Re: UTF-8 file + console

2009-03-31 Thread Arek Czereszewski
Thank you all for replays.
On this moment i think about one from three solutions:
- on workstation editor with utf and scp/sftp support
- on workstation editor with utf and ftp support + ftp
on server
- nfs/samba share.

Patching productive system for utf (I read something about
experimental patches for UTF) it is not good solution.

Arek Czereszewski
arek (at) wup-katowice (dot) pl
"UNIX allows me to work smarter, not harder."
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Re: mod_php5 and apache22

2009-03-31 Thread Glen Barber
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:41 PM, Ian Smith  wrote:
> 2)  Can you please submit it? :)

Sadly (for me) I have been working on a replacement for
misc/instant-server called misc/instant-webserver that I was going to
submit.  It would build apache22 and php5 with the apache module, but
I've been too tied up with ${REAL_JOB} and ${SCHOOL} to work on
getting the BATCH option to work (to prevent prompting of www/apache22

Mel, is that Makefile already part of a current port in the tree?  I
couldn't find it.  If it is, I'll stop what I'm working on, as it'll
create two ports that do the same thing.

Glen Barber
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Re: mod_php5 and apache22

2009-03-31 Thread Ian Smith
On Mon, 30 Mar 2009, Mel Flynn wrote:
 > On Wednesday 25 March 2009 05:36:26 Ian Smith wrote:
 > > On Tue, 24 Mar 2009 16:46:16 +0100 Ruben de Groot  wrote:
 > >  > On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 03:20:26PM +0100, Mel Flynn typed:
 > >  > > On Tuesday 24 March 2009 15:13:33 Christoph Kukulies wrote:
 > >  > > > I moved a site from some FreeBSD 5.2 or something (with apache2 and
 > >  > > > mod_php5 at that time,
 > >  > > > about 3 years old) to 7.1 (Beta though) and apache22.
 > >  > > >
 > >  > > > Now I don't find something that looks like mod_php5 in
 > >  > > > /usr/ports/www.
 > >  > > >
 > >  > > > Has that changed somehow?
 > >  > >
 > >  > > lang/php5 with APACHE_MODULE ticked in options dialog.
 > >  >
 > >  > The apache module compile is off by default since somewhere in 2006 and
 > >  > I keep forgetting that occasionally :(
 > >  > So people using pkg_add -r php5 will not get mod_php5.
 > >
 > > That's right, you haven't been able able to install mod_php5 from a
 > > package for at least that long.  I've never understood the rationale.
 > APACHE_MODULE pulls in apache as dep, while CGI and CLI do not. There is not 
 > much difference in performance with the CGI version and mod_fcgid, the major 
 > difference with the module is the ease of site/directory specific 
 > configuration of php through php_value and php_flag directives.
 > A slave port is easily created with one Makefile, as below.
 > # New ports collection makefile for:php5-module
 > # Date created: Jan 11 2009
 > # Whom: Mel Flynn>
 > #
 > # $Coar: ports/local/php5-module/Makefile,v 1.2 2009/03/30 20:37:22 mel Exp $
 > # NOTE: we cannot use PKGNAMESUFFIX as that triggers extension build in
 > #   MASTERDIR/Makefile
 > PORTNAME=php5-module
 > MASTERDIR=   ${.CURDIR}/../../lang/php5
 > CATEGORIES=  local lang
 > PKGORIGIN=   local/php5-module
 > PKGNAMEPREFIX=   module-
 > # Set some options, though the config dialog is still set. This build is
 > # primarily for jails, where some php5 command line scripting is desired.
 > # Jails can't use SUHOSIN
 > APACHE_PORT?=www/apache22
 > .include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"

Mel, only two questions:

1)  Does it need binding to apache22 specifically?

2)  Can you please submit it? :)

cheers, Ian
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Re: going from cvs to svnq

2009-03-31 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

Andrew Wright wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, Chuck Robey wrote:
>> I've finally decided that it's way past time that I switched from
>> using cvs for
>> my home archive (currently /home/ncvs) to using subversion.  I'm
>> trying to hunt
>> down a web page that might give a set of rules to help moving things. 
>> I've
> It appears that you may be labouring under the assumption that
> svn is a potential _client_ replacement that will read a CVS repo.

I wasn't laboring under a misapprehension, I asked if they were compatible, I
wasn't trying to say they were.  Thanks, though, for the URL, I wasn't aware of

> It doesn't do this.
> You can convert a repository using the tools available at:
> but afterwards you are using svn exclusively -- there is no ability
> to mix and match.  After the conversion, both client and server
> tools will change.
> The primary advantage of using svn is that the _server_ uses a
> different protocol to track objects.

I think that's unclear, you can't mean that just having the protocol be
different, that's not that much of a win.  Having svn track extra things, like
directories, that I'd think was a win.

  Directory management, for
> instance, is a track-able change, as opposed to the CVS strategy
> of directory management through side effect.

I'd have said, for cvs, more like directory non-management.  Was nice to simply
fix things, if you didn't have worry about others helping you out, but keeping
history could be a lot more of a problem.  Not impossible, but difficult.  I
used to be a company's release engineer, under cvs, but never svn.  I just don't
know svn a fraction as well as I know cvs.

What I don't know is, I use cvsup all the time, but when I switch to svn, what
does the "cvsup" job of tracking an archive (not tracking the sources, I mean
the archive)?  Does svn do it all itself?  If so, I can find out how, I just
want to know if that's how its done.  If not, what's the general tool used to
track the freebsd archive, so I can investigate it?

>> Stuff like, can I use my present cvsup-fetched /home/ncvs with svn?  I
>> didn't
> No - if you have fetched a directory using cvsup, then it is a CVS
> workspace, and will remain that way.  If the server managing a repo
> is using CVS, you will use a CVS client to access it
> If you are managing a repo you wish to convert to svn, then the
> link above will help you do it.  At the time of such a conversion,
> all currently-checked-out CVS workspaces will be orphaned.
> A.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: ftp with .... ?

2009-03-31 Thread Joshua Gimer
Are you sure that the suid bit will not provide the functionality that
you require? I would make sure that the proper user owns the directory
and then set its suid bit (chmod u+s /mnt/)

If I am missing something please let me know.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Vasadi I. Claudiu Florin
> Hello guys,
> Here's the deal:
> I have a samba server on a FreeBSD 7.1-STABLE running with mod-acl (or
> whatever it's called). The folder it is connected to (let's call it "share")
> has acl enabled. Thus all data written with samba (from my xp box)
> automagicly inharits permision of parent folder (root:wheel). Perfect till
> now.
> This is were the catch catches up. I also want ftp access to that folder (a
> master ftp account that only I will know) but also want it with acl
> "features"; I mean all files written by/through ftp will (or must) have
> inherited parent directory permisions, leaving samba full permisions over
> files/folder in that directory (as stated by acl).
> Here's the curent setup
> the "share" folder (actually "/mnt")
> # file: /mnt/
> # owner: root
> # group: wheel
> user::rwx
> user:smbadmin:rwx
> user:ftpadmin:rwx
> group::---
> mask::rwx
> other::---
> As you can see, the owner is root:wheel. The samba master acount is
> "smbadmin" with rwx privileges.
> Now, I wish to employ another username, also with rwx privileges, for a
> master ftp account (say "ftpadmin"), but all files writen by this user
> *will* eventually end up on disk as root:wheel, not ftpadmin:group.
> What I've done so far.
> Read a bit about chmod +s and by "chmod g+s" managed to ensure that whoever
> writes files to that folder, end up belonging to wheel group. Didn't manage
> on the other hand to employ the same thing for the user. Files are owned by
> "ftpadmin"
> Of course I could add these accounts into one big group, but then, were
> would all the fun be ? :)
> And also, I would have a terrible time when say another ftp user would be
> required to have some sort or acces but diferent from that group I
> previously mentioned (say r--).
> Now, from what I tinkered about I need some sort of control "agent" between
> the actual ftp and the disk (something similar to mod-acl of samba maybe?)
> or force the files that are to be written to disk to change theyre usr:group
> by some chmod-similar manner.
> Please point me in the right direction. A link, an ideea ... something. Am
> capable of doing it myself, no need for "please do this for me"..nono.
> So ?
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Joshua Gimer
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Re: FreeBSD 7 and 2 monitors

2009-03-31 Thread User Wblock

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, M. Vale wrote:

Hi, I have 2 monitors (20" Asus) with a Radeon X1600/X1650 PRO configure
with xrand and everything works ok.

The resolution I'm using right now is 3360x1050.

Now I've a brand new Asus 24 (MK241H), and  I can use this monitor with the
other asus.

My configuration now is 1 monitor 24" Asus and another one 20", but xrand
cant use this to make one desktop :(

Please post specifics.

Do you have any solutions or recomendations in how to put this 2 monitors

Use xorg.conf instead of xrandr?

one monitor max resolution is 1920 x 1200 (24) and the other Asus 1680 x
1050 (20).

I have a 1920x1200 and 1024x768 dual monitors with an X1650 right here. 
Here's the xorg.conf:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier   " Configured"
Screen   0  "Screen0" 0 0
Option   "Blank Time" "0"
Option   "Standby Time" "0"
Option   "Suspend Time" "0"
Option   "Off Time" "0"

Section "Files"
ModulePath   "/usr/local/lib/xorg/modules"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/OTF"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/bitstream-vera/"

Section "DRI"
Group 0
Mode  0660

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor0"
VendorName   "HWP"
Option   "PreferredMode" "1920x1200"
Option   "Position" "1024 0"
Option   "DPMS"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor1"
VendorName   "PHL"
ModelName"Philips 150B3"
Option   "PreferredMode" "1024x768"
Option   "Position" "0 0"

Section "Device"
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: : integer, : float, : "True"/"False",
### : "String", : " Hz/kHz/MHz"
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option "NoAccel" # []
#Option "SWcursor"# []
#Option "Dac6Bit" # []
#Option "Dac8Bit" # []
#Option "BusType" # []
#Option "CPPIOMode"   # []
#Option "CPusecTimeout"   # 
#Option "AGPMode" # 
#Option "AGPFastWrite"# []
#Option "AGPSize" # 
#Option "GARTSize"# 
#Option "RingSize"# 
#Option "BufferSize"  # 
#Option "EnableDepthMoves"# []
#Option "EnablePageFlip"  # []
#Option "NoBackBuffer"# []
#Option "DMAForXv"# []
#Option "FBTexPercent"# 
#Option "DepthBits"   # 
#Option "PCIAPERSize" # 
#Option "AccelDFS"# []
#Option "DDCMode" # []
#Option "IgnoreEDID"  # []
#Option "DisplayPriority" # []
#Option "PanelSize"   # []
#Option "ForceMinDotClock"# 
#Option "ColorTiling" # []
#Option "VideoKey"# 
#Option "RageTheatreCrystal"  # 
#Option "RageTheatreTunerPort"# 
#Option "RageTheatreCompositePort"# 
#Option "RageTheatreSVideoPort"   # 
#Option "TunerType"   # 
#Option "RageTheatreMicrocPath"   # 
#Option "RageTheatreMicrocType"   # 
#Option "ScalerWidth" # 
#Option "RenderAccel" # []
#Option "SubPixelOrder"   # []
#Option "ShowCache"   # []
#Option "DynamicClocks"   # []
#Option "VGAAccess"   # []
#Option "ReverseDDC"  # []
#Option "LVDSProbePLL"# []
#Option "AccelMethod" # 
#Option "DRI" # []
#Option "ConnectorTable"  # 
#Option "DefaultConnectorTable"   # []
#Option "DefaultTMDSPLL"  # []
#Option "TVDACLoadDetect" # []
#Option "ForceTVOut"  # []
#Option "TVStandard"  # 
#Option "IgnoreLidStatus" # []
#Option "DefaultTVDACAdj" # []
#Option "Int10"   # []
Identifier  "Card0"
Driver  "radeon"
VendorName  "ATI Technologies Inc"

Re: too many video drivers

2009-03-31 Thread Tim Judd
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:53 PM, mdh  wrote:

> --- On Tue, 3/31/09, Adam Vandemore  wrote:
> > From: Adam Vandemore 
> > Subject: Re: too many video drivers
> > To: "FreeBSD" 
> > Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 3:39 PM
> > Tsu-Fan Cheng wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >I am rebuilding ports and realize that i have too
> > many input/video
> > > drivers for x-win installed. i know i need nv driver
> > since my graphic
> > > card is from nvidia, and i want to deinstall all
> > others. but i am not
> > > sure if its safe to do so, e.g. i am confused by
> > "xf86-video-chips"
> > > since i don't know what kind of "chip"
> > that stands for. can someone
> > > tell me which are basics and which are safe to remove?
> > thanks!!
> > >
> > > TFC
> >
> > Depending on what versions of things you use the
> > nvidia-driver port and
> > /usr/ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau may be
> > replacements for the nv driver.  Honestly I'm not really
> > sure what the xf86-video-chips
> > port does, but I don't think it's related to nvidia
> > and is perhaps for older video chipsets.
> x11/nvidia-driver is the driver released by nvidia.  It doesn't work on
> architectures other than i386 and has some other limitations (breaks certain
> components of KDE4, for one other thing - see the 'black windows bug'.)  It
> does support 3d acceleration using the nvidia GPU, though.

I've got an nVidia at work (nvidia0: ) with the above port
installed, with kde4.  No problems.  Been running for a couple weeks.

When was this bug announced?

> The x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv port is the open source Xorg driver for
> nvidia chipsets.  It doesn't support 3d acceleration using the GPU.
> Neither is a perfect solution, and the disparity has been an issue for
> years now...
> - mdh
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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread William Gordon Rutherdale

Polytropon wrote:

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 07:48:00 -0400, William Gordon Rutherdale 
Tabbing is the worst form of indentation.  It is *much* better to use 
spaces consistently.

may I ask what exactly you mean by "consistently"? I've seen
various opinions about how many spaces make up one indentation level,
beginning from 1, over 4, up to 10. Where's the consistency, or is
it defined on a per-programmer basis?


Are you serious?  You set the standard on a given project.  You decide
whether you are using spaces or tabs.  If spaces, you decide how many
spaces per indent level.  You ask the programmers to submit code in that
format.  It doesn't jump around randomly from one line to the next.

You are trying to make it sound like a big problem, but it isn't.

And why is this much better?

Just my view based on years of experience.  Don't take it too seriously.

When I would compare both indentation forms, I'd say that tabbing
is the better form because
 + you can set your individually preferred tab with using the
   settings of your editor, be it 1, 4 or 8,

Why is this flexibility important?  The more important thing is to have
consistently indented code.  There is no great benefit in letting
different programmers see the code indented to different levels.  They
just want to be able to read it.

 + you can change the indentation while you're coding, e. g. when
   the indentation level makes the code exceed the right margin
   of your editor's window,
So what?  How many times have you actually done this in the past year? 
Be honest.

 + you need more keypressing to get through the indentation with
   the spaces, one keypress per space, while you only need one
   keypress per tab (which equals one indentation level),

Not true.  You set up your editor settings to automatically do this for
you.  Most editors have this capability.  On my editor (vim) it only
takes at most one keypress to indent.  You still might use the tab key,
or even have the editor automatically format for you based on syntax.
Editors have done this for decades.  Your objection is specious.

 + per indentation level only 1 byte is needed (tab = ASCII 9), while
   spacing requires more bytes, one per space (space = ASCII 32),

Are you telling me that in an age when most cheap user workstations have
hundreds of gigabytes of disk space, you need this kind of savings?
This is a *very* weak point.

 + while you can convert tabs into spaces, you cannot easily convert
   spaces back into tabs, and finally

Not true.  It is extremely easy to convert both directions.  The unix
'expand' command converts one direction, and 'unexpand' goes the reverse
direction.  These unix utilities have been around as long as 'cat' and 'ls'.

Moreover the whole point is moot anyway.  There are lots of high quality
code formatters available.  One called 'Artistic Style' is well known
and very capable.  On a lot of projects these days, people get sick of
these kinds of arguments and just run all the code they receive through
a code formatter like astyle.  It lets you set all kinds of options such
as brace placement, spacing between parameters, indentation method, and
so on.  If asking people to change their editor settings doesn't work,
this thing fixes it up.

 + even FreeBSD uses the tabbing style.


And therefore if I submit code for FreeBSD then I will use that format.
However I wouldn't recommend it for other projects where that decision
has not been established.

I'm aware that one can argue about where { is to be placed, but
I don't see any valid reason to use spaces for indentation instead
of tabs (which I would even call "standard").

It's a honest question: What are your arguments for using tabs?
Hint: "it is *much* better" doesn't count. :-)


There are lots of cases where it's hard to make code line up the way you
want it with tabs.  Often code that looks good with one tab length
setting (say 8) doesn't look so good with another (say 4).  It gets
especially bad when there are a few space characters thrown in, which
people often do.


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Re: too many video drivers

2009-03-31 Thread mdh

--- On Tue, 3/31/09, Adam Vandemore  wrote:
> From: Adam Vandemore 
> Subject: Re: too many video drivers
> To: "FreeBSD" 
> Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 3:39 PM
> Tsu-Fan Cheng wrote:
> > Hi,
> >I am rebuilding ports and realize that i have too
> many input/video
> > drivers for x-win installed. i know i need nv driver
> since my graphic
> > card is from nvidia, and i want to deinstall all
> others. but i am not
> > sure if its safe to do so, e.g. i am confused by
> "xf86-video-chips"
> > since i don't know what kind of "chip"
> that stands for. can someone
> > tell me which are basics and which are safe to remove?
> thanks!!
> > 
> > TFC
> Depending on what versions of things you use the
> nvidia-driver port and
> /usr/ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau may be
> replacements for the nv driver.  Honestly I'm not really
> sure what the xf86-video-chips
> port does, but I don't think it's related to nvidia
> and is perhaps for older video chipsets.

x11/nvidia-driver is the driver released by nvidia.  It doesn't work on 
architectures other than i386 and has some other limitations (breaks certain 
components of KDE4, for one other thing - see the 'black windows bug'.)  It 
does support 3d acceleration using the nvidia GPU, though.  

The x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv port is the open source Xorg driver for nvidia 
chipsets.  It doesn't support 3d acceleration using the GPU.  

Neither is a perfect solution, and the disparity has been an issue for years 

- mdh

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Re: Mythtv-0.21 build error

2009-03-31 Thread Mark Busby

After doing make clean, and restarting the build of mythtv-0.21 port.

This is the error on make install

-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local\" -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/lib\" 
-I/usr/local/share/qt/mkspecs/freebsd-g++ -I. 
-I../../../../../../../local/include -I../../../../../../../local/include 
-I../libmyth -I../.. -I.. -I../../../../../../../local/include 
-I/usr/local/include -o moc_myththemedmenu.o moc_myththemedmenu.cpp
/usr/local/bin/moc mythdialogbox.h -o moc_mythdialogbox.cpp
g++ -c -pipe -march=pentiumpro -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -g -Wall -Wno-switch 
-Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls -Wno-non-virtual-dtor 
-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local\" -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/lib\" 
-I/usr/local/share/qt/mkspecs/freebsd-g++ -I. 
-I../../../../../../../local/include -I../../../../../../../local/include 
-I../libmyth -I../.. -I.. -I../../../../../../../local/include 
-I/usr/local/include -o moc_mythdialogbox.o moc_mythdialogbox.cpp
rm -f
g++ -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib  -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -pthread -shared 
-Wl,-soname, -o mythmainwindow.o 
mythpainter.o mythimage.o myththemebase.o mythpainter_qt.o xmlparsebase.o 
mythscreenstack.o mythscreentype.o mythgesture.o mythuitype.o mythuiimage.o 
mythuitext.o mythuistatetype.o mythlistbutton.o mythfontproperties.o 
mythuibutton.o myththemedmenu.o mythdialogbox.o mythuiclock.o 
moc_mythmainwindow.o moc_mythuitype.o moc_mythuibutton.o moc_mythlistbutton.o 
moc_myththemedmenu.o moc_mythdialogbox.o  -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib 
-lqt-mt -lXext -lX11 -lm
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 
cd libmyth && qmake -spec /usr/local/share/qt/mkspecs/freebsd-g++ 
-o Makefile
cd libmyth && gmake -f Makefile
gmake[2]: Entering directory 
g++ -c -pipe -march=pentiumpro -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -g -Wall -Wno-switch 
-Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls -Wno-non-virtual-dtor 
-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local\" -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/lib\" 
-DQT_SHARED -DQT_TABLET_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/share/qt/mkspecs/freebsd-g++ -I. 
-I../../../../../../../local/include -I../../../../../../../local/include 
-I../libmythsamplerate -I../libmythsoundtouch -I../libmythfreesurround 
-I../libavcodec -I../libavutil -I../.. -I.. -I. 
-I../../../../../../../local/include -I/usr/local/include -o audiooutput.o 
g++ -c -pipe -march=pentiumpro -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -g -Wall -Wno-switch 
-Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls -Wno-non-virtual-dtor 
-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DPREFIX=\"/usr/local\" -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/lib\" 
-DQT_SHARED -DQT_TABLET_SUPPORT -I/usr/local/share/qt/mkspecs/freebsd-g++ -I. 
-I../../../../../../../local/include -I../../../../../../../local/include 
-I../libmythsamplerate -I../libmythsoundtouch -I../libmythfreesurround 
-I../libavcodec -I../libavutil -I../.. -I.. -I. 
-I../../../../../../../local/include -I/usr/local/include -o audiooutputbase.o 
In file included from audiooutputdigitalencoder.h:5,
 from audiooutputbase.cpp:19:
../../../../../../../local/include/libavcodec/avcodec.h:2353: warning: 
'ImgReSampleContext' is deprecated (declared at 
../../../../../../../local/include/libavcodec/avcodec.h:2363: warning: 
'ImgReSampleContext' is deprecated (declared at 
audiooutputbase.cpp: In member function 'virtual void 
AudioOutputBase::Reconfigure(int, int, int, bool, void*)':
audiooutputbase.cpp:360: error: 'codec_id_string' was not declared in this scope
gmake[2]: *** [audiooutputbase.o] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 
gmake[1]: *** [sub-libmyth] Error 2
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/multimedia/mythtv/work/mythtv-0.21/libs'
gmake: *** [sub-libs] Error 2
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/multimedia/mythtv.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/multimedia/mythtv.
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Xeon Quad with 9 GB RAM - only 4 GB detected

2009-03-31 Thread Matej Šerc
Hi all,

I am just trying to install FreeBSD 7.1 amd64 distro on the HP ML 150 G5
server and when booting, BIOS detects 9 GB of RAM, but when starting to
install the system it is displayed that only 4 GBs are detected. Also the
default swap partition size is 4 GB ... What would be the needed steps to
enable FreeBSD using the entire memory in the machine?

Thank you in advance for your time,
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Re: Mythtv-0.21 build error

2009-03-31 Thread Vasadi I. Claudiu Florin

This is what I would do if I were you:

0.1) do a cvsup (or whatever) so the ports are up to date and:
1) try a make deinstall;make clean;make distclean;make build (and if the  
file is present do a make install)

if that doesn't work
2) (workaround) download from the web a source code, compile it and:
  2.a) copy the file in the work dir of the ports and do make install  
(this requires a make build be made)

  2.b) install it from that package

!!! REMEMBER !!!
if step 1 fails write a mail to the maintainer of the port with the error  
specifiyng the output of the uname -a, the output of ls /var/db/pkg and  
the error you encountered, and also what you did to solve the problem  
(usually the workaround).

dunno why I seem to missed another way of solving this. Suddenly forgot  
it... happens once in a whille. Will e-mail it to you if/when I remember it

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Re: Mythtv-0.21 build error

2009-03-31 Thread Mark Busby

--- On Tue, 3/31/09, Vasadi I. Claudiu Florin  wrote:

> From: Vasadi I. Claudiu Florin 
> Subject: Re: Mythtv-0.21 build error
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 4:18 PM
> On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 00:16:26 +0300, Mark Busby
>  wrote:
> > mythtv-setup
> find / -type f -name mythtv-setup -print
> does it find any files ?

None are found.
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Mythtv-0.21 build error

2009-03-31 Thread Mark Busby

uname -a FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE #0: Thu Jan  
1 14:37:25 UTC 2009 

portsnap is up to date.

Building myth-0.21 throws this error,

creating usr/local
creating usr/local/lib
creating usr/local/lib/python2.5
creating usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages
creating usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MythTV
copying build/lib/MythTV/ -> 
copying build/lib/MythTV/ -> 
copying build/lib/MythTV/ -> 
copying build/lib/MythTV/ -> 
copying build/lib/MythTV/ -> 
byte-compiling usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MythTV/ to 
byte-compiling usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MythTV/ to 
byte-compiling usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MythTV/ to 
byte-compiling usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MythTV/ to 
byte-compiling usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MythTV/ to 
running install_egg_info
Writing usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MythTV-0.21-py2.5.egg-info
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 
( [ -d config ] && cd config ; gmake -f Makefile install; ) || true
gmake[1]: Entering directory 
gmake[1]: `install' is up to date.
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 
 No such file or directory
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/multimedia/mythtv.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/multimedia/mythtv.

muz# cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mythtv/work/mythtv-0.21/programs/mythtv-setup
muz# ls
Makefilebackendsettings.o   main.cpp
backendsettings.cpp checksetup.cpp  main.o
backendsettings.h   checksetup.osetup.xml

Thanks for all your work on this port.
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ftp with .... ?

2009-03-31 Thread Vasadi I. Claudiu Florin

Hello guys,

Here's the deal:
I have a samba server on a FreeBSD 7.1-STABLE running with mod-acl (or  
whatever it's called). The folder it is connected to (let's call it  
"share") has acl enabled. Thus all data written with samba (from my xp  
box) automagicly inharits permision of parent folder (root:wheel). Perfect  
till now.

This is were the catch catches up. I also want ftp access to that folder  
(a master ftp account that only I will know) but also want it with acl  
"features"; I mean all files written by/through ftp will (or must) have  
inherited parent directory permisions, leaving samba full permisions over  
files/folder in that directory (as stated by acl).

Here's the curent setup
the "share" folder (actually "/mnt")
# file: /mnt/
# owner: root
# group: wheel

As you can see, the owner is root:wheel. The samba master acount is  
"smbadmin" with rwx privileges.
Now, I wish to employ another username, also with rwx privileges, for a  
master ftp account (say "ftpadmin"), but all files writen by this user  
*will* eventually end up on disk as root:wheel, not ftpadmin:group.

What I've done so far.
Read a bit about chmod +s and by "chmod g+s" managed to ensure that  
whoever writes files to that folder, end up belonging to wheel group.  
Didn't manage on the other hand to employ the same thing for the user.  
Files are owned by "ftpadmin"

Of course I could add these accounts into one big group, but then, were  
would all the fun be ? :)
And also, I would have a terrible time when say another ftp user would be  
required to have some sort or acces but diferent from that group I  
previously mentioned (say r--).

Now, from what I tinkered about I need some sort of control "agent"  
between the actual ftp and the disk (something similar to mod-acl of samba  
maybe?) or force the files that are to be written to disk to change theyre  
usr:group by some chmod-similar manner.

Please point me in the right direction. A link, an ideea ... something. Am  
capable of doing it myself, no need for "please do this for me"..nono.

So ?
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Re: going from cvs to svnq

2009-03-31 Thread Andrew Wright

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, Chuck Robey wrote:

I've finally decided that it's way past time that I switched from using cvs for
my home archive (currently /home/ncvs) to using subversion.  I'm trying to hunt
down a web page that might give a set of rules to help moving things.  I've

It appears that you may be labouring under the assumption that
svn is a potential _client_ replacement that will read a CVS repo.

It doesn't do this.

You can convert a repository using the tools available at:
but afterwards you are using svn exclusively -- there is no ability
to mix and match.  After the conversion, both client and server
tools will change.

The primary advantage of using svn is that the _server_ uses a
different protocol to track objects.  Directory management, for
instance, is a track-able change, as opposed to the CVS strategy
of directory management through side effect.

Stuff like, can I use my present cvsup-fetched /home/ncvs with svn?  I didn't

No - if you have fetched a directory using cvsup, then it is a CVS
workspace, and will remain that way.  If the server managing a repo
is using CVS, you will use a CVS client to access it

If you are managing a repo you wish to convert to svn, then the
link above will help you do it.  At the time of such a conversion,
all currently-checked-out CVS workspaces will be orphaned.


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Re: too many video drivers

2009-03-31 Thread rasz

John Nielsen wrote:

On Tuesday 31 March 2009 03:08:14 pm Tsu-Fan Cheng wrote:

   I am rebuilding ports and realize that i have too many input/video
drivers for x-win installed. i know i need nv driver since my graphic
card is from nvidia, and i want to deinstall all others. but i am not
sure if its safe to do so, e.g. i am confused by "xf86-video-chips"
since i don't know what kind of "chip" that stands for. can someone
tell me which are basics and which are safe to remove? thanks!!

Obviously you should keep mouse, keyboard and whatever driver(s) you 
actually plan to use (nv in this case). It's also a good idea to keep 
vesa as a fallback option. I habitually also keep the dummy driver though 
I'm not sure what it's used for. Everything else is fair game and should 
be safe to remove. "Chips" is (or was) a video card vendor so if you 
don't have such a card it's safe to remove as well.


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also, once you removed/kept what you want, don't forget to reinstall 
xorg-drivers port (meta-port).
i think you get complains about missing dependencies otherwise. (rebuild 
xorg-drivers with just the drivers you want)

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going from cvs to svn

2009-03-31 Thread Chuck Robey
Hash: SHA1

I've finally decided that it's way past time that I switched from using cvs for
my home archive (currently /home/ncvs) to using subversion.  I'm trying to hunt
down a web page that might give a set of rules to help moving things.  I've
spent about the last 90 minutes on Google, can't find what I'm after.

I'm NOT asking for answers here, just the URL of what to read, but I'm going to
give a couple of questions, just to you see what I'm after.  I'm not after
answers here, I want to read it myself if it's at all possible.

Stuff like, can I use my present cvsup-fetched /home/ncvs with svn?  I didn't
see any way to check out an svn-specific archive in all the stuff I read, like
the FreeBSD handbook.  Can I use my present set of checkouts, or must I delete
them and do new checkouts with svn?  Are the URLs for cvsup listed in the
handbook still correct (they haven't changed there in years now).

That's it, I'd really like to see if the answers are available to be read in an
FAQ somewhere, but if they're not listed, well then I guess I would appreciate
the answers.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (FreeBSD)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 09:01:42PM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 08:54:17 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > > 1. Use the tab character for indentation. You can set its
> > >length with your favourite editor (e. g. mcedit: F9,
> > >Options, General; joe: ^TD). Don't waste with spaces.
> > 
> > Ja, been doing this since 1978.  Does anybody hit space-key 
> > 8 times!?
> I've seen "corporate guideline" for indentation = 10 spaces.
> Used ^TD8 and then finally replace tab -> '  '. :-)
(sounds like corp. mentality... )

> > > 2. The main() function should be declared as
> > >   int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> > >or
> > >   int main(int argc, char **argv)
> > >Note that it's returning (int). Use this functionality.
> > 
> > I've come to prefer the *char argv[] ...  I didn't use the formal int
> > return because this was supposed throwaway code.  (Going on years now
> > tho, so ... my-bad.)
> The standard assumption of the return code is (int), so if
> it's not declared, it's (int) anyway.

sure; and the code i've been writing as "prefab'd" C is 
as clean and explicit as i can make it.   difft with 
throwaway stuff.  [ may need to rethink that!]

> > > 4. Use the predefined return codes, don't hardcode them.
> > >FreeBSD has EXiT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE, they're for
> > >maximum compatibility (such as with Linux). There are
> > >more exit codes for differentiation, but they're specific
> > >to FreeBSD, as far as I know.
> > 
> > This I did not know.  I have a prefab include file with a bunch 
> > of my own similar #defines.  Wow, great!
> FreeBSD defines additional exit codes to specify the reason for
> exiting more precisely in /usr/include/sysexits.h - for your
> example, exit(EX_USAGE); would be a good exit code.
> I don't know how far this is adopted in Linux, but I think you
> can only use the C99 two standard return codes.
> >From "man 3 exit":
>  The C Standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99'')) defines the values 0,
>  EXIT_SUCCESS, and EXIT_FAILURE as possible values of status. 
> > > 5. This is highly debatable: Use a good style for { and }.
> > > 
> > 
> > Well, you're using the K&R { }; but for me, the "Ingres"
> > style [[ yes, it was invented by someone else ]] gets my vote.
> > I scan
> > {
> >   and
> > }
> > 
> > more easily.  6 of one, half-dozen of another... .
> In fact, I'm sticking to the concept that only the highest level
> of "code groupers" deserve a new line {: these are functions in
> C and class methods in C++. Everything else has the { appended
> (after a space) to the construct that causes the {. So if you find
> a }, you only need to look up. It's obvious that a } is caused
> by a {, but you want to know the construct that made it appear,
> for example if(), while(), a struct definition or something similar.
> With this concept at hand, looking up will make you find this
> construct in question at the first glance.

it really is what you're used to.  somehow, several weeks ago, a
function just would not behave, and after close to an hour of
using vi's "showmatch", i discovered that i was missing one 
closing brace.  *mumble*

> You could see this in the example.
> But as we'll all agree, this is a thing of individual preference.
> > > Here is the program again, with some stylistic modifications
> > > and the "correct" (read: recommended, usual) exit code handling:
> > 
> > I'll swipe this.  I use this code with openoffice and abiword
> > because I compose with vi;  but I almost always forget to run 
> > my text thru joinlines and have to quit the word processor, run
> > jlines  bar; mv bar foo; then restart the word processor.
> > I figure that I've spend several centuries of my lifetime messing 
> > with jlines, so i'm overdue for doing it right
> I think OpenOffice has the function Input - from file (at least
> the german version has: Alt-E D = Einfügen Datei). This makes it
> easier to incorporate text from an external file.
thanks for the datapoint; i'll check.  i type virtually all text
in vi just because my fingers know it.  (i've been in openoffice
and found myself hitting the escape key or "/" to search ... 
and other vi-isms. :)


> -- 
> Polytropon
> >From Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 2.41a release of Jottings: http:

Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread RW
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 17:36:32 +0200
Mel Flynn  wrote:

> On Tuesday 31 March 2009 14:24:11 RW wrote:
> > On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 08:15:54 +0200
> >
> > Mel Flynn  wrote:
somebody please point me in the right direction ?
> > >
> > > fsck -p is done by default (meaning, filesystems are not fully
> > > scanned if they are marked clean). If pruning fails,
> > > background_fsck is checked, which will work on UFS systems with
> > > soft updates, but is not recommended by many as it may leave some
> > > errors unchecked.
> >
> > I don't think that's quite right,  fsck -p is only done if
> > background_fsck=NO, otherwise an fsck -pF is done instead. The
> > latter does an fsck -p on filesystems that aren't eligible for
> > background checking - usually root and any none UFS filesystems.
> As far as I can tell, -F -p skips clean disks (-p) and defers to
> background when possible, though the manpage doesn't exclude your or
> my theory. ENOTIME to check the source.

I wouldn't dispute that clean filesytems are skipped, it's just that you
seemed to be implying that every filesystem gets a foreground fsck -p. 
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Re: analyzing httpd-error.log

2009-03-31 Thread Oliver Fromme
The problem with Apache's error.log is that there is no
standard format.  Error messages generated by Apache
itself are somewhat standardized, but messages from
third-party modules are not.  All kind of things will
end up in the error.log, including stuff written to
stdout by CGI programs, such as perl error messages,
exception traces from Python programs (usually multiple
lines each), and so on.

There is no simple way to reliably parse and analyze all
of that completely automatically.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
chen, HRB 125758,  Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart

FreeBSD-Dienstleistungen, -Produkte und mehr:

"If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected
abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor, and when was the
last time you needed one?"
-- Tom Cargil, C++ Journal
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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 07:50:22AM -0400, William Gordon Rutherdale wrote:
> This isn't a BSD question.  It's just about elementary C.  As other 
> people pointed out, you could have easily caught it anyway just by 
> turning on warnings.
> -Will

yep, you're right.  i did have gcc aliased to gcc -Wall; but 
somehow it got lost.  It's back.


 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 2.41a release of Jottings:

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Re: too many video drivers

2009-03-31 Thread Adam Vandemore

Tsu-Fan Cheng wrote:

   I am rebuilding ports and realize that i have too many input/video
drivers for x-win installed. i know i need nv driver since my graphic
card is from nvidia, and i want to deinstall all others. but i am not
sure if its safe to do so, e.g. i am confused by "xf86-video-chips"
since i don't know what kind of "chip" that stands for. can someone
tell me which are basics and which are safe to remove? thanks!!

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Depending on what versions of things you use the nvidia-driver port and 
/usr/ports/x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau may be replacements for the nv 
driver.  Honestly I'm not really sure what the xf86-video-chips
port does, but I don't think it's related to nvidia and is perhaps for 
older video chipsets.

Something like pkg_cutleaves but you should be very careful using it.

Adam Vandemore
Systems Administrator
IMED Mobility
(605) 498-1610

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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Giorgos Keramidas
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 13:59:16 +0200, Polytropon  wrote:
> When I would compare both indentation forms, I'd say that tabbing
> is the better form because

>  + you can set your individually preferred tab with using the
>settings of your editor, be it 1, 4 or 8,

I like using TAB for indentation too, but when I see people setting TAB
to a different size than 8 it makes me want to swear.  There is a TAB
size and an 'indentation level' size.  These should be kept separate,
and any modern editor will do it just fine!

It is a bit amusing that nobody has answered the original question so
far though }:-)

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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Ivan Voras
Juan Miscaro wrote:

>> # dd if=/dev/ad3 of=ad3last count=1 skip=625142447
>> # hd ad3last
> Thanks for that great explanation.
> The file ad3last.txt is attached.

  24 47 41 46 52 10 41 08  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 6f e2 42 25 00 00

If this is the last sector of ad3, it certainly doesn't contain
GEOM_STRIPE metadata, for whatever reasons.

If this is really the right drive, you might try creating a temporary
stripe array (with "gstripe create" instead of "gstripe label" of these
two drives) and try running "dumpfs" on the array (or specifically
partitions with UFS file systems on the array). If it finds the file
system(s), run fsck on them. If it also passes, then delete this array
and create it again with "gstripe label" to make it permanent. If dumpfs
and/or fsck fail, you have at this point no way to reclaim your data.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: too many video drivers

2009-03-31 Thread John Nielsen
On Tuesday 31 March 2009 03:08:14 pm Tsu-Fan Cheng wrote:
>I am rebuilding ports and realize that i have too many input/video
> drivers for x-win installed. i know i need nv driver since my graphic
> card is from nvidia, and i want to deinstall all others. but i am not
> sure if its safe to do so, e.g. i am confused by "xf86-video-chips"
> since i don't know what kind of "chip" that stands for. can someone
> tell me which are basics and which are safe to remove? thanks!!

Obviously you should keep mouse, keyboard and whatever driver(s) you 
actually plan to use (nv in this case). It's also a good idea to keep 
vesa as a fallback option. I habitually also keep the dummy driver though 
I'm not sure what it's used for. Everything else is fair game and should 
be safe to remove. "Chips" is (or was) a video card vendor so if you 
don't have such a card it's safe to remove as well.


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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 19:20:17 +0100, Bruce Cran  wrote:
> Linux seems to have adopted sysexits.h too, which provides error codes
> such as EX_USAGE and EX_CANTCREAT.

Good to know this, thanks. I'm not a big Linux user and a much
smaller Linux programmer (read: I don't program for Linux), so
I wasn't aware that they use it, too.

> However, in FreeBSD at least the most
> common programming style is to use 1 for error and 0 for success - e.g.
> from style(9):
> errx(1, "number overflowed");

This matches the definition of the two EXIT_* variables in
the standard library header file:

% grep EXIT /usr/include/stdlib.h 

It's no problem to use 0 and 1, but personally, I think the
"verbose reason" is better to read. :-)

And thanks for the pointer to "man 9 style", I see that I've
practiced a quite good style over the years without even
knowing it. :-)

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: the proper way to find if RAID is supported.

2009-03-31 Thread Vincent Hoffman
On 31/3/09 16:58, Dimiter Ivanov wrote:
> Hello, i have a Silicon Image SATA controler, which is identified as:
> It has 4 ports, and supports RAID.
> I configured the RAID trough the BIOS, but FreeBSD 7.1, does not see
> the RAID arrays, only 4 separate disks.
> I searched the mailing lists, and there are few messages saying that
> the RAID setup of this controller is not supported.
> Only those messages are 3-5 years old.
> I want to know where can I find a definite information, if this
> feature is supported now?
The 3114 is a "fakeraid" controller (FreeBSD call it ataraid, linux
calls it dmraid,) all the processing is still done by the CPU so no gain
over using software RAID.  I've never used it but man 4 ataraid for
driver details.


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too many video drivers

2009-03-31 Thread Tsu-Fan Cheng
   I am rebuilding ports and realize that i have too many input/video
drivers for x-win installed. i know i need nv driver since my graphic
card is from nvidia, and i want to deinstall all others. but i am not
sure if its safe to do so, e.g. i am confused by "xf86-video-chips"
since i don't know what kind of "chip" that stands for. can someone
tell me which are basics and which are safe to remove? thanks!!

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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 18:57:21 +0200 (CEST), Oliver Fromme 
> Google "background fsck damage".
> I was bitten by it myself, and I also recommend to turn
> background fsck off.  If your disks are large and you
> can't afford the fsck time, consider using ZFS, which
> has a lot of benefits besides not requiring fsck.

You can always ask yourself: "What is more important, the
boot-up time or my data?" In any case, I'd recommend to
emphasize the importance of the data, so even with larger
UFS disks, it's okay to wait a bit, but then be sure that
nothing is damaged.

Furthermore, I agree with the recommendation of ZFS. If your
hardware is good enough (which shouldn't be a problem today),
ZFS handles possible data damages much better and faster.

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 08:54:17 -0700, Gary Kline  wrote:
> > 1. Use the tab character for indentation. You can set its
> >length with your favourite editor (e. g. mcedit: F9,
> >Options, General; joe: ^TD). Don't waste with spaces.
>   Ja, been doing this since 1978.  Does anybody hit space-key 
>   8 times!?

I've seen "corporate guideline" for indentation = 10 spaces.
Used ^TD8 and then finally replace tab -> '  '. :-)

> > 2. The main() function should be declared as
> > int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> >or
> > int main(int argc, char **argv)
> >Note that it's returning (int). Use this functionality.
>   I've come to prefer the *char argv[] ...  I didn't use the formal int
>   return because this was supposed throwaway code.  (Going on years now
>   tho, so ... my-bad.)

The standard assumption of the return code is (int), so if
it's not declared, it's (int) anyway.

> > 4. Use the predefined return codes, don't hardcode them.
> >FreeBSD has EXiT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE, they're for
> >maximum compatibility (such as with Linux). There are
> >more exit codes for differentiation, but they're specific
> >to FreeBSD, as far as I know.
>   This I did not know.  I have a prefab include file with a bunch 
>   of my own similar #defines.  Wow, great!

FreeBSD defines additional exit codes to specify the reason for
exiting more precisely in /usr/include/sysexits.h - for your
example, exit(EX_USAGE); would be a good exit code.

I don't know how far this is adopted in Linux, but I think you
can only use the C99 two standard return codes.

>From "man 3 exit":
 The C Standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99'')) defines the values 0,
 EXIT_SUCCESS, and EXIT_FAILURE as possible values of status. 

> > 5. This is highly debatable: Use a good style for { and }.
> > 
>   Well, you're using the K&R { }; but for me, the "Ingres"
>   style [[ yes, it was invented by someone else ]] gets my vote.
>   I scan
>   {
> and
>   }
>   more easily.  6 of one, half-dozen of another... .

In fact, I'm sticking to the concept that only the highest level
of "code groupers" deserve a new line {: these are functions in
C and class methods in C++. Everything else has the { appended
(after a space) to the construct that causes the {. So if you find
a }, you only need to look up. It's obvious that a } is caused
by a {, but you want to know the construct that made it appear,
for example if(), while(), a struct definition or something similar.
With this concept at hand, looking up will make you find this
construct in question at the first glance.

You could see this in the example.

But as we'll all agree, this is a thing of individual preference.

> > Here is the program again, with some stylistic modifications
> > and the "correct" (read: recommended, usual) exit code handling:
>   I'll swipe this.  I use this code with openoffice and abiword
>   because I compose with vi;  but I almost always forget to run 
>   my text thru joinlines and have to quit the word processor, run
>   jlines  bar; mv bar foo; then restart the word processor.
>   I figure that I've spend several centuries of my lifetime messing 
>   with jlines, so i'm overdue for doing it right

I think OpenOffice has the function Input - from file (at least
the german version has: Alt-E D = Einfügen Datei). This makes it
easier to incorporate text from an external file.

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: analyzing httpd-error.log

2009-03-31 Thread Roger Olofsson

Charles Howse skrev:

On Mar 28, 2009, at 11:51 PM, Olivier Nicole wrote:


Webalizer is doing what it's supposed to with httpd-access.log, but
when I give it the error log to process is coughs, spits and spills
out errors with no data processed.  My research hasn't turned up a
good solution for webalizer and -error.log.

The format of error log is pretty much different from the format of
transfer log. No wonder webalizer is not liking it. You may have to
write your own format for th error log.

Well, can anyone suggest a port that will parse the error.log and output 
it to a web page that's easy to read?

Also, in httpd.conf what level of detail should I set in the error.log 
to get the most information.  It's currently set to 'warn', which I 
understand to be 'warn' and everything more critical than that.  I don't 
care about the size of the log, or the amount of garbage per line.

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Hi Charles,

I don't know if this will help you but try looking at Lire (

For just collecting and web-based viewing phplogcon from can be used.

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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Bruce Cran
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:21:22 +0200
Polytropon  wrote:

> 4. Use the predefined return codes, don't hardcode them.
>FreeBSD has EXiT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE, they're for
>maximum compatibility (such as with Linux). There are
>more exit codes for differentiation, but they're specific
>to FreeBSD, as far as I know.

Linux seems to have adopted sysexits.h too, which provides error codes
such as EX_USAGE and EX_CANTCREAT. However, in FreeBSD at least the most
common programming style is to use 1 for error and 0 for success - e.g.
from style(9):

errx(1, "number overflowed");

Bruce Cran
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Re: UTF-8 file + console

2009-03-31 Thread Thomas Dickey
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 12:15:33PM +0200, Paul B. Mahol wrote:
> On 3/31/09, Thomas Dickey  wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:36:32AM +0200, Paul B. Mahol wrote:
> >> On 3/31/09, Arek Czereszewski  wrote:
> >> > I have php application in UTF-8 on server
> >> > (in files are 4 languages: PL, SK, CZ and EN).
> > That might be a configuration issue rather than the program.
> > ("EN" in particular ;-)
> Generally speaking FreeBSD console doesnt support UTF-8. So even if
> program (in this case vim) supports UTF-8 it will not work.

There's two parts: does the editor knows how to manipulate UTF-8,
and does the terminal display UTF-8.  If the editor knows that the
terminal doesn't display UTF-8, it can choose a representation that
works for the terminal (even if it happens to be FreeBSD's console).

Thomas E. Dickey

Description: PGP signature

Re: guile-1.8.6 build core dumps (autoconf issue ?)

2009-03-31 Thread Mel Flynn
On Tuesday 31 March 2009 19:30:59 manish jain wrote:
> Mel Flynn wrote:
> > On Tuesday 31 March 2009 19:02:56 manish jain wrote:
> >> Mel Flynn wrote:
> >>> On Tuesday 31 March 2009 08:15:56 manish jain wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I portsnapped the lastest tarball a couple of days back. Doing a build
>  in lang/guile (1.8.6) core dumps with the following message :
> > Making all in libguile
> > gmake[2]: Entering directory
> > `/usr/ports/lang/guile/work/guile-1.8.6/libguile' cd .. && /bin/sh
> > ./config.status libguile/Makefile depfiles
> > config.status: creating libguile/Makefile
> > config.status: executing depfiles commands
> > gmake[2]: Leaving directory
> > `/usr/ports/lang/guile/work/guile-1.8.6/libguile' gmake[2]: Entering
> > directory `/usr/ports/lang/guile/work/guile-1.8.6/libguile'
> > Generating libpath.h...
> > sed < ./ > version.h.tmp \
> >   -e s:@-GUILE_MAJOR_VERSION-@:1: \
> >   -e s:@-GUILE_MINOR_VERSION-@:8: \
> >   -e s:@-GUILE_MICRO_VERSION-@:6:
> > mv version.h.tmp version.h
> > if [ "no" = "yes" ]; then \
> > cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I.. -I.. -I.. -c -o gen-scmconfig.o
> > gen-scmconfig.c; \ else \
> > cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H   -I.. -I.. -I.. 
> > -I/usr/local/include  -O2
> > -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Werror -c -o
> > gen-scmconfig.o gen-scmconfig.c; \ fi
> > if [ "no" = "yes" ]; then \
> > cc -o gen-scmconfig gen-scmconfig.o; \
> > else \
> > /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC   --mode=link cc  -O2
> > -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Werror
> > -L/usr/local/lib -o
> > gen-scmconfig gen-scmconfig.o  -llthread -lgmp -lcrypt -lm -lltdl ; \
> > fi libtool: link: cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wall
> > -Wmissing-prototypes -Werror -o gen-scmconfig gen-scmconfig.o
> > -L/usr/local/lib -llthread /usr/local/lib/ -lcrypt -lm
> >>>
> >>> vs mine:
> >>> libtool: link: /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc -O2
> >>> -fno-strict-aliasing - pipe -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Werror -o
> >>> gen-scmconfig gen-scmconfig.o  - L/usr/local/lib
> >>> /usr/local/lib/ -lcrypt -lm /usr/local/lib/
> >>> -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
> >>>
> >>> Where does -llthread come from?
> >>
> >> Hi Mel,
> >>
> >> I can't really answer the question. I just ran 'make install clean'. I
> >> am attaching the log file, just in case you are able to spot something.
> >
> > I think config.log is more helpful, as it would show LDFLAGS and detected
> > threading library.
> Hi Mel,
> There sure is plenty in config.log to interest you. Attached is the log
> in zip format.

No mention of -llthread there. It links so I'm assuming you have 
devel/linuxthreads installed. Could you show:
make -C /usr/ports/lang/guild -V CONFIGURE_ENV -V CONFIGURE_ARGS

It must come from somewhere...Your environment and /etc/make.conf are free 
from LDFLAGS or LIBS according to config.log.

> Could you please clear up one question : do the freebsd-question forum
> rules allow attachments ? I am actually using 'Reply to sender' rather
> than 'Reply to all' because of this doubt.

On -questions attachments are stripped to the best of my knowledge.
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Re: guile-1.8.6 build core dumps (autoconf issue ?)

2009-03-31 Thread Mel Flynn
On Tuesday 31 March 2009 19:02:56 manish jain wrote:
> Mel Flynn wrote:
> > On Tuesday 31 March 2009 08:15:56 manish jain wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I portsnapped the lastest tarball a couple of days back. Doing a build
> >>
> >> in lang/guile (1.8.6) core dumps with the following message :
> >>> Making all in libguile
> >>> gmake[2]: Entering directory
> >>> `/usr/ports/lang/guile/work/guile-1.8.6/libguile' cd .. && /bin/sh
> >>> ./config.status libguile/Makefile depfiles
> >>> config.status: creating libguile/Makefile
> >>> config.status: executing depfiles commands
> >>> gmake[2]: Leaving directory
> >>> `/usr/ports/lang/guile/work/guile-1.8.6/libguile' gmake[2]: Entering
> >>> directory `/usr/ports/lang/guile/work/guile-1.8.6/libguile' Generating
> >>> libpath.h...
> >>> sed < ./ > version.h.tmp \
> >>> -e s:@-GUILE_MAJOR_VERSION-@:1: \
> >>> -e s:@-GUILE_MINOR_VERSION-@:8: \
> >>> -e s:@-GUILE_MICRO_VERSION-@:6:
> >>> mv version.h.tmp version.h
> >>> if [ "no" = "yes" ]; then \
> >>>   cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I.. -I.. -I.. -c -o gen-scmconfig.o
> >>> gen-scmconfig.c; \ else \
> >>>   cc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H   -I.. -I.. -I.. -I/usr/local/include  -O2
> >>> -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Werror -c -o
> >>> gen-scmconfig.o gen-scmconfig.c; \ fi
> >>> if [ "no" = "yes" ]; then \
> >>>   cc -o gen-scmconfig gen-scmconfig.o; \
> >>>   else \
> >>>   /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC   --mode=link cc  -O2
> >>> -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Werror 
> >>> -L/usr/local/lib -o
> >>> gen-scmconfig gen-scmconfig.o  -llthread -lgmp -lcrypt -lm -lltdl ; \
> >>> fi libtool: link: cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -Wall
> >>> -Wmissing-prototypes -Werror -o gen-scmconfig gen-scmconfig.o
> >>> -L/usr/local/lib -llthread /usr/local/lib/ -lcrypt -lm
> >
> > vs mine:
> > libtool: link: /usr/local/libexec/ccache/world-cc -O2
> > -fno-strict-aliasing - pipe -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Werror -o
> > gen-scmconfig gen-scmconfig.o  - L/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/
> > -lcrypt -lm /usr/local/lib/ -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
> > -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
> >
> > Where does -llthread come from?
> Hi Mel,
> I can't really answer the question. I just ran 'make install clean'. I
> am attaching the log file, just in case you are able to spot something.

I think config.log is more helpful, as it would show LDFLAGS and detected 
threading library.
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Re: FreeBSD 7 and 2 monitors

2009-03-31 Thread Neal Hogan
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:36 AM, M. Vale  wrote:

> Hi, I have 2 monitors (20" Asus) with a Radeon X1600/X1650 PRO configure
> with xrand and everything works ok.
> The resolution I'm using right now is 3360x1050.
> Now I've a brand new Asus 24 (MK241H), and  I can use this monitor with the
> other asus.
> My configuration now is 1 monitor 24" Asus and another one 20", but xrand
> cant use this to make one desktop :(

can we see your xorg.conf?

> Do you have any solutions or recomendations in how to put this 2 monitors
> working.
> one monitor max resolution is 1920 x 1200 (24) and the other Asus 1680 x
> 1050 (20).
> Best Regards
> Mauro V.
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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread michael

Wojciech Puchar wrote:

Tabbing is the worst form of indentation.  It is *much* better to use
spaces consistently.

stupid discussion and off topic. everybody write code as he/she like, 
or as a team decided if it's not single person work.

only end result matters.

you know real programmers code everything on one line.

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FreeBSD 7 and 2 monitors

2009-03-31 Thread M. Vale
Hi, I have 2 monitors (20" Asus) with a Radeon X1600/X1650 PRO configure
with xrand and everything works ok.

The resolution I'm using right now is 3360x1050.

Now I've a brand new Asus 24 (MK241H), and  I can use this monitor with the
other asus.

My configuration now is 1 monitor 24" Asus and another one 20", but xrand
cant use this to make one desktop :(

Do you have any solutions or recomendations in how to put this 2 monitors

one monitor max resolution is 1920 x 1200 (24) and the other Asus 1680 x
1050 (20).

Best Regards

Mauro V.
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Re: Issues with OpenLDAP 2.4.15 and FreeBSD 8.0-CUrrent as well as with FreeBSD 7.2-PRE using DB 4.7

2009-03-31 Thread Thierry Lacoste

> First I see on all FreeBSD flavours (7.2 and 8.0) a coredump of LDAP
> clients when doing ldapsearch, ldappasswd. The client performs  
well, but

> at the end it terminates with some SIG 11.


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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread Oliver Fromme
Chris Rees  wrote:
 > 2009/3/31 Wojciech Puchar :
 > > 
 > > IMHO this background fsck isn't good idea at all
 > Why?

Google "background fsck damage".

I was bitten by it myself, and I also recommend to turn
background fsck off.  If your disks are large and you
can't afford the fsck time, consider using ZFS, which
has a lot of benefits besides not requiring fsck.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
chen, HRB 125758,  Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart

FreeBSD-Dienstleistungen, -Produkte und mehr:

With Perl you can manipulate text, interact with programs, talk over
networks, drive Web pages, perform arbitrary precision arithmetic,
and write programs that look like Snoopy swearing.
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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Oliver Fromme
Josh Carroll wrote:
 > [...]
 > Note also that your main should have an int return type and should
 > return a value.

His main() function _did_ have an int return type (it
wasn't declared to be void), but of course it's better
style to write int explicitly.

By the way, FreeBSD's style(9) recommends to write the
function return type on a separate line and begin the
function name on column 1, like this:

main (int argc, char *argv[])

The clear advantage is that you can easily grep for the
definition of a particular function in a bunch of source
files:  grep '^main' *.c

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
chen, HRB 125758,  Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart

FreeBSD-Dienstleistungen, -Produkte und mehr:

Perl is worse than Python because people wanted it worse.
-- Larry Wall
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the proper way to find if RAID is supported.

2009-03-31 Thread Dimiter Ivanov
Hello, i have a Silicon Image SATA controler, which is identified as:

It has 4 ports, and supports RAID.
I configured the RAID trough the BIOS, but FreeBSD 7.1, does not see
the RAID arrays, only 4 separate disks.

I searched the mailing lists, and there are few messages saying that
the RAID setup of this controller is not supported.

Only those messages are 3-5 years old.
I want to know where can I find a definite information, if this
feature is supported now?
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Re: UTF-8 file + console

2009-03-31 Thread Mel Flynn
On Tuesday 31 March 2009 12:48:19 Maciej Milewski wrote:
> Tuesday 31 March 2009 12:15:33 Paul B. Mahol napisał(a):
> > On 3/31/09, Thomas Dickey  wrote:
> > > On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:36:32AM +0200, Paul B. Mahol wrote:
> > >> On 3/31/09, Arek Czereszewski  wrote:
> > >> > Hi,
> > >> >
> > >> > I have php application in UTF-8 on server
> > >> > (in files are 4 languages: PL, SK, CZ and EN).
> > >> >
> > >> > Is there any chance to edit this files on console?
> > >> > Or should I edit files in Linux/Mac/Win editor with
> > >> > UTF support and upload then to server?
> > >>
> > >> You can edit them inside vim, but they will not be
> > >> displayed correctly.
> > >
> > > That might be a configuration issue rather than the program.
> > > ("EN" in particular ;-)
> >
> > Generally speaking FreeBSD console doesnt support UTF-8. So even if
> > program (in this case vim) supports UTF-8 it will not work.
> What about editing with vim and setting manualy fileencoding=utf8?
> Next time you open this file vim should know that it is utf8 file or am I
> wrong?

To be absolutely clear:
the FreeBSD console does not support UTF-8, so if you're sitting at the box it 
will not work. For one there is no font for unicode, for two, the tty code 
does at present not know how to translate the characters into screen output 
even if there was a font. Work is being done for this, though.

If you're ssh'd into the box using an xterm or variant on your desktop, 
anything is possible as rendering the characters is the client's 
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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Gary Kline
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:21:22AM +0200, Polytropon wrote:
> I don't want to start a "style debate", but forgive me the
> following annotations:
> 1. Use the tab character for indentation. You can set its
>length with your favourite editor (e. g. mcedit: F9,
>Options, General; joe: ^TD). Don't waste with spaces.

Ja, been doing this since 1978.  Does anybody hit space-key 
8 times!?

> 2. The main() function should be declared as
>   int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>   int main(int argc, char **argv)
>Note that it's returning (int). Use this functionality.

I've come to prefer the *char argv[] ...  I didn't use the formal int
return because this was supposed throwaway code.  (Going on years now
tho, so ... my-bad.)

> 3. In case of errors (e. g. incorrect number of parameters)
>use fprintf() to stderr, or perror() with the builtin
>error handling (e. g. for "file not found" by fopen()).
> 4. Use the predefined return codes, don't hardcode them.
>FreeBSD has EXiT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE, they're for
>maximum compatibility (such as with Linux). There are
>more exit codes for differentiation, but they're specific
>to FreeBSD, as far as I know.

This I did not know.  I have a prefab include file with a bunch 
of my own similar #defines.  Wow, great!

> 5. This is highly debatable: Use a good style for { and }.

Well, you're using the K&R { }; but for me, the "Ingres"
style [[ yes, it was invented by someone else ]] gets my vote.
I scan

more easily.  6 of one, half-dozen of another... .

> 6. Use delimiters around operators, e. g. buf[strlen(buf) - 1]
>instead of buf[strlen(buf)-1]; increases readability.


> Here is the program again, with some stylistic modifications
> and the "correct" (read: recommended, usual) exit code handling:

I'll swipe this.  I use this code with openoffice and abiword
because I compose with vi;  but I almost always forget to run 
my text thru joinlines and have to quit the word processor, run
jlines  bar; mv bar foo; then restart the word processor.
I figure that I've spend several centuries of my lifetime messing 
with jlines, so i'm overdue for doing it right


> /*
>  * simple prog to join all | very nearly all lines of a text file
>  * that make up one paragraph into one LONG line.  
>  *
>  * paragraphs are delimiated by a single \n break.
>  */
> #include 
> #include 
> #include 
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>   char buf[65536];
>   if(argc == 1) {
>   fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s < file > newfile\n", argv[0]);
>   exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>   }
>   while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin)) {
>   if(*buf == '\n') {
>   fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
>   } else {
>   buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = ' ';
>   fputs(buf, stdout);
>   }
>   }
>   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
> }
> Note that compiling with -Wall (always a good option) doesn't
> show any warning.
> I read my advices again... makes me sound so old! :-)
> -- 
> Polytropon
> From Magdeburg, Germany
> Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
> Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
The 2.41a release of Jottings:

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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread Mel Flynn
On Tuesday 31 March 2009 14:24:11 RW wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 08:15:54 +0200
> Mel Flynn  wrote:
> > On Tuesday 31 March 2009 08:05:11 manish jain wrote:
> > > I am migrating from Linux and am still learning the basics of
> > > FreeBSD. One thing that I would to carry over from my Linux days is
> > > to force an fsck on all filesystems at system startup. On Linux,
> > > this was simply a matter of editing /etc/rc.sysinit. Things seem a
> > > bit more complicated in the BSD world. Can somebody please point me
> > > in the right direction ?
> >
> > fsck -p is done by default (meaning, filesystems are not fully
> > scanned if they are marked clean). If pruning fails, background_fsck
> > is checked, which will work on UFS systems with soft updates, but is
> > not recommended by many as it may leave some errors unchecked.
> I don't think that's quite right,  fsck -p is only done if
> background_fsck=NO, otherwise an fsck -pF is done instead. The
> latter does an fsck -p on filesystems that aren't eligible for
> background checking - usually root and any none UFS filesystems.

As far as I can tell, -F -p skips clean disks (-p) and defers to background 
when possible, though the manpage doesn't exclude your or my theory. ENOTIME 
to check the source.
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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread Erik Trulsson
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 04:04:53PM +0100, Chris Rees wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 16:00:18 +0530
> manish jain  wrote:
> > Having bgfsck enabled is like
> > inviting a dragon to dinner when this happens.
> 2009/3/31 RW :
> > If you've done a normal install, soft-updates aren't enabled on /,
> > so it will get foreground checked by default.
> >
> > If I were you I'd reboot into single user mode and do a full fsck on it.
> Seriously, why is everyone against background fsck? Can anyone give a
> good reason? Please?

For background fsck to work as it is supposed to, it is necessary that
only certain errors can occur on the filesystem.  Other types of errors
cannot be corrected by a background fsck.

To make sure that only the allowable errors can occur it is necessary
for soft updates to be used and working as it is supposed to.

For soft updates to work as it is supposed to the disk subsystem must
provide certain guarantees on when and in which order blocks are written.

Normal PATA/SATA disks with write caching enabled (which is the default) do
not provide these guarantees.  Disabling write caching on will make them
adhere to the assumptions that soft updates make, but at the cost of a
severe performance penalty when writing to the disks.

In short therefore on a 'typical' PC you can fairly easily get errors on a
filesystem which background fsck cannot handle.

It is also the case that background fsck relies on snapshots to work,
At least in the past snapshots had stability problems.  Things are supposed
to be better these days, but many people have long memories for these kind
of problems.


Erik Trulsson
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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Juan Miscaro
2009/3/31 Ivan Voras :
> Juan Miscaro wrote:
>>> It looks like you created a both a fdisk partition table and a bsdlabel
>>> partition table on the ad3 drive. If so, your data is probably already
>>> corrupted.
>> What is a generic configuration?  Or can you explain how you come to
>> that conclusion?
> RAID 0 means striping data across N drives (2 in your case), with a
> fixed stripe size. From the information in kern.geom.confxml (which is
> why gstripe list should work), your stripe size is 4 kB, which is good
> for this purpose. This kind of setup is usually done with raw drives,
> i.e. with GEOM_STRIPE: "gstripe label st0 ad1 ad3". After this, your
> array is called stripe/st0 - this is where you create the file system,
> etc. "Striping" means that each drive contains only a part of the data.
> E.g. if you write 8 kB to the start of your array, the first 4 kB will
> be written to ad1, the next 4 kB to ad3. Both smaller and larger
> requests are handled logically. This means that the first sector on ad1
> contains the partition table of your array, if you partitioned it (and
> it looks like you did). The first sector of ad3 contains whatever data
> is at position 4096 in your array - probably nothing important because
> your partitions start at 32 kB - 512.
> If you wrote only the partition table to ad3 then it's not a big deal -
> it's useless but it may not corrupt anything important. If you proceeded
> to to something else on ad3, then there could be problems.
>>> ad1 is also strangely partitioned but since it's your first drive in a
>>> stripe this can be acceptable (it will contain the first sectors of the
>>> array, including its partition tables).
 # gstripe dump ad3
 Can't read metadata from ad3: Invalid argument.
 Not fully done.
>>> This can happen if the metadata on ad3 is corrupted. You'll need to dump
>>> the last sector and inspect it to verify.
>> I've never done that before.  Can you be explicit?
> Using information from your previous posts, you should do this:
> # dd if=/dev/ad3 of=ad3last count=1 skip=625142447
> # hd ad3last

Thanks for that great explanation.

The file ad3last.txt is attached.

  24 47 41 46 52 10 41 08  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |$GAFR.A.|
0010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 6f e2 42 25 00 00  |..o�B%..|
0020  00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ||
0030  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ||
0100  26 30 36 2f 32 37 2f 32  30 30 36 2d 50 34 4d 38  |&06/27/2006-P4M8|
0110  30 30 50 72 6f 2d 38 32  33 2d 36 41 37 4c 36 47  |00Pro-823-6A7L6G|
0120  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ||
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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread Chris Rees
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 16:00:18 +0530
manish jain  wrote:
> Having bgfsck enabled is like
> inviting a dragon to dinner when this happens.

2009/3/31 RW :
> If you've done a normal install, soft-updates aren't enabled on /,
> so it will get foreground checked by default.
> If I were you I'd reboot into single user mode and do a full fsck on it.

Seriously, why is everyone against background fsck? Can anyone give a
good reason? Please?


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Ivan Voras
Juan Miscaro wrote:

>> It looks like you created a both a fdisk partition table and a bsdlabel
>> partition table on the ad3 drive. If so, your data is probably already
>> corrupted.
> What is a generic configuration?  Or can you explain how you come to
> that conclusion?

RAID 0 means striping data across N drives (2 in your case), with a
fixed stripe size. From the information in kern.geom.confxml (which is
why gstripe list should work), your stripe size is 4 kB, which is good
for this purpose. This kind of setup is usually done with raw drives,
i.e. with GEOM_STRIPE: "gstripe label st0 ad1 ad3". After this, your
array is called stripe/st0 - this is where you create the file system,
etc. "Striping" means that each drive contains only a part of the data.
E.g. if you write 8 kB to the start of your array, the first 4 kB will
be written to ad1, the next 4 kB to ad3. Both smaller and larger
requests are handled logically. This means that the first sector on ad1
contains the partition table of your array, if you partitioned it (and
it looks like you did). The first sector of ad3 contains whatever data
is at position 4096 in your array - probably nothing important because
your partitions start at 32 kB - 512.

If you wrote only the partition table to ad3 then it's not a big deal -
it's useless but it may not corrupt anything important. If you proceeded
to to something else on ad3, then there could be problems.

>> ad1 is also strangely partitioned but since it's your first drive in a
>> stripe this can be acceptable (it will contain the first sectors of the
>> array, including its partition tables).
>>> # gstripe dump ad3
>>> Can't read metadata from ad3: Invalid argument.
>>> Not fully done.
>> This can happen if the metadata on ad3 is corrupted. You'll need to dump
>> the last sector and inspect it to verify.
> I've never done that before.  Can you be explicit?

Using information from your previous posts, you should do this:

# dd if=/dev/ad3 of=ad3last count=1 skip=625142447
# hd ad3last

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

xview problem

2009-03-31 Thread Giuseppe Pagnoni
Dear alll

I am running FreeBSD 7.1-RELEASE-p4 on an i386 machine and I am unable
to use applications that depend on xview. For example, when I try to
run "clock", I get:

Assertion failed: (ret != inval_id), function _XAllocID, file
xcb_io.c, line 378. Abort

and I get the same error for any other application using xview.

I have updated the installed software to the latest (as of today)
version of the ports tree, and I have also run the following command
listed in /usr/ports/UPDATING:

portupgrade -rf libxcb

but to no avail.

I have also googled the error message, but the only link that comes up
is in Japanese

Any suggestions?

thank you very much in advance

Giuseppe Pagnoni
Dip. Scienze Biomediche
Sezione Fisiologia
Univ. di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Via Campi 287
I-41100 Modena, Italy
Tel: +39-059-205-5742
Fax: +39-059-205-5363
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Re: installing freebsd 7.1 ( error mounting /dev/acd0 input/outputerror)

2009-03-31 Thread Chris Rees
[lines broken in quote]

2009/3/31 ajeesh joseph :
>  hello,I have tried the way how you suggested. But unfortunately iam getting 
> same
> i tried to install by plugging HDD as primary master and cdrom and primary 
> slave.I tried
> to install.During install a new problem of /dev/ad0s1a on /mnt : input/output 
> error appears,,can
> you help me in solving this so that i can install freebsd.


Your original configuration was hard drive as Primary Master, and CD
as Secondary Master. Are you using 80-conductor cables?

80 conductor:
40 conductor:

The 40 conductor ribbons sometimes throw up problems in strange times
and places, an effect I observed when installing FreeBSD on my Xbox.

Also, the 80-conductor cables often support CS jumper settings; try
setting both jumpers to cable select, and plug the 80-conductor cable
in with the labelled ends into the correct drives.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Wojciech Puchar

Tabbing is the worst form of indentation.  It is *much* better to use
spaces consistently.

stupid discussion and off topic. everybody write code as he/she like, or 
as a team decided if it's not single person work.

only end result matters.
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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Juan Miscaro
2009/3/31 Ivan Voras :
> Juan Miscaro wrote:
>>> What does "gstripe list" say? What does "sysctl -b kern.geom.confxml" say?
>> 'gstripe list' does not return any output at all.
>> Output to the sysctl command is attached.
> "gstripe list" cannot output nothing, since the sysctl output you posted
> says a partial GEOM_STRIPE instance is present on the system.

There *really is* no output to the 'gstripe list' command.

> This is bad:
>      ad3c
>      3
>          r0w0e0
>      ad3a
>      3
>          r0w0e0
>      ad3s1
>      3
>          r0w0e0
> It looks like you created a both a fdisk partition table and a bsdlabel
> partition table on the ad3 drive. If so, your data is probably already
> corrupted.

What is a generic configuration?  Or can you explain how you come to
that conclusion?

> ad1 is also strangely partitioned but since it's your first drive in a
> stripe this can be acceptable (it will contain the first sectors of the
> array, including its partition tables).
>> # gstripe dump ad3
>> Can't read metadata from ad3: Invalid argument.
>> Not fully done.
> This can happen if the metadata on ad3 is corrupted. You'll need to dump
> the last sector and inspect it to verify.

I've never done that before.  Can you be explicit?

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Re: Crontab for different ime zones

2009-03-31 Thread Colin House

Mel Flynn wrote:
> Once a year, since you can use months and days. In fact, iirc DST changes are 
> known 5 years ahead (I'm sure I"ll be corrected if this is not the case) so 
> one can even run a yearly cronjob to change the crontab ;)

You might want to mention that to the Australian state governments;
we've been getting a few months notice (might be a slight exaggeration,
definately nowhere near 5 years!) for the last few years now :(
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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Ivan Voras
Juan Miscaro wrote:

>> What does "gstripe list" say? What does "sysctl -b kern.geom.confxml" say?
> 'gstripe list' does not return any output at all.
> Output to the sysctl command is attached.

"gstripe list" cannot output nothing, since the sysctl output you posted
says a partial GEOM_STRIPE instance is present on the system.

This is bad:







It looks like you created a both a fdisk partition table and a bsdlabel
partition table on the ad3 drive. If so, your data is probably already

ad1 is also strangely partitioned but since it's your first drive in a
stripe this can be acceptable (it will contain the first sectors of the
array, including its partition tables).

> # gstripe dump ad3
> Can't read metadata from ad3: Invalid argument.
> Not fully done.

This can happen if the metadata on ad3 is corrupted. You'll need to dump
the last sector and inspect it to verify.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Juan Miscaro
2009/3/31 Ivan Voras :
> Juan Miscaro wrote:
>> This is the end of dmesg (the drives in question are ad1 and ad3):
>> GEOM_STRIPE: Device st0 created (id=3091204740).
>> GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ad1 attached to st0.
>> GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ad1 removed from st0.
>> GEOM_STRIPE: Device st0 destroyed.
>> GEOM_STRIPE: Device st0 created (id=3091204740).
>> GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ad1 attached to st0.
> Firstly, as you can see ad3 is never added. This can mean several
> things, of which the most probable is that its metadata has been
> destroyed. The messages after the second message is probably due to you
> opening the drives manually, bypassing gstripe, probably with the
> following commands.
>> # bsdlabel ad1
>> # /dev/ad1:
>> 8 partitions:
>> #        size   offset    fstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
>>   a: 1250280640       16    4.2BSD     2048 16384 28552
>>   c: 1250280656        0    unused        0     0         # "raw"
>> part, don't edit
>> partition a: partition extends past end of unit
>> partition c: partition extends past end of unit
>> bsdlabel: partition c doesn't cover the whole unit!
>> bsdlabel: An incorrect partition c may cause problems for standard
>> system utilities
>> # bsdlabel ad3
>> # /dev/ad3:
>> 8 partitions:
>> #        size   offset    fstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
>>   a: 625142432       16    4.2BSD     2048 16384 28552
>>   c: 625142448        0    unused        0     0         # "raw" part,
>> don't edit
>> These drives should appear to be identical.
> This is the wrong way to inspect your drives. If you did anything to the
> drives individually (i.e. bypassing gstripe) it's very likely you
> corrupted some data. I don't know if this is obvious to you so I'm
> saying it just in case. Inspect your drives with "diskinfo -v" to get
> information such as its size.

Good to know.  Thanks.

# diskinfo -v ad3
512 # sectorsize
320072933376# mediasize in bytes (298G)
625142448   # mediasize in sectors
620181  # Cylinders according to firmware.
16  # Heads according to firmware.
63  # Sectors according to firmware.

# diskinfo -v ad1
512 # sectorsize
320071851520# mediasize in bytes (298G)
625140335   # mediasize in sectors
620178  # Cylinders according to firmware.
16  # Heads according to firmware.
63  # Sectors according to firmware.

> What does "gstripe list" say? What does "sysctl -b kern.geom.confxml" say?

'gstripe list' does not return any output at all.

Output to the sysctl command is attached.

> If "gstripe list" doesn't mention ad3, you need to establish what
> happened to metadata on ad3. Try extracting the last sector from ad3 by
> hand (using dd) into a file and inspect it (send output of "hd filename").

See other post.



Total=2, Online=1

































Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Juan Miscaro
2009/3/31 Ivan Voras :
> Ivan Voras wrote:
>> If "gstripe list" doesn't mention ad3, you need to establish what
>> happened to metadata on ad3. Try extracting the last sector from ad3 by
>> hand (using dd) into a file and inspect it (send output of "hd filename").
> I just noticed there could be an easier way to do it: use "gstripe dump
> ad3" - it will write out its metadata. Use the manual (dd) approach if
> this doesn't work.

# gstripe dump ad3
Can't read metadata from ad3: Invalid argument.
Not fully done.

# gstripe dump ad1
Metadata on ad1:
 Magic string: GEOM::STRIPE
 Metadata version: 3
  Device name: st0
Device ID: 3091204740
  Disk number: 0
Total number of disks: 2
  Stripe size: 4096
   Hardcoded provider:
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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Ivan Voras
Ivan Voras wrote:

> If "gstripe list" doesn't mention ad3, you need to establish what
> happened to metadata on ad3. Try extracting the last sector from ad3 by
> hand (using dd) into a file and inspect it (send output of "hd filename").

I just noticed there could be an easier way to do it: use "gstripe dump
ad3" - it will write out its metadata. Use the manual (dd) approach if
this doesn't work.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread RW
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 16:00:18 +0530
manish jain  wrote:

> As for the reason why I want to force fsck is that it has now
> happened 3 timed that, after a clean and proper shutdown - with no
> foreign filesystems mounted, FreeBSD has complained on system restart
> (twice on a 5.x distribution I had briefly used and now once on 7.1)
> that / was not properly unmounted. Having bgfsck enabled is like
> inviting a dragon to dinner when this happens.

If you've done a normal install, soft-updates aren't enabled on /,
so it will get foreground checked by default. 

If I were you I'd reboot into single user mode and do a full fsck on it.
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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Ivan Voras
Juan Miscaro wrote:

> This is the end of dmesg (the drives in question are ad1 and ad3):

> GEOM_STRIPE: Device st0 created (id=3091204740).
> GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ad1 attached to st0.
> GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ad1 removed from st0.
> GEOM_STRIPE: Device st0 destroyed.
> GEOM_STRIPE: Device st0 created (id=3091204740).
> GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ad1 attached to st0.

Firstly, as you can see ad3 is never added. This can mean several
things, of which the most probable is that its metadata has been
destroyed. The messages after the second message is probably due to you
opening the drives manually, bypassing gstripe, probably with the
following commands.

> # bsdlabel ad1
> # /dev/ad1:
> 8 partitions:
> #size   offsetfstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
>   a: 1250280640   164.2BSD 2048 16384 28552
>   c: 12502806560unused0 0 # "raw"
> part, don't edit
> partition a: partition extends past end of unit
> partition c: partition extends past end of unit
> bsdlabel: partition c doesn't cover the whole unit!
> bsdlabel: An incorrect partition c may cause problems for standard
> system utilities
> # bsdlabel ad3
> # /dev/ad3:
> 8 partitions:
> #size   offsetfstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
>   a: 625142432   164.2BSD 2048 16384 28552
>   c: 6251424480unused0 0 # "raw" part,
> don't edit
> These drives should appear to be identical.

This is the wrong way to inspect your drives. If you did anything to the
drives individually (i.e. bypassing gstripe) it's very likely you
corrupted some data. I don't know if this is obvious to you so I'm
saying it just in case. Inspect your drives with "diskinfo -v" to get
information such as its size.

What does "gstripe list" say? What does "sysctl -b kern.geom.confxml" say?

If "gstripe list" doesn't mention ad3, you need to establish what
happened to metadata on ad3. Try extracting the last sector from ad3 by
hand (using dd) into a file and inspect it (send output of "hd filename").

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: UTF-8 file + console

2009-03-31 Thread Paul B. Mahol
On 3/31/09, Maciej Milewski  wrote:
> Tuesday 31 March 2009 12:15:33 Paul B. Mahol napisał(a):
>> On 3/31/09, Thomas Dickey  wrote:
>> > On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:36:32AM +0200, Paul B. Mahol wrote:
>> >> On 3/31/09, Arek Czereszewski  wrote:
>> >> > Hi,
>> >> >
>> >> > I have php application in UTF-8 on server
>> >> > (in files are 4 languages: PL, SK, CZ and EN).
>> >> >
>> >> > Is there any chance to edit this files on console?
>> >> > Or should I edit files in Linux/Mac/Win editor with
>> >> > UTF support and upload then to server?
>> >>
>> >> You can edit them inside vim, but they will not be
>> >> displayed correctly.
>> >
>> > That might be a configuration issue rather than the program.
>> > ("EN" in particular ;-)
>> Generally speaking FreeBSD console doesnt support UTF-8. So even if
>> program (in this case vim) supports UTF-8 it will not work.
> What about editing with vim and setting manualy fileencoding=utf8?
> Next time you open this file vim should know that it is utf8 file or am I
> wrong?

That questions is for vim list. And utf-8 support in vim is very well

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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread RW
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 08:15:54 +0200
Mel Flynn  wrote:

> On Tuesday 31 March 2009 08:05:11 manish jain wrote:
> > I am migrating from Linux and am still learning the basics of
> > FreeBSD. One thing that I would to carry over from my Linux days is
> > to force an fsck on all filesystems at system startup. On Linux,
> > this was simply a matter of editing /etc/rc.sysinit. Things seem a
> > bit more complicated in the BSD world. Can somebody please point me
> > in the right direction ?
> fsck -p is done by default (meaning, filesystems are not fully
> scanned if they are marked clean). If pruning fails, background_fsck
> is checked, which will work on UFS systems with soft updates, but is
> not recommended by many as it may leave some errors unchecked.

I don't think that's quite right,  fsck -p is only done if
background_fsck=NO, otherwise an fsck -pF is done instead. The
latter does an fsck -p on filesystems that aren't eligible for
background checking - usually root and any none UFS filesystems. 

In other words you need to set background_fsck=NO to get a preen on
all filesystems.

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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Juan Miscaro
2009/3/31 Ivan Voras :
> Juan Miscaro wrote:
>> Hi gang,
>> I'm running a remote 6.2 system which recently got shut down
>> unexpectedly (tower was physically nudged and apparently lost power).
>> I am running a 2-disk striped array with the geom_stripe.ko module.
>> So my fstab line is
>> /dev/stripe/st0a        /data           ufs     rw,acls         2       2
>> Thing is, the /dev/stripe directory no longer exists.  The system was
>> running for well over 2 years with several reboots in there.  I have a
>> lot of data that I want to recover on these 2 disks.  Is there any way
>> to regain access to the data?  I can' t seem to find anything unusual
>> in the logs.
> You need to see if the drives that have made the array still exist and
> are accessible. See if they are recognized in dmesg - maybe a cable was
> knocked out from one of them.

This is the end of dmesg (the drives in question are ad1 and ad3):

acd0: CDROM  at ata0-master PIO4
ad1: 305244MB  at ata0-slave UDMA100
ad3: 305245MB  at ata1-slave UDMA100
GEOM_STRIPE: Device st0 created (id=3091204740).
GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ad1 attached to st0.
ad4: 152626MB  at ata2-master SATA150
WARNING: Expected rawoffset 0, found 63
da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0:  Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device
da0: 40.000MB/s transfers
da0: 476940MB (976773168 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 60801C)
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ad4s1a
WARNING: R/W mount of /backups denied.  Filesystem is not clean - run fsck
WARNING: R/W mount of /backups denied.  Filesystem is not clean - run fsck
rl0: link state changed to UP
arp: moved from 00:0f:ea:56:4c:11 to 00:0d:87:b4:00:3e on rl0
arp: moved from 00:0d:87:b4:00:3e to 00:0f:ea:56:4c:11 on rl0
GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ad1 removed from st0.
GEOM_STRIPE: Device st0 destroyed.
GEOM_STRIPE: Device st0 created (id=3091204740).
GEOM_STRIPE: Disk ad1 attached to st0.

# bsdlabel ad1

# /dev/ad1:
8 partitions:
#size   offsetfstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
  a: 1250280640   164.2BSD 2048 16384 28552
  c: 12502806560unused0 0 # "raw"
part, don't edit
partition a: partition extends past end of unit
partition c: partition extends past end of unit
bsdlabel: partition c doesn't cover the whole unit!
bsdlabel: An incorrect partition c may cause problems for standard
system utilities

# bsdlabel ad3

# /dev/ad3:
8 partitions:
#size   offsetfstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
  a: 625142432   164.2BSD 2048 16384 28552
  c: 6251424480unused0 0 # "raw" part,
don't edit

These drives should appear to be identical.

I have since run fsck on the other drive (ad4, an external USB drive).

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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 07:48:00 -0400, William Gordon Rutherdale 
> Tabbing is the worst form of indentation.  It is *much* better to use 
> spaces consistently.

may I ask what exactly you mean by "consistently"? I've seen
various opinions about how many spaces make up one indentation level,
beginning from 1, over 4, up to 10. Where's the consistency, or is
it defined on a per-programmer basis?

And why is this much better?

When I would compare both indentation forms, I'd say that tabbing
is the better form because
 + you can set your individually preferred tab with using the
   settings of your editor, be it 1, 4 or 8,
 + you can change the indentation while you're coding, e. g. when
   the indentation level makes the code exceed the right margin
   of your editor's window,
 + you need more keypressing to get through the indentation with
   the spaces, one keypress per space, while you only need one
   keypress per tab (which equals one indentation level),
 + per indentation level only 1 byte is needed (tab = ASCII 9), while
   spacing requires more bytes, one per space (space = ASCII 32),
 + while you can convert tabs into spaces, you cannot easily convert
   spaces back into tabs, and finally
 + even FreeBSD uses the tabbing style.

I'm aware that one can argue about where { is to be placed, but
I don't see any valid reason to use spaces for indentation instead
of tabs (which I would even call "standard").

It's a honest question: What are your arguments for using tabs?
Hint: "it is *much* better" doesn't count. :-)

// EDIT: added one further argument pro tab

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread William Gordon Rutherdale

Polytropon wrote:

I don't want to start a "style debate", but forgive me the
following annotations:

1. Use the tab character for indentation. You can set its
   length with your favourite editor (e. g. mcedit: F9,
   Options, General; joe: ^TD). Don't waste with spaces.

2. The main() function should be declared as
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   Note that it's returning (int). Use this functionality.

3. In case of errors (e. g. incorrect number of parameters)
   use fprintf() to stderr, or perror() with the builtin
   error handling (e. g. for "file not found" by fopen()).

4. Use the predefined return codes, don't hardcode them.
   FreeBSD has EXiT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE, they're for
   maximum compatibility (such as with Linux). There are
   more exit codes for differentiation, but they're specific
   to FreeBSD, as far as I know.

5. This is highly debatable: Use a good style for { and }.

6. Use delimiters around operators, e. g. buf[strlen(buf) - 1]
   instead of buf[strlen(buf)-1]; increases readability.

Here is the program again, with some stylistic modifications
and the "correct" (read: recommended, usual) exit code handling:

 * simple prog to join all | very nearly all lines of a text file
 * that make up one paragraph into one LONG line.  

 * paragraphs are delimiated by a single \n break.


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char buf[65536];

if(argc == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s < file > newfile\n", argv[0]);

while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin)) {
if(*buf == '\n') {
fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
} else {
buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = ' ';
fputs(buf, stdout);


Note that compiling with -Wall (always a good option) doesn't
show any warning.

I read my advices again... makes me sound so old! :-)

Tabbing is the worst form of indentation.  It is *much* better to use 
spaces consistently.


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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Ivan Voras
Juan Miscaro wrote:
> Hi gang,
> I'm running a remote 6.2 system which recently got shut down
> unexpectedly (tower was physically nudged and apparently lost power).
> I am running a 2-disk striped array with the geom_stripe.ko module.
> So my fstab line is
> /dev/stripe/st0a/data   ufs rw,acls 2   2
> Thing is, the /dev/stripe directory no longer exists.  The system was
> running for well over 2 years with several reboots in there.  I have a
> lot of data that I want to recover on these 2 disks.  Is there any way
> to regain access to the data?  I can' t seem to find anything unusual
> in the logs.

You need to see if the drives that have made the array still exist and
are accessible. See if they are recognized in dmesg - maybe a cable was
knocked out from one of them.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread William Gordon Rutherdale
This isn't a BSD question.  It's just about elementary C.  As other 
people pointed out, you could have easily caught it anyway just by 
turning on warnings.


Gary Kline wrote:

people, i've been under the weather for days and will probably be for a few 
new  and TEMPORARY meds dont like me, ugh.

can anybody clue me in why the followin joinline program fails to catch if argc 
== 1?

 * simple prog to join all | very nearly all lines of a text file that 
 * make up one paragraph into one LONG line.  

 * paragraphs are delimiated by a single \n break.


main(int argc, char argv[])
   char buf[65536];

   if (argc == 1)
printf("Usage: %s < file > newfile\n", argv[0]);
exit (-1);
   while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) )
 if (*buf == '\n')
   fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
   buf[strlen(buf)-1] = ' ';
   fputs(buf, stdout);


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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Polytropon
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 07:48:00 -0400, William Gordon Rutherdale 
> Tabbing is the worst form of indentation.  It is *much* better to use 
> spaces consistently.

may I ask what exactly you mean by "consistently"? I've seen
various opinions about how many spaces make up one indentation level,
beginning from 1, over 4, up to 10. Where's the consistency, or is
it defined on a per-programmer basis?

And why is this much better?

When I would compare both indentation forms, I'd say that tabbing
is the better form because
 + you can set your individually preferred tab with using the
   settings of your editor, be it 1, 4 or 8,
 + you can change the indentation while you're coding, e. g. when
   the indentation level makes the code exceed the right margin
   of your editor's window,
 + per indentation level only 1 byte is needed (tab = ASCII 9), while
   spacing requires more bytes, one per space (space = ASCII 32),
 + while you can convert tabs into spaces, you cannot easily convert
   spaces back into tabs, and finally
 + even FreeBSD uses the tabbing style.

I'm aware that one can argue about where { is to be placed, but
I don't see any valid reason to use spaces for indentation instead
of tabs (which I would even call "standard").

It's a honest question: What are your arguments for using tabs?
Hint: "it is *much* better" doesn't count. :-)

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread Juan Miscaro
2009/3/31 hv :
> Am 30.03.2009 um 21:21 schrieb Juan Miscaro:
> Hi gang,
> I'm running a remote 6.2 system which recently got shut down
> unexpectedly (tower was physically nudged and apparently lost power).
> I am running a 2-disk striped array with the geom_stripe.ko module.
> So my fstab line is
> /dev/stripe/st0a    /data   ufs rw,acls 2   2
> Thing is, the /dev/stripe directory no longer exists.
> Make sure the the geom_stripe module is actually loaded. (with kldstat)
> If it's not already loaded, do a kldload geom_stripe (which creates the
> /dev/stripe directory, if the metadata exist on the disk ("automatic mode")

It *was* in automatic mode since it's been running and rebooting for
the past 2 years without any commands being issued in scripts.

The module was loaded but I unloaded it and reloaded it.  Strangely,
the size of the module (as given by 'kldstat') changed.  The output
line went from

 21 0xc0b0c000 6c9c geom_stripe.ko


 41 0xc4f42000 6000 geom_stripe.ko

The /dev/stripe directory is still not present.

> and perform a normal fsck afterwards. (e.g fsck -y /dev/stripe/st0a)
> If the metadata /(manual mode) are not stored on the disk, you need to issue
> exactly the same commands to recreate it as you originally did.
> All this is nicely documented in the man page (man gstripe)
> By adding the following line
> geom_stripe_load="YES"
> to /boot/loader.conf you make sure the stripe will be available after reboot
> (at least in "automatic mode").

Yes, the line is there (in /boot/loader.conf).

I fear the boot sector of one of the drives has been corrupted.

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Re: Cleaning up multiplicates in elf ldconfig path

2009-03-31 Thread Parv
in message <>,
wrote Mel Flynn thusly...
> On Sunday 29 March 2009 16:39:15 Parv wrote:
> > I am on FreeBSD/i386 6.4-STABLE (around Mar 1, 2009).  I failed
> > to find a solution to the (cosmetic) problem of ldconfig path
> > having duplicate directories (dmesg output wrapped for this
> > email) ...
( ... and both /usr/{X11R6,local} point to /misc/local ... )
> I've been running without /usr/X11R6 symlink for a long time and
> since XFree86 support has been removed from ports, it seems
> logical it can be safely deleted. However, flz@ (maintainer of
> xorg) has the authoritative answer.

Thanks Mel, at least for the confirmation.  Since I sent the email,
I have moved out /usr/X11R6 link (effectively deleted).  After two
days of daily use I have not seen anything different, besides
cleaned up dmesg(1) output.

  - Parv


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Re: installing freebsd 7.1 ( error mounting /dev/acd0 input/outputerror)

2009-03-31 Thread ajeesh joseph
 hello,I have tried the way how you suggested. But unfortunately iam getting 
same i tried to install by plugging HDD as primary master and cdrom 
and primary slave.I tried to install.During install a new problem of 
/dev/ad0s1a on /mnt : input/output error appears,,can you help me in solving 
this so that i can install freebsd. Original message From:Wojciech Puchar< >Date: 30 Mar 09 20:16:00Subject:Re: installing 
freebsd 7.1 ( error mounting /dev/acd0 input/outputerror)To: Kevin Kinsey 
CD/DVD DMA problems are commontryset hw.ata.atapidma=0 bootafter getting to 
bootloader prompt (6)On Mon, 30 Mar 2009, Kevin Kinsey wrote:> ajeesh joseph 
wrote: >>Hello,I was installing freebsd 7.0/7.1to my Ampro RB700,celeron>> 
processor,usb hdd 80gb using my CD drive.during the time of installation i>> 
get error "error mounting /dev/acd0 input/output error" >> could any one tell 
me how to solve this and how can i install the>> OS..regardsAjeesh> > /dev/a
 cd0 is your CDROM drive. > > Try using a different CD for starters ... (a > 
2nd copy) ... if that doesn't work, it might > be a bad CDROM drive. > > HTH, > 
> Kevin Kinsey > > If one studies too zealously, one easily loses his pants. >  
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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread Chris Rees
2009/3/31 manish jain :

> BTW, a lot of people who posted replies thought I was not aware that a preen
> is always executed at startup. When I said I wanted to force an fsck, I
> meant 'fsck -fy'. As for background checks, they are - in my opinion - a
> real nightmare. Even though I am just a learner on FreeBSD still, I can
> assure anyone, putting background_fsck="NO" into your rc.conf is one of the
> best things you can do.
> As for the reason why I want to force fsck is that it has now happened 3
> timed that, after a clean and proper shutdown - with no foreign filesystems
> mounted, FreeBSD has complained on system restart (twice on a 5.x
> distribution I had briefly used and now once on 7.1) that / was not properly
> unmounted. Having bgfsck enabled is like inviting a dragon to dinner when
> this happens.

Sorry, but I have to disagree. The filesystem that FreeBSD uses (UFS
to some, FFS to others) has a feature known as 'snapshots', something
alien to people in the Linux world. What this means, is that one can
take a 'snapshot' of a drive's state (somewhat like a versioning tag),
and mount, dump, OR fsck it. The point of a background fsck is that
the SNAPSHOT is fsck'd, and only if there is a problem (which there
usually isn't, due to soft-updates meaning that data are rarely lost
on power loss) does fsck require write access to the volume in

This is also why you can dump a live filesystem in FreeBSD.

Just to reiterate something said a thousand times, there is NOTHING
WRONG with background fscks, and just because something doesn't work
well for GNU/Linux doesn't mean it doesn't work with FreeBSD. There
are many differences, after all.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
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Re: Issues with OpenLDAP 2.4.15 and FreeBSD 8.0-CUrrent as well as with FreeBSD 7.2-PRE using DB 4.7

2009-03-31 Thread Bartosz Stec

O. Hartmann pisze:
I reported this earlier here and now I'm about to file a PR. Before 
that, I will ask whether there is a solution out here or someone can 
give a hint in case I ran into a hidden misconfiguration.

First I see on all FreeBSD flavours (7.2 and 8.0) a coredump of LDAP 
clients when doing ldapsearch, ldappasswd. The client performs well, 
but at the end it terminates with some SIG 11.

That's really funny when ldapadd just do what you want it to do, and 
gives you core dump instead of "bye bye" ;) I have the same issue with 
FreeBSD 7.2 (I'm not using OpenLDAP on CURRENT). From my observations 
this behaviour depends on options checked with 'make config'. SIG 11 
occurs with default settings, so I checked ONLY bdb, perl and SASL (just 
what I needed for shared address book). and now it is working like a 
charm. However it's not a SOLUTION for this problem, especially when you 
need other options from config.

Bartosz Stec

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Re: UTF-8 file + console

2009-03-31 Thread Maciej Milewski
Tuesday 31 March 2009 12:15:33 Paul B. Mahol napisał(a):
> On 3/31/09, Thomas Dickey  wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:36:32AM +0200, Paul B. Mahol wrote:
> >> On 3/31/09, Arek Czereszewski  wrote:
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > I have php application in UTF-8 on server
> >> > (in files are 4 languages: PL, SK, CZ and EN).
> >> >
> >> > Is there any chance to edit this files on console?
> >> > Or should I edit files in Linux/Mac/Win editor with
> >> > UTF support and upload then to server?
> >>
> >> You can edit them inside vim, but they will not be
> >> displayed correctly.
> >
> > That might be a configuration issue rather than the program.
> > ("EN" in particular ;-)
> Generally speaking FreeBSD console doesnt support UTF-8. So even if
> program (in this case vim) supports UTF-8 it will not work.
What about editing with vim and setting manualy fileencoding=utf8?
Next time you open this file vim should know that it is utf8 file or am I 

Maciej Milewski
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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread manish jain

Bruce Cran wrote:

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:35:11 +0530
manish jain  wrote:


I am migrating from Linux and am still learning the basics of
FreeBSD. One thing that I would to carry over from my Linux days is
to force an fsck on all filesystems at system startup. On Linux, this
was simply a matter of editing /etc/rc.sysinit. Things seem a bit
more complicated in the BSD world. Can somebody please point me in
the right direction ?

I found this from a post last year:

echo '/sbin/fsck -y -f' >> /etc/rc.early

Hi Bruce/Everyone else,

Thanks for the rc.early tip.

BTW, a lot of people who posted replies thought I was not aware that a 
preen is always executed at startup. When I said I wanted to force an 
fsck, I meant 'fsck -fy'. As for background checks, they are - in my 
opinion - a real nightmare. Even though I am just a learner on FreeBSD 
still, I can assure anyone, putting background_fsck="NO" into your 
rc.conf is one of the best things you can do.

As for the reason why I want to force fsck is that it has now happened 3 
timed that, after a clean and proper shutdown - with no foreign 
filesystems mounted, FreeBSD has complained on system restart (twice on 
a 5.x distribution I had briefly used and now once on 7.1) that / was 
not properly unmounted. Having bgfsck enabled is like inviting a dragon 
to dinner when this happens.

Thank you and Regards
Manish Jain

NB : Laast year I kudn't spell Software Engineer. Now I are won.
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Re: Recovering a GEOM RAID0 array

2009-03-31 Thread hv

Am 30.03.2009 um 21:21 schrieb Juan Miscaro:

Hi gang,

I'm running a remote 6.2 system which recently got shut down
unexpectedly (tower was physically nudged and apparently lost power).
I am running a 2-disk striped array with the geom_stripe.ko module.

So my fstab line is

/dev/stripe/st0a/data   ufs rw,acls  
2   2

Thing is, the /dev/stripe directory no longer exists.

Make sure the the geom_stripe module is actually loaded. (with kldstat)

If it's not already loaded, do a kldload geom_stripe (which creates  
the /dev/stripe directory, if the metadata exist on the disk  
("automatic mode") and perform a normal fsck afterwards. (e.g fsck -y / 
If the metadata /(manual mode) are not stored on the disk, you need to  
issue exactly the same commands to recreate it as you originally did.

All this is nicely documented in the man page (man gstripe)

By adding the following line


to /boot/loader.conf you make sure the stripe will be available after  
reboot (at least in "automatic mode").

Hope this helps

Henry Vogt  (Fon: ++49-7071-601-511, Fax: -826)
Campus Max-Planck-Institute, Spemannstr. 32-41, Tübingen, Germany

Description: Signierter Teil der Nachricht

Issues with OpenLDAP 2.4.15 and FreeBSD 8.0-CUrrent as well as with FreeBSD 7.2-PRE using DB 4.7

2009-03-31 Thread O. Hartmann
I reported this earlier here and now I'm about to file a PR. Before 
that, I will ask whether there is a solution out here or someone can 
give a hint in case I ran into a hidden misconfiguration.

First I see on all FreeBSD flavours (7.2 and 8.0) a coredump of LDAP 
clients when doing ldapsearch, ldappasswd. The client performs well, but 
at the end it terminates with some SIG 11.

Another very severe issue is with Db 4.7 and OpenLDAP 2.4.15 as taken 
from ports. On FreeBSD 7.1/7.2 I was running a OpenLDAP 1.4.15 server, 
used with DB 4.6. Several experimental boxes with FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT 
and FreeBSD 7.1/7.2 were referring to that LDAP server for user 
authetication. After backing up the database, installing DB 4.7, 
recompiling everything that depends on DB 4.X, recompiling at last 
OpenLDAP and doing a Db recover ends up in a problem. The clients which 
were willing to perform logins via ssh by autheticating users via this 
LDAP server refuses now authentication! The same client authenticates 
the users of the LDAP server via LDAP authentication when accessing 
protected webpages served by lighttpd. I also can enumerate /home with 
users taken from the LDAP server, except login in via ssh. I did not 
change sshd's config, so I suspect something else. Watching console log 
and slapd log I see no issues aside the slapd log, but console and sshd 
log tell something about an unknown user with uid . Googling for 
this error I find a lot of sshd/nss/ldap related issues - but no 
solution. Doinf a 'sudo' or 'su' on the same machine to users residing 
on LDAP db is possible. But connection via ssh isn't possible.

Another very strange behaviour occurs on FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT serving as 
OpenLDAP 2.4.15 server with cysrus-sasl compiled in and DB 4.7. 
Authentication to this server, even from the local host, takes 
approximately 20 - 30 seconds, connecting LUMA for administering also 
takes that long, even showing up the DIT in LUMA takes unconveniently 
long times to perform. This happens when this server was updated from 
FreeBSD 7.2-PRE to FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT with all the stuff completely 
fresh installed. Before the upgrade, the OpenLDAP server was running 
2.4.15 with DB 4.7 as well as it does now under FreeBSD 8.0-CUR.

Well, even with fresh standard installations taken from the templates 
when using nss_ldap/pam_ldap/OpenLDAP shows those strange issues on all 
mentioned boxes and OS flavours.

Now I think I ran into a severe issue with either OpenLDAP 2.4.15 and/or 
FreeBSD 8.0.

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Re: UTF-8 file + console

2009-03-31 Thread Paul B. Mahol
On 3/31/09, Thomas Dickey  wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:36:32AM +0200, Paul B. Mahol wrote:
>> On 3/31/09, Arek Czereszewski  wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I have php application in UTF-8 on server
>> > (in files are 4 languages: PL, SK, CZ and EN).
>> >
>> > Is there any chance to edit this files on console?
>> > Or should I edit files in Linux/Mac/Win editor with
>> > UTF support and upload then to server?
>> You can edit them inside vim, but they will not be
>> displayed correctly.
> That might be a configuration issue rather than the program.
> ("EN" in particular ;-)

Generally speaking FreeBSD console doesnt support UTF-8. So even if
program (in this case vim) supports UTF-8 it will not work.

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Re: UTF-8 file + console

2009-03-31 Thread Thomas Dickey
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:36:32AM +0200, Paul B. Mahol wrote:
> On 3/31/09, Arek Czereszewski  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have php application in UTF-8 on server
> > (in files are 4 languages: PL, SK, CZ and EN).
> >
> > Is there any chance to edit this files on console?
> > Or should I edit files in Linux/Mac/Win editor with
> > UTF support and upload then to server?
> You can edit them inside vim, but they will not be
> displayed correctly.

That might be a configuration issue rather than the program.
("EN" in particular ;-)

Thomas E. Dickey

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread Chris Rees
2009/3/31 Wojciech Puchar :

> IMHO this background fsck isn't good idea at all


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
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Re: UTF-8 file + console

2009-03-31 Thread Paul B. Mahol
On 3/31/09, Arek Czereszewski  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have php application in UTF-8 on server
> (in files are 4 languages: PL, SK, CZ and EN).
> Is there any chance to edit this files on console?
> Or should I edit files in Linux/Mac/Win editor with
> UTF support and upload then to server?

You can edit them inside vim, but they will not be
displayed correctly.

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Re: Why?? (prog question)

2009-03-31 Thread Polytropon
I don't want to start a "style debate", but forgive me the
following annotations:

1. Use the tab character for indentation. You can set its
   length with your favourite editor (e. g. mcedit: F9,
   Options, General; joe: ^TD). Don't waste with spaces.

2. The main() function should be declared as
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   Note that it's returning (int). Use this functionality.

3. In case of errors (e. g. incorrect number of parameters)
   use fprintf() to stderr, or perror() with the builtin
   error handling (e. g. for "file not found" by fopen()).

4. Use the predefined return codes, don't hardcode them.
   FreeBSD has EXiT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE, they're for
   maximum compatibility (such as with Linux). There are
   more exit codes for differentiation, but they're specific
   to FreeBSD, as far as I know.

5. This is highly debatable: Use a good style for { and }.

6. Use delimiters around operators, e. g. buf[strlen(buf) - 1]
   instead of buf[strlen(buf)-1]; increases readability.

Here is the program again, with some stylistic modifications
and the "correct" (read: recommended, usual) exit code handling:

 * simple prog to join all | very nearly all lines of a text file
 * that make up one paragraph into one LONG line.  
 * paragraphs are delimiated by a single \n break.


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char buf[65536];

if(argc == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s < file > newfile\n", argv[0]);

while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin)) {
if(*buf == '\n') {
fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
} else {
buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = ' ';
fputs(buf, stdout);


Note that compiling with -Wall (always a good option) doesn't
show any warning.

I read my advices again... makes me sound so old! :-)

>From Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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Re: Crontab for different ime zones

2009-03-31 Thread Mel Flynn
On Tuesday 31 March 2009 09:56:14 Olivier Nicole wrote:
> > > Is there a way to start jobs with cron using different a time-zone
> > > different from local time zone?
> > >
> > > I am in a TZ that has no Daylight Savings Time, and would like to
> > > start a job (reccording of a web cast) in a TZ that has DST (so with a
> > > time difference that changes along the year).
> > >
> > > Is there an automatic/intelligent way to do that?
> >
> > Not that I know of, yet since timezones only change twice a year you
> > can look up the changes for the coming year and adjust the crontab
> > accordingly.
> Hey, I am too lazyto change my crontab twice a year, and we have
> computers, they should do the work for us.

Once a year, since you can use months and days. In fact, iirc DST changes are 
known 5 years ahead (I'm sure I"ll be corrected if this is not the case) so 
one can even run a yearly cronjob to change the crontab ;)

Of course, waiting an hour during summertime is an option, as is running cron 
in a jail with /etc/localtime of the target timezone - use tzsetup(8) for that 
inside the jail (though seems overkill for the purpose).
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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread Daniel Marsh

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 15:01:37 +0800, Bruce Cran  wrote:

On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:35:11 +0530
manish jain  wrote:


I am migrating from Linux and am still learning the basics of
FreeBSD. One thing that I would to carry over from my Linux days is
to force an fsck on all filesystems at system startup. On Linux, this
was simply a matter of editing /etc/rc.sysinit. Things seem a bit
more complicated in the BSD world. Can somebody please point me in
the right direction ?

I found this from a post last year:

echo '/sbin/fsck -y -f' >> /etc/rc.early

You could also replace rc.early with rc.local if you want it to run later  
in the boot process.

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
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Re: Crontab for different ime zones

2009-03-31 Thread Olivier Nicole
> > Is there a way to start jobs with cron using different a time-zone
> > different from local time zone?
> >
> > I am in a TZ that has no Daylight Savings Time, and would like to
> > start a job (reccording of a web cast) in a TZ that has DST (so with a
> > time difference that changes along the year).
> >
> > Is there an automatic/intelligent way to do that?
> Not that I know of, yet since timezones only change twice a year you
> can look up the changes for the coming year and adjust the crontab
> accordingly.
Hey, I am too lazyto change my crontab twice a year, and we have
computers, they should do the work for us.

The way I did it:

- start the cron job at the earliest of both time (winter time, or
  summer time).

- at the begining of the job, have a small Perl script that will wait
  until it is the specified time in the specified time zone: at best
  it will not wait, at worst the perl script will sit idled for one
  hour before giving the hand back to the real job.

Et voila (well, it will be et voila once the job will have completed
succesfully once :)


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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread Wojciech Puchar
i don't know why you do want to FORCE it every boot. in FreeBSD it's not 

but you may add

to check filesystems at boot when needed, not delayed.

IMHO this background fsck isn't good idea at all
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Re: Question about forcing fsck at boottime

2009-03-31 Thread Bruce Cran
On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:35:11 +0530
manish jain  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am migrating from Linux and am still learning the basics of
> FreeBSD. One thing that I would to carry over from my Linux days is
> to force an fsck on all filesystems at system startup. On Linux, this
> was simply a matter of editing /etc/rc.sysinit. Things seem a bit
> more complicated in the BSD world. Can somebody please point me in
> the right direction ?

I found this from a post last year:

echo '/sbin/fsck -y -f' >> /etc/rc.early

Bruce Cran
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Re: UTF-8 file + console

2009-03-31 Thread Arek Czereszewski
Jeff Laine pisze:
> Sorry, I missed that you need a console editor. bluefish requires X
Yes, I don't have X on my servers.

Arek Czereszewski
arek (at) wup-katowice (dot) pl
"UNIX allows me to work smarter, not harder."
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