Re: list matters

2007-09-30 Thread wendy
Well said Melissa.  I should have read this post before I posted because you 
took the words right out of my mouth.  We're going to be fine here.  Just give 
it a little time.

Wendy (and her clan sitting behind her computer chair, peering over her 
shoulder, and waiting breathlessly to see what happens next to the group)
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 10:04:57 AM
Subject: RE: list matters

Well said. I (like Kelley) do not have an FeLV+ kitty anymore, but hung around 
because of the wise advice I’ve received. I agree that the arguments have 
progressively worsened to pettiness. We should choose our words with tact and 
with conviction. We all have a right to our opinions, but we need to realize 
that there is a difference between debating a subject and just being mean. 
Debate is good and healthy, and where I stand on this issue will not budge, but 
that doesn’t mean that I can’t acknowledge and try to learn from the 
opposition. It doesn’t mean my mind will change, but I will learn what others 
are thinking, feeling, so that in the future I can know best how to approach 
such issues in a way that will win people over to my way of thinking. I think 
that’s the importance of our arguing. Does this make sense? 
Diane, your decision was a tough one. I certainly don’t want to attack you or 
anyone else, but I can’t help but ask if you ever considered the soft paws, the 
little plastic covers? Maybe they weren’t around at the time? I couldn’t help 
but bring up this alternative since we’re on the subject.
Although I am saddened by the fighting going on, I also think it’s normal and 
cyclical. This is what happens in a family. We all have something in common 
here, yet we are all uniquely different, just like in a family. There’s going 
to be tension, misunderstanding, and things said just to be mean, to get a 
reaction, to inflict hurt back where hurt was inflicted. I abhor confrontation, 
but I think that it’s also healthy and cathartic to get all this out of our 
systems. We can’t be happy (or fake happy) all the time when there are so many 
personalities mingling here. 
A little fighting is healthy, but can we move on already? I miss hearing from 
those who are too shy, too disgusted, or too exhausted to respond to these 
arguments. It feels as though our list has been reduced to 5 or 6 people. I 
miss the rest of the voices.

Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: list matters
Sometimes saying what needs to be said isn't nice, but that doesn't make it any 
less important to say.  You all judge some on this list for doing the exact 
same thing you are.  If everyone would be less quick to jump on the flogging 
bandwagon, perhaps more constructive conversation would be possible. We have 
lost a very well informed and educated voice on these forums now, and thats a 
terrible loss.  I admire and respect people with a passionate view on a subject 
even if I don't agree with their opinion. Sometimes the right thing to say is 
not the easy thing to say.  She had every right to say what she did as everyone 
else did to sling childish insults back. One line "snips" are the trademark of 
a teenager, not adult discourse on an important and passionate subject.  Yes, 
everyone is here to provide information and support.  Yes, everyone has 
differing opinions on what that means; however, I find anyone who won't speak 
their truths as theybelieve them to
 be morally bankrupt and not worth my time. We ALL have a voice and be damned 
if anyone should be told not to use it.  If you feel like defending claw 
mutilation, be my guest, but how dare anyone try to silence the opposing 
opinion. Yes, some words spoken may have been harsh in this debate, but those 
harsh words flowed freely from BOTH sides of this argument, not just one.  
Susan made a mistake in sending the email to the group and not an individual.  
I believe we've all done that at one time or another.  And as for what she said 
in it, what's said in a private email between two people is none of anyone's 
business, including the people on this list.  If any of you care, go back and 
read through the progression of the emails. They did start out much more civil, 
and just degraded as the conversation continued, but I can assure you one'll find just as many (if not more) people of the opinion that claw 
mutilation and intentional exposure to
 non-curable viruses is not a good situation, regardless  of how well the 
intentions are.  Like I said, I live 30

Re: list matters/marriage

2007-09-30 Thread wendy
Hey guys,

Wow!  I have been reading all the posts I've missed over the past couple of 
weeks and was surprised to see another fuss going on (that's Texan for 
'argument'  I was hoping that it would be longer before we had another 
blow up considering the two we had earlier this year.  It finally dawned on me 
that this list is a lot like a marriage (or any close relationship really).  It 
has its ups and downs and people are going to get on each other's nerves some, 
but that doesn't mean we don't care about one another.  Ultimately, the list 
will only survive if the members are committed to its survival.  The list's 
success, like a marriage, is in direct correlation to the effort of its members 
who are participating, which includes the effort to help as well as the effort 
to temper what we say.  It's ok to disagree; it's how we do it that can ruffle 
feathers.  Some of you are using the words "used to be" to describe this list, 
but I don't think it's changed all
 that much, except it is missing a few key players that are really valuable.  
We are going to go through stuff here, but we really need to try to keep it as 
respectful as possible and keep our tones diplomatic as someone else stated so 
that we don't run people off; people who have cats that need help, which is why 
we're all here.  

So in essence, we just need to watch how we say things, myself included.  I've 
enjoyed being "married" to most all of you though, despite the few fuss's we've 
had!  lololol.

And don't run off...things will go back to normal if everyone is committed to 
doing so, which I think we all are.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Check out fitting gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search

Re: list matters

2007-09-26 Thread catatonya
I agree with Kat.  And I must say that I've been silent about all that's been 
going on with people upset and leaving the list due to a few posters who vent 
and flame their opinions rather than just sharing them.  I thought it was time 
I said something because we are losing the most knowledgeable people on this 
list and something needed to be said about what's going on.  You can state your 
opinion without being insulting.  And for the record, I'm one of the people 
that believes cats are better off dead than declawing.  I hate declawing. But I 
don't personally attack others who don't agree for their own reasons.  Every 
situation has 2 sides.

Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, this is their list too - but there are ways of saying things to
better get your point across for consideration versus inciting a riot
by throwing flames! And while I don't have a specific quote, I believe
that's exactly what Rev.Martin Luther King,Jr. was trying to teach us
about tolerance and how to make changes effectively. 

I might have joined in the discussion with my experiences, but not under
the current judgemental/jump all over/boy-that's-stupid/intolerant replies
that have been going on.

Kat (Mew Jersey) 

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 09:51:15 -0400
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: list matters
> And let us also remember, that when you say its our list, that "our"
> includes Glenda and Susan as well. I believe, as Dr. Martin Luther
> King, Jr. once said, “We will have to repent in this generation not
> merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for
> the appalling silence of the good people. I don't think anyone here
> has the right to try and silence anyone else on this list. We all
> have opinions, and we're all entitled to share those opinions whether
> you like them or agree with them or not.  I'm relatively new to the
> group, I'll admit, but you lose your fundamental credibility when you
> start trying to silence certain people because you don't agree with
> them. Look, I think many of us, some of whom are too shy to speak
> out, are horrified at the thought of a shelter declawing all their
> cats and mixing positives. So I don't think its fair to single out
> Glenda and Susan. Opinionated they may be, but they have every right
> to voice that opinion, just like the people who defend toe amputation.

Re: list matters

2007-09-26 Thread Belinda

Nastiness and bullying are not needed to voice an opinion.

So I don't think its fair to single out Glenda and Susan.  Opinionated 
they may be, but they have every right to voice that opinion, just 
like the people who defend toe amputation.


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RE: list matters

2007-09-26 Thread Melissa Lind
Well said. I (like Kelley) do not have an FeLV+ kitty anymore, but hung around 
because of the wise advice I’ve received. I agree that the arguments have 
progressively worsened to pettiness. We should choose our words with tact and 
with conviction. We all have a right to our opinions, but we need to realize 
that there is a difference between debating a subject and just being mean. 
Debate is good and healthy, and where I stand on this issue will not budge, but 
that doesn’t mean that I can’t acknowledge and try to learn from the 
opposition. It doesn’t mean my mind will change, but I will learn what others 
are thinking, feeling, so that in the future I can know best how to approach 
such issues in a way that will win people over to my way of thinking. I think 
that’s the importance of our arguing. Does this make sense? 


Diane, your decision was a tough one. I certainly don’t want to attack you or 
anyone else, but I can’t help but ask if you ever considered the soft paws, the 
little plastic covers? Maybe they weren’t around at the time? I couldn’t help 
but bring up this alternative since we’re on the subject.


Although I am saddened by the fighting going on, I also think it’s normal and 
cyclical. This is what happens in a family. We all have something in common 
here, yet we are all uniquely different, just like in a family. There’s going 
to be tension, misunderstanding, and things said just to be mean, to get a 
reaction, to inflict hurt back where hurt was inflicted. I abhor confrontation, 
but I think that it’s also healthy and cathartic to get all this out of our 
systems. We can’t be happy (or fake happy) all the time when there are so many 
personalities mingling here. 


A little fighting is healthy, but can we move on already? I miss hearing from 
those who are too shy, too disgusted, or too exhausted to respond to these 
arguments. It feels as though our list has been reduced to 5 or 6 people. I 
miss the rest of the voices.







Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: list matters


Sometimes saying what needs to be said isn't nice, but that doesn't make it any 
less important to say.  You all judge some on this list for doing the exact 
same thing you are.  If everyone would be less quick to jump on the flogging 
bandwagon, perhaps more constructive conversation would be possible. We have 
lost a very well informed and educated voice on these forums now, and thats a 
terrible loss.  I admire and respect people with a passionate view on a subject 
even if I don't agree with their opinion. Sometimes the right thing to say is 
not the easy thing to say.  She had every right to say what she did as everyone 
else did to sling childish insults back. One line "snips" are the trademark of 
a teenager, not adult discourse on an important and passionate subject.  Yes, 
everyone is here to provide information and support.  Yes, everyone has 
differing opinions on what that means; however, I find anyone who won't speak 
their truths as theybelieve them to be morally bankrupt and not worth my time. 
We ALL have a voice and be damned if anyone should be told not to use it.  If 
you feel like defending claw mutilation, be my guest, but how dare anyone try 
to silence the opposing opinion. Yes, some words spoken may have been harsh in 
this debate, but those harsh words flowed freely from BOTH sides of this 
argument, not just one.  Susan made a mistake in sending the email to the group 
and not an individual.  I believe we've all done that at one time or another.  
And as for what she said in it, what's said in a private email between two 
people is none of anyone's business, including the people on this list.  If any 
of you care, go back and read through the progression of the emails. They did 
start out much more civil, and just degraded as the conversation continued, but 
I can assure you one'll find just as many (if not more) people of 
the opinion that claw mutilation and intentional exposure to non-curable 
viruses is not a good situation, regardless  of how well the intentions are.  
Like I said, I live 30 minutes from where Angel Wings used to be. I know how 
good intentions go.  


Let me also address briefly the issue of personal declawing/mixing.  I just 
read an email from Diane R. about her decision to declaw.  Look, as I have 
stated freely, I think declawing is horrible, but I don't think Susan or Glenda 
or anyone else on this list was personally attacking *individuals* that are put 
in tough places with tough decisions to make.  If you're forced to declaw, or 
if you're forced to mix (I mix my two positives with my negative because they 
were together for a year before I found out) then that's a personal decision.  
Susan's and Gle

Re: list matters

2007-09-26 Thread ofalegend
Sometimes saying what needs to be said isn't nice, but that doesn't make it any 
less important to say.  You all judge some on this list for doing the exact 
same thing you are.  If everyone would be less quick to jump on the flogging 
bandwagon, perhaps more constructive conversation would be possible. We have 
lost a very well informed and educated voice on these forums now, and thats a 
terrible loss.  I admire and respect people with a passionate view on a subject 
even if I don't agree with their opinion. Sometimes the right thing to say is 
not the easy thing to say.  She had every right to say what she did as everyone 
else did to sling childish insults back. One line "snips" are the trademark of 
a teenager, not adult discourse on an important and passionate subject.  Yes, 
everyone is here to provide information and support.  Yes, everyone has 
differing opinions on what that means; however, I find anyone who won't speak 
their truths as theybelieve them to be morally bankrupt and not worth my time. 
We ALL have a voice and be damned if anyone should be told not to use it.  If 
you feel like defending claw mutilation, be my guest, but how dare anyone try 
to silence the opposing opinion. Yes, some words spoken may have been harsh in 
this debate, but those harsh words flowed freely from BOTH sides of this 
argument, not just one.  Susan made a mistake in sending the email to the group 
and not an individual.  I believe we've all done that at one time or another.  
And as for what she said in it, what's said in a private email between two 
people is none of anyone's business, including the people on this list.  If any 
of you care, go back and read through the progression of the emails. They did 
start out much more civil, and just degraded as the conversation continued, but 
I can assure you one'll find just as many (if not more) people of 
the opinion that claw mutilation and intentional exposure to non-curable 
viruses is not a good situation, regardless  of how well the intentions are.  
Like I said, I live 30 minutes from where Angel Wings used to be. I know how 
good intentions go.  


Let me also address briefly the issue of personal declawing/mixing.  I just 
read an email from Diane R. about her decision to declaw.  Look, as I have 
stated freely, I think declawing is horrible, but I don't think Susan or Glenda 
or anyone else on this list was personally attacking *individuals* that are put 
in tough places with tough decisions to make.  If you're forced to declaw, or 
if you're forced to mix (I mix my two positives with my negative because they 
were together for a year before I found out) then that's a personal decision.  
Susan's and Glenda's, and yes, i'll say my, issue with that was this was a 
SHELTER, a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing and helping otherwise 
helpless animals, making these choices across the board.  There's a big 
difference there and in an individual owner having to make tough decisions.  It 
sounds like (and I'm just stating fact here, not passing judgement on the open 
forum) that the shelter in question declaws across the board (with the exeption 
of FeLV/FIV+) every time a cat comes in the shelter.   Same for mixing.  They 
mix every positive cat that comes through, regardless of which diagnosis they 
have.  That was the concern.  Not individual choices that have to be made.  
Diane R. was in a tough spot, and had to make a tough decision.  I don't know 
that I would have made a different one if I were in her place.

-Original Message-

From: Kat 


Sent: Wed, Sep 26 10:12 AM

Subject: Re: list matters

  Yes, this is their list too - but there are ways of saying things to  better 
get your point across for consideration versus inciting a riot  by throwing 
flames!  And while I don't have a specific quote, I believe  that's exactly 
what Rev.Martin Luther King,Jr. was trying to teach us  about tolerance and how 
to make changes effectively. I might have joined in the discussion with my 
experiences, but not under  the current judgemental/jump all 
over/boy-that's-stupid/intolerant replies  that have been going on.Kat (Mew 
Jersey) On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 
2007 09:51:15 -0400  > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  > Reply-To:  > To:  > Subject: Re: 
list matters  >   > And let us also remember, that when you say its our list, 
that "our"  > includes Glenda and Susan as well. I believe, as Dr. Martin 
Luther  > King, Jr. once said, “We will have to repent in this generation not 
 > merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for  > the 
appalling silence of the good people. I don't think anyone here  > ha

Re: list matters

2007-09-26 Thread Kelley Saveika
I don't think that anyone is trying to silence anyone because they
don't agree with them.

This used to be the most tolerant, friendly, supportive place on the
Internet, for my money.   I used to really value it just because
everyone was entitled to their opinion, and you didn't see a lot of
fingerpointing, accusations, inflammatory phrasing (such as "toe
amputation"), etc.  I never let my cats outside, but there are/have
been list members who do/did, and no one jumped up and down and
hollered about how they shouldn't do that.  Similarly mixing FELV+
with FELV- cats.  Everyone was allowed to make their own decisions
without being called irresponsible, crazy, stupid, or any other such
judgemental word.  Many of us liked it that way, and a few of us have
stuck around, me because I have a hell of a thick skin (you really
have to, to do rescue), and some others because there has been a lot
of innacurate information dispensed and they really hate to see it.

Heck, I don't even HAVE any FELV+ cats (I had a kitten come up pos at
one time, which is why I came here, and it was so nice, friendly and
supportive, I stayed).  It was also one of the best places to look for
advice/information on general cat care, etc.  It isn't anymore, and
that makes many of us sad, and lots of the oldtimers have left.
There's enough grief in caring for sick cats, without creating a bunch
of bickering and infighting.

> And let us also remember, that when you say its our list, that "our"
> includes Glenda and Susan as well. I believe, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
> once said, "We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the
> hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence
> of the good people.  I don't think anyone here has the right to try and
> silence anyone else on this list.  We all have opinions, and we're all
> entitled to share those opinions whether you like them or agree with them or
> not.   I'm relatively new to the group, I'll admit, but you lose your
> fundamental credibility when you start trying to silence certain people
> because you don't agree with them.  Look, I think many of us, some of whom
> are too shy to speak out, are horrified at the thought of a shelter
> declawing all their cats and mixing positives.  So I don't think its fair to
> single out Glenda and Susan.  Opinionated they may be, but they have every
> right to voice that opinion, just like the people who defend toe amputation.
> -Original Message-
> From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Wed, Sep 26 1:57 AM
> Subject: list matters
> I think it's pretty out in the open now.  Susan and Glenda tend to judge
> others on the list.  This is OUR list.  We can ignore and correct
> misinformation when it comes from anyone.  This has always been THE most
> supportive and informative list I have ever been on.  Let's not lose the
> list due to a few people.
> tonya
> Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> WHATEVER!!! I am sorry that this has come to what it you think
> everything you do is perfect!!??
> Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry, THAT rant was intended for one person on this list.
> However, let me just tell you this, if a REPUTABLE, ETHICAL  vet in the area
> finds out what this woman is doing, they will most likely have AC on her.
> When you start running out of room to separate your diseases, you stop
> intake.
> period.
> You do not begin to "mix" them.
> That is basic shelter 101.
> And no, it never feels good to know that you cannot help them all.
> However, she could take some of that money that she is using to declaw cats
> and build another room, hence, separating her diseases.
> Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
>   "As Cleopatra lay in
> state,
>Faithful Bast at her
> side did wait,
>Purring welcomes of soft
> applause,
>Ever guarding with
> sharpened claws."
>  Trajan Tennent
> - Original Message -
> From: Susan Dubose
> To:
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 6:36 PM
> Subject: arrrggghhh.! Part II.!
> This "shelter"mixes felv+ cats w/ fiv+ cats,due to lack of space to
> separate..!  Read below.
> What kind of hellhole is this?
> It's called "crash landing"
> PLease do not forward..
> Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.
> Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail!

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Re: list matters

2007-09-26 Thread Kat

Yes, this is their list too - but there are ways of saying things to
better get your point across for consideration versus inciting a riot
by throwing flames!  And while I don't have a specific quote, I believe
that's exactly what Rev.Martin Luther King,Jr. was trying to teach us
about tolerance and how to make changes effectively. 

I might have joined in the discussion with my experiences, but not under
the current judgemental/jump all over/boy-that's-stupid/intolerant replies
that have been going on.

Kat (Mew Jersey) 

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 09:51:15 -0400
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: list matters
> And let us also remember, that when you say its our list, that "our"
> includes Glenda and Susan as well.??I believe, as Dr. Martin Luther
> King, Jr. once said, ???We will have to repent in this generation not
> merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for
> the appalling silence of the good people.??I don't think anyone here
> has the right to try and silence anyone else on this list.??We all
> have opinions, and we're all entitled to share those opinions whether
> you like them or agree with them or not.I'm relatively new to the
> group, I'll admit, but you lose your fundamental credibility when you
> start trying to silence certain people because you don't agree with
> them.??Look, I think many of us, some of whom are too shy to speak
> out, are horrified at the thought of a shelter declawing all their
> cats and mixing positives.??So I don't think its fair to single out
> Glenda and Susan.??Opinionated they may be, but they have every right
> to voice that opinion, just like the people who defend toe amputation.

RE: list matters

2007-09-26 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
It's not what's said that's usually the problem; it's the way in which
it's said. 
What's the point of saying something in a mean, nasty way when it can be
said civilly?
There's too much meanness in the world as it is without us adding to it.
I agree with the person who said something along the lines of, you don't
win people over by yelling at them. Never did, never will. 
Kerry M. 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: list matters

And let us also remember, that when you say its our list, that "our"
includes Glenda and Susan as well. I believe, as Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. once said, "We will have to repent in this generation not merely for
the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling
silence of the good people.  I don't think anyone here has the right to
try and silence anyone else on this list.  We all have opinions, and
we're all entitled to share those opinions whether you like them or
agree with them or not.   I'm relatively new to the group, I'll admit,
but you lose your fundamental credibility when you start trying to
silence certain people because you don't agree with them.  Look, I think
many of us, some of whom are too shy to speak out, are horrified at the
thought of a shelter declawing all their cats and mixing positives.  So
I don't think its fair to single out Glenda and Susan.  Opinionated they
may be, but they have every right to voice that opinion, just like the
people who defend toe amputation.

-Original Message-
From: catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, Sep 26 1:57 AM
Subject: list matters

I think it's pretty out in the open now.  Susan and Glenda tend to judge
others on the list.  This is OUR list.  We can ignore and correct
misinformation when it comes from anyone.  This has always been THE most
supportive and informative list I have ever been on.  Let's not lose the
list due to a few people.

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

WHATEVER!!! I am sorry that this has come to what it you
think everything you do is perfect!!??

Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Sorry, THAT rant was intended for one person on this
However, let me just tell you this, if a REPUTABLE,
ETHICAL  vet in the area finds out what this woman is doing, they will
most likely have AC on her.
When you start running out of room to separate your
diseases, you stop intake.
You do not begin to "mix" them.
That is basic shelter 101.
And no, it never feels good to know that you cannot help
them all.
However, she could take some of that money that she is
using to declaw cats and build another room, hence, separating her
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
<> <> 
  "As Cleopatra lay in
   Faithful Bast at her
side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of
soft applause,
   Ever guarding with
sharpened claws."

- Original Message - 
From: Susan Dubose
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 6:36 PM
Subject: arrrggghhh.! Part II.!

This "shelter"mixes felv+ cats w/ fiv+ cats,due
to lack of space to separate..!  Read below.
What kind of hellhole is this?
It's called "crash landing"
PLease do not forward..


Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places

Re: list matters

2007-09-26 Thread ofalegend
And let us also remember, that when you say its our list, that "our" includes 
Glenda and Susan as well. I believe, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, 
“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and 
actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.  I 
don't think anyone here has the right to try and silence anyone else on this 
list.  We all have opinions, and we're all entitled to share those opinions 
whether you like them or agree with them or not.   I'm relatively new to the 
group, I'll admit, but you lose your fundamental credibility when you start 
trying to silence certain people because you don't agree with them.  Look, I 
think many of us, some of whom are too shy to speak out, are horrified at the 
thought of a shelter declawing all their cats and mixing positives.  So I don't 
think its fair to single out Glenda and Susan.  Opinionated they may be, but 
they have every right to voice that opinion, just like the people who defend 
toe amputation.

-Original Message-

From: catatonya 


Sent: Wed, Sep 26 1:57 AM

Subject: list matters

I think it's pretty out in the open now.  Susan and Glenda tend to judge others 
on the list.  This is OUR list.  We can ignore and correct misinformation when 
it comes from anyone.  This has always been THE most supportive and informative 
list I have ever been on.  Let's not lose the list due to a few people.


Sherry DeHaan [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

WHATEVER!!! I am sorry that this has come to what it you think everything 
you do is perfect!!??

Susan Dubose [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Sorry, THAT rant was intended for one person on this list.


However, let me just tell you this, if a REPUTABLE, ETHICAL  vet in the area 
finds out what this woman is doing, they will most likely have AC on her.


When you start running out of room to separate your diseases, you stop intake.




You do not begin to "mix" them.


That is basic shelter 101.


And no, it never feels good to know that you cannot help them all.


However, she could take some of that money that she is using to declaw cats and 
build another room, hence, separating her diseases.




Susan J. DuBose  >^..^

  "As Cleopatra lay in state,

   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,

   Purring welcomes of soft applause,

   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."

 Trajan Tennent





- Original Message - 

From: Susan Dubose 


Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 6:36 PM

Subject: arrrggghhh.! Part II.!

This "shelter"mixes felv+ cats w/ fiv+ cats,due to lack of space to 
separate..!  Read below.


What kind of hellhole is this?


It's called "crash landing"


PLease do not forward..






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