
2005-06-28 Thread JENNIFER RATLIFF

A began to see a slight weakness in Sebastian's legs at the beginning of May.  I took him to the vet for his regular Depo injections and the vet (the first vet) noticed that he had lost 1 pound and his coat was thinning.  We then decided not to do the depo and check his blood work.  the blood work was good, so we decided not to do any depo at that time.  After this his legs gradually got worse.  Now it is hard for him to walk and jump.  A few weeks ago I decided to resume the depo because he had done so well on it and after we stopped is when he began to get worse.  He is also getting a B 12 shot every week.  I think that it may have helped.  I had the vet give a low dose of 10mg.  Before he was getting 20mg and 40mg.  He is gaining some of his weight back, but his legs are still so weak.  I have read alot about V B-12 
methylcobalamin, but everything I found had to do with diabetic cats.  Should I try this anyone because he is not diabetic?  Could it hurt him?

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread catatonya
Once you reach a certain point though, the subq's don't help anymore and you have to go to iv fluids.  I thought that was what she meant when she mentioned iv feeding?  When I lost Willie he had been on subq's, but then they weren't enough.  We then moved to iv, but then that didn't help either.  Anyway, if there's any hope for Ling to live a while longer that would be wonderful!  
tonyaBelinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Untreated Kidney failure is very hard on cats and they won't eat because they are nauseated, but once the subq's start making them feel better they get their appetites back, also pepcid would help with the nausea and tummy acid. The subq's really need to be done daily if the kidney failure is bad, one here and there won't do it. Once the cat is feeling better then you have to figure out how often to subq, some will need it daily for the rest of their lives.-- BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kitties ...http://www.bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candle Light Service (affordable hosting & web design) Designs (non-profit web

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread catatonya
I hope things go peacefully for Ling at the vet's.  He was fortunate to have a loving home for his senior years.  Bless you for taking him in and taking such good care of him.
tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good morning all,
    Remember the Senior Siamese that was willed to me?
Well, I'm going to be taking him to the Vet today to send him off to the bridge. He is in the final phase of kidney failure. I don't want him to suffer anymore so I have decided to let him go. He has stopped eating three days ago. I have force fed him and he is throwing it all back up. He has also been fed intravenously as well. He has loss so much weight as well. 
He was about 15 yrs old when I got him. He was in poor health and all. He was Hyper-T so that didn't help matters. He had 7 claws imbedded into his pads (minor surgery) and Ear Mites prior to me getting him.
I'm going to do this without my husband around because he always makes it harder. (he is a softy)
So wish "Ling" a safe journey to the bridge.
 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread catatonya
That's great news, Kat!!Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All,Athena, the little blind kitty, and her sister Artemis went to the vetyesterday. My vet says Artemis weighs 12.5 oz and Athena weighs 11.5 oz.Both got dewormed (strongid) and are too young (only 5 weeks old) to betested or vaccinated, so they'll go back in about 3-4 weeks.

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Sheila208
I'm so sorry Terri, it is hard to say good-bye to these precious old ones. You've been a good Mom and He knows you love him. I'm sure he is thanking you for releasing him from a frail and painful body. God bless you. Sheila

RE: non profit status

2005-06-28 Thread catatonya
If you're not going to fundraise or ask for donations the only benefit would be that the money you spend would be tax exempt.  I don't know what it costs to keep your tax exempt status year to year.  I know here it costs approx. $200 to get incorporated then it costs about $200 more to get tax exempt status.  To keep your incorporation you have to renew each year for $40.  I don't know if there are yearly fees to keep your tax exempt status..
tonyaHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wow – thank you for all the information – I am getting dizzy slightly already –
If I am not getting any donations at all (I am really not gong to solicit for), do I still get a benefit out of this?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of tamara sticklerSent: Monday, June 27, 2005 2:57 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: non profit status 

Filing for nonprofit:  (Disadvantageswell...paperwork mostly.  If you aren't extremely organized.either don't do it, or hire someone who is!)  You will need a Board of Directors (3-5 people...I think its different per state), and have to decide on and outline your mission statement, and rules of operation, (this must be available for both the application and public view), your board must vote on and pass this.  (You must notify your board members that they could be held finacially responsible should the nonprofit ever fight or loose a lawsuit.)  You must decide on, and have board members pass, your course of action for dispersment of properties when the nonprofit terminates.  You must make your financial records a matter of public record, available within 30 days (I think) to any (and
 every) person or agency who requests a copy.  If you are granted nonprofit status you must break even or loose money each year.  You can not carry more than (I'm sorry I forget the amount) over each year...but its a small amount.  Lastly you can expect to be audited within the first ten years.  For the first 3-5 years you will be on probationary status.  IF you consistanly file your quarterly taxes, licenses, and other paperwork on time.and your company is precise about what monies come in and where they go, you will most likely be granted full status at the end of that time.  Open a bank account separate from you're ownnever pay cash, only checks or charge with your nonprofit's name on it, deposit EVERY donation, no matter how small, no matter check or cash!


Sorry I can't remember more...its been...oh, about 12 years since I started a temporary nonprofit, so I'm a little fuzzy on the specifics- (we started one to fight-expose- another who had become corrupted...long story).  But...once you have been granted perm. status, you can apply for operating grants to help with bookkeeping, building and up keep.  The better your records..the better chance you'll have of applying for and getting assistance.


Lastly...God help me, I'm going to quote a woman who started a nonprofit for animals with all the best intentions, and ended a thief -this was overheard at a dinner party,  spoken laughing -"If you want to get rich, start a nonprofit for helping animals!"  The reason I quoted this is thus:  make CERTAIN you have honest, grounded, incorruptable people on your Board of Directors, preferably, one or two who don't agree with you on everything, and a lawyer to help out pro-bono.  Give them equal shares of the power over finances,  make certain they are the types who will demand to stay involved, and pray you're never put to the test.  Money can be very tempting...even to the best intentioned heart.


Check with your local community college and enroll in a free lecture or class on starting a nonprofit or talk to a lawyer or Small Business Development Center (usually located at a community college).  Don't do it blindit'll be too expensive in the end.


Good luck.


Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a question, as you may know, I rescue cats (most of are strays) with special needs – I fund everything with my income right now and it’s getting very difficult – as I try to give them the quality food,  quality care.
I have a what’s called a “refuge” permit from the animal services in the city – and I was told by the officer and by other people that I should get a non-profit status (501C) – I know what it is – but what would be the down side of getting such a status?  I know you can get donations and tax break and all that – but I wanted to consider some of the disadvantage by getting it - 

Have a purrfect day



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RE: non profit status

2005-06-28 Thread catatonya
First you need to find the website for your state and look up nonprofit incorporation.  On that website it should give you the info. you need to get started.  You would need to apply as a nonprofit corporation first and then get your tax exempt status.  I know it's different in every state, but a lot of people do it themselves without paying someone to help them.  If your boyfriend is a lawyer you 2 could probably do it.  For the tax exempt status you have to already be incorporated and then it's really an accountant you need if you need help.
Also,  I would think you would incorporate as a 'sanctuary' so you wouldn't have to do adoptions or anything like that.  Any money that you put into your cats though, would be 'donated' to the sanctuary and therefore would be tax exempt.  It would also free you up to take donations, etc Or do fundraising.
tonyaHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It would be great if you could refer me to someone – my boyfriend is a lawyer and he could probably do all the paper work for me, but he is not familiar with all the details at all – I would appreciate it, Michelle!
Thank you!

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 2:24 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: non profit status

The details may depend on the state you are in, so the best thing would be to talk to someone in your state.  I can try to refer you to my friend, or you can contact the Animal Legal Defense Fund (they have a website) and ask them for a list of attorney members in your state who might help you with figuring this stuff out. You would not be required to do adoptions, but the animals would become the "property" legally of the nonprofit, not of you (awful, but they are still considered property legally).  The requirements regarding boards do vary, I think.




In a message dated 6/27/05 4:14:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thank you!  Let me ask you this - I am sort of on my own - I have no onereally helping me do anything - I pay all the expenses with my pay checkfrom my job - on a bookkeeping process, do I have to donate my pay checkto my "sanctuary" to get tax break - or how does it work?  Does theboard of directors have to reside in the same country - what's theminimum number of peoples who need to be on the board besides myself -Again, do you have to be adopting out animals to be qualified? Or areyou going to be punished for it?  Does this status have anything to dowith animal services division by any chance (I am trying to stay awayfrom them as much as possible) - 


Re: non profit status

2005-06-28 Thread catatonya
I agree, although in Georgia anyway, you can have a one person organization I believe.  
tTenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
as far as i am concerned, the advantages FAR outweigh thedisadvantages. you have to do real bookkeeping, keep records, have aboard of directors, have quarterly meetings, and get a certain amountof your funding from the public.most people consider it a huge pain to go through the applicationprocess, and others absolutely hate keeping records. neither aredifficult, just time-consuming. some of us LOVE doing bookkeeping andtaxes (well, you've always known i was a little odd, so this shouldn'tsurprise any of you!)--just find one of us to work with you!there is a yahoo group called, i believe 501(c)3Help, that i know alot of folks have joined and worked with during the process. i'm SUREthere are archived discussions there about reasons for and against!personally, as a bookkeeper for 40 years, i think it is MUCH easierand far
 better in the long run to do everything legally and correctly,whether you go for a 501(c)3 or not--ie, sales tax stuff, incomereporting, etc--that way, no one can ever come back on you and say,"we think an organization of your type should have made $ lastyear---prove to us you didn't."-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892

blind siamese if anyone has contacts

2005-06-28 Thread catatonya
Cathy Saye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]From: Cathy Saye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 18:37:40 -0700 (PDT)Subject: [kittycityrescue] Blind Siamese cat needs some help in KY

I am crossing this post of Blind Siamese... She looks a young cat...She needs some help to go to a cat rescue in special needs.
Mercer County Humane SocietyHarrodsburg, KY859-734-5154[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Thanks, Cathy

Siamese mom-blindCatSiamese Mix

Size: SmallAge: AdultSex: MaleI.D: 
This pet is: up to date with routine shots

This pet is eligible for a gift of the first month of ShelterCare pet insurance paid for by more information on pet insurance please visit us online at or call 1-866-375-PETS.

E-mail this pet to a friend! 

  Mercer County Humane SocietyHarrodsburg, KY859-734-5154[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To you, it's just a temporary gift of a bit of space and some extra food~ to him it is the immeasurable gift of life!~ Never underestimate the importance of fostering!(>''<) 


 Visit your group "kittycityrescue" on the web.  
 To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. 

RE: OT - 2 things

2005-06-28 Thread catatonya
Thanks Stan,
This has been going on for at least 2 years.  The sofa started this past year.  So I don't know of any changes.  I do notice that they usually do it when I'm not home a lot and do it less when I'm home more on vacation.  Although I have seen them do it right in front of me at times!
The peta thing was referring to an article about peta taking animals from shelters in north carolina and euthanizing them.  The north carolina shelters said they 'thought they were all being given good homes.'
tstany petrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1-st thing
I think there are lots of reasons for the urinating.
From my personal experience, I know that cats use to do this if they don't like some recent changes you had made in the house. Jersey used to urinate onto my bed. This was when my ex-roomate moved and he liked her. If you have started packing the staff for the new house , that is possible. Cats have good intuition.
2- nd thing.
I ave missed this discussion. Is it possible to adopt tha cats that are endangered?
Stan>From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To: "" >Subject: OT - 2 things>Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 18:11:35 -0700 (PDT)>>Hi all,>>I have a question some of you might have some advice on.  Some of my cats are continually urinating in inappopriate places.  They are not spraying, but they will go in 2 different corners of my bedroom and my sofa!  :(>>I now put down puppy pads on top of the carpet in my bedroom and fold an old towel on the top.  I have to change these every day.  Also, if I leave clothes or a rug on the floor they will go on those as well.  I keep my sofa covered with a waterproof mattress cover and put a sheet on top of that.  It too, has to be changed almost daily!>>Two of my cats,
 sneaker and popeye, have always gone in the bedroom, but now my positive, DD is doing it too.  What is really weird is that when I change the pads, towels, sheet, whatever to clean ones, she will go and lay in that spot.  Then she'll turn around and pee in the same place she was previously laying.  It's like she can't wait for me to put fresh linen down to go lay there and then later pee on it.  My bed has been doused a couple of times even.>>Any suggestions?  I am moving at the end of July into a new house and I'd really like to stop this behavior with the move. I'm also getting a new sofa. Any ideas?>>One thing I think I will do is put feliway diffusers in every room of the new house before I move the cats over.>>Someone recently posted somewhere to get them very cheaply.  Could you repost that info?>>I have tried these in the past witihout much success, but I'm
 hoping with a new place and really overloading the house with them it will help.  All the cats are healthy, and have had bloodwork, urinalysis etc  In fact I have another cat with a urinary infection right now and he doesn't do this.>>Secondly,  I know it went around on the lists about PETA killing the animals in North Carolina.  I received a new email that stated that peta took the animals from shelters who still use gas chambers for euthanasia.  They stated that they could not find homes for all the animals from these rural shelters, but they thought it was better for them to be humanely euthanized rather than gas.  Being from Georgia, where some shelters still gas, I know this is true.  The letter also stated that peta had given some of these shelters thousands of dollars to improve their facilities as well.  So that's their side of the story.>>The truth may be
 somewhere in the middle.  But I know if I could get the animals from the gas chamber shelters here and euthanize them humanely I would.>>tonya

Re: Urgent: need a home for two healthy cats

2005-06-28 Thread Belinda Sauro

 Prayers that you find a solution ...

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: OT - 2 things

2005-06-28 Thread stany petrov

1-st thing
I think there are lots of reasons for the urinating.
From my personal experience, I know that cats use to do this if they don't like some recent changes you had made in the house. Jersey used to urinate onto my bed. This was when my ex-roomate moved and he liked her. If you have started packing the staff for the new house , that is possible. Cats have good intuition.
2- nd thing.
I ave missed this discussion. Is it possible to adopt tha cats that are endangered?
Stan>From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>Reply-To:>To: "" >Subject: OT - 2 things>Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 18:11:35 -0700 (PDT)>>Hi all,>>I have a question some of you might have some advice on.  Some of my cats are continually urinating in inappopriate places.  They are not spraying, but they will go in 2 different corners of my bedroom and my sofa!  :(>>I now put down puppy pads on top of the carpet in my bedroom and fold an old towel on the top.  I have to change these every day.  Also, if I leave clothes or a rug on the floor they will go on those as well.  I keep my sofa covered with a waterproof mattress cover and put a sheet on 
top of that.  It too, has to be changed almost daily!>>Two of my cats, sneaker and popeye, have always gone in the bedroom, but now my positive, DD is doing it too.  What is really weird is that when I change the pads, towels, sheet, whatever to clean ones, she will go and lay in that spot.  Then she'll turn around and pee in the same place she was previously laying.  It's like she can't wait for me to put fresh linen down to go lay there and then later pee on it.  My bed has been doused a couple of times even.>>Any suggestions?  I am moving at the end of July into a new house and I'd really like to stop this behavior with the move. I'm also getting a new sofa. Any ideas?>>One thing I think I will do is put feliway diffusers in every room of the new house before I move the cats 
over.>>Someone recently posted somewhere to get them very cheaply.  Could you repost that info?>>I have tried these in the past witihout much success, but I'm hoping with a new place and really overloading the house with them it will help.  All the cats are healthy, and have had bloodwork, urinalysis etc  In fact I have another cat with a urinary infection right now and he doesn't do this.>>Secondly,  I know it went around on the lists about PETA killing the animals in North Carolina.  I received a new email that stated that peta took the animals from shelters who still use gas chambers for euthanasia.  They stated that they could not find homes for all the animals from these rural shelters, but they thought it was better for them to be humanely euthanized rather than 
gas.  Being from Georgia, where some shelters still gas, I know this is true.  The letter also stated that peta had given some of these shelters thousands of dollars to improve their facilities as well.  So that's their side of the story.>>The truth may be somewhere in the middle.  But I know if I could get the animals from the gas chamber shelters here and euthanize them humanely I would.>>tonya

OT - 2 things

2005-06-28 Thread catatonya
Hi all,
I have a question some of you might have some advice on.  Some of my cats are continually urinating in inappopriate places.  They are not spraying, but they will go in 2 different corners of my bedroom and my sofa!  :(
I now put down puppy pads on top of the carpet in my bedroom and fold an old towel on the top.  I have to change these every day.  Also, if I leave clothes or a rug on the floor they will go on those as well.  I keep my sofa covered with a waterproof mattress cover and put a sheet on top of that.  It too, has to be changed almost daily!
Two of my cats, sneaker and popeye, have always gone in the bedroom, but now my positive, DD is doing it too.  What is really weird is that when I change the pads, towels, sheet, whatever to clean ones, she will go and lay in that spot.  Then she'll turn around and pee in the same place she was previously laying.  It's like she can't wait for me to put fresh linen down to go lay there and then later pee on it.  My bed has been doused a couple of times even.
Any suggestions?  I am moving at the end of July into a new house and I'd really like to stop this behavior with the move. I'm also getting a new sofa. Any ideas?
One thing I think I will do is put feliway diffusers in every room of the new house before I move the cats over.
Someone recently posted somewhere to get them very cheaply.  Could you repost that info?
I have tried these in the past witihout much success, but I'm hoping with a new place and really overloading the house with them it will help.  All the cats are healthy, and have had bloodwork, urinalysis etc  In fact I have another cat with a urinary infection right now and he doesn't do this.
Secondly,  I know it went around on the lists about PETA killing the animals in North Carolina.  I received a new email that stated that peta took the animals from shelters who still use gas chambers for euthanasia.  They stated that they could not find homes for all the animals from these rural shelters, but they thought it was better for them to be humanely euthanized rather than gas.  Being from Georgia, where some shelters still gas, I know this is true.  The letter also stated that peta had given some of these shelters thousands of dollars to improve their facilities as well.  So that's their side of the story.  
The truth may be somewhere in the middle.  But I know if I could get the animals from the gas chamber shelters here and euthanize them humanely I would.

Re: Urgent: need a home for two healthy cats

2005-06-28 Thread Nina
I'm in CA and now I have the two Chow/Husky fosters at my house, so I 
couldn't do it right now anyway. I hope someone comes through for these 


Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

There isn’t much time, and I don’t know if anyone can help – but I am 
praying for a hope.

I have a situation where I need to find a home for two adult (I think 
they are 7 and 8 yrs old) healthy girl kitties –

To make a long story short, they are the victims of selfish and 
irresponsible human – they are on the way to the pound tomorrow, and I 
am trying to see if I can find an even temporary home for these two 
beautiful girls – I think I have someone who can foster them in a 
couple of weeks, but she can’t do so right away –

I live in NM – all of the rescue groups said that they won’t have a 
room -

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Belinda Sauro

*Sent:* Tuesday, June 28, 2005 9:21 AM
*Subject:* Re: Update on the little blind kitten

Here's a *direct link to the album* 
of these absolutely adorable babies :))



Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Urgent: need a home for two healthy cats

2005-06-28 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

There isn’t much time, and I don’t
know if anyone can help – but I am praying for a hope.


I have a situation where I need to find a
home for two adult (I think they are 7 and 8 yrs old) healthy girl kitties –

To make a long story short, they are the victims
of selfish and irresponsible human – they are on the way to the pound
tomorrow, and I am trying to see if I can find an even temporary home for these
two beautiful girls – I think I have someone who can foster them in a
couple of weeks, but she can’t do so right away – 


I live in NM – all of the rescue
groups said that they won’t have a room - 


Behalf Of Belinda Sauro
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 9:21
Subject: Re: Update on the little
blind kitten


    Here's a direct link to the album of these
absolutely adorable babies :))

--  BelindaHappiness is being owned by cats ... Be-Mi-Kitties ... Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design) --- BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Sebastian

2005-06-28 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Did you say that you have done the X-ray
already to see she has not spinal cord or disk problem or anything??


Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 3:27
Subject: RE: Sebastian


Hi, Jennifer, B-12 is still going to be
helpful – it absorbs more appropriately in the body that other V-B (I
give it to Ginger every day, too) – so please feel free to do so. V-B is
safe, any extra they may take, it will get washed out from the body,
don’t worry at all about overdosing .


Is there any other symptoms? Does he eat
ok?  Has he lost weight?? I will ask my holistic vet to see if he has any
idea about the condition.


Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 1:29
Subject: Sebastian


Thanks so
much Nina and Hideyo for all of your help!!!

The vet was pleased with the results of Sebastian's
blood work.  I still can not figure out what is causing the weakness in
his hind legs.  He is falling all of the time now and he laid down in the
litter box today when he was trying to use the bathroom.  I have checked
on the b 12 methylycobalamin.  He is not diabetic.  Should I give it
to him anyway to see if it will help?  Is there a maximum dose because I
know that you can overdose on some vitamins?  Everyone just seems to think
that the weakness is just becasue of the leukemia, but I refuse to believe
that.  His blood work was good and I want to try every option to try and
help his legs.  Has anyone seen similar problems in their positive
kitties?  Sebastian was on a high dose of depo medrol for about a year and
a half.  This may be the cause of the weakness.  I just need
help.  I feel overwhelmed.  

RE: Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Thank you, Kat for the pictures - they are just so precious and I am so
happy to see them under your care, and it's making me cry - please keep
us posted as how they are doing !!  

PS I wish I could hold them both!!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kat
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 9:14 AM
Subject: Update on the little blind kitten

Hi All,

Athena, the little blind kitty, and her sister Artemis went to the vet
yesterday.  My vet says Artemis weighs 12.5 oz and Athena weighs 11.5
Both got dewormed (strongid) and are too young (only 5 weeks old) to be
tested or vaccinated, so they'll go back in about 3-4 weeks.

My vet says Athena's right eye socket has no orb at all, anf the left
socket has a very small orb, but that she still probably can't even see
shadows.  But we'll be re-checking each time she goes to the vet.  It
doesn't affect her good nature - she loves to be held, cuddled, and
fed.  She was having some difficulty transitioning to drinking from a
bowl, so I set up a small water bottle in her cage, and both kittens
adapted quite well to it.  Artemis enjoys being cuddled too (what kitten
doesn't - even if it's only from the mom-cat).

I've created a photo album so you could see their pictures.  Go to
scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Pet Albums
and then click on "Athena and Artemis" for their pictures.
(Thank you Belinda for creating the Be-mi-kitties website!!)

They were named after 2 greek goddesses:
Artemis is the greek goddess of the hunt and protector of women.
Athena is the greek goddess of wisdom and justice (and justice is always

Kat (Mew Jersey)

RE: Sebastian

2005-06-28 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, Jennifer, B-12 is still going to be
helpful – it absorbs more appropriately in the body that other V-B (I
give it to Ginger every day, too) – so please feel free to do so. V-B is
safe, any extra they may take, it will get washed out from the body, don’t
worry at all about overdosing .


Is there any other symptoms? Does he eat
ok?  Has he lost weight?? I will ask my holistic vet to see if he has any idea
about the condition.


Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 1:29
Subject: Sebastian


Thanks so
much Nina and Hideyo for all of your help!!!

The vet was pleased with the results of Sebastian's
blood work.  I still can not figure out what is causing the weakness in
his hind legs.  He is falling all of the time now and he laid down in the
litter box today when he was trying to use the bathroom.  I have checked
on the b 12 methylycobalamin.  He is not diabetic.  Should I give it
to him anyway to see if it will help?  Is there a maximum dose because I
know that you can overdose on some vitamins?  Everyone just seems to think
that the weakness is just becasue of the leukemia, but I refuse to believe
that.  His blood work was good and I want to try every option to try and
help his legs.  Has anyone seen similar problems in their positive
kitties?  Sebastian was on a high dose of depo medrol for about a year and
a half.  This may be the cause of the weakness.  I just need
help.  I feel overwhelmed.  

Re: Sebastian

2005-06-28 Thread Nina
I meant to say Internists and Orthopedists! 

Nina wrote:

Who are you taking Sebastian to?  They are ignorant about FeLV.  This 
is not a "symptom" of the disease.  You need to find a veterinary 
specialty clinic, (one that has board certified Internists and 
Cardiologists), to take Sebastian to, get his records sent over to 
them and start having someone take more of an interest in what is 
going on with him!  Your regular vet should be able to recommend a 
hospital, or call the emergency clinic in your area and ask for a 

The Vit B dose I was giving Gypsy was 1cc, but she's a small cat.  Get 
yourself a decent vet that will work on your behalf in finding a way 
to help your boy.  (Even your crummy vet should be able to tell you 
how much Vit B to give).  I don't know if that will help Sebastian, or 
not.  Vit B helps perk them up, I do know that, and it's given to 
kitties that are having a problem with absorbing nutrients from their 
food.  Did you ever find out about Sebastian's potassium levels?  It 
sounds like his legs are getting worse, if this is the first time 
you've seen him having trouble holding himself up to defecate.  Please 
get on this asap!



Thanks so much Nina and Hideyo for all of your help!!!

The vet was pleased with the results of Sebastian's blood work.  I 
still can not figure out what is causing the weakness in his hind 
legs.  He is falling all of the time now and he laid down in the 
litter box today when he was trying to use the bathroom.  I have 
checked on the b 12 methylycobalamin.  He is not diabetic.  Should I 
give it to him anyway to see if it will help?  Is there a maximum 
dose because I know that you can overdose on some vitamins?  Everyone 
just seems to think that the weakness is just becasue of the 
leukemia, but I refuse to believe that.  His blood work was good and 
I want to try every option to try and help his legs.  Has anyone seen 
similar problems in their positive kitties?  Sebastian was on a high 
dose of depo medrol for about a year and a half.  This may be the 
cause of the weakness.  I just need help.  I feel overwhelmed.

Re: Sebastian

2005-06-28 Thread Nina

Who are you taking Sebastian to?  They are ignorant about FeLV.  This is 
not a "symptom" of the disease.  You need to find a veterinary specialty 
clinic, (one that has board certified Internists and Cardiologists), to 
take Sebastian to, get his records sent over to them and start having 
someone take more of an interest in what is going on with him!  Your 
regular vet should be able to recommend a hospital, or call the 
emergency clinic in your area and ask for a reference.

The Vit B dose I was giving Gypsy was 1cc, but she's a small cat.  Get 
yourself a decent vet that will work on your behalf in finding a way to 
help your boy.  (Even your crummy vet should be able to tell you how 
much Vit B to give).  I don't know if that will help Sebastian, or not.  
Vit B helps perk them up, I do know that, and it's given to kitties that 
are having a problem with absorbing nutrients from their food.  Did you 
ever find out about Sebastian's potassium levels?  It sounds like his 
legs are getting worse, if this is the first time you've seen him having 
trouble holding himself up to defecate.  Please get on this asap!



Thanks so much Nina and Hideyo for all of your help!!!

The vet was pleased with the results of Sebastian's blood work.  I 
still can not figure out what is causing the weakness in his hind 
legs.  He is falling all of the time now and he laid down in the 
litter box today when he was trying to use the bathroom.  I have 
checked on the b 12 methylycobalamin.  He is not diabetic.  Should I 
give it to him anyway to see if it will help?  Is there a maximum dose 
because I know that you can overdose on some vitamins?  Everyone just 
seems to think that the weakness is just becasue of the leukemia, but 
I refuse to believe that.  His blood work was good and I want to try 
every option to try and help his legs.  Has anyone seen similar 
problems in their positive kitties?  Sebastian was on a high dose of 
depo medrol for about a year and a half.  This may be the cause of the 
weakness.  I just need help.  I feel overwhelmed. 

Re: Sebastian

2005-06-28 Thread Lernermichelle

There is NO way that his weakness is the direct result of his leukemia 
virus, because all the leukemia virus does is weaken the immune system to other 
diseases.  So if it is the result of a disease, it is some other disease-- 
which he may have gotten due to having a compromised immune system from the 
FeLV.  Or an injury. There are long-term effects of depo, including muscle 
wasting. When did the depo end? If it is from the depo I would have expected it 
to start while he was still on the depo, as that is when his muscles would have 
been wasting. Our dog who was on steroids long-term developed weakness in her 
hind end also, but she developed it while on the steroids.


2005-06-28 Thread JENNIFER RATLIFF

Thanks so much Nina and Hideyo for all of your help!!!
The vet was pleased with the results of Sebastian's blood work.  I still can not figure out what is causing the weakness in his hind legs.  He is falling all of the time now and he laid down in the litter box today when he was trying to use the bathroom.  I have checked on the b 12 methylycobalamin.  He is not diabetic.  Should I give it to him anyway to see if it will help?  Is there a maximum dose because I know that you can overdose on some vitamins?  Everyone just seems to think that the weakness is just becasue of the leukemia, but I refuse to believe that.  His blood work was good and I want to try every option to try and help his legs.  Has anyone seen similar problems in their positive kitties?  Sebastian was on a high dose of depo medrol for about a year and a half.  This may be the cause of the weakness.  I just need help.  I feel overwhelmed.  

Re: question bout kittens....

2005-06-28 Thread Nina

Okay, now I'm even more jealous.  Sooo...  Where are the pictures?!

TenHouseCats wrote:

doing it this way is PERFECT--all the kittens belong to rescue groups,
so i don't have to worry about placing them myself at all. i get all
the joys of kittens, without having to go insane til they grow up!

yeah, i have a lot of folks who come by to satisfy their kitten urgings.

they're so CUTE

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread TatorBunz

Yes, done that too.
In a message dated 6/28/2005 10:37:19 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Untreated Kidney failure is very hard on cats and they won't eat because they are nauseated, but once the subq's start making them feel better they get their appetites back, also pepcid would help with the nausea and tummy acid.  The subq's really need to be done daily if the kidney failure is bad, one here and there won't do it.  Once the cat is feeling better then you have to figure out how often to subq, some will need it daily for the rest of their lives.-- Belinda

 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: question bout kittens....

2005-06-28 Thread TenHouseCats
doing it this way is PERFECT--all the kittens belong to rescue groups,
so i don't have to worry about placing them myself at all. i get all
the joys of kittens, without having to go insane til they grow up!

yeah, i have a lot of folks who come by to satisfy their kitten urgings.

they're so CUTE 

> Whoo-Hooo! My dream job! If only I was disabled enough to not have to work
> (I have asthma but not bad enough to be considered "disabled"). My mom is in
> the same boat as you, except she's allergic to cats, so she spends all her
> time tending her garden and making crafts. Wish I lived closer to you, I'd
> love to come help socialize the kittens (that's the technical term for
> mooching some kitten kissies). I miss having kittens around, but then, on
> the same note, it's nice not to have to worry about placing any this year.
> So far, NO preggo queens have shown up at my door. I haven't even seen many
> ads for free kittens locally, come to think of it, maybe spay/neuter is
> starting to sink into these's hillbilly's hard heads! 
> Jenn
> ~~~
> and tho no one asked specifically, i'll answer anyway: no, i do NOT
> have a life outside of the cats! hee hee... i'm on disability (ie, a
> member of the idle poor), am home all day, have no human family
> members to take care of. and live on the internet.
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.5/32 - Release Date: 6/27/2005


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Belinda Sauro
  Untreated Kidney failure is very hard on cats and they won't eat 
because they are nauseated, but once the subq's start making them feel 
better they get their appetites back, also pepcid would help with the 
nausea and tummy acid.  The subq's really need to be done daily if the 
kidney failure is bad, one here and there won't do it.  Once the cat is 
feeling better then you have to figure out how often to subq, some will 
need it daily for the rest of their lives.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Hi Terrie,
 I second what Michelle has said, cats in very bad shape have come back 
and lived years with daily subq's

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Kat
Oh Terrie,
I'm sorry it's Ling's time to leave, but so grateful to you for showing
him love, dignity and respect - Gentle hugs to both of you.
Kat (Mew Jersey)
Good morning all,
Remember the Senior Siamese that was willed to me?
Well, I'm going to be taking him to the Vet today to send him off to the
bridge. He is in the final
phase of kidney failure. I don't want him to suffer anymore so I have
decided to let him go. He has
stopped eating three days ago. I have force fed him and he is throwing it
all back up. He has also been
fed intravenously as well. He has loss so much weight as well.
He was about 15 yrs old when I got him. He was in poor health and all. He
was Hyper-T so that didn't
help matters. He had 7 claws imbedded into his pads (minor surgery) and
Ear Mites prior to me getting
I'm going to do this without my husband around because he always makes it
harder. (he is a softy)
So wish "Ling" a safe journey to the bridge.

Terrie Mohr

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread tamara stickler
God bless all three of you. I'll be thinking of you.  Ling is lucky to have someone willing to take on the pain of making that final decision.  You're a strong lady.  And never fear, his prev. owner will be there in the room with you, he and the vet waiting to take him HOME.
At 11:03 AM 6/28/2005, you wrote:>Good morning all,> Remember the Senior Siamese that was willed to me?>Well, I'm going to be taking him to the Vet today to send him off to the >bridge. He is in the final phase of kidney failure. I don't want him to >suffer anymore so I have decided to let him go. He has stopped eating >three days ago. I have force fed him and he is throwing it all back up. He >has also been fed intravenously as well. He has loss so much weight as well.>He was about 15 yrs old when I got him. He was in poor health and all. He >was Hyper-T so that didn't help matters. He had 7 claws imbedded into his >pads (minor surgery) and Ear Mites prior to me getting him.>I'm going to do this without my husband around because he always makes it >harder. (he is a softy)>So wish "Ling" a safe
 journey to the bridge.>>>[]>>Terrie Mohr>>Check site for available Siameses for adoption!>>>>>TAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS>>>>Click Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group!>>>Click Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo >>>>>>>TAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS>SIAMESE
 & COLLIE RESCUE>Owner/Driver>>>Adopt a Homeless Pet!>[]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Southern CA. Siamese Rescue>>>>Northern CA. Siamese Rescue>>>>>>>>>
		Yahoo! Sports 
Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread felv
May peace be with Ling on his journey. My thoughts are with you Terrie!


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Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread TatorBunz

Yes, I have done that. He also is Hyper-T was on meds for that.
I'm surprised that he has made it this far. He was in such poor shape when I got him that my Vets ask me if I was sure about this. I forgot to mention too, all his teeth were bad and if we would have put him in surgery to have then removed he wouldn't survived. His system is failing due to neglect prior to me getting him.
I wanted him to know that he was loved and cared for by us til the end regardless of how much time he had left. 
In a message dated 6/28/2005 10:01:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Have you been doing subcutaneous fluids? Forgive me if you have been doing this already, but it makes the hugest difference with kidney failure. Cats can live for years, until quite old, with kidney failure on fluids.  There is a really helpful yahoo group for CRF with cats who have lived for many years with the disease.

 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...CRF website info

2005-06-28 Thread tamara stickler
Here are the addresses for two WONDERFUL support groups.  I used them when my cat was diagnosed with CRF (chronic renal failure).  Many of the cats on these sites have lived 5 and more years with the CRF and are still  doing well today.  
You will learn more than the vet can tell you...and often better info. than your vet can give you.
Good luck.

Have you been doing subcutaneous fluids? Forgive me if you have been doing this already, but it makes the hugest difference with kidney failure. Cats can live for years, until quite old, with kidney failure on fluids.  There is a really helpful yahoo group for CRF with cats who have lived for many years with the disease.
Michelle__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Gloria B. Lane

Best wishes Terri, He's had a good life.  I'll be thinking of you - Gloria

At 11:03 AM 6/28/2005, you wrote:

Good morning all,
Remember the Senior Siamese that was willed to me?
Well, I'm going to be taking him to the Vet today to send him off to the 
bridge. He is in the final phase of kidney failure. I don't want him to 
suffer anymore so I have decided to let him go. He has stopped eating 
three days ago. I have force fed him and he is throwing it all back up. He 
has also been fed intravenously as well. He has loss so much weight as well.
He was about 15 yrs old when I got him. He was in poor health and all. He 
was Hyper-T so that didn't help matters. He had 7 claws imbedded into his 
pads (minor surgery) and Ear Mites prior to me getting him.
I'm going to do this without my husband around because he always makes it 
harder. (he is a softy)

So wish "Ling" a safe journey to the bridge.


Terrie Mohr

Check site for available Siameses for adoption!

Click Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group!

Click Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo

Adopt a Homeless Pet!

Southern CA. Siamese Rescue

Northern CA. Siamese Rescue


Re: Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread Mari Kolbe
The babies are absolutely beautiful.  While all cats and kittens are beautiful, there is something truly beautiful about our disabled and special needs furchildren - I look at her little face and the only thing I see is her beautiful soul shining through.  

We have four blind furchildren, so feel free to write me off list if you have questions or need info.  I know there is a yahoo group for deaf cat caregivers, but last time I checked there wasn't one devoted to blind cats. Most who have blind cats are members of the disabled cats or handicats2 groups.

-- /mari (SpiritCat)Until there are none, adopt one.SpiritCat and the Mooseheart Mumpkeesof southeastern Texas[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Lernermichelle

Have you been doing subcutaneous fluids? Forgive me if you have been doing 
this already, but it makes the hugest difference with kidney failure. Cats can 
live for years, until quite old, with kidney failure on fluids.  There is a 
really helpful yahoo group for CRF with cats who have lived for many years with 
the disease.

Re: OT, going off line (setting to NO MAIL - detailed instructions for everyone)

2005-06-28 Thread felv

Here are the instructions for setting your 
account to "no mail" on this type of list. Everyone might want to save this, as 
it may come in handy someday! 
Go to this page: 
Scroll down to the bottom, and see where it has 
an area to enter your email address right below where it says "To unsubscribe 
from Felvtalk, get a password reminder, or change your subscription options 
enter your subscription email address"
Enter your email address there, and click the 
button beside it that says "unsubscribe or edit 
That will take you to another page. The TOP place 
to enter anything on that page is for your password, enter your password there, 
and click the button under it that says "log in".

(NOTE that if you do not know, or have forgotten 
your password, the option to have it mailed to you is ALSO on this page, at the 
This takes you to a page that has lots of 
different things on it. There are headings in yellowish/tanish colored areas, 
look for these, find the 4th row down, the one that says "Your Felvtalk 
Subscription Options", below that one there are areas that are darker 
grey, the first one says this:
Mail delivery 
Set this option to Enabled to receive messages posted to this 
mailing list. Set it to Disabled if you want to stay subscribed, but 
don't want mail delivered to you for a while (e.g. you're going on vacation). If 
you disable mail delivery, don't forget to re-enable it when you come back; it 
will not be automatically re-enabled. 
There are little checkboxes beside that, click the 
one that says "disabled", anbd then scroll down to the bottom of the page and 
click the button that says "submit my changes". 
That should be all you have to do, anhd you wont 
get any more mail after the changes go through (give it a few hours to take 
effect). When you come back, go to the same pages, and do the same thing, 
except, instead of clicking the "disabled" box, click the "Enabled" box instead, 
and then you will begin to get the list emails again. Hope that 

collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
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Re: blood test and at home vets

2005-06-28 Thread Nina
What about actually taking the vial(s) of blood to the vet?   Too late 
for this visit, but maybe in the future you could set it up to run the 
blood to the vet that gets the results back the same day.  I'm so 
nervous for you.  My prayers and good wishes are always with you, but 
I'll be especially focusing good energy toward the two of you tomorrow!


MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

Thanks so much Nina, for thinking of us.

Believe me, I have no problem asking for a copy of lab tests. He**, 
I've paid for them. I've done this before--showed them to other vets. 
And, I don't feel I have to tell the first vet I'm doing that, esp 
when it's an emergency (as in fact it always has been). It's a 
business to them, and they got their $$!

I suppose if it were a vet I wanted to use long-term then I might say 
something, just to keep the wheels oiled.

As I don't yet have a housecall vet I'm happy with, plus the housecall 
vet took 48 hours to get the lab results back to me (the clinic I use 
gets them back the same day (provided the appointment is before 11am) 
I'll have to take her to the vet again.  Once Flavia's there, she's 
quite quiet, poor little sweetheart.

Wish us luck tomorrow--that the count is no less than 21! She will NOT 
take the antibiotics. So far she's made it very clear.

I'll ask about injectables tomorrow.

Thanks again Nina---Kerry & Flav.

RE: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Good luck to you both Terrie, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Cherie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Wishing you a peaceful last day with Ling, Terrie. I'm glad he will have you with him. That's the most important thing--that he knows he is truly loved till the end, and beyond.
Big hugs to you both

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barb MoermondSent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:12 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(
Wishing you and Ling peace and calm and a smooth passage to the Bridge for Ling
<<<>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good morning all,
    Remember the Senior Siamese that was willed to me?
Well, I'm going to be taking him to the Vet today to send him off to the bridge. He is in the final phase of kidney failure. I don't want him to suffer anymore so I have decided to let him go. He has stopped eating three days ago. I have force fed him and he is throwing it all back up. He has also been fed intravenously as well. He has loss so much weight as well. 
He was about 15 yrs old when I got him. He was in poor health and all. He was Hyper-T so that didn't help matters. He had 7 claws imbedded into his pads (minor surgery) and Ear Mites prior to me getting him.
I'm going to do this without my husband around because he always makes it harder. (he is a softy)
So wish "Ling" a safe journey to the bridge.
 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue the Hous! e Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile." - Anonymous 

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Re: Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread felv

Aww, aren't they adorable? But then, what kittens 
aren't? Athena will probably have to eventually have her eyes removed, from the 
looks of it. If you are interested, there are some really great support groups 
for owners of blind cats out there, I'd be happy to post a few links. 

So you must be into Greek mythology, or at least 
the Greek culture, right? I'm also a member of the Greek Animal Rescue, and if 
you ever want a REAL Greek animal, they always are bringing cats and dogs over 
from Greece to find them good USA or Canadian (or other 
countries) homes. I just got a email alert today about 4 Greek cats needing 
to be re-homed abroad. I sponsor a Greek cat that has Herpes Virus, he wasn't 
being treated before I began to sponsor him, and he would have gone blind 
eventually. Now he's being cared for. Greece has really horrible animal cruelty 
issues, possibly one of the worst countries in the world for animal welfare. 
Anyways, if you want a REAL Greek cat, here's the website:
I'll forward you the email alert off list, it has 
pictures and wont go through the list because of the size.

All,Athena, the little blind kitty, and her sister Artemis went to the 
vetyesterday.  My vet says Artemis weighs 12.5 oz and Athena weighs 
11.5 oz.Both got dewormed (strongid) and are too young (only 5 weeks old) to 
betested or vaccinated, so they'll go back in about 3-4 weeks.My vet 
says Athena's right eye socket has no orb at all, anf the leftsocket has a 
very small orb, but that she still probably can't even seeshadows.  But 
we'll be re-checking each time she goes to the vet.  Itdoesn't affect 
her good nature - she loves to be held, cuddled, and bottlefed.  She 
was having some difficulty transitioning to drinking from abowl, so I set up 
a small water bottle in her cage, and both kittens haveadapted quite well to 
it.  Artemis enjoys being cuddled too (what kittendoesn't - even if 
it's only from the mom-cat).I've created a photo album so you could see 
their pictures.  Go to 
down to the bottom of the page and click on the Pet Albums categoryand then 
click on "Athena and Artemis" for their pictures.(Thank you Belinda for 
creating the Be-mi-kitties website!!)They were named after 2 greek 
goddesses:Artemis is the greek goddess of the hunt and protector of 
women.Athena is the greek goddess of wisdom and justice (and justice is 
alwaysblind)Kat (Mew Jersey)
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RE: Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
I am so happy for the three of you that is wonderful, you guys are lucky to have found one another ;-))
Cherie"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Totally adorable. Lucky kits to have found you, Kat.-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of KatSent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:14 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Update on the little blind kittenHi All,Athena, the little blind kitty, and her sister Artemis went to the vetyesterday. My vet says Artemis weighs 12.5 oz and Athena weighs 11.5oz.Both got dewormed (strongid) and are too young (only 5 weeks old) to betested or vaccinated, so they'll go back in about 3-4 weeks.My vet says Athena's right eye socket has no orb at all, anf the leftsocket has a very small orb, but that she still probably can't even seeshadows. But we'll be re-checking each time she goes to the vet. Itdoesn't affect her good nature - she
 loves to be held, cuddled, andbottlefed. She was having some difficulty transitioning to drinking from abowl, so I set up a small water bottle in her cage, and both kittenshaveadapted quite well to it. Artemis enjoys being cuddled too (what kittendoesn't - even if it's only from the mom-cat).I've created a photo album so you could see their pictures. Go to down to the bottom of the page and click on the Pet Albumscategoryand then click on "Athena and Artemis" for their pictures.(Thank you Belinda for creating the Be-mi-kitties website!!)They were named after 2 greek goddesses:Artemis is the greek goddess of the hunt and protector of women.Athena is the greek goddess of wisdom and justice (and justice is alwaysblind)Kat (Mew Jersey)

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. 

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. If any such tax advice is made to any person or party other than to our client to whom the advice is directed, then the advice expressed above is being delivered to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of the transaction or matter discussed or referenced. Each taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. 

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Have a purrfect day

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamesee...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Joan Doljan
Thank you for taking such good loving care of Ling and taking on the hardest of all tasks.

Good morning all,
    Remember the Senior Siamese that was willed to me?
Well, I'm going to be taking him to the Vet today to send him off to the bridge. He is in the final phase of kidney failure. I don't want him to suffer anymore so I have decided to let him go. He has stopped eating three days ago. I have force fed him and he is throwing it all back up. He has also been fed intravenously as well. He has loss so much weight as well. 
He was about 15 yrs old when I got him. He was in poor health and all. He was Hyper-T so that didn't help matters. He had 7 claws imbedded into his pads (minor surgery) and Ear Mites prior to me getting him.
I'm going to do this without my husband around because he always makes it harder. (he is a softy)
So wish "Ling" a safe journey to the bridge.
 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Nina

Aww Terrie,
I'm sorry it's Ling's time, but so glad he found you.  Many blessings to 
you both.  It never gets easier, even when we know it's the right 
decision.  I'll be thinking about all of you.  Blessings to Ling on his 
journey to be with his human love that has passed.



*Good morning all,*
*Remember the Senior Siamese that was willed to me?*
*Well, I'm going to be taking him to the Vet today to send him off to 
the bridge. He is in the final phase of kidney failure. I don't want 
him to suffer anymore so I have decided to let him go. He has stopped 
eating three days ago. I have force fed him and he is throwing it all 
back up. He has also been fed intravenously as well. He has loss so 
much weight as well. *
*He was about 15 yrs old when I got him. He was in poor health and 
all. He was Hyper-T so that didn't help matters. He had 7 claws 
imbedded into his pads (minor surgery) and Ear Mites prior to me 
getting him.*
*I'm going to do this without my husband around because he always 
makes it harder. (he is a softy)*

*So wish "Ling" a safe journey to the bridge.*

Terrie Mohr

**Check site for available Siameses for adoption! _

_*Click Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group!***_
*Click Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo 

Adopt a Homeless Pet!

_Southern CA. Siamese Rescue
Northern CA. Siamese Rescue


RE: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Wishing you a peaceful last day with Ling, Terrie. I'm 
glad he will have you with him. That's the most important thing--that 
he knows he is truly loved till the end, and beyond.
hugs to you both

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Barb MoermondSent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:12 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: My Rescue 
Senior Siamese...not good :(
Wishing you and Ling peace and calm and a smooth passage to the Bridge for 

  Good morning 
      Remember the 
  Senior Siamese that was willed to me?
  Well, I'm going to be taking him 
  to the Vet today to send him off to the bridge. He is in the final phase of 
  kidney failure. I don't want him to suffer anymore so I have decided to let 
  him go. He has stopped eating three days ago. I have force fed him and he is 
  throwing it all back up. He has also been fed intravenously as well. He has 
  loss so much weight as well. 
  He was about 15 yrs old when I 
  got him. He was in poor health and all. He was Hyper-T so that didn't help 
  matters. He had 7 claws imbedded into his pads (minor surgery) and Ear Mites 
  prior to me getting him.
  I'm going to do this without my 
  husband around because he always makes it harder. (he is a 
  So wish "Ling" a safe journey to 
  the bridge.
  MohrCheck site for available Siameses for 
  RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress 
  RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue 
the Hous! e Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to 
whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and 
making me smile." - Anonymous

Yahoo! Mail MobileTake 
Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. If any such tax advice is made to any person or party other than to our client to whom the advice is directed, then the advice expressed above is being delivered to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of the transaction or matter discussed or referenced. Each taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

blood test and at home vets

2005-06-28 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Thanks so much Nina, for thinking of 
Believe me, I have no 
problem asking for a copy of lab tests. He**, I've paid for them. I've done this before--showed them to other vets. And, 
I don't feel I have to tell the first vet I'm doing that, esp when 
it's an emergency (as in fact it always has been). It's a business to them, and 
they got their $$!
I suppose if it were a vet I wanted to use long-term 
then I might say something, just to keep the wheels 
As I don't yet have a housecall vet I'm happy 
with, plus the housecall vet 
took 48 hours to get the lab results back to me 
(the clinic I use gets them back the same day (provided the appointment 
is before 11am) I'll have to take 
her to the vet again.  Once 
Flavia's there, she's quite quiet, poor little 
Wish us luck tomorrow--that the count is no less than 
21! She will NOT take the antibiotics. So far she's made it very 
I'll ask about injectables 
Thanks again Nina---Kerry & 
 Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. If any such tax advice is made to any person or party other than to our client to whom the advice is directed, then the advice expressed above is being delivered to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of the transaction or matter discussed or referenced. Each taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread Barb Moermond
Wishing you and Ling peace and calm and a smooth passage to the Bridge for Ling
<<<>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good morning all,
    Remember the Senior Siamese that was willed to me?
Well, I'm going to be taking him to the Vet today to send him off to the bridge. He is in the final phase of kidney failure. I don't want him to suffer anymore so I have decided to let him go. He has stopped eating three days ago. I have force fed him and he is throwing it all back up. He has also been fed intravenously as well. He has loss so much weight as well. 
He was about 15 yrs old when I got him. He was in poor health and all. He was Hyper-T so that didn't help matters. He had 7 claws imbedded into his pads (minor surgery) and Ear Mites prior to me getting him.
I'm going to do this without my husband around because he always makes it harder. (he is a softy)
So wish "Ling" a safe journey to the bridge.
 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue the House Puma+El
 Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous
		Yahoo! Mail Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

My Rescue Senior Siamese...not good :(

2005-06-28 Thread TatorBunz

Good morning all,
    Remember the Senior Siamese that was willed to me?
Well, I'm going to be taking him to the Vet today to send him off to the bridge. He is in the final phase of kidney failure. I don't want him to suffer anymore so I have decided to let him go. He has stopped eating three days ago. I have force fed him and he is throwing it all back up. He has also been fed intravenously as well. He has loss so much weight as well. 
He was about 15 yrs old when I got him. He was in poor health and all. He was Hyper-T so that didn't help matters. He had 7 claws imbedded into his pads (minor surgery) and Ear Mites prior to me getting him.
I'm going to do this without my husband around because he always makes it harder. (he is a softy)
So wish "Ling" a safe journey to the bridge.
 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Kerry - blood tests and at home vets

2005-06-28 Thread Nina

Hi Kerry,
I pasted the following exchange from my IBD list and thought it might be 
an option for keeping Flavia out of the vet's office.  How is she doing?



>>> Your other option would be to have the house call vet come and pull
the blood and then be honest with him.  Tell him that you will be
presenting the lab values to another vet for a second opinion.  Timmy
is the first and foremost concern...not the ego of the vet. 
Hopefully, he would not have a problem with this.  You can tell him

that you would value is input with regard to the blood values but
that you would also like a copy for your files and then you could
take this to your other vet for a consultation. >>>

RE: Update on the little blind kitten & question

2005-06-28 Thread EWagner7701
Hi all!  Those little babies are SO adorable!  Thank you, Kat, for the pictures!!  Just a question for you all... I checked the website for a vet that actually knows something about FeLV (unlike our current one), but the closest 2 are at colleges 2 hours away.  Fine for sometimes, but not all the time.  If anyone lives near Chicago (I live in Indiana, but am very close to Chicago) and has a good vet, could you e-mail and let me know?  Thank you so much!
Erika, Tom, Bernie and Tink

Re: Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread TatorBunz

These babies are so lucky to have you, Kat!
 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: question bout kittens....

2005-06-28 Thread felv

Whoo-Hooo! My dream job! If only I was disabled 
enough to not have to work (I have asthma but not bad enough to be considered 
"disabled"). My mom is in the same boat as you, except she's allergic to cats, 
so she spends all her time tending her garden and making crafts. Wish I lived 
closer to you, I'd love to come help socialize the kittens (that's the technical 
term for mooching some kitten kissies). I miss having kittens around, but then, 
on the same note, it's nice not to have to worry about placing any this year. So 
far, NO preggo queens have shown up at my door. I haven't even seen many ads for 
free kittens locally, come to think of it, maybe spay/neuter is starting to sink 
into these's hillbilly's hard heads!

tho no one asked specifically, i'll answer anyway: no, i do NOThave a life 
outside of the cats! hee hee... i'm on disability (ie, amember of the idle 
poor), am home all day, have no human familymembers to take care of. and 
live on the internet.
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RE: Off topic going off line

2005-06-28 Thread carlas
Like the old way? I have that one 


From:   "Doljan, Joan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "''" 

Date sent:  Tue, 28 Jun 2005 11:44:59 -0400
Copies to:  Subject:RE: Off topic going off line
Send reply to:

> I did not go off line from the list.  I suspect you should email
> James. For other yahoo lists (for instance) you can go no mail.  Also,
> you can go on the tool bar and go to the out of office assistant.  
> -Original Message-
> Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:37 AM To:
> Subject: Off topic going off line
> Hi
> how do you go off line I am going away for two weeks?
> Carla

Re: Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread Sheila208
In a message dated 6/28/2005 11:13:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

They are precious. Thank you so much for taking them both. It will be such a comfort for Athena having her sister with her. You are a very special person and will be blessed for your kindness.


RE: Off topic going off line

2005-06-28 Thread Doljan, Joan
I did not go off line from the list.  I suspect you should email James. For
other yahoo lists (for instance) you can go no mail.  Also, you can go on
the tool bar and go to the out of office assistant.  

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:37 AM
Subject: Off topic going off line


how do you go off line I am going away for two weeks?


RE: Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.

Totally adorable. Lucky kits to have found you, Kat.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kat
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:14 AM
Subject: Update on the little blind kitten

Hi All,

Athena, the little blind kitty, and her sister Artemis went to the vet
yesterday.  My vet says Artemis weighs 12.5 oz and Athena weighs 11.5
Both got dewormed (strongid) and are too young (only 5 weeks old) to be
tested or vaccinated, so they'll go back in about 3-4 weeks.

My vet says Athena's right eye socket has no orb at all, anf the left
socket has a very small orb, but that she still probably can't even see
shadows.  But we'll be re-checking each time she goes to the vet.  It
doesn't affect her good nature - she loves to be held, cuddled, and
fed.  She was having some difficulty transitioning to drinking from a
bowl, so I set up a small water bottle in her cage, and both kittens
adapted quite well to it.  Artemis enjoys being cuddled too (what kitten
doesn't - even if it's only from the mom-cat).

I've created a photo album so you could see their pictures.  Go to
scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Pet Albums
and then click on "Athena and Artemis" for their pictures.
(Thank you Belinda for creating the Be-mi-kitties website!!)

They were named after 2 greek goddesses:
Artemis is the greek goddess of the hunt and protector of women.
Athena is the greek goddess of wisdom and justice (and justice is always

Kat (Mew Jersey)

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago 
office to the Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Email 
addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more 
information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar 
of your Web browser:";>

Please Note: Some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, 
Chicago IL, 60604. 

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE.  Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer.  If any such tax advice is made 
to any person or party other than to our client to whom the advice is directed, 
then the advice expressed above is being delivered to support the promotion or 
marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of the 
transaction or matter discussed or referenced.  Each taxpayer should seek 
advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax 

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If 
you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This 
message contains confidential information and is intended only for the 
individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not 
disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Off topic going off line

2005-06-28 Thread carlas


how do you go off line I am going away for two weeks?


Re: Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread Nina

Thank you so much for keeping us up to date about your little angels 
Athena and Artemis.  Thanks for the pictures, (just proves the fact that 
a kittens first job is to be adorable!).  Bless you, bless you, bless you!


Kat wrote:

Hi All,

Athena, the little blind kitty, and her sister Artemis went to the vet
yesterday.  My vet says Artemis weighs 12.5 oz and Athena weighs 11.5 oz.
Both got dewormed (strongid) and are too young (only 5 weeks old) to be
tested or vaccinated, so they'll go back in about 3-4 weeks.

My vet says Athena's right eye socket has no orb at all, anf the left
socket has a very small orb, but that she still probably can't even see
shadows.  But we'll be re-checking each time she goes to the vet.  It
doesn't affect her good nature - she loves to be held, cuddled, and bottle
fed.  She was having some difficulty transitioning to drinking from a
bowl, so I set up a small water bottle in her cage, and both kittens have
adapted quite well to it.  Artemis enjoys being cuddled too (what kitten
doesn't - even if it's only from the mom-cat).

I've created a photo album so you could see their pictures.  Go to
scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Pet Albums category
and then click on "Athena and Artemis" for their pictures.
(Thank you Belinda for creating the Be-mi-kitties website!!)

They were named after 2 greek goddesses:
Artemis is the greek goddess of the hunt and protector of women.
Athena is the greek goddess of wisdom and justice (and justice is always

Kat (Mew Jersey)


Re: Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread Belinda Sauro

    Here's a direct
link to the album of these absolutely adorable babies :))
Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Update on the little blind kitten

2005-06-28 Thread Kat
Hi All,

Athena, the little blind kitty, and her sister Artemis went to the vet
yesterday.  My vet says Artemis weighs 12.5 oz and Athena weighs 11.5 oz.
Both got dewormed (strongid) and are too young (only 5 weeks old) to be
tested or vaccinated, so they'll go back in about 3-4 weeks.

My vet says Athena's right eye socket has no orb at all, anf the left
socket has a very small orb, but that she still probably can't even see
shadows.  But we'll be re-checking each time she goes to the vet.  It
doesn't affect her good nature - she loves to be held, cuddled, and bottle
fed.  She was having some difficulty transitioning to drinking from a
bowl, so I set up a small water bottle in her cage, and both kittens have
adapted quite well to it.  Artemis enjoys being cuddled too (what kitten
doesn't - even if it's only from the mom-cat).

I've created a photo album so you could see their pictures.  Go to
scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Pet Albums category
and then click on "Athena and Artemis" for their pictures.
(Thank you Belinda for creating the Be-mi-kitties website!!)

They were named after 2 greek goddesses:
Artemis is the greek goddess of the hunt and protector of women.
Athena is the greek goddess of wisdom and justice (and justice is always

Kat (Mew Jersey)

Re: Angel Wings FELV+ cats UPDATE

2005-06-28 Thread felv

Newest info on Angel Wings:
TEN more cats were turned over before the case 
was finalized, all tested negative for everything, NO FELV+ cats recovered 
The official update:

"Yes, we got a few more. Still just the one FIV+ boy [email me 
privately if interested in adopting him [EMAIL PROTECTED] ].  Rehnee was indicted, did 
you hear that?  We were going to go in for the rescue tomorrow, but got 
postponed because of the chancellor's vacation.  Now we hear rumblings that 
Rehnee may have taken all the animals further away than we thought.  Don't 
know for sure, but I am getting very discouraged.  Whiney me.  Will 
let you know.  If you want to see the article, here ya go" - 
Kingston, Roane County (WVLT) - 
A Roane County 
grand jury has indicted a Kingston woman in one of the areas' largest ever 
animal abuse cases.
It is a story you will only find on 
Volunteer TV News. 
Renee Harvey is accused of abusing 
cats, dogs, horses and a goat in her care.
Volunteer TV's Eric 
Waddell spent the 
day at the Roane County Courthouse.
Renee Harvey has been booked and 
released from the Roane County Jail on 37 counts of animal cruelty.  She runs the Angel Wings Cat Rescue and 
The pictures-- at left-- of animals 
in the shelter, taken by animal control officers and the district attorney's 
office, are part of the evidence that will be used in Harvey's 
We spoke with management of the 
Roane County Animal Shelter about the case, and an animal control officer about 
what they do if they are alerted to a potential problem like this 
“Over the years, animals we know 
have been taken to Angel Wings and were supposed to be taken care of, nursed 
back to health if they were sick or injured.  That is what supposedly was taken 
place.  But I did not see that,” 
says Nancy Quarles, from Roane County Animal Shelter.
"We get a description of what is 
going on, exactly what kind of circumstances there are.  We would go out and investigate," says 
John Griffin, a Roane County Animal Control.  "If they could not fix the discrepancies 
in the required amount of time we'll take them to court and press 
That is where Renee Harvey is 
scheduled to be in Roane County Court on Monday for 
Authorities say all the animals have 
been taken from Angel Wings and Renee Harvey.
We attempted to contact Harvey to 
get her side of the story, but were unable to.  We have been told by law enforcement 
sources that she maintains her 
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Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.5/32 - Release Date: 6/27/2005