[flexcoders] Re: CSS for spark dataGrid?

2012-02-15 Thread valdhor
You need to use skins for spark components.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "markflex2007"  wrote:
> Hi,
>  I use CSS for spark dataGrid, that is like
> @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
> s|DataGrid {
> alternatingRowColors: #FF, #FF;
> }
>  but I get the message:  "CSS type selectors are not supported in components: 
> 'spark.components.DataGrid'".
> why css can not work with spark.components.DataGrid?
> I use FB4.6 for mobile app now
> Thanks
> Mark

[flexcoders] Re: HTTP Headers and RemoteObject

2012-02-15 Thread valdhor
You could use the setRemoteCredentials method of the RemoteObject to send 
username and password as a header item.

If not, check out the replies at 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "mores"  wrote:
> Is there anyway to attach a HTTP Header to a 
> flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage such that my 
> flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint will be able access it ?
> I have a server that is protected/secured and the only way to access the 
> resources is by attaching a token to the HTTP Header.

[flexcoders] Re: SWF Management...

2012-02-14 Thread valdhor
This does seem to be the current behavior. It started happening with my code 

I don't know exactly when it started but may be due to the fact that I just 
upgraded to 4.5 and Flash Player 11.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "jamesfin"  wrote:
> A module is being loaded by a simple ModuleManager.load.
> In debug mode, there is output like this...
> [Unload SWF] View.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/307 - 632 bytes after decompression
> [Unload SWF] View.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/308 - 632 bytes after decompression
> [Unload SWF] View.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/309 - 632 bytes after decompression
> [Unload SWF] View.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/310 - 632 bytes after decompression
> [Unload SWF] View.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/311 - 632 bytes after decompression
> and
> [SWF] View.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/337 - 632 bytes after decompression
> [SWF] View.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/338 - 632 bytes after decompression
> [SWF] View.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/339 - 632 bytes after decompression
> [SWF] View.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/340 - 632 bytes after decompression
> [SWF] View.swf/[[DYNAMIC]]/341 - 632 bytes after decompression
> when interacting with the application.
> Is this normal and why the all the loading and unloading messages?

[flexcoders] Re: HttpService resultHandler in different Window

2012-02-14 Thread valdhor
So, somewhere a null object is trying to be referenced.

You will need to add debugging code to check which object is null.

If you need two way communication between your windows I would recommend 
creating an interface and implementing it in both windows.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "isa_loyer"  wrote:
> I am working on an AIR application with 2 windows: One to create a new 
> customer and another to display some information about the customer. On 
> window 1, there is also a textfield to search for a customer by Id or name.
> These are the steps to create a new customer:
> with an "add" button on window 1, I open window 2.
> on window 2, the user completes a form to create a new customer.
> the information is saved in a MySQL Database over an HttpService.
> The result handler method calls a public function on window 1:
> result = "new wWin1().resultSaveCustomer(event)"
> This part works well - the new customer Id is received.
> In some cases, according customer data, I change the component color - this 
> operation works well, if I load a customer after a using the search field, 
> but if I search directly from the resultSaveCustomer function (after 
> completion of step 3), a message appears:
> Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
> I don't understand why, because all the components in window 1, have an Id 
> name! Or the property is a label with Id Name.
> Thanks for helping me.

[flexcoders] Re: Overriding Focus Manager?

2012-02-06 Thread valdhor
I would add a focus out event listener on text2. When it fires, check to see if 
Text1 has been validated. If not, prevent the event from propagating.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Mandy Mandy"  wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have a project I'm working on in Flex 3.5 that involves writing a bunch of 
> validation stuff for focusIn and focusOut for components. Depending on the 
> type of validation selected this could generate an Alert message. So the 
> problem I am running into is say I have two TextInput boxes, both with their 
> FocusOut property set to validate a phone number, and if the phone number is 
> incorrect, it will pop an alert and place the focus back into that textbox.. 
> A user types in a Phone Number and hits tab. The focusOut on Text1 does its 
> validation and pops a message that the phone number needs to be at least 10 
> digits in length. The focus gets pulled from Text2 to place it back into 
> Text1 thereby calling the focus out in Text2 which is blank so it also pops 
> an alert and now we have an infinite loop of alert and focus movement. 
> I've been trying to find a way to code around this and am fishing for ideas. 
> One idea I had was to somehow override the focusManager for this form, but am 
> not having much luck figuring out how to exactly do this. Anyone have any 
> ideas?
> Thanks, 
> Amanda

[flexcoders] Re: Need help dynamically modifying text displayed based on DB return

2012-01-31 Thread valdhor
Firstly, the way you are setting your public variables won't work. The {} 
syntax only works inside an MXML statement. You would need to change

[Bindable] public var imageTitle:String = "{win.title}";


[Bindable] public var imageTitle:String = win.title;

Secondly, you may like to look into using item renderers.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "hermeszfineart"  wrote:
> Part of the functionality in the gallery app ia am working on for my
> wife is a popup window that displays information about the specific
> painting or drawing.
> I am trying to figure out how to do the following based on the value
> returned from the DB for the imageStatus field:
> 1) Change the text displayed for the Price to the {imageStatus)if that
> value is anything other than "Available".
> 2) Change the color of the above text to RED if the {imageStatus) ==
> Sold.
>  fontFamily="Times New Roman" fontSize="18" text="{imageStyle}"/>
>  fontSize="18" text="{imageMedium}"/>
>  fontFamily="Times New Roman" fontSize="18" text="{imageHeight} x
> {imageWidth}"/>
> I have tried several things with public functions, getters/setters, but
> have gotten no where.
> Could someone kindly point me in the right direction?
> Thanks,
> John

[flexcoders] Re: How to create a line after each line in a TextArea

2012-01-31 Thread valdhor
Add a row of dash's or underscore's?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, dorkie dork from dorktown 
> I'm trying to show a horizontal line under each row of text sort of like
> legal paper. I'm not sure what to do to accomplish this.

[flexcoders] Re: Build Release (generated on Windows) returns NULL query values

2012-01-30 Thread valdhor
Use Charles (www.charlesproxy.com) to see if the data you are expecting to come 
across the pipe is actually there.

If the data is there, you have a bug in your Flex code. If it isn't, you have a 
bug in your CFC.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "hermeszfineart"  wrote:
> when migrated to Linux Production server.
> Dev environment: Win 7 Pro, CF9/Apache/MySQL, AI/FC/FB4.5
> Production Env:  LAMP/CF9
> I am a beginner in Flex and I have been working on developing a new Web Site 
> for my wife's art.
> Beginning with the backend (database functionallity) and then the frontend 
> goodies. The site, as it is now, works fine on my Dev machine but when I move 
> the app to the linux server (Ubuntu 10.?) database queries return NULL values.
> http://www.elisabetahermann.com/Main.html
> Go to the Gallery link to see. also if you mouseover any of the missing 
> images and click I should have a larger view of the selected art. note the 
> "null X null" next to the dimensions Label.
> Originally, the CFCs were in the [root]/CFC directory and this threw an error 
> "Cannot find CFC ...
> I moved them to root/elisabetahermann/CFC and the error went away but no joy 
> on the query results.
> Any suggestions?

[flexcoders] Re: Evaluating a Boolean String Expression

2012-01-26 Thread valdhor

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "BillF"  wrote:
> So, I have a string expression that I need to evaluate as a boolean result.  
> Any ideas on how to do that?  The expression can be in any valid boolean 
> format..
> example1: "(true && false) || true", evaluate to true
> example2: "false || (true && not true)", evaluate to false
> example3: "false || true", evaluate to true
> example4: "true && false", evaluate to false
> example5: "true"
> Bill

[flexcoders] Re: send failed

2012-01-20 Thread valdhor
Try checking with Charles.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Greg Morphis  wrote:
> We have an older flex app written in Flex 2 with ColdFusion as middle ware.
> I haven't messed with this app or Flex in well over a year.
> The app partially loads up and then we get a couple "Send Failed" when
> hitting the page.
> Is there a place to check for logs, that error doesn't tell us anything at
> all. I checked the ColdFusion logs and there's nothing in there either.
> Like I said, it's been a long time since I've looked at Flex so please be
> gentle :)
> Thanks

[flexcoders] Re: Flex alternatives

2012-01-17 Thread valdhor
Yes, that is the case with my company as well (300,000+ employees) but there is 
procedures for getting things done. We have all kinds of in house built 
applications and a special installer application for installing them on users 

As I said, the AIR apps are only used for building IOS apps.

Flash Player is updated regularly and is pushed to every computer on the 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Ron G"  wrote:
> The problem with that approach is a lot of people are behind corporate 
> firewalls where they also do not have local admin rights and are therefore 
> not allowed to install anything on their desktop. If they want it, they have 
> to call the network guys and get authorization and then have them install it. 
> That's the way my company is and we're over 5000 employees strong. Now, if 
> that's just one company, I can safely say you're still excluding millions by 
> going with an AIR app. This is the reason I never used the AIR feature 
> before, but always deployed my web apps as SWFs. Even that was a problem if 
> someone had an older version of Flashplayer and I had built the app for a 
> newer version of FP. 
> Ron
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "valdhor"  wrote:
> >
> > On the suggestion that I will be leaving IOS devices out, that seems 
> > absurd. You can use the same Flex code and with some modifications make it 
> > into an AIR app that can be compiled for IOS devices.
> > 
> > Again, all just my perspective. I think some people are blowing the open 
> > source announcement out of all perspective.
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Flex alternatives

2012-01-16 Thread valdhor
All of that seems inordinately complex compared to just coding in ActionScript.

I still believe there is a future with Flex (I am planning for 3-5 years). 
Adobe is still developing Flash for the desktop.

Flex is just an ActionScript Framework (Or library if you like to think of it 
that way) of components. It has been free to download for quite some time. Open 
sourcing the code just lets the community fix some bugs, enhance some 
components and create new ones (Although that has been happening for some time 
anyway). There have been patches, workarounds and new components being built by 
members of the community already. The only difference now is Adobe is not the 
only entity that can push official releases. I liken it to how Apple open 
sourced Darwin.

Hopefully Adobe (Or someone else) can build an IDE for HTML5/JS/CSS that is as 
easy to use as Flash Builder and insulates developers from the complexities 
inherent in that workflow. Once that happens I will be moving forward. At the 
moment there is nothing I believe ready for prime time except maybe ZKoss 
(Although I have yet to make that determination).

On the suggestion that I will be leaving IOS devices out, that seems absurd. 
You can use the same Flex code and with some modifications make it into an AIR 
app that can be compiled for IOS devices.

Again, all just my perspective. I think some people are blowing the open source 
announcement out of all perspective.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Ron G"  wrote:
> Valdhor:
> You are right about that. That is precisely why we went with Flex originally 
> (it insulated us from X-Browser issues). But, since we can't count on that 
> lasting, and even Adobe is telling developers to plan on moving to HTML5, it 
> seems like they're pushing us back into x-browser hell. 
> I didn't want to go there, which is why we chose ZKoss. Yes, there is still 
> going to be HTML/JS/CSS ultimately used, but it's how much. Even Flex SWFs 
> are wrapped in HTML and JS when deployed. So, it's not that I'm against using 
> any amount of HTML/JS; it's how little can I get away with to avoid these 
> issues.
> Even with HTML5 libraries, such as the much touted jQuery, is, to a large 
> degree, an insulator against x-browser issues. If you read the actual jQuery 
> code, it deals with those issues for you. 
> Now, ZK has a ZK Client JS library, which includes jQuery, that is designed 
> to be a communicator mechanism between the client and the bulk of app logic 
> that resides on the server. So, your normal editing and data manipulation 
> that you might write in JS in a full blown HTML5 app is actually stored as 
> Java on the server, and executed as needed per the EDA (event driven 
> architecture). This type of JS is typically what breaks the page on different 
> browsers and versions thereof. By limiting the amount of client-side JS, as 
> does a jQuery type library, yes, you have some exposure  to potential 
> x-browser issues, but not as much as a HTML5 app that does everything on the 
> client. And, when there are issues, they can be resolved in the ZK Client 
> library as a patch/fix. 
> So, now it seems to me that developers have several choices. Stick with Flex 
> and you won't break the browser; you just won't be able to have your app 
> viewed by millions on iOS products. If that seems like a better solution that 
> minimal exposure to x-browser issues by using ZK or some other technology, 
> well, that's certainly a choice each company has to make.
> Ron
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "valdhor"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On a side note, I like the look of ZKoss. I don't know if there are cross 
> > browser issues with it seeing as we use older versions of browsers. One of 
> > the great features of Flex is we don't have to bother coding for 
> > compatibility between different browsers and versions. When IT deployed 
> > IE7, Flex applications worked just as they had before.
> > 
> > Anyway, just my 2c from the enterprise perspective.
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Flex alternatives

2012-01-16 Thread valdhor
Good luck on convincing IT departments in large corporations who are generally 
Microsoft shops.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Guy Morton  wrote:
> A thought on cross-browser hell…
> If every web developer in the world today decided to drop support for IE, 
> everyone would go get Chrome or Firefox. 
> This would be a win-win, as they would get a better browser, and we would get 
> a better development environment.
> Who's with me?
> Guy
> On 16/01/2012, at 6:31 AM, Ron G wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Valdhor:
> > 
> > You are right about that. That is precisely why we went with Flex 
> > originally (it insulated us from X-Browser issues). But, since we can't 
> > count on that lasting, and even Adobe is telling developers to plan on 
> > moving to HTML5, it seems like they're pushing us back into x-browser hell. 
> > 
> > I didn't want to go there, which is why we chose ZKoss. Yes, there is still 
> > going to be HTML/JS/CSS ultimately used, but it's how much. Even Flex SWFs 
> > are wrapped in HTML and JS when deployed. So, it's not that I'm against 
> > using any amount of HTML/JS; it's how little can I get away with to avoid 
> > these issues.
> > 
> > Even with HTML5 libraries, such as the much touted jQuery, is, to a large 
> > degree, an insulator against x-browser issues. If you read the actual 
> > jQuery code, it deals with those issues for you. 
> > 
> > Now, ZK has a ZK Client JS library, which includes jQuery, that is designed 
> > to be a communicator mechanism between the client and the bulk of app logic 
> > that resides on the server. So, your normal editing and data manipulation 
> > that you might write in JS in a full blown HTML5 app is actually stored as 
> > Java on the server, and executed as needed per the EDA (event driven 
> > architecture). This type of JS is typically what breaks the page on 
> > different browsers and versions thereof. By limiting the amount of 
> > client-side JS, as does a jQuery type library, yes, you have some exposure 
> > to potential x-browser issues, but not as much as a HTML5 app that does 
> > everything on the client. And, when there are issues, they can be resolved 
> > in the ZK Client library as a patch/fix. 
> > 
> > So, now it seems to me that developers have several choices. Stick with 
> > Flex and you won't break the browser; you just won't be able to have your 
> > app viewed by millions on iOS products. If that seems like a better 
> > solution that minimal exposure to x-browser issues by using ZK or some 
> > other technology, well, that's certainly a choice each company has to make.
> > 
> > Ron
> > 
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "valdhor"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > On a side note, I like the look of ZKoss. I don't know if there are cross 
> > > browser issues with it seeing as we use older versions of browsers. One 
> > > of the great features of Flex is we don't have to bother coding for 
> > > compatibility between different browsers and versions. When IT deployed 
> > > IE7, Flex applications worked just as they had before.
> > > 
> > > Anyway, just my 2c from the enterprise perspective.
> > > 
> > 
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Challenge in Migrating to HTML5 from FLEX.

2012-01-13 Thread valdhor
On another thread someone mentioned zkoss.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Venkat M  wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I have a question on migration from FLEX to HTML5. This
> question may be little out of the discussion in here; It would be great if 
> someone
> help me out.
> I have a java server side application. It had a class that
> exposed a bundle of routines that are needed for the flex front end to drive
> the backend. I connect this class using with blazeds and get access to all the
> routines within and able to work just fine. It worked like a charm and 
> everyone
> was happy till date.
> Now, I have a parallel requirement to build a HTML5 equivalent
> front end that does the same. I am asked to provide a estimate and possible 
> frameworks
> that can be used with ease. Can someone put down any views if they have.
> Thanks.
> Scenario. > Java back end remains the same â€" Build an
> interactive HTML5 webpage just looking similar to my current flash version  
> - there is a submit_button() java routine
> which I have to call when a button on HTML page is clicked â€" Web server 
> used is
> Jetty â€" Please Comment! 
> Thanks!!
> Cheers,
> Venkat.

[flexcoders] Re: Flex alternatives

2012-01-13 Thread valdhor
We are staying with Flex as well but keeping an eye on what is happening.

I work for a very large enterprise company and it takes a while for our IT 
department to test software before deployment. They have almost completed 
Windows 7 and have a tentative deployment start of 2012. In late 2011 IE7 was 
ratified and became the company standard for web browsing. Up until then we had 
to stay with IE6!

As far as we are concerned HTML5/JS is not ready for prime time. Many 
enterprise customers are in the same boat and do not deliver the bleeding edge 
to their users.

Once there is a viable ecosystem available for HTML5/JS (Including mature IDE's 
of the same value as Flash Builder with Flex) we will seriously look at them. I 
really don't see that happening for at least 5 years.

On a side note, I like the look of ZKoss. I don't know if there are cross 
browser issues with it seeing as we use older versions of browsers. One of the 
great features of Flex is we don't have to bother coding for compatibility 
between different browsers and versions. When IT deployed IE7, Flex 
applications worked just as they had before.

Anyway, just my 2c from the enterprise perspective.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> Staying with Flex.  Not looking elsewhere.
> Michael
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On 
> Behalf Of Ron G
> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 8:15 PM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex alternatives
> Yes, we have also abandoned Flex in favor of ZKoss. Since we are already a 
> Java shop, on the server side, it seemed logical to use a Java based 
> framework on the client-side.
> The thing I really like about ZK or ZKoss is that it has equivalent 
> components to Flex. In fact, it actually has more components than Flex.
> It implements an approach that I really like of separating the UI into 
> appearance and behavior - much like the Spark components of Flex. Well, not 
> exactly, but sort of. :) Here's what I mean. For each UI object, it has a 
> client side (widget) and server side (component). I won't go into further 
> detail, but it gives you a nice separation of concerns that you can avail 
> yourself of. This feature also greatly insulates the rendered pages from 
> x-browser compatibility issues.
> Check it out for yourself at their site (zkoss.org).
> Ron
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Sal" 
> mailto:sal.celli@>> wrote:
> >
> > hi,
> > as i can sadly see from the message history bottom grid, many programmers 
> > are leaving flex.
> > So this thread is to ask you all, if you have already found a valid 
> > alternative to flex for RIA development.
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Air Controlling InDesign?

2011-12-22 Thread valdhor
I would also look at Merapi.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "valdhor"  wrote:
> Would this be on a PC or a Mac?
> On a Mac you should look into leveraging AppleEvents.
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, grimmwerks  wrote:
> >
> > I know there's a few apps out there to control Photoshop and the like, but 
> > I'm wondering if anyone has any information as to how to go about it?  
> > Trying to find out from the client exactly 'how' they want to control 
> > InDesign; I'd imagine calling a native process on a script for it...?
> > 
> > 
> > Garry Schafer
> > grimmwerks
> > grimm@
> > portfolio: www.grimmwerks.com/
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Air Controlling InDesign?

2011-12-22 Thread valdhor
Would this be on a PC or a Mac?

On a Mac you should look into leveraging AppleEvents.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, grimmwerks  wrote:
> I know there's a few apps out there to control Photoshop and the like, but 
> I'm wondering if anyone has any information as to how to go about it?  Trying 
> to find out from the client exactly 'how' they want to control InDesign; I'd 
> imagine calling a native process on a script for it...?
> Garry Schafer
> grimmwerks
> grimm@...
> portfolio: www.grimmwerks.com/

[flexcoders] Re: Needs to word wrap on FormItem label

2011-12-09 Thread valdhor

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "koti reddy"  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been fighting to wrap text the FormItem label using css but can't able 
> to achieve the task.
> Could any of you please suggest me what should i do if i have a too long 
> label and needs to wrap to half.
> I really appreciate your help.
> Koti

[flexcoders] Re: Examining static variables when debugging with Flash Builder

2011-11-17 Thread valdhor
Strange. It works for me.

Maybe you need to initialize x in the constructor of the Global class. Leaving 
it unassigned may cause that error.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "William Mitchell"  wrote:
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "valdhor"  wrote:
> >
> > You have to create a variable of type Global somewhere in your code before 
> > you can use the class variable x.
> valdhor: Thanks for that note.  I'd tried to boil the question to its 
> essence.  In the real app, various static members of Global are used in 
> various places.  However, your note did prompt me to add this field in the 
> application (tos.mxml):
> public static var global: Global = new Global
> That produces an interesting result: tos.global.x in the Expressions view 
> shows me the data of interest, giving me a viable workaround.
> But Global.x in the Expressions view produces the same result: 

[flexcoders] Re: Problems when using asynchronous RemoteObject requests

2011-11-17 Thread valdhor
Use an AsyncToken to "tag" the requests using the data property. When a result 
comes in check the AsyncToken data property to see which one has come in.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "txakin"  wrote:
> Hi all, I'm having some problems with the asynchronous in Flex using
> RemoteObject to communicate with the Java side to get some information.
> * First of all, let me explain what i'm doing:
> I have developed a search component to allow the user to find stored
> documents by name, content or both in some folders. The component has 2
> panels:
> 1. Filter: The properties to filter are a keyword and a list of
> folders
> 2. Result: Per each folder selected by the user, will display a
> datagrid with the documents stored in.
> When the user fill the filter and click the Search button, automatically
> i send one request to the Java side per each selected folder (if the
> user has selected 3 folders, will send 3 requests to the server using
> RemoteObject)
> I'm retrieving 3 ResultEvents, but in randomly order, and sometimes the
> result of the search are not correct because of this. The result of each
> responses is the dataprovider of the different DataGrids.
> Here i put some of my code (in my example, this delegate class will be
> instantiated3 times, one per selected folder)
> public class SearchDelegate {
> public var remoteObject:RemoteObject = new RemoteObject();
> public function findDocuments(urlEndpoint:String, keyword:String,
> folder:String):void {
>  try {
>  remoteObject.endpoint = urlEndpoint;
> remoteObject.destination = "searchService";
>  remoteObject.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT,
> onFindDocumentsSuccess);
>  remoteObject.findBasic(keyword, folder);
>  } catch (error:Error) {
> ErrorMgr.getInstance().raiseError(ErrorMgr.APPLICATION_ERROR, error);
>  }
> }
> public function onFindDocumentsSuccess(event:ResultEvent):void {
> remoteObject.removeEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT,
> onFindDocumentsSuccess);
>  var documents:ArrayCollection = event.result;
>  dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new SuccessEvent(ticket,
> SuccessEvent.SUCCESS, false, true, documents));
> }
> }
> * My question is: How can i solved this problem? Is any way to match
> the different requests with the real responses. In my case looks like
> the responses are overwritten between them (for example: i should have 3
> different results, but in many cases i have only 2 results, because one
> response has overwritten one of the others). I know i can do it
> synchronous, but in my case i want only in ASYNCHRONOUS way
> * The other things about my program are working correctly, please
> only focus in the asynchronous problem.
> Thanks so much in advanced for your help.

[flexcoders] Re: Examining static variables when debugging with Flash Builder

2011-11-16 Thread valdhor
You have to create a variable of type Global somewhere in your code before you 
can use the class variable x.

The Flash Builder compiler is "Smart". If you explicitly import a class but 
then don't use it the compiler will not import the class. To do so would bloat 
the code for something that is not used.

As x is a static variable (ie. class variable) you would need to use the class 
to get access to x. ie. Global.x

After you create the variable you don't need to use that variable. In fact, the 
variable will be null. Global will not appear in the Variables view as it is 
not a variable - it is a class. To see x in debug you would need to create an 
expression - Global.x

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, William Mitchell  wrote:
> I've got a class like this:
> package tos.model
> {
>   public class Global
>   {
>   public static var x:int
>   }
> }
> when at a breakpoint in Flash Builder 4.5, I'd like to find out what the 
> value of Global.x is.
> Global doesn't appear in the Variables view.
> I've tried adding watches for Global, Global.x, tos.model.Global, and 
> tos.model.Global.x.  All produce '' in red in 
> the Value column.
> Any ideas on how I could get a look at Global.x?
> William Mitchell
> Research Programmer
> School of Information: Science, Technology,  and Arts
> The University of Arizona

[flexcoders] Re: Replacing double slash with a single slash

2011-11-15 Thread valdhor
Can you give an example source string and how you would want it to look? Or a 
couple so that I don't just look at a single instance?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nick Middleweek  wrote:
> Hi Valdor,
> Thanks for the reply, I've just tried this code but no joy... :(
> var doubleSlash : RegExp = //g;
> var slash : RegExp = //;
> winMessage = winMessage.replace( doubleSlash, slash );
> I'm sure it's easy when you know how :)
> Nick
> On 8 November 2011 19:24, valdhor  wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > As I understand it the backslash character is special in both the regex
> > and the replacement string, so it has to be double escaped in both places.
> > That means, for every single backslash you want to match or insert, you
> > have to put *four* backslashes in the regex or replacement string.
> >
> >
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nick Middleweek  wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I'm trying to replace a double slash with a single slash and am having a
> > > little trouble, has anyone done this before?
> > >
> > > Here's what I've got thus far...
> > >
> > > var doubleSlash : RegExp = /(\\)(\\)/g;
> > > var slash : RegExp = /(\\)/;
> > >
> > > winMessage = winMessage.replace( doubleSlash, slash );
> > >
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Nick
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Replacing double slash with a single slash

2011-11-08 Thread valdhor
As I understand it the backslash character is special in both the regex and the 
replacement string, so it has to be double escaped in both places. That means, 
for every single backslash you want to match or insert, you have to put *four* 
backslashes in the regex or replacement string.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nick Middleweek  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to replace a double slash with a single slash and am having a
> little trouble, has anyone done this before?
> Here's what I've got thus far...
> var doubleSlash : RegExp = /(\\)(\\)/g;
> var slash : RegExp = /(\\)/;
> winMessage = winMessage.replace( doubleSlash, slash );
> Cheers,
> Nick

[flexcoders] Re: code out of sync with flash builder

2011-11-08 Thread valdhor
Do you have the debug even if there are errors (Or whatever it is called) 
turned on?

I have only seen this when there are errors in the code so a compile can't 
complete. In this case Flex will let you debug but use the previous compiled 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Wouter Schreuders  wrote:
> Has anyone at least run into this problem before? I've had it on three
> different machines.
> On 3 November 2011 10:29, Wouter Schreuders  wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > I'm continually running into this problem. When I debug my code flash
> > builder intermittently show's me the previous build. It's super frustrating
> > because you make a complex logic change to your code and then it doesn't
> > work and you never know if it's that the code is wrong or flash builder
> > just screwed up and is showing you the previous version.
> >
> > Anyone else run into this and know of some concrete steps I can take to
> > prevent it from happening? A friend of mine runs FDT and says he's also
> > encountered it so I'm guessing it's an eclipse problem.
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > Wouter
> >
> >
> >

[flexcoders] Re: opening another Window in Flex for commenting on data entered in TextArea compon

2011-11-08 Thread valdhor
The way I would do it is to include an extra text area underneath (Or beside) 
each of the current text areas for the reviewer to add comments. These text 
areas would only be visible if a reviewer logged in. Depending on some flags 
that are populated in the database, you could make one or the other 
editable/visible at a time (eg. If a reviewer has already added comments, make 
the comments text area visible but not editable)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "mike_j95"  wrote:
> I have a TitleWindow which has some TextArea components where end users(using 
> the application) will enter data to answer some questions. A reviewer needs 
> to comment on the entered answers. The reviewer comments would be stored in a 
> MySQL database using ColdFusion as the middle tier. Later, the end users 
> would make changes to their answers based on reviewer comments.
> I was thinking of doing it as MS-Word does it for reviewing by having a 
> Add/View button next to each TextArea. On clicking the button, a window would 
> open where the reviewer could enter his comments for the TextArea. But, the 
> issue is when the new window is opened, the answer in TextArea component will 
> not be seen. In MS-Word, a reviewer can view/highlight the data that he wants 
> to comment on, then enter his comments on the comment box.
> 1. How can I implement this so that reviewing answers/data is as 
> intuitive/easy as in a MS-Word document for the reviewer and end-users when 
> they need to make changes based on review comments?
> 2. I am thinking of adding a Add/View comment button next to each TextArea. 
> On clicking it, I open a new window, create a panel with two textareas where 
> first textarea has user's original answer(which would be readonly for the 
> reviewer) copied from the parentWindow's TextArea, second textarea would have 
> reviewer comments(which would be readonly for end user of the application). 
> The reviewer would make comments in second textarea based on the answer(in 
> first textarea) and click a button to save his comments(which would be stored 
> in a MySQL database). The end user would click the Add/View comment button, 
> revise his answer(in first textarea) based on reviewer comments(inn second 
> textarea), click a button which would then update his original answer in the 
> parentWindow with the revised answer.
> 3. If approach described in 2 is advisable, should I open a new Window using 
> PopupManager or is there some other option(like the one at Multiple Windows 
> in Adobe AIR) which might be more suited?
> I am using compiler Flex 4.5 with Flex 3 compatibility mode. I am a beginner 
> to intermediate in Flex
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> P.S. I am talking about the view end user receives when he uses MS-Word to 
> review a document(not how MS-Word implements it). If you have MS-Word 
> installed, you can open it, create a new document in it, type text in it, 
> highlight the text you want to comment about, then choose Review option from 
> the Menu, then select option New comment and you would see a box where you 
> can enter comments. I want to create something like that so a reviewer/end 
> user is more comfortable in using it.

[flexcoders] Re: Mapping/Image in Flex

2011-11-08 Thread valdhor
Take a look at the callout component - 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Venkat M  wrote:
> Thank you.
> What if it is not a map?. Say for example I have a car image, when I hover 
> over the tires, I should get the info about tires similarly all the 
> parts. then how do I do with mapping?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Venkat. 
> >
> >From: sony antony 
> >To: "flexcoders@yahoogroups.com" 
> >Sent: Friday, November 4, 2011 11:30 PM
> >Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Mapping/Image in Flex
> >
> >
> >  
> >Try ammap examples
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >From: Venkat M 
> >To: "flexcoders@yahoogroups.com" 
> >Sent: Saturday, 5 November 2011 2:13 AM
> >Subject: [flexcoders] Mapping/Image in Flex
> >
> >
> >  
> >Hi Group,
> > 
> >I have a
> basic question in flex regarding the mapping of an image.
> > 
> >Ex: I have
> a world map, depending on the click on the map, the corresponding information
> of the county has to be populated in the adjacent information box. I know this
> could be done quite easily in html with [map â€" coordinates], but I doubt 
> how to
> do it in flex. 
> > 
> >Any ideas.
> Please help. Thanks.
> > 
> >Cheers,
> >Venkat. 
> > 
> > 
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> >

[flexcoders] Re: ModuleLoader.child is null

2011-11-04 Thread valdhor
I do it a different way than you which you may like to try...

private function onReady(e:ModuleEvent):void
 var ml:ModuleLoader = e.target as ModuleLoader;
 // cast the module (the child property of the ModuleLoader) to the
 // ITest interface. If the child implements this interface
 // ichild will not be null.
 var ichild:* = ml.child as ITest;
 if(ichild != null)
 // Pass data to module via interface
 ichild.somedataiwanttopass = this.thedataiwanttopass;

Using this I have never found the child to be null (Although I do

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Philip Smith  wrote:
>   >>> var test:ITest ITest(this._moduleLoader.child); // null
> The module implements ITest. Regardless, before the module is cast to
an interface, this._moduleLoader.child is null. I read on another thread
that the module 'ready' event may be dispatched before it's ready...
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> From: valdhorlists@...
> Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2011 16:10:22 +
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: ModuleLoader.child is null
>   In your module code I don't see where it implements
com.storefront.interfaces.controller.ITest. If there is no
implementation of the interface, the child will be null.
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "method_air" loudjazz@ wrote:
> >
> > Can anyone explain why ModuleLoader.child is null in the module
event 'ready' event listener:
> >
> > this._moduleLoader = new ModuleLoader();
> > this._moduleLoader.url = "ImageComparisonModule.swf"; //
> > this._moduleLoader.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, onReady);
> >
> > private function onReady(e:ModuleEvent):void
> > {
> >  var test:ITest ITest(this._moduleLoader.child); // null
> > }
> >
> > Module code:
> >
> > 
> > http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
> > xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
> > xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"
> >   implements="com.storefront.interfaces.controller.ITest"
> > >
> >  
> >   
> >  
> >
> >  
> > 
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Philip
> >

[flexcoders] Re: ModuleLoader.child is null

2011-11-04 Thread valdhor
In your module code I don't see where it implements 
com.storefront.interfaces.controller.ITest. If there is no implementation of 
the interface, the child will be null.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "method_air"  wrote:
> Can anyone explain why ModuleLoader.child is null in the module event 'ready' 
> event listener:
> this._moduleLoader = new ModuleLoader();
> this._moduleLoader.url = "ImageComparisonModule.swf"; // 
> this._moduleLoader.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, onReady);
> private function onReady(e:ModuleEvent):void
> {
>  var test:ITest ITest(this._moduleLoader.child); // null  
> }
> Module code:
> http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"; 
> xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" 
> xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" 
> >
> Cheers,
> Philip

[flexcoders] Re: ALEX HAURI please help

2011-11-04 Thread valdhor
I agree with John.

This type of question should not even be directed at Alex as it is something 
that is documented. Alex will jump in if he deems necessary.

First read the documentation at 
http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=dragdrop_5.html and 
then try to implement it yourself. If you have any problems with the 
implementation post again with code as well as any errors you get and a stack 
trace (if any). 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, John Fletcher  wrote:
> Deepa,
> I'm not sure that such a subject line conforms to mailing list etiquete; in
> any case if you want someone's help, may I suggest that you first take care
> to spell his name correctly. People tend to like their own names.
> Regards,
> John
> 2011/11/3 deepa_pathuri 
> > **
> >
> >
> > i want to implement undo and redo operations.
> > i am dragging image from one container to other and i want to facilitate a
> > undo and redo for it.
> > can some body please tell me how to acheive it?
> >
> >  
> >

[flexcoders] Re: HttpService error handling

2011-11-03 Thread valdhor
Have you tried using an AsyncToken?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Sells, Fred"  wrote:
> I'm using Flex 4.1 with a django backend.  Django provides a really
> useful HTML error traceback when it fails.  Currently I then have to
> manually insert the offending url into the browser url to see the error
> details when debugging.  That's a pain.   I would like to subclass
> HttpService to provide a generic automatic solution, but I'm having
> trouble.
> My typical pattern is
> Var parms:Object = new Object()
> Parms.a=3
> Parms.b=4
> MyHttpService.url = "http://yadda.yadda.yadda/root/function";
> MyHttpService.send(parms)
> When the faultHandler is called I would like to do something like this
> navigateToURL( new URLRequest(
> Configure.getServer()+'getpdf?id='+parms.id+"&resid="+parms.resid ) ); 
> but I cannot find a way to get the parms back from the HttpService in
> order to create the URLRequest string.  I've tried the
> MyHttpService.request object but that "appears" to be empty.  It won't
> expand in debugger view and a for loop does not iterate through it.
> Can anyone offer a suggestion?
> Thanks,
> Fred.

[flexcoders] Re: Flex HTTP Service Charset

2011-11-01 Thread valdhor
I'm sorry, I couldn't quite understand the error you are getting.

Could you copy/paste the exact error you get as well as the XML String that is 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "isa_loyer"  wrote:
> Dear Flexer, 
> I'm a french user, and I have some problem with charset.
> Indeed, I try to use httpservice to load data in datagrid.
> To do that, I use the php file, you can read below.
>  include 'functions.php';
> require_once 'MySQL.php';
> require_once 'conf.php';
> header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1"); 
> $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_DATABASE);
> if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
> printf("Échec de la connexion : %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
> exit();
> }
> // If a connection was established, run the query:
> if ($dbc) { 
>   // Define the query:
>   $q ='SELECT 14TypeRdv.trIndex, 14TypeRdv.trCode, 14TypeRdv.trNom, 
> 14TypeRdv.trDurDef, 14TypeRdv.trDurPrat, 14TypeRdv.trCouleur FROM 14TypeRdv';
>   }
> // Run the query:
>   $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
>   $reponse = "";
>   // Confirm that some rows were returned:
>   if (mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) {
>   // Fetch every row and print it as XML:
>   while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_NUM)) {
>  $reponse.="".$row[0]."";
>  $reponse.="".$row[1]."";
>  $reponse.="".$row[2]."";
>  $reponse.="".$row[3]."";
>  $reponse.="".$row[4]."";
> $reponse.="".$row[5]."";
>   $reponse.="";
>   } 
>   } 
>   else
>   {
>   $reponse.="";
>   }
>   $reponse.="";
> echo $reponse;
> ?>
> But when I test it in my brower the message xml file worth formatted appear.
> In flex, an error appear.
> Can you help me to solve that.
> Thanks

[flexcoders] Re: Flex 4.5 - Cell background color in datagrid

2011-10-31 Thread valdhor
I am currently still using Flex SDK 3.5a and this is the code in the
item renderer I use for background colors...

 override protected function
updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
 super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
 var g:Graphics = graphics;
 g.beginFill(super.data.backgroundColor as String);
 g.drawRect(0, -2, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight + 4);

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "isa_loyer"  wrote:
> Hi,
> I load some data with httpservice.
> In those data, I have a backgound color for each cell.
> Can you explain how to do to change background color accordind data in
> I thinks I must use itemrender but I don't found how to use
dataprovider data to do that.
> Thaks for helping.

[flexcoders] Re: .as vs .mxml best practices

2011-10-27 Thread valdhor
It's as simple as

All it does is include the AS file at that point. Everything inside the MXML 
file is available to the AS file - no custom events necessary.

See http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=usingas_6.html

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Sells, Fred"  wrote:
> Embedding the ActionScript in the .mxml file is fine up to a point.  Now
> I've got quite a bit of logic dealing with the handling of DnD on an
> mx:DataGrid and I would like to move that code into a .as file just to
> keep my sanity and to take advantage of the outline feature of the IDE.
> I may also be able to use it (or subclass it) to handle the similar
> actions on a List.
> I'm not really certain of the "right" way to go about that and to be
> able to reference all the id's within the remaining mxml.  Similarly, I
> would like to be able to listen for the events from the mxml without
> having to define and dispatch custom events.
> This is probably basic stuff for those of you who are really into the
> technology, but I could use a jump start - even a link to a reasonable
> tutorial would be fine.
> FWIW I'm using 4.1 and plan to upgrade to 4.5 as soon as I get some
> breathing room in my deadlines.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Fred.

[flexcoders] Re: Hello Friend...

2011-10-27 Thread valdhor
Is there any way wen can block this address until we are sure it will not spam 
the list?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, jitendra jain  wrote:
> Hello Friend.everyone was worried that I would amount to nothing this 
> picked me up when I was down now im back in control please keep this between 
> us href="http://call-tv.cba.pl/MichaelFerguson69.html";>http://call-tv.cba.pl/MichaelFerguson69.htmlc
>  ya

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Itemrenderer - maintaining changed value in dropdownlist

2011-10-27 Thread valdhor
You will need the item renderer to act as an item editor. Also, you will need 
to add an extra field to the data provider to hold this value. On itemEditEnd 
event, update the dataprovider to reflect the change.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "sdl1326"  wrote:
> I have a custom itemrenderer for a datagrid's column that contains a
> dropdownlist (DDL). This DDL is populated with a set of numbers starting
> at 1 and stopping at the length of the itemrenderer's datagrid
> dataprovider's length (i.e. 1 thru 20). I then have the DDL'S
> selectedIndex set to the row number in which the DDL appears. So,
> looking at the datagrid, first row is set to 1, second row to 2, etc.,
> etc. The DDL is being populated correctly as well as its
> selectedIndexes. This is all being handled in the prepare function of
> the itemrenderer.
> The issue comes in when I go to change the DDL's value, if I scroll the
> datagrid, or mouse back over the DDL, the value of the DDL reverts back
> to the original value. I am pretty sure this has something to do with my
> code and the fact that it's been handled in the prepare function as well
> the itemrenderers being recycled(?). I am just not sure how to resolve
> it.
> I have included the prepare function code below:
>  override public function
> prepare(hasBeenRecycled:Boolean):void {
>  if(data != null) {
>  // grab datagrid reference;
>  dg = DataGrid(owner);
>  // since prepare() is called several times only
> populate list_ac
>  // to length of dg dataprovider.length;
>  if( list_ac.length != dg.dataProvider.length){
>  for(var i:int=0;i< dg.dataProvider.length;i++) {
>  list_ac.addItem(i+1);
>  }
>  }
>  // set selected index of dropdownlist(ddl) for
> 'this' itemrenderer
>  // to match location in row of datagrid(dg);
>  for(var j:int = 0;j 
>  if(data.question_id == 
> dg.dataProvider.getItemAt(j).question_id){
>  ddl.selectedIndex = j;
>  break;
>  }
>  }
>  }
>  }
> Please let me know if anything is unclear as I tried to make it as
> straightforward as possible. Thanks, in advance.

[flexcoders] Re: Datagrid's Itemrenderer - Access to Datagrid

2011-10-27 Thread valdhor
Even though it looks like you have an answer to your question I'd like to ask 
why you would want that?

It is always a much better practice to inject what you want into the item 
renderer instead of trying to reach back out to the original owner to get it. 
As Item Renderers are recycled this leads to major overhead, the inabilty to 
re-use the item renderer as well as tight coupling.

You may want to reconsider your use case and look at a different way of doing 
it. Telling us what you are trying to achieve may yield a best practices 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "sdl1326"  wrote:
> I have a custom itemrenderer in a GridColumn of a Spark Datagrid. I need
> to get access to the Datagrid from the custom itemrenderer. What's the
> best way to do this?
> Thanks, in advance.

[flexcoders] Re: What version of Flash Builder do you have?

2011-10-27 Thread valdhor
Are you perhaps confusing the versions of Flash Buidler and Flex?

The Flash Builder Application is at 4.5.0.x

The Flex SDK is at 4.5.1

You can download Flex SDK builds at 

Adobe packages the two items above and calls it Flash Builder 4.5.1

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Kevin MacDonald  wrote:
> If I launch Flash Builder and go to Help --> About I see Flash Builder
> version, not 4.5.1. I have run all available software updates.
> I called Adobe and they said there is no FB 4.5.1. Yet, there is this
> Release Notes page on the adobe site.
> http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/905/cpsid_90599.html However, I am unable to find
> a place where I can download 4.5.1.
> Anyone know what's up? Am I missing something?
> Kevin

[flexcoders] Re: AIR - PHP : How to load local file to remote server

2011-10-25 Thread valdhor
You'll need to use the Flex FileReference class.

If you do a Google search for Flex File Upload you will find a number of 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "isa_loyer"  wrote:
> Dear Flex,
> I search some idea to load local file to remote server with php.
> I try to do that, but it didn't works
>  var rq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(new urlManager().urlService() + 
> "upload.php");
>   rq.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
>   var varphp:URLVariables = new 
> URLVariables();
>   varphp.userID = monIdPatient;
>   varphp.url = myFileDir;
>   rq.data = varphp;
>   file.upload(rq, 'Filedata');
>  if(isset($_POST['myFileDir']))  
> $patRoot=$_POST['myFileDir'];
> $file_temp = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'];
> $file_name = $_FILES['Filedata']['name'];
> $file_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$patRoot";
> //checks for duplicate files
> if(!file_exists($file_path."/".$file_name)) {
>  //complete upload 
>  $filestatus = move_uploaded_file($file_temp,$file_path."/".$file_name);
>  if(!$filestatus) {
>  $success = "false";
>  array_push($errors,"Upload failed. Please try again.");
>  }
> }
> else {
> $success = "false";
> array_push($errors,"File already exists on server.");
> }
> echo $file_path;
> Thanks for helping.

[flexcoders] Re: Flex 4.1 VBOX background renderer fails

2011-10-25 Thread valdhor
I agree with Tim - use an item renderer. Inside the IR, use a graphics fill to 
set your background color.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "turbo_vb"  wrote:
> In practice, itemRenderers actually tend to be the best candidate for skins.
> -TH
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui  wrote:
> >
> > You cannot set the backgroundColor of the renderer.  Backgrounds are 
> > removed in order to allow alternating background colors to show through.  
> > But you should be able to set it on the TextArea.
> > 
> > 
> > On 10/24/11 6:40 PM, "Sells, Fred"  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Yes I tried setStyle() as well as styleName= with no success.  I could not 
> > set the backgroundColor property in actionscript (compiler did not 
> > recognize property) but I could set that property in mxml to a binding 
> > expression and set the color in the bound variable.  Suspect bug but 
> > deadlines rapidly approaching and this works.
> > 
> > I'll try upgrading to 4.5 once I get this delivery out.
> > 
> > 
> > From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yah! oogroups.com] On 
> > Behalf Of Alex Harui
> > Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 7:41 PM
> > To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex 4.1 VBOX background renderer fails
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Did you try myText.setStyle("backgroundColor", ...)?
> > 
> > 
> > On 10/24/11 9:59 AM, "Sells, Fred"  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I'm using a VBox as a renderer for a datagrid as shown below.  I've
> > tried every combination I can think of but I can only set the background
> > color of the mx:TextArea in the mxml.  I need to change it in the
> > actionscri! pt.  I've tried styles and properties with no success. &n! 
> > bsp;I'm< br>reluctant to change wrapper or children since I had a very hard 
> > time
> > getting it to work with a custom row height.  I used HTML text so I
> > could add some bold/font color decoration; although that requirement has
> > dissipated.
> > 
> > 
> > http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
> >  xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
> >  xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"
> >  borderThickness="0"
> >  verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
> >  paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0"
> > paddingTop="0"
> >  >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  >  useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true"
> > mouseFocusEnabled="false" mouseChildren="false"
> >  editable="false"
> >  verticalScrollPolicy="off"
> > horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
> >  >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Alex Harui
> > Flex SDK Team
> > Adobe System, Inc.
> > http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Why hhtpservice is too long

2011-10-21 Thread valdhor
I suggest you move from XML to Remote Objects.

You obviously have control of both the server and the Flex client. Currently 
you are retrieving data from the server and converting it to an XML string that 
you return to Flex. On the Flex side you then decode the XML to a form that you 
can use. That encode/decode cycle adds additional complexity and time to your 
data transfer tasks.

Remote Objects use a compressed binary stream to transfer data. You will 
probably find that the amount of data transferred will be around one tenth of 
what you are currently seeing. There is no need to do any conversion - You 
create objects on the server for each row; Put the objects in an array; And 
return the array to Flex. On the flex side you create an Array Collection from 
the resultant array and can use the objects directly. These objects are called 
DTO (Data Transfer Objects) and generally have no methods attached.

When I first started out with Flex I used XML as that seemed to be the easiest 
way and Remote Objects looked difficult to learn. Once I put in the time to 
learn and found out the benefits I never looked back. Now I only use XML in 
SOAP solutions.

I would also suggest using WebORB for PHP as your middleware for Remote 
Objects. I have been using it for years and it is rock solid. There is a 
community version which is free for use but can also be licensed if you want 
enterprise support.

If you are returning 17,000 rows you probably want to look at data paging of 
your data grid. What I do is calculate the space available to the datagrid and 
calculate the maximum number of rows that can be seen. Then in the request I 
pass an offset and rowcount property to the server. On the server I use these 
properties in a LIMIT clause to MySQL. If the offset is zero I also add 
SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS to the query so I can return total number of rows for the 
query so I can calculate the number of pages.

Using both of the above techniques should optimize your data request/response 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "isa_loyer"  wrote:
> Dear flexer,
> I try to load a datagrid with httpservice.
> But, I'm so desapointed because load about 17000 lines take around 5 sec.
> So can you help me to optimize this time.
> // Send the content-type header:
> header('Content-Type: text/xml');
> // Include the database information script:
> require_once ('MySQL.php');
> require_once ('conf.php');
> include('functions.php');
> // Connect to the database:
> $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_DATABASE);
> // If a connection was established, run the query:
> if ($dbc) { 
>   // Define the query:
>   $q ='SELECT 20Patients_1012.paIndex, 20Patients_1012.paNomP, 
> 20Patients_1012.paPrenom, 20Patients_1012.paCodePostal, 
> 20Patients_1012.paDossier1, 20Patients_1012.paDossier2, 
> 20Patients_1012.paNaissance, 20Patients_1012.paNumTel1, 
> 30Traitemnt_201223.ttTStatutP, 30Traitemnt_201223.ttDateStatut, 
> 12Praticien_02.prInitiales FROM 20Patients_1012 JOIN 30Traitemnt_201223 ON 
> 20Patients_1012.paIndex = 30Traitemnt_201223.ttIndex JOIN 12Praticien_02 ON 
> 30Traitemnt_201223.ttPraticien = 12Praticien_02.prIndex';
>   }
>   // Run the query:
>   $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
>   $reponse = "";
>   // Confirm that some rows were returned:
>   if (mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) {
>   // Fetch every row and print it as XML:
>   while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
>  $reponse.="".$row[0]."".$row[2].""
>   .$row[8]." ".$row[9]."".$row[4]." / "
> .$row[5]."".$row[6]."".$row[10].""
>   ."".$row[6]."";
>   } // End of WHILE loop.
>   } // End of mysqli_num_rows() IF.
> } // End of $dbc IF.
> // Complete the XML:
> $reponse.="";
> printf ("%s",$reponse);
> mysql_free_result($reponse);
> ?>
> Thanks

[flexcoders] Re: problem accessing menuBar component Sub-Items

2011-10-17 Thread valdhor
Add an event listener to the menubar itself. In the event listener you can find 
out which item was clicked based on the label property.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gustavo Duenas  wrote:
> Hi I have this menu bar.
>  labelField="@label" creationComplete="init()" fontSize="14"  
> fillAlphas="[0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26]" fontWeight="bold"  
> cornerRadius="6" color="#071243" fontFamily="Arial"  
> verticalCenter="-4" left="9.05">
> I wan to access the group name libros items to add evenListeners to  
> them.
> I have this code to access the main ones on the menuBar.
>protected function init():void{
>var mbiBlog:MenuBarItem= mBar.menuBarItems[4] as MenuBarItem;
>mbiBlog.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openWindowBlog);
>var mbiAntiguoT:MenuBarItem = mBar.menuBarItems[3].root[1] as  
> MenuBarItem;// I've been trying to access the sub-Items I really don't  
> know how, some help please.
>mbiAntiguoT.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, windowBibliaAntigua);

[flexcoders] Re: Flex, HTML5, Javascript...oh my!

2011-10-14 Thread valdhor
Thanks for that. You're right; I'd never heard of it before. All I ever knew 
about was SproutCore.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Johannes Nel  wrote:
> look, i don't want to get into a fight with people, but i can really say
> that the google closure toolset makes every other html/javascript approach
> look absolutely stoneage. a compiler, i mean a real compiler,
> it eliminates dead code, does your optimisations for you, you don't have to
> write javascript like you are the compiler. if you play nice and religiously
> annotate your code, you get static type checking (huge benefit!) proper OO,
> interfaces (granted no way to really do is-A)
> lots of components
> http://closure-library.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/closure/goog/demos/
> components actually have a livecycle (believe me, for most people playing
> around with javascript this is a radical concept).
> there is a framework (called relief), but i don't use it, it is not trying
> to solve the problems I am solving. I implemented my own binding system in a
> matter of hours, you can even add your own passes to the compiler (at any
> point, so pre abstract syntax tree (AST) or use the AST to do your own
> transforms)
> I tend to code in netbeans since the code completion is decent and I can
> also say the chrome debugger and profiler is extremely sweet. other people
> use different tools.
> if you like flex I think you will like closure, it is like the step up from
> flash to flex which I took in 2004 and I went like whaaa this is
> awesome.
> check this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3uWx-fhjUc
> now the bad, people don't seem to know about it, so it does not get all the
> loving it deserves, the lists however are extremely responsive (there are
> lists for all the different parts of the toolsets, but using all of them
> together makes for insane results)
> the compiler is not very fast, but using stuff like plovr (build tool)
> people make life pretty easy.
> i am just going to flame here as a finish, but jquery is for building mom
> and pop crap, if you plan to do any kind of real development in javascript
> and you like your wrists, closure is really the only way to go IMO.
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 9:52 PM, jamesfin wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > As a devoted flex developer of over five years now, I'm getting the nudge
> > by management to get as comfortable with HTML5/Javascript as I currently am
> > with MXML/Actionscript. Not my decision.
> >
> > That said, I figured this forum would be better suited to answer a few
> > questions about html5/javascript rather than a endure throught a few
> > flash-hater filled javascript forums. ;)
> >
> > Knowing the following about common flex development practices, what are the
> > analogs with flex when using javascript, if any at all?
> >
> > FlashBuilder = ? (i.e. dreamweaver?)
> > Actionscript = Javascript
> > RobotLegs = ?
> > AS3Signals = ?
> > Others, feel free to contribute...
> >
> > Also,
> > Using Robotlegs affords many comforts towards MVC development practices. In
> > that context, can other analogs be made in HTML5/Javascript where separate
> > files are used for each of these areas? Links and/or examples would be
> > great.
> >
> > View = ?
> > Mediator = ?
> > Service = ?
> > Model = ?
> > Controller = ?
> > Dependency Injection = ?
> > Signals = ?
> >
> > It would appear as if SproutCore shares some of the attributes we enjoy in
> > Flex but would like to hear what Javascripts frameworks are most friendly to
> > Flex Developers.
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> j:pn
> \\no comment

[flexcoders] Re: Any difference between instantiating in declaration vs. init()

2011-10-13 Thread valdhor
In your use case probably no. It all comes down to when you want to use the 
variable you are creating.

In my case I always like my variables in a predetermined state when I create 
them so, if I can, I'll always initialize them in the declaration. It also 
saves an extra line of code ;-}

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "luvfotography"  wrote:
> Hi, 
> Is there any difference between initializing a variable in the declarations 
> vs. in the creationComplete function?
> private var scrollTimer:Timer = new Timer(500,1);
>  or
> private var scrollTimer:Timer;
> private function init():void {
>  scrollTimer = new Timer(500,1);
> }
> When/Why should I use one vs. the other?
> thanks,

[flexcoders] Re: accessing buttons on button bar

2011-10-12 Thread valdhor
Add an event listener for the menubar rather than each item then check the 
label of the item that was clicked in the event.

See http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=menucontrols_6.html 
for an example.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gustavo Duenas  wrote:
> Hi I have this code, for a title bar, so far I can add behaviours to  
> the main buttoms but I come with the ideo to add new
> sub-buttoms and I'm lost how can I put eventlisteners to them?
> here is the code of my buttom bar
>  labelField="@label" creationComplete="init()" fontSize="14"  
> fillAlphas="[0.26, 0.26, 0.26, 0.26]" fontWeight="bold"  
> cornerRadius="6" color="#071243" fontFamily="Arial"  
> verticalCenter="-4" left="9.05">
> here is the code of the CDATA script.
> protected function init():void{
>   var mbiBlog:MenuBarItem= mBar.menuBarItems[4] 
> as MenuBarItem;
>   mbiBlog.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, 
> openWindowBlog);
>   }
> the buttoms I'd like to know how can I put the eventListeners are
> Some help will be appreciated.
> Gustavo

[flexcoders] Re: binding controls with Xml in flex

2011-10-10 Thread valdhor
Google two way binding.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Asad Zaidi  wrote:
> hello every body,
> i need to bind Xml with my flex controls. by binding i mean that data should 
> flow in both directions, from xml to control and also control to xml. for e.g 
> there is textinput binded with xml tag. i want value of xml should be 
> displayed in text input but if user changes the value and submitt form then 
> value in xml should get update automatically. But i am unable to get 2nd 
> scenario. kindly help me its very urgent. 
> thnks in advance.
> Zaidi.

[flexcoders] Re: custome list scroller issue

2011-10-10 Thread valdhor
Copy the built-in scroller code to your custom component and modify that.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, j2me_soul  wrote:
> I create a custom Scroller Skin all code designed by flash catalyst.
> My computer has two monitor when I drag the application to the other monitor 
> then switch to full screen,
> the list controller is still display as that monitor resolution.
> If I use the default list scroller the trouble is gone, the list adjust his 
> content to the monistor.
> How can I make the custome scroller skin has the same ability as the default 
> scroller.

[flexcoders] Re: DataGrid column width to be calculated by headerText

2011-10-10 Thread valdhor
Nope, no quick fix.

You would need to loop over all the data and find the longest strings. You 
would then need to calculate the widths based on FontMetrics for the font you 
are using.

I have seen an example in the past so Google should be your friend.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "kg_andrew21"  wrote:
> Hey guys,
> this is my first post, I tried searching for the issue but came up with no 
> matches, so I hope it won't be a duplicate.
> So what I want to do is this: have a DataGrid that has all its column's width 
> set to the greatest of these 2 values: its typicalItem's width (which without 
> specified is the dataProvider's first item) or the headerText's width so that 
> the headerText will not get cut off.
> Currently the problem is that if the typicalitem's width is smaller than the 
> headerText than the headerText is cut off, but I don't want that, I want 
> headerText to be fully displayed in all of my columns.
> What I can do is set the minWidth on each of the columns manually so that the 
> headerText will surely not get cut off. This works perfectly but its a lot of 
> pain to do that by hand. So my question is is there a method or quick fix to 
> prevent headerText to be cut off? One solution that I think could work is to 
> determine the width that's required by the headerText and set minWidth to 
> that for that column. 
> thanks,
> Andrew

[flexcoders] Re: sandbox problem someone help me

2011-10-10 Thread valdhor
These security errors are generally at the other end. ie. ustream (Or whatever 
domain you are trying to call) has to have a crossdomain.xml file that allows 
you to call it. There is nothing you can do at your end to override this. They 
have to let you access their stuff (Or provide an API to you)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gustavo Duenas  wrote:
> Hi is there a way to load a remote swf that calls a live feed from ustream? I 
> have this viewer and I cannot load it inot air, because it keeps telling me 
> of the sandbox violation 
> even though I did the 
> Security.allowDomain("http://leftandrightsolutions.com";); in the  part.
> Someone could point me out to a good tutorial or give a hand?
> gus

[flexcoders] Re: Parsing Soap Response

2011-10-10 Thread valdhor
Have you seen the training video at 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "David Nester"  wrote:
> Greetings!
> I have a SOAP response from a webservice that i am trying to parse to a 
> datagrid.  The information that comes back to the result handler is in the 
> format of:
> -- soapenv:body
> ns2:serviceResponse
> --ns2:return
> ns1:data
> I'm trying to figure out how to grab everything in ns1 and populate that 
> information to a grid.  I'm very new to flex - anyone out there who can help?
> Thanks so much!

[flexcoders] Re: help with a repeater

2011-10-10 Thread valdhor
As I said, it is easier to package up the items into a component and
repeat that. To that end, here is an example (Unfortunately, it appears
that vimeo is set up not to allow embedding. It does work with other web
sites however):


layout="vertical" xmlns:Vimeo="Vimeo.*"
resultFormat="object" result="onResult(event)" fault="onFault(event)"/>




layout="vertical" width="800" height="600"

You will need flex-iframe from
https://github.com/flex-users/flex-iframe/ to embed the HTML.

Note that this is a quick and dirty example with no error checking etc.
You should use this to further your understanding rather than as a basis
for production code.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gustavo Duenas  wrote:
> This repeater is making me crazy, someone can help me out.
> Hi I have a repeater that has a button and the button open a title
> window component from flex
> So far I use the name property of the button to pass the title from
> the repeater to the title of the titlewindow
> here it is:
> Vimeo is the name of the repeater
> on the as3:
> myWindow.title=event.currentTarget.name;
> so far I can open it with the names from the list.
> Also I have an html inside of the title window and I want to set its
> location from the parameters of the repeater
> so here is when it start to be hard to imagine a way to retrieve that
> information from the repeater and pass it to
> the location.
> here is my code.
> import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
>  import mx.containers.*;
>import mx.controls.Alert;
>import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
>import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
>import flsWindow;
>private function
> openWindowVimeo(event:MouseEvent):void{
>  var
> myVimeoWindow:TitleWindow= TitleWindow(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,
> flsWindow, true));
>  myVimeoWindow.width=800;
>  myVimeoWindow.height=600;
>  myVimeoWindow.title =
> event.currentTarget.name;
>  var myHtml:HTML= new HTML;
> myHtml.location={myText.text};//tried to make this happens though is
> always with error;
>  myHtml.width=800;
>  myHtml.height=600;
>  myHtml.x=0;
>  myHtml.y=0;
> http://vimeo.com/api/v2/iglesiafls/videos.xml
> " resultFormat="e4x" fault="onFault(event)"/>
>  source="{vimeoService.lastResult.video}"/>
>   dataProvider="{myVimeoList}">
>   source="{vimeo.currentItem.thumbnail_medium}" width="200"
>   text="{vimeo.currentItem.title}" color="#F5FBFC" fontSize="14"
> width="300"/>
>   color="#F5FAFB" width="300"/>
>   id="myText"/>
>   label="ver video" click="openWindowVimeo(event)" enabled="true"/>
> i would appreciate any help.
> Gus
> On Oct 7, 2011, at 8:28 AM, Gustavo Duenas wrote:
> > thanks for your help
> >
> > here is the error log
> >
> > Error: Repeater is not executing.
> >  at mx.core::Repeater/get
> > \projects\framework\src\mx\core\Repeater.as:305]
> >  at iglesiaFls/openWindowVimeo()[/Users/gustavoduenas/Documents/Flex
> > Builder 3/iglesiaFls/src/iglesiaFls.mxml:17]
> >  at iglesiaFls/__vimeoButton_click()[/Users/gustavoduenas/Documents/
> > Flex Builder 3/iglesiaFls/src/iglesiaFls.mxml:51]
> >
> > On Oct 7, 2011, at 12:47 AM, Tandon, Rishi wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> You missed the most important thing in message, the error log.
> >> Send over that.
> >>
> >> From: Gustavo Duenas gduenas@...
> >> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> >> Sent: Friday, October 7, 2011 9:47 AM
> >> Subject: [flexcoders] help with a repeater
> >>
> >>
> >> I have a repeater which reads a xmllist from vimeo, it works and do
> >> the repeat but when I tried to pass info from the repeater to the
> >> title window, something happens and I have an as3
> >> errror. this

[flexcoders] Re: using a coldfusion proxy to show twitter feed in flex app

2011-10-10 Thread valdhor
Sorry, I am out of my depth here. I don't use ColdFusion.

All I can suggest is creating a debug file on the server and dump to the file 
to see if you are getting the desired response. After that, use Charles to see 
if the server is sending the correct response.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "ZIONIST"  wrote:
> Hi guys, i have changed from using a cfc to using cfm. And when i do a 
> cfdump, i get the feed showing up. When i try to point flex to the cfm, and 
> run the app i get no data. Below is the code. Could someone please help.
> flex code
> http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>   layout="absolute"
>   creationComplete="init()">
>  url="cfcs/twitter.cfm"
>   result="processResult(event)"
>   resultFormat="e4x"/>
>   itemRenderer="itemRenderers.tweetFeedRenderer"/>
> Coldfusion Code
> ===
>  "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=from%3ARealtrOnline"; />

[flexcoders] Re: RTE when setting spark gridcolumn visible property (f

2011-10-07 Thread valdhor
If that is the use case I would have built that data grid and columns on the 
fly in ActionScript. Why bother having columns in memory that you don't use?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "bhaq1972"  wrote:
> The problem doesn't exist if the code is executed in the preintialize or 
> creationComplete event. However, I didn't want to mention that because it 
> takes the focus away from what looks like a bug in initialize. Why would one 
> column give a runtime error and the other not?
> Halo datagrid doesnt have this problem.
> In our scenario, some columns have no relevance to certain customers. Instead 
> of removing the column from the mxml, we store the column info (in this case 
> make invisible) in the database.
> During the datagrid initialze we make it invisible. The creationcomplete 
> event would be too late because by then the column would have rendered (for a 
> split second).
> Preinitialize would be ok...but other parts of my code (unrelated to this 
> problem) are failing because preinitialize is too early. i can't bare any 
> more code rewrites(but i suppose it keeps me in a job).
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "valdhor"  wrote:
> >
> > The column probably hasn't been created yet. Try the creationcomplete event 
> > of the datagrid.
> > 
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "bhaq1972"  wrote:
> > >
> > > I get a runtime error when I set the gridcolumn.visible property during a 
> > > datagrid initialize event. There is no problem's
> > > if its the first gridcolumn. Looks like a bug?
> > > 
> > > Can anyone suggest a workaround? 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > 
> > >   
> > >   
> > > 
> > > ..
> > > public function makeColumnInvisible():void
> > > {
> > >gc1.visible = false;  // causes a RTE
> > >gc0.visible = false;  // doesnt give a problem
> > > ..   
> > > 
> > > 
> > > RangeError: Error #1125: The index 1 is out of range 0.
> > >   at 
> > > spark.components.gridClasses::GridDimensions/setTypicalCellWidth()[E:\dev\hero_private\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\gridClasses\GridDimensions.as:1325]
> > >   at 
> > > spark.components.gridClasses::GridDimensions/columns_visibleChangedHandler()[E:\dev\hero_private\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\gridClasses\GridDimensions.as:1840]
> > >   at 
> > > spark.components.gridClasses::GridDimensions/columnsCollectionChanged()[E:\dev\hero_private\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\gridClasses\GridDimensions.as:1800]
> > >   at 
> > > spark.components::Grid/columns_collectionChangeHandler()[E:\dev\hero_private\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\Grid.as:4429]
> > >   at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
> > >   at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
> > >   at spark.components.gridClasses::GridColumn/set 
> > > visible()[E:\dev\hero_private\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\gridClasses\GridColumn.as:1564]
> > > ...
> > >
> >

[flexcoders] Re: using a coldfusion proxy to show twitter feed in flex app

2011-10-07 Thread valdhor
OK, so now it doesn't like the XML you are sending to the CFC.

What does Charles show as the XML string that is actually being sent? Does that 
XML pass a validation check? Does it look right?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "ZIONIST"  wrote:
> I changed access to 'remote' on the cfc and when i run it i get this error 
> "faultCode:Server.Processing faultString:'Unable to invoke CFC - Unable to 
> parse the feed: Either source specified is invalid or feed is malformed.' 
> faultDetail:'Error: Invalid XML'"

[flexcoders] Re: using a coldfusion proxy to show twitter feed in flex app

2011-10-07 Thread valdhor
This is a CF error. I don't know much about CF but the error is saying that you 
are not allowed to access that method remotely.

Is there some setting in CF that tells it which methods are remotely 
accessible? Is the crossdomain file set up correctly?

>From my point of view, it has to be some configuration problem with CF.

Of course, I could be wrong (And probably are) so any CF masters like to jump 
in here?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "ZIONIST"  wrote:
> Hi guys below is the code i came up with but i get this error 
> "faultCode:Server.Processing faultString:'Unable to invoke CFC - The method 
> 'getTweets' in component 
> C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\twiiterCFlex\src\cfcs\twitter.cfc cannot be accessed 
> remotely.' faultDetail:''"
> flex code
> =
> http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>   layout="absolute"
>   creationComplete="tweetSvc.getTweets()">
>   destination="ColdFusion"
> fault="CursorManager.removeBusyCursor();Alert.show(event.fault.message)">
> result="tweetResult(event)"/>
>   dataProvider="{tweetAr}"
> coldfusion cfc
> ===
> http://twitter.com/status/user_timeline/RealtrOnline"; 
> properties="meta" query="qryGetTweets" />
> What am i missing?

[flexcoders] Re: is there another flexcoders list?

2011-10-07 Thread valdhor
Of course, all the most knowledgeable people are still here because they can't 
stand the chatter over there ;-}

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Jeffry Houser  wrote:
>   This list started to die after Adobe launched their new forums.  I 
> think that was a couple of years ago.  Adobe, basically, stopped 
> directing people to this list and instead started directing them to the 
> forums.
>   So, that is where you'll find the traffic.
> On 10/7/2011 9:44 AM, Gustavo Duenas wrote:
> >
> > Hi, is there another list, it's been ages since someone just answer
> > me...it is just me or everyone else has migrated to some other list?
> >
> > Gus
> >
> > 
> -- 
> Jeffry Houser
> Technical Entrepreneur
> 203-379-0773
> --
> http://www.flextras.com?c=104
> UI Flex Components: Tested! Supported! Ready!
> --
> http://www.theflexshow.com
> http://www.jeffryhouser.com
> http://www.asktheflexpert.com
> --
> Part of the DotComIt Brain Trust

[flexcoders] Re: help with a repeater

2011-10-07 Thread valdhor
I have had better results with a repeater if I bundle all the components in the 
repeater into a single component and then repeat that. You can create public 
variables in this custom component to hold values you need to pass in.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gustavo Duenas  wrote:
> I have a repeater which reads a xmllist from vimeo, it works and do  
> the repeat but when I tried to pass info from the repeater to the  
> title window, something happens and I have an as3
> errror. this is  my code.

[flexcoders] Re: RTE when setting spark gridcolumn visible property (f

2011-10-05 Thread valdhor
The column probably hasn't been created yet. Try the creationcomplete event of 
the datagrid.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "bhaq1972"  wrote:
> I get a runtime error when I set the gridcolumn.visible property during a 
> datagrid initialize event. There is no problem's
> if its the first gridcolumn. Looks like a bug?
> Can anyone suggest a workaround? 
> ..
> public function makeColumnInvisible():void
> {
>gc1.visible = false;  // causes a RTE
>gc0.visible = false;  // doesnt give a problem
> ..   
> RangeError: Error #1125: The index 1 is out of range 0.
>   at 
> spark.components.gridClasses::GridDimensions/setTypicalCellWidth()[E:\dev\hero_private\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\gridClasses\GridDimensions.as:1325]
>   at 
> spark.components.gridClasses::GridDimensions/columns_visibleChangedHandler()[E:\dev\hero_private\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\gridClasses\GridDimensions.as:1840]
>   at 
> spark.components.gridClasses::GridDimensions/columnsCollectionChanged()[E:\dev\hero_private\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\gridClasses\GridDimensions.as:1800]
>   at 
> spark.components::Grid/columns_collectionChangeHandler()[E:\dev\hero_private\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\Grid.as:4429]
>   at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
>   at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
>   at spark.components.gridClasses::GridColumn/set 
> visible()[E:\dev\hero_private\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\gridClasses\GridColumn.as:1564]
> ...

[flexcoders] Re: exclude certain classes from debugging session

2011-09-28 Thread valdhor
I'm obviously not getting it then.

My project uses thousands of classes and I can debug it and just look at the 
classes I want.

What are you trying to do exactly? ie. What does "monitor the activity taking 
place in a couple of the classes" actually mean?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Wouter Schreuders  wrote:
> yes, I'm familiar with watch expressions but they don't really help me with
> this project, I'm working on a project with thousands of classes and want to
> monitor the activity taking place in a couple of the classes while excluding
> the rest.
> On 26 September 2011 16:59, valdhor  wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > Just use watch expressions to see only the items you are interested in.
> >
> >
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Wouter Schreuders 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi All
> > >
> > > When debugging some code and stepping through or stepping over some code,
> > is
> > > it possible to configure flex to not include certain classes in the
> > > debugging session or at least to entirely skip those classes from begin
> > > included in the debugging session(but they still need to execute, just
> > don't
> > > want to see it)
> > >
> > > The reason for this is that sometimes I'm stepping though some code and
> > > there are certain classes just dont' want to know about (for instance
> > > tweening classes or robotlegs)
> > >
> > > Anyone know if this is possible?
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Wouter
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Reading barcodes

2011-09-28 Thread valdhor
I would have thought that the library you mention would work fine.

Barcodes don't change. Once you have it all working there does not need to be 
an update.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Richard Rodseth  wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a good strategy for reading barcodes on an AIR 3 mobile
> app?
> The as3 port of the zxing library does not appear to have been updated since
> 2009, but may work well, for all I know.
> But it occurs to me, that this could also be a good opportunity for a native
> extension.
> Any experiences or thoughts?

[flexcoders] Re: exclude certain classes from debugging session

2011-09-26 Thread valdhor
Just use watch expressions to see only the items you are interested in.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Wouter Schreuders  wrote:
> Hi All
> When debugging some code and stepping through or stepping over some code, is
> it possible to configure flex to not include certain classes in the
> debugging session or at least to entirely skip those classes from begin
> included in the debugging session(but they still need to execute, just don't
> want to see it)
> The reason for this is that sometimes I'm stepping though some code and
> there are certain classes just dont' want to know about (for instance
> tweening classes or robotlegs)
> Anyone know if this is possible?
> Thanks
> Wouter

[flexcoders] Re: ClassFactory, properties, itemrenderers and changing prop dynamically

2011-09-22 Thread valdhor
I don't know about others here but IMHO a better user experience would be to 
remove the selected item from the source list. This way it is not even there to 
be selected. Just a simple matter of removing it from the dataprovider.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, grimmwerks  wrote:
> Here's another convoluted question -- I've got a list that is bound to an 
> array of a certain Class - let's cal them Permissions.  In the Permissions 
> class you've got userId, read and write (booleans there, id for userId, 
> normal stuff).
> I'm using the same itemrenderer in two lists - a source list which is not 
> editable and a drop list which is;  the itemrenderer has an 'editable' 
> variable and I'm setting each list's ClassFactory to this same itemrenderer, 
> with one ClassFactory's properties setting editable to false, one to true.  
> All that is good.
> Now the strange request I JUST had from someone here is that once an item is 
> dragged and dropped from the source list to the drop list, the item in the 
> source list should dim to show that it's already been chosen, unable to 
> choose again.   I've created a property called itemEnabled in the 
> itemrenderer, defaulting to true (so it's ignored in the droplist basically).
> Here's the thing; it would be simple enough to set a particular item's 
> 'itemenabled' property in the dataproviider and it would trickle down; but 
> since this is a list of cast objects that don't have the itemEnabled property 
> it's a no go...
> So is there a way of selecting an itemrenderer or item at a certain position 
> in the sourcelist and setting IT's itemEnabled to false? Is it something with 
> the classfactory for a specific item?
> Garry Schafer
> grimmwerks
> grimm@...
> portfolio: www.grimmwerks.com/

[flexcoders] Re: mx.controls.HTML in AS3 project

2011-09-16 Thread valdhor
According to the documentation it is in the standard mx.controls package. See 

Of course, that means you will have to include the flex SDK. An AS3 only 
project probably doesn't include the SDK.

I just had a look at the framework.swc file where I would have expected to see 
mx.controls.HTML. It includes the mx.controls package but I don't see the HTML. 

Anyone else?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "rwgcoenen"  wrote:
> Hello group,
> I want to use the mx.controls.HTML component in a AS3 / AIR project.When
> I create a AS3/AIR project in Flash Builder it gives an error when I try
> to
> import mx.controls.HTML
> I reckon I need to add a .swc to the build path, but I fail to figure
> out which .swc(/.swcs) provide the HTML component. Documentation and
> Google searches have not helped me any further either.  Any help here?

[flexcoders] Re: Animating an arrow into a target

2011-09-09 Thread valdhor
Both of those ideas look promising.

I'll have to see if they will work with mx components as I am still using Flex 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Mark Embrey  wrote:
> check out
> http://flex4fun.com/2010/11/30/flex4-navigation-menu-using-state-and-timerfor
> an idea
> On Sep 7, 2011 4:21 PM, "valdhor"  wrote:
> > I have a project where I need to show the progress of a, well, project.
> The project has seven specific stages that it must pass through.
> >
> > What I would like to do is have an animated arrow move from left to right
> across the screen until it hits a target on the right side. At any time a
> user can navigate to the page to see what stage the project is up to. I'd
> like the user to see the arrow move to that point and stop.
> >
> > Unfortunately I am not a designer nor animator. I have looked at tweening
> but that just seems to be able to move an object (like the arrow) from one
> place to another but I would like the arrow to elongate as it moves (ie. The
> head and tail stays the same but the shaft elongates).
> >
> > I have PNG images of the arrow and target and can break the arrow into a
> head, a tail and a 1-pixel wide shaft.
> >
> > If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish it, examples/tutorials or
> sites I can visit I would be most appreciative. (I have been googling all
> day but can't find anything useful)
> >
> >

[flexcoders] Re: WebService timeout to Axis on Tomcat

2011-09-09 Thread valdhor
Try setting the request timeout to zero.

Also, what is the actual fault that is returned? Add the following to your 
fault handler to find out...

Alert.show(fault.fault.faultString, fault.fault.faultCode.toString());

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "pirvulescu_adrian"  
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "andrewwestberg"  wrote:
> >
> > In my flex app, I keep getting a webservice fault after 30 seconds.
> > I've set the requestTimeout property higher, but it doesn't seem to
> > have an effect.  It only happens on a long-running webservice call
> > that will most likely always take longer than 30 seconds.
> > 
> > Is there some timeout happening on the server-side in Tomcat, or maybe
> > in the lower-level HTTP request from flex? How can I debug this?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > -Andrew
> >
> Any news on this... :)

[flexcoders] Animating an arrow into a target

2011-09-07 Thread valdhor
I have a project where I need to show the progress of a, well, project. The 
project has seven specific stages that it must pass through.

What I would like to do is have an animated arrow move from left to right 
across the screen until it hits a target on the right side. At any time a user 
can navigate to the page to see what stage the project is up to. I'd like the 
user to see the arrow move to that point and stop.

Unfortunately I am not a designer nor animator. I have looked at tweening but 
that just seems to be able to move an object (like the arrow) from one place to 
another but I would like the arrow to elongate as it moves (ie. The head and 
tail stays the same but the shaft elongates).

I have PNG images of the arrow and target and can break the arrow into a head, 
a tail and a 1-pixel wide shaft.

If anyone has any ideas on how to accomplish it, examples/tutorials or sites I 
can visit I would be most appreciative. (I have been googling all day but can't 
find anything useful)

[flexcoders] Re: Anyone had problems moving to SDK 3.5 (especially from 3.2)? Please reply.

2011-09-01 Thread valdhor
3.2 to 3.5 was pretty much painless in my case.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Greg Lafrance"  wrote:
> Our team have switched from using Flex SDK 3.2 to SDK 3.5 and we're seeing 
> some issues.
> I'm wondering how many others out there have seen issues with using SDK 3.5, 
> especially if you were using SDK 3.2 previously.
> Please contribute your experience in this post. Thanks in advance.

[flexcoders] Re: Basic Doubt - Flex Module

2011-08-30 Thread valdhor
Just to be different, I would use an interface between the Application and all 
the modules.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui  wrote:
> I would have the button listen for events from the module.
> On 8/29/11 4:12 PM, "Venkat M"  wrote:
> Hi Group,
> I have a basic question on modules and module loader in flex. Can some on 
> help out please?
> I have a main application that loads up any one of the available 4 (A,B,C,D) 
> modules from a dropdown. The module loader in the main application is binded 
> to the combobox of choice and the particular module loads up.For example if 
> user selects A from combobox, module A.swf loads up. When the user changes 
> the option to B in dropdown, the module loader unloads module A and loads 
> Module B. This is the scenario.
> How can I control a logout button (activate/deactivate) in main application 
> with the value of flag variable provided in all the modules.
> All the modules has a flag variable in them, when some action is being 
> performed within the module the flag is set to 1, other wise 0; So my button 
> on main application should be active only when the flag in the currently 
> loaded module is 0. How do I deal with this.
> Thanks in advance!!
> Best Regards,
> Venkat Maddali.
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe System, Inc.
> http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

Re:[flexcoders] Re: remoting problem

2011-08-26 Thread valdhor
So, did you try defining a variable in the top application of that type? You 
don't have to use it in the top application.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, j2me_soul   wrote:
> I try to use strongly type to cast my varaible.
> But I don't have this type of the varaible in the top application.
> I use them in the itemrenderer.
>  eztDoctor = data as EztDoctor;
> if( eztDoctor != null ){// here is always null 
>  docName = eztDoctor.DName;
>  price = eztDoctor.DFee.toString();
>  docTitle = eztDoctor.DTitle;
>  docIcon.source = eztDoctor.pic;
> }
> package com.frameworks.mvc.model.VO.remoting
> {
>  [Bindable]
>  [RemoteClass(alias="com.ezt.server.pojo.EztDoctor")]
>  public class EztDoctor{
>   public var sex:String;
>   public var DLevel:Number;
>   public var DStatus:Number;
> ...
> ...
> At 2011-08-25 21:13:43,valdhor  wrote:
> That does not look like a Flex class. Is it PureMVC?
> I would try what it tells you to do. ie. Define a variable of that type in 
> the top level application.
> --- inflexcod...@yahoogroups.com, j2me_soul  wrote:
> >
> > warning: The class com.frameworks.mvc.model.VO.remoting.EztDept has been 
> > used in a call to net.registerClassAlias() in 
> > _DepartmentListState_FlexInit. This will cause modules:DepartmentListState 
> > to be leaked. To resolve the leak, define 
> > com.frameworks.mvc.model.VO.remoting.EztDept in the top-level application.
> >
> > How to solve this ?
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Adding up Arraycollections to Datagrid!

2011-08-26 Thread valdhor
It is trivial to write a function to do what you want...

layout="vertical" creationComplete="onCreationComplete()">

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Venkat M  wrote:
> Hi Group,
> I have a basic question on arraycollections. Please assist.
> I have an array collection A populated with values
> Also I have an arraycollection B populated with values
> Given this data, How do I present this in a datagrid? Can I map at a
column level to an array collection?
> (Or)
> Can we make an arraycollection C, that has the values of
arraycollection A and arraycollection B paired up and then just bind to
datagrid. If so, please help me how to fabricate arraycollection C.
> Any other ideas, please comment.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Venkat.

[flexcoders] Re: Mobile->Desktop Desktop->Mobile synching

2011-08-25 Thread valdhor
If you can sync to the web why can't you create an embedded web server in the 
desktop application using an esoteric port number?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Amy"  wrote:
> Hi, all;
> I have been searching for a tutorial/example that shows how to get data from 
> a mobile app to a desktop version of the same app, and vice versa, but I have 
> only come up with examples that synch to the web.  Can anyone point me to at 
> least the basics of how to accomplish synching between mobile and desktop?
> TIA;
> Amy

[flexcoders] Re: remoting problem

2011-08-25 Thread valdhor
That does not look like a Flex class. Is it PureMVC?

I would try what it tells you to do. ie. Define a variable of that type in the 
top level application.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, j2me_soul  wrote:
> warning: The class com.frameworks.mvc.model.VO.remoting.EztDept has been used 
> in a call to net.registerClassAlias() in _DepartmentListState_FlexInit. This 
> will cause modules:DepartmentListState to be leaked. To resolve the leak, 
> define com.frameworks.mvc.model.VO.remoting.EztDept in the top-level 
> application.  
> How to solve this ?

[flexcoders] Re: HttpService results inconsistent

2011-08-25 Thread valdhor
This is pretty much how Flex works and has been documented.

What I always do is convert the result into an array...

new ArrayCollection(ArrayUtil.toArray(event.result))

so even with only one record I still get an ArrayCollection.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Sells, Fred"  wrote:
> If I have multiple records in the response I get an ArrayCollection
> however if I have only 1 record I get an ObjectProxy.  I'm not sure if
> specifying the resultFormat would resolve this and if so, which format
> is appropriate.  I typically map the results to an ArrayCollection which
> is the dataProvider for a datagrid.
> Perhaps I should just map the datagrid .dataProvider to the
> HttpService.lastResult...
> Any suggestions or experience with this.  My code is below:
>  result="QueryService_resultHandler(event)" />
> ...
> protected function QueryService_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
> {
> try { GridDataArray = event.result.resultset.record;
> }catch (e:*) {  GridDataArray = new ArrayCollection();  }
> mydatagrid.dataProvider = GridDataArray;
> }__,_
> -- results with std xml header removed
> -
>  time__id="3"  time__label="08:00"   id="3" order__resident__payor="3"/>
> ._,___

[flexcoders] Re: Catching/Trapping Error #3003: File or directory does not exist

2011-08-22 Thread valdhor
What does model.networkDriveLetter actually hold? Is it just the drive letter 
or is the colon attached as well?

Perhaps the call is failing even before the resolve tries to happen.

You may like to check the code in resolvePath to see how it works and where it 
throws the error.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "sdl1326"  wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. I tried the following listeners, all to no avail.
> File.desktopDirectory.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_ERROR_IO_ER\
> ROR,onSourceFileIoError)
> File.desktopDirectory.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.NETWORK_ERROR,onSour\
> ceFileIoError)
> File.desktopDirectory.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_INPUT_IO_ER\
> ROR,onSourceFileIoError)
> File.desktopDirectory.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_IO_E\
> RROR,onSourceFileIoError)File.desktopDirectory.addEventListener(IOErrorE\
> vent.IO_ERROR,onSourceFileIoError)
> Suggestions?
> Thanks, in advance.
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui  wrote:
> >
> > Try attaching a listener to File.desktopDirectory
> >
> >
> > On 8/19/11 8:40 AM, "sdl1326" azsl1326-email@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I am getting the following error:
> >
> > Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #3003: File or
> directory does not exist
> > How can I trap this error? I have tried using a Try/Catch as well as a
> listener - see code below:
> >
> >
> >
> > try {
> >
> > var sourceFile:File = new File();
> >
> >
> sourceFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,onSourceFileIoError);
> >
> > sourceFile = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath(
> model.networkDriveLetter + "\\" + event.payload.asset_location );
> >
> > }
> > catch(e:Error){trace('an error has occurred')};
> >
> >
> > However, neither of these seems to trap the error. Suggestions?
> >
> > Thanks, in advance.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Alex Harui
> > Flex SDK Team
> > Adobe System, Inc.
> > http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui
> >

[flexcoders] Re: html form issue in adobe air?

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
Rather than embed an HTML page, create a Flex form to do the File upload

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "markflex2007"  wrote:
> this is same question like this. no answer now.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/886380/html-input-type-file-in-adobe-air-does-not-present-file-browser
> Mark
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "markflex2007"  wrote:
> >
> > I embed a html page in air
> > 
> >"; width="100%" 
> > height="100%" />
> > 
> > I use the html page to upload file.
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > but I can not see the file input box(just a button) in the air application.
> > 
> > it seems the html page looks different when it embed in adobe air.
> > 
> > how to keep it looks same with browser.
> > 
> > Thanks for help
> > 
> > Mark
> >

[flexcoders] Re: Flex 4 & CSS

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
Instead of using mx:Canvas try using s:BorderContainer.


 color: #DEDACF;
 contentBackgroundColor: #DEDACF;
 backgroundImage: Embed(BannerBackground.jpg);
 backgroundImageFillMode: repeat;


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Davidson, Jerry"
> Alex, you might be "Flex harUI" in the other forum.  But I'm going to
> ask the question here as no one there seems to know the answer.
> I'm trying to convert a Flex 3 application to Flex 4.  I find CSS
> working under Flex 4 as it did before.  What I want to do is set a
> ground image on a canvas object.  Here is that object:
> xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
> xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"
> styleName="bgImage"
> backgroundColor="#DEDACF"
> borderColor="#DEDACF"
> width="100%"
> horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
> Here is "bgImage":
> .bgImage {
> /*background-image: "/src/images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*background-image: "src/images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*background-image: "images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*background-image: "/images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*background-image: "../images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*background-image: "../BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*background-image: "FSCalc/images/BannerBackground.jpg"; */
> /*background-image: url(images/BannerBackground.jpg); */
> /*background-image: url("images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
> /*background-image: url("/images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
> /*background-image: url("../images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
>   background-image: url("FSCalc/images/BannerBackground.jpg");
> /*background-image: Embed("images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
> /*background-image: Embed("/images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
> /*background-image: Embed("../images/BannerBackground.jpg"); */
> /*background-image: Embed(source="images/BannerBackground.jpg");
> /*background-image: Embed(source="/images/BannerBackground.jpg");
> */
> /*background-image:
> */
> /*background-image:
> */
>   text-align: right;
>   border-style: solid;
>   }
> Obviously, many tests have not resulted in something that works.  The
> directory structure as I see it in Flash is:
> FSCalc
> src
> css
> DHSclasses
> images
> scripts
> If I change the color in the CSS class, I do see the color change in
> canvas object.  Therefore, I know that the CSS is available to the
> component.
> Any ideas anyone?

[flexcoders] Re: Catching/Trapping Error #3003: File or directory does not exist

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
Clasping at straws...

Maybe it's not an IO_ERROR type of IOErrorEvent so it's not being handled.

You could try adding listeners for all types of IOErrorEvent.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "sdl1326"  wrote:
> I am getting the following error:
> Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #3003: File or
> directory does not exist
> How can I trap this error? I have tried using a Try/Catch as well as a
> listener - see code below:
> try {
> var sourceFile:File = new File();
> sourceFile.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,onSourceFileIoError);
> sourceFile = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath( model.networkDriveLetter
> + "\\" + event.payload.asset_location );
> }
> catch(e:Error){trace('an error has occurred')};
> However, neither of these seems to trap the error. Suggestions?
> Thanks, in advance.

[flexcoders] Re: Air app w/Bluetooth + UI / App Store for Arduino devices

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
Way cool.

I am interested in using Zigbee sensors in ultra low power applications (ie. 
battery operated for three months or more). Are there any plans for this type 
of development?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Davis Ford  wrote:
> Hi flexcoders,
> I wanted to drop a note to tell you about an Air app I just built that has a
> couple unique features.  I built it to be a desktop app for Arduino (
> http://arduino.cc) devices.  If you're not familiar with Arduino it's an
> open source microelectronics hardware platform.  It makes it easy to program
> micros to do things like attach sensors, control motors, robotics, etc.  The
> possibilities are endless, and the Arduino subculture has really exploded in
> the last few years.
> If you're already a Flex dev. that likes messing with Arduino, this may be
> interesting to you.
> This app allows you to scan and connect to an Arduino-derivative, and
> connect to it via Bluetooth Serial Port Profile.  It also provides a visual
> App Store where you can browse and download an app specific to your
> hardware, and the types of sensors you may have plugged into it.
> So, for example, you could plug an infrared temperature sensor into the
> device, and then go grab an app that works with that device and temp. sensor
> and download it.
> An app (may) consist of two parts:
> a) Firmware for the microcontroller
> b) A SWF module that can be dynamically loaded into the desktop container
> These two components are meant to work with each other.  The firmware can
> control things on the device or read sensors and report values, and the
> module is a UI that allows you to interact with the firmware.  So, you can
> program the device over the air using bluetooth, and load the module into
> the desktop application container, and now you have a re-configurable
> microcontroller that you can easily write, share, and deploy software to.
> Here's some screenshots of the app: http://daisyworks.com/downloads.html  -
> and you can download it there; although it probably isn't all that useful
> unless you have the hardware.
> I wrote some tutorials here: http://daisyworks.com/docs.html on how to write
> your own firmware and UI for it.  The UI part should be very easy for the
> anyone on this mailing list.  The firmware part is also trivially easy even
> if you've never done it before.
> --- a few technical details about the app's design for anyone curious:
> * native installer for all 3 operating systems -- ant build script that will
> create the installer executable with one command
> * uses http://swizframework.org heavily, b/c I love swiz :)
> You might be wondering how Air is interfacing with Bluetooth...that was the
> kind of tricky part. I created an executable jar with an embedded Jetty
> server.  The Jetty server exposes BlazeDS services using Spring-Flex.  This
> is actually kind of cool b/c you can launch a full-fledged Java/BlazeDS
> server just by double-clicking a jar file.  The installer packages the jar
> with it, and when that app bootstraps itself, it starts the jar file itself
> and starts communicating with it.  I use the bluecove java library to
> scan/find/connect Bluetooth devices.
> On the App Store, we just download the .hex firmware image and the .swf.  We
> can now program the Arduino-derivative with the .hex file, and load the .swf
> module into a container.  The application container provides the Tx/Rx
> communication between the SWF module and the firmware on the device.
> Note: today this only works with our own Arduino derivative hardware -- we
> had to do a few tweaks to get the Firmware-Over-The-Air (FOTA) to work, but
> it wouldn't be that hard to extend it to work with other Arduino boards.
>  Our boards work with the Arduino SDK/libraries so there is no difference
> from that standpoint.
> I plan to make it FOSS
> If you want to hack on some microelectronics and put your Flex skills to
> work building UIs for the device, come and check it out.
> Cheers,
> davis
> -- 
> http://daisyworks.com

[flexcoders] Re: How to communicate 2 computers using Air Application

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
Write a socket server and client for both and exchange data through sockets.

Or use Merapi as a middle layer.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Wemerson Couto Guimarães  
> Hello guys,
> There are a way of communicate 2 computers (or more) on the same network
> (LAN) using an Air application? Prefered 1.5 version of Air, because I have
> a opened project in this version.
> -- 
> *Wemerson Guimarães*
> Rio Verde - Go

[flexcoders] Re: HTTPService e4x Error #1095: XML parser failure: Unterminated attribute

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
What does the XML look like?

Note that you can use Charles to see exactly what is sent to Flex.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "isa_loyer"  wrote:
> Dear Flexer,
> I'd like to load data from my database with an httpservice and result on e4x 
> format.
> If on php side, I add only 12 row all works well, but if I try to load more 
> than 12 rows this errror appear Error #1095: XML parser failure: Unterminated 
> attribute.
> Can you help me to solve that?
> Thanks
> **  My Php code **
>  require_once ('MySQL.php');
> require_once ('conf.php');
> include('functions.php');
> // On commence par récupérer les champs 
> //if(isset($_POST['idPatient']))  
> //$id=$_POST['idPatient'];
> $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER, DB_PWD);
> mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE, $link);
> $query = "SELECT 20Customer_1012.paIndex, 20Customer_1012.paNomU, 
> 20Customer_1012.paPrenom,20Customer_1012.paDossier1, 
> 20Customer_1012.paDossier2, 20Customer_1012.paNaissance, 
> 20Customer_1012.paSexe, 20Customer_1012.paT_Qualite_P, 
> 20Customer_1012.paNomPar,20Customer_1012.paPrenomPar, 
> 20Customer_1012.T_AdrDefaut_P, 
> 20Customer_1012.paAdress1,20Customer_1012.paAdress2,20Customer_1012.paCodePostal,20Customer_1012.paT_Ville_P,20Customer_1012.paPays,20Customer_1012.pa1T_TypeTel_P,20Customer_1012.paSMS1,20Customer_1012.paNumTel1,20Customer_1012.paRemTel1,20Customer_1012.pa2T_TypeTel_P,20Customer_1012.paSMS2,20Customer_1012.paNumTel2,20Customer_1012.paRemTel2,20Customer_1012.pa3T_TypeTel_P,20Customer_1012.paSMS3,20Customer_1012.paNumTel3,20Customer_1012.paRemTel3,20Customer_1012.paFax,20Customer_1012.paEMail,
>  20Customer_1012.paProfMere, 20Customer_1012.paProfPatient, 
> 20Customer_1012.paProfParent, 20Customer_1012.paUserZoneA1, 
> 20Customer_1012.paUserZoneA2, 20Customer_1012.paUserZoneA3, 
> 20Customer_1012.paUserZoneA4, 20Customer_1012.paUserZoneA5, 
> 20Customer_1012.paUserZoneA6, 30Traitemnt_201223.ttTStatutP, 
> 30Traitemnt_201223.ttDateStatut, 12Praticien_02.prInitiales, 
> 20Customer_1012.pa2T_Qualite_P
> FROM 20Customer_1012
> JOIN 30Traitemnt_201223 ON 20Customer_1012.paIndex = 
> 30Traitemnt_201223.ttIndex
> JOIN 12Praticien_02 ON 30Traitemnt_201223.ttPraticien = 12Praticien_02.prIndex
> WHERE 20Customer_1012.paIndex='16'";
> $recordset = mysql_query($query, $link);
> $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
> $rootNode= $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement('OrthoExpertDB'));
> while($row_recordset = mysql_fetch_array($recordset))
> {
> $record = new DomElement("p", "");
> $rootNode->appendChild($record);
> $record->SetAttribute("id", $row_recordset[0]); //index
> $record->SetAttribute("nU", $row_recordset[1]);//nom U
> $record->SetAttribute("pr", $row_recordset[2]);//prenom
> $record->SetAttribute("d1", $row_recordset[3]);//dossier1
> $record->SetAttribute("d2", $row_recordset[4]);//dossier2
> $record->SetAttribute("dn", datefr($row_recordset[5]));//naissance
> $record->SetAttribute("sx", $row_recordset[6]); //sexe
> $record->SetAttribute("paQ", $row_recordset[7]); //qualite patient
> $record->SetAttribute("nPar", $row_recordset[8]);
> $record->SetAttribute("pPar", $row_recordset[9]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("adD", $row_recordset[10]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("ad1", $row_recordset[11]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("ad2", $row_recordset[12]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("cp", $row_recordset[13]);//code postal
> $record->SetAttribute("vi", $row_recordset[14]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("pi", $row_recordset[15]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("tT1", $row_recordset[16]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("sms1", $row_recordset[17]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("nT1", $row_recordset[18]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("rT1", $row_recordset[19]);
> $record->SetAttribute("tT2", $row_recordset[20]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("sms2", $row_recordset[21]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("nT2", $row_recordset[22]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("rT2", $row_recordset[23]);
> $record->SetAttribute("tT3", $row_recordset[24]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("sms3", $row_recordset[25]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("nT3", $row_recordset[26]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("rT3", $row_recordset[27]);
> $record->SetAttribute("fax", $row_recordset[28]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("mail", $row_recordset[29]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("prPa", $row_recordset[30]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("prP", $row_recordset[31]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("prMe", $row_recordset[32]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("zA1", $row_recordset[33]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("zA2", $row_recordset[34]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("zA3", $row_recordset[35]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("zA4", $row_recordset[36]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("zA5", $row_recordset[37]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("zA6", $row_recordset[38]); 
> $record->SetAttribute("st", $row_recordset[39]);//statut
> $record->SetAttribute("dst", $row_recordset[40]);//date statut
> $record->SetAttribute("pr2", $row_recordset[41]);//initiale prat
> $record->SetAttribute("parQ", $row_recordset[42]);//qu

[flexcoders] Re: Could AIR create an automation app?

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
You can use Merapi (http://code.google.com/p/merapi/) as a bridge between AIR 
and Java. Java has full hooks into the host OS so you should be able to do 
everything you want (As well as being platform agnostic)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, James Ong  wrote:
> Not direct invocation but you can control them through NativeProcess that
> can pass a command of argument and received standard output from the
> application like Command Prompt. That right, AIR is made to be as portable
> as possible.
> For your case, you can use .Net or C# to automate those task. For easier
> coding, consider AutoIT which is widely use by System Admin to automate
> routine tasks, you can do a simple control like mouse and window position to
> advance control like hook DLL. I did used AutoIT in the past.
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:07 PM, MicC  wrote:
> > **
> >
> >
> > Does AIR have enough hooks to the os to create an automation app? Programs
> > like Automate and WinAutomation script mouse position and clicks to control
> > an app's gui, and Automate automatically recognizes menus and buttons etc if
> > the app to be controlled conforms to something - not sure what.
> >
> > I really need the power of actionscript to control a widget intensive music
> > gui. TIA,
> >
> > Mic.
> >
> >  
> >

[flexcoders] Re: [Important] Simultaneous HTTPService in the same component

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
You may be better off using Remote Objects.

In some of my components I have multiple remote object requests being made at 
the same time (Flash is intelligent enough to bundle all of these requests into 
one call if the requests come fast enough).

You can use one file to handle all of the requests as each call can be made to 
different methods.

In my case I use PHP on the server along with WebORB and it has been rock solid.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "isa_loyer"  wrote:
> Dear Flexer,
> I created an Air application.
> On loading my component, I'd to make simultaneous request to my database to 
> load some data to my component.
> My component is a form with several comobobox and and text field.
> But to do that I have two major problem.
> - Sometimes, my form (my component) is loaded but there no information in my 
> text field, perhaps request is not finished? but how to verify that and how 
> to solve.
> - Other question, as requests with http service is for different table, one 
> to load sudent, other to load note, other to load teaching , is it possible 
> to do this request in the same php file and to get all thos informations with 
> the same E4X file.
> Thanks for help

[flexcoders] Re: Flash Builder, The user operation is waiting for background work to complete

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
I get that On my Windows XP box. It's usually when I have changed multiple 
files and save them one after the other. I have build automatically turned on 
so it compiles after each change. Sometimes that takes a bit longer than normal 
and I get that message. Waiting for a little while usually clears it up.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, dorkie dork from dorktown 
> Occasionally something happens to Flash Builder where everytime I save I get
> the dialog,
> "The user operation is waiting for background work to complete". I've tried
> restarting and it doesn't seem to make a difference.
> Usually I end up closing all the editors and all the projects, cleaning them
> and restarting FB and restarting the OS and usually one of those things
> works and sometimes none of them work. I have 8GB of memory and a 2011 mac.
> Is there a way to turn this message off or determine what's causing it?

[flexcoders] Re: Flex Sdk 3.5 does not have ADG?

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
The free Flex SDK 3.x did not include AdvancedDataGrid. This was included as 
part of the Flex Builder pro license.

Flash Builder 4.x includes AdvancedDataGrid as standard.

This is IIRC. Someone else please chime in if I am incorrect.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Raj raju  wrote:
> Hi all,
> When am creating Custom Advance DataGrid using ActionScript 3 , am facing 
> problem with Flex Sdk 3.5 .
> Flex SDK 3.5  not allowing me to import AdvanceDataGrid Columns. When i 
> change my SDK from 3.5 to 3 , then it's working fine.
> is it true ..? Flex SDK 3.5 doesn't have AdvanceDataGrid supported classes...?
> If anybody facing this same issue , please  update me.
> Thanks in advance,
> M.Raju.

[flexcoders] Re: runtime add images in hbox

2011-08-19 Thread valdhor
I have been away for a few weeks on vacation and have only just got back.

I created a test application with your code and XML file and I don't see where 
the problem is. All the images are different (Not the same).

Could you elaborate further?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "NishitH"  wrote:
> my code is look like this...
> http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="vertical"
>   creationComplete="service.send()" xmlns:ns1="rendered.*" 
> xmlns:render="render.*" width="100%">
>  result="resulthandler(event)" />
>  borderStyle="solid">
>  dataProvider="{pictures}" id="slideList" width="100%" height="30%"
>   rowHeight="125" 
> columnWidth="125"  backgroundColor="#F1E3E3" >
>verticalAlign="middle" borderThickness="2" borderStyle="solid" width="100%"
>   height="100%" 
> horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
>width="100%" source="{data.url}"/>
>label="{data.name}" height="10%"
>   selected="false" 
> change="outerDocument.imgtransfer(event)"/>   
>id="slideList1" width="100%" height="25%"
>   rowHeight="125" columnWidth="125"  
> backgroundColor="#F1E3E3" >
>verticalAlign="middle" borderThickness="2" borderStyle="solid" width="100%"
>   height="100%" 
> horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
>width="100%" source="{data.url}"/>

[flexcoders] Re: I don't know if I need Flex (please help me to decide)

2010-09-09 Thread valdhor
Where did you see that WebORB for PHP is discontinued? I did a Google search 
and the only thing I could find was your post.

> I also prefer AMFPHP over WebOrb, is faster (even faster than Zend_AMF) and 
> webOrb for PHP is discontinued

[flexcoders] Re: Module-friendly modals

2010-09-08 Thread valdhor
Correct me if I am wrong but aren't windows of any kind parented by 

The way I do things is to set an event listener in the main application and 
then inject the event into the currently loaded module using an interface.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Richard Rodseth  wrote:
> Someone on the Mate forums advocated a way to treat a modal popup as a
> state of a view, where the presentation model has a "modalShown"
> property, and the view observes it using bindSetter.
> This has the nice effect of avoiding the need to pass in
> Application.application to createPopUp, but it's obviously quite a bit
> more work to create the bubbling events and injections. And in the end
> you typically want to center the popup over the whole application,
> rather than some intermediate container.
> So I find myself wondering if there is a cleaner way than
> Application.application to refer to the root context. Follow the
> DisplayObject.parent chain until it's null?

[flexcoders] Re: I don't know if I need Flex (please help me to decide)

2010-09-08 Thread valdhor
I can't talk to how easy ColdFusion is as I have not used it very much but 
WebORB for PHP is very robust. My application is used by tens of thousands of 
people every day. I do know that for me, at least, PHP is very easy.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Bill Brutzman"  wrote:
> Consider also Adobe's ColdFusion.  I have found ColdFusion to be easier to
> use and more robust than PHP.
> --Bill
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcod...@yahoogroups.com] On
> Behalf Of enridp
> Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 11:10 AM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: I don't know if I need Flex (please help me to
> decide)
> Yes, there's a lot of data.
> But I was thinking in AMFPHP for that.
> I think the alternatives are:
> 1) Adapting the Flex code that I need to a pure AS3 project (I'm not sure if
> this is possible in all the casses)
> 2) Using RSL's
> Because I can't start my project with 200Kb, the size is a really big
> problem.
> Can you (or someone) help me with some of the 2 options?
> I have not experience in it, so I can't think in possible problems with
> those solutions (Flex->AS3 and RSL's), can you see the problems?
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com  ,
> "Bill Brutzman"  wrote:
> >
> > My rule of thumb is that if there is data. like a database. then yes. Flex
> > is the way to go.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --Bill
> >

[flexcoders] Re: flashBuilder.ini

2010-09-07 Thread valdhor

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Mike"  wrote:
> I am using a 32 bit JDK because as you have guessed FB is not 64 bit capable 
> at this time.

QED You have only 2GB of usable memory.

> It would be more helpful to post complete and working ini files that provide 
> >800M of heap.

One person's ini file that works is probably not going to work on your system. 
It's all dependent on the DLL's that are loaded and where they position 
themselves in memory (They generally have a preferred location). In your case 
you have a loaded DLL (or more) that is/are loaded in memory somewhere inside 
the 2GB that is available. The JVM has determined that there is a contiguous 
800MB of memory and limits you to that.

Someone could post an ini file that works for him/her but they would have 
different DLL's loaded so that ini file will not work for you.

You can either try to unload the various DLL's you have or find some way to 
move their preferred memory location.

[flexcoders] Re: dynamic data load problem with OLAPDatagrid

2010-09-07 Thread valdhor
Binding problem?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tejas Patel  wrote:
> Single OLAPDatagrid component is not used for dynamic arraycollection data.
> Initially data displayed perfectly and also itemClicked event working 
> perfectly.
> But after data changed dynamically and fetch from DB, data is not displayed 
> perfectly and also itemClicked event not working properly.
> any idea OR guess?

[flexcoders] Re: File Upload with php on Mac

2010-09-07 Thread valdhor
Does file uploading work from an HTML page? Get this working before involving 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Christophe"  
> Hello, 
> What is the specificity of the Mac plateform, because my upload function with 
> AS3 and Php is working on Pc but not on Mac.
> Thank you,
> Christophe,

[flexcoders] Re: how do you guys read flexcoders

2010-09-07 Thread valdhor
I use the Yahoo groups page to read and reply. I use the Nabble Flexcoders page 
to search for posts (http://_.15888.www.nabble.com/Re-f16212.html - not that 
it's working at the moment ;-).

The emailed messages are collected and archived with my mail reader application.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "ew6014"  wrote:
> hi guys..
> now that searchcoders dashboard has not been working for sometimes, on a show 
> of hands, how are you guys reading flexcoders mailing list?
> just using rss ??

[flexcoders] Re: flashBuilder.ini

2010-09-07 Thread valdhor
First off, are you running 32 bit or 64 bit Java? Not to mention Eclipse (Flash 
Builder). NB: Flash Builder is built on Eclipse. It looks like it is 32 bit 
(win32 mentioned in plugins line). This will give a maximum heap size of 2GB 
which you would not be able to set it to as there would not be any memory left 
to work with. Also, a DLL may have loaded into the memory area that the JVM 
wants to use for heap (The JVM needs a contiguous block of memory). Java is 
intelligent enough to give an error if you set initial(Xms) or maximum(Xmx) 
heap size too high.

Some posts that might help you understand these settings...


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Mike Slinn  wrote:
>   The source code in my message did not look the same in the daily 
> digest as it did online.  I will try posting once again; the biggest 
> memory allocation that I can currently specify in FlashBuilder.ini file is:
> -nl
> en_US
> -startup
> plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.201.R35x_v20090715.jar
> --launcher.library
> plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.200.v20090519
> -vmargs
> -Xms800m
> -Xmx800m
> -XX:MaxPermSize=384m
> -XX:PermSize=128m
> -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
> Also, I have seen a report that running Eclipse from a JDK gives more 
> memory control than from a JRE.  That did not make sense to me, but I 
> tried it anyway, by changing the shortcut properties to:
> "E:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\FlashBuilder.exe" -vm 
> "E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin"
> vs.
> "E:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\FlashBuilder.exe" -vm 
> "E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\jre\bin"
> I did not find any difference.
> Mike

[flexcoders] Re: Which URL to use for amfEndpoint in LCCS Project?

2010-09-07 Thread valdhor
>From the description on the web site you don't change that at all. It should 
>point to Adobe's Livecycle collaboration Services site 
>(http://www.adobe.com/ap/products/livecycle/collaborationservice/) which is an 
>Adobe hosted service. You would have to sign up for a free trial to test it 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "bashababob"  wrote:
> I'm new to AIR development.  I'm trying to get this sample app running in 
> Flash Builder:
> http://coenraets.org/blog/2010/08/multi-user-video-tic-tac-toe-for-and roid/  
> http://coenraets.org/tictactoe/tictactoe.fxp
> But I can't figure out what URL to put in as the amfEndpoint in the 
> app-config.xml file that sets the remoteObject.endpoint to get it to work.  
> Do I have to be running ColdFusion server locally or something?
> It would be awesome if that's a quick simple answer someone can give me.  I'm 
> sure it's something silly.  Thanks for your help and patience!

[flexcoders] Re: Using modules and remote objects

2010-09-07 Thread valdhor
I do this all the time. My main application is a shell that loads in the app's 
layout and loads the menu's based on a users access level. This app then loads 
whatever module the user is interested in. Each module has all of its 
functionality encapsulated including its required remoting. This is all using 
Flex 3.x (Whatever the latest version is) as I don't have time to port it to 4 

Can you post some code? Flex as well as server would be good. PHP would be even 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "ZIONIST"  wrote:
> Hi guys i have some issues concerning modules and remote objects. i have an 
> application that is split into modules and in each i use remote objects to 
> display data from the database. the problem is there is no data being 
> displayed and when i try to use the same code in a single app without using 
> modules, the data is displayed. could someone please help me out here. i 
> really need to use modules because it helps reduce the size of my app.

[flexcoders] Re: Switching Item Renderers

2010-09-01 Thread valdhor
The only computation I see is determining which component to use. With your 
original idea you would still need the same computation to figure out which 
(sub) item renderer to use. I still think you are trying to hide the woods 
using more trees.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Wesley Acheson  wrote:
> Yeah thats the way I've done it previously. I thought that this way would
> cut out on some additional computation.
> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 6:04 PM, valdhor wrote:
> >
> >
> > That seems overly complicated to me. What I would try is create two custom
> > components then instantiate the appropriate one based on the data and add it
> > in the updateDisplayList method.
> >
> >
> > --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com , Wesley
> > Acheson  wrote:
> > >
> > > Since nobody has replied I'm continueing to try this. I currently think I
> > > may need to override all methods in UI component.
> > >
> > >
> > > Is it clear what I'm trying to do?
> > >
> > > Is this the wrong way of doing it?
> > >
> > > I think its probably lighter than wrapping to components in a fully
> > fledged
> > > UI component?
> > > *
> > > Some Thoughts*
> > >
> > > Also a comment on ListItemRenderer, theres an awful lot of methods that
> > need
> > > to be implemented to make this work. I doubt all of them are used in a
> > List
> > > Senario. Even implementing them all theres still a dependency on
> > > DisplayObject (who's methods seem to be implemented). It does feel to me
> > > like the architecture seems a bit off. I mean if all of those methods are
> > > implemented why is there still a dependency on DisplayObject.
> > >
> > > Its not just enough to implement IListRenderer which seems to defeat the
> > > purpose of an interace
> > >
> > > On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Wesley Acheson
> > > wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > > *Disclaimer:* This is a cross post with Stack Overflow. I know at least
> > > > one person on this list saw it there.
> > > > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3507313/flex-switch-item-renderer
> > > >
> > > > Hi
> > > >
> > > > I was wondering if anyone had any luck with the following senario in
> > flex.
> > > >
> > > > I'd like to be able to have a custom item renderer which delegates to
> > > > another renderer inside.
> > > >
> > > > The reason for this would be in a datagrid for instance displaying a
> > > > checkbox if the dataprovider for the row had a boolean value. Using the
> > > > default item renderer when the value was a non boolean.
> > > >
> > > > Basically I was hoping to use a proxy object (though not necessarily
> > the
> > > > proxy class) so that I could a renderer which delegated all of its
> > > > responsibilties to a sub renderer.
> > > >
> > > > Hard to explain.
> > > >
> > > > *Edit 1*
> > > >
> > > > I think the following gives a clearer idea of what I had in mind. This
> > is
> > > > only knocked up quickly for the purpose of showing the idea.
> > > >
> > > > *SwitchingRenderer.as*
> > > >
> > > > package com.example
> > > > {
> > > > import mx.controls.CheckBox;
> > > >
> > > > import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer;
> > > >
> > > > import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData;
> > > >
> > > > import mx.controls.listClasses.IDropInListItemRenderer;
> > > >
> > > > import mx.core.IDataRenderer;
> > > >
> > > > import mx.core.UIComponent;
> > > >
> > > > public class SwitchingRenderer extends UIComponent implements
> > IDataRenderer, IDropInListItemRenderer
> > > >
> > > > {
> > > > private var checkboxRenderer:CheckBox;
> > > >
> > > > private var defaultRenderer:DataGridItemRenderer;
> > > >
> > > > private var currentRenderer:IDataRenderer;
> > > >
> > > > public function SwitchingRenderer()
> > > >
> > > > {
> > > > this.checkboxRenderer = new CheckBox();
> > > >
> > > > this.defaultRenderer = new DataGridItemRenderer();
> > > >
> > > > this.currentRenderer = defaultRenderer();
> > > >
> > > > super();
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > public function get data():Object
> > > >
> > > > {
> > > > //If the data for this cell is a boolean
> > > > // currentRender = checkBoxRenderer
> > > >
> > > > // otherwise
> > > > // currentRenderer = defaultRenderer
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > public function set data(value:Object):void
> > > >
> > > > {
> > > > currentRenderer.data = value;
> > > >
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > public function get listData():BaseListData
> > > >
> > > > {
> > > > return currentRenderer.listData;
> > > >
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > > public function set listData(value:BaseListData):void
> > > >
> > > > {
> > > > currentRenderer.listData = value;
> > > >
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > }
> > > > }
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

[flexcoders] Re: separate flex apps in same webroot folder

2010-09-01 Thread valdhor
Works for me. Brings up a login screen.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "ZIONIST"  wrote:
> on my development pc the two apps work perfectly.

[flexcoders] Re: Problem getting compiler to recognize a custom class

2010-08-31 Thread valdhor
Try adding a script block and importing the class there.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "colin.ashe"  wrote:
> The class in question is a UI Component, which is being instantiated in MXML. 
>  I've included the necessary xmlns entry in the application tag.  As I 
> understand it, this is the only "importing" that needs to happen.  And, as I 
> said, the IDE knows about the class and can provide me with lots of info 
> about the class when I hover over parts of the code.  However, when the 
> compiler is run, I keep getting the error (1046).
> Am I missing something?

[flexcoders] Re: enterState exitState frustrations

2010-08-31 Thread valdhor
The creationComplete handler will only fire once upon initial creation. I would 
try calling the same initialization code on the show event as well.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "striton_ca"  wrote:
> I am a new Flex coder. So far I'm enjoying the flexibility of the framework, 
> but I am having a heck of a time with state changes. I'm using Flex 4.1. I'm 
> working on a basic GUI. You start with a welcome screen, followed by a state 
> change to a login screen, and a state change to a chat lobby. When the lobby 
> is displayed, there's a bunch of initialization that needs to happen. If the 
> user navigates away from this state/view, then they should be automatically 
> disconnected from the chat server and be brought back to the beginning. The 
> problem is, I cannot for the life of me get anything to trigger using 
> enterState and exitState. Even currentStateChanging appears to not be 
> triggered. I can make the init happen the first time using creationComplete, 
> but that's it. I am wondering if my using a custom event handler is causing 
> trouble.
> Each of the different views are a custom component. Each component has the 
> following declaration in the Metadata:
> [Event(name="stateChangeEvent", type="events.MyStateChangeEvent")]
> MyStateChangeEvent allows the components to pass the desired state to the 
> main application which then initiates the switch. The individual components 
> are called as follows in the main application:
> The event handler is pretty basic:
> protected function stateChangeEventHandler(event:MyStateChangeEvent):void
> {
> this.currentState = event.stateChangeData.newState.toString();
> }
> Is the custom handler what's causing the trouble? If so, how do I pass data 
> between components via events yet still take advantage of the enterState and 
> exitState triggers?
> I sincerely appreciate your time and patience.
> Aaron

[flexcoders] Re: Announcement: Flextras Flex Calendar Component

2010-08-31 Thread valdhor
Any chance you could turn off auto connect to twitter? I am at work and can't 
use Twitter. It is a real pain in the @ss to have to click the cancel button on 
every page of the site. I finally got disgusted and closed the tab.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Jeffry Houser  wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
>   I'm pleased to announce the release of the Flextras Calendar 
> Component.  This was a big undertaking for us and we can't wait to have 
> a few people take a look and tell us what we did wrong (or right).
>   The Calendar is a great way for you to deal with date based data in a 
> Flex Application and it allows you to build Calendar or scheduling 
> applications. The component features:
> * Views for a Month, Week, and Day.
> * Extensive renderers so that you can make the component suit your
>   needs.
> * Standard Flex APIs for drag and drop, itemEditors, and localization.
>   You can download our no cost developer edition along with samples and 
> documentation at http://www.flextras.com/?c=217 .
> Here are some links to find out more:
> Product Page: http://www.flextras.com/?event=ProductHome&productID=15&c=217
> Documentation: 
> http://www.flextras.com/?event=ProductDocumentation&ProductID=15&c=217
> Demos: http://www.flextras.com/?event=ProductSamples&ProductID=15&c-217
> Register and Download: 
> http://www.flextras.com/index.cfm?event=loginForm&c=217
> Flextras Home: http://www.flextras.com/?c=217
> We are here to help and would love to hear your feedback.  What can we 
> do for you today?
> -- 
> Jeffry Houser, Technical Entrepreneur
> Adobe Community Professional: http://tinyurl.com/27h53fl
> Phone: 203-379-0773
> --
> UI Flex Components: Tested! Supported! Ready!
> http://www.flextras.com?c=104
> --
> http://www.twitter.com/reboog711
> http://www.twitter.com/flextras
> http://www.twitter.com/theflexshow
> --
> http://www.theflexshow.com
> http://www.jeffryhouser.com
> http://www.asktheflexpert.com
> --
> Part of the DotComIt Brain Trust

[flexcoders] Re: Switching Item Renderers

2010-08-31 Thread valdhor
That seems overly complicated to me. What I would try is create two custom 
components then instantiate the appropriate one based on the data and add it in 
the updateDisplayList method.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Wesley Acheson  wrote:
> Since nobody has replied I'm continueing to try this. I currently think I
> may need to override all methods in UI component.
> Is it clear what I'm trying to do?
> Is this the wrong way of doing it?
> I think its probably lighter than wrapping to components in a fully fledged
> UI component?
> *
> Some Thoughts*
> Also a comment on ListItemRenderer, theres an awful lot of methods that need
> to be implemented to make this work.  I doubt all of them are used in a List
> Senario. Even implementing them all theres still a dependency on
> DisplayObject (who's methods seem to be implemented). It does feel to me
> like the architecture seems a bit off.  I mean if all of those methods are
> implemented why is there still a dependency on DisplayObject.
> Its not just enough to implement IListRenderer which seems to defeat the
> purpose of an interace
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Wesley Acheson
> wrote:
> > *Disclaimer:* This is a cross post with Stack Overflow. I know at least
> > one person on this list saw it there.
> > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3507313/flex-switch-item-renderer
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I was wondering if anyone had any luck with the following senario in flex.
> >
> > I'd like to be able to have a custom item renderer which delegates to
> > another renderer inside.
> >
> > The reason for this would be in a datagrid for instance displaying a
> > checkbox if the dataprovider for the row had a boolean value. Using the
> > default item renderer when the value was a non boolean.
> >
> > Basically I was hoping to use a proxy object (though not necessarily the
> > proxy class) so that I could a renderer which delegated all of its
> > responsibilties to a sub renderer.
> >
> > Hard to explain.
> >
> > *Edit 1*
> >
> > I think the following gives a clearer idea of what I had in mind. This is
> > only knocked up quickly for the purpose of showing the idea.
> >
> > *SwitchingRenderer.as*
> >
> > package com.example
> > {
> > import mx.controls.CheckBox;
> >
> > import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer;
> >
> > import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData;
> >
> > import mx.controls.listClasses.IDropInListItemRenderer;
> >
> > import mx.core.IDataRenderer;
> >
> > import mx.core.UIComponent;
> >
> > public class SwitchingRenderer extends UIComponent implements 
> > IDataRenderer, IDropInListItemRenderer
> >
> > {
> > private var checkboxRenderer:CheckBox;
> >
> > private var defaultRenderer:DataGridItemRenderer;
> >
> > private var currentRenderer:IDataRenderer;
> >
> > public function SwitchingRenderer()
> >
> > {
> > this.checkboxRenderer = new CheckBox();
> >
> > this.defaultRenderer = new DataGridItemRenderer();
> >
> > this.currentRenderer = defaultRenderer();
> >
> > super();
> > }
> >
> > public function get data():Object
> >
> > {
> > //If the data for this cell is a boolean
> > //  currentRender = checkBoxRenderer
> >
> > // otherwise
> > //  currentRenderer = defaultRenderer
> > }
> >
> > public function set data(value:Object):void
> >
> > {
> > currentRenderer.data = value;
> >
> > }
> >
> > public function get listData():BaseListData
> >
> > {
> > return currentRenderer.listData;
> >
> > }
> >
> > public function set listData(value:BaseListData):void
> >
> > {
> > currentRenderer.listData = value;
> >
> > }
> >
> >
> >
> > }
> > }
> >
> >
> >

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