that I know that you'll force feed and you're doing the best
thing for Lucy. You'll know when to stop if it's necessary.



Subject: Lucy not eating

Well, as of last night she will not eat at all.  She was hardly
eating  since
I gave her the dex shot the night before, I think because it unmasked her
URI and her nose got congested.  I have a vicks vaporizer on for that, used
nose drops, gave lysine, etc. but it is not clearing up this time. But she
eating a little. I then gave her denosyl for the third night in a
row.  And  I
think it made her nauseous, because she has not eaten a thing since and and
she looked bad for about an hour afterwards. I looked it up and it can cause
vomiting, apparently-- don't know how I missed that the first time. The
night I think it may have made her temporarily nauseous as well, but I
thought  it was the feline interferon.  The result is that she is not eating
at all
now.  I did syringe her a little (about 20 cc' baby food) last night. But
she hated it.

I don't know what to do. She probably has wet fip.  I had told myself  I
would not torture her by force feeding her when she is terminal anyway.
But I
don't know now. What if she really is not eating just because her nose is
stuffed up from the dex? Monday will be week 2 of epogen and feline
what if they started working? It is all doubtful.  I do not want her
last  days
to be full only of needles, pills, and forced feedings. I also don't want
her to die early because of a stuffed up nose, if that is what is going  on.

what to do?

Please pray for her.


Re: Luy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread elizabeth trent

No - you are not horrible at all.  You are thinking of Lucy and how to do
what is best and what is right for her.  Use your intuition, Michelle - you
know her better than anyone.

This is such a terrible disease.  I've only started reading about it since
your ordeal.  My heart and my prayers are still with you.



 Yesterday at one point Lucy howled and started open mouth breathing and
stumbled to the garage door where there is cold air. I assumed (and still
think) it was her anemia getting so bad she was not getting enough oxygen.
I almost reached for valium to knock her out for euthanasia, but instead
gave her a combo dex/depo shot just to see if it would help. She settled
down and lay on a pillow by the garage door for hours, and we lay with her
petting her, and she purred a lot and eventually ate a little bit. Last
night she climbed to th top of the cat tree again at some point, and back
down, and is on the couch now. She tried to eat a little baby food, but I
don't think she can taste or smell due to congestion that came back with the
steroids, so she only ate a little. So I syringed her, thinking once a day
is not that much torture.  I only pilled her once yesterday. I am just
trying to keep her comfortable, and when she is not I won't let her suffer.
As I am writing, she got up and went into the kitchen to drink some water.

I don't want to give her immuno-regulin, Kerry, because I do think this is
FIP and I-R works by jump-starting an immune response, and with FIP it is
the immune response that kills them.  Plus I would need to take her to the
vet for IV shots, as the sub-q shots did not seem to help her at all when I
thought this was just a URI weeks ago and gave them to her.

There was reason for you not to think Bandy had FIP. He might have had dry
FIP, you know. It is not unheard of for a cat to be kept going for a year
with dry FIP.  But Lucy is like a huge sack of jelly at this point. She
can't even absorb sub-q fluids-- they go to her belly or stay in her
shoulders.  It is like her whole body has turned to jelly.  She does not
walk well. I have no idea how she got herself to the top of the cat tree
last night.

A part of me thinks that I should just get her euthanized tomorrow (today
is Sunday and I am not driving her to an ER). I hardly ever euthanize, and
when I do it is when they are actually dying or in distress.  And she purrs
when we pet her, and she takes a few licks of food at a time, and she got to
the top of a cat tree last night.  So I don't want to.  she looks awful,
though, and I would guess her HCT is incredibly low. Am I being horrible?


In a message dated 2/3/2007 11:15:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Hi Michelle,
I haven't had a chance to catch up on all of this, but I read that someone
said stay on dex...I would have to agree with this..I don't think the fevers
are from the dex..That would be almost impossible..I think..
Is she drinking on her own at all?  I would stay with the clindamycin,
dex, feline interferon and epogen..  Have you recently given her
Bandy received all those things except the feline interferon at the same
time and always with good results...They always mentioned he had FIP, but I
would just disagree with them..guess cause his tests didn't really reflect
it at the specialist..Commits were always made about it at his local vet..
When Bandy wouldn't eat...I would do as I am sure you are..try
everything..Kitten food would work sometimes when all else failed..he was on
hills kitten food most of the time anyway..
But I would buy can kitten food..and even offer him other not so good
smelly things...Just getting him to eat anything would sometimes make him
turn the corner to go back on his regular diet.. The egg yolk, white karo
and evap milk..sometimes would work, too..I don't know how Lucy's IBD would
handle that though..Have you tried cat-sure?
Prayers are coming your way,
Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky

Re: Luy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread dede hicken

Am still thinking of you and Lucy.  I know from
experience that a cat's HCT can be super low, and they
are still alive.  Again, you will know.  You are doing
everything right, and have gotten advice from
knowlegable people.  When the time comes, you will be
at peace knowing you did all you could do.


"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service 
of your God"
   Mosiah 2:17


Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast
with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Re: Luy not eating

2007-02-04 Thread Lernermichelle
Yesterday at one point Lucy howled and started open mouth breathing and  
stumbled to the garage door where there is cold air. I assumed (and still 
it was her anemia getting so bad she was not getting enough oxygen.  I  almost 
reached for valium to knock her out for euthanasia, but instead gave her  a 
combo dex/depo shot just to see if it would help. She settled down and lay on  
a pillow by the garage door for hours, and we lay with her petting her, and 
she  purred a lot and eventually ate a little bit. Last night she climbed to th 
top  of the cat tree again at some point, and back down, and is on the couch 
now. She  tried to eat a little baby food, but I don't think she can taste or 
smell due to  congestion that came back with the steroids, so she only ate a 
little. So I  syringed her, thinking once a day is not that much torture.  I 
only pilled  her once yesterday. I am just trying to keep her comfortable, and 
when she is  not I won't let her suffer.  As I am writing, she got up and went 
into the  kitchen to drink some water.
I don't want to give her immuno-regulin, Kerry, because I do think this is  
FIP and I-R works by jump-starting an immune response, and with FIP it is the  
immune response that kills them.  Plus I would need to take her to the vet  
for IV shots, as the sub-q shots did not seem to help her at all when I thought 
this was just a URI weeks ago and gave them to her.
There was reason for you not to think Bandy had FIP. He might have had dry  
FIP, you know. It is not unheard of for a cat to be kept going for a year with  
dry FIP.  But Lucy is like a huge sack of jelly at this point. She can't  
even absorb sub-q fluids-- they go to her belly or stay in her shoulders.   It 
like her whole body has turned to jelly.  She does not walk well. I  have no 
idea how she got herself to the top of the cat tree last night.
A part of me thinks that I should just get her euthanized tomorrow (today  is 
Sunday and I am not driving her to an ER). I hardly ever euthanize, and when  
I do it is when they are actually dying or in distress.  And she purrs when  
we pet her, and she takes a few licks of food at a time, and she got to the 
top  of a cat tree last night.  So I don't want to.  she looks awful,  though, 
and I would guess her HCT is incredibly low. Am I being horrible? 
In a message dated 2/3/2007 11:15:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Hi Michelle,
I haven't had a chance to catch up on all of this, but I read that  someone 
said stay on dex...I would have to agree with this..I don't think the  fevers 
are from the dex..That would be almost impossible..I think..
Is she drinking on her own at all?  I would stay with the  clindamycin, dex, 
feline interferon and epogen..  Have you recently given  her immuno-regulin?  
Bandy received all those things except the feline interferon at the same  
time and always with good results...They always mentioned he had FIP, but I  
would just disagree with them..guess cause his tests didn't really reflect it  
the specialist..Commits were always made about it at his local vet..
When Bandy wouldn't eat...I would do as I am sure you are..try  
everything..Kitten food would work sometimes when all else failed..he was on  
hills kitten 
food most of the time anyway..
But I would buy can kitten food..and even offer him other not so good  smelly 
things...Just getting him to eat anything would sometimes make him turn  the 
corner to go back on his regular diet.. The egg yolk, white karo and evap  
milk..sometimes would work, too..I don't know how Lucy's IBD would handle that  
though..Have you tried cat-sure?
Prayers are coming your way,
Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky