Sendmail IP interface assignment -- how to?

2007-10-03 Thread Rob

Hi All,

Working on standard sendmail 8.13.8 on FreeBSD 6.2.  Machine has a 2nd NIC that 
I want to use for a jail environment, so I'm trying to get rid of all the 
extraneous servers listening on it.

Sendmail was of course listening on the smtp and submission ports on all 
interfaces.  I tracked down the sendmail option DaemonPortOptions to configure 

In the STANDARD file there was:
   O DaemonPortOptions=Name=MTA
   O DaemonPortOptions=Port=587, Name=MSA, M=E

So I edited the .mc macro to add:

Which built with:
   O DaemonPortOptions=Addr=,Port=smtp,Name=MTA
   O DaemonPortOptions=Addr=,Port=smtp,Name=MTA
   O DaemonPortOptions=Port=587, Name=MSA, M=E

That closed port 25 on the extra NIC, but netstat still shows "tcp4 *.submission LISTEN". 
 I definitely need to close port 587 in the 2nd NIC, but I was wondering about "best 
practices" for this.  Shouldn't the submission thing ONLY be on the localhost IP?  I'm 
thinking I can use:

Am I going in the right direction here?  It looks like I've turned off smtp as intended, 
but wondering if I'm doing the right thing with restricting submission.  Any other 
suggestions on configuring this?  (other than "don't use sendmail")  This is on 
a live server, so I don't want to hose things up too much experimenting!

 -Thanks,  Rob
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Re: Sendmail IP interface assignment -- how to?

2007-10-04 Thread Rob

Matthew Seaman wrote:

Rob wrote:

That closed port 25 on the extra NIC, but netstat still shows "tcp4
*.submission LISTEN".  I definitely need to close port 587 in the 2nd
NIC, but I was wondering about "best practices" for this.  Shouldn't the
submission thing ONLY be on the localhost IP?  I'm thinking I can use:

You also need:
otherwise, you're definitely heading in the right direction.

Thanks, Matthew!  That was the piece I was missing.  I tried my Daemon_Options 
above, but found out its presence does not disable the default config to listen 
on all interfaces.  I got it working by directly editing the .cf, but your 
trick does it from the macro config.

The final result ended up as:
FEATURE(no_default_msa)dnl  # turn off MSA on all ports; only ue what's in 
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=2525,Addr=,Name=MTA')dnl  # smtp on alt port

Once I knew the right keywords to google, I found this article that might be of use to 
others:  "Five Tips for a Better sendmail Configuration"

 -Thanks,  Rob
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Re: Abit Motherboard

2007-10-06 Thread Rob

Doug Hardie wrote:
I am planning for replacing one of my servers.  I want to upgrade to at 
least a dual-core machine.  I found the Abit IP 35 Pro motherboard at 
Frys which looks like it has most everything I need.  However, I don't 

I wouldn't piss away any of my money on ABIT's garbage.  Try getting on 
their web site and finding any support for anything more than a year 
old.  I guess there's really no point, since their boards usually die 
within a couple years anyway.  Just my own opinion, biased by my 
experience with ABIT, but -- hey, you asked  ;)


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Re: what kind of UPS will work best?

2007-10-08 Thread Rob

Pieter de Goeje wrote:
verify my guess on the overall power usage of my servers I bought a VA/Watts 
meter (EUR. 39,-). Turns out average wattage is about 90watts per server idle 
and max 130watts under load. On powerup they will use a max. of 180watts for 

I've got one of these:

Works nicely for measuring cumulative power usage.  APC's web site also has a 
selector with very model-specific power consumption figures:

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Re: what kind of UPS will work best?

2007-10-08 Thread Rob

Gary Kline wrote:

Outstanding; thanks++ for the URL for the watt/amp/volt/Hz/VA
	meter.  I just ordred one.   Also for the  ups_selector page.  

Glad to help.  When you're experimenting with the meter, remember that 
for many devices you need to plug it in for a couple days to average out 
the load.  Like a refrigerator, where the defrost only kicks in every 
few days.  No so big a deal on computers, but you'll still get more 
accurate numbers.  I saw one online review of the thing where the author 
was testing devices for less than an hour at a time, which is NOT going 
to give any accurate results.

Some of my discoveries:  CRTs that don't go into low power mode suck 
obscene amounts of power.  Refrigerators aren't as bad a you might 
think.  Most the draw in a residence is the HVAC.

I'll send you (off list) a spreadsheet I was using to track stuff.

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Re: installation question

2007-10-16 Thread Rob

Michael Silverstein wrote:
There are two installation CD's for FreeBSD 6.2.  After booting the 
first one, and requesting ALL packages and ALL ports, the installation 
seems to go ok until the end when it complains that it cannot find the 
requested package on the media from which installation is being made.

Yikes!  You probably filled all the available disk space.  If you were to flip 
over to one of the other virtual consoles (Alt F1 thru F4) you would probably 
see a panic or other warning.

First off, YOU DO NOT WANT ALL THAT STUFF!  There are 18,000 or so 3rd party software packages that 
have been ported to FreeBSD.  You can install the ones you want either as pre-compiled binaries, via 
"packages";  or configure & compile them yourself via "ports".  For a given 
software package you should use packages OR ports, but not both.

Also, the 3rd party software on the install CDs is usually obsolete by the time 
you're installing it.  Don't install any of that stuff at OS installation time. 
 Get the system up and running, then investigate how to get a current copy of 
the ports framework installed.  Hint:  look into portsnap.

I'd also suggest setting up a separate file system (I use /build) for ports and 
operating system source at install time.  This is usually /usr/ports, /usr/src, 
and /usr/obj.  I just like to keep it in a separate fs for ease of backup and 
other issues;  others may disagree.

Questions: Do I have a complete installation? How do I install whatever 
is on the 2nd CD?

You only need the first CD for a complete installation of FreeBSD.  Load it and 
the full source code.  Don't screw with ports, packages, or any of the X11 (X 
windows) during installation.


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Re: won't load in IE 7.x in vista box.

2007-10-17 Thread Rob

Lisandro Grullon wrote:

Hi Michael,
Thank you for your suggestion, but after trying what you told me I still unable 
to load, why am I able to load and not the 
US domain, is there something wrong with the US website? I can't seem to find 
logic here.

Let's see.. the problem is your stupid operating system and it's browser.

Why the hell do you continue to whine to us about it?

Take it up with billy gates and his minions.


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Re: Two questions about UNIX(r) certification.

2007-10-18 Thread Rob

Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:

I recently noticed that Apple's new OS, Leopard, is Unix certified.
I'd imagine that the big reason that FreeBSD hasn't done this yet is: It 
costs a lot of money.

There was a thread on this a month or 3 ago;  might want to check the archives. 
 I think the consensus came down to something like:  The certification is 
largely irrelevant, self-serving to a couple vendors that sponsor it, and 
expensive, so  - why bother?

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Re: Want to upgrade sendmail in next OS release

2007-10-22 Thread Rob

Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:

I'd like to upgrade my sendmail version in advance of
upgrading to the next release of the OS. I was wondering if I

> .

I don't want to build out of ports because it is set up not to
override the base install.

I ran into the same problem years ago, with sendmail from ports 
installing into the /usr/local path, and creating two different versions 
on the same system, and generally making a Big Mess of itself.

But from some posts here a couple months ago, and reading the Makefile, 
I ~THINK~ it [the port] is now set up to replace the stock sendmail and 
install into the regular system paths.

I'm only like 90% on this, but hopefully someone else will confirm:  I 
think the port will do what you want.


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Re: defend from -> :() { :&:; } ;:

2007-10-23 Thread Rob

Mike Jeays wrote:

Please do not try to execute this: :() { :&:; } ;: on your BSD machine.

What does it do?

It is easier to understand when you replace the ":" by a more conventional 
subroutine name.

myproc () {
  myproc &


It recursively generates useless processes that clog up the machine. Mine 
ground to a halt and froze after a few seconds.

Interesting, if not annoying ;)  Thanks for the explanation, Mike.  I edited 
/etc/login.conf and changed maxproc=unlimited to maxproc=200.  Then tried it.  Took a 
second or so to start spewing "Cannot fork: Resource temporarily unavailable".  
I'd opened a 2nd session, and ps wasn't even able to give me full info on what was 
happening.  Luckily, is was easily interruptible and the system seemed to recover.


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Re: Windows SSH client?

2007-10-24 Thread Rob

Eric F Crist wrote:
I'm looking for a good, free, SSH client that has line/column numbers at 
the bottom, similar to SecureCRT.  Any advice is appreciated!

I've used Tera Term for years and recently discovered there's a new 
actively developed version at  If you 
don't come up with anything else, it might be easy to add the numbering. 
 It appears to already have a current SSH implementation.

Wikipedia has a big comparison matrix, too:

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Re: Installing Security Advisories

2007-10-26 Thread Rob

Tino Engel wrote:

I was trying to install actual FreeBSD patches as mentioned in Security 
Then the patch programm ask me which file to apply the patch at. The Security 
Advisory tells nothing about this.

Do you have the full source code installed on the system?  You may only have the kernel, which will 
have the "sys" directory under /usr/src and little else.  Full source on my 6.2 system 
has 19 directories under /usr/src, including /usr/src/usr.bin which has a good portion of the 
"user land" code.

I've done the patches quite a few times with no hitches.


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Re: DVD distribution

2007-10-26 Thread Rob

Michel Ali wrote:

I’m an IT manager.
I am just wondering why you do not have a DVD distribution. [I know about
Could you do something about that, it would be really helpful and handy?

But all the necessary stuff fits on one cheap CD, and is a reasonable 
sized download.  So I doubt many people bother with the DVD


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Re: cp --verify?

2007-10-28 Thread Rob

Steve Franks wrote:

I don't see a --verify switch on cp, so I presume it does not.  Is
there an automated way to ensure a copy has gone well byte-for-byte
without writing a script to filter diff?  I want to be relatively sure

If you use the diff command and specify directories, it will compare the 
contents of each, as well as comparing all the files byte for byte. 
Check "man diff" -- there should also be an option to check down through 
any subdirectories as well.


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Re: install

2007-11-08 Thread Rob

Leonard Lilla wrote:

Talk about a horrible install. Install this CD, now that now
this now that now this now that!!! It goes on and on. Please do think about
people that are trying your install and are less knowledgeable and install
using your 2 cd install. It is just horrible how many times I went from CD1

You're doing something wrong, or at least sub-optimal.  Unfortunately, some of 
the online documentation isn't as good as it could be.

I NEVER screw with the 2nd CD.  I don't even download it.  Try installing from 
CD 1;  do NOT do any of the ports or package installs.  That stuff is out of 
data by the time you install it anyway.  Read up in the handbook on how to use 
portsnap to install a current version of ports over the net, port installation.

If you're trying to build a workstation (ie:  with X') rather than a server, 
consider using PC-BSD or Freesbie (google it).


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Re: recurring kernel panic

2007-11-09 Thread Rob

Kelly Martin wrote:

I'm getting daily kernel panics. The server was running fine for about
a month, the only changes I've made recently have been to update all
my ports. It's running on older i386 hardware, no special devices

Like the others said -- I'd seriously suspect hardware problems.  Memory is a 
good place to start.  Try MemTest:

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Re: One Laptop Per Child

2007-11-13 Thread Rob

I am usually not the one to bring up these things but I feel very
strongly about this. Starting Monday, November 12 this website is
offering a give one get one deal. I believe the money will be well
invested. YMMV

I have to agree with many posters, this project is the most seriously 
misdirected, biggest crock of shit I've heard of in years.

We're talkin' people in 3rd world conditions, without basic essentials 
of life, and some idiot wants to give them COMPUTERS?!?!?   WFT?  Where 
are they gonna get electricity to charge them, instruction in use, 
repair, software updates, etc.  And they don't have toilet paper, so all 
the keys on the left half are gonna go bad!

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Re: Firewall Redirect

2007-11-30 Thread Rob

Lucas Neves Martins wrote:

Redirect requests from the port 80, to the port 8082. - for apache tomcat.
   422  ipfw add 950 divert 8082 tcp from any to any 80 via em0
   425  ipfw add 950 divert 8082 tcp from any to any 80 via em0
   428  ipfw add 950 divert 80 tcp from any to any 8082 via em0

It's not as "clean" as doing it with ipfw, but there a port redirect utilty in 
ports/net/redir that might do might accomplish what you want.


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Re: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-13 Thread Rob

Daniel Bye wrote:

with sendmail for the MTA, but I've not used any servers that will allow for
POP and IMAP.  What in the ports would be good suggestions from those here
who've used them?

dovecot is excellent - easy setup, stable and reliable, provides IMAP

I'll 2nd Dovecot.  Been running it for IMAP for 3 years or more. See 
ports/mail/dovecot and


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Re: Suggestions please for what POP or IMAP servers to use

2007-12-13 Thread Rob

Andrew Falanga wrote:

sounds like everyone is sold on dovecot.  Great!.  I've a few questions. 
anyone explain to me what problems they have with mail clients attaching?
See .  This shows some interesting problems

The developer is very adamant about writing dovecot strictly to the letter of 
the IMAP specification.  He's also discovered many of the popular clients have 
bugs, and are unable to work (or at least have issues) with an IMAP server that 
goes purely by the rules.

He refused to "break" his software to work around bugs on the client side, but ultimately compromised by writing in work-arounds that you can enable in the config file.  You can enable them all if you like.  

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Re: Apparently, csh programming is considered harmful.

2007-12-13 Thread Rob

Chad Perrin wrote:

I ran across this today:
Title:  Csh Programming Considered Harmful
I wonder what responses I might get here, and how much of this applies to
tcsh as well (I'm still not exactly a tcsh expert).

If you really want to troll, there's a "unix haters handbook" available 
as a pdf out there (stw)


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Re: Apparently, csh programming is considered harmful.

2007-12-13 Thread Rob

Jerry McAllister wrote:
Bash has all the features one is likely to need for interactive use 
as well, and one could make a good case for it being the 'standard' shell 

Yeah, right... when Penguins Fly (hahahaha)  [that was intended as a 
joke and dumb linux reference]

I find bash to be ugly and hate it for interactive use.
I would rather just use /bin/sh.  jerry

Seriously, Jerry, what do you dislike about it?  If you ignore its 
features, it's no different from sh that I've seen.


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Re: Can't edit rc.conf. FS mounted in read-only mode!

2003-11-05 Thread Rob
mount -a

will mount all filesystems, and remount root as read/write.

- Original Message -
From: "Сергей Куликов" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't edit rc.conf. FS mounted in read-only mode!

> I made a mistake while editting /etc/rc.conf.
> Now my system boots only in single-user mode and with root filesystem
> mounted read-only. In this mode as you see I'm unable to correct
> /etc/rc.conf because I have no write permissions on my filesystem.
> What should I do, can anybody help me please?
> --
> Best regards,
>  Sergey  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: dhcp question

2003-11-05 Thread Rob
If you're running dhcpd(8) on two interfaces, the command should
probably be

/usr/sbin/dhcpd -q rl1 rl2

Have you checked /var/log/messages for errors?

- Original Message -
From: "Your Name" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dhcp question

> --
> Hi all
> I would like to configure 2 network cards to have dhcp server function
> but it doesnt'work
> NIC rl0 is WAN port
> NIC rl1 is for network
> NIC rl2 is for network
> I put in the /usr/local/etc/rc.d
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/sbin/dhcpd rl1 -q
> /usr/sbin/dhcpd rl2 -q
> Those rl1 and rl2 are using NAT to go to outside
> In the /etc/dhcpd.conf
> I configured the network
> authoritative;
> subnet netmask {
>   range;
>   option domain-name "";
>   option domain-name-servers;
>   default-lease-time 600;
>   max-lease-time 7200;
>   option routers;
>   option broadcast-address;
>   default-lease-time 600;
>   max-lease-time 7200;
> }
> subnet netmask {
>   range;
>   option domain-name "";
>   option domain-name-servers;
>   default-lease-time 600;
>   max-lease-time 7200;
>   option routers;
>   option broadcast-address;
>   default-lease-time 600;
>   max-lease-time 7200;
> }
> Thank you
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Re: Extracting individual Files via tar

2003-11-06 Thread Rob
You should always use the f option to specify the archive - for example

tar -tzf archive.tgz

to list or

tar -xzf archive.tgz

to extract. In your example below, you didn't specify an archive so it
defaulted to the device /dev/sa0, which it couldn't open.

Any extra arguments are treated as archive members - eg

tar -xzf archive.tgz files/to/extract

In your example below, it was trying to find 2 files in a non-existent

- Original Message -
From: "Martin McCormick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Extracting individual Files via tar

> The command
> tar ztf  /usr/local/src/ports.tar.gz
> produces a table of contents just like the man page says it should.
> The man page also says that individual files can be recovered or
> listed but I haven't gotten that to work at all. if I try:
> $ tar zt ports/print/pstotext/ /usr/local/src/ports.tar.gz
> tar (child): /dev/sa0: Cannot open: Permission denied
> tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
> gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
> tar: Child returned status 2
> tar: ports/print/pstotext: Not found in archive
> tar: /usr/local/src/ports.tar.gz: Not found in archive
> tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
> In the successful test, tar obviously knew which specification
> was the archive and was able to uncompress it with the z flag.  The
> file specification I am attempting to recover from the archive throws
> tar completely off.  I looked in the handbook and all the examples I
> found were the more usual procedure of unpacking whole file systems
> as in
> tar zxf somedir/archive.tar.gz
> I'm not having trouble with that use of tar.
> Thank you.
> Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK
> OSU Information Technology Division Network Operations Group
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Re: Adding packages to the 4.7-RELEASE

2003-11-13 Thread Rob
If you've installed the ports collection from the 4.7 CD-ROM, you should
be able to say

cd /usr/ports/lang/python
make install

and as long as the source tarballs are still available, you will have

- Original Message -
From: "Steve Blair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Adding packages to the 4.7-RELEASE

> Hello:
> I'm having difficulty locating a download site
> where I can get a python interpreter. I am running
> 4.7-RELEASE and both /stand/sysinstall and browing
> mirror sites using a web browser turn up nothing.
> Can you either mail me the python package or point
> me to a site where I get retrieve it? I've tried
> setting my release to "any" but that has not
> fixed or changed the problem.
> Thanks,Steve
> --
> ISC Network Engineering
> The University of Pennsylvania
> 3401 Walnut Street, Suite 221A
> Philadelphia, PA 19104
> voice: 215-573-8396
> fax: 215-898-9348
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Re: FreeBSD Essay.

2003-11-13 Thread Rob
[Apologies for not quoting - braindead MUA]

A good overview of BSD history is at - you could
then research some aspect of the story that interests you.

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Re: CVSUP server

2003-11-15 Thread Rob
Have a look at

- Original Message -
From: "dvv" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CVSUP server

> Hi!
> Can you tell me thesize of FreeBSD src+ports. Couple of guys including
> are exploring the possibility to run a CVSUP server in Nulgaria and
> it once per day. What are the requierements for CVS machines and is it
> acceptable the machine to be accessible from the destination country
> Best regards,
> Dimitar Vassilev
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2003-11-15 Thread Rob
A couple of things:

The range statement is for unknown clients - they will be given a lease
in this range by the server. It doesn't control the host definition,
which will use the address in the fixed-address statement.

The host definition would normally go inside the subnet definition - at
the moment, it's not going to get the netmask or router options.

Any errors in the dhcpd.conf will be mentioned in /var/log/messages when
the service starts up.

Hope that helps

- Original Message -
From: "Gerard Samuel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2003 5:47 AM
Subject: DHCP

> A bit off topic, but any help would be appreciated.
> Im trying to setup DHCP for the first time.
> I set winXP to auto configure itself in the network section, but it
> still remains on the IP address that it was previously set at, and not
> obeying, the range of IP Addresses listed in dhcp.conf.
> The connection works, I can use the network, but looking to see if
there are
> any errors in dhcp.conf file.
> Also, is there a way to not specify the MAC address, and have DHCP
still work.
> For example, say a family member comes over with their laptop, can
they just
> plug in and go??
> Thanks for any pointers...
> dhcp.conf
> -
> # dhcpd.conf
> #
> # Sample configuration file for ISC dhcpd
> #
> # option definitions common to all supported networks...
> option domain-name "";
> option domain-name-servers;
> default-lease-time 600;
> max-lease-time 7200;
> # ad-hoc DNS update scheme - set to "none" to disable dynamic DNS
> ddns-update-style none;
> subnet netmask {
>   range;
>   option routers;
> }
> #laptop
> host laptop {
>   hardware ethernet 00:50:BA:7A:F0:A3;
>   fixed-address;
> }
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Re: hostnames and interfaces

2003-11-21 Thread Rob
My non-technical understanding:

* A BSD system has a fully qualified domain name that is set and
retrieved by the hostname(1) command. This is normally defined in
/etc/rc.conf and considered the 'true name' of the system. If this name
does not resolve to an IP address, many network services will complain
(such as sendmail). If this IP address is not configured on an interface
on the system, many things will get confused (such as routing).

* You can also configure other interfaces, either on extra network cards
or using the alias option of ifconfig(8). These interfaces should have
different IP addresses, and names are optional (but convenient).

* Any IP address can have extra names, either in /etc/hosts or on a
nameserver. The 'canonical' name should probably come first.

Your average BSD system will have 1 hostname that resolves to 1 address
configured on its single network interface. The /etc/hosts file will map
this address to the FQ hostname, and probably also to the short version
for convenience.

It will also have the name localhost, resolving to and
configured on lo0, again using /etc/hosts for resolution.

Anything beyond that is up to you...

- Original Message -
From: "paul van den bergen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: hostnames and interfaces

> hey all,
> I first encountered networking in CISCO land... where IP addresses and
> names seem to be associated...
> what is the freeBSD way?  AFAICS, a machine has a defined name
regardless of
> howmany interfaces it has.  if one splits the world up into hosts (one
> interface) and routers (multiple interfaces) can one define multiple
> hostnames?
> to expand on this, there is a potential many to many relationship here
> host names and IP addresses (strickly speaking that is what dns etc
> how dose BSD define this? how does one define this using BSD?
> --
> Dr Paul van den Bergen
> Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
> IM:bulwynkl2002
> "And some run up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stones
> to pieces wi' hammers, like so many road makers run daft.
> They say it is to see how the world was made."
> Sir Walter Scott, St. Ronan's Well 1824
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Re: Building Automated Custom Install CD

2003-11-25 Thread Rob
Have a look at sysinstall(8) - the interesting bit is

  If sysinstall is compiled with LOAD_CONFIG_FILE set in the envi-
  ronment (or in the Makefile) to some value, then that value will
  be used as the filename to automatically look for and load when
  sysinstall starts up and with no user interaction required.  This
  option is aimed primarily at large sites who wish to create a
  single prototype install for multiple machines with largely iden-
  tical configurations and/or installation options.

So you should be able to recompile sysinstall, add your script and
create a new ISO from the standard install CD-ROM.

Of course, that may not be as simple as it sounds - for mounting and
customising the images, look at vnconfig(8) and the
/usr/ports/sysutils/mkisofs port.

The /usr/ports/sysutils/livecd port may be another way to do what you
want - I haven't looked at it closely.

- Original Message -
From: "Jim Sims" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Building Automated Custom Install CD

> Not exactly. FreeBSD From Scratch requires a working system and several
other items (See #3 Prerequisites). What I am looking for is information for
making install CDs (binary install is ideal) that will complete the whole
process start to finish without requiring anything from the user.
> I believe a modified install CD with sysinstall scripts is required, but I
am not clear on what to modify in the Boot CD configuration.
> In Linux I would simply modify the ks.cfg and burn a new CD using the
modified /isolinux. Is there anything comparable on the FreeBSD boot CD?
> Thanks for responding!
> Jim
> On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 19:10:19 -0500
> "fbsd_user" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I believe this is what you are looking for
> >
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jim Sims
> > Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 3:45 PM
> > Subject: Building Automated Custom Install CD
> >
> > I am looking for information/pointers/HowTo about creating an
> > automated custom install CD. The CD would have a sysinstall script
> > and custom packages so that upon bootup it does a complete install
> > without asking. (I know... Dangerous TM)
> >
> > For the interested this CD will be used to install FreeBSD and apps
> > on a standalone headless audio recording system I have designed.
> > Since it is standalone (not necessarily networked) and headless The
> > whole install process must complete without user input.
> > (
> >
> > As I understand FreeBSD, I could use the release process or I could
> > modify a picoBSD floppy image, but I would like to "Keep It Simple
> > Stupid".
> >
> > I have done the requisite Googling, Handbook, etc and come up with
> > few answers so any help is greatly appreciated. Once I
> > understand/test/prove the process I will be happy to submit it for
> > Official FreeBSD documentation.
> >
> > Jim Sims
> >
> >
> > ___
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100 MHz pentium: can that play avi-file movies?

2003-11-30 Thread Rob


100 MHz pentium with up-to-date FreeBSD-stable;
would that allow me to play avi-file movies with mplayer
or equivalent media player?
Videocard is a Riva TNT2 with 16 Mb.

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Re: Controlling init on shutdown/reboot

2003-12-01 Thread Rob
>From line 99 of /usr/src/sbin/init/init.c,

  #define DEATH_SCRIPT  120  /* wait for 2min for /etc/rc.shutdown */

and on line 1576 it looks like you can change this with the sysctl

But 2 minutes is a long time for a shell script - are you sure that
everything is working correctly?

- Original Message -
From: "Daniel Rudy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Controlling init on shutdown/reboot

> Hello,
> How does one allocate more time for /etc/rc.shutdown?  It seems that
> some of my scripts are not being executed when the system shuts down or
> reboots.
> --
> Daniel Rudy
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Re: Controlling init on shutdown/reboot

2003-12-02 Thread Rob
I haven't used ppp(8) - I prefer pppd(8) -  so I'm not familiar with If this is a shell script, there's a couple of things that
I've seen cause strange script behaviour: lack of default environment and
lack of TTY. This usually shows up in scripts that work fine at the command
line, but fail under other circumstances (such as crontabs).

Does it take more than 2 minutes at the command line?

Have you tried adding

set -x

at the start to see where it's failing? If it's called by rc.shutdown the
output should be to the console, but I'm not sure what ppp(8) does with
script output.

- Original Message -
From: "Daniel Rudy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Controlling init on shutdown/reboot

> Somewhere around the time of 12/01/2003 03:32, the world stopped and
> listened as Rob contributed this to humanity:
> >>From line 99 of /usr/src/sbin/init/init.c,
> >
> >   #define DEATH_SCRIPT  120  /* wait for 2min for /etc/rc.shutdown */
> >
> > and on line 1576 it looks like you can change this with the sysctl
> > 'kern.shutdown_timeout'.
> >
> > But 2 minutes is a long time for a shell script - are you sure that
> > everything is working correctly?
> The problem is that a script needs to do something and
> it's not doing it.  Works fine if I execute the script normally from the
> command line though using the approperiate parameters that ppp would
> send it.  It seems that init is killing the script before the script can
> finish, which is the problem.
> BTW, that oid, kern.shutdown_timeout does not exist.  I'm running
> 4.9-RELEASE.
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Daniel Rudy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Controlling init on shutdown/reboot
> >
> >
> >
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>How does one allocate more time for /etc/rc.shutdown?  It seems that
> >>some of my scripts are not being executed when the system shuts down or
> >>reboots.
> >>
> >>--
> >>Daniel Rudy
> >>
> >>___
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> >>
> >>To unsubscribe, send any mail to
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Daniel Rudy
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Re: network security sysctl mib's

2003-12-02 Thread Rob

apropos sysctl

we get a list of several manpages, including blackhole(4), sysctl(3),
sysctl(8) and sysctl.conf(5).

These refer to several other sources, including ip(4), tcp(4), udp(4) and
rc.conf(5) - they also mention , ,
,  and  if you want to
study the variables first-hand.

- Original Message -
From: "fbsd_user" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: network security sysctl mib's

> The sysctl.conf file contains MIB's to change the default setting of
> internal options of the kernel at boot up time.
> I have found these MIB's when I display all the sysctl's.
> These deal with how packets entering the FBSD system are handled by
> default.
> There are no man info on any MIB's.
> I an looking for an description of what these do and
> why I would want to turn them on.
> There must be some network security reason or problem
> that these address or they would not have been created
> in the first place.
> Are these MIB's only intended to be used on FBSD systems
> that do not have firewalls?
> When do these MIB's get control
> in the kernel, as they relate to IPFW or IPFILTER
> firewall seeing the packets?
> [IE: do they all process against the packet before the packet
> is handed off to the firewall or after the firewall has done
> it's thing and hands the packet back to the kernel?].
> Since these are network security MIB's why are they not documented
> someplace?
> They can have an large impact on the security of one's FBSD system,
> and should be made known to the general administrator of the FBSD
> system and the firewall administrator.
> I know I need an FBSD developer who makes code changes to the kernel
> to review the internal FBSD kernel code to answer these questions. I
> hope someone will help me in this.
> net.inet.icmp.drop_redirect=1
> net.inet.icmp.log_redirect=0
> net.inet.ip.redirect=0
> net.inet.ip.sourceroute=0
> net.inet.ip.accept_sourceroute=0
> net.inet.icmp.bmcastecho=0
> net.inet.tcp.blackhole=2
> net.inet.udp.blackhole=1
> net.inet.tcp.log_in_vain=1
> net.inet.udp.log_in_vain=1
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amd documentation: why is it so confusing?

2003-12-02 Thread Rob

I have exported directories successfully. Thus I moved on to use amd for
having the system mount this as it is needed.
However, I am getting totally stuck in the amd manuals. Are the amd manuals
really that bad, or is it me?
For example:
The FreeBSD handbook mentions amd in one sentence, by referring to the
manual pages of amd and amd.conf. So all I have are the manual pages
on the amd commands and files. The amd manual talks about a map file,
but there's nowhere information to be found on what the structure of
such a map file is.
Is the creation of the amd-map file too trivial, or so complicated that
nobody dares explaining it?
Anyone who can point me to better help on this?



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Why no FreeBSD ftp site in India?

2003-12-02 Thread Rob

A friend of mine from India is interested in changing from W$ to a unix flavour.
I recommended FreeBSD, but then discovered that there's no ftp server within India
for downloading the OS. Are there some legal issues there?
India is the second largest populous country in the world with possibly the highest
potential on software development. But not even one FreeBSD ftp server!!
No one interested there to set up an server?
Or is the FreeBSD community in India simply too tiny?
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Re: protecting loader

2003-12-05 Thread Rob
I habitually put


in /boot/loader.conf because I'm impatient. It doesn't stop me from booting
into single-user mode - you just have to hit a key while loader(8) is
spinning, before it starts the kernel.

As far as I can tell, the options in /boot.config apply to boot2, which has
its own command prompt. I occasionally interrupt that one by mistake, and
get confused because it's nothing like loader.

So if you want to tie down the boot process, you will probably need to use
both files.

- Original Message -
Subject: Re: protecting loader

> On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Nathan Kinkade wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 02:20:07PM -0500, Dru wrote:
> > >
> > > Is there a way to prevent a user from bypassing loader and
> > > loading/unloading stuff at the OK prompt? (other than physical
> > > measures)
> > >
> > > I tried placing "/boot/loader -n" in "/boot.config", but it didn't
make a
> > > difference.
> > >
> > > Dru
> >
> > If I understand your question, you could put the following line in your
> > /boot/loader.conf file:
> >
> > autoboot_delay="0"
> >
> > I think this will effectively prevent users from interrupting the loader
> > to make changes.  Just make sure that you have some other way to boot
> > the system, such as a floppy, in case you later run into problems.
> >
> > Nathan
> > --
> > gpg --keyserver --recv-keys D8527E49
> Actually, I discovered that "password=somevalue" in /boot/loader.conf
> filled the bill quite nicely :-)
> Dru
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Re: chroot environment

2003-12-06 Thread Rob
If you've already built the environment, you're halfway to having a
jail(8) - this extends chroot(8) by creating a private process tree and
network interface. You can run an entire system inside a jail, including
sshd(8) to accept logins.

For ftp logins, ftpd(8) has builtin support for chrooting certain users -
see ftpchroot(5). There is also support for chrooting logins in the
version of sshd - I believe this is /usr/ports/security/ssh2, but I haven't

Apart from this, I don't know a 'standard' way of doing it.

- Original Message -
From: "Nick Twaddell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: chroot environment

> I am trying to setup a chroot environment for some users.  I rebuilt the
> environment inside their userdir, copied all the appropriate binaries,
> etc.  The part I am stumped on, is how do you make it so their account
> chrooted on login.  Since chroot can only be executed by root.  Some of
> docs I found created a shell script that would sudo chroot and run it on
> login.  I am just wondering what everyone else recommends.
> Thanks
> Nick Twaddell
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lame converts music-CD/wav-file to mp3? how?

2003-12-07 Thread Rob

What's a not too complicated way of converting music CD's to mp3 files?

So far I failed using lame: I could create wav files and play them with x11amp.
The mp3 output of lame, however, is a sound-less mp3 file.
Here is the output from 'lame a.wav a.mp3':
LAME version 3.93 MMX  (
CPU features: i387, MMX (ASM used), SIMD
Using polyphase lowpass  filter, transition band: 15115 Hz - 15648 Hz
Encoding a.wav to a.mp3
Encoding as 44.1 kHz 128 kbps j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (11x) qval=2
Frame  |  CPU time/estim | REAL time/estim | play/CPU |ETA
 23016/23019 (100%)|2:34/2:34|3:16/3:16|   3.8807x|0:00
average: 128.0 kbps   LR: 1381 (5.999%)   MS: 21638 (94.00%)
Writing LAME Tag...done
Using x11amp mp3 player, the output file has nothing but silence and a scratchy
'blurp' every now and then.
Any idea what's going wrong here?

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Re: ipfw keep-state (ASAP anwser need)

2003-12-09 Thread Rob
I would suggest

ipfw add 4100 allow udp from me to any 53 keep-state
ipfw add 4200 allow udp from any to me 53 keep-state

which allows either side to initiate the connection. You will also need TCP
versions of these rules (DNS uses both).

If you use ipfw2, which is the default in 5.x, you can combine them into the
same rule like so:

ipfw add 4100 allow ( tcp or udp ) from me to any 53 keep-state
ipfw add 4200 allow ( tcp or udp ) from any to me 53 keep-state

What does /var/log/security show?

- Original Message -
From: "Gregory Edigarov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ipfw keep-state (ASAP anwser need)

> Hello,
> The folowing is a fragment of my rc.firewall which must allow all
> traffic in and out of my named.
> ipfw add 4100 allow udp from me to any 53 keep-state
> ipfw add 4200 allow udp from any to me 53
> ipfw add 4300 allow udp from me 53 to any
> ---
> This is a fragment from my kernel configuration:
> ---
> options IPFIREWALL  #firewall
> options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE  #enable logging to
> syslogd(8)
> options IPFIREWALL_FORWARD  #enable transparent proxy
> support
> options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=100#limit verbosity
> options IPDIVERT#divert sockets
> options IPSTEALTH
> options ICMP_BANDLIM
> options DUMMYNET
> options BRIDGE
> options IPFW2
> ---
> It doesn't work. What am I missing?
> --
> With best regards,
> Gregory Edigarov
> --

> profi.kharkov.uaSystems
> --

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Re: ipfw keep-state (ASAP anwser need)

2003-12-09 Thread Rob
Have you perhaps deleted your rules? Check with

ipfw list

and make sure they are all there.

Use /var/log/security to find which rule is denying the packets. If it's the
default rule 65535, then your allow rules are somehow incorrect.

- Original Message -
From: "Gregory Edigarov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ipfw keep-state (ASAP anwser need)

> On Tue, 09 Dec 2003, Rob wrote:
> > ipfw add 4100 allow udp from me to any 53 keep-state
> > ipfw add 4200 allow udp from any to me 53 keep-state
> It doesn't work.
> > What does /var/log/security show?
> it shows that all udp traffic to 53 port of any computer was denied.
> It worked exactly like I've show for a very long time, but a week
> ago something has broken. What is the other possibilities?
> --
> With best regards,
> Gregory Edigarov
> --

> profi.kharkov.uaSystems
> --


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NFS problem at boot-up: "nfsd: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Port mapperfailure - RPC: Unable to send"

2003-12-11 Thread Rob

All my PCs are running up-to-date FreeBSD-stable.

I had set up an NFS server (800 MHz) and client (500 MHz),
which was all working fine. At boot-up it nfs-mounts two nfs file systems.
Today I replaced the client 500 MHz with a 2 GHz Pentium 4 PC.
Now the client gives the following during boot:

Doing initial network setup: hostname.
rl0: flags=8843 mtu 1500
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
inet6 fe80::2a0:b0ff:fe0e:3a95%rl0 prefixlen 64 tentative scopeid 0x1
ether 00:a0:b0:0e:3a:95
media: Ethernet 10baseT/UTP
status: active
lo0: flags=8049 mtu 16384
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
inet netmask 0xff00
add net default: gateway
Additional routing options: TCP keepalive=YES.
Routing daemons:.
Mounting NFS file systems:lahaye:/usr/ports: nfsd: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Port mapper
 failure - RPC: Unable to send
Additional daemons: syslogd.
Doing additional network setup: ntpdate portmap.
Starting final network daemons: nfsiod NFS access cache time=2.

There is the "Mounting NFS file systems:" for a long while before the RPC message
comes. Strangely enough, the nfs file system is mounted at the end of the boot-up;
so why is there this RPC message and the long wait for nfs?
I have no clue what's going on here and have also no idea in what direction I should
go for solving this. Any hints?
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onboard-nic "Kinnereth-R chipset / intel 82547EI (KENAI II CSA)" supported?

2003-12-12 Thread Rob

I'm running FreeBSD-Stable.
Will I have support for this onboard network card:
   Kinnereth-R chipset / intel 82547EI (KENAI II CSA)

If yes, what tuning of the kernel is needed for this?

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Re: onboard-nic "Kinnereth-R chipset / intel 82547EI (KENAI IICSA)" supported?

2003-12-12 Thread Rob
Rob wrote:

I'm running FreeBSD-Stable.
Will I have support for this onboard network card:
   Kinnereth-R chipset / intel 82547EI (KENAI II CSA)

If yes, what tuning of the kernel is needed for this?
I already found out myself that it is supported.

Use as kernel configuration:
device  miibus
device  fxp
and in rc.conf:
ifconfig_fxp0="inet "

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Re: Missing machdep.hlt_logical_cpus on hyperthreading..

2003-12-12 Thread Rob
Stefan Cars wrote:
Hi, i'm reposting this since I didn't get any answer at all...

I'm having a problem, sysctl can't find machdep.hlt_logical_cpus. My machine
is a dual xeon with hyperthreading enabled, running 4.9. I also would like
to know what that "Warning: Pentium 4 CPU: PSE disabled" means.

In your kernel configuration file, you need following:

  optionsSMP# Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel
  optionsAPIC_IO# Symmetric (APIC) I/O
Then machdep.hlt_logical_cpus is in your sysctl.

Can't help you with the "PSE disabled" thing.

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Need help: HyperThreading-CPU + FreeBSD-Stable + Multi-threading

2003-12-12 Thread Rob

Recently I've got a new PC: P4 Titan 2.6 GHz.
It says in the brochure that it has "HyperThreading", which I think is
somehow related to the HyperThread thing in the FreeBSD kernel, right?
I know there's this message in /usr/src/UPDATING, which unfortunately does
not clear up the matter for me.
So let me recap what I believe to understand:

For utilizing the advantages of this HyperThreading stuff for users, I
need in the kernel configuration:
  optionsSMP# Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel
  optionsAPIC_IO# Symmetric (APIC) I/O
Furthermore, I need to set "machdep.hlt_logical_cpus" to 0 (zero).
How do I add this to "the loader" so that it is set to zero at every
boot up? Should I simply add to my /boot/loader.conf a line like:

After that, I'm done with the hyperthreading?

PS: if you're in the mood, I would appreciate a few words on what this
HyperThreading is about and what advantages I can expect. Thanks too!
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Re: What's the purpose of the 2nd CD?

2003-12-21 Thread Rob
This is the Live Filesystem CD, used for rescue boots. It also contains the
CVS repositry, which gives you a head start if you want to update your
source tree.

Only the 1st CD is required for an installation - the 3rd and 4th contain
extra packages (which are useful but not essential).

- Original Message -
From: "Trey Sizemore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What's the purpose of the 2nd CD?

> I burned the 2 iso images for 5.2 RC1, but during the install (even when
> choosing to install everything), I'm never prompted for the CD.  What is
> it used for?
> Thanks.
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Re: IMAP and IMAP-SSL login problems

2003-12-22 Thread Rob
After the Connection line, you should be seeing lines like 

  Dec 22 17:24:15 zim imapd: LOGIN, [EMAIL PROTECTED], ip=[]
  Dec 22 17:24:15 zim imapd: LOGOUT, [EMAIL PROTECTED], ip=[], 
headers=0, body=0

If the login fails, you should see something like

  Dec 22 17:27:02 zim imapd: LOGIN FAILED, ip=[]

If you don't get either, this suggests that your IMAP client is not attempting 
to authenticate. Perhaps it only attempts to do so in SSL mode?

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Pinnella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: IMAP and IMAP-SSL login problems

> Hi Rob,
> This is the only thing that shows when I try and connect. I seem to have
> IMAP and IMAP-SSL running fine since I can telnet to port 143 and 993. The
> problem with IMAP seems to be some kind of authentication issue that I just
> can't figure out.
> Dec 21 22:38:14 phoenix imapd: Connection, ip=[:::]
> Dec 21 22:38:20 phoenix imapd: DISCONNECTED, ip=[:::],
> headers=0, body=0
> Dec 21 22:38:45 phoenix imapd: Connection, ip=[:::]
> Thanks,
> Mike
> -Original Message-
> From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 10:16 PM
> To: Michael Pinnella
> Subject: Re: IMAP and IMAP-SSL login problems
> What does /var/log/maillog say?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Michael Pinnella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: IMAP and IMAP-SSL login problems
> > Sorry, I should have mentioned that I am using Courier-IMAP.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Michael
> > Pinnella
> > Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 7:42 PM
> > Subject: IMAP and IMAP-SSL login problems
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> > I have both IMAP and IMAP-SSL on my BSD box (for inside and outside the
> > firewall). I can connect with no problems with IMAP-SSL, but when I try
> and
> > connect with IMAP, it does not accept my password, and I am sure I am
> typing
> > in the correct password. Has anyone had any problems with this.
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> > Mike
> >
> > ___
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Re: IPFW Rule set question...

2003-12-24 Thread Rob
Just a very quick suggestion - when you get an initial connection that
closes almost immediately, it is usually TCP wrappers rather than a
firewall. Have you checked /etc/hosts.allow?

- Original Message -
From: "Drew Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IPFW Rule set question...

> Hi everyone,
> Thanks to those who take the time to read and reply to these emails.
> I have a strange issue regarding my firewall (IPFW)...
> I have enabled SSH, TELNET and FTP on my freeBSD 4.8 box at home... it
> dual homed, 2 NICs one for the internal LAN one running my cable
> Everything works fine on the internal side.
> When accessing the box using any of those apps from work, the system
> to briefly connect and then returns a "Connection Lost" or "Connection
> closed by remote host error".
> The command setup to allow in access is as follows...
> 820 allow log tcp from any to me 22 limit src-addr 4 in recv tl0 setup
> 830 allow log tcp from any to me 23 limit src-addr 4 in recv tl0 setup
> when this didn't work I added another command at the start of the
ruleset to
> just let everything in from a particular IP address range...
> 202 allow ip from to any
> however this produced the same error...
> It wasn't until I allowed all from any to any that I was able to
> When checking out the security log, it tells me that rule 820 is
> access to my computer at home...
> Ruleset is attached completely below
> /sbin/ipfw -q -f flush
> # Set rules command prefix
> # The -q option on the command is for quite mode.
> # Do not display rules as they load. Remove during development to see.
> cmd="/sbin/ipfw -q add"
> # Set defaults
> oif="tl0"# Nic card to cable modem public internet
> connection
> odns1=""  # ISP's dns server IP address
> $cmd 00200 divert natd all from any to any via $oif
>   control section

> # Start of IPFW advanced Stateful Filtering using "dynamic" rules.
> # The check-state statement behavior is to match bi-directional packet
> traffic
> # flow between source and destination using protocol/IP/port/sequence
> number.
> # The dynamic rule has a limited lifetime which is controlled by a set
> # sysctl(8) variables. The lifetime is refreshed every time a matching
> # packet is found in the dynamic table.
> # Allow the packet through if it has previous been added to the
> # the "dynamic" rules table by an allow keep-state statement.
> $cmd 00202 allow log all from to any
> $cmd 00203 allow log all from any to any via tun0
> $cmd 00400 check-state
> # SAMBA File/Printer Sharing on Internal LAN
> $cmd 0410 allow log tcp from to
> $cmd 0411 allow log udp from to
> # Run all private LAN xl0 packet traffic through the dynamic rules
> # table so the IP address are in sync with Natd.
> $cmd 00500 allow log all from any to any via sis0 keep-state
> # Deny all fragments as bogus packets
> $cmd 00530 deny log all from any to any frag in via $oif
> # Deny  ACK packets that did not match the dynamic rule table
> $cmd 00540 deny log tcp from any to any established in via $oif
>   outbound section

> # Interrogate packets originating from behind the firewall, private
> # Upon a rule match, it's keep-state option will create a dynamic
> # Allow out non-secure standard http function
> $cmd 00600 allow log tcp  from any to any 80  out via $oif setup
> # Allow out secure www function https over TLS SSL
> $cmd 00601 allow log tcp  from any to any 443 out via $oif setup
> # Allow out access to my ISP's Domain name server.
> $cmd 00610 allow log tcp  from any to $odns1 53 out via $oif setup
> keep-state
> $cmd 00611 allow log udp  from any to $odns1 53 out via $oif
> # Allow out send & get email function
> $cmd 00630 allow log tcp from any to any 25,110 out via $oif setup
> keep-state
> # Allow out & in FBSD (make install & CVSUP)  functions
> # Basically give user id [ROOT]  "GOD"  privileges.
> $cmd 00640 allow log tcp from me to any out via $oif setup keep-state
> root
>   inbound section

> # Interrogate packets originating from in front of the firewall,
public net.
> # Allow in www http access to my apache server
> #$cmd 00800 allow log tcp from any to any 80 in via $oif setup
> limit src-addr 4
> # Allow  TCP FTP control channel in & data channel out
> $cmd 00810 allow log tcp from any to me 21  in via $oif setup
> limit src-addr 4
> $cmd 00811 allow log tcp from any 20 to any 1024-49151 out via $oif
> keep limit src-addr 4
> # Allow in ssh function
> $cmd 00820 allow log tcp from any to me 22 in via $oif setup
> limit src-addr 4
> # Allow in

Re: Complex quoting task in tcsh

2003-12-28 Thread Rob

This isn't the answer you would like, but tcsh is generally considered a
bad language for writing scripts*. It's an excellent command-line shell,
but scripts are not its strong point.

One reason is the one you've just run into - quoting is a little flakey,
especially when you try to do something tricky.

For 'basic' scripts, either sh(1) or ksh(1) is usually the way to go. As
an example, here's your line-checking question, using sh and FreeBSD

cat somefile | while read LINE ; do
if echo "$LINE" | grep -q '^#' ; then
# do something with $LINE

For more complex work, perl or python are usually recommended.

On the other hand, if you just want to filter the comments out of a
file, put

grep -v '^#'

at the start of your pipeline.

* Csh Programming Considered Harmful (1996)

- Original Message - 
From: "Daniela" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Complex quoting task in tcsh

> I'm writing a tcsh script and I can't figure out how to escape that #.
> I tried all possible variations, and it always says I have a syntax
> Here's one:
> if ($line =~ "#*")
> Or is there another way to find out if the line starts with a hash
> Regards,
> Daniela
> ___
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Re: Fuzzy out of focus console w/new flatscreen monitor on bootup

2003-12-29 Thread Rob
I'm guessing that this switch changes the video mode in Linux - have a
look at vidcontrol(1) to achieve the same thing here.

The command

vidcontrol -i mode

will list your available modes - for console work, you're probably only
interested in the text ones. Note also that if you load the vesa kernel
module with

kldload vesa

the list will be longer. One of these modes should be the 'native'
resolution of your display, which will give you a clear picture.

- Original Message - 
From: "Troy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 7:52 AM
Subject: Fuzzy out of focus console w/new flatscreen monitor on bootup

> I am using GRUB to boot into Freebsd 4.9 Stable.
> I recently purchased a new flatscreen monitor and when I boot up the
> console appears to be very fuzzy.
> I installed the NVIDIA driver and put the proper settings into the
> XF86Config and it's clear and in 1600x1200 for X windows.
> While researching, I found that in Linux, folks have used a switch in
> grub vga=795 when booting their kernel that gets the console to be
> clearer.
> It doesn't appear that Freebsd supports that switch in grub.  Any way
> get the equiv switch so the console is clean?
> Thanks,
> -Troy
> ___
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Re: Complex quoting task in tcsh

2003-12-30 Thread Rob
On Wednesday 31 December 2003, Daniela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 29 December 2003 05:06, Rob wrote:
> > Daniela,
> >
> > This isn't the answer you would like, but tcsh is generally
considered a
> > bad language for writing scripts*. It's an excellent command-line
> > but scripts are not its strong point.
> >
> > One reason is the one you've just run into - quoting is a little
> > especially when you try to do something tricky.
> >
> > For 'basic' scripts, either sh(1) or ksh(1) is usually the way to
go. As
> > an example, here's your line-checking question, using sh and FreeBSD
> > commands:
> >
> > cat somefile | while read LINE ; do
> > if echo "$LINE" | grep -q '^#' ; then
> > # do something with $LINE
> > fi
> > done
> Thanks a lot, that grep -q thing also works for tcsh.


> > For more complex work, perl or python are usually recommended.
> You can do lots of stuff with shellscript: look at

Absolutely - the whole /etc/rc structure for example. I guess what I
meant by 'complex' was string matching & manipulation. If I'm writing a
shell script that uses awk and sed to chop things up, it starts to get
clumsy and hard to read. At that point I'll usually turn it into a perl

> > On the other hand, if you just want to filter the comments out of a
> > file, put
> >
> > grep -v '^#'
> >
> > at the start of your pipeline.
> >
> > * Csh Programming Considered Harmful (1996)
> >
> Csh is not harmful at all -- it allows for great optimizing for
certain tasks.

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FreeBSD 8.0 not detecting hot swap drive insertion

2009-12-04 Thread Rob
I'm running a 10 hot-swap SATA disk ZFS pool and recently upgraded from 
7.2 to 8.  Since I upgraded, freebsd isn't spinning up or recognizing a 
new drive that is inserted.  In freebsd 7.[0,2], I could remove a drive 
and insert a new one and freebsd would recognize it, spin it up, and 
create the device nodes.  None of that is happening in 8.0, and the only 
way I've found to get it to recognize the disk is to reboot the system.

I tried using atacontrol to force freebsd to reinit an ata channel, but 
that didn't have any effect.  Did something change in 8.0 that prevents 
this auto-detection?  Is there a way to re-enable it?

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Re: FreeBSD 8.0 not detecting hot swap drive insertion

2009-12-04 Thread Rob
I don't have any /dev/ada* devices, so I assume I'm using the original 
ata driver.  I haven't done any kernel customization, and am running the 
distribution's kernel (upgraded with the freebsd-update tool).  Does the 
older driver no longer detect drive insertion?


Steve Polyack wrote:

Rob wrote:
I'm running a 10 hot-swap SATA disk ZFS pool and recently upgraded 
from 7.2 to 8.  Since I upgraded, freebsd isn't spinning up or 
recognizing a new drive that is inserted.  In freebsd 7.[0,2], I could 
remove a drive and insert a new one and freebsd would recognize it, 
spin it up, and create the device nodes.  None of that is happening in 
8.0, and the only way I've found to get it to recognize the disk is to 
reboot the system.

I tried using atacontrol to force freebsd to reinit an ata channel, 
but that didn't have any effect.  Did something change in 8.0 that 
prevents this auto-detection?  Is there a way to re-enable it?

Are you using the original (7.x) ata(4) driver or the newer enhanced 
SATA drivers like ahci(4) or siis(4)?  If you're using the latter your 
devices will be labeled /dev/ada* instead of /dev/ad*.  If you are 
indeed using the newer enhanced SATA drivers, you will need to use 
camcontrol to reset and rescan the associated SATA channels.

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Re: FreeBSD 8.0 not detecting hot swap drive insertion

2009-12-22 Thread Rob
It should be noted that my raid controller card driver (htprr) is 
exhibiting the same issue.  Before 8.0, both the ata and htprr drivers 
would recognize a HD insertion and the disks information would be 
scanned and device nodes created.  On 8.0, the best I can see is that 
the drive insertion is detected (the htprr driver prints a message about 
drive insertion/removal), but the disks are never scanned for drive 
information nor device nodes created.


Rob wrote:
I don't have any /dev/ada* devices, so I assume I'm using the original 
ata driver.  I haven't done any kernel customization, and am running the 
distribution's kernel (upgraded with the freebsd-update tool).  Does the 
older driver no longer detect drive insertion?


Steve Polyack wrote:

Rob wrote:
I'm running a 10 hot-swap SATA disk ZFS pool and recently upgraded 
from 7.2 to 8.  Since I upgraded, freebsd isn't spinning up or 
recognizing a new drive that is inserted.  In freebsd 7.[0,2], I 
could remove a drive and insert a new one and freebsd would recognize 
it, spin it up, and create the device nodes.  None of that is 
happening in 8.0, and the only way I've found to get it to recognize 
the disk is to reboot the system.

I tried using atacontrol to force freebsd to reinit an ata channel, 
but that didn't have any effect.  Did something change in 8.0 that 
prevents this auto-detection?  Is there a way to re-enable it?

Are you using the original (7.x) ata(4) driver or the newer enhanced 
SATA drivers like ahci(4) or siis(4)?  If you're using the latter your 
devices will be labeled /dev/ada* instead of /dev/ad*.  If you are 
indeed using the newer enhanced SATA drivers, you will need to use 
camcontrol to reset and rescan the associated SATA channels.

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Re: FreeBSD 8.0 not detecting hot swap drive insertion

2009-12-23 Thread Rob
It should be noted that my raid controller driver (htprr) is exhibiting 
the same issue.  Before 8.0, both the ata and htprr drivers would 
recognize a HD insertion and the disks information would be scanned and 
device nodes created.  On 8.0, the best I can see is that the drive 
insertion is detected (the htprr driver prints a message about drive 
insertion/removal), but the disks are never scanned for drive 
information nor device nodes created.


P.S. My apologies if I posted this twice.  I didn't see it get to the list.

Rob wrote:
I don't have any /dev/ada* devices, so I assume I'm using the original 
ata driver.  I haven't done any kernel customization, and am running the 
distribution's kernel (upgraded with the freebsd-update tool).  Does the 
older driver no longer detect drive insertion?


Steve Polyack wrote:

Rob wrote:
I'm running a 10 hot-swap SATA disk ZFS pool and recently upgraded 
from 7.2 to 8.  Since I upgraded, freebsd isn't spinning up or 
recognizing a new drive that is inserted.  In freebsd 7.[0,2], I 
could remove a drive and insert a new one and freebsd would recognize 
it, spin it up, and create the device nodes.  None of that is 
happening in 8.0, and the only way I've found to get it to recognize 
the disk is to reboot the system.

I tried using atacontrol to force freebsd to reinit an ata channel, 
but that didn't have any effect.  Did something change in 8.0 that 
prevents this auto-detection?  Is there a way to re-enable it?

Are you using the original (7.x) ata(4) driver or the newer enhanced 
SATA drivers like ahci(4) or siis(4)?  If you're using the latter your 
devices will be labeled /dev/ada* instead of /dev/ad*.  If you are 
indeed using the newer enhanced SATA drivers, you will need to use 
camcontrol to reset and rescan the associated SATA channels.

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mysql not starting on boot

2010-01-06 Thread Rob
Since I upgraded to FreBSD 8.0, I'm noticing that mysql isn't starting 
on boot anymore.  It starts fine once the system has booted, and looking 
at the mysql log I see:

100105 17:46:56 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 

100105 17:46:56 [ERROR] Can't start server: cannot resolve hostname!: 
Unknown er

ror: 0
100105 17:46:56 [ERROR] Aborting

I use dhcp and ddns in my network, so I'm guessing that mysql is 
attempting to start before the networking has stabilized.  Is there a 
way to make mysql be the last thing started at boot?

I tried adding:


To the init script, but that didn't seem to have any effect.  Is there a 
tool that will run through all the init scripts and tell you the order 
of startup?

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Re: mysql not starting on boot

2010-01-06 Thread Rob

To the mysql init script, I added:

# REQUIRE: dhclient

And to the dhclient init script I added:


In addition to changing DHCP to SYNCDHCP in rc.conf, mysql now starts up 
on boot.  I would think the dhclient change should be required in the 
default setup since NETWORKING should be up before attempting to grab a 
dhcp IP, or am I misunderstanding here?

Either way, the above seems to have solved my problem.  Thanks!


Matthew Seaman wrote:

Rob wrote:
Since I upgraded to FreBSD 8.0, I'm noticing that mysql isn't starting 
on boot anymore.  It starts fine once the system has booted, and 
looking at the mysql log I see:

100105 17:46:56 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 

100105 17:46:56 [ERROR] Can't start server: cannot resolve hostname!: 
Unknown er

ror: 0
100105 17:46:56 [ERROR] Aborting

I use dhcp and ddns in my network, so I'm guessing that mysql is 
attempting to start before the networking has stabilized.  Is there a 
way to make mysql be the last thing started at boot?

MySQL will be happy if it can work out what the hostname of the machine
is.  You say you're using ddns?  If that means your machines are pushing
a hostname up to the DHCP server while they ask it for an IP number, then
there should be no problem.

You can simply set the hostname in /etc/rc.conf -- it doesn't really
matter if the machine thinks its name is one thing, and the IPs on its
network interfaces resolve to something else (at least, not for the
purposes of running mysql.).  The thing you'ld have to look out for are
the host part of  usernames in grants of permissions to users. 

I tried adding:


To the init script, but that didn't seem to have any effect.  Is there 
a tool that will run through all the init scripts and tell you the 
order of startup?


You might also find it beneficial to use 'SYNCDHCP' instead of plain 'DHCP'
in ifconfig_XXY lines in /etc/rc.conf -- this will cause the boot 
process to

block on getting an IP for the interface, rather than the default action of
backgrounding that process and trying to start everything else up.



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Re: SMP interrupt problem

2008-03-18 Thread Rob
Submitted a post about this problem running on 6.3 (around 22nd Feb), I have 
since reinstalled the system with 7.0 and it still displays the same behaviour, 
ie, a large amount of interrupts. Top and dmesg below. Any help appreciated.

I also got 6.3 loaded onto an almost identical machine for an hour and it had the 
same problem.



top -CS

67 processes:  6 running, 47 sleeping, 14 waiting
CPU states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system, 23.6% interrupt, 76.4% idle
Mem: 8400K Active, 5488K Inact, 21M Wired, 8512K Buf, 958M Free
Swap: 1024M Total, 1024M Free

   11 root1 171 ki31 0K 8K CPU3   3   9:17 99.02% idle: cpu3
   12 root1 171 ki31 0K 8K CPU2   2   9:17 99.02% idle: cpu2
   13 root1 171 ki31 0K 8K RUN1   9:15 99.02% idle: cpu1
   24 root1 -52- 0K 8K CPU0   0   7:18 85.40% irq9: acpi0
   14 root1 171 ki31 0K 8K RUN0   2:00 12.60% idle: cpu0
   15 root1 -32- 0K 8K WAIT   1   0:01  0.00% swi4: clock s
4 root1  -8- 0K 8K -  1   0:00  0.00% g_down
3 root1  -8- 0K 8K -  1   0:00  0.00% g_up
  728 root1   40  8384K  3816K sbwait 3   0:00  0.00% sshd
  701 root1   80  3596K  1580K wait   2   0:00  0.00% login
   31 root1 -64- 0K 8K WAIT   0   0:00  0.00% irq14: ata0
2 root1  -8- 0K 8K -  1   0:00  0.00% g_event
  709 root1   50  3472K  2176K ttyin  1   0:00  0.00% csh
  739 root1  200  3472K  2204K pause  2   0:00  0.00% csh
   43 root1 -32- 0K 8K -  3   0:00  0.00% schedcpu
  752 root1  960  3488K  1640K CPU1   1   0:00  0.00% top

dmesg output:

Copyright (c) 1992-2008 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0: Sun Feb 24 19:59:52 UTC 2008
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz (2799.22-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf29  Stepping = 9
  Logical CPUs per core: 2
real memory  = 1073676288 (1023 MB)
avail memory = 1037078528 (989 MB)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 CPUs
 cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
 cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  1
 cpu2 (AP): APIC ID:  6
 cpu3 (AP): APIC ID:  7
MADT: Forcing active-low polarity and level trigger for SCI
ioapic0  irqs 0-23 on motherboard
ioapic1  irqs 24-47 on motherboard
ioapic2  irqs 48-71 on motherboard
kbd1 at kbdmux0
ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413, RF5413)
hptrr: HPT RocketRAID controller driver v1.1 (Feb 24 2008 19:59:27)
acpi0:  on motherboard
acpi0: [ITHREAD]
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
acpi0: reservation of 0, a (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of 10, 3ff0 (3) failed
Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x408-0x40b on acpi0
cpu0:  on acpi0
p4tcc0:  on cpu0
cpu1:  on acpi0
p4tcc1:  on cpu1
cpu2:  on acpi0
p4tcc2:  on cpu2
cpu3:  on acpi0
p4tcc3:  on cpu3
pcib0:  port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0:  on pcib0
pcib1:  at device 2.0 on pci0
pci2:  on pcib1
pcib2:  at device 29.0 on pci2
pci4:  on pcib2
em0:  port 0xd800-0xd83f m
em 0xfe9e-0xfe9f irq 48 at device 1.0 on pci4
em0: Ethernet address: 00:e0:81:27:63:93
em0: [FILTER]
pcib3:  at device 31.0 on pci2
pci3:  on pcib3
uhci0:  port 0xe800-0xe81f irq 16
 at device 29.0 on pci0
uhci0: [ITHREAD]
usb0:  on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0:  on usb0
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
pcib4:  at device 30.0 on pci0
pci1:  on pcib4
fxp0:  port 0xc400-0xc43f mem 0xfe7fe000-0xfe7feff
f,0xfe7a-0xfe7b irq 17 at device 1.0 on pci1
miibus0:  on fxp0
inphy0:  PHY 1 on miibus0
inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
fxp0: Ethernet address: 00:e0:81:27:63:92
fxp0: [ITHREAD]
vgapci0:  port 0xc800-0xc8ff mem 0xfd00-0xfdff,0
xfe7ff000-0xfe7f irq 18 at device 2.0 on pci1
isab0:  at device 31.0 on pci0
isa0:  on isab0
atapci0:  port 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x37
6,0xffa0-0xffaf at device 31.1 on pci0
ata0:  on atapci0
ata0: [ITHREAD]
ata1:  on atapci0
ata1: [ITHREAD]
pci0:  at device 31.3 (no driver attached)
acpi_button0:  on acpi0
acpi_button1:  on acpi0
pmtimer0 on isa0
orm0:  at iomem 0xc-0xc7fff,0xc8000-0xc97ff pnpid ORM o
n isa0
atkbdc0:  at port 0x60,0x64 on isa0
atkbd0:  irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
atkbd0: [ITHREAD]
ppc0: parallel port not found.
sc0:  at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <

ipfw denial log - what's this mean?

2008-04-10 Thread Rob

Hi Everyone,

My 6.2-Release system coughed up a report of denied packets from ipfw in its 
daily security run:

ipfw denied packets:
+++ /tmp/security.gnkQg5CA  Thu Apr 10 03:04:15 2008
+0020012 795 deny ip from any to

What does this mean?  I understand that's the loopback interface, but I'm not 
terribly knowledgeable on ipfw.  Is this some crack attempt, or normal 
background noise?  I don't understand how lo0 would ever see any IP addresses 
other than its own?!

The whole rule set looks like this:

# ipfw show
00100   4749394  1011660210 allow ip from any to any via lo0
0020012 795 deny ip from any to
00300 0   0 deny ip from to any
01005  17272713  2535346056 fwd tcp from to any out
65000 174044808 81045388703 allow ip from any to any
65535 1 328 deny ip from any to any

 -Thanks, Rob

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Re: Mousewheel verschwunden

2008-04-14 Thread Rob

Seth Brundle wrote:

(That set aside: I'm deeply impressed by the fact that list members
translated my erraneous posting -- this is VERY friendly and shows the
BSD communities superiority, if I might say so. Thanks again! :)


That's Internet for "Thanks, Erich, and I concur with Seth's praise  :)"


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Re: Lock down the all-staff email list? sendmail, alias, majordomo?

2008-05-19 Thread Rob

brad davison wrote:

What is the best way to have a list that only certain users are able to send to?

That sounds like you're getting into a full blown mailing0list package.  I set up the 
"minimalist" port for a small list last year.  Small & very easy to config.  I 
think it has the restriction you want.

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Re: FreeBSD based router ...

2008-05-28 Thread Rob

Bob McConnell wrote:

I don't need that many Ethernet ports, but I do need most of those PCI
slots. I was unable to locate a box with more than four slots and a
warranty that was acceptable to our Production group. I'm still not sure
about the warranty or that we can buy it in a case with power supply.

These guys have a 2 or 4 port nic for < $100:

Try Ebay for the Adaptec ANA-6944-TX.  It's a 4 port based on the old DEC chipset 
(de driver)  Usual can be had for <= $10.

This is a good article on some free-ware packages you might like to start from:


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Re: Does FreeBSD supports TCP Offload Engine (TOE) from Broadcom in Dell PE2950?

2008-05-28 Thread Rob

VeeJay wrote:

Does FreeBSD supports TCP Offload Engine (TOE) from Broadcom in Dell PE2950?

from man bge:

X v1.0 compliant.  It supports IP, TCP and UDP checksum offload for both
receive and transmit, multiple RX and TX DMA rings for QoS applications,
rules-based receive filtering, and VLAN tag stripping/insertion as well

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Re: small office backup hardware advice

2008-06-02 Thread Rob

Sdavtaker wrote:
Im working in a small office (4 PC with 80GB HD each and a "server" with 
a 200GB HD).

... What will be a solid but cheap solution to keep some usefull backups?

What operating system(s) are you running on the PCs and server?


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Re: massive ports update

2008-06-07 Thread Rob

Tuc at T-B-O-H wrote:

I'm wondering just how many ports the author of that statement
has. I have a few to say the least. Actually a few hundred. Ok, well,
1102 to be a bit more specific Blow away and re-install 1102 ports?

I think he meant the ports tree, not necessarily the installed ports.  I 
use portsnap (normally much quicker than the various CVS methods) and if 
I've let it go a few months, it's quicker to blow the whole thing away 
and reload from scratch:

rm -r /var/db/portsnap
rm -r /usr/ports
portsnap fetch extract

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Re: Still having trouble with package upgrades

2012-03-07 Thread Rob
I ran into problems with pkg-upgrade when I upgraded from 
8.2p6->9.0-RELEASE, and part of the problem ended up being a tool 
pkg_upgrade used (uma).  That was the reason portupgrade didn't work as 
well.  I ended up hacking the support tool and pkg_upgrade to do what I 
needed, but they are both definitely broken.

iirc, one of the issues with uma was it's url generation.  It would 
generate urls like 9-RELEASE instead of 9.0-RELEASE, the former being 
the format for 9-STABLE and the later (which I needed) was for an 
upgrade for a release.

Sadly, I've forgotten the other issues, but I remember making about 3 
hacks to the tools to get it working.


On 3/7/12 11:05 AM, David Jackson wrote:

Many of your issues are non-issues, as your suggestions were
implemented in some form long ago.  For example, updated applications
are compiled and available online.  You can use "pkg_add -r" to
install the newest binary package that is available, or you can update
your an installed application by updating the ports and using
portupgrade, which has options to control whether you compile updates
from source or install binary packages.

pkg-add -r does not seem to be an "upgrade all packages" sort of feature I
am looking for. I have tried pkg-upgrade, portmaster, and portupgrade, all
of these do not work. I am working on getting the logs
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Re: SATA Host Adapter Recommendation

2011-05-21 Thread Rob
I have a Highpoint 4-port PCI-E 4x card in a server that has worked well 
for a few years.  It's a bit pricey, but I've had no problems with it.

Recently, I've gotten 3 Rosewill RC-218 cards because they're much 
cheaper and I don't need the RAID functionality on other cards.  I'm 
building servers with them now, but FreeBSD recognizes the disks 
attached to them fine (so long as your on >= 8.2 and you add 
hw.hptrr.attach_generic=0 in /boot/loader.conf).  I haven't tried 
hot-swapping any drives yet, but I'm assuming since it's SATA it should 
work fine.  I should probably verify that soon.


On 5/21/11 9:26 PM, Jason C. Wells wrote:

I am looking to get 2 sata host adapters. The mandatory requirements are
good freebsd support and hot swap capability. I plan to use gmirror. I
have discovered that my onboard chipsets don't support hot swap.

The highpoint cards are rated highly on newegg. Are these good with

Jason C. Wells
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Virtualbox on 8.2 64-bit

2011-06-06 Thread Rob
I was attempting to install virtualbox on my 8.2-p2 64-bit system this 
weekend, and hit a rather curious situation.  The pre-packaged version 
of virtualbox retrievable by pkg_add is 3.2.12 (which looks in 
ports/amd64/packages-8.2-release).  Poking around on the ftp server, I 
see that packages-8.1-release also has a 3.x version, but 
packages-8-stable has the latest 4.0.8.

I went to look in ports, which contains 4.0.8, and build it myself but I 
got an error saying I need to have the 32-bit libraries installed in 
order to build virtualbox.

So, my question is 2-fold:
1) What is the reason the 64-bit pre-packaged version of virtualbox is 
still at the 3.x version?  Would there be a problem with installing the 
packages (virtualbox and kernel module) from packages-8-stable?

2) How do I build virtualbox 4.0.8 on a 64-bit system w/o the 32-bit 
libs.  Is that possible?  Searching around has produced old e-mail 
threads indicating this was a problem as of 2 or so years ago with the 
3.x release.  If it's not possible to build w/o the 32-bit libs, what do 
I need to install?

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Re: Virtualbox on 8.2 64-bit

2011-06-06 Thread Rob

On 6/6/11 8:13 PM, Mario Lobo wrote:

On Monday 06 June 2011 17:56:53 Rob wrote:

I was attempting to install virtualbox on my 8.2-p2 64-bit system this
weekend, and hit a rather curious situation.  The pre-packaged version
of virtualbox retrievable by pkg_add is 3.2.12 (which looks in
ports/amd64/packages-8.2-release).  Poking around on the ftp server, I
see that packages-8.1-release also has a 3.x version, but
packages-8-stable has the latest 4.0.8.

I went to look in ports, which contains 4.0.8, and build it myself but I
got an error saying I need to have the 32-bit libraries installed in
order to build virtualbox.

So, my question is 2-fold:
1) What is the reason the 64-bit pre-packaged version of virtualbox is
still at the 3.x version?  Would there be a problem with installing the
packages (virtualbox and kernel module) from packages-8-stable?

2) How do I build virtualbox 4.0.8 on a 64-bit system w/o the 32-bit
libs.  Is that possible?  Searching around has produced old e-mail
threads indicating this was a problem as of 2 or so years ago with the
3.x release.  If it's not possible to build w/o the 32-bit libs, what do
I need to install?


You need to rebuild your kernel with

options COMPAT_FREEBSD32# Compatible with i386 binaries


I'm running the stock 8.2 kernel.  Is that option compiled into the 
kernel?  Where do I find the options that are enabled in the stock kernel?

Also, does COMPAT_FREEBSD32 mean I don't need the 32-bit libs for 
compilation, or that the kernel will run binaries compiled for 32-bit 
systems?  If the later, then I'll still need to install the 32-bit 
version of the libraries in order to build, right?

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Re: Virtualbox on 8.2 64-bit (cont)

2011-06-09 Thread Rob

On 6/6/11 8:39 PM, Mario Lobo wrote:

On Monday 06 June 2011 17:56:53 Rob wrote:

I was attempting to install virtualbox on my 8.2-p2 64-bit system this
weekend, and hit a rather curious situation.  The pre-packaged version
of virtualbox retrievable by pkg_add is 3.2.12 (which looks in
ports/amd64/packages-8.2-release).  Poking around on the ftp server, I
see that packages-8.1-release also has a 3.x version, but
packages-8-stable has the latest 4.0.8.

I went to look in ports, which contains 4.0.8, and build it myself but I
got an error saying I need to have the 32-bit libraries installed in
order to build virtualbox.

So, my question is 2-fold:
1) What is the reason the 64-bit pre-packaged version of virtualbox is
still at the 3.x version?  Would there be a problem with installing the
packages (virtualbox and kernel module) from packages-8-stable?

2) How do I build virtualbox 4.0.8 on a 64-bit system w/o the 32-bit
libs.  Is that possible?  Searching around has produced old e-mail
threads indicating this was a problem as of 2 or so years ago with the
3.x release.  If it's not possible to build w/o the 32-bit libs, what do
I need to install?


You need to rebuild your kernel with

options COMPAT_FREEBSD32# Compatible with i386 binaries


And as per the port's error message:

cd /usr/src; make build32 install32; /etc/rc.d/ldconfig restart

I noticed that when I tried to build the ports, but I don't have 
anything in /usr/src and no information was given as to what 
packages/src I needed to install.  I'd like to avoid diverging from the 
stock release kernel for upgrade simplicity.  What exactly does that do? 
 Will it introduce upgrade complexity (ie will I have to upgrade these 
libs before I upgrade the kernel or some such)?

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Re: Virtualbox on 8.2 64-bit (cont)

2011-06-13 Thread Rob

On 6/9/11 4:55 PM, Mario Lobo wrote:

On Thursday 09 June 2011 10:49:37 Rob wrote:

On 6/6/11 8:39 PM, Mario Lobo wrote:

On Monday 06 June 2011 17:56:53 Rob wrote:

I was attempting to install virtualbox on my 8.2-p2 64-bit system this
weekend, and hit a rather curious situation.  The pre-packaged version
of virtualbox retrievable by pkg_add is 3.2.12 (which looks in
ports/amd64/packages-8.2-release).  Poking around on the ftp server, I
see that packages-8.1-release also has a 3.x version, but
packages-8-stable has the latest 4.0.8.

I went to look in ports, which contains 4.0.8, and build it myself but I
got an error saying I need to have the 32-bit libraries installed in
order to build virtualbox.

So, my question is 2-fold:
1) What is the reason the 64-bit pre-packaged version of virtualbox is
still at the 3.x version?  Would there be a problem with installing the
packages (virtualbox and kernel module) from packages-8-stable?

2) How do I build virtualbox 4.0.8 on a 64-bit system w/o the 32-bit
libs.  Is that possible?  Searching around has produced old e-mail
threads indicating this was a problem as of 2 or so years ago with the
3.x release.  If it's not possible to build w/o the 32-bit libs, what do
I need to install?


You need to rebuild your kernel with

options COMPAT_FREEBSD32# Compatible with i386 binaries


And as per the port's error message:

cd /usr/src; make build32 install32; /etc/rc.d/ldconfig restart

I noticed that when I tried to build the ports, but I don't have
anything in /usr/src and no information was given as to what
packages/src I needed to install.  I'd like to avoid diverging from the
stock release kernel for upgrade simplicity.  What exactly does that do?
   Will it introduce upgrade complexity (ie will I have to upgrade these
libs before I upgrade the kernel or some such)?


To remain with the same kernel you installed, you must install the source tree
from the same CD/DVD you used for installation.

You will have to run sysinstal and go to

Configure  Do post-install configuration of FreeBSD


Distributions   Install additional distribution sets

then mark

[ ]  src   Sources for everything

Choose the CDROM as installation media. After that you'll have all the sources
on your HD and can proceed to the compilation of the 32 libs.

If the sources are from the same CD you installed the system, they will be in
sync with your kernel. No upgrade issues.

What is that command doing though?  It's building what from src?  What 
is the output of build32?  I assume it's not a kernel.

Also, do you know the difference between pre-built packages on the 
freebsd ftp server in packages-8.2-release vs packages-8-stable?

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Re: Virtualbox on 8.2 64-bit (cont)

2011-06-14 Thread Rob

On 6/14/11 8:06 AM, Ondrej Majerech wrote:

On 06/09/2011 15:49, Rob wrote:

On 6/6/11 8:39 PM, Mario Lobo wrote:

You need to rebuild your kernel with

options COMPAT_FREEBSD32 # Compatible with i386 binaries


I noticed that when I tried to build the ports, but I don't have
anything in /usr/src and no information was given as to what
packages/src I needed to install. I'd like to avoid diverging from the
stock release kernel for upgrade simplicity. What exactly does that do?
Will it introduce upgrade complexity (ie will I have to upgrade these
libs before I upgrade the kernel or some such)?

Needless to say, that option seems to be enabled in GENERIC:

[starlight] ~ > grep COMPAT_FREEBSD32 /usr/src/sys/amd64/conf/GENERIC
options COMPAT_FREEBSD32 # Compatible with i386 binaries

Also I don't remember having to issue make build32 install32 or anything
of that sort.

You do need to have the FreeBSD source tree installed on your system,
though. Did you try just fetching the source tree without building from
it and then trying to build VirtualBox again?

~ Ondra

Is there a pkg_add command for installing the source tree, or should I 
just use sysinstall?

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Re: Virtualbox on 8.2 64-bit (cont)

2011-06-14 Thread Rob

On 6/14/11 4:52 PM, Mario Lobo wrote:

Also, do you know the difference between pre-built packages on the
freebsd ftp server in packages-8.2-release vs packages-8-stable?

Well, IF you installed the source tree from the SAME cd  which you installed
the FreeBSD you have now, there won't be any problems. You said you want to
keep the stock kernel you installed so I assume that you haven't updated
anything from the internet. You MUST install the source tree from the same
DVD/CD from where you installed your running kernel!

The diference is that the packages are meant to run on their respective
version. I believe that packages that don't rely on a specific thing of one
version should run without problems on both. But this is not normal or even
needed at all, specially because it is so easy to bring everything uptodate to
the same version.

I installed from an 8.2 boot only CD (ie network install) and have since 
patched up to 8.2-p2.  I assume I can just run sysinstall from my system 
and pull the src tree from the ftp server?

When 8.3 comes out, what do I need to do to update the src tree?  This 
may be documented in the UPDATING docs, but having never messed with the 
source tree I haven't had cause to look.  If so just tell me to go read 
the respective doc. :)

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SATA SDD cards

2011-06-15 Thread Rob
Has anyone tried using an SATA SSD card (SATA add-on card that is a SSD 
drive) in FreeBSD?  I was looking at an OCZ RevoDrive and was wondering 
if anyone had tried using one of those specifically, or any SATA SSD 
card in general.

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AMD 850/950 support?

2011-09-02 Thread Rob
Anyone know if FreeBSD 8.2 supports the AMD 850 and/or 950 southbridge? 
 I've been looking on the web without much luck (unusual) and the 
hardware docs for the release for the ata driver only mentions 5 amd 
chipsets.  Is there perhaps a different chipset I should be looking for 
to determine ata support for those southbridges?

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AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-02 Thread Rob
I was getting ready to install the latest FreeBSD 9-RCs image, and I 
found that 9 now defaults to using the ahci driver for sata disks.  This 
would be great if it weren't for the fact that the ahci driver seems to 
do dynamic device name assignment as opposed to the static ones used 
with the older drivers.

I've looked around on google and while this is mentioned (in old 
threads), the "solution" is to use labels or elaborate mapping via hints 
which really aren't solutions imo.  If I have 15 disks in an array, I 
want to be able to label them and know which bay is which device name. 
If I have to replace a drive, I have no idea what dynamic device name it 
will have when it comes time to partition (and label, if I were using 
that).  I could probably figure it out by looking at what disks are used 
on the system, but that's more work that it really should be.

Is there a way to use the ahci driver and get static device names?

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Re: AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-03 Thread Rob
glabel looks to place a label on the whole disk, but the manpage is 
unclear (to me) how the partitions are handled.  If I use glabel to 
label a disk "test" and this disk has 4 partitions on it, then how is 
each partition accessed?  testp1...testp4 for gpt?

The other option seems to be to use tunefs or a partitioning tool to 
label each partition, which is even more ugly imo.


On 12/2/11 9:27 PM, Derrick Ryalls wrote:

Look for disk labels, I think glabel is the command.  Then you use
/dev/label/mylabel etc for the disks.

Let me know if this isn't enough to find the right man page or spot in
the handbook.  I use it in my raid array but am running short on time
right now.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Rob>> wrote:

I was getting ready to install the latest FreeBSD 9-RCs image, and I
found that 9 now defaults to using the ahci driver for sata disks.
  This would be great if it weren't for the fact that the ahci
driver seems to do dynamic device name assignment as opposed to the
static ones used with the older drivers.

I've looked around on google and while this is mentioned (in old
threads), the "solution" is to use labels or elaborate mapping via
hints which really aren't solutions imo.  If I have 15 disks in an
array, I want to be able to label them and know which bay is which
device name. If I have to replace a drive, I have no idea what
dynamic device name it will have when it comes time to partition
(and label, if I were using that).  I could probably figure it out
by looking at what disks are used on the system, but that's more
work that it really should be.

Is there a way to use the ahci driver and get static device names?

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Re: AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-03 Thread Rob
Is there a loader.conf entry to enable the static ids, or will the ahci 
driver always use static ids if "options ATA_STATIC_ID" is in the kernel 
config?  I desire to use stock kernels and the 9-rc2 boot iso seems to 
not have ATA_STATID_ID set (unless there's a loader.conf value to enable 
the functionality)


On 12/3/11 3:44 AM, Denise H. G. wrote:

On 2011/12/03 at 10:51, Rob  wrote:

I was getting ready to install the latest FreeBSD 9-RCs image, and I
found that 9 now defaults to using the ahci driver for sata disks.
This would be great if it weren't for the fact that the ahci driver
seems to do dynamic device name assignment as opposed to the static
ones used with the older drivers.

I've looked around on google and while this is mentioned (in old
threads), the "solution" is to use labels or elaborate mapping via
hints which really aren't solutions imo.  If I have 15 disks in an
array, I want to be able to label them and know which bay is which
device name. If I have to replace a drive, I have no idea what dynamic
device name it will have when it comes time to partition (and label,
if I were using that).  I could probably figure it out by looking at
what disks are used on the system, but that's more work that it really
should be.

It seems AHCI driver uses static naming policies if you have 'options
ATA_STATIC_ID' in your kernel configuration. Anyway, I just have one
SATA disk, which the system recognizes as 'ada4'.

I don't know whether this will apply in your case.

Is there a way to use the ahci driver and get static device names?


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Re: AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-14 Thread Rob

On 12/3/11 11:04 AM, CyberLeo Kitsana wrote:

To answer your question, though: You cannot combine GPT with glabel (or
any other geom class that writes data to the first or last 34 sectors of
a disk, like gmirror) due to layout conflicts. MBR and BSD schemes can
be used, since they occupy only the first sectors of the device, and
their monikers will be appended to the label. Thus, labeling a
single-slice MBR disk (/dev/ada0) with 'test' would produce /dev/ada0,
/dev/ada0s1, /dev/label/test, and /dev/label/tests1; nesting a BSD table
within s1 would add /dev/ada0s1a and /dev/label/tests1a as well.

Do gpt labels work the same as glabel, ie provide a static device name 
that can be acted upon with /etc/fstab, zfs, gmirror, etc?

The other option seems to be to use tunefs or a partitioning tool to
label each partition, which is even more ugly imo.

Ugly how? Labels appear a lot more semantically elegant than the opaque
'ada4s1a' moniker.

Ugly in that the driver has created a situation where we need 
workarounds to perform the tasks we need.  *nix systems have always 
relied upon static device nodes, and using dynamic names without 
updating the relating tools/methods is ugly.  The workarounds also could 
fail if someone forgets to perform them (specifically labels), since 
it's not necessary on just about any other *nix system.  It's perfectly 
within reason to assume people will forget to apply a label when 
replacing a disk.

Case in point.  I have a system with 15 drives in it.  I decided I 
wanted to install on the 2nd device instead of the 1st, but I 
partitioned all the other 14 drives.  I completed installation and when 
to boot the system and it failed.  Stupid me, the GPT boot loader found 
disk1 with a partitioning scheme but no fs.  So, I popped out disk 1 and 
when to boot again.  Hey, now it starts to boot only to fail to find the 
root fs because it's looking on ada1 and the fs is on ada0.  That is a mess.

This is not necessarily common, but also not uncommon.  More likely is 
the case where you add a drive to the system and the above scenario 
plays out because the device names get re-ordered.  I'm not sure the 
problem the dynamic device nodes intends to solve, but it's certainly 
caused all sorts of pain and the need for the 2 (that I know of) 

I dislike the idea of having to use labels to get static functionality 
(increases the likelihood of something going wrong for a disk replace 
operation if I forget to label), but I'll give gpt labels a try.

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Re: AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-14 Thread Rob
Can glabels, gpt, and zfs all work together?  I have a system where I 
have disks with 4 gpt partitions. Partitions 2 and 3 are part of gmirror 
arrays, and partition 4 is part of a zfs pool.  glabel says it writes to 
the end of the partition, which I believe zfs also writes to doesn't it?


On 12/4/11 4:28 AM, wrote:

CyberLeo Kitsana  wrote:

You cannot combine GPT with glabel (or any other geom class
that writes data to the first or last 34 sectors of a disk,
like gmirror) due to layout conflicts.

This is overstated.  Since a GPT ordinarily is intended to be booted
from, and so must be recognized by the BIOS, it must be written
directly on the actual drive -- the "rank 1 provider" in GEOM terms
-- because that is the only way for the GPT metadata to be located
where the BIOS expects to find it (at both the beginning and the end
of the drive).

It is, however, possible to combine GPT with gmirror, gjournal,
etc. by using GPT partitions, rather than drives, as providers
for the other geoms.  For example, create a mirror from ad0p1
and ad2p1 rather than from ad0 and ad2.  Similarly, it "should"
be possible to glabel a GPT partition -- although this seems
unlikely to be useful in practice since GPT provides its own
labelling scheme.

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Re: AHCI driver and static device names

2011-12-14 Thread Rob
and I should expect 
something to come out of it.

In my case, I have not moved the cabling of a disk at all and thus 
expect the device name to stay the same.  All I have done is add a new 
disk to the controller.  I have a reasonable expectation that that 
action should not re-order the device nodes and screw up god knows what 
(ALL mounts could break, and the system could even fail to boot).  This 
is how things used to work, and in fact still do work in Linux and other 

Or how about those silly BIOSes that assume that you must really want to
boot to the new disk you just attached to the machine, so helpfully
rearrange your boot order for you so now you're booting to a strange
disk with who knows what on it?

Honestly, there's so much that can go wrong. That's what sysadmins are for.

None of those are related to my point.  If a something breaks before I 
boot the system, that's a whole other issue.  I am talking about 
breaking filesystem mounting by changing an age old methodology.

I dislike the idea of having to use labels to get static functionality
(increases the likelihood of something going wrong for a disk replace
operation if I forget to label), but I'll give gpt labels a try.

I find that labels solve more problems than they introduce, when applied
properly. The semantic meaning given to the devices often mean I can
discover what's on a particular disk in my pile'o'drives just by
plugging it in and looking at the kernel log; no mounting necessary.
Likewise, when juggling disks or controllers around, I don't have to
worry about remembering to update the fstab, since the labels follow the

If you want to use labels then by all means use them.  I can seem 
advantages to using them.  What I'm saying is that it is broken to have 
to use them in order to fix issues with the ahci driver using dynamic 
device names.  The fact that you have to use them to ensure your system 
doesn't break horribly when you do something simple like add a disk is a 
clear indication of a broken design in the ahci driver imho.

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9.0-RELEASE and RealTek (re) watchdog timeout

2012-01-13 Thread Rob
I'm attempting to transfer a large amount of data from one zfs pool on 
one system to a zfs pool on another via zfs send/receive.  The sender is 
8.2 and the receiver is 9.0.  The receiver is using a re network driver, 
and sometime during the transfer all connectivity is lost with the 
receiver.  Looking at the machine, I see:

re0: watchdog timeout
re0: link state changed to DOWN
re0: link state changed to UP

every 5-15 seconds in the logs.  I've tried disabling MSI/MSI-X, but 
that didn't have an affect.  The only way I've gotten connectivity back 
was to reboot the machine.  Has anyone seen this before?  Any ideas?

pciconf of the network interface:

vendor = 'Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.'
device = 'RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller'
class  = network
subclass   = ethernet
cap 01[40] = powerspec 3  supports D0 D1 D2 D3  current D0
cap 05[50] = MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit
cap 10[70] = PCI-Express 2 endpoint IRQ 2 max data 128(128) link x1(x1)
cap 11[b0] = MSI-X supports 4 messages in map 0x20 enabled
cap 03[d0] = VPD
ecap 0001[100] = AER 1 0 fatal 0 non-fatal 0 corrected
ecap 0002[140] = VC 1 max VC0
ecap 0003[160] = Serial 1 1234567812345678

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SSD for ZIL suggestions?

2012-01-13 Thread Rob
I'm looking at getting a couple of SSDs to act as ZIL drives on FreeBSD 
8/9 systems.  Are there any recommended drives?

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Re: flash plugin in 6.0 / realplayer & fontconfig

2005-12-19 Thread Rob
On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 17:12:07 -0900
Beecher Rintoul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 19 December 2005 07:41 am, dick hoogendijk wrote:
> > On 18 Dec Beecher Rintoul wrote:
> > > On Sunday 18 December 2005 10:16 pm, Dev Tugnait wrote:
> > > > On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 01:06 -0500, James Bailie wrote:
> > > > > Dev Tugnait wrote:
> > > > >  > The port is not broken cvsup your tree
> > > > >
> > > > > Yes it is.  While some things work, it still does not create the
> > > > > proper symbolic link for the acrobat plugin, nor is the path
> > > > > for it correct in the sample libmap.confs.  Beecher's fix will
> > > > > correct.
> > > >
> > > > The only thing it doesnt do is create symbolic links which does not
> > > > mark a port as BROKEN for one, secondly why would you remove your
> > > > browser_plugins dir?
> > >
> > > That was a typo, read the followup I sent immediately following the
> > > first message. Secondly putting plugins in browser_linux_plugins does
> > > break firefox and mozilla. I would call that broken where I come from.
> > > Users should not have to move things that were installed in the wrong
> > > place. That's the job of the port.
> >
> > You were very quick with your correction of the typo. Faster than some
> > of us read their mails ;-)
> > Secondly, I totally agree to the statement that the port is "broken"
> > You have too much to manually correct.
> > At the time I was not aware of the facts and lost quite some time
> > finding out. If you know, it's not that kind of a deal.
> Even though I'm not a programmer, I'm looking into fixing that port. I've 
> tried contacting the maintainer and didn't get any response. If I manage to 
> get it working I'll file a PR. The linuxpluginwrapper has been broken since 
> the last upgrade, acroread way before that and it took me many hours to find 
> all the fixes necessary (thank you everyone who helped me with that issue). 
> If nothing else, I'll write all those changes into a script which will do it 
> automatically. I would think this would be a priority if FreeBSD is going to 
> be a viable desktop alternative. It's exactly this kind of situation that 
> causes new users to give up and go with the penguin, or worse go back to 
> micro$oft. I can't even tell someone to read the documentation, because there 
> isn't any. These fixes were scattered throughout many email threads that span 
> many months.
> If anyone needs a copy of my work-around it can be found at:
> Just my .02
> Beech
I can sympathize about these linux program problems.  I want to be
able to listen to Real Audio streams, but as it is now I have to boot
into Windows to do it.

The linux-realplayer won't start because it can't find any fonts and
it tells me to fix fontconfig.  I never had problems with fonts before
fontconfig came into being.  I really have no idea why it exists.

Moreover, I have no interest in learning XML, then cutting and pasting
various config files together out of what little documentation exists
for fontconfig.  The documentation is so poor that I have no idea what
I am doing anyway.   Searches on Google and the mailing lists were no
help either.

It is very frustrating.  I concur that some of these programs are just
not desktop ready.  At this rate I am never going to be able to get rid
of XP on my laptop.

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Firefox 1.5 complains that it is already running

2005-12-27 Thread Rob

I compiled Firefox 1.5 from ports but when attempting to start it I get
the error message:

"Firefox is already running, but is not responding.  To open a new
window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart
your system."

I could not find any Firefox or Mozilla type of process running.
I am starting it from a terminal and I get no error messages there.
Ending Xorg and then starting it again does not help.

Finally Firefox was compiled with -o -pipe -mtune=pentium4, so I doubt
if there would be any problem with the build.

Thank you.

Rob Lytle

ps.  Mozilla runs OK, but I had to turn off java and javascript, and
also block pop-up windows in order to stop the occasional 100% cpu
usage and zombie processes.


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Re: FreeBSD vs Linux/ vs. OpenBSD

2006-01-17 Thread Rob
On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 15:02:31 -0500
Mike Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On  Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 09:32:30PM +0200, Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT wrote:
> > any idea when i'll be able to use my sound card on freebsd ;) ?
> > [high definition audio :p]
> > changing the topic ;)
> > missed listening to music :'( [my speakers will get rot soon, dont even know
> > if they still work :p]
> You know it could be worse, you could be using OpenBSD and then you'd never
> even have a chance at getting a proprietary driver to work. ;) In the meantime
> why don't you spend $5 and get a cheap sound card to give you something to do
> while you wait?:)
> OpenBSD vs. FreeBSD vs. Linux opens up a new old can of worms... or is that
> an new can of old worms? 
> Mike


My experience with FreeBSD on the laptop has been very good.  And even
OpenBSD isn't too bad for a laptop these days.  Their generic kernel
picks up most of the hardware.

Rob Lytle

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partitioning "after the fact"

2006-01-17 Thread Rob
I guess I didn't plan well in my partitioning scheme for this laptop.

I have a 15G primary partition #1 containing XP, 15G logical partition
#2 containing empty space recovered from a previous Linux install, 15G primary 
#3 containing FreeBSD, and the rest of the disk unallocated.

I think I already know the answer to my question but I wanted to ask
to make certain.  I would like to make partition #2 to also contain
FreeBSD.  But if I remember correctly there is no way to do such a
thing without starting all over again in setting up the disk.




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dhclient and bootpd on same system OK?

2006-02-13 Thread Rob
  I have a home network with a router connected to the
  external internet, and four PCs on the home network.
  The router provides IPs with its DHCP server.
  (The router is a small commercial box skrewed to
  the wall).
  One of the PCs on the home network is a FreeBSD
  (6-Stable). This FreeBSD PC runs dhclient to get its
  IP configuration. So far so good.
  All other PCs on the network are Windows PCs,
  but have a BIOS that allow Network boots.
  Therefore I would like to set up the possibility to
  boot these PCs as diskless boxes from the
  FreeBSD PC, using the bootpd server.
  Hence, I'd like to make this FreeBSD PC a
  bootpd server. But it is already running dhclient.
  Would such a setup cause conflicts?

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How to add 'polling' in rc.conf to the ifconfig line?

2006-02-20 Thread Rob


With 5.X, polling was enabled by setting the
sysctl variable. However, with 6-Stable this
seems to be depreciated; instead polling should
be added per interface in the ifconfig line.

I used to have this in /etc/rc.conf:

ifconfig_sk0="inet netmask"
ifconfig_sk0_alias0="ether 00:50:bf:33:01:01"

(Note that I need the alias0 line, to enforce a
particular hardware address for the interface)

How do I add polling here?
When I add 'polling' at the end of either line,
then the configuration is not done properly or
even not done at all.


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fastboot: hangs afer console line "Rebooting"

2006-02-20 Thread Rob


I have bought a 'naked' motherboard (no case) and
assembled it to a computer myself (adding CPU, RAM
etc. myself). It's an ASUS P4S8X-MX with SIS chips.

It works all fine, except for the fastboot command.
Bootup from cold machine and shutdown all works
perfectly ("shutdown -p now" switches off the power).

However, when I do a 'fastboot', the console displays
the machine's down procedure, and then says:


but nothing happens anymore after this.
I have to power off/on the machine, in order to
boot again.

Any idea why this is happening?
Are specific settings on the motherboard or in
the BIOS relevant to such a reboot?


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Re: fetchmail core dumping

2006-02-21 Thread Rob
Jim wrote:
> spike# fetchmail -v
> fetchmail: WARNING: Running as root is discouraged.
> fetchmail: removing stale lockfile
> fetchmail: 6.3.2 querying (protocol
> POP3) at Tue Feb 21 
> 16:38:52 2006: poll started
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> Not sure what I can do to fix this. Any pointers
> greatly appreciated.

What version of FreeBSD do you use?
I have fetchmail-6.3.2_1 installed on a 6-Stable PC.
No problems.

Does your rc file have the proper syntax?
This is mine:

# fetchmailrc
set invisible
set postmaster "postmaster"
set no bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
set daemon 30
poll localhost with proto IMAP port 22143
  user 'myid' there with password 'mypasswd' is \
   'myid' here options fetchall

Ah, note that I make use of an ssh-tunnel from
localhost port 22143 to port 143 on the imap server.
You may want to replace 'localhost' and 22143 by
your appropriate settings.
However, remember that pop3 and imap is too
insecure when not using encryption!


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problem regarding setting DISPLAY env variable and hostname

2006-02-22 Thread Rob
I have been trying to figure out how to set the display name on my computer.  I 
have a program used with Xorg
that gives me the error message:

_X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for xenon:6000: hostname nor 
servname provided, or not known
Error: Can't open display: xenon:0.0

also when starting or stopping Xorg I either get:

bad display name "xenon:0" in "remove" commandor
bad display name "xenon:0  in "list" command

I have my XDISPLAY env variable set using (in Bash):

DISPLAY=xenon:0.0 export DISPLAY

xenon is the name of the machine

I think part of the problem is the setting of the hostname.  This laptop runs 
off of DHCP
and I am not really sure about what I should do for setting the hostname.  The 
manual says
to set HOSTNAME="" in rc.conf if using DHCP, but then I get the amnesiac 
message upon boot.
Sendmail doesn't like that either and hangs during the boot process.  So I just 
set it
arbitrarily to "xenon"

I have read manual pages, searched the archives, but I am really confused about 
all of this.
Thank you for any help.


Rob Lytle


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Re: problem regarding setting DISPLAY env variable and hostname

2006-02-22 Thread Rob
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 20:27:20 +0200
Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2006-02-22 10:17, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been trying to figure out how to set the display name on my
> > computer.  I have a program used with Xorg that gives me the error
> > message:
> >
> > _X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for xenon:6000: hostname nor 
> > servname provided, or not known
> > Error: Can't open display: xenon:0.0
> >
> > also when starting or stopping Xorg I either get:
> >
> > bad display name "xenon:0" in "remove" commandor
> > bad display name "xenon:0  in "list" command
> Your laptop can't resolve the name "xenon".
> > I have my XDISPLAY env variable set using (in Bash):
> >
> > DISPLAY=xenon:0.0 export DISPLAY
> >
> > xenon is the name of the machine
> >
> > I think part of the problem is the setting of the hostname.  This laptop
> > runs off of DHCP and I am not really sure about what I should do for
> > setting the hostname.  The manual says to set HOSTNAME="" in rc.conf if
> > using DHCP, but then I get the amnesiac message upon boot.  Sendmail
> > doesn't like that either and hangs during the boot process.  So I just
> > set it arbitrarily to "xenon"
> Note that the capitalization of rc.conf variables is *significant*.  The
> real rc.conf variable that you have to set to avoid the "Amnesiac" name is:
> hostname="xenon"
> > I have read manual pages, searched the archives, but I am really confused
> > about all of this.  Thank you for any help.
> All this can be resolved by using `/etc/hosts'.  Just add your hostname
> there and point it to the address.  Then all programs should be
> able to resolve it.
Thanks Giorgios,

I think that I have the hostname problem resolved.  rc.conf has 
hostname="xenon"  and
/etc/hosts has: localhost  xenon

So now Xorg does not give errors on startup or shutdown like the 
> > bad display name "xenon:0" in "remove" commandor
> > bad display name "xenon:0  in "list" command

But when not setting the DISPLAY variable explicitely anywhere I still get the 
"out of display lists" upon starting the program I want from xterm

But then setting DISPLAY=xenon:0.0 export DISPLAY and then executing the 
program then gives the error:

"Can't open display: xenon:0.0"   so I guess I am back to square one.

Maybe I should call it a day and rest, haha.




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sendmail hangs with errors after setting hostname

2006-02-22 Thread Rob

OK, I think that I now have my hostname set properly in rc.conf and /etc/hosts

In rc.conf is the line hostname="xenon"

In /etc/hosts there is one line:  localhost  xenon

Upon bootup I get the following error:

"xenon sm-mta [1556]: My unqualified host name (localhost) unknown;
sleeping for retry"

Then after it sleeps a bit I get more errors.  Finally, I just hig  to 
kill it
and the boot process continues.

I looked in the handbook in the Sendmail section and it referred to a file in 
called "local-host-names" and I put that file in with the line: "xenon" in 
there, but with 
the same results, so I am really not certain exactly what to do now.

I put the Sendmail config part of rc.conf below.  I just want localhost based 



part of rc.conf:

###  Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) options  ##

# Script to start your chosen MTA, called by /etc/rc.
# Settings for /etc/rc.sendmail and /etc/rc.d/sendmail:
sendmail_enable="NO"# Run the sendmail inbound daemon (YES/NO).
sendmail_pidfile="/var/run/"# sendmail pid file
sendmail_procname="/usr/sbin/sendmail"  # sendmail process name
sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -bd -q30m" # Flags to sendmail (as a server)
sendmail_submit_enable="YES"# Start a localhost-only MTA for mail submission
sendmail_submit_flags="-L sm-mta -bd -q30m -ODaemonPortOptions=Addr=localhost"
# Flags for localhost-only MTA
sendmail_outbound_enable="YES"  # Dequeue stuck mail (YES/NO).
sendmail_outbound_flags="-L sm-queue -q30m" # Flags to sendmail (outbound only)
sendmail_msp_queue_enable="YES" # Dequeue stuck clientmqueue mail (YES/NO).
sendmail_msp_queue_flags="-L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q30m"
    # Flags for sendmail_msp_queue daemon.


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Sendmail: "550 Relaying denied" after boot up; restart sendmail solves problem !?!

2006-02-23 Thread Rob


I have a weird problem with my mail server.
It's running 6-Stable as Feb. 23rd.

After a boot up, sendmail refuses to deliver
emails with a

 reject=550 5.7.1 [...] Relaying denied

When I then simply restart sendmail manually:

  /etc/rc.d/sendmail restart

the problem is solved and email is correctly
delivered without any Relay denials.

Any idea what this can be?
And how to get this right immediately after
boot up?


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Re: problem regarding setting DISPLAY env variable and hostname

2006-02-23 Thread Rob
Rob wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 20:27:20 +0200
> Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 2006-02-22 10:17, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I have been trying to figure out how to set the display name on my
>>> computer.  I have a program used with Xorg that gives me the error
>>> message:
>>> _X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for xenon:6000: hostname nor 
>>> servname provided, or not known
>>> Error: Can't open display: xenon:0.0
>>> also when starting or stopping Xorg I either get:
>>> bad display name "xenon:0" in "remove" commandor
>>> bad display name "xenon:0  in "list" command
>> Your laptop can't resolve the name "xenon".
>>> I have my XDISPLAY env variable set using (in Bash):
>>> DISPLAY=xenon:0.0 export DISPLAY
>>> xenon is the name of the machine
>>> I think part of the problem is the setting of the hostname.  This laptop
>>> runs off of DHCP and I am not really sure about what I should do for
>>> setting the hostname.  The manual says to set HOSTNAME="" in rc.conf if
>>> using DHCP, but then I get the amnesiac message upon boot.  Sendmail
>>> doesn't like that either and hangs during the boot process.  So I just
>>> set it arbitrarily to "xenon"
>> Note that the capitalization of rc.conf variables is *significant*.  The
>> real rc.conf variable that you have to set to avoid the "Amnesiac" name is:
>> hostname="xenon"
>>> I have read manual pages, searched the archives, but I am really confused
>>> about all of this.  Thank you for any help.
>> All this can be resolved by using `/etc/hosts'.  Just add your hostname
>> there and point it to the address.  Then all programs should be
>> able to resolve it.
> Thanks Giorgios,
> I think that I have the hostname problem resolved.  rc.conf has 
> hostname="xenon"  and
> /etc/hosts has: localhost  xenon
> So now Xorg does not give errors on startup or shutdown like the 
>>> bad display name "xenon:0" in "remove" commandor
>>> bad display name "xenon:0  in "list" command
> But when not setting the DISPLAY variable explicitely anywhere I still get 
> the error:
> "out of display lists" upon starting the program I want from xterm
> But then setting DISPLAY=xenon:0.0 export DISPLAY and then executing the 
> program then gives the error:
> "Can't open display: xenon:0.0"   so I guess I am back to square one.
> Maybe I should call it a day and rest, haha.
> Thanks,
> Rob

Sorry if you get this twice Rob as I mistakenly 
sent my reply only to you without including the list

I had the same problem.  Add this line to your 
.xinitrc file

xdpyinfo -display :0.0

The hostname is not specified.


Hi Duane,

I put the line you suggest into .xinitrc, but I still have the same problem.  I 
also went into /etc/hosts after 
doing this and tried two ways of setting hosts:

1.  localhost   xenon
2  localhost

But I am still seeing the "out of display lists" message.
It seems like the xdpyinfo command does not do anything.

The only thing that I have done which changes the error message is to set 
/etc/rc.conf hostname="xenon"
Then in .bash_profile put "DISPLAY=xenon:0.0 export DISPLAY"

Then I get the different error message:

"_X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for xenon:6000: hostname nor 
servname provided, or not known
Error: Can't open display: xenon:0.0"

So I guess now I have tried every combination of the following:

setting hostname in rc.conf to either "" or "xenon"
setting "DISPLAY=xenon:0.0" or leaving that line out in .bash_profile

And finally, putting in xinitrc "xdpyinfo -display  :0.0  or just leaving that 
line out.

So I am still baffled. 




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Re: problem regarding setting DISPLAY env variable and hostname

2006-02-23 Thread Rob
On 2006-02-22 13:07, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 20:27:20 +0200
>Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I have read manual pages, searched the archives, but I am really confused
>>> about all of this.  Thank you for any help.
>> All this can be resolved by using `/etc/hosts'.  Just add your hostname
>> there and point it to the address.  Then all programs should be
>> able to resolve it.
> Thanks Giorgios,
> I think that I have the hostname problem resolved.  rc.conf has
> hostname="xenon" and /etc/hosts has: localhost xenon

That's quite fine :)

> So now Xorg does not give errors on startup or shutdown like the
> > > bad display name "xenon:0" in "remove" commandor
> > > bad display name "xenon:0  in "list" command
> But when not setting the DISPLAY variable explicitely anywhere I still
> get the error: "out of display lists" upon starting the program I want
> from xterm
> But then setting DISPLAY=xenon:0.0 export DISPLAY and then executing
> the program then gives the error:
> "Can't open display: xenon:0.0"   so I guess I am back to square one.
> Maybe I should call it a day and rest, haha.

Just a wild guess, since I don't see why you should have problems
running programs like:

Can't open display: xenon:0.0

Are you running X11 as a plain user and having problems to run programs
*after* using su(1) to become root or does this happen for all users in
all terminals?

- Giorgos

Hi Giorgos,

I am trying to run a program from xterm as a normal user.  However, when su'ing 
in xterm,
I am unable to run any programs.  Then I get the error:

"Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0.0

setting for csh as root:  setenv DISPLAY xenon:0.0 then gives the error message:

_XTransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for xenon:6000: hostname nor 
server name provided, 
or not known
Error: Can't open display xenon:0.0

I seem to remember never being able to su in xterm and be able to run any 
programs no matter what
combination of settings I have used.  I also think that the error messages 
might have been different
but I am starting to lose track of the error messages for combinations of 
settings for hostname, 
DISPLAY, etc.  I probably need to start putting all of this down on paper so I 
can find any patterns.



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Re: problem regarding setting DISPLAY env variable and hostname

2006-02-23 Thread Rob
Sorry, forgot to copy the list.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 10:23:47 -0800
To: Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: problem regarding setting DISPLAY env variable and hostname

On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 19:26:28 +0200
Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 2006-02-23 08:23, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry if you get this twice Rob as I mistakenly
> > sent my reply only to you without including the list
> >
> > I had the same problem.  Add this line to your
> > .xinitrc file
> >
> > xdpyinfo -display :0.0
> >
> > The hostname is not specified.
> >
> > --Duane
> > 
> >
> > Hi Duane,
> >
> > I put the line you suggest into .xinitrc, but I still have the
> > same problem.  I also went into /etc/hosts after doing this and
> > tried two ways of setting hosts:
> >
> > 1.  localhost   xenon
> > 2  localhost
> What are the "1." and "2" at the beginning of the lines above?
> I hope they are not part of your /etc/hosts file.
> You have obviously messed up your /etc/hosts file too much.
> Before you do anything else, please restore it from the sources,
> by copying `/usr/src/etc/hosts' over it.  Then re-add "xenon" at
> the localhost line.
> > But I am still seeing the "out of display lists" message.
> >
> > It seems like the xdpyinfo command does not do anything.
> It does.  It prints a lot information about the current display.  Since
> this goes to the terminal where xdpyinfo was started, then it goes to
> the virtual console that you start X11 in.  You won't see much, until
> you exit X11.
> > The only thing that I have done which changes the error message is to
> > set /etc/rc.conf hostname="xenon" Then in .bash_profile put
> > "DISPLAY=xenon:0.0 export DISPLAY"
> No.  That's a *horrible* idea.  The `startx' utility can start an X11
> server with a slightly different display, i.e. with:
> $ startx -- :1
> Then your .bash_profile will override the default DISPLAY of the X11
> session, messing up everything.  If you happen to run two X11 sessions
> at the same time, you will be opening windows in the first session no
> matter where you run the commands that you will use.
> > Then I get the different error message:
> >
> > "_X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for xenon:6000: hostname 
> > nor servname provided, or not known
> > Error: Can't open display: xenon:0.0"
> The error message means you still have name resolution problems.  Your
> system doesn't know that "xenon", "localhost", "" are all
> equivalents ways of referring to itself.
> > So I guess now I have tried every combination of the following:
> >
> > setting hostname in rc.conf to either "" or "xenon"
> > setting "DISPLAY=xenon:0.0" or leaving that line out in .bash_profile
> A hostname of "" is wrong.
> A hostname of "xenon" is almost right.
> > And finally, putting in xinitrc "xdpyinfo -display :0.0 or just
> > leaving that line out.
> This should be without any real side-effects regarding the way your X11
> session works.
> Please, restore your /etc/hosts file from /usr/src/etc/hosts and then
> we'll see what other may be wrong with your current setup.
> - Giorgos

Thank you very much Giorgos for keeping with me on this problem!

Here are all of the steps which I have just done:

I. I copied /usr/src/etc/hosts to /etc/hosts.  Now it looks like:

::1 localhost   localhost

everything else is commented out

2.  I confirmed that   hostname="xenon" is still in rc.conf

3.  I checked /root/.cshrc  has no Xorg related commands in it,
just a couple of aliases that I added to the original file.

4.  The user  .bash_profile  no longer has the  "DISPLAY=xenon:0.0 export 
DISPLAY" in it.  The .xinitrc no longer has the 
xdpyinfo -display :0.0  line in it.

5.  I rebooted.  Sendmail starts up fine now.

6.  So I started up Xorg and I get the errors on startup:

bad display name "xenon:0  in "list" command

and then upon Xorg shutdown:

bad display name "xenon:0" in "remove" command   

7.  I gave the command  "xhost +localhost"  at the xterm prompt

I get:  localhost being added to access control 

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >